Key-Word Transformation Exercises [PDF]

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CPE - TRANSFORMATIONS He seemed to me a highly efficient manager. struck He ………………………………………….. a highly efficient manager. At first the new computer made me feel a bit afraid. awe At first ………………………………………… the new computer. Shouldn’t you smoke fewer cigarettes? cut Shouldn’t …………………………………………….. smoking? You may choose to take early retirement. option You have ……………………………………………… early retirement. I only called the police when I had tried everything else. as I only called the …………………………………………… resort. Women in this factory work under the same conditions as men. terms Women in this factory …………………………………………… as men. I’m sorry I thought you were someone else. took I’m sorry ………………………………… someone else. I advise you not to believe what you read in the papers about me. reliance I advise you ………………………………………… what you read in the papers about me.

Surely it was dangerous for you to hitch-hike all that way alone. took Surely ……………………………………………….. hitch-hiking all that way alone There’s a chance that my secretary took the order book away. may The secretary ………………………………………………… away. I’m trying to work out how much these pounds are worth in euros. convert I’m trying ………………………………………………….. euros. I employed him because you recommended him. strength I employed him ……………………………………………………. Recommendation. If it’s been properly programmed, it shouldn’t be able to make a mistake.

incapable If it’s been properly programmed, ………………………………………… a mistake. He had everything he was carrying stolen. robbed He …………………………………………….. he was carrying. I can’t imagine why she was offended by what I said. offence I can’t imagine ………………………………………………… what I said. Something must be done to terminate this outbreak of violence. put Something must be done ………………………………….. outbreak of violence. They’re extremely confident of winning the competition. hopes They ……………………………………….. the competition.

This parcel is not of regulation size. conform The size of the parcel ………………………………………… regulation. The minister’s appearance on TV caused a great deal of adverse comment. rise The minister’s appearance on TV ……………………………………….. of adverse comment. The owners don’t agree with one another about the service here. eye The owners ………………………………………… with each other about the service here. As far as I know, they’re not planning to change the form of the exam just yet. knowledge To ……………………………….. , they’re not planning to change the form of the exam yet. They only allow members into that part of the club. restricted Entry to that part of the club ………………………………………… only. What I was saying to my wife has nothing to do with you. business It’s …………………………………………… what I was saying to my wife. I’m afraid you haven’t understood what I was saying. point I’m afraid you ……………………………………………… what I was saying. It seems a shame that he should be reprimanded because of his boss’s mistakes. penalty It seems a shame that ……………………………………………….. boss’s mistakes. Some people say that Tsiolkovsky invented the space rocket. credited Tsiolkovsky …………………………………………………… the space rocket.

I daren’t turn on the television because the baby might wake up. fear I daren’t turn on the television ………………………………………… the baby. The river Danube overflowed last year. burst The river Danube …………………………………………… last year. I realised something was wrong the moment I came in. than No …………………………………………………………. realised something was wrong. The Prime Minister’s statement did not make the situation clearer. light What the Prime Minister …………………………………….. the situation. His assistant was the one criticised most. brunt His assistant …………………………………………. criticism. His face expressed nothing. devoid His face ………………………………………… expression. We have almost reached our objective. striking We ……………………………………………………… objective. There are several categories of people who do not have to pay the new tax. exempt There are several categories of people ………………………………….. the new tax. If interest rates are cut, the economic situation may improve. in A …………………………………………… the economic situation.

Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. monopoly Our company ……………………………………………… of these chemicals. Very little money was raised by the charity appeal. response There ……………………………………………….. the charity appeal. The policeman acted quickly and averted the accident. prompt The ………………………………………………………… the accident. William decided that an actor’s life was not for him. cut William decided ………………………………………………… an actor. His behaviour was rather a shock to me.

aback I ………………………………………………… behaviour. The bank robbers escaped in a stolen car. getaway The bank robbers ……………………………………… a stolen car. People don’t want to buy cars with large engines any more. longer There ……………………………………………………………….. large engines. The Prime Minister is unlikely to call an early general election. likelihood There ……………………………………………………….. calling an early general election. The project received the unanimous approval of the committee. favour The whole …………………………………………………… the project.

Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution. blame Scientists …………………………………………………….. of forests. As I intended to expand my shop, I made an offer for the premises next door. view I made an offer for the premises next door ……………………………… my shop. The prisoner was recaptured as he rushed towards the gate. dash The prisoner was recaptured as ……………………………………… the gate. Both children and adults will enjoy the game. alike Children ……………………………………………….. enjoy the game. She passed the word around that she was looking for a flat. known She …………………………………………… she was looking for a flat. They continued to suggest that I was lying. persisted They ……………………………………………. I was lying. I didn’t realise who he was until it was late. later Only ……………………………………………………………… who he was. It won’t make any difference if it rains because we’ll still go. even We’ll still ………………………………………… rains. We left quietly so that we wouldn’t disturb the children. as So ………………………………………………….. left quietly.

I would do anything for you. nothing There …………………………………………………………. for you. Given fair warning, I could have avoided that date. advance If you had ……………………………………………………. avoided that date. I was amazed when Eva got into university, given the fact that she hadn’t worked hard at school. amazement To ………………………………………………………… though she hadn’t worked hard at school. Le Corbusier had a great influence on architectural styles. influential Le Corbusier ………………………………………………….. developing architectural styles. She contributes with enthusiasm to class discussions. are Her ……………………………………………….. enthusiastic. Tim insisted on being told the complete story. satisfy Nothing but ………………………………………………… Tim. The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money. for Were ……………………………………………………….. wouldn’t be worthwhile. Jane’s husband will be returning from South America quite soon. comes It won’t ……………………………………………….. from South Africa.

The council rarely allows appeals against its decisions. does Hardly ………………………………………………………….. against its decisions. I have called this meeting in order to present the latest sales figures. is My purpose ………………………………………………….. the latest sales figures. Skyscrapers in the USA are on average taller than anywhere else in the world. greater The average ………………………………………………….. anywhere else in the world. I was surprised at how easy he was to talk to. expected I ………………………………………………………. to talk to.

Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves. thought All dogs ………………………………………………. from wolves. The two sides never looked likely to reach an agreement. did At no ……………………………………………………….. reached an agreement. The permit expires at the end of this month. valid The permit ……………………………………………… end of this month. If his solicitor hadn’t advised him, he would have made a serious mistake. advice Had it ……………………………………………….. would have made a serious mistake. He would never agree to sell his business, even if he received a very tempting offer. might However …………………………………………………….. he’d never agree to sell his business. Something must be done quickly to solve the problem of homelessness. necessary Urgent …………………………………………… to solve the problem of homelessness. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police. lead Refusal …………………………………………………….. your arrest. Philip’s inability to make decisions dates from his accident. unable Ever ………………………………………………………… to make decisions. I really like her voice but not her choice of songs. though Much …………………………………………………………. her choice of songs. He delayed writing his book until he had done a lot of research. begin Only when he had …………………………………………………….. to write his book. Don’t go to lunch until you have typed all these letters. before Make sure you …………………………………….. going to lunch. I shall never lend Robert any more money, no matter what happens. ever Under ……………………………………………………….. Robert any more money. We were very impressed by the new cinema but found it rather expensive. as Impressed ……………………………………………….. found the cinema very expensive. The doctor advised him against taking a holiday in a tropical country. should The doctor’s …………………………………………….. a holiday in a tropical country.

It’s more than a fortnight since anyone saw Julian. seen Julian ………………………………………………….. ago. The deadline for the receipt of completed application forms is 3.00 p.m. on Friday, 18th November. later Completed application forms ………………………………………….. 3.00 p.m. on Friday, 18th November. My uncle’s generosity enabled us to go on a Mediterranean cruise. able Thanks …………………………………………………. to go on a Mediterranean curise. We’ve been trying to sell our house for well over six months. market Our house …………………………………………… for well over six months now. In order to make a profit the new leisure centre needs at least 2,000 visitors a month. must No fewer ………………………………………………….. centre if it is to make a profit. It was to be another twenty-five years before Michael returned to his home town. passed Not until …………………………………………… before Michael returned to his home town. Melissa’s father was very busy, but he still played with her. though Busy ……………………………………………………………. played with her. Mrs Wilson says she’s sorry she didn’t attend the meeting yesterday morning. sends Mrs Wilson ……………………………………… attending the meeting yesterday morning.

It’s almost nine months since I stopped subscribing to that magazine. subscription I …………………………………………………………. almost nine months ago. For further information, please send a self-addressed envelope to the above address. obtained Further information …………………………………. sending a self-addressed envelope to the above address. Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early. decision But for …………………………………………………….. wouldn’t have taken over the family business. It shouldn’t have surprised me that my children didn’t like the new, cheaper icecream.

expected I might …………………………………………………………. like the new, cheaper ice-cream. The north-west of Britain has more rain each year than the south-east. rainfall The …………………………………………… is higher than the south-east. The rail workers do not intend to call off their strike. of The rail workers have …………………………………………. strike. Mrs Scott is proud of her cooking. herself Mrs Scott ……………………………………………. cooking. It was the goalkeeper who saved the match for us. for If it ………………………………………….. we would have lost the match.

I wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that Karen had changed her job. surprise It …………………………………………………. that Karen had changed her job. You can try to get Tim to lend you his car but you won’t succeed. point There’s ……………….……………………………. lend you his car. John didn’t celebrate until he received the offer of promotion in writing. had Not until …………………………………… writing did he celebrate. I don’t really like her, even though I admire her achievements. as Much ……………………………………………………….. I don’t really like her. It’s thought that the accident was caused by human error. been The accident …………………………………………………. by human error. House prices have risen dramatically this year. rise There …………………………………………………………… house prices this year. This affair does not concern you. business This affair is ……………………………………… yours. You must submit articles for the magazine by June 18th. submission The final ……………………………………………… June 18th. Although Christopher was the stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him. strength

Despite …………………………………………….. soon overpowered by his attacker. It was only when I left home that I realised how much my father meant to me. did Not until ……………………………………………….. how much my father meant to me. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film-star attended. of Had it not ………………………………………………………. the party wouldn’t have been a success. Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second child. did Only when Alice and Charles …………………………………………………………. to move to a bigger house. You’re under no obligation to accept their offer. yourself You can ….………………………………………………. not. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life. prevent Martin’s poor ……………………………………………………… enjoying life. The company presents a gold watch to each of its retiring employees. with Each ……………………………………………………… a gold watch by the company. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect. of But for his ………………………………………………. have been jailed. The Pacific Ocean is on average deeper than the Atlantic. depth The average ……………………………………………….. that of the Atlantic.

My father finds maps difficult to follow. in My father ………………………………………….. following maps. Under no circumstances should you phone the police. should The last ……………………………………….. phone the police. The film star wore dark glasses so that no-one would recognise him. recognition The film star ……………………………………………… wearing dark glasses. I am amazed by the mistakes he makes. is What …………………………………………………… makes.

We weren’t surprised by his success. no It ………………………………………………. was successful. ‘That’s a lovely new dress, Jean,’ said her mother. on Jean’s mother ………………………………………….. dress. We couldn’t relax until all the guests had gone home. could Only …………………………………………………… relax. We couldn’t find George anywhere. nowhere George ……………………………………………. found. Customs officials are stopping more travellers than usual this week. being An increased ……………………………………………officials this week.

She listens more sympathetically than anyone else I know. the She ……………….………………………………… I’ve ever known. No-one has challenged his authority before. been This is the ……..…………………………………………… challenged. ‘If Brian doesn’t train harder, I won’t select him for the team,’ said the manager. unless The manager threatened …………………………………………….. he trained harder. The hurricane blew the roof off the house. had The house ……………………………………..…….. by the hurricane. You’ll certainly meet lots of people in your new job. bound You ………………………………………………. in your new job. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting. than Rather …………………………………………… I left without saying goodbye. There aren’t many other books which explain this problem so well. one In few other books ……………………………………… so well explained. I dislike it when people criticise me unfairly. to I …………………………………………………………. unfairly. Robert is sorry now that he didn’t accept the job. accepted Robert now ……………………………………………….. the job.

Someone should look after him now that he is old. taken He ……………………………………………………. is old. She just had time to put up her umbrella before the rain came down in torrents. than No ………………………………………………………. the rain came down in torrents. ‘Why didn’t you report the incident last week?’ the officer asked the frightened witness. previous The officer wanted to know why I ………………………………………… week. The Presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill. were So …………………………………………………….. that all traffic came to a standstill. He hasn’t been back to his home town for over 20 years now. since It is …………………………………………………… back to his home town. Travelling by plane is much more expensive than travelling by train. as Travelling by train ………………………………………………… travelling by plane. I would love to be rich and famous. were If ………………………………………….. famous. ‘Is it, or is it not true that you have been misappropriating company funds?’ the managing director asked the accountant. know The managing director ………………………………. misappropriating company funds. If you want to save your eyesight, we must operate immediately. operating Only ………………………………………………………………… eyesight. It was his own fault that he lost his job. He was late every morning. wouldn’t If he …………………………………………………… have lost his job. Attendance at the exhibition has been down this year. so The exhibition ………………………………………………… attended. I’m more interested in the people than the job. It’s It’s not the …………………………………………………… people. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.

was The excuse ………………………………………………… the defence of their territorial rights. Although Johnny Brax drives carefully on public roads, he is a terror on the racetrack. but Johnny Brax is …………………………………………… terror on the racetrack. Our science correspondent sees this new invention as the answer to many of our problems. to According …………………………………………… be the answer to many of our problems. Mind the step into the kitchen. over Don’t ………………………………………. into the kitchen. Christmas won’t be the same if we don’t have any snow. there I’ll be ……………………………………………………… snow at Christmas.

We have a six o’clock deadline for this work. completed This work ……………………………………………………. six o’clock. I don’t see the point of re-decorating this room. would Re-decorating …………………………………………….. pointless. Cheques should only be accepted with proof of identity. without Never …………………………………………………………….. proof of identity. ‘If you don’t take it easy, you’ll have another heart attack,’ the doctor said to the patient. otherwise The doctor warned the patient ………………………………………………….. have a heart attack. I know this reporter’s background well and he’s 100% honest. whose This ………………………………………………………… 100% honest. People no longer smoke so many cigarettes as they used to. as Smoking so many cigarettes ……………………………………………… used to be. We’ve been thinking the matter over and have finally come to a decision. lot We’ve given ……………………………………… and have finally come to a decision. Why isn’t this TV working? with

What …………………………………………………… TV? I’ve never tasted pheasant before. ever This …………………………………………………… pheasant. If there’s an emergency, ring this number. event In ………………………………………………………….. number. I never miss out on a cup of coffee when I visit her flat. gives She ………………………………………………………. I visit her flat. The engine failed because a part had been badly fitted. to The engine failure ………………………………………………. had been badly fitted. If we wait long enough we’ll get what we want. to It’s just ……………………………………………………… what we want. Almost everyone is aware of the scenic beauty of this region. for This region ……………………………………………….. scenic beauty. ‘If you scream, I’ll kill you,’ the terrorist said to the hostage. to The terrorist …………………………………………………. screamed. Our present financial problems will soon be a thing of the past. to We ……………………………………………………… financial problems. You can’t park here. It’s a restricted area. allowed No …………………………………………………. here. I had had no experience of skiing but I quickly picked it up. of Despite …………………………………………………. quickly picked it up.

This scheme is too risky for my liking. great The ………………………………………………………. for my liking. When he realised his mistake, he quickly phoned the ministry. than No ………………………………………………….. phoned the ministry. I spoke to Colonel and Mrs Tibbs only last week, just before they died in that terrible train accident. whom Colonel and Mrs Tibbs, …………………………………………………. , died in that terrible

train accident. The doctor didn’t start the operation until the anaesthetic had taken effect. before The doctor ……………………………………………………. he started the operation. It was only when I got home that I realised I had forgotten my keys. did Not ………………………………………………………….. I had forgotten my keys. This matter does not concern you. of This matter ………………………………………………. yours. Applications are accepted until June 3rd. is The final ……………………………………………. June 3rd. The only reason I’m late is that the traffic was so heavy. wouldn’t Had it ……………………………………………….. have been late.

Whales are rarely seen at this time of year. sightings There …………………………………………………… time of year. It is open to question whether the candidate will succeed. certain It ……………………………………………. succeed. Everyone left as soon as she started singing. than No …………………………………………………….. left. A car like that will cost us at least $10,000. less We won’t be able than $10,000. My story has been rejected. rejection I ………….………………………………………… story. My teacher assured me that I would pass. sure According to …………………………………………. Pass. The man only woke up after the fire was out. wake Only after …………………………………………………… up. He is proud of being such a good gardener. being He prides …………………………………………….. a good gardener.

We only deliver after we have received the money. do Only after ………………………………………………… deliver.

I’m sure he broke the vase by accident. on I’m sure he ………………………………………………. purpose. He’ll get used to it. Then his work will improve. gets Once ………………………………………………… improve. My request was ignored. of Nobody ……………………………………………. request. ‘Please, don’t kill me!’ the woman begged her attacker. with The woman ……………………………………………. her. You pay $100 a month for a period of two years. successive You pay in 24 ……………………………………………….. $100. He was sentenced to two years in prison for drunken driving. earned Drunken driving ………………………………………… imprisonment. Many people were doubtful about the new rules. a There ……………………………………………………… new rules. There was no precedent for the chairman’s dismissal. was Never …………………………………………………. dismissed. It’s a mystery what happened to the passengers. of The ……………………………………………………… a mystery.

For such a strong and fast athlete, winning should be easy. speed For an athlete ………………………………………… winning should be easy. It was more a miscalculation than an accident. as It was not …………………………………………………… a miscalculation. I work out in the gym almost every day. ever I ………………………………………………………… working out.

We regretted that we had to miss the party. being We regretted ……………………………………….. the party. The outcome of the story was never in doubt. time At …………………………………………………….. in doubt. I’m sure he didn’t know you’d be here. possibly He couldn’t ………………………………………….. you’d be here. She acted brilliantly in her last film. brilliant She ……………………………………………………………. her last film. The library closes early today. closing It ……………………………………………….. today. In Victorian times people didn’t travel in planes like today. unlike Nowadays people …………………………………………………….. Victorian times.

Listen to the teacher and make notes at the same time. as Take ……………………………………………. teacher. Mary prefers going to the cinema to going to the theatre. than Mary would sooner …………………………………………….. to the cinema. The singer’s last song wasn’t very good but it became a success. was Bad ……………………………………………………. became a success. You can’t enter the building if you don’t have a permit. can Only if ………………………………………………….. building. While I don’t like your attitude, I’m willing to listen to your opinion. my Despite ……………………………………………………. to listen to your opinion. I expected her to be on time but she wasn’t. my Contrary ………………………………………, she wasn’t on time. It’s very likely that Sue will pass her exams this year. every There ……………………………………………………. passing her exams this year. I don’t know much about early Celtic civilisation. of My ………………………………………………………………… limited.

The accident happened so suddenly that no one had time to react. happen So …………………………………………………………. no one had time to react.

Harriet was delayed so she missed the bus. would Had Harriet …………………………………………………… been late. It seems as if there is a slight deterioration in his physical condition. have His physical condition …………………………………………….. slightly. Happiness is elusive to rich and poor alike. cannot Whether ……………………………………………………. happiness. It was overeating that caused his heart attack. had If he ………………………………………………….. had a heart attack. Let’s invite the Marshalls to a BBQ on Sunday. inviting He ………………………………………………… to a BBQ on Sunday. ‘Why don’t you think about how you’re going to play the character?’ the hypnotherapist suggested to Annie. should The hypnotherapist suggested ……………………………………………. she’s going to play the character. For gymnastics and skiing regular practice is needed. as Sports ………………………………………….. regular practice. A new flu vaccine has been on trial since the beginning of the year. out They ………………………………………………… since the beginning of the year.

Most of the students ignored what the teacher was saying. paid Very …………………………………………………. what the teacher was saying. She discovered eight new comets in the course of her work. in Her work ……………………………………………… eight new comets. The restoration of communications and essential services is of prime importance for the council. restore

The first ………………………………………………………….. communications and essential services. They were seasoned travellers, which we hadn’t expected them to be! our Contrary …………………………………………………… , they were seasoned travellers. Trudging through malaria-infested swamps demanded tremendous strength of character. to It …………………………………………………………. through malaria-infested swamps. You don’t understand Spanish just because you can find a ‘pension’ in Spain! to Being ………………………………………………….. not mean you understand Spanish! They feel that the forecasters are doing an unsatisfactory job. be The forecasters ……………………………………… an unsatisfactory job. Many school leavers speak English inadequately. adequate Many school leavers ……………….………………………………… English.

His memory gradually failed as he grew old. the The ………………………………………………… his memory failed. Vitamin intake and intelligence are not connected. no There ……………………………………………………… intelligence.



The fire led to the setting up of a public enquiry. as A public enquiry was ……………………………………… the fire. It was his lack of confidence that surprised me. was What ……………………………………… lack of confidence. We would have had a nice party if he hadn’t behaved so badly. prevented It was his …………………………………………… a nice party. What a shame I can’t speak French. I had to find an interpreter. have If I …………………………………………………………… to find an interpreter. Basically, a couple’s happiness depends on their ability to communicate. is


Basically, the more ………………………………………….. they are I’m trying to eat fewer fatty goods. down I’m trying to ………………………………………………………. fatty goods. The train left before he got to the station. already By the time ……………………………………………….. left.

‘I passed my driving test first time,’ said Sam. passing Sam boasted …………………………………………….. first time. ‘If I were you, I’d tell your parents about it,’ Anne said to Susie. tell Anne suggested …………………………………………………… about it. ‘I’m going to change the wheel on the car myself,’ insisted Julia. changing Julia ……………………………………………….. herself. Everyone noticed that Jane was absent. conspicuous Jane ……………………………………………….. absence. I took little notice of the man standing at the gate. any I didn’t ………………………………………… to the man standing at the gate. Is it all right with you if I smoke? mind Do ………………………………………………… smoking? The colonel and the doctor did not get on well. on The colonel was ………………………………………… the doctor. We’d only just started the performance when there was a loud explosion. than No …………………………………………………… there was a loud explosion. She didn’t cry when the story ended in tragedy. shed Not ………………………………………………… when the story ended in tragedy

I was very annoyed by his refusal to listen to reason. was What …………………………………………………… to listen to reason. I’m absolutely sure he took the money on purpose. by He couldn’t possibly ……………………………………………. accident.

Starting smoking was a big mistake. had I wish …………………………………………………. smoking. It was the weakness of the foundations that led to the collapse of the building. weak If it hadn’t been …………………………………………………………. collapsed. Next Saturday is our tenth wedding anniversary. married We will …………………………………………….. next Saturday. ‘I think you ought to see a doctor,’ he said. seeing He ………………….………………………………… a doctor. He was very sorry that he didn’t see Audrey on her trip to London. seeing He greatly …………………………………………… on her trip to London. The music teacher managed to make the whole class sing in tune after a few weeks. singing The music teacher ……………………………………………….. in tune after a few weeks. Everyone was surprised that the singer had very little money when he died. which The singer had …………………………………………….. everyone.

Fewer people attended the committee meeting than the Chairman had expected. attending There weren’t ……………………………………………………… the Chairman had expected. Robert and Jilly see less of their daughter than they would like to. much Robert and Jilly don’t see ……………………………………….. they would like to. Joan is better qualified than the other members of the department. not The other members of the department ………………………………………. Joan. This is the nicest place I’ve ever been. than Nowhere …………………………………………………. here. This is the worst thing I’ve ever heard. worse Nothing …………………………………………….. this. Tom’s behaviour was far worse than anyone’s else.

badly No one else ……………………………………………. as Tom. I don’t care how much fuss you make, you’re not changing my mind. no You can’t make …………………………………………………… much fuss you make. You won’t find fossils like this anywhere else. are Nowhere else ……………………………………………… be found. He tried to revive his comrade, but without success. try In vain ………………………………………… his comrade. It was only when I heard the full story that I realised I had been taken in. did Only when ……………………………………………… I had been taken in. Harry and Sally have decided to share a flat in the centre of the city. I don’t approve. sharing I don’t approve …………………………………………….. in the centre of the city. The house is on the main road and that’s what makes it difficult to sell. that It’s the fact that ……………………………………………… makes it difficult to sell. I don’t believe my grandfather could commit a crime. committing I don’t believe my grandfather is …………………………………….. a crime. This has nothing to do with the case we are considering. to This is quite ……………………………………………. we are considering. There is danger that you will get a serious illness if you drink this water. risk You are …………………………………………….. you drink this water. Permission for the local residents to use the path as a short cut was taken for granted. to It was taken ………………………………………………….. to use the path as a short cut. In spite of his illness he attended the memorial service. was Ill ……………………………………………… he attended the memorial service. It rained and we couldn’t have a nice picnic. for If it hadn’t …………………………………………………… a nice picnic.

If you don’t plant the seeds now, the plants will never grow in time for summer. want Plant the ……………………………………………….. grow in time for summer. He saw the bear only when he walked into the room. see Not until …………………………………………………….. the bear. Although she is happily married, she feels bored sometimes. happy Despite …………………………………………………….. bored sometimes. The unemployment rate has risen slowly over the last six months. in There ………………………………………………. over the last six months. Even if she earned a lot of money, she would still want more. much No …….……………………………………………………… still want more. ‘I would recommend that you wrote to all the schools,’ said my teacher. to My teacher’s ……………………………………………………… to all the schools. Is this your car, sir? of Are ………………………………………………. , sir? When he had proof that he was guilt, we arrested him. until We ………………………………………………… proof that he was guilty. They haven’t any reason to complain. have There …………………………………………………………. about.

It was a shame she wasn’t well enough to come to the party. sick She was …………………………………………………… was a shame. It’s no use waiting any longer. I don’t think they’re coming. no There …………………………………………………. . I don’t think they’re coming. He’s the best student in the class. than No one ……………………………………………… him. They won’t let you take all those parcels on the plane. to You ……………………………………………………those parcels on the plane. My political beliefs are different from yours. as

You haven’t ……………………………………………………. I have. It’s the worst film I’ve ever seen. yet I’ve ………………………………………………………….. film than that. You’ll certainly meet some interesting people at the party. to You ………………………………………………….. interesting people at the party. The court was so wet that we couldn’t play tennis. too The court ………………………………………………….. play tennis. You should study more instead of blaming the teacher for your mistakes. blame Rather ………………………………………………….. should study more.

I’m going to take a taxi rather than wait for the bus. waiting Instead …………………………………………………………. I’m taking a taxi. I’d rather not have to make up my mind yet about my future career. prefer I ……………..………………………………… my mind yet about my future career. Which would you prefer, tea or coffee? rather Which ………………………………………….. , tea or coffee? I’d rather work hard than have nothing to do. preferable In my opinion, hard work ….……………………………. to do. The police stopped him and made him take an alcohol test. by He was ……………………………………………… an alcohol test. He talks such nonsense. believe You’ll ………………………………………….. he talks. The security at the hotel is so inefficient. how It’s …….…………………………………………. is. Write a note on the board to tell the students where we are. they Write a note on the board so ……………………………………….. where we are I’ve locked the doors so that thieves will not get in. prevent I’ve locked the doors ………………………………………… in.

I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to go out in this weather. had We …………………………………………………….. in this weather. It seems that they didn’t understand the instructions. to They seem …………………………………………….. the instructions. I was just going to go out when the telephone rang. of I was ……………………………………………… when the telephone rang. I seriously doubt whether they meant what they said. have They …….………………………………………….. what they said. I don’t need to go to school tomorrow, do I? needn’t I ……………………………………………… I? I’d rather play myself than be paid to referee games. being I prefer …………………………………… to referee games. If the teacher is good, you learn a lot. the The ….………………………………………… you learn. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? have You ………..…………………………………… you were coming. I don’t like it very much. to It …………..…………………………………… very much.

What do you advise me to do in this situation? I What do you suggest …………………………………… in this situation. They called him the Emperor of Crime. as He …………………………………. Emperor of Crime. So that he would be able to leave the room quickly, Matthew stood by the door. positioned Matthew …………………………………………….. as to be able to leave the room quickly. I haven't been told clearly what I'll have to do in my next project at work. required It hasn't been made …………………………………………. me in my next project at work.

In my opinion, it was an absolute miracle that they survived the accident. short The fact that they survived the accident was ………………………………, in my opinion. What gave you the impression that Sue and Jack were going to split up? led What was ……………………………………… that Sue and Jack were going to split up? I tried as hard as I could to make sure that this problem would not arise. power I ………………………………………………………………… this problem from arising. I don't think it was reasonable of you to complain so much about the service. justified I don't think you …………………………………………………… fuss about the service. Laura was faced by a lot of problems during her childhood. contend Laura had a ………………………………………………………… childhood.



The audience suddenly started to applaud loudly. sudden All ……………………………………………………………………….. from the audience. David played the main role when the proposal was drafted. instrumental David …………………………………………………………………….. of the proposal. If you hadn't changed our original agreement, everything would have been fine. stuck Had …………………………………………….. agreed, everything would have been fine. I think you should have some consideration for those who don't have lives as privileged as yours. spare I think you should ……………………………………… lives aren't as privileged as yours. We decided to stay for longer because we were so thrilled by the place. prolong We decided to ………………………………………………………… we by the place. Competitors were amazed by how shrewdly he conducted his business affairs. marvelled Competitors …………………………………… which he conducted his business affairs.

I didn't want to give up while some hope of success remained. defeat I was loath ……………………………………………………….. some hope of success. After a long hard journey, I cheered up when I saw my home. sight After a long hard journey, my spirits ………………………………… of my home. Your attitude to life would be greatly improved by regular exercise. wonders Regular exercise would ……………………………………………… at life. If Tony hadn't interfered, there would have been no problems yesterday, I'm sure. smoothly Without Tony's ………………………………………. yesterday, I'm sure. I said that I thought he was wrong about the best way for us to proceed. issue I ………………………………………………… best we should proceed. He didn't want to get into a position where he might lose all his money. possibility He didn't want to expose ……………………………………………….. all his money. The company received an enormous number of calls responding to the advert. deluged The company ………………………………………………….. response to the advert. The manager said that he had paid attention to my complaints and would take the appropriate action. note The manager said that he had …………………………………………… accordingly. We'll have to make sure that costs are as low as possible or we'll have no money left. minimum We'll have to keep ………………………………………….. ourselves with no money left. His behaviour at the conference gave him the bad reputation he now has. conducted The way ………………………………………………… in the bad reputation he now has. Her work didn't meet the standards that were considered acceptable. conform Her work …………………………………………………………. acceptable standards.

The film was so controversial that it was banned in several parts of the world. caused Such was …………………………………………… the film that it was banned in several parts of the world. He had no idea what was going to happen to him when he walked into that room. store Little ………………………………………………. him when he walked into that room. You shouldn't let trivial matters worry you so much. prey You shouldn't let trivial matters ……………………………………………… extent. He became famous but it cost him his privacy. expense His rise ……………………………………………………………….. of his privacy. I helped Ray, with the result that his business became successful. favour I ………………………………………………….. which his business successful.


I had to wait for the manager for almost an hour before he would see me. best The manager kept …………………………………….. an hour before he would see me. I'll have to consider working abroad if an opportunity doesn't arise here soon. near Unless an opportunity presents …………………………………. future, I'll have to consider working abroad. I wanted to make sure that all my good work wasn't wasted in that way. waste I wanted to prevent …………………………………………………… in that way.

That jumper you knitted for my niece no longer fits her. grown My niece ……………………………………………… jumper you knitted for her. Well, after the death of the director, they lived in peace. once Well, …………………………………………. , they lived in peace. Many people are indifferent to the suffering of others. concern Many people ………………………………………. suffering of others.

She has agreed to help at the party. committed She …………………………………………………. at the party. This accident wasn’t his fault. blame He ………………………………………………. accident. Only if you work hard now do you have any chance of success. depends Your ………………………………………………………. hard now. Not many people attended the meeting. turnout There …………………………………………………. the meeting. The new plans for the library have been approved by the authorities. met The new plans for the library ……………………………………… of authorities.


I didn’t go to work on Friday. off I …………………………………………….. last Friday.

They will have to accept your offer. option They ………………………………………………… to accept your offer. After the scandal, he was asked to resign immediately. hand After the scandal, he was asked ……………………….. immediately. Money counts for little on a desert island. value Money ……………………………………… on a desert island. I certainly won’t change my mind about resigning. question There …………………………………………… my mind about resigning. Being a tennis coach doesn’t really suit him, you know. cut He’s not really ………………………………………………… , you know. It goes without saying that the Democrats will win the election. foregone It ……………………………………….. that the Democrats will win the election. She blamed the teacher for the accident. lay She ……………………………………………….. for the accident. John quite enjoys playing a round of golf at the weekend. averse

John ………………………………………… a round of golf a the weekend. My wife has the annoying habit of forgetting her keys. forever My wife …………………………………………….. her keys.

My younger son looks just like me. image My younger son ……………………………………………… me. Nothing would induce me to go on holiday with them again. circumstances Under ……………………………………………… on holiday with them again. Jim told Donald his figures weren’t accurate. challenged Jim ………………………………………………….. his figures. You must be on time for the meeting. essential It ………………………………….. on time for the meeting. Smoking will be banned from next week. force The ……………………………………………… from next week. I want to stay out of this quarrel. sides I ………………………………………………….. this quarrel. Peter has only himself to blame for losing his driving licence. serves It ………………………………………………… his driving licence. The number of employees at the factory has been reduced. cutback There ………………………………………… the number of employees at the factory. He is very likely to refuse. probability In ………………………………………………………… refuse.

In spite of myself, I was impressed by his determination to succeed. help I ………………………………………….. by his determination. I have no idea why Sam reacted like that. loss I …………………………………… explain why Sam reacted like that. A man was arrested for the recent burglaries. suspicion

They arrested burglaries.






Mary knows a lot about motorbikes. wide Mary …………………………………………….. motorbikes. Peter said the operation was completely painless. suffer Peter said he ……………………………………………… during the operation. The expiry date on the passport is March 5th 2004. valid The passport ……………………………………………… March 5th 2004. Life has its ups and downs and you must learn to face both. rough You must learn ……………………………………………. smooth in life. Although they have had many arguments, they are still friends. fallen Although they ………………………………………………. , they are still friends.