Mechanical Design Project Proposal PDF [PDF]

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Capital University of Science and Technology

Project Proposal for : Workshop Practice II ME 1811 Under Consideration: Fabrication of Turners Cube using proposed design considerations

Students: Syed Daniyal Mehdi , Muhammad Adeel Akhtar and Aqib Bashir Uppal

with lab partners: Qazi Mujtaba and Muhammad Muneeb ur Rehman Members of Group No. 12 Project supervisor: Sir Saqib Amir

Department of Mechanical Engineering

May 10, 2019

Table of Contents Abstract:...............................................................................................................................................2 Introduction:.........................................................................................................................................2 Project Goal:.........................................................................................................................................2 Objectives:............................................................................................................................................2 Why a Turners Cube?...........................................................................................................................3 Feasibility:.......................................................................................................................................3 1) Financial Feasibility:..............................................................................................................3 2) Technical Feasibility:..............................................................................................................3 Project Outline:.....................................................................................................................................3 Material Selection:...........................................................................................................................3 Design Consideration:......................................................................................................................3 2D Sketches and Dimensions:.........................................................................................................4 Machining Operations:....................................................................................................................6 Cost Analysis:.......................................................................................................................................6 Conclusion / Final Evaluation:.............................................................................................................7 Annex:..................................................................................................................................................7

Abstract: This project proposal includes an initial introduction to the project providing the cost analysis and project design considerations and needs. It is based on the manufacturing processes that we studied in workshop practice. This proposal includes the machining operations to be used during product fabrication.

Introduction: A turner’s cube is a classic machinist’s exercise that involves constructing multiple cubes inside of one another. This effect is achieved by boring holes of decreasing size and increasing depth to reveal each cube as the layers of material are stripped away.

Figure 1: Showing the axonometric view of turners cube

Project Goal: As engineering undergraduates , our goal is to study about project and ultimately design and manufacture a cost effective working model, using the knowledge and skills of fines undergraduate talent in field of mechanical engineering.

Objectives: To understand basic machining operations learned as undergraduates in the field of mechanical engineering. To improve professional, teamwork skills in field of mechanical engineering. To get hands on experience with various manufacturing methods and engineering tools.

Why a Turners Cube? The fabrication of turners cube is a fine example of the importance of manufacturing and machining processes such as, drilling, boring, lathe etc. The faces of turners cube are produced in a way to provide very accurate dimensions. All the six faces of the cubic material have to be machined in a way to produce a well finished shape and size of the product.

Feasibility: Along with the technical importance of fabricating the turners cube in machine shop, it is also a feasible product to be manufactured at this level of undergraduate study. Below are some of benefits while manufacturing a turners cube.

1) Financial Feasibility: A cost effective manufacturing of the product is, often, the major goal of innovation and technology. After studying about various aspects of manufacturing of turners cube, we also found it cost effective.

2) Technical Feasibility: Along with the fineness involved in the manufacturing of turners cube, it is also technically very feasible product involving very reasonable number of machining operations. So, the fabrication of turners cube can be less time consuming.

Project Outline: The fabrication of product will be carried in various steps, for example, material selection, design and sketching, and finally fabrication.

Material Selection: A “BRASS” is found to be the most appropriate material for such project by the team members. It is a cost effective material (which is central goal of this project) also is is less hard and appropriate for machine operations. On the basis of literalness of our project, the shininess of material is also important, so we decided to have no compromise on final finish of material.

Design Consideration: The initial design of product matters for avoid problems in the fabrication process of product. The design of our product should be appropriate for service use. The four cubes will be contained inside one another, three outer cubes will be drilled on equal dimensions, while the inner most cube will be kept as it is. Our stipulated design is as follows:

Figure: Showing pictorial view of the object (Turners Cube) Another design consideration is to keep the object as light weight as possible, we found the dimensions of (750 x 750 x 750) mm, as appropriate to meet our design consideration. All six faces of the cube will have: Length = 750 mm Height = 750 mm Width = 750 mm

2D Sketches and Dimensions: The outer cube will have all three dimensions (Length, Width, Height) as 750mm. As mentioned earlier, our turners cube will be three layered. So, internal cubes will have dimensions with gape of 750/4 = 187.5 mm Hence, each layer is 187.5 mm separating cubes from each other.

Figure: The outer most cube Below is the sketch of all cubes with their respective dimensions.

Figure: Sketch and dimensions of all cubes inside each other

The next step in sketching phase is to decide the radius of each circle that will be drilled on every face of the turners cube. The diameter should be less than or equal to diagonal of each enclosed cube. By using the Pythagorean theorem, we found the approximate radius of each circle. The sketch of circles to be drilled is given below.

Figure: Dimensions of holes to be drilled in each face

The next phase is to pocket each hole up to given dimension for enclosed cubes. The inner most circle will be pocketed with maximum depth of 281.25 mm. The middle circle will be pocketed with depth 187.5 mm and finally, the outer circle will be pocketed with depth of 93.75 mm.

Figure: Pictorial view of turners cube after pocketing (Boring and drilling holes)

Machining Operations: The major machining operations assumed to be used in the fabrication of turners cube are: 1) Facing for the removal of excess material and to make the surface flat. 2) Turning to put the cube to exact given dimensions. 3) Drilling to make an indentation for producing hole in each face of cube. 4) Boring to enlarge the hole up to stipulated dimensions. 5) Final finishing will be done to remove any non flat surface from material.

Cost Analysis: As mentioned earlier, the major goal of this project is to fabricate this classical machinist tool in cost effective manner. The approximate cost of material is supposed to be not more than Rs 2,500. Each member of working team will contribute Rs 500 for the purchase of material. The material will be purchased according to requirements so that the volume of waste material is as less as possible. It is preferred to purchase the material close to the given dimensions. Our dimensions are as follows. Length = 750 mm (Each face) Width = 750 mm (Each face) Height = 750 mm (Each face) Total Number of faces = 06 Total Cost = Rs 2,500 Dimensions of raw material purchased : Close to actual dimensions Material Selected : Brass

Conclusion / Final Evaluation: This report, created for our first year project fabrication in mechanical workshop, is best of our knowledge and research based analysis about all the information related to fabrication of this project. This project will help us to strengthen our professional and team work skills as an undergraduate in mechanical engineering. Any further clarifications or improvements from the respected project supervisor will be acknowledged. Looking forward for work with it !

Annex: The project proposal report created with reference to several online resources. The group members especially to be referenced are: Muhammad Muneeb ur Rehman


Muhammad Adeel Akhtar


Syed Daniyal Mehdi


Qazi Mujtaba


Aqib Bashir Uppal

BME183047 Under Supervision of: Sir Saqib Amir