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MS 1934: PART 2:2007
ICS: 91.080.30 Descriptors: principle, materials, apparatus, procedure, calculation
© Copyright 2006 DEPARTMENT OF STANDARDS MALAYSIA © DSM 2006 - All rights reserved
DEVELOPMENT OF MALAYSIAN STANDARDS The Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM) is the national standardisation and accreditation body.
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Malaysian Standards are developed through consensus by committees which comprise of balanced representation of producers, users, consumers and others with relevant interests, as may be appropriate to the subject in hand. To the greatest extent possible, Malaysian Standards are aligned to or are adoption of international standards. Approval of a standard as a Malaysian Standard is governed by the Standards of Malaysia Act 1996 (Act 549). Malaysian Standards are reviewed periodically. The use of Malaysian Standards is voluntary except in so far as they are made mandatory by regulatory authorities by means of regulations, local by-laws or any other similar ways.
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© DSM 2006 - All rights reserved
MS 1934: PART 1:2007
Committee representation The Building and Civil Engineering Industry Standards Committee (ISC D) under whose authority this Malaysian Standard was adopted, comprises representatives from the following organisations: Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia Construction Industry Development Board Department of Standards Malaysia Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia Jabatan Perumahan Negara Malaysian Timber Industry Board Master Builders Association Malaysia Ministry of International Trade and Industry Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia Suruhanjaya Tenaga The Chartered Institute of Building Malaysia The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
The Technical Committee on Bricks and Blocks which supervises adoption of the EN Standard consists of representatives from the following organisations: Cement and Concrete Association Construction Industry Development Board Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (Cawangan Pakar dan Kejuruteraan Awam) Master Builders Association Malaysia Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia Real Estate & Housing Developers Association SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Building and Building Materials Testing Section) SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Product Certification Section) The Chartered Institute of Building Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Co-opted members: Blacktop Industry Sdn Bhd Integrated Brickworks Sdn Bhd
MS 1934: PART 1:2007
FOREWORD The adoption of the EN Standard as a Malaysian Standard was recommended by the Technical Committee on Bricks and Blocks under the authority of the Building and Civil Engineering Industry Standards Committee. This Malaysian Standard is identical with EN 1052-2:1999, Methods of test for masonry – Part 2: Determination of flexural strength, published by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). However, for the purposes of this Malaysian Standard, the following apply: a)
in the source text, "this European Standard" should read "this Malaysian Standard"; and
the comma which is used as a decimal sign (if any), to read as a point.
MS XXXX consists of the following parts, under the general title Methods of test for masonry: Part 1: Determination of compressive strength; Part 2: Determination of flexural strength; Part 3: Determination of initial shear strength; and Part 4: Determination of shear strength including damp proof course.
This standard is published with the permission of the European Committee for Standardization. Such permission is hereby acknowledged. Compliance with a Malaysian Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.
EN 1052-2
August 1999
ICS 91 .080.30 English version Methods of test for masonry Part 2: Determination of flexural strength -
Méthodes d’essai de a maçonnerie -Partie 2: Determination de Ia résistance a Ia flexion
PrUfverfahren ifir Mauerwetl -Tell 2 Bestirnmung der Biegezugfesflgkeit
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 8 July 1999. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English. French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility ofa CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmarl 250 1000 minimum 1 bed joint and minimum 1 head joint every course within ‘2 —
7.2 Construction and curing of the specimens Build the specimens within 30 mm after completion of the conditioning of the units, using mortar mixed not more than one hour beforehand unless the mortar is designed to be used over a more prolonged period. Construct the specimens to the bond specified. Do not allow the work to be interrupted before completion. Immediately after building, pre-compress each specimen using a uniformly distributed mass to give a vertical stress between 2,5 io~N/mm2 and 5,0 10~N/mm2 then cure the specimens, and maintain them undisturbed until testing. For other than lime-based mortar prevent the test specimens from drying out during the curing period by close covering with polyethylene sheet, and .
©B51 11-1999
Page 7 EN 1052-2:1999 maintain the specimens undisturbed until testing unless otherwise specified. Test each specimen at an age of 28 days ± 1 day, unless otherwise specified, and determine the compressive strength of the mortar at the same age, following EN 101541. For lime-based mortars an alternative curing regime and period may be necessary and this should be specified. 8 Procedure 8.1 Placing the specimens in the testing equipment Test the masonry specimen in the vertical attitude under four-point loading (see figure 1). The distance between the outer bearings and the end of the specimen shall be greater than or equal to 50 mm. The distance between the inner bearings may be varied to suit the format of the masonry but shall be 0,4 to 0,6 times the spacing of the outer bearings. The inner bearings shall be located so that they are, as far as practicable, midway between the nearest mortar joints which are parallel to the bearings. Ensure that the base of each masonry specimen is free from frictional restraint, for example by setting it on two layers of polytetrafluoroethylene with grease between them or on ball, needle or roller bearings. 8.2 Loading Increase the flexural stress at a rate between 0,03 N/mm2/min and 0,3 N/mm2/min.
©BSI 11-1999
Page 8 EN 1052-2:1999 Dimensions in millimetres 0 LO
0 U,
a) b 2I~and b 400 mm two bed joints in
h~ 250 mm
and more than
Flexural strength for a plane of failure parallel to the bed joints
b 4h~and b 240 mm and h~ 250 mm and minimum of one head joint in ‘2
Flexural strength for a plane of failure perpendicular to the bed joints Dimensions in millimetres
0 U,
1,5J~and b
joints in ~
mm and
mm and two bed
b~4h~andb240 mm and h~250 mm and minimum of one head joint in ~
Flexural strength for a plane of failure parallel Flexural strength for a plane of failure to the bed joints perpendicular to the bed joints Figure 1: Typical examples of masonry test specimens meeting the requirements of table 2
© BSI 11-1999
Page 9 EN 1052-2:1999 Dimensions in millimetres
b ~ 1,5I~and
b400 mm and two bed joints in ~
1000 mm and h
mm and one head joint and
one bed joint in ~ Flexural strength for a plane of failure parallel to the bed joints
Flexural strength for a plane of failure perpendicular to the bed joints
Figure 1 (concluded) : Typical examples of masonry test specimens meeting the requirements of table 2 8.3
Measurements and observations
Record the following: -
age of non-autoclaved concrete units,
the dimensions of the cross section of the specimen parallel to the bearings, to the nearest 1mm, -
the spacing of the outer and of the inner bearings, in mm,
the maximum load Fi,max to the nearest 10 N. Discard any result where failure does not occur between the inner bearings, -
the length of time from the start of loading until the maximum load is achieved,
crack patterns.
8.4 Replications If less than five results are obtained in which failure occurs between the inner bearings, further tests shall be carried out until five valid results are obtained.
© BSI 11-1999
Page 10 EN 1052-2:1999
9 Calculations
Calculate the flexural strength of each specimen, to the nearest 0,01 N/mm2, using the following formula
= 3Firn~Jl1_l2)N/
Calculate the mean flexural strength (fmean) to the nearest 0,01 N/mm2. 10 Evaluation of results Calculate the characteristic flexural strength to the nearest 0.01 N/mm2 from a) or b) a) b)
fx2 fxa,
for five specimens
f~for more than
5 specimens
calculate the values yi, y2, y~, y~,from y~,= log10 ...
Then y0
= Ymean
f,0,, and Ymean from
where s is the standard deviation for then log values k is a function of n, given in table 3 n is the number of individual specimens Table 3 : Relationship between n and k n 6 7 8 9 10
2,18 2,08 2,01 1,96 1,92
Take the characteristic flexural strength to be: f~k=
anti log10 (ye) N/mm2 to the nearest 0,01 /mm2.
©BSI 11-1999
Page 11 EN 1052-2:1999 11 Test report The test report shall contain the following information: a) the number, title and date of issue of this European Standard; b) name of the testing laboratory; c) number of specimens tested in each direction; d) date of building the specimens; e) curing conditions (time,temperature, humidity); f) date of testing the specimens; g) description of the specimens, including dimensions, number of courses, bonding pattern and spacing of the bearings; h) description of the masonry units and the mortar (to include also details of the mortar mixing procedure flow value, air content and compressive strength), preferably consisting of the appropriate test reports, or of extracts taken from these reports; i) age of non-autoclaved concrete units at the time of testing the masonry; ,
J)formoisture content by mass of autoclaved aerated concrete and calcium silicate units other types of unit, the method of conditioning prior to the time of laying;
k) maximum load reached by the test specimens; I) the length of time from the start of loading until the maximum load is achieved; m) mean compressive strength of the masonry units in N/mm2 to the nearest 0,01 N/mm2 and the coefficient of variation; n) mean compressive strength of the mortar in N/mm2 to the nearest 0,01 N/mm2 and the coefficient of variation, at 28 days ± 1 day; o) individual value; for the flexural strengths, of the masonry specimens in N/mm2 to the nearest 0,01 N/mm with notes on any unusual form of failure; p) mepn and characteristic flexural strength of masonry in N/mm2 to the nearest 0,01 N/mm; q) statistical treatment of the results where relevant; ,
r) crack patterns; s) remarks, if any.
©B51 11-1999
Acknowledgements Dr Badorul Hisham Abu Bakar (Chairman)
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Encik Ahmad Zalane Alias (Secretary)
SIRIM Berhad
Dr Leong Kah Hoo
Blacktop Industry Sdn Bhd
Encik Mohd Fauzi Ahmad
Cement and Concrete Association
Encik Hari Sundar Hari Dass/ Encik Abul Aun Ahmad Fudzil
Construction Industry Development Board
Encik Bismi Shah
Integrated Brickworks Sdn Bhd
Encik Md Ali Bahuddin/En Jasni Ali
Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia
Ir Haji Zamri Darus/ Encik Ramendra Loganathan
Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (Cawangan Pakar dan Kejuruteraan Awam)
Ir Koh Chan Wah, AMN
Master Builders Association Malaysia
Ar Chong Swee Tshung
Persatuan Akitek Malaysia
Encik Tiah Toh Twin
Real Estate and Housing Developers Association
YM Raja Nor Siha Raja Abdul Hanan
SIRIM QAS International (Building and Building Materials Testing Section)
Encik Azlan Adnan
SIRIM QAS International (Product Certification Section)
Lt Col Sr Mohd Amin Mohd Din/ Dr Ismail Rahmat
The Chartered Institute of Building Malaysia
Dr Jamaluddin Mohammad Yatim
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia