Opportunities, Challenges and Power of Media and Information [PDF]

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OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES AND POWER OF MEDIA AND INFORMATION Learning Competencies ★ Identify the opportunities in media and information in the economic, educational, social and political dimensions. ★ Realize opportunities and challenges in media and information. ★ Learn the power of media and information


It is a set of situations that makes it possible to do something. These are the positive effects brought by the media.

4 dimensions:

Education ➔

is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.

Educational Impact ➢ Media and Information’s role is to provide students with knowledge and through it we get enough information that we will take lesson ➢ Facilitating the flow of information between students, faculty and the campus community. ➢ For example: Classes through Zoom or Google Meet ➢ Media and Information have given us the opportunity to elaborate an image and video through media for comprehensive learning. ● Multimedia is a form of communication that combines different content forms such as text, video, sound, graphics, & animation. Thus providing a powerful new tool for education. ● Video has become a compelling tool for educational representation. ❖ Ex: Powerpoint Presentation

Social ➔

Economy ➔

is an area of the production, distribution and trade, as well as consumption of goods and services by different agents.

Economic Impact ➢ Media improves the efficiency of the economy by providing economic actors more and better information with which to make decisions and improving stability. ➢ An economic actor may be an individual, a company, a government or even a society as a whole. ➢ The internet provides great opportunities to improve our life for all users. It has positive effects on economic growth.

means relating to society or to the way society is organized.

Social Impact ➢ The internet created the opportunity for social media to thrive. Allows communication and information sharing with large groups of people instantaneously. ➢ With the rise of mobile messaging applications, business owners and marketers have given more channels to reach and engage with different audiences. ➢ Media is the sword arm of democracy. ➢ Users have the access to share their feelings and thoughts through the internet ➢ Media of today is playing an outstanding role in creating and shaping public opinion and strengthening society.

Politics ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

New Industry Film Production Entertainment Programs Print Broadcast Mobile Communication Internet Advertising and Public Relations

The activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power

Political Impact ➢ One of the ways that social media has transformed politics is the sheer speed at which news, poll results and rumors are shared. Now, online news is a 24/7 phenomenon. ➢ One of the positive effects that social media has on politics is the opportunity for voters to interact more easily with candidates and elected officials. ➢ Candidates and their supporters constantly post their views on Facebook and Twitter. Each party has its own pages, from which it broadcasts propaganda and requests for donations.

Vico Sotto Pasig Mayor He became popular on social media because he used it to reach out to more people, to show his accomplishments, and whatever he is doing. He used social media to show his transparency in politics that Filipinos applauded.


Something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination. These are the risks, threats or the negative effects brought by the media.

Copyright Infringement ➔

is the use of works protected by copyright law without permission, infringing certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected work, or to make derivative works.

Examples of Copyright Infringement ➢ Recording a film in a movie theater ➢ Pantomimes and choreographic works ➢ Literature - novels, essays, poems, etc. ➢ Music – melodies, musical notes, etc. ➢ Art – graphics, photos, diagrams, etc. ➢ Architectural plans and drawings

Identity Theft is a serious crime occurring when your personal information is stolen and used without your knowledge to commit fraud or other crimes. Forms of Identity Theft 1. Financial Identity Theft Using another person’s identity to access their financial accounts, obtain credit or to receive goods or services. 2. Identity Cloning Using another person’s information to assume his or her identity in social situations. 3. Criminal Identity Theft Posing as another person when accused of, or apprehended for, a crime. 4. Medical Identity Theft Using another identity to obtain medical care or drugs. ➔

Illegal Content ➔ ● ● ● ● ● ➔

is any type of content that could be damaging to young people including: Real or simulated violence Sexually explicit content Illegal images of child sexual abuse Content promoting hate, based on race, religion or sexual preference Content that promotes extreme dieting or taking drugs. And the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends.

POWER OF MEDIA & INFORMATION Example of Illegal Content under Real or Simulated Violence “Momo Challenge” ➔ is a hoax and an internet urban legend that was rumored to spread through social media and other outlets. ➔ It was reported that children and adolescents were being enticed by a user named Momo to perform a series of dangerous assignments or missions including violent attacks, self-harm and suicide.

Cybercrime ➔

Also called computer crime and computer oriented crime, is the criminal activity carried out by means of computer or Internet. Cyberspace refers to the virtual computer world. Cybercrimes happen in cyberspace.

Republic Act No. 10175 ➔ Also known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 or the Anti-Cybercrime Law of the Philippines. ➔ This Republic Act aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and the Internet in the Philippines. ➔ There are 16 cyber crimes covered under the Republic Act No. 10175

To affect changes and developments

Changes and Developments Business Strategy ➔ Across industries, social media have gone from a “nice to have” to an essential component of any business strategy. ➔ Especially right now where we are in the middle of a pandemic. It is practically impossible to design a business strategy without considering social networks. ➔ Plus, it reaches broader and wider audiences across social platforms. Banks of the Future ➔ The media has transformed banking relationships in very significant ways, from improving customer service to allowing users to send money instantly to others via online platforms. ➔ Like GCash, PayMaya, PayPal, Apple Pay. ➔ But, of course there are risks in online banking: The biggest challenge is maintaining security standards. Banks will also have to implement sophisticated social media policies.

Health Care & Public Health ➔ Social media has been responsible for relevant changes in both personal and community health, especially by making it easier for large numbers of people to rapidly share information. ➔ It’s also helped groups of people, such as patients suffering from the same conditions to stay in touch. ➔ While social media does help official agencies and experts share important information fast – such as during a disease outbreak – it has a downside. “Social media is a two-way street, and allows non-experts to share information just as rapidly as health agencies or trusted experts”

Media Power ➔

Media and information have the power to sway society’s beliefs and perceptions. People have the tendency to receive data from the media and accept it as fact right away without conducting due diligence. The mass media is a powerful guardian of proper political behavior because audiences tend to trust them

Fake news ➔ ➔

is a false or misleading information presented as news. It often has the aim of damaging the reputation of a person or entity, or making money through advertising revenue.


The media and information functions to strengthen and enrich the connection of people, the social environment, and the economy. It opens different opportunities to us. It can motivate, inspire, inform, express ideas and feelings freely, and empower citizens.

Users of media and information should always be responsible.

“Our main source to get information is the media. Without media, we will never be updated on the day-today events that are happening in our surroundings. Media is used to raise awareness but sometimes they use it for biases. In using the media, we must follow some rules and etiquettes. Information is powerful but we must not abuse it.” - Alkuino, 2017

REFERENCES https://prezi.com/p/5h35qdwoa2iq/opportunities-challenges-andpower-of-media-and-information/ https://youtu.be/EhsdUKL1gpI https://youtu.be/6IRI2QMF5IU https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/04/6-ways-social-media-ischanging-the-world/