Optimization Techniques Modeling and Optimization in the Service of Man Part 2: Proceedings, 7th IFIP Conference Nice, September 8–12, 1975 [part 2] 3540076239, 9783540076230 [DJVU]

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English-French Pages 864 Year 1976

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Table of contents :
On the marginal value of an antagonistic game....Pages 1-8
Optimization of structural elements....Pages 9-21
The policy iteration method for the optimal stopping of a markov chain with an application....Pages 22-36
Algorithmes Pour Un Probleme Inverse Discret De Sturm-Liouville....Pages 37-53
Etude de problemes d'optimal design....Pages 54-62
Une Formule De Hadamard Dans Des Problemes D'optimal Design....Pages 63-76
Problemes Inverses De Valeurs Propres....Pages 77-85
A decomposition technique in integer linear programming....Pages 86-97
An integrated theory of problems as an algebraic base for complexity understanding and automatic problem solving....Pages 98-129
Choix D'une Base Dans L'approximation D'une Fonction....Pages 130-150
Implementation Numerique En Filtrage Optimal Non-Lineaire : Algor Ithmes Paralleles Et Comparaison Avec D'Autres Solutions....Pages 151-168
Methodes De Decomposition Appliquees Aux Problemes De Controle Impulsionnel....Pages 169-191
A mixt relaxation algorithm applied to quasi-variationnal inequations....Pages 192-199
Eclatement de contraintes en parallele pour la minimisation d'une forme quadratique....Pages 200-218
Application de la methode de penalisation aux problemes de controle en nombres entiers....Pages 219-228
Une nouvelle methode de decomposition des grands systemes ou la partition precede l'affectation....Pages 229-249
On the multivariable control of nuclear reactors using the state feedback approach....Pages 250-267
Un Algorithme De Minimisation De Fonctions Convexes Avec Ou Sans Contraintes "L'algorithme D'échanges"....Pages 268-282
A remark on multiplier methods for nonlinear programming....Pages 283-292
Optimisation Sans Contraintes : Construction d'une famille d'algorithmes à convergence quadratique par la linéarisation....Pages 293-311
Optimization in large partly nonlinear systems....Pages 312-329
A new branch and bound approach for concave minimization problems....Pages 330-336
Mathematical programming and the computation of optimal taxes for environmental pollution control....Pages 337-352
On large scale linear fractional programs....Pages 353-361
Some remarks on generalized lagrangians....Pages 362-388
Subgradient optimization, matroid problems and heuristic evaluation....Pages 389-396
Theoretical and practical aspects of coordination by primal method....Pages 397-425
On the implementation of reduced gradient methods....Pages 426-437
Contribution to Dubovitskiy and Milyutin's optimization formalism....Pages 438-453
A perturbation theory approach to non-linear programming....Pages 454-470
An introduction to bounded rate systems....Pages 471-495
Un calcul symbolique non commutatif pour les asservissements non linéaires et non stationnaires....Pages 496-509
The numerical design of feedback control systems containing a saturation element by the method of inequalities....Pages 510-521
Sur L'Approximation Du Contrôle Optimal Des Systèmes Gouvernes Par Des Equations Differentielles Avec Retard Par La Methode De Differences Finies....Pages 522-537
Canonical realizations of transfer operators....Pages 538-554
On optimal control problems with bounded state variables and control appearing linearly....Pages 555-559
On the optimal control of variational inequalities....Pages 560-565
Modelling and control for distributed parameter systems....Pages 566-586
On bang-bang control policies....Pages 587-602
Optimal control problems in sobolev spaces with weights. Numerical approaches applications to plasma optimal control and time delay problems....Pages 603-622
On optimal parametric control of parabolic system....Pages 623-633
On the convergence of Balakrishnan's method....Pages 634-635
Minimum variance control of discrete — time linear stochastic system, using instantaneous output feedback....Pages 636-655
Finding a feasible control for real process under uncertainty....Pages 656-684
Infinite dimensional estimation theory applied to a water pollution problem....Pages 685-699
Numerical solution of the operator riccati equation for the filtering of linear stochastic hereditary differential systems....Pages 700-719
On the approximation of time-varying stochastic systems....Pages 720-728
Stabilizing control for linear systems with bounded parameter and input uncertainty....Pages 729-755
Application of the optimal control theory with distributed parameters on a searching problem....Pages 756-762
About properties of the mean value functional and of the continuous infimal convolution in stochastic convex analysis....Pages 763-789
Evolution of some problems of stochastic control when the discount vanishes....Pages 790-798
The effect on optimal consumption of increased uncertainty in labor income in the multiperiod case....Pages 799-819
Nonlinear optimal stochastic control — some approximations when the noise is small....Pages 820-830
Asymptotic behavior of posterior distributions for random processes under incorrect models....Pages 831-846

Optimization Techniques Modeling and Optimization in the Service of Man Part 2: Proceedings, 7th IFIP Conference Nice, September 8–12, 1975 [part 2]
 3540076239, 9783540076230 [DJVU]

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