Lesson-3 Application [PDF]

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Lesson 3 : The Computer Technology Name : Vanessa Ericka A. Lara Yr. /Section : BSED- 3A Application  In two column below, major claims on the disadvantages of computers are presented.  In the right column, write down several ways how you can address or provide solutions to these negative effects of computers.  Give your proposed solutions using the table below. Disadvantages of Computer Technology

Proposed Solutions The world of internet is intertwined with the 1. Inappropriate pornographic and violent free and accessible websites; all it takes is just websites. an internet connection. Since internet lacks the security interfaces to prohibit pornographic and violent websites, it fraudulently making the world of internet, a dangerous place. In order to minimize the twitching and prevalent pornographic and violent websites, it should be properly administered by each of one. The following are the ways, which I think could gradually help to decline the abode of inappropriate content in the reach of all users: 

First, Report. We users are in-charge of our activities online; notwithstanding the content we tend to see, consciously or not, it is better to help stop spreading inappropriate contents, thru hitting the “report” button. In this, we are not encouraging inappropriate contents to flood in any online platforms; it basically means helping to build a safe environment for everyone online.

Second, discourage to visit unknown websites. It gets even dangerous with how we tend to be captivated by the unknown websites with different motives. In internet, sexual predators are lingering around, waiting to devour an ignorant person. So as much as we can, please find something recreational to do; divert your attention not to get tempted to watch pornographic videos. It would only affect our well-being, waste our time, and worst, affect how we think.

Better yet, find and do something enjoyable; you can paint, draw, sing and dance. Remember: They say, we as humans, we are subject to be easily tempted; but that does not mean true. I still deemed to believe that we are born well with dignity, which could not be easily washed by temporary gratification in ay forms of social media. 

Lastly, stop romanticizing internet as a tool for sexual fulfilment. It may sound subjectively incorrect; and others will say “h’wag magmalinis”. But you know, the more we say these words, the more we encourage the habit, normalizing the act that it is normal to watch and spread scandals lasciviously as possible. Listen, it is never okay to be proud of lambasting someone else in social media; spreading inappropriate things that could emancipate someone to be degraded. Don’t post unnecessary thing; before doing so, come to think if it is true, kind, necessary and important.

2. Technology dependence led to a decline It is partially correct. Technology comes with in students' spelling and abilities. the most comforting features; it basically make things done a lot easier and faster. Indeed, we save so much time. But in one hand, we are getting dependent. And the bad thing about dependence on something, is we tend to become mobilize and productive. Now, spelling abilities are in dire need for academic purposes; right so, total dependence on ‘auto-correction’ mislead our purpose. Really, auto correction. Copy-cutpaste, it is the tolerated norm that we actually do. And in order to align this overly misused way of technology, it must properly administered with patience and integrity. The solution is in our hands. I mean, the least we expect if we just copy and paste is this: we just fooled ourselves, we get done fast and easy, but we haven’t learn anyway. Time will come, we could not be able to spell as simple word correctly. Remember: we are free to do things in any extent we want; but we are not free to alter the consequences of our action.

3. Easy access to cheating rampant.


made Cheating in the context of school is not a surprise. It is a generational issue that is continuously on-going. And we cannot deny the truth that once in our life, we cheat. Easy access to information made cheating rampant. It basically pointing the concept that: Students are not inclined to make their own composition of outputs and projects, since Google is their bestfriend that they can lean on anytime. Having been able to relate on this matter, I come to think that cheating in any form, is never okay. It is a bad habit that destroys one’s morale fiber. And I think the earnest ways that can help us on this matter is through the following:  Don’t copy-cut-paste. Instead of doing such, try to patiently read the context, reflect, and write anything that relates to what you have read. Don’t try to revise, and change its words; it is the same thing, cheating. Try to believe in yourself that you can your own composition without copying on the already-made sources. 

Write your inputs as honest as you can. Remember, if you are asked to do something, it basically means putting your effort and honesty as well. Indeed, technology make things a lot easier. But notice, it is much rewarding in feeling, that you make a work, out of your own mind and creativity. Notice that after you do a paper works without copying from internet, you are happy and satisfied. Because the thing is, when you search and copy on Google, you catalyst. That basically pertains to an action that you are taking it, changing it, and making it yours. That is not appropriate and you just fool yourself the moment you receive appreciation with your illgotten works.

Encourage anyone you know to stop cheating in any form. But before doing that, make sure you practice the same thing also. Walk your Talk. Your

friends, your classmates and colleagues are the people who are much likely to be subjected with the ‘cheating habit’. Imagine this, a week before the exam, you studied so much—read and read all the lessons. You think that’s the most practical way to pass. On the day of exam, you got bit turned disgust, because your friends are just copying your answers; you are shy to say ‘no’ because they are your friends. Result, they got much roughly higher scores than yours. Remember this, be a person of integrity. If someone refuse to give you his answers, don’t be offended. Try to reflect how many sleepless night they got to endure just to study; and you, lamenting the opportunity on just in an easy-peasy way is a pure illustration of stealing someone’s right to gain the higher possible score. Don’t cheat; because one thing that you want, is for people to remember you as an honest and a person of integrity. 4. There is a significant drop in students' attention in class. Students are more focused on their mobile technologies they have with them.

Attention in class discussion is inclined to portray listening and participating; and as per the attention is directed in helping us in the aspect of taking examinations. Mobile gadgets are handheld devices that contains anything for our comfort. And notice that mobile gadgets and attention in class is not a good combination. And we must be mindful what is to skip, and what is to maintain.  Mobile gadgets should put in a silent mode and place it inside the bags or pockets during class discussion. It should be guarded with responsible usage, that whatever instances a mobile gadget could hinder the attention towards classes, are intensively prohibited.  I personally discourage taking pictures of presentation during class. The reason is, we get to depend on the pictures of slides taken; and hence, we don’t pay much attention to the discussion. Since we are confident that we got the

pictures, we will went on studying it on our homes; turns out not getting understanding about what the class report is all about. So as much as possible, just get the copy of the presentation at the end of discussion; and better yet try not be diverted with phones while classes are going on. 5. Cyberbullying as a serious problem has An act of profanity in any possible forms is come about. never okay. It does not bring a good feeling to a person afflicted; it just make someone miserable, feel uneasy, and depressed. And unfortunately, we tend to engage to such activity—bullying someone online, not recognizing that this is a form of bullying. Cyberbullying is an act of making feel someone worthless and threatened, in the manner of social media platforms. And as students, we must position ourselves to better promote the safer place online for everyone.  Monitor online activity. Luckily, cyberbullying has one advantage: you can notice it and save the evidence. We must be mindful of what we post or share online. Let is passed through countless thinking why we should be able to post something; is it kind and necessary?  Restore self-respect. Remember that the ultimate goal is to make someone happy and safe. You must be directed to the principle that whatever you post must be inclined for people who will see, that they will feel unharmed. Don’t post anything that can compromise your reputation. Because there are people out there, that will judge you based on how you appear online, and eventually, they can use it as fuel for bullying. But remember, don’t let these people hold you back to express yourself. As long as you are not harming anyone, you’re good.  Never open messages from people you don’t know. Please, delete all messages without reading them from people you don’t know, as they could contain

viruses and infect your computer. It is best to not engage and ignore them. Don’t be a cyberbully. Remember the phrase your parents instilled in you as a kid: “treat others as you want to be treated”. If you are mean to others online, it reinforces the idea that that kind of behavior is acceptable.