Mick Wilson - Face Reading [PDF]

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Mick Wilson





















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ISBN: 987-6-543210 Published for and distributed by Mick Wilson


STARTING IN FACE READING At the dawn of time when the Paleolithic man first looked at his reflection in the water, he pondered…. “Who am I?” Today, countless teenagers spend hours in the bathroom in front of the mirror asking this very question. The quest of self-identity will exist as long as mankind populates earth. Many people get overwhelmed and frustrated when they first start reading faces because of the sheer magnitude of meanings available from all the different parts of the face. In this booklet, only the most important techniques are taught. This will not only guarantee you success but will give you a deeper understanding of others and yourself. Let’s begin, not with the face, but with the body…


THE THREE BODY TYPES The three distinct shapes used to define the human body are a rectangle, a trapezoid, and a hexagon. Each of the three basic shapes have a distinct personality.

The rectangular body shape is best described as having thin bones and lean muscles. Think slim. An individual with this body type tends to be upbeat, easily excitable, and wants the latest and greatest. This person becomes anxious when under pressure.

The trapezoid body structure is usually described as having a muscular build.

For men, it means that they have broader shoulders than hips. For women, it is best to picture the classic hourglass figure. This person loves a good challenge and will work hard to overcome obstacles to meet goals. This person’s sense of humor is sarcastic and critical.


A wide waist to chest ratio characterizes the hexagon body structure. This body structure is similar in shape to a spoon or pear. This individual is calm and easy going and will be overly generous, understanding, and sympathetic to others.


THE FOUR HEAD SHAPES There are four main shapes to the human face. These shapes are Square, Oblong, Angular, and Round.

The SQUARE shaped face is characterized by a wide hairline and equally proportioned jaw. This individual is defined by an aggressive and ambitious nature. This person is thinking of moving forward and doesn’t have time to waste

The OBLONG shaped face is characterized by a very long and narrow bone structure. The oblong-headed individual will be of a practical and methodical nature. This person will focus more on work and will tend to put in more hours than most


The ANGULAR shaped face has three primary head types: Diamond, Triangle, and Heart. A person with one of these three head shapes will be talkative and restless. Being curious in nature, this individual is constantly starting new projects or goals, but lacks the initiative to finish them.

The ROUND shaped face is characterized by a wide hairline and fullness below the cheekbones. This individual reaches out to the world through emotions in such an open manner that they are quite adaptable to the world around them


THE WAY WE SEE THE WORLD The slant of the eyes guides us on how a person processes received information.

Upward slanting eyes, or cat eyes, show that an individual looks at the big picture and will overlook minor details.

A person with downward slanting eyes focuses on the details and doesn’t see the forest for the trees. The whites of the eyes show an individual’s stress level at the moment you see them.


If the whites of the eyes are visible beneath one or both pupils, the individual is currently under a lot of stress and has an inner conflict that needs to be resolved.

If the whites of the eyes are visible above one or both pupils, this person is controlling and power hungry.


THE LIPS The lips of an individual speak of how one communicates with the world at large, reveals sensual appetites, and the way relationships are treated. An expressive person has lips that are larger than average in length. A self-centered person will have smaller than average lips. This person only wants to speak about themselves and doesn’t care about what others have to say. The thickness of the lips informs us of sensuality and relationships. Research has shown that people correlate lip thickness with sexuality. Thick and full upper and lower lips show the sensual appetite of an individual. The curvature on the corners of the lips speaks of the person’s disposition. If corners of the mouth slant downward, this individual is hard to please, but if it’s upward slanting the person is cheerful and upbeat. When there are no curves at the corners, the individual has self-control.


A person’s true nature in relationships is shown when the lips are not equal in thickness.

If the upper lip is larger than the bottom lip, this person won’t hold back and will make sacrifices to make sure the relationship works. These are the lips of a true giver.

If the bottom lip is larger than the top, this person will focus on self-serving interests. These are the lips of a taker.


THE EARS The ears explain the submissiveness of a person. The size and protrusion of the ears show how a person responds to the roles and traditions in the world around them. Small ears that are close to the head are of a person who avoids risks and is instinctive in nature. Large ears that stick out are of an intelligent person who refuses to be bound by the constraints and roles demanded by society.

THE NOSE The nose shows the sociability of a person, if one is carefree or high strung, happy-go-lucky or a worrywart, and how financial matters are handled. A carefree individual has a wide nose, while a high-strung person has a narrow nose. A person who is happy and friendly will have a short nose, while a person with a long nose has a tendency to worry. A large nose presents a social person who is not afraid to mingle with other people. A small nose, in contrast, belongs to a shy reserved individual. A free spender has exposed nostrils, while concealed nostrils show someone who holds on to their cash.


IMPROVING RELATIONSHIPS WITH FACE READING It is common knowledge that people avoid looking at someone else’s face for more than a few seconds. So, how can you expect to remember the face of another person if you don’t even look at it! Merely knowing the meaning of the parts of the face is useless if you do not learn how to become closer to people. So, take an active interest in a person’s face before attempting to read it. Demonstrating an interest in a person’s face will not only help you remember the people you have met, but will also help you establish deeper relationships with those same people you interact with on a daily basis. It may feel awkward for you at first, but the benefits of truly looking at someone else are worth it! Now that you have learned how to read the different personalities coded onto the faces of the people you meet; these people are no longer just random strangers. Instead, they have shown you their true self. Take the time to appreciate what they show you. While talking with people, they will be impressed by your active interest in their lives because you are actually observing, listening, and responding in a way that is meaningful for them. It is a well-known fact that people like to talk about themselves. This may be why during social engagements we eventually meet people who believe the world revolves around them. 13

Now that you have learned a tool to assess people as they speak, do their words align with their true character or are they trying to mislead you? Through face reading, you will automatically be placing more attention on another person rather than yourself. You communicate. You establish rapport. You benefit, as does the other person because, not only will you learn more about this person, but the individual will feel appreciated and valued. It is a tragic state when one spends so much time blind, towards loved ones. Take a moment now and think of a loved one, someone whom you care deeply about. Now describe that person. What is his/her eye color or hair color? Now let’s increase the difficulty slightly. Can you describe any distinct markings on your loved one? Is there a mole? A scar? If so, where is it? Are you certain? Most people cannot describe their loved one in such detail, which proves the saying “looking but not seeing.” Consistently reading faces creates a habit that helps you become more interested, aware, and engaged with the world around you. These three outcomes of face reading will deepen all your relationships and will improve them.


TO THY OWN SELF BE TRUE Studying your own face has many benefits.

When first trying to read your own face, naturally you will most likely run to look in the mirror. The mirror does not show your true face. This sentence may seem silly, but a mirror will only show you how you see yourself. You will not be able to see yourself as you truly are until you can separate yourself from yourself and obtain objectivity. To help you cultivate the necessary objectivity, we must start with pictures of yourself. Avoid portrait pictures or any photograph that shows you smiling or posed. The ideal picture to use is one taken by an amateur photographer in a candid setting. The photo should have a full view of your face and preferably a 13cm x 18cm or larger. This size will allow you to easily see the necessary parts of your face during your initial face reading without difficulty. We look at the natural state of the face because, as social animals, our moods change with how we are feeling at the moment, as we interact with people we like and do not like. When first learning to read faces, these mood shifts and changes in appearance will distract you from your natural state and disguise the common core aspects of your true nature. During your first attempts to study your face, there will be the urge to criticize your face. Don’t allow yourself to get caught into the trap of vanity. We all have blemishes or aspects of our personality we try to hide from others and ourselves. 15

By using pictures and setting your mindset to an objective state, you will be fully capable of seeing both the positive and negative aspects of your personality. Just because our ego tries to hide these negative parts from ourselves that doesn’t mean that others do not see that which we are trying to hide. It is better to face both the positive and negative aspects of yourself so that you may accept who you are and become mindful of your tendencies to control or counter them. This will be the most difficult task to accomplish, but once acquired, objectivity will allow you to continually monitor your face. Monitoring your face will give you the ability to prevent the negative from becoming permanently placed upon you. When you are frustrated or angry at a situation, your face will change to fit that mood. After a hard day’s work, do you wish your spouse to see the worries of the day? Take a moment before you head home to check on the appearance of your face, collect your thoughts, and let go of the frustrations and difficulties of the day. Taking a moment to collect your thoughts before heading home gives you many benefits. The two most important are letting go of the stress you have collected and letting your family enjoy your company without concern about your hard day. How often do we take home our worries, stresses, and frustrations, only to unwittingly unleash them upon those whom we love? Leave the stress at work and come home to a happier life.


Your newly developed objectivity, created by first reading your face through pictures, allows you to see how your emotions can become carved on your face. Part of personality is habit. If you carry the troubles of your life without letting go, they will show on your face. Monitor your face as you go out into the world, before a major meeting, and before the important moments in your life. Pause and reflect, if just for a moment, to confirm that the face you show puts you in your best appearance. Develop a sense of self-awareness through objectivity as you monitor your face. Take a good look at your face in the mirror and acknowledge the repressed and hidden feelings that show on your face. Realizing that your hidden emotions effect how your face is shown, will allow you to acknowledge the emotions you’ve denied and accept them as a part of your life. Now that you have found these emotional traces on your face, you may search for what caused them and come to terms with them. It is through constructive personal analysis towards the causes of our emotions that help resolve and remove these difficult emotions. You cannot deny the emotions and run away; you must face yourself! Some emotions may need more than self-acknowledgement and coming to terms with them. Do not be afraid to seek professional council to resolve conflicts of any serious matter that is too difficult to deal with alone. As an individual, man’s strength is like that of a pencil, alone he is easy to break, but with the support of others it is nearly impossible.


By dealing with your emotions, your face will adapt to show the new, more emotionally free you. As such, you can learn to develop your face to create a change of self psychologically. Just because puberty stopped doesn’t mean that the mind/body connection stopped as well. The mind/body connection is a concept that can help you sculpt the personality you want. With your developed objectivity and self-awareness attained by learning to read your own face and others, acknowledge the negative aspects of yourself and actively work on changing them. Through monitoring the current state of your face and by adopting the personality traits you wish to incorporate into your self-identity, over time your face will slowly morph, presenting the best possible you for others to see. If you find yourself in the mirror, consistently wearing a frown, smile and wear the smile. It is not a simple task to just change your face, and it will not happen overnight, but it will happen. Wear a positive face and you will start to be positive. People tend to avoid a downtrodden face, the face of someone beaten and dejected. Put on a positive face, the face of a winner, someone who is going to make it happen, and more than likely something will happen! Over time your face will change, resolving conflicts and improving your feelings of self-esteem. These improvements will show up on your face either quickly or slowly depending upon how you choose to show your face. When you feel good about yourself and truly connect with others, it will show on your face. Your face will shine with a brighter, better attitude and improve your appearance to the world around you. 18

IN CONCLUSION That was your final lesson and the book’s ultimate purpose. To teach you how to better understand yourself and improve your self-image and relationships with others. By reading faces, your daily interactions will become more enjoyable by establishing quality relationships and deeper connections with the people you meet! Don’t wait for tomorrow, begin today

Interested in a lecture for your group or company? For more information, email [email protected] 19

Learn Face Reading Reading faces is an accurate approach to better understanding the people around you. •

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LEARN THE ONE SECRET, that if you applied it to your relationships, that will give you more meaningful, and deeper connections with people. Never enter a conversation unprepared again, by reading the faces of others you will know how to talk to them.