Meeting Script [PDF]

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: Assalamualaikum and a very good morning. I am glad to welcome all the managers to the first meeting of the Dolce Pastry Enterprise. Thank you, thank you for being present in this meeting. Besides that, congratulations to all the managers on the success of the official opening ceremony of our shop. Now, can we call this meeting to order?


: Sure, you can.


: For your information, Aqilah will be the secretary for today’s meeting. Aqilah, please distribute the agendas to all the managers.


: (Everyone receiving the agendas)


: Did everyone received the agendas?


: Yes, miss.


: Okay. Are there any apologies for absence for today’s meeting? Aqilah, would you please call roll?


: Okay, miss. (Pause) Syuhada?


: Here.


: Ana?


: Here.


: Farhana?


: Here.


: There is no apologies, miss. We have a quorum.


: Okay then. First of all, I would like all of you to introduce yourself as today is our first meeting. Let everyone know each other.


: (Raise up hand) I’ll introduce myself first. My name is Siti Farhana Binti Mohd Arshad. My position is as Human Resource Manager.


: My name is Wan Nur Syuhada Binti Wan Ismail. My position at Dolce Pastry is Operation Manager.


: My name is Ananurolhanum Binti Zainol. Here, I am as Marketing Manager.


: And my name is Izni Aqilah Binti Abu Zaini. My position is as Finance Manager. And also as secretary for today’s meeting.


: Now let’s focus on the agenda of the meeting. Are there any changes to the agenda?


: Miss, I would like to add planning the Family Day event.


: Thank you Syuhada, we will make that as item 4.1 on the agenda. Is there any more changes?


: No.


: No.


: No.


: If there nothing else, now let us start with the problems that had occurred in our company. How about the staff in our company? What are the problems that related to the staff?


: Yes, miss. There are some problems about the staff. As I observed for this recent weeks, I noticed that there are some staff who come late to work but back early.


: So, how are you going to resolve this problem?


: I move that we should give an attendance allowance to all staff which means if there are staff who come late or back too early, then the allowance for that staff will be cut off. I am very sure that the staff will be agreed with this idea.


: We have a motion on the table. Is there a second?


: I second the motion.


: Is there any discussion?


: Excuse me for interrupting, but I have a suggestion that might be more suitable to overcome this problem. I moved that we should give a warning letter to the staff whose come late to the work. By doing this, the staff will be more discipline.


: Yes, that was a great solution. For the first time coming late to the work, we can give the first warning letter. Then, the second warning letter for the second time. After that, if the staff still coming late, we may suspend that staff for a few days, maybe?


: (Stamping the table) Objection! I do not really agree with that solution. If the staff was suspended, then his or her salary will be cut off, right? Pity on them. Haa, why don’t we use a thumb print attendance system?


: That’s right. The thumb print attendance system also can make the staff to be more punctual and discipline.


: I move that all the solutions mentioned just now should be implemented in our company at once.


: After the discussion, let us put to the vote. Anybody second the motion?


: (Raising up their hands)


Ana Arifah

: A show of hands indicated that majority of the managers agreed with the motion. Therefore, I also prefer to implement all the solutions at once. And i hope that the staff problem regarding their attendance can be solved. Now, let us move to our marketing strategy. Is there any problem?


: I had an observation towards the staff during the working hours. I can see that the we are lack of innovation and creativity among staff. Actually, the innovation and creativity are very important for the continuous growth.


: You’re absolutely right. The more innovation and creativity that we have, the more profitable our company. That was a marketing strategy.


: Then, what should we do in order to have more innovation and creativity. Who are responsible to the innovation and creativity in our company?


: In my opinion, I move that we should give training to all the new staff including the senior staff. The training should be handled by the human resource department. By giving training, we can have more new recipes throughout the staff ideas. The new recipe is one way of innovation. And maybe the staff can also create more unique design for our pastry.


: Besides that, I think that our company should organize a competition between the staff. The competition will be about the creative recipe creation. The results of the competition will show the innovation and creativity among the staff. They staff should have the chance to groom their talents.

Farhana Aqilah Arifah

: I second the motion made by Syuhada and Ana. Me too. : Okay, the motion by both of you are approved. In addition, i will execute a staff evaluation for every three months. This evaluation will help to measure the staff performance.


: That was the best way. As you please, miss. I am totally agree with that idea.


: Same goes with me.


: (At the same time) Me too.

Farhana Arifah

: Okay, the motion was carried unanimously as everyone agreed to the matter discussed. By the way, is there any more issue or problem?


: Yes, miss. There is another issue. It is about the distribution to the local community.

As we all know, the corporate social responsibility is one part of every company responsible. Therefore, I think that we should contribute something to the local community as our corporate social responsibility. Ana

: I move that we can do a charity day on every Friday to the Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Seberang Perai Selatan (PERKIS). They will really happy for having help from us. We can supply our pastries or any daily needs such as rice, biscuits and breads.


: Besides that, we know that there are some kindergarden around our company. Maybe we can sponsor for the kindergarten student registration at any one of the kindergarden.


: Furthermore, I think that we can also provide some sponsorship for the Birthday Party at Rumah Kanak-Kanak Taman Bakti. We can do that at least once for every two months.


: Okay, thanks for all the ideas. Now, let us move to the other business. Like what we had mentioned at the beginning of the meeting, we are going to plan the Family Day event. Who was moved the idea?


: It’s me, miss.


: I’ll see. Then, anyone will second the idea?


: (Raise up hand) I second.


: Okay. Then, when are we going to hold the event? At which place?


: Maybe we can make it on the next month. And why don’t we hold the event at island like Pulau Perhentian, Pulau Pangkor or maybe Pulau Tioman? Is it okay, miss?


: Hmm (while thinking). Okay, we will go for a family Day event on the next month. And about the place, any other suggestion except from the island?


: Excuse me, as for me, I prefer to go to the Genting Highlands.


: Yes, I am also prefers to go to that place. Genting Highlands is much better for the kids. I am very sure that the kids love to be there.


: Okay, let put it to the vote. How many of you prefer to go to the Genting Highlands?


: (Raise up hands)

Farhana Ana Arifah

: There are majority agreed to go to the Genting Highlands. So, it is decided. And for this event, I will appoint Syuhada to take in charge for this event.


: Yes, miss. Later, I will prepare the paper work.


: We had a lot of good discussion and we accomplished a lot. Thank you to the secretary, Miss Aqilah for taking minutes. This has been a very productive meeting. So, the next meeting will be on on 20th June 2014. Now, I will look for a motion to adjourn.


: I will so move.


: (Raise up hand) Second.

Aqilah Arifah

: We have motion to adjourn the meeting and it has been seconded. The motion carries and our meeting is adjourned. Thank you.