Lekki Toll Road User Guide (Brochure) [PDF]

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The Lekki Toll Road User Guide v1.0 May 2010 © Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Welcome To The Lekki Toll Road

Dear Customer, The Lekki Toll Road PPP Concession, being the first of its kind in Lagos and Nigeria, is a tremendous opportunity for Lekki Concession Company (”LCC”) and all our stakeholders to embrace change in the delivery of a better and brighter tomorrow. Your reading this brochure is itself a testament to the years of hard work and collaborative effort by many people and organizations both in Nigeria and overseas, spanning government, financial institutions, consumer and local community groups, technical advisers, investors, and of course, the numerous talented and experienced individuals that comprise LCC. Without the valuable contributions of these key people and organizations, we would genuinely not be in the position where we can today proudly affirm our continued dedication to the delivery of high quality road infrastructure and related services along the Lekki-Epe axis of Lagos, Nigeria. Our primary focus at LCC is on ensuring that users of the new Lekki-Epe Expressway have a consistently good experience each time they choose to use the road. Road users should benefit from improved convenience, journey times, and safety, in comparison to the situation subsisting prior to the commencement of LCC’s Concession Mandate from Lagos State Government. You should also find the tolls affordable, and representing value for money. The emphasis on customer service as exemplified in our well-rounded service offering, in addition to the high quality road infrastructure we are providing, should contribute positively towards adding value, sustaining development, and catalyzing change, not only along the Lekki-Epe axis, but we hope, throughout the rest of Lagos and Nigeria. We see more than a road! We trust that you will find this User Guide helpful in explaining our services and also the benefits that you will enjoy from using the new Lekki-Epe Expressway. We also take this opportunity to wish you safe and happy motoring, and to thank you in advance for your cooperation and patronage. Yours faithfully, Opuiyo Oforiokuma Managing Director / CEO

© Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited


Project Rationale About Lekki Toll Road Concession Our Service Philosophy The Toll Plazas Vehicle Classification Methods of Payment - eTag - SwiftPass Cards - Cash Where to Get Your eTag and SwiftPass Customer Account Management User Types Customer Service Frequently Asked Questions Contact Us

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17


Project Rationale

Lagos State, as with others in Nigeria, is in dire need of essential basic infrastructure including roads, transportation (e.g. Buses, Rail and Ferries), water, and power. Historically, the lack of investment in new infrastructure and inadequate maintenance of existing infrastructure have delayed the development and sustenance of essential infrastructure in Lagos State. In excess of one million motor vehicles are estimated to be stationed in Lagos today, with a daily traffic flow between Lagos Mainland and Lagos Island of about 500,000 motor vehicles, and a traffic density in excess of 240 vehicles per square kilometer. Government has in recent years made a visible improvement to Lagos’ road networks. The scale of the challenge is large, however, and will therefore take more time to fully overcome.

Bad roads come along with a range of problems, including “go-slow highway robbery”, regular accidents, excessive vehicular wear and tear, and health conditions such as stress, to mention a few. These probems typically have an adverse effect on socioeconomic conditions, and on the the psyche and health of road users and society at large. Afast growing development corridor such as that served by the Lekki-Epe Expressway, with over 85,000 vehicles using the Expressway daily, needs good road infrastructure to support its continued development and growth. The newly rehabilitated and upgraded infrastructure being delivered through the Lekki Toll Road Concession is therefore key to catalyzing change, sustaining development, and adding value to the Lekki-Epe corridor.

Historically, roads throughout Nigeria have been poorly maintained, either owing to lack of planning and technical capability in the relevant authorities, or owing to lack of funding. Road maintenance deserves special attention, not least because poor road conditions are a contributory factor in road accidents, but also because lack of maintenance leads to faster than normal deterioration in what are costly and valuable assets - Lagos’ roads. With roads accounting for approximately 90% of the backbone on which people and goods are moved around the megacity of Lagos, the case for better roads is compelling. The Lekki Toll Road will be different in comparison to how roads have been managed previously. It will be maintained by LCC throughout the 30-year concession term, using effective and durable maintenance techniques. This will ensure that the newly rehabilitated road infrastructure lasts, and is handed over in good condition to Lagos State at the end of the concession term.

Key factors that typically negate the value that road users get out of Lagos roads include the following: Bad driving behavior/habits, e.g. driving against traffic, making illegal u-turns

Reckless driving, overspeeding, overloading of vehicles Inadequate road capacity and design Illegal street trading and begging activities Road cutting and poor reinstatement of damaged roads by companies that cut the road in the first place Lack of synchronised and effective traffic management Illegal parking by vehicles and heavy duty trucks/lorries along roads, bridges and other thoroughfares

of coordinated Incident Management and Emergency Recovery THE ELECTRONIC TOLLINGLack SYSTEM Services

© Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Ensure that your vehicle is roadworthy


About Lekki Toll Road Concession


LCC was incorporated specifically to design, finance, rehabilitate, upgrade, operate and maintain the Lekki Toll Road, under a 30-year Concession mandate from the Lagos State Government. The Project is designed to deliver essential road infrastructure and services along the Lekki-Epe axis of Lagos. The Lekki Toll Road Concession is Nigeria’s first ever Toll Road Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. LCC’s mission is to provide high quality road infrastructure and related services along the Lekki-Epe axis of Lagos, and to be recognized as the pioneer for change in the way road infrastructure is delivered throughout Nigeria.

Key benefits of this new approach to underground utility management include: n




The Project is in two phases: Phase I includes the rehabilitation and upgrade of the existing road as well as the creation of new road infrastructure, along 49.4Km of the Lekki-Epe Expressway; while Phase II includes construction of 20Km of the Coastal Road. Both roads are designed to be toll roads. LCC employs a new and holistic approach to road infrastructure development and management, in contrast to how this has been done in Nigeria in recent times. In this regard, the combination of high quality road infrastructure and related services, underpinned by a service-based culture (”we see more than a road”) should ensure that road users get optimum utility out of their road experience on the new Lekki Toll Road. In addition to visible features such as new electronic toll collection technology at the Toll Plazas, the high quality road pavement, new drainage systems, pedestrian overhead walkway bridges, and traffic and street lights, the Lekki Toll Road incorporates other features that are not visible to the eye. For example, banks of new service ducts exist at various locations beneath the road, housing fibre-optic and other cables belonging to owners of utility installations.




Availability of accurate as-built information with which to identify the exact location of utility installations located in the Right-of-Way Safeguarding the new road infrastructure from third party damage, e.g., caused by uncontrolled digging up or tunneling underneath the road Ensuring that road users can enjoy smooth, safe and efficient travel along the expressway with minimal disruption from works relating to utility service infrastructure Safety and security for utility installations housed in the new LCC underground infrastructure, and reduced risk of third party damage, e.g., from construction works Easy access to utility installations located in the Right-of-Way, thereby enhancing scope for future maintenance and upgrading of such installations Spare capacity for future utility installations, at reduced installation costs and time

Conceptual Cross Section Of Road Layout


© Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Obey Traffic Instructions


Research and other studies confirm that the need for better and more structured planning, design, and construction of road infrastructure along the Lekki-Epe axis has increased significantly over the years, especially owing to the large influx of people and commercial activities into the area. Satisfying the established and growing needs of road users along the axis requires robust and professional management techniques, efficient methods of operations, and a clear understanding of how to create value through operating the road as a utility service that enhances and supports livelihoods and development, and not just as an inanimate object. Our aim at LCC is to provide consistently high quality road infrastructure and related services along the Lekki-Epe axis, through our innovative approaches to infrastructure development and management, and to utility service provision. LCC is strongly committed to satisfying the needs of our customers and other stakeholders, and therefore places a premium on providing sustainable solutions to the challenges brought about by historic heavy traffic congestion along the Lekki-Epe axis. We see more than a road! The new Lekki-Epe Expressway (Lekki Toll Road) will support economic growth and job creation along the axis; and improve road user convenience, journey times and safety.

© Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Our Service Philosophy

Road users will be able to: Reduce the uncertainty of evaluating journey time n Reduce journey times n Benefit from enhanced safety and security n Enjoy a better driving experience n Our suite of services, which will enhance road user experience along the new Lekki-Epe Expressway, includes: n Toll-free customer service helpline n Provision of continuous customer service and support in the event of vehicle breakdown n Early detection and removal of foreign objects and other obstructions from the carriageway, thereby providing a safer driving environment n Response to accidents, emergencies, and other road incidents, to secure the scene, render the road safe for road users, and restore traffic flow n Maintenance of appropriate road traffic and information signage along the axis n Route Patrol services

Do not stop or park indiscriminately on the road

The Toll Plazas


The Toll Plazas The Lekki Toll Road has been designed to operate 3 Toll Plazas located along the 49.4km stretch of road that falls within LCC’s concession area: Admiralty Circle Plaza: located at Km 3 of the Lekki-Epe Expressway, in the vicinity of the Palms Shopping Mall. The choice of name is a tribute to the proximity of the Five Cowrie Creek to the Toll Plaza, and the importance of preserving our waterways. Conservation Plaza: located at Km 13, in the vicinity of Chevron Nigeria Limited HQ. The choice of name is a tribute to the proximity of the National Conservation Foundation to the Toll Plaza, and LCC’s identification with the importance of protecting our environment and our ecosystem. Campus Plaza: located at Km 23, in the vicinity of the Pan African University. The choice of name is a tribute to the proximity of the University campus to the Toll Plaza, and LCC’s identification with the importance of education to society.

© Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Each Toll Plaza is designed to accommodate the volume of traffic projected to arrive at each plaza location now and in future. Advanced technology is deployed at each plaza, ensuring tolling efficiency through automatic vehicle classification, electronic toll collection, and express lanes for eTag subscribers, amongst other features (page 7). The Toll Plazas are designed to accommodate three methods of toll payment; namely: eTag electronic payment device, the SwiftPass electronic contactless card, and cash. Toll fees at each plaza vary by vehicle classification, and price incentives offered reflect the payment methods used and customer usage patterns (e.g. frequent user incentive, public transport discount, and exempt users). All three Toll Plazas will have trained and dedicated operations, maintenance and service personnel on hand to serve our customers, while our dedicated toll-free customer service helpline will further enhance customer experience.

Nigerian Highway Code: Drivers must know and comply with traffic signs, signals, and road markings


Vehicle Classification

Vehicle Classification There are currently five (5) vehicle types identified for tolling purposes, the definitions of which are provided below. Classifications may change in future, in which case detals will be advertised a reasonable amount of time before effecting changes:


Motor vehicle with 2 wheels (Motorcycles)


Cars and Tricycles. These are light motor vehicles

CLASS IV & IVA - Heavy trucks and buses with 2 or more heavy axles, and whose height measured through the front hub is greater than 2.3m

CLASS II & IIA - Sports utility vehicles (SUV), minibuses and pick-ups. (2Axles, 4 Wheels and Height through front hub greater than 1.05m, but less than 2.30m) CLASS III -

NOTE: A vehicle that is used to tow another vehicle will pay for both vehicle classifications to gain access at the plaza

Light trucks and 2 axle buses, Motor Vehicle with 2 axles of which one is a heavy axle or a motor vehicle with two axles where the height of the vehicle measured through the hub of the front axle is greater than 2.30m. Heavy axle means any single axle with more than 2 wheels

© Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Safety First: avoid weaving around the Toll Plaza area; plan and select your lane in good time

Methods of Payment

LCC offers road users a range of affordable and convenient methods of toll payment encompassing electronic and manual means.


Customers traveling on the eTag dedicated express lanes are advised to note that where the balance on their account is insufficient to allow passage through the dedicated e-Tag express lane, they will be automatically exited to a mixed-use lane

Manual payment involves the use of cash at the toll plazas; while electronic payment involves the use of a tag device known as “eTag”, or the “SwiftPass” contactless card. The SwiftPass and e-Tag are pre-loaded with funds. After every successful passage through one of the toll plazas, the balance of funds credited to the particular device used is debited with the corresponding toll charged at the time of passage. It is therefore important to ensure that your electronic toll payment device is loaded with sufficient funds for the passage you wish to make otherwise you will not be able to use the device at the time, and may instead have to pay with cash. Where customers register for an LCC Customer Account, thereby subscribing for an enhanced level of service, LCC will notify account holders via SMS or email when the balance on their accounts is low, to enable them top-up their accounts with funds in good time before their next trip.

THE ELECTRONIC TOLLING SYSTEM © Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Speed kills! Please observe speed limits and drive with care



eeTag........a breath of fresh air

For eTag subscribers, the topmost advantages are that users have exclusive access to the dedicated eTag express lanes, whilst also being able to use any other lanes at the toll plazas. eTag subscribers do not have to stop at all at the toll plaza as they drive through. This advantage is developed solely for the eTag users.

How To Use eTag At The Toll Plazas

What It Is eTag is an electronic device that is capable of receiving signals from electronic sensors installed at the Toll Plazas. eTags are sensitive to handle; hence, care must be taken when installing the eTag on the inner side of the front windscreen of vehicles. It must be correctly attached to the windscreen. The eTags could be damaged or deactivated if not properly handled.







Key Advantages of the eTag: n Vehicles on the eTag account receive the highest price incentives; i.e., the lowest tariffs n It provides the fastest and most convenient access through the Toll Plazas as you do not have to stop as you drive through n The eTag is secured to your vehicle. If it is removed, it will be deactivated hence it discourages theft n Users will be notified when the minimum value threshold on the account has been reached, so that they can top up their accounts n The eTag will not expire


Register for a customer account and collect an eTag at authorized LCC sales outlets Charge (first time users) or recharge (existing users) your account by funding it to activate the eTag Carefully remove the eTag from its pack and install it on the inner side of your windscreen, using the adhesive strip attached to the eTag Wait for a confirmatory SMS or email from LCC informing you that your eTag has been activated Approach the Toll Plaza, look out for the dedicated express lane marked “eTag Lane”, or use any other lane As you drive through, the RFID reader’s signal locks onto the eTag device and the barrier opens to allow passage if there is sufficient credit on your customer account Please drive through the designated eTag lane at the designated speed without stopping or waiting, and follow instructions displayed on the lane signage

NOTE: If you are in the dedicated express lane for eTag users and you do not have sufficient funds in your account, you will be ejected to a mixed lane where you will be able to pay cash and also to recharge your account.

THE ELECTRONIC TOLLING SYSTEM © Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Care for yourself, your passengers, and other road users when you take charge of a motor vehicle

eTag & SwiftPass Combinations


eTag & Swiftpass Combinations ...... it’s a breeze

The eTag is provided with a card (SwiftPass Plus or the SwiftPass Commercial) for the purposes of managing your eTag customer account. There are two variants of eTags 1. eTag + SwiftPass Plus

2. eTag + SwiftPass Commercial

Users of this type of device are private or corporate customers

Users of this type of device are commercial bus operators. This category of eTag subscribers enjoy a special “danfo” discount at the Toll Plazas.

SwiftPass Plus



© Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

SwiftPass Commercial eTag



The road is not a supermarket. Don’t contribute to traffic congestion by doing your shopping in the road


Swift Pass Card (Anonymous) Lekki Toll Road


Swift Pass LTRC 1234456746734

SwiftPass..... enhancing your driving experience What It Is SwiftPass is a contactless card that enables electronic payment at the Toll Plazas. It is a more convenient and cheaper option of payment than cash.


Key Advantages Of SwiftPass n SwiftPass is a reliable tool for making electronic payment of the tolls n It provides simple and convenient access through the Toll Plazas n The SwiftPass will not expire n The Swiftpass is transferable from one vehicle to another How To Use SwiftPass At The Toll Plazas n Visit our authorized outlets to obtain a free SwiftPass card n Remove the SwiftPass card from the tamper proof foil n Credit and recharge the SwiftPass at any Toll Plaza or LCC authorized outlets n Approach the Toll Plaza and look out for “Open Lane” signs, Please do not drive into the dedicated eTag express lanes n Drive into the Open Lane at the designated speed n At the toll booth, point the SwiftPass card at the reader installed near the toll booth, and wait for the barrier to open

NOTE: If you are in the dedicated express lane for eTag users, you will be ejected to a mixed lane where you will be able to use your SwiftPass or pay cash, and also recharge your account.


© Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Always drive with the utmost care and attention




Cash....... another way to get value for your money What It Is Cash payments can be made at the Toll Plazas. Toll attendants will be available to guide and assist road users as required. Toll collectors will issue a receipt and change for each transaction paid for with cash. Only Nigerian currency will be accepted for payment in the toll lanes. Cheques and bank drafts will not be accepted as a form of payment in the toll lanes, although they will be accepted as payment for account registration and top ups, subject to funds clearance.


How To Use Cash At The Toll Plazas n Approach the Toll Plaza and look out for the “Open Lane” signs. n Check the information display in the toll lane, which will display your vehicle classification and the corresponding toll fee that you are required to pay. n Hand over your cash payment to the toll collector in the booth and collect your receipt (and change if applicable). n Once your transaction is successfully completed, your will receive a prompt to proceed and the toll barrier will open n Proceed through the lane at the designated speed

THE ELECTRONIC TOLLING SYSTEM © Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited


Don't make illegal u-turns on the highway .It can cause accidents and traffic congestion


Various outlets are available where customers will be able to do the following: n n n

Register for customer accounts Top up the balance on their accounts Make enquiries and resolve account and/or other queries

Where To Get Your eTag & SwiftPass

2. Top Up Customer Accounts and SwiftPass (Anonymous) Cards In addition to the LCC Customer Service Centre, selected banks, and other outlets that will be announced from time to time, customer will also be able to top up their customer accounts and Swiftpass (Anonymous) card balances, using the following channels:

1. Register for Customer Accounts n

Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) LCC’s Website - you can visit our website at www.lcc.com.ng to make your online payments vis a secure platform using your debit cards.

You will be able to register for a customer account, including obtain eTag devices or SwiftPass cards, at the following locations:-


LCC Customer Service Centre Admiralty Circle Plaza Km 3, Lekki-Epe Expressway Tel: 0800 22 555 22 (0800 CALL LCC)

3. Make Enquiries And Resolve Account or Other Queries Please call our Customer Service Centre toll-free on 0800 22 555 22 (0800 CALL LCC) or send us email at [email protected]

Selected bank branches along Lekki-Epe axis First Bank of Nigeria (FBN) United Bank ForAfrica (UBA) Zenith Bank Diamond Bank Stanbic IBTC Fidelity Bank

THE ELECTRONIC TOLLING SYSTEM © Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Do not stop indiscriminately on the road


Customer Account Management


Lekki Toll Road

Swift Pass


LTRC 1234456746734

Whichever payment option you choose, managing your customer accounts is easy like 1-2-3 ...


1. Opening an Account (eTag subscribers only)

3. Closing an Account (applicable to eTag subscribers only)

1. Visit the LCC Customer Service Centre, any of the selected banks, or other approved outlets as advertised by LCC from time to time 2. Pick up and fill in an account application form 3. Return the duly filled form to the outlet 4. Obtain your account number 5. Receive an e-Tag (with a corresponding card- SwiftPass Plus or SwiftPass Commercial). 6. Wait for confirmation that your account is “activated” before attempting to use your eTag or SwiftPass to gain access through the Toll Plaza

1. This will be at the instance of the customer 2. To close an existing eTag account, simply notify LCC by writing to the LCC Customer Service Centre 3. If there is a credit balance on your account at the time that closure is effected, details of the balance will be communicated to you in writing, and will be refunded to you as soon as the necessary verification process is completed

2. Topping up an Account (eTag and SwiftPass subscribers)

4. De-activating an Account (applicable to eTag subscribers only)

Topping up an account can be done through the following channels: 1. Payment in the Toll Plaza lanes using cash or a debit card 2. Payment at the LCC Customer Service Centre 3. Payment over the counter or via Direct Debit at the bank 4. Payment at other outlets as advertised from time to time. Look out in the press for announcements, visit our website (wwwlcc.com.ng), send us an email ([email protected]) or call 0800 22 555 22 (0800CALL LCC) for information on outlets 5. Payment via ATM

In most cases, this will be at the instance of LCC. Conditions that will typically lead to deactivation include: 1. Improper use of account device(s) 2. Damaged device 3. Stolen device

Note: The corresponding SwiftPass Plus or SwiftPass Commercial card that is issued together with your eTag should only be used when your eTag is faulty or is not responding, and also for your identification when you top up your account

THE ELECTRONIC TOLLING SYSTEM © Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited


Before entering a roundabout, remember the “look left, yield left rule”


User Types

There are three (3) distinct user types as explained below: Exempt User There are two types of exempt categories:

Commercial User Commercial Users are mass transit minibuses used for public transportation means only (”danfos”). It does not include taxis, commercial motorcyclists Automatic Exempts: These are members of the armed forces and other “Okada” and any other means of non-standard public transportation for example government agencies performing civic duties under the Nigerian Constitution. This unmarked taxis “kabukabu”, car hire service, etc. includes Military, Police, Customs, Prisons, Immigration. Conditional Exempts: These are other governmental agencies on essential civic duties. the conditional exempt beneficiary will enjoy free passage at the toll plazas only after signing a protocol with LCC. The conditional exempt members include LASTMA, LASAMBUS, LSWC, PHCN, Fire Service.

Frequent User Frequent Users are road users who regularly drive along the Lekki-Epe Expressway and as such pass through the toll plaza or plazas more often than the average road user.Average use will be determined by LCC from time-to-time, and details provided to customers as appropriate. Frequent users are offered special price incentives in recognition of their above average toll use

Please contact the customer service centre if in doubt about your exempt category status.

THE ELECTRONIC TOLLING SYSTEM © Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Do not overtake at a road junction, pedestrian crossing, corner or bend

Customer Service


Customer Service Centre Our focus is to provide easily accessible and customer friendly query centres. Our Admiralty Circle Plaza customer service centre provides the following servicesg g g g g g g

Information on payment methods eTag contract information Account balance enquiries Resolution of eTag maintenance issues Information of incentives and promotions Handling requests for direct-on-road support (limited to the axis) Resolution of service complaints

Our ability to serve you is dependent on the accuracy of the information that is provided each time you contact us. In case you wish to update the information in your eTag account, please visit our website at www.lcc.com.ng and follow the instructions, or Call our customer help line on 0800 22 555 22 (0800 CALL LCC) during advertised working hours.

THE ELECTRONIC TOLLING SYSTEM © Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited


Check your tyre pressure regularly.


Frequently Asked Questions

Readers are encouraged to visit our website or to send us email at [email protected] for detailed responses to frequently asked questions and other enquiries . Q1- Can I have more than one eTag?

Q6- What if I get into a eTag dedicated express lane by mistake without an eTag?

A - Individual applicants may request multiple eTags on a single account. There is no A - In the event that you enter the express lane and you are not equipped with an limit to the number of eTags they may have on a single account. eTag, or there are no funds in your eTag account, you will be ejected from the express lane into a mixed lane where you can pay cash. Q2- Must I pay a replacement fee if my eTag is defective? A - If your eTag is found to be defective due to poor installation by LCC it will be Q7- What if my eTag fails to work? replaced free of charge. A - You can use your associated SwiftPass card to gain passage through the plaza; however, you will have to use the mixed lane and not the express lane. Q3- How do I install my eTag? You can also make cash payments in the mixed toll lane. If you are in the express lane when the eTag fails, you will be ejected into the mixed lanes A - You should install the eTag on the inside of your vehicle's windshield near or behind your rearview mirror, using the adhesive strip provided. Q8- How fast can I drive through a dedicated tag lane? Q4- Can I use my eTag in other vehicles? A - For safety reasons, obey the posted speed limit signs at the toll plaza and in the lane A - No, you must not transfer your eTag between vehicles. Once the eTag is removed . it automatically de-activates. If your eTag is destroyed owing to customer Q9- What do I have to do if I buy a new car or get new plates? tampering, you will be charged for a replacement. A - Visit the Customer Service Centre to provide your new license plate and other vehicle information as soon as possible. You will then be issued with a new eTag A: If your eTag is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the Customer Service Centre at 0800 CALL LCC (0800 22 555 22). The eTag will be deactivated when you report it. In such circumstances, LCC will be willing to replace your eTag at no cost Q10- Do I have to register my vehicle with LCC to use the SwiftPass card? to the customer. However, the user will be liable for toll charges incurred prior to A - The SwiftPass card is an anonymous card and can be used to access the toll notification. plazas without registering your vehicles with LCC. However, the e-Tag comes with either the SwiftPass Plus or Swift Pass Commercial card for private/corporate vehicle owners and commercial bus operators respectively. Q5- What if my eTag is lost or stolen?


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Driving with poor eyesight is dangerous. Take an eye test annually

Frequently Asked Questions


Readers are encouraged to visit our website or to send us email at [email protected] for detailed responses to frequently asked questions and other enquiries

Q11- Why do I need an associated SwiftPass card with my eTag device? A - The associated SwiftPass Plus or SwiftPass Commercial cards is used for passage in the event that the eTag device fails to work properly. It is also used for identification when recharging your account Q12- What is the most convenient and cheapest form of passage through the Toll Plazas? A - The eTag offers the cheapest form of passage, it also offers the most convenient form of passage as you can use the dedicated express lane Q13- How can I access the services of a Route Patrol officer? A - If you are stranded along the Lekki-Epe Expressway and you need the services of a Route Patrol Officer, simply dial our Toll free number 0800 22 555 22 (0800 CALL LCC). This service is complementary to all road users Q14- Can I give out my SwiftPass card to a friend? A-

Yes, you can give out the SwiftPass card (white background) to a friend. This type of SwiftPass is not vehicle specific, however, you may not give out your SwiftPass Commercial or SwiftPass Plus card as this is tied to the registered vehicle and your eTag account with LCC

THE ELECTRONIC TOLLING SYSTEM © Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited

Do not drink and drive. Avoid driving when you are very tired


Contact Us

Prospective and current customers can contact us directly at Customer Service Centre Admiralty Circle Plaza, Km 3, Lekki Epe Expressway Lekki


Call our toll free help line At (0800 CALL LCC)

0800 22 555 22

By visiting our website at www.lcc.com.ng you will be able to manage any of the under listed services which we have provided for you:

Make online payment with your debit card View the Terms and Conditions Request for additional tags Report lost or stolen tags Send us an e-mail with a question or comment View the regularly updated frequently asked questions Get the most up-to-date eTag information Check your discount plan activity

Thank You For Choosing The Lekki Toll Road

THE ELECTRONIC TOLLING SYSTEM © Copyright Lekki Concession Company Limited