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Eden250/260/260V Service Manual
Calibrations Tray‐Level Testing and Calibration...........................................................................2 Roller Tilt Adjustment ............................................................................................. 18 Z‐Start......................................................................................................................... 66 Z‐Axis Limits............................................................................................................. 71 Wiper Position........................................................................................................... 76 X‐Axis Encoder Reader Alignment and Calibration ........................................... 86 Y‐Axis Encoder Reader Alignment and Calibration............................................ 93 Vacuum Panel................................................................................................click here* Head‐Filling Level .................................................................................................. 111 Printing Start Position ............................................................................................ 112 Bump‐Sensor Calibration ...................................................................................... 123 Weight Sensors (Load Cells).................................................................................. 126 Transparency Tests ................................................................................................. 129 Block Rotation ......................................................................................................... 135 Head X Offset .......................................................................................................... 148 Y Tail ......................................................................................................................... 152 Back Offset ............................................................................................................... 157 Y Offset (Pass Offset).............................................................................................. 159 Weight Test .............................................................................................................. 163 Belt Tension Measurement and Adjustment ...................................................... 171 Roller Velocity Adjustment (Eden250/Eden260 only) ....................................... 177 UV Lamp Calibration...... ............................................................................click here*
* This procedure is now a separate file. Click the link to access it.
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DOC-08303 Rev. D
Eden250/260/260V Service Manual Calibrations
Tray-Level Testing and Calibration Accurate model printing requires the build tray to remain parallel to the print head as the print head moves along the X and Y axes. The height of the tray is controlled by the three vertical rods that support it. During this procedure, you measure the distance from the tray to the print block at these points.
3 1 2
Figure 1 Three measuring points
Point 1 is the reference point, and is not adjusted. If the tray is not level, you adjust the height of points 2 and 3.
1.1 Specification All measurement points must be within 50 microns of each other.
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1.2 Tools • Digimatic indicator (measuring device) with ball tip
Figure 2 Digimatic measuring tool
• Jig for attaching the measuring device to the printer (JIG‐01006) • Allen key set • M4 screw • 8 mm wrench • Flashlight
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1.3 Procedure 1.
Ensure that the tray is clear and clean.
Open the cover of the printer (as well as the top door) to obtain easier access to the relevant parts of the printer. Remove right 2. surface panel
From the Maintenance menu, select Motor Control.
Figure 3 Motor Control screen
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Disable the X axis (select the X tab and clear the Enable check box).
Disable the Y axis (select the Y tab and clear the Enable check box).
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Remove the screws securing the panel to the right of the build tray.
Figure 4 Removing the right surface panel
Pull the X-axis forward to gain access to the rear screw.
Carefully slide the right‐hand‐side cover out of the printer.
In the Motors Control screen, click Home All.
8. Run wizard 9.
Click Close. Select Maintenance > Wizards, and select Tray Points Calibration.
Figure 5 Tray Points Calibration Wizard screen
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Select Done and then click Next.
Figure 6 Empty Tray confirmation
Select Tray is empty and the click Next.
Figure 7 Selecting wizard mode
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Select Tray points calibration and click Next. The tray lowers and the Release Screws screen appears.
Figure 8 Releasing Z-mechanism screws
Loosen the four screws (on the left side of the Z‐unit) that secure the tray frame to the printer frame.
Figure 9 Tray frame
Use a flashlight, if necessary, to see the screws.
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Select Done and click Next.
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The Adjust Tray Level screen appears.
Figure 10 Tray leveling adjustment
15. Remove right 16. UV lamp
Using the arrows in the wizard screen, lower the tray approximately 5 cm (2 inches). Disconnect the power and fan cables to the right UV lamp. Eden250 only: Loosen the two screws securing the UV lamp assembly, and remove it.
Figure 11 Removing the UV lamp in Eden250 printers
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Eden250 only: Remove the rear UV‐lamp bracket.
Figure 12 Removing the rear UV-lamp bracket in Eden250 printers
Eden260/260V only: Loosen the screw securing the UV‐lamp assembly to the print block, and remove the assembly.
Figure 13 Removing the UV lamp
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Attach the 20. measuring device
Attach the jig that holds the indicator to the print block, at the rear of the lamp bracket, using the M4 screw.
Eden260/Eden260V Figure 14 Attachment point for jig
Tighten the measuring device to the holder, while ensuring that the probe remains perpendicular to the tray.
Eden260/Eden260V Figure 15 Installed measuring device and holder jig
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Prepare the 22. measuring 23. device
Turn on the indicator. Make sure the digimatic measuring tip can move up and down freely.
Zero the indicator by pressing ORIGIN.
Lightly pull up the probe and verify that the value displayed on the indicator increases. if the value decreases, press the +/– button on the indicator.
Using the arrows in the wizard screen, raise the tray so that the probe on the measuring device is pushed about halfway into the unit.
Test if the 27. tray is level
In the wizard screen (see figure 10), select Indicator is in place and click Next. The print block moves to the first measurement point, and the Tray Points screen appears, indicating this.
Figure 16 First measurement point
Reset the measuring device to zero.
Click Next. The print block moves to second measurement point.
Record the reading on the indicator at this position. A reading of ± 50 microns is within operating specifications. • If the reading is within this specification, continue with step 34. • If the reading is not within this specification, continue below.
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Right front 31. adjustment
(If not already done) To adjust the tray level, use an 8 mm wrench and loosen the locking nut of the front adjustment screw.
Figure 17 Front adjustment screw and locking nut
32. 33. Continue 34. testing the 35. tray level
Use an 4 mm Allen key to slowly rotate the front‐right adjustment screw in the direction that causes the indicator to reach zero. Tighten the locking nut. To measure the tray height at the third point, click Next. Record the reading at this position. A reading of ± 50 microns is within operating specifications. • If the reading is within this specification, continue below. • If the reading is not within this specification, continue with step 37.
Continue as follows: • If you did not adjust the tray level in this procedure, click Done and continue with step 46. • If you adjusted the tray level in this procedure, re‐check the tray level at all points before closing the wizard. To do so, click Next. Make sure that all measurement points are within 50 microns of each other.
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Right rear 37. adjustment
(If not already done) To adjust the tray level, use an 8 mm wrench and loosen the locking nut of the rear adjustment screw.
Figure 18 Rear adjustment screw and locking nut
Use an 4 mm Allen key to slowly rotate the rear‐right adjustment screw in the direction that causes the indicator to reach zero.
Tighten the locking nut.
Make sure that the tray and the build area protective covers are clear.
Click Next. The print block moves to first measurement point. Ignore the value displayed on the indicator.
Reset the indicator to zero.
Repeat the measurements at the second and third point as described in steps 28–42.
Continue as follows: • If you adjusted the tray level, repeat steps 28–42. • If all measurements were within 50 microns of each other, continue below.
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In the following wizard screen, click Next. (The indicator should always display zero at the first measurement point.).
Remove the 46. indicator
When the following screen appears, remove the indicator and its holder from the printer.
Figure 19 Indicator removal confirmation
Select Indicator removed and click Next.
Figure 20 Tighten Z-mechanism screws
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Eden250 only: Re‐attach the rear lamp‐assembly bracket.
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Tighten the four screws (on the left side of the Z‐unit) that secure the tray frame to the printer frame.
Figure 21 Tray frame
Select Done and click Next.
Figure 22 Final wizard screen
Re‐attach the right UV‐lamp assembly to the print block.
Make sure that the lamp housing is not tilted. The bottom of the housing must be parallel to the tray.
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Re‐connect the UV‐lamp power and fan cables.
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In the printer application, select Maintenance > Motors Control.
Figure 23 Motor Control screen
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Make sure the X‐axis is disabled. (Clear the Enable check box, if selected).
Select the Y tab and clear the Enable check box to disable the Y axis.
Carefully slide the right‐hand‐side cover into its location on the printer.
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Secure the right‐hand‐side cover with its three (3) screws.
Figure 24 Right-hand-side cover screws
Pull the X-axis forward to gain access to the rear screw hole.
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In the Motors Control screen, click Home All.
Click Close.
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Roller Tilt Adjustment 2.1 Tools and Materials • Digital divergence measuring device
clamp screw
divergence indicator
short rod
• Sheet of paper • Allen key sets • Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet (Eden260 only)
2.2 Specification The roller tilt specification is as follows: • For the Eden260 and Eden260V: 8 ± 5 microns downward toward the front of the block • For the Eden250: 0 ± 5 microns
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2.3 Preparing the Measuring Device 1.
Attach a short rod to the magnetic base.
Attach the divergence indicator to the top of the short rod using the clamp. The probe should be parallel to the rod and the flat end of the probe should be up. flat end
Figure 25 Divergence indicator set up
Make sure that the flat end of the probe is above the clamp screw and the top of the rod.
Different printer models require different roller tilt adjustments.
Continue as follows: • Eden250 printers continue with Section 2.5. • Eden260 printers continue with Section 2.6. • Eden260V printers continue with Section 2.4.
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2.4 Eden260V Printers Only: Preliminary Procedure There are two types of X‐axis units for the Eden260V printers: Type‐1 (old) and Type‐2 (new). Before you perform roller tilt adjustment, check which type of X‐axis is installed in the printer. The Type‐2 X‐axis has two locking screws on each side of the print‐block mounting plate, as shown below. The Type‐1 X‐axis does not have these locking screws. • If there are no locking screws, continue with “Eden250 and Eden260V with a Type‐1 X‐Axis” on page 21 • If there are four locking screws on the mounting plate, continue with “Eden260V with a Type 2 X‐Axis Procedure” on page 49.
Left-side of print block
Right-side of print block
Figure 26 Four locking screws
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2.5 Eden250 and Eden260V with a Type-1 X-Axis 1.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Wizards > Roller Tilt.
Figure 27 Roller Tilt Wizard
Make sure the build tray is clean and the printer is clear of all tools.
Click Next. Home is performed on all axes and then the build tray lowers. The Select Mode screen opens.
Figure 28 Select mode
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Select Roller tilt calibration.
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Click Next.
Figure 29 Open screws 5 and 6
Use a 3 mm Allen key and loosen screws 5 and 6.
Figure 30 Screws (5 and 6)
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Select Screws 5 and 6 are open.
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Click Next.
Figure 31 Current position—first position
The print block moves to the left side of the build tray. The Place Indicator screen opens.
Figure 32 Place indicator
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Place a sheet of pink paper on the build tray under the roller.
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Place the digital indicator (on the pink paper) under the roller at the front of the print block. The center of the flat of the probe should be placed under the lowest part of the roller and the flat of the probe must be fully within the roller.
View from Front
Side View
Figure 33 Probe and roller
Select Done.
Click Next.
Figure 34 Adjust tray level
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Click on the arrows to adjust the height of the tray until the digital indicator is about halfway along the length of the probe.
Select Indicator is in place.
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Click Next.
Figure 35 Move Y-axis
Click . The print block moves forward—the probe of the digital indicator is now at the far end of the roller.
Zero the indicator.
Click . The print block moves backward—the probe of the digital indicator is now at the near end of the roller. The digital indicator should display the following value: • For the Eden 260V: 8 ± 5 microns • For the Eden 250: 0 ± 5 microns
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(For the Eden 260V) Check that the near‐end of the roller is tilted down relative to the rear end, by lightly pulling down on the probe. If the value continues to increase and the sign of the value (+ or –) does not change then the roller is tilted in the correct direction.
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Click Next.
Figure 36 Please enter roller tilt—left side
Type the value shown on the indicator in the roller tilt for left side field.
Click Next.
Click Next.
Figure 37 Remove indicator
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Pull the probe down and carefully move the digital indicator forward until the digital indicator is clear of the block.
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Remove the digital indicator from the printer.
The pink paper can remain on the tray.
Select Indicator removed.
Click Next.
Figure 38 Current position—second position
The print block moves to the right side of the build tray. The Place Indicator screen opens.
Figure 39 Place indicator
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Move the sheet of pink paper on the build tray so that the sheet is again under the roller.
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Place the digital indicator (on the pink paper) under the roller at the front of the print block. The center of the flat of the probe should be placed under the lowest part of the roller and the flat of the probe must be fully within the roller.
View from Front
Side View
Figure 40 Probe and roller
Select Done.
Click Next.
Figure 41 Move Y-axis
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Click . The print block moves forward—the probe of the digital indicator is now at the far end of the roller.
Zero the indicator.
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Click . The print block moves backward—the probe of the digital indicator is now at the near end of the roller. The digital indicator should display the following value: • For the Eden 260V: 8 ± 5 microns • For the Eden 250: 0 ± 5 microns
(For the Eden 260V) Check that the near‐end of the roller is tilted down relative to the rear end, by lightly pulling down on the probe. If the value continues to increase and the sign of the value (+ or –) does not change then the roller is tilted in the correct direction.
Click Next.
Figure 42 Please enter roller tilt—right side
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Type the value shown on the indicator in the Roller tilt for right side field.
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Click Next.
Figure 43 Does result satisfy
If the roller tilt is within spec., select Yes, I am done and continue with step 55 (on page 35).
If the roller tilt is not within spec., select No. I want to continue the calibration and click Next.
Figure 44 Open screws 1, 2, 3, and 4
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Use a 3 mm Allen key and loosen screws 2 and 3.
Figure 45 Screws 2 and 3
Use a 2.5 mm Allen key and loosen screws 1 and 4.
Figure 46 Screws 1 and 4
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Select Screws 1, 2, 3 and 4 are open.
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Click Next.
Figure 47 Adjust the roller tilt (example)
Zero the indicator.
Turn the left‐side adjustment screw until the indicator displays the value indicated for the left screw on the Adjust the Roller Tilt screen.
See Note below
Figure 48 Left-side adjustment screw If the correction requires the adjustment screw to be turned counter-clockwise, press the bracket down at the point shown in figure 48.
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Zero the indicator.
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Turn the right‐side adjustment screw until the indicator displays the value indicated for the right screw on the Adjust the Roller Tilt screen.
See Note below
Figure 49 Right-side adjustment screw If the correction requires the adjustment screw to be turned counter-clockwise, press the bracket down at the point shown in figure 49.
Select Done and click Next.
Figure 50 Close screws 1, 2, 3, and 4
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Tighten screws 1, 2, 3, and 4 (see figure 45 and figure 46).
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Select Screws 1, 2, 3, and 4 are closed and click Next.
Figure 51 Remove indicator
Pull the probe down and carefully move the digital indicator forward until the digital indicator is clear of the block.
Caution: Be careful that the magnetic base does not scratch the build tray. 53.
Remove the digital indicator from the printer.
Select Indicator removed and continue from step 8.
The following steps are only reached after the roller tilt is within the specification.
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Click Next.
Figure 52 Remove indicator
Pull the probe down and carefully move the digital indicator forward until the digital indicator is clear of the block.
Remove the digital indicator and the sheet of pink paper from the printer.
Select Indicator removed.
Click Next.
Figure 53 Repeat movement cycle
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Select No and click Next.
Figure 54 Close screws 5 and 6
Tighten screws 5 and 6 (see figure 30).
Select Screws 5 and 6 are closed and click Next.
Figure 55 Wizard completed
Click Done.
If the roller tilt was adjusted by more than 50 microns, perform the following calibrations. • X‐Axis Encoder Reader Alignment and Calibration (on page 86) • Wiper Position (on page 76)
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2.6 Eden260 Procedure 1.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Wizards > Roller Tilt.
Figure 56 Roller Tilt Wizard screen
Make sure the build tray is clean and the printer is clear of all tools.
Click Next. Home is performed on all axes and then the build tray lowers. The Select Mode screen opens.
Figure 57 Select mode
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Select Roller tilt calibration.
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Use a 3 mm Allen key and loosen screws 5 and 6.
Figure 58 Screws (5 and 6)
Click Next.
Figure 59 Current position—first position
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The print block moves to the left side of the build tray. The Place Indicator screen opens.
Figure 60 Place indicator
Place a sheet of pink paper on the build tray under the roller.
Place the digital indicator (on the pink paper) under the roller at the front of the print block. The center of the flat of the probe should be placed under the lowest part of the roller and the flat of the probe must be fully within the roller.
View from Front
Side View
Figure 61 Probe and roller
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Select Done.
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Click Next.
Figure 62 Move Y-axis
Click . The print block moves forward—the probe of the digital indicator is now at the far end of the roller.
Zero the indicator.
Click . The print block moves backward—the probe of the digital indicator is now at the near end of the roller. The digital indicator should display a value of 8 ± 5 microns.
Check that the near‐end of the roller is tilted down relative to the rear end, by lightly pulling down on the probe. If the value continues to increase and the sign of the value (+ or –) does not change then the roller is tilted in the correct direction.
Open the Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet.
Select the Eden260 and Service options.
Figure 63 Eden260 and service options
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Type the value displayed on the indicator into the Measured Value cell for the Left measurement. Measured Value Cell
Figure 64 “Left” Measured-Value cell
Click Next (in the Roller Tilt wizard).
Figure 65 Remove indicator
Pull the probe down and carefully move the digital indicator forward until the digital indicator is clear of the block.
Remove the digital indicator from the printer.
The pink paper can remain on the tray.
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Select Indicator removed.
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Click Next.
Figure 66 Current position—second position
The print block moves to the right side of the build tray.
Figure 67 Place indicator
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Move the sheet of pink paper on the build tray so that the sheet is again under the roller.
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Place the digital indicator (on the pink paper) under the roller at the front of the print block. The center of the flat of the probe should be placed under the lowest part of the roller and the flat of the probe must be fully within the roller.
View from Front
Side View
Figure 68 Probe and roller
Select Done.
Click Next.
Figure 69 Move Y-axis
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Click . The print block moves forward—the probe of the digital indicator is now at the far end of the roller.
Zero the indicator.
Click . The print block moves backward—the probe of the digital indicator is now at the near end of the roller. The digital indicator should display a value of 8 ± 5 microns.
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Check that the near‐end of the roller is tilted down relative to the rear end, by lightly pulling down on the probe. If the value continues to increase and the sign of the value (+ or –) does not change then the roller is tilted in the correct direction.
Type (in the Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet) the value displayed on the indicator into the Measured Value cell for the Right measurement.
Measured Value Cell
Figure 70 “Right” Measured-Value cell
Click Next (in the wizard).
Figure 71 Calibrate the roller
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If the roller tilt grade (from the spreadsheet) is Good, select Done and continue with step 41 (on page 47).
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If the roller tilt grade is Bad, use a 3 mm Allen key and loosen screws 2 and 3.
Figure 72 Screws 2 and 3
Use a 2.5 mm Allen key and loosen screws 1 and 4.
Figure 73 Screws 1 and 4
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Zero the indicator.
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Turn the left‐side adjustment screw until the indicator displays the fix value displayed in the spreadsheet for the left screw.
Figure 74 Left-side adjustment screw
Zero the indicator.
Turn the right‐side adjustment screw until the indicator displays the fix value displayed in the spreadsheet for the right screw.
Figure 75 Right-side adjustment screw
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Tighten screws 1, 2, 3, and 4 (see figure 45 and figure 46).
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Select Done and click Next.
Figure 76 Remove indicator
Pull the probe down and carefully move the digital indicator forward until the digital indicator is clear of the block.
Caution: Be careful that the magnetic base does not scratch the build tray. 43.
Remove the digital indicator from the printer.
If no adjustment to the roller tilt was made in this cycle throughout the procedure, remove the sheet of pink paper from the printer as well.
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Select Indicator removed.
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Click Next.
Figure 77 Repeat movement cycle
If an adjustment was made to the roller tilt in this cycle of the procedure, select Yes and continue with step 8 on page 23.
If no adjustment was made to the roller tilt in this cycle of the procedure, tighten screws 5 and 6 (see figure 58).
Select No and click Next.
Figure 78 Wizard completed
Click Done.
If the roller tilt was adjusted by more than 50 microns, perform the following calibrations. • X‐Axis Encoder Reader Alignment and Calibration (on page 86) • Wiper Position (on page 76)
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2.7 Eden260V with a Type 2 X-Axis Procedure Note: For Eden260V printers with a type 1 X-axis, See “Eden250 and Eden260V with a Type-1 X-Axis” on page 21.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Wizards > Roller Tilt.
Figure 79 Roller Tilt Wizard
Make sure the build tray is clean and the printer is clear of all tools.
Click Next. All axes are homed and the build tray lowers.
In the following screen, select Roller tilt calibration and click Next.
Figure 80 Select mode
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In the following screen, ignore the instructions. Select the check box and click Next.
Figure 81 Open screws screen
The print block moves to the left side of the build tray.
Figure 82 Current position—first position
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Place a sheet of paper on the build tray, under the roller.
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Place the indicator on the paper, under the front‐end of the roller.
Important: The flat end of the probe must be completely under the roller.
Figure 83 Probe and roller
Figure 84 Measuring device positioned correctly in the printer
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In the following screen, select Done, and click Next.
Figure 85 Place indicator
Click on the arrows to adjust the height of the tray until the probe extends equally on both sides of the indicator.
Figure 86 Adjust tray level
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Select the check box and click Next.
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Click . The print block moves forward so that the probe of the indicator is under the far end of the roller.
Figure 87 Move Y-axis
Lightly pull down on the probe and verify that the value displayed on the indicator increases. If the value decreases, press the ‐/+ button on the indicator.
Zero the indicator by pressing ORIGIN.
Click . The print block moves backward so that the probe of the indicator is under the front end of the roller. The indicator should display a value of 8 ± 5 microns. • If the roller tilt is within the specifications, continue with step 19 on page 56. • f the roller tilt is not within this specification, continue with step 15 on page 54.
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Using a 4 mm Allen key, slightly loosen the four locking screws on the mounting plate shown in figure 88.
Figure 88 Four plate locking screws
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To adjust the roller tilt, use 3 mm Allen key and turn the adjustment screw. • When performing this step for the first time, turn the screw until the indicator displays a value of 8 ± 5 microns. • When performing this step for the second time (after step 38), turn the screw until the indicator displays the L value you calculated in step 35.
Figure 89 Adjustment screw
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Write down the displayed value on the indicator for the left side.
Tighten the four locking screws on the mounting plate (see page 54).
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In the wizard screen, click Next.
Figure 90 Move Y-axis
Type 0 in the wizard screen, and click Next.
Figure 91 Please enter roller tilt—left side
Pull the probe down and carefully move the indicator forward until the it is clear of the print block.
Remove the indicator from the printer.
Note: The paper should remain on the tray.
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In the wizard screen, confirm that you have removed the indicator, and click Next.
Figure 92 Remove indicator
The print block moves to the right side of the build tray.
Figure 93 Current position—second position
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Place a sheet of paper on the build tray, under the roller.
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Place the indicator on the paper, under the front‐end of the roller.
Important: The flat end of the probe must be completely under the roller.
Figure 94 Probe and roller
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In the following screen, select Done and click Next.
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Click . The print block moves forward so that the probe of the indicator is under the far end of the roller.
Figure 95 Move Y-axis
Lightly pull down on the probe and verify that the value displayed on the indicator increases. If the value decreases, press +/‐ on the indicator.
Zero the indicator.
Click . The print block moves backward so that the probe of the indicator is under the front end of the roller.
Continue as follows: • When performing this step for the first time, write down the value displayed on the indicator. • When performing this step for the second time (after step 38), make sure the displayed value matches the R value you calculated in step 35.
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In the wizard screen, click Next.
Figure 96 Move Y-axis
Type 0 in the wizard screen, and click Next.
Figure 97 Please enter roller tilt—right side
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If the roller tilt values are within the specification on both sides of the build tray, select Yes, I am done, and continue with step 41 on page 63.
Figure 98 Do the Result Satisfy screen
If the roller tilt value (on one or both sides of the build tray) is not within specifications, continue as follows: • If the roller tilt value on the left side is greater than the roller tilt value on the right side: a.
Calculate the difference in height : Difference = Left side — Right side
Calculate the new roller tilt value for the left side (“L”): L = 8 - (Difference ÷ 2 )
Calculate the new roller tilt value for the right side (“R): R = 8 + (Difference ÷ 2)
For example, if the current value of the roller tilt on the left side is 15 microns and value for the right side is 7 microns, the difference is: 15 - 7 = 8 microns. To calculate the new roller tilt values for the left and right sides:
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L = 8 - (8 ÷ 2) = 4 microns.
R = 8 + (8 ÷ 2) = 12 microns
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• If the roller tilt value on the right side is greater than the roller tilt value for the left side: a.Calculate the difference in height: Difference = Right side — Left side
Calculate the roller tilt value for the left side (“L”): L = 8 + (Difference ÷ 2 )
Calculate roller tilt value for the right side (“R”): R = 8 - (Difference ÷ 2)
For example, if the current value of the roller tilt on the right side is 15 microns and value for the left side is 7 microns, the difference is: 15 - 7 = 8 microns. To calculate the new roller tilt values for the left and right sides:
L = 8 + (4 ÷ 2) = 12 microns.
R = 8 - (4 ÷ 2) = 4 microns
In the wizard, select No. I want to continue the calibration and click Next.
Figure 99 Do the results satisfy screen
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In the following screen, ignore the instructions. Select the check box and click Next.
Figure 100 Open screws 1, 2, 3, and 4
Repeat step 5 (on page 50) to step 34 to adjust the roller tilt to the values you calculated in step 35.
Pull the probe down and carefully move the indicator forward until it is clear of the print block.
Remove the indicator and the paper from the printer.
In the following screen, confirm that you have removed the indicator, and click Next.
Figure 101 Remove indicator
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Select No and click Next.
Figure 102 Repeat movement cycle
In the following screen, select the check box and click Next.
Figure 103 Close screws 5 and 6
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Make sure the four mounting plate locking screws are tightened (see page 54).
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When the following screen appears, click Done.
Figure 104 Wizard completed
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If the roller tilt was adjusted by more than 50 microns, calibrate Wiper Position (on page 76).
After completing the calibrations, print a model and verify that the quality is acceptable.
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Z-Start Z‐Start is the position of the tray when the printing starts. Caution: If there is any doubt about whether the tray is parallel to the print head, do not perform the Z-Start calibration. Instead, proceed with the Tray-Level Testing and Calibration (on page 2) first.
3.1 Specification The distance between the roller and the tray should be 100 microns. In addition, Z‐Start must be at least 70–200 steps below the hardware upper limit and at least to 200 mm above the hardware lower limit.
3.2 Tools • One transparency film The thickness of a transparency film is about 100 microns.
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3.3 Procedure 1.
Ensure that the tray is clear of all printing material.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Motors Control.
Figure 105 Motors Control screen
Click Home All.
Select the Z tab.
Figure 106 Motors Control screen—Z tab DOC-08303 Rev. D
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In the ZStart area, click Goto.
The current Z-Start position is displayed in the field next to the Goto button.
Disable the X axis (select the X tab and clear the Enable check box).
Disable the Y axis (select the Y tab and clear the Enable check box).
8. First check on 9. current value
Select the Z tab. Slowly and carefully (checking whether there is a collision between the roller and the tray) move the print block manually onto the tray.
Caution: All manual movements of the print block must be performed slowly, to avoid electrical damage to the driver board.
If there is no collision between the roller and the tray, move the print block carefully and slowly (still checking for a collision) all the way across all areas of the tray. If either of these action causes a collision between the roller and the tray, move the print block carefully off the tray and lower the position of the tray by 100 steps. Repeat this step. 10. Check with 11. transparency
Once you are sure that the roller does not collide with the tray, move the print block off the tray. Slowly and carefully move the print block manually all the way across all areas of the tray. While the print block is moving over the tray, hold the transparency and move the transparency backward and forward under the roller. Locate the highest point on the tray, that is, the point on the tray where the friction between the roller and the transparency is strongest.
At the highest point of the tray, there should only be slight friction between the roller and the transparency.
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The next step in the procedure depends on what is discovered during this step: • If there is no friction between the roller and the transparency (that is, the transparency moves freely under the roller), the tray is too far from the roller. If there is more than slight friction between the roller and the transparency, the tray is too close to the roller. In both these cases, continue with step 12.
Tray too far 12. from roller or 13. too close to roller
• If there is only slight friction between the roller and the transparency, the roller‐to‐tray distance is almost correct. Continue with the fine tuning steps (step 15). Move the print block slowly off the tray. As required, raise (to bring the tray closer to the roller) or lower (to bring the tray further from the roller) the tray by 20 steps.
To raise the tray by 20 steps, type –20 in the Move field and click Move.
Caution: Make sure that the Absolute check box is clear. 14.
Repeat from step 11.
At the point when fine tuning of the roller-to-tray distance is started, there is only slight friction between the roller and the transparency. Roller-to-tray 15. Fine-tuning
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Move the print block slowly off the tray.
Lower the tray by 5 steps (that is, type 5 in the Move field and click Move).
Slowly and carefully move the print block manually all the way across all areas of the tray. While the print block is moving over the tray, hold the transparency and move the transparency backward and forward under the roller.
If there is still slight friction between the roller and the transparency, repeat from step 15. If there is no friction between the roller and the transparency, do the following:
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• Return the print block to the left of the tray.
Set ZStart 19. Value
• Raise the tray by 5 steps (that is, type –5 in the Move field and click Move). Type the current Position value (from the Motors Control screen) into the field in the ZStart area and click Save.
The Z-Start value is a negative (minus) value.
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Z-Axis Limits The Z‐axis limits checks are performed after the Z‐Start procedure. If Z‐Axis Home is changed, the Z‐Start procedure must be performed again.
4.1 Tools • 2.5 and 3 mm Allen keys
4.2 Procedure 1.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Motors Control.
Figure 107 Motors Control screen
Click Home All.
Select the Z tab (if not already displayed).
Click Home.
The procedure now sets the Z-axis Software Limit to –1000 (the minimum possible value) to allow the HW Upper Limit to be reached via the Motors Control screen in later steps of the procedure.
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Set z-axis 5. software limit 6. to –1000
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Parameter Manager. Select the Motors tab.
Figure 108 Parameters Settings screen—motors
Click for MinPositionStep. The Array Parameter Editor screen for the MinPositionStep parameter opens.
Figure 109 Parameter Editor—MinPositionStep
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Type –1000 as the Z‐Axis Current value and click OK. (This sets the Z‐axis Software Limit.)
Click Apply (on the Parameter Settings screen).
Close the Parameters Settings screen. Confidential and Proprietary Information
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Check HW 11. upper limit in 12. range of Zstart
Set Z-axis 14. software limit
In the ZStart area (of the Motors Control screen), click Goto. Raise the tray by 25 steps (that is, type –25 in the Move field and click Move). Continue to raise the tray by 25 steps. The HW Upper Limit (on the Motors Control screen) should switch on between 70–200 steps above the ZStart position. In the following cases, set the Z‐axis Software Limit. If setting the Z‐ axis Software Limit is not possible, perform the Home and HW Upper Limit Sensor Bracket Adjustment on page 74. • If the HW Upper Limit switches on between 130–200 steps above the ZStart, set the Z‐axis Software Limit to the ZStart value plus –150 (for example, if the ZStart value is –550, set the Z‐axis Software Limit to –700). • If the HW Upper Limit switches on between 70–130 steps above the ZStart, set the Z‐axis Software Limit to half way between the ZStart value and the HW Upper Limit value (for example, if the ZStart value is –550 and the HW Upper Limit switches on at –670, set the Z‐axis Software Limit to –610).
Steps 5 to 10 of this procedure detailed how to set the Z-axis Software Limit. However, make sure you use the calculated limit value from this step (not the –1000 which was used in Steps 5 to 10).
At this point, adjustments to the Z-axis Software Limit are complete. The procedure continues with checking the Z-axis Hardware (HW) Lower Limit. Z-axis HW 15. lower limit 16. check
Click Home (in the Z tab of the Motors Control screen). In the ZStart area (of the Motors Control screen), click Goto.
Change the Units to Millimeters.
Make sure that the Absolute check box is clear.
Lower the tray by 200 mm (that is, type 200 in the Move field and click Move).
If the HW Lower Limit has not turned on, the Z‐axis limit calibration is finished.
If the HW Lower Limit turned on before the 200mm, contact your Regional technical Specialist (RTS).
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4.3 Home and HW Upper Limit Sensor Bracket Adjustment 1.
Remove the four screws securing the Rear cover and remove the Rear cover from the printer.
Figure 110 Rear cover
Loosen the two screws securing the home and hardware limit sensors.
Adjustment Screw
Loosen these Screws
Figure 111 Home and hardware limit adjustment
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Rotate the adjustment screw counter‐clockwise to raise the sensors (if the HW Upper Limit closer than 70 steps from ZStart). Rotate the adjustment screw clockwise to lower the sensors (if the HW Upper Limit is more than 200 steps from ZStart)
Tighten the screws securing the sensors.
Secure the Rear cover back in its position in the printer.
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Click Home.
Continue with the Z‐Start procedure on page 66 and then continue from step 11 on page 73.
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Wiper Position Calibrating the wiper position means checking the following: • Print heads after Purge • Wiper blade condition • Wiper tilt • Wiper height • X and Y Purge position A check of the print heads after a purge is performed to determine whether the wiper is performing correctly. This check is performed at the start of the procedure and after any change to the wiper, to the wiper position, or to the print block position during a wipe.
This procedure is performed in the following cases: • Whenever the wiper assembly is replaced • If the roller tilt was greater than 50 microns out of spec • If printing material remains on the heads after printing a model After the Motor Control board (MCB) or its software is replaced, perform the wiper height procedure (Steps 36 to 47).
5.1 Tools • Mirror • Cleaning cloth • Isopropanol (IPA—isopropyl alcohol) or ethanol (ethyl alcohol) • 2.5 mm Allen key • Flashlight
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5.2 Procedure Purge, check 1. and clean heads
Make sure that the build tray is clean and the printer is clear of all tools. Perform Purge (press F4). The following dialog box opens.
Figure 112 Confirm dialog box—perform purge sequence
Click Yes.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Motors Control.
Figure 113 Motors Control screen
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Select the Z tab (if not already selected).
Figure 114 Motors Control screen—Z tab
If the Z‐axis is disabled, select the Enable check box.
Click Home.
Click Go Z Down.
Disable the X axis (select the X tab and clear the Enable check box.
Disable the Y axis (select the Y tab and clear the Enable check box.
Place the mirror on the tray (reflective side up).
Slowly move the print block until it is over the mirror.
Inspect the print heads to make sure that they are dry. If the model print heads are dry, the wiper operates correctly and no further steps are required.
The support heads can be slightly moist.
Otherwise, clean the print heads and continue with the procedure.
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Check wiper 14. condition
Select the T tab (in the Motors Control screen).
Figure 115 Motors Control screen—T tab
If the T‐axis is disabled, select the Enable check box.
Click Home.
Click Go to Wipe.
Pull out the wiper blade from the assembly.
Check the wiper blade in the following way: • Turn the wiper upside down and touch the blade to a flat surface (for example, a table top).
Figure 116 Wiper on flat surface
• Check if any part of the blade is excessively worn (shorter than the other parts) or frayed.
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If the wiper is in good condition, put the wiper back in the assembly and continue with step 23.
If any part of the blade is worn or frayed, replace the wiper with a new wiper.
Perform the Purge and check procedure (Steps 1 to 13).
If after the Purge, the model print heads are dry, then the wiper operates correctly and no further steps are required. Wiper tilt 23.
Select the T tab (in the Motors Control screen).
If the T‐axis is disabled, select the Enable check box.
Click Home.
Make sure that the build tray is clean and the printer is clear of all tools.
Click Home All.
Select the Y tab.
Move the print block 1100 steps (type 1100 in the Move field and click Move.
Select the T tab.
Click Go to Wipe.
Visually determine that the wiper is parallel to the print heads (that is, that the wiper touches all the print heads the same amount). If necessary, illuminate the wiper with the flashlight to get a better view.
If no adjustment to the wiper tilt is necessary, continue with step 35.
Only if necessary, adjust the tilt of the wiper by doing the following: • Disable the X axis (select the X tab and clear the Enable check box. • Disable the Y axis (select the Y tab and clear the Enable check box. • Slowly move the print block away from the wiper.
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• Loosen the wiper screws, adjust the tilt of the wiper and tighten the screws.
Adjustment Screws
Figure 117 Wiper—rear view
• Repeat from step 23. 35.
Only if the wiper tilt was adjusted, perform the Purge and check procedure (Steps 1 to 13).
If after the Purge, the print heads are dry, then the wiper operates correctly and no further steps are required. Wiper height 36.
Visually determine that the wiper is at the correct height and touches the print heads (that is, the top of wiper is slightly pushed down by the print heads). If necessary, illuminate the wiper with the flashlight to get a better view.
Figure 118 Wiper contact with print heads
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If no adjustment to the wiper height is necessary, continue with step 48.
Press Ctrl-Alt-A.
Select Maintenance > MCB SW Parameters. The MCB SW Parameters screen opens.
Figure 119 MCB SW Parameters screen
Click Enter Mode.
Type 55 in the Parameter field and click Read. The current value of the parameter appears in the Value field.
Type a suitable value (the current value ±5 (as required)) in the Value field and click Write.
Increasing the value in the Value field raises the wiper. Decreasing the value in the Value field lowers the wiper.
If the “55” parameter reaches a value of 0 (zero), open the wiper tilt adjustment screws and push the wiper blade downward. Continue from step 23 (the Wiper Tilt check).
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Click Read.
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Click Exit Mode.
Click Close.
If no adjustment to the wiper height is necessary, continue with step 48.
Perform the Purge and check procedure (Steps 1 to 13).
If after the Purge, the print heads are dry and there is no printing material between the heads, then the wiper operates correctly and no further steps are required. Print block 48. purge position
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Parameter Manager. Select the Purge tab.
Figure 120 Purge parameter settings
Write down the value of the MotorPurgeYActPosition field and the value of the MotorsPurgeXStartPosition field.
These values are the correction from the Home Position for the Wipe position of the print block.
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Click Close.
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In the printer application, select Maintenance > Motors Control.
Figure 121 Motors Control screen
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Click Home All.
Select the X tab.
Select Millimeters from the Units options.
Type the MotorsPurgeXStartPosition value in the Move field and click Move.
Visually determine that each print head of the block is centered (as much as is possible) within its wiper blade.
If an adjustment is required, type the required movement (in mm) in the Move field and click Move.
When the print heads are in the correct position, write down the value of the Position field.
Select the Y tab.
Type the MotorsPurgeYActPosition value in the Move field and click Move. The wiper action should begin just before the print head nozzles. When this is the case, the wipe action correctly wipes all the nozzles.
Visually determine that the wiper is situated in front of the nozzles.
If an adjustment is required, type the required movement (in mm) in the Move field and click Move. Confidential and Proprietary Information
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When the print heads are in the correct position, write down the value of the Position field.
Click Close.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Parameter Manager.
Type the value from step 64 in the MotorPurgeYActPosition field and the value from step 59 in the MotorsPurgeXStartPosition field.
Click Apply.
69. Check wipe 70. after purge
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Click Close. Perform purge (press F4). After the purge, check that all the print heads are clean and dry.
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X-Axis Encoder Reader Alignment and Calibration The encoder reader must stay in the correct alignment with the encoder for the entire length of the encoder.
6.1 Tools • 1 mm (orange) spacer • Allen keys
6.2 Procedure 1.
Make sure the printer is off.
Take off the left‐side and the right side printer panels.
Remove the 8 screws securing the cover to the X‐axis and remove the cover from the printer.
Left Side (4 Screws)
Right Side (4 Screws)
Figure 122 X-axis cover screws
Push the print block all the way toward the left side of the printer.
Caution: If the encoder reader is too close to the encoder, you will feel the encoder reader rubbing against the encoder when you move the print block. In his case, move the encoder up before proceeding.
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Insert a 1 mm spacer between the right‐side of the encoder reader (as seen from the back of the printer) and the encoder (as shown in figure 123). The spacer should just fit between the reader and the encoder.
Spacer Inserted
Adjustment Screw
Figure 123 Spacer between bracket and encoder (left side)
Figure 124 Spacer
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If the distance is incorrect, loosen the screw securing the encoder and move the encoder up or down as required.
Tighten the screw.
Remove the spacer.
Push the print block all the way toward the right side of the printer.
Insert a 1 mm spacer between the right‐side of the encoder reader (as seen from the back of the printer) and the encoder (as shown in
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figure 123). The spacer should just fit between the reader and the encoder.
Spacer Inserted
Adjustment Screw
Figure 125 Spacer between bracket and encoder (right side)
If the distance is incorrect, loosen the screw securing the encoder and move the encoder up or down as required.
12. Encoder 13.
Tighten the screw. Push the print block all the way toward the left side of the printer.
reader parallel 14. check
Insert a spacer at the one end of the encoder reader. The spacer should just fit between the reader and the encoder.
Adjustment Screws
Figure 126 Encoder reader—spacer positions circled
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If the distance is incorrect, loosen the screws securing the encoder and move the end of the encoder up or down as required to fit the spacer.
Caution: Avoid moving the encoder reader left or right along the encoder. If the encoder reader does move, perform the following: • •
Calibrate the printing start position (on page 112) Calibrate the wiper position (on page 75)
Remove the spacer from the end of the encoder and insert at the other end of the encoder. (Again the spacer should just fit between the reader and the encoder.)
If the distance is incorrect, move the end of the encoder up or down as required to fit the spacer.
Repeat from step 14 until the spacer check is successful at both ends of the encoder reader.
19. Encoder 20.
Tighten the adjustment screws and remove the spacer. Check whether the rear side of the encoder reader is in line with the rear side of the encoder.
reader edge check
Encoder Reader must be aligned with this side of the Encoder
Top View
Adjustment Screws
3 Adjustment Screws—Side View Figure 127 Encoder horizontal alignment
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If the Encoder reader is not properly aligned, loosen the adjustment screws and align the rear side of the encoder reader with the rear side of the encoder.
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22. Repeatability 23. test
Tighten the adjustment screws. Make sure that the encoder reader remains aligned with the rear side of the encoder. Turn the printer on. In the printer application, select Maintenance > Motors Control.
Figure 128 Motors Control screen
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Select the X tab.
If the X‐axis is disabled, select the Enable check box.
Click Home.
Type 5000 into the field next to the Move button.
Select Absolute value.
Click Move.
Click Read Encoder.
Note the value of the encoder (under the Read Encoder button).
Click Home.
Click Read Encoder.
Click Move.
Click Read Encoder.
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The value of the encoder (under the Read Encoder button) should not change more than 1 count. The value of the encoder is given in hexadecimal.
Repeat from steps 33 –36 three more times if just doing encoder calibration; eight more times if the encoder was replaced. The value of the encoder should not change.
Re‐attach the left and right printer panels.
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X-Axis Encoder Home Position Calibration
In the Motor Control screen, make sure the X‐axis is enabled.
Select the Absolute value check box.
In the Move field, type 500 (steps) and click Move.
Click Read Encoder.
In the Move field, increase the value by 10 (steps) .
Click Move.
Click Read Encoder.
Repeat steps 5 –7 until the value of the encoder is greater than 0.
In the Move field, decrease the value by 1 (step).
Click Move.
Click Read Encoder.
Repeat steps 9–11 until the value of the encoder is 0.
Write down the number in the Move field.
Close the Motor Control screen.
From the Maintenance menu, select Parameter Manager.
Press Ctrl‐Alt‐P.
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Select the Super User option and click OK.
Figure 129 Parameters Exposure Level screen
From the list of parameters, select Motors.
Figure 130 Motor parameters
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In the XEncoderHomeInSteps parameter, type number from step 10.
Click Apply and then click Close.
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Y-Axis Encoder Reader Alignment and Calibration Align and calibrate the Y‐axis encoder reader after: • MCB replacement • Y‐axis encoder replacement If you have uploaded MCB software, you must calibrate the Y‐axis encoder as described in page 97.
7.1 Specification The distance between the Y‐axis encoder reader and the Y‐axis encoder is 1–2 mm.
7.2 Tools • 2.5 mm Allen key • Orange spacer (1 mm) • Tornado.exe program The Tornado.exe program is located in the C:\printer model\ServiceTools\MCB Loader folder
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7.3 Alignment Procedure 1.
Use a 2.5 mm Allen key and remove the screws securing the right‐ hand‐side cover.
Figure 131 Right-hand-side cover screws
Pull the X-axis forward to gain access to the rear screw.
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Carefully slide the right‐hand‐side cover out of the printer.
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Loosen the two screws that secure the Y‐axis encoder cover and remove the Y‐axis encoder cover from the printer.
Encoder Cover
Figure 132 Y-axis encoder cover
With the X‐axis assembly at the rear of the printer and using one or two orange spacers, measure the gap between the Y‐encoder strip and the encoder‐reader as you slowly move the encoder reader along the entire length of the Y‐encoder strip.
Figure 133 Spacer
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Encoder reader card
Y-encoder strip
Figure 134 Checking the gap
Move the X‐axis assembly to the front of the printer and repeat the spacer check. Make sure that the distance seen between the encoder and the encoder reader at the rear and at the front of the printer is identical.
If the distance (at the rear of the printer and at the front of the printer) from the encoder to the encoder reader is between 1–2 mm, continue with step 9. If required, loosen the screws (circled in figure 135) of the front encoder bracket and adjust the position of the encoder.
Figure 135 Adjustment bracket
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8. 9. 10.
Tighten the screws and check the position of the encoder by performing Steps 4 and 5 above. Place the Y‐axis encoder cover in position and secure the cover with its two screws. Place the right‐hand‐side cover back in position and secure the cover with its three screws.
7.4 Y-Axis Encoder Reader Calibration 1.
Exit from the printer application.
Run the Tornado.exe program.
Figure 136 Tornado DebugTool screen
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Select Diag Start in the Command(C) list.
Click Transmit(T). A SND and a RCV line appears in the Communication Log.
Select Diag Axis Adjust in the Command(C) list.
Select Y in the Axis(A) list.
Click Transmit(T).
Wait for the second RCV line to appear in the Communication Log.
Select SW reset in the Command(C) list. Confidential and Proprietary Information
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Click Transmit(T).
Wait for the second RCV line to appear in the Communication Log.
Exit from the Tornado program.
Start the printer application.
Select Maintenance > Motors Control.
Select the Y tab.
Figure 137 Motors Control screen
Select Enable.
Click Home. Make sure that there is movement in the Y‐axis direction.
Type 75000 in the Move field and select Absolute value.
Click Move. Make sure that there is movement in the Y‐axis direction.
The calibration was successful if error messages do not appear during the Y‐axis movement.
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Head-Filling Level The head‐filling level calibration automatically sets the level of the liquid printing material in the print head reservoirs. The level should be calibrated after replacing the thermistor that senses the liquid level in the print head and after replacing the print block.
9.1 Tools None.
9.2 Procedure 1.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Wizards > Heads Filling Calibration.
Figure 156 Head Filling Calibration screen
Click Next. The wizard automatically calibrates the head filling level.
The process takes about 30 to 40 minutes.
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Click Done. The Head Filling Calibration wizard finishes.
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Printing Start Position With the Printing Position wizard you control the printing start position on the build tray.
• Ruler • Cleaning solution and wiping cloths
Eden250: 4 ± 0.5 mm margin from the left and rear edges of the build tray. Eden260/Eden260V: • 1.5 ± 0.5 mm margin from the left edge of the build tray • 5.5 ± 0.5 mm margin from the rear edge of the build tray (see figure 157). Tray
Rear margin measured from this point
Figure 157 Margin at rear of tray
The rear margin is measured from the front of the rear handle area of the tray.
The printing start position procedure for the Eden260 starts on page 118.
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Eden250/Eden260V Procedure
Make sure the build tray is clear and clean.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Wizards > Printing Position.
Figure 158 Printing Position wizard screen
Click Next. The wizard prints a pattern test in the rear‐left corner of the build tray.
If the print heads are cold, printing begins after the print heads warm up.
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When printing is finished, the Results Satisfying screen opens.
Figure 159 Results satisfying
Measure the distance between the left edge of the build tray and the printed lines. Make a note if the measurements are not: • Eden250: 4 ± 0.5 millimeter • Eden260V: 1.5 ± 0.5 millimeters
Figure 160 Build tray margin measurements
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Measure the distance between the rear edge of the build tray and the printed lines. Make a note if the measurements are not: • for Eden250: 4 ± 0.5 millimeter • for Eden260V: 5.5 ± 0.5 millimeters
In the following screen, continue as follows: • within the specificationsIf the margin measurements are within specifications, select Yes... , click Next, and continue with step 9. • If margin measurements are not within the specifications, select No..., click Next, and continue with the step 7 below.
Figure 161 Results satisfying
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Enter values (in millimeters) to correct the margin sizes. • Horizontal Correction—to change the left margin. • Vertical Correction—to change the rear margin.
Figure 162 Position Correction screen
Figure 163 Clean the tray
The test pattern prints in the corner of the build tray again. 8.
Repeat steps 4–6.
The following steps of the procedure are performed after the test pattern is located in the correct position.
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Clean the tray.
In the following screen, select Done..
Figure 164 Printing Position Wizard is complete screen
The Printing Position wizard finishes.
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Eden260 Procedure
The Eden260 printer does not have a Printing Start wizard. Instead, the Pattern Test is performed on the tray.
Make sure the build tray is clear and clean.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Parameter Manager.
Press Ctrl+Alt+P.
Select Super User and click OK.
Select the Motors tab.
Figure 165 Parameter Settings screen—Motors tab
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Write down the current values of the TrayStartPositionX and the TrayStartPositionY parameters.
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Select the Test Pattern tab.
Figure 166 Parameter Settings screen—Test Pattern tab
Write down the current values of the TestPatternXPositionStep and the TestPatternYLocationStep parameters.
Type the TrayStartPositionX value (from step 6) into the TestPatternXPositionStep field.
Type the TrayStartPositionY value (from step 6) into the TestPatternYLocationStep field.
Click Apply.
Click Close.
Press F3 (Pattern Test). The following Confirm dialog box opens.
Figure 167 Perform pattern test dialog box
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Click Yes. The test pattern prints on the build tray.
If the print heads are cold, printing begins after the print heads warm up.
When printing is finished, measure the distance between the left edge of the tray and the place where printing starts. If it is not 1.5 ± 0.5 millimeters, make a note of the measurement.
Figure 168 Left build tray margin measurement (
Measure the distance between the rear edge of the tray and the place where printing starts. If it is not 5.5 ± 0.5 millimeters, make a note of the measurement. Tray
Test Pattern 5.5 ± 0.5 mm
Figure 169 Margin at rear of tray
The rear margin is measured from the front of the rear handle area of the tray.
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• If both the margin measurements are within spec., continue with step 23. • If a correction is required, continue with step 17. 17.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Parameter Manager.
Make sure the Test Pattern tab is selected.
Change the values of the TestPatternXPositionStep and the TestPatternYLocationStep parameters, as required, to change the Printer Start position. • To increase the size of a margin, add the required number of steps to the value of the parameter. • To decrease the size of a margin subtract the required number of steps to the value of the parameter. In the X‐axis direction, 1 mm = 17 steps (approximately). In the Y‐axis direction, 1 mm = 283 steps (approximately).
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If the left margin is 2.5 mm (that is, 1 mm too large) and the current value of the TrayStartPositionX parameter is 1462, type the value 1445 (= 1462 – 17) in the TrayStartPositionX field.
If the rear margin is 4.5 mm (that is, 1 mm too small) and the current value of the TrayStartPositionPositionY is 12217, type the value 12500 (= 12217 + 283) in the TrayStartPositionY field.
Click Apply.
Click Close.
Clean the tray.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Parameter Manager.
Make sure the Test Pattern tab is selected.
Write down the current values of the TestPatternXPositionStep and the TestPatternYLocationStep parameters.
Type the original value of the TestPatternXPositionStep parameter (written down in step 8) into the TestPaternXPositionStep field.
Type the original value of the TestPatternYLocationStep parameter (written down in step 8) into the TestPatternYLocationStep field.
Select the Motors tab.
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Type the new value of the TestPatternXPositionStep parameter (written down in step 25) into the TrayStartPositionX field.
Type the new value of the TestPatternYLocationStep parameter (written down in step 25) into the TrayStartPositionY field.
Add 55000 to the TrayStartPositionY parameter value and type the this value into the TrayEndPositionY field.
Click Apply.
Click Close.
Clean the tray.
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Bump-Sensor Calibration The bump sensor measures impact on the print block during printing. If the print block collides with the model, printing is stopped, to prevent damage to the heads and the model. This wizard automatically calibrates the sensitivity thresholdof the bump‐sensor mechanism, after printing a sample model and measuring the impact of the print block as it collides with the model.
• Blade • Cleaning solution and wiping cloths 1.
Make sure the build tray is clear and clean.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Wizards > Bumper Calibration.
Figure 170 Bumper Calibration Wizard screen
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Click Next. The wizard automatically prints a small block model. The print head then bumps against the model and automatically sets the bumper sensor parameters.
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When the following screen appears, remove the bumper‐sensor cube.
Figure 171 Remove bumper calibration cube
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Select the check box and click Next.
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In the following screen, click Next.
Figure 172 Bumper sensitivity value
In the following screen, click Done.
Figure 173 Wizard completed
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Weight Sensors (Load Cells) A weight sensor is located above each of the printing‐material cartridge holders and below the tray carrying the waste container. The load cells measure the weight of the respective support and model cartridges and the waste container. There are two calibration points for each cartridge: empty weight and full weight. The weight sensors should be calibrated yearly and after replacement.
• A known weight • If you have a scale, you can weigh any material cartidge before placing it in the compartment. • If you do not have a known weight, place a full cartridge of 3.6 kg for Eden260V, or 2 kg for Eden250/260, net weight in the compartment. 1.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Calibration.
Select the Weight Sensors tab.
From the Cartridge list, select the weight sensor you want to calibrate.
Figure 174 Weight Sensors tab (Eden250/260)
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Figure 175 Weight Sensors tab (Eden260V)
Remove the cartridge from the compartment. Wait a few seconds until the current weight display is stable.
The number displayed is the A/D value for the weight of the compartment itself, with nothing in it.
Click Empty. The current weight is recorded as the “empty” A/D value.
Place a known weight (see page 126) into the compartment.
In the Full Weight (gr) text box, enter the known weight, in grams.
To estimate the gross weight for a full material cartridge, add : •
for Eden260V: 550 grams to the net weight of the cartridge.
for Eden250/260: 650 grams to the net weight of the cartridge.
For example, if the net weight of the cartridge is 3.6 (Eden260V) kg, enter 4,150.
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Wait until the Current Weight display next to the cartridge selection is stable.
Click Full. The current weight is recorded as the “full” A/D value.
Click Save.
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Inspect the weight displayed in the printer application. Make sure the weight displayed in the printer application is within 40 grams of the correct net weight. If you estimated the “full” weight (as described above), the displayed weight should be between : • for Eden260V—3,560 and 3,640 grams. • for Eden250/260—1960 and 2040 grams.
If necessary, re‐enter the Full Weight so that the printer interface displays a weight in the acceptable range.
For the waste tray, place the known weight on the tray.
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Transparency Tests The transparency test printing is used for the following tests: • Block Rotation—corrects for slight rotations of the print block mounting (see page 135) • Head X Offset—fine tunes the head alignment (see page 148) • Y Tail—checks that the X‐axis and the Y‐axis are perpendicular (at 90° to each other) (see page 152) • Back Offset—compensates for the positional difference between the moment the printing material leaves the print head to when it lands on the model on the build tray (see page 157) • Pass Offset—measures the difference between the different Y‐axis belt tensions (see page 159) Complete the Block Rotation test first. Then perform the Head X Offset test and then the Y Tail test before performing the other transparency tests.
After all the tests are finished do the following: • Print the transparency test again • Check the results for all the above tests and make sure that all the test result grades on the Excel sheet for these tests are green (see page 128 for details on the Objet Adjustment Status Excel sheet).
• One transparency sheet (A4 or Letter) for each time the test is run • Loupe or measuring microscope • Objet Adjustment Status Excel worksheet • Cleaning solution and wiping cloths
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13.2 1.
Procedure Secure the transparency to the build tray (see figure 176). Turn the transparency sheet sideways and place it against the top and left edges of the build tray.
Figure 176 Transparency on tray
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(For Eden250 and Eden260V) Make sure that the printer is in High Quality mode.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Modes > Transparency HQ.
If the printer is offline, click the Online button (in the printer application). The printer enters transparency print mode and prints the calibration pattern onto the transparency sheet.
Remove the printed transparency sheet from the build tray.
Inspect the transparency sheet under an optical comparator, a measuring microscope or a loupe.
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Transparency Calibration Pattern
The following figure shows the test locations on the calibration pattern that is printed on the transparency. Pass Offset (L)
Head X Offset
Block Rotation
Y Tail
Pass Offset (R)
Back Offset
Figure 177 Calibration pattern
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The test locations on the test sheet are as follows:
Block Rotation (Eden250)
Block Rotation (Eden260/Eden260V)
Head X Offset (Eden250)
Head X Offset (Eden260/Eden260V)
Y Tail
Back Offset (Eden250)
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Back Offset (Eden260/Eden260V)
Pass Offset
Objet Adjustment Status Excel Spreadsheet
The Objet Adjustment Status worksheet contains cells for the results of the printed test patterns.
Figure 178 Objet adjustment status spreadsheet
The spreadsheet has fields for the following information: • Date (click Today to insert the date from the computer) • Printer Number
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• Printer Location • Block Number In addition, select the following: • Correct printer type • “Production” from the Production/Service option
Figure 179 Printer (example) and production selected
If a change was made, save the spreadsheet.
The worksheet has two main areas: • Transparency test results • Weight Test results When distances are required, they are measured in micrometers (μm or microns) from the reference line to the measured line. Care must be taken to differentiate between negative values and positive values. Negative numbers must be typed with a minus (–) sign before the number. When the measured line is to the left of or below the reference line (depending on the test), the value is negative. When measuring, use the printed guide lines to ensure that the test sheet is aligned straight. If using a loupe, check and adjust the units of measure; the worksheet requires the values to be entered in micrometers (µm).
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Block Rotation This procedure corrects for slight rotations of the print block mounting. The error is measured on the transparency sheet and then the block rotation is adjusted by unlocking and manually pivoting the print block.
• Printed transparency test (see page 131) • Loupe/measuring microscope • Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet (see page 128) • 3 mm Allen key • T‐handled Allen keys • (Eden260/Eden260V only) Digital indicator on a short pole magnetic stand The block rotation procedure for the Eden260/Eden260V starts on page 142.
14.2 1.
Eden250 Procedure On the transparency, locate the block rotation test area (see figure 177).
Figure 180 Block rotation test area
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Choose the best defined of the three printings.
Figure 181 Single set from block rotation
If each of the pair of rows in the set are basically aligned vertically (as shown in figure 181), continue with step 8. If the pairs of rows are not aligned (for example, as shown in figure 182), then perform the following rough adjustment. Model Rows
Support Rows
Figure 182 Support rows higher than model rows
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Rough 4. adjustment procedure
Loosen the 3 print block locking screws.
Left Rear Screw
Front and Right-rear Screw Figure 183 Print block locking screws
To turn the right-rear screw, thread a T-handled Allen key through the channel (shown in at the back of the block.
Figure 184 Path for T-handled Allen key
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If the support material rows are higher on the transparency than the model material rows (as shown in figure 182), then adjust the rotation of the block by turning the adjustment screw (circled in figure 185) 90° clockwise
Figure 185 Adjustment screw
If the support material rows are lower on the transparency than the model material rows, then adjust the rotation of the block by turning the adjustment screw (circled in figure 185) 90° counter‐clockwise. 6.
Tighten the three print block locking screws.
Print the transparency again and start the procedure again from step 1. Measure the vertical difference between the S0 row and each of the other rows in the set (that is, S0 to S1, S0 to M0, and S0 to M1).
Head Y space 8. measurement
Figure 186 Row identification
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Measure this distance
Figure 187 Measurement example (S0 to S1)
Write the distance for each head from the S0 row in their respective Measured Value spreadsheet cell for the Head Y Space (shown in figure 188). Head Y Space Measurements
Figure 188 Head Y Space rows If M0 is below S0, the distance measurement will be negative. In this case, make sure the value is entered in the spreadsheet with a “–” (minus) sign.
Copy the M1 value (from the Head Y Space) to the measured value cell of the Block Rotation row of the spreadsheet. S0 to M1 Measurement
Figure 189 Block rotation row
If the Grade for the block rotation is Bad, the block must be rotated (using the procedure that starts in step 11. The direction FW means rotate the block counterclockwise. The direction BW means rotate the block clockwise. If the Grade for the block rotation is Good, the Block Rotation procedure is finished.
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Adjustment 11. procedure
Loosen the 3 print block locking screws.
Left Rear Screw
Front and Right-rear Screw Figure 190 Print block locking screws
To turn the right-rear screw, thread a T-handled Allen key through the channel (shown in at the back of the block.
Figure 191 Path for T-handled Allen key
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Adjust the rotation of the block in the direction given by the spreadsheet by loosening (if the direction is BW) or tightening (if the direction is FW) the adjustment screw by 45°.
Figure 192 Adjustment screw
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Tighten the three print block locking screws.
Print the transparency again and start the procedure again from step 8.
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14.3 1.
Eden260/Eden260V Procedure On the transparency, locate the block rotation test area (see figure 177).
Figure 193 Block rotation test area
Choose the best defined of the three printings.
Figure 194 Single set from block rotation
If each pair of rows in the set are basically aligned vertically (as shown in figure 194), continue with step 8. If the pairs of rows are not aligned (for example, as shown in figure ), then perform the following rough adjustment. Support Rows
Model Rows
Figure 195 Support rows higher than model rows
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Rough 4. adjustment procedure
Loosen the three print block locking screws.
Front Screw
Top View for Rear Screw Locations Figure 196 Print block locking screws
The top view indicates the two T-handled Allen keys in position to loosen the rear print block locking screws.
If the support material rows are higher on the transparency than the model material rows (as shown in figure ), then adjust the rotation of the block by turning the adjustment screw (circled in figure 197) 90° clockwise.
Figure 197 Adjustment screw
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If the support material rows are lower on the transparency than the model material rows then adjust the rotation of the block by turning the adjustment screw (circled in figure 197) 90° counter‐clockwise. 6.
Tighten the three print block locking screws.
Print the transparency again and start the procedure again from step 1. Measure the vertical difference between the M0 row and each of the other rows in the set (that is, M0 to M1, M0 to M2, and so on, and M0 to S0, M0 to S1 and so on).
Head Y apace 8. measurement
S3 S2
M3 M2
Figure 198 Row identification
Measure this distance
Figure 199 Measurement example (M0 to M1)
Write the distance for each head from the M0 row in their respective Measured Value spreadsheet cell for the Head Y Space (shown figure 200). Head Y Space Measurements
Figure 200 Head Y Space rows If S0 is below M0 on the transparency, the distance measurement must be negative. In this case, make sure the value is entered in the spreadsheet with a “–” (minus) sign.
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Copy the S3 value (from the Head Y Space) to the measured value cell of the Block Rotation row of the spreadsheet. M0 to S3 Measurement
Figure 201 Block rotation row
Adjustment 11. procedure
If the Grade for the block rotation is Bad, the block must be rotated (using the procedure that starts in step 11). The direction FW means rotate the block counterclockwise. The direction BW means rotate the block clockwise. If the Grade for the block rotation is Good, the Block Rotation procedure is finished. Attach the indicator to a short pole on a magnetic base and position the indicator up against the print block as shown in figure 202.
Figure 202 Indicator position for block rotation
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Turn on the magnet.
Zero the indicator.
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Loosen the three (3) print block locking screws.
Front Screw
Top View for Rear Screw Locations Figure 203 Print block locking screws
The top view indicates the two T-handled Allen keys in position to loosen the rear print block locking screws.
Adjust the rotation of the block in the direction given by the spreadsheet by loosening (if the direction is BW) or tightening (if the direction is FW) the adjustment screw. Turn the screw until the indicator displays the Block Rotation fix value displayed in the spreadsheet.
Figure 204 Adjustment screw
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Tighten the three print block locking screws.
Turn off the magnetic base and remove the magnetic base and the indicator from the printer.
Print the transparency again and start the procedure again from step 8.
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Head X Offset The Head X Offset test fine‐tunes the head alignment.
On the transparency, locate the Head X Offset (X Offset Center) test points (see figure 177).
Select the better defined of the two sets of measurement points. S3 S2 S1 S0 M3 M2 M1 M0
Figure 205 Set of measurement points
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Measure the horizontal difference between the M0 point and all the other points in the set.
Measure this distance
Figure 206 X offset center measurement (M0 to M1 example)
Write the distance for each head from the M0 point in their respective Measured Value spreadsheet cell for the Head X Offset (Center) (shown figure 207). If the measured point is to the left of the M0 point, then the result is negative (requires a “–” before the number). M1 Result
M2 Result
Figure 207 X Offset (center) spreadsheet area
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The spreadsheet computes the correction required. Correction Result
Figure 208 X offset (center) spreadsheet area—result
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Parameter Manager.
Select the Layer Process tab.
Figure 209 Calibration process
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Click next to the HeadMapArray field. The editor screen for the Head Map Array opens.
Figure 210 Array editor screen for head map array parameters
Add the correction value to the value in the Current Value field for that head and click OK.
Be careful when calculating the Current Value field value. For example, if the value in the Current Value field is –6 and the correction value is –2, the result to be typed in the field is calculated as follows: –6 + (–2) = –6 –2 = –8
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Click Apply (on the Parameter Settings screen).
Click Close.
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Y Tail The Y Tail test indicates the angle between the X‐axis and the Y‐axis. The Block Rotation test must be completed before applying any Y‐Tail adjustment.
The Objet Adjustment Status worksheet must contain the Block Rotation values.
On the transparency, locate the Y Tail test points (see figure 177).
First-pass measurement points
Second-pass measurement points
Figure 211 Y-tail measurement points
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Measure the horizontal difference between the first‐pass measurement points and the second‐pass measurement points.
Measure this distance
Figure 212 Y-tail measurement
Write the value in the Measured Value spreadsheet cell for the Y‐Tail (shown figure 213). Y-Tail Measurement
Figure 213 Y-tail spreadsheet area
The spreadsheet computes the correction required. Correction Result
Figure 214 Y-tail spreadsheet area—result
If the Grade for the Y‐tail is Bad, the right end of the X‐axis assembly must be moved on the Y‐axis. (See “Adjustment Procedure” on page 154.) The direction BW means move the assembly forward. The direction FW means move the assembly toward the back of the printer. DOC-08303 Rev. D
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16.2 4.
Adjustment Procedure In the printer application, select Maintenance > Motors Control.
Figure 215 Motors Control screen
Enable the Y axis (select the Y tab and select the Enable check box).
Loosen the screws that lock the X‐axis assembly to the left and right Y‐axis.
Left-Side Screws
Right-Side Screws
Figure 216 Axis screws
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Attach the indicator to a short pole on a magnetic base and position the indicator up against the Y‐axis bridge as shown in figure 217.
Adjustment screw
Figure 217 Indicator position
Move the indicator 1 mm from the Y‐axis bridge as follows: • Turn the indicator on. • Zero the indicator. • Move the magnetic base away from the Y‐axis bridge until the indicator displays approximately 1 mm.
Turn on the magnetic base.
Zero the indicator.
Mark the bridge with a marker to indicate where the probe of the indicator touches the Y‐axis bridge.
If additional adjustments are required, ensure that the indicator is positioned such that the probe touches the bridge in the place indicated by the mark.
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Adjust the position of the X‐axis assembly on the right‐hand‐side Y‐ axis by turning the adjustment screw (shown in figure 217) according to the “May be fixed by” value and the Direction value given in the spreadsheet. Turning the adjustment screw clockwise moves the X‐axis assembly forward on the right Y‐axis bar. Turning the adjustment screw
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counter‐clockwise moves the X‐axis assembly toward the rear of the printer on the right Y‐axis bar.
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Turn off the magnetic base and remove the base and indicator from the printer.
Tighten the 4 screws that secure the X‐axis assembly to the left and right Y‐axis rods.
Print the transparency again and perform the necessary measurements to check the Y‐tail.
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Back Offset The Back Offset test compensates for the positional difference between the moment the printing material leaves the print head to when it lands on the model on the build tray.
On the transparency, locate the back offset test points (see figure 177).
Measure the horizontal difference between at least three of the pairs of test points and calculate the average of the distances.
Calculate the average (for three pairs of test points) by adding the 3 measurement values and then divide the total by 3. For example, if the measurement values are 130, 150, 170, then the average would be (130 + 150 + 170)/3 = 450/3 = 150. Measure this distance
Measure this distance
Eden260/Eden260V Figure 218 Back offset measurement points
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Write the average in the Measured Value spreadsheet cell for the Back Offset (shown figure 219). Back Offset Average
Figure 219 Back offset spreadsheet area
The spreadsheet computes the correction required. Correction Result
Figure 220 Back offset spreadsheet area—result
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Parameter Manager.
Select the Layer Process tab.
Figure 221 Calibration screen—layer process
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Add the correction value to the value in the AdvanceFire_1200DPI field and click Apply.
Click Close.
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Y Offset (Pass Offset) The Pass Offset test measures the difference between the different Y‐axis belt tensions. This test requires the use of two transparency sheets on the build tray.
On the transparency, locate the pass offset test lines on both transparency sheets (see figure 177).
Measure the left‐side test area and write the results in the left‐ measurement spreadsheet cell (shown figure 223).
Measure this distance
Figure 222 Pass offset measurement Left-side Results
Right-side Results
Figure 223 Pass offset spreadsheet area
Similarly, measure the right‐side test area and write the results in the Measured Value cells (shown figure 223). The spreadsheet computes the correction required. Correction Result
Figure 224 Pass offset spreadsheet area—result
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Only if the Grade for the Belt Tension is Bad, do the following: • Change the tension of the right Y‐axis belt according to the Belt Tension value in the Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet (see “Right Y‐axis Belt Adjustment” on page 161). • Print the transparency test again (two transparency sheets required) • Start this procedure (Pass Offset) from the beginning.
Figure 225 Pass offset spreadsheet area—belt tension “Bad”
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Calibration.
Select the Y Steps Per Pixel tab.
Figure 226 Calibration screen—Y Steps Per Pixel
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Type the correction value in the “Enter measured distance . . .” field and click Calculate.
Click Close.
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Right Y-axis Belt Adjustment
Remove the left and right panels of the printer.
Remove the front panel of the printer.
Loosen the right y‐axis belt locking screw.
Figure 227 Locking screw
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Adjust the position of the right y‐axis belt tension screw according to the instructions of the Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet.
Figure 228 Tension screw
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Tighten the right Y‐axis belt locking screw.
Re‐attach the front panel of the printer.
Re‐attach the left and right panels of the printer.
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Weight Test The Weight test prints patches of material, containing a known number of material slices, for each head. The aim is to vary the head voltage in order to optimize the weight of each patch. Perfrom the Weight Test for all printing modes— • High Quality • High Speed (if applicable)
The Pattern Test must be performed before the Weight Test.
The Weight Test requires the following tools: • A scale with accuracy ± 0.01 g. • A blade for removing the weight patches from the build tray. The Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet is required to determine the head voltages to be used for the printing of the weight patches.
Perform Pattern Test Before Weight Test
Perform the Pattern Test as described in the following user guides (as applicable): • Eden250 User Manual (DOC‐00250) • Eden260 User Manual (DOC‐00260) • Eden260V User Manual (DOC‐00261)
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19.4 1.
Prepare Spreadsheet Make sure the Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet is correctly setup for the printer model you are calibrating. That is, the correct printer and “Production” selected.
Figure 229 Printer (example) and service selected
If a change was made, save the spreadsheet.
(For the Eden 250 and Eden260V) Make sure the printer is in High Quality mode.
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Calibration.
Figure 230 Calibration screen—Heads Voltages tab
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Steps 3 to 6 are performed in the Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet.
Carefully enter the Requested Voltage values from the Calibration screen into the Current Voltage column.
Optimized Voltage Limit
Model Material
Current Weight
Current Voltage
Missing Nozzles
Figure 231 High Quality section—preparation
Set the Optimized Voltage Limit value to the smaller of the following values: • “Maximum value of the Current Voltages” + 1.5 • 36
Set the model material in the spreadsheet to the model material in the printer.
Important Do not use Tango materials when performing the Weight Test.
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Click Close (on the Calibration screen).
Select Modes > HQ Weight Test on the Maintenance menu.
Turn the printer online. The printer prints the weight patches.
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Inspect the patches and enter the number of missing nozzles in the Weight Test spreadsheet (see figure 234 to match the patch to the correct head).
Missing Nozzle
Figure 232 Weight test patch
Using a blade, carefully remove each patchfrom the build tray, and weigh it. Repeat for all patches on the build tray
Caution: Make sure the entire patch is removed from the model tray.
Figure 233 Eden250 patch order on the build tray
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Figure 234 Eden260/260V patch order on build tray
For each patch, wait until the weight on the scale stabilizes, and then enter the weight in the correct head’s row in the Weight column.
Optimized Voltage Limit
Average Layer Thickness
Current Weight
Recommended Voltage
Figure 235 High Quality section—analysis
When all the weights are entered, the following are displayed: • Recommended voltage for each print head • Average layer thickness 12.
Adjust the Optimized Voltage Limit value so that the Average Layer Thickness value has the following value: • 16.5 microns for High Quality • 30 microns for High Speed
The permitted range of Average Layer values is as follows: • •
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High Quality: 14–16.5 microns High Speed: 25–30 microns
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If the Average Layer Thickness value reaches the specific value or if the Average Layer is within the permitted range when the Optimized Voltage Limit is 36 V or less, continue with step 15.
If the Average Layer Thickness value is not within the permitted range when the Optimized Voltage Limit is 36 V, stop performing the Weight Test and replace the weakest print head. The weakest print head is the print head that prints the lightest weight patch.
The weakest print head is also the print head with the highest recommended voltage.
Select Calibration on the Maintenance menu.
Enter the Recommended Voltage values from the Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet into the matching Requested Voltage fields.
Close the cover of the printer.
Click Calibrate (on the Calibration screen) and wait for the values to stabilize.
Click Save (on the Calibration screen).
If the Grade for all heads is “Good,” continue from step 23.
If the grade for all the heads is not “Good”, click Transfer H.Q. data (on the Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet). The Recommended Voltage values are copied to the Current Voltage column and the rest of the Weight Test spreadsheet is cleared.
The Grade is “Good,” when the Recommended Voltage varies from the Current Voltage by not more than 0.6 V.
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Repeat from step 7 until all the Recommended Voltages values (in the Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet) are “Good” (turn green).
Click Close (on the Calibration screen).
In the printer application, select Maintenance > Parameter Manager.
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Select the Setup tab from the Parameter type list.
Figure 236 Parameter Settings screen—setup
Set the LayerHeight600DPI_um value to the Average Layer Thickness value.
Click Apply.
Click Close.
The procedure for the Eden260 ends here.
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Select Switch Maintenance Mode on the Maintenance menu.
Select High Speed Mode.
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Repeat step 1 to step 22 for High Speed mode. Use the HS Weight Test section of the Objet Adjustment Status spreadsheet. In this case, set the LayerHeight1200DPI_um value (not the LayerHeight600DPI_um value) to the Average Layer Thickness value.
Figure 237 High Speed section
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Belt Tension Measurement and Adjustment Proper belt tension is essential for optimum reliability. Before you begin, check that the belts are in good condition (for example, no missing or damaged teeth). If the belt condition is poor, replace both belts.
• Allen key set • Belt Tension Kit (KIT‐08201‐S). This kit contains: • Sonic tension meter 507C (TOL‐00004) • Axis belts (TRS‐00023) • X‐axis belt (TRS‐00001) (for Eden Professional and Connex printers only)
Figure 238 Belt tension kit
Figure 239 Sonic tension meter and replacement belts
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Important: The kit includes replacement belts. Make sure you order replacement belts for any belts used. Return the Belt Tension Kit to the Objet regional office when you are finished working with it. Make sure that all parts of the kit including the documentation are in the box.
Tension Specifications
The following table shows the belt tension parameters (mass, width, and span) and recommended tension readings for the different axis belts. The width, weight and span parameters for the different axis belts have been preset and stored in the sonic tension meter’s storage register. When measuring belt tension, select the Set number that corresponds to the axis you wish to measure. If necessary, enter the required parameters into the sonic tension meter. Axis
Recommended Tension
32N ± 5%
34N ± 5%
Table 1: Set Parameters and Recommended Tensions
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Operating the Sonic Tension Meter
Press the Power button to turn on the meter.
Press the Measure button on the meter. The green LED starts to flash. The LED flashes until a signal is captured by the meter.
Tap the belt span (with your finger) causing the belt to vibrate. Make sure the belt does not hit the sensor.
Hold the sensor of the sonic tension meter approximately 1 cm (0.4 inch) from the belt. When the meter has captured a signal, the green LED turns off for about 1.5 seconds during processing. The measured belt tension is displayed. The meter beeps three times, the green LED starts to flash and the meter is ready for another measurement. If the belt tension cannot be measured, the red LED turns on.
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Take at least three readings to confirm that the result is consistent.
For more information on using the sonic tension meter, refer to the product manual.
20.4 1.
Measuring and Adjusting the Belt Tension Press the Select button and choose the required Set number for the axis you wish to measure (see Table 1).
2. X-axis belt 3.
Move the print block all the way to the left. Tap the middle of the upper half of the X‐axis belt, between the print block and the tension pulley as shown in figure 240, to cause it to vibrate.
Measure the tension of the X‐axis using the sonic tension meter. (For instructions on how to use the meter refer to “Operating the Sonic Tension Meter” on page 172.)
Figure 240 Measuring the X-axis belt tension
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Adjust the tension of the X‐axis belt by releasing the locking screw and turning the tension adjustment screw.
Turning the tension adjustment screw clockwise increases the belt tension.
Figure 241 X-axis locking screw
Figure 242 X-axis tension adjustment screw
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Repeat step 3–5 as needed.
7. Y-axis belt 8.
Tighten the locking screws. Tap the middle of the upper half of the Y‐axis belt, between the motor pulley and the tension pulley as shown in figure 243, to cause it to vibrate.
Measure the tension of the Y‐axis using the sonic tension meter. (For instructions on how to use the meter refer to “Operating the Sonic Tension Meter” on page 172.)
Figure 243 Measuring the Y-axis belt tension
Adjust the tension of the Y‐axis belts by releasing the locking screw and adjusting the tension adjustment screw.
Turning the tension adjustment screw clockwise increases the belt tension.
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Tension adjustment screw
Locking screw
Figure 244 Y-axis belt tension screws (left side)
Tension adjustment screw
Locking screw
Figure 245 Y-axis belt tension screws (right side)
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Repeat step 8–10 as needed.
Tighten the locking screws.
After adjusting the belt tension, perform the Transparency test. (See “Transparency Tests” on page 129.)
Inspect the Pass Offset test (See “Y Offset (Pass Offset)” on page 159.) results to see if there is a variation between the left and the right Y‐offsets. If so, follow the instructions in the Excel sheet (Objet Adjustment Status Excel sheet) to adjust the Y‐offsets.
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Roller Velocity Adjustment (Eden250/Eden260 only) Changing the roller velocity helps solve roller knocking instances and some model quality issues.
Open the printer application.
From the Maintenance menu, select Parameter Manager.
From the list of parameters, select Roller.
In the Roller Velocity field, change the value from 1000 to 412.
Figure 246 Parameters Manager—Roller parameters
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Click Apply, and then click Close.
Close the printer application.
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