Listening and Speaking 5 Q: Skills For Success Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key [PDF]

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Listening and Speaking 5 Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key The Q Classroom Activity A., p. 114 Answers will vary. Activity B., p. 115 1. Yuna covers her walls with photos of friends and family. She does this because she likes to have the faces of people she loves around her. 2. It drives Marcus’ mother crazy when she sees his books all over his room. Additional answers will vary. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Activity A., p. 118 I. Proxemics – the study of personal space A. Edward Hall – anthropologist B. personal space bubble equals 2.5–4 feet 1. entering personal space = an invasion II. Technology and personal space A. RFID tags 1. information on price and manufacturer 2. RFID readers give information on shopping habits B. GPS devices 1. parents knowing where children are from phones 2. police tracking a potential criminal 3. burglars robbing you while you're away LISTENING 1 WORK WITH THE LISTENING Activity A., pp. 120–121 I. Environmental psychology A. Definition: studies the interrelationship between human behavior and environments B. Areas the lecture will focus on: 1. Gender 2. Eye contact 3. Need for privacy II. Male and female sitting behavior

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Q: Skills for Success Second Edition A. Feelings of invasion 1. Face-to face invasion (males) 2. Adjacent invasion (females) B. Placement of belongings 1. The jacket study 2. Placement of belongings C. Exploring territories on bikes 1. Smaller territories for girls 2. Larger territories for boys D. Touching plates in restaurants III. Eye contact: Post office experiment A. Less likely to make eye contact in a city B. Most likely to make eye contact in a rural community IV. Visual intrusion and privacy—stressful places A. Visual intrusion—to see and be seen 1. Restaurants 2. Offices B. Privacy—dorm rooms Activity B., p. 121 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Environmental psychology is a field of research that studies how people behave as a result of their environment. 2. Females respond to invasion of space to the side, whereas men respond to space across from them. Also, people tend to give more respect to territory or property of males than to that of females. 3. People use eye contact to convey how they feel about personal space. 4. A perceived lack of privacy can cause people to feel stressed. Activity C., pp. 121–122 1. F; Men are more offended by face-to-face encounters. / Women are more offended by someone sitting adjacent to them. 2. T 3. T 4. F; Visitors are more likely to disturb items belonging to a female than a male.


Listening and Speaking 5 Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key 5. T 6. F; Territorial behavior begins when we are children. 7. F; According to the lecture, males tend to explore a larger territory than females. 8. T 9. F; People in a large city tend to make less eye contact than people in smaller towns. Activity D., p. 122 1. b 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. c Activity F., pp. 123–124 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. c 9. a 10. c 11. b 12. b LISTENING SKILL Activity A., p. 126 List the following six cues, in any order: in addition, for example, in fact, equally important, that is, in short Activity B., p. 126 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. b

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Q: Skills for Success Second Edition LISTENING 2 WORK WITH THE LISTENING Activity A., pp. 127–128 Dr. Gosling’s work – professor of psychology; writer of Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You; snooping in peoples’ personal areas; analyzing what people have and how objects are arranged; figuring out people’s personalities Neil Conan’s stuff – a baseball; his FCC radio operator’s license; a double decker London bus; family pictures personal items and what they reveal – introvert or extrovert personality; caring about family; people’s Facebook pages help us know them using clues to build a picture – finding reasons why people have certain items; not jumping to conclusions like the handshake study; be a detective and read the clues; find out the meaning behind the stuff Activity B., p. 128 Answers may vary. Sample answer: I. Dr. Gosling A. psychology professor 1. studies personalities based on their stuff B. author of Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You 1. snoops around people’s stuff 2. analyzes stuff and the arrangement of items II. Neil Conan’s stuff A. on the wall 1. pictures, his FCC operator’s license B. on his desk 1. a baseball 2. some toys III. What personal items reveal A. personality – introvert and extrovert B. relationships with family C. what is important to people – from Facebook pages IV. Using clues to build a picture


Listening and Speaking 5 Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key A. don’t jump to conclusions like the handshake study B. put together the pieces – not just one item C. look at the clues like a detective Activity C., p. 128 1. his operator’s license; family pictures 2. how the objects are arranged 3. offices, rooms in houses, Web sites 4. personal Web pages 5. extroverts and introverts 6. impressions people got from handshakes 7. come to the wrong conclusion because we base our view on just one part of the person, on one clue 8. sentimental Activity D., p. 129 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. He looks at physical environments, aural environments, and virtual environments. 2. No. He believes we often “go beyond the evidence,” that is, make too many conclusions based on only one clue. 3. It’s important to know something about various types of personalities in order to correctly learn something about a person based on their belongings. Activity E., p. 129 1. unsigned 2. away from 3. we are all 4. writer 5. blogging and emailing Activity F., pp. 129–130 1. modify 2. propose 3. introvert 4. clues 5. clarify 6. profile 7. tentatively 8. traits

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Q: Skills for Success Second Edition 9. 10. 11. 12.

extrovert domain crucial framework

VOCABULARY SKILL Activity A., pp. 131–132 1. b 2. a 3. f 4. d 5. h 6. i 7. k 8. j 9. o 10. n GRAMMAR Activity A., pp. 134–135 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. b PRONUNCIATION Activity A., p. 136 If you had a stuffed teddy on your bed / it meant something / you know. But the world is more complicated / than that. So unfortunately / it doesn’t work like that / because there are many reasons / why we might have / say / a stuffed animal on our bed / or something like that. And so / really you can’t use a codebook approach / where x means y. What you have to do is / you have to build up a picture / piece by piece / and sometimes you only have / a very little piece / and you have to hold your view


Listening and Speaking 5 Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key

Q: Skills for Success Second Edition

very tentatively. But that will / that will guide your search / for more information.

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