Introduction To Avid Media Composer - First 2018.12.2 [PDF]

Introduction to Avid Media Composer | First© Steve Mullen Ph.D. Be immediately productive using your Premiere, Final

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Introduction To Avid Media Composer - First 2018.12.2 [PDF]

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Introduction to Avid Media Composer | First©

Steve Mullen


Be immediately productive using your Premiere, Final Cut Pro, Vegas, Edius, and Lightworks editing skills. Digital Video Consulting

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


My review of Media Composer | First is published in TheBroadcastBridge: Section I provides my MCF tutorial. Section II provides information to setup Media Composer’s Windows, Workspaces, and Toolbars. These modifications were developed to support a workflow I developed long ago to efficiently teach Media Composer to editors who have used other editing systems. My workflow avoids, as much as possible, Avid unique concepts and terminology created in the late `80s. Avid’s workflow is the outcome of their effort to create a single product that could be used by both film editors and videotape editors. Today we would call it a “mash-up” of concepts pulled from two quite distinct types of editing. The Avid solution employs “red tools” to support videotape-like editing and “yellow tools” to support film-like editing. An example of a yellow tool is “Splice-in.” Today we edit neither tape or film. In a world of “bits,” it’s more logical to define these tools by what they “do.” Yellow tools support ripple edits while the red tools support non-ripple edits. (Ripple means clips to right of an insert or delete slide right or left, respectively.) If you have experience with other editing systems, you have employed these actions although you may have learned product specific terms for them. Section III provides information on correctly using the Media Composer | First Settings menu. Section II and Section III should be used consecutively before trying to perform any editing and should need to be used only once. After Section II and III you’ll find More Media Composer | First. Consult this additional material as needed. Skip to Table of Contents None of the YouTube MCF tutorials are of value, so here are far better MC tutorials: #1 #2 #3 #4

Copywrite 5/11/2019 5:54 PM Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Media Composer | First Notes •

MCF can import audio (16- or 24-bit at up to 96kHz) WAV files. Pro Tools | First can export these files. MCF can export audio-only (WAV) files. You can import these files into Pro Tools | First.

MCF supports XAVC-S and 10-bit DPX media.

AVCHD files with AC-3 audio are not supported by MCF. I use the Window’s OSBytes ( application to batch convert .MTS files to ProRes files with 48kHz PCM audio. You also have the option of converting AC-3 audio to PCM and passing video through myFFmpeg unchanged. See Appendix B. For OS X, see:

MCF 2018.12.3, runs under the 64-bit Home, Creators, Professional, and Enterprise versions of Windows 10. I strongly advise Windows 10 for any computer you believe capable of running MCF.

MCF 2018.12.3, runs under MacOS 10.12.6 (Sierra), 10.13.6 (High Sierra), and 10.14.3 (Mojave). I strongly advise not using any version of MacOS that has not reached a 10.#.5 release.

An NVidia GTX-1080/70/60 full-size card or chip is supported as a GPU, but not for decodes or encodes.

Decodes and encodes are multi-threaded therefore your computer should have a CPU that has at least four cores and supports Hyper Threading, e.g., an Intel i7 or i9. (H.264 is slow to encode.)

Even with today’s powerful computers, frames may be dropped because complex transitions and video filters are employed; because many streams of video play simultaneously, because high-resolution video is used, and because media files are difficult to decode/decompress. Therefore, you may need to select one of the lower quality (i.e., lower image resolution) playback modes. At the bottom of a Timeline window there is a clickable indicator that defines Playback Quality. The higher the Playback Quality the greater likelyhood frames may be dropped. By default it is set to Yellow/Green: Medium-Resolution Draft.

Medium-resolution Draft: 50% of the rows and 50% of the lines are employed.

For more information, read Appendix A. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


A more powerful way to prevent dropped frames is to render effects and even portions of the Timeline. Avid calls these renders “Precomputes.” To save computer disk space it often makes sense to employ low DNxHD data-rates to create Draft Precomputes. Sections of a Timeline that have been precomputed can be employed for immediate preview playback. (H.264 is never used for Precomputes.) A solution that prevents any concern over precomputed segments being used during a Project export requires you to manually delete all Precomputes prior to an export. This procedure is described by the Delete Precomputes section within Appendix A. MCF supports both audio and video “mixdowns” where a portion or an entire sequence containing effects is rendered to a new stream of video and/or audio. All mixdowns used in MCF should be done at the highest DNxHD data-rate offered. (H.264 is never used for mixdowns.) •

When a Project is finished, you’ll want to purge all files associated with it. This procedure is described by the Purge All Files section within Appendix A.

When a Project is finished, delete the specific Project folder—under your name— within MCF’s Avid Projects folder: C:\Users\UserName\Documents\MC First Avid Projects\your_Avid_name\Project_folder Users/UserName/Documents/MC First Avid Projects/your_Avid_name/Project_folder

To clear all files, follow the instructions at: Force Delete Media Files.

MC1 Keyboard after modification for tutorial.

Editing Action Pattern 1. Think Vertically: Select Record tracks with to be edited content. Unselect all other tracks. 2. Think Horizontally: In Record tracks, select portion of Timeline with media to be edited. 3. Perform Edit.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Table of Contents Media Composer | First Notes ................................................................................................................ 3

Table of Contents........................................................................................................ 5 Conditions of Use................................................................................................................................. 10

Section I: First—for Story Tellers ............................................................................ 11 Windows/MacOS Modifier Keys ........................................................................................................... 14

Media Composer Setup ............................................................................................ 15 Initial Composer Windows .................................................................................................................... 16

Input Your Media Files .............................................................................................. 18 Linking to Files ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Always try first to Link to media files. .......................................................................................... 18 Link Files.............................................................................................................................................. 19 Define Link Project ............................................................................................................................... 21 Import Files .......................................................................................................................................... 29 Additional Imports ................................................................................................................................ 35

Working with Bins..................................................................................................... 38 Create a Bin ......................................................................................................................................... 38 Open a Bin ........................................................................................................................................... 38 Bin Modes ............................................................................................................................................ 38 Bin Headings ....................................................................................................................................... 40 Bin Objects .......................................................................................................................................... 40 Make a Subclip .................................................................................................................................... 42 Delete Clip or Subclip........................................................................................................................... 42 Make a Freeze Frame .......................................................................................................................... 43 Clean-up a Bin ..................................................................................................................................... 45 Close a Bin .......................................................................................................................................... 45 Delete a Bin ......................................................................................................................................... 45

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Working with a Sequence......................................................................................... 46 Open a Sequence ................................................................................................................................ 46 Delete a Sequence .............................................................................................................................. 46 Delete a Project ................................................................................................................................... 46 Position Indicator (PI) ........................................................................................................................... 46 Timeline Setup ..................................................................................................................................... 47 Timeline Scaling................................................................................................................................... 48 Composer Time Readouts ................................................................................................................... 48 Video and Audio Source Track Selection ............................................................................................. 49 Video Record Track Control ................................................................................................................. 50 Audio Record Track Control ................................................................................................................. 51 Audio Mono/Stereo Flag ...................................................................................................................... 52 Video Track Monitoring ........................................................................................................................ 53 Add a Record Track ............................................................................................................................. 54 Delete a Record Track ......................................................................................................................... 54 Enlarge or Reduce Track Height .......................................................................................................... 54 Common Shortcut Keys ....................................................................................................................... 55 Source Monitor Transport Controls ...................................................................................................... 56 View Clip in Source Monitor ................................................................................................................. 56 Source Monitor Playback ..................................................................................................................... 57

Timeline Add/Remove Clips ..................................................................................... 58 Trim Clip in Source Monitor .................................................................................................................. 58 Insert Trimmed Clip to a Timeline......................................................................................................... 59 Drag Clips to Timeline .......................................................................................................................... 61 Insert Black .......................................................................................................................................... 62 Insert Behavior ..................................................................................................................................... 63 Delete Clip ........................................................................................................................................... 65 Delete Black Filler ................................................................................................................................ 65 Non-ripple Remove Clip ....................................................................................................................... 66 3-point Edit: Video/Audio Insert ............................................................................................................ 67 3-point Edit: Add Video Layer (cutaway) .............................................................................................. 68 3-point Edit: Add Audio Layer............................................................................................................... 70 Source Duration Defined Insert/Addition .............................................................................................. 72

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Timeline Actions ....................................................................................................... 73 Record Monitor Transport Control ........................................................................................................ 73 View in Record Monitor ........................................................................................................................ 73 Record Monitor Playback ..................................................................................................................... 74 Timeline Events ................................................................................................................................... 75 Go to Previous Event ........................................................................................................................... 76 Go to Next Event.................................................................................................................................. 76 Timeline Gaps ...................................................................................................................................... 77 Record Track Locking .......................................................................................................................... 79 Record Track Sync Lock ...................................................................................................................... 80

Move and Copy Clips ................................................................................................ 82 Move Clip ............................................................................................................................................. 82 Copy Clip ............................................................................................................................................. 84 Clipboard Move Clip ............................................................................................................................. 85 Insert Clipboard Contents into Timeline ............................................................................................... 85 Insert Clipboard Contents to Specific Timeline Tracks ......................................................................... 86

Timeline Trimming .................................................................................................... 88 Top (Head) Trim................................................................................................................................... 88 Tail Trim ............................................................................................................................................... 89 Trim Tool: Previous or Next Initiated .................................................................................................... 90 Trim Clips............................................................................................................................................. 91 Trim Incoming Edge with Ripple ........................................................................................................... 93 Trim Outgoing Edge with Ripple ........................................................................................................... 95 Trim Incoming Edge without Ripple ...................................................................................................... 97 Trim Outgoing Edge without Ripple ...................................................................................................... 99 Real-time Ripple Trim ........................................................................................................................ 101 Create a J-cut .................................................................................................................................... 103 Create an L-cut .................................................................................................................................. 104 Add Edit/Split Clip .............................................................................................................................. 105

Color Correction ..................................................................................................... 106 Save a Correction .............................................................................................................................. 110 Paste a Correction ............................................................................................................................. 110 Save a Correction Effect to a Bin ....................................................................................................... 111 Skip to a Previous or Next Correction ................................................................................................ 111 Modify a Correction ............................................................................................................................ 112 Delete a Correction ............................................................................................................................ 112 Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Apply Effects to Clips ............................................................................................. 113 Modify an Effect ................................................................................................................................. 116 Apply LUT to LOG footage ................................................................................................................. 117 Delete an Effect ................................................................................................................................. 118

Apply Video/Audio Transitions .............................................................................. 119 Apply Transition ................................................................................................................................. 119 Fade-in Transition .............................................................................................................................. 121 Fade-out Transition ............................................................................................................................ 121 Replace a Transition .......................................................................................................................... 122 Remove a Transition .......................................................................................................................... 122

Quick Fades ............................................................................................................ 123 Apply Quick Fade-in ........................................................................................................................... 123 Apply Quick Fade-out......................................................................................................................... 124 Remove a Quick Fade-in ................................................................................................................... 125 Remove a Quick Fade-out ................................................................................................................. 125

Edit Audio ................................................................................................................ 126 Audio Track Control Panel ................................................................................................................. 126 Audio Trimming .................................................................................................................................. 127 Quick Adjust Clip Audio Level ............................................................................................................ 128 Rubberband Audio Gain..................................................................................................................... 128 Audio Edit Tool................................................................................................................................... 131 Audio Mixer ........................................................................................................................................ 132 3-band EQ ......................................................................................................................................... 133 Save an EQ ....................................................................................................................................... 134 Apply a Saved EQ .............................................................................................................................. 134 Delete EQ .......................................................................................................................................... 134

Add Title to Timeline ............................................................................................... 135 Modify a Title ..................................................................................................................................... 137

Publish To ............................................................................................................... 138 Export a DNxHD file ........................................................................................................................... 139 Export an H.264 file ........................................................................................................................... 140 Export a WAV file ............................................................................................................................... 140

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Section II: Setting-up Media Composer................................................................. 141 Setup Composer Monitors and Timeline Toolbar ............................................................................... 141 Setup Workspaces ............................................................................................................................. 144 Source/Recording (SE) Workspace.................................................................................................... 144 Color Correction (CC) Workspace ...................................................................................................... 145 Effects Editor (EE) Workspace ........................................................................................................... 146 Audio Effects (AE) Workspace ........................................................................................................... 147

Section III: Composer Settings .............................................................................. 149 More Media Composer | First ................................................................................. 157 For Film Makers: Break a Film Clip into Shots.................................................................................... 157 For Film Makers: an Alternate Way to Create an Edit ......................................................................... 159 Speed-up Your Edit: Heads or Heads-Tails View ............................................................................... 160 Relink Clips After Files Have Been Moved ......................................................................................... 161 Align “Separate System” Audio .......................................................................................................... 162 Accidental Press of Delete Key in a Timeline ..................................................................................... 163 Eliminate Unwanted Fractional (V#.#) Track ...................................................................................... 163 Lasso Trim ......................................................................................................................................... 164 Setting Transition Color...................................................................................................................... 167 Apply an Effect to Multiple Clips Within a Sequence .......................................................................... 168 Apply an Effect to Multiple Transitions ............................................................................................... 169 Add Keyframed Effects ...................................................................................................................... 170 Add Additional Filters to a Clip ........................................................................................................... 173 Modify/Replace a Nested Effect ......................................................................................................... 177 Delete a Nested Effect ....................................................................................................................... 180 Color Correct Log footage .................................................................................................................. 183 Apply AudioSuite Effects to Clips ....................................................................................................... 185 Zoom or Pan/Scan UHD Media .......................................................................................................... 187 Working with NTSC and PAL DV Files ............................................................................................... 194 Working with Interlaced Files ............................................................................................................. 200 Apply Widescreen Mask to Timeline .................................................................................................. 209 Edit Smartphone Video ...................................................................................................................... 213 Slip..................................................................................................................................................... 214 Slide ................................................................................................................................................... 216

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Appendix A: Rendering FX ..................................................................................... 218 Delete Precomputes or Purge All Files ............................................................................................... 220 Force Delete Media Files ................................................................................................................... 224 Locate the Avid MediaFiles folder that MCF is using. ............................................................... 224 Clear folders that accumulate files overtime ....................................................................................... 226

Appendix B: MyFFmpeg for Windows ................................................................... 227 Appendix C: Shuttle Trim Settings ........................................................................ 231 Settings for Contour Shuttle Pro v2 .................................................................................................... 231

Appendix D: Uncompressed Export ...................................................................... 232 Comments, corrections, or suggestions please contact me at: [email protected]


Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Section I: First—for Story Tellers Download: Media Composer First Editing Guide and Media Composer Effects and CC Guide. Media Composer | First’s export capability is limited to SD and HD DNxHD and H.264. DNxHD, not H.264, should be used for upload to YouTube and Vimeo. An H.264 export should only be used when a movie must be played on a computer that does not have DNxHD or ProRes playback capability. At a film festival, for example.

When looking for help, remember Avid’s First forum ( is separate from the paid Media Composer form.

Download Media Composer | First from: Install MCF by following the installer prompts. Launch Media Composer | First. Upon launching MCF, you may be told you must start Avid Link and sign-in—which means you must be connected to the Internet. You only need to be connected to the Internet while you sign-in.

Right-click on Avid Link and select Sign Out. Right-click on Avid Link and select Sign In.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Select Products to view information about Avid products you are able to use.

You can see the current version of each product. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


When a new version of an application becomes available, “No Update” will change to “Update” or “Download.” After clicking either, you’ll see Downloading… followed by Extracting….

When you see Installing… click on your OS’s application installer (which may be hidden under Avid Link) and follow its prompts. You may need to restart your system. Drag the MCF application to the “dock.” To start MCF, click the application or start Avid Link and under Products, click its Open button.

If necessary, Quit the Avid Background Services Manager application.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


I recommend a 2560x1440 computer display plus a “mirrored” high-quality 1920x1080 HD monitor. The mirrored HD monitor should be connected to your computer via HDMI. When you want to see either the Source or Record window full-screen, first click in the Composer monitor you want to view. (Press apostrophe.) Then click the Record Monitor’s Go to Start button.

Now click the Full Screen Playback button between the Composer’s yellow and red buttons.

To start playback, press the spacebar. You can stop and start playback by pressing the spacebar. To exit from Full Screen Playback, click anywhere on your computer’s display.

Windows/MacOS Modifier Keys •

In this tutorial, Modifier keys: Windows combinations will be blue while OS X will be green.

• Right-click operations bring-up a list of commands. right-click, right-click, Control+click, Command+click, ALT/Option, or two-finger tap.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Media Composer Setup When MCF starts, you’ll see this screen. •

You can create a new project and name it.

You can open an existing project by simply double-clicking its name.

To quit First, issue the File > Exit command. Then click the Leave button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Initial Composer Windows Toolbar and Composer buttons are typically from the 8.9.4 version. Whether you create or open a project, you’ll see an arrangement of Composer windows. I positioned the Project Window (gray) into the upper-left corner. The initial Bin (blue) has both a Sequences tab and a Clips tab. I positioned the Sequences/Clips Bin to the right of the Project Window. Next, the Clips tab was dragged from the Sequences/Clips Bin. The Clips Bin (green background) was then positioned below the Project Window and the Sequences Bin. A second Bin was created using the New Bin button in the Project Window. It was positioned below the first Clips Bin. It has a gray background.

Bins—one in Script view and the other in Frame view

Script View Text View Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen

Frame (thumbnail) View 16

When you have a computer display that has a resolution lower than 2560x1440 you may need to create window arrangement that fit as best as possible on your computer’s display. Below, an arrangement created for a 1920-pixel wide display. Lower resolutions will likely not work because the Toolbars will have too few “button positions.”

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Input Your Media Files Linking to Files Always try first to Link to media files. •

Link creates a connection to MOV, MP4, MTS, MXF, WAV, and 10-bit DPX files. Not all codecs can be Liked to; for example, H.265. (Download Avidemux from and use it to convert H.265 files to H.264 files. This free tool can perform many useful tasks beyond conversion.)

Link can save you lots of time because, unlike Import, the format your camera shot is not transcoded (converted) to a less compressed format.

Link does not require additional storage space because the original file is not transcoded to a new much larger (less compressed) file.

A UHD (3840x2160) file will remain a UHD file.

2K and 4K media will be cropped to 1920x1080 and 3840x2160, respectively.

When you create a new Project, if you click on the Format tab in the Project Window you will see the Resolution and Frame-rate of the Project.

These settings likely are not those you want for your Project. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Link Files Click the Record Monitor’s SB (Source Browser) button. Click the Link Mode (blue) button—blue circle. Arrange the Source Browser as shown below and, if necessary, to see all settings, click the tiny arrow so it points downward.

Make these Browser settings—green circle. Select the Target Bin which will hold linked clips—orange circle.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


If your camera captured stereo audio, click the Browser’s Gear icon—red circle.

Click Edit… button.

Drag the pull-down under A1 A2 to select Stereo.

Click OK.

Click OK.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Locate media using the Source Browser. You can preview a clip in the Source Monitor by double-clicking the clip. Select the desired media files and click the Link button—white circle. During a Link input, you may see this error message.

Click Yes to All or Yes and the media will be Imported. Otherwise, the selected Media file(s) to be linked to MCF. Close the Source Browser.

Define Link Project Drag a clip into the Timeline. When this clip’s Resolution and/or Frame-rate are different than the current Project’s Resolution and/or Frame-rate, a dialog box will open. This choice will only be presented once for a new project You now have the opportunity to set the desired Project Resolution (called “Raster” in the late`80s) and Frame-rate (called “Edit rate” in the late `80s). Selecting “SD” will set the Project to a 4:3 aspect-ratio. Select Frame-rate.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Select “HD 720” to set the Project to a 16:9 aspect-ratio. Select Frame-rate.

Selecting “HD 1080” will set the Project to a 16:9 aspect-ratio. Select Frame-rate.

Click OK when Project Properties are correct.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


When you click on the Format tab in the Project Window you will see the current correct Resolution and Frame-rate of your Project.

Next, you need to set the Compression (bit-rate) value to be applied to any media created while editing your Project. Issue the File > Media Creation Settings… command.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Select DNxHD Target Video Resolution: DNxHD 220 MXF. (Or, the highest bitrate DNxHD available.) When source files contain 10-bit data, select DNxHD 220 X MXF. MCF processes all data using 10-bits. Media Composer’s 16-bit option is missing. Select the Target Drive. Click OK. Next, set the Position Indicator at the beginning of the Timeline.

Play the Linked clip you dragged to the Timeline. If playback isn’t smooth, try again with the Timeline Quality Setting set to Low (yellow).

If you find image quality to be too poor, or playback still not smooth—which is likely to be the case with XAVC-S (AVC Long-GOP) media, you’ll want to transcode your Linked files to DNxHD. •

All 4K/UHD files will be downscaled to 1920x1080 when transcoded.

Click in the Bin that you want to receive the transcoded files. Next, select the clips you want to be transcoded. Right-click on one of them and select Transcode….

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Select DNxHD Target Video Resolution: DNxHD 220 MXF. (Or, the highest bitrate DNxHD codec available.) When source files contain 10-bit data, select DNxHD 220 X MXF. Select the Target Drive. Click Transcode.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Transcoding occurs very slowly even though all CPU cores are utilized. If you encounter this error message, click Exit Application.

You will be unable to transcode this media. You may be able to Import the media. The transcoded file(s) will be placed in the Bin you selected. Additional drive space will be required for the transcoded clips.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


When the transcoded clips arrive in the Bin, the original clips will still be selected.

Press delete to eliminate them from the Bin.

Note: Linked DPX files will appear as 10-bit RGB files as shown below.

RGB files may, however, not play or may not play smoothly. Therefore, drag the DPX file into an empty Timeline track. Next, video mixdown this track. The mixdown DNxHD 220 X MXF file will be placed in a Bin ready for use. Delete the original DPX file. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


MCF version 2018.9 offers a new codec option; DNxUncompressed 4:2:2 32-bit floating point. This is the highest quality codec offered by MCF or Media Composer. There is, of course, an enormous difference in the resulting file size.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Import Files •

When you shoot highly compressed HD and UHD formats based on the H.264 codec, iPhone and Android VFR (variable frame rate) clips, Photoshop files, MP3 audio files, employ computational heavy effects/filters, or do not have a fast computer, you may want to Import rather than Link to your media files.

Not all codecs can be imported.

Importing is a terribly slow process. Even if your computer has a powerful graphics card, MCF will only use the computer’s CPU. You may need to perform Imports overnight.

UHD (3840x2160) media will be down-scaled to HD (1920x1080).

2K and 4K media will be cropped and down-scaled to HD (1920x1080).

When you create a new Project, if you click on the Format tab in the Project Window you will see the Resolution and Frame-rate of your new Project.

These settings likely are not those you want for your Project. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click the Record Monitor’s SB (Source Browser) button.

Select a new Target Bin to hold imported clips—orange circle. Click the Import Mode (blue) button—blue circle. When this is your first-time bringing clips into a Project, you will see the following message.

You now can set the desired Project Resolution (called “Raster” in the late `80s) and Frame-rate (called “Edit rate” in the late `80s). This option will only be presented once for a new project

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Select “SD” to set the Project to a 4:3 aspect-ratio. Select Frame-rate.

Select “HD 720” to set the Project to a 16:9 aspect-ratio. Select Frame-rate.

Select “HD 1080” to set the Project to a 16:9 aspect-ratio. Select Frame-rate.

Click OK when Project Properties are correct.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


The Project Window’s format tab will now show the current correct settings.

You have now set the new Project’s Resolution and Frame-rate. Next, you need to set the Compression (bit-rate) value to be applied to any media created—including the import—while editing your Project. Arrange the Source Browser as shown below and, if necessary, to see all settings, click the tiny arrow so it points downward.

Make these Browser settings—green circle.

Set the Compression (bit-rate) value—yellow circle. Set the Target Drive—gray circle.

Select DNxHD Target Video Resolution: DNxHD 220 MXF. (Or, the highest bitrate DNxHD available.) When source files contain 10-bit data, select DNxHD 220 X MXF. MCF processes all data using 10-bits. Media Composer’s 16-bit option is missing.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Compression and Target Drive values you set in the Source Browser will be reflected in the Media Creation settings (File > Media Creation Settings… command). •

If your camera captured stereo audio, click the Browser’s Gear icon—red circle.

Click the Audio tab.

Check Automatically center pan monophonic clips.

Click the Edit… button.

Drag the pull-down under A1 A2 to select Stereo. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click OK.

Click OK.

Locate media using the Source Browser. You can preview a clip in the Source Monitor by double-clicking the clip. Select the desired media files and then click the Import button—white circle. During an Import you may receive this message:

Click OK. Next you will see this message:

Click No and input using Link. When all files have been imported, close the Source Browser window if it is open.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Additional Imports If you import files in more than one batch, each time you import, you can select a different Resolution (compression bitrate)—visible within the yellow circle on the Source Browser. If you select a different data-rate in the Source Browser (yellow circle), this message may be posted.

If necessary, click the lower-left blue button and choose desired option from the APPLY TO column, and click OK.

You can select a new Target Drive to hold imported clips—green circle. You can select a new Target Bin to hold imported clips—orange circle. The values you set in the Source Browser will be reflected in the Media Creation settings—yellow and green circles.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


If your camera captured stereo audio, click the Browser’s Gear icon—red circle.

Click the Audio tab.

Check Automatically center pan monophonic clips.

Click the Edit… button.

Drag the pull-down under A1 A2 to select Stereo.

Click OK.

Click OK.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Locate media using the Source Browser. You can preview a clip in the Source Monitor by double-clicking the clip. Select the desired media files and then click the Import button—white circle.

During an Import you may receive this message:

Click OK. Next you will see this message:

Click No and input using Link. When all files have been imported, close the Source Browser window if it is open.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Working with Bins Create a Bin Be sure the Bins tab is selected in the Project Window. Click the New Bin button. The new Bin will open. Where it opens and its size—on the first opening—is determined by Media Composer. You can resize and/or move it. From this point onward, each time you open this Bin it will open in the defined spot.

Open a Bin If you double-click a Bin in the Project Window, it will open. You can have multiple Bin windows open. This makes it possible to easily move clips and sequences from one Bin to another.

Bin Modes A Bin’s content can be presented three ways: as rows of text information (Text mode—next to the right-most icon at the bottom of a Bin); as thumbnails (Frame mode); or a Head frame plus the clip name and optional text (Script mode—the leftmost icon at the bottom of a Bin). Frame mode

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Text mode

Script mode

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Bin Headings Open a Bin in Text mode (next to right-most icon at the bottom of a Bin). Right-click in the Bin window and select the Choose Columns… option.

Select the headings you need, for example: Duration—Format—Video—Comments Click OK.

Bin Objects A Bin “object” can be an audio clip, a video clip, a title, graphic, a Sequence, or a Bin.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


You can select an object in a Bin by single-clicking it.

You can add objects to those selected by shift+clicking one or more of them.

You can lasso multiple objects visible within a Bin.

You can remove an object by selecting it and pressing delete.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Make a Subclip When a single clip holds multiple shots, you may want to create a subclip of each shot. With the Master clip in the Source Monitor, define a shot with a Mark-in { I } and Mark-out { O }. Now drag the tiny Create Subclip icon—located as shown below—into a Bin. It will automatically be tagged Sub Repeat for each shot.

Delete Clip or Subclip If you see shots that have no value, select them in their Bin(s) and press delete. This dialog box will appear.

Check the box. Click the OK button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Make a Freeze Frame Load a clip into the Source Monitor from a Bin. Cue the clip to the frame you want to freeze. Right-click in the Source Monitor and select Freeze Frame.

Select duration or Specify Duration …. Choose between: •

Using Both [weave] Fields: When no motion—will generate sharper look.

Using Interpolated Field [to a frame]: When motion—will generate a softer look.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


The frozen frame is in Source Monitor and a clip is placed the selected Bin. Clip name will include FF.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Clean-up a Bin Select Bin’s Frame icon. Right-click and select Fill Window

Close a Bin Close a Bin by selecting it and clicking the Close Window button.

Delete a Bin If the Project Window’s Trashcan is not visible, single-click the Bin you want to delete. Click on the FAST menu and select Delete Selected Bins. At this point the Trashcan will appear. The Bin you deleted will be in the Trash. •

From this point onward, you can simply drag a Bin to the Trash to delete it.

To empty the Trash, click on the Bin’s FAST menu and select Empty Trash.

After opening the Trashcan, you can drag a previously deleted Bin back to the project.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Working with a Sequence When you create a project, it will have a single Sequence whose thumbnail is in the Sequences (blue) Bin that is already open in the Timeline. To create a new Sequence, right-click in the Sequences Bin and select New Sequence and name it.

Open a Sequence Double-click a Sequence thumbnail. If you Open an alternate Sequence within a Project, the current Sequence’s Undo/Redo list will be erased. It will be empty if you return to the first Sequence.

Delete a Sequence Click a Sequence thumbnail. Press delete.

Delete a Project Projects are in this folder. C:\Users\UserName\Documents\MC First Avid Projects\your_Avid_name\Project_folder Users/UserName/Documents/MC First Avid Projects/your_Avid_name/Project_folder Delete the Project folder.

Position Indicator (PI) The blue Position Indicator shows where in the Timeline the frame you see in the Record Monitor is located. To quickly see a point in a Timeline, under the Record Monitor, drag the Position Indicator at the point. Or, or click the point where you want the PI.

To quickly see a point in a Timeline, drag the Position Indicator to the point. Or, or click the location where you want the Position Indicator.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen

O r , o r c


Timeline Setup With a Timeline open, click the Timeline’s FAST (hamburger-looking) button.

Select Audio Data and enable Volume. Disable Waveform. Set Sync Breaks to None.

RED ARROW: Check Effect Icons to see, within a track, an icon showing what effect has been applied.

BLUE ARROW: Check Clip Frames to see first frame of each clip.

GREEN ARROW: Set Show Adaptors set to None. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Timeline Scaling The Timeline scale controls are at the very bottom of the Timeline. The green circle has three controls within it. •

There is a slider that scales the Timeline. Slide left to horizontally compress a Timeline and to the right to expand a Timeline.

The left narrow button moves the slider to the left making the Timeline shrink in length.

The right button moves the slider to the right making the Timeline extend in length.

The light gray segment—if present—informs you of the portion of the Timeline you are seeing. You can move through the Timeline by moving the blue bar.

Composer Time Readouts •

Set Source Monitor: Source = Abs TC1

Middle value = Time between End of clip/Mark-out and Start of clip/Mark-in

Set Record Monitor: Sequence = Abs TC1

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Video and Audio Source Track Selection In the Timeline, the right-most “column” displays the video and audio channels of the clip now in the Source Monitor. The source (input) tracks are almost always V1+A1 or V1+A1+A2. You cannot send a mono Source track into a stereo Record track

Be sure the Audio Mute (M) flag is OFF. Be sure the Audio Solo (S) flag is OFF. Be sure the Video Visibility (Monitor) flag is ON.

When a Source track is selected it is bright green. Selected indicates media from the Source Monitor is available to be sent to the Record tracks. Typically, you want all Source tracks selected.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Video Record Track Control

Headers for the Video Record Monitor tracks are to the right of the Source Monitor tracks. •

They are blue when they have been selected.

They are gray when they have not been selected.

To the right of the headers there is a narrow area, and to the right of it there is a wide area called the Track Control Panel.

If you don’t see this area, click the arrow button.

The Track Control Panel has a switch that can be set to Active or Inactive. •

When the switch is set to Active it is blue.

When switch is Inactive, it is gray and plug-in and automation for the track are disabled to allow better playback performance.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Audio Record Track Control

Headers for the Audio Record Monitor tracks are to the right of the Source Monitor tracks. •

They are blue when they have been selected.

They are gray when they have not been selected.

To the right of the headers there is a narrow area, and to the right of it there is a wide area called the Track Control Panel.

If you don’t see this area, click the arrow button.

Audio tracks have a switch that can be set to Active or Inactive. •

When the switch is set to Active it is blue.

When switch is Inactive, it is gray and plug-in and automation for the track are disabled to allow better playback performance.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Audio Mono/Stereo Flag The lower corners of the Audio Source Track and Audio Record Track have flags that show the type of audio in the track, either one flag (Mono) or two flags (stereo) audio.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Video Track Monitoring Click the Monitor symbol to toggle Video Visibility on or off.

Only video in V1 will be visible

When there is no video in V2, V1 will be visible When there is video in V2, it will be visible. V1 will not be visible When an effect combines (e.g., a dissolve) video from V1 and V2, the mix will be visible

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Add a Record Track •

Right-click in the Timeline and select New > Video Track.

Right-click in the Timeline and select New > Audio Track > Stereo. You cannot send a mono Source track into a stereo Record track

Right-click in the Timeline and select New > Audio Track > Mono.

Delete a Record Track Right-click on track name (e.g., V1) and select Delete Track.

Enlarge or Reduce Track Height Select the track head whose height you want to alter. You can select multiple tracks. •

Click Control+L to enlarge a track.

Click Control+K to reduce a track.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Common Shortcut Keys Movement Step Left 1 Frame { left-arrow } Step Right 1 Frame { right-arrow } Go to Previous Event { comma } Go to Next Event { period } Go to Start of Timeline { up-arrow } Go to End of Timeline { down-arrow } Playback Play/Pause { spacebar } Play In-to-Out { 6 } Trimming Top (head) Trim { A } Tail Trim { S } Add Edit (split clip) { \ } Trim Tool Nudge Clip 1 Frame Earlier in (only) Dynamic Trim { Y } Nudge Clip 1 Frame Later in (only) Dynamic Trim { U } B Side Trim { P } A-B Side Trim { [ } A Side Trim { ] } Go to Previous Trim { M } Go to Next Trim { / } Editing Clear Mark-in { D } Clear Mark-out { F } Mark Clip { T } Mark -in { I } Mark-out { O } Clear Both Marks { G } Lift (non-ripple Remove from Timeline) { Z } Extract (ripple Delete from Timeline) { X } Copy to Clipboard { C } Splice-in from Source Monitor (ripple Insert to Timeline) { V } Paste (ripple) from Clipboard { Control+V / Command+V } Overwrite from Source Monitor (non-ripple Add to Timeline) { B } Actions Toggle Composer Between Source/Recorder { apostrophe } Select Source/Record SE Workspace { tab } View entire Sequence { H } Set Red Mark { ; } Set Keyframe { ″ } Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Source Monitor Transport Controls The Source Monitor has the usual selection of VTR transport controls.

View Clip in Source Monitor

Source Monitor must be active—bright green bar. Press apostrophe if it’s not.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Source Monitor Playback Press caps lock to hear audio You can drag the blue Position Indicator to scrub through the clip.

Pressing the spacebar toggles Play/Pause. To Jog (step frame-by-frame) to a specific frame, use the left- and right-arrow keys. Avid’s keyboard-driven J K L Shuttle control is a fast way to view a clip: J


Edit by watching/ listening.




Forward Edit by watching/ listening.

By repeatedly pressing J or L playback speed can be increased. Pressing K stops playback. While holding K down, tapping J and L moves one-frame Back or Forward.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Timeline Add/Remove Clips Trim Clip in Source Monitor Double-click a clip located in a Bin to send it to the Composer’s Source Monitor.

Trim clip by setting Mark-in { I } and Mark-out { O } points.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Insert Trimmed Clip to a Timeline Insert performs a ripple add to a Timeline. Ripple means clips to right of the insert, in all selected tracks, slide right. You can insert both video and audio by clicking V1+A1 or V1+A1+A2 Source Monitor tracks to select them. Selected Source Monitor tracks are green. •

To insert only video or an image, click A1 or A1+A2 Source Monitor audio track(s) to disable them. Click V1 to select it. The selected Source Monitor track is green.

To insert only audio, click the V1 Source Monitor video track to disable it. Then click A1 or A1+A2. Selected Source Monitor tracks are green.

Click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to unselect all Record Monitor tracks. Select the desired Record (blue) tracks—almost always V1, V1+A1 or V1+A1+A2 or A1 or A1+A2. Click the Record Monitor_Go to Start button. { up-arrow }

Insert a clip into the Timeline by clicking the yellow (splice-in) Toolbar_Splice-in button. { V }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


You can trim and add clip after the last clip because the blue Position Indicator is always moved to the end of the last clip added. If you move the Position Indicator and then later want to move it to the end of the last clip so you can add another clip, click Record Monitor_Go to End button. { down-arrow }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Drag Clips to Timeline A Bin may contain many clips that each start slightly early and end slightly late. With the Bin in Script mode, drag each clip up or down to place it into the correct Sequence order.

Control+A or Command+A to select all the clips. Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select only the Record track you want to work with. Drag the selected clips to correct track(s) in the Timeline. Now you can rapidly work through the Timeline using Top and Tail trims to shorten each clip as needed.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Insert Black Audio under black is silent. •

To insert one-second of black (filler) at start of a Timeline: Select all Record tracks. Move the Position Indicator to the beginning of the Timeline. Now click the Toolbar_AP button to add filler at the beginning of the Sequence.

You cannot add filler at the end of a Timeline.

To insert one-second of black (filler) at a specific point: Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select only the Record track(s) to receive the filler. Place Position Indicator at the desired point and click the Toolbar_AP button to ripple add filler at the desired point.

To shorten the filler’s duration, drag the tail of the previous clip later or the head of the next clip earlier. Use Trim Clips.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Insert Behavior Insert at Position Indicator

Insert at Mark-in

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Insert to Multiple Selected Record Tracks

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Delete Clip Delete will ripple-remove clip(s). Ripple means clips to right of the delete, in all selected tracks, slide left. No gap will be opened. Click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks. •

Place the Position Indicator over the clip to delete: Mark the entire clip by clicking the Toolbar_Mark Clip button. { T }

To delete multiple clips, set Mark-in { I } and Mark-out { O } to define them.

Click the yellow (ripple delete) Toolbar_Extract button. { X }

Delete Black Filler Delete will ripple-remove filler. Delete filler as though it were a clip.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Non-ripple Remove Clip Non-ripple means clips to right of the deletion do not slide left. A gap may be created. To non-ripple remove a clip, click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks. Select the desired Record track(s). •

Place the Position Indicator over the clip to delete. Mark the entire clip by clicking the Toolbar_Mark Clip button. { T }

To remove multiple clips, set Mark-in { I } and Mark-out { O } to define them.

Click the red (non-ripple remove) Toolbar_Lift button. { Z } A gap may appear.

Unmark the Timeline by clicking the Toolbar_Clear Both Marks button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


3-point Edit: Video/Audio Insert Insert performs a ripple add to a Timeline. Ripple means clips to right of the insert, in all selected tracks, slide right. Double-click a clip from a Bin into in the Source Monitor. Trim the Source clip. Select the Source (green) track (e.g., V1 and A1). Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the Record track(s) that will receive the clip. They will become blue.

Place the Position Indicator at the point where you want the insert to start. If you insert at a point where there is already media in the selected track(s), the insert will split the existing clip at that point. Click the yellow (splice-in) Composer_Splice-in button { V } to insert the clip into the Timeline.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


3-point Edit: Add Video Layer (cutaway) The most common video addition is to add a cutaway shot into a Sequence. Add is a non-ripple action. Non-ripple means clips to right of the deletion do not slide left. •

If needed, add a Record video track: Right-click in the Timeline and select New > Video Track.

Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select a Record video track above the current video track(s). •

You can quickly define the Record Tracks by dragging from a green video Source to a video gray Record track. As you drag, an on-screen line will be drawn like that shown by the yellow arrow.

The Record track will turn blue.

Source V1 will be sent to Record V2.

The Video Visibility selector will automatically move to V2.

Double-click the clip to be added into the Source Monitor. Place only a single In- or Out-Mark in the Source Monitor. This single mark will determine either the start (defined by a Mark-in) of the clip to be added or the end (defined by a Mark-out) of the clip to be added. Mark-in { I } and Mark-out { O } in the Timeline. By setting two points, you determine exactly where the added video clip will be placed. Moreover, you have automatically defined the duration of the clip to be added. Set no more than 3 points, total, among Source and Record Monitors Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


A highlighted segment will appear in the Timeline.

Click the red (non-ripple add) Composer_Overwrite button { B } to precisely add a video clip into the Timeline.

Typically, an addition is made to a track over existing video. However, an addition can be made to a track containing video. In this case, the existing video is replaced— destructively overwritten.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


3-point Edit: Add Audio Layer The most common audio addition is to add a sound layer into a Sequence. Add is a non-ripple action. Non-ripple means clips to right of the deletion do not slide left. •

If needed, to add a monaural audio track: right-click in Timeline and select New > Audio Track > Mono. If needed, to add a stereo audio track: right-click in Timeline and select New > Audio Track > Stereo command.

Double-click the clip to be added into the Source Monitor. Place only a single In- or Out-Mark in the Source Monitor. This single mark will determine either the start (defined by the Mark-in) of the clip to be added or the end (defined by the Mark-out) of the clip to be added. Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select a Record audio track below the current audio track(s). •

You can quickly define the Record Tracks by dragging from a green audio Source to an audio gray Record track. As you drag, an on-screen line will be drawn like that shown by the yellow arrow.

The Record track will turn blue.

Source A1 will be sent to Record A2.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Place In- and Out-points in the Timeline. By setting two points, you determine exactly where the added audio clip will be placed. Moreover, you have automatically defined the duration of the clip to be added. A highlighted segment will appear.

Set no more than 3 points, total, among Source and Record Monitors

Click the red (non-ripple add) Composer_Overwrite button { B } to precisely add an audio clip into the Timeline.

Typically, an addition is made to a track under existing audio. However, it can be made to a track containing audio. In this case, the existing audio is replaced— destructively overwritten. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Source Duration Defined Insert/Addition At times, an insert or an addition must be defined by the duration of the Source clip. In this case, set Mark-in { I } and Mark-out { O } in the Source Monitor. Below are two versions of the 3-point instructions from above: •

Double-click the clip to be added into the Source Monitor. Place a Mark-in and Mark-out in the Source Monitor. These marks automatically define the duration of the insert/addition. Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select a Record video track above the current video tracks or select Record audio track(s) below the current audio tracks.

Place a Mark-in { I } or Mark-out { O } in the Timeline. This single mark will determine either where the insert/addition will start (defined by a Mark-in) or where the insert/addition will end (defined by a Mark-out). When you mark only where an insert/addition ends, you’ve made a “backtimed” insert/addition. The last frame of the insert will be at the Mark-out. Set no more than 3 points, total, among Source and Record Monitors

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Timeline Actions Record Monitor Transport Control The Record Monitor has the usual selection of VTR transport controls.

View in Record Monitor

Record Monitor must be active—bright blue bar. Press apostrophe if it’s not.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Record Monitor Playback Press caps lock to hear audio You can drag the blue Position Indicator to scrub through the clip.

Pressing the spacebar toggles Play/Pause. To Jog (step frame-by-frame) to a specific frame, use the left- and right-arrow keys. Avid’s keyboard-driven J K L Shuttle control is a fast way to view a clip: J


Edit by watching/ listening.




Forward Edit by watching/ listening.

By repeatedly pressing J or L playback speed can be increased. Pressing K stops playback. While holding K down, tapping J and L moves one-frame Back or Forward.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Timeline Events An event is a cut-point in any track within a Sequence.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Go to Previous Event Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select only the Record track. Go to previous clip junction, click the Toolbar_Go to Previous Event button. { , }

Go to Next Event Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select only the Record track. Go to next clip junction, click the Toolbar_Go to Next Event button. { . }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Timeline Gaps Space in a track after the last clip looks like it is “nothing.” And, indeed no image or sound will come from this gray segment. The space before the clip in V2 is gray, so it’s easy to think it is “nothing” as well.

If you ripple-insert a clip into the Timeline before the last clip, the last clip will be pushed right down the track by the duration of gray segment. The gray segment although seeming to be “nothing” behaves as though it were a clip.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


If you select the segment with Mark-in { I } and Mark-out { O } points it will become dark blue showing that it is something. This type of segment is called a slug.

To eliminate a slug, once selected, you can Delete it as you would any clip.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Record Track Locking To prevent changes to an active (blue) track you can lock it. To Lock a track, right-click on the thin area to the right of the track head.

Padlock indicates the track is locked.

To Unlock a track, right-click on the thin area to the right of the track head.

The track is unlocked. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Record Track Sync Lock When a track is unlocked, simply click the thin area to enable or disable Sync Lock.

When Sync Lock is enabled, there will be a flag in this area.

Below, a video with a sync audio clip has been placed at the beginning of a Timeline. The Timeline would look the same had a video clip plus a Separate System audio clip that had been manually synchronized with the video clip, been placed at the beginning of a Timeline.

We want to insert a video clip before the sync video and audio clip. After selecting the Record V1 track, trimming the to be inserted clip, we click the yellow (ripple-insert) Toolbar_Splice-in button. { V }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


The Inserted video clip causes the video clip to lose sync with its audio pair mate.

To avoid sync loss, set the Sync Lock flags for V1 and A1 tracks. Insert the clip.

The Inserted clip does not cause the video clip to lose sync with its audio pair mate.

Setting Sync Locks on tracks prevents loss of sync can occur upon an Incoming ripple-trim or Outgoing ripple-trim. Setting Sync Locks on tracks also prevents loss of sync can occur upon a clip delete. Below, the first clip in V1 has been selected to be deleted.

Alternately, selecting both the Record V1 and the Record A1 tracks prevents loss of sync from a Ripple Insert, a Ripple Delete, or Ripple Trims.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Move and Copy Clips Move Clip There will be occasions where you want to move a clip earlier or later and/or want to move a clip to a different track. An example of the former situation is moving a title. An example of the latter situation is moving a non-sync audio clip. Scroll the timeline or zoom-out to see all the clips you want to move.

When moving a video-only or an audio-only clip within a two-track video-with-audio stream, place the Position Indicator over the clip. Next, click the MarkClip button to select both video and audio as shown below.

When moving a clip that has both video and audio, confirm the Smart Tool Link Selection Toggle button is blue.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click Extract/Splice-in mode Smart Tool.

When in the Timeline the cursor will become a yellow arrow.

Use the yellow cursor to drag a clip earlier or later. By default, a dragged clip will snap into place. By holding down the Control key, a clip can be slid to a new position.

Use the yellow cursor to drag a clip from one track to another. By default, a dragged clip will snap into place. When moving a clip between tracks this will keep the clip from sliding earlier or later. By holding down the Control key, a clip can be slid to a new position in its new track.

When you are finished moving a clip click the Toolbar_Yellow-Segment button

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Copy Clip Click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks. Select the tracks that contain the clip(s) to be copied •

Place the Position Indicator over the clip you want to move: Mark the clip by clicking the Toolbar_Mark Clip button. { T }

To copy multiple clips, set Mark-in { I } and Mark-out { O } to define these clips.

To copy the selected clips, press { C }. The clip(s) will be copied to the clipboard.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Clipboard Move Clip Click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks. Select the tracks that contain the audio and/or video of the clip to be moved. •

Place the Position Indicator over the clip you want to move: Mark the clip by clicking the Toolbar_Mark Clip button. { T }

To move multiple clips, set Mark-in and Mark-out to define these clips.

To move (cut) the selected clip(s), press Control+X or Command+X. The clip(s) will be removed from the Timeline and placed on the clipboard. The clips after the delete will ripple to the left so no gap will be created.

Insert Clipboard Contents into Timeline The clip(s) must be inserted into the same track(s). Move the Position Indicator to the junction between clips where you want to insert the beginning of the first, or only, clip. Press Control+V or Command+V to perform a ripple insert from the Clipboard.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Insert Clipboard Contents to Specific Timeline Tracks Remove (cut) or copy clip(s) to the Clipboard. With clip(s) on the Clipboard, right-click in the Source Monitor and select Clipboard Contents.

The Source monitor will now contain the contents of the clipboard. If you copied/moved contents, for example, from the V1 and A1 tracks, the Source Monitor will have media in V1 and A1. However, if you copied/moved contents, for example, from the V2, the Source Monitor will have media in V2.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks. You can quickly define the video Record Tracks by dragging from a green video Source to a video gray Record track. As you drag, an on-screen line will be drawn like that shown by the green arrow. The Record track will turn blue.

The Video Visibility selector will automatically move to V2. Source V1 will be sent to Record V2. You can quickly define the audio Record Tracks by dragging from a green audio Source to an audio gray Record track. As you drag, an on-screen line will be drawn like that shown by the green arrow. The Record track will turn blue.

Source A1 will be sent to Record A2. Place a Mark-in { I } at the Timeline point where you want to insert the clip(s). In the Source Monitor use Mark-in { I } and Mark-out { O } to define the insert. Send clip(s) into the Timeline by clicking the yellow (splice-in) Toolbar_Splice-in button. { V }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Timeline Trimming Top (Head) Trim This is the fastest way to trim the head of a clip thereby making the clip shorter. Click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks. Select the Record track(s) to be trimmed. Now find the clip junction at the head of the clip you want to trim. To jump to this junction, click the Toolbar_Go to Previous Event button { , } or the Toolbar_Go to Next Event button. { . }

Play the clip to the point where you want the clip to start. Click the Toolbar_Top button or press { A } to trim the head of the clip shorter.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Tail Trim This is the fastest way to trim the tail of a clip thereby making the clip shorter. Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select only the Record track(s) you want to work with. Now find the clip junction at the head of the clip you want to trim. To jump to this junction, click the Toolbar_Go to Previous Event button { , } or the Toolbar_Go to Next Event button. { . }

Play the clip to the point where you want the clip to end. Click the Toolbar_Tail button or press { S } to trim the tail of the clip shorter.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Trim Tool: Previous or Next Initiated Click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks. Select the Record track(s) to be trimmed: Click the Toolbar_Previous Trim { M } or Toolbar_Next Trim { / } button to skip the magenta Position Indicator to the cut-point to be trimmed.

Media Composer will enter the Trim Tool with the cut-point selected.

On the Smart Tool, click the yellow Ripple Trim button to enable it (blue) On the Smart Tool, click the red Non-ripple Trim button to enable it (blue) You can leave both Ripple Trim and Non-ripple Trim enabled

Trim Clips Trim the junction between two clips

Trim Incoming Edge with Ripple

Trim Outgoing Edge with Ripple

Trim Incoming Edge without Ripple

Trim Outgoing Edge without Ripple

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Trim Clips The cut-point (junction) between two clips’ can be trimmed earlier or later. Trimming can only be performed when unseen frames exist at incoming clip head. Trimming can only be performed when unseen frames exist at outgoing clip tail. The junction ripples earlier or later.

By default, the Trim Tool Window will have opened in A-B mode. A-B mode can be re-chosen by clicking Trim Tool Window’s center button. { [ } Or, click-select both magenta frame counters.

Trim using the window’s




To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Trim by Dragging Clip Edge You can directly initiate a drag trim in a Timeline when both Ripple Trim and Non-ripple Trim are enabled.

At a cut-point, hover near the center of a track—you will find a white roller.

Drag white roller earlier (leftward) or later (rightward).

To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Trim Incoming Edge with Ripple On the Smart Tool, confirm Ripple Trim and Non-ripple Trim are enabled (blue)

Click the Trim Tool Window’s B-side “incoming edge” button. { [ } Or, click-select the right magenta frame counter.

Trim using the Trim Tool Window’s




To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Trim by Dragging Clip’s Incoming Edge You can directly initiate a drag trim in a Timeline when both Ripple Trim and Non-ripple Trim are enabled.

At a cut-point, hover near the bottom of a track—you’ll see a yellow roller.

Drag the yellow roller

Rightward drag—shortens clip. Following clips ripple left. Shorter track. ▪ The clip’s incoming edge will not move. ▪ The clip’s outgoing edge will, however, move leftward thus shortning the clip. ▪ The right Trim Tool Window shows the clip’s first frame. ▪ The clip’s head frame image will update with this image. ▪ As you drag right through the clip, clips to the right of the clip will ripple to the left. ▪ As clips ripple to the left, the duration of the track becomes shorter.

Leftward drag—lengthens clip. Following clips ripple right. Longer track.

To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Trim Outgoing Edge with Ripple On the Smart Tool, confirm Ripple Trim and Non-ripple Trim are enabled (blue)

Click the Trim Tool Window’s A-side “outgoing edge” button. { P } Or, click-select the left magenta frame counter.

Trim using the Trim Tool Window’s




To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Trim by Dragging Clip’s Outgoing Edge You can directly initiate a drag trim in a Timeline when both Ripple Trim and Non-ripple Trim are enabled.

At a cut-point, hover near the bottom of a track—you’ll see a yellow roller.

Drag the yellow roller

Leftward drag—shortens the clip. Following clips ripple left. Shorter Timeline. ▪ The clip’s outgoing edge will move leftward thus shortning the clip. ▪ The clip’s incoming edge will not move. ▪ The left Trim Tool Window will show the clip’s last frame. ▪ The clip’s head frame image will not update. ▪ The clip will become shorter. ▪ As you drag left through the clip, clips to the right of the clip will ripple to the left. ▪ As clips ripple to the left, the duration of the track becomes shorter.

Rightward drag—lengthens clip. Following clips ripple right. Longer Timeline. To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab } Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Trim Incoming Edge without Ripple Trim incoming edge of a clip—earlier or later. Earlier trim—lengthens clip and destructively overwrites preceding clip. Later trim—shortens clip and opens a gap. On the Smart Tool, confirm Ripple Trim and Non-ripple Trim are enabled (blue)

Click the Trim Tool Window’s B-side “incoming edge” button. { P } Or, click-select the right magenta frame counter.

Trim using the Trim Tool Window’s




To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Trim by Dragging Clip’s Incoming Edge You can directly initiate a drag trim in a Timeline when both Ripple Trim and Non-ripple Trim are enabled.

At a cut-point, hover near the top of a track—you’ll see a red roller.

Drag red roller

Leftward drag—lengthens clip and destructively overwrites preceding clip.

Rightward drag—shortens clip and opens a gap. To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab } Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Trim Outgoing Edge without Ripple Trim outgoing edge of a clip—earlier or later. Earlier trim—shortens clip and opens a gap. Later trim—lengthens clip and destructively overwrites following clip. On the Smart Tool, confirm Ripple Trim and Non-ripple Trim are enabled (blue)

Click the Trim Tool Window’s A-side “outgoing edge” button. { ] } Or, click-select the left magenta frame counter.

Trim using the Trim Tool Window’s




To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Trim by Dragging Clip’s Outgoing Edge You can directly initiate a drag trim in a Timeline when both Ripple Trim and Non-ripple Trim are enabled.

At a cut-point, hover near the top of a track—you’ll see a red roller.

Drag red roller

Leftward drag—shortens clip and opens a gap.

Rightward drag—lengthens clip and destructively overwrites following clip. To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab } Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Real-time Ripple Trim See and/or hear your trim while adjusting the trim is a powerful MCF function. Click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks. Select the Record track(s) to be trimmed: Click the Toolbar_Previous Trim button { M } or Toolbar_Next Trim button { / } to skip the magenta Position Indicator to the cut-point to be trimmed.

Media Composer will enter Trim Tool with the cut-point selected

Press esc to exit Trim Tool Mode Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


By default, the Trim Tool Window will open in A-B mode. A-B mode can be re-chosen by clicking Trim Tool Window’s center button. { [ }

The cut-point (junction between clips) can be ripple trimmed earlier or later. Click the Play Loop button on the Record Monitor’s Toolbar.

Playback begins 2-seconds before the cut and ends 2-seconds after the cut. The 4-second cycle repeats until stopped. Playback smoothness depends on the media format and your computer’s power. Trim outgoing edge (A-side) of previous clip and incoming edge (B-side) of next clip. As the loop plays, nudge the cut earlier or later until the trim is correct: •

Press { Y } to move the cut-point -1 frame (earlier).

Press { U } to move the cut-point +1 frame (later).

The trim count is updated only when the 4-second recycle begins again. When you are done trimming, press the spacebar or click the Record Monitor’s Toolbar_Play Loop button.

To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Create a J-cut When you want audio from the beginning of next clip to be heard before the previous clip ends. Hold down Control or Option, and you can left-to-right lasso-drag within the Timeline to select a specific audio clip.

The track to trim is auto-selected. The cut-point (junction between clips) can be ripple trimmed earlier. An A-side or A-B-side or B-side trim can be employed. Drag the white roller to the left (earlier). Ripple trim a clip (A-side)

Ripple trim a clip (B-side)


A-B Side

To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab } Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Create an L-cut When you want audio from the end of the previous clip to continue into the beginning of next clip. Hold down Control or Option, and you can left-to-right lasso-drag within the Timeline to select a specific audio clip. The track to trim is auto-selected.

The cut-point (junction between clips) can be ripple trimmed later. Either an A-side or A-B-side or B-side trim can be employed. Drag the white roller to the right (later). Ripple trim a clip (A-side)

Ripple trim a clip (B-side)


A-B Side

To close the Trim Tool Window and return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab } Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Add Edit/Split Clip To split a clip, click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks and then select the desired Record track. Move the time cursor (Position Indicator) to the point in time where you want to split the clip. •

An Add Edit can be used to create a division within a clip so each side of the division can be treated differently even as motion remains continuous across the added edit.

An Add Edit can be used to create a division within a clip to allow each segment to be individually trimmed.

An Add Edit can be used to create a division within a clip that splits the clip into two parts. Either part can then be removed.

Click the Toolbar_Add Edit button. { \ }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Color Correction Click the Toolbar_CC button.

Click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks. Select only the desired track which is usually V1. Confirm the Visibility Indicator is on the same track. Place the Position Indicator a frame in the clip that most represents what needs to be corrected. When playing video Media Composer | First scopes do not update in realtime. Moreover, MCF doesn’t have Media Composer’s YRGB Curves panel that has several powerful color grading tools. Log footage can be manually converted to REC.709 gamma/color.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


1. Click the HSL > Controls tab.

Likely your camera records 8-bit data that has a signal level that ranges from 16 (0%/black) to 255 (≈108%/brightest white). When your production is going to the Internet, there is no problem with peaks going above 100% to ≈108%. Set Clip High to 255. 2. Click the HSL > Hue Offsets tab.

3. Click Auto Black—red circle. (Darkest shadows = called Setup or Lift) 4. Click Auto White—green circle. (Brightest whites = called Gain) 5. Adjust Gamma (mid-tone brightness) as desired—yellow circle

6. Monitor the signal so peaks do not go above 255. Moreover, the signal—showing in white rather than green—should not bunch-up at the top as it does below. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


The signal should not fall below 16. 7. When necessary to reduce an unwanted color cast, such as bluish clouds you know should be pure white, slide a Color Wheel’s “white cross” in a direction opposite to the unwanted color cast. For example, when clouds are too blue, slide the cross toward Yellow. •

Adjust the Shadows (Shd) Color Wheel. Black should have no color cast.

Adjust the Midtones (Mid) Color Wheel.

Adjust the Highlights (Hlt) Color Wheel. White should have no color cast.

Shadow brightness is controlled by Setup Midtone brightness is controlled by Gamma Highlight brightness is controlled by Gain

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


8. Click the HSL > Controls tab.

The primary control you’ll adjust is Saturation—green circle.

The secondary control you’ll adjust is Hue—red circle.

9. Set Saturation so no color exceeds 75%. Below, the saturation of “orange” (midway between Yellow and Red) is too high.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


10. When people are in a scene, adjust the Hue slider so their skin tone is aligned along the “Q-axis” as shown below.

Steps 1 through 10 are interactive so you’ll likely need to work through them several times. To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Save a Correction Press ALT or Option and click one of the C# buttons to save a correction.

Paste a Correction Click one of the C# buttons to apply one of the saved corrections.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Save a Correction Effect to a Bin Drag the correction icon to a Bin.

Now you can drag a correction onto any video clip.

Skip to a Previous or Next Correction When you have finished a production, you may want to move through the Timeline checking and correcting each clip. Use these buttons to move clip-by-clip.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Modify a Correction Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the video Record track with the clip to be corrected. Place the Position Indicator a frame in the clip that most represents what needs to be corrected. Click the Toolbar_CC button.

To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Delete a Correction Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the video Record track with the clip. Place the Position Indicator over the clip.

Click the Toolbar_Remove Effect button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Apply Effects to Clips Click-select the magenta FX tab in the Project Window. The FX window has four tabs that each offer a distinct set of effects.

Video Filters

Audio Filters Drag a Video Filter FX onto a clip. Audio Clip FX can be used in the same way.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


The Edit Effects panel will auto-open as shown below. Drag it to cover the Source Monitor. The Edit Mode will also be activated. To employ some effects, you may need to consult Avid’s Media Composer | First Media Composer Effects and CC Guide. Make the desired settings using the Edit Effects panel. You now have two options: •

To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab } The FX will have been applied.

Click the Render Effect button. [ Render Option ]

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Select Drive and click OK.

To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab } The FX will have been applied.

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Modify an Effect When you need to make an adjustment to an effect, you may need to click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks. After selecting the correct video and/or audio track(s), place the Position Indicator in the Timeline over the effect. Click the Toolbar_EE button which also initiates Effect Mode. If you do not see the FX you previously applied, click the Effects Mode button.

Make the desired settings using the Edit Effects panel. You now have two options: •

To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab } The FX will have been modified.

Click the Render Effect button as described above. [ Render Option ] To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab } The FX will have been modified.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Apply LUT to LOG footage MCF supports a Look Up Table (LUT) as an effect. The LUT could perform a Log-to-709 conversion or create a “look.” Log footage can be manually converted to REC.709 gamma/color.

If your camera has no Media Composer LUT, try the Avid supplied LUTs to find one that looks best. (Project Window_FX > Image > Color LUT)

Canon C300 4:2:2 10-bit, C-log 3 before adding a LUT

Canon C300 4:2:2 10-bit, C-log 3 after adding a Sony Slog3 to Cine+709 LUT Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Delete an Effect Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the track with the clip. Place the Position Indicator over the effect. Click the Toolbar_Remove Effect button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Apply Video/Audio Transitions Apply Transition Click the Toolbar_De/Dt button { N } to deselect all Record tracks. Select only the desired Record track(s). Place the Position Indicator at the cut-point or click the Toolbar_Previous Event button { , } or the Toolbar_Next Event { . } button to move the Position Indicator to the cut-point.

For a 30-frame dissolve there must be at least 15-frames of video after the cutpoint of the outgoing clip. These frames are hidden but will be revealed by the dissolve.

For a 30-frame dissolve there must be at least 15-frames of video before the cutpoint of the incoming clip. These frames are hidden but will be revealed by the dissolve.

Click the Toolbar_Quick Transition button to add one of several types of transitions.

Enter the transition desired: e.g., Dissolve. (Whichever you choose will become the default transition type.) Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Enter the transition Type: Typically, Centered on Cut. Enter its Duration if you wish. Click the Add or Add and Render button.

To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Fade-in Transition •

To apply a fade-in to a clip/title immediately preceded by black filler:

To apply a fade-in to a clip/title preceded by clip/title:

Place the Position Indicator over the cut-point.

Fade-out Transition •

To apply a fade-out to a clip/title immediately followed by clip/title:

To apply a fade-in to a clip/title followed immediately by black filler:

Place the Position Indicator over the cut-point.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Replace a Transition To modify a transition, select only the correct Record track(s), place the cursor over the transition, and click the Toolbar_Quick Transition button.

Click the Add or Add and Render Option button. To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Remove a Transition To delete a transition, select only the correct Record track(s), place the cursor over the transition, and click the Toolbar_Remove Effect button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Quick Fades When you have an isolated—not joined to another clip—video, audio, or title—and want to fade-in or fade-out the clip, use a Top or Tail fade.

Apply Quick Fade-in Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the Record track where you want to add a fade-in. When no preceding video clip, audio clip, or title, abuts a video clip, audio clip, or title—a fade-in can start on the initial frame of the clip.

You can place a fade-in at the beginning of the isolated pink clip

A fade-in in the upper clip causes the upper clip to appear slowly over the lower clip Place the Position Indicator at the spot where the fade-in should be completed. Click the Toolbar_Top button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Apply Quick Fade-out Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the Record track where you want to add a fade-out. •

When no following video clip, audio clip, or title, abuts it—a fade-out can end on the final frame of a video clip, audio clip, or title.

You can place a fade-in at the end of the isolated pink clip Place the Position Indicator at the spot where the fade-out should be start. Click the Toolbar_Tail button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Remove a Quick Fade-in Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the Record track where you want to remove a fade-in. When a fade-in has been placed at the beginning of an isolated video clip, audio clip, or title—it can be removed by placing the Position Indicator over the fade-in.

After placing the Position Indicator over the fade-in, click the Toolbar_Remove Effects button.

Remove a Quick Fade-out Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the Record track where you want to remove a fade-out. When a fade-out has been placed at the end of an isolated video clip, audio clip, or title—it can be removed by placing the Position Indicator over the fade-out.

Click the Toolbar_Remove Effects button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Edit Audio Audio Track Control Panel The red circle shows the Track Control Panel in greater detail.

To T To To the o the the right t righ right of h t of of the e the the head r hea head ers i ders ers there g ther there is a h e is is a narro t narro a w o narr w area, f area, ow and t area and to h to , the e and the right h right to of it e the of it there a righ there is a d t of is a wide e wide it area Click Waveformther to see ther audio waveforms(s) in the track. area calle s e is calle d the Click Clip Volume/Pan to tenable audio levels to be set. d the a Trac h wid Trac Click Active to enable k plug-in e and automation to function. k e Cont r areaasCont Use Mute and Solo rolneeded. e call rol Pan i Pan ed el. s the el. a Tra n ck IfIf a Con you you r trol don’t don’tr Pan see see o el. this this area, w area,a If r Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen you e don’ Vide a Vide t o , o see track a


Audio Trimming When trimming audio, typically you do not want changes to a clip’s duration, either shorter or longer, to effect other clips. For this reason, you should non-ripple trim clips.

Trim Incoming Edge without Ripple

Trim Outgoing Edge without Ripple

Use Move Clip to drag a clip earlier or later.

Use Copy Clip to make a copy for use elsewhere. Use 3-point Add Audio Layer to add audio clips. Audio clip deletions should use a Non-ripple Remove Clip.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Quick Adjust Clip Audio Level The little arrow at the bottom-head of each audio clip can be clicked to adjust audio.

Rubberband Audio Gain Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select only the audio Record track(s) with clip(s) you want to adjust. Click the Timeline’s Focus button to magnify the area.

Confirm the Keyframe button (blue circle) in the Smart Tool column is blue. Confirm Waveform (yellow circle) and Clip Volume/Pan are enabled (green circle).

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


The red circle indicates Clip Volume/Pan is disabled. Click the Waveform button to show/not-show Timeline waveforms. Timeline performance is better with waveforms turned off.

Click on the Clip Volume/Pan button and confirm Volume has been checked.

To create a node, set a keyframe by clicking the Toolbar_Keyframe button. { “ }

To adjust a node, move your mouse cursor until it is over a node where it will become a tiny finger. Using the finger cursor, adjust clip volume by dragging a node up/down.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Using the finger cursor, keyframes can be slid sidewise by dragging while holding down ALT or Option.

To delete a keyframe, using the finger cursor, select a keyframe.

It must be highlighted (pink) before pressing delete.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Audio Edit Tool Click the Toolbar_AE button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Audio Mixer The Audio Mixer is a fast way to change the loudness of each clip in a series of clips. Place the Position Indicator at the point where the first clip starts. Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } In the Mixer click the track number with the clip(s)—green circle below.

Click the Audio Play Loop button to start the clip playing—yellow circle. •

Click the Bypass button to make comparisons.

Slide the audio level up or down to alter audio level—red circle. Press the spacebar to stop play. You may not see the Timeline reflect a change until you stop playback.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


3-band EQ Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select audio Record track(s) with the clip to EQ. Place Position Indicator over the clip to be adjusted. Choose the track to EQ—green circle below. Click the Audio Play Loop button so EQ can be adjusted while playing—yellow circle. Adjust EQ for this track. (Below, a “presence” boost at 4.5kHz.)

It may take several seconds for the changed audio to become audible. •

Click the Bypass button to make before/after comparisons.

Some audio effects must be rendered before you will hear them. Click the render button (red circle). [ Render Option ]

Press the spacebar to stop play. To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. {tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Save an EQ Drag the magenta EQ symbol from the EQ panel to a Bin.

Apply a Saved EQ Drag from a Bin and place on a clip.

Delete EQ Place the Position Indicator over the clip.

Click the Toolbar_Remove Effect button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Add Title to Timeline In the Timeline, Mark-in { I } and Mark-out { O } for title placement. Click the Record Monitor’s

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen

T button to open the Title Application.


To create a title: •

The green V button in the Title Tool is pre-selected. Therefore, the title will be superimposed over video. If you do not want a title over video, click on the V button.

Click the green T button within the Title Tool window.

Click in the Title window about where you want the first letter of your title.

Now enter the text.

Drag through the title text.

Select Font, for example “Copperplate.”

Select Font Size, for example “72.”

Select Justification (Left, Centered, or Right) using the Title Tool

Select Style (Bold, Italic, or Both)

Click on Fill Color Square to bring-up a color selector. Select the color for the text and click Close.

Click on the Pointer button

Use the Pointer tool to move the text-box exactly where you want it. To correct a spelling error, or change a title, click the green T button within the Title Tool window and drag through the text to highlight it. Now you can make the change.

When you have finished creating a title, click the application’s File > Save Title as…, name it, select a Bin, select the Render Option Drive, select the format, choose the In to Out option, select the Topmost or V2 track, click Save, and Exit. To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. {tab } You can apply a Quick Fade-In or Fade-out effect to titles. Once in a Timeline, a title can be Moved or Copied as well as trimmed (Trim Incoming Edge without Ripple or Trim Outgoing Edge without Ripple or) as if it were any other clip.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Modify a Title In a Bin, Control+double-click the title’s thumbnail. Modify the title. Now issue a File > Save Title as… command. To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. {tab } The revised title’s icon will be placed in the same Bin and the revised title will be in the Source Monitor. Click the Source Monitor’s Mark Clip button. Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_ De/Dt button { N } button. Select only the video Record track with the title to be replaced. Place the Position Indicator over the title to be replaced. Mark the old title by clicking the Toolbar_Mark Clip button. {T }

Non-ripple remove the old title by the clicking Toolbar_Lift button. {Z }

Ripple delete the old title by clicking the Toolbar_Extract button. {X }

Mark-in { I } to define where the replacement title should begin. Click the red (non-ripple add) Toolbar_Overwrite button. { B }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Publish To Read Appendix D before trying to export Right-click in the Record Monitor and select Publish To.

Then select where you want to export your movie. I usually select Local Drive… which opens the Publish window. You can also publish directly to YouTube and Vimeo. Facebook support will come in a later release.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Export a DNxHD file

A check of the file shows an ≈80Mbps DNxHD export with an audio sampling rate of 44.1kHz, not the more professional rate of 48kHz. And, unlike Audio format: stating the audio will be 24-bits, it will only be 16-bits.

~80 > ~100Mbps DNxHD with 44.1kHz 16-bit PCM 2-channel audio Under Windows, I use myFFmpeg (Appendix B) to transcode DNxHD to the far more widely used ProRes 422 format with 48kHz PCM audio. You also have the option of converting 44.1kHz audio to 48kHz audio while passing DNxHD video through myFFmpeg unchanged. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Export an H.264 file H.264 exports can be made using the Fastest, Better, or Best options.

Best — ≈35 > ≈100Mbps AVC Main@L5 with 48kHz 24-bit PCM 2-channel audio

Export a WAV file

48kHz 24-bit PCM 2-channel audio Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Section II: Setting-up Media Composer Setup Composer Monitors and Timeline Toolbar Open an empty Sequence so a Timeline exists directly under the two Composer displays. Issue the Tools > Command Palette command (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Command palette Place it over the Source/Record Monitors—not over the Timeline. Click the Button to Button Reassignment button. Modify the Composer and the Timeline Toolbar until they appear as shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4. (Except, the DT/De, AP, Full Screen Playback, and SB positions.) To do this you’ll need to find the correct tab on the Command Palette containing the icon you need. Drag an icon to the desired Composer or the Timeline Toolbar position. Release the mouse button when the icon is on top of the current button. The new icon will replace the button icon already in that position.

Figure 2: Composer Source Monitor and Timeline Toolbar—left-half—after all modifications

Figure 3: Composer Record Monitor and Timeline Toolbar—right-half—after all modifications

Figure 4: Overview of Timeline Toolbar—after all modifications Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


When the majority of Composer and the Timeline Toolbar buttons have been correctly placed, click the ‘Menu to Button’ Reassignment button on the Command Palette. The cursor will become a white square whose look may change during the drag. Click within the Timeline. •

Click the Toolbar position where “SE” was placed. Move the square cursor to the Windows > Workspaces menu, drag down and release on Source/Record Editing.

Repeat for the Toolbar “CC” position to assign it to Windows > Workspaces > Color Correction menu item.

Repeat for the Toolbar “EE” position to assign it to the Windows > Workspaces > Effects Editing menu item.

Repeat for the “AE” Toolbar position to assign it to the Windows > Workspaces > Audio Editing menu item.

Repeat for the Toolbar “DT/De” position to assign it to the Edit > Deselect All Tracks menu item.

Repeat for the Toolbar “AP” position to assign it to the Timeline > Add Filler > At Position menu item.

Repeat for the Replace Edit button that lies between the Composer’s yellow Extract and red Lift buttons. (The yellow arrow on Figure 2.) Assign it to the Composer > Full Screen Playback menu item.

Repeat for the “SB” position on the Record Monitor to assign it to the Tools > Source Browser menu item.

Click the ‘Button to Button’ Reassignment button. Drag the Effect Mode icon and release on the Toolbar position to the right of “EE.”

Close the palette.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Wait until you have experience placing clips in the Timeline. For now, skip to next page. Put two clips in the Timeline and click on the junction between the two clips. The junction should turn magenta and the Composer will be replaced by the Trim Window.

Issue the Tools > Command Palette command and click the ‘Button to Button’ Reassignment button.

Replace these Trim Window buttons: Trim A Side, Trim AB Sides, Trim B Side. Now press esc to leave Trim Mode.

Figure 5: Modified Trim Window Toolbar Close the palette.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Setup Workspaces Source/Recording (SE) Workspace Select Windows > Workspaces > Source/Record Editing. Drag the Clips tab to place the Bin window below the Project Window. Arrange windows as shown by Figure 6.

Figure 6: Source Edit Arrangement Issue Windows > Workspaces > Save Current to preserve this window arrangement. Click the Toolbar_SE button.

Should the Source Browser window become attached to the Toolbar_SE button, close the Source Browser window and issue Windows > Workspaces > Save Current command.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Color Correction (CC) Workspace Select Windows > Workspaces > Color Correction. •

Drag-down the right monitor’s Next menu and select Vectorscope.

Drag-down the right monitor’s Next menu and select Y Waveform.

Arrange the Color Correction Panel and Timeline windows as shown by Figure 7.

Figure 7: Color Correction Arrangement Issue Windows > Workspaces > Save Current to preserve this window arrangement. Click the Toolbar_SE button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Effects Editor (EE) Workspace Select Windows > Workspaces > Effects Editor. Click the magenta tab in the Project Window. The Effects Menu will open. Size it as shown. Arrange the Effects Menu, Effects Editor, Composer, and Timeline windows as shown by Figure 8.

Figure 8: Effects Edit Arrangement Issue Windows > Workspaces > Save Current to preserve this window arrangement. Click the Toolbar_SE button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Audio Effects (AE) Workspace Select Windows > Workspaces > Audio Editor. Right-click on the Record Monitor and select Show Single Monitor. Issue the Tools > Audio EQ command. Issue the Tools > Audio Mixer command. Arrange the EQ panel, Audio Mixer, Composer, and Timeline as shown by Figure 9.

Figure 9: Audio Effects Edit workspace Issue Windows > Workspaces > Save Current to preserve this window arrangement. Click the Toolbar_SE button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Save the Monitor and Toolbar settings you have made. Launch Media Composer | First. Create a project called test. Quit Media Composer | First. Open the Users > Public > Public Documents folder. 2. Open the Avid Media Composer folder. 3. Open the Settings folder. 4. Save the two “Site_” files. 5. Save the MCState file. 6. Back to the Avid Media Composer folder. 7. Open the Avid Users > MC1> user folder. 8. Save the MCState file. 9. Save the user.xml file. 10. Save the user.ave file. 1.

11. In

your Documents folder, open the MC First Avid Projects folder. 12. Open your Avid folder, e.g., dvc. 13. Open a current project folder, e.g., test. 14. Save Site_Settings.xml and test Settings.xml files. Launch Media Composer | First. Create a project called test. Quit Media Composer | First. Restore the Monitor and Toolbar settings you have saved. A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

Open the Users > Public > Public Documents folder. Restore the Avid Media Composer folder. Open the Settings folder. Restore the two “Site_” files. Back to the Avid Media Composer folder. Open the Avid Users > MC1> user folder. Restore the three files.

H. I. J. K.

In your Documents folder, open the MC First Avid Projects folder. Open your Avid folder, e.g., dvc. Open a current project folder, e.g., test. Move the saved .xml files into the project, test, folder.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Section III: Composer Settings Click the Settings tab in the Project Window.

Double-click Bin.

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Double-click Bin View.

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Double-click General.

Double-click Interface.

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Double-click Keyboard MC1—which will not yet be named DVCINLV.

Issue the Tools > Command Palette command. Place both windows over the Composer windows. On the Command Palette, click the ‘Menu to Button’ Reassignment button.

Click the H key and the cursor will become a white square. Move the square cursor to the bottom-left of a Timeline to the Fast Menu icon and continue moving it to the Zoom selector and continue moving it and release it on the Show Entire Sequence menu item.

SE will replace the H key. In this case, SE means Show Entire. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


On the Command Palette, click the ‘Button to Button’ Reassignment button.

Drag the command appropriate icon from the Command Palette to the keyboard. Move •

Drag Go to Previous Trim to the { M key }

Drag Go to Next Trim to the { slash key }

Drag Go to Previous Event to the { comma key }

Drag Go to Next Event to the { period key }

Drag Go to Start to the { up-arrow key }

Drag Go to End to the { down-arrow key } Edit

Drag Add Edit (split clip) to the { reverse-slash key }

Drag Copy to Clipboard to the { C key }

Drag (copy) De/Dt button from the Toolbar to the keyboard { N key } Trim

Drag Trim Left 1 Frame to the { Y key }

Drag Trim Right 1 frame to the { U key }

Drag B Side Trim to the { P key }

Drag AB Side Trim to the { [ key }

Drag A Side Trim to the { ] key } Other

Drag Toggle Source/Recorder to the { apostrophe key }

Drag Red Marker to the { ; key } Workspaces

Drag (Workspace) SE to the { tab key }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Close the Command Palette window. Close the Keyboard window. You can now rename the second keyboard. Be sure to set a checkmark next to MC1. MC1 keyboard after modification.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Double-click Timeline. Click the Display tab. Define as shown.

Click OK.

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If necessary, double-click Timeline. Click the Edit tab. Define as shown.

Click OK.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


More Media Composer | First For Film Makers: Break a Film Clip into Shots One of the charms, or pains, of shooting film is that the first frame of new capture is often lighter because the shutter is not yet up to full speed. Therefore, the first frame will be exposed for a slightly longer time. Place the long film clip into a Sequence. Move to a point where you want to divide the clip. Press the { left-arrow } key to back-up to the last frame of what will become the previous clip.

Press the { \ } key to split the clip.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Press the { right-arrow } key to move to the “flash” frame (slightly lighter) frame.

Press the { right-arrow } key again to move past the “flash” frame.

Press the { A } key to Top trim the head of what will become the next clip. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


For Film Makers: an Alternate Way to Create an Edit

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Speed-up Your Edit: Heads or Heads-Tails View

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Relink Clips After Files Have Been Moved

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Align “Separate System” Audio When you capture audio on a separate system, you’ll need to add each audio clip into the Timeline underneath its corresponding video clip.

Follow this procedure: 1. Trim the head of the video clip so you see the clapper at the bottom of its swing. 2. Trim the tail of the video clip as needed for the clip. 3. Add the video clip in the Timeline. 4. Trim the head of the audio clip so the only beginning of the clap is heard. 5. Trim the tail of the audio clip as needed for the clip. 6. Add the audio clip in the Timeline under the video. 7. Trim both video and audio past the clapper to the actual start of the shot. 8. Trim the tails of both video and audio to match. 9. Although aligned, the clips are not locked together! Read about Sync Locks.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Accidental Press of Delete Key in a Timeline If you see this unwanted message, click Cancel.

Eliminate Unwanted Fractional (V#.#) Track From time to time you may find MCF has added a track above a track that has a decimal-point and number. For example, below there is a V1 track above which there is a V1.1 track that you don’t need to see.

To eliminate this track e.g., V1.1), simply double-click on the V1 track.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Lasso Trim Left-to-right lasso/drag over cut points at junction between two clips. The tracks to trim are auto-selected. The beginning of a lasso-drag must start outside the Timeline tracks in the gray area.

Hold down Control or Option, and you can left-to-right lasso/drag within the Timeline to select a specific clip or clips. The tracks to trim are auto-selected.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


The Trim Tool Window will open.

Press esc to exit Trim Mode.

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On the Smart Tool, click the yellow Ripple Trim button to make it blue On the Smart Tool, click the red Non-ripple Trim button to enable it (blue) You can leave both Ripple Trim and Non-ripple Trim enabled

• Trim Clips Trim the junction between two clips. • Trim Incoming Edge with Ripple • Trim Outgoing Edge with Ripple • Trim Incoming Edge without Ripple • Trim Outgoing Edge without Ripple

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Setting Transition Color When you choose a Dip-to-Color, Fade-from-Color, or Fade-to-Color transition, the automatically chosen color will be black. To change this color: Place the Position Indicator at the transition point by: •

Dragging or clicking the Position Indicator near a cut point.

Clicking the Previous Event button.

Clicking the Next Event button.

Deselect all video Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the video Record track with the clip. Click the Toolbar_EE button.

Click in the Color Box and select a color. Click OK. To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. {tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Apply an Effect to Multiple Clips Within a Sequence

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Apply an Effect to Multiple Transitions

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Add Keyframed Effects Click-select the magenta FX tab in the Project window.

Drag, for example, the Resize Filter onto a clip.

The Edit Effects panel will auto-open as shown below. Drag it to cover the Source Monitor. The Edit Mode will also be activated.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click the Keyframe button at the bottom of the Smart Tool column, if it is not blue.

If you wish, click each parameter’s white arrow to see its graph. Right-click on the yellow bar and select Add Start and End Keyframes.

The cursor will be at start keyframe. Set the parameters as desired. In this case, the start of the shot was too wide, so I cropped it a bit.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Move the cursor to the end of the effect. Set the parameters as desired.

To position an image, you can drag on it. You can click the PLAY button to preview the motion. If you have a powerful computer, simply click the Toolbar_SE button to return to editing. {tab }

Otherwise click the Render Option button.

Select the Drive. Click OK.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Add Additional Filters to a Clip Let’s assume you want to add a “1.66 Mask” to a clip with a “flare” effect. You cannot simply drag two effects onto the same clip. The second effect will replace the first. Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the track with the clip. Place the Position Indicator over the effect. Click the Toolbar_EE button.

Drag, for example, the Flare filter onto the clip. The first filter added will be the lowest effect, which will be executed first. Which means the flare is added to the 16:9 video image.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Adjust the filter as needed.

Double-click the current clip and a clone will appear above it.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Drag, for example, a 1.66 Mask filter onto the clone. The second filter will be processed after the first filter. Therefore, the video with flare will be masked to a 1.66:1 aspectratio.

Adjust the second filter if necessary.

To add additional effects, double-click the clone to create another clone. Now you can drag a filter onto it. This filter will now become the upper effect. Double-click on the lowest clip to collapse all filters to one.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Modify/Replace a Nested Effect Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the Record track with the clip. Double-click the clip with multiple filters.

The clip with the last to be applied effect will be revealed.

If necessary, double-click this revealed clip to reveal an earlier applied effect. When the filter you want to modify or replace is revealed, single-click it, to make the alteration. (In this case, the 1:66 Mask filter.) Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


To replace a filter, drag the new filter onto the old filter.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


To modify a filter or to adjust the parameters of the replacement filter, click the Toolbar_EE button.

The Toolbar_Effect Mode button may need to be clicked to see this filter’s parameters. Adjust the filter as desired. Double-click on the lowest clip to collapse all filters to one.

To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Delete a Nested Effect Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the Record track with the clip. Click the Toolbar_EE button and click Toolbar_Effects Mode button.

Double-click the clip with multiple filters.

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The clip with the last to be applied effect will be revealed.

Double-click this revealed clip to reveal an earlier applied effect. When the filter you want to remove is revealed, single-click it.

Click the Toolbar_Remove Effect button.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Double-click on the lowest clip to collapse all effects to one. To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Color Correct Log footage Select the RGB Parade scope.

A. Adjust the Gain slider to set white-detail level. B. Adjust the Highlights Color Wheel so the tops of the Red, Green, and Blue bars are equal. For example, to raise the top { ▀ } of the Red bar, slide the puck toward Red. ↑▀R

↑▀R ↑▀G


↑▀G ↑▀B


↑▀B ↑▀R







C. Now, re-adjust the Gain slider as needed. D. Adjust the Shadows Color Wheel so the bottoms of the Red, Green, and Blue bars are equal. For example, to lower the bottom { ▄ } of the Blue bar, slide the puck away from Blue. ↓▄R ↓ RED









↓▄B ↓ BLUE



E. Now, re-adjust the Setup slider as needed.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen



F. Adjust the Midtone Color Wheel so objects that should be “medium gray” are devoid of any tint. G. The most critical adjustment for log media is Midtone signal level. Adjust the Gamma slider until the picture looks as you want. Steps A through G are interactive, so you’ll likely need to run through them several times. To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Apply AudioSuite Effects to Clips Click the Toolbar_AE button. Click the magenta FX tab in the Project Window. Click the Audio Clip tab.

Drag an Audio Clip effect onto a clip.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Or, first select an Effect, such as “Time Shift” from the AudioSuite window. Then drag the magenta “plug” from the AudioSuite window onto an audio clip.

To employ these effects or Audio Track effects, you’ll need to consult Avid’s Media Composer First Editing Guide.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Zoom or Pan/Scan UHD Media Although Media Composer | First cannot export a UHD (3840x2160) movie, if you shoot UHD media you can use it in several ways within a project. •

By shooting UHD media your source files are “future Proofed.” They can be used later in a UHD project.

You can pull a 1920x1080 image from 3840x2160 media by cropping it. This is a straightforward way to an instant zoom to a close-up without a loss of quality. The zoomed in image will still have 1920x1080 resolution.

Begin by right-clicking on a UHD clip and selecting Source Settings….

There are three tabs in the window that opens. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Color Encoding:

REC.709 color space is for HD REC.2020 (SMPTE 2084) color space is for UHD

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Playback Rates:

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FrameFlex for Instant Zoom:

By clicking Size matches project raster—3840x2160 is scaled to 1920x1080. •

You can now drag the red crop to position it where you desire.

Or, you can now slide X and Y to move the red crop to where you need it.

Click OK when finished. When you place the “zoomed clip” after the original in a Timeline, you can trim the cut point, so the zoom looks natural.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


FrameFlex for Pan and Scan:

By clicking Size matches project raster—3840x2160 is scaled to 1920x1080. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click the Toolbar_EE and Toolbar_Effects Editor buttons. Set a keyframe at the point where you want a pan to begin. Drag the frame-outline to its starting position.

Drag the frame-outline to its ending position and set a keyframe.

Click the Render Effect button and select the Drive. [ Render Option ]

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


During playback, the 1920x1080 shot will now be smoothly panned.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Working with NTSC and PAL DV Files Set MCF’s Image Quality to maximum by clicking the tiny TV screen until it turns green.

You can preview a file in the Source Monitor. Input using Link. Send a clip to Timeline and this message may appear.

Select 25.00 fps or 29.97 fps. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Select SD. (NTSC @ 720x480 or PAL @ 720x576)

Click OK. Select all clips in a Bin and issue the Clip > Source Settings… command. Click Linked Plug-in tab. DV uses Even (lower field first). DV field Layout has two fields merged into one frame.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click Color Encoding tab. DV color space is CCIR 601 which is not offered by MCF. DV cameras almost always use levels from binary 16 to binary 255 (full range). Set as shown below:

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


NTSC SD Raster Dimension: 720x486.

NTSC DV image width is 8-pixels of black + 704-pixels of active image + 8-pixels of black, adding up to 720.

NTSC DV image height is 480-lines + lower 6-lines of black, adding to up 486-lines.

Click FrameFlex tab. NTSC: Click button to the left of Image size to make Image size: 720x480. NTSC: Image Aspect Ratio: 1.50:1. NTSC: Set FrameFlex as shown for an NTSC DV clean aperture.

Click Apply to all. Click OK. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


PAL SD Raster Dimension: 720x576.

PAL DV image width is 8-pixels of black + 704-pixels of active image + 8-pixels of black, adding up to 720.

PAL DV image height is 576-lines.

Click FrameFlex tab. PAL: Click button to the left of Image size to make Image size: 720x576. PAL: Image Aspect Ratio: 1.25:1. PAL: Set FrameFlex as shown for a PAL DV clean aperture.

Click Apply to all. Click OK. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Right-click on either Composer monitor and select a 4:3 aspect-ratio.

You’ll likely want to resize your Workspaces (see Section II).

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Working with Interlaced Files All UHD (4K) formats are progressive, as is 720p (1280x720). All SD formats, including DV, plus HD (1440x1080 or 1920x1080) are interlaced formats. Interlaced video has the concept of dominant field, i.e., the first field to be presented. •

SD Dominant Field = Lower = Even = Field 1

SD Non-dominant = Upper = Odd = Field 2

HD Dominant Field = Upper = Odd = Field 2

HD Non-dominant = Lower Even = Field 1

DV25: Frame TC = “.18” at Field 1 (First field = Lower/Even) You’ll see no field number.

DV25: Frame TC = “:18” at Field 2 (Second field = Upper/Odd) You’ll see a field number of 2. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Begin by creating a Timeline with four video tracks. •

V4 for progressive images such as titles and graphics

V3 leave empty

V2 for secondary video

V1 for primary video

When all the clips you will use are in the Timeline:

Select only tracks V1 and V2. Video Mixdown: Right-click in the Timeline and select > Mixdown > Video.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Specify the Target Bin. Specify the Target Drive. •

For SD, select a Resolution of DV 50 MXF which will chroma upsample 4:1:1 (NTSC) or 4:2:0 (PAL) to generate a 4:2:2 file at 50Mbps.

For HD, select DNxHD Target Video Resolution: DNxHD 220 MXF. (Or, the highest bit-rate DNxHD available.) When source files contain 10-bit data, select DNxHD 220 X MXF.

The rendered mixdown file will be placed in the Bin. Drag the mixdown file to V3. Set the Visibility Indicator at V4. In the simplified example below, the mixdown was placed in V2 rather than V3.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Next, issue the File > Media Creation Settings… command.

Select DNxHD Target Video Resolution: DNxHD 220 MXF. (Or, the highest bitrate DNxHD available.) When source files contain 10-bit data, select DNxHD 220 X MXF. MCF processes all data using 10-bits. Media Composer’s 16-bit option is missing.

This data-rate will be used for the Motion Effect deinterlace step coming next.

Data-rate for HD Select Target Drive for renders. Click OK.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


In the Project Window, click the magenta FX tab. Select the Filters tab.

Drag the Timewarp >> Timewarp filter onto the mixdown track.

The Motion Effect Editor will appear.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Set Edit Graph to Speed. Set Type: to Both Fields. Anchor should be set to the beginning of the Timeline. Set Source to Interlaced. Check Adaptive Deinterlace Source for maximum image quality. Set Output: to Progressive. Select only track V3. Click the Render button—red circle. [ Render Option ]

Choose Drive.

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Click OK.

Close the Motion Effect Editor.

Before deinterlace: Frame TC = .18 for Field 1 and Field 2 Stepping by Fields, note the switch from a period (field 1) to a colon (field 2)

Stepping by Frames, note there are only periods (field 1)

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


After deinterlace: Frame TC = .18 for Field 1 and Field 2 Stepping by Fields, note there are only periods (field 1)

SD video can only be exported as H.264 Before exporting, set the Visibility Indicator to V4. Select V3 and V4: 4:2:2 video from V3 plus 4:4:4 graphics in V4 will be used. Select the desired audio track(s), e.g., A1.

During Export, pairs of fields in the Timeline will become a single frame

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


In this manner, 59.94i media becomes 29.97p media

720x496 raster compensates for NTSC DV’s non-square (0.91) pixels

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Apply Widescreen Mask to Timeline Select all clips in a Bin and issue the Clip > Source Settings… command.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click Color Encoding tab Set as shown below: •

HD cameras use “full range” levels from binary 16 to binary 255. Or, when the camera records 10-bit data “full range” levels from binary 64 to binary 1023.

HD employs the REC.709 color space.

No Color transformations are used.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click FrameFlex tab Click button to the left of Image size to make Image size: 1920x1080. Image Aspect Ratio: 16:9. Set FrameFlex as shown for “Centered” mask. •

Slide mask to middle of image.

Frame aspect ratio = 2.35:1

Size = 100%

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click FrameFlex tab Click button to the left of Image size to make Image size: 1920x1080. Image Aspect Ratio: 16:9. Set FrameFlex as shown for “Common Top” mask. •

Slide mask to top of image.

Frame aspect ratio = 2.35:1

Size = 100%

Click Apply to all. Click OK.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Edit Smartphone Video When you shoot with a smartphone such as an iPhone or Android that employ VFR, Variable Frame Rate, recording these cameras typically do not record at an exact framerate such as 29.97p or 59.94p. The Source Browser displays VFR clips as shown below.

You can define the correct frame-rate as shown below.

Click OK. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Slip Deselect all Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select those Record tracks that hold clips to be trimmed. When playing from before the end of clip A to after the beginning of clip C, you may see/hear that clip B—although it has the correct duration—does not begin or end correctly within the context of the two clips it sits between. To fix this, slip clip B. Right-to-left lasso over cut points at both ends of a clip B. The beginning of a lassodrag must start outside the Timeline tracks in the dark gray area.

The Trim Window opens and the Composer presents four displays.

Press esc to exit Trim Mode. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


You will see the end frame of Clip A on the left-most display. You will see the beginning frame of Clip C on the right-most display. The beginning frame of clip B is in the second display while the end frame of clip B is in the third display. You can ripple trim the beginning of clip B earlier or later. •

Drag the beginning of clip B to the left to slip clip B earlier.

White roller on the right side of junction •

Or, you can click the Trim Left 1 frame button. { , }

Drag the beginning of clip B to the right to slip clip B later.

White roller on the right side of junction •

Or, you can click the Trim Right 1 frame button. { . }

Clips A and C will not be altered in any way—nor will the duration of clip B. That’s because Slip keeps the total duration of all three clips constant. To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab }

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Slide When playing from before the end of clip A to after the beginning of clip C, you may see/hear that either the ending of clip A or the beginning of clip C is incorrect in relation to clip B. The solution is to slide clip B earlier or later within the group of three clips. Clip B will not be altered in any way—nor will the total duration of clips A, B, and C because Slide keeps the total duration of all three clips constant. Hold down shift + {Alt} or {Option} key as you right-to-left lasso over cut points at the end frame of a clip A and the beginning frame of clip C. The beginning of a lassodrag must start outside the Timeline tracks in the dark gray area.

The Trim Window opens, and the Composer presents four displays.

Press esc to exit Trim Mode. Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


The beginning of clip B is in the second display while the end of clip B is in the third display.

If you slide the end of clip A earlier, then clip A will become shorter because you will be removing material (watch the left-most display) and clip C will automatically be trimmed to start earlier. Because clip C must follow the sliding movement of clip A, you can also watch the rightmost display. •

Drag the end of clip A to the left.

White roller on the left side of junction •

Or, you can click the Trim Left 1 frame button. { , }

If you slide the end of clip A later, then clip A will become longer because you will be adding material at its end (watch the left-most display) and clip C will automatically be trimmed to start later. Because clip C must follow the sliding movement of clip A, you can also watch the rightmost display. •

Drag the end of clip A to the right.

White roller on the left side of junction •

Or, you can click the Trim Right 1 frame button. { . }

To return to editing, click the Toolbar_SE button. { tab } Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Appendix A: Rendering FX Media Composer supports real-time-preview on Macs and PCs that meet Avid’s posted requirements. Effects marked with a green dot should be able to be played without rendering. However, with highly compressed (H.264) media or complex effects, frames may be dropped during playback. You can see when frames are dropped: •

Yellow bars on the Timeline show where Media Composer had a slight difficulty during playback. No frames were dropped.

Blue bars on the Timeline show where Media Composer had playback difficulty because of disk speed limitations. No frames were dropped.

Red bars on the Timeline show where Media Composer dropped frames during playback.

If you encounter dropped frames, you have two options. The first option doesn’t employ a render. •

The Video Resolution Toggle button at the bottom of the Timeline normally is Yellow and Green. (50% of the rows and 50% of the lines are employed.)

Medium-resolution Draft

Click it to Low-resolution (maximum performance) mode. (25% of the rows and 25% of the lines are employed.)

Low-resolution Draft

High-resolution Draft

All rows and lines are employed.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


The second option requires you to render effects. Issue the File > Media Creation… command. Select DNxHD 175 MXF or DNxHD 220 MXF. When source files contain 10bit data select DNxHD 175 X MXF or DNxHD 220 X MXF.

You can render each effect as you add it to the Timeline.

Or, after an effect has been added to a Timeline, you can render it: Deselect all other Record tracks by pressing the Toolbar_De/Dt button. { N } Select the Record track with the clip. Place the Position Indicator over the effect to be rendered.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Right-click in the Timeline and select Render At Position.

Delete Precomputes or Purge All Files Renders are files created by Media Composer. Avid calls them Precomputes. When you finish a project, you’ll want to delete them. Issue the Tools > Media Tool command. The Media Tool and Media Tool Display windows will open. The Media Tool Display window provides control over which files you want to delete. Use the Media Tool Display window to select the Drive and Project. •

If you render only to, for example, drive D: then only select it.

To delete Precomputes from the Current Project, click Current Project.

Select the name of the Project.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Select both Precompute Clips options. Or to purge all files, select all options.

Click OK to bring-up a list of precomputed clips in the Media Tool window.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Press Control+A or Command+A to select all the precompute files.

Press delete and the Media Tool Display window will auto-close. The Delete Media window will auto-open. In the Delete Media window select precomputed “V Delete # video files(s).”

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click the OK button and the Delete Media window will auto-close. A confirmation dialog box will open.

Click the delete button. The Media Tool window should now be empty.

Close the Media Tool.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Force Delete Media Files Locate the Avid MediaFiles folder that MCF is using.

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Select the files you want to remove and press delete.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Clear folders that accumulate files overtime Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\Public Documents\Avid Media Composer/AMA Management" Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\Public Documents\Avid Media Composer\Avid Attic" Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\ Public Documents\Avid Media Composer\Avid FatalErrorReports" Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\Public Documents\Avid Media Composer\Avid_MediaFiles" Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\Public Documents\Avid Media Composer\AvidImageCache" Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\Public Documents\ Avid Media Composer\AvidSourceBrowserCache"

Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\Public Documents\Avid Media Composer First/AMA Management" Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\Public Documents\Avid Media Composer First\Avid Attic" Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\ Public Documents\Avid Media Composer First\Avid FatalErrorReports" Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\Public Documents\Avid Media Composer First\Avid_MediaFiles" Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\Public Documents\Avid Media Composer First\AvidImageCache" Delete the contents of: "\Users\Public\Public Documents\ Avid Media Composer First\AvidSourceBrowserCache"

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Appendix B: MyFFmpeg for Windows myFFmpeg Application

Video Presets

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Audio Presets

Use + to load files

Two .MTS files ready for conversion to ProRes 422 Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


. MTS file being converted

Create a watch folder for exports

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One DNxHD (44.1kHz) file being converted to ProRes 422 (48kHz)

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Appendix C: Shuttle Trim Settings Settings for Contour Shuttle Pro v2 Assumes keyboard settings in Section III have been made. Use only when Trimming an assembly of clips in the Timeline. For trimming clips in tracks: V1, A1, A2, and A3. Only when using the Trim Tool: •

For Static trimming by -10, -1, +1, and +10 Frames.

For Dynamic Trimming by nudging cut while playing around the cut-point.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Appendix D: Uncompressed Export 1. Select all Video Tracks. Issue the Mixdown > Video… command.

Select one of the DNxUncompressed settings and click OK.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click the AE button. Set each PAN control on the Mixer as needed for all the audio tracks.

2. Select all Audio Tracks. Issue the Mixdown > Audio… command.

Make settings and click OK.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Open the “Avid MediaFiles > MXF > 1” folder and look for three .mxf files that have the latest creation times.

To convert these three .mxf files to a single high-quality compressed file. Move these files to a DaVinci Resolve source folder.

In Resolve’s Media room, import these clips. There will be one video .mxf file and two audio .mxf files.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Now enter the Edit room. Issue the File > New Timeline command. Make these settings:

Create a Timeline with the three .mxf clips. The audio clip with the “.1” extension is the Right Track and should be placed as the lower audio Track. The other audio clip should be placed as the upper Left audio Track.

Click the DELIVER icon to enter the Deliver room and export the clips. •

You can use any supported codec.

You can select any supported data-rate.

You can export to any available drive.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


In the upper-left Render Settings panel browse to a RESOLVE CLIP EXPORTS folder. Enter a clip name and click Save. Select Single clip. Click the Video button and check Export Video.

Under Format, select QuickTime. Select an DNxHD codec for HD.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Select an DNxHR codec for UHD.

Click the Audio button and check Export Audio.

Under Codec, select Linear PCM Under Channels, select 2 Under Bit Depth, select 16 Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen


Click the (yellow) Add Job to Render Queue button. Click the (red) Start Render button.

Jobs to be render are listed within the green box. When the render has finished, issue the File > Save Project command.

Copyright 2019 by Steve Mullen