Monster of The Week Playbook The Leader [PDF]

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the Leader I may not be Legion. But I have one. A Monster of the Week hunter playbook.

sam lewis (Order #27169765)

To make your Leader, pick a name. Then follow the instructions below to decide your look, ratings, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and pick history.

look, pick one from each list: •

Man, woman, youth, child, creature.

Intense eyes, impossible looks, inspiring voice, imposing manner.

Military fatigues, business clothes, high fashion, occult robes, goth clothes, street clothes, modest clothes, sensual clothes.

NAME: LOOK: Ratings Whenever you roll a highlighted rating, mark experience.


c -1

c +1

c +2

c +3

c +2

c +3

Basic moves: Manipulate Someone


Highlight: c

Pick one line, then mark each rating on the right à


c Charm+2, Cool+1, Sharp-1, Tough+1, Weird+0


c -1


c +1

Basic moves: Act Under Pressure, Help Out

c Charm+2, Cool+0, Sharp-1, Tough+1, Weird+1

Highlight: c

c Charm+2, Cool+1, Sharp+0, Tough+0, Weird+0


c Charm+2, Cool-1, Sharp+1, Tough+0, Weird+1

Basic moves: Investigate, Read a Bad Situation

c Charm+2, Cool+0, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird-1


c -1


c +1

c +2

Highlight: c


c -1


c +1

c +2

You get all the basic moves, and three Leader moves.

Basic moves: Kick Some Ass, Protect Someone

You get these two:

Highlight: c

g At My Command: At the beginning of each mystery tou can organize and deploy your followers to be of use in the coming task. Roll +Charm. On a 10+ Your followers are operating in perfect coordination and you hold 3. On a 7-9, there is a minor problem of some sort reducing the ability of your minions to aid you. Hold 1. On a miss, your following is suffering a major crisis. It might be involved with the mystery or be separate. Regardless, it interferes in your investigation.


You can spend At My Command holds to do the following: •

Substitute +Charm for a basic move once by ordering your minions to handle it for you.

Receive a +1 on any Leader moves requiring a roll.

g The Inner Circle: You have a select team of 2-6 individuals that has been with you the longest and is the most loyal to you. You choose their motivation, backgrounds and skills. They are in general more exceptional than your other minions but much less competent than the other Hunters. Then pick one of these: c Bodyguards: You have a cadre of personal bodyguards and as long as they are on hand to protect you suffer 1 less harm from any source. c Legwork: The large number of minions you have means that you can canvass an area in order to get pointed to places or people that can be useful. Roll +Sharp to analyze preliminary reports. On a 10+ you identify a good source of information where you or another hunter can Investigate. On a 7-9 you find a place or person of interest but either the information is dubious or getting it is difficult. On a miss, your minions lead you straight into some sort of trouble. c Temporary Headquarters : Your followers can quickly

sam lewis (Order #27169765)

c +3

c -1


c +1

c +2

c +3

c +3

Basic moves: Use Magic Highlight: c rig up a facility replicating one of the options available to an Expert's haven. Roll +Charm. On a 10+ the facility operates exactly as described for the Expert's Haven until taken down. On a 7-9 the Facility mostly operates but there will be some flaw or problem with the facility. On a miss, the facility appears to be in working order but will fail at the worst possible moment. c Guard Duty: You can post your minions to guard a person, place or thing. Roll +Charm. On a 10+ the guards are able to protect the mark completely from spies, assassins or thieves. On a 7-9 the guards are incapable of stopping the assault on their own, but will alert you as things happen. If you're fast you might be able to get there to save the day. On a miss, your guards are either completely overwhelmed or fail to notice anything happening until after the incident is over. c We Have Reserves: Once per mystery you may cancel the harm dealt to yourself or another hunter from one source due to your minions sacrificing themselves to protect you or them. You may spend an At My Command hold to refresh this ability. c Bleed for my People: Suffer a consequence of some kind in order to protect your minions. Gain +1 At My Command hold. c We're Everywhere: When you are presented with a red tape or other such social obstacle roll +Weird. On a 10+ by

some coincidence one of your minions is in a position to clear the path for you. On a 7-9 the minion can clear the way for you, but doing so will endanger the minion somehow. On a miss there's someone who recognizes and dislikes you and your following in a position of power here. c They Will Assist You: If you roll a 10+ on a Help Out roll when using At My Command to make it a +Charm roll, you have a choice of granting the target of the help either a +2 for that roll or a +1 ongoing for the scene. c Lead From the Front: When you spend an At My Command hold to make a Kick Some Ass or Protect Others roll with +Charm, you can gain a +1 on the roll. If you choose to

take the +1, you cannot benefit from Bodyguards or We Have Reserves if you have those moves. Nor may you choose “suffer little harm” as an option. c Motto: Your following has a particular motto, prayer or mantra they use to focus themselves or raise morale. Once per session, under circumstances when other minions what cave in to undue mental pressure or other situation that would require an Act Under Pressure roll from a Hunter, you may roll a +Charm on behalf of your minions. On a 10+ they carry through the danger, stress or attempted mind control easily. On a 7-9 they are partially successful in resisting. On a miss, they cave in to the threat completely.

Minions: Choose one Recruitment method Recruitment method:

animals in general. You can communicate with them somehow.

c Employment. You pay your followers. I hope you pay them well.

c Infection. Via a spell, supernatural curse, scientific process or alien chrysalis machines, you are able to transform humans into c Family. Your followers are related to you through blood, mar- something else. riage or adoption. c Creation. You create your minions somehow. Clones, robots, c Reputation. Your reputation precedes you and many people are golems, undead or so on. eager to help you. c Summoning. Your followers come from a place beyond Earth. c Cause. You and your followers share some great cause. c Animals. You command animals, either of a specific kind or

Facets choose one to be a Strength and one to be a Flaw c Battle Experience. As a strength, your minions are used to it. As a c Supernatural. As a strength, your minions came into your service flaw, they are totally unprepared. already in the know. As a flaw, most of your minions are complete supernatural newbs, even if they're supernatural themselves. c Unity. As a strength you and your minions share a bond like family. As a flaw, your following is rife with factions seeking your ap- c Funding. As a strength, you have lots of money and you let it proval...or to unseat you. flow. As a flaw, either you're low on funds yourself or you're a bit of a miser. c Communications. As a strength your comms are secure, accurate and fast. As a flaw, your comms are prone to being leaked, confusing c Scholarly Pursuits. As a strength you boast some very impressive or slow. brains in your following. As a flaw, you have some real dunderheads. c Blending. As a strength your minions fit in well in everyday life. c Influence. As a strength, many of your followers have good social As a flaw, everybody can tell there's something odd about them. connections. As a flaw, your followers are total outsiders. Strength:


Features Choose two items to detail a position on. Issues you don't choose are rarely either benefits or problems. For example, if you choose that only you can recruit new people, you may be faced with having to take care of interviews during a mys tery. On the other hand, if anybody can recruit, you might find that someone got a crush on the local Reverend's daughter and wrapped her in a cocoon to be infused with the essence of a spider spirit like the rest of you. Initiative. Do your followers have:

Awareness. Are your minions:

c High Personal Initiative OR c Low Personal Agency

c aware of every of all your plans OR c not even aware they're minions.

Agendas. If forced, will your followers choose: c your safety over the mission OR c the mission over your safety Recruitment Model. Can new minions can be brought in by: c only you OR c any of your followers.

sam lewis (Order #27169765)

Hierarchy. Is your chain of command: c anarchic and undefined OR c rigid and specific. Respect. Do your minions think you're: c perfect as is OR c need work to be worthy.

Gear Normal weapons, pick two:

c Big knife (1-harm hand)

c .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud)

c Sword (2-harm hand messy)

c Shotgun (3-harm close messy)

c Rod of Mastery (1-harm magic close ignore armor)

c Hunting rifle (2-harm far loud)

c Spear (2-harm hand close messy)

c 9mm (2-harm close loud)

c Whip (1-harm hand useful distracting)

Items of Authority Pick One:

c Letters of Introduction

c Badge

c Tattoo, Brand, Birthmark or other visible skin mark

c Signet Ring

c Sealed Orders

c Weapon (add “authority” tag to one weapon)

c Celebrity Status

c Coat of Arms

c Sheer Beauty

You may also choose between either armored clothing (1 pt Armor) or a vehicle of some sort.

Introductions When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you can do your introductions together. Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your Leader by name and look, and tell the group what they know about you.

History Go around the group again. When it's your turn, pick one for each of the other hunters: Hunter

History ….is someone you want to recruit. Ask them whether your attention is appreciated or not. ...used to be an enemy of you and yours until recently. Tell them why you've both agreed to work together. Ask them whether or not there are still bad feelings between you. someone you have a romantic relationship with or want a romantic relationship with. Determine what the details are between you. …is someone you want to pass the reins of your command to when you retire or die. Ask them whether they're aware of your intentions or not. …is someone that you are dedicated to protecting at all costs. Ask them why. Tell them whether or not you've made your interest obvious. …knows more about you and your following than you do. Ask them what they know. Choose whether it's something your minions know and are hiding from you. the reason you moved your following toward being hunters. Tell them what about them inspired you. Ask them whether or not they know about this or if you've kept it quiet. ….was or is one of your minions. Ask them what the relationship is like now.

sam lewis (Order #27169765)


Luck You can mark off a Luck box to either change a roll you just made to a 12, as if you had rolled that; or change a wound you have just taken to count as just 0-harm. If your Luck boxes all get filled, you've run out of good luck. Whenever you spend Luck, some sort of problem arises in regards to your minions. Okay c c c c c c c Doomed

Harm When you suffer harm, mark of the number of boxes equal to harm suffered. More than four harm is especially dangerous. Okay c c c|c c c c Dying

Unstable: c (Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes)

Leveling Up Experience: c c c c c Whenever you roll a highlighted rating, or a move tells you to, mark an experience box. When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the list below.

Improvements: c Get +1 Charm, max +3 c Get +1 Cool, max +2 c Get +1 Sharp, max +2 c Get +1 Weird, max +2 c Take another Leader move

c You take on more than one type of minion. Add a second recruitment model. c Add +1 At My Command hold per mystery, even on a miss. c Take a move from another playbook c Take a move from another playbook

c Take another Leader move After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for advanced improvements in addition to these, from the list below.

Advanced Improvements c Get +1 to any rating, max +3.

c Retire this hunter to safety.

c Change this hunter to a new type.

c This hunter becomes evil (again?) and becomes a Keeper threat.

c Make up a second hunter to play as well as this one. c Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.

c Either remove a Flawed Facet and add a Feature choice. OR remove a Feature choice and add a Strength Facet.

c Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.

Inspiration This playbook is meant to reproduce characters like Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryugamine and Masaomi Kida (each with their own “gang”) from Durarara!!!; General Hawk and the GI Joes; the demoness Sara Waite with her cult and lovers from Whateley Academy; or the Brigadier from Doctor Who.

sam lewis (Order #27169765)

Notes (moves, holds, etc)

This is a hunter playbook for Monster of the Week. Find out more at

sam lewis (Order #27169765)