Old Man Strength [PDF]

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This book is for information purposes only. Consult your physician before starting an exercise program.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher.




Hey hey hey! I’m Al Kavadlo. I started working out when I was just 13 years old. Ten years later, I became a personal trainer. During my career in fitness, I’ve worked with thousands of clients, written bestselling books, and traveled the world to teach seminars to other fitness professionals. Throughout that time I’ve continued to expand my repertoire, and I’m always trying to adapt and improve my methods.



Over the years I’ve heard from many men in their 40s and beyond – a lot of whom are fathers like myself – who were all essentially asking me the same 3 questions:

– As I’m getting older, I’m realizing I need to start working out, but I’m overweight and don’t know how to start. What should I do?


– I’ve worked out for most of my life but now that I'm getting older I’m starting to get injured. I realize I can’t train how I used to anymore. How should I change my approach to strength training now that I’m in my forties?


– I love working out, but now that I have kids it’s hard to make time for the gym. What should I do?



Bodyweight strength training, sometimes known as calisthenics, is perfect for all of these situations:



The Benefits of Bodyweight Training Include: Efficiency: Calisthenics exercises work many different muscles at once. Convenience: No need to go to the gym! Do your workouts from home in less than an hour. Safety: Bodyweight exercises are ideal for older men as they are less stressful on our joints than lifting weights. There’s also no risk of dropping a weight on yourself when you’re not lifting!

There are still advanced bodyweight moves that can challenge you every bit as much as a heavy deadlift or bench press, but you won't have to worry about throwing out your back or getting a bar stuck on your chest if you fail. When the most resistance you can possibly move is your own weight, the chances of tweaking something while training are a lot smaller.



Why Old Man Strength? When you’re over 40, you can’t train the way you did in your 20s. Your body might still be able to push as hard as it used to, but you may need more time to recover, and you’re more prone to injure yourself if you’re not careful. So if you want to avoid burnout, you’ll need to respect your body and adjust your intensity accordingly. You should end your workout feeling better than when you started – not worse!



Your joints have been through a lot of wear and tear, and your body may not be making as much testosterone as it used to. You’ve also probably lost some mobility as you have aged. That’s why this program is focused on mobility and movement quality as well as building strength and muscle. You can still train hard and workout regularly – but only if you’re smart about it. Following my proven system can keep you safely and steadily progressing.



About The Program Over the next 6 weeks we’re going to transform your body. You will build muscle, burn fat, increase your athleticism and feel better than you have in years. The program is broken up into 3 modules. Each module lasts 2 weeks and gradually increases in intensity. At the start of each new module, progressively harder exercises are introduced and the training volume decreases to allow your body adequate recovery time. Then the volume builds up again. This program has you doing 4 strength/mobility training sessions per week, as well as walking and/or jogging on the days in between. Each training session consists of 5 phases: Warm-up, mobility, strength training, skill work and cool down. The warm-up and mobility sections are intended to be done as a circuit, meaning all exercises should be performed in order as written, with little to no rest in between. Then the entire circuit is repeated 2-3 times.



For the strength sections, complete each exercise in its entirety before moving on – this is not meant to be done as a circuit. Reps are listed for each movement in the warm-up, mobility, strength and cool down phases. For the skill work sections, simply practice the moves in an unstructured, playful manner. Go by how you feel and move on when it seems appropriate. You can think of these sections almost like extra credit. The cool down is to be done in the same fashion as the warm-up. I hope that you’ll find these workouts challenging, yet enjoyable.



The only equipment needed for this program is a pull-up bar and a bench or chair. If you are brand new to calisthenics, I recommend you begin at the start of Module One. Experienced trainees may choose to start with Module Two. If you can't perform the workouts exactly as written, that's okay. Just do the best you can. Also feel free to repeat a week – or even a whole module – if you feel you need the additional practice. Don't move ahead to the next module until you can complete the last two workouts of the previous one as written. When you go through the program, don’t simply try to get through the exercises. Instead really try to be present for them. There are photos and descriptions included for each exercise, and you can see many of them in video format on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/alkavadlo



The Benefits of Strength Training for Men Over 40 Include: Increased Testosterone Production Improved Mental Focus Reduced Chance of Heart Disease Increased Bone Density Better Sleep Increased Energy Levels Look and Feel Younger



One More Thing! Think of this program as the template, but you still need to deal with the reality of your situation. Always listen to your body and make adjustments based on what you are experiencing, even if that means deviating from the program as written. If you need an extra rest day, then take it. And if you miss a day or two, don't worry. Just pick back up where you left off as soon as you can. Let's get started!



Module 1 - Day 1 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Cobra Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 1 - Day 1 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Push-up Bar Hang Hollow Body Knee Tuck Tuck L-sit

3 sets x 10 reps 3 sets x 10 seconds 3 sets x 10 reps 3 sets x 10 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Upward Dog Camel Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist

5 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side



Module 1 - Day 2 Today is an active recovery day! That means your exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 2 miles or 30 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some extra stretching.



Module 1 - Day 3 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Cobra Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 1 - Day 3 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Squat Split Squat Hip Bridge Hollow Body Knee Tuck

3 sets x 10 reps 3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 10 reps 3 sets x 10 reps

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Side to Side Cossack Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

20 seconds per side 20 seconds per side 20 seconds per side



Module 1 - Day 4 Today is an active recovery day! That means your exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 2 miles or 30 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some extra stretching.



Module 1 - Day 5 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Cobra Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 1 - Day 5 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Push-up Bar Hang Hollow Body Knee Tuck Tuck L-sit

3 sets x 12 reps 3 sets x 15 seconds 3 sets x 12 reps 3 sets x 15 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Upward Dog Camel Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist

5 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side



Module 1 - Day 6 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Cobra Deep Squat Pry Deep squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 1 - Day 6 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Squat Split Squat Hip Bridge Hollow Body Knee Tuck

3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 15 reps

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Side to Side Cossack Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

20 seconds per side 20 seconds per side 20 seconds per side



Module 1 - Day 7 Today is an active recovery day! However, instead of jogging, your workout for the day is simply to go for a long, leisurely walk. – Aim for a minimum of 4 miles or 60 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some extra stretching.



Module 1 - Day 8 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Cobra Deep Squat Pry Deep squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 1 - Day 8 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Push-up Bar Hang Hollow Body Knee Tuck Tuck L-sit

3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 15 seconds 3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 15 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Upward Dog Camel Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist

5 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side



Module 1 - Day 9 Today is an active recovery day! That means your exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 3 miles or 40 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some extra stretching.



Module 1 - Day 10 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Cobra Deep Squat Pry Deep squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 1 - Day 10 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Squat Split Squat Hip Bridge Hollow Body Knee Tuck

3 sets x 20 reps 3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 20 reps 3 sets x 15 reps

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Side to Side Cossack Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

20 seconds per side 20 seconds per side 20 seconds per side



Module 1 - Day 11 Today is an active recovery day! That means your exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 3 miles or 40 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some extra stretching.



Module 1 - Day 12 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Cobra Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 1 - Day 12 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Push-up Bar Hang Hollow Body Knee Tuck Tuck L-sit

3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 20 seconds 3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 20 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Upward Dog Camel Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist

5 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side



Module 1 - Day 13 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead reach to Toe Touch Downdog Cobra Deep Squat Pry Deep squat Wrist roll

5 reps 20 seconds 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 1 - Day 13 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Squat Split Squat Hip Bridge Hollow Body Knee Tuck

3 sets x 20 reps 3 sets x 15 reps per side 3 sets x 20 reps 3 sets x 20 reps

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Side to Side Cossack Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

20 seconds per side 20 seconds per side 20 seconds per side



Module 1 - Day 14 Congratulations! You have completed Module One! Take a full rest day today. You may still choose to go for a walk, jog or perform other light physical activity. But you also have my blessing to take it easy if you feel you need the rest. You deserve it!



Module 2 - Day 1 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 10 seconds each side 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 2 - Day 1 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Feet Elevated Push-up Flex Hang/Negative Chin-up Hanging Knee Raise Tuck L-sit

3 sets x 10 reps 3 sets x 10 seconds 3 sets x 10 reps 3 sets x 10 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Wall Handstand Crow Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist Camel

10 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side 20 seconds



Module 2 - Day 2 Today is an active recovery day! That means your exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 3 miles or 40 minutes, whichever is LESS You can also try jumping rope, swimming or going for a bike ride if you feel like mixing things up.



Module 2 - Day 3 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 10 seconds each side 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 2 - Day 3 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds One Legged Chair Squat Drinking Bird Candlestick Bridge Hanging Knee Raise

3 sets x 5 reps per side 3 sets x 5 reps per side 3 sets x 5 reps per side 3 sets x 10 reps

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Pistol Squat Bottom Hold Side to Side Cossack Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side



Module 2 - Day 4 Today is an active recovery day! That means your daily exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 3 miles or 40 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some extra stretching.



Module 2 - Day 5 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 10 seconds each side 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 2 - Day 5 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Feet Elevated Push-up Flex Hang/Negative Chin-up Hanging Knee Raise Tuck L-sit

3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 15 seconds 3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 15 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Wall Handstand Crow Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist Camel

5 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side 20 seconds



Module 2 - Day 6 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 10 seconds each side 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 2 - Day 6 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds One Legged Chair Squat Drinking Bird Candlestick Bridge Hanging Knee Raise

3 sets x 6 reps per side 3 sets x 6 reps per side 3 sets x 6 reps per side 3 sets x 12reps

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Pistol Squat Bottom Hold Side to Side Cossack Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side



Module 2 - Day 7 Today is an active recovery day! However, instead of jogging, your workout for the day is simply to go for a long, leisurely walk. – Aim for a minimum of 4 miles or 60 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some

extra stretching.



Module 2 - Day 8 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 10 seconds each side 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 2 - Day 8 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Feet Elevated Push-up Flex Hang/Negative Chin-up Hanging Knee Raise Tuck L-sit

3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 20 seconds 3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 20 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Wall Handstand Crow Pose Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist Camel

5 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side 20 seconds



Module 2 - Day 9 Today is an active recovery day! That means your exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 3 miles or 40 minutes, whichever is LESS You can also try jumping rope, swimming or going for a bike ride if you feel like mixing things up.



Module 2 - Day 10 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 10 seconds each side 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 2 - Day 10 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds One Legged Chair Squat Drinking Bird Candlestick Bridge Hanging Knee Raise

3 sets x 8 reps per side 3 sets x 8 reps per side 3 sets x 8 reps per side 3 sets x 15 reps

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Pistol Squat Bottom Hold Side to Side Cossack Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side



Module 2 - Day 11 Today is an active recovery day! That means your exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 3 miles or 40 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some extra stretching.



Module 2 - Day 12 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 10 seconds each side 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 2 - Day 12 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Feet Elevated Push-up Flex Hang/Negative Chin-up Hanging Knee Raise Tuck L-sit

3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 30 seconds 3 sets x 20 reps 3 sets x 20 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Wall Handstand Crow Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist Camel

5 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side 20 seconds



Module 2 - Day 13 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 20 seconds 10 seconds each side 20 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 2 - Day 13 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on – this is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds One Legged Chair Squat Drinking Bird Candlestick Bridge Hanging Knee Raise

3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 20 reps

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Pistol Squat Bottom Hold Side to Side Cossack Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side



Module 2 - Day 14 Congratulations! You have completed Module Two! Take a full rest day today. You may still choose to go for a walk, jog or perform other light physical activity. But you also have my blessing to take it easy if you feel you need the rest. You deserve it!



Module 3 - Day 1 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 30 seconds 20 seconds each side 30 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 3 - Day 1 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. . *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Feet Elevated Push-up Chin-up Wall Handstand L-sit

3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 3 reps 3 sets x 10 seconds 3 sets x 10 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Crow Pose Skin the Cat Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist Camel

5 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side 20 seconds



Module 3 - Day 2 Today is an active recovery day! That means your exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 3 miles or 40 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some extra stretching.



Module 3 - Day 3 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 30 seconds 20 seconds each side 30 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 3 - Day 3 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on – this is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds One Legged Chair Squat Hover Lunge Super Bird Candlestick Bridge

3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 5 reps per side 3 sets x 5 reps per side 3 sets x 10 reps per side

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Skin the Cat Pistol Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side



Module 3 - Day 4 Today is an active recovery day! That means your daily exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 3 miles or 40 minutes, whichever is LESS You can also try jumping rope, swimming or going for a bike ride if you feel like mixing things up.



Module 3 - Day 5 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 30 seconds 20 seconds each side 30 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 3 - Day 5 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. . *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Feet Elevated Push-up Chin-up Wall Handstand L-sit

3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 5 reps 3 sets x 15 seconds 3 sets x 10 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Crow Skin the Cat Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist Camel

5 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side 20 seconds



Module 3 - Day 6 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 30 seconds 20 seconds each side 30 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 3 - Day 6 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on – this is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds One Legged Chair Squat Hover Lunge Super Bird Candlestick Bridge

3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 8 reps per side 3 sets x 8 reps per side 3 sets x 10 reps per side

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Skin the Cat Pistol Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side



Module 3 - Day 7 Today is an active recovery day! That means your daily exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 3 miles or 40 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some extra stretching.



Module 3 - Day 8 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 30 seconds 20 seconds each side 30 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 3 - Day 8 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. . *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Feet Elevated Push-up Chin-up Wall Handstand L-sit

3 sets x 15 reps 3 sets x 6 reps 3 sets x 20 seconds 3 sets x 15 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Crow Skin the Cat Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist Camel

5 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side 20 seconds



Module 3 - Day 9 Today is an active recovery day! That means your exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 3 miles or 40 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some extra stretching.



Module 3 - Day 10 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 30 seconds 20 seconds each side 30 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 3 - Day 10 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on – this is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds One Legged Chair Squat Hover Lunge Super Bird Candlestick Bridge

3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 12 reps per side

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Skin the Cat Pistol Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side



Module 3 - Day 11 Today is an active recovery day! That means your daily exercise for today is simply going to be walking or light jogging. – Aim for a minimum of 3 miles or 40 minutes, whichever is LESS Also feel free to repeat the mobility component from yesterday's workout if you feel you could use some extra stretching.



Module 3 - Day 12 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 30 seconds 20 seconds each side 30 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 3 - Day 12 (Continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on. This is not meant to be done as a circuit. . *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds Feet Elevated Push-up Chin-up Wall Handstand L-sit

3 sets x 20 reps 3 sets x 8 reps 3 sets x 30 seconds 3 sets x 20 seconds

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Crow Skin the Cat Cool Down Neck Circle Seated Twist Camel

5 reps in each direction 10 seconds each side 20 seconds



Module 3 - Day 13 Do the warm-up and mobility sequences back to back with minimal rest between exercises, like a circuit. Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Warm-up Diaphragm Breathing Forward Arm Circle Backward Arm Circle Side to Side Arm Swing Soldier Kick

5-10 breaths 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Mobility Overhead Reach to Toe Touch Downward Dog Twisting Lunge Upward Dog Deep Squat Pry Deep Squat Wrist Roll

5 reps 30 seconds 20 seconds each side 30 seconds 10 reps each side 10 reps each side

Continued on next page...



Module 3 - Day 13 (continued) Strength Training Do these exercises in order, completing each exercise in its entirety before moving on – this is not meant to be done as a circuit. *Rest between sets is 30-60 seconds One Legged Chair Squat Hover Lunge Super Bird Candlestick Bridge

3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 10 reps per side 3 sets x 15 reps

Skill Work Practice these without any specific reps or sets. Go slowly and focus on mobility and form. Skin the Cat Pistol Squat Cool Down Standing Quad Stretch Hurdler Stretch Seated Twist

30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side 30 seconds per side



Module 3 - Day 14 Congratulations! You have completed Module Three! At this point you might be wondering, what's next? Well, there are a few different answers to that question, and you can decide which makes the most sense for you: 1 - Repeat the program, and try to do everything stricter and slower. 2 - Repeat Module 3 and add additional reps as you see fit. 3 - Use what you have learned in the last 6 weeks to create your own custom program based on what you feel you need to work on the most. 4 - Try another one of my programs!

Exercise Glossary Here you will find photos and descriptions of all the exercises in the program. The exercises are listed in order of appearance in the program.

Diaphragm Breathing

Stand tall with your feet together and spine straight. Take a deep breath into your belly, inhaling as fully as possible, then draw your navel toward your spine as you exhale. Try to make each breath deeper than the last.

Forward Arm Circle

Stand tall and reach your arms straight out to the sides as wide as possible. Brace your abs and legs as you rotate your arms forward at the shoulder, making quick, big circles using some momentum.

Backward Arm Circle

Stand tall and reach your arms straight out to the sides as wide as possible. Brace your abs and legs as you rotate your arms backward at the shoulder, making quick, big circles using some momentum.

Side to Side Arm Swing

Stand tall and reach your arms straight out to the sides. Twist your body, initiating the movement from your ankles and hips, allowing your arms to swing from side to side, gently slapping against your shoulders and/or sides before reversing direction.

Overhead Reach to Toe Touch

Stand up straight and reach your arms overhead. Suck in your stomach and make your body as long as possible, then bend over and reach for your toes. Focus on keeping your knees as straight as you can, though some knee bending may be unavoidable.

Downward Dog

Begin on your hands and knees with your toes curled under your heels. Slowly lift your hips into the air while pressing your chest toward your thighs. Keep your back and arms as straight as possible while pressing your hands into the ground and reaching your hips into the air. People with tight calves may find it helpful to bend one knee while straightening the other, alternating sides.


Lie face down on the ground with your legs straight behind you and toes pointed. Your arms should be bent at the elbows so your palms are flat on the ground beneath your shoulders. Keep your elbows tucked in by your ribs as you lift your chest and look up while gently pressing down with your hands. Try not to let your shoulders shrug. Engage your lower back and squeeze your glutes while pushing your hips into the ground, keeping your legs and feet together.

Deep Squat Pry

Squat down as deep as you can without lifting your heels from the floor. Aim to touch your hamstrings against your calves. Wedge your elbows against your knees and begin twisting from side to side as you slowly pry your hips open into a deeper stretch.

Deep Squat Wrist Roll

Squat down as deep as you can without lifting your heels from the floor. Aim to touch your hamstrings against your calves. Clasp your hands together with your fingers interlaced and palms facing each other, then begin to flex and extend your wrists in a circular motion, rolling your hands up, down, in and out.


Place your hands on the ground slightly wider than shoulder width apart with your feet together and your body in a straight line from your head to your heels. Bend your arms and lower your chest toward the floor, making sure to keep your elbows fairly close to your sides. Pause briefly with your chest approximately one inch from the ground, then press yourself back to the top, maintaining tension in your abs and legs the entire time.

Bar Hang

Grasp your pull-up bar with an overhand grip and carefully lift your feet off the ground. Think about engaging your entire upper body as you squeeze the bar, and brace your abs to avoid swinging. If you don't have room to keep your legs straight, you may bend your knees.

Hollow Body Knee Tuck

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms extended overhead. Brace your abs, tuck your chin toward your chest and press your lower back into the ground. From there, slowly pull your knees toward your chest, then extend your legs away from your body. If you are having a hard time keeping your lower back against the floor, you may keep your arms at your sides for added stability.

Tuck L-sit

Sit on a chair, bench or other object, keeping your arms straight against your sides and your hands tight against your hips. With your elbows locked and shoulder blades spread apart, bend your knees and lift your legs into the air. Keep your feet in the air with your legs tucked close to your body. You can use push-up handles or parallel bars if you have them.

Upward Dog

Begin in a push-up position, then drop your hips down toward the ground and lift your chest. Keep your shoulder blades retracted and down while pushing through your hands. Think about lengthening your spine and stretching the whole front of your body as you look upward.


Kneel on the ground with your feet pointed straight behind you (or toes curled under if you prefer). Slowly arch your spine while looking up and back. Lift your chest and reach your arms behind your body, pinching your shoulder blades together. Rotate your arms so your elbows are facing inward and palms are facing outward. Grab the heels of your feet with an open palm grip, dropping your head all the way back as you push your chest upward.

Neck Circle

Sit on the floor with your legs crossed or in another comfortable position. Slowly turn your head to the side and tuck your chin to your shoulder. From there carefully rotate your head in a circle, tucking your chin to the opposite side before returning to the start position.

Seated Twist

Sit on the ground with both legs extended straight in front of you, then bend one leg and cross it over the other, placing your foot flat on the floor. Twist toward your bent leg and reach your arm around your bent knee. Place your opposite hand on the floor behind your back as you twist and look over your shoulder.


Stand up straight with your feet approximately shoulder width apart. Reach your arms forward and bend from your hips, knees and ankles, lowering until your hamstrings make contact with your calves, while being sure to keep your heels flat on the ground the entire time. Feel free to experiment with different foot positions. Some people may feel better with their toes turned out, while others will prefer to keep their feet parallel.

Split Squat

Stand up straight with your feet approximately shoulder width apart, then take a big step forward with one leg. Keeping your torso upright, lower yourself straight down until both knees are bent to approximately 90 degrees, keeping the front foot totally flat while the back foot comes up onto the toes. Complete your set in its entirety and then repeat on the opposite side.

Hip Bridge

Lie on the ground face up with your hands by your sides and your knees bent so your feet are flat on the floor. Press your heels into the ground, lifting your hips as high as you can while creating an arch in your back. Pause briefly before returning to the start position.

Side to Side Cossack Squat

Begin in a very wide squat stance with your toes partially turned out toward the sides. Slowly shift your weight toward one foot and begin squatting to that side while keeping your opposite leg straight. As you get near the bottom, let the foot of your extended leg roll up onto the heel with your toes pointing upward. You'll probably feel a stretch in your groin and/or inner thigh. Keep your abs tight and make sure the heel of your squatting leg stays down the whole time.

Standing Quad Stretch

Stand tall, then lift one leg, bend your knee and reach your arm behind you to grab your ankle. Squeeze your knees together and bring your heel all the way to your backside, keeping your back straight. You may hold onto an object for support or keep a slight bend in your standing leg if you need to.

Hurdler Stretch

Sit on the floor with one leg extended straight out to the side, then bend your other leg so that foot winds up near your opposite inner thigh. Reach for the toes of your extended leg with one or both hands, keeping your back as straight as possible.

Soldier Kick

From a standing position, perform a quick front kick while reaching your opposite hand toward the toes of your kicking leg. Try to keep your back straight while reaching for your toes. Some will find it helpful to raise up onto the toes of the standing leg at the top of the kick. You may stay in place or travel forward with each kick.

Twisting Lunge

Begin in a Downward Dog, then raise one leg into the air and step forward between your hands. Lift the hand that's on the same side as the bent knee and raise it into the air. Look upward, rotating your torso toward the sky.

Feet Elevated Push-up

Place your hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder width apart with your feet on a sturdy elevated surface that's several inches above the ground. Keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels. Bend your arms and lower your chest toward the floor, keeping your elbows fairly close to your sides. Pause briefly with your chest approximately one inch from the ground, then press yourself back to the top, maintaining tension in your abs and legs the entire time.

Flex Hang/ Negative Chin-up

Stand on a chair or other elevated surface and grab a bar with an underhand grip. Keep the bar close to your body with your chin above it, then tense your midsection and carefully step your feet off of the surface, maintaining a flexed-arm position with your elbows close to your sides. Hold, then slowly lower yourself down until your arms are straight before coming off the bar.

Hanging Knee Raise

Hang from a bar with your arms straight, then lift your knees toward your chest. Think about tucking your hips forward at the top to fully engage your abs. Pause briefly, then lower your legs back to the bottom, being mindful not to pick up momentum on the way down. Your feet should remain slightly in front of your body in the bottom position.

Wall Handstand

Place your hands on the floor approximately 8-12 inches away from a wall. Keep your arms locked and aggressively kick into the air until your heels come to rest against the wall. Be careful to come down as gently as possible when you are finished. If you are unable to kick up, you may try facing the wall and walking your feet up the wall into position instead.

Crow Pose

Begin in a deep squat, then place your hands on the floor in front of you. Bend your elbows and bring your knees to rest on the backs of your arms, then slowly begin to tip your weight forward until your feet lift off the floor. Point your toes and look in front of your hands (rather than in between them) to help stay balanced.

One Legged Chair Squat

Stand up straight with your back facing a chair or other sturdy object of approximately knee-height, then lift one leg and reach your arms forward. Bend from the hip, knee and ankle of your standing leg to carefully sit back onto the chair, while keeping the other leg in the air. Pause briefly at the bottom, then lean forward, drive your heel into the ground and brace your trunk as you stand up. If you are unable to perform this exercise on an elevated surface of knee height, you may start with a higher surface.

Drinking Bird

Stand on one foot with your opposite leg hovering just above the ground. Bend forward at your hips and reach your extended leg behind you, maintaining a straight line from the heel of your extended leg to the back of your head. Pause briefly then return to the start position. Be careful not to twist your body to the side when performing this exercise. Focus on keeping your hips even with one another.

Candlestick Bridge

Lie on your back with your hands by your sides and your knees bent so your feet are flat on the floor, then raise one leg into the air. Press with your grounded heel, lifting your hips as high as you can while creating an arch with your back. Pause briefly at the top, before returning to the bottom position.

Pistol Squat Bottom Hold

Begin at the bottom of a squat, then carefully rock your weight to one side and lift the opposite leg in front of your body. Reach forward and flex into your grounded ankle as much as possible so that your heel remains on the floor. Feel free to use a pole, door frame or other sturdy object to help stay balanced at first, or you can place one of your hands on the ground for assistance. It may also be helpful to hold the toes of your extended leg.


Grab a pull-up bar with an underhand grip and pull yourself up until your chin clears the bar. Avoid shrugging your shoulders or using any momentum. Pause briefly at the top, then lower yourself all the way back to the bottom with control. You may bend your knees if there is not enough clearance beneath you to maintain straight legs.


Sit on a chair, bench or other sturdy object with your arms straight against your sides and your hands tight against your hips. With your elbows locked and shoulder blades spread apart, lift your legs into the air and hold them straight in front of your body. You can use push-up handles or parallel bars if you have them.

Hover Lunge

Stand on one foot with your opposite leg bent at the knee and hovering behind you. Reach your arms out, lean forward and bend at the knee, hip and ankle of your standing leg, lowering your opposite knee toward the ground. Pause briefly with your knee approximately one inch from the ground, then return to the top position, maintaining tension in your abs the whole time. Descend slowly in order to avoid any potential impact on your rear knee. Make sure the heel of your grounded foot remains flat.

Super Bird

Stand on one foot with your opposite leg hovering just above the ground. Raise your arms overhead and bend forward at your hips, continuing to reach your arms up while extending your airborne leg straight behind you. Try to maintain a straight line from the heel of your extended leg to the tips of your fingers. Pause briefly then return to the start position. Be careful not to twist your body to the side when performing this exercise, and focus on keeping your hips even with one another.

Skin the Cat

Hang from a bar, then bend your knees and lift them all the way toward your chest. When you can’t get your knees any higher, rotate your body beneath the bar so your legs and feet pass behind you onto the other side, then continue lowering yourself until your legs are fully extended with your arms behind your back. Return to the start position by tucking your knees toward your chest, bringing your heels toward your butt and threading yourself back around.

Pistol Squat

Raise one leg straight into the air in front of you and reach both arms forward. Continue to reach forward as you bend from the hip, knee and ankle of the standing leg, lowering until your hamstrings are pressed against your calf. Pause briefly in the bottom position and then stand back up. The airborne leg should remain completely straight, and the heel of your squatting foot must stay flat on the floor during the entire range of motion.

About the Author

Al Kavadlo is one of the world's leading experts in calisthenics and bodyweight strength training. He has appeared in The New York Times, New York Post, Men's Health and many other publications. Al has worked with clients from all fitness backgrounds, including professional athletes and Olympic medalists, and has mentored and certified fitness trainers all over the world. He lives in Brooklyn, NY with his wife Grace, daughter Adeline and their two dogs, Weezer and Puffy. For more information, visit www.AlKavadlo.com