P Laris: The Roleplaying Game [PDF]

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P o l a r i s RPG, SAVAGE WORLDS ADVENTURE EDITION. Y o u w i l l n e e d t h e t wo c o r e r u l e b o o k s 2) f o r t h e P o l a r i s RPG, i n a d d i t i o n t o t h e S avag e W o r l d s S c i e n c e -F i c t i o n C o m pa n i o n .

b o o k l e t i s a g a m e a i d t h at w i l l a l l ow yo u t o p l ay i n t h e u n d e rwat e r wo r l d o f t h e

using the rules of

(CRB 1 Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)



Creating a character The adventurers of the Polaris RPG are defined by a certain number of Traits (Attributes and Skills), combined with their species, and their Edges and Hindrances. These characteristics can give you an idea of the character’s abilities.

SPECIES There are four species available in the Polaris RPG: humans, Techno-Hybrids, Geno-Hybrids, and Natural Hybrids.

HUMAN Humans are the most common characters in the Polaris RPG universe. • Humans start the game with a free Edge.




A Techno-Hybrid is a person who has sacrificed his humanity to be able to move freely in the ocean. His physical Attributes, and his underwater skills have been considerably improved, unlike his physical appearance. People are very suspicious of Techno-Hybrids. They often have to hide their appearance to be able to live in society. It is rare for a person to choose this type of modification. Techno-Hybrids are usually the result of modifications carried out by the Hegemony on its soldiers or prisoners. A Techno-Hybrid character is usually a person who was not given much of a choice in the matter. • Start with d6 in Strength • Start with d6 in Vigor • Aquatic (can’t drown in water, moves underwater with a Pace equal to his Swimming die, free d8 Swimming) • Immune to cold and underwater pressure • Low Light Vision. Techno-Hybrids are used to the darkness of the deep. • Water Dependency (must be immersed in water for at least one hour per period of 24 hours. If this is not the case, his Fatigue level increases every day until he is Incapacitated. On the next day, he dies.) • -4 penalty for resisting the negative effects of heat • Claustrophobia (Minor Hindrance) • Wanted by Prism (Major Hindrance) • Mutation — deformity (Minor Hindrance)

Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)

GENO-HYBRID A Geno-Hybrid is a person who was transformed by the technology of the Cult of the Trident. He can move freely underwater, and without any modification to his physical appearance. Geno-Hybrids are extremely rare and have many advantages underwater. The character must have spent at least a year as part of the Cult of the Trident’s Special Intervention Group. Hybrids have a hard time using diving suits or diving armor. Worse still, they can


suffer from claustrophobia in an underwater vehicle, and they are particularly sensitive to heat. • Starts with d6 in Agility • Aquatic (can’t drown in water, moves underwater with a Pace equal to the Swimming die, free d8 Swimming) • Immune to cold and underwater pressure • Low Light Vision. Geno-Hybrids are used to the darkness of the deep. • Water Dependency (must be immersed in water for at least one hour per period of 24 hours. If this is not the case, his Fatigue level increases every day until he is Incapacitated. On the next day, he dies.) • -4 penalty for resisting the negative effects of heat • Claustrophobia (Minor Hindrance) • Will have difficulties refusing any requests from a member of the Cult of the Trident

NATURAL HYBRID A Natural Hybrid is a mutant, born with the ability to survive underwater. Natural Hybrids have the highest underwater advantages of all the hybrid forms, and the greatest disadvantages out of the water. • Starts with d6 in Agility • Starts with d6 in Vigor • Aquatic (can’t drown in water, moves underwater with a Pace equal to the Swimming die, free d10 Swimming) • Immune to cold and underwater pressure • Low Light Vision. Natural Hybrids are used to the darkness of the deep. • Water Dependency (must be immersed in water for at least one hour per period of 12 hours. If this is not the case, his Fatigue level increases every day until he is Incapacitated. On the next day, he dies.) • -4 penalty for resisting the negative effects of heat • Claustrophobia (Minor Hindrance) • Wanted by flesh traders (Major Hindrance) • Will have difficulties refusing any requests from a member of the Cult of the Trident

PERSONAL INTERESTS Every character in the Polaris RPG universe has their own hobbies and passions on top of their Attributes and Skills. These interests are not always related to their professional careers, but they can come in handy in some situations. A character starts off with a number of interests equal to half his Smart die. Any increase of that die later in the game will allow him to pick new areas of interest. An interest can give the character a +1 bonus for all his Common Knowledge Tests on that subject.

Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)

A FEW EXAMPLES OF INTERESTS • Culture: Anthropology, Archeology, Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Knowledge of a Nation (to be specified), Knowledge of a city (to be specified), Folklore, Literature, Cooking, Culture (to be specified), History, Physics, Computing, Geology. • Craftsmanship: Art (to be specified), Electronics, Mechanics • Performing arts: Drama, Dance, Singing, Disguise, Juggling, Music (instrument to be specified), Improvisation. • Languages: in Savage Polaris, languages count as interests. A character automatically knows how to speak, read and write (when possible) his native tongue. If he wishes to master other languages, he must include them in his interests. This list is not in the least exhaustive, and players are welcome to create new interests with the GM’s blessing. You should however bear in mind that these interests only give a general knowledge of the subject, which is nothing like the level of skills like Academics or Science.

SKILLS There are not really any new skills as such in the world of Savage Polaris, but some have been slightly tweaked to match the rest of the universe.

B oating 

(I nt )

The Boating Skill comes into play when it comes to piloting any underwater vessel larger than a fighter vessel, from small cargo transport to Atlantis class vessels.

N otice 

(I nt )

In addition to its normal usage, this skill is also used for any task involving soundscan analysis. Using this Skill that way is usually associated with a -2 penalty, due to the difficulty of the task and the experience required carrying it out.

P iloting 

(A gi )

The Piloting Skill is used for all flying atmospheric craft, but also for underwater fighter vessels.



E ducation

NEW SKILLS M astery of the P olaris E ffect 

(S pirit )

See description of the Polaris Force (page 11 of this document).

Q uick learner


If this hindrance is a Minor one, then no one, except maybe the character, is aware of the condition. If the handicap is a Major one, then one or two people know about it, and the character is actively wanted by one or more factions (as with the Hindrance Wanted – Major).

Requirements: Novice, Smart d8+ The character is quick to understand and to learn. Every time he chooses to improve or learn a skill with an Advance, he can choose one of the following options: If he chooses to improve a skill higher than or equal to its Attribute, he can also increase another Skill that is lower than its linked Attribute (including a new skill) by one rank. He can choose to increase three skills that are lower than their linked Attributes by one rank (including new skills).

M utation — deformity 

T raining

F ertile 

( minor / major )

( minor )

The deformity can be of any type. It is up to the player and the GM to define exactly what it is. The character gets a -1 penalty for Persuasion rolls.


BACKGROUND EDGES C argo V essel Requirements: Novice The character owns a small cargo ship, probably second hand, and for which he probably had to obtain a loan over many years. The ship could also not belong to him but simply be on loan from a benefactor (although probably not without some form of compensation of course). One way or another, the character has his very own means of travelling under the seas.

C oncession Requirements: Novice The character owns a mining concession somewhere under the oceans. He can work out with the GM where it is located exactly, but only the latter knows what he will find there. One way or another, the concession is not currently being mined and does not generate any revenue.


Requirements: Novice, Noble or Smart d8+ The character had the advantage of a privileged education, maybe in a prestigious university or with renowned tutors. He has 4 extra Skill points to spend exclusively on the Academics, Common Knowledge, Healing, Language, Research and Science skills.

Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)

Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Smart d6+ The character has benefited from an exceptional level of training, whether at the school of hard knocks or on the contrary from a benevolent mentor. He has 3 extra Skill points to spend exclusively on skills that are not attached to the Education Edge.

T reasure M ap Requirements: Novice The character owns a map that can lead him to a treasure. It is up to the GM to define what the treasure is exactly, where it is and how the character came across the map.

MUTATION EDGES Mutation Edges work just like Background Edges, the only difference being that, with the GM’s consent, a character can obtain one during an Advance, as long as he already has a mutation-related Edge or Hindrance. If this special condition applies, then the GM can allow him to choose this type of Edge after exposure to radiation or some other phenomenon of a similar type.

A cid T ouch Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6+ The character’s skin secretes a corrosive substance that inflicts 2d4 damage to anything that comes into contact with it. The corrosive substance continues to inflict damage until it is cleaned with water or anything else that can neutralize


C ontagion Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6+ The character is fed by bacteria that live in symbiosis with him. These illnesses are extremely contagious at all times. The character is completely immune to the illnesses and, more importantly, the fact that he is contagious doesn’t show. If the mutation is not controlled, then any contact with the character’s skin will cause an infection with a longterm, mildly debilitating, chronic illness. The mutant can try to control his contagion. He will have to succeed a Spirit test to be able to choose whether or not to contaminate a person in case of physical contact.

E mpathy Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Perception d6+ On a successful Spirit roll, the character can communicate with empathic creatures such as coral (penalty -2) and feel the emotions of animals and people (in which case the Spirit roll is opposed to the target’s Spirit). Some empaths can even feel the intense feelings that inhabit a specific place (penalty -4).

• E mpathic M anipulation Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Persuasion d6+, Empathy The empath can attempt to change the emotions of a person, if he succeeds a Spirit test opposed by the target’s Spirit. For each success and additional Raise, he can improve the target’s attitude towards him by one step for one hour. This power works on a target within a range equal to or less than his Spirit dice number.

M olecular instability Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Vigor d6+ The character’s molecular structure can be modified voluntarily or involuntarily. If this mutation is not controlled, the character can lose his genetic stability and slowly turn into a blob of matter until he successfully carries out a Vigor test. Each success and additional Raise allows him to maintain his structure until the next roll. If he fails, he takes a Fatigue level for 24 hours, after which he will have to carry out a new test. To voluntarily release his instability, the characters must succeed a Spirit test. If he does, then he will get a limited control over his shape. This shape cannot have a greater (or lower) mass than the character’s natural shape. He can move at a Pace of 1, slide under doors and be aware of his environment by touch alone. He can attempt to form certain

Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)

organs with a Spirit roll, applying a penalty of -2 for a sensory organ, or a -4 penalty for a limb such as a tentacle. To get back to his original shape the character has to succeed a Vigor roll with a -1 penalty per minute spent in his unstable state. Every time he fails, the penalty increases by 1 point. If the adjusted result is lower than 1, he loses substance, but manages to regain control: the first time that this happens to him, he gains the Small Hindrance, after that, he reduces his Vigor die number. Each of these effects is permanent!

N atural W eapon Requirements: Novice The character has a natural weapon (a small horn on his forehead, sharp fangs, claws, a retractable bone growth...) that allows him to fight in melee combat without being considered unarmed. He inflicts damage equal to Strength + d4. This Edge can be chosen several times, each time for a new natural weapon.

• S uperior N atural W eapon Requirements: Novice, Natural Weapon Like Natural Weapon, but with Strength +d6 damage.


the acid. The damage inflicted is independent of any other attack action.

N ight V ision Requirements: Novice The character can see perfectly well in the dark, as long as there is a light source, even a very weak one. He can ignore the penalties due to darkness.

R egeneration Requirements: Novice, Vigor d8+ The character can make a natural healing roll once per day.

S hapeshifter Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+ A shapeshifter can change his appearance. He can attempt to take on the physical appearance of an individual, but won’t have the same intellectual abilities (as with Protei, see CRB 2 page 163) and his physical abilities can in no way be increased to equal those of the victim he is impersonating. By succeeding a Spirit roll, he can get a +2 bonus for all his Persuasion rolls to fool onlookers, and a +2 bonus for each additional Raise. If he fails, he gains a Fatigue level. The character can in no way take on a non-humanoid appearance.

S onar Requirements: Novice The character has a kind of sonar ability that allows him to detect obstacles in the dark or under water, over a number



PROFESSIONAL EDGES A gent Requirements: Novice, Smart d6+, Intimidation d6+, Investigation d8+, Perception d6+, Persuasion d6+ The character is a spy, an agent working for a government or a powerful civic organization. As long as his missions are successful, he can use whatever means necessary. He can add his Charisma to his Intimidation rolls. He also has financial support from his employer, andcan ask his administration for 15,000 Sols per Rank to carry out his mission, but any remaining credit must be returned when it is completed.

D iving A rmor Requirements: Novice The character has the necessary training to use diving armor to move around underwater, and isn’t affected by the -2 penalty that usually applies in this case.

of squares up to his Smart die. Penalties due to darkness are halved (round down).


S urface R esistance


Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6+ The character gets a +2 bonus to resist the negative effects of the surface (acid rain, radiation...).

T hick S kin Requirements: Novice, Force d6+, Vigor d6+ The character’s thick skin gives him an extra 2 Armor points (affected by the Armor Piercing feature).

T ough B ones Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6+ The character has a Toughness bonus of +1.

T oughness Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6+ The character has a +4 bonus to resist the effects of a specific danger: fire, cold, radiation, illness, poison, drugs. This Edge can be selected several times, each time for a different danger.

Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)

H acker Requirements: Novice, Smart d8+, Knowledge (Computer) d8+, Security d6+ The character is a specialist in piracy and infiltration operations. He has a +2 bonus for all his Knowledge (Computer) and Security tests when it comes to electronic security systems. He also gets a +2 bonus for Investigation tests if he is looking for information on a station’s computer network.

SOCIAL EDGES F alse I dentity Requirements: Novice The character has a false identity. The player is free to choose it in agreement with the GM. The identity includes all the background, employment history, administrative registrations and official papers. It is extremely difficult to find his true identity. Any attempt will suffer a -2 penalty for each Investigation or Streetwise rolls that aims to find out the character’s real identity. This Edge can be chosen several times, and each time, the character obtains a new identity.


Setting Rules The Polaris RPG universe may be dark and desperate, but its characters are nonetheless heroic. This setting uses the Conviction setting rule.

GRITTY DAMAGE Although the world of the Polaris RPG is a heroic one, it is also filled with deadly dangers, and this rule is the perfect reflection of the darker side of this universe. Wounds work in the normal way for Extras. For Wild Cards, however, Wounds are handled in a slightly different way. The Incapacitation threshold is still set normally (when more than three Wounds are taken). However, each hit that causes 1+ Wounds requires you to roll immediately on the Injury Table. The resulting effects are immediately applied, and they disappear once the Wound has healed. Wounds causing Incapacitation are temporary or permanent, as for the usual rules. A Shaken character who once again becomes Shaken receives a new Wound as usual, but he does not roll against the Wound Table.

I KNOW A GUY Under the seas, it is always a good thing to know someone who might be willing to help you out without asking too many questions. All the characters begin the game with 4 contact points. With these points they can “buy” contacts: • For 1 point = 1 basic contact • For 2 points = 1 friend

In Savage Polaris, Reputation Points are used as a currency just like any other. A character can spend them to gain temporary bonuses in Intimidation, Persuasion, Streetwise or Taunt. A character begins the game with 1 Reputation Point, and his Rank will define the maximum number of RP that he can reach.

TEMPORARY BONUSES When rolling for an Intimidation, Persuasion or Taunt test, a character can decide to use one RP to represent the fact that he is trying to use his reputation to his advantage. In this case, he receives a bonus of 1d6 to add to his roll. If the roll is a failure, then the RP is lost. If the Skill die rolls a 1 (regardless of the Wild die), then he loses two RPs!

UNDERWATER MOVEMENT Hybrids can move around naturally underwater and are not affected by any penalty. As for humans, on the other hand, they will need to use a suit of exo-armor to move around in the water. If they have no specific training with exo-armor, any action carried out in a suit of diving armor will suffer a penalty of -2. The Diving Armor Edge can cancel out that penalty.



When a Joker is drawn during a combat round, it is handled in the regular way (+2 for Trait and Damage rolls for the round), but every character other than the one getting the Joker receives a Benny..



A character’s Reputation Points (RP) represent his status in society and among his peers. In other words, it’s like a kind of social credit rating, and in the world of the Polaris RPG, it’s probably worth as much as a big bag of Sols.

A character speaks his native language by default. He can learn other languages by picking them as personnal interests.

Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)



PRESSURE IN THE DEPTHS Pressure is managed by levels. It is possible for a character to move from one level to the next if he has a device (vessel or armor) that can take the pressure level in question.



0 to -2,000 m

At this depth it is still possible to be affected by surface conditions.

-2,000 to -8,000 m


-8,000 to -12,000 m


-12,000 to -18,000 m


-18,000m or lower

Normal Low

Exceeding the maximum pressure level of a device: when a vehicle or armor exceeds the maximum pressure for which it was designed, it suffers the effects of a critical hit every 10 minutes.

Gear COST OF GEAR ITEMS The prices of items indicated in this chapter are average prices. Any item bought through trading will be a little cheaper than listed, as traders tend to prefer this type of sale. Don’t forget that it is extremely rare to find new or military products on public markets. These items are most often found on the black market.




11 or more


1d12 hours



1d6 days



1d6 weeks



1d6 months

-6 or less

SECOND HAND GEAR ITEM RARITY Gear items can be more or less rare. New items are, generally speaking, practically impossible to find. Use the Availability score from the Polaris RPG rules to work out the penalty to apply to the Streetwise rolls required to find the desired item on the table below. If the roll is a failure, then the character cannot find what he is looking for. If it is a success, he finds a second hand version of the item, but in good condition. With a Raise, he can find a brand new item, or one in perfect condition at the regular price.


Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)

Pretty much none of the gear available on markets and in stores (except for food and services) is brand new. However, most second hand equipment has been carefully reconditioned and is in a good overall condition. The side effects of using these second hand objects usually depend on the situation, although a number of them can cause bigger problems... or become problems themselves!



Second hand gear costs 50% less than the normal price, but a character only gets a reduced price on the items described below. Second hand gear that doesn’t have any flaws will be almost as expensive as its normal equivalent: • weapons, and any technological personal item, • any object that a character can use during a Trait test will malfunction when a player gets a 1 on his Skill die, as if he had the All Thumbs Hindrance. If the character already has the All Thumbs Hindrance, then he is in double trouble: the second hand item will malfunction on a 1 or2.


POWERED EXO-ARMORS Polaris Powered exo-armor is managed the same way as Savage World power armor for categories exo-1 to exo-5. Exo-alpha Armor is considered to be equivalent to personal armor, and exo-omega armor can be considered similar to a lightweight Walker. The following Mods are used to manage underwater armor: TYPE



AmphibianAmphibious (1): the vehicle can move at half of its Pace score underwater. It can withstand a Low pressure level.


5,000 Sols

Melee Weapon (2): Its weapons have an Armor Piercing score of half the size of the Walker, and they inflict Strength + 2d8 Damage (and are considered Heavy Weapons).


15,000 Sols

Defense generator (1): when a non-protected creature touches the armor, it has to roll a Vigor test with a -2 penalty or be Shaken.


5,000 Sols

Underwater propulsion (1): doubles the armor’s Pace underwater.


5,000 Sols

Improved pressure resistance (2): this can only be applied to an AmphibiousAmphibious armor. The maximum pressure that this armor can withstand is increased by one level.

5,000 Sols x Size

Decreased pressure resistance (1): this canonly be applied to an AmphibiousAmphibious armor. The maximum pressure that this armor can withstand is decreased by one level.

-2,000 Sols x Size






652 kSols

Notes: Amphibious, Augmented Strength, Defense Generator, Weapon Mount (Heavy Speargun, 3/6/12, 2d10, AP2), Propulsion Jets.






2,450 kSols

Available Mods: 0 Notes: Amphibious, Augmented Strength (4), Improved pressure resistance (4), Defense Generator, Weapons Mount (Heavy Speargun, 3/6/12, 2d10, AP2), Propulsion Jets.

CYBERWARE Overall, the Cyberware chapter in the SFC conveys a rather more advanced vision than what is technically available in the world of the Polaris RPG. However some scientific progress and discoveries (especially those of the Polar Alliance and the Mediterranean Union) and some existing technologies (the Techno-Hybrids) make it possible to use all of the available cyberwares options, with the GM’s blessing of course.

Available Mods: 0

Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)



ROBOTS The Polaris rules about robots mainly refer to the use of drones, robots with no consciousness, only able to act according to simple programming or operated by remote control. We can however consider that the cyborgs of the Polar Alliance are similar to the Constructs described in the SFC, although the Pacifist Hindrance is replaced by a new Hindrance: Obligation (Polar Alliance).

UNDERWATER VESSELS Underwater vessels are aligned to the rules for spaceships in the SFC, based on the following sizes: The following Mods are available for underwater vessels: TYPE



Improved pressure resistance (2): this can only be applied to Amphibiousan Amphibious vessel. The maximum pressure that this vessel can withstand is increased by one level. The GM’s permission must be given to reach the maximum level of Abyssal pressure.

5,000 Sols x Size

Decreased pressure resistance (1): this can only be applied to Amphibiousan Amphibious vessel. The maximum pressure that this vessel can withstand is reduced by one level.

-2,000 Sols x Size

VEHICLES Underwater vehicles are managed like regular vehicles (see SFC) with the Amphibious Mod. If the vehicle cannot move around on solid ground then the Mod costs nothing.












20 (5)







25 (6)







35 (8)






45 (10)







50 (11)


1 000





55 (13)


3 000




65 (15)


8 000


Notes: fighter vessels, shuttles. Medium


Notes: small cargo vessels



Notes: patrollers, medium cargo vessels. Huge


Notes: corvettes, heavy patrollers. Gigantic Notes: escorts. Gargantuan

Notes: heavy escorts, light frigates. Behemoth


Notes: Exceptional size ships (Atlantis).

Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)


The Polaris Effect is very difficult to control, and one of the greatest dangers is its involuntary release. Even if a person manages to voluntarily trigger the Effect, it is very hard for him to control the power that he has unleashed. A character able to use the Polaris Effect should take the Arcane (Polaris) Edge. Bear in mind that choosing this Edge does not imply a control of the Flux. A character can perfectly well have a latent affinity with the Flux without necessarily having been able to develop control of the Effect with the help of the priests of the Trident. Using the Polaris Effect happens in two steps: first the character unleashes the Polaris energy within him, then he must transform it to give it a specific form that defines the effect of the power.

EDGES A rcane (P olaris ) Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+ Skill: Mastery of the Polaris Effect (Spirit) Power Points: — Powers: — Unlike other Arcanes in Savage Worlds, characters who can control the Polaris Effect do not choose a power to start with. Likewise, they cannot select the New Power Edge: when they wish to trigger a Polaris power, they can try to access any power in the list. They then unleash the Polaris Effect and attempt to give it the form they desire. After that, the character must test for Mastery of the Polaris Effect, with a penalty of -2 per Rank of the power beyond Novice (-2 for a Seasoned Power, -4 for a Veteran, etc.). If he succeeds, then the Power is activated for a normal duration (a Raise does not apply to Powers in the usual way). The Polaris Effect is indeed very difficult to control reliably. Rolling a Mastery of the Polaris Effect check can reduce the involuntary effects when a character unleashes the Flux. For each Power Point that would be normally required to use the original Power, the character will have to draw a Polaris Incident Card (see table below). Fortunately, each Raise on his Mastery check allows him to: • Either reduce the number of Incident Cards by 1, to a minimum of 1, • Or use this Raise like a regular Raise to increase the effects of the power according to the rules of Savage Worlds, • Or double the duration of the power.

Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)

If the Mastery roll is a failure, the power fails, but the character still has to draw the Incident Cards. If he gets a critical failure, he has to double the number of cards to draw! Once he has drawn all the Polaris Incident Cards, only the highest is retained. Another danger lies in wait for those who can manipulate the Polaris Flux: involuntary release. It can happen if they are stressed, scared, in pain, or suffering from other psychological issues (when confronted with a phobic situation for example).


Polaris Effect

After failing a Fear check, or when suffering one or more Wounds, or when confronted to the object of his phobias, the character has to successfully carry out a Mastery of the Polaris Effect test. Failure means he might involuntarily unleash the Polaris Flux and end up using a power without any control whatsoever. Constant use of an inhibitor can allow him to avoid these issues. List of powers: Boost Trait / Lower Trait (Change in mass, Change in pressure, Change in temperature, Pacification/ Enragement, Disruption of reality), Barrier (Force barrier, Molecular barrier, Psychic barrier, Organic repulsion sphere), Summon Ally (Flux beast, Soul eater, Blob of destruction), Bolt (Psychic attack, Psychic dagger, Lightning, Energy bolts, Psychic bolts), Blast (Molecular breakdown, Shock waves, Psychic shock waves), Healing (Molecular Healing), Greater Healing (Molecular regeneration), Intangibility (Disintegration), Puppet (Mind control), Succor (Psychic Healing), Slumber (Mental imprisonment), Telekinesis, Teleportation, Fear (Nightmare, Terror sphere)





R eduction of P olaris I ncidents


Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane (Polaris), Spirit d8+, Mastery of the Polaris Effect d8+ Once drawing the Polaris Incident Cards after using his power, the character can draw another card that he can switch with any of the previously drawn Polaris Incident Cards.

L imitation of P olaris I ncidents Requirements: Heroic, Reduction of Polaris Incidents, Mastery of the Polaris d10+ Similar to Reduction of Polaris Incidents, but the character can draw two cards to switch with those he drew previously.

• For a power causing damage, the damage dice are reduced by one level, but the target’s Armor is completely ignored. • For a defensive power, any physical elements are ignored, but the power gives a bonus of +4 to resist the psychic effects (+8 on a Raise). VALUE


Minor effect (no special effect): • The temperature is altered by about ten degrees Celsius, • The lighting gets inexplicably brighter, • Noises.


Minor unpleasant effects (give a -2 penalty for all Trait rolls): • Gravitational or pressure changes • Itching, • Minor disruption of reality, • Bleeding, • Wind gusts, • Blinding light, • Tremors.


Minor environmental effects: • Structural damage, • Breakdown/Outage, • Structural Quake, • Decay


Disturbing effects (Vigor or Spirit roll with -2 penalty to avoid being Shaken): • Polaris shock (Spirit), • Dizziness (Vigor), • Disorientation (Spirit)

M astery of P olaris I ncidents Requirements: Legendary, Limitation of Polaris Incidents, Mastery of the Polaris Effect d12+ The character can reduce the number of Incident Cards all the way down to 0 when using Raises during the Mastery of the Polaris Effect check.

POLARIS INCIDENTS While attempting to master the Polaris Effect to obtain a power, the character will have to draw a number of Incident Cards (see Arcane (Polaris) Edge). Each card can produce a different effect, but only the highest (worst) card is taken into account


A card’s suit defines the reach of the incident’s effect. The duration of an incident is usually a few Combat Rounds (1d6 Rounds is a good average), but the GM can decide to make a specific incident last for a shorter or far longer period of time:





The incident only affects the character only


The effect covers a Small Burst Template


The effect covers a Large Burst Template


The effect covers a wide space, with a radius of at least ten meters, reaching to up to one hundred meters (to be decided by the GM).

Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)




Major unpleasant effects (causing a -4 penalty for all Trait rolls): • Major gravitational or pressure changes • Disruption of reality • Tremors. Major environmental effects (can endanger the structures and gear in the zone): • Structural damage, • Breakdown/Outage, • Structural Quake


Dangerous effects (causes 2d6 damage): • Electrical activity, • Physical damage


Accidental release of a power


Exceptional phenomenon



SAVAGE POLARIS Publisher/Black Book Éditions CEO: David Burckle Written by: Yannick Le Guédart Editing: Ghislain Bonnotte, Franck Florentin, Laura Hoffmann Covert Art by: Simon Labrousse Interior Art by: Stephanie Böhm, Yoann Boissonnet, Simon Labrousse, Lorenzo Mastroianni, Aljosa Mujabasic Art Direction & Graphic Design by: Laura Hoffmann Layout: Jérôme Cordier & Yannick Le Guédart Translation by: Jessica Banks, Katherine Calmejane, Yohann Delalande, Franck “Booga” Florentin, Laurence Gillespie, Leslie Pierobon Black Book Éditions 50 rue Jean Zay 69800 St Priest © 2016 Black Book Éditions. Polaris RPGTM and its logo are registered trademarks of Black Book Éditions in the U.S.A and other countries. Black Book Éditions and its logo are registered trademarks of Black Book Éditions. All rights reserved. ISBN PDF : 978-2-36328-798-4 “This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.”

Thierry Hay (Order #25700969)