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Get 200! New edition for Ukraine

Book 1 CEFR B1-B2

Use of English Worksheets Monika Cichmińska

Teacher’s version

UNIT 1 Human being

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Exercise 1. Read the text below. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to produce a logical and grammatically correct text.

CAN WE CHANGE OUR PERSONALITY? Personality defines who we are, and how we interact with people and the world. According to most psychological schools, it is shaped by our early childhood experiences and it tends to 1.1. ________ stable over time. The traits which we have 1.2. ________ adults are a mixture of genetics and the way we were brought up. The temperament we had in our childhood influenced the way our parents and caregivers 1.3. ________ us and as a result, some of our personality traits may have been supported and reinforced, and others – not. We know now that our personality can change as a result of traumatic experiences, life-changing events or even new social roles. Being in a serious romantic relationship can 1.4. ________ a person more compassionate and conscious of their partner’s needs. Becoming a parent 1.5. ________ the first time can change the way people handle responsibility and commitment. As for whether people are able to completely change their personality traits, however, there is no convincing evidence yet. adapted from

1.1. A. leave B. stay C. remind

1.2. A. as B. like C. as if

1.3. A. treated B. took care C. affected

1.4. A. force B. turn C. make

1.5. A. after B. for C. at

Exercise 2. Read the sentences (2.1.–2.5.). Choose the answer (A, B or C) that expresses the meaning of the highlighted part of each sentence most appropriately.

2.1. I don’t like going to the cinema, but I’m a big fan of television shows. A. I’m keen on

B. I’m fed up with

C. I’m concerned about

2.2. I stopped eating sweets because I want to lose a few pounds. A. stopped to eat

B. gave up eating

C. can’t bear eating

2.3. I can’t stand wearing woolen clothes – they make me itch. A. I don’t mind wearing

B. I prefer not to wear

C. I decide not to wear

2.4. Do you think this cap matches my new hairstyle? A. fits

B. goes with

C. suits

2.5. Wow, you remind me of my cousin Jack – you are both so tall and muscular! A. are like

B. take after

C. look like

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Get 200! Book 1

Exercise 3. Read the mini-dialogues (3.1.–3.5.). Fill in the missing lines with the correct answers (A, B or C).

3.1. X: Do you mind being photographed? Y: _______________________________ A. Of course. It’s fantastic! B. As a matter of fact, I do. C. I’d rather not. 3.2. X: Look at this dress! You would look fabulous in it. Y: Really? How much is it? X: Come on! _______________________________ A. You should try it on. B. You must wear it. C. You can’t afford it. 3.3. X: There is a new dance club near my house. Why don’t we go there together? Y: No, thanks. _______________________________ A. I’m not into dancing. B. Dancing appeals to me very much. C. I must take up dancing. 3.4. X: _______________________________ Y: She is bossy and selfish. X: Really? She didn’t come across as such to me. A. What does she like? B. What is she like? C. What does she look like? 3.5. X: I must buy a new backpack, but I haven’t found anything in shops today. Y: _______________________________ X: Yeah, I think I will. A. Why don’t you try online shops? B. You’d rather not try online shops. C. You would prefer online shops.


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UNIT 1 Human being

Get 200! Book 1


Exercise 1. Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (1.1.–1.4.) with the correct form of the words in the box to produce a logical and grammatically correct text. The correct spelling is required. There are two extra words that you do not need to use.







 As an American scholar Deirdre Clemente says, the Americans dress casual because they love the freedom their 1.1. ________ of clothes offers. Their clothes can blur the line between the rich and poor, the old and young, woman and man. A hundred 1.2. ________ ago your clothes showed your social class. Now you can wear a baseball hat, a T-shirt, jeans and sandals to work even if you are a manager. This freedom is also manifested in the “unisexing” of our wardrobe. Back in the 1960s, women easily adopted t-shirts and jeans, and men started to wear long hair. Now you can easily spot a young couple in the street, both with long hair, both 1.3. ________ similar tight jeans and bomber jackets, and you won’t know if they are women or men until you take a better 1.4. ________. The Americans love to dress casual, as Clemente says, because it feels good. adapted from

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences (2.1.–2.5.) with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Add any other words (e.g. prepositions, articles) necessary to produce logical and grammatically correct sentences. The correct spelling is required. Do not change the order of the words given. You must use no more than six words, including the words given.

2.1. When I was a teenager, I (not/allow) ______________________________________________ wear make-up to school. 2.2. There is no point (buy/such) ______________________________________________ expensive toy. 2.3. She wouldn’t (be/capable/work) ______________________________________________ here – she just isn’t strong enough. 2.4. I (take/mother) ______________________________________________ – I look a lot like her and I smile like her. 2.5. If you want to lose some weight, you must (cut/sweets) _________________________________________ and fatty goods.

Exercise 3. Read the sentences (3.1.–3.5.). Translate the phrases in brackets into English to produce logical and grammatically correct sentences. The correct spelling is required. You must use no more than five words.

3.1. He didn’t (справив гарне враження на) ________________________________ me – he seemed arrogant and pompous. 3.2. I can’t (ненавиджу робити) ____________________________________________ selfies. I always have a silly face in them. 3.3. My best friend convinced me (підстригти волосся) ______________________________________________ cut. 3.4. I’d rather (не одягала цю сукню) ______________________________________________ as it makes me look short. 3.5. I (мріяла мати) _______________________________________ long red hair since I read Anne of Green Gables.

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UNIT 2 House

РІВЕНЬ СТАНДАРТУ (В1) Exercise 1. Read the sentences (1.1.–1.5.). Choose the correct translation of the phrases in brackets (A, B or C).

1.1. Do you know anyone who likes ____ (робити) household chores? A. making

B. to make

C. doing

1.2. This room needs ____ (прибирання) if you want to invite your friends to come over. A. tidying up

B. to tidy up

C. being tidied up

1.3. I’m looking for a room to ____ (орендувати) – I’m starting college here next month and I have nowhere to live yet. A. let

B. rent

C. borrow

1.4. The hotel restaurant had a breathtaking ____ (вид) over the mountains. A. sight

B. view

C. look

1.5. I ____ (не міг звикнути до спільного проживання) a room with five other people when I was at the summer camp. A. didn’t use to share

B. wasn’t used to sharing

C. couldn’t get used to sharing

Exercise 2. Read the sentences (2.1.–2.5.). Choose the answer (A, B or C) that expresses the meaning of the highlighted part of each sentence most appropriately.

2.1. I’m thinking of moving to the countryside. A. I’m considering moving B. I’m looking forward to moving C. I can’t bear the thought of moving 2.2. My friend Betty put me up for the night when I was in Glasgow. A. picked me up from the airport B. tolerated me for one night C. let me stay in her apartment 2.3. I can’t stand working in this office – the open plan just makes me crazy. A. I can’t bear working in this office B. Working in this office appeals to me C. I’m too tall to work in this office 2.4. My older brother made me tidy up our room almost every day. A. I was encouraged to tidy up our room by my brother B. I wanted to tidy up our room for my brother C. I was told to tidy up our room by my brother


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2.5. I wish I could live in such a beautiful place. A. I will live in such a beautiful place one day. B. I wanted to live in such a beautiful place. C. It’s a pity I don’t live in such a beautiful place.

Exercise 3. Read the sentences below. In each point (3.1.–3.6.), choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to produce two logical and grammatically correct sentences.

3.1. What’s your _______________ address? The manager told me to make myself feel at _________ here. A. house

B. home

C. myself

3.2. After the walk, we had a __________ meal at the hotel restaurant. The suitcase was rather __________ as I don’t like to take a lot of luggage. A. light

B. heavy

C. decent

3.3. Our _____________ was quite small, but cozy and comfortable. Would you make ____________ on the table please? I want to put tea here. A. place

B. room

C. space

3.4. I have a room to ______ – I could do with some company. My older sister didn’t _____ me sleep in her room when we were kids. A. allow

B. spare

C. let

3.5. These mint chocolates _______ great – I love this hotel! The owner of the house had a good __________ in furniture and colours. A. taste

B. look

C. style

3.6. I wanted to ________ home when I was 16 but my parents didn’t allow me to. Don’t worry about the dishes. __________ them in the sink and do them in the morning. A. move

B. leave

C. put

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UNIT 2 House

ПРОФІЛЬНИЙ РІВЕНЬ (В2) Exercise 1. Read the text below. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to produce a logical and grammatically correct text.


A capsule hotel or a pod hotel is a type of hotel where guests stay in small “rooms”. The rooms are actually small blocks in which there is a small bed, a TV and sometimes a small shelf. The blocks are stacked side-by-side, on two or more levels. A capsule hotel often 1.1. ________ a restaurant or an eating area, and the bathrooms are communal. The first capsule hotel is located in Osaka, Japan. It 1.2. ________ in 1979. The first capsule hotels, simple and basic, were developed not to replace regular hotels, but to give budget travellers a safe and cheap place to sleep. However, the capsule hotels which have opened recently, not only in Japan, but in 1.3. ________ Asian countries, Australia and Europe, are more stylish and elegant, and appeal to the needs and expectations of more demanding travellers. Their design ranges from rustic and modern to vintage, and the rooms are typically equipped with a flat-screen TV, phone charging ports and free WiFi. A lot of newer capsule hotels now come with a seating area, 1.4. ________ more friendly for groups of friends travelling together, and some have double capsules. adapted from

1.1. A. ensures B. provides C. offers D. supplies

1.2. A. opened B. has opened C. was opening D. has been opened

1.3. A. others B. another C. other D. the others

1.4. A. what makes it B. which is making it C. that makes it D. which makes it

Exercise 2. Read the text below. Fill in each gap (2.1.–2.4.) with one word to produce a logical and grammatically correct text. The correct spelling is required.


Working from home is an interesting opportunity for those who do not want a nine-to-five job, those who want to have flexible hours, or those who cannot imagine sharing an open plan office with other people. 2.1. ____________ to some data, more than 40 million Americans work from home, and there are more and more job opportunities available for those who have a computer, an Internet connection and some basic skills. One of such jobs is a virtual assistant. More and more companies want to avoid costs and employ an assistant who performs typical office duties, 2.2. ____________ replying to emails, or organizing schedules and meetings, from their home. Another job of this kind is a transcriptionist: you listen to a recording and type out 2.3. ____________ you hear. The audio files may be conference lectures, medical dictation or minutes of meetings. There are also at-home jobs which require more skills or knowledge, like an online teacher or a telephone nurse, but they all give you freedom and flexibility that 2.4. ____________ be lacking in regular jobs. adapted from

Exercise 3. Complete the second sentence from each pair so that the meaning is the same as in the first sentence. Do not change the initial and final parts of the sentences. You must use no more than five words in each gap.

3.1. I have never slept in a tent before. TIME

3.3. The wardrobe in my room must be fixed. NEEDS

This is the first __________________________ in a tent.

3.2. If I worked as a translator, I could work

3.4. This flat was redecorated 10 years ago. FOR

from home. BE

If I worked as a translator,

3.5. I think it would be a good idea for me to move

I _____________________________________ from home.

This flat __________________________________ 10 years. house. THINKING


The wardrobe in my room _________________________.

I ____________________________________________ house.

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UNIT 3 School

РІВЕНЬ СТАНДАРТУ (В1) Exercise 1. Read the text below. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to produce a logical and grammatically correct text.


– EDUCATION OF THE FUTURE? A democratic school is a school where students choose 1.1. ________ what they want to learn, how and with whom. The school may offer them courses, but the students are free 1.2. ________ them – or not. In most such schools the students are not divided into classes according to their age, but can mix freely and learn from other students, both younger and older. The role of teachers is to help and guide, not to direct. In some countries students have to take standardized exams to check 1.3. ________ their education conforms to a given state educational policy and its curricula. A lot of people are sceptical about having so much freedom in education, but many such schools exist and have proved successful, preparing their graduates both for 1.4. ________ education as well as success in their professional lives. One of the oldest democratic schools is the Sudbury Valley School in the USA which 1.5. ________ successfully since 1968. Adapted from

1.1. A. oneself B. ourselves C. themselves

1.2. A. to take B. taking C. to be taken

1.3. A. however B. whether C. if only

1.4. A. further B. taller C. more

1.5. A. operated B. has been operating C. is operating

Exercise 2. Read the mini-dialogues (2.1.–2.5.). Fill in the missing lines with the correct answers (A, B or C).

2.1. X: You look sad. What’s wrong? Y: ___________________ X: Oh, no. You must be really disappointed. A. I passed my chemistry test. B. I took my chemistry test. C. I failed my chemistry test. 2.2. X: So, how was your mock exam in math? Y: I guess it was OK. ___________________ A. Not as difficult as I had expected. B. Much more difficult than I thought. C. It was the worst test in my life.

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2.3. X: Would you like to work on the science presentation with me? Y: ___________________ X: That’s great! A. Not really. B. Why not? C. It’s not such a good idea. 2.4. X: ___________________ Y: Oh, no! I totally forgot! A. Did you do your English homework? B. Did you pass your English test? C. Did you get a school certificate? 2.5. X: Why are you smiling? Y: I got top marks in my final exams. X: ___________________ A. Much appreciated. B. Don’t mention it. C. Congratulations!

Exercise 3. Read the sentences below. In each point (3.1.–3.6.), choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to produce two logical and grammatically correct sentences.

3.1. I always got top _________ when I was in primary school. Our English teacher always _________ our test with a pink or violet pen. A. checks

B. marks

C. grades

3.2. My math teacher says that I _________ a lot of mistakes on tests because I don’t pay attention. My sister would _________ a very good teacher – she’s so strict and demanding! A. produce

B. make

C. do

3.3. I forgot to _________ in my essay and my English teacher wasn’t very happy about that. “Please put your _________ up if you have a question”, the teacher said. A. hand

B. give

C. present

3.4. I would really like to _________ up an exotic language, Japanese or Arabic. Ann asked me to _________ notes for her because she is ill and won’t come to school for a week. A. start

B. take

C. make

3.5. If you want to pass the final test, you must _________ really hard. Tom and I usually _________ on projects together. A. work

B. study

C. do

3.6. I will graduate _________ school next year. Do you usually study _________ coursebooks or your own notes? A. in 8

B. at

C. from

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UNIT 3 School

ПРОФІЛЬНИЙ РІВЕНЬ (В2) Exercise 1. Read the text below. Fill in each gap (1.1.–1.4.) with one word to produce a logical and grammatically correct text. The correct spelling is required.

THE BEST TEACHER IN THE WORLD Have you ever heard of Maggie McDonnell? Although she is a teacher in a remote Inuit village in the Canadian Arctic, she is the winner of the 2017 Global Teacher Prize. She had been living in the village of Salluit, with a population of 1,300 people, for six years 1.1. ________ she won the prize, but she had already brought about significant changes in the life of the community. The village can only be accessed 1.2. ________ air, and in winter the temperature falls to minus 25C. Life is not easy: in such an isolated place a lot of young people turn 1.3. ________ smoking, drinking and drugs. Women’s lives focus mostly on domestic duties, and the number of teenage pregnancies is really high. Maggie created a Life Skills programme in order to turn her teenage students from problems to solutions. Some of the ideas in the programme were to build a fitness centre, to open a second-hand shop, and to manage a community kitchen, 1.4. ________ have all involved a lot of young people in the area. If you want to meet a life-changing teacher, Maggie McDonnell is definitely one of them.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences (2.1.–2.5.) with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Add any other words (e.g. prepositions, articles) necessary to produce logical and grammatically correct sentences. The correct spelling is required. Do not change the order of the words given. You must use no more than six words, including the words given.

2.1. After my sister (graduate/medical/university) ______________________________________, she went on to do her Ph.D. in physiotherapy. 2.2. If you’re stuck with the project, why (not/ask/teacher) ______________________________________ for some advice? 2.3. When I finish university, I’m going to (set/own/company) ______________________________________. 2.4. I spent three days (cram/geography) ______________________________________ test, and I still failed it. 2.5. You will (able/carry) ______________________________________ experiments in the lab if you join our Chemistry Club.

Exercise 3. Complete the second sentence from each pair so that the meaning is the same as in the first sentence. Do not change the initial and final parts of the sentences. You must use no more than five words in each gap.

3.1. I think you should really get down to work – your exams start in two months. HIGH It’s ______________________________________________ down to work – your exams start in two months. 3.2. If you revise new vocabulary often, you will remember it better. MORE ______________________________________________ new vocabulary, the better you will remember it. 3.3. First I did a degree in math and then I started studying philosophy. WHEN I started studying philosophy ______________________________________________ a degree in math. 3.4. I have a vocabulary test in German and I have a long list of expressions to memorise. BY I have a vocabulary test in German and I have a long list of expressions ________________________________________. 3.5. I’ve been a big fan of interior design for years. CRAZY I’ve ______________________________________________ interior design for years. Photocopiable © 2020 Macmillan Polska, a division of Macmillan Education


UNIT 4 Work

РІВЕНЬ СТАНДАРТУ (В1) Exercise 1. Read the sentences (1.1.–1.5.). Choose the correct translation of the phrases in brackets (A, B or C).

1.1. I would like to have a job that would allow me to _________ (працювати вдома). A. work in the house B. stay at home C. work from home 1.2. I would never like to _________ (працювати по змінах) because I don’t like getting up early in the morning. A. work flexitime B. work shifts C. work long hours 1.3. John _________ (живе на виплати по безробіттю) since his company went bankrupt. A. is on the dole B. has been on the dole C. was on the dole 1.4. (Жоден працівник не повинен) _________ work in such terrible conditions. A. Employees should not B. Any employee should C. No employee should 1.5. I wonder when the job interview will start – I _________ (чекаю) here for two hours. A. have been waiting B. am waiting C. have waited

Exercise 2. Read the sentences (2.1.–2.5.). Choose the answer (A, B or C) that expresses the meaning of the highlighted part of each sentence most appropriately.

2.1. My older sister makes a living as a chef in a French restaurant. A. earns extra money as B. works as C. has a second job as 2.2. She failed to get the job although she has the right qualifications. A. managed to get B. succeeded in getting C. was unsuccessful in getting


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2.3. My father has a great job – he gets a pay rise once or twice a year. A. he gets a bonus B. his salary goes up C. he earns extra money 2.4. Claire turned down the job she was offered although the working conditions were very good. A. was unwilling to take the job B. denied accepting the job C. did not accept the job 2.5. I won’t work shifts if I don’t get a really good salary. A. unless I get a really good salary. B. as soon as I get a really good salary. C. no matter what salary I get.

Exercise 3. Read the sentences (3.1.–3.5.). Choose the answer (A, B or C) that expresses the meaning of the highlighted part of each sentence most appropriately.

3.1. “If I were you, I wouldn’t use this employment agency”, Phil said to me. A. Phil forbade me to use this employment agency. B. Phil advised me not to use this employment agency. C. Phil suggested that I should use this employment agency. 3.2. I could work longer hours if I were paid more. A. I wouldn’t mind working B. I would refuse to work C. I would be unhappy to work 3.3. My sister is the most efficient member of the whole team. A. No other team member works as efficiently as my sister. B. My sister works more efficiently than most team members. C. Some team members are as efficient as my sister. 3.4. It’s hard for young people to find work in Ukraine. A. Young people find it hard to find work in Ukraine. B. Finding work in Ukraine might be difficult for young people. C. It’s not hard to find work for young people in Ukraine. 3.5. Will you be able to participate in the staff meeting? A. to play a part in B. to get involved in C. to take part in Photocopiable © 2020 Macmillan Polska, a division of Macmillan Education


UNIT 4 Work

ПРОФІЛЬНИЙ РІВЕНЬ (В2) Exercise 1. Read the text below. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to produce a logical and grammatically correct text.


There are a lot of jobs which teenagers in the UK can do in their free time or during school holidays. One of the most popular part-time jobs, which is also easy to find locally, is babysitting. It usually 1.1. ________ taking care of children in the evenings when their parents are out. It’s not very difficult to do, but the parents need to know you and trust you. 1.2. ________, however, you are likely to get more babysitting jobs from their friends and neighbours. 1.3. ________ popular jobs for teenagers are concerned with looking after animals: these are walking dogs and pet sitting. Some dog owners do not have time to walk their dogs two or three times a day, and they are willing to pay someone to do this for them. You may also be asked to look after a pet over a weekend or during a holiday: when the owners leave, you visit their pets, feed them, play with them and take them for walks (if necessary). If you do a good job, you may earn a decent 1.4. ________.


1.1. A. includes B. engages C. involves D. entails

1.2. A. Once they do, B. Unless they do, C. The more jobs you do, D. If you do,

1.3. A. Others B. Another C. The others D. Other

1.4. A. money B. cash C. income D. wages

Exercise 2. Read the sentences (2.1.–2.5.). Translate the phrases in brackets into English to produce logical and grammatically correct sentences. The correct spelling is required. You must use no more than five words.

2.1. (Я вважаю за краще працювати надворі) _______________________________ than indoors, for example as a gardener or a landscape designer. 2.2. Will my previous experience (враховано) _______________________________? 2.3. (Як би сильно) _______________________________ I try, my work just isn’t good enough for my boss. 2.4. He denied (що йому запропонували) _______________________________ a job in the biggest rival company. 2.5. I (ніколи не стикався) _______________________________ across the problem of modern slavery in Ukraine.

Exercise 3. Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (3.1.–3.4.) with the correct form of the words in the box to produce a logical and grammatically correct text. The correct spelling is required. There are two extra words that you do not need to use.








Young people often wonder what jobs will be in demand in the near future. A lot of people think that any job connected with computers and the internet will be the job of the future. However, according to the website CareerCast, the three jobs most in demand in 2017 were home health aides, physical 3.1. ________ and financial advisers. These are also the jobs in which more and more people will be 3.2. ________ in the future. What is more, it is highly unlikely that these 3.3. ________ will soon be replaced by robots. Needless to say, jobs such as software engineers or information security analysts will always be in demand, but it seems there will be a 3.4 ________ need for those connected with services such as health care and wellbeing. Source:


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UNIT 5 Family and social life РІВЕНЬ СТАНДАРТУ (В1)

Exercise 1. Read the sentences (1.1.–1.5.). Choose the correct translation of the phrases in brackets (A, B or C).

1.1. People (мого віку) _________ spend a lot of

1.4. They got _________ (заручились) last summer.

time socialising online.

A. occupied

A. in my age

B. engaged

B. of my age

C. busy

C. at the age

1.5. When she _________ (виповнилось) 18, her

1.2. My cousin Bartek is _________ (єдина дитина).

parents bought her a second-hand car.

A. a single child

A. finished

B. a lonely child

B. turned

C. an only child

C. ended

1.3. (Ти зміг би) _________ make friends with someone much younger than you? A. Could you B. Will you be able to C. Can you

Exercise 2. Read the sentences below. In each point (2.1.–2.6.), choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to produce two logical and grammatically correct sentences.

2.1. Women don’t like to be asked about their _________ . There is a big _________ difference between my sister and me – exactly 18 years. A. birthday

B. age

C. generation

2.2. My brother has been playing tennis from a/an _________ age. I always come to meetings _________ – I hate being late. A. young

B. late

C. early

2.3. Tom and I had a row last night but I’d really like to _________ up. Young people often _________ films online nowadays. A. break

B. do

C. make

2.4. I _________ after my mother – we look like sisters. When I go on holiday, I _________ a lot of photos. A. look

B. do

C. take

2.5. My brother doesn’t know how to put _________ a wash. I get _________ really well with all my cousins. A. on

B. up

C. along

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UNIT 5 Family and social life РІВЕНЬ СТАНДАРТУ (В1)

2.6. Do you _________ in touch with your mates from primary school? I _________ all my souvenirs in a safe place. A. hold

B. keep

C. stay

Exercise 3. Read the mini-dialogues (3.1.–3.5.). Fill in the missing lines with the correct answers (A, B or C).

3.1. X: Melinda and Phil got married last month. Y: _________ A. Really? That’s great news! B. Happy anniversary! C. Congratulations! 3.2. X: What’s your best friend like? Y: _________ A. I really like her. B. She’s tall and slim. C. She’s kind and generous. 3.3. X: Are you doing anything special on Sunday? Y: Not really. Why? X: _________ A. Why can’t we go to the beach? B. We’d better not go to the beach. C. We could go to the beach. 3.4. X: You look upset. What’s wrong? Y: I had a big fight with Jack and we split up. X: _________ A. I’m so sorry to hear that. B. That’s terrific news. C. I wouldn’t mind. 3.5. X: _________ Y: Sounds great. A. What do you think of clubbing? B. Shall we go clubbing tonight? C. Are you keen on clubbing?


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UNIT 5 Family and social life ПРОФІЛЬНИЙ РІВЕНЬ (В2)

Exercise 1. Read the text below. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to produce a logical and grammatically correct text.

ONLY CHILDREN: SPOILT BRATS OR LONELY GEEKS? Only children have a bad reputation. They are considered to be spoilt by their parents who give them their undivided attention, and sometimes pitied because they are lonely and have no siblings to play with. However, according to psychologist Susan Newman, it 1.1. ________ be further from the truth. Studies show that children who do not have any siblings are not spoilt at all. What is more, they may actually 1.2. ________ from being the only child in the family – this might mean that their parents devote a lot of time to them and talk to them a lot. This, in turn, means having a higher IQ and being happier in general as there is no sibling rivalry. 1.3. ________ being lonely, studies show that only children make as many friends as children with siblings, and their social life is as satisfying. What’s more, they can make friends or start relationships with 1.4. ________ only children: about 20% of American families have only one child, while in Great Britain it is more than half of British families. It seems then that only children are not lonely or spoilt abnormalities, but the future of our social life. Source:

1.1. A. might not B. could not C. should not D. would not

1.2. A. gain B. derive C. profit D. benefit

1.3. A. Nevertheless B. As long as C. As for D. What’s more

1.4. A. other B. others C. another D. the others

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences (2.1.–2.5.) with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Add any other words (e.g. prepositions, articles) necessary to produce logical and grammatically correct sentences. The correct spelling is required. Do not change the order of the words given. You must use no more than six words, including the words given.

2.1. My younger brother often leaves (room/mess) ____________________________________________________ . 2.2. I sometimes prefer to have (quiet/night) ____________________________________________________ than going out. 2.3. You had (better/not/lie) ____________________________________________________ your mum – she’ll know you’re lying. 2.4. Who (get/your/nerves) ____________________________________________________ more often: your friends or family? 2.5. My older sister is in her thirties, but she (not/look/age) ____________________________________________________ . Exercise 3. Read the sentence pairs (3.1.–3.5.). Complete each sentence with a gap, using the given word so that the meaning is the same as that of the initial sentence. Do not change the initial and final parts of the sentences. You must use no more than five words in each gap.

3.1. There is nobody I respect in my family more than my grandfather. UP The person in my family I _________________________ _____________ is my grandfather. 3.2. My younger sister and I do not share the same interests and hobbies. IN My younger sister and I do not ___________________ __________________ .

3.3. I am not similar to my mother at all. TAKE I __________________________________ my mother at all. 3.4. I feel terrible – I forgot about my boyfriend’s birthday. SHOULD I __________________________________ about my boyfriend’s birthday. 3.5. It is impossible that she was in Warsaw yesterday; I saw her with Rick in a bar. HAVE She __________________________________ in Warsaw yesterday; I saw her with Rick in a bar.

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UNIT 6 Food

РІВЕНЬ СТАНДАРТУ (В1) Exercise 1. Read the text below. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to produce a logical and grammatically correct text. 


If you want to learn how to cook, and have an incredible break in London, 1.1. ________ part in our four-day cookery course for beginners. The course runs for four intensive days, but it will take you from an absolute beginner to a home 1.2. ________. We will teach you a variety of different styles of food, recipes and cooking techniques. Each day you will have classes for 5 hours, and you 1.3. ________ the rest of the day sightseeing – or eating out in London. There are two sessions on every day of the course, with each session devoted to a different kind of dish, that is: soups, stews, roasts, breads, fish, salads, vegetables and sweets. Each session starts with a basic 1.4. ________; for example, you will first learn the principles of how to make a basic stew which you will use later to prepare other kinds of stew. Our chefs will guide you step by step through the procedures and the techniques you will need to 1.5. ________ all the dishes, and give you feedback on everything you will prepare. Source:

1.1. A. take B. play C. do

1.2. A. cooker B. chief C. cook

1.3. A. spend B. can spend C. are spending

1.4. A. receipt B. recipe C. prescription

1.5. A. make B. do C. try

Exercise 2. Read the sentences below. In each point (2.1.–2.6.), choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to produce two logical and grammatically correct sentences.

2.1. This main _________ tastes delicious! I’ve just started a cooking _________. A. dish

B. course

C. meal

2.2. My grandmother is the best _________ in the world. I can’t _________ but I can bake very good cakes. A. cook

B. cooker

C. chef

2.3. My father always leaves a _________ when we eat out. I’ve found a good _________ on making your own ice cream. A. bill

B. tip

C. advice

2.4. If we want to have dinner in that restaurant, we need to _________ a table earlier. My friend recommended this cookery _________ with a lot of recipes for vegetarian meals. A. reserve


B. course

C. book

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2.5. Are you ready to _________, sir? I keep all my files and documents in alphabetical _________. A. eat

B. order

C. way

2.6. I’d like tomato soup with _________ basil, please. All the vegetables are _________ from our garden in the summer. A. raw

B. straight

C. fresh

Exercise 3. Read the sentences (3.1.–3.5.). Choose the answer (A, B or C) that expresses the meaning of the highlighted part of each sentence most appropriately.

3.1. We’ve run out of milk. Could you go and buy some? A. We have no more milk. B. We have hardly any milk left. C. We have little milk left. 3.2. I could do with a cup of coffee. How about you? A. I’ve had too much coffee already. B. I’d like a cup of coffee. C. I like drinking coffee. 3.3. How about a take-away tonight? A. Why don’t we order a take-away? B. Would you mind ordering a take-away? C. What do you think of a take-away? 3.4. Not many children like vegetables, especially garlic and broccoli. A. Few B. Little C. Plenty of 3.5. Young people should have a balanced diet. A. It is quite likely that young people have B. It is possible for young people to have C. It is important for young people to have

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UNIT 6 Food

ПРОФІЛЬНИЙ РІВЕНЬ (В2) Exercise 1. Complete the sentences (1.1.–1.5.) with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Add any other words (e.g. prepositions, articles) necessary to produce logical and grammatically correct sentences. The correct spelling is required. Do not change the order of the words given. You must use no more than six words, including the words given.

1.1. If I were you, I (stop/eat/much) _________________________________________ sugar. 1.2. I (write/complain) _________________________________________ the service I received in your restaurant last Sunday. 1.3. Don’t drink this milk – it (go/sour) _________________________________________ . 1.4. I feel terrible. I must have eaten something (disagree/I) _________________________________________ . 1.5. I (stand/smell) _________________________________________ of baked cabbage – it’s really disgusting.

Exercise 2. Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (2.1.–2.4.) with the correct form of the words in the box to produce a logical and grammatically correct text. The correct spelling is required. There are two extra words that you do not need to use.







TO EAT OR NOT TO EAT (BUT ADMIRE THE VIEWS)? To go to Dubai and miss an opportunity to visit a restaurant at 442 metres above ground? Not me! “Even if the food at At.Mosphere restaurant, situated in the 2.1. ________ building in the world, Burj Khalifa, does not sweep me off my feet, at least I will be able to admire the breathtaking views”, I thought to myself, as I booked a table.

I’m not going to mention the prices of the food (I think you can easily imagine), but I need to mention the amazing variety of dishes, with recipes and ingredients from around the world. The lunch menu is not very long, but consists of the most original creations, for example Challans duck with figs, duck cromesquis (crunchy balls, 2.2. ________ with duck meat, breaded and fried) and vanilla mandarin jus (sauce). Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? I also had to have the dessert: date pudding with honey mousse and candy floss. The food was 2.3. ________ presented and it tasted very good, especially the dessert. To tell you the truth, however, it was really difficult to focus on what was on my plate, as the views from the restaurant were absolutely fantastic. I had a window seat and I just couldn’t stop looking around. The restaurant is definitely 2.4. ________, but you pay for the view – and, well, you only live once.

Exercise 3. Read the sentences (3.1.–3.5.). Translate the phrases in brackets into English to produce logical and grammatically correct sentences. The correct spelling is required. You must use no more than five words.

3.1. There (залишилось мало хліба) ____________________________________ – could you buy some on the way home? 3.2. (Візьми собі ще) ____________________________________ more cake – we have plenty. 3.3. Jack (напевно був дуже голодний) ____________________________________ because he ate his whole dinner without complaining. 3.4. I totally (згоден з вами щодо) ____________________________________ the importance of having family meals together. 3.5. (Кажуть, що горіхи є) ____________________________________ good for your heart, brain and a glowing skin. 18

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Exercise 1. Read the sentences (1.1.–1.5.). Choose the correct translation of the phrases in brackets (A, B or C).

1.1. Do you (стягуєте плату) ________ customers for delivering the shopping? A. charge B. take a charge C. put a charge 1.2. Could you please (позичити мені трохи грошей) ________ ? I’m broke. A. borrow some money B. spare me some money C. lend me some money 1.3. Can I (зняти трохи готівки) ________ here? A. pay in cash B. take out some cash C. get some cash 1.4. These trousers (мені не підходять) ________ – they are too short. A. don’t fit me B. don’t match me C. don’t suit me 1.5. This tablet was a real (вигідна покупка) ________ – I only paid half the regular price! A. occasion B. bargain C. profit

Exercise 2. Read the sentences (2.1.–2.5.). Choose the answer (A, B or C) that expresses the meaning of the highlighted part of each sentence most appropriately.

2.1. Remember to take this coat to the drycleaner’s, please. A. Remember taking B. Don’t forget to take C. Recall taking 2.2. These shoes were really good value for money. A. cheaper than I expected. B. worth their price. C. the best quality money could buy. Photocopiable © 2020 Macmillan Polska, a division of Macmillan Education



2.3. I can’t afford this coat right now, but I love it. A. I haven’t got the money to buy this coat B. This coat is not worth the price C. I wouldn’t mind buying this coat 2.4. I didn’t manage to get a loan from the bank because I don’t have a steady job. A. I wasn’t allowed to take out a loan B. I wasn’t supposed to take out a loan C. I wasn’t able to take out a loan 2.5. I usually don’t carry more than £10 on me. A. I never have any cash with me. B. I always pay with credit card. C. I usually have less than £10 in my wallet.

Exercise 3. Read the mini-dialogues (3.1.–3.5.). Fill in the missing lines with the correct answers (A, B or C).

3.1. X: This camera is scratched. I’d like to return it. Y: ____________________ X: Of course. Here you are.

3.4. X: I bought this bag here last week. Have you still got them? Y: No, sorry. ____________________

A. Have you got the prescription?

A. We have been sold.

B. Have you got the bill?

B. They are sold out.

C. Have you got the receipt?

C. They have sold.

3.2. X: Do you need any help? Y: No, thanks. ____________________

3.5. X: ____________________ Y: I think they look great together.

A. I’m just passing by.

A. Does this cap match my dress?

B. I’m just looking.

B. Does this cap fit me?

C. I’m just window shopping.

C. Does this cap suit me?

3.3. X: These trousers are really nice. Y: ____________________ X: Sure, thanks. A. Would you like to fit them? B. Would you like to try them on? C. Would you like to wear them?


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Exercise 1. Read the text below. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to produce a logical and grammatically correct text.


Do you ever 1.1. _____ attention to the smells in shopping malls, coffee chains, petrol stations, or cinemas? Probably you don’t – or rather, your brain does, whether you are aware of it or not. Is it a coincidence that in a coffee shop you can smell fresh coffee (but not the food served) wherever you sit, while in cinemas the smell of popcorn (but not nachos) permeates everything? Using the sense of smell to boost sales is called scent marketing and 1.2. _____ for a long time now. Our brain can recognise and distinguish between about 10,000 different smells. What is more important, however, is that smell is strongly connected with memories and emotions. It also travels directly through different parts of the brain. Thus a smell of something, for example a mug of coffee, 1.3. _____ a happy memory much faster than the sight of the mug or touching it. There is research which shows how effective scent marketing is. After introducing the smell of a fresh-brewed coffee at a petrol station the sales of coffee 1.4. _____ by 300%. In another study some major retailers, for example Nike, also showed that scent marketing increased customers’ interest and intentions by 80%. After all, who does not enjoy the smell of a new pair of shoes, a new book or a cup of fresh coffee? Source:





A. take

A. have studied

A. can trigger

A. went down

B. draw

B. were studied

B. may trigger

B. went up

C. catch

C. has been studied

C. would have triggered

C. showed up

D. pay

D. have been studying

D. triggers

D. decreased

Exercise 2. Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (2.1.–2.4.) with the correct form of the words in the box to produce a logical and grammatically correct text. The correct spelling is required. There are two extra words that you do not need to use.







If you think your mother, father or older sister make the worst shopper in the world – no, they don’t. I’m a marketer and I know for a fact who the worst shoppers are. We are. As a marketer, I’m usually quite 2.1. ______________ and I’m always evaluating everything. My boyfriend hates it and says doing shopping with me – or going anywhere, really – is terrible. Do you know a lot of people who would be critical about a florist using too much green on their leaflets in autumn, about the font a beauty salon put on their windows, or the wording on a business card of a boyfriend’s 2.2. ______________ company? The thing that drives me most crazy, though, is customer service. Even if you want to return a product you didn’t like or make a 2.3. ______________ about a service you’re not happy with, you can always end up feeling satisfied and welltreated. Everything depends on the way you are 2.4. ______________ with – and the way you are treated. However, the people in a shop or an office must treat you like they care, see you as a person they want to help, not just a customer, and manage to solve your problem. I don’t really understand why my boyfriend gets upset when bad customer service drives me nuts. Do you? Adapted from

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Exercise 3. Complete the second sentence from each pair so that the meaning is the same as in the first sentence. Do not change the initial and final parts of the sentences. You must use no more than five words in each gap.

3.1. These headphones are broken, I’d like to return them. OUT These headphones ________________________________________ , so I’d like to return them. 3.2. I haven’t bought a paper book for ages – I buy e-books nowadays. LAST It’s been ages ________________________________________ a paper book – I buy e-books nowadays. 3.3. You can’t save any money because you spend too much on sweets and junk food. IF You would be able to save some money ____________________________________ so much on sweets and junk food. 3.4. After trying on about 15 dresses, my sister finally decided which one to buy. HAD My sister ________________________________________ about 15 dresses before she finally decided which one to buy. 3.5. I’d prefer to pay by card rather than take out some cash. RATHER I ________________________________________ by card than take out some cash.


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Answer Key UNIT 1 Human being РІВЕНЬ СТАНДАРТУ (В1) Exercise 1. 1.1. B; 1.2. A; 1.3. A; 1.4. C; 1.5. B

ПРОФІЛЬНИЙ РІВЕНЬ (В2) Exercise 1. 1.1. B; 1.2. A; 1.3. C; 1.4. D Exercise 2. 2.1. According; 2.2. like; 2.3. what; 2.4. may

Exercise 2. 2.1. A; 2.2. B; 2.3. B; 2.4. B; 2.5. C

Exercise 3. 3.1. time that I have slept; 3.2. would be able to

Exercise 3. 3.1. B; 3.2. A; 3.3. A; 3.4. B; 3.5. A


work; 3.3. needs fixing / needs to be fixed; 3.4. has not been redecorated for; 3.5. am thinking of moving

Exercise 1. 1.1. choice; 1.2. years; 1.3. wearing; 1.4. look Exercise 2. 2.1. was not allowed to; 2.2. in buying such an;


2.3. be capable of working; 2.4. take after my

Exercise 1.

mother; 2.5. cut down on sweets

1.1. C; 1.2. A; 1.3. B; 1.4. A; 1.5. B

Exercise 3.

Exercise 2.

3.1. make a good impression on; 3.2. stand taking /

2.1. C; 2.2. A; 2.3. B; 2.4. A; 2.5. C

bear taking; 3.3. to have my hair; 3.4. not wear this dress / not put on this dress; 3.5. have dreamt of having

Exercise 3. 3.1. B; 3.2. B; 3.3. A; 3.4. B; 3.5. A; 3.6. C


UNIT 2 House

Exercise 1. 1.1. before; 1.2. by; 1.3. to; 1.4. which


Exercise 2.

Exercise 1.

2.1. graduated from a medical university;

1.1. C; 1.2. A; 1.3. B; 1.4. B; 1.5. C

2.2. don’t you ask the/your teacher; 2.3. set up my own company; 2.4. cramming for a geography;

Exercise 2. 2.1. A; 2.2. C; 2.3. A; 2.4. C; 2.5. C Exercise 3. 3.1. B; 3.2. A; 3.3. B; 3.4. C; 3.5. A: 3.6. B

2.5. be able to carry out Exercise 3. 3.1. high time you got; 3.2. The more often you revise; 3.3. when I had done; 3.4. to learn by heart; 3.5. been crazy about

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Answer Key

UNIT 4 Work РІВЕНЬ СТАНДАРТУ (В1) Exercise 1. 1.1. C; 1.2. B; 1.3. B; 1.4. C; 1.5. A

ПРОФІЛЬНИЙ РІВЕНЬ (В2) Exercise 1. 1.1. B; 1.2. D; 1.3. C; 1.4. A Exercise 2. 2.1. his room in a mess; 2.2. a quiet night in rather;

Exercise 2. 2.1. B; 2.2. C; 2.3. B; 2.4. C; 2.5. A

2.3. better not lie to; 2.4. gets on your nerves; 2.5. does not look her age

Exercise 3.

Exercise 3.

3.1. B; 3.2. A; 3.3. A; 3.4. A; 3.5. C

3.1. look up to most; 3.2. have a lot in common /


have much in common; 3.3. do not take after; 3.4. should not have forgotten / should have remembered; 3.5. can’t/couldn’t have been

1.1. C; 1.2. A; 1.3. D; 1.4. C Exercise 2. 2.1. I would rather work outdoors; 2.2. be taken into consideration / be taken into account / be considered; 2.3. No matter how hard / No matter


how much; 2.4. being offered / having been offered;

Exercise 1.

2.5. have never come

1.1. A; 1.2. C; 1.3. B; 1.4. B; 1.5. A

Exercise 3.

Exercise 2.

3.1. therapists; 3.2. hired; 3.3. occupations;

2.1. B; 2.2. A; 2.3. B; 2.4. C; 2.5. B; 2.6. C

3.4. growing

Exercise 3. 3.1. A; 3.2. B; 3.3. A; 3.4. A; 3.5. C

UNIT 5 Family and social life РІВЕНЬ СТАНДАРТУ (В1)

ПРОФІЛЬНИЙ РІВЕНЬ (В2) Exercise 1. 1.1. would stop eating so much; 1.2. am writing to complain about/at/of; 1.3. has gone sour; 1.4. that

Exercise 1.

disagrees with me / (has) disagreed with me;

1.1. B; 1.2. C; 1.3. A; 1.4. B; 1.5. B

1.5. can’t/cannot stand the smell

Exercise 2.

Exercise 2.

2.1. B; 2.2. C; 2.3. C; 2.4. C; 2.5. A; 2.6. B

2.1. tallest; 2.2. stuffed; 2.3. beautifully; 2.4. overpriced / pricey / high-priced

Exercise 3. 3.1. A; 3.2. C; 3.3. C; 3.4. A; 3.5. B

Exercise 3. 3.1. is little bread left / is not much bread left; 3.2. Help yourself to; 3.3. must have been very hungry; 3.4. agree with you about; 3.5. Nuts are said to be


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Answer Key

UNIT 7 Shopping РІВЕНЬ СТАНДАРТУ (В1) Exercise 1. 1.1. A; 1.2. C; 1.3. B; 1.4. A; 1.5. B Exercise 2. 2.1. B; 2.2. B; 2.3. A; 2.4. C; 2.5. C Exercise 3. 3.1. C; 3.2. B; 3.3. B; 3.4. B; 3.5. A

ПРОФІЛЬНИЙ РІВЕНЬ (В2) Exercise 1. 1.1. D; 1.2. C; 1.3. A; 1.4. B Exercise 2. 2.1. critical; 2.2. insurance; 2.3. complaint; 2.4. dealt Exercise 3. 3.1. are out of order; 3.2. since I last bought; 3.3. if you did not spend; 3.4. had tried on; 3.5. I would rather pay

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