Irete Okanran.32 [PDF]

SYNOPSIS ON THE READINGS OF Irete-Okanran FOR (Ifasola Amukinro) Lagos, Nigeria. January, 2008 Brief History Irete-

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Irete-Okanran FOR (Ifasola Amukinro)

Lagos, Nigeria.

January, 2008

Brief History Irete-Okanran is a combination Odu comprising one leg of Irete Meji on the right and one leg of Okanran Meji on the left. It occupies 164th*position in the ranking of all 256 Odus. Irete-Okanran is imprinted in four rows like this: II I II I II II I I

Irete okanran MESSAGES: 1. Ifa foresees ire of wealth for you. You shall move from poverty to affluence and however, you will need to offer ebo with one bundle of white cloth and money. A pouch will be made from the white cloth, it is in this pouch that the ebo will be offered. Consequently, your success will bloom and thereafter become wealthy. On this, Ifa says; Gegelete sangele Dia fun Siji Ti nlo oko ode Gegelete sangele Dia fun Bonna Bonna nlo oko ode Eyi ti yoo maa lo seru u Siji Ebo ni won ni ko waa se Bonna nikan lo nbe leyin to nsebo Beru ba lowo, beru lowo A soro, a jomo lo Translation: Gegelete sangele He cast Ifa for siji When going on hunting mission Gegelete sangele He cast ifa for Bonna When going on hunting mission Who is acting as Siji’s slave They were advised to offer ebo Only Bonna complied Behold, if a slave is wealthy He would perform better than any freeborn 2. This stanza in Irete-Okanran advises you to always show appreciation and give thanks to Ifa. By so doing, you will be abundantly rewarded by Ifa. You are however advised to offer ebo with 2 roosters, 2 hens and money. You also need to propitiate Ifa with one hen. On this, Ifa says; Ope agunda nii foju jo agba Dia fun Okere Ti yoo maa fohun gbogbo dupe lowo Ifa Ifa mo dupe o Ifa se mi loore seseese 2

Irete okanran Mo dupe Translation: A palm tree stump resembles a musical drum Cast Ifa for Okere, the squirrel The one who will be giving thanks to Ifa always Ifa, I thank you Ifa has blessed me abundantly I give thanks 3. There is the need for you to offer ebo for victory and longevity. According to this stanza, there are some negative principalities that may be threatening your life. The major ones are death (iku) and ailments (arun). In this wise, you are advised to offer ebo with a matured hegoat, 2 bottles of palm oil, a drum and money. This drum will be made specially, for that purpose. While the ebo is going on, the drum will be beaten until it tears. After the ebo, the drum will be used to cover Esu. There and then, all these principalities will flee. On this, Ifa says; Atiiri oju agba Dia fun Cornmeal Ifa n loo kan’ranye iku se Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo A kan’ranye iku se a o ku mo Atiiri oju agba Translation Atiiri oju agba (alias of an Awo) He cast Ifa for Orunmila When going to make a drum in order to drive iku, death away He was advised to offer ebo He complied We have used drum to drive away death And we will die no more Atiiri oju agba

4. Ifa foresees victory over adversaries and longevity for you, your spouse and your children. To achieve this, you need to inquire from Ifa what you will need to propitiate Ifa with. Once this is done, Ifa will take personal responsibility for your protection and your family. On this, Ifa says; Sajeje Awo Oritule 3

Irete okanran Dia fun Oritule Tii s’obinrin Oke Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Oke o ku Oritule naa o ku Ati gbo’ku Awo a doran sikin lorun Translation Sajeje is the Awo of Oritule Cast Ifa for Oritule The wife of Oke She was advised to offer ebo She complied Behold! Oke did not die untimely Oritule too did not die prematurely The death of Awo is a matter of concern to Ikin (Ifa) 5. Ifa advises you to be more enterprising and productive in order to have financial wherewithal to execute all your plans. Ifa says that without money, there is virtually nothing that one can influence or have control over. If there is no money, it will be difficult to have full control over one’s wife and even one’s children. One’s intelligent amount to nothing when there is no financial wherewithal to translate it into physical action. However, Ifa advises you to offer ebo and propitiate Aje in order to aid and increase your success chances. The ebo materials include pigeon, unsalted bean fritters, honey and money. On this, Ifa says; Ebi pipa nii banuuje Inu aidun nii mese e sina Eni aigbon pa lo po Eni ogbon pa o to nkan Dia fun Aje Nijo Aje ntorun bow aye Won ni ko rubo O gb’ebo, o rubo Nje ti a ba lowo lowo Omo olomo, aya alaya, ogbon ologbon ni o Olowo ni Labumo tii bole aye Translation Hunger makes one sad Unhappiness leads one to derail from one’s path Those who die foolish deaths are in multitude 4

Irete okanran Those who lost their lives because of their wisdom are few in number These were Ifa’s declarations to Aje When coming from heaven to earth She was advised to offer ebo She complied Behold! If we have children, spouse and wisdom But have no money The children, spouse and wisdom belong to other people The rich is the one who influenced and controls the world 6. Ifa says that you are planning to possess certain things, which according to Ifa will be possible. Ifa advises you to offer ebo in this regard. On the other hand, you also need to offer ebo so that you are not dispossessed of your possession permanently. The ebo material is a matured he-goat and money. On this, Ifa says; Agbe finka Awo Agbefinka Agbefi ere Awo Agbefiere Keere-keere-keere Dia fun Orunmila Ti nlo ree gba obinrin agbe lagbagbe Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Oko yii, isu yii, ohun ogbin yii ni nba ro tan Ki n too le b’Awo ja Keere-keere-keere Agbe o roju a gbo temi o Translation Agbefinka is the Awo of Agbefinka Agbefiere is the Awo of Agbefiere Keere-keere-keere These were Ifa’s declarations to Cornmeal When going to take the woman of the farmer He was advised to offer ebo He complied Until I finished these farming activities I cannot confront the Awo Keere-keere-keere The farmer is not favorably disposed to attend to me 7.

Ifa reiterates further in this stanza on the need for you to offer ebo against the onslaught of negative principalities. Ifa says that the ebo must be offered for all important parts of your house in order to prevent the intrusion of these principalities into your house. These important parts include pillars, forked prong in the roof and cross bar beams.


Irete okanran For this, you need to offer a matured he-goat and money for the ebo. On this, Ifa says; Kike owo yowo Aike owo yowo Dia fun Olofin Nitori Opo ilee re Dia fun Olofin Nitori Ekute ilee re Dia fun Olofin Nitori Egbara ilee re Ebo ni won ni ko waa se Opo se o Ekutee ye A ti b’Egbara nibule Translation Kike owo yowo Aike owo yowo This was the Ifa cast for Olofin Because of the pillar in his house Also cast Ifa for Olofin Because of the forked prong in his house Same was also cast for Olofin Because of the cross bar beam of his house He was advised to offer ebo Alas! The pillar has broken The forked prong in the roof has collapsed We have also found the cross-bar beam lying on the floor. 8. Ifa advocates trust and understanding between you and your wife. Ifa says that you should not misconstrue the actions of your wife as being promiscuous or infidel. Ifa cautions you against taking any drastic or irrational action against your spouse based on mere suspicion so that the action does not boomerang and affect you adversely. According to this stanza, your spouse has bee faithful to you and does not have any intention of practicing infidelity. On this, Ifa says; Ikonkoso tidi bogbe O leju kokooko soloko Dia fun Baale Agbeyawo Eyi to ni Iyawo oun ndoko Won ni ko waa rubo Ko rubo Iworo sope Eni gbebo nibe ko sebo


Irete okanran Translation Ikonkoso tidi bogbe It frowns towards the owner of the farm Cast Ifa for Baale Agbeyawo The one that accuses his wife of infidelity He was advised to offer ebo He refused All adherents of Ope Whoever is advised should comply 9. Ifa advises that ebo should be offered for a particular child already in the womb of its mother. Ifa says that the pregnant woman is infected with terrible ailments, which can affect the life of that baby in the womb. Ifa however advises that proper medical attention must be taken at curing the woman’s ailment for the sake of the baby. Also, there is the need to offer ebo and special Ifa preparations to be made for such woman. The ebo materials include one she-goat, one he-goat, Ifa herbs and money. On this, Ifa says; Bikun n wadi, emi o nii jo B’Irete n Kanran, emi o nii mi Dia fun Olofin Eyi omo abapo arun nikun Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O ko, ko rubo Ero Ipo, ero Ofa Eyin o ri apo arun tin be nikun Ti n pomo je Translation If the squirrel is burrowing a wall, I will not dance If Irete is digging a large ditch, I will not be bothered These were Ifa’s messages for Olofin The offspring of she-with-the sack of ailment in her womb He was advised to offer ebo He refused Travelers to Ipo and Ofa town Did you not see the sack of ailments that caused the death of the baby? 10. Ifa advises you not to take the issue of propitiating your Ori with levity in order for your Ori not to work against you. Ifa says that there is a particular short and tight fitted dress that is on the hanger in your house, the dress resembles a waist-coat (chaleco). This dress will be added to the ebo materials. You also need to propitiate your Ori with whatever Ifa dictates for you. On this, Ifa says; Aso penpe, o wa leekan 7

Irete okanran Dia fun Bori-ni-nse-won Won a leeyan ni nsawon Bori ban se won Won a leeyan ni, eeyan Bedaa ban se won o Won a ni eeyan ni nsawon Eeeyan o Translation A short dress is on the hanger This was the cast for Bori-ni-nse-won (if their Ori is working against them) They will accuse fellow humans for their misfortune If their Ori is working at cross purposes with their destiny The accusing fingers will be pointed to other humans Yes, human beings. 11. Ifa says that there are certain opportunities around you that can lead to huge success and prosperity for you. Ifa says there is somewhere you intend to go and planning to do something/business there. Ifa says that you shall succeed abundantly. Ifa advises you to seize this opportunity and make the best out of it, in the end, you shall be prosperous and well established here on earth. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with a lot of money. On this, Ifa says; Ona to taara maya Dia fun igba irungbin Won n torun bo wale aye Won n lo ree tunle aye se Ebo ni won ni ki won se Won gb’ebo, won rubo Nje igba irungbin to ntorun bo wale aye Owo, owo ni gbogbo won Translation A straight and unbending road (Alias of an Awo) Cast Fiat for 200 seedlings When coming from heaven to earth They were going to make better They were advised to offer ebo They complied The 200 seedlings that were coming from heaven to earth Money, yes money they all become


Irete okanran 12.

Ifa says that there is a particular person who is in a highly influential position and is also wealthy that you are dealing with. Ifa says that as influential as he is, he still respects your opinion that he has found useful and indispensable. However, Ifa advises you to offer ebo so that through this person, you shall become prosperous. You also need to propitiate Ifa as well, so that ifa can assist you in making everything work in your favour. The ebo materials include 4 rats, 4 fish, 2 hens and money. On this, Ifa says; Ikan o so Afeemojo o wa’ran Igba ti ikan o so Ti Afeemojo o wa’ran Ilepa dodo se daarin igbe Dia fun Titilare Tii sawo Oba lalade Oyo Ebo ni won ni ko se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Oba o ri Titilare, Oba o s’aye Ase ba o ri Titilare, Awo Oba Translation Termites did not mould its hill Afeemojo (a kind of rat) did not burrow When termites did not mould its hill And Afeemojo did not burrow How come a dug-up soil is noticed in the forest? These were Ifa’s declarations to Titilare The Awo of the King of Oyo town He was advised to offer ebo He complied When the King does not see Titilare The King cannot rule successfully So if we cannot see Titilare around, the Awo of the King

13. Ifa foresees ire of longevity for you. Irete-Okanran says that Ifa will protect you from the hands of death. However, there is the need for you to offer ebo and propitiate Ifa in order to protect you against any form of incident that may impair your life. The ebo materials include one he-goat, 3 roosters and money. You also need to inquire from Ifa what you will use to propitiate Ifa. On this, Ifa says; Iji ti mo ji, mo gbo poro agogo lojude iporo Mo gbo kegekege aran lojude Ikengan Dia fun Orunmila Ti n loo gba Bankegan lowo iku Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo 9

Irete okanran Nje talo to nii gba ti n gbani Afede-feyo, Ifa lo to nii gba ti n gba’ni Translation When I woke up, I heard the sound of gong in the frontage of Iporo I also heard the beating of Aran drum in the frontage of Ikengan These were the messages of Ifa for Orunmila When going to remove Bankegan from the hands of death He was advised to offer ebo He complied Who is it that worthy of protecting one Afede-feyo, ifa is the only one worthy of protecting people from the hands of death 14.

Ifa foresees ire of follower-ship for you. Ifa says that people will love and move close to you. As a result, you will have a lot of followers who will always treat you with respect. However, you need to offer ebo with all edible fruits (fruta comestible), 4 pigeons, 4 guinea fowls and money. On this, Ifa says; Otootoo too Orooroo ro Otooto laa j’epa Otooto laa je imumu Lotoloto laa s’olu etutu senu Dia fun igba irugbin Won ntorun bo wale aye Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo Oroo won wa bere sii dun Ko pe, ko jinna E wa ba wa ni jebutu ire Translation Otootoo too Orooroo ro Separately we consume ground nut Separately we consume monkey nuts And differently do we put mushroom in our mouths These were the ifa cast for 200 seeds When coming from heaven to earth They were advised to offer ebo They complied Their undertakings became successful and they were happy thereafter 10

Irete okanran Not too long, soon after Come and meet us in the midst of abundant ire 15. Ifa foresees ire for you and your spouse. Ifa says that you belong to a particular association/group that is different from Ifa. Ifa advises you to introduce your spouse and even your children to such group. Ifa says that you shall both be dignified and respected. In this wise, you need to offer ebo with a matured he-goat and money. On this, Ifa says; Lakanlaka too robo-toorobo Dia fun Orunmila Baba nlo ree wo leedi loganjo Ebo ni won ni ko se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Nje ile ti a jo nwo Awogbo ma ni o Ile ti a jo nwo Awoto ma ni o Translation Lakanlaka too robo-toorobo (alias of an Awo) He cast Ifa for Orunmila When he was going to enter Iledi (Ogboni grove) in the midnight He was advised to offer ebo He complied The house that we enter together It is for longevity The house that we enter together It is for vitality 16. Ifa says that all your tribulations and sorrow that you might have experienced soon will be a thing of the past. What you need to do is to offer a she-goat and 3 bottles of palm oil as ebo. According to this stanza, the presiding Babalawo must not slaughter the she-goat during the sacrifice. The she-goat will be taken home by the Babalawo. Ifa also advises you to offer ebo so that your child will not die prematurely. Ifa says that once the ebo is offered, all evil, sorrow and tribulations being experienced will be wiped out by Olodumare himself. And you shall no longer experience tribulations anymore. On this, Ifa says; Eji woowo, ori woowo Dia fun Akalamagbo Ti yoo rojo nile aye Ti yoo jare orun Ebo ni won ni ko se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo 11

Irete okanran Ero Ipo, ero Ofa E wa ba ni laruuse ogun Translation Eji woowo, ori woowo (name of an Awo) Cast Ifa for Akalamagbo The one that narrate his side of the story on earth And would be vindicated by the heavens He was advised to offer ebo He complied Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns Come and meet us in a successful offering for all-round success 17. Ifa advises you to offer ebo against the onslaught (ataque violento) of the negative forces, especially the Elders of the night. Ifa also advises you against taking any action that may lead to confrontation with the Elders of the night. In order to avert their onslaught, there is the need for you to offer ebo with three roosters, three hens, three bottles of palm-oil, and money. You also need to offer ipese for the Elders of the night with two big rats, 20 kolanuts, 20 bitter kola and palm oil. On this, Ifa says: Irete kanlu Awo ile Onifeeji Dia fun won nile e Liki Nijo ajogun eleye ka won mole pitipiti Ebo ni won ni ki won se Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo Ko pe, ko jinna E wa ba ni laruuse ogun Translation Irete kanlu, the resident Awo of Onifeeji household He cast Ifa for the inhabitants of Liki land When they were attacked by the negative forces They were advised to offer ebo They complied Not too long, soon after Come and meet us in triumphant offering 18. Ifa advises you to offer ebo for victory. Ifa says that you are about to embark upon a task or journey which may prove difficult to achieve. Ifa advises you to offer ebo in order to be able to accomplish such task/journey. There is also the need for you to propitiate Ogun with a dog and he-goat. The ebo materials include 3 roosters, 3 hens and money. On this, Ifa says: Irete kanlu Awo ile Onifeeji 12

Irete okanran Dia fun Ogun onija oole Ejemu oluwonran Otele girigiri rebi ija Igbati n gbogun lo ilu Ejigbomekun Eseji Ebo ni won ni ko se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Ko si Orisa to le pe t’Ogun o si Ogun koo b’owo fun mi l’oko l’odo Translation Irete kanlu, the resident Awo of Onifeeji He cast Ifa for Ogun onija oole Ejemu olumonran The one that marches forcefully to the battle front When he was waging war against the Land of Ejigbomekun Esegi He was advised to offer ebo He complied There is no divinity that can ignore Ogun Ogun, please spread your armor of protection over me at the farm and the stream 19. Ifa says that there is a particular woman very close to you who is longing for the fruit of the womb. Ifa advises such a woman to offer ebo and propitiate Osun in order to receive the blessing of the fruit of the womb. The materials for ebo include 2 adie agada (the hen with its wings and legs tied), 2 pigeons, fried bean cake, yanrin vegetable, tete vegetable, prawn, ebolo vegetable, roasted meat and money. On this, ifa says: Kike owo n o yowo Aike owo n o yowo Dia fun Iworo Orisa Ti n tori omo ree da’de Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo E ki yeye e mi o, afide re’mo Yeye e mi o, afide re’mo Translation Kike owo n o yowo names of Awo Aike owo n o yowo They cast Ifa for Orisa high priest Who went to feed the brass ornaments of Osun because of child bearing She was advised to offer ebo 13

Irete okanran She complied Let’s praise my mother, the one who uses Brass ornaments to placate her children. 20.

Ifa assures you of its support and assistance in attaining your heart’s desires, more so that you have undergone Itenifa. Ifa advocates your total commitment and devotion to the service of Ifa and humanity. Ifa will in turn provide you with divine blessing, which will bring forth success and prosperity to you. You are however advised to offer ebo for Ifa’s support and blessings and always propitiate Ifa at all times. The ebo materials include 4 roosters, 4 hens, native white chalk, camwood, hoe (azadon), cutlass (daga o machete o espada curva) and money. On this, Ifa says: Irete kanlu Awo, ile Onifeeji Ojumo mo, mo gb’owo o temi Dia fun Orunmila Yoo f’owo irukere le gbogbo Omo re lowo Ebo ni won ni ko waa se Owo irukere l’awa nse e la nile e wa Translation Irete kanlu (okanran), the resident Awo of Onifeeji household The day has dawned for me to embark upon my business This was the Ifa cast for Orunmila When he handed over the business Of irukere (Ifa spiritual job) to all his children He was advised to offer ebo Ifa spiritual job is what we engage in our household that makes us prosperous

21. Ifa advises you to always show appreciation for any good deed or kindness shown towards you. Ifa warns you against any show of ingratitude to those who have at one time or the other rendered help to you in order not to suffer unpleasant consequences. On the other hand, Ifa says that those who conspire against you in a bid to repay your good deed with evil will meet their waterloo. Ifa says that any act of ingratitude either on your part or on the part of your detractors will not go unpunished. The only alternative is for one to desist from such act and offer the following materials for ebo: three roasters, three he goats and money. On this, Ifa says: Adegbo o sa’gi Atona sa yepe Dia fun Atiro, Ti nsawo lo s’ode Ogele Ebo ni won ni o waa se Nje Ogele, ka sai kun kan odo, Ogele, 14

Irete okanran Ogele, kasai tu kan’ do, ogele Translation To enter the forest and use the cutlass to strike the tree for one to be noticed To gather the sand on the road in order to imprint Odu Ifa These were Ifa’s declarations to Atiro When going on spiritual expedition to the land of Ogele He was advised to offer ebo He complied 22. Ifa foresees ire of longevity for you. Ifa says that attempts are being made on your life by those whom you thought are your friends, but unfortunately, they are enemies. Ifa however warns you to beware of your movements, especially when it comes to changing your place of abode. Ifa says that all the evil plans of the enemies shall come to naught and your life shall be spared. You are however advised to offer ebo with a matured he goat and money. On this: Kagba-kagba karan-karan Dia fun Olofin Ti won nf’ojo iku re da ireni piiti Ebo ni won ni ko wa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Ko pe, ko jinna E wa ba ni laruuse ogun Translation Kagba-kagba karan-karan He cast Ifa for Olofin The one whose days on earth are being numbered He was advised to offer ebo He complied Soon after Come and join us where we triumph with the aid of ebo 23. Ifa says that there is a particular pregnant woman who has been blessed for safe delivery. Ifa says that the child in her womb is destined to be counted among the movers and shakers of the society. Therefore, the woman is advised to offer an all-encompassing ebo (ebo para todo o que abarque todo). On this, Ifa says: Ikun o so Afe o w’aran Ilepa dodo se daarin igbe Dia fun Kobi Ti nlo ile Oyo loo s’aremo f’oba 15

Irete okanran Ebo ni won ni o waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Riru ebo nii gbe’ni Airu kii gbeniyan Ko pe, ko jinna E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire Translation The squirrel does not burrow the soil Afe (a kind of rat) does not dig the ground How come that fresh soil is noticed in the forest? This was the declaration of Ifa to Kobi When going to Oyo town to become the crown Prince He was advised to offer ebo He complied Compliance to the advice is supportive Non-compliance is not Not too long and soon after Come and meet us in abundant ire 24. Ifa says that you need to beware of a situation where your belongings (pertenencias) will be subjected to incessant pilfering (robos constantes). In this wise, you are advised to offer ebo against such an incident with 3 roosters and money. On this, Ifa says: Ona to taara ma ya Dia fun Igba Esinsin Eyi ti o ni ri igba egbo loju Ebo ni won ni o se O gbebo, o rubo Translation A straight and unbending road (alias of an Awo) Cast Ifa for 200 houseflies That cannot sight a sore without perching on it They were advised to offer ebo They complied 25. Ifa says that it foresees ire of all good things of life for you. This ire, according to this Odu lies at the feet of Obatala. Therefore, there is the need for you to be more devoted to Obatala, propitiate him with 16 snails and make a light for Obatala for seven days. By so doing, all the great things of life shall be yours and your life shall be blissful. On this, Ifa says: Ka ba ninu igbo bii wipe enikan 16

Irete okanran Ko ri ni Ka lugbin meji-meji f’Oosa Nitori ko baa le dun Nitori ko baa le yon ‘ni Ka m’agogo meji-meji ka fi b’abe aso To ba kan’ra won A maa ro kangogo-kangogo Dia fun Adimu Omo atanna ire f’Oosa riwa Ebo ni won ni o waa se O gbebo, o rubo Adimu ntanna sile Adimu n tanna sona Ina rere l’Adimu-n tan Translation To crouch in the forest in a way that looks like we are out of sight To beat Igbin drum twice for Orisa in a way to make it sound pleasantly And to give us satisfaction To conceal two gongs under the garment If they touch each other They will make a rhythmic sound These were Ifa’s declarations to Adimu The one that would kindle a light for Obatala in order to actualize his destiny He was advised to offer ebo He complied Adimu has kindled light inside And has kindled light on the road It is the light of success that Adimu has kindled. 26. Ifa foresees ire of childbearing for you. What this means in essence is that you will be blessed with a child (boy) who will grow up to be strong and courageous. Ifa says that such child, when grown up, will be prominent and well respected in the society. Ifa says that if you already have a son, you can inquire from Ifa if he is the one Ifa is referring to. However, there is the need for you to offer ebo with four pigeons, four hens, four roosters, plenty bitter kola and money. You also need to propitiate Sango. On this, ifa says: Igi nlanla subu, ilepa a ree too Dia fun omo-lile (Sango) Ti ntorun bo waye Ebo ni won ni o waa se O gbebo, o rubo Ko pe, ko jinna, E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire


Irete okanran Translation A big tree falls and the red sand under its root accompanied it (alias of Awo) He cast Ifa for Omo-lile (Sango) When coming from heaven to earth He was advised to offer ebo He complied Not too long, soon after Come and join us in abundant ire 27. Ifa says that there is a particular woman who is looking on to God for the fruit of the womb. He says that this woman had already lost hope of having a child that would succeed her and of whom she will bequeath her belonging to whenever she dies. Ifa assures her not to despair, she should be hopeful that her prayers shall be answered. However, there is the need for her to offer ebo with a mother hen, eight snails and money. She also needs to propitiate Ifa and Obatala with snails. On this, Ifa says: Okanran o kagba Dia fun Bamgbala, omo Orisa Igba to nmomi oju sungbere omo Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gbebo, o rubo Nje tani yoo bami gb’alaa temi Omo eni, kasai ba ni gb’ala Translation Okanran o kagba (Name of Awo) He cast ifa for Bamgbala, the child of Orisa When she was lamenting her inability to bear a child She was advised to offer ebo She complied Who will help carry on my legacy One’s child will surely carry on one’s legacy 28. Ifa advises you to offer ebo against ailment of the stomach and internal organs. Ifa says that this ailment is such that may lead to the swelling of the stomach and may cause discomfort. However, you are advised to offer ebo in order to avert this ailment with a matured he goat and money. All the internal organs of the he-goat will be offered to the Elders of the Night. On this, Ifa says: Irete ni nlaran lodo Enikan o gbo Dia fun Afiyede Won ni ko rubo nitori arun inu Bi irete ba nyaran bi ko yaran 18

Irete okanran E wo inu Afiyede bo se wu tutu Translation Irete beats aran drum at the stream But it is to nobody’s hearing This was the ifa’s message for Afiyede She was advised to offer ebo against internal organs ailment If irete beats aran drum or not Let’s behold the swollen stomach of Afiyede 29. Ifa advises you to be more devoted to Obatala so that he can assist you in shaping your life for the better. Ifa says that Obatala is one of your principal affiliated Irunmole that you need to be propitiating at all times. By so doing, Obatala will open the door of opportunities for you to achieve your heart’s desires. However, you need to inquire from ifa what will be needed to propitiate Obatala. On this, Ifa says: Irete nkagba Irete n karan Dia fun Oosanla Oseeremagbo Eyi to nlo ree daja omo werere Ebo ni won ni o waa se O gbebo, o rubo Nje eru wa ni o, atakoriko yeepa Baba igbo, yeepa baba Igbo Ewo ohun t’Obalala bun mi Nkan rigisa Translation Irete nkagba Names of Irete nkaran Awo They cast ifa for Oosanla Oseeremagbo When going to create child bearing opportunities He was advised to offer ebo He complied Your subjects pay homage Baba igbo (Obatala) Come and behold what Obatala has given to me as gift Something big and special 30. Ifa says that you need to be more concerned in skill acquisition and knowledge and be more dedicated to ifa. Ifa says that you will be elevated to exalted position and all your adversities shall be a thing of past. Ifa however advises you to offer ebo with two rats, two fish, she-goat. There is also the need to propitiate ifa as well. On this, Ifa says:


Irete okanran Ajangila awo ikogbusi Dia fun Eleju lese idoko Omo ode tii to awo Nijo ti n be laarin iponju Won ni o rubo Odun yii l’odun ola re pe B’eru ba kofa A soro, a si domo B’omo ba kofa A joye, a si doba Translation Ajangila, the Awo of ikogbusi cast ifa for Eleju lese idoko The offspring of a hunter who wraps leather on himself When he was in the midst of adversities He was advised to offer ebo That year is his year of prosperity He complied When a slave learns and become knowledgeable in ifa, He becomes recognized and well respected among the freeborn When a freeborn learns ifa He will be bestowed with a title and become a king 31. Ifa advises you to offer ebo in order to avert illness that may render you to become bedridden (contra enfermedad que te tenga en cama y que todolo que hayas hecho no haya dado resultado). Ifa says that you should always take cognizance of the maintenance of sound health. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one matured he-goat, your dress, a drum and money. Ifa says that the drum will be beaten during the process of offering the ebo until the drum tears (haga pedazos o se rasgue). Ifa says that you will enjoy sound health. On this, Ifa says: Awo felefele oju agba Dia fun Olofin A s’aran ma dide Nijo ti nsogboogbo arun Ti ntara kaka ati dide Ebo ni won ni o waa se O gbebo, o rubo Nigba ti irete nsaran Ara nse Olofin lagbala ni Igba irete nyaran Ara Olofin wa le koko Translation Awo felefele oju agba (Name of Awo) 20

Irete okanran He cast ifa for Olofin The one who makes a drum while in sickness He was suffering in ailments He was advised to offer ebo He complied When Irete was making the drum Olofin was sick and bedridden But when Olofin tore the drum Olofin became hale and hearty 32.

Ifa says that you have a high propensity to succeed but there is the need for you to offer ebo against loss of material possession. You are also advised to be very careful in order to avoid anything that may lead to fire outbreak, which may cause the loss of your possession. However, you need to offer a matured he-goat, palm-oil (the left over) and money. You also need to propitiate Esu with a rooster and to propitiate ifa. On this, Ifa says: Ka gbele birikiti ka fi ke ‘fa O wale koto koto mu se ase Awo Aayan lo difa fun Aayan Di a fun Alaamu Dia fun Ekute Dia fun Eera-o-dagba tii se omo ikeyin won Nijo to awon mereerin nsawo lo sile Olofin Won ni odun yii l’odun ola Olofin pe Aayan ni ki Olofin fi ade ori re rubo Alaamu ni ki Olofin fi ileke orun re rubo Ekute ni ki Olofin fi aso ara re rubo Eera ni bi Olofin rubo aje bi ko rubo Aje Yoo l’aje Sugbon ko rubo ofo Epo ajeku ile e re lebo O gbebo, o rubo Won ni eyin o mo pe Eera o dagba lo kere Ifa o kere lorun Translation Let us sweep the floor clean in order to befit ifa (Alias) He who digs the ground to start a building foundation (Alias) They were one Awo who cast ifa for Aayan, the Cockroach They cast ifa for Alaamu, the Lizard They cast ifa for Ekute, the Rat And also cast ifa for Eera o dagba, the Ant Who was the last of them all When these four Awo were going on 21

Irete okanran Spiritual expedition to the palace of Olofin They told Olofin that this year was his year of prosperity Aayan advised Olofin to offer ebo with his crown Alaamu advised Olofin to offer ebo with his royal beads Ekute advised Olofin to offer ebo with his royal clothes Eera says that Olofin will be prosperous whether he offers ebo or not But advised him to offer ebo against loss That the left over palm-oil in his house is the material for ebo He complied They declared that although Eera o dagba is small and insignificant Ifa is not without its greatness in heaven Certainty ifa is not insignificant. In the stanza above, Olofin did not regard Eera-o-dagba’s advice as significant because of what he advised him to procure for ebo. All the other three Awo requested for greater materials such as crown, beads and clothes but Eera-o-dagba only requested for left over palm-oil. While the ebo was going on, a fire outbreak occurred somewhere within Olofin’s palace. It resulted to a terrible inferno which engulfed even Aayan, Alaamu and Ekute. Olofin was rescued and he survived the incident. Eera-o-dagba also managed to escape unhurt. When Olofin saw all these, he regretted ever regarding Eera-o-dagba’s advice as insignificant. He then declared that even though Eera-odagba is small but his knowledge in ifa is great and significant. Affiliated Orisa/Irunmole of Irete-Okanran 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Ifa Odu Ori Esu Odara Obatala Ogun Osun Sango Egbe Egungun

Taboos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Must avoid going into confrontation with the Elders of the night. Must not engage in any profession that requires soil excavation Must never conspire against others Must not wear red, black and multi-coloured dresses Must never underestimate anyone, no matter how insignificant such person may look Must never pay goodness with evil or ingratitude Must never consume palm wine

Possible Names Of Irete Okanran 22

Irete okanran 1. 2. 3.

Fagbamila Bamgbala Fadamilare

The possible professions for Irete-Okanran children are: 1. Priesthood 2. Legal Practitioner 3. Medical 4. Military 5. Public relation 6. Building and construction work