Manual of Oil Tanker Operations [PDF]

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CONTENTS Chapter One:

Historical Background


Chapter Two:

Basic Hazards


Chapter Three:

Modern Tanker Design


Chapter Four:

Sources of Ignition


Chapter Five:

Inert Gas Production and Operations


Chapter Six:

Gas Evolution and Venting


Chapter Seven:

Pipelines and Pumps


Chapter Eight:

The Voyage Cycle


Chapter Nine:

Types of Berths and Offshore Terminals


Chapter Ten:

Tank Cleaning and COW


Chapter Eleven:

Pollution Prevention


Chapter Twelve:

Dangerous Space Entry


Chapter Thirteen: Cargo Calculations


Chapter Fourteen: Vetting Inspections


Chapter Fifteen:


Response to Oil Spillage




CHAPTER 1 Historical Background Oil was first discovered in America in 1859 and immediately European market demands created the necessity for transportation. Initially, the oil was carried in barrels aboard cargo ships leading to the adoption of a measurement still used today. The first bulk oil carrying ships were completely new ideas and essentially experimental until a break through evolved to an acceptably new class of ship. The problems encountered moving away from barrels to bulk conveyance were twofold. Oil on passage, unlike other liquid cargoes transported across the oceans, was affected by the world's differing temperatures and either contracted or expanded. This meant it was unwise to load tanks to maximum capacity, but only to 98% thus creating a 2% capacity gap. Whilst this solved the problem of cargo expansion, the ullage produced permitted the liquid to move or 'slop" in any sort of seaway affecting stability of the ship. The second difficulty was the chemical nature of the cargo because, unlike water or wine cargoes, crude oil exudes hydrocarbon gas which is both toxic and inflammable. There were many accidents leading to the outbreak of fires and explosions and sometimes total loss of the tanker before a remedy could be found. Early tankers developed in the 1880s consisted of a single oil-tight longitudinal central bulkhead fitted with transversals which led to a number of 'sets' of individual tanks port and starboard. A space was allowed above the cargo tanks, called an 'expansion trunk' that permitted room for expansion of the oil and went some way towards reducing the free surface area of the oil and helping contain the sloping effect. It was not long before Shell Tanker Company, in an innovative move, fitted strong summer tanks into the space either side of the expansion trunk which extended across the length of two sets of tanks longitudinally:


(Image: 1/1- Diagram showing the distribution of cargo tanks of an early oil tanker showing the expansion trunk and summer tanks arrangement port and starboard).

The summer tanks were often used to carry main cargo, but sometimes for oil of a lighter grade in sufficient quantities to bring the ship down to her summer draught mark.



Undoubtedly, he greatest contributor to tanker construction was marine architect Sir Joseph Isherwood, a Lloyd's surveyor at Hull who left the company in 1907 to work full time independently designing ships. His tanker constructions departed from the standard built vessels to date by improving the length/depth relationship of the tanker hull and basically introducing additional transversal web-frames within each tank with enhanced corner brackets. His innovations and patented design led to stronger oil carrying ships that have proved the model upon which modern tankers internationally today owe their construction. It was in the 1920s that Isherwood improved his corner bracket design. It was at this time that a second longitudinal bulkhead was introduced, producing the conventional layout of a centre tank and

(Image: 1/2-The introduction of the transversal web frame swash bulkhead increased considerably the strength of the oil tanker).

(Image: 1/3-The 1908-built 4196 grt s.t. Paul Paix by R. Craggs and Sons for Lennard's Shipping Company, both of Middlesborough, was the first tanker fitted to Isherwood's revolutionary design and gave sterling service until she was scrapped in 1935).

(Image: 1/4-Early oil tankers often had the engine-room midships necessitating the running of the propeller shaft through the after cargo tanks. This design was soon altered placing the engine-room aft).


(Image: 1/5-A tanker designed in the 1920s showing the introduction of a second longitudinal bulkhead indicating the removal of the summer tanks and extra cargo capacity obtained. The hull was considerably strengthened with greater control exercised over the sloping effect).

The 1920s hull construction lasted virtually without further modification until the advent of the double-hulled tanker in 1993. Two tankers were built in that year, the Eleo Maersk in Europe and the Arosa in Japan both for foreign owners and both continuing in service, the former under the name of La Pruclencia for Greek owners and the latter under her own name.

(Image: 1/6-The Arosa was the first double-hulled very large crude carrier constructed in Far Eastern yards. She was built by Hitachi Zosen in 1993 and is 291,301s- dwt, 328.16m length overall, moulded beam 68m and depth 30.40m. She continues in commercial service-Arosa Maritime Inc).



The design of these two ships has proved its value, apart from a few 'teething troubles', for it has remained unchanged and continues to be built today. Basically, a second bottom and sides are built around an inner hull. GENERAL ARRANGEMENT/TANK SECTION


No 2



(Image: 1/7-The general arrangement plan of the Arosa showing the disposition of cargo tanks that remains the chosen option for most very large crude carriers).

CHAPTER 2 BASIC HAZARDS Introduction-Chemistry of oil: the hydrocarbon chain-Crude Oil: the refining process-Flammability-Volatility and vapour pressure: the fire triangle-Lower Flammability Level (LFL)- Upper Flammability Level (UFL)-Flash point: fire point temperature-auto ignition temperature (AIT)-Toxicity: recognising a safe level of exposure-the effects of toxicity - material hazard data sheets (MHDS).

Introduction. Oil is a potentially dangerous substance, but some of the properties making it so are desirable in a controlled environment such as the combustion chamber of an engine. In order to understand the hazards it is essential to appreciate the factors involved. This chapter investigates the nature of hydrocarbons; the refining process and the flammability and toxicity dangers of different products.

A). Chemistry of Oil. 'Oil' and 'petroleum' are generic terms crude oils to refined products, each of which They have the common feature of being of a complex mixture of carbon atoms The particular arrangement of hydrocarbon particular 'oil'.

covering many different substances from has its specific uses and degrees of hazard. hydrocarbons, which means they consist to which are attached hydrogen atoms. 'chains', dictates the characteristics of any

Hydrocarbons are the end products of animal and vegetable matter that has been compressed under the earth's surface over millions of years. There are other components present such as sulphur, mercaptans (organic chemical substances containing sulphur) water, trace elements of metals (vanadium, nickel, iron), nitrogen, salts, asphalts and carbon residues. Most of these components are problematical in an industrial context, but carbon and hydrogen atoms are required to produce energy.


The Hydrocarbon Chain.

The simplest hydrocarbon consists of a single carbon atom to which is attached four hydrogen atoms to form the hydrocarbon molecule. This is called 'methane' and it exists as a gas at normal atmospheric pressures and temperatures. It is not frozen, but is cooled until it condenses at approximately - 162°C when it then becomes the cargo of the liquid natural gas carrier. If another hydrocarbon molecule attaches itself then two carbon atoms are produced not, as might be imagined eight hydrogen atoms, because two are 'lost' in the joining process. The process of joining can be repeated to form 'chains' which may either be in a line (straight chains), have branches off them (branched chains) or have a circular form (cyclical chains). The number, length and shape of the hydrocarbon chain will dictate the characteristics of any particular oil.




(Image 2/1-Diagram showing various hydrocarbon chains).

B). Crude Oil. There are thousands of crude oils in existence, each having unique characteristics. They are usually given a geographical descriptor and an indicator of the hydrocarbon mixture. Such examples are Arabian Heavy or Iranian Light, where the former have more of the longer chains, and the latter additional shorter length chains. As it stands crude oil is not much practical use, because it cannot be used in a car engine, aeroplanes or power stations. The crude oil has first to be stabilised. This involves removing as much as possible hydrogen sulphide, which is both poisonous and highly corrosive. The process is carried out as closely as possible where the crude comes out of the ground and it is then refined to create the products used in our modern industrialised world. When oil was first discovered in America, it was distilled which evaporated most of the lighter hydrocarbons. Some of the remainder was used to produce kerosene for lighting and heating. Today, these lighter particles are more valuable fractions but at that time they were too volatile to be used safely. The refining process today uses all the fractions of the crude oil to produce various products ranging from gases, gasolines, kerosenes, diesel, fuel oil, lubricating oils and bitumen, additional to many chemicals used in everyday modern life.


The Refining Process.

The complex mixture of hydrocarbons comprising the substance of crude oil makes it necessary to separate the different chains to create the useable product. This is a simple process called 'fractional distillation' where the different fractions are separated according to their boiling point. Shorter hydrocarbon chains will vaporise at lower temperatures than the longer chains. The following table shows the relationship between boiling point and number of carbon atoms in a 'chain'.


Carbon Atoms Atmospheric boiling point


Gases (LPG/LNG)





Feedstock for chemicals & gasoline




For cars, smaller aircraft




Commercial aircraft, heating oil

Diesel/gas oil



Cars, trucks & trains

Lubricating oil



Various machinery

Fuel oil



Ships, power stations

Residuals (bitumen)

70 +

< 40°C

600°C +

Bottled gas (i.e. Butane/propane)

Roads, roofing

As the heated crude passes through the distillation tower, which is hotter at the bottom than the top, the flow is interrupted by a series of bubble trays allowing the liquid component remaining at any level in the tower to settle and then drop to the previous level. Lighter hydrocarbons move up to the next tray and the process is repeated The liquid is drawn off at several levels in the column. This refining process is only the first step because further stages are required before the finished product is ready for distribution. For example: • Cracking is a process to split heavier hydrocarbons into smaller ones (the more useable molecules) through a process that applies heat and pressure. • Alkylation is used in the production of gasoline by re-using some of the lighter, gases created during the cracking to combine molecules (essentially reverse cracking). Reforming is used to produce high-octane gasoline from naptha. • Finally the product may be treated to add performance enhancers and detergents to help keep engines clean. There are also seasonal variations for, in winter, more of the lighter hydrocarbons will be added to help keep some products in a liquid state. This is especially important for diesels that have a tendency to thicken in cold temperatures due to the relatively long hydrocarbon chains involved, and this brand is called 'winter' diesel. Generally speaking hydrocarbons with 1 -5 carbon atoms will exist as a gas at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature; those with 6 - 1 9 a liquid, and those hydrocarbons with 20 or more will be solids. Diesel having 14-20 carbon atoms is near the top end of the liquid phase. When the atmospheric temperature drops, the liquid thickens in much the same way as a cooking sauce thickens when cooled. The preceding explanation offers merely the basics of refining because the subject is complex and beyond the scope of this book.



(Image: 2/2-The oil and chemical refinery at Fawley, southern England where crude oil received various stages necessary to turn it into a product-Esso Petroleum).

C). Flammability. When oil is ignited it does not burn. It is the emitted vapour which ignites that, in turn, heats up the surface of the oil in contact with the fire which increases the heat surface releasing additional vapour. The fire is -fed' and gets bigger. The process of vapour release is critical, because if no vapour is released it cannot be ignited, hence fire will not occur. There are other factors involved, namely the relationship between the vapour that burns; the degree of heat energy required to ignite the vapour, and the amount of oxygen present.

D). Volatility and Vapour Pressure. Volatility is the ability of a substance to give off vapour, or to evaporate. Some substances are described as volatile because they release proportionally more vapour at a certain temperature than others at the same temperature. This can be demonstrated by imagining a cup of gasoline and a cup of water in a warm room where the gasoline will evaporate more rapidly. This is termed a 'volatile substance'. If the evaporation takes place in a closed container, each of the individual vapour molecules will exert a partial pressure on the container. As the vapour pressure is for a particular temperature, it is just as valid to determine volatility by means of the temperature at which evaporation first takes place and could be ignited. The sum of these partial pressures will be the vapour pressure of that substance, at that particular temperature, but it is the flashpoint (discussed further in this chapter) that determines whether or not the substance is volatile or non-volatile. Whilst the term 'vapour pressure' is used loosely, there are a number of ways in which it can be measured. The highest possible vapour pressure is the True Vapour Pressure (TVP), but with complex mixtures there is no ready way of determining it.


oxygen (Image: 2/3-The Fire Triangle indicating the essential ingredients before a fire can occur).

Although it is only the vapour and not the oil which burns, this is not the complete story. There has to be sufficient heat energy to ignite the vapour and sufficient oxygen to sustain the burning. If vapour, oil and heat are present in the correct proportions at the same time, then the hazard of flammability exists. Tanker design and operations are intended to avoid this hazardous occurrence by understanding how flammable atmospheres are created, and then operating the correct preventative procedures. Even if all three factors are present, the fuel/air mixture must be correctly proportioned with sufficient heat energy to create ignition. If an empty cargo tank full of air is considered into which a volatile cargo is introduced then initially if an ignition source was applied, nothing would happen. This is because there is not enough fuel in relation to the volume of air in the tank. If more vapour is introduced then eventually ignition could be achieved, but the fire created would not be very efficient. The point at which ignition first occurs is the Lower Flammable Limit (LFL), also known as the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) and occurs at about 1% by volume of hydrocarbon gas in air for most oil cargoes. The fire will be at its most efficient when approximately 4% to 5% by volume hydrocarbons and at about 10% to 11% by volume (for typical petroleum cargoes), for then the fire will be extinguished. This is because there will be too much hydrocarbon gas by volume in the air. This point is known as the Upper Flammable Limit (UFL) or Upper Explosive Limit (UEL).

(02%) * SOLAS requires less than 8% 02 to be considered inerted (Image: 2/4-Lower and Upper flammability levels. The diagram is for most petroleum cargoes. Other substances, such as certain chemicals, may have different flammable ranges. For example methanol has a range of 6%-36%).



The region between the Lower and Upper Flammable Limits is known as the Flammable Range. In air, the flammable range of most petroleum products carried as oil tanker cargoes, is between about 1% and 10% by volume hydrocarbon gas. If the oxygen content is reduced, then the flammable range decreases until at about 11% oxygen by volume there will be insufficient air to sustain combustion. Any space with less than this oxygen content is described as having an inert atmosphere. If the atmosphere in the space is above the UFL, the atmosphere is described as being too rich and if below the LFL then it is termed too lean. It needs to be appreciated that the diagram in Image: 2 / 4 is derived from laboratory tests under optimum conditions where mixing of the gas/air mixture is evenly achieved. In practice the atmosphere within a cargo tank may have regions within the flammable zone and also some outside of it. It is the aim of safe tanker operations to maintain at all times the atmosphere outside of the flammable range.

(Image: 2/5-Main-deck and service cross-over transfer pipes aboard a 37.500 dwt tanker-Ray Solly).

E). Flashpoint. Vapour generation is directly affected by temperature for. as temperature increases so does the amount of vapour produced. Other factors are involved which are discussed in chapter six, but it is logical that if temperature is intrinsic to vapour generation then there must be a temperature at which vapour is first released. Flashpoint can be defined as: The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off enough vapour briefly to ignite when exposed to an external source of ignition. Different cargoes have different flashpoints, for example diesel oil is about 71 С whereas gasoline is around-46C. At normal storage and carriage temperatures around the world diesel, unlike gasoline, will not emit vapour in sufficient concentrations to ignite. The flashpoint test is carried out at atmospheric pressure based upon vapour release from a volume of liquid.

MANUAL OF OIL TANKER OPERATIONS If the liquid transforms into an aerosol spray (i.e. a fine mist) then the flashpoint is irrelevant, as the combination of the small specific surface area of each droplet, and the mixing with air that occurs, can enable the aerosol to be ignited at ambient temperatures. This situation could occur for example if a pin-hole leak occurs in a transfer pipe. If the containment system within which the vapour is present is pressurized, the flashpoint will be less.


Fire Point Temperature.

If the liquid is heated up to about 10 С above the flashpoint then sufficient vapour will be released that if ignited by an external ignition source, will remain alight. This is known as the Fire Point temperature.

ii). Auto Ignition Temperature. As the temperature of the liquid increases, the molecules gain heat energy. If enough heat is produced then the vapour can ignite spontaneously. It might be thought that the lighter hydrocarbons (shorter chains) will have a lower auto ignition temperature than longer chain hydrocarbons. The reverse is actually the case because heavier hydrocarbons tend to autoignite earlier. As a comparison the following table gives some typical values:


AIT (°C)

Flashpoint (°C)

Crude oil


- 1 5 (typical)







Cooking oil



There is no direct correlation between flashpoint and AIT The former is dictated by temperature and vapour pressure whereas the latter is determined by the molecular chain length. It is a somewhat circular argument, as the more of the shorter chains there are in a substance then the greater will be the vapour pressure. Note also from the table above how close the AIT and flashpoint is for cooking oil. It does not take too much extra applied heat to go from the temperature at which just enough vapour is given off to be ignited, to the spontaneous ignition temperature, hence the large number of so called 'chip-pan' fires that occur. From the point of view of tanker operations, if the cargo does reach its auto ignition temperature then a massive local fire could well result.

F). Toxicity. A toxic substance is poisonous and may harm a human being, but there are degrees of toxicity. A significant amount of one substance may cause no harm, whereas a minute quantity of another may be fatal. In any industry the employer has a duty to care for employees and provide a safe working environment. The shipping industry is no different and flag state laws formalize these obligations within a legal framework. Concerning petroleum, the word 'toxicity' is used generically to describe oil cargoes in their different forms ranging from crude oil to all refined products. Any specific cargo may contain components that are more toxic than the particular substance as a whole. For example, crude oils may contain varying amounts of hydrogen sulphide (FLS), and gasolines may contain benzene, both of which are extremely toxic. In an inerted ship there will additionally be the products of the combustion process, such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.



Recognizing a Safe Level of Exposure.

This is not straight forward mainly due to newly discovered chemical constructions. Historically, government safety agencies have used findings in industry to set 'safe' levels for different subsiances. Their origin is the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygenists (ACGIH) who in 1948 published a list to the industry of safe levels in Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) which were accepted by many countries. TLVs are guidelines and not strict values above or below which a safe or unsafe atmosphere exists. They offer acceptable levels such that a worker exposed to the TLV for a particular substance over a working day, should not suffer harm. In the UK in the 1980s, a different system was established based on the American Conference's TLVs, known as Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs). In addition to the Time Weighted Average TLV (eight hour exposure criteria) there are Short Term Exposure Limits (STELs) which allow for a one-off fifteen minute exposure at a higher level than the TLV. There are also Ceiling TLVs (TLV-Cs) which indicate the concentration that should not be exceeded at all during the exposure time. All TLVs are quoted in parts per million (ppm) where the lower the number, the greater the toxicity. For petroleum as a generic substance the OEL (TWA-TLVs) is 300ppm: for Benzene lppm, and for hydrogen sulphide (H,S) 5ppm. The concentration of any of these, or other components found in an atmosphere, may be widely different in a vapour stream for different products. For example, H 2 S is commonly found in crude oils but for clean petroleum products is removed during the refining process. Benzene is found in a range of oils, especially crude and gasolines. It may also be carried as a pure product, but if the concentration is more than 10% in a product it must be carried as a chemical cargo.


The Effects of Toxicity.

The effects of toxic substances are variable. Some will act in the short term, even almost immediately depending on concentration. Examples are hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, where exposure may lead to unconsciousness or death. These are known as acute poisons. Others will not have an immediate effect, but health consequences may result from exposure at low levels over a prolonged period of time. Benzene is a prime example because it has a history of being carcinogenic. It is a chronic poison where exposure at high levels can have acute effects. Hydrogen sulphide is a particularly dangerous substance. At low levels of concentration it has a distinctive smell of rotten eggs, but it incapacitates the sense of smell as the concentration increases. This can lead to a false sense of security by thinking the problem has gone away, when it is actually increasing. Great care must be taken when handling petroleum containing H 2 S. The monitoring of atmosphere is important and the wearing of personal H,S detectors is necessary, bearing in mind that a level of 700ppm can be immediately fatal. There are three routes of entry for a poison to get into the body. They may be ingested (swallowed), penetrate through the skin (intra-dermal) or are inhaled. All three are possible but inhalation is the cause of most accidents. The use of correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at critical times when exposure is increased is vitally important. Atmosphere monitoring equipment must be used and the instruments calibrated for accuracy before use. The detectors and PPE are examined in greater detail in chapter twelve. All cargoes must be treated with respect and Material Hazard Data Sheets (MHDSs) consulted whenever a cargo is loaded. These give physical characteristics of the cargo, OEL and health and safety information.

MANUAL OF OIL TANKER OPERATIONS (Image: 2/6 A-F-Specimen material safety data sheet).



El Paso Corporation and its subsidiaries 1001 Louisiana Street Houston, Texas 77002 Product Name: MSDS Number:

Information: CHEMTREC:

Crude Oil

(713) 420-2600 (800) 424-9300

Last Revision: 06/26/07 Date Prepared: 01/09/86

Synonyms: Petroleum Oil, Crude Product Description: A highly complex mixture of hydrocarbons, containing variable amounts of impurities, such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and metals, such as iron, copper, nickel, and vanadium. 2.


CAS No. 8002-05-9 71-43-2

Wt%(4) 100 0-2









25551-137 7783-06-4


Occupational Exposure Limits OSHA ( 1 ) ACGIH ( 1 ) NIOSH ( 2 ) N/A N/A N/A 1 0.5 0.1 2 . 5' ™ ^E'l EL 100"' 20 100 15 0''™''"' 1 50 : : t e l 1001"'1 100 100 150'-™' 150:'™150'"™'"' 100' 4 100 100 125;'™''':' 12 5'"™12 5 :: ™' 25'"' 25 25


20 '™l,!"

Product/ Components Crude Oil Benzene

Ethylbenzene Trimethylbenzene Hydrogen Sulfide

10 15'"™ 0.2'"'


Units N/A ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

Polynuclear N/A 0.2'"'1'1 1-10 mg/m" 0 .1'"' Aromatic Hydrocarbons (i, 8-hour TWA unless otherwise specified. u '10-hour TWA unless otherwise specified. '"'Vacated 1989 PEL. The manufacturer has included this data for informational purposes since these values were vacated in 1992. '"Normal composition ranges are shown. Exceptions may occur depending upon the source of the butane. ' 'Coal tar pitch volatiles as benzene soluble aerosol. '""'Cyclohexane extractable fraction. N/A = Not Applicable.




This product has not been tested by El Paso Corporation to determine its specific health hazards. Therefore, the information provided in this section includes health hazard information on the product components.



Carcinogenicity: Crude Oil Benzene

NTP No Yes

IARC Monographs No Yes

OSHA Regulated No Yes

Potential Health Effects From Overexposure Acute Effects Eyes:

Sight to moderate eye irritation.


Moderately irritating; skin.

causes redness,

drying of


Will cause narcosis and/or chemical pneumonitis. High concentrations of hydrogen sulfide can cause headache, dizziness, unconsciousness and/or death.


Extremely irritating to throat and stomach. Causes excitation, loss of consciousness, convulsion, cyanosis, congestion and capillary hemorrhaging of the lung and internal organs.

Chronic Effects Skin irritation. The long-term, repeated application of crude to the skin of laboratory mice (without washing between applications) resulted in a statistically significant increase in the incidence of skin tumors. Crude oil contains benzene, which can cause degeneration in blood forming organs leading to anemia which may further degrade to leukemia. Additional Medical and Toxicological Information May aggravate pre-existing dermatitis. May cause blood-forming disorders, or lead to kidney or liver dysfunction. Contact with full strength or dilute formulations of this product or exposure above and below exposure limits may aggravate pre-existing dermatitis or respiratory disorders in certain individuals. This product contains benzene, which can cause degeneration in blood forming organs leading to anemia which may further degrade to leukemia. 4.


Eye Contact:

Flush thoroughly with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes, including under the eyelids. Get medical attention.

Skin Contact:

Remove contaminated clothing. Wash affected areas with soap and water. If irritation persists, get medical attention.


Remove to fresh air. If breathing has stopped, apply artificial respiration. Get medical attention.


Do not induce vomiting. If spontaneous vomiting occurs hold the victim's head lower than their hips to prevent aspiration.



5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point: be aUaeheU .iiul fileil u n h ihc IVrmii).

SECTION 1 To be prepared by Master/Responsible Officer 1.1 lias work area been checked with a combustible gas indicator for IK vapours: 1.2 l ime for checking the work area for IK vapours: *l) 1.3 I he equipment pipeline has been prepared as follows: Vented to atmosphere: • Y e s О No • NA Drained: Washed: Q V e s • No • NA Purged: Other: 1.4 I he equipment pipeline has been isolated as follows: l ines blank-flanged: [ j Y e s • No • NA l ines disconnected: Valves Closed: DVes • No • NA Other: 1.5 Is the pipe equipment free from: Oil: DVes • No • NA (,as: Steam: Q V e s • No СИ NA Pressure: 1.6 Is surrounding area free from hazards .' 1.7 Is additional lire protection available'.' 1.8 Has electrical equipment, been isolated .' 1.9 Is an additional Work Permit required: d V e s О No • NA I уpe 1.10 Isolation and tagging requirements needed.' 1.11 Written Plan for undertaking the work completed, discussed and agreed'.' *) 1.12 Pre Work Safely Meeting held with all involved parties present.' SECTION 2 To be prepared by Master/Responsible Officer Information and instructions to person carrying out work: 2.1 1 he following personal protection must be worn: 2.2

I quipment Pipeline containing following substances, when in service:


f.quipment expected to contain the following hazardous substances when opened:


Special Conditions Precautions required:


• • • • •

• No

• NA

[I]Ycs QVes

• NO • No

• NA • NA


• No

• NA

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

• • • • •

No No No No No

• • • • •


• Yes • Yes • Yes

• • •

No No No

• • •

NA na NA

In the circumstances noted it is considered safe to proceed with the work: Signed: Person in charge of Work leant I lead of Department Master SECTION 3 To be signed by Master/Responsible Officer If item („6 above lias been answered with Yes, the С onipany has been informed after completion of Hot-Work? 'I) Ref. tabic below (Ch. 4.2(1.2. page 3) with gas measurements. *) THE HOT WORK WRITTEN PLAN TO INCLUDE THE fOILOWING (fill in information below (in 4.20.1.)): Guidelines stated in I SCOTT (Cli. 4.4) to he strictly followed and used when setting up the work plan. The work has been completed and all persons, materials and equipment have been withdrawn: Authorised person in charge: Date: lime: I he certificate shall be issued in I (one) original and I lone} copy. I he person engaged on the above work must hold the copy until the job is completed, lie she shall sign on the original certilicatc upon completion of the work, and the original certificate shall be tiled at Chief Officer's ollice.


36 4.20.1.

Hot Work, Written Plan

HOT WORK PLAN & PROCEDURE: Name and position of person responsible for the plan: Name and position of person authorising the work: Name of person(s)/contractor carrying out (he work: Responsible Officer, who is not directly in the hot work: Specification of the Hot



(define wh\ the hoi work is needed):

Following Safety Precautions made (ref. fig.9.2 IS(JOTT): Extract from safety meeting:

Work Plan/Procedure:


(•as Measurements:


Result (level)




MANUAL OF OIL TANKER OPERATIONS (Image: 4/8-Similarly, hazardous task permits are necessary for inspections of hazardous a r e a s - B P Shipping). Dec MO. Rc\. no. (>п e) f)