KB Workout Snacks [PDF]

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All Right Reserved Copyright © 2017 and Beyond – Strength & Applied Sciences, LLC. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

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Disclaimer: You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise program. These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only. See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including Kettlebell Workout Snacks™ program. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician. It is strongly recommended that you have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you not use Kettlebell Workout Snacks™, please follow your doctor’s orders. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this workout, be sure that your equipment is well maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this ebook are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician. Do not lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Do not perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always perform a warm-up prior to all forms of training.

Page 3 © Copyright 2017 and Beyond – Strength & Applied Sciences, LLC – All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to Kettlebell Workout Snacks™ Greetings Friend! I’m excited to be able to help you move better, get leaner, and stronger using Kettlebells! I designed Kettlebell Workout Snacks™ with myself in mind, as a busy husband, dad, athlete, and business owner it is VERY challenging to get in my own workouts. I found myself only having 10-15 minutes of “free time”throughout my day (Is this you?). I could not longer fit in my 30-45 minute kettlebell training, BJJ, run my businesses and still be SUPER DAD! I knew I had to find a better way to get it all in, as we all know, there is no such thing as “finding balance”. We have to figure out how to manage and strategically plan the time we do have. That's the beauty of training with kettlebell, you really don't need a whole lot of time. You can do A LOT of damage (in a good way) with one kettlebell in 10 minutes (hello 5 minute snatch test!). Kettlebell Workouts Snacks™ was designed to provide you and myself with a glossary of quick 10-15 minute workouts for when life gets in the way and you only have well, 10-15 minutes! The workouts in this ebook are really simple and straight forward. I have broken them up into single and double kettlebell workout categories.

What Size Kettlebell/s do I need? The most you will need is a pair of medium sized kettlebells, but one kettlebell will do the trick! • Gentlemen: A pair of 16, 20, or 24kg bells. • Ladies: A pair of 10,12, or 16kg bells

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8 Workout Programs that Boost Strength, Strip Fat, and Will Not Take A Lot of Your time.

As stated, these workouts will be 10-15 minutes tops! All you will need is one maybe 2 kettlebells and a countdown timer. More than likely you will be performing as many rounds possible in the prescribed time above. Be sure to use good form and not not choose a workout that is above your strength or skill level. I’ve listed the workouts from beginner to absolutely dreadful ;)

What is a “Kettlebell Complex?” Without getting all technical on energy systems and what not (which you could careless about), a kettlebell complex is simply a series of exercises strung together by performing all the number of lifts (reps) for each exercise before moving onto the next exercise.

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Example: Swing x 5 Clean x 5 Press x 5 Squat x 5 You will perform all of the swings before moving onto the clean, then all of the cleans before moving to presses, etc, etc… This would be 1 completed complex. You would then perform as many rounds of this example complex in 10-15 minutes (you determine the time).

Why Kettlebell Complexes? Complexes are great for an individual that want’s to build lean muscle, strip unwanted body fat, improve cardiovascular conditioning, and is EXTREMELY short on time! Kettlebell complexes are your one-stop-shop for everything strength and conditioning.

What is a “Kettlebell Chain?” This is where we will change things up a little (we call this “specialized variety”). Using the same example above: Swing x 5 Clean x 5 Press x 5 Squat x 5 You will perform 1 lift of each exercise sequentially until you’ve completed the total number of lifts (reps).

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Example: 1 swing, 1 clean, 1 press, 1 squat 2 swings, 2 cleans, 2 presses, 2 squats You would repeat this until you have completed 5 or what ever prescribed number of lifts I have for you. This would be 1 chain completed. You would then perform as many chains possible in the given time frame. You see… same exercises, just different. This is what leads to massive strength gains and massive strength gains leads to rapid fat loss.

Why “Kettlebell Chains?” Chains pretty much do everything complexes can do as far as improving performance, only they are a little (seriously “A LITTLE”) less sinister. The main difference is chains for 1. allow you to change things up a bit with out really having to change exercises. 2. chains will allow to really focus on the actually technique (not that complexes are not technical) because you are slowly building the volume (reps and sets) in a ladder / pyramid fashion.

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Strength Lingo If you’re unfamiliar with my programming I’d like to take a moment to get you up to speed with some of the Ol’ strength and kettlebell lingo. Here we go… 1. DSW = Double Swing 2. DCL = Double Clean 3. DMP = Double Military Press 4. FSQ = Front Squat 5. DSN = Double Snatch 6. TGU = Turkish Getup 7. DPP = Double Push-press 8. DJK = Double Jerk 9. 2H Swing = 2 handed swing 10.1H Swing = 1 handed swing

That’s all I can think of at the moment.

I think I have talk enough, lets get to the workouts, shall we?

– Hec Page 8 © Copyright 2017 and Beyond – Strength & Applied Sciences, LLC – All Rights Reserved.

Single Kettlebell Programs

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Back To Basics This program is as barebones basics as you can get! The duration of this program is 4 weeks! You will be performing “ladders” (pyramids) It will be based on the kettlebell two handed swing (2H Swings)! If you have the skill and want to push yourself, progress to 1 handed swings (1H Swings). Reference pg. 4 for kettlebell sizes needed. Set your timer for 15 minutes and perform as many ladders as possible with good form in 15 minutes. (If you only have 10 minutes, then set your timer to 10 min) Rest as needed between sets.

Weeks 1 & 3 - Ladders Mon - 3, 5, 7, 9 (This completes 1 ladder) Wed - 3, 5, 7 Fri - 3, 5, 7, 9, 12

Weeks 2 & 4 - Straight Sets Rest periods: “Top of the Minute” Example: Perform 11 swings (This will take approx. 17 seconds, rest 43 second and repeat for 10-15 minutes) Mon - 11/15 (11 reps for 15 total sets) Wed - 8/15 Fri - 14/15 **If you opt for 1H swings, perform the same rep scheme but alternate hands between sets!

Enjoy! Page 10 © Copyright 2017 and Beyond – Strength & Applied Sciences, LLC – All Rights Reserved.

Back To Basics 2.0 BTB 2.0 we will be integrating the Turkish Getup (TGU) and the Goblet Squat (GSQ). You will start each practice with two TGU’s on each side and finish each practice with 3 TGU’s on each side.

Weeks 1 & 3 - Straight Sets Mon - Sets of 8 two handed swings Goblet Squat x 1,2,3,4 Wed - Sets of 6 two handed swings Goblet Squat x 1,2,3 Fri - Sets of 10 two handed swings Goblet Squat x 1,2,3,4,5 Following each set of swings you will perform goblet squats in the following ladder. Example: 8 two handed swing, 1 goblet squat, 8 two handed swings, 2 goblet squats and so on. Perform as many sets and ladders of goblets squats possible in 10-15 minutes.

Weeks 2 & 4 - Straight Sets Mon - Sets of 10 two handed swings Goblet Squat x 1,2,3,4 Wed - Sets of 8 two handed swings Goblet Squat x 1,2,3 Fri - Sets of 12 two handed swings Goblet Squat x 1,2,3,4,5

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Single Kettlebell Complex - Atos Since this is a single KB complex, you will perform all the exercises on one side and then without rest, switch sides an repeat! This program is also 4 weeks.

Weeks 1 & 4 - 3 sets , 120 second rest Mon - CL x 4 SQ x 4 MP x 4 SW x 4 Wed - CL x 4 SQ x 4 MP x 4 Fri -

CL x 4 MP x 4 SQ x 4 SW x 4 SQ x 4

Weeks 2 & 3 - 4 sets , 90 second rest Mon - CL x 5 SQ x 5 MP x 5 SW x 5 Wed - CL x 5 SQ x 5 MP x 5 Fri -

CL x 5 MP x 5 SQ x 5 SW x 5 SQ x 5 Page 12 © Copyright 2017 and Beyond – Strength & Applied Sciences, LLC – All Rights Reserved.

Atos 2.0 This complex will be quite the challenge, if you have not completed Atos, I recommend backing up before attempting Atos 2.0

Weeks 1 & 4 - 3 sets , 120 second rest Mon - SN x 5 SQ x 4 PP x 3 SQ x 2 Wed - SN x 5 PP x 4 SQ x 3 Fri -

SQ x 3 SN x 5 PP x 4 SQ x 5 SW x 5

Weeks 2 & 3 - 4 sets , 90 second rest Mon - SN x 6 SQ x 5 PP x 4 SQ x 3 Wed - SN x 6 PP x 5 SQ x 4 Fri -

SQ x 4 SN x 6 PP x 5 SQ x 6 SW x 6 Page 13 © Copyright 2017 and Beyond – Strength & Applied Sciences, LLC – All Rights Reserved.

Double Kettlebell Programs

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Double Kettlebell training is WHERE. IT. IS. AT! We will now be getting double the strength, double the calorie burn, double the fat loss opportunities, and… We will do this in THE SAME TIME PERIOD! This program we will be introducing a new exercise… The Double Kettlebell Clean & Press. YEP! This baby is Pound for Pound the best kettlebell exercise on the planet! You will be performing one clean in between each press when your see “DCL+MP” Lets get cranking! You will want to use a pair of bells you can press 8-10 times!

Strength Plan 803A Weeks 1 & 3: 60 - 90 seconds between sets Mon - DCL+MP x 2/10 (2 reps for 10 sets) Wed - DCL+MP x 1/10 Fri - DCL+MP x 3/10

Weeks 2 & 4: 60 - 90 seconds between sets Mon - DCL+MP x 3/10 (2 reps for 10 sets) Wed - DCL+MP x 2/10 Fri - DCL+MP x 4/10

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Strength Plan 803B We will continue to build on 803A. We will now be adding the front squat (FSQ). Volume in the plan will increase and we will be switching to “Ladders”. At the end of each ladder you will perform 5 FSQ’s.

Weeks 1 & 3: 60 - 90 seconds between sets Mon - DCL+MP (1,2,3) x 3 Ladders Perform 5 FSQ after each ladder Wed - DCL+MP (1,2,3) x 2 Ladders Perform 5 FSQ after each ladder Fri - DCL+MP (1,2,3) x 5 Ladders Perform 5 FSQ after each ladder

Weeks 2 & 4: 60 - 90 seconds between sets Mon - DCL+MP (1,2,3) x 5 Ladders Perform 5 FSQ after each ladder Wed - DCL+MP (1,2,3) x 3 Ladders Perform 5 FSQ after each ladder Fri - DCL+MP (1,2,3,4) x 4 Ladders Perform 5 FSQ after each ladder

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MEtCon 101 This program is based on something we in the program design profession call “Metabolic Conditioning or ‘MetCon’” Body fat literally has NO place to hide! Your rest periods will be a “work to rest ratio (W:R)” and we will be doing a 1:3 W:R ratio. SO, if the set takes you one minute to perform, you will rest 3 minutes (1:3)… Make sense? (You will want to use a really light pair of bells on the one)

Weeks 1 & 3 - 20 seconds of work per exercise, 4 sets Mon - DSW x 20 seconds DCL+MP x 20 seconds FSQ x 20 seconds Wed - DSN x 20 seconds FSQ x 20 seconds DSW x 20 seconds Fri -

DMP x 20 seconds DSN x 20 seconds FSQ x 20 seconds DSW x 20 seconds

Weeks 1 & 3 - 30 seconds of work per exercise, 3 sets Mon - DSW x 30 seconds DCL+MP x 30 seconds FSQ x 30 seconds Wed - DSN x 30 seconds FSQ x 30 seconds DSW x 30 seconds Fri -

DMP x 30 seconds DSN x 30 seconds FSQ x 30 seconds DSW x 30 seconds Page 17 © Copyright 2017 and Beyond – Strength & Applied Sciences, LLC – All Rights Reserved.

Are you still alive? MetCon 101 was pretty brutal!! Ok, Moving on…

The SNATCH! This is a sample program from one of my [soon to be publishes] books The SNATCH! All you will be performing is the Double Kettlebell Snatch, one of my favs! You’ll want to use a pair of bells that you can double snatch at least 10 times!

Weeks 1 & 3 - Set a timer for 15 minute (10 if your in a hurry) Mon - (1,2,3) Ladders, perform as many ladders possible in 15 minutes. Wed - Sets of 2 Fri - Sets of 5

Weeks 2 & 4 - Set a timer for 15 minute (10 if your in a hurry) Mon - (1,2,3,4) Ladders, perform as many ladders possible in 15 minutes. Wed - Sets of 3 Fri - Sets of 6

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That’s a WRAP! I HIGHLY recommend journaling and tracking each and every training session.

• What went right • How each lift felt • How many reps / ladders complete, etc… Here’s what my journal looks like… Here’s what one of my entries looks like. Title: DL PLAN 220A Week # 1 - 30NL (30 reps) Monday - 25 Jan - 12NL 55% x 3 65% x 3 75% x 3, 2 80% x 1

Then to the left I had commentary for each lift. Pretty simple. In Strength, – Hec P.S. – I’d love to hear your results after each workout AKA: Program ;) Email them here: [email protected]

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