New Make Peace 2022 [PDF]

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Unit: Make Peace.

1. Name the following historical figures then, match each figure with its mini-biography: Mahatma Ghandi - Nelson Mandela - Che Guevara - Yasser Arafat - Martin Luther King - Larbi Ben Mhidi









An Indian lawyer, known as the great soul and the father of the Indian nation, who led his country to freedom from British colonial rule in 1947 through nonviolent resistance.


The first president of the Palestinian Authority (1996–2004), who called for freedom and fought against Israelis.


A well-known revolutionary leader during the Algerian war of independence. He is one of the six founding members of the (FLN; National Liberation Front) that called for an independent Algerian state.


F A social rights activist in the United States who led the American civil rights movement to call for human rights.

An Argentine freedom fighter, an expert in guerrilla warfare, and a thoughtful philosopher who fought against wars and violence.

A social rights activist, politician who went from being a prisoner to a President and became an inspiration to people all over the world.

2. Choose the best answer: The historical figures above are considered as:

A. War and Violence Symbols.

B. Peace and Freedom Symbols.

3. What are the common principles shared by the historical figures shown in pictures (1-6)? Pick up the right answers: a. Building a world of wars and violence. b. Spreading freedom and independence in the world. c. Fighting against black people all over the world. d. Saving human rights. e. Calling for inequality between races. f. Sharing peace, happiness and equality among all nations on earth. 1

My Glossary 1. Complete the chart as shown in the example using the suffixes in the columns: example

Verb To unite To tolerate To achieve To free


Adjective -ance

-able/-ed succeed in doing something after trying hard. to remove someone from an unpleasant situation -tive to work together to achieve something.

-ment -dom -ion

To lead To organize To contribute To save

-ing/-er -ation -tion -ty

To enslave To segregate To preserve

united to make people join together as a group -ant to accept the other’s behaviours and beliefs.


To cooperate


-ing to control a group of people. -ed to put in order -ory to give (support, money, ideas etc.) to keep something away from harm or danger. to force someone to remain in a bad situation -ed to keep one thing separate from another -ed to keep something as it is

-ary -ation -tion

TEST YOUR WORD POWER 2. Fill in the gaps in the following poem, then read it aloud to the class: nations -conflicts- social - peace -increase- community Community Peace

When there is harmony, there is peace, Joy on earth does .........1............. For peace to grow in your ………2…… The first step is ……3……..unity. We all know that healthy relations, Are the keys to peaceful ……4……….. War and .........5........., we must avoid, So that beauty of life, may be enjoyed. We just need to open our hearts, That's where ……6………clearly starts. It's not that difficult to embrace and find, With a caring and open mind. By Tree Cards 2


1. Naming pictures + matching each historical figure with its mini biography: 1. Larbi Ben Mhidi  C / A prominent revolutionary leader during the Algerian war of independence… 2. Nelson Mandilla  F / A social rights activist, politician who went from being a prisoner to a President 3.

Che Guevara  E/ An Argentine freedom fighter, an expert in guerrilla warfare …

4. Mahatma Ghandi A /An Indian lawyer, known as the great soul ………. 5. Martin Luther King  D/ A social rights activist in the United States………. 6. Yasser Arafat  B / The first president of the Palestinian Authority (1996–2004)….

2. Choosing the best answer: The historical figures above are considered as:

B. Peace and Freedom Symbols.

3. Pick out the common principles shared by the historical figures shown in pictures (1-6): b. Spreading freedom and independence in the world. d. Saving human rights. f. Sharing peace, happiness and equality among all nations on earth.

My Glossary 3. Complete the chart as shown in the example using the suffixes in the columns: example

Verb To unite To tolerate

union tolerance

To achieve


To free


To cooperate


to make people join together as a group to accept the other’s behaviours and beliefs. Achievable/achieved succeed in doing something after trying hard. to remove someone from an unpleasant free situation to work together to achieve something. cooperative

To lead To organize To contribute To save

leading/leader organization contribution safety

leading organized contributory safe

To enslave

Slaveryenslavement segregation preservation


To segregate To preserve




united tolerant

segregated preserved

to control a group of people. to put in order to give (support, money, ideas etc.) to keep something away from harm or danger. to force someone to remain in a bad situation to keep one thing separate from another to keep something as it is

TEST YOUR WORD POWER 1 increase 2 community 3 social 4 nations 5conflicts 6peace


UNIT PLAN MAKE PEACE Reading and writing - define the word conflict and list types of conflicts (family, classroom, community, world). - identify and discuss sources of conflict.

According to the NEW PROGRESSIONS 2021/2022 DISCOVERING LANGUAGE Grammar Write It Right Say it Loud and Working with Clear Words - ability and - write about ways -OMMITED - Suggested task: possibility using ‘can’ - verb idiom ‘be able to’ in different tenses - could /managed to…

for conflicts resolution in your region. (bullying)

Writing acrostic poems.

CONTENT TO BE DEALT WITH AT HOME - write about ways for conflicts resolution in your region. (bullying)

DEVELOPING SKILLS and Grammar Write it up

Listening Speaking - identify and discuss sources of conflict. (Bullying)

express obligation, prohibition, absence of obligation and deduction -expressing concession: however, although - criticize/ apologize: should (not) have + PP(v)

- distinguish between duties and rights - write a charter

Reading Writing identify

and Write it Out Unit Assessment

the - write a public characteristics of an address oratorical style


write a public address obligation: must / have to / had to + stem/ absence of obligation:/ don’t have to.../ prohibition: mustn’t (revision)



Unit: Make Peace

Discovering the language

Before you read 1.

Look at the picture and unscramble the word defined in the box:

f o C n l i c t Strong disagreement between people, groups, etc.

2. Match each conflict type with its corresponding picture: a. World conflicts: Any disagreements that occur between countries including wars. b. Family conflicts: Any fights or disagreements that occur between the family members (mother, father, siblings.) c. School conflicts: Any fights or problems occur between students at school. d. Community conflicts: Any disagreements that occur between the members of the same community

(farmers, neighbours etc.)

1 ……………………………………




3. According to you, how can man preserve peace and save the world from wars and conflicts? Choose the correct answer: To keep peace in the world we should:

a) Deploy nuclear weapons all over the world.

b) Establish international human rights organizations.


Read the text and check your answers to question (03):

Read the text, then do the tasks that follow: The fears of modern warfare have made Man think about ways of preserving human life. In 1920 the League of Nations was formed to keep international peace after World War One. The League of Nations was able to resolve some conflicts around the world. But, it could not oppose the rise of totalitarianism in Germany, Italy and Japan. Hitler and Mussolini were able to start World War II because the League of Nations could do nothing about it for the simple reason that it had not enough power of its own. The United Nations replaced the League of Nations in 1945, just after the end of World War II. Today, most of the world's independent nations are members, and each has one vote in the General Assembly. Every member state can refer its disputes with its neighbors to the United Nations Security Council. The UN Security Council is the body of the United Nations which can take political, economic or military action to settle international disputes. It has 15 members of which five are permanent (Britain, China, France, the Russian Federation and the US). It can thus get member states to contribute contingents of soldiers from their own armies to constitute a UN Task Force. These soldiers, nicknamed `Blue Helmets' are entrusted with keeping peace in hot spots of the world. Other agencies of the United Nations include the UN Food and Agricultural Organization, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund. These UN agencies cooperate in fighting disease and reducing poverty in the world. So far, they have been able to stop killer diseases such as tuberculosis and smallpox. They will hopefully be able to eradicate other diseases and hunger soon. Task01: Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the text: a. The fears of modern wars made man look for ways of neglecting human rights. b. The League of nations was able to resolve all conflicts around the world. c. The United Nations replaced the League of Nations just before the end of World War II. d. Blue Helmets are the soldiers responsible for peace keeping in the world’s hot spots. Task02: Answer the following questions according to the text: a. What made man think about ways of preserving human life? b. When was the League of Nations formed and why? c. Which body of the UN can settle disputes? d. What are the UN agencies mentioned in the text? What is their role? Task03: Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: a. disputes (1§) = b. to take part (2§) = c- collaborate (3§) = Task04: Organize ideas (A-E) in the graphic organizer according to the text, then write your summary of the text: a. United Nations replaced the league of nations and became responsible for preserving international peace and security. b. Fear from wars.

c. Creating International organizations like the League of Nations to stop wars. d. Thinking of preserving human rights. e. UN had many agencies which cooperate in fighting disease and reducing poverty in the world. 1






Unit: Make Peace


A. Read the following acronyms, then match each organization with its main function (power/ability):

1 -AIt can protect the Arights of all children in the world.



-BIt can preserve international peace and security.

4 -CIt can eliminate hunger and promote agriculture.

-DIt can promote health and keep the world safe.

Q. What is the function of the modal verb “can” in the statements (A.B.C.D)? Choose the correct answer: a. Expressing ability (power) b. expressing possibility Read the following paragraph and complete the table below:

For 75 years, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) was able to work tirelessly for child rights and for the well-being of every child. Whoever they are. Wherever they live. UNICEF could protect children all over the world during armed conflicts and natural disasters. It also managed to develop healthier and safer environments for children and their families everywhere. Today, UNICEF can support children in more than 190 countries. Moreover, it is able to educate more than 301 million children. Not only this but, soon, the UNICEF will be able to grant every child a fair chance in life, ensuring them health, safety, education, and empowerment. Complete the table with sentences from the text: Expressing present ability

Expressing past ability

Sentence Form


Expressing future ability

Let’s Practise: Task 01: Fill in the blanks with: “can, can’t, could, couldn’t, will be able to, was/were able to: A. Dag Hammarskjold, who served as Secretary General of the UN from 1953 to 1961, ……………..organize peacekeeping task forces. B. Germany ………………………. join the Security Council soon because it is the third economic power in the world. C. UN peacekeeping troops, called “Blue Helmets” ………………… use force for self-defence purposes. They ……………. Maintain peace, but they …………………. Prevent war. D. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)…………. launch its Peace Programme only after the end of the cold war. Task02: Complete the responses in dialogues 1-3 below. Use “was able to” or “were able to”. Then act out the short dialogues (books closed): Example: You: Did you convince them? Your partner: Yes. It was difficult. But, we were able to do it in the end. 1 You: Did they rescue the victim? Your partner: Yes. It took them a lot of time of searching, but they ………………………… 2

You: Helping the injuries without medical aids was difficult, wasn’t it? Your partner: ………………

3 You: My car broke down in the forest. Your partner: ……………………...?

PART TWO: OTHER FUNCTIONS OF “CAN” Practice / Homework: Match the sentences (1-8) with their functions (A-I)







F Suggestion

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.




G Possibility


Can you hear what he's saying? I wonder if you could come here and talk it over. At the age of 17, you can take your driving license with your parents' consent, but you can't vote. Don't lean out of this window; you could fall down. Can I help you? "I've hurt her feelings. What shall I do? » "Well, you could apologize to her." Any child can grow up to be president. 8

WORKING WITH WORDS HOMEWORK A. Match the following acronyms/abbreviations with their full forms: 1. MBC

Oh My God

2. FLN

Private Message




4. FB

El Djazair (Algeria)

5. DZ

Middle East Broadcasting Center

6. PM

National Liberation Front

B. Read the definition of ACROSTIC POEM, then do the task below:

An acrostic poem is a poem where certain letters in each line produce a word or phrase. Example: SPRING  Sunny days Plants awakening Raindrops on the roof Interesting clouds New flowers Gray skies

Task: Each letter in your name stands for something, use adjectives and nouns from the box to make your own meaningful Poetic Acronym. Use your dictionary for more words... - Adjectives powerful - useful - perfect - peaceful – joyful- happy- unhappy- carefulcareless- beautiful- kind- dead – easy – famous –gifted -helpful important – alive – better – clever – young…..etc.

- Nouns peace – journey – life – memory (memories) – world – joy – happiness- endenergy- passion- earth- responsibility- strength- power- freedom- time- sadnessfuture- past- present- friendship- love- hatred- impression- death …etc


DEVELOPING SKILLS Unit: MAKE PEACE LISTENING AND SPEAKING Pre-Listening Check pictures (1-2-3) and match each picture with its title from the box: Cyber harming - Physical harming - Verbal harming




Choose the correct answer: The act of harming and mistreating people either physically or verbally is called:

a. Obesity

b. Depression

c. Bullying

Have you ever been a victim of bullying? What do you think is the best action to take when someone bullies you? Choose the right answer: a. You bully them back. b. You seek for help. While Listening

a. b. c. d. e.

1. Listen to the conversation between Jaleel and the school counselor and check your answers to the previous task. 2. Listen again to the conversation and classify the following instructions in the table below: Try to find safe spaces and avoid dangerous zones You mustn’t fight or bully back. You must walk away and keep cool. Try to find new friends and hobbies that make you feel good. You have to ask for support by reporting to an adult like your teachers or parents. What to do when being What to do after being What to do over time bullied bullied

Post-Listening: Write it right: Most of the pupils suffer from bullying at school. To help your classmates solve this problem, write a short note about what to do during bullying, after bullying and over time. Use the instructions from the table in task02. Dear classmates, I am writing this note to provide you with the necessary instructions to protect yourselves from bullying. (what is bullying ….) ……………First (what to do during bullying) ……Next (what to do after bullying) ……………Finally( what to do over time) …… 10

Your Turn Apologizing / Blaming / Criticizing 1. Check the picture and guess why the girls are arguing?

2. Read the dialogue and check your answers to question 01 Maya: Hey Leila. You look angry, what’s the problem? Leila: I must be angry! You made fun of me in front of the class! That’s bad! You shouldn’t have mocked at me! You should have supported me! Maya: You are right my dear! I’m extremely sorry! I shouldn’t have laughed at you! 3. Classify the underlined sentences in the following table: Criticizing/Blaming


Sentence Form Reminder : Should have + past participle talks about past events, actions that did not happen but it would be better if they had happened including: blaming/ criticizing and apologizing/regretting for mistake. Let’s practice: Fill in the gaps using phrases from the box to criticize or apologize for the wrong actions. A. You: Karim read my letter. Your partner:……………………………………………………………………………………… B. You: You lent my books to Farida without my permission. Your partner:……………………………………………………………………………………….. C. You: The teacher shouted at me for no obvious reason. Your partner:……………………………………………………………………………………. D. You: she borrowed my bag without letting me know. Your partner: ……………………………………………………………………………………... E. You: I’m angry with you. You said I was overweight! Your partner:………………………………………………………………………………………. 1. She should not have taken it without your permission. 2. He shouldn’t have read it. It’s personal. 3. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make fun of you. I shouldn’t have said that. 4. He shouldn’t have done this for any reason. 5. I shouldn’t have done this. I should have asked you first.


The teacher shouts at the student 11


Check the Pictures and answer the questions below:



Amir felt shy and confused

Amir was able to give a good speech to the class

Choose the best answer: 1.

Picture number 2 expresses: a. A logic/ expected result. 2. To join the two opposite ideas, we can use: a. and b. because

b. An unexpected/illogic/surprising result. c. however(although)

Read the reminder and check your answers to the previous tasks: Reminder:

A 'concession' is a contrast between a predicted action and a circumstance which should logically prevent the action. The action is opposed to the expected logic. To express concession, we can use: however, although.

Let’s practice:

Join the pairs of sentences using “however, although”

a. Poor countries are supported by international organizations. Poor countries still suffer from hunger. b. Social media develops better social skills. Social media causes depression and anxiety. c. The UN is the most powerful organization. The UN lacks its own army.


WRITE IT UP Match pictures (1-5) with titles from the box, then complete the table below: To learn in a safe place – To take care of the school - To be treated with respect- To enjoy your time at school- To work hard .

Unit: Make Peace






Duties/Responsibilities ‘’ Things you must do “

Rights“ Things that nobody can take away from you.”

Read the Class Rules Charter, then do the tasks that follow: COLONEL YOUNES, BEN YAZAR SECONDARY SCHOOL, ECHATT LITERARY STREAMS YEAR 02- STUDENT GOVERNMENT BODY. CLASS CHARTER We, the responsible students, after class discussion, have agrees on the following: ARTICLE ONE: RIGHTS A. Students have the rights to learn in a safe place. B. Students deserve to be treated with respect. C. Teacher must not insult pupils. D. Students needn’t eat in the school canteen. ARTICLE TWO: DUTIES /RESPONSIBILITIES A. We must work hard. B. We have to keep the school clean. C. We must respect teachers. D. We mustn’t smoke at school. Date: 05.11.2021 Signatures: Study the form and style of the charter by filling the blanks with the right answers:

A class charter includes a number of ….(Paragraphs/Articles…. Each article contains… (a picture /a list)….. of rights or duties. Titles are written in ……(Small letters/Capital letters). Date and Signiture are at written at …… (the bottom/ the top) of the charter. Complete the table with examples from the chart above: Prohibition


Absence of Obligation

Sentence Structure/Form Read the reminder and check their answers: Reminder: 1. We use the affirmative and question forms of ‘’must’’ and ‘’ have to’’ to express Obligation. 2. We use ‘’must not ‘’ ‘’ mustn’t’’ or “can’t” to express Prohibition. 3. We use ‘’need not /needn’t and ‘’do/does not have to’’ to say that there is no obligation to do something. 13

Let’s Write:


PROJECT: Use notes from the table to complete the ANTI-BULLYING CHARTER for your school. Use: “must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to/ needn’t” if necessary to express: Obligation/ Absence of obligation and Prohibition. Article One Keeping school safe from bullying - to be kind to others. - not to make fun of others. - to not encourage bullying, to tell people it’s wrong.

Article Two Acting against bullying - not to worry. - not to fight back against bullies. - to report bullying to a teacher or a school counselor. - to help your friends who are being bullied.

………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………… OUR SCHOOL’S ANTI-BULLYING CHARTER We, the responsible students, after class discussion, have agrees on the following: ………………………………….. ……………………………………………. ………………………………………….... …………………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………………………………





Check the pictures, then choose the right answers: 1.

Forcing people to work without paying is called:

a. Bribery

b. Slavery

2. Martin Luther King ‘s famous speech “I have dream” is about: a. Saying No to wars and conflicts. b. Saying No to racial inequality.

Read the text and check your answers to the previous task. Martin Luther King, The Man of Peace Black Americans can do a lot of things that their parents could not do years ago because of racism. They can vote; they can eat in any restaurant they like; and their children can go to the same schools as white children. As we prepare ourselves to celebrate Martin Luther King Day next Monday. We’ll reproduce a part of King’s address I have a Dream in memory of this great leader who was able to combat racism and hatred with non-violence and love.” I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. And we let freedom ring, when we let it from every village, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all God’s children, black men and white men will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last’’ Read the text again and do the following tasks. Part01: Reading Comprehension: 1. Choose the right answer: Black Americans today are able to: a. Travel to Africa easily. b. Do many activities that were forbidden in the past. c. Treat white people badly. The journalist reproduced a part of Martin’s speech because they will: a. Celebrate the American independence day. b. Celebrate Martin Luther King Day. c. Celebrate the peace day. 2. Answer the following questions according to the text: a. Who is Martin Luther King? b. Luther King had many wishes, state one of his wishes starting like this: He hoped/ wished that…………………………………. 15

3. Find in the text words that are synonyms to the following: a) to fight (§ 1) =

b) countryside (§ 3) =

4. Find in the text words that are opposite to the following: a) Love (§ 1) =/=

b) new (§ 3) =/=

c) yesterday (§ 2) =/=

5. Match words with their definitions: Words



A-a religious song as sung by Negroes in the USA.


B- speech or talk to an audience


C-the state of being allowed to do what you want to do.


D-the belief that people of some races are inferior to others

6. Fill in the gaps with words from the box: slaves - colony - refers - there- foundations – individuals - began- production- very.

Slavery…1… to a condition in which….2... are owned by others. Slavery in America ...3…when the first African…4… were brought to the North American ….5….. of Jamestown in Virginia to help in the ….6….of tobacco. African-American slaves helped build the economic…7…..of the new nation. Part02: Identifying the characteristics of the SPEECH: 1. Choose the correct answer: The main aim of The speech is: a. To entertain the audience. (to make people enjoy themselves) b. To inform the audience. (to tell people about important subject) 2. The Speech contains repeated phrases, give examples from the text? 3. Why does the writer use repetition in the speech? 4. Read the TIP BOX and check your answers to questions (1/2/3)

TIP BOX The main purpose of a speech is to inform the audience. Speeches are generally made in an oratorical style which includes repetition of key words, phrases and sentences to attract attention, convince and impress the audience





Say No to Drugs

Stop Smoking

No more bullying

Let’s Write: Most of children at your age suffer from different social problems like: drugs, smoking, bullying, depression etc… Write your own speech in which you address both parents and children in order to help each other to create a safe and happy world for children. Imitate Martin Luther King’s speech making the best use of the auxiliaries you have learn t in this unit.

Introduction: Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that “It’s never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” I am only 16 however I feel responsible to help children at my age to get over their fears and struggles…. Body: I have dream that all children of my age will be able to…………………………………………………………………………… A dream that……………………………………………………………………… I hope ……………………………………………………………………………. I wish……………………………………………………………………………. Conclusion: Express appreciation using expressions like: Thank you all for your attention / I am grateful for your support/ Thank you for everything you do…….


Lesson plan Level: 02 Year Streams. Unit : Make Peace. Discovering the language. Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to define the word conflict and list types of conflicts (family, classroom, community, world) / To identify and discuss sources of conflict..

Materials: worksheets / pictures / Time allowance: 01hour. Competencies: interacting orally+ producing a written expression Function: Describing / expressing/interpreting … Tasks Procedures/correction Objectives Time Interaction To set LS in 8min Interacting with LS using different questions and pictures: Warm up context/ to 4. T invites LS to look at the picture and unscramble the introduce word defined in the box the Ls suggested answer: meaning of Pre-reading Conflict Ls are invited to match each conflict type with its corresponding the word “conflict picture. and its Ls suggested answer: different a 4 b 1 c 2 d 3 types” Ls are asked to choose the correct answer: According to you, how can man preserve peace and save the world from wars and conflicts? Choose the correct answer: To pave the To keep peace in the world we should: way for the a. Deploy nuclear weapons all over the world. reading text b. Establish international human rights organizations. Ls suggested answer: To keep peace in the world we should: b. Establish international human rights organizations.

While Reading

Ls are asked to read the text and check their answers to question (03). Task01: Ls are asked to say whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.

key answers: a. b. c. d.

False False False True

Task02: Ls are invited to answer the following questions according to the text: a. The fears of modern warfare have made Man think about ways of preserving human life. b. The League of Nations was formed in 1920 to keep international peace after World War One. c. The UN security council is body which can settle disputes. d. The UN agencies that are mentioned in the text are:

The UN Food and Agricultural Organization, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund. Their role is fighting disease and reducing poverty in the world.


To check answers... To skim through the text to say whether the statements are true or false. To scan the text to answer the questions according to the text.


Task03: Ls are asked to find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: a. conflicts b. to contribute c. cooperate

To find synonyms.

Task04: Ls are invited to organize ideas (A-E) in the graphic organizer according to the text, then write a summary of the text. Key answers:

To summarize the text.




a e

My Short Summary of the text: The fear of wars and conflicts made man think of preserving human rights. As a result, international organizations like the League of nations were formed to stop wars. Later on, the United Nation replaced the League of Nations and became responsible for preserving international peace and security. The UN had different agencies that cooperate in fighting disease and reducing poverty in the world. SUGGESTED TASKS

Other suggested tasks instead of writing a summary of the text, LS can be asked to reorder the ideas of the text as they appeared in the text. Ls can be asked to fill in the blanks (in the post reading stage) Task02: Reorder the following ideas according to their appearance in the text: a. The UN and the duty of the Security Council. b. The agencies of the UN. c. The failure of the League of Nations to stop wars. The summarizing task can be replaced by filling in the gaps.


Lesson plan

Level: 02 Year Streams. Unit : Make Peace Discovering the language. Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to express ability and possibility using ‘can’- verb idiom ‘be able to’ in different tenses- could /managed to…

Materials: Worksheets / pictures / Time allowance: 01hour. Competencies: Interacting orally+ producing a written expression Function: Describing / expressing/interpreting … Language Forms: can, could, to be able to, managed to. Tasks Procedures/correction Objectives Time interaction To set LS in 8min Interacting with LS using different questions and pictures: Warm up B. T invites LS to read the acronyms, then match each organization context/ to introduce the with its main function (power/ability): main abilities Ls suggested answer: (powers) of 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D international organizations Ls are invited to choose the correct answer: The meaning expressed by the modal auxiliary” Can” is: b. Expressing ability (power) b. Expressing possibility To highlight Ls suggested answer: the target The function (the meaning expressed by) of the modal verb “can” in grammar and the statements (A.B.C.D)is: check its a. Expressing ability (power) meaning At this stage T can share with Ls more simple examples of expressing “Ability” like: I can drive a car/ I can speake 03 foreign languages/ I can ride horses ..etc.. Ls are asked to read the paragraph and complete the table: Ls suggested answer: Sentence

Expressing present ability - UNICEF can

support children. - It is able to educate more than 301 million children


- Can+stem (infinitive without “to”) - The verb idiom: to be able to: is/ are able to+stem

Expressing past ability

UNICEF was able to work tirelessly. - UNICEF could protect children. - It managed to develop.. - The verb idiom: Was/were able to+stem - Could +stem - Managed to+stem


Expressing future ability - The UNICEF

will be able to grant every child a fair chance in life.

- Will be able to+stem

To check the meaning and form of the target grammar

Task 01: Ls are asked to fill in the blanks with: “can, can’t, could,

PRACTICE couldn’t, will be able to, was/were able to: Key Answers: E. Dag Hammarskjold, who served as Secretary General of the UN from 1953 to 1961, could/was able to organize peacekeeping task forces. F. Germany will be able to join the Security Council soon because it is the third economic power in the world. G. UN peacekeeping troops, called “Blue Helmets” can use force for self-defense purposes. They can maintain peace, but they can’t prevent war. H. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was able to/could launch its Peace Programme only after the end of the cold war. Task02: Ls are asked to complete the responses in dialogues 1-3 below. Using “was able to” or “were able to”. Then act out the short dialogues (books closed): Key Answers: 1 You: Did they rescue the victim?

Your partner: Yes. It took them a lot of time of searching, but they were able to find him and provide help. 2 You: Helping the injuries without medical aids was difficult,

wasn’t it? Your partner: Yes, it was. But, we were able to take care of all the injuries. 3 You: My car broke down in the forest.

Your partner: were you able to fix it alone? Other Functions of the modal auxialiary “ Can” IT CAN BE GIVEN AS HOME -WORK

T introduces the other functions of the modal “Can” by inviting Ls to check pictures (A-G) and read the functions. Ls are also invited to read sentences (1-7) and match them with their functions. Key answers: 1. Can you hear what he’s saying?  ABILITY 2. I wonder if you could come here and talk it over.  REQUEST 3. At the age of 17, you can take your driving license with your parent’s consent, but you can’t vote. PERMISSION 4. Don’t lean out of the window, you could fall down.  WARNING 5. Can I help you?  OFFER 6. I’ve hurt her feelings. What shall I do? “Well, you could apologize to her” SUGGESTION 7. Any child can grow up to be a president.  POSSIBILITY


To practice the use of the acquired grammar targets

Lesson plan Level: 02 Year Streams. Unit : Make Peace Working with words Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to write acrostic poems. Materials: worksheets / pictures / Time allowance: 01hour. Competencies: Interacting orally+ Producing a written expression Function: Describing / expressing/interpreting … Tasks Procedures/correction Objectives Time interaction To set LS in LS are invited to match acronyms/abbreviations with their full HOME context forms. WORK To pave the (Ls were already exposed to ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS way for the when they dealt with international organizations..) writing task Ls suggested answer: This content 1. MBCMiddle East Broadcasting Center can be done 2. FLN  National Liberation Front at class or 3. OMG  Oh My God given as 4. FB  Facebook homework. 5. DZ  El Djazair 6. PM Private Message Ls are invited to read the definition of ACROSTIC POEM, then make their own meaningful Poetic Acronym. Ls are provided with a suggested list of adjectives and nouns. Ls are allowed to use a dictionary for more words... Ls give different answers.


Lesson plan Level: 02 Year Streams. Unit : Make Peace Listening and Speaking Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to write about ways for facing bullying in school. / To listen for specific information.

Materials: worksheets / pictures / Time allowance: 01hour. Competencies: interacting orally+ producing a written expression Function: Describing / expressing/interpreting … Tasks Procedures/correction Objectives Time interaction To set LS in T interacts with LS using different pictures and questions: Warming LS are invited to check pictures (1-2-3) and match each picture with context up To pave the its title from the box: way for the Ls suggested answer: listening T invites LS to give more examples on each act of harming: tasks 1 Physical harming (hitting, slapping, pulling hair clothes..) 2 Verbal harming (insulting, mocking, lying…) Pre3 Cyber harming (bad comments, mocking…) Listening Ls are invited to choose the correct answer: The act of harming and mistreating people either physically or verbally is called: a. Obesity b. Depression c. Bullying Ls suggested answer: The act of harming and mistreating people either physically or verbally is called: c. Bullying T asks the following questions: Have you ever been a victim of bullying? What do you think is the best action to take when someone bullies you? Choose the right answer: c. You bully them back. d. You seek for help. Ls give different answers. While Listening

3. Ls are invited to listen to the conversation between Jaleel To listen and the school counselor (guidance counselor) and check and check answers answers to the previous task. The listening script: Counselor: Hello dear, what’s your name? and how can I help you? Jaleel: Hello, my name is Jaleel. Some pupils in my class are being mean to me Counselor: What do they do exactly? Jaleel: They keep laughing at my clothes and mocking at my family name. Counselor: Ah, this is called bullying and it is a serious problem. How do you feel Jaleel? Jaleel: I feel so bad and I don’t know how to react? I need your advice please. Counselor: You needn’t worry, just follow my instructions. First, when being bullied, you mustn’t fight or bully back. You must walk away and keep cool. Jaleel: Although it is difficult but it seems useful. What can I do after the incident? Counselor: After bullying, you have to ask for support by reporting to an adult like your teachers or parents because remaining silent may worsen the situation. Jaleel: I agree with you Sir. What else I can do? 23

Counselor: Over time, try to find safe spaces and avoid dangerous zones, also try to find new friends and hobbies that make you feel good. Jaleel: Thank you Sir, I am grateful for your support. Counselor: Don’t thank me my little brave boy, I truly appreciate the confidence you showed in me.

4. Ls are asked to listen again to the conversation and To listen and fill in classify the f instructions in the table. the table Ls suggested answer: What to do when What to do after What to do over being bullied being bullied time -You mustn’t fight or - You have to ask for -Try to find safe bully back. support by reporting spaces and avoid -You must walk to an adult like your dangerous zones. away and keep cool. teachers or parents. - Try to find new friends and hobbies that make you feel good.

Post Listening

Ls are invited to write a short not about what to do during bullying, To write a after bullying and over time. Use the instructions from the table in short paragraph task02. Ls suggested answer:

Dear classmates, I am writing this note to provide you with the necessary instructions to protect yourselves from bullying. Bullying is harming others either physically, verbally or via social media. First, when you are being bullied, you mustn’t fight or bully back but you must walk away and keep cool. Next, after being bullied, you have to ask for support by reporting to an adult like your teachers or parents. Finally, over time, try to find safe spaces and avoid dangerous zones. Moreover, try to find new friends and hobbies that make you feel good.


Lesson plan Level: 02 Year Streams. Unit : Make Peace Your Turn Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to criticize/ apologize using should (not) have + PP(v)

Materials: Worksheets / pictures / Time allowance: 01hour. Competencies: Interacting orally+ producing a written expression Function: Describing / expressing/interpreting … Language forms: should (not) have + PP(v) Tasks Procedures/correction Objectives Time interaction To set LS 1. LS are invited to check the picture and guess why the girls are arguing? in context Ls give different answers: Maybe because of lying/ mocking/ stealing….ect 4. Ls are invited to read the dialogue and check your answers to question 01 5. Ls are asked to classify the underlined sentences in the table. Ls give different answers. Criticizing/Blaming Apologizing/ Regretting You shouldn’t have - I shouldn’t have sentence mocked at me. mocked at you. - You should have supported me. Form/Structure Should have /should not have+Past Participle Ls are invited to read and write down the reminder. Reminder : Should have + past participle talks about past events, actions that did not happen but it would be better if they had happened including: blaming/ criticizing and apologizing/regretting for mistake.


Ls are invited to fill in the gaps using phrases from the box to criticize or apologize for the wrong actions. F. You: Karim read my letter. Your partner: He shouldn’t have read it. It’s personal. (criticizing) G. You: You lent my books to Farida without my permission. Your partner: I shouldn’t have done this. I should have asked you first.

(regretting/apologizing) H. You: The teacher shouted at me for no obvious reason. Your partner: He shouldn’t have done this for any reason. (criticizing) I. You: She borrowed my bag without letting me know. Your partner: She should not have taken it without your permission. (criticizing/Blaming) J. You: I’m angry with you. You said I was overweight! Your partner: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make fun of you. I shouldn’t have said that. (apologizing)


To highlight the grammar target To identify the form and meaning of the grammar target

To practice the use of the grammar target

Lesson plan Level: 02 Year Streams. Unit : Make Peace Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to express concession using : However, Although. Materials: Worksheets / pictures / Time allowance: 01hour. Competencies: Interacting orally+ producing a written expression Function: Describing / expressing/interpreting … Language forms: However, although Tasks Procedures/correction Objectives Time interaction To set LS in LS are invited to check the pictures and answer the questions that Warming context follow. Up To Ls suggested answer: brainstorm 1. Picture number 02 expresses : b. An unexpected result. the topic 2. To join the two opposite ideas01/02, we can use: c. However/Although To identify the function Read the reminder and check your answers to the previous tasks: of the Reminder: grammar A 'concession' is a contrast between a predicted action and target a circumstance which should logically prevent the action. The action is opposed to the expected logic. To express concession, we can use: however, although.


EXTRA INFORMATION: - However is either put between semi colon and a comma (; however,) or it can be put at the beginning of the second clause. ( . However, ….) - Although can be placed at the beginning of the main clause or at the middle but never put a comma after Although) Ls are asked to join the pairs of sentences using “however, although” To practice

Key answers: a. Poor countries are supported by international organizations; however, they still suffer from hunger. b. Although social media develops better social skills, it causes depression and anxiety. c. The UN is the most powerful organization; however, The UN lacks its own army.


the use of the grammar target

Lesson plan

Level: 02 Year Streams. Unit : Make Peace Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to distinguish between duties and rights/ to analyse what a charter is; focusing on form, content and style.

Materials: worksheets / pictures / Time allowance: 01hour. Competencies: interacting orally+ producing a written expression Function: Describing / expressing/interpreting … Language forms: must/mustn’t/have to/needn’t.. Tasks Procedures/correction Objectives Time interaction To set LS in LS are invited to match pictures (1-5) with titles from the box, then Warming complete the table. context Up Ls suggested answer: To 1 To work hard distinguish 2 To enjoy your time at school between 3 To learn in a safe place duties and 4 To take care of the school rights 5 To be treated with respect Duties/Responsibilities Rights Things you must do Things that no one can take away from you To work hard To enjoy your time at school To take care of the school To learn in a safe place To be treated with respect Task

Ls are invited to read the Class Rules Charter, then do the tasks that follow. Ls are asked to study the form and style of the charter by filling the blanks with the right answers.

Ls suggested answer: This class charter includes a number of articles. Each article contains a list of rights or duties. Titles are written in capital letters. Date and Signature are at written at the bottom of the charter. Task

Ls are asked to complete the table with examples from the chart above. Ls suggested answer: Prohibition


- We must respect teachers. - We have to keep the school clean Structure/form Must not+stem - must+stem - need not+stem - have to+stem Ls are asked to read the reminder and check their answers


- Teachers mustn’t insult pupils

Absence of obligation - pupils needn’t eat in the school canteen


To analyse what a charter is; focusing on form, content and style

To revise expressing prohibition/ obligation/ absence of obligation


Ls are invited Use notes from the table to complete the ANTIBULLYING CHARTER for your school. Use: “must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to/ needn’t” if necessary to express: Obligation/ Absence of obligation and Prohibition.


OUR SCHOOL’S ANTI-BULLYING CHARTER We, the responsible students, after class discussion, have agrees on the following: ARTICLE ONE:

KEEPING SCHOOL SAFE FROM BULLYING A. You must be kind to others. B. You mustn’t make fun of others. C. You mustn’t encourage bullying; you have to tell people it’s wrong. ARTICLE TWO

ACTING AGAINST BULLYING A. You needn’t worry. B. You mustn’t fight back against bullies. C. You have to report bullying to a teacher or a school counselor. D. You must help your friends who are being bullied. Date: 15.11.2021

Signature: …..


To write an anti-bullying charter.

Lesson plan Level: 02 Year Streams. Unit : Make Peace Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to identify the characteristics of an oratorical style/ To write a public address.

Materials: worksheets / pictures / Time allowance: 01hour. Competencies: Interacting orally+ producing a written expression Function: Describing / expressing/interpreting … Tasks Procedures/correction Objectives Time interaction T interacts with LS by discussing the content of the pictures: To set LS in Warming Asking questions like: who is the person in the picture? (they were a context Up lready exposed to Martin Luther King in the Unit introduction) Who are these people in the picture, how do they look…etc Ls are invited to check the pictures, then choose the right answers. Ls suggested answer: 2. Forcing people to work without paying is called: b. Slavery 2. Martin Luther King ‘s famous speech “I have dream” is about: b. Saying No to racial inequality.


LS are invited to read the text and check your answers to the previous task. 1. Ls are invited to choose the right answer. Key answers: Black Americans today are able to: b. Do many activities that were forbidden in the past. The journalist reproduced a part of Martin’s speech because they will: b. Celebrate Martin Luther King Day. 2. Ls are invited to answer questions according to the text. Key answers: c. Martin Luther King is a great leader who was able to combat racism and hatred with non-violence and love.” d. Luther King hoped/ wished that one day little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. (other answers are accepted but only one answer is to be copied down) 2. Ls are invited to find in the text words that are synonyms to the following:

Key answers: a) to fight (§ 1) = to combat

To choose the correct answers

To scan the text To answer questions.

To find synonyms

b) countryside (§ 3) = village 4. Ls are asked find in the text words that are opposite to the following:

Key answers: b) Love (§ 1) =/= hatred c) yesterday (§ 2) =/= today


b) new (§ 3) =/= old

To find opposites

5. Ls are invited to match words with their definitions. Key answers: 1. Address: B. A speech or talk to the audience. 2. Spiritual: B. A religious song as sung by Negros in the USA. 3. Racism: C. The belief that people of some races are inferior to others. 4. Freedom: C. The state of being allowed to do what you want.

To match words with definitions

6. LS are asked to fill in the gaps with words from the box:

To fill in the gaps

Slavery refers to a condition in which individuals are owned by others. Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown in Virginia to help in the production of tobacco. African-American slaves helped build the economic foundation of the new nation. PART 02

Identifying the characteristics of the SPEECH: Ls are asked to choose the correct answer: Key: 1. The main aim of The speech is: c. To inform the audience. (to tell people about important subject) Ls are asked to answer questions: Key: 2. The Speech contains repeated phrases, give examples from the text? “I have a dream” and “Free at last!” 3. Why does the writer use repetition in the speech? Suggested answer: to attract attention, to convince the audience. Ls are invited to read the TIP BOX and check your answers to questions (1/2/3)

TIP BOX The main purpose of a speech is to inform the audience. Speeches are generally made in an oratorical style which includes repetition of key words, phrases and sentences to attract attention, convince and impress the audience


To identify the characteristi cs of an oratorical style

This Part can be considered as: PROJECT OF THE UNIT

LS are invited to write their own speech in which they address both parents and children/pupils in order to help each other to create a safe and happy world for children.

To write a public address

Ls are also asked to imitate Martin Luther King’s speech making the best use of the auxiliaries you have learn t in this unit.

Suggested answer: Introduction: Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that “It’s never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” I am only 16 however I feel responsible to help children at my age to get over their fears and struggles…. Body: I have a dream that all children of my age will be able to learn in a safe and happy world. A dream that is full of hopes and wishes. I hope that all the world say no to drugs! Say no to smoking! Say no to bullying! I wish my voice can touch your hearts and make you dream with me to put our hands together and create the happy world all children deserve to live in. Conclusion: Thank you all for your attention. God Bless you all!

Dear teachers, thank you again for your trust. This file contains all the mentioned lessons in the new progressions2012/2022. We tried to simplify the book’s content by designing new lessons that aim to facilitate the teaching and learning processes. The file is editable so feel free to edit it the way you want. The work is not mistake free so we would be pleased if you inform us of any missing points. We left the total freedom for teachers to set the estimated time for each activity.