Instruction of WinWdw Software (New) [PDF]

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TIME Testing Machines

WinWdw Software Operating manual

Time Group Inc.




1. Overview…………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 Functions………………………………………………………………………1 1.2 Software and hardware requirement………………………………………1 1.3 Application……………………………………………………………………1 2.

Installation and unloading of software…………………………………………2 2.1 Installation and unloading of software……………………………………2 2.2 Usage of files in software system……………………………………………2


Guideline of operation…………………………………………………………2 3.1 Main window …………………………………………………………………2 3.2 Display panel of load and deformation………………………………………6 3.3 Display panel of stroke and test time…………………………………………9 3.4 Curve display panel…………………………………………………………10 3.5 Control panel…………………………………………………………………13 3.6 Specimen info…………………………………………………………………17 3.7 Data analysis…………………………………………………………………18 3.8 Test report setting and print…………………………………………………22


Brief introduction for test procedure…………………………………………24

5. System calibration and parameters setting……………………………………25 5.1 System calibration……………………………………………………………25 5.2 System parameter setting …………………………………………………26 5.3 Adjusting……………………………………………………………………26 6. Instruction for report form……………………………………………………29 7. Maintenance and troubles……………………………………………………31 7.1 Maintenance…………………………………………………………………31 7.2 Troubles and remedy…………………………………………………………32 Appendix





z WinWdw Operating manual 1. Overview 1.1 Functions z Windows platform, screen display, operating by mouse; z The load and peak value displayed by 4-6 steps, the display can be extended when 4 steps and automatically calibrating. zRecording the curves of load-time, stroke-time, deformation-time, load-deformation and load-stroke simultaneously, exchanging and observing these curves at will, high speed sampling. z Analyzing the data by man and machine mutually. Processing method complies with the standard of “GB228-2002 Metallic material room temperature tensile test method” and other standards customer put forward. The data processing points include Max. Load point, upper & lower yield point, stipulated non-proportional stress point, etc. automatically calculate elastic modulus, yield strength, non-proportional extension stress, etc. also interfere in analyzing processing by man to boost the precision of analysis; z Test data stored by the form of ASCII code, so convenient for customers to reprocess test data utilizing any form of commercial statements and word processing software, printing test reports as the format customer request. z Supporting multiple control modes, including open-loop constant speed stroke control and close-loop controls of constant load, constant speed stroke, stroke keeping and load keeping. z Providing professional customer with programmable interface, customer can make various kinds of control program at will. z Supporting various kinds of commercial printer. z Initial setting stored as the file form, so easy to restore. z Simple and reliable upgrade of system; z Above-mentioned functions can be added, reduced, adjusted and changed according to different requests from customers. 1.2 Software and hardware requirements z This software must be applied along with PCI card amplifier unit. z Computer configuration 1) CPU better than 586 2) Inner memory better than 64M 3) Hard disc better than 2.0G 4) Display better than VGA. 1024 X 768 z Operating system had better choose Windows95, Windows98, WindowsME or Windows XP. z General commercial printer and its driving program;






1.3 Application z Suitable for microcomputer controlled electronic universal testing machine z Others

2. Installation and unloading of software 2.1 Installation The installation of software adopts the form of automatic guidance to instruct customer to install step by step, so it is convenient. Herewith, no matter the software is stored by the form of soft disc or CD, if the customer clicks the corresponding disc code, and then double click the file of setup.exe in it to start to install the software. Also sometimes offer self compression-relieving file. During installation, the customer can choose the route to install as self-request, otherwise as the pre-setting route. 2.2 Usage of files in software system The system grade files are stored under the present root directory, the main files as follows: 1. WinWdw.exe : Executable files 2. wdw.sys, wdw.soft and wdw.dat : parameter-equipped files 3. SoftwareDog_inst.exe : Software dog installing file The files under directory of software installation cannot be deleted and destroyed. Due to some unidentified reasons to destroy the software, it must use installing disc to restore. In addition, some files in system, such as statement files, program control files, etc. put in individual folder, so don’t modify or delete these folders and files in them, otherwise it may case serious problems. After the software running, it will generate automatically two directories: Curve and Control used to store curve files and control program files, it is prohibited to delete these directories, otherwise system will not find necessary files causing troubles. 3.3 Uninstall of software Delete all the files in the WinWdw folder (or other folder you installed them) can uninstall the software quickly and safely.

3 . Guideline of operation 3.1 Main window Main window (as Diagram 1) is the control center of the programs, which taking charge of managing each function window and the switch of system modes and displaying information of test status.






Diagram 1. Main window 3.1.1 Main menu Operation: including test operation, test analysis, specimen information and demonstrating status and exit. Parameters setting: including software parameter, control parameter and data processing parameter setting. Adjustment: calibrating software and offering gain of amplifier for adjusting person. Other: array sub-window and observe adjust window. About: Version information Array window: used to array observe adjust window as the form of Pre-setting. Some of above-mentioned menus cannot find under the authority of ordinary operators. 3.1.2 Toolbar It is made up of several striking quick buttons, which are the corresponding items of frequent used operating menu of the software, and the functions is same as corresponding menu item. Using these buttons can expedite operating speed. 3.1.3 Operating menu Operating menu is as Diagram 2 below.

Diagram 2. Operating menu

Diagram 3. Demo test menu

Specimen info, test operating, test analysis, enroll can enter corresponding windows. Demo status: this is an automatic switch menu. Click, the tick signal will emerge in the front, so the system enter into demo status, the menu of “Demo test” also will appear (as Diagram 3), it can open history test data file without the testing machine, and test playback, at the time the testing machine don’t make actual test, the collected signal adopts file date. Once again click, the tick will disappear, the system restore the test status. Demo test: Open file: Open the demo history test data file






Demo start: After opening the file, click the menu to make the demo, also can click the “start” button in the control panel. Test data and curve can playback. Demo end: Click to end the demo. Also can click the “start” button in the control panel. Log In: The software has multi-grade operating authority: ordinary operator, superior operator and executive. Choose the correct enroll identity in the enroll window, and input corresponding password, and enter after confirmation. 3.1.4 Parameters setting menu Control parameter setting Control parameter setting window is as Diagram 4

Diagram 4. Control parameter setting window Stop & protection setting: set overload protection parameters (generally setting better than 3%-5% of measuring range to protect) Specimen broken setting: after the test start, the software will judge if the specimen is broken as this setting so that stop test. Other option: setting other options. If the deformation is larger than some certain value, please dismantle the extensometer, etc. Data processing parameter setting Set data processing parameter. Please refer to corresponding content in chapter of 3.7.2.— is only suitable for superior operator or executive to operate. Software parameter setting






Software parameter setting window is as Diagram 5. The user can set the relevant options of clock cycle, displaying accuracy, change step and resolution.

Diagram 5. Software parameter setting window Displaying accuracy: Displaying ** bit behind decimal: when choose “NIL” in the frame “Auto” under this item, this item will work to control the displaying bit number of load and stroke on the “display panel”. Auto: The displaying accuracy has strict and specific stipulation in the relevant test standards, so choose this item will identify the displaying bit number according to test load step automatically. Clock cycle: The amplifier will connect the computer and testing machine together as the hinge. The computer, as the data acquisition system, should record the test procedure real time and accurately. The sampling cycle is the test process “step length” recorded by the computer, which it should be better if shorter theoretically. The sampling cycle is shorter, the collected data will more during the unit time, the curve will be more actual, but the limited store point number (65000), so this will cause short store date time, please consider carefully and set this parameter correctly. For static test, we suggest adopting 60ms, and the effect is excellent attested practically. Change step: Setting if change step and the parameter of change step delay time (Generally 500ms or above), due to specific meaning, so no redundant statement






herewith. Resolution and others: Setting the resolution of load and deformation (the proportion of the corresponding measuring range, generally 1/2000 which is 5/10000 of standard request). In this item, also can set the parameter of “ stop machine if the load is better that some certain value when ordinary operator adjusts the position”. Storage and reuse of parameters Reuse system parameter: When one set of computer control multi-set of testing machines or under circumstances when the system setting should be changed (For example, equipped with multi extensometers). After the parameters are set and calibrated ready under various kinds of circumstances, store the system parameters. The user can reuse these parameters according to applied testing machine and extensometer. Store system parameter: Store the current equipped system parameters as the form of file. It had better use the specific name when input. The measuring range can be as the name of the files if quipped with several extensometers. After calibrating, generally store the calibrated parameters for future reference and restore. Reuse software parameter: Its function is similar with that of reuse system parameter, but the reused is software parameters equipped. Store software parameter: Its function is similar with that of store system parameter, but the stored is software parameters equipped. 3.2 Display panel of load and deformation. The display window of load and deformation is as Diagram 6.

Diagram 6. Display window of load and deformation 3.2.1 Load measuring real time display The window displays load real time, according to chosen step to adjust automatically, also corresponding with load in test curve. If no special statement, the unit is kN, and the unit is N when measuring range is less than 2kN. About zero: Before test, when no load imposed on the system, please make the load






zero (general hardware zero-adjusting at chosen scale or Min. Scale) by hardware zero button

. If no method to up to zero, it can use software to make it zero by

software zero button. The hardware zero-adjusting only use for one time at chosen Min. Scalse, but the software zero-adjusting must be used at every scale after hardware make zero, and then to do test, otherwise it will have deviation for measured load value. Generally the software have adjusted the zero point of extensometers ready before going out the factory, when start every time, the system will calibrate the zero point of hardware automatically, no need for user to readjust. But if the zero point is very big due to some reasons, the user can adjust the zero point of the system as the method above mentioned. 3.2.2 Load measuring peak Load peak display: Display the load peak (Max. Load value) during test, this value cannot be cleared to zero, it need zero button to make zero. Click “up” and “down” can switch to display upper and lower peak value. 3.2.3 Load measuring scale: According to the big and small of the measuring value to switch automatically during the test, namely when the measuring value is bigger than 95% (parameter can be set) of measuring range of the current scale, it will change to bigger scale automatically; when the test start, the user can choose the Min. Scale so as to guarantee the accuracy. 2000N,1000N,400N,200N (different load cells will have various scales) buttons are used to control load amplifier to change scale. If click 2000N button, it denotes the measuring rang of testing machine is in full scale load cell capacity; if choose 1000N, it denotes the measuring rang of testing machine is 1/2 of full scale; the others are similar, namely the measuring range is 1/5 of full scale, 1/10 of full scale individually. The software can make the load range change both automatically and manually. But please consider below: 1. The operator is familiar with ordinary specimen. 2. Frequent changing steps will generate electric signal impact. So the default setting is “ No automatic switch scale”. Before test, the user should choose suitable scale according to test requirement or estimated Max. Load value. Generally the user should choose Min. Scale, but it should large than 20% of used value. ★ Remarks: Recommend changing load steps manually, so before test, the user should choose the load step of testing machine correctly which can enhance the test resolution.






3.2.4 Extension measuring display value Display the measured deformation of extensometer real time, and corresponding with the deformation of the test curve. If no special statement, the unit is mm. Before test, the user should adjust the extension to zero by upper and lower arrow buttons, if fails, please make it zero by zero button. Remarks: It is similar to the load zero adjusting, please use the hardware zero adjusting button firstly. 3.2.5 Extension measuring scale: Remarks: Large deformation extensometer has not mentioned in this item. According to the big and small of the measuring value to switch automatically during the test, namely when the measuring value is bigger than 95% of measuring range of the current scale, it will change to bigger scale automatically; when the test start, the user can choose the Min. Scale so as to guarantee the accuracy. 10mm, 5mm, 2mm, 1mm buttons are used to control extension amplifier to change scale. If choose 10mm, it denotes the measuring rang of testing machine is in full scale; if choose 5mm, it denotes the measuring rang of testing machine is 1/2 of full scale; the others are similar, namely the measuring range is 1/5 of full scale, 1/10 of full scale. The software can make the extensometer measuring range changed both automatically and manually. When automatic switch measuring scale, it is generally from low scale to 1 scale directly. In order to enhance the measuring resolution as high as possible, before test the user should switch the measuring scale to 1mm scale directly. During test, this software can switch scales automatically according to request. Default status is “ No automatic changing step”. 3.2.6 “Take Down extensometer” button: This button has two using methods: 1. The extensometer is used in test: During test, when the extension of specimen is small, extension measuring adopts measuring signal of extensometer, when the extension is big, in order to avoid destroying the extensometer, the extensometer must be dismantled, before dismantling, press this button, the system will use stroke measuring signal as extension value to guarantee the integrity of test curve; 2. No extensometer in test: If the user didn’t need extensometer during test, please press this button before test, so after test start, the system will take the stroke signal as extension value to form an integrated curve of load-extension which is convenient to data analysis. Remarks: The extensometer is the measuring transducer used to measure specimen deformation with gauge length, so when you want to acquire test result connected






with deformation, please use the extensometer. Need the extensometer when measuring below test data (Please refer to GB228-2002 or ISO6892: 1998). z Various kinds of stipulated non-proportional extension strength, such as Rp0.1\0.2----- etc. z Various kinds of stipulated total extension strength, such as Rt0.1\0.5----- etc. z The strain of special points, such as Max. Total extension rate Agt, elongation of yielding points, etc. Because the extensometer is open type transducer, and the measuring range of which is always very small, so it is difficult to use it. Please use it on the basis of full understanding, and practice again and again up to skilled usage. Here offers some important information for your reference. (1) Zero-adjusting of the extensometer As the open type transducer, zero point has close relations with open value, so when adjust zero the user should has the concept of “the open value of the extensometer influences zero point”, more careful especially when small measuring range. The zero adjusting of the extensometer (extension channel) should happen after clamping the extensometer on the specimen and when the piston of testing machine is in the stop status. If the zero button cannot make it zero, please adjust the clamping position of the extensometer to make the extension measuring channel into adjustable zone. (2) Installing the extensometer The initial clamping position of the extensometer should be on the initial gauge length position. After the extensometer is installed on the specimen, please tap the edge area by the hand to feel if it is tight. If has sliding phenomenon, it denotes the failure of installation, please reinstall. The installing process should make along with the process (1) 3.2.7 buttons introduction ▼ Hardware adjust zero: Make the hardware zero point low ▲ Hardware adjust zero: Make the hardware zero point up Software adjust zero: Press this button can make the measuring value to zero within the permitted range of the system. This range is very small, if press it cannot make it zero, the user should use hardware to adjust zero above mentioned. 3.3 Display panel of stroke and test time Display panel of stroke and test is as Diagram 7.






Diagram 7. Display panel of stroke and test time

Display stroke and test time real time, the function is same as above. Remark: default start of test each time, stroke and test time can make clear to zero automatically. 3.4 Curve display panel The curve display panel window is as Diagram 8.

Diagram 8. Curve display panel window The curve display panel window can display test curve real time during test; when browsing the historic data, and display corresponding historic curve; when mouse enters into curve panel, it will display cross cursor, when the user move it on the curve panel, the position of toolbar will track and display the coordinate value at mouse position. The available display curves are as follows. Load-time curve, load-stroke curve, load-extension curve, extension-time curve, stroke-time curve, and the user can set the display curve coordinate range. During test, when the measured value is up to 95% of

- 10 -





displayed coordinate range, the curve can adjust automatically, reduce display to guarantee observe integrated curve. The functions of buttons of curve toolbar: 3.4.1 Curve switch button Click buttons beside curve switch button will pop-up curve switch menu shown as Diagram 9.

Diagram 9 Curve switch menu The user can choose observing curve type according to requirements. Display referred curve: This is an automatic switch menu, when adjust close-loop PID parameters, it will need referred curve, click this menu will appear chosen symbol (tick), at this time the referred curve will emerge in the display area, the user can adjust PID parameter to make the actual curve accord with referred curve. Click this menu again, the tick will disappear, no longer display the referred curve. The menu can’t be changed by ordinary operator in order to protect machine. Set display range: Curve setting window will emerge after click shown as Diagram 10. The user can set display coordinate range of curve panel and adjusting quantity of coordinate adjusting button as request.

Diagram 10. Curve setting window

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3.4.2 other buttons Reduce Max value of abscissa: Enlarge displayed transverse curve. Enlarge Max value of abscissa: Reduce displayed transverse curve. Enlarge Max value of ordinate: Reduce displayed longitudinal curve. Reduce Max value of ordinate: Enlarge displayed longitudinal curve. Amplifying curve: Click it to enlarge displayed curve. Put the mouse in the curve area, and press the left key of the mouse to move right and down, the screen will display a square area moving as the mouse moving, this also can enlarge the curve. Reducing curve: Click it to reduce displayed curve. Coordinate reversion: Click it to revert the curve coordinate to initial. Put the mouse in the curve area, and press the left key of the mouse to move left and up, the screen will display a square area moving as the mouse moving, this also can revert the curve. Amplify/Restore size: Click it to amplify the curve, so the user can see the details. The amplified curve can occupy 90% of the screen, so it had better use for analysis. If during the test to use this button, the sampling window cannot be seen. When it is in status of amplifying, click this button to restore the curve. Three-dimensional display: Click it to show the window as Diagram 11, which can show the curve as the form of three-dimension.

Diagram 11. Three-dimensional display This function can only work when 3D frame is in the status of choice.

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Stored as the BMP file: Click it to store the current curve as the BMP file for future open in any picture-editing software. BMP is a kind of general diagram file, so it can be inserted in the office programs, such as WORD and EXCEL. Curve coordinate self-adaptation: Click it to make the coordinate self-adaptation, so amplify the curve to best display. 3.5 Control panel The control panel is divided into two sections: control setting area and control button area. Control setting area can set the parameters of control mode and relevant control to realize multi control modes. Control button area includes the buttons of start, stop, return, up and down. 3.5.1 Control button area Control button area is shown as Diagram 12.

Diagram 12. Control button area “Up” and “down” can adjust the position of the crosshead, at this time the system is in non-test status, cannot record the crosshead curve. (do not apply load by using these two button, or it will cause damage to the testing machine) “Start” is used to operate test. “Stop” is used to end the test. “Return” make the system return to initial position of test beginning (position with nil stroke) 3.5.2 Stroke control (manual control mode) Stroke control is shown as Diagram 13.

- 13 -





Diagram 13. Stroke control

Before test, choose running direction and a suitable speed step, click it, and then adjust using speed to adjust scroll bar (can only adjust between this step and the next step), the speed value can be displayed in the textbox. After test, if it is open-loop control, the user can load, pause, unloading operation by manual control button. If it close-loop control, please choose close-loop control chosen frame, input close-loop keep target, click “apply” button to come into effect, when up to keeping value, re-input new keeping target value, click “apply” to run for new target. “Pause”: Motor stop during test. But test data still be recorded by the system. “Loading”: Motor runs as setting direction and speed. “Unloading”: Motor runs as reverse direction with set direction, and as the original speed. Remarks: Chosen close-loop control choosing frame in 3.5.2, and 3.5.3 only used for close loop control. It can only use after adjusting PID control parameters by expert grade user, otherwise the system will be easy to destroy, please don’t try blindly. 3.5.3 Auto program control Auto program control is shown as Diagram 14.

- 14 -





Diagram 14. Auto program control Programmable control allows the user to make a multi-step program control file according to programming regulation and the user’s requirement, this program control is stored by the form of file (stored directory is control of current directory, this folder is default folder, the user can not modify it), the user can transfer according to the name or edit and edit it. When the systems adopts the auto program control mode, the all actions of testing machine must run as the set program, so before running this control mode, the user must newly build or transfer an auto program control. Control program: choose the needed control program name at the frame below, after choosing the content of the program will emerge on the form below, during test, the running procedure can change color to remind of the user. Auto return: If choose this item, it will return after the test ends, otherwise no return. Jump to next step: Press this button, the current step can be paused and jump to next step. It is highly suggested this item be not selected if metal sample is tested. Metal samples will be elongated after test. Once the crosshead return to zero point, the elongated sample will meet against each other and damage the load cell. Please select this item only non metal samples adopted. Tensile and Compression: choose running direction. Programmer: Press this button to enter programmer window to edit auto control program. For details, please refer to 3.5.6 3.5.4 Programmer

- 15 -





Programmer window is shown as Diagram 15.

Diagram 15. Programmer window The programmer can edit and modify auto program control file (programmed test process). It includes several procedures, the control mode of each procedure, control parameter, jumping term of each procedure. The current procedure content of the software can be shown on the form below. New program: build a new control program, and make a name with specific meaning, thus the user can realize the content roughly from the name. Store program: Store the current control program as the original name, and default directory is Control subdirectory. Delete program: Delete the current shown control program Add step: Add new step, and the added procedure at last line of the program. Insert step: Insert procedure in the program. Delete step: When delete a step, choose the line of the procedure being deleted, click this button to delete the chosen procedure. Remarks: When the user builds a new program and must add the program line (press “Add Step” button), during the editing, sometimes need to delete program line (press

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“Delete Step” button), the deleted line is the current line. “Insert Step” can the any position of the program. After modifying the program, press “store program” button to store it to the hard disc. When modify a specific parameter of a procedure, please click unit lattice to set, which is the jointing point of the corresponding lines of the procedure and the parameter at the form below. Specific parameters introduction: A. Control mode: Click the “control mode” of procedure line being edited will emerge a list .The user can choose at the list; Open-loop constant speed stroke, open-loop stroke keeping: Take the stroke sampling value as control object, open-loop mode. Constant speed stroke, stroke keeping: Take the stroke sampling value as control object, close-loop mode. Constant speed load, load keeping: Take the load value as control object, close-loop mode. Constant speed deformation, deformation keeping: Take the deformation value as control object, close-loop mode. Stop: control stop, test stop. B. Control parameter: Click the “control parameter” of procedure line being edited will emerge a control parameter setting window, the settings of control are different according to different control modes. If the control mode is constant speed control, the control parameter will be speed; If the control mode is keeping control, the control parameter will be keeping object; If control mode has no parameter, the window won’t emerge. C. Jumping term setting: Click the “Jumping Term” of procedure line being edited will emerge a jumping parameter setting window, which can choose or input jump option, jump judge value and the next jumping procedure. No need to state the details due to simple. Please refer to appendix for one sample test under programmed control mode. 3.6 Specimen info Need to input specimen info before test, including specimen No, Specimen size, test date, and the specimen window is shown as Diagram 16.

Diagram 16. Specimen window

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3.6.1 Newly built specimen: Click “New Specimen” button to enter specimen info input window shown as Diagram 17.

Diagram 17.

Specimen info input window

Input or choose the specimen info in the inputting area of specimen info, click “Newly built one” button to appear specimen info in the list below. Click “Batch newly built” which can input a batch of specimen info with different serial number and the same other info for one time, the quantity and number can be decided by the user. At the moment, if delete a specimen info, only click the line of corresponding specimen in the list, and then click “Delete” button to delete this info. After inputting, click “Ok ”make the info into effect, all specimen info will appear in the list of specimen info window. Click “Cancel” will be no effect. 3.6.2 Change specimen info After test, click buttons to change specimen info, and at the same time the chosen specimen serial number will appear at the back of this button. 3.7 Data analysis

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Data analysis window is shown as Diagram 18.

Diagram 18. Data analysis window This is a multi-function panel, which can complete data analysis, man data processing, folding and comparing of curves. Data area is divided into specimen info area and result analysis area. The data in specimen info area will be identified before test, but result analysis will be complete after test, generally the data can be filled automatically after automatic analysis of the system, of course, the data can be filled manually. For convenient analysis, the form of the cursor in the panel can be set, and the data point coordinate of real position of the current cursor can be displayed. 3.7.1 file operation The file operation menu is shown as Diagram 19.

- 19 -





Diagram19. File operation menu Open curve data file: Click this menu will appear the standard Windows file-open dialog box, choose data file (stored before), after open the corresponding curve will appear, which can analyze. At the same time the name of the file will display in the toolbar. Curves folding: Click this menu will appear the standard Windows file-open dialog box, choose curve data file being folded data, after open the corresponding curve will appear, which can fold curves to analyze comparably. Print page layout: The user can print the current analysis results. Print the current curves, specimen info and test data. Exit: Exit the data analysis window 3.7.2 Option Option menu is shown as Diagram 20.

Diagram 20. Option menu Data processing option: Click this menu will emerge the data processing setting window shown as Diagram 21. It can make relevant setting for data processing.

- 20 -





Diagram 21. Data processing setting window Elastic modulus: Adopt two-point valuing method: Choose two points to identify slope of proportional line, which can get elastic modulus. Because the system will be suitable for different materials, it is necessary to choose proportional line for the user. Choose two points reasonably to make the measured elastic modulus accurate at the most to guarantee the consequent “stipulated non-proportional extension strength” correct. Adopt the fixed elastic modulus method: For some materials, the proportional line is curve, if adopt two-point method to acquire elastic modulus, it will be scattered, general under this situation adopt other methods or testing equipment to require the elastic modulus. At the moment adopt “fixed elastic modulus” method to calculate the subsequent stipulated non-proportional stress points. This method can avoid the default of two-point method, but it will need the user can adjacent learning to material elastic modulus. Yielding point: Acquire the correct yielding point by reasonable setting parameters. Item: Set the corresponding parameters of stipulated non-proportional extension strength and total extension strength. Auto adaptation of curve coordinate: Click this menu, and the curve coordinate will adapt the size of the curve. When use “Open data file” transferring curve, which can amplify the curve to the best display, this function is very important. Marking for data processing point: This is a auto switch menu, click it to make a

- 21 -





mark at the designated data processing point when has a tick sign; click again, the tick and mark will disappear. 3.7.3 Analysis Auto analysis: Click analysis button can make automatic data analysis, and the result can be displayed on the result area. Manual analysis: For example, if the user wants to get Max. Load Fm when calculate tensile strength, please click Fm button, let the button be down, and then find the Max. Load point in Load-Time curve, press left key of the mouse, thus the coordinate value of this point can be taken as the new Max. Load to enter calculation, which can get the correct result. Others are similar. Choosing data processing item: Click the choosing box of the corresponding data processing item, if the tick appears, which denote this item is chosen; click once again, the tick will disappear, thus the corresponding will not display. 3.7.4 Others: Some button functions in curve display area and toolbar are same or similar to these of curve display window, so it is no need to state more. Please refer to the corresponding value in Chapter of 3.4, and other statement is as follows.

Auto analysis: click this button to analyze the data automatically. Curve renovation: Its function is the same with that of “marking for data processing point” in the menu. Curve folding: Its function is the same with that of “curve folding” in the menu. Calculator: Click it will appear the calculator, which is convenient to calculation, it’s function is same with that of “ calculator” in the menu. Copy Curve to clipboard (available use only on Version 1.90.P or higher): simplify the process of save the curve picture or curve folding picture to another application under window system. For use to build one customized report.

Coordinate display area: When the mouse move in the curve, this area will display the data point serial number and coordinate value, also the user can click upper and lower arrows to change the data point to observe the corresponding data point coordinate and the posion in the curve. Click menu “test report” in this window can enter test report setting window.

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3.8 Test report setting and print 3.8.1 Test report setting Test report setting window is shown as Diagram 22.

Diagram 22. Test report setting window In this window the user can set test report and input the heading of the test report and choose output basic info and result info. The items in the left box are the items being chosen, and the items in the right box are the items being output. Choose one item in the left box, such as “test date”, and click → in the right will display in the right box which will output; if choose one item from right box, such as “test date”, click ←button, it will display in the left box which denotes no info output. And then choose the type of output curve, click “Ok” button to enter test report output window, if click “Cancel”, it will return to data processing window.

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The result displayed as the form of national standard: Click the choosing box, and it denotes the result info will be stored as the form of national standard if the tick appears, and click once again, the tick will disappear, the result info will be displayed as the form of text name. Print curve option (available in only Version 1.90.P or higher): decide if the test curve is showing in the test report. 3.8.2 Print test results When enter this window, the result info and some basic info will appear automatically, there is also some info need the user to input at the back of the corresponding info directly. After input, click “Print report” button to print test report. Click “Exit” button will return to test report info setting window.

4. Brief introduction for test procedure 4.1 Specimen mounting First clamp the upper of specimen when mounting, and adjust the crosshead to suitable position through the buttons of “Up” and “Down” on the control panel, and clamping the extensometer on the specimen ( If no extensometer, please press the button of “ Take Down” on the display plate of load and deformation). After adjusting the zero point of load cell and deformation transducer, and then clamping the lower of the specimen. Remark: Firstly use hardware adjusting zero button to adjusting zero point, if can’t adjust it to zero, use the software adjusting zero button when the value (load or deformation ) is the closest to zero. 4.2 In-put specimen information In-put the corresponding information according to the actual specimen. 4.3 Setting control modes and test speed, etc. According to actual specimen to choose suitable test control mode and speed to acquire the right test results. 4.4 Start test After setting parameters of the specimen, press the button of “ START” to start test. During control, please pay close attention to test process, and interfere by man if necessary. In the process of test control, it had better not make irrelevant operation to avoid effecting control. Before dismantle extensometer, the user must press the button of “ off extensometer” on deformation display panel, otherwise the deformation signal will be recorded actually when dismantle the extensometer, so it will effect subsequent data analysis.

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4.5 End test The system will stop machine under below circumstance, and press the button of “STOP”; A. Man interference B. Overload safeguard, the load or deformation exceed the upper limitation of overload safeguard. C. The system verdicts the specimen is broken. 4.6 Store test data Store the current test date as the form of files, and in-put the specific name in order to check later. 4.7 Test analysis and test report output Automatically analyze the test data or man interference in analysis, setting and printing test report. Above-mentioned is the ordinary test procedure, the users can control and adjust as their requests.

5. System calibration and parameters setting 5.1 System calibration The system can be calibrated only under the authority of superior operator or executive. z Remarks: Logging in superior operator authority only when calibrating which can avoid system confusion.(Initial password is 654321, you can change it) Calibrating method: after logging in superior operator authority, click “Adjusting” in the menu of main window, and then click “software calibrating” in menu, which can get “software calibrating” window as diagram 23 below.

Diagram 23. Software calibrating window

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Take parameter of load as an example: When calibrating, first choose corresponding scale, and adjust load up to zero, and then use proving ring or weights to calibrate, if 200N, please choose or input 200 in the choice frame of calibrating value, at the moment when standard weights or proving ring reaches the standard value, if indicating value is inaccurate, please press the button of “Calibrate”, thus the system will adjust gain automatically to make the indicating value accurate. After changing scale, click this window to reactivate automatically to make following calibration. After finishing calibrating for all scales, click button of “Ok” to store them into default system parameter files, thus the parameters can be entered automatically when the program runs once again. The operator had better store the file as the name of “system parameters when calibrating” using the menu of “store system parameter in main window for later checkup. After calibrating, please restore the operator authority.(No password) 5.2 System parameter setting (for executive user only). The window of system parameter setting is as shown as diagram 24. Remarks: Only system adjusting staff can modify these parameters, if parameters are wrongly set, the system cannot run properly.

Diagram 24. System parameter setting window Main parameters: the system is a kind of general test software, so it can meet application requests for testing machines with different capacities and configurations. The Max. Load and Max. Deformation tested by setting system are set according to specific test request, so they confirm the Max. Test range for this test. Displayed renew cycle is set as ordinary screen renew rate accepted by man, so no specific stipulation, so suggest to use recommended value. Amplifier: setting the parameters of AD card, setting magnification of load and extension of the first scale.

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Stroke(Photoelectric encoder): setting relevant parameters of photoelectric encoder, Extensometer: not state more here due to simple. Signal channel: not state more here due to simple. 5.3 Adjusting (for executive user only) Includ hardware zero-adjusted, software calibration, software gain and PID parameter adjusting. Individual explanation is as follows. Hardware zero-adjusted: (Only adjusting staff can adjust, forbidden for customer)

Diagram 25. Hardware zero-adjusted The amplifier section of PCI card adopts zero-adjusting digitally. Through adjusting “move” bar, and observe the indicating value in the “display panel” to realize zero adjusting to corresponding channel amplifier. Control volume displays digital volume to make operation convenient for operator. Generally, the adjusting staff have adjusted the zero point ready, when start every, the system can calibrate the zero point of hardware, no need for customer to adjust. The user can adjust the zero point of hardware in the zero-point adjusting window, and the system will record new zero point adjusting value. Amplifer Adjusting: (Only adjusting staff can adjust, forbidden for customer)

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Diagram 26. Software gain adjusting Use standard load measuring device to calibrate load, through adjusting the “adjusting bar” of gain in the diagram 26 to make display value corresponding to the displaying value of standard device, and press “store” to finish operation. Do this to every scale, and calibrate repeatedly. Adjusting PID parameter: (only executive user for this function can adjust!) The adjusting procedure is P-I-D. First setting the parameter of I and D to zero or mini-value, enlarge P gradually, and carefully observe the response of testing machine. When P enlarging a certain value, the testing machine will self-excitation (it had better avoid self-excitation, through carefully observation, the omen of self-excitation is evident. It will destroy the machine if the self-excitation is too large or too small), and reduce it to 2/3. Sometimes the testing machine will have evident unstable and non-control status, this phenomenon is similar to self-excitation, this is caused by deficient adjusting value. Enlarging P value gradually, if the phenomenon disappears, it attests the method is correct.

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Diagram 27. Adjusting PID parameter After adjusting P value, please do test for some time and observe test results. Generally the setting value and feedback have evident deviation. At the time, please enlarge I value gradually, and observe the testing machine and the change of test results, and generally the deviation will decrease evidently. Enlarge the I value further up to the testing machine emerging self-excitation or instability of display, please rapidly reduce I value to 2/3. I value will influence the test results most in the close-loop control parameters, so please adjustment will be slow. After adjusting I value, please adjust D value. D value has specific physical meaning, but the change is not evident when adjusting, the principle is same with that of P and I. But the wave shape will distort heavily, so under the circumstance of sensitive P and I adjusting, to enlarge D value will make a better effect. The adjustment of parameters of PID is supplementary each other, cannot be separate, also cannot adjust each other no direction and destination. At the appropriate time of adjustment, the parameters can adjust alternatively to require the best working status. The regulation of adjustment: (1) When the response of system is slow, please enlarge P value. (2) The stability of system is good, but the deviation is big, please enlarge I value. (3) The rapid system response cause the peak value over-adjusted, please reduce P value. (4) When the system is instable, digital display has the phenomenon of self-excitation, please reduce P and I value. (5) If the disturbing signal often emerges in the system, please reduce I value and enlarge D value.

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6. Instruction for report form (if purchased software is different, please refer to appendix for V 1.90.P or later version “how to create a customized test report with MS excel”) Before Use this report forming system, Please make sure you have Microsoft (R) Excel be installed on your computer which should be against separate purchase. We would recommend MS Excel 2000 or its later version. 1. Form's window as follows:

The window includes three parts: Send to the acquiescence file (including two button of Open, Send), Send to the appointed file (including Open, Send) and chose testing type. "Open" is to transfer the template of Excel report form (empty) or open the saved testing report documents. "Send" is to transfer the testing data to the form. "Testing type option frame" is as follows:

This lower pulling list box frame includes six types of test, for example, Compress block exponent, Compression peak value-longitudinal grain, Compression peak value-cross grain and so on. "Compression peak value-longitudinal grain" and "Compression peak value-cross grain" both belong to "Compression peak value" test, which have no effect to the result of report form but just be separated to convenience the data delivery for the form. "Static bending strength and Modulus of elasticity" test is also set in the same way. 2. Usage of "Send to the acquiescence file" The icon for "Send to the acquiescence file" as follows:

"Open" button : Transfer the template of Excel report form (empty). Sending data to empty form, press "Open" in the item of "Send to the acquiescence file", transfer Excel form template. And then chose test type in the lower pulling list form of "Please

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choose to test the type:", such as "Compress block exponent" test. At last, press "Send" in above item to delivery the test data of chosen test to report form. If sending many test datum to one report form, you should operate above two step of "Please choose to test the type:" and "Send" circular after pressing "Open" to transfer the Excel form template, do not press "Open" again. Notice: If the deliver y of test data unfinished after transfer the Excel for m template, please do not close Excel form and press "Open" again or open other Excel documents and procedures, or the test data will be sent to other Excel documents wrongly.Do not amend the report form template "Report.xlt"with procedure. If saving form, please chose "File"-> "Save As(A)…" in Excel menu, and do not choose "Save" directly. 3. Usage of "Send to the appointed file" The icon for "Send to the appointed file" as follows:

"Open" button : Please open the saved test report documents, and continue the unfinished operation of the form. If test form not finished, you can save it and then use "Open" in "Send to the appointed file" to open last unfinished form. Then, to chose test type in the lower pulling list of "test type choosing frame". At last, pressing "Send" to deliver test data of chosen test type to form. If sending many test datum to one report form, you should operate above two step of "Please choose to test the type:" and "Send" circular , do not press "Open" again. Notice: Do not close the opening Excel documents and open the other Excel documents and procedures during "Send" test data, or the test data will be sent to other Excel documents wrongly. 4. "test type option frame" as following picture:

To deliver the relative test data to the relative test in form you should chose the relative test type in the lower pulling list frame before "Send" data. Notice: For the Excel template, you can amend the content properly according to users' actual conditions under not changing the numbers of rows and tiers. There are six forms for test content in this template. The last two forms ("Shear strength"and"Peel test") have been hidden because it is unavailable to put in one report form. If user needs these two test forms, he can cancel the hidden. And the way is: chose all the rows of hidden forms in template, click the right key, and chose "hide" to hide the chosen for ms.


Maintenance and troubles

7.1 Maintenance

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★ The correct usage of the software needs your cooperation. The correct usage needs the concept of the system. Please read this manual carefully, and then to operate on the basis of full understanding. The maintenances include below: 1. Keep the integrality of system files. Only special operators can use this computer, and forbidden for untrained staff. 2. Keep the integrality of software pre-installed by maker, please don’t delete this software without permission of the maker. 3. Please don’t add other software, especially industry control software, without permission of the maker. The original edition word-processing, report form operation software can be installed under the permission of the maker. 4. Please maintain the integrality of system parameter, and the important parameters must be restored for future checkup. Please read carefully the manual to understand fully. 5. Be familiar to Windows operating system and Windows file management system will assist customer operate this software concisely and practically. 6. Though Windows is multi-task operating system, when the software starts, please don’t start other program connected with other hardware, such as multimedia games and Windows “Control Panel” set programs. We hope during the test process, the software use your working time and computer time exclusively. At the same time, please shut the screen protection program of Windows and shot the power supply of Windows system, automatic close function of hard disc and the period-fixed maintenance function (Please refer to Windows operating manual connected). 7. Start and close computer according to strict procedures 8. Please use the printer according to the printer manual 9. Please don’t switch off the power before exiting this program. 10. If the software has problems, please record and contact the maker for patching it. 11. If have the abnormal circumstance, it should check all the system. 12. Please remain all documents offered by the make for future maintenance or reference. 13. Please operate the testing machine as the operating manual and software manual. 14. The copyright of the software belongs to the maker, it is forbidden to copy without the permission of the maker. 15. Please equip with the UPS for protecting the computer system better and preventing the test date losing in case of unforeseen circumstance. 16. The maker suggests the operator has a copy of Windows manual for check at any time. 7.2 Troubles and remedy ★ If the testing machine has something wrong, it will show on the panel of the computer, but it maybe not the trouble from the software and computer, please analyze carefully, and remark every detail, and offer more information for

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removing troubles. Please do as following procedure to remove troubles. 1. The frequent shutdown of the software The trouble of hardware, please maintain the computer according to the maker’s instruction. The trouble of software, please contact the maker Under such circumstance, please check if it happens in the file operating? The file operation is wrong, and the files withdrawn have problems; Please refer to relevant operating instruction of each chapter. 2. Load or deformation channel displays disorders Check if it is reliable between the connections of the transducer and measuring & control card. Check if the added earth wire is reliable when adjusting Environment has big change? The testing machine works in the environment of no evident electromagnetic disturb? The temperature and humidity request, please refer to operating manual. 3. Load & Deformation channel only displays the Max. Value. Check the deformation extensometer if the open is big Check connects If the measuring & control card and software has problems, please contact the maker. 4. The deformation is no response during the test The extensometer didn’t be clamped tightly. Clamp the extensometer tightly again. 5. Stroke displays disorder Check if the transducer is loose Check if the connecting wires of photoelectric encoder are reliable. 6. Stored file can not be found The software has fixed file default extended name when defaulting, if inputting the extended name when storing? If did the stored content modified? 7. The software can not start Check if the softdog has been installed on the parallel interface. Shut down other programs, and restart. The system files of the software have missed or destroyed, please reinstall. Contact the maker. 8. Printer can not work correctly Please refer to the operating manual of the printer, and check if the operation is

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correct. Please check if the connecting wires are fixed? 9. For others, please contact the maker at any time and make a record. TIME Group Inc. 38# shangdi west road, haidian district, Beijing 100085, China Tel: +86-10-82890789 Fax: +86-10-62985475 Email: [email protected]

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Memo Of Machine Usage Serial No.


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