PalmTherapy Program Your Mind by Moshe Zwang [PDF]

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Foreword During my training in Jungian analysis in Israel, I was first introduced to palm reading as a form of "psychological testing." I also had the opportunity to compare the results to the more traditional tests, as several of my patients had both types of test done. At that time I was impressed as to how accurate and constructive a tool palm reading was for diagnostic purposes and to give direction regarding career development, talents, relationships, etc. However, when Moshe Zwang first talked to me about his method of Palm Therapy I was very skeptical. In order to convince me Moshe volunteered to come to my office and demonstrate his method, working on a few of my patients for free. I took the challenge and chose two patients with severe and chronic problems which have lasted more than ten years. These patients were under my care for one year. One patient suffers from severe panic disorder, the other from severe impulse control disorder including compulsive gambling and other compulsive behaviors. I tried medications with these patients, as well as extensive psychotherapeutic techniques, with only temporary minor improvements. These patients also received during the years different forms of therapy from a variety of therapists. Nothing was helpful. Therefore, I felt that any improvement would be significant. Also, we have an objective way to measure success, i.e., the frequency of panic attacks or gambling sprees. Moshe was kind enough to come to my office once a week for the last seven weeks, for 45 minute sessions with each one of these patients. To my amazement, I must admit that both patients are feeling much better subjectively. Objectively, there were no gambling sprees, and the frequency and severity of the panic attacks decreased to a great extent. This is, of course, not a scientifically designed, double-blind study. The numbers are not statistically high enough to reach any conclusions. Yet, it is still compelling and it certainly deserves more clinical trials. I must admit that I still don't know how it works or why. On the other hand I also still don't know the exact mechanism by which aspirin works. It is always possible it was a placebo effect, but it is very unlikely, as I had tried different placebos with these patients before and they didn't work. When working with the patients, Moshe bonded with them. They liked him and respected him. They opened up to him and shared with him their feelings, etc. I sat in the room as an observer, and it was difficult for me to categorize what type of 'psychotherapy" he was using. Apparently, there was none, although on occasions he asked them to visualize themselves at the peak of their symptoms while he worked on their hands. Both patients were impressed enough with the results that they asked to continue with the Palm Therapy, privately. They are now motivated enough to drive a long distance to his office and to pay his fee.

It was a real pleasure for me watching Moshe at work. I cannot deny the remarkable results occurring in such a short period of time. I will definitely continue watching my patients for long term results. However, at the present time I already have become curious enough to ask Moshe to teach me his technique.

-Daphna Slonim, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Medical Director D.S.A. Medical Clinic Beverly Hills, California February 8, 1995

Moshe Zwang, ND Inventor of Palmtherapy® (Palm Therapy TM/SM)

About Moshé Zwang and the history of Palmtherapy® with its hand/brain/mind connection: In the autumn of 1985, Moshé Zwang, N.D., Doctor of Naturopathy, inventor, and former professor of Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture at the Israeli College of Naturopathy, Tel Aviv, Israel, invented Palmtherapy, the breakthrough that 10 years later hit the TV screens from coast to coast in the United States when the first edition of his book Palm Therapy: Program Your Mind through Your Palms was first published; and he was invited to FOX TV, Hollywood to apply the method live on individuals suffering from severe phobias since childhood—the rapid results on the mind were amazing! In April 2000, his work was selected as one of the three greatest landmarks of the past 100 years in the field of hand analysis--hand/mind connection. In August 2000 his Palmtherapy certification seminar for healthcare professionals became an official, registered continuing education program by the State of California.

Searching for data: Although coming from a scientifically oriented background, his near-death experience at the age of thirteen has widened his horizons in many aspects. (You can read about this experience in his book: The Ultimate Prophecy.) Moshé Zwang was fascinated with the secrets of the hand/mind connection and was determined to research it. As a young officer in the Israeli Merchant Marine, he had crossed oceans and visited sacred places all over the world in order to learn more about the mysteries that the hands reveal directly from sages of these places. Moshé Zwang had observed thousands of hands and had learned about the hand from hundreds of books and professional magazines. Formulating hypothesis: Since the hand, although relatively only a small section of the body, has a large area of representation in the brain, both in the motor and sensory sections of the cerebral cortex, and there is a bi-directional flow of information through the nervous system, Moshé Zwang’s hypothesis was that the hand represents some brain activities which relate to the personality and emotions and, therefore, we can affect the mind through a stimulation on specific lines and areas in the hands which are related to specific personality traits and emotions. Based on his hypothesis, Moshé Zwang predicted that if the lines of the palms of the hands truly describe some brain/mind activities related to personality traits and emotions, then, because of the bi-directional flow through the nervous system, a simple stimulation on lines and areas correlated to specific personality traits or emotions represented by these lines or areas will create a corresponding effect on the personality, mood, and behavioral patterns. He also predicted that the effect created should be more specific than the

general soothing effect that may follow a stimulation of the skin surface. Achieving results: Moshé Zwang’s hypothesis was supported by multiple positive results. The effect of Palmtherapy included rapid release from anxiety, traumatic memories, severe fears, phobias, anger, and grief. Palmtherapy helped to accelerate positive thoughts and behavior patterns, talents, self-esteem, motivation, mental clarity, and willpower. Moshé Zwang says: “The hand is like a keyboard of a computer. If you know where to stimulate, you can produce anticipated results.” Beginning in October 1998, Moshé Zwang started to teach his unique method to practitioners worldwide in specially concentrated 5-day seminars through the International Palmtherapy Association (IPTA). The names of the graduates are listed on Inner peace for Global Peace, and lessening the suffering on Earth are the main reasons for his efforts to teach and spread Palmtherapy worldwide. With the help of his wife, Diana, who has been devoted to this mission, he has trained many worldwide. While in California, Moshé Zwang continues to counsel individuals at his office in Encino, and also dedicates time to writing, inventing, and family life.

About the authors: Moshé Zwang, ND, Doctor of Naturopathy, inventor of Palmtherapy, researcher of hand analysis/hand-mind connection, author, inventor, healer, and teacher. Diana Zwang, ND, Doctor of Naturopathy, Certified Palmtherapist, actively involved in all of Moshé Zwang’s discoveries, research and teaching. Yaron Swery, Certified Palmtherapist, researcher of hand analysis.

Photos from Television Shows

After 20 minutes of Palmtherapy, she climbed to the top, leaving years of severe phobia behind: Tanya, who couldn't climb a chair to change a light bulb due to a severe fear of heights since childhood, is climbing to the top of the ladder after she receives Palmtherapy stimulation from Moshé Zwang during the national TV show "Gabrielle." Topic: "Confronting Your Fears/Irrational Fears." (Aired: Nov. 20, 1995 from coast to coast. FOX/ The 20 Century, USA.)

“I feel relaxed, for the rest of the day, says Eye Witness News’ television reporter, Pat Karnina, after a short session of Palmtherapy. Moshé Zwang is applying Palmtherapy for work-related stress on Pat Karnina. "Eye Witness News" (Ch 13, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA)

Moshe Zwang has been featured on numerous TV shows. To view a few television clips about Palmtherapy go to

Back Cover (text) The hand, although relatively only a small section of the body, has a large area of representation in the brain. Because of the bidirectional flow of information through the nervous system, a simple stimulation on lines and areas correlated to specific personality traits or emotions represented by these lines or areas, creates a corresponding effect on the personality, mood, and behavioral patterns. Through Palmtherapy®, you’ll learn how to: Achieve emotional balance Sharpen your talents and initiate new skills Achieve higher learning ability and mental clarity Activate success energy in your life Build your charisma and have a magnetic personality Achieve goals faster, both personal and professional Stimulate your vitality and overcome allergy symptoms Develop your ESP, and much more ! “A profound and comprehensive book on a most interesting subject, not only for the professional, but for anyone interested in changing or enhancing their life patterns. “The most striking result after working with him [Moshe Zwang] the first few times, was a dramatic shift in my attitude about the challenging circumstances I was still confronting. It was the first time that I could sense I was actually moving through the difficulties facing me, and that the light at the end of the tunnel was getting closer.” -- Cathy Lee Crosby, actress, producer, author, California “As a physician, my ultimate goal has always been the welfare of my patients. Thanks to Dr. Zwang, I have come across a tool [Palmtherapy] that is helping me reach that goal, which is why I want the world to know that they have a beautiful, powerful, and safe technique available to them.” --Jean Raymond Bastien, MD, Psychiatrist, New York (A graduate of a Palmtherapy seminar for Healthcare practitioners) “Fascinating”--Good Day New York (TV news, N.Y., USA) “Remarkable results” -- Extra (National TV show, USA)

About Seminars This e-book (2004 edition) covers the original (1995 book) award winning classic Palmtherapy® (Palm Therapy SM/TM Palmtherapy SM/TM worldwide) by Moshe Zwang. Since then Moshe Zwang has further developed the Palmtherapy method, and continues to do so. To become certified by the International Palmtherapy Association (IPTA) and to learn his new developments and amazing shortcuts for even faster results in Palmtherapy, join Moshe Zwang’s exciting 5-days Palmtherapy certification programs. These special seminars are designed for healthcare practitioners, therapists, healing arts professionals, coaches, counselors and educators. The teaching involves new information which is different than the material that is covered in this book, including demonstrations, and actual hands-on training.

For information visit the Moshe Zwang’s OFFICIAL website of Palmtherapy® worldwide: International Palmtherapy Association (IPTA) P.O.Box 7453 Van Nuys, California 91409-7453 USA Phone: 661-944-4909