Magical Tactics [PDF]

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FREE FULL VERSION DOWNLOAD OR "You Are About to Discover The Ultra Rare Secrets That Most Men Will Never Know About Attracting Women...I Personally Guarantee That By The Time You Finish Reading This Page...You Will Effortlessly Attract Beautiful Women Even If You Completely Suck At It Right Now” Read this page IMMEDIATELY… It could be gone in the next few hours! Why? Because this page contains almost "ILLEGAL" Mind control tactics which will make beautiful women beg you to date them even if you are fat, bald or plain ugly. I'll show you almost banned psychological techniques which are guaranteed to make Hot sexy women get "Hypnotically Drawn" to you regardless of your looks, age or financial background and will make them cling on to you like a drug. I swear to god....this will....without a the most important message you'll ever read! I strongly urge you not to skip any parts of this article as it contains an earth shattering technique which is guaranteed to make women chase you. Now! Pay close attention here and read each and every word of this article. A few days ago…I was at the mall. As I was looking over, I saw this absolutely gorgeous woman right in front of me. I walked over to her…Said a few words and within 3 minutes of conversation she was writing down her phone number for me. Keep in mind, I am not rich, handsome or anything special. I am 37 years old, about 5'8 inches tall, slightly chubby and what most would call the "Not So Good-Looking Guy". Now you might be wondering: How did I do it? Well I wasn't always this good with women...In fact I was so bad that women used to avoid me like bad smell. My legs used to shake at the very thought of talking to an attractive woman. If there was a contest on "Most Hated Guys By Females"...I would top the list hands down. But now...I can go out to any public place...And easily end up with 3 or 4 phone numbers from very attractive females with no real effort.

So what changed? Well I have discovered the ultimate psychological tricks which help me make any girl literally dance to my tunes. Other guys spend cash on buying drinks, try useless pick up lines and experiment with endless tricks to impress women…But still go home desperate and lonely. What I am about to reveal to you is something no one else is willing to share…Because they either don’t know or don’t want you to know. And that's the reason why I strongly urge you to keep reading this letter to it's very last word as this might very well be the most valuable information you’ll ever read!

Here Is a 6 Word "Pick Up Line" That Works On Every Beautiful Woman 97% of The Time Regardless of Your Age, Looks or Financial Condition... Most people don't believe that it's even possible for an average guy to pick up a hot girl...But let me prove it with some solid proof...Here is a pick up line I constantly use that never fails no matter how hot the girl is. Next time you sight an attractive woman...Go up to her...Stand at a convenient distance and stare at her hair...While doing it make a weird face...As if you saw something strange. Then say- You have something in your hair… She would get conscious and ask you where? Then say- Wait…Let me do it for you. Rub your hands through her hair and say…There you go…All clean now. That would be 10 bucks. She would say- What for? Reply by saying- I don't clean people for free... She'll either laugh or hesitate. Then say- Well! You seem cute...If you are broke let me give you a bargain deal. You can buy me a drink. And bam! Within seconds you've sparked a high energy conversation with a female stranger. But I should warn you here...Just doing this does not mean you will be good with women...I am about to expose some of my stunning underground secrets most guys aren't even aware of. So Keep reading...

Most Guys Will Never Get This Kind Of Success With Women...

Do you know that 95% of the guys out there will never have the kind of success they desire with women. Let’s face it! Most guys are clueless when it comes to women. They rely on luck because they don’t know what to do. And even worse they make no real effort to work on this area of their life. They sort of sit back and take what they get. They live in the false idea that some day they’re going to magically find the woman of their dreams and life will be smooth. But it doesn’t work this way. Nothing would work out by itself…Success with women boils down to having the skills on what actions to take. And unless you have those skills you will always struggle with women.

And It's Not Your Fault... For decades men have been taught wrongly…I won’t be surprised if you have the belief that one needs to be good looking, smart and rich in order to attract women. The tragic thing is the society, media and your own mother has trained you to fail with women. Being good with women wasn’t a subject you were taught in school like history, math or science. Does any of this sound familiar... Do you often find yourself frozen with fear at the very thought of approaching a beautiful woman? Do you constantly obsess over all the lost opportunities and girls you could have had? Do you often find yourself rehearsing what you will talk about over and over again in your head? Do you often find yourself burning with jealousy when you see an attractive girl with another guy? Do you often feel helpless because you don’t know how to get a girl to date you? Do you often fear that you just aren’t good enough? Do you fear that you might get rejected if you approach a woman who seems out of your league? Are you fed up with being alone or having to settle for average looking women?

Guess what? If any of these thoughts are running through your head…Then it’s completely normal. The great news though, is that there is a solution to all this!

Here is Something Which Might Seem Hard To Believe...

What you are about to read might seem too hard to believe, So prepare yourself… Why do you think some women keep on falling for the same jerk who is abusive towards her both emotionally and physically? Why does a wife keep on letting the same man back in her life when he keeps on cheating on her over and over again? Let me reveal a secret you might not have heard before- A woman has no choice when it comes to who she is attracted to or is going to fall in love with. This happens because women don’t operate logically. As humans we have two minds…The logical and the emotional mind. Women are hard wired to follow their emotions more than logic. That’s why so many women keep on falling for the same old jerk who abuses them and often cheats on them. Their logical brain constantly tells them…They have made the same mistake. They will be abused again. They will be cheated on again. But since they are biologically programmed to think emotionally they keep on running after the guy who triggers the emotional side of their brain. In other words, women don’t feel attraction to men because they decide to feel it. It just happens. Now I am not suggesting that you should become a jerk…All I am suggesting here is that women can’t help but fall for the guy who knows how to trigger their emotional attraction switches. When I first came across this concept it was a bit hard for me to believe…It didn’t make any real sense to me at all but the more I used it…The more successful I got with women. I got to a point where I saw women literally throwing themselves at me. And this was the big moment…I realized that when you do certain things in a certain way around women they won’t be able to help but feel uncontrollable attraction towards you. It felt like…I had an unfair advantage over 99.9% of the guys on the planet. I finally understood the dynamics behind how to give a woman that feeling of “I have to have him” which will make her desperately want to be with you…I mean it was crazy. I always thought it shouldn’t work, but it does.

How I Discovered The “Magic Formula”... I always knew that the fastest way to get somewhere in life is to follow people who have already been there. I knew that success leaves clues. So I went around like a crazy maniac…Trying to figure out how women think…Why they act the way they do. But that wasn’t enough. I figured that the only way I will ever come to know how to solve this puzzle would be to get in touch with people who have already solved it. So I began my desperate search for guys who were naturally good with women. And to my pleasant surprise there were thousands of such men out there. I spoke to hundreds of such men, Spent enormous time with them trying to figure out how they did it. I left no stone unturned…There wasn’t a question I didn’t ask. There were times when some of these guys got so annoyed that they literally walked out on me…And I don’t really blame them for it. The more guys I spoke to I began to notice that most of them followed a common pattern. And that’s the time when I had that “aha” moment. I was on the verge of discovering something very big. It felt like I came across something no one ever saw. I don’t mean to brag…But I am at a point where guys ask me to tell them stories and give them step-by-step directions on what they should do around women. Trust me! This information is not Important....It's absolutely critical, Must-have, fastest and surest way for any guy to get successful with women. Are you skeptical? Well If I was in your shoes...I would be too. Don't worry...I’ll show you guaranteed proof. Just keep reading.

WARNING: These Secrets Are Not For Everyone! Before you go any further...Let me strongly warn you. These methods are not for everyone. So what's the point I am trying to make here?

To be honest with you...I had my jaw dropped to the floor when I realized the power of these methods. I shared it with one of my friends and he had girls literally begging to be with him. But hey- Don't fight me on this one...But I am more worried than relieved at the power of these methods. These methods can be misused very easily when put into the wrong hands. Ok! Now let me set something straight here. These methods are strictly not for- Criminals, Stalkers or people dealing with mental issues. I am only sharing these secrets for people who really need it...Not those who want to misuse it. Okay!

Here Is Something Every Guy Must Know At All Possible Costs...

I have developed a perfect step-by-step formula that will get women attracted to you despite what you lack. Since I cannot help you face-to-face...I have done the next best thing. I have put my magic secrets into an easy to follow, step-by-step manual. I have covered each and every aspect of women and dating. No it’s not a set of some voo-doo lines most guys try on women which often gets them slapped across the face. It’s jam packed with kiss ass information which is absolutely vital. This information is so important that, if ignored, might shatter your chances of ever being good with women. Trust me! This is one chance you can't afford to miss...These are the secrets which are not taught in any class, discussed in any book or shared anywhere else. It's an absolute must know for you...Period. So are you ready?

Here's some solid proof that my stuff works...Pay close attention Here...

I can personally guarantee that what you are about to read next is guaranteed to make women chase you around like crazy. It’s often said that you shouldn’t tell the world what you can do rather you should show them what you can do. Therefore nothing can be better than giving you free samples and testimonials from men who have already used my tricks successfully.

I am going to share with you a set of field tested rock solid tricks which are guaranteed to get women to get strongly curious about you…You can use this right away and get instant results. So ready to get started? Okay then let’s get to it.

Trick # 1- The Attention Grabber TrickIn the game of attraction…You will never get female attention as long as you show too much interest too early. Most guys approach women in the wrong fashion and yet complain over the fact that they always get rejected. So how does an average guy approach the girl? He says something like- Hey I am Bob…You are pretty. Will you go out with me? Guess what? You are most probably 9999th guy who asked her out in this fashion. And she will do what she has been programmed to do with such guys…Instant rejection. Girls are used to getting loads of attention from guys all over the place. So this approach will always get you rejected. Ok now let’s do it the right way…This is how I normally do it. Me- You are quite pretty…But you see I am scared of pretty girls…Ask me why. Her- Why? Me- Well because most pretty girls have empty personalities…You know they sort of try to cover it up with their looks. And bam…I have her attention. Why? Well simply because by saying she is pretty but at the same time saying maybe she lacks a good personality I got her into a thinking process. She would think- Oh wow! A compliment…He likes me. But wait. Why did he say pretty girls lack personality? Is he saying I lack personality? I think he likes me…Wait. I think he feels I lack personality? So he doesn’t like me or does he? This guy is different…I need to know more about him. You have to get her into the thinking mode where she can’t figure out whether you like her or not…And within seconds you will have her attention. But wait...What will you do next? It's

very important that you follow the advice I have in my manual "Magical Tactics" to know the next important steps.

Trick # 2- Rejection Reversal TrickThis is a trick I use when a girl either rejects me or looks in the other direction while I am making my approach. This will instantly turn the tables and make the girl feel rejected even if she was the one who rejected you. Which means you will be 100% rejection proof…You will never get blown out…Ever! Most average guys take rejection personally simply because they don’t know how to deal with it…For instance consider this scenario-

Guy- Hey! I am john…How are you doing? Girl- Go away jerk. Guy- Gets hurt and exits. Now let’s do it the right way…

Guy- Hey! I am John…How are you doing? Girl- Go away jerk. Guy- Geez…Are you always this rude to strangers? Didn’t your maa teach you any manners? Girl- Excuse me? Guy- No you aren’t excused missy…You turned me off. You are one of those bad girls…I must avoid you. Bye bye.

This one always tends to leave them with their jaw dropped to the floor…In most cases the girl either stops me while I walk off…Or says something to keep the conversation going.

Here are more examples-

Girl- I don’t like you. Guy- That’s what every girl says who is interested in me. Can’t you get an original line missy? Girl- I am not going to sleep with you. Guy- Wow! It’s only been a few minutes and you are already thinking sex…Slow down there. Girl- Are you trying to hit on me? Guy- I don’t have to…You are too easy. Girl-I know what you are trying to do. Won't work on me. Guy- Oh wow! You are so attracted to me that you are already trying to figure me out? Slow down sister. So does this work? You bet it does. Does it get their attention? 100% of the time. Having fun yet? Wait…There is more to come. I have a mega collection of exact word-by-word lines in my manual "Magical Tactics"...Scroll down this page to know how to get it.

Trick # 3- The Curiosity Builder Trick. This one is my favorite. This can make any woman burn with enormous amounts of curiosity within seconds…In fact! This works so well that it will have women literally begging you to talk to them. When you are in conversation with a woman drop the following linesOh I totally forgot…I had to tell you a very important thing…Hold on! I have to make an important phone call…I’ll tell you later. Or I noticed something interesting yet strange about you. You know what? Her- What? Well I’ll tell you later…This isn’t the right time yet. Get the point? Or Another way of doing this is to leave her with an unfinished story…For instance-

Do you know there are two habits I hate in women? Number one is most women don’t say what they mean and don’t mean what they say. And then go silent. She would say…So what’s number two? Well…I don’t think you are ready to hear it…I’ll tell you when you will be ready. And change the subject. Women want instant gratification and the fact that you are making them wait for it will not only build up excitement but also massive curiosity and anticipation to know the thing you had to tell them. There was a girl I tried this trick on who left me 19 missed calls & 8 text messages one night just to know what I had to tell her…She stayed up all night because she couldn’t sleep due to massive curiosity.

Trick # 4- The Phone Trick. This is the trick I use to get women to return my phone call 100% of the time…Yup! That’s right I get 100% response rate. In order to use this trick you have to make sure she has her answering machine on. Here is the golden message I use which gets me 100% response every single time. Leave a message on her answering machine by saying the following-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Dammit you have your answering machine on? This was important. Anyway listen up…This strange thing happened today. I was going up to….” And then hang up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By hanging up and leaving the message in between you have created enough tension which would force her to call you back as soon as she gets the message. Women can’t handle mystery… Leaving it incomplete will raise the woman’s level of curiosity and she will get highly eager to know the rest of the message. Don't be too surprised if she calls you right away.

But I get even more cheeky with this…I never answer their call right away. I let them wait more and more. By making them wait…Their level of anticipation only goes up…Which will make the woman struggle to keep you out of her mind. But what will you say when she calls you back? It's very important that you strictly follow the rest of the steps mentioned in my manual "Magical Tactics" after you use this trick.

Trick # 5- The Jealousy Builder Trick. This is the trick I actually discovered by accident. I was sending an SMS/TEXT Message to a friend but by mistake I ended up sending it to another number right below my friends number in the phone contact list. That was the big “AHA” moment and I realized this can be successfully used to make a girl chase you around like crazy. So this is what you should do...Send the following SMS to the girl-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“It was so much fun…So we are going out again tonight right?” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------At this, The girl will most probably send you a text message asking what are you talking about? Text her back saying the following-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Oh! Sorry...That was meant for someone else, but your name is right below that person's name in my phone contact list. I sent it to you by mistake." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And Bam! She would want you more than ever now. Why you ask? Well now she knows she has competition…Now you are more of a challenge and she knows she will have to work hard to ensure you don’t run away to another girl. Attraction is at it’s peak when the girl knows that she is about to lose the guy to another girl.

At the same time you are softly rejecting her by showing that you have other options to choose from and she’s not on top of your priority list. This would further burn her and she would try twice as hard to keep you.

But Wait...Let Me Strongly Warn You Here.

These tricks will work surprisingly well for you...BUT... These are only the beginning steps...You have to strictly follow the advice I have in my manual "Magical Tactics" to know what to do next. Trust me! This is one area you don't want to Screw around. Click on the "Add To Cart" button below and download right now!