ISPE Sterile Manufacturing Facilities [PDF]

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Public Health Service

Food and Drug Administration Rockville MD 20857

November 17, 1998

Dear Colleagues: The Food and Drag Administration (FDA) is pleased to cooperate with the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering in the development of the Baseline* Pharmaceutical Engineering Guide for Sterile Manufacturing Facilities. This Guide is an excellent example of how FDA and industry can work in areas where both industry and the public can benefit from such potential cost savings. This document covers engineering aspects of building new sterile manufacturing facilities and modifications of existing facilities. FDA has no written guidance in this area, but we welcome cooperative efforts and the dedicated intensive work demonstrated by the engineers who voluntarily initiated the development of this Guide. This Guide is solely created and owned by ISPE. It is not an FDA regulation, standard or guidance document and facilities built in conformance with this Guide may or may not meet FDA requirements. FDA has provided comments for ISPE's consideration in preparing this Guide. It should be helpful to the engineering profession and the industry in designing sterile manufacturing facilities. FDA is pleased with the development of this document and we look forward to a continued working relationship as future Baseline® Pharmaceutical Engineering Guides are developed. Sincerely,

Sharon Smith Holston Deputy Commissioner for External Affairs

STERILE MANUFACTURING FACILITIES ISPE PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING GUIDE FOREWORD For many years, the pharmaceutical industry has experienced increases in the cost of new facilities. These increases in cost have been driven in part by uncertainty about the requirements for regulatory compliance. Some significant areas of concern are validation, particularly related to automation systems, and the trend to validate back to source utilities. The absence of a consistent and widely accepted interpretation of some regulatory requirements has led to one-upmanship. This practice of building increasingly technically advanced facilities has led to increased cost, longer lead times and, in some cases, delays in bringing new products to market. In May 1994, engineering representatives from the pharmaceutical industry engaged in a discussion with the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As a result of that discussion in November 1994, ISPE began work on 10 facility engineering Guides, now known as the Baseline® Pharmaceutical Engineering Guides. The first, "Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals," was published in June 1996. The second, "Oral Solid Dosage Forms," was published in February 1998. This is the third such Guide, covering Sterile Manufacturing Facilities. Each Engineering Guide was created by and is owned solely by ISPE. FDA provided comments on this and previous Guides, and many of their suggestions have been incorporated. As with the BPC and OSD Guides, the Sterile Manufacturing Facilities Guide has been sponsored by ISPE's Pharmaceutical Advisory Council, made up of senior pharmaceutical engineering executives from owner companies, and ISPE senior management. Overall planning, direction and technical guidance in the preparation of the Sterile Manufacturing Facilities Guide was provided by a Steering Committee, most of whom were involved in the BPC Guide. The Sterile Guide itself was produced by a Task Team of around 50 individuals who expended a great deal of their own time in its preparation and development.

Editors' Disclaimer: This Guide is meant to assist pharmaceutical manufacturers in the design and construction of new and renovated facilities that are required to comply with the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) cannot ensure, and does not warrant, that a facility built in accordance with this Guide will be acceptable to FDA.

This document is owned by ISPE. No reproduction of the whole of any part of this document is to be made without written authority of ISPE.


_____________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER WRITERS AND REVIEWERS

The following individuals took lead roles in the preparation of this document: Bruce Davis was Team Leader for the Sterile Manufacturing Facilities Guide and was assisted by Jim Durkin who also provided editorial support. The following other members of the task team worked on one or more of the chapters, and volunteered countless hours to attend meetings and review the many drafts that were prepared:

Bruce Davis


Chapter 1

Jim Durkin

Pharmaplan Ltd

Chapter 2

Dimitrios Xilogiannis


Chapter 3

Dennis Fortune

Foster Wheeler

Chapter 4

Simon Shelley


Chapter 5 & 12, Appendix 2 & 3

William Huibregste


Chapter 6 & 9

Andrew Stamford-Smith


Chapter 7

Chris Wood


Chapter 8

David McLucas/Nick Walker

Evans Medical

Chapter 10

Michael Mulhall

DPS Engineering

Chapter 11

Gordon Farquharson

Tanshire Holdings

Chapter 12

Reviewers Giorgio de Castiglioni

Pharmacia & Upjohn

Eckhard Kalbfleisch


Jos Mathot


Phillip Richardson


Geert Vandenbossche


STERILE MANUFACTURING FACILITIES FDA Reviewers We would like to thank the following FDA representatives for their input on this Guide: Sharon Smith Holston

Deputy Commissioner for External Affairs

Susan Setterberg

Regional Director, Mid-Atlantic Region

Joe Phillips

Deputy Regional Director, Mid-Atlantic Region

Richard Friedman

Compliance Officer, CDER

Sidney Priesmeyer

Investigator, Drug Specialist

The Chapter Writers would like to express their grateful thanks to Mel Crichton for his comments on drafts and for his support and encouragement, and to Sion Wyn and Gail Evans of Activa Systems Ltd. for their contribution as technical coordinators and editors.

Also, ISPE acknowledges with gratitude the following companies who supplied the start-up funding for this project: Alcon Laboratories

Bayer Corp.


Ingelheim Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.

Eli Lilly & Co.

Glaxo Wellcome Inc.

Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.

Merck & Co., Inc.

Pfizer Inc.

Pharmacia & Upjohn Inc.

Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories

Zeneca Pharmaceuticals

Zenith Goldline Pharmaceuticals



1 .1 1.2 1.3

BACKGROUND................................................................................................................. 11 SCOPE OF THIS GUIDE ................................................................................................ 11 KEY FEATURES OF THIS GUIDE ................................................................................ 12

2. CONCEPTS AND REGULATORY PHILOSOPHY 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10

PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................... 15 CRITICAL PROCESS STEPS. ........................................................................ ................ 15 PROTECTION OF THE PRODUCT ............................................................................... 15 CROSS CONTAMINATION AND TOXIC PRODUCT ISSUES ...................................... 17 ASEPTIC PROCESSING AREA ...................................................................................... 18 INTEGRATED FACILITY DESIGN .................................................................................... 18 TERMINOLOGY FOR MANUFACTURING AREAS AND HVAC ............................. 20 BARRIER-ISOLATOR TECHNOLOGY ........................................................................ 24 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................................ 24 GOOD ENGINEERING PRACTICE, DIRECT IMPACT SYSTEMS AND INDIRECT IMPACT SYSTEMS ................................................................................... 24


INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 25 PROCESS DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................. 26 ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES ................................................................................. 36 EQUIPMENT INTEGRATION ......................................................................................... 36

4. ARCHITECTURE AND LAYOUT 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 43 DESIGN CRITERIA...................................................................................................... 43 LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................................ 44 ROOM FUNCTION....................................................................................................... 50 SURFACE FINISHES & MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ...................................... 51 TRANSFER ZONES......................................................................................................... 56 SUPPORT AREAS .......................................................................................................... 57

5. HVAC 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 59 COST CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................................................. 59 SOURCES OF PARTICULATE CONTAMINATION ....................................................... 60 ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS AND GMP .............................................................. 61 MANUFACTURING LAYOUT AND HVAC PRINCIPLES ........................................... 64 INTEGRATION OF HVAC AND PROCESS EQUIPMENT .......................................... 68 HVAC SYSTEM DESIGN ...................................................................................................69 MONITORING.............................................................................................................. 72 CLEANING & MAINTENANCE OF HVAC SYSTEMS .............................................. 74 QUALIFICATION OF HVAC SYSTEMS....................................................................... 75




6.1 6.2 6.3 7.

INTRODUCTION. ......................................................................................... 77 DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................................... 77 SPECIFIC SERVICE CONSIDERATIONS .................................................. 80 ELECTRICAL SERVICES

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................... 83 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... 83 POWER DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................ 84 LIGHTING ........................................................................................................ 84 HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS ................................................................ 85 WIRING.................................................................................................... 85 DOOR INTERLOCKS ...................................................................................... 85 OUTLETS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ................................... 85

8. CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 87 GMP CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL PARAMETERS ................................ 87 PRODUCTION PROCESS PARAMETERS .................................................... 89 INSTRUMENTATION.................................................................................... 90 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION........................................................................ 92 GENERAL DESIGN ISSUES ........................................................................... 92 HVAC........................................................................................................................ 93 9. CLEANING: ENGINEERING ISSUES




SEMI-AUTOMATIC CLEANING....................................................................95

10. BARRIER-ISOLATOR TECHNOLOGY 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................. 97 BARRIER-ISOLATOR TYPE ......................................................................... 99 EQUIPMENT DESIGN .................................................................................. 100 STERILIZATION CYCLE DEVELOPMENT................................................ 102 VAPOR AND MATERIAL COMPATIBILITY ............................................... 105 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING............................................................. 105 BARRIER-ISOLATOR LEAK DETECTION ................................................. 106 MAINTENANCE............................................................................................ 108

11. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................. 111 ENVIRONMENTAL-AIR.............................................................................. 111 ENVIRONMENTAL-WASTE WATER ............................................................ 111 ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE…....................................................................... 112 ENVIRONMENTAL - SOLID AND CONCENTRATED WASTES.............. 113 HEALTH AND SAFETY ................................................................................... 113 SITE SELECTION AND LOCATION ............................................................... 114 ENERGY SOURCES ......................................................................................... 115 AUDITING, MONITORING AND REPORTING .......................................... 115


SECURITY...................................................................................................... 116


INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 119


QUALIFICATION OF HVAC SYSTEMS................................................................................. 123


OVERVIEW OF THE STANDARDIZATION PROCESS ..................................................... 127


STANDARDS......................................................................................................................... 127


INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 137 KEY DIFFERENCES TO US STANDARDS .......................................................................... 137

15. APPENDIX 3 - HVAC - ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING INFORMATION 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 141 SOURCES OF PARTICULATE CONTAMINATION ............................................................... 141 HVAC DESIGN PRINCIPLES................................................................................................ 143 CALCULATION OF AIR CHANGE RATE .............................................................................. 145 PROCESS IMPACT ............................................................................................................... 146 HVAC SYSTEM DESIGN .................................................................. .................................. 149 AIR HANDLING UNIT (AHU) DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ........................................ 154 HORIZONTAL VS VERTICAL UNIDIRECTIONAL AIR FLOW..................................... 155

16. GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................................................... 159




The design, construction, commissioning and validation of pharmaceutical facilities are significant challenges for manufacturers, engineering professionals and equipment suppliers. In most cases, these facilities are required to meet GMP regulations while remaining in compliance with all other governing codes, laws and regulations. The cost of bringing these facilities on line has been rising, in many cases due to a lack of understanding of regulatory requirements. This Guide is intended to offer a consistent interpretation, while still allowing a flexible and innovative approach to facility design, construction, commissioning and validation. This Guide was prepared by ISPE, with feedback from industry representatives from all areas and disciplines, and comments provided by PDA (CDER). It reflects ISPE's current thinking related to engineering of new aseptic manufacturing facilities. Also, it is hoped that this Guide might help meet the standards that will be included in the not yet completed revision of PDA's 1987 Guideline on Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing. It is recognized that industry standards evolve and this document reflects the understanding of them as of publication date.



This is a Guide to be used by industry for the design, construction, commissioning and qualification of new aseptic/sterile manufacturing facilities. It is neither a standard nor a GMP regulation. It is not intended to replace governing laws, codes, guidelines, standards, or regulations that apply to facilities of this type. The use of this document for new or existing facili ties is at the discretion of the facility owner or operator. The purpose of this Guide is to focus on engineering issues and how to provide cost effective facilities. Where non-engineering issues are covered (e.g. micro-biological topics, operational issues unrelated to the facility), the information is included to show engineers the importance of such topics, and the impact they have on facility design. Such non-engineering topics, therefore, are not covered comprehensively, and specific advice from QA departments should be sought where additional information is required. This Guide covers facilities for aseptic processing and terminal sterilization of formulated products, generally for parenteral use. It is applicable to formulations that use active ingredients devised from either conventional chemistry or biopharmaceutical processing. It is not applicable to bulk pharmaceutical chemicals, but some parts may be relevant for facilities that produce sterile bulks, for sterile manufacture at development scale, medical devices or other sterile products. It also should be noted that the purpose of the Guide is not to give guidance on production of clinical materials. This Guide is intended primarily for facilities that meet regulatory requirements in order to supply the United States (US) market, and follows US standards and references. The Guide also may be helpful to manufacturers that need to meet European requirements.



The following key concepts are defined and used as a basis for guidance: 

Product requirements

“GMP Critical Parameters" and "Critical Devices"

Terminal sterilization

Aseptic processing area

Protection of the product

Flow of people and materials

Integrated facility design

Barrier-isolator technology

Consistent HVAC terminology

HVAC principles

In operation condition for HVAC

Selection of materials and finishes

Good Engineering Practice

"Direct Impact Systems"

Enhanced documentation

"Indirect Impact Systems"

Some brief explanation of these follow: The product requirement determines the fundamental requirements of the aseptic facility and, from these, the "Critical Parameters" can be determined. For example, terminal sterilization is recommended, but where the product is affected significantly by this particular process step, product requirements may take precedence, and other controlled methods of manufacturing may be used. This Guide seeks to make distinctions, where relevant, between aseptically processed products and those that are terminally sterilized. The aseptic processing area is the area where the product is formulated, filled into containers (usually vials, ampoules, or pre-filled syringes) and sealed. Protection of the product and container/closures during these operations is critical, so the flow of people and materials must be controlled, in order to achieve this logical separation of clean and dirty operations, careful consideration of all features must be taken into account, to produce an integrated facility design. Barrier-isolator technology may be the chosen method of operation. This also will affect the design, and should be considered at an early stage. A number of available documents give information on aseptic facilities. Many of these use different terminology, particularly for environmental classifications (e.g. Class 100 in US, Grade A in Europe). This Guide references these, and explains the differences between these systems, and uses consistent HVAC terminology. The terms Class 100 etc., are in common use internationally. The FDA Guideline on Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing, June 1987, also refers to these classifications. Therefore, it has been decided to use these terms throughout the main part of this Guide. A section on European requirements (Appendix 2) also has been included, as there are some differences between these and those used in the US. One of the most fundamental issues, in regard to facilities for aseptic manufacture, are HVAC principles. In particular, engineers should understand that regulators are particularly interested in the environment during in operation conditions, as this is the time when the product may be exposed. HVAC design and clean area classifications should relate to this situation. Engineers should understand sources of particulate and microbial contamination, and the various ways that air quality can be maintained during manufacturing, for example, by filtration, cleanliness cascades, etc. Furthermore, the importance of avoiding cross-contamination is a key area that can influence HVAC design and engineers should understand its importance. Selection of materials and finishes also is an area where Baseline standards are applicable. Some finishes can be expensive, yet give no better GMP compliance than cheaper alternatives. Similarly, significant sums can be spent on instrumentation and control. From a product point of view, understanding the Critical Parameters and ensuring that these are in compliance is important, as they will relate directly to product quality. Finally, Good Engineering Practice should be applied to any facility to ensure that the most economic design solution is found, consistent with meeting manufacturing and quality needs. This Guide uses the term "Direct Impact System" for those engineering systems that have a direct effect on product quality; these should be supported by enhanced documentation. The

Guide also uses the term "Indirect Impact Systems" for those engineering systems that do not have a direct impact on product quality. Further explanation of this is given in Chapter 12. An overview of the Chapter structure is given in Figure 1-1.





Sterile products require rigorous control of potential contamination, which may take the form of particulates, microorganisms or endotoxins. The nature of aseptic processing is to minimize or eliminate potential sources of contamination. This Guide considers this and the means by which engineers can design out, or ensure control of, the risk. PDA has stated, where possible, that the use of terminal sterilization should be used in the manufacture of sterile products. Where this is not feasible without detriment to the product, an alternative means of achieving the end objective must be demonstrated. Consequently, the first step in establishing the processing conditions, and therefore the design of the manufacturing facility, is to determine whether terminal sterilization will be required. In some cases an additional method e.g. heat treatment, can be added to aseptic processing to better assure product safety. Sterile products come in different forms including liquids, powders, ointments and creams. The product form will influence processing conditions, equipment selection and, therefore, facility design. Similarly, there are several different types of sterile product presentation, including ampoules, vials, pre-filled-syringes and blow-fill-seal containers, each of which will make particular demands on the design of the facility. A further consideration will be the capacity requirements for each presentation in total, and in terms of subdivisions of fill weight and volume. For each specific product, or range of products, the manufacturer must determine the product characteristics, the process steps, and the acceptance criteria for "Critical Parameters" to meet product specifications for all process stages. This will culminate in establishing the requirements for the sterile manufacturing stage. The implications for facility design, and the appropriate layout and controls, can then be determined. Typical manufacturing flow diagrams for sterile products are given in Chapter 3 - Process and Equipment Considerations.



For any product manufactured by aseptic methods, the critical process steps are normally the activities during which the sterilized product and container/closure are exposed, either to the atmosphere or to a surface. These can include dispensing of materials, formulation and sterile filtration, filling and primary sealing. Other critical steps will include the preparation and depyrogenation of components coming into contact with the product, sterilization of process vessels and contact equipment, and cleaning processes. Therefore, unlike many other dosage forms, sterile products require a significant part of the process to be under controlled aseptic conditions. This imposes a strict design regime, not only on the process areas, but on the interactions with surrounding areas and the movement of people, materials and equipment so as not to compromise the aseptic condition



Drug products can become contaminated in a variety of ways. For example", ineffective cleaning procedures may leave product or cleaning agent residues in equipment; production workers may fail to take proper precautions while transporting a substance from one area, to another, thereby introducing a contaminant to the second area; or, particles may become airborne and travel to production areas throughout the facility. Drug products may become contaminated by a number of substances including dust, dirt, debris, toxic substances, endotoxins, infectious agents, or residue of other drugs or drug components. Most contamination can be controlled to an acceptable level through such measures as good design of people and material flows, proper planning and implementation of cleaning processes, comprehensive employee training, gowning and air filtration. Under cGMP, manufacturers set contamination limits on a substance-by-substance basis, according to both the potency of the substance and its overall level of sensitivity. The table below gives engineers some general guidance on where contamination can arise. This table is not comprehensive and expert QA advice should be sought to give further details about this important area. It should be noted that the largest source of particulate generation, by an order of magnitude, is from people. In principle, filtration is used to reduce particulates; sterilization/autoclaving is used to reduce microbial contamination; and high temperature or chemicals are used to remove endotoxins. In order to minimize the risk of product contamination the following philosophies have been adopted for this Guide:   

Nested zones of protection around critical processing areas Strict control of movement in and out of critical areas Control of related activities, e.g. cleaning/sterilization of contact parts, etc

Table 2-1 Sources of Contamination (General information only) TYPE OF CONTAMINANT Non-viable (particulates)


Viable (micro-organism)

- Bacteria - Yeast molds

- Metal specks - Clothing fiber

DERIVED FROM: (Examples) - Equipment - People's clothing - Outside air - Water supply

DEALT WITH BY: (Examples) - Airborne particles are HEPA filtered - Contact parts are cleaned and sterilized. - Water purification systems

- People - Water - Outside air - Equipment, tools - Excipients, active ingredients

- Limit aseptic core interventions - Airborne particles are HEPA filtered - Sterile filtration of solutions (0.2pm) - Steam sterilization or irradiation of components

Endotoxins (Not normally associated with Airborne bacteria)

- Arising from cell wall debris from certain organisms (often water borne)

- Wet equipment change parts, or container/closure after a period of time Exposure

- Caustic soda solution with heat - High temperature (>200°C) time dependent

This concept of "nested" manufacturing zones is illustrated in Figure 2-1. 2.4


In addition to the design requirements for product protection, the engineer also must consider protection of the operator and the environment and, in particular, avoidance of cross contamination. In certain forms, products such as penicillin pose a significant risk if they contaminate other products. For these products, dedicated production facilities, air-handling equipment and process equipment are necessary. Similarly, cephalosporins generally require the same precautions. Furthermore, where products are manufactured that may be potentially toxic to the operator, the engineer should understand that although GMP may require the product to be protected by clean

filtered air, this may cause additional engineering requirements in order to protect the operator. In some cases, barrier-isolator technology may be a suitable solution. Likewise, where containment is necessary, the engineering solution should protect both the product from contamination and the operator from being affected by the product. Similarly, awareness of cross contamination of one product by another should be carefully considered, and, if necessary, dedicated air systems should be provided. 2.5


The aseptic process areas are those where the product is likely to be exposed to the atmosphere. The point-of-fill is at least a Class 100 environment, protected under unidirectional air flow As shown conceptually in Fig 2-1 the aseptic processing area is nested within a protective envelope that is designed to minimize the challenge to the aseptic condition. However, for manufacturing to take place the aseptic area must be supplied with appropriate materials, equipment, services and where required personnel. For aseptic manufacturing, good flow of personnel and materials is essential for maintaining the security of the process, and process environment. Having established the required environmental standards through air filtration, air flows, appropriate pressure differentials, etc., it is important that this quality is not compromised by entry of potential contamination via such items as clothing or containers. This is controlled by planning flows of people, materials and equipment are designed to be readily cleaned, sanitized and when applicable, sterilized. Such high quality surfaces are found throughout the aseptic processing areas, progressing to the highest requirements in critical process areas. This places equal importance on the design of surrounding support areas, in order to ensure GMP compliance of the critical area. The interdependence of operations of the core sterile activity is illustrated in figure 2-2.



The manufacturing process includes manufacturing and storage steps in the creation of the finished

product. This embraces everything from the weighing of components, through the storing, packaging and labeling of the finished product. Steps include, mixing, milling, formulating, filtering, lyophilizing, filling, encapsulating and sterilizing. The manufacturing process normally will be supported by other functions within the facility or in close proximity. These include warehousing, offices and laboratories. It is important that facility technology can be supported by local personnel, such that maintenance and repair costs can be minimized and facility up time be optimized. A schematic of the overall approach is given in Figure 2-3, and the subject is given fuller consideration in Chapter 4. Engineers should consider not only the initial costs of facilities but, if possible, determine the most economic life cycle cost of the facility. That is, a higher initial cost, using better materials, may mean less operating and maintenance costs, and a lower life cycle cost. The manufacturing process normally will be supported by other functions within the facility or in close proximity. These include warehousing, offices and laboratories. The design of each element of the manufacturing facility should contribute to minimizing the contamination risk. For instance, extraneous contamination is minimized by using a changing regime for personnel, or pre-treatment of components. The manufacturing environment is controlled by means of air filtration, air flow and pressurization. Containment is achieved with physical barriers such as walls, etc. For people and materials to move from one area to another, whilst maintaining the desired protection for the product, engineers must consider the facility as a whole and not as isolated parts.




General A wide variety of terms are in use within the industry to describe manufacturing areas

and to indicate the degree of quality or control, e.g. clean/sterile; black/gray/white etc. To be consistent in the description of operations and the air quality classification, the terms given in Table 2-2 are used in this Guide. They typically will be associated with a change in the status of people or materials moving from one area to another, e.g., a change of clothes, or a cleaning process. They also may be associated with a physical separation such as a unidirectional flow hood or rooms at different air classifications. There are many different standards in use within the pharmaceutical industry to specify air quality in manufacturing areas. Chapter 5 deals with these issues in more detail. Reference should be made to Table 2-4 and Figures 3-1 and 3-2 to show the typical air classification for typical processing steps.

Table 2-2 Terminology used in this Guide Terminology for Air Quality used Typical Area in this Guide

Example of dress code


Street, Restaurant

Outdoor clothes


Laboratories, Offices, Warehouse

Appropriate to area


Packing Hall

Captive coat, hat and overshoes

Class 100,000 (in operation)

Non-sterile processing

Clean garments

Class 10,000 (in operation)

Room where filling takes place

Sterile garments

Class 1 00 (in operation)

Point of fill or other aseptic manipulations Sterile garments

N.B. The term "Pharmaceutical" has been used in this Guide. It refers to areas normally subject to a dress-code with HVAC provision. Particulate or microbiological controls are required only for particular process steps. 2.7.2

Explanation of Terminology Used for HVAC There is considerable confusion about HVAC classification. This section explains why the terminology in Table 2-2 was chosen. The following factors are relevant. a) It is common practice to use the terms Class 100, Class 100,000 etc. in the industry. This nomenclature is used in the FDA Guideline on Sterile Drug Products produced by aseptic process (1987), and this in turn refers to classifications from Federal Standard 209D. Although not specifically referenced, Class 10,000 also is common practice in industry. It is the intention of the FDA to update their 1987 Guideline, and it is understood that Class 100, Class 10,000 and Class 100,000 levels will be included in the revised Guideline.

b) A number of other industry documents have been issued that use different nomenclature, as follows (see also Appendix 1):     

FS209D has been superseded by FS209E using metric terms (M3. 5, M3500 etc.) European GMP, Annex 1 on Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products use terms Grade A, B etc. ISO/DIS 13408-1 uses Grade A, Grade B but the requirements are slightly different from EU Annex 1 A new CEN/ISO document is to be published and it is likely to use terms 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. British Standard BS5295 uses letter designations, but not the same as those in EU Annex 1

c) As outlined in Chapter 1, it is the operational condition for HVAC that is most important from the product point of view; hence, the HVAC terminology used within this Guide refers to

the in operation condition. d) Aseptically produced products generally require higher air quality standards than those employing terminal sterilization (see Table 2-3). e) Appendix 2 explains important differences between US and European requirements. For example Grade A is nominally the same as Class 100 in regard to participate levels in operation, and similar relationships are true for the other classifications. This Guide establishes simple links between these different systems, using terms that are common in industry, with the intent of helping designers to understand their relationships. The choice of Class 100, etc., has therefore been adopted. 2.7.3

HVAC /Requirements for typical process stages

It is normal practice in the industry to 'cascade' air quality levels from Class 100 to Class 10,000 to Class 100,000. This Guide bases its recommendations upon these levels as good practice. Table 2-3 shows the typical air quality requirements for facilities that supply product to the US. This table should be read in conjunction with Figures 3- 1 and 3-2 and also Appendix 2 (showing the European requirements).

CONCEPTS AND REGULATORY PHILOSOPHY Table 2-3 Baseline Air Quality Classification - Products for US Supply (See Figures 3-1, 3-2) Note -This table is for general engineering guidance only, it is not intended to be used as a GMP. Expert advice from QA departments should be sought for product specific requirements. These Baseline standards may or may not be applicable to any particular application, ALL AIR CLASSIFICATIONS REFER TO THE "IN OPERATION" CONDITIONS Typical Process Step

Aseptic Processing (All classifications are in operation) Terminal Sterilization (All classifications are in operation) Background Environment

Product/Container/ Closure Exposure

Background Environment Product/Container/ Closure Exposure

Raw material dispensing

Class 100,000 (Note 1)

Local Protection (Note 2)

Class 100,000

Class 100,000

Compounding & (sterile) filtration feed

Class 100,000 (Note 1)

Class 10,000 (Notes 2 and 3) Class 100,000

Class 100,000

(Sterile) filtration

Class 10,000

Class 100 (Note/)

Class 100 (Note 5)

Initial prep/washing components

"Pharmaceutical" (with local "Pharmaceutical" (with local "Pharmaceutical" (with local "Pharmaceutical" (with local monitoring) (Note 6) monitoring) (Note 6) monitoring) (Note 6) monitoring) (Note 6)

Final rinse of components

Class 100,000

Class 100,000 (Note 2)

"Pharmaceutical" (with local Class 100,000 (Note 2) monitoring) (Note 6)

Sterilization/ depryogenation Class 100,000 of components -loading

Class 100,000 (Note 2)

"Pharmaceutical" (with local Class 100,000 (Note 2) monitoring) (Note 6)

Sterilization/ depryogenation Class 10,000 of components –unloading

Class 100 (or wrapped/sealed) Class 100,000

Class 100 (Note 5) (or wrapped/sealed)

Filling and Stoppering

Class 10,000

Class 100 (Note 7)

Class 100,000

Class 100 (Note 5)

Lyophilization -Operation


Closed system



Lyophilization -Transfer

Class 10,000

Class 100



Capping and Crimping

"Pharmaceutical" (with local Local Protection (Notes 2 and "Pharmaceutical" monitoring) (Notes 4 and 6) 4, and Figure 2-4)

Local Protection (Notes 2 and 4, and Figure 2-4)

Terminal Sterilization










Labeling and Packing





Class 100,000

Notes to Accompany Table 2-3 (See also Table 5-1.) General Note "Pharmaceutical" is a term used in this ISPE Sterile Guide only: (see Section 2,7.1), It means that dress code should be controlled, but that particulate and microbiological monitoring is required only in some local areas. The terms used in this Guide do not form the basis of GMP's.

Note 1 For aseptically produced products, with sterile raw materials, (e.g. powders, where sterile filtration is not carried out, dispensing and compounding shall be in Class 100 (or closed system) with Class 10,000 background. Note 2 It is good practice to reduce the risk of potential contamination of the exposed product/components by use of local protection. The method of achieving this will depend on the exposure and risk to the product or operator. Typical solutions are HEPA filtered air supply, or physical containment/enclosure, such as barrier-isolators. Note 3 In some cases, where, for example, there may be a higher risk of microbial growth when the product is in solution (e.g. for protein products), more stringent air classification than local Class 10,000 will be required. Note 4 It is important to minimize the exposure time of stoppered vials after they have left the aseptic processing area, and to provide local protection to stoppered vials until the capping and crimping step, to minimize contamination to the uncapped vials. When container/closure stoppering integrity (i.e. stopper insertion without cap) has been validated, then local HEPA filter protection is optional. Note that the capping and crimping process generates large numbers of particulates and, therefore, room pressure reversals must be avoided. See Figure 2-4. The conveyor should not leave the aseptic filling room.

Note 5. If the product does not actively support microbiological growth, a local environment as low as Class 100,000 may be appropriate. Note 6 "Pharmaceutical" (with "local monitoring") means Class 100,000 at rest, and occasional testing to determine the particulate and microbiological characterization of the room (see Table 5-1). Note 7 Aseptic connections, assembly of sterilized equipment parts and sterile filtration, must be under Class 100 conditions. 2.8


The sterile processing areas should be designed to meet the technical requirements for aseptic processing. However, this can be achieved either with a conventional "clean room" approach, or with the use of barrier-isolator technology. The product protection philosophy and nested zone approach {see Section 2.4) are not changed for barrier-isolators, but there are differences in the approach to facility design. These are described in more detail in Chapter 10. 2.9


Facility design also must take account of other issues, such as means of escape, fire protection, emissions, noise control, health and safety, etc. Further information on these considerations is given in Chapter 11. 2.10


Particular attention is directed to these definitions, introduced and used throughout this Guide. A full explanation can be found in Chapter 12. A "Direct Impact System" is an engineering system that may have a direct impact on product quality. An "Indirect Impact System" is an engineering system that is considered not to have a direct impact on product quality. Good Engineering Practice is defined in Section 12.1. 3.




The information contained within the chapter is intended to: 

Recommend baseline practices intended to apply to sterile processes

inform facility designers of typical sterile product manufacturing schemes

Provide points for consideration in selecting sterile processing equipment

Provide points for consideration when integrating sterile processing equipment into the facility design

Section 3.2 provides a general description of each stage encountered in a typical process for both an aseptically processed product and a terminally sterilized product. The illustrative flow sheets for both these schemes are shown in Figures 3.1, and 3.2 respectively, and should be read in conjunction with Table 2-3 for air classification requirements. Table 3-1 gives specific points for consideration in equipment selection and integration, including:

Performance: this may include more detailed capacity attributes, but also covers specification of machine performance criteria, which control product and container quality and cleanliness.

Functionality: this includes such key functional attributes as the ability to maintain equipment from outside the critical areas.

Construction: in particular, the durability, cleanability and sterilizability of the materials of construction of the equipment that may contact the product.

Instrumentation: including process parameters for consideration of criticality and, therefore, instrumented monitoring.

Table 3-2 provides facility layout and services information for each item of the main process equipment, including the following: 

Air Quality: equipment location within the facility is controlled by the process and materials flow, the criticality of operations performed, and by the consequent requirements for local and room air quality control.

Layout: people and materials flows needed for a particular process significantly impact on the equipment layout and, therefore, the overall facility layout.

Services: definition of both the instantaneous and daily demands of the equipment, on connecting services, is vital to the sizing of the supporting services infrastructure.


PROCESS DESCRIPTION The model process flow adopted as the basis of this Chapter is that of a typical vial formulation, either terminally sterilized or aseptically processed. The designer may use this as the basis for design conditions for other presentations, e.g., ampoules and syringes. The scope of the process for a lyophilized aseptically processed formulation is illustrated in Figure 3.3 The section also includes a description of terminal sterilization that generally precludes a lyophilized product. The general list of process stages (not including equipment contact parts cleaning and preparation) considered is:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11)

Dispensing Compounding Sterile Filtration Container Preparation Stopper Preparation Filling and Stoppering Lyophilization (this step is not assumed for terminally sterilized products) Capping and Crimping Terminal Sterilization Inspection Packing


Dispensing and Weighing

The regulatory bodies require that special attention be paid to the way dispensing is performed. The air cleanliness classification within the dispensary will depend upon the process and product. Aseptically processed products that cannot be sterile filtered {e.g., sterile powders) are dispensed in a Class 100 environment within a Class 100,000 background. If sterile filtration is possible, aseptically processed products, or terminally sterilized products, that are susceptible to microbial growth, are dispensed in. a Class 100,000 background environment. Generally, the two major concepts applied in the industry today are: 1) Centralized dispensing 2) Decentralized dispensing Usually centralized dispensing is confined to solid actives and excipients. Decentralized dispensing is used for liquids (water and solvents) which are dispensed at the production areas (compounding room). Dispensing of solids is performed on a weight basis. Liquids can be metered by flow meters, but the final batch should be checked gravimetrically. In large scale production this is achieved by setting the dispensing vessel on load cells or a floor balance. For either of these methods, attention needs to be paid to the effect attached cables and hoses can have on the linearity and accuracy of the weighing range. Careful consideration needs to be given to the potential for cross contamination of materials within the dispensary. With single product plants, risk of contamination results from carry over of residual material from one batch to the next. With multi-product plants risk of cross contamination results from parallel dispensing of different products and carry over of residual material from the previous batch of a different product. Design measures need to be included to address cross contamination issues. These can include physical and/or product segregation of equipment and clean in place at large scale. Ventilation systems must be in place to prevent cross contamination from airborne dust. Methods for decontamination and cleaning of such dispensary equipment as scoops, balance trays, conveyor screws and vacuum pipes (large scale powder dosing) should be included in the design. 3.2.2


The purpose of compounding is to bring together the discrete product, excipient and solvent components into the formulation that will subsequently be filled. This may involve simple liquid mixing, or dissolution of solid active. It may also include more complex operations such as emulsification or liposome formation. For aqueous formulations, WFI should be used as the solvent. Prior to compounding, the processing vessels and components are cleaned and sanitized in order to minimize the bioburden and endotoxin load on downstream processes. The same considerations - of air cleanliness and cross contamination prevention - apply to compounding as well as dispensing (see Section 3.2.1). 3.2.3

Sterile Filtration

Sterile filtration provides a defined reduction in the microbiological concentration of the product feed solution and is intended to render the product stream sterile.

Sterile filtration should be specified when filling an aseptically processed liquid product that is proven to be filterable. Sterilizing filter compatibility with the product formulation should be verified, as should the effects of worst case operating conditions. Filtration through two filters in series {also known as redundant filtration) is sometimes carried out for aseptic processing. Sterile filtration may also be specified for a terminally sterilized product, where particular bioburden control measures are justified prior to terminal sterilization, for example, with a formulation that allows for microbial growth. The requirement for sterile filtration must be assessed on a product and process specific basis. Sterile filtration is conventionally achieved by air-tight pressure filtration from feed to recipient pressure vessels, with the sterile filter fitted in-line between the two. In small scale sealed operations, use of sealed non-pressure vessels and peristaltic pumps is an alternative approach. In large scale operation the vessels and associated systems may be cleaned and sterilized in place. On a smaller scale the vessels and components are cleaned and rinsed manually, autoclaved or sterilized in place, and then carefully assembled aseptically, within the protection of a Class 100 zone. The integrity of the sterile filter membrane and its installation within the housing is checked by a proven filter integrity test method. This should be done prior to filtration, but must be done following filtration. It is preferable that the filter integrity test be performed in-situ. 3.2.4

Container Preparation

Container preparation cleans and sterilizes empty product containers. There are four forms of contamination which the process should control. These are: 

Bioburden: viable microbiological counts (CPUs = colony forming units)

Endotoxin: pyrogenic cell wall material resulting from growth and degradation of microorganisms

Extraneous particulates: solid particulate matter, often resulting from container manufacturing, packing and staging processes (e.g., glass fragments)

Extraneous chemicals: e.g., excess quantities of surface treatment chemicals

Extraneous particulates and chemicals are removed during washing and rinsing. Bioburden is then inactivated and endotoxins degraded by subjecting the containers to dry heat depyrogenation. The temperature and time of the sterilization/depyrogenation cycle is specific to the container size, material, mass and load configuration. In large scale manufacture it is common practice to wash and depyrogenate using an integrated washing machine and depyrogenating tunnel, with automatic container transfer through the system by conveyor mechanisms. Once washed, recontamination of the containers is minimized by protecting the transfer to the tunnel with HEPA filtered air (see Table 2-3). The washing machine typically will be multistage, with controlled endotoxin purified water washes followed by at least one rinse of WFI quality before depyrogenation. Container surface treatment chemicals also may be applied as an initial step. The wash stage can be validated for endotoxin removal, but it is more common to make use of the high temperature oven/tunnel. Depyrogenation tunnels are designed as either hot unidirectional air flow or radiant heat units. In either case, the tunnels are provided with heat-up, dwell and cool-down zones. The combination of the residence time and set point temperature (commonly 250°C to 350°C) in the dwell zone (in particular) achieve the required degree of depyrogenation as the containers are transported through the unit. The containers must exit the tunnel at a sufficiently low temperature to avoid affecting either the product when filled, or adversely

deflecting the protecting unidirectional air flow over the exit conveyor. Protection efforts to secure final sterility and freedom from endotoxins must be validated. The final rinsing medium for sterile containers is WFI, without any additives in the form of detergents. Purified water is used only in the preliminary washing stages, and can be re-circulated via a pre-filter and specified pore size membrane filter. 3.2.5

Stopper Preparation

As with the container itself, the closure must be sterile, endotoxin free, and free from contaminants as the closure will be in direct contact with the product at some time during storage, handling or use. Therefore, the manufacturer should determine the nature and extent of typical contaminants found on the closures as received from the supplier, and should design a system for reliably removing or reducing these contaminants to an acceptable level. A suitable process for removing contaminants, including endotoxins must be devised, once the contaminants likely to be on the closures are known. Washers should utilize hydraulic or mechanical agitation to dislodge attached particulate matter, and remove such debris without re-deposition on another portion of the load; WFI is used for rinsing stoppers. A cleaning agent or detergent wash is often used for endotoxin load reduction. Washing is followed by sterilization and drying. These steps can be separate, but should be combined. This is achieved by minimizing the time that closures are held in the wet condition, so they can be sterilized and dried in HEPA filtered air, in a minimum time, without intermediate handling. Some pharmaceutical manufacturers use closed containers such as closed ampules. With such a presentation, at the same filling station and ahead of the filling, the ampules are opened by a special flame. External decontamination will still be required. 3.2.6

Contact Parts Preparation

Equipment parts that come into contact with either the product or container closure components must be cleaned and sterilized before each batch. Examples of product contact parts include the filling vessel, filter holder and filling pumps. Examples of container closure contact parts include vibratory bowls and feed rails. Contact parts should be pretreated in the same manner as the containers and stoppers. This means they should be cleaned with detergent/cleaning agent (if necessary) and washed with Purified Water, followed by one or more WFI rinses. Sterilization is typically achieved by application of pure steam in a passthrough autoclave or, with parts unsuitable for moist heat sterilization, in a sterilizing oven. Endotoxins are not retained by 0.2u sterilizing filters. Therefore, any potential endotoxin contamination to the product from some compounding and sterile filtrate receiving tanks is precluded by developing reliable reproducible cleaning procedures for these vessels. Parts required for use within a local Class 100 environment should be wrapped to allow transfer through intermediate areas of Class 100,000 or 10,000 environments. 3.2.7

Filling and Stoppering

Filling is the process stage at which the sterile filtered product is dosed into the washed and sterile depyrogenated containers. The filled containers are then closed, by heat sealing in the case of ampules or by applying a stopper for vials or pre-filled syringes. For lyophilized products specific lyo-stoppers are specified. These are not fully applied home to enable solvent to escape the vial during sublimation and desorption.

Filling is considered a critical operation, particularly for an aseptic product, as it often is the only operation subsequent to sterile filtration in which the product is exposed to an open air environment. Filling is always performed within a Class 100 unidirectional flow zone. The time period between filling and stoppering is minimized to further reduce the chance of contamination. On an integrated line, depyrogenated and cooled containers enter the filling machine from the tunnel via an accumulating table. With batch ovens, containers are manually loaded from cassettes into the filling machine feed device using, aseptic techniques. If sealed ampules are being processed, the first stage heats the neck with a gas flame jet and then snaps off the weakened top. Before filling, the containers may be gassed with sterile nitrogen by needle jets to displace air, which can have a deleterious effect on product efficacy or shelf life. The containers are then filled. Two different techniques are utilized for liquid filling and powder filling. Generally, liquid products can be metered into their containers with greater accuracy than powders. Filling to the required liquid volume accuracy is achieved by one of two main methods, either fixed volume stroke piston pumps or a time-pressure system, in which a controlled overpressure (atmosphere in gravimetric systems) is applied to a pilot filling vessel that is opened to the filling needles for a fixed time. The combination of opening time and overpressure control the volume of the fill. Filling of cold products should be under low humidity conditions, to prevent condensation on filling equipment and vials. After filling, further sterile nitrogen is typically gassed over the product to reduce the concentration of oxygen entrained during filling. With ampules, the top is sealed by application of heat from a second gas flame jet under unidirectional flow conditions. This gaseous flame also produces by-products and particulates. Filling of vials is followed directly by application of the stopper. Washed and sterilized stoppers are usually introduced to the filling machine via a vibrating bowl, which correctly orientates the stoppers. The stopper bowl, located under Class 100 unidirectional air flow, is positioned to prevent contamination of the stoppers. For lyo-stoppers, the height of the stoppering tool is pre-adjusted to ensure the stopper is not fully applied. On an integrated line, vials are delivered mechanically to either the Capping and Crimping Machine or Lyophilizer, as appropriate. Transport mechanisms used throughout the filling machine may vary but usual means are worm gears, star wheels or drive belts. On non-integrated machines, the stoppered containers are output to a cassette loading station. The design of a sterile filling machine should have the following technical characteristics: 

Product container contact surfaces should be of stainless steel, and of suitable design and finish to prevent product contamination

The equipment must be suitable for delivering the product into the container with an accuracy of fill that gives an assurance of full accuracy

Product and container closure contact parts should be made to withstand repeated cleaning and sterilization

Moving parts should be contained in housing that prevent exposure to the aseptic environment. The need for lubricating fluids should be minimized. Lubricants should be used outside the aseptic area and should be pharmaceutically acceptable

Equipment should be designed for easy changeover of batch sizes cleaning and sanitization

Equipment should be able to sample the required IPC (in-process control) samples without interrupting the operation of the line

The design of the critical area should support an optimal unidirectional flow pattern

Equipment should be installed in a manner that allows routine intervention and maintenance from outside the filling area

Sub systems which can be sources of particulate contamination, for example stopper hoppers in vial fillers, should be of such a design that no contamination occurs

Stopper bowls and delivery shutes should be readily demountable for autoclaving or sterilization



Lyophilization consists of three separate, unique, but independent processes; freezing, sublimation, and desorption. The freezing process should be completed in such a manner as to maintain the original product activity. Special care must be taken by the designer to provide adequate product protection from filling to freeze drying. The most critical step is usually lyophilizer loading, where product containers pass from the outlet of the filling line to the shelves inside the lyophilizer, under Class 100 conditions. If the container is not fully stoppered within the freeze dryer, unloading should also take place under Class 100 conditions. Loading systems vary from manual loading tray by tray, to semi-automatic loading, to fully automatic loading (either with simultaneous insertion of an automatically pre-loaded group of trays, or with sequential loading layer by layer, with an automatic tray lifter incorporated in the lyophilizer). The selection of the method of loading and unloading is governed by: the process, the lyophilizer size and the number of lyophilizers to be installed. Automatic systems may become convenient when the same material handling system can be used to load or unload several lyophilizers. Lyophilizer selection is influenced by many factors; for a correct specification the following process data must be defined: 

ability to fully sterilize on a routine basis

fully detailed process cycle (product type, density, eutectic point; time and temperatures for loading, freezing, sublimation, desorption, stoppering, unloading; vacuum level required, chamber stoppering pressure, and vapor flux) for each product to be processed

product container data (size, filling quantity)

dry extract (%)

maximum ice load and freezing rate

batch size

Consequently, the shelf area can be calculated and the number of trays can be defined. Often, the lyophilizer can be the bottleneck of the production chain, due to the extended time required for freeze drying. Correct lyophilizer selection is, consequently, of particular importance to the overall production yield of the facility. To utilize a filling line's capacity fully, two or more freeze dryers may be required. When calculating production capacity, full process cycle time requirements (from loading to unloading),

defrosting, cleaning, sterilizing, leak rate testing, and the usual maintenance allowance, must be considered. If different cycles are to be used, the capacity will depend upon the actual product mix. Other typical data to be specified are: 

type of refrigeration system (which is related to the minimum temperature to be reached) (Refrigeration systems may require certification of compliance with environmental laws)

process control system and process parameters to be controlled/monitored

need for automatic stoppering system

number and type of doors (one door, or two doors for a pass-through version)

door closing system

cleaning and sterilization requirements and media

A crucial issue for lyophilizers is the sterilization, which is required between each batch. The most common medium is moist heat. Current PDA expectation is that moist heat will be used. Moist heat has the advantages of being easily available, easy to monitor, highly penetrating and non hazardous to people, or product, if traces remain in the equipment. The disadvantages are the need to reach comparatively high temperatures and pressures with saturated steam, the need to use stainless steel for construction and piping, in order to avoid corrosion and heat damage, and the time required for cooling the unit after sterilizing. It is important to ensure that all the moving parts are correctly sterilized, and will remain sterile during all process steps (sterile bellows should enclose stoppering pistons), including the effective sterilization of shelf support columns and rams, and the gas lines and condenser used to seal the product containers. 3.2.9

Capping and Crimping

The purpose of capping and crimping is to secure the inserted stopper in the vial neck and thereby help assure the long term integrity and sterility of the vial. Once the cap has been placed on the vial, there are three different crimping principles: 

Spring crimping

Fixed guides crimping

Force fitting

Machine suppliers favor particular mechanisms, and manufacturers should be consulted for further details. Capping machines are contaminant producers as they release metal particles during crimping. Crimping is, therefore, usually separated from the filling unidirectional flow zone, to avoid back contamination. 3.2.10 Terminal Sterilization This process is recommended for products that can withstand the elevated temperatures of sterilization. Among the sterilization methods available, moist heat autoclaving is the most widely used. There are a number of autoclave designs based on saturated steam or superheated water. Heat is delivered to the product with a steam/air mix, saturated steam or superheated water. An airtight seal is required between the

aseptic side of the autoclave and its mechanical space, to prevent contamination potential. In order to achieve optimal sterilization the following are important: 

Steam should contain minimal superheat inside the sterilizer

Establishing that all products in the autoclave loading are subject to the required heat treatment, which must be as uniform and reproducible as possible

The ability to verify sterilization with biological indicators, including the assessment of worst case materials, load patterns and equipment (e.g., tightly wrapped or fastened materials)

Accurate reading and documenting of the sterilization parameters

Integrity of the vent filters

Product microbial contamination (bioburden) to be defined in accordance with product filling requirements specified for the sterilization cycle. Overkill cycles are preferred wherever possible

Water for cooling of sterilized filled products has to meet the pharmacopoeial standard for sterile WFI

Autoclaves should be equipped with a programmable control system, which enables the normal production cycles to run automatically, with full documentation of the sterilization parameters

3.2.11 Inspection The minimum requirements concerning final inspection of sterile products (vials or ampules) are generally described in the USP regulations for sterile products. Similar regulations are issued by the EU. Owners or designers of sterile facilities, taking these requirements into consideration, must provide a final post-manufacture inspection system for the sterile products, typically for the following: 

Foreign matter

Fill volume

Ampule integrity or vial cap/crimp

Black spots at the seal of ampule

Clarity of solution products

Melt back (for lyophilized products) Visual Inspection Equipment Foreign matter and correct filling volume may be checked for, by the following techniques. 

Visual inspection by hand

Visual inspection with semi-automatic inspection machines

Fully automatic vision inspection machines Leakage Inspection Equipment

A product's sterility and quality (active ingredient analysis, protective gas content, solution volume, etc.) have to be guaranteed over the full expiry time. The absence of capillary cracks and defects in the product container is therefore vital. The methods normally used, of reasonable sensitivity, to test leakage are vacuum, dye challenge test, and pinhole detection. 

Vacuum method: is combined with the height of fill inspection. The semi-finished product should be subjected to a vacuum of 90-100 mbar for a fixed period of time. This causes incorrectly sealed or cracked containers to lose solution.

Dye challenge test: the finished product is exposed for a defined time to a dye solution under pressure. External wash is then performed and the product is then inspected for penetration of the dye into the product.

Pinhole detector/high voltage detector: this detection method is most suitable for ampules in checking for capillary cracks. The method may not be suitable for low conductivity dosage form. Experience has shown that correctly validated pinhole detectors are able to pick out ampules with hair cracks of very thin walls.

3.2.12 Packing Packaging operations for sterile products are secondary operations for already sealed primary containers. They may include inspection and labeling, if such operations are performed on line. Product contamination is not considered a major risk at this stage of the process. The main issues of concern, from the GMP point of view, are: 

mix-up risk for primary containers, especially when they are not coded or labeled

identification of each and every component (product containers, packaging materials, labels, etc.), before assembly of the final pack; - correct and readable printing of variable data on packages (lot No., expiration date, etc.)

correct and complete assembling of each final package

Number, type and complexity of the packaging lines vary according to a wide range of manufacturing needs, from very simple, manual or semi-automatic ones to fully automatic lines, equipped with integrated loading and delivery systems. Development of the packaging area layout should consider the need for adequate space to supply all the starting materials, and to store in a separate, identified place the materials related to each batch. Special attention must be paid when several lines are located in the same room, to minimize mix-up risk. This can be accomplished by either physical or electronic means, i.e.,. by installing partition walls between the lines, by controlling access of people and materials, or by electronic control of the materials e.g., bar coding. Labeling can be performed in different ways, depending on the selected type of starting material. On-line label printing, just before label application on the container, is recommended to facilitate reconciliation and reduce risk of mix-up. Verification of correct labeling is nevertheless mandatory, since the printing system is subject to failure. When automatic control systems and reject stations are installed, they should have a "fail-safe" logic (the normal condition should be to reject and a conformance signal from the verification system is required to allow the product to proceed into the following process step). If filled vials are stored at temperatures below the dew point of the packing area, labels may not adhere properly unless vials are warmed or the room dew point lowered.



A number of alternative technologies are emerging in the field of sterile product manufacture. The two major developments are Blow Fill Seal and Barrier-Isolation Technology. Each has implications for the design and layout of a manufacturing facility. The GMP concepts are unchanged, but the technical solutions can be very different. Barrier-Technology is described in detail in Chapter 10 and considerations for Blow-Fill-Seal are given below. 3.3.1

Blow Fill Seal

Plastic packaging technology satisfies an increasing customer preference to avoid handling of glass containers, and is becoming more common, especially for large volume parenterals and nutritional products. Blow Fill Seal (BFS) technology is related to plastic bottle form fill sealing (FFS) technology and is also common with plastic bag forming (usually from film reels), filling and sealing. Single or multi-chamber bags are produced. More similar to the traditional process for ampules is Bag Fill Seal technology, where the starting materials are preformed bags, which must be opened, filled and sealed. BFS sterile production should be performed under specified conditions and the fill quantity must be maintained within an acceptable filling variability. Starting materials for containers must be protected from particulate contamination during the handling, forming, filling and sealing processes. For BFS, design of the filling equipment critical areas should support an effective unidirectional air flow pattern. Horizontal and vertical unidirectional flows are used in different positions. For products that are not terminally sterilized, the critical operations are all performed aseptically in one machine, in an uninterrupted sequence. CIP and SIP systems should be provided. 3.4


Process equipment integration into facility design requires knowledge of the equipment's spatial layout requirements. The general arrangement of process equipment is dependent upon the equipment size, which is defined by the specified capacity of the machine. Factors for consideration in defining capacity are included in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Typical Factors to Consider Regarding Capacity, Performance, Functionality, Construction and Instrumentation in Selection of Sterile Facility Process Equipment.

General Process






Factors to be considered in order that the capacity of the general process or process stage can be defined.

Performance criteria related to the general process or process stage

Functional requirements related to the general process or process stage.

Construction requirements, including product contact materials, related to the general process or process stage.

Instrumentation requirements related to the general process or process stage.

• Annual unit demand

• Batches per week

• Maintenance of specified air classification within or surrounding equipment

• Access to change critical control parameters to be controlled - pass word access or key locked cabinet

• Critical process parameters to be documented (Chart or Facility Monitoring System).

• Available weeks per year (planned shutdowns, leave periods, shift patterns)

* Maintenance of specified pressure differentials with respect to surrounding areas

• All contact parts to be constructed of materials that are chemically inert and non-shedding over the entire range of process condition (temperature, pressure, etc)

• Average processing room availability

• Required equipment reliability (e.g. 95% available excluding scheduled maintenance shutdown)

• Units per batch

• Average equipment availability (required change over times and frequency, cleaning and sanitizing/sterilizing cycle times, breakdowns, equipment revalidation)

• Accumulation capacity provided on integrated lines to allow for stoppages on individual stages without shutdown of interfacing machines • Control logic and instrumentation to be designed to fail safe (e.g. rejection devices to fail to reject position). • Equipment sterile vent filters to be tested for integrity, either off-line or on-line

• Overall process yield (analytical batch failures, in process sample requirements, procedural failures)

• Metal product contact parts to be constructed of ANSI 31 6L (or equivalent corrosion resistant) stainless steel. • Materials certificates to be requested with all product contacting materials

• Instruments to be positioned so as to indicate true representative value for process parameter • Instrumentation to be readily removal from mounting for ease of regular calibration • Instrument sensors to be provided with sufficient length of lead for calibration.

• Surfaces interfacing with critical areas to be designed for ease of surface sanitization (no ledges, radioed corners, no noncleanable gaps) • Visibility of critical manual interventions to supervisors/ Regulatory authorities (glazing panels, closed circuit television monitors). • Design for rapid change overs, minimum use of tools

• Qualification/ validation requirements

Process Stages 1, Dispensing

• Balance/load cell range • Balance pan area

• Intra-Batch analytical reproducibility

• Print out from balance to avoid transcription errors

• Design for ease of manual handling • Balances (particularly floor recessed) to be designed for ease of cleaning

• Calibration to be undertaking with local LAP active to evaluate "bounce" effect • Integrating flow meters for liquid dispensing but confirmation for batch record by weight

Table 3-1 Typical Factors to Consider Regarding Capacity, Performance, Functionality, Construction and Instrumentation in Selection of Sterile Facility Process Equipment.

2. Compounding

3. Sterile Filtration






• Vessel volume

• Mixing efficiency/time

• Segregation of potent Products

• Design for safe loading of ingredients

• Mixing time

• Mixing vessel temperature control accuracy • Product solubility

• Agitator speed/power • Mixing time • Batch temperature « Nitrogen Overpressure

• Membrane fitter area

• Product adsorption losses within specification

• Integrity test of sterile filter to be performed.

• Filter membranes asbestos free

• Hydrophilic membrane filter utilized for aqueous solvent, hydrophobic for organic. • Vent the filter housing prior to filtration

• Filters non-shedding

• Calibration of forward flow meter/pressure decay sensor for integrity tester

• Defined 'extractables' profile

• Nitrogen overpressure (controls batch filtration time)

• Wash with purified water

• All pipelines falling to lowpoint drain

• WFI temperature

• Protect with LAF following final rinse to minimize endotoxin load from growth on wet surfaces • Lines drained when not in use • Final WFI quality rinse/rinses

• Air break in drains

• Design for running , standby and shutdown conditions of oven to maintain facility air quality/ pressure regimes

• Tunnel and oven HEPA filters to be non shedding and integral at temperature

• Filter ®P • Formulation viscosity

4.1 Container Prep - Wash

• Containers/hour • Wash pressure/ volume per container per stage

4.2 Container Prep • Containers/hour Depyrogenation • Weight/heat capacity per container

• Limits for "Critical Parameters" should be set and validated e.g. pH, pressure etc • Integrity test criteria(e.g. forward flow rate) • Safe AP not exceeded • Pressure hold: allowable pressure decline not exceeded

• Efficiency of removal of challenge particulates • Ultrasonic intensity at specified level when used

• Tunnel/Oven empty chamber temperature distribution • Full load evaluation

• Batch time including residence time to fill and empty system • Volume and cycle time in batch oven including loading and unloading

• Residence time, belt speed at hold temperature attained • Log reduction in viability of bioindicator • Positive Pressure differential of dwell zone with respect to heating/cooling zones • Performance with further container

• Ultrasonic intensity where used • Wash fluid flow rate/ delivery pressure

• Batch oven HEPA filters to be nonshedding over entire cycle

• Dwell temperature • Residence time • Pressure of dwell zone with heat-up zone

Table 3-1 Typical Factors to Consider Regarding Capacity, Performance, Functionality, Construction and Instrumentation in Selection of Sterile Facility Process Equipment.

5. Stopper Preparation






• Stopper capacity per cycle (working chamber/wash drum volume)

• Grade efficiency of challenge particulates removal

• Drying under LAP to minimize pyrogen load from micro growth on wet parts

• Design for removal internally generated particulates and endotoxins during rinse phase

• Monitoring dose of stopper treatment agents (detergents, silicone)

• Cycles per batch • Time per cycle including loading and unloading

• Final Stopper processor/Autoclave empty chamber and load temperature distribution • Ultimate vacuum and vacuum hold criteria to be met • Defined endotoxin reduction capability

6.1 Filling/ Stoppering

• Line rate - max/min specified

• Final moisture content - not overdry as this may compromise terminal sterilization efficiency • Wash with cleaning Agent • Fill accuracy • Fill reproducibility

• Batch time including residence time to fill and empty line

6.2 Lyophilization

• Pre and post gassing Rate

• Shelf area (container effective base area, containers per batch)

• Shelf inter and intra temperature distribution

• Condenser capacity (e.g. kg of H2O)

• Air filter integrity

• Cycle length (loading, freezing, drying, preparation, stoppering, unloading)

• Chamber/condenser vacuum control • Shelf temperature control • Final dryness (%) • Attainment and maintenance of minimum hold set point during steam sterilization at all points in chamber and condenser • Leak rate • Sterile volume vacuum hold following sterilization

• Interlock to prevent both door opening simultaneously on double door machine

• Cycle time

• Interlock to prevent failed batch from passing through double door machine

• Chamber general temperature

• LAF over inlet/outlet for non-bagged stoppers

• Chamber vacuum for teak rate test

• Sampling for check weighing without manual interference with filling zone • Fill inhibited if no container detected • Reject for no fill and no stopper (reject station provided with lock • Compensation shelf required to ensure consistent drying of top shelf vials • Sterilization of chamber, condenser, and sterile side pipe work is required

• Chamber drain temperature

• Chamber Pressure

• Moving parts above filling table to be minimized • Change parts designed for fitting and removing with minimum use of tooling

• Sterilization of chamber, gas line and condenser is required

• On-line or off-line check weigher • Filled container counter • Stoppered container Counter

• Shelf/product temperature • Condenser temperature • Chamber vacuum • Temperature and pressure of chamber, if steam sterilizing • Cycle time

Table 3-1 Typical Factors to Consider Regarding Capacity, Performance, Functionality, Construction and Instrumentation In Selection of Sterile Facility Process Equipment. Capacity





7. Capping

• Containers per hour

• Crimping force obtained • Crimping force reproducibility

• inhibition/reject container if no container at station or stopper missing

• Design for ease of cleaning and removal of metallic fragments generated by crimping action

• Unit counter • Crimp, stopper, container detector • Crimping force check

8, Terminal Sterilization

• Containers per cycle (working volume of chamber • Cycles per batch • Cycle time including loading and unloading

• Empty chamber and product temperature distribution • Load configuration heat penetration studies

• Use sterilized WFI for cooling in superheated water machine • Use ventilated steam/ air mix for sensitive presentations (plastic packs) • A failed autoclave cycle should not allow the sterile side door to be opened

• Use hygienic design heat exchanger for superheated WFI machine

• Chamber/recirculating WFI • Temperature and pressure of chamber and jacket

9. Inspection

• Containers per hour

• Insoluble extraneous matter • Filled volume to specification • Leak tightness of ampules

• Reject handling

• Inspected units counter • Rejected units counter

10. Labeling and Packing

• Containers per hour

• Average pass rate

• Label reconciliation

• Label counter and printed label counter

Table 3-2 Typical Process Specific Requirements for Integration of Process Equipment into Facility Design

General Process



General process or process stage factors affecting the facility layout

General process stage factors affecting mechanical electrical and process services provision and specific services requirements for process stages

• High visibility of critical operations from pharmaceutical or plant areas to be provided * Maintenance and calibration of equipment to be from plant area .where possible, to avoid unnecessary contamination of critical and Class 1 0,000 areas • Extra "unoccupied " wall area to be provided at room interfaces if possibility exists of installation of additional equipment to supplement capacity

• Schedule of maximum and nominal services demands of the equipment « Services load demand pattern to determine diversity of services provision. • Drains from critical processes to be provided with sufficient air break to prevent back siphoning of waste stream

• Central dispensing of powdered actives and excipients • Use of multi-story gravity dispensing for large scale powder processing • Solvents dispensed locally to compounding room

• Total extract fume removal required for volatile product/ solvent, • Electrical power for balances, agitators

Process Stages 1. Dispensing

2. Compounding

• Electrical power for agitation/balances

3, Sterile Filtration

• Nitrogen overpressure

4,1 Container Prep Wash

• Purified water for wash • WFI for rinse • Power for pumps • Process Compressed air for residual moisture expulsion

4,1 Container Sterilization & Depyrogenation 5. Stopper Preparation

• Electrical power for heaters, fans

• Purified water for wash • WFI for rinse • Pure steam for sterilization • Drains for condensate (with air break) • Vents for relief valves • Electrical power for drum rotation/pumps • Trade water for liquid ring pump • Cooling water for drain condenser

Table 3-2 Typical Process Specific Requirements for Integration of Process Equipment into Facility Design Layout


6. Filling & Stoppering

• "U" shaped filling and stoppering line has the advantage of returning the containers to the 'Pharmaceutical' area for capping (see Figure 2.4) • Electrical power for conveyors • Nitrogen for pre and post gassing • "U" shaped, L shaped or straight lines are alternatives • Natural gas/oxygen for ampule head opening and closing station burners • Appropriate 0.2pm filtration • Heat extract for burners

7. Lyophilization

• Double ended machines are not a regulatory requirement but does assist in materials flow

• Electrical power for compressors, vac pump, fluid pump • Cooling water for refrigeration condensers • Trade water for liquid ring pump • Pure steam for sterilization • Nitrogen for pre-aeration • Compressed air for final aeration • Drain for condensate • Filtration for vacuum lines • Vents for relief valves

8. Capping and Crimping

• Positioned in pharmaceutical area immediately adjacent to filling room to minimize travel between stopping and crimping operation.

9. Terminal Sterilization

• Double ended machine not regulatory requirement but may assist materials flow - prevent sterilized and non-sterilized loads from mixing • WFI/Pure steam for sterilization • Vacuum • Cooling water for cooling WFI during load cool down • Compressed air for ballasting • Drain for condensate • Vents for relief streams

• Electrical power

10. Inspection 11. Labeling and Packing

• Electrical power for conveyors

• Common to have large packing hall to provide for flexibility of labeling and packing lines

• Electrical power




This chapter addresses the importance of integrated design and looks at the facility layout, together with the architectural detailing and finish requirements. Guidance is given on key layout issues affecting: 

Building configuration

Equipment layout

General operability


A structured method for layout design is used to frustrate layout planning. Typical drawings demonstrating the key issues of layout, material and personnel flows are given. Guidance is also given on architectural design issues relative to selection, performance and architectural detailing of construction materials and room finishes. (Note: All diagrams in Chapter 4 are examples to show architectural concepts.)



The facility layout must be an integrated design that satisfies process and equipment layout requirements, while catering for good levels of access for operability, maintenance (both routine and non-routine), personnel, product, component and raw material movements. Cleanroom layouts must also consider access for cleanability and any desired air flow patterns. Current practice is to design cleanrooms as functional units with specific purposes. Architectural design should provide a contained environment, with selected room finishes to enhance hygiene, environment and safety levels. In addition, the design must comply with relevant fire codes and building regulations. Structural framework and building "fabric" must also be considered for any impact on the finished room environment. In particular, the intrusion of expansion joints and projecting columns into clean areas should be avoided. Both layout and finishes should address the important need for visual communication between cleanroom areas through glazed viewing panels. Area classification and the identification of other hazards should also be reviewed. Chemically resistant or anti-static finishes may be required, and in particular instances, explosion relief panels may be required. Service penetrations into the cleanroom and the integration of wall/floor mounted equipment should be considered carefully to provide neat, cleanable, sealed interface with the room finishes/fabric. Fundamental cleanroom design features also include seamless and rounded floor to wall junctions, with readily accessible corners for cleaning (see Table 4-1).

The more fundamental aspects of building location and block layout issues should also be considered, with clear entrances provided for personnel and all components/materials. In addition, careful attention should be given to the location of air intakes and exhausts in relation to the prevailing wind direction, neighboring facilities' exhausts, and the risk of cross contamination.





The designer should first gain an understanding of product and process requirements, using this information to generate a specific project accommodation schedule. This is developed into a conceptual layout and subsequently enhanced and refined to produce an equipment and facility layout that completes the design. In addition to the steps outlined below, careful collaboration between the process specialist, architect, layout engineer, and QA is the key to a successful integrated design. 4.3.2

Accommodation Schedule

The accommodation schedule identifies all areas that can affect or influence required space or unit operations, defines their inter-relationships, and establishes the flow pattern that best represents the process GMP and operator requirements. Figure 4-1 illustrates a typical accommodation schedule. This can also be used as a basis to test developed design. It is very important that the people, product and material flows are fully understood, and taken into account in the design of HVAC and other services. The overall flow pattern should be taken into account in the development of an integrated design. (Ref. Figures 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 and 3-1 and 3-2.)


Conceptual Layout

Building blocks are developed to show equipment/operation sizes, and allow space for utility connections and operator access. Figure 4-2 illustrates a typical block.

The process flow diagram and accommodation schedule determine equipment relationships, allowing building blocks to be assembled. A conceptual layout is developed by combining all necessary building blocks in an arrangement that meets accommodation schedule requirements. This should integrate equipment needs and access and movement requirements for people, components, etc., to permit development of an efficient layout. Figure 4-3 gives a typical example.


Equipment Layout

An equipment layout is developed by defining room sizes, structural grids, and access routes, in broad compliance with building and fire regulations. Figure 4-4 illustrates the layout.


Material/Personnel Flows

In order to produce an acceptable sterile product, the design of personnel and material flows should minimize or prevent the introduction of contaminants to the clean area. Fulfilling this latter objective is especially significant in aseptic processing rooms, where container-closures and product are exposed, and activity is conducted in the immediately adjacent environment. The design should address clearly defined personnel flow routes, with smooth transitions for gowning zones from the facility entrance, offices, general plant, and operational areas. Product, material, equipment and personnel flows can usefully be illustrated on the equipment layout draw ing, as demonstrated by Figures 4-5 and 4-6. Due to problems in maintaining differential pressures, it is suggested that air locks be used between rooms or areas of different air quality classifications (see Chapter 5). Product, material and equipment flows should clearly address such issues as: •

Layout should prevent product cross contamination, environmental contamination, and address product/ operator interface exposure

One-way flow is preferred if above conditions are met

Simultaneous two-way flow through a common area (e.g. airlock) between classified cleanrooms, should be precluded by the use of door interlocks, indicator lights, alarms or similar devices. Alternatively separate entry and exit routes could be provided

Process or operation waste should be removed from the aseptic area without contaminating the product, either by direct contact, or passing through the areas where product is exposed

In-process storage should be provided

Logical flow of product components, in order to prevent mix-ups Personnel

flow into and within the clean core, should address issues, such as: • • •

Compliance with gowning zone philosophy Provide sufficient space for personnel movement with clearly defined instructions, particularly regarding exits, in compliance with building and life safety codes. Compliance with GMP and HVAC zones

Prohibition of (non-emergency) personnel entrance/exit into a clean area, except through the controlled gowning change area

Design of airlocks, change areas with step-over benches, gowning areas, time delay or other alarms and door interlocks, e.g. to avoid simultaneous dual access to individual spaces

One-way personnel flow is preferred. Where not provided, protection against cross-contamination, personnel safety and hygiene must be ensured. A major concern is that the sterile gown may be contaminated

by entering a zone of lesser criticality •

Areas of special regulatory concern, or requiring specific health and safety controls, should be consid ered for specific access control systems

Provisions to allow for minimizing the number of interventions into the critical zone 4.3.6

Additional Layout Issues

In addition to the above, the layout should address the following issues in order to provide an appropriate, workable design: • Where room integrity is critical, equipment interfaces with building fabric/finishes should be minimized. Where this is unavoidable, equipment positioning should give clear access all round, to facilitate installation, cleaning, and subsequent maintenance of the room seals • Services penetrations into clean areas can be grouped together to allow manifold plates to be used against the room finish • Where possible, service distribution and pipework should be located outside the cleanroom, in an adjacent, separate manifold room, to permit ease of maintenance • Equipment interchangeability should also be addressed, along with routine/long term maintenance/replacement issues and, where appropriate, access requirements incorporated into the design • General piping and services distribution within the building should be addressed by allocating both horizontal and vertical distribution zones • Air flow patterns generated by HVAC should be compared to the equipment layout, to ensure that unacceptable turbulence or dead spots are not created in critical zones, and locate areas where product contact surfaces may be contaminated (for further information, see Chapter 5) • The adoption of barrier-isolator technology will significantly impact material flow within, and personnel access around, the barrier-isolator (see Chapter 10) • In the aseptic core, flat surfaces should be avoided, if possible, to prevent unnecessary disruption to laminar flow • Sinks are not permitted in aseptic processing areas 4.3.7

Planning Layouts to Minimize Cost

a) External Building Shape The layout configuration affects the cost of a building by influencing the amount of materials, labor, and subsequent running costs. External load bearing walls and insulation are high cost items. Therefore, minimizing their extent (i.e. building perimeter area) relative to the same floor area will generally produce cost savings. Simple plan shapes are the most economical, with minimal insets and projections, and, with the exception of a circle, the minimum perimeter length results from a square plan shape. As with plan layouts, cross-sectional irregularities result in complex building shapes and subsequent higher costs, due to the increased number of corners, roof and wall junctions, and overall weather proofing. With regard to building height, the average cost per square meter generally increases with the number of stories due to the: 1) increase in perimeter wall for any given total floor area 2) effect of increased load on the structure 3) additional hoisting of materials and the extra time taken by operators to reach the higher floors b) Foundations Foundation costs vary approximately in proportion with load and, thus, with height, but the cost of the structure as a whole, per square meter of floor area, increases rapidly above four stories because of the greater strength required in load-bearing walls, or the need to introduce framed construction. The cost per square meter of a framed structure continues to increase with the addition of more stories, due to the requirements of wind bracing and the increasing size of columns, although the cost of these does not increase in proportion to the increase in height. Environment and services become more costly as the plan shape becomes more complex, and as the height of a building increases, c) Internal Layouts

For aseptic facilities, the overall cost of the aseptic area (including HVAC services) is significantly higher than any other part of the facility. Therefore, where practical, this area should be kept as small as possible, without affecting the efficient operation or flow of the manufacturing process. Modular wall and ceiling systems, when appropriate, reduce construction time and may provide flexibility to expand, rearrange, or relocate in the future. 4.3.8 Fire protection & means of escape must be addressed in layout design The following issues become more onerous as the building size grows and the number of stories increases: • Specific time periods of fire resistance for design elements of the building • Compartmentalization of the building may be required to isolate fire within a specific area or to isolate areas with a particular hazard • Emergency escape routes for personnel • Provision of suitable separation to prevent fire, hot gases, and smoke spreading rapidly via horizontal/ vertical circulation routes 4.4


Facility Areas

Facility areas are divided into five general functional categories: • Areas for aseptic processing of product or components • Areas immediately adjacent to the above, creating material/personnel airlocks • Preparation areas closely related to the aseptic processing area • Areas immediately adjacent to the above, comprising material airlocks, personnel clean change, secondary packaging, and other associated areas (Pharmaceutical areas) • General ancillary/support functions, including warehousing, offices, amenities plant room, and circulation areas with no protection requirements other than, perhaps, a factory change/uniform for unclassified areas Selection of materials of construction and finishes should be specified according to function, and guided by Table 4-1. 4.4.2 Changing Rooms Changing rooms should be designed to accommodate the gowning philosophy and changing regimes determined by process operations. Personnel should pass from factory change to clean change or aseptic processing change in a logical progression. Changing rooms into aseptic areas should, wherever possible, have separate ingress/egress to prevent contamination of clean garments. Clean and aseptic processing change areas can be in one area, provided HVAC and personnel movements are controlled, or in separate areas. Changing facilities will, therefore, range from Pharmaceutical to Class 10,000 or higher, so the change area standards and finishes should be appropriate for the processing area into which it opens. Personal showering and toilet facilities should be situated in an area of Pharmaceutical grade or lower. 4.4.3 Bulk Storage Areas Bulk storage areas within warehouses generally will be remote from the clean core. However, a certain amount of intermediate, product and components storage will be required within the preparation and aseptic processing areas. Storage within these areas should have dedicated floor space, and may need special HVAC provisions (see Chapter 5). 4.5


Architectural Detailing

In detailing the architectural aspects of cleanrooms, the following key factors should be addressed: • The principal function of the room is to provide an enclosure to contain the defined activity and its associated equipment • Finish materials must be non-shedding, non-porous, and resistant to sustaining microbial growth • Surfaces must be smooth and easy to clean, with minimal ledges, joints, and without corners that are difficult to access, particularly near the product and process equipment • Finishes must be able to withstand repeated cleaning and sanitization with various chemicals and resist surface oxidization • Attention should also be given to the above issues when detailing any interface between the facility, and the equipment and services • Door hardware should be minimized, the use of concealed door closers and push plates is encouraged. "Hands off" proximity sensors may be considered. Normally, door swings should be in the opposite

direction to air flows, to assist in maintaining differential pressures. However, fire regulations governing escape in an emergency, may take precedence.

Table 4-1 Architectural Materials/Finishes Guide ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARD ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENT



CLASS 100,000

CLASS 10,000 AND 100


Standard construction practice is generally appropriate. Typical materials include sealed concrete or coatings with a high level of wear resistance

Standard construction practice is generally appropriate. Typical materials include sealed concrete, epoxy coatings, VCT, seamless vinyl, Terrazzo

Surfaces should be smooth

Should not have joints or seams where microbial growth may occur. Should provide a solid, non-porous, clean and sanitizable surface. Typical materials include sheet vinyl and epoxy floor systems. Coved wall bases integral with the floor system. Floor drains and sinks are not permitted.

Not required to separate operations, if installed typical materials include wire mesh, gypsum board, CMU.

Standard construction practice is generally appropriate. Typical materials include CMU, gypsum board, metal panels (with a finish material appropriate to the durability and cleanabiiity requirements), glazed tile.

Wall construction should provide a solid, non-porous surface. Typical substrate materials include CMU, gypsum board, metal panels (finished with epoxy paint), resinous coatings, metal or PVC type cladding

Should not have joints of seams where microbial growth may occur. Should provide a smooth, solid, non-porous surface. Typical materials include gypsum board, finished with paints of chemically resistant coatings, sheet vinyl or sprayed on wall finishes, panel systems with metal or vinyl surface finishes. Curved/rounded corners are used to enhance cleanabiiity

Interior Walls

Note that as a method of separating stored materials, devices such as stanchions, chains and moveable partitions are acceptable if proper production materials identification procedures are in place

and cleanable. Typical materials include sealed concrete, epoxy coatings, VCT seamless vinyl, chemically resistant coatings and terrazzo. Capped floor drains

Note that softer materials such as plastic curtains also can be used as a secondary method for preventing contamination, e.g. in conjunction with HVAC systems


Ceilings are generally not required in these areas if material or product is not exposed (e.g. generally in a warehousing environment). A lay-in type ceiling is recommended for personnel areas where room pressure is low

Ceilings are generally required in these areas. Typical materials included suspended grid systems (mylar, FRP, metal or other cleanable, non-porous surfaces)

Should provide required level of protection from contaminants from nonenvironmentally controlled areas, i.e. above ceiling space. Typical materials include sealed (i.e. caulked in place) suspended grid systems (mylar, FRP, metal or other cleanable, nonporous surfaces) gypsum board, metal panels clipped in place to hold room pressure.

Should not have joints or seams where microbial growth may occur. Should provide a smooth, solid, cleanable, sanitizable, nonporous surface. Typical materials include gypsum board, finished with paints of chemical resistant coatings, sheet vinyl or sprayed-on wall finishes, panel systems with metal or vinyl surface finishes. Fixtures (lights, diffusers) should be flush mounted or not have any horizontal surfaces exposed below the ceiling. Sprinkler heads should be recessed and fusibly capped, but not caulked.

Junction Details

Standard construction details are generally appropriate

Coved or splayed integral floor bases are not required, Baseboards are suggested to protect wall bases, particularly when materials such as gypsum board are used.

Coved or splayed integral floor bases are not required, but are suggested to enhance cleaning ease and to protect wall bases particularly when materials such as gypsum board are used.

Coved and splayed integral floor bases should be provided. In addition wall/ wall and wall/ceiling covings should be provided.

Floor/Wall Wall/Wall Wall/Ceiling

Rounded wail/wail and wall/ ceiling details are not required

Rounded wall/wall and wall/ ceiling details are preferred.




CLASS 100,000

CLASS 10,000 AND 100

Doors and Windows

Should meet general building code requirements

Should meet general building code requirements

Typical materials include metal with a painted finish, FRP in high washdown or corrosive areas. Vision panels may be glass (regular or reinforced), Plexiglas, Lexan, or equivalent materials. Horizontal surfaces should be accessible for easy cleaning. Flush glazing is not required, but should be considered to enhance cleanability. Meet building codes. Drop sills on doors not needed if HVAC can accommodate leakage.

Should meet building codes. Typical materials include metal, vinyl, PVC, or similar finish. Vision panels may be glass (regular or reinforced), Plexiglas, Lexan, or equivalent material. All surfaces should be designed and constructed to be accessible for cleaning. Stainless steel may be used for construction of the door, hardware, and kick/ mop plates, but is not mandatory.


General purpose hardware, as required to comply with building and related codes. Suitability for industrial use is recommended.

General purpose hardware, as required to comply with building and related codes. Suitability for industrial use is recommended.

Designed to promote and provide access for cleaning. Typically, plated metals or stainless steel.

Recessed and concealed, where possible, accessible for cleaning. Typically, plated metals or stainless steel.

Penetrations (through walls, floors and ceilings, into the room space)

Sealing is generally not required, except as necessary for fire resistance and thermal requirements

Should be sealed with caulk to prevent contamination between areas, with escutcheon plates suggested.

Should be sealed with caulk (Silicon caulk generally acceptable) to prevent contamination between areas, with escutcheon plates recommended. If a fire resistant sealant is required, it should be installed with silicon (or similar) caulking installed over its surface, or covered by an escutcheon plate if the fire resistant material does not provide a smooth finish

Penetrations should be sealed. Silicon caulking is generally acceptable. If a fire resistant sealant is required, it should be installed with silicon (or similar) caulking installed over its surface, or covered by an escutcheon plate if the fire resistant material does not provide a smooth finish


Room Finishes

Room finishes of the cleanrooms must be specified considering the following aspects: •

Balance installation costs against maintainability and ease with which repair or replacement can be carried out.

Finishes specified should allow for ease of installation of building services grilles, controls/switches and piped penetrations

Finishes must be able to accommodate the integration of such fixtures and fittings as CCTV, speech panels, key pads, telephones, sprinkler heads and covers, and emergency showers

Aspects of fire protection must be accommodated and integrated with building finishes and, at minimum, should take account of such issues as surface flame spread, fire resistant construction (including doors and

vision panels), and installation of detectors, sprinkler heads and alarm sounders. •

Such issues as air tightness of room fabric, particularly around door openings and sprinkler heads, and the choice of finish materials that are not adversely affected by fumigation chemicals

Cleanability must consider the method of cleaning down and cleaning agents used together with frequency of cleaning and attention to such details as equipment surface fixings and floor drains. Floor drains are not permitted inside the aseptic processing area. In other areas, e.g., preparation areas, floor drains should be minimized and care taken to avoid any contamination issues (e.g., concave and minimum two-inch air break on process drain lines)

4.5.3 Comparative Costs of Finishes Comparative costs of the most common types of floor, wall and ceiling finishes are illustrated in Figures 4-7, 48 and 4-9, respectively. In addition, the minimum acceptable standard has also been indicated. Comparative costs include typical substrates (concrete floor substrate, gypsum board walls, etc.) identified in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Typical Substrates



Floor Sheet Vinyl Self-leveling Epoxy Polyurethane Screed Terrazzo

Minimum substrate power floated concrete slab. Alternatives include bonded screed (up to 50-60mm) and de-bonded screed (above 60-70mm).

Epoxy Terrazzo Suitable moisture or vapor barrier should be included.

Wall Elastomeric Paint Epoxy Paint Sheet Vinyl In-situ Fiberglass Glazed Wall Tiles Demountable Wall Panel

Gypsum plaster on blockwork. Metal stud, two layers plasterboard with 3mm skin finish. Terra-cotta blocks. Gypsum plaster on blockwork. Gypsum plaster on blockwork.proprietary wall paneling system

Ceiling Metal Pan Tiles Elastomeric Paint Epoxy Paint Sheet Vinyl In-situ Fiberglass Proprietary Cleanroom Ceiling

Proprietary suspension system. Gypsum metal suspension system, plasterboard with 3mm plaster. Ditto Ditto Ditto Proprietary suspension grid



Transfer zones and airlocks, into and out of the cleanroom areas, must provide suitable transition for materials, equipment and personnel. Materials must be cleaned of any contaminants, stripped of their outer packaging and transferred onto dedicated cleanroom pallets. The area for this operation must be double pallet size, serviced to facilitate clean down, and have controlled access from both sides. Detailing and finishes should be based upon the location in the facility (see Table 4-1) in operation, with the emphasis on durability. Conveyors must be integrated with airlocks/controlled entry/exit flows, and are generally specialist equipment installations that must be integrated into the construction/finishes. Equipment movement into the critical zone would be, for example, via autoclaves built into the structure and finishes. Specification of the loading system and door mechanism are critical factors for space allocation around both ends of the autoclave. Personnel airlocks should have clearly defined changing areas within them, with appropriate stepover benches, handwash facilities, garment storage, dressing mirror and access control. Toilet facilities should not be accommodated within this area.



Technical support areas for the cleanrooms should be close, to minimize service runs, but kept entirely separate in unclassified areas. Generally located adjacent or above their main interface are the service penetrations. Process support areas should be kept outside the sterile area. If necessary, they can be adjacent, with vision panels and transfer hatches, and should, generally, be unclassified. Access would normally be afforded by the factory corridor. Autoclaves, tunnels, and washers with access from two sides may have mechanical support rooms acces sible from clean areas. Access should be from the less clean of the two areas, with tight seals on the critical side. Such service areas should be kept at pressures negative to the areas they adjoin. Walkable ceilings are an optimal solution for overhead maintenance of cleanrooms. Services to equipment, such as autoclaves, may best be provided by using a services chase (ideally accessed from outside the production areas).



5.1 INTRODUCTION Great importance is placed on understanding and knowledge of the product and process for which the manufacturing facility is being constructed. "GMP Critical Parameters" also are addressed in the context of economical design. The designer should ensure compliance with all applicable building, safety, hygiene, and environmental regulations, and also should consider options for future process flexibility. Additional information on HVAC matters is provided in Appendices 2 and 3. Appendix 2 contains information appropriate to facilities meeting European GMP requirements. Appendix 3 contains Engineering Guidance that may be useful in facility design. 5.2 COST CONSIDERATIONS 5.2.1 Capital Costs HVAC systems for sterile manufacturing are expensive, and represent a significant proportion of the total facility cost. The capital cost of a system can vary greatly, and is dependent upon the decisions made throughout the design stages. The main factors that influence HVAC costs are:  Size of aseptic processing area. This should be optimized, without compromising material flow and product quality (HVAC size will be optimized correspondingly)  A considered standby philosophy for the plant - This may be based upon a failure mode risk analysis. It is, normally, unnecessary to duplicate main HVAC plant items  Simplicity of design. Overly elaborate solutions are more expensive and can have a greater tendency to fail.  Integration of the HVAC design with other aspects of the facility, especially room layouts, process equipment and other services 5.2.2 Operating Costs HVAC system design will affect the operating costs of the manufacturing facility, particularly as 24- hour operation normally is required. The designer can influence this by considering the following factors in the design process:  Optimum air change rates  Optimum recovery period to suit operating nature of facility  Optimum differential pressures  Air filtration arrangement to maximize life of HEPA filters  Common sized HEPA filters utilized throughout the design, to reduce spares inventory   

Design for good maintenance and testing Use of re-circulation air or heat recovery use, if cross contamination issues will allow Good Process/Equipment Qualification and Facility Testing and commissioning - to comply with Good Engineering Practice.

5.3 SOURCES OF PART1CULATE CONTAMINATION As shown in Table 2-1, contamination may take the form of particulates, microorganisms and endotoxins, from both internal and external facility sources. 5.3.1

Internal Sources

Contamination sources that arise within a sterile manufacturing facility generally are from:  the HVAC system  the process or operations  the operators (normally the highest source of contamination)  the introduction of components and equipment  the introduction of raw materials  adjacent, less controlled, areas Provided they are designed properly, HVAC systems will reduce particulate contamination. However, it is important to understand that this does not necessarily eliminate microbial contamination. Contamination from process operations arises principally from machines operating within the aseptic area. For example, an oversealing operation may produce large amounts of particulates. In these cases, it

is important to understand these operations, identify possible problems, and isolate them. This may mean separate enclosures, carefully designed air sweeps, setting up differential pressures, or, perhaps, barrierisolation technology to minimize the risk to the product. Contamination from operators represents the greatest risk, and is the one most difficult to control. Chart A3-1 in Appendix 3 gives typical particulate generation figures from cleanroom operators. It is important to recognize that many particles generated by operators will be microorganisms. A program for monitoring personnel thus is integral to evaluating an aseptic process. In addition to HVAC design, it is important to ensure that non-particle shedding, correctly specified garments (sterilized garments in aseptic processing area) will be used, and that their effect on the facility's operational conditions is understood. The importance of good operator training and changing regimes also is fundamental to operating the sterile area at minimum risk from this source of particulate generation. 5.3.2

External Sources

As particulate concentrations of outside air will vary at each location, the HVAC filtration regime selected to supply the manufacturing areas must be matched accordingly. Hence, any measure that reduces the HVAC system's fresh air particulate burden also reduces both the system's capital and operating costs, and, thereby, the life-cycle cost. Appendix 3, Chart A3-2 gives typical particle counts for outside air. It is essential that aseptic area environmental conditions be kept as stable as possible, particularly the differential pressures. Therefore, as filter blinding will affect the HVAC system dynamic air balance, it becomes an important design issue to be considered fully. Measures to reduce filter load may include:  Use of recirculated air from the manufacturing area, provided there is no cross contamination risk  Careful selection of filters to match particular application (see Appendix 3)  Careful location of fresh air intakes  Location of the facility To make a comparison with the cleanroom standards to be achieved, the figure for unfiltered fresh air, taken from Chart A3-2 in Appendix 3, at 0.5 mm of 4 x 104 particles per liter, is equal to 1,143,000 particles per cubic foot. (N.B. Class 100 = 100 particles per cubic foot). 5.4 5.4.1

ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS AND GMP Pharmaceutical Cleanroom Standards

Table 5-1 shows requirements for the different environments associated with sterile manufacturing. As can be seen, the expectations of the PDA Guideline (CDER June 1987), draft USP (1116) (Feb 1997), and the EU Annex (1997) are somewhat different. For information, cross-reference is made to the European standards. It is important to understand that FDA does not inspect against these standards. Since the tables are complex, it is important to read and understand the referenced notes. References made to FS 209E are for general guidance; it is important to remember that the FDA Guideline takes precedence. Reference also should be made to Table 2-3, Figure 3-1 (aseptically produced), and Figure 3-2 (terminally sterilized). Figure 5-1 applies requirements from Table 5-1 to an aseptic facility layout example. Attention also is drawn to Appendix 2, in particular, Figures A2-1 and A2-2 for European products, either aseptically processed or terminally sterilized. For microbiological information related to these environmental grades, consult source documents referenced in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Airborne Environmental Requirements ISPE Sterile Guide Grade (N.B. refer to in-operation state)

PDA, CDER June 1987 Guideline on Sterile Drug Products by Aseptic Processing

In Operation note 1

Class 100

Draft USP (1116) European Commission Annex 1, 1997 - Manufacture of Sterile February 1997 Medicinal Products Microbiology Evaluation of Cleanrooms and Other Controlled Environments Descriptiv In Operation Descriptive At Rest note 4 In Operation e Maximum Maximum Maximum permitted Maximum Maximum permitted number of number of particles permitted number number of 3 j number of colony per m equal to or of particles per m colony forming particles per forming units above (per ft.3) equal to or above units per m3 (per 3 3 ft. per ft. (per ft.3) 10ft3)

Acceptable particulate quality per ft3

Maximum number of colony forming units

0.5 µm and larger


100 note 2

No more than 1

Critical Areas



0.5 µm

0.5 µm

5 µm

CFU/m3 (CFU/10ft3)

Less than 0.1 Grade A note 3500note 6 (less than 3} 5 (100)


3500 (100)


Less than 1 (0.3)

Less than 0.5 Grade B {less than 20)

3500 (100)



350000 2000 (10000) (57)

10 (3)

Controlled 100,000 Areas

Less than 2.5 Grade C (less than100)

350000 2000 (10000) (57)

3500000 20000 (100000) (570)

100 (30)

Class 10,000 Class 100,000

100000 note 3 25

0.5 µm and larger

CFU/ft.3 (CFU/m3)

100 10,000

0.5 µm

Pharmaceutical (with local monitoring)





3500000 20000 (100000) (570)



200 (57)

Pharmaceutical -





















Grade D

Notes from Various Regulations, to Accompany Table 5-1 Note 1 US requirements are given only for the dynamic (in operation) situation Note 2 When measured not more than one foot from the work site, and upstream of the air flow, during filling/ closing operations. Powder particulates, which, by their nature, do not pose a risk of product contamination, can be ignored. Background operational conditions without product must be qualified so that the true particulate contamination level is understood. Air should be supplied to the point of use by HEPA filtered, unidirectional air flow. Normally, a velocity of 90ft/min ± 20% is considered adequate, though higher velocities may be needed. Rooms enclosing these areas should have a positive pressure differential, relative to adjacent less clean areas, 0.05 inch WG is recommended. Note 3 Conditions should be measured in the vicinity of exposed articles during periods of activity. A minimum of 20 air charges per hour is required in "controlled" areas. Note 4 Particulate conditions given in the table for the "at rest" state should be achieved throughout the environment where unmanned, and recovered after a short "clean up" period (usually between 15-20 minutes) Note 5 Particulate condition given for grade A "in-operation" should be maintained in the zone immediately surrounding the product, whenever the product or an open container is exposed to the environment. It is accepted that it may not always be possible to demonstrate conformity with particulate standards at the point of fill, when filling is in progress, due to the generation of particles or droplets from the product itself. Note 6 Such conditions normally are provided by a unidirectional air flow workstation, which should provide an homogeneous air speed of 0.45m/sec (90ft/min) ± 20%.

In the context of this Guide, it is important to understand that the PDA Guideline, June 1987, (currently under revision) is for Sterile Drug Products produced by aseptic processing; whereas PS 209E is a general Cleanroom standard used for a wide range of applications, including, for example, the electronics industry. Hence, some inconsistencies can arise and cause confusion. The PDA Guideline specifies minimum environmental standards for +0.5 micron particles in the operational condition. However, PS 209E only provides a methodology for testing particulate standards in an "at rest" state. In addition, a given classification refers to a spectrum of particle sizes. Achieving a Class 10,000 room, in operation will necessitate designing and testing for a higher standard "at rest", allowing for deterioration of room conditions when the room is in use. The designer should design for an "at rest" datum condition and calculate particulate gains to be offset during operation. Typically, a design "at rest" condition for a Class 10,000 operational requirement would be Class 100. This design datum then could be qualified and supported by particle level measurement during simulated operation, as part of Process/Equipment Qualification. Ongoing environmental data monitoring for the aseptic area should be comparable with the in operation data generated during Process/Equipment (e.g., filling line) Qualification. When production ceases and personnel leave the area, the cleanroom will start to "recover" - it will become cleaner, i.e., change from in operation, to "at rest" state. In theory, the room will recover to the same classification as the air supplied to it. Rapid uniform recovery is unlikely, as there may be pockets of dirtier air remaining. The "recovery" will tend to be exponential, so it may take a long time to achieve this endpoint. The "recovery" time for a particular cleanroom is a good indicator of the system's overall performance. If regularly measured, any significant change in the time period could be indicative of a potential problem. Further information on this important subject is available in Appendix 3; section A3-4 explains the implication for system design, Figure A 3-5 shows the relationship between recovery period and air change rate, and Charts A3-1 and A3-2 give information about particulate generation. 5.4.2 GMP Environmental Critical Parameters The following environmental parameters typically are critical to maintaining a sterile manufacturing

facility in compliance:  Product specific parameters  Environmental conditions (see Table 5-1)  Acceptable unidirectional air flow patterns and velocities for critical areas  Air flow patterns within sterile rooms to show protection of critical operations  Temperatures  Humidity  Differential pressures to provide assurance against contamination from lower grade environments  Air change rates in classified rooms Section 5.8.1 discusses the need to monitor "GMP Critical Parameters". Temperature and humidity values may be determined by product requirements, or by the need to minimize operator discomfort, which could lead to increased particulate and microbiological load. There are other environmental parameters that are significant to sterile manufacturing operations, and may or may not impact, directly or indirectly, on the "GMP Critical Parameters". These are typically:  room air flow patterns to ensure complete mixing in turbulent cleanroom design  recovery period  excessive noise levels  occupational product exposure levels 5.5 5.5.1


Where terminal sterilization is possible, some relaxation of processing standards may be permissible. However, finished product sterility testing cannot be fully relied upon as proof of a sterile filled product, hence rigid control of processing and environmental conditions are still required. The first design stage is identifying critical areas, where product container/closures or product contact surfaces may be exposed to possible contamination. Typically, these points include:  "point of fill"  where sterilized vials/caps enter the sterile processing area  where product containers are opened in the sterile processing area  where any connections to product containers are made  where sterilized container/closures and machine contact surfaces are held in the sterile processing area  cooling of sterilized container/closures and machine contact surfaces following heat sterilization in the sterile processing area  where any sterilizing filters are connected, opened or assembled  where container/closures and machine contact surfaces have been washed and await sterilization into the sterile processing area {time limitations should be established for this step)  when sterilized equipment is assembled Additional information is provided in Appendix 3. Figure 5-2 shows the cleanliness "cascade" away from identified critical areas.

Once critical areas are identified, appropriate environmental standards can be assigned (see Table 2-3). 5.5.2 Differentia! Pressures The integrity of differing environmental standards is maintained by cascading air flows from higher to lower classifications. It is of prime importance that "dirty" air does not contaminate "cleaner air". This is illustrated in Figure 5-3. There also may be a need for air flows to be set between rooms of the same classification within a manufacturing suite. This limits any potential risk to product, by following the same principle of cascading away, from the most critical areas. In practice, these airflow requirements are set up using a differential pressure cascade. Differential pressure provides a useful, quantifiable design tool and measurable performance objectives for the designer. When selecting a pressure differential for setting up a cascade, the following should be taken into account: 1) minimum PDA Aseptic Guideline (CDER June 1987) values 2) ability to measure the differentials in-situ 3) acceptable changes in differential pressure when an airlock door is opened

4) compounded pressures within the cascade 5) ability to open or close swinging doors 6) volume of air "lost" from clean areas (leakage around doors) 7) effect of pressure differentials on equipment that bridge differing areas 8) probable duration of doors opening and closing (i.e., transient losses of differential pressure) 9) response procedure for a differential pressure loss alarm The industry-accepted normal design figure is 0.05 inches water gauge (12.5 Pa) between air classes. This complies with the PDA Aseptic Guideline (CDER June 1987), and recommendations made in recognized cleanroom standards. It is likely this figure was based upon historical data, when less accurate pressure measurement instruments were available and building tolerances were less precise. The differential pressure figure is used in a stepped cascade away from the critical areas. Figure 5-4 shows how this may be applied, based upon the air flows determined in Figure 5-3. It should be noted that, in some cases, the stepped approach results in some high theoretical differentials, for example between Aseptic Processing Room 2 and the Packing Hall in Figure 5-4.

There is a cost benefit in keeping the pressure differentials as low as practical (within regulatory guidelines). Air leaking to lower grade areas means more fresh air has to be "cleaned" to replace it. This results in greater capital costs for filters, fans, etc., and increased operating costs, due to filter blocking requiring greater fan power and more regular replacement. Alternatively, smaller pressure differentials will require more sophisticated controls and pressure stabilizing equipment, resulting in high capital and maintenance costs. This relationship is shown in Figure 5-5.

5.5.3 Potent Products vs. Operator Protection The principle of aseptic production techniques is to protect the product from contamination. However, conflicts can arise between protecting the product from the operator, and the operator from the product, particularly if the product has a low operational exposure limit. This may affect HVAC design significantly. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this conflict, and the solution will depend largely upon the individual product and process. Barrier-isolator technology can provide an opportunity for overcoming this problem (see Chapter 10). 5.6 INTEGRATION OF HVAC AND PROCESS EQUIPMENT 5.6.1 Product And Process Knowledge Knowledge of the particular products to be processed within the facility is fundamental to HVAC design. Having an early awareness of particular requirements ensures that they can be accommodated within the design. Some product requirements may include:    

the ability to be terminally sterilizable processing limits (e.g., temperature, humidity) occupational exposure limits product form - (liquid, dry powder, solid components), and other special physical or chemical parameters Once the product is defined, process knowledge is required, including the product contact components, and the actual operations carried out in the facility. Environmental conditions can be applied once all information has been gathered, and critical areas and potential contamination risks identified. Once environmental "GMP Critical Parameters" have been confirmed, and acceptance criteria defined, design measures can be developed to address them. Examples of the type of information required is included in Appendix 3. 5.6.2 Sterilizer Types A key equipment selection that interacts with HVAC, and therefore will affect system design, is the "infeed" sterilizer. There are two basic types: 1) Static equipment - such as autoclaves, dry heat ovens 2) Dynamic equipment - such as integrated sterilizing tunnels Static equipment, such as autoclaves, has little effect on the HVAC system and environmental balance. It may require critical area unidirectional air flow units on loading and unloading sides, and ventilation in the service area. There also will be heat gains to be considered. However, all of these are constant known quantities that can be anticipated and accommodated in the design. Therefore, the equipment can be considered static. Dynamic equipment, such as sterilizing tunnels, will have many differing operational and non-operational

modes. In many cases, they take air or leak it to surrounding areas; these volumes change depending upon air temperature in the tunnel and operational state at a particular time. These changing conditions lead to the dynamic situation, and require careful integration with the HVAC system. There are serious risks of reversing differential pressures and putting product at risk. Appendix 3 contains information on the particular issues to be considered. 5.7


The design of an HVAC system to serve an aseptic area is complicated, and there are many issues to be considered and addressed to ensure successful operation. Appendix 3 contains further guidance on issues to be considered. 5.7.1

Manufacturing Area Environmental Design Considerations Operational Issues Personnel can represent the greatest risk to environmental conditions. It is therefore important to understand and control how operators interface with various environmental requirements. Examples include:  Limiting the number of operators in the Class 100 and Class 10,000 areas.  Avoid personnel walking past critical areas, unless essential  Understand where operators will be stationed during normal operation,  If 'regular' intervention is needed into a critical area consider glove ports to prevent contamination.  Understand personnel traffic routes and perhaps increase air changes to the busiest areas i.e. changing rooms.  Separate gowning and degowning routes into aseptic processing area. Physical Issues The HVAC system's performance in maintaining room conditions is also dependent upon the facility's physical aspects. Good finishes, that are non-shedding, along with minimized room corners, help with cleaning. Other issues must be addressed to achieve differential pressure cascades, including:  "holes through walls," (e.g., conveyor belts, sprinkler head covers, etc.)  door clearances and tolerances  how air locks maintain pressure cascades, and how long doors will be open (consideration of time delays on loss of pressure alarms)  door swings (will they close against the pressure, can they be opened)  equipment locations  physical locations of critical areas in relation to process operations and other areas  provision of active pressure control or a static system to maintain pressure between rooms  how rooms will be sanitized (e.g., sanitization contact time duration, how quickly odors must be diluted)  avoiding unacceptable turbulence or dead spots in clean areas (e.g., by avoiding complex internal room layouts) It is also important to consider which variables are important during qualification testing, e.g., doors opening and the effect on room pressure. Supply and Extract Point Locations Air flow patterns within a room are difficult to predict, and will vary as the production equipment, unidirectional flow units, and people operate within the space. There are some important basic principles relating to the positioning of both air supply and extract points. Supply air grille performance must be considered carefully by the designer, particularly if terminal HEPA filters are used. The supply grilles ensure the turbulent mixing of air within the room, which is the fundamental principle of the HVAC system. Supply air grille locations normally have to be coordinated with lights, etc., so their ideal positions may be compromised. There is an element of iteration in designing the optimum layout. Some of the factors to be considered are:  air volume supplied to achieve room design air change rates  minimum number of terminal HEPA units to limit filter replacement and capital costs, while achieving the desired air quality and pattern  optimum number of terminal units to achieve good air distribution

standardized terminal unit size and air volume per unit to minimize replacement costs and differential blinding effects

For dilution designs (see A 3.3.1) the position of extract grilles, (although not as critical as supply grilles because of their lesser impact on air flow movement) should be located in areas of low air flows (i.e., ideally, low level corners within a room). For displacement design (i.e., unidirectional), extract grilles must be located at low level. 5.7.2 Unidirectional Air Flow Design Considerations Local Air Flow Patterns The effect of localized air movement on the room conditions during operation must be considered. Typically, there will be a number of identified critical areas protected by unidirectional air flow units. When in operation, they change air patterns within the space. There also may be quite large thermal loads within the space (e.g., equipment heat gains, or gains from items cooling after sterilization). These will cause thermal air flow movement that must be taken into account. It is important that these secondary air currents do not entrain contaminants or particulates from operators, etc., that present a risk to the critical environments. In principle, unidirectional air flow protection sweeps air from the cleaner environment (i.e., where product, container/closures, or product contact surfaces are exposed), toward the operator and other potential contamination sources. Room air flow should be verified with smoke tests under simulated operational conditions. Horizontal verses Vertical Unidirectional Air Flow There are two approaches to providing unidirectional flow protection: vertical air flow or horizontal air flow. There are advantages and disadvantages to both options, and deciding which is the best choice for a particular application is difficult. Guidance on the issues to be considered when deciding on localized protection is included in Appendix 3. Target velocities are given in the FDA Guideline (CDER June 1987) for Unidirectional Air Flow (see Table 5-1, Note 2) of 90 ft/m ± 20%. These figures come from such standards as FS 209E. However, the important principle is protecting the critical area. Therefore, during qualification, the velocity required to achieve protection should be determined, documented, and used as the basis of on-going monitoring. Localized protection system design should address potential conflicts between product quality protection, operator exposure, and operability. From a GMP viewpoint, product quality protection is the most important. A balance must be found to protect the product from the operators, and vice versa. This is where physical isolators may offer the solution. Many technical papers are available on barrier or curtain use to contain unidirectional air flows. Therefore, this Guide does not discuss their design, but points out that they are essential in most cases. Advanced computer-aided air flow modeling programs are available that may assist in initial room and unidirectional air flow modeling, but fine-tuning probably still will be required during qualification. 5.8 MONITORING 5.8.1 Air System Monitoring It is not possible to assess product sterility on-line. The level of sterility assurance required for sterile products, means it is unlikely that random sampling of the finished product will detect any sterility failure resulting from processing. Such techniques as particle counting, active air sampling, or settle and contact plates provide useful data. Even with this essential and informative data, final product sterility cannot be assured. Hence, aseptic operations, particularly for products that cannot be terminally sterilized, rely upon validated procedures carried out in strictly controlled environments for all critical stages, to minimize potential product risk. As mentioned in Section 5.4.2, certain environmental parameters may be considered "GMP Critical". These parameters must be monitored and documented, but it is not always possible to do so continuously. Therefore, aseptic manufacturing needs a robust design, to minimize potential problems, and a wellconsidered and qualified monitoring/documenting program. For example: a) Differential Pressures All differential pressures within a sterile area environmental cascade should be measured, indicated, alarmed, and documented regularly during a shift. However, it may be advisable to select a representative number of particular differential pressure measurements, as key indicators of overall HVAC system "health "These should be documented continuously. If these indicators change significantly during operation from the normal "qualified values", it is essential that investigations be conducted. It is important that operators within the areas understand the implication of any changes (instantaneous or over a longer period), and what those changes mean to the aseptic processing area. Simplifying the number of

continuously documented parameters assists production operators in understanding the significance of any deviations. It may be considered important to document the duration and magnitude of any loss (reduction) in pressure differentials (i.e., due to opening airlock doors), rather than just absolute values, as a transient reduction may be significant. Chapter 8, Section 8.2, gives some guidance on developing a rationale for how to monitor and document controlled parameters. Typically, periodic monitoring may repeat some tests carried out as part of the original Process/Equipment Qualification exercise. For example:       

recording room air flow patterns checking unidirectional air flow patterns at work surface and filter face confirming "recovery" time confirming air change rates integrity testing terminal HEPA filters (typically twice per year) operator product exposure levels how long a door can remain open without raising an alarm

The test frequency will depend upon plant operating experience and the Process/Equipment Qualification findings. It also may vary from area to area (e.g., aseptic rooms compared to preparation rooms). The importance of this routine environmental monitoring, from an engineering viewpoint, is that the tests provide feedback on the HVAC system's overall performance. It tests the design and will highlight lack of performance in an individual system, not only the "Direct Impact Systems". It is important that the results are compared carefully to Qualification test results to look for any change in performance. 5.8.2

HVAC Controls

When considering the HVAC controls system, it is important to consider it as another service supporting environmental condition control. Automatic controls need not have "Direct Impact." As discussed previously, it is the monitoring and documenting systems that provide "GMP Critical Parameter" data to production staff. hence these systems are direct impact and require qualification studies. It may be preferable that the monitoring and documenting of these "GMP Critical Parameters" should be isolated from any HVAC (Building Management System : BMS) control systems, to avoid qualification complications. Further details are included in Chapter 8. HVAC automatic controls may be employed to control such variables as:  temperature  humidity Other variables that also may be controlled actively in more complex designs are:  room differential pressures  constant supply and extract (or return) fan volume control  filter blinding condition (pressure drop) monitoring  active room pressure control During design, it is important that the positive and negative impacts of automatic control system failure be considered for the system as a whole, e.g.  what would happen if constant fan volume control were not employed  what would happen if an active pressure control system failed 5.9 5.9.1


As discussed in Section 5.3, it is important that the HVAC system does not represent a contamination source to production areas served. It, therefore, is essential that, during equipment and ductwork installation, the HVAC system is kept as

clean as possible. Measures may include:  sealing pre-cleaned equipment/ductwork before installation  wiping ductwork internally with disinfectant It may be important to allow adequate access into the completed system, to facilitate cleaning and sanitization by hand, if the owner believes this option is needed. However, there is an inherent conflict with providing access and ensuring air tightness. Hence, any access panels must be designed appropriately. As part of the environmental condition maintenance, there will be routine or occasional needs to reduce the manufacturing area and HVAC system microbiological burden. This may include such activities as:  fumigating some or all of the system  recirculating sanitized fumigant from the production area It is important to know (during the design phase) how this control is to be carried out, to incorporate adequate safety measures into the design. For example, fumigation, using such agents as VHP and peracetic acid will require subsequent aeration to ensure fumigant residuals are removed, particularly on equipment that may have direct product or container/closure contact. In addition, the sanitizing agent must not degrade materials it contacts, such as filter sealants. 5.9.2 Maintenance Philosophy HVAC equipment maintenance in an aseptic processing area is important, if the facility is to operate reliably within the required environmental conditions. It, therefore, is necessary for maintenance to occur, with minimum disruption to facility operation. Where possible, equipment or services should be maintained from outside the aseptic processing area. An HVAC system example of this may be access to air balancing dampers or control sensors, without entering the aseptic room. The designer also should understand the planned facility maintenance philosophy. Installation of fan bearing vibration monitoring sensors might be required, for example, to aid with preventive maintenance and avoid unscheduled facility shutdowns. Effective, fast response breakdown maintenance may be used as a measure to counter excessive standby facilities. This may lead to the use of such standard components as single-size HEPA filters. HVAC maintenance staff should be trained to respond to alarmed or noted changes in aseptic area environmental parameters and understand the implications. Response speed and accuracy will impact the facility's operational efficiency. Likewise, they should understand that their work (such as opening an air handling unit door during operation) may upset room "Critical Parameters" and consequently affect product quality. If a critical variable is outside normal operating range, but within process limits, additional environmental monitoring may be required. For example, if fan supply air delivery drops below minimum air changes, or room pressure is lower than usual, additional particulate data collection may be justified, to verify that the room environment remains in control. It is important to remember that replacements/modifications must be qualified, to verify that established operating parameters are achieved.





Utility systems used in sterile facility operations may be categorized as either Process Systems or Process Support Systems. The sterile product manufacturer should review the various systems within the facility and determine the category or categories into which each falls. This will provide the basis for determining the design, construction, commissioning, and documentation requirements for the system. For the purposes of this chapter: Process Systems are those that are “Direct Impact Systems” and/or: 

contact the product

contact materials that ultimately will become part of the product

could otherwise directly impact product quality

Process Support Systems are those that are “Indirect Impact Systems” and/or: 

do not contact the product or materials that ultimately will become part of the product

are generally site or building systems, that are not tailored to sterile manufacturing facilities

deal with a side effect of the manufacturing process (e.g. waste disposal)

Examples: 

purified water and Clean Steam normally are categorized as Process Systems in that they are used in the manufacturing process itself

Heating/Cooling systems for a depyrogenation tunnel, filling line, etc., generally would be categorized as Process Support systems.

Breathing Air, Chilled Water, Instrument Air, Potable Water Systems for general purpose use, and Floor Drains normally are categorized as Process Support



The following paragraphs give some general guidance for each category, whereas Table 6-1 summarizes the most common services with the recommended classification of each. 6.2.1

Process Systems

Process Systems are considered as “Direct Impact Systems” and should be designed, constructed, and commissioned to provide a service that meets a defined specification (considering product quality requirements), and prevent product contamination accordingly. Selection of materials for storage and distribution systems should take into account the nature of the fluid, or gas, being conveyed. For non-corrosive fluids and gases, such as nitrogen, typical materials include copper, plastics, and galvanized and stainless steel. The sterile product manufacturer should consider what the type of cleaning and sterilants (if required) will be used. For example, if the nitrogen is a sterile feed to a vessel for blanketing, stainless steel would be used at least from the point of filtration downwards to permit steam sterilization. If, however, the nitrogen manifold in the room merely requires a surface sanitization, chemical resistant plastic, which do not absorb, react, or add to the material being

conveyed, are acceptable. Care should be taken to locate as large an amount as possible of service components and piping outside the aseptic area Any protrusion into the cleanroom will need to be sanitized or sterilized. The engineer should consider the environmental conditions in which process systems can be located. For example, when designing a hydrophobic vent filter into a Water For Injection storage tank, how the vessel's microbiological integrity is maintained or assured during maintenance should be considered. 6.2.2 Process Support Systems Process Support Systems generally are considered "Indirect Impact Systems", and should be designed and constructed in compliance with Good Engineering Practice, and applicable codes and standards. Such sys¬tems typically are not located within a cleanroom, and, therefore, the materials of construction depend upon service requirements. If a service is required in an aseptic processing area, care must be taken to provide materials of construction that can be sanitized and/or sterilized. Care also must be taken to prevent acciden¬tal spills and possible contaminant release into the area (e.g. point-of-use filters for an instrument air supply line). Process Support services should be located outside the aseptic area. If these services or their points-of-use must be located in the aseptic area, the materials of construction should be non-additive, non-reactive, non-absorptive, and able to withstand repeated sanitation with harsh chemicals. Table 6-1 gives general guidance on typical system classifications, although these may vary for particular facilities.

Table 6-1 General Guidance Only System

Type: GMP Important Process (P) or Process Support (PS)

Documentation/ Commissioning

Filter Requirements (Baseline)

Purified Water and WFI





Clean Steam





Nitrogen and other Process Gases




Endpoint Q.2\im for sterility Sum for prefiltration

Instrument Air



GEP (= Good Engineering Practice)


Breathing Air










Process Vacuum




See specific equipment item

Potable Water





Mechanical Seal Fluids Depends on use

Depends on use



Chilled Water





6.2.3 Multiple Categorization The design of systems that can be multi-categorized should be considered with regard to the cost/benefit derived from installing separate utility systems or distribution networks versus special treatment at points-ofuse. For example, a compressed air system may be used as both a Process and a Process Support system. If there are many manufacturing uses, there may be economical justification for running separate systems throughout the facility. If there are only a few manufacturing uses, utilizing a Process Support system with point-of-use filters and stainless steel piping after the filter, at the manufacturing use points, may be the more economical design. However, due consideration must be given to the upstream piping materials, to ensure the air quality is not compromised (e.g., use of low arsenic copper). For example, if compressed air is used to operate a vial filler, and the pressure of the air dictates the line speed, independent of fill volume, then due consideration must be given to a substantive qualification regime, and high and low pressure alarms for the service. These systems should be designed and constructed in compliance with Good Engineering Practice, and applicable codes and standards. 6.3


6.3.1 Purified Water and WFI Water used in the manufacture of compendia! pharmaceutical dosage forms should be of USP Water for Injection (WFI) grade, or relevant pharmacopoeia! standard. Water used for cleaning product contacting surfaces must be from a controlled source, and must meet WFI standards during the final rinse or rinses. Water used to clean non-product contacting surfaces should not increase the background flora within the facility, and hence, be equal to WFI in the aseptic area, and microbiologically pure Purified Water in all other aseptic support rooms. Additional water system information is contained in the ISPE Baseline® Guide for Water & Steam Systems. 6.3.2 Clean Steam Clean Steam shall be free of boiler additives and have no impurities beyond that of the water used in production. The condensate must meet WFI specifications, and be made from a controlled source feed. Design practices sloping lines and minimizing steam traps, should eliminate potential microbial growth within the system. Process steam for sterilization should contain minimal superheat entering the autoclave. Non-condensable gases should be vented from the system, ideally at the steam generator, 6.3.3 Nitrogen and other Process Gases If process gas is to be used in aseptic or sterile areas, it must be sterile-filtered at the point of use. The filter and downstream components will require sterilization or sanitization, as well as integrity testing on a regular basis. If the service is not used in an aseptic process, but is a Process Support utility, standard materials of construction should be used. The following summarizes process gas system design considerations: •

process gas quality must meet product specification

materials of construction should be compatible with any external sanitizing agents or internal sterilants (steam), thus stainless steel is recommended in these areas; plastic, plastic lined steel, and copper may be suitable

Sum or better pre-filtration is recommended, although 0.2um filtration is required at point-of-use, if it is an aseptic or sterile application

the gas distribution system design should include sampling points. Sterile-filtered points of use also should permit downstream aseptic sampling


Compressed Air a) Instrument Air Properly functioning systems should not allow instrument air to come into contact with product; hence, these systems should be designed in accordance with good engineering practice. Care must be taken to vent instrument air away from Class 100 areas, so as to protect the particulate and microbial levels in the environment.

b) Breathing Air Breathing air is a Process Support system, important to worker safety within a Sterile Manufacturing Facility. The maximum allowable contaminant levels allowed by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) are shown in Table 6.2.

Table 6-2 Contaminant Levels CONTAMINANT



Carbon Monoxide ppm v/v



Carbon Dioxide ppm v/v



Oil (condensed hydrocarbons)



6.3.5 Heating And Cooling Systems Heating and cooling systems, including cooling and chilled water, glycol systems, and heat transfer fluid systems, must not contact the product, and, hence, should be designed in accordance with GEP. This assumes that equipment used for indirect heat transfer will not leak into the atmosphere or the product. Selection of the heat transfer media should consider the potential risk of leakage. Provision should be made to monitor such system leakage as pressure testing and level monitoring. For example, the selection of propylene glycol versus ethylene glycol has been based on the assumption that propylene glycol is an FDA-preferred material. The designer must consider that a heat transfer fluid that would leak from a tank jacket into a batch of formulated product would most assuredly contaminate the batch, regardless of the properties of the fluid, so jacket integrity must be assured,


Steam and Hot Water Systems

Steam and hot water systems should not be used in applications where there is exposure to the product. These systems should be designed using GEP. If steam may be used by a "mixing tee" washing system, in this case, contaminants from the steam must be removed by subsequent washing steps with controlled water sources. Care should be taken in the selection of boiler additives. The location of condensate and pressure controlling systems should be in plant areas, not within cleanrooms. It is not recommended to locate these types of devices above aseptic areas, in case of failure.


Process Vacuum Systems

If a single vacuum source is used for a mixture of process uses, the contamination risk increases. If vacuum or extract systems must be used within an aseptic area, steps should be taken to prevent pressure reversals (e.g., non-return valves). Sanitization or sterilization is recommended for points of use upstream of the local vacuum isolation valve.

6.3.8 Potable Water Water used in various parts of the facility for amenities, and not to be used for process reasons, should be designed with GEP. Proper labeling and identification of these types of services is required. Potable water is not to be used in the aseptic processing area. 6.3.9 Mechanical Seal Fluids If a pump is used for product transfer, the seal fluid is to be of the same quality standards as the product. Typically, for Aseptic Facilities, USP Purified or WFI is used as the fluid. If the pump is not for product transfer, but for a Process Support service, then vendor recommended fluids should be considered.