Intermediate Tests [PDF]

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progress test

Unit 1

Grammar 1 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Use the other words in brackets as well.

(not / usually / go) to town on 1 I Saturday mornings because it’s too crowded. 2 A woman in a black car Do you know her? 3 What time 4

(follow) us.

(your exam / finish)?

(you / watch) the big match this afternoon? It should be good.


(you / go out) for a meal after the cinema?

6 I never (eat) sea food because it made me ill once when I was younger. 7 What Saturday?

(not open) until

2 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. have  enjoy  want  belong  think we should go home now. It’s getting

2 Kelly the party. She hasn’t spoken to anyone all evening. 3

a celebration for your birthday next weekend?

4 Dave

to go on holiday this summer.

5 Who

this bag


5 My dad refused to let / letting my brother drive his car. 6 I think I avoided to make / making too many mistakes in the test. 7 Marie can’t face to see / seeing Helen again after the argument. Mark


Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

creased   matching   scruffy   furry   baggy



3 Choose the correct answers. 1 My friends decided to go / going to a club after the meal. 2 I can’t stand to wait / waiting in queues. Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 

1 I am wearing a wedding.

skirt and jacket to the

2 You mustn’t go to a job interview looking .


1 I late.

4 Dan suggested to go / going to visit Rick in hospital.

(you / wear) to Tom’s party on

8 The supermarket 8.30 a.m. Mark

3 Katy promised to help / helping me with my English homework.

3 I always wear are so comfortable!

jumpers because they

4 My sister can’t wear they irritate her skin.

clothes because

5 After the long plane journey my clothes were badly . Mark


5 Choose the correct answers. 1 Sarah’s new boyfriend is a model. He’s very handsome / well -looking. 2 My gran always wears old / late -fashioned clothes. 3 To be promoted in this company you have to be quick / hard -working. 4 People who are easy / kind -going are usually very popular. 5 Don Barker is good / well -known for his action films. Mark


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Unit 1 8 Choose the best answers.

Listening 6 ≤3.01  Listen to five people talking about photographs. Match the speakers with the photographs. in a studio   at a concert   at home on holiday   at a celebration 1 Speaker A


2 Speaker B


3 Speaker C


4 Speaker D


5 Speaker E




1 Pictures are important in the news because A they show us important places. B it’s traditional to have them. C they help us understand the story. 2 Some people today complain that A the filming is boring. B the filming is distracting. C the filming isn’t very good. 3 One modern filming technique is A when people stand in a circle. B there is a circle of cameras. C the camera moves in a circle. 4 The television company

Reading 7 Read the text.

The news in pictures The filming and photography in news programmes is very important in bringing the stories to life and making us realise how events affect people. But the traditional techniques of filming are slowly changing and not everyone is happy with this. Viewers have recently complained that camerawork on news programmes, while very artistic and clever, is more suited to feature films and documentaries. Apparently many of us are distracted by clever camerawork and our attention is taken away from the real focus, which is the story. Several techniques have been criticised. One of these is the ‘circling camera’. This is when the cameraman goes round the person who is talking so that at one point we see the back of his head. Another technique is when the camera is not held steadily and shakes. It gives the impression of slight panic and is often used in films today. The BBC insists that camerawork like this is a sign of artistic and technological progress and is interesting and attractive, particularly to a younger audience. But how appropriate is it to have a circling camera when reporting on something as ordinary as interest rates?

A has apologised. B promises to change the way news is filmed. C thinks it’s okay to film this way. 5 What is the writer’s attitude? A He thinks the filming should suit the subject. B He likes artistic camerawork. C He thinks there should be more filming with news stories. Mark

Writing 9 Imagine you are going to spend a month in

England on an English-language course. Write a letter to the family you are going to stay with introducing yourself. Use the writing guide to help you. Paragraph 1: introduction, general personal details Paragraph 2: write something about your village/ town/city and your country Paragraph 3: say something about your hobbies and interests Paragraph 4: ask for information about the family Mark Total

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Unit 2

Grammar 1

3 I (get) home at midnight and (find) that my friend (leave) a note on the door.

Choose the correct answers. I 1 was walking / walked home from school yesterday when I suddenly was hearing / heard 2

this really loud noise. It 3 was sounding / sounded like an aeroplane! I 4 was passing /

4 Gemma because she phone.

(be) really upset yesterday (break) Sandy’s mobile

passed a wall at the time so I was looking /

5 When we (get) to the cinema the film (already start).

looked over. In the middle of the field I 6 saw /




was seeing a huge, round object – just like a UFO! It 7 was making / made the strange sound and lights 8 were shining / shone all round it. Then I 9 was realising / realised that the lights were cameras! Some people 10 were making / made a film! Mark


negative or interrogative form of used to and the verbs in the box. let   eat   go   help   live 1 I to a lot of concerts when I was a teenager but now I don’t have the time.

2 Our first English teacher us use our own language in class but we can with our new teacher. 4

before you moved here?

your parents with your homework when you were younger?

5 When I was a child I now I love them! Mark

vegetables but


3 Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets. 1 We

4 Complete the sentences with the correct answers.

1 He was very job.

when he didn’t get the

A jealous   B  nervous   C  disappointed

2 Complete the sentences with the affirmative,

3 Where


(go) for a long walk after we (finish) the exam.

2 Jack (get) up late this morning because he (forget) to ask his mum to wake him up.

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2 Pete was

to find his wallet in the car.

A relieved   B  disappointed   C  upset 3 Jenny gets girl.

when Bill talks to another

A guilty   B  jealous   C  scared 4 I’m always when my friends argue in a café where there are lots of people. A nervous   B  bored   C  embarrassed 5 Justin was when he realised that someone had stolen his car. A shocked   B  guilty   C  excited Mark


5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in the box.

organised   depressed   possible   excited comfortable 1 This exercise is

to do! It’s really hard.

2 My parents don’t like the new sofa because it’s so . 3 A lot of people suffer from because of stress at work.

these days

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Unit 2

4 There was a lot of in the class when the teacher told the children about the day trip. 5 I never know where anything is – I am so . Mark


Listening 6 ≤3.02  Listen to the people talking about why

they or other people forget things. Complete the sentences with the correct speakers, A, B, C, D or E. thinks he/she forgets things 1 Speaker because he/she is older.

2 Speaker

thinks it is good to forget.

However, as usual, not all experts agree. Those who believe in reincarnation – the idea that we have all lived before – say that these feelings are fragments of memories from previous lives. But, whatever the reason for déjà vu, one thing it does show is how complicated and amazing our brains are and that we are a long way from understanding completely how the brain, and in particular, how our memories work.

8 Are the sentences true or false? 1 Déjà vu is the feeling that something familiar is unfamiliar. 2 People have been experiencing déjà vu for the last hundred years. 3 Some people think that déjà vu is related to dreams we can’t remember.

3 Speaker thinks he/she forgets things when he’s/she’s in stressful situations.

4 Some people think that this is not our first or only life.

4 Speaker thinks he/she forgets things that aren’t important.

5 Soon we shall understand how our brains work.

5 Speaker thinks people forget things because they are thinking about other things.




Reading 7 Read the text.

I’ve been here before! It’s a strange sensation. A new place that seems familiar or an event that you’re sure has happened before. How many of us have had this experience? Apparently over 70%. It’s called déjà vu and according to the experts it’s not something new but has been happening to people for hundreds of years!


Writing 9 Imagine you are going on holiday with your

flatmate. You are busy and you have to go out. Write a note to your flatmate in which you:

• tell him/her where you are • ask him/her to check the times of the flights • suggest buying some suntan lotion • tell him/her to book a taxi to take you both to the airport • tell him/her when you’ll be back Mark Total

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So, what explanations are there for this strange feeling that is both confusing and uncomfortable? Some scientists think it is related to dreams and memory. It appears that although the majority of us cannot recall our dreams, we actually store the memory of dreams in our long term memory. This deep memory can come back sometimes when we are in a similar situation and makes us think that we have done this before.

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Unit 3 3 Put commas where necessary in the following

Grammar 1

Complete the sentences with who, which or where. 1 That’s the house

I was born.

2 That blonde girl is the new student has just joined our class. 3 That’s the book

5 Do you know a restaurant vegetarian food? 6 Mr Parks is the surgeon my sister. Mark

1 The police arrested the man who stole the car. 2 The competition which lasted two hours was really exciting. 3 I met the man who started the company.

made her famous.

4 I’m trying to find a teacher private lessons.



4 The driver of the red car who had just passed his driving test caused the accident. 5 The hotel where a lot of film stars stay has five stars.

I can get

6 That’s the car which they used in the James Bond film.

operated on

7 We live near a forest where you can see deer and wild horses.


2 Rewrite the following sentences. Use the

sentences in brackets to form non-defining relative clauses. 1 The restaurant on Oxford Road serves excellent food. (I used to work there.)

2 Mr and Mrs Brown live next door to us. (Their daughter is a pop star.)



Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

train   music   attend   act   assist 1 There are three in the family. We all played instruments when we were four years old. 2 The farm shop is looking for a new

3 The new block of flats will be finished next week. (It has 25 floors.) 4 J.K. Rowling is a millionaire. (She wrote the Harry Potter books.) 5 My dad’s new car is very fast. (It cost a lot of money.)

3 She’s a very good many films. 4 I’ve been a flight because I love flying.


and has been in for ten years

5 He’s only a at the moment but he should get a full-time job with the company in two months. Mark


6 Our English teacher speaks French as well. (Her name is Miss Oakes.) 7 Majorca is a beautiful island. (We have a villa there.) Mark


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Unit 3

5 Choose the correct answers. 1 For some jobs you need special paperwork / training. 2 You will have more free time with a part / full -time job. 3 I’d prefer to work outside than work in an office / a company. 4 A lot of intellectual / menial jobs are paid the minimum wage. 5 She earns a good salary / pay. Mark


Listening 6 ≤3.03  Listen to the people talking about what is important for them in a job. Complete the sentences with the correct speakers, A, B, C, D or E.

wants a job that gives him/ 1 Speaker her a lot of free time. 2 Speaker

wants a job that’s enjoyable.

3 Speaker

wants a job that is varied.

4 Speaker wants a job where he/she can meet people. 5 Speaker wants a job that doesn’t have fixed hours. Mark


Reading 7 Read the text.

The workplace The workplace is changing. Gone is the traditional office and gone too are the traditional office hours. We are no longer tied to a desk from 9.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m. with a couple of coffee breaks and an hour for lunch. Technology has revolutionised our working lives in many different ways.

the past for many of us. Technology allows us to work wherever we wish because of the increased ability to communicate via the Internet and send our work round the world in seconds. More and more people are taking advantage of this freedom and working from home. One significant effect of this trend is that people are having to develop their self-discipline and time management skills. And perhaps the greatest danger is that the workforce will become increasingly isolated, and some people will see no one from one day to the other. From a practical point of view, however, the way we organise our days is becoming more flexible and companies can cut office expenditure. Only time will tell whether the benefits of working from home make it worthwhile or not.

8 Are the sentences true or false? 1 No one will work in offices in the future. 2 Changes are happening because of technology. 3 People talk to each other more these days. 4 We have to control our working time carefully. 5 Working from home can be lonely. Mark


Writing 9 Imagine you have seen an advertisement for

your dream job. Write a formal letter applying for the job. Include the following information:

• the job you are applying for and where you saw the advert • why you are right for the job • your qualifications and/or relevant experience • your personal qualities • your availability for an interview Mark Total

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One of the greatest changes that we can see happening today is related to where we do our work. The daily commute to and from the office will soon be a thing of

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Unit 4

Grammar 1 Complete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in the box.

leave   deliver   watch   hear   travel   be   try 1


anything on TV last


the latest football

night? 2 results? 3 I a lot in Europe but not in other continents. 4 They

the post late every day last week.

5 Our neighbour his car at the end of our drive and I can’t get my car out. 6 We the new Indian restaurant a couple of times and it’s really good. 7 How long Mark


a surgeon?


1 Sorry I’m late. I’ve worked / been working on the car. 2 I’ve researched / been researching this subject for six months. 3 She’s replied / been replying to ten e-mails this evening. 4 We’ve learned / been learning about French history for several days now. It’s very interesting. 5 Have you done / been doing the shopping yet? 6 I’ve cooked / been cooking a lasagne for you. I hope it’s OK. /6

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

since   ago   yet   for   since   already   just 1 We’ve been driving morning. 2 He’s minutes.

ten o’clock this

phoned. He’ll be here in fifteen

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4 I’ve wanted a laptop 5 I haven’t replied weekend.

years. but I’ll do it at the

6 We met them two years were on holiday in New York. 7 He’s been on a diet Mark

when we Christmas.


Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 I can’t really talk today. I’ve got a bad


A shoulder   B  throat   C  head 2 He fell over on the hill and twisted his


A ankle   B  hand   C  leg 3 I pulled a this afternoon.

2 Choose the correct answers.


3 Can you change the channel, please? I’ve seen that film.

while I was playing tennis

A finger   B  leg   C  muscle 4 I’ve never broken a

in my body.

A muscle   B  vein   C  bone 5 She went home because she had a ache. A skin   B  stomach   C  waist Mark


5 Choose the correct answers. 1 He’s head over feet / heels in love with her. 2 I didn’t mean to embarrass Sarah – I really put my toe / foot in it. 3 He spoke to Alex and got it off his chest / heels. 4 I didn’t want to go to the cinema but he twisted my hand / arm. 5 I don’t believe you! You’re pulling my foot / leg! Mark


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Unit 4

Listening 6 ≤3.04  Listen to the radio interview. Are the

8 Choose the best answers. 1 The text suggests that drug companies

sentences true or false?

A sell drugs that are bad for us.

1 Dan O’Brien is only famous in the UK.

B sell drugs that are too expensive.

2 One of his relatives is from Ireland.

C make a lot of money.

3 He had several health problems when he was younger. 4 He takes his medicines with him when he goes away. 5 He’s not sure how good acupuncture is. Mark


2 It’s possible that A we could manage without drugs. B we could live longer without drugs. C we need different sorts of drugs. 3 Placebos A are tablets for headaches. B are experiments done since the 1950s.

Reading 7 Read the text.

Use your mind How many tablets do you take? We all take tablets for headaches and other illnesses. But are they really necessary? The big drug companies make the drugs and tablets that we buy to fight our health problems. But could it be possible that many of these drugs and tablets are only good for the bank balances of the drug companies and that there are better ways for us to get over our health problems? According to some experts we should use the power of our minds. Since the 1950s there have been experiments using placebos. Placebos are tablets which do not have an effect on the body, so they shouldn’t be able to make us better. In the experiments some patients in the group receive real drugs for a health problem, while others receive the placebo. No one knows who has the real drug or who has the placebo. In a significant number of these experiments the patients who haven’t received the real drug get better! People think this is perhaps because they are thinking positively and believe they will get better – so they do! So, can we ‘think’ ourselves better? Perhaps the big drugs companies should start worrying!

C should not be able to cure health problems. 4 In the experiments, A patients know if they don’t receive the real drug. B patients know it’s possible they haven’t received the real drug. C patients know they have been lied to. 5 According to the article A some people can get better if they believe they will. B some people get better if their doctor believes they will. C some people get better because they stop taking drugs. Mark

Writing 9 Imagine your friend has moved to another

country. Write a letter to him/her in which you:

• say you are sorry for not writing sooner • give him/her news about yourself • give him/her news about your friends and/or family • ask questions about your friend Mark Total

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Unit 5

Grammar 1 Write sentences using will, may, might not or won’t and the prompts.

1 I’m sure / Bill Jones / win / the next election 2 Perhaps / I / study / biology at university 5 Perhaps / we / not see / you until Tuesday

A Great! By the next meeting I 4 (take) my test and I 5 (come) in my own car – I hope! B Good luck! How are the reports going? (finish) them by the time I leave.

B What about the information we needed? (print) all of it off by then too.

B That’s good. So, we 8 points at the meeting?

(discuss) all the

A That’s right! Mark



2 Choose the correct answers. 1 If you get / will get a plasma TV, you’ll be able to put it on the wall. 2 If they win this match, they go / will go up to the next league. 3 If I go to bed too late, I am always / will always be tired the following day. 4 You can get some great deals if you will shop / shop online. 5 If you are / will be interested in computers, you should take an IT course. 6 I usually get a lot of spam in my in-box if I use / will use my email. 7 If there is / there will be a fault with your new scanner, you should return it. /7

3 Complete the dialogue with the future perfect or the future continuous form of the verbs in brackets. A Hi! I’m just getting ready to come to the meeting. B Great.1 train?

(drive) a yellow car.

A Rosie 7

4 I’m sure / they / not arrive / before 1.00 p.m.


B Sure. I 3

A I 6

3 Perhaps / Tina / pass / the exam


A By train. Could you pick me up at the station? I 2 (wait) outside.

(you / come) by coach or

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Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the prefixes in the box.

micro-   ex-   auto-   mono-   multi1 We got divorced two years ago. She is now my wife. 2 One day I will write my will be all about me!

biography – it

3 If you’re in a lingual class, everyone has the same first language. 4 A skilled worker can do many different things. 5 Most kitchens today have a oven. Mark



5 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 You should you go shopping.

using plastic bags when

A promote   B  prevent C avoid 2 Supermarkets have organic food.

their sales of

A increased   B  achieved C organised

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Unit 5

3 Green organisations are trying to sale of hybrid cars.


A avoid   B  promote C persuade 4 We can’t flights but we can try to reduce the number of them. A ban   B  decrease C persuade 5 It’s going to be difficult for governments to the aims they have set themselves. A do   B  promote C achieve Mark


Natural power This is an award-winning documentary that traces man’s efforts over the centuries to use natural energy resources such as wind and wave power. We look at the first windmills and watermills in several regions.

A day in the life This unusual programme compares the lives of villagers in a third world country with villagers in the UK and studies how they both deal with environmental issues.

Drive me A special programme which reveals the range of options available to people who wish to purchase cars that are kinder to the environment.

Listening 6 ≤3.05  Listen to the people talking about

different measures being taken to help the environment. Complete the sentences with the correct speakers, A, B, C, D or E.

8 Complete the sentences with the correct programme title. 1 In

we can learn historical facts.

1 Speaker

thinks it can be confusing.

2 Speaker

thinks people are selfish.

3 Speaker effects.

thinks there can be bad side

3 In we can see different attitudes to the environment.

4 Speaker

thinks it is not enough.

5 Speaker the action.

there’s often another reason for

4 In we can see how nature is affecting our lifestyle.



2 In we can find out about how to buy something in an environmentally-friendly way.

5 In we can learn about the reasons for certain natural problems. Mark

Reading 7 Read the text.

Extinction This programme looks at several animals close to extinction and questions why they are now in danger. We are taken to the habitats of these different animals and shown why their survival is threatened.

Changing skies In this excellent series we look at how the changing weather patterns in different continents is affecting the way the people live and how they have to adapt.

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Writing 9 Write a questionnaire about future plans and

ambitions. Include one question on each of the topics and one more question on any topic. • school/education • work/money • personal life • friends and family • travel and adventure Mark Total

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Unit 6

Grammar 1

Complete the sentences with can’t, must or might. 1 He here.

have left already. His car’s still

2 He have e-mailed the client this morning but I’m not sure. 3 She is full!

have been shopping. The fridge

5 ‘How are you going to get to London next week?’ my mum asked me. Mark


4 Rewrite the sentences with the indirect object as a pronoun. Do not use to or for.

4 He 3.00 p.m.

have finished the test yet. It’s only

5 She have told Fiona where she was going. Let’s ask her if she did. Mark

4 ‘Did you go to the concert yesterday?’ Grace asked Jane.


2 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. 1 ‘I’ve never had such a good meal,’ said Kate.

1 She told a lie about her qualifications to me. 2 I always read a story to the children before bed. 3 Jack passed a note to Bill in class. 4 He played a new song by Mika to us.

2 ‘It was a really interesting journey,’ she said. 3 ‘We’re looking for some new employees,’ he told me.

5 She taught English to our class when we were eleven. Mark

4 ‘A trip to London will be good for your English,’ Jack told me. 5 ‘My brother doesn’t think it’s a very good idea,’ she said.


Vocabulary 5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

balcony   basin   hedge   chandelier   path



3 Report the questions. 1 ‘Have you seen Mary?’ Simon asked Tom. 2 ‘What’s the time?’ Daniel asked his dad. 3 ‘Will you be long?’ he asked me.

1 The week.

2 The restaurant has a beautiful hanging from the ceiling. 3 The neighbours argued about who should cut the . 4 There’s a narrow down to the river.

from the garden

5 There was a good view of the sea from the . Mark

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in our hotel room was blocked all


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Unit 6

6 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 Our plans for travelling across Europe fell . A down   B  over C through 2 Breaking on the motorway is one of my greatest fears! A down   B  up C through 3 Hold

. I’ll be with you in a moment.

A up   B  on C down 4 I’m going to try to give week!

coffee next

A over   B  in C up 5 What time did you come last night?

from London

A to   B  back C out Mark


Listening 7 ≤3.06  Listen to a psychologist talking about lying. Are the sentences true or false? 1 People often tell small lies. 2 Telling lies can be bad for your health. 3 Lying doesn’t get easier with practice. 4 You can never tell when someone is lying. 5 Body language can be a sign that someone is telling a lie. Mark


Hustle is all about the adventures of a group of con artists. Con artists are people who persuade rich people to give them lots of money to finance projects or plans that do not exist! The ideas are often very complicated. Sometimes the group create a real background for the trick by hiring actors, offices or houses to persuade the people they are conning that they are genuine. For them lying is an art! In reality con artists are criminals, but in this series the group take money from the rich for a reason. The rich person might have committed a crime themselves or might just be a really nasty person! However, unlike the famous Robin Hood, who stole from the rich and gave to the poor, the ‘Hustle’ group keep the money for themselves! This is an excellent series and this DVD is a must for those who like their stories complicated but very, very clever!

9 Choose the best answers. 1 This text is A giving a review. B a news article about con artists. C educational. 2 The con artists in Hustle A are actors. B are very creative. C are genuine business people. 3 Con artists in the real world A give money to the poor. B steal money that isn’t theirs. C work in offices.

Reading 8 Read the text.

Hustling In the last year the viewing public have learned a great deal about a certain type of criminal in the extremely successful TV series Hustle. The first Hustle DVD is released this week and it’s set to be a best-seller!

4 In Hustle the con artists A make a lot of money. B can be quite nasty. C help poor people. 5 The stories in Hustle A are easy to understand. B are true. C are not straightforward. Mark

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Unit 6

Writing 10 Imagine you have decided to spend a week at

a hotel in a big city. Write a formal letter to the hotel to make a reservation for you and your family. Include the following information:

• the dates of your stay • the number of guests, and the number and types of rooms you need • ask for information about the hotel’s facilities • ask for information about where the hotel is and how to get there • ask for confirmation of your reservation Mark Total

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Unit 7


3 Add question tags to the statements.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct

comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets.

1 You didn’t like the concert, 2 He’s working late tonight, 3 They don’t have a dog,

(interesting) programme 1 This is the I’ve ever seen! Switch it off!

4 She goes training everyday,

2 Hamilton is the world today.

(fast) driver in the


3 Can you speak I can’t follow you.

(slowly), please?

4 I work

(hard) now than I used to.

5 Miss Barber is the the school.

(good) teacher in

6 This exercise is (difficult) than I thought it would be. I can do it! 7 I gave him the sweets because he asked the (politely) of all the children. 8 She’s (happy) doing this job than she was before. Now she’s always smiling.

5 There isn’t any cake left,

2 Would you rather we didn’t / don’t go away for the weekend? 3 I wish he wouldn’t / didn’t like jazz so much. I can’t stand it. 4 If only the shop opened / would open earlier, they would get more customers. 5 I wish they would sell / sold that car. It’s always breaking down. Mark




divorced   fancied   split   married   engaged 1 It was a surprise when we got . We were in a restaurant and Jon gave me a beautiful ring. 2 My grandparents were 3 Ben and Sue

5 Polly has

1 I wish I would / could go to the concert with you but I’m really busy.


4 Complete the sentences with the words in the

10 Penny was the (successful) of all the students in that class. She didn’t work very hard at all.

2 Choose the correct answers.



4 Getting children.




9 They have the (pretty) garden in the neighbourhood. It won a prize last year.




for 60 years. up in January.

can be very hard on the Mark since they first met!


5 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 Harry got homework.

with not doing his French

A off   B  away   C  on 2 I fell

with my best friend last month.

A off   B  over   C  out 3 I hate people who look people.

on other

A down   B  out   C  away 4 My cousin is very successful and I look to her. A over   B  up   C  out 5 It’s important to get colleagues at work.

with your

A on   B  out   C  in Mark Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 


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Unit 7

Listening 6 ≤3.07  Listen to the radio phone-in. Choose the best answers.

1 Bridget’s first meeting with her boyfriend was A very romantic. B quite romantic. C unromantic. 2 That night Bridget should have A eaten chicken. B cooked the dinner.

talk – to each other and to me. Often a relationship has problems because people keep all their feelings inside. If we talk about things, we can often find an answer. It’s also important to realise that we’re not all perfect. We all make mistakes. But we need to say sorry and talk about how we can prevent these mistakes from happening again. This can make a relationship stronger. I don’t always succeed in helping people to stay together. Sometimes it’s better for the couple to split up and start new lives apart. But it helps everyone if the break-up can be friendly, especially for any children involved. I love my job. I meet all sorts of people and it’s generally very rewarding.

C eaten fish and chips. 3 Bridget had to A wait for a long time at the shop. B walk a long way. C talk to lots of people. 4 Bridget went out with A a guy who worked in the fish and chip shop. B a guy who bought her fish and chips. C a guy she met while she was waiting in the shop. 5 Today Bridget A is a good cook. B doesn’t like fish and chips. C gets her husband to buy the fish and chips. Mark


Reading 7 Read the text.

A good job In the past when married couples had problems they usually split up or continued to live together in an unhappy relationship. These days couples, married or not, can get advice on their problems from many sources. A lot of them come to me.

8 Are the sentences true or false? 1 The writer advises single people as well as couples. 2 To become a counsellor you don’t need any training. 3 A counsellor needs to be a good listener. 4 Problems usually destroy a marriage. 5 Parents who split up should stay friends for their children. Mark


Writing 9 Imagine you have been invited to the wedding

of a friend. Unfortunately you can’t go. Write BOTH the invitation you received and your reply. Include the following information:

• in the invitation: say what the occasion is, the date and time it will happen and where it will happen • in the reply: give your thanks for the invitation and your reason for not coming Mark Total

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I’m a counsellor and I’m trained to listen to couples with problems. Then I try to advise them on the best way forward. One of my main tasks is to get people to

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Unit 8

Grammar 1 Complete the text with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. A new shopping centre 1 Morton. It 2

(build) in

(start) three years ago and

this time last week it 3

(still / paint)! The

opening should have been last month, but it 4 

(delay) until the centre was ready. The

centre 5

(finally / finish) two days ago,

and yesterday it 6

restaurants and a cinema, and 8

(use) by

people from as far away as Denby. A centre like this 9

(need) in Moreton for a long time

and 10

(welcome) by the local people. /10

2 Choose the correct answers. 1 I phoned his number but anybody / nobody answered. 2 I know my wallet is here somewhere / anywhere. I remember bringing it in with me. 3 Nothing / Something will make me change my mind – I’m sorry. 4 Has nobody / anybody seen the new Daniel Craig film? 5 I didn’t go nowhere / anywhere on holiday last year. Mark

4 Was she wearing a watch? (Did you notice …) 5 Where have you worked before? (Can you tell me …) Mark



(design) by Dan Farley, one of the best

young architects in the UK. It has many shops,


(open) by the town

mayor. The building is very unusual and 7

3 Did he take the train or the bus to London? (Have you any idea …)


3 Turn the direct questions into indirect questions using the words in brackets.

1 Why was she late for class this morning? (I wonder …) 2 Where did you put the car keys? (Can you remember …)

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

customs   platform   cab   track   carriage 1 We took a across London because the buses were so crowded. 2 We missed our train because we were waiting on the wrong . 3 All the trains were delayed because of a problem with the . 4 Luckily our could sit down.

was nearly empty and we

5 It took half an hour to get through the airport. Mark



5 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 My brother is always boasting new bike. 2 I can’t concentrate he’s playing his music.


my work when

3 Our teacher insists correct pronunciation all the time. 4 In many countries it’s rude to stare people. 5 Does this bag belong Mark



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Unit 8 8 Choose the best answer.

Listening 6 ≤3.08  Listen to the people talking about

using the train. Complete the sentences with the correct speakers, A, B, C, D or E.

1 Next year we may have to pay if we A travel through some cities. B travel on any main roads.

1 Speaker

mentions a bad experience.

2 Speaker

mentions high prices.

3 Speaker

mentions an improvement.

A to earn money for the government.

4 Speaker journeys.

mentions uncomfortable

B to protect the environment.

5 Speaker mentions that he/she never uses the train today. Mark


C drive a lot. 2 The charge is being introduced

C to cut traffic jams and delays. 3 People will pay the charge if A the roads are improved. B they have no choice.

Reading 7 Read the text.

Road pricing Yesterday the government announced that road pricing may be introduced in many major cities next year and on all major UK routes within the next ten years. Motorists would then have to pay to use the roads that take them to work, on holiday, or even to their children’s schools, in an attempt to reduce the number of cars on our roads. A survey we carried out earlier today shows that this has angered motorists. While being aware that something needs to be done to ease the congestion on our roads, the majority of car owners do not believe that road pricing is the answer. ‘Unless an alternative is given, this road pricing will not be successful,’ said one person. ‘At the moment the road is the only option for many commuters and if they want to get to work they will pay the charge. The government will get more money but the roads will still be congested.’ Our survey has shown that motorists believe that a more efficient, convenient and cheaper network of public transport is the only way to persuade them to stop using their cars. It seems that the government still has a lot of thinking to do on the subject. Road pricing does not seem to be the answer.

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C it’s quite low. 4 Motorists think A we need better public transport. B it’s a good idea. C the charge is too high. 5 The government needs to A think of another solution. B introduce the charge quickly. C do nothing. Mark


Writing 9 Imagine you are having a disastrous holiday.

Write a postcard to a friend back home. Tell him/ her about: • the journey • the weather • the accommodation Mark Total

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Unit 9 3 Complete the third conditional sentences with the

Grammar 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of have something done and the verbs in brackets. 1 My mum last week.

the carpets


2 For her wedding next summer, my sister the flowers (arrange) by a local shop. 3 My great-grandfather this house (design) by a famous architect 80 years ago. 4 One day I 5 My mum six weeks.

my teeth


her hair

6 I the windows two weeks.

(cut) every (clean) every

4 If I a bargain in the sales, I’d have bought it! 5 If we our money before we went on holiday, we’d have saved ourselves time and money. Mark


3 We can’t pay / afford a new TV at the moment. 4 A lot of people spend too much and go into debt / waste.


5 Have you got any coins / currency for the parking meter?

2 Complete the sentences with the correct


reflexive pronouns.

1 The oil needs changing in the car. Can you do it ? !

3 I thought I saw a ghost in the corridor but then I told not to be so stupid. for a few

5 That’s amazing! You should be very proud of . /5

3 If they me a higher salary, I wouldn’t have left the company.

2 The car was a discount / bargain. It was only £2,000.

10 I usually my homework (check) by a friend before I give it to the teacher!


2 They into debt if they hadn’t bought that big house.

1 We paid for the new computer in cash / currency.

9 My parents their new sofa (deliver) last week.

4 The children stayed by minutes.

more money when I was younger, 1 If I I’d have been able to travel more.

4 Choose the correct answers.

8 My dad his blood pressure (check) tomorrow.

2 This isn’t a takeaway! I cooked it

pay   change   see   save   go


7 After we moved into the new house we the roof (replace).


correct form of the verbs in the box. Use short forms.


5 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 I caught the earlier train been delayed.

2 I’ve lost all my essay notes. Now I’ll have to start again scratch. 3 I had to travel to the job interview own expense. 4 We decided to eat out last night change. 5 I was Mark

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chance. It had

my a

trouble after having a party. /5

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Unit 9

Listening 6 ≤3.09  Listen to the people talking about how

8 Are the sentences true or false? 1 Antiques are popular these days.

they make money. Are the sentences true or false?

2 The TV programmes are mainly popular with experts.

A Putting your money into property is a quick way to make money.

3 Modern items are not worth much money.

B Gambling is very risky.

4 People sometimes pay a lot of money for something that has no value.

C Keeping your money in a savings account makes a large profit. D Business projects are a safe way to make money. E Coming up with new ideas is a good way to make a lot of money. Mark


Reading 7 Read the text.

Worth a fortune Do you have something worth a lot of money hiding in your cupboard? Antiques are big business today, and there are now lots of popular TV programmes encouraging us to search our attics and garages or to visit auctions and second-hand shops to find that one item that will make us a millionaire!

5 Children are good at finding items worth a lot of money. Mark


Writing 9 Imagine you are planning to buy a new bike. You

see one advertised in a magazine. Write a letter to the shop asking for more information. Include the following information and use indirect questions:

• say where you saw the advert, and why you are writing • explain what you need the bike for • ask your most important question • ask your other questions Mark Total

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In these programmes experts visit people’s homes to search them for interesting items to sell at auction, or they take people to markets and shops to help them find a bargain. And it’s not just old antiques that are of interest – people are making money from items they bought just ten or fifteen years ago. But why do we have this fascination? Why do these programmes send us hurrying to look through the things we’ve had for ages? ‘It’s only human nature to want something for nothing!’ says expert Nadia Thomas. ‘We take great pleasure in getting money for something we thought was worthless! It’s like the desire we have as children to find hidden treasure. This is the adult equivalent!’ So, what about that painting that your great-aunt left you when she died? You’ve always hated it but who knows – it could be worth a fortune! And you could be on TV! Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 

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Unit 10 3 Rewrite the sentences with nominal subject

Grammar 1

clauses starting with What.

Choose the correct answers. 1 The episode showing / shown yesterday was brilliant! 2 The prisoner wanting / wanted by the police was seen in a nightclub yesterday. 3 The musical opening / opened next weekend is by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

1 I want lots of sun on my holiday. 2 I’m looking forward to meeting my sister’s boyfriend. 3 I need some time to finish this work.

4 The train arriving / arrived at platform ten is the 9.23 a.m. to London Waterloo.

5 The girl sitting / sat at the desk by the window only started here last week.

6 E-mails sending / sent from this computer sometimes get lost!

7 People using / used mobile phones abroad have to pay a lot more than they do at home.

8 Computers buying / bought before 2006 don’t have Windows Vista. Mark

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words. people have been into space.

A a little   B  some C a few 2

A All   B  Each C Some tickets left for the gig.

A no   B  none C any 4 I drank

water – I wasn’t very thirsty.

A any   B  a little C a few 5 The cakes were lovely. I ate

of them!

A all   B  every C none 6 Did you get

6 She wants a dog. Mark


4 Choose the correct answers. 1 The jugglers / sculptors are performing at the festival. 2 He’s at music college, training to be a composer / scriptwriter.

child was given a present.

3 There were

5 Sam enjoys playing in football matches.



1 Only

4 I’d like to go shopping tomorrow.

3 I saw a wonderful portrait of the Queen by a famous painter / sculptor. 4 We went to an opening night at the theatre last week and we met the playwright / cartoonist after the show. 5 I always give money to composers / buskers in the street. Mark


work done while I was out?

A many   B  much C all Mark


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Unit 10

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

still   performance   gallery   stage   concert 1 The first Miserables.

musical I saw was Les

2 The new

hall is beautifully designed.

3 There’s a lovely dining room.

life painting in her

4 Some people don’t really understand art. 5 The art has an exhibition of Turner’s paintings this summer. Mark


of Brazil, have been commissioned by the owner to completely cover one side of the castle with bright, colourful graffiti. The reason is that the outer covering of the walls of the castle is in very bad condition and in a couple of years it will need to be replaced. The family thought it would be interesting to have the graffiti painted on until then. The artists will be staying at the castle and working on it for a month. After that it will no doubt become a tourist attraction for visitors to the area. Most local people support the idea but there have been some negative reactions from people across the country who think it is completely inappropriate. But the family are convinced that when it is completed people will love it. They hope they are helping graffiti to be accepted as a valuable and respected art form.

8 Are the sentences true or false?

Listening 6 ≤3.10  Listen to the conversation about a

1 The graffiti will not be permanent.

museum in Paris. Complete the sentences with the correct names, Alice, Brian or both.

2 Artists from different countries will be doing the graffiti.


has/have been to the museum more than once.

3 People living near the castle don’t like the idea.


was/were surprised at the size of the museum.

4 The graffiti will include scenes from history.

3 4

didn’t find the museum easily. hasn’t/haven’t got any posters from the museum.

5 Mark

plans/plan to return to the museum. /10

Reading 7 Read the text.

Not here! Where would you expect to find graffiti? On walls and bridges? Perhaps in special exhibitions? But probably not all over the front of a historic Scottish castle! But soon that’s exactly where you will be able to see it! And this is not vandalism on a grand scale. Four graffiti artists, who are well-respected in their home country

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5 It will probably be popular with visitors. Mark


Writing 9 Imagine you are going to start a school

magazine and you need people to contribute. Write an announcement. Include the following information: • what you are planning • who and what you are looking for • what is going to happen Mark Total

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