Ngondro Torma OfferingWORD Translation As of 10 March 2007 [PDF]

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Drikung Kagyu first-day torma sadhana (as of 1/11/2014 at 20:31:22 a1/p1)

(p.335) NGON DRÖ TOR MA ZHUG SO (Preliminary tormas)1 (p.336) (Sprinkle tormas with bumpa water [or nectar]:) OM VAJRA AMRITA KUNDALI HANA HANA HUNG PHET / OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HANG / TONG-PA NYI-DU GYUR / TONG-PE NGANG-LE OM-LE RIN-PO CHE NÖ-YANG-SHING GYA-CHE[All] becomes Emptiness. From the state of Emptiness, from an WE NANG-DU / OM AH HUNG Ö-DU ZHU-WA-LE JUNG-WE HLA-DZE-LE DRUB-PE TOR-MA DANG-SHING THOG-PA Om arises a precious vessel vast and great, inside of which Om Ah Hung melts into light and arises as a torma made of godly (p.337) ME-PA ZAG-PA ME-PE DE-WA KHYE-PAR CHEN KYE-PA NAM- KHA-DANG NYAM-PAR GYUR substances pure and all pervading, with the capacity to give uncontaminated bliss [filling] the expanse of the sky. Om Akaro … /:.OM AKARO MUKHAM SARVA DARMANAM ADYAN UTPANNA TVATTA OM AH HUNG (3x) / [the first torma for peaceful spirits:]CHOM-DEN-DE

DE-ZHIN SHEG-PA RIN-CHEN MANG-LA CHAG-TSAL LO / DE-ZHIN SHEG-PA ZUG-DZE To the Bhagavan, the Tathagata Rinchen Mang we prostrate; to the Tathagata Zugdze Dampa we prostrate; to the

(p.338) DAM-PA-LA CHAG-TSAL LO / DE-ZHIN SHEG-PA KU-JAM LE-LA CHAG-TSAL LO / DE-ZHIN SHEG-PA JIG-PA Tathagata Kujam Le we prostrate; to the Tathagata Jigpa Thamche Dang Dralwa we prostrate. Nama Sarva Tathagata Jnana Avalokite THAM-CHE DANG YONG-SU DRAL-WA-LA CHAG-TSAL LO /:. NAMA SARVA TATHAGATA JÑANA AVALOKITE OM Om Sambhara Sambhara Hung 3x Om Ah Hung 3x SAMBHARA SAMBHARA HUNG (3x) /.: OM AH HUNG (3x) .:/ (p.339) CHÖ-JIN-GYI TOR-MA GYA CHEN-PO DI BÜL-


Drikung Kagyu first-day torma sadhana (as of 1/11/2014 at 20:31:22 a1/p1)

To whom do we dedicate this great, vast torma offering: ZHING NGO-WE NE-SU GYUR-PA NI / CHOG KYONG-WA CHU / GYAL-PO CHEN-PO DE-ZHI / HLA CHEN-PO GYE / LU to the directional guardians, the four great kings, the eight great gods, the eight great nagas, the eight great rahulas, the twenty-eight CHEN-PO GYE / ZA CHEN-PO GYE / GYU-KAR-GYI HLA-MO NYI-SHU TSA-GYE / TSANG-RI-KYI (p.340) PAL-GÖN star goddesses, the seventy-five pure glorious protectors, to all the Pawos, Khandros, directional protectors, land protectors and DÜN-CHU TSA-NGA / YÜL NYI-SHU TSA-ZHI / NE SUM-CHU SO-NYI / DUR-TRONG CHEN-PO GYE SOG-NA NE-PE Dakkinis abiding in the twenty-four [sacred] places, the thirty-two [sacred] places, the eight great cemeteries, and so forth, to all of PA-WO KHAN-DRO CHOG-KYONG-DANG ZHING-KYONG DAK-KI TSOG-DANG CHE-PA NAM-LA BÜL-LO / CHÖ-JIN-you together we offer. Please enjoy this great, vast torma offering. From the onset of this great retreat until the conclusion without GYI TOR-MA GYA-CHEN-PO DI-ZHE-LA / DIR DRUB-PA CHEN-PO U-TSUG-NE JUG MA-THÖN-GYI BAR-DU / NANG-GI leaving may inner attainments not go out, may outer obstacles not come in. Please quickly perform the activity of pacifying all NGÖ-DRUB CHIR MA-TONG CHI BAR-CHE NANG-DU MA-TONG / KYEN CHI-NANG-GI GAL-KYEN BAR-DU CHÖhindrances and outer and inner unfavorable conditions. For all the directional guardians may every variety of desirable sense pleasure PA THAM-CHE NYE-WAR ZHI-WE TRIN-LE DZÖ / CHOG-KYONG NAM-LA DÖ-YÖN TSOG / DE-DAG THAM-CHE CHI- in this world sphere without exception arise unimpeded! RIG PA / JIG-TEN KHAM-DIR MA-LÜ (p.341) PA / THOG-PA ME-PA JUNG-GYUR CHIG (bell) [the first torma is place in a high place on / [the second torma for semi wrathful beings:] CHOM-DEN-DE DE-ZHIN SHEG-PA RIN-CHEN MANG-LA CHAG- To the Bhagavan, the Tathagata Rinchen Mang we prostrate; to the Tathagata Zugdze Dampa we prostrate; to the Tathagata Kujam Le the boundary of the retreat site]


Drikung Kagyu first-day torma sadhana (as of 1/11/2014 at 20:31:22 a1/p1)

TSAL LO / DE-ZHIN SHEG-PA ZUG-DZE DAM-PA-LA CHAG-TSAL LO / DE-ZHIN SHEG-PA KU-JAM LE-LA CHAG-TSAL we prostrate; to the Tathagata Jigpa Thamche Dang Dralwa we prostrate. Nama Sarva Tathagata Jnana Avalokite Om Sambhara LO / DE-ZHIN SHEG-PA JIG-PA THAM-CHE DANG YONG-SU DRAL- WA-LA CHAG-TSAL LO /.: NAMA SARVA Sambhara Hung 3x Om Akaro Mukham Sarva Dharmanam Adyan Uptanna Tvatta Om Ah Hung 3x TATHAGATA JÑANA AVALOKITE OM SAMBHARA SAMBHARA HUNG (3x) /.: OM AKARO MUKHAM SARVA DHARMANAM ADYAN UPTANNA TVATTA OM AH HUNG (3x) / CHÖ-JIN-GYI TOR MA GYA CHEN-PO DI-BÜL-ZHING To whom do we dedicate this great, vast torma offering: to NGO-WE NE-SU GYUR-PA NI / SA-DAG SE-I HLA-MO TEN-MA DANG / SA-DZIN LAG-PA CHEN-MO NYI-KYI TSO JE PE owner of the land, the earth goddess Tenma, and the earth-holder Lagpa Chenmo, the two chief [goddesses], to [the spirits of] the / TÖ NGA-RI KOR-SUM / BAR Ü-TSANG RU-ZHI / ME DO-KHAM GANG-DRUG / SI-PA CHAG-PE HLA-GU / JE GURupper province of Ngari with three districts, the middle provinces of Ü and Tsang with four [districts], and the lower provinces of HLA CHU-SUM / BÖ-KHAM KYONG-WE TEN-MA (p.342) CHU-NYI / GE-NYEN NYI-SHU TSA-CHIG / SER-GYI RI-DÜN / Amdo and Kham with six districts, to the nine creator gods, the thirteen hunting gods, the Tenma protectors of Kham and Central ROL-PE TSO-DÜN / TSO MA-PHAM / GANG TI-SE / TSA-RI TSA-GONG / LA-CHI CHU-BAR / YAB-O-DE GUNG-GYAL / Tibet, the twenty-one Genyen [spirits], [those abiding at] the seven gold mountains, the seven Playful Lakes, Lake Manasarowar YUM-PHAG-MA TSANG-GU / CHÖ-JE GE-NYEN CHEN-PO / BAR-HLA HLA-DANG CHE-PA / SOG-RA TSEN-DANG CHEMt. Kailash, Tsari Tsagong, Lachi, Chubar, to the father Ode Gunggyal, the mother Phagma Tsanggu, the great lord Genyen, the god


Drikung Kagyu first-day torma sadhana (as of 1/11/2014 at 20:31:22 a1/p1)

PA / CHU-PHEN LU-DANG CHE-PA / TER-DROM MEN-DANG CHE-PA / CHOG-NE NAM-GYAL KAR-PO / PHA-RI YE / Barhla together with the Tsen spirit Sogra, the naga Chupen, and the Menmo spirit Terdrom, to Chogne Namgyal Karpo, [the spirits] TSU-RI YÖN / KYE-WA SHING / BAB-PA CHU / DRO-WA LAM-LA NE-PE ZHI-DAG KAR-PÖ CHOG-LA NGÖN-PAR GA-here on the right, [those] over there on the left, [those dwelling] in growing trees and waterfalls, owners of roads and paths, [those WA / HLA-LU THU-WO CHE / THO-WA NAM-KHA DANG / MA-WA SA-ZHI LA-NE-PA (p.343) THAM CHE-LA BÜL-LO / who] truly delight in the way of goodness, powerful gods and nagas abiding high in the sky and low on the earth, to all we offer. CHÖ-JIN-GYI TOR-MA GYA-CHEN-PO DI-ZHE-LA/ NAL-JOR-PA DAG-CHAG PÖN-LOB / DRO-NA MA-SHÖL / DUG-NA Please enjoy this great, vast torma offering! For us yogins, master and disciple, may we not delay going [into retreat, while] staying MA-GÜL / TSO-WA JOR / YÖN-DAG GYI / GAL-KYEN SÖL / THUN-KYEN DRUB / CHÖ-DANG THÜN-PE NGONG-DROG [in retreat] may we not be restless, may our sustenance be taken care of, may we have sponsors, may problems be cleared, may we GYA-CHEN-PO DZE-DU SÖL / ZHI-DAG HLA-LU NAM-LA DÖ-YÖN TSOG / DE-DAG THAM-CHE CHI-RIG PA / JIG-TEN have all necessities, may our friendships be in accordance with the dharma. [For this] we request your great assistance. For owners of KHAM-DIR MA-LÜ PA / THOG-PA ME-PAR JUNG-GYUR CHIG (bell) / [place the second torma for semi-wrathful beings in a low? place at the this place, gods and nagas, may every variety of desirable sense pleasure in this world realm without exception arise unimpeded! / [the third torma for wrathful beings:] HUNG / JIG-PE HUNG-DRA NGE-DROG CHING / GEG-NAM MA-LÜ JOM-Hung! Shouting firmly the frightful sound of Hung all obstructers without exception are subdued. To the gods who grant all spiritual boarder of the retreat site]


Drikung Kagyu first-day torma sadhana (as of 1/11/2014 at 20:31:22 a1/p1)

DZE PE / NGÖ-DRUB MA-LÜ (p.344) TSÖL-WE HLA / GEG-KYI DRA-LA CHAG-TSAL LO / HUNG SEM-ME PA-YANG accomplishments without exception, the enemies of the obstructers, we prostrate. Hung! Even beings without mind are summoned GUG-JE NA / SEM-DANG DEN-PA MÖ-CHI GÖ / LÜ-ME PA-YANG GUG-JE NA / LÜ-DANG DEN-PA MÖ-CHI GO / NÖ-JE what need is there to mention those having mind? Even beings with no body are summoned, what need it there to mention those JUNG-PO NE-DIR KHUG / DAKKI RAJA HUNG JA / HUNG / TRÜL-PE TOG-PA LE-JUNG WE / GEG-RIG TONG-TRAG having a body? Summon [all] evil spirits to this place! Dakki Raja Hung Ja! Hung! May this offering torma appease the eighty GYE-CHU DANG / NGÖN-GYI LEN-CHAG YÖ-NA YANG / CHÖ-JIN TOR-ME TSIM-PAR GYI / NA MO / JE-TSUN TSA-thousand classes of obstructers with wrong view and also any previous karmic debts we may have. Namo! By the truth of the holy WA-DANG GYÜ-PAR CHE-PE PAL-DEN LA-MA DAM-PA NAM-KYI KA DEN-PA DANG / SANG-GYE-KYI KA DEN-PA speech of the reverend, glorious root and lineage lamas, the truth of the speech of the Buddha, the truth of the words of the dharma, DANG / CHÖ-KYI KA DEN-PA DANG / (p.345) GEN-DUN-GYI KA DEN-PA DANG / SANG-NGAG DANG / RIG-NGAG the truth of the speech of the Sangha, the secret mantra, the [five Buddha] family mantras, the [recitation] mantra, the heart essence, DANG / ZUNG-NGAG DANG / NYING-PO DANG / CHAG-GYA DANG / TING-NGE DZIN-DANG / KA-DÖ DAM-PA YE-mudra, and the truth of the speech of the sacred wisdom dharma protectors of the holy command, by relying on the power and SHE CHÖ KYONG-WE SUNG-MA DAM-PA NAM-KYI KA DEN-PA DANG / DEN-PA CHEN-PÖ JIN-GYI LAB-PE THU-capacity of the blessing of these great truths, may all the masses of spirits and obstructers abiding in the three places of samsara, DANG NÜ-PA-LA TEN-NE / SA-OG SA-TENG SA-LA SI-PA SUM-NA NE-PE GEG-DANG JUNG-PÖ TSOG THAM-CHE above, below and on the earth, come here in order to accept this torma! Dakki Raja Hung Ja! Om Gungkari Gungkari Svaha …


Drikung Kagyu first-day torma sadhana (as of 1/11/2014 at 20:31:22 a1/p1)

TOR-MA LEN-PE LE-DU DIR-CHI-PAR GYUR CHIG / DAKKI RAJA HUNG JA /:. OM GUNGKA RI GUNGKA RI SVA HA / PI CHI PI CHI SVA HA / GUNG GUNG SVA HA / SAPARIVARA NAMA SARVA TATHAGATA BHYO BI (p.346) SHVA MUKHE BHYA / SARVA THA KHAM UTGATE SAPARANA IMAM GAGANA KHAM SVAHA (3x) .:/.: OM AH HUNG (3x) / CHÖ-JIN-GYI TOR-MA GYA-CHEN-PO DI / GEG-KYI GYAL-PO BI-NA YA-KE TSO JE-PE / GEG-RIG TONG-TRAG GYE-This vast torma offering we give first and foremost to the king of the obstructers Binayaka, to the eighty thousand classes of CHU / JI-PE DÖN-CHEN CHO-NGA / PO-DÖN GYAL-PO / MO-DÖN SIN-MO / THE-RANG JUNG-PO / TSE-LA KU-WA / obstructing spirits, to demons of small children, to the male demon Gyalpos, and the female demon Sinmos, to the one-eyed demons, SOG-LA JAB-PE JUNG-PO NE-DAG YAM-DAG / DÖN JUNG-PO GYAL-GONG SE-RAG THAM-CHE-LA JIN-NO / DE-RING spirits who steal life, those who wait in ambush, [demons] who cause sickness, [and] infectious disease, to evil spirits, Gyal-gong 2 JIN-CHE SAM-NGEN JOR-TSUB NÖ-TSE SAM-PA NGEN-PA THAM-CHE ZHI-NE / PHEN-PA-DANG ZHI-WA DÜL-WA spirits, Serag demons3, to all [of you] we give [this torma.] From today onwards pacify all evil schemes, harm, mischief, and evil JANG-CHUB-KYI SEM-DANG DEN-PAR GYUR CHIG (bell) (a single ring done thrice) / thoughts and develop a beneficial and peaceful discipline [and] a mind of Bodhicitta! GANG-ZHIG TSEN-MO (p.347) GYU-WA YI (bell) / JUNG-PO NAM-DANG SHA-ZA DANG (bell) / SIN-PO SHA-JEN ZA-WA Those who roam at night, all spirits and flesh-eaters, Rakshas who eat raw flesh, an all kinds of creatures, those who dwell in tree


Drikung Kagyu first-day torma sadhana (as of 1/11/2014 at 20:31:22 a1/p1)

DANG (bell) / SEM-CHEN NAM-PA NA-TSOG DANG (bell) / JÖN-SHING GEL-WA SOG-NE DANG (bell) / DE-DANG DE-LA trunks and the like, in addition to this torma, consume meat, alcohol, radish too, and cooked rice, and many fruits. By this food TOR-MA NI (bell) / ZA-WA SHA-CHANG LA-PHUG CHE (bell) / DRE-CHEN DRE-BU MANG-PO DANG (bell) / CHÖ-PA DI-YI offering my you be satisfied! Pacify your evil thoughts, and towards us generate a beneficial mind, from this day forth, wearing the GU-JÖ LA (bell) / NÖ-PE SAM-PA ZHI-WA DANG (bell) / DAG-CHAG NAM-LA PHEN-PE SEM (bell) / DE-RING JIN-CHE KYE-ornament [of Bodhicitta], practice the dharma! Lead a pure life of perfect vows and discipline. Bikshus and Ascetics and also PAR GYI (bell) / GYEN-GYI GYEN-ZHING DU-NI CHÖ-CHÖ CHING (bell) / DÜL-ZHING YANG-DAG DOM-LA TSANG-PAR Bhramins too have renounced punishing all spirits. There is no one who is not afraid of weapons. All [beings] also avoid [danger] JÖ / JUNG-PO KÜN-LA CHE-PA PONG-PA NI (bell) / GE-LONG GE-JONG DE-YIN DRAM-ZEANG DE (bell) / (p.348) TSÖN to sustain their life. Take yourself as an example, [and] do not do evil to others!4Om for the sake of those big and small, on CHE MI-JIG GANG-YANG ME (bell) / TSO-WE SOG-LA KÜN-KYANG-DZEM (bell) / RANG-GI LÜ-LA PE-LONG LA your evil deeds manifest as sickness, quickly do as requested [then] you demons go back to your own abode!


/ whose body


/ NE-DE NYE-WAR SÖL-DZÖ LA (bell) / DÖN-KHYÖ RANG-GI NE-SU DENG (bell) (Throw out the third torma for very wrathful spirits

far outside the mandala or retreat boundary.)




Drikung Kagyu first-day torma sadhana (as of 1/11/2014 at 20:31:22 a1/p1)

HO BHAGAVAN VAJRA HUNG HUNG PHET (3x) (bell+damaru) //5 Protection Mandala from Vajrayogini Long Sadhana

HUNG NYÖN-CHIG BAR-CHE (p11) GEG-KYI TSOG / LÜ-NGAG YI-LA NÖ-PA NAM / NGA-NI PAL-DEN DOR-JE CHANG / SUNGOm I am the glorious vajra-holder. / While well preparing the protection-circle,/ with a body of a flaming vajra, / I defeat all who do harm to the WE KHOR-LO RAB-JOR WE / DOR-JE BAR-WE LÜ-KYI NI / KU-SUM LA-NÖ JOM-PAR JE / GAL-TE MI-DRO KHAN-DRO YI / JIGbody and so on. / In case you do not go away, the dakinis / will destroy you, without doubt! PAR GYUR-WA DÖN-MI ZA HUNG NYÖN-CHIG BAR-CHE GEG-KYI TSOG / LÜ-NGAG YI-LA NÖ-PA NAM / NGA-NI PAL-DEN KHOR-LO CHANG / SUNGHung I am the glorious wheel-holder. / While well preparing the protection-circle,/ with a body of a flaming wheel, / I defeat all who do harm to WE KHOR-LO RAB-JOR WE / KHOR-LO BAR-WE LÜ-KYI NI / KU-SUM LA-NÖ JOM-PAR JE / GAL-TE MI-DRO KHAN-DRO YI / the body and so on. / In case you do not go away, the dakinis / will destroy you, without doubt! JIG-PAR GYUR-WA DÖN-MI ZA / HUNG NYÖN-CHIG BAR-CHE GEG-KYI TSOG / LÜ-NGAG YI-LA NÖ-PA NAM / NGA-NI PAL-DEN RAL-DRI CHANG / SUNG-WE Hung I am the glorious sword-holder. / While well preparing the protection-circle,/ with a body of a flaming sword, / I defeat all who do harm to KHOR-LO RAB-JOR WE / RAL-DRI BAR-WE LÜ-KYI NI / KU-SUM LA-NÖ JOM-PAR JE / GAL-TE MI-DRO KHAN-DRO YI / JIGthe body and so on. / In case you do not go away, the dakinis / will destroy you, without doubt! PAR GYUR-WA DÖN-MI ZA / HUNG NYÖN-CHIG BAR-CHE GEG-KYI TSOG / LÜ-NGAG YI-LA NÖ-PA NAM / NGA-NI PAL-DEN PAD-MA CHANG / SUNG-WE Hung I am the glorious lotus-holder. / While well preparing the protection-circle,/ with a body of a flaming lotus, / I defeat all who do harm to


Drikung Kagyu first-day torma sadhana (as of 1/11/2014 at 20:31:22 a1/p1)

KHOR-LO RAB-JOR WE / PAD-MA BAR-WE LÜ-KYI NI / KU-SUM LA-NÖ JOM-PAR JE / GAL-TE MI-DRO KHAN-DRO YI / JIGthe body and so on. / In case you do not go away, the dakinis / will destroy you, without doubt! PAR GYUR-WA DÖN-MI ZA / HUNG NYÖN-CHIG BAR-CHE GEG-KYI TSOG / LÜ-NGAG YI-LA NÖ-PA NAM / NGA-NI PAL-DEN RIN-CHEN CHANG / SUNGHung I am the glorious jewel-holder. / While well preparing the protection-circle,/ with a body of a flaming jewel, / I defeat all who do harm to WE KHOR-LO RAB-JOR WE / RIN-CHEN BAR-WE LÜ-KYI NI / KU-SUM LA-NÖ JOM-PAR JE / GAL-TE MI-DRO KHAN-DRO YI / the body and so on. / In case you do not go away, the dakinis / will destroy you, without doubt! JIG-PAR GYUR-WA DÖN MI ZA // OM GHA GHA GHATAYA GHATAYA SARVA DUSHTAM NÖJE MARAYA HUNG PHET (damaru and bell)// RANG-GI TENG-OG Om Gha Gha - He killer, killer Ghataya Ghataya -destroy, destroy, Sarva Dushtam – all terrible beings, who are doing harm / kill / Hung Phet / CHOG-TSAM THAM-CHE DOR-JE SA-SHI / RA-WA / DRA-WA / GUR / LA-RE / YE-SHE-KYI ME-RAB-TU BAR-WA-DANG CHE-PA Above and underneath oneself and in all the main and in-between directions, a vajra-ground / -wall / fence / -tent / -canopy / and blazing SUNG-WE KHOR-LO HLA-MO NAM-DANG CHE-PE SUNG-TE / BAR-CHE THAM-CHE ZHI-ZHING NAM-PAR GYAL-WE KHORwisdom- fire; being protected by that protection-circle with the included deities, / all the obstacles are pacified, and it becomes a great allLO CHEN-POR GYUR // victorious mandala. / OM VAJRA RAKSHA RAKHSA! (recite 3x while circling your vajra clockwise) This text was translated from Tibetan to English by Tsegyal Phuntsok and Rachel Dodds in Almora, India, completed in March 2007. The Tibetan text can be found in “sgrub grva’I rgyun ‘khyer kun btus ratna’I zhal lung zhes bya ba bzhug so’ pg335-348. May all errors be purified by this torma offering.


Drikung Kagyu first-day torma sadhana (as of 1/11/2014 at 20:31:22 a1/p1)

A brief explanation of the first-day tormas (taken from the Chakrasamvara long sadhana endnotes) The first day of the retreat you need to offer three special tormas. The first two look the same and are like the regular daily outer tormas for the lokapalas but taller (about 10 cm each) and in their base, instead of having four “pillars” they are wrapped in four petals. The first of these two tormas is for the few peaceful spirits that may be floating around our retreat area with no commitment (Tib. damtsig, Skt. samaya) to become a dharmapala; this is, with no commitment to become a spirit who protects the Dharma. By doing a special prayer and offering this torma to them, these spirits are bound by oath to protect the retreatant for the duration of the retreat session. The second of these tormas is done for the same purpose, but directed to the semi-peaceful or semi-wrathful spirits (this is, for most spirits) that lurk around us. Then there is a third torma, which is for the wrathful spirits. It looks completely different from the previous two. It is much smaller or shorter (about three cm tall) and has a different shape (however, if a special top is added to it, it can be as tall as the first two—see drawing below). It looks like a sphere placed on a kind of pedestal. The sphere has a pointed end on its superior part. There is also an elongated piece of tsampa dough with a few little balls (tsog?) attached to its front. Its shape is the result of squeezing a tsampa lump once in one’s fist. According to tradition, this squeeze done to the dough represents the binding (or crushing?) of 500 pretas. The little or third torma is directed to very wrathful and harmful spirits, who are very negative and cannot be bound by oath to protect the Dharma. They cannot become lokapalas or worldly protectors. However, by offering the torma to them one keeps them away so they do not come into the retreat premises and disturb the retreatant. The three tormas are placed in the same plate, side by side. Oneself (or the lama) then does a short ritual using vajra, bell, damaru, and incense and thinks of the people who will be allowed to enter the retreat premises during the session, such as the cook, the manager, the lama, and so on. If one forgets to think of someone who should be allowed to enter the retreat, then that person may not enter the retreat for the duration of the session. As the ritual continues, the two front tormas are placed outside of the retreat premises. The first torma is left in a high place. The second is left in a low place. The third torma is thrown out as far as possible from the retreat boundaries while one visualizes an ocean of protection appearing between the outside place where the torma fell and the retreat boundaries. One then ends the ritual in one’s room where one throws mustard seeds to the four directions while saying the OM SUMBHA NISUMBHA mantra and doing a hand mudra. This is done as a protection against evil spirits. The rest of the days of the retreat only regular lokapala or outer tormas are offered to the lokapalas or spirits that were bound by oath, so they do not forget their commitment and continue protecting the Dharma and the retreatants for the duration of the retreat session.


Drikung Kagyu first-day torma sadhana (as of 1/11/2014 at 20:31:22 a1/p1)

Torma for Peaceful and semi-peaceful spirits on the left (they are the same) and the Torma for the wrathful spirits on the right.


Ngondro torma zhugso was written by Rigzin Chokyi Dragpa for retreat and is part of a collection of sadhana texts called Drubdre Gyun Khyer Kuntu Ratne Zhallung Zhe Jawa Zhugso {in short, Ratne Zhallung}, pp.335348. It is also know as KaGye Chasum Torma (The Three Tormas of the Eight Herukas). 2 These demons case sickness in humans and cattle. 3 Serag demons are similar to hungry ghosts. 4 These last four lines are a quote from Shakyamuni Buddha 5 The text ends here, but the monks added section on creating the protection mandala from the Vajrayogini text as that is our yidam at this time. During the Chakrasamvara yidam time we would do the protection mandala from the Chakrasamvara text. 1