Lust Epidemic 100 Percent Walkthrough [PDF]

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This is a 100% Normal walkthrough guide for version 1.0 By Kilroy Cast of Characters The Ladies Amber Harrison (Newscaster / Brad's first crush)

Amanda Bancroft (Simon's Mother)

Sister Katherine (Kat)

Valerie (Val) Faye (Your Brother's wife)

Elizabeth Moore

Violet Palmer

The Men Andy

Bradley (Brad) Faye


Denny Simon Mendel Gropper Bancroft Steedly (Private (Amanda's (President Investigator) Son) of SDU)

The Cars

Maps Saint Dame University - Seminary Building - Basement

Father Parker

Coach Issak Tillman

Saint Dame University - Seminary Building - Floor 1

Saint Dame University - Seminary Building - Floor 2

Saint Dame University - Seminary Building - Floor 3

Legend Underlined = Select this option Inventory Items Heart Earned Kamasutra Page Found (##) where ## is the number from 1 to 16 of that character’s pages Found Coins Actions Progress Scenes Watch = Cut scene Fast Travel Instructions

Watch the Introduction (You can advance the conversation by clicking the mouse or pressing the space bar)

Read the note on the table. Notes will disappear once the objective tied to them is completed.

Find the bathrooms North

Read newsletter on table

East Go to the Men's room

Notice the number on the wall. This is the number of radiators you will need to turn on to access this item Click on the Sparkle Look in the hole

Watch Scene 1 - Amanda Skirt Pulled Down Exit the bathroom and follow Amanda West South Talk to Simon (I found that clicking around their knees was the best way) Tease Simon (You can select either option as it will not affect the game) Talk to Valerie (She asks you to find her a bottle of water) North East East Talk to Amber Backhanded Compliment Amber's 1st Heart South

Read Newsletter

West West West West Talk to Sister Katherine Lie (Either selection will not affect the game) Sister Katherine asks you to get a book, a study of Matthew 5 called "In Your Heart" with a purple cover. Click the Sparkle in the potted plant for a Desk Key

East East North North East Enter the Ladies' Room

Pick up the Coin Pick up the Security Card Coins are used to purchase outfits for the Ladies in the Phone's Bonus Area! Each outfit cost four coins.

Exit the Ladies' Room and open your Map / Inventory. The Green Door is the door that matches the Security Card you picked up.


The light above the now open door will be flashing Green

Right door Notice the arrow on the floor pointing you to the Bottle of Water, the writing on the chalkboard, and the Sparkle on the desk. Pick up the Bottle of Water Open the desk with the Desk Key Get another Security Card

Read the Chalk Board

Exit the room and go to the newly opened room.

Notice the Purple Book and the Desk Pick up the Book called 'In Your Heart' The desk is locked, we'll have to find a key and come back Hard Mode

Exit the room Go to the Library South Talk to Valerie Give Valerie the Bottle of Water Go to West Tower South West West Talk to Sister Katherine Give Sister Katherine the "In Your Heart" Book Katherine's 1st Heart Buddy throws you out of the West Tower room Go to the Library East North Talk to any of the characters (Notice that the note about the books is no longer on the table) Need to find out what Mendel knows South East

Notice the Sparkle in the water. Try to pick up the key.

Buddy stops you from getting the key. You need someone to distract him. West Talk to Simon Ask Simon to go to the West Tower to distract Buddy East Pick up the Desk Key Since the Buddy is already distracted pick up the Security Card in the East Tower East East Hard Mode

Enter the unlocked room

Too dark, you need a flash light. Let's go use that Desk Key. North West West Open Desk with Desk Key Receive Cheap Digital Camera Exit room South Talk to Amanda Kindly respond (You can select either response as it does not affect game play) Go back to the East Tower South East East East Watch Mendel is fooling around with Amber. Better let Amanda know. Go to the Library West West North

Talk to Amanda Amanda's 1st Heart North East Talk to Andy Exit room and come back Enter Men's Room Peek through the wall Watch Scene 2 - Amber Masturbate Progress = 3% Need to find Andy's car keys Exit Men's Room South Go Outside Pick up car keys. Don't want to get wet or struck by lightning.

Go Inside East North Watch Need to talk to Buddie to get some food.

South West Talk to Buddie Laugh at Buddie's misidentification (You can select either answer as it does not affect game play) North Watch East Talk to Andy South Watch North East Click on the Sparkle under chair. Receive Chest Key Chest keys do not open the Chests like the one that you see in the Men's Room, those require a Skeleton Key.

Buddie is distracted getting food, time to sneak into the basement. South East Stairs down

Open Chest with Chest Key Receive Wire Cutters Cut the power to the 1st floor tower rooms Use Wire Cutters

Check the open box in the corner - find Packing List

Up stairs Up stairs Pick up Kamasutra book. Now you can start collecting Kamasutra pages.

Pick up the Photo - Spycam shot of Kat's ass

Open your phone then Photo Album to view the picture

Down stairs West West Watch Go to the Kitchen to get some food West West West Down stairs Pick up Coin in corner and open refrigerator, ignore the Sparkle, you can't reach it yet. Open refrigerator Pick Yougurt Pick Strawberry Jam

Upstairs East East East East Talk to Amber Give Yogurt to Amber Watch Scene 3 - Kiss and grope Amber Amber's 2nd Heart Go see how Sister Katherine is doing West West West West Upstairs

Watch Meet Sister Katherine in the Kitchen. Down stairs Down stairs Walk back corner Sister Katherine will be down shortly Watch

Upstairs East East East Watch Pick up Rain Coat Yes, go outside. Pick up Car keys Unlock Andy's Car Get Serum Flask Go back inside East Talk to either character Watch North Talk to Andy Go to Library West West South Watch Go to Kitchen South West West Down stairs Open refrigerator Move Wait for Valerie to come down Watch Scene 4 - Valerie with top off Valerie's 1st Heart

East East East North Pick up Raincoat Go into Ladies' Room Watch Scene 5 - Eating Amber out Follow Andy Exit Room South Talk to Andy Watch Go to the Kitchen West West West Down stairs Talk to Valerie Watch Receive Security Card Follow Amber to the Rest Room Amber asks you to get her bag from her car Receive Key Fob Pick up Coin Turn on radiator

South Upstairs Watch East East East South Go to Amber's car use Key Fob and get the bag out of the trunk Go to Kitchen Back inside West West West Down stairs Watch Right door Left door Click on Sparkle Receive Chest Key Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Tit Play (2) Hard Mode

Read Newsletter

You can view your Kamasutra pages by selecting Kamasutra in your inventory. Any pages that are not yet translated (meaning you can't do them due to lack of Hearts) will show as ???

Exit bathroom South Upstairs East East East East

Go into your room (Left door)

Open Chest with Chest Key Receive Bottle of Red Wine Pick up Coin Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Handjob (4) Hard Mode

Read receipt

Return to Kitchen Exit room West West West West Down stairs Talk to Valerie Give her Red Wine Watch Mrs. Bancroft looks better in them (You can pick either choice id doesn’t affect the game) East East East Talk to Andy Need to get Nude pictures of Valarie for Andy West West West Down stairs Right door Left door Watch Scene 6 - Amanda in the Shower Watch Scene 7 - Amber Tit Fuck Amber 3rd Heart

Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Footjob (3) Progress = 10%

Open the Bonus Area! on your phone

Buy Goth outfit for Amber (Click on the base to buy)

If you go North you can re-watch previously viewed sex cut scenes.

Exit the Bonus room Exit room Pick up Security Card

Watch South Watch Pictures of Valerie posing in her underware Return to Andy with the pictures Up stairs East East East Talk to Andy Give SD card to Andy Get Serum Flask

East East Down stairs Up stairs West West Go to corner and click on wall Yes reach into hold in the wall Receive Kamasutra page - Katherine: Facejob (1) (from library behind counter)

West North Talk to Amber Play

If you want Amber to dress up click on the suitcase and pick the outfit, unpurchased outfits will show as ???

When you are done exit the room and you will return to the Library. South East Watch Up stairs Watch Pick up the Flashlight Watch

Up stairs Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Tit Fuck (5) Pick up Coin Go to the Library Down stairs West North Talk to Amanda Go back to the Kitchen to grab some wine glasses South West West Downstairs Grab some wine glasses Receive Serum infused wine

Return to the Library Up stairs East East North

Talk to Amanda Give the Infused Wine to Amanda Compliment Amanda's ass (either choice is fine as it does not affect the game) Watch Scene 8 - Amber eating out Amanda's ass Amanda 2nd Heart Pick up Security Card Pick up Coin Progress = 12%

South West West Down stairs Right door Right door Watch

Turn on radiator Use the clock Receive Battery for your flashlight Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Finger Pussy (6) Pick up Coin

Exit room South Watch Up stairs East North Receive Serum Flask Click on right Candelabra Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: Ass Hotdogging (7) Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Eat Pussy (7) Got up to first row of pews Watch Hard Mode

Leave room

Watch West Down stairs Right door Left door Put Serum in Mouthwash

Leave room Middle door Watch Scene 9 - Intercourse with Amber Amber 4th Heart Exit room Right door Look at Amanda Photo – Amanda sleeping in her bra and panties Look at Valerie Photo – Valerie sleeping wearing no panties Hell yeah I should look at her pussy! Whisper something sexy in her ear. Valerie 2nd Heart Pick up Valerie's panties Yes! Can't pass up a sexy woman's juicy panties.

Receive a pair of Valerie's panties Leave room South Up stairs East Talk to Sister Katherine East East East Right door Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Blowjob (8) Pick up Coin Pick up Security Card

Exit room North Right door

Pick up Coin Turn on radiator Pick up Calculator Hard Mode

Exit room Time to get some sleep South Left door Progress = 16% Lay down on couch Do you want to go to sleep now? Yes

Watch Scene 10 - Dream sex with Valerie Exit room West Up stairs

Watch Up stairs Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Cowgirl (10) Pick up Serum flask Pick up Photo - Mystery girl's boobs

Down stairs East Click on Sparkle by potted plant Receive Desk Key Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Tit Sucking (2) Pick up Coin

West Down stairs East North Right door

Open desk with Desk Key Receive Security Card

Exit room Left door Pick up Perfume Bottle Turn on radiator Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Jerk Off Into Mouth (4) Pick up Coin Use Empty Perfume Bottle with Serum Hard Mode

Exit room Talk to Andy West South West West

Talk to one of the characters Need to fix the AC for Katherine East East Outside Turn off the power to the east basement

Pick up the Kamasutra page - Amber: Watch Masturbate (1), in the South East corner

Go back inside East East Down stairs

Twist the wires back together Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Eat Ass (3)

Read note

Go back outside and turn on the power Up stairs West West Outside Turn on power Watch Go back inside West West West Up Stairs Right door

Katherine 2nd Heart Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Watch Masturbate (1) Click on Sparkle Receive Storage Key Talk to Katherine Use Serum Spray Watch Scene 11 - Masturbate with Katherine

Down stairs East East East North Talk to Simon South Up stairs West

Turn on radiator Click on Sparkle Use Storage Key Receive Serum flask Watch Refill Empty Perfume Bottle with Serum Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Missionary (9) Hard Mode

East Down stairs North Men's room Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Doggy Anal (16) Exit room South East East Down stairs Click on locked basement door Watch Up stairs West West West Talk to Amber

East East Left door Talk to Amber Watch Scene 12 - Anal with Amber Amber 5th Heart Buy Pearly outfit for Amber in Phone Bonus Area! Exit room Talk to Amanda Give Amanda Serum Spray Watch Scene 13 - Amanda Handjob Amanda 3rd Heart Progress = 25% West Watch Go Outside West to check out the water Go back inside Watch West West West Up stairs Talk to a character Watch Down stairs Down stairs Talk to a character Watch Pick up Serum flask Talk to Amanda Time to go see the Priest

Up stairs East North Up to the first pew Get Security Card Exit room West Up stairs Door on left Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Tit Fuck (5) Pick up Coin Purchase Office Slut outfit for Amanda from Phone Bonus Area! Hard Mode

Pick up Map of Seminary Yard

Look at card on corner of desk.

Exit room Go to the Library Down stairs East East North Click on the left side of the G book case

Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Eat Pussy (6) Exit room South East Outside Go to South West corner and pick up Shovel

Go to Tree on West Side Find Kamasutra page - Katherine: Blowjob (8)

Go to North East corner and dig Find box with an old key and piece of paper Get Mysterious Paper and Skeleton Key

Go to second X in yard and dig Find Coin Pick up Coin Hard Mode

Go to North East corner Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Doggy (12) Pick up Coin

Go to last X on map Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Blowjob (7) Go back inside Go to Kitchen West West West Down stairs Talk to Amanda Up stairs Up stairs Left door Watch How do I get Amanda away from the safe? Talk to Amanda User Serum Spray Watch Scene 14 - Intercourse with Amanda from behind Amanda 4th Heart Open Safe with the passcode you found in the basement - 385 Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Ass Hotdogging (8)

Progress = 28% Down stairs Open chest with Skeleton key Receive a Security Chip Down stairs Watch Up stairs Right door Talk to Katherine Exit room Down stairs East East East North Pick up dirty old blanket

Go to the Kitchen South West West West Down stairs

Put the blanket in the washer

Watch Scene 15 - Valerie Leg Massage Go Outside Up stairs East East East Outside Walk to Mendel on the East side of the building Watch Go back to the Kitchen Back Inside West West West Down stairs Talk to Valerie Receive Clean Blanket Talk to Katherine Go Outside Up stairs East East East Outside Go West to the bridge

Talk to Katherine Watch Go Inside Up stairs East Watch West Down stairs Watch Right door Push Red buttons on East and West walls Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Standing Anal (13) Pick up Security card Pick up Blank Security Card from trash can

Read Note

That's why you're turning on all of the radiators you find. Exit room South

Pick up Coin Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: Cum on Tits (3) Pick up Serum flask

Read Newsletter

North West West South Pick up Coin Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: Watch Masturbate (4)

Read note

North East Down stairs Watch West Click on the left painting Use Wire Cutters Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Prone Anal (15)

Go to the Kitchen West West Down stairs Talk to Valerie Use Serum Spray Go to Katherine's Room Up stairs Up stairs Right door Talk to Katherine Use Serum Spray Watch Scene 16 - Fingering Katherine Katherine 3rd Heart Progress = 32%

Exit room Down stairs East East East Talk to Amanda Watch Go to the Library West North Talk to Amber Need to make some Fettuccine Alfredo Go to the Kitchen South West West Down stairs Open refrigerator Use butter in the sauce Add heavy cream & cheese The flat long noodles Talk to Valerie Receive Fettuccine Alfredo dish Go to the Library Upstairs East East North Talk to Amber Give Amber Fettuccine Alfredo Watch Scene 17 - Anal with Amber Amber 6th Heart Progress = 33% North East

Talk to Amanda East South East Down stairs North Pick up Security Card Watch Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Missionary (9) Pick up AM/FM Radio Combine Calculator with Radio Receive Metal Detector

Exit room Up stairs Up stairs Talk to Andy Trade your map for a Kamasutra page Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Laying Anal (14) Go to Security Office Down stairs West West Up stairs East Right door

Click on Sparkle on desk Receive Locker Key

Exit room West Down stairs East East Open a locker with Locker Key, you will get additional keys later to open the remaining lockers. The only thing you can use right now is Locker 1. Feel free to pick any of the lockers Locker 1 - Kamasutra page - Katherine: Ass Fingering (2) Locker 2 - Kamasutra page - Amanda: Reverse Cowgirl Anal (15) Locker 3 - Climbing Shoe

West West Outside Click on Sparkle left of door

Receive Screwdriver

Go back inside West West West Up stairs Click on Sparkle Receive Skeleton Key Left door North Turn on radiator Pick up Security Chip Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Crucifier (12) Click Sparkle on dresser Receive Skeleton Key Pick up Photo (Mystery girl's wet pussy) in corner Pick up Coin in opposite corner Buy Katherine Sexy Nun outfit in Phone Bonus Area!

Read note on bed

Progress = 35% Exit room Down stairs Down stairs East East Talk to either character Watch Go to the Men's Room North North East Men's room Open Chest with Skeleton Key Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Take a Seat (11) Exit room Talk to Simon

Men's room Look through hole in wall Watch Scene 18 - Valerie Masturbating Watch Scene 19 – Sex with Amanda in Men's Room Amanda 5th Heart Progress = 38% Exit room East South East Up stairs Open chest with Skeleton Key Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Thigh Fuck (4) Down stairs West West Up stairs West Watch Down stairs West Watch Up stairs Pick up Coin Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Side by Side (10)

West Up stairs Click on Sparkle on rug Receive Coin

Progress = 39% Down stairs Down stairs East East Talk to Andy West West West West West Talk to Katherine Down stairs Right door Right door Talk to Valerie Exit room South Up stairs East East East Up stairs

Talk to Mendel

Down stairs West Talk to either character Left door Use Computer Use Blank Security Card

Enter Card ID Number: 9460

Exit Room West West West West Down stairs Right door Right door

Talk to Valerie Give Valerie the Closet Security Card Talk to Valerie Watch Scene 20 - Amber and Amanda Watch Scene 21 - Jack off in front of Valerie North Pick up Coin Hard Mode

Exit Room South South Up stairs East East Talk to Amanda Need to get the ESU File from Mendel East Up stairs Talk to Mendel Down stairs North East South East West West North

Talk to Amber North East East South East Up stairs Click on picture Use Shovel Pick up ESU File

Down stairs West West West Talk to Amanda Give Amanda the ESU File West West Down stairs Right door Middle door Watch Scene 22 - Three way with Amber and Amanda Progress = 41% Exit Room South Talk to Amanda

Watch Up stairs East East East East North Talk to Andy Watch West South Up stairs Pick up Security Card

North Turn on radiator

South Down stairs North East Pick up Pair of Pair of Jump Boots Now we can pick up all of those things that were too high

South West West Click on Sparkle in corner Receive Desk Key

Go to the Kitchen West West Down stairs Click on Sparkle Receive Skeleton Key

Upstairs Upstairs Right door Watch Scene 23 - Fuck Amber on top of Katherine Exit Room Down stairs East East East Watch Go Outside Click on Sparkle on the East side of the building Receive Coin Purchase Mistress Maid outfit for Amanda in Phone Bonus Area!

Click on Sparkle at rear of building Receive Coin

Back inside Up stairs North Open Chest with Skeleton Key Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Handjob (2) Click on Sparkle Open with Desk Key Receive Security Card

Exit Room East Right door Pick up Pick Axe

Exit Room South

Pick up Security Chip Right door

Pick up Coin Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Watch Masturbate (3) Click on Sparkle by vent Use Screwdriver Receive Bottle of Serum

Exit Left door North West Down stairs West West Watch

West Down stairs Right door Left door Click on Shampoo

Watch Scene 24 - Jerked off by Valerie in the Shower Valerie 3rd Heart Click on your clothes to exit Progress = 44% South Up stairs East East East Watch Go Outside East side of building Watch North East

Pick up Security Card Pick up Coin Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: Tit Fuck (5)

Read Note

North Click on four tombstones on right

South West South Go back inside Watch East East Down stairs North Watch Up stairs Up stairs Right door Pick up Coin Purchase Valerie Succubus outfit from Phone Bonus Area! Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: Eat Pussy (6) Click on Sparkle in trash can Receive Skeleton Key

Read note (Note will not be here as we already picked up both of these Kamasutra pages. If you didn't pick up both pages, here is the note)

South Left door Left door North West West Watch East Down stairs West West Watch North Hide in the stacks

South West West Up stairs Right door Talk to Katherine Need to go find a Bible Down stairs East North

Click the middle Sparkle on the right side Receive Bible

West Up stairs Right door Talk to Katherine Give the Bible to Katherine Watch Scene 25 - Katherine Oral and Anal Katherine 4th Heart Watch Progress = 47% South East East East East Down stairs North Watch Go to the Kitchen South Up stairs West West West West West

Down stairs Watch Up stairs East East East Go Outside Go to Woods Open Chest with Skeleton Key Receive Security Chip Now we have enough Security Chips to open one of the doors Click ground directly south on tree line to find Kamasutra page - Amanda: Spoony Anal (16)

South Go back inside East East Down stairs North

You will start to see Bottle of Multi-vitamins pop up from time to time. Pick them up, you want at least ten (10) of them. Their appearance is not scripted. Use Pick Axe on big stone pillar Pick up Coin

Pick one of the doors to open, the choice is yours, Elizabeth the blonde or Violet the pregnant brunette. Insert Four Security Chips into that door

Open the door Watch You need to find the Holy Rod Progress = 48% South South Up stairs Watch Up stairs Right door

Use Pick Axe on weak wall

Pick up Security Card North Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: The Anal Cross (10) Use Pick Axe on hole in corner

Read Note

Read Newsletter

Go to the Kitchen South South Down stairs West West West West West Down stairs Walk into room Watch Right door Right door North Use Pick Axe on big stone pillar Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Tit Play (1)

South South South Up stairs Up stairs Right door Talk to Katherine South Down stairs East East East Up stairs Talk to one of the characters Watch East Right door Talk to Buddie Need to find a compass South West Down stairs Talk to Andy Need to find some wet panties Go to Amber's Room West West West Down stairs Right door Middle door

Pick up Clean Panties

South South Up stairs East East East East East Down stairs North Into whichever room you opened Talk to the girl in the room Watch Receive a pair of Wet Panties There will now be a green block with the number 1 in the middle of the room. You can click this if you want to replay that cut scene.

South South Up stairs West West Talk to Andy Give Wet Panties to Andy Receive Security Card Up stairs West Left door Pick up Serum flask Turn on radiator Click on Chalkboard Use Shovel Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: Anal and Finger (11) Click on Sparkle Receive Compass Pick up Kamasutra page - Amanda: Doggy Anal (13)

Go to the Security Office South East East Right door Talk to Buddie Give Compass to Buddie

South West Down stairs West West West Down stairs Left door Pick up Security Chip Click on Sparkle by crates Receive Locker Key Get a bottle of wine Marsala Receive a Bottle of Marsala

Watch Watch Scene 26 - Threesome with Amanda and Valerie Amanda 6th Heart South South Up stairs East East East Up stairs Talk to one of the characters Watch

Look at Map Pick up Machete

East South South Pick up Coin

Read Note desk (Note will not be here if you picked up the Kamasutra page that is south of the Chest)

Progress = 52% North North West Down stairs Go Outside

Left of the gate to go to Dame Woods Click on big bush Use Machete Use Pick Axe on weak wall Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: Side Anal (9)

Go to the Dame Woods East North Hack through the thorn bushes with the Machete Click on the Sparkle Receive Skeleton Key

Read Note

South West South Go back inside Watch East East Open one of the lockers with the Locker Key that you didn't open previously. Again, it doesn't matter you will get another key to open the last locker. West West Up Stairs East South South Open chest with Skeleton Key Pick up Security Chip North North Right door Use Security Computer

Enter 1234

South South Right door Right door Down stairs Down stairs North West Pick up Photo - Violet playing with her pussy Use Pick Axe on weak wall


Press the Blue Button to activate the Fast Travel system. We're going to be using this a lot from now on. Press the Red Button Remember those grave stones? Enter the first digit of the age of the person from left to right - 3678

Pick up the Kamasutra page - Amanda: Prone Anal (14) Pick up the Photo - Elizabeth's extreme penetration Pick up Wheel Pick up Holy Rod

Read Note

North East Enter the room you opened Talk to the girl Watch South West Use Fast Travel - West Tower East

Talk to Katherine Go to the Graveyard East East Go Outside Go to the Dame Woods East North Watch Scene 27 - Fingering Katherine in the Graveyard Progress = 55% South West Fast Travel - West Tower Watch Down stairs Right door Right door Look at Amanda Take Photo - Amanda's face covered in cum Look at Valerie South South Watch Receive Coin Progress = 56% Down stairs Right door Middle door Talk to Katherine South South Up stairs East East East

Go Outside Attempt to pick up Coif Continue attempting to pick up Coif until squirrel climbs the east tower Go back inside East East Up stairs Right door North Pick up Nun's Hat

South South Left door Left door North West Up Stairs Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Right door Center door Talk to Katherine Watch Scene 28 - Katherine Oral and Anal Katherine 5th Heart Watch South Cut scene continues

South South Up stairs East North Go to first row of pews South Watch Go to Security Office South West Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs East Right door Talk to Buddie South Watch Click on weak wall Use Raincoat Click on weak wall use Pick Axe Click on hole Use Metal Detector Click on hole Use Wires Click on hole Use Wirecutters

South East South Up Stairs Watch Left door Left door Use panel on wall Lock

North West Up stairs Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Watch Receive Glitter Lipstick Up stairs Fast Travel - Basement East Enter door you opened Talk to girl Take Photo - The girl's ass shots Give girl Glitter Lipstick Take Security Card Take Tape Recorder

South West Fast Travel - Dame Woods North climb rope Pick up Coin Buy Angel outfit for Katherine Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: Laying Anal (12)

West Pick up Mini Cassette Click on Sparkle Receive Skeleton Key Dig for Kamasutra page at flower cross - Valerie: Tit Fuck (5)

East South - Climb rope Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs East South Right door Watch Use Tape Recorder Left door Pick up Photo - Elizabeth and Violet Open chest with Skeleton Key Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Eat Pussy (6) Click on vent Use Screwdriver Turn on radiator Pick up Rope from corner

Read Note from vent

Read Note on floor (This note will not be here if you picked up the Kamasutra page in the cross of wild flowers)

Exit Room North West West South Left South passage Pick up Security Chip Pick up Rope

North North East Up stairs Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Talk to Amber Up stairs Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs East South Watch Watch Scene 29 - Fucking Amber up against the door and Valerie walks in

Progress = 60% West Up stairs Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Right door Right door Watch Scene 30 - Amanda fists Valerie and Brad gets invited to watch Valerie 4th Heart South South Up stairs Watch Fast Travel 3rd Floor Down stairs Down stairs Go Outside Go to West side of building Use Pick Axe Pick up Grappling Hook

Go to Dame Woods North up rope North Use Grappling Hook North up rope

Pick up Coin Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Blowjob (7) Use Machete on Thorn Bushes

Pick up Water Damaged Access Card

South down rope South down rope Watch Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Left door Click on Rice Bags Receive Security Card

South Up stairs Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs East Left door

Pick up Coin Pick up Tube of Lube Pick up Roll of Tape

Read Note

South West Up stairs Use Pick Axe on weak wall Pick up Anal Beads Sex Toy

Fast Travel - Basement East Use door you opened previously Talk to girl Watch Elizabeth / Violet Anal Beads Progress = 63% South South Up stairs West Left door Watch Go to the Kitchen Exit Room West West West West Down stairs Watch Up stairs East East East Watch North West Watch Pick up Empty Serum Bottle East South East East Down stairs North

Enter the room you unlocked Climb on bed Use Roll of Tape Wait 20 seconds Receive Serum Bottle South West Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs Down stairs North West Talk to Amanda Give Serum to Amanda Watch Scene 31 - Threesome with Amanda and Katherine Progress = 64% East South Watch Go Outside Go to Dame Woods Watch North climb rope Watch East Watch West Talk to one of the characters Watch Receive a Penny

East Right door Pick up Penny

Exit Room North Pick up Penny

West West South South West Talk to Katherine

West Down stairs Talk to Valerie Receive a Penny Right door Left door Pick up Penny

Exit Room South Up stairs East East East Up stairs West Left Door Pick up Penny

Exit Room East Down stairs Talk to one of the characters Watch East Talk to Amber West Up stairs Watch Try to go Outside Go Outside Go to Dame Woods Watch North up rope North up rope East Talk to Andy West South down rope South down rope Watch Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs West Watch Receive Security Chip West Up stairs Fast Travel - Basement East Unlock the other door

Enter room Watch Elizabeth and Violet Scene 2 Exit Room South Up stairs West West Watch Pick up Serum Bottle Go to the Kitchen West West West Down stairs Walk into Kitchen Watch Up stairs Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs Watch East Watch West Down stairs Talk to one of the characters Go to the Kitchen Up stairs Up stairs Fast Travel – West Tower Down stairs Walk into the Kitchen Watch Watch Scene 32 - Foursome with Amber, Amanda, and Valerie Progress = 66%

Up stairs East East East Watch Go Outside Go to Dame Woods North up rope North up rope East Talk to Simon Receive Grappling Hook Click on Cliff Use Grappling Hook Climb rope Move toward Kamasutra page Watch Pick up Wheel Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Creamy Hotdog (8)

Down rope West South down rope South down rope Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs North through door

Put the Wheels on the cart

Exit Room Up Stairs Move all of the Heavy Boxes out of the way


Read Note

East East Click on Sparkle Receive Skeleton Key Click on large vent in corner Use Pick Axe Pick up Watch Make note of the number on the painting, 1423

West South South West South West North

Pick up Coin

South South East South Pick up USB cable

North You'll notice that this has no base in reality as you are back at the entrance.

South West South West South West South West South East Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: Ballerina (13) West North East North East North East North East North North Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope North up rope East Up rope Open chest with Skeleton key Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: Legs on Shoulders (14) Down rope West South down rope West Watch Talk to Andy East North up rope East Up the rope Talk to Simon

Down rope West South down rope South down rope Fast Travel - West Tower East Watch Talk to Katherine Give Watch to Katherine East East Talk to Simon Watch Exit Room West Fast Travel - West Tower Up Stairs Right door Watch Photo - Kat and Amber play with a toy Progress = 67% Right door Talk to Katherine Exit Room Click on the both wall parts behind the plant (You will hear a click and see a flash each time)

Down stairs Down stairs Talk to Valerie Receive Gallon Jug Up stairs Fast Travel - Dame Woods East North Click on pond Use Gallon Jug Receive Jug of Pond Water

South West Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Talk to Valerie Give Valerie Jug of Pond Water Up stairs Up stairs Right door Talk to Katharine Find a condom Exit Room Down stairs East

Talk to Amber Receive Key Fob East East Go Outside Go to Amber's car Open with Key Fob Receive Condom

Go back inside West West Talk to Amber West Up stairs Right door Talk to Katherine Give Condom Down stairs East North Watch Scene 33 - Katherine in the Chapel Progress = 68% South West Up stairs Right door

Talk to Katherine Katherine 6th Heart Receive Mysterious Note

Exit Room Down stairs Fast Travel - 3rd Floor West Open Lock The code has to do with Katherine's note

The code is 4312, but I cannot explain how you arrive at that answer from the note

This is a push block puzzle. The boxes will reset if you leave the room and come back. Get on the opposite side of the box and push in the direction of the arrow. Each box should only be pushed one square.


Pick up Chamber Key B East Fast Travel - Basement North

Click on box on the wall Insert Chamber Key B

South East Enter one of the rooms Talk to the girl in the room Watch Elizabeth and Violet Scene 3 Exit Room West Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs Down stairs North Talk to any of the characters Watch Go to the Kitchen Pantry South Up stairs Up stairs Fast Travel – West Tower Down stairs Left door

Grab a Bottle of Wine Move the box

South Up stairs Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope West Click on Vedra Pine Cone Throw Roll of Tape Throw Tape Recorder It doesn't matter the order that you throw them, the first item will always miss and the second will always hit. Pick up Vedra Pine Cone

East South down rope Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs Down stairs North Talk to Katherine Watch Watch Scene 34 - Threesome with Katherine and Amber while Amanda watches finishing off in Valerie's mouth Progress = 71% Go to the Kitchen South Up stairs Up stairs Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Talk to Simon Pick up Red Box Cutter Up stairs Fast Travel - 3rd Floor East Open the Red Box Click on Sparkle Receive Locker Key

West West Open the Red Boxes Open Box 1 Pick up Climbing Shoe Open Box 2 Release cockroaches

West Step on cockroach (try to corner them) Down stairs North door Step on cockroach Exit Room Down stairs North Men's Room Step on cockroach Exit Room Women's Room Step on cockroach Exit Room East South Right door

Step on cockroach Exit Room East Open last locker with Locker Key Up stairs Click the four wall sections behind the flowers (You will hear a click and see a flash each time) Pick up Kamasutra page - Amber: Reverse Cowgirl (11) Hard Mode

Go to the Chapel Down stairs West West West West North Step on cockroach Go to the Kitchen South West Down stairs Step on cockroach Right door Left door Step on cockroach

Exit Room South Up stairs Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope West North up wall Watch Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: From Behind (15) South East South down rope Watch Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs East Watch West Fast Travel – 3rd Floor Down stairs Down Stairs West Watch East Talk to Amber Receive Cell Phone Down stairs East Left door Use computer Exit Room West Up stairs West Watch Receive Security Card

East Up stairs East Southwest doorway Pick up Serum flask Pick up Dynamite Stick Click on vent Watch

Exit Room Watch Scene 35 - Anal with Valerie Valerie 5th Heart Progress = 73% West Down stairs Down stairs East Left door Use computer Hit 'delete' Select Security


Exit Room West Up stairs Up stairs East Southwest doorway Click on vent Enter the Decryption Key - 1222

North West Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope West Click on boulders blocking West path


Pick up Elevator Repair Manual Pick up Coin Purchase Princess outfit for Valerie in Phone Bonus Area! Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Bedside Anal (9)

Read Elevator Repair Manual

East East South down rope Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs East Talk to Andy Watch Right door

Click on the wall behind the red button Enter code 343

Button should now be green

Exit Room West Up stairs Fast Travel - Basement Fast Travel - West Tower Fast Travel - Dame Woods Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Legs on Shoulder Anal (10) Click on Gears Use Pick Axe

Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs Down stairs Go Outside Click on the ground by the first light in the back row Use Shovel Use Wire Cutters

Go back inside West West West Click on the Elevator Enter passcode 777

Enter the Elevator Exit the Elevator

Fast Travel - Dame Woods Watch You will get the Shovel and Pick Axe back later, don't panic. Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Pick up Blanket

Up stairs Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope Progress = 75% Pick up Radiator Part Talk to Andy Pick up Piece of Brush

West Pick up Piece of Brush

West Pick up Piece of Brush

East North up wall Pick up Piece of Brush

South down wall East North up rope Pick up Piece of Brush

East Pick up Piece of Brush

West South down rope South down rope East Pick up Piece of Brush

North Pick up Piece of Brush

South West Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs West South Talk to Valerie Click on broken radiator Use Radiator Part North East Up stairs South South East South East South East South

Pick up Kamasutra page - Katherine: Reverse Cowgirl Plus (16) Pick up Security Card

Read Note

North North Down stairs West South Right door Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Lean Back Cowgirl Anal (11) Pick up Missing Girls Pamflet

South North East Up stairs Fast Travel – Basement East Enter either room Talk to the girl Watch Exit Room West Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope Pick up Pick Axe South down rope Talk to Simon Use Pick Axe Pick up Shovel Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs West South Right door Use Pick Axe on weak wall Pick up Photo of Elizabeth and Violet

Go to the Library Exit Room North East Down stairs West North Watch Scene 36 - Threesome with Amber and Amanda finishing in Valerie's ass Progress = 76% South East East East Down stairs North Enter either room Talk to girl Watch Elizabeth and Violet Scene 4 Exit Room West Fast Travel - Dame Woods Watch Fast Travel - Basement East Elizabeth's room Watch Scene 37 - Sex with Elizabeth Progress = 78% West Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs Down stairs North Watch Access Blessing, Holy Rod and Anal Beads scenes Exit Room West Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs Down stairs

Talk to one of the characters Watch Go to the Library West North Watch Go to Katherine's Room South West West Up stairs Right door Watch Exit Room Down stairs Fast Travel - Basement North North Southwest

Read Note

Good thing we looked at those tombstones

North Enter 1798 for the code of the left button

South Pick up Security Card

Click on Sparkle

North Southeast Door South Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs West Right door Pick up Pinup of Lisa Stonewell Pick up MP3 Player

Read Note

Back to Katherine's Room Exit Room East Up stairs Fast Travel - West Tower Up stairs Right door

Talk to Elizabeth Give MP3 Player to Elizabeth Exit Room Down stairs East East East East Right door Use Pick Axe on weak wall Pick up Stone Angel Wing

Exit Room West Up stairs Up stairs Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope North up rope Talk to Mendel South down rope Watch South down rope East

Click on two stones Use Shovel Pick up Stone Angel Wing

North Click on Sparkle Receive Glitter Lipstick

South West North up rope Talk to Buddie Give Buddie Glitter Lipstick South down rope Fast Travel - 3rd Floor

Click on right "angel" Use Angel Wing Click on right "angel" Use Angel Wing Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Side Anal (12)

Down stairs Down stairs North Men's Room Ladies' Room Click on Sparkle Watch

Exit Room South West West

Talk to Elizabeth Go to Katherine's Room West Up stairs Right Door Watch Scene 38 - Threesome with Elizabeth and Katherine Progress = 80% Exit Room Down stairs Down stairs Watch Up stairs Fast Travel - Basement Watch West Fast Travel - West Tower Watch Sneak everyone down stairs past Valerie when her back is turned Watch Scene 39 - Threesome with Amanda and Katherine Exit Room West Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs Down stairs North Watch South West West West Down stairs Right door Right door

Go to left side of dresser Pick up Handgun Pick up Security Card

South South Up stairs Up stairs Right door Watch North North Down stairs West South Left door Pick up Golden Multi-Vitamin Bottle Pick up Photo Mother Superior Reading Press left and right switches (Binary 1001)

Exit Room Southeast doorway Pick up Coin Pick up Sleeping Bag Pick up Machete Sharpener Hard Mode

North Watch North East Up stairs South South East South East South East South Talk to Elizabeth Give Sleeping Bag to Elizabeth Watch Scene 40 - Threesome with Amanda and Elizabeth Progress = 82% North North Down stairs Down stairs Watch Exit Room

West Up stairs Up stairs Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope North up rope East Up rope Go through dense brush Pick up Empty Container

East Watch Pick Bunch of Blackberries

South down rope

Pick up Photo Yu's Massage Advertisement

North up rope West West South down rope South down rope Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs Down stairs Watch Go to the Pantry West West West Down stairs Left door Click on Sparkle Receive Container of Rice

South Up stairs Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope North up rope Watch Receive Shot gun Watch Watch Scene 41 - Threesome with Elizabeth and Violet Right door

Read Note

South The painting

West Fast Travel - Basement North North

Press middle button

Enter code from painting - 1423

Southwest door Pick up Pair of Wading Boots

Click on Sparkle in middle row

North Southeast door South Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope North up rope East East South down rope

Pick up Radiator Part

North up rope West West South down rope South down rope Fast Travel - 3rd Floor East Right door Take this path to get to the radiator Use the Radiator Part

Exit Room West Down stairs West South Southeast door

Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Sit on Lap (13)

North North East Down stairs West West Talk to Valerie West Down stairs Right door Right door Watch Scene 42 - Sex with Valerie Valerie 6th Heart Progress = 85% South South Watch Upstairs Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope North up rope East East Talk to Buddie Receive Security Card

West West South down rope South down rope Fast Travel - 3rd Floor West North Push button on wall Pick up nitroglycerine Use Container of Rice Receive Makeshift Dynamite

South Move box so that you can pick up Bowl of Candy

East Fast Travel - Dame Woods Watch

North up rope Talk to Katherine North up rope East Talk to Katherine East Watch North Click on square of stones Use Pick Axe Watch Watch Scene 43 - Katherine in the old church

Read Note

Read the plaque on the wall

Up stairs South West West South down rope South down rope Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Watch Up stairs Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs Down stairs Go Outside Talk to Simon Go Inside Up stairs Up stairs Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Talk to Amber Talk to Amber Give Blackberries to Amber Talk to Amber Give Candy to Amber Up stairs East East

Talk to one of the characters North Talk to Amanda Watch Watch Scene 44 - Foursome with Amber, Amanda and Valerie South South Watch Up stairs East East East Go Outside Click on Sparkle Receive Car Keys

Check Simon's Car Pick up Blacklight Bulb Pick up Coin Pick up Photo - Treasure Hunter Magazine PHOTOS 100% Progress = 88%

Go back inside Talk to Simon Up stairs Up stairs Talk to Valerie Down stairs East South Right door Right door North Outside through hole Watch South South Watch

East South Right door Right door Watch North Watch West North North Watch Southwest door Pick up Chamber Key A

Click on Sparkle on bookcase by key

North Southeast door

Click on wall controls Click on empty key hole Use Chamber Key A

North Watch Southeast door South Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Watch Scene 45 - Orgy with Amber, Amanda, Elizabeth, Katherine, Valerie Up stairs Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Watch West South Pick up Empty Container

North East Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Left door Click on Sparkle Receive Container of Rice

South Up stairs Fast Travel - 3rd Floor West North Pick up nitroglycerine Use Container of Rice Receive Makeshift Dynamite

South East Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope North up rope East East North Down This can be skipped if you have issues with the Scorpions you can pick up the Kamasutra page when you rescue Violet, it will not affect your 100% completion. Open Inventory Select Black Light bulb Use Flashlight Avoid Scorpions to get Kamasutra page - Valerie: Missionary Plus (14)

Exit Click on Rock

West Remember the Note in the old church?

North North South South West Click on the Purple Triangle (Where have you seen that before)

Read the Monuments

East East South West West South down rope West Watch Receive Chapel Key South Up stairs Up stairs Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Right door Right door North Click Sparkle and Yes Cut Cable

South South South Up stairs Fast Travel - Basement North

Click Sparkle and Yes Cut Cable

South East Watch East East Up stairs Up stairs East Left Door Pick up Magnet Pick up Broken Metal Ladder Pick up Bottle of Pain Meds

Read Note

South West Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope North up rope East East North Click on trees Pick up Skeleton Key

South West West South down rope South down rope Fast Travel - 3rd Floor East Enter vent in southeast corner

Click on Chest Use Magnet Open Chest with Skeleton Key Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Dog & Prone (16)

Exit vent in northeast West Down stairs East South Pick up Kamasutra page - Valerie: Breed and Feed (15) KAMASUTRA 100%

North West Down stairs North Watch Talk to Buddie Give Pain Medicine to Buddie

Progress = 90% South Up stairs Up stairs Fast Travel - West Tower Up stairs Right door Watch Scene 46 - Amber and Amanda with Strapon Receive Leather Strapon Exit Room Down stairs Fast Travel - 3rd Floor Down stairs Down stairs North Talk to Buddie Give Leather Strapon to Buddie Watch South Watch Up stairs Up stairs Fast Travel - West Tower Down stairs Right door Right door Watch Scene 47 - Sex with Valerie Watch West Fast Travel - Dame Woods Watch North up rope East East Watch

North Watch Down Talk to Violet Watch Scene 48 - Sex with Violet Watch Up stairs South West West South down rope South down rope South Go inside Progress = 93% Watch West North Right door You only have to get to the other characters. Once you reach them you will be teleported outside the front door. Dodge lightening and get to Andy Go back inside North West Right door Dodge lightening and get to Katherine Go back inside West West North Dodge lightening and get to Simon Go back inside West West West

Going to the downstairs first and then upstairs is the best way I've found Up stairs Left door North Dodge lightening and get to Amanda Go back inside East East Up stairs Right door North Dodge lightening and get to Valarie Watch Go back inside Up stairs Up stairs East Southeast vent South Click on Welder Use Broken Metal Ladder Receive Metal Lader

North Northeast West Fast Travel - Dame Woods North up rope West North Watch

West I'm including a picture of the Floppy Disk. The Floppy Disk location is random. Every time I have found it, it has been in plain sight and not buried in the trees.

North Talk to Buddie Let's go! Watch Watch Final Orgy Scene with all of the girls Fast Travel to Entrance Go inside West West West Click on Elevator Once you complete all of the tasks, most should already be done, you will be at 100%

Pick one of the ladies when you have 10 Multi-vitamins and then play. Use the multi-vitamins.

This is the clock in the Security Office and the time that is on the clock is the code: 1010

The floppy disk location is random, so I can’t tell you where it is located, other than in the woods. I have always found it in plain sight. Places it has been found: On the other side of the ladder crossing By the pond where you pick up the second radiator part In the woods maze as soon as I stepped in If you’re having trouble finding it I suggest walking around in the woods maze for a bit and then checking all of the woods locations for it.