Lex Practice Tests Part 1 [PDF]

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TEST 1 Section 1. Choose the word or phrase that best fits each blank in the following sentences. 1. _______ is imperative in your new job. The director disapproves of being late. A. Having time

B. Keeping time

C. Being on time

D. Taking time

2. Two students are talking about an upcoming test. - Mary: “The sociology test seems to be very difficult. I am still not confident about my performance this Friday. I’ve gone through all the materials, though!” - Alexis: “_______” A. You’ve read all the materials, it’s OK for you. B. I have read all the chapters, but I have not studied the notes from the lectures. C. That is correct! You are doing really well too, Mary! D. I do not think that is your problem. It is probably a case of anxiety. 3. _______, the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather. A. Left uncovered

B. Having left uncovered

C. Leaving uncovered

D. Been left uncovered

4. Why do you have such a _______ with model railways? A. desire

B. love

C. fascination

D. preference

5. Small companies may take their goods abroad for trade shows without paying foreign valueadded taxes by acquiring _______ an ATA carnet. A. a document calls

B. a document called C. calls a document

D. called a document.

6. She walked in _______, as if nothing had happened. A. as cool as a cucumber

B. as clear as mud

C. as dead as a doornail

D. as dry as a bone

7. Ever since we quarreled in the office, Janice and I have been _______ enemies. A. assured

B. confirmed

C. defined

D. guaranteed

8. I can accept criticism in general, but George really _______ it too far, so I had no other option but to show my disapproval. A. carried

B. pushed

C. put

D. made

9. One of the organization’s aims is to _______ information about the disease so that more people know about its symptoms. A. disentangle

B. deride

C. dwindle

D. disseminate

10. Luckily, I _______ a new pair of sunglasses as I found mine at the bottom of a bag. A. needn’t have bought

B. needed not to buy

C. didn’t need to buy

D. hadn’t to buy

11. Take the doctor’s advice into consideration. He’s in _______ earnest about the epidemic. A. mortally

B. fatally

C. deadly

D. gravely

12. Hotel rooms must be _______ by 10 a.m., but luggage may be left with the porter. A. vacated

B. evacuated

C. abandoned

D. left

13. Mary: “Do you want to watch this or the news?” Linda: “Oh, _______. It’s up to you.” A. I agree

B. I couldn’t agree more

C. Don’t mention it

D. I’m easy

14. It's difficult for a teacher to _______ her students' interest for a whole semester. A. sustain

B. resist

C. account for

D. recognize

15. This cheese isn’t fit for eating. It’s _______ all over after lying in the bin for so long. A. rusty

B. mouldy

C. spoiled

D. sour

16. We should all _______ when advertisers attempt to use unfair practices. A. make a stand

B. make a deal

C. make amends

D. make a comeback

17. Katie O'Donovan, public policy manager at Google UK, said the company had shown its ______ to protecting children by developing its resources - such as an online safety course which has been taught to 40,000 schoolchildren.

A. commitment

B. enthusiasm

C. interest

D. keenness

18. The realization of our holiday plans has had to be _______ because of my mother’s sudden illness. A. prevented

B. shelved

C. expired

D. lingered

19. The new situation has _______ a lot of anger and dissatisfaction. Our duty now is to encounter it in the most sensible way. A. devised

B. established

C. originated

D. provoked

20. Education should be a universal right and not a _______. A. deliverance

B. enlightenment

C. privilege

D. liberty

Section 2. Fill each gap with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. It would be a _______ decision to stop supporting the arts. (RUTH) 2. In the not-too-distant past farm, animals were able to live _______ lives in what we would now term 'freerange' conditions. (NATURE) 3. Forests from an integral component of the _______ are essential to the stabilization of global climate and the management of water and land. (SPHERE) 4. Mr. Brown was the _______ at the meeting. (CHAIR) 5. He was _______ of making her acquaintance. (DESIRE) 6. As young women _________, they may perceive sex as an assertion of independence and gender equality. (CULTURAL) 7. She is very efficient and ____________ polite to the customers. (FAIL) 8. She found him arrogant and ______________. (DOMINATE) 9. An anonymous ____________ donated $2 million. (BENEFIT) 10. ____________ of course, I’m much better off than I used to be. (MONEY)

TEST 2 Question 1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) which best completes each sentence 1.There is a strong movement supporting the abolition of the death ________ . A. penalty

B. punishment

C. discipline

D. condemnation

2. The study adds to a growing ________ of evidence that links a lack of sleep with weight gain. A. body

B. form

C. hulk

D. soul

3. It is ________ probable that they are the original bindings of the manuscript. A. widely

B. highly

C. utterly

D. bitterly

4. The show was ________ bit as good as I expected. A. every

B. so

C. very

D. much

5. The similarities between all three crimes were such that they could not be ________ down to chance. A. put

B. laid

C. set

D. taken

6. She doesn't mind working overtime because she gets paid ________ . A. by the hour

B. all the hour C. at the hour D. in the hour

7. People often complain that children nowadays don't seem to respect their ________ . A. elderly

B. elders

C. aged

D. age

8. All statistical analysis must allow for a ________ of error. A. margin

B. border

C. frontier

D. boundary

9. It's time to take a rough ________ against obesity. A. stance

B. measure

C. legislation

D. angle

10. The world's first boot camp for teenagers addicted to the Internet may be the ________ of things to come. A. draft

B. formula

C. character

D. shape

11. We believe that the government has a duty ________ its pledges. A. bear out

B. standby

C. go back

D. count on

12. Don’t forget to buy a packet of ________ Peas A. chilled

B. frozen

C. frosted

D. chilly

13. He was so mean that he couldn’t bear to ________ the smallest sum of money for the charity appeal. A. pay off

B. part with

C. give in

D. let out

14. A huge crowd ________ in the pouring rain to cheer the president. A. turned out

B. held up

C. saw off

D. dropped in

15. We hadn’t ________ for such heavy traffic, and we were delayed. A. expected

B. bargained

C. calculated

D. supposed

16. Beyond all ________ it was Alice who gave away our secrets A. fail

B. conclusion

C. dispute

D. contradiction

17. The book says that the revolution was ________ off by the assassination of the state governor. A. launched

B. cropped

C. triggered

D. prompted.

18. The hijackers have demanded a ________ to be paid for releasing the civilian hostages from the plane A. currency

B. revenue

C. deposit

D. ransom

19. Just ________ these proofs for me as I’m in a hurry. A. run into

B. run off

C. run over

D. run out

20. She resigned ________ No one forced her to do so. A. for her own sake

B. of her own accord

C. with a will

D. on purpose

Question 2. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets 1. They are waiting for the doctor’s _________. (diagnose) 2. There was a heavy ___________ yesterday afternoon which completely ruined the church Garden Party. (pour) 3. His contribution to medical science was outstanding laying the foundations for research by the scientists who would follow in his (foot) ____________ 4. Cigarettes, coffee and alcohol and other (addict) ____________ are known to have an adverse influence upon human health. 5. Marie Curie's life offers us a profound and fascinating (sight) ___________ into the changing world of women in science and academia 6. Be careful! That’s a __________ poison. (dead) 7. The talks were totally __________ We didn’t reach agreement on anything. (product) 8. The boy was very violent and his parents found him ____________. (manage) 9. Tax exemption only applies to those with ___________ status. (resident) 10. ____________ books have been written on the subject. (number)

Question 1. 1.A










11. B

12. B

13. B

14. A

15. B

16. C

17. C

18. D

19. C

20. B

Question 2 1.diagnosis

2. Pourdown

3. Footsteps

4. Addictions

5. insight

6. deadly

7. unproductive

8. unmanageable

9. non-resident

10. Innumerable

TEST 3 Section 1: Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. 1. When she puts her mind to it, she is always capable of _____ sarcasm. A. biting

B. sharpening

C. slicing

D. striking

2. Fred has a__________ of staying out of trouble at the office - he never gets involved. A. trait

B. ability

C. skill

D. knack

3. It is ________that the Minister of Justice should be accused of corruption A. sarcastic

B. sardonic

C. ironic

D. cynical

4. You can’t believe a word that woman says –she is a ________liar. A. committed

B. compulsive

C. impulsive

D. devoted

5. The judge show that the murderer had shown a callous ________for human life. A. disregard

B. ignorance

C. omission

D. neglect

6. It was ________ whether the operation would go ahead because so many staff were on sick leave that week. A. safe and sound

B. touch-and-go

C. pros and cons

D. grin and bear

7. Anna’s friend knew the casting director, so she pulled a few ________ to arrange an audition. A. ropes

B. wires

C. threads

D. strings

8. The play is simply a vehicle for its stars and falls ________ of having a decent plot. A. fast

B. short

C. quick

D. thin

9. Although he’s shy, it certainly hasn’t _______ his career in any way. A. restricted

B. obstructed

C. cramped

D. impeded

10. She was caught cheating in the race. _______, she was disqualified. A. Explicitly

B. Accordingly

C. Equally

D. Fundamentally

11. Burglar alarms on cars and houses may act as a _______ to the casual thief. A. prevention

B. precaution

C. stopper

D. deterrent

12 The ________ are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal. A. chances

B. bets

C. prospects

D. odds

13. Hardship and hard work are very much part and ________ of student life. A. package

B. section

C. province

D. parcel

14. I’m sorry to have bothered you. I was under the ____ that you wanted me to call you. A. mistake

B. miscalculation

C. misconception

D. misapprehension

15. ____ we went swimming. A. Being a hot day,

B. It was a hot day,

C. The day being hot, D. Due to a hot day,

16. I’ve yet ________ a person as Theo. A. to meet as infuriating

B. to have met such infuriating

C. been meeting as infuriating

D. been meeting such infuriating

17. Sniffer dogs are able to locate survivors beneath the rubble with ________ . A. precision

B. correctness

C. meticulousness

D. exactitude

18. The preparations for the Olympic Games are on ________ according to the committee in charge. A. goal

B. progress

C. target

D. aim

19. A ________ number of mothers with young children are deterred from undertaking paid work because they lack access to childcare. A. substantial

B. bleak

C. thoughtless

D. quaint

20. As I waited on the pavement, a black Mercedes __________beside me. A. pulled up

B. pulled down

C. pulled off

D. pulled through

Section 2. Fill each gap with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. George gave the child a _____________of sweets. ( HAND) 2. Our class team has won five ________________football match. ( SUCCEED) 3. The _____________have discovered the laws of inheritance ( GENE) 4. Thousands of patients' lives have been made ________________ better by the application of cloning genes. ( MEASURE) 5. His actions in destroying the tapes were _________________. (DEFEND) 6. This margarine is full of _____________ - just look at the label! (ADD) 7. That one kiss had left her ________________ with excitement. (BREATH) 8. She is employed by the president in an ______________ capacity. (ADVISE)

9. She was charged with _________________ bank records. (FALSE) falsifying hard-hearted 10. Nobody wants to make friends with a/ an __________________ person. (HEART)

TEST 4 PART 1: Choose the best option to complete each of the following questions. 1. After several hours on the road they became ______ to the fact that they would never reach the hotel by nightfall. A. dejected

B. resigned

C. depressed

D. disillusioned

2. One of the organization’s aims is to ______ information about the disease so that more people know about its symptoms. A. disentangle

B. deride

C. dwindle

D. disseminate

3. Dealing with ______ refusal from an employee is easier than dealing with false compliance. A. an offset

B. a remedial

C. an agile

D. an outright

4. Did you see Jonathan this morning? He looked like ______. It must have been quite a party last night. A. a wet blanket

B. a dead duck

C. a death warmed up

D. a bear with a sore head

5. In the ______ of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all time. A. requirement

B. demands

C. assistance

D. interests

C. brush up on

D. cut out for

6. I must ______ my Spanish before I go to Seville. A. make up for

B. break out of

7. She has scrawled me a note in her familiar ______ handwriting. A. scratchy

B. scruffy

C. rusty

D. sloppy

8. Education should be a universal right and not a ______ A. deliverance

B. enlightenment

C. privilege

D. liberty

9. I know you're upset about breaking up with Tony but there are plenty more ______ A. horses in the stable

B. cows in the field

C. tigers in the zoo

D. fish in the sea

10. On Sunday, Vivian studied for seven hours ______ A. on end

B. at once

C. in full

D. at length

11. Stephen really lost his ______ when his dental appointment was cancelled again. A. head

B. voice

C. calm

D. rag

12. We were working overtime to cope with a sudden ______ in demand. A. boost

B. impetus

C. surge

D. thrust

13. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ so it was abandoned. A. repressive

B. prohibitive

C. restrictive

D. exclusive

14. She was determined to become wealthy and to that ______ she started her own company. A. view

B. aim

C. end

D. object

15. He made a number of ______ remarks about my cooking, which upset us. A. slashing

B. stabbing

C. chopping

D. cutting

16. She is afraid she is rather ______ about the existence of the ghost. A. skeptical

B. partial

C. adaptable

D. incapable

17. I am sorry to have bothered you, I was under the ______ that you wanted me to call you. A. mistake

B. miscalculation

C. misconception

D. misapprehension

18. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become ______ offenders. A. persistent

B. insistent

C. inverted

D. innate

19. ______, Americans eat a light breakfast. They usually don’t eat a lot of food in the morning. A. By and large

B. Fair and square

C. Ins and outs

D. Odds and ends

20. If that boy doesn’t stop stealing, he will ______ in jail. A. end up

B. bring about

C. get round

D. go by

PART 2. WORD FORM Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the bold words given in the bracket. incomparable 1. When we arrived at the hotel, we were amazed at the _________. hospitality of the staff. (COMPARE)

defame 2. He is the bad manager in the factory and everyone is in attempt to _________. him. (FAME) outbreak 3. The _________. of an epidemic will be unavoidable unless measures are taken to prevent the rural population from drinking the contaminated water. (BREAK) brevity 4. Please keep the email short. _________. makes everyone’s lives easier. (BRIEF)

5. With the help of the computer, checking information has become less _________. (LABOR) laborious 6. You mustn’t leave your luggage _________. for even a moment on the train. (ATTEND) unattended 7. She looked in on the baby _________. to check that it was all right. (PERIOD) periodically

8. They were totally _________. by the girl’s disappearance. (MYSTERY) mystified unproductive 9. The talks were totally _________. We didn’t reach agreement on anything at all. (PRODUCT) unmanageable 10. The boy was very violent and his parents found him ___________. (MANAGE)

TEST 5 Part 1. Choose the word or phrase that best fits each blank in the following sentences. 1. The police say they have some important clues ____ the murderer. A. on

B. about

C. to

D. in

2. Camels have either one hump or two humps. The Arabian camel has one hump. The Bactrian camel, ____ has two humps. A. nevertheless

B. however

C. therefore

D. otherwise

C. a quarter of one

D. a quarter of

3. I’ll be with all of you in ____ hour. A. a quarter of an

B. one quarter of an

4. ____ any other politician would have given way to this sort of pressure years ago. A. Really

B. Practically

C. Actually

D. Utterly

5. Private printing was simply a means ____ he could increase his income. A. whereupon

B. whereby

C. wherewithal

D. whereabout

6. Buying shares in this company is as safe as ____. There’s no way you can lose your money. A. houses

B. a bank

C. gold bars

D. a vault

7. I’m sorry to have bothered you. I was under the ____ that you wanted me to call you. A. mistake

B. miscalculation

C. misconception

D. misapprehension

8. When he examined the gun, the detective’s suspicion turned into ____. A. certainty

B. confirmation

C. reality

D. conclusion

9. The management are making ____ to increase the company’s efficiency. A. measures

B. steps

C. moves

D. deeds

10. Tim: “Will you come for a walk with me?” Mary: “____”. A. No, I won’t, thanks

B. No, I shan’t, thanks

C. No, I’d prefer not, thanks

D. No, I’d prefer not to, thank you

11. Kate: “It seems to me that spring is the most beautiful time of the year.” Tony: “____! It’s really lovely!” A. You’re exactly right

B. You could be right

C. You are wrong

D. I couldn’t agree less

12. She said that she would be punctual for the opening speech, ____ she were late? A. but what if

B. how about

C. and what about

D. so if

13. In a money-oriented society, the average individual cares little about solving ____ problem. A. any other

B. any other’s

C. anyone else’s

D. anyone’s else

14. Would you please leave us details of your address ____ forwarding any of your mail to come? A. for the purpose of

B. as a consequence of

C. for the sake of

D. by means of

15. ____ of the Chairman, the Executive Director will be responsible for chairing the meeting. A. For the absence

B. On the absence

C. In the absence

D. To the absence

16. ____ we went swimming. A. Being a hot day,

B. It was a hot day,

C. The day being hot,

D. Due to a hot day,

17. The web of the common house spider is an ingenious trap that catches small insects. A. simple

B. useful

C. fragile

D. clever

18. For most male spiders courtship is a perilous procedure, for they may be eate by females. A. complicated

B. peculiar

C. dangerous

D. ordinary

19. These two essays are word ____ word the same. A. for

B. from

C. with

D. in

C. by

D. from

20. “What time is it ____ your watch?” A. at

B. with

TEST 6 Section 1. Choose the word or phrase that best fits each blank in the following sentences. 1. Simon has a very strong _____ of duty so he will always carry out his promises. A. sense

B. idea

C. mind

D. thought

2. I slept badly last night and am feeling particularly _______ this morning. A. far-reaching

B. slow-witted

C. off-hand

D. top-heavy

3. My older brother is extremely fond of astronomy, he seems to ______ a lot of pleasure from observing the stars. A. possess

B. seize

C. reach

D. derive

4. I’m sorry to _______ to your conversation but there’s an urgent message for you. A. come in

B. bump in

C. butt in

D. pop in

5. I’m not keen on ______ control of the project to a relative newcomer. A. undertaking

B. charging

C. entrusting

D. allowing

6. She went under ________ as a waitress to write an article on tipping. A. cover

B. act

C. pose

D. mask

7. Even at that early state the school felt that she ________ a good chance of passing her exams. A. possessed

B. stood

C. gained

D. took

8. His speech ________ little or no relation to the topic given. A. gave

B. reflected

C. bore

D. was

9. He ______ in me on the understanding that I wouldn’t tell anyone else. A. intimated

B. confessed

C. disclosed

D. confided

10. We intend to ________ with the old system as soon as we have developed a better one. A. do up

B. do away

C. do in

D. do down

11. There is a huge amount of _______ associated with children’s TV nowadays. A. produce

B. manufacturing

C. merchandising

D. sales

12. As the order to abandon the ship was given, hundreds of people _________ into the icy water. A. plunged

B. emerged

C. drowned

13. Not once did I see him _______ a finger to help in the home.

D. submerged

A. shift

B. move

C. click

D. lift

14. The engineers won’t be able to repair the telephone system until they can _________ the cause of the fault. A. separate

B. isolate

C. estimate

D. concentrate

15. He was ________ writer because he persuaded many people to see the truth of his ideas. A. an exceptionally

B. a prolific

C. an unlimited

D. an influential

16. They are happily married although, of course, they argue ________. A. most times

B. from day to day

C. every now and then

D. on the occasion

17. It is physically impossible for any human being to ________ such extreme cold for long. A. endure

B. persist

C. withhold

D. last

18. Terry is an old _____ of mine. We split up nine years ago but we’ve stayed friends. A. fire

B. flame

C. spark

D. blaze

19. You know how I worry about you driving at night. Call me when you arrive to set my mind _______. A. easy

B. at peace

C. calm

D. at rest

20. I slept badly last night and I am feeling particularly _________ this morning. A. far-reaching

B. off-hand

C. slow-witted

D. top-heavy

Section 2. Fill each gap with the correct form of the words in brackets. ill-advised 1. Be careful. You may be ________ to put all your eggs in one basket. (ADVICE)

2. The cancellation of the ccase resulted from the ________ non-appearancein court of the defendant resulted in. (APPEAR) inexhaustible 3. I’ve never met such a strong girl. Her energy seems ________. (EXHAUST)

4. It is very diffcult to find Mrs. Pie’s shop, for it was ________ indistinguishablefrom all others in the street. (DISTINGUISH) 5. Students hate their classmates who get ________ treatment form their teachers. (PREFER) preferential 6. The educational program we are launching is to ________ teenage girls in rural areas. empower (POWER) immeasurably proud of her? 7. Doesn’t she know that her good result will make her parents ________ (MEASURE)

8. A list of ________ events for the autumn is being prepared. (COME) forthcoming 9. Most people who work feel that they are ________ (PAY) underpaid 10. She was the only visitor ________ into the sick room. (ADMISSION) admitted

TEST 7 Part 1. For question 1-20, read the following sentences and then decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each space. Circle the correct answer. 1. For a team to be successful, all members have to ________ their weight. A. take

B. make

C. get

D. pull

2. You really will have to be able to ________ down a job for more than six weeks. A. keep

B. turn

C. take

D. hold

3. It took him a long time to come to ________ with the fact that he was homeless. A. terms

B. acceptance

C. tabs

D. agreement

4. Simon has a very strong ________ of duty so he will always carry out his promises. A. sense

B. idea

C. mind

D. thought

5. The birth of their first child caused a lot of ________ in Angela Ken’s lives. A. uproar

B. upheaval

C. outcry

D. overthrow

6. The interviewer’s warm smile soon put Jill at her ________. A. comfort

B. leisure

C. rest

D. ease

7. No ________ how long it takes, I will keep trying to find an answer. A. way

B. matter

C. worry

D. mind

8. I ________ to think how you’re going to cope all by yourself with two babies. A. fear

B. avoid

C. dread

D. worry

9. However at the last training session there was a very poor ________. A. turn-up

B. turnover

C. turnout

D. turn-off

10. The old lady ________ on going to court to give evidence. A. demanded

B. urged

C. begged

D. insisted

11. We all know that you are guilty so why don’t you ________ up? A. give

B. turn

C. own

D. say

12. How could we have been so gullible- it was all a ________ of lies. A. pack

B. heap

C. bunch

D. pile

13. They were caught because their sudden wealth gave the ________ away.

A. fact

B. game

C. idea

D. match

14. Kate ________ Tim that he had an appointment after lunch. A. remembered

B. recalled

C. reminded

D. recollected

15. Police are trying to ________ the stolen goods. A. trace

B. track

C. shadow

D. stalk

16. I am ________ my brother is. A. nowhere like ambitious as

B. nothing near as ambitious as

C. nothing as ambitious like

D. nowhere near as ambitious as

17. ________ are considered humorous is mainly due to his characters’ use of slang. A. That Myan’s stories

B. Myan’s stories, which

B. Myan’s stories

D. Because Myan’s stories

18. After a six-year relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to ________. A. break the bank

B. turn the page

C. tie the knot

D. make the grade

19. After the accident, there was considerable doubt ________ exactly what had happened. A. in the question of

B. as to

C. in the shape of

D. for

20. Most discounts have been dramatically ________ in the final days of our clearance sale from 15% to 5%. A. declined

B. diminished C. slashed

D. taken down

Part 2. For question 1-10, use the word in capitals at the end of the sentence to form one word that fits in the space. assertiveness is much more effective than aggression. (ASSERT) 1. ________

2. The singer’s ________ unconventional lifestyle attracts the attention of the press. (CONVENTION) 3. When she passed 30, Sue became increasingly ________ for a baby. (DESPAIR) desperate disheartened .What a shame. (HEAR) 4. The unresponsive audience made the lecturer somewhat ________ impersonation of famous people. (PERSON) 5. My brother’s a comedian who specializes in doing ________ upcoming 6. Michael Spencer’s ________ book is likely to be a huge success. COME

workplaces 7. Some ________ now have their own nursery facilities for staff with children. (WORK)

temperament 8. He won’t get angry with you- he has a very calm ________. (TEMPER)

adoptive 9. Sam was very grateful to his ________ parents for their generosity. (ADOPT) atmospheric 10. The subtle photography and music make the film very ________. (ATMOSPHERE)

TEST 8 A. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, D to each of the following questions. 1. The boxer hit his opponent so hard that he was ___________ for ten minutes. A. asleep

B. knocked about

C. unconscious

D. stopped

2. Because of an unfortunate ______ your order was not dispatched by the date requested. A. hindrance

B. oversight

C. negligence

D. transgression

3. The death ___________ in the earthquake has been put at over one thousand. A. damage

B. toll

C. rate

D. loss

banish 4. Don’t be __________ bymaltreat false advertisements. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.

A. put off

B. given up

C. taken in

D. put down

5. By next Saturday you ___________ with us for 6 months. A. will have stayed

B. will stay

C. have stayed

D. are staying

6. The child sat in the middle of the floor and ___________ refused to move. A. distinctively

B. decisively

C. flatly

D. totally

7. The manager told his assistant to ___________ the mistake immediately. A. rectify

B. maltreat

C. sanction

D. banish

8. After a six-year relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to ___________. A. break the bank

B. turn the page

C. tie the knot

D. make the grade

9. Not until the seventeenth century ___________ to measure the speed of light. A. anyone did even attempt

B. did anyone even attempt

C. even did anyone attempt

D. did even attempt anyone

10. The director retired early ___________ ill health. A. on behalf of

B. ahead of

C. on account of

D. in front of

11. Little did I imagine The Amazing Race would entail long-winded journeys and ups and downs __________ . A. aplenty

B. inexhaustibly

C. profusely

D. superabundant

12. It stands to reason that a touch of humor and optimism can work ____________ . A. on all cylinders

B. spectacles

C. wonders

D. your fingers to the bone

13. I admit that I am late for the conference, but by _______________ of excuse let me explain: my plane was delayed for 6 hours in Hanoi. A. courtesy

B. dint

C. means

D. way

14. A lot of criticism and scorn has been heaped _____________ his opinions. A. above

B. beyond

C. on

D. up

15. At first, she was ____________ dumbfounded to hear that he wanted to break up, and then came the stirrings of auto-hypnotic perturbation. A. exceedingly

B. out-and-out

C. somewhat

D. utterly

16. What stands out from The Voice Kids is that many young children are ___________ with natural talent for music. A. bestowed

B. conferred

C. endowed

D. vouchsafed

17. With the economic situation looming large, many families find it difficult to rear their ________. A. descendant

B. lineage

C. offspring

D. successor

18. Researchers have made a(n) __________ plea for more sponsorship so that they can continue their project. A. compassionate

B. dispassionate

C. encompassed

D. impassioned

19. That Mary is an ______ liar: you must take what she says with a small grain of salt. A. incorrigible

B. incurable

C. irredeemable

D. irremediable

20. Unanswered, the demands for nuclear deterrents have _________ fears of civil war. A. flashed up

B. prognosticated

C. sidetracked

D. stoked up

B. Fill in the bracket with the correct form of the words misgiving 1. Many teachers expressed serious ___________ about the new tests. (GIVE)

2. The price of property in the city is ____________. (PROHIBIT) prohibitive 3. ____________ is an economic theory which states that a progressively greater level of consumerism consumption is beneficial to the consumers. (CONSUME) 4. If your credit card debt is mounting and yet you can't stop spending, you could be a _______________. (SHOP) shopaholic overtaken 5. The number of people suffering from shopping addiction has _____________ the number of drug and drink addicts combined. (TAKE)

6. He gained ___________ for being difficult to work with as an actor. (NOTORIOUS) notoriety

undoubtedly 7. The Transformer is quite intriguing. It is ___________ one of the best movies of the year. (DOUBT) troublesome 8. Her hip has been ___________ for quite a while, and she'll probably need surgery on it. (TROUBLE)

9. Her latest novel is a _____________ thriller, set some time in the late 21st century. futuristic (FUTURE) 10. The new policy only serves to ____________ the inadequacy of help for the homeless. accentuate (ACCENT)

TEST 9 Section 1. Choose the word or phrase that best fits each blank in the following sentences. 1. This neighborhood looks a little _________________ and tatty these days. A. well-heeled

B. run down

C. well-off

D. down and out

2. He’s been ____________________ her to go out with him for months. A. persisting

B. pestering

C. persevering

D. sticking to

3. I have English classes __________________ day – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. A. each other

B. this and the other C. all other

D. every other

4. I really want to help you, but I’ve got __________________ organizing the school play. A. my head over heels

B. up to my ears

C. my nose choked

D. my hands full

5. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become _________________ offenders. A. consistent

B. resistant

C. insistent

D. persistent

6. That judge is feared because she takes a hard ____________ in the fight against drugs. A. line

B. lane

C. path

D. rule

7. A retired woman has been tricked ________________ of her life savings by a bogus financial adviser. A. into

B. out

C. on

D. for

8. He stopped the thief right at the corner, and up ____________________. A. did a policeman walk

B. a policeman walked

C. walked a policeman

D. walk a policeman

9. It turned out that we ______________ rushed to the airport as the flight was delayed by several hours. A. needn’t have

B. shouldn’t have

C. mustn’t have

D. hadn’t

10. The photographer took a picture of the deer the moment it came into _______________. A. light

B. scene

C. lens

D. sight

11. Luckily, my bag was handed into the police station with all its contents _____________. A. preserve

B. unscathed

C. unsafe

D. intact

12. Ben: “Didn’t you go to cinema last night?” Sophie: “______________________________________”. A. Yes, I lost the ticket

B. No. It was too cold to go out

C. Ok. That was a good idea

D. Yes, I stayed at home

13. You really dropped ____________________ the other day when you told Keith you’d seen his wife at the cinema. He thought she was her mother’s A. a brick

B. a stone

C. a log

D. a plank

14. A wave of bombings ______________ through the capital’s business district. A. slashed

B. hacked

C. incised

D. ripped

15. The government must never fall into the ______________ of a political party again. A. clutches

B. groups

C. heads

D. hoofs

16. Those students don’t like to read novels ______________________ textbooks. A. in any case

B. forgetting about

C. leaving out of the question

D. much less

17. Can I ______________your brains for a moment? I can’t do this crossword by myself. A. have

B. pick

C. mind

D. use

18. The job wasn’t giving the _____________________ of the experience he wanted. A. width

B. depth

C. length

D. breadth

19. _________ of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would improve. A. At the height

B. At the bottom

C. On the top

D. In the end

20. The new speed restrictions were a ________________________ debated issue. A. heavily

B. hotly

C. deeply

D. profoundly

Section 2. Fill each gap with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. She was completely ____________________________ by severe burns. (FIGURE) disfigured 2. The government is now faced with the ______________________ problems of insuperable unemployment. (SUPER) 3. Part of the _________________ process involved changing the names of all the hospitals. standardization (STANDARD) 4. Every man talking with Katie like her. She is very nice and _________________. (LADY) ladylike

5. A bank _________ credited its customer's account twicewith the amount of a single erroneously remittance. (ERR) befriend 6. Nobody in his country dared to _____________ him because of his important status. (FRIEND)

7. Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look imperfections beyond the _______________. (PERFECT) 8. We have our ______________ advertising department; therefore, we don’t need to hire other in-house companies to publish the materials. (HOUSE) gainfully 9. She left the theatre feeling that two hours had been ____________ spent. (GAIN)

10. Coupled with a _______________ thunderstorm drifting overhead just now, it's been quite an sizeable eventful afternoon. (SIZE)

TEST 10 I. Choose the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. There has been a lot of ____ surrounding the government’s proposed scheme. A. controversy

B. consent

C. conformity

D. consequence

2. Our town has a real problem with youth crime, ____ do many other British towns. A. so

B. nor

C. as

D. like

3. Warning: anyone caught stealing from these premises will be _____. A. advocated

B. undermined

C. prosecuted

D. enforced

4. The local authorities need to _____ down on illegal parking, in my opinion. A. hit

B. force

C. move

D. crack

5. If the service isn’t up to standard, I think you have _____ right to complain. A. all

B. each

C. much

D. every

6. Jim’s tough character and certainly won’t let anyone push him ______. A. up

B. off

C. around

D. through

7. The ______ I don’t understand is why Emily lets her boyfriend get away with it. A. reason

B. object

C. item

D. thing

8. My uncle pulled a few _____ and got me a job in the company where he works. A. ropes

B. strings

C. threads

D. chords

9. Although she would have preferred to carry on working, my mum _____ her career in order to have children. A. devoted

B. repealed

C. sacrificed

D. abolished

10. I find the offer quite ____, but I think I’d rather study at Oxford. A. tempting

B. desirous

C. inclined

D. envious

11. I don’t normally like noisy clubs, but I had a sudden _____ to see what the Blue Parrot was like. A. force

B. motive

C. pressure

D. impulse

12. Jerry loves snowboarding so much that it’s almost like a drug ________. A. passion

B. obsession

C. addiction

D. requirement

13. I don’t want to do the course in applied statistics, but it’s ______. A. compulsory

B. inevitable

C. bound

D. indecisive

14. Don’t worry about me – I’m quite ______ to sit here and wait for you to come back. A. ecstatic

B. delighted

C. joyful

D. content

15. When I was pregnant, I often got a sudden _____ for tinned sardines. A. preference

B. craving

C. envy

D. greed

16. Thank you for thinking of us, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to _____ your kind invitation. A. decline

B. deny

C. condemn

D. reject

17. I’ve never seen anyone so _____ to their job as Philip is. A. eager

B. keen

C. dedicated

D. interested

18. Why do you have such a _____ with model railways? A. desire

B. fascination

C. love

D. preference

19. I wish you would stop wasting so much time on computer games and do something a little more _____. A. welcome

B. enviable

C. feasible

D. worthwhile

20. Olivia has always ______ to return to the country she was born in. A. favoured

B. yearned

C. urged

D. inclined

II. Complete these sentences, using the suitable form of the words in brackets. commercially

1. Computers were sold ______ for the first time in the 1950s. (COMMERCE) apologetic about his late arrival. (APOLOGIZE) 2. He was deeply ______

3. Family members discuss problems frankly and find ______ solutions quickly. (SOLVE) 4. There are differences and ______ similarities between Vietnamese and American cultures. (SIMILARLY) 5. At weekends, early morning phone calls can be so ______ because it is the time when people startling sleep late. (STARTLE) generated by racial prejudice. (GENERATION) 6. This is only hatred ______

7. He is not able to read or write; he is a(an) ______ child. (LITERACY) illiterate extracurricular

8. She’s involved in many _______ activities, such as music, sport and drama. (CURRICULUM) 9. The _____ paginationof this document is wrong! There’s no page 13. (PAGE)

mishandlingof the company’s business. (HANDLE) 10. The general director was blamed for his ______

TEST 11 Question 1. Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences. 1. One problem for teacher is that each student has his/ her own ________ needs. A. separate

B. divided

C. individual

D. distinctive

2. They talked for three days before finally ________ to a decision. A. reaching

B. coming

C. bringing

D. arriving

3. The workers decided to _______ until their demands were met. A. stand up

B. lie behind

C. sit in

D. sleep out

4. I must take this watch to be repaired; it _______________ over twenty minutes a day. A. increases

B. progresses

C. accelerates

D. gains

5. John has ________ painting since he retired. A. taken up

B. taken off

C. taken over

D. take in

6. ________ stay the night if it’s too difficult to get home. A. At all costs

B. By all means

C. In all

D. On the whole

7. Robert and his wife ________ to my house for tea yesterday evening. A. came round

B. came about

C. came down

D. came away

8. Each of the guests ________ a bunch of flowers. A. are given

B. is given

C. were given

D. give

9. To everyone’s surprise, Mr. Brown ________ at the Trade Union meeting. A. turned in

B. turned over

C. turned up

D. turned round

10. The company directors asked the government to _______ in the dispute and prevent a strike. A. intervene

B. interact

C. intercept

D. interpose

11. Don’t worry. We _______ the report by 11 o’clock. A. will be finishing

B. will have finished

C. are going to finish

D. finish

12. _______the ball, we would have won the game. A. Should Thomson catch

B. Were Thomson to catch

C. If Thomson catches

D. Had Thomson caught

13. Fred was pleased _______to the college. A. admitting

B. to admit

C. being admitted

D. to be admitted

14. My decision to leave university after a year is one I now ____ regret. A. harshly B. painfully C. keenly D. heavily 15. I enjoy going to school by bike. But on rainy days, I_______ to going by bus. A. prefer

B. would rather

C. would like

D. resort

16. He spoke to me as if he _______ my father. A. is

B. would be

C. were

D. had been

17. She pleaded_______ him not to take her child_______. A. to – off

B. with – away

C. at – off

D. about – out

18. My mother goes to _______church every ______ Sunday morning. A. Þ – Þ

B. the – every

C. the – the

D. a – Þ

19. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ______ journey. A. 3 hour

B. a 3-hours

C. a 3-hour

D. 3-hours

20. Mary bought______ hat yesterday. A. a red big plastic hat

B. a big red plastic hat

C. a plastic big red hat

D. a bit plastic red hat

Question 2. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space in the sentence. unavoidable (AVOID) 1. Deaths caused by reckless driving are ______.

2. The coat was ______ patterned in shades of blue and green. (PATTERN) excessive 3. Most tinned fruits contain ______amounts of sugar. (EXCESS) injuries 4. He fell off the bike, but his______ were not serious. (INJURE) household appliances. (HOUSE) 5. In electronics, we learn to repair______ distinguishes 6. Trung's sense of humor______ him from other students. (DISTINCT)

7. People use first-aid to ease the victim's pain and______.( ANXIOUS) anxiety 8. The scenery was really ______ beautiful. (BREATHE) breathtakingly criticism 9. You don't respond well to positive______, which is only made to help you. (CRITIC)

10. incredible ______as it may seem, mammoths were alive only five. (CREDIBLE)

TEST 12 1. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. 1. I always take my lucky _________with me into an exam. A. sign

B. item

C. charm

D. spell

2. I didn’t know my guess was going to be right – It was just __________ A. pot luck

B. odds

C. draw

D. gamble

3. Why are all your clothes in a __________on the floor? A. bulk

B. heap

C. batch

D. sum

4. Sending out e-mails that people haven’t asked for to ______addresses is often known. A. sufficient

B. countless

C. widespread

D. multiple

5. We all have to follow the rules, and none of us is ________ the law. A. beyond

B. over

C. above

D. onto

6. We are pleased to inform you that we have decided to _________your request for British citizenship. A. give

B. grant

C. permit

D. donate

7. We can only _______ as to the causes of the disaster. A. think

B. consider

C. speculate

D. ponder

8. The professor’s _______ theory is that singing preceded speech. A. preferable

B. pet

C. fond

D. fancied

9. I’m not sure if I’m doing it right, but I’ll try to ___________ahead with it anyway. A. drive

B. bang

C. touch

D. press

10. Could you lend me some money to _____________ me over to the end of the month? A. hand

B. tide

C. get

D. make

11. I’m not a serious investor, but I like to _______ in the stock market. A. splash

B. splatter

C. paddle

D. dabble

12. Who else is of the ______ that we should break the camp? A. conclusion

B. opinion

C. remark

D. theory

13. The local press has been pouring ______ on the mayor for dissolving the council.

A. blame

B. hatred

C. disapproval

D. scorn

14. I’m ______ too keen on visiting the Parkers again so soon. A. that

B. none

C. such

D. very

15. If I make a fool of myself in front of my friends, I’ll never ________ it down. A. let

B. give

C. settle

D. live

16. Because of his poor health, it took him along time to ________ his bad cold. A. throw off

B. throw away

C. throw down

D. throw over

17. In spite of his poor education, he was the most ________ speaker. A. articulate

B. ambiguous

C. attentive

D. authoritarian

18. “Another cup of coffee?” — “No, but thanks __________. A. not at all

B. for all

C. all the same

D. you for all

19. He said he would contribute money, but later he backed ___________of it. A. down

B. away

C. off

D. out

20. Can you recite the alphabet___________? A. reverse

B. around

C. backwards

D. returned

2. Give the correct form of the word in the brackets. 1. Deforestation and excessive farming have _____________ the soil. (POOR) impoverished 2. In his _____________, Mike smashed all the breakable items in the kitchen.(FURIOUS) fury 3. The building looks a bit ______________ from the outside but it’s quite traditional inside. futuristic (FUTURE) 4. I sat completely ____________as the spider crawled along my arm. (MOTION) motionless 5. The heavy snow meant that the mountain roads were ____________for over a week. (PASS) impassible 6. She was charged with being disorderly and ____________. (INTOXICANT) intoxicated underestimated 7. The damage caused by the terrible storm two days ago was____________ by

the government. The real figures go up every minute. (ESTIMATE) 8. They exchanged ____________ for a few minutes before saying goodbye. (PLEASANT) pleasantries 9. There is a decline in the ____________ of cigarette smoking among young men. (PREVAIL) prevalence publicize 10. They are planning for an advertising campaign to ____________the new film. (PUBLIC)

TEST 13 Part 1. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. 1. The increased pay offer was accepted although it ___________ short of what the employees wanted A. fell

B. arrived

C. came

D. ended

2. His poor handling of the business ___________ on negligence. A. bordered

B. edged

C. approached

D. neared

3. Price increase are now running at a(n) ___________ level of thirty percent. A. highest

B. record

C. uppermost

D. top

4. This monument is ___________ to the memory of the distinguished former students. A. erected

B. dedicated

C. commissioned

D. associated

5. To begin study chemistry at this level, you must already have proved your ability in a related ___________ A. line

B. discipline

C. region

D. rule

6. The stage designed was out of this ___________ but unfortunately the acting was not so impressive. A. moon

B. planet

C. world

D. earth

7. I ___________ on the grapevine that George is in the line for promotion. A. heard B. collected C. picked D. caught 8. ___________ the US superiority at that time, it was probable that any threatened US response would have deterred the Soviet Union. A. If

B. Given

C. Although

D. Since

9. They have made a ___________ plan to build a suspension bridge over the river A. bald

B. bound

C. bold

D. bare

10. In the 1850’s Harriet Beecher’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” became the best seller of the generation, ___________ a host of imitators. A. inspiring

B. inspired

C. inspired by

D. to inspire

11. After so many years, it is great to see him___________ his ambition. A. get

B. realize

C. possess

D. deserve

12. The review committee ___________ three practicing lawyer s and a retired businessman.

A. consists

B. comprises

C. is made up

D. encloses

13. I ___________ doubt whether he will actually carry out his threats. A. highly

B. deeply

C. absolutely

D. seriously

14. When the funds finally ___________, they had to abandon the scheme. A. faded away

B. clamped down

C. petered out

D. fobbed off

15. The team won the championship four years ___________. A. running

B. passing

C. following

D. rotating

16. I couldn’t get a wink of sleep last night, so I’m not really on the ___________ today. A. mark

B. fringe

C. ball

D. weakness

17. We know people are generally more aware of the importance of ___________ a healthy and active lifestyle than they were. A. leading

B. taking

C. doing

D. making

18. My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but he ___________ to the occasion wonderfully. A. raised

B. rose

C. fell

D. faced

19. Mr Pike is certainly a ___________ writer, he has written quite a few books this year. A. prolific

B. fruitful

C. fertile

D. successful

20. ___________ as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which it was created. A. Ranks

B. The ranking

C. To be ranked

D. For being ranked

Part 2. Write the correct form of each word in the numbered space provided 1. The victims of the mistaken bombing are just the latest ___________ of the increasingly casualties bloody war. (CASUAL) 2. A gesture of ___________, the commission tested our products, too. (PARTIAL) impartiality 3. The project went over budget because of ___________ at the planning stage (CALCULATE) miscalculation contractual 4. We have___________ obligations to control prices. (CONTRACT) prioritized 5. He insisted that his project be ___________ by the Council thought it was costly and

impractical. (PRIOR) 6. The destruction caused by Alzheimer’s disease has been likened to the ___________ of the erasure hard drive, beginning with the most recent files and working backward. (ERASE)

organisms 7. A popular type of vaccine contains living ___________ that have been caused harmless. (ORGANIC)

8. Foreign language learning is ___________ an issue that has attracted a lot of attention unarguable (ARGUE) 9. If you look on the other side of the cup you will find a small ___________ with the name of engraving the original manufacturer. (GRAVE) 10. The fact that numerous factories dumping waste into the area’s rivers has led to high level of toxicity ___________ (TOXIC)

TEST 14 Section 1. Choose the word or phrase that best fits each blank in the following sentences. 1. Paul was in the __________ of despair when he heard that Jane was leaving him. A. cliffs

B. depths

C. valley

D. pits

2. Sorry I couldn’t ring you yesterday because my phone has been on the __________. A. wink

B. go

C. run

D. blink

3. If the student wants to do better on his exams, it is important that he __________ harder. A. study

B. studied

C. studying

D. studies

4. Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems __________ and irresolute. A. far-fetched

B. strong-willed

C. weak-kneed

D. longawaited

5. I supposed, as __________ we all, that the meeting would be cancelled. A. did

B. would

C. only

D. just

6. On the island __________ the only representative of the Indian’s handicraft. A. does it remain

B. did it remain

C. remains it

D. remains

7. The other people in the group all __________ my ideas, which was very disappointing. A. prohibited

B. repelled

C. denied

D. rejected

8. There was no one downstairs; so she turned off the lights again and decided that she __________ have imagined things. A. must

B. should

C. can’t

D. needn’t

9. As we approached the house, I had a __________ that something terrible had happened. A. prediction

B. forethought

C. premonition

D. anticipation

10. She __________ on the computer for more than two hours when she decided to stop for a rest. A. has worked

B. has been working

C. was working

D. had been working

11. Helen was __________ disappointed when she learnt that she hadn’t won the beauty contest. A. seriously

B. bitterly

C. strongly

D. heavily

12. John: This grammar test is the hardest one we’ve ever had this semester!

Mary: __________ but I think it’s quite easy. A. I couldn’t agree more

B. I understand what you’re saying

C. You’re wrong

D. I don’t see in that way

13. I wish you’d do the accounts. I don’t have __________ for numbers. A. a head

B. a mind

C. the heart

D. the nerve

14. His comments __________ little or no relation to the f acts and the figures of the case. A. reflect

B. bear

C. give

D. possess

15. Strong protests were made, __________ with demands for an international enquiry. A. joined

B. added

C. coupled

D. included

16. __________ , it is certain that in the future some things will be very different. A. It can be better or worse

B. For better or for worse

C. Either better or worse D. Better than worse 17. The actor was so nervous that he could only remember small _________ of dialogue. A. shreds

B. pieces

C. patches

D. snatches

18. Richard Burton was noted for his clear __________ of words. A. enunciation

B. interpretation

C. announcement

D. accentuation

19. I would like to thank you , _______my colleagues, for the welcome you have given us. A. on account of

B. on behalf of

C. because of

D. instead of

20. There was _______ evidence to bring charges against the man. A. insubstantial

B. interior

C. ineffective

D. insufficient

Section 2. Fill each gap with the correct form of the words in brackets. seemingly 1. The WWF works tirelessly on a ________ never-ending list of projects, all of which help us to protect the diversity of life. (SEEM) demotivated 2. A _________ learner is less likely to retain the content of the lesson than one who is enthusiastic. (MOTIVE) perfectionist 3. I’m a bit of a _________ , so I can spend all day agonizing over which choice of two words touse. (PERFECT) persistently 4. Jack got in a lot of trouble for _________ breaking school rules. (PERSIST)

5. The main reason I believe children shouldn’t be exposed to violence on TV is that they’re so impressionable _________ at that age. (IMPRESS)

degenerative disease is one that will gradually deteriorate the functioning of any one part in 6. A(n) ________ your body. (GENERATE)

7. Hundreds of _______________________ from the war zone have arrived in the city and we evacuees are trying to find homes for them. (EVACUATE) uncompromising approach has brought criticism. (COMPROMISE) 5. The government’s _________

8. Fred hopes his painting will _______________________ his fame. So far, he’s painted about demoralize two hundred as he believes they will also ensure his popularity. (MORTAL) indispensable in the business world. (DISPENSE) 9. Computers are now considered _________

10. They never dare to leave their only child _________ for even a moment. (ATTEND) unattended

TEST 15 Part 1: Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence below. Write your answers in the answer box. 1. Now that my summer vacation has just begun, I feel free as _____. A. a bird

B. a cucumber

C. a pie

D. a pig

2. The whole building collapsed, but fortunately there were no _______. A. wounded

B. hurts

C. casualties

D. victims

3. I have got a ______ headache. I need to take a rest and some aspirin. A. spitting

B. raving

C. splitting

D. burning

4. Martha has been hard _______ to it to organize a fancy dress party for the younger children. A. forced

B. ordered

C. put

D. made

5. It was a daring robbery, which took place in ______ daylight. A. broad

B. total

C. wide

D. absolute

6. Their choir stood in four rows according to their ________ heights. A. respected

B. respective

C. respectable

D. respectful

7. Stop fighting you two; shake hands and ________ your peace with each other. A. set

B. do

C. make

D. bring

8. Legal matters are not my ________. You will have to consult a lawyer. A. prospect

B. excess

C. domain

D. aspect

9. Our hosts had prepared a ______ meal with seven courses to celebrate our arrival. A. generous

B. lavish

C. spendthrift

D. profuse

10. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become ________ offenders. A. persistent

B. insistent

C. inverted

D. innate

11. Don’t read in such dim light; it will _______ your eyes. A. dwindle

B. contract

C. impair

D. decrease

12. Making private calls on the office is severely _________on in our department. A. frowned

B. criticized

C. regarded

D. objected

13. I must go to bed early tonight; I sat up till the _______ hours to finish that report.

A. late

B. deep

C. last

D. early

14. An education system that benefits bright children _________ of those who are slower to learn. A. at the expense

B. at the limit

C. at the cost

D. at the loss

15. He kept his marriage for years, but eventually the truth ________. A. came out

B. went out

C. came through

D. fell out

16. Helen was ________ disappointed when she learned that she hadn’t won the beauty contest. A. seriously

B. bitterly

C. strongly

D. heavily

17. Doctors are often ________ to accidents in rural areas. A. called up

B. driven out

C. called out

D. rung up

18. To his own great _____, professor Howard has discovered a new method of bulimia treatment. A. reputation

B. name

C. fame

D. credit

19. We had to ________ the design of the car to take account of the rough terrain. A. modify

B. amend

C. transfer

D. convert

20. The escaped prisoner fought _________ before he was finally overpowered. A. foot and mouth

B. heart and soul

C. head over heels

D. tooth and nail

Part 2: Give the correct form of the word in CAPITAL to fill in the blank of each sentence. Write your answers in the answer box below. 1. She stood there completely ______, so I had no idea at all what she was thinking. (EXPRESS) expressionless 2. The university has _______ authorized the use of dictionaries during language examinations. (AUTHOR) 3. A number of religious groups, notably the Shakers, practiced ________ living. communal (COMMUNITY) cowardice 4. Her ________ is unbearable, indeed. She wouldn’t even say boo to a goose. (COWARD) self-destruction 5. He wanted Jill to give up her life of alcohol and __________. (DESTROY)

6. He was not a particularly good teacher, but his students loved him because he had such a lively______. personality (PERSON) 7. For some people the use of Internet has become ______addictive to the extent that is irresistibly threatening their mental and physical health. (RESIST) impassible 8. Due to a huge pile-up, the motorway will remain _______until tomorrow. (PASS)

malpractice 9. Various ________by police officers were brought to light by the inquiry. (PRACTICE)

10. The cost of _________ must be paid by the buyer. (CARRY) carriage