Machine Learning Living in The Age of AI X Outline X Summary X Reaction [PDF]

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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY City of Malolos, Bulacan Tel/Fax (044) 791-0153

Name: Jessie Marlowe O. Chico Course/Year/Section: BIT ELECTRICAL 3-B G1

Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI Film by: Chris Cannucciari


The world in the huge jump of technological development. A. Artificial Intelligence 1. 2. 3. 4.

branch of computer sciences that emphasizes the development of intelligence machines creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans machine learning to mimic human intelligence possibility for machines to learn from “experience”

B. The rate of progress in the field of artificial intelligence is one of the most fascinating booms of development of today’s time. 1.

AI has a gigantic probability to take over the world.


Almost everything we do rely on the use of AI. a.


c. d.

communications i. smartphones ii. connections iii. neural networks assistance i. Sophia (first AI robot) ii. AI news anchor (modeled by Zang Chao) iii. Siren: Digital Human transportation i. Robocars (autonomous vehicles) (a.) Self-driving cars farming i. groans which were used for image recognition to figure out where the farmer should plant (a.) to determine which plant needs water or which plant wither and not. ii. modeling genes to be put in the seeds iii. determining what kind of fertilizer to be used iv. detect which crops were ready to be harvest



health care i. medical imaging and medical diagnostics (a.) spot malignant tumors (i.) A tool called radiotherapy which scans tumors in the pancreas that prohibits the damage that will be caused by other heavy equipment for imaging.

The Pros and Cons of AI 1.

Pros a. b. c.

AIs can make our lives productive and efficient. AIs were useful in the medical field. It helps us view the world from a wider perspective. (i.) “you cannot discuss AI without a global perspective” d. Assists persons with disabilities (i.) Blind (a.) a piece of mobile-like equipment that was used to scan the surroundings of the person e. Innovates new ways and provide solutions to man’s daily problems f. Proxy humans if needed (i.) Human-like robots g. Entertainment (i.) Facial expression mimicking tool which used to model realtime human expressions in movies. (a.) Faces of: (i) Thanos (ii) Benjamin Button (iii) Brad Pit h. Allow new forms of cinematic creativity 2.

Cons a. It’s expensive. b. When used in deep fakes and manipulation c. Enable the spread of fake information when used by the wrong hands. d. People’s identity and behavior are being monitored—lack of privacy. e. It can replace humans soon. AI may be more competent than humans. f. Promotes too much dependency on technology.

SUMMARY With the drastic change that technological advancements had brought us, the dependency that it offered was inevitable. Our daily activities rely on the use of machines and technologies. It is for the reason that men were now inclined with the use of tools and devices to accomplish their tasks early and to attain a desirable outcome in their works. This film—Machine Learning: Living in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) was directed by Chris Cannucciari and produced by WIRED productions. It tackles how Artificial Intelligence contributes to man’s daily lives. AI is a branch of computer sciences that emphasizes the development of intelligent machines. It is the process of creating intelligent machines that work and reacts like humans. Accordingly, it scrutinizes the bizarre ways in which people are interacting with AI today. Mainly, it focuses on the impacts of AI on schoolchildren, farmers, senior citizens, a person with a disability, specifically blinds, and on the medical application, as well as looking at the implications that rapidly accelerating technology can have. The technologies that were discussed in the film employed the use of machine learning. Machine learning refers to the application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. It is the improvement of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves. According to the official statement of the production (2019), the process of learning begins with observations or data, such as examples, direct experience, or instruction, in order to look for patterns in data and make better decisions in the future based on the examples that we provide. The primary aim is to allow the computers to learn automatically without human intervention or assistance and adjust actions accordingly. Thus, because the data is accessible to anyone at any age, the path to the betterment of this intelligence is so vibrant. Vibrant that everybody can feel it coming—future is nearly coming. Yet, we should also consider its setbacks. It also has negative effects to humans if not properly used. Therefore, it is a must to be responsible and look keenly on how it will going to affect us.

REACTION Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI was very remarkable to me. This is very nice and informative and I kind of find it interesting because it is closely related to my chosen field. I like how it was presented—the discussions, proof, and examples and as well as explicitly stating what are the possibilities with this artificial intelligence. One notable quotation I got from this is the quote, “you cannot discuss AI without a global perspective.” This made us discern the world in a larger picture. With this view, we are able to get out of the narrowness and face a brighter future ahead. These advancements will surely change the way people were. Changes not only from the things they do but also as to how men will strive to better and bettering what’s already better. To develop what’s already developed. Basically, striving for greatness. This “greatness” meant for the sake of man. Although we benefit a lot from these developments we must not undermine the hitches these might make. Everything is possible with transcendence. Thus, if get in the wrong hands transcendence can be a trigger for mankind’s destruction. It may seem that what I am saying was like a scenario in Sci-fi movie yet with man’s limitless use of the brain, oppression of man through technology will likely occur. Therefore, we shouldn’t let our humanness out of our system. After all, this world was created for humans and not for AI robots.