Make Peace Exam [PDF]

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Children and War In the last decade , more than one and a half million children have been killed in wars . More than 4 million children have been physically disabled through bombing, land- mines, firearms and torture. Five million children are in refugee camps because of war and a further 12 million have lost their homes. This war on children is a twentieth century invention. Only 5% of the casualties in the First World war were civilians. By the Second World War the proportion had risen to 50% and as this century ends, the civilians share is normal 80% most of them women and children. The psychological wounds are less visible. In one study of 50 displaced children in Mozambique, 42 had lost father and mother by violence, 11 had seen or heard a parent being killed, 29 had witnessed a murder, 16 had been kidnapped, all had been threatened or beaten or starved. In total an estimated 10 million children in the world have suffered psychological trauma in civil and international wars. These many million of children, physically scarred by the conflicts of their elders, are part of the generation on which the future must be built. The time has come now for a worldwide public to cry out against this war on children, against those who use the weapons and those who supply them. It wars must be fought, then, at the very least, children should be protected from their worsteffects. The state of the world’s children 1992 (UNICEF) Reading comprehension : 1- Are these statements true or false : a- Millions of childrens suffer from the effects of wars. b- There were more civilian casualties in the First World War. c- Wars and conflicts cause physical wounds only. d- The users and suppliers of weapons must be blamed. 3-What/ who do the underlined words refer to ? …. Most of them §2 …. The conflicts of their elders §4 …. From their worst effects §4 4- Match words and definitions : 1- Casualties a- suffered from hunger 2- Witnessed b- persons killed or injured 3- Starved c- was present 5- Answer the questions according to the text: a- Has there been an increase in the number of civilian casualties since the First World War ? b- What ways are the psychological wounds different from the physical ones? Mastery of language:(08pts)



Supply punctuation and capitals:(1.5pts) although the united nations organisation works hard it is making little progress to preserve peace in the world which nouns can be derived from:(01pts) - tolerate - adopted - responsible

- agree

Spot the mistake and write the correct sentence:(1.5pts) aMost children whom work come from underdeveloped countries. bMost children work so that their family could survive. cAs they work long hours, they are underpaid. 3-

express it differently:(03pts) aMany children lost their parents. b“ Children must be protected against neglect and abuse,” he said . c“ Why do people make these stupid wars ?” he wondered. 4-


Reorder these words to get a coherent sentence:(01pts) - malnutrition - increases -rate - of -mortality - child - because

Written expression:(04pts)

Choose one topic:

Topic one: Write a list of rights that would let children have a better life. Topic two: What should be done to protect children ? BEST WISHES