Long Term 7 .2022 Aura [PDF]

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Instituția IP LTPA ”Ion și Doina Aldea-Teodorovici” Comisia metodică –Limbi Străine


,, Coordonat”

Donțu Iurie ,director ___________________ ,2021

Poițan Victoria , director adjunct _____________________ , 2021



PROIECT DIDACTIC DE LUNGĂ DURATĂ la Limba Engleză pentru clasa a VII-a (LS1) LEVEL A 2.3 Anul de studii 2021 -2022 Profesor : Benderschii Aurelia Proiectul este elaborat conform Curriculumului Național la Limba Străină, an. 2019 Discutat la ședința comisiei metodice Șef. comisie metodică: Iordachi Ludmila

Disciplina: Limba Engleză

Competenţe specifice disciplinei • Competența lingvistică: aplicarea normelor lingvistice în formularea de mesaje simple şi corecte, valorificând limba ca sistem •

Competența sociolingvistică: utilizarea structurilor lingvistice, demonstrând funcționalitatea limbii în cadrul unui contact social

Competența pragmatică: utilizarea structurilor lingvistice în cadrul unor contexte familiare și previzibile, demonstrând coerență și precizie în comunicare

Competenţa (pluri/ inter)culturală: aproprierea elementelor specifice culturii țărilor limbii străine studiate, manifestând deschidere și motivație pentru dialog intercultural Bibliografie 1. Curriculum Național la Limba Străină, an. 2019 2. „English” book, form 7 (Level A 2.3) Viorica Condrat, Viorica Cebotaraș, an. 2020, Prut Internațional 3. Ghidul de implementare a curriculumului disciplinar la Limba Străină, clasele V-IX, an. 2019 4. Repere metodologice privind organizarea procesului educational la limba străină/ Scrisoarea Metodică 2019

Long Term Planning Template Subject Administration: English A 2.3 Nr. of hours per week 2 Unit of learning

Total number of hours 68/70

Nr. of hours

Evaluations IE







Unit I




Unit II




Unit III




Unit IV




Unit V




Unit VI





TABLE OF SPECIFICATIONS (7th form/Level A 2.3)

Competence Communicative Competences

Communicative and Pragmatic Competences

Communicative Competence Communicative and Pragmatic Competences

Sub-competence 1.1. Identifying the set of instructions 1.2. Stating the order of events while following clearly articulated speech 1.3. Identifying the general message of common everyday communicative situations provided in a standard dialect and accomplishing more difficult tasks 1.4. Following a set of instructions 1.5. Identifying the type of a text 2.1. Rephrasing the most important information from a text to state its main idea 2.2. Identifying the global meaning of a text in order to give it a title 2.3. Identifying the theme of a text by its title or pictures accompanying it 2.4. Practicing pronunciation of the English sounds 2.5. Showing adequate fluency, stress, intonation, recognizing and integrating meaning units when reading a text as confirmation of its understanding 2.6. Describing defining or exemplifying words, word combinations, idioms 2.7. Formulating simple questions in usual communication situations using appropriate conversational formulas 2.8. Rephrasing information when the interlocutor asks for repetition 2.9. Giving a short-rehearsed presentation on a familiar topic or participating in debates 2.10. Participating in simple oral conversations by identifying the idea of proverb, idiom and stating personal opinion 2.11. Producing oral statements in which students explain their own understanding of the words/idioms/ phrases 3.1. Selecting information from a written text in order to perform simple tasks 3.2. Linking a series of short, simple ideas from a text into a connected linear sequence of points 3.3. Using context clues to understand the meaning of unknown words 3.4. Reconstructing the context by providing the most appropriate word from the topic vocabulary 4.1. Writing brief well-structured texts about everyday activities, people, places, events 4.2. Writing informative texts by using connectors and link words 4.3. Writing a summary by selecting the main ideas from a text 4.4. Writing a letter by following the conversations and structure of letter writing 4.5. Editing short texts to form meaningful sentences 4.6. Editing short imperative sentences common for everyday life situations 4.7. Reporting simple statements by preserving the original meaning of the sentence 4.8. Reproducing the information from a short texts or oral presentations in a written message 4.9. Mastering grammar rules that determine ways in which forms and meanings to achieve meaningful spoken or written texts 4.10. Understanding of acceptable usage of grammar linguistic context 4.11. Using grammar knowledge as means of creating meaning in a variety of communicative situations 4.12. Using a variety of vocabulary items to render equivalence without change of meaning 4.13. Paraphrasing a word or word combinations from a given context with a synonym for strategic use of language 4.14. Editing of their own produced texts or of other functional complex and structured texts from the point of view of grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, spelling and use of connectors 4.14. Spelling correctly the words from the standard vocabulary

Sociointercultural Competence

Methodical Competence

Interdisciplinary Competence

Civic Competence

5.1. Identifying and following the rules of verbal and non-verbal conventions in spoken and written interactions 5.2. Identifying and keeping to the structure of some documents used in real life situatons5.3. knowing the themes, characters, sequence of actions in literary texts: legends, fables, tales that belong to the cultural heritage of Moldova and target language country 5.3. Knowing the themes, characters, sequence of actions in literary texts: legends, fables, tales, that belong to the cultural heritage of Moldova and target language country 5.4. Knowing some prominent people (culture, history) from the target language country 5.5. Describing famous monuments from the target language country 5.6. Describing cities of world-wide importance from the target language country 5.7. Describing geographical features and administrative division in the target language country 5.8. Using verbal and non-verbal language appropriately in socio-cultural contexts in order to fulfill communicative functions 5.9. Understanding the need of environment protection 6.1. Comparing the structure and form of some documents 6.2. Comparing the specific vocabulary and of the conversational formulas in order to produce oral and written interaction 6.3. Comparing the structure and form of some real-life documents from the target language country with those from the country of origin 6.4. Comparing the traditions and customs from the target language country and Moldova 6.5. Comparing the themes, characters, sequence of actions in literary texts: legends, fables, tales that belong to the cultural heritage of Moldova and target language country 6.6. Identifying the spelling, meaning, pronunciation of the new words and idioms from the vocabulary in the dictionary in order to use them appropriately in various communicative competence 6.7. Analyzing mistakes and errors of language and grammar use 6.8. Analyzing the assessments criteria of a written message in order to produce accurately structured paragraph 7.1. Integrated elements from different areas of human knowledge in an oral and written communicative contexts telling correctly the time, pronouncing and writing of natural and artificial fabrics in reading, writing and spoken interaction 7.2. Describing people, parks, cities, physical states and properties, life cycles of animals and plants by applying the skills acquired at different school subject 7.3. Gathering information and integrating elements from different areas of human knowledge in order to discuss and perform learning tasks by applying the skills acquired at different school subject 7.4. Finding on the map the most important cities and landmarks of the target language country 8.1. Identifying the verbal and non-verbal politeness conventions in spoken and written interactions in familiar communicative situations related with the immediate personal experience 8.2. Participating in simple oral interactions on familiar topics 8.3. Participating in simple oral conversations by speaking about plans and expectations for the course 8.4. Revising the grammar from the previous form 8.5. Testing the knowledge and skills acquired the previous year

Sub Competence Unit of Competence Units Learning

SC 1 SC 3

1.2; 1.3; 1.10 3.6; 3.7

SC 1 SC 2 SC 3 SC 1 SC 3 SC 5 SC 1 SC 2 SC 3

1.2 2.7 3.4; 3.8 1.2; 1.4 3.1; 3.4;3.7 5.1; 5.5 1.3;1.6 2.7 3.5

SC 1 SC 2

Unit III

Unit III

1.11 2.8

Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying this module SC 1 SC 2 SC 3 SC 4

1.6 2.7 3.1; 3.5 4.2; 4.9

SC 1

1.6; 1.9


Nr. hours

Lesson 1 Past Simple and Past Continuous Ex. 5-7-10 p. 47


Vocabulary Speaking and Reading Discussion Brainstorming

Lesson 2 The Golden Trio


Speaking and reading vocabulary

Ex 1-2 -4p. 50

Lesson 7 Describing a feeling


Vocabulary Conversation

Language Facts Informal Email

Lesson 3 A Christmas Carol Christmas traditions in the Uk and in Moldova Word order in questions


Reading and Speaking Discussion Fill-in Exercises Role Playing Writing Paragraphs

Traditional Christmas Dishes Ex. 2-4-8 p. 53-54


Lesson 5 Summative Evaluation Lesson 6 Evaluation Analysis

Unit IV

Resources and

Didactic strategies


Lesson 4 Round up -



Lesson 8/9 Comunication Matters Conditional type 1 If- clause Real possibility Lesson 10/11

Reading True/ False Exercises 1


Language Facts dis+obedient un+able im+possible

Project Presentation p. 55 I Can…p. 56

Oral Evaluation Error Correction Discussion



Speaking and reading Video Watching Questions and Answers Matching Describing Pictures Speaking and reading

Vocabulary building p. 111 Do or Make ( Formal and informal expessions) If I were you...

SC 2 SC 3

2.4; 2.7 3.2; 3.4

SC 1 SC 3 SC 4

1.3; 1.5 3.1; 3.7 4.7; 4.8

SC 1 SC 2 SC 3

1.8; 1.11 2.7 3.2; 3.4

SC 1 SC 4

1.4; 1.5; 1.11 4.2; 4.5

SC 1 SC 2 SC 3

1.11 2.8 3.13.7

Connecting People Conditional type 2 unreal possibility Lesson 12/13 Capital Cities Prepositions of direction and destination Lesson 14 I Have a Dream

Lesson 15/16 Netiquette Some and any (review) Lesson 17

SC 1 SC 3

1.8,1.11 3.3; 3.4

SC 1




Round up Lesson 18


Summative Evaluation

UNIT V 1.2,1.4 3.1; 3.4; 3.7


Obligation and necessity in the past Had to

Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying this module

SC 1 SC 3


Unit V

Lesson 19 Evaluation Analysis Lesson 20/21 Equal but Different Conditional type 2 If - clause Lesson 22 Inclusion for All Could ability in the past Lesson 23


2 1


vocabulary Fill-in Exercises Multiple Choice Exercises Listening and Reading Vocabulary Discussion Describing Pictures Listening Speaking and reading Vocabulary Multiple Choice Exercises

Speaking and Reading Vocabulary Discussion Listening and Speaking Reading Think-Pair-Share Dialogues True/ False Exercises Comprehension Question Fill-in Exercises

To give a piece of advice Ex. 3, 4, 7 10 p. 60-62 Language Facts Towards,though,along, across,overEx.7, 11p. 63 Language Facts obligation and necessity in the past + they had to… ? Did they have to... -They did not have to.. p. 67 Talking about rules of online communication Ex. 12, 14 p. 69- 71 I Can ....p. 72

Written test

Error Correction Discussion Speaking and Reading Ex. 3,4, 8 , 12 Vocabulary p. 73-75 Fill in and Matching Sentence Building Exercises Speaking and Reading Language Facts Could- ability in the past Choose and fill in Ex. 3, 6,7, 10.14 p. 76-78 Listening Speaking and writing

Language Facts

SC 3

3.3; 3.7

What If… Reported speech in the Past

SC 1 SC 2 SC 3 SC 4

1.5 2.4 3.6,3.8 4.9

Lesson 4 A Straight- A Student Reported speech in the Past Unit V

SC 1 SC 2 SC 3 SC 4

1.11 2.1 3.7 4.3,4.6

SC 1 SC 2 SC 3

1.2 2.2,2.7 3.4 3.8

Lesson 6 The Art of Small Steps

SC 1 SC 2 SC 3

1.11 2.8 3.1; 3.7

Lesson 7

Lesson 5 Let’s Agree to Disagree


Reported speech in the Past ( review ) 2

Conditional type 2


Round up 5

Lesson 8 Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying this module


Summative Evaluation-5


Vocabulary Brainstorming Listening and watching Taking Notes Think-Pair-Share

This- that/ these -those Here- there/ now-then Today- that day Yesterday -the day before Tomorrow -the next day

Speaking and reading Vocabulary Conversation Matching Listening Writing Reading and Speaking Vocabulary Listening Fill in Exercises Discussion

Vocabulary Building p. 108

Speaking and reading Brainstorming Video Watching Taking Notes Think-Pair-Share Role Playing Reading Think-Pair-Share Dialogues True/ False Exercises Writing Paragraphs

Comprehension Question Fill-in Exercises

Ex. 2, 4, 5, 7, 12 p. 82- 84 Vocabulary Building p. 116 Ex. 2, 3, 5, 6,11, 14 p. 85- 87 Vocabulary building p. 118 Project work p. 90

I can… p. 91

Written Evaluation

Lesson 9


Evaluation Analysis

SC 1 SC 3

1.6 1.9 3.2 3.4


Unit VI

Lesson 1 Climate Change


Interrogative adjectives Whose, which

SC 1 SC 2 Sc 3

1.6; 1.9 2. 11 3.2

Lesson 2 The Home of my Dream

SC 1 SC 3 SC 4

1.10 3.2; 3.4 4.7; 4.7

Lesson 3 The Power of a Diary

SC 2 SC 3 SC 4

2.2; 2.8 3.1; 3.7 4.2; 4.5:4.8

SC 1 SC 2 SC 3 SC 4

1.8 2.2; 2.7 3.3 4.5


Reported Speech 1

Relative Pronouns Who, which, whose, whom

Lesson 4 Cinema Going Subjectverb agreement with plural invariable nouns


Lesson 5 My Summer Plans


The with geographical names

Error Correction Discussion

Speaking and reading Matching Describing Pictures Role Playing Listening Writing Vocabulary Reading Fill-in Exercises Multiple Choice Exercises Describing Pictures Role Playing Vocabulary Speaking and reading Brainstorming Taking Notes Multiple Choice Quiz Writing Paragraphs

Vocabulary Building p. 112 ”EARTH DAY” Project Work -Save the Planet 22 April Poem by Henry Van Dyke ” A Home Song” p.95 ex. 6,9, 13,16 p. 96-97

Speaking and reading Video Watching vocabulary Conversation Matching Fill-in Exercises

Vocabulary Building p. 119 Language Facts See a film at the cinema. Watch a film at home. Types of films Language Facts Use the withMountains, oceans, seas,rivers Don not use The withContinents,countries, cities,lakes,

Speaking and Reading Mind Map Filling Vocabulary Matching Exercises Answer the questions Listening and speaking

Spend time Pass the time Waste time Ex. 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 p. 98- 100

SC 1 SC 2 SC 3

1.11 2.8 3.1; 3.7

Lesson 6

Reading Think-Pair-Share Dialogues True/ False Exercises Writing Paragraphs


Comprehension Question Fill-in Exercises Paragraph Writing

Round up 6

Lesson 7 Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying this module


Summative Evaluation-6 FINAL Lesson 8 Evaluation Analysis


Error Correction Discussion

Exceptions- mountains (Everest) I can… p. 107

Final written evaluation

End of book