On Screen 1 Teachers Book [PDF]

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Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooiey

Express Publishing

Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW , United Kingdom Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 email: [email protected] www.expresspublishing.co.uk © Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley, 2015 Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2015 Colour Illustrations: Angela, A n d re w Simons © Express Publishing, 2015 Music A rrangem ents by Taz © Express Publishing, 2015 First published 2015 Fourth impression 2017 M ade in EU All rights reserved. No part o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or tra n sm itte d in any form , o r by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherw ise, w ith o u t the prior w ritte n permission o f th e publishers. This book is n o t m eant to be changed in any way. ISBN 978-1-4715-3476-8

Acknowledgements Authors' Acknowledgem ents We w o u ld like to th a n k all the s ta ff a t Express Publishing w h o have contrib uted th e ir skills to producing this book. Thanks fo r th e ir support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Law ton (Editor in Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors); Michael Sadler and Steve M iller (editorial assistants); Richard W hite (senior production controller); th e Express design team ; Warehouse (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kim berly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We w o u ld also like to th a n k those in stitu tio n s and teachers w h o piloted the manuscript, and whose comm ents and feedback w ere invaluable in the production o f the book. The 'Background in fo rm a tio n ' sections use te x t from a variety o f public domain sources, including W ikipedia. Photograph Acknowledgem ents Unit 1: Reading 1a: Green Lantern © e ve re tt/w w w .im l.gr on p. 10; Across Cultures 1d: Sally Pearson © eyevine/w w w .im l.g r on p. 16; Gareth Bale © corbis/smartmagna.com on p. 17; Unit 2: Reading 2a: The Bubble House © la if/w w w .im l.g r on pp. 26-27; Unit 3: Reading 3a: Lionel Messi © corbis/smartmagna.com on pp. 42-43; Unit 5: Vocabulary 5b: Lincoln © everettcollection/w w w .im l.g r on p. 77; Grammar in Use 5c: Neil A rm strong © e verett/w w w .im l.g r on p. 78; Unit 7: Speaking Skills 7f: ro b o t © a fp /w w w .im l.gr on p. 115 Every e ffo rt has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers w ill be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.

Teacher's Book

Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

Express Publishing

Contents alphabet school objects days o f the week cardinal numbers colours

• • • • •

S ta rte r

(p p . 6-9)

U n it 1

H e llo ! (p p . 1 0 -2 2)

• countries & nationalities • abilities • character adjectives • school subjects • sports

' ......... ... . » identify numbers

• a/an - the • the imperative

can to be subject/object pronouns possessive adjectives question words plurals

• • • • • •

Favourite heroes.org (blog entries) - (multiple matching, answer questions)

• school timetable (gap filling) • dialogue (multiple matching) • dialogues (multiple choice)

The Bubble House (article) (matching headings to paragraphs, complete sentences)

• an advert (note taking) • dialogues (multiple choice) • an announcement (T/F statements)

P rogress Check 1 (p . 23 ) Skills 1

(p. 24): Reading (multiple matching) - Listening (T/F statements)

(p. 25): Reading (matching headings to paragraphs)

C heck y o u r progress (p . 25) U n it 2 H om es (p p . 2 6 -3 8 )

• rooms • furniture & appliances • ordinal numbers • places in a tow n • materials/shapes

• prepositions o f place • possessive adjectives/ pronouns • there is/there are • some/any - a/an • this/these - that/those • have got

Progress Check 2 (p. 39)

Skills 2

(p . 40): Reading (multiple matching) - Listening (multiple choice) (p . 41): Use o f English (text completion) - W riting (an email)

Check y o u r p rogress (p . 4 1 ) U n it 3

People (p p . 4 2 -5 4 )

Progress C heck 3

family members parts o f the body appearance daily routine/free time • the time

• • • •

• • • • •

possessive case who's/whose present simple adverbs o f frequency like/love/hate + ing form

Lionel Messi (article) (matching headings to paragraphs, sentence completion)

(p. 55) Skills 3

• a monologue (T/F statements) • dialogues (multiple choice) • an announcement (T/F statements) • a dialogue (multiple matching)

(p . 56): Speaking (dialogue completion) - Use o f English (text completion) - Listening (multiple matching) (p . 57): Use o f English (sentence completion) - Listening (multiple choice)

Check y o u r p rogress (p. 57) U n it 4 T ra v e l (p p . 5 8 -7 0 )

• • • • • •

the weather seasons/months temperature holiday activities clothes means o f transport

• present continuous • present simple vs. present continuous • prepositions o f time • the/-

postcards-email (multiple matching, answer questions)

Progress Check 4 (p . 71) Skills 4

(p. 72): Reading (multiple matching) - Listening (matching exchanges) (p. 73): Reading (text completion) - W riting (an email)

C heck y o u r progress (p . 73)

• matching people to seasons • dialogues (multiple choice) • dialogue (multiple choice) • dialogue (matching exchanges)


'w m a

| • •

I counting syllables I /s/, /z/, /iz/ I -s ending (plurals)

classroom ask about telephone ask about

• • •

I word stress

• • • • •

describe a strange house using notes describe your area describe a model village describe your house give directions ask questions

• • •

I /s/, tzl, l\z l 1 -s ending 1 (3rd person 1 singular present I simple)

• • • • • • •

І !щ /

• • • • • •



language addresses & numbers age

ask for - giving personal information describe w hat you/others are like talk about w hat you/others can/can't do ask questions


present a person using notes present your family describe your routine on Mondays identify & describe people ask about/tell the time dialogue completion talk about the structure o f a bone

describe a person's trip invite - accept/refuse describe clothes describe your favourite season respond to situations describe pictures

• •

a post about your favourite hero a short text about you a poster about your favourite sports people an email to your e-friend presenting yourself (SKILLS: Word order, capital letters, linkers: and/but) a fact file about your country

Sporting Superstars

a poster about strange houses around the world description o f your area a paragraph about your house a short text advertising an attraction in your country an email describing your home (SKILLS: punctuation, adjectives, brainstorming) a poster about buildings in various shapes & materials

Bekonscot Model Village (article) (T/F/DS statements)

an email about Messi a text describing your friend an article about a charity in your country an email describing your best friend (SKILL: linkers: also/too/or, w ord order)

Giving Children a Helping Hand (article) (T/F statements, answer questions)

(Science) Our skeleton (article) (answer questions, identify reference in a text)

sentences about various tribes describe your favourite season/clothes/activities an advert about a tourist destination in your country a postcard from a place you are in (SKILLS: apostrophes, tenses, word order, brainstorming) a poem

ABTours (Internet advert) (multiple matching, identify author's purpose)

(Literature) Bed in Summer by R.L Stevenson (poem) - (rhyme)

(article) (complete sentences)

(Geography) The UK (article) (matching)

(D&T) A 'green' home (article) (answer questions)

was/were had could past simple (regular verbs)

jobs culture theatre/cinema science/technology space

U n it 5 H is to ry (p. 7 4 -8 6 )

Ancient Egypt (informative text) (T/F/DS statements)

Progress Check 5 (p. 87) Skills 5

monologues (multiple matching) an announcement (T/F statements) dialogues (multiple choice) monologues (matching exchanges) a monologue (note taking)

(p . 88): Listening (multiple choice) - Speaking (responding to situations) (p . 89): Reading (multiple matching)

Check y o u r progress (p . 89) U n it 6 A n im a ls (p p . 9 0 -1 0 2 )

• • • •

animals parts o f animals environment pets

• past simple (irregular verbs) • comparisons • adverbs o f manner

Progress Check 6

• a monologue (identify Dinosaurs (article) animals) (multiple choice, answer • an announcement questions) (T/F statements) • a dialogue (multiple matching) • a monologue/ a dialogue (multiple choice)

(p. 103) Skills 6

(p. 104): Reading (multiple matching) - Speaking (dialogue completion) - Use o f English (text completion) (p. 105): Reading (matching headings to paragraphs) - Use o f English (sentence completion) - W riting (a note)

Check y o u r progress (p. 105) U n it 7 P red ictio ns (p p . 1 0 6 -1 1 8 )

• computers • gadgets • technology in education

• will • be going to • present continuous (future meaning)

Our planet - Our future (article) - (T/F statements)

• a dialogue • an announcement (T/F statements) • monologues (multiple matching) • advert (note taking)

P rogress Check 7 129) Skills 7

(p. 120): Use o f English (text completion) - Listening (multiple choice) (p . 121): Reading (text completion) - Listening (multiple matching) - W riting (an email)

Check y o u r progress (p . 121)

Unit 8 G lo rio u s fo o d (p p . 1 2 2 -1 3 4 )

• • • • • •

food & drinks containers tableware cutlery meals festivals

• countable/uncountable nouns • modal verbs • some/any/(a) few/(a) little, (how) much, (how) many • present perfect

Chinese New Year (article) - (T/F/DS statements, answer questions)

Progress Check 8 (p. 135) Skills 8

• a shopping list • an announcement (gap filling) • monologues (multiple matching) • an announcement (T/F statements) • a dialogue (multiple choice) • an announcement (note taking)

(p . 136): Reading (multiple choice) - Speaking (responding to situations) (p . 137): Reading (text completion) - Use o f English (sentence completion) - W riting (an email)

Check y o u r progress (p . 137) G ra m m a r R efe re n c e (G R 1-G R 8) N o tio n s & Functions (N F 1-N F 4) W r itin g Bank (W B 1 -W B 2 ) W o rd List (W L 1 -W L 2 1 )

A m e ric a n English - British English G u id e (AE-BEG 1) Irre g u la r V erb s (IV 1 ) S tu d e n t's B ook A u d io sc rip ts (S B A 1-S B A 10) W r itin g B ank K ey (W B K 1)

present the Ancient Egyptians a presentation o f famous inventors read dates narrate a historical event describe a visit to a place dialogue completion

N , /d/, /id/ -ed ending

counting syllables

• • • • •

sentences about dinosaurs describe an animal summary o f a story picture story card a presentation about reptiles

sentences about the Ancient Egyptians space facts a paragraph about an im portant historical event in your country a biography (SKILLS: sequence o f events, past tenses, express admiration) a poster of famous monuments

• sentences about Ankylosaurus • a presentation about the possible theories why dinosaurs died out • describe an animal • a myth about an animal • a story (SKILLS: sequence o f events, tenses, adverb-verb collocations)

E Guy Fawkes & Bonfire Night (matching headings to paragraphs)

(History) Our World o f Monuments (informative text) - (multiple matching)

Crow Brings the Daylight (story) (multiple choice)

(Science) Mammals (informative article) (matching headings to paragraphs)

Listening (T/F statements)

will/'I I/w on't

• make predictions • present our solar system • describe ICT equipment used at schools/colleges • explain how you/your friends use a mobile phone • express certainty/uncertainty about future plans • respond to situations

Schools w ith a • predictions about our world in 2100 difference (articles) • sentences about gadgets you (multiple matching) use • weekend plans • compare schools • an email about holiday plans (SKILLS: word order, error correction)

(Science) The Solar System (informative text) - (T/F statements)


• describe Chinese dishes & w hat they symbolise • compare typical meals in your country to meals in the UK • compare food festivals • order food at a fast food restaurant • talk about healthy eating habits

• compare New Year Festive Fruit (article) (multiple choice, celebrations • a list o f foods/drinks you buy answer questions). every week • a paragraph about a food festival in your country • an email about a food festival (SKILLS: punctuation, error correction)

(Food technology) M y eatwell plate (persuasive article) - (answer questions)

E v a lu a tio n s (E 1-E 16) W o rk b o o k Key (W K 1 -W K 1 4 ) W o rk b o o k A u d io s c rip ts (W A 1 -W A 7 ) G ra m m a r B ank Key (G BK 1-G B K 4)

V o c a b u la ry Bank K ey (V B K 1-V B K 2) Q u izzes Key (Q K 1) F u rth e r Practice S ectio n Key (FPSK1)

Introduction On Screen 1 is a secondary-level course fo r learners studying British English at CEFR level A1/A2. It allows a flexibility of approach w hich makes it suitable fo r classes of

• • •

all kinds, including large or mixed ability classes. On Screen 1 consists o f eight units. Each unit consists of six lessons plus Progress Check and Skills sections. The corresponding units in the W orkbook provide the option of

• •

additional practice.

a w arm -up activity to intrigue students to p-dow n activities (scanning and reading for gist) bottom -up activities (reading fo r detailed understanding) oral reproduction (Ss outline the main points of the text) written reproduction (Ss summ arise the main points of the text)

V o cab u lary

COURSE COM PONENTS S tu d e n t’s B ook - W o rk b o o k & G ra m m a r B ook The S tudent’s Book is the main com ponent o f the course. Each unit is based on a single them e and the topics covered are of general interest. All units follow the same basic structure (see Elements of the Coursebook). The W orkbook is in full colour and contains units corresponding to those in the S tudent’s Book, containing practice in all four language skills. It also contains a Grammar Bank w ith theory and exercises, a Vocabulary Bank with exercises, a Quizzes section and a Translator’s Corner section. It can be used either in class or for hom ew ork upon com pletion o f the relevant unit in the S tudent’s Book.

Pictures are employed to introduce Ss to the vocabulary of each unit. Vocabulary is practised through various types of exercises. A particular feature o f the book is the teaching of collocations, w hich helps Ss rem ember vocabulary items as parts o f set expressions. (See S tu dent’s Book Ex. 4, p. 17). Ss also practise word form ation, prepositional phrases and phrasal verbs. G ra m m a r in use •

T e a c h e r’s B ook The Teacher’s Book contains Teacher's Notes which provide step-by-step lesson plans and suggestions about how to present the material. This book also includes a complete Key to the exercises in the Student’s Book & W orkbook & Grammar Book and the audioscripts of the listening material. C lass A udio C D s The Class Audio CDs contain all the recorded material w hich accom panies the course. This includes the m onologues/dialogues and texts in the Listening and Reading sections as well as the Pronunciation/Intonation

Each unit is accom panied by an A cross Cultures and a CLIL section. • In each Across Cultures section, Ss are provided with cultural inform ation and read about aspects of English-speaking countries that are them atically linked to the unit. Ss are given the chance to process the inform ation they have learnt and com pare it to the culture of their own country. •

reference. Lively and creative tasks stim ulate Ss and allow them to consolidate the language they have learnt throughout the unit. Listening skills and S peakin g skills •

ELEM EN TS OF THE CO U R SEB O O K Each unit begins with a brief overview of w hat will be covered in the unit. • Each unit contains the following sections: R eading skimming, scanning, intensive reading for specific purposes, understanding text structure, and so on. The texts are usually exploited in four stages:

Each CLIL section enables Ss to link the them es of the unit to a subject from their school curriculum, thus helping them contextualise the language they have learned by relating it to their own personal fram e of

S tu d e n t’s A udio C D

The reading texts practise specific reading skills such as

concise theory boxes. G ram m ar exercises and activities reinforce S s’ understanding of these items. There is also a Grammar Reference section at the back o f the S tudent’s Book that offers more details.

A cross C u ltu res/C L IL

section, and the material for all listening tasks in the W orkbook & Grammar Book.

The S ’s Audio CD contains the main texts in the Reading sections of the S tudent’s Book, Pronunciation/Intonation tasks as well as the Listening tasks o f the W orkbook for the purposes of hom ew ork and preparation.

The grammar structures of each unit are contextualised and presented by means of illustrations and clear and

Ss can develop their listening skills through a variety of tasks. These tasks em ploy the vocabulary and gram m ar practised in each unit, in this way reinforcing understanding of the language taught in the unit. Controlled speaking activities have been carefully designed to allow Ss guided practice before leading them to freer speaking activities. The sections provide practice in real-life com m unication. Standard expressions and language structures associated with realistic situations are extensively practised.

P ro n u n c ia tio n /In to n a tio n

Irreg u la r Verbs

Pronunciation activities help Ss recognise sounds and reproduce them correctly. Intonation activities help Ss improve their intonation patterns.

This provides students with a quick reference list for verb form s they m ight be unsure of at times.

S U G G E S T E D T E A C H IN G T E C H N IQ U E S W riting The writing sections have been carefully designed to ensure that Ss system atically develop their writing skills. • A model text is presented and thoroughly analysed,

• •

and guided practice of the language to be used is provided. The final task is based on the model te xt and follow s the detailed plan provided. All w riting activities are based on realistic types and styles of writing such as letters, emails, descriptions, essays, stories and summ ary w riting.

P rogress C h eck These follow every unit and reinforce S s’ understanding of


Presenting new vo cabu lary

Much of the new vocabulary in On Screen 1 is presented through pictures. Ss are asked to match the pictures to listed words/phrases. (See S tuden t’s Book, Unit 1, p. 28, Ex. 1.) Further techniques that you may use to introduce new vocabulary include: • Miming. Mime the w ord you w ant to introduce. For instance, to present the verb sing, pretend you are singing and ask Ss to guess the meaning o f the word. • Synonyms, opposites, paraphrasing, and giving definitions. Examples: present the word strong by giving a synonym:

the topics, vocabulary, and structures that have been presented.




“ pow erful” . present the word strong by giving its opposite:

A t the end o f each unit a grading scheme allows Ss to

“ w eak” . present the word weekend by paraphrasing it: “ Saturday and Sunday” . present the w ord fam ous for by giving its definition: “ very w ell-know n (person or thing)” . Example. Examples place vocabulary into context and consequently make understanding easier. For

evaluate their progress and identify their weaknesses. The objectives o f the unit and the S s’ achievem ents are clearly stated.

instance, introduce the w ords city and tow n by referring to a city and a tow n in the S s’ country: “ Rome is a city, but Parma is a tow n.”

Skills sections provide more practice on reading, listening, speaking, use of English and writing. •

C h e c k your p rogress

• S tudy Skills Brief tips, explanations, and reminders at various points throughout each unit help Ss develop strategies which improve holistic learning skills and enable Ss to become autonom ous learners o f the English language.

(p ) *"

G ra m m a r R e fe re n c e section This section offers full explanations and review o f the gram m ar structures presented throughout the book. It can be used both in class and at home to reinforce the gram m ar being taught.

and efficiently and achieve their language objectives as well as exercises to practise them.


W riting Bank This section provides preparation of the writing task types as they are presented in the S tudent’s Book. It contains theory, plans, full-length model com positions and useful language to help Ss produce successful pieces of writing. W ord List A com plete W ord List contains the new vocabulary presented in each module, listed alphabetically, w ith a phonetic transcription of each w ord and explanation.



Flashcards. Flashcards m ade out of magazine or new spaper pictures, photographs, ready-m ade drawings, and any other visual material may also serve as vocabulary teaching tools.

Use of L1. In a m onolingual class, you may explain vocabulary in the S s’ native language. This method, though, should be em ployed in moderation. Use of Dictionary. In a multilingual class, Ss may occasionally refer to a bilingual dictionary.

Notions & Functions This section provides all the relevant notions and functions that learners should be able to use to function effectively

Sketching. Draw a sim ple sketch of the w ord or w ords you w ant to explain on the board. For instance:

The choice o f technique depends on the type of word or expression. For example, you may find it easier to describe an action verb through miming than through a synonym or definition. Note: C heck th e se w o rd s sections can be treated as follows: Go through the list of w ords after Ss have read the text and ask Ss to explain the w ords using the context they appear in. Ss can give examples, m im e/draw the meaning, or look up the meaning in their dictionaries.



C horal and individual repetition

Repetition will ensure that Ss are thoroughly fam iliar with the sound and pronunciation of the lexical items and structures being taught and confident in their ability to reproduce them. Always ask Ss to repeat chorally before you ask them to repeat individually. Repeating chorally will help Ss feel confident enough to then perform the task on their own. C

Listening and Reading

You may ask Ss to read and listen fo r a variety of purposes: •

Listening for detail. Ss listen for specific inform ation after they have listened for gist. (See S tu d en t’s Book,

Unit 1, p. 17, Ex. 8) Listening and reading for gist. Ask Ss to read or listen to get the gist of the dialogue or text being dealt with. (See S tu d e n t’s Book, Unit 4, p. 64, Ex. 2b. Tell Ss that in order to com plete this task successfully, they do not need to understand every single detail in the text.) Reading for detail. Ask Ss to read for specific inform ation. (See S tu d e n t’s Book, Unit 1, p . 16, Ex. 2. Ss w ill have to read the text in order to do the tasks. They are looking fo r specific details in the text and not fo r general information.)

D •

dialogue.) Ss are then

led to free-speaking


All writing tasks in On Screen

doing. •

the error and ask other Ss to provide the answer. Oral fluency work: Allow Ss to finish the task w ithout interrupting, but make a note of the errors made and correct them afterwards. Written work: Do not over-correct; focus on errors that are directly relevant to the point of the exercise. When giving feedback, you may write the most com m on errors on the board and get the class to attem pt to correct them.

Remember that rewarding w ork and praising Ss is of great importance. Post w ell-w ritten w ork on a display board in your classroom or school, or give “ rew ard” stickers. Praise

1 have been carefully

Always read the rubric and model text provided and deal with the tasks that follow in detail. Ss will then have acquired the necessary language to deal with the final writing task. (See S tudent’s Book, Unit 1, pp. 20-21.) Make sure that Ss understand that they are writing for a purpose. Go through the writing task in detail so

H •

Make sure Ss follow the detailed plan they are provided with. (See S tu d e n t’s Book, Unit 1, p. 21.) It w ould be well-advised to actually com plete the task orally in class before assigning it as written homework. Ss will then feel more confident with producing a com plete piece of writing on their own.

C lass organisation Open pairs The class focuses its attention on tw o Ss doing the set task together. Use this technique when you w ant your Ss to offer an exam ple of how a task is done. (See Ex. 5 on p. 94 o f the S tude nt’s Book.)

Closed pairs Pairs of Ss w ork together on a task or activity while you move around offering assistance and suggestions. Explain the task clearly before beginning closed pairwork. (See Ex. 5 on p. 11 o f the S tudent’s Book)

that Ss are fully aware of why they are w riting and who they are writing to. (See S tu d e n t’s Book, Unit 1, p. 21, Ex. 8, where Ss are asked to write an email.)

Oral accuracy work: Correct Ss on the spot, either by providing the correct answer and allowing them to repeat, or by indicating the error but allowing Ss to correct it. Alternatively, indicate

effort as well as success.

designed to closely guide Ss to produce a successful piece o f writing.

C o rrec tin g s tu d e n ts ’ w o rk

All learners make errors - it is part of the learning process. The way you deal with errors depends on w hat the Ss are

activities. (See

E W riting

Reading Aloud - Assisted by the S s’ CDs, Ss practise at home in preparation fo r reading aloud in class; Writing - After thorough preparation in class, Ss are asked to produce a com plete piece o f writing.

Speaking activities are initially controlled, allowing for

S tu d e n t’s Book, Unit 3, p. 51, Ex. 4 where Ss are provided with the necessary lexical item s and structures and are asked to express choice, prioritise and recom mend.)

Com m only assigned tasks include: Copy - Ss copy an assigned extract; Dictation - Ss learn the spelling of particular w ords w ithout memorising the text in w hich they appear; Vocabulary - Ss mem orise the meaning of w ords and phrases or use the new w ords in sentences of their own;

Speaking guided practice. (See S tu d e n t’s Book, Unit 3, p. 51, Ex. 3 where Ss use the same structures to act o u t a

Assigning h o m e w o rk

When assigning writing tasks, prepare Ss as well as possible in advance. This will help them avoid errors and get maximum benefit from the task.

Stages of pairwork - Put Ss in pairs. - Explain the task and set tim e limit. - Rehearse the task in open pairs. -

In closed pairs, get Ss to do the task. Go around the class and help Ss. Open pairs report back to the class.

Group work Groups o f three or more Ss w ork together on a task or activity. Class projects or role play are m ost easily done in groups. Again, give Ss a solid understanding o f the task in advance.

A B B R E V IA T IO N S A bbreviations used in the S tudent’s Book and Teacher’s Book T


Rolling questions


Ask Ss one after the other to ask and answer questions based on the texts.


Using th e S tu d e n t’s A udio CD

Dialogues, texts and Pronunciation sections are recorded on the S tudent’s Audio CD. Ss have the chance to listen to these recordings at home as many tim es as they w ant to improve their pronunciation and intonation. • •

• •

S listens to the recording and follow s the lines. S listens to the recording with pauses after every sentence/exchange. S repeats as many tim es as needed, trying to imitate the speaker’s pronunciation and intonation. S listens to the recording again. S reads aloud. All listening tasks in the W orkbook are also included in the S tudent’s CD.


Using L1 in class

Use L1 in m oderation and only when necessary.


Teacher Student(s) Homework S tudents’ native language



P(P)e.g. i.e. etc.

Page(s) For example That is Et cetera


Som ebody





I Hello!

In this unit Ss will explore the topics of people, sport and

1e Listening skills



1a Reading


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information, to talk about com ic heroes, to com plete a summ ary of a text, to w rite a post for a forum about com ic heroes Vocabulary: Verbs (see, hear, fly, change (into), climb, jum p)\ Nouns (hero, physics, planet, police officer, galaxy, orphan, appearance): Adjectives (brilliant, shy, strong, clever)-, Phrases (read thoughts, high speed, becom e invisible)

1b Vocabulary


Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to talk about nationality, to talk about abilities, to learn can, to listen for specific information, to talk about character, to w rite a short te xt about yourself Vocabulary: Countries (the UK, Japan, the USA, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Brazil, Poland, Egypt, Qatar, Spain, Thailand)] Nationalities (American, Turkish, British, Brazilian, Spanish, Thai, Japanese, Egyptian, Qatari, Russian, Greek, Polish)] Abilities (run fast, ride a horse, dance, play a musical instrument, fly a plane, swim, play basketball, do martial arts, play com puter games, take photos, surf the Internet)] Character adjectives (hardworking, clever, shy, funny, kind, brave)] School subjects (English, Maths, Chemistry, History, Art, PE, Physics, Geography, iCT)

1c Grammar in use


Lesson Objectives: To learn the verb to be, to learn su bject/object pronouns and possessive adjectives, to talk about nationality, to learn question words, to learn plurals, to w rite about you and your friend

1d Across Cultures


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific inform ation, to talk about sports, to talk about sports stars, to listen for specific information, to write about your favourite athlete Vocabulary: Verbs (punch, hit)] Nouns (coach, champion, athlete, go ld medal, trophy, hurdles, hero, opponent, head, football pitch)] Adjectives (hard, professional, high, fast)] Phrases (sporting superstar, special abilities, chess legend, right arm, score goal)


Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific inform ation, to talk about school subjects, to pronounce /s/, /z/, /iz /

1f Speaking skills


Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to com plete a dialogue, to role play, to ask and answer questions about a person Vocabulary: Questions (W hat’s the postcode? H ow do you spell it? What's yo u r hom e address? Where are you from ? W hat’s yo u r phone num ber? H ow old are you? W hat’s yo u r name?)

1g Writing


Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to read for specific information, to draw a map and w rite a fact file about your country

CLIL (Geography)


Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to com plete a cloze text

Progress Check 1




Home! H In this unit Ss will explore the topics of houses and homes.

2a Reading


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read fo r gist, to read for general com prehension, to talk about the Bubble House, to make a poster about strange houses around the world Vocabulary: Nouns (stream, soap bubble, view, furniture, sofa, coffee table, picture, wall)', Adjectives (ordinary, smooth, thick, simple, amazing)-, Adverb (outside); Phrases (in the shape of, exotic plant, round form, straight line); Determiner (several)

2b Vocabulary


Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to listen & make notes, to com pare tw o bedroom s, to learn prepositions of place, to talk about furniture, to learn ordinal numbers, to learn possessive adjectives/ pronouns, to talk about your area, to w rite about your area Vocabulary: Rooms (kid’s bedroom , kitchen, bathroom, m aster bedroom, living room); Furniture & Appliances (single bed, wardrobe, double bed, fridge, cooker, carpet, washbasin, curtains, pillows, desk, chairs, table, dishwasher, cushions, sofa, armchair, cupboard, bookcase); Places in a tow n (airport, art gallery, park, fire station, p o s t office, gym, bank, library, museum, aquarium, hospital, shopping centre, police station, train station, zoo)

2e Listening skills

34 I

Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific inform ation, to learn word stress

2f Speaking skills


Lesson Objectives: To read fo r gist, to read fo r cohesion and coherence, to role-play, to ask for/give information about a person Vocabulary: Asking about s b ’s home (W hat’s yo u r new hom e like? H ow many room s are there? What floor is it on? Is it big?); Describing your home (It’s big/sm all/nice/ beautiful/cool, etc. There are five room s in it: a small kitchen, a ..., It’s on the first/ second/third, etc floor. Yes, i t ’s quite b ig ./It’s sm all b u t cosy.); Asking about directions/address (How can I g e t there? C ould you tell me how to g e t there? W hat’s yo u r address?); Giving directions (Go dow n ... street. Take the first/second turning on your left/right. Walk past the ... , Turn left/ right into ..., Walk dow n/up ... street.)

2g Writing


Lesson Objectives: To com plete an open cloze, to read fo r structure, to practise punctuation, to learn adjectives, to w rite an email describing your home

CLIL (D & T) 2c Grammar in use

Unit 2


30-31 Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for

Lesson Objectives: To learn there is / there are, to learn a / an, some, any to learn this/that, these/those, to talk about the location of items in a room, to learn have got, to draw a picture of your house and w rite about it

2d Across Cultures

specific information, to practise subject-specific vocabulary, to prepare a poster on different shaped buildings

Progress Check 2



Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific inform ation, to talk about B ekonscot Model Village, to listen for specific inform ation, to w rite an advert fo r a special attraction in your country Vocabulary: Verbs (miss, explore, operate, cross, pass); Phrasal verb (bend down); Nouns (model village, visitor, town, village, site, football pitch, track, tunnel, zoo); Adjectives (miniature, close); Phrase (day trip); Preposition (past)





People M

In this unit Ss will explore the to p ics of people and daily

3e Listening skills

50 ]

routines. Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific information, to

3a Reading


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for specific inform ation, to read for key inform ation, to give a presentation on Lionel Messi, to w rite an email Vocabulary: Verbs (continue, work)] Phrasal verb (get up)] Nouns (nickname, flea, breakfast, field, charity, family, country)] Adjectives (important, poor, alive)] Phrases (take a shower, football training, lunch break, score goal, m agic feet, spend time)

3b Vocabulary


Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to talk about fam ily members, to listen for specific inform ation, to describe people, to talk about your daily routine, to draw your fam ily tree, to present your family, to w rite about your friends Vocabulary: Family members (granddad, grandma, dad, mum, husband, wife, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, son, daughter, nephew, niece, cousin, father-in-law, m other-inlaw)] Parts of the body (hair, head, ear, teeth, lips, arm, finger, ankle, toe, foot, knee, leg, hand, stom ach, chest, mouth, nose, face, eye)] Appearance (young, fat, beard, moustache, tall, slim, short, dark, thin, long, brown, fair, old, plum p, grey, glasses)] Daily routine (get up, take a shower, have breakfast, walk to school, have lunch, come back home, do homework, w ork on the com puter, have dinner, watch TV, play video games, go to bed)

3c Grammar in use


Lesson Objectives: To learn the present simple, to com plete a cloze text, to learn adverbs of frequency, to learn like/love hate + -ing form, to w rite about some preferences of your fam ily members

3d Across Cultures


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information, to summarise a text, to com pare tw o daily routines, to listen for specific information, to w rite a short article about a children’s charity Vocabulary: Verbs (volunteer, share, supervise)] Phrasal verb (sign up)] Nouns (charity, truth, toy, playroom)] A djective (cheap)] Adverb (safely)] Phrases (give a helping hand, daily life, study room, make a difference)

pronounce /s/, /z/, /iz /

3f Speaking skills

.............51 I

Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to read for cohesion and coherence, to role play, to ask about/tell the time, to com plete a dialogue Vocabulary: Asking about people (What does he/she look like? What is he/she like? How old is he/she? W ho’s he/she? W hat’s his/her name?)] Responding (He/She’s tall and slim etc. H e/S he’s clever. H e/S he’s 12. H e/S he’s m y cousin/friend etc. John/Anna etc.)] Asking the tim e (What time is it, please? Have you g o t the time, please? Excuse me, w h a t’s the time, please?)] Telling the tim e (It’s five o ’clock. I t ’s half (past) five. I t ’s (a) quarter past six. I t ’s (a) quarter to two.)

3g Writing


Lesson Objectives: To com plete an open cloze, to read for structure, to learn linkers (also, too, or), to practise w ord order, to w rite an email describing your best friend

CLIL (Science)


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information, to give a presentation on the structure of a bone

Progress Check 3




Travel In this unit Ss will explore the topics of travel and holidays.

4a Reading


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read fo r gist, to read for specific inform ation, to read for key inform ation, to summ arise texts, to give a presentation on a tribe Vocabulary: Verb (find); Nouns (tribe, rain, trip, ice fishing, snow)\ A djectives (hot, local, difficult, warm)] Expression (greetings)] Phrases (high temperature, make a documentary, local market, traditional food, freezing cold, next week)

4b Vocabulary


Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to listen for specific inform ation, to talk about sum m er/w inter activities, to talk about clothes, to w rite about your favourite season Vocabulary: The weather (raining, cold, windy, snowing, cloudy, foggy, sunny)] Seasons (winter, spring summer, autumn)] M onths (December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November)] Temperature (boiling hot, hot, warm, cool, chilly, cold, freezing cold, Celsius, Fahrenheit)] A ctivities (go skiing, do exercises, make a snowman, go camping, play co m puter games, play sports, have a picnic, go kayaking)] Clothes (gloves, a coat, trainers, a top, socks, a T-shirt, a shirt, a dress, jeans, flat shoes, a hat, a belt, a tie, a suit, a jum per, boots, a skirt, a jacket, a bag)] Means of Transport (train, car, bus/coach, plane, shop, boat, m otorcycle, bike/bicycle)

4c Grammar in use



4e Listening skills Lesson Objectives: To listen fo r specific inform ation, to talk about how people you know com m ute, to listen for key inform ation, to pronounce /iq /

4f Speaking skills Lesson Objectives: To com plete an open cloze, to listen for gist, to role play, to resDond to situations, to describe a picture Vocabulary: Inviting (We’re having a ... Would you like to com e? Why d o n ’t you jo in us? Do you w ant to com e? L e t’s go ..., Shall we ...? Why d o n ’t we ...?)] A ccepting (That’s a goo d idea! Sounds good, I ’d love to.)] Refusing (I’m sorry, / Thank you, b u t I ca n ’t. I ’m afraid I ca n ’t.)

4g Writing


Lesson Objectives: To com plete an open cloze, to learn about apostrophes, to practise tenses, to practise word order, to w rite a postcard from a holiday resort

CLIL (Literature) Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for specific information, to learn about rhyme, to w rite a poem

Progress Check 4




Lesson Objectives: To learn the present continuous, to talk about people’s activities, to com pare the present simple with the present continuous, to talk about yourself, to learn the definite article (the/-), to w rite an email to a friend while on holiday

4d Across Cultures


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for key inform ation, to learn prepositions of time, to talk about destinations, to listen fo r specific inform ation, to w rite a short text advertising a tourist destination Vocabulary: Verbs (book, admire, rent, include)] Phrasal Verb (head for)] Nouns (customer, area, lake, forest, m ountain, hike, hotspot, obelisk, symbol, distance, beachfront, highlight)] Adjectives (unsure, hidden, private)] Phrases (take a look, package holiday deal, the great outdoors, art lover, d o n ’t miss a visit, b it of)





In this unit Ss will explore the topics of life in the past and

5e Listening skills

historical figures. Lesson Objectives: To listen fo r specific information, to

5a Reading


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information, to talk about Ancient Egypt, to write about the Ancient Egyptians Vocabulary: Nouns (bank, transportation, tomb, brick, mud, straw, sailing, hunting, trader, builder, craftsman); A djectives (dead, hardworking); Past participle (lived); Phrases (thanks to, head o f governm ent, tem ple wall)

5b Vocabulary


Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to com plete cloze texts, to listen fo r key inform ation, to listen fo r specific inform ation, to talk about jobs, to talk about fam ous artists, to talk about fam ous figures from the past, to w rite about inventors Vocabulary: Jobs (writer, astronaut, scientist, lawyer, nurse, co m puter programmer, pilot, doctor, teacher, butcher, chemist, secretary, actor, office worker, engineer, shop assistant, waiter, journalist, taxi driver, shop owner); C ulture jobs (singer, painter, com poser, sculptor, dancer); Theatre/Cinem a (historical drama, director, actor, stars, com poser, screenwriter, covers); Science & Technology (theory, discover, invent, do experiments, astronomer, send an email)

5c Grammar in use


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for key inform ation, to talk about November 5th, to listen for specific information, to w rite about an im portant event in your country’s history Vocabulary: Verbs (leave, kill, plan, place, light, arrest, force, celebrate, burn); Phrasal verb (blow up); Nouns (Protestant, king, barrel, gunpowder, cellar, parliament, soldier, guard, bonfire, fireworks)


5f Speaking skills Lesson Objectives: To complete an open cloze, to role-play, to make notes on a historic place, to complete dialogues Vocabulary: Asking about a visit (Did you like ...? D id you enjoy ...? H ow was ...? What was ... like? What d id you think o f ...?); Expressing likes/dislikes (I really loved it. It was fun/really good/brilliant/great/fantastic/w onderful etc. They were great/amazing etc. I d id n ’t like it. N ot very good. It was/They were disappointing/boring/terrible/ aw ful etc.)

5g Writing


Lesson Objectives: To com plete an open cloze, to read for structure, to order events, to practise tenses, to express adm iration, to w rite a biography

CLIL (History) Lesson Objectives: To listen and read fo r gist, to read for key inform ation, to talk about monum ents, to prepare a poster about monum ents in your country

Progress Check 5


Lesson Objectives: To learn had, to learn could, to learn the past simple of regular verbs, to talk about the past, to w rite some space facts

5d Across Cultures

listen fo r key inform ation, to pronounce Id /, It], /id /



Animals WL

In this unit Ss will explore the topics of wild animals and pets.

6a Reading


Unit 6

6e Listening skills


Lesson Objectives: To listen fo r specific inform ation, to talk about your pet, to count syllables Vocabulary: Saving energy at home (turn o ff lights, use

Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific inform ation, to talk about dinosaurs, to write about Ankylosaurus, to give a presentation on theories w hy the dinosaurs died out Vocabulary: Verbs (weigh, reach, disappear); Phrasal verb

fluorescent lig ht bulbs, use candles, sw itch o ff yo u r com puter, take showers, fix dripping taps)

(die out); Nouns (dinosaur, million, wing, chicken, claw, ton, bite, m eat eater, neck, leaf, giraffe, tree trunk, mystery, science); Adjectives (sharp, tiny, slim, pointed, meateating)

Lesson Objectives: To complete an open cloze, to role-play, to tell a story using prompts, to respond to situations, to ask for information Vocabulary: Expressing concern (Oh m y goodness! H ow awful! That’s shocking!); Expressing disbelief (Don’t tell me! I d o n ’t believe it! You ca n ’t be serious!)

6b Vocabulary


Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to listen fo r specific inform ation, to talk about your favourite animal, to w rite about an animal Vocabulary: Animals (kangaroo, elephant, dolphin, shark, monkey, sheep, horse, tarantula, bear, fox, wolf, tiger, rabbit, worm, tortoise, lion, gazelle, parrot, piranha); Parts of animals (paws, mane, fur, tail, head, body, nose, neck, legs, hooves, horns, ears, wings, beak, feathers, claws, eyes, scales, fin, mouth); Environment (natural habitats, cut dow n trees, pollution, harms the environment, endangered, extinct, p ro te ct animal species, a d o p t an animal, survive)

6c Grammar in use


Lesson Objectives: To learn the past simple of irregular verbs, to talk about the past, to w rite about past actions, to

6f Speaking skills

6g Writing



Lesson Objectives: To com plete an open cloze, to read for structure, to order events, to practise tenses, to learn adverbs of manner, to w rite a story

CLIL (Science)


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for key inform ation, to talk about mammals, to prepare a presentation/poster on reptiles

Progress Check 6




learn the comparative/superlative, to make comparisons, to write com parisons of animals

6d Across Cultures


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read fo r gist, to read for specific inform ation, to order events, to listen for specific inform ation, to w rite a summ ary of an animal myth from your country Vocabulary: Verbs (hunt, attack, add, whisper, repeat, drop, break, last); Phrasal verb (turn into); Nouns (Inuit, darkness, daylight, chief, hut); Phrases (the North, the South, speck o f dust, glow ing box, to this day)





In this unit Ss will explore the topics of future and technology. Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific inform ation, to

7a Reading


talk about your future plans and intentions, to pronounce w ill/w o n ’t

Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific inform ation, to talk about predictions, to make predictions and prepare a poster Vocabulary: Verbs (communicate, interact, prevent, discover, treat, fight, colonise, rise): Phrasal verb (run on); Nouns (hope, fear, decade, company, electricity, fumes, traffic lights, disease, w ind farm, smog, moon, population, billion, temperature, tsunami, hurricane): Adjectives (ecofriendly, extinct): Phrases (air pollution, clean energy, hydropow er plant, extreme weather conditions)

7b Vocabulary


Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to talk about com puter use, to listen fo r specific information, to talk about gadgets, to listen fo r key information, to write about your gadgets Vocabulary: Com puters (speakers, screen, keyboard, mike, scanner, USB flash drive, webcam, mouse, printer, tower): Com puter use (read CDs/DVDs, watch films/ documentaries, do school projects, go online, prepare P owerPoint presentation, read magazines/newspapers, do calculations, p rin t documents, listen to music, send emails, dow nload music, play games, com m unicate with friends); Technology in the classroom (tablet, notes, video cameras, film experiments, record performances, laptops, type up notes, interactive whiteboards, watch videos, research a topic, save lessons, audio recorders, record information, studying a t home): Gadgets (mobile phone, tablet, smartphone, desktop o r laptop computer)

7c Grammar in use


Lesson Objectives: To learn w ill/w o n ’t, to learn be going to, to talk about plans to help the environment, to write about your plans fo r the future

7d Across Cultures


Lesson Objectives: To describe your school, to listen and read fo r gist, to read fo r key inform ation, to listen for specific inform ation, to talk about special schools, to make predictions about schools in the future, to com pare different schools Vocabulary: Nouns (textbook, tablet PC, schoolwork, expedition, company, business studies, treasure, scuba diving, sample, lab, marine biologist); A djective (wet); Adverb (truly); Phrases (bring sth to life, w ater pollution)


7f Speaking skills Lesson Objectives: To com plete an open cloze, to role play, to respond to situations Vocabulary: Expressing certainty (Absolutely! I certainly will! I think so. Probably): Expressing uncertainty (Perhaps (I’II) .../M aybe (I’II) ..., I d o n ’t think so. N ot really.)

7g Writing


Lesson Objectives: To com plete an open cloze, to read for structure, to practise word order, to practise error correction, to listen for specific inform ation, to w rite an email about holiday plans

CLIL (Science) Lesson Objectives: To listen and read fo r key information, to read for specific inform ation, to talk about the solar system, to give a presentation on the Sun

Glorious food In this unit Ss will explore the to p ic of food and drinks.

8a Reading


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific inform ation, to talk about the Chinese New Year, to w rite about New Year in your country Vocabulary: Verbs (last, decorate, serve, represent, break, boil, symbolise, hide, bite); Phrasal verbs (cut up, keep away); Nouns (celebration, wealth, luck, fireworks, dish, culture, mandarin, symbol, melon, unity, noodle, dumpling, coin); Adjectives (annual, traditional, basic, healthy, whole, delicious); Adverb (traditional); Conjunction (unless); Phrases (family unity, g o o d fortune, break a tooth, evil spirit)

8b Vocabulary

Unit 8

8e Listening skills

Lesson Objectives: To com plete a mind map, to listen for specific inform ation, to give a presentation on food allergies, to talk about eating out, to pronounce V e /’s

8f Speaking skills

Lesson Objectives: To read for cohesion and coherence, to role play, to com plete a dialogue Vocabulary: Taking orders (Would you like (to order)? What can I g e t you? Have you decided w hat y o u ’d like?); Giving orders (Can/Could I have ...? Have you g o t ...? I ’ll have ...); Stating prices (That will be (£5.00), please. That comes to (£5.00), please.)

8g Writing to make a grocery list Vocabulary: Food & drinks (cereal, cereal bars, bagels, bread, bread rolls, milk, eggs, cheese, butter, yoghurt, sugar, flour, baking pow der, lettuce, onions, cabbage, garlic, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, grapes, carrots, fruit juice, coffee, h o t chocolate, tea, crisps, biscuits, crackers, chocolate, chicken, beef, tuna, crab, lobster, spaghetti, macaroni, rice); Containers (carton, bag, bar, bottle, glass, cup, bowl, packet, jar, can); Tablew are/C utlery (glass, saucer, plate, fork, knife, spoon, napkin); Meals (dessert, breakfast, dinner, lunch, supper)


Lesson Objectives: To com plete an open cloze, to read fo r structure, to practise punctuation, to practise error correction, to listen fo r specific inform ation, to w rite an email about a food festival

CLIL (Food Technology)


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific inform ation, to explain the eatwell plate, to com pare your daily diet with the eatwell plate

Progress Check 8



Lesson Objectives: To learn modals, to talk about healthy activities, to w rite about healthy activities, to learn quantifiers, to learn countable/uncountable nouns, to talk about grocery shopping, to learn the present perfect, to talk about recently com pleted actions

8d Across Cultures



Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to listen for specific inform ation, to talk about typical meals,

8c Grammar in use





Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information, to talk about festivals, to listen for specific inform ation, to w rite about a food festival in your country Vocabulary: Verb (last); Nouns (shortcake, w hipped cream, contest, past, funfair, ride, highlight, com petition); A djective (fabulous); Phrases (fruity event, huge parade, stom p on, ho ld a festival, street parade, seed spitting)

Starter The A lph ab et


Cardinal Numbers

a ) Read th e d ia lo g u e . Listen an d re p e a t.

Jf A: W h a t’s y o u r n a m e ?


B: A n d y . A: A n d y o u r

A: H o w d o yo u s p e ll it? B: C - A - d o u b le N -E-S.

b) In pairs, act o u t s im ila r


mr% g y eight






s u rn a m e ? B: C a n n e s.




SES s'x j seven

£ ^

â sixteen


IQ 18 eighteen



thirteen 1201 fourteen

Asking abo u t addresses & telephone numbers

d ia lo g u e s . Use th e nam es


b e lo w .

A sk an d a n s w e r in pairs, as in th e e x a m p le .



J e n n ife r M a tth e w s

15 A p p le S tre e t - 2 6 5 5 8 2 7 8 A : W h a t’s y o u r a d d re s s ?


S a n d y M ille s


D a lia M o n i


L illia n C la rk

B : A - d o u b le P -L -E .


M a rtin B a lo g

A : W h a t’s y o u r te le p h o n e n u m b e r ?


Y u ri Z o to v


R o s a H e rre ra


M a rio A lfa n o

B : 15 A p p le S tre e t. A : H o w d o y o u s p e ll it?

B : I t ’s t w o - s ix - d o u b le fiv e - e ig h t- tw o - s e v e n - e ig h t. 2

1 2 8 M id d le S tre e t - 5 5 2 4 3 5 8 9


6 4 M e m p h is S tre e t - 2 2 9 4 3 3 1 8


9 7 N e w to n S tre e t - 7 2 3 9 8 6 3 2


3 8 M e lro s e S tre e t - 3 7 7 2 5 9 2 1

Starter Objectives To present/revise the alphabet, to read for gist and to practise spelling names, to present/revise cardinal numbers, to practise asking about addresses and telephone numbers, to present/revise days of the week, to present/revise a/an/the, to present/revise colours, to practise greetings, to read for gist, to practise the imperative and present/practise classroom language Vocabulary: Everyday objects (lamp, pencil, eraser, atlas, umbrella, desk, iPod, watch, basketball)

U S ' To practise asking about addresses & telephone numbers • • •

Explain the task and ask from a pair of Ss to read out the example. Ask Ss to w ork in closed pairs and act out similar dialogues using the prom pts. Ask various Ss to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Note: Tell Ss that if a phone num ber contains 0 (zero), this is read as 0 . Suggested A nsw er Key

To present/revise the alphabet Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat. As an extension ask a S to start saying the alphabet. Stop him/her and ask another S to continue. Repeat this until all the letters are said.



A: B: A: B: A:

W hat’s yo u r address? 128 M iddle Street. H ow do you spell it? M -l double D-L-E. W hat’s yo u r phone num ber?

B: It’s double five-tw o-four-three-five-eight-nine. etc.

To read for gist Choose tw o Ss to read the dialogue aloud. Focus S s’ attention on how w ords with double letters are spelt.

To practise spelling names • •

Ask Ss to w ork in closed pairs and act out similar dialogues using the names in the list. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class. As an extension ask Ss to w ork in closed pairs, and spell their names to their partners.

Suggested A nsw er Key A: W hat’s yo u r name? B: Jennifer. A: B: A: B:

A n d yo u r surname? Matthews. H ow do you spell it? M -A - double T-H-E-W -S. etc.

To present/revise cardinal numbers Play the recording.

Ss listen


repeat either

chorally or individually.


Starter To practise cardinal numbers



To present/revise days of the w eek

Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally and/or individually. Ss, then, answer the question in the rubric.

Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally and/or individually. Elicit the L1 equivalents for the numbers from Ss around the class.

$ |J®

A nsw er Key The weekend is on Saturday and Sunday.

To practise counting Start a counting chain and continue it around the


J IllS

To practise days of the week

class until you reach 100. • To practise simple maths tasks • • •

Go through the box with the mathematical sym bols with Ss and read them aloud. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check Ss’ answers on the board. Ask various Ss to read the maths tasks aloud.

A nsw er Key 6+13=19 (six plus thirteen equals nineteen) 9 -2= 7 (nine minus tw o equals seven) 30x3=90 (thirty m ultiplied by three equals ninety) 10+2=5 (ten divided by tw o equals five) 7x4=28 (seven m ultiplied by four equals twenty-eight) 9+25=34 (nine plus tw enty-five equals thirty four) 12+3=4 (twelve divided by three equals four) 58-16=42 (fifty-eight minus sixteen equals forty-two)

To practise asking about age • •

Explain the task and choose tw o Ss to read out the example. Ask Ss to w ork in closed pairs and act out similar dialogues using the prom pts. M onitor the activity around the class. Ask various pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

A nsw er Key • • • •

A: B: A: B: A: B:

H ow old are you, Sandy? I'm tw enty-eight years old. H ow old are you, Sue? I'm eighty-six years old. H ow old are you, Bob? I ’m thirty-nine years old.

A: H ow old are you, M onica? B: I ’m tw enty-tw o years old. A: H ow old are you, Mario?

B: I’m thirty-four years old. A: H ow o ld are you, Kim ? B: I ’m seventeen years old.


Ss tell their partner which their favourite day is.

Suggested Answ er Key (My favourite day is) Friday. •

As an extension say the days of the week, one at a tim e and ask Ss to raise their hands when they listen to their favourite day. Count and find which is the m ost popular day in the class.

Starter Asking abou t age Listen an d re p e a t. W h a t a re th e s e n u m b e rs in y o u r

e x a m p le .

la n g u a g e ?

A : H o w o ld a re y o u , A b d u l?

tw e n ty - o n e

2 2


A sk an d a n s w e r in pairs, as in th e

B : I ’m tw e n ty y e a rs o ld .

tw e n ty - tw o A b d u l (20)


tw e n ty - th r e e

[ t T th ir ty

J f J j J P fo r ty

S u e (86)

S a n d y (28)



I fiftV


g js ix ty

3™ " ' ' '


2 J


B o b (39)

e ig h ty

n in e ty M a rio (34)

a /o n e h u n d re d

a/one th o u s a n d

M o n ic a (22)

K im (17)

Days o f th e w e ek a) Listen an d re p e a t. W h e n is th e w e e k e n d ?

C o u n tin g C hain: C o u n t fro m 1

to 100. O n e - T w o - T h re e e tc

a a a a a w Use th e key to do th e tasks. Read th e m a lo u d . +

p lu s


e q u a ls


m u ltip lie d b y


d iv id e d b y



m in u s

6 + 13 =

7x4 =

9 -2

9 + 25 =


30 x 3 =

12 + 3 =

10 + 2 =


□ b) W h ic h is y o u r fa v o u rite day?

Starter Colours •

W e use a b e fo re w o rd s t h a t s ta r t w it h a

a) Listen an d re p e a t.

c o n s o n a n t s o u n d , a b o o k, a pencil •

W e use an b e fo re w o rd s t h a t s ta r t w it h a v o w e l s o u n d , on apple, an eraser

W e use a /a n fo r s o m e th in g w e m e n tio n fo r



th e fir s t tim e . W e use th e fo r s o m e th in g w e h a ve a lre a d y m e n tio n e d . This is a book. The bo o k is A nna's.


►s e e p. GR1 a) Fill in a o r an.

green f



black b) W h a t c o lo u r a re th ese? e ra s e r

T h e e ra s e r is

T h e ru le r is

T h e p e n c il is

p e n c il c a s e is

h o ld e r is

u m b r e lla

T h e b o o k is ........................

T h e s c h o o lb a g i s ..........................

T h e n o te b o o k i s ........................

Fill in: o, an o r the. 1

T h is



e r a s e r...............

e ra s e r is

b lu e . w a tc h


T h is .is ............ u m b r e lla ............... u m b r e lla is re d .

o ra n g e b a s k e tb a ll



B : I t ’s a la m p .


p e n c il...............

p e n c il


y e llo w .

b) Ask and a n s w e r in pairs, as in th e ex a m p le . A : W h a t’s th is in E n g lis h ?

T h is is

T h is is .............. p e n c il c a s e ................ p e n c il c a s e is g re e n .


T h is i s is p u rp le .

n o te b o o k ............. n o te b o o k

Starter 10


To practise a /a n /th e • • •

Go through the theory table w ith Ss. Ask Ss to give other examples o f their own. Read the school objects aloud and ask Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually.

• •

Allow Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers round the class.

A nsw er Key 1a 2 an

3 4

b) •

a an

5 a 6 a

7 8

an an

9 a 10 an

To practise a/an

Explain the task and ask from a pair of Ss to read out the example. Ask Ss to w ork in closed pairs and act out

similar dialogues using the prom pts. Ask various Ss to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

A nsw er Key A: W hat's this in English? B: I t ’s an eraser, etc



t i l

To present/revise colours

Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally and/or individually.


To practise colours Explain the task and elicit answers from around the class.


A nsw er Key The eraser is pink. The ruler is brown. The p e n cil is yellow. The sharpener is orange. The crayon is blue. The pe n cil holder is red. The bo o k is black. The schoolbag is green. The notebook is purple.


To practise a, an, the •

• •

Remind to Ss the gram m ar rules for a/an and the. Tell Ss that we use the fo r som ething we have already mentioned. Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers round the class.

A nsw er Key 1 an, The 2 an, The

3 a, The 4 a, The


a, The





To present greetings Ask Ss around the class to read the greetings aloud and then elicit the L1 equivalents from Ss around the class. (Ss' own answers)


a) Choose tw o Ss to read out the dialogue,


To practise greetings •

Ask Ss to w ork in pairs and act out similar dialogues. Ss can use greetings from Ex. 13.

M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key A : Good afternoon, Richard. B: Hi, Greg. A: B: A: B: A:


H ow are you? I ’m fine, thanks. A nd you? N o t bad. See you later. Bye! Goodbye!


To present classroom language •

Draw S s’ attention to the theory box and elicit how the imperative is form ed (with the verb but w ithout the subject. The negative is form ed with Do n o t/D o n ’t and the verb.). Write the following on the board to explain the use of the imperative. - Be quiet! (order) - Fold the paper in half, (instruction)

- Have a biscuit, (offer) - D o n ’t ask questions, please! (request) Play the recording with pauses fo r Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually and then elicit the L1 equivalents from Ss around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

• •

Ss w ork in pairs and take turns giving each other instructions and carrying them out. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to act out the task in front of the class.


Starter Greetings T h e B ritis h use th e s e phrases to g re e t

Hi! / Hello!

Good morning!

each o th e r.

Good afternoon!

H o w d o y o u say th e m in y o u r la n g u a g e ?

evening Good night! a) Read th e d ia lo g u e

Classroom language a) Listen a n d re p e a t. Say th e s e sen ten ces in y o u r la n g u a g e

Ann: M a ry : Ann: M a ry :

G o o d m o r n in g , M a ry H i, A n n . H o w a re y o u ? I ’ m fin e , th a n k s . And you?

Ann: M a ry : Ann:

N ot bad. S e e y o u la te r. B y e ! G oodbye.

b) In pairs, a c t o u t s im ila r d ia lo g u e s .

W e use th e base fo rm o f th e verb to tell people w h a t to do, give th e m advice, and ask th e m to do so m eth in g . Open the door, please.

W e use d o n 't + base fo rm o f th e verb to m ake a n egative im perative.

b) T ell y o u r p a rtn e r w h a t to d o . Y o u r

D o n 't open the door, please.

p a rtn e r d oes w h a t y o u ask h im /h e r. A : S ta n d u p , p le a s e .





What's in this unit? ► Topics:

People, Sports, Education

► Vocabulary:

countries, nationalities, cities, abilities, character adjectives, subjects, sports


the verb to be, subject/object pronouns, possessive adjectives, question words, plurals, can

► Reading:

forum entries

► Listening:

monologues, conversations

► Speaking:

asking for/giving personal inform ation

► W riting:

an informal email about yourself

► Culture:

Sporting Superstars


(Geography) The United Kingdom

► Skills:

reading (multiple matching, matching headings to paragraphs), listening (T/F statements)

Posted by Jim my JS fc Hi guys! Who is your favourite hero?

'i »4

Offline Joined: 10/8/11 A < Newbie Posts: 14 ‘ x


H Hi,

a) Look a t th e c h aracters in

M y nam e is Dan and I'm from London. M y favourite comic

th e p ictu res. W h a t do yo u

hero is Captain Britain. He is from Essex in England and his

k n o w a b o u t th e m ? A re th e y


g ood o r bad?

a PhD in Physics. M ost of th e tim e he is a shy man, but he

b) W h ic h o f th e sen ten ces


b e s t describes each?

nam e is Brian Braddock. He is a

change into


scientist w ith

a superhero at any m o m en t. He can see

and hear things th a t o th e r people cannot. He is very fast and strong and he can fly very fast. He is an am azing hero!

T h is c h a r a c te r ... 1

is a b r illia n t s c ie n tis t.


c a n fly .


is c le v e r a n d b ra v e .


c a n ju m p .

Offline Joined: 10/11/12 Newbie

Posts: 3


Hi all,

I’m Ryan and I’m from Sydney, Australia. My favourite hero is Green Lantern. He is from the

Listen, re a d an d check

planet 0a and he is a special police officer. He is very clever and brave. Green Lantern can do a lot of amazing things. He can




languages and he can read people’s




travel across the galaxy at very high speeds and he can become



why he is my favourite I hero

W h a t’s in th is u nit? In this unit Ss will explore the topics of countries and nationalities, cities, subjects, sports, abilities and character. They will learn the verb to be, subject/object pronouns, possessive adjectives, question words, plurals and can. They will also learn to write a forum entry about a favourite superhero, a short te xt about themselves, a poster about their favourite sports person, an email to a friend presenting themselves and a fact file about their country. They will make a poster about their favourite sports people.



l|l§ To introduce the topic through pictures

Sydney is on Australia’s south-east coast, on the Tasman Sea. It is the state capital of New South Wales and the m ost populous city in Australia. The city is built on hills surrounding Port Jackson, com m only known as Sydney Harbour. Famous landmarks include the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. There are also national parks including Hyde Park and the Royal Botanic Gardens and beaches including the famous Bondi Beach and Manly Beach. Vancouver is a coastal city in Canada. It is densely populated. It is a popular destination fo r outdoor activities.

Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit what, if anything, they know about the characters. Suggested A nsw er Key They are all superheroes. I think Captain Britain and Green Lantern are good. I think Catwoman is bad.


To present new vocabulary and read for specific information • • •

Explain/Elicit the meanings o f the w ords in bold in the sentences (1 -4). Give Ss tim e to match the sentences (1-4) to the characters (A-C). Play the recording. Ss listen, read and check.

A nsw er Key 1

Captain Britain

2 3 4

Captain Britain, Green Lantern Green Lantern Catwoman

B a c k g ro u n d in fo r m a tio n London is the capital o f England and the United Kingdom. With an estimated 8,173,194 residents as of 2011, London is the m ost populous m etropolitan area in the United Kingdom. Standing on the River Thames, London is a leading global city and a centre for arts, com m erce, education, fashion, healthcare, media, research and tourism , all contributing to its prom inence. It is also one of the w o rld 's leading financial centres. It is fam ous for a lot of landmarks such as the Tower of London, W estm inster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul’s Cathedral, etc. Essex is an adm inistrative county in England, and a home county north-east of London.

From p. 11(T), Ex. 3 Suggested A nsw er Key hero (n): a brave person brilliant (adj): very clever Physics (n): the study o f natural forces (e.g. heat, light, gravity, etc) shy (adj): uncom fortable around people change into (v): to becom e sb else see (v): to experience sight with the eyes h ear (v): to experience sound with the ears strong (adj): having great physical strength; pow erful; n o t weak fly M : to m ove through the air plan et (n): a large round o bject in space that orbits a star (e.g. Earth, Mars) police officer (n): a m em ber o f the police force read thoughts (phr): to know what sb is thinking galaxy (n): an area o f space filled with planets and stars (at) high speed (phr): very fast becom e invisible (phr): to change so that others cannot see you orphan (n): a child w ithout parents clever (adj): smart; intelligent appearance (n): the way sth/sb looks climb (v): to move towards the top o f sth jum p (v): to push against the ground with yo u r feet and m ove quickly in the air

From p. 11(T), Ex. 8 Suggested A nsw er Key M y favourite superhero is Iron Man. H e’s a businessman and inventor from Am erica and his real name is Tony Stark. He isn ’t a man with superpowers, b u t his suit o f high-technology arm our is very useful! With the suit, he can fly and fight his enemies.


Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class.

№ To read for specific information (multiple matching)

Suggested Answ er Key

Explain the task. Ask Ss to read the questions


(1-4) and underline the key words. Give Ss tim e to read the te xt again and com plete the task. Explain that Ss look for synonymous phrases/words to the key w ords in the questions.

2 3

Check S s’ answers. Ss justify their answers. Key words to be underlined: 1 no parents, 2 disappear, 3 n o t comfortable, with others,

Captain Britain can see and hear things others cannot. Green Lantern can becom e invisible. Catwoman is an orphan from Gotham City.

№ To consolidate information in a text & com plete a table •

Ask Ss to copy the table into their notebooks and look back at the text and make notes in each colum n of the table, as in the example. Check Ss’ answers on the board.

4 fast runner. A nsw er Key 1

C (orphan)

A (He is very fast),

2 3

B (become invisible) A (shy)

C (run very fast)

Suggested A nsw er Key HERO

To consolidate comprehension of a text

Give Ss tim e to read the texts again and answer

the questions. Check Ss’ answers round the class.

Green Lantern



Captain Britain is from Essex in England, Green Lantern is from the p lanet Oa and Catwoman is from Gotham City in America. Captain Britain can see and hear things that other people c a n ’t. He is very fast and strong and he can fly very fast. Green Lantern can understand nearly all languages, he can read p e o p le ’s thoughts, he can travel across the galaxy at very high speed and he can become invisible. Catwoman can change her appearance easily. She can climb, ju m p and run very fast like a cat. Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words in the Check these words box in their dictionaries or look them up in the Word List.

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 10(f)) № To consolidate new vocabulary through synonyms; to expand vocabulary •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it.

Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Catwoman Gotham City

< m •

To consolidate information in a text

Ss, in closed pairs, tell their partner three things they remember from the texts. If necessary, allow some tim e fo r Ss to go through the text and prepare their answers.

climb, jum p, run very fast

Ask various Ss around the class to use their notes in the table in Ex. 6 to present the characters to the class. Point out that we use he fo r boys/m en and she fo r girls/wom en. Suggested A nsw er Key Captain Britain is from Essex in England. He can change into a superhero. He can also see and hear things that other people cannot and he can fly very fast. Green Lantern is from the planet Oa. He can understand nearly all languages and he can read pe o p le ’s thoughts. He can also travel across the galaxy very fast and becom e invisible. Catwoman is from Gotham City. She can change her appearance very easily. She can climb, ju m p and run very fast.

becom e; nearly = almost; invisible = unseen; orphan = child w ithout parents

change her appearance easily,

№ To consolidate information in a text & m ake a presentation

A nsw er Key real = true; brilliant = very clever; change into =

understand nearly all languages, read p e o p le ’s thoughts, travel across the galaxy at high speed, becom e invisible

A nsw er Key 1


• • • •

To write about your favourite superhero

Explain the task and ask Ss to think of their favourite superhero and write about them. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then ask various Ss to read their entries to the class. Tell Ss they can use the texts in Ex. 1 as models. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to read out their entries in the next lesson.

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 10(f))

Reading Read th e te x ts (A -C ) an d th e q u estio n s (1-4). For each q u e s tio n choose th e rig h t te x t. O n e t e x t a n sw ers t w o questio n s. W h ic h c h a r a c te r



h a s n o p a re n ts ?


c a n d is a p p e a r ?

3 4


is n ’t c o m fo r ta b le w h e n h e is w ith o th e rs ? is a fa s t ru n n e r?

Joined: 3/7/10


Posts: 120

Hello Everyone,

A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s . 1

W h e re is e a c h c h a r a c te r fr o m ?


W h a t c a n e a c h c h a r a c te r d o ?

I'm Nelly from Vancouver, Canada. C atw om an is m y favourite hero. She is an


from G otham City, in

Vocabulary M a tc h th e w o rd s in b o ld in th e te x ts w ith th e ir syn o n ym s.

Am erica. She is very clever and can do lots o f things. She can change appearance easily.

• v e ry c le v e r • tr u e

• becom e

• unseen


She can also climb, jum p and run very

• a lm o s t

• c h ild w ith o u t p a re n ts

T ell y o u r p a rtn e r th re e th in g s yo u re m e m b e r fro m th e te x ts .

fast like a cat. She is

C o m p le te th e ta b le .


MB3SMM3S Captain Britain Essex, England change into a superhero; see & hear things; fly very fast Green Lantern

Catw om an

Check these w o rd s^ • • • •

h e ro • b r illia n t • Physics • s h y c hange in to • see • h e a r • s tro n g fly • p la n e t • p o lic e o ffic e r read th o u g h ts • g a la x y • h ig h speed

• becom e in v isib le • o rp h a n • clever appearance • c lim b • ju m p

Use th e ta b le in Ex. 6 to p re s e n t th e ch arac ters to th e class. C a p ta in B rita in is fr o m ... . H e c a n ... .


fr o m ... . S h e c a n ... .

W ritin g W h o 's y o u r fa v o u rite s u p e rh e ro ? W h e re is h e /s h e fro m ? W h a t can h e /s h e do? W r ite y o u r e n try fo r th e fo ru m .




ГУМ Vocabulary D

Countries & N ationalities

( s p e a k in g

a) M a tc h th e c o u n trie s to th e

A c t o u t d ia lo g u e s , as in th e e x a m p le .


3 Kim - China

A : W h e r e ’s ...........................fr o m ?

jO lga - Polands

n a tio n a litie s . B: H e ’ s fr o m ............................ H e ’ s ............................ A h m e t - T urkey 1

4 Carlos - M e x ic o j

A : W h e re ’s K im fr o m ? B : S h e ’s fr o m C h in a . S h e ’s C h in e s e .

Abilities a) C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. Use: ride, use, do, dance, s w im , p la y (x3 ), fly, ru n , take.

He can T h a ila n d

P o lis h


She c a n horse.


b) Listen an d check.

They can


Listen an d re p e a t.

a) W r ite th e n a tio n a litie s . • F ra n c e

• C h in a

• C h ile

• P o r tu g a l • S lo v e n ia • A r g e n t in a • C anada • A u s tra lia - ( i) a n

-is h

He c a n a musical instrument.

He can

She c a n .........


• Ita ly



• M e x ic o

quite well.

• E g y p t • B a h r a in


• P o la n d • Ir e la n d -e s e

o th e r

C h in e s e

F re n c h He c a n ............

She c a n

. martial arts.


He c a n ............... computer games.

b) C o m p le te th e sen ten ces a b o u t you. I’ m f r o m ....................................... (COUNTRY)



She can


They c a n

the Internet.

• 1



To present countries and nationalities

Go through the countries and nationalities and ask Ss to tell the L1 equivalents. Ask Ss to match the countries to the nationalities.

A nsw er Key 2

A nsw er Key The UK - British

M exico Egypt Qatar Spain -

Japan - Japanese the USA - American Greece - Greek Turkey - Turkish Brazil - Brazilian


M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.


- Mexican Egyptian Qatari Spanish


A: B: A: B: A:

B: H e ’s from Mexico. H e ’s Mexican.

Thailand - Thai 4

To present new vocabulary


Go through the verbs in the list with Ss. Explain any unknown verbs.

m To listen for confirm ation and pronunciation • • •

Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answers. Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually. Check S s’ pronunciation. To practise nationalities

W here’s A hm et from ? H e ’s from Turkey. H e ’s Turkish. W here’s Olga from ? S he’s from Poland. S h e’s Polish. W here’s Carlos from ?

Focus S s’ attention on the different endings in

Ss look at the pictures and fill in the gaps in the sentences below each one w ith the correct verb. Check Ss’ answers around the class. A nsw er Key 1 run 2 3 4

ride dance play

5 fly 6 swim 7 play 8 do



10 11

take use

nationality w ords (-(i)an, -ish, -ese). Ask Ss to find examples in Ex. 1a. Point out that certain nationalities have Qatari, Thai). •

a different ending


Ask Ss to copy the table into their notebooks and give them tim e to com plete it with the nationalities for the countries listed. Check Ss’ answers on the board.

A nsw er Key -(i)an Chilean, Slovenian, Italian, Argentinian,



Polish, Chinese, Irish Portuguese

o ther French, Bahraini

Mexican, Canadian, Egyptian, Australian

From p. 13(T), Ex. 8b Suggested A nsw er Key A: B: A: B: A: B:

W here’s In Room W here’s In Room W here’s In Room

the Maths lesson? R12. the French lesson? R8. the H istory lesson? R7.

A: W here’s the A rt lesson? B: In Room R5. From p. 13(T), Ex. 9

b> m m To consolidate Ss’ own country and nationality A sk Ss to com plete the sentences and then ask various Ss around the class to read them out.

S uggested A nsw er Key Hi! I'm Gabriella. I ’m from Spain. I ’m Spanish . I can play basketball and ride a horse. I can also play the piano. M y favourite school subjects are History and Physics. Be m y e-pal.

Suggested A nsw er Key I ’m from Spain. I ’m Spanish.

To ask and answer about countries/ nationalities •

Explain the task. Choose tw o Ss to read out the example. Ss w ork in closed pairs and act out short dialogues about countries and nationalities, as in the example.



To present and practise can S s’ books closed. Jum p up and dow n and say, then write on the board: I can jum p. Underline the w ord can and explain that this word shows that we are able to do something. Say then w rite on the board: I c a n ’t fly. Underline the w ord can’t and explain that this word







Ask Ss to com plete the sentences about

them selves and their friend. Check S s’ answers around the class.

S uggested A nsw er Key I am hardworking and shy. M y friend is clever and


som ething. Ss open their books and read the table and then talk with their partner about w hich of the

1 * » To practise character adjectives; to personalise a topic

kind. 7

activities in Ex. 4a they can /ca n ’t do. Ss ask and answer, as in the example. M onitor the activity around the class. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar Reference section for more inform ation.


^ IS #

To present new vocabulary

Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally and/or individually. b)

To practise subjects Give Ss tim e to com plete the sentence and then ask various Ss around the class to read their

Suggested A nsw er Key A: Can you dance? B: No, I c a n ’t, etc.

A: Can you ride a horse? B: Yes, I can.

sentence aloud. Suggested A nsw er Key


M y favourite subjects are History, A rt and Physics.

To practise can Ask some pairs to report back to the rest of the class on their partner’s abilities.



f & ü t f To listen for specific information •

Suggested A nsw er Key Jane can ride a horse. She c a n 't dance.



To listen for specific information • • •

Play the recording tw ice if necessary. Ss listen and tic k the correct items. Check S s’ answers around the class.

Ask Ss to read the gapped tim etable. Elicit w hat it show s (hours, where various subjects are held, rooms). Elicit w hat w ords Ss should be listening for (subjects). Play the recording tw ice if necessary. Ss listen and fill the gaps. Check S s’ answers on the board.

A nsw er Key 1 Maths

A nsw er Key




H istory


A rt

Numbers to be ticked: 2, 4, 5 b)



m i» # To consolidate information; to ask for location

To practise can

Ask Ss to com plete the sentences using their answers from Ex. 5a and then tell the class.

• •

Choose tw o Ss to read out the example. Ask Ss to ask and answer questions, as in the

example using the com pleted tim etable in Ex. 8a. M onitor the activity around the class and then

A nsw er Key John can use a com puter, do m artial arts and play basketball. John ca n ’t play an instrum ent and he ca n ’t ride a horse.



To present character adjectives

A nsw er Key 5









Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 12(f))

Read the list of adjectives aloud and explain/ elicit their meanings. Give Ss tim e to match them to the pictures and then check Ss’ answers.


ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.



To write a short text

Explain the task and choose one S to read out the example. Explain that Ss need to replace the w ords in bold with inform ation about themselves. Give Ss tim e to w rite a short text similar to the example and then ask various Ss to read their texts aloud. Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 12(f))


W f C an A ffir m a tiv e

N e g a tiv e

l/y o u /h e /e tc can

l/yo u /h e /e tc c a n 't speak

sp e a k E nglish.

English. S h o rt a n s w e rs

In te r ro g a tiv e Can l/yo u /h e /e tc

Yes, l/y o u /h e /e tc can.

speak English?

N o, l/yo u /h e /e tc ca n 't.

a ) Listen an d say.

№ H C h e m is try

J .'S e e p. G R 2 b) Find o u t w h a t y o u r p a rtn e r c a n /c a n 't do. A : C a n y o u ru n fa s t? B : Yes, I c a n . e tc c) N o w te ll th e class. P a u l c a n ru n fa st. a) Listen to John ta lk in g to his frie n d .


W h a t can John do? Tick ( / ) .

Ph ysics

O Geography

f j ) information & Communications Technology (ICT)

1 p la y an in s tr u m e n t


b) C o m p le te th e s en ten ce.


u s e a c o m p u te r


M y fa v o u r ite s u b je c ts a re .....................................


rid e a h o rs e



d o m a rtia l a rts


a) Listen to T o n y ta lk in g a b o u t his


tim e ta b le fo r M o n d a y an d c o m p le te th e


p la y b a s k e tb a ll

gaps (1-4). b) T ell th e class. J o h n c a n .............. J o h n c a n ’t


Character adjectives

^M on d ay

• a) M a tc h th e a d je c tiv e s to th e p ictu res.

1 h a rd w o rk in g

fu n n y


c le v e r

k in d



b ra v e

(R o o m ,

C hem istry


9:30 - 10:25

1) .......................................


10:25 - 10:40


10:40 - 11:35

2) .......................................

11:35 - 12:30


8:30 -



12:30 -



1:30 -


3) .......................................


2:30 -


4) .......................................


b) ( sp eakin g ^) Ask an d a n s w e r. A : W h e re ’s th e C h e m is tr y le s s o n ? B : In R o o m R 1 0 . ( w r it in g

W r ite a s h o rt t e x t a b o u t y o u , as in

th e e x a m p le . b) W h a t a re y o u an d y o u r frie n d like?

H i! I ’m L o rn a . I ’m fro m th e U SA . I ’m A m e ric a n .

C o m p le te th e sen ten ces.

I ca n rid e a b ik e a n d s w im . I ca n a ls o p la y th e

I a m ................... a n d ....................... M y fr ie n d is

g u ita r. M y fa v o u rite s u b je c ts a re M a th s a n d C h e m is try . B e m y e -p a l!

..................a n d ....................... W o rkb oo k pp. 5, VB1 : -------------------------------------

Ijffrdl Grammar in use r Billy, y o u r m arks a re n 't as g o o d as last te rm . W h y 's th a t?

b) C o rre ct th e sen ten ces. 1

th e U S A . A n n a is n ’t from

th e U S A . S h e ’s from C a n a d a .

W e ll, it is n 't m y ' fa u lt. It's th e T e a ch e r's fa u lty

g w

A n n a is fr o m

MfjTi ÜtüSdc

V 5


A n n a a n d L a u ra a re 18 y e a rs o ld ...............


A n n a a n d L a u ra a re B r itis h ...........................


A n n a is a s c ie n tis t.


T h e ir fa v o u r ite s u b je c ts a re H is to ry a n d

I'm n o t a t th e sam e desk w it h S m a rt A le c any m o re . He in th e fr o n t ro w

G e o g r a p h y ............................................................

M a k e as m a n y sen ten ces as possible. R ead th e ta b le . Find e x a m p le s in th e jo k e . fr o m th e U K .

P e te r & A n n a B ill John & I

The verb to be (affirm ative/negative)] A ffir m a tiv e I'm B ritis h .

I'm n o t B ritis h .

Y o u 're B ritis h .

Y o u a r e n 't B ritis h .

H e's B ritis h .

H e is n 't B ritis h .

She's B ritis h .

She is n 't B ritis h .

It's B ritis h .

It is n 't B ritis h .

W e 're B ritis h .

W e a r e n 't B ritis h .

Y o u 're B ritis h .

Y o u a r e n 't B ritis h .

T h e y 're B ritis h .

T h e y a r e n 't B ritish .

B ritis h . 16 y e a rs o ld . a s tu d e n t.

S a lly

Subject/Object pronouns Possessive adjectives

►see p. GR1

a) Fill in: is, am , are.

a re


N e g a tiv e

fr ie n d s .


S ub ject p ro n o u n s



h e /s h e /it


yo u

th e y

O b je c t p ro n o u n s


yo u

h im /h e r /it


yo u

th e m

Possessive adjectives

m y y o u r h is /h e r/its

o u r y o u r th e ir

R ead th e th e o ry . Find e x a m p le s in th e jo k e .

Replace th e w o rd s in b o ld w it h th e c o rrect

Hi! My name 1) is Anna and I 2) 17 years old. I 3) am from Canada. This 's my friend Laura. She 4) is from the USA. She 5) is 17 years old, too. We 6) are students^ Our favourite subjects 7) are IC an Maths. In this picture w e 8) are a t t h college cafeteria. Be our e-friend.

p ro n o u n s . 1

M a r t a is S p a n is h . S h e (S)


L o o k a t A le x a n d Bill. A le x a n d B ill are 17. th e m (O), T h ey (S)


W h e re are D a lia a n d A h m e d fro m ? th ey (S)


M a r k a n d I a re fr o m Ire la n d , w e (S)


L o o k a t R o s a . R o s a is fro m S p a in , h e r (O), S h e (S)

C hoose th e c o rrect ite m . 1

I/ M y n a m e ’s T o n ia . I ’ m / M e a s tu d e n t.


T h is is J o a n d D an. L o o k a t th e y /th e m .


B ill’s fro m th e U S A . H e /H is s is te r is 18.


T h is is M a ry . L o o k a t s h e /h e r .


P e te r a n d S te v e a re 17. T h e y /T h e ir a re o u r /u s fr ie n d s .

s • 1

m m To present the verb to be (affirmative and negative) •

• • • •

• • • •

Ss close their books. Present the contracted form o f the present sim ple affirm ative of the verb to be. Say, then w rite on the board: I ’m Helen. Point to a S. Say: You’re Tom. Then w rite it on the board. Point to a male S far from you. Say: H e ’s John.

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 16(T)) 4

^ P To present subject/object pronouns and possessive adjectives Ss close their books. Present the subject pronouns. Point to yourself and say: I. Then w rite it on the board. Point to a S and say: you. Then w rite it on the board. Point to a male S and say: he. Then w rite it on the board. Explain that we use he fo r a boy or a man. Point to a female S and say: she. Then w rite it on the board. Explain that we use she fo r a girl or a woman. Point to a S ’s notebook and say: it. Then w rite it on the board. Explain that we use it fo r objects.

then w rite it on the board. Point to a fem ale S. Say: S he’s Mary. Then w rite it on the board. Continue with the rest. Then, present the contracted form of the present sim ple negative o f the verb to be. Say, then write on the board: I ’m a teacher. I ’m n o t a doctor. Underline the w ords I ’m not. Do the same to present all persons in singular and plural. Ss open their books. Go through the theory. Ask Ss to read the joke. Explain any unknown words. Elicit examples in the joke from Ss around the class. Refer Ss to the Gram m ar R eference section for more information.

Go close to some Ss, point to them and yourself and say: we. Then w rite it on the board. Point to a group of Ss opposite you and say: you. Then w rite it on the board. Point to a group o f Ss far from you and say: they. Then w rite it on the board. Present the object pronouns. Say, then w rite on

A nsw er Key

the board: I am a teacher. Look at me. Underline the w ords I and me. Explain that me is an object pronoun. Present the other persons in the same way. e.g. Look a t him. H e’s a student. Look at her. S h e’s a student. Look at it. i t ’s a desk, etc

Examples in joke: A re n ’t, it is n ’t, I t ’s, I ’m not, H e ’s 2


To practise the verb to be (affirmative) •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it.

Check S s’ answers round the class.

• •

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)


Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check Ss’ answers around the class.

Ss open their books and read out the box. Ask Ss to read the theory box and then elicit examples in the joke from Ss around the class. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar R eference section for more information.

To practise the verb to be (affirmative and negative)

A nsw er Key

• •

Examples in joke: Your (possessive adj), it (subject pronoun), m y (possessive adj), it (subject pronoun), it (object pronoun), I (subject pronoun), He (subject pronoun)

Explain the task and read out the example. Give Ss tim e to com plete it and check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 2

Anna and Laura aren ’t 18 years old. Anna and Laura are 11 years old.


Anna and Laura a ren’t British. Anna is from Canada and Laura is from the USA.

4 5

Anna isn ’t a scientist. She is a college student. Their favourite subjects are n 't H istory and Geography. Their favourite subjects are IC T and Maths.

To practise the verb to be (affirmative) Go through the first colum n with Ss. Elicit which prom pts ask fo r a verb in the singular and which in the plural. Also, explain that nationality w ords (e.g. British) are the same in both singular and plural.


To practise subject/object pronouns • •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check Ss’ answers. Ss identify which pronouns are subject/object ones.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) 6

To practise subject/object pronouns and possessive adjectives • •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers round the class. Ss identify w hat each word is.

A nsw er Key 1 M y (P), I ’m (S) 2 them (O )

3 4

H is(P) her (O)


They(S), our (P)




To present the verb to be (interrogative


To present question words

and short answers) •

• •

S s’ books closed. W rite all the question w ords on the board. Give an example for each question word and explain when each w ord is used. Who is that man? H e ’s M r Jones, (people)

Present the interrogative form of the verb to be. Say, then w rite on the board: Am I a teacher? Underline Am I. Explain that we form the interrogative form of the verb to be by putting the

W hat is it? It’s a pen. (things) Where are m y keys? On the desk, (place)

verb before the subject pronoun. Answer the question on the board: Yes, I am. Explain that this is a positive short answer. Explain that we form positive short answers with yes, the appropriate personal pronoun and the verb in the affirmative. Write on the board: A m I a d octor? No, I ’m not. Explain that we form a negative short answer with no, the appropriate personal pronoun and the

H ow old are you? 18. (age) When is your birthday? In January, (time) Ss open their books and read the table. Ask Ss about equivalents in their m other tongue. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar Reference section for more information. 11

verb in the negative. Ss open their books. Go through the theory box with Ss. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more information.

Suggested A nsw er Key

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it, then check Ss’ answers. A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

• •

To practise the verb to be (interrogative

and short answers) • •

To practise writing questions


Exam ple in the joke: I ’m not


To practise question words

S s’ answers.

Ask Ss to com plete the questions and then answer them, as in the example. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key 2 3 4

Are, ’m not Are, are Is, isn’t


Is, is n ’t (Mote: All subjects, even if they have a plural form e.g. Physics, Maths, etc. are singular nouns.)

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) 13

To present and practise plurals • • •

• •

Choose tw o Ss to read out the example. Go through the pictures and elicit where these people are from. Ask Ss to ask and answer questions in pairs, as in the example. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.

A nsw er Key 2 A: B:

Is Olga from Poland? Yes, she is.

3 A: B:

Are Anna and Laura 17? No, they aren’t. They are 18.

4 A: B:

Is M ario 16? No, he isn ’t. He is 17.

5 A: B:

Are Anna and Laura American? Yes, they are.

Explain that when we talk about more than one thing, we usually add -s to the noun. e.g. d e sk-de sks Read the examples in the table aloud and focus S s’ attention on the different plural endings. S s’ books closed. Drill Ss. Say singular nouns aloud and Ss say the plural form. T: one box S1: tw o boxes T: one glass

№ To practise the verb to be (interrogative and short answers) •

Explain the task and read out the example. Tell Ss that the phrases in bold must be the answer to each of the questions they will write. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check

• •

S1: tw o glasses Ss open their books. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and w rite the correct plurals.

Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) 14

To present yourself and a friend; to personalise a topic Explain the task and ask Ss to use the model to help them w rite their answers. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then ask various Ss around the class to read their paragraph aloud. Suggested A nsw er Key M y name is Antonio. Jorge is m y best friend. We are 17 years old. We are Portuguese. Our favourite subjects are Chemistry and ICT.

1 5(T)

Read th e ta b le . Find an e x a m p le in th e jo k e .

The verb to be (interrogative) In te r ro g a tiv e

S h o rt a n s w e rs

A m 1 Ita lia n ?

Yes, 1 a m ./N o , I'm n o t.

A re y o u Ita lia n ?

Yes, y o u a re ./N o , y o u a re n 't.

Is he Ita lia n ?

Yes, he is./N o , he isn 't.

Is she Ita lia n ?

Yes, she is./N o , she isn 't.

Is it Ita lia n ?

Yes, it is./N o , it isn 't.

A re w e Ita lia n ?

Yes, w e a re ./N o , w e a re n 't.

A re yo u Ita lia n ?

Yes, y o u a re ./N o , y o u a re n 't.

A re th e y Ita lia n ?

Yes, th e y a re ./N o , th e y a re n 't.

C o m p le te th e q u estio n s . 1

W h o ’ s he ? J o h n .


W h e re ’ s he fr o m ? A u s tra lia .


H o w o ld is s h e ? 2 2 .


W h a t’ s y o u r fa v o u r ite s u b je c t? G e o g ra p h y .


W h e n ’ s y o u r b irth d a y ? In J u n e .

Read th e an s w e rs . W r ite th e q u estio n s. 1

M y n a m e ’ s P a u l. W h a t’s y o u r n a m e ?


H e ’s 2 0 y e a r s o ld . H o w o ld is h e ?


H e r fa v o u r ite s u b je c t is P h y s ic s . W h a t is h e r fa v o u r ite s u b je c t?

C o m p le te th e q u e s tio n s . A n s w e r th e m . 4

S h e ’ s fr o m M e x ic o . W h e re is s h e fr o m ?


It is A n d y . W h o is th is ?



one bus


M a r io /1 6 ?

2 o n e fla g

tw o fla g s


A n n a & L a u ra /


o n e w a tc h

th r e e w a tc h e s


one box

tw o b o x e s


o n e b ru s h

tw o b ru s h e s


Is P e te r fr o m th e U S A ? Y e s , he is.


............... y o u fr o m T u rk e y ? N o, I .............


.................. th e y Ita lia n ? Y e s , t h e y ..............


.......................s h e 19 y e a rs o ld ? N o , s h e

M a th s y o u r fa v o u r ite s u b je c t?

( s p e a k in g

In pairs, O lg a (1 9 )

ask an d a n s w e r q u e s tio n s .

A n n a & L a u ra ( 18) 1

M a r io /B r a z il?

M a rio (1 7 ) 3

A : Is M a rio fro m B ra z il? B : Yes, h e is. 2

O lg a /P o la n d ?

A n n a & L a u ra /

A m e ric a n ?

W h o : asks a b o u t a person - W h o 's he? Andy. W h a t: asks a b o u t a th in g - W h a t's this? It's a book. W h e re : asks a b o u t a place - Where's A n n from ? Italy. H o w o ld : asks a b o u t age - H o w o ld are yo u ? 17. W h e n : asks ab o u t tim e - When's yo u r birthday? In May.

Read th e th e o ry .

tw o b u s e s

6 o n e to m a to

th r e e to m a to e s


tw o g la s s e s

o n e g la s s

(w r it in g

) W r ite a s h o rt p a ra g ra p h a b o u t

yo u a n d y o u r frie n d .

M y name's Stella. Becky is m y friend. We are 17 years old. We are British. O ur favourite subjects are History and Geography. W o rk b o o k p p . 6 -7


Across Cultures I Skills Work Reading a)

b) Listen an d read th e t e x t to check y o u r an s w e rs .

T ry to m a tc h th e s p o rts p e o p le to th e

c o u n trie s th e y co m e fro m an d th e sports Read th e t e x t an d c o m p le te th e sentences.

th e y p la y . H ik a ru N a k a m u ra — , S a lly P e a rs o n

f o o tb a ll

S c o tla n d

te n n is

^ U S A ^

G a re th B a le

Ire la n d

A n d y M u rra y

A u s tra lia

K a tie T a y lo r

W a le s

b o x in g ^

chess ru n n in g


H ik a r u ’ s c o a c h is a w e ll- k n o w n ..................


K a ty ’s c o a c h is ...................................................


J a m ie is A n d y ’ s ..................................................


S a lly is g o o d a t ju m p in g .................................


G a re th


s c o re

g o a ls

w ith

h is


b e c a u s e ...................................................................

G WPEJtSfi Can you play sports like a sporting superstar? Here are some superheroes with special abilities. Who is your favourite?

Chess player


Hikaru Nakamura is an American chess player. He is

Sally Pearson is a runner from Australia. She is tl

the number one chess player in the USA and number

Olympic champion in the 100-metre hurdles. Sally

nine in the world. He is still very young. Hikaru’s

can run very fast and jump high over the hurdles. She

coach is Gary Kasparov, the famous chess player. He

is a hero in Australia.

is sure Hikaru can be a chess legend.


Gareth Bale is a Welsh footballer and he is very fast.

Katie Taylor is a boxer from Ireland. Katy is very quick

He can run past his opponents very easily! He is six

and she can punch very hard. She is the Olympic

feet tall, so he can score goals with

champion and the number one woman boxer in the

his head. His

world. Her father is her coach. She is Ireland’s

nicknam e is

favourite athlete because she is very brave and

Th e Welsh



Tennis player

because he is

Andy Murray is a tennis player from Scotland. He is a

great on the

great tennis champion with an Olympic gold medal

football pitch.

and a lot of trophies. He can hit a tennis ball very hard because of his strong right arm. His brother, Jam ie, is also a professional tennis player.

Check these words • sporting superstar • special abilities • coach • chess legend • punch • hard • champion • athlete • gold medal • trophy • h it • right arm • professional • hurdles • high • hero • fast • opponent • score goal • head • football pitch


Football player



'f \|H

To introduce the topic and new

score a goal (phr): to p u t the ball in the net in football head (n): the part o f the b o d y above the neck football pitch (n): a grassy area where people play


football • • •

Ask Ss to read the lists of sportspeople, countries and sports. Ask them to make guesses and match them. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

A nsw er Key

From p. 14(T), Ex. 3

Sally Pearson - Australia - running

Suggested A nsw er Key

Gareth Bale - Wales - football A ndy M urray - S cotland - tennis Katie Taylor - Ireland - boxing


To listen and read for specific information Play the recording. Ss listen and read the te xt and check their answers to Ex. 1a.

To read for specific information (sentence completion) • •

Give Ss tim e to read the sentence stem s (1 -5) and then read the te xt again and com plete the task. Check S s’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key 1 2

chess player her father

3 brother 4 hurdles


he is six feet tall

Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings of the w ords in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the Word List.

Peter and Anna are Peter and Anna are Peter and Anna are Peter and Anna are Bill is from the UK.

from the UK. friends. British. 16 years old.

Bill is British. Bill is 16 years old. Bill is a student. John and I are from the UK. John and I are friends. John and I are British. John and I are 16 years old. We are from the UK. We are friends. We are British. We are Sally is Saily is Sally is Sally is

16 years old. from the UK. British. 16 years old. a student.

Suggested A nsw er Key sporting superstar (phr): a talented and famous sportsperson special abilities (phr): skills coach (n): a person who trains sb chess legend (phr): a famous chess cham pion punch (v): to hit h ard (adv): with a lo t o f force champion (n): a winner a th lete (n): a sportsperson Olympic gold m edal (n): the prize fo r 1st place at the Olympic Games trophy (n): an award hit (v): to strike right arm (phr): the limb attached to your right shoulder professional (adj): having a jo b that requires special training; not amateur hurdles (n): obstacles in a race that runners ju m p over high (adv): far above the ground hero (n): sb who is adm ired fo r their achievements fast (adj): n ot slow opponent (n): sb you play/com pete against in a race/ sport



гд а То identify synonymous w ords/ phrases • • •


Go through the list o f w ords/phrases with Ss and explain/elicit any unknown ones. Give Ss tim e to match the w ords in bold to the synonym s in the list.

ъ т To ask and answer questions based on a text • • •

Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key

Explain the task and choose tw o Ss to read out the example. Ss w ork in closed pairs and ask and answer questions. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask various Ss to ask and answer in front of the class.

coach - trainer; legend = famous person; punch =

Suggested A nsw er Key

hit with your fist; brave = daring; trophies = prizes; professional = expert; champion = winner;

A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

opponents = com petitors; nicknam e = p e t name To identify parts of speech Elicit w hich part of speech (noun, verb, adjective) each w ord is from Ss around the class. Ss can check in the Word List or in their dictionaries.

A: Is he from Scotland? B: Yes, he is.

A nsw er Key coach - noun legend - noun punch - verb brave - adjective trophies - p i noun

professional - adjective cham pion - noun opponents - p i noun nickname - noun

A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

To form phrases • •

Is Hlkaru Nakamura a chess player? Yes, he is. Is Katie Taylor from Scotland? No, she isn ’t. S he’s from Ireland. Is Katie Taylor very brave? Yes, she Is. Is A ndy Murray a tennis player? Yes, he is.

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check S s’ answers. Explain that Ss should learn these phrases as they normally go together. Ss can start a Collocations Section in their notebooks and list such phrases each tim e they com e across them. Ss should revise regularly so that they can learn and use them both in oral and w ritten speech.

Is Sally Pearson from England? No, she isn ’t. She is from Australia. Is she a tennis player? No, she isn ’t. She is a runner. Is Gareth Bale Welsh? Yes, he is. Is his nickname the ‘The Welsh Wizard’? Yes, it is. etc.

№ To listen for specific information (multiple matching) •

Read out the Study Skills and point out that this advice will help Ss to com plete the task successfully.

Ask Ss to read the list of sports and think of related words.

Play the recording twice. Ss listen and com plete the task.

Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

To practise c a n tcan ’t Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) 9 To practise c a n /c a n ’t with personal examples

To prepare a poster about your favourite athletes • •

Ss copy the headings in their notebooks. Ask Ss to think of their favourite athletes from their country and make notes about them under the headings given.

Give Ss tim e to use their notes to prepare a poster or a PowerPoint presentation w ith images and a short text about each one.

Suggested A nsw er Key

• •

I can play tennis, basketball and chess and I can do gymnastics. I c a n ’t play football o r hockey. I ca n ’t do ju d o o r karate.

Check S s’ answers. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check S s’ answers in the next lesson.

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 20(f))

• • •

Explain the task. Go through the phrases with Ss, then read out the examples. Point out that we use and to join similar ideas and o r to join negative ideas. Ss prepare their answers. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.


Fill in can o r can't.

a) M a tc h th e w o rd s in b o ld to th e ir

A Can Ancty p\av tennis?

syn on ym s. • c o m p e t it o r s

Y e s , he can. • fa m o u s p e rs o n

• w in n e r • d a rin g

• pet nam e

• p riz e s


• e x p e r t • h it w ith y o u r f is t

C an H ik a ru p la y c h e s s ? Y e s , he can.

• tr a in e r 3

C an S a lly a n d K a tie p la y fo o tb a ll? N o , th e y c a n ’t.

b) W h a t p a rt o f speech is each w o rd ? 4 M a tc h th e w o rd s to fo rm phrases.

C an S a lly ru n v e ry fa s t? Y e s , s h e can.

W h ic h o f th e s e sp orts c a n /c a n 't yo u 1


h it


c h a m p io n



te n n is


g o a ls



g o ld


p itc h

• p la y fo o tb a ll



s c o re


a b a ll

• d o g y m n a s tic s



fo o tb a ll


m edal

p la y /d o ? Tell th e class. • p la y te n n is

• p la y b a s k e tb a ll • p la y h o c k e y • p la y c h e s s

• d o k a ra te • d o ju d o

I can p la y tennis a n d d o m a rtia l arts. I c a n ’t p la y h o c k e y o r p la y chess.

Speaking In pairs ask an d a n s w e r Y e s /N o q u e s tio n s based on th e te x t. A: Is H ika ru A m e ric a n ? B: Yes, h e is.

Listening Ét^S'ïïTîf'JfcSl


іl i s t !

M ultiple matching Read the rubric and the lists o f words. Think o f words related to each sport. W hile you listen, try n o t to get distracted as all th e options w ill be m entioned.

Listen to D a v id te llin g his sister w h a t sports his frie n d s can d o. M a tc h th e p e o p le to th e sports.






A b a s k e tb a ll



P a tric k

В te n n is



T e rry

С fo o tb a ll



P a ul

D s w im m in g E ru n n in g

W ritin g Hikaru Nakamura

llk jü . T hink o f y o u r fa v o u rite a th le te s fro m y o u r c o u n try . M a k e n o tes u n d e r th e headings: N a m e - W here fro m - Sport. Use y o u r n otes to p re p a re a p o ste r o r a P o w e rP o in t p re s e n ta tio n . Use im ages. Present it to th e class.


Listening skills M u ltip le matching

M u ltip le choice

M a tc h th e sen ten ces (a -b ) to th e o nes t h a t h a v e th e sam e M ultiple choice Read th e rubric, then read th e questions and possible answers. Underline the key words. If there are photographs, th in k o f vocabulary related to them . Listen carefully and choose the o p tio n th a t best

m e a n in g (1 -6 ). a

I c a n ’t s ta n d te n n is ,


T e n n is is g re a t.

answers each question. I’ m g o o d a t te n n is . T e n n is is b o rin g .

a) Read th e ru b ric, th e n re ad q u e s tio n s 1-5. W h a t can

M y fa v o u rite s p o rt is te n n is .

yo u see in each p ictu re?

I d o n ’t lik e te n n is . I p re fe r te n n is .

You are going to hear five sh o rt recordings. For questions 1-5, choose th e answ er w h ich m atches w h a t you have heard by

I lik e te n n is .

circling th e ap pro p ria te le tte r (A, B or C).

P r e p a rin g f o r t h e ta s k Read th e e x tra c t. M a tc h th e p e o p le to th e subjects. L a u ra : So, w h a t’s y o u r fa vo u rite su b je ct,


W h ic h is K a te ’s fa v o u r ite s u b je c t?

S a n d ra ? M a th s ? I


S a n d ra : M a th s is OK, b u t I ’m ve ry g o o d


a t C h e m istry. I like it a lot. J a n e likes M a th s. S h e ’s re a lly g o o d w ith n u m b e rs. PEO PLE



S a n d ra


M a th s




C h e m is try

Y o u a re g o in g to listen to t w o


W h ic h ro o m is th e m u s ic le s s o n in?


”R 4 4

W h a t c a n K im d o w e ll?

p e o p le ta lk in g a b o u t fa v o u rite subjects.


Listen an d m a tc h th e p e o p le to th e subjects.




A ndy


E n g lis h




M a th s


J e ff


C h e m is try


A n ia


H is to ry


G e o g ra p h y

W h e r e ’ s T o n y fr o m ? A

A u s tra lia

B th e U S A


th e U K

b) Do th e lis te n in g task.

Pronunciation Is l Iz l /iz /

Use th e s e ad jectives: interesting,

Listen an d tick ( / ) . Listen an d check.

boring, difficult, easy to ta lk a b o u t v a rio u s subjects. M a th s is in te re s tin g .

K te fl® Isl Subjects ending in -s take a verb in th e singular.

Iz l




h o rs e s

b a lls

p h o to s


le s s o n s



Iz l

liz l

f iâ t • 1

To identify w ords/phrases used to express likes/dislikes; to identify synonymous

Ask Ss to read the rubric and the questions (1-5). Elicit w hat each picture shows.


A nsw er Key

Ask Ss to read sentences a and b and underline


c a n ’t stand, great. Elicit w hich expresses dislike (a), like (b).

• •

Ss read the sentences (1 -6) and underline the words which express likes (1 - g ood at, 3 - favourite, 5 - prefer, 6 - like) dislikes (2 - boring, 4 - d o n ’t like). Ss match sentences a and b to sentences 1-6 with the same meaning.

A - a basketball B - a sw im m er C - a football A - a Maths problem on a board B - a globe C - paint and a brush A - ju d o o r karate B - running



Check Ss’ answers.

C - playing basketball

A nsw er Key 1 b












To listen for specific information (multiple choice)


To prepare for a listening task (multiple matching)

Play the recording. Ss listen and choose the

Ask Ss to read the extract and underline the phrases expressing likes.

correct answers. Check S s’ answers.

• •

Allow Ss tim e to do the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 B









A nsw er Key 1





IJSS) To listen for specific information (multiple matching) •

Ss do the task.

Play the recording with pauses. Ss repeat chorally or individually.

Tell Ss that they are going to listen to Andy and

Sue talking about favourite subjects. Play the recording tw ice. Ss listen and choose the correct answers. Remind Ss to pay special attention to the phrases

the speakers use to express likes/dislikes. Check S s’ answers.

To learn how to pronounce -s /-es plural endings

1st /z/ lu t boxes







balls desks boys

A nsw er Key ID

A nsw er Key 1st Iz! lizl horses



photos lessons








IJ5J: To talk about subjects; to personalise a topic Explain the meanings of any unknown w ords and then ask various Ss to talk about subjects using the adjectives. Suggested A nsw er Key English is easy. Chem istry is interesting. Maths is difficult. Geography is boring. 5


1*5) To prepare for a listening task; to elicit words from visual prompts •

Read out the Study Skills and point out that this advice will help Ss to com plete the task successfully.




• To predict the content of the dialogue

A sk Ss to read the first and last exchange in the dialogue and elicit Ss’ guesses as to w hat it is about. Suggested A nsw er Key I think the dialogue is about a boy jo in in g the reading club. b)

To read for gist Give Ss tim e to read the dialogue and see if their guess in Ex. 1 b was correct.

M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the rest of the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key A: B: A: B: A: B:

Hello, H ow can I help you? I ’d like to join the chess club. Sure. W hat’s yo u r name? Sally. Sally Marsh. Right. H ow do you speil it? S-A -double L-Y, M -A-R-S-H. A: Where are you from ? B: I ’m from Compton, Los Angeles in the USA. A: H ow old are you?


B: A: B: A: B: A:

Ask Ss to read the questions (A-G) and then read the dialogue and match the questions to the gaps (1-7).

B: 522-344-7621 A : Thanks. H ere’s yo u r card. B: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

A nsw er Key The dialogue is about a bo y joining the reading club. a)

To com plete a dialogue (missing

I'm 17 years old. W hat’s yo u r hom e address? 49 Mayo Street. Right. W hat’s the postcode? 90221 Thank you. W hat’s your phone num ber?

A nsw er Key 1 2


3 D 4 F

5 C 6 A

The person in the picture is Jeff. b)

Explain the task and go through the cards with Ss explaining any unknown words.

Ask Ss to w ork in closed pairs and take turns to ask and answer questions using the inform ation on the cards. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask

Ss do the task in closed pairs. M onitor the activity around the class. To act out a dialogue Ss com plete the task in closed pairs using the dialogue in Ex. 2 to help them. W rite this diagram on the board for Ss to follow. B Ask B ’s full name. Ask B to spell h is / - * her name. Ask where B is from. Ask B’s age. Ask for B ’s address Ask for B ’s postcode Thank B. Ask for B ’s phone number. Thank B. Give B his/her card.

Explain w hat you want. Give your name. Spell your name. Say where you are from. Say how old you are. Give your home address. Give your postcode. Give your phone number. Thank A. Say goodbye to A.

some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. Suggested A nsw er Key

To role play a dialogue

Greet B. Offer to help

To practice w/j-questions

To listen for confirm ation Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answers.




W hat’s your last name? I t ’s Milles. Where are you from ? I ’m from the USA.


H ow old are you? I ’m 1 7 years old. W hat’s yo u r address ? It’s 12 Oak Street. W hat’s yo u r phone num ber? I t ’s 964-2284.

Speaking skills Everyday English Asking for/Giving personal information a ) R ead th e firs t a n d th e la s t e x c h a n g e . W h a t is th e d ia lo g u e a b o u t? b ) R ead th ro u g h t o fin d o u t.

a ) Use th e q u e s tio n s (A -G ) t o c o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e . W h o is th e p erso n in th e p ic tu re ?

M ark: Hello, how can I help you? Je ff: I’d like to jo in th e reading club. M ark: Sure. 1 ) .......................................................... Jeff: Jeff. J e ff Brighton. M ark: Right. 2 ) ........................................................ Jeff: J-E-double F, B -R -l-G -H -T -O -N M ark: 3 ) ..................................................................... Jeff: I’ m fro m London, England. M ark: 4 ) .................................................................... J e ff:

A W hat’s the postcode?

I’ m 18.

B How do you spell it?

M ark: 5 ) ................................................................... Jeff: 32, King Street.

C W hat’s your home address?

M ark:

D Where are you from?

R ight. 6 ) .............................................

E W hat’s your phone number?

Jeff: 2W S 72Z M ark: Thank you. 7 ) .......................................

F How old are you?

Jeff: 209 - 7736 M ark: Thanks. H ere’s your card. J e ff: Thank you very m uch. Goodbye.

G W hat’s your name?

Asking questions W o rk in pairs. S tu d e n t A : Look a t C ard A. S tu d e n t B: Look a t C ard B a n d ask S tu d e n t A q u e s tio n s . S tu d e n t A : A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s .


Listen an d check.

T r e v o r ’s profile L ast nam e: M illes

what/I ast nam e? w here from ? age?

C ountry o f origin: the



P hone

F irst nam e: T revor In pairs ta k e roles a n d re a d th e d ia lo g u e a lo u d .

W o r k in pairs. Y o u w a n t to jo in a chess club.

A ge: 17

A c t o u t a d ia lo g u e s im ila r t o th e o n e in

A ddress: 12 , O ak S treet

Ex. 2. Use th e p hrases (A -G ).

■ ■— 1...... .

Q ^zl-9,284

n u m b e r?


An email to your e-friend W ord order

Rubric analysis Read th e ru b ric. Use th e u n d e rlin e d w o rd s to c o m p le te th e sentences.

In English, th e subject (noun, pronoun) is always | before th e verb. Peter is from London. He is a student. Adjectives go before th e noun (Tennis is m y favourite j

W rite an em ail to y o u r n e w English e -frie n d

sport.), b u t after th e verb to be (Tennis is easy.).


(5 0 -1 0 0 w ords). In y o u r em ail include th is in fo rm a tio n : • c o u n try you are fro m & age

I S P u t th e w o rd s in th e co rrec t o rd e r.

• y o u r fa v o u rite subjects • sports you can do


is /P e te r /c le v e r - P e te r is c le v e r.


m y f a v o u r it e /a r e / s u b je c t s /H is t o r y a n d E n g lis h -


Y o u a re g o in g to w rite ...


It is fo r ...


m M



S u e /1 8 y e a rs o ld /is

It s h o u ld c o n ta in ...


is /k a r a t e /s p o r t /h e r fa v o u r ite

M odel analysis


s h y /J o h n /is - .................................

R ead th e e m a il an d c o m p le te th e g aps w ith th e c o rre c t w o r d . T h e n c o m p le te th e ta b le .

’t H C o rre c t th e sen ten ces. 1

H e r s p o r t fa v o u r ite is h o c k e y .

2 R o s a is c le v e r a g ir l.......................

To: John Subject: Hi!


H e is o ld 19 y e a r s ..........................


M a th s is m y s u b je c t fa v o u r ite .


T o m fu n n y is ............

Hi John, My name’s Matias and I’m 17 years old. I’m 1 ) ........... sj

Capital letters

Buenos Aires in Argentina. In English w e use capital letters w h e n w e start

I’m a student 2 ) ............. Columbia College. My favourite Maths. 4 ) 5)

3 ) ............




are very interesting. I’m good sports, too. I can play basketball and

a n e w sentence (He's 17.) and for: nam es (Tony),


subjects (History), th e personal p ro n o u n I (I'm Tony),

days o f th e



m o n th s

(August) and nam es o f cities (Rome), c o u n trie s

football very 6 ) .............., but I can’t row fast. My

(Spain), n a tio n a litie s (He's French.) and c o n tin e n ts

favourite athlete is Gareth Bale.






7 ) .............


interested R e w rite th e sen ten ces using c a p ita l le tte rs


w h e r e necessary.

Please write soon.


Matias Perez

s u s a n is 1 6 . h e r fa v o u r ite s u b je c t is g e o g r a p h y .............................................................

U rn


Nam e

.... i n

...... 2 p e te r a n d la u ra a re fr o m lo n d o n in

M a tia s

e n g la n d ................................................................... S u rn a m e C o u n tr y


he is p a u l a n d s h e is a n n a ............................

C o lle g e n a m e


i a m a r g e n tin ia n ..................................................

F a v o u r ite


m y fa v o u r ite d a y is S a tu rd a y a n d m y


s u b je c ts


fa v o u r ite m o n th is ja n u a r y .............................

_______ ________ ____

F a v o u r ite s p o r ts



e g y p t is in a fr ic a .................................................


m •


To analyse a rubric Explain that Ss will learn how to w rite an informal email. Ask Ss to read the rubric aloud and pay special attention to the underlined words. Read the sentences aloud one at a tim e and elicit

• •

answers from Ss around the class. A nsw er Key 1 ...a n email. 2 3

...m y new English e-friend. ... where I am from, m y age, m y favourite subjects and w hat sports I can do.

» •

To practise word order in sentences Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Point out that Ss should pay special attention to the position of the adjective in each sentence. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4 5

H er favourite sp o rt is hockey. Rosa is a clever girl. He is 19 years old. Maths is m y favourite subject. Tom is funny.

To present and practise capital letters To com plete an open cloze •

Ask Ss to read the email, identify what part of speech is needed in each gap, and think of

appropriate w ords to fill the gaps (1-8). Explain that Ss should pay attention to w ords

before and after each gap as they will help them decide on the missing word. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2 •

from at

3 4

are They

5 at 6 well

7 8

Are in

Ask Ss to look through the com pleted email and com plete the table. Check Ss’ answers on the board.

Go through the theory box with Ss and explain any points Ss are unsure of. Give Ss tim e to rewrite the sentences putting capital letters where necessary. Check S s’ answers on the board.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4

Susan is 16. H er favourite su bje ct is Geography. Peter and Laura are from London in England. He is Paul and she is Anna. I am Argentinian.


M y favourite day is Saturday and m y favourite m onth is January. E gypt is in Africa.


A nsw er Key N am e



Surnam e






From p. 17(T), Ex. 9

College nam e

Columbia College

Favourite subjects

Chem istry and Maths

Name: Kevin Schwantz Where from: Texas, USA

Favourite sports

basketball, football

Sport: M otorcycle racing

< m

To practise word order in sentences

Go through the theory table with Ss.

• •

Explain the task and read out the example. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 2 3 4 5

M y favourite subjects are H istory and English. Sue is 18 years old. Karate is her favourite sport. John is shy.

Kevin Schwantz is an American m otorcycle racer. He is very famous. His m otorcycle num ber is always 34. He is very talented and hardworking. He is a great rider with m any race wins and also a w orld championship. He is also a teacher to young riders.


& 6

To practise linkers (and/but) • • •

Go through the theory with Ss. Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Point out that Ss should use a com m a before but. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2

John can play football and basketball. He can use a com puter, b u t he ca n ’t paint.

3 4

She is shy and funny. I can run very fast, b u t I ca n ’t ride a horse.

To prepare for a writing task • •

Give Ss tim e to answer the questions. Ask various Ss around the class to share their answers w ith the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


M y name is Marco. I ’m 17 years old. I ’m from Italy. Yes, I am. M y favourite subjects are H istory and Art. I am g o o d at basketball and tennis. I ’m n o t go o d at football.

To write an informal email •

Give Ss tim e to w rite their email using their answers from Ex. 7 and phrases from the Useful Language box. Tell Ss they can use the email in Ex. 2 as a model. Remind Ss to use the plan and the email skeleton to help them.

• •

Invite som e Ss to do the task orally in class. Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their w ork for

mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their emails to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW.

Suggested A nsw er Key Hi Peter, M y nam e’s Fa bio and I ’m 17 years old. I ’m from Lisbon in Portugal. I ’m a student. M y favourite subjects are History and Art. They are very interesting. I ’m g o o d a t sports, too. I can play basketball an d tennis well, bu t I can ’t play football. What about you? W hat are your favourite subjects? Are you good a t any sports? Write back soon, Fabio Lopes


Linkers a n d /b u t

Useful Language Opening remarks

W e use a n d to link tw o

W e use b u t to co n tra st

sim ilar ideas. M y favourite

tw o ideas. I can play tennis,

sports are hockey and

but I c a n 't play football.

• Hi! • Hello! Personal inform ation • M y name's ... • I'm ... years old. • I'm from ... in ...


Favourite subjects • M y favourite subjects are ... • I'm good a t ... • I'm interested in ... • ... is boring.

Link th e sen ten ces. Use and o r but. 1

John can play fo o tb a ll. He can play basketball.

Closing remarks 2

He can use a com puter. He ca n ’t paint.


She is shy. She is funny.


I can run very fast. I c a n ’t ride a horse.

• W rite back soon. • W rite back. • Please w rite back.

HI (friend’s first name),

W ritin g

(Para 1)

name, age, where from

(Para 2)

favourite subjects/sports

(Para 3)

ask e-friend about his favourite sports/subjects; closing remarks

A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s a b o u t y o u . sign o ff 1

W h a t’s your name?


H ow old are you?


W here are you from ?


Are you a student?

(your full name)

• •

Hi ..., My nam e’s ... . I’m ... old. I’m from ... in ... . 5

W hich are your favourite subjects?

I’m ... . My favourite subjects are ... . I’m good ... . I can ..., but I

6 W hich sports are you good at?

ca n ’t ... . W hat about you? ... W rite back soon.


W hich sp o rts aren’t you good at?

(your full name)

r % Checklist

Read th e ru b ric. Use y o u r a n s w e rs in Ex. 7 to c o m p le te y o u r e m a il. Use th e la n g u a g e in th e U s e fu l L a n g u a g e b o x. F o llo w th e p lan .

When you finish writing your email check for the following:

W rite an e m a il to y o u r English frie n d , (5 0 -1 0 0 w ords). In y o u r em ail w rite : • w h e re you are fro m . • w h ic h y o u r fa v o u rite subjects are. a w h ic h sports you can do.

grammar mistakes

use of capital letters

word order in sentences

use of linkers

clear paragraphs

appropriate opening/closing remarks

W orkbook p. 10




hd Geography Listening & Reading W h ic h c o u n try can y o u see on

Scotland. Its

th e m ap? W h ic h is its c a p ita l city? W h ic h o th e r c o u n trie s does

capital city is

it consist of?

Edinburgh. Its official

f H H I Listen an d re a d to

languages are


English and Scottish Gaelic

The United Kingdom This is a map of the UK. The UK includes: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. London is the capital city of the UK and England. English is the official language.

Northern Ireland This is England.Its capital city is London. Its

This is Northern Ireland. Its capital city is Belfast. Its official languages are English and Irish. ^

official language is English.

W ales This is W ales. Its capital city is


C ardiff. Its official languages are English and W elsh.


Check these words • in c lu d e • c a p ita l c ity • o ffic ia l la n g u a g e

Speaking C o m p le te th e ta b le .

Read th e te x t an d m a tc h th e

T h e n p re s e n t th e UK to th e class.

c o u n trie s to th e n a tio n a litie s . C o u n tr y


th e UK


S c o ttis h


E n g la n d


W e ls h

N o rth e rn


B ritis h

Ire la n d


N o rth e rn

S c o tla n d W a le s


C a p ita l c ity

O ffic ia l la n g u a g e

E n g la n d


W riting

E n g lis h

D ra w a m a p o f y o u r c o u n try . W r ite a s h o rt fa c t file a b o u t it. O n th e m ap in clu d e th e c a p ita l c ity an d o th e r cities. P resen t it to th e class.

To present new vocabulary and introduce the topic • •

Ask Ss to look at the map and elicit the country and its capital city and the countries it consists of. Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out.

A nsw er Key

№ •

• •

To draw a map and w rite a fact file

Give Ss tim e to draw a map o f their country including the capital city and other main cities and w rite a short fact file about it. Ask various Ss to present their maps to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to present their maps in the next lesson.

The United Kingdom. Suggested A nsw er Key

Its capital city is London. The UK consists o f England, S cotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

To read for specific information Ask Ss to read the text again and match the countries to the nationalities. Check S s’ answers. A nsw er Key 1 c •









Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings o f the w ords in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the W ord List.

Suggested A nsw er Key include (v): to have as a part capital city (n): the main city o f a country where the governm ent is official language (phr): the language that the governm ent and m o st o f the people in a country speak

To consolidate information in a text Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete the table. Ask various Ss around the class to present the UK to the rest of the class. A nsw er Key C ountry

C apital city

O fficial language




S cotland


English, S cottish Gaelic


C ardiff

English, Welsh


English, Irish

Northern Ireland

Suggested A nsw er Key The UK is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In England, the capital city is London and the official language is English. In Scotland, the capital city is Edinburgh and the official languages are English and S cottish Gaelic. In Wales, the capital city is C ardiff and the official languages are English and Welsh. In Northern Ireland, the capital city is Belfast and the official languages are English and Irish.

This is a map o f Argentina. Buenos Aires is the capital city. O ther big cities are M ar del Plata, Rosario and Cordoba. Spanish is the official language.

To practise word order

To consolidate vocabulary for nationalities • •

• •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key 1 Greek







Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.



To consolidate vocabulary (verbs)

1 2 3

Can he ride a horse? She can do m artial arts. He ca n ’t use a computer.

4 5

Can you play basketball? I ca n ’t fly a plane.

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

To practise plurals

Check S s’ answers.

Read out the example. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

A nsw er Key 1 play 2 take

3 4


surf do


Check S s’ answers. A nsw er Key 2 3 4

To consolidate adjectives Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

They are brushes. They are tomatoes. They are buses.

A nsw er Key 1 E


5 6

They are glasses. They are boxes.

To practise question words A







Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

Everyday English A nsw er Key


< s m To consolidate everyday English expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit • •

1 2

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

2 D







№ To consolidate subject/object pronouns and possessive adjectives • •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 She, H er 2 We, they


m m




them, They


your, his

To consolidate is/are

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers. A nsw er Key 1 2 3


Are, I ’m not Is, it is n ’t we aren’t

4 5

H ow old Who



№ To consolidate gram m ar structures learnt in the unit • •

Gram m ar 5

3 4

Gram m ar in Focus

A nsw er Key 1 C

Where What

Are, they a re n ’t Is, he is n ’t

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 are 2 fly

3 4

Chinese my



Is he aren’t

Progress Check jg y| Vocabulary

Complete with: is, are. Then answer the

W r ite th e n a tio n a litie s .


■ 1

Greece - ...


y o u in c la s s C ? N o , .....................


Portugal - .


h e r n a m e C a ro l? N o , ..................


M exico - ...


A re y o u te a c h e r s ? N o , .............................


the U K - ....




the USA - ..

T e d a n d M a ry fr o m Ita ly ?

N o ......................................................................... (5x2=10)



C hoose th e co rre c t w o rd .

S te v e an o rp h a n ? N o , ............... (5x2=10)


They can p la y /r u n basketball.


She can d o / t a k e photos.


He can s u r f /r id e the Internet.


She can d o /p la y m artial arts.


He can u s e /p la y a m usical instrum ent.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1



hardw orking

2 clever 3








Everyday English

r id e /a h o rs e /h e /c a n ?

2 c a n /d o / m a r t ia l a rts /s h e

M a tc h th e a d je c tiv e s to th e p ictu res.




c a n ’t/ h e / a c o m p u te r /u s e


b a s k e tb a ll/p la y /c a n /y o u ?


f ly / l/ a p la n e /c a n ’t

(5x2 = 10)

Rewrite in the plural as in the example. 1

I t ’ s a b o o k . T h e y a re books.


I t ’ s a b r u s h ............................................................


I t ’ s a t o m a t o .........................................................


I t ’ s a b u s ................................................................


I t ’ s a g la s s .............................................................


I t ’ s a b o x ................................................................

M a tc h th e t w o colum ns.


Complete w ith w h o , w h a t, where, h o w old.

I’m 16.

W h a t’s the postcode ?


B 44 Bell Road.


“ ...........................a re y o u f r o m ? ” “ G r e e c e .”

H ow do you spell it?

C It’s ZW S 722.


“ ............................’ s y o u r n a m e ? ” “ G e o r g e .”

W here are you from ?


B -E -double L.


“ ...........................a re y o u ? ” “ 1 8 .”

W h a t’s your home address?


I’m from London in the UK.


“ ...........................is s h e ? ” “ N e lly .”

How old are you?


“ ...................... ’ s N e lly f r o m ? ” “ V a n c o u v e r .” (5x2=10) Total: 100


Gram m ar


C hoose th e c o rre c t w o rd . 1

S h e /H e r is from China. S h e /H e r name is

Lyn. 2

Fill in th e correct fo rm o f th e w o rd s in brackets, choose th e correct w o rd o r fill in th e gap.

W e /U s are 17 years old. How old are 1

th e y /t h e m ?

Sam and L is a ...................... (b e ) A m erican. Daniel can f ly /r id e a plane.


H istory is m e /m y fa vourite subject.


I know th e y /t h e m . T h e y /T h e m are in my class.

T h a t’s m y /m e w atch.

T hat’s not y o u /y o u r glass. It’s h is /h im

........................... (h e /b e ) Spanish?

9 la s s -

T h e y ........................ (n o t/b e ) Japanese.



Mai is from China. She i s ........................


S P E N C E R ’S Come and join us at our Summer Sports Camp (Ages 16-18)

[Multiple matching] P r e p a r in g f o r t h e ta s k

• soccer • volleyball • baseball • hockey • basketball

Read th e te x ts (A -C ) an d choose th e c o rrect

Contact: 2444696 / [email protected]

o p tio n s . A 1

Can you play an instrument? Can you

s in g ?

Then, join the music club

today! We are in room R10 every 2

Friday at 3:00 pm.

Y o u c a n s e e th is te x t

Y o u c a n s e e th is te x t a t a s c h o o l.

in a s p o r ts c e n t r e /

Y o u c a n re a d th is te x t o u ts id e a

c o lle g e .

s u p e rm a rk e t.

T h is te x t is a b o u t a

T h is te x t in v ite s p e o p le to p la y s p o rts .

c lu b /a m u s ic a l in s tr u m e n t.


The Golf Shop


Y o u c a n s e e th is te x t

You can become a great

in a n e w s p a p e r /

golf player! Our golf clubs

an e m a il.

are for professionals! 50%


off all golf shoes! Visit us today!

T h is te x t is a b o u t

T h is te x t a d v e rtis e s le s s o n s . T h is te x t g iv e s in fo r m a tio n to s h o p p e rs .

Listening [ T/F statements Preparing fo r th e t a s k

s p o r ts e q u ip m e n t/ a g o lf c o a c h .

Read th e sen ten ces (1 -3 ) b e lo w . T h e n rep lace th e u n d e rlin e d w o rd s /p h ra s e s w ith


Y o u ca n se e th is te x t in

R em em ber:

a lib ra ry /b o o k s h o p .

You can only take out four books at a time.

T h is te x t is a b o u t th e

a p p r o p ria te w o rd s /p h ra s e s fro m th e list. G e rm a n 1

p ric e o f b o o k s /



Read th e texts and them and w h a t the read th e sentences w ill help you do th e

fa s t

L u k a s ’s m o th e r a n d fa th e r a re fr o m G e r m a n y .................................................



m a n y la n g u a g e s

b o r ro w in g b o o k s . 2


p a re n ts


th in k abo u t w here you m ig h t see te x t gives in fo rm a tio n about. Then and underline the key w ords. This task.

S f | Read th e te x ts (A -D ) an d th e sen ten ces (1-5). For each t e x t choose th e a p p r o p ria te s e n te n c e . O n e s e n te n c e is e x tra an d does

L u k a s is v e ry q u ic k ....................................... L u k a s c a n s p e a k G e rm a n . P o lis h a n d E n g lis h .................................................................

R | | j Read th e p a ra g ra p h an d m a rk th e sen ten ces ^ a b o v e as T (tru e ) o r F (false ).

Lukas Podolski is a football superstar. He is German, but his parents are Polish. Lukas can run very fast. He can score goals with his feet and his head! He can speak three languages; German, Polish and English. His nickname is Prince Poldi!

n o t m a tc h a n y o f th e te x ts .

[a ]

M a r tia l A rts

Every Monday from 4:00 - 5:00 pm at Preston £3.00 p e r session w ith professiona l coach C ontact Bob M iles on 0222 222 222 B

W ORKOUTS • s h o rts £2.00 • je rs e y s £3.00 • t r a c k s u its £10.00 • fo o tb a lls £4.00 M on d ay 2 1 s t F e b ru a ry ONLY

MILTON HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS AWARDS For all students Friday 10th June Starts at 5pm Entry £2.00 Tickets available at reception

Read th e sentences and underline th e key words. Sometimes, these key w ords are rephrased in the recording. Think o f o th e r w ords w ith th e same meaning as th e underlined words/phrases. This w ill help you do th e task.

Listen to th e re c o rd in g a n d m a rk th e sen ten ces (1 -3 ) T (tru e ) o r F (fa ls e ) 1 2

V ic t o r ’s n a tio n a lity is P o lis h . M r G iffo rd is V ic t o r ’ s C h e m is try te a c h e r .


V ic to r c a n s c o r e lo ts o f g o a ls fo r h is fo o tb a ll te a m .



IJftiSif To prepare for a reading task (multiple matching)

Ex. 1 prepares Ss to identify the type and the content of a text and where a text can be seen.

Ask Ss to read the texts (A-C) and the options (1 -2) for each one and choose the correct options.

Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.

A n s w e r Key A

1 2

college (R10 suggests a college) a club (join the music club today)


1 2

a new spaper (the text has a title) sports equipm ent (50% o ff all g o lf shoes)

1 2

library (you can only take out four books) borrow ing books (take out [p h r v] = borrow)



sum m er sports camp). Then ask Ss to read questions 1-5 and underline the key w ords (1 see, school, 2 read, outside a supermarket, 3 invites children, play sports, 4 advertises lessons, 5 gives information, shoppers). Check Ss’ answers.



A, D





jjSj) To prepare for a listening task (T/F statem ents) •

Ask Ss to read the sentences (1 -3) and replace the

underlined w ords/phrases with the ones in the list. Check S s’ answers.

A n sw e r Key 1 2 3

Lukas’s parents are German. Lukas is very fast. Lukas can speak m any languages.


F (Polish)

2 3

T (run very fast) T (can speak three languages)

Ask Ss to read the texts (A-D) and think about where they could see them and what information each gives (A noticeboard - info about a martial arts class, B shop - special prices, C school notice board - sports awards, D new spaper/noticeboard -


A n s w e r K ey

To listen for specific information

A n s w e r K ey 1

Ask Ss to read the paragraph and com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.

(T/F statem ents)

(ftlpS) To read for specific information (multiple matching) •

To read for specific information

• • •

Read out the S tu d y S kills and explain that this advice will help Ss to com plete the task successfully. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A n s w e r K ey 1






g j 1

To prepare for a reading task (matching headings to paragraphs) • • •

Ex. 1 prepares Ss to identify them e related words. Ask Ss to match the w ords in the list to the headings A and B. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key A - classroom, lesson, sport, subject, timetable B - s u rf the Internet, com puter games, sport, martial arts


To practise matching headings to paragraphs •

Ask Ss to read the paragraph and then elicit w hich

heading best matches it. Check Ss’ answers. Ss justify their answers.

A nsw er Key A timetable, every day, first lesson, favourite subject

To read for specific information (matching headings to paragraphs) •

Read the Study Skills aloud and explain that this advice will help Ss to com plete the task successfully.

Give Ss tim e to read the headings and underline the key w ords (A: things, do; B: culture; C: land; D: people). Ss then read the text once to get the general idea, then read each paragraph and find w ords that mean the same or are related to the underlined key w ords in the headings. Check Ss’ answers. Ss justify their answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2


(island, lakes, rivers, hom e to animals, plants) (population, 58 m illion people, main group o f people, some people)



(customs, traditions, birthplace o f famous people/m usic bands/football teams)

C h e c k y o u r p ro g re s s Ask Ss to assess their own perform ance in the unit by ticking the boxes according to how com petent they feel for each of the listed activities.

Skills Reading

Read th e t e x t a n d m a tch th e h ea d in g s to th e p a ra g ra p h s . T h e re is o n e h e a d in g yo u

[M a tc h in g h e a d in g s t o p a r a g r a p h s ]

do n o t n ee d .

Preparing fo r the task M a tc h th e w o rd s in th e list to th e h e a d in g s (A a n d B). • c la s s ro o m








• s u r f th e In te rn e t • le s s o n

• c o m p u te r g a m e s • tim e ta b le


• s p o r t • s u b je c t

Great Britain is a large island in the northwest of Europe. It is a place of many lakes and rivers including the famous River Thames and Loch Ness. The island is also home to many small animals and plants.

• m a rtia l a rts




A F T E R -S C H O O L F U N

England, Scotland and Wales are three different countries in the island of Great Britain and along with Northern Ireland, they are parts of the United Kingdom. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of all these countries. The population of the whole island is over 58 million people. The main group of people are British. Some people are from other countries. The capital of England and Britain is London. It is a very large city.

N o w d ecid e w h ic h h e a d in g in Ex. 1 b est m a tc h e s th e p a ra g ra p h b e lo w . U n d e rlin e th e w o rd s t h a t h e lp e d y o u d ecid e.

My tim etable is full every day! English is my first lesson. It’s in Classroom R11 at 9 am. It’s my favourite subject. I can speak and write it really well.

Great Britain has got a lot of customs and traditions. It is the birthplace of famous people like Charles Darwin and William Shakespeare and music bands like The Beatles. It is also home to the famous football teams Liverpool and Manchester United. It is a very interesting place!

Read th e headings and underline th e key words. Then, read th e te x t and try to find w ords th a t mean the same as the underlined w ords in th e headings. This w ill help you do th e task.



F i»


,P //^

N o w I c a n d o t h e s e in E n g lis h talk about countries & nationalities

talk about sports/subjects f

• T/F statem ents (listening) [

talk about abilities j



describe character [ w rite an informal email present myself [


ask for/give personal inform ation


a n d I c a n d o t h e s e ta s k s m ultiple m atching (reading) matching headings to paragraphs (reading)

Home! What's in this unit? Topics:

Houses, Places in a tow n


houses, rooms, furniture & appliances, ordinal numbers, places in a tow n


prepositions o f place, possessive adjectives/pronouns, there is/there are, a/an - some - any, this/these - that/those, have got


an article


dialogues, monologues, an announcement


describing your house, giving directions, asking questions

► W ritin g

an email describing your home

► Culture:

Bekonscot Model Village


(D&T) A green home

► Skills:

reading (m ultiple matching), listening (m ultiple choice), use o f English (text completion), w riting (an email)

HOUSE Imagine a house in the shape of bubbles! T h at’s what the Bubble House is like. It’s a beautiful house near Cannes, France.

Learning new words Associate new w o rd s w ith pictures. This helps you rem em ber them .

The Bubble House isn’t like an ordinary house! Outside there is a garden with a waterfall, a stream, palm trees and exotic plants. It has also got several pools.

Reading Look a t th e p ictu res. W h ic h sh ow s 1

a k itc h e n w ith a g la s s ta b le ?


a b a th ro o m ?


a ro u n d h o u s e lik e b u b b le s ?


a w a t e r f a ll a n d a g a r d e n w ith

W h e re is th is house? H o w m a n y ro o m s a re th e re in it?

p a lm tre e s ? 5

Listen an d read to fin d o u t

a b e d r o o m w ith a ro u n d b e d a n d a th ic k c a r p e t?

{ • ■ Read th e te x t an d m atch th e p a ra g ra p h s to th e h ea d in g s


a liv in g ro o m a n d s ta irs ?


a ro u n d w in d o w w ith a v ie w o f th e s e a ?



O n e h e a d in g is e x tra . _



d i f f e r e n t


k in d o f h o u s e

Great location



A special place to visit M a n y ro o m s

W h a t’s in th is unit? The Mediterranean Sea is a sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean. It is almost com pletely enclosed by land: to the north by Europe and Anatolia, to the south by North Africa, and to the east by the Levant. The name Mediterranean means ‘inland’ or ‘in the middle of the land’. It covers about 2.5 million km 2 and has an average depth of 1,500 m. The deepest recorded point is 5,267 m in the Calypso Deep in the

In this unit Ss will explore the topics of houses, rooms, furniture, appliances, places in a tow n, materials and shapes. They will learn there is/there are, prepositions of place, a/an, this/these, that/those, some, any, have got, possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns and ordinal numbers. They will also learn to w rite a description of their area, a paragraph about their house, a short text describing a tourist attraction and an email describing their

Ionian Sea.

home. They will make a poster about strange houses and another one about buildings in various shapes and materials. 3

A l* •

• •

Read the Study Skills box aloud and explain that it is useful fo r Ss to connect the pictures to the vocabulary. This will help them rem ember the new vocabulary more easily. Explain/Elicit the meanings of the w ords in bold in the sentences (1-7). Direct Ss to the pictures and elicit what each picture shows (a strange bubble house, a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a view) and give Ss tim e to match the sentences (1-7) to the pictures (A-F). Alternatively, read each sentence aloud miming the meaning of the w ords in bold. Ss match the sentences to the pictures.

A nsw er Key 1 2


3 4


5 6




information • • •

Read out the rubric. Play the recording. Ss listen and read the te xt to find out. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key This house is near Cannes in France. There are 28 room s in it.

B a c k g ro u n d in fo r m a tio n Cannes is a city located in the French Riviera. It is a busy tourist destination and host of the annual Cannes Film Festival. It is also fam ous for its luxury

• •

To match headings to paragraphs

Direct Ss’ attention to the headings (A-D) and explain/elicit any unknown words. Give Ss tim e to read the text again and com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 C •



3 D

Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings of the words in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the W ord List.

Suggested Answ er Key in the shape o f (phr): having the form o f ordinary (adj): plain, usual outside (adv): the outer p a rt o f sth stream (n): a small river exotic p lan t (phr): a pla nt usually found in hot, tropical climates several (det): m ore than a few smooth (adj): even, n o t rough round form (phr): sth that has the shape o f a circle or a sphere straight line (phr): a line that doesn’t bend soap bubble (n): sm all ball o f air in a soapy liquid view (n): what you can see from a place thick (adj): n o t thin simple (adj): easy, not com plex furniture (n): chairs, tables, etc. sofa (n): a com fortable seat for m ore than one person coffee table (n): a sm all table usually in a living room picture (n): a photo or painting on a wall wall (n): one o f the solid parts o f a building that divides room s am azing (adj): fantastic

shops, restaurants, and hotels. France is a country located in western Europe. It extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine River to the A tlantic Ocean. It is the largest country in Western Europe and the third-largest in Europe as a whole. Its capital city is Paris.


The Bubble House is near Cannes in France. Outside the house there is a garden. It has g o t a waterfall, a stream, palm trees, exotic plants and several pools. Inside the house there are 28 round room s with oval windows. There are tw o kitchens, tw o bathrooms, a living room and ten bedroom s with round beds and thick carpets. There are round sofas, beds and coffee tables.

m To read for specific information (completing sentences) • •

Give Ss time to read the texts again and complete the sentences. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4

Cannes in France a garden (with a waterfall, a stream, palm trees, exotic plants and several pools) bedroom s round

To identify synonymous words • • •

Go through the list of w ords with Ss and explain/ elicit any unknown words. Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

IC T №

To m ake a poster about strange

houses around the world •

Explain the task and ask Ss to w ork in groups and look up inform ation on the Internet about strange houses around the world and collect pictures. Give Ss tim e to make a poster sticking photographs and write a few w ords about each house. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to present their posters in the next lesson.

Suggested A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key

The Nautilus House is in M exico City, Mexico. It is in the shape o f a giant seashell. There is a river inside the house. It’s like a fairytale house!

ordinary = com m on exotic = unusual several = some form = shape g reat = excellent thick - heavy simple = plain

To consolidate information in a text A sk Ss to copy the table into their notebooks. Ss look back at the text and make notes in each column o f the table. Elicit answers from various Ss and w rite them on the board. Ask various Ss around the class to use their notes to present the Bubble House to the class. Explain that Ss have to use there is (with countable nouns in the singular) and there are (with countable nouns in the plural o r uncountable nouns) to describe the house. Suggested A nsw er Key L o c a tio n

O u tsid e

In sid e



Cannes, France

waterfall, stream,

28 round rooms, oval windows, tw o kitchens, tw o bathrooms, living room,

palm trees, exotic plants, pools

2 7 (1 )


ten bedrooms, round beds, sofas, coffee tables, thick carpets

Inside, the house has got a smooth round form with almost no straight lines. There are 28 round rooms like soap bubbles with oval windows. There are two kitchens, two bathrooms and a living room with a great view of the blue Mediterranean Sea. There are also ten bedrooms with round beds, thick carpets and simple furniture. Most of the furniture, like sofas, beds and coffee tables, is round. There aren’t any pictures on the walls. The Bubble House is an amazing house.

Check these words • • • • •

in the shape o f • ordinary • outside stream • exotic p la n t • several • smooth round form • straight line • soap bubble view • thick • simple • furniture • sofa coffee table • picture • w all • amazing

Speaking Read a g a in an d c o m p le te th e sen ten ces.



C o m p le te th e ta b le , th e n use y o u r n o tes to p re s e n t th e B ub b le H ouse to th e class.


T h e B u b b le H o u s e is n e a r .............................


O u ts id e th e h o u s e th e r e is


In s id e th e r e a re t e n .................................


M o s t o f th e fu r n itu r e lik e s o fa s a n d b e d s




i s .................................

W ritin g



i— —i |ICT| In g ro u p s, c o llect in fo rm a tio n a b o u t

M a tc h th e w o rd s in b o ld in th e t e x t w ith

s tra n g e houses a ro u n d th e w o rld . P rep are

th e ir s yn o n ym s.

a p o s te r. In clud e p h o to g ra p h s an d w r it e a

• u n u s u a l • e x c e lle n t • com m on

• shape

• p la in

• heavy

• som e

f e w sen ten ces a b o u t each house. P resen t y o u r p o s te r to th e class.

w . in » w r a


Vocabulary Rooms M a tc h th e ro o m s (1 -5 ) to th e p ic tu re s (A -E). 1

k id ’ s b e d ro o m


k itc h e n


b a th r o o m


m a s te r b e d ro o m

Furniture & Appliances a) In w h ic h ro o m s can y o u see

Use th e p re p o s itio n s o f p lace to c o m p le te

th e fo llo w in g ?

th e d e s c rip tio n .

• s in g le b e d

• w ard ro b e

• d o u b le b e d

• fr id g e

• c o o k e r • c a rp e t

Prepositions of place

• w a s h b a s in • c u r ta in s • p illo w s • ta b le

• desk




• c h a irs

• d is h w a s h e r

• c u s h io n s

• s o fa

• a r m c h a ir • c u p b o a r d

b e h in d

o p p o s ite

in fr o n t o f

b e tw e e n

n e x t to

• bookcase I c a n s e e a d o u b le b e d in th e m a s te r b e d r o o m a n d a s in g le b e d in th e k i d ’s b e d ro o m .

This is my parents' bedroom. Their bed is very big and has a pillow 1 ) ..................... it. There is a carpet 2 ) .......................the floor 3 ) .......................the bed. The bed is 4 ) ....................... tw o

b) List th e w o rd s in Ex. 2a

bedside cabinets. 5 ) .....................the bed there is a w indow .

u n d e r th e h eadin gs:

There is also a wardrobe in their room. 6) .......................... the


w ardrobe is a sofa. 7 ) .....................the w ardrobe there is a tall

OTHER. C om pare w ith y o u r

plant. My parents' bedroom is very nice.

p a rtn e r.


Listen to S tella

d e s c rib in g h e r ro o m . M a k e n o tes. b) H o w s im ila r is S te lla 's ro o m to y o u r ro o m ? T ell th e class. c) H o w m a n y room s a re th e re in y o u r house? Tell y o u r p a rtn e r.


A nsw er Key 1


To present new vocabulary

• •

Read out the room s (1 -5). Ask Ss to look at the house and match the rooms

to the pictures in the house. Check S s’ answers. 3

A nsw er Key 1 A


Furniture: single bed, wardrobe, double bed, desk, chairs, table, sofa, armchair, cupboard, bookcase Appliances: fridge, cooker, dishwasher Other: carpet, washbasin, curtains, pillow , cushions








A lP ) •


Play the recording and give Ss tim e to make notes in their notebooks about S tella’s room. Elicit answers from Ss around the class and write them on the board.

• 2


To present new vocabulary •

• •

Read out the list o f furniture and appliances and explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown words. Direct Ss’ attention to the picture in Ex. 1 again. Read out the exam ple and then elicit answers from Ss around the class.

To listen and note main points

Suggested A nsw er Key big, single bed, wardrobe, desk, chair, computer, posters


(A !*)

To com pare tw o rooms

Ask various Ss around the class to answer the question in the rubric.

A nsw er Key I can see a wardrobe in the k id ’s bedroom. I can see a fridge and a cooker in the kitchen. I can see a carpet in the k id ’s bedroom, the master bedroom and the living room. I can see a washbasin in the bathroom. I can see curtains in the k id ’s bedroom and the living room.

Suggested A nsw er Key M y room is sim ilar to S tella’s room. There is a single bed and a wardrobe, b u t there is n ’t a desk, a chair or a com puter in m y room. There are also posters on the wall, b u t m y posters are o f m y favourite films.

I can see pillow s in the bedroom. I can see a desk and chairs in the k id ’s bedroom and in the kitchen. I can see a table in the living room and the kitchen. I can see a dishwasher in the kitchen.


'A l A To personalise a topic; To talk about your house • •

Ask Ss to talk in closed pairs about their houses. Ask various pairs to report back to the class.

I can see cushions, a sofa and an arm chair in the living room.

Suggested A nsw er Key

I can see a cupboard in the kitchen. I can see a bookcase in the living room.

There are five room s in m y house; a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and tw o bedrooms.

As an extension ask Ss to describe each room. 4

Suggested A nsw er Key A

In the k id ’s bedroom I can see a single bed, a wardrobe, a carpet, curtains, a pillow, a desk and a chair.



» place •


№ • • •

Ss close their books. Present prepositions of place using your book. Put your book on the desk, then ask and answer: Where’s m y book? It’s on the desk. Put your book in your bag, then ask and answer: Where’s m y book? It’s in m y bag. etc.

In the m aster bedroom I can see a double bed, a carpet and pillows. In the bathroom I can see a washbasin. In the living room I can see a carpet, curtains, a table, cushions, a sofa, an arm chair and a bookcase. In the kitchen I can see a fridge, a cooker, chairs, a table, a dishwasher and cupboards.

To present and practise prepositions of

• •

To categorise new vocabulary

Present the rest of prepositions of place in the same way. Then put your book in various places in the classroom and ask Ss to teil you its location. Ask Ss to open their books and read through the prepositions of place in the box. Direct Ss’ attention to the picture and give Ss time to read the description and fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. Check S s’ answers.

Ask Ss to w rite the headings into their

notebooks. Then give Ss tim e to w rite the w ords in Ex. 2a under the correct headings. Check Ss’ answers on the board.

A nsw er Key 1


2 3

on in front o f

4 5 6

between B ehind Next to







these sentences on the board: This is m y notebook. This notebook is mine. Point to various Ss. Ss should replace m y and mine with the appropriate possessive adjective and possessive pronoun. Ask Ss to read the theory and the examples and then give Ss tim e to choose the correct w ord in

To consolidate new vocabulary;

to personalise a topic • •

Give Ss tim e to read through the list and tick the appropriate items. Ask various Ss around the class to tell the

class w hich items they ticked.


the sentences (1-4). Check S s’ answers. Ss should identify w hat each w ord is. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar R eference section for more information.

Suggested A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

To consolidate new vocabulary and practise prepositions of place

A nsw er Key

Ask Ss to w ork in closed pairs and ask and

answer, as in the example. M onitor the activity around the class.

1 2 3 4

m y (poss. adj), yours (poss. pron) O ur (poss. adj), Yours (poss. pron) H er (poss. adj), theirs (poss. pron) their (poss. adj), Ours (poss. pron)

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 30(T)) To p re s e n t n e w vo c a b u la ry To present ordinal numbers • Play the recording. Ss listen and say the numbers. Check Ss’ pronunciation.

Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the place

To listen for specific information • • •

Play the recording tw ice if necessary. Ss listen and w rite the correct floors. Check S s’ answers by asking Ss to say w hich

names. Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown words in sentences 1-15 and then give Ss tim e to match the places to w hat they can see there. Check S s’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key (See p. 30(T)) •

floor each person’s room is on in full sentences.

Ask Ss which of these w ords are the same or similar in their language.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) Suggested A nsw er Key • • •

M a ry’s room is on the third floor. P eter’s room is on the fifth floor. Sandra’s room is on the tenth floor.

Steve and P aul’s room is on the sixth floor.


• •


the same way. Keep your book in your hands. Say, then write on the board: This book is mine. Underline the word mine. Explain that mine is a possessive pronoun, i.e. a word which isn’t followed by a noun and shows possession. Present the rest of the possessive pronouns in the same way. Ss open their books and read out the table. Ss translate the possessive adjectives and the possessive pronouns into their own language in order to check understanding. Drill your Ss. Write

Play the recording twice if necessary. Ss listen and note which places from Ex. 9 the speaker mentions. Check S s’ answers.

In M ark’s neighbourhood there is a museum, a post office, a gym, a zoo, a park, a police station, a hospital and a fire station.

adjectives/pronouns Ss close their books. Hold your pen and say: This is m y pen. Then w rite it on the board. Underline the w ord my. Explain that m y is a possessive adjective, i.e. a w ord w hich goes before a noun and shows possession. Point to a S’s pencil. Say: This is yo u r pencil. Then w rite it on the board. Underline the w ord your. Present the rest of the possessive adjectives in

To listen for specific information

A nsw er Key

To present and practise possessive



$ § § To personalise a topic; to talk about places in your town • •

Ask Ss to prepare their answers, then tell their partners. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 30(T))


To write about places in your town •

• •

Give Ss tim e to use their answers in Ex. 11 to w rite about w hat places are in their area. Alternatively, assign this exercise as written HW. Check S s’ answers. Ss can draw a map indicating the places in their area and write a short text below.

S uggested A nsw er Key (See p. 30(T))


I a)

Places in a to w n

) w h ic h o f th e s e a re in y o u r

s p e a k in g

b e d ro o m ? Tick ( / ) .

K 3

Look a t th e p ictu res. In w h ic h p lace can you:

1 b e d \7 ] ; 2 d e sk \7 \ ; 3 w in d o w [ 7 ] ; 1

s e e s ta tu e s ?



b u y c lo th e s ?


s e e fir e fig h te r s ?


s e e fis h ?


s e e p o lic e


p o s t le tte rs ?

b) S h o w y o u r list to y o u r p a rtn e r. H e /S h e


s e e d o c to r s ?


g e t m oney?

asks w h e r e each is.


s e e flo w e r s ?


s e e p a in tin g s ?

A : W h e re 's th e bed?


re a d b o o k s ?


e x e r c is e ?


ta k e a flig h t?


s e e z e b ra s ?

4 d o o r [ / ] ; 5 c o m p u te r \7 ] ; 6 TV f x l ; 7 c h a ir [ / ] ;

8 p la n t [ / ] ; 9 w a rd ro b e [7 \ ;

10 b o o k c a s e \7 ] ; 1 1 c a r p e t [ / ] ;

12 p o s te r [7 \

B: It 's o p p o s ite th e w a rd ro b e .

ta k e a tr a in ?

o ffic e rs ?

Ordinal numbers Listen an d say.

th irte e n th

| st = firs t


2 *»cf =

fo u rteen th IV * I P = fifteenth s ix te e n th


j r d = th ird tf.Ui = fo u rth

IP =s e v e n te e n th

g№ = fifth = s e v e n th

1 P = e ig h te e n th i g a = n in e te e n th

= e ig h th

Z(P =tw e n tie th

fotii = s ix th p i



= n in th

!0 &

= te n th


r a

21 st = tw e n ty -firs t 2 2 nd = tw e n ty -s e c o n d


2 3 rd = tw e n ty -th ird 1 ( X P = a h u n d re d th

= e le v e n th

12th = tw e lfth


Listen an d w r it e w h ic h flo o r each perso n's ro o m is o n , th e n say. m

• M a ry - 3 rd

• P e te r - 5 th

in s t


• S a n d ra - 1 0 th

• S te v e & P a u l - 6 th

Possessive adjectives/pronouns] Possessive adjectives


y o u r h is/h e r/its o u r y o u r th e ir

Possessive m ine yours pronouns

h is/h e rs

Listen to M a r k ta lk in g a b o u t his

ours yours th e irs

n e ig h b o u rh o o d . W h ic h o f th e places in Ex. 9

This is m y book. It's mine.

are th e re ? • s e e p. G R 3


C hoose th e c o rre c t w o rd .


s p e a k in g

W h ic h o f th e places in Ex. 9 can

yo u see in y o u r area? Tell y o u r p a rtn e r. 1

T h is is m y /m in e b e d . It is n ’t y o u r /y o u r s .


O u r/O u rs ro o m is s m a ll. Y o u r/Y o u rs is big.


H e r /H e r s h o u s e is n e x t to t h e ir /t h e ir s .


T h is is t h e ir /t h e ir s fla t. O u r /O u r s is on

In m y a re a y o u can se e a p a rk , ... a n d . . . .


w r itin g

) Use y o u r a n s w e rs in Ex. 11 to

w r ite a b o u t w h a t is in y o u r a rea.

th e n e x t flo o r. W o rk b o o k p. 15


Grammar in use A n n a ! T here is a c o o k e r n e x t to th e TV and th e re are som e saucepans o n th e so fa !

Fill in the re is, th e re is n 't, th e re are, the re a re n 't to m a k e th e sen ten ces tr u e fo r y o u . In o u r k itc h e n ...


3 a c o o k e r.


...................... a c a rp e t. ....................................... th re e c h a irs.

tw o w in d o w s .


..........................a ta b le .

k n o w . Sue says th a t m o s t a ccid e nts h a p p e n in k itc h e n , so fro m n o w o n , w e have to c o o k in th e liv in g ro o m .

Read th e e x a m p le s . C o m p le te th e rules in sen ten ces (1 -4).

R ead th e e x a m p le s an d c o m p le te th e rules.

ra/an - some - any

Find e x a m p le s in th e jo k e .

Is th e r e a d esk in y o u r ro o m ?

There is - There are

A re th e re a n y b o o k s o n th e desk?

Yes, th e re is a desk b u t th e re is n 't an a rm ch a ir.


S in g u la r T h e re is a b a th ro o m

T h e re a re tw o

d o w n s ta irs .

b e d ro o m s u p s ta irs .

Yes, th e re are so m e b o o k s b u t th e r e a re n 't a n y flo w e rs . Is th e r e a n y m o n e y o n th e ta b le ? Yes, th e re is so m e m o n e y on th e ta b le .

T h e re is n 't a b o o kca se

T h e re a r e n 't th re e

in th e k itc h e n .

beds in th e b e d ro o m .

Is th e re a g a ra g e

A re th e re c u s h io n s on

o u ts id e ?

th e sofa?

W e use 1 ) .................../ .................... in th e s in g u la r.

W e use 1 ) ......................in a ffir m a tiv e , n e g a tiv e a n d in te rr o g a tiv e se n te n ce s w it h c o u n ta b le n o u n s in th e s in g u la r. W e use 2 ) .................. in a ffirm a tiv e sentences w it h u n c o u n ta b le n o u n s o r n o u n s in th e p lu ra l.

W e use 2 ) .................../ .................... in th e p lu ra l. W e use 3 ) .................../ .................... in q u e s tio n s .

W e use 3 )

in n e g a tive sentences

w it h u n c o u n ta b le n o u n s o r n o u n s in th e p lu ra l. W e use 4 ) .........................in q u e s tio n s w it h u n c o u n ta b le n o u n s o r n o u n s in th e p lu ra l.

C o m p le te th e s en ten ces w it h th e re is /is n 't,

|J ^ s e e p ""g R2

th e re a re /a re n 't, is/are there. 1

A : A re th e re fo u r b e d ro o m s in y o u r h o u s e ?

C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w it h s o m e /a n y, a /a n .

B: N o, th e re a r e n ’t fo u r b e d r o o m s in m y h o u s e . T h e re a re tw o . 2

A : Is th e re a b o o k c a s e in th e liv in g ro o m ? B: N o , th e re is n ’t a b o o k c a s e , b u t th e re is a ta b le .




T h e re a r e

c u p b o a rd s in th e k itc h e n .


T h e re a re n ’t ...............

a rt g a lle rie s

in th e

to w n . 3

T h e re i s

a q u a riu m o p p o s ite o u r


A : A re th e re fo u r c h a irs in th e k itc h e n ?


T h e re i s ...............v a s e on th e ta b le .

B: N o , th e re a re th re e .


A re t h e r e ............. p a in tin g s in th e m u s e u m ?

A : A re th e re tw o b e d s in y o u r b e d ro o m ?


T h e re i s ...............a rm c h a ir in th e ro o m .

B: N o , th e re is o n e .


Is t h e r e ...............lib ra r y in th e to w n ?


T h e re a r e n ’t ................. p a rk s in th e c ity .


T h e re a r e ................ c lo th e s in th e w a rd ro b e .

A : Is th e re a d e s k in y o u r ro o m ? B: N o, th e re is n ’t, b u t th e re is a b e d s id e ta b le .




Is t h e r e .................d is h w a s h e r in th e k itc h e n ?


A re t h e r e .................z e b ra s a t th e z o o ?


T h e re a r e .................p la n ts in th e g a rd e n .

To practise a/an , som e/any

To present there is - there are

Explain that we use there is to talk about the existence of sth in the singular and there are in

Give Ss tim e to com plete the sentences and then check Ss’ answers. Ss justify their answers.

the plural. Go through the joke and the theory box with Ss.

A nsw er Key

Give Ss tim e to com plete the rules and then check S s’ answers. Elicit examples in the joke from Ss around the class. Refer Ss to the Gram m ar R eference

A nsw er Key 1 2

there is/there isn ’t there are/there aren ’t


som e (C, affirm.) any (C, negative) an (C, affirm.)

7 8 9


a (C, affirm.) any (C, question) an (C, affirm.)

10 11 12

any (C, question.) som e (C, affirm.)

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

fire station police station bank art gallery gym zoo

5 6

section at the back of the book.

a (C, question) any (C, negative)

1 2 3

some (U, affirm.) a (C, question)

Is there!Are there

Examples in joke: There is a cooker, there are some From p. 29(T), Ex. 5b


S uggested A nsw er Key №

To practise there is - there are

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it.

Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) To practise there is - there are using personal examples •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it.

Check S s’ answers around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4 5

there there there there there

is a cooker. aren’t tw o windows. There is one. is n ’t a carpet. are n 't three chairs. There are four. is a table.

To present a/a n , som e/any

A: W here’s the desk? B: I t ’s in front o f the window. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

W here’s the w indow ? I t ’s behind the desk. W here’s the door? It’s opposite the bed. W here’s the com puter? I t ’s on the desk. W here’s the chair? I t ’s in front o f the desk.

A: B: A: B: A: B:

W here’s the wardrobe? I t ’s next to the door. W here’s the bookcase? I t ’s next to the desk. W here’s the poster? I t ’s on the wall.

From p. 29(T), Ex. 9 A nsw er Key

Ss close their books. Show Ss a bag with many books in it. Say out loud and w rite on the board: There are some books in the bag. Underline the word some. Take the books out of the bag. Show Ss the em pty bag. Ask Ss: T: Are there any books in the bag? Ss: No. T: That’s right. There aren’t any books in the bag. W rite the question and negation on the board and

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

museum shopping centre aquarium p o s t office hospital park library airport

train station

From p. 29(T), Ex. 11

underline any. Ss open books. Go through the examples in the

Suggested A nsw er Key

theory box with Ss. Explain that countable nouns are those we can count (one bed, tw o beds), whereas uncountable nouns are those we cannot count (money). Give Ss tim e to com plete the rules

a library, a bank, a p o st office, a p olice station and a train station.

and then check Ss’ answers. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar R eference section for more information. A nsw er Key 1 a/an

In m y area you can see a park, a shopping centre,

From p. 29(T), Ex. 12 Suggested A nsw er Key In m y area you can see a park, a shopping centre, a library, a bank, a p o st office, a police station and a train station.








№ •

To present th is/th at - these/those •

Ss close their books. Present this/these - that/ those. Point to a book close to you and say: This is a book. Then write it on the board. Point to a book far away from you and say: That is a book, too. Then w rite it on the board. Present the plural

• • •

form s in the same way. Ask questions to check Ss’ understanding: What do we use for things near us? (this/ these). What do we use for things far away from us? (that/those). As an extension, point to various things in the classroom. Ss, in teams, make sentences using this/these - that/those. Each correct sentence gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. T: (points to the board, standing next to it)

Write these on the board and underline has, got (interrogative), Yes, he has/ No, he hasn’t. Explain that the last tw o sentences are short answers. Elicit from Ss how short answers are formed. (Yes + personal pronoun/noun + have/ has - N o + personal pronoun/noun + haven’t/hasn’t) Ask Ss to read the joke and the theory box. Elicit an example in the joke. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar R eference section for more information.

A nsw er Key Examples in joke: Have you g o t a guitar? Yes, I have. - It’s g o t a hole. m

To practise have got (affirmative & negative)

Team A S1: This is a board. T: (points to the w indow far away from him/her).

Ask Ss to look at the table and then write sentences,

as in the example. Check S s’ answers around the class.

Team B S2: That is a window, etc

A nsw er Key

Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read the examples in the theory box. Elicit which words we use to refer to things near/far from us. Ss complete the rules. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar R eference section for more information.

Tom and Jason have g o t a desk and a TV in their bedroom . They haven’t g o t a computer.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) m

A m y has g o t a TV in her bedroom. She hasn’t g o t a desk or a computer. 10

To practise th is/th at - these/those

• •

Explain the task and read out the example. Ss com plete the task in pairs.

M onitor the activity and then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

To practise have got (affirmative & negative)

Give Ss tim e to com plete the email. Check Ss’ answers while they read the te xt aloud.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) 11

To practise have got (questions and short answers) Give Ss tim e to com plete the task using the text in Ex. 10 and then check S s’ answers.

Suggested A nsw er Key A: (points to a desk) B: This is a desk, (points to the blackboard) A: That is a blackboard, etc.

A nsw er Key

•SB To present have got Ss close their books. Present the verb ‘have got’. Point to your eyes and say: I have g o t blue eyes. Then write it on the board. Repeat the same to present the rest o f the affirmative forms. Drill your Ss. Give prom pts. Ss make sentences

m • •



Have, Yes, they have.

3 4

Has, No, it hasn’t. It has g o t tw o bathrooms. Have, No, they haven’t. They have g o t tw o beds in their bedroom.


Has, No, he hasn’t. He has g o t a com puter in his room.

To write about your house; to consolidate gram m ar structures presented in the lesson

using have/has got. T: M ary/long hair.

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Remind Ss to use the email in Ex. 10 as a model.

S 1: T:

Mary has g o t long hair. I/long hair.

Ask various Ss to read their descriptions while showing their pictures to the class.


I have g o t long hair, etc

Alternatively, assign this task as HW.

Point to your nose and say: I have g o t a small nose. I haven’t g o t a big nose. Write the negative form on the board and underline haven’t got. Give examples in all persons. Point to a S and ask: Has Tim g o t small ears? (Yes, he has.) Ask: Has Tim g o t big ears? (No, he hasn’t.)

Suggested A nsw er Key M y house is really great. It has g o t a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room with a big sofa. It has also g o t tw o bedrooms. M y pa ren ts’ bedroom is big but mine is n ’t. It has g o t a be d and a wardrobe in it. It hasn’t g o t a com puter, b u t it has g o t a desk.


Read th e e x a m p le s . T h e n c o m p le te th e rules.

j T j Look a t th e ta b le b e lo w . T h e n w r it e sen ten ces a b o u t w h a t th e p e o p le h ave/h aven 't

This/These - That/Those

g o t in th e ir b e d ro o m s , as in th e e x a m p le .

Tom & Jason

This is my notebook and these are my pens.

That is my desk and those

are my books.

We use 1) this/these fo r things near us. We use 2) that/those for things far away from us. — ( S P E A K IN G ~

►see p. G R 2

Lucy has got a desk and a computer in her bedroom. She hasn't got a TV.

P o in t to th in g s

n e a r t o /f a r fro m y o u . Y o u r p a rtn e r m akes Fill in have g o t o r has got.

sen ten ces using this/these, th at/th ose. A : (p o in ts to a c h a ir)

B : T h is is a c h a ir, (p o in ts to th e w in d o w ) A : T h a t is a w in d o w .

• •

Hi Tony, How are you? I'm fine. My new house is great! It

1) has got a big kitchen, a nice living room and

lave you got a g u ita r ? ^

tw o

bathroom s. My bedroom

is small, b u t it

2) has got a big bed and a w ardrobe in it. My sisters, Am y and Kate, 3) have got a big room . It 4) has got tw o beds, a desk and a chair in it. They 5) have got a TV in th e ir room, b u t I 6) have got a com puter in mine. It's got a hole in the middle.

Come and see us soon. W rite back, Mike

Read th e th e o ry . Find e x a m p le s in th e jo k e . Fill in have o r has. T h en a n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s based on th e t e x t in Ex. 10.

Have got A ffir m a tiv e

N e g a tiv e

I/You h a v e g o t a TV. I/You h a v e n 't g o t a com puter. He/She/It has g o t a He/She/It h a s n 't g o t TV. a com puter. W e/You/They h a v e W e/You/They h a v e n 't g o t a TV. g o t a computer. In te r ro g a tiv e H a v e I/you g o t a desk? Has he/she/it g o t a desk? H a v e w e/you/the y g o t a desk?

S h o rt A n s w e rs

1 H a s M ik e g o t a w a rd ro b e in h is b e d ro o m ? Y es, h e has.



th e ir n e w h o u s e g o t th re e b a t h r o o m s ? ....................................


A m y a n d K a te g o t o n e b e d in th e ir b e d r o o m ? .......................................

Yes, I/you h a v e ./ No, I/you h a v e n 't.

.................A m y a n d K a te g o t a d e s k in th e ir b e d r o o m ? ....................................


................. M ik e g o t a T V in h is b e d ro o m ?

Yes, he/she/it h as./ No, he/she/it h a s n 't. Yes, w e/you/the y h a v e ./

(^w r it in g

N o, w e/you/the y h a v e n 't.

house. T h e n w r it e a s h o rt p a ra g ra p h

D ra w a sim p le p ic tu re o f y o u r

d escrib ing it. Use Ex. 10 as a m o d el.

Across Cultures Skills Work

BEKONSCOT Model Village There are many model villages in the UK, but Bekonscot Model Village in Beaconsfield is one not to B H • Visitors can explore six towns and villages on a site the size of two football pitches. One special attraction is a ten-mile track model railway through the H H i place. As many as twelve trains can operate at the same time, going through tunnels, crossing bridges over rivers and a lake, H i the windmill and the castle, and stopping at the stations. Walk down Bekonscot Town High Street, past the police station and school. Bend down and look in the windows to see the people inside! Visit the zoo with H H H I animals and the small fishing village with little boats in the harbour. Bekonscot Model Village is one hour by car from London. That's H H enough for a day trip, but there are H H H things to see in just one day!

Reading Look a t th e p ictu res. W h ic h show s: 1

Read th e t e x t an d m a rk th e sen ten ces T (tru e ), F (fa ls e ) o r D5 (d o e s n 't say). 1

v illa g e in E n g la n d .

a fis h in g v illa g e w ith a h a rb o u r a n d fis h in g b o a ts ?

B e k o n s c o t M o d e l V illa g e is th e o n ly m o d e l


M o re th a n tw e lv e tr a in s c a n tra v e l ro u n d th e tr a c k a t a tim e .


a ra ilw a y b rid g e ?


a la k e ?


Y o u c a n ju m p on a tr a in a t th e s ta tio n .


a c a s tle ?


T h e re a re m in ia tu re p e o p le in th e h o u s e s .


a tr a in s ta tio n ?


It is n o t e x p e n s iv e to v is it.


an a irp o rt?


B e k o n s c o t M o d e l V illa g e is q u ite n e a r L o n d o n


a w in d m ill?

Vocabulary Fill in: p itc h , explore, crossing, s ta tio n , a ttra c tio n s , bend. 1

W h e re is th is place? W h a t can y o u see th e re ? W h a t is special

T h e re are a lo t o f p la c e s to ......................... in th is m o d e l v illa g e .


W e c a n p la y fo o tb a ll o n t h i s .............................


T h e v illa g e h a s g o t a lo t o f s p e c i a l .............................


T h e re is a tr a in ............................ th e b rid g e .


................................... d o w n to se e th e in s id e o f th e m in ia tu re

a b o u t it?

L*sten anc*reac*to

h o u se . 6

T h e re is a p o l i c e ...................................... in th e v illa g e .

M a tc h th e h ig h lig h te d w o rd s to th e ir synonym s: very sm a ll, e n tire , near, a lo t o f, skip, g o in g past.


pass (v): to walk by p ast (prep): further than; beyond; forward bend down (v): to b end o n e ’s body towards the

To introduce the topic and new vocabulary through pictures • • •

Ask Ss to look at the pictures (A-F). Read out the descriptions (1-7) and explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown words. Give Ss tim e to match the descriptions to the pictures and then check S s’ answers.

ground zoo (n): a place where you can see w ild animals m iniature (adj): very small close (adj): near day trip (phr): a journey to a place and back again within a day, usu fo r fun

A nsw er Key 1 E 2 A

3 4


5 6




Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers, asking individual Ss to read the com pleted sentences.

To listen and read for specific information

A nsw er Key

Play the recording. Ss listen and read the te xt and find the answers to the questions in the rubric.

Check Ss’ answers.

1 explore 2 p itch

Suggested A nsw er Key

attractions crossing

5 6

Bend station

• •

Give Ss tim e to match the highlighted w ords to the synonym s in the list. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key miss = skip whole = entire passing = going past

To read for specific information (T/F/D S statements)

3 4

To identify synonyms w ords/phrases

This place is in B eaconsfield in the UK. You can see six miniature towns and villages with a m odel railway, tunnels, bridges, rivers and a lake, a police station, a school and a zoo. It is special because it has g o t so m any things to see.

To practise new vocabulary

Give Ss tim e to read the statem ents (1 -6) and then read the te xt again and com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers. Ss justify their answers.

m iniature = very small close = near too m any = a lo t o f

A nsw er Key 1

F (1.1)

F (I. 5, 8)


F (£.5, 6)

T ( i. 10, 11)

Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings o f the w ords in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the W ord List.

5 6

DS T(£. 14)

Suggested A nsw er Key m odel village (n): a replica o f a village on a small scale miss (v): to fail to see sth visitor (n): sb who goes to a place to see sth explore (v): to discover things about a place by walking around; to see around town (n): a place with streets, buildings and houses larger than a village and sm aller than a city village (n): a small place with streets, buildings and houses site (n): a place where sth is football pitch (n): a grassy area where football is played track (n): the rails that trains travel on operate (v): to w ork tunnel (n): a passage through a hill o r underground cross (v): to travel across




A l* •

B a c k g ro u n d in fo r m a tio n

To m ake notes on a text

Ask Ss to copy the table into their notebooks and look back through the text and com plete it. Check Ss’ answers on the board.

Suggested A nsw er Key P lace

B ekonscot M odel Village

L o c a tio n

Beaconsfield, UK

A ttra c tio n s

six miniature towns and villages, model railway, bridges, windmill, castle, stations, high street, police station, school, zoo, fishing village

Legoland Windsor is a them e park for children in Windsor, Berkshire in England. Its them e is about the Lego toy system. The park opened in 1996 on the form er W indsor Safari Park site as the second Legoland after LegolandBillund in Denmark. The park's attractions consist of Lego-them ed rides, models and building w orkshops.

To write about an attraction in your country •

one h our by car from London

D is ta n c e

• To summarise a text using notes A sk various Ss to use the notes from Ex. 6a to describe B ekonscot Model Village to the class.

S uggested A nsw er Key

Suggested A nsw er Key

Bekonscot M odel Village is in B eaconsfield in the UK. This m odel village has g o t six miniature tow ns and villages. One o f the special attractions is the m odel railway. You can see the trains pass over bridges and go p a st a windmill, a castle and stop a t stations. In B ekonscot high street you can see a police station and a school. There is also a zoo and a fishing village. B ekonscot M odel Village is ju s t one hour by car from London.

To express an opinion •

Ss com plete the sentence.

Suggested A nsw er Key ... I w ould like to see the m odel railway. I have g o t a m odel railway in m y house, b u t the one in B ekonscot M odel Village is really big! •

Ask Ss to com pare answers with other Ss to find someone with the same opinion as them.

To listen for specific information (gap filling) •

Ask Ss to read the gapped te xt and think about

• •

w hat w ords may be missing. Play the recording tw ice if necessary. Ss listen and com plete the gaps.

Check S s’ answers on the board.

A nsw er Key 1 Theatre 2 Castle


Ask Ss to think of a special attraction in their country and make notes about it under the headings from Ex. 6a. Give Ss tim e to use their notes to w rite a short text about the place and add pictures. Check S s’ answers.

3 4

m odel 7 pm



Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss answers in the next lesson.

P lace

C opernicus Science Centre

L o c a tio n

Warsaw, Poland

A ttra c tio n s

see interactive exhibits, do science experiments,

D is ta n c e

close to the centre city

The Copernicus Science Centre is an amazing tourist attraction in Warsaw, Poland. There you can see interactive exhibits and do science experiments. It is close to the city centre, so it is easy to get to. D o n ’t miss it!

'f f '

• m o d e l village • m iss • v is ito r • explore • to w n • village • site • fo o tb a ll p itc h • tra c k • operate • tu n n e l • cross • pass • p a st


* bend d o w n • z o o • m in ia tu re • close • da y trip




Speaking ' a) Read th e te x t a g a in and c o m p le te th e ta b le .



Listen to an a d v e rt a b o u t a special

a ttra c tio n in E ng land an d c o m p le te th e gaps (1-5).









Special UK theme 0) p ark Watch a show in the Duplo 1) Meet a dragon in the Knight’s 2 ) ..................... b) Use y o u r n o te s to describe

See 3 ) .......................... buildings and cars in Miniland

B ekon sco t M o d e l V illa g e to

Open daily 9:30 am to 4 ) .......................... ... pm

th e class.


Ticket Prices: Adults £43.20 Children C o m p le te th e

J —

£ 5 ) ..................................

s e n te n c e .



W riting

I w o u ld lik e to v is it B e k o n s c o t M o d e l V illa g e b e c a u s e ...

s i

T h in k o f a special a ttra c tio n in y o u r c o u n try .

Find s o m e o n e in th e class w h o

M a k e n o tes u n d e r th e h e a d in g s in Ex. 6a. W r ite a s h o rt

w a n ts to v is it th e place fo r th e

t e x t a d v e rtis in g th e place. D e c o ra te it w it h p ictu res.

s am e reasons as y o u d o.

P resen t it to th e class.


Listening skills M u ltip le choice

T/F statem ents

Preparing fo r the task

Preparing fo r the task

jgjSpBjB ■ ■ Read th e q u e s tio n a n d lo o k a t th e p ictu res. W h a t does

M a tc h th e sen ten ces w it h

each s h o w ? Can y o u th in k o f a n y re la te d w o rd s ?

sim ila r m e a n in g s .

W h e re a re th e s p e a k e rs ?

A n B K tw s a n

T h e r e ’ s a liv in g ro o m n e x t to


th e k itc h e n . I h a v e g o t p o s te r s on m y w a ll. W e ’ve g o t a g a rd e n . W e ’ v e g o t a v ie w o f th e p a rk fr o m o u r h o u s e .

N o w read th e script. W h ic h is th e c o rre ct an s w e r?

A: B: A: B:

O h lo o k ! T h e re ’s th e m a in e n tra n c e to th e m u s e u m o v e r there.


Yes, b u t I n e e d to p a rk th e c a r first.

th e h o u s e .

I c a n g o a n d b u y th e tic k e ts a n d y o u c a n fin d a n e m p ty space. O K. S e e y o u in s id e a t th e g ift s h o p .


T h e re is a lo v e ly g a rd e n o u ts id e


T h e k itc h e n is n e x t to th e liv in g ro o m .

Read th e ru b ric, th e n read q u e s tio n s 1-5. W h a t can


T h e re ’s a p a rk o p p o s ite o u r house.


T h e re a re p o s te r s in m y ro o m .

y o u see in each p ictu re? Y ou are g o in g to hear five s h o rt recordings. For questions 1-5 choose th e a nsw er w h ic h m atches w h a t you have heard by circlin g th e a p p ro p ria te le tte r (A, B o r C). 1

W h e r e ’ s th e d e s k ? A


a) Read th e ru b ric an d th e sen ten ces. U n d e rlin e th e key w o rd s . Y o u 're g o in g to listen to an a n n o u n c e m e n t tw ic e . Decide w h ic h sentences (1-3) are T (true) and w h ic h are F (false).


1 2

W h ic h f lo o r is J o h n ’s h o u s e o n ?




T h e a rt g a lle ry h a s g o t tw o flo o rs .





It is o p p o s ite th e p a rk .


T h e a n n o u n c e m e n t is a b o u t th e o p e n in g o f


W h a t h a s n ’t K a te g o t in h e r b e d ro o m ? A


th e a rt g a lle ry . C b) D o th e lis te n in g ta s k .



Word Stress

W h e re ’ s P e te r? B

yfig p Listen an d u n d e rlin e th e stressed syllab les. Listen a g a in a n d re p e a t. 5

D a d w a n ts B ill to ... A

w a te r th e flo w e rs .


lo o k fo r th e c a t.


b rin g h im a la d d e r.

Each w o rd o n ly has one stress. W e only stress vow els. • lib ra r y

;j| b) D o th e lis te n in g task.

• c o o k e r • s o fa

• w a rd ro b e • b o o k c a s e • b e d ro o m

• g a rd e n

• fa n ta s tic

• b e a u tifu l

• n ic e

fcfli 1

life To brainstorm for words related to pictures

To identify synonymous phrases

Ex. 1 prepares Ss to think of similar words and ideas from those shown in the pictures of the listening task. This will help them succeed more easily in a task of this type.

Ask Ss to read the questions and look at the pictures. Elicit w hat each picture shows and any related words.

Ex. 3 prepares Ss to identify synonymous phrases, a tip w hich will help them listen for key information. Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-4) and match them to similar ones in A-D. Check Ss’ answers. A nsw er Key 1 B

2 D

Picture A shows a picture o f a car park. Words related to this picture include: ticket, vehicle, p e r hour, etc. Picture B shows a picture o f a souvenir shop. Words related to this picture include: tourist, abroad, local crafts, etc. Picture C shows a picture o f the main entrance o f a museum. Words related to this picture include: statue, history, ancient, entrance, tickets, etc. Ask Ss to read the script and elicit the correct answer. Point out that all the pictures or w ords related to them are m entioned in the recording. Check Ss’ answers.

• •


To prepare for a listening task







A - a desk in front o f a w indow B - a desk next to a wardrobe

Read the theory box aloud. Use the first word in the list as an example.


Play the recording with pauses if needed. Ss listen and underline the stressed syllables. Check S s’ answers.

- a desk opposite a bed - second - fifth - eighth - a carpet - a desk

Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually. Check S s’ pronunciation

C - a bookcase A - a desk, a bo o k and a lamp (bedroom) B - a statue (museum)

A nsw er Key

C - some weights (gym)



To understand word stress

A nsw er Key


Play the recording twice. Ss listen and choose the correct answers. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key

Ask Ss to read the rubric and the questions and then elicit w hat each picture shows or implies.


Ask Ss to read the rubric and the sentences (1 -3) and underline the key words. Check S s’ answers.

t f i f e To listen for specific information (T/F statements)



rubric: announcement, true, false 1 art gallery, tw o floors 2 opposite, park 3 opening, art gallery




Suggested A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key



To analyse a rubric & identify key

Suggested A nsw er Key


t U f e To listen for specific information (multipie choice) •

Play the recording twice. Ss listen and choose the correct answers.

Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 A









library cooker

bedroom garden

wardrobe sofa bookcase

nice fantastic beautiful

B To predict the content of the dialogue Ask Ss to read the first and last exchange in the dialogue and elicit S s’ guesses as to w hat it is about. Suggested A nsw er Key I think the dialogue is about Sally’s new flat.



To com plete a dialogue (missing sentences) •

Ask Ss to read the sentences (A-D) and then read the dialogue and match the sentences to the gaps (1-3). Tell Ss to read the answer of the questions first so as to choose the correct item to fill the

Greet B. Ask about A ’s house.

Describe your home.

Ask B what his/herhouse/flat is like.

ay how many rooms it has.

Ask what floor

Say which floor your

it is on.

flat is on. Invite A to visit.

Ask how you can get to A ’s home.

Give directions to B to find your house.

Greet B

G reet A.

M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the rest of the class.

gap. Suggested A nsw er Key b)

To listen for confirmation •

Play the recording. Ss listen and read and check their answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3

B W hat’s it like? D What floor is it on? A H ow can I g e t there? •

As an extension ask Ss to describe the room in Ex 1.

To role play a dialogue

A: B: A: B:

bedrooms and two bathrooms. A : What floor is it on? B: It’s on the tw elfth floor. Why d o n ’t you com e and visit me tom orrow ? A: OK. H ow can I g e t there? B: Go dow n Fleet Street. A fte r you pass a cinema, turn left into Henry Road. Walk past the fire station. It is opposite the gym. A: See you tom orrow, then!

Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity around the class.


To ask for information •

To read for specific information and locate a place on a map

Explain the task and go through explaining any unknown words.

Ask Ss to w ork in pairs and take turns to ask and answer questions using the cards. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.

Ask Ss to read the dialogue in Ex. 2 again and find Sally’s house on the map using the inform ation in the dialogue. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key S ally’s house is the building next to the gym opposite the park.

To act out a dialogue Ss com plete the task in pairs using the dialogue in Ex. 2 as a model to help them. They can also use phrases from the Useful Language box. Draw this diagram on the board for Ss to follow.


Hi Billy. W hat’s yo u r new flat like? I t ’s really great. W hat’s it like? It’s really big. It’s g o t a large kitchen, three

Suggested A nsw er Key SB: SA: SB: SA: SB: SA: SB: SA: SB:

W hat’s yo u r name? I t’s Ann Richards. Where are you from ? I ’m from England. H ow old are you? I ’m 17 years old. W hat’s your address? I t’s 16, High Street. What floor is yo u r flat on?


I t’s on the 2nd floor. W hat’s your postcode? I t’s WF9 3EZ.

the cards

Speaking skills Everyday English



Find S ally's h ou se on th e m ap .

Describing your house & Giving directions Read th e firs t an d th e last e x c h a n g e in th e d ia lo g u e . W h a t is th e d ia lo g u e a b o u t?

W o rk in pairs. Y o u r p a rtn e r w a n ts to fin d o u t r!J

a b o u t y o u r h o m e . D escribe it, an d in v ite h im / h e r to v is it. G ive d ire c tio n s . Use th e la n g u a g e b e lo w to act o u t a d ia lo g u e s im ila r to th e o n e in Ex. 2a.

H e le n

H i, S a lly . H o w ’ s y o u r n e w fla t?

S a lly :

I t ’ s p r e tty c o o l.

H e le n

1 ) .................................................................................................................

S a lly :

I t ’ s re a lly b ig . I t ’ s g o t a la rg e liv in g ro o m ,


m o d e rn

k itc h e n ,

tw o

b e d ro o m s a n d o n e b a th r o o m . H e le n : S a lly :

2 ) ..................................................................... I t ’ s o n th e th ir d flo o r . M y ro o m h a s

Describing your home

Ш W h a t’ s y o u r n e w

I t ’ s b ig /s m a ll/ n ic e /

h o m e lik e ?

b e a u tifu l/c o o l, e tc .

H ow m any

T h e re a re fiv e ro o m s in it:

ro o m s a re th e re ?

a s m a ll k itc h e n , a ...

W h a t f lo o r is it

I t ’ s o n th e fir s t / s e c o n d /


th ir d , e tc flo o r.

Is it b ig ?

Y e s , i t ’s q u ite b ig ./

g o t a g re a t v ie w o f th e p a rk . W h y

I t ’ s s m a ll b u t c o s y .

d o n ’t y o u c o m e v is it us to m o r r o w ? H e le n

3) .....................................................................

S a lly :

G o u p M id d le S tre e t, p a s t th e lib ra r y a n d tu r n past

th e

le ft in to gym .


H ill S tre e t. W a lk is

o p p o s ite

th e

p a rk . H e le n :

S e e y o u to m o r r o w ,th e n .

a) Read th e d ia lo g u e an d c o m p le te th e gaps w it h th e sen ten ces b e lo w . O n e s e n te n c e is


l =


s s l

liv in g directions

H ow can I get

G o d o w n ... s tre e t.

th e re ?

T a k e th e fir s t/s e c o n d

C o u ld y o u te ll m e

tu r n in g o n y o u r le ft/r ig h t.

h o w t o g e t th e re ?

W a lk p a s t th e ... .

W h a t’ s y o u r

T u rn le f t/ r ig h t in to ... .

a d d re s s , p le a s e ?

W a lk d o w n /u p ... s tr e e t.

Asking questions W o rk in pairs.

e x tra .

S tu d e n t A : Look a t Card A. S tu d e n t B: Look a t Card B an d ask S tu d e n t A A

H o w c a n I g e t th e re ?


W h a t’ s it lik e ?


W h a t’s th e a d d re s s ?


W h a t f lo o r is it o n ?

q u e s tio n s . S tu d e n t A : A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s .

A n n ’s profile Full nam e: Ann Richards

b) Listen, read an d check.


T a k e roles an d in pairs read o u t th e d ia lo g u e .

C ountry: England

w hat


w h e re fr o m ? age?

A ge: 17


A ddress: 16, High Street, 2nd floor

floor? P o s tc o d e ?

PC: W F9 3EZ J 2 E E D S IS 0 E I


An email describing your home

Rubric analysis

• ~ ----------------------------------------From: John

Read th e rubric. Use th e u n d e rlin e d w o rd s to a n s w e r

To: M ark

th e q u e s tio n s .

Subject: my new home

W rite an em ail to yo u r Englishspeaking frie n d (5 0 -1 0 0 w ords).

Hi M ark,

In y o u r em ail in clu d e th is in fo rm a tio n :

H ow are you? I'm so happy 1 ) .............. my new house! It's in a q u ie t street near a park. It's 2 ) ..............

• say w h e re y o u r n e w house is • describe y o u r fa v o u rite ro o m • in vite h im /h e r to visit

th e firs t flo o r w ith a great vie w o f th e garden outside. It's g o t a large living room , a nice kitchen and tw o

bedroom s. My fa v o u rite


3 ) ..............


W h a t a re y o u g o in g to w rite ?

bedroom . It's very big. It's g o t a bed, a desk and a


W h o is it fo r?

w a rd ro b e . There 4 ) ................ posters o f my fa v o u rite


W h a t s h o u ld it c o n ta in ?

fo o tb a lle rs 5 )


the walls.

I ca n 't w a it fo r you to come and see it. H ow


next weekend? Let me know .

Model analysis

W rite back soon,



Read th e e m a il an d fill in

th e m issing w o rd s . b) W h ich o f th e fo llo w in g a re in


John's em ail? A

J o h n ’ s a d d re s s


w h a t is in J o h n ’s b e d ro o m w h a t th e r e is in e a c h ro o m h o w m a n y ro o m s it h a s

W e use a(n): •

fu ll sto p (.) at th e end o f affirm a tive and negative sentences

(It's on the third floor. It isn't very big.) co m m a (,) to separate item s in a list (There is a bed, a desk

w h e re h is h o u s e is an in v ita tio n to s p e n d a w e e k e n d to g e th e r

and a bookcase.) q u e s tio n m a rk (?) a t th e end o f questions (Is it big?)

• •

exclam atio n m ark (!) at the end o f sentences to express strong feelings (It's just great!)

M a tc h th e p a ra g ra p h s (A -C ) to th e h e a d in g s (1 -3 ). 1

ro o m s & J o h n ’ s

Read th e th e o ry . Find exam ples in John's em ail.

b e d ro o m 2

in v ita tio n & c lo s in g

P u t th e co rrect p u n c tu a tio n m arks in th e s e sen ten ces.

re m a rk s 3

o p e n in g re m a rk s & g e n e ra l d e s c rip tio n o f


2 T h e re ’s a s o fa a c o ffe e ta b le a fire p la c e a n d a b o o k c a s e in it



W h ic h flo o r is it on


It is n ’t v e ry b ig b u t i t ’s g o t a g re a t v ie w o f th e p a rk

Find an d rep lace th e o p e n in g


I t ’ s fa n ta s tic

an d closing re m a rk s in John's


Is th e r e a p a rk in th e a re a

e m a il w ith phrases fro m th e


I t ’ s n e a r m y fa v o u r ite c a fé

U sefu l L a n g u a g e box.


T h e g a rd e n is s o b e a u tifu l


Is th e r e a g a ra g e

Suggested A nsw er Key £vr To analyse a rubric • •

Ask Ss to read the rubric aloud and pay special attention to the underlined words. Read the questions aloud one at a tim e and elicit the answers from Ss around the class.

Opening remarks: H i Mark, H ow are you? - Hello Mark, H ope you are OK. Closing remarks: Write back soon. - Please write soon.

To present and identify punctuation

A nsw er Key 1

2 3


an email m y English-speaking friend where m y new house is, a description o f m y favourite room and an invitation to m y friend to visit me


]№ To com plete an open cloze text Ask

Ss to

read the





appropriate w ords to fill the gaps (1-6). Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’ answers. A nsw er Key 1 in/about 2 on


3 4

is are

5 6

on about

To read for content •

Ask Ss to read the list (A-F) and then read the email again and say w hich elements are included. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key B (para B), D (para B), E (para A), F (para C)


Go through the theory box with Ss and explain

any points Ss are unsure of. Elicit examples of each type of punctuation in the email from Ss around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key full stop: Let me know. comma: I t ’s g o t a bed, a desk and a wardrobe. question mark: H ow are you? exclam ation mark: I ’m so happy in m y new house!

To practise punctuation • •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers.

A n s w e r K ey 1

Which flo o r is it on ?


There’s a sofa, a coffee table, a fireplace and a bookcase in it.


It is n ’t very big b u t it ’s g o t a great view o f the park. I t ’s fantastic! Is there a park in the area? It’s near m y favourite café. The garden is so beautiful! Is there a garage?

4 5 6 7 8

To match heading to paragraphs

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to read the email and com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers. A nsw er Key 1 B





To identify and substitute opening/ closing rem arks in an email •

Explain that opening remarks are sentences/ phrases we use to start an email and closing remarks are sentences/phrases we use to end an email. Ask Ss to find these remarks in Jo hn’s

• •

email. Refer Ss to the Useful Language table on p. 37 and focus their attention on opening/closing remarks sections. Give Ss tim e to complete the task. Check S s’ answers.


Suggested A nsw er Key


To learn about the use of adjectives

Explain use and position o f adjectives and then elicit examples from the email from Ss around the class. A nsw er Key Examples in email: new house, quiet street, great view, large living room, nice kitchen, favourite room, favourite footballers, It’s very big

To practise word order in sentences with adjectives •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2

M y house is in a busy street. The living room is big.

3 4 5 6

My It’s My It’s

room is small. g o t a nice garden. new house is great. g o t a large desk.

< I5 > To brainstorm for useful vocabulary related to houses • • •

Read the Study Skills box aloud. Explain the task and ask Ss to read the rubric and underline the key words. Then ask Ss to copy the headings into their

notebooks and make notes under each one. Check S s’ answers on the board.

Suggested A nsw er Key Key words: email, where house is, describe favourite room, invite him /her to visit Location: city centre, close to school Your favourite room: m y bedroom Furniture: bed, desk, bookcase, wardrobe Other: posters, com puter, curtains, pillow s

To write an informal email •

Give Ss tim e to w rite their email using their notes from Ex. 9 and phrases from the Useful Language box. Ss can use the email in Ex. 2 as a model. Remind Ss to use the plan and the email skeleton

to help them. Ask Ss to use the C hecklist to check their w ork for mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their

emails to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to read out their emails in the next lesson.

Hi Sarah, H ow are you? I live in a big flat. It’s in a busy street. I t ’s on the sixth floor. It’s g o t a large living room and a nice kitchen. M y favourite room is my bedroom. It’s g o t a bed, a bookcase and a wardrobe. It ’s also got a desk with a com puter on it and cool posters on the wall! I ca n ’t w ait to show it to you! H ow about next weekend? Write back, Jenny

Useful Language

A djectives

Opening remarks

Hi! • Hello! • How are you? Hope you are OK.

A djectives describe nouns. They can go b e fo re nouns or a fte r th e verb to be, (My house is big. It's a big house.)

General description

It's It's It's It's

'A /M t Read th e th e o ry . Find e x a m p le s o f a d je c tiv e s in John's e m a il.


P u t th e w o rd s in th e c o rre c t o rd e r. 1

M y /in / b u s y /h o u s e / a /s tr e e t/ is


T h e /is /liv in g r o o m /b ig


is /M y /s m a ll/r o o m


n ic e / lt ’ s /g a r d e n /g o t /a


in a quiet/busy street. opposite the park. on the first/second etc. floor. got a garage/a balcony etc.

There are three etc. rooms in my house. It's got a large/small etc. living room, a modern/small/cosy etc. kitchen. There are two/three etc. bedrooms. Favourite room

My favourite room is ... It's got (a large bed, a desk, etc.) There is (a bookcase, a wardrobe, etc.) There are (paintings, etc) on the walls. Invitation

Come visit us. Can't wait to show you my (new) house.

g r e a t /is /M y / h o u s e /n e w

Closing remarks

Write back soon. • Please write soon. 6

a / l t ’ s /la r g e / g o t/ d e s k


W riting

Hi + (friend’s first name), (Para 1) opening remarks (Para 2)

general description of house

(Para 3)J

(location, rooms), description of favourite room invitation, closing remarks


Before you start writing, read the rubric, underline the key words, then brainstorm for words/ideas related to the topic. This will help you do the writing task.

Read th e rubric. U n d e rlin e th e key w o rd s , an d th e n b ra in s to rm fo r w o rd s /id e a s u n d e r th e h e a d in g s b e lo w .

sign off (your first name) •

• •

rHi .... How are you? I ... .

W rite an em ail to y o u r E nglish-speaking frie n d (5 0 -1 0 0 w ords). In y o u r em ail: • explain w h e re y o u r house is, • describe y o u r fa v o u rite room , • in vite h im /h e r to visit.

It’s in a ... . It’s ... . It’s got a ... . My favourite room is .... It’s g o t .... Can’t wait to show .... How a b o u t...? Write back,

).. • Checklist


When you finish writing your email, check for the following: OTHER


Use y o u r n o te s in Ex. 9 to c o m p le te y o u r e m a il to y o u r frie n d . Use th e p la n an d p hrases fro m th e U sefu l L a n g u a g e b o x to g u id e y o u .

grammar mistakes

use of capital letters

correct punctuation

word order in sentences

clear paragraphs

appropriate opening/closing remarks

' ” ^ Q 5ES23353EE5I

Shapes A heliotrope is a plant w ith leaves th a t can turn to fo llo w the sun across the sky. This is the idea behind the Heliotrope House square




by Rolf Disch. This 'green' house is about 15 metres high and has the shape o f


4 cube

an upside-down bottle. The main part o f the house is a cylinder

pyram id

on a pole th a t can turn in a com plete circle. The outside o f it is



glass and the inside is wood. In the summer, when it is hot, the glass can keep the heat o u t so the house is


Listen an d re p e a t.

W h ic h o f th e s e m a te ria ls is th e h ou se m a d e o f? W h a t s h a p e is th e h ou se in th e p ictu re?

cool inside. In the w inter,

the glass can let the heat in to keep the house w arm .

There are b) W h y is th is h ou se 'g re e n '?

now three

Listen an d re a d to fin d


o u t.

Houses in Germany.

Read th e t e x t a n d a n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s . 1

W h a t is a h e lio tro p e ?


H o w ta ll is th e h o u s e ?


W h y is th e m a in p a rt o f th e h o u s e a c y lin d e r?


W h e re is th e H e lio tro p e H ouse?

M a tc h th e w o rd s in b o ld in th e t e x t to th e ir s yn o n ym s. • not hot • fu ll

• c e n tr a l

• ta ll

• tr a c k

Check these words

• n o t c o ld • p lan t • leaves • turn • fo llo w • sun • sky

Use th e s e w o rd s /p h ra s e s to

• upside-down • b ottle • pole • complete • outside • inside • h o t • cool • w arm

m a k e sen ten ces based on th e te x t . • h e lio tr o p e

• in th e s h a p e o f

• c y lin d e r • p o le

• g la s s

• c o m p le te c ir c le

• w ood

• c o o l • w a rm


• d e s ig n


In g ro up s o f fo u r, co llect p ictu res o f b u ild in g s in

d iff e r e n t shapes an d m a te ria ls . P rep are a p o ste r. Label th e p ictu res w ith th e nam es an d lo catio ns o f th e b uild ing s th e a rc h ite ct's nam es an d th e b u ild in g s ' sh ape an d m a te ria l.


m m To present new vocabulary and introduce the topic

Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat

chorally and/or individually. Elicit what materials Ss think the house in the


( f t jjw To consolidate new vocabulary through synonyms • •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key

picture is made of and what shape it is.

follow = track A nsw er Key The house is m ade o f glass and wood. The house is in the shape o f a cylinder.

4 b)

To listen and read for specific information

• • •

Read the rubric aloud. Piay the recording. Ss listen and read to find out. Check S s’ answers.

A heliotrope is a plant that can sense the sun and turn towards it. The H eliotrope House is in the shape o f an upsidedow n bottle. The main p a rt o f the Heliotrope House is a cylinder. This cylinder is on a pole that can turn around. The outside o f the H eliotrope House is made o f glass. The H eliotrope House can turn in a com plete circle on the pole.

S » To read for specific information (comprehension questions) Ask Ss to read the questions (1-4) and then give Ss tim e to read the te xt again and com plete the task.

The inside o f the H eliotrope House is m ade o f wood. In the summer, the H eliotrope House can stay cool. In the winter, the H eliotrope House can keep warm. The design for the H eliotrope House is b y R o lf Disch.

Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4 •

A heliotrope is a pla n t with leaves that can turn to follow the sun across the sky. The house is 15 metres tall. The main p a rt o f the house is a cylinder on a pole that can turn in a com plete circle. The Heliotrope Houses are in Germany. Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings of the words in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the Word List.

Suggested A nsw er Key p la n t (n): a living thing with leaves, roots and a stem leaves (pi n): flat, thin, green parts o f plants turn (v): to move in a circle follow (v): to go after sth sun (n): the large ball o f lig h t in the sky; the star o f our solar system that gives us lig h t and heat sky (n): the atm osphere around the Earth upside-down (adv): n o t the right way up bottle (n): a container fo r liquids/drinks pole (n): a long thin cylinder com plete (adj): full outside (n): the o uter p a rt o f sth; n o t inside inside (n): the interior part o f sth hot (adj): having heat, n o t cold cool (adj): n o t h o t at all warm (adj): quite hot

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested A nsw er Key

The house is green because it can turn to follow the sun to keep the house cool in sum m er and warm in winter.

To consolidate information by using words in context to m ake sentences • •

A nsw er Key

com plete = full cool = n o t hot warm = n o t cold

high = tall m ain = central


JÇ T To prepare a poster; to practise research skills • •

Give Ss tim e to collect pictures and inform ation about different shaped houses from the Internet. Ask Ss to prepare a poster and label it according to the instructions in the rubric.

Ask various Ss to present their posters to the class.

Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to present their posters in the next lesson.

Suggested A nsw er Key Nam e: Turning Torso Tower Location: Malmo, Sweden A rch itect’s name: Santiago Calatrava Shape: a cube with nine sections that tw ist as it rises Materials: concrete and steel

The Turning Torso Tower is in Malmo, Sweden. The arch ite ct’s name is Santiago Calatrava. The building is in the shape o f a cube with nine sections. It is made o f concrete and steel.



To consolidate vocabulary for furniture &

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

Check Ss’ answers.

Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key 1 carpet 2 library

3 4


p illo w garden

1 any 2 some


s №

To consolidate vocabulary for places in a

w m • •

• •

A nsw er Key

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

1 museum 2 p o s t office





№ • •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key

3 4

5 6

first second

tw elfth twentieth

№ To consolidate everyday English expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit • •

Walk p a st the park. 16, Hill Street.

3 4

It’s sm all b u t cosy. It’s on the third floor.

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers. A nsw er Key This is a plant.


These are books.

3 4

Those are flowers. That is a computer.

To practise there is/th ere are

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers. A nsw er Key 1 2

There are There is

3 4

There are There is



in front o f


next to

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss' answers.

1 2 3 4

Has Stella g o t a b ig garden? The tow n hasn ’t g o t an aquarium. Has Paul g o t a TV? We haven’t g o t any plants in o u r house.


The city has g o t a fire station.


To practise th is/th at, these/those, is/are



To consolidate gram m ar structures learnt

in the unit

A nsw er Key 1


G r a m m a r in F o cu s

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers.



To practise word order

J5$) To consolidate ordinal numbers

fourth third



A nsw er Key 1 2



Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

1 on 2 opposite 5


To practise prepositions of place


A nsw er Key


To practise som e/any



There are

• •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 is 2 on 3 has g o t

4 5 6

on The/Her some



Progress Check Vocabulary

Fill in w ith th e re is o r th e re are.


Choose th e odd w o rd o u t.


...........................curtains in the bedroom .

1 kitchen - bedroom - bathroom - carpet

2 ...........................a cooker in the kitchen.

2 bookcase - w ardrobe - library - cupboard


...................................cushions on the sofa.


pillow - arm chair - sofa - chair


..........................a table in the living room .


flo o r - do o r - w in d o w - garden


....................... chairs in the kid ’s bedroom.


fridge - cooker - washing machine - statue (5x2=10)

Fill in th e rig h t w o rd .


Fill in som e o r any. 1

Are t h e r e

books on the table?


You can see statues there, m _______


There a r e

p illow s on the bed.


You post letters there, p


There aren’t

stairs in her flat.


You can take a flig h t there, a _________


There a r e

chairs in the garage.


You can get m oney there, b ____


Are t h e r e

plants in the kitchen?


You can borrow books there. I _________

o _______


Choose th e correct p re p o sitio n . (5x2=10)

W rite th e o rd in a l num bers. 1

4 th


2nd .


3 rd


1 2 th


1st .


2 0 th


The flow ers are o n /b e tw e e n the table.


The sofa is u n d e r/o p p o s ite the chair.

3 The co m p u te r is in /o n the desk.



The bank is o n /in fr o n t o f the post office.


The w ardrobe is in /n e x t to the bed. (5x2=10)

Everyday English

Put th e w o rd s in th e rig h t order.

Fill in: W alk past the park - It's on the third

1 g o t/S te lla /g a rd e n /h a s/a /b ig ?

floor - I t ’s sm all b u t cosy - 16, Hill Street. 1

2 the to w n /g o t/a n /h a s n ’t/aquarium

A : H o w c a n I g e t th e re ? B: ...........................................................................


A : W h a t’ s y o u r a d d re s s , p le a s e ?


has/a /T V /got/P au l?


plants/got/w e/our/any/haven’t/house/in


the c ity /fire s ta tio n /g o t/h a s /a

B: ........................................................................... 3

A : W h a t’ s y o u r n e w h o m e lik e ? B: ...........................................................................


A : W h a t flo o r is it o n ? (5x2=10)

B: ...........................................................................

Total: 100


Gram m ar C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w it h this, these, th a t o r those a n d is o r are. Fill in th e c o rrect fo rm o f th e w o rd s in b ra ckets o r fill in th e g a p . a p la n t.

flo w e r s .



a c o m p u te r . (4x2=8)

Anna 1 ) ............................... (b e ) 16 years old. Her fla t is 2 ) ........................... the eighth floor. Anna 3 ) ................................. (h a v e g o t) a big room . There are posters 4 ) ........................... the walls. 5 ) ........................... desk is very big. There are 6) ........................... books and a c o m p u te r on it. 7 ) ...........................’s your room like?


Reading Multiple matching

[M u ltip le choice

P r e p a r in g f o r t h e t a s k

a) Read th e q u e s tio n s an d lo o k a t th e p ictu re s. W h a t d o yo u see?

R ead th e e x tra c t. W h ic h o f th e t w o sen ten ces b e s t m a tc h e s it?

g | b) Y o u a re g o in g to h e a r fiv e s h o rt

This tiny house is in a quiet area near the park.

reco rd in g s. For q u e s tio n s 1-5, choose th e

It’s got tw o bedroom s, a small kitchen and a

a n s w e r w h ic h m atch es w h a t yo u h ave

small bathroom . O utside there is a large garden

h e a rd by circling th e a p p r o p ria te le t te r (A , B

fo r children to play in.

o r C ).

T h e h o u s e is id e a l fo r A

a s m a ll fa m ily .


o n ly o n e p e rs o n .


W h a t h a s n ’t th e fla t g o t?



C ■\


Read th e in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th re e to w n s (A -

■ —.4 .-U

C) an d th e q u e s tio n s (1 -4 ) b e lo w . For e v e ry q u e s tio n choose th e t o w n it re fe rs to and


w r it e th e a p p r o p ria te le t te r in th e b o x . O n e o f th e to w n s m a tc h e s t w o q u e s tio n s . 2

- Roundwood is a very small and old to w n in the W icklow

M ountains





W h e re is N e d ’ s b o o k ?




fantastic scenery and is a fa vourite place o f many photographers. Visitors can go horse riding, fish in the lake, play golf, or ju st go fo r a w alk. There are very nice restaurants in the to w n . Lavenham

is a sm all q u ie t to w n in S u ffo lk

England. I t is a very old to w n w rth beaut,fu


Old houses. I t has g o t a tra d itio n a l b u tch e rs and a baker's and other nice shops where you can buy clothes and o th e r great th in g s . I t is a great place to v is it fo r a day or a weekend, b u t i t hasn't g o t a tra in s ta tio n . You can stay one o f its lovely hotels. Q

Port Douglas is a small town in Australia. It is on the sea and not far from the Great Barrier Reef. It is very popular with young people. It has got nice hotels with pools. There are good restaurants where you can eat and have fun, too.


W h e re a re th e s p e a k e rs ?



W h ic h p la c e is id e a l fo r ...



b u y in g th in g s ?


s w im m in g ?


d o in g s p o rts ?


ta k in g p ic tu re s ?

g W o rk b o o k

p. 22


D a v e is c a llin g J im to ... A

a s k to m e e t h im th is e v e n in g .


in v ite h im to a fo o tb a ll m a tc h .


s a y s o rry .


To identify them e related words

Ask Ss to read the extract and underline the key

w ords in sentences A and B. Elicit w hich sentence best m atches it. Ss should justify their answer.

A nsw er Key A (small house, tw o bedrooms, children)

To read for specific information (multiple matching) *

Ask Ss to read the texts (A-C) and the questions (1-4) and then match them . Ss should find w ords in the texts that are related to the key w ords/m ain ideas in each sentence. Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.

A nsw er Key 1 B (£ .5 )




C (£. 2)


A (£.4-5)


A (£.2-4)

% № To identify content/key words related to visual prompts Ask Ss to read the questions and elicit w hat each picture shows from various Ss around the class.

A nsw er Key 1




A - a cooker B - a table C - a fridge A - a desk B - a sofa C - a bag A - t h e num ber tw enty B - the num ber tw enty-one C - the num ber tw enty-three A - a bedroom B - a kitchen C - a living room


m m To listen for specific information (multiple choice) •

Play the recording twice.

• •

Ss listen and com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1










C h e c k y o u r p ro g re s s №

To identify type of word within a sentence

Ask Ss to look at the sentence and the w ord in brackets and elicit w hich type o f w ord the gap asks fo r and then elicit w hich w ord best com pletes the gap. A nsw er Key The gap asks fo r a possessive adjective. The answ er is ‘M y ’

№ To identify type of word needed in a sentence (text completion) •

Ask Ss to look at the sentences and the w ords in brackets and com pletes the gaps with the correct words. Ss should think gram m ar structure needed. Check Ss’ answers.




A nsw er Key 1 has


pillow s





To com plete a text

Read the Study Skills aloud and explain that this advice will help Ss to com plete the task successfully. Give Ss tim e to read the text and choose the best word from A-F in the correct form to fill each gap. Check S s’ answers A nsw er Key 1


2 3

rooms living

4 5

m ore com fortable first

To w rite an email • • •

Ask Ss to read the rubric and then w rite their email. Tell Ss they may look at W riting B ank 1 for a model and useful language to help them. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check Ss’ answers. Alternatively, assign it as HW.

Suggested A nsw er Key Hi Ken, H ow are you? M y tow n is Portsm outh in the south o f England. It is near the sea. I t ’s quite big and really great. There is a university, a library and a hospital. There are lots o f parks and museums. What I like m ost ab o u t it is the harbour. There are lots o f boats and ships there. Write back and tell me about yo u r town, Carl

Ask Ss to assess their own perform ance in the unit by ticking the boxes according to how com petent they feel for each o f the listed activities.

Skills Use o f English [T e x t c o m p le tio n ]




a p p lia n c e


ro o m




c o m fo r ta b le


liv e

Preparing fo r the task Look a t th e s e n te n c e an d th e w o rd in

bra c k e ts . W h a t does th e g a p ask for?

Dear Michelle,

• •

How are you? 1 ) ......................... sister and I are ...................... flat is on the second floor. (I)

very happy because w e’ve got a new house in the country. It’s in a very beautiful and quiet place

W h ic h o f th e s e w o rd s b e s t c o m p le te s th e

about three kilometres from town, so I am not far

sen ten ce: my? me?

from college at all. It is a modern two-storey house

C o m p le te th e g aps w ith an a p p r o p ria te

and has got lots of 2 ) ............................. It has got a

w o r d based on th e o n e in b rackets.

huge 3 ) ........................... room, a modern kitchen


My b r o th e r .................... got a big bedroom , (h a v e )


There are s o m e




and three


It is

4 ) ........................... than our old flat in town. The

master bedroom is on the ground floor and mine is

on the bed.

on the 5 ) ........................... floor. I’ve got a lovely

(p illo w )

view of the sea from my room. It’s fantastic!


Our flat is on t h e .................. floor, (th r e e )


There are som e .................. on the desk.


(b o o k )


H jJ jV j

W ritin g Text completion

W riting B ank 1

Read the text carefully to get to know the gist of it. Identify what is missing in each gap (noun, adjective, etc). Carefully select the word that best fits each gap. You can't change the words given. Read the completed text to see if it makes sense.

',m Read th e rubric, th e n w r it e y o u r e m a il.

W rite an e m a il to y o u r English-speaking e -frien d (5 0 -1 0 0 w ords). In y o u r em ail: • te ll h im /h e r w h e re yo u r to w n is, • describe y o u r to w n ,

! Read th e te x t . C o m p le te th e g aps (1 -5 ) w ith

• w rite w h a t you like m o st a b o u t it.

th e co rrect fo rm o f th e a p p r o p ria te w o rd fro m th e b o x . C o rrect g ra m m a r an d sp ellin g is re q u ire d . O n e w o r d d oes n o t m a tc h a n y o f th e gaps.





N o w I c a n d o th e s e in E n g lis h

• describe a house |____| • describe a room [ j • talk about places in a town C H ] • give directions | | • write an email describing your house

a n d I c a n d o t h e s e ta s k s

multiple matching (reading) multiple choice (listening) [ text completion (use of English) writing (an email) | I

People What's in this unit? ► Topic:


► Vocabulary:

family members, parts o f the body, appearance, free time, daily routine

► Grammar:

present simple, adverbs o f frequency, like/love/hate + -ing

► Reading:

an article

► Listening:

dialogues, a monologue

► Speaking:

identifying & describing people, asking about/telling the time

► W riting:

an email describing my best friend

► Culture:

A British charity


(Science) Our skeleton

► Skills:

speaking (dialogue completion), use o f English (text completion, sentence completion) listening (multiple matching, multiple choice)


Reading D o y o u k n o w th e

The flea 1987 24th June \ birth /Vrgenflna

N icknam e

m an in th e pictures? W h a t is he fa m o u s for?


W h ic h o f th e s e sen ten ces are tr u e a b o u t him ? 1

H e g e ts u p v e ry e a rly .


H e h a s b re a k fa s t a fte r he g o e s jo g g in g .


Check these words

H e tr a in s o n ly in th e • • • • •

m o rn in g s . 4 5

H e is s h o rt. H e w a tc h e s T V in h is fre e tim e .


n icknam e • flea • g e t up • b re a kfa st take a s h o w e r • fo o tb a ll tra in in g • c o n tin u e lu nch break • field • score g o a l • m agic feet w o rk • c h a rity • p o o r • fa m ily • im p o rta n t spend tim e • alive • c o u n try

H is fa m ily is s p e c ia l to h im .

Read th e t e x t an d m a tch th e h e a d in g s (A -D ) to th e p a ra g ra p h s (1 -3 ). O n e h e a d in g is

Listen an d

e x tra .

re a d to fin d o u t.

i e a rly s ta r t *


Free time


W hat’s in this unit? In this unit Ss will explore the to p ics o f people, fam ily members, parts o f the body, appearance, the tim e, free tim e and daily routines. They will learn the possessive case, w h o ’s/w hose, the present simple, adverbs of frequency and like/love/hate + -ing. They will learn to write an email about Messi, an article about a charity in their country and an informal email describing their best friend.




To introduce the topic

Direct Ss to the pictures and elicit who this person is and w hat he is fam ous for. A nsw er Key The man in the pictures is Lionel Messi. He is a fam ous football player, both fo r Barcelona and the A rgentinian national team.

To listen and read for specific information • • •

A sk Ss to read the sentences (1-6) and explain/ elicit the meanings of any unknown words. Ask Ss to guess which of the sentences are true about Lionel Messi. Play the recording. Ss listen, read and check if their guesses were correct.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3

T (1.1-2) T (1.2-3) F (L. 3-6)

4 T (i. 8) 5 F (£. 12) 6 T (L. 13-14)

B a c k g ro u n d in fo r m a tio n Argentina or the Argentine Republic is the second largest country in South Am erica and the Latin American region. It borders Chile to the w est and south, Bolivia and Paraguay to the north and Brazil and Uruguay to the northeast. Its capital city is Buenos Aires and it has a population of about 41 million people. Its official language is Spanish.


n il®

To match headings to paragraphs

Direct S s’ attention to the headings (A-D) and give them tim e to read the te xt again and com plete the task. Ask Ss to find w ords synonym ous to those in each heading.

Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1


(gets up, has breakfast, A t 8 am, lunch break, A t 4 pm)

2 3


(on the field, scores goals, fast, m agic feet) (doesn’t have training o r a m atch he likes t o ...)



To read for general comprehension

(sentence completion)

Then ask various Ss around the class to use their notes to present them selves as Lionel Messi to the class. Invite Ss to use first, after that, then to present the various daily activities.

Ask Ss to read the sentence stubs and then read the te xt again and com plete them. Allow Ss some tim e to

Suggested A nsw er Key

do the task. Check S s’ answers.

M orning activities: gets up at 6:30 am, goes jogging, eats breakfast, takes a shower, goes to football training at 8 am Afternoon activities: has a lunch break at 2:30 pm,

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) •

Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings of the w ords in the Check these words box, in their

continues training at 4 pm Free-tim e activities: relaxes and plays video games,

dictionaries or look them up in the W ord List. Suggested A nsw er Key

works fo r his charity, spends time with family

nicknam e (n): inform al name flea (n): a type o f insect g e t up (phr v): to wake up and ge t out o f bed breakfast (n): the first meal o f the day in the morning take a show er (phr): to wash y o u r bo d y under falling

Hello. M y name’s Lionel Messi. I get up at 6:30 am every morning. First, I go jogging. After that I eat breakfast and then take a shower. A fter that, I go to football training at 8 am. I have a lunch break at 2:30 pm. Then, I continue training at 4 pm. In m y free time I like relaxing and playing video games. I also work for my charity. I love spending

water football training (phr): exercises to im prove football skills continue (v): to carry on doing sth lunch break (phr): to stop to eat a m idday meal field (n): a large area o f grass (on the field [phr] = when playing sports) score a goal (phr): to gain a p o in t by kicking the ball into the net (in football) m agic feet (phr): talented at running, kicking, etc. work (v): to have a jo b charity (n): an organisation that helps people in need p oor (adj): having little o r no m oney fam ily (n): parents, husband, wife, children, etc. im portant (adj): special; valuable spend time (phr): to be in the com pany o f alive (adj): living country (n): a land with specific borders having its own government, language, etc. To consolidate new vocabulary •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it.

Check Ss’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) To consolidate new vocabulary through synonyms •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it.

Check Ss’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key g reat = excellent; usually - norm ally; continues = carries on; nicknam e = inform al name; fast = quick; poo r = n o t rich; im portant = valuable; alive = living To consolidate information in a text Ask Ss to copy the headings into their notebooks, then look back at the text and make notes under each one.

43(T )

time with m y family. Did you Know? Read through the D id you Know? box. Point out that we use in with parts of the day. Elicit the parts of the day in Ss’ country and w hat they are called. (Ss’ own answers)



To write an email

Explain the task eliciting appropriate beginning/ ending for an informal email. Give Ss tim e to write an email including all the points in the rubric.

Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read their emails to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to

present their emails in the next lesson. Suggested A nsw er Key Hi Greg, Hope you are well. I want to tell you about my favourite football player. H e ’s Lionel Messi. I think h e ’s special. Lionel trains very hard. He gets up early in the morning and goes jogging. Then he has breakfast. A fter that he goes to football training. He has lunch at 2:30, then he rests. He also trains after lunch. In his free time, Lionel relaxes and plays video games. He also works fo r his charity and spends time with his family. W ho’s yo u r favourite football player? Write back soon and tell me, Roger Note: If you want you can write on the board parts of the email and leave gaps for students to com plete. Ss fill in the gaps.

Reading Vocabulary C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. Use: have, break, g et up, take, spending, playing. 1

W e u s u a lly g e t u p v e ry e a rly in th e m o rn in g .

2 3

A fte r w e h a v e b re a k fa s t, w e g o to c o lle g e . I a lw a y s ta k e a s h o w e r b e fo re I g o to b e d in th e e v e n in g .



W e u s u a lly h a v e a lu n c h b re a k a t o n e o ’ c lo c k .


W e lik e p la y in g v id e o g a m e s in o u r fre e tim e .


H e lik e s s p e n d in g tim e w ith h is fa m ily .

M a tc h th e w o rd s in b o ld in th e te x t w ith th e ir syn on ym s: norm ally, excellent, quick, carries on, n o t rich, living, valuable, inform al name.

Lionel Messi is a great footballer. He usually gets up very early at 6:30 am and goes jogging. After that he


eats breakfast and then takes a shower. At 8 am, Lionel goes to football training. Lionel always has a lunch break at about half past two and then rests for a while. At 4 pm, he continues training.


M a k e n o te s u n d e r th e h ead in g s. Im a g in e yo u a re Lionel M essi. P resen t y o u rs e lf to th e class.

On the field Lionel often scores goals. His nickname is

Fvee-fi me

‘the flea’ because he is small and fast. People say he has got magic feet! He is the only player to score five goals in one match in the Champions League.


A f f e v 'n o o ia

When Lionel doesn’t have training or a match he likes


to relax and play video games. He also works for his charity that helps poor children. His family is very important to him and he likes spending time with

them. “I am the happiest man alive and I am happy for myself, my family and my country,” he says.

s' 9 ) D i d y o u L L /


In E ng land m o rn in g : a fte rn o o n : e v e n in g :

Read a g a in an d c o m p le te th e sen ten ces.

K n o w ?

12:00 am - 12:00 noon 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm 6:00 pm - 12:00 am

Is it the same in your country? N o te : in the m orning/afternoon/evening


L io n e l is fr o m R o s a rio , A rg e n tin a .


A t 8 a m L io n e l g o e s to fo o t b a ll tr a in in g .


A t 2 :3 0 p m L io n e l h a s a lu n c h b re a k .


H is te a m m a te s c a ll h im ‘th e f le a ’

s h o rt e m a il (5 0 -1 0 0 w o rd s ) to y o u r English

b e c a u s e h e is s m a ll a n d fa s t.

e -frie n d . In y o u r em ail:


In h is fr e e tim e , h e lik e s p la y in g v id e o gam es.

W ritin g Use th e in fo rm a tio n in th e t e x t to w r it e a

• e x p la in w h y L io n e l M e s s i is s p e c ia l, • d e s c r ib e w h a t he d o e s d u rin g th e d a y ,


H e lik e s s p e n d in g tim e w ith h is fa m ily .

• m e n tio n w h a t h e d o e s in h is fre e tim e .

Vocabulary Family members

a) Read th e e x a m p le . who's: asks about a person whose: asks about possession A : W h o ’s A n n ? B : S h e ’s S u e ’s s is te r. W h o s e d a d is A le x ? A : H e ’s S u e a n d A n n a ’s d a d . b)

In pairs ask an d a n s w e r q u e s tio n s using

th e p ro m p ts . • A le x

• Tom

• N ed

• H e le n • S u e • L a ra

• c o u s in s /A n n a a n d S u e • d a u g h te r /M o lly • b ro th e r /N e d

• h u s b a n d /A le x

• u n c le /T o m

Parts o f the body a)

Listen an d say. head

ear fa c e • g ra n d a d - g ra n d m a

• son - d a u g h te r

• dad - m um

• n e p h e w - n ie c e

• h u s b a n d - w ife

• c o u s in - c o u s in

• b r o t h e r - s is t e r

• f a t h e r - in - l a w -

• u nd e - aunt

te e t h


m o u th

m o t h e r - in - la w


b) C hoose th e c o rrect w o rd . 1

M a ry is A le x ’ s s is t e r /w if e .


A le x is A n n a a n d S u e ’ s u n c le /d a d .


H e le n is A n n a a n d S u e ’s m u m /g r a n d m a .


L a ra is B o b a n d H e le n ’ s s is t e r /d a u g h t e r .


M o lly is A n n a ’ s n ie c e /c o u s in .


N e d is A le x ’ s n e p h e w /u n c le .


M a ry is M o lly ’ s a u n t /n ie c e .


H e le n is M a r y ’ s m o t h e r - in - la w /m u m .


B o b is A n n a ’ s g r a n d a d /u n c le .


L a ra is A le x ’ s s is t e r /d a u g h t e r .

stom ach





To show possession w e use: noun singular + 's. Who's Bob? He's Helen's husband. plural noun + -s'. Whose aunt is Lara? She's the girls' aunt. irregular plural noun + 's. This is the men’s house. b) ►see p. G R 3


P o in t to v a rio u s p arts o f y o u r b o d y . Y o u

p a rtn e r says th e w o rd .

m Suggested Answ er Key



a) • •

To present new vocabulary

A: W ho’s Alex? B: H e ’s Lara’s brother.

Direct Ss to the family tree and ask them to read the pairs of words. Explain any unknown vocabulary. Elicit these w ords in Ss’ L1.


A: W ho’s Tom? B: H e ’s Lara’s husband. A: W ho’s Ned? B: H e ’s (Tom and) Lara’s son.

To practise new vocabulary •

Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-10) and choose the correct w ords referring to the

A: W ho’s Helen? B: S h e’s (Molly and) N e d ’s grandma.

fam ily tree in Ex. 1a to help them. Check S s’ answers around the class.

A: W ho’s Sue? B: S h e’s A nn a’s sister.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4 5


wife dad grandm a daughter cousin


6 7 8 9 10

A: W ho’s Lara? B: S h e’s B o b ’s daughter.

nephew aunt m other-in-law grandad sister

A: Whose cousins are Anna and Sue? B: Anna and Sue are (Molly and) N e d ’s cousins. A: Whose daughter is M olly? B: M olly is Tom and Lara’s daughter.

To present possession •

• •

S s’ books closed. To p re s e n t’s genitive start by pointing to a student and saying: W ho’s (Bill)? H e ’s (Maria’s) best friend/brother etc. W rite it on the board. Then, point to a student’s book and say then w rite on the board: Whose bo o k is this? It’s M artha’s. Indicate some desks in the classroom and say then w rite on the board: Whose desks are those? They are the stu d e n ts’ desks. Say then w rite: W ho’s the stu d e n ts’ teacher? I ’m the stu d e n ts’ teacher. Explain the difference between w h o ’s (= who is -> asks for a person) and whose (asks for possession). Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read out the example dialogue in pairs. Refer Ss to the Gram m ar Reference section for more information.

A: Whose brother is N ed? B: N ed is M o lly’s brother. A: Whose husband is Alex? B: Alex is M a ry’s husband. A: Whose uncle is Tom? B: Tom is (Anna and) S ue’s uncle.



To present new vocabulary Play the recording with pauses fo r Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually. Elicit w hat these w ords are in S s’ L1.


To consolidate new vocabulary • •

Ss w ork in pairs and do the task. M onitor the activity around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key A : (points to ankle)


To practise w ho’s/w hose and family mem bers •

B: That’s yo u r ankle. A: (points to knee) B: That’s y o u r knee, etc

Ask Ss to w ork in pairs and using the dialogue in Ex. 2a as an example, ask and answer questions using w h o ’s and whose for the list o f names. Remind Ss to use the fam ily tree in Ex. 1a to help them.

Note: W rite on the board: Helen is Alex and L ara’s mum. Point out that when we refer to com m on possession we put the apostrophe at the last name. Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.

44(T )

Suggested A nsw er Key < n § > To present new vocabulary •

Ask Ss to read the descriptions (1-5) and explain/ elicit the meanings of any unknown w ords in bold.

You can refer Ss to the W ord List. Give Ss tim e to match the descriptions to the

people. Check S s’ answers.

... We have lessons and then a t noon I have lunch. In the afternoon, I com e hom e from school and do m y homework. Then I play video games in m y room. In the evening, I have dinner with m y family. A fte r that, I watch TV, then I go to bed.

To talk about fam ily mem bers •

A nsw er Key 1 Steve 2 Bob






Larry •



m m

Give Ss tim e to draw their fam ily tree and then ask various Ss around the class to present their fam ily mem bers to the rest of the class. If the task is assigned as HW, Ss can add photos and present their fam ily in the next lesson.

To listen for specific information Suggested A nsw er Key

Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit relevant vocabulary w hich they may hear in the recording fo r each person, (e.g. 1: long, straight, brow n hair, young, thin, tall, etc.)

• • •

Play the recording. Ss listen and com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

This is m y grandpa Thomas and this is m y grandm a Laura. They are 60 years old with short, grey hair. This is m y mum, Sue. She is tall and slim with long, fair hair. This is m y dad, John. He is tall and plum p with short, brown hair. This is m y sister, Nina. She’s 19 years o ld with long, fair hair.

A nsw er Key Person no. 2 is missing. His name is Adam Hodge. Person no. 3 is missing. H er name is Ann Whitfield.

m To practise new vocabulary in descriptions •

(£$ To practise new vocabulary and


describe people

Ask various Ss around the class to use the vocabulary in Ex. 4 and describe the other tw o people in the pictures 1 and 4 in Ex. 5.

Person no. 1 is a young girl. She is around 12 years old. She is tall and slim with long brow n hair. Person no. 4 is a young woman. She is around 20 years old. She is slim with long black hair.


To present new vocabulary •

Explain the task and go through the list of verbs in the rubric. Give Ss tim e to look at the pictures and com plete the phrases with the verbs in the list. Check S s’ answers around the class.

• •

A nsw er Key 2 3 4


take/have have walk


5 6

have come







9 10

have watch



To personalise the topic

Allow Ss some tim e to prepare their answers.

• •

Ss should use the phrases in Ex. 6a. Invite various Ss to tell the class about their routine on Mondays.

Suggested A nsw er Key Philip is m y friend. He is tall with short, brown hair and glasses

Suggested A nsw er Key


Give Ss tim e to w rite short descriptions about their friends and then ask various Ss around the class to present them to the rest of the class. If the task is assigned as HW, Ss can add photos and present their friends in the next lesson.


Daily routine/Free tim e

Find th e p erso n.


C o m p le te th e phrases. Use: w a tc h , w o rk ,

go, do, p la y , h ave (x3), w a lk , com e, take.

a show er

b re a k fa s t

to c o lle g e

H e ’ s y o u n g a n d fa t. H e ’ s g o t a b e a rd a n d a m o u s ta c h e . H e ’s ta ll a n d s lim . H e ’ s g o t s h o r t d a r k h a ir. S h e ’ s y o u n g , s h o r t a n d th in w ith

lu n c h

....................................................................................on back hom e h o m e w o r k / ^ e c o m p u te r a s s ig n m e n t

d in n e r

v id e o g a m e s

lo n g

b ro w n h a ir. S h e ’ s y o u n g a n d s lim w ith lo n g f a ir ha ir. H e ’ s o ld a n d p lu m p w ith s h o r t g r e y h a ir a n d g la s s e s .


Listen to th e d e s c rip tio n s . W h ich

p e o p le a re m issing? W h a t a re th e ir nam es?


to be d

Use phrases fro m Ex. 6a to te ll th e class

a b o u t y o u r ro u tin e on M o n d a y s . I g e t u p a n d ta k e a s h o w e r. T h e n , I h a v e b re a k fa s t. A f t e r th a t, I w a lk to c o lle g e . ...

( s p e a k in g ^ D ra w y o u r fa m ily tr e e . Stick on

p ictu res. P resen t th e p e o p le to th e class.

( WRITING ; W r ite a b o u t

y o u r frie n d s . Use p ictu res ... (n a m e ) is m y fr ie n d . .. is

( ta ll/s h o r t)

h a ir a n d . . . . b) Describe th e o th e r t w o p e o p le


w ith


jcfdi Grammar in use P ut th e verb s in b rack ets in to th e co rrect

F T J o you know w h a t ^ loses its head in the rnorning and gets it back at night? )éâ

fo rm o f th e p re s e n t sim ple.

A pillow!



He ................................... (s p e n d ) tim e w ith his fam ily every evening.


S h e ................................ (w o r k ) in a school.


We ................................... (d o ) our hom ew ork in the evening.


He ....................................... (ta k e ) a show er every m orning.


T h e y ................................... (lis te n ) to m usic in the evening.

Read th e th e o ry . Find e x a m p le s in th e jo k e .

A ffir m a tiv e I lik e fish.

She likes fish. It likes fish. We like fish.

You like fish. He likes fish.

Present simple (negative/interrogative)

You like fish. They like fish.

N e g a tiv e

I/You d o n 't like fish. He/She/It d o e s n 't lik e fish. W e/You/They d o n 't like fish.


daily routine - He walks the dog in the morning. habits - I eat lunch a t 1:30 every day. repeated actions - He usually plays fo o tb a ll

In te r ro g a tiv e Do I/you lik e fish?

on Fridays.

D oes he/she/it lik e fish?

perm anent states - She lives in London.

Do w e/you/the y lik e fish? S h o rt a n s w e rs

S p ellin g : 3rd perso n s in g u la r

Yes, I/you d o ./N o , I/you d o n 't.

verb + -s - I e a t - he eats, I like - he likes

verb -s s /-s h /-c h /-x /-o + -es - I go - he goes,

Yes, he/she/it d o e s ./N o , he/she/it d o e s n 't. Yes, w e/you/the y d o ./N o , w e/you/the y d o n 't.

I w ash - she washes

E T e T p p G R3 - G R 4

• verb ending in consonant + -y y

> -ies I cry - he cries

BUT vow el + -y - I p la y - he plays P u t th e verb s in b rack ets in to th e co rrect

T im e expressions: every day, on Mondays, etc

fo rm o f th e p re s e n t sim ple.

see p. GR3 1

He ................................................. (n o t/h a v e ) dinner at 8 :00 .


..................................................... ( y o u /e a t) lunch

Read th e th e o ry . Find e x a m p le s in th e jo k e above.

at w ork? Q

Read th e te x t . P ut th e verb s in b ra c k e ts in to


th e p re s e n t sim ple.

I ..........................................................(n o t /w a lk ) to college.




(g e t





m orning. He 2 ) ...................

(have) breakfast and


(w alk)


to w ork. He 4 ) .......................... (finish) w ork at 5:00 and then he 5)

3 ) ..........................

........................... (go) to the gym. In the evening,

he 6 ) ..................... (w a tc h ) TV or he 7 ) ...................... (play) 8)


com puter


w ith


(eat) dinner at 8:30.



(s h e /g e t u p )

at 6:30 every m orning? 5


We ............................................. (n o t/g o ) to college on Saturdays. ...............................................................

fo o tb a ll?

(t h e y /lik e )


m m To present the present simple (affirmative)

№ To present the present sim ple (negative & interrogative)

Ss close their books. Present the present simple. Say: I live in Barcelona. Write it on the board. Underline live and explain that this verb is in the present simple. Point to a S, say: You live in Barcelona. Then write it on the board. Underline live. Point to a male S and say: He lives in

second sentence. Explain that we use l/yo u lw e / they do n o t/d o n ’t and he/she/it does n o t/ do esn ’t to form the negative of the present simple. Point

Barcelona. Then write it on the board. Underline lives. Explain that the third person singular usually

takes an -s. Present the other persons in the same way. Explain the spelling rules o f the third person singular by writing the verbs miss, finish, watch, mix, go, cry on the board. Stress the difference between the spelling of play and cry. •

Play a game to drill Ss. Say various verbs in the first person singular. Ss, in teams, say the third person singular. Check spelling on the board. Each correct sentence gets 1 point. The team with the m ost points is the winner. T I brush. Team A S1 He brushes (B-R-U-S-H-E-S) T Team B S1

I fix He fixes (F-l-X-E-S) etc.

Ss close their books. Write on the board: I d o n ’t like jazz and She doe sn’t like rock. Underline I d o n ’t in the first sentence and She doesn’t in the

• • •

out that the main verb is the same for all persons. Then write: Do I like jazz? - No, I d o n ’t and Does she like rock? No, she do esn’t. Explain that we use Do l/you/w e/they and Does he/she/it to form questions in the present simple. Focus S s’ attention on the position o f do/does (before the personal pronoun). We answer in short form with Yes/No, l/you/w e/they d o /d o n ’t and he/she/it doe s/do esn ’t. Ask Ss questions to check understanding. T: Do you like painting? S1: No, I do n ’t./Yes, I do. T : Does your m other sing? S2: No, she doesn’t./Yes, she does. T: Do we live in Spain? S3: Yes, we do. etc. Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read the theory box. Elicit examples in the joke from Ss around the class. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar R eference section fo r more inform ation.

A nsw er Key

Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read the theory box. Elicit examples in the joke from Ss around the class. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar R eference section fo r more inform ation

Examples in joke: Do you know, No, I d o n ’t

To practise the present simple

A nsw er Key

Give Ss tim e to com plete the sentences and then check S s’ answers around the class.

Examples in joke: loses, gets

A nsw er Key 1

To practise the present simple


Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. C heck Ss’ answers on the board.


doe sn’t have Do you eat d o n ’t walk

4 5


Does she g e t up d o n ’t go Do they like

A nsw er Key 1 gets up 2 has 3 walks

4 5 6

finishes goes watches

7 plays 8 eats

To practise the present simple Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers on the board. A nsw er Key 1 spends 2 works

3 4

do takes



46(T )

Ask Ss to w rite sentences about their daily routine using the adverbs o f frequency. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers around the class.

m m * To practise the present simple •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it.

• •

Ss w ork in closed pairs. Check S s’ answers around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key I always g e t up a t 7:30 am.

A n s w e r K ey 1 2 3 4

do you g e t up

I usually have lunch at 1 pm. I often play sports after college. I never listen to m usic in the evening.

5 finish 6 play 7 listen 8 watches

makes do e sn ’t go works

I sometim es watch TV in the evening. •

daily routines.

m m * To practise the present simple • • •

As an extension Ss in closed pairs com pare their

Explain the task and read out the example. Ss com plete the task. Check S s’ answers around the class.



To present like/lo ve/h ate + -ing form •

A nsw er Key

the class.


Yes, she does.

3 4

Yes, they do. No, they d o n ’t. They eat dinner with their m um

S s ’ own answers •

Explain that when we use these verbs, the

nouns that follow refer to an action always have an -ing ending, e.g. swimming, running, dancing etc. Explain the spelling rules (M ost form s are base form s of the verb + -ing (play - playing). Verbs that end in a consonant + -e drop the -e and add -ing (dance - dancing). Verbs that end in

and dad.

m •

To present adverbs of frequency Ask Ss to read the sentences and then elicit the L1 equivalents for the adverbs of frequency. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar R eference section for more information.

S s’ own answers • m

To practise adverbs of frequency

Give Ss tim e to com plete the sentences referring

to the table in Ex. 8 as necessary. Check S s’ answers around the class.

1 always







a stressed vowel + consonant double the consonant and add -ing. Refer Ss to the Gram m ar Reference section fo r more inform ation.

S s ’ own answers


A nsw er Key sometim es

Ask Ss to read the exam ple sentences and then elicit the L1 equivalents from Ss around

To practise like/lo ve/h ate + -ing form •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it.

Check S s’ answers around the class.


Suggested A nsw er Key To practise word order with adverbs of frequency •

Explain the task and refer Ss to the theory in Ex. 8.

• •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers around the class.

1 2 3 4 5

I like doing m y homework. I d o n ’t like making breakfast. M y dad hates playing video games. M y m um likes reading books. M y best friend loves watching TV.


M y best friend hates walking to college.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3

He is always early fo r work. She is som etim es shy. He often has a show er in the morning.


We usually go to bed at 10:30.

To practise adverbs of frequency using personal examples •

Elicit activities Ss do in their w eekly routine (go to school, watch TV, g e t up etc.)


To write about the likes/dislikes of a fam ily mem ber • •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Ask various Ss to read their sentences to the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key M y sister loves playing video games. She likes w atching TV. She doe sn’t like eating fish. She hates playing football.

EU □

Read th e e m a il an d fill in th e gaps w it h th e

Fill in th e gaps w it h th e co rrect adverb o f

w o rd s in th e c o rre c t fo rm : finish, w o rk, eat,


n o t/g o , y o u /g e t up, w atch, yo u /d o , m ake, play,


J o h n ................... (1 0 0 % ) w a lk s to c o lle g e .

listen. 2 •

• •

H e le n ......................... (2 5 % ) w a tc h e s T V in th e e v e n in g .

Hi Joshua!


How are you? W hat tim e 1 ) ........................ in the m orning? I

breakfast fo r





me and





3 ) ......................to college. She 4 ) ........................

in a bank. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

I go to


college at



my A fter

lessons th a t


6) ........................ football in the park w ith my friends.

In the



H e is

....................(0 % ) la te fo r c o lle g e .


M y dad

................(7 5 % ) h a s lu n c h a t w o rk .

P ut th e w o rd s in th e co rrect o rd e r.

1 a lw a y s / e a r ly / is / fo r / w o r k /h e 2 s h e /s h y /s o m e tim e s /is

evening, I 7 ) .......... to

my sister 8) ......................... TV. We

m usic and

a fte r d in n e r.

get up at 7:30 and my mum


T h e y ................ (5 0 % ) d o th e ir a s s ig n m e n ts

9 ) ......................dinner w ith our mum


s h o w e r /h e / in / m o r n in g /o f te n /h a s / a /t h e


g o / t o / u s u a lly / w e / b e d /1 0 : 3 0 /a t

and dad

at 8:00. W hat 1 0 ) ..........................every day? W rite back, Paul

W h a t a b o u t yo u ? W h a t d o yo u a lw a y s / u s u a lly /o fte n /n e v e r/s o m e tim e s d o in y o u r

N o w a n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s based on th e t e x t in Ex. 6. 1

D o e s P a u l g e t u p a t 8 :0 0 ? N o , h e d o e s n ’t. H e g e ts u p a t 7:3 0 .


D o e s K a re n w o r k in a b a n k ?


D o P a u l’ s le s s o n s fin is h a t 3 :0 0 ?


D o P a u l a n d K a re n e a t d in n e r w ith th e ir

w e e k ly ro u tin e ?

like, love, hate + -ing form ® Julia is 16 years old. She loves playing football.( q ) I She likes listening to music.

(3 )

| Julia d o e s n 't like cooking dinner.


She h a te s g etting up early in the m orning.

£ > s e e p. G R 4

g ra n d m a ?

Adverbs o f frequency

(3 )

a) Say th e sen ten ces a b o v e in y o u r la n g u a g e . b) Use th e s e ideas to c o m p le te th e sen ten ces.

Read th e sen ten ces. Say th e

• d o h o m e w o rk

a d v e rb s in y o u r la n g u a g e .

• p la y v id e o g a m e s

• w a tc h T V

• w a lk to c o lle g e

• re a d b o o k s

• m a k e b r e a k fa s t •Ö

TTly daiia routine


I lik e ..................................................................

2 I d o n ’t lik e ..........................................................

k 1always get up at 7:00. I usually eat breakfast. I often walk to college. I sometimes play football in the afternoon. I t r —

fl I never watch TV in the evening.


M y d a d h a te s ...................................................


M y m u m lik e s ...................................................


M y b e s t fr ie n d lo v e s .....................................


M y b e s t fr ie n d h a te s

(w r it in g


^ W r ite fo u r sen ten ces a b o u t

A dverbs o f frequ en cy usually go b e fo re th e m ain

a m e m b e r o f y o u r fa m ily - w h a t they love,

verb, but a fte r the verb to be. She sometimes goes

like, d o n 't like an d h ate doing.

to bed after 11:00. She is usually happy.

M y b r o t h e r lo v e s re a d in g b o o k s . H e ...

Across Cultures ‘

Skills Work

Reading R ead th e t it le an d th e firs t p a ra g ra p h in th e


Read th e t e x t an d th e sen ten ces (1 -6 ).

W h ic h c o n ta in n e g a tiv e w o rd s ?

le a fle t. W h a t d oes th is c h a rity d o to h elp


B a r n a r d o ’ s is a B ritis h c h a rity .

ch ildren?


S a lly n e v e r g o e s to s c h o o l.


S a lly ’ s p a re n ts w o r k e v e ry d a y .


S a lly is ra re ly h u n g ry .


S a lly d o e s n ’t h a v e h e r o w n

Listen an d read to fin d o u t.


b e d ro o m . 6

T h e re a re C h ild r e n ’ s C e n tre s a ro u n d th e U K . b)

M a rk th e sen ten ces T (tru e )

o r F (fals e).

Check these words • give a helping h and • volunteer • charity • truth • daily life • cheap • share • to y • playroom • safely • study room • supervise • m ake a difference • sign up



i / I 'X

I s\ /

* *jA '


n the morning, Sally gets up and goes to school.

hungry and she doesn’t have any toys to play with.

Then, in the afternoon, she comes back home,

Thousands of children in the UK are like Sally. But

does her homework and goes to bed at around 9

you can help! We need volunteers for our Children’s

o’clock. But the truth is that Sally’s daily life is

Centres around the country. Each centre has a

difficult. Sally lives with her parents and her baby

playroom where children like Sally can play safely

brother, Alex. Her parents can't find a job, so they

and a study room where they can do their homework.

have very little money. They all live in one room in a

We need volunteers to supervise these children. Do

cheap hotel. They share a kitchen with many other

you want to make a difference? Then sign up to be a

families and use a public bathroom. Sally is often

Barnardo’s volunteer today!


To introduce the topic and listen for specific information • •

Ask Ss to look at the pictures, then read the title and the first paragraph in the text. Elicit Ss’ guesses in answer to the question.

Play the recording. Ss listen, read and find out.

A nsw er Key The charity helps children by organising C hildren’s Centres where children in need can g e t help.



To prepare for a reading task • • •

Ask Ss to quickly read the te xt and the statem ents (1-6). Explain/Elicit any unknown words. Elicit w hich of the statem ents contain negative words.

Suggested A nsw er Key 2







To read for specific information (T/F statements)

A i*

• •

Give Ss tim e to read the statem ents (1 -6) and the te xt again and com plete the task. Check S s’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4 5


(in the UK) (Sally goes to school) (parents ca n ’t find a job) (is often hungry) (all live in one room)



(around the country)

Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings of the w ords in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the W ord List.

Suggested A nsw er Key give a helping h and (phr): to help sb in need volunteer (v): to give yo u r time freely charity (n): an organisation that helps people in need truth (n): reality; n o t a lie daily life (phr): things you do during a day cheap (adj): n o t expensive share (v): to use sth with others toy (n): a plaything playroom (n): a room fo r children to play safely (adv): n o t dangerously study room (phr): a room where people can study/do their homework supervise (v): to look after and watch over m ake a difference (phr): to have a positive e ffect on sign up (phr v): to jo in

Suggested A nsw er Key ( f t •

A: Does Sally do her hom ew ork a t home?

To consolidate information in a text

B: A: B: A:

Ask Ss to read the questions, then look back through the text and answer them. Explain/Elicit any unknown words. Check S s’ answers around the class.

• •

Suggested A nsw er Key 1

B: Yes, they do. etc.

Sally’s daily life is norm al in the way that she goes to school, comes home, does her hom ew ork and

To com pare tw o people’s daily

goes to bed early. Sally’s fam ily do e sn 't live in a flat because they d o n ’t have enough m oney to pay rent. Volunteers at Barnardo’s C hildren’s Centres can supen/ise children while playing and doing their homework.



routines •

• synonyms Give Ss tim e to match the w ords in bold in the

te xt with the synonym s in the list. Check S s’ answers and then elicit the part of

Sally gets up, goes to school, comes home, does her hom ew ork and goes to bed at 9 pm. M y typical day is different. I also live with m y family, b u t I go to college. A fte r college, I hang out with m y friends. Sometimes

speech of each of the w ords in bold. A nsw er Key

we go to the cinema. I go to bed at 11 pm. M y life do esn’t have m any difficulties. It is hard w ork at college, b u t the rest o f m y life is comfortable. I always have enough to eat, b u t Sally is often hungry. Sally lives in a hotel, b u t I live in a house. Also, Sally doesn’t

truth (n): reality difficult (adj): hard share (v): to have with oth e r people public (adj): com m on safely (adv): w ithout risk need (v): to want supervise (v): to take care o f

• • •

have her own room, b u t I do.


To consolidate new vocabulary

3 p u b lic 4


To consolidate new vocabulary Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Tell Ss to copy these w ords in the Collocations Section in their notebooks and revise them as often as possible and then check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2

volunteers shares

i f t

49(T )

Check S s’ answers.


5 study 6 free 10

• •

• •

Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-3) and underline the key w ords (only child, flat, near park, do esn ’t like city life). Play the recording twice. Ss listen and mark the statem ents accordingly.

A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key cheap daily


To listen for specific information (T/F statements) •

Read out the Study Skills box. Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Tell Ss to copy these phrases in the Collocations Section in their notebooks and revise them as often as possible and then check Ss’ answers.

1 2

M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to report back to the rest of the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key

( f t

Ask various Ss to make notes under the headings TYPICAL DAY, DIFFICULTIES in answer to the questions in the rubric and com pare Sally’s daily life to their daily life, then Ss use their notes to tell their partner.

To consolidate new vocabulary through

Yes, she does. Do S ally’s parents have job s? No, they d o n ’t. Do volunteers a t C hildren’s Centres supervise children?

3 supervises 4

comes back







IC T To w rite about a children’s charity in your country • • • •

Ask Ss to think of a children’s charity in their country and find out information about it from the Internet. Give Ss tim e to w rite a short article about it. Ask various Ss to read their article to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’ answers in the next lesson.

5 find 6 need

To ask and answer questions on a text

Read out the example and ask Ss to ask and answer questions in pairs based on the text. Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key Kitezh is a children’s charity in Russia. It helps orphans children without parents. The charity offers many services in a special village, also called Kitezh. There, orphans can grow up safe and happy. A bout 40 children live there, as well as 26 adult volunteers. In the village o f Kitezh, there is a school, a farm, and workshops. The children learn English, play sport and do art.

c o llo c a tio n s

A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s . 1

In w h a t w a y s is S a lly ’s d a ily life n o rm a l?


W h y d o e s n ’t S a lly ’ s fa m ily liv e in a fla t?


W h a t c a n v o lu n te e r s d o a t B a r n a r d o ’ s

j p ill in : cheap, daily, public,

free, baby, study. 4 h o te l

b r o th e r

C h ild r e n ’ s C e n tre s ?



ro o m b a th r o o m

M a tc h th e w o rd s in b o ld to th e ir synonym s:

C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. Use: comes back,

have w ith o th e r people, reality, w a n t, com m on,

supervises, shares, volunteers, find, need.

w ith o u t risk, take care o f, hard. W h a t p a rt o f


speech a re th e s e w o rd s ?

E v e ry w e e k e n d , G e o rg e ................................ a t a c h a r ity fo r h o m e le s s c h ild re n .


T e rry .................................. h is b e d ro o m

w ith

h is b r o th e r, M a rk . 3


A collocation is a combination of two words that are often used together. Learn the words that go together so that you sound natural to a native English speaker.

T h e t e a c h e r ..................................th e s tu d e n ts d u rin g th e ir lu n c h b re a k .


M y d a d ................................ h o m e fr o m w o rk a t 6 o ’ c lo c k e v e ry e v e n in g .


P le a s e , h e lp m e lo o k fo r m y g la s s e s . I c a n ’t ..................................th e m a n y w h e re .


T h e y ..................................p e o p le to h e lp th e m in th e c e n tre .

Speaking In pairs, ask an d a n s w e r q u e s tio n s based on th e te x t. A : D o e s S a lly g o to s c h o o l in th e m o r n in g ? B : Yes, s h e d o e s .

~ W h a t is S ally's ty p ic a l d a y like? W h a t d iffic u ltie s d oes she h ave? M a k e n o te s, th e n c o m p a re it w ith y o u r d a ily life . Tell y o u r p a rtn e r.

Listening Listen to Susan ta lk in g a b o u t h er d a ily ro u tin e an d m a rk th e sen ten ces T (T ru e ) o r F (False). 1

S u s a n is an o n ly c h ild .


S h e liv e s in a fla t n e a r th e p a rk .


S h e d o e s n ’t lik e c ity life .

W ritin g


|ICT| C ollect in fo rm a tio n a b o u t a ch ildren's c h a rity in y o u r c o u n try . W r ite a s h o rt article a b o u t it. W rite : w ho it helps, w h a t services it offers.


ш Listening skills M u ltip le choice

M u ltip le matching

a) Read th e ru b ric, th e n lo o k a t th e p ic tu res . W h a t does

Preparing for the task

each sh o w ?

R ead th e t e x t an d th e o p tio n s .

Y ou are g o in g to listen to five recordings. For each que stion

T h e n m a tc h th e p e o p le to th e

(1-5) choose th e answ er w h ic h m atches w h a t you have heard by circlin g th e a p p ro p ria te le tte r (A, B or C).

a c tiv itie s .


A : S o , M a ry , d o y o u p la y v id e o g a m e s in th e e v e n in g s ?

W h a t d o e s S a lly d o in th e e v e n in g ?

В: I



s o m e tim e s ,



p r e fe r

lis te n in g to m u s ic . I a lw a y s lis te n to m y fa v o u rite s o n g s in th e e v e n in g s. It

m akes


fe e l

re la x e d .


b r o th e r a lw a y s p la v s v id e o g a m e s . 2

H e ’s c ra z y a b o u t th e m .

W h o ’ s L u c y ’ s s is te r? A




1 2


M a ry M a ry ’s


b r o th e r 3

lis te n to m u s ic

H o w m a n y b r o th e rs h a s A n n g o t? A

p la y v id e o gam es

В Listen an d m atch th e p e o p le to th e a c tiv itie s . T h e re is o n e e x tra a c tiv ity .


W h e re a re th e s p e a k e rs ? 1 lk




P e te r


lis te n to m u s ic


S te v e


p la y fo o tb a ll


P e te r ’ s


w a tc h T V



s u r f th e

M a ry w a n ts S te lla A

to m e e t her.


to le n d h e r s o m e th in g .

B to g iv e h e r s o m e m o n e y.



In te rn e t

P e te r ’s m um


p la y v id e o gam es

K j^ n

b) D o th e lis te n in g task.

T/F statem ents a)

Pronunciation /s/ /z/ / iz/

Read th e ru b ric, th e n re a d th e sen ten ces an d u n d e rlin e Listen an d tic k ( / ) . Listen

th e key w o rd s . W h a t d o y o u th in k th e a n n o u n c e m e n t is

a g a in an d re p e a t.

a b o u t? Y ou w ill hear an a n n o u n c e m e n t. D ecide w h ic h sentences (1-3) are tru e (T) and w h ic h are false (F).

Isl lis te n s goes


T h e s tu d e n ts h a v e c o m p u t e r c la s s e s e v e ry d a y .


T h e s tu d e n ts c a n d o s p o r ts in th e a fte rn o o n s .

re a d s


T h e te a c h e r a n n o u n c e s c h a n g e s in th e tim e ta b le .


te a c h e s

lik e s b)

Listen to th e a n n o u n c e m e n t an d d o th e task.

W h ic h w o rd s h e lp e d yo u decide? 'т



я т яь

w a lk s w a tc h e s

Iz l

h it


A î * To prepare for a listening task (multiple choice)

№ To prepare for a listening task (multiple matching)

Ask Ss to read the rubric, then read the questions and look at the pictures. Elicit w hat each picture shows.

Suggested A nsw er Key 1

A nsw er Key

A - w atching TV B - listening to music


C - playing video games A - a short, young girl with short, fair hair B - a tall, slim girl with long, dark hair C - a tall, slim girl with short, dark hair A - tw o

I *

• • • •

Ask Ss to read the list o f activities. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and match the people to the activities. Check S s’ answers.

1 D

Play the recording tw ice. Ss listen and choose the correct answers.

Check Ss’ answers.




• •






To prepare for a listening task (T/F statements)

A nsw er Key

Ask Ss to read the rubric and then the sentences and underline the key words. Ask Ss to guess what the announcement is about. Check S s’ answers.






teaches /

Suggested A nsw er Key



Key words to be underlined:



1 2 3



students, com puter classes, every day students, sports, afternoon teacher, announces changes, timetable

I think the announcem ent is about a tim etable in a secondary school.

№ To listen for specific information (T/F statements) •

Play the recording tw ice. Ss listen and choose the correct answers.

Check Ss’ answers and elicit which words helped Ss decide on their answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3

T (com puter classes each day) F (no PE classes and no after-school sports) T (changes in the timetable)


/iz /






they hear. Check S s’ answers. Play the recording again with pauses fo r Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually. Check S s’ pronunciation.

/s / •


Model the sounds. Play the recording. Ss listen and tick the sounds

• • A



To learn to pronounce /s/, /z /, /iz /

• 2

To listen for specific information (multiple

m To listen for specific information (multiple choice)



A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key 1




B - three C - four A - a kitchen B - a living room C - a bedroom


Ask Ss to read the te xt and the options and then m atch the people to the activities. Ask Ss to pay attention to the underlined phrases. Check Ss’ activities.


Suggested A nsw er Key Brian: Hey, look at that boy over there. Tom: Which one? Brian: The one with short black hair. Who is he? Tom: H e ’s m y study partner. Brian: W hat’s his name? Tom: Trevor.

To read for gist Ask Ss to read the dialogue and elicit S s’ guesses as to w hat it is about. Suggested A nsw er Key The dialogue is about tw o giris talking about a person

Brian: H ow old is he? Tom: H e ’s 16. Brian: W hat’s he like? Tom: H e ’s a really nice guy. Come and m eet him.

that one o f them knows.


To com plete a dialogue (missing sentences) Ask Ss to read the sentences (A-D) and then read the dialogue and match the sentences to the gaps


To introduce asking about/telling the

a) tim e

(1-4). A sk Ss to look at the clock and read the phrases A nsw er Key 1


2 D




in the table. Explain when we use them. Ask Ss to say them in their L1.


Helen is the girl on the left. To practise asking about/telling the

b) tim e b)


To listen for confirmation •

Play the recording. Ss listen and read and check their answers. • •

To role play a dialogue Ss do the task in pairs. Ss should pay attention to stress pronunciation and intonation. Invite Ss to use gestures while speaking. M onitor the activity around the class. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in closed pairs.

A: What time is it? B: I t ’s quarter p ast six.

Go through the phrases in the box. Ss com plete the task in pairs using the dialogue in Ex. 2 as a model to help them and phrases from the Useful Language box. W rite this diagram on the board for Ss to follow. B

Describe the person. Ask who the person is

minutes + past/to + hour. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some Ss to ask about and tell the tim e in front of the class.

A nsw er Key

To act out a dialogue

Point to sb and tell B.

Ss w ork in pairs. Ss look at the clock faces and use the language in the table to ask about and tell the time, following the example. Explain/Elicit any unknown words. Tell Ss that in English to tell the tim e we say:

Ask w hich person A is talking about. Say who the person is.

A: Have you g o t the time? B: I t ’s a quarter to eight. A: Excuse me, w hat’s the time, please? B: It’s half past seven. A: What time is it? B: It’s three o ’clock. A: Have you g o t the time? B: It’s half past nine. To practise dialogue completion

Ask about person’s name. Ask how old the person is.

Say the person’s name.

Ask about the person’s character.

Describe person’s characters and take A to meet him/her.

Ask Ss to read the dialogues and the possible

answers for each one and give them tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

Say the person’s age.

A nsw er Key 1 2


(asking about profession) (asking what the time is)

M onitor the activity around the class and then ask



(asking about appearance)

some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the rest of the class.

As an extension ask Ss to think ofquestions/ answers that could match the other options. (e.g. 1B. H o w ’s yo u r father?)

Speaking skills Everyday English

Asking about/Telling the tim e

Identifying & Describing people Read th ro u g h th e d ia lo g u e . W h a t is it

a) Look a t

a b o u t?

th e clock

to a quarter to

an d read a) Use th e sen ten ces (A -D ) to c o m p le te th e

th e phrases.

0 'd0ck (V


< •

a quarter past

half past

d ia lo g u e . Find H e le n in th e p ic tu re .

Asking •

W h a t tim e is it, p le a se ? •

H a v e y o u g o t th e

• I t ’s h a lf (p a s t) fiv e ,

tim e , p le a s e ?

• I t ’s (a) q u a r te r p a s t

I t ’ s fiv e o ’ c lo c k .

E xcu se m e, w h a t’s

s ix .

th e tim e , p le a s e ?

I t ’s (a) q u a rte r to tw o .

b) Use th e ta b le an d th e clocks to ask each A nna: Em m a:

o th e r th e tim e .

H e y , lo o k a t th a t g irl o v e r th e re . W h ic h o n e ?

ii 10


T h e o n e w ith th e lo n g b ro w n h a ir.

Em m a:

1) .................................................................... S h e ’ s m y c o u s in .


2) ....................................................................

Em m a: A nna: Em m a: Anna: Em m a:








9 .

S h e ’ s 18. 4) ....................................................................












10 3


A . 7i s


W h o is s h e ?


H o w old is she?













| 7 i *




W h a t’s h er n a m e ?

Read th e ru b ric an d c o m p le te th e task. Read th e dialogues b e lo w . C o m p le te th e m w ith th e a p p ro p ria te response (A, B o r C). 1

T a k e roles an d in pairs re a d th e d ia lo g u e

X: W h a t d o e s y o u r fa th e r d o ? Y:

a lo u d .


H e ’ s fin e , th a n k s .

W o rk in pairs. Y o u a re on a fie ld trip w ith


H e ’ s w a tc h in g T V .

y o u r fe llo w s tu d e n ts . A c t o u t a s im ila r d ia lo g u e to th e o n e in Ex. 2a. Use phrases


H e ’s a d o c to r .

X: Y: I t ’ s h a lf p a s t fiv e .

fro m th e la n g u a g e box.


H o w m u c h is it?

B W h a t n u m b e r is it?

r Asking about people

Responding •

lo o k lik e ?

H e /S h e ’ s ta ll a n d s lim e tc .

• W h a t is h e /s h e lik e ?

H e /S h e ’ s c le v e r.

H e /S h e ’ s 16.

H e /S h e ’ s m y

• W h a t’ s h is /h e r n a m e ?


Dialogue com pletion

b) Listen, read an d check.

• W h o ’ s h e /s h e ?



1 2 1—•- 3 6


B : I t ’s 12 o ’c lo c k .

C om e and

H o w o ld is h e /s h e ?


- ^

A : W h a t tim e is it, p le a s e ?

S h e ’ s fr ie n d ly

• W h a t d o e s h e /s h e



9 8

3 A

10 3



3) ....................................................................

ii 2

4= 8

H e le n .

m e e t h e r.

'1 1



H a v e y o u g o t th e tim e ?

X: W h o is D a v id ? Y: X: O h y e s , I c a n s e e h im . A

H e ’ s k in d a n d p o lite .

c o u s in /fr ie n d e tc .

B T h e o n e w ith b la c k h a ir.

J o h n /A n n a e tc .


H e lik e s p la y in g g o lf.


An email describing your best friend

Rubric analysis a)

Read th e ru b ric an d a n s w e r

Hi John, are things? I’d 2 )


th e q u e s tio n s .

to tell you about

my best friend, Alex. He’s sixteen and he’s a good student. Alex is tall 3 )

W rite an e m a il to y o u r Englishspeaking frie n d (5 0 -1 0 0 w ords). In y o u r em ail: • w rite w h o y o u r best frie n d is.


dark hair. He’s very funny, but he

be shy sometimes, too. Alex and I 5 )

in the same class. At

the weekends, we often play football 6 ) .............

• describe him /her. • say w h a t you do to g e th e r.

we sometimes go to the cinema. We also 7 ) ...............video games. He’s a great person.


W h a t a re y o u g o in g to w rite ?


W h o is g o in g to re a d it?


W h a t is it a b o u t?

Bye for 1 0 ) ................


H o w m a n y w o rd s s h o u ld y o u


What about 8 )

best friend? Write

9 ) ...............

w rite ? b)



W h a t in fo rm a tio n sh ou ld

■■■■■■■.,: '__________

H o w d o e s A la n b e g in a n d e n d h is e m a il? R e p la ce th e

y o u in c lu d e in y o u r em ail?

o p e n in g a n d c lo s in g re m a rk s w i t h s u ita b le o n e s fr o m th e

Tick ( / ) th e boxes.

U s e fu l L a n g u a g e b o x .


y o u r fa m ily n e w s


y o u r b e s t fr ie n d ’s n a m e /a g e


h o w y o u r b e s t frie n d s p e n d s h is /h e r fre e tim e


w h y y o u r b e s t fr ie n d lik e s y o u


y o u r b e s t fr ie n d ’ s a p p e a ra n c e


to g e th e r y o u r b e s t fr ie n d ’ s c h a r a c te r

Linkers a ls o /to o /o r W e use: •

a lso to give additional inform a tio n a b o u t som eone/som ething. W e usually p u t it in fro n t o f th e verb b u t a fte r th e verb to be. Gemma is clever. She is also kind.

t o o to give additional info rm ation a b o u t som eone/som ething. W e usually p u t it a fter th e verb. M y m um is tall. She is slim, too.

o r to

introduce an alternative idea/thing/person etc. On

Sundays they g o fo r a w alk o r sometimes they go to the cinema.

w h a t you and y o u r b e s t frie n d u s u a lly d o


□ □ □ □ □

□ □

M odel analysis a) Read th e e m a il an d

Read th e th e o ry b o x an d fin d e x a m p le s o f also, too, o r in th e m o d e l e m a il.

R e w rite th e sen ten ces using th e lin kers in b rackets. 1

D a n n y is s tr o n g . H e is b ra v e , (to o )


M a tt lik e s H is to ry . H e lik e s G e o g ra p h y , (also)


W e c a n p la y fo o tb a ll. W e c a n g o to th e th e a tre , (o r)


J o h n g o e s to th e g y m o n S a tu rd a y s . H e g o e s to th e

c o m p le te th e m issing w o rd s . b) W h a t in fo rm a tio n fro m Ex. 1b has it g o t? c) M a tc h th e p a ra g ra p h s to th e h e a d in g s .

m a ll. (too) 1

a c tiv itie s to g e th e r


r e q u e s t to w r ite b a c k


b e s t fr ie n d ’s a p p e a ra n c e , c h a ra c te r re a s o n f o r w r itin g ; n a m e a n d a g e o f b e s t fr ie n d


5 6

C o ra is b e a u tifu l. S h e is c le v e r, (also)

D o y o u lik e w a tc h in g D V D s ? D o y o u lik e w a tc h in g film s a t th e c in e m a ? (or)

Suggested A nsw er Key 1


To analyse a rubric • •

Ask Ss to read the rubric aloud. Read the questions aloud one at a tim e and elicit the answers from Ss around the class.

Opening remarks: How are things? - Hope you are OK. Closing remarks: Write back. Bye fo r now. - Write back soon.

A nsw er Key

To present and identify linkers


an email


m y English-speaking friend m y best friend 50-100 words

Ask Ss to read the theory and explain any points Ss are unsure of.

Elicit examples of linkers in the email from Ss around the class.

3 4

A nsw er Key №


To predict content of an email

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

look at the

Examples in email: ...b u t he can be shy sometimes,

points and

to o .,... we often play football or we som etim es go to the cinema. We also play video games.

C heck Ss’ answers. №

A nsw er Key


To practise linkers

Item s to be ticked: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

• •


A nsw er Key

To com plete an open cloze

Ask Ss to read the email and think of appropriate w ords to fill the gaps (1 -10). Give Ss tim e to com plete the task, in closed pairs and then check S s’ answers. A nsw er Key 1 H ow 2 like


3 4

with can

5 6

are and

play your

9 10

back now

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers around the class.

1 Danny is strong. He is brave, too. 2 M att likes History. He also likes Geography. 3 4

We can play football o r we can go to the theatre. John goes to the gym on Saturdays. He goes to the mall, too. Cora is beautiful. She is also clever. Do you like watching DVDs o r (do you like watching) films a t the cinema?

To read for content; to confirm predictions • •

Ask Ss to read the email again and the list in Ex. 1 b again and say which points are included. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 2, 3, 5, 6, 7


m To match headings to paragraphs; to consolidate content of paragraphs • •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to read the email and com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 C

2 D





To identify and substitute opening/ closing rem arks in an email •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Ss can use phrases from the Useful Language box on p. 53. Check S s’ answers.


Suggested A nsw er Key a)

( f t l * ) To learn about word order in sentences • •

Go through the theory box with Ss. Explain the w ord order and ask them to give you sentences following the rules in the table.


To practise word order •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key


2 3 4 5

6 7

When do you go to the gym ? He som etim es walks to work. Do you always catch a bus to college? She likes basketball. He is g o o d at English. He d o e sn ’t play football often. What time does he go to work?

To prepare for a writing task

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to answer the questions in their notebooks. Suggested A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4 5


M y best frie n d ’s name is Danielle. She is 17 years old. She is slim with long black hair. She is very hardworking. She is fun to be with. In her free time, she likes w atching TV and playing tennis.


A i*

To analyse a rubric

Ask Ss to read the rubric.


To w rite an informal email •

5 3 (D

Give Ss tim e to w rite their email using their notes from Ex. 7 and phrases from the Useful Language box. Remind Ss to use the plan and the email skeleton to help them. They can also use the email in Ex. 2 as a model. Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their w ork fo r mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their emails to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to read out their emails in the next lesson.

Hi Tara, H ope y o u ’re OK. I ’d like to tell you about m y best friend, Danielle. S he’s 17 years old. She’s got long black hair. S h e ’s short an d slim with brown eyes. S he’s very hardworking and she is really fun to be with. A t weekends, she enjoys w atching TV and playing tennis. S he’s a really good friend. Bye for now, Debbie

Useful Language Opening remarks

W ord order a)

S tu d y th e ta b le s .

• How are you? • Hope you are OK.

Appearance W o rd o rd e r - A ffir m a tiv e /N e g a t iv e sen ten ces a d v e rb o f su bject fre q u e n c y I


v e rb

a d je c tiv e

o b je c t


• She's tall with green eyes. • He's got fair hair and blue eyes. • She's short and thin.

a d v e rb o f tim e /p la c e


fo o tb a ll a t th e w eekends.

• ... is very brave/kind/hardworking etc. • ... is fun to be with. • ... is ... but he/she can be ...

W o rd o rd e r - Q u e s tio n s q u e s tio n a u x ilia ry m ain su b je c t a d je c tiv e w o rd v e rb v e rb W h a t tim e







o b je c t

a d v e rb o f tim e / place

Free-time activities • He/She really loves/likes/enjoys reading/ playing sport/surfing the Net. etc • His/Her favourite free time activity is ...

to bed? a big


Closing remarks • Write back soon. • Bye for now.

b) Put th e w o rd s in th e co rrect o rd er.

1 d o /w h e n /g o / y o u /t o th e g y m ? 2

to w o r k /h e /w a lk s /s o m e tim e s


to c o lle g e /d o / a b u s /y o u /c a tc h /a lw a y s ?


lik e s /s h e /b a s k e tb a ll


a t/E n g lis h /is /h e / g o o d

(Para 3) weekend activities (Para 4) closing remarks sign off


d o e s n ’t/ h e / f o o t b a ll/ o f t e n / p la y

(your first name)


g o /d o e s / w h a t tim e / h e /t o w o rk ?

Hi + (friend’s first name), (Para 1) opening remarks, best friend’s name & age (Para 2) best friend’s appearance & character

• •

H i ...!

W ritin g

Hope you’re OK. I’d like to tell you a b o u t... .

A n s w e r th e q u estio n s a b o u t y o u r b est frie n d .

He’s/She’s ... . H e /S h e

is ... with ... and ...


W h a t is h is /h e r n a m e ?

He’s/She’s very ..., b u t ... .


H o w o ld is h e /s h e ?

At weekends, he/she ....


W h a t d o e s h e /s h e lo o k lik e ?

Bye for now.


W h a t is h e /s h e lik e ?


W h a t d o e s h e /s h e d o in h is /h e r fre e tim e ?



Read th e rubric.

W rite an e m a il to y o u r English-speaking frie n d (5 0 -1 0 0 w o rd s). In y o u r em ail: • w rite y o u r best frie n d 's age. • describe his/her character. • w rite w h a t he/she does a t th e w eekends.

When you finish writing your email, check for the following: •

clear paragraphs

appropriate opening and closing remarks

appropriate use of linkers

b) Use y o u r a n s w e rs in Ex. 7 to c o m p le te y o u r e m a il. Use

grammar and spelling mistakes

th e la n g u a g e in th e U seful L ang u ag e box. F o llo w th e plan.

word length



Our skeleton

H o w m a n y bon es a re th e r e in o u r s k e le to n ? H o w m a n y

From our head to our toes our body is full of bones. An adult has got over 200 bones. They make up our skeleton.

bon es a re th e re in o u r fin g ers? Listen an d re a d to fin d o u t.

R ead th e te x t . M a r k th e sen ten ces T (tr u e ) o r F (fa ls e ). 1

Our arm s have got short bones.

2 There are fla t bones in the skull.

A rm s: Each arm

contains three .......

long bones.

S ku ll: It has

got flat bones. It protects our brain.


3 We all have 24 rib s ................ 4

O ur fingers have got the sam e num ber of bones as our th u m b s ............

Spine: It holds our

body upright. It

5 The spine helps our body w alk.


6 The legs have got big bones.


contains 83 bones.

Ribs: These

bones protect our heart, lungs and liver. Most people have 12 pairs o f ribs.

R eplace th e w o rd s in b o ld w ith w o rd s fro m th e list. A d d a n y necessary w o rd s to m a k e c o rre c t sen ten ces.

• arm s • spine • feet • w rist • brain • heart, lungs & liver 1

m W ris t: It has got 8

It co ntains bones th a t can

small bones. They

move. 2

can move.

We stand on th e m .

3 The skull p ro te cts it.

bones. The thumb


O ur ribs p ro te ct th e m .


It helps our body stand

Legs: Each


leg has got

T h e y contain six large bones.

large, strong


Fingers: Each

finger has got 3 has got 2.

bones. Each W h a t d o th e s e n u m b e rs re fe r

leg supports

A n k le /F e e t:

our body.

They have got

to ? Use th e m in sen ten ces o f

52 bones. They

your ow n. • 200 • 83

»8 »52

help us stand »12

Check these words


T e ll th e class th re e th in g s y o u h a v e le a r n t fro m th e te x t .

• • • • •

head • to e • bone • adul m ake up • skeleton • sku protect • brain • wrist • s hold • upright • contain support • heart • lungs •

• rib • th um b • ankle


W orkbook p. 31

and walk.


( » ) To listen and read for specific information •

Explain the task and elicit Ss’ answers around the

• •

class. Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out. Check S s’ answers.

• •

There are over 200 bones in o u r skeleton. Each finger has g o t three bones. The thum b has g o t tw o bones.

1 2

The w rist contains bones that can move. We stand on ou r feet.

3 4 5 6

The The The The

m To read for specific information (T/F statem ents)

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key

To identify reference in a text

№ • •

Ask Ss to read the statem ents (1-6) and give Ss tim e to read the te x t again and com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.

skull protects our brain. ribs p ro te ct ou r heart, lungs an d liver. spine helps ou r b o d y stand upright. arm s contain six large bones.

To consolidate information in a text

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key (long bones)

A dults have over 200 bones in their bodies. The w rist has g o t 8 sm all bones.


(flat bones)

N ot everybody has 12 pairs o f ribs.


(m ost people)

The spine is made up o f 83 bones.


(fingers: 3, thum b: 2) (holds bo d y upright)

The 52 bones in the ankles and feet help us to walk. The thum b has only g o t 2 bones.



(large bones)

Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings o f the w ords in the Check these words box in their dictionaries or look them up in the W ord List.

1 2


3 4 5


To consolidate information in a text Read out the rubric and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key

Suggested A nsw er Key

h ead (n): the bo d y p a rt attached to y o u r neck that contains yo u r eyes and brain toe (n): one o f the digits on y o u r foot bone (n): the hard parts inside yo u r bo d y that form the skeleton adult (n): a fully grow n person m ake up (phr v): to form skeleton (n): all the bones in the bo d y skull (n): the bo n y skeleton o f the head p ro te c t (v): to keep from harm

I have learnt that our spine contains 83 bones. I have learnt that n o t all people have 12 pairs o f ribs. I have also learnt that each finger has g o t 3 bones b u t our thum b has g o t 2.

brain (n): the organ we think with wrist (n): the p a rt that connects the hand to the arm spine (n): the series o f bones in the back hold (v): to carry upright (adj): in a vertical position contain (v): to have inside support (v): to h old sth up heart (n): the organ that pum ps blood around the body lungs (pi n): the organs we breathe with liver (n): the organ that cleans the blood rib (n): one o f the bones around our lungs thumb (n): the short digit on the hand next to the fingers ankle (n): the p a rt that connects the fo o t to the leg


To practise the third-person singular

To consolidate vocabulary from the unit

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Check S s’ answers. Answer Key

Answer Key 7 m other-in-law 2 wife

3 4

b rother father



JEJ) To consolidate vocabulary from the unit Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.





3 4

lips face



To consolidate vocabulary from the unit

washes thinks



To practise word order •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

Check S s’ answers.

1 2 3 4 5

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

3 4

slim young

Do you walk to college? Tom doesn ’t usually ge t up early. We always eat dinner at 8:00. Do you watch TV in the evening? She never plays video games.

To practise the present continuous

A nsw er Key 1 hair 2 short

3 4

A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key 1 ankle 2 nose



Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. C heck Ss’ answers.


A nsw er Key '№

To consolidate verbs from the unit

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. C heck S s’ answers.


3 4

take does



A nsw er Key W ho’s he? W hat’s her name? W hat’s she like?

4 5

H ow old is he? What does he look like?


To practise the possessive case

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers. A nsw er Key






3 4

m e n ’s W ho’s




Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 has g o t 2 his

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

1 2 3


P To consolidate gram m ar structures learnt in the unit • •

^ To consolidate everyday English expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit • •

3 4

G r a m m a r in F o c u s

A nsw er Key 1 play 2 watches

1 playing 2 reading


b o ys’

walking is



Progress Check Vocabulary

Gram m ar

C o m p le te th e

C hoose th e c o rrect ite m .


T h is is L y d ia s ’/ L y d ia ’s s is te r.


W h o s e /W h o ’s c o m p u t e r is th a t?


T h a t’ s th e m e n ’s /m e n s ’ o ffic e .


W h o s e /W h o ’s th a t g irl?


L u k e is th e b o y s /b o y s ’ c o u s in . (5x2=10)


M a ry is S u e ’ s .


S u e is A le x ’ s ..


J o h n is A n n a ’ s


I w o rk - she


A le x is T o m ’ s .


I g o - Ih e ......


B o b is J o h n ’ s .


I w a s h - sh e


I th in k - he ..


I c ry - s h e ...

W r ite th e th ird -p e rs o n s in g u lar.


C hoose th e o d d w o rd o u t.




e y e - h a ir - m o u th - a n k le


le g - n o s e - k n e e - to e


lip s - a rm - h a n d - fin g e r


fo o t - a n k le - to e - fa c e


m o u th - h a n d - te e th - lip s


Put th e w o rd s in th e rig h t o rd e r.

1 y o u /c o lle g e / w a lk /d o / to ? 2

d o e s n ’t / T o m /g e t u p /e a r ly /u s u a lly


a lw a y s / w e / a t /d in n e r / 8 :0 0 /e a t


e v e n in g / in / d o /w a tc h / y o u /T V /t h e ?


p la y s /s h e /v id e o g a m e s /n e v e r


W r ite th e w o rd s . 1

H e ’ s g o t fa ir h ___r a n d w e a rs g la s s e s .


S h e ’ s s ____ t a n d p lu m p .


S h e ’ s s _ _ m a n d ta ll.


H e ’ s y ____ g a n d fa t.


S h e ’ s g o t I ___g b ro w n h a ir.

(5x2=10) (5x2

Put th e verb s in th e c o rre c t fo rm .

Fill in: ta ke , p la y, g o , do, w a tc h in th e co rrect f. _ ro rm .


I l i k e .............. ........... (p la y ) fo o tb a ll.


M a ry lo v e s . ......................... (r e a d ) b o o k s .


H e lik e s


In th e e v e n in g I


In th e a fte rn o o n s h e .....................TV.


J a n e h a te s . ......................... (w a tc h ) TV.


In th e m o r n in g I


I l o v e ............ . (e a t) d in n e r w ith m y fa m ily .


In th e a fte rn o o n he ...........h is h o m e w o rk .


........... v id e o g a m e s .

............ a s h o w e r.

. .

(s p e n d ) tim e w ith frie n d s .

(5x2=10) Total: 100

In th e e v e n in g w e ... .................to b e d . (5x2=10)

Everyday English Fill in: W h a t's she like? - W ho's he? - H o w o ld is he? - W h a t does he lo o k like? - W h a t's h e r nam e?

Fill in th e co rrect fo rm o f th e w o rd s in bracke ts, choose th e c o rrect w o r d o r fill in


A: ................................


B: H e ’s m y frie n d . 2

A: ................................ B: A n n a .


A : ................................ B: S h e ’ s fr ie n d ly .



th e g ap .






J a c k liv e s w ith h im /h is g ra n d m a .


3 I lik e s lim . (5x4=20)

(h a v e g o t) lo n g b ro w n h a ir.

(walk) to college.


L io n e l M e s s i

(b e) a g re a t fo o tb a lle r.


D o y o u h a v e ................... b ro th e rs ?


Use o f English

[D ia lo g u e c o m p le tio n ]

[ T e x t c o m p le tio n J

Preparing for the task

Preparing for the task

Read th e q u e s tio n a n d th e

a) Look a t th e gaps. W h a t w o r d is m issing: n o u n ? verb1

a n s w e rs (A -C ). W h ic h a n s w e r

preposition? adjective? W h ic h g aps te s t: g ram m ar? iexisl

b e s t c o m p le te s th e e x c h a n g e ?

b) C hoose th e w o r d t h a t b est c o m p le te s each g ap .

W hy?

1 H e’s good

Does M ark lik e video games? A

He often p la y s .


H e’s c r a z y a b o u t them .


It’ s his g a m e .


M aths. B fo r




d o n ’t

2 B o b ................... like fo o tb a ll. A

isn ’t


d o e sn ’t

3 M ary lik e s ....... A 4


Dialogue completion

Read what X or Y says carefully to understand what the exchange is about, e.g. asking for directions, etc. Read the options and decide which best completes the exchange. Read the completed exchange to check how it reads.




c playing

Steve is tall and B slim A long

c good

He likes video film s

c plays



basketball. B to play

B gam es

Read th e te x t. C o m p le te th e g aps w ith th e a p p r o p ria te exp ressio n s (1 -3 ), by circling A , B o r C.




Frank wakes up every day 1 ) ......... 7 am. He has a shower, eats breakfast and takes the bus to college. He likes 2 ) P i I Read th e d ia lo g u e s (1 -3 ).


because he meets his friends and chats with them. He also likes

C o m p le te th e m w ith

college and is a good student. When Frank finishes college he

responses by circling th e

often plays basketball with his friends. He is very 3 )

a p p r o p ria te le t te r (A , B o r C).

is very good at basketball.

X: W hat does Jane look like? Y: .................................................. A

I like her.


S he’s tall and slim.

C S he’ s very nice. 2

the bus


so he

When he goes home he has

1 A

B at

C fo r

dinner and does his

2 A take

B takes


3 A iong

B slim

C taking C tall


X: H o w ’s your new flat?

[ M u ltip le m a tc h in g ]-

Y: .................................................. A

It’s great.

B It’ s in London. C It’s on the fourth floor.

Y o u a re g o in g to h e a r a c o n v e rs a tio n b e tw e e n t w o frie n d s . M a tc h th e a c tiv itie s (A -E ) to th e p e o p le (1 -4 ). W r ite th e a p p r o p ria te le t te r (A -E ) in th e rig h t b o x. O n e

X: How do you spell it?

a c tiv ity is e x tra an d does n o t m atch a n y o f th e p e o p le .


Thank you.




It’s easy.




listen to m usic


It’s Ben.




do hom ew ork






w alk the dog




play video game


read a book

To prepare for a dialogue completion task

Ex. 1 aims to prepare Ss to always pay special attention to synonymous words or phrases that will help them choose the right option. Ask Ss to read the question and the possible answers and elicit which answer best completes the exchange.

Answer Key The answ er is B because the phrase ‘to be crazy about s th ’ describes liking som ething very much.

• •

To com plete dialogues

Ask Ss to read the Study Skills and point out that this advice will help Ss to complete the task successfully. Ask Ss to read the exchanges (1-3) and the possible answers (A-C) for each one. Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.

To com plete a text

Ask Ss to read the text and choose thecorrect answer for each gap from the choices (A-C) for each one. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key 1 B (at + tim e phrases) 2 C (like + -ing form) 3 C (description; appearance; slim is irrelevant to playing basketball; we d o n ’t use long to describe a p e rso n ’s height)

jp $ To listen for specific information (multiple matching)

• • •

Ask Ss to read the activities and then play the recording twice if necessary. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 E







Answer Key 1 B 2 A 3 C



(asking abo u t appearance) (asking abo u t opinion) (asking about spelling)

A l№

• •

To understand sentence cohesion

Ex. 3 prepares Ss to identify w hat type of word is missing from each one. Elicit whether each gap tests grammar or lexis from various Ss around the class.

Answer Key 1 2 3

preposition - lexis auxiliary verb - gram m ar -ing form - gram m ar


№ To decide on appropriate lexis/ gram m ar structure; to com plete a sentence for a text completion task

• •

4 5

adjective - lexis noun - lexis

Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key 1 A

(good at)

2 B C

(3rd person singular, negative, Sim ple Present) (like + -ing form)


(description) (collocation)

3 4 5


C h e c k y o u r p ro g re s s 1


To learn to form sentences that are gram m atically correct •

Ex. 1 prepares Ss to identify the gram mar structures needed to successfully com plete this type of task. Ask Ss to look at the sentence and the w ord in brackets and then give Ss tim e to underline the best option in the sentences (A-C). Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key A B

third-person singular negative


t e To check gram m ar knowledge depending on context • •

C preposition

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answer.

A nsw er Key B

gram m ar knowledge depending on context •

Ask Ss to look at the sentences and the w ords in brackets and com plete the gaps with the correct words. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 likes playing (like + -ing) 2 do you g e t up (routine - Present Simple) 3 do e sn ’t/does n o t eat (routine - Present Simple, negative) 4 walks to college (routine - Present Simple) 5 is always (verb to be + adverb o f frequency)


To listen for specific information •

Ask Ss to read the rubric and the questions and possible answers to fam iliarise them selves with the content of the recording. Play the recording twice.

• •

Ss listen and com plete the task. Check S s’ answers

A nsw er Key 1 B












€ 1 5 » To self-assess perform ance on a listening task Ask Ss to share with the class w hich answers they got right/w rong and w hich w ords confused them. This helps them improve their listening skills. S s’ own answers


Ask Ss to assess their own perform ance in the unit by ticking the boxes according to how com petent they feel for each o f the listed activities.

Use o f English


( S e n te n c e c o m p fe tfo n /

( M u ltip le choice


Preparing for the task Y o u are g o in g to h e a r t w o te x ts tw ic e .

a) Read th e s e n te n c e . T h e n u n d e rlin e th e

Q u e s tio n s 1-3 re fe r to re co rd in g 1, w h ile

c o rre c t o p tio n in sen ten ces A , B an d C.

q u e s tio n s 4-6 re fe r to re c o rd in g 2. A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s ac co rd in g to w h a t yo u h e a r

P a u l..................(n o t/g o ) th e g y m on S u n d a y s .

by circling th e a p p r o p ria te le t te r (A , B o r C). A

T h e v e rb in b ra c k e ts s h o u ld b e in th e fir s t R e c o r d in g 1

p e rs o n s in g u la r /th ir d - p e r s o n s in g u la r. B

T h e v e rb in b r a c k e ts s h o u ld b e in th e


a f f ir m a t iv e /n e g a t iv e . C

T h e v e rb n e e d s a n o u n /p re p o s itio n a fte r it. 2

T h e g irls w o u ld lik e to A

buy a book.


ta k e a p h o to g r a p h .


a s k th e ir m u m .

th e g ap .


p la y a g a m e .

d o n ’t g o a t


d o e s n ’t g o to


C o m p le te th e second sentence using th e

have a dog.


get a new book.

T h e g irls d e c id e to

b) C hoose th e c o rre c t o p tio n to c o m p le te



T h e c o n v e r s a tio n ta k e s p la c e A

at hom e.


in a p e t s h o p .


in a lib ra ry .

w o rd s in brackets so th a t it is g ra m m a tic a lly correct. Do n o t change th e o rd e r o f th e w o rd s . A d d a n y necessary w o rd s. 1

D a v id (lik e /p la y ) te n n is . D a v id


R e c o r d in g 2 4

A t th e w e e k e n d , P e te r g e ts u p a t A

...........................................................te n n is .


W h a t tim e (y o u /g e t up) o n M o n d a y s ?

7 o ’c lo c k .


7 :3 0 .


8 o ’ c lo c k .

In th e m o rn in g s , th e c o ffe e s h o p is A


B c lo s e d .


q u ie t.

W h a t tim e ................................. on M o n d a y s ? 3

D a n ( n o t /e a t ) b r e a k fa s t e v e ry m o rn in g . D a n ........................................................ b re a k fa s t


T h e te x t is a b o u t P e te r ’ s A

n e ig h b o u r h o o d .

B jo b .

C fa v o u r ite p la c e .

e v e ry m o rn in g . 4


E m ily ( w a lk /c o lle g e ) on h e r o w n . E m ily ............................................... o n h e r o w n .

Check y o u r an sw e rs. W h ic h o nes did yo u

B ria n ( b e /a lw a y s ) la te in th e m o rn in g .

a n s w e r correctly? W h ich w o rd s co nfused you?

B ria n

.................................la te in th e m o rn in g .


N o w I c a n d o t h e s e in E n g lis h

a n d I c a n d o th e s e ta s k s

describe my fam ily

dialogue com pletion (speaking)

describe parts of the body

text com pletion (use of English)

describe appearance j____

m ultiple matching (listening) j

talk about my daily routine

sentence com pletion (use of English)

identify people :

m ultiple choice (listening) [



ask about/tell the time w rite an email describing my best friend



Travel What's in this unit? ► Topics:

Nature, People, Shopping & Services, Family & Social life, Travel

► Vocabulary:

weather, seasons, months, temperature, activities, clothes, means o f transport, holidays


present continuous, present simple vs present continuous, the or —, prepositions of tim e (in, on, at)


postcards, email


conversations, a dialogue, four questions ar

► Speaking

inviting - accepting/refusing, responding to situations, describing a picture

’ wjj \ M Æ

W ritin g

a postcard


AB Tours


(Literature) Bed in Summer


reading (multiple matching, text completion), tpi listening (matching exchanges),® P w riting (an email) ’

Reading Look a t th e p ic tu re s . W h ic h show s: a w o m a n w e a rin g c o lo u r fu l c lo th e s ? a lo c a l m a rk e t? s tr a w h u ts ? an ig lo o ? a m a n w e a rin g a h e a v y ja c k e t, a h a t a n d a w a rm s c a rf? ic e fis h in g ? a c a m e l c a ra v a n in th e d e s e rt? T h e p ictu res a re re la te d to th e te x ts . W h a t can th e y be a b o u t? j||jjjl^ Listen an d read to fin d

Check these words • • • • •


hot • high temperature • local • difficult find • make a documentary • tribe local market • traditional food • rain warm • trip • greetings • freezing cold ice fishing • snow • next week


W h a t’s in this unit?

From p. 59(T), Ex. 6

In this unit Ss will explore the topics of nature, the weather, seasons and months, tem perature, holiday activities, means o f transport and clothes. They will learn the present continuous, present simple vs present continuous, the and prepositions o f time. They will also learn to w rite an advert about a tourist destination, a postcard and a poem. They will learn to describe their favourite season, clothes and activities.


n &

To introduce the topic

Read the questions aloud and explain/elicit any unknown words.

Ask Ss to look at the pictures and match them to the questions. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 C 2 F


3 4


5 6




(M S * To predict the content of a text; to listen and read for specific information • • •

Read out the rubric and elicit Ss’ guesses as to w hat the texts may be about. Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to find out. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

A nsw er Key 1 2

tall plain

3 aw ful 4 norm al

5 low 6 light

From p. 59(T), Ex. 7 Suggested A nsw er Key PLACE: Ethiopia PEOPLE: A far WEATHER: very hot ACTIVITIES: staying in straw huts, taking a video o f the locals CLOTHES: shorts and T-shirts PLACE: India PEOPLE: Khasi WEATHER: raining b u t warm ACTIVITIES: making a documentary, going to museums, visiting local markets, eating traditional food CLOTHES: long colourful clothes PLACE: Alaska PEOPLE: Inuit WEATHER: freezing cold, snow ing ACTIVITIES: ice fishing, staying in igloos, having a cup o f h o t chocolate and sending emails CLOTHES: heavy jackets, gloves and warm scarves

Suggested A nsw er Key The texts m ight be ab o u t different places in the world. Maybe someone is visiting these places.

Sandra and Mark are in Ethiopia with the A far people. It is very hot. They are staying in straw huts and Mark is taking a video o f the locals. They are wearing shorts and T-shirts. Sue, Peter and James are in India with the Khasi people. It is raining b u t warm. Peter and James are making a documentary. She is going to museums, visiting local markets and eating traditional food. The people wear long colourful clothes. Carl and John are in Alaska with the Inuit. It is freezing cold and snowing. John is ice fishing and staying in igloos. Carl is having a cup o f h o t chocolate and sending emails from his hotel room. They are wearing heavy jackets, gloves and warm scarves.

From p. 59(T), Ex. 8 Suggested A nsw er Key The A far people are a tribe o f nom adic herders from Ethiopia. They speak the A far language. They raise goats, sheep and cattle in the desert. They have two main groups: the ‘A saim ara’ (reds) and the A d o im a ra ’ (whites). They are brave fighters and often carry a curved knife. They know a lo t o f battle songs.



To read for specific information (multiple

choice) •

Ask Ss to read the questions and the possible

• •

answers. Explain/Elicit any unknown words. Give Ss tim e to read the te xt again and com plete

the task. Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.

A nsw er Key 1 A (£.8-9) 4


C (£. 6-10)


C (I. 7-8)

Jjlif*!® To read for specific information (completing sentences) • •

Give Ss time to read the texts again and complete the sentences. Check S s’ answers.

India, officially the Republic of India, is a country in South Asia. It is the second-m ost populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the m ost populous dem ocracy in the world. India became an independent nation in 1947 after a struggle for independence that was marked by non-violent resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi. Its capital city is New Delhi. Alaska is a state in the United States, situated in the northwest extrem ity of the North American continent. Alaska is the largest state in the United States by area and the least densely populated of the 50 United States. A pproxim ately half of the S tate's residents live w ithin the Anchorage m etropolitan area. Alaska's econom ic resources are oil, natural gas, and fishing industries. Alaska was purchased from Russia on March 30, 1867, fo r $7.2 million at approxim ately tw o cents per acre.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) •

Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words in the C heck these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the Word List.

№ • •

To consolidate new vocabulary

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key hot (adj): having a high tem perature high tem perature (phr): being hot local (n): sb who lives in a particular area difficult (adj): hard find (v): to locate m ake a docum entary (phr): to produce a film presenting factual material with no fictional additions tribe (n): a group o f people who live together and share the same race, custom s etc. local m arket (phr): a place where goods are bought and sold to the people in an area traditional food (phr): special fo o d that is often eaten by a group o f people rain (n): water that falls from the clouds warm (adj): not cold trip (n): a short journey greetings (exp): an old-fashioned expression used to greet someone freezing cold (phr): having a very low tem perature ice fishing (n): catching fish with a line through a hole in the ice snow (n): frozen rain

A n s w e r K e y (See overprinted answers)

To consolidate new vocabulary through antonyms • • •

Read out the S tu d y S kills box and explain the task. Explain/Elicit any unknown words. Give Ss tim e to com plete it and then check S s’ answers around the class.

Answ er Key (See p. 58(T))

To m ake notes and talk about trips •

Ask Ss to copy the headings into their notebooks. Ss look back at the texts and make notes under each heading. Ss use their notes to present each person’s trip. Ask various Ss around the class to share their answers with the rest of the class.

S u g g e s te d A n s w e r K e y (See p. 58(T))

next week (phr): the following week ICT B a c k g ro u n d in fo r m a tio n Ethiopia, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Eritrea to the north, Djibouti and Somalia to the east, Sudan and South Sudan to the west, and Kenya to the south. With over 86,000,000 inhabitants, Ethiopia is the second most populated nation on the African continent. It occupies a total area of 1,100,000 km 2 and its capital and largest city is A ddis Ababa.


• •

To give a presentation on a tribe

Explain the task and ask Ss to w ork in groups of four and look up inform ation on the Internet about one of the tribes in the texts. Ask various Ss to present their inform ation to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to present their inform ation in the next lesson

S u g g e s te d A n s w e r K e y (See p. 58(T))

Reading B

Read th e te x ts an d a n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s (1 -3 ) by ch oo sing th e b es t a n s w e r A , B o r C. T h e A fa r p e o p le

W h ic h is tru e


d o n ’t s ta y in th e s a m e p la c e .

a b o u t C a rl?


u s u a lly w e a r lig h t c lo th e s .



a re ta k in g a v id e o .

T h e s e c o n d te x t is a b o u t A


w e a th e r in In d ia .

S u e ’s new s.

H e ’ s d o in g s o m e th in g w ith h is fr ie n d .

B a tr ib e . C

H e d o e s n ’t lik e c o ld w e a th e r.


H e ’ s s ta y in g in a h o te l.



ni l

Carl Andy S u b je c t: Trip to Alaska F ro m :


Hi Andy, G reetings from Alaska. It’s freezing cold


W e’re wearing

C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. 1

T h e A fa r p e o p le liv e in th e d e s e rt.


‘A r i’ a re th e s tr a w h u ts .


S u e is in In d ia w ith P e te r a n d J a m e s .


T h e K h a s i p e o p le liv e in m o u n ta in h ills in In d ia .


In u it c a n s ta y in ig lo o s .


jackets, gloves and warm scarves.


John is ice fishing with some Inuit. They are staying in igloos. Right

Fill in: desert, w a itin g , s ta y , d o c u m e n ta ry , m o ve , spend.

now it’s snow ing. I’m having a cup


T h e d o c u m e n ta r y o n T V is a b o u t th e K h a s i p e o p le .




W e s p e n d th e m o r n in g s v is itin g m u s e u m s .

emails from my hotel room. I’ve got


T h e y a re w a itin g fo r J o h n to c o m e .


T h e y m o v e fr o m p la c e to p la c e to fin d fo o d .


T h e te m p e r a tu r e s a re v e ry h ig h in th e d e s e rt.


T h e y u s u a lly s ta y in h o te ls w h ile o n h o lid a y .




som e great photos to show you when we com e back next week. How are you doing? Hope a ll’s OK. See you. Carl

Learning oppo sites

Learn words with their opposites. It helps you expand your vocabulary.

R eplace th e w o rd s in b o ld w it h th e ir o p p o s ite s: plain, tall, lo w , a w fu l, norm al, light. 1 s h o rt m an; 2 c o lo u rfu l je w e lle ry ; 3 d e lic io u s fo o d ; 4 s tra n g e w e a th e r; 5 h ig h te m p e ra tu re s ; 6 h e a v y c lo th e s

Speaking For each te x t , m a k e n o tes u n d e r th e h eadin gs: PLACE -

PEOPLE - WEATHER - ACTIVITIES - CLOTHES. Use y o u r n o te s to te ll th e class a b o u t each perso n's trip .

W ritin g |lCT| In g ro u p s o f fo u r collect in fo rm a tio n a b o u t o n e o f th e trib e s in th e te x ts . P resen t th e in fo rm a tio n to th e class.


nsi ÉÜS Vocabulary The w e a th e r

Tem perature

C o m p le te th e

Use th e key to c o m p le te

sen ten ces. Use: rain in g ,

th e sen ten ces.

•b oiling hot

cold, w in d y , snow ing,

T h e te m p e ra tu r e in

cloudy, foggy, sunny.

K u a la L u m p u r to d a y is

" hot

2 5 °C . It’ s w a rm .

2Ö °ß /68°F

w arm

I t’s 1 0 °C in L is b o n

15 °C /59°F


to d a y . It’ s ...................

10 °C /50°F


5°C /4 1°F

T h e te m p e ra tu r e in B ra z ilia to d a y


-5 °C /2 3 °F

fre ezing cold

is 3 0 °C . I t ’s

It's (freezin g )

It’s 3 5 ° C in R io d e

1°C: degrees Celsius

J a n e iro to d a y . I t ’s

1°F: degrees Fahrenheit


It’ s 1 5 °C in R o m e to d a y . It’ s .....................


I t ’s 5 °C in L o n d o n to d a y . It’ s ....................


I t ’s -1 5 ° C in M o s c o w to d a y . I t ’s ...............


Seasons & M onths

a) Fill in: g o, do, p la y , h ave o r m ake. Listen an d re p e a t. W h ic h is y o u r fa v o u rite season?

s k iin g

c a m p in g Americans say 'fa ll' instead o f 'a u tu m n '.

e x e rc is e s

......................... a snow m an

c o m p u te r

s p o r ts

gam es

W h a t's th e w e a t h e r lik e in y o u r c o u n try? C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. In w in te r


In s p rin g

................................................................... a p ic n ic

In s u m m e r ................................................................ In a u tu m n

il B


b) (

s p e a k in g

k a y a k in g w h ic h o f th e s e a c tiv itie s do

y o u d o d u rin g s u m m e r /w in te r? Tell y o u r Listen to th re e p e o p le . W h ic h is th e ir

p a rtn e r.

fa v o u rite season? W h y ? I o fte n g o s k iin g w ith m y fr ie n d s in w in te r.

Bob 60



W e u s u a lly g o c a m p in g in s u m m e r.

A nsw er Key 1

m m • • •

To present new vocabulary

Direct Ss to the pictures and explain/elicit the meanings o f any unknown words. Give Ss tim e to com plete the sentences with the w ords in the list.


2 3

chilly hot


boiling hot


Check Ss’ answers.

2 3

foggy co ld

4 5 6

raining sunny windy



cool cold freezing cold

To present new vocabulary •

Ask Ss to com plete the phrases under the pictures w ith the verbs.

C heck Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 snow ing

5 6 7

A nsw er Key 1 go















To present new vocabulary •

Play the recording with pauses fo r Ss to repeat

• •

chorally an d /o r individually. Check Ss’ pronunciation. Elicit Ss’ favourite seasons from


To talk about seasonal activities •



around the class. Suggested A nsw er Key M y favourite season is summer.

Read out the exam ple and then ask Ss to talk in closed pairs about w hich activities in Ex. 6a they do in w inter and summer. Ask various Ss around the class to tell the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key I make a snowm an in the winter.

№ •

To present new vocabulary

I have picnics in the sum m er with m y friends.

Read out the Did you know ? box and then give Ss tim e to com plete the sentences using the vocabulary in Ex. 1.

Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key In In In In

w inter it is very co ld and som etim es it snows. spring it is rainy, b u t it is n o t cold. sum m er it is h o t and sunny. autum n it is windy.

№ •

To listen for specific information

Explain the task and play the recording tw ice if necessary. Ss listen and write which each person’s favourite season is and why in their notebooks. Check S s’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key Laura likes autum n because o f the colourful leaves. Bob likes w inter fo r the snow. Martyn likes sum m er because he likes to spend tim e outdoors and to swim.

To present new vocabulary

Ask Ss to read the tem perature chart and then read the exam ple aloud. Explain/Elicit any unknown words. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.


To present & categorise new vocabulary

To present & practise new vocabulary


Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown verbs

Ask Ss to look at the picture and then give them tim e to w rite the num ber o f each item o f clothing

in the list and then give Ss tim e to read the sentences and com plete them. Check S s’ answers.

in the picture in the list. Play the recording. Ss listen and check. Then ask Ss to w rite the headings into their notebooks and group the w ords under the

A nsw er Key 1 2 3

headings. Check Ss’ answers on the board.

departs take o ff lands



5 6

sail Get o ff

7 8

catches g e t on

A nsw er Key a ju m p e r 19

trainers 8 a top 15

a dress 4 jeans 9 flat shoes 7 a hat 17

socks 18 a T-shirt 11 a shirt 10

a belt 13 a tie 14 a suit 1

a bag 12

gloves 16 a coat 3

boots 6 a skirt 2 a ja cke t 5

Clothes: suit, skirt, coat, dress, jacket, jeans, shirt, T-shirt, top, jum per, socks Shoes: boots, trainers, flat shoes Accessories: bag, gloves, belt, tie, hat

To talk about clothes

Ask Ss to talk in closed pairs and answer the

questions in the rubric. M onitor the activity around the class and help where necessary. Then ask some pairs to tell the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key When it is h o t I wear a dress o r a T-shirt. A t college I usually wear jeans and a T-shirt. When it is co ld I wear a coat, a ju m p e r and gloves. N ow I am wearing jeans and a top.


To present new vocabulary

Play the recording with pauses fo r Ss to listen and repeat chorally and/or individually. Check S s’ pronunciation. Direct Ss attention to the Note box and explain the note.


m m • • •

To listen for specific information

Play the recording. Ss listen and tick the items they hear. Check S s’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key I can hear a motorcycle, a plane, a ship and a bicycle. I can’t hear a car, a bus/coach, a b oat o r a motorcycle.



To write sentences about weather,

clothes & activities • •

Read the rubric aloud and give Ss tim e to w rite a few sentences in answer to the questions. Ask various Ss around the class to read their

sentences out to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to read their sentences in the next lesson.

Suggested A nsw er Key M y favourite season is spring. The weather is coo l and sunny. Sometimes the weather is rainy. I usually wear jeans and T-shirts and jum pers. I usually go fo r walks and play sports.

Clothes M a tc h th e n u m b e rs to th e clothes

C- .


SHoes I

n »... %II

in th e list. Listen an d check. G ro u p th e

a c c e s s o r ie s

w o rd s u n d e r th e h ead in g s.

gloves a coat trainers a top socks a T-shirt a shirt a dress jeans flat shoes a hat a belt a tie a suit a jumper boots a skirt a jacket a bag

( s p e a k in g

w h ic h clo th e s d o y o u w e a r:

w hen it's h o t? a t college? w hen it's cold? W h a t a re yo u w e a rin g n o w ? Tell y o u r p a rtn e r.

C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. Use: lands, departs, em bark, ta k e o ff, g e t o ff, g e t o n, catches, sail. T h e tr a in ...................................................... in 10


m in u te s . W e ’d b e tte r h u rry u p .

Means o f transport 3)


W h a t tim e d o e s th e p l a n e .......................... ?


W e ’ re p ic k in g

Listen an d say.

u p S u e fr o m

th e a irp o rt.

H e r p l a n e ................................................. a t 3 :0 0 . W e s h o u ld ...................................................... on


th e s h ip n o w . 5

H e w a n ts t o g e t a b o a t a n d ............................ it ro u n d th e is la n d .


.....................................................a t C e n tra l P a rk s to p a n d w a lk to w a r d s th e p a rk .



th e b u s to

c o lle g e a t 7 :3 0 in th e m o rn in g . 8

W a it u n til th e d o o rs a re fu lly o p e n a n d all p a s s e n g e rs g e t o ff, th e n ................................ th e b u s .

K le fi® by train/car/


bus, etc BUT on foot

W h a t is th e w e a t h e r like d u rin g t h a t

w r it in g

w h a t 's y o u r fa v o u rite season?

season? W h a t d o y o u u s u ally w e a r? W h a t d o yo u u su ally do? W r ite a f e w sentences.


Listen an d tic k ( / ) th e m ean s o f

tr a n s p o rt y o u h e a r. T ell th e class. I c a n h e a r a ... a n d . . . . I c a n ’t h e a r ... o r ... .

Read th e m to th e class. M y fa v o u r ite s e a s o n is ... . T h e w e a th e r is ... I u s u a lly w e a r . . . I u s u a lly g o ...

jjfa i Grammar in use Look! Your dog is running very fast. Is it chasing S sth a t man on the b ic y c le ? ^


P re s e n t c o n tin u o u s

1 ( n e g a tiv e & i n t e r r o a a t i v e ) l H B B B B I ^ B N e g a tiv e

He/She/It is n 't re a d in g . | You a r e n 't re a d in g . We/You/They a re n 't reading. 1 I'm n o t re a d in g .

S h o rt a n sw ers

In te r ro g a tiv e A m 1 read in g ?

D on't be silly! " ^ jj ' My dog isn't chasing th a t man because my dog doesn't v know how to ride . j j j j ^ f e k ^ a bicycle!

Present continuous (affirmative)

Yes, 1 a m ./N o , I'm n o t.

A re you read in g ?

Yes, you a re ./N o , you a re n 't.

Is he/she/it

Yes, he/she/it is./

read in g ?

N o, he/she/it isn 't.

A re w e/you/the y

Yes, w e/you/the y a re ./

read in g ?

N o, w e /yo u / they a re n 't. K s e e p. G R 4 j |

Read th e th e o ry . H o w do w e fo rm th e

Form : subject pronoun/noun + a m /a re /is +

n e g a tiv e an d in te r r o g a tiv e o f th e p resen t

main verb + -in g He/She/It's reading. I'm reading. W e/You/They're reading. You're reading. We use the present continuous fo r actions happening now.

c o n tin u o u s ? Find e x a m p le s in th e jo k e . W r ite sen ten ces, as in th e e x a m p le . 1

I t i s n ’t ra in in g . I t ’s s n o w in g .

S p e llin g rules:

• • •

M ost verbs take -in g a fte r the base form o f the main verb, eat -*■ eating Verbs ending in c o n s o n a n t + -e drop the -'jk and add -in g . write -*• writing Verbs ending in o n e stressed v o w e l between t w o c o n s o n a n ts double the last consonant and take -in g . stop ->■ stopping

I t ’ s ra in in g . (X) (s n o w ) ( / )


M u m is re a d in g . (X) (m a k e lu n c h ) ( / )


T h e y are g o in g ka y a k in g . (X) (do s p o rts ) ( / )


He is s ta y in g in a ho tel. (X) (go c a m p in g ) ( / )


D a d is w a tc h in g T V . (X) (s e n d e m a ils ) ( / )


s p e a k in g

Look a t th e p ic tu re . In pairs ask

a n d a n s w e r q u e s tio n s , as in th e e x a m p le .

BUT open -*■ opening T im e expressions: now, at the m om ent N o te : Stative verbs (lik e , lo ve, w a n t, k n o w ) do

n o t usually have a continuous tense because they describe states rather than actions. I like skiing. (NOT:-Bm-likiR§ skiing.) p. G R 4 ]

R ead th e th e o ry . H o w d o w e fo rm th e a ffir m a tiv e o f th e p re s e n t c o n tin u o u s ? Find an e x a m p le in th e jo k e a b o v e .


Form c o m p le te sen ten ces. Use th e p resen t


co n tin u o u s. B e n /d o e x e rc is e s - B e n is d o in g e x e rc is e s .


l/p la y b a s k e tb a ll - ...............................................


W e /h a v e a p ic n ic -


L is a /w e a r a re d d re s s T h e y /g o s k iin g -

M rs S m ith /m a k e a s n o w m a n ? A : Is M rs S m ith m a k in g a s n o w m a n ?




(M rs S m ith)

............................................ ...................................


B : N o, sh e is n ’t. S h e ’s ta lk in g on h e r m o b ile . 2

T o m a n d D a v e /ta lk ?


A n n a a n d L u c y /d r in k c o ffe e ?


M r S m ith /t a lk o n h is m o b ile ?


J o h n /ta k e /p h o to s ?

( Q

A nsw er Key 1

To present the present continuous (affirmative) •

Ss’ books closed. Say, then w rite on the board: I am reading now. Explain that this is the present continuous tense. Explain that we use the subject pronoun (I, you, etc.), the verb to be and the main verb + -ing to form the affirmative. Explain that we use this tense to talk about

• •

actions w hich are happening now. S s’ books open. Ask Ss to read the joke and the theory box. Elicit how w e form the present continuous affirm ative and then elicit an example in the joke from Ss around the class. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar Reference section for m ore information.

We form the present continuous negative with subject pronoun/noun + am not/isn’t/aren’t + main verb + -ing. Exam ple in joke: M y dog isn ’t chasing that man. We form the present continuous interrogative with am tislare + subject pronoun/noun + main verb + -ing. Example in joke: Is it chasing that man on the bicycle?

№ To practise the present continuous (affirmative & negative) • • •

A nsw er Key 2 3

A nsw er Key We form the present continuous affirmative with subject pronoun/noun + am/is/are + main verb + -ing. Exam ple in joke: Your dog is running very fast.

№ • •

To practise the present continuous

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 2 3 4 5

I am playing basketball. We are having a picnic. Lisa is wearing a red dress. They are going skiing.

4 5

M um is n ’t reading. S he’s making lunch. They aren’t going kayaking. They are doing sports. He is n ’t staying in a hotel. H e ’s going camping. Dad is n ’t watching TV. H e’s sending emails.

№ To practise the present continuous (interrogative & short answers) • • •

Direct S s’ attention to the picture and ask a pair of Ss to read the exam ple aloud. Ask Ss to ask and answer in closed pairs following the example. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to ask and answer in front o f the class.

A nsw er Key 2

To present the present continuous (negative & interrogative)



S s’ books closed. Say, then w rite on the board: A m I sleeping now ? I am n o t sleeping now. Explain that this is the interrogative and negative form s o f the present continuous tense. Give examples fo r ail persons. Explain that we use the verb to b e , the subject pronoun (/, you, etc.) and the main verb + -ing to form the interrogative form of the present continuous. Remind Ss that we answer in short form with Yes/No, I am /am not.

Explain the task and read out the example. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.


A: B: A: B: A: B: A:

Are Tom and Dave talking? No, they aren’t. They’re making a snowman. Are Anna and Lucy drinking coffee? No, they aren’t. They’re talking. Is M r Smith talking on his m obile? No h e ’s not. H e ’s taking photos. Is John taking photos?

B: No, h e ’s not. H e ’s drinking coffee.

Tell Ss that we use the subject pronoun (/, you, etc.), the verb to be + not + the main verb + -ing to form the negative form of the present continuous. Drill Ss by asking examples fo r all persons. • •

Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read the theory box. Elicit how we form the present continuous

negative and interrogative and then elicit examples in the joke from Ss around the class. Refer Ss to the Gram m ar R eference section for more inform ation.


sentence. U&j To practise the present continuous

Suggested A nsw er Key

(interrogative & short answers) • •

I walk to college every day. I am doing m y assignm ent now. I usually drink h o t chocolate in the evening.

Explain the task and read out the example. Give Ss tim e to w rite the questions and the answers in their notebooks and then ask various Ss around the class to read out the answers.

I sleep in on Sundays. I am using the com puter at the moment. I never eat meat.

Suggested A nsw er Key 2 3

Are you wearing jeans now ? Yes, I am. Are yo u r parents working a t the m om ent? Yes,

4 5

they are. Are you having an English lesson now ? Yes, I am. Is yo u r teacher talking a t the m om ent? No, he/she



To practise the present simple and the present continuous • •

is n ’t.

Give Ss tim e to com plete the email. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

№ To com pare the present simple and the present continuous •

• • •

B a c k g ro u n d in fo r m a tio n Switzerland is a landlocked country situated in Western Europe. It occupies an area of 41,285 km 2. It is bordered by Germany to the north, France to the w est, Italy to the south, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. Its capital city is Bern. Switzerland has the highest wealth per adult o f any country in the world.

Ss’ books closed. Say, then write on the board: I w atch TV in the evenings. I am watching TV now. Elicit the tense of each sentence, (watch: present simple, am watching: present continuous) and w hich sentence describes a habit or routine (first) and w hich one describes an action happening now (second). S s’ books open. Ask Ss to read the theory and then to read the email. Elicit the tenses in bold and then how they are


used. Refer Ss to the Gram m ar Reference section for more information.

A ltf •

Ask Ss to read the theory and then elicit examples from each bullet point from Ss around the class.

Refer Ss to the Gram m ar Reference section for m ore information.

A nsw er Key present simple: like (state), play (routine), w ant (state), does (routine) present continuous: ’s raining, ’m watching, is studying, are ... doing (actions happening now)

Suggested A nsw er Key •

We are staying in a hotel in Paris. The hotel has a sw im m ing pool.

• •

The Nile is a river in Egypt. Jessica gave a painting to the Jones’s. The painting is red, green and blue.

m To practise the present simple and the present continuous • •

Explain the task and read the example. Tell Ss to pay special attention to the tim e w ords and the adverbs of frequency that will help them choose the correct tense.

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check Ss’ answers around the class.

To present the


To practise the • •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers and ask various Ss around the class to give justifications.

A nsw er Key (See p. 64(f))

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) 13 |J5$) To practise the present simple and the present continuous using personal exam ples •

• •

To w rite an email

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Remind Ss to use the email in Ex. 10 as a model. Ask various Ss to read their emails to the class.

Ask various Ss around the class to make sentences about themselves using the present simple and the

present continuous and the words in the list. Remind Ss that we put the adverbs o f frequency between the subject pronoun and the main verb

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 64(f))

and the tim e w ords/phrases at the end of the


Alternatively, assign this task as HW and ask Ss to read their emails in the next lesson.

V j V W r ite th e q u e s tio n s . Use th e p resen t

P ut th e verb s in b rack ets in to th e p resen t

c o n tin u o u s . A n s w e r th e m a b o u t y o u rs e lf. 1

y o u /p la y /c o m p u te r g a m e s /n o w ?

sim ple o r th e p res en t co ntin u ou s. •

• •

A re y o u p la y in g c o m p u t e r g a m e s n o w ?

Hi Sam,

N o , I ’m n o t.

We are in Sw itzerland. We




y o u /w e a r /je a n s /n o w ?

(stay) in a nice hotel and we 2) are having


y o u r p a r e n t s /w o r k /a t th e m o m e n t?

(have) a great tim e! 3) Are you having (yo u /


y o u /h a v e /a n E n g lis h le s s o n /n o w ?

have) a nice tim e in Italy? It 4) snows (snow )

y o u r te a c h e r /t a lk / a t th e m o m e n t?

every day here and we 5) usually go (u s u a lly /


go) skiing. B

Read th e th e o r y an d th e e m a il. Id e n tify th e te n ses in b o ld . H o w a re th e y used?

Right now

it 6) is n o t/is n ’t snow ing

sno w ). We 7) are sittin g (sit) in a café. I 8) am

w riting (w rite )

f I

Present simple vs Present continuous P re s e n t sim ple P resen t c o n tin u o u s


habit/routin e/state actions happening now

(n o t/

em ails and Anna and


9) are drinking (drink) coffee.

W rite soon, Angela


Dear Betty,

Read th e th e o ry . G ive y o u r o w n e x a m p le s .

My name is Sarah and I’m 17 years old. I like sports and I play basketball with my friends every day. I w a n t to go out now, but I ca n ’t because it’s raining, so I’m w a tc h in g TV w ith my brother. My sister is studying at the

We use th e : • when we talk about sth specific (sth already know n or mentioned).

m om ent. She always d o es her hom ew ork in the afternoon.

There is a b o o k on the desk. The b o o k is red.

W hat about you? W hat a re you doing now?

before the names o f seas (the B altic sea), m ountain ranges (the Alps) or rivers (the Nile). before the names o f families (the Smiths).

W rite soon,


We do n o t use th e before the names o f countries (Spain), cities (Paris), continents (Asia), islands (Crete), mountains (Everest) or lakes (Lake Baikal). rsee pp. GR4-GR5

P u t th e v e rb in b ra c k e ts in to th e p resen t sim ple o r th e p re s e n t co n tin u o u s.

Fill in the w h e re necessary. Justify y o u r answers.


I u s u a lly c a tc h (c a tc h ) th e b u s to c o lle g e .



P a u l a n d A le x a re n o t w a tc h in g (n o t / w a t c h ) T V a t th e m o m e n t.


Ita ly , i n 2


Is It s n o w in g (it/s n o w ) n o w ?


H e s o m e tim e s w e a rs (w e a r ) a tie to w o rk .



A re th e c h ild re n p la y in g (th e c h ild r e n /


A lp s ,

E u ro p e .

W e w a n t to g o o n a b o a t tr ip d o w n ........

W e ’ re s ta y in g a t a v illa n e a r J a n e is ta k in g p h o to g r a p h s o f

La ke C o m o . M ount

V e s u v iu s .

p la y ) b a s k e tb a ll n o w ? 6 s p e a k in g

W e ’ re s p e n d in g o u r h o lid a y s i n

R iv e r T h a m e s .



M e d ite r ra n e a n se a .

a m o u n ta in ra n g e i n

S h e lle y o fte n g o e s (g o ) c a m p in g o n S a tu rd a y s .

M a lta , an is la n d n e a r ........

W e ’ re i n

........ B ro w n s a re c o m in g w ith u s t o ........ London.

y e || y 0 u r p a rtn e r tr u e sen ten ces

a b o u t y o u rs e lf, as in th e e x a m p le . Use:


w r it in g

im a g in e y o u a re on h o lid a y . W r ite

every day, n o w , u s u a lly , o n S undays, a t th e

an e m a il to y o u r frie n d sayin g w h e r e yo u a re,

m o m e n t, never.

w h a t yo u u su a lly d o th e re an d w h a t yo u are

I d o m y h o m e w o r k e v e ry d a y.

d o in g n o w . Use th e e m a il in Ex. 10 as a m o d e l. W o rk b o o k p p . 3 6 -3 7



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and the R oyal Botanic Garden

The Lake District (August 7th-14th) £800 Do you love the great outdoors? Then the Lake District Tour is for you! The Lake District is a beautiful area in northwest England. It is fam ous for its lakes, forests and mountains. You can go on hikes to hidden places away from the tourist hotspots. You can even clim b Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England!

Visit the Lincoln Memorial and admire the tall obelisk which is the sym bol of the capital city. Art lovers can visit the National Gallery of Art. Don’t miss a visit to the National Museum of Natural History and the National Aquarium. Bit of a shopaholic? H ead fo r Eastern Market. W ashington D.C. is a city that has it all.

Brighton (July 21st-30th) £900 Just a short distance from London, Brighton is the UK’s number one beach resort. You can rent a private flat that is just metres away from B righton’s famous beachfront. There you can visit cafés and restaurants and try delicious dishes. One highlight is the Brighton Wheel, a 50-m etre-tall ferris wheel! Your trip includes a


visit to the Royal Pavilion, an am azin g palace.

Check these words

Reading Look a t th e p h o to g ra p h s . W h e re can y o u : see paintings? see

• unsure • take a look • package holiday deal • customer •book • the great outdoors • area • lake • forest • mountain • hike • hidden • hotspot • admire • obelisk • symbol • art lover • don't miss a visit • bit o f • head for • distance • rent • private • beachfront • highlight • include

statues? find trendy things and souvenirs? see the Queen's rooms? see thick walls and historical rooms? take photos o f beautiful


Read th e title o f th e te x t and th e in tro d u c tio n .

W h a t ty p e o f te x t is it? W h a t is its purpose? W h a t in fo rm a tio n do yo u exp ect to read ab o u t? Decide in pairs.

flowers? see underwater animals? W e c a n se e p a in tin g s a t a m u s e u m .

u b) Listen, read and check if yo u r guesses w e re correct.


To introduce the topic and new vocabulary through pictures • •

Ask Ss to look at the pictures. Read out the items in the list and explain/elicit the meanings o f any unknown words.

Give Ss tim e to match the items to the pictures and then check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key see statues - museum fin d trendy things and souvenirs - open-air m arket see the Q ueen’s room s - palace see thick walls and historical room s - castle take photos o f beautiful flowers - gardens see underw ater animals - aquarium

From p. 63(T), Ex. 12 A nsw er Key 1

— Malta, — Italy, the Mediterranean (we use ‘th e ’ with seas b u t no t with countries) the Alps, — Europe (we use ‘th e ’ with mountain ranges b u t n o t with continents) the River Thames (we use ‘th e ’ with rivers) — Lake Com o (we d o n ’t use ‘th e ’ with lakes) — M ount Vesuvius (we d o n ’t use ‘th e ’ with single mountains) The Browns, — London (we use ‘th e ’ with family names b u t not with cities)

From p. 63(T), Ex. 13 2


№ To introduce the type and purpose of the text and predict the content

Suggested A nsw er Key

We are on a cam ping trip. We are staying in a forest and we are sleeping in a cabin. We are having a great time. Every day is warm and sunny. We usually go for long walks and Dad usually catches fish in the river. Right now it ’s evening and I ’m sitting on the porch and using m y laptop to send emails to m y friends. Bye fo r now,

Ask Ss to read the title and the introduction in the te xt and then discuss their answers to the questions in the rubric with their partner. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key I think this text is an advert. It is trying to sell package holidays. It w ill p robably contain inform ation about places and what you can see and do there.


H i Alice,

Am y

To listen and read for gist Play the recording. Ss listen and read the te xt and see if their guesses were correct.

A nsw er Key The text is an advert. It is trying to sell package holidays. It contains inform ation about destinations and what you can see and do there.



• •

To read for specific information (multiple

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Ask Ss to check their answers in the Gram m ar Reference section.

matching) •

Give Ss tim e to read the questions (1-4) and then

read the te x t again and com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.

A nsw er Key (See p. 68(T)) •

Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings of the w ords in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the W ord List.

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 68(1))

To practise new vocabulary •

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.

Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)



To answer questions about holidays; to personalise a topic •

Ask Ss to answer the questions and then com pare their answers with their partner’s.

Ask some pairs to report back to the class.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

B a c k g ro u n d in fo r m a tio n Mexico is a country south of the USA. M exico City is the capital and largest city. With around 20 million people, it is also the largest city in the Western Hemisphere. M exico has a rich and colourful culture and history, both before and after its colonization by the Spanish in 1521 CE. The country has 27 cultural sites and 5 natural sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List. New York, located on one of the w orld's largest natural harbors, is the m ost populous city in the United States. New York has a significant influence upon business, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. The home of the United Nations Headquarters, New York is an important centre for international diplom acy and has been described as the cultural capital of the world.

To talk about destinations •

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 69(f)) •

To consolidate new vocabulary through synonyms

Ask Ss to talk in closed pairs about the destinations they w ould/wouldn’t like to visit in the text in Ex. 3 and give their reasons. Ask various Ss to tell the rest of the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key

Go through the list of w ords with Ss and explain/

elicit any unknown words. Give Ss tim e to match the w ords in bold in the

I w ould like to visit the Lake D istrict because I live in a city and I w ould like to spend time in the countryside on m y holiday. I w ould not like to visit Washington

te xt to the synonym s in the list. Check S s’ answers.

D.C. because it is a very big city.

A nsw er Key unsure = uncertain area = region hidden = secret

To listen for specific information (T/F statements)

bit o f = kind o f head for = go to am azing = incredible

hotspots = po p u la r places

( m

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

To consolidate new vocabulary

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it referring back to the text if necessary.

• •

Check S s’ answers. Ask Ss to copy these phrases in the Collocations Section in their notebooks and revise them as often as possible.


To write about a tourist destination in your country •

Ask Ss to think of a tourist destination in their country and make notes about it under the headings.

Give Ss tim e to use their notes to w rite a short text about the place and add pictures. Ask Ss to present the place to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to present it in the next lesson.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

:€ u i ‘ To learn prepositions of tim e (in, on, at) •

Ask Ss to copy these w ords with their prepositions in the Prepositions Section in their notebooks and revise them as often as possible.

Explain the task and ask Ss to read sentences 1 -3. Explain/Elicit any unknown words. Play the recording twice if necessary. Ss listen and complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.

• •

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 69(f))

(" c o llo c a t io n s

) Fill in: a rt, c ity , a m u se m e n t,

5 -sta r, package, to u ris t. 1

a r t g a lle ry


c it y b re a k


5 - s t a r h o te l


to u r is t h o ts p o t


p a c k a g e h o lid a y


a m u s e m e n t a rc a d e

Prepositions o f tim e „ (in, on, at) Fill in: in , o n , a t. Check in th e G ra m m a r R e fere n ce section . 1

W e u s u a lly g o o n h o lid a y in th e s u m m e r.


T h e y a lw a y s h a ve d in n e r w ith th e ir re la tiv e s o n N e w Y e a r’s Eve.

Read th e t e x t a g a in . For each q u e s tio n


T h e y a re g o in g to M e x ic o o n T u e s d a y .

choose th e d e s tin a tio n it re fe rs to an d w r ite


W e c a n m e e t a t 7 o ’c lo c k o n S a tu rd a y


W e c a n g o s a ilin g a t th e w e e k e n d .


T h e y are p la n n in g to v is it N e w Y o rk in

e v e n in g .

th e le tte r (A, B or C) in th e box. O ne o f th e d e s tin a tio n s m a tc h e s t w o q u e s tio n s . W h ic h d e s tin a tio n is id e a l fo r

M a y.

s o m e o n e w h o w a n ts to 1

s e e an im p re s s iv e b u ild in g ?


s p e n d tim e in th e c o u n tr y s id e ?


b u y s o u v e n irs ?


g o h ik in g ?

Speaking W h ic h o f th e d e s tin a tio n s in Ex. 3 w o u ld /w o u ld n 't yo u like to visit? Tell y o u r p a rtn e r g iv in g reasons.



a) C o m p le te th e q u e s tio n s . Use: b o o k , re n t,


g o , tra v e l, spend, try , sta y . Listen to an a d v e rtis e m e n t an d m a rk 1

D o y o u tra v e l a b ro a d in th e s u m m e r?


D o y o u u s u a lly r e n t a h o u s e b y th e se a d u rin g s u m m e r o r d o y o u s ta y in h o te ls ?


D o y o u r p a re n ts b o o k y o u r tic k e ts o n lin e ?


H o w d o y o u s p e n d y o u r m o r n in g s w h ile

th e s en ten ces (1 -3 ) as T (tru e ) o r F (fa lse ). 1

a n n iv e rs a ry o f th e c ity o f E d in b u rg h . 2

o n h o lid a y ? 5

D o y o u tr y lo c a l d is h e s ?


D o y o u g o o n g u id e d to u r s ?

b) A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s . C o m p a re a n s w e rs

T h e p riz e c e le b ra te s th e 1 0 0 th

T h e w in n e r m u s t s ta y a t th e h o te l on h is /h e r o w n .




P e o p le m u s t u s e th e ir m o b ile p h o n e s to e n te r th e c o m p e titio n .


W ritin g

w ith y o u r p a rtn e r. T h in k o f a to u ris t d e s tin a tio n in M a tc h th e w o rd s in b old in th e t e x t to th e ir

y o u r c o u n try . W r ite a s h o rt t e x t a d v e rtis in g

syn on ym s: re g io n , k in d o f, secret, incredible,

it. W r ite a b o u t: nam e , w h e re i t is, w h e re y o u

u n c e rta in , g o to , p o p u la r places.

can s ta y , w h a t y o u can see a n d d o there. D e c o ra te it w it h p ictu res an d p re s e n t it to th e class.

Listening skills M u ltip le choice


b) D o th e lis te n in g ta sk.

a) Read th e ru b ric, th e n lo o k a t th e p ictu res. W h a t can y o u see? T h in k o f w o rd s re la te d to th e m . C o m p a re w ith y o u r p a rtn e r.

H o w d o y o u r p a re n ts /frie n d s c o m m u te ? T ell th e class.

You are g o in g to listen to five recordings. For each que stion (1-5) choose th e answ er w h ic h m atches w h a t you have heard by circlin g th e a p p ro p ria te le tte r (A, B o r C).

M atching exchanges Preparing for the task


W h a t is J a n e w e a rin g ? A


a) Read s e n te n c e 1. W h ic h o f


th e q u e s tio n s m atch es it? 1





W h a t a re th e s p e a k e rs d o in g ?

Is it e x p e n s iv e ?


W h ic h d o y o u p r e fe r ?


H o w o fte n d o y o u tra v e l b y p la n e ?

« .


b) W h y a r e n 't th e o th e rs


a p p ro p ria te ? Use th e


u n d e rlin e d w o rd s to e x p la in .

& 4


W h a t’ s th e w e a th e r lik e ? A

D o y o u lik e tr a v e llin g b y p la n e ?



Y e s , b u t i t ’ s e x p e n s iv e .

W h e re a re th e s p e a k e rs ?



Read th e ru b ric an d th e


sen ten ces. T h e n , d o th e task.


You are go in g to hear fo u r que stions tw ic e . For each

J o h n is c a llin g B o b to A

in v ite h im .


a s k h im a b o u t th e w e a th e r.


g iv e h im d ir e c tio n s .

q u estio n (1-4) choose th e co rre ct response (A-E) and w rite th e le tte r (A, B, C, D o r E) in th e box. O ne response does n o t m a tch any o f th e questions.


D o th e lis te n in g task.

M u ltip le m atching a)

Read th e rubric an d th e lists.

You are g o in g to hear a conversation a b o u t means o f


I t ’s u s u a lly h o t a n d s u n n y .


I t ’ s 2 5 ° C to d a y .


I d o n ’t lik e h o t w e a th e r.


Y e s , i t ’ s v e ry h o t.


N o , it is n ’t ra in in g n o w .

tra n s p o rt. M a tch th e means o f tra n s p o rt (A-E) to th e people (1-4). One means o f tra n s p o rt is extra. PEO PLE





P aul



M ik e


bus car


tra in



J e ff




R ya n


b ic y c le


m o to r c y c le

g W o rkb oo k p. 38


/ 113/

Listen an d re p e a t. p la y in g s le e p in g w o r k in g

• w a lk in g • g o in g • b lo w in g

• m e e tin g • lis te n in g




To prepare for a listening task


To analyse incorrect answers

Ask Ss to read the rubric and then look at the


why the





pictures and say w hat they show. Ask Ss to think of w ords related to the pictures and com pare their answers with their partner.

inappropriate from Ss around the class.



Suggested A nsw er Key B

is incorrect because ‘expensive’ w ould n o t be repeated in that way. C is incorrect because it requires an answer that is specific - not ‘y e s ’ o r ‘n o ’. D is incorrect because ‘how o fte n ’ requires an adverb o f frequency as an answer.

Suggested A nsw er Key 1




A - sca rf (warm, woolly, knitted) B - gloves (warm, thick) C - hat (winter, warm) A - skis (skiing, snow) B - games console (indoors, com puter games) C - snowman (make, build, snow) A - t h e sun (hot, bright) B - snow (freezing cold)

№ To listen for specific information (matching exchanges)

C - rain (wet, rainy)

• •

Ask Ss to read the rubric and the sentences. Play the recording and Ss listen and com plete the task and then check Ss’ answers.

i f e To listen for specific information (multiple choice)

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

Play the recording. Ss listen and com plete the To learn the pronunciation of /iq /

task and then check S s’ answers.

Model the sound. Play the recording w ith pauses fo r Ss to repeat

A nsw er Key 1 A 2










chorally and/or individually. Check S s’ pronunciation.

To prepare for a listening task • •


Ask Ss to read the rubric and the lists. Explain the task to Ss. To listen for specific information

(multiple matching) •

Play the recording tw ice if necessary. Ss listen

and choose the correct answers. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) To talk about means of transport Elicit answers to the question in the rubric from Ss around the class. Suggested A nsw er Key M y mum and dad usually drive to work. M y sister takes the bus to school. I ride m y bike to the office. M y friend Jane walks to college. 4


To prepare for a listening task •

• •

Ex. 4a prepares Ss to com plete the m atching exchanges successfully by underlining key vocabulary. Tell Ss that it is necessary to always underline the key w ords in the listening tasks. Ask Ss to read sentence 1 and elicit w hich of the questions (A-D) m atches it.

A nsw er Key



• 1

To com plete a dialogue


Tell Ss to scan through the dialogue and find any unknown words. Explain/Elicit their meanings. A sk Ss to read the dialogue and in closed pairs com plete the gaps with words.



To listen for confirmation

Play the recording, Ss listen and check their answers to Ex. 1a. A nsw er Key 9




2 3 4

are time at

6 7

for on any




Suggested A nsw er Key A: Hello is this John? B: Hi, Ken. H ow are you? A: I ’m having a great time. W e’re skiing here in the mountains. Why d o n ’t you jo in us? B: Thank you, b u t I ca n ’t. I ’m studying fo r a maths test I ’ve g o t on Monday. A: That’s a pity. Maybe we can go skiing next weekend. B: I ’d love to. I haven’t g o t any plans then. A: OK. Talk to you soon. B: Goodbye.

them To respond to situations

to •

Ask Ss to read the situations (1 -3) and then choose the correct response.

Check S s’ answers.

m To match synonymous phrases for inviting and accepting/refusing an invitation

A nsw er Key

1 B 2 A 3 C

• • •

Go through the phrases in the box with Ss and explain that the phrases invite and accept/refuse an invitation. Explain/Elicit any unknown words. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

№ •

Suggested A nsw er Key W ould you like to com e = Why d o n ’t you jo in us? I ’m sorry, b u t I ca n 't = I ’m afraid I c a n ’t. Sounds g o o d = That’s a great idea!

To role play a dialogue

Ss com plete the task in pairs. M onitor the activity around the class.

To act out a dialogue Ss com plete the task in closed pairs using the dialogue in Ex. 1 to help them. Remind Ss to use phrases from the box in Ex. 2. Write this diagram on the board for Ss to follow. A

B ------ *7 Answer A ’s call.

Call B. Invite B where you are. Show sym pathy. ^ Make another suggestion. Agree. Say goodbye.


M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the rest of the class.


Refuse A ’s invitation. Give justification.

—»7 Accept.

-------------► Say goodbye.

(accepting an invitation) (asking for directions) (refusing an invitation)

To describe a picture

Ask Ss to look at the picture and read the sentence stubs. Give Ss tim e to com plete the sentences and check their answers around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key The picture shows tw o college students. They are in a classroom. They are having a break. They are wearing casual clothes.

Speaking skills £ Responding to situations

Everyday English Inviting - Accepting/Refusing a)

For each s itu a tio n (1 -3 ), choose th e

In pairs c o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e .

a p p r o p ria te resp o nse. Circle A , B o r C. 1

Y o u r fr ie n d in v ite s y o u to g o ic e - s k a tin g .

G e o rg ia :

H e llo , is 1 ) .................... T a m m y ?

W h a t do you say?

Tam m y:

H i, G e o rg ia . H o w 2 ) ................. y o u ?


I lo v e it.

I’ m h a v in g a g re a t 3 ) ......................


I’ d lo v e to .


I g o on S u n d a y s .

G e o rg ia :

W e ’ re s w im m in g h e re 4 ) .................. th e


W o u ld


lik e

to 2

com e? Tam m y:

G e o rg ia :

H o w d o y o u a s k a p a s s e r- b y fo r d ire c tio n s

I’ m s o rry , b u t I c a n ’t. I’ m s tu d y in g

to th e m u s e u m ?

5 } .................. an E n g lis h e x a m I’ve


W h e re ’ s th e m u s e u m , p le a s e ?

g o t 6 ) .................. M o n d a y .


C a n I se e th e m u s e u m , p le a s e ?


W h a t’ s in th e m u s e u m , p le a s e ?

T h a t’s a p ity . M a y b e w e c a n g o fo r a c o ffe e n e x t S a tu rd a y .

Tam m y: G e o rg ia :

S o u n d s g o o d . I h a v e n ’t g o t


Y o u r frie n d in v ite s y o u to g o o u t w ith h im .

7 ) ..................p la n s th e n .

R e fu s e th e in v ita tio n .

F in e . I’ m a fra id I h a v e to g o n o w .


Sounds good.

M y fr ie n d s a re 8 ) .................. b e a c h


L e t’ s g o o u t to n ig h t.


I’ m s o rry , b u t I c a n ’t.

v o lle y b a ll. T h e y w a n t m e to jo in 9 ) .................. ! Tam m y:

O K , ta lk 1 0 ) .................... y o u s o o n .

G e o rg ia :

B y e fo r n o w .

Describing a picture Look a t th e p ic tu re an d c o m p le te th e


Listen to th e d ia lo g u e to check

sen ten ces.

y o u r a n s w e rs .

% j Replace th e u n d e rlin e d p hrases in th e d ia lo g u e w ith o nes fro m th e la n g u a g e b oxes.



W e ’ re h a v in g a ... .

T h a t’ s a g re a t id e a !

W o u ld y o u lik e to

Sounds good.

com e?

I’ d lo v e to .

W h y d o n ’t y o u jo in us? D o y o u w a n t to c o m e ? L e t’ s g o ... .

S h a ll w e ...? W h y d o n ’t w e ...?

I’ m s o rry , / T h a n k y o u , b u t I c a n ’t.

I’ m a fra id I c a n ’t.

In pairs ta k e roles an d read th e d ia lo g u e

T h e p ic tu r e s h o w s tw o

a lo u d .

T h e y a re in ........................ T h e y a r e .............................

W o rk in pairs. Y o u a re skiin g in th e m o u n ta in s . In v ite y o u r frie n d . A c t o u t a d ia lo g u e s im ila r to th e o n e in Ex. 1b. Use p hrases fro m th e la n g u a g e box.

T h e y a re w e a rin g T h e y lo o k h a p p y .


jg Writing

A postcard from a holiday resort

Rubric analysis

Using apostrophes ---------------------------------------------------------

Read th e ru b ric an d a n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s .

W e use an a postrop he: ?

" Y ou are on h o liday w ith y o u r friends. W rite a p o stcard to yo u r English frie n d (5 0 -1 0 0 w o rd s). On y o u r postcard:

to sh o w om ission o f le tters in co n tra c te d verb form s,


• describe th e place w h e re you are staying. • m e n tio n w h a t th e w e a th e r is like. • explain w h a t you and y o u r frie n d s are d o in g now .

I'm reading a book. •

to sh o w possession. Peter's m otorcycle, the girls' house, the m en's car, John and


W h o is th e p o s tc a r d to ?


W h a t s o r t o f h o lid a y a re y o u o n ?


H o w m a n y th in g s s h o u ld y o u w rite a b o u t? W h a t are th e y ?

| W e D O N 'T use an ap o stro p h e :


H o w m a n y w o rd s s h o u ld y o u w rite ?


M a ry's scooter, John's and [ i

M ary's bikes

w ith possessive prono uns.


Model analysis


This book is yours. (NOT: y e u te ) F •

w ith years. the 1990s


the '90s

R ead th e m o d e l an d c o m p le te th e m issing w o rd s . N o te : it's = i t is o r i t has BUT its = possessive p ro n o u n

? Pett8 r’ a !

jf c ff C o rrect th e sen ten ces by a d d in g

Rhodes in Greece! It’s

an a p o s tro p h e w h e r e n e e d e d .

. ..... ( " 'beautiful island. We’re staying .. a fantastic hotel next 4 ) ...............




the beach. The weather's lovely. In the morning we go swimming, then 5 ) ................ evenings we try local dishes. They are delicious. S T .... I'm Sitting by the swimming pool a n d 'i'm eating 7 ) ................. ice cream Ann’s sunbathing. My friends Jim and Pau 8» fishing down on the beach. We re a ll h a v in g


M y p a re n ts r e m e m b e r th e

Peter Hayes 97 SW


H e s s u n b a th in g rig h t n o w .


Its ra in in g h ere a t th e m o m e n t.


T h e c a ts c h a s in g its ta il.


T h is is th e c h ild r e n s ro o m .



M y g r a n d p a r e n ts h o u s e is in th e c o u n tr y .

great time! Hope you’re O K . See

9) .....................soon.



P ut th e verb s in b ra ckets in to th e p re s e n t sim ple o r th e p re s e n t co ntin u ou s. A|

Hi Steve, Hope you 1)are (be) OK. We 2) are spending (spend) our summer holidays in Ibiza. We 3) get up (get up) early in the morning and 4) go (go) swimming, then we 5) visit (visit) museums villages. Right now Josh and windsurfing (windsurf) and shopping (shop). I 8) am Find e x a m p le s o f th e p re s e n t c o n tin u o u s in th e te x t.

Find an d re p la c e th e o p e n in g an d closing rem arks w ith a p p r o p ria te o nes fro m th e U sefu l L a n g u a g e b o x.


and nearby Mike 6 ) are Jenny 7) is sunbathing

(sunbathe) by the pool. Hope you 9) are enjoying (enjoy) yourselves in the UK.

See you soon, Bill

№ •

IPS) To practise the present simple and the

To analyse a rubric

Ask Ss to read the rubric and then read the questions and answer them. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key

present continuous •

Remind Ss the use of the tw o tenses: present sim ple (habits, routines), present continuous (actions that are happening now). Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers.


m y English friend

• •

2 3

a holiday with friends the place I am staying, the weather, w hat we are

A nsw er Key (Text A - See overprinted answers)


doing 50-100 words B a c k g ro u n d in fo r m a tio n №

To com plete an open cloze


Ss to

appropriate w ords to fill the gaps (1 -9). Tell Ss that they should always read the w hole gapped sentence before deciding on the right

word. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check S s’ answers.







Ibiza is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, 79 km off the coast o f the city of Valencia in Spain. It is the third largest of the Balearic Islands. The relatively small island and its cities have becom e w orld-fam ous fo r their tourism , nightlife, and the electronic music the island has originated.

From p. 65(T), Ex. 3 A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key

1 from 2 a 3 at/in

4 5 6

to in now

7 an 8 are 9 you

A nsw er Key 're staying, ’m sitting, ’m eating, ’s sunbathing, are fishing, ’r e ... having

To identify and substitute opening/ closing rem arks in an email Direct Ss’ attention to the Useful Language box on p. 69. Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers.

• •

Suggested A nsw er Key Opening remarks: Greetings from Rhodes in Greece. = I’m writing from Rhodes in Greece. Closing remarks: See you soon. = See you next week.


To present and practise using apostrophes

Go through the theory box with Ss and explain any points Ss are unsure of. Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers.



H e ’s

B (Bit o f shopaholic?) A (you can go on hikes)

Suggested A nsw er Key unsure (adj): not certain take a look (phr): look at p ackage holiday deal (phr): a holiday that includes accom m odation and transportation custom er (n): sb who buys goods o r services book (v): to reserve the g reat outdoors (phr): nature, the countryside area (n): a particular region lake (n): a large body o f water surrounded by land forest (n): a large area covered by a dense grow th o f trees mountain (n): a large, high rock hike (n): a long walk in the countryside hidden (adj): out o f sight hotspot (n): p o pula r place adm ire (v): to like obelisk (n): a tall stone pillar symbol (n): sth that represents sth else art lover (phr): sb who loves art don’t miss a visit (phr): take the opportunity to do sth b it o f (phr): to some degree head for (phr v): go to distance (n): the space between tw o places ren t (v): to hire fo r a perio d o f time private (adj): only used b y you b eachfront (n): a strip o f land running along a beach

A nsw er Key 2

3 4

To identify the present continuous tense

Elicit all the present continuous form s in the postcard from Ss around the class.

1 C (Royal Pavilion, an amazing palace) 2 A (Do you love the great outdoors?)

3 4

I t ’s c a t’s

5 ch ild re n ’s 6 grandparents’

highlight (n): the m ost interesting p a rt o f sth include (v): to have sth as a part


A nsw er Key (Text B - See overprinted answers)

---------------------------------------------B a c k g ro u n d in fo r m a tio n M o s c o w is the capital city o f Russia and a major political, econom ic, cultural and scientific center in Europe. A ccording to a survey in 2011, M oscow has the largest com m unity of billionaires in the world. Its population, according to the 2010 census, is 11,503,501 residents. M oscow is situated on the Moskva River. The w orld fam ous M oscow Kremlin is a medieval city-fortress and one of several World Heritage Sites in the city. It also has one of the deepest underground metro system s in the world. It is recognized as one of the city's landmarks due to

Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to read out their postcards in the next lesson.

Suggested A nsw er Key Hi Sarah, Greetings from Paris! W e’re staying a t a nice hotel in the city centre. The w eather’s warm and sunny. There are lots o f things to do here. In the mornings, we visit museums and visit the sights. In the afternoon, we go shopping and try local dishes. A t the mom ent, I ’m sitting in a street café. W e’re all having fun! See you soon. Jenny

the rich and varied architecture of its 188 stations.


Ü •


To practise word order

Explain the task. Remind Ss of w ord order rules, subject + verb + object (I like maths.) adjective before noun (nice day) adverb of frequency + verb BUT verb to be + adverb of frequency (I often go ..., I am often late.)

• •

verb + adverb (walk fast) Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 8


This restaurant always serves delicious food. What are you doing at the mom ent? W e’re staying in the m ountains a t a ski resort. When does the train to London depart? Fred doesn’t like visiting museums. I usually wear a hat when I ’m at the beach. IS

Ask Ss to read the rubric. Ask Ss to copy the spidergram into their notebooks and make notes under each heading.

Check Ss’ answers on the board.

Suggested A nsw er Key Place: Paris Activities: visit museums and see the sights, try local dishes, sit in cafés, go shopping W eather: warm and sunny f f e •

To write a postcard

Give Ss tim e to w rite their postcard using their notes from Ex. 8a and phrases from the

Useful Language box. Remind Ss to use the plan and the email skeleton to help them. Ss can use the

postcard in Ex. 2 as a model. Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their work for mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their postcards to the class.


Suggested A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4

No, I d o n ’t. We usually stay in a hotel. No, they d o n ’t. I usually go sw im m ing in the sea and spend time


on the beach. Yes, I do.


No, I d o n ’t.

I d o n ’t usually travel abroad, b u t Jane does. We both usually stay in a hotel. Jane ’s parents bo ok their tickets online b u t mine d o n ’t. We both usually spend time on the beach and go sw im m ing in the sea in the mornings. We both try local dishes. I d o n ’t usually go on guided tours b u t Jane does sometimes.

l l To prepare for a writing task

• •


From p. 65(T), Ex. 4b

From p. 65(T), Ex. 10 Suggested A nsw er Key Name: Cancun Where it is: Yucatan Peninsula, southeastern Mexico Where you can stay: hotel o r with a local family What you can see and do there: learn Spanish, go scuba-diving in the Caribbean, visit ancient Mayan temples, enjoy the city nightlife, relax on beautiful white-sand beaches. Cancun is a holiday destination in southeastern Mexico, on the Yucatân Peninsula. You can stay in a hotel or with a local family and learn Spanish! You can go scuba-diving in the Caribbean o r visit ancient Mayan temples. You can also enjoy the city life or relax on the beautiful w hite-sand beaches. Whatever you choose, a visit to Cancim is an amazing experience.


Useful Language

Hi Laura, We 1) are (be) in Moscow. It's very cold here. It 2) snows (snow) every day! Actually, it 3) is snow ing (snow) right now. We 4) are having (have) coffee in a café, and we 5) are w a itin g (wait) for the snow to stop. Anna 6) is ta k in g (take) photographs of the Kremlin. It's so beautiful! See you soon, Jane

Opening remarks

• Greetings from .... • I'm writing from ... . • I'm in .... Accommodation

• We're staying a t .... • The hotel we're staying is .... W eather

• It's warm and sunny. The weather's great. It's a bit cold. Activities

• I'm (sunbathing, fishing, eating ice cream, e tc)... Closing remarks

W ord order

• See you soon. • See you next Monday.

R e w rite th e sen ten ces p u ttin g th e w o rd s in th e co rrect o rd e r. 1

T h is / fo o d / a lw a y s /s e r v e s / d e lic io u s / r e s t a u r a n t


W h a t/ m o m e n t /y o u / a t/ a r e /t h e /d o in g

Hi + (friend’s first name),

W e ’ r e / m o u n ta in s /a t/s k i r e s o r t/s t a y in g / a /in /t h e

is like, what y o u ’re doing there

where you are, who with, what the weather 3

(your first name) 4

W h e n / t r a in /d o e s / L o n d o n / to / d e p a r t/ th e


F r e d /m u s e u m s /lik e / v is itin g /d o e s n ’t



i/a h a t/ w h e n / u s u a lly /l’ m /th e b e a c h /w e a r /a t

The w eather’s ... and ... . There are

G reetings from ...! W e’re staying .... lots of things to do here. In the m ornings . . . . In the afternoon ... .A t

W ritin g

the mom ent, I’m ... . W e’re all having fun!


Read th e ru b ric an d c o m p le te th e s p id e rg ra m .

See you soon. Y o u 're on h o lid a y w ith y o u r friends. W rite a p o stcard to yo u r English frie n d (5 0 -1 0 0 w o rd s). On y o u r postcard: • le t h im /h e r k n o w a b o u t y o u r a c c o m m o d a tio n . • m e n tio n w h a t th in g s you can d o there. • describe w h a t you and y o u r frie n d s are d o in g a t th e m o m e n t.



When you finish writing your postcard check for the following: • grammar & spelling mistakes • covering all the points in the rubric • correct use of apostrophes


correct word order in sentences

• postcard is just one paragraph b)

Use y o u r n o te s in Ex. 8a to c o m p le te y o u r p ostcard .

Y o u can use th e postcard in Ex. 2 as a m o d e l.



Robert Louis Stevenson (13th November 1850 - 3rd December, 1894) was a Scottish novelist and poet. Llis m ost famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped and Strange Case ofD rJekyll

/ ^

R ead th e a u th o r's b io g ra p h y .


D o y o u k n o w th is a u th o r?

and M r Hyde. Bed in Summer is from bis

collection of poems called A Childs Garden o f Verses.



u w w e /i

In W in te r I g e t u p a t n ig h t A n d d re ss b y y e llo w c a n d le lig h t. In S u m m e r, q u ite th e o th e r w ay, I h a v e to g o to b e d b y day. I h a v e to g o to b e d a n d see The b ird s s t ill h o p p in g o n th e tree, O r h e a r th e g r o w n - u p people's fe e t S till g o in g p a s t m e in th e stre e t. A n d does i t n o t seem h a r d to yo u , W hen a ll th e s k y is c le a r a n d blue, A n d I s h o u ld lik e so m u c h to play, To h a v e to g o to b e d b y day?

Check these words • c a n d le lig h t • seem h a rd

3 Visit O xford fo r a day Saturday 14th M ay. Bus departs 12:30 pm Tickets £15



Y o u c a n fin d th is s ig n in a s h o p .


Y o u c a n s e e th is s ig n o n a b u s .

C Y o u c a n s e e th is n o tic e in a c o lle g e . D

T h is te x t in v ite s p e o p le o n a tr ip .


Y o u c a n s e e th is s ig n a t a m u s e u m .

F 72


I t ’ s c o ld a n d ra in y to d a y .


Y e s , b u t I p r e fe r w a tc h in g TV.



To prepare for a reading task Ex. 1 prepares Ss to com plete a m ultiple matching task successfully. Ask Ss to read the texts and then elicit which sentence best matches it. A n s w e r K ey 1A a sign IB on a street

2A 2B

an advert shop w indow

U r n To listen for specific information (matching exchanges) •

Read out the S tu d y S kills and point out that this advice will help Ss to com plete the task

• • •

successfully. Play the recording tw ice if necessary. Ask Ss to underline the key words. Ss listen and com plete the task.

Check Ss’ answers.

K ey w o rd s to be u n d e rlin e d : B a c k g ro u n d in fo r m a tio n Oxford is a city in central southern England. It is the county tow n of Oxfordshire, and it has a population of 165,000. The city is known w orldw ide as a university tow n and home of the University of Oxford, the oldest university in the country and the English-


A go dow n ... and turn B 26 Beach Road C That sounds good

co ld and rainy I prefer watching TV

A n s w e r K ey 1 D







speaking world.

€ is v To read for specific information (multiple matching) •

Read out the S tu d y S kills and point out that this advice will help Ss to com plete the task successfully. Ask Ss to read the texts (1 -4) and the sentences (AE) and then match them. Ss should underline the key words. Check Ss’ answers.

Key words to be underlined: A sign in a shop D invites, on a trip B sign on a bus E sign at a museum C notice in a college A n s w e r K ey 1 E (open, tickets) 2 C (students, next to staffroom) 3 D (visit Oxford) 4 B (until doors are fully open)

To prepare for a matching task •

Ex. 3 prepares Ss to com plete a m atching exchanges task successfully by paying attention to the key words. Ask Ss to read the questions and elicit which response A or B is the best match.

A n s w e r K ey 1 A 2 B

(responding to an offer) (accepting an invitation)



To p re p a re fo r a re a d in g ta s k (text c o m p le tio n ) •

Ask Ss to look at the sentences (1-3) and (A-C) and match them. Check S s’ answers and elicit w hich w ords helped them.

A n s w e r K ey 1


(great view, great fo r photographers)

2 3


(taxi, big, transport 20 people) (tickets, cost, buy on the bus)

№ To c o m p le te a re a d in g ta s k (text c o m p le tio n ) •

Read out the S tu d y S kills and point out that this advice will help Ss to com plete the task successfully. A sk Ss to read the rubric and then give them time to read the te xt and com plete the task. Tell Ss to always read before and after the gap as this will help them choose the right answer. Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.

• • •

A n s w e r K ey 1 A 2 D 3 E 4 B


(Water Taxis - They) (only 1 2 - But, they transport m any people) (on sightseeing tours - The tours...)


To w rite an em ail

Ask Ss to read the rubric and then w rite their email.

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check S s’ answers.

S u g g e s te d A n s w e r Key Hi Kevin, Greetings from Rome! The weather is h o t and sunny and I ’m having a great time. R ight now I am sitting in a café and w riting emails to all m y friends. Georgia is drinking coffee and David is reading the newspaper. I realty like Rome because there are so m any historic buildings to see and interesting museums to visit. Write soon, Chris C h e c k y o u r p ro g re s s Ask Ss to assess their own perform ance in the unit by ticking the boxes according to how com petent they feel for each of the listed activities.


New York Water Taxis are boats that transport peoplei across the, Eœt River anu and the Hudson River of New York. -H T H Like the New YorkCrty --------hiver u ic i--------------------------------------taxi cabs, they are all yellow so that people can see them easily.

[T e x t c o m p le tio n ]

Preparing for the task

But they transport many people to work everyday and they also take

M a tc h th e sen ten ces (1 -3 ) to th e sen ten ces t h a t fo llo w

city. ,H U----, ] They -------------, - show people ■„„Wmort-Q tourists on sightseeing siynibeemy tours tw ro of the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building and other famous landmarks

(A -C ). W h ic h w o rd s h e lp e d yo u

of New York from the boats and explain their history. The boat goesvery


close to some places, but you can only see others from a distance. L U


It has g o t a g reat view o f th e city.

This way, they can choose to spend more time at a site or just go for


The ta xi is q u ite big.

walk in the area. The water taxi is a great way to see New York.


T ic k e ts co s t $2.


Y o u c a n b u y th e m o n th e b u s . It is a g re a t p la c e fo r p h o to g r a p h e rs .


It c a n tr a n s p o r t 2 0 p e o p le .


Read th e missing sentences and underline th e key words. Look fo r

They can carry about 150 passengers.


words/phrases in the te x t w ith a similar meaning to the underlined words. Then match th e sentences to th e missing gaps.

However, people can get on and o ff at five different places along the rivers.


You can also go shopping in the city.


There are only 12 w ater taxi boats in New York.


The tours last about 90 minutes and there is a guide on each boat.

Read th e t e x t fro m w h ic h fo u r

W r itin g ___________

sen ten ces a re m issing.


C o m p le te th e g aps (1 -4 ) w ith

Read th e ru b ric, th e n w r ite y o u r e m a il.

a p p r o p ria te sen ten ces (A -E), W r ite a p p r o p ria te le tte rs (A , B,

W rite an e m a il to yo u r English-speaking p e n -frie n d describing y o u r holiday. In yo u r em ail te ll him /her:

C, D o r E) in th e gaps. O n e s e n te n c e is e x tra .

• w h e re you are and w h a t th e w e a th e r is like. • w h a t you are d o in g a t th e m o m e n t. • h o w you feel a b o u t th e place.

• talk about means of transport [ • •


talk about seasons &


months I

w rite a postcard [__

describe holiday

w rite a short text



• talk about clothes r

m ultiple m atching (reading) m atching exchanges (speaking) text com pletion (reading) [____] writing (an email) |


advertising a tourist destination




History Reading W h a t d o th e p ictu res te ll y o u a b o u t th e A n c ie n t E gyp tian s?

Culture, People, Science & Technology

L isten, read an d check.

jobs, culture, theatre, cinema, science, technology was/were, had, could,

Read th e t e x t an d m a rk th e sen ten ces T (tru e ),

past simple (regular verbs)

F (fa ls e ) o r DS (d o e s n 't say).

an article an announcement, dialogues, monologues ► S p eaking

describing a visit to a place

► W ritin g :

a biography

T h e R iv e r N ile w a s im p o r ta n t to th e A n c ie n t E g y p tia n s .


P h a ra o h s w e re o n ly m e n .


► C u ltu re:

Guy Fawkes & Bonfire Night

A ll A n c ie n t E g y p tia n s ’ h o u s e s w e re


(History) Our World o f Monuments

a lo n g th e N ile .

► Skills:

listening (multiple choice), speaking (responding to situations), reading (m ultiple matching)


T h e ric h p e o p le ’ s h o u s e s h a d s m a ll ........

ro o m s . T h e re w e re p a in tin g s in s id e th e p y ra m id s .

Check these words • lived • bank • transportation • thanks to • head o f g overnm ent • dead • brick • mu d • st r a w • sailing • hunting • hard-w orking • trader • builder

• craftsman • temple wall r!

The Ancient Egyptians lived in Egypt around 3000 BC. Their towns and villages were along the banks o f the River Nile. Thanks to the river they had fresh water, food and transportation. The Pharaohs were the kings and queens o f Egypt. The pharaoh was the head o f the government and the most im portant person in Egypt. The great pyramids were the homes o f the dead pharaohs. The Ancient Egyptians had brick houses. The bricks were from mud and straw and were hard because o f the hot sun. The houses did not have big windows. The roofs o f the houses were flat. The rich had villas along the Nile. Some o f these villas had 25 or 30 rooms. Family, friends and especially children were im portant to the Ancient Egyptians. Swimming, fishing, sailing and hunting were their favourite free-time activities. The Ancient Egyptians were hard-working people. Most o f them were farmers. They were also traders and builders. They were great craftsmen, too. Their paintings were very special. The paintings were on temple walls and inside the Pyramids and were about the life o f the dead pharaohs. The Ancient Egyptians had w riting, but the w riting did n 't have letters.










hieroglyphics. b u ild ers

W hat’s in this unit? In this unit Ss will explore the topics of space, culture, people, science and technology, jobs, theatre and cinema. They will learn was/were, had, could and the past simple (regular verbs). They will also learn to write sentences about the Ancient Egyptians, space facts, a paragraph about an im portant historical event, a biography and a poster of fam ous monuments.

To introduce the topic • • •

Direct Ss to the pictures and elicit w hat each picture tells us about Ancient Egyptians. Explain/Elicit any unknown words. Play the recording. Ss listen and read and check.

Suggested A nsw er Key The pictures tell us about daily life in ancient Egypt: the houses, the jo b s and the hobbies people had.

To read for specific information (T/F/DS statements) • •

Ask Ss to read the sentences (1 -5). Give Ss tim e to read the text again and com plete

the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 T •









Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings o f the w ords in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the Word List.

Suggested A nsw er Key live (v): to have their homes there; inhabit bank (n): the side o f a river transportation (n): a system fo r carrying goods from one place to another thanks to (phr): because o f head o f governm ent (phr): leader o f the group; person who make decisions fo r a country dead (adj): no longer alive brick (n): a rectangular block o f baked clay used for building m ud (n): wet earth straw (n): dry yellow stalks from wheat o r barley sailing (n): travelling on a sailboat hunting (n): chasing and killing animals to eat hard-w orking (adj): pu ttin g a lo t o f effort into work trader (n): sb who buys and sells goods builder (n): sb who makes buildings craftsm an (n): sb who is skilled at making things e.g. furniture tem ple wall (phr): the vertical side o f a building used fo r worship

To talk about Ancient Egypt

To identify antonym ous words • •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key 1

fresh z stale

2 3

im portant z unim portant dead z alive

4 5

flat z p o in te d rich z p o o r

6 7

hard-w orking z lazy special z ordinary

• • •

Direct Ss to the pictures and ask various Ss around the class to use them to present Ancient Egypt to the class. Assist where necessary.

Suggested A nsw er Key

To present and practise the past simple of the verb to be •

Explain that was/were is the past sim ple form of the verb to be. Go through the table with Ss and read out all the persons. Ask Ss to read the theory box and then give them tim e to com plete the sentences. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar R eference section for more information.

The Pharaohs were the kings and queens o f Egypt. People lived in brick houses and the rich people lived in villas. M ost people were farmers, traders or builders. They were great craftsmen, too. The pyram ids were the tom bs o f the dead pharaohs. In their free time the A ncient Egyptians liked to go fishing, hunting and sailing. Their w riting was with pictures. People call this writing hieroglyphics.

To write about the Ancient Egyptians • • •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to write sentences using the words/phrases in the list. Ask various Ss around the class to read their sentences to the rest of the class. Alternatively, assign this task as HW.

Check S s’ answers. Suggested A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4

were was were were

w eren’t, were w eren’t, were w eren’t, were

To practise the past simple (interrogative & short answers) • •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key


2 3 4

Was, Yes, it was. Were, Yes, they were. Was, Yes, he/she was.

5 6 7

Were, Yes, they were. Were, No, they w eren’t. Was, Yes, it was.

The rich people had villas along the River Nile. The pharaohs were very im portant people. Egyptians liked their fam ily and friends. The rich people had villas along the Nile. Some Egyptians were builders. They also liked sailing in their free time. The pyram ids were the homes o f the dead pharaohs. The A ncient Egyptians used hieroglyphics to write.

Reading Vocabulary

C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. Use: w as,

M a tc h th e w o rd s to th e ir o p p o s it e s /

w ere, w e re n 't.

C hoose fro m : stale, u nim p o rtan t, pointed,


poor, ordinary, alive, lazy.

T h e h o u s e s o f th e ric h ................... a lo n g th e N ile.


1 fre s h * ........


2 im p o r ta n t *

6 h a r d - w o r k in g *


dead *



fla t * ..

ric h # ..................

S w im m in g ................... o n e o f th e ir fa v o u r ite fr e e - tim e a c tiv itie s .


T h e P y r a m id s .................... th e d e a d P h a ra o h s ’ h o m e s .

s p e c ia l *


M o s t A n c ie n t E g y p tia n s ................. fa rm e rs .


T h e y ......................p ic tu re s .

\was/were\ 6

A ffir m a tiv e /N e g a t iv e

T h e A n c ie n t E g y p tia n s ................... la z y p e o p le . T h e y .............................

I/H e /S h e /It w a s /w a s n 't fro m E g yp t.

h a r d - w o r k in g .

W e /Y o u /T h e y w e r e /w e r e n 't fr o m E g yp t. Q u e s tio n s

H ie r o g ly p h ic s ...................... le tte rs .


S h o rt A n s w e rs

T h e ro o fs o f th e h o u s e s ................... p o in te d . T h e y .....................fla t.

W a s l/h e /s h e /it

Yes, h e /s h e /it w a s .

fr o m E g yp t?

N o, h e /s h e /it w a s n 't.

Fill in: w as, w ere. A n s w e r th e

W e re w e /y o u /th e y

Yes, w e /y o u /th e y w e re .

q u e s tio n s .

fro m E g yp t?

N o, w e /y o u th e y w e r e n 't .


W e re th e P h a ra o h s im p o r ta n t to th e p e o p le ? Yes, th e y w e re .


............... fa m ily im p o r ta n t to A n c ie n t E g y p tia n s ? ........................


............... th e ir h o u s e s o f b ric k ?


............... a p h a ra o h th e h e a d o f th e g o v e rn m e n t? ...............................

b ric k h o u s e s

P y ra m id s


............... th e y b u ild e rs ? ....................


............... th e y all ric h ? .......................


............... h u n tin g a fa v o u r ite fr e e ­ ......................................

tim e a c tiv ity ?

Speaking Use th e p ictu res to p re s e n t A n c ie n t

fis h in g

E g y p t to th e class.

W riting Use th e s e w o rd s to w r it e a fe w s en ten ces a b o u t th e A n c ie n t tr a d e rs

fa r m e rs

E g yp tian s . Read y o u r sen ten ces to th e class.


• th e R iv e r N ile

• fa m ily & fr ie n d s • b u ild e rs

h ie r o g ly p h ic s

• v illa s

• s a ilin g

• h ie r o g ly p h ic s

Ï Î I c ra fts m e n

• th e p h a ra o h s • th e p y ra m id s


obs | Steve Jobs

(1955-2011) was a(n) |


He was the owner of Apple.

a) C o m p le te th e gaps. Use: w rite r, a s tro n a u t, scientist, la w y e r, nurse, c o m p u te r p ro g ra m m e r, p ilo t.

A le x a n d e r F lem ing

Am elia Earhart

(1881-1951) was a(n) ....................................... He was the one to discover penicillin.

(1897-1937) was a(n) .............................She was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

A gatha Christie

(1890-1976) was a(n) . Two of her famous characters are Hercule Poirot and Miss Jane Marple.

Florence N ightingale

(1 8 2 0 -1 9 1 0 ) was a(n) ......................................She was the mother of modern nursing.

Neil A rm strong

(1930-2012) was a(n) ............................... He was the first man to walk on the moon.






In English, we write years as four-digit numbers but we usually read them as two sets of two digit numbers. 1561 = fifteen sixty-one 1807 = eighteen oh seven 1972 = nineteen seventy-two

A braham Lincoln

(1809-1865) was a(n) ................ He was the 16th President of the USA.

BUT 2004 = two thousand and four


Listen an d check. T h e n , re ad th ese

te x ts a lo u d .


a) C heck th e s e w o rd s in th e W o rd list. • d o c to r • te a c h e r • b u tc h e r • c h e m is t


Use th e s e verb s in th e ir co rrect fo rm to

• s e c r e ta r y

• a c to r • o ffic e w o r k e r

c o m p le te th e phrases.

• e n g in e e r • s h o p a s s is ta n t • w a ite r

• fly • d e s ig n • c a re • a d v is e • tr a v e l

• jo u r n a lis t • ta x i d riv e r • s h o p o w n e r

• re s e a rc h • tr e a t • w r ite 1

S u s a n .......... ......... n e w m e d ic in e s to c u re d is e a s e s .


P e t e r ............. ........ a p la n e .


S a n d r a ........ ............ f o r p e o p le w h o a re ill.


L a u ra ........... ..........s o ftw a r e .


C h r i s ............ ........ n o v e ls .


S te v e ........... ..........p e o p le a b o u t th e la w .


M a r k ............. ........ in s p a c e .


B e n ............... ..... p e o p le w h o a re ill.

b) Find a person in th e class w h o s e fa th e r 's / m o th e r's jo b is o n e o f th o s e in Ex. 3a.

Listen a n d w r it e w h a t jo b each person d oes.

c SPEAKING ) b) W h a t is each perso n's jo b ?

W h a t jo b w o u ld yo u

lik e /n o t like to do? W h y ? Tell y o u r p a rtn e r.

Suggested A nsw er Key a)

• •

To present new vocabulary

doctor = sb who treats people who are ill/injured teacher = sb who teaches children in school

Read out the w ords in the list and explain any unknown ones. Explain that in English, we w rite years as fo u r­

butcher = sb who cuts and sells m eat chem ist = sb who sells m edicines or works with chemicals

digit numbers but we read them as tw o sets of tw o digit numbers. •


secretary = sb who works in an office and types letters and answers the phone actor = sb who acts on stage or in films office w orker = sb who works in an office engineer = sb who works w ith/designs machines shop assistant = sb who helps/sen/es custom ers in

Ask Ss to read the theory box. W rite additional examples on the board and elicit the correct way to say them from Ss around the class. Include some examples after the year tw o thousand to test Ss’ understanding of the theory.

a shop w aiter = sb who brings food/drinks to custom ers in a restaurant journalist = sb who gathers/w rites news stories for newspapers

Ask Ss to look at the pictures and com plete the gaps in the texts next to them.

f e

To listen for confirmation

Play the recording fo r Ss to answers in Ex. 1a.

Ask various Ss around the class to read the texts aloud.

taxi driver = sb who drives a taxi shop o w n er = sb who owns a shop

check their


H •

A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4

co m puter program m er scientist p ilo t w riter


To practise new vocabulary

Ask Ss to raise their hand if sb in their family has one of the jobs in Ex. 3a. Ask them to tell the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key M y dad is a teacher and m y mum is a secretary.


To present new vocabulary •

Go through the list of verbs with Ss and explain/ elicit any unknown words.

Give Ss tim e to use them in the correct form to com plete the sentences. Check S s’ answers.

5 nurse 6 astronaut 7 lawyer

i '


To listen for specific information

Explain the task and play the recording, tw ice if necessary.

• •

Ss listen and w rite each person’s job. Check S s’ answers around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key

Kate - journalist / Vicky - actor

1 researches 2 flies 3 cares

Max - waiter / Richard - butcher

4 5 6

designs writes advises

7 8

travels treats 5

To talk about jobs •



To generate new vocabulary

Ask Ss to read the sentences in Ex. 2a and find w hat each person’s job is.

Elicit answers from various Ss around class.

Ask Ss to talk in closed pairs and answer the questions in the rubric. Monitor the activity around the class and help where necessary. Ask various Ss around the class to share their answers with the rest o f the class.

A nsw er Key 1 scientist 2 p ilo t 3 nurse 4 com puter program m er


5 6 7 8

w riter lawyer astronaut d o cto r

To present new vocabulary Refer Ss to the W ord List to look up the meanings of the w ords in the list.

Suggested A nsw er Key I w ould like to be a d o cto r or a nurse because I think it is g o o d to help people and make them feel better. I w o uldn’t like to be an office worker or a shop assistant because I think it w ould be boring.


To present new vocabulary Read the w ords in the list and explain any unknown ones. Give Ss tim e to com plete the texts w ith them. Check S s’ answers.

com poser dancer


fftP S

Ask various Ss around the class to choose five different people from the lesson and say a sentence about each of them. Suggested A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key 1 painter 2 sculptor

(6 IW ) To consolidate information in the lesson



Steve Jobs was the ow ner o f Apple. Abraham Lincoln was the i 6th Am erican President. Pablo Picasso was a great painter. Maria Callas was an opera singer. A lbert Einstein was a physicist.

To expand the topic

Elicit any other fam ous artists from Ss around the

To present inventors

class. •

Suggested A nsw er Key Vincent Van Gogh (painter) Amadeus M ozart (composer) Auguste Rodin (sculptor) Biliy Holiday (singer) Anna Pavlova (dancer)

Ask Ss to w ork in groups of four and collect inform ation from the Internet or other resources

about some inventors they admire and prepare a presentation. Ask the groups to make their presentations to the

class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to give their presentations in the next lesson.

To present new vocabulary

Suggested A nsw er Key

Give Ss tim e to scan the review and find any unknown words. Explain/Elicit their meanings. Explain the difference between historic and historical, historic = important, m om entous or historically significant, historical = relating to the past. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers around the class. A nsw er Key 1 historical 2 director

3 4

stars com poser



To present new vocabulary Ask Ss to read the w ords in the list and explain/ elicit any unknown ones. Give them tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers. A nsw er Key 1 perform ance 2 rehearsals

3 4

p lo t films

role audience

To present new vocabulary Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers. A nsw er Key 1 theory 2 invent

i i ( i )

3 4

doing astronom er



George Stephenson was the person to invent the steam railway. Charles Wheatstone was the person to invent the stereoscope and the m icrophone. Michael Faraday was the person to invent the electric motor. Grace Murray H opper was the person to invent the COBOL com puter language.


C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. Use: audience, role,

a) C o m p le te th e w o rd s .

rehearsals, p e rfo rm an ce, film s, p lo t.

• s in g e r • p a in te r • c o m p o s e r • s c u lp to r

1 T h e g r o u p is g iv in g a ................................ o f K in g L e a r to d a y .

• dancer

T h e y h a v e a lo t o f ................................ b e fo re th e p la y o p e n s .

Pablo Picasso was a great

H e ’ s g o t th e

One of his major


le a d in g



th e film .

works, Guernica, is famous worldwide.


p e o p le


w a tc h

a p la y a re th e

5 T h e f ilm ’ s .................................. is s u re to k e e p U j\

M ichelangelo’s Moses is one of

y o u o n th e e d g e o f y o u r s e a t.

this Italian 2 ) .................................'s





I it li:lk Ludwig Van Beethoven, the famous

C h ild re n

lik e

a n im a te d


w ith c a r to o n c h a ra c te rs .

Science & Technology C hoose th e c o rre c t w o rd .

German 3 ) .............................., is one of the giants of classical m usic. He’s one of the 3 Bs (together with Brahms and Bach). R udolf N ureyev’s skills in legendary 4 ) .......................

Thom as Edison was the first person to 2) d isc o v e r/in v e n t the light bulb, the phonograph, the telegraph and the telephone.

of the 20 th century.

Maria Callas, the opera 5)

, was a great

diva because of her amazing musical talents.

Can y o u n a m e o th e r fa m o u s artists?

W h a t w e r e th e y fa m o u s for?

B enjam in F ranklin is fam ous for 3) d o in g /m a k in g experiments with electricity. He was the first person to show that lightning is a form o f electricity. Nicolaus Copernicus, the fam ous 4) d o ctor!astron om er, was the first person to see M ars from his telescope in the early 1600s. >R ay Tom linson was the first person to 5) ta k e /se n d an em ail to another computer in 1971.

Theatre/C inem a o

o u * *

/k n o w n

Albert E instein was a physicist. He is fam ous for his 1) th eo ry/sto ry o f relativity.

ballet make him a


Did y

C hoose th e c o rrect w o r d to c o m p le te th e re v ie w . s p e a k ing

; C hoose fiv e o f th e p e o p le in

th is lesson an d te ll th e class a sen ten ce

Lincoln is a 1) historical/historic drama film. Stephen Spielberg is the 2) director/actor and

a b o u t each.

producer. It 3) stars/shows Daniel Day-Lewis In g ro u p s o f fo u r co llect

as Abraham Lincoln and Sally Field as Mary

in fo rm a tio n a b o u t so m e in v e n to rs yo u

Todd Lincoln. The music is by John Williams, a well-known 4) composer/screenwriter The film 5) covers/deals the last four ™ Lincoln’s life. It’s a film not to miss.

a d m ire an d w h a t th e y w e r e fa m o u s fo r.

n th s ^ |g

P rep are a p re s e n ta tio n fo r th e class. P e rc y S p e n s e r w a s th e p e r s o n to in v e n t th e m ic ro w a v e in 1946.

Grammar in use Space Facts •

T he fir s t a n im a l in space w a s th e Russian d o g Laika in 1957.

T he Russian Y u ri G a g a rin w a s th e fir s t a s tr o n a u t in space. His V o s to k s p a c e c ra ft c o m p le te d an o r b it o f th e E arth on 12 A p ril 1961.

N eil A rm s tro n g w a s an A m e ric a n a s tro n a u t. He w a lk e d on th e m o o n in 1969.

In th e 1960s a n d 70s, space c ra ft c o u ld reach th e m o o n in 3 days.

T he M ir Space S ta tio n o rb ite d E arth fr o m 1986 t o 20 0 1 . It ha d lo ts o f c o m p u te rs , ag y m a n d t w o b e d ro o m s . It d id n 't ha ve b e d ro o m s fo r v is itin g a s tro n a u ts . V is ito rs fix e d th e ir s le e p in g bags to th e w a ll so t h a t th e y d id n 't flo a t a ro u n d !

b) C om plete th e sentences w ith could or couldn't.

Read th e ta b le . Find exam p les in th e te x t above.

had (past simple of to have) A ffir m a tiv e


A n n a ........ ........... c o u n t a t th e a g e o f th re e . ( / )


P a u l .......................... read at th e ag e o f tw o . (X)


T h e y ...... ..................w rite a t th e a g e o f six. ( / )


P aul ....... ............... s w im a t th e a ge o f five . ( / )


A n n a ...... .....rid e a b ik e a t th e a g e o f fo u r. (X)

N e g a tiv e

I/Y o u /H e , e tc had a

I/Y o u /H e , e tc d id n 't

b ik e a t th e age o f fiv e . h a v e a car. In te r ro g a tiv e

S h o rt A n s w e rs

D id l/y o u /h e , e tc h a v e

Y es, l/y o u /h e , e tc d id ./


a b ike ?

N o, l/y o u /h e , e tc d id n 't.

p a rtn e r d o a t th e a g e o f six?

s p e a k in g

• w r ite • dance

w h a t could/couldn't y o u r

• p la y an in s tru m e n t

• re a d

• s w im

• rid e a b ic y c le

P ut th e verb s in b ra c k e ts in to th e p a s t A : C o u ld y o u w rite a t th e a g e o f s ix ?

sim ple.

B : Yes, I c o u ld ./N o , I c o u ld n ’t. T h e A n c ie n t G re e k s .......................... (h a v e )



s c h o o ls fo r b o y s . 2

T h e p h a ra o h s

(b e ) th e k in g s

a n d q u e e n s o f E g y p t. 3

J u liu s C a e s a r

(n o t/b e ) fro m G re e ce .


.......................................... (th e R o m a n s /h a v e ) b a th r o o m s in th e ir h o u s e s ?


Put th e verbs in brackets in th e correct fo rm .

Ancient Inca children 1 ) ..................... (have) wooden toys. They 2 ) ............................. (not/have) books made of paper. They 3 ) ........................... (can) cook, farm and fish. Inca children 4 ) ................................ (not/can) read or write because Inca writing didn’t exist. Their

(b e ) th e A z te c s g o o d c ra fts m e n ?

favourite toys 5 ) .................................(be) spinning tops.

T h e I n c a s .....................(n o t/b e ) S p a n is h .

Their favourite food 6 ) ..............................(be) corn. Their

T h e A n c ie n t E g y p tia n s ....................................

favourite things 7 ) ...........................(be) board games.

(n o t/h a v e ) e le c tr ic ity .


C le o p a tr a .................................... (b e ) th e la s t

b) Put th e verbs in brackets in th e correct

p h a ra o h o f E g y p t.

fo rm and com plete a b o u t yourself.

Read th e ta b le . Find an e x a m p le in th e

t e x t a b o v e . W h ic h fo rm is it in?

could (past simple of can) A ffir m a tiv e I/Y o u /H e , e tc could

When I was eight years old I 1 ) ....................( h a v e ) .... I 2 ) ......................( n o t / h a v e ) ... I 3) (can) 14 ) ......................( n o t / c a n ) .... My favourite toy ( b e ) . .. . My favourite food 6 )


N e g a tiv e


.... My favourite things 7 ) ....................... ( b e ) . .. .

I/Y o u /H e , e tc c o u ld n 't

ta lk a t th e age o f tw o . w a lk a t th e age o f o n e . In te r ro g a tiv e C ould l/y o u /h e , e tc

S h o rt A n s w e rs Yes, l/y o u /h e , e tc c o u ld ./

read a t th e age o f five? No, l/y o u /h e , etc c o uld n't. ►see p. G R 5



s p e a k in g

j C o m p a re y o u rs e lf to th e Inca

c h ild re n . Tell th e class. W h e n I w a s e ig h t, I h a d lo ts o f b o o k s . In c a c h ild r e n d id n ’t h a v e b o o k s . T h e y h a d . . . . I c o u ld r e a d w h e n I w a s e ig h t. T h e y c o u ld . . . .


To present had • •

• • • •

Go through the theory box with Ss. Check S s’ com prehension by asking various Ss to give example sentences of things they have/don’t have. Drill Ss to give sentences for all persons. Then go through the te xt with Ss and explain/

Explain the task and ask Ss to ask and answer in closed pairs about w hat they co u ld /co u ld n ’t do when they were six. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask various pairs around the class to tell the rest of the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key A: B:

elicit any unknown words. Elicit examples in the te xt from Ss around the class. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar Reference section for more information.

C ould you play an instrum ent a t the age o f six? Yes, I could. / No, I co u ld n ’t.

A: C ould you read at the age o f six? B: Yes, I could. / No, I co u ld n ’t. A: C ould you swim at the age o f six?

A nsw er Key Examples in text: It had, It d id n ’t have

B: A: B: A: B:

Yes, I could. / No, I co u ld n ’t. C ould you dance at the age o f six? Yes, I could. / No, I co u ld n ’t. C ould you ride a bicycle at the age o f six? Yes, I could. / No, I co u ld n ’t.


A # To practise the past simple of h ave/can /b e

To practise the past simple of b e/have • •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it.


Check S s’answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3

had were w asn’t

5 Were 6 w eren’t 7 d id n ’t have


D id the Romans have


• •

Ss read the theory box. Check Ss’ com prehension by asking various Ss to give example sentences of things they cou ld/ co u ld n ’t do when they were young, (e.g. I could ride a bike when I was five.) and then expand on this to cover all forms, (e.g. C ould you ride a bike when you were six? Yes, I could. / No, I co u ld n ’t etc.) Elicit examples in the text from Ss around the class. Refer Ss to the Gram m ar R eference section for more inform ation.

Examples in the text: spacecraft could reach It is in the affirmative form.

i l l

co u ld n ’t were





m To practise the past simple of h ave/can /b e with personal examples •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it.

Ask various Ss around the class to read out the com pleted text.

Suggested A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4 5 6



A nsw er Key could co u ld n ’t

4 5

had a bike didn ’t have a skateboard co uld read and write co u ld n ’t cook was Lego was pizza were m y bike and m y books

To practise could/couldn’t

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check S s’ answers.

1 2

had d id n ’t have could

A nsw er Key


Ask Ss to read the text and fill the gaps with the correct form o f the verbs in brackets. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key


3 a) /$ |J $ To present could •

3 4

could could


couldn ’t

$ 8 $ To com pare your childhood to Inca children’s using the past simple •

Explain the task and read out the example.

Then ask various Ss around the class to tell the class how they were sim ilar/different to Inca children.

Suggested A nsw er Key


m To practise could/couldn’t using personal examples •

Ask from a pair of Ss to read out the example.

When I was eight, I d id n ’t have any wooden toys but Inca children did. I co uld read and write when I was eight, b u t Inca children co u ld n ’t, etc.


To practise the past simple of regular verbs (interrogative & short answers)

To present the past simple of regular verbs •

Ss close their books. Present the past simple. Say then w rite on the board: I w orked hard yesterday. Underline worked and explain that this verb is in past simple. Point to a S and say then write on the board: You w orked hard yesterday.

• •

Underline worked. Point to a S and say then write on the board: He worked hard yesterday. Underline worked. Present the other persons in the same way. Explain the spelling rules of the past simple for regular verbs by writing the verbs: love, play, miss, travel and their past form s on the board (loved, played, missed, travelled). Present the interrogative and negative form s as well as the sh o rt answers in a similar way. Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read the theory box and elicit how we form the past sim ple of

Read out the example and give Ss tim e to complete the task referring back to the text in Ex. 7.

Check S s’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key



D id he paint pictures? Yes, he did.

3 4

D id he com pose m usic? Yes, he did. D id he make 150,000 pages o f notes? No, he d id n ’t.

5 6

D id he die in 1519? Yes, he did. D id people in Turkey use Leonardo’s notes? No, they d id n ’t.

To practise the past simple interrogative & short answers •

Ss w ork in closed pairs and ask and answer questions about w hat they d id /d id n ’t do yesterday afternoon.

A nsw er Key

We form the pa st simple o f regular verbs with a noun/subject pronoun + base form o f the verb + -ed.

M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key

regular verbs and when we use this tense. Then elicit examples from the te xt on p. 78.

Examples in text: walked, orbited, fixed

A: D id you watch TV yesterday afternoon? B: Yes. I d id ./ No, I d id n ’t.

To practise the past simple of reguiar verbs (affirmative) •

• •

A: D id you have a picnic yesterday afternoon? B: Yes. I d id ./ No, I d id n ’t.

Ask Ss to read the list of verbs and explain/elicit any unknown ones. Then give them tim e to read the text and com plete the task. Ss may refer to the theory box to check the spelling rules.

A : D id you listen to m usic yesterday afternoon? B: Yes. I d id ./ No, I d id n ’t. A: Did you play com puter games yesterday afternoon?

Check S s’ answers.

B: Yes. I d id ./ No, I d id n ’t.

A nsw er Key 1 lived 2


3 4

painted com posed





A : D id you have a show er yesterday afternoon ? B: Yes. I d id ./ No, I d id n ’t.

11 To practise the past simple of regular verbs (affirmative & negative) •

Read out the example and give Ss time to complete the task referring back to the text in Ex. 7.

Check Ss’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key 2 3 4 5


Leonardo da Vinci d id n ’t live in Spain. He lived in Italy.



To present space facts

Explain the task and ask Ss to research on the Internet about the history of space travel and collect some facts.

Ask various Ss around the class to present their facts to the class.

Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to present their space facts in the next lesson.

Suggested A nsw er Key

He w asn’t a brilliant astronaut. He was a brilliant painter. He d id n ’t have a few ideas. He had hundreds o f ideas.

Man launched the first artificial satellite into space in 1957.

People in Sweden d id n ’t use his notes to build a bridge. People in Norway did.

John Glenn orbited the Earth three times in 1962. The Russian Alexei Leonov com pleted the first space walk in 1965. It lasted 122 minutes.

The first Am erican in space was Alan Shepherd in 1961.

Read th e ta b le . H o w do w e fo rm /u s e th e

Read Ex. 7 a g a in an d co rrec t th e false

p a s t sim p le o f re g u la r verbs? W h e n d o w e

s ta te m e n ts .

use th is ten se? Find e x a m p le s in th e te x t.


L e o n a rd o d a V in c i d ie d in 1 5 2 5 . L e o n a rd o da Vinci d id n ’t d ie in 152 5. H e

É^ P as^ sïïnpiTô^ gLdâTvë^ s)

d ie d in 1519.

A ffir m a tiv e

N e g a tiv e

I/Y o u /H e , e tc p la y e d

I/Y o u /H e , e tc d id n 't p lay

b a s k e tb a ll y e s te rd a y .

fo o tb a ll y e s te rd a y .


L e o n a rd o d a V in c i liv e d in S p a in .


H e w a s a b r illia n t a s tr o n a u t.


H e h a d a fe w id e a s .


P e o p le in S w e d e n u s e d h is n o te s to b u ild

S h o rt A n s w e rs

In te r ro g a tiv e

D id l/y o u /h e , e tc p lay Yes, l/y o u /h e , e tc d id ./ No, l/y o u /h e , e tc d id n 't.

te n n is y e s te rd a y ? Form: v e rb + -ed Use:

a b r id g e ...................................................................

W e use th e p a s t s im p le fo r a c tio n s w h ic h h a p p e n e d a t a c e rta in tim e in th e p a s t (s ta te d o r im p lie d ). He w a tc h e d TV last night. (W h e n ? ( T j Look a t th e te x t in Ex. 7 a g a in . P u t th e

Last n ig h t. - tim e s ta te d ) He d id n 't liste n to

w o rd s in th e c o rrec t o rd e r to fo rm

music. (W h e n ? Last n ig h t. - tim e im p lie d )

q u e s tio n s based on th e te x t . A n s w e r th e m .

S p ellin g rules: •


v e rb s e n d in g in -e + -d. like -*■ liked

v e rb s e n d in g in c o n s o n a n t + ^

^ -ied .

N o, he d id n ’t.

try -*• tried •

liv e /L e o n a r d o d a V in c i/in /F r a n c e /D id ? D id L e o n a rd o da V inci live in F ra n c e ?

v e rb s e n d in g in v o w e l + -y + -ed.


h e /p ic tu r e s /p a in t/ D id ?


c o m p o s e /h e /D id /m u s ic ?


m a k e /1 5 0 ,0 0 0 /n o te s /D id /o f/h e /p a g e s ?


in /D id / d ie /h e / 1 5 1 9 ?


p e o p le / in / D id /u s e / L e o n a r d o ’ s /T u r k e y /

play ->■ played •

v e rb s e n d in g in o n e stre sse d v o w e l b e tw e e n t w o c o n s o n a n ts , d o u b le th e last c o n s o n a n t + -ed . stop - * stopped

T im e expressions: y e s te rd a y a fte r n o o n / m o rn in g , la st n ig h t/w e e k /m o n th , t w o d a y s / w e e k s a g o , e tc -s e e p p . G R 5 -G R 6

n o te s ? .................................................................... Fill in th e g aps w ith th e w o rd s fro m th e list in th e c o rre c t fo rm . • c o m p o s e • p a in t • d ie • use • b e • live

s p e a k in g ^ w h a t

did/didn't y o u r p a rtn e r d o

y e s te rd a y a fte rn o o n ? Use th e phrases to

Leonardo da Vinci 1)

fin d o u t.


• p la y fo o tb a ll

Italy nearly 500 years ago. He 2) .....................................

• w a tc h TV

• lis te n to m u s ic

m m rr^

• h a v e a p ic n ic

• p la y c o m p u te r g a m e s

• have a sh o w e r

a brilliant artist. He A: D id yo u p la y fo o tb a ll y e s te rd a y

pictures and


4 ) ........................ music. Leonardo

-— was also an inventor. He had hundreds of

a fte rn o o n ?

»m m ij

B: N o, I d id n ’t.

ideas and he made 130,000 pages o f notes! Leonardo 5 ) ........................ in 1 51 9, but he is still famous today.

In 2001, people in Norway even 6)

Leonardo's notes to


ICT D o so m e research on th e In te r n e t a b o u t th e h is to ry o f space tr a v e l. Find y o u r o w n space facts an d p re s e n t th e m to th e class.

build a bridge near Oslo.


Across Cultures Skills Work Reading ^

Look a t th e p ictu res. W h ic h show s: barrels o f gunpowder? guards! a man

ready to light the gunpowder? a bonfirel a guy made from old clothes and straw? fireworks? The Houses o f Parliament in London?



Remember 2

Read th e firs t lin e o f th e p o e m . W h a t d o th e British c e le b ra te on 5 th o f N o v e m b e r? H o w a re th e nam es

Houses o f Parliament, Guy Fawkes, King James I re la te d

remember the fifth of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason, why gunpowder treason. Should ever be foreot.

to th is e v e n t? Listen an d re a d to fin d o u t

In 1605, King James I, the Protestant King of England, asked all Catholic priests to leave the country. Catholics were not happy with this and a group of men wanted to kill the king. The men planned to blow up the parliament on 5th November. They placed 36 barrels of gunpowder in a cellar under the Houses of Parliament. One of the men. Guy Fawkes, was a soldier. His job was to light the gunpowder.

On 5th November, two hours before the King opened Parliament, a group of guards checked the cellar. Guy Fawkes was there with the gunpowder. They arrested him. The guards forced Guy Fawkes to tell them the names of the other men. They arrested them, too, and killed them.

King James I decided to celebrate. He asked the people of England to make great bonfires. People prepared guys* from old clothes and straw and burned them on top of the bonfires. Bonfire Night is still a popular celebration all over Great Britain today. The British celebrate it with bonfires and fireworks.

Check these words • P ro te s ta n t • k in g • leave • k ill • pla n

* guy: a model figure of a man which people make from scrap materials


• • • •

b lo w up • place • b a rre l • g u n p o w d e r cellar • p a rlia m e n t • so ld ie r • lig h t g u a rd • a rre st • force • celebrate b o n fire • b u rn • fire w o rk s


2 syllables A u s • tra • II • an -> 4 syllables ^ — (diphtho ng) Steve (e a t the end o f w o rd ) ->

1 syllable

I t ’s o n th is s h e lf r ig h t h e re .

Josh: Oh,

th a n ks. W h y d o n ’t y o u c o m e

ro u n d to m v h o u s e to n ig h t a n d se e


Listen to th e w o rd s . C o u n t th e syllables.

h im ?


Yes, O K , g re a t!

e le p h a n t • b e a r • to r to is e k a n g a ro o


g W o rk b o o k

p. 58

• m onkey

• fe a th e r • tig e r • p a rr o t

• ta r a n tu la

№ •


To brainstorm for vocabulary

Give Ss a one-m inute tim e lim it and ask them to think of as many pets as they can within the allotted time. Ss then com pare their lists with their partner.

Elicit answers from Ss around the class.


m m To prepare for a listening task (multiple choice) •

Ask Ss to read the rubric and the questions and the possible answers and underline the key words. Elicit w hat Ss think the recording is about.

Suggested A nsw er Key

Answ er Key

cat, dog, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, parrot, canary, budgie, tortoise, mouse, goldfish, horse, turtle

Key words: g o t to London by car, taxi, train, how

• •

Ask Ss to read the rubric and the lists. Play the recording. Ss listen and match the

cats’ hom e contact M r Jones, details on the animal, Paddington Station, telephoned, conversation takes place, c a t’s home, radio station, railway station, man in water, 15 hours, 20 hours, 150 hours, could not reach inflatable, w rong place, d id n ’t know how to swim, weather, bad, recording about, w hat do shark attack, lucky escape, sw im m ing lessons im portant

people to the animals. Check S s’ answers.

Suggested A nsw er Key

To listen for specific information (multiple matching)

I think Recording 1 is about a man who lost his cat and then g o t it back. I think Recording 2 is about a man who had an accident at sea.

A nsw er Key IB


№ •







To talk about pets b>

Ask Ss to read the rubric and then talk in closed pairs about the pets they have or would like to have. Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class.

To listen for specific information (multiple choice) • •

Play the recording. Ss listen and choose the correct answers. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key

I ’ve g o t a p e t canary. It’s g o t yellow feathers, a small beak and sharp claws. It eats b ird seed and lives in a cage on m y balcony. It’s g o t a sw eet voice and sings all day long.

1 C

I w ould like to have a hamster. They are very clean animals and easy to take care of. They are also great fun. I love to watch hamsters running around in their cage and doing tricks on their wheel.

To prepare for a listening task (multiple choice) •

The underlined phrases of the audioscript in Ex. 4 help Ss to understand that it is always useful to pay attention to the key vocabulary and paraphrases when doing a listening task.

• •

Ask Ss to read the question stem and the options (A-C) and then choose the correct answer. Check Ss’ answer.

A nsw er Key B




w rn










To learn to count syllables

Read out the examples and explain that syllables are the distinct sounds that make up a word.


m m

To count syllables

Play the recording with pauses and elicit Ss how many syllables each w ord has. A nsw er Key elephant - 3 b e a r- 1 tortoise - 2 feather - 2 tiger - 2

parrot - 2 kangaroo - 3 m onkey - 2 tarantula - 4

B 1


vrMJ&s To com plete a dialogue

about B ’s accident.

Ask Ss to read the dialogue and w rite an appropriate w ord in each of the gaps (1-8).

Express concern. Ask how it

A nsw er Key 1 yo u r





up did

and my

Tell w hat happened.

Greet B. Ask B





happened. Ask w hat B did. Express disbelief.

Tell how it happened. Respond. Tell A w hat happened in the end.

To listen for confirmation


Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some Ss to act out their dialogue in front of the class.

Play the recording. Ss listen and read and check their answers.

Suggested A nsw er Key To replace phrases in a dialogue for expressing concern and disbelief with appropriate substitutes Direct Ss to the underlined phrases in the dialogue and elicit other appropriate ones from the language box from Ss around the class. Suggested A nsw er Key Oh m y goodness! = That’s shocking! D o n ’t tell m e! = I d o n ’t believe it!

A: B: A: B:

Hi Jim m y! How d id you hurt yo u r leg? I fell o ff a ladder. That’s shocking! H ow did you do that? I tried to rescue m y parrot. It escaped from its cage and flew up onto the roof. It d id n ’t want to come down.

A: What d id you do ? B: I g o t a ladder and clim bed up to g e t him. I had him in m y hands when m y foot slipped a n d ... A: Oh no! You ca n ’t be serious! B: We both fell down. I broke m y leg, b u t m y parrot flew back into his cage!

To role play a dialogue Ss com plete the task in pairs. M onitor the activity around the class.

To tell a story using prompts • • • •

Ask Ss to look at the headline and read the prom pts. Ss w ork in pairs and tell each other the news story using the prom pts. M onitor the activity around the class and help where necessary. Ask some Ss to tell the story to the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key A teenager tried to rescue his p e t parrot, b u t he was hurt when he fell o ff a ladder. The p arrot escaped from its cage and flew up onto the ro o f o f the house. The teenager g o t a ladder and clim bed up to the roof. He had the p arrot in his hands when his fo o t slipped and he fell o ff the ladder. He h it the ground and broke his leg. The p arrot flew straight back into its cage!

IS ®

9 9 (D

To act out a dialogue

Ask Ss to w ork in pairs and act out a dialogue using the prom pts in Ex. 4 and the dialogue in Ex. 1 as a model. Ss can also use useful phrases from Ex. 2.

Write this diagram on the board for Ss to follow.



To set the scene

Read the Study Skills box.

• •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 Sunday 2 zoo 3 family

4 sunny 5 ju m p e r 6 skirt

7 scared 8 giraffe 9


415>To develop speaking skills •

Explain the task and go through explaining any unknown words.

Ask Ss to w ork in closed pairs and take turns to ask and answer questions using the inform ation on the cards.

M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

W hat’s Vince’s last name? Kelly. H ow o ld is he? H e ’s 18. Where is he from ? Bristol. What p e t has he got? H e ’s g o t a snake.

A: B: A: B:

Where does the snake live? It lives in a heated glass cage. What does his snake eat? It eats worms, insects and fish.



Speaking skills


Everyday English

W o rk in pairs. Im a g in e yo u a re th e te e n a g e r

Expressing concern/disbelief

in th e s to ry . A n s w e r y o u r frie n d 's q u e s tio n s an d e x p la in w h a t h a p p e n e d . A c t o u t a

a ) C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e .

d ia lo g u e sim ila r to th e o n e in Ex. 1b. Use phrases fro m th e la n g u a g e boxes. Luke:

Hi B ill! H o w d id y o u h u rt 1 ) ................. hand?

B ill: Luke:

B ill:

I fe ll o u t 2 ) ...................a tre e . O h m y g o o d n e s s ! H o w d id th a t

Describe a picture


When we describe a picture, we describe the place (where), the time (when), the weather, the people, their clothes and their feelings.

T h e n e ig h b o u r ’ s d o g c h a s e d m y c a t 3 ) ................. a tre e . T h e n it g o t s tu c k u p th e re .

Luke: B ill:

W h a t 4 ) ...................y o u d o ?

Look a t th e p ic tu re . Use th e w o rd s

I g o t a la d d e r 5 ) ................ c lim b e d u p

to c o m p le te th e d es c rip tio n

to g e t h e r. I h a d h e r in 6 ) ................ a rm s w h e n a b ra n c h b ro k e a n d ... Luke: B ill:

O h no! D o n ’t te ll m e ! You




7 ) ..................... I s p ra in e d

b o th

fe ll

• g ir a ffe

• s k ir t • S u n d a y

• sunny

• ju m p e r • fa m ily

• s c a re d

• w a lk e d

• zoo

8 ) .................

w r is t b u t th e c a t ’s fin e !

L a st

1 ) .....................................


w ent


th e

2 ) ................................... w ith her 3 ) ................................... b) Listen an d check y o u r a n s w e rs .

It w a s a w a rm 4 ) ....................................

day. A m y

lo o k e d g re a t in her w h ite 5 ) .................................... a n d blu e 6 ) ......................................... A m y w a s a little R eplace th e u n d e rlin e d phrases in th e d ia lo g u e w ith ones fro m th e la n g u a g e boxes.

7 ) ...................................... o f s o m e o f th e b ig an im a ls, b u t w h e n sh e sa w a ta ll 8 ) ..........................., she s m ile d an d 9 ) .....................................rig h t up to it.

Expressing concern H Expressing disbelief •

Oh m y goodness!

D o n ’t te ll m e!

H o w a w fu l!

I d o n ’t b e lie v e it!

Y o u c a n ’t b e s e rio u s !

• T h a t’ s s h o c k in g !

Asking questions W o rk in pairs. S tu d e n t A : Look a t Card A. S tu d e n t B: Look a t Card B an d ask S tu d e n t A

In pairs, ta k e roles an d re a d th e d ia lo g u e a lo u d .

q u e s tio n s . S tu d e n t A : A n s w e r th e q u e stio n s.

W o rk in pairs. Read th e n e w s p a p e r h e a d lin e . T h e n te ll each o th e r th e s to ry , using th e p ro m p ts .

V i n c e ’s pet Name: V ince Kelly

Teenager hurt in parrot rescue

Age: 18

tried to rescue pet parrot

City: B ristol

hurt when he fell o ff a ladder parrot escaped from its cage - fle w up onto roof

Pet: snake

teenager g o t ladder - climbed up to roof had the parrot in his hands fo o t slipped - fell o ff ladder broke his leg - parrot flew back into its cage

w haW ast nam e? age?

where from?

what p e t?

Lives in: heated glass cage


Food: w orm s, insects, fish

what/snake eats?

,W h e r^ n a k e



A story

A Cold Night Fright b y S e re n a W e s t

S etting th e scene

We start a story by setting the scene. In order to do so, we imagine we are looking at a picture and describing the place (where), the time (when), the weather, the people involved (who), their clothes, their activities, and their feelings.


One night, Jane and her dog Frankie were in the

living room by the fire. It was freezing cold outdoors but Jane was warm in her jumper. Suddenly, there was a strange noise outside. Jane looked out of the window but there was

Look a t th e p ic tu re an d re a d th e p a ra g ra p h .

nothing but snow. She put on her coat and went to the door. Frankie followed her. They were in the

A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s .

garden when they heard the noise again. It was much louder this time.

One morning Jessica was outside collecting her post. It was warm and she was lightly dressed. The weather made her feel happy. It was a perfect day for horse-riding.

^ Terrified, Jane went to the back of the house. The next moment, some snow fell o ff the roof! Frankie ran up to it barking furiously. Jane felt relieved. It wasn't a burglar only the snow!


b) H o w sim ila r is th e w a y S eren a sets th e

W h e re a n d w h e n d id th e s to r y h a p p e n ?


W h a t w a s th e w e a th e r lik e ?


W h o a re th e m a in c h a ra c te rs ?


W h a t d id th e y d o ?


H o w d id th e y fe e l?

scene to y o u r a n s w e r in Ex. 2?

Sequence words W e use a n d , so, a ft e r th a t, th e n , n e x t, w h e n , etc to s h o w th e sequence o f events.

Look a t th e p ic tu re in th e s to ry in Ex. 3. Use th e n o te s to w r it e se n te n c e s s e ttin g th e

C hoose th e co rrec t w o rd s .

scene. • Jane

• h e r d o g , F ra n k ie

• la te la s t n ig h t • re la x e d

• liv in g ro o m

• w a n te d to s e n d an e m a il

• ju m p e r

• c o ld o u ts id e

• h e a rd a n o is e fr o m o u ts id e

Jane had a really busy day yesterday. 1) A fter th a t/ First, she took the dog out for a walk. 2) T h e n / W hen she bought a jumper. 3) Finally/A fter that she had lunch with her friend, Molly.

M odel analysis

Peter went to the library to return some books

a) Read th e ru b ric, th e n th e m o d e l.

4) a fter/an d then he went to the gym to exercise.

When he 5) fin ally/a fte r came back home he was Your English teacher asked you to w rite a story. Your story must start w ith the sentence: One night, Jane and her dog Frankie were in the living room by the fire. Your story must include: • a garden. • snow W rite your story (60-100 words).

very tired so he went to bed.

Feelings P S

C o m p le te w ith : scared, surprised, exhausted. 1

W e w e r e ................................ a fte r th e s ix - h o u r d riv e h o m e .

W h ic h p a r a g r a p h (s ):



H e lo o k e d a t th e s n a k e a n d fro z e . H e fe lt


e n d s th e s to r y & p e o p le ’ s fe e lin g s ?


s e ts th e s c e n e ?


p re s e n t th e e v e n ts in th e o r d e r th e y

b o x w ith m y n a m e o n a n d a p u p p y in


f e l t .................................


I o p e n e d th e d o o r o n ly to fin d o u t a b ig it. I

IjSji To analyse how to set the scene to start a story •

Read the Study Skills box. Ask Ss to look at the

picture and read the paragraph. Allow Ss enough tim e to answer the questions.

Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2

One morning, outside warm



4 5

co lle ct p o st happy

To practice setting the scene of a story •

Explain the task and allow Ss enough tim e to

com plete it. Check S s’ answers.

Suggested A nsw er Key Late last night, Jane and her dog Frankie were in the living room. It was c o ld outside b u t Jane was warm in her thick jum per. She was on her com puter because she wanted to send an email. She felt relaxed. Suddenly, she heard a noise from outside.



To analyse a rubric/m odel • • •

Ask Ss to read the rubric aloud and pay special attention to the underlined words. Ask Ss to read the questions and the model. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 C






To com pare your answer to a model Elicit S s’ answers from around the class. (Ss’ own answers)


• • •

To practice using sequence words

Read out the theory box about sequence words. Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2

First Then


3 A fte r 4 and



To practice using adjectives to describe feelings •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it.

C heck Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1






• 6a)

To present and practise adverbs of manner • • •

Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete

it. Refer Ss to the Gram m ar Reference section for more information.

Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 slow ly

3 loudly


4 angrily



5 6

sadly hard

To identify adverbs of manner •

Give Ss to read the story again and elicit answers from various Ss around the class.

Check Ss’ answers.


To analyse a rubric and predict the content of a story • •

Ask Ss to read the rubric and look at the picture. Elicit answers from various Ss around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key The story is about a bo y on holiday with his friends. Maybe he had a problem on his surfboard.


To prepare for a writing task • • • •

Ask Ss to listen to the recording. Ss make notes while listening. Ask some Ss to read their answers aloud to the class. Write the events on the board inthe correct order so Ss can check their answers.

A n s w e r Key 1 2 3

A ndrew w ent to the beach. He ran into the sea and swam out. He felt a pain in his leg.

4 5

He c o u ld n ’t move. He saw a dolphin.


The dolphin swam up to him and A ndrew g o t on his back. The dolphin took A ndrew to the shore.



« S t •

101 (T)

To write a story

Give Ss tim e to w rite their story

Suggested A nsw er Key Dolphin to the Rescue! Last sum m er A ndrew w ent to Hawaii for a holiday with his friends. The weather was h o t and sunny. One m orning he decided to go surfing. He felt really excited. He p u t on his shorts, g o t his board and w ent happily to the beach. A ndrew ran into the sea and swam out. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his leg. He co u ld n ’t move! He d id n ’t know w hat to do. He was terrified. He slipped under the water. Suddenly, he saw a grey head in the water. It was a dolphin! The dolphin swam up to A ndrew and he quickly g o t on its back. Finally, the dolphin took him safely to the shore. A ndrew felt so relieved as he w atched it swim away.

A nsw er Key


Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their w ork for mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their stories to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to read out their stories in the next lesson.

using their

answers from Ex. 8 and phrases from the U se fu l L a n g u a g e box. Remind Ss to use the plan and the story skeleton to help them. Ss can use the story inEx. 3a as a model.

Adverbs o f m anner 1

Useful Language

se e p. G R 6

A d v e rb s o f m a n n e r m ake o u r stories m ore inte resting to read. They

te ll





so m e th in g



so m ething

happened. W e usually fo rm th e m by adding -ly to th e adjective. quick

q u ic k ly

careful -> c a re fu lly

brave -> bravely

W h e n an adjective ends in -y, w e usually fo rm th e adverb by re m o vin g -y and a d d in g -ily. heavy -> h e a v ily N o te : Some adverbs o f m a n n e r have th e same fo rm as th e ir adjectives. These are: h a rd ->■ h a rd

fa st -* fa st

late -> late

Setting the scene • Last summ er/year etc my fam ily and I ... • One day/m orning, etc I w a s ... Events • Suddenly, w e saw ... • A fte r that,/N ext,/Then, ... • I/He, etc started (screaming, shouting etc). Ending • We w ere relieved/happy/sad, etc ... • It was the m ost e xcitin g /frig h te n in g , etc experience o f my life.


Use th e a d v e rb s fo rm e d fro m th e w o rd s in b rackets to

c o m p le te th e gaps.

Karen and Anna walked 1 ) ........................... (slow) through the market. Karen stopped to look at something. It was a music box. When she opened the lid, a figure of a bird inside started singing 2 ) ........................... (beautiful). Suddenly, Karen heard Anna shout 3 ) ........................... (loud). She looked up and saw Anna holding a young boy’s arm. “ He grabbed my bag!” she said 4 ) .......................... (angry). The boy looked up 5 ) ............................ (sad) and tried 6) ............................. (hard) not to cry. “ I’m sorry!” he said. “ I thought you were my mum!”

(Para 1)

set the scene (time, place,

(Para 2)

people, activity, etc) events in the order they

(Para 3)

happened & main event what happened in the end; people’s feelings

b) Find an a d v e rb o f m a n n e r in S eren a's s to ry .

Last sum m er ... . The weather ... One m orning he decided ... . He put

W riting

on ... . Suddenly he felt ... . He was

Read th e ru b ric an d lo o k a t th e p ic tu re . W h a t do you

■" ’ He s liPPed under ... . Suddenly he saw ... . The dolphin swam A ndrew f e l t ... .

th in k th e s to ry is a b o u t?

A n E nglish-language m agazine invites readers to send in stories a b o u t th e ir personal experiences. The s to ry m ust s ta rt w ith th e w o rd s: L ast su m m e r A n d re w w e n t to H a w a ii fo r a h o lid a y w ith his friends. Y o u r story m u st include: • an anim al • a beach W rite y o u r s to ry (6 0 -1 0 0 w ords).



When you finish your piece of writing, check it for the following: •

Does you story include all the points in the rubric?

• Listen to th e s to ry an d list th e e v e n ts in th e o rd e r

Is the sequence of events clear? Does the story contain the correct tense(s)?

th e y h a p p e n e d .

Is there a variety of adjectives and adverbs?

Use th e e v e n ts to w r it e y o u r s to ry . Use la n g u a g e fro m th e U sefu l la n g u a g e b o x. F o llo w th e p lan .

Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes?


fHH Science W h ich o f th ese an im als can you see in th e pictures? • p o la r b e a r • s p in y a n te a te r • e le p h a n t • h ip p o • k o a la • k a n g a ro o • w h a le • lio n • tig e r • seal • rh in o • g ira ffe • cow

• • • • •

warm-blooded • fur • feed • land underground • ocean • intelligent give birth to • live • carry • pouch lay an egg • carnivores • include herbivores • omnivores

C o rrect th e w o rd s /p h ra s e s in b o ld . W h a t d o th e s e an im als h ave in com m on? Listen an d read to fin d o u t.

Read th e t e x t a n d m a tc h th e


L io n s a re c o ld -b lo o d e d a n im a ls .


S o m e m a m m a ls lik e k a n g a r o o s la y e g g s .


G ir a ffe s c a rr y th e ir y o u n g in a p o u c h .


H e r b iv o r e s e a t o n ly m e a t.


G ira ffe s a re c a r n iv o r e s .


C a r n iv o r e s e a t m e a t a n d p la n ts .

h e a d in g s to th e p a ra g ra p h s . O n e h e a d in g is e x tra . Tell th e class fiv e th in g s t h a t ch arac terise m a m m als .


T h re e k in d s o f m a m m a ls


E a tin g h a b its


D e s c rip tio n a n d h a b ita t

IC T In g ro u p s o f fo u r co llect in fo rm a tio n a b o u t re p tile s .

L ife s ty le

Use h e a d in g s s im ila r to th o s e in th e t e x t in Ex. 2. P rep are


a P o w e rP o in t p re s e n ta tio n fo r th e class o r a p o s ter. 1 0 2



JSJ) To consolidate new vocabulary

To id e n tify a n im a ls

Ask Ss to read the list of animals and then look at the pictures and identify w hich ones they show.

Check S s’ answers around the class.

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers. A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key p o la r bear spiny antea hippo koala whale




seal rhino giraffe cow


JRJ) To listen and read for specific information • • •

Read the rubric aloud. Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out. Check Ss’ answers.



w arm -blooded



2 3

spiny anteaters The kangaroo and the koala bear

5 6

herbivores Omnivores

f l i &


To consolidate information in a text

Ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest of the class five things that characterise mammals. Suggested A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key

Mammals are w arm -blooded animals. They have hair o r fur. They feed their babies milk. Some give birth to live young and others lay eggs. M ost mammals have

They are all mammals.


№ • •

To match headings to paragraphs

Ask Ss to read the headings (A-D) and give Ss tim e to read the te xt again and com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.

A nsw er Key

ICT • • •

To give a presentation on reptiles

Ask Ss to w ork in groups of four. Give Ss tim e to collect inform ation about reptiles from the Internet. Ask Ss to prepare a PowerPoint presentation or a poster and present it to the class using similar headings as in Ex. 3.

1 C (Mammals are ... They live ...) 2 A (give birth to young, carry their young, lay eggs) 3 B (carnivores, herbivores, omnivores)

Suggested A nsw er Key

Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings of the w ords in the Check these words box in their dictionaries or look them up in the Word List.

Suggested A nsw er Key w arm -blooded (adj): having bo d y tem perature which is above the tem perature o f the surroundings fur (n): thick animal hair feed (v): to give food to land (n): the solid p a rt o f E arth’s surface underground (n): below the surface o f the ground ocean (n): the salt w ater that covers the main parts o f the Earth intelligent (adj): clever give birth to (phr): to have a baby live (adj): living carry (v): to have with oneself pouch (n): a p o cke t in the body lay an egg (phr): to produce an egg from out o f the bo d y carnivore (n): m eat eater include (v): to have sth as one o f the parts o f sth herbivore (n): pla n t eater omnivore (n): m eat and plant eater

Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to give their presentations in the next lesson.

Description Reptiles are cold-blooded creatures. They have scales on their bodies. They have four legs or no legs e.g. snakes. They have ear holes instead o f ears. Alm ost all reptiles lay eggs. Reptiles that give birth to live young are boas, vipers, garter snakes, skinks (a type o f lizard) and Jackson’s chameleons. H abitat Lizards and snakes live anywhere from deserts to rainforests. They can live on land, underground o r in trees. Some snakes live in water. Turtles live in the sea, b u t tortoises are land animals. They dig deep holes in the earth to escape from the cold in winter. Crocodiles and alligators live in water. Crocodiles sometim es live in salt water; alligators prefer freshwater habitats like swamps and lakes. Eating habits Snakes are carnivores and can swallow their prey. Lizards are mainly herbivores but they can eat insects and sometimes other lizards! Turtles and tortoises are mainly herbivores and insectivores; sea turtles’ diet also includes seafood. Crocodiles and alligators are carnivorous.




To practise past simple irregular form s

To consolidate vocabulary from the unit

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key 1









1 took 2 d id n ’t lose

p ointed

To consolidate vocabulary from the unit

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

1 horse 2

3 4



legs canary

d id n ’t go find



m To practise the com parative and superlative • •

A nsw er Key

3 4

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key


1 friendlier/m ore friendly 2 quietest

To consolidate vocabulary from the unit Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers.







G r a m m a r in F o cu s To consolidate gram m ar structures learnt in the unit

A nsw er Key 1 2

chew lays

3 4


w ild harm


• •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key To consolidate prepositional phrases from the unit • •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1

fo r







To consolidate everyday English expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2

Oh m y goodness You ca n ’t be serious

3 4

Look out D o n ’t tell me

To practise the past simple

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3



T-rex weighed m ore than tw o elephants. Some dinosaurs d id n ’t eat meat. Velociraptors caught animals larger than themselves. M any dinosaurs w eren't dangerous.


D id velociraptors have wings?


1 2

T om ’s never

4 5

in d id n ’t have


is eating



Progress Check i*rUi Vocabulary


C hoose th e c o rre c t ite m .

W r ite th e sen ten ces in th e p ast sim ple.


B e a rs h a v e g o t fu r /w in g s .


T -R e x w e ig h s m o re th a n tw o e le p h a n ts .


T h e lion in th e z o o had a lo n g ta il/n o s e .


G a z e lle s h a v e g o t b ig /t h in le g s .


S o m e d in o s a u r s d o n ’t e a t m e a t.


B ird s h a v e g o t s c a le s /f e a t h e r s .


V e lo c ir a p to r s c a tc h a n im a ls la rg e r th a n


F o x e s h a v e g o t th in /p o in t e d e a rs.

th e m s e lv e s ............................................................ (5x2=10)

Find th e o d d o n e o u t.


M a n y d in o s a u r s a r e n ’t d a n g e ro u s .


D o v e lo c ir a p to r s h a v e w in g s ?

1 h o rs e - fo x - w o lf - lio n 2

ta il - h o rn s - e a rs - s c a le s


m o u th - le g s - n o s e - e y e


s h e e p - r a b b it - c a n a ry - tig e r


s h a rk - b e a r - d o lp h in - p ira n h a



U n d e rlin e th e co rre ct ite m . 1

I t a k e / t o o k m y d o g fo r a w a lk y e s te r d a y .


L u c k ily , th e tig e r lo s t/d id n ’t lo s e its h a b ita t.


W e d id n ’t g o /d o n ’t g o to th e v e t to d a y .


D id th e w o lv e s fo u n d /fin d a n y fo o d ?


C hoose th e c o rre c t ite m . 1

E le p h a n ts o n ly h a v e fo u r te e th to c h e w / d ig e s t th e ir fo o d .

5 2

T h e p la ty p u s is a m a m m a l, b u t it h a tc h e s /

D in o s a u rs b e c a m e /b e c o m e e x tin c t m illio n s o f y e a rs a go. 3

lays eg g s. 3

W e h a v e to

p r o te c t q u ie t /w ild

a n im a ls


•J j P ut th e a d je c tiv e s in b ra ckets in to th e

fr o m p o a c h e rs .

co m p a ra tiv e o r th e su perlative.


P o llu tio n c a n h a r m /s a v e th e e n v iro n m e n t.


D o n ’t b e fr ig h te n e d o f m y d o g - he is n ’t


T u r tle s a re ............................................................. (frie n d ly ) th a n ta r a n tu la s .

d a n g e r o u s /f r ie n d ly .



F is h a re th e .......................................................... (q u ie t) p e t to k e e p .

C hoose th e c o rre c t p re p o s itio n . 1

P e n g u in s c a n liv e f o r /in a b o u t 2 0 y e a rs .



b a b y d o lp h in


o n ly fe e d s o n /w ith


F la m s te rs a r e ......................................................... (fu n n y ) p e ts th a n ra b b its .



m o th e r ’ s m ilk .

W h a t’ s th e ............................................................. (g o o d ) p e t fo r a c h ild ?


E le p h a n ts liv e a t /in g ro u p s .


P e n g u in s liv e o n /a t th e ic e o f A n ta r c tic a .


W o lv e s h u n t o f /f o r th e ir fo o d .


B lu e w h a le s a r e ................................................... (5x 2 = 10)

(b ig ) th a n e le p h a n ts .

Total: 100


Everyday English ..

Fill in: Look o u t - You c a n 't be serious - D o n 't tell me - Oh m y goodness.


Fill in th e correct fo rm o f th e w o rd s in brackets,

R ya n fe ll o ff a la d d e r y e s te r d a y .

choose th e correct w o rd or fill in th e gap.

............................... ! Is he O K ?


G iz m o i s .......................... (T o m ) p e t h a m s te r.

M y a u n t h a s g o t 17 c a ts .


J a c k ie n e v e r /s o m e t im e s w a lk s h e r d o g .


The c a t


O u r r a b b it l i v e s

Pier b r o th e r a lw a y s d o e s it fo r h e r.

............................... ! T h a t’ s to o m a n y ! I T h a t b ra n c h is b ro k e n . T h a n k s . I d id n ’t s e e th a t.


P aul

................ (e a t) h e r d in n e r n o w . th e g a rd e n .


(n o t/h a v e )



w h e n he w a s s e v e n .

G u e s s w h a t h a p p e n e d to d a y ? ...................! Y o u r p a rr o t e s c a p e d a g a in . (4x5=20)


T h is m o r n in g K e lly ’ s c a t ..................... (b rin g ) h e r h is to y m o u s e .


Use o f English [Text completion]-

[Multiple matching Read th e a n n o u n c e m e n ts b e lo w . For each

Read th e te x t. C o m p le te th e gaps w ith th e

a n n o u n c e m e n t (1 -4 ), choose th e rig h t

a p p ro p ria te expressions (1 -3 ) by circling A , B

s e n te n c e an d w r it e th e a p p r o p ria te le tte r

o rC .

(A , B, C, D o r E) in th e ta b le . O n e s e n te n c e is e x tra .



P le a s e C le a n u p a f t e r y o u r D o g [2 ]

P le a s e D o N o t F e e d O u r A n im a ls


* 0

F rom :




S u b je c t:

New pet



you my

3 m uch 4 going

5 6

his one

7 so m e 8 have

B : M y brother wants to attend a w orkshop and build his own robot.

To listen for confirmation Play the recording. Ss listen and read and check their answers.


To replace phrases in a dialogue for expressing certainty/uncertainty with appropriate substitutes

A : A re you going to make one, to o ? B : I d o n ’t think so . I think I ’ll c h e c k out the interactive activities. A : S o u n d s like y o u ’re going to have a great time. B : A bsolutely!

To practise responding to situations

Direct Ss to the underlined phrases in the dialogue and elicit other appropriate ones from the language box from Ss around the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key

Definitely! = I certainly will! Probably not. - I d o n ’t think so. m aybe I ’ll see = p erh ap s I ’ll se e I ’m sure we will! = A bsolutely!

A nsw er Key

Ss com plete the task in pairs. M onitor the activity around the class.

To act out a dialogue Ask Ss to w ork in pairs and act out a dialogue using the phrases in Ex. 4, phrases from the table in Ex. 2 and the dialogue in Ex. 1 as a model. Write this diagram on the board for Ss to follow. B Respond.

Ask about B ’s plans for the weekend. Ask if B will enjoy it.

Express certainty.

Ask B ’s additional plans for the

Explain. Tell A about one of your relative’s plans.

weekend. Ask if B will do the same. C om m ent positively.

Ask Ss to read the situations and the possible responses for each one and give them tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

1 C 2 A 3 B

To role play a dialogue

Express uncertainty. Give an alternative. Express certainty.

M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some Ss to act out their dialogue in front of the class.

1 5(T)

B : I ’m going to the S c ie n c e M useum with m y brother. A : That’s great! Do yo u think you ’II enjoy it? B : I certainly will! W e’re going to s e e a robot exhibition. A : Wow! What else are you going to d o ?

Speaking skills Everyday English

W o rk in pairs. Y o u a re g o in g to g o to th e

Expressing certainty/uncertainty about future plans

d ia lo g u e to th e o n e in Ex. 1a. Use phrases


fro m th e la n g u a g e boxes.

Read th e d ia lo g u e an d c o m p le te th e gaps.

m u seu m in th e a d v e rt. A c t o u t a s im ilar

Helen: Hey Joan! W hat are 1 ) ................... doing this weekend? Joan: I’ m going to the Planetarium w ith 2 ) ..................... friends. Helen: T hat’s nice. Do you think yo u ’ll enjoy it? Joan:

D e fin ite ly! There’s so 3) ...................


going on there. W e’re going to travel through space! Cool! W hat else are you


4 ) ................... to do? John w ants to do som e hands-on activities. H e’s going to build


5 ) ................ own rocket! Are you going to make 6 ) .................... , too?


Probably n o t. I th in k I’ll check out

An eXCitiny MSVV IVVKJL exhibition will take place at the museum 1 s t to 3 1 s t M a r c h . Meet 20 unique robots and see w hat tasks they can perform . A ttend a w orkshop and build your own robot. Take part in fun interactive activities. A great day out fo r all the fam ily! Entrance free.

7 ) ................... of the interactive


displays instead. Or m avbe I’ ll see a 3D show. Sounds like y o u ’ll 8) ...................


a great tim e! I’m sure we will!

Responding to situations | For each s itu a tio n (1 -3 ), choose th e a p p r o p ria te response. Circle A , B, o r C.

Your friend asks you w hat you are doing next b) Listen an d check y o u r a n s w e rs .

Saturday. How do you respond? A

Replace th e u n d e rlin e d p hrases in th e d ia lo g u e w ith o nes fro m th e la n g u a g e

It’s nothing.

B T here’s nothing I can do. C

N othing much.

How w ill you find out from your teacher w hat


field trip he is planning fo r the class?



Are we going to visit the Technology M useum ?


Does the T echnology M useum get many

uncertainty • Absolutely! • I certainly will! • I think so.

Perhaps (I’ll) .../Maybe (I’ I d on’t think so. Not really. Probably.

visitors? C

Do you often visit the Technology M useum ?

A friend invites you to a party but y o u ’re not sure y o u ’ll be able to go. W hat do you say? In pairs, ta k e roles an d read th e d ia lo g u e in Ex. 1a.


I ce rtainly w ill.


Perhaps I’ll come.


D on’t m iss it!


An email about holiday plans --------

Rubric analysis Read th e ru b ric an d lo o k a t th e u n d e rlin e d w o rd s . Use th e m to

Hi Peter!

a n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s .


How are you? I’m going

1 ) .................holiday next week W rite an em ail to y o u r English-

and I’m really excited! My

speaking p e n -frie n d (5 0 -1 0 0 w o rd s) g iving details o f yo u r ho lid a y plans. In y o u r em ail: • m e n tio n w h e re y o u 're s ta y in g . • give details o f a place y o u 're g o in g to v is it. • say w h a t y o u 're g o in g to do th e re .

friends and I are visiting Jersey in the Channel Islands. W e’re staying 2 ) ...................a cam psite near the Durrell W ildlife Park. I’ll really enjoy our visit to the W ildlife Park. I’m 3 ) .................to be zookeeper fo r a day! 4 ) .................... the

1 W hat are you going to write?

m orning, I’m going to feed the anim als and clean their

2 W ho is it to?

cages. In the afternoon, I’m helping the vets take care


W hat’s it about?

5 ) ................. the anim als. They’re going to let


How many pieces of inform ation must you include?

6) .................handle a snake! It 7 ) .....................be scary but amazing! How about 8) ...................? Are you going on holiday som ewhere? W rite soon.

M odel analysis Read th e e m a il an d c o m p le te

Yours, Tim

th e m issing w o rd s .

Read th e e m a il a g a in an d

W ord order

m a tc h th e p a ra g ra p h s to th e

R e w rite th e sen ten ces p u ttin g th e w o rd s in th e co rrect

h e a d in g s .

o rd e r.


closing rem arks; enquiry about frie n d ’s holiday plans


opening rem arks; holiday destination


planned activities


2 l’m /b e a c h /ta k e /c le a n -u p /in /a /g o in g /to /p a rt

3 rj |

It/an/w i ll/e xperience /am azing/be

P m /h a v e /tim e /o n /s u re /g re a t/n i/a /h o lid a y

Find e x a m p le s o f w ill be, be g o in g to an d th e p resen t co n tin u o u s (fu tu r e m e a n in g ) in th e e m a il.

Find an d rep la c e th e o p e n in g

4 W e /h o te l/a t/s ta y in g /a /fiv e -s ta r/a re n ’t


M y /b y /c a m p s ite /tra v e llin g /c a r/a re /frie n d s /to /th e


A re /g o in g /a n im a l/y o u /o n /v is it/th e /to /is la n d /s h e lte r/a n

an d closing re m a rk s w it h ...................................................................................................................

a p p r o p ria te o nes fro m th e U sefu l L a n g u a g e b o x.

11 6



• •

To analyse a rubric

Ask Ss to read the rubric and look at the underlined words. Read the questions aloud one at a time and elicit the answers from Ss around the class using the underlined words.

• • •

A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4

m To identify opening/closing rem arks and substitute them for other appropriate ones

an email m y English-speaking pen-friend m y holiday plans 3 - w here I ’m staying, a p la ce I ’m going to visit

Elicit the opening/closing remarks in the email from Ss around the class. Give Ss time to find suitable alternatives from the Useful Language box. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested A nsw er Key H i Peter! H ow are you? = Hello Peter! H ow are things? Write soon. = Have to go now.

and what I ’m going to do there № ^

To com plete an open cloze

Ask Ss to read the email and think of appropriate words to fill the gaps (1 - 8). Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’ answers. A nsw er Key 1 2

on at

3 4

going In

5 6

of me

will you

To match headings to paragraphs

To practise word order

Give Ss time to rewrite the sentences with the correct word order. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key 1 2 3 4 5 6

It will b e an amazing experience! I ’m going to take part in a beach clean-up. I ’m su re I’ll have a great time on holiday! We a ren ’t staying at a five-star hotel. M y friends are travelling b y ca r to the cam psite. A re yo u going to visit an animal sh elter on the isla n d?

Ask Ss to read the headings and then read the email again and match them to the paragraphs. Check Ss’ answers. A nsw er Key 1







To identify will be, be going to and the present continuous

• •

Explain the task and give Ss time to read the email again and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key will be - I ’ll really enjoy, It will b e ... be going to - I ’m going to be . . . , I ’m going to f e e d . . . , T h e y’re going to l e t ... present continuous - I ’m going . . . , M y family and I are visiting . . . , W e ’re staying . . . , I ’m helping Are yo u going

1 1 6(T)

Suggested A nsw er Key Hi Aaron!

To practise error correction

• • •

Ask Ss to read the extract and correct the mistakes. Explain that Ss should look for grammar and spelling mistakes. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key H ow are thin g s? M y b rother and I are going to Rom ania on a volunteer holiday n ext week. W e ’re going to travel there by plane. W e’ll help to care for wild b ears in a sanctuary near B rasov. W e’re staying at a hostel. In our free time, w e ’re going to explore the m ountains. I c a n ’t wait.


To prepare for a writing task and analyse a rubric

Ask Ss to read the rubric and then elicit answers to the questions. A nsw er Key I am going to write an email. M y English-speaking pen-friend is going to read it.


m m

• • •

To com plete an open cloze

Ask Ss to read the advert and think of appropriate words to fill the gaps (1 -5). Play the recording twice if necessary. Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 beach 2 p ro te ct






cam psite

To write an email

Give Ss time to write their email using their answers from Ex. 8 and phrases from the Useful Language box. Remind Ss to use the plan to help them and the email skeleton. Ss can use the email in Ex. 2 as a model. Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their work for mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their email to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to read out their emails in the next lesson.

17 (T)

Thanks fo r yo ur email. I ’m going on holiday to G re e ce n ext w eek with m y b rother and w e ’re really excited. W e ’re going to volunteer at the Zakynthos National M arine Park. They help end an g ered turtles there. W e ’re going to build sc re e n s to p ro te ct their n e sts on the b each. W e’re also going to help re sc u e and treat injured turtles and give out information leaflets to the public. W e’re staying at a cam psite in the marine park. I ’m su re it will b e great fun! What are yo u r holiday p la n s? S e n d m e yo ur new s. A n d rew

Useful Language

Error correction

Opening remarks R ead th e e x tr a c t an d c o rre c t th e m is ta kes . C o m p a re y o u r

• • • •

c o rre c tio n s w it h a p a rtn e r.

How are things? My brother and I am going to Romania on a volunteer holiday next weak. W e’re going to travell there on

Hi, how are you? Hello, how are things? I hope you're well. Thanks for your email.

Stating future plans

plane. W e’ll help care fo r w ild bears in a sanctuary near Brasov.

• We're visiting ... / We're spending (a week) in ... • We're staying a t ... • We're going to ... • We'll be ...

W e’ re staing at a hostel. In our free tim e, w e ’re going to exploring the m ountains. I ca n ’t to wait.

Stating expectations

W riting

• We'll probably ... / Perhaps w e 'll... • I think I 'll... • I'm sure it will be ...

a) Read th e ru b ric. W h a t a re yo u g o in g to w r ite ? W h o is

Closing remarks

g o in g to re a d it?

• That's all for now. • Have to go now. • Send me your news.

W rite an e m a il to an English-speaking pen-friend (50-100 words), saying how you are going to spend your summer holidays. In your email: • say what place you're visiting. • explain w hat you're going to do there. • tell him/her where you're going to stay.

(Para 1)

the place you're visiting and who with

b) Listen to an a d v e rt a b o u t a m a rin e p a rk an d fill

(Para 2)

what activities you will do there

(Para 3)

what accom m odation you have;

in th e m issing w o rd s .

a sk about your pen-friend's holiday plans

• •

Hi ... ! w e’re


next ... with ... and

W e’re going to .... They help ... there. W e’re going to ... . W e’re also going to help ... and ... W e’re staying at .W h a t... ?

Checklist When you finish your piece of writing, check it for the following: •

Does your email include all the points in the rubric?

Are the points set out clearly in paragraphs?

For more information, go to our website.

Are there any grammar or spelling mistakes?

• Use th e in fo rm a tio n in Ex. 8 b an d la n g u a g e fro m th e Useful

Is the email the correct number of words?

L a n g u a g e b o x to c o m p le te y o u r e m a il. F o llo w th e p lan . v m

C T ir m






lie n e e

We call a system of planets that orbit around a star a solar system. Our solar system is around 4.6 billion years old. The Sun is a star made up of gases that gives out heat and light. Planet Earth rotates on its axis once per day, and takes 365 days to complete its orbit around the Sun. The Sun gives the Earth the energy it needs to support life. What’s more, the Earth is just one of eight planets orbiting the Sun. The planets further away from the Sun Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and, last of all,

Scientists predict that as the Sun grows

Neptune - are called the ‘outer planets’ or

old, its core will heat up. This will cause


the Sun to grow into a ‘red giant’.





hydrogen, helium and other gases.


Eventually, the Sun will ‘eat’ all the inner planets.

The four ‘inner planets’ closer to the Sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars - are smaller than the gas giants. They mostly consist of rock and metal.

As the sun

burns away its

gases, it will then shrink and burn out. Don’t panic though - this w on’t happen for about 5 billion years!

Check these words

H o w m a n y p la n e ts a re th e re in o u r so lar system ? W h a t a re

p lan et • orbit • star • solar system • m ade up o f • gas give o u t • h eat • light • ro ta te • axis • support life o u ter • consist • m ainly • hydrogen • helium • inner rock • m etal • core • h eat up • burn a w a y • shrink

th e ir nam es? Listen, read an d check.

C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. Use: orbit, rotates, support,

predict, heats up, burn away, shrinks. Read th e t e x t an d m a rk th e sen ten ces T (tru e ) o r F (fa ls e ).

1 Our solar system was born nearly 5 billion years ago. 2 The Earth is the only planet that o rb its the Sun. 3


Neptune is the m ost d ista n t planet from the Sun.



In the d ista n t future, the S un’s gases w i l l .....................


It’s possible to .................. w hat w ill happen to the inner planets.


In our solar system , eight planets .................. around the Sun.


When the S un’s c o r e .................... , the Sun w ill expand.

5 The Earth w o n ’t be able to .................... living thin gs when the Sun dies.

6 As the S u n .................. , it will becom e cold and dark. .......

4 The centre of the Sun w ill increase in tem perature.


5 The Sun w ill live fo r a very long tim e.





The E a r th .................. every 24 hours.

Use th e p ic tu re to p re s e n t o u r so lar system to th e class.

In g ro u p s o f fo u r, co llect m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e Sun. Tell th e class.

t iif l 1

To consolidate new vocabulary

To identify planets and listen and read for specific information • •

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers.

Ask Ss to look at the picture of the solar system and name the planets. Play the recording. Ss listen, read and check.

A nsw er Key 7 burn away 2 p red ict 3 orbit

A nsw er Key There are eight planets in our sola r system . They are: M ercury, Venus, Earth, M ars, Ju piter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

heats up su pp o rt shrinks



To consolidate information in a text Ask various Ss around the class to present our solar system to the rest of the class using the picture.

To read for specific information (T/F statements) • •

Ask Ss to read the statem ents (1 -5). Give Ss tim e to read the te xt and mark them accordingly.

Check S s’ answers.

S uggested Answ er Key Our sola r system is m ade up o f eight p la nets: M ercury, Venus, Earth, M ars, Ju piter, Saturn, Uranus and N eptune. The planets orbit around the Sun. The planets in o ur sola r system are o uter p la n ets and inner

A nsw er Key 7



Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings of the w ords in the C heck these words box, in their






planets. The inner p lan ets (M ercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are smaller. They co n sist o f ro ck and metal. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are bigger. They c o n sist o f gases.


dictionaries or in the W ord List. 5

]C T

To give a presentation on the Sun

Suggested A nsw er Key p lan et (n): a large round celestial b o d y that orbits a star orbit (v): to follow a cu rved path in sp a c e e.g. around a sun s ta r (n): a large ball o f burning g as in sp a ce solar system (n): a sun and all the planets that go round it m ade up o f (phr v): to co n sist o f a num ber o f parts/ elem ents gas (n): a su b sta n ce like air that is not so lid or liquid give out (phr v): to emit h eat (n): the quality o f being hot light (n): brightness rotate (v): to turn around; to revolve axis (n): the imaginary straight line through an o b je ct support life (phr): to sustain living things outer (adj): belonging to the far sid e o f sth consist (v): to have a s one o f its parts m ainly (adv): m ostly hydrogen (n): a type o f light co lo u rless gas

• •

Ask Ss to w ork in groups of four. Give Ss tim e to collect inform ation about the Sun from the Internet.

Ask Ss to prepare a presentation and present it to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to give their presentations in the next lesson.

Suggested A nsw er Key The Sun is the b iggest object in our solar system . It is m ostly made up o f hydrogen and a sm aller amount o f helium. It rotates on itself every 27 days. A t the moment, the Sun is in the middle o f its life and experts sa y it will exist for another 5 billion years. The surface o f the Sun is called the photosphere. The temperature is around 10,000°F. A t the core o f the Sun, it is 27 million°F. In ancient times, many civilisations w orshipped the Sun.

helium (n): a type o f light co lo u rless g as inner (adj): b elon g to the near sid e o f sth rock (n): stone m etal (n): a su b sta n ce su ch as ste e l or iron core (n): the centre h eat up (phr v): to in crease the tem perature burn aw ay (phr): when fire burns sth so it no longer e xists shrink (v): to b eco m e sm aller

1 1 8(T)

To consolidate vocabulary from the unit

• •

Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

sm artphone laptop printer


sp ea kers





6 7 8

A nsw er Key 1 2

A re you leaving are going to drop

5 6

are going will turn o ff

u sb flash drive

3 4

Will ca rs be am going to buy

7 8

is m eeting will not colon ise

scree n

• •

A nsw er Key print se n d



Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 on









To consolidate everyday English expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit

• •

Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 b






Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers. A nsw er Key


1 1 9(T)


To practise w ill/w o n ’t/b e going to


will ’m going to

3 4

w o n ’t are going to

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’answers.

A nsw er Key

To consolidate prepositional phrases from the unit

• •

G r a m m a r in F o cu s m To consolidate gram m ar structures learnt in the unit

Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

3 4

Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

tablet m ouse tow er

To consolidate vocabulary from the unit

1 d ow n load s 2 contains

To practise w ill/be going to and the present continuous

• •

A nsw er Key 1 2 3


’re going to will ’II will


1 2 3

on A re you using will create

4 had 5 Do you su rf 6 usually

Progress Check Vocabulary

Gram m ar

C o m p le te th e

C hoose th e co rrect ite m .

c ro ssw o rd .

Do you th in k this w ill/is g o in g to work? Next year, I’ll/’m g o in g to study Science. I’m sure they w o n ’t / a r e n ’t g o in g to buy him a video camera. They w i ll/a r e g o in g to put an interactive w hiteboa rd in our classroom tom orro w . Careful! Y o u ’l l / ’re g oin g to break my USB flash drive! I hope I w ill/a m g o in g to see you soon.

Julia isn ’t answ ering her phone. I’ l l / ’m g o in g to see if sh e ’s online. I th in k m any anim als w i ll/a r e g o in g to becom e extinct.


Put th e v e rb in brackets in to th e correct fo rm . Use will, be going to o r th e present continuous.

C hoose th e c o rre c t ite m .


1 He d o w n lo a d s /s a v e s music from the Internet. 2

Use the printer to c o p y /p rin t the document.


I’ ll s e n d /ty p e you an email later.


I often m o v e /g o online to find out information.

(y o u /le a v e )

w o rk at 1 o ’clo c k today?

H ere’s my USB flash drive. It s t o r e s / c o n ta in s all the files you need.




Look out! You ................................................. (d ro p ) your phone!



........................................... (c a r s /b e ) electric in the future?


I .................................. (b u y ) a laptop soon.

C hoose th e c o rre c t ite m .

5 We ............................ (g o ) to the com pu ter shop at 3 o ’c lo ck this afternoon.

1 Call her w it h /o n your m obile phone.

6 It’s a lovely day. I ...........................................


This laptop com es w it h /in W indow s 8 .


This printer is in /w ith excellent condition.


I need to typ e in /u p my Science notes.


Sm artphones are popular fo r /w it h young Pe ° P 'e -


S h e ................................ (m e e t) us at 6:00. People ................................................... ( n o t / c o lo n is e ) the m oon until

2200 .

(8x 3 = 24)

Fill in th e correct fo rm o f th e w o rd s in brackets,

C hoose th e c o rre c t ite m .

choose th e c o rrect w o rd o r fill in th e g a p . 1

Your USB flash drive i s .............................the table, next to the fru it bowl.


.................................(y o u /u s e ) the laptop now?


W hat are you doing on Saturday? a It’s nothing. b Nothing much.

I th in k s c ie n tis ts ............................... (c r e a te ) se lf-d rivin g cars in the future.


Do you w ant to com e w ith us? A bsolutely! b D on’t m iss it!

My cousin ........................... (h a v e ) a m obile phone when he was ten!


(y o u /s u r f) the Net every

1 Are you going to the planetarium ? a

Not really.


Probably not.

2 I hope you have a great tim e. a




Everyday English


(tu rn o ff) my co m p u te r and go outside.

I’m sure we w ill!

b I th in k so.





She n e v e r/u s u a lly texts her friend every day.

11 9

[T e x t com pletion

Read th e te x t. Fill in each g a p (1 -3 ) w ith th e co rrect w o rd (A , B o r C).

R ead th e te x t . C o m p le te th e g aps (1 -3 ) w ith a p p ro p ria te w o rd s (A -F) fro m th e box.

Hi Fiona,

T h e re a re th re e e x tra w o rd s

How are you? I’m on the train to London and I’m sending

t h a t do n o t m a tc h a n y o f th e

you this email from my new tablet. Isn’t that great? Anyway,


we 1) ..........

a clean-up day here in tow n on the first

Saturday of next m onth and I’d like you to come. You can

A connect

stay 2 ) .......... my place for the weekend. Let me know if

B m essages

you want to com e and I will call 3 )

C touch


D c o n ta ct


later in the week.

E join F notes

1 A have 2 A at 3 A your


are having



C w ill have C to c yours

B you

Listening [ M u ltip le choice

Y o u are g o in g to h e a r fiv e s h o rt rec o rd in g s. For q u e s tio n s 1-5, choose th e a n s w e r w h ic h m a tch e s w h a t yo u have heard by circling th e a p p ro p ria te le tte r (A, B o r C).

W hat item is on special offer?

check your Facebook page and more just by looking at your wrist. This doesn’t mean you won’t need your smartphone though. The smartwatch will smartphone via Bluetooth so you can leave your smartphone in your bag and still see who is calling. Such a cool gadget is going to be a must-have for all.



W here are the people talking? *


Emily is calling Janet to

A ask fo r help. W o rkb oo k p. 72

B invite her to lunch.

C say sorry.

MM To com plete a text

Ask Ss to read the words (A-F) and then read the text and choose the correct words to fill the gaps

Check Ss’ answers.


A nsw er Key 1






To com plete a text

Ask Ss to read the options (A-C) for the gaps (1 -3) and then give them time to read the text and complete the task. • Remind Ss to read the whole gapped sentence before they decide on the correct option. • Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2

B (P resen t Continuous - fixed arrangem ent in the near future) A (preposition o f place)

3 B (call sb)


To listen for specific information (multiple choice)

• • •

Ask Ss to read the questions (1 -5) and look at the pictures (A-C) for each one. Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 C










C h e c k y o u r p ro g re s s 1

To com plete a text

Ask Ss to look at the missing sentences (A-E) and underline the key words. Remind them to look for words/phrases in the text with similar meaning. Give Ss time to read the text and complete the task. Ss should justify their answers. Check Ss’ answers.

• •

A nsw er Key 1 C (television se rie s - in each ep iso d e) 2 E (create s m a rtc a rs - These cars ...) 3 A (They will help drivers ... - They will even b e able ...)


B (recogn ise their em otions - When the driver is in a b ad m o o d ...)


f e To listen for specific information (multiple matching)

• • • •

Ask Ss to read the sentences (A-E) and underline the key words. Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answer.

A nsw er Key 1




• •







To w rite an email

Ask Ss to read the rubric and then brainstorm for ideas for each of the bullet points. Give Ss time to complete the task and tell them they can look at Writing Bank 1 for a model and useful language. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested A nsw er Key Hi G abby, M y favourite g ad g et is m y sm artphone. It was a gift for m y 18th birthday from m y parents and I c o u ld n ’t live without it! A part from calling and texting, I use it to do lots o f different things. I can co n n e ct to the Internet and c h e c k m y em ails and follow the n ew s with it. A lso, I can take p ictu res a n d re co rd sh o rt videos on it. Write b a ck so o n a n d tell m e a bout yo u r favourite gadget. All the best, Pricilla


Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit ticking the boxes according to how competent they feel for each of the listed activities.



I M u ltip le m atching - ]-

[ T e x t c o m p le tio n ~j~ R ead th e t e x t an d c o m p le te th e g aps (1 -4 ) w ith a p p r o p ria te sen ten ces (A -E ). O n e s e n te n c e is e x tra .

Y ou are g oing to h ear fo u r people talkin g a b o u t g adg ets in education. M atch th e sentences (A-E) to th e speakers (1-4). There is one e xtra sentence. T h is g a d g e t A

In the early 1980s, the television series Knight Rider featured a talking, thinking car that could drive itself. 1 The idea of a car that drives itself was science fiction until very recently. TodaV' engineers all over the world are working to create smartcars.

2 I

I They be able to talk to your tablet or laptop computer, your smartphone, other cars, and almost any other device. Some cars will even be able to drive themselves while the driver sits back and relaxes

helps the lesson com e alive. lets you play back inform ation. can film a ctivities in class, is helpful when you are in an exam. Speaker 1

is not easy to leave behind.

Speaker 3

or surfs the Internet. They’ll help drivers save time and energy and watch out for other cars and pedestrians.' Future cars will also be able to do other things such as remind you to

Speaker 2

Speaker 4

W ritin g

meet someone or to take your medicine. Engineers say that future cars will also be able to get to know the driver by using a video camera to watch their face and recognise their emotions. Future driving is going to be very happy driving.

Read th e ru b ric. T h en w r ite y o u r e m a il. Y o u r English p e n -frie n d asked you w h a t yo u r fa v o u rite g a d g e t is. W rite an e m a il in reply (5 0 -1 0 0 w o rd s) in


T hey’ll even be able to choose their ow n routes so as not to get stu ck in tra ffic jam s.


When the driver is in a bad mood, it will try to cheer them up.


in each episode, the main character jumped in the car,

• describe your favourite gadget.

gave it in stru ctio n s and the car did the rest.

• explain w h a t you use it fo r. • m e n tio n h o w you cam e to o w n it.


Everybody w ill w ant to have their own sm artcar.


These cars w ill be safer, environm entally friendly, and

w h ic h you:


m ore intelligent.

make predictions for the future talk about computers/gadgets write/talk about future plans y express certainty/uncertainty [ • compare my school/college with others

text completion (use of English) multiple choice (listening) text completion (reading) P multiple matching (listening) writing (an email) |


• write an email f


Glorious food What's in this unit?

Reading ► Topics:

Food, Social Life

► V o c a b u lary :

food, drinks, containers, tableware/cutlery, meals, festivals

► G ram m ar:

C/U nouns, modals, quantifiers (a lo t of, some, any, (a) few, (a) little, (how) much, (how) many), present perfect

H o w are th e fo o ds in th e p ictu res re la te d to th e C hinese

► R eading:


► L istening:

monologues, an announcement, a conversation

does each

► Sp eakin g:

ordering food, dialogue completion

sym bolise?

► W ritin g :

an email about a food festival

► C u ltu re :

Festive Fruit


(Food Technology) My eatwell plate

► Skills:

reading (m ultiple choice, text completion), speaking (responding to situations), use o f English (sentence completion), w riting (an email)

N e w Y e ar? W h a t

fl|S 3 | Listen and K jfts fl rea d to fin d o u t.

Chinese New Year is the longest and most important annual holiday in China. It lasts; for 15 days and is a celebration of wealth, luck and family. Many Chinese people celebrate with fireworks and above all, food! Let’s take a look at some of their traditional dishes and find out why they are so special... Fruit is very im portant in Chinese culture. In


people m u stn ’t

particular, oranges and mandarins are

cut or break any of them as

sym bols of luck and wealth. People often

th a t w ould be very bad luck!

use them to decorate the hom e or they

Chicken is a popular dish fo r

may give them to friends and fam ily as gifts- A nother popular fruit is the

melon w hich is a sym bol o f unity. ^

healthy life so

Traditionally, fam ilies buy a few large,

^ P

New Year. The Chinese people boil it w hole w ith its head and feet still on! They believe that this sym bolises fam ily unity and good fortu ne for

round m elons and eat them during New Year. They

the next year. So people have to make sure

believe th a t doing this w ill keep their fam ily togethe r

they d o n ’t cut it up!


Dumplings are delicious and easy to make. Noodles are a basic part o f the Chinese diet.

Chinese fam ilies usually co o k a lot of them on

There is no special way of cooking

New Y ear’s Eve, using different vegetables to

them , but during Chinese New Year,

fill them . They also hide a coin inside one

people have to be very careful while M

special dum pling. The

serving them . They represent a long | |

person w ho finds


W hat’s in this unit? In this unit Ss will explore the topics of food and drinks, social life, containers, tableware and cutlery, meals and festivals. They will learn countable/uncountable nouns, modals, quantifiers, a lot of, some, any, (a) few, (a) little, (how) much/many and the present perfect. They will also learn to compare New Year celebrations, to make a list of food and drinks, to write a paragraph about a food festival in their country and an email about a food festival. To introduce the topic; listen and read for specific information

Direct Ss to the pictures and elicit Ss’ guesses as to how they may be related to Chinese New Year and what they may symbolise. Play the recording. Ss listen and find out if their guesses were correct.

From p. 123(T), Ex. 5 A nsw er Key im portant = highly valued lasts = continues find out = discover In p articular = especially wealth = riches unity = togetherness believe = think represent = symbolise fortune = luck m ake sure = make certain unless = if not m ust = essential

From p. 123(T), Ex. 7

Suggested A nsw er Key

Suggested A nsw er Key

I think Chinese people eat the foods in the pictures during Chinese New Year. Oranges and mandarins are symbols of luck and wealth. Noodles represent a long and healthy life. Chicken symbolises family unity and good fortune for the year ahead. Dumplings also represent good fortune while pomegranates represent happiness and keep evil spirits away.

I thought that it was interesting that oranges and mandarins are symbols of luck and wealth in China. I also found it interesting that Chinese people boil chickens with their head and feet still on. Another thing I found interesting was that the Chinese New Year lasts for 15 days.

From p. 123(T), Ex. 8 Suggested A nsw er Key

In Turkey, most people celebrate New Year by gathering in their houses and eating a big meal. Many people wear red clothes, especially women. Red is the colour of life and health. One of the special foods we eat is the pomegranate fruit. This fruit is red, too. It has the shape of a heart, and is also full of red seeds. These symbolize wealth. Some Turks throw a pomegranate from a balcony onto the street below. They believe a big mess means wealth in the year ahead!



break (v): to separate into pieces boil (v): to cook in very hot water whole (adj): all of sth

m m To read for specific information (T/F/D S statem ents)

• • •

symbolise (v): to represent sth else fam ily unity (phr): family connectedness good fortune (phr): good luck

Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-10) and then read the text. Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers and ask them to correct the false statements.

cut up (phr v): to cut into small pieces dum pling (n): a ball of dough stuffed with vegetables

or meat delicious (adj): very tasty hide (v): to conceal coin (n): a small metal piece of money unless (conj): except break a tooth (phr): to damage a tooth bite (v): to use the teeth to cut sth keep aw ay (phr v): to stop sth from coming near evil spirit (phr): bad forces

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

2 Noodles are a basic part of the Chinese diet. 6 Chicken is a popular dish for New Year. 8 There is a coin inside one dumpling. № To read for specific information (comprehension questions)

• • •

Ss read the questions. Explain/Elicit any unknown words and give Ss time to read the text again and answer the questions. Check Ss’ answers.


(p p

• •

To consolidate new vocabulary

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key

1 Red represents happiness to the Chinese. 2 The Chinese serve noodles carefully so they don’t cut or break them. 3 The Chinese don’t cut up the chicken before boiling because it represents family unity. 4 Melons and chicken are related to family togetherness. •

Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words in the C heck these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the Word List.

Suggested A nsw er Key annual (adj): happening every year last (v): to endure celebration (n): a party or happy occasion w ealth (n): the possession of a lot of money luck (n): fortune

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

• •


Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key (See p. 122(f))


• •

To consolidate new vocabulary

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Remind Ss to copy these phrases to the Collocations Section in their notebooks and revise them as often as possible. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

fireworks (pi n): small objects that explode in the sky

to entertain people traditional (adj): according to customs and long-held beliefs dish (n): food prepared in a certain style culture (n): the traditions and beliefs of a group of people m andarin (n): a small citrus fruit symbol (n): sth that represents sth else decorate (v): to make sth more attractive by adding things to it melon (n): a big round juicy fruit unity (n): togetherness traditionally (adv): according to traditions and customs noodle (n): a long thin type of pasta made of rice basic (adj): important and necessary serve (v): to present for eating represent (v): to serve as a symbol for sth else healthy (adj): having good health

To identify synonyms words/phrases

• •

To consolidate information in a text

Ask Ss to talk in closed pairs about which things they found interesting in the text. Ask various Ss to tell the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 122(f))

ICT To com pare Chinese New Year with New Y ear in your country •

• •

Ask Ss to collect information about local New Year’s traditions and foods and then use their information to write sentences comparing New Year in their country and Chinese New Year. Ask various Ss to read their sentences to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to present their sentences in the next lesson.

Reading Vocabulary

R ead th e t e x t an d m a rk th e sen ten ces T (tru e ), F (fa ls e ) o r DS (d o e s n 't say). C o rrect

C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. Use: hide, serve,

th e fa ls e s ta te m e n ts .

broke, decorate, cut, represent, keeps, bite.

1 C hinese New Year celebrations take place every year.

1 The Chinese decorate their houses w ith oranges during the C hinese New Year.

2 O ranges are a basic part of the C hinese diet.

2 They serve noodles as a basic part of th e ir diet.


3 Melon sym bolises strong fam ily ties.



3 The C hinese believe that red keeps bad sp irits away.

4 The C hinese serve noodles w ith chicken.


Long unbroken noodles mean a long life.


C hicken is not always w elcom e fo r New Year.


Cutting up chicken means bad luck.



8 All dum plings have a coin inside.


D um plings are very healthy to


9 10


The c olour red p rotects people from bad forces.

5 They often hide a coin inside the cake.

6 Bite slow ly into the dum pling to see w hat it tastes like. 7

A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s .

1 W hat does red represent to the Chinese? How do the Chinese serve noodles? Why don’t the Chinese cut up the chicken? W hich fo o d s are related to fam ily togetherness?

He broke his to o th w hile eating som e chips.

8 She cut up the chicken into pieces.

S jS


M elons represent fam ily unity.

M a tc h th e h ig h lig h te d w o rd s to th e ir syn o n ym s.

• • • •

continue s • if not • especially highly valued • riches • d iscover th in k • sym bolise • togetherness luck • make certain • essential


c o l l o c a t io n s

C o m p le te th e gaps to fo rm

co llocatio n s. Use: bright, long, annual, fam ily, traditional, evil, above, bad, celebrate, special.

5 long life

1 traditional dishes

this coin could have a very lucky 0 year, unless of if " course they break \ their tooth as they bite into it! Pomegranates are a must for Chinese New

Year. Their colour, a bright red, represents happiness and keeps evil spirits away. Check these words • • • • • •

annual • last • celebration • w ealth • luck fireworks • traditional • dish • culture mandarin • symbol • decorate • melon • unity traditionally • noodle • basic • serve • represent healthy • break • boil • w hole • symbolise fam ily unity • good fortune • cut up • dumpling

• delicious • hide • coin • unless • break a tooth • bite • keep a w a y • evil spirit

6 bad luck

celebrate w ith firew orks

bright red family unity

special way annual holiday

evil sp irit

10 above all

Speaking T ell th e class th re e th in g s y o u fo u n d in te re s tin g in th e te x t.

W ritin g ICT

H o w d o y o u c e le b ra te th e

N e w Y e a r in y o u r co u n try? A re th e re a n y fo o d s re la te d to it? W h a t d o th e y sym b o lise? C o llect in fo rm a tio n , th e n w r it e a f e w s en ten ces c o m p a rin g th e t w o c e le b ra tio n s . T ell th e class.


Vocabulary Food & drinks

bread rolls

a) Label th e sections. Use: m e a t & s e a fo o d , eggs & d a iry , b aking, fr u it & vegetables, breads, p a s ta & rice, snacks, cereal, beverages.


flour baking powder





Containers b)

Listen an d check, Fill in: carto n , bag, bar, b o ttle , glass, cup,

th e n say. W h a t a re th e s e

b o w l, p acke t, ja r , can.

fo o d s /d rin k s in y o u r la n g u a g e ?

■ Countable/Uncountable" | nouns Countable nouns are nouns we can count, an apple - tw o /so m e apples



4 a

3 a

2 a

1 a

of water

of peppers

Uncountable nouns are nouns we cannot count, some milk (NOT: a-mHk)

6 a of biscuits


a of jam

W h ic h o f th e fo o d s in Ex. 1a are: countable? uncountable? C o m p a re w it h y o u r p a rtn e r.


8 a of chocolate


10 a

a of flour

of beans



('$ !•$

Direct Ss to the pictures and ask Ss to read the items on the shelves. Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown words and then give Ss time to label the sections (A-l) with the headings in the rubric. Answer Key A B C D E

cereal breads baking eggs and dairy fruit and vegetables


To listen for confirm ation and translate vocabulary into L1

• • •

To present containers

To present new vocabulary


beverages snacks meat and seafood pasta and rice

Explain the task and explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown words. Give Ss time to complete the sentences and then check Ss’ answers. Answer Key 1 2 3 4

cup bowl glass bottle

5 6 7 8

carton packet jar bar

9 bag 10 can

Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answers in Ex. 1a. Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually. Elicit the L1 equivalents for the items in the picture. Ss’ own answers To identify countable/uncountable nouns

Read the theory box aloud and explain/elicit the use of a/an/some/any. Ask Ss to give you examples. Point out the difference between using any in questions and some for requests. Ask Ss to write the headings: Countable, Uncountable in their notebooks in two columns. Give Ss time to write each of the items in the picture under the correct heading. Ask Ss to compare their answers with their partner and then check Ss’ answers on the board. Answer Key Countable


cereal bars, bagels, bread rolls, eggs, lettuce, onions, cabbage, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, grapes, carrots, crisps, biscuits, crackers

cereal, bread, sugar, flour, baking powder, milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt, lettuce, cabbage, garlic, fruit juice, coffee, hot chocolate, tea, chocolate, chicken, beef, tuna, crab, lobster, spaghetti, macaroni, rice

NB: Point out that some items are both countable and uncountable e.g. lettuce, cabbage. Will you buy two lettuces? I’d like some lettuce in my salad.


b ig g er meal, often with m eat and vegetables. They also have bread and sa lads too. They sp e n d longer eating it, up to an hour, while the British eat their sa n d w ich es in half o f that! In the evening, the Fren ch have su p p e r at about the sam e time a s the British, but they often eat c h e e se afterw ards, instead o f o r before a d esse rt.

To listen for specific information •

Play the recording. Ss listen and w rite Lucy’s shopping list.

Elicit answers from the class.

A nsw er Key a ja r o f co ffe e a p a ck e t o f b iscu its so m e m acaroni a few tom atoes and onions so m e bread

To present new vocabulary Explain the task and explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown w ords in the list. Give Ss tim e to com plete the sentences. Check Ss’ answers.

a carton o f orange ju ice

A nsw er Key

To present new vocabulary • • •

1 2

Go through the list of w ords and the sentences with Ss and explain/elicit any unknown words. Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-6) and then match each one to the food/drink it refers to. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2

bread w ater

3 eggs 4 co ffe e

1 2 3

To present tablew are and cutlery 10


sp o o n knife


3 4

sa u ce r napkin

5 fork 6 g la ss


Check S s’ answers around the class.

1 breakfast 2 lunch


3 4

dinner su p p e r


d e sse rt

f t To com pare meals in the UK with meals in your country •

Ask Ss to talk in pairs about the sim ilarities/ differences between meals in their country and meals in the UK using the information in Ex. 7a. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask various Ss to tell the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key H ere in France, p e o p le eat three m eals a day, like the UK. H ow ever, a Fren ch breakfast is normally smaller, with ju st so m e co ffee and a pastry. In the UK, p eo p le have b ig g er breakfasts. F o r lunch, the Fren ch have a


Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers.

o rd er co o ks baked

4 5 6

cu t boiled, p e e le d lay

A nsw er Key 1










To m ake a list of food/drinks


A nsw er Key

To present new vocabulary

Remind Ss to copy these prepositional phrases in the Prepositions Section in their notebooks and revise them as often as possible. Check S s’ answers.

To present/practise new vocabulary Ask Ss to look at the meals in the list and then use them to com plete the sentences (1 -5).


Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.



hungry junk

•5$) To practise prepositional phrases

A nsw er Key 1 2

3 4

A nsw er Key

5 ch ip s 6 sandw ich

Ask Ss to look at the labelled items and then match them to their uses in the sentences (1-7). Check S s’ answers around the class.

fizzy hom em ade

Give Ss tim e to w rite a list of w hat food/drinks their fam ily buys every week. Ask Ss to com pare it with their partner and then ask some Ss to share their lists with the rest of the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key b read milk eggs b utter c h e e se rice spaghetti

chicken beef flour su gar co ffee onions ca b b a ge

p o ta to es tom atoes carrots p e p p e rs oranges a pp les


i B Lucy is g o in g to th e s u p e rm a rk e t.

H J j a) C o m p le te th e sentences.

W h a t w ill she buy?

Meals in the UK: Did you know? fc*

Listen an d w r it e h e r s h o p p in g list, th e n te ll th e

• dessert

• breakfast

• dinner

• lunch

• supper


(7:00 am - 9:00 am): a bow l o f cereal,

^ W h ic h o f th e fo o d s /d rin k s in

a slice o f toast, orange juice

th e list is each sen ten ce a b o u t?


• c h ip s


• c o ffe e

• s a n d w ic h

• b re a d

........... ( 12:00 - 1:30 pm): a sandwich, fru it & juice curry

• w a te r • eggs


Can I have tw o loaves, please?


Do you prefer still or sparkling?


W ould you like them boiled or scram bled?


Black, please, one sugar.


Large or sm all?

(6:30pm - 8:00 pm): meat & vegetables,

/ 4) ..............

5) ............................


s p e a k in g

pudding, apple pie, cakes

C o m p a re ty p ic a l m eals in y o u r c o u n try to

m eals in th e UK. | ; l

6 A chicken one, please.

Tablew are/C u tlery

Fill in: h o m e m a d e , th irs ty , fizzy , h u n g ry , ju n k . 1

You should avoid d r in k in g ...............................drinks.


We p re fe r ...................................... food to takeaw ay meals.


I’m .....................................Is there anything to eat?


You sh o u ld n ’t e a t ...................................food; it ’s bad fo r your health.


I’m ...................................I’d like som e still w ater, please.

W h a t do w e use each for?

■ »'w C hoose th e co rrect v e rb . 1

Are you ready to o r d e r /s e r v e , sir?


My mum alw ays d o e s /c o o k s dinner when she com es back home.


She b a k e d /f r ie d a ch ocolate cake yesterday.


He used a knife to c u t /p a s s the bread.


She b o ile d /fr ie d the eggs then p e e le d /c le a n e d them .


Can you please la y /d o the table? Dinner is ready.

Prepositions Q D


You eat your


w ith it.


You cut your


w ith it.


You serve a cup of coffee on it.


You w ipe your m outh w ith it.


You eat your


You serve w ater in it.



You serve spaghetti on it.

w ith it.

C hoose th e co rrect p re p o s itio n . 1

A burger consists o f/in beef betw een tw o slices of bread.


They served the steak a t / w i t h vegetables.


I c a n ’t decide a t /o n w hat to have fo r dessert.


He decided to pa rticip a te f o r /in the cooking co m petition.


M ilk is rich w it h /in calcium .

kt i (

w r it in g

M a k e a list o f w h a t fo o d s /d rin k s y o u buy

e v e ry w e e k . C o m p a re y o u r list w ith y o u r p a rtn e r's .

0 W o rkb oo k pp. 75, VB 8


éà Grammar in use M a tc h th e signs (A -D ) to th e ir m e a n in g s

W h a t does can/can't express in th e sentences b e lo w p ossib ility (PO) o r a s k in g /re fu s in g

(1 -4 ).

perm ission (PE)? A

Only healthy

are all0wed


School Sports Club 4-6 pm (Mon-Fri)

Bring a packed


C a n I try som e of th e ir c a k e ? ........


No, you c a n ’t have a bar of chocolate..........


You c a n fry, boil and poach e g g s...........


You c a n m ake this dish w ith spaghetti or m a ca ro n i...........


She c a n ’t go out late at n ig h t...........


C a n I m ake som e m ore t e a ? ........



You m u s tn 't eat during lessons.


You can play basketball on weekday afternoons.


You should take your own food w ith you. You c a n 't bring junk food.

Read th e th e o ry . Find e x a m p le s in Ex. 1.

F 9

C hoose th e c o rrec t ite m . 1

You s h o u ld n ’t / m u s t eat so much!


We s h o u ld n ’t / m u s t n ’t take drinks into the classroom .


You m u s tn ’t/s h o u ld the m orning.


You s h o u ld /s h o u ld n ’t drink coffee right before you go to bed.


The d o c to r says she s h o u ld /m u s t n ’t eat any sugar.

W h a t a re th e m o d a l verbs used for?

S t a f f must w ash their h a n d s before entering the kitch en , (rule - It's th e ru le.)

have breakfast in

Y o u mustn't eat in th e library, (prohibition It's fo rb id d e n .)

R eplace th e w o rd s in b old w it h o n e o f th e

Y o u must w a sh the dishes a fte r dinner.

m o d als: can, shouldn't, mustn't, can't, should.

(obligation - Y o u a re o b lig e d .) You can make ja m from strawberries. (It's possible.)


Can I eat the last biscuit? (asking for permission Is it OK if I...? )


You a r e n ’t a llo w e d to talk in class. Y o u ........................


I t ’s fo r b id d e n to eat in the gym.

No, y o u can't have another bag o f crisps, (refusing

permission - Y ou a re n 't a llo w e d to ...)

Y o u ........................

You shouldn't eat ju n k food. (It's n o t a good idea.) Y ou should drink eig h t glasses o f w a te r a day.


(It's a g o o d id ea.)

p. GR7


I t ’s p o s s ib le to buy olive oil in that shop. Y o u ........................ I t ’s n o t a g o o d id e a to put hot food into

the fridge. Y o u ........................

| Look a t th e rules in th e Food T e c h n o lo g y classroom . C o m p le te w it h must o r mustn't.

I t ’s a g o o d id e a to boil eggs, not fry them.

You should



speaking ( T ell y o u r p a rtn e r w h a t

h e /s h e m u s t/m u s tn 't d o to be h e a lth y . Use

Y o u ...................bring your own food from home. ( /) Y o u ................... keep milk and butter in the fridge. (/) Y o u .................. use other

• do exercise • w atch lots o f TV • find tim e to relax » e a t ju n k food • drink fizzy drinks • get enough sleep

students' food. (/)

You must do exercise.

Y o u ...................cook chicken properly before eating it. ( /)


Y o u .................. leave dirty plates in the classroom. (X)


th e fo llo w in g ideas.


writing ) W r ite w h a t y o u m u s t an d

m u s tn 't do to be h e a lth y . Use ideas fro m Ex. 7a an d y o u r o w n ideas.



To present modals

Ask Ss to read the signs and the meanings and

№ To practise m u st/m u stn ’t, should/ shouldn’t • •

then match them. Check S s’ answers. A nsw er Key

1 B №


3 D

4 A

Explain the task. Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key

1 shouldn’t 2 mustn’t

To present modals

Read the affirm ative sentences in the table and explain/elicit that we use must to express obligation and rule. Then read out the negative sentence in the table and explain/elicit that we use mustn’t to express prohibition. Read out the affirm ative sentence in the table and explain/elicit that we use can to express possibility. Then read out the question in the table and explain/elicit that we use can to ask for permission. Read out the negative sentence in the

should shouldn’t

5 mustn’t

•Sj) To practise modals Explain the task, read out the example and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers around the class. A nsw er Key 2 can’t 3 mustn’t

can shouldn’t

table and explain/elicit that we use can't to refuse 7 permission. Read out the affirm ative sentence in the table and explain/elicit that we use shouldn’t to say that som ething is not a good idea. Finally, read out the affirm ative sentence in the table and explain/elicit that we use should to say that som ething is a


good idea. Ask Ss to say the example sentences in their language and elicit w hether there are similar

You must do exercise. You mustn’t watch lots of TV. You must find time to relax. You mustn’t eat junk food. You mustn’t drink fizzy drinks. You must get enough sleep.

structures in their L1. Refer Ss to the G ram m ar Reference section for more information.

Explain the task.

A nsw er Key

3 mustn’t 4 must

5 mustn’t

To consolidate the uses of c a n /c a n ’t

Ask Ss to talk in closed pairs using the prom pts and must/mustn’t. M onitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to tell the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key


® P

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check S s’ answers.

1 must 2 must

To practise m u st/m u s tn ’t

To practise using m u st/m u stn ’t


To practise modals

Give Ss time to write their sentences using their answers in Ex. 7a as well as their own ideas. Ask various Ss to read their sentences to the class.

S uggested A nsw er Key

You must follow a well-balanced diet to stay healthy. You must do exercise regularly and get enough sleep at night. Also, you must eat lots of fruit and vegetables. You mustn’t eat junk food, drink fizzy drinks, or sit on the couch all day watching TV.

A sk Ss to read the sentences and mark them according to the uses of can/can’t. Check S s’ answers. A nsw er Key

1 PE 2 PE

3 PO 4 PO

5 PE 6 PE

12 6 ( D

• •

B: Oh! Do you need much flour for that? A: No, not much; just one bag. But I need lots of sugar for the cake, too. There isn't much left at home.

To present quantifiers

Ss’ books closed. Explain that some nouns can be counted (e.g. egg, car, apple etc.) and these are countable and some nouns can’t be counted (e.g. milk, water, coffee etc.). These are uncountable nouns. Explain that we use a/an with countable nouns and some with uncountable nouns. Tell Ss that we use how many with countable nouns, how m uch with uncountable nouns and a lot o f with countable and uncountable nouns. Drill Ss. Say names of food/drinks. Ss add how much/how many/a lot of. Suggested prompts: milk, lemons, coffee, oranges, tea, cheese, flour, cherries etc. T: milk S1: How much milk? T: carrots S2: How many carrots? etc. Ss’ books open. Ask Ss to read the table and give them time to complete the gaps. Go through the table with Ss and elicit the L1 equivalents for the examples. Refer Ss to the Gram m ar R eference section for more information. Check Ss’ answers.



2 (very) few

3 a little

The present perfect is used to talk about personal experiences or changes and for actions which happened at an unstated time in the recent past as well as for actions which started in the past and continue up to the present.

4 not any

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers.



Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)


b) •

• • •

• •

To practise quantifiers in context

Ask Ss to talk in pairs about what they need to buy from the supermarket tomorrow. Tell Ss they may use the vocabulary in Ex. 1a on p. 124 to help them if necessary. Ask various Ss to tell the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key

A: Tomorrow, I need to get some milk from the supermarket. B: OK. And do you need to get some bread, too? A: No, I have some bread at home. But I need a lot of eggs because I want to bake a cake.



A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)


To practise past participles

To practise quantifiers


m m

• • •

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)


Ss close their books. Say then write on the board: I have worked hard today. Tom hasn’t worked hard today. Underline: have worked and hasn’t worked. Explain that this verb is in the Present Perfect and elicit the form (affirmative: have/has + past participle, negative: haven’t/hasn’t + past participle, question: Have/Has + personal pronoun + past participle). Remind Ss that the past participles of regular verbs are formed by adding -ed to the end of the verb and the irregular verbs have their own forms. Explain that we use the Present Perfect to talk about actions that started in the past and continue up to now, life experiences and completed past actions with results that we can see now. Ss’ open their books. Ask Ss to read the theory box and the joke and then elicit an example in the joke from Ss. Then elicit how the present perfect is used.

Exam ple in the joke: “Have you ever seen ...”

To practise quantifiers and countable/ uncountable nouns

• •

To present the present perfect

A nsw er Key

A nsw er Key

1 lots of

m m

To practise the present perfect

Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)


To practise the present perfect using № personal examples

• •

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Ask various Ss to read their sentences to the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key

I haven’t made lunch. I have eaten some cheese. I have drunk some milk. I haven’t baked a cake. I haven’t cooked dinner.

R ead th e ta b le . Fill in th e g aps w ith : not any,

lots of, (very) few, a little.

C o u n ta b le nouns

U n c o u n ta b le nouns

are nouns w e can count, an/one on io n tw o o n io n s

are nouns we cannot count, (som e) flour (NOT: one flour - two flours)

I eat a lot o f tom ato es

I drink a lot o f apple juice.

Read th e ta b le . Find an e x a m p le in th e jo k e . Flo w is th e p re s e n t p e rfe c t used?

How many to m a to e s

How much apple ju ic e

do y o u eat ?

do y o u drink ?

too much

I Present perfect]

(m ore than

(m ore than

Form: h a v e /h a s + p ast p a rtic ip le

I need)

I need)

We use the p re s e n t p e rfe c t • for personal experiences or changes. She's been to France. H e's lost tw o kilos. • for actions which happened at an unstated tim e in the recent past. Jo h n has left. • for actions which started in the past and continue until now. W e've been here since 20 01.

too many

a lot o f/ lots of

some/ a few


not many/

not much/ (very) little


a lot of/ 1) ......................

• •

3 ) .............

2 ) ............. •

none/ not any


I/You/We/They h ave cooked dinner. He/She/It has d ru n k the milk.


^■see p. GR 8 Fill in a/an o r some. T hen m a rk th e n o u n s as

C (c o u n ta b le ) o r U (u n c o u n ta b le ). 1

some bread



an onion



a tom ato



some garlic



some m ilk



some pasta



an egg



a pepper


a) C hoose th e co rrect w o rd .



I/You/We/They h a v e n 't laid the table. He/She/It h a s n 't slept. c

c j j i u i

ij .

an ccn - i y ,

H ave l/you/w e/they o rd ered ? Has he/she/it ea te n ? i u i ,

. j u h - c ,


ever, never, this m onth/w eek/year etc see p. GR 8 W r ite th e p ast p a rticip le s.

1 do done


eat eaten

2 drink drunk


give given


see seen

6 leave left

A: L e t’s m ake a list of w hat we need from the superm arket.

Put th e v erb s in b racke ts in to th e present

B: G ood idea. We need 1) a n y /s o m e bread and


2) a f e w /a

little tom atoes.

How 3) m u c h / 1

Have you ordered (y o u /o r d e r ) yet?

A: Yes, there are 4) a lo t o f/m u c h eggs. But


Mum has cooked (c o o k ) dinner.

there isn ’t 5) m u c h /m a n y cheese. B: OK. How 6) m a n y /m u c h m ilk have we got? A: O nly very 7) f e w / li t t l e . And we d o n ’t have


I’m thirsty! I haven’t drunk (n o t/d r in k ) anything since this m orning!


Have you ever eaten (y o u /e v e r /e a t) lobster?


I haven’t seen (n o t/s e e ) Lucy today.

m a n y eggs are there in the fridge?

8 ) a n y /s o m e butter. B: O K . W e’ ll get 9) s o m e / a

fe w

butter then.

Are you ready to go?

'i l W h ic h o f th e s e h a v e y o u d o n e to d a y : make

lunch? eat cheese? drink milk? bake a cake? b) v s p e a k i n g

) in pairs, discuss w h a t yo u

n eed to b uy fro m th e s u p e rm a rk e t to m o rr o w .

cook dinner? Tell y o u r p a rtn e r. I ’ve made lunch.

lt:ftÜ Across Cultures I Skills W o rk ] Reading



Read th e te x ts a g a in an d fo r q u e s tio n s 1-3 choose th e b est a n s w e rs A , B o r C.

Look a t th e p ictu res. W h ic h show s: people

stomping on grapes? a parade of floats and a

In the Strawberry Festival you can see a recordbreaking


Strawberry Queen? a watermelon-eating competition?

A cake.

B parade.

C race.

People in T o n tito w n celebrate the Grape

Read th e in tro d u c tio n an d lo o k a t th e te x ts .


W h a t d o all th e s e fe s tiv a ls h a v e in co m m o n ?

A in m em ory o f a past event.

H o w d o p e o p le c e le b ra te th e s e even ts?

B to show how they make juice out of grapes. B I^ O

Listen an d re a d to fin d o u t.

C to w in fa n ta stic prizes. The W aterm elon Festival is an annual event.


B has only a few co m petitions. C is great fun fo r everyone.

. nranaes

to watermelons and

Tontitow n Grape Festival events in their towns.

Our tow n has had a grape festival every August since 1899 when Italian people brought grape vines here. The festival lasts five days and is a great way to celebrate our Italian past. During


the festival we stom p on grapes to m ake juice Everyone should try our grape ice cream , i t ^ |

Strawberry Festival

delicious. There is also a f u n f a i r ^ ^ with rides. It’s a

The Lebanon

fantastic festival

Straw berry Festival

It (B/7/,74)

takes place in Ohio every year in M ay and June and lasts four days. There is a huge parade of floats and horses and w e eat the largest shortcake in the world with strawberries and w hipped cream .

Anyone can com pete in the S traw berry Run race and girls can participate in the contest for the Straw berry Queen. It’s lots of fun.

(Anna, 14)


m ® To introduce the topic and key vocabulary through pictures

From p. 129(T), Ex. 9

Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the

descriptions. Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown

words. Then ask various Ss around the class to match the descriptions to the pictures.

A nsw er Key

A - a parade of floats and a Strawberry Queen B - people stomping on grapes C - a watermelon-eating competition To predict the content of a text and to listen and read for gist •

Ask Ss to look at the pictures again and read the introduction and guess w hat these festivals have in com m on and how people celebrate them. Play the recording.

Ss listen, read and find out.

Suggested A nsw er Key Nam e o f Festival: Portim ao Sardine Festival Place: Algarve, Portugal Date: A u g u st Activities: eat sardines, enter a sardine-eating contest, live m usic and dancing Portim ao Sardine Festival is a p op ular fo o d festival that takes p la ce in the Algarve in the south o f Portugal. It is an annual festival that takes p la ce every A ugust. Here, visitors can eat co u n tle ss grilled sa rdines se rv e d with sea salt a nd a sid e o f pota toes. In the evening, there is a sardine-eating co n te st and w hoever can eat the m o st sa rdines w ins the festival grand prize. Later, there is live m u sic and dancing that starts around 10pm and can go on all night.

Suggested A nsw er Key

All these festivals celebrate different kinds of fruit. During the Lebanon Strawberry Festival, people have a huge parade and eat the largest shortcake in the world with strawberries and whipped cream. They also compete in a race and girls compete in a beauty contest. During the Tontitown Grape Festival, people stomp on grapes to make juice, try grape ice cream and go on funfair rides. During the Chinchilla Watermelon Festival, people take part in a watermelon eating competition and a watermelon seed spitting competition, go watermelon skiing and have a street parade with live music. To read for specific information (multiple choice) • •

Ask Ss to read the questions (1 -3). Give Ss tim e to read the texts again and com plete the task.

Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key

1 A

2 A




• 4

To read for specific information (comprehension questions)

• •

A nsw er Key

Give Ss time to read the texts again and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

full o f = rich in (phr) takes place = happens (phr v/v) lasts = continues (v) race = competition (n) past = history (n)

A nsw er Key

1 The Lebanon Strawberry Festival and the Tontitown Grape Festival take place every year. 2 The Lebanon Strawberry Festival and the Chinchilla Watermelon Festival have competitions. 3 The Tontitown Grape Festival is about a fruit introduced to the area. 4 Chinchilla Watermelon Festival is fun to attend because there are so many exciting events such as a watermelon eating competition and a watermelon seed spitting competition. •

Check Ss’ answers and elicit what part of speech each word/phrase is.

held = organised (v) com petitions = contests (n) enjoy ourselves = take pleasure in sth (phr)

To com pare and contrast festivals

Ask Ss to think about the similarities and differences between the three festivals and then ask various Ss around the class to compare and contrast them in front of the class. Suggested A nsw er Key

Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the Word List.

The Lebanon Strawberry Festival and the Tontitown Grape Festival take place every year but the Chinchilla Watermelon Festival takes place every second year. The Lebanon Strawberry Festival and the Chinchilla Watermelon Festival have competitions but the Tontitown Grape Festival doesn’t have any competitions. The Tontitown Grape Festival celebrates the history of a place but the Lebanon Strawberry Festival and the Chinchilla Watermelon Festival just celebrate fruits. All of the festivals look like great fun and all of them give you the chance to sample foods.

Suggested A nsw er Key fabulous (adj): fantastic fruity event (phr): event related to fruit huge parade (phr): a large procession of floats and

people shortcake (n): a dessert of crispy cake or biscuit

covered in fruit and cream w hipped cream (n): cream that has been stirred very

fast to make it thick contest (n): competition last (v): to go on p ast (n): history

To listen for specific information (gap filling)

stomp on (phr): to stamp with the feet on sth funfair (n): an event in a field with rides and amusements ride (n): a machine that people ride on for fun hold a festival (phr): to organise a public event to

• • •

celebrate sth street parade (phr): a large procession of floats and

A nsw er Key

people on the street highlight (n): the best part of sth seed spitting (phr): forcing seeds out of the mouth at speed com petition (n): a contest

1 28th

• •



To consolidate new vocabulary

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

• №

To identify synonymous words/phrases

Give Ss time to match the highlighted words/ phrases in the text with the synonyms in the list.


Ask Ss to read the announcement and look at the gaps (1-5). Play the recording twice if necessary. Ss listen and fill the gaps accordingly. Check Ss’ answers.

2 8:30




4 5

5 Jane

To write about a fruit/food festival

Ask Ss to copy the headings into their notebooks and collect information from the Internet about a local food/fruit festival and organise it under the headings. Give Ss time to use their information to write a paragraph about the festival in the style of a magazine article and then ask various Ss around the class to read their paragraph to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to read their paragraphs in the next lesson.

Suggested A nsw er Key (See p. 128(f))


ITp A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s .

W hich of the festivals take place every year?

C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. Use: rides, parade,


W hich fe stivals have co m petitions?



W hich festival is about a fru it introduced to the area?

We w atched an am azing parade of flo ats during the festival.


He likes straw berries w ith whipped cream.


W hat makes Chinchilla W atermelon Festival fun to attend?


Children enjoy going on rides in the funfair.


He to o k part in the competition and won firs t prize.


His sister was the S traw berry Queen in the beauty contest last year.


H & S •■vrfwN).

com petition, highlight, whipped, contest.


Check these words • • • •

fabulous • fruity event • huge parade • shortcake whipped cream • contest • last • past • stomp on fu n fa ir • ride • hold a festival • street parade highlight • seed spitting • com petition

6 The highlight of the c o m p e titio n was the parade in the streets.


M a tc h th e h ig h lig h te d w o rd s to th e ir syn on ym s: rich in, history, organised, happens, continues, contests, take pleasure in sth, competition. W h a t p a rt o f speech is each w o rd ?


0 Chinchilla Watermelon Festival

m u t i C o m p a re an d c o n tra s t th e th re e fe s tiv a ls . T ell th e class.


W e ’ve held a waterm elon festival in our town in February every second year since 1994. Lots of people com e here. There are lots of fun




waterm elon

Listen to an a n n o u n c e m e n t an d c o m p le te th e gaps.


com petitions and waterm elon skiing, where people must use w aterm elons for skis. W e also have a street parade and lots of live music. The highlight of the festival is the waterm elon seed spitting com petition. W e all enjoy ourselves a lot.

( R o b e r t, 1 3)

27th - 1 ) ........................... April 9:00 am - 2 ) ......................... pm £ 3 ) .......................... per day

Children under 4 ) ...................... free entrance To book tickets contact 5 ) ......... on 212-555-0119

W riting 7 ® |ICT| T h in k o f a fr u it o r fo o d fe s tiv a l in y o u r c o u n try . C ollect in fo rm a tio n u n d e r th e h ead in g s: N A M E OF FESTIVAL -

»L A C


DATE - ACTIVITIES. W r ite a s h o rt p a ra g ra p h fo r an in te r n a tio n a l fo o d m a g a z in e . Read y o u r p a ra g ra p h to th e class.


Listening skills | |

M u ltip le matching

M ultip le choice

W h a t's th e m o s t fa m o u s fo o d fe s tiv a l in

a) Read th e ru b ric. T h en read th e q u e s tio n s

y o u r c o u n try ? W h a t is it fa m o u s for?

an d possible a n s w e rs . U n d e rlin e th e key w o rd s . W h a t d o yo u th in k th e c o n v e rs a tio n is a b o u t?

a) Read th e rubric an d u n d e rlin e th e key w o rd s in s ta te m e n ts A-E.

You are going to hear a conversation between tw o friends. For questions 1-3, choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

You are going to hear four people talking about food festivals. Match the statements (A-E) to the speakers (1-4). One statement is extra and does not match any speaker. A



They grow locally.

I bought more than one kind.

D It to o k place near the sea. E You can get cookery ideas.

C 2

W hat fo o d d id A m a n d a NOT eat at the (A ) pasta

Speaker 2

B pizza Speaker 3



Speaker 4 3

The conversation takes place in A

a restaurant.

B a canteen. C


sit at Linda’s table.

re sta u ra n t?

Speaker 1

b) N o w d o th e lis te n in g ta s k .


try Linda’s chicken.

B borrow the menu.

B I d id n ’t expect so many. C

A m anda asks Linda if she can

a classroom .

b) D o th e lis te n in g task.

w h ic h o f th e fo u r fo o d fe s tiv a ls in Ex. 2b d o yo u th in k w o u ld be th e m o st in te re s tin g ? W h y ? T ell th e class. B

H o w o fte n d o yo u g o to a re s ta u ra n t? W h a t d o y o u u su a lly o rd e r fo r: starter? main

T/F statem ents

course? dessert? T ell y o u r p a rtn e r.

a) Read th e ru b ric an d d o th e lis te n in g



You will hear an announcement about a farmers' market. Mark sentences 1-3 T (true) or F (false). 1

The G reentow n Farm ers’ M arket is a w eekly event.



You have eaten all the stra w b e rrie s!/ Y o u ’ve eaten all the stra w b e rrie s !


She has bought som e ca ke s./ S he’s bought som e cakes.

The speaker says there is more to the m arket than shopping.

Is th e re a s im ila r e v e n t in y o u r c o u n try ? C o m p a re it to th e o n e in Ex. 4a.

130 e W orkbook

p. 78

Listen an d u n d e rlin e th e sen ten c e yo u h ear.

have cooked d in n e r./l’ve cooked dinner.

2 S hoppers com e to the m arket from 30 miles away.


The new bakery has just o p ene d ./ The new bakery’s ju st o p e n e d . We have not washed the dishes y e t./ We haven’t washed the dishes yet.

№ To introduce the topic

Elicit answers to the questions in the rubric from Ss around the class. Suggested A nsw er Key

In Singapore, we have a yearly food festival in June and July. The first festival took place in 1994. Many tourists come to enjoy the range of dishes, either in restaurants or food stalls in the city centre. It has become famous for the variety of flavours. Because of the country's history, Singaporean food has many influences. It is partly Indian, partly Chinese and partly European. One of the well-known dishes is laksa. It’s a kind of spicy noodle soup made with coconut milk. Laksa actually means ‘ten thousand’, because people say there are 10,000 different ways to make it! a)

Surquillo Market in Lima, Peru has an amazing variety of food of all sorts and colours! It’s much bigger than Greentown market. In fact, it is inside a building like a stadium. It is open every day and has special events at the weekend, while Greentown market is only open twice a month. Like Greentown, Surquillo Market has produce from local farms, but also has food from further away. Greentown has cafés but Surquillo has stalls serving cooked meals. Lots of Peruvians come to buy food at Surquillo, from top chefs to local people. a)

A grow locally B didn’t expect so many C more than one kind

D near the sea E get cookery ideas


To listen for specific information (multiple matching)

Play the recording. Ss listen and match the speakers to the statements. Check Ss’ answers.

Key words to be underlined:

1 A try Linda’s chicken B borrow, menu C sit, Linda’s table 2 Apasta B pizza C pudding 3 Arestaurant B canteen C classroom I think the conversation is about food.



To listen for specific information (multiple choice)

A nsw er Key


2 A

3 B

4 E •

To express an opinion on the topic

1*3) To talk about eating at restaurants

Suggested A nsw er Key

I think the chestnut festival in Greece sounds the most interesting because I think it would be great to visit the mountains and forests of Greece as most people only know about the beaches. I would also like to see life in a village and learn traditional folk dancing.



To listen for specific information (T/F statements)

• • •

Ask Ss to read the rubric and the statements (1-3). Play the recording twice if necessary. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers) b)

To com pare tw o events

Ask Ss to think of a local event similar to the one in Ex. 4a.

Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

Elicit answers to the questions in the rubric from Ss around the class.


Ask Ss to read the rubric and the questions and the possible answers and underline the key words. Check Ss’ answers and elicit what they think the conversation is about.

Suggested A nsw er Key

Key words to be underlined:


To prepare for a listening task (multiple choice)

Ask Ss to read the rubric and then underline the key words. Elicit answers around the class.

A nsw er Key


Suggested A nsw er Key

m m To prepare for a listening task (multiple matching)

Elicit comparisons between the two events from Ss around the class.

Ask Ss to talk in closed pairs about how often they go to restaurants and what their favourite dishes are. Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key

I go to a restaurant around once a week. For starter, I usually order vegetable soup. For main course, I usually order a dish with chicken. For dessert, I always have ice cream. m

• •

To learn the pronunciation of V e /’s

Play the recording Ss listen and underline the sentences they hear. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key (See overprinted answers)

1 30(T)

• № To introduce the topic and generate topic-related vocabulary

• •

Ask Ss to discuss the questions in the rubric in pairs. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested A nsw er Key

I go to a fast food restaurant around once a week. I usually order chips, a burger and a fizzy drink. 2


To com plete a dialogue

Ask Ss to read the dialogue and the missing sentences (A-F). Explain/Elicit any unknown words. Give Ss time to complete the task.

Suggested A nsw er Key

A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A:

A nsw er Key

1 D b>

3 F

4 E

5 A

To listen for confirmation

№ To replace phrases in a dialogue related to ordering fast food with appropriate substitutes

Direct Ss to the underlined phrases in the dialogue and elicit other appropriate ones from the language box from Ss around the class. Suggested A nsw er Key Can I take your order? = Would you like to order? I ’d like = Could I have That’s £4.90, please. = That comes to £4.90, please.

To role play a dialogue

Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity around the class. To act out a dialogue

Ask Ss to work in pairs and act out a dialogue using the phrases in Ex. 3 and the dialogue in Ex. 2 as a model. Write this diagram on the board for Ss to follow. A

Ask for the order.------- >• Ask if B wants a — side dish. J Ask if B wants desert.^— Ask if the order is ■Je‘==L— take away. ^ Say the price. — — *r Thank B. ----------------

131 (T)

To practise dialogue completion

6 C

Play the recording. Ss listen and read and check their answers.

Have you decided what you’d like? I’ll have a cheeseburger, please. Do you want chips with that? Yes, a large portion and a mineral water too, please. OK. How about dessert? No, thanks. Is that to eat in or take away? To eat in, please. OK. That comes to £4.30, please. Here you are. Thank you. It’ll be ready in a minute. №

2 B

m m

Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some Ss to act out their dialogue in front of the class.


Give your order. Respond. Say no. Respond. Give the money.

Ask Ss to read the exchanges and the possible responses for each one and give them time to complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

A nsw er Key

1 A (giving an order) 2 B (asking about a dish) 3 B (offering help)

Speaking skills Everyday English

In pairs, ta k e roles an d read th e d ia lo g u e in

Ordering food

Ex. 2a a lo u d .

H o w o fte n d o yo u g o to a fa s t fo o d W o rk in pairs. Y o u a re in a snack b ar. Use

re s ta u ra n t? W h a t th in g s d o yo u u sually

th e m e n u to act o u t a d ia lo g u e s im ila r to

o rd e r? Tell y o u r p a rtn e r.

th e o n e in Ex. 2a. Use phrases fro m th e a)

Read th e d ia lo g u e an d c o m p le te th e gaps

la n g u a g e boxes.

w ith ite m s A-F.

1) .......................................................................

M an: Sam :

I’ d lik e a la rg e c h e e s e b u rg e r, p le a s e .

M an:

2) .......................................................................

Sam :

J u s t a s m a ll p o rtio n a n d a s m a ll d ie t

Angie’s »



S n a r k Ba Snack Bar

c o la . F in e . 3) ............................................................

M an:

W e ’ ve ju s t m a d e

som e

s tr a w b e r r y

s h o rtc a k e . I t ’ s re a lly fre s h . Sam :

N o , th a n k s .

M an:

4) .......................................................................

Sam :

T o ta k e a w a y , p le a s e .

M an:

5) .......................................................................

Sam :

H e re y o u a re .

M an:

T h a n k y o u . 6) ..............................................

[Sandwiches C heeseburger £2.50 Chicken b u rg e r £3.00 Beef b u rg e r £3.50

Small M edium Large

50 p 70 p £1.00

C hocolate cake £2.50 £1.90 Apple pie Ice cream £1.20

T h a t’ s £ 4 .9 0 , p le a s e .


W o u ld y o u lik e c h ip s w ith it?


E n jo y y o u r m e a l.


C an


Is th a t to e a t in o r ta k e a w a y ?


H o w a b o u t d e s s e rt?

I ta k e


Cheese M ushroom

£2.80 £2.30

[Chips Ш

fDesserts A

Cheese, tuna o r chicken

Orange ju ic e £1.20 cola, lem onade, m ineral w a te r 80 p

Dialogue com pletion

vo u r o rd e r?

C hoose th e c o rrect ite m (A , B o r C) to c o m p le te th e exch an g es . X: A re y o u re a d y to o rd e r? b) Listen an d check y o u r a n s w e rs .


Y : ...........................................................................

Read th e d ia lo g u e a g a in an d rep lace th e u n d e rlin e d ite m s w ith ones fro m th e la n g u a g e boxes.



Y es, I th in k so.


Y es, you can.

Y es, I’ve o rd e re d .

X: Y : I t ’ s d e lic io u s .

Taking orders » W o u ld y o u like (to o rd e r)?

• W h a t can I g e t you? > H a v e y o u d e c id e d w h a t y o u ’ d lik e ?

C a n /C o u ld ...

I have


H a ve y o u g o t ... ?

I’ ll h a v e ...

Stating prices • T h a t w ill b e (£ 5 .0 0 ), p le a s e .

• T h a t c o m e s to (£ 5 .0 0 ), p le a s e .


H o w m u c h is th e s te a k ?


H o w ’ s th e s te a k ? H o w d o y o u c o o k s te a k ?

X: O h no, w e h a v e n ’t g o t a n y m ilk ! Y : .................................................................. X: T h a n k y o u . A

I’v e a lre a d y b o u g h t s o m e .


Y o u s h o u ld b u y s o m e .

I’ ll g o a n d b u y s o m e .

IS W o rkb oo k p. 79

Writing An email about a food festival Rubric analysis H|B



a) Read th e ru b ric. W h a t is y o u r e m a il g o in g

Hi there Alex!

to be a b o u t?

H o w ’s it going? I’ve 1 ) ................................ got back from the Shrim p Festival in North

You have been to a food festival. W rite an e m a il to your Australian e-friend (50-100 words) to tell him/her about it. In your email: • describe w hat happens at the festival. • mention a dish you tried there. • give details o f a competition you took part in.

Carolina, USA. It was great! We w atched a colourful firew orks display and w ent on 2 ) ............................ crazy rides, too!




shrim p

W h a t in fo rm a tio n sh ou ld yo u in c lu d e in

I ate speciality,

1 w h a t fo o d y o u a te a t th e fe s tiv a l th e ru le s o f th e c o m p e titio n


h o w y o u tr a v e lle d to th e fe s tiv a l


w h a t th in g s y o u s a w /d id a t th e fe s tiv a l


w h a t c lo th e s y o u w o re


h o w m a n y p e o p le w e re a t th e fe s tiv a l




Shrim p King and Queen.

y o u r e m a il? Tick ( / ) th e b oxes.



an am azing parade w ith a

4 ) b)

3 ) ............................

costum es

shrim p


cornm eal

a delicious

dum plings.


local also

entered the shrim p peeling contest. You m ust rem ove all the legs from the shrim ps! I d id n ’t win 5 ) ..............................

it was the coolest

festival I’ve 6 ) ..............................been M ust go now. I


W rite back soon. All the best,

Model analysis

Tom as

Read th e e m a il an d c o m p le te th e m issing w o rd s . W h a t in fo rm a tio n fro m Ex. 1b has it g o t?

M a tc h th e p a ra g ra p h s to th e h e a d in g s .

Error correction Read th e e x tr a c t an d c o rrec t th e m istakes.


a c tiv itie s a n d e v e n ts


c lo s in g re m a rk s ; a s k fo r a re p ly


o p e n in g re m a rk s ; n a m e o f fe s tiv a l

C o m p a re y o u r co rrectio n s w it h a p a rtn e r.

a n d p la c e 4

fo o d a n d c o m p e titio n d e ta ils

Punctuation P ut th e c o rre c t p u n c tu a tio n m arks in th e e x tra c t.




Hello there Ive just been to the International Mushroom Festival m Leitrim, Ireland with my friends. We picked mushrooms in the wild sc»now weve learnt to tell the ones that are poisonous. There were also cooking demonstrations a craft fair and a farmers market. Johns taken some photos. Would you like to see them can email them to you

Have you ever tryed Polish dumplings? If not, you should to come to the Pierogi (Dumplings) festival in Krakow. I have gone last year and it was fantastic. There was competitions for the better dumpling and lots music and dance shows. Pierogi (dumplings) are one of there traditional plates. You can choose from sweet or savoury fillings, including cheeze, meet and fruit.



To analyse a rubric


Ask Ss to read the rubric and elicit w hat the email will be about. A nsw er Key The email is going to b e about a fo o d festival.


A nsw er Key Item s to b e ticked: 1, 2, 4

№ • •

Give Ss tim e to find and correct the errors in the extract.

Ask Ss to com pare their answers with their partner and then check S s’ answers around the class.

A nsw er Key

To analyse a rubric Ask Ss to read the list and tic k w hat the email should include.


To practise error correction

To com plete an open cloze text

Have yo u e ver tried Polish d um plin gs? If not, you sh o u ld com e to the Pierogi (Dumplings) Festival in Krakow. I w en t last yea r and it was fantastic. There were com petitions for the best dum pling and lots of m usic and d a n ce sh o w s. Pierogi (dum plings) are one o f their traditional dishes. You can ch o o se from sw e e t o r savoury fillings, including cheese, m ea t and fruit.

Ask Ss to read the email and think of appropriate words to fill the gaps (1 -6). Give Ss tim e to com plete the task and then check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1 2

ju s t som e/m any

3 4

up was

5 6

but ever

Inform ation from E x . 1b: 1, 2, 4


m • •

To match headings to paragraphs

Ask Ss to read the headings and then read the email again and match them to the paragraphs. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key I B


m • • •

2 D





To practise punctuation Revise quickly the punctuation rules with Ss. Explain the task and give Ss tim e to read the extract and com plete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key Hello there! I ’ve ju s t b een to the International M ushroom Festival in Leitrim , Ireland with m y friends. We p ic k e d m ushroom s in the wild, so now w e ’ve learnt to tell the o n e s that are p o iso n o u s. There were also cooking dem onstrations, a craft fair and a farm ers’ market. J o h n ’s taken so m e ph oto s. W ould you like to se e them ? I can email them to you.


a) 'Jww) To prepare for a writing task and analyse a rubric Ask Ss to read the rubric and then underline the key words. A nsw er Key Key words to be underlined: returned, fo o d festival, what you saw /did, reco m m end dish, explain the rules, com petition

To listen for specific information (gap fill) • •

Ask Ss to read the advert and think of appropriate w ords to fill the gaps (1 -7). Play the recording. Ss listen and com plete the task and then check Ss’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1

sh o u ld n ’t

4 m arket

2 3

ch e fs w o rksho p s

5 cake 6 help



To w rite an email •

• •

Give Ss tim e to w rite their email using the inform ation in Ex. 6 and phrases from the Useful Language box. Remind Ss to use the plan to help them and the email skeleton and the email in Ex. 2 as a model. Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their w ork for mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their email to the class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to read out their emails in the next lesson.

Suggested A nsw er Key Hi Loren! H ow are y o u ? I ’ve ju s t g o t b a ck from the D o rset F o o d and Drink Festival in the UK. It w as amazing! We w ent to coo kery dem onstrations and took part in cooking w orkshops. The festival market w as fantastic, too. It had 100 stalls and I bought so m e hom em ade jam there. I also tried fish and ch ip s for the first time. It was very tasty! There w as a baking con test, too. You m ust follow the recip e they give you and you c a n ’t g et any help. I d id n ’t win, but it was great fun! H o p e y o u ’ve had a g o o d sum m er. Take care and write soon , Martha


• i*

Useful Language

W ritin g

Opening remarks a)

Read th e ru b ric an d u n d e rlin e th e ke y w o rd s .

Y ou have ju s t re tu rn e d fro m a fo o d festival. W rite an e m a il to y o u r English e -frie n d (5 0 -1 0 0 w o rd s) te llin g h im /h e r w h a t it w as like. In y o u r em ail: • say w h a t you sa w /d id a t th e festival. • re co m m e n d a dish you trie d . • explain th e rules o f a c o m p e titio n you e ntered.


Listen to an a n n o u n c e m e n t a b o u t a fo o d an d

d rin k fe s tiv a l an d fill in th e m issing w o rd s .

• Hi therel/Hello there! • How are you doing? • How's it going? Describing events/activities

• There was an amazing ... • The ... were fantastic. • We watched/listened to etc ... Trying new dishes

• I ate/tried ... for the first time. • We sampled the local ... • We had a traditional/delicious etc ... • I've never tasted such (a)... • It's the best... I've ever tasted. Describing competitions

• I took part in/entered a ... competition/ contest. • In the competition, you must/mustn't... • You can't/aren't allowed to ... Closing remarks

• Hope you've had a good (summer). •Lots of love, »Write soon. »Take care.

(Para 1) opening remarks; details o f festival (Para 2) things you saw/did there

r tS T lV ftV

(Para 3) a dish you tried; a competition you entered

S a m p le tr a d itio n a l B ritis h fo o d lik e p ie s, c u rry a n d fis h a n d c h ip s ! O th e r th in g s y o u 1 ) ............................m is s in c lu d e : •

c o o k e ry d e m o n s tra tio n s w ith to p

(Para 4) closing rem arks; a sk friend to write back • • •

Hi ... ! How ... ? I’ve just ... in ... . It was

2 ) ............................ •

c o o k in g 3 ) ........................... fo r k id s a nd a d u lts .

th e fe s tiv a l 4 ) 100 s ta lls .

w ith o v e r

E n te r o u r c o o k e ry c o m p e titio n a n d b a k e a ! F o llo w th e re c ip e w e g iv e y o u w ith o u t a n y 6 ) .........................a n d w in an e x c itin g 7 ) ! F o r m o re d e ta ils , s e e o u r w e b s ite .


Use th e in fo rm a tio n in Ex. 6b an d la n g u a g e fro m th e U sefu l L a n g u a g e b o x to c o m p le te y o u r e m a il. F o llo w th e

We ... and .... The ... was ..., too. It ... . also . . . . It was ... ! There was ..., too. You m u s t ... and you ca n ’t... . H ope

W rite soon,

Checklist When you finish your piece of writing, check it for the following: • word length • correct punctuation • correct use of tenses • correct use of modal verbs • correct spelling • grouping ideas in paragraphs

p la n .


1± é £ C LIL

Food Technology Look a t th e e a tw e ll p la te . W h ich fo o d s can yo u see on it? W h a t is th e purpose o f this plate? Listen an d re a d to fin d o u t. Read th e t e x t an d a n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s . 1

W h ic h ty p e s o f fo o d d o w e n e e d in a h e a lth y d ie t?


W h a t a m o u n t o f fr u it a n d v e g e ta b le s m u s t w e e a t

% '. t ' W

e v e ry d a y ? 3

W ËÈm ÊSS№ ^ Éʧ&

W h y a re g ra in s im p o r ta n t fo r

Maj eatwell plate

our body? 4

W h y m u s t w e e a t fo o d s w ith p ro te in ?


To be healthy, you should eat the right foo d for your energy

W h y is a lo t o f fa t b a d fo r y o u ?

needs. The eatwell plate shows the five types o f food, and in what

6 W h y s h o u ld w e a v o id e a tin g

proportions you should eat them to have a well-balanced and

to o m u c h re d m e a t? □

healthy diet.

C o m p le te th e sen ten ces. Use:

Fruit £r vegetables

ric h , d ise a se , w e ll-b a la n ce d ,

Fruit and vegetables have g o t a lo t o f vitam ins and do not

o v e r w e ig h t, w e ig h t, fa t.

have m uch fa t or m any calories. Five or m ore p o rtio n s o f them

1 A w e ll- b a la n c e d d ie t n e e d s

every day help yo u r b o d y to w o rk and also fig h t disease.

to h a v e a v a rie ty o f fo o d s . 2



D a iry fo o d s a re r ic h in


c a lc iu m .

Rice, bread, pasta, potatoes and o th e r grains give yo u r b o dy

C h ic k e n h a s n ’t g o t a s m u c h

the energy to do all the th in g s it needs to do every day. They

fa t a s re d m e a t.

have also g o t a lo t o f fib re . This helps yo u r b o d y process its

E a tin g f r u it a n d v e g e ta b le s

waste and n o t gain w e ig h t.

h e lp u s fig h t d i s e a s e . 5

M ilk £r dairy products

H a v in g a h e a lth y d ie t h e lp s

M ilk , y o g h u rt and cheese have g o t a lo t o f p ro te in and

u s n o t g a in w e ig h t .

calcium . They help yo u r b o d y to g ro w b ig g e r and stronger.

6 E a tin g fo o d s w ith lo ts o f fa t

These foods are rich in fa t so you m u s tn 't eat a lo t o f th em or

c a n m a k e y o u o v e r w e ig h t .

you can g e t ove rw e ig h t. § y § W h a t person is th e t e x t

Fish, m eat, eggs & beans

w r it t e n in? W h y ?

These foods have a lo t o f p ro te in and vitam ins th a t yo u r b o d y E xplain w h a t th e

needs to grow . Fish, chicken and beans are better than red

e a tw e ll p la te s h ow s. H o w can

m eat because th e y have less fat.

it h e lp im p ro v e y o u r e a tin g habits?

Check these words W rite d o w n w h a t yo u e a t on a typical day. C om pare w ith th e e a tw e ll p la te . Do you h a v e a h e a lth y d iet?


] W o rkb oo k

p. 81

• • • •

h e a lth y • rig h t • e n e rg y n e ed s • p ro p o rtio n • w ell-b a la n ce d h e a lth y d ie t • vita m in • fa t • ca lo ries • p o rtio n • fig h t • d isea se g ra in s • fibre • p ro c e ss • w a s te • g a in w e ig h t • y o g h u r t • p ro te in ca lciu m • g r o w • rich in • g e t o v e r w e ig h t • b e a n s

nuts, fish, beef, bread, pasta, crackers, rice

grains (pi n): s e e d s o f certain edible plants e.g. wheat, barley, rice, etc. fibre (n): parts o f plants and se e d s process (v): to p a s s through a system (e.g. the digestive system ) waste (n): u s e d material that is no lon g er n e e d e d gain w eight (phr): b eco m e heavier yoghurt (n): a dairy p ro d u ct m ade from milk protein (n): su b sta n ce in fo od n e e d e d for growth calcium (n): mineral n eeded for healthy bones and teeth grow (v): to d evelop

To predict the content of the text and listen and read for gist

rich in (phr): to have a lot o f sth in it g et overweight (phr): b e co m e heavier than is healthy beans (pi n): s e e d s o f certain plants w e eat


To identify foods Ask Ss to look at the picture and name the foods. A nsw er Key grapes, a pples, bananas, a pineapple, tom atoes, cu cu m b ers, aubergines, b roccoli, p e p p e rs, m ushroom s, oranges, carrots, lem ons, lettuce, celery, onions, c h e e se , yoghurt, milk, cream , butter, c risp s, oil, sw e e ts, eg gs, sa u sa g e s, salm on, beans,


Play the recording. Ss listen and read the te xt and find the answer to the question in the rubric.

To consolidate new vocabulary • •

Suggested A nsw er Key The p u rp o se o f this plate is to sh o w p e o p le the d ifferent types o f fo o d there are a n d h o w m uch o f each fo o d group they sh o u ld eat to stay healthy.

A nsw er Key (S e e overprinted an sw ers)

5 To read for specific information (comprehension questions) • • •

Ask Ss to read the questions (1 -6). Give Ss tim e to read the te xt and answer them. Check Ss’ answers.



We n eed fo od that is suitable for our energy needs. We m u st eat five o r m ore portion s o f fruit and vegetables every day. Grains are im portant for o ur b o d y b e ca u se they give our b o d y energy and fibre. Fibre h elp s our b o d y to p ro c e s s its waste. We m ust eat fo o d s with protein b e ca u se it helps o ur b o d y g row b ig g er and stronger.


A lot o f fat is b a d for you b e ca u se it can make you overweight.


We sh o u ld avoid eating too m uch red m eat b e ca u se it has lots o f fat.

Give Ss tim e to look up the meanings o f the w ords in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries or look them up in the W ord List.

Suggested A nsw er Key healthy (adj): relating to g o o d health right (adj): co rrect energy needs (phr): how m uch en ergy s b n e e d s proportion (n): p ercen tag e w ell-balanced (adj): equally w eighted healthy diet (phr): eating fo od that is g o o d fo r yo ur health vitamin (n): su b sta n ce in fo od n ee d ed for g o o d health fa t (n): su b sta n ce in fo o d (too m uch is unhealthy) calories (pi n): the en ergy con ten t o f fo od portion (n): serving fight (v): to com bat disease (n): illness

To identify the voice of the text Elicit w hether the te xt is in the first-person (I), the second person (you) or the third person (he, sh e, it) and the reason for this. A nsw er Key The text is in the se co n d person. It is written like this because it is giving p eople advice about what they should and shouldn’t eat as part o f a well-balanced diet.

A nsw er Key 1 2

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check Ss’ answers.


To consolidate information in a text Ask various Ss around the class to present the eatwell plate and its benefits to the class using the picture and the inform ation in the text. Suggested A nsw er Key The eatw ell plate sh o w s different typ es o f fo o d s; fruit and vegetables, grains, milk and dairy p ro d u cts, and fish, meat, e g g s and beans. It can help u s im prove our eating habits b y rem inding us to eat the right am ount from each different fo o d group.


p ii'W A eatw ell plate

To com pare your diet to the

Ask Ss to make a list of the foods they eat on a daily basis and com pare them to the foods on the eatwell plate.

Ask various Ss around the class to tell the class and say whether they have a healthy diet or not.

Suggested A nsw er Key On a typical day, I eat cerea l fo r breakfast, a tuna sandw ich and c risp s fo r lunch and chicken with vegetables for dinner. The fo o d s I eat on a typical day are quite healthy. They are all on the eatw ell plate, but I d o n ’t each m uch fruit and I sh o u ld n ’t eat so many crisp s.



frJ U w To consolidate vocabulary from the unit •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

Check S s’ answers.




su gar





f e

m u ® 1 To practise some /a n y / much / m any! [a] little /[a ] few • •

A nsw er Key




Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key


1 any 2 lots


m uch





To consolidate vocabulary from the unit

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

Check S s’ answers.

To practise the present perfect • •

A nsw er Key IB


2 D






Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

1 2 3 4

have visited h a ven ’t finished Have the children eaten ha ven ’t tried

Check Ss’ answers.


has im proved

To consolidate vocabulary from the unit

A nsw er Key 1 2

thirsty Ju n k

3 4


black lay

G r a m m a r in F o cu s


To consolidate gram m ar structures learnt in the unit


To consolidate prepositional phrases from the unit

• •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task.

A nsw er Key

Check Ss’ answers.

1 A n n a ’s 2

A nsw er Key 1 in









To consolidate everyday English expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit • •

Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers.

A nsw er Key 1

What can I


That co m e s to


W ould you like


Have you g ot

To practise modals Give Ss tim e to com plete the task. Check S s’ answers. A nsw er Key 1 m ustn't 2 should


3 4

Explain the task and give Ss tim e to com plete it. Check S s’ answers.

can sh o u ld n ’t



are eating

will g rea test



Progress Check I®« Vocabulary

Gram m ar

Find th e o d d o n e o u t.

Use th e a p p ro p ria te m o d al v e rb to c o m p le te th e second sen ten ce.

1 b a g e ls - b re a d - flo u r - b re a d ro lls



s p o o n - fo r k - k n ife - p la te


c h e e s e - s u g a r - m ilk - y o g h u r t


b e e f - c ra b - lo b s te r - tu n a


b is c u its - c ra c k e r s - ric e - c ris p s


I t ’ s a g o o d id e a to b o il y o u r v e g e ta b le s . Y o u .............................. b o il y o u r v e g e ta b le s .


It is p o s s ib le to fr y fis h in o liv e o il. Y o u .................................... fr y fis h in o liv e o il.

M a tc h th e co lu m n s to fo rm phrases. 4 2

................................. e a t in th e m u s e u m .




I t ’ s fo r b id d e n to e a t in th e m u s e u m .

I t ’ s n o t a g o o d id e a to c o o k fo o d fo r to o

a packet of


ja m

lo n g .

a c a rto n o f


b is c u its



a ja r o f


flo u r


a bar of


m ilk


a bag of


c h o c o la te


...........................c o o k fo o d fo r to o lo n g .

Is it O K if I h a v e s o m e m o re c h ip s ? .................................I h a v e s o m e m o re c h ip s ? (5x2=10)

U n d e rlin e th e co rrect ite m .


U n d e rlin e th e co rrect ite m . m th ir s ty /h u n g r y - c a n I h a v e a c o la ? H o m e m a d e /J u n k fo o d is n ’t h e a lth y . R a y h a s s u g a r in h is d a r k /b la c k c o ffe e . T a k e th e c u tle r y a n d s e r v e /la y th e ta b le . C u rry is m y fa v o u r ite d is h /p la te .


A re th e re s o m e /a n y e g g s in th e frid g e ?


H e d rin k s m a n y /lo ts o f m ilk e v e ry d a y .


H o w m u c h /m a n y ric e d o y o u w a n t?


T h e re is a li t t l e /f e w h o n e y in th e ja r.


T h e r e ’ s v e ry li t t l e /f e w b u tte r le ft. J

,r „


P ut th e verb s in b racke ts in to th e p resen t (5x2=10)

p erfect.

C hoose th e c o rre c t p re p o s itio n .



O ra n g e s a re ric h in /w ith v ita m in C.


B re a k fa s t c o n s is ts w ith /o f b re a d a n d ja m .


I c a n ’t d e c id e o n /in w h a t fo o d to b u y .


Is he p a r tic ip a tin g a t /in th e fe s tiv a l?


T h e y s e rv e th e tu n a w it h /in ric e .

W e .............................

.......................... (v is it)

S p a in th re e tim e s . 2

I ....................................

(n o t/fin is h ) b a k in g

th e c a k e y e t. 3

(th e c h ild r e n /e a t ) th e ir d in n e r a lre a d y ?




Everyday English

W e ..........................(n o t/t r y ) s e a fo o d b e fo re . M y E n g lis h ............................................................. (im p ro v e ) a lo t s in c e la s t y e a r.

Fill in: W o u ld y o u like - T h a t c o m e s to - H a ve

(5x2=10) Total: 100

y o u g o t - W h a t can I. p»


A : ........................................ g e t y o u ?


B: A n o ra n g e ju ic e , p le a s e . 2

Fill in th e correct fo rm o f th e w o rd s in brackets,

A : ........................................to o rd e r? B: Y e s , p le a s e . I’ ll h a v e an o m e le tte .


A : ........................................ £ 4 .7 0 , p le a s e .

A : ........................................a n y a p p le

choose th e correct w o rd or fill in th e gap. 1

Is t h a t .................... (A n n a ) g la s s ? T h e y ..........................(e a t) th e ir lu n c h n o w .

B: H e re y o u a re . 4

rammar in Focus

p ie ?

B: N o , b u t w e ’ ve ju s t m a d e a c h o c o la te

H is p a re n ts th in k he is g o in g to /w ill b e c o m e a c h e f o n e day. M y d a d is t h e .................... (g r e a t) c o o k o f all!

cake. (4x5=20)

I a lw a y s c o o k C h in e s e .................... M o n d a y s .




Reading Multiple choice..J ........................ ,...- .......

C la r a ’ s p o s tc a r d is a b o u t A

h e r p la n s fo r th e w e e k e n d .


h e r tr ip a b ro a d .

C th e w e a th e r in Ita ly . Read th e te x ts a n d choose th e c o rre c t a n s w e rs by circling 2

A , B o r C.

L a u ra is h a p p y b e c a u s e A


h e r m u m m a d e a c h o c o la te cake.

Hi Beth, Greetings from the USA. I’ m in Tontitown now for the grape festival and I’m having a great tim e. The weather is fa ntastic and the



p e o p le lik e d th e c a k e .


R ya n g o t lo ts o f p re s e n ts .

B a r r y ’ s s is te r w ill

people are really nice. We stomped on the


g o to th e m e e tin g .

grapes today and tried a lot of different


m e e t J a c k a t th e b u s s ta tio n .


g iv e J a c k th e n o te s .

Italian food and ice cream. I’ ll be back next

B eth Brown 2 9 R aglan Road

weekend and I’ ll tell you all about it.


D u blin 4


S a m m y ’s dad A


b o u g h t tic k e ts fo r S a m m y a n d D a ve .

Clara B

in v ite d D a ve to g o to th e m a tc h w ith h im a n d S a m m y .


I f ( | t I f f

f i t




always w ith a cap ita l le tte r ->■ in th e sin g u la r and plural ->• fo r a m an o r a boy

you he she it we they

Im perative N E G A T IV E


Open •

Don't close th e

th e w in d o w , please!

W e use th e

before verbs

instead o f nouns o r names.


d o o r!

to te ll som eone w h a t to do

-> -> > ->•

fo r fo r fo r fo r

a w o m a n o r a g irl an anim al o r a th in g p eople people, anim als o r th in g s

o r n o t to do. •

Be q u ie t! D o n 't talk! •

object pronouns a fte r

We use

To sound p o lite , w e add th e w o rd p le a se a t the b e g in n in g o r end o f th e sentence.


D o n 't w rite on your desk, p lea se.



m e /y o u /h im /h e r /it

u s /y o u /th e m

W e use le t's to m ake a su g g e stio n .


B ob is a teacher. Look at him !

L e t's go to the park! L e t's open our books!

Possessive adjectives__________________

The verb to be

W e use A FF IR M A T IV E

Long Form I am/you are/he is/she is/it is/we are/you are/ they are


th a t s o m e th in g b e lo n g s to s o m e b o d y .


th e re la tio n sh ip b etw ee n tw o o r m ore people.

This is h e r house.

I'm/you're/he's/she's/it's/ we're/you're/they're

He is o u r dad. ’

Short Form I'm not you aren't he/she/it isn't we/you/they aren't

Yes, I am./No, I'm not. Yes, you are./ Are you ...? No, you aren't. Yes, he/she/it is./ Is he/she/it...? No, he/she/it isn't. Yes, we/you/they are./ Are we/you/they ...? | No, we/you/they aren't.

Am I ...?

W e d o n o t repeat th e w h o le q u e stio n answers. W e

o n ly


Yes o r


th e

p ro n o u n and th e a p p ro p ria te ve rb fo rm .

S in g u lar I


Ï my

I yo u r

P lural

he I' his

she I her

it I its

we i

you I



wh- questions________________



be fore nouns to show :


Short Form


\_ong Form I am not you are not he/she/it is not we/you/they are not

possessive adjectives

in sh o rt subject

W e use

who to

ask a b o u t people.

W ho's h e ? He is m y friend, Paul. •

W e use

We use

what to

ask a b o u t objects.

W h a t's this? It's a com puter.


to ask a b o u t places.

W here's M a ry ? S h e's at school. •

We use

how old

to ask a b o u t age.

H o w o ld are you? I'm sixteen years old. •

W e use


to ask a b o u t tim e .

W hen is yo u r d an ce cla ss? On Friday.

th e y >1 th e ir


Grammar Reference


Plurals/Irregular plurals_________________ •

Prepositions o f place

M o s t nouns take -s in th e p lural. friend -*■ friends, flag -*• flags


Nouns e nding in -s, -ss, -sto, -ch, -x and -o take -es in

th e plural, bus >buses, class -*■ classes, brush >brushes,


w atch >watches, box * boxes, hero -*• heroes •

N ouns e n d in g in a vo w el + -y take -s in th e p lural,

N ouns e n d in g in a consonant + -y d ro p th e -y and

r * r on



b e h in d

o p p o site

g u y ->• g u ys, b o y -*■ hoys


take -/'es in th e p lural, g a la xy > g ala xies, city -*■ cities •

N ouns e n d in g in - f o r -fe d ro p th e - f o r -fe and take le a f -*■ leaves, w ife -> w ives

-ves in th e p lu ra l,


n e x t to / beside •

We use prepositions of place to say w here som ebody

W e use in w ith cities and countries, in Rome, in Italy

or so m e th in g is.

IRREGULAR PLURALS Singular -> Plural m an ~ m en, w o m a n ~ w o m e n , c h ild ~ ch ild re n , fo o t ->• fe e t, to o th ->■ te e th , m ouse -*■ m ice, person -► p eople

This/These - That/Those_________________ •

W e use this (sin g u lar)/ th e s e (p lu ra l) to p o in t to people, th in g s o r anim als n ear us.

can (ability)

This is a chair. These are chairs.

Can is th e same in all persons. The n e g a tive o f can is

W e use th is/th e se to in tro d u c e people.

W e use th a t (sin g u la r)/th o se (p lu ra l) to p o in t to

This is m y sister. These are m y friends, fa n e a nd Paul.

ca n n o t o r c an 't. (N O T : c m - n e t) I ca n ride a horse. A FF IR M A T IV E

l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u /th e y can run.


l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u /th e y c a n n o t/c a n 't run.

people, th in g s o r anim als fa r aw ay fro m us. T h a t is a chair. Those are chairs. •

answ er these questions w ith it o r they. W hat's th is/th a t? It's a wardrobe. (N O T : This/That is

Can l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u /th e y INTERROGATIVE run? SHO RT A N SW ER S

We use th is/th ese and th a t/th o se in questions. We

a w ardrobe.) What are these/those? They are cushions. (N O T : These/Th ese are cushions.)

Yes, l/y o u /h e etc can. N o, l/y o u /h e etc can't.

a/an - some - any

Unit 2 S in g u lar

There is/There are Singular



There is a c ra y o n ./ There are There's a crayon. crayons.


T here is n 't a crayon.

IN T E R R O G A T IV E Is th e re a crayon? •

There a re n 't any crayons. Are th e re any crayons?

W e use there is to list th in g s in th e singular.

twe-pUlows on the so fa .) In s h o rt answers, w e use Yes, th ere is/a re o r No, th ere isn 't/ a re n 't. W e d o n o t re p e a t th e w h o le

There is n 't a chair.

There There is n 't a re n 't any any m ilk. chairs.

Is there a chair?

Are there Is th ere any any chairs? m ilk?

There is some m ilk.

Som e is used in a ffirm a tiv e sentences w ith plural

A/An is used in affirm ative, negative and interrogative sentences w ith

W e use th ere a re to list th in g s in th e p lural.


nouns in th e singular.

There's a cooker. There isn't an armchair. Is there a table?

There a re two pillow s on the sofa. (N O T : There're •

There are some chairs.

We need so m e apples a nd som e milk.

room. (N O T : There are a sofa, an arm chair an d a table in the living room .)

There is a chair.

co u n ta b le nouns and w ith u n c o u n ta b le nouns.

There is a sofa, an arm chair a n d a table in the living


A n y is used in negative and in te rro g a tiv e sentences w ith

b o th

co u n ta b le



th e

plura l


u n c o u n ta b le nouns.

q u e stio n . Is there a fridge in the kitch e n ? Yes, there

There a ren 't a n y pillow s on the bed. Is there a n y ju ice

is. (N O T : Yes, there is a-fridge in the-kitc-hen.)

in the fridge?

Grammar Reference W e add 's to irre g u la r plural nouns.

The verb have got___________________

This is the w o m e n 's grandm a.

W e use th e verb h a v e g o t :

In general, th e possessive case is used fo r people. In

o rd e r to ta lk a b o u t th in g s , w e use th e p re p o s itio n of.

to sh o w th a t so m e th in g be lo ng s to so m e b o d y. Karen h a s g o t a big bed.

C om pa re th e exam ples.

to describe characteristics o f people.

A nn a 's sister BUT the d oo r o f the room

Paul h a s g o t big brow n eyes.

W e use w h o 's to ask a b o u t a person.

to ta lk a b o u t relationships. I h a v e g o t two sisters. •

We use w h o se to ask a b o u t possession.


W ho's Tom ? Lara's husband. W hose uncle is Tom ? H e's the b oy's uncle.

S hort Form

Long Form I/y o u have g o t h e /s h e /it has g o t w e /y o u /th e y have g o t

I/y o u 'v e g o t h e /s h e /it's g o t w e /y o u /th e y 'v e g o t

Present simple (affirm ative) A FF IR M A T IV E


I/yo u w alk S ho rt Form

Long Form

I/yo u h aven ’t got I/yo u have not g o t h e /s h e /it hasn't g o t h e /s h e /it has not g o t w e /y o u /th e y have not got w e /y o u /th e y haven't got

the subject pronou n ( l/you/he/she/it/w e/you/they) or noun and the base fo rm o f th e verb (eat, listen, etc). •

We use the present sim ple to describe p erm an en t states, repeated actions, habits and daily routines.

Yes, I/y o u h a v e ./ N o, I/yo u h aven 't. Yes, h e /s h e /it has./ N o, h e /s h e /it hasn't. Yes, w e /y o u /th e y h a v e ./ N o, w e /y o u /th e y h a ven 't.

Have I/yo u g o t ...? Has h e /s h e /it g o t ...? Have w e /y o u /th e y g o t ...?

w e /y o u /th e y w a lk

We fo rm the affirm ative of the present simple w ith



h e /s h e /it walks

He lives with his g ran d m a , (p e rm a n e n t state) He p la y s on the com pu ter every evening, (repeated a c tio n ) He d o es his assign m ents in the afternoons, (h a b it) He fin ish es college at 3 pm every day. (d a ily ro u tin e ) •

We also use th e present sim p le fo r tim e ta b le s and prog ram m e s. The college bus lea ves at 8 o'clock, (tim e ta b le )

N ote: In s h o rt answers w e d o n o t use g o t. Have you got a big house? Yes, I have. (N O T : Yes, I have g o t.)

Spelling (3 rd person singular) •

Possessive adjectives/pronouns

a d d in g -s to th e end o f m o st verbs. I w ork - he works, I eat - he eats







We fo rm th e th ird person sin g u la r (h e /sh e /it) by


th e ir

We add -es to verbs th a t end in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x o r -o. I kiss - he kisses, I w ash - he w ashes,






sh ow

th a t

s o m e th in g be lo ng s to som eone o r th e re la tio n sh ip

I w a tch - he w atch es, I m ix - he m ixes, I g o - he goes •

Verbs e n d in g in a c o n so n a n t + -y, d ro p th e -y and

Verbs e n d in g in a vo w el + -y, take -s.

b e tw e e n tw o o r m o re people.

take -ies. I stu d y - he stud ies, I try - he tries

Are these y o u r sh o es? Helen is m y mum. •

W e p u t possessive adjectives b e fo re nouns.

I p la y - he p la ys, I sta y - he sta ys

These are h e r glasses. T im e w o rd s /p h rase s used w ith th e p re se n t sim p le: usually, often, every da y/w e e k/m o n th , sometimes, etc








th e irs !

We use possessive pronouns to show th a t som ething belongs to someone. We p u t possessive pronouns after

Present simple (negative)

th e verb. These glasses are hers.


Unit 3 Possessive case_________________ To sh o w possession: • •

S hort Form

I/yo u do n o t w alk h e /s h e /it does n o t w alk w e /y o u /th e y do n o t w alk

I/yo u d o n 't w alk h e /s h e /it d o e sn 't w alk w e /y o u /th e y d o n 't w alk

W e fo rm th e ne gative o f th e present sim ple in th e

w e add 's to names and sin g u la r nouns.

th ird person sin g u la r w ith th e subject (personal

This is B o b 's dad. This is L a ra 's brother.

p ro n o u n s, nouns or nam es) + d o es n o t/ d o e sn 't +

w e add ' to plural nouns e n d in g in -s.

m ain verb . She d o e sn 't w a lk to college.

This is the q ir ls ' m other.


Long Form

Grammar Reference •

W e fo rm all th e o th e r persons in th e neg a tive w ith th e su b je ct + do n o t/d o n 't + m ain verb. I d o n 't walk to work.

Present simple (interrogative & short answers) IN T E R R O G A T IV E


Do I/y o u walk? Does h e /s h e /it walk? Do w e /y o u /th e y walk? •


Yes, I/y o u d o ./ N o, I/y o u d o n 't. Yes, h e /s h e /it d o es./ N o, h e /s h e /it d oesn 't. Yes, w e /y o u /th e y d o ./ N o, w e /y o u /th e y d o n 't.

IN TE R R O G A T IV E Am I w e a rin g ...?

Yes, I a m ./ N o, I'm not.

Are you w e a rin g ...? Is h e /s h e /it w e a rin g

Yes, you a re ./ No, you a ren 't. Yes, h e /s h e /it is./ N o, h e /s h e /it isn't. Yes, w e /y o u /th e y a re ./ No, w e /y o u /th e y a re n 't.

Are w e /y o u /th e y

in te rro g a tiv e w ith does + subject + m ain verb •

W e fo rm th e p resen t continuous w ith th e verb to be and th e m ain verb + -ing. Spelling •

M o st verbs add -ing. w ear - w ea rin g , sta y - sta yin g , work - w orking

Verbs e n d in g in -e d ro p th e -e and add -ing. m ake - m akin g, com e - com in g

Verbs e n d in g in one stressed vo w el b etw een tw o

Adverbs o f frequency___________________ •

consonants d o u b le th e last co n so n a n t and add -ing.

W e fo rm all th e o th e r persons w ith do + subject + m ain v erb . Do you get up early every d ay?

run - running, g e t - getting, sit - sitting •

Verbs e n d in g in -I, d o u b le th e -/a n d add -ing.

Verbs e n d in g in -ie, d ro p th e -ie and add -y + -ing.

travel - travellin g

A dverbs o f fre q u e n c y can be used w ith th e present sim ple to s h o w h o w o fte n s o m e th in g happens. She usually listens to m usic in the evenings. (H o w o fte n ? Usually.)

lie - lying Use •


always (1 0 0 % ) o fte n (5 0 % )

hardly ever (5% )

p resen t


fo r


He is living in India a t present. He is travelling to w ork b y bus these days.

a fte r th e verb to be.

T im e w o rd s/p h rases used w ith th e p re se n t

She usually has lunch at 4 o'clock. He sometimes

co n tin u o u s: n o w , at th e m o m e n t, a t present, etc

watches TV in the evening. She is always late.

like, love, hate + -ing form_______________ use th e

th e

The children are playing computer gam es a t the moment.

som etim es (2 5 % ) never (0 % )

A dverbs o f fre q u e n c y g o b efo re th e m ain v e rb b u t



h a p p e n in g n o w , at o r a ro u n d th e tim e o f speaking. Peter is m aking a sn ow m an now.

Some o f these are:

usually (7 5 % )


w e a rin g ...?

W e fo rm th e th ird person sin g u la r in the ( w ith o u t -s). Does she play video g am es?


-ing fo rm

a fte r verbs w h ic h


preference such as like, love and hate.

Present simple vs Present continuous •

W e use th e p resen t sim ple fo r daily routines, habits and p e rm a n e n t states.

He likes playing on the com puter. She doesn't like

Paul finishes work a t 2 o'clock, (d a ily ro u tin e )

watching TV. I hate getting up at 7 o'clock.

He takes the bus to work, (re peate d a c tio n ) He works as a teacher, (p e rm a n e n t state)

Unit 4



th e

p resen t


fo r


h ap p en in g n ow , a t th e tim e o f speaking.

Present continuous

M a ry is sleeping a t the m om ent. A FF IR M A T IV E Long Form

• S ho rt Form

I am w e a rin g yo u are w e a rin g


h e /s h e /it is w e a rin g w e /y o u /th e y are w e a rin g

w e /y o u /th e y 're w e a rin g

Long Form I am n o t w e a rin g you are n o t w e a rin g h e /s h e /it is n o t w e a rin g w e /y o u /th e y are n o t w e a rin g



rather than

W e use the: w ith nouns w h e n ta lk in g a b o u t s o m e th in g specific o r so m e th in g th a t has already been m e n tio n e d .

S ho rt Form

Harry ha s g o t a pet. The p e t is a g oldfish. How a bo u t

I'm n o t w e a rin g you a re n 't w e a rin g h e /s h e /it isn't w e a rin g w e /y o u /th e y a re n 't w e a rin g

th e y

the_____________________________________ •



actions: like, love, want, know.

I'm w e a rin g y o u 're w e a rin g h e /s h e /it's w e a rin g

Some verbs d o n o t usually have a present continuous

going to the beach? •

w ith nouns th a t are un iq ue (the sky, the m oon, etc).

w ith the names o f rivers ( the Danube), groups of islands (the Bahamas), m ountain ranges (the Rocky Mountains).

Grammar Reference •

w ith

th e



fam ilies

Sm iths)

( the


g had (past simple o f the verb to have)

n a tio n a litie s e n d in g in -sh, -ch o r -ese ( the Spanish). N E G A T IV E

A FF IR M A T IV E W e d o n o t use the: •

w ith u n c o u n ta b le and p lu ra l nouns w h e n ta lkin g a b o u t so m e th in g in general.

l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/ w e /y o u /th e y had

DVDs are nice to watch. Laptops are ea sy to use.

l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u /th e y did n o t /d id n 't have


w ith p ro p e r names. Shirley is a grandm a.

w ith th e names o f countries w h ic h d o n 't include

D id l/y o u /h e /s h e /it

th e w o rd S tate, K ingdom o r Republic: England,

w e /y o u /th e y have ...?

S H O R T A NSW ERS Yes, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u /

France, BUT the N etherlands.

th e y did. N o, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u / th e y d id n 't.

w ith th e names o f cities (P a ris), m o u ntain s (M o u n t

O lym pus), in d ivid u al islands (C yp ru s), lakes (Lake

Had is th e past sim p le o f th e verb have (got). It is

We fo rm questions w ith did + subject + have.

W e fo rm th e negative w ith did n o t/d id n 't + have.

th e same in all persons in th e sin g u la r and plural.

Bo/a) and co ntin en ts (Europ e).

Did yo ur house have big w in do w s?

Prepositions o f tim e (at, on, in)

We did n o t/d id n 't have light bulbs two hun d red


AT th e tim e : at 7 o 'c lo c k holidays: at C hristm as, at Easter, at th e w eekend in th e expressions: at n o o n / n ig h t/m id n ig h t/th e m o m e n t

years ago.

days: on M o n d a y , on N e w Year's Day dates: on M a y 6 th p a rt o f a p articu lar

NOTE: W e d o n 't use got in th e past sim ple. The A ncient Egyptians had brick houses. (N O T : The Ancient Egyptians had got brick h o uses.)

day: on Friday n ig h t

could (past simple o f can) IN m onths: in S e ptem ber seasons: in th e w in te r/s p rin g /s u m m e r/a u tu m n in th e expressions: in the m o rn in g /a fte rn o o n / evening, in an hour, in a m inute, in a w eek/few d ays/m onth/year •



W e d o n o t use p re p o sitio n s o f tim e w ith th e w o rd s today, tomorrow, tonight o r yesterday. Com e to m y house tom orrow m orning.

Unit 5


l/Y o u /H e /S h e /lt/W e /Y o u /T h e y 1/Y o u /H e /S h e /It/W e / Y ou/T hey could w rite . could n o t/c o u ld n 't w rite. S H O R T A N SW ER S Yes, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u / C ould l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/ th e y could. N o, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u / w e /y o u /th e y w rite? th e y co uld n't. Could is th e past sim p le o f can. Could (= was able to ) is used w ith all persons, sin g u la r and plu ra l. W e use

w as/w ere (past simple o f the verb to be) A FF IR M A T IV E


1 was yo u w e re h e /s h e /it was w e /y o u /th e y w e re

1 was n o t/w a s n 't yo u w e re n o t/w e r e n 't h e /s h e /it was n o t/w a s n 't w e /y o u /th e y w e re n o t/w e r e n 't

IN T E R R O G A T IV E W as 1 ...? W e re yo u ...? W as h e /s h e / it...? W e re w e /y o u /th e y ...?


could to talk a b o u t a b ility in th e past. W hen he was young, he could fly planes. (= was able to fly planes)

Past simple (regular verbs) A FF IR M A T IV E l/Y o u /H e /S h e /lt/W e / Y ou /T hey d esig ned.

Yes, l/h e /s h e /it w a s ./ No, l/h e /s h e /it w a s n 't. Yes, w e /y o u /th e y w e r e ./ N o, w e /y o u /th e y w e re n 't.


The past sim p le o f th e verb to be is was/were.

W e use was/was not (w asn't) w ith I, he, she, it.

We use were/were not (weren't) w ith we, you, they.

W e fo rm th e in te rro g a tiv e w ith was/were + subject p ro n o u n /n o u n .

did n o t /d id n 't design. S H O R T A NSW ERS Yes, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u /

Did l/y o u /h e /s h e /it w e /y o u /th e y design?

N E G A T IV E l/Y ou/H e/S he/lt/W e/Y o u/T h ey

th e y did. N o, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u / th e y d id n 't.

The past sim ple affirm a tive o f reg u lar verbs is fo rm e d by ad d ing -ed to th e verb. I work - 1 worked Spelling

Am elia Earh art was a pilot. M icha el D ebakey wasn't

Verbs e n d in g in -e take o n ly -d. I advise - I a dvised

an a stron aut. W here was Pablo Picasso b orn ?

Verbs e n d in g in a co nsonant + -y d ro p th e -y and take -/ed. I try - I tried, I cry - I cried




Grammar Reference Verbs e n d in g in a vo w el + -y keep th e -y and take -

• •

We use th e c o m p a ra tiv e to com pare one person or th in g w ith

Verbs e n d in g in a stressed vo w el b e tw e e n tw o

com parative adjectives. A rabbit is faster than a duck.

consonants d o u b le th e last c o n so n a n t and take -ed. I sta r - I sta rre d •

ed. I p la y - I p la y e d

anothe r. W e n o rm a lly use than w ith

W e use th e su p e rla tiv e to com pare one person, th in g , anim al o r place w ith tw o or m ore people,

Verbs e n d in g in -I d o u b le th e -I and take -ed.

things, animals o r places in the same g ro u p or place.

I travel - I travelled

Lions are the most dangerous cats in the animal


kingdom. W e use th e ... of/in w ith th e s u p e rla tive . We

The past sim ple is used to ta lk a b o u t a ctions w h ic h

use in w ith th e su p e rla tiv e w hen w e talk a b o u t

to o k place a t a p a rtic u la r tim e in th e past (stated o r

places. Lions are the most dangerous o f all cats. Giraffes

im p lie d ). Thom as Edison in v e n ted the p h on o g rap h in

have the longest neck in the world. (NOT: of the world)

1877. (W hen? In 18 7 7 . - The tim e is sta te d .) He h elp e d to invent the telegraph as well. (W hen? In 1 8 77. - The tim e is n o t m e n tio n e d b u t it is im p lie d .)

F orm •

A djectives




tw o


fo rm

th e

co m p a ra tive by a d d in g -er, and th e superlative by

T im e w o rd s /p h ra s e s used w ith th e p a s t sim p le: yesterday, last w eek, last m o n th , last year, tw o days/ w e e k s /m o n th s /y e a rs ago, in 1957, etc

a d d in g -est. sm all - sm a ller - sm allest •

Adjectives o f m ore th a n

tw o syllables fo rm

th e

co m p a ra tive w ith more and th e superlative w ith the most. intelligent - more intelligent - the most intelligent

Unit 6




tw o




narrow, gentle, friendly, etc, fo rm th e co m p a ra tive

Past simple (irregular verbs)

and supe rlative w ith -er/-est o r w ith



l/Y o u /H e /S h e /lt/W e / Y o u /T h e y caught.

l/Y o u /H e /S h e /lt/W e /Y o u /T h e y did n o t /d id n 't catch.



friendly - m o st friendly S p e llin g •

Did l/y o u /h e /s h e /it w e /y o u /th e y catch?

Yes, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u / th e y did.

To adjectives o f one syllable th a t end in -e, w e add -r in th e co m p a ra tive and -st in th e superlative. w ide - w ider - w idest

N o, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u / th e y d id n 't.

A djectives



s y lla b le

th a t



vow el

+ c o n s o n a n t, d o u b le th e fin al co n s o n a n t and add -er/-est. big - bigger - biggest •



friendly - friendlier - friend liest o r friendly - m ore

Adjectives o f tw o syllables th a t end in -ly or -y, change y to / and add -er/-est. funny - funnier - funniest

The past sim ple is used to ta lk a b o u t actions w h ic h to o k place at a p a rtic u la r tim e in the past (stated o r im p lie d ).

Ir re g u la r fo rm s : g o o d - better - best, bad - worse -

D inosaurs b eca m e extin ct 65 million years ago. (W hen?

worst, m u c h /m a n y - more - most

65 m illio n years ago. - The tim e is stated.) They ate leaves or o ther sm aller anim als. (W hen? 65 m illio n years ago. - The tim e is n o t m e n tio n e d b u t it is im p lie d .)

C om parative/Superlative adjectives ADJECTIVE Short



fa s t big

-y adjectives Longer

th e ta lle s t th e fa s te s t th e b ig g e s t

b ig g e r s h o rte r

th e s h o rte s t



th e easiest

dang e ro u s

m o re dang e ro u s

th e m o s t dang e ro us th e m o s t inexpensive

inexpensive Irregular

ta lle r fa ste r

sh o rt




good bad m a n y/m u ch

m o re inexpensive b e tte r w orse m ore

th e b e s t th e w o rs t th e m o s t

N o te th e e x a m p le s : very + a d je c tiv e /a d v e rb - It's very quiet in here. m uch + com para tive - I'm much taller than m y sister.

Adverbs o f m anner_____________________ W e use a d v e r b s o f m a n n e r to describe h o w so m e th in g happens o r h o w it is d o n e . The children ran quickly to the house. (H ow ? Q u ickly.)

Form •

W e usually fo rm an a dve rb o f m a n n e r by a d d in g -ly to th e ad je ctive, quiet - qu ietly

A djectives e n d in g in -le d ro p th e -e and take -y.

A djectives e n d in g in c o n so n a n t + -y d ro p th e -y

A djectives e n d in g in -I take -ly. carefu l - carefully

m iserable - m iserably and take -ily. h ea vy - h ea vily •

Some adverbs have a to ta lly d iffe re n t fo rm o r the same fo rm as th e a djective: g o o d - well, fast - fast, h a rd - hard, early - early, late - late.

Grammar Reference •

Unit 7

We use be going to to ta lk a b o u t o u r fu tu re plans o r in te n tio n s. H e's going to buy a new com pu ter soon. (He's p la n nin g to b u y .../H e inten ds to b u y ...)

Future simple (w ill)

Tim e w ords/phrases used w ith be going to: in a little Form

w hile, to m o rro w , th e day after to m o rro w , in tw o / three, etc days' tim e, next w e e k/m o n th /ye a r, to n ig h t, soon, this evening, in a w e e k/m o n th /ye a r, etc

s u b je c t + w ill + m ain verb A FF IR M A T IV E I/Y o u /H e /S h e /It/W e /Y o u / T hey w ill n o t /w o n 't play.

l/Y o u /H e /S h e /lt/W e / Y o u /T h e y w ill/'ll play.



Yes, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u / W ill l/y o u /h e /s h e /it w e /y o u /th e y play?

w ill / be going to / Present continuous W e use be going to: •

going to w atch her favourite film online. (= She's

th e y w o n 't.

decisions. It's cold. I'll close the w indow .

pla n nin g to ...) BUT W e use w ill fo r o n -th e -s p o t •



m ake p re d ictio n s based on w h a t w e see o r

kn o w . The tem perature is too low. It's going to snow .

W e use th e fu tu re simple: •

to ta lk a b o u t o u r fu tu re plans and in te n tio n s . She's

th e y w ill. N o, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /y o u /

(I can see it's c o ld .) BUT W e use w ill to make

fo r p re d ic tio n s based on w h a t w e th in k o r believe

p re d ictio n s based on w h a t w e th in k o r im a g in e . I believe com panies will create eco-friendly cars.

(usually w ith th e verbs: hope, think, believe, expect, imagine, etc; w ith th e expressions: I'm sure, I'm afraid, etc; w ith th e adverbs: probably, perhaps, etc). I think scien tists w ill discover n ew m edicines. She will

W e use th e p resen t continuous: to ta lk a b o u t fixe d

probably buy a n ew sm artphone.

science fiction film tonight at 9 :3 0 .

fo r prom ises. I prom ise I'll switch o ff m y cell p h o n e in

fo r o n -th e -s p o t decisions. I'm tired. I'll go to bed.

fo r threats. Stop p layin g com pu ter g am es or I'll

arra n g em e n ts in th e near fu tu re . K ath y is watching a

Unit 8


m ust/m ustn't___________________________

punish you. Tim e words/phrases used w ith the future simple: to m o rro w , the day after to m o rro w , next w e e k /m o n th / year, to n ig h t, soon, in a w e e k/m o n th /ye a r, etc

W e use m ust/m ustn't to : •

express o b lig a tio n o r d u ty . You must follow the class

express p ro h ib itio n . You m ustn't use a cell p h o n e in

rules. (It's y o u r d u ty .) hospitals. (It's fo rb id d e n ./It's ag ainst th e rules.)

be going to

N ote: M ust can o n ly be used in th e present. W e use have to w ith all th e o th e r tenses.


I'll have to g o to the superm arket tom orrow , (fu tu re )

subject + verb to be (a m /is/a re ) + going to + m ain verb

I had to g o to the d o cto r yesterday, (past)

H B lA F F IR M A T IV E f t ü I'm g o in g to eat. H e /S h e /It's g oin g to eat. W e /Y o u /T h e y 're g oing to eat. IN T E R R O G A T IV E Am 1 g oin g to eat? Is h e /s h e /it g oing to eat? Are w e /y o u /th e y g oing to eat? •

N E G A T IV E I'm n o t g o in g to eat. H e /S h e /It isn 't g oin g to eat. W e /Y o u /T h e y a re n 't g oin g to eat. S H O R T ANSW ERS Yes, 1 a m ./ No, I'm not. Yes, h e /s h e /it is./ N o, h e /s h e /it isn't. Yes, w e /y o u /th e y a re ./ 1 No, w e /y o u /th e y are n 't.

W e use be going to to m ake p re d ic tio n s based on

should/shouldn't________________________ W e use should/shouldn't + in fin itiv e to give advice. You should drink a lot o f w ater. (It is a g o o d idea.)

can/can't_______________________________ W e use can to : •

able to ...) •

ask fo r permission. Can I borrow your CD? (Is it OK i f ...?)

give perm ission. You can ha ve one m ore sa n d w ich. (You are a llo w ed to ...)

W e use ca n 't to : •

express lack o f a b ility in th e present. He ca n 't ride

to refuse to give perm ission. You ca n 't have any

his bike. H e's only two. (He is n 't able to ride a bike.)

w h a t w e see o r k n o w . There are dark clouds in the sky. It's going to rain.

express a b ility in th e present. She can cook. (She is

m ore chocolate. (You are n o t a llo w e d to ...)



Grammar Reference ■ ■ ■ ■

Countable/U ncountable nouns__________

We use a little w ith uncountable nouns. W e've g o t a

We can use very w ith few and little fo r em phasis

C o u n ta b le nouns are nouns w h ic h w e can count.

little flour. Let's make a cake, (n o t m uch b u t eno u g h )

T hey have b o th s in g u la r and p lu ra l form s.

and to sh o w th a t so m e th in g is n o t e n o u g h .

one egg - two eggs •

U ncountable

There are (v e ry ) fe w biscuits in the basket, (n o t

nouns are nouns w hich

we cannot

e n o u g h , barely any le ft) W e've g o t (very) little coffee.

count, some cheese (NOT: one cheese,-twe-c-heeses) •

U n c o u n ta b le




o n ly

(n o t e noug h, barely any left)

s ingu lar

fo rm s. These nouns in clu d e :

Present perfect_________________________

fo o d : rice, butter, flour, pepper, sugar, salt, etc

Form: subject + have + past p articip le

liquid: orange juice, milk, coffee, water, etc •


W e can use b o th u n c o u n ta b le nouns and plural Long Form

countable nouns after phrases of quantity such as: a ja r / bottle/piece/loaf/cup/bar/glass/carton/slice etc + of a glass o f w ater, a carton o f milk, a bar o f chocolate

som e/any/a lo t o f/(h o w ) m uch/(how) m a n y / a fe w /a little_____________________ •



co u n ta b le




th e in

a ffirm a tive

th e


w ith


S ho rt Form

I/you have played h e /s h e /it has played w e /y o u /th e y have played

I/yo u've played he/she/it's played w e /y o u /th e y 'v e played


e ith e r

u n c o u n ta b le

nouns. We need some carrots a n d some olive oil to m ake the salad.

Long Form

S ho rt Form

I/you have n o t played he/she/it has n o t played

I/you h a v e n 't played he/she/it h asn't played

w e/y o u /th e y have n o t played

w e/y o u /th e y h a v e n 't played


N ote: W e use some in th e in te rro g a tiv e to make offers o r requests.

Have I/you played?

W ould you like some cho co la te? (o ffe r)

Has h e /s h e /it played?

H ave w e /yo u /th e y played?

Can I ha ve some tea? (request) •

W e use any in th e neg a tive and in te rro g a tiv e w ith c o u n ta b le nouns in th e p lu ra l o r w ith u n c o u n ta b le

We use th e present perfect: •

up to th e present. He has worked in th a t restau ra nt


for five years. (He started w o rk in g in th e re staurant

"Are there any grapes in the b asket?"

5 years ago and he's still the re.)

"No, there aren't any g ra p es." "Is there any ja m le ft? " "N o, there isn 't any ja m le ft." •

e ith e r c o u n ta b le

nouns in th e

tim e w h e n it h ap pene d. She has h ad lunch a t this

plural o r

restau ra n t twice. (W hen? W e d o n 't know . The tim e

u n co u n tab le nouns. W e o m it o f w h e n a lot/lots is

is n o t stated. The a ctio n is m o re im p o rta n t th a n th e

N O T fo llo w e d by a nou n .

tim e w h e n it h a p p e n e d .)

We have g o t a lo t o f vegetables. •

There's still lots o f yog hurt in the fridge. "Is there a n y b u tte r? " "Yes, there's a lo t./Y es, there's lo t s ." •









interrogative. We use much w ith uncountable nouns I d o n 't drink m uch coffee. Is there much cheese in the fridge? I h a v en 't g o t m any tom atoes.

Notes: •

W e use for to express d u ra tio n .

W e use since to specify a p o in t in tim e .

They've lived here for five years. She has been in China since la st Saturday.

H ave you g o t m any tom atoes? W e use how much and how many in questions. We use how much w ith u n c o u n ta b le nouns and how m any w ith co u n ta b le nouns in th e plural.

Present perfect vs Past simple___________ •

broken his arm . (W hen? W e d o n 't kno w . The tim e is

How m any chips are there in the b a g ?

n o t stated .)

W e use a few w ith p lural co u n ta b le nouns. W e've g o t a few eggs. We can m ake an om elette. (n o t m a n y b u t e n o u g h )

We use th e p resen t p erfec t fo r an a ctio n th a t hap pened a t an unstated tim e in th e past. He has

How much milk do you drink every day? •

fo r personal changes and experiences. I have never eaten p izz a before.

T im e w ords used w ith th e present perfect: just, already, ye t, fo r, since, never, etc


and many w ith countable nouns in th e plural.

fo r actions th a t hap pen ed at an unstated tim e in th e past. The a ctio n is m ore im p o rta n t th a n th e

W e use a lo t of/lots o f in a ffirm a tiv e sentences w ith

fo r action s th a t started in th e past and c o ntin u e



th e


sim ple

fo r


a ctio n

th a t

ha ppen ed at a stated tim e in th e past. He broke his arm last week. (W hen? Last week. The tim e is stated.)



Notions & Functions Asking for & Giving personal information Asking for personal information

Giving personal information

W h e re are you fro m ? W h a t n a tio n a lity are you? W h a t's y o u r nam e? A n d y o u r surnam e? H o w d o you spell it? W h a t's y o u r address? W h a t's th e postcode? W h a t's y o u r te le p h o n e n u m b e r? • H o w o ld are you? • W h e n 's y o u r b irth d a y?

• I'm fro m (Spain). • I'm (Spanish). • Jorge. • M a rq uez. • M -A-R -Q -U -E-Z. • 2 1 , Esteban S treet. • 2AB33C . • It's s ix-n in e -se ve n -e ig h tth re e -e ig h t-fo u r-e ig h t-tw o . • I'm (16) (years old). • It's th e (1 6 th o f A p ril)./ In (A pril).

• • • • • • • •

Greetings Asking


• H o w are you? • H o w are th in g s?

• I'm fin e ,A /e ry w e ll, thanks. • N o t to o bad, th a n ks.

Saying hello

• G o o d b y e l/B y e ! • C h eerio! • See you s o o n /la te r.

Describing appearance/character/ abilities A s k in g

A n s w e rin g

• W h a t does Susan lo o k like? • W h a t are you like? • W h a t's y o u r best frie n d like? • Can you (sw im )? • Can C hris (play th e piano)? • W h a t is Sheila g o o d at?

• She's (sh o rt and p lu m p ). She's g o t (lo n g fa ir hair) and (glasses). • I'm (frie n d ly and h a rd w o rk in g ). • H e's/She's k in d and clever. • Yes, I can./N o, I c a n 't. • Yes, he can./N o, he c a n 't. • She can (p a in t pictures).

Homes A s k in g

A n s w e rin g

• W h a t's y o u r n e w h o m e like? • H o w m a ny room s are there?

• It's b ig /s m a ll/b e a u tifu l/lo v e ly / cool etc. • There are (five) room s in it./lt's g o t (five) room s: a k itch e n , th re e b e d ro o m s ,... • It's on th e firs t/s e c o n d /th ird etc flo o r. • It's q u ite /re a lly b ig ./lt's sm all b u t cosy.

• W h a t size is it?


A s k in g fo r d ire c tio n s

G iv in g d ire c tio n s

• H o w can I g e t there? • C a n /C o u ld you te ll m e h o w to g e t th e re ? • W h e re can I fin d th e (post o ffice)? • W h e re is th e (police sta tio n )?

• G o d o w n ... (Street). • Take th e firs t/se co n d e tc tu rn in g on y o u r le ft/rig h t. • W a lk past th e (bank). • T urn rig h t/le ft in to ... (Road). • W a lk u p /d o w n ... (Avenue). It's o p p o s ite /n e x t to /in fro n t o f/b e h in d th e (m useum ).

Identifying people Asking

• • • •


W h o 's he/she? W h e re is he/she fro m ? Is he/she (Russian)? W h a t does he/she lo o k like? • W h a t is he/she like? • W h a t is his/her nam e? • H o w o ld is he/she?

• • • •

H e's/She's m y c o u s in /frie n d etc. H e's/She's fro m Spain. Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn 't. H e's/She's ta ll and slim etc.

• H e's/She's fu n n y/sh y etc. • Jam es/Lottie etc. • H e's/She's (14).

Saying goodbye

• Hi !/H ello! • G o o d m o rn in g /a fte rn o o n / e v e n in g /n ig h t.

• W h a t flo o r is it on?


Identifying objects Asking

A nsw ering

• W hose b o o k is this? • Is th is yours? • W h o does th is p h o n e b e long to ? • Is th is bag ours? • Do these sunglasses b e lo n g to him ?

• It's m ine. • No, (it isn 't). It's Sandy's. • (It belongs to ) Kevin. / It's Kevin's. • Yes, it is. / No, it's theirs. • No, th e y 're hers.

The time A s k in g

T e llin g

• W h a t tim e is it, please? • Have you g o t th e tim e , please? • Excuse m e, w h a t's th e tim e , please? • Do you k n o w w h a t tim e it is?

• It's six o 'clo c k. • It's h a lf past six. • It's (a) q u a rte r to seven. • It's (a) q u a rte r to e ig h t.

Invitations In v itin g

A c c e p tin g

R e fusing

• W e 're having a ... . W o u ld you like to com e? • W h y d o n 't you jo in us? • Do you w a n t to com e? • M a ybe w e can ...

• T h a t's a gre a t idea!

• I'm sorry,/T h ank you, b u t I c a n 't.

• S ounds go o d .

• I'm afraid I can't.

• I'd love to .

• I w o n 't be free th e n .

Notions & Functions Opinions A s k in g

Preferences R e sp o n d in g n e g a tiv e ly

R e s p o n d in g p o s itiv e ly

• Did you like ...? • 1 (really) loved it. • Did you enjoy • It w as fu n /re a lly ...? g o o d /b rillia n t/ • H o w w a s ... ? g re a t/lo v e ly/ • W h a t w a s ... w o n d e rfu l etc. like? • They w e re • W h a t did you a m a zin g / th in k o f ... ? fa n ta s tic etc.

• • • •

1 d id n 't like it. N o t very go o d . N o t m uch. It w as/T hey w e re d is a p p o in tin g / b o rin g /tirin g / te rrib le /a w fu l etc.

Feelings & Emotions R e s p o n d in g

S aying

• 1 d o n 't feel w e ll. • 1 fa ile d m y exam . • I've w o n th e c o m p e titio n !

• Poor you. • I'm sorry to hear th a t. / T h a t's a pity. • C o n g ra tu la tio n s !

E xpressing co n c e rn

• Oh m y goodness! • H o w a w fu l!/ H o w te rrib le ! • T h a t's sh o ckin g !

E xpressing d is b e lie f

• • • •

D o n 't te ll m e! 1 d o n 't believe it! Y ou c a n 't be serious! Y o u 're jo k in g !



• Do you like (playing tennis)?

• Yes, it's g re a t! / No, 1 h ate it! / No, 1 p re fe r (playing squash). • They like (liste n in g to • W h a t do (yo u r frie nds) like d oing? m usic). • W h a t's y o u r fa v o u rite (food)? • 1 love (sp a g h e tti). • Does y o u r b ro th e r like • He loves th e m . / He's m ad a b o u t th e m . (c o m p u te r gam es)?

Daily routine Answering


• W h a t tim e do you ge t • 1 usually g e t up a t 7 :0 0 am . up in th e m o rn in g ? • 1 a lw a y s /o fte n (w a lk). / • H o w do you g e t to By (bus). / M y (dad) takes me. school? • W h a t do you do (at • 1 so m e tim e s visit m y th e w eekends)? g ra n d p a re n ts /g o o u t w ith m y p arents etc. • W h e n d o yo u (w a tc h » In th e evenings. / On Saturdays. / Every w e e ke n d etc. TV)?

Future plans A s k in g

• W h a t are you d o in g (this w e ekend)?

E xpressing c e rta in ty

• • • • •

A b s o lu te ly l/D e fin ite ly ! 1 c e rta in ly w ill. I'm sure it w ill be ... 1 h o p e /th in k so. Probably.

A n s w e rin g

• I'm g o in g to go s hopping/see a film etc. • I'm m e e tin g frie n d s/vis itin g m y g ra n d p a re n ts etc. • W e plan to ...

Giving advice

Accepting advice

• Y ou sh o u ld ta k e re gular exercise. • Y ou s h o u ld n 't stay up late every n ig h t.

• I'll do m y best. /1 suppose so. • 1 suppose n o t. /1 suppose y o u 're rig h t.

E xpressing u n c e rta in ty

• P erhaps/M aybe ( I 'll) ... • 1 d o n 't th in k so. • N o t really.

Ordering food T a k in g o rd e rs

G iv in g o rd e rs

Can 1 ta k e y o u r order? W o u ld you like to order? W h a t w o u ld you like? Have you decided w h a t y o u 'd like? • W h a t can 1 g e t you? • A re you ready to order?

• C a n /C o u ld 1 have (th e steak)? • Have you g o t (any green salad)? • I'll have (a sm all p o rtio n o f chips). • I'd like th e soup o f th e day/a cheeseburg er etc, please.

• • • •


A s k in g prices

S ta tin g prices

• H o w m u ch is it/th a t? • H o w m uch does it/th a t com e to ?

• T h a t w ill be (£ 2 .5 0 ), please. • T h at com es to (£2.50), please. • T h a t's (£ 2 .5 0 ), please.

Rules & Obligations Stating


• Y ou m u st hand y o u r key in at • A ll rig h t. re ce p tio n . • Y ou m u s tn 't w e a r shoes inside • OK, 1w o n 't. / I'll try th e house. to rem e m ber. • Y ou m u st keep y o u r ro o m clean. • O f course (1 w ill).


Notions & Functions


C hoose th e c o rrect response.

1 X: W h e n ’s y o u r b irth d a y ?


Y : ........................................................................... A B) C 2

Y : It’s q u a rte r to e ig h t. A

I w ill b e fo u rte e n .


I’ m fo u rte e n . 10

G o o d m o rn in g !

A ) It w a s v e ry in te re s tin g .


Hi th e re !


It’s re a lly n ic e .


S e e y o u la te r.


It s o u n d s g o o d .

X: W h a t is A la n g o o d a t?


X : H o w a re y o u ? Y : ..............................................................................


M a th s a n d E n g lis h .


S e e y o u la te r.


H e ’s a g o o d frie n d .


Oh m y goodness!


H e ’s v e ry k in d .


I’ m fin e .

X : W h a t is R a c h e l lik e ?


Y : ........................................................................... A


X: H o w w a s y o u r trip to th e m u s e u m ?


Y : ...........................................................................


X: .............................................................................. Y : S h e ’s ta ll a n d s lim .

(a )

S h e ’s k in d a n d frie n d ly .


W h a t is s h e lik e ?



W h e re is s h e ?

S h e ’s fa ir w ith b lu e e y e s .

X : W h a t flo o r is y o u r fla t o n ?


X: C a n y o u te ll m e h o w to g e t to th e T o w n H a ll? Y: ..............................................................................

( A ) T h e th ird . B Q u ite b ig .



B ) Y e s , tu rn rig h t a t th e tr a ffic lig h ts .

V e ry c o s y .


Y e s , it ’s o n th e s e v e n th flo o r.


X: W h o s e h a t is th is ? Y : ..............................................................................


C a n I ta k e y o u r o rd e r?


C a n I h a v e a c h ic k e n s a n d w ic h ?



C a n y o u c o o k a n o m e le tte ?


It’s m y s is te r.


T h e y ’ re m in e .

It’s his.

X : W h a t a re y o u d o in g th is w e e k e n d ? Y : ...........................................................................


X : I’v e w o n fir s t p riz e ! Y : ..............................................................................


I h o p e I w ill.


P e rh a p s I’ ll s ta y a t h o m e .



I th in k so.

B T h a t’s a p ity .

C) 8

Y e s , it ’s re a lly b ig a n d m o d e rn .

X: W h a t can I g e t yo u ? Y : ...........................................................................


W h a t d o e s s h e lo o k lik e ?

B S h e lik e s ic e c re a m .

Y : ...........................................................................


W h a t tim e d o e s th e film s ta rt?

Y : ..............................................................................

Y : ...........................................................................


W h e n is th e m e e tin g ?

B ) W h a t tim e is it?

It’s th e fo u r te e n th o f M a y .

X: G o o d b ye !

X : ..............................................................................

P oor you.

C o n g ra tu la tio n s !

X : H o w m u c h d o e s th a t c o m e to ? Y : ........................................................................... A)

T h a t w ill be £ 3 .0 0 , p le a s e .


I’d lik e th e s o u p , p le a s e .


I’ ll ju s t h a v e a s m a ll p o rtio n .


X : D o y o u lik e c o o k in g fo r y o u r fr ie n d s ? Y : .............................................................................. (A ) I p re fe r e a tin g o u t w ith th e m . B T h e y lo v e it.


W e lik e p iz z a .

Notions & Functions 17

X : W h e re is th e a rt g a lle ry ?


Y: ..............................................................................

Y : I u s u a lly w a lk .

X: T h a n k y o u . A

It’s o p p o s ite th e m u s e u m .

B W a lk p a s t th e b a n k .

C 18

G o d o w n S o u th S tre e t.


D o y o u w a lk to c o lle g e ?

X : D o y o u w a n t to c o m e to th e c in e m a ?


I’ m s o rry to h e a r th a t.


I’ ll d o m y b e s t.


I’ m a fra id I c a n ’t.

n o t.


N o t re a lly . I h o p e so. It w ill b e n ic e .

X : W h o is Is o b e l? Y : ..............................................................................

X : W ill y o u v is it L o n d o n th is s u m m e r?




S h e ’s m y s is te r.


S h e ’s fu n n y .


S h e ’s B ra z ilia n .

X : C a n I ta k e y o u r o rd e r?

X: W h e r e ’s S u k i fro m ?

Y : ..............................................................................

Y: ..............................................................................

X: T h a n k you.



I’ ll h a v e a s te a k .

B Japanese.


T h a t’s £ 1 0 .5 0 , p le a s e .



T h e s te a k ’s v e ry n ic e .


T h a i.

X: ..............................................................................


X : I d o n ’t fe e l w e ll. Y : ..............................................................................

Y: It’s 15, K in g s R o a d .


N o t v e ry g o o d .

B W h ic h flo o r is y o u r h o u s e o n ?


P o o r you.



D o n ’t te ll m e.


W h e re a re y o u fro m ?

W h a t’s y o u r a d d re s s ?

X: W h a t w a s th e te c h n o lo g y m u s e u m like ?


Y: ..............................................................................

X : D o e s y o u r s is te r like p la y in g b a s k e tb a ll? Y : ..............................................................................


It w a s d is a p p o in tin g .


S h e lo v e s it.


N ot m uch.


It’s g re a t.


I’d lik e to .


S h e u s u a lly p la y s on S u n d a y s .

X: Y o u m u s tn ’t c h e w g u m in c la s s .


Y : .............................................................................. A



N o, I w o n ’t.



H o w d o y o u g e t to c o lle g e ?





O f c o u rs e I w ill.

Y : ..............................................................................


W h e r e ’s y o u r c o lle g e ?


C I suppose



Y: ..............................................................................

X : Y o u s h o u ld n ’t e a t s o m u c h c h o c o la te . Y : ..............................................................................


X : ..............................................................................

X : W h o d o th e s e k e y s b e lo n g to ? Y: ..............................................................................

I w ill.


N o, th e y a r e n ’t.

B A ll rig h t.


T h e y ’ re m in e .



I c a n ’t fin d th e m .

I s u p p o s e so.

X : W h y d o n ’t y o u jo in us fo r th e p a rty ? Y : ..............................................................................


X : W h e n d o e s B ria n g o to k a ra te c la s s ? Y : ..............................................................................


I d id n ’t lik e it.


It’s s ix o ’c lo c k .


T h a t’s a g re a t id e a !


H e p re fe rs ju d o .


Y o u c a n ’t b e s e rio u s !


E v e ry S a tu rd a y .



Writing Bank

Inform al em ails/letters Inform al em ails/letters are pieces o f writing we send to people we know well. We usually start them w ith Dear/Hi,/Hello, + the person's first name. In the first paragraph, we w rite our opening remarks (e.g. How are you?) and the reason for writing. We w rite about specific topics in separate paragraphs. In the last paragraph, we w rite our closing remarks (e.g. Have to go now.) and sign o ff w ith an informal ending (e.g. Take care.) and our first name. We use informal style; th a t is: • everyday vocabulary (I'm having a great time.) • colloquial expressions/idioms (Drop me a line.) • informal linkers (and, so, but, etc) • short verb forms (I can't, I'll be, etc)

Useful Language

You have recently sta rte d g o in g to a n e w school. W rite an e m a il to y o u r English-speaking e -frie n d (5 0 -1 0 0 w o rd s) to te ll h im /h e r a b o u t it. In yo u r em ail: • com pare so m e th in g in yo u r n e w school w ith y o u r old school. • describe a n e w frie n d you have m ade. • m e n tio n a school club you are p la n nin g to jo in .

everyday vocabulary informal greeting

cm o Hi Pete! How

openmg__ remarks"

th in g s ?


fo r


w riting

earlier. This is just a qu ick line t o tell you about my new school. It’s really cool!

colloquial expression

It’s much more m odern than my old school.

short__ form verb

There’s a fa ntastic science lab w ith lots of equipm ent. The teachers are younger and

S tarting an inform al letter/em ail • Dear Mum/Dad, Dear Uncle Joe, • Dear Grandma, Dear Eric/Lily, etc. Opening remarks • • • • • • •


more helpful, too. I’ve made friends with a boy in my class. His name is David and he’s very funny. He

Hope you're OK. How are you doing? Hi from (Rome/Beijing) etc. Thanks for your email. Sorry I d id n 't w rite earlier but I ... Sorry for not w riting for so long. Hi! How are you?

likes playing sports and we play fo otball together. I’m also going to join the school chess club so I’ ll have som eone to play w ith at last!

informal linker

T h a t’s all my news. W rite soon. Yours,

• It was good to hear from you. • I haven't heard from you for a while. Reason fo r w ritin g


informal ending

closing remarks

» I wanted to drop you a line to tell you my news/to tell you a b o u t... • I just wanted to ask/remind/thank etc. you ... • • • •

Just a quick email to tell you ... I wondered if you'd like to ... This is just to let you know ... I'm sorry to hear a b o u t...

R e w rite th e firs t p a ra g ra p h . Use p h rase s/sen ten c es

• I was a bit worried and wanted to see if you're OK.

fro m th e U s efu l L a n g u a g e section .

M aking reference to fu tu re contact • Drop me a line sometime. • I hope to hear from you soon.

R eplace th e closing rem arks in th e e m a il w it h o th e r

• Give me a call later. • Let me know if you can make it or not. • I was glad to hear a b o u t... • Let me know as soon as possible. Closing remarks • Email me soon. • W rite back soon. » I'd better get going./Bye for now. • I must go now./G ot to go now. Ending an inform al e m a il/le tte r



Yours,/Best wishes,/Love,/Take care, etc + your first name

a p p r o p ria te phrases.

3*jjj W r ite

a le t te r to y o u r A m e ric a n frie n d (5 0 -1 0 0 w o rd s )

a b o u t a sp orts club yo u h a v e jo in e d . In y o u r le tte r: •

c o m p a r e s o m e th in g in th e n e w s p o r ts c lu b w ith th e o n e y o u w e re in b e fo re .

d e s c r ib e o n e o f th e in s tr u c to r s .

g iv e d e ta ils o f a s p o r ts c o m p e titio n y o u are p la n n in g to e n te r.

Writing Bank b i Inform al messages/ notes Inform al messages or notes are short pieces o f w riting we w rite to inform people about something, ask them to do something for us, arrange a meeting, etc. Messages provide all the information needed w ith o u t being chatty. We usually om it words such as personal pronouns (I, you, etc) articles (a/an, the), auxiliaries (am, have, etc) and greetings (Dear, Yours, etc). We can use the im perative, inform al linkers, participles and short verb forms We d o n 't normally w rite in paragraphs.

Y o u p r o m is e d t o c o o k d in n e r f o r y o u r s e lf a n d y o u r E n g lis h f la tm a te , b u t y o u h a v e ju s t r e m e m b e r e d a n a p p o in t m e n t y o u h a v e . W r it e y o u r f la t m a t e a n o te ( 5 0 - 1 0 0 w o r d s ) . In y o u r n o te : • e x p la in w h y y o u h a v e t o g o o u t . • a s k y o u r f la t m a t e t o p h o n e a n d o r d e r s o m e fo o d . • sa y w h a t t im e y o u a re c o m in g h o m e . omission of auxiliary participle




omission of article


Just remembered I’ve got doctor’s appointment at 6:30! short W on’t have time to buy food at supermarket and cook form '" ^ d in n e r - really sorry! Phone Silvio’s and order a pizza. verb

Cheese and tom ato is fine\with me. Hope i’ll be back by eight but don’t wait for rneAPay you backwater! Thanks, use of imperative Katy informal linker

S tarting a message Person's first name only, e.g. Sally,/Matt, Reason fo r w ritin g th e message • Need to w ork late. • Had to go shopping. • Got phone call from Harry. • Richard just called and ... . • C ouldn't w ait for you. • Had to go to the (supermarket). M aking arrangem ents fo r later • Be back in (an hour). • I w o n 't be late. • Call you later. • See you at (the cinema). • Call me if you have any problems.


omission of pronoun

_____________________ ____

Read th e m o d e l b e lo w . W h y is n 't it a p p ro p ria te ? T h in k a b o u t: la yo u t, the w a y it starts/ends, c h a tty language,

omission o f pronouns/articles/auxiliaries.

Dear James, W ould you mind doing me a favour? I bought a tra cksu it tw o weeks ago at J e sso p ’s S portsw ear and I w ant to change it. I m ust do it today because I need the tra cksu it tom orrow fo r a m arathon I’m running fo r a local charity. U nfortunately, I will be at college all day to d a y so I w o n ’t have tim e. The jum per is too small. I need a large not a m edium . In case

M aking suggestions • How a b o u t...?

they d o n ’t have the right size, is it possible to ju st ask them

• We could (m eet)... .

fo r the m oney back?

Asking fo r a favour

I hope this is not too much trouble. Thank you so much.

• Can/Could you ...? • Please, (give/take it to ...).

Best wishes,

A pologising • (So/Really) sorry. • Feel awful/really bad. Ending a message • Thanks. • Cheers. • See you.

Antoni R e w rite th e m essag e in Ex. 1 to m a k e it a p p ro p ria te . W r ite m essages fo r th e fo llo w in g tasks.

' Y o u s tu d y E n g lis h a b ro a d . T h e t im e o f y o u r n e x t le sso n has c h a n g e d a n d y o u c a n 't m a k e a c in e m a d a te w it h a fe llo w s tu d e n t. Le a ve a m essage f o r h im /h e r (5 0 - 1 0 0 w o rd s ). In y o u r m e s s a g e : • say w h a t t im e y o u a re n o w h a v in g y o u r le s so n . • e x p la in w h y t h e t im e c h a n g e d . • s u g g e s t a n a lte r n a tiv e t im e t o g o t o t h e c in e m a . Y o u o rd e re d an a p p lia n c e fo r y o u r k itc h e n . T h e s to r e is d e liv e rin g it to d a y b u t y o u w ill b e o u t. W r it e y o u r Irish f la tm a te a n o te ( 5 0 - 1 0 0 w o r d s ) in w h ic h y o u : • sa y w h a t t im e t h e s to r e is d e liv e rin g th e e q u ip m e n t. • a sk y o u r f la tm a te t o b e a t h o m e a t t h a t tim e . • e x p la in w h y y o u c a n 't b e th e r e .


-------------- -......- ... Abbreviations

(adj) ^a d v j (co n j)

a d je c tiv e



(pi n)

p lu ra l noun


ve rb

a d v e rb


ph ra se

(p re p )

p re p o s itio n


som ebody

c o n ju n c tio n

( p h r v ) p h ra s a l ve rb

(p ro n )

p ro n o u n


so m e th in g


orange basketball nrmd; 'ba:skitbo:l/

change into /tjeind 3 inta/ (v) = to become

(pp. 6-9)

character /kaerikts/ (n) = a person in a address /s'dres/ (n) = the name of the street your house is in and the

ordinal numbers /oidmal iiAmbaz/ ( n ): 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc

number of your house atlas /aettes/ (n) = a book of maps

climb /klaim / (v) = to go up using your hands and feet

pencil /pensil/ (n) = /

black /blaek/ (adj) = ■ ■ blue /blu:/ (adj) = B M

easily /iiza li/ (adv) = without difficulty pencil case /'pensil keis/ (n) =

brown /braun/ (adj) = H pencil holder /pensil haulda/ (n) =

consonant /kDnssnsnt/ (n) = b, c, d, f, g,

divided by (phr) = t Don’t talk, please, (phr)

purple /p3:psl/ (adj) = UH1II!

high speed (phr) = running very fast

read /ri:d/ (v) = to look at and understand

join Aisoin/ (v) = to become a member

words that appear in a book, etc

double /dAbal/ (adj) = used two times

red /red/ (adj) = B B H

equals /i:kwaIz/ (v) = =

Saturday /'saetsdi/ (n)

eraser A'reiza/ (n) = a rubber

See you later, (phr)

jump /d3Aimp/ (v) = to push yourself up in the air name /neim/ (n) = a word that we use to call sb

Sit down, please, (phr)

nearly /rush/ (adv) = almost

Stand up, please, (phr)

newbie /njuibi/ (n) = sb who is a new

Good afternoon! (greeting) Good evening! (greeting)

Sunday /sAndi/ (n)

Good morning! (greeting)

surname /s3:neim/ (n) = last name

Good night! (greeting)

Thursday /03:zdi/ (n)

Goodbye!/Bye! (greeting)

Tuesday /tju:zdi/ (n)

green /grim/ (adj) = M B

umbrella /Ain'breb/ (n) =

Friday /fraidi/ (n)

member of an Internet forum

when we meet or leave sb

the Internet Internet orphan /oifsn/ (n) = a child without

vowel /vausl/ (n) = a, e, i, o, u


Physics /fiziks/ (n) = a school lesson

Hi!/Hello! (greeting)

watch /wotJV (n) =

How are you? (phr)

W ednesday /wenzdi/ (n)

How do you spell it? (phr)

W hat’s your name? (phr)

I’m fine, thanks, (phr)

white /wait/ (adj) = I

about natural forces planet / plrenst/ (n) = each of the large I

Write in your notebooks, (phr) yellow /jetou/ (adj) =

Unit 1 - Hello! lamp /læmp/ (n) =

listen /lissn/ (v) = to give your attention to sb/sth Monday /n u n d i/ (n) multiplied by (phr) = X Not bad. (phr) orange

(adj) = B B H

police officer /ps'liis pfiss/ (n) = sb who enforces the law post /psust/ (n) = sth that you put online read sb’s thoughts (phr) = to understand what sb is thinking real /rial/ (adj) = true

amazing /ameizii]/ (adj) = astonishing

scientist /saiantast/ (n) = a doctor,

appearance /a'piarens/ (n) = the way sb be comfortable with others (phr) = to feei well with other people become invisible (phr) = to begin to be unseen

Open your books, (phr)

objects that go around the Sun

1a (pp. 10-11)


minus /mamas/ (prep) = -

parents parent /pesrsnt/ (n) = a father or mother

grey /grei/ (adj) =

iPod /aipDd/ (n) ^

offline / nflain/ (adj) = not connected to online /Dnlain/ (adj) = connected to the

greetings /griitirjz/ (pi n) = what we say


hear /his/ (v) = to use your ears character

plus /pUs/ (prep) = + desk /desk/ (n)

guys /gaiz/ (pi n) = friends hero /hisrsu/ (n) = a good brave

pink /piqk/ (adj) =


fly /fla i/ (v) = to move through the air galaxy /gaelsksi/ (n) = a star system

Close your books (phr) Come to the board, please, (phr)

film, book or play c le v e r/kleva/ (adj) = intelligent

brave /breiv/ (adj) = courageous brilliant /briljont/ (adj) = very clever

a physicist, a chemist, etc see /si:/ (v) = to use your eyes senior /si:nia/ (n) = sb who has been a member of an Internet forum for a long time shy /Jai/ (adj) = not feeling sure about yourself strong /strop/ (adj) = physically energetic

1b (pp. 12-13) ability /a'bibti/ (n) = the skill that sb has to do sth

Greece /gri:s/ (n)


Greek /gri:k/ (n) = sb who comes from

American /s’meriksn/ (n) = sb who comes from the USA

Art /art/ (n) = painting and drawing as a

who tries very hard

Bahrain /,ba:'rein/ (n) =


Spain /spein/ (n) =

Communications Technology


Brazilian /bre'zilbn/ (n) = sb who comes from Brazil break /breik/ (n) = a short stop in order to have a rest British /b ritif/ (n) = sb who comes from the UK

[ L

Ireland /aisbnd/ (n) =

Italy /ite li/ (n) Brazil /brazil/ (n) =

Slovenia /sbu'vi:nb/ (n) =

events of the past as a school ICT /,ai si: ti:/ (n) = Information &

Australia /P streilb/ (n) =

(n) = a school programme

History /histsri/ (n) = the study of the lesson

school lesson

an area of knowledge that we study at school (school) timetable /sku;l taimteibsl/

Greece hardworking /haid'waikit]/ (adj) = sb

Argentina /.aidpntima/ (n) =

(school) subject /sku:l ,SAbd3ikt/ (n) =

Japan /d& pxn/ (n) Japanese /,d3aep3'ni:z/ (n) = sb who

Spanish /spæmj/ (n) = sb who comes from Spain swim /s w im / (v) = to use my arms and legs to move through water take photos (phr) = to use a camera to photograph people or things Thai /tai/ (adj) = sb who comes from Thailand Thailand /tailænd/ (n) =

comes from Japan kind /kamd/ (adj) = thinking of other

the UK /Qa ju: 'kei/ (n)

people’s feelings lunch break /UntJ breik/ (n) = a short

Canada /kænsda/ (n)

stop for lunch

character adjective /kaeriktsr ,aed3 iktiv/ (n) = a word that describes sb or sth Chem istry /kem istri/ (n) = a school subject that studies substances and their combinations

Maths /maeBs/ (n) = Mathematics Mexican /meksiksn/ (n) = sb who comes from Mexico Mexico /meksiksu/ (n) = nationality /.naefs'naebti/ (n) = what country you belong to

Chile / t ji l i/ (n) =

Physical Education /fizikol edju'keijbn/ (PE) (n) = physical exercise as a school lesson

China /tja in a / (n) = country /kAntri/ (n) = a nation dance /da:ns/ (v) = to move my body and feet to the sound of music do martial arts (phr) = to play sports

the USA /03 ju: es ei/ (n)

play a musical instrument (phr) = to know how to use a piano, a violin, Violin,

Turkey /t3:ki/ (n) = Turkish /t3 :k ij/ (n) = sb who comes from Turkey use the Internet (phr) = to work on the Net | 1c (pp. 14-15) age /eid 3/ (n) = how old you are sth is sb ’s fault (phr) = sth bad is caused by sb

etc to produce music

birthday /b3:0dei/ (n) = the day that you

play computer games (phr)

celebrate the time when you were born

such as karate, judo, kung fu, etc Poland /psubnd/ (n) Egypt /c d jip t/ (n) =

0 ?

brush /b rxj/ (n) =

Polish /psuliJV (n) = sb who comes from Egyptian /i'd3 ipjan/ (n) = sb who comes

r a

Poland flag /flaeg/ (n) =

from Egypt English AijgliJ/ (n) = the study of the

Portugal /poitjugsl/ (n)

English language as a school Qatar /kæta:/ (n) =

lesson e-pal /i: pael/ (n) = a friend on the

Qatari /kae'tcm/ (n) = sb who comes

Internet fly a plane (phr) = to control an aeroplane

from Qatar ride a horse (phr) = to sit on a horse

France /trains/ (n) = 1


funny /fAni/ (adj) = making you laugh

and make it move run !r\n/ (v) = to move very quickly

fox /foks/ (n) =


: ^


glass /gla:s/ (n) = ^

mark /ma:k/ (n) = the score given to a student’s work row /rau/ (n) = a line of chairs, desks, etc

Geography /d3 i'ogrefi (n) = the study of the countries, seas, etc of the world


Word List ■ mBB6R№S№9

the same /5a seim/ (adj) = not different sister /sista/ (n) = a girl/woman with the same parents as you term /t3:m/ (n) = one of the three school periods during a year watch /wDtJ/ (n) =


1d (pp. 16-17)

1e (p. 18)

Skills 1

be good at sth (phr) = to be able to do

(p. 24)

sth well boring /borrit]/ (adj) = not interesting, dull count /kaunt/ (v) = to add up the number or amount of sth difficult /difikolt/ (adj) = hard to do diphthong /dif0Di]/ (n) = two vowel

athlete /'ae01i:t/ (n) = a sportsperson champion /tjaempian/ (n) = a winner chess / tjes/ (n)

person famous for chess coach /kautj/ (n) = sb who trains sportspeople fam ous /feimas/ (adj) = well-known fast /fa:st/ (adj) = not slow feet /fi:t/ (pi n) = a measurement of height (c. 30cm) football pitch /futbod p itj/ (n) = the area where a football game is

medal for first place hard /ha:d/ (adv) = with a lot of effort head /hed/ (n) = the highest part of human body high /hai/ (adv) = a long way up above the ground hit /hit/ (v) = to touch sth very hard hurdle /h3:dol/ (n) = a low barrier that sb jum ps over nickname /m kneim / (n) = a pet name for sb opponent /o'pounont/ (n) = a com petitor in sport professional /pro'fejonol/ (adj) = sb who is an expert at sth

easy /i:zi/ (adj) = not difficult sth I can’t stand sth (phr) = I don’t like sth interesting /intrestii]/ (adj) = that attracts your attention prefer /pn'f3:/ (v) = to like sth more than sth else syllable /silobol/ (n) = each of the parts that a word is divided into various /veorios/ (adj) = of several different things

I’d like to do sth (phr) = I want to do sth join /d3 oin/ (v) = to become part of sth postcode /poostkoud/ (n) = the numbers and letters used together in an address 1g (pp. 20-21) continent /kDntanant/ (n) = each of the six land masses of the Earth contrast /kan'tra:st/ (v) = to compare and show the difference row /rau/ (v) = to move a boat through the water using oars similar /simala/ (adj) = alike

football game special ability (phr) = a special skill that sb has at sth

important city in a country consist of /kan'sist av/ (v) = to be made up of fact file /faekt fail/ (n) = a short profile or information about sth include /in'kluid/ (v) = to have sth as a part

sporting superstar (phr) = sb who is very famous in their sport sportspeople /spo:tspi:pol/ (n) = people who do sport trophy /traufi/ (n) = a prize


can buy from somewhere

you can buy books borrow /boreu/ (v) = to take sth that doesn’t belong to you and bring it back later contact (sb) /kDntaekt/ (v) = to talk with sb entry /entri/ (n) = being allowed into a place invite /in'vait/ (v) = to ask sb politely to do sth jersey /d33:zi/ (n) = the shirt worn during a sports game contains a collection of books you can read or borrow newspaper /njuspcipa/ (n) = a daily publication with news outside /aufsaid/ (prep) = not in a building or room per session (phr) = each time you take a lesson price /prais/ (n) = how much sth costs professional /pro'fejonol/ (n) = sb who is an expert at sth pupil /pjutpol/ (n) = a student at school reception /ri'sepjsn/ (n) = the area inside the entrance of somewhere sports centre /spoits .senta/ (n) = a building where you can play

capital city /.ktepitol 'siti/ (n) = the most

score a goal (phr) = to get a point in a

available /o'veilobol/ (adj) = that you

library /laibrari/ (n) = a building which 1f (P -19)

right arm /.rait 'a:m/ (n) = the arm on the

feet in front of sb else behind you


bookshop /bokjDp/ (n) = a shop where

CLIL 1 (p. 22)

run past (phr) = to move quickly on your

a group that does activities after


punch /pantJ7 (v) = to hit with your fist right side of the body

after-school club /,a:fta skuil kL\b/ (n) =

award /a'wotd/ (n) = a prize

played gold medal /.gsuld medl/ (n) = the

about an event

sounds put together and spoken as

extract /'ekstraskt/ (n) = a small part of chess legend /tje s ,led3ond/ (n) = a

advertise /asdvataiz/ (v) = to tell people

map /maep/ (n) = official language /a,fijal ls i]g w id 3 / ( n ) : the main language of a country

different sports sports equipment /sports i,kwipm3nt/ (n) = items used for sport, e.g. bats, balls, etc ticket /tikot/ (n) = a piece of paper to show that you have paid for entry to sth tracksuit /traeksu:t/ (n) = a pair of loose trousers and a jacket worn for sport visit /vizit/ (v) = to go somewhere for pleasure workout /w3:kaut/ (n) = physical exercise

Word List glass table (phr) = a piece of furniture

(p. 25) birthplace /b3:6pleis/ (n) = the area where a famous person was born culture /kAltJa/ (n) = the beliefs, arts, philosophy, etc of a nation custom /kAstam/ (n) = a way of doing sth that is specific to a group of different /'difsrant/ (adj) = not the same head /hed/ (n) = the leader of a country a place is home to sth (phr) = sth lives island /aitend/ (n) = a land area surrounded by sea water

land /lasnd/ (n) = a country and its main /mein/ (adj) = the largest or most

/miljan/ (number) = 1,000,000 /,no:9'west/ (n) = the area


/'pupal/ (n)

= all the persons who

live in a country

/plaint/ (n) = a living

thing with

leaves and roots which grows in earth

/pDpjbleiJsn/ (n)

= all the

people who live in a place



= the room where

living room


= the room

where you relax and watch TV

/bu'keijbn/ (n) = place ordinary /oidsrreri/ (adj) = common outside /auts'aid/ (adv) = not inside

long continuous flow

/taimteibsl/ (n) = a schedule tradition /tre'dijbn/ (n) = a belief or custom that has existed for a long timetable


/pa:m tri:/

(n) = a tree with no


= astonishing = the room

where you wash yourself

/sevsral/ (adj) = some simple /simpsl/ (adj) = plain smooth /smu:3/ (adj) = having


/bedrum/ (n)


/bvbsl/ (n)

= a ball of air inside a

coffee table /k o fi

.teibsl/ (n) = a small

low table exotic plant (phr) = an unusual flower/tree furniture /f3:nit[3/ (n) = large movable things in a house/an office garden /gaidsn/ (n) = an area with trees and flowers next to a house

chair or sofa where you sit to read and write

double bed /dxbsl bed/ (n) = a bed for two people

soap bubble

/saup bxbsl/

(n) = a ball of

air created by soap in water

/ssufa/ (n) = a

large comfortable

seat for more than one person

exercise /eksssaiz/ (v) = to do physical activities to strengthen your body fire station /fare steijbn/ (n) = the building where the fire service keeps their fire engines

straight line (phr) = a line without any bends or curves

firefighter /fare.faits/ (n) = sb who puts out fires for a job

stream /stri:m/ (n) = a small river

floor /fb i/ (n) = the place in a house where you stand fridge Ifn A il (n) = an appliance for

wall /wo:l/ (n) = each of the sides of a

keeping food cool gym Abim / (n) = a place where you go


(n) = water dropping

from a higher to a lower point

/windsu/ (n)

= an area of glass

in a wall

airport /espait/ (n) = the place where

/splarens/ (n) = an


device that you use in the house aquarium /skwesrism/ (n) = a place where people can see fish

contains a collection of books that you can read or borrow master bedroom /moists ,bedrum/ (n) = the largest bedroom in a house museum /mjui'zism/ (n) = a place where neighbourhood /neibshud/ (n) = a part

comfortable chair

/a:t gaebri/ (n) = a

library /laibrari/ (n) = a building which

you can see statues

arm chair /aim tjea/ (n) = a big art gallery

centre room in a house where a child sleeps

2b (pp. 28-29)


to exercise using equipment hospital /hospital/ (n) = a medical kid’s bedroom /kidz ,bedrum/ (n) = the

aeroplanes land and take off


cushion /kujsn / (n) = a pillow on a

appliance for washing dishes an even

= the room

where you sleep

with doors for storing things curtain /k3iten/ (n) = a piece of material

dishwasher /diJjwDjs/ (n) = an




desk /desk/ (n) = a piece of furniture

round form (phr) = the shape of a ball


/s'meizu]/ (adj) bathroom /ba:0rum/ (n)


get sth

which covers a window

/piktjs/ (n) = an image in a frame /raund/ (adj) = in the shape of a



2a (pp. 26-27)

/bai/ (v) = to give money to carpet /kaipst/ (n) = a big rug

cupboard /kxbad/ (n) = a set of shelves

view /vju:/ (n) = sight, scenery U n it 2 - H o m e

= a piece of

sitting on

thick /9ik/ (adj) = (of a carpet) not thin


/'bukkeis/ (n)

furniture for storing books

cooker /kuks/ (n) = an appliance for

stairs /steaz/ (pi n) = steps

of water


chair /tfea/ (n) = a piece of furniture for

branches on its trunk that grows in


/bedsaid ‘kaebinst/ (n)


/livir) ru:m/ (n)


between north and west


/'kitjin/ (n)

= a building where

your bed bookcase


= a wide road,

a small table that you put next to

in the shape of (phr) = having the form



/baegk/ (n)

bedside cabinet

picture in your mind about sth

hot countries

physical features

/aevsnju:/ (n)

usually with trees along the sides people keep their money

imagine /I'mredjsn/ (v) = to create a

palm tree

surrounded by land

avenue bank

= excellent


lake /le ik/ (n) = a water area


/greit/ (adj)


or exists in a place



you cook food

as sth else


for making windows




made from the clear material used


of a town

which exhibits works of art


Word List painting /peintiq/ (n) = a picture made

bend down /bend daun/ (v) = to lean

main entrance /.mein entrans/ (n) = the

over so that your body is lower to

with paint or crayons park /park/ (n) = a large natural space in a town pillow /pilau/ (n) = a soft cushion for resting your head in bed

the ground close /klaus/ (adv) = near

occasion when a new building or

cross /kms/ (v) = to go across from one

service starts being used

side of sth to the other

plant /plaint/ (n) = a flower or a tree police officer /ps'liis pfisa/ (n) = a

day trip /dei trip/ (n) = a journey in which you visit a place and come back again in one day

member of the police force police station /ps'liis .steijan/ (n) = the building where the police work post /paust/ (v) = to put letters into a box so that the postman can deliver them post office /paust ,ofas/ (n) = a place where you can buy stamps and

distance /'distans/ (n) = the space between two places drive /draiv/ (n) = a journey in a car explore /ik'spb:/ (v) = to go to an unknown place to find out about it football pitch /futbail p itj/ (n) = a field where people play football

send letters road /raud/ (n) = a surface for vehicles

harbour /haiba/ (n) = an area by the coast where boats are kept

to drive on shopping centre /jDpiq ,senta/ (n) = a place where lots of shops are built close together

miniature /m inatja/ (adj) = very small miss /mis/ (v) = to fail to do, see or notice sth

single bed /sirjgal bed/ (n) = a bed for

model village (phr) = a small representation of a village

one person statue /staetju:/ (n) = a sculpture of a person made of stone or metal

main way into a place opening /aopanii]/ (n) = the official

operate /Dpareit/ (v) = to work; to be functional


(p. 35)

cosy /kauzi/ (adj) = small but comfortable directions /di'rekjanz/ (pi n) = a description of the way to get to a place postcode /paustkaud/ (n) = the numbers and/or letters at the end of an address take the first turning on your left/right (phr) = go down the first street on your left/right

2g (pp. 36-37) busy /b izi/ (adj) = (of a street) with a lot of people and cars fireplace /faiapleis/ (n) = the opening in the wall of a room where you can light a fire glad /glaed/ (adj) = happy

street /striit/ (n) = a road

pass /pais/ (v) = to go past

CLIL 2 (p. 38)

table /teibal/ (n) = a piece of furniture

past /paist/ (prep) = going in front of

bottle /botal/ (n) = an object usually

where you eat

railway /re ilw e i/ (n) = the system of

train station /trein .steijan/ (n) = a place where you wait for a train

tracks that trains run on site /sait/ (n) = a place

wardrobe /woidraob/ (n) = a cupboard

special attraction (phr) = an

where you hang and store your

interesting thing to see

clothes washbasin

them e park /6i:m paik/ (n) = an

/wpj/beisan/ (n) = a

bowl for

washing your hands and face zoo /zui/ (n) = a place where people can see different animals 2c (pp. 30-31)

amusem ent park with a particular

made of glass or plastic that contains liquid, e.g. water, soft drink, etc circle /s3ikal/ (n) = complete /kam'pliit/ (adj) = whole, full cool /kuil/ (adj) = at a lower temperature

theme town /taon/ (n) = a small city

cube /kjuib/ (n) =

track /traek/ (n) = the pair of metal rails that trains run on

cylinder/silinda/ (n) =

tunnel Ллпаї/ (n) = a long underground accident /asksadant/ (n) = a time when you do sth and hurt yourself cupboard /kxbad/ (n) = a set of shelves with doors for storing things downstairs /daun'steaz/ (adv) = on the ground floor of a building happen /'haepan/ (v) = to occur million /m iljan/ (number) = 1,000,000 saucepan /saispan/ (n) = a pot with a handle, used for cooking

passage village /v ih d 3 / (n) = a very small town visitor /vizita/ (n) = sb who visits sb else or sth whole /haul/ (adj) = entire windmill /w indm il/ (n) = a building with sails on a wheel that move when the wind blows zoo /zu:/ (n) = a place where people can see different animals

upstairs /,ap'steaz/ (adv) = on the upper level of a building 2d (pp. 32-33)

old or over


glass /glais/ (n) = a substance for making bottles, windows, etc heliotrope /hiiliatraup/ (n) = a plant whose flowers move to follow the sun hot /hot/ (adj) = at a very high temperature leaf /liif/ (n) = each of the flat green parts of a plant

2e (p. 34)

main /mein/ (adj) = the most important

announcem ent /a'naunsmant/ (n) = a

marble /maibal/ (n) = a kind of hard

formal statement adult /aedAlt/ (n) = sb who is 18 years

follow /folao/ (v) = to walk behind sb/sth

empty space (phr) = a place to park your car

rock used in building and sculpture material /ma'tiarial/ (n) = a substance from which sth can be made

Word List



/metal/ (n)

/plaint/ (n) /paol/ (n) =


= a flower or a tree


a long stick


U n it 3 - P e o p le

= a substance that is

hard, e.g. iron, gold, etc

3a (pp. 42-43) alive /a'laiv/ (adj) = living breakfast /brekfast/ (n) = the first meal

/piramid/ (n)



of the day charity /tjaeriti/ (n) = an organisation


/rektaeqgal/ (n)

that helps people in need


continue /kan'tinju:/ (v) = to carry on rock /role/ (n) = the hard material which forms the Earth’s surface sand /saend/ (n) = the material formed

early start (phr) = getting up or starting to do sth very early in the morning fam ily /faemali/ (n) = parents and

from tiny grains of rock shape /Jeip/ (n) = the outline of an object sky /skai/ (n) = the air high above the

children field /fiild / (n) = an area of grass where people play football

Earth sphere

country /kAntri/ (n) = a nation

flea /f li:/ (n) = a tiny insect

/sfia/ (n) = w

football training /futbioil treinii]/ (n) = the activity of practising the game of


/skwea/ (n)



get up /get Ap/ (phr v) = to get out of the sun /3a 'sAn/ (n) = the inside /Qi


* *

.in'said/ (n)

important /impoitant/ (adj) = valuable

= the inner

the middle of the day when you stop

part of an object the outside /D\

lunch break /UntJ bretk/ (n) = a time in

.aut'said/ (n)

= the outer

what you’re doing to eat lunch magic feet (phr) = supernatural powers

part of an object

in the parts of the body at the end of triangle /traiaeqgal/ (n) = turn /t3:n/ (v) = to move on the spot so that you are facing in another direction


(adj) = fairly hot

wood /wud/ (n) = the material that comes from the trunks and

the game of football by kicking the ball between two posts spend time (phr) = to do sth for a take a shower (phr) = to wash your

Skills 2 (p. 40)

body under falling water team mate /tiim m eit/ (n) = sb who plays

fish /ftJ/ (v) = to try to catch fish ideal /ai'dral/ (adj) = perfect lovely /U v li/ (adj) = very nice popular (with sb) /popjala/ (adj) = liked

for the same team as you in a sport work /w3:k/ (v) = to do a job

3b (pp. 44-45) ankle /aeqksl/ (n) = the joint connecting

by a lot of people scenery /simari/ (n) = the landscape of

the foot with the leg arm /a:m/ (n) = each of the two parts of

a place tiny /tarni/ (adj) = very small

the body that connect the shoulders with the hands

(p. 41) /hju:d3 /

(adj) = enormous, very big

the country /3s kAntri/ (n) = a place away from towns and cities floors

rest /rest/ (v) = to relax

period of time

branches of trees



score a goal (phr) = to get a point in

wrong way up


nickname /mkneim/ (n) = an informal poor Ip x / (adj) = not rich

upside down /.Apsaid daun/ (adj) = the warm

the legs

/,tu: 'stoiri/

(adj) = having two

aunt /a:nt/ (n) = your father’s/m other’s sister, or your uncle’s wife beard /bisd/ (n) = hair that grows around a man’s chin brother /brADa/ (n) = your parents’ son

come back home (phr) = to return to your house cousin /kAzan/ (n) = the child of your aunt and uncle dad /dsed/ (n) = a male parent dark /da:k/ (adj) = (of hair) brown or black daughter /doits/ (n) = sb’s female child do hom ework (phr) = to do schoolwork at home ear /is/ (n) = each of the two parts of the head that we use for hearing sounds eat dinner (phr) = to have the last meal of the day eye /ai/ (n) = each of the two parts of the head that we use for seeing face /feis/ (n) = the front part of the head, with the mouth, nose and eyes fair /fen/ (adj) = (of hair) light in colour fat /faet/ (adj) = not thin father-in-law /faiSsr in ,1s:/ (n) = your husband’s/wife’s father finger /fings/ (n) = each of the long thin parts of the hands foot /fut/ (plural: feet) (n) = each of the two parts of the body that we stand on at the end of the legs get up /get Ap/ (phr v) = to get out of bed glasses /glaisiz/ (pi n) = the object that you wear on your face to help you see go to bed (phr) = to go to sleep grandad /grasndasd/ (n) = your father’s/m other’s father grandma /'gnEnma:/ (n) = your father’s/m other’s mother grey /grei/ (adj) = neither black nor white hair [heal (n) = the natural fibres growing on top of your head hand /haend/ (n) = each of the two parts of the body that we use for holding things have a shower (phr) = to wash your body under falling water have breakfast (phr) = to eat the first meal of the day have lunch (phr) = to eat the meal in the middle of the day head /hed/ (n) = the top part of your body husband /'hAzbsnd/ (n) = the man that a woman is married to


Word List knee /ni:/ (n) = the joint connecting the upper part of the leg to the lower one leg /leg/ (n) = each of the two long parts of the body that we use for walking lip /lip / (n) = each of the two outer parts of the mouth long /I di]/ (adj) = not short mother-in-law /mASar in ,b:/ (n) = your husband’s/wife’s mother moustache /nra'staij/ (n) = hair that grows on a man’s upper lip mouth /mau0/ (n) = the part of the face that we use for eating and speaking mum /mAm/ (n) = a female parent nephew /nefju:/ (n) = your brother’s/sister’s son niece /ni;s/ (n) = your brother’s/sister’s daughter nose /nauz/ (n) = the part of the face that we use for breathing and smelling old /sold/ (adj) = not young play video games (phr) = to play games on the TV screen using a games console

3d (pp. 48-49)

that helps people in need money daily life (phr) = ordinary life sb by doing sth for them

tall /toil/ (adj) = not short

adult /aedAlt/ (n) = sb who is more than 18 years old ankle /aeqkal/ (n) = the joint connecting

money, food, clothes, etc

the foot with the leg bone /baun/ (n) = each of the hard parts

make a difference (phr) = to do sth

inside the body that make up the

that makes things better playroom /plenum / (n) = a room in a

skeleton brain

building where children can play with toys or play games

head part of a whole finger /fiqga/ (n) = each of the four long

share /Jea/ (v) = to have with other people sign up /,sain Ap/ (phr v) = to join a group or activity

thin parts of the hands flat /flaet/ (adj) = having an even surface head /hed/ (n) = the top part of your

study room /stA d i ru:m/ (n) = a room in a building where people can do

body heart /ha:t/ (n) = the organ that pumps

work for school supervise /suipavaiz/ (v) = to take care of

blood around your body hold /hauld/ (v) = to keep sth in position liver /'liva/ (n) = the organ that cleans

toy /toi/ (n) = a ball, a doll, etc

work without pay j 3e (p. 50) announce /a'nauns/ (v) = to tell people

= the organ inside the

contain /kan’tein/ (v) = to include sth as

public /pAblik/ (adj) = for all people safely /s e ifli/ (adv) = without risk

/brein/ (n)

your blood lung /k q / (n) = each of the two organs in your chest that you use to breathe make up /,meik Ap/ (phr v) = to form pair /pea/ (n) = a set of two things protect /pra'tekt/ (v) = to keep from harm

that sth is going to happen

/rib/ (n)

thin /0in/ (adj) = not fat at all

tim etable /tairpteibal/ (n) = a schedule


toe /tail/ (n) = each of the long thin parts

3f (p. 51)

skeleton /skelatan/ (n) = the frame of

of the feet tooth /tu:0/ (plural: teeth) (n) = each of the hard white parts in the mouth that we use for biting and chewing uncle /Arjkal/ (n) = your father’s/m other’s brother, or your aunt's husband walk to school (phr) = to go to school on foot watch TV (phr) = to look at pictures and television wife /w a if/ (n) = the woman that a man is married to work on the computer (phr) = to do things for school or your job on the computer young /jai]/ (adj) = not old

= each of the bones in your

chest a quarter past (phr) = 15 minutes after the hour a quarter to (phr) = 15 minutes before the hour half past (phr) = 30 minutes after the hour past /paist/ (prep) = (of telling the time) after to /tu/ (prep) = (of telling the time) before

listen to sounds coming from the j 3g (pp. 52-53)

bones inside the body skull /sluvl/ (n) = the hard bone of your head spine /spam/ (n) = the row of bones in the middle of the back support /sa'poit/ (v) = to hold sth up thumb /0aiti/ (n) = the short thick finger on the side of the hand toe /tau/ (n) = each of the long thin parts of the feet upright /Aprait/ (adv) = in a vertical position

brave /breiv/ (adj) = bold, courageous funny /fA iii/ (adj) = causing laughter


/rist/ (n)

= the joint connecting

your arm to your hand

mall /m oil/ (n) = a shopping centre request to do sth (phr) = a polite demand that sb should do sth shy /Jai/ (adj) = quiet and nervous when other people are around


C LIL 3 (p. 54)

in need (phr) = not having enough

volunteer /volon'tio/ (v) = to do helpful

son /sAn/ (n) = sb’s male child

about his/her character.

give sb a helping hand (phr) = to help

short /Ja:t/ (adj) = not tall

slim /slim/ (adj) = attractively thin

What is he/she like? (phr) = Tell me

cheap /tji:p / (adj) = not costing much

truth /tru:0/ (n) = reality


Describe his/her appearance.

charity /tjasriti/ (n) = an organisation

plump /plAmp/ (adj) = a little fat sister /sista/ (n) = your parents’

What does he/she look like? (phr) =

S k ills 3 (p. 56) be crazy about sth (phr) = to like sth very much

Word List Unit 4 - Travel

4b (pp. 60- 61)

embark /im'baik/ (v) = to get on a ship

accessories /sk'sesariz/ (pi n) =

4a (pp. 58-59)

scarves, belts, gloves, etc

caravan /kaerevaen/ (n) = a group of

month of the year

the year August /oigsst/ (n) = the eighth month

desert /dezat/ (n) = a large area of land w ithout water or trees

February /februsri/ (n) = the second

April /eipral/ (n) = the fourth month of

people and animals travelling together delicious /di'lijas/ (adj) = very tasty

or plane

of the year

flat shoes /.flaet Ju:z/ (pi n) = foggy /fDgi/ (adj) = (of weather) having

autumn /aitem/ (n) = the season

difficult /d ifik a lt/ (adj) = hard to do

between summer and winter

a thick cloud get off

find /famd/ (v) = to get sth by looking for it freezing cold (phr) = very cold


/bæg/ (n)


get on


/belt/ (n)


(phr v) = to walk onto a

go camping (p h r):


/Ьаїк/Ьашкзі/ (n) =

high tem perature (phr) = the hot /hot/ (adj) = at a very high

/get 'Dn/


greetings /griitiqz/ (pi n) = good wishes

tem perature of a place that is hot

= to walk off a

bus, train, etc

glove /gL\v/ ( n ) :

to sb in a letter

/get 'Df/ (phr v)

bus, train, etc

go skiing (phr) = • boat

/taut/ (n)

boiling hot (phr) = being at an

hat /hast/ (n) -

extremely high temperature

hut /hAt/ (n) =

hot ice fishing /ais fijiq / (n) = catching fish through a hole in the ice igloo /i:glu:/ (n) = • local market (phr) = a place in an area where people buy and sell products




bus /bAs/ (n) = z;



next week (phr) = the new week after Sunday



January /dbænjusri/ (n) = the first month of the year


jeans /djiinz/ (pi n) :

catch the bus (phr) = to get on a bus and take a journey


= at a very high

jacket /djæ kit/ (n) = ^

make a documentary (phr) = to make a TV programme that shows real

/buits/ (pi

/hot/ (adj)

July Мзи'Іаі/ (n) = the seventh month of the year

/tjili/ (adj) = almost cold cloudy /klaudi/ (adj) = with many clouds chilly

plain /piein/ (adj) = simple

jum per /d3Amp3/ (n) = June Мзи:п/ (n) = the sixth month of the


/ksutj/ (n)

= _

rain /rein/ (n) =


year land /lænd/ (v) = (of a plane) to come back to the ground after flying

coat /ksut/ (n) = iIff scarf

/skaif/ (n)



ÉÊP’' $ make a snowman (phr) =

temperature snow /stou/ (v) =

straw /stro:/ (adj) = made of dried wheat stalks



March /m aitj/ (n) = the third month of

cool /ku:l/ (adj) = at a lower

the year May /m ei/ (n) = the fifth month of the

temperature strange /streindV (adj) = unusual


* lt

cold /ksuld/ (adj) = at a very low

December /di'semta/ (n) = the twelfth month of the year depart /di'pait/ (v) = to leave

year means of transport (phr) = buses, trains, planes, etc

the locals /5a 'teukalz/ (pi n) = the people who live in the place where

do exercises (phr)

you are

November /nsu'vemto/ (n) = the

traditional food (phr) = a type of food that has been made for a long time

eleventh month of the year October /Dk'tsubs/ (n) = the tenth month

do sports (phr)

in a place

of the year

tribe /traib/ (v) = a group of people of the same race ruled by their leader trip /trip/ (n) = a short journey

motorcycle /msutesaiksl/ (n) :

on foot (phr) = walking dress

/dres/ (n)


plane /plein/ (n) :

warm /w arn/ (adj) = almost hot


Word List

g -




• .

■* - I - V -

4d (pp. 64 - 65) play computer games (phr) =

admire /ad'maia/ (v) = to find sb/sth

obelisk /Dbalisk/ (n) =


attractive and pleasant to look at sail /seil/ (v) = to control a boat, ship, etc through the water season /si:zan/ (n) = each of the four periods of a year September /sep'temba/ (n) = the ninth month of the year

anniversary /,aeniv3:sari/ (n) = a special event that marks a specific occasion aquarium /a'kweariam/ (n) = a place where people can see fish

skirt/sk3:t/ (n) =

holidays where everything is

town facing the beach and sea

winter and summer

rent /rent/ (v) = to pay sb money to live

or lords in the past enjoyable because of a special occasion customer / kAstsma/ (n) = sb who buys goods or services from a shop,

suit /suit/ (n) =

company, etc destination /desta'neijtan/ (n) = the

summer /V in a / (n) = the hottest season sunny /s A n i/ (adj) = with a lot of sun take off /,teik 'of/ (phr v) = (of a plane) to leave the ground and fly into the

place that you are going to distance /distans/ (n) = the space from sth to sth else Don't miss a visit (phr) = Don’t forget to go and see forest /frarast/ (n) = a large area of land

air tem perature /tempratja/ (n) = how hot or cold a place is

covered with trees gardens /gaidanz/ (pi n) = an area with trees and flowers open to the public head for /hed fa/ (v) = to go to sth or

tie /tai/ (n)

somewhere hidden /hidan/ (adj) = secret

top /top/ (n)

highlight /hailait/ (n) = the best part of sth/somewhere

train /trein/ ( n ) :

trainers /treinaz/ (pi n ) ;

hike /haik/ (n) = a long walk

/ti: J3:t/ ( n ) :

winter /winta/ (n) = the coldest season

chase /tjeis/ (v) = to follow sb or sth in order to catch them mountain range /mauntan ,reind3/ (n) = a group of mountains


enjoys shopping symbol /simbal/ (n) = an object that represents sth or a place take a look (phr) = to have a look at or read sth the great outdoors (phr) = the countryside thick /0ik/ (adj) = (of a wall) strong and wide trendy

/trendi/ (adj)

= in fashion

underwater /Andowoito/ (adj) = below the surface of water unsure /An'Juo/ (adj) = uncertain

4f (p. 67) /ak'sept/ (v) = to say ‘yes’ /in'vait/ (v) = to ask sb to come

accept invite


/,pa:sg bai/

(n) = sb In the

street that you don’t know refuse

/n'fjmz/ (v)

= to say ‘no’

apostrophe /g'pDstrafi/ (n) =

admiration part surrounded by land mountain /mauntan/ (n) = a high land top museum /mjui'ziam/ (n) = a place where you can see and learn about important things


a place

4g (PP. 68-69)

area that might have snow at the 4c (pp. 62- 63)

people go to for rest or holiday shopaholic /Jopo'holik/ (n) = sb who

hotspot /hotspot/ (n) = a popular place

lake /leik/ (n) = a water area windy /windi/ (adj) = with a lot of wind

in a house resort /n'zoit/ (n) = a place which many

impressive /im'presiv/ (adj) = causing include /in'kluid/ (v) = to have sth as a T-shirt

one person relative /retativ/ (n) = a family member

celebrate /setabreit/ (v) = to do sth spring /sprirj/ (n) = the season between

kings, queens or presidents live private /’praivat/ (adj) = used only by

bit of (phr) = kind of castle /ka:sal/ (n) = a large building with


palace /paelas/ (n) = a building where

book /buk/ (v) = to make a reservation thick walls which was built for kings sock /sok/ (n) =


included in one price

beachfront /biitJTrAnt/ (n) = the part of a


package holiday deals (phr) =

area /earia/ (n) = a region

art lover (phr) = sb who loves art

s h irt/J3it/(n) =

avoid /a'vaid/ (v) = to try not to do sth

certainty /s3:tanti/ (n) = being sure

a course on economic subjects company /kxmpani/ (n) = (in business) a group that makes money by making and selling sth difference /’difarans/ (n) = sth that


definitely /defanatli/ (adv) = certainly exhibition /eksa'bijan/ (n) = a public show of pictures or important things hands-on activity (phr) = sth that you do yourself and enjoy interactive display /intarasktiv di'splei/ (n) = an exhibition of electronic items that you can touch and



organised journey, usually to discover sth go hiking (phr) = to go walking outdoors in the open air (phr) = outside interactive whiteboard / intaraektiv 'waitbaid/ (n) = a whiteboard that is

task /ta:sk/ (n) = the work that sb has to do uncertainty /An’s3:tanti/ (n) = not being sure about sth unique /ju:'ni:k/ (adj) = the only one of its kind workshop /'w3:kjDp/ (n) = a group of

connected to a computer and

people discussing sth and doing


practical exercises in order to learn

lab /laeb/ (n) = a place where scientists do tests; a laboratory marine biologist/markn bai'Dlad3ist/ (n) = a scientist who studies life in the sea notepad /naotpæd/ (n) = sample /saanpal/ (n) = a small amount of sth used for testing schoolwork /sku:lw3:k/ (n) = the work you do at school scuba diving /sku:ba daiviq/ (n) = the sport of swimming underwater with oxygen masks and other equipment stationery /steijanari/ (n) = things used for writing, e.g. pens, pencils, rubbers, etc tablet computer /taeblat kam'pjuita/ (n) =

more about it 7g (pp. 116-117) accommodation /a.kDinadeiJan/ (n) = a place to stay animal shelter /aenimal Jelta/ (n) = a home for animals to stay in owned by a charity duty /d ju iti/ (n) = each of the tasks that are sb’s job enquiry /in'kwaiari/ (n) = a question to get information explore /ik'spla:/ (v) = to move around to find out more about a place give out /giv 'aut/ (phr v) = to give sth to people for free handle /haendal/ (v) = to hold injured /ind3ad/ (adj) = hurt or wounded leaflet /liifla t/ (n) = a small sheet of paper with information on it



about sth

makes sb/sth not the same as the expedition /ekspa'dijan/ (n) = an

volunteer /.volantia/ (n) = sb who does helpful work without pay

7f (p.115)

business studies /'biznas .stAdiz/ (pi n) =

vet /vet/ (n) = a doctor who looks after animals

g j' whiteboard /waitbaid/ (n) = -

7d (pp. 111-112)

look exciting and interesting


scary /skeari/ (adj) = frightening


sign up /.sain 'xp/ (phr v) = to join sth

bring sth to life (phr) = to make sth

/reskju:/ (v) = to

sanctuary /saegktjuari/ (n) = a place where wild animals are protected

substances that make the water

to be excited about sth that is going to happen


CLIL 7 (p. 118) axis /aeksis/ (n) = the point on an object around which it turns burn away /,b3:n a'wei/ (phr v) = to make sth disappear by burning it consist of /kan'sist av/ (phr v) = to be formed from two or more things core /ka:/ (n) = the centre of sth distant /'distant/ (adj) = being far away Earth / 3 :6/ (n) = the 3rd planet in our solar system; the planet where we live

/ik'spaend/ (v) = to get bigger /gaes/ (n) = sth that is like air, not

expand gas

solid or liquid give out /g iv 'aut/ (phr v) = to produce (light, heat, etc) heat /hi:t/ (n) = warmth heat up /,hi:t xp/ (phr v) = to get warmer helium /hitliam/ (n) = a type of gas that is very light and often put into balloons hydrogen /haidrad 3an/ (n) = a type of gas that makes water when mixed with oxygen increase /in'krks/ (v) = to become more or get higher inner Ana/ (adj) = on the inside of sth Jupiter

/d3 u:pita/ (n) = the

5th and

biggest planet in our solar system light /la it/ (n) = energy (from the Sun) that lets us see made up of (phr) = consisting of mainly /m einli/ (adv) = mostly Mars /iiiq:z/ (n) = the 4th planet in our solar system Mercury /m 3:kjuri/ (n) = the 1st planet in our solar system and the closest to the Sun metal /'metal/ (n) = a hard natural substance such as iron and gold

■ g

Word List Neptune /'neptjuin/ (n) = the 8th planet in our solar system and the furthest from the Sun around the Sun outer /auta/ (adj) = on the outside of sth planet /plaemt/ (n) = each of the objects

= to make

sb feel better or happy

/di'vais/ (n)


orbit /oibit/ (v) = (of planets) to move

/tjrer tap/ (phr v)

cheer sb up

a period of time

= a piece of



family unity (phr) = togetherness within the family

emotion /fmaujan/ (n) = a strong feeling, e.g. love, anger, etc

find out /.faind 'ant/ (phr v) = to discover sth, to learn about sth

feature /fiitjb / (v) = to show get stuck (phr) = to be stopped by sth

move around a

fixed point Saturn /saeten/ (n) = the 6th planet in our solar system

/psdestrian/ (n)

= a person

solar system /saolo 'sistom/ (n) = the Sun and the planets that orbit it star /sta:/ (n) = a large ball of burning

gift /g ift/ (n) = a present

instead of travelling in a vehicle

good fortune (phr) = good luck


/reksgnaiz/ (v)

= to be able


/n'maind/ (v)

= to help you

remember sth route

/ru:t/ (n)

/juarenas/ (n)

= the way from one place

our solar system Venus

/viinss/ (n)

= the 2nd planet in

our solar system Skills 7 (p. 120)

people help to get rid of all the rubbish from an area a must-have (phr) = sth that many people want to have

/a'lau/ (v)

= to let

contact /kDntaekt/ (v) = to communicate with crew /krui/ (n) = all the people who work as a team on a ship or plane fan /fe n / (n) = sb who likes sth very much science fiction /sarans 'fikjtan/ (n) = imaginative stories about science in the future sth is on special offer (phr) = sth is being sold at a special price wrist com municator (phr) = a small electronic device placed on the wrist

valued keep sb/sth away /,ki:p bw ei/ (phr v) =

U n it 8 - G lo rio u s fo o d

to not let sb/sth come close to you last /laist/ (v) = to continue to happen for some time

a must (phr) = sth essential annual

fenjusl/ (adj)

= happening every


/beisik/ (adj) = essential believe /bi'liiv/ (v) = to think that

luck /L\k/ (n) = good fortune make sure (phr) = to make certain, to check that sth has been done


sth is

bite boil

/bait/ (v) /boil/ (v)

= to cut with your teeth = to cook food in very hot


/maendarin/ (n)



/breik/ (v)

= to separate sth into

break a tooth (phr) = to damage a tooth when biting sth hard careful

/keafal/ (adj)

= paying attention


/sela'breijan/ (n)


a special, pleasurable, social event coin

/koin/ (n)


/nuidal/ (n)

= a long thin string

popular /pnpjala/ (adj) = liked by many people protect

/pra'tekt/ (v) = to keep sb safe /.reprbzent/ (v) = to symbolise

sth serve /s3iv/ (v) = to offer food and drinks


culture /kAltJa/ (n) = the beliefs, arts, philosophy, etc of a nation cut up /,kxt tap/ (phr v) = to break sth into small pieces decorate /dekareit/ (v) = to make sth attractive delicious /di'lijas/ (adj) = tasty

be in a bad mood (phr) = to be upset

= X •


to what you are doing

different /difarant/ (adj) = not the same

(p. 121)

/melan/ (n)


of pasta

pieces by damaging it

of the hand and used to speak to fiction)

mean /mini/ (v) = to represent sth


other people (used in science

or angry

hide /haid/ (v) = to keep sth out of view


a clean-up day (phr) = a day when



in particular (phr) = especially

8a (pp. 122-123) = the 7th planet in

/heiei/ (adj) = in a

important /impoitDnt/ (adj) = highly

to another

support life (phr) = to allow things to Uranus


physical condition

gas in space, e.g. the Sun live

colours and a loud noise

who is walking along a street

to know who sb/what sth is

shrink /Jrn]k/ (v) = to get smaller

fireworks /farew3iks/ (pi n) = objects that explode in the sky with bright

or in sth pedestrian

/reu'teit/ (v) = to



evil spirit /.iival spirit/ (n) = a ghost

star the ground

/iizi/ (adj) = not

equipment used for a certain task, a

that go around the Sun or another rock /rok/ (n) = a hard material found in

during /djusrii]/ (prep) = through

as sth else dish /d ij/ (n) = a type of food dumpling /dAmplii]/ (n) = a small ball of dough with a filling

symbol /simbol/ (n) = an object that represents sth symbolise /simbolaiz/ (v) = to be a symbol of sth take place (phr) = to happen traditional /tra'dijanal/ (adj) = existing for a long time without changing traditionally /tra'dijanali/ (adv) = always happening in the same way unity /juinati/ (n) = togetherness with others unless /A n tes/ (conj) = if not wealth whole

/we10/ (n) = richness /haul/ (adj) = complete


8b (pp. 1 2 4 - 125)


/avoid/ (v) = to


try not to do sth

/kompo'tijan/ (n)


hungry /h A rjg r i/ (adj) = needing sth to

an event where people try to be the winner


/basg/ (n)

consist of


/kan'sist av/ (phr v)

= to be

/kantema/ (n)


(n) - | X

= sth used to

keep things in bake

/beik/ (v)

= to cook in the oven

baking powder

/kraeb/ (n)


/beikiq .pauda/

(n) =

knife /naïf/ (n) = lay the table (phr) = to put the plates,


cream cracker


jar /d3a:/ (n) = junk /d3Ai]k/ (adj) = (of food) unhealthy

made of




glasses and cutlery onto a table in the right place

/,kri:m kraeka/

lettuce /letas/ (n) =

(n) =

bar /ba:/ (n) = a long thin piece of sth, loaf /lauf/ (n) = a large piece of bread

e.g. chocolate, soap, etc


/krisps/ (pi

n) = ^

that can be cut into slices

beef lbv.il (n) = lobster beverage /bevarid3/ (n) = a type of



/LvntJ/ (n)


non-alcoholic drink cutlery /kAtlari/ (n) = the tools used for biscuit /biskit/ (n) =

eating, e.g. forks, knives, spoons dairy

bowl /bad/ (n) = ? — -

/deari/ (n)

decide on

= the middle meal of

the day macaroni

/maeka'rauni/ (n)


= types of food made

from milk, e.g. cheese, yoghurt

bread /bred/ (n) =

/lobsta/ ( n ) :

(n) =

/di'said tin/ (phr v)


/mid/ (n)

= breakfast, lunch and

= to

choose dessert

bread roll /bred raul/ (n) =


breakfast /brekfast/ (n) = the first meal of the day

/di'z3:t/ (n)

= a sweet dish eaten

milk /milk/ (n) =

after a meal dinner

/dina/ (n)

= the last meal of the

napkin /naepkin/ (n) =



egg /eg/ (n) =

butter /bAta/ (n) =

fizzy cabbage /kaebid^/ (n) =

onion /Anjan/ (n) =


/fizi/ (adj)

= (of a drink) with


hf, „



orange /Drind 3 / (n) = order / Dida/ (v) = to make a request for

flo u r/flaua/ (n) =

food and drinks at a restaurant

can /kaen/ (n) = packet

/paekit/ (n)


fork /fo:k/ (n) = carrot

/kaerat/ (n)

participate in /pai'tisipeit in/ (v) = to

= fruit

/kaitan/ (n)


/fruit/ (n)



fruit juice cereal


cereal bar


/tjiiz/ (n)




fry lixa.il =





/paesta/ (n)



(v) =

to cook in hot oil or butter

a fruit or vegetable plate /pleit/ (n) =

garlic /g a ilik / (n) =

glass /glais/ (n) = \ o j

(n) =


/pa'teitau/ (n)

prefer /pri'f3i/ (v) = to like sth better grapes


/fruit d3Uis/

take part in sth

peel /piil/ (v) = to remove the skin from

(n) =

/siarial tba:/ (n)

= an apple, an orange,

/greips/ (pi

n) =

than sth else ready /redi/ (adj) = prepared

/tjoklat/ (n) hom emade /haum'meid/ (adj) = (of food) cooked at home

coffee /k D f i/ (n)


hot chocolate /hot ’tjoklat/ ( n ) :

r ic e / r a is / (n) = v/ -

Word List rich in sth (phr) = having lots of sth

It’s forbidden (phr) = It’s against the rules

saucer /so:sa/ (n) = scrambled /skraembsld/ (adj) = (of eggs) mixed and cooked in a frying pan seafood /si:fu:d/ (n) = fish and shellfish that you can eat snack /snaek/ (n) = a quick simple meal

/spsgeti/ (n)


/spaikliq/ (adj)


It’s possible (phr) = It might happen

take place (phr) = to happen

junk food (phr) = unhealthy food


need /ni:d/ (v) = to want sth packed lunch (phr) = food that you

announcem ent /a'naunsmsnt/ (n) = book /buk/ (v) = to reserve a place

■te» i

compete /ksm'pkt/ (v) = to take part in a

supper /sApa/ (n) = a light meal at the

competition competition /kDtnpPtiJbn/ (n) = an

end of the day

/teibalwea/ (n) = the


that you use for meals, e.g. plates,

event where people try to be the winner with sb

tea /ti:/ ( n ) : thirsty /03:sti/ (adj) = needing sth to

fabulous /faebjabs/ (adj) = wonderful float /fbut/ (n) = a decorated vehicle


which is used in celebrations

/ta'ma:tau/ (n) =

free entrance (phr) = not having to pay to go into a place fruity event (phr) = a celebration

|O J

related to fruit

/ved3 tabal/ (n)

= a carrot,

a pepper, a lettuce, etc a piece of cloth

highlight /haila it/ (n) = the best part hold a festival (phr) = to organise an event celebrating sth particular

/jDgat/ (n) =

huge parade (phr) = a big procession last /la:st/ (v) = to continue to happen

8c (pp. 126- 127)

/bi a'laud/ (v) = to

funfair /fAnfea/ (n) = an outdoor event with rides, games and food stalls

wipe /waip/ (n) = to remove dirt by using

for some time be

permitted do exercise (phr) = to do physical activity like running or aerobics drink fizzy drinks (phr) = to drink liquids with lots of sugar and bubbles in them find time to relax (phr) = to set aside a period of time to do sth that makes you feel calm get enough sleep (phr) = to sleep for as long as you need to It’s a good idea (phr) = It’s a sensible

main course /mein ko:s/ = the largest course of a meal starter /sta:ta/ (n) = the course served before the main meal 8f (p. 131) Enjoy your meal, (phr) = Bon appetit. portion

/porjsn/ (n)

= an amount of food

that comes to (phr) = that costs 8g (pp. 132 - 133)

contest /kDntest/ (n) = a competition

thing to do

borrow /'bDreu/ (v) = to take sth to give

for one person

contact /kontaekt/ (v) = to communicate

knives, etc

be allowed

8e (p. 130)

dialogue between two or more people

a formal statement

sugar /Juga/ (n) =


kri:m/ (n) =

it back later


amazing /a'meizirj/ (adj) = astonishing




conversation /konva'seijan/ (n) = a

still /stil/ (adj) = (of water) without

tuna /tju:no/ (n) :

grow on whipped cream

very quickly so that it becomes thick

8d (pp. 128 - 129)


(n) = the plant that grapes

poach an egg (phr) = to boil an egg

moving pictures and shows on the

/spurn/ ( n ) :



cream that has been moved around

with bubbles spoon


take with you to eat at lunchtime

watch lots of TV (phr) = to see a lot of = (of water)

/stri:t ps.reid/ (n)

a procession through the streets

without the shell spaghetti

street parade

parade /pa'reid/ (n) = a procession participate in /pai'tisipeit in/ (v) = to take part in an event past /pa:st/ (n) = history ride /raid/ (n) = a machine that people

crazy /kreizi/ (adj) = strange but fun demonstration /demaristreijan/ (n) = the act of showing sb how to do sth detail /d iite il/ (n) = a piece of information display /di'splei/ (n) = a show exciting /ik'saitii]/ (adj) = making you feel happy and enthusiastic follow

/fobu/ (v) = to

do what sb/sth

says highlight /ha ilait/ (n) = the best part in the wild (phr) = in nature include

/in'kluid/ (v)

= to have sth as a

part local /b o ka l/ (adj) = from the area around a place pick /pik/ (v) = to take fruit or vegetables from a tree, bush or the soil poisonous /paizanas/ (adj) = containing a substance that can cause death remove /n'muiv/ (v) = to take sth away

go on for fun at a funfair or in an amusem ent park

shrimp /Jump/ (n)

seed spitting (phr) = pushing the inside part of a fruit out of your mouth with force

stall /sto:l/ (n) = a table outdoors where you can buy things

shortcake /Ja:tkeik/ (n) = a type of cake with strawberries on top stomp on

/stomp on/

(v) = to step on

sth very hard


Word List C LIL 8 (p. 134)


/gran/ (v) = to get bigger healthy /hel0i/ (adj) = having good


beans /bi:nz/ (pi n) = large seeds from a plant that we can eat calcium /kadsbm/ (n) = a substance found in food and needed for



healthy diet (phr) = food and drink that give a person good health

measure how much energy there is

for one person

(adv) = in or to a foreign

country meat inside different

process /preuses/ (v) = to deal with sth to get it ready for use

in food


burger /b3iga/ (n) = a bread roll with

portion /po:Jbn/ (n) = an amount of food

healthy bones calories /kaelsriz/ (pi n) = units that

S k ills 8 (p. 136)

/'difsrsnt/ (adj)

= not the same

gate /geit/ (n) = the entrance to a place that is outside a building

disease /di'ziiz/ (n) = an illness

proportion /pre'poijsn/ (n) = an amount

glad /glaed/ (adj) = happy

eatwell plate /i:twel .pleit/ (n) = a

protein /prauti:n/ (n) = a substance


drawing which shows all the healthy foods that we must eat energy needs (phr) = the power you need to be physically and mentally fat /faet/ (n) = an oily substance found in food and living things fibre /'faiba/ (n) = a substance found in plants that we need for a healthy = to prevent sth bad from

doing you harm gain weight (phr) = to become heavier get overweight (phr) = to become fatter than you should be grains

/greinz/ (pi

n) = food made from

cereal crops, e.g. wheat, barley, oats, etc


/vitaman/ (n)


= the materials that

/wel 'baebnst/ (adj)

different colours public, e.g. a play or a dance popular / 'p D p j s b / (adj) = liked by a lot of


having different things in the right amounts yoghurt /jDgst/ (n) = a thick semi-liquid food made from milk

(p. 137)

perform / p a 'fo r n / (v) = to do sth in

body needs to stay healthy

/weist/ (n)

offer /nfb/ (v) = to ask sb if they would

colourful /kA bfbl/ (adj) = having many

= a natural

substance found in food that your waste

ask sb to come to

like you to do sth for them

are not needed by the body


/fait/ (v)

right Irani (adj) = correct variety /va'raiati/ (n) = lots of different vitamin

/in'vait/ (v) = to

a place

rich in sth (phr) = having lots of sth




found in meat, eggs, etc

people rectangular


(adJ) = Ik

American English - British English Guide A m e r i c a n E n g li s h

B r i t is h E ng lis h

A m e r i c a n E n g li s h

B ri t is h E n g li s h

bill/account aeroplane anywhere flat

pants/trousers pantyhose/nylons parking lot pavement pedestrian crossing (potato) chips public school purse

trousers tights car park road surface zebra crossing crisps state school handbag


account airplane anyplace/anywhere apartment B

bathrobe bathtub bill busy (phone)

dressing gown bath banknote engaged (phone)


cab call/phone can candy check closet connect (telephone) cookie corn crazy

taxi ring up/phone tin sweets bill (restaurant) wardrobe put through biscuit sweetcorn, maize mad


desk clerk dessert downtown drapes drugstore/pharmacy duplex

receptionist pudding/dessert/sweet (city) centre curtains chemist's (shop) semi-detached


eggplant elevator

R railroad rest room S

sales clerk/sales girl schedule shorts (underwear) sidewalk stand in line store, shop subway

shop assistant timetable pants pavement queue shop underground


truck tw o weeks

lorry, van fortnight/tw o weeks


vacation vacuum (v.) vacuum cleaner vest

holiday(s) hoover hoover waistcoat


aubergine lift

with or without (milk/cream in coffee)

fall faucet first floor, second floor, etc flashlight French fries front desk (hotel)

autumn tap ground floor, first floor, etc torch chips reception


garbage/trash garbage can gas gas station grade

rubbish dustbin/bin petrol petrol station/garage class/year


railway toilet/cloakroom

black or white




(pronounced, "zee") zero zip code

(pronounced, "zed") nought postcode

G ram m ar

He just went out./ He has just gone out.

He has just gone out.

Hello, is this Steve?

Hello, is that Steve?

Do you have a car?/ Have you got a car?

Have you got a car?

I intermission intersection

interval crossroads








lawyer/attorney line lost and found

solicitor queue lost property


mail make a reservation motorcycle movie movie house/theater

post book motorbike/motorcycle film




office (doctor's/dentist's) one-way (ticket) overalls

surgery single (ticket) dungarees

S pelling

aluminum analyze center check color honor jewelry practiced,v) program realize tire tra v e lle r

aluminium analyse centre cheque colour honour jewellery practice(n) practise(v) programme realise tyre traveller

E x p r e s s io n s w i t h p r e p o s i t i o n s a n d p a r t i c l e s

different from/than live on X street on a team on the weekend Monday through Friday

different from/to live in X street in a team at the weekend Monday to Friday


Irregular Verbs Infinitive be/Ьі:/ bear/Ьез/ beat ШІ become/Ьі'клт/ begin/bigm/ bite/bait/ blow/Ьізи/ break/breik/ bring/briq/ build/bild/ burn/Ьз:п/



Past Participle



Past Participle

leave/liiv/ lend/lend/ let /let/ lie/lai/ light /lait/ lose/luiz/

left /left/ lent /lent/ let /let/ lay/lei/ lit /lit/ lost /lDSt/

left /left/ lent /lent/ let /let/ lain/lein/ lit /lit/ lost Anst/

make/meik/ mean/mim/ meet /miit/

made/meid/ meant /ment/ met /met/

made/meid/ meant/ment/ met /met/

pay/pei/ put /put/

paid/peid/ put /put/

paid/peid/ put /put/

read/riid/ ride/raid/ ring/rig/ rise/raiz/ run/un/

read/red/ rode/raud/ rang/raeg/ rose/touz/ ran/nen/

read/red/ ridden/ridan/ rung/rAg/ risen/rizan/ runlr\n/

say/sei/ see/si:/ sell /sel/ send/send/ set /set/ sew/sou/ shake/Jeik/ shine/Jain/ shoot /Juit/ show/Jau/ shut /jAt/ sing/sig/ sit /sit/ sleep/ship/ smell /smel/

said/sed/ saw/so:/ sold/sould/ sent /sent/ set /set/ sewed/soud/ shook/Juk/ shone/Jon/ shot /jDt/ showed/Joud/ shut /JAt/ sang/steg/ sat /sst/ slept /slept/ smelt (smelled) /smelt (smeld)/ spoke/spauk/ spelt (spelled)/spelt (speld)/ spent /spent/ stood/stud/ stole/stoul/ stuck/stAk/ stung/sug/ swore/swo:/ swept /swept/ swam/swaem/

said/sed/ seen/sim/ sold/sauld/ sent /sent/ set /set/ sewn/soun/ shaken/Jeikan/ shone/Jon/ shot /Jot/ shown/faun/ shut /Jai/ sung/sAg/ sat /sa;t/ slept /slept/ smelt (smelled) /smelt (smeld)/ spoken/spoukon/ spelt (spelled) /spelt (speld)/ spent /spent/ stood/stud/ Stolen/staulan/ Stuck/stAk/ stung/sug/ sworn/swam/ swept /swept/ swum/swAm/

took /tuk/ taught /ton/ tore/to:/ told/tould/ thought /0o:t/ threw/0ru:/

taken/teikan/ taught /toit/ torn/tom/ told/tauld/ thought /0o:t/ thrown/9roun/

burst /b3:st/ buy/Ьаі/

was/wdz/ bore/bo:/ beat /bin/ became/bi'keim/ began/bi'gaen/ bit /bit/ blew/blu:/ broke/brook/ brought /broit/ built /bilt/ burnt (burned) /b3int (b3ind)/ burst /b3ist/ bought /boit/

been/bim/ born(e) /bom/ beaten/biiton/ become/brkAm/ begun/bi'gAn/ bitten/bitan/ blown/blaun/ broken/brookon/ brought /broit/ built /bilt/ burnt (burned) /b3int (b3ind)/ burst /b3ist/ bought /boit/

can/каеп/ catch/kaetj/ choose/tjuiz/ come/клт/ cost /knst/ cut /kAt/

could/kud/ caught /koit/ chose/tfouz/ came/keim/ cost /kost/ cut /kAt/

(been ableto/bin eibol to/) caught /koit/ chosen/tjoozon/ come/kAm/ cost /kDSt/ cut /kAt/

deal /di:l/ dig/dig/ do/du:/ draw/dro:/ dream/driim/ drink/drigk/ drive/draiv/

dealt /delt/ dug/dAg/ did/did/ drew/dru:/ dreamt (dreamed) /dremt (driimd)/ drank/draegk/ drove/droov/

dealt /delt/ dug/dAg/ done/d\n/ drawn/drain/ dreamt (dreamed) /dremt (driimd)/ drunk/drAgk/ driven/drivon/

eat /i:t/



fall /foil/ feed/fi:d/ feel /fill/ fight/fait/ find/famd/ fly/flai/ forbid/fa'bid/ forget /fa'get/ forgive/fo'giv/ freeze/friiz/

fell /fel/ fed/fed/ felt /felt/ fought /foit/ found/faund/ flew/flu:/ forbade/fo'beid/ forgot /fo'gDt/ forgave/fa’geiv/ froze/frooz/

fallen/fatten/ fed/fed/ felt /felt/ fought /foit/ found/faund/ flown/floun/ forbidden/fo'bidon/ forgotten /fo'gDton/ forgiven/fogivon/ frozen/frouzan/

get /get/ give/giv/ go/gau/ grow/grau/

got /gDt/ gave/geiv/ went /went/ grew/gru:/

got /got/ given/givon/ gone/gon/ grown/graun/

hangДіжі]/ have/hiev/ hear Дію/ hide/haid/ hit /hit/ hold/hould/ hurt /h3it/

hung(hanged) /lug (haegd)/ had/haed/ heard/h3-.d/ hid/hid/ hit /hit/ held/held/ hurt feit/

take/teik/ hung (hanged) /lug (haeqd)/ teach/tiitj/ tear /tea/ had/haed/ tell /tel/ heard/h3id/ think/0igk/ throw/0rou/ hidden/hidan/ hit /hit/ understand held/held/ /,Anda'staend/ hurt /h3it/

keep/кіір/ know/паи/

kept /kept/ knew/nju:/

kept /kept/ known/naun/

layДеі/ leadAiid/ learn/1з:п/

laid/leid/ led/led/ learnt (learned) /tomt (bind)/

laidAeid/ led/led/ learnt (learned) /hint (hind)/

speak/spiik/ spell /spel/ spend/spend/ stand/stasnd/ steal /still/ stick/stik/ sting/stig/ swear /swea/ sweep/swiip/ swim/swim/

wake/weik/ wear /wea/ win/win/ write/ran/

understood/Andastud/ understood/Ando'stud/ woke/wauk/ wore/wo:/ won/wAn/ wrote/raut/

woken/woukon/ worn/worn/ won/WAn/ written /riton/

American English - British English Guide A m e r i c a n E n g lis h

B ri ti s h E ng lis h

A m e r i c a n E n g li s h

B ri t is h E n g li s h

bill/account aeroplane anywhere flat

pants/trousers pantyhose/nylons parking lot pavement pedestrian crossing (potato) chips public school purse

trousers tights car park road surface zebra crossing crisps state school handbag


account airplane anyplace/anywhere apartment B

bathrobe bathtub bill busy (phone)

dressing gown bath banknote engaged (phone)


cab call/phone can candy check closet connect (telephone) cookie corn crazy

taxi ring up/phone tin sweets bill (restaurant) wardrobe put through biscuit sweetcorn, maize mad


desk clerk dessert downtown drapes drugstore/pharmacy duplex

railroad rest room

railway toilet/cloakroom


sales clerk/sales girl schedule shorts (underwear) sidewalk stand in line store, shop subway

shop assistant timetable pants pavement queue shop underground


truck two weeks

lorry, van fortnight/tw o weeks

receptionist pudding/dessert/sweet (city) centre curtains chemist's (shop) semi-detached

vacation vacuum (v.) vacuum cleaner vest

holiday(s) hoover hoover waistcoat

aubergine lift

W with or w ithout (milk/cream in coffee)

black or white


eggplant elevator



fall faucet first floor, second floor, etc flashlight French fries front desk (hotel)

autumn tap ground floor, first floor, etc torch chips reception

garbage/trash garbage can gas gas station grade

rubbish dustbin/bin petrol petrol station/garage class/year






(pronounced, "zee") zero zip code

(pronounced, "zed" nought postcode

G ram m ar

He just went out./ He has just gone out.

He has just gone out.

Hello, is this Steve?

Hello, is that Steve?

Do you have a car?/ Have you got a car?

Have you got a car?

I intermission intersection

interval crossroads







L lawyer/attorney line lost and found

solicitor queue lost property


mail make a reservation motorcycle movie movie house/theater

post book motorbike/motorcycle film




office (doctor's/dentist's) one-way (ticket) overalls

surgery single (ticket) dungarees


aluminum analyze center check color honor jewelry practiced,v) program realize tire tra v e lle r

aluminium analyse centre cheque colour honour jewellery practice(n) practise(v) programme realise tyre traveller

E x p r e s s io n s w i t h p r e p o s i t i o n s a n d p a r t i c l e s

different from/than live on X street on a team on the weekend Monday through Friday

different from/to live in X street in a team at the weekend Monday to Friday


Irregular Verbs Infinitive


Past Participle


Past Participle

b e /b i:/

w a s /w d z /

b e e n /b i:n /

le a v e /li:v /

le f t A e ft /

l e f t / le ft/

b e a r /b e s t

b o r e /bo:/

b o r n ( e ) /b orn /

le n d A e n d /

l e n t A e n t/

l e n t /le n t/

b e a t /b n /

b e a t /b i:t/

b e a t e n /b i:to n /

l e t A e t/

l e t / le t/

l e t A e t/

b e c o m e /b i'k A m /

b e c a m e / b i'k e im /

b e c o m e /b i'k A m /

lie / la i/

la y A e i/

la in / le in /

b e g i n /b i'g m /

b e g a n /bi'gaen/

b e g u n /b i'g A n /

l i g h t / la it /

lit A it/

lit A » /

b i t e /b a it/

b i t /b it/

b i t t e n / b it a n /

lo s e A m z /

lo s t A o s t/

l o s t A o s t/

b lo w /b b u /

b l e w /b lu :/

b lo w n /b b u n / m a d e / m e id /

b r e a k / b r e ik /

b r o k e /b ra u k /

b r o k e n /b r a u k a n /

m a k e / m e ik /

m a d e / m e id /

b r i n g /b rig /

b r o u g h t /bro:t/

b r o u g h t /b ro:t/

m e a n /m i:n /

m e a n t /m e n t/

m e a n t / m e n t/

b u i l d / b ild /

b u i l t / b ilt /

b u i l t / b ilt/

m e e t /m i:t/

m e t /m e t/

m e t /m e t/

b u r n /b 3:n /

b u rn t (b u rn e d )

b u rn t(b u rn e d ) p a y / p e i/

p a i d /p e id /

p a i d /p e id /

p u t /p ut/

p u t /p ut/

p u t /p ut/

/b 3 in t (b 3:n d )/

/b 3 :n t (b 3 :n d )/

b u r s t /b 3 ist/

b u r s t /b 3 ist/

b u r s t /b3:st/

b u y / b a i/

b o u g h t /bo:t/

b o u g h t /bo:t/ r e a d /ri:d /

r e a d /re d /

r e a d /re d /

c a n /kaen/

c o u l d /k u d /

( b e e n a b l e t o / b in 'e ib o l to/)

r id e /ra id /

r o d e /ra u d /

r i d d e n / r id a n /

c a t c h /k a etj/

c a u g h t /ko:t/

c a u g h t /k o:t/

r in g /riq /

r a n g /u e i]/

r u n g /rA q /

c h o o s e / t ju iz /

c h o s e /tja u z /

C h o s e n / t ja u z a n /

r is e /ra iz /

r o s e /ra u z /

r is e n / r iz a n /

c o m e /k A m /

c a m e / k e im /

c o m e /k A m /

r u n /rA n /

ra n /ra n /

r u n /rA n /

c o s t /k o s t/

c o s t /k o s t/

c o s t /k o s t/

c u t /k A t/

c u t /k A t/

c u t /kA t/

s a y / s e i/

s a id /s e d /

s a id /s e d /

s e e /si:/

s a w /so:/

s e e n /si:n /

d e a l /dv.il

d e a l t / d e li/

d e a l t /d e lt/

s e ll /s e l/

s o l d /s a u ld /

s o l d /s a u ld /

d i g /d ig /

d u g /d A g /

d u g /d A g /

s e n d /s e n d /

s e n t /se n t/

s e n t /se n t/ s e t /set/

d o /du:/

d i d /d id /

d o n e /d An /

s e t /se t/

s e t /se t/

d r a w /dro:/

d r e w /dru:/

d r a w n /d ro :n /

s e w /sau /

s e w e d /s a u d /

s e w n /sau n /

d r e a m /d ri:m /

d re a m t (d re a m e d )

d re a m t (d re a m e d )

s h a k e / J e ik /

s h o o k /J u k /

s h a k e n / J e ik a n /

s h i n e / J a in /

s h o n e /Jo n /

s h o n e /Jo n /

d r i n k /d rirjk /

d r a n k /draeqk/

d r u n k /d rA q k /

s h o o t /Ju:t/

s h o t /Jo t/

s h o t /Jm /

d r i v e / d r a iv /

d r o v e /d ro u v /

d r iv e n / d r iv e n /

s h o w /J a u /

s h o w e d /Ja u d /

s h o w n /Ja u n /

s h u t //A t/

s h u t /jA t/

s h u t /J a i /

e a t /i:t/

a t e /e it/

e a t e n /i:ta n /

s in g /sir]/

s a n g /saeq/

s u n g / s a i )/

S it /s it/

s a t /stet/

s a t /sset/

f a ll / fo il/

f e ll /fe l/

f a lle n /fo d a n /

s le e p /s li:p /

s l e p t /s le p t/

s le p t /s le p t/

f e e d /fi:d /

f e d /fe d /

f e d /fe d /

s m e l l /s m e l/

s m e l t ( s m e lle d ) / s m e lt

s m e l t ( s m e lle d ) / s m e lt

/d r e m t (d riim d )/

/d r e m t (d ri:m d )/

f e e l / f ill/

f e l t / fe lt/

f e l t / f e lt/

f i g h t / f a it /

f o u g h t /fo:t/

f o u g h t /fo:t /

s p e a k /s p i:k /

s p o k e /s p a u k /

s p o k e n /sp a u ka n /

f i n d / f a in d /

f o u n d /fa u n d /

f o u n d / fa u n d /

s p e ll /s p e l/

s p e l t ( s p e lle d ) /s p e lt

s p e lt ( s p e lle d ) /s p e lt

f ly / f la i/

f l e w /flu :/

f l o w n /fte o n /

f o r b i d /fa 'b id /

f o r b a d e /fo 'b e id /

f o r b i d d e n /fa 'b id a n /

s p e n d /s p e n d /

(s m e ld ) /

(s m e ld ) /

(s p e ld )/

(s p e ld )/

s p e n t /s p e n t/

s p e n t /s p e n t/

f o r g e t /fa 'g e t/

f o r g o t /fa 'g m /

f o r g o t t e n /fa 'g o ta n /

s t a n d /staend/

s t o o d /s tu d /

s t o o d /stu d /

f o r g i v e /fa 'g iv /

f o r g a v e / f a g e iv /

f o r g i v e n / f a g iv a n /

S t e a l /s ti:l/

s t o l e /s ta u l/

S t o le n /s ta u la n /

f r e e z e / fri:z /

f r o z e /fr a o z /

f r o z e n /fra u z a n /

s t i c k / s tik /

s t u c k /s tA k /

s t u c k /s tA k /

s t i n g /s tiq /

s t u n g /stAq/

s t u n g /stAq/

s w o r e /sw o :/

s w o r n /s w o rn /

g o t /g o t/

g o t /g o t/

s w e a r /s w e a /

g iv e / g iv /

g a v e / g e iv /

g iv e n / g iv a n /

s w e e p /s w i;p /

s w e p t /s w e p t/

s w e p t /s w e p t/

g o /g au /

W e n t /w e n t/

g o n e /g o n /

s w i m / s w im /

s w a m /sw aem /

s w u m /s w A m /

g r o w /g ra u /

g r e w / g r u :/

g r o w n /g ra u n /

h a n g /h te g /

h u n g ( h a n g e d ) /hAi]

h u n g ( h a n g e d ) A u r] (haeqd)/

h a v e /h te v /

h a d /haed/

h a d /haed/

h e a r A na/

h e a r d /h3:d/

g e t /g e t/

t a k e / t e ik /

t o o k /tu k /

t a k e n / t e ik a n /

t e a c h /ti:tj/

t a u g h t /to:t/

t a u g h t /to:t/

t e a r /tea /

t o r e /to:/

t o r n /to:n/

t e l l /te l/

t o l d /ta u ld /

t o l d /ta u ld /

h e a r d /h 3 id /

t h i n k /G iqk/

t h o u g h t /9o:t/

t h o u g h t /0o:t/

th ro w /B ra u /

th re w /0 ru :/

t h r o w n /0 ra u n /

u n d e rs ta n d

u n d e r s t o o d /.Anda'stud/

u n d e r s t o o d /.A n d a s tu d /


h i d e /h a u l/

h id /h id /

h i d d e n / h id a n /

h i t /h it/

h i t /h it/

h i t /h it/

h o l d /h a u ld /

h e l d /h e ld /

h e l d /h e ld /

h u r t Ih M /

h u r t /h3:t/

h u r t /h3:t/

k e e p /k i:p /

k e p t /k e p t/

k e p t /k e p t/

w a k e / w e ik /

w o k e /w a u k /

w o k e n /w a u kan /

k n o w /n au /

k n e w /nju:/

k n o w n /n a u n /

w e a r/w e a /

w o r e /w o :/

w o r n /w o :n /

w i n /w in /

w o n /W An /

w o n /w A n /

w r i t e /ra it/

w r o t e /ra u t/

w r i t t e n /rit a n /

la y A e i /

la id / le id /

la id / le id /

le a d /li:d /

le d / le d /

le d / le d /

l e a r n / 13 :11/

l e a r n t ( le a r n e d ) A 3 :n t

le a r n t ( le a r n e d ) / b : n t

(l3 :n d )/



( b in d ) /


Student’s Book Audioscripts U nit 1 - Hello! 1 b - Exercise 5a (p. 13) Larry: Can you ride a horse, John? John: No, I can’t, but I can do martial arts. Larry: T hat’s great! So can I. Can you use a com puter? John: Of course I can, th a t’s easy! Larry: Can you play basketball? John: Yes, I can, but I ca n ’t play an instrument.

Exercise 5b (p. 18) 1 Girl: Alan is in the football team, isn’t he? Boy: No, th a t’s his brother Mark. Alan prefers basketball. Girl: Can he play well? Boy: Not really. He isn’t very tall and he can't run very fast. Girl: But he’s a great swimmer. He can swim really fast! Boy: T hat’s true. 2 Boy: Oh good! It’s the Maths lesson next. I love Maths! Girl: Well, I don’t. It’s too difficult! I’m good at Geography, though. Boy: Is Geography your favourite subject? Girl: It is interesting, but I prefer Art.

Exercise 8a (p. 13) The tim etable for Mondays is pretty busy! The first lesson is Chemistry from 8:30 to 9:25 in Room R10. Then, at 9:30 it’s Maths until 10:25. That’s in Room R12. After the break, it’s French in Room R8 from 10:40 to 11:35. Then it’s tim e for PE. At 12:30 it’s lunchtime! It’s great to relax fo r an hour! The first lesson after lunch is History from 1:30 to 2:30 in Room R7. Then it’s my favourite lesson, Art. That’s in Room R5 at 2:30. At 3:30 we are free to go home!


Hi Janice, this is a message about a change in the timetable. The music lesson is not in Room 14 at 10 o ’clock with Mr Smith. He’s sick today. It’s in Room 12 with Miss Tibbs. Miss Tibbs is busy in Room 4 until 11 o ’clock, so the new tim e for the music lesson is 11:30.


Girl: W ho’s that playing the guitar? Is it Kim? Boy: No, th a t’s Lynne, K im ’s sister. Lynne’s very good at music but she doesn’t like sports.

1 d - Exercise 8 (p. 17) David: Can you believe it? John is num ber one in his team again! Sister: W hich one is John? Is he the football player? David: No, John ca n ’t kick a ball but he can swim really fast. Patrick is the footballer. He can score goals with his head. Sister: Oh yes, and his brother is on the team too, isn’t he? David: No, P atrick’s brother, Terry, is on the basketball team. He can jum p really high. Sister: So, w hat can your best friend do? David: Who, Paul? Paul’s great at tennis. He can hit a tennis ball really hard! Sister: Wow! Your friends are very talented. David: Yes, I’m the only one who isn’t. I can’t even run fast! 1 e —Exercise 3 (p. 18)

Girl: Yes, Kim prefers sports and she’s good at running. Boy: Yes, she is. But her favourite sport is karate. 5

Boy: Is Tony Australian? Girl: No, he isn’t. The other new boy, Simon, is. He’s from Perth. Boy: What about Tony? Girl: His parents are from the USA but they are both here in the UK because of their jobs. Boy: Oh, so Tony is American? Girl: Yes, th a t’s right.

S k ills 1 - Exercise 5 (p. 24) Hi, my name is Victor. I am 18 years old and I com e from Warsaw, the capital city of Poland. But my home now is in the UK. My school, P ickw ick Secondary School, is in London. At school, my favourite subjects are History and Chemistry. Our History teacher, Mr Gifford, is very clever!

Andy: H istory is great! It’s my firs t lesson on Monday mornings and I love it. Do you like History? Sue: No, I ca n ’t stand it - it’s really boring and I ca n ’t rem ember all those names and dates. Andy: So w h a t’s your favourite subject? I know you like travel. I bet you like Geography! Sue: Hmm ... Geography is OK, but actually I’m not that

And after school, I can play lots of sports! My favourite sport is football. But I can’t kick the ball or score goals. I am the goalkeeper on the team!

good at it. The lesson I like is Chemistry. It’s an easy lesson fo r me and it’s interesting too. Jeff doesn’t like it much, though. He prefers Maths.

2 b - Exercise 3a (p. 28)

Andy: Really? I d o n ’t like Maths at all. It’s too difficult and I’m not good with numbers. Sue: I’m not, either. W hat about Ania? W hat subject is she good at? Andy: English, of course. She loves it. She reads lots of English novels and she gets A grades for her compositions! Sue: Wow! I’m no good at English at all. I make too many spelling mistakes! Andy: Me too!

U nit 2 - Home! Hi! My name is Stella. My favourite room is my bedroom. It’s really big and I have got lots of furniture in it. There is a single bed and a w ardrobe with all my clothes inside. Also, there is a desk, a chair and a com puter so I can do my w ork in the evenings. And on the walls there are posters o f my favourite singers! Exercise 7 (p. 29) Paula: Hi, Mary. Which floor is Sandra’s room on? Is it on the third floor? Mary: No, it isn’t. My room is on the third floor. Sandra’s on the 10th.


Student’s Book Audioscripts Paula: Is that the same floor as Peter’s? Mary: No, Peter’s on the 5th floor and Steve and Paul live


A: Hi Peter! I’m surprised to see you here. Why aren’t you in the library? Y ou’ve got an im portant exam tom orrow . B: Oh, hi Sarah. No, that exam is on Friday. Tomorrow we have a class trip to a museum. A: Sounds like fun. Anyway, you can use this treadm ill now. I’m finished. B: No, it’s OK. I can lift these weights for a few minutes.


A: Bill, there is a ladder in the garage. Can you get it

on the next floor. Paula: I d id n ’t know they lived on the 6th floor. My room is there, too! Exercise 10 (p. 29) Mark: I like my neighbourhood a lot. I live on Main Street on the 16th floor. There is a great museum opposite my building! Next to that is the post office. My mum goes there every day. Not far away there is a gym where my brother exercises. There is an amazing zoo, too. I love the lions! A fter school, I go to the park to play football. It’s a very safe neighbourhood. There is a police station between the hospital and the fire station!


- Exercise 8 (p. 33)

for me? B: OK Dad. But give me 5 minutes. I have got some w ork to do here in the garden first. A: Sorry, Bill. Can you get it now? There is a cat on the roof and it ca n’t get down. B: Oh, OK. I can w ater the flow ers later then. Exercise 4b (p. 34)

Legoland in W indsor is a special UK them e park. There’s so much to see and do there! You can see exciting shows in the Duplo Theatre like The P ie d P ip er o f Hamelin and The P rin c e ss and the Pea. Also, you can explore our fantasy w orld and meet a huge dragon in the K night’s Castle! And d o n ’t miss the model buildings and cars in Miniland. It’s just like a miniature town! Legoland is open every day from

news for all art lovers in the city! The new city art gallery is ready to open its doors on Saturday! The gallery has got tw o floors of beautiful paintings and sculptures by many different artists. Come from 9 am until 1 pm and enjoy free juice and biscuits! The gallery is at 12 Main Street. It’s opposite the post office, right next to Bale Park.

9:30 am until 7 pm. Tickets are £43.20 for adults and £34.20 fo r children. See you there!

Skills 2

2e 1

- Exercise 2b (p. 34)

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We have got good


I really like my bedroom. It has got a single bed, a big wardrobe and a w indow . Also, there is a desk, so I can

and a modern kitchen. Sue: Has it got modern appliances? Anna: Yes, There’s a new cooker and a big fridge. Sue: So, have you got everything you need? Anna: Alm ost. There isn’t a dining table, but my mum is giving me her old one.

do my hom ew ork in the evenings. The w ardrobe is beside my bed and the desk is in front of the w indow . I really like it there because I can look outside when I w ant a break from my homework! 2

Hi Emma. It’s John. Where are you? I can’t reach you on your m obile phone or your house phone. Anyway,


my birthday party is tom orrow evening. Can you come? I live at 2 Park Street on the 8th floor. There is no lift on my floor, but you can go to the 5th floor and walk up. See you there! 3

A: Hi Kate! How is your new house? B: Hello, Jill! It’s just great! It’s so big. It has got 14 rooms! A: Wow! So, have you got a room of your own? B: Yes, I do. And it’s really com fortable. It has got a single bed and a th ick carpet under it. Also, it has a desk so I can w ork on my com puter. A: It sounds great. What about all your books? Where are they? B: Well, there isn’t enough room fo r a bookcase in my room, so th e y’re in the living room. But th a t’s OK because I can read my books on our com fortable sofa!

- Exercise 3b (p. 40)

Sue: Hi, Anna. How is your new flat? Anna: It’s great. It’s quite big with a large living room

Paula: W hat’s wrong, Ned? Ned: I can’t find my history book anywhere. Paula: Isn’t it on your desk in your bedroom ? Ned: No, it isn’t. Paula: How about your school bag? Ned: No, it isn’t there either. Wait a second! What is that behind you? Can you get up off the sofa a second? Paula: Sure. Ned: There it is. How can you sit on my book and not see it, Paula? Paula: Oh, I am sorry, Ned.


Sara: Hi, Karen. How are you? Karen: I’m fine and I’m very happy! Sara: W hy’s that? Karen: W e’ve got a new flat. Sara: Really? Where is it? What is it like? Karen: It’s lovely. It’s on the 20th floor of a new tall building and it’s got a great view o f a lovely park. There’s also a gym and sw im m ing pool on the 23rd floor. Sara: Wow! Sounds great. Can I visit you and see it? Karen: Sure!


Student’s Book Audioscripts 4

in his bedroom. M um : All right. Tell him to com e down to the kitchen because lunch is alm ost ready. 5

B: Well, we know he isn’t in the kitchen with us. I think he is in his bedroom. A: Tell him to com e and eat, then, please.

M um : Hi, Rebecca. Where is Martin? Is he in the living room? Rebecca: He has got lots of w ork for college so he is 5

Dave. Hi Jim, this is Dave. Where are you? I'm really sorry but I ca n ’t com e to the football match this evening. I am still at the library and haven’t got tim e to

Hi Stella. This is Mary. Hope you’re OK. I want to ask you something. Can you lend me your blue top? I have to go to my cousin’s graduation day on Saturday, but I have nothing nice to wear. And I d o n ’t have enough money right now to buy something. I hope you can help me. I’m out of tow n right now, but you can give the to p to my mum. Thanks Stella!

practise. Could you tell the boys for me? I can meet you tom orrow after school. Call me later.

Exercise 2b (p. 50)

U n it 3 - People 3b

- Exercise 5a (p. 45)

This is a missing person’s alert. Adam Hodge is 28 years old and is tall with short black hair. The second missing person is Ann Whitfield. Ann is 67 years old. She is short and plum p with short w hite hair. She often uses a walking stick. Please contact the Portsm outh Police Departm ent to

Good morning, students. This is Mr Richards. This week, there are some changes in the tim etable. First, Mr Smith, your English teacher, is sick, so students can go to the com puter labs instead. This means you have got com puter classes each day this week. Second, the gym is closed for repairs. Because of this there are no PE classes and no after-school sports all week. T hat’s all the announcements. Have a good day.

help us find these people. Exercise 4 (p. 50) 3 d - Exercise 9 (p. 49)


Hi Peter. What are you doing?

Hello. My name is Susan. I’m 14 years old and I live in a small flat in the city centre with my mum and dad. I d o n ’t have any brothers or sisters. Every day, I get up at 7 am and walk to school at around 8:30. I have lessons until 2 pm. Then, I usually play sports in the park beside the school. At around 5 pm, I come home. In the afternoon, i do my homework. I usually stay at home in the evenings on week days, but at the weekend, I go out with my friends. That’s why I like city life so much; there is so much to see and do here!


Oh, hi Bob. I’m on the Internet. I love exploring different sites!

A: B:

Really? Does your brother, Steve, like com puters too? Not really, but he really likes playing video games. One of his games is a football game. He plays it all the time!

A: B:

And what about your dad? W hat’s his favourite hobby? Well, he likes listening to classical music, it’s his favourite way to relax. But when he’s at home he has to listen with headphones on. Why is that?


- Exercise 1b (p. 50)

1 A: What do you usually do in the evenings, Ann? B: I usually play video games in my bedroom. What about you, Sally? A: Well, my fam ily usually w atches TV in the living room, but I like listening to music on my MP3 player. It really helps me relax. 2

A: Hi Lucy. I think I see your sister over there. She is quite tall and has long dark hair, right? B: No, th a t’s not my sister. My sister is short and has short fair hair. Look; th a t’s her over there. She’s beside her friend, Jane. Jane has short dark hair. A: Oh, I see them now!



Well, my mum hates classical music, so she doesn’t w ant to hear it! Instead, she likes w atching her favourite shows on TV.

S k ills 3 - Exercise 5 (p. 56) Jim: So, w hat do you do in the evenings Ruth? Do you w atch TV or surf the Internet? Ruth: Well, I usually read a book because my parents d o n ’t w ant me to w atch TV very often.

A: Do you share your bedroom, Ann?

Jim: Oh, really? I can w atch TV whenever I like. How about your brother John? Does he play video games at all? Ruth: John usually has got lots of hom ew ork to do during the week and then on the w eekends he goes out with his friends.

B: No, I d o n ’t, I have my own bedroom. My tw o brothers share a room, though.

Jim: OK! How about your parents? What do they do? Does your mum cook dinner every night?

A: So your parents have three children, right? B: No, they have four. My sister, Molly, is away at

Ruth: Not every night. Som etim es she cooks in the morning so she can do other things in the evenings. My parents like to relax in the evening. My mum often listens to m usic in the evening and my dad likes to go fo r long walks with our old dog Benny. Our house is very quiet in the evening. I like it. Jim: Nice!

university, so she doesn’t live at home now. 4


A: Lisa, w here’s Bob? I’m about to put dinner on the table in the living room.


Student’s Book Audioscripts S k ills 3 - Exercise 3 (p. 57) Recording 1 Ann: Hi, Laura. Laura: Hi, Ann. Ann: W hat’s that? Laura: It’s a book about dogs. Ann: Oh, I love dogs. Can I see it? Laura: Sure! Look at this photograph. This is my favourite. Ann: Oh, it’s beautiful. Laura: Yes, there is a big book at the library about this type of dog and it’s got lots of photographs. I w ould like to have one like this. We can walk it together in the park every day after school. Ann: That’s a nice idea but we can’t have a dog here in the house, Laura. Our house is very small. Laura: Oh, I know. Ann: Now, w ould you like to play chess with me or not? Laura: Sure, why not? I haven’t got any more books to read.

discover the wonderful city of Edinburgh! You can visit the National Museum of Scotland or take a tour of Edinburgh Castle w hich is over 600 years old! There’s so much to see and do! All you have to do is te xt your name and address to 11343. You m ust be 18 or over to enter. Good luck! 4 e - Exercise 1b (p. 66) 1

M um : Jane, where are you going? Jane: I’m going to the park to meet my friends. M um : Y ou’re not going out dressed like that, are you? It’s freezing cold! Everyone wears hats, coats and gloves in this kind o f weather. Jane: I’ll be fine. I’m wearing my scarf. M um : A t least put on some gloves, please!


Lena: Look out the w indow ! Look at all this snow! Anna: I ca n’t believe it! It never snows this tim e of year. Lena: Well, it is snowing now! Let’s go skiing! Anna: I’m afraid I ca n ’t. I have an English lesson at 3 pm. Let’s go outside and make a snowman! Lena: No, th a t’s boring. Anna: Well, it’s better than sitting indoors. I’m tired of playing com puter games!

Recording 2 Hi, my nam e’s Peter and I’m 22 years old. I study English at university and at the weekend I w ork in a small coffee shop in tow n. On Saturday and Sunday we open at 8 o' clock in the morning so I get up at 7 o ’clock, have a quick shower and cycle to the coffee shop a little after 7:30. The coffee shop is in a very nice and quiet neighbourhood, but it is usually busy in the morning because lots o f people com e fo r coffee or a full breakfast. There are chairs and tables inside and outside and when the weather is good it is very nice. I usually open but som etim es Mr Evans does. I start the day with a nice cup of coffee and then cook breakfast. I


Ann: Are they predicting rain later? Jane: It’s worse than that. They’re predicting snow and sleet. 4

Announcem ent: A ttention please! There has been a change o f schedule. The northbound train for M anchester is departing from Platform 3, not Platform 2, at a quarter past four. I repeat, the northbound train

Unit 4 - Travel

for M anchester is now departing from Platform 3. Woman: Oh no! W e’re on the wrong platform!

4 b - Exercise 4 (p. 60)

Martyn: Because I like to spend tim e outside and I like to swim. Oh, and there’s no school, of course!

Woman: I hope this is where we catch the Manchester train. Man: Well, this is Platform 2 - th a t’s where the ticket clerk said to go.

usually w ork about four hours before lunch and three hours after lunch so I leave about 4 pm in the afternoon. I usually see my friends in the evenings and we often go to the cinema.

Bob: Laura, w hat is your favourite season? Laura: I like autumn because all the leaves turn red and yellow and orange. They are so colourful! W hat’s your favourite season, Bob? Bob: I like winter. I love the snow. Martyn, w h a t’s your favourite season? M artyn: Summer, definitely! Bob: Why?

Jane: Y ou’d better take an umbrella. Ann: What? Why? It’s a beautiful day! Jane: Yes, at least fo r now.


Bob: Hello? John: Hi, Bob. It’s John. Bob: Oh, hi John. John: I’m calling to see how you are going to S tacy’s because the weather doesn’t look to o good ... Bob: Yeah, it’s raining hard at the moment. John: It takes tw enty minutes to walk from the bus stop to S tacy’s house but I am driving there, so I thought I could com e and pick you up. Bob: That w ould be great, thanks!

4 d - Exercise 9 (p. 65)

Exercise 2b (p. 66)

Here’s your chance to win a weekend city break to Edinburgh! This special prize celebrates the 100th anniversary of the McCrery Hotel in Edinburgh city centre. The winner and his or her fam ily can stay in the hotel for 3 nights and get breakfast and dinner in the hotel’s restaurant

Mike: Hi, Paul. Do you always w alk to college? Paul: No, I usually go by car but my mum goes to w ork

each day. Also, we give you £1,000 spending money to


every day this w eek at 7 am so today I am walking. How do you go to college, Mike?

Student’s Book Audioscripts Mike: I usually take the bus. I never take the train because it is too slow, and I d o n ’t like it.


- Exercise 2 (p. 82)

Exercise 5 (p. 66)

When in London, don’t miss a visit to Madame Tussauds. In this exciting waxworks museum there are 14 different zones to choose from. Meet stars from to d a y’s world of sport and entertainment, like Rihanna and David Beckham. Or get to know important people from the past like Einstein and Charles Dickens. Maybe yo u’d like to explore London’s past in our fam ous taxi ride. The choice is yours! Do you plan to travel to London by train? Then show your ticket at the museum and entrance is tw o fo r the price o f one! But hurry!

Question 1: W hat’s wrong? You d o n ’t look too happy.

This special offer ends on 30th April!

Question 2: W hat’s it like here in the summ ertime? Question 3: Is it sunny there today? Question 4: Do you have any idea how hot it is?

Exercise 3b (p. 82)

Jeff: I always take the train; it’s m uch more com fortable. I d o n ’t like taking the bus. Paul: Well, Jeff, I think your older brother, Ryan, is lucky because he rides a motorcycle. Jeff: Ryan w ould give me a ride to college, but I prefer taking the train! He goes to o fast on the motorcycle!

Skills 4 -


Exercise 4 (p. 72)

Question 1: W hat’s the weather like? Question 2: Could you tell me how to get to the train station?

press. A: Yes, but som eone else wanted to do him. B: Henry Ford, then? His factory could make up to 10,000 cars a day! A: Mmm ... Cars are boring ... I like the idea of television. Who invented it? B: John Logie Baird. I studied him last year. Why d o n ’t I help you? A: That’s a great idea! We can start tom orrow .

Question 3: Do you like listening to music? Question 4: W ould you like to go fo r coffee on Saturday?

Unit 5 - History 5b -

Exercise 4 (p. 76)

K ate: I w rite stories fo r the local newspaper. I meet people in the m ornings and ask them questions about a recent news event. I always have my camera ready to take pictures, too. Then I spend the afternoons w riting the story. Next day, it’s in the paper. Max: My jo b ’s very tiring, especially when the restaurant is busy. I’ve got six tables to take care of. I set the tables and I take the orders to the chef. I serve the food as fast as I can. Hungry custom ers hate w aiting fo r their meals!


Hi, Tony. It’s Bill. I’m working late tonight. Can you please record a film for me? It’s a historical drama about Gueen Victoria and it’s on Channel 3 at 9 o ’clock. I missed it when it was on at the cinema. Thanks. See you later.


A: Hello, Ian. How was the art exhibition? B: Fantastic! Vincent van Gogh was an amazing painter! And I’ve got a souvenir fo r you. A: Really? Is it a Van Gogh poster? B: No. It’s a DVD about his life. I hope you like it. A: That’s really kind of you. B: They had some books on Van Gogh too but they were very expensive. A: Oh, but this is lovely. Thank you.

Vicky: When w e ’re film ing, I get up really early, about 5 am. There’s so much to do! We fix our make-up, put on our costum es, and, of course, we all practise our lines. We d o n ’t w ant to make mistakes when the camera starts rolling! Richard: My first jo b in the morning is to prepare my knives. Then I take the meat out o f the fridge and cut it into


portions. These go in the shop w indow . I serve the custom ers until five o ’clock. Then I clean the shop so everything is ready for the next day.


display at 10 pm after the barbecue, so ... be there!

A: I can’t wait to see William Shakespeare’s birthplace. He is one of England’s truly great writers. B: Yes, imagine seeing the house where he lived as a child! It’s so exciting! A: Are we nearly there? B: I think so. The hotel receptionist said it was only a tw o-ho ur drive.

- Exercise 8 (p. 81)

Good morning, class! I’d like to remind you it’s Bonfire N ight on Friday. The venue is Blackberry Hill and we kick off by lighting the bonfire at 7 pm. Anyone who w ants to com e at 6 pm to help w ith preparations is welcome. Please bring sausages for the barbecue and, if possible, some extra wood for the bonfire. There’s a fabulous fireworks

A: W hich fam ous inventor can I w rite about for our school project? B: W hat about Gutenberg? He invented the printing

A: Oh good. Then it’s just another fifteen minutes. Let’s stop for som ething to eat before we start the to u r of the house. B: OK. 5

Good morning, everyone! Well done on your exam marks. Everyone passed! ... Now about next m onth’s theatre visit ... we plan to go and see M ozart’s opera The Magic Flute at the Royal Opera House on the 16th April. The first perform ance was in 1791 and it’s still


Student’s Book Audioscripts exciting to w atch today. Apart from the wonderful singing, it’s a com ic opera full of fun! Anyone wanting tickets please com e and see me ... 5 e - Exercise 4 (p. 82) Question 1: Did you enjoy your visit to the castle? Question 2: Did you know Thomas Sullivan invented tea bags in 1908? Question 3: Who discovered America? Question 4: Don’t forget w e’ve got a history test next


Lara: Hi, Jill. It’s Lara. Jill: Hi, Lara. How are you? Lara: Great! I w ent shopping in London for the weekend. Jill: Really! Lara: Yeah, it was fantastic. Do you w ant to meet for coffee and I can tell you all about it? Jill: Sure! Why d o n ’t you com e round to my place after lunch? Lara: OK! See you later.


Unit 6 - Animals 5 g - Exercise 6b (p. 85) Charles Dickens was born on February 7th 1812 in Portsm outh, England. In 1827 he was working as an office boy but he decided to becom e a writer. Dickens married Catherine Plogarth in 1836. His first classic novel Oliver Tw ist appeared in 1837. Dickens visited America in 1842 to talk about his work. From 1854 to 1860 he published more classics including H ard Tim es and Great Exp ecta tio n s. Dickens visited A m erica again in 1867 but he was in bad health. He died three years later, on June 9th, 1870 in Kent, England. Dickens was a great author. I admire his energy and his ability to create m em orable characters and interesting plots. S k ills 5 - Exercise 1 (p. 88) 1

Anna: Look Mary! Isn’t that your d o cto r over there? Mary: Where? Anna: The lady with the long black hair talking to the policewoman. Mary: No, that’s Mrs Jones. She’s a nurse, not a doctor.


M ark: Hi, Steve. How was your trip yesterday? Sfeire: Oh, we d id n ’t go. M ark: Why is that? Steve: It rained all day so I preferred to wait for the sun. M ark: I see. Well, it’s a bit cloudy now but I can see the sun is com ing out. Steve: I hope so!


Kate: Hi Jenny! Jenny: Hi Kate! You look happy. Kate: Well, I am. Yesterday I w ent shopping with my mum. Jenny: How nice! Did you buy that dress you’re wearing? K ate: No, this is my sister’s dress. I got a lovely to p to go with my red skirt. Jenny: Oh, great!


Jeff: Hi, Bob! W hat are you doing? Bob: I’m just reading this book from the library. Jeff: W ould you like to go jogging in the park? Bob: I d o n ’t know. Isn’t it raining? Jeff: Yes, but I’m really bored. Bob: Well, w hy d o n ’t we go to the gym? Jeff: That sounds good.


6 b - Exercise 6a (p. 93) Rex is a friendly dog with long brown and white fur. He’s got small ears, a long pointed nose and small brown eyes. He can carry things in his mouth. If you see him, please contact Peter Smith on 010 656 234234. Binky is a sweet cat. She has got m ostly black fur with w hite fur in front. She’s also got w hite paws with sharp claws! Her eyes are green and there’s a cute little black spot at the end of her nose. If you see her, phone Helen Briggs on 918 798 543543. 6 d - Exercise 7 (p. 97) Can I have your attention, please? The closing date for the short story com petition about animal myths and legends is next Friday. That’s Friday, 12th May. Any students who entered the com petition should please make sure their story is ready by then; we cannot accept w ork that is late. That’s because the winning story appears in the school magazine next week. The com petition organiser is Anne Stubbs, the head of the English Department. She can answer any questions you have about the rules of the competition. 6 e - Exercise 2 (p. 98) Ann: Hi, Bob, w hat are you doing here? I d id n ’t know you had a pet. Bob: Hello, Ann. I d id n ’t until last week. I adopted a little puppy I found on the street. The vet says he needs some special food they sell here. Ann: Good fo r you! My cat was a stray when I found her, too. W hat’s your d o g ’s name? Bob: Spot. I w anted to call him Flash because he runs so fast, but my cousin M ark’s hamster has got that name! Ann: Ooh yes, I rem ember Flash. Mark got him from Kate Watson at school. Bob: T hat’s right - she had loads of hamsters, but not any more. Ann: Oh ... w h y’s that? Bob:Her mother didn’t like them so Kate gave them all away. Ann: But Kate loves animals - she can’t live w ithout a pet! Bob: I know. Now she has a goldfish. She wanted a rabbit but her mum said no to that, too. Goldfish are cleaner than hamsters or rabbits!

Student’s Book Audioscripts Exercise 5b (p. 98) Recording 1


Mr Jones, welcom e to our w eekly show, P e rfe c t P e ts. Your cat disappeared for tw o months. Can you tell our listeners how that happened? Yes, well, I live near a railway station. A train stopped


and my cat Tiddles got into a goods carriage. He travelled all the way to Paddington Station in London! I had no idea at the time. How awful! What did you do?


Many of the dom estic animals are free and can go alm ost anywhere in the park. Some o f them are very friendly and som etim es com e very close to people but please d o n ’t feed them or try to play with them. Of course, the wild animals are not free and cannot w alk around the park so d o n ’t w orry about that. Now, follow me because I would like to show you ...

Unit 7 - Predictions

Student’s Book Audioscripts school grounds and a painting com petition with a garden

William: W ouldn’t she like a new sm artphone? I’ve heard

theme. We also plan to decorate the classroom s with cut flow ers and pot plants. Feel free to bring some from home. Local farmers are bringing a selection of delicious organic fruit and vegetables. They will be on sale outside in the playground. Please tell your parents to com e and support them by buying something. We look forward to seeing you

th e y’re fantastic. Diana: No, she prefers a simple gadget so she doesn’t spend all her tim e on the Internet. William: T hat’s true, I suppose. My friend Harry is like that - he hasn’t got many gadgets. Diana: W hat? Not even a com puter? William: Well, he has got one of those. It’s a laptop, but he doesn’t surf the Net much. He uses it for college

all on Saturday!

7e -

Exercise 2b (p. 114)

Speaker 1 Now the exams are finished, I’m really tired. I just w ant to stay home and chill. I’m going to w atch some film s my friend lent me on DVD. W e’ve got a DVD player in the living room but I think I’ll w atch them on the laptop in my bedroom. That way, I’ ll have peace and quiet. My little brother usually w atches cartoons in the living room at weekends! Speaker 2 My college is organising a scuba diving trip to a local beach on Sunday and I ca n ’t w ait to go! It’s not my first trip, so I already know quite a bit about how to control my movem ents underwater. But this time, the instructor is going to show us how to use an underwater digital camera! I’m so excited! I’m sure I’ll take some fabulous photos!


7g -

Zakynthos National Marine Park in Greece is home to the Caretta caretta turtle. Unfortunately their beach environment is in danger. They need your help! Why not volunteer for an eco-holiday with us this summer? Y ou’ll have the chance to build screens to protect their nests, give out inform ation leaflets and do beach patrols. Y ou’ll also learn how to rescue and treat injured turtles. A ccom m odation is provided at our campsite. For more inform ation, please visit our website.

Skills 7 1

about com puters and video games. My d a d ’s a com puter program m er so he’s going to help me. I’m preparing a PowerPoint presentation. I think that will be more

7e -



Exercise 5 (p. 114)

quality videos. I’ll buy it! William: OK, you know best. I’m going to see those tablets over there. They’re great for taking notes at college. Diana: But yo u ’ve already got one. William: It’s broken. I need a new one. Diana: Alright, I’ll join you in five minutes. I’ll just check out the mobile phones for my friend Sarah. She w ants to replace hers.


Mum : Mike: M um : Mike: Mum:

W hat’s wrong, Mike? I w ant to go online but I can’t. I think there is a problem with the connection. I’m so bored. Why don’t you read one of your new magazines?

Mike: No, I think I’ll go and listen to some music. I finished all the magazines last night. Nelly: So, Angela, w hat are you going to buy with the money your uncle gave you; a new laptop? Angela: That was my first idea. My laptop is getting old. But now I think I will get a tablet. It’s lighter, it’s got everything the laptop does, and I can carry it everywhere with me.

Diana: Hey, William, look at this video camera over here. It’s really cheap! William: W hy do you w ant one? So many gadgets now have a video camera built in. Diana: I know, but I w ant som ething that takes good

Good morning, custom ers! Thank you fo r shopping at Screen On, the store fo r all your com puter needs. We

offer ends tom orrow!

Speaker 4 I’m attending a com m unity event this Saturday. The local council is holding a clean-up day. I’m going to help clean graffiti o ff the walls in the city centre. Some of my classm ates are com ing too. Steve is cleaning graffiti with me and Jade and Jasmine are picking up litter on the beach. W e’ll probably go for a coffee after we finish.

Exercise 3 (p. 120)

offer up to £200 o ff all our laptops and tablets. Our w ide range of wireless keyboards are also great value for money. Looking for a new mouse? Prices start at £5! T oday’s best buy is our latest inkjet printer. Reduced from £90, it’s now only £60! But hurry! The

Speaker 3 We are handing in a college ICT project on Monday. It’s

interesting than just reading my notes. I’ve ju st got tw o days to finish the project, so it’s going to be a busy weekend!

Exercise 8b (p. 117)

Nelly: I think you’re right. That’s a sm art idea! 4

A: Where were you last night? B : My dad took me shopping in the afternoon and I was so tired when I got home that I just stayed in and w atched TV. A: Oh, I see. So did you get anything nice? B : Believe it or not, my dad bought me a new smartphone. Look! A: Wow! Oh, the lesson’s starting. B : I’ll show it to you later.

Student’s Book Audioscripts 5

Hi Janet, it’s Emily. Sorry I missed you again. I called last night too but there was no answer. Are you busy tom orrow ? Maybe you can spare an hour to come round and help me with my Science project? I’ll be free just after lunch, about tw o o ’clock. Please call me back and let me know if you can make it.

S k ills


Exercise 2 (p. 121)

Speaker 1 I feel sorry when I see kids carrying Our school doesn’t use so many means you have everything on one a thin book or notebook. It’s much very d ifficult to forget.

big heavy school bags. books. Using a tablet light gadget the size of easier to carry and it’s

G ra h a m : W e’ve got lots of milk. You shouldn’t buy any more. But can you get me a carton of orange juice, please? L u c y : Right you are! 8 d - Exercise 8 (p. 129) For tw o days every year the quiet village of Haenertsburg com es alive fo r its Kiwi festival. Kiwifest is a fun celebration for all the fam ily to enjoy. This year it takes place on the weekend of the 27th and 28th of April. The event runs from 9 am to 8:30 pm each day. A ctivities include guided tours of kiwi fruit farms, kiwi tasting and a cooking com petition. Tickets cost £10 per day. Children under 5 get in free. To book your tickets, just call Jane on 212-555-0119. 8 e - Exercise 2b (p. 130)

Speaker 2 When I first started secondary school, some of the classes were boring. The teachers just read through the books with us. Now I’m in year 9, it’s a lot more interesting. We see everything on the whiteboard and can interact with it and the teacher moves around more. It makes the class much more fun. Speaker 3

Speaker 1 I’ve just com e back from a fantastic honey festival. It was in a small village in Provence in France. There were 350 beekeepers producing 2,000 tonnes of honey! I bought some jars w ith delicious flavours like thym e and lavender. You also saw the beekeepers at work. They used sm oke to make the bees sleepy. Then they could easily collect the honey from the hive.

I’m in my first year of university and I’m studying Biology. We do a lot of experim ents and we also need to take a lot

Speaker 2

of notes. I got tired o f writing everything down all the time so I got an audio recorder. Now, I record my notes by just speaking into it. Then, when I w ant to revise fo r exams, I can listen to it as often as I want.

Visitors to Greece know it has gorgeous beaches. But they haven’t always noticed its wonderful m ountains and forests. In the village of Elos in Crete, the hills around the village are full of chestnut trees and they hold a chestnut

Speaker 4

festival every October. They roast these delicious nuts over the fire in the village square. Visitors can eat them while joining in traditional folk dances.

In the past, teachers d id n ’t w ant sm artphones in the classroom at all. Now, th e y’re a great help in learning English. We send te xt messages and even make calls sometim es. Then the teacher and our classm ates correct

Speaker 3

our mistakes. You can also use them to make videos when you do speaking practice!

Have you ever tried eating snails? If not, go to the Lleida Snail Festival in Spain! They bring 12 tons o f snails from all parts of Spain and from other countries. I tried them there last May. They were surprisingly tasty but I thought my

Unit 8 - Home!

portion of 70 snails was huge. I later found it was quite normal; some people could eat 300 snails in one go!

8 b - Exercise 4 (p. 125) L u c y : Graham, I’m going to the superm arket this afternoon. Do you need anything? G ra h a m : Can you get me a jar of coffee to take into work? L u c y : Yes, I’ll put it on the list. Do you w ant a packet of biscuits, too? G ra h a m : OK, thanks. Have we got any macaroni? L u c y : I d o n ’t think so. Why? G ra h a m : It’s my turn to cook dinner on Sunday. I’m going to make macaroni cheese. L u c y : Sounds wonderful. I’ll get som e macaroni. We d o n ’t need any cheese. There’s a big piece in the fridge. How about a salad to go with it? W e’ve got some lettuce. G ra h a m : Great! Just get a few tom atoes and onions to go w ith it. L u c y : Right. I’ve made a note of it. Then we just need some bread and milk fo r breakfasts at the weekend.

Speaker 4 The annual South African Cheese Festival in Stellenbosch is a cheese lover’s paradise. There is a huge variety to try and buy. Not only that - you can w atch celebrity chefs creating cheesy masterpieces you can try at home. Children enjoy it, too. Many city kids, like mine, have never seen a farm animal. Here they w atched farmers milking the cow s and goats! Exercise 4a (p. 130) Greentown has just opened its new farm ers’ market. It takes place on the first and third Saturdays of every month. We offer a huge variety of organic produce, including fruit, vegetables and local meat and fish as well as homecooked goods. None o f our produce travels more than 30 miles to get here, so it’s really fresh! But it’s not only the delicious food! Greentown Farmers’ Market is a great place to enjoy a coffee and a chat with friends and neighbours.


Student’s Book Audioscripts W e’ve also built a special playground with our younger shoppers in mind! So w hat are you w aiting for? Come and join us next Saturday! Exercise 5b (p. 130)

Am anda: Yes, it does. I tried their traditional Italian pudding, tiramisu. It was out of this world! You should try it sometime! Linda: I will! Have you finished your chicken? Am anda: Nearly. Why? Linda: It’s tw o o ’clock - tim e for the meeting with Mr Smith!

Am anda: Hey Linda! Can I join you? Linda: Sure, take a seat, Amanda. W hat’s that on your tray? Am anda: It’s the canteen special, roast chicken. Would you like to try some? Linda: No thanks, I’ve ju st eaten. So how was the Italian restaurant you and your fam ily w ent to the other night? Am anda: Fabulous, thanks. It was Dad’s 40th birthday so he ordered the m ost expensive pasta on the menu - lobster and shrimp. Linda: Wow! What did you have? Am anda: I’ve never liked seafood so we just shared a pizza. Linda: I’ve heard that restaurant has amazing desserts!


8 g - Exercise 6b (p. 133) Dorset’s fam ous Food and Drink Festival is com ing up in May. Sample traditional British food like savoury pies, curry and fish and chips! There will be all sorts of fun things you shouldn't miss. There will be cookery dem onstrations with to p chefs and cooking w orkshops fo r kids and adults and a fantastic festival market with over 100 stalls. Why not enter our cookery com petition and bake a cake following the recipe we give you? If you can do it, w ithout getting any help, you can win an exciting prize ! For more details, see our website.


Writing Bank Key 1

Suggested Answer Key


Suggested Answer Key Hi Jason!

Dear Pete, How are you doing? Sorry for not writing fo r so long! I just wanted to w rite a quick email to tell you about my

I haven’t heard from you in a while. Hope yo u ’re ok. I just wanted to drop you a line to tell you that I have joined a new sports club! It’s really cool! For a start, it’s much bigger than the old sports club I was at. There are also many more activities to do as

new school. It’s a really nice place! 2


Suggested Answer Key

well. One of my new instructors is called Mark, and he is really friendly and helpful. He used to play table tennis professionally and is teaching me how to play now! Actually, I am planning on entering a table tennis com petition at the end of the month. I’m really excited!

I’d better get going. I hope you can email me back soon. Take care, David

Anyway, th a t’s all my news. Bye for now. Best wishes, Paul


Suggested Answer Key The model note below is not suitable as an informal message to a friend as it too chatty and doesn’t omit


Suggested Answer Key A

personal pronouns, articles, auxiliaries and uses greetings. It is also structured into paragraphs, which is unnecessary for this format. 2

able to make it to cinem a with you at 8 pm. Got a phone call from my teacher saying she was having car problem s and running late. Hope I’ll be done by 8.30. Could we meet after then? Maybe catch the late showing. Sorry. Call you later. Cheers, George

Suggested Answer Key James, Could you do me a favour? Bought a tracksuit tw o weeks ago at Jessop’s S portsw ear and need to change it. Needs to be done today. Running a marathon for a local charity tom orrow . At college all today so d o n ’t have the tim e to do it myself. The jum per is too small. Need large, not medium. If they d o n ’t have the right size, ask for money back. Hope it’s not too much trouble. Thanks! A ntony

Carol, Just found out my English lesson has been rescheduled! New lesson tim e is 7 pm, so w o n ’t be


Kieran, Expecting a new microwave to be delivered later today. Store said around 4 pm this afternoon. Could you be at home at this tim e to sign for it? Would be there myself, but boss asked me to w ork later than expected. Big deadline approaching and need to get things finished. Would really appreciate it! Thanks, Anna



Formative Evaluation Chart

Name of gam e/activity:........................................................................... Aim of gam e/activity:...............................................................................

U n it:.....................................................


Mark and comments

Students’ names: 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

^E valuatio n criteria:

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c (green)

w (yellow)

n (red)


Cumulative Evaluation ( Student’s Self Assessment Forms ~) CODE **** Excellent

*** Very Good

** OK

* Not Very Good

Student's Self Assessment Form



Go through Unit 1 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

read for specific information

read for detail

talk about heroes

talk about countries & nationalities

talk about character

talk about free-time activities

talk about sports

talk about abilities

listen for specific information

talk about school subjects

ask for/give personal information

ask/answer questions about a person

use capital letters

join sentences with and & but

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

write an entry for a forum about your favourite superhero

write a short text about yourself

write a short paragraph about you & your friend

write about your favourite athletes

write an email to your e-friend

write a short fact file about your country

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

CODE **** Excellent

*** Very Good

** OK

Student's Self Assessment Form

* Not Very Good


Go through Unit 2 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

predict the content of a text

read for key information

read for detail

describe a house

talk about your house

describe your bedroom

listen for specific information

talk about your neighbourhood

describe Bekonscot Model Village

listen for detail

describe your house & give directions

ask/answer questions about where sb lives

practise punctuation

prepare a poster of buildings in different shapes

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

prepare a poster about strange houses

write about your area

write a short paragraph about your house

write a short text advertising a special attraction in your country

write an email describing your home

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


CODE **** Excellent

*** Very Good

* Not Very Good

** OK

Student's Self Assessment Form

U n it3

Go through Unit 3 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

predict the content of a text

read for specific information

read for detail

talk about Lionel Messi’s daily routine

describe people

talk about your daily routine

present your family

talk about sb’s daily life & compare it with yours

listen for specific information

identify & describe people

ask about/tell the time

complete a dialogue

join sentences with also, too & or

give a presentation on the structure of a bone

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

write a short email about Lionel Messi

write descriptions of your friends

write about your family members likes/dislikes

write a short article about a children’s charity in your country

write an email describing your best friend

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CODE **** Excellent

*** Very Good

** OK

Student's Self Assessment Form

* Not Very Good


Go through Unit 4 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

predict the content of a text

read for specific information

read for comprehension

describe people’s trips

talk about the weather

talk about summer/winter activities

talk about clothes

listen for specific information

talk about means of transport

talk about destinations

invite - accept/refuse invitations

respond to situations

describe a picture

use apostrophes

learn about rhyme

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

write about a tribe

write about your favourite season

write an email to a friend about your holiday

write a short text advertising a tourist destination in your country

write a postcard from a holiday resort

write a poem about winter

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


CODE **** Excellent

*** Very Good

* Not Very Good

** OK

Student's Self Assessment Form

u n its

Go through Unit 5 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

read for specific information

talk about Ancient Egypt

talk about jobs

talk about famous people

talk about past abilities

talk about past activities

present space facts

read for key information

talk about November 5th

listen for specific information

describe a visit to a place

express likes/dislikes

complete a dialogue

order events in a biography

express admiration

prepare a poster of famous monuments in your country

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

write about the Ancient Egyptians

prepare a presentation on inventors

write a paragraph about an important event in your country’s history

write a biography

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

CODE **** Excellent

*** Very Good

** OK

Student's Self Assessment Form

* Not Very Good

unit 6

Go through Unit 6 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

read for specific information

talk about dinosaurs

prepare a presentation on theories why the dinosaurs died out

talk about animals

describe your favourite animal

talk about past actions

make comparisons

order events in a story

listen for specific information

talk about your pet

count syllables

express concern/disbelief

respond to situations

ask/answer questions about sb’s pet

talk about mammals

prepare a presentation/ poster about reptiles

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

write about a dinosaur

write a short paragraph about an animal

write a short paragraph about what you did last Saturday

write comparisons of animals

write a summary of an animal myth from your country

write a story

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

CODE **** Excellent

*** Very Good

* Not Very Good

** OK

Student's Self Assessment Form

unit 7

Go through Unit 7 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

predict the content of a text

read for specific information

speculate about predictions

talk about your computer usage

talk about technology in the classroom

talk about gadgets

ask/answer about plans to help the environment

describe your school/college

talk about special schools

make predictions about schools in the future

listen for specific information

rank your gadgets in order of importance

express certainty/uncertainty about future plans

respond to situations

practise error correction

present the solar system

give a presentation on the Sun

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

prepare a poster with predictions for the future

write about your gadgets

write about your future plans and intentions

write comparisons of your school with other schools

write an email about holiday plans

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

CODE **** Excellent

*** Very Good

** OK

Student's Self Assessment Form

* Not Very Good

u n its

Go through Unit 8 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

predict the content of a text

read for specific information

talk about Chinese New Year

talk about food/drinks/meals

talk about healthy activities

compare three festivals

listen for specific information

give a presentation on food allergies

talk about eating out

order food

complete dialogues

practise punctuation

practise error correction

read for comprehension

analyse your daily diet

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

write about how you celebrate New Year

write a grocery list

write about healthy habits

write a short paragraph about a food festival

write an email about a food festival

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress Report Cards


Progress Report Card ....................................................................(name) can:

Unit 1 very well


not very well

read for specific information read for detail talk about heroes talk about countries & nationalities talk about character talk about free-time activities talk about sports talk about abilities listen for specific information talk about school subjects ask for/ give personal information ask/ answer questions about a person use capital letters join sentences with and & but write an entry for a forum about your favourite superhero write a short text about yourself write a short paragraph about you & your friend write about your favourite athletes write an email to your e-friend write a short fact file about your country

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


Progress Report Card U nit 2

....................................................................(name) can: very well


not very well

predict the content of a text read for key information read for detail describe a house talk about your house describe your bedroom listen for specific information talk about your neighbourhood describe Bekonscot Model Village listen for detail describe your house & give directions ask/answer questions about where sb lives practise punctuation prepare a poster of buildings in different shapes prepare a poster about strange houses write about your area write a short paragraph about your house write a short text advertising a special attraction in your country write an email describing your home

Progress Report Card Unit 3

....................................................................(name) can: very well predict the content of a text read for specific information read for detail talk about Lionel Messi’s daily routine describe people talk about your daily routine present your family talk about sb’s daily life & compare it with yours listen for specific information identify & describe people ask about/tell the time complete a dialogue join sentences with a/so, too & or give a presentation on the structure of a bone write a short email about Lionel Messi write descriptions of your friends write about your family members likes/dislikes write a short article about a children’s charity in your country write an email describing your best friend


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


not very well

Progress Report Card Unit 4 very well


not very well

predict the content of a text read for specific information read for comprehension describe people’s trips talk about the weather talk about summer/winter activities talk about clothes listen for specific information talk about means of transport talk about destinations invite - accept/refuse invitations respond to situations describe a picture use apostrophes learn about rhyme write about a tribe write about your favourite season write an email to a friend about your holiday write a short text advertising a tourist destination in your country write a postcard from a holiday resort write a poem about winter

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


Progress Report Card Unit 5

....................................................................(name) can: very well read for specific information talk about Ancient Egypt talk about jobs talk about famous people talk about past abilities talk about past activities present space facts read for key information talk about November 5th listen for specific information describe a visit to a place express likes/dislikes complete a dialogue order events in a biography express admiration prepare a poster of famous monuments in your country write about the Ancient Egyptians prepare a presentation on inventors write a paragraph about an important event in your country’s history write a biography


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


not very well

Progress Report Card Unit 6 very well


not very well

read for specific information talk about dinosaurs prepare a presentation on theories why the dinosaurs died out talk about animals describe your favourite animal talk about past actions make comparisons order events in a story listen for specific information talk about your pet count syllables express concern/disbelief respond to situations ask/answer questions about sb’s pet talk about mammals prepare a presentation/poster about reptiles write about a dinosaur write a short paragraph about an animal write a short paragraph about what you did last Saturday write comparisons of animals write a summary of an animal myth from your country write a story

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


Progress Report Card Unit 7

....................................................................(name) can: very well predict the content of a text read for specific information speculate about predictions talk about your computer usage talk about technology in the classroom talk about gadgets ask/answer about plans to help the environment describe your school/college talk about special schools make predictions about schools in the future listen for specific information rank your gadgets in order of importance express certainty/uncertainty about future plans respond to situations practise error correction present the solar system give a presentation on the Sun prepare a poster with predictions for the future write about your gadgets write about your future plans and intentions write comparisons of your school with other schools write an email about holiday plans


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


not very well

Progress Report Card ....................................................................(name) can:

Unit 8 very well


not very well

read for specific information talk about Chinese New Year talk about food/drinks/meals talk about healthy activities compare three festivals listen for specific information give a presentation on food allergies talk about eating out order food complete dialogues practise punctuation practise error correction read for comprehension analyse your daily diet write about how you celebrate New Year write a grocery list write about healthy habits write a short paragraph about a food festival write an email about a food festival

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

E 16

Workbook Key Un i t 1 R eading (p. 4) C







1 2 3 4

He can take up to 2,000 volts of electricity. Scott Flansburg is from the USA. He can add, subtract, divide and multiply. He can move and jum p around.





m ystery = puzzle

harm = damage strong = powerful


1 magnet 2 lightning

3 4


genius electric

her your



1 Spanish 2 3 4


5 6 7 8

Greek Portuguese British

1 run 2

3 4


American Mexican Turkish French 5 6

take play





5 3







glasses, heroes


cities, countries


leaves, wives

2 3 4


9 10 11

Japanese Chinese Italian



fly surf

They are leaves. We are children. They are buses. Can Can Can Can

V o c a b u la ry (p. 5) 1



their your




irregular children, women

difficult = hard quickly = fast

unique = special

2 3

5 6

They are cities. They are men.

you and Emma speak Spanish? No, we ca n ’t. his dog run fast? No, it ca n ’t. Ben and Kim swim? Yes, they can. you use a com puter? Yes, I can.

Can Sue fly a plane? No, she ca n ’t.










G ra m m a r Focus (U nit 1) (p. 7) F



C (s



























( b H D







E) Y
























1 2

is seventeen is your





Carlos is from Brazil.

2 3 4 5

Lucy can do martial arts. How old are you? Where is the Chem istry lesson? He can’t play a musical instrument.



Suggested answers



... hardworking and som etim es I am shy.


... clever and funny because he makes me laugh.



2 3

Maths History

4 5 6

Art Physical Education Geography



Suggested answer My favourite school subject is Art. 5

I’m from Canada. I’m Canadian. My friend is from Portugal. He is Portuguese. I’m very hardworking and shy.

4 5 6

My friend is clever and funny. My favourite subject is Art. I can use a com puter but I can’t play the violin.





No, she isn’t.

No, she isn’t.


Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t.

2 3

are is



4 5 3

are is her

6 7 4

is are I









she isn’t






























1 2 3

is from China sixteen years old subject is Physics

4 5 6

hardworking and smart good at sports run very fast


















1 C 2 D

3 4


5 6





1 2

favourite interesting

3 4



like stand

W riting (p. 10) 6




S peakin g skills (p. 9)

G ra m m a r in use (pp. 6-7) 1


aren’t from are they

Listening skills (p. 8)

Suggested answers 1 2 3


3 4











5 6



good difficult

Workbook Key 2


Rosemary is a student at Chilton School.


His favourite subjects are Geography and H istory./ Geography and History are his favourite subjects. Jennifer is smart.


4 5 6 3


1 2 3

4 5

M athew is 18 years old.

1 2

M andy is clever and hardworking. Tom can do martial arts but he can’t play basketball. I can dance and sing. Marie can run fast but she ca n ’t swim. My friend is kind and funny.

3 5 5

Suggested answers 1 2 3 4 5





Suggested answer

Her favourite sport is tennis./Tennis is her favourite sport. Edward is 16 years old. My best friend can dance very well. My best friend is Japanese. He’s from Tokyo. Maths is my favourite subject. I also like Physics. Julie and Sally are from New York in America. William is a student at Harrow School.


A cross C ultu res (p. 11)

She is 17 years old. She is from Melbourne in Australia. She is a student at East Doncaster School. Her favourite subjects are Chem istry and History. She is interested in music and she can play the piano.




a flying disk - a Frisbee - w hich the players pass to each other until it reaches the opposing te am ’s end zone and they score a p o int./

2 3 4





























year, for both sports. Many professional basketball team s from my country com pete internationally and they are very successful.



1 2

is me

1 2

are your

3 4

am not

3 4

subjects your


you teach me 5 are tw o Art classes


are in my

R eading (p. 14) 1













They are very small.

2 3

In a forest in the Welsh countryside. There is a bedroom , a toilet, a kitchen and a living room.


You can get a fantastic view of the w oods from the w indow. large = big

unique = special pretty = beautiful

fantastic = amazing

small = tiny

Suggested answer Football is very popular in my country and so is basketball. There are cham pionship tournam ents every


Unit 2

4 3


Skills (p. 13)


a flying disk instead of a ball. run with the disk, they can only pass it to each other. throwing and catching the disk. every four years.


Skills (p. 12)




all the fam ily can enjoy.

Hi A lice.



The museum is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm. The cost is free w ith museum entry. It’s a great place that

My best friend’s name is Sandy and she’s 17 years old. She’s from Melbourne in A ustralia. Sandv is a student at East Doncaster S chool. Her

C LIL (p. 11)


The C hildren’s Gallery at Melbourne Museum is in Melbourne, Australia, and it is a fantastic place for 5 to 10 year-olds to spend their tim e and learn many things. Here, children can visit separate spaces: Big Box Houses that show how people, animals and plants change as they grow older. Children can see these changes with the help of colours, sizes and materials they can touch, see and smell. There is also a special place called Tattersall’s C hildren’s Garden where children can play traditional games w ith grow n-ups and explore the space o f the Garden or relax and have fun.

Suggested answer

favourite subjects are Chem istry and H istory. She is also good at m usic. She can play the piano, but can’t plav the violin. W hat about your best friend? Is she a good student? Please w rite back, Lavinia


1 2

dream natural

3 4

handm ade solar

5 forest 6 view

V ocab u lary (p. 15) 1

bedroom: bed, wardrobe, pillows, b e d sid e table kitchen: cooker, table, fridge, oven living room: sofa, cushions, armchair, co ffe e table


Workbook Key 2



chair desk


sofa cupboard bookcase


2 3 1 2 3

sixth second tw elfth


2 3 4

There is a table in front of the fireplace.


6 1 2 3

There There There There

is is is is

5 6

5 6

cushion table fridge

8 9

tw entieth seventeenth

7 8


eighth tw entythird


zoo post office aquarium

4 5

library airport



train station


there isn’t There are, there isn’t There are, there aren’t There isn’t, there is There isn’t, there is

2 3

in front of on

2 3

That is, these are These are, those are



police station art gallery

4 5



6 7

on next to 4


in under

This is, those are




In Summer Town there are some hospitals, but there isn’t an art gallery. In Sum m er Town there is a gym, but there aren’t any banks. In Summer Town there are some parks, but there aren’t any libraries. 4 5

his My





2 3

your my


have got We haven’t got a TV in the living room.



1 2

is his in front of

4 5

3 4

is opposite is the hospital

has got


her sister

aren’t any


1 There are some clothes in the wardrobe. 2 3 4 5

Dave can’t play football. These are her flowers. Are there any parks here? They haven’t got a TV.

Listening skills (p. 18) 1


























1 2 3

is very big four bedroom s in it on the second floor

4 5 6



a double bed there is a w indow can see the park

S peakin g skills (p. 19) 5


rooms view

5 6

address turn






































1 2

like cosy

3 4






has got a desk is her aren’t your




1 2 3

a carpet under the table. an arm chair next to the sofa. a fireplace between the w indow s. a plant behind the lamp.

1 2 3 4 5




G ra m m a r in use (pp. 16-17) 1

G ra m m a r Focus (Units 1-2) (p. 17)


Writing (p. 20) 1







1 2

quiet pretty

3 4

little amazing







have got They haven’t got tw o bathrooms. Have they got tw o bathroom s?




Has, hasn’t, has/’s


Have, have


have, have/’ve

4 5 6 3


A nice large

7 8 4



cool fam ous C

It’s got a bookcase, a desk and a com puter in it. It’s just fantastic!

Have we got a TV in the living room? has got Emma hasn’t got a desk in her bedroom. Has Emma got a desk in her bedroom ? have got I haven’t got a plant in my room. Have I got a plant in my room?


Are there any parks near the school? How many students are there in your school? It’s quite small, but very cosy and comfortable. 6

Suggested answers 1 2 3 4

He is 16 years old. It’s on a quiet street near my neighbourhood. There is a park with a playground. There is a fantastic gym, a nice canteen and a large library.

5 6

It’s on the second floor. There are six com puters, a large TV, a projector and a big w hiteboard. There are also world maps and cool posters of fam ous people on the walls.


w 7

Suggested answer

Workbook Key 2


Hi Kevin. How are you? I’m so happy about mv new school. It’s on a quiet street near mv neighbourhood. It’s next to a park with a playground.


It’s got a fantastic gym, a nice canteen and a large library. My classroom is on the second flo o r. It’s really b ig . It’s got six com puters, a large TV. a projector and 3

a bio w hiteboard. There are also w orld m aps and cool posters o f fam ous people on the w alls. 1can’t w ait for you to com e and see it. How about this Friday? W rite back, Steven









shopping at the superm arket and in the evening she prepares W illiam ’s favourite meal fo r dinner. We can tell that she likes living an ordinary life because she does ordinary things in her daily routine, like jogging, taking her dog for a walk, shopping at the superm arket and cooking fo r her husband, William.

3 beautiful (adj) = pretty busy (adj) = full various (adj) = different

C LIL (p. 21) 1

Her days are usually quite busy. When she is in London, in the morning she goes jogging w ith her dog, and then she has breakfast; after that, she reads reports and meets people. When she is in Anglesey, she goes jogging or walks her dog along the beach. She often goes


official (adj) = formal local (adj) = regional favourite (adj) = preferred

b) These seem to be terraced houses. 1



Suggested answer


busy public local

homem ade favourite


5 6

7 8

In the Netherlands, there are different types of houses. Some of them are in the city of Amsterdam. M ost homes in Am sterdam are very close to each other. There are also houseboats along the many canals. Some have even got their own little gardens!

daily future

1 2

make meet

3 4

travel prepares

5 6

help see

3 4

uncle niece

5 6

grandm a cousin

4 2

A cross C ultu res (p. 21) 1


1 2

a popular park in the city o utdoor art exhibitions and incredible views of the Hudson River


many green spaces with various types of trees and gardens

Suggested answer


/o c a b u la ry (p. 25) 1

1 2

granddad aunt







1 2

eye ear

3 4

arm nose

5 6

hand leg

7 8

ankle foot


thin fair

3 4


5 6

moustache young





In my city (Seville, in Spain) there is a park called Parque de Maria Luisa. The park is one o f the most beautiful in Europe. At the park, visitors can enjoy a quiet walk, or ride in a horse-and-carriage. or even

2 5

a boat! The park has got exotic trees, historic buildings and many fountains and pools. Skills (p. 22) 1


























2 3


2 3








our fifth

3 4

finally has got


2 1 2

in front of how

3 4

has got there


gets up has a shower eats breakfast


6 7 8 9

walks to school has lunch



goes back home does his hom ework has dinner w atches TV

jr a m m a r in use (pp. 26-27)


skills (p. 23) 1

1 2 3 4 5


4 5

Joh n’s, his K ate’s, her

Whose their

6 7

Paula’s W ho’s


Anna’s, her


Does Mr Jones live in London? Mr Jones doesn’t live in London.


Does Peter’s dad make lunch every day? Peter’s dad doesn’t make lunch every day. Does Helen listen to m usic after school? Helen doesn’t listen to m usic after school.

4 5

Unit 3

Lucy’s your

4 5




Bill’s, his Joh n’s, his


Does Katie play video games in the evening? Katie doesn’t play video games in the evening.

R eading (p. 24) 1














Workbook Key 4

do you finish







Do you walk drives





3 4

w alk doesn’t go

finishes comes


w orks

7 8 9


Does your mum make cooks


W riting (p. 30) 1


















1 2

Have you got any brothers or sisters? A t the weekends, Sarah sometimes goes shopping.

3 4 5

W hat tim e do you usually get up? My cousin doesn’t often play video games. Do you always play football on Saturdays?

usually goes has got a beard


is /’s your


1 2

never has got


1 2 3 4

He can tell the time. There aren’t any videos on the table. I live next to my school. She hasn’t got brown hair.


Tony often w atches TV.


Suggested answers 1 2 3 4

6 7


T o m ’s can’t

Her name is Olivia. She is m y first cousin. She is 16 years old. She is tall and slim with a beautiful com plexion and long brown hair. She is very hardworking and cheerful, but she can be lazy at times. We often watch films together or go cycling. We also train together as we are on the same canoeing team. She has a great sense of humour and makes me laugh.

Suggested answer Hi Karen! How are you? I’d like to tell you about mv cousin Olivia, or Liv as we call her for sh o rt. She is tall and slim with a beautiful com plexion and Iona brown hair. She is very hardworking and cheerful, but she can be lazy at tim e s. At the weekends, we often w atch film s together or go cycling . We train together as we are on the same canoeing te am , too. Olivia has a great sense of

doesn’t eat doesn’t like playing


humour and makes me laugh. What about your fam ily members? Write back soon! Jenny

Listening skills (p. 28)

C LIL (p. 31)









1 is thirteen years old 2 tall with fair hair 3 he can be shy



4 3







Suggested answers



4 go to the cinema 5 play football sometim es 6 really good at sports






3 S peakin g skills (p. 29) 1





3 C













3 C








Choose a charity or group you care about; think of an issue you feel strongly about and you could offer your help to. Try to find a charity in your own area and volunteer to offer your help to your local com m unity. Start by volunteering for an hour or tw o a week; if you like the w ork then you can volunteer more often.

6 F 2




1 2

W hich



2 Helen doesn’t like getting up early. 3 Bob hates living in a city. 4 My dad likes w atching TV. 5 We love listening to music. 6 They d o n ’t like playing football. 7 Shelley and Sue like helping at the Children’s Centre.








I often listen to music in the evening.

3 1 C


Suggested answer I care about the homeless and especially the children whose fam ilies can’t offer them w hat they need. I am





good at collecting clothes and other goods fo r the needy. Maybe I can volunteer at a clothes charity for tw o hours every week.



Do you have/ Have you got





I never cook dinner in the evening. We som etim es go to the cinema on Saturday. Frank usually gets up at six o ’clock. Jane always has a shower in the morning.




2 3 4 5




2 Does, Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. 3 Do, Yes, I do./No, I d o n ’t. 4 Do, Yes, i do./No, I d o n ’t. 5 Does, Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t. 6 Do Yes, they d o ./ No, they d o n ’t.

3 4





4 5

2 D


play d o n ’t watch

G ra m m a r Focus (U nits 1-3) (p. 27) 9


10 11

5 8






have eat



2 3

Workbook Key A cross C ultu res (p. 31) 1





Suggested answer






T 4

O rganisation o f A frican Youth is a n o n -p rofit youth organisation fo r all young people in Africa. It has a great num ber o f centres th ro u g h o u t m any African countries. Its main offices are in Cam eroon and it provides su p p o rt to m any children and young adults. Through this organisation, young people can build






















4 5

cool chilly

6 7

cold cold

1 2

go does

3 4

play have

5 6


1 jacket hat























Suggested answers





They stop it by raising their arm in the air and ‘flagging it d o w n ’ .

2 3

The cabs are in service alm ost 365 days a year. The average ride costs about $6, w hich is quite cheap.


Customers who are satisfied with the service usually leave the driver a tip. Because they can cause traffic jams and make a lot of noise.




jeans skirt

7 8

trainers socks





2 3

Passengers available

5 6

queue convenient, leave

icon = symbol

several = some

m illions = a lot of vehicles = cars raising = lifting

average = usual cheap = not expensive truly = really

available = free

double consonant

0 -ing driving having

hopping running shopping getting

making com ing

What are the children doing now? Is it raining at the moment? Rachel is making a snowman now. We are riding camels in the desert. Ralph is doing sports. James is wearing a jacket. They are staying in a hotel.

R eading (p. 34) 1



Unit 4 1



speaking snowing wearing catching sending

Skills (p. 33) 1


G ra m m a r in use (pp. 36-37)




3 4


get on/off: train, bus, ship, plane, boat, coach land/take off: plane depart: train, bus, ship, plane, coach ride: m otorcycle, bike catch: train, bus

Skills (p. 32) 1




their confidence, find a jo b and make their future lives better.



Is John riding his bike to work? Yes, he is. Are they taking skiing lessons? Yes, they are. Is your mum learning to drive? No, she isn't. Are you playing com puter games at the moment? Yes, I am./Yes, we are. w orks do isn’t flying visit Is it snowing

7 8 9 10

are having am wearing Does your dad drive doesn’t have


2 3

are making goes

4 5

is blowing w atches




2 3

now in the morning

4 5

at the m om ent usually





Are you going out



2 3

the -

4 5

’s/is raining is coming

V ocab u lary (p. 35) 1


1 2

sunny foggy

3 4

cloudy snowing

5 6

w indy raining

a) ..., February, March, ..., May, June, ..., August, ..., November, December b) 1 2

w inter spring


summ er








6 7

the the

G ra m m a r Focus (Units 1-4) (p. 37) 9

1 2 3

is w atching is often late doesn’t listen

4 has got some friends 5 loves going


Workbook Key 10


2 11


2 3 4 5

has got is raining

3 4

aren’t any always go to bed


Suggested answer

it still snowing

Hi C hristina. Greetings from Lome, in Australia! It’s a fantastic sum m er resort on the coast of V ictoria. W e’re staying in a hotel next to the beach. The w eather’s hot and sunny here. There are lots of things to do. In the mornings, we go sw im m ing or do w ater sp o rts. In the evenings, we go shopping and eat dinner in the local restaurants, or taste the delicious sweets in the local cafés and sw eetshops. Right now, I’m sitting under an

Matt often travels by plane. Claire has got a new dress. Simon is wearing his new shoes. I like going fishing. Bob spends hours playing com puter games.

L is te n in g s k ills (P. 38) 1























3 D




1 2 3

are on holiday is hot and sunny get up early

4 5 6



um brella on the beach, reading mv favourite b o o k. My friend Bettv is sw im m ing. W e’re all having fun! See you soon. Catherine

go fo r a swim are visiting the museu having a great tim e

C LIL (p. 41) 1 2

S p e a k in g s k ills (p. 39) 1















3 4














1 2

tim e sorry










1 2 3

big pretty sunny





5 6

cold best



1 2

b o y’s/b o ys’ It’s

3 4

frie n d ’s








Suggested answers 1

You can see golden beaches and local w ildlife


such as penguins and seals. Thousands of glow w orm s live inside the W aitom o Caves.


Suggested answer Queensland, Australia With nearly 300 sunny days a year, and so many

d o g ’s

places to see and things to do, you are going to run out o f tim e in Queensland. Queensland, in northern Australia, has so many things to offer a visitor. You can explore the crystal blue waters along the coast in





’m staying

5 6

’m shopping ’s visiting

3 4

go sunbathes

7 8

’re having ’re enjoying

1 2

W hat are you doing right now? We always eat at this restaurant.

3 4 5

They’re staying in a resort by the sea. What tim e does the plane arrive? My brothers d o n ’t like playing tennis.

Suggested answers 1

In Lome on the coast o f Victoria, Australia.

2 3 4

In a hotel next to the beach. The weather is hot and sunny. I am sitting under an um brella on the beach, reading my favourite book.

one of the colourful and exotic diving locations. Choose to visit one o f Q ueensland’s five W orld Heritage-listed sites and admire its amazing national parks and forests. Finally, do n ’t miss out on the unique experience of taking a boat trip on the Great Barrier Reef, the only living structure on Earth that can be seen from outer space. Skills (p. 42) 1



2 A

3 B




2 B

3 c




2 B


2 B










Skills (p. 43) 1



A cro ss C ultu res (p. 41)








Suggested answer

W ritin g (p. 40) 1


fuel consum ption up to 100%, w hich makes it a green means of transport.




The Solar Impulse is an airplane w hich uses the power of the sun instead of regular fuel to fly. It can fly fo r 36 hours only on solar power. This amazing plane reduces






Workbook Key 2


1 2

’m writing usually

3 4

1 2 3

plays football are you doing d o n ’t usually study

is reading a book likes travelling

1 2 3 4 5

stayed Did you watch, d id n ’t want, played did Amelia Earhart live, travelled d id n ’t play, Did you go Did Benjamin Franklin invent, experim ented


2 3 4 5 6

Did you play football last night? We d id n ’t watch TV yesterday. Did Albert Einstein invent the telescope? She travelled to Paris three years ago. He d id n ’t clean his car last week.

us is


4 5


U n it 5 R eading (p. 44) 1 2







so the boys could start training to become knights


A squire served a knight and helped him w ith his tasks. to fight for their lord at any tim e and be brave in battle


1 2

easy afraid

3 4



trained fight

3 4

served guarded



5 6

poor far







1 2

fly, Pilot care, Nurse

3 4

create, Painter discover, Scientist

5 6 7

write, W riter perform, Singer treat, Doctor


advise, Lawyer

5 6 7 8

character actor astronaut dancer

com poser sculptor artist ocean

b) 1 2

e d

c f

5 6

1 2

plot rehearsal

3 4

leading role screenwriter

director audience

1 2

invented discovered

3 4

tried experimented

developed produced






b a

8 g







G ra m m a r in use (pp. 46 -4 7 ) were w asn’t


w eren’t


w asn’t








d id n ’t have


d id n ’t have



2 3 4 5 6

The The The The The

Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient

Egyptians Egyptians Egyptians Egyptians Egyptians

4 5

invented painted

6 7

d id n ’t watch changed

b) 2 3 4 5

“Was Leonardo a clever man?” “Yes, he w as.” “ Did he invent many things?” “Yes, he d id .” “ Did he paint bad pictures?” “ No, he d id n ’t.” “ Did Tina w atch all of the program m e?” “ No, she did n ’t.”

Suggested answer

G ra m m a r Focus (U nits 1-5) (p. 47)

a) 1 2 3 4


enjoyed was

Yesterday, I w atched TV, listened to m usic and visited my friend. I did n ’t play chess, study or cook dinner.

V ocab u lary (p. 45) 1

a) 2 3

w eren’t


are tw o boxes did n ’t have to school on foot

4 5

is raining aren’t any

1 2 3

is Anna’s has got three books like learning


am doing my


hom ework could read

1 2

Is this your bike? The park is next to his house.

3 4 5

We som etim es play games in the evenings. Tom is talking to Carl now. They d id n ’t have a TV tw o years ago.

Listening skills (p. 48) 1























could write. could build houses. co u ld n ’t drive cars. co u ld n ’t use the Internet. could swim.

1 2 3


was an inventor


thirteenth (13th) of August, 1888 engineering at school


4 5 6







invented the television made him fam ous smart and talented man

S peakin g skills (p. 49) 1
































Workbook Key 4

1 2

3 4

visit like


wonderful open

A cross C ultu res (p. 51)


W riting (p. 50) 1


1 2

1930 age of 18

3 4

Two years 1957

5 6

20th 82 years old






(Ss’ own answers)




Skills (p. 52) 1



























W here/W hen born: in Wapakoneta, Ohio, USA, in 1930 W hat fam ous for: He was a fam ous astronaut. Achievements: He was the first person to w alk on the moon. W here/W hen died: in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2012

Skills (p. 53) 3 4






3 4

At built









4 7







on the 24th March, 1874 (in Budapest, Hungary)


being a great stunt performer

3 4

first perform ed on stage performed using card tricks, he was not very popular


perform ed an act where he escaped handcuffs and he became rich and fam ous on the 31st October, 1926 (in Detroit, USA)

6 6
















Unit 6 R eading (p. 54) 1

1 2 3 4 5

eagles terrible storm s when they flew across the sky humans m onster whale killed the whale and gave it to the people



They were large, w ith colourful feathers and strong claws. They lived in caves high up in the mountains.


Harry Houdini was a fam ous stunt perform er. He was born in Budapest. Hungary, on 24th March. 1874. A t the age of 9 . Harry first perform ed on stage. Then, in 1891. he perform ed using card tric k s , but he was not very popular. So, in 1898. he had an idea for an act

2 3

where he escaped from handcuffs, and became rich and fam ous. Harry Houdini died on 31st October. 1926 in Detroit. USA. He was a special person because he created many new acts that still inspire performers to d a y.

4 5

When they moved their wings, they made wind and the sound of thunder. They could send lightning from their eyes. The thunderbird fought with the whale and killed it. strong * weak

fierce ф gentle huge Ф small

terrible Ф w onderful bright Ф dark

C LIL - H istory (p. 51) 1

1 2 3 4

fo r more than 700 years They carved it out of sandstone. They traded spices, gold, medicines and fabric. nobody knows why


Suggested answer The Nazca people lived in the desert in Peru. They were farmers and they built advanced watering systems made up of channels for water to flow underground. Some of these channels are still used today. They are also known for gigantic drawings of animals and shapes that they made on the ground. These drawings are only visible from the air, or from the tops of nearby mountains. No one knows why the Nazca people disappeared, but some researchers think that it was flooding and then drought that destroyed their civilisation.


beaks feathers

3 4

horns wings

5 6

claws teeth

9 10

dog bear

V o cab u lary (p. 55) 1


1 2

a) 1 2 3 4

w olf dolphin hamster canary

5 6 7 8

shark rabbit parrot tiger

b) pets: hamster, canary, rabbit, parrot, dog wild animals: wolf, dolphin, shark, parrot, tiger, bear

Workbook Key 2




1 2

short small

3 4

big long







fins beak











3 4







friendly quiet

3 4

small slow






small big

3 4



2 6

5 6

thick sharp


5 6



G ra m m a r Focus (Units 1-6) (p. 57) 7

1 2 3 4 5

are w atching a docum entary d id n ’t have pets were the largest dinosaurs usually opens loves playing chess


1 2 3

had you succeed in finding can count to



Some mammals lay eggs but m ost give birth to live young.

2 3 4

Ann took a break for lunch. I often w alk my dog in the summer. The local zoo has got some amazing animals.


Some o f the biggest dinosaurs were actually herbivores.

sad happy

G ra m m a r in use (pp. 56-57) 1 2 3 4

travelled carry

2 3

did, weigh did, have



6 7

take thought

9 10 11




dropped turn broke walk

4 5

did, reach did, use


did, live

made grow

Karen’s kitten is quieter than Leo’s kitten. S im on’s cat is the quietest of all.

b) Roland the rabbit has got long ears and a short tail. He has got th ick brown fur and small black eyes.


Karen’s kitten is friendlier than Leo’s kitten and Leo’s kitten is friendlier than Sim on’s cat. Karen’s kitten is the friendliest o f all.

4 5

your the biggest

Listening skills (p. 58) Suggested answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7



T-Rex had pointed teeth in its mouth. A sauroposeidon reached its food with its long neck. T-Rex used its tail to help it run. Dinosaurs lived on Earth fo r more than 100 million years.

3 4























1 2 3

w ent to the zoo saw lots o f animals were big and strong

4 5 6









did you do, d id n ’t go out, w atched broke




















1 2

believe goodness

3 4


came went

5 6

saw thought









8 9 10




spent felt







went were




1 2

so but

1 2





S im on’s cat is the strongest of all. Leo’s kitten is the m ost playful. Karen’s kitten is more playful than S im on’s cat. Karen’s kitten is cheekier than S im on’s cat but Leo’s kitten is the cheekiest o f all.








W riting (p. 60)




Speaking skills (p. 59) 1

Did you know, had, was did you do, went, got Did you see, d id n ’t know, was did John do, took


bigger than the lions the fastest of all endangered species


Suggested answers 2




3 4

stepped walked

5 6

tried ran




5 6

and M inutes later

3 4

suddenly 2



3 4 5 6

A sauroposeidon weighed about the same as 10 elephants.


Then when 3 4

fast badly





7 8 5

gave saved A

5 6

finally happily




Workbook Key 6

One sunny day last summer, my brother and I were in the garden. Suddenly, mv brother saw a snake in the grass. We felt scared, but our pet doa started barking loudly at the snake. Then, the snake oot scared by the dog and w ent aw av. After that, we gave treats to the

Unit 7 Reading (p. 64) 1



Suggested answers

doo. I felt relieved.

1 2

he couldn’t see who was speaking to him (her spider web in) the upper part of the doorw ay

3 4

beautiful agrees (and says alm ost all spiders are rather nice-

A cross C ultu res (p. 61)

The white stork is a symbol of good luck in Belarus. It is also a sym bol of a caring fam ily because storks are thought to be very good parents! The stork is a large w hite bird with black wings, long thin red legs, and a pointy red beak. Every spring they arrive in Belarus from Africa and make nests on the roofs of houses or on electrical poles. People have always believed it was good luck if a stork built a nest on their roof.


























4 5 6

offers allow


travel rise transport


supplies (n) = cargo fast (adj) = quick wealthy (adj) = rich guests (n) = visitors set (v) = go down

astronauts, moon, orbit (orbiting), spacesuits, NASA, space stations, zero gravity











1 2

scanner webcam

3 4



tow er




hidden w ord: screen 2


Skills (P- 62)


1 2

V ocab u lary (p. 65)

tallest o f all dogs. 2

tanks. A lot of people who have not been able to before

hard (adj) = difficult today (adv) = nowadays weightless (adj) = light spectacular (adj) = amazing unique (adj) = special

He tells her that she is beautiful, and she agrees. She tells him that m ost spider are pretty.

on flags, as well as on coins, stam ps and china because it was used by kings to hunt wolves It stands alm ost tw o metres tall, which makes it the


a long tube. It will be fast, cheap, and environm entally friendly, and travellers w o n ’t need space suits or oxygen


is a spider named Charlotte. She is speaking to him from her spider w eb in the upper part of the doorway.

1 2 3



w ould like to do it.

W ilbur hears a voice speaking to him, but he can’t see w ho it is. He is very surprised. Soon, he realizes that it






Suggested answer


They will go on a ‘space train’ which moves through

looking) 2



C LIL - L iteratu re (p. 61) 1


B 4


USB stick m ike/m icrophone speakers

5 6 7

laptop m obile phone interactive w hiteboard

1 2 3 4

video cameras

1 2





dow nload surf

1 2

text go

3 4

1 2 3



go press

5 6

search Download save

5 6






holds filmed




Skills (p. 63) 1




1 2

the largest animal did (the) dinosaurs disappear a faster runner

3 4 5 3


1 2



like visiting the zoo could ride a horse went friends

3 4

fastest me



G ra m m a r in use (pp. 66-67) 1


will go


w o n ’t use



isn’t/is not going to travel


are going to buy

2 3 4

They are travelling/are going to travel by train. They are leaving/are going to leave on the 12th of April. They are returning/are going to return on the 15th of April.


They are staying/are going to stay in a Bed & Breakfast.

4 5


w o n ’t watch

Are you going to do are going to attend

Workbook Key 4

6 7

They are going to visit the Science Museum. They are going to help with a garden clean-up.

2 3 4

’m going to study will be ’II pass ’II cancel


6 7 8

W riting (p. 70)

is going to start will heat up ’m not going to buy

































W e’re spending a w eek in London.

2 3 4 5

It will be a lot of fun. W e’ll probably visit the zoo tom orrow . I’m going to take part in a charity race. I’m sure it will be a great experience.

4 5

2 3 4 5 6

will happen, will continue, will become will be will colonise, will take ’m/am going to visit ’s/is going to talk, 'll/w ill get 5



2 3 4 5 6

will become ’m/am meeting / ’m/am going to meet ’re/are going to clean up ’ll/will manage ’ll/will make

2 3


4 5


6 7


1 2 3 4




G ra m m a r Focus (Units 1-7) (p. 67) 8

1 2

always recycles will soon find


1 2

always checks his emails she going to do



Scientists hope the future will bring big advances in medicine.


Soon there w o n ’t be enough food to feed the grow ing population.

3 4

T echnology helps us in modern day life. The environment is in danger because of w hat we do.


3 4

is much more polluted is typing an email 3 4

Suggested answers

com puter has got are having a meeting

Hi M ichelle. How are you? I’m going on holiday next week and | can ’t w a it! My fam ily and I are going to the Shetland Islands. W e’re staving in a Bed & B reakfast. 1think w e ’ll have a great tim e . W e’re going to spend a lot of tim e ou tdoors. In the morning, w e ’re going to visit archaeological sites. In the afternoon, we will go on long walks and take photographs. It will be an amazing experience! Are you going anywhere on holiday? W rite soon! Yours, Tina

C LIL - Environm ental S cien ce (p. 71)

I ca n ’t imagine w hat it was like before we had modern gadgets.

1 1 tw ice the size of France 2 3

the local marine life land


reducing the use of plastic products and other products that the ocean can’t break down, and seriously thinking about w hat we throw away

Listening skills (p. 68) 1




























1 2 3 4

am going on holiday


will visit some

leaves at 10 o ’clock w o n ’t take too long will find a hotel


attractions going to be fun



S peakin g skills (p. 69) 1























3 B




1 2

Perhaps m uch

3 4

there think







I’m going to the Shetland Islands. I am going with my family. We are staying in a Bed & Breakfast. We will visit archaeological sites. We will also go on w alks and take photographs.

6 D

2 Suggested answer Over time, the bits of plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch get smaller and smaller. M ost are very small indeed, only m illim etres wide. It’s very difficult to see them. This is the reason it’s not easy to gather them. However, when the sun shines on the plastic, harmful chem icals get into the water. Also, animals eat the plastic. Seabirds are at risk. They eat the plastic and it makes their chicks very sick. Fish also eat the plastic - and then we eat the fish! Some people have clever ideas about how to clean up the plastic, but noone knows if they can work. The Pacific isn’t the only ocean with a garbage patch. The A tlantic and Indian oceans have a problem w ith plastic pollution, too. A cross C ultures (p. 71) 1 1 2

It raises money to help needy children in the UK. It takes place every year in November.


Workbook Key 3 4


Seafood: tuna, crab, lobster Dairy Products: butter, yoghurt, cheese Vegetables: cabbage, carrots, onions Fruit: apples, grapes, oranges

Different celebrities, such as comedians, singers and actors, take part in the TV show. People do unusual things like cutting o ff all their hair or dressing up in silly costum es to raise money.

Name: Blue Dragon C hildren’s Foundation, Hanoi, Vietnam Aim: protect poor children, especially those living on the street Mascot: none, but blue dragon is a special animal




a a a a

tea olive oil biscuits sugar





w ith


1 2






























1 2

more beautiful am going to do

3 4

us friendly


will be










3 4





5 6

lay cut

cake coffee water spaghetti flour jam 4


milk cereal




Suggested answer

much sugar because it is unhealthy. G ra m m a r in use (pp. 76-77)

S kills (p. 73)


b b b b b b

7 8

pasta saucer

about tw o and have a big salad, or a vegetable pita, or som etim es hummus and bread. In the afternoon, I will have fruit and yoghurt and some nuts for a snack. Sometimes I have ice cream, too, but I try not to eat

1 1 c



5 6

juice chicken

I d o n ’t usually eat breakfast, but I do drink a cup of coffee with milk in the morning. I usually eat lunch at

Skills (p. 72)


3 4


to stay; centre in Hanoi; volunteers also go to villages

protect poor children, especially those w ithout a home. The charity doesn’t have a mascot, but it does have a special animal as a symbol: the blue dragon! The charity also gives English lessons, medical care and a place to stay for hundreds of children. There is a Blue Dragon centre in the capital, Hanoi, but volunteers also go to villages in the countryside.

cheese m ilk

2 3 4 5 6


and symbol Activities: gives English lessons, medical care, place

Here in Vietnam, we have a charity for children called Blue Dragon C hildren’s Foundation. Its aim is to

1 2


Countable: a biscuit, a potato, a bagel, a bean, an apple Uncountable: some garlic, some cheese, some honey, some bread, some rice


2 3

some much



E 3

4 5 3


a little lots of 4






a few




Unit 8 R eading (p. 74) 1





exciting = thrilling hilarious = funny creative = artistic


1 2

sample put






brave = courageous tasty = delicious extra = added 3 4

5 6

take hold

lose burn

Can I have another biscuit? You m ustn’t eat in class. You shouldn’t eat junk food. You can’t bring drinks into the library. He can cook beef, chicken and fish dishes. We m ust take our own food to school. You should drink a lot of water. can ’t bring shouldn’t eat


can swim


should do

V o cab u lary (p. 75) 1

1 2

cereal milk



4 5

apple orange

6 7 8 9 10

sandwich cheese grapes milk chocolate

played (R) seen (I) given (I)

listened (R) m ade (I) gone (I)

have not seen has been, have never had have not started Have you ever eaten, have drunk has been, Have you ever tried


9 10

drunk (I) w atched (R) left (I)

Workbook Key 8

2 3 4

Jack and Lucy have not w atched a film since last weekend. I have known Paul for years. He has not taken his fam ily to a restaurant since


last summer. We have not eaten Chinese food for months.


They have been chefs since 2008.

vo u’ll aet the chance to trv both local and foreian foods. W hat are you w aiting for? Join us today to eniov the best o f S vdnev’s cuisine! 5

4 5

is making breakfast isn’t her

4 5

is still learning (how) more expensive than

\ w e n t to the B righton Food Festival.


There were cooking classes, a pizza design com petition and live m usic and I saw

3 4

G ra m m a r Focus (U nits 1-8) (p. 77) 9


dem onstrations by fam ous chefs. I tasted local cheeses and sausages. I d id n ’t win but I had a lot of fun.

1 2

have never heard Maria will com e


ate three burgers


1 2 3

did he buy never cooks that her


1 2 3

W hat are the children having fo r breakfast? You shouldn’t drink fizzy drinks every day. W hat did you eat for dinner last night?

in a oizza com petition. I had to desian mv dream pizza. I d id n ’t win. but it was a lot o f fun. Hope vou’ve had a aood summer.

4 5

Paula likes going to food festivals. How often do you go out fo r dinner?

Write soon.


Hi Leila! How are vou? I’ve iust been to the Briahton Food Festival, in Enaland. It was fantastic! I tasted local sausaaes and cheeses, but the hiahliaht was the cookerv dem onstrations bv fam ous chefs. I also tried takina some cookina classes, and to o k part

Emilv C LIL (p. 81)

Listening skills (p. 78) 1





3 B










3 B







has entered a cooking contest

2 3 4 5 6

must make a dessert can’t use any sugar has bought honey instead to bake some cookies be healthy and delicious

6 C







Suggested answer




cram ping

All of these foods can help you play sports w ithout getting tired. They give you the nutrients you need to be strong and healthy. A cross C ultu res (p. 81) 1



In America, in the city of San Francisco, there is the Boudin Bread Museum where you can see all the

S peakin g skills (p. 79) 1





3 B








3 C
































machines used for making bread and even try to bake bread yourself the old-fashioned way.


Skills (p. 82)

























Skills ( d . 83)

W riting (p. 80) 1













3 D





I to o k part in a baking com petition.

2 3

It was the best pizza I have ever eaten. We tried lobster fo r the first time.

4 5

I have never tasted such delicious food. The highlight was a firew orks display.







1 2

told has improved

3 4

am having biscuits




1 9

W ould few

3 4

bar have



Crave Sydney International Festival is A ustralia’s biggest food festival! Come and meet some o f the w o rld ’s m ost fam ous chefs as they dem onstrate their skills! There’s also an awesome night market where


Workbook Audioscripts Listening skills 2

Listening skills 1 Exercise 1 (p. 8) 1


Hi, I’m Olga. I am 16 years old and I am from the UK. I am British. I am a hardworking student. I like my school. My teachers are brilliant. I am good at Chemistry and Physics but I love History. It is very interesting.

Exercise 1 (p. 18) 1

Pete: Hi! I’m Pete. W hat’s your name? Mark: Hi! My nam e’s Mark. Pete: Hi, Mark. Are you a new student? M ark: Yes, I am. Pete: How old are you?


Jane: Lyn can run very fast. Look at her! Ann: Yes. She’s great. Can you run, Jane? Jane: No, not very fast. But I can play the piano. Ann: Really? I can play the guitar. Jane: Hey, we can play together!

Woman 2: Y ou’re welcome. 3

Bob: Is that the new lesson timetable? Keith: Yes, it is. M ondays are so boring! There is Maths at nine and then Chem istry at eleven! Bob: Yes, but at 1 o ’clock there’s PE! Keith: That’s true, but I can’t take part. My foot is really sore. Bob: Oh, th a t’s too bad.


Hi, Sue. It’s Cindy. Are you free today? My best friend Judy is in tow n fo r the weekend. Can you meet up w ith us? She’s a really nice person, but she’s very quiet. It’s not a problem for you though, because you’re really funny and can talk to anyone! Anyway, you can call me at home. Bye!

Exercise 2 (p. 8) Alex: Hi, there. Is this the room fo r the English class? Richard: Hi! Yes, it is. I’m Richard. W hat’s your name? Alex: I’m Alex. Nice to meet you. Richard: Where are you from, Alex? Alex: I’m from Athens in Greece. W hat about you? Richard: I’m French. My fam ily is from Paris. Alex: Are there many French people in this class? Richard: No, just me. The people here are from lots of different places. My friend Mario over there is Spanish. Alex: Is the boy behind him from Spain as well? Richard: No, he’s Italian. His name is Alberto. Alex: Oh! I can speak Italian. Can you introduce me? Richard: Sure!

Mark: Philip, I can’t wait to show you my new flat. Can you com e over this afternoon? Philip: Yes, OK. W hat’s the address? Mark: It’s 20 Bloom Street on the first floor.

Ann: That’s a great idea! 4

Woman 1: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the library, please? Woman 2: Of course. Go down Howard Street and walk past the cinema. Then, take the second left. Walk past the post office and turn right. It’s just opposite the art gallery. Woman 1: That’s great. Thank you so much!

M ark: I am 16. And you? Pete: I’m 17. 3

Girl: Mum! Can you rem ember where I left my book? Woman: Isn’t it on the coffee table? Girl: No; I can’t see it in the living room at all! Woman: Hmm, maybe it’s on the bookcase. Girl: No; I can’t see it there either! Woman: Why d on’t you check the desk? Girl: Oh yeah, here it is! Thanks, Mum!

Philip: How can I get there? Mark: It’s easy. Go down Victoria Road and take the third right. It’s the fourth building on your left. Philip: OK. See you then. 4

Boy: Hi, Mrs Smith. Is Anthony home? Mrs Smith: No, he’s still at the library. He’s got an im portant project fo r college. Boy: OK. Can you tell him to meet me at the park at 8? Mrs Smith: Sure. No problem.


Hi, Christine, it’s Lynn. I’m calling you about a new film. Your favourite actor is in it - Jude Law! There is a show on at 9 o ’clock tom orrow night. Can you come? The cinem a is opposite my house so I can get tickets for you. Call me later.

Exercise 2 (p. 18) Anna: Hi, I’m Anna. Are you new in the building? Maria: Hi, Anna. I’m Maria. Yes, I am. Anna: W hat floor are you on? M aria: My fam ily has got the flat on the fourth floor. Anna: Hey, I am right under you, on the third floor. Maria: How old are you, Anna? Anna: I’m 16. Maria: Me too! Are there any other kids in the building? Anna: Well, there’s Stella, she’s our age. She’s on the eighth floor. Oh, yes there’s Kyra. She’s on the seventh floor. You can meet her now. She’s outside. Maria: OK! Let’s go!

Exercise 3 (p. 8) Good morning, students. I’m Mr Farrow, your Art teacher. Can you draw? Then join the school art club! The meetings are every day after school, except on Thursdays, in the Art room. Interested students can w rite their names on the club list in the school office. Hope to see many o f you at the first meeting! Thank you.

Exercise 3 (p. 18) W elcome to W endy’s Home Store. Today, we have got a big sale on wooden furniture. You can find these items on the first floor. For rugs and carpets, please go to the second floor. Decorative items such as vases and paintings are on the third floor and fourth floor. Have a nice day.

Workbook Audioscripts Woman 1: No; the wom an next to her. Woman 2: You mean the one with the short brown hair? Woman 1: Yes, the one w ho is wearing glasses. Woman 2: Oh, th a t’s my cousin, Louise. She’s really funny. Com e and meet her!

Listening skills 3 Exercise 1 (p. 28) Recording 1 Charles: Hey Bob. Do you know which after-school activity you w ant to join? Bob: Hi Charles. I really like photography and I w ant to try som ething different. All I do is play football after school. Charles: So why d o n ’t you join the photography club? Some of my friends are in it and they really like it. Bob: There’s just one problem. Charles: W hat? Are you worried about all your homework? You can do it in the library at lunch time. Bob: No, it's not that. It says here on the list that it’s on Tuesday after school but I’ve got a French lesson then. Charles: Look, you can always move your lesson to another day. Bob: Uh ... I guess so.


Attention, please. Passengers for the 3 o ’clock train to London, please go to platform 1. Passengers travelling on the 3:30 train to Bristol, please note that the train is delayed and is now due to arrive at 4 o ’clock. We apologise for the delay. Have a pleasant day.


Girl 1: Hi, Sally. You look busy! Girl 2: Yes, I’m just watering my grandparents’ plants. They’re on holiday at the m om ent and I’m looking after the house for them. Girl 1: That’s nice. W hat about you? Have you got any plans fo r the weekend? Girl 2: No, why? Girl 1: There is a good play at the theatre on Saturday evening. Do you w ant to com e w ith me? Girl 2: That sounds great!

Charles: Is there another club you like? Bob: Not really. Charles: Then go and get a club sign up form from the secretary over there. Take it home with you. I’m sure you can arrange your after-school activities so you can join the club. Bob: Good idea, Charles. Thanks. Charles: No problem. Recording 2 Thank you for joining me here today. My name is Nancy Callaghan and I’ m a professional tennis player. I know that many of you students dream of w hat it is like to be a professional athlete. So, let me tell you about myself. I com e from an athletic family. My brothers and I play many different sports. My dad has a sporting goods shop, so we know about a lot of sports. My m other is the one who pushes me not to give up on my dream to win a world cham pionship some day. She is a nurse and she is very hardworking. My tennis coach says I am a lot like her. I train very hard for many hours a day. I d o n ’t just play tennis. I train in the gym and study ways to improve my playing skills with my coach. As a professional athlete I also follow a very strict but healthy diet. I often travel fo r tournam ents. Each day is different and challenging. The only bad thing is I d o n ’t have a lot of free time. I really enjoy w hat I do, and for those o f you w ho have a dream I encourage you to w ork hard and never give up on it. Exercise 2 (p. 28) 1

Boy 1: Hi, S cott. Do you w ant to go to the cinema tonight? Boy 2: Sorry, I ca n ’t. It’s my sister’s birthday so I have to go to a restaurant with my family. Boy 1: How about tom orrow then? Boy 2: Well, I’ve got rugby practice until 6 o ’clo ck but I could meet you after that. Is 6:30 good fo r you? Boy 1: T hat’s perfect. See you tom orrow !


Woman 1: W ho’s that wom an over there? W oman 2: W hich one? The one with the long blonde hair?


Janet: Hi Ann, it’s Janet. Ann: Hi, Janet. How can I help? Janet: Well, I w ant to take the kids to the bowling alley. Does your son like bowling? Ann: Oh yes, he loves it! Janet: Great! Could you bring him to the bowling alley at 12 o ’clock, then? Ann: No problem. See you tom orrow , Janet. Janet: Bye!

Skills 3 Exercise 2 (p. 33) Recording 1 Joan: So Theresa, w hat do you think of this dress? Theresa: I like it, Joan. It looks nice with your short dark hair. Joan: You think so? I really w ant long blonde hair like my mother. Theresa: Why? You look great w ith short hair. Joan: I guess, but I d o n ’t like this dress. It’s old. Look at my closet, Theresa. I d on’t have a nice dress fo r the disco dance tom orrow ! I ca n’t buy a dress at the shops because I d o n ’t have the money! Theresa: OK, Don’t panic. I’m short so my dresses d o n ’t fit you. Why do n ’t you ask your sister for a dress? She is tall like you and you wear the same size. Joan: That’s a great idea, Theresa! Let’s go ask her. Recording 2 My name is Alex and I’m sixteen years old. I’m in Year 11 at school. Of course school is important, but I also think adults often forget how important it is fo r teenagers to have tim e to relax and have fun. I have a very busy day at school. I get up at 7 in the morning and walk to school with my friends. I have classes all day and go back home around 4 pm. I usually


Workbook Audioscripts have a lesson like piano or tennis. Then I do my homework. I don’t have a problem with studying, it’s just that I often don’t have extra tim e to play video games or watch TV. I go to bed early, which I can’t stand. I want to stay up but I have school early the next day. At the weekends, I usually play video games at home. Sometimes, I play basketball with my brother or have lunch with my grandparents. I never miss a match of football with my friends. We have a lot of fun. School can be difficult and very tiring so I really enjoy it when I am free to do what I want.

Listening skills 4 Exercise 1 (p. 38) 1 Ann: Do I need to take my um brella with me today? Sue: Well, it’s not raining at the moment. Ann: Is it cloudy though? Sue: Actually, it’s quite sunny. I d o n ’t th in k you should

Jeremy: No; he’s out shopping at the mom ent. He w ants to buy some new clothes fo r his holiday next week. Tony: That sounds fun. You should join him. Jerem y: Well, I d o n ’t really like shopping. Also, my friend A ndy’s com ing over shortly to study w ith me. Tony: Where is he just now? Jeremy: He’s sw im m ing at the local pool. He goes there every day because he’s training fo r a com petition. Tony: Cool! Wish him luck for me. Anyway, I have to go. Enjoy your day, Jeremy. Jeremy: You too, Tony. See you soon! Tony: Bye! Exercise 3 (p. 38) Question Question Question Question

1: 2: 3: 4:

H ow 's your holiday going? W hat’s the weather like over there? W ould you like to go skiing at the weekend? W hy d o n ’t we go to the beach on foot?

take it. Ann: Okay, then. I hope y o u ’re right! 2



Mary: Where do you go during the summ er holidays, Helen? Helen: Well, we always go cam ping in Brittany, Mary. My mum and dad love France. W hat about you? Mary: We usually visit my grandparents. They live in Iceland, next to the sea. Helen: Cool! Do you go swim m ing every day? Mary: No; it’s too cold for that! My grandparents own a boat, so we go sailing a lot. Helen: That sounds like fun! Woman 1: W hat do you think o f these shoes, Jean? Woman 2: Oh, they look great, Annie! You should buy them. Woman 1: Yes, I think th e y’re perfect fo r the wedding. Do you think I should buy this hat as well? Woman 2: Hmm, I d o n ’t think it really m atches your dress. Woman 1: Okay, then. I trust your advice!

Skills 4 Exercise 3 (p. 42) Question Question Question Question

Exercise 1 (p. 48) 1 Man: I really do n ’t feel well and I have a bad cough. Woman: Well, there are a lot of people sick with the flu. Man: Can you give me som ething for it? Woman: Yes. This cough syrup is very good. M an: OK. How much is it? Woman: £4.50. If it doesn’t help, go to the d o cto r’s. 2

Ladies and gentlemen, welcom e on board Flight 445

such as laptops, mobile phones and m usic players. Thank you for choosing Euro Air and enjoy your flight.

Exercise 2 (p. 38) Jerem y: Hi, Tony. How are you enjoying your holiday? Tony: Hi, Jeremy. It’s great! I’m sunbathing by the pool at the mom ent. W hat are you up to? Jeremy: Well, I’m just reading a book. It’s raining so there’s not much I can do. Tony: That’s a shame. Is Mark w ith you?


Ann: That was a great weekend! Sue: Yes, I’m glad we w ent to the mountains and not sailing. Ann: I know, me too. Sitting around the cam pfire was so m uch fun. Sue: Yes, and the tent was great. Ann: Too bad we d id n ’t have tim e to go fishing. Sue: How about asking our parents to go again next weekend? Ann: Sounds good.

Hello, Susan. It’s Mark. I’m on the train. It’s just arriving at the station now. Do you still w ant to meet up fo r lunch? It’s a lovely day so maybe we could go to the park? It’s too sunny to stay indoors! Let me know w hat you think.

W ould you like to go kayaking today? How often do you play sports? W hat do you do in your free time? Do you like playing tennis?

Listening skills 5

to Paris. We are second in line to take off. Please fasten your seatbelts and turn o ff all electronic devices


1: 2: 3: 4:


Girl: I can’t believe w e’re in New York, Mum. Mother: It sure is wonderful. So where do you want to go first? Girl: Well, I really w ant to see the Guggenheim Museum. Mother: OK, but it’s such a nice day outside. How about going for a walk in Central Park? Girl: I have an even better idea. There’s a great street market in Brooklyn open today. Can we go? M other: Sure, that sounds like fun.

Workbook Audioscripts 4

Man: Did you get the tickets? Woman: Yes, here they are. M an: Great. Where are we sitting? Woman: Oh, we have great seats near the stage. Third row. M an: Brilliant! The lead actor is a great performer. Woman: I know. I ca n ’t wait to see him live. We can go meet him if you like.


Hi, Bob. It’s Richard. Sorry that I d id n ’t call you yesterday. I had an interview, and guess what! I got the job! I’m really excited. It’s my first job as a com puter programmer. I start on Friday. Let’s go out and celebrate at the weekend. Call me.

Exercise 2 (p. 48) Hello, everyone. Thank you for choosing Castle Tours. At the to p of the hill sits Stirling Castle. It is over 900 years old and is im portant due to its rich history. Many S cottish kings and queens lived in this castle, including Mary Queen of Scots. It was also the site of several fam ous battles which caused some damage to the building. Now, let’s go inside for a closer look.

Listening skills 6 Exercise 1 (p. 58) Recording 1 Bob: Oh, look at that beautiful bird, Leroy! Leroy: Yes, it’s nice. Do you w ant to go and see the snakes? Bob: Sure. I heard they also sell tarantulas here. Let’s ask where they are. Leroy: No way! Tarantulas terrify me. I once saw one at the zoo. It was awful! I can’t stand them. Bob: Oh, really? We have all kinds of spiders and insects on my A unt’s farm. I find them fascinating. Leroy: Well, I d o n ’t get m uch of a chance to see such things in my flat. Bob: You need to com e over to my house and spend more tim e in the garden. Leroy: Y ou’re right about that. Bob: Oh, and before I forget, I need to get some food for my dog while w e ’re here.

Exercise 3 (p. 48) Question Question Question Question

these handouts. It contains a list o f key inform ation you m ust include. It also has helpful w ebsite links with example essays fo r you to look at. The deadline is on the 5th of March. Does anyone have any questions?

1: W hat are you reading? 2: W hat’s he fam ous for? 3: Are you enjoying it? 4: Why do you admire him?

Skills 5 Exercise 2 (p. 53) Recording 1 Alex: Hi, Steve! Did you have a good tim e at the cinema? Steve: Hi, Alex! Yeah, it was fun! Alex: W hat did you go to see? Steve: I wanted to w atch an action-adventure, but the tickets were sold out. So I w ent to see a historical drama instead. Alex: How was it?

Leroy: OK. Recording 2 My name’s Terry. I’m British, Six months ago, my fam ily and I moved to Canada. I remember when my parents told me about the move. I was really scared! I did n ’t know w hat to expect. However, my parents were so excited that it calmed me down. They said that Canada w ould be quite similar to Britain, so it w o uldn ’t be that difficult to live there. Well, let me tell you a story. A year ago, I saw a bear for the first time, in a zoo in London. Last week, I saw a bear for the first tim e - in my back garden! I couldn’t believe it! Canada is full of surprises! But you know what? I’m really glad we came! Exercise 2 (p. 58) 1

Hello and welcom e to the Museum o f Natural History. Please be aware that the new butterfly dom e is now open. The ticket price includes access to this area for no extra charge. Also, we have a special dinosaur exhibit on the first floor and are now showing Shark A ttack in our IMAX theatre. Enjoy your visit and have a pleasant day.


Ann: Hi, Sue. How ’s your cat? Sue: Oh, she’s fine, thanks. We brought her back

Steve: Well, I was worried that it might be boring because there’s not much action in it. But actually, it was really interesting. Alex: W hat was the film about? Steve: It’s about a poor man who meets a person who changes his life forever. He learns how to trick people and becom es very rich and famous. Alex: Now that sounds good! I might go to see it this weekend. Steve: You should! I highly recom m end it. Recording 2 Hello, everybody. I w ant to tell you about your next project. You have to w rite about a fam ous person in history. You can choose anyone you like, so make it someone interesting! My advice is to read some books in the library

home from the ve t’s yesterday. She’s still a bit sick, but getting better. Anyway, I’m just here to buy her some treats to cheer her up. Ann: Aww, how sweet! They’re on aisle tw o, next to the cat food. Sue: Great, thanks!

to get some ideas. Now, everyone, please take one of


Workbook Audioscripts 3

M argret: Why d on’t you do it on wind power? That’s a very im portant technology for the environment. Cindy: Good idea! I’ll do it on that. Thanks, Margaret.

Girl: Hi, Peter. Can you help me think of an idea for my essay? Boy: Sure, Anna. W hat’s it about? Girl: I need to w rite about an endangered animal. Boy: Well, how about the giant panda or the tiger? Girl: No, other students are already w riting about


research. David: A bout what? Joey: Well, when school ends I’m going to teach English in Japan, so I w ant to get some information

those. I w ant to do som ething different. Boy: I have an idea! You can w rite about the spider monkey. It’s a very rare species found in South America. Girl: Now that does sound interesting. Thanks fo r your

about the country. David: Wow! That sounds really interesting. Joey: I hope so. W hat are you planning after school

help, Peter! Boy: No problem! 4

finishes? David: I’m volunteering at an animal shelter near my

Girl: Excuse me, did you see a dog run by just a few

house. Joey: That’s perfect for you. I know how much you

mom ents ago? Boy: What did it look like? Girl: It’s got black and w hite fur and is wearing a red collar. Boy: Is it a big dog? Girl: No, just a puppy. He ran off while we were in the park! Boy: Oh no! Let me help you look fo r him! 5

love animals, David. David: Yes, I’m looking forward to it. 3

bring my canary in to the clinic today? Woman: OK. W hat seems to be the problem?

watch film s on it. Sally: Really? 1 w anted a lapto p b u t m aybe \ should

M an: He’s not eating any food. I’ m very worried. Woman: I see. Well, Dr Smith is available at 3 pm.

buy a tablet, too. Alex: Sally, get a tablet. It’s the gadget o f the future.

Does that suit you? M an: That’s perfect. Thank you so much. Woman: Y o u ’re welcom e. See you later, Mr Durham.

Sally: Hmmmm ... can you show me how it works? Alex: Sure. 4

Skills 6 Exercise 2 (p. 62) Good afternoon, visitors. We hope you are enjoying your day at the Air & Space Museum. Don’t miss the Lunar Lander in the Lunar Exploration Vehicles exhibition on the first level. We are excited to announce a special event happening in three hours, at 4:30 pm, in the W elcome Centre. A w orld-renow ned plane designer will be giving a talk about some o f the m ost fam ous planes ever built! And m ost o f them are parked or hanging in sight of the talk! Don’t miss this rare opportunity to ask an expert anything

Listening skills 7 Exercise 1 (p. 68) 1

Cindy: Margaret, w hat is your science project about? M argret: Electric cars. I w ant to do som ething about technology in the future. What about you, Cindy? Cindy: Well, at first I thought about doing my project on the solar system but I w ant to do som ething about the environment.


Sally: Alex, did you get it? Alex: Yes! I bought it yesterday. Sally: Oh, let me see it! Alex: Here it is. Sally: W ow. It’s amazing. The screen is huge. It’s much bigger than my sm artphone. Alex: T hat’s why I wanted to get a tablet. I can even

Woman: Hello, Petcare V et’s. How can I help you? M an: Hello. My name is Jam ie Durham. Is it okay if I

you w ant to know about aviation.

David: Hey Joey, Where are you going? Joey: Oh hi, David. I’m going to the library to do some

Kim: So, should we go in or do you w ant to w ait and see if the weather gets better? George: I do n ’t think so. It’s getting quite cold. I do n ’t w ant to swim. Kim: OK, then why d o n ’t we go to the w ildlife park that Dad told us about instead? George: T hat’s not a bad idea, but it’s quite far away. What about a robot exhibition? I read in the newspaper that there’s one at the science museum. It’s just a block from the beach. We can walk there. Kim: That sounds perfect. Let’s go! George: Great then.


Hi, Fiona. It’s Stacy. I hope you had a great weekend. I just wanted to let you know that I w ent to the Technology Show at the Conference Centre. It was incredible. They had the latest gadgets and com puter applications. I loved the incredible 3D printers. You have to see them. The show is until next weekend. Make sure you go! Talk to you soon. Bye!

Exercise 2 (p. 68) Simona: Hi, Katie. Do you know w hat you’re going to write about for our class project on technology? Katie: Hi, Simona. I’m going to do my project on being safe on the Internet. I think it’s a really im portant issue.

■ g

Workbook Audioscripts Simona: T hat’s a good idea! Is Am y writing about that as well?

what the subject though, there is always the message about caring for the environment. I’m really proud to go to

Katie: Oh, no. We d id n ’t w ant to do the same topic, so she’s going to w rite about mobile phones and health. What

my school.

about you, Simona? W hat to p ic did you choose? Simona: Well, I was thinking about writing about space travel, but I think I’m going to do a project on tablet PCs instead. It seems a bit more interesting. Katie: Oh, I think Rania was going to do that as well. Simona: Yes, she was at first, but she changed her mind. Katie: W hat’s she going to do now? Simona: She’s writing about sm artphones. Actually, I have

Listening skills 8 Exercise 1 (p. 78) 1

Woman: Oh, well. I’ll have a cheeseburger, then. Waiter: Would you like chips with it? Woman: No thanks. But can I have a small salad, please? Waiter: Certainly.

to go and meet her now. I’ll speak to you later, Katie. Katie: OK, Simona. Good luck with your project! Simona: You too! See you soon. Katie: Bye! 2 Exercise 3 (p. 68) Question Question Question Question

1: 2: 3: 4:

W hat What W hat What

are you doing at the weekend? did you buy from the shop? features does your phone have? do you use your phone for?

Peter: Steve, did you book a table for lunch at Alfredo’s? Steve: I tried, but they d id n ’t have one. Peter: So, w hat should we do? I can make an om elette and we can eat in. Sfeve; It’s such a nice day outside. We really should go out. Peter: How about we pack some sandw iches and snacks and go on a picnic? Steve: T hat’s a great idea. Let’s go!

S kills 7 Exercise 3 (p. 73)

Waiter: Hello, can I take your order? Woman: Yes, please. I’d like a steak. Waiter: I’m sorry, but w e d o n ’t have steaks today.


S peaker 1 When I got into the School of Arts, I was really excited. I really w ant to be a singer, so this is the place to be. I know studying here will help me becom e a good singer. My school is not just about perform ing arts, though. I have

Jenny: So, how ’s your diet going, Trish? Trish: Very well, Jenny. I feel much better. Jenny: Can you eat any sweets? Trish: Sure. I still have my favourite chocolate every now and then. Jenny: What about steak? Is it allowed? Trish: Well, I d o n ’t like red meat, but I can eat it. You know w hat I really miss? Jenny: What?

regular classes like maths, science and environmental studies. A fter school I have a lot of w ork to do fo r my regular classes and singing practice. It’s tiring but w orth it.

Trish: Coffee. I really miss a cup in the morning. S peaker 2 When people see my school, they d o n ’t believe it’s a school. Where I live, there are a lot of problem s with flooding and schools often have to close. I’m lucky I go to school on a boat so it doesn’t have to close when there are floods. I study English, Science and Maths. The boat even has a library and the Internet so I can use it to study after class.

Jenny: You ca n ’t even have one cup a day? Trish: Unfortunately not. 4

oranges. They are delicious! We should buy a box. They’re selling them at the stand. Tony: Sure, let’s get some before we leave. Did you see the chocolate sculptures over there? Bob: Yes. They are incredible. There’s a table over there; do you w ant to sit down and eat something? Tony: OK, but w hat tim e is the com petition? I d o n ’t want to miss it.

Speaker 3 At my school there’s no reason to miss a lesson. The school film s all classroom lessons and th e y’re available online. In class w e’ve got tablet com puters to do our w ork and the teachers use w hiteboards to present the lesson. We do all our studying and assignments on com puters and

Bob: It’s not for another hour. Let’s sit and eat something. There’s live music about to start over there on the stage. Tony: OK.

hand them in online. I’ ll definitely have great com puter skills for whatever career I decide on. 5 Speaker 4 My school may look like any other school but it’s really unusual. It’s alm ost com pletely solar powered and very energy efficient. Not only that, we use only recycled paper and other products. I have the usual classes and

Bob: You just have to try these chocolate covered

Hi Tammy. It’s Julia. Do you rem em ber that great chocolate cake you m ade last year at your party? It was so delicious. Do you think I could have the recipe? I w ould really like to make it fo r my m um ’s birthday party this weekend. I think she will love it. Call me and let me know. Bye.

homework. My favourite class is com puting. No m atter




u..u i- ' v-

Workbook Audioscripts Exercise 2 (p. 78) Recording 1 Cory: Christina, is it true? Are you really taking a cooking class? Christina: Yes, it’s true, Cory. I’ve always w anted to learn to cook and the class is really fun. Cory: Really? W hat’s it like? Christina: Well, my teacher is great. He studied cooking at a local cooking school and has w orked with som e very fam ous chefs from around the w orld. Now he has his own French restaurant. Cory: So w hat kinds of things do you do in class? Christina: In each class I have to cook with a partner. The class supplies all the food. The teacher shows us what to do step by step and then we try. I usually bring a notebook to w rite dow n the recipe so as not to forget. Cory: And w hat can you cook? Christina: I already know how to make roast beef and next tim e we are going to learn to bake a cake. Cory: Do you know how to make chicken curry? It’s my favourite. Christina: Not yet. But as soon as I do I’ll make it fo r you. Cory: Great!


Recording 2 W elcome students. My name is Jill W alters and I’m here to discuss the way many of us eat today. In the past, I planned meals for many athletes to help them achieve their sport goals. But it’s not just athletes or overw eight people who need to w atch w hat they eat. We all need to think about w hat we eat. Healthy eating needs planning. I’m working with schools now to develop meals for students just like you. It’s also up to all o f you to take responsibility for w hat you eat. As young people, you are still growing and you need to be extra careful to eat a well balanced diet. All of you know by now that you need to eat a proper breakfast and drink lots o f water. The big problem now is that m ost often students do n ’t plan w hat or when they will eat next. A poor diet leads to a lot o f health risks, so you need to plan your meals to make sure you are eating a balanced diet.

Grammar Bank Key Unit 1 1




1 2

The a, The

3 4

a, The an, The

5 6

a, The an, The

2 3

Don’t swim open


Don’t talk


Let’s walk



1 2


Are, aren’t


is, ’s/is

6 7

Are, aren’t are, ’m


’m Is, isn’t, ’s/is Is, isn’t

2 3 4 5

Luca is Spanish. Is Anna sixteen years old? Is Sasha from Thailand? My favourite subject is English./


English is my favourite subject. Hannah isn’t from Canada.


2 3 4

Can Lisa ride a horse? No, she can’t. Can John do martial arts? No, he can’t. Can Donna swim? Yes, she can.


2 3

can’t can’t


2 3



Suggested answers

4 5 4 5


can can


6 7





My mum is hardworking and kind. I can swim and play com puter games. I ca n ’t ride a horse or do martial arts. My dad can fly a plane. My best friend can’t play basketball.

Unit 2 5

2 3

They She, her











W ho


Where How

4 5

When What


3 2 3


4 5

Where Where






She, her


He, him



Their 5











W hat


2 3 4 5 6







dresses, dishes, foxes


cherries, babies, ladies

There are, there isn’t There is, there isn’t



leaves cities flags men buses

7 8 9 10 11


They are men.

3 4

They are glasses.

There are, there aren’t There are, there isn’t



in front of


2 3

between in front of














a, any some, a


an, a b any, any, some

any, a


knives, wolves, leaves children, mice, teeth

4 5

Is there a com puter on the desk? No, there isn’t. Are there pillows on the bed? No, there aren’t. Are there four posters on the wall? Yes, there are. Are there six cushions on the sofa? Yes, there are. Is there a plant on the bedside cabinet? No, there isn’t.

How old

balls, com puters













5 6

2 3







6 7

any any








13 14

feet teeth




tom atoes mice

15 16

people wives


2 3 4

Jack has got blue eyes and brown hair. Has Sophie got a sister? Ben and Laura have got a big house. Have you got a com puter? Their house hasn’t got five bedrooms.

They are heroes. They are ladies.


They are cities.

5 6


We are boys. They are children.

2 3

A baby can’t use the Internet. Green Lantern can becom e invisible.


4 5 6

A horse can’t clim b trees. Catwoman can run very fast. A child can’t drive a car.



next to / beside

w atches children

6 7



Has Kate got a desk and chair? No, she hasn’' She's got a rug. Have Dan and Steve got an armchair? No, they haven’t. They’ve got a desk and chair. Has Annie got a w ardrobe? No, she hasn’t. She’s got an armchair.


Grammar Bank Key 7

11 1 haven’t, ’ve/have 2 Has, hasn’t 3 Have, haven’t, have/’ve

3 4 5

4 Has, ’s/has 5 Have, have 12 2


hates getting up early in the morning loves w atching football every day doesn’t like walking to school likes having a show er in the evening

U n it 4

A lex’s house has got four floors. 1

Ben’s house hasn’t got four floors. It has got three floors. 3

A lex’s house has got tw o bedrooms. Ben’s house hasn’t got tw o bedrooms. It has got three bedrooms.






2 3 4

They are his. It is ours. They are hers.


2 My 3 she






5 6

4 My 5 he

My, his


6 7


I His

4 mine


doesn’t like

7 8

go are you watching

1 2 3 4

’m doing Do you drive, always take Is it raining, ’s snowing Do you know, ’s making

2 3 4 5

go d o n ’t come ’s raining





3 Their, theirs


2 3

at in


8 he 9 your 6 I, ours

5 He

aren’t watching

is sending ’s snowing Does he catch


It is yours. They are theirs.

is surfing are doing



isn’t playing


theirs 6

are reading is riding


B en’s house has got a living room. A lex’s house hasn’t got a living room.

6 7

3 4 5


Ben’s house has got a garage. A lex’s house hasn’t got a garage.


is making Is Frank doing

2 3 4

6 7 8


aren’t playing are watching ’m sending







at at



6 7





U nit 3 1 2 girls’ 3 m en’s 2

4 A m y’s 5 granddads’

2 Whose

3 W ho’s



U n it 5

6 N ed’s 2 3

w eren’t

2 3 4 5

Karen Karen Karen Karen



2 3 4

played w atched tried

5 6 7

travelled invented carried


2 3

walk Did

4 5

introduced Did


1 2 3 4

experimented d id n ’t paint, painted Did Beethoven com pose, com posed Did Yuri Gagarin live, travelled Was Agatha Christie, created

1 5 W ho’s 2




walks, listens, lives relaxes, goes, w atches studies





2 3 4

Does Tom do w orks d o n ’t have

5 goes 6 does the train leave 7 doesn’t teach

2 3 4 5

Does she live in Argentina? Yes, she does. Do you listen to music at home? Yes, I do. Does Michael w alk to work? No, he doesn’t. Do Ted and John watch TV in the evening?


Yes, they do. Do they share a room? No, they d o n ’t.


Steve is often early for work.

3 4 5

Larry usually helps his family. They are som etim es late for school. My dad never w orks in the evening.

3 4


4 5


w asn’t was


w eren’t

couldn’t ride a horse when she was ten. could use the Internet when she was ten. could take photos when she was ten. couldn’t play basketball when she was ten. 3




5 8 9 10 6

had dropped enjoyed liked travel

Grammar Bank Key 7

2 3 4

w atched lived trained

5 6 7

had created started

8 9

finished d id n ’t reach


died 4

Unit 6 1


1 2 2 3 4 5


3 4










saw, w ent


came saw

6 7 8 9

did explained felt had

10 11 12 13

was told

fought asked

C o m p a ra tiv e

S u p e rla tive











more beautiful

m ost beautiful


more intelligent

m ost intelligent






w orst

m any/m uch



2 Rex’s legs are longer than C hum ’s. 3 C hum ’s fur is thicker than Rex’s. 4 Rex’s body is larger than C hum ’s. 2 Camels are taller than wolves. Giraffes are the tallest of all. Foxes have longer tails than rabbits. W olves have the longest tail of all.


Sheep are faster than hens. Horses are the fastest of all.


Penguins are better swim m ers than seals. Polar bears are the best swim m ers o f all.





2 3 4

’re going to take ’II spot are showing








Is he going to take

3 4

is going to break down is not going to give Is she going to study are going to visit

5 6







’re having ’II w rite






2 3 4 5

can make jam m ustn’t feed the animals m ust help with the chores should eat fruit







You shouldn’t eat lots of sugar.

3 4 5

Can I have these crisps? You m ustn’t run in the library. You should drink water.


2 3

can shouldn’t


S u g g e ste d a n sw e rs


2 3 4 5

cups o f coffee jars of honey bags of sugar

1 2 3

any much, a lot little, some


2 3



2 3 4

taken written tried

5 6 7

washed known arrived


Unit 7 1


5 6





Unit 8



2 3 4

They’re/are going to play com puter games. They aren’t/are not going to visit their grandparents. They’re/are going to visit a technology exhibition.

5 6

won replied

A d je c tiv e

2 3 4

are you going to do, ’ll/will look for ’ll/will call ’s/is not going to go ’m/am going to talk, ’ll/will enjoy ’ll/will show

found spoke

A: Did the grandfather feel angry at times? B: Yes, he did. A: Did the grandfather have tw o good wolves inside him? B: No, he d id n ’t. He had a good w o lf and a bad w olf inside him.



C 9

2 3 4 5 6

4 5

m ustn’t Can


tins of beans


bars of chocolate


bottles o f olive oil

4 5

many, a few any, much

packets o f spaghetti

4 5


6 7 8 9 10 11 12




done stopped brought fried told

Have you ever tried this cereal? I haven’t eaten anything since this morning. Have you seen Karen today? He has never drunk coffee before. They haven’t started cooking yet.


Grammar Bank Key 10



Has Anna ever tried lobster?


No, she hasn’t. Have Carl and Anna ever eaten a pomegranate?


Yes, they have. Have Anna and Greg ever visited a food festival?


Yes, they have. Has Greg ever eaten a pomegranate?


No, he hasn’t. 11

2 3


for since

4 for 5 for

6 7

since for

has been has decided has lived


1 2 3 4 5

ate Did you go, have just booked haven’t eaten, had has just gone, Did you tell haven’t seen, left


2 3 4

flew arrived has taken place



2 3 4 5

have ever tried hasn’t drunk coffee for hasn’t baked a cake Mike ate meat was

has been have never seen Have you made


haven’t visited have never tried


S ugg e ste d a nsw e rs 2 3 4 5

I haven’t eaten meat since 2008. I haven’t been on holiday since last summer. i have lived in Athens for 3 years. I have never tried caviar.

Vocabulary Bank Key Vocabulary Bank 1 A B

nurse’s office canteen C gym D library


art room


m usic room com puter lab science lab

1 2 3 4 4

music room gym canteen nurse’s office

5 6 7

com puter lab art room library


science lab

science lab com puter lab library m usic room

My flat is small. The m ost com m on type of house in my country is a block of flats.

Vocabulary Bank 3 1

1 2 3 4

3 4

surprised bored tired




5 6

frightened happy


sad nervous

thrilled tired

3 4



5 6

frightened nervous

1 2


3 4


5 6








1 2 3





5 6 7 8

art room gym


7 8


nurse’s office

Suggested answers 1 2

Yes, there are. There are three com puter labs my school. Yes, there is.

3 4

Yes, there is. I read books there. Yes, there are. There are four art rooms.

Vocabulary Bank 2 1

1 skyscraper

5 detached

2 3

sem i-detached block of flats

6 bungalow 7 villa



8 cottage


3 4


1 B 2 E














Suggested answers



A: Where is the roof? B: On top of the house.


A: Where is the garden? B: In front o f the veranda.


A: Where is the chimney? B: On to p of the roof.


A: W here is the veranda? B: In front of the entrance.


A: Where is the fence? B: In front o f the garden.


A: Where is the entrance? B: At the front of the house.

Suggested answers 1 2

I live in the city. I live in a block of flats.

Suggested answers 1 2

I ca n ’t play outside. it gets dark.

3 4 5

I play sports. my friends com e to my house. I have an exam.

Vocabulary Bank 4 1

1 2 3 4




1 2 3


Suggested answers 1 2 3

cam ping no m obile phones picnic area tourist inform ation B



picnic area castle museum

5 6 7 8 3 B

no sw im m ing museum no photography castle 4


4 tourist information 5 camping

Yes it is, but som etim es it has got a different coloured background. It is a person sitting on a bench next to a tree. You see this sign in hospitals.


Vocabulary Bank Key 1


doctor greengrocer


porter bank clerk


police officer shop assistant

11 12 13






taxi driver







dancer actor




8 9

bus driver nurse


chem ist hairdresser

23 24







1 2 3

games console iron microwave


Suggested answers 1



nurse, firefighter, police officer

2 3

mechanic, greengrocer indoors - teacher, doctor, chem ist outdoors - bus driver, taxi driver, pilot actor, waiter, shop assistant

3 4

Suggested answers 1 2 3 4



Suggested answers

4 3


mechanic chef waiter teacher

2 3 4

2 3


Vocabulary Bank 5

My father is a teacher. I w ant to be a pilot when I grow up. The pilot and the d o cto r are the tw o jobs I like. The hairdresser and the bank clerk are the tw o jobs I d o n ’t like.

Vocabulary Bank 6 9 10

1 2 3 4

leaves fruit branches trunk

5 6 7 8

roots stigm a stamen

1 2

roots petals leaves stem

5 6 7

fruit stigm a branches stamens

petal stem


sepals trunk

Parts of a flow er stem, petals, stigma, stamen


Suggested answers 1 2 3

9 10

Parts of a tree

1 2

rose daisy

3 4

5 6

daffodil tulip

lily poppy

My favourite flow er is a rose. I have herbs, roses, daisies and tulips at home. The daffodil is the national flow er of my country.

Vocabulary Bank 7


1 2 3 4

fan hair dryer washing machine vacuum cleaner

5 6 7 8

coffee machine food mixer fridge freezer microwave

4 5




washing machine fridge freezer

I have a TV, a washing machine, a fridge freezer, a games console, a microwave and an MP3 player at home. I w atch program m es on the TV. I wash my clothes in the washing machine. I keep food fresh in the fridge freezer. I play games on the games console. I heat food in the microwave. I listen to m usic on the MP3 player. The washing m achine gets used m ost in my house. My favourite gadget is the games console.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


measuring spoons

9 10 11 12

frying pan grater chopping board colander roasting dish kitchen knife

rolling pin tin opener cake tin spatula egg tim er blender

13 14 15



branches, trunk, fruit, roots, leaves 4

8 9


Vocabulary Bank 8


3 4

6 7

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

digital camera G tablet G flat screen TV MP3 player G tum ble dryer iron games console G


2 D








Suggested answers 2

You roast potatoes in a roasting dish, boil them in

3 4 5

a saucepan or fry them in a frying pan. You boil spaghetti in a saucepan. You boil rice in a saucepan. You roast chicken in a roasting dish or grill it on the


barbecue. You fry onions in a frying pan.


You boil carrots in a sauce pan.



2 3 4 5

chopping board frying pan rolling pin colander

fSs’ own answ ers)

6 7 8 9

roasting dish grater blender measuring spoon

Quizzes Key Unit 1

Unit 4 1



2 3 4




6 7



8 9 10




W ales’

2 3 4


5 6 7 8 9



Ethiopia autumn northwest England

freezing cold

Unit 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


3 4 5 6 7

ten-m ile day plant glass round


8 9


5 6 7 8 9


Argentina nickname charity grandm other children bones walks brain uncle spine


Florida, USA printer eight star






‘red gia nt’




head pictures Agatha Christie 1865 painting

2 3 4 5

annual unity hide dairy napkin

6 7

beverages seafood


vitamins fibre fat

Neil Armstrong design treat Physics

Unit 3 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Unit 5 1 2

France 28 bank zoo Pillows




Unit 6 1 2 3 4

wings pointed meat manes

5 6 7

claws wild birds

8 9

scales feathers carnivores



Further Practice Section Key U nit 4

Prepositions of time 1 2

at on

3 4

in at

5 6





in at

9 10


on in

2 3

Prepositions of place 1 2 3


4 5 6

in front of next to

1 2 3

on between


from at

5 6

from on



8 9

of to of

8 9

off off up

10 11 12

for on for

13 14

by in

in of of

4 5 6


in on with

10 11 12

up to of

13 14 15

in at in

in per down

10 11 12


13 14

for on



U nit 6

U nit 1 1 2


U n it5 7 8

behind in

in with at

3 4

in in

5 6

of over





9 10

at with

11 12

in of

1 2

to in






5 6

out in

8 9

3 4

of with

of of

in on

U nit 2 1 2

of in


C= o



5 6 7 8

at past by up

9 10 11 12

into on in of

13 14 15

across on on


up in for

4 5 6

for with with

7 8 9

to at

10 11



1 2

to on

5 6

of at

7 8

in with

9 10

in in

11 12

of of

Unit 8

U nit 3 1 2 3

U nit 7

with with up

13 14 15

to about about




2 3

In of

5 6


7 8 9

with for with

10 11 12

on in in

13 14

in in



1 1

1 1 A

On Screen 1 is a course for learners of English at CEFR level A1/A2. The course combines active learning with a variety of lively topics presented in eight themed units.


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