Pathfinder 2nd Edition House Rules Compendium - GM Binder [PDF]

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House House Rules Rules

General House Rules Combat Condition

The GM should communicate with the players the physical condition of enemies in combat. Instead of exact hit points values, the GM can answer to questions whether enemies are bloodied or beaten, but should not let players compare what creature is more bloodied than another. When a creature is at hit points equal or less than half its maximum hit points, it is bloodied (or broken, if the creature is a construct). Its body is covered by bruises and scratches, and it experiences fatigue and pain. When a creature is at hit points equal or less than 5 plus additional 5 for each 50 points of maximum hit points, it is beaten. Its body is a covered with open bleeding wounds, has cracked or splintered bones, or much worse. It barely stands upright and remains conscious. One or several more attacks will probably take it down. Bloodied and Beaten can be used as conditions by making homebrew creatures, such as creatures fleeing when they get bloodied or beaten. However, if Pathfinder Second Edition introduces new conditions by the same name, they should not be treated as the same condition.

Flavor Feats

In order to experience less popular feat options in the Pathfinder 2nd Edition system without compromising with your character, you can take a number of extra feats called flavor feats. You gain a flavor feat at reaching 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th and 13th level. The GM decides what feats qualify for flavor feats, and these feats gain the flavor keyword and the uncommon rarity. Usually, such feats have interesting concept but are weak or situational and are unable to compete with popular class feat choices. The GM can also add new feats from third party sources by applying flavor keyword to them. As a general rule, the following feats quality as flavor feats with GM's approval: ancestry feats specific to your ancestry and heritage; generic and skill feats; dedications without the multiclass keyword. Flavor feats are supposed to be weak or situational and their potential in combat is expected to be limited, but sometimes their use or interaction with other feats or abilities can prove exceptionally useful. If such interaction is observed, the GM will not take the feats away from you but they can declassify them by removing the flavor keyword. Flavor feats cannot be retrained with downtime. You can retrain one flavor feat for another with the flavor keyword at reaching 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th and 17th level. You can also retrain a the latest acquired flavor feat at no downtime cost until you benefit from it for a first time.


Improved Multiclass Dedications

All feats with the Archetype trait that do not have the Dedication trait have their level requirement halved. For example, the Ranger Dedication feat remains a level 2 feat, however the Basic Hunter's Trick becomes a level 2 feat, not level 4 feat. Any level 6 archetype feat that allows you to take a class feat no longer halves your player level as prerequisite.

Critical Initiative If you roll a natural 20 on an Initiative check, all enemy targets are considered flat-footed to you on the first round of combat as long as they haven't acted before you.

Hero Points Players start a new campaign with two Hero Points each, and their use is described in Core Rulebook, pg. 467. In addition for feats of heroism and rewards for quality roleplaying, players earn Hero Points in the following ways: Players earn a Hero Point at the start of a game session of three or more hours with at least one upcoming challenge that will pose a risk of defeat or death. Players earn a Hero Point after overcoming a Severe difficulty encounter, or a Moderate difficulty encounter that presented a Severe challenge due to circumstances other than player mistakes.

Insight Checks At any point, you can attempt a DC 15 special check modified by a target player's Wisdom modifier. If you succeed, you can pass a suggestion to the target player that his character may recall in the game as a spark of insight or recalled memory. If you fail the check, you may not attempt another such check until the end of the encounter. The GM may do the same and is free to choose between Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma modifier before making the roll. If he makes the check, he can pass the target player a piece of insight, or a gut feeling about the current encounter.

Exposed Checks This variant is for groups of players used to other roleplaying games who do not feel comfortable with the concept of secret checks. All secret checks except those opposed by Stealth DC or Thievery DC, as well as checks related to identifying and trading with items and saves related to hazards, poison and disease, are rolled by players not the GM. The players must accept any result presented by the GM as a fact that their character believes in, even if they are aware it is not; doing otherwise defeats the purpose of this house rule. Players cannot use Hero Points to reroll any check with secret tag even if it were rolled by the player, not the GM.

Group Exposed Checks

When a group check is called by the GM, all player attempt the same skill check. Only actions that do not require trained or better proficiency in the skill can be made as group checks. A typical example is the Seek action where the whole party is scanning an area for anything unusual, or Recall Knowledge for broadly known information (such as name of a ruler, key noble, or major deity) In order for the party to succeed, half of the players (rounded down) must have a success or one player must have a critical success. If the party succeeds, all players with success or critical success receive the information from the GM first and can choose how to use it and whether to share it. In order to share the information with the rest of the party during an encounter, one player with success or better result should use the Point Out action.

Retrying Recall Knowledge When you succeed a Recall Knowledge check, you get one piece of most common information. For each 5 points you beat the Recall Knowledge DC you can choose between the GM revealing another piece of most common information or asking one question that the GM may reply to with a Yes or No answer. Up the GM, he may provide more detailed information or a long answer if you use a Lore Skill or you are master or better at the skill used. The GM can provide detailed information if you critically succeed on any Recall Knowledge check but only to explain creature abilities or attacks. When a Lore Skill is used instead of a general Skill, the first Recall Knowledge DC is lowered by one step of difficulty. If you are expert or better in the Lore Skill used or you are trained in a Lore Skill that is particular to the subject of the Recall Knowledge (up to the GM), the Knowledge DC is lowered by two steps of difficulty instead. If you fail a Recall Knowledge check to remember a bit of knowledge regarding a topic, you can still try again however the DC determined by the GM is increased by one step of difficulty (see pg. 506). On a critical failure, you do not get wrong information unless the roll is made in secret, however you cannot try recall information about the same creature or its creature type until after your next daily preparations.

Gentler Massive Damage This variant rule removes the automatic death when taking massive damage. This variant rule should be used for combat damage and should not apply to falling damage or hazards. Rather than you die instantly if you ever take damage equal to or greater than double your maximum Hit Points in one blow, you become dying however your dying condition value increases by an additional 1 and your wounding condition increases by 1. Your wounding condition will increase by 1 again when you stabilize, as usual.

Gritty Wounded Condition

In a realistic campaign with fewer but harder combat encounters, the GM can make the wounded condition in an important attrition mechanic that prevents players from endless fights. The wounded condition no longer ends if someone successfully restores Hit Points to you with Treat Wounds, or you are restored to full Hit Points and rest for 10 minutes. The wounded condition only decreases by 1 if you take a full time's rest after receiving any healing with Treat Wounds or healing spells.

Harsher Wounded Condition In a realistic campaign with fewer but harder combat encounters, the GM can make wounded condition even more dangerous by making it harder to heal and easier to contract afflictions due to open wounds. When attempting the Treat Wounds action on an ally with the wounded condition, add the wounded value to the DC of the Medicine check. When making a Fortitude save against poisons or diseases afflicted by Strikes or physical contact, if you have the wounded condition the GM adds the wounded value to the DC of the affliction.

Surprise Attacks

An undetected creature remains so until it is spotted with a successful Seek action, fails to remain undetected with a move or a failed Sneak action, or until it targets a creature with an attack, an ability or a spell. When the undetected creature targets a creature, it takes a full turn. After that turn is resolved, the combat starts and all creatures must roll initiative. Other creatures that were surprised must use Perception for their initiative, and the undetected creature has +4 circumstance bonus to its Initiative roll. Undetected creature's first turn has been already used to initiate the combat and it does not get a second turn during the first round of combat. If a situation occurs that a creature uses the Seek action in the moment that an undetected creature would make an attack, an ability or spell, the undetected and seeking creature roll special initiative check. If the Seeking creature wins the initiative order, it can use Point Out as a free action before the undetected creature resolves its attack, ability or spell. Undetected creatures with an ability that sets a DC to beat for other creatures to notice them use that DC as their Initiative score rather than rolling.

Gritty Treat Wounds In a realistic campaign with fewer but harder combat encounters, Treat Wounds does not remove the wounded condition, instead it decreases its value by 1.


Sickened Out of Combat

Conditions such as sickened that require an action during combat to decrease its value, will automatically expire if the target spends 1 minute performing the required action. This removes the need to make a lot of unnecessary rolls when timing is not essential.

Trample Movement Creatures with the Trample ability must always move in a straight line when trampling, with the exception of up to two separate diagonal turns. A trampling creature may attempt a diagonal turn only after it has moved at least 10 feet in a straight line.

Default Range Increments If a Strike or a weapon has no listed range increment, it's value is 20 feet for thrown weapons and 30 feet for ranged weapons.

Persistent Unlockables When the group of players successfully finishes an adventure or an adventure path campaign, all Uncommon and Rare items that are retained or successfully reverse-engineered as formula (including after the adventure, as far as GM allows), as well as all Uncommon and Rare dedications, feats, spells and other content learned by at a member of the party, are recorded in the Party Journal and remain available in future campaigns for that party. Unlocked content can be taken by starting characters or learned through level advancement, as long as the player has all prerequisites. For Rare items, the GM must approve for each item. Unique items and abilities can be retained but can only be used by one character in one following campaign, and the new character must be related to the character of previous campaign that acquired it.

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Stealth Surprise Attacks

An undetected creature remains so until it is spotted with a successful Seek action, fails to remain undetected with a move or a failed Sneak action, or until it targets a creature with an attack, an ability or a spell. When the undetected creature targets a creature, it takes a full turn. After that turn is resolved, the combat starts and all creatures must roll initiative. Other creatures that were surprised must use Perception for their initiative, and the undetected creature has +4 circumstance bonus to its Initiative roll. Undetected creature's first turn has been already used to initiate the combat and it does not get a second turn during the first round of combat. If a situation occurs that a creature uses the Seek action in the moment that an undetected creature would make an attack, an ability or spell, the undetected and seeking creature roll special initiative check. If the Seeking creature wins the initiative order, it can use Point Out as a free action before the undetected creature resolves its attack, ability or spell. Undetected creatures with an ability that sets a DC to beat for other creatures to notice them use that DC as their Initiative score rather than rolling.


Creatures other than player characters may be more or less apprehensive of potential enemy attack. The Vigilant condition always includes a value. A creature that is vigilant may use up to a number of actions to Seek every turn equal to this value, until it notices a potential threat or loses this condition. Most creatures in neutral or enemy territory maintain vigilant 1, while competent stationed guards have vigilant 2 or 3. If the creature detects a threat or receives a warning from allies who have detected a threat, its vigilant value increases to 3. At the end of each of its turn it hasn't detected a threat, it may decide to lower its vigilance by 1. Creatures with vigilance 0 consider themselves completely safe in their close environment and do not expect immediate threat. They may pass the time by talking among each other, doing chores or fooling around. Creatures with no vigilance have -2 circumstance to their Perception DC while occupied by an activity with the manipulate or concentrate trait.




You were abducted at a very young age and forced to be a subject of a mad wizard’s experiments. While the experience was challenging, you did learn much about the arcane world. You escaped or were given your freedom after a test gone wrong. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Arcana skill and the Academia Lore skill. You gain the Arcane Sense skill feat.



What is your story? Even you aren’t sure. Your oldest memory is walking through the streets with a broken object in hand. Nobody seems to know you, but strange images sometimes flash through your mind. And it’s hard to explain your peculiar skill set. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Society skill and the Architecture Lore skill. You gain the Sign Language skill feat.



You’ve always had a special sense for the arcane. You may have felt a natural inclination toward tales of magic, or maybe the knowledge came to you through dreams that you have only recently begun to decipher. Either way, a life of adventure became the logical next step for you. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free boost. You’re trained in the Arcana skill and a Lore skill related to either a magical monster or another plane that held your interest as a youth (such as Dragon Lore or Astral Lore). You gain the Arcane Sense skill feat.



An unusual natural event such as a shooting star blessed your birth, and people proclaimed your destiny as a future legend as a result. You might believe these tales yourself, or perhaps you feel pressured to live up to everybody’s high expectations. Either way, you have always noticed that people pay special attention to you. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Wisdom or Charisma, and one is a free boost. You’re trained in the Diplomacy skill and the Fortune-Telling Lore skill. You gain the Group Impression skill feat.


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You are skilled at calling forth all manner of oddities into this world, and your first spells were likely summoning magic. As a result, you have a flair for conjuration magic. Choose two ability boosts. One must be Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma and the other is a free ability boost. You’re trained in Occultism and one Planar Lore skill of your choice that corresponds to a plane that you’ve summoned creatures from. You gain the Recognize Spell skill feat.



Bloody rituals by candlelight. Echoing whispers to the old gods. Black cloaks and animal masks. You’ve been in this cult so long that the trappings seem commonplace. Perhaps it’s time to step outside and get a new perspective? Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Occultism skill and a Lore skill related to your god. You gain the Quick Identification skill feat.



You can’t remember exactly why you were imprisoned; only that strange men in funny hats thought it best. It doesn’t matter. You’ve escaped from asylum and you have no intention of going back. Besides, the fate of the world is at stake—or so the voices tell you. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Charisma or Strength, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Deception skill and a Lore skill related to your lunatic obsession. You gain the Lengthy Diversion skill feat.



You have an affinity for elemental energy, either due to a quirk of birth or a mysterious ancestry in your family tree. You’re probably a spellcaster who specializes in high-power spells, but you might simply have a knack for destruction. Choose two ability boosts. One must be Intelligence, Charisma, or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Arcana skill and one Planar Lore skill correlating to an elemental plane of your choice. You gain the Arcane Sense skill feat.



You have an innate ability to adjust your physical appearance and size. Choose two ability boosts. One must be Charisma and the other is a free ability boost. You’re an expert in Deception skill. You gain the benefits of the chameleon gnome heritage, even if you aren’t a gnome. If you’re already a gnome with the chameleon gnome heritage, you gain the Quick Disguise feat instead.



Once your family name carried weight. It carried respect. And most importantly, it carried gold. Now, it is a shadow of its former self. Raised in abject poverty and epic stories of times gone by, you belong to a noble house past its prime. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Deception skill and your choice of the Genealogy Lore or Underworld Lore skill. You gain the Lie to Me skill feat.



Your destiny was foretold. You were the second coming of a great god or hero, coming to rid the world of evil (or possibly good). Pilgrims and kings laid gifts at your feet, and holy men sought your council. But as the years went on, your divinity was called into question. Now, you are disgraced and forgotten, a liturgical error that should not be repeated. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Wisdom or Charisma and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Religion skill and a Lore skill related to your deity. You gain the Student of the Canon skill feat.



Civilization is a novel concept, but not a particularly appealing one to you. You were raised by animals in the deep recesses of the jungle or in the freezing steppe. Now that you have to interact with humans, the idea disgusts you. And the smell! Do they have to bathe so often? Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Survival skill and a Lore skill related to the terrain where you grew up. You gain the Terrain Expertise skill feat.



You were abducted by a tribe of goblins for your skill in a common craft. Among these strange creatures your basic abilities were regarded as miracles. Over time, you earned a begrudging admiration from the tribe. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Crafting skill and your choice of the Farming Lore, Milling Lore, or Tanning Lore skill. You gain the Quick Repair skill feat.



It is hard living in the shadow of greatness. You could barely walk around your home without bumping into dragon skulls, royal letters of gratitude, or an ever-present retinue of adoring hangers-on. Mostly, you just stayed out of the way. One (or both) of your parents was a famous adventurer. Will you follow in the footsteps of greatness? Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Stealth skill and a Lore skill related to your parent’s deeds. You gain the Terrain Stalker skill feat.



You grew up on tales of folk heroes, and maybe you even met a famous adventurer when you were younger. You studied tales of derring-do voraciously and played pretend battles long after others gave them up, all in the hope that these activities would prepare you for that fateful day when you followed in the footsteps of those legends. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Society skill and the Folktale Lore skill. You gain the Dubious Knowledge skill feat.



You’ve lived under the burden of crippling debt, either due to your own bad decisions or a family obligation. Rather than face a life of indentured servitude, you decided that trying your luck as an

adventurer offers the quickest means to treasure—as long as you can survive the perils. Even if you succeed and pay the debt off, your background as somebody trained in identifying rare treasures remains valuable. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in your choice of the Arcana, Occult, or Religion skill. You gain the Quick Identification skill feat. You’re also trained in the Mercantile Lore skill.



There’s nothing as interesting as the human body. Or a dwarf body. Or a troll body. Or perhaps the three spliced into one. Really, any living (or even dead) body will do. They banished you because of your experiments, but they are behind the times. They’ll see. They will all see! Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Medicine skill and your choice of the Academia Lore or Underworld Lore skill. You gain the Battle Medicine skill feat.



This is not your home. It’s not even close. Your true home is beyond the imagination of most people here. But whether you were abandoned, exiled or lost, the return journey will not be easy. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Arcana skill and a Lore skill related to your Plane. You gain the Dubious Knowledge skill feat.



You have dedicated your youth to a skill or profession of your choice and honed its routines to almost perfection trough great patience and dedication. Choose two ability boosts. Both must be different ability scores. You become trained in one skill of your choosing. You gain the Assurance feat as a bonus feat for the skill you selected.



The university is the only home you’ve ever known. From dusty manuscripts to echoing marble hallways, academia is the true lifeblood of the world. And while tomes are wonderful, there’s nothing better than a rapt audience of students all eager to learn. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Performance skill and the Academia Lore skill. You gain the Fascinating Performance skill feat.



You’ve been gifted with prophecy for as long as you can remember, and your friends have family have turned to you for advice as a result. You may have been a soothsayer, an oracle, or a simple child wrought with eerie coincidences. Choose two ability boosts. One must be Charisma or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Occultism skill and one Lore skill of your choice, which acts as the focus of most of your portents. You gain the Oddity Identification skill feat.




You left home at an early age, never to return. Over the years, you have accumulated a wealth of knowledge about living on the streets. It’s hard to remember the old life, and you always fear that it will catch up with you again. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Thievery skill and the Underworld Lore skill. You gain the Subtle Theft skill feat.



For as long as you can remember, you’ve used your fledgling magical powers to get into and out of trouble. Choose two ability scores. One must be Charisma or Intelligence and the other is a free ability boost. You’re trained in Deception or Thievery, and one Lore skill of your choice. This Lore skill should correspond to a major focus in your background, such as Underworld Lore if you were a trickster working for a thieves’ guild or Games Lore if you used your powers to cheat at gambling.



A terrible weight hangs ever on your shoulders. One (or both) of your parents was a cruel and wicked villain, a notorious criminal with a litany of misdeeds. You enter into the adventuring world to correct their mistakes—or perhaps to repeat them. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Intimidation skill and a Lore skill related to your parent’s deeds. You gain the Group Coercion skill feat.

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Ancestry Feats

Feats with the obelisk symbol † are modified versions of officially published rules.



LESHY Your body produces a nearly endless supply of hard seedpods. You gain a seedpod ranged natural attack with a range increment of 30 feet that deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage and has the propulsive trait; these Strikes have the manipulate trait. On a critical hit, a seedpod bursts, issuing forth a tangle of vegetation that imposes a –10-foot circumstance penalty on the target’s Speed for 1 round. Seedpods do not add critical specialization effects.

NATURAL ATTACKS A natural attack is a special type of unarmed attack that cannot be modified by feats that require unarmed attacks or modify the effect of unarmed attacks.

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New General Feats

Feats with the obelisk symbol † are modified versions of officially published rules.





Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics Your physical control allows you to perform the Climb, High Jump, and Long Jump actions with Acrobatics instead of Athletics. Used this way, these actions have their normal traits and action requirements in addition to those of Acrobatic Athlete.





Prerequisites trained in Medicine, trained in Occultism Requirements You have an acupuncturist’s kit. You’re able to utilize a combination of folk medicine and occultic principals to stimulate a creature’s ki, or life essence. Whenever you use Treat Wounds on a creature and treat them for a total of 1 hour, instead of doubling the amount of healing the target receives you can attempt to counteract any one effect active on the target using your Medicine bonus against the appropriate DC. The target is then temporarily immune to Acupuncture for 2d12 days. This feat’s counteract level is equal to half your character level, rounded up. Counteract checks attempted with this feat gain the following critical failure effect. Critical Failure The target is clumsy 1d4 and enfeebled 1d4 for 3d6 days.




Prerequisites expert in Stealth You utilize chaotic surroundings to keep yourself hidden. You are concealed whenever you’re within a crowd and don’t treat the crowd as difficult terrain.When you Sneak, if you start and end your movement within a crowd, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Stealth check as if you had cover.






Prerequisites trained in Medicine You can use your knowledge of afflictions to identify their source. You can use Medicine to Recall Knowledge about any creature that creates or spreads any kind of affliction, such as a creature that spreads disease or that is naturally venomous. When you do so, any information you gain is viewed through the lens of the various kinds of afflictions the creature is capable of spreading.


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Prerequisites trained in Medicine You can patch up yourself or an adjacent ally, even in combat. Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds,

and restore a corresponding amount of Hit Points; this does not remove the wounded condition. As with Treat Wounds, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then temporarily immune to your Battle Medicine for 1 day. Special Battle Medicine uses the same rules as Treat Wounds except the prerequisite of healer's tools is optional. If no healer's tools are used and the result is a critical success, treat it as a success instead.


AND HEALER'S TOOLS Battle Medicine, like Treat Wounds, is intended to require a healer's tools. It is preferred to keep one available in a bandolier for using Battle Medicine with one free hand and ; using a healer's kit. However, due to omission, the feat doesn't list healer's tools requirements. This house rule allows avoid the need for healer's tools but removes the critical success option from its results when doing so.

NEW TRAITS BACKGROUND Background feats are normally only granted when you pick a Backgrounds. The GM may allow Background feats to be taken as reward or to initiate a personal quest for your character. If granted by the GM, Background feats gain the uncommon rarity trait. Some Background feats have rare trait. They can only be granted by Rare Backgrounds (see Advanced Player's Guide). If a Background feat has a level requirement higher than 1st, it can only be taken when creating a character of that level or higher.

CONVERGENCE Convergence feats are a special variety of feats designed for characters using multiclass archetypes, enabling them to better utilize abilities from both of their classes. A character can take a convergence feat in place of a class feat if they have taken at least one archetype feat. Most convergence feats require a specific class feature or set of class features to function.




Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy Your beauty lies in a lack of physical oddities. You have a beauty that is hard to describe, which gives you an unrecognizable facade without actually donning a disguise. Whenever someone tries to give a description of you, they must make a Perception check against your Diplomacy in order to find any distinguishing traits to describe other than gender and heritage. They will still recognize you if you actually meet. Your Diplomacy DC is used against Gather Information attempts about you. You can use Diplomacy instead of Deception to Impersonate a generic role, such as a courtier, guard, or commoner, just by wearing appropriate garb.




Your family is old and recognized. Those who care about such things will see you as a natural born leader. It is easy for you to be invited to parties and social functions. You are considered a valuable and reliable witness, and you will mostly be assumed to have a good reason to be doing what you’re doing. You don’t have any extra funds. You gain Reputation (Aristocracy) as a bonus feat.




Prerequisites trained in Intimidation You can lean on people to the point that they cooperate with more types of actions than allowed by Coerce. You can Gather Information with Intimidate instead of Diplomacy. You can Feint with Intimidate instead of Deception. Used this way, these actions have their normal traits and action requirements in addition to those of Browbeat. Ten minutes after interacting with you the target becomes unfriendly (if they weren’t already unfriendly or hostile).







You champion a cause, and are known by others involved in this cause. This gives you a set of friends and enemies depending on the exact cause you choose when taking this feat. Causes can be religious, political, or focused on some kind of activity, such as





Prerequisites trained in Craft or applicable Lore You are able to talk to people over work in a relaxed way, learning local rumors as you work. You can Gather Information using your skill bonus and proficiency rank in Craft or Lore instead of Diplomacy. This does not cost you any money, and you can even make money during this time if you have employment. If the information sought is relevant to your specific Lore or to a Specialty Crafting feat you have, such as an upcoming gala to tailors, valets, and cooks, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus.




Prerequisites trained in Athletics Trigger You have a creature grabbed.; The target cannot breathe or use auditory actions that rely on speech or vocal utterances for 1 round. During this time, the target must immediately begin holding their breath and each time you successfully Choke the target,reduce the remaining number of rounds of air the target has by 3. If the target is suffocating, they must immediately attempt a Fortitude save against suffocation; a failed save deals damage as usual and increases the save DC and damage dealt by future failed saves as usual. Success The target cannot breathe or use auditory actions that rely on speech or vocal utterances for 1 round. During this time, the target must immediately begin holding their breath and each time you successfully Choke the target, reduce the remaining number of rounds of air the target has by 1. Critical Failure Your target can try to Escape your grabbed condition as a reaction.




Prerequisites expert in Athletics You Stride up to your Speed. During this movement, you can try to move through the space of enemies of your own size or smaller. Attempt an Athletics check against each enemy’s Fortitude DC as soon as you try to enter its space. You can attempt to Burst Through several opponents’ spaces in succession. Success Same as success, but the enemy also lands prone and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Success You move through the enemy’s space, treating the squares in its space as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement). If you don’t have enough Speed to move all the way through its space, you get the same effect as a failure. Failure Your movement ends in the last unoccupied space before you entered this creature’s space.


charities. They always have an element of idealism about them; a thieves’ guild is not a cause. You gain Reputation (Ideal) as a bonus feat.


You are a member of a clan or brotherhood, usually an extended family but sometimes a tribe or group of sworn allies. You do not live your everyday life with your clan, but you keep in touch, sharing joys, sorrows, and information to help each other. When interacting with your clan, you gain a +2 circumstance modifier on Diplomacy checks, and this bonus applies to all Diplomacy checks to Gather Information in places where your clan has members.




Prerequisites expert in Stealth Trigger You attempt to use a skill action or an Interact action while observed. At the GM’s discretion, particularly flashy or loud actions may require a higher proficiency rank to conceal.; You discretely perform an action so an observer doesn’t notice what you’re doing. After completing the triggering action, the GM rolls your Stealth check in secret and compares the result to the Perception DC of each creature observing you. Success The creature doesn’t realize that you’re using the action.

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Failure The creature recognizes that you’re up to something, but doesn’t know what you’re trying to do. Critical Failure The creature recognizes exactly what you’re trying to do.




Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy Contacts are persons you know who are friendly to you, but not your direct servants or allies. This feat gives you a number of contacts equal to your level. If you lose touch with some of your contacts, you can replace them. A contact should ideally be someone you met and befriended during play. In this way, you can gain powerful contacts: kings, courtiers, mages, heroes, and other important individuals. You can fill out your contact network with NPCs of your own invention, but these are not as important or influential as the ones you meet in play. Your contacts have a helpful attitude. You can Gather Information by conversing with your contacts for 10 minutes if the information you seek is within the contact’s area of interest. If your contacts are merchants or crafters, you can buy and sell items of interest to them even if they would not normally be on sale because they are illegal or otherwise difficult to find/sell.





Prerequisites expert in Thievery You understand construction to the point where you can break even heavy construction with skill and tools instead of brawn. You can use the Force Open action with Thievery instead of Athletics. You need thieves’ tools to use this feat.





Prerequisites trained in Deception When another creature uses Diplomacy to Make an Impression or Request, or when they use Deception to Lie, you can make comments that muddle the conversation. You can even do this to hamper communication that would not normally require skill checks, such as reporting an event or telling the truth. Make a Deception check against the Perception DC of each listener you are trying to discombobulate. It’s possible to get a different degree of success for each target. The speaker automatically notices your action. Critical Success As success, except that Diplomacy check automatically critically fails. Success The speaker’s Deception or Diplomacy check automatically fails against this target. Critical Failure The listener realizes what you are doing and may take action.


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Prerequisites trained in Deception An advanced form of the Create a Diversion action of Deception, you attempt to cover a failed Stealth or Thievery attempt with a quick distraction. With a gesture, a trick, or some distracting words, you

can create a distraction that draws creatures’ attention elsewhere. If you use a gesture or trick, this action gains the manipulate trait. If you use distracting words, it gains the auditory and linguistic traits. You must have a notion that something is going on and you must observe potential observers, but you need not observe the action that failed. You can use Distraction to cover your own use of Stealth and Thievery. When a creature fails a Stealth check to sneak or hide or a Thievery check to palm and object or steal, you can attempt a Deception check against the Perception DC of a potential observer. Whether or not you succeed, creatures you attempt to divert gain a +4 circumstance bonus to their Perception DCs against your attempts at Distraction for 1 minute. The number of targets you can distract increases to four if you’re an expert in Deception, 10 if you’re a master, and 25 if you’re legendary. Critical Success As success, and the creature distracted suffers a -4 circumstance penalty on Perception for the next round. Success The creature using Stealth or Thievery can cancel the action and remain as they were, potentially to try again later. Failure The distraction fails and the failed Stealth or Thievery check proceeds as normal. Critical Failure As failure, and the person distracted is aware you were trying to purposefully distract them.



There is something odd about you that makes others leave you alone. This might be an aura or mannerism, such as talking to yourself or staring vacantly into space. People expect odd things from you, and will pay no heed unless you cause them some kind of direct harm. They might think you a harmless eccentric or leave you alone out of fear. If there is a witch-hunt in the area, this can backfire; people reluctant to do something themselves might still report on you. When you use Intimidate to Coerce targets become indifferent instead of unfriendly.




You have a strong and supporting family. Your family is selfsupporting, has a home appropriate to your station. This gives you a base of security and respectability. Your family can use the Aid action to automatically give you a +1 circumstance bonus on any downtime task.




You have good taste and understand what to wear and when. You dress well for every occasion, and have the savvy to dress flashily without causing a scandal. Dressing up for an occasion takes a minimum of ten minutes of styling and rummaging through your wardrobe. You must use outfits appropriate to the situation. When dressed to impress a specific group of NPCs, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on Deception, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks against that group.





Prerequisites trained in Deception You can give a good short-term impression, to the point where people will give you aid or information they normally wouldn’t. This impression never lasts, and it is generally wise of you to leave promptly after using this ability. You can use the Gather Information, Make An Impression, and Request actions with Deception instead of Diplomacy. Used this way, these actions have their normal traits and action requirements in addition to those of Fast Talk. Ten minutes after interacting with you, the attitude of people you spoke with towards you worsens by one step.




Prerequisites trained in Martial weapons Whether you learned through your own extensive studies and experimentation or learned from another, you have become privy to the secrets and use of gunpowder. You become trained in uncommon and rare Firearms.



GENERAL You are a practiced hand when it comes to creating small mundane fires. Provided that you have access to flammable materials and the ability to create friction, you can always start a small flame (such as that produced by flint and tinder) with 1 minute’s effort. If you have access to materials designed to create such small flames, such as flint and tinder, 2 dry sticks to rub together, or some similar device, you can create a fire using 2 actions.




Prerequisites trained in Athletics You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to your Athletics skill bonus; see Drowning and Suffocating in the Encounter Mode chapter. You can use weights to speed your descent when diving, if you hold on to a weight at least 10% of your own mass you can swim downwards at double swimming speed.



GENERAL You have a broad base of knowledge and utility abilities, allowing you to easily choose abilities to fit into any situation. Whenever you would gain a skill feat, you may choose a non-skill general feat instead. This feat must have a level which does not exceed 1/2 your level rounded down.





Spending money on you makes people feel successful. It is easy for you to live off others and join parties and social occasions as a hanger-on. You can live a comfortable lifestyle at no cost, as long as you spend one week of downtime per month catering to rich contacts. At 9th level, you can instead live a fine lifestyle, and at 13th level you can live an extravagant lifestyle.


Prerequisites trained in one Lore You can use Lore instead of Diplomacy to Gather Information.




You are a member of an established guild; an organization that exists to further the professional interests of its members. A guild has facilities you can use, provides access to markets, and are a great source of trainers, aides, and expertise. While on guild premises using guild equipment to do tasks appropriate to the guild, you gain a +1 item bonus on all skill checks.





Prerequisites trained in Craft or Lore (Firearms) You are able to craft firearms and ammunition. You gain a craft formula book with 2 uncommon base models and 1 uncommon design modifications, 1 projectile and 1 propellant. The GM decides the applicable technology levels for the game. You treat firearms as martial weapons. Special If you take this feat at level 1 you may start with a firearm that you crafted. The formula for the firearm must be in your formula book. Pay half price for the firearm.





Prerequisites trained in Medicine Prerequisites You have healer’s tools. You’ve learned to soak bandages or towels medicinal unguents to apply them quickly to your patients. You Interact with any alchemical elixir or potion that you’re holding that causes its imbiber to regain Hit Points and apply it directly to a creature’s wound, allowing the elixir or potion to suffuse uniformly across the creature’s wounds. Instead of rolling to determine the total number of Hit Points that the target regains, treat every die you would have rolled as if you had rolled the maximum possible result. For instance, drinking a moderate elixir of life would normally cause a creature to regain 5d6+12 Hit Points, so using a moderate elixir of life in conjunction with Healer’s Dressing would cause the target to regain 42 Hit Points. If you also have Battle Medicine, you can use this ability with a single action.



It is well known that something marvelous is coming your way. Pick some appropriate inheritance in concert with the GM. This inheritance is likely to happen after your adventuring career is over. People know you are an heir and fawn over you accordingly, but there are no physical benefits. You gain Reputation (Aristocracy) as a bonus feat. You can always arrange an invitation to social events or an audience with important people. In cities and manors, you can usually get a fancy and free room (and board) for yourself, as well as simple lodgings for your friends.

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You have a friend in a position of power who you know privately rather than in their official capacity. For a low-level character you might have an influential friend with an army or who is a minister, while at higher levels your influential friend can be a king. At the highest levels you can potentially have a divine being as your influential friend. Apart from enjoying your time together and being inclined to act in your favor, an influential friend has many other obligations, and this limits what they can do for you. They know that preferential treatment is irresponsible and thus do not provide you with full support always. Pressuring an influential friend may produce grand results in the short term but can easily backfire. In downtime mode you can consult your influential friend to gain a reroll with a +5 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks to Gather Information on relevant topics. In exploration mode, you can set up a meeting with your influential friend in 1-10 hours to gain the same benefit. At the GMs whim the influential friend may be privy to secrets appropriate to their station or use their influence in your favor. Using your influential friend to obtain other advantages may jeopardize your relationship. Special If your relationship with the influential friend ends you must retrain this feat. Over time you may outgrow your influential friend, in which case you can replace this feat with the Contacts feat and your former influential friend becomes a contact.





Prerequisites trained in Athletics Your powerful blows leave foes jarred and uncertain. You can use the Feint action with Athletics instead of Deception.




Prerequisites trained in Lore Your knowledge continues to expand as you advance in level. At 3rd, 7th, and 15th levels, you gain a skill increase applied to the Lore skill. Special This feat can be taken multiple times, each time for a different Lore.


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You have a knack for finding the wrinkles and exceptions in sets of rules, be it a machine program, instructions to a guardian, military orders, an infernal contract, or a code of honor. All organizations and most but not all creatures of Lawful alignment have a code, as do creatures motivated by honor. Against creatures governed by a code, you can use any skill appropriate to Recall Knowledge about that creature instead of Deception to Create a Diversion or Feint and instead of Intimidation to Coerce and Demoralize. Used this way, these actions have their normal traits and action requirements in addition to those of Loophole. Non intelligent creatures have instincts that function as a code. Creatures that have been magically commanded, such as many mindless undead, also have a code, the orders they have been given.

In these cases Loophole does not have the Mental trait, even if the action performed normally would have that trait.




There is something special about the way you use magic. This is purely a sensory effect and does not change what the magic does, nor does it impair spells such as illusions that rely on not being noticed. It does make your magic distinctive and notable. Choose a sensory style for your powers; this can be something like flaming rings, a scattering of flower petals, psychic shock waves, or celestial light. You gain Reputation (Spellcasters) as a bonus feat.




Prerequisites trained in Survival You can find a safe hiding place and rest spot, with some form of cover and drinkable water nearby without Perception check. The Perception check to spot this campsite is your Survival DC. If the terrain is such that safe spots are rare, you must make a Survival check against a DC set by the GM. A camp can be almost anything: an outdoor campsite, cave, hidden cove, safe house, abandoned attic, or sheltered mausoleum. You must be out of any enemies’ vicinity to make camp. You can also cause a flammable object, like dry grass, tinder, or a torch to catch on fire in 10 minutes with makeshift material, without making a Survival or Crafting check. Critical Success You find a campsite you can use again. If you later make camp in this area, you do not need to make a Survival check to Make Camp. Success You find a suitable campsite. Failure You find a good campsite that is not hidden. Critical Failure You believe you have found a good campsite, but it has some hidden flaw, such as poisonous water, frequented by hostile creatures, or other type of danger.



You have mentor or employer that sees you as a faithful agent. The mentor is a constant source of information, employment opportunities, and advice. The exact details of your mentor are up to the GM and secret from you. Your mentor’s advice provides you with a +1 circumstance modifier on Decipher Writing and Recall Knowledge checks as long as they know your plans.





Your identity is commonly mistaken, either for a specific person or for a role other than your own, as specified when you take the feat. You are known for traits and abilities you do not possess, based on misinterpretation, rumors, or just plain lies. You always succeed at Deception checks to impersonate the person people mistake you for, but others can still use the Seek action to penetrate your disguise. When you make a Deception, Diplomacy or Intimidation check that goes along with your mistaken identity, you can opt to exploit your identity to push your luck. If you do, treat a success on the check as a critical success and a failure as a critical failure.




GENERAL Prerequisites trained in Simple or Martial weapons You have learned to control the strength put behind your strikes or to avoid striking against vital parts of your opponent. You no longer suffer -2 penalty to attack rolls to do nonlethal damage with weapons without the nonlethal trait.






Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy You help those in your physical care find new reserves of health and energy. You can Treat Disease and Treat Wounds with Diplomacy skill bonus and proficiency instead of Medicine. Used this way, these actions have their normal traits and action requirements in addition to those of Nurse.



GENERAL You are adept in carrying techniques, packing techniques, and weight distribution, allowing you to carry more than you would normally be able to. Increase the amount of bulk you can carry without becoming encumbered to 7 + your Strength modifier, and the amount of total bulk you can carry to 15 + your Strength modifier. If you employ a pouch, bag, chest or similar item to hold other objects, you can spend 10 minutes adjusting the way the item sits on your body to reduce the effective weight of the object and the items contained within it by 1 bulk.





Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics, trained in Athletics Requirements Your target is within reach and no more than one size larger than you. You force an opponent’s weapon against something solid to hinder its use. Choose one weapon wielded by your target and attempt an Athletics check opposed by your target’s Reflex DC. Critical Success Your target is grabbed and takes a –1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls with the chosen weapon for 1 round. Both the penalty and the grabbed condition end if your target moves out of your reach, Escapes from your grab, or Releases the item Success Your target takes a –1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls with the chosen weapon for 1 round. This penalty ends if the target moves out of your reach or Releases the item.



You are rarely seen in social circles without a companion on your arm. You are well known at night spots and get VIP treatment in most establishments. Your companions might be lovers, artists you patronize, or just friends. Your relationship with these people is congenial and warm, but you neither expect nor give exclusive attention to any one of them. You can easily get into and find a date for social events. With an NPC companion present you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on Deception and Diplomacy checks.



Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics You can quickly pick up an item while you’re moving. Stride up to your Speed and Interact to pick up one item of light Bulk or less that was within your reach at any point during your movement. You can use Quick Grab while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type. If you’re an expert in Acrobatics, you can pick up items of 1 Bulk or less. If you’re a master in Acrobatics, you can pick up two items of 1 Bulk or less. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, you can pick up three items of 1 Bulk or less.




Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics You can use deceptive speed in situations where others would use cleverness or guile. You can use the Feint action with Acrobatics instead of Deception and the Palm an Object and Steal actions with Acrobatics instead of Thievery. Used this way, these actions have their normal traits and action requirements in addition to those of Quicker than the Eye.




Prerequisites trained in Athletics Requirements You hold a rope and a belt, or other study attachment on your person Climbing down a rope can be done much quickly by rappelling. You gain a climb speed up to your normal land speed, but only used for climbing down. You can rappel down a rope up to your land speed as a reaction and this movement does not provoke attack of opportunity. You can rappel down a rope in response to a ranged attack. If you do, you gain +2 circumstance AC bonus against the attack.




You constantly get romantically entangled, but these romances rarely last. When you make a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on someone to whom the GM considers you to be a potential romance, treat a success as a critical success.





Your personal life is your own, and people in general do not know who you are or what you can do. You might have a secret identity or simply stand back and let your companions take the limelight. Recall Knowledge checks and Diplomacy checks to Gather Information about you reveal your adventuring activities, but can only be connected to your private life on a critical success. If you have another feat based on fame, such as Reputation, you must be in your adventuring persona to use that feat.

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Prerequisites trained in Crafting The following options are now available for the Specialty Crafting feat:


Applicable Items


Firearms, Gunpowder and Ammunition.








Prerequisites trained in Deception By continually speaking, you may keep your audience of up to four creatures fascinated with outrageous tales. It’s possible to get a different degree of success for each target. The fascination lasts as long as you speak, but you must make a new roll every 10 minutes to keep it up. Make a Deception check against Will DC. Failing the roll, entering Encounter Mode, an alarm, and even a person coming to interrupt will break your hold on people. In a relaxed situation you can use your Spin Yarn on someone who is about to interrupt to add them to your audience if there is room. The number of targets you can fascinate increases to 10 if you’re an expert, 25 if you’re a master, and 100 if you’re legendary. Critical Success Target is fascinated. Critical Failure Target realizes what you are doing and may take action.

Prerequisites trained in Thievery You can use your Thievery bonus in place of an attack roll when throwing a grappling hook. The task loses the Attacl trait but gains the Manipulate trait.


Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy There is something about you that makes you a target, but also worth protecting. When someone is singled out, abducted, or otherwise fall victim to a subplot, it tends to be you. Taking this trait means you’ll accept that the GM hand-waves situations where you come into peril and have to be saved. When you are surrendering, helpless, dying, or otherwise at a significant disadvantage, you can make a Diplomacy check against the Will DC of any creature within 30 ft. This is not an action; you can even do this while unconscious, but you can only make one attempt per round. You cannot use this ability against a player character. Critical Success As a success, and the creature has now a Friendly attitude towards you. Success The creature tries to keep you alive and safe as a captive, acting as soon as they can without risking attacks of opportunity and expending readily available resources, such as healing potions, to do so. Failure As success, but the creature won’t act immediately or expend resources. Critical Failure No effect, and others may know you are faking it. When surrendering you become paralyzed for one round.




Prerequisites trained in Thievery You know the shady side of society. When interacting with the seedy side of society, you can Gather Information, Make an Impression, and Request using Thievery instead of Diplomacy. Used this way, these actions have their normal traits and action requirements in addition to those of Streetwise.


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Critical Success Strike the chosen item with one weapon you’re wielding. If you hit, your Strike ignores a number of points of the target’s hardness equal to your Strength modifier. Success Strike the chosen item with one weapon you’re wielding. Critical Failure You lose your balance, becoming flatfooted until the start of your next turn. Special If you have Titan Wrestler, you can Sunder creatures up to two sizes larger than you, or up to three sizes larger than you if you’re legendary in Athletics.



Prerequisites trained in Athletics Requirements Your target is within reach and no more than one size larger than you. You can attack and destroy weapons, armor, and other objects held and worn by your foes. Choose one item that your target is wielding, wearing, or carrying and attempt an Athletics check opposed by your target’s Reflex DC. You take a –2 penalty to this check if targeting a worn item, including nonmagical equipment. You take a -4 penalty to this check if targetting a worn item on the back such as a backpack or a quiver. You can also use Sunder to damage the natural weapon of your enemy (such as horns, claws, bites, tails and others). You take -2 penalty to attack rolls against natural weapons. The hardness of the natural weapon is equal to the creature's level. If the creature is made of metal, adamantine or crystal the GM can use that material hardness instead of the creature's level. The natural weapon is broken and can be used with a -2 status penalty to attack rolls when it takes damage equal to three times the creature's level, and is destroyed and cannot be used when it takes damage equal to six times the creature's level. Treat creatures with level 0 and lower as level 1.



GENERAL You can wield a torch or similar burning object as a club that does 1d6 bludgeoning damage and 1 additional point of fire damage. The torch does not count as an improvised or shoddy item when used like this.










Prerequisites expert in Medicine, trained in Occultism You spend 10 minutes using medical and occult lore to boost a creature’s innate magical power (targeting yourself if you so choose). The target is ten temporarily immune to Align Chakra actions for 24 hours, but this interval overlaps with the time you spent aligning (so a patient can have its chakras aligned once 24 hours, not once per 24 hours and 10 minutes. The Medicine check DC is usually 20, though the GM might adjust it based on the circumstances, such as treating a patient in the middle of an earthquake. If you’re a master in Medicine, you can instead attempt a DC 30 check to increase the number of temporary Focus Points gained by 1; if you’re legendary in Medicine, you can instead attempt a DC 40 check to increase the number of temporary Focus Points gained by 2. The effect of a critical failure remains the same. The result of your Medicine check determines how many temporary Focus Points the target regains. Temporary Focus Points last until they’re used or until the target Refocuses or rests, at which point any unspent temporary Focus Points are lost. Critical Success The target gains 2 temporary Focus Points. Success The target gains 1 temporary Focus Point. Critical Failure The target’s total Focus Points is reduced by 1 for 24 hours.




Prerequisites expert in Stealth Trigger You become observed after using a Seek or Interact action during your turn.; You carefully mask your movements, stopping yourself short of attracting unwanted attention. Resolve the triggering Seek or Interact action as a failure, then attempt a Stealth check opposed by each creature’s Perception DC. Critical Success You are undetected by the creature. Success You are hidden from the creature and you lose any remaining actions you had for the turn.




Prerequisites expert in Athletics When you Grab an Edge, you can attempt an Athletics check instead of a Reflex save to catch yourself.




Prerequisites expert in Acrobatics When you tumble past an enemy you can leave them vulnerable to attacks. Tumble Through gains the following success and critical success effects. Critical Success You move through the enemy's space. The enemy is automatically flat-footed against your attacks until the end of your turn. Success You move through the enemy’s space. The enemy is automatically flat-footed against the next attack you make before the end of you turn.




Prerequisites expert in Stealth You conceal a snare or a hazard, making it difficult to detect. Attempt a Stealth check against the Crafting DC of a snare that you’re observing or the disable DC of a hazard you’re observing. At the GM’s decision, some hazards might be impossible to conceal, such as a tornado or a tsunami wave. Critical Success If you’re concealing a snare, it’s Stealth DC is equal to 4 + it’s Crafting DC or 4 + your Stealth DC, whichever is higher. If you’re concealing a hazard, the DC is equal to 4 + its Stealth DC or 4 + your Stealth DC, whichever is higher. This lasts until the snare or hazard is triggered or until someone else tries to conceal it. Success If you’re concealing a snare, it’s Stealth DC is equal to it’s Crafting DC or your Stealth DC, whichever is higher. If you’re concealing a hazard, it’s Stealth DC is equal to its Stealth DC or your Stealth DC, whichever is higher. This lasts until the snare or hazard is triggered or until someone else tries to conceal it. Critical Failure If you’re concealing a snare, it’s Stealth DC is equal to its Crafting DC – 4 or your Stealth DC – 4, whichever is worse. If you’re concealing a hazard, it’s Stealth DC is equal to its Stealth DC – 4 or your Stealth DC – 4, whichever is worse. This lasts until the snare or hazard is triggered or else tries to conceal it.





Prerequisites expert in Athletics Requirements You are wielding an improvised weapon or have a creature grabbed. You can smash things together to break them both at once, even if one of those things is another creature’s face. You Strike using an improvised weapon. If you’re grabbing a creature, the creature can use its reaction to attempt an Escape from your grab. If it fails, you use that creature as your improvised weapon, dealing damage to another target equal to your unarmed strike damage. A grabbed creature used as an improvised weapon usually deals bludgeoning damage, but the GM might allow you to deal other kinds of damage based on the creature’s body. For example, a spiny creature might deal piercing damage or a fire elemental might deal half bludgeoning damage, half fire damage. If your Strike is a success or a critical success, the improvised weapon you’re wielding takes half as much damage as it deals to the target of your Strike, applying any hardness or resistances it has normally.






Prerequisites expert in Arcana You’ve spent so much time researching arcane creatures that lore regarding them quickly surfaces to your mind. You Recall Information about one creature with the beast, construct, or dragon trait that’s hidden from you or that you’re observing.

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Prerequisites expert in Acrobatics While prone, as long as you haven't been proned by an enemy attack, you gain the benefits of standard cover against ranged attacks, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus to AC.





Prerequisites expert in the trait’s associated skill Your expertise in a specific area or topic allows you to quickly discern dubious information. Choose one trait that’s associated with a skill that you’re an expert in, as shown on the following table. Whenever you encounter incorrect information pertaining to a creature, object, or place associated with your trait, the GM attempts a secret check with the appropriate skill. The DC for this check is equal to the simple DC associated with the proficiency rank to recall that bit of knowledge (DC 10 for untrained, DC 15 for trained, DC 20 for expert, DC 30 for master, and DC 40 for legendary). Critical Success You discern that the information is incorrect. If your next action is to Recall Knowledge about that topic, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your check. Success The knowledge seems fishy to you, but you aren’t certain. Failure You don’t discern anything unusual about the information. Special You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, choose a different trait and gain the benefits for that trait.



Arcana Arcane, Beast, Construct, Dragon Crafting

Alchemy, any armor trait, any equipment trait, any weapon trait


Any trait relevant to the Lore, as determined by the GM

Medicine Disease, Poison Nature Occultism

Animal, Beast, Elemental, Fey, Fungus, Giant, Humanoid, Ooze, Plant, Primaln Aberration, Astral, Celestial, Elemental, Ethereal, Fiend, Monitor, Occult, Spirit, Undead

Thievery Trap

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You have a group of followers who look up to you, but who do not work for you. On social occasions, they will turn up and fawn over you. This can be helpful but also annoying. Fans are low-level NPC as determined by the DM. They will not accompany you on adventures. The GM might introduce a powerful person or even a monster as a fan, in which case they are likely to be pushy and demanding. When your fans are around, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidation checks, but -1 circumstance penalty to Diplomacy. With GM's approval, a skilled fan use the Aid action to automatically give you a +1 circumstance bonus on specific downtime tasks.




Prerequisites expert in Medicine Requirements You have a healer’s tools. You spend 10 minutes administering a cocktail of medicinals to a creature to place it into a medically-induced coma. If the target is unwilling, attempt a Medicine check against the target’s Fortitude DC; otherwise your check is an automatic critical success. Success The target falls unconscious for up to 1 day × your Medicine bonus (your choice). Creatures inspecting the target believe them to be dead unless they succeed at a Medicine check against your Medicine DC. This coma fools even fools most divination effects attempted by those without proper medical training. Alternatively, if the target is already affected by



Prerequisites expert in Medicine Your skill at forensic analysis allows you to gain specific pieces of information about a dead creature. When you use this ability, you attempt a Medicine check to Recall Knowledge. When doing so, your Recall Knowledge gains the following success and critical success effects in addition to Recall Knowledge’s standard effects. Critical Success You identify every trait the creature has (except its alignment trait), which grants you a +2 circumstance bonus to identify what kind of creature the target is using Recall Knowledge. You also identify the creature’s gender, profession or role, and cause of death, as well as approximately how long ago the target died. Success You identify every trait that the creature has (except its alignment trait), which grants you a +2 circumstance bonus to identify what kind of creature the target is using Recall Knowledge. You also identify the creature’s cause of death.


Society Giant, Humanoid, any ancestry trait




Religion Divine, Spirit, Undead


False Death, you can end the target’s coma prematurely with this spell. Critical Failure Something goes horribly wrong and the target begins to suffocate. Your access to air cannot be restored except by ending the coma.




Prerequisites expert in Medicine, Acupuncture You can use your knowledge of ki meridians and chakra points to hinder foes. Attempt a Medicine check against the target’s Fortitude DC. Critical Success Your next successful Strike against the target before the start of your next turn using an agile or finesse weapon causes them to become sickened 2 in addition to the attack’s usual effects. Success Your next successful Strike against the target before the start of your next turn using an agile or finesse weapon causes them to become sickened 1 in addition to the attack’s usual effects.



Your fate and purpose is linked to a particular enemy. You and this enemy are bound to run across each other again and again, often in one-on-one encounters. In addition, your nemesis advances in power as you do, and has an amazing ability to survive and return to fight another day. You gain Reputation (Common Enemy) as a bonus feat.




You are a member of an order known to uphold a code of honor. You might be a knight, sheriff, friar, member of a reputable magical order, or otherwise sworn to a well-known and civilized cause. This makes you trusted and respected. Your word is held in high regard. You can expect free but modest room and board almost anywhere. People turn to you with their troubles and expect you to help. To gain any benefits, you must publicly show your allegiance—usually with distinctive dress or an emblem—and live up to your code. When you use Intimidate to Coerce in your official capacity, targets do not become unfriendly. You gain Reputation (Ideal) as a bonus feat.






Prerequisites expert in Medicine Requirements You have healer’s tools and the formula for the antidote you wish to craft. You can harvest samples from a poisonous creature to quickly create an antidote. You touch a willing creature or a creature that’s been dead for no more than 10 minutes. You Craft an antidote of any item level of your choice. The antidote has the infused trait and is potent for 24 hours or until your next daily preparations, whichever comes first. Additionally, the antidote’s item bonus only applies against the touched creature’s poison.



You have a complex and troubled relation with an NPC. This is not just any relationship, but one involving someone you cannot easily get together with; your sovereign or the scion of an arch enemy, perhaps even your nemesis. There are usually other complications as well such as heritage, culture, or loyalty. Your romance might be trouble prone and need help. Having a quiet, harmonious relationship does not require this feat; this is for a stormy romance that takes up some actual screen time. You gain Reputation (Romance) as a bonus feat.




Prerequisites expert in Stealth Trigger You Interact to pick up a small object (such as a weapon of light bulk) or you use such an object as part of another action or activity, such as Striking with a weapon of light bulk or Casting a Spell with a wand.; You attempt to quickly stash a small object away before someone realizes you interacted with it or used it in some fashion. You Conceal an Object, targeting the triggering object. If you’re being observed by any creature, the GM rolls your Stealth check and

compares it to this passive observer’s Perception DC. Once the GM rolls your check for a concealed object, that same result is used no matter how many passive observers are watching you or how many passive observers you attempt to sneak the object passed. A creature that you successfully Conceal an Object from in this manner might still suspect you of foul play, but is unable to prove it. At the GM’s decision, if you conceal the item in a place where it’s supposed to be (such as placing a dagger back into its sheath), no further Stealth checks may be required beyond the initial one to conceal the item in the first place. Furthermore, you take a –1 circumstance penalty each time you use Quick Conceal within 1 hour, up to a maximum penalty of –4.




Prerequisites expert in Athletics Frequency once per Round When you fall, saving yourself is second nature to you. You can Grab an Edge as a free action. Unless you’re legendary in Athletics, the DC to Grab an Edge as a free action is equal to incline's Climb DC plus 10. If you fail to Grab an Edge with this feat, you can still use your reaction to Grab an Edge. However, if you use your reaction to Grab an Edge, you cannot use this feat to try again. If you’re a master in Athletics, you don’t need a free hand to Grab an Edge. If you’re legendary in Athletics, improve this feat’s frequency to twice per round. If you use one of your uses of this feat per round to Grab an Edge and fail, you can use the second use to try again.




Prerequisites expert in Acrobatics When an opponent tries to Grapple you, they attempt their Athletics check against your Acrobatics DC instead of your Fortitude DC. If you’re a master in Acrobatics, when an opponent critically fails to Grapple you can Step 5 feet instead of grabbing your opponent or forcing them to fall and land prone. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, when an opponent critically fails to Grapple you choose any 2 of the following: you Stride 5 feet; you grab your opponent as if you had succeeded at using the Grapple action against them; you force your opponent to fall and land prone.




Prerequisites expert in Stealth Requirements You are concealed or are behind cover or greater cover. You launch a ranged attack at an opponent quickly before darting out of sight. Strike with a ranged weapon you’re wielding, then Hide. You can also Interact once to either draw a thrown weapon or reload a ranged weapon. If you have the Legendary Sneak feat, you can use this ability even when you aren’t concealed or behind cover or greater cover.

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You have a secret but significant identity, and this identity is destined to become known and/or play a part in upcoming events. You might be the long-lost child of the old king, the destined savior of all lizardfolk, or a dragon bound to humanoid form and abilities by a curse. The GM has to approve your choice, and it’s usually best to pick your true identity in play, once you know what the campaign is all about. There is no guarantee that you will be able to live up to expectations. As soon as your identity becomes apparent you gain Reputation (Identity) as a bonus feat.




You are never wrong. When you Recall Lore, if you roll a critical failure treat it as a failure instead. If you’re a master in the Lore skill and roll a failure when using Recall Lore, treat it as a success instead. Note that for this and similar feats, if you roll a critical failure (and that is converted into a failure), that is not the same as actually rolling a failure, so you cannot convert that failure into a success.

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AUDITORY GENERAL SKILL CONCENTRATE LINGUISTIC MENTAL Prerequisites expert in Intimidation Make an Intimidation against the Will DC of a prisoner or someone who is otherwise at your mercy or dependent on you. See the Good Cop Routine on how to use these two together. Critical Success As success, and gain a chance to immediately Make an Impression as a free action. Success They are intimidated and will momentarily seek to please and appease you, which means they will give you small bits of information instead of plausible lies, especially if you ask leading questions. An ally has +2 circumstance bonus to Good Cop Routine if used within 1 minute. Failure As critical failure, unless immediately followed by a Good Cop Routine at -2 circumstance penalty. Critical Failure Your intimidation is empty and rude, worsening attitude by one and preventing you from trying again until after a daily rest.



GENERAL Trigger An adjacent ally is being attacked by a creature you can see.; You shove your ally out of the way of an incoming attack. The ally gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its AC for the duration of the attack and you take a -1 penalty to your AC until the start of your next turn.




Prerequisites expert in Acrobatics and Athletics You gain an effective fly speed of 15 ft. as long as there are branches, vines, ropes, curtains or other easily accessible handholds that can support your weight and you have both hands free. This is usually the case in a forest canopy, but occurs in other places as well, such as construction sites, ship’s rigging, theatres, and quaint urban neighborhoods. If you begin your move in a suitable location, you can fly as above. If you end a fly move in a non-suitable location, you fall. Your effective fly speed increases to 20 ft. if you’re a master in both Acrobatics and Athletics and to 30 ft. if you’re legendary in both. Speed penalties for armor and encumbrance apply, and if this reduces your brachiating speed below 5 ft., you cannot branchiate.






Prerequisites expert in Diplomacy Select an ally within 30 ft. and make an Diplomacy check against the highest Will DC of any enemy within 100 ft. (DC 20 if no enemies are present). The target becomes immune to the Encouraging Words ability for one hour. Critical Success As success, but the target also gains +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws until the end of its next turn. The bonus increases to +2 if you are legendary in Diplomacy.

Success The target regains 1d8 Hit Points. If you are master in Diplomacy, you can restore 2d8 Hit Points and choose up to two allies. If you are legendary in Diplomacy you can restore 4d8 Hit Points and choose up to three allies. Critical Failure The target becomes frightened 1 as it sees the futility in your encouragement.



GENERAL Prerequisites Canny Acumen Your expertise in preparation allows you to succeed where most would fail. Choose Fortitude saves, Reflex saves, Will saves, or Perception; you must have also selected this save or skill when you took the Canny Acumen general feat. Whenever you make the selected kind of check, as a reaction, you can roll the check twice, each at a –4 penalty. If either check is a success, you treat the check as a success; if both checks are a success, treat the check as a critical success; and if both checks are a failure, treat the result as a critical failure.

ENHANCED ADOPTED ANCESTRY FEAT 3 GENERAL Prerequisites Adopted Ancestry Your close ties to an ancestry other than your own are such that you have gained broad acceptance by that culture, causing others to treat you as belonging to that ancestry rather than your own. You are considered to have the subtypes of the ancestry you chose for your Adopted Ancestry feat for the purposes of magic and special effects dependent on ancestry. Additionally, you learn to speak, read, and write any languages automatically learned by members of that ancestry if you did not already know them. Most other characters will treat you as a member of the ancestry you choose for Adopted Ancestry when you encounter them, allowing you to be easily accepted by ancestries suspicious of those belonging to other ancestries, or be persecuted by those hating your chosen ancestry as though you were born to that ancestry.



GENERAL Prerequisites Ride You can spur your mount to move more easily. The first time you command your mount to Stride in a round, it can move an additional 10 feet. Additionally, while in exploration mode, you can spur your mount to cover a greater amount of distance. For up to two hours per day, while traveling overland your mount can cover 150% as much distance as it would normally be able to. Finally, while traveling overland through grasslands, forests, swamps, and other areas where there is abundant flora (or fauna if your mount is carnivorous), your mount grazes occasionally and does not require additional food.



GENERAL Prerequisites Fleet You can move with exceptional speed. Stride 3 times. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and Reflex saves against attacks used as part of a reaction triggered by movement and hazards triggered by contact or proximity which were triggered as part of this movement.

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AUDITORY GENERAL SKILL CONCENTRATE LINGUISTIC MENTAL Prerequisites expert in Diplomacy Make a Diplomacy check against the Will DC of a prisoner or someone who is otherwise at your mercy or dependent on you. Combines well with Bad Cop Routine. You can use both, taking twice as much time, but generally this is done by two people cooperating. Critical Success As success, and gain a chance to immediately Make an Impression as a free action. Success You establish some rapport with them, giving the impression that you are trying to work out the best for them in their current situation. They will not lie or play tricks on you for a while, but they still maintain their old loyalties and might not betray critical information. You have to grant some minor favors in exchange for this change in attitude, such as a drink. An ally has +2 circumstance bonus to Bad Cop Routine if used within 1 minute. Failure As critical failure, unless immediately followed by a Bad Cop Routine at -2 circumstance penalty.. Critical Failure The prisoner uses your attempt as a distraction to escape.





Prerequisites expert in Deception By using jargon, slang, and group language, you can convey a message only understood by certain listeners. This takes twice as long as it would speaking the normal way. It is obvious to all that you are speaking, but to those who do not understand your innuendo, you seem to just be having a nice chat. The GM makes a Deception check against Perception DC. Critical Success You convey your message. Success You convey your message to friends and allies and to strangers of a background similar to yours; gentry to gentry, commoner to commoner, outcast to outcast. Failure You convey the message only to close friends and associates, such as other party members. Critical Failure The message is misunderstood or understood by the wrong party, at the GMs discretion.


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AUDITORY GENERAL HEALING SKILL FEAT 3 LINGUISTIC Prerequisites expert in Intimidation Select an ally within 30 ft. and make an Intimidate check against the highest Will DC of any enemy within 100 ft. (DC 20 if no enemies are present). The target becomes immune to the Intimidating Leadership ability for one hour. Critical Success As success, but the target also gains +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and damage until the end of its next turn. The bonus increases to +2 if you are legendary in Intimidation. Success The target regains 1d8 Hit Points. If you are master in Intimidation, you can restore 2d8 Hit Points and choose up to two allies. If you are legendary in Intimidation you can restore 4d8 Hit Points and choose up to three allies. Critical Failure The target become unfriendly if not already hostile.





Prerequisites expert in Thievery As a standard action you can set an innocuous object to act as an intrusion alert on a door or other closure. This can be a strand of hair, some grains of sand, or other ubiquitous object. If you are observed while setting an intrusion alert, you can ask your GM to make a Thievery check against any observers’ Perception DC to do this without them noticing it. An intrusion alert is a trap with a Stealth and Disable Device DC equal to your Thievery DC. The only result of triggering this trap is that you can later see that someone passed by.



You have a lackey who will serve you as long as it involves little personal risk for them. The lackey will travel with you, take care of your mount or carriage, arrange for food and lodging, set up camp, stand guard, and perform other domestic duties. A lackey avoids combat and only fights if sorely pressed. Sometimes, a lackey might provide more dangerous services, such as opening a locked chest you bring back to camp, scouting, or acting as bait. The lackey is an NPC of half your level, of a class and race agreed upon with the GM.




Prerequisites expert in Lore You have extensive training in one area of Lore and become very reliable in this field. Select one Lore that you have developed to a professional level. When you make a roll using this subcategory of Lore, use the number rolled or 10—whichever is higher—as the result of your die roll.




Sometimes things just break your way. Each day you have 1 point of luck, which you can use as a reaction to add 1d6 to any check you make if the result of the check is either a critical failure or a failure, possibly improving the result of the roll. Once you use your luck point, it cannot be used again until one of your checks results in a critical failure and is not affected by your Lucky Break.




Prerequisites expert in Religion You are an ordained and recognized member of the official clergy of an important religious order. You are expected to officiate at ceremonies and perform religious functions; this makes you a trusted individual and makes sure you are aware of the local gossip. People will naturally turn to you for spiritual guidance and help with supernatural problems. Not all divine casters need this feat and not all Ordained Priests are divine casters. Not all divine casters need this feat and not all Ordained Priests are divine casters. You gain Reputation (Religion) as a bonus feat. When using Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation against lay members of your faith and roll a result of 9 or less on the die, treat the result as if you rolled 10. This includes all Diplomacy checks to Gather Information in an area where your faith is established.



GENERAL You have a near perfect memory for conversations. You can recall any conversation you heard in the last 24 hours wordfor-word. You must know the language or languages being spoken in the conversation to use this ability, and you have no special ability to recall sounds or accents you do not understand. When you reach 7th level you are capable of recalling the word for word conversations you heard.





Prerequisites Multilingual, expert in Society You pick up languages quickly just by spending time among speakers. You learn a number of languages equal to your Intelligence bonus (minimum 2) chosen from common languages, uncommon languages, and any others you have access to. For each proficiency rank you gain beyond expert (master, legendary), you learn an equal number of additional languages. This stacks with languages learned from the Multilingual feat. You can choose not to specify some of these potential languages. If you have the potential to learn additional languages and spend one week among speakers of a new language, you can pick that language as one of the languages you know.



GENERAL Prerequisites trained in a weapon group. Pick one ranged weapon group you are proficient with (Such as Bow, Dart or Firearm). You use one less action to reload with that weapon group (To a minimum of 0 actions). Special You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you take it, you pick a different weapon group.




material. If you have a destroyed item of the relevant type to work with, the check gains a +2 circumstance bonus, while lack of any suitable materials at all imposes a -2 circumstance penalty. A juryrigged item normally becomes useless after about 10 minutes of use, on a critical success the item is still shoddy, but won’t be destroyed by normal use.



GENERAL Prerequisites expert in Perception You are especially good at playing your hunches and finding things you could not normally find. Choose a 10-foot-radius burst within sight and take the Seek basic action to find creatures or objects in the area. On a success, the creatures or objects in the area become observed, as per Seek action's critical success result.






Prerequisites expert in Crafting You can use Appraise to find the most valuable object in a 5 ft. square of loot. The GM makes rolls as above against all loot in the square, but the only information you can obtain is which of the items has the highest value according to your knowledge. If you fail your check against a specific item you know it’s valuable, but cannot rank it in relation to other items.






Prerequisites expert in Performance You set the mood for a scene, aiding an ally’s attempt at using abilities with the Mental trait against one target within 30 ft. Make a Perform check against the target’s Will DC. If you are an master in Performance, you can compare your Perform check result to the Will DCs of four targets instead of one. It’s possible to get a different degree of success for each target. The number of targets increases to 10 if you’re legendary. Critical Success As success, and you affect not only the target, but all creatures within 30 ft. against whom this roll would have been a critical success. Success You grant your ally a +2 circumstance bonus to interact with the target. If you’re an master in Perform, the bonus is +3, and if you’re legendary, it’s +4. Critical Failure Your ally takes a -1 circumstance penalty to the triggering check.


Prerequisites expert in Crafting You can create shoddy versions (see “Shoddy Items” in Chapter 6 of the Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook) of mundane items. It takes you only 10 minutes to repair a broken item into a functioning shoddy item, or 1 hour to make a shoddy item out of available

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Prerequisites expert in Thievery If you have two free hands and an opponent in your reach is being grappled by you or one of your allies, you can tie that creature up. Attempt a Thievery check against their Reflex DC. The grabbed condition inflicted by Tie Up does not require you to hold on to the creature for the grab to last. Critical Success Your opponent is restrained until they Escape. The difficulty of the escape check is your Thievery DC +5. Success Your opponent is grabbed until they Escape. The difficulty of the Escape check is your Thievery DC. You gain a +4 circumstance modifier on further attempts to Tie Up this target until it Escapes. Failure You fail to bind your opponent. If you or an ally already had the opponent grabbed or restrained using a Grapple or Restrain action, those conditions on that creature end. Failure If you already had the opponent grabbed or restrained, it breaks free. Your target can either grab you, as if it succeeded at using the Grapple action against you, or force you to fall and land prone. Special You normally use rope to grab a creature. Using improvised bindings, such as clothes, gives a -2 circumstance penalty. You can use manacles to restrain a creature as above. If you do, there is no penalty for not using rope, and the DC of escape attempt is either your Thievery defense or the DC of the manacles, and requires multiple successes. See manacles in the gear chapter. Normal Tying up a creature is normally done in exploration mode after they have surrendered or been rendered helpless.





Prerequisites expert in Acrobatics Requirements You are aware of a hazard. You attempt an Acrobatics check and Stride up to your speed. If you move past a hazard that has no minimum proficiency to disable it, the GM compares the result of your Acrobatics check to the trap’s Disable DC. This only affects hazards that trigger from a standard part of traveling (such as stepping on a floor plate or moving through a magical sensor while walking). If you’re a master in Acrobatics, this feat applies against hazards with a minimum proficiency rank of expert. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, this feat applies against hazards with a minimum proficiency rank of master.


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Prerequisites expert in Diplomacy You try to convince even hostile creatures to cooperate on a shorttime basis. There must be a clear and immediate issue for you to resolve together, generally a threat from a third party or the environment. Make a Diplomacy check against the highest Will DC among the opposition. Critical Success As a success, and attitude improves by one step. Success Differences are temporarily laid aside to resolve the immediate matter. Attitudes are not improved, though, and both sides can still covertly work to undermine each other. If the two parties successfully solve the problem together, you gain a +4 bonus on your next Make an Impression attempt against them.

Critical Failure The conflict intensifies; the target might even side with the outside threat.







Prerequisites ability to use at least two of the following actions: Hunt Prey, Rage, or one action with the Stance trait. You gain the following free action. Readiness Trigger You spend an action to perform one of the three actions listed as a prerequisite for this feat. Effect You may perform one of the others.




Treat your character level as 2 higher for the purpose of being able to select archetype feats. Special This feat is considered to be a feat from all archetypes for the purpose of being able to select dedication feats.





For the purpose of feats that allow you to gain class feats from other classes (such as Advanced Concoction or Advanced Fury), you may use your full character level in place of half your character level for the purpose of determining what feats you can select. Special This feat is considered to be a feat from all archetypes for the purpose of being able to select dedication feats.





Prerequisites expert in the trait’s associated skill, Expertise (any ancestry trait or creature trait) Your expertise in a specific area or topic allows you to exploit certain creature’s anatomy for your own benefit. Select one creature you can see and Recall Knowledge about them. If the chosen creature has an ancestry trait or creature trait that you’ve chosen with Expertise, damage you deal to that creature treats their hardness and resistances as if they were 2 lower for 1 minute. If you’re a master in the skill associated with the trait, your damage treats the creature’s hardness and resistances as if they were 4 lower. If you’re legendary in the skill associated with the trait, your damage treats the creature’s hardness and resistances as if they were 6 lower.




Prerequisites ability to use the Cast a Spell action, ability to use the Rage action The Cast a Spell, Dismiss, and Sustain a Spell actions gain the Rage trait, allowing you to use them while using Rage. In addition, you gain the following free action. Mage’s Fury Trigger You use a verbal component for a spell while you are not raging Effect You may use the Rage action.





Prerequisites ability to use the Hunt Prey action, Sneak Attack Whenever you would damage a creature with Sneak Attack, you may use Hunt Prey on the creature as part of the same action made to attack it. Treat creatures designated by Hunt Prey are always considered flat-footed for the purpose of being able to be affected by your Sneak Attack.




Prerequisites master in Acrobatics, Steady Balance You perfectly maintain your balance in the face of overwhelming pressure or distractions. Whenever an opponent attempts to Shove or Trip you, the DC is equal to your Acrobatics DC instead of your Fortitude DC. Whenever you roll a success using the Gran an Edge action, you get a critical success instead.





Prerequisites ability to use either the Attack of Opportunity action or a Champion’s Reaction action, ability to use the Hunt Prey action, the Rage action, or an action with the Stance trait Whenever you would trigger an Attack or Opportunity or a Champion’s Reaction, you may perform the Rage Action, the Hunt Prey action, or an action with the Stance trait as a reaction in place of your normal reaction.





Prerequisites ability to use the Cast a Spell action You gain the following free action: Somatic Physicality Trigger You use an action with the Stance trait Effect You are treated as having already applied a somatic component to one spell you cast this round.





Prerequisites ability to use the Cast a Spell action, ability to use at least one action with the Stance trait You may substitute a melee or ranged weapon attack for a melee or ranged spell attack whenever you would make a spell attack against a target’s AC (using a melee weapon attack in place of a melee spell attack and a ranged weapon attack in place of a ranged spell attack). If you do, the spell uses the range of your melee or ranged weapon in place of its normal range. This is considered a weapon attack for all purposes, save that it does not deal weapon damage.

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Prerequisites ability to cast spells using at least two casting traditions Once per round, you may have a material, somatic, or verbal component function for two spells you cast this round rather than just one. The spells must be cast from different casting traditions. The combined level of the two spells cannot exceed the level of the highest-level spell you can cast (cantrips count as 1st-level spells for this purpose). For example, a 12th-level wizard with this feat and the Expert Cleric Spellcasting feat could apply the same somatic component to a 3rdlevel divine chilling darkness and a 3rd-level arcane fireball, but could not share the component between two 3rdlevel divine chilling darkness spells, a 3rd-level arcane fireball and a 3rd-level arcane lightning bolt, or a 3rd-level chilling darkness and a 4th-level fireball.

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Prerequisites master in Acrobatics, Cat Fall Trigger You fall and land on a creature; You’re particularly skilled at falling directly onto your enemies. You gain resistance against the triggering falling damage equal to half your level. The creature you landed on must attempt a Reflex save (DC equals your Acrobatics DC or 15, whichever is greater). Critical Success The creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to half your level. Success The creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to onequarter the total falling damage you took before applying your resistance, plus half your level. Failure The creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to half the total falling damage you took before applying your resistance, plus half your level. Critical Failure The creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to the total falling damage you took before applying your resistance, plus half your level. Special When determining the damage you deal to a creature you land on, do not apply the distance reduction from Cat Fall. For example, if you are trained in Acrobatics and fall 40 feet onto a creature, you would calculate your falling damage as if you had fallen 30 feet while your foe would calculate their damage for being landed on for the full 40 feet that you actually fell.







Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy, Reputation, Good and/or Lawful alignment You are known to have a great deal of integrity. People find you to be a fair arbiter, an impartial witness, and a trustworthy leader. Even if you never strive for positions of responsibility, people tend to put their trust in you and turn to you when they need someone to assume responsibility. When using Diplomacy and roll a result of 9 or less on the die, treat the result as if you rolled 10. If you are caught in a lie, you cannot benefit from this feat for one week.




People know of you and your deeds. Reputation has a focus in parenthesis that is respected by those who share your social status, ideals, or a common enemy. If you use Diplomacy to Make an Impression or Intimidation to Coerce and do not critically fail, people's response is affected by your reputation. If these people have an indifferent attitude to you and their interests coincide with what you’re reputed to do, their attitude improves from indifferent to friendly. This effect happens before the normal effect of the skill check. You must reveal your identity to use Reputation. Example If you are known to have a Nemesis who is a bandit plaguing the area of a farmer who would otherwise be indifferent to you, they become friendly instead since your Reputation is to oppose a Common Enemy.


Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy You have a group of followers who work for you. They all serve you in the same capacity. They could serve you as a garrison, police force, ship’s crew, caravan drivers, guild thieves, or crafters, just to name a few. They report to you, and you can give them orders slightly outside the scope of their normal activity, but they will not take excessive risks. You have a number of followers equal to your Charisma score, and it they take losses they return to this number as soon as plausible. All your followers are identical NPCs of one-third your level. They have a class and race agreed upon with the GM. If given leave they can support themselves, but you must provide for them when they are acting on your orders. In their area of expertise your followers can Aid you very effectively, automatically giving you a +2 circumstance bonus on skill checks associated with the aforementioned area of expertise. Special You can take this feat several times, each time getting a separate group of followers.



GENERAL Trigger You used the body guard action on an ally and the attack roll still succeeds.; Prerequisites Bodyguard You get in the way of the incoming attack to protect your allies. You take the damage of the incomming attack instead of your ally.

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Prerequisites master in Medicine, Acupuncture You’re exceptionally skilled at performing acupuncture. When you successfully use Acupuncture, the target gains an additional 50% of the total healing from the Treat Wounds action in addition to Acupuncture’s effects. Creatures you use Acupuncture on are only immune to it for 1 day, and if you critically fail your Medicine check to use Acupuncture, any conditions your target gains last for 3d6 hours instead of 3d6 days.




Prerequisites master in Stealth, Swift Sneak You know how to take full advantage of an unwary enemy, relentlessly attacking them until they’re neutralized. Whenever you Strike a target that you’re undetected or unnoticed against, your first Strike benefits from +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll and that creature is flat-footed against all Strikes you make against them until the end of your turn, even if your first Strike missed.




Prerequisites master in Athletics You’re able to break free from most restraints with your superior strength. Attempt an Athletics check to Escape. If you’re legendary in Athletics, you attempt a single Athletics check and apply it against the DC of all effects grabbing, immobilizing, or restraining you. Additionally, your Escape action gains the following critical success and success effects. Critical Success You get free and remove the grabbed, immobilized, and restrained conditions imposed by your chosen target. Afterwards, you Strike the source of the condition you Escaped; use the Athletics DC you escaped from as the source’s AC for this Strike. If you successfully Strike the creature, hazard, spell effect, object, or other impediment that grabbed, immobilized, or restrained you, you cannot be grabbed, immobilized, or restrained by that impediment for 1 round. Success You get free and remove the grabbed, immobilized, and restrained conditions imposed by your chosen target. Afterwards, you Strike the source of the condition you Escaped; use the Athletics DC you escaped from as the source’s AC for this Strike. You get free and remove the grabbed, immobilized, and restrained conditions imposed by your chosen target. You Strike the object or hazard imposing the condition or conditions upon you.


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Prerequisites Strength score of 16 or higher. Requirements You are not Sickened, Fatigued or Doomed. Your incredible strength has pushed your metabolism to boost both your endurance and your immune system. You must eat twice the amount of food of others to sustain yourself. When determining your Fortitude Save and Fortitude DC, you may use your Strength rather

than your Constitution modifier. Penalties from Constitution still apply to your Fortitude Save and Fortitude DC.




Prerequisites master in Stealth Requirements You have 2 hands available and either have a smokestick in your possession or have the Quick Alchemy action and the smokestick formula. You attempt to vanish in a puff of smoke. You draw and Interact with a smokestick, activating it normally. If you have the Quick Alchemy action, you can instead create a smokestick using Quick Alchemy instead of drawing one. After you Interact with the smokestick, you immediately Hide or Sneak (your choice). Treat the result on attempt to Hide or Sneak as one step better.





Prerequisites expert in Arcana, Expertise (dragons) Your experience with dragons allows you to overcome some of their more dangerous abilities. Anytime you gain the frightened condition from an non-spell effect used by a dragon, such as its frightful presence, reduce the frightened condition’s value by 1. In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against a dragon’s breath weapon. If you’re legendary in Arcana, reduce the frightened condition granted by any non-spell effect used by a dragon by 2 and increase the circumstance bonus you gain against a dragon’s breath weapon by 2.




Prerequisites master in Acrobatics; you are not prone Trigger A creature targets you with a ranged attack and you can see the attacker.; You fall prone and gain the effect of the Take Cover action versus the triggering attack.



GENERAL Prerequisites Breath Control Through intense meditation and breath training, you have learned the secrets of breathing internally, allowing you to breathe through the whole of your body rather than through the process of inhalation and exhalation. While breathing in this way, you appear to be dead rather than alive, and provided you take no actions, you can appear as a corpse without need to make any form of Deception check. This state even renders your lifeforce undetectable to magic and special senses which detect living creatures; while taking actions, characters might assume you to be undead, but convincing intelligent targets would require a Deception check, for which this ability offers no bonus.



GENERAL Prerequisites Diehard You are much harder to kill than other characters. When you recover from dying, make a DC 10 flat check, if you succeed, you do not gain the wounded 1 condition or do not increase that condition by 1 (if you already have the wounded condition). If you recover from the dying condition by making a recovery check, you regain 1 hit point and become conscious.



GENERAL Prerequisites Feather Step You can move swiftly through difficult terrain. When you use the Stride action, you can treat up to 5 feet of difficult terrain as though it were normal terrain. If you ended your first Stride action for the turn in difficult terrain and begin your second or third Stride action in difficult terrain, you can ignore up to 10 feet of difficult terrain for that Stride action.



GENERAL Prerequisites Untrained Improvisation You are capable of improvising techniques that ordinarily require dedicated training to perform. At the start of each day, you can spend an hour studying reference materials, speaking to characters who are an expert in the subject, or psyching yourself up to perform difficult tasks related to a single skill. Choose a skill for which you are untrained. Make a DC 10 flat check; you gain a +4 bonus on this check for each of the three tasks you perform during your hour of preparation beyond the first. If you succeed, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on skill checks with that skill and can use the skill’s trained actions until the next time you use this feat.



GENERAL Prerequisites Incredible Initiative You are always ready for action and have an edge when it comes to moving before your opponents. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls. Additionally, when you roll the same initiative result as another character, you may choose to act before that character.



GENERAL Prerequisites Ancestral Paragon Whether through study, mystical arts, or strange happenstance, you have become the prime archetype of your ancestry. You gain an ancestry feat of 1st level. Whenever you would gain a general feat, you may instead choose to gain an ancestry feat for which you qualify whose level does not exceed your level –5.



GENERAL Prerequisites Fast Recovery You quickly shrug off wounds and afflictions. Whenever you regain hit points, you regain additional hit points equal to 1/2 your level rounded down. If you regain hit points from a spell or magical item,

the additional hit points you regain cannot exceed the level of the spell or item which restored your hit points. If you would reduce the severity of a condition by 1, you may attempt a DC 10 flat check as a reaction to reduce that condition by 2 instead; if you fail, the condition is not reduced.




Prerequisites Firearm Training Your skill with firearms has exceeded your initial training and understanding. Your proficiency with uncommon and rare Firearms increases to Expert. Your skill allows you to lower the firearm's Misfire value by 1. Special If you have the Gunsmithing feat, you learn the formulas for two additional uncommon firearms.




Prerequisites master in Arcana, Occultism, Nature, or Religion; ability to cast spells. You’ve learned to use your spellcasting powers to fuel a ritual’s casting. Whenever you act as the primary ritualist for a ritual, you can expend a spell slot of a level equal to or higher than the ritual’s level in order to expedite the ritual’s casting, reducing the time it takes to cast the ritual by 1d12 hours. This spell must belong to a class whose spellcasting tradition is associated with a skill that you’re a master in (Arcana for arcane spells, Occultism for occult spells, Nature for primal spells, and Religion for divine spells). If you expend a spell slot of a level equal to twice the ritual’s level or more, you instead reduce the time it takes to cast the ritual by 1d12+6 hours. This cannot reduce the time required to cast the ritual by more than half. When casting a ritual that takes multiple days to cast, you can expend spell slots in this manner once every day to lessen the ritual’s casting time, but you cannot regain any spell slots you expend in this manner during your daily preparations until after the ritual’s casting has been concluded or the ritual has been disrupted. You cannot use a cantrip to fuel a ritual using this feat.



GENERAL You are a shrewd bargainer and a master of finding good deals.Whenever you buy an item, reduce its price by a number of gp equal to your level, to a minimum price of 1/2 the item’s original price. Whenever you sell an item, add your level to the gp received for the item, to a maximum amount equal to 1 1/2 times the item’s value. Whenever you would receive dividends or interest from an investment, you add your level to the gp received in this fashion, to a maximum additional amount equal to 1% of the original investment. While this ability typically functions for each transaction you make, its use may be unfeasible in certain situations, such as attempting to buy a low value item from a shopkeeper and then resell it in the same settlement for more than you purchased it for. Its use is also limited by the amount of oney buyers have on hand and the economic situations of a community, subject to the GM’s discretion.

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Prerequisites master in Athletics Trigger Your last action was a Leap or an action for which Leap is a subordinate action (such as High Jump).; Requirements You are adjacent to an include at the end of any movement allowed by your Leap. You cling onto nearby walls at the end of a jump. Attempt an Athletics check to Climb the incline that you’re adjacent to. Your Climb action gains the following critical success and success effects. Critical Success You climb up or across the incline a number of feat equal to 5 feet plus maximum vertical distance of your Leap plus 5 feet per 20 feet of your land Speed. Success You climb up or across the incline a number of feat equal to half the maximum vertical distance of your Leap plus 5 feet per 20 feet of your land Speed (minimum 5 feet).




Prerequisites master in Stealth, Snipe You Strike with projectile weapons in such a way as to mislead your foes where the attack came from. When you Hide as part of the Snipe action, Hide gains the following critical success effect if you are at least 15 feet away from the target of your ranged Strike. Critical Success If the creature could see you, you’re now considered undetected.




Prerequisites Charisma score of 16 or higher. Requirements You have not Critically Failed a Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma-based skill check today. Your sheer presence and self-esteem deny effects that attempt to weaken your determination. When determining your Will Save and Will DC against effects with the Mental trait, you may use your Charisma rather than your Wisdom modifier. Penalties from Wisdom still apply to your Will Save and Will DC.




Prerequisites Intelligence score of 16 or higher. Requirements You have successfully used Recall Knowledge against the target creature. Your keen mind can predict the body movement of the enemy and compensate for your ability to evade blows. When determining your Reflex Save and Reflex DC, you may use your Intelligence rather than your Dexterity modifier. If the Recall Knowledge check was a critical success, you may also use your Intelligence rather than Dexterity modifier when calculating your AC against attacks from that target. Your armor Dexterity Cap applies to the Intelligence modifier when used in that way. Penalties from Dexterity still apply to your Reflex Save and Reflex DC.


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Prerequisites master in Diplomacy



You are a master of the Sense Motive action. You treat a critical failure on Sense Motive as a failure, and success as critical success. You can use Diplomacy instead of Perception for Sense Motive checks.





Prerequisites both expert in Perception and master in Stealth Your mastery of subterfuge allows you to quickly pinpoint potential hiding places, making it easier for you to spot others attempting to hide from you. Whenever you use the Seek action, treat any success to locate a creature that’s hidden as a critical success.



GENERAL Prerequisites both expert in Perception and master in Stealth You can focus on an aspect of yourself, protecting yourself from harm. Choose a single type of saving throw. Make a DC 10 flat check; if the check is successful, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to that type of saving throw until the start of your next turn. If the check is a critical failure, you suffer a –1 circumstance penalty to that type of saving throw until the start of your next turn. Each time per round that you attempt this action beyond the first, you suffer a –4 penalty on the check.





Prerequisites master in Stealth Trigger While you are undetected or unnoticed, you use an action that kills a creature of your size or smaller or causes them to gain the dying, paralyzed, restrained, or unconscious condition.; You attempt to silently dispatch your foe. If your next action is to Sneak and you move into a square that’s adjacent to the triggering creature, you can attempt to drag that creature back with you to an area where you both are concealed or have cover or greater cover. You take a –4 circumstance penalty to your Stealth check to Sneak while doing so and add the following effects to the result of your Stealth check. Critical Success The triggering creature becomes unnoticed by the observing creature. Success The triggering creature becomes unobserved by the observing creature.





Prerequisites master in Athletics You can effortlessly ascend most slopes. You gain the following benefits. You ignore any difficult terrain caused by inclines of 45 degrees or less, including most stairs. When Striding down an incline of 45 degrees or less, you gain a +10 circumstance bonus to your Speed. When Climbing across an incline that’s less than 90 degrees and more than 45 degrees, you get the outcome one degree of success better than the result of your roll.





Prerequisites master in Arcana, Occultism, Nature, or Religion; Recognize Spell Whenever you successfully Recognize a Spell, you also get one additional piece of information from among the following, chosen by the GM based on its applicability. If you critically succeed at Recognizing the Spell, you gain all of this information. Any additional components applied to the spell. Any metamagic effect applied to the spell. The alignment and class of the spell’s caster. The gist of what actions the spellcaster used next, if they wouldn’t ordinarily be clear. For example, if you Recognize an invisibility Spell, you might know the general direction the spellcaster moved, but not the precise location they moved after becoming invisible. The language used to cast a linguistic spell. The spell’s result (critical success, success, failure, or critical failure) for every creature and object affected by the spell. The spell level at which the spell was cast.




Prerequisites master in Arcana, Arcane Senses You’re able to effortlessly detect magic auras. You gain spellsense as a vague sense, which allows you to notice the presence of magic out to 30 feet. You receive no information beyond the presence or absence of magic, and you can only detect illusion magic if you are actively using the Seek action to look for magic using your spellsense. Your spellsense combined with detect magic allows you to notice the lingering auras of any spells that were once active within detect magic’s emanation. In addition to the spell’s usual effects, you detect any effects that were present within the spell’s area within the past 24 hours. If you’re legendary in arcana, you detect any effects that were present within the spell’s area within the past 30 days. In both cases, you gain a rough sense of how faint the effect is, which allows you to make a reasonable guess regarding how long ago such effects were created. You apply the heightened effects of detect magic to these lingering effects normally.

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You have a group of low-level followers willing to fight for you, and their service gives you clout. When in active service, these followers take time and money to maintain. In downtime you can have them employed to defray costs. The group has a comprehensive look-and-feel such as a troubadour troupe, an engineering corps, a barbarian tribe, a guild of thieves, or a cavalry squadron. The GM builds your group of followers to your general specifications as an encounter of 1/4 your level, with a budget of 400 XP per level. No member of your force can have a higher level than half your own level. Followers can perform tasks that need a lot of people; they will not follow you on adventures. Special This feat can be taken several times, each time with a new group, usually different in theme.






Prerequisites master in Diplomacy You have access to important people as an advisor, minister, secretary, or similar position close to the seat of power. In this way you are a power behind the throne, with an information network and influence over politics. When you use Diplomacy to gather Information, treat a success as a critical success.






You are recognized as especially gifted person. Whatever you say or do is news. This gives you little direct power, but access to the highest circles. One per month, treat any success in downtime activities as a critical success.






You are the master of a guild, an organization that exists to further the professional interests of its members. In the case of very large and powerful guilds, you are a ranking official and regional leader. You can call on your subordinates for support, as well as professional services and delegate work related to your organization. In downtime you can provide yourself and others employment up to your own level in any job relevant to the guild. The guild provides you with fine living at no cost. You have access to all common formulas relevant to your guild up to your level, but must still copy them normally into your own formula book.


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You are the master of a guild, an organization that exists to further the professional interests of its members. In the case of very large and powerful guilds, you are a ranking official and regional leader. You can call on your subordinates for support, as well as professional services and delegate work related to your organization. In downtime you can provide yourself and others

employment up to your own level in any job relevant to the guild. The guild provides you with fine living at no cost. You have access to all common formulas relevant to your guild up to your level, but must still copy them normally into your own formula book.




You are a magnet for spirits and poltergeist events. Odd but minor things happen near you: milk goes sour; animals walk on their hind legs; apparitions appear; and ghostly voices bemoan their fate. This gives you a solid reputation as a spooky person whose interests are not to be crossed. As a result, ordinary people dare not oppose your interest, though they might petition lords and heroes to help them if you become an acute threat. Even persons of import show you a measure of fear and respect. This makes you a part of your social class but as a feared outsider. You are the “wicked stepmother” type who is expected to crash the party, but who no-one dares throw out once you arrive. You can use your skill bonus in Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion (your choice) as if it was your skill bonus in Intimidation. Used this way, any success becomes a critical success as long as your target is a character or creature with a level lower than yours.






Prerequisites master in Religion You are the leader of a religious order, comparable to a bishop in rank. You set the policy of the local church and learn a lot of information about religious and magical events. You can declare holidays and are expected to officiate at important ceremonies. You can use your skill bonus in Religion as if it was your skill bonus in Diplomacy, Deception, and Intimidation, but only against members of your church. Used this way, any success becomes a critical success as long as your target is a character or creature with a level lower than yours. The church provides you with fine living at no cost.






Prerequisites master in Society You are a regional noble of considerable power, controlling a town or several villages. Your title might be baron, high priest, or burgomaster. Benefits include a seat of power (castle, temple or similar) and small army of trained guards. You gain the Advanced Followers feat but these followers maintain your holdings and cannot range far or take part in adventures. You are also a political figure of importance, and your voice is decisive on local matters. In downtime you can set up any downtime job of your choice up to your own level for yourself and allies. You can use your skill bonus in Society as if it was your skill bonus in Diplomacy, Deception, and Intimidation, but only against your subordinates. Used this way, any success becomes a critical success as long as your target is a character or creature with a level lower than yours. Your seat of power provides you with fine living at no cost.






Prerequisites master in Arcana You are the guardian of a magical site. It is best to choose a magical place or monster lair that has already appeared in the campaign. Such places act as monster magnets; your presence influences what kinds of monsters appear, generally insuring they are amenable to your cause. These creatures follow the rules of the Advanced Followers feat, but they are not under your command and are sworn to protec tthe magical site. You can use the power of your site. When crafting alchemical or magic items, as well as researching or copying formulas for spells, alchemical items, and magic items at your magical site, treat any success as a critical success. If you are a spontaneous spellcaster, you can retrain any one spell in one day at your site.






You have a single ship at your command. Each 2 levels thereafter you add an additional ship to your armada, up to a total of 6 ships at level 19. You also have sailors and marines equal to those granted by the Advanced Followers feat, but these people stay at their ships at all times. You do not own these ships; they can be a merchant flotilla, government naval force, or pirates. You can use them on adventures and the crews are loyal to you. Losses of crew are easily replaced, but you have to replace lost ships yourself. If you lose your navy, you must retrain this feat. You can use your skill bonus in Intimidation as if it was your skill bonus in Diplomacy or Deception, but only against your subordinate sailors. Used this way, any success becomes a critical success as long as your target is a character or creature with a level lower than yours.








You represent an influential group. You might be a member of parliament, a foreign ambassador or a spokesman for a clan, free city, council, or guild. You are an outsider, but add power and prestige to whatever side you support. When you successfully use the Aid action to assist a Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check, increase the circumstance bonus you give by 2.






You are an established academic authority, the recognized voice of truth, knowledge, and reason. You are called on to resolve disputes and pronounce the truth. While you have no direct power, only a fool would refuse you access to their inner council. When you use the Recall Knowledge action on a topic at hand, you can use the same skill check result both for Recall Knowledge and as either a Deception check to Lie, a Diplomacy check to Make a Request, or as an Intimidate check to Coerce or Demoralize. Used this way, these actions have their normal traits and action requirements in addition to those of this feat.



Your magic is strong enough that the effect goes with you wherever you go. Decide on an effect related to the powers you have. Typical examples include elements, a school of magic, or seasons. Wherever you go the effect grows stronger. If you are related to winter, it is always cold where you are; if you are related to illusion, mirages abound, and so on. The effects are minor and out of your control, but establish you as a personage of power. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.






You have arranged to support artists in your name, either by spending money directly or (more commonly) through connections. As a result, you are seen in a good light in the artist community, which helps you create a good public image. You can use your skill bonus in Crafting as if it was your skill bonus in Diplomacy, Deception, and Intimidation, but only against other artists. Used this way, any success becomes a critical success as long as your target is a character or creature with a level lower than yours.

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GENERAL Prerequisites Toughness You have a deep reserve of sheer toughness that you can tap into in desperate situations. You gain a toughness pool with a number of points equal to 4 times your level + your Constitution modifier. Whenever you would be reduced to 0 hit points you may choose to call upon this reserve of toughness. If you do, you gain the wounded 2 condition, or your wounded condition is increased by 2 (if you already have the wounded condition), but you do not fall unconscious or begin dying. Your new current and maximum hit points become equal to your toughness pool. Your toughness pool acts as regular hit points. If your toughness pool is reduced to 0, you fall unconscious and begin dying as normal. When the combat ends, if you have remaining hit points granted by your toughness pool, your maximum toughness pool is reduced to that amount until the next time you receive a full night’s rest. You then fall unconscious, but do not begin dying, and return to using your ordinary hit points; you can then recover in the normal fashion.



GENERAL Prerequisites Toughness Your investment into a magic item binds it to you, making it effortless to wear or carry. At the start of each day, you can choose a single item you have invested in. For the purposes of calculating your carrying capacity and encumbrance you treat the chosen item as though it had a bulk of L instead of its normal bulk.

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Prerequisites master in Acrobatics Trigger An adjacent enemy misses you with a weapon attack (including unarmed attacks).; You use acrobatic stunts to use an opponent’s blunder to defang their attacks, leaping onto their weapon to reduce their effectiveness with it. Attempt an Acrobatics check against the attacker’s Reflex DC. You can only pin one weapon at a time using this ability; using it again causes any previous uses to immediately end. Critical Success The opponent is clumsy 2 and immobilized, and takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls with the weapon. These effects last 1 round. If the triggering weapon can be dropped, an opponent can end this effect early by dropping the weapon they missed with as a free action. If they do, you can catch the weapon as a reaction. Success The opponent is clumsy 1 and immobilized for 1 round. If the triggering weapon can be dropped, an opponent can end these conditions by dropping the weapon they missed with as a free action. Critical Failure The triggering attack hits you.

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Prerequisites legendary in Arcana, Expertise (dragon), Exploit Anatomy Trigger You Exploit a dragon’s Anatomy and the result is a success or a critical success.; You pierce a dragon’s defenses, allowing your spells and attacks to ravage them. If the triggering skill check was a success, the dragon takes a –1 status penalty to AC and saves and loses any status bonuses it adds to its AC and saves (except those gained from spells) for 1 minute. If the triggering skill check was a critical success, this status penalty increases to –2.



GENERAL Prerequisites Incredible Investiture You have the ability to invest more of your innate essence into magical items, granting them additional power. When you invest in a magic item, you may invest twice as much energy as normal, effectively causing the item to count as 2 items for the purposes of how many items you can have invested. If you do, you can use 3 actions to empower the item for 1 minute. If the item offers one or more numerical bonuses, you can increase the value of those bonuses by 1. If the item has an ability that can be used a certain number of times, it can be used once during this time without expending one of these uses. An item must have the invested trait to be used with this feat.



GENERAL Prerequisites legendary in Perception You can take your time to search areas with incredible thoroughness, ensuring that you find what you are looking for. You can spend twice as long Searching an area as you normally would in order to take 10 on Perception checks made to Seek. This means that while in exploration mode you move at half the normal speed while ensuring an area is searched but take 10 on the check. While in an encounter, this allows you to spend 2 actions to use the Seek basic action, but allows you to take 10 on the check. You can also choose to spend 3 actions Seeking in order to take 20 on the check, but undiscovered objects and creatures in the area merely become hidden rather than observed if you choose to spend 3 actions Seeking in this fashion.




Prerequisites Firearm Expertise You have mastered the use of firearms through trial and error. Your proficiency with uncommon and rare Firearms increases to Master. Additionally, you may add your level as a proficiency bonus to damage rolls using any Modern Firearm. Special If you have the Gunsmithing feat, you learn the formula for two uncommon or rare firearms.

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Prerequisites legendary in Lore, Lore Professional Your fame has spread throughout the land (for instance, if you have Experienced Professional in warfare, you might be a legendary general). NPCs who succeed at a DC 10 Society check to Recall Knowledge have heard of you and usually have an attitude toward you one step better than normal if they work in one of the fields you are an Experienced Professional. When you roll a success in a Lore check related to any Lore you are legendary with, you get critical success. When you Earn Income using the Lore skill applied to particular field you are an expert in, you are offered higher-level jobs than your location would allow, as employers seek you out. For instance, rulers might travel to your small town to have you advise them on strategic matters. Typically, this increases the jobs available by 2 levels or more, determined by the GM.





Prerequisites legendary in Arcana, Expertise (construct), Exploit Anatomy Trigger You Exploit a construct’s Anatomy and the result is a success or a critical success.; You deduce some key element of the target’s construct’s functioning, such as its command word or some component that’s integral to its operation. If the triggering skill check was a success, the construct is stunned 1 for 1 minute. If the triggering skill check was a critical success, each round during your turn you can use an Interact action to attempt an Arcana check against the sabotaged construct’s Fortitude DC. If you succeed, you can force the sabotaged construct to immediately take 1 action of your choice as if it were controlled by you. This Interact action has the flourish trait and can only be used while the construct is stunned by Sabotage Construct.




Prerequisites legendary in Stealth, Silent Dispatch Requirements The target must be a creature of your size or smaller. You Grapple the target. If you were hidden from or undetected or unnoticed by the target, treat any success as a critical success. If you trigger Silent Dispatch as a result of restraining the target, moving via the Sneak action doesn’t end the restrained condition and until your next turn, the target can’t speak or make any noise louder than a muffled whisper while they’re restrained.



Prerequisites legendary in Acrobatics Trigger An opponent your size or larger uses an action with the attack, manipulate, or move trait.; You dart in close to your opponent, entering their space and making concentration difficult. Attempt an Acrobatics check against the target’s Reflex DC. Critical Success The opponent gains the flat-footed and immobilized conditions and can’t use actions with the concentrate trait. These effects end if you use an action with the move trait or if your opponent uses an action to forcibly move you (such as if they Shove you). Success The opponent gains the immobilized condition, is flatfooted against your attacks, and can’t use actions with the concentrate trait. These effects end if you use an action with the move trait or if your opponent uses an action to forcibly move you (such as if they Shove you). Critical Failure You are flat-footed against the opponent’s attacks until the start of your next turn.




Prerequisites legendary in Athletics, Quick Climb or a climb Speed Trigger An opponent your size or larger uses an action with the attack, manipulate, or move trait.; Climbing up inclines is as effortless for you as striding across the ground. You gain a wall walking speed equal to the lower between your Speed and your climb Speed. When you use the Wall Walk action, you move across the ground or up or down inclines and vertical surfaces up to your wall walk Speed. You must have both hands free to move up, across, or down an incline unless you can Climb without one or both of your hands. Special When using an action that lists Climb or Stride as a subordinate action, you can Wall Walk instead.

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New Alchemist Feats Research Fields Gunsmith

You specialize in the alchemy of gunpowder. You start with the formulas for standard metal and rubber bullets, two 1stlevel projectiles or propellants, and the formula for a firearm in your formula book, in addition to your other formulae. You can assemble a complete ammunition load (propellant + projectile) as a single alchemical item for the purposes of actions required for your alchemist class features. Standard metal and rubber bullets do not require expenditures of infused reagents. When using quick alchemy you may only add a single projectile or propellant that is better than a standard bullet or crude gunpowder. Your proficiency in firearms is equal to your proficiency in bombs, and you may start with a firearm that you crafted; pay half price for the firearm if you have its formula.

FIELD DISCOVERY (5TH LEVEL) When using advanced alchemy to make firearm ammunition during your daily preparations, you can use a batch of reagents to create any three cartridges instead of just two of the same cartridge.

PERPETUAL INFUSIONS (7TH LEVEL) Choose two level 1 propellants or projectiles. If you have access to an uncommon or rare (with GM's approval) firearm ammunition formula, you can choose that formula.

PERPETUAL POTENCY (11TH LEVEL) Choose two level 3-5 propellants or projectiles to use with your perpetual infusions. If you have access to a rare (with GM's approval) firearm projectile or propellant formula, you can choose that formula.

GREATER FIELD DISCOVERY (13TH LEVEL) You decrease the critical threshold of firearms you load by 1 (no lower than a critical threshold of 5).

Innovator You focus your alchemical research into solutions to all of life’s many problems. You start with the formulas for two 1stlevel tools in your formula book, in addition to your other formulas. As long as your alchemical tools are easily accessible (such as in a belt pouch), once per round you can use the same Interact action to draw the alchemical tool and use it. This does not alter the number of hands required to use the alchemical tool or allow you to quickly use alchemical tools with an activation longer than 1 Interact action.

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FIELD DISCOVERY (5TH LEVEL) When using advanced alchemy to make alchemical tools during your daily preparations, you can create three alchemical tools with each batch of reagents instead of just two.

PERPETUAL INFUSIONS (7TH LEVEL) Choose two of the following formulas: lesser alchemical repair paste, lesser alchemical torch, lesser armor lubricant, lesser liquid rope, lesser rigidity reinforcer, lesser smokestick, lesser sunrod.

PERPETUAL POTENCY (11TH LEVEL) The moderate version of alchemical tools you chose for perpetual infusions.

GREATER FIELD DISCOVERY (13TH LEVEL) You do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity reaction for Interacting with alchemical tools. The action retains the manipulate trait.

PERPETUAL PERFDECTION (17TH LEVEL) The greater version of the alchemical tools you chose for perpetual infusions

Alchemist Feats 1ST LEVEL




Frequence Once per round. You closely follow your target's movement and estimate the perfect angle for your throw. Your next Strike with an alchemical bomb gains a +1 circumstance bonus. If the target did not use an action with the move trait during its last turn, instead you gain a +2 circumstance bonus.




Prerequisites trained in at least one firearm Your gunpowder explodes reliably and quickly. This has a number of beneficial effects. Decrease any misfire chance for firearms you load by 1 (minimum 0). If a firearm you load has a critical threshold greater than 10, decrease it by 1. Finally, reduce the inaccurate trait for firearms you wield by 1.




Prerequisites trained in Craft and at least one firearm Requirements You have a firearm in hand, alchemist’s tools, the formula for the piece of ammunition, and a free hand (a twohanded firearm counts as free for this purpose) You’ve become so used to your firearm, that you use it as the mixing chamber for your firearm ammunition. You create a piece of firearm ammunition using quick alchemy and interact to make progress reloading the firearm in your hands.




ALCHEMIST The diverse and often bulky nature of alchemical tools means keeping many similar items in partially assembled states which can then be quickly combined into any tool you might need. You gain an additional 3 batches of infused reagents each day, but these can only be used for crafting alchemical tools.





Prerequisites trained in at least one firearm Trigger You use Quick Alchemy to craft a piece of firearm ammunition with a level at least 1 level lower than your advanced alchemy level; When fired, the powder charge of the ammunition releases a thick cloud of smoke in a 15 foot sphere centered on your target. The smoke provides concealment and remains for 1 minute or until dissipated by a strong wind.




ALCHEMIST You know how to get the most out of your alchemical tools by carefully modifying the rate of reactions. Double the duration of any alchemical tool you create and use. If someone else attempts to use the tool without this feat, they ruin your measurements and reduce the item’s maximum duration to its usual length. An item with its maximum duration lowered in this way cannot be further extended by this feat.





Frequency once per round Trigger You or a creature within your reach is affected by persistent energy damage.; By anticipating trouble, you are quickly able to avert harm from longterm damaging effects. You can immediately use a corresponding damage counter (such as an alkaline neutralizer against an ongoing persistent acid effect). You must have the tool in-hand or easily accessible (such as in a belt pouch) to use this reaction.





Small modifications to the formulas used in your damage neutralization tools provides an extra measure of protection against further injury. In addition to the tool’s usual effects, the target gains resistance to the corresponding energy type equal to one-half the item’s level for 1 minute.




Prerequisites trained in at least one firearm Trigger You use Quick Alchemy to craft a piece of firearm ammunition with a level at least 3 levels lower than your advanced alchemy level; You’ve made your gunpowder and projectiles stable enough, and your firearm reliable enough, to load extra ammunition. You can spend 2 additional batches of infused reagents to add an additional projectile or propellant to the cartridge. The additional projectile or propellant must also be 3 levels lower, and the combined cartridge is 3 levels higher than the highest of the three ingredients. The misfire DC of the firearm increases by 2 and the misfire range increases by 10 ft. A firearm without a misfire trait counts as misfire 0 for this purpose. When the combined ammunition is fired, the effects and damage of both occur on a hit.




that effect until the start of your next turn. Use your class DC for this saving throw (even if someone else uses the tool). This is often used to alter the performance of smokesticks, but can be used with other alchemical tools (such as making a dose of snake oil impair its user).





Frequency once per round Trigger You use Quick Alchemy to craft an alchemical tool that is at least 2 levels lower than your advanced alchemy level.; With a few modifications, you can add disorienting side-effects to otherwise harmless tools. You mix a substance into the tool that causes one of the following: dazzled, fascinated, fatigued, or a –5foot status penalty to Speeds. If a target uses or is within the area of the modified tool, they must succeed at a Will saving throw or suffer

Combat can be an ideal place for field testing of new ways to use your favorite tools. You can use an alchemical tool as part of a disarm, shove, or trip action. While using an alchemical tool in this way, you may use your Crafting in place of an Athletics check. The action must make some sense (for example, using liquid rope to snare an opponent’s leg and trip them).

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ALCHEMIST Prerequisites Disruptive Formula You’ve found methods to enhance the negative sideeffects you can impose with your tools. When you use Disruptive Formula, add the following to the list you can choose from: sickened 1, slowed 1, or a –10-foot status penalty to Speeds.




Prerequisites Disruptive Formula You’ve found methods to enhance the negative sideeffects you can impose with your tools. When you use Disruptive Formula, add the following to the list you can choose from: sickened 1, slowed 1, or a –10-foot status penalty to Speeds.



Science and magic are different sides of the same coin; you have found ways to flip it. Your alchemical items can be used to counteract magical spells and effects. You must attempt a counteract check against an appropriate effect (for example, using a sunrod to counteract darkness). The consequence of blurring the lines between magic and alchemy, however, means that magical effects can counteract your alchemical items with this additive.




ALCHEMIST Prerequisites Greater Disruptive Formula The side-effects imposed by your alchemical tools can be truly crippling to those unprepared for them. When you use Disruptive Formula, add the following to the list you can choose from: sickened 2, slowed 2, or a –15-foot status penalty to Speeds. If you instead apply one of the effects listed in Disruptive Formula, the target avoids the effect only if the result of the saving throw is a critical success.





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Your mastery of alchemical designs allows you to refine and redesign decades-old weapons to better suit your needs. Select a number of weapons equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). You gain formulas to construct these weapons with unique alchemical modifications, typically allowing them to employ a bomb in combat or quickly deploy an alchemical tool you favor. The exact specifications of these alchemical weapons are up to you and the GM to decide, but the alchemical weapons included in this book provide a baseline of ideas to work from. Weapon formulas

designed with this feat gain the rare and alchemical traits. Once you’ve chosen the weapon formulas, they can’t be changed.






Bulk L; By combining the explosive power of gunpowder with some alchemical ingenuity one can create a special type of bomb that can be fired through firearms. Blackpowder Bullets count as for the purpose of feats and additives that affect them. Blackpowder Bullets cannot be thrown, instead they must be loaded into a firearm as if they were ammunition and fired. On a successful hit, the Blackpowder Bullet deals both the damage listed on the firearm being used and an additional amount of fire damage and persistent fire damage on a critical success. Special If an additive or feat were to increase the splash radius of a Blackpowder, the blackpowder gains the Splash trait and deals an ammount of splash damage equal to the number of damage die the bomb deals. Type lesser; Level 1; Price 3 gp The Blackpowder Bullets deal an amount of fire damage equal to your Intelligence modifer (Minimum 1) and 1 persistent fire damage on a critical success. Type moderate; Level 3; Price 10 gp The Blackpowder Bullets deal an amount of fire damage equal to 1d6 plus your Intelligence modifer and 2 persistent fire damage on a critical success. Type greater; Level 11; Price 250 gp The Blackpowder Bullets deal an amount of fire damage equal to 2d6 plus your Intelligence modifer and 3 persistent fire damage on a critical success. Type major; Level 17; Price 2500 gp The Blackpowder Bullets deal an amount of fire damage equal to 3d6 plus your Intelligence modifer and 4 persistent fire damage on a critical success.

New Barbarian Feats Instincts

Bloodrager Instinct

Your rage is fueled by supernatural power. Whether it is in your blood, or from a pact you formed with a higher being, their power flows through you. When you choose this Instinct, pick a bloodline from the Bloodrager Bloodlines segment. Once you make this decision, you cannot change it.

SPELLCASTING You can cast spells using the Cast a Spell activity, and you can supply material, somatic, and verbal components when casting spells (see Casting Spells on page 302). You can replace material components with somatic components, so you do not need to use a spell component pouch. You become trained in spell attacks and spell DCs for the spell tradition tied to your bloodline. Because you are channeling the power of your bloodline your key spellcasting ability is Charisma.

CANTRIPS A cantrip is a special type of spell that doesn’t use spell slots. You can cast a cantrip at will, any number of times per day. A cantrip is always automatically heightened to half your level rounded up. For example, as a 1st-level Bloodrager, your cantrips are 1st-level spells, and as a 5th-level Bloodrager, your cantrips are 3rd-level spells.

BLOODRAGE Your Rage class feature becomes a Bloodrage. It works just as the Rage class feature, however you can also cast spells from your Bloodrager bloodline while bloodraging. This does not allow you cast spells obtained through other feats while bloodraging.

HEIGHTENING SPELLS When you get spell slots of 2nd level and higher, you can fill those slots with stronger versions of lower-level spells. This increases the spell’s level to match the spell slot. You must have a spell in your spell repertoire at the level you want to cast in order to heighten it to that level. Many spells have specific improvements when they are heightened to certain levels (page 299). The signature spells class feature lets you heighten certain spells freely.

Bloodrager Bloodlines Aberrant Something speaks to you from beyond the stars or below the earth. Ancient and unknowable, this alien infiuence presses against your mind, feeding you with their ancient and unknown rage. Spell List Occult

ANATHEMA You are one with the aberrations of golarion, to attack them without provocation angers the forces from beyond the stars. If you attack an aberration before said aberration has landed a hit on you is your anathema.

OTHERWORLDLY BODY (INSTINCT ABILITY) When you bloodrage, you're enveloped with alien energies that change your body. Your arms extend forward when yous strike, increasing the range of your melee attacks by 5ft.

SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Tentacular Limbs focus spell and you gain a focus spell pool of 1. You use your Charisma for any DCs or Spell Attack rolls.



The collection of spells available to you is called a spell repertoire. Spells from your spell repertoire are always available to you, and you can cast them at any time so long as you have the required spell slots for them. At 1st level, a bloodrager knows three cantrips. Whenever you gain a Barbarian level, you learn one extra spell of any spell level you can cast, including cantrips. Additionally, you can choose to change one known spell for any other spell for a spell level you can cast

You gain the Aberrant Whispers focus spell and your focus pool increases by 1.

RAGING RESISTANCE You resist Cold damage.

Demonic Demons debase all they touch. One of your ancestors fell victim to their corruption, and you are burdened by that sin. Spell List Divine

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Worshiping a good deity or performing too many actions that could be considered good (Up to GM discretion) is your anathema.




































When you bloodrage, you grow claws on your hands, granting you a claw natural attack that deals 1d6 Slashing damage and has the Agile, Unarmed and Finesse special properties. At 5th level, your claws are considered magic for the purpose of bypassing spell resistance. At 8th level, your claws deal 1d8 damage.

SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Glutton's Jaw focus spell and you gain a focus spell pool of 1.

GREATER SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Swamp of Sloth focus spell and your focus pool increases by 1.

RAGING RESISTANCE You resist Piercing and Slashing damage.

Diabolic Devils are evil with a silver tongue, and one of your ancestors dallied in darkness or made an infernal pact. Spell List Divine

ANATHEMA Being taken advantage of, whether you realized or not, is your anathema.

HELLFIRE STRIKE (INSTINCT ABILITY) When you bloodraging, your body is engulfed in the flames of hell. All your weapons and Unarmed strikes gain the Flaming rune. If your weapon already has the Flaming rune, it instead gains the Flaming (Greater) rune.

SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Diablic Edict focus spell and you gain a focus spell pool of 1.

GREATER SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Embrace the Pit focus spell and your focus pool increases by 1.

RAGING RESISTANCE You resist Fire damage.

Draconic The blood of dragons flows through your veins. These beasts are both fearsome in combat and skilled at magic. When you pick this bloodline, you must choose a dragon scale color. You cannot change this decision. Spell List Arcane.

ANATHEMA Letting a personal insult against you slide is anathema to your instinct. Choose whether your character respects or abhors your dragon type. If you respect it, defying such a dragon is anathema, and if you abhor it, failing to defeat such a dragon you come across is anathema.

DRACONIC RAGE (INSTINCT ABILITY) While bloodraging, you can increase the additional damage from Rage from 2 to 4 and change its damage type to match that of your dragon’s breath weapon instead of the damage type for your weapon or unarmed attack. If you do this, your Rage action gains the arcane and evocation traits, as well as the trait matching the damage type.

SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Dragon Claws focus spell and you gain a focus spell pool of 1.

GREATER SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Dragon Breath focus spell and your focus pool increases by 1.

RAGING RESISTANCE You resist piercing damage and the damage type of your dragon’s element.

Elemental A genie ancestor or some other elemental influence has imbued your blood with primal fury, granting you great power over a specific element. Spell List Primal When you pick this bloodline, choose the type of elemental that infiuenced your bloodline: air, earth, fire, or water. If your element is air, you buffet your foes with powerful winds; if it’s earth, you toss huge chunks of rock; if it’s fire, you incinerate your foes with flame; and if it’s water, you inundate your foes with torrents of water.

ANATHEMA You hold great respect for the element that flows through your blood.

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ELEMENTAL RAGE (INSTINCT ABILITY) While bloodraging, you can increase the additional damage from Rage from 2 to 6 and change its damage type to match that of your chosen element instead of the damage type for your weapon or unarmed attack. If you do this, your Rage action gains the Primal and evocation traits, as well as the trait matching the damage type.

While bloodraging, you can perform an soul piercing glare at your foes. Whenever you land a hit with a melee weapon or unarmed strike, you can perform a Demoralize action as a free action.

SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Jealous Hex focus spell and you gain a focus spell pool of 1.



You gain the Elemental Toss focus spell and you gain a focus spell pool of 1. The damage type dealt by this Focus Spell is changed to match the element tied to your bloodline.

You gain the Horrific Visage focus spell and your focus pool increases by 1.


You resist blunt and slashing damage.

You gain the Elemental Motion focus spell and your focus pool increases by 1.

RAGING RESISTANCE You resist slashing damage and the element tied to your type of elemental.

Fey Fey whimsy or a tryst in a moonlit grove put the bewitching magic of the First World into your family’s bloodline. Spell List Primal

ANATHEMA Disrespecting nature is your anathema, defending yourself against plant creatures is not.

WHIMSICAL RAGE (INSTINCT ABILITY) Your bloodrage is less violent and almost enthralling. When you score a critical success on a melee attack roll, your target is also Confused 1 for one round.

SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Faerie Dust focus spell and you gain a focus spell pool of 1.

GREATER SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Fey Disappearance focus spell and your focus pool increases by 1.

RAGING RESISTANCE You resist piercing and slashing damage.


A hag long ago cursed your family, or you are a descendant of a hag or changeling, and their accursed corruption infests your blood and soul. Spell List Occult

ANATHEMA Your soul is cursed with spite, envy and jealousy. Having less than an equal share of the wealth in the party is your anathema.



Imperial One of your ancestors was a mortal who mastered magic. Such magical blood can remain latent for generations, but in you it manifested in full. Spell List Arcane

ANATHEMA Your pride in your heritage is strong. Refusing to honor a challenge or promise is anathema to you. Refusing a challenge or promise because you are incapable of performing the task is not.

ARCANE BLOODRAGE (INSTINCT ABILITY) When you bloodrage, you gain the effect of one of the following spells: Mage Armor, Magic Aura, Magic Weapon or Feather fall. These are always 1st level spells and last for the duration of your bloodrage regardless of the spells actual duration.

SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Ancestral Memories focus spell and you gain a focus spell pool of 1.

GREATER SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Extend Spell focus spell and your focus pool increases by 1.

RAGING RESISTANCE You resist only slashing damage.

Undead The touch of undead runs through your blood. Your family tree might contain powerful undead, like a vampire, or perhaps you died and returned a bit different. Spell List Divine

ANATHEMA Direspecting the dead is your anathema, defending yourself against undead is not.

NECROTIC RAGE (INSTINCT ABILITY) When you bloodrage, all melee weapons or unarmed strikes gain the Ghost Touch property rune for the duration of the bloodrage.

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SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Undeath's Blessing focus spell and you gain a focus spell pool of 1.

GREATER SPECIALIZATION ABILITY You gain the Drain Life focus spell and your focus pool increases by 1.

RAGING RESISTANCE You resist blunt and negative damage.

Barbarian Feats 4TH LEVEL




Prerequisites Bloodraging Instinct You tap into the powers of your bloodline. When you take this feat, you can cast one 1st level spell per day. For every four Barbarian levels you gain after taking this feat, you gain one additional 1st level spell slot (To a maximum of 3 spell slots). When you take this feat, you learn two 1st level spells from the tradition indicated by your bloodline.





Select a second instinct and gain its anathema and Instinct Ability. Whe you use your Rage action, you must decie which Instinct Ability to activate. You do not benefit from your new instinct's raging resistance.





Prerequisites Faint Bloodline Magic Your bloodline magic begins to awaken. You can cast one 2nd level spell per day. For every four Barbarian levels you gain after taking this feat, you gain one additional 2nd level spell slot (To a maximum of 3 spell slots). You become Expert in your spellcasting tradition.





Prerequisites Bloodline Magic Your bloodline magic begins to awaken. You can cast one 3rd level spell per day. For every four Barbarian levels you gain after taking this feat, you gain one additional 3rd level spell slot (To a maximum of 3 spell slots).



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Prerequisites Greater Bloodline Magic

Your bloodline magic begins to awaken. You can cast one 4th level spell per day. For every four Barbarian levels you gain after taking this feat, you gain one additional 4th level spell slot (To a maximum of 3 spell slots). You become Master in your spellcasting tradition.

New Cleric Feats 1ST LEVEL








Your deity blesses an animal to serve as your companion. You gain the service of a young animal companion. Mistreating or abandoning your animal companion is considered anathema by your deity. Until the animal companion reaches maturity, exposing it to harm in combat is frowned upon by your deity.

Prerequisites Incredible Companion Your animal companion is blessed with greater power and ability, and is now cunning enough to become specialized. Your animal companion gains one specialization of your choice.




CLERIC Prerequisites Divine Companion Your animal companion grows up, becoming a mature animal companion and gaining additional capabilities. During an encounter, even if you don’t use the Command an Animal action your companion can still use 1 action that round on your turn to Stride or Strike. A mature animal companion can be used as a messenger for your your deity to guide you.




CLERIC Prerequisites Divine Companion, healing font Your divine bond with your animal companion manifests as a surge of positive energy. When you cast heal as a single action on your animal companion, you can treat each die as though you’d rolled the maximum amount.




CLERIC Prerequisites Mature Companion Your animal companion continues to grow and develop. It advances to an incredible companion depending on your deity (determined by the GM, although you may be offered multiple choices), gaining additional capabilities determined by the type of companion. An incredible animal companion can develop minor divine properties granted by your your deity or briefly transform in an avatar of your deity, up to the GM.

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New Druid Feats 4TH LEVEL





Prerequisites expert in Nature, Create Undead ritual Most who follow the natural order abhor the creation of undead, but you’re a bit different. You may consider undeath a normal part of the cycle of life. You can use Nature as the primary checks for Create Undead. Undead created in this way have the plant trait and take on a more natural appearance, such as being covered in vines or fungi.

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Prerequisites Constitution 14 You enter a state of hyper-awareness that enhances the lethality of your attacks. When in this stance, add the deadly trait with a listed die equal to the weapon’s damage to all weapons you wield (this increases normally if your weapon has a striking potency rune). If your weapon already has the deadly or fatal trait, increase the damage die of the trait’s listed damage by 1 step instead. Once you enter Battle Trance, you can remain in the stance for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution ability modifier, after which it ends.




Requirements You and your chosen ally are both within 30 feet of each other and the chosen opponent. You share your weapon expertise with an ally to assist them in battle. Choose one ally and one opponent, then attempt a Class check (1d20 plus your Class DC minus 10) against your opponent’s AC. Critical Success Until the start of your next turn, the chosen ally counts as having your proficiency rank with every weapon they use to Strike the chosen opponent instead their own proficiency rank (the ally uses their level to determine their proficiency bonus rather than yours). Success On their next attack against the chosen opponent, the chosen ally counts as having your proficiency rank with every weapon they Strike with instead of their own proficiency rank (the ally uses their level to determine their proficiency bonus rather than yours). Failure The ally is unaffected. Critical Failure Until the start of your next turn, the chosen ally takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls against the chosen opponent.





Prerequisites Expert in hammers Requirements Opponent wears armor that provides +3 AC or more Your continued assault shatters steel as well as bones. Make a single melee Strike with a hammer. If it hits and deals damage, you also deal 1d6 damage plus your Strength modifier (doubled on a critical hit) to an item the target is wearing, in addition to the damage dealt. If you deal this damage to the target’s armor, it is also added to the damage of the Strike. This damage increases by 1d6 if you’re a master in hammers, and 2d6 if you’re legendary.


FIGHTER You rely on your weapon training to knock an enemy’s weapon from their hands instead of your athleticism. You can make an attack roll with your weapon with the disarm trait that you are wielding instead of using Athletics to Disarm.



FIGHTER Prerequisites You’re an expert with unarmed attacks You rely on your weapon training to restrain enemies instead of your athleticism. You can make an attack roll with an unarmed strike or a weapon with the grapple trait you are wielding instead of using Athletics to Grapple.



FIGHTER You use rehearsed weapon routines to catch your enemies off-guard. You can make an attack roll with a weapon you are wielding instead of using Deception to Feint. When determining if you meet the prerequisites of feats that list a proficiency rank in Deception as a prerequisite and either alters the Feint action or includes it as a subordinate action, you meet the prerequisite if your highest proficiency rank with a type of weapon or unarmed attack is equal to or greater than the listed proficiency rank. For example, you would meet the prerequisites of a feat that required you to be a master in Deception if you are a master in unarmed attacks.

NEW TRAITS EXHAUST Exhaust abilities are tiring and can’t be done often. Once you use a exhaust action you can’t use another one until you spend 10 minutes recuperating. During that time you cannot use actions or activities that are mentally or physically exerting, as determined by the GM. In general, anything that would interrupt an 8-hour rest disrupts the Rebound activity.

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FIGHTER You use rehearsed weapon routines to intimidate your foes. You can make an attack roll with a weapon you are wielding instead of using Intimidation to Demoralize. When doing so, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait. When determining if you meet the prerequisites of feats that list a proficiency rank in Intimidation as a prerequisite and either alters the Demoralize action or includes it as a subordinate action, you meet the prerequisite if your highest proficiency rank with a type of weapon or unarmed attack is equal to or greater than the listed proficiency rank. For example, you would meet the prerequisites of a feat that required you to be a master in Intimidation if you are a master in unarmed attacks.




Requirements You’re trained with the chosen melee weapon. You bat your opponent’s attacks away from you with your weapon. Choose one melee weapon that you’re wielding and attempt a special attack roll called parry roll with it. Compare your parry roll’s result to the AC of one opponent that you’re observing. Critical Success The opponent’s attacks against you resolve against your parry roll result instead of your AC until the start of your next turn, and each of opponent's attacks provokes an attack of opportunity. Success The opponent’s next attack against you resolve against your your parry roll result instead of your AC until the start of your next turn. Failure The opponent’s attacks resolve against your AC, as usual. Critical Failure The opponent’s attacks resolve against your AC and you take a –2 circumstance penalty to your AC and to Reflex saves against that opponent until the start of your next turn.




Prerequisites Constitution 14 Requirements Your current Hit Points are less than half of your total Hit Points. You quickly catch your breath, allowing you to soldier on when others would falter. You gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to 5 + your Constitution ability modifier. These temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute.



FIGHTER You rely on your weapon training to shove enemies instead of your athleticism. You can make an attack roll with your weapon with the shove trait you are wielding instead of using Athletics to Shove.


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Prerequisites Expert in spears, Trained in Performance Requirements Wielding a spear Your twirl and thrust with your spear in a graceful and elegant manner one might assume wasn’t a combat style, until they were impaled. Once per round as part of an action or reaction made to

attack, you may attempt to Feint one target of your attack using Performance in place of Deception.



FIGHTER You rely on your weapon training to knock enemies over instead of your athleticism. You can make an attack roll with your weapon with the trip trait you are wielding instead of using Athletics to Trip.



FIGHTER You gain the service of a young animal companion as a mount. Ordinarily, your animal companion is one that has the mount special ability, such as a horse. You can select a different animal companion (GM’s discretion), but this ability doesn’t grant it the mount special ability.





Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a fear effect and get a failure; You’re able to stand steadfast in the face of fear. If you failed the triggering saving throw, you treat the result as a success.






Prerequisites Dexterity 14, Constitution 14 You rapidly draw and load your weapons. While in this stance, the reload value of all ranged weapons that you’re trained with becomes 0, even if the ranged weapon’s reload value is normally “—”. As a result, drawing a thrown weapon becomes part of the same action as attacking with it while you’re in this stance, as does drawing ammunition and firing a ranged weapon. Once you enter Lightning Reload, you can remain in the stance for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution ability modifier, after which it ends.





Prerequisites Intelligence 14 You analyze an opponent, carefully planning your tactics so you’re always one step ahead of them. When you enter this stance, choose one opponent that you’re observing. If you trigger Attack of Opportunity against the chosen opponent and the trigger was a manipulate action, the chosen opponent’s action is disrupted if you hit. If your attack critically hits the chosen opponent, you regain the reaction you used to trigger Attack of Opportunity. Once you enter One Step Ahead, you can remain in the stance for 1 round.




Prerequisites Intelligence 14 You suss out an opponent, gaining useful information about it’s fighting style at a glance. You Recall Knowledge about one opponent using Perception. Your listed topics for Perception include the subject’s general fighting prowess, the weapons they’re wielding, whether their combat style is aggressive or defensive, and similar information relevant to the target’s tactics during combat. The higher your proficiency rank with Perception, the more detailed information you recall, as determined by the GM.




Frequency once per turn You’re able to help an ally at a moment’s notice. While in this stance, you can Aid your ally’s attack rolls without needing to use an action during your turn to prepare to help them first. You must still explain to the GM exactly how you’re trying to help, and they determine whether you can Aid your ally.




FIGHTER Prerequisites Second Wind You recover more of your stamina while riding your second wind. When you use Second Wind, you increase the total number of temporary Hit Points that you gain by 5, plus an additional 1 for every level beyond 4th that you have.




Prerequisites Expert in polearms Requirements Wielding a polearm with the reach trait You choke up your grip on your polearm, giving you more power at the cost of reach. Until the start of your next turn, your polearm loses the reach trait and increases its damage die by one step and increases the size of its deadly die by one step. If it did not have the deadly trait, it gains deadly d8.










Prerequisites Constitution 14 Requirements You miss (but not critically miss) with a Strike using a weapon you’re an expert with. You overexert yourself in an attempt to make your attack a success. Reroll your attack roll. You must use the new result, even if it’s worse.





Prerequisites Constitution 14 Requirements You’re wearing armor. You utilize your armor to prevent yourself from being forcibly moved. While you’re wearing armor that you’re trained in, whenever an effect would forcibly move you (such as a Shove) or knock you prone (such as a Trip) you gain a circumstance bonus to your AC, save DC, or saving throw equal to your armor’s unmodified check penalty.





Prerequisites Strength 15 You’re skilled at effectively using armor. You reduce the Speed penalty of any armor that you’re wearing by 5 feet for every 2 by which your Strength score surpasses your armor’s Strength value. You only gain this benefit if you’re trained with the armor you’re wearing. In addition, while you’re wearing armor of a type that you’re an expert with, you gain resistance against physical damage. You gain resistance 1 from light armor, resistance 2 from medium armor, and resistance 3 from heavy armor. This resistance doubles while you’re wearing armor that you’re a master with.


Prerequisites Strength 14 You can throw weapons a considerable distance. While in this stance, you increase the listed distance of the thrown trait for all thrown weapons that you’re a master with by 5 feet. If you’re legendary with a thrown weapon, you instead increase the weapon’s listed distance by 10 feet while you’re in this stance.


handed melee weapon in this manner, your weapon’s damage die decreases by one size. This uses the rules outlined for increasing die size in the Weapons section of Chapter 6, but in reverse. YWhen you assume or exit this stance, you can take a free Interact action to change your grip with any one two-handed weapon you’re wielding.



Trigger You make a Strike against an opponent and hit; You perform an exhaustive combat routine with assured results. Instead of rolling the triggering Strike’s damage, calculate the damage as if each damage die had rolled the following result: d4s (3 damage), d6s (4 damage), d8s (5 damage), d10 (6 damage), d12 (7 damage). This includes damage dice added from class features, feats, weapon runes, and other sources.


Prerequisites Strength 14 You’re able to wield a two-handed melee weapon in one hand at the expense of some of the weapon’s power. While in this stance, you can wield 2-handed melee weapons in one hand. While wielding a 2-

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Prerequisites Master in hammers. Hammers are made for smashing, and smashing is much easier with a hard surface to smash against. Make a Strike with a hammer against a prone target or a target adjacent to a wall or other large, solid object. If it hits and deals damage, the target is either enfeebled 1, clumsy 1, stupefied 1, or takes a -10 status penalty to speed (your choice). If the Strike is a critical hit, the condition or penalty is doubled. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn.



FIGHTER Prerequisites master with simple and martial weapons, Intimidation Training Requirements You are a master with the chosen weapon. You unleash an intimidating display of martial prowess. Choose one weapon that you’re wielding and Demoralize all opponents within 60 feet who are observing you. This Demoralize action must be modified by Intimidation Training and you must attempt an attack roll with the chosen weapon. When using this ability, you roll one attack roll and compare the result to the Will DC of all affected opponents.





Requirements You are clumsy, enfeebled, frightened, sickened, or stupefied. You overcome debilitation through sheer force of will. Choose one of the following conditions and attempt a DC 15 ability check. The type of ability check you attempt is determined by the condition you chose, as noted next to the condition’s name in parenthesis. The conditions you can choose from are: clumsy (Dexterity), enfeebled (Strength), frightened (Wisdom or Charisma), sickened (Constitution), or stupefied (Intelligence or Charisma). Critical Success Reduce your condition value for the chosen condition by 2. If you chose sickened, you reduce your condition value by 4 instead. Success Reduce your condition value for the chosen condition by 1. If you chose sickened, you reduce your condition value by 3 instead. Failure Your condition value for the chosen condition doesn’t change except if you chose sickened, you reduce your condition value by 1 instead. Critical Failure Increase your condition value for the chosen condition by 1.

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Prerequisites Constitution 14 You have boundless innate energy and don’t tire easily. You can use up to two exhaust actions before you need to spend 10 minutes to recover. These actions don’t need to be used simultaneously. When you reach 12th level, you can use up to three exhaust actions before you need to spend 10 minutes to recover. When you reach 17th level, you can use up to four exhaust actions.



Prerequisites Warrior’s Steed Your mount grows up, becoming a mature animal companion and gaining additional capabilities. During an encounter, even if you don’t use the Command an Animal action, your mount can still use 1 action that round on your turn to Stride toward an enemy.



FIGHTER Prerequisites expert in Reflex Requirements You are wielding a shield. You use your shield to screen enemy attacks, reducing their impact. You Raise a Shield. Until the start of your next turn, when you roll a success on a basic Reflex save, you get a critical success instead.



FIGHTER Prerequisites Second Wind You’re able to recover from wounds by ignoring the pain. When you use Second Wind, you gain fast healing equal to half your level for 3 rounds.




FIGHTER Prerequisites expert in unarmed attacks, master in one type of armor. You’re able to better utilize any armor that you’re wearing. While wearing armor that you’re a master with, you gain an item bonus to your unarmed attacks equal to the value of your armor’s potency rune. If your armor is made from a special material that can overcome resistances (such as adamantine), your unarmed attacks count as being made from that kind of material for the purpose of bypassing resistances.




You spring forward, carried onward by a burst of adrenaline. Step once.




Prerequisites Master in flails You wrap the chain of your flail around your opponent’s weapon and attempt to dislodge it. Make a melee Strike with a flail. If you hit and deal damage, you can attempt an Athletics check to Disarm the creature you hit, ignoring Disarm’s requirement that you have a hand free. If you roll a success, you get a critical success instead. Both attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn’t increase until after you’ve made both of them.




Prerequisites Master in spears Requirements You are in Spear Dance You make a flourishing spin with your spear extended. Attempt a single Athletics check to Trip all creatures adjacent to you. Any item bonuses that apply to your spear apply to this check.






Prerequisites Assured Strike You’re able to enact complex combat routines against your opponents. While in this stance, Assured Strike loses the exhaust trait. Once you enter Battle Routine, you can remain in the stance for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution ability modifier, after which it ends.




Prerequisites Constitution 14 Frequency once per day You quickly recover your energy, zipping back from overextension. You recover as if you rested for 10 minutes and can use exhaust actions again.







Prerequisites Legendary in hammers Requirements You are touching the ground. Make a single Strike, hitting the ground with a hammer, and compare the result against the AC of every creature touching the ground within a 15-foot emanation. The damage of this Strike is equal to your hammer’s weapon dice plus your Strength modifier; do not add additional dice or effects. Critical Success The creature takes double damage and is knocked prone. Success The creature takes full damage and must make a Reflex save against your fighter DC or be knocked prone. Failure The creature takes half damage. Critical Failure The creature takes no damage.



FIGHTER Prerequisites Incredible Steed Your mount has become cunning enough to become specialized. Your mount gains one specialization of your choice.


FIGHTER Prerequisites Mature Steed Your mount continues to grow and develop. It becomes an indomitable, nimble, noble, or savage companion (your choice), gaining additional capabilities determined by the type of companion.






Prerequisites Constitution 14 Trigger You begin your turn and you were not quickened 1 during your last turn.; Adrenaline surges through your body, allowing you to act quickly. You are quickened 1 until the end of your turn. You must use this action to Strike or use an attack action, such as Disarm, Grapple, or Trip.




FIGHTER Prerequisites Warrior’s Steed You’ve taught your mount to emulate your fighting style. Choose one fighter feat of half your level or lower that you’ve learned. Your mount gains the benefit of this feat. Special You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, you select another qualifying feat.

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New Rogue Feats Rogue Rackets



Eldritch Racket


You have studied the arcane diligently. Whether througth hard study or by stealing spellbooks from wizards and working your way from there, you have learned to cast some magic. You become trained in the Arcane tradition and Arcane spell DCs using your Intellegence as your casting ability score. You can cast arcane spells using the Cast a Spell activity, and you can supply material, somatic, and verbal components when casting spells (see Casting Spells on page 302). You learn three cantrips and two 1st level spells from the Arcane spell list. Every time you gain a level after taking this archetype, you can learn one additional spell of any level you can cast. Additionally, you can copy spells to your spellbook in the same way a wizard can. When you first take this archetype you can prepare up to two 1st level spells and three cantrips during your daily preparations. Spell slots you did not use during the day are lost when you do your daily preparations. Every time you gain a level after taking this archetype, you gain one additional spell slot for all spell levels you can cast to a maximum of 3 spell slots per spell level and 4 cantrips. Some of your spells require you to attempt a spell attack roll to see how effective they are, or have your enemies roll against your spell DC (typically by attempting a saving throw). Your key ability for casting spells is Intelligence and your spell attack rolls and spell DCs use your Intelligence modifier. Details on calculating these statistics appear on page 447. You become trained in Arcana.




ROGUE You gain the service of an animal, either a familiar or young animal companion. Your partner is trained in Stealth and the skill granted by your racket, and if it is a familiar it uses your Dexterity for its skill checks in place of your Intelligence.




ROGUE Prerequisites Eldritch Racket You have spent time studying the arcane and learning some of its secrets. You learn two 2nd level spells and can prepare two 2nd level spells during your daily preparations.

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Prerequisites Partner in Crime, animal companion Your partner grows up, becoming a mature animal companion and gaining additional capabilities. During an encounter, if you don’t use the Command an Animal action and deal sneak attack damage to a creature your partner is threatening, it can use a single action to either Strike or to apply its support benefit to the triggering attack. If you use the Command an Animal action after this, it only gains one action.




ROGUE Prerequisites Intellgence 14, Arcane Studies Your knowledge of the arcane expands. You learn two 3rd level spells and can prepare two 3rd level spells during your daily preparations. Your proficiency with the Arcane tradition increases to Expert.




ROGUE Prerequisites Arcane Hypothesis Through experimentation and study, your arcane knowledge expands further. You learn two 4th level spells and can prepare two 4th level spells during your daily preparations.




ROGUE Prerequisites Mature Partner, animal companion Your partner continues to grow and develop. If you’re a thief it becomes a nimble companion; if you’re a scoundrel is becomes an adorable companion; and if you’re a thug it becomes a savage or indomitable companion (your choice), gaining additional capabilities determined by the type of companion. It becomes an expert in Stealth and the skill granted by your racket.




ROGUE Prerequisites Intellgence 16, Arcane Theorem Through experimentation and study, your arcane knowledge expands further. You learn two 4th level spells and can prepare two 4th level spells during your daily preparations.



ROGUE Prerequisites Incredible Partner, animal companion Your partner has become cunning enough to become specialized. If you are a ruffian it gains the bully or wrecker specialization; if you are a scoundrel your partner gains the trickster specialization (see below); and if you are a thief your partner gains the ambusher specialization.


COMPANION SPECIALIZATION Your companion uses its appearance and cunning to apply deceptive tactics. Its rank in Deception increases to expert (or to master, if it was already an expert), its Dexterity modifier increases by 1, and its Charisma modifier increases by 3.




ROGUE Prerequisites Arcane Thesis You've reached a point where you understand the fundamentals of arcane magic. You learn two 6th level spells and can prepare two 6th level spells during your daily preparations.

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New Wizard Feats d6 Condition: your first action next turn must be...







Prerequisites transmutation school You alter your transmutations to further enhance creatures you transform. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell from your wizard spell slots that's a transmutation spell with the polymorph trait which changes the shape of at least one creature, choose one ability enhancement from the following list. The polymorphed creatures gain that enhancement for the duration of the spell. Bull Enhancement The polymorphed creatures gain a +1 status bonus to Attack rolls and Strength-based skill checks. It becomes temporarily trained in Athletics for the duration of the spell, and if it is already trained in that skill it becomes expert instead. Cat Enhancement The polymorphed creatures gain a +1 status bonus to AC, Reflex saves and Sexterity-based skill checks. It becomes temporarily trained in Acrobatics for the duration of the spell, and if it is already trained in that skill it becomes expert instead. Bear Enhancement The polymorphed creatures gain a +1 status bonus to Fortitude saves, and Constitution-based skill checks. The targets also gain temporary hit points equal to their level plus your spellcasting modifier, in addition to any other temporary hit points gained from the spell itself. They lose any remaining temporary hit points when the spell ends. Fox Enhancement The polymorphed creatures gain a +1 status bonus to Intelligence-based skill checks. The targets also become temporarily trained in two skill of their choice for the duration of the spell. Owl Enhancement The polymorphed creatures gain a +1 status bonus to Perception checks and Will saves. It temporarily gains +2 to Initiative rolls for the duration of the spell. Eagle Enhancement The polymorphed creatures gain a +1 status bonus to Charismabased skill checks. It becomes temporarily trained in Intimidation for the duration of the spell, and if it is already trained in that skill it becomes expert instead.





Prerequisites divination school Frequency once per 10 minutes Your divination spells reveal short glimpses of a possible future. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell from your wizard spell slots that's a divination spell and targets another creature, randomly determine a condition and a benefit. If you complete the condition using your first action for the next turn, you gain a benefit that you can apply to yourself as a free action, or use a Point Out action to apply it to a target ally or enemy. The benefit can be used at any time within 1 minute, otherwise it is lost.

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1,2 Perform an action with the concentrate trait. 3,4 Perform an action with the move trait. 5,6 Perform an action with the manipulate trait. d6 gain the following Benefit: An ally within 30 feet gains a +1 status bonus on their 1,2 next attack, and that attack deals an additional 1d6 precision damage. This benefit has the fortune trait. 3

An enemy within 30 feet is flat-footed for one round and takes a -2 status penalty to each attack it makes during its next turn. This benefit has the misfortune trait.

When you or an ally within 30 feet attempts a saving throw, you can cause them to roll twice and take the 4,5 better result. Once you do this, the effect ends. This benefit has the fortune trait. 6

When a target of one of your spells attempts a saving throw, you can cause them to roll twice and take the worse result. Once you do this, the effect ends. This benefit has the misfortune trait.





Prerequisites conjuration school; Frequency once per day Your mastery of conjuration allows you to conjure objects with certain useful magical properties. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell from your wizard spell slots that's a conjuration spell, you instead conjure a tiny sealed container with negligible bulk which keeps the spell inside. A creature holding the container in one hand can open the container and trigger the spell effect by using a single action, which has the interact trait. After you open the container, it goes inert and loses its magic. A container created this way lasts for 1 hour before it goes inert and the spell is lost. You can only have one active container created with this feat at any time.





Prerequisites necromancy school You infuse pests with a portion of your own life-force to deliver spells for you. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell from your wizard spell slots that's a necromancy spell, you instead create a small undead servant by infusing a nearby dead insect or other pest with a portion of your life force, and storing the spell within it. The servant gains the minion and undead traits. The servant can only take actions to stride or to release the spell you stored within, which is a single action with the concentrate trait, casting the spell as though you had cast it yourself. The servant cannot take damage while it is within 20 feet of you, has a speed of 25 feet, 1 hit point, AC equal to your spell DC and saving throw modifier equal to your spell DC – 10.

When you create the servant, you can immediately command it without spending an action. After 1 minute, or after the servant releases the spell, the effect ends.






creature to take the blame, the target blames a random creature they can see.





Prerequisites necromancy school You dampen the life force of creatures affected by your spells. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell from your wizard spell slots that's a necromancy spell dealing damage, the creature must attempt a Fortitude check against your class DC. Failure The spell reduces the maximum hit points of the targets by the half the damage dealt until the creature rests for 10 minutes. Critical Failure The spell reduces the maximum hit points of the targets by the same amount as the damage dealt until the creature rests for 10 minutes.

Prerequisites illusion school You have learned to use your illusions as cover for your tangible magic. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell from your wizard spell slots that has visual manifestations for the spell’s duration, you also create an illusory copy of that spell’s manifestations within range. The illusory copy has the same effect as a 2nd level illusory object spell, except it disappears as soon as a creature touches it and otherwise remains for 1 minute. The GM may allow examining, talking or using objects on the illusion as interacting with it to dispell it. Creatures have no way of telling the copy apart from the real spell as long as they believe the illusion.








Prerequisites illusion school You weave mental traps into your illusions, frightening those who attempt to understand them. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell from your wizard spell slots that's an illusion spell, a creature who successfully disbelieves that illusion witnesses the terrible nightmares you’ve hidden within it. That creature must attempt a Will saving throw against your spell DC. Magic capable of seeing through illusions (such as true seeing) do not trigger this effect. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is frightened 1. Failure The creature is frightened 2. Critical Failure The creature is so afraid, it mentally rejects the truth it learned. It is frightened 2, and doesn’t disbelieve the illusion. It cannot disbelieve the illusion until the start of its next turn.





Prerequisites abjuration school Frequency once per 10 minutes You alter your dispelling magic to become especially obstinate. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell from your wizard spell slots that's an abjuration spell that attempts to counteract one or more spell effects affecting a creature, your abjuration clings to the creature. If you successfully counteract the spell, the creature then gains a +2 status bonus to saves against spells of the same school as the spell you counteracted for 1 minute.





Prerequisites enchantment school You know how to make your charms especially insidious, deflecting blame away from yourself. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell from your wizard spell slots that's an enchantment spell with a saving throw, you trick the target into believing another creature cast the spell on them. If the target succeeds but doesn’t critically succeed it’s saving throw, you can choose another creature both you and the target can see within 40 feet. The target believes that creature was the one who cast a spell on them, unless it attempts to identify your spell and critically succeeds. If you don’t choose a




Prerequisites evocation school Your mastery over evocation has allowed you to exploit properties of magic others would choose to ignore. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell from your wizard spell slots that's an evocation spell, you can use the recoil generated to quickly move great distances. After you Cast the Spell, you’re thrown through the air in the opposite direction of where you aimed the spell, travelling 10 feet for each level of the spell. When you land, you fall prone unless you succeed an acrobatics check with DC equal to half the distance traveled, and you take bludgeoning damage equal to the level of the spell if you critically fail.






Prerequisites ability to cast wish Requirements You have wish prepared or an unused spell slot capable of casting wish. You infuse your spells with the most powerful magic known to mortals. Expend a prepared casting of wish or a spell slot which could be used to cast wish. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell of 9th level or higher, that spell’s level is heightened to 11, which has the following effects: Any attempts to counteract the spell or its effects treats it as though the spell is 1 level higher than a 10th level spell. If the spell has heighten (+1) or similar, it heightens as normal as though it is 1 level higher than a 10th level spell. If the spell summons a creature, it is now capable of summoning a creature of 17th level or lower. If the spell has specific effects when heightened to certain levels, the spell may gain new effects at GM discretion.

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If you attempt to use wish metamagic on the wish spell, a blast of raw magical energy expands centered on your location. The blast has a radius of 1 mile and deals damage to each creature capable of casting spells equal to 2d10 for each level of the highest level spell they can cast (basic will save against your spell DC). If they critically fail their save, they are permanently unable to cast spells, which can only be reversed by Wish or similar magic. Using Wish Spell in this way subjects you to these effects, and then kills you.

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Multiclass Dedications Feats with the obelisk symbol † are modified versions of officially published rules.

Rule Changes

All feats with the Archetype trait that do not have the Dedication trait have their level requirement halved. For example, the Advanced Hunter's Trick becomes a level 3 feat, not level 6 feat. Also, any level 6 archetype feat that allows you to take a class feat from the class you multiclass into no longer halves your player level as prerequisite. This rule change allows all Spellcasting feats to be taken before their benefits become available (see Core, pg. 219). This doesn't make the feats give spell slots earlier than the level stated in their corresponding Spellcasting Archetypes rules. Wording "available at 4th level" should read "upon reaching 4th level", and "taken at 12th level" should read as "upon reaching 12th level".




Prerequisites this feat can only be taken at level 1 and by any class In your early days you have dreamed to pursue a different path in life but it never came to be and left you disappointed, and you have sacrificed much of your general training in pursuing it. Choose two skills you are trained in and make it untrained. Then choose a class other than your own. You gain the multiclass dedication feat for that class, even though you don’t meet its level prerequisite. You must still meet its other prerequisites to gain the feat. Special This feat cannot be retrained under any circumstances.




Prerequisites You have only one feat with both the multiclass and dedication traits. Through complete refocus of your training, you become fully dedicated to a life path other than the one you originally took. Choose one feature from the class you multiclass into. The GM must approve that feature, and it should not match similar feature offered by a multiclass feat available via your dedication. Your level must be at least 3 levels higher than the level the feature is normally acquired by that class. As long as you have this feat, you cannot take any other feat with both the multiclass and dedication traits. Special You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you take it, choose a different feature.




ARCHETYPE Prerequisites Barbarian Dedication, expert in Fortitude saves Your proficiency rank in Fortitude saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Fortitude save, you get a critical success instead. Special This feat's level requirement was raised from 12 to 14.




ARCHETYPE Prerequisites Monk Dedication You gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed when you’re not wearing armor. The bonus increases by 5 feet for every 4 levels you have beyond 8th.




ARCHETYPE Prerequisites Ranger Dedication, expert in Perception Your proficiency rank in Perception increases to master. Special This feat's level requirement was raised from 12 to 14.




ARCHETYPE Prerequisites Rogue Dedication You gain the sneak attack class feature (page 181), except it deals 1d4 damage. As your level increases, so does the number of damage dice for your sneak attack. Increase the number of dice by one at 6th, 12th, and 18th levels.

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Spells with the obelisk symbol † are modified versions of officially published spells. Saving Throw basic Fortitude;






Traditions arcane, occult, primal Cast somatic Duration 1 hour


You change your size and appearance by a miniscule detail. The changes are subtle but enough to provide a +1 bonus on Deception checks made to impersonate another person. You alter your dimensions and shape by no more than 10 percent and remain the same Size as normal. This spell isn’t enough to allow you to resemble a specific individual or a different ancestry. Heightened (4th) The bonus increases to +2 and you can change to a new appearance as a any time during the spell’s duration.






Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Make a spell attack roll, which can be melee (reach) instead of ranged. On a success, you deal 1d6 fire damage plus your spellcasting ability modifier. On a critical success, the target takes double damage, and 1d4 persistent fire damage. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6, and the persistent damage on a critical hit by 1d4.





You strengthen the necromantic power that animates a corpse. One undead creature gains 5 temporary hit points. A creature can only benefit from this spell once at any time. If you cast it on a creature that still has temporary hit points from this spell, its temporary hit points increase to 5 and the duration resets to 1 minute. Heightened (3rd) Your target also gains resistance positive 5 and the duration increases to 2 minutes. Heightened (5th) Your target gains 5 temporary hit pints, resistance positive 5, and gains a +1 status bonus on attack roles for 2 minutes.


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Traditions divine, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets 1 undead creature





Traditions arcane, occult, primal Cast 10 minutes (somatic,verbal, material) Range touch; Targets 1 non-magical kit, instrument or set of tools of up to 2 Bulk You transmute the target, adjusting its form or properties in one of the following ways. If you cast Compact on another object, the previous use of hte spell is dismissed. Compact You optimize the target’s form, reducing its Bulk by half. Targets with 1 Bulk are reduced to light Bulk, and targets with light Bulk are reduced to negligible Bulk. Reshape You reshape the target into a different type of kit, instrument, or set of tools you have used before. The type of gear that you reshape the target into must be non-magical and nonconsumable and have an item level equal to twice the spell’s level or less. The target gains all the properties of its new shape and functions as a typical of its type would. Divide You separate one use of a consumable kit or set of tools into two uses. Each use of the kit or set or tools inhibits -1 item penalty to actions to use the charges.





Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30-foot emanation; Duration sustained, up to 10 minutes

Traditions arcane, divine, occult Cast somatic Range 30 feet; Duration 1 minute


You deal positive damage equal to 1d8 plus your spellcasting ability modifier. The target must attempt a basic Fortitude save, but is also enfeebled 1 for 1 round on a failure or critical failure. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d8.


You send out a pulse that registered the presence of creatures with the summoned trait or that have been called by a ritual (such as planar ally or planar binding), as well as any objects that have been created by an effect with the conjuration trait (such as by creation). You receive no information beyond the presence or absence of such creatures or objects. You can choose to ignore conjuration magic you’re fully aware of, such as a creature summoned by you or your ally. Heightened (4th) You pinpoint the highest-leveled creature or object within range that the spell detects. Like for an imprecise sense, you don’t learn the exact location, but can narrow down the source to within a 5-foot cube (or the nearest if larger than that).






Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature or object Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal acid damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier, plus 1 splash acid damage, plus 1 persistent damage. On a critical success, double the damage (but not the splash or persistent damage). As usual, splash damage is dealt, even on a failure, to the target and everyone within 5ft of the target. Heightened (+1) The splash damage increases by 1, and the persistent damage increases by 1.





Traditions arcane Cast somatic one object of Light bulk You conjure an item of light bulk which teleports into your hand from up to 30 feet away. You don’t have to be able to see the object, but you must have seen the item before and know its location. Heightened (4th) You can fetch an item from up to 60 feet away. Heightened (8th) You can fetch an item up to bulk 1 from up to 90 feet away.






Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 120 feet; Targets 1 creature Make a spell attack roll. On a success, you deal cold damage equal to 1d6 plus your spellcasting ability modifier, and the target is Clumsy 1 for 1 round. On a critical success, the target takes double damage. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6.





Traditions divine, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature You unleash a beam of aligned astral energy. Choose an alignment your character has (chaotic, evil, good, lawful, or neutral). Make a spell attack. On a hit, you deal 1d6 damage of the chosen type, and force damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. On a critical success, the target takes double damage. Neutral damage type affects creatures with the chaotic good, chaotic evil, lawful good, or lawful evil alignment traits. The spell gains the traits of the alignment you choose. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6.





Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Duration 1 round You unleash a short, powerful gust of wind. Attempt a spell attack against the target. Critical Success The target takes slashing damage equal to twice your spellcasting ability modifier. They also gain the clumsy 1 condition and takes a –10-foot penalty to their Speeds for 1 round. Success The target takes slashing damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. They also take a –10-foot penalty to their Speeds for 1 round. Failure The target takes slashing damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. Critical Failure The target is unaffected. Heightened (+1) Increase the damage done on a success by 1d6 or a critical success by 2d6. Heightened (4th) The clumsy condition and Speed penalty lasts for 1 minute.





Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one creature other than yourself Duration 1 minute With a supportive clap on the back the creature you touch gains confidence and a sincere demeanor. It gains a +1 status bonus to the next Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation check made to influence other creatures. Heightened (3rd) The target gains a +1 status bonus to all three skills and the duration increases to 10 minutes.



UNCOMMON CANTRIP ENCHANTMENT NONLETHAL Traditions arcane, divine, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature


You deal mental damage equal to 1d4 plus your spellcasting ability modifier. The target attempts a basic Will save, but is also stunned 1 on a failure or critical failure. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4.





Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature You create a quick burst of shaped kinetic energy. Choose bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. Make a spell attack roll against the target. If you hit, you deal damage of the chosen type equal to 1d8 plus your spellcasting ability modifier. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d8.

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Traditions arcane, divine, primal, occult Cast verbal or somatic Range touch; Targets 1 willing creature Duration 1 minute or until expended You give the target a measure of mystical protection. You choose whether to give the target a +1 bonus to AC against the next attack against her or to the next saving throw she is required to make. Once a creature receives this benefit, she can’t be the target of this spell for another hour. Heightened (4th) The bonus granted by the spell applies to the next two attacks against the target or saving throws the target must make. Heightened (8th) The bonus granted by the spell increases to +2 and applies to the next three attacks against the target or saving throws the target must make.





Traditions arcane, divine, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets 1 living or undead creature Saving Throw basic Fortitude; Living Creature The spell deals negative damage equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. The target attempts a basic Fortitude save, but is also enfeebled 1 for 1 round on a failure or critical failure. Undead Creature The target is enfeebled 1 and flat-footed for 1 round on a failed Fortitude save. On a critical failure, the conditions last for 1 minute instead. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6.

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and Seek actions to spot nearby creatures.





Once during this spell’s duration, you can spit a viscous liquid at any target within range as a single action which has the manipulate trait. The effects depend on the target’s reflex save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes a -10 status penalty to its speeds. It can remove this penalty by spending an interact action. Failure As success, but the creature must spend three interact actions to remove the penalty. Critical Failure As failure, except a creature in contact with a surface also becomes stuck to that surface and immobilized for 1 round. If the creature was flying with wings, the wings become tangled causing it to fall safely to the ground and become unable to fly for 1 round. Heightened (+1) You can spit one additional time during the spell’s duration.






Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal Cast somatic, material Range 120 feet; Duration 30-foot emanation

Traditions occult, primal Cast somatic, material; Material chewing tobacco Range 30 feet; Duration 1 minute Saving Throw basic Reflex;



You send out a pulse that registers the presence of metal objects or creatures. You receive no information beyond the presence or absence of metal. You can specify all metal objects or one or more specific types of metal (such as silver, cold iron, or adamantine) when you cast this spell; in the case of the latter, you detect only objects or creatures made of the specified metal. This spell can detect metal within range even through solid surfaces. If there is lead between you and a source of metal within, this spell will detect the lead but not the metal behind it. Heightened (2nd) You learn of the presence of each different specific type of metal within range. Heightened (4th) You can pinpoint the location and type of each source of metal within range. Like for an imprecise sense, you don't learn the exact location, but can narrow down the source to within a 5-foot cube (or the nearest if larger than that).





Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets one creature Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 minute


Traditions divine, occult Cast verbal, somatic Area 5-foot emanation; Targets enemies in the area Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 minute You fill the minds of your enemies with doubt. Targets that fail their Will saves take a –1 status penalty to attack rolls and Will saves as long as they are in the area. Once per turn, starting the turn after you cast bane, you can use a single action, which has the concentrate trait, to increase the emanation’s radius by 10 feet to a maximum of 60 feet and force enemies in the area that weren’t yet affected to attempt another saving throw. Bane can counteract bless.

You inspire an extremely competitive spirit in your target. The target attempts a Will save to determine how far it takes this rivalry. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target refuses to use the Aid or Delay action but the duration is reduced to 1 round. Failure The target refuses to use the Aid or Delay action. Critical Failure The target does not regard itself as an ally or to have allies for the purpose of any spells or effects.






Traditions divine, occult Cast verbal, somatic Area 5-foot emanation; Targets you and allies in the area Duration 1 minute Blessings from beyond help your companions strike true. You and your allies in the area gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls and Will saves. Once per turn, starting the turn after you cast bless, you can use a single action, which has the concentrate trait, to increase the emanation’s radius by 10 feet to a maximum of 60 feet. Bless can counteract bane.




Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal Cast somatic, material Duration 10 minutes You pick up sensory cues that warn you of potential dangers. You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks using your Perception bonus




Traditions arcane, occult, primal Cast verbal, somatic Duration 1 week You grow a full and luxurious beard, reminiscent of a lion’s mane. The beard’s color matches your natural hair color. You can grow a beard in this way even if creatures of your ancestry or gender would not normally be able to. The beard grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Deception checks to avoid being recognized. At the GM’s discretion, your lustrous facial hair may grant up to a +2 circumstance bonus on Deception, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks, or may impose up to a –2 circumstance penalty on such checks, depending on the observers’ feelings about facial hair. The beard remains for one week, then it starts to rapidly fall off.

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Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Your legs surge with strength, ready to leap high and far. You jump 30 feet in any direction without touching the ground. You must land on a space of solid ground within 30 feet of you, or else you fall after using your next action. Heightened (3rd) The range becomes touch, the target changes to one touched creature, and the duration becomes 1 minute, allowing the targe tto jump as described whenever it takes the Leap action. Heightened (+1, starting at 4th) The distance you can jump increases by 5 feet.






Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets enemies in the area Duration 1 minute You infuse a mote of electricity with a will of its own, sending it off to harm your foes. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1 electricity damage and 1d4 persistent electricity damage. The persistent damage is not increased on a critical hit. Creatures can’t recover from this persistent electric damage for the duration of the spell. If a creature ends its turn while affected by lightning bug and is within 10 feet of a creature other than you, the bug jumps to that creature, dealing the persistent damage to them instead. Heightened (+2) The persistent electricity damage increases by 1d4.




Traditions arcane Cast verbal, somatic Range 90 feet; Duration 1 minute You conjure 60 feet of magical rope. When you cast the spell, you choose where each end of the rope appears, though both ends have to appear at a point you can see within range and can’t be further away from each other than the length of the rope. If an end appears next to something it could tie itself around (such as a pole or scaffold), it automatically ties itself around it. The rope will not automatically tie itself around a creature, but you can still tie a creature up with the rope after it has been summoned.





Traditions arcane, occult Cast somatic, material; Material a mirror worth 3 gp that has been crushed into a fine powder. Range 10 feet; Targets you Duration 1 minute

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You hurl the material component towards a solid, vertical surface within 10 feet. Upon striking the surface, the powder coalesces into a mirror that occupies a single 5-foot square and is invisible to all creatures except the spell’s targets. See invisibility and similar effects allow other creatures to perceive the mirror. Once the mirror has struck a target, it cannot be removed from the surface. The mir-

ror has hardness 0 and 5 Hit Points and if reduced to 0 Hit Points, the mirror immediately shatters into sand, ending the spell. Any creature that can see the mirror can use an Interact action to transfer their vision from their body into the mirror. While doing so, your body is blinded but you can effectively “see” from the mirror’s location as if using your own two eyes. You retain all abilities and effects you possess that enhance or adjust your vision, but your other senses remain tethered to your body and cannot be used from the mirror. Because your vision is tethered to a wall-mounted mirror and is thusly immobile, you cannot Seek while your vision is transferred to the mirror. Returning your vision to your body is an Interact action. Heightened (+1) You can target 1 additional willing creature with the spell, allowing them to see and Interact with the mirrors. Each mirror can only house one creature’s senses at a time. The spell’s range increases by 20 feet and you can create 1 additional mirror. You can deploy these additional mirror as soon as you cast the spell or stagger them afterwards. Placing additional mirrors requires an Interact action, and they can be deployed anywhere so long as all mirrors are within a distance equal to the spell’s range of the first mirror. You can deploy a mirror while seeing out of a previously deployed mirror and you are immediately alerted when someone other than you using any of your mirrors. Heightened (6th) While your vision is transferred to a mirror, when you cast a spell you can choose your body or the mirror your vision is in as the point of origin for the spell’s effects. After casting a spell through a mirror in this manner, it immediately shatters into sand as if it were reduced to 0 Hit Points. Heightened (7th) As the 6th-level version, but any creature you target with mirror sight can choose a mirror that their vision is transferred into as the point of origin for their spell’s effects. After doing so, the mirror shatters normally. Heightened (8th) As the 7th-level version, but mirrors created by the spell don’t shatter after a creature uses them as the point of origin for their spell’s effects. Heightened (9th) As the 8th-level version, except instead of creating multiple mirrors you can place a single, continuous mirror on all surfaces in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on you. This sphere has hardness 0 and 50 Hit Points, can house the senses of every creature targeted by the spell, and allows targets to see from every point on the mirror simultaneously. If the sphere is reduced to 0 Hit Points or a total of 9 spells are cast through the mirror by any combination of creatures that you targeted with mirror sight, the entirety of the sphere shatters into sand, ending the spell. Heightened (9th) As the 9th-level version, except when you use the sphere version of the spell the radius is 60 feet, the spell’s targets can cast any number of spells through the mirror without shattering it, and the mirror has 100 Hit Points.




Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal Cast somatic, material Duration 1 hour You can converse with snakes and similar serpentine creatures, allowing you to ask questions of them, receive answers, and use the Diplomacy skill with them. The spell doesn’t make them more friendly than normal. Most snakes will be happy to share knowledge or perform simple, safe tasks in exchange for an offering of a live meal or a similar boon, although snakes have very different priorities and perspectives than humans, and may not always pay attention to the sorts of things that humans might find important. The GM determines what creatures are considered serpentine enough to be able to communicate with via this spell.




Traditions arcane, primal Cast material, somatic, material Range 30 feet; Duration 24 hours You conjure a viper, or another snake whose level is –1 or lower, inside a container within range. You must be able to see the container in question, and the container must have enough space to accommodate the conjured snake, but you do not need to be able to access the interior of the container. You have no direct control over the conjured snake. Typically, the conjured snake is content to simply wait within the container for the spell’s duration if undisturbed, although at the GM’s discretion, certain external factors may cause the snake to try to escape the container. If a creature opens the container while the snake is still inside, the snake may make a single melee Strike against that creature as a reaction. For this Strike only, the snake uses your spellcasting ability modifier and proficiency bonus, instead of its normal attack bonus. Any other modifiers still apply. Similarly, any secondary effects of that Strike (such as a viper’s venom) use your spell DC, instead of the normal DC. On any other Strikes the conjured snake makes, it uses its own attack bonus and DC. Heightening the spell increases the maximum level of snake you can summon (but be aware that larger snakes require larger containers). Heightened (2nd) Viper or another snake creautre of Level 1. Heightened (3rd) Viper or another snake creautre of Level 2. Heightened (4th) Viper or another snake creautre of Level 3 Heightened (5th) Viper or another snake creautre of Level 5. Heightened (6th) Viper or another snake creautre of Level 7. Heightened (7th) Viper or another snake creautre of Level 9. Heightened (8th) Viper or another snake creautre of Level 11. Heightened (9th) Viper or another snake creautre of Level 13. Heightened (10th) Viper or another snake creautre of Level 15.


Most cats will be happy to share knowledge or perform simple, safe tasks in exchange for an offering of food or a similar boon, although cats have very different priorities and perspectives than humans, and may not always pay attention to the sorts of things that humans might find important. Larger cats may insist upon payment in the form of live prey, or may draw out any negotiations if you seem desperate, turning the conversation into a game of cat and mouse. The GM determines what creatures are considered sufficiently feline to be able to communicate with via this spell.





Traditions occult, primal Cast somatic, material Area 15-foot cone Saving Throw basic Reflex; You unleash a powerful roar that erupts from your mouth with the power of thunder, cracking the air and battering those in your way. You deal 2d4 sonic damage to creatures in the area. Whenever you cast a spell with the roar trait, you may choose to also cast thundering roar as a free action. You can cast more than one roar spell in this way, if you have them available, but cannot cast the same roar spell more than once at a time (for example, if you cast thundering roar normally, you could cast deafening roar and frightful roar as free actions, but could not cast a second thundering roar as a free action). All of the roar spells resolve at the same time, and their areas must overlap entirely. You must still expend a spell slot for each spell separately. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4. If heightened to 5th level or above, the spell’s area increases to a 30-foot cone. If heightened to 9th level or above, it increases again to a 60-foot cone.



Traditions arcane, occult, primal Cast somatic, material Duration 1 hour You can converse with cats and cat-like creatures, allowing you to ask questions of them, receive answers, and use the Diplomacy skill with them. The spell doesn’t make them more friendly than normal.

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Your target perceives intimidation and threats as laughably absurd. A creature attempting to frighten the target is instead perceived as having exaggerated facial features or babbling and awkward speech. The target is immune to becoming frightened 1 or frightened 2 through effects caused by other creatures. If the target would get a higher frightened value through an effect caused by another creature, this spell ends and they become frightened 1 rather than the higher value. However, targets of Absurdity also have a harder time noticing potential threats. For the duration, the target suffers a -4 status penalty to initiative rolls. Heightened (4th) You can target up to five creatures.







Traditions occult, primal Cast somatic, material Duration 1 hour

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You instill battle prescience into your target, allowing them to react almost instantly to events as they unfold on the battlefield. The target gains the fighter’s Attack of Opportunity class feature. Once the target makes an Attack of Opportunity, the spell immediately ends. If the target already has the Attack of Opportunity class feat or class feature, they gain one additional reaction each turn that they can only use to make an Attack of Opportunity. Once the target uses this additional Attack of Opportunity, the spell immediately ends. Heightened (+1) Increase the number of times that the target can use Attack of Opportunity by 1. If the target already has the Attack of Opportunity class feat or class feature, increase the number of turns that they can use an additional Attack of Opportunity on before the spell ends by 1.


You cut yourself with the dagger, dealing 1d4 points of persistent bleed damage to yourself. Once per turn, starting the turn after you cast Bloodbath, you can cut yourself with a single action that has the interact trait to increase the emanation's radius by 5 feet and force creatures in the area that weren't yet affected to attempt another saving throw. If you do this and aren’t already bleeding, you take 1d4 persistent bleed damage. If you end your turn without and aren’t taking persistent bleed damage, the spell ends. Each non-bleeding creature who enters or ends it’s turn in the area must attempt a Fortitude save. On a failure, they take 2d4 persistent bleed damage. Creatures can’t recover from persistent bleed damage while they remain in the area. Heightened (+2) The damage dealt to you increases by 1d4 and the damage dealt to other creatures increases by 2d4.

You become attractive to cats of all shapes and sizes, who instinctively view you as a friend and ally. The starting attitude of any cats or feline creatures you interact with is increased by one step. Additionally, whenever you make a Nature check to Command an Animal, if the animal you are commanding is feline, you are treated as though your proficiency in Nature were one step higher than it actually is (Untrained becomes Trained, Trained becomes Expert, and so on). Against feline creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or greater, this instead grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on Deception, Diplomacy, and Intimidation checks. The GM


Traditions arcane, occult Cast somatic, material Range touch; Targets one willing creature Duration 1 minute or see below


Traditions divine, primal Cast somatic, material; Material a ritual dagger Range 30-foot emanation; Duration 1 minute Saving Throw basic Fortitude;



Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one willing creature Duration 1 minute


determines what creatures are considered sufficiently feline to be affected by this spell.



Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one iron or wooden object of 1 bulk or less Duration 1 hour By touching an iron or wooden object with one hand, you create a temporary copy in the other. The copy appears identical at a cursory glance, but any creature familiar with the original can determine it’s a fake if they examine it and succeed a perception check with DC equal to your caster DC. If the item is magical or alchemical, the copy does not gain any of that item’s magical or alchemical properties and has faint conjuration aura instead of the original aura.





Traditions arcane, occult Cast somatic Range 60 feet; Targets one creature Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 hour You make your target seem grandiose and overbearing in his speech and mannerisms. Success The target is unaffected. Failure The target takes a -1 penalty to all Deception, Diplomacy, and Intimidation checks. Critical Failure The target’s proficiency bonus in Deception, Diplomacy, and Intimidation is reduced one level. If the target’s new proficiency level no longer qualifies for certain checks, feats, or other abilities, the target may not use those abilities until the spell expires.




Traditions primal Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one creature Duration 1 minute You cause the target’s teeth to grow into impressive, serpentine fangs, which drip with acrid venom. The target gains a fangs unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage, which is in the brawling group and has the finesse and unarmed traits. If the target already had a fangs or jaws unarmed attack, it deals 2 additional damage with each successful hit. Additionally, the target’s fangs or jaws natural attack delivers a potent venom with each successful hit. Heightened (4th) The toxin delivered by the spell becomes more powerful, using the 4th-level version of the venom. Heightened (6th) The toxin delivered by the spell becomes more powerful, using the 6th-level version of the venom. Heightened (8th) The toxin delivered by the spell becomes more powerful, using the 8th-level version of the venom.

FANGS OF THE SERPENT VENOM CThe venom delivered by creatures affected by fangs of the serpent functions as outlined below. The saving throw DC is equal to the DC of the fangs of the serpent spell. Fangs of the Serpent Venom (2nd level) (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d8 poison (1 round); Stage 2 1d8 poison and drained 1. Fangs of the Serpent Venom (4nd level) (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 2d8 poison (1 round); Stage 2 2d8 poison and drained 1. Fangs of the Serpent Venom (6nd level) (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 3d8 poison (1 round); Stage 2 3d8 poison and drained 2. Fangs of the Serpent Venom (7nd level) (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 4d8 poison (1 round); Stage 2 4d8 poison and drained 3.




Traditions arcane, occult, primal Cast to verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets one creature Duration 1 hour You conjure a sphere of disgusting material and lob it toward a creature you can see. Attempt a spell attack roll against the target’s Reflex DC. For each additional action you use when Casting the Spell, increase the number of globules you lob by one, to a maximum of three globules for 3 actions. You chose the target for each globule independently. If you shoot more than one globule at the same target, stack the condition values from all successes and critical successes together, up to a maximum of sickened 4. Critical Success As a success, but the target becomes sickened 2. Success The target is sickened 1 and can’t reduce its sickened condition below 1 for 1d4 rounds. You may choose to reroll the number of rounds if the target is hit by another globule until the end of the turn.

Failure The target is sickened 1. Critical Failure The target is unaffected. Heightened (3rd) Your globules explode on impact, showering nearby creatures with disgusting materials. Every globule lobbed using this spell splashes onto all creatures within 5 feet of the target. Compare the result of your spell attack roll against the initial target to the Reflex DC of each creature within range as if you had attempted your spell attack roll against them, applying the spell’s effects normally based on your degree of success. Heightened (5th) As the 3rd-level version, but when you hit a target with a globule, they also become clumsy or stupefied (your choice). The value of these conditions is 1 if your spell attack is a success or 2 if your spell attack is a critical success. Multiple hits don’t increase the value of these conditions, but if you hit a target twice you can apply both conditions to them (one with each). Heightened (7th) As the 3rd-level and 5th-level versions, but your globules splash onto all creatures within 10 feet of the initial target.




Traditions primal Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one willing creature Duration 1 hour You place the target into a cataleptic state. The target is unconscious and cannot wake up for the duration. Any poisons and diseases affecting the target are delayed while it remains in hibernation, and it doesn’t require food or drink to survive. The target appears dead to an observer unless they inspect the body and succeed a medicine or perception check with DC equal to your spell DC. You can Dismiss the spell. Heightened (4th) The duration increases to 8 hours. Heightened (5th) The duration increases to 2 days. Heightened (8th) The duration becomes unlimited. When you Cast the Spell, you can choose to give it any duration. Alternatively, you can choose a condition that will cause the creature to wake up, ending the spell. Hibernating creatures eventually die of old age, but age four times slower than normal.




Traditions arcane, occult, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Duration sustained, up to 1 minute You conjure a Medium, magical, humanoid creature that can tend to the wounded. The medic is clearly phantasmal in nature, has 20 AC and 10 Hit Points, and automatically fails all saves. If it’s reduced to 0 Hit Points, it disappears and the spell ends. The medic has a Speed of 25 feet and the minion trait. Each round after you Sustain the spell, the medic moves towards one injured creature of your choice and attempts to use Battle Medicine on them. Instead of rolling its own Medicine check, you roll a spell attack roll and the medic uses your result as the result of its Medicine check. The medic can adjust the DC of its Medicine check as if it had a proficiency rank equal to your proficiency rank with spells of phantom medic’s tradition.

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Traditions arcane, divine, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one creature Duration 1 minute Whenever you cast an abjuration spell of 2nd level or lower on yourself, the target of this spell gains the benefit as if they were the original target of the spell. The target must be within 30 feet when you cast the spell. Heightened (5th) As above, except your target can benefit from abjuration spells up to 4th level. Heightened (8th) As above, except you can target two creatures with this spell and they gain the benefits of abjuration spells up to 5th level.





Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one creature Summoning stone to cover your arms and fist, you launch a mighty blow against your foe. Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 3d10 Bludgeoning damage. The stone shatters into a barrage of deadly shards on impact, dealing 3d6 piercing damage to creatures other than the target in a 10-foot cone behind the target (basic Reflex save). Heightened (+1) The bludgeoning damage increases by 1d10 and the piercing damage by 2d6.




Traditions arcane, occult Cast somatic, material; Material shard from a broken lens worth 1 gp Saving Throw Will; Targets one willing creature Duration until the start of your next turn Your magic sharpens the cunning of your target, instilling a predatory knack to sneak spells past the target’s foes as easily as a blade. When your spells deal damage to a flat-footed target, you treat any 1s or 2s rolled on the spell’s damage dice as 3s. This includes any additional dice added to the spell’s damage, such as sneak attack dice for a character with the Magical Trickster feat, but it cannot cause a damage die’s result to exceed the highest possible result on that die. For example, you couldn’t use this spell to get a result of a 5 on 1d4. Heightened (+2) You treat any damage die result that’s less than half the spell’s level as being equal to the spell’s level + 1. For example, as a 6th-level spell you would treat any 1s, 2s, or 3s rolled on the spell’s damage dice as 4s.



Traditions arcane, divine, occult Cast verbal, somatic, material

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Range touch; Targets 1 potion or elixir Duration 1 hour


You replicate the properties of magical or alchemical draughts. When you Cast the Spell, choose up to three vials filled with water within range. The contents of that vial become identical to the targeted consumable for the duration, allowing creatures to use them to benefit from their effects. When one of the created consumables or the original is used, the other consumables and the original revert to mundane water.




Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 40 feet; Targets one creature or object Duration sustained, up to 1 minute; Saving Throw Reflex; You surround yourself with mystic flames that cover the ground you tread upon. Whenever you Step or Stride, every square you move through becomes engulfed in flames until the start of your next turn. Anytime a creature enters a burning square or starts its turn in it, they must attempt a Reflex save or take 1d6 persistent fire damage. A creature that critically fails its Reflex save also takes a –10-foot penalty to its Speeds until it stops taking persistent fire damage. Heightened (+1) Increase the damage done by 1d6.





Traditions primal Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one creature with a fangs or jaws Strike Duration 1 hour The target’s fangs grow to be longer, sharper, and harder. Whenever the creature scores a critical hit with its fangs or jaws Strike, if the target of its Strike is wearing armor with hardness 10 or lower, the armor is broken. Heightened (5th) Whenever the target successfully breaks a creature’s armor, the creature whose armor was broken also takes 2d6 persistent bleed damage. Heightened (7th) The target is able to pierce armor whenever one of its fangs or jaws Strikes beats the opponent’s AC by 5 or more, instead of only when it scores a critical hit. Additionally, it can break armor with hardness 15 or lower.




Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Duration 1 minute You reshape your body into a Medium aquatic animal battle form. When you cast this spell, choose amoeboid, aquatic mammal, cephalopod, or fish. You decide the specific type of animal (such as dolphin or orca for aquatic mammal), but this has no effect on the form’s Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the animal trait if you choose aquatic mammal, cephalopod or fish. If you choose amoeboid, you instead gain the ooze trait. If you choose amoeboid, cephalopod or fish, you also gain the aquatic trait. If you choose aquatic mammal, you instead gain the amphibious trait. You can Dismiss the spell. You gain the following statistics and abilities regardless of which battle form you choose: AC = 17 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction. 5 temporary Hit Points. Low-light vision. One or more unarmed melee attacks specific to the battle form you choose, which are the only attacks you can use. You're trained with them. Your attack modifier is +14, and your damage bonus is +5. These attacks are Strength based (for the purpose of the enfeebled condition, for example). If your unarmed attack bonus is higher, you can use it instead. Athletics modifier of +14, unless your own modifier is higher. You also gain specific abilities based on the type of creature you choose. Amoeboid Speed 10 feet, climb Speed 10 feet, swim Speed 15 feet; motion sense 60 feet, no vision; an amoeboid can sense nearby movement through vibrations and air or water movement; Melee pseudopod, Damage 1d6 bludgeoning plus 1d4 acid; breathe underwater, but not in air. Aquatic Mammal swim Speed 35 feet; wavesense 30 feet ; Melee pummel, Damage 2d8 bludgeoning.

Cephalopod Speed 5 feet, swim Speed 20 feet; wavesense 30 feet; Melee arm (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d4 bludgeoning ; Jet (move) You move up to 120 feet in a straight line through the water without triggering reactions. Fish swim Speed 35 feet; wavesense 30 feet; Melee jaws, Damage 2d8 piercing; breathe underwater, but not in air. Heightened (4th) Your battle form is Large, your swim Speed gains a +10-foot status bonus, and your attacks have a 10-foot reach, unless you choose cephalopod, in which case they have a 15-foot reach. You must have enough space to expand into or the spell is lost. You instead gain 10 temporary HP, AC = 18 + your level, attack modifier +16, damage bonus +9, and Athletics +16. Heightened (5th) Your battle form is Huge, your swim Speed gains a +15-foot status bonus, and your attacks have a 15-foot reach, unless you choose cephalopod, in which case they have a 20-foot reach. You must have enough space to expand into or the spell is lost. You instead gain 15 temporary HP, AC = 18 + your level, attack modifier +18, damage bonus +7 and double the number of damage dice, and Athletics +20.




Traditions arcane, primal Cast 10 minutes (material, verbal, somatic); Material the feather of a vulture Range touch; Targets one undead creature Duration sustained up to 1 hour You animate one of the target’s fetid organs so that it leads you to the undead creature’s most recent controller or the cause of the creature’s undeath. The organ (typically the heart, the brain, or an eyeball) gains a fly speed of 10 feet and floats in front of you at chest level slowly leading you to the undead creature’s most recent controller while staying within 25 feet of you. If the undead was animated by an effect or event at a particular location, the organ leads you to that location. If the creature was animated by none of the methods above, if it was selfcreated, or if the creature’s most recent controller no longer exists, the spell fails. Once the organ is within 10 feet of its intended destination, the spell ends, and the organ falls to the ground. The organ cannot take any actions other than moving towards its destination. It may pass through small slits and crevices, though it will not leave your range of vision. The organ cannot travel more than 5 miles from the spot where you cast the spell. If the undead creature to which the organ belonged is destroyed, the spell ends and the organ falls to the ground.

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Four shimmering bubbles spring forth from your person, carrying various items. Each bubble appears around you in your square. The bubbles do not take up space in a square, but if there is no space for them to appear (if you are encased a solid object, for example) the spell fails. Each bubble can carry an object with bulk 1 or less, and when you Cast the Spell, you can choose up to four such objects on your person to enter one of the bubbles. A creature can stow or retrieve an item within an adjacent bubble, but only if you allow it. Once per round you can use a single action, which has the concentrate trait, to move each bubble up to 30 feet in any direction. If you end your turn without moving the bubbles, they float 10 feet straight up or until they hit a solid surface. When the spell ends, the bubbles pop and each object is expelled and falls out of the bubble. The bubbles have AC equal to your spell DC and hp equal to your spellcasting ability modifier times your level. They also have weakness 5 to slashing and piercing damage. If a bubble is destroyed, it pops and expels any items it held. Heightened (4th) Each bubble can carry an object with bulk 2 or less. Heightened (6th) Each bubble can carry an object with bulk 4 or less, or a medium or smaller creature. Creatures can enter an empty bubble if you allow it, and can exit the bubble freely. If a bubble is carrying a creature, it takes up the same space as that creature normally would.




Your body is able to process extreme heat and cold, protecting you from those temperature extremes while also affecting your metabolism. You gain resistance 5 against cold and fire damage. Additionally, for every 5 points of cold damage you suffer (whether resisted or not), you become slowed 1, and for every 5 points of fire damage you suffer, you become quickened for 1 round.




Traditions arcane, primal Cast somatic,verbal Range touch; Targets one creature

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Traditions arcane, occult Cast somatic,verbal Range 30 feet; Targets one creature ReflexDuration 1 minute You evoke bands of force energy resembling writhing serpents and set them loose upon a foe. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The target takes 2d6 force damage. Failure The target is immobilized and takes 2d6 force damage. Each round at the start of their turn, the target takes an additional 2d6 force damage. The target can try to Escape from the effect (against your class DC). If they successfully Escape, the effect ends. Critical Failure The target is restrained and takes 2d6 force damage. Each round at the start of their turn, the target takes an additional 2d6 force damage. The target can try to Escape from the effect (against your class DC plus 5). If they successfully Escape, the effect ends. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6. Heightened (5th) Increase the number of targets to 2. All targets must be within 30 feet of each other. Heightened (7th) Increase the number of targets to 4. All targets must be within 30 feet of each other. Heightened (9th) Increase the number of targets to 6. All targets must be within 30 feet of each other.





Traditions divine, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one creature Saving Throw Fortitude;

Traditions arcane Cast verbal, somatic Duration 1 minute



Traditions arcane Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Duration 10 minutes


Strong winds gather in the area, moving creatures at your command. For each creature in the area, you choose if that creature is pushed away from you or pulled towards you. Each creature in the area must attempt a Fortitude save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is pushed or pulled 5 feet. It can avoid being pushed or pulled by choosing to fall prone instead. Failure The creature is pushed or pulled 10 feet. Critical Failure The creature is pushed or pulled 15 feet and falls prone. Heightened (6th) Increase the area to a 10-foot square, and any number of creatures can become caught within the sphere.

You cause the target’s tongue to become physically forked, similar to that of a serpent. The target must attempt a Fortitude save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The target’s tongue splits into a fork, inflicting 1d4 slashing damage. The target is still able to speak normally, but their forked tongue is plainly visible whenever they speak. Unless the target finds a way to hide their forked tongue, the DC of most Deception and Diplomacy checks increases by 5, as most creatures find it harder to trust a speaker with a forked tongue. Healing the damage inflicted by the spell restores the tongue to its natural state Failure As success, but healing the damage inflicted by the spell does not restore the tongue, and the curse is permanent. Critical Failure As failure, but the division is more pronounced, inflicting 2d4 slashing damage, and causing the target to speak with an audible lisp for as long as their tongue remains forked, making the forked tongue more difficult to hide, and causing the DC increase to apply to Intimidation checks as well.





Traditions divine, primal Cast somatic,verbal Range 30 feet; Area 20-foot emanation Duration sustained up to 1 hour White light fills the area, casting bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet) like a torch. Any darkness effects within the area that were created by level 3 or lower spells (or effects that function as level 3 or lower spells) are suppressed within the spell’s area. Your allies also gain a +1 status bonus to AC while within the spell’s area and any frightened ally within the spell’s area at the start of their turn reduces their frightened condition’s value by 2 instead of 1. Once per round, whenever you Sustain good shepherd’s light, you can move the spell’s point of emanation a number of feet up to your Speed in any direction. You can only have one good shepherd’s light spell in effect at a time, and casting a new one immediately causes the previous one to end. Heightened (+1) Allies within the spell’s area gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves. Heightened (5th) Allies within the spell’s area gain a +2 status bonus to Will saves.




Traditions divine, occult Cast somatic,verbal Range 30 feet; Targets one 5-foot square on the ground or in the air Saving Throw Reflex; Duration sustained up to 1 minute A swirling ball of wind rolls in whichever direction you point, hurling your enemies and carrying them around. Each creature in the square must attempt a reflex save. On subsequent rounds, you can Sustain this Spell, leaving the sphere in its square or rolling it to another square within range; each creature in its square must attempt a Reflex save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is pushed 5 feet in the direction of your choice. The creature can instead choose to be pushed in another direction. If it does, it falls prone. Failure The creature is caught in the intense winds of the sphere. The creature is immobilized and flat-footed while caught in the sphere, and can attempt to Escape to leave the sphere. If multiple creatures would become caught within the sphere, you choose one of them to stay within the sphere. The others suffer the effects of a successful saving throw. If you move the sphere, each creature caught within it is ejected. Critical Failure As failure, except each creature caught within the sphere moves with the sphere when you move it. Heightened (6th) Increase the area to a 10-foot square, and any number of creatures can become caught within the sphere.




Whenever the target successfully makes a jaws, fangs, or similar Strike against a creature, that attack deals an additional 1d6 fire damage. Additionally, whenever any creature hits the target with a Strike using a part of its body (claws, jaws, etc.), the attacker suffers 1d6 fire damage. Finally, the flaming beard creates bright light in a 20-foot radius, and dim light for the next 20 feet.





Traditions occult, primal Cast verbal, somatic Area 15-foot cone Saving Throw Will; Duration varies You utter a primal, guttural roar, which invokes fear in the hearts of your foes. Each creature in the area must attempt a Will saving throw. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is frightened 1. Failure The target is frightened 2. Critical Failure The target is frightened 3 and fleeing for 1 round. Whenever you cast a spell with the roar trait, you may choose to also cast forceful roar as a free action. You can cast more than one roar spell in this way, if you have them available, but cannot cast the same roar spell more than once at a time (for example, if you cast thundering roar normally, you could cast deafening roar and frightful roar as free actions, but could not cast a second thundering roar as a free action). All of the roar spells resolve at the same time, and their areas must overlap entirely. You must still expend a spell slot for each spell separately. Heightened (+1) The frightened value on a success, failure, or critical failure each increase by 1. For every 2 levels that fearsome roar is heightened, the number of rounds a creature flees on a critical failure also increases by 1 round. If heightened to 5th level or above, the spell’s area increases to a 30-foot cone. If heightened to 9th level or above, it increases again to a 60-foot cone.




Traditions divine Cast verbal, somatic Duration 1 minute You become a shining beacon of courage, whose example allows those around you to stand bravely in the face of terror. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws made to resist fear effects. Similarly, your Will DC increases by +2 against fear effects and against attempts to use Intimidation to Coerce or Demoralize you. You also grant these benefits to all allies within 30 feet of you who can see and hear you. However, if you fail a saving throw to resist a fear effect, or your Will DC is beaten by a fear effect or Intimidation check, these bonuses end immediately, and each ally that was receiving this bonus instead suffers a –2 penalty for the remainder of the spell’s duration.

Traditions arcane, divine, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets 1 creature with a mane or beard Duration 10 minutes You transform the target’s beard into a halo of radiant golden flame, which does not harm the target, but sears the flesh of his enemies.

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Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one creature Duration 10 minutes Rippling bands of force course over the target’s body, repelling efforts to grasp or hold them. Any nonmagical check made to immobilize, grapple, or restrain the target suffers a -2 penalty.




Traditions divine, primal Cast 10 minutes (material, somatic, verbal) Material 10 gp of incense Range 500 feet; You delve into the collective unconsciousness possessed by all mortals in search of knowledge. When you cast the spell, you use the spell’s verbal component to unambiguously ask one question in 25 words or less, then you attempt a spell attack roll. The DC for this spell attack roll is equal to the Recall Knowledge DC to answer your question, as determined by the GM. The spell’s effects are determined by the result. Critical Success The GM provides you the answer to your question, as if you had succeeded on a check to Recall Knowledge about the topic. The information is provided to you as a series of images, sounds, smells, and similar sensory experiences that flash briefly in your mind before fading away. Success You are granted a vision of an individual within the spell’s range with sufficient knowledge to answer your question. The vision is sufficient to give you the creature’s name and general location, but not enough to teleport directly to that creature. If no such individual exists within the spell’s range, your vision shows you only darkness. Critical Failure You are granted a vision of a horrible truth of the GM’s choosing. This is typically a secret mortal minds were not meant to know that is vaguely related to your query. You are stupefied 1d6 for 24 hours (roll 1d6 to determine your stupefied value). Heightened (5th) Increase the spell’s range to 1 mile and the material requirement from 10 gp to 20 gp. Heightened (7th) Increase the spell’s range to planetary and the material requirement from 10 gp to 100 gp.




Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Duration 1 minute You reshape your body into a Medium ooze battle form. When you cast this spell, choose sewer ooze, gelatinous cube, ochre jelly or black pudding. While in this form, you gain the ooze trait. You can Dismiss the spell. You gain the following statistics and abilities regardless of which battle form you choose: AC = 16 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction. 10 temporary Hit Points.

Precise motion sense 60 feet and no vision. You gain Motion sense You can sense nearby motion through vibration and air movement. One or more unarmed melee attacks specific to the battle form you choose, which are the only attacks you can use. You're trained with them. Your attack modifier is +14, and your damage bonus is +5. These attacks are Strength based (for the purpose of the enfeebled condition, for example). If your unarmed attack bonus is higher, you can use it instead. Mindless Mode Trigger You fail a Will save against a mental effect. Effect You gain the mindless trait for the spell’s duration, granting you immunity to mental effects (including the triggering effect). Your Charisma and Intelligence modifiers are reduced to –5 and you cannot use concentrate actions. You also gain specific abilities based on the type of creature you choose. Black Pudding Speed 15 feet, climb Speed 15 feet; Melee pseudopod, Damage 1d4 bludgeoning plus 1d6 acid. Gelatinous Cube Speed 15 feet; Melee cube face Damage 2d4 bludgeoning Ochre Jelly Speed 15 feet; Melee pseudopod, Damage 1d6 bludgeoning plus 1d4 acid. Sewer Ooze Speed 10 feet; Melee pseudopod, Damage 1d4 bludgeoning plus 1d4 acid. Heightened (4th) Your battle form is Large, and your attacks have a 10-foot reach. You must have enough space to expand into or the spell is lost. You instead gain 15 temporary HP, AC = 17 + your level, attack modifier +16, damage bonus +9. You also gain specific abilities based on the type of creature you choose. Black Pudding When a foe hits you with a metal or wooden weapon, the foe must succeed at a Reflex save or the weapon takes 2d6 acid damage (after dealing damage to you normally). Thrown weapons and ammunition automatically take this damage with no save. Gelatinous Cube You gain Engulf, Transparent, and a Stealth modifier of +14, unless your own modifier is higher. Engulf

DC = your Spell DC, 2d6 acid, Escape

DC = your Spell DC, Rupture 7. Transparent You become so clear that you are difficult to spot. While you are stationary, other creatures cannot notice you unless they succeed at a Perception check (DC = your Spell DC), and a creature must be Searching to attempt this check. A creature that walks into you is Engulfed. Ochre Jelly/ Your pseudopod gains Lesser Grab. Lesser Grab As Grab, except after using the action you must succeed at an Athletics check against the target’s Reflex DC to grab them. Sewer Ooze You gain Filth Wave. Filth Wave Frequency once per spell; Effect You unleash a wave of filth, covering all creatures within a 20-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must succeed at a Reflex save or take 1d4 acid damage and take a –10-foot penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute (on a critical fail, the creature also falls prone). A creature can spend an Interact action to reduce the Speed penalty by 5 feet with each action.

Heightened (5th) Your battle form is Huge, and your attacks have a 15-foot reach. You must have enough space to expand into or the spell is lost. You instead gain 20 temporary HP, AC = 18 + your level, attack modifier +18, damage bonus +7 and double the number of damage dice. You also gain resistance 5 to precision damage and resistance 5 to extra damage from critical hits. If the resistance is greater than the extra damage, it reduces the extra damage to 0 but doesn't reduce the attack's normal damage. Black Pudding Increase the acid damage you deal to weapons that hit you to 2d8 acid damage. Gelatinous Cube You gain Paralysis. Paralysis (incapacitation) A creature that you Engulf or hit with a pseudopod is paralyzed unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save. A victim can attempt a new save to recover at the end of each of its turns. Ochre Jelly You gain the Constrict ability. Your Constrict damage is equal to your pseudopod damage and the DC is equal to your Spell DC. Sewer Ooze The frequency of your Filth Wave improves to three times per spell.





Traditions divine, occult Cast 10 minutes (material, verbal, somatic); Materiala tiny silver bell and scented candles worth 5 gp. Range touch; Targets a living sleeping creature Saving Throw Will; Duration sustained up to 1 minute You force the target to answer your questions truthfully while it sleeps. The target’s answers are limited to what it normally knows, including the languages it knows. Your questions don’t wake the target, but it can still wake up from other stimuli such as loud noises. If the target wakes up before the spell ends, it remembers the last question you asked. The target attempts a Will save. Critical Success The creature awakens unless some force is preventing it from being awake, such as magic or drugs. Success The creature must answer one question truthfully. Failure The creature must answer three questions truthfully. Critical Failure As failure, and the creature is magically compelled to remain asleep for the duration, ignoring most things that would normally cause it to wake up as long as it doesn’t receive physical harm.




Traditions arcane, divine, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets one creature Saving Throw Fortitude;


You conjure a vicious cloud of fleas that ravages the target. The effect is determined by the target’s Fortitude save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target is clumsy 1 and stupefied 1 until the end of its next turn. Failure The target is clumsy 1 and stupefied 1 for 1 minute. These effects last until the target and all its carried and worn equipment undergo a thorough delousing, a downtime activity that takes 8 hours.

Critical Failure The target is clumsy 2 and stupefied 2 for 1 minute. While clumsy, the target takes a –10-foot penalty to its Speeds. While stupefied, the target can’t use concentrate actions or activities. These effects last until the target and all its carried and worn equipment undergo a thorough delousing, a downtime activity that takes 8 hours.




Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one willing creature and one set of thieves’ tools Duration 1 minute You create a resonance between the target’s hands and thieves’ tools, lockpicks or similar tools and your magic, creating a force construct whose size and shape precisely mirrors the appearance and motions of the target’s hands. The target can move these hands up to their speed using a single action, which has the concentrate trait, and they can attempt Thievery checks to Disable Devices, Palm Objects, Pick Locks, or Steal as though they were at their construct’s location, provided they are within 30 feet of the force construct is. These actions gain the concentrate trait when used in this manner, and any items palmed or stolen are levitated in a straight line towards the target, stopping and falling to the ground if they collide with an object, creature, or structure first. After the target attempts a Thievery check, the spell ends regardless of outcome. Heightened (+1) The maximum range of ranged Thievery attempts increases by +5 feet, and the target can use the spell to attempt one additional Thievery check before the spell ends.





Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal Cast 1 minute (verbal, somatic, material); Material pearl dust worth up to 1 gp per word transcribed Saving Throw Will; Range touch; Targets one creature With a wave of your hand, you reform the pearl dust into a runic symbol and place a message of no more than 100 words within it. This rune is approximately 6 inches long and 3 inches wide and has negligible Bulk. When a creature Interacts with the rune, the rune telepathically transmits the message into their mind in your voice in every language that you knew when you Cast the Spell. This Interact action has the concentrate trait, as they must envision the rune’s power for it to function properly. Heightened (+1) The maximum number of words you can transcribe into the runic symbol increases by 100. Heightened (5th) Any creature that understands at least 1 language understands your message, even if they don’t share a language with you. Heightened (7th) Your message is conveyed to any creature that Interacts with your runic symbol in a method they understand, even if they can’t ordinarily speak or understand language.





Traditions divine, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one creature Saving Throw Fortitude; Duration 24 hours or until the next time you make your daily preparations You taint the target with an air of wickedness. The target attempts a Fortitude save to determine the spell’s effect. Success The creature is unaffected. Failure The target gains the evil trait. If the target has the good trait, it loses the good trait instead. This doesn’t affect the target’s behavior, but it does affect how other spells and effects resolve against them. Critical Failure The creature takes double damage. Heightened (+1) The target gains the evil trait and loses the good trait, if it has it. If the target has any class features or feats that require a good alignment, such as a champion’s cause or a cleric’s deity, you take a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls attempted with your class’s feats and class features, as well as to your class’s save DC, if any. For example a champion of the paladin cause would take a –2 penalty to attack rolls with their champion’s reaction and a –2 penalty to their champion DC.








Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Duration 1 minute Your body crackles with lightning, leaving dangerous trails of electricity wherever you go. Whenever you make a move action, you leave a trail of electricity in every square you move though other than the one you end your movement in, which remains until the start of your next turn. Any creature other than you who enters a square covered in this trail takes 2d12 electricity damage and must attempt a basic Reflex save. On a critical failure, the creature is also flat-footed until the start of its next turn. You can dismiss the spell. Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d12.


Traditions occult, primal Cast verbal, somatic, material


You shed your skin like a snake, allowing you a chance to slough off a harmful effect along with it. You may immediately make a new saving throw to resist a single ongoing spell or effect you are currently affected by, which allowed an initial saving throw to resist. You apply the results of the new saving throw to that effect, as though you had rolled that result on your initial saving throw. Whether you are freed of the effect or not, you also create a complete discarded skin of yourself, as you separate your body from the outermost layer of skin. The skin layer remains on your body like a loose garment, and you can remove it by spending an action and succeeding on a DC 15 Acrobatics check, or by dealing 5 points of slashing damage to it, or spend three actions removing it to automatically succeed. Until the skin is removed, it imposes the clumsy 1 condition on you. A skin that is dealt 5 or more points of damage is ruined, but otherwise the skin is removed intact. Heightened (5th) The spell’s range changes to touch, and its target changes to one creature. An unwilling creature can make a Fortitude save to resist the spell’s effects. Success The spell has no effect. Failure The spell functions normally. Critical Failure The target sheds his skin, but is not entitled to a new saving throw to rid himself of a harmful effect.


hit, you and the target both take 3d6 electricity damage and swap positions; you move to the target’s space and they move to your space. If you attempt to use the spell to place the target in a location that is inherently lethal to it (such as teleporting a fish onto dry land or an ordinary human into a vat of acid, but not a human into a position where it can be attacked), the target can attempt a Will save. If they succeed, the teleportation (but not the damage) fails. Heightened (+1) For each spell level that you heighten the spell by, the damage to the target either increases by 1d6 or the damage done to you decreases by 1d6 (your choice).



Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets one creature Duration 1 minute You afflict the target with Sneeze Spore, which causes watery eyes and sneezing, spreading the disease further. The effect is based on the target’s Fortitude save.

Sneeze Spore (disease) Level 5. At the start of an afflicted creature’s turn, that creature sneezes. Each creature within 10 feet of a sneeze is exposed to sneeze spores. After a creature has been exposed to sneeze spores, it is immune to further exposure for 1 hour.

Maximum Duration 1 minute Stage 1 sickened 1 (1 round) Stage 2 sickened 1 and can’t use reactions (1 round); Stage 3 sickened 2 and can’t use reactions (1 round). Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target is afflicted with sneeze spores at stage 1. Failure The target is afflicted with sneeze spores at stage 2. Critical Failure The target is afflicted with sneeze spores at stage 3, and immediately sneezes.


UNCOMMON ATTACK ELECTRICITY EVOCATION TELEPORTATION Traditions arcane, occult, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 40 feet; Targets one creature or object You evoke a powerful sphere of electricity that strikes you and one other creature or object within range. Attempt a spell attack. If you





Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Duration 1 hour Your words become soft and soothing, your voice like velvet, allowing you to more easily tempt even the most stalwart of souls towards the path of temptation. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Deception checks made to Lie, and Diplomacy checks made to Request things, but only in situations where a success will result in convincing the target to do something that they would ordinarily consider to be morally or ethically wrong, or for which they could be punished.




Traditions arcane Cast material, somatic Range touch; Targets 1 willing creature and 1 nonmagical arrow Duration 1 minute You temporarily transmute the creature’s essence to fuse it with the arrow. The creature disappears into the arrow. When the spell ends, the creature appears in the closest unoccupied space next to the arrow. If the arrow is destroyed, or after it is fired from a weapon, the spell ends.




Traditions arcane, primal Cast material, somatic, verbal Range 120 feet; Duration 10 minutes You raise a wall of sand 1 foot thick, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick at its base. The wall can be up to 30 feet long and can feature curves or even corners but must be contiguous. The wall forms around creatures standing in its path, though you decide which side of a creature the wall continues. The wall is opaque and holds its form until a creature attempts to breach it. Each 5 feet of the wall’s length collapses into a pile 2 feet deep by 15 feet wide when touched be a creature (voluntarily or otherwise). The sand counts as difficult terrain for any creature crossing it.

WARNING RATTLE UNCOMMON AUDITORY EMOTION FEAR MENTAL Traditions occult, primal Cast somatic Trigger You roll for Initiative.; Range 30 feet; Targets each opponent in range


The intimidating sound of a rattlesnake’s rattle echoes all around you, ensuring that they know you are not to be trifled with. Make a single Intimidation check to Demoralize, and apply the result to each target’s Will DC separately. If your proficiency bonus for this spell’s DC is greater than your proficiency bonus for Intimidation, you may use it, instead.







Traditions arcane, divine, occult Cast 10 minutes Targets one corpse You choose the corpse of a Medium or smaller creature. You create a skeleton or zombie creature of level 2 or less. The spell creates an empathic link between you and the created undead, allowing you to give it simple mental commands. Once you cast the spell you sacrifice a spell slot of the level you cast this spell at (including any heightened levels) to power the undead creature’s connection to you and the negative material plane. The undead creature lasts until you memorize a new spell (or prepare the spell sot) in the sacrificed spell slot or until the created creature is destroyed. A necromancer can memorize this spell as a bonus spell form his school specialization and maintain the spell by sacrificing his bonus spell slot. Heightened (6th) As above, except you can animate a total number of creature levels equal to your level, with no one creature being higher level than the spell level you cast. This spell has a casting time of 10 minutes per animated undead. Heightened (7th) As 6th level above, except you can also animate ghouls and wights. Heightened (8th) As 8th level above, except that you can also animate graveknights and mummies.




Traditions arcane, primal Cast material, somatic, verbal You conjure a single lion to fight for you. Heightening the spell increases the number of lions summoned, as well as the individual strength of the summoned lions. Heightened (5th) You summon 2 lions. Heightened (6th) You summon 1d3+1 elite lions. Heightened (7th) You summon 1d4+1 elite lions and one smilodon. Heightened (8th) You summon 1d4+1 elite lions and 1d4+1 smilodons. Heightened (9th) You summon 1d3 elite lions and 1d6+2 elite smilodons. Heightened (10th) You summon 2d6+2 elite smilodons.





Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic, material; Material the scale of a lizard Range touch; Targets one humanoid Duration 1 minute You temporarily grant the target the destructive ability of dragons. The target gains a breath weapon, which is the following ability: Breath Weapon (arcane, evocation) The shape and damage type of the breath weapon depend on your choices when casting the spell (see below). It deals 5d6 damage in its area and each creature in the area attempts a basic reflex save against the spell DC of the caster of the spell. Once activated, the breath weapon can't be used again for 1d4 rounds. The breath weapon has the trait corresponding to the type of damage it deals. When you Cast the Spell, you choose if the breath weapon deals acid, fire, electricity or cold damage as well as if is a 30-foot cone or a 60-foot line. Heightened (+2) Increase the damage of the breath weapon by 2d6, and the number of humanoids you can target increases by 1. If you target more than one creature with the spell, you can choose different area and damage types for each individual creature.


Range 30 feet; Duration sustained up to 1 minute


they’re immune to the spell until they take cold damage from an new effect that isn’t a cold caress spell. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6 for each additional action used when Casting the Spell. Heightened (7th) You can cast cold caress as a reaction, triggered whenever a target within the spell’s range takes cold damage from an effect that isn’t a cold caress spell.



Traditions arcane, primal Cast to verbal, somatic Range 120 feet; Area 20-feet burst Saving Throw basic Fortitude; You create a sudden snap of brief, intense cold that exacerbates previous exposure to the cold. Any creature within the spell’s area that has taken at least 1 point of cold damage since the last of your last turn from an effect other than a cold caress spell takes 2d6 cold damage. For each additional action you use when Casting the Spell, increase the amount of cold damage done by 3d6, to a maximum of 8d6 for 3 actions. Once a creature has affected by cold caress,




Traditions arcane, occult Cast somatic Range 20 feet; You create an interdimensional tether which shunts you to another location after some time. An invisible tether is created in a square within range. At the end up your turn, the cord that connects you and the tether violently contracts, and you are instantly transported to the end a line containing both you and the tether, with the line’s length being twice the distance between you and the tether, and the spell ends. If that space is inside an object, you’re pushed into the nearest open space and take 1d6 damage per 5 feet you were pushed. If you’re ever 120 feet or further from the tether, the spell ends. Heightened (7th) The spell does not end after you’ve been transported, and the gains a duration of 1 minute. Casting the spell at this level or higher is a 2-action activity. The spell gains a verbal component. You can Dismiss the spell.

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Traditions arcane, occult Cast somatic, verbal Range 60 feet; Saving Throw Fortitude; You make a ranged spell attack against a living target’s AC. If you hit, the subject makes a Fortitude save. Critical Success The spell has no effect. Success The target gains clumsy 1, drained 1, and enfeebled 1 for 1 hour. Failure The target gains clumsy 2, drained 2, and enfeebled 2. The value of these conditions decreases by 1 each time the subject gets a full night’s rest. Critical Failure As failure, and the subject gains doomed 1. Heightened (6th) The values for the failure effect increase to 3. Heightened (8th) The spell effects up to ten targets within range. You make 1 attack roll and compare the result to each target’s touch AC.





A highly volatile and unpredictable spray of acid shoots forth from the palms of your hands, dealing 8d8 acid damage plus 3d4 persistent damage on a failed save. At the end of the spell’s area, the spray reacts violently and sprays forth in a random direction, once again dealing damage in a 40-foot line. At the end of that area, it sprays forth a final time. If the spray would hit a creature more than once, the creature does not take any additional damage after the first hit. Heightened (+2) The acid damage increases by 3d8 and the persistent acid damage increases by 1d4.




Traditions arcane, divine Cast verbal, somatic Range 60 feet; Targets 1 spell effect or unattended magic item You attempt to counteract an ongoing spell effect by overloading it with magic, triggering a catastrophic explosion. Attempt a counteract check against the target. If the target has the abjuration trait, you take a –2 circumstance penalty to your counteract check. If you succeed against a spell effect, you counteract it. If you succeed against a magic item, the item becomes a mundane item of its type for 10 minutes. This doesn’t change the item’s nonmagical properties. If the item is an artifact or a similar item, you automatically fail. If you successfully counteract a spell effect or magic item with this spell, all creatures and unattended objects within a 20-foot burst of the target spell effect or magic item take 4d6 force damage (basic Reflex). If you critically fail to counteract a spell effect or magic item, all creatures within a 20-foot burst of you take 4d6 force damage instead. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6.





Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 40-foot line; Saving Throw basic Reflex; Duration sustained up to 1 minute You shape a large icicle into your hands and throw it with incredible force, dealing 2d8 piercing damage and 2d6 cold damage. After you throw the javelin, it lands and remains at the end of the area. On subsequent rounds, you can sustain the spell, causing the javelin fly forth again to deal damage in a 40-foot line emanating from where it last landed. After you do this, the javelin lands and remains at the end of the area. Creatures that succeed their save take no damage (instead of half). If the javelin lands more than 80 feet away from you, it melts and disappears, ending the spell. Heightened (+2) The piercing damage increases by 1d8 and the cold damage increases by 1d6.


Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 40-foot line; Saving Throw basic Reflex;






Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 minute You cause the target to believe that they are stuck within an invisible maze of force. Whenever the creature takes a move action to move using one of its speeds, randomly determine a direction. During that move action, it can only move forwards and backwards in that direction. It can still take its other actions as normal. The target attempts a Will save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is affected for 1 minute. Whenever it takes a move action, it can attempt a new will save at the end that action. If it succeeds, the effect ends. Failure The creature is affected for 1 minute. Critical Failure As failure, and the creature can only target adjacent creatures for the duration.




Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 120 feet; Area 20-foot burst Duration 1 minute You evoke a ball of super-compressed air and fling it towards an area where it explodes in a medley of powerful gusts that make moving difficult. The affected area becomes difficult terrain; if the area was already difficult terrain, it becomes greater difficult terrain. Once per round, whenever a creature begins its turn within the area or moves through it, they take slashing damage equal to 4d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Any creature damaged by the spell must attempt a Reflex save. On a failure, the creature takes a –10foot penalty to its Speeds. On a critical failure, the target also gains the clumsy 2 condition. These conditions last until the Treat Wounds skill action is used on them (Medicine DC 20) or until they receive magical healing equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the total amount of slashing damage done to them by the spell. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by +1d4.




Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range 15 feet; Targets an enemy afflicted by at least one condition with a duration Spread all conditions with a duration on target to two other enemies with 15 feet of the target. Conditions spread to other enemies have their duration halved (rounded down, minimum 1) on a target and when applied by spread. Heightened (5th) Extend spread range to 30 feet Heightened (6th) Extend spread range to 30 feet, increase number afflicted by spread to five. Heightened (7th) Extend spread range to 30 feet, increase number afflicted by spread to five, and duration is not halved.





Traditions divine, primal Cast 1 minute (verbal, somatic) Duration until your next daily preparations Vitality seems to radiate from you, though this energy is but an illusion. Once per round, either you or an ally can use an Interact action to supplicate and lay hands upon you to gain temporary Hit Points. Each time the beacon grants temporary Hit Points, it decreases in strength. It grants 4d10 temporary Hit Points to the first creature, 4d8 temporary Hit Points to the second, 4d6 temporary Hit Points to the third, and 4d4 temporary Hit Points to the fourth, after which the spell ends. You can only have one trickster’s beacon or vital beacon active at a time. Temporary Hit Points gained from this last 1 minute and cannot exceed the difference between the target’s current Hit Points and their total Hit Points. For example, a target that has taken 15 damage can receive a maximum of 15 temporary Hit Points from this spell, while a target that has taken 0 damage cannot receive any temporary Hit Points. When a creature Interacts with your beacon, you can, as a reaction with the concentrate trait, choose to simply delay the damage taken rather than provide them with temporary Hit Points. The target attempts a Will save to determine the spell’s effects. Critical Success The target is unaffected and is aware that your use of the beacon was hostile. Success The target is unaffected. Failure You roll temporary Hit Points normally, but when these temporary Hit Points are depleted or 1 minute passes, the target takes damage equal to the number of temporary Hit Points gained. This damage is unaffected by resistances. Critical Failure As a failure, but the target takes double damage. Heightened (+1) The beacon grants an additional die of temporary Hit Points, using the same die size as others for that step.




Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range touch; Targets one creature Duration 10 minutes You unhinge the target’s jaw, allowing them to swallow much larger objects than they would otherwise be able to. If the target already has the ability to Swallow Whole, the largest creature they can

swallow increases by one size (so a creature that could previously swallow Large creatures could now swallow Huge creatures, etc.). This cannot allow a creature to swallow something larger than itself (but can allow it to swallow a creature the same size as it). If the target did not already have the Swallow Whole ability, it gains it. The largest size of creature it can swallow is one size category smaller than itself. Choose a single melee Strike the creature possesses that requires only a single action to perform. The damage inflicted by its Swallow Whole ability is equal to the damage inflicted by the chosen Strike, except that all damage dealt is bludgeoning damage. The creature’s Rupture amount is equal to 1/10 its maximum hit points. If the creature does not have the ability to Grab a creature with its mouth, it can attempt to Swallow Whole any creature it has Grabbed through other means (such as using the Grapple action), but it suffers a –2 penalty on Athletics checks made to swallow creatures in this way. If the spell ends while the creature has swallowed a creature it would not ordinarily be able to, the swallowed creature remains inside it (although it can still escape as normal, and if it does, the spell’s target cannot swallow it again unless it benefits from another application of unhinge jaw).





Traditions occult, primal Cast material, verbal, somatic Duration 24 hours In order to cast this spell, you must have an intact skin shed by a humanoid creature (typically from a shed skin spell). You wear the skin like a suit, and the spell magically melds it to your features, forming a convincing disguise. Your appearance changes to perfectly match that of the creature whose skin you are wearing. Similarly, your voice and scent changes to match them as well. This counts as setting up a disguise for the Impersonate use of Deception; it ignores any circumstance penalties you might take for disguising yourself as a dissimilar creature, and gives you a +4 status bonus to Deception checks to prevent others from seeing through your disguise, and you add your level even if you’re untrained. Further, any divination spells treat you as though you were the creature whose skin you are wearing. For example, a detect alignment spell cast on you would treat you as though your alignment was whatever alignment the skin’s owner is. Similarly, a scrying spell attempting to locate you would fail, but a scrying spell attempting to locate the person whose skin you are wearing would have a 50% chance of locating you, and a 50% chance of locating that creature (unless the creature were dead or otherwise unable to be found via scrying, in which case it would find you). Regardless of the specific divination spell, the caster can overcome this deception with a counteract check. When the spell ends, the skin separates from your body. As with shed skin, it remains on your body, making you clumsy 1 until it is removed, or until you cast wear skin again.

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Traditions occult, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets one creature Duration varies; Saving Throw Will; You cause the target to develop an irrational fear of certain creatures that do not share any of its creature traits with it. When you Cast the Spell, choose a creature trait the target doesn’t have. The target becomes afraid of that type of creature. The target must attempt a Will saving throw. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success As long as the target is within 20 feet of a creature with the chosen trait, and can see that creature, the target is frightened 1, and can’t reduce its frightened condition while in that area. The duration of this effect is 1 round. Failure As success, but the duration is 1 day. Critical Failure As failure, but the duration is permanent and the target must spend all their actions moving away from a creature with the chosen trait as long as it’s within 20 feet of one which it can see.








Traditions arcane, divine, occult Cast somatic, material; Material a fresh handful of your own blood Duration 1 minute You smear fresh blood across your chest, causing 1d4 + 1 writhing tentacles to burst forth. For the duration of the spell you can use a single action, which has the concentrate trait, to cause one of the tentacles to whip out at a creature within 10 feet of you. It makes a melee spell attack which deals 4d8 bludgeoning damage. If a tentacle hits with an attack, it collapses into dried blood and you gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt. You lose any remaining temporary hit points after 1 minute. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d8.





Traditions arcane Cast somatic Range 120 feet; Duration 1 minuteDuration basic Reflex You conjure several large quartz-like crystals charged with destructive arcane power. You create up to three arcane crystals in unoccupied squares within range. The crystals occupy a 5x5 foot cube. As a single action, which has the concentrate trait, you can cause a crystal to explode, dealing 10d6 fire damage to all creatures within a 15foot burst. Each crystal has AC 10, Hardness 2, and 10 Hit Points and is immune to critical hits and precision damage. If a crystal is destroyed, it explodes. If a crystal is caught in the explosion of another, it explodes. A creature takes the same amount of fire damage no matter how many overlapping explosions it is caught in. At the end of the duration, any remaining crystals explode. If you cast explosive crystals while crystals from your previous casting remain, the crystals from the previous casting explodes. If a crystal is counteracted (such as with dispel magic), it becomes inert and shatters harmlessly. Heightened (+2) The fire damage increases by 4d6, and the maximum number of crystals you can conjure increases by 1.




Traditions arcane Cast somatic Range 120 feet; You cheat the laws of time and move quickly before reverting back to your original position. You instantly transport yourself and any items you're wearing and holding from your current space to a clear space within range you can see. If this would bring another creature with you—even if you're carrying it in an extradimensional container— the spell is lost. At the end of your turn, you return to the space you were in before casting the spell unless that space is now occupied. If you take any damage between casting the spell and returning to your original space, that damage is restored when you successfully return.




Traditions arcane, divine, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range 120 feet; Area 5-foot radius, 30-foot-tall cylinder Saving Throw Reflex; Duration sustained up to 1 minute A column of boiling water springs forth from a horizontal surface, creating a rain of scalding droplets. Any creature that enters or starts its turn within a 20-foot radius of the Geyser takes 3d6 fire damage from the scalding rain, and any creature with weakness to water takes damage equal to their weakness. The geyser deals 6d6 fire damage to each creature that enters the geyser or is occupying the geyser's area at the start of its turn, and must make a reflex save. If a creature enters the geyser with a move action and takes damage from it, that move action is disrupted. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half damage. Failure The creature takes full damage and is back pushed out of the geyser’s area and knocked prone. Critical Failure The creature takes full damage and is thrown to the top of the geyser. It then falls down towards a random square 30 feet away from the geyser. Heightened (+1) The damage for the geyser and the scalding rain increases by 1d6.





Traditions arcane, occult Cast material, somatic Material 25 gp crystal ball focus Range 30 feet; Targets one creature When you cast the spell, choose one action that either you might take or one action that the target might take. This can be a basic action (such as Stride or Strike), a use of a skill (such as Earn Income), a use of a class feature or feat (such as Sudden Charge) or a general course of action (such as “attack only me” or “surrender”). If you chose an action you might take, you are granted a vision of the target’s most likely response to your action, if any. If you chose an action the target might take, you are granted a vision of the circumstances that are most likely to get the target to take that action. If you chose a PC, the PC states what would most likely get their character to take the chosen action; otherwise the GM determines the conditions needed to make that action occur. Information you gleam using this spell is accurate only in the precise moment that you obtain it, based on the current information you have, and is subject to change based on circumstances that occur after the spell is cast. For example, if the spell predicts that a creature will not attack you even if its affected by your fireball but it ends up critically failing its Reflex save, the fact that the creature was seriously wounded by your spell might make it change its mind and decide to attack you despite what your prediction said. The fact that you cast this spell’s casting is always included in all initial predictions made.

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Traditions occult, occult, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 60 feet; Targets up to 4 creatures Saving Throw Will; Duration 10 minutes Your targets fume with anger but strzggle to channel their frustration into action. Each target that fails its save gains stupefied 2 and the fascinated condition, except that a subject’s rage does not focus on any particular cause. On a critical failure a target’s attitude change to hostile toward every creature they detect. A creature affected by this spell gains no benefit from the rage class feature or similar abilities.




Traditions occult, primal Cast 10 minutes (verbal, somatic, material) Range touch; Targets one Medium or larger animal Saving Throw Will; You transform the target physically and mentally, causing it to grow larger, stronger, and instilling within it a hunger and hatred of humanoid creatures. Critical Success The target gains a +4 circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls, and its size increases to the next size category. These changes last for 24 hours. Success The target is unaffected. Failure The target gains a +4 circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls, and its size increases to the next size category. Additionally, its attitude towards all humanoid creatures decreases by 2 steps, and its preferred food changes to living humanoid creatures, regardless of whatever it may have eaten before. Any Strike it deals against a humanoid creature deals an additional 1d6 damage. These changes last for 24 hours. Critical Failure As failure, but the changes are permanent.








MORTAL TERROR UNCOMMON EMOTION ENCHANTMENT INCAPACITATION MENTAL Traditions divine Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets one creature Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 minute


By invoking the futility of mortal existence in the face of the divine, you imbue the target with an exaggerated sense of its own mortality and a drive for self-preservation. The target must attempt a Will save. For the duration of the spell, whenever the target is damaged for the first time each round, increase its frightened condition by one. If the target’s frightened condition exceeds 5 at any point during the duration of the spell, it is transfixed in terror and is paralyzed until its frightened condition is reduced to 5 or below. If the target loses the frightened condition, the effect ends. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is frightened 1. Failure The creature is frightened 1, and must succeed a DC 10 flat check to reduce its frightened condition at the end of each of its turns. Critical Failure The creature is frightened 1, and can’t reduce its frightened value for the duration. Heightened (9th) You can target up to five creatures.


You sequester an object far away. To cast this spell, you must hold a survey map of an area you’re currently in. When you cast the spell, you select a point on the map. The targeted object is instantly transported to that area, and the point on the map is marked with an X and gains a faint conjuration aura. The item is transported in such a way that it is well hidden, either buried underground or otherwise difficult to find without the map. If you are familiar with the location the object is transported to, you can choose exactly where the object appears. If a creature holding the map is within 500 feet of the object, that creature knows the direction and distance to the object. When the object is removed, the X on the map disappears and it reverts to a normal map. Heightened (8th) The range becomes planetary, and you don’t need it to be located in the area the map illustrates.


Magma sprays forth, dealing 6d10 fire damage. The magma then settles, creating a deadly hazard in every square of solid ground covered by the spell’s area. Any creature that enters the magma or is occupying a square covered in magma at the end of its turn takes 5d6 fire damage. A creature can attempt to jump over the magma, taking 1 damage per damage die of the magma’s fire damage if they successfully make it to the other side. After 1 minute, the magma cools and becomes solid rock. Heightened (+1) The initial fire damage increases by 1d10, and the fire damage caused by the grounded magma increases by 1d6.


Traditions arcane, occult Cast material, somatic Range 10 miles; Targets one object

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Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 40-foot line; Duration basic Reflex



Traditions arcane, occult Cast somatic, material; Material a blank parchment or magic scroll Range 60 feet; Area one 5-foot square Saving Throw Reflex; Duration sustained up to 1 minute You tear the parchment to shreds, animating the fragments into a flying swarm capable of delivering deadly papercuts. The swarm deals 4d4 slashing damage plus 2d4 persistent bleed damage to each creature in the square where it first appears; each creature must attempt a basic Reflex save. On subsequent rounds, you can Sustain this Spell, leaving the swarm in its square or moving it to another square within range and dealing 4d4 slashing damage plus 2d4 persistent bleed damage; each creature in its square must attempt a basic Reflex save. Creatures that succeed at their save take no damage (instead of half). If the material component used for this spell was a magic scroll, this spell gains an additional effect. Once during the duration of the spell you can use two actions, which have the concentrate trait, to invoke the spell originally written on the scroll. When you do, you

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Traditions arcane, occult Cast somatic, material Range touch; Area one creature Duration 1 hour Your touch your target and choose a spellcasting tradition (arcane, divine, occult, or primal). The target gains a +1 status bonus on saves against all spells from that tradition. A creature’s innate spells count as spells of their normal traditions for this purpose. Heightened (+1) The spell gives an additional +1 bonus for each heightened spell level and protects against an additional spellcasting tradition.





Traditions arcane, divine, occult Cast somatic, verbal Range 120 feet; Area 1 living creature Duration Fortitude

shape the wall’s path, placing each 5 feet of the wall on the border between squares. The wall doesn’t need to stand vertically, so you can use it to form a bridge or a set of stairs, for example. The glass is extremely slippery; creatures using an action to move onto the glass must attempt either a Reflex save or an Acrobatics check to Balance against your spell DC or fall prone. A creature that Steps or Crawls doesn’t have to attempt a check or save. You must conjure the wall in an unbroken s Each 5-foot-by-5-foot section of the wall has AC 10, hardness 5, and 25 Hit Points, and it’s immune to cold, critical hits, fire, and precision damage and has weakness 10 to sonic damage. Additionally, if any one section of the wall is targeted by a cold effect and a fire effect in the same turn, it is instantly destroyed. A destroyed section of the wall can be moved through, but the rubble created from it is difficult terrain. Any creature attempting to Crawl or move through this difficult terrain takes 4d6 piercing damage and 4d6 slashing damage (basic Reflex half). A creature that falls prone in this rubble takes an 2d6 damage of each type (no save). Heightened (9th) The Hit Points of each section of the wall increase by 15. The amount of damage dealt by any rubble created by the wall increases by 2d6 (1d6 piercing and 1d6 slashing)

Your target’s body exhibits the symptoms of recent death. The muscles harden and atrophy, causing pain and restricting the target’s movement. The level of discomfort depends on the subject’s saving throw. Critical Success The spell has no effect. Success The target is slowed 1 and clumsy 1 for 1 round. Failure The target is slowed 2 and clumsy 2. The value of these conditions decreases by 1 after 1 hour of rest. Critical Failure The target takes 3d6 negative damage, is slowed 2 and clumsy 3. The value of these conditions decreases by 1 each time the target gets a full night’s rest.




Traditions divine Cast verbal, somatic Saving Throw Will; Range touch; Targets one creature You curse a creature with an alteration to their physiology so that it cannot bear the touch of the sun. The target must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success For 1 round, the creature gains weakness 5 to positive damage. As long as the creature is in an area of direct sunlight during the duration, it is dazzled and it takes 1 point of positive damage at the end of its turns. Failure As success, but the duration is permanent. The curse can be lifted by remove curse or similar magic. Critical Failure As failure, but the creature is blinded by sunlight instead of dazzled.




Traditions arcane, divine Cast verbal, somatic Range 120 feet; You shape a wall of sheer, transparent glass. You create a 1-inch think wall of glass up to 120 feet long and 20 feet high. You can

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Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic; Duration 1 minute You create illusory copies which fool your enemies as you move around. Whenever you make a move action, an illusory copy of you appears in your space, and moves in the opposite direction you move for the duration of that action. The illusion looks, smells, and feels identical to you, and can take no actions other than to mimic your movement. The copy disappears when the spell ends, or when you make another move action to create a new copy. If your movement would cause a copy to move into an occupied space, that copy disappears.




Traditions arcane, divine Cast verbal, somatic or

verbal, somatic, material;

Material cold iron or silver dagger Range 60 feet; Area 20-foot radius, 40-foot high cylinder Saving Throw basic Reflex; You pull hundreds of daggers from locations across the world and bring them down on your enemies in a sudden storm. Each creature in the spell’s area takes 10d4 piercing damage. You can cast this spell using three actions and a dagger made from a specific material such as cold iron or silver. If you do, the damage dealt by the spell is reduced to 8d4 and counts as the being dealt by the special material. The daggers return to their original homes as soon as they strike a creature, an object, or the ground.




Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets one living creature Saving Throw Will; You invite an undead spirit to possess your target’s shadow. The shadow attacks as a greater shadow (Pathfinder Bestiary (Second Edition)) until destroyed or the spell expires. If the greater shadow kills your target, it takes the victim’s shadow and returns to the Plane of Shadow. Critical Success The spell has no effect, but the target feels a cold chill and is aware they were targeted. Success The greater shadow makes a single shadow hand attack before disappearing. Failure The greater shadow makes one attack when you cast the spell, then attacks for a full round before disappearing. Critical Failure As failure but the greater shadow uses its darkness innate spell as a free action when you cast the spell and the shadow attacks each round for 1 minute.


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Traditions arcane


verbal, somatic, material; Material the bone of a planar

creature Range 120 feet; You conjure a great mass of bones from the underworld. You create a 1-inch-thick wall of bone up to 120 feet long, and 20 feet high. You can shape the wall's path, placing each 5 feet of the wall on the border between squares. Each section of the wall must connect to at least one solid surface excluding other portions of the wall. You must conjure the wall in an unbroken open space so its edges don't pass through any creatures or objects, or the spell is lost. Each 5-foot-by-5-foot section of the wall has AC 10, Hardness 12, and 45 Hit Points, and it's immune to critical hits and precision damage. A destroyed section of the wall can be moved through, but the rubble created from it is difficult terrain. Once per round you can use a single action, which has the concentrate and manipulate traits, to cause skeletal arms to extend from the wall, attempting to grab nearby creatures. Make a spell attack roll against the Fortitude DC of each enemy adjacent to a section of the wall. On a success, they are grabbed by that section and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. The wall’s escape DC is equal to your spell DC, and if a section of the wall that is grabbing a creature is destroyed, it releases its grip on the creature.





Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Duration 1 minute You collapse into a disturbing mass of transparent jelly and unblinking eyes. You become a rare ooze capable of cursing or dissolving your enemies. You can Dismiss this spell. You assume a Large battleform and gain the following statistical abilities: 25 temporary hit points. Immunities: acid, critical hits, piercing, precision, slashing. Horrific Gaze (arcane, aura, enchantment, visual) 30 feet. When a creature ends its turn within the aura it must attempt a DC 28 Will save or become dazzled and fascinated. These conditions last until the subject can no longer see you. Darkvision 60 feet. Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet; Melee pseudopod +25 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+6 bludgeoning plus 2d6 acid and Grab. On a critical hit the acid damage is persistent, Constrict 1d10+6 bludgeoning plus 1d6 acid.





Traditions arcane, divine Cast verbal, somatic, material; Material the claw or fang of a creature from the plane of shadow Range 120 feet; Area 20-foot burst Duration 1 minuteSaving Throw Reflex; This spell creates an area of intense blackness. This functions as a 4th level darkness, but filled with unseen chewing teeth and ravenous maws which deals 8d8 slashing damage and 1d6 persistent bleed damage to creatures within the area. Each creature that starts it’s turn in the area must attempt a reflex save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half damage and no persistent bleed damage. Failure The creature takes full damage. Critical Failure The creature takes double damage.




Traditions arcane Cast verbal, somatic, material; Material a small bottle of blood

Success The creature takes half damage and is drained 1 for 1 minute. Failure The creature takes full damage and is drained 1 for 1 minute. The creature’s lost blood animates into a greater blood ooze which appears in a square adjacent to the target. The ooze gains the summoned trait but does not immediately take its actions when you Cast the Spell. It still gains actions when you Sustain the Spell on subsequent turns. Critical Failure As failure, and the creature takes 2d6 persistent bleed damage.






Perception +15; motion sense 60 feet, no vision Skills Acrobatics +21, Stealth +9 (+20 if hiding in a body) Str +6; Dex -4; Con +6; Int -5; Wis +0; Cha -5 AC 20; Fort +23;Ref +11; Will +15 HP 220; Hardness 8; Immunities critical hits, mental, precision, unconscious, visual; Blood Pool Whenever a creature adjacent to a greater blood ooze takes bleed damage, the blood ooze regains an amount of Hit Points equal to the damage dealt. Greater Clot Trigger The blood ooze is damaged by a piercing or slashing attack.; Effect The blood ooze forms a clot around the wound, reducing the damage taken by 15 (to a minimum of 0). If the triggering attack was caused by a melee weapon, the greater blood ooze can immediately attempt to Disarm that weapon as a free action. If the weapon would fall to the ground, it becomes stuck to the Greater Blood Ooze instead. Speed 10 feet, climb 10 feet Melee pseudopod +21 (reach 10 feet) , Damage 1d12+14 bludge oning plus 2d6 persistent bleed; Siphon Vitality The greater blood ooze draws forth blood from nearby creatures, causing their flesh to break open and blood to spill out which replenishes the blood ooze. Each living creature within 30 feet takes 9d6 slashing damage (DC 28 basic Fortitude save). The blood ooze regains an amount of Hit Points equal to half the damage Siphon Vitality dealt to the single creature that took the most damage. If the greater blood ooze regains enough hit points to restore it to its maximum hit points, it can immediately use its spawn ooze ability without losing hit points. Spawn Ooze The greater blood ooze splits, creating a lesser spawn. When using this ability, the greater blood ooze loses 30 hit points. The spawn is a blood ooze, which appears in an adjacent unoccupied space. If no adjacent space is unoccupied, the ability fails. Greater Blood Oozes are blood oozes given a terrible will through arcane means. Unlike its lesser kind, its hunger for blood is tempered by a hatred for the creature it was once part of.

coagulant Range 30 feet; Area one living creature Duration sustained up to 1 minuteSaving Throw Fortitude; You animate a portion of the target’s blood, causing it to force itself out of the victim’s body and form into an ooze which deals 3d6 negative damage. The target must attempt a fortitude saving throw. Creatures who lack blood are unaffected by this spell. Critical Success The creature is unaffected.

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Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Duration 1 hour or until used You consult the experiences of a future version of yourself. During the spell’s duration you can add +2 to your proficiency bonus to your AC, an attack roll, a saving throw. You can do this as a free action during your turn, or as a reaction when a roll is required between turns. You can increase your proficiency bonus in this way a total of seven times per casting of this spell. In lieu of this benefit, you can count yourself as trained with a weapon or skill you are normally untrained in. Doing this consumes enough tie with your future self that it cancels the spell.





Traditions arcane, occult Cast somatic, verbal Range 30 feet; Area one willing creature Duration 1 minute Three illusory images of you swirl about the target’s space, making it difficult to attack them. Any attack that would hit the target has a random chance of hitting one of the images instead. If all three images remain, there is a 1 in 4 chance of hitting the target (1 on 1d4). With two images remaining, there is a 1 in 3 chance of hitting you (1–2 on 1d6). With only one image, the chances are 1 in 2 (1–3 on 1d6). When an image is hit, it takes damage normally. Images don’t have any of the target’s special defenses, including resistances or immunities. Once an image takes 70 damage, it is destroyed. If an attack fails to hit your AC but doesn’t critically fail, it hits an image but has no additional effect (even if the attack would normally have an effect on a failure). If an attack roll is a critical success and would hit one of the images, the image takes double damage and the attack roll becomes a success against you. Once all the images are destroyed, the spell ends. You can use a single action, which has the concentrate and teleportation traits, to cause the target and any number of images to either teleport 10 feet or swap locations with another image. This teleportation doesn’t have the move trait. An image that leaves the target’s space no longer impedes attacks against that target, but if an image returns to the target’s space (either because you moved it or because the target moved into the image’s space) they regain this benefit. Other creatures cannot Stride into an image’s space, but they can Step into it; this provides no benefit to creatures other than the target. Discerning that an independent image isn’t a real creature requires a successful DC 40 Perception check.




Traditions arcane, divine, occult Cast somatic, verbal Range 60 feet; Area one creature Saving Throw basic Will;

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The target’s soul remains in the same location the creature was when it was affected by the spell. Whenever the target moves at all, a translucent image representing its soul is visible as its physical body partially separates. Each time the target attempts any action

other than remaining perfectly still it takes 3d6 mental damage. The target cannot move from its position while the spell remains in effect. Each round the target can attempt to overcome the spell by moving and attempting a new Will save. On a successful save the spell effect ends and the target is immune for 1 hour. The target takes the mental damage whether successful or not. This spell has no effect on constructs, mindless creatures, or creatures with an Intelligence bonus of -5.







You teleport your targets high into the air. They rise straight up and immediately fall back to the ground. Each target attempts a Reflex save to determine the spell’s effect. Critical Success The target remains grounded and is not affected. Success The target teleports 10 feet up. Flying creatures can attempt an Acrobatics check at the spell’s DC as a reaction to remain aloft and not fall. Creatures falling back to ground provoke attacks of opportunity. Failure As Success, but the target teleports 60 feet directly above its starting location. Critical Failure As Success, but the target teleports 120 feet directly above its starting location.





Range 30-foot burst; Saving Throw basic Reflex save; Lightning spills forth from your body in all directions, which deals 5d8 electricity damage to any number of targets in the area. The spell allows for pinpoint accuracy and will not damage anything you wish to exclude from the destruction. For each additional action you use when Casting the Spell, you issue forth an additional burst of lightning, to a maximum of three burst for three actions. Each creature that takes 40 or more damage from this spell is stunned 1, and each creature that takes 80 or more damage is stunned 2. If you issue forth more than one burst, combine the damage before applying bonuses or penalties to damage, resistances, weaknesses, and so forth.


Traditions arcane Cast somatic Range 120 feet; Targets up to 8 creatures



Traditions arcane, primal Cast to verbal, somatic

You remove your own vital organs via magical surgery. Each organ continues to pulse and writhe with its normal activity. While the spell is in effect, you are immune to critical hits, precision damage, persistent damage, and fatigue. If you recover from the dying condition you do not counted as wounded. Finally, you do not take additional hit point damage from critically failing a saving throw or similar check. When you memorize spells, you can leave an 8th level spell slot uncast to keep this spell in effect. The spell lasts until dispelled or until you memorize a spell in canopic contingency’s place. When the spell ends, your organs return to your body from any location and function normally, even if damaged while being stored.



Traditions arcane, occult Cast 1 hour (verbal, somatic) Duration see below


increases by 1. Critical Failure As failure, except the drained value increase is 2.


Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 30 feet; Targets one living creature Duration sustained up to 1 minute; Saving Throw Fortitude; The target starts to forcibly molt as its skin loosens from the body before splitting open in areas and falling off completely. The target must attempt a fortitude save when you Cast the Spell and each time you Sustain the spell. If the target’s drained value is higher than 5 at any point during the duration, its skin falls of completely to reveal its musculature underneath. The target takes 3d8 points of negative damage and the duration of its highest drained condition increases to 1 month. After this, the spell ends. When the target no longer has the drained condition, its skin has fully regrown. If the target lacks skin or is unaffected by losing its skin due to its physiology, the spell has no effect. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is drained 1 for the duration of the spell. Failure The creature is drained 2 for 1 minute. If the creature already had the drained condition, the value of the drained condition



Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range 60 feet; Area 60 feet Duration 1 minute Creatures you regard as allies within the spell’s area gain the quickened condition. The additional action they gain can be a Reaction, Stride, or Strike. All other creatures in the area gain slowed 1. Heightened (10th) All other creatures in the area gain slowed 2.





Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range 30-foot cone; Saving Throw Will save; Duration 1 minute You emanate waves of intense pleasure that cause all targets within range to falter. The shock to the victim’s senses makes the very act of moving their body difficult due to sensory overload. Affected creatures gain the clumsy condition for one round whenever they take actions with the move or attack traits during their turn. The first move or attack action makes it clumsy 1 and subsequent move or attack actions increase the clumsy value by 1. Each creature in the area attempts a will save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is stunned 1, and is affected for 1 round. Failure The creature is stunned 1, and is affected for 1 minute. Critical Failure As failure, and the creature is clumsy 1 permanently. Heightened (9th) The area increases to a 60-foot cone.

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You designate a specific location you have personally visited. When you cast this spell, you create a contingency that teleports you to the chosen location the next time a creature touches you or attacks you with a melee or natural weapon. The creature that touches you must attempt a Reflex save or be teleported to the location with you. The location can be anywhere on the same planet.


UNCOMMON INCAPACITATION POLYMORPH TRANSMUTATION Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic Range 60 feet; Targets one creature Duration 1 minute Your target collapses into component parts like dust, salt, and water. Its remains sink or drain into the ground to rejoin the earth. The target makes a Fortitude save when you cast the spell and each round thereafter. When the spell expires the target reconstitutes completely. Critical Success The target’s transformation halts until the beginning of the target’s next turn. Success Partial disintegration forces the target to take 2d10 damage and gains clumsy 1. Failure The target takes 6d10 damage and gains clumsy 2. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points the target dies. Critical Failure As failure above except the damage is 12d10 and the clumsy value increases to 4. Heightened (10th) Increase the number of pillars to 8. You can use 8 pillars together to attempt to trap a single gargantuan creature.




Traditions arcane, divine, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range 60 feet; Targets two living creatures Saving Throw Fortitude;

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Traditions arcane, primal Cast verbal, somatic, material; Material an eyeball encased in

Duration 1 hour or until discharged Saving Throw basic Reflex;



Traditions arcane Cast verbal, somatic


Critical Failure As Failure, except the target gains drained 2and you also gain quickened 1 for 1 minute.

Negative energy erupts from inside your targets’ bodies, corrupting both flesh and spirit. The more life force you erode from your enemies, the more power you gain. The target attempts a Fortitude save when you cast the spell and at the start of its turn the following two rounds. Success The target retains the drained condition from previous failed saves but suffers no additional effects this round. You retain any benefits from the spell gained as a result of failed saving throws against it. Failure The target gains drained 1. You gain a +2 status bonus on saving throws for 1 minute so long as any target fails at least 1 save. You gain 5 temporary hit points each time a target fails a saving throw against this spell. These hit points last for 1 hour. Each day a drained target gets a full night’s rest its drained value reduces by 1.

ice Range 120 feet; Targets up to 4 creatures (see text) Saving Throw Reflex; Duration sustained up to 1 minute You conjure four pillars of thick ice to trap your targets. Each pillar is capable of holding one large or smaller creature. By using all four pillars together, you can trap a huge creature. Each pillar has AC 10, Hardness 10 and 40 hit points, and is immune to critical hits, cold damage, and precision damage. Each pillar also has weakness 15 to fire damage. Creatures trapped inside the ice can still breathe. Each creature must attempt a reflex save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected, and a pillar instead forms in an adjacent square. Success The creature becomes partially trapped in ice, and is immobilized for 1 turn. It can escape to remove the immobilized condition. Failure The creature is trapped in the ice, and becomes restrained for 1 turn. Even if it loses the restrained condition, it is still contained within the ice and must break free by damaging the ice until it breaks or through some other method. If the ice is destroyed before while the creature is still restrained, it loses the restrained condition. Critical Failure As failure, and the creature remains trapped in the ice even if you don’t sustain the spell. Heightened (10th) Increase the number of pillars to 8. You can use 8 pillars together to attempt to trap a single gargantuan creature.




Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal, somatic Range 60 feet; Targets up to 6 creatures basic WillDuration 1 minute Your targets perceive a constantly shifting landscape of allies, enemies, obstacles, and terrain. Forms and motions constantly change from one thing to another, leaving each subject confused, dazzled, fascinated, and flat-footed. Creatures who fail to save against this spell receive no flat check to recover if they take damage from an attack.




Traditions primal Cast verbal, somatic Saving Throw Reflex; You command a catastrophic wave of seawater to drown your foes. The water forms a flat, 15-foot-thick, 30-foot-high wall of water between 60 and 120 feet wide (you decide). It moves 150 feet in a direction of your choice along solid or liquid surfaces, extinguishing all non-magical fires and counteracting magical ones, carrying along unattended objects of 4 Bulk or less, and pushing larger objects. The wave moves another 150 feet in the same direction at the start of your next turn, then stops. Huge or smaller in the area or that enter the area the wave moves through take 10d6 bludgeoning damage and must attempt a Fortitude save. After the wave has passed through an area, it leaves behind a substantial body of water. The water is 20 foot deep with differences based on prior elevation at GM discretion. The water disappears after 1 day, but may disappear quicker if the landscape is slanted or otherwise unsuitable to hold the water. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is knocked prone and takes half damage. Failure The creature is pushed 30 feet in the wave’s direction and 10 feet deep into the resulting water and takes full damage. Critical Failure The creature is pushed 50 feet in the wave’s direction and 20 feet deep into the resulting water and takes double damage.





Traditions arcane, occult Cast verbal Duration 1 minute You see all things precisely as they are. You can tell if a creature or object is invisible, displaced, or polymorphed with the creature’s false form superimposed over its real one. You see through darkness and concealment, but not cover. Your accurate perceptions extend to every sense, so auditory or tactile illusions don’t fool you. The spell’s range is limited to that of your natural perceptions (as far as you can normally see, hear, smell, etc.) While you see polymorphed creatures for what they are their transformation still affects you normally. If you are targeted by an illusion spell that could cause damage (such as phantasmal killer) you gain a +8 bonus on your saving throw.

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Traditions arcane Cast somatic; Trigger a creature within range you can see Casts a Spell on your spell list of 8th level or lower.; Range 60 feet; Targets the spell cast by the triggering creature Duration 1 round; Saving Throw Will; Harnessing absolute control over the arcane, you attempt to steal a spell and cast it for yourself. The triggering creature must attempt a will save. Critical Success The creature casts the spell as normal. Success The creature must roll a DC 5 flat check. On a failure, it doesn’t cast the triggering spell, but doesn’t lose the spell slot used to cast it. On a success, it casts the spell as normal. Failure You counteract the targeted spell. On your next turn, you may cast the spell without expending a spell slot, spending actions as normal. Critical Failure As failure, except you may immediately cast the targeted spell as a free action.





Traditions arcane, divine, occult Cast somatic, verbal; Range 120 feet; Targets up to 6 living creatures Saving Throw basic Fortitude; Saving Throw 1 minute; Negative energy courses through the bodies of your targets. Each target must attempt a Fortitude save when the spell is cast. On a failed save, a target takes 3d8 persistent negative damage and gains doomed 1 as malevolent spirits attempt to control its body. If a target with the doomed condition from any source dies within 120 feet of you its body rises on the following round as an undead version of itself. The corpse has the same physical ability scores as its deceased version, with an additional +4 bonus to Strength. It has half the hit points of its donor and the same proficiencies but cannot take reaction or use feats and other class features. This creature obeys your mental commands and attacks your enemies to the best of its abilities. Any undead created by this spell collapse and become normal corpses when the spell expires. Effects that would return an affected corpse to life don’t function until the spell expires.





Traditions arcane, occult Cast 1 minute (material, somatic, verbal) Range planetary; Targets two intelligent creatures that you know their true names Saving Throw Will;

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You create intense animosity in the minds of your targets. Both plot to ruin or destroy one another physically, mentally, or socially. Each target engages in this conflict in the manner most suited to them, so one might seek to murder the other, while the other might seek to destroy its rival’s legacy and reputation. You must have spoken to both subjects in person before casting the spell and must possess a personal item belonging to each target when you cast the spell. If the two targets do not know of one another, the spell fails.

Each target attempts a Will save when you cast the spell. Their results are independent of one another. Critical Success The target shakes off the effect, and knows you tried to engineer conflict between they and the other target. Success The target’s attitude shifts to indifferent toward the other target regardless of its previous attitude. Its attitude can be altered by Diplomacy or other normal means. Failure The target’s attitude shifts to hostile toward the other target. It seeks the other target’s downfall for 1 week but doesn’t realize the spell has a limited duration. Critical Failure As failure but the target is focused on the other target’s destruction and the duration changes to 1 year.





Traditions arcane, occult Cast somatic, verbal; Your spell conceals all signs of a single person, place, or thing from the target, designated by you at the time of casting. The target cannot see, hear, or otherwise detect any acknowledgement of the forbidden subject. A named creature remains undetected, historical records omit mention of the banned subject, even casual conversation regarding the chosen topic goes unnoticed. The spell’s target excuses any inconsistencies between its perception and any information to the contrary. The spell does not change the target’s memories or past information. The severity of this censorship depends on the results of the target’s saving throw. Critical Success The spell has no effect on the target. Success The target gains stupefied 1 whenever the forbidden subject is mentioned or detected. This condition only lasts for 1 round. Failure The spell hides the chosen subject from the target for 1 day. Critical Failure The spell hides the chosen subject from the target permanently. Any effect that breaks a curse can end this effect with a successful counteract check against your spell DC.




Traditions arcane, divine Cast 10 minutes (somatic, verbal) Duration 1 hour or until discharged Thousands of fleeting images of possible threats continuously shuffle jut out of range of your vision. The spell heightens your awareness of danger and protects you from threats that manifest by providing specific protection at the right moment. While the spell is active, you gain a +2 status bonus on initiative checks and Reflex saves. If you suffer any kind of damage, the spell gives you resistance 25 to the type of damage you take (for example, acid, bludgeoning, or poison). You do not have to be aware of an incoming attack, spell, or ability to gain this resistance. The spell offers this resistance up to 6 times during the spell’s duration.




Traditions arcane Cast verbal, somatic Duration 1 minute For the duration, you gain absolute mastery over matter, transmuting one object to another with ease. When you Cast the Spell, choose two different types of material from wax, lead, wood, iron or flesh. Up to two of your hands transmute objects into a different chosen material upon touch. Touching the surface of an object is a single action with the interact trait, which lets you convert a 5 foot cube worth of matter into the chosen material. If you touch a petrified creature and the chosen material was flesh, you restore that creature to its normal state. You can also attempt to transmute a creature by spending two actions with the interact trait to touch them if the chosen material was wax, lead, wood or iron. This functions as flesh to stone, except the creature turns into the chosen material instead of stone.

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Rituals 1ST LEVEL


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Traditions primal Cast 1 day (or longer, see heightened rules);Cost herbs and natural materials worth a total value of 1 gp × the primary caster's level;; Secondary Casters none; Primary Check Nature (expert); Range 5 miles; You call upon the local primal spirits of nature for aid in finding a new companion. Critical Success As success, but you can specify a specific species of animal and the spirits will search an additional 5 miles in radius for a close equivalent. If you exceed the primary check DC by 15 the spirits also grant a minor boon to the companion of a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, Perception, saving throws, or skill checks that lasts for 1 week. Success The primal spirits search for an animal within a 5 mile radius that is suitable to be your companion and guide it to your location. The spirits then aid you in forming a bond with the animal, transforming it into your companion. You can specify the lifestyle (aquatic, amphibious, aerial, or terrestrial) and role in the food chain (carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore) of the animal that the spirits search for. If the spirits cannot find a suitable animal to your specifications, they will either choose the next best option or fail to return. Failure The primal spirits ignore your request and you fail to summon a companion. Critical Failure The primal spirits are angered and summon a local animal or monster to attack you. Heightened (2nd) The spirits search in a 10 mile radius for a suitable animal. If you have the Leshy Familiar feat you can use this version to search for a new Leshy Familiar without specifying a type of animal, and a critical success lets you specify the general appearance of the Leshy instead of a specific species. Heightened (3rd) The spirits search in a 15 mile radius for a suitable animal. On a success, you can also specify an unusual family of creature for a familiar instead of an animal (such as a leshy or a ooze), but only if it is a type you can have as a familiar. You cannot specify the exact type of creature further unless you critically succeed. The ritual may take longer if the creature(animals count as creatures) is far away and has a slow travel speed. Heightened (4th) The spirits search on a 20 mile radius for a suitable creature. On a success, you can specify the exact type of creature that you want so long as it is a type you can take as a companion. A critical success now grants the companion a minor boon without needing to succeed the primary check by 15. The ritual may take longer if the creature is far away and has a slow travel speed. Heightened (5th) As 4th level, but the radius increases by 5 miles per additional level after fifth, you can summon a specific creature you have seen (so long as it is not raising children or otherwise serving as an essential part of nature), and the primal spirits

teleport the creature to your location instead of requiring it to travel to you.





Traditions occult Cast 1 day;Cost reagents to build a chamber capable of housing the target’s unconscious body worth 2,500 gp plus regents to heal the target worth 50 gp × the target’s level;; Primary Check Medicine; Secondary Check Occultism Range 5 miles; Targets one creature Duration permanent, see text You perform a ritual to place the target in temporal stasis until their body can be restored. When you cast this ritual, the target falls unconscious as the chamber fills with liquid and cannot awaken until the ritual has run its course. While unconscious, the target doesn’t need to breathe and treats every 24 hours that passes as 1 round for the purpose of aging, dehydration, starvation, non-magical afflictions such as diseases and poisons, and all other biological processes. Critical Success As a success, but you increase the highest-level of each type of effect you can counteract with rites of spellshatter by 1. Success While unconscious, the target gains long-term bed rest every 24 hours and attempts a counteract against a 1st-level or lower spell, a 2nd-level or lower disease or poison, or a 2nd-level or lower effect imposing the paralyzed condition, chosen randomly. The ritual acts as dispel magic when counteracting spells, neutralize poison when counteracting diseases, remove disease when counteracting diseases, or remove paralysis when counteracting the paralyzed condition. Once the ritual has counteracted or ended all effects that it is capable of affecting, it ends and the target awakens after 1 hour. After awakening, the target gains the clumsy 4, drained 4, enfeebled 4, and stupefied 4 conditions; each of these conditions’ value lessen by 1 after a full night bed rest. Failure The target is unaffected by the ritual. Critical Failure The target is placed into suspended animation and cannot get a full night’s rest. Every 24 hours, the target gains the drained 1 condition; if the target is already drained, their drained condition’s value increases by 1d4 instead. Heightened (+2) Increase highest level of ritual or spell that the ritual can counteract by 1 and the highestlevel of disease, poison, or paralyzed condition that the ritual can counteract by 2.. Heightened (2nd) If the ritual is a success or a critical success, the target counteract a single effect imposing the blinded or deafened condition to the target day, acting as a 2nd-level restore senses spell. Heightened (3rd) If the ritual is a success or a critical success, the target can lessen a toxin or reduce a condition instead of counteracting an effect for the day, acting as a 2nd-level restoration spell.

Heightened (4th) When the target uses their daily counteract to lessen a toxin or reduce a condition, it acts as a 4th-level restoration. Heightened (5th) If the ritual is a success or a critical success, the target can reattach one severed body part instead of counteracting an effect for the day. This body part must be present with them inside of the ritual chamber. Heightened (6th) When the target uses their daily counteract to lessen a toxin or reduce a condition, it acts as a 6th-level restoration except no material component needs to be added to reduce a permanent doomed condition. Heightened (7th) If the ritual is a success or a critical success, the target regrow one damaged or ruined organ instead of counteracting an effect for the day. If the target is suffering from a physical, congenial disorder, they can attempt a DC 40 Medicine check to counteract the disorder. Heightened (8th) You can target 1 dead creature that’s been dead for no longer than 1 week prior to the ritual’s casting. When doing so, the ritual has the following critical success, success, failure, and critical failure effects. Critical Success As a success, but the target immediately returns to life, after which their condition does not improve for 2d6 days. Success The target’s body is rebuilt as their soul is called back from the afterlife. The target remains dead for 2d6 days, after which they are revived but unconscious with 1 Hit Point and no spells prepared or points in any pools. The target’s condition does not improve for 2d6 days, after which they begin gaining long-term bed rest every 24 hours and counteracting effects. Failure The target remains dead. Critical Failure The target remains dead and their corpse is ruined, making it unable to be targeted by further uses of restore the broken body, raise dead, or a resurrect ritual of 8th level or lower




Traditions occult Cast 1 day;Cost reagents to enter a heightened state of awareness worth 200 gp × the level of the effect you’re attempting to counteract; Primary Check see text; Secondary Check Occultism Range touch; Targets one creature You attempt to impose your mental desires upon the physical world, undoing effects normally too powerful to counteract. When you cast the ritual, choose one effect active on the target that you want to counteract and attempt a skill check with a skill that represents a cherished memory that you shared with the target (the primary check). For example, if you and the target became close friends due to a shared love of reading, you could attempt Literature Lore checks for the ritual’s primary and secondary checks. The DC for this counteract check is a very hard check of the effect’s level (or twice its level, if its a spell or ritual) for most effects, a incredibly hard check for effects that can only be ended by wish or effects that refer to the wish spell, or an incredibly hard check of 1 level higher for effects that can only be ended by rites of shatterspell. As part of the ritual’s casting, otherworldly beings will propose you any number of sacrifices to gain a conditional bonus to your counteract check equal to the combined base bonuses of each sacrifice × 1 if you are an acquaintance of the target’s, × 2 if you are amicable with them, or × 3 if you are close friends with them. You may choose to accept them or not, but while you do not choose the type

of sacrifice, you choose the exact stage of sacrifice for the desired conditional bonus value. Youth You sacrifice your youth, becoming a number of years older equal to the base bonus × 2d10 years. You choose the base bonus before rolling for the number of years older you become. This can cause you to die from old age, and the base bonus cannot exceed a multiple of the number of years rolled that would be necessary to make you a newborn. For example, if you’re a 20 year-old human, choose a base bonus of +5, and roll 20 years, your base bonus probably can’t exceed +4 because +4 × 20 years is 80 years, making you 100 years old and likely dead of old age. Prowess You offer your Strength, gaining the enfeebled condition for 1d4 days. The base bonus is equal to half the condition value you choose, which cannot exceed 5 + your Strength modifier. If you choose to make the enfeebled condition permanent, the bonus is quadrupled. Life You offer your life, causing you to immediately progress to dying 5 and die. You cannot be resurrected except by divine intervention. The base bonus is +10. Drained You offer your Constitution, gaining the drained condition for 1d4 days. The base bonus is equal to the condition value you choose, which cannot exceed 5 + your Constitution modifier. If you make the drained condition permanent, the bonus is quadrupled. Memento You offer something that you treasure deeply, causing the item to disintegrate into ash. The base bonus is equal to +1 plus the item’s level divided by 4. Memory You offer the target’s memory of your time together. The base bonus is +1. If you succeed, the target cannot recall you or your identity in any capacity; if you point out major life events that you were present for, the target remembers someone was present but cannot remember who. This fugue cannot be removed except by divine intervention. Stupefied You offer your mental acuity, gaining the stupefied condition for 24 hours. The base bonus is equal to half the condition value you choose, which cannot exceed 5 + the highest among your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers. If you make the condition permanent, the bonus is quadrupled Critical Success You successfully counteract the chosen effect with no side effects. Success You successfully counteract the chosen effect, but the target is drained 4; this condition’s value decreases by 1 after a full week of bed rest. Failure You fail to counteract the chosen effect. Critical Failure All ritualists must succeed at a Will save against the ritual or be affected by whatever effect they attempted to use rites of shatterspell to end.






Traditions occult Cast 1 day;Cost reagents to sew livesteel buttons into the target’s flesh worth 400 gp × the target’s level;; Secondary Casters 1 Primary Check Arcana or Occultism (expert);; Secondary Check Athletics or Tailoring Lore Range touch; Targets one creature Duration 1 week or until dismissed

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You transform the target’s body into a one-piece set of clothing that appears identical — albeit it simplified — to their original form save that it has three livesteel buttons. The effect can’t be counteracted, though it can be ended by alter reality, miracle, primal phenomenon, wish, or rites of shatterspell. Only the target is transformed; any gear they’re carrying or wearing falls to the ground in their space. This garment automatically adjusts itself to fit any creature that attempts to wear it and if all three buttons are buttoned, the garment transforms back into the target’s body under the wearer’s control, acting as the critical failure effect of a 9th-level possession spell cast by the wearer. This effect doesn’t have the incapacitation or mental traits and lasts until the wearer unbuttons the skinsuit or the ritual’s duration ends. A skinsuit’s buttons have hardness 2 and 10 Hit Points. When buttoned, these buttons are invisible to everyone except the wearer. If a button is destroyed, the skinsuit reverts back into clothing worn by the wearer. As a garment, a skinsuit has the same number of Hit Points as the target and retains any hardness, resistances, or immunities that the target has. A skinsuit acts as an ordinary set of clothing for all effects except as described above. It does not register as a magic item despite its unique properties. The target does not age while transformed and is unconscious until worn, at which point wearer and target can communicate with each other via telepathy, though the wearer can choose to silence the target as their discretion. Critical Success You successfully transform the target into a skinsuit. Anyone wearing the target is legendary in Deception checks to Impersonate them; a wearer who is already legendary in Deception instead gains a +4 item bonus to Deception checks to Impersonate the target while wearing them. Success You successfully transform the target into a skinsuit. Failure You fail to transform the target into a skinsuit. Critical Failure You transform yourself into a skinsuit. Anyone wearing you is legendary in Deception checks to Impersonate you; a wearer who is already legendary in Deception instead gains a +4 item bonus to Deception checks to Impersonate you while wearing you. Heightened (4th) Increase the duration to 1 month. Heightened (6th) Increase the duration to 1 year. Heightened (6th) Increase the duration to permanent. Heightened (8th) The ritual’s duration is permanent and it can only be ended by rites of shatterspell.





Traditions primal Cast 1 day;Cost herbs and natural materials worth a total value of 5 gp × the primary caster's level;; Secondary Casters 1 Primary Check Nature (expert); Secondary Check Survival Range 10 feet; Targets the primary caster's dead companion

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You attempt to call forth your companions soul and return it to its body. This requires your companions body to be present and relatively intact. Your companion must have died within the past week. If the primal spirits of nature have decided that your companion's time has come or your companion doesn’t wish to return, this ritual automatically fails, but you discover this after the successful Nature check and can end the ritual without paying the cost. Your companion can be resurrected up to two times against the natural order of life and death. Once two times it has been brought to

life, it's third death is final unless the ritual is a critical success. Critical Success You resurrect your companion. They return to life with full Hit Points and are a companion appropriate to your current level, and still suffering from any long-term debilitations of the old body. Your companion meets a primal spirit during the resurrection who inspires them, granting them a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, Perception, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 week. Your companion is also permanently changed in some way by their time in the afterlife, such as gaining a slight personality shift, a streak of white on their body, or a strange new birthmark. This resurrection doesn't count against your companion's life limit. Success As critical success, except your companion returns to life with 1 Hit Point, does not gain any status bonuses, and still is affected by any long-term debilitations of the old body. This ressurection counts against your companion's life limit. Failure Your attempt is unsuccessful. Critical Failure Something goes horribly wrong—an evil spirit possesses the body, the body transforms into a special kind of undead, or some worse fate befalls the target. Heightened (5th) You can use Resurrect Companion even with only a small portion of the body; the ritual creates a new body on a success or critical success. Your companion must have died within the past month. The ritual requires two secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half of your level. Heightened (7th) You can use Resurrect Companion even without the body but you must provide a dead body of similar creature. Your companion must have died within the past year. The ritual requires four secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half of your level.





Traditions arcane Cast 1 day;Cost high-quality body paint and incense worth 500 gp; Secondary Casters 2 Primary Check Occultism (expert); Secondary Check Fortitude, Medicine Targets one half-blooded creature You transform the half-blooded creature into a full-blooded creature. One of the secondary casters must be a full-blooded creature of the same type you intend for the half-blooded creature to become. This secondary caster will provide the blood for the transfusion, and it is this caster that must make fortitude saves during the ritual. This ritual has no effect on planetouched half-breeds such as tieflings or aasimar, as their heritage is not bound strictly to their blood but rather a mixed quality of their soul. Critical Success The target is permanently transformed into a fullblood. Success As critical success, but both the target and fullblood secondary caster are drained 2 for one week. Failure The ritual fails, and both the target and fullblood secondary caster are drained 2 for one week. Critical Failure The blood transfusion goes horribly wrong and both the target and the fullblood secondary caster must make a fortitude save with a hard DC for twice the ritual’s spell level. If they fail, they die. Otherwise, they take 6d6 bleeding damage and are drained 3 for a week.

Heightened (7th) The ritual can be used to remove a planetouched heritage. The cost increases to 2000 gp. Heightened (10th) The ritual can be used to create a planar pureblood from a planetouched half-breed. This requires a planar creature of the right type as a secondary caster. The cost increases to 30000 gp.





Traditions occult Cast 1 day;Cost rare herbs and oils worth 250 gp × the target’s level, one gold ring with a ruby worth 100 gp per copy you wish to creature, which cannot exceed the number of digits the target has.; Primary Check Occultism (expert); Secondary Check Crafting Range touch; Targets one half-blooded creature You perform a ritual that divides the target into multiple, disparate creatures (called quotients). When the ritual is cast, a ring is placed on each of the target’s digits (usually their fingers and toes), and when complete the quotients each tumble out of the original wearing one of the rings on a corresponding part of their body. A quotient cannot willingly remove its ring, and if removed they crumble to dust. Each quotient is an NPC under the GM’s control, but exactly how those NPCs think and behave is determined by which version of the ritual is used. While some versions of this ritual offer all of the forms, others include only a single form or only a few of them. Whichever you use, the effect can’t be counteracted, though it can be ended by alter reality, miracle, primal phenomenon, wish, or rites of shatterspell. Ability You divide the target by its potential. For each quotient created, the target gains one of the following conditions with a condition value of 1: clumsy, drained, enfeebled, or stupefied condition. You can choose the same condition multiple times, each time increasing that condition’s value by 1. Each condition’s value cannot exceed 5 + the target’s ability modifier in the condition’s associated ability score (Strength for enfeebled, Dexterity for clumsy, drained for Constitution, and the highest between Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma for stupefied). Each quotient has one key ability of your choice that has one ability score modifier equal to the condition value you used for that ability score (enfeebled for Strength, clumsy for Dexterity, drained for Constitution, or stupefied for all others); all other modifiers are equal to 0 – the condition value you used for that ability score. No two quotients can have the same key ability, limiting the total number of quotients you can create in this way to 6. Age You divide the target up by its age. The target’s age is divided by the total number of quotients created, and each quotient is of the same, modified age. The target and all quotients are diminished both in maturity and physical age, and the target cannot be made younger than 1 month old in this manner. Expertise You divide the target up by its age. The target’s age is divided by the total number of quotients created, and each quotient is of the same, modified age. The target and all quotients are diminished both in maturity and physical age, and the target cannot be made younger than 1 month old in this manner.

Temperament You divide the target by their personality. The target and each quotient each embody one specific emotion or temperament, with the target retaining the most significant to their personality. For example, if the target is normally excitable, then the target’s emotions adjust so that they can only be excitable. Then one quotient might embody anger, another sorrow, and so on. Success You successfully divide the target. Each quotient acts as an independent creature. Failure You fail to divide the target’s essence. Critical Failure The target’s essence is divided in unexpected ways, as determined by the GM but generally as contradictory as your original intentions as possible. For example, if you intended to divide the target’s essence by ability to get a dumb, brutish version of them that would follow your every command, they might instead divide by age so you’re left with a gaggle of young children.





Traditions occult Cast 1 day;Cost reagents to make the target’s physical form malleable to the ritualists’ wills worth 800 gp × the target’s level;; Secondary Casters 1 Primary Check Arcana or Occultism (master);; Secondary Check Medicine (expert) Range touch; Targets one creature You perform a ritual that dramatically twists the target’s form, changing them as you see fit. While some versions of this ritual offer all of the forms, others include only a single form or only a few of them. Whichever you use, the effect can’t be counteracted, though it can be ended by alter reality, miracle, primal phenomenon, wish, or rites of shatterspell. Metamorphosis You transform the target into another creature of your choice. If you transform the target into a member of the same ancestry, you can change their appearance within what members of that ancestry can naturally present with and retrain their heritage and any number of their ancestry feats into any Common options of your choice. If you transform the target into a member of a different ancestry, you replace their original ancestry boosts with those of their new ancestry. This new ancestry must be Common, though the GM can allow access to rarer ancestries you’ve had significant contact with. If you transform the target into a creature that isn’t an ancestry (such as a lion), they use the statistics for that kind of creature but retain their Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and memories. Regardless of which version of the ritual you use, the target always retains its memories and you cannot transform the target into a creature whose level exceeds their original level.

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Object You transform the target into an item or object of your choice with an item level equal to or less that the target’s level. This item must be non-magical unless the target is capable of casting spells and you provide additional reagents equal to the magical item’s cost. As an item, the target is mindless, indistinguishable from an ordinary item, and doesn’t age. You can etch runes onto the target or otherwise work them into new appearances (such as by smelting iron or melting ice), but if the target is damaged or physically altered and later returns to their original form without being restored or repaired, their original body suffers similar deformities. If you transform the target into a magical item, you can turn them into an intelligent item that maintains their original personality and memories. Reassign Ability Boosts You can reassign all of the target’s free ability boosts, starting with those gained at 1st level and progressing to any additional ability boosts gained from advancing in level. You must follow all of the normal rules for applying ability boosts, such as not applying multiple ability boosts to the same ability score at any given step. Repair Body You repair damage to the target’s body, acting as regenerate except the duration is 1 minute. The target also regrows all severed body parts over the effect’s duration, and both organs and congenital disorders are restored to typical functionality. Critical Success You alter the target’s body as intended. When determining the ritual’s effects, you treat the target as being 4 levels higher. Success You alter the target’s body as intended. Failure You fail to alter the target’s body. Critical Failure The target’s body is altered in unexpected ways, as determined by the GM but generally as contradictory as your original intentions as possible. For example, if you intended to reassign all of the target’s ability boosts to increase Strength, they might be transformed into a member of an ancestry normally associated with physical weakness, such as a kobold.

23 23

Firearms Base Models Model


Damage Range Reload



Pistol (Item 3)

150 gp

1d8 P

30 ft.

Musket (Item 3)

180 gp

Blunderbuss (Item 4)






Agile, Misfire 2, Fatal d10, Puncture

1d10 P 60 ft.





Misfire 2, Fatal 2d8, Puncture

240 gp

1d10 P 20 ft.





Misfire 4, Fatal 2d10, Blast

Rifle (Item 5)

350 gp

1d12 P 80 ft.





Misfire 1, Fatal 2d8, Puncture

Launcher (Item 12)

850 gp

2d12 P 100 ft.





Misfire 5, Fatal 4d8




Technology Level Technology Level


Damage Range Reload


-10 ft.


Misfire +2


Misfire +1

Percussion Cap

Cartridge Guns



Misfire -1, Magazine 4-6

Modern Firearms



Misfire -1, Deadly d12, Magazine 6-15




Ammunition Model


Damage Range Reload


2 gp (x10)

Paper Cartridge¹

3 gp (x10)

Reload -1

Metal Cartridge², 4

5 gp (x4)

Reload 0 while cartridge full

Metal Cartridge², 6

9 gp (x6)

Reload 0 while cartridge full

Metal Cartridge², 10 18 gp (x10)

Reload 0 while cartridge full

Metal Cartridge², 15 30 gp (x15)

Reload 0 while cartridge full

¹ Available to Flintlock firearms only. ² Available to Cartridge firearms or more advanced. Once empty, can be refilled with bullets.

Design Modifiers Modifier


Damage Range Reload




Double Barreled



Magazine 2

Double Trigger


-10 ft.


Multishot 2, Recoil +1, Misfire +2

Burst Shot³


Repeating 3

Full Auto³


Repeating 4

Optical Scope


halve range increment penalty

Night Scope³


darkvision, halve range increment penalty

¹ Multipliers are additive, not multiplicative. ² The increase in Reload value only applies when loading both barrels. ³ Available to Moderm Firearms only.

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The Firearm weapon category covers all guns and their ammunition. Firearms are considered Advanced weapons or Uncommon or Rare rarity. To design a firearm, choose its base model and a technology level. There are 5 broad firearm technology levels. From least advanced to most they are: matchlocks, flintlocks, percussion caps, cartridge firearms, and modern firearms. Pick appropriate ammunition type and design modification, if necessary. Your choices will modify the firearm statistics, its price, and add new weapon traits or modify existing ones. You can train to use Firearms anytime you gain proficiency with an Advanced weapon, or the Firearm Training feat. However, you must be trained in Lore (Firearms) and own a Gunsmith Kit in order to repair and maintain your weapon. Crafting firearms and ammunition requires both training in Lore (Firearms) and the Gunsmith general skill feat. Ammunition are considered of one rarity below the firearm for the purpose of acquiring blueprints or formulas. Propellants like gunpowder or magical propellants are available through Alchemist Research Field (Gunsmith).

Firearm Qualities SHODDY A weapon with the shoddy trait breaks when the it reaches Jammed 2 condition (or Jammed 3 for Modern firearms). Crafting shoddy firearms decreases the Item Level by 2 and their crafting price is halved.

Firearm Traits BLAST A Weapon with the blast trait fires in a wide area as opposed to the normal means of firing. It cannot target creatures beyond its first range increment, instead it targets all creatures in a cone shaped emanation based on it’s range in a direction of your choice. Rolling to hit once with a -2 circumstance penalty and comparing the result against the AC of each creature in the affected area. Damage is also only rolled once once, applying the result to each creature successfully hit by the blast.

MAGAZINE The magazine trait indicates that a weapon can be fired more than once before reloading, whether because it has a magazine that can store multiple rounds or has multiple barrels that need to be reloaded separately. The trait always has a value that indicates how many rounds the weapon can hold. As long as the magazine has bullets in it, the weapon has Reload 0. Multi-barreled weapons have two Reload values: the normal one of the base model, and an increased one to reload all the barrels of the weapon.


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The Misfire trait always has a value. When you strike with a weapon with the Misfire trait and the d20 result lands on a number equal to or lower than the Misfire value, the weapon gains the Jammed 1 condition, if it already has the jammed condition it increases its value by 1, potentially breaking the weapon. You can take the Unjam Weapon action to remove that condition.

A weapon with the Jammed condition takes an item penalty to attack rolls equal to this value. If the Jammed condition ever reaches Jammed 3, the weapon gains the Broken condition and loses the Jammed condition. Modern firearms only gain the broken condition once they obtain the Jammed 4 conidtion.




Prerequisites trained in Crafting or Lore (Firearms) You perform field reparations to a weapon you're holding. Perform a Craft check with a DC equal to the Weapon's Item Level DC + The weapon's Jammed value. Critical Success The Jammed condition decreases by 2. Success The Jammed condition decreases by 1. Failure You fail to repair the weapon. Critical Failure The weapon's Jammed condition increases by 1.

MULTISHOT This weapon has the option to fire multiple ammunition as part of the same attack. On a hit within the first range increment, you double the number of weapon dice. You must reload number of ammunition equal to the multishot value before using this optional attack again.

TECHNOLOGY ERAS MATCHLOCKS The first true firearms, these firearms use a length of lit match to ignite a charge of gunpowder. The gunpowder used at this technology level is usually very crude and prone to unwanted explosions, or not exploding at all when needed. Reload time was slow and tedious.

FLINTLOCKS An improvement over the matchlock, a flintlock uses a piece of flint to strike sparks from an iron plate. These sparks then ignite the gunpowder to fire the weapon. Flintlocks were prone tomisfires and the flint had to be properly maintained and frequently changed.

PERCUSSION CAP The first truly reliable firearms, made possible by the discovery of fulminates. These guns typically lack the misfire trait, although accuracy (except in rifles) and reloading time is still problematic.

CARTRIDGES Instead of needing to load gunpowder, wadding, and bullets separately, integrated cartridges have been developed that contain bullets and powder in a single item. The bullets are spring-loaded in the weapon. This allows for rapid decrease in reload time.

MODERN FIREARMS Modern firearms introduce unheard before improvements as semi-auto and full-auto rapid fire, self-loading and other mechanisms that compete with magical effects for effectiveness.

PUNCTURE This weapon is made for punching through armor. The critical hit threshold you must beat the AC by is reduced by 1, from the usual 10 to 9.

REPEATING The repeating trait denotes the weapon is capable of automatic rapid fire. The trait always has a value that indicates the number of ammunition that can be fired with the Rapid Fire action in combat. While using Rapid Fire, the range increment penalty is increased from -2 to -3.



ATTACK Prerequisites firearm weapon with repeating trait You set your firearm to full automatic fire and rain fire at your enemies. Make a number of Strikes equal to weapon's repeating value. If one of the Strikes hits, the target is flat-footed to all subsequent Strikes. You may change targets while while rapid fire as long as the new target is within 5 feet of your current target. During rapid fire, the multiple attack penalty is equal to the weapon's recoil value (minimum of 2).

Critical Specialization Firearms have one of the following critical specialization effects depending on if they possess the deadly trait or not: Weapons without deadly trait. The weapon pierces the target, weakening its attacks. The target is clumsy 1 until the start of your next turn. Weapons with deadly trait. The weapon pierces the target, leaving massive bleeding wound and weakening its attacks. The target takes persistent bleed damage equal to 1d4 plus the number of weapon dice rolled. The target is clumsy 1 until it stop taking persistent bleed damage.


To attack with a firearm, it must must be loaded with a complete ammunition load. Unless otherwise stated, each unit of ammunition is composed of a propellant and a projectile, and a number of ammunition can be placed in a cartridge. Propellant: This is a propellant for firearm’s projectile. Unless otherwise specified, an ammunition load must have a propellant, cannot have more than one, and can use any propellant of the appropriate ammunition type. Projectile: This is the projectile for a firearm. Unless otherwise specified, an ammunition load must have a projectile, cannot have more than one, and can use any projectile of the appropriate ammunition type. Cartridge: Cartridges are pre assembled loads of a projectile and a propellant. These might take the form of paper cartridges, metal cartridges, or more exotic assemblies. Unless otherwise specified, they must be composed of a single projectile and a single charge of propellant.



Quantity 10; Bulk L; Ammunition for firearms



The propulsive force behind bullets and pellets. Gunpowder can be used for more than just firing guns. The prices listed here are for 5 charges of gunpowder. Better made gunpowder makes your attack’s damage more consistent. Type crude; Level 1; Price 5 sp Type improved; Level 3; Price 5 gp Damage dice that roll a 1 count as 2’s. This is a fortune effect. Type refined; Level 5; Price 20 gp Damage dice that roll a 1 and 2 count as 3’s. This is a fortune effect. Type pure; Level 10; Price 100 gp Damage dice that roll a 1, 2 and 3 count as 4’s. This is a fortune effect.







Gunpowder Charge (Crude)


5 sp

L 5

Gunpowder Charge (Improved)



L 5

Gunpowder Charge (Refined)


20 gp

L 5

Gunpowder Charge (Pure)


100 gp

L 5

Bullet (metal jacket)


1 gp

L 5

Bullet (rubber)


1 sp

L 5

Dragon's Breath (Lesser)


10 gp

L 1

Dragon's Breath (Moderate)


30 gp

L 1

Dragon's Breath (Greater)


300 gp

L 1

Dragon's Breath (Major)

17 3000 gp L 1

Tangleshot (Lesser)


7 gp

L 1

Tangleshot (Moderate)


23 gp

L 1

Tangleshot (Greater)


230 gp

L 1

Tangleshot (Major)

17 2300 gp L 1


Armor Piercing (Crude)


50 gp

— 1

Armor Piercing (Improved)


250 gp

— 1

Armor Piercing (Refined)


1250 gp

— 1

Armor Piercing (Pure)


5000 gp

— 1


Gunsmith Kit


10 gp



Quick Loader


10 gp







Quantity 10; Bulk L; Ammunition for firearms This is the most basic form of projectile for percussion cap and earlier firearms. A bullet must be combined with gunpowder in order to make one unit of ammunition. Rubber bullets sting when they hits its target and have the nonlethal trait. Bullets can be made from precious materials to evade resistances:

26 26

Precious Metals





Cold Iron

2 gp




5 gp




50 gp








Quantity 1; Bulk L; Ammunition for firearms Named because shots with guns using this alchemically treated gunpowder resemble a dragon’s breath. The propellant forms a cloud of elemental energy expelled from the muzzle of the firearm. Electricity, fire, frost, and acid are the most common formulations. The propellant is used instead of gunpowder to make 1 ammunition. The target takes an additional 1d6 damage of the dragon breath’s damage type and additional effect depending on the type and quality of the dragon's breath.

DRAGON'S BREATH (ACID) Those affected must make a Reflex save against the Dragon’s Breath’s DC. The effects of the save are: Critical Success Dragon’s Breath has no effect. Success The affected creature takes only 1 persistent acid damage per weapon die. Failure The affected creature takes the indicated dice of persistent acid damage. Critical Failure As failure, but the affected creature takes double the persistent acid damage. Also worn items take acid damage equal to the persistent damage (before doubling) for 1 turn. Type lesser; Level 1; Price 10 gp The DC is 17, and 1d4 persistent acid damage and 1 splash damage. Type moderate; Level 3; Price 30 gp The DC is 20, and 2d4 persistent acid damage and 2 splash damage. Type greater; Level 11; Price 300 gp The DC is 28, and 3d4 persistent acid damage and 3 splash damage. Type major; Level 17; Price 3000 gp The DC is 36, and 4d4 persistent acid damage and 4 splash damage.

DRAGON'S BREATH (FIRE) Those affected must make a Reflex save against the Dragon’s Breath’s DC. The effects of the save are: Critical Success Dragon’s Breath has no effect. Success The affected creature takes only 1 persistent fire damage per weapon die. Failure The affected creature takes the indicated dice of persistent fire damage. Critical Failure As failure, but the affected creature takes double the persistent acid damage. Also flammable carried items take fire damage equal to the persistent damage (before doubling) for 1 turn. Type lesser; Level 1; Price 10 gp The DC is 17, and 1d6 persistent fire damage. Type moderate; Level 3; Price 30 gp The DC is 20, and 2d6 persistent fire damage. Type greater; Level 11; Price 300 gp The DC is 28, and 3d6 persistent fire damage. Type major; Level 17; Price 3000 gp The DC is 36, and 4d6 persistent fire damage.

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DRAGON'S BREATH (ELECTRICITY) Those affected must make a Reflex save against the Dragon’s Breath’s DC. The effects of the save are: Critical Success Dragon’s Breath has no effect. Type lesser; Level 1; Price 10 gp The DC is 17. The failure effects are: Failure The target is flat-footed. Type moderate; Level 3; Price 30 gp The DC is 20. The failure effects are: Failure The target is flat-footed and stunned 1. Critical Failure The target is flat-footed and stunned 2. Type greater; Level 11; Price 300 gp The DC is 28, and 3d6 persistent fire damage. Failure The target is flat-footed and stunned 2. Critical Failure The target is flat-footed and stunned 2 for 1d4 rounds. Type major; Level 17; Price 3000 gp The DC is 36, and 4d6 persistent fire damage. Failure The target is flat-footed and stunned 2. Critical Failure The target is flat-footed and paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.

DRAGON'S BREATH (FROST) This propellant can affect a target or a 5 foot square of the terrain. When aimed at a target, those affected must make a Reflex save against the Dragon’s Breath’s DC. When aimed at terrain, make an attack roll against DC 15. The effects of the save are: Critical Success Dragon’s Breath has no effect. Type lesser; Level 1; Price 10 gp The DC is 17. The terrain is coated with ice, making it difficult terrain. These effects last for 1d4 rounds in normal weather (32 100°F), but can be adjusted based on the current weather. For targets, the failure effects are: Failure The target takes a -5 foot status penalty to their speed for 1d4 rounds. Type moderate; Level 3; Price 30 gp The DC is 20. The terrain is coated with thick ice and lasts 1d6 rounds in normal weather. For targets, the failure effects are: Failure The target takes a -5 foot status penalty to their speed for 1d4 rounds. Critical Failure The target takes a -5 foot status penalty to their speed for 1d4 rounds and is slowed 1. Type greater; Level 11; Price 300 gp The DC is 28. The terrain is coated with cracked sharp icicles making it a greater difficult terrain and lasts 2d4 rounds in normal weather. For targets, the failure effects are: Failure The target takes a -5 foot status penalty to their speed for 1d4 rounds and is slowed 1. Critical Failure The target takes a -10 foot status penalty to their speed for 1d4 rounds and is slowed 2. Type major; Level 17; Price 3000 gp The DC is 36. The terrain is coated with solid sharp icicles making it a greater difficult terrain and lasts 3d4 rounds in normal weather. The effect also becomes a 5 feet emanation. For targets, the failure effects are: Failure The target takes a -5 foot status penalty to their speed for 2d4 rounds and is slowed 1. Critical Failure The target takes a -10 foot status penalty to their speed for 2d4 rounds and is slowed 2.






Quantity 1; Bulk L; Ammunition for firearms, rubber bullets only These alchemical slugs are coated in a special resin that allows them to be loaded into a weapon as normal. When fired, the explosive energy of the gunpowder vaporizes this coating and melts the sticky resin that makes up the bulk of the bullet, releasing a cone of liquid that quickly solidifies into sticky webbing, dealing the weapon’s damage as well as replicating the effect of a tanglefoot bag of the equivalent quality. Both the weapon’s and the tanglefoot bag’s critical effects occur. Type lesser; Level 1; Price 7 gp The target takes a –10-foot penalty, and the Escape DC is 17. Type moderate; Level 3; Price 23 gp The target takes a –15-foot penalty, and the Escape DC is 19. Type greater; Level 6; Price 550 gp The target takes a –15-foot penalty, and the Escape DC is 28. Type major; Level 12; Price 5500 gp The target takes a –20-foot penalty, and the Escape DC is 37.





Quantity 1; Bulk L; Ammunition for firearms A rare cartridge made of an adamantine alloy, it requires special forging techniques. This round comes in several levels of quality, which determine its effectiveness. The rounds can also be combined with any gunpowder purity to also gain the gunpowder’s benefit; the cost for this combined round is equal to the cost of the armor piercing round and the gunpowder. Type lesser; Level 5; Price 50 gp The attack ignores the first 5 points of piercing resistance. Type moderate; Level 10; Price 250 gp The attack ignores the first 5 points of piercing resistance. The attack's critical threshold is reduced by 1. Type greater; Level 12; Price 450 gp The attack ignores the first 10 points of piercing resistance. The attack's critical threshold is reduced by 1. Type major; Level 17; Price 3000 gp The attack ignores the first 10 points of piercing resistance. The attack's critical threshold is reduced by 2.

damage with a Basic Reflex save (DC 15) to anyone in a 5 foot of the horn.

GUNPOWDER (KEG) Price 10 gp; Bulk 2; A keg of gunpowder can hold 20 doses of gunpowder. Once all 20 doses have been used, you can pay the cost of 20 doses of gunpowder to refill your keg. If the keg ever takes any amount of fire damage, the keg will ignite and explode. Dealing 4d6 fire damage with a Basic Reflex save (DC 20) to anyone in a 10 foot radius of the keg.

GUNPOWDER (BARREL) Price 15 gp; Bulk 3; A keg of gunpowder can hold 30 doses of gunpowder. Once all 30 doses have been used, you can pay the cost of 30 doses of gunpowder to refill your barrel. If the barrel ever takes any amount of fire damage, the barrel will ignite and explode. Dealing 7d6 fire damage with a Basic Reflex save (DC 25) to anyone in a 15 foot radius of the barrel.

GUNSMITH KIT UNCOMMON This kit contains all of the tools and supplies needed for maintaining a firearm and making ammunition for firearms. A gunsmith kit is required for either of these downtime activities. Constructing a firearm requires many more tools and supplies, typically requiring a shop or manufactory. A gunsmith's kit contains 20 uses. Once they are spent, it can be refilled with oils and supplies for 5 gp.

QUICK LOADER RARE A quick loader is used to rapidly reload a revolver style firearm. The quick loader must be built for the size of revolver in question (based on its capacity). The quick loader reduces the reload time of the revolver to a single action. The entire revolver must be reloaded at once using this device. If the revolver is not empty, you must spend an action to empty the revolver onto the ground before using the quick loader; you can increase this to two actions to stow the recovered ammunition as well. Loading a quick loader with ammunition requires as much time as loading a revolver of its size.

Equipment GUNPOWDER (DOSE) Usage held with 1 hand; Bulk L; Price 5 sp This greyish-black powder is the fuel behind all firearms. Capable of igniting at great speeds, gunpowder can be used for all sorts of things, so long as that thing requires explosions or fire. A single dose of gunpowder deals 1d4 fire damage if ignited.

GUNPOWDER (HORN) Price 5 gp; Bulk 1; A horn of gunpowder safely holds 10 doses of Gunpowder. Once all 10 doses have been used, you can pay the cost of 10 doses of gunpowder to refill your horn. A horn, when ignited, deals 2d6 fire

28 28

Simple Gear

Items with the obelisk symbol † are modified versions of officially published rules.

New Rules

Drawing Items from Containers

The game introduces three types of containers - backpacks, satchels and bandoliers. Each type of container has different bulk capacity and speed of item retrieval. Items in backpacks are considered stored. It takes a Interact action to take off the backpack, a Interact action to rummage in the backpack. You need two free hands for both taking off and rummaging in your backpack. You must separately Interact with the retrieved item after you have drawn it. Items in satchels and bandoliers, as well as weapons in a sheath, are considered stowed. It takes a Interact action to rummage in a satchel, or draw your weapon from your sheath. You need two free hands for rummaging in your satchel. You must separately Interact with the retrieved item after you have drawn it. A single tool occupying a whole bandolier is considered prepared. It takes a free action to draw a prepared tool from a bandolier as part of the Interact action to use that item. You need as many free hands to Interact with your bandolier as it takes to Interact with the tool (usually 2). All other items (such as potions, elixirs, throwing knives) stored in a bandolier are considered stowed

Manipulate Trait

Actions with the manipulate trait require at least one free hand unless another trait allows to use a weapon or a tool instead of a free hand.

Wielding Items Passing an item held with one hand from one hand to the other (such as held by left hand but thrown using the right main hand) is a free action.

Consumable Tools Alchemist tools, Artisan tools, Healer's tools, Material Component Pouch and Repair kit have 20 uses, and each time you attempt a check that lists a tool as prerequisite one use is spent. Once all uses are spent, the item is destroyed unless it provides an item bonus to the skill check. Tools with an item bonus can be refilled with the contents of a normal tool of the same type. Alchemist's Advanced Alchemy requires the alchemist tool and spends two uses of the tool if one or more units of daily infused reagents is used to make alchemical items.

29 29

Material component pouch can refill during your daily preparations if you spend 1 sp per 5 uses to purchase missing ingredients, or spend 1 hour per 5 uses to collect them from your environment (where the GM allows). Disguise kit has only one use but can be replenished with replacement cosmetics. Elite disguise kit has only one use and can be replenished with elite cosmetics.

Clothes and Prepared Items Clothing has pockets that can be used to store items. Each pocket can contain up to three items of negligible Bulk or up to 1 item of light Bulk. The GM can restrict some pockets to negligible Bulk only if they are decorative instead of practical. Items stored in pockets are considered prepared and the rules for retrieving items from bandoliers apply to them. Ordinary clothes have 2 pockets. Winter clothes have 4 pockets. Fine clothes have 1 pocket. Explorer's clothing have 6 pockets. If you wear any clothes and another light, medium or heavy armor on top of them, maximum of two pockets can be accessed no matter how many pockets the clothing has. Your clothing also has a belt that can have one item of up to 1 Bulk attached to it, usually the sheath of your weapon. For the price of a belt pouch, you can purchase a tool belt that allows up to 4 items of light Bulk attached to it. Items stored on your belt are considered stowed and the rules for retrieving items from satchels apply to them. Any pocket on your clothes can be made hidden. Hidden pockets can only contain one item of negligible Bulk. Items in a hidden pocket cannot be detected using vision, and have +4 circumstance bonus to your Stealth DCs against being detected with touch. Padded Armor can have up to 2 hidden pockets, and its pockets can also contain one item of light Bulk. Items stored in clothing are considered stowed and use the rules for retrieving items from satchels. If you wear another armor over your clothes, items stored in hidden pockets under your clothes are considered stored and use the rules for retrieving items from backpacks. Items stored inside a pocket are considered as part of your clothing. If your clothing gains the broken condition, any excess damage dealt to your clothing is also dealt to every item in all its pockets.

Animal Carrying Capacity A quadrupedal animal can be equipped with one saddlebag if Medium size. An additional saddlebag can be added per size category above Medium. The animal can comfortably carry you and up to the Bulk limit of its saddlebags.

A saddlebag worth 2 sp holds up to 3 Bulk of items. A number of Bulk do not count against its Bulk limit equal to the animal's Strength modifier. If you are carrying or stowing the saddlebag it is light and when equipped on an animal its bulk is negligible. A quadrupedal animal can be put to pull a cart. Carts have size categories starting with Medium. Carts require at least one animal of a size category above the cart's, or two animals of its size category. A cart worth 5 gp can hold up to 30 Bulk worth of items if Medium, and each category above Medium increase that limit by additional 20 and its price by 5 gp. The speed of the cart depends on the animals that pull it. The animal Speed is reduced by 5 feet when they are put to pull a cart, and by additional 5 feet if the cart contains items with total Bulk equal or higher than half the maximum. Shoddy or damaged carts further decrease the speed by additional 5 feet.


Limit on Containers

Price free, takes to collect from sandy ground Requirements worn on back you must have a free hand and a pocket or pouch that is devoted to holding sand.

You can carry unlimited amount of worn satchels and bandoliers however you can benefit from the increased ease of retrieving items from several of them only. Designate up to 3 belt pouches or bandoliers and up to 2 satchels as your primary ones. All the rest count as backpacks for the purpose of retrieving items from them.

Snare Usage Snare items with mechanical trait become broken once set and activated. Broken Snares can be repaired and reused with the Repair Snare exploration activity.

New Items CALTROPS †


Price 3 sp Bulk L; Hands 1; These four-pronged metal spikes can cause damage to a creature’s feet. You can scatter caltrops in an empty square adjacent to you with an Interact action. You can spend three additional Interact actions to lace enough of the caltrops in one square with one use of an alchemical item with the poison and injury trait. You can spend an additional Interact action per square to hide the caltrops using environment (such as covering them with leaves in the forest). If you choose to do so, make a Stealth or Survival check and remember the value as concealment DC. The first creature that moves into or leaves that square must succeed at a DC 14 Acrobatics check, or a Perception check against the caltrops' concealment DC if they are hidden. If the creature fails, it takes 1d4 piercing damage and 1 persistent bleed damage, and contracts any poison applied. A creature taking persistent bleed damage from caltrops is clumsy 1 and takes a –5-foot penalty to its Speed. It also takes 1 piercing damage for each 5 feet of distance unless it spends an Interact action to pluck the caltrops free. Removing the caltrops removes the clumsy condition and reduces the flat check to stop persistent damage to DC 11. Once a creature takes damage from caltrops, enough caltrops are ruined that other creatures moving into the square are safe. Deployed caltrops in a 5 foot area can be salvaged by gathering for 1 minute and reused if no creatures took damage from them. Otherwise, enough caltrops are ruined that they can’t be salvaged.

caus harm


Price 50 sp Usage worn on back; Bulk L when stored, 4+Wearer Bulk when worn;

Hardness 4; HP 16; BT 8; Harness made of leather straps and a small standing platform that allows a Small creature to climb up and ride on the back of a Medium creature. The riding creature must use one of its actions and one free hand to sustain a tight grip on the harness on each of its turns. The wearer of the harness takes -2 circumstance penalty to all Reflex saves. The rider in the harness uses the wearer's Reflex bonus for saving throws. Both wearer and the riding creature have +1 circumstance bonus to AC but if an attack targeted at one of the creatures misses by one, it automatically hits the other creature.






You quickly reach into your pocket and toss a small handful of sand into your enemy's eyes. Attempt a Thievery check against their Reflex DC. If you are an expert in Thievery, this attack does not trigger reactions caused by the manipulate trait. Creatures that do not have eyes or whose eyes are covered are immune. Critical Success The target is blinded until the end of their next turn. Success The target is dazzled until the end of their next turn. A creature dazzled by Pocket Sand can spend an Interact action to rub their eyes, ending the effect Name lye dust; Level 2; Price 3 sp Lye thrown at the eyes of a target has the same effect as pocket sand, except on a critical success the target takes 1d4 persistent acid damage. Name glass sand; Level 3; Price 5 sp It takes 1 hour to break glass into fine sand. It has the same effect as pocket sand, except on a critical success the target takes 1d4 persistent damage.



All shields except bucklers have the shove trait. However, shields can only shove targets of size equal to their wielder's size or smaller.





Price 1 gp Usage held with 1 hand; Bulk 1; Damage 0; thrown 15 ft. AC the grabbed creature's AC -5; Hardness 2; HP 8; BT 4; Immunities bludgeoning; Resistances piercing 5 Used to distract and snare enemies, this weapon is swung short distances or thrown up to its first range increment. A large or smaller creature hit by a net takes -10-foot penalty to its Speed and is flatfooted until the end of its next turn. The effect only applies to the last target hit by the net. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. Critical Specialization (Net) The target is grabbed until freed or no longer within the reach of the wielder. While the target is grabbed, the net can't be used to attack any other targer. A creature can use the Escape action against a DC 20 to free itself or another creature within reach. Dealing slashing damage can

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Magical Gear Minor Runes



Minor runes are another class of runes which can be etched on various items. Unless otherwise specified, they can be etched onto weapons and armor without a fundamental rune and they don’t count against the number of property runes an item can hold. All items can hold up to 1 minor runes without needing to have a fundamental rune, and an item with at least one fundamental rune can hold up to 2 minor runes. If an item has multiple etchings of the same rune, only one of the runes applies. You can upgrade and transfer minor runes in the same way as fundamental and property runes.

Usage etched onto two items;


































Usage etched onto an item of limited Bulk; This minor magic can animate simple items into mindless minions who follow simple commands. The etched item gains the construct and mindless traits as well as a 5-foot flying speed, but it must be within 1 foot of a surface that could hold its weight while using this speed. See Table 11-4 (Corebook, pg. 577) for item hardness, hit points, and broken threshold. The item has AC 5 and can only take the Stride and Interact actions. The GM decides what Interact actions are appropriate for the item’s form and any additional actions it may be able to take. Activate command, envision; Effect You speak the item’s name and issue it a simple command. The item uses up to 2 actions each round to carry out the command to the best of its ability until the task is completed. Type animating; Level 1; Price 10 gp The item must be of light or negligible Bulk. Type greater animating; Level 6; Price 160 gp The item must be 5 Bulk or less. Type major animating; Level 12; Price 960 gp The item must be 25 Bulk or less.

31 31



These runes are etched in pairs, an invisible, intangible, and indestructible thread of force connecting them. The etched items cannot be separated by more than a commanded distance. Activate command, Interact; Effect With the two etched items touching, you speak a distance between 0 and 30 feet. This sets the length of the thread connecting the runes, and thus the maximum separation between the items. Type attracting; Level 3; Price 55 gp The item must be 25 Bulk or less.




Usage etched onto two items; These runes are etched in pairs. While two creatures without the mindless trait bear the etched items and are within 1 mile of one another, they can form brief empathic links. Activate envision; Effect Thinking of the bearer of the other etched item, you gain knowledge of their current emotional state and can communicate very simple ideas. Type bonding; Level 2; Price 25 gp Type greater bonding; Level 6; Price 160 gp As bonding but Activate is a free action ( ) and etched items must be within of 100 miles of one another. Type major bonding; Level 12; Price 960 gp As major bonding but the empathic link can be formed as long as the bearers are on the same plane.




Usage etched onto a container or clothing; When activated, this simple rune absorbs heat, chilling the interior of the item which it emblazons. Activate command; Effect The item is activated (or deactivated if it was already active). If the etched item is a container, up to 1 Bulk of items or materials can be placed inside and are cooled to just above the freezing temperature of water. If the etched item is clothing, it negates the effects of severe heat and the damage from extreme heat is halved. Type bonding; Level 1; Price 10 gp Type greater bonding; Level 6; Price 160 gp The maximum capacity for a container is 5 Bulk. For clothing, the effects of severe and extreme heat are negated and the damage from incredible heat is halved. Type major bonding; Level 12; Price 960 gp The maximum capacity for a container is 25 Bulk. For clothing, the effects of severe, extreme, and incredible heat are negated.





Price 1 gp Usage etched onto an item;




Usage etched onto an item of limited Bulk; This rune is typically etched on a chunk of raw material in order to make perfect copies of existing items. Activate command, Interact; Effect You place the etched item against another item of equal or lesser Bulk which you wish for it to copy and speak the command word. The etched item changes shape to match the present shape of the cloned item but retains its original material composition and Bulk. If the cloned item possesses moving parts, they are not copied by the etched item. Type cloning; Level 1; Price 10 gp The item must be of light or negligible Bulk. Type greater cloning; Level 6; Price 160 gp The item must be 2 Bulk or less. Type major cloning; Level 12; Price 960 gp The item must be 5 Bulk or less.




Usage etched onto an item;

For the individual who tends to lose things. This simple bell-shaped rune can be taught to make a responding chime to the sound of a voice. Activate command, Interact; Effect You speak the command “chime” while holding the item to your forehead and the item learns to react to your voice. Activate command, Interact; Effect You speak the command “rest” while holding the item to your forehead, the item forgets your voice and no longer reacts to you. Activate command; Effect If the item has learned to react to your voice, when you speak the command “chime”, the item emits the sound of a small bell that can be heard clearly up to 30 feet away through open air.





Price 1 gp Usage etched onto an item; A favorite of the fashion-minded across the land, with this rune etched on your items, you can change their colors at-will. Activate command, envision; Effect You speak the name of a color as you envision the item in that color. The item is colored as imagined, or as closely as possible within the restrictions of its rune’s type. Type coloring; Level 0; Price 1 gp The item can take on only one solid color. Type greater coloring; Level 2; Price 25 gp The item can take on simple patterns of multiple colors (e.g. plaid or stripes). Type major coloring; Level 6; Price 160 gp The item can take on any pattern which you can envision.

This simple rune in the shape of a quill can be etched on any item. Activate command; Effect You activate the item. If the item was already active, it becomes inactive instead. When activated, your spoken words are inscribed on the surface of the object in small but legible font. Activate command, Interact; Effect You touch the rune and speak the command word “erase.” All of the words that had been inscribed on the item are removed. Type dictating; Level 1; Price 10 gp The item can take on only one solid color. Type greater dictating; Level 6; Price 160 gp The item gains the following additional activation which allows it to transfer its inscriptions. Activate command, Interact; Effect You touch the etched item to a piece of parchment and speak its command word. All of the words that had been inscribed on the item are transferred to the parchment.



Usage etched onto an item other than Shields and Armor; The outline of a shield imbues the etched item with a greater resilience to damaging effects. The item has resistance 5 to physical damage. Type durable; Level 1; Price 10 gp Type greater durable; Level 6; Price 160 gp The item has resistance 10 to physical damage. Type major durable; Level 12; Price 960 gp The item has resistance 15 to all damage.




Usage etched onto a container; A bit of positive energy emanates from the rune, attuned to plant life. Up to 1 Bulk of plants can be placed in the etched item and will remain nourished and healthy regardless of other environmental factors. Plant creatures without the mindless trait placed inside the item gain nourishment but no additional benefits. Type evergreen; Level 1; Price 10 gp Type greater evergreen; Level 6; Price 160 gp Up to 5 Bulk of plants can be placed within. Type major evergreen; Level 12; Price 960 gp Up to 25 Bulk of plants can be placed within.




Usage etched onto a container; Inspired by the bland foods of long journeys, this rune’s magic can re-flavor any material.

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Activate command, envision; Effect With up to 1 Bulk of materials inside the etched item, you speak the name of a flavor while imagining its taste and scent in your mind. The materials within the etched item take on the scent and taste of the ascribed flavor, although no other properties or traits are changed. Type flavoring; Level 2; Price 16 gp Type greater flavoring; Level 6; Price 160 gp Up to 5 Bulk of materials can be flavored. Type major flavoring; Level 12; Price 960 gp Up to 25 Bulk of materials can be flavored.



Usage etched onto an item that can be held in one or two hands; This simple rune can very briefly turn solid materials malleable and reshape them into set forms before they become solid again. The item has two set forms designated mentally when the rune is etched: its natural form and a folded form. Activate envision; Trigger you draw or stow the etched item; Effect The item immediately shifts from its current set form to the other set form. Type folding; Level 1; Price 10 gp Type greater folding; Level 6; Price 160 gp When in its folded form, the Bulk of the item is halved. If the original Bulk value was 1, the folded item is considered light. If the original Bulk value was light, it is considered negligible when folded. Type major folding; Level 12; Price 960 gp When in its folded form, the Bulk of the item is one-tenth of normal. If the Bulk value would be less than 1, it is considered light it is considered negligible.





Usage etched onto an item; When active, the item glows faintly, shedding magical light like a candle (dim light in a 10-foot radius). Activate command, Interact; Effect The item is activated. If it was already active, it is deactivated instead. Type glowing; Level 0; Price 1 gp Type greater glowing; Level 2; Price 25 gp When activated, the item sheds magical light like a torch (20-foot radius of bright light, and an additional 20 feet of dim light).




Usage etched onto an item that can be worn; A simple rune can quiet the noise of the world around you. While the item is worn, the wearer is deafened. Type quieting; Level 2; Price 25 gp Type greater quieting; Level 10; Price 725 gp Craft Requirements supply one 2nd-level casting of silence The wearer is deafened and under the effects of a 2nd-level silence spell.

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Usage etched onto an item;



Type major quieting; Level 18; Price 1,285 gp Craft Requirements supply one 4th-level casting of silence The wearer is deafened and under the effects of a 4nd-level silence spell.

For the proper individual who wants to stay tidy while traveling or for those prone to scratching and wearing out their favorite items. As long as it is not destroyed, the etched item automatically regains 1 hit point every hour, although it cannot restore missing pieces. Activate command; Effect The item is freed from filth and any nicks, tears, or other minor wear is repaired. This does not restore hit points. Type renewing; Level 1; Price 10 gp Type greater renewing; Level 6; Price 160 gp The item regains 1 hit point every 10 minutes. Type major renewing; Level 12; Price 960 gp The item regains 5 hit points every 10 minutes.





Usage etched onto an item; These runes are usually crafted while a song is played, storing the sounds of the song in the item to be played later. Among the more musically inclined high society, songs are often traded among their decorative etched items. The volume of the sound depends on the item on which it is etched. An object of less than 1 Bulk produces sound clearly audible within 10 feet, and the distance increases by 10 feet for each additional 1 Bulk. When paired with a quieting rune, only the deafened creature hears the song and this auditory effect overrides their deafened condition. Activate command; Effect You speak the command word naming the song in the item and it plays the song through to its end. Activate command, Interact; Effect You press the etched item against a second item with a singing rune and speak the second item’s command, replacing the current song with the second item’s song. Type singing; Level 1; Price 10 gp




Usage etched onto a container or clothing; When activated, this simple rune releases heat, warming the interior of the item which it emblazons. Activate command; Effect The item is activated (or deactivated if it was already active). If the etched item is a container, up to 1 Bulk of items or materials can be placed inside and are warmed to just above 140°F (60°C) . If the etched item is clothing, it negates the effects of severe cold and the damage from extreme cold is halved. Type warming; Level 1; Price 10 gp

Type greater warming; Level 6; Price 160 gp The maximum capacity for a container is 5 Bulk. For clothing, the effects of severe and extreme cold are negated and the damage from incredible cold is halved. Type greater warming; Level 12; Price 960 gp The maximum capacity for a container is 25 Bulk. For clothing, the effects of severe, extreme, and incredible cold are negated.

Fundamental Runes

These special optional runes for shields will allow you to upgrade your current shields instead of having to aim for specific magical shields.




Usage etched onto shield; A magical rune is etched on the back side of the shield, enhancing its defenses and allowing it to protect you even further than a regular shield. The rune increases the shield's Hardness as well as its Hit Points (HP) and Break Threshold (BT). Type shield potency +1; Level 4; Price 100 gp Increase the shield's Hardness by 3, Its HP by 20 and BT by 10. Type shield potency +2; Level 7; Price 360 gp Increase the shield's hardness by 6, its HP by 40 and BT by 20. Type shield potency +3; Level 10; Price 1,000 gp Increase the shield's hardness by 9, its HP by 60 and BT by 30. Type shield potency +4; Level 13; Price 3,000 gp Increase the shield's hardness by 12, its HP by 80 and BT by 40. Type shield potency +5; Level 16; Price 10,000 gp Increase the shield's hardness by 15, its HP by 100 and BT by 50. Type shield potency +6; Level 19; Price 40,000 gp Increase the shield's hardness by 18, its HP by 120 and BT by 60.

Weapon Property Runes

These special optional runes for shields will allow you to upgrade your current shields instead of having to aim for specific magical shields.




Usage etched onto a weapon with the Misfire trait or two hands; This weapon is reliable and has a reduced chanse of misfire. Type reliable; Level 7; Price 340 gp Reduce the value of the Misfire trait by 1. Type greatly reliable; Level 7; Price 4,300 gp Reduce the value of the Misfire trait by 2.

Magic Ink and Tattoos MAGIC INK RARE



Requirements Specialty Crafting (Artistry) feat Usage Used in Crafting; Bulk L; A set of magical grafting tools used to make magical tattoos. These magical tattoos allow their owner to release and cast the grafted

spell once per day, as long as they are able to cast spells matching its tradition and school. When you begin the grafting process using the standard Magical Crafting rules, choose a spell to be grafted into the ink. You have to either cast that spell during the process, or someone else must do so in your presence. That spell doesn't have its normal effects; instead, the magic is captured in the ink. The casting must come from a spellcaster expending a spell slot. You can’t make a magic tattoo from a spell that comes from another magic item, for example. You can only turn non-cantrip spells with 2 or less actions and no material components into magical tattoos. Spell casted from Magical Tattoos are not heightened and cannot be Heightened through any means. Each magical tattoo created has the Uncommon, Invested, Magical and Tattoo traits in addition to whatever traits the spell grafted has. Magical tattoos activated using the same amount of actions used to cast the spell they contain, replacing Verbal components with Envision components, and Somatic components with Interact components. All Magical Tattoos can be activated once per day. Releasing spells from magical tattoos is straining for your body. After releasing the second spell in a day, you gain the fatigued condition. After releasing the third spell in a day, you gain the drained 1 condition. Each following spell you release in the same day increases your drained condition by 1. Magic ink can also be found as pre-enchanted state. In such scenario the person grafting the tattoo does not need to have a spellcaster cast the spell into the ink as it has already been charged into the ink. Type magic ink (1st level); Level 3; Price 90 gp Type magic ink (2nd level); Level 5; Price 240 gp Type magic ink (3rd level); Level 7; Price 540 gp Type magic ink (4th level); Level 9; Price 1,050 gp Type magic ink (5th level); Level 11; Price 2,250 gp Type magic ink (6th level); Level 13; Price 4,500 gp Type magic ink (7th level); Level 15; Price 9,750 gp Type magic ink (8th level); Level 17; Price 22,500 gp Type magic ink (9th level); Level 19; Price 60,000 gp


While some spellcasters prefer the raw power offered by a magical staff, others seek to harness the unique advantages of the tome. A spellcaster must charge their tome in the heat of battle, storing power until the right moment presents itself to unleash deadly magic.

Casting Spells from a Tome A tome gains charges via the Charge a Tome activity. The person who is attuned to a tome can expend the charges to cast spells from it. You can Cast a Spell from a tome only if you have that spell on your spell list, are able to cast spells of the appropriate level, and expend a number of charges from the tome equal to the spell’s level. Casting a Spell from a tomerequires holding the tome (typically in one hand) and Activating the tome by Casting the Spell, which takes the spell’s normal number of actions. If the tome lists additional ways to gain charges, it must be wielded in order to gain these charges.

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Use your spell attack roll and spell DC when Casting a Spell from a tome. The spell gains the appropriate trait for your magical tradition (arcane, divine, occult, or primal) and can be affected by any modifications you can normally make when casting spells, such as metamagic feats. You must provide any material components, cost, or focus required by the spell, or you fail to cast it.





Requirements you are in encounter mode You expend a prepared spell or spell slot, and the tome gains a number of charges equal to the level of the expended spell. Unless you are in encounter mode, a tome loses all charges after 10 minutes. A tome can hold a maximum number of charges equal to the highest-level spell slot you have.

Wizard Arcane Thesis: Tome Attunement Your findings have led you to understand the finer points of using tomes to fuel your magic, which you now do with maximum efficiency. You’ve constructed a makeshift tome, thereby furthering your understanding of its inner workings. You begin play with a makeshift tome of your invention. It contains one 1st-level spell from your spellbook. You can Craft your makeshift tome into another type of tome for the new tome’s cost, adding the spell you originally chose to the tome you craft. You can also Craft additional makeshift tomes, which have a cost of 10 gp. When you do, any previous makeshift tomes lose their magic and any new tome created using a makeshift tome loses its additional spell. You gain the Siphon Tome action.



You extract the energy from your tome. Expend any number of charges from a tome you are wielding, and regain a prepared spell slot you’ve already used today with a level equal to the number of charges spent. The prepared spell in this slot is the same as what you originally prepared for it.

Max Level Each tome has a listed max level. Any spell inside a tome can be heightened to any level up to that level when cast from a tome.

Attuning to a Tome To use a tome, you must first attune to it during your daily preparations. You can only attune to one tome at a time, and you cannot both attune to a tome and also prepare a staff.




Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1; Price 55 gp

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This tome always comes in the form of the holy scriptures of a religion. In addition to the spells, this tome also contains the Consecrate ritual. If the primary caster is wielding this tome during a



Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1; Price 70 gp This tome is adorned with a silver spine, and a large eye insignia. Whenever you take your turn before anyone else in a combat encounter, the tome gains 1 charge. Max Level 1; Spells Anticipate Peril, True Strike Activate Charge a Tome Activate Cast a Spell; Effect you expend a number of charges from the tome to cast a spell from its list.





Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1; Price 200 gp This tome is bound in untreated skin which has somehow remained untouched by decay. In addition to the spells, this tome also contains the Create Undead ritual (3rd level). If the primary caster is wielding this tome during a Create Undead ritual, each caster gains a +1 item bonus to any skill checks they make as part of that ritual. Max Level 3; Spells Animate Dead, Ray of Enfeeblement Activate Charge a Tome Activate Cast a Spell; Effect you expend a number of charges from the tome to cast a spell from its list.


Requirements once per day


Consecrate ritual, each caster gains a +1 item bonus to any skill checks they make as part of that ritual. Max Level 2; Spells Bless, Restoration Activate Charge a Tome Activate Cast a Spell; Effect you expend a number of charges from the tome to cast a spell from its list.




Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1; Price 340 gp This small leather tome appears quite unremarkable, yet its appearance is difficult to forget. Instead of losing all charges after 10 minutes pass outside of encounter mode, the tome loses 1 charge per 10 minutes passing outside of encounter mode. Max Level 4; Spells Déjà vu, Hypercognition Activate Charge a Tome Activate Cast a Spell; Effect you expend a number of charges from the tome to cast a spell from its list.








Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1; Price 600 gp

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1; Price 3000 gp

This sturdy tome is bound partially in metal, and bears the insignia of a noble house or militia. Max Level 5; Spells Magic Weapon, Weapon Storm Activate Charge a Tome Activate Interact; Effect you expend 1 charge from the tome to draw a weapon from it. The weapon can be any common simple or martial weapon, and disappears after 1 minute. Activate Cast a Spell; Effect you expend a number of charges from the tome to cast a spell from its list.

This tome crackles with power, seemingly threatening to release ferocious lightning at a moment’s notice. Electricity spells cast with this tome deal an additional 2 damage. Whenever you Charge the Tome, this bonus increases by an additional 2 damage until you Cast a Spell with the tome. Max Level 7; Spells Lightning Bolt, Lightning Storm, Chain Lightning Activate Charge a Tome Activate Cast a Spell; Effect you expend a number of charges from the tome to cast a spell from its list.







Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1; Price 650 gp To the untrained eye, this tome appears to be a wholly unremarkable, sooty and burned book. Each creature that fails its save against a spell from this tome also takes 1d6 persistent fire damage. Max Level 5; Spells Burning Hands, Fireball, Summon Elemental (can only summon creatures with the fire trait) Activate Charge a Tome Activate Cast a Spell; Effect you expend a number of charges from the tome to cast a spell from its list.





Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1; Price 1200 gp This tome is adorned with many animal fetishes, and woodland creatures seem to take note whenever it is used. In addition to the spells, this tome also contains the Awaken Animal ritual. If the primary caster is wielding this tome during an Awaken Animal ritual, each caster gains a +1 item bonus to any skill checks they make as part of that ritual. Max Level 6; Spells Animal Form, Bestial Curse, Baleful Polymorph Activate Charge a Tome Activate Cast a Spell; Effect you expend a number of charges from the tome to cast a spell from its list.





Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1; Price 1400 gp This small tome is covered in glyphs and arcane symbols. At the start of each of your turns during an encounter, the tome gains 1 charge. Max Level 5; Spells Magic Missile Activate Charge a Tome Activate Cast a Spell; Effect you expend a number of charges from the tome to cast a spell from its list.




The Codex of the Infinite Planes is filled to the brim with elemental power and knowledge of the multiverse, such that it could destroy entire worlds. Whenever the wielder casts a spell from the Codex, they must attempt a DC 45 Arcana check to keep the book’s overwhelming power under their control. If they fail at this check, a minor calamity occurs after the spell is cast, or a major calamity on a critical failure. While a calamity is occurring, the Codex closes and cannot be used to cast spells until the calamity is over or it is forcibly opened with a successful DC 50 athletics check. All calamities have a spell DC of 45 unless otherwise noted. The Codex also contains the rituals Planar Binding, Freedom, Imprisonment and Create Demiplane, all heightened to 10th level. If the primary caster is wielding this tome during one of those rituals, each secondary casters gains a +3 item bonus to any skill checks they make as part of that ritual, and the primary caster instead gains a +5 item bonus. If a ritual critically fails while the primary caster is wielding the Codex, the primary caster must succeed a DC 50 Arcana check or a major calamity occurs at the ritual’s location. Max Level 10; Spells Summon Elemental, Teleport, Gate, Wish Activate Charge a Tome Activate Envision; Frequency once per day; Effect the Codex immediately gains 10 charges. The next time the Codex is used to Cast a Spell, the DC to prevent a calamity increases by 2. Activate Cast a Spell; Effect you expend a number of charges from the tome to cast a spell from its list.

1d20 Minor Calamity The Codex casts meteor swarm, targeting the caster 1-5 with one meteor and randomly selecting targets within range for the others. 6-10

The Codex casts earthquake, with the burst centered on the caster.

The Codex summons a creature from another plane 11- which is at least level 20. The GM determines what 15 creature is summoned. The creature is hostile to the caster and their allies. 16- The Codex transports the caster to a different plane 19 (chosen by the GM). The Codex is left behind. 20 The caster must succeed a DC 50 fortitude save or die.

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1d20 Major Calamity For the next 10 minutes, the Codex casts meteor swarm at the start of each round, targeting creatures within range at random. After that time has passed, a massive meteor impacts onto the Codex, dealing 1-5 20d10 bludgeoning damage and 25d6 fire damage to each creature and object within 500 feet of the Codex (basic reflex save, DC 60). This leaves a massive crater around the book. The Codex casts earthquake heightened to 10th level with the burst centered on the caster. This earthquake 6-10 is particularly destructive; the flat DC for a collapse is 5 lower for all structures. The Codex opens a gate to another plane (such as the abyss), causing 1d4 creatures to appear at the start of each round. The creatures are at least level 16, and are hostile to the caster and their allies. After 4 rounds, a 11creature which is at least level 20 emerges, and after 8 15 rounds a creature which is at least level 24 emerges. After 1 minute, the gate closes. The gate can be counteracted by a 10th level dispel magic or a wish (DC 45). The caster and each creature within 60 feet is transported to a different plane (chosen by the GM). They leave all possessions behind other than mundane 16clothing. Each spellcaster transported this way must 19 roll a d10. They lose all spell slots and prepared spells with a level equal to or higher than the number rolled until their next daily preparations. As per the minor calamity, and each creature within 500 feet of the Codex must succeed a DC 40 fortitude save or die. The souls of each creature who dies this 20 way melds together into one, destroying any semblance of who they were before and preventing any form of resurrection.

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Basic Actions

Actions with the obelisk symbol † are modified versions of officially published rules.

AID † Trigger An ally is about to use an action that requires a skill check or attack roll.; Requirements The ally is willing to accept your aid, and you have prepared to help (see below). You try to help your ally with a task. To use this reaction, you must first prepare to help, usually by using the Ready action during your turn. You must explain to the GM exactly how you're trying to help, and they determine whether you can Aid your ally. When you use the Aid reaction, attempt a skill check or attack roll of a type decided by the GM. The typical DC is 20, though the GM may choose to adjust thia DC for particularly easy or hard tasks. If you are an expert, you may instead attempt a DC 30 check to increase the circumstance bonus on a successful check to +2, if you're a master you may instead attempt a DC 40 check to increase the bonus to +3, and if you're legendary you may instead attempt a DC 50 check to increase the bonus to +4. The GM can add any relevant traits to your preparatory action or your Aid reaction depending on the situation, or even allow you to Aid checks other than skill checks and attack rolls. Critical Success You grant your ally a +1 circumstance bonus to the triggering check and if they roll a critical failure they instead get a failure. Success You grant your ally a +1 circumstance bonus to the triggering check. Critical Failure Your ally takes a -1 circumstance penalty to the triggering check.





With a vicious insult or a provoking display you draw the ire of a creature. Choose a unfriendly or hostile creature within 30 feet of you who you’re aware of. Attempt a Deception or Performance check against that target’s Will DC. If the target does not understand the language you are speaking, you’re not speaking a language, or they can’t hear you, you take a –4 circumstance penalty to the check. As long as you are not threatened by other hostile creatures, if you make yourself flat-footed to attacks from that creature until the start of your next turn you get a +4 circumstance bonus to the check. Regardless of your result, the target is temporarily immune to your attempts to Antagonize it for 10 minutes. The GM should encourage their players to come up with fitting insults. A deeply personal or culturally intolerable provocation may further increase the taunted value by 1, or affect the behavior of the target beyond the effect of the taunted condition. The GM may also waive the temporary immunity and allow the target creature to be Antagonized again if a player finds a way to build upon the insult without repeating it. Critical Success The target becomes taunted 3. While taunted, your next attack against the target creature treats it a flat-footed. Success The target becomes taunted 2.

Critical Failure The target reads your feeble attempt to affect its decision in combat and becomes temporarily immune to any attempts to Antagonize it for 1 day.

TAUNTED You've been challenged or insulted during combat in a way that might influence you into attacking the creature that dared to draw your ire. The GM may change the behavior of an NPC or a monster when it becomes taunted. The taunted condition always includes a value and a target creature. You take a status penalty equal to this value to your attack roll against creatures other than the target. You also have a +2 status bonus equal to your damage rolls against the target creature. While taunted, other attempts to taunt you automatically fail. If you become frightened while taunted, you lose the taunted condition and become temporarily immune to this condition until you lose the frightened condition. Unless specified otherwise, at the end of each of your turns, the value of your taunted condition decreases by 1.



Requirements You’re attacking with a weapon that you’re expert or better in. Trigger You Strike a single creature that is flat-footed to your attack; You carefully aim your attack at a specific part of the target’s body, attempting to hobble or otherwise hinder them. Choose body region. You take a circumstance penalty to the triggering Strike based on the body region you’re targeting, and the Strike’s success and critical success effects of the triggering Strike with the following effects. Critical Success As a success, but your Strike deals normal damage and the target moves two steps down the injury track associated with the chosen body region. Success Your Strike deals half damage according to the weapon or unarmed strike; roll the damage normally, including any modifiers, bonuses, and penalties you have to damage, then deal damage equal to half of the result. The target also moves one step down the injury track associated with the chosen body region.

CALLED SHOT BODY REGIONS When you make a Called Shot, you choose one body region to target. This must be a body region that your target possesses; for example, you couldn’t choose manipulating limb if your target is a snake because snakes lack dedicated manipulating limbs. When you attempt a Called Shot, you take a circumstance penalty to your Strike’s attack roll based on the body region that you’re targeting.

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If your Called Shot is a success, your target moves one step down the injury track associated with that body region, typically to Stage 1 if the target doesn’t have a previous injury to that body region. If the target is already injured, they instead progress one stage down that body region’s injury track. If your Strike is a critical Hit, they move two steps down the injury track, up to Stage 4. Recovering from an injury caused by a Called Shot is difficult. To recover from an injury, the victim must receive one or more 24-hour days of medical treatment via the Treat Wounds skill action, as noted by the body region’s recovery entry. The person providing this care to the victim can take a single 8-hour rest during each 24 hours spent providing medical treatment, but any other interruption greater than a moment of conversation requires the provider to add 12 hours to the time required to treat the victim’s injury. After fully receiving this treatment, the victim’s stage on that injury track is reduced by one stage. If this would reduce the victim’s stage below Stage 1, the victim makes a full recovery, is no longer injured, and suffers no effect from the injury. If an injury progresses to Stage 4, the body part associated with that region is damaged beyond repair, usually because it has been severed (if the Strike dealt slashing damage) or ruined (if the Strike dealt any other type of damage). No amount of medical treatment can allow a severed or ruined region to recover. Healing Effects and Injuries An injury represent a form of damage that is more extreme than what a simple heal or soothe spell can mend. As a general rule, healing effects cannot remove or reduce the effects of injuries, including effects that normally remove or suppress the conditions they impose. The exception to this rule is the regenerate spell, which is specifically capable of restoring severed and ruined body parts. Each round that an injured target is affected by regenerate, they can choose one injured body region and reduce their Stage on that body region’s injury track by one, even removing the injury outright if this would reduce the injury’s stage below Stage 1. Regenerate can even reduce the injury stage of an injury that has progressed to Stage 4, so long as the victim is alive, but it cannot do so if the victim is dead. Resurrection and Injuries Effects that return dead creatures to life, such as raise dead, generally do not reduce the stage of any injuries that the victim suffered unless that injury’s effect specifically notes that the victim’s injury inflicts the dying condition upon them. In such cases, the effect reduces the victim’s injury stage by one stage.

CALLED SHOTS IN YOUR GAME Called Shots used by both players and enemies make already lethal Pathfinder 2nd Edition combat into a brutal and unforgiving game where one strike to the eye can end a character's career. These rules are best suited for short and realistic campaigns with very few combat encounters, and are not suited for published adventures.

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EARS Ear injuries impair a victim’s auditory senses. This makes it difficult for the victim to gather information from their environment. A hard helmet or armor with bulwark protects the ears, making called shorts against them impossible. Penalty –4; Recovery 3 × the injury’s stage; Stage 1 The target takes a –1 status penalty to initiative checks and checks that involve sound but also rely on other senses. If they perform an action with the auditory trait, they must succeed at a DC 2 flat check or the action is lost; attempt the check after spending the action but before any effects are applied; Stage 2 As Stage 1, except the target takes a –2 status penalty and their flat check’s DC is 5; Stage 3 The target is deafened; Stage 4 As Stage 3, but the structures responsible for the target’s hearing are ruined.

EYES Eye injuries impair a victim’s vision, making it difficult for them to see. A helmet with a visor or or armor with bulwark protects the eyes, making called shorts against them impossible except with piercing weapons. Penalty –6; Recovery 3 × the injury’s stage; Stage 1 The target is dazzled; Stage 2 As Stage 1, but to target you they must succeed at a DC 8 flat check; Stage 3 The target is blinded; Stage 4 As Stage 3, but the target’s eyes are ruined.

HEAD Often resulting in serious cognitive functioning impairments, head injuries are among the most dangerous that living creatures can suffer. A hard helmet with padding or armor with bulwark increases the penalty to -6. Penalty –4; Recovery 7 × the injury’s stage; Stage 1 The target is stupefied 1; Stage 2 The target is slowed 1 and stupefied 2; Stage 3 The target is slowed 2 and stupefied 3; Stage 4 The target dies, as if they had progressed to dying 5.

HEART Damage to the victim’s heart is catastrophic, often leading to instant death or lifelong incapacitation. Armors of the Plate group protect the heart, making called shots against it impossible. Penalty –4; Recovery 7 × the injury’s stage; Stage 1 At the end of any round during which the target uses more than half of their available actions (rounded up), the target must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or gain the enfeebled 1, clumsy 1, drained 1, and wounded 1 conditions until they restore any number of Hit Points from the Treat Wounds skill action. If the target has any of these conditions from this injury, their value increases by 1 instead; Stage 2 As Stage 1, except the flat check’s DC is 10; Stage 3 As Stage 2, except the flat check’s DC is 15; Stage 4 As Stage 1, except the target gains the dying 1 condition when they fail their check (or dying 2 if they critically fail).

LOCOMOTIVE LIMB Locomotive limb injuries dramatically impair a victim’s ability to move about. When using Called Shot to inflict a locomotive limb injury, you must choose one type of locomotive limb to injure, such as legs, wings, or fins. Armors with bulwark increase the penalty to -6. Penalty –4; Recovery 2 × the injury’s stage; Stage 1 The target is clumsy 1; Stage 2 The target is enfeebled 1 and clumsy 1, and all Speeds they have that are associated with the injured locomotive limb are reduced by 10 feet; Stage 3 The target is enfeebled 2 and clumsy 2, and they lose all Speeds they have that are associated with the targeted locomotive limb; Stage 4 As Stage 3, but the limb is ruined or severed.

MANIPULATION LIMB Manipulation limb injuries impair a victim’s ability to manipulate their environment. Hands and arms are the most common manipulation limbs, but prehensile tails, tentacles, and even stranger appendages can be viable targets for some creatures. Armors with bulwark increase the penalty to -6. Penalty –4; Recovery 2 × the injury’s stage; Stage 1 When the target uses an action that requires the use of the injured manipulating limb, they must succeed at a DC 2 flat check or the action is lost; if they succeed, they are enfeebled 1 and clumsy 1 for that action (no penalty on a critical success); Stage 2 As Stage 1, except the flat check’s DC is 5 and the target is enfeebled 2 and clumsy 2 on a success (enfeebled 1 and clumsy 1 on a critical success); Stage 3 The target’s total number of hands is reduced by 1, and the removed arm drops any held items that are not attached. Stage 4 As Stage 3, but the target’s manipulation limb is ruined or severed.

VITALS Vital injuries deal heavy damage to the victim’s organ systems, causing internal bleeding and even death. Armors of the Plate group increase the penalty to -6. Penalty –4; Recovery 4 × the injury’s stage; Stage 1 The target is wounded 1. At the end of any round during which the target uses more than half of their available actions (rounded up), they must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or take 1d6 persistent bleed damage; Stage 2 As Stage 1, except the target is wounded 2, the flat check’s DC is 10, and on a failed check the target takes 1d8 persistent bleed damage; Stage 3 As Stage 1, except the target is wounded 3, the flat check’s DC is 15, and on a failed check the target takes 2d6 persistent bleed damage; Stage 4 The target gains the dying 4 condition.

CALLED SHOTS VS UNKNOWN ANATOMY Called shots can only be attempted only if the body region can be clearly identified using precise sense such as sight, or you are aware of its internal anatomy by succeeding at a Recall Knowledge check with +2 increase to the DC based on the creature's level, or you have killed and dissected a creature of the same species and succeeded at DC 20 Medicine check. The GM can increase the penalty by additional -2 if the body region is very hard to reach (such as head on a creature larger than you) or very hard to spot.




Requirements You have at least one hand free, or a weapon with a choke trait (such as garotte). The target is your size or smaller and has an exposed throat that can be choked. You apply strong pressure on an opponent's throat and suffocate them. Attempt an Athletics check with a -2 circumstance penalty against the opponent's Fortitude DC. You don't take this penalty if you can make lethal unarmed Strikes without taking penalties, such as from the Powerful Fist monk class feature, or using a weapon with a choke trait (such as garotte). Using your both hands instead of just one gives +1 bonus to the Athletics check. If the opponent is already grabbed by you before your first attempt to choke it, you can choose to release the grapple and gain +1 circumstance bonus to the Choke a Creature attempt. Critical Success As success, but the opponent is also restrained and loses 2 rounds of air and automatically takes damage from one unarmed Strike inherent to hands used to choke, or a weapon used to choke that has the choke trait (such as garotte). Until the start of your next turn, your opponent loses 1 additional round of air if they are critically hit or critically fail a save against another damaging effect. Success The opponent is grabbed and suffocating until the end of your next turn unless you move or your opponent Escapes. Reduce the amount of remaining air by 1 round (A creature can sustain up to 5 + its Constitution modifier rounds of air before dropping unconscious and start suffocating, see Core pg. 478). Whenever your opponent attempts to speak (including casting spells with verbal components or activating items with command components) while suffocating, they must succeed at a DC 10 flat char to not lose 1 additional round of air. Failure You fail to maintain a good grip on your opponent. If they are being choked, they managed to take a breath of air, restoring their air supply by 2 rounds but cannot exceed their maximum (5 + consitition modifier). If your opponent is grabbed or restrained by you, they may immediately attempt to Escape as a reaction, otherwise they may Step away as a reaction. Critical Failure As failure, but if the opponent was grabbed or restrained by you, they automatically Escape. You are flat footed towards the target until the end of your next turn. Special If you are master in Athletics, you can choke a target one size larger than you using two hands, or targets of your size or smaller with one hand. If you are legendary, you only need one hand for targets one size larger than you.

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Requirements you are grabbing a creature with two hands, or with only one hand if the creature is smaller than you. You attempt to drag a hostile creature that is grabbed by you. The grabbed creature must make a Fortitude save against your Athletics DC. If its condition does not allow it to use actions (such as being unconscious or paralyzed) or chooses not to resist, treat it as a critical failure. Movement while using the Drag action does not end the grabbed condition. Critical Success The grabbed creature resists your attempt and breaks free from your grapple. Success You and the creature both move 5 feet in a direction of your choice. The grabbed creature may use its reaction to attempt an Escape from your grapple. Failure You and the creature both move 5 feet per 10 feet of your land Speed (a total of 10 feet for most PCs, minimum 5 feet if your Speed is below 10 feet) in a direction of your choice. Critical Failure As failure, but you can also exchange your position with that of the grabbed creature you dragged.

FORCED MOVEMENT The Drag action can force a grabbed creature to move. When an effect forces it to move, or if it starts falling, the distance you move is defined by the effect that moved it, not by its Speed. Because it's not acting to move, this doesn’t trigger reactions triggered by movement.

GAG CREATURE ATTACK Requirements You have at least one hand free. The target is your size or smaller and has an easily accessible mouth. You reach out around your target's head and cover its mouth before it can speak. Attempt an Athletics check against the opponent's Reflex DC. Critical Success As success, but the opponent is also stunned 1. Success The opponent gains the gagged condition until the end of your next turn unless you move or your opponent Escapes the gag. Unless the target is also grabbed, it has +2 circumstance bonus to its attempts to Escape your gagging. Critical Failure If you already had the opponent gagged, they automatically Escape your gagging. If the opponent has a Strike using its mouth as a weapon, it can Strike against you as a free action.

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NEW CONDITION: GAGGED Your mouth is covered by another creature, giving you the flat-footed condition. You cannot form clear speech, use verbal spell components or command activations. You can make muffled sounds only heard within 15 feet, or you can spend an action and succeed at a DC 18 flat check to make one word heard within 30 feet. You can remove the Gagged condition with a successful Escape action. If you are gagged and grabbed at the same time, you take -1 penalty to the Escape check. If you are gagged and restrained at the same time, you take -2 penalty to the Escape check and must Escape the restrained condition before you can Escape being gagged. While a creature is gagged, if it has a Strike using its mouth as a weapon, it benefits from +2 status bonus to attack rolls against the creature that is gagging it but deals half damage (or normal damage on a critical hit).

Exploration Activities APPRAISE CONCENTRATE



You examine a newfound item for 1 minute and attempt to find its monetary value for which it can be sold. If the item has properties that have not been identified yet, such as alchemical, magical or occult effect, you take a -4 circumstance penalty on the check. The GM determines which skills apply. The DCs for the check uses Table 10-5, Corebook, pg. 503-404. Increase the DC by 2 for Uncommon items, and by 4 for Rare and Unique items. Critical Success You find the exact value of the item and you know the best buyers who might be interested in acquiring it. You have a +2 circumstance bonus to checks during Negotiate Sale or Haggle Purchase activities. Depending on the outcome of the negotiation, you may sell the item for up to 150% its exact value. Success You find an approximate value of the item, rounded down to the nearest round number but no less than 80% of the exact value. Depending on your negotiation, you may sell the item for up to 120% its exact value. Failure You find an approximate value of the item, rounded down to the nearest round number but no more than 80% of the exact value. Depending on your negotiation, you may sell the item for up to its exact value. Critical Failure You make a completely false estimation of the value of the item, at least two times above or below its exact value. You take a -2 circumstance bonus to checks during Negotiate Sale or Haggle Purchase activities. You are lucky if you sell the item up to half of its exact value. The following skills can be used to Appraise, depending on the nature of the examined item. If you are trained in a Lore skill directly related to the examined item, you have a +2 circumstance bonus to the check. In some cases, you can get the GM’s permission to use a different but related skill, usually against a higher DC than normal. Arcana: magical items and components used to craft magical items, even if you cannot craft such items Crafting: components used for crafting an item of a type that you can craft. You have +2 circumstance bonus if you have a formula for an item that uses these components. Nature: precious metals, rare minerals, crystals and gem stones used to store value or are used as magic or crafting components Occultism: items of unknown or supernatural origin, that may not originate from this world, and may have a greater purpose Religion: sacred items of divine worship or anathema, of great importance to followers of that faith or collectors Society: objects of art such as paintings, sculptures, works of literature, luxury and ceremonial items Thievery: contraband and black market goods, stolen goods, and slave trade





You enter negotiation with an interested party to procure the sale of an item at the highest price. Not all items are worthy of price

negotiation and this activity should only be used for discovered loot, magical items and items of uncommon and higher rarity. Negotiate Sale is a skill challenge requiring multiple checks. For each check, you or an ally that assists you spends at least a minute and picks a skill that applies to the next negotiation approach. The GM determines the DCs for such checks, usually the skill DC of the same skill used by player, or Perception DC if the buyer is not trying to lower the price. You can cancel this activity anytime by agreeing to the price or refusing to sell. The buyer can do the same. The GM decides the starting price that the buyer is willing to pay. Usually, that is 80% for magical items, art objects, gems, and raw materials, and 40% for everything else. The buyer may have limit to how much he can spend on the item. The buyer can make a Request to determine the item's exact value and then decide on the starting price; if he fails on the Request, he may trust your assessment. Success on the the skill checks raise the price, while failures lower the price. The price cannot be lowered below the starting price except by critical failures. The maximum price of the negotiation is determined by your Appraise check result. If during negotiation the price increased above 100% of its exact value, and the buyer is aware of the item's exact or approximate value, he has +2 circumstance bonus to all Skill and Perception DCs during the negotiation. Buyers have the interested condition. This condition always has a value. Most buyers have the interested 2 condition, but dedicated collectors of luxury items may have interested 4 or higher. Every time you fail on a check (except critical failure) you may choose to ignore the result. If you do so, the buyer's interested condition decreases by 1. When the buyer loses the interested condition, they either make you a final offer or they refuse to buy the item. If the buyer is indifferent or hostile towards you, they will not enter another negotiation with you for the same item unless the situation changes greatly. Critical Success The buyer is willing to increase the price by 10% if they can afford it. You have +2 circumstance bonus to your next check. Success The buyer is willing to increase the price by 5% if they can afford it. Failure The buyer found a way to decrease the price by 5%. You may ignore the effect of this check if you lower buyer's interested condition by 1. Critical Failure The buyer found a way to decrease the price by 10%. The buyer's interested condition decreases by 1. The following skills can be used during negitiation. In some cases, you can get the GM’s permission to use a different but related skill, usually against a higher buyer DC than normal. Deception: Success and critical success with this skill can raise the price up to 200% of item's assessed price. Failure (when ignored) or Critical Failure decrease buyer's interested condition by 2 instead of 1. Diplomacy: The default skill to negotiate with all kind of buyers, such as local traders or traveling merchants. If only this skill was used for all negotiation checks, you may still do one final check when the buyer loses the interested condition.

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Lore: The lore topic must be related to the item. You gain +1 circumstance bonus to any Lore check if they buyer is trained in the same Lore and recognizes you as knowledgeable. Performance: The default skill to hold an auction among multiple interested buyers. If only Performance is used for all negotiation checks during an auction, the price cannot be lowered on failure and critical failure. Society: You gain +1 circumstance bonus to any Society check if the buyer is local trade guilds, authorities or people of power, as long as the price is below 120% of item's assessed price. Thievery: You gain +1 circumstance bonus to any Thievery check if the buyer is on the black market or used with buying illegal goods, and the item can be considered as such.


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You start haggling with a seller to lower the asked price of an item sold at a profit. Not all items are worthy of price haggling and this activity should only be used for items costing 5 gp or more, or items of uncommon and higher rarity. Haggle Purchase is a skill challenge requiring multiple checks. For each check, you or an ally that assists you spends at least a minute and picks a skill that applies to the next haggling approach. The GM determines the DCs for such checks, usually the skill DC of the same skill used by the player, or Will DC. You can cancel this activity anytime by agreeing to the price or refusing to buy. The seller can do the same. The GM decides the starting price that the seller is asking for. Usually that is the 100% of the regular price for any item but it can be higher for uncommon or rare items. You may use the Request action to request Appraise activity. Success or critical success on the Appraise activity allows you to know if the item is sold at its regular value or is overpriced. If during negotiation the price is decreased below 80% of its regular price, the seller is aware he is selling at a loss and has +2 circumstance bonus to all Skill and Will DCs during the negotiation. Sellers would not agree to selling below 50% of the regular price unless through deceptive practices. Sellers have the interested condition. The condition always has a value. Most sellers have the interested 2 condition, but sellers selling overpriced items or who are desperate for a sale may have interested 4 and more. Every time you succeed on a check (except critical success), the seller's interested condition decreases by 1. When the seller loses the interested condition, they either make you one final offer or they refuse to sell the item. In places where haggling is not culturally accepted, unless the seller is helpful towards you, their attitude towards you decreases by one step. If they are indifferent or hostile towards you, they will not haggle with you unless situation changes greatly. Critical Success The seller agrees to give you a 5% cumulative discount. You may push for an additional 10% but the seller's interested condition decreases by 1. Success The seller agrees to give you a 5% cumulative discount. The seller's interested condition decreases by 1. Failure The buyer's interested condition decreases by 1 unless you give up on a 5% from your cumulative discount. Critical Failure The buyer's interested condition decreases by 1, and an additional 1 unless you give up on a 5% from your cumulative discount. The following skills can be used during negitiation. In some cases, you can get the GM’s permission to use a different but related skill, usually against a higher buyer DC than normal.

Deception: Success and critical success gives you an additional 5% cumulative discount and ignores the minimum of 50% of the regular price. However, if the seller's interested value decreases, it decreases by an additional 1. On a failure or critical failure you cannot use this skill again during this activity. Diplomacy: The default skill to haggle with all kinds of sellers, such as local traders or traveling merchants. If only this skill was used for all haggle checks, you may still do one final check when the seller loses the interested condition. Lore: The lore topic must be related to the item. You gain +1 circumstance bonus to any Lore check if they seller is trained in the same Lore and recognizes you as knowledgeable. Performance: You may use Performance to make a scene by drawing attention of a crowd of customers or onlookers. If the seller is afraid of negative influence, you gain +2 circumstance bonus to the next check as long as it is not another Performance check. If you benefit from this circumstance bonus you can not make another Performance check during this activity. Society: You gain +1 circumstance bonus to any Society check if the buyer offers items at inflated prices due to regulations, taxes and trade guild agreements that you are aware of. Thievery: You gain +1 circumstance bonus to any Thievery check if the seller is on the black market or is peddling illegal or stolen goods.



Requirements trained in Stealth You spent 10 minutes to camouflage an item (such as an item of Light or Negligible bulk, a mechanical Snare or Hazard) so it blends with the environment and becomes hidden, rather than observed. The GM decides whether there is appropriate environment or sufficient materials for the camouflage and whether it provides cover or greater cover to the Snare. The GM then rolls your Stealth check in secret and compares the result to the Perception DC of each creature that Seeks for hidden items or snares, applying +2 to the roll for cover or +4 for greater cover. If the creature doesn't Seek for hidden items, it suffers -2 circumstance penalty to any Perception checks made to detect the hidden item or snare.



Requirements You have a repair kit (page 291). Targets one Snare with the mechanical trait, that was manufactured using the Crafting downtime activity You spend 10 minutes and one use of your repair kit attempting to fix a used but not completely destroyed mechanical Snare, exchanging damaged components for new ones. The GM sets the DC, but it’s usually about the same DC to Repair a Snare as it is to Craft it in the first place. You must also spend one tenth of the Snare cost in repair material before attempting to repair. Critical Success As Success, but you recover half of the repair material cost you spent during the repairs. Success You restore the Snare and it can be used again. Once used, it becomes broken and can be repaired again. Failure You fail to restore the Snare, but the cost in repair materials is recovered. Critical Failure You completely destroy the Snare in your futile attempt to repair it. The cost in repair materials is also lost.




Requirements Your target is paralyzed, restrained, stunned, or unconscious; the target is not immune to critical hits; you are not engaged in combat. Make a Strike against your opponent, granting them merciful death. Critical Success As success, but the opponent is immediately reduced to 0 hp, and suffers the dying condition with a value based on the wounded condition. Success The opponent takes double damage and suffers the wounded 1 condition. If they have the wounded condition, its value increases by 1. Failure The opponent takes normal damage as if your Strike resulted in a success. Critical Failure Your strike deals no damage.

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You spend the day in the company of an NPC whose companionship you value in order to strengthen the bonds of your friendship with them. You can always roll a Diplomacy check to determine your degree of success when you try to Befriend a Local, but you can instead attempt another skill check of your choice to engage that NPC in an area of expertise they might be interested in. For example, if you seek to befriend a local smith, you could instead roll a Crafting check to make friends. Or if you seek to befriend an herbalist, you could attempt a Medicine check or a Nature check. If you use a skill that is poor choice for the NPC, the GM may decide to treat the outcome of your check as one degree of success worse. Regardless of the skill you choose, the DC is 20. Once you make the check, the NPC becomes immune to further attempts to be befriend him for one month. Critical Success The creature becomes helpful towards you. Success The creature becomes friendly towards you. Failure The creature’s feelings towards you don’t change or they become indifferent towards you, at the GM’s discretion. Critical Failure The creature becomes unfriendly towards you. If they were already unfriendly towards you, they may become hostile towards you at the GM’s discretion.

BEFRIENDING VS. IMPRESSIONS Make and Impression is a faster and easer way to improve the target's attitude compared to Befriend a Local, however the improved impression is not permanent. Impressions usually last only for the current social interaction. In comparison, befriending lasts until a friendship is tarnished, and if properly maintained over time (by repeating at least once a month) it may last for a lifetime.


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You spend time researching a creature, object, place, or event. In order to research a topic, you must have access to a suitable repository of knowledge, such as a library. More obscure topics may need a more expansive place to research, and some topics may not be able to be researched at all, at the GM’s discretion. If you spend 1 day researching the topic, you benefit from a +1 circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge checks related to the topic for a period of 1 week, as long as the check does not require expert or better proficiency. If you spend 1 week studying the topic, you temporarily gain the Additional Lore skill feat for a period of 1 month, with the lore being related to the topic (as this is temporary feat benefit, neither the feat nor the lore can be used as a prerequisite). If you spend 1 month studying the topic, you permanently gain the Additional Lore skill feat.


The events listed below provide optional complications available for downtime activities. The GM decides the appropriate time to use them. Any checks required by these complications happen before the skill check for a downtime activity occurs. For example, if the GM decides to use the Covetous Spy complication when a PC attempts to Craft during downtime, the PC would first make a Deception or Intimidation check to resolve the complication, then make a Crafting check as normal. Each downtime event below is followed by a parenthetical notation that refers to the downtime activity it precedes. The event then lists relevant skills which the PC can use to resolve the issue. At the GM’s discretion, the PC may be able to have an ally make the check instead, provided that the ally could reasonably help them. The GM sets the DC for this check, which usually matches the DC of the downtime activity. A success or critical success may lead to additional benefits, while failure makes the downtime activity more difficult. Many of these complications can serve as story hooks or lead-ins for future adventures. It’s possible for a downtime event to transition into encounter or exploration mode during its resolution. The ultimate length and ramifications of these downtime events depend on the actions of the PCs involved in the event and the rulings of the GM.



The surrounding terrain bears surprisingly little food or fresh water, either due to a natural event such as a drought or a sinister supernatural influence. If the PC tries to Subsist in a settlement, a famine or spike in taxation may have left locals struggling to keep hold of any scraps they can. Relevant Skills Nature (to identify locations unaffected by the problems), Occultism (to identify the supernatural source of the problems if applicable) Critical Success PC subsists normally and identifies when the problems will end (if natural) or what caused them (if supernatural). If the PC shares this information with others affected by the troubles and the problem stems from a natural cause, those affected provide a monetary reward as though the PC had succeeded on an attempt to Earn Income equal to her level and training. If problem stems from a supernatural cause, the PC acts as though she had successfully Recalled Knowledge about the source of the problem. Success PC Subsists normally. If the problem stems from a supernatural cause, the GM may determine that she learns enough information about the source of the troubles to lead the party on a future quest. Failure The problems prevent the PC from gaining more than subsistence living, and the PC gains no insight as to the source of the troubles.

Critical Failure As failure, but the PC also takes a –2 circumstance penalty to the check to Subsist.



The PC finds a mentor who talks a big game but isn’t as highly trained as she wants people to believe. Relevant Skills Diplomacy (to get the most out of the training despite the mentor’s limitations), Society (to learn about the mentor’s limitations from a reliable source beforehand) Critical Success PC retrains successfully despite the mentor’s inadequacies. The mentor offers a favor or bribe in exchange for not besmirching her reputation. Treat the bribe as though the PC had rolled a success to Earn Income using Diplomacy or Society. Success PC retrains successfully despite the mentor’s inadequacies. Failure PC retrains successfully but must spend more time than usual. Add three days to the retraining activity. Critical Failure The mentor is completely inadequate, and the PC learns nothing from the attempt to retrain.



A business rival or potential thief takes notice of the PC’s crafting attempt and makes plans to steal the item as it nears completion. Relevant Skills Deception (to disguise the work so the spy loses interest), Intimidation (to frighten the would-be thief away) Critical Success PC causes the spy to make a major mistake, tipping off the local guard as to their current or previous illicit activities. The guard arrests the spy and may provide the PC with a reward determined by the GM. Success PC causes the spy to give up on the attempted theft, and the crafting activity continues normally. Failure The spy attempts to steal the crafted item before its completion. The PC must make a Perception check to notice and stop the theft. Critical Failure The spy steals the item before its completion. Even if the PC later recovers the item, the theft leaves the item damaged and unable to be completed. The raw materials already used can still be used for crafting in the future if the PC recovers the item.





A rival craftsperson or merchant tries to undercut the PC’s attempt to Earn Income. The rival offers prices that make it impossible for the PC to match and still turn a profit, suggesting that there might be an illegal component to the competition. Relevant Skills Intimidation (to frighten the rival into revealing her secret) or Society (to find evidence of wrongdoing that local law enforcement can act upon) Critical Success PC reveals the rival’s shady business tactics, forcing her to move on from the area. Treat the subsequent Earn Income attempt as one degree of success better. The extra income comes from rewards provided by local law enforcement or those the rival wronged. Success PC Earns Income normally. The rival eventually leaves the area but may return to challenge the PC again in the future. Failure PC fails to discover the rival’s secret, and the rival undercuts the PC’s attempt to turn a profit. Treat any attempt to Earn

Income as one degree of success worse, except that the PC is not discredited locally on a critical failure. Critical Failure The rival not only undercuts the PC’s attempt to turn a profit but also discredits the PC in the local community. Treat any success or critical success on the subsequent Earn Income check as a failure.

resp med



The materials chosen for Crafting look right, but hidden imperfections threaten the integrity of the finished item. Relevant Skills Craft (to repair the materials during Crafting), Thievery (to jury rig a solution during the Crafting process) Critical Success PC excises the problem materials from the Crafting process. The PC can return the inadequate materials to their seller, recouping money as though she had rolled a failure to Earn Income with Crafting. Success PC excises the problem materials from the Crafting process and can use the created item normally. Failure The item contains imperfections that cause it to function as a shoddy item if the PC successfully Crafts the item. Critical Failure The deceptive materials ruin the Crafting process, causing the result to be one degree of success worse.




While attempting to Earn Income with the Performance skill, the PC encounters a rival entertainer attempting to steal her audience away. Relevant Skills Diplomacy (to negotiate a truce between performers), Intimidation (to frighten the rival performers away) Critical Success The rival’s actions backfire, and the PC brings in an even larger crowd. Treat any income from the downtime activity as though the task was 1 level higher. Success PC Earns Income as normal despite the rival’s attempt to steal the audience away. Failure The rival successfully lures away a significant portion of the PC’s audience. Treat any income from the downtime activity as though the task was 1 level lower (minimum 0). Critical Failure The rival discredits the PC. Use the failure results but apply a –2 circumstance penalty to the Performance check as the PC must deal with a hostile crowd and hecklers.



Whether a local herbalist misidentified a key component, or a hidden enemy has taken hostile action, the use of tainted medicine makes it difficult for the PC to recover. Relevant Skills Diplomacy (to find the person responsible), Medicine (to identify the low quality of the medicine) Critical Success C overcomes the problem with the healing supplies and recovers normally. The party responsible tries to make amends by providing a healing potion with a level of up to the PC’s level). Success As per critical success, but the responsible party does not attempt to make amends. Failure Reduce the number of Hit Points recovered to half the normal amount and you are sickened 1. The sickened condition only recovers with a long-term rest. The PC either fails to uncover the

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Critical Failure TPC recovers no Hit Points and does not find out who is responsible. You are sickened 2. The sickened condition only decreases by 1 with a long-term rest.

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Animal Companions Animal Fear of Combat

When an animal that is not combat trained or does not serve as a companion to a guardian creature enters combat or takes damage during combat, it gets the frightened 4 condition. It is fleeing unless a creature uses the Command action to reign over the animal's instinct. However, creatures that have survived through combat or have a guardian they can trust are more resistant to the peril of combat. They still get the frightened 4 condition but can ignore it under certain conditions. Animals trained for combat ignore this frightened 4 condition as long as they are mounted, or while taking actions following a Command action. Companions ignore this frightened 4 condition as long as they can sense their guardian, and their guardian creature is conscious and capable of commanding them. Hostile animals from the Bestiary ignore this frightened 4 condition if driven by selfpreservation instincts (such as protecting their lair, their offspring, or hunting to avoid starvation). If any of the conditions above no longer applies (such as combat-trained animals is left unmounted or unattended, companion's guardian is unconscious or dead, or a beast has no reason to fight for self-preservation), it no longer ignores the frightened 4 condition and flees.

Young Companions

Young animal companions can also have types. Rather than advancing them by taking feats, you must dedicate to training your companion in a specific way. You can choose a companion type only during character creation, and they only become available to animal companions you have raised for longer than a year. The young companion type retains its type, effects and abilities as the companion matures and gains additional types, effects and abilities.

Chonky Companion To advance a young animal companion to a chonky animal companion, you must dedicate to overfeeding your animal companion and limit its physical activity to bare minimum for at least one fifth of its lifespan. Once it becomes chonky, increase its Charisma modifier by 2 and lower its Dexterity modifier by 2. Its speed decreases by 10 feet to a minimum of 10 feet. Increase its proficiency rank in Performance. A chonky animal companion can attempt to Aid Another checks to Performance. When it gets a failure on a Performance check to Aid Another, it gets a success instead. Once per day, you or an ally can spend 10 minutes to play with or admire your chonky companion. If you do so, you gain +2 bonus to the one Will saving throw you make until your next daily preparations. This is a fortune effect.

Incredible Companions

Incredible animal companions have reached their final stage of growth, developing into their final stage before their specialization. A mature companion becomes incredible when a feat allows the mature companion a choice between nimble, savage or indominable types. In addition, new types may be available to incredible companions. Some types are unique only to specific classes when they take a feat with the listed name.

ADORABLE COMPANION To advance a mature animal companion to an adorable animal companion, increase its Charisma modifier by 2 and its Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom modifiers by 1. It deals 2 additional damage with its unarmed attacks. Increase its proficiency ranks in Diplomacy and unarmored defense to expert. It also learns the advanced maneuver for its type. Its attacks become magical for the purpose of ignoring resistances. An adorable animal companion can attempt to Aid Another checks to Diplomacy. When it rolls a critical failure on a Diplomacy check to Aid Another, it gets a failure instead. Special A druid can select adorable animal companion when they take the Incredible Companion feat.

NOBLE COMPANION To advance a mature animal companion to a noble animal companion, increase its Constitution modifier by 1 and its Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom modifiers by 1. It deals 3 additional damage with its unarmed attacks. Increase its proficiency rank in Athletics to expert. It also learns the advanced maneuver for its type. It gains the mount trait, and if it is the same size as you it grows to be one size larger than you. Its attacks become magical for the purpose of ignoring resistances. Special A ranger, druid or champion can select noble animal companion when they take the Incredible Companion or Imposing Destrier feat.

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Bestiary Creature Templates Tough Adjustment

Sometimes you'll want a creature to just be a bit tougher than normal so you can present a challenge that would otherwise be trivialized by a poor initiative check or few of its attacks missing. To do this quickly, apply the tough adjustment to its statistics as follows: Increase the creature's AC, attack modifiers, DCs, saving throws, Perception, and skill modifiers by 1. Increase the creature's Hit Points by 5 per creature level. For creatures of level 0 or less, increase Hit Points by 5. As long as the adjusted creature is not an encounter boss with creature level 3 or more than the average party level, the creature gains the Ferocity ability but can only use it once per day. If it already has Ferocity, the first use of this ability does not increase the wounded condition. Increase creature's level by 1 for the purpose of encounter balance and rewards.

Swift Adjustment Sometimes you'll want a creature to just be among the first to act at the start of combat. To do this quickly, apply the swift adjustment to its statistics as follows: Increase the creature's AC, attack modifiers, DCs, saving throws, Perception, and skill modifiers by 1. At start of combat, as long as the creature is not caught by surprise, choose one: gain a +4 circumstance bonus to its initiative check; or exchange its position in initiative order with that of another ally creature. The creature has +1 circumstance bonus to damage rolls for each damage die rolled against enemies that haven't acted yet in combat. Increase creature's level by 1 for the purpose of encounter balance and rewards.

COMBINING ADJUSTMENTS You can combine both Tough and Swift adjustments without increasing the creature's AC, attack modifiers, DCs, saving throws, Perception, and skill modifiers. The result will be an adjusted creature that is only slightly weaker than 1 level higher than the original. It is advised that you do such combined adjustment only to creatures with level higher than the party level where modifier increases would make it too hard for the party to challenge. For creatures at level equal or less than that of the party, use separate adjustments with modifier increases.