Insight Intermediate SB [PDF]

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Intermediate Student's Book


Jayne Wildman Cathy Myers

Claire Thacker

Intermediate Student's Book


Jayne Wildman Cathy Myers

Claire Thacker Unit

1 The way we are

A Reading and vocabulary

B Grammar and listening

p4 The art of beauty

p6 Appearance and survival

Reading Ideal beauty Strategy Guessing the meaning of unknown words Vocabulary Describing appearance

Grammar Present simple and present continuous Listening Humans and survival

Vocabulary insight Compound adjectives: appearance

Vocabulary insight 1 p14 Recording vocabulary

2 Travellers' tales

Review 1 p15

p16 The power of tourism

p18 Memorable journeys

Reading A road less travelled Vocabulary insight Compound nouns: travel Vocabulary Travel

Grammar Narrative tenses Listening Alternative holidays

Vocabulary insight 2 p26 Using a dictionary: compound nouns

3 Feeling good

Review 2 p27

p30 Happiness

p32 Healthy bodies, healthy minds?

Reading Is chocolate the answer? Strategy Identifying main ideas of paragraphs Vocabulary insight Idioms: happiness and sadness Vocabulary insight Noun suffixes: -ness, -ity

Grammar Past simple and present perfect Listening Physical activity in school

Vocabulary insight 3 p40 Building word families through suffixes

4 A right to fight

Rights and wrongs

p44 Action!

Reading Island story

Grammar Expressing the future

Vocabulary The environment Vocabulary insight Prefixes: semi-, under-, over-, re-, co-, inter-


The senses

Review 4 p53 Cumulative review units 1-4 p54 p58 Natural born liars

Reading The choice Strategy Using referencing to understand a text

Grammar First and second conditionals Listening Moral dilemmas

Vocabulary Crime Vocabulary insight Noun prefixes: mis-, disReview 5 p67

p68 Word on the street

p70 Fairtrade

Reading The influencers Vocabulary Advertising Vocabulary insight Collocations: advertising

Grammar The passive Listening A fair-trade fashion show

Vocabulary insight 6 p78 Using a dictionary: collocations


Review 6 p79


p84 Beyond human senses Grammar Reported speech

Strategy Understanding the purpose ofa paragraph Vocabulary insight Perception and observation Vocabulary insight Adverb-adjective collocations

Listening Dogs to the rescue



Review 8 p105

p96 If they h ad n't... Grammar Third conditional; /wish and I f only Listening Help from Heifer Listening Regrets

Cumulative review units 1-8 p106

p108 A day in the life

p110 Friendships now and then Grammar Defining relative clauses

Reading A day in the life ofa digital human Vocabulary insight Phrasal verbs: relationships

Listening Online friendships

Vocabulary insight Words often confused

Vocabulary insight 9 p118 New words


Review 7 p93

Vocabulary Describing jobs Vocabulary insight Idioms: work

Vocabulary insight 8 p104 Using a dictionary: idioms

Digital humans

Cumulative review units 1-6 p80

p82 Taste Reading A question of taste

Vocabulary insight 7 p92 Using a dictionary: homonyms and homophones — p94 Think differently Reading The big question


Listening A Critical Mass bike ride

p56 Teenage gangs

Vocabulary insight 5 p66 Using a dictionary: phrasal verbs

Paying the price

Review 3 p41

p42 Disappearing worlds

Vocabulary insight 4 p52 Word-building: the meaning of prefixes


Cumulative review units 1-2 p28

Review 9 p119

p120 Art is everywhere

p122 Around the world in one dance

Reading The stories behind the names Strategy Summarizing what you read

Grammar Participle clauses Listening Singing in the Rain

Vocabulary Abstract nouns: talent Vocabulary insight Phrases with and

Vocabulary insight 10 p130 Fixed phrases with two key words

Review 10 p131

Cumulative review units 1-10 p132 C Listening, speaking and vocabulary

D Culture, vocabulary and grammar

E Writing

p8 First impressions Listening First impressions

plO British fashion Reading Fashion never forgotten

p12 An informal email Strategy Checking your writing

Vocabulary insight Words often confused: personality adjectives Everyday English Speculating

Vocabulary Clothes and fashion Grammar Verb patterns

Vocabulary Position

Grammar Speculating; looks like, looks as if Vocabulary bank 1 p134 Describing hair; Clothes p20 One journey, different travellers Listening Tourist or traveller?

p22 America on the move Reading The Mother Road

Strategy Identifying purpose Vocabulary Types of journey Everyday English Persuading and negotiating

Vocabulary insight Verbs + prepositions: travel Grammar used to and would

p24 A story Strategy Writing opening paragraphs Ordering events in a story

Vocabulary bank 2 p135 Types of holiday; Travel and transport p34 Be a good sport! Listening Individual and team sports

p36 Fat America Reading Fat America

Vocabulary Values Everyday English Giving and reacting to news

Vocabulary insight Adverbs Grammar Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous

p38 A personal letter Strategy Showing your attitude Expressing reason and purpose

Vocabulary bank 3 p136 Feelings: intensity; Health problems p46 Making our voices heard Listening An inspiring campaign Strategy Identifying facts, opinions and speculation Vocabulary insight Verbs + prepositions

p48 Make a difference Reading Go the Extra Mile Vocabulary insight Collocations: charities Grammar Future perfect and future continuous

Everyday English Asking for and expressing opinions

p50 An opinion essay Strategy Organizing an opinion paragraph Introducing arguments and giving opinions

Vocabulary bank 4 p137 Global issues; Charities p60 Sorry is the hardest word

p62 Young people's rights

p64 A letter to a newspaper

Listening Why we don't like to apologize Vocabulary insight Three-part phrasal verbs with to and with Everyday English Apologizing and accepting apologies

Reading Coming of age Vocabulary insight Synonyms: the law Grammar Modals of obligation, prohibition and permission

Strategy Making suggestions and expressing results Grammar should and ought to

Vocabulary bank 5 p138 Crime and punishment; Law and order p72 How to spend it? Listening Teenagers' spending habits Strategy Listening for specific information Vocabulary Describing amounts

p74 Traditional festivals Reading Traditions for sale Vocabulary Trade Grammar h ave/g etsom eth in g done

p76 A formal letter of complaint Strategy Deciding on register: formal and informal Vocabulary Addition and contrast

Everyday English Talking about photos Vocabulary bank 6 p139 Types of advertising; Consumerism p86 Don't shout, 1can see! Listening Teenagers with sensory impairments Vocabulary insight Noun suffixes: -ion, -sion Everyday English Complaining and asking people to do things

p88 A Walk in the Woods (Bill Bryson) Reading An extract from A Walk in the Woods

p90 A report on survey findings Strategy Making your writing flow

Vocabulary Sight and sound Grammar Reported questions and commands

Vocabulary Approximations and fractions

Vocabulary bank7p140 Food texture; Ways of speaking p98 Important decisions

plOO Do the right thing

pi02 A covering letter

Listening Decisions that made a difference Strategy Dealing with unknown words while listening

Reading A bus ride to freedom Vocabulary Conflict Grammar Speculating about the past

Strategy Avoiding general statements Vocabulary Action verbs

Vocabulary Decisions and ideas Everyday English Giving presentations

Vocabulary bank 8 p141 Gender-neutral job titles; Conflict p112 Can't live w ithout...


Listening Favourite gadgets Vocabulary Describing gadgets Everyday English Asking for instructions, explanations and clarification

Reading Touchscreen by Marshall Soulful Jones Strategy Understanding poetry Vocabulary insight Words with more than one meaning Grammar Non-defining relative clauses

p116 A for and against essay Grammar Introductory It Strategy Making your writing neutral

Vocabulary bank 9 p142 Technology; Poetry p124 What's the point of art? Listening Art therapists Vocabulary Describing art Everyday English Debating

pi26 On stage Reading Famous festivals Vocabulary insight Compound adjectives: describing events Grammar Determiners Vocabulary bank 10 p143 The arts; Organizing a festival

p!28 A review of an event Vocabulary insight Synonyms: evaluative adjectives Strategy Creating emphasis

The way we are Reading and vo cab u lary The art of b eauty 1

SPEAKING Read the things that people do to change their appearance. Why do they do them? What other things do they do? put on weight

w ear make-up

pierce lips, tongues, eyebrows

get a tattoo shave their heads

stretch their necks with metal rings have cosm etic surgery


go on a diet

spray themselves w ith fake tan

Read the article about beauty in different cultures. Which things in exercise 1 are mentioned? Why do people do them? STRATEGY

Guessing the meaning of unknown words When you come across a new word, there are several things that you can do to help you guess the meaning: 1

Use the context. Looking at words before and after the unknow n w ord and identifying the part of speech (noun, verb, etc.) o f the word can help you to understand the meaning.


Understand a word through its different parts. You may already kn ow on e or more parts o f the word.

sun + shine = sunshine 3

Use your own language. Som etim es the English word or part of the word is similar in your own language. English = norm

Dutch = norm Czech = norm a

Polish = norm a



Read the strategy. Then guess the meaning of the underlined words in the text. What helped you to guess: the context, understanding the different parts or your own language? Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 W h at did Happiness Edem w ant to do? 2 W h at kind o f images of beauty do w e see in the media? 3 W h a t is th e traditional im age of Egyptian w om en in paintings? 4 W h a t significance do tattoos have in Borneo and N e w Zealand? 5 W h a t d o the people o f M yanm ar consider elegant? 6 W o uld you ever consider doing any o f the things in the text? 7 W h ich things w ou ld you never d o ? W h y ? 8 W h a t is th e ideal o f beauty in your culture?

Describing appearance 5

Study the highlighted adjectives in the text. Which ones have a positive meaning, which a negative one and which can have both meanings?


The way we are

igerian teenager Happiness F.dem had just one aim in life: to put on weight. So she spent six months in a ‘fattening room' where her daily routine was to sleep, eat and grow fat. She went in a trim 60 kg, but came out weighing 5 twice that. In some parts of Africa, being fat is desirable because it symbolizes attractiveness in women and power and prosperity in men. However, in magazines and in the media we are bombarded with images of slim, blondehaired and sun-tanned women or handsome, blue-eyed and io broad-shouldered young men. Where are the short-sighted, middle-aged models? Is one idea of physical beauty really more attractive than another?


Ideas about physical beauty change over time and different periods o f history reveal different views of beauty, is particularly of women. Egyptian paintings often show slender dark-haired women as the norm, while one of the earliest representations of women in art in Europe is a carving of an overweight female. This is the Venus ofHohle Fels and it is more than 35,000 years old. In the early 1600s, 2 0 artists like Peter Paul Rubens also painted plump, paleskinned women who were thought to be the most stunning examples of female beauty at that time. In Elizabethan England, pale skin was still fashionable, but in this period it was because it was a sign of wealth: the make-up to achieve 2 5 this look was expensive, so only rich people could afford it. Vocabulary: describing appearance, personality, fashion and style; position Grammar: present simple and present continuous: speculating: verb patterns

Speaking: discussing ideals of beauty; speculating; discussing fashion Writing: an informal email


Choose one word that you cannot use to complete each sentence. 1 Most of m y fem ale friends g o to the gym and keep fit to look trim / slim / handsom e. 2

Happiness Edem w en t to a 'fattening room' because she w anted to be p lu m p / slen d er / overw eig ht.

3 There aren't m any photos of stunning / unattractive / fat m odels in magazines. 4 Som e cultures m ay find different forms o f body modification u gly / slender / unattractive. 5 W o m en tend to spend more m oney than men on their general appearance in order to look o v e rw e ig h t/ beautiful / attractive. 6 M en usually w ear suits because th ey w an t to look e le g an t / h an d so m e / ugly.

insight Compound adjectives: appearance


W ithin different cultures around the world, there is a huge variation in what is considered beautiful. Traditional customs, like tattooing, head-shaving, piercing or other kinds of body modification can express status, identity or beliefs. In Borneo, for instance, tattoos are like a diary because they are a written record of all the important events and places a man has experienced in his life. For New Zealand's Maoris they reflect the persons position in society. In western society, where tattoos used to he considered a sign o f rebellion, the culture is changing and they are now a very popular form of body art. For Europeans, the tradition of using metal rings to stretch a girl's neck may be shocking, but the Myanmar people consider women with long, thin necks more elegant. In Indonesia, the custom of sharpening girls' teeth to points might seem strange to other cultures, but it is perfectly acceptable elsewhere to straighten children's teeth with braces. Body piercing, dieting, cosmetic surgery or the use of fake tan might be seen as ugly and unattractive by some cultures, but they are commonplace in many others. It appears that through the ages and across different cultures, people have always changed their bodies and faces for a wide variety of reasons. Does this mean that underneath the tattoos, rings and piercings, we're all beautiful in our own way?

Match the words in the circles to make compound adjectives. Check your answers in the text.

-shouldered blonde

-aged -haired

blue short


pale middle 30



-eyed -sighted

broad sun


8 How many compound adjectives can you make with the words below?

dark fair

-sighted -skinned

straight long blue green far

-haired -eyed



9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Use the adjectives in exercises 5,7 and 8 to make sentences about people you know. 10 SPEAKING Work in groups. Discuss the statements. 1 The W estern ideal of beauty is not beautiful. 2 Our society puts too m uch emphasis on appearance.

Vocabulary bank

Describing hair page 134

The way we are


1 B ■ G ram m ar and listening A ppearance and survival

Hide-and-seek Today, in the last in our series on wildlife, ’we’re looking at animals and their appearance. Why are polar bears white? Why do leopards have spots? Why do zebras have stripes? 2lt’s all about survival. Wild animals spend half their life looking for something to eat and the other half trying not to get eaten! Life is just one long game of hide-and-seek. Luckily for them, the way they look usually helps them. The zebra is a very good example. 3Zebras usually travel in large groups. Imagine 4a hundred zebras are moving together across the savannah. 5The herd is getting bigger and bigger. A lioness is lying under a tree, watching and waiting. The zebras are getting nearer, but they’re running very close together. 6The lioness sees a big mass of black and white stripes, so it’s impossible for her to attack a single zebra. She’s very annoyed, but what can she do? 7The animals on the savannah are always trying to hide from her. Breakfast must wait. But do zebras’ stripes confuse other zebras like they confuse lions? No, they don’t. Actually, they often help zebras to recognize each other. Every zebra has a different pattern of stripes and zoologists believe this is how zebras know who is who in the group. A mother zebra always recognizes her foal among the crowd because its stripes are just a little different from the others.

Present simple and present continuous 1 SPEAKING Look at the photos and describe the animals. How can their appearance help them to survive? 2

Read the text and answer the questions. 1 H o w d o zebras travel? 2 W h y can't th e lioness attack an individual zebra?

3 H o w does a m other zebra recognize her foal? 3

Study sentences 1-7 in the text. Which ones are in the present simple and which are in the present continuous? Match sentences 1-7 to rules a-g. Then find more examples in the text. We use the present simple: a to talk about routines or habits, b to talk about facts and general truths. c with verbs that describe states: believe, have, know, like, need, think, see, seem , want, understand, etc. We use the present continuous: d to talk about actions happening now.

e to talk about tem porary situations, f to talk about changing or developing situations, g to describe an irritating habit, usually with always. Time expressions: Present simple: always, every day, often, regularly, usually, som etim es, hardly ever, n e v e r,. . . Present continuous: right now , a t the m om ent, this w e e k ,. .. W e often use the present continuous tense w hen w e describe photos.

Reference and practice 1.1

6 The way we are

W orkbook page 104

1B 4

Use the prompts to make questions in the present simple or present continuous tense. Then match questions 1-7 to answers a-g. a b c d

1 W h y / le o p a r d s / h a v e / s p o ts

2 W h at / the leopard in the photo / hunt for 3 H o w / a zebra's stripes / help it to survive 4 W h y / p o la r b e a rs / b e c o m e / a n

Because the ice w here th ey live is melting, It's hunting for its dinner, So that their enem ies can't see them, So that the animals th ey are hunting can't see them coming.

endangered species

e They help to confuse its enemies, f It's w arning its enem ies that it's dangerous, g They usually show off their feathers.

5 W h y / a tree frog / bright blue 6 H o w / peacocks / attract / a mate

7 W h y / stick insects / look like / sticks

5 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Mimicry Animal survival is a fascinating and complex subject. As these photos 1


nature usually 2

(play) tricks

on us. Two insects 3

(sit) on a

flower. They both 4

(look) like

bees, but one of them 5


be) a real bee. It 6



bee in order to protect itself from possible predators. The real bee on the left7.................................... (have) a sting, which it uses as a weapon to attack its enemies. However, the hover fly on the right 8

(not be) dangerous.

It’s completely harmless. This imitation of one species by another often 9


(happen) in nature and is called mimicry. Animals 10

(copy) the appearance,

actions or sounds of another animal and this 11


(help) them to survive.

1.01 Listen to an interview about humans and survival and answer the questions. 1 H o w does Dr Walker describe the boy's appearance and personality?

2 H o w does Dr Walker describe the girl's appearance and personality? 7


Listen again and answer the questions.

1 W h at is the boy doing w hile he's walking? 2

H o w is the girl walking?

3 W h at is she doing w hile she's walking? 4

H o w do'streetw ise'people usually act?

5 W h at does the girl need to be careful about? 6 W h at does the boy do w hich people m ight find aggressive?

8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photo and use the questions below to describe one person to your partner. Can your partner identify the person you are describing? 1 W h at does the person look like? 2 W h at are th ey doing?

3 W h at do you think their personality is like? 4 Are th ey streetwise? W h y / w h y not?

1 C * Listening, speaking and vocabulary First impressions SPEAKING Work in pairs. How important are these things when you form a first impression? height


facial expressions

personality age


body language

hair colour and style

tone o f v o ic e : attractiveness

1.02 Listen to an interview with a psychologist. Which of the things in exercise 1 does she say influence our first impression of someone? 1.02

Listen to the interview again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones. 1 It takes a long tim e for th e hum an brain to process a first impression. 2 In the past, hum ans needed to form first impressions quickly in order to escape from dangerous situations. 3 W h at a person says has more im pact than a friendly expression or gesture. 4 W e make assumptions about a person's personality based on their physical appearance. 5 Handsom e or attractive people always make a g oo d first impression. 6 If you are happy and relaxed, you will usually create a positive first impression 7

If you look happy, the negative parts o f your character are not so important.

8 People with tattoos and piercings always create a negative impression. 9 A negative first impression is not difficult to change.

10 You need to get to know a person better to ch an g e your first impression. insight Words often confused: personality adjectives


Study the adjectives from the interview and match them to the definitions. Which adjective in each pair has a negative meaning? 1 lazy/easy-going

a relaxed and happy to do w hatever people w ant

b not liking to w ork or use energy 2 determ in ed /stu b b orn

a not letting anything stop you doing w hat you've decided to do

b not willing to ch an g e your decision or consider anyone else's opinion

3 m odest / s h y a not feeling confident in the com p an y o f people you don’t know

b not w anting to talk about the things you d o well

4 sensitive/em otional a having intense feelings about things and show ing them

b being aware o f your o w n feelings and other people's

5 arrogant/assertive a thinking you are better and m ore im portant than others

b expressing your opinions and feelings in a confident w ay

5 Complete the sentences with an adjective in exercise 4. 1 Sarah is v e r y .........................She's achieved a lot in her life, but not m any people know about it. 2 I like getting up late at th e w eekend, but that doesn't m ean that I'm 3 Z a c k is s o

- he never listens to anyone's advice.

4 Harriet is very relaxed w ith people she knows, but in a n e w situation she’s v e r y .......................... 5 Je n n y always knows if you're not happy. She’s v e r y .............................. toothers. 6 Frank has a very superior attitude to everyone around him. He's really................................ 7 Carl finds academ ic w ork quite difficult, but he w ants to succeed. He's v e r y ................................ 8 Je d is very easy to get on w ith and he never worries about anything. He's so


8 The way we are


SPEAKING Work in groups. Prepare four tips on how to make a good first impression. Then compare your tips with another group and agree on the best three tips.

W 'M

Speculating 7

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Which words in exercise 4 would you use to describe the people? Why?


1.03 Listen to two dialogues about two of the people in the photos in exercise 7. Which two people are they talking about?



Complete the phrases from the dialogues. Then listen and check.


10 11

Modal verbs

lo o k / lo o k lik e / lo o k a s if

H e 1.................................... be in his thirties.

H e 6....

H e 2................................... understand us better.


S h e 3.................................... be nearly tw o metres tall.

H e 7....................................a typ ica l head

se e m


y o u n g e r than I




she's an



O lym pic athlete.

1.04 Listen to the two people talking about themselves. Which words do they use to describe themselves? 1.05 Complete the dialogue about another person with the phrases below. Then listen and check. Which person in the photos are they talking about? Underline two more phrases for speculating. he could be th e n e w school secretary then ■ looks nothing like him than that

But he seems nice

th ey both look happy

Amber Samuel Amber Samuel Amber Samuel Amber Samuel

this on e looks m uch older

He m ust be our n e w science teacher then

No, he can't be

That m ight be his dad

He looks as if he's a m anager o f a big com p an y

Who's that g u y in the suit talking to Craig?

1 No, I know Craig's dad. This g u y 2...................................................................

3 4

.. It's the on ly teacher w e haven't m et yet. .The n ew science teacher is in his thirties a n d 5

W e ll,6 No w a y .7................................................................... I know w h at you m e a n .8 to Craig for quite som e tim e n ow a n d 9

. He's been chatting ...............................

12 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss your first impressions of the other people in the photos.

The way we are



1 D ■ Culture, vocabulary and grammar British fashion 1

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 W h at influences th e w a y you dress? friends

brothers and sisters

fashion magazines


the w eath er


2 W h ere d o you buy your clothes? Do you ever make changes to the things you buy? 3 W hat's your favourite item o f clothing? W h y d o you like it?

2 What do you know about these fashion styles: mod, hippie, punk, goth? Read the text and compare your ideas. Then complete the text with sentences A-F. There is one sentence that you do not need.

Fashion never forgotten Can you imagine dressing in exactly the same way as your parents? 1 The different ‘looks’ were started by the new rock and pop bands, who often came from the UK. Four British people remember the excitement of being part of these fashion movements, which they still see alive in retro fashion today. Mod fashion started in the early 1960s. Most mods were fans of the rock band The Who. They often fought with ‘rockers’, who were traditional rock and roll fans with leather jackets and motorbikes.

A I bought ordinary T-shirts, cut holes in them , fastened them with safety pins and then w rote things on them using a marker pen.

B And although it's dark, it's a ve ry pretty look, w ith lots o f lace for the girls.

C W e w ere the first generation that didn't need to do that, so w e had m oney to spend on stylish clothes.

D It was im portant that the clothes were very com fortable to d ance in.

E That's w h at happened before the 1960s brought the a g e o f teen age rebellion and young people started their o w n innovative and original fashion styles.

F And it wasn't just the girls - the boys liked wearing pink and purple flow ery designs, too!

Clothes and fashion 3

Study the highlighted words in the text and in exercise 2. Then match them to definitions 1-6. 1 used by som eone before 2 using a style from the recent past

‘In the difficult economic times before the 60s, parents expected teenagers with jobs to nav ren t.2 The mod look wasn’t cheap - the classic outfit was a slim-fitting suit with a shirt and thin tie, and pointy leather shoes. There was a more casual mod look, too. Although it borrowed a lot from Italian and French style, we liked to give it a very British character, with Union Jacks and RAF emblems. It's a fashion that’ll always be popular with people who like to dress smartly.’ Alan, the mod

3 com pletely n e w and different.................. , ............ 4 fashionable in a w ay that looks exp ensive............. 5 w ith a fam ous nam e 6 a high quality exam ple o f som ething m ade in the

Hippie fashion started in the USA, but in the London of the late 60s, the designer boutiques of Carnaby Street and the King's Road made it more chic. It was popular with fans of the Rolling Stones and The Beatles.

p a s t...............


SPEAKING Work in pairs. Use the adjectives in exercise 3 to describe the clothes and style of people you know.


SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 H o w did teenagers ch an g e in the 1960s? 2 W h y did mods have m oney to spend on clothes in th e 1960s? 3 W h ich o f th e fashions m entioned in the text do you think is the: cheapest? m ost expensive? most m odern? most old-fashioned? 4 W h ich o f these fashions is your favourite? Are any of them popular in your country? 5 W h a t fashions have there been since 2000, in your country, and around the w orld? Are th ey connected w ith styles of music?

DVD extra

Ju n ky Styling

10 The way we are

‘I sometimes spent a lot on hippie-style clothes - I had a fabulous purple dress that cost a fortune! But for the real hippie look, I bought things in second-hand shops. Long skirts and flared trousers seemed to be everywhere, in all kinds of bright colours.3 .......................... I can see a return to the hippie look in the ‘festival style’ young people wear to music festivals today.' Carol, the hippie

Verb patterns

Punk fashion became popular with the British punk bands of the late 1970s, the Sex Pistols being the most famous. Punks were anti-pop music, anti-government, and ... anti-everything. even fashion!

6 Study the rules below. Then add the underlined verbs in the text and in exercise 2 to 1-4. 1 Verbs + infinitive w ith to: decide, promise, choose, .................. •.................../...................


2 Verb + infinitive w ithout to: shall, must, could, w ill,.................. , 3 Verb + -ing: suggest, consider, a d m it,.................. , ...................,

4 Verbs + infinitive or -ing: love, Reference and practice 1.2


W orkbook page 105

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 a I never thought I w ou ld see so m any punks in Japan! b I never

‘You might think all punks were angry and aggressive, but a lot of us were just having fun and enioved dressing in ways that would shock people. We wanted to have a kind of fashion that was cheap and ‘do-it-yourself, so we avoided buying things from fashion shops. 4 Piercings became fashionable with punk and the hair was an important part of the look. You still often see people with a Mohican haircut today.' Jack, the punk

The goth look started with the ‘gothic’ rock bands of the 80s and 90s, which came out of the British punk scene. Much of the style comes from the Victorian period in Britain.

so m any punks in Japan! (expect)

2 a 'Let's go to the festival in Reading,'said Mike. b Mike

to th e festival in Reading, (suggest)

3 a I'm thinking o f buying that black leather coat. b I .................................... that black leather coat, (consider)

4 a Looking for vintage clothes is som ething w e enjoy, b We

for vintage clothes, (love)

5 a M y m um said she'll buy m e som e n e w boots for m y birthday, b M y m um

m e som e n e w boots for my

birthday, (promise)

6 a It looks like 1980s fashion is popular again. b 1980s fashion.................................... popular again, (seem)

8 Study sentences 1-5. What is the difference in meaning between sentences a and b? 1 a I rem em ber wearing flared trousers w hen I was young. b I rem em bered to w ear flared trousers to the sixties party last Saturday.

2 a HI never forget seeing that photo of your dad dressed as a punk! b Don't forget to bring that photo o f your dad dressed as a punk - I w an t to show it to Mark.

3 a They stopped to look in the shop w indow , b They stopped looking in the shop w indow .

4 a I tried changing m y clothes before I w e n t out, but I still wasn’t happy. b I tried to ch an g e m y clothes before I w en t out, but I didn't have enough time.

5 a I regret spending all your money. b I regret to tell you that I spent all your money. ‘It’s easy to say what the most important thing about goth fashion is - black! It can be leather trousers, long dresses, boots or gloves, but black is the first choice of colour. 5 You can find some great goth clothes in vintage shops. I loved goth culture as a teenager - it’s perfect tor those times when life seem s sad and serious. The goth style seem s to be more and more popular these days, especially with all the interest in vampire books and movies.' Gemma, the goth

9 SPEAKING Complete the questions with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then work in pairs and answer the questions. 1 W h y d o you think people w an t

(be) fashionable?

2 Have you ever chosen

(wear) som ething in order to

shock people? 3 Can you im agine e v e r .................. (dress) like your parents? 4

Do you think you'll n e e d .................. (change) the w ay you dress w h e n you start work?

5 Are there any colours you avoid 6 Have you ever tried


(have) your hair longer or shorter?

7 W h e re d o you m ost e n jo y .................. (shop) for clothes? 8 W h ich item o f clothing d o you most regret.................. (buy)?

Vocabulary bank

Clothes page 134

The way we are


1 E ■ W riting An informal email SPEAKING Read the advert and answer the questions.

Link up!

1 Does your school

W e are looking for young people to link up with students

have a partner school?

in our partner school in South Africa. The students are

W h ere is this school?

all aged between sixteen and eighteen and are studying

2 Do you or your friends

for their final exams. They want you to email them, so

email students in other

that they can learn more about your lives, families,

countries? W h a t do

friends and school. If you are interested, come to the

you write about?

meeting in Room 5 after break on Thursday 1 6 * to hear more about the Link up project.


Checking your writing When you finish a piece of writing, remember to check your work for mistakes. Always check the following: a Punctuation: com m as, full stops, question marks, speech marks, capital letters, exclamation marks, colons, apostrophes.

b c d e

Spelling: use a dictionary to check the spelling o f words, Grammar: check that you have used the correct tenses. Word order: check that all the words are in the correct order and that the sentences make sense, Vocabulary: use a dictionary or a thesaurus to check that you have used the correct word. W atch out for false friends (words that are similar in your ow n language, but m ean som ething different).

Correction marks Here are som e of the most com m on correction marks: p = punctuation


sp = spelling

gr = gram m ar

wo = word order

ww = w rong word; vocabulary

Read the strategy. Then correct the sentences. There is one mistake in each sentence. Match each mistake to a-e in the strategy. 1 I live with m y fam ly in Abingdon, near Oxford. 2 Does your brother like to carry football tops? 3 Im studying for m y final exams. 4 I lives with m y fam ily in the centre of Bristol. 5 On Saturdays, w e go always to the park to play football. 6 W h a t do you like to d o in your free tim e


Read Elise's email for the L in k u p project. Then correct the mistakes.


Read Bert's first L in k u p email and answer the questions. 1 H o w does he start the email? 2 W h at kind o f information does he include in each paragraph? 3 H o w does he sign off?

Position 5 Complete the phrases that Bert uses to identify people in the photo. Then find the phrases in Bert's email and check your answers. 1


the b a ck/fro n t

on the rig h t/le ft



front of ■ in the m id d le 3

in the foreground / background



the le ft/rig h t of

the to p / b o tto m / rig h t- h a n d / le ft- h a n d / c o rn e r behind

Look at the photo. Match Bert's friends to descriptions 1-6.

This perso n is ... 1 to the left of Kara......

4 in the bottom right-hand corner.


in the m iddle o f the to p row.

5 in the top left-hand corner.


in front of El lie...........

6 behind Felix............................

12 The way we are


Hello Adela, P


My names Elise and I write to you as part of the Link up project at my school. I'm your new e-pal and I'm very excited about writting to someone in South Africa. I live in a small flat near the centre of p


antwerp with my elders, my brother Johan -------

► d ? 1 photo attached


and my dog, Max. I enjoy play hockey and

Hi Peter,

I for a local team play and my school team.

My name's Bert and I'm from Belgium. I'm writing to you as part of the Link up project. I live in Ghent with my parents and brother. There are 900 students in my school, but only eighteen in my class. I usually walk to school with my friends.

We're not very good and we're always losing matches, but we have fun when we play.


I'm ataching a photo of myself and my friends on our last school trip. I'm the dark-haired girl in the middle. My best friend Larissa is the tall gr

one on my right. She wears a white T-shirt and jeans. She's quite shy, but we get on well together and she's got a very good sense of humour. Please email me back and send me a photo.

I enjoy foreign films and I'm a member of a film club. I'm attaching a photo of me and my friends from one of our film nights. I'm the dark-haired one in the middle of the bottom row. The guy in the top left-hand corner is my friend Yura. The blonde­ haired girl to the right of Yura is Marianne. The attractive girl behind me is Ellie. She's very clever, but modest, too. At the back, behind Ellie, is Kara. The guy in the top right-hand corner is Dirk. He's my best mate. We always play football together at the weekend. And my brother Felix is in front of Dirk.

Tell me about your life and your friends.

Can you send me a photo of you and your friends when you email me back?

Bye for now,

I hope to hear from you soon.


Bye for now, Bert

WRITING GUIDE ■ Task Write an informal email in reply to the online advert below.

■ Plan Follow the plan: Paragraph 1: Introduction. W rite about yourself and your family.

Wanted: e-friends We have a partner school in Rotterdam, Holland. They are looking for e-friends for their sixteen-year-old students. They want to email students in different countries to practise their English and to find out more about life in other places. Tell them about life in your country, school and Mends. Please attach photos and describe yourself and your friends.

Paragraph 2: Describe a photo o f your family or friends. Paragraph 3: Ask your e-friend to send you a photo. Paragraph 4: Ask w hen th ey will email you and sign off. ■ Write Write your email. Use the paragraph plan to help you. ■ Check Check the following points: ■ Have you used the correct email format and register? ■ Have you included all th e information asked for in the

■ Ideas Make notes about:


■ yourself and w here you live.

■ Have you followed the paragraph plan?

■ your family.

■ Have you checked grammar, vocabulary, spelling,

■ w here your friends are in the photo.

punctuation and w ord order?

■ w h at they look like and w h at th ey are wearing. ■ w h at th ey are like: their personalities and w hat they like doing.

The way we are


Vocabulary insight 1 Recording vocabulary c w -re

1 Work in pairs. What ways of learning new vocabulary do you know? Rank them from the most useful to the least useful. Give reasons for your ranking.


Recording vocabulary: context W h e n you make your o w n vocabulary records, it is im portant to w rite w h e n you can use a particular word.

Study vocabulary records A-D and answer the questions.

Som e words have similar meanings, but they are used in different contexts, for example, formal / informal / neutral

1 W h ich m ethod of recording n ew vocabulary is similar

situations, w hen referring to m en / w om en / children, or

to your ow n m ethod?

w hen show ing a positive or negative attitude.

2 W h ich m ethod do you think is most useful? W h ich is A g oo d dictionary will tell you about the situations in

least useful? W h y ?

w hich a w ord is typically used. In the O xford Wordpower

Dictionary, notes with the heading 'other words for'

s tu u n in 0 = (translation in y o u r own, lan gu age)

com pare it with words that have a similar meaning. They also tell you the typical context that the word is found in. d e o d e r ( a d j ) t h io (in ao a t t r a c t i v e W a y ) slim ( a d j ) th io (io ao a t t r a c t i v e W a y )

s t a t u s ( o ) s o c ia l positioo


s t r e t c h ( v ) m a k e lo o g e r c tu o o io g ( a d j ) v e r y a t t r a c t iv e

Read the strategy above. Then study the dictionary entries for th in and fa t. Answer the questions using the words in bold in the entries. 1 W h ich words w ou ld a doctor use? 2 W h ich word w ould a friend use to pay you a

Twe, IO O ct

stunning (adjective) = (informal) very

Appearance A h& ndSoiue.

m ao

a pretty woman overweight / f a t slim / t r iM

com plim ent?


3 W h ich word w ould you use to describe a child?


4 W h ich word is an im polite w a y of saying that som eone is overw eight?

Synonym: beautiful

5 W h ich word is an im polite w a y of saying that

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is stunning,

som eone is too thin?

(translation in your own language)




Thin is the most general word for describing people who have very little fat on their bodies. Slim is used about people who are thin in an attractive way: You’re so slim! How do you do it? If you say a person is skinny, you mean that he/ she is too thin and not attractive. Underweight is a formal word, and is often used in a medical context: The doctor says I’m underweight.

Recording vocabulary: what to record It is im portant to keep good records o f n e w vocabulary. Decide where you will record n ew words, for example, in a special notebook or in a docum ent on your computer. Decide w h at information you need to record about the word. So m e things to record are: part of speech,


pronunciation, synonyms, antonym s or collocations.


You will find all o f this information in a good

It is not polite to describe sb as fat. Large and overweight are sometimes used instead: She’s a rather large lady. » I’m a bit overweight. Generally it is not polite to refer to sb’s weight when you talk to him/her. Chubby is mainly used to describe babies and children who are slightly fat in a pleasant way: a baby with chubby cheeks. Doctors use the word obese to describe people who are very fat in a way that is not healthy.

dictionary. Look for other information that tells you about the typical context in w hich the w ord is used. For example, th e label inform al tells you that you should on ly use the w ord with friends and family.


Read the strategy above. Put the information from vocabulary record D in exercise 2 under the correct heading. 1 w ord

6 Choose the correct answers. 1 He's a very cute and large / chubby baby.


2 The doctor said I w as skinny / underweight and had

2 part of speech



to put m ore w eig h t on.


3 'Look at that man. H e’s so fat / obese.' 'You can't say

4 translation


exam ple

6 use (context)



4 Tom’s very skinny / slim. He doesn't look good.


4 Study the dictionary entry for g o rg e o u s and write your own vocabulary record. Then compare with a partner. g o r g e o u s /'gjicitos/ adj (informal) extremely pleasant or attractive: What gorgeous weather! * You look gorgeous in that dress. O note at beauti­ ful ►gorgeously adv

14 Vocabulary insight 1

5 Anna is so lovely and underweight / slim.


Find the words below in a dictionary. For each word, write an example sentence that shows it in its typical context. attractive


handsom e


Dictionary entries from O xford W ordpow er D ictionary, 4th edition

Review 1 i V . v 7 t* W in

Vocabulary 1


Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one word that you do not need. elegant

handsom e


overw eight

plum p

5 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous tense. 1 'Look at that cheetah! H o w fast


(it/run )?' 'Over 110 kphl'


2 'H o w m any hours

1 I think too m uch make-up is a ctu a lly ..................... 2 Stylish and

clothes don't need to be

3 'H o w lo n g .................................... (flies / live)?'


'Tw o to three weeks.'

3 Both Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are very

4 'W hich animals eat while

, but w h o is m ore attractive?

5 'Look at that h u m m in g b ird !'!

, with m any being obese.

(fly) backwards!'

5 Most ballerinas are v e r y .............. in order to be light.

6 'M ale m osquitoes n e v e r........................ (bite) humans.'

! In 2012,

7 'Zebras n orm ally.................................... (eat) all day.'

th ey w ere voted the most beautiful in th e world.

Marks 2

8 T h a t lio n .................................... (not hunt). W h y?'


Complete the sentences with compound adjectives. Use the words in brackets. 1 I'm v e r y ......................I never tan. (pale-) 2 Magazines are full of blonde-haired and

'M ale lio ns.................................... (not usually / hunt).'


change (x2)

3 She had dark hair w h e n she w as younger, but now she's......................(blonde-)

Ja k e M ike

6 I'm n o t ......................I'm only 35! (-aged)


Complete the sentences using the correct adjective form of six of the nouns below. m odesty

assertiveness shyness

em otion






Do you see that? W h a t 1 I t 2.................................... co lo u r Oh wow. It was green. N o w it's purple!




(that cham eleon )?

, so I'll need a bigger jacket, (-shouldered)

5 Y ou 're............... Have you been on holiday? (-tanned)



6 Complete the dialogue. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs below and the words in brackets.

models, (blue-)

4 I'm


lie) on their backs?' 'Sea otters!

4 M ore than a billion adults globally are unhealthily

6 It's official: Ukrainian w o m e n are

(pythons /

sleep) every day?' 'Eighteen.'

Ja k e

W h y 3...................................(cham eleons) colour?

M ike

They m ainly use colours to com m unicate.

Ja k e

W h a t m essag e4 one5



M ike

Darker c o lo u rs 6

Ja k e

Well, that c h a m e le o n 7

............ (you) that us right n ow ? (usually) it's angry. very

angry, It’s n o w black!

1 Luke never works hard. He’s ............................................

M ike

2 Katie hates m eeting n e w people. Sh e's.........................

Oh dear. W e 8

now, OK?

Sorry for bothering you!


3 Mark thinks he's better than everyone else. He's.............

.7 8

4 Jo refuses to change her mind. S h e 's ............................ 5 Al always says w h at he wants. He's................................ 6 Sofia's very quiet a n d ...................... about her success.




Complete sentence b so that it has a similar meaning to sentence a. 1 a

Do you w an t to go to th e concert?

b She su g g ested ............................................................ 4

Replace the words in italics with the words below. chic




2 a

I think I m ight dye m y hair red.

b I'm con sid erin g...........................................................



3 a

Buying these shoes w as a mistake.

b I regret..........................................................................

Trainers are popular because they're both comfortable and 1

( fashionable ). Converse’s early black and

white design has become a 2 and 3

5 a

( owned before ) Converses sell for lots


Buying designer brands isn't compulsory.

b You don't n e e d ............................................................

of money. Many top fashion houses now sell 4

6 a W h y don't you w ear a belt w ith that? b T ry .................................................................................

( expensively branded ) ranges. In 2007, American

7 a

(new and

It looks like clothes are getting ch eap er

b Clothes s e e m ...............................................................

different) and created some gold Nikes. They cost

$50,000 - but they do look 6

Packing a swimsuit is essential.

b Don't fo rg et.......................

( vintage ) classic,

retailers decided to do something 5

4 a

8 a

(fashionable and

I'm getting a piercing w h e n I turn 18.

b I d e c id e d ......................................................................


Marks Marks


Total Pronunciation insight 1 Workbook page 124

/8 750

Review 1

t flfm


Travellers’ tales Reading and vo cab u lary The pow er of tourism 1

SPEAKING Work in small groups. What do most people do on holiday? Agree on the three most typical activities from the list below. find out about local com m unities language

make n e w friends

use public transport conservation projects w ater


learn a n ew

eat local food

buy local crafts

help w ith

relax by the pool

get a goo d suntan

try to save

read a good book

Read the definition of responsible tourism. What things in exercise 1 would a responsible tourist do? Then read the text. Why is Guludo Lodge a good example of'responsible tourism? Respon sible to u ris m (n) Travel that does not harm the cultural or natural environment. It can improve the life of local people and help protect the environment.


Read the text again and put the events in the correct order. 1 Education and health projects changed people's lives. 2 A charity w as set up to help local people. 3 A m y com pleted her studies at college. 4 She worked in a school for free. 5 A m y and Neal decided to use tourism to help people. 6 Their work w as recognized by the tourist industry. 7 T h ey found a place for their lodge. 8 Jobs w ere created for people in the village.

4 Answer the questions. 1 W h a t gave Am y the idea to help people through tourism? 2 W h y did A m y and Neal decide to go to M ozam bique? 3 W h a t helped A m y and Neal to achieve their dream ? 4 In w h at ways did the n e w beach lodge help local people? 5 H o w can you get to G uludo Lodge? 6 W h a t can you see and do there? 7 W h a t does the word 'nema' m ean?

5 SPEAKING Discuss the questions. 1 W h at d o you think about A m y and Neal's achievem ents? 2 In w h at other ways can w e be responsible tourists? Think about: h o w you get to a holiday destination. ■ w h at you use w h e n you are there, w h at you d o w hen you are there, w h a t you leave behind, w h a t you bring back.

Am y Carter-Jam es is small, blue-eyed and blonde, with a friendly smile. S h e doesn’t look like she could change the lives of thousands of people but, remarkably, she has. It all started when A m y took a gap y e a r in Africa after she finished university. ‘I spent eight months volunteering in a very poor rural school in Kenya,’ she says. ‘That w a s the first time I saw poverty, I w as so young and so easily inspired and I thought, “ W h y can't tourism do the sam e thing for com m unity develop m ent?” ' On her return to England, twenty-two-year-old Am y and her boyfriend Neal decided to take ‘the road less travelled’. They drove across Mozambique, one of the poorest countries in Africa, but it w asn't exactly a holiday. Mozam bique had two qualities which appealed to them: great potential as a travel destination and local people w ho desperately needed help. O nce there, the couple got off the beaten track and headed for Quirim bas National Park, where they found a tiny stretch of white sand clo se to a village called Guludo. Life in Guludo w as hard: there w a s little clean water and not enough food. Healthcare w as poor and people in the village had a life expectancy of thirty-eight years. A m y and Neal had no qualifications in tourism or healthcare but they had com m on sense, enthusiasm and determination. T h ey talked to the villagers about their plan to create a small beach resort which would provide em ploym ent for people and lift families out of poverty. ‘W e took a translator with us,’ says Amy. ‘Their only question w as: ‘W h en can you sta rt?’

16 Travellers'tales Vocabulary: compound nouns: travel; travel; types of journey; verbs+prepositions: trave Grammar: narrative tenses; used to and would

Speaking: discussing ideal holidays, memorable journeys; persuading and negotiating Writing: a story


insight Compound nouns: travel

The couple set to work on a beach lodge, building beach huts from local materials and employing people from

6 Match the words in A to the words in B to make compound nouns. Then check your answers in the text. A

the surrounding area. O n ce the lodge w as complete, they set up a charitable foundation called N EM A , which received 5 % of its revenue. This m oney w a s used to create clean w ater points, fund healthcare projects, build two primary schools and support conservation projects - it helped to improve the lives of thousands of people. ‘W e wanted to show the world the pow er of tourism, that it could be a vehicle for change,' says Amy. It isn't e a sy to get to Guludo. It’s not a typical package holiday with airport pick-ups and drop-offs. There’s no public transport, either. The nearest city is Pem b a and once there, you have to take a helicopter, a boat or go on a three-hour ca r journey along bum py roads. But Guludo Lodge is worth the effort. Today the lodge has nine ‘bandas’, or beach huts, with beautiful s ea views. There are no overpriced souvenir shops and other tourist traps. It’s the perfect place to take time out, escap e the crow ds and soak up the sun. Visitors can see the sights - explore Ibo island with a tour guide, go scuba diving or observe African wildlife at the M ogandula Bush Lookout. But the highlight for many is getting to know people in the village, taking part in festivals and learning about N EM A ’s work. ‘Peop le who stay with us often com e for the diving or the beach,’ s a ys Amy, ‘but it's the com m unities that really blow them away.' Peop le like A m y and Neal believe that the tourist industry can do much good in the world and Guludo Lodge is leading the way, winning m any aw ards for its responsible tourism. B a c k in the village, people are talking about N EM A. In the local dialect, it's a word with a special meaning. ‘It’s difficult to explain,' s a ys Amy, ‘but it m eans that kind of hope that accom panies the end of suffering.'

beach tour












trap ■ transport


Read the text. Then replace the phrases in italics with compound nouns in exercise 6.

The world’s highest rubbish dump It’s one of the most famous places in the world and thousands of people have been there. But it isn’t a 1place for a holiday by the sea and you can’t use 2a regular bus or train service to get there. It isn’t

3an organized holiday from a travel agent, with the usual4shops that sell overpriced souvenirs and the 5person who shows tourists around will probably be a sherpa! As a 6place for holiday makers, it’s pretty unusual - it’s Mount Everest. Everest is part of a 7protected area of land in Nepal. Many endangered species live there, such as snow leopards and black bears, but the park and these animals are suffering. The problem is rubbish. Every year, hundreds of climbers leave rubbish on the mountain, everything from food cans to oxygen cylinders and even fridges! A group of climbers do regular clean ups, but there is still more than a hundred tonnes of waste to collect. Even the world's highest mountain can't escape the negative impact of tourism!

T ra v el

8 Complete the descriptions with the correct form of the verbs below. Then check your answers in the text. escape ■ g et off

get to know


soak up


take part in W h e n w e g o away, w e like t o 1................. the beaten track, aw a y from the usual tourist destinations.That's the point o fa holiday - t o 2

from the crow ds and

have an adventure! I like t o 3..................tim e out, lie on th e beach, read a g oo d book a n d 4.................. the sun. The w eather isn't great at home, so I never usually sunbathe. M y fam ily like t o 5................. guided tours and activities - w e a lw a y s 6

the sights. Last year, I tried

snowboarding w ith m y brother It w as fun because w e

NEM A in num bers 2 new primary schools 150 secondary school scholarships 800 primary school meals 8,000 mosquito nets Clean water for 15,000 people

7.................. som e local people and m ade n e w friends.

9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Which description in exercise 8 is your idea of a good holiday? Give reasons for your answer. Vocabulary bank

Types o f holiday page 135

T ra v e lle rs'ta le s



G ram m ar and listening M em orable journeys


^ th e world's toughest row ing Tace

I you Apply o n lin e a t w w w . r o w . . .


SPEAKING Read the advert for the Atlantic challenge and discuss the questions. 1 W h at typ e o f even t is it? 2 W h at m ight the challenges be? 3 If you took part in the event, w h o w ou ld you choose as your rowing partner? your best friend


your m u m / d a d

your teacher

som eone famous

Read part 1 of the story. Who was supposed to be Daniel's rowing partner? What happened? What do you think happened next? P a rt 1 ’jan Meek usually g o t home from work at 6 o'clock and today was no different. 2She m a d e herself a cup of tea and lo o k e d out of the kitchen window. 3|f w a s ra in in g and cold outside - not good weather for building a boat. ]an had an uneasy feeling and decided to check her answering machine. There was a message from her son, Daniel, and it wasn’t good news. 4At the tim e, 21-year-old Daniel

w a s p r e p a r in g to com pete in the Atlantic challenge with a friend. Unfortunately, his friend had just called him with some bad news. He didn’t have the tim e to prepare for the race, so Daniel had to find another partner, som eone with enough free tim e to raise money, build a boat and to train! 5The boat w a s very small and the race was long, so it also had to be someone he could get on with. 6|an phoned her son and asked him what h a d h a p p e n e d . Then 7w hile |an w a s s u g g e s tin g solutions Daniel in te r r u p te d h e r...

Narrative tenses 3

Read parti of the story again. Then match sentences 1-7 to rules a-g. We use the past simple for: a a past state, b a past habit. c a sequence of actions in th e past. We use the past continuous for: d background descriptions. e an action or actions in progress at a specific tim e in the past. We use the past simple and the past continuous for: f

a longer action interrupted by a shorter action.

We use the past perfect for: g an action or even t that happened before another action in the past.

Reference and practice 2.1


W orkbook page 106

Complete part 2 of the story with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then answer the questions. 1 W h o did Daniel ask and w h y?

2 W h y did th ey agree? 3 W h at was goo d / bad about th e journey?


T ra v e lle rs'ta le s 2 B

Pa rt 2 Surprisingly, D a n ie l1........................ (ask) his fifty-year-old mum to be his rowing partner His mum 2........................ (never / row) in her life, but she was very adventurous. The previous year she 3........................ (study) Chinese in Taiwan, then she had gone backpacking round the world on her own. )an said 'yes' because she 4........................ (know) that the race was a 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity. Two years and m any hours of training later Jan and Daniel 5........................ (arrive) in Tenerife. At last they were ready to take part in the race - they 6........................ (raise) enough money and they 7........................ (build) a good boat. On the boat, there was enough food for 100 days, as well as books and m usic for entertainm ent. They 8....................... (also / ask) friends to w rite them letters and poems, so they had som ething to open during the difficult days ahead. Once the race 9....................... (start), |an and Daniel realized just how hard it was going to be. The rowing was tiring, they couldn’t wash and they were constantly soaked with salt w ater There were terrible days when they wanted to give up, but there were also good days. W hile they 10........................ (row), they saw dolphins, whales, and flying fish. They also 11.........................(get) to know each other extrem ely well. In the end, the journey 12....................... (take) 101 days - two m onths longer than the winners of the race. Ian and Daniel thought that everyone 13........................ (forget) about them. But when they arrived in Barbados, people 14....................... (w ait) on boats to greet them. Everyone 15........................ (cheer) and waving, and there was m usic and fireworks. People wanted to congratulate them on their amazing achievem ent!



Listen to a radio show about Jan and Daniel. What did they do next?

1.06 Listen again. Put the events in the correct order, then retell their story. Use the words and phrases below. before (the expedition) then


a f t e r i w hile

by the tim e (they arrived)

w hen



in the end

Ja n and Daniel tho ug h t about giving up.

They learned h o w to use a gun.

They w e n t on a course to learn survival skills.

Friends followed their blog posts.

They had a bad accident.

They w ere ready to start the expedition

Jan suffered from frozen hands.

Th ey broke another w orld record.

Choose the correct answers. 1 Jan and Daniel had been / were on an adventure together before the polar challenge. 2 Before they left, th ey were starting / started a blog about their expedition. 3 They w ere well-prepared because th ey had trained / trained for over a year. 4 They took a gun because a polar bear had attacked / attacked another team. 5 O ne o f the tents that th ey brought / had brought burnt dow n. 6 I hey packed up their rem aining tent, then carried on / were carrying on w ith their journey. 7 Halfway through their journey, th ey realized that th ey hadn't packed / didn't pack enough food. 8 By the tim e they reached the pole, th ey had raised / raised a lot o f m on ey for charity.

8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about a memorable journey you have had. Use the ideas below. Think about: w here you went.

w h a t you did / saw on the journey,

w h at you had packed / read / d on e before

h o w you w ere feeling before, during and after,

your journey.

w h at you thought about the journey,

w h o you travelled with.

T ra v e lle rs'ta le s



Listening, speaking and vocabulary One journey, different travellers

SPEAKING Work in pairs. What are the differences between these travellers? Where do they normally spend their holidays? What are the pros and cons of each type of travel? arm chair traveller


adventure tourist

globetrotting backpacker



Identifying purpose When you listen to people talking, try and identify the purpose of the conversation. Listen for: the context. H o w m any peop le are speaking? W h o are th e y? W h ere are they? h o w the speakers feel. Are th ey angry, happy, bored, interested, worried? w h y th ey are speaking: to make an arrangem ent / give an opinion / give instructions / make suggestions, etc.


1.07 Read the strategy. Listen to the radio show. Which of the travellers in exercise 1are speaking? Why are they calling in?

3 [aH 1.07

Listen again and match each speaker 1-4 with two sentences a-h.

1 Luca a b c d e

PI 4

2 Noah

likes to visit places that aren't popular says travelling is hard work, thinks typical tourist holidays are boring, finds ou t about places on a computer,

3 Katrina

4 Jed

f disapproves o f people on package tours, g is aw are o f th e environm ental im pact of travel.

h doesn't like to go aw ay for a long time.

likes to tell stories about his / her travels.

Types of journey Study the highlighted words in sentences 1-7. Then match them to definitions a-g. 1 Last summer, I w e n t on a trek through the Alps.

2 3 4 5

I also w en t on a ten-day voyage around Antarctica, w hale watching. I'm not an explorer. I've never been on a polar expedition. I also prefer short trips or w eekends aw ay to local places. A flight to Thailand w ould produce a lo to fC O j.

6 They g o on coach tours w hich stop off at popular tourist attractions.

7 They g o on planned excursions to crow ded museums. a b c d e f g 5

A jou rn ey by air. A long jou rn ey w hich is often scientific A jou rn ey in a ship o r a spacecraft, A difficult walk, lasting several days or weeks, Travelling from place to place w ith an organized group, A short outing to on e place for pleasure, A short or long jou rn ey for business or pleasure.

SPEAKING Work in pairs A and B. Choose a role card and prepare a dialogue between a travel agent and a tourist. Student A You a rea travel agent. Think about w hat visitors

T ra v e lle rs'ta le s

You are a tourist. Tell student A w h at you

can see and do in your town. Decide which

w an t from your holiday and w h at typ e of

activities and places would appeal to different

activities you enjoy. Ask them for advice

types of tourist. Listen to Student B, then give

about w hat you can see and do.

advice about w hat they can see and do.


Student B

2C ~





Persuading and negotiating SPEAKING Work in pairs. Read the adverts. Which tour of London would you like to try? Give reasons for your answer.

City logging Tours

EA S T E N D E X P L O R E R An insider tour of East London. Discover: • colourful street art down tiny side streets • fascinating shops, including London's best record store • the story behind Brick Lane. Spital fields Market and more We guarantee you’ll see loads of places you'll want to visit again ... and again! 2 HOUR TOUR £12

Join us as we guide you through ^ 2 000 years of history on London s most exciting sightseeing tour Our 6 km running tour stops off at many of London's most famous sights, such as Trafalgar Square, the London Eye, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. Experience London in a memorable and healthy way - book a City Jogging Tour now!

2 hour tour £8 7

L o n d o n M o v ie T o u r V is it

f i l m

d if f e r e n t

l o



t i o


i n

a n d a ro u n d ^ l

1.08 Listen to a dialogue between a tour guide and two tourists. Which tour in exercise 6 are they talking about? How does the tour guide persuade them to join the tour?

8 ^ 1.08 Complete the phrases from the dialogue. Then listen again and check.

Persuading and negotiating

Reaching agreement

If you ..., I'll give you . . . .

Well, y o u 'v e 5.............................. me.

You've g o t 1...................... lose.

OK, let's6.............................. for it.

That so u n d s2................... .......... , b u t . . . . I'm not s o 3........................ ............ 1still think . . . . You won't be 4.................. .............

1.09 Nick

Put the dialogue in the correct order. Then listen and check. OK, but I still think w e should g o on a tour. Look, here's another one. It's called East End Explorer and there's a local person as the tour guide.

Fran Nick Fran Nick Fran

Hmm, I prefer to explore things on m y own. It's more fun and you get to m eet local people. W h y don't w e g o on a tour? W e ’ve g ot a free m orning tom orrow. W h at shall w e do? Yes, and you can g o shopping, too! That sounds interesting, but the w eather forecast isn't great and I don't fancy running in the rain.


M aybe, but w e haven't g ot m uch tim e and a tour is a g oo d w a y to see the sights quickly, don't you agree? Look, here's a leaflet for a city jogging tour.

Fran Nick Fran

OK, you've persuaded me! Let's book it. Great! You w on't regret it! So w e w ould g et to know local people.

10 Read the dialogue again. Underline more ways of persuading and negotiating, and reaching agreement. 11

SPEAKING Work in pairs A and B. Choose one of the tours in exercise 6 and persuade your partner to go with you. Student A

Student B

You are very sporty and like to be active. You

You are really interested in film and think the

also like visiting famous places and ticking

film tour sounds amazing. It's expensive, but

them off your 100-things-to-see-before-you-

you're willing to pay because it's a'once-in-

die' list. You think th e idea of a jogging tour

a-lifetime'experience. Your friend is not that

is great. It's also ch eap and you don't w an t to

interested in film, th ey’d rather go jogging. But

spend loads of money. Persuade your friend.

they do w ant to see the sights. Persuade them.




Culture, vocabulary and grammar America on the move SPEA K IN G Look at the photos and discuss the questions. Then read the text and check your ideas. 1 W h at typ e o f places do the photos show ? 2 W h at other things m ight you see along the road? Think about natural and man-made attractions.



'Mother . Road

Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones. Route 66 connects the East coast of Am erica w ith the W est coast. The road m ade life easier for people in big cities. Unusual w eather conditions caused the great migration. In the 1930s, it w as easy for farmers to find w ork in California. In the 1940s, th e road was given a n e w name. The road becam e popular because of its tourist attractions.


SPEA K IN G Are there any famous routes in your country? W hat are the most popular tourist attractions? Are they connected to any historical events?

insight Verbs + prepositions: travel 4

Choose the correct prepositions. Then check your answers in the text. 1 It was getting dark so w e headed with / for the nearest motel and booked a room for the night.

It's over 4,000 km long and crosses two-thirds of the USA. It's been called 'The Mother Road' and 'The Main Street of America'. It's been in films, books and songs and there's even a piece on display at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington. W elcom e to Route 66. Route 66 starts in the hustle and bustle of Chicago. Outside the city, it cuts through cornfields and the open plains of the West, into gold mining towns and ghost towns, over deserts and through valleys, winding around lakes and mountains, until it arrives in Los Angeles on the Pacific Ocean. Midwest America is connected with the West coast, and the past is connected with the present. Let's go back to the 1920s to see how it all began.

2 W e followed the path and it led us to / for a small river, d eep in the forest.

3 The interstate highw ay connects to / along Route 66 at Williams, Arizona.

4 W h e n w e cam e to the crossroads, w e decided to travel around / down the road to California.

5 To get to th e service station, you have to drive along / with the main road and turn left. 6 The road winds around / for m ountains and lakes. The views are spectacular.

7 W e w ere late, so w e cu t down / through the park.

DVD extra

C hicago to LA

Study sentences 1-5 in The M other Road. Then complete the rules with used to, w ould or the past simple. a W e u s e ........................ o r ........................ for repeated past actions or habits that do not happen now.

b W e can also u se........................ or the past simple tense for states (= state verbs) in the past, that have changed or are different now. ............ or

w hen

som ething on ly happened once. W e u s e .........................

Reference and practice 2.2


T ra v e lle rs'ta le s

In the early 1920s, life in Midwest America was very different. ’People didn't use to travel much because there w ere no highways* near the small towns 2a trip to LA would usually take weeks. But in 1926, things started to change thanks to a new road called Route 66. This new road opened up the American West to hundreds of thousands of people. Agricultural communities that used to be isolated started to grow and develop into towns. Farmers were also able to sell their produce to big cities.


used to and would

c W e can't use.


W orkbook page 107

In the mid-1930s, hard times returned. America was suffering from the Great Depression and across the country, millions of peop le were out of work. In the Midwest, severe drought conditions and dust storms destroyed farmland and thousands of families w ere forced to leave their homes. They headed for California, along Route 66, where they had heard there were agricultural jobs. Unfortunately, the mother road led them to shanty towns* outside towns and cities, where they lived in terrible poverty. Route 66 becam e associated with the pain and misery of this great migration.

2D 6 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets and u s e d to or w o u ld . Sometimes both may be possible.

1940s-1950s 4W h e n the G re a t D ep ressio n ca m e to an e n d after W o rld W a r II, there w a s a n e w a g e o f optim ism and thousands m o v e d from East to W est, looking fo r a better life. P e o p le h ad m o re fre e tim e a n d m any o w n e d cars, f a m ilie s w o u ld n 't stay at h o m e during


holidays. Instead, th e y w o u ld d rive a lo n g R o u te 66 to the b e a c h e s o f California, visiting the G ra n d C a n yo n a n d oth er attractions a lo n g the w ay. It w a s b o o m

Williams, Arizona, on Route 66, is a small town

tim e for the ro a d a n d hundreds of diners, m otels and

50 miles from the Grand Canyon National Park.

s e rv ic e stations lined th e route. Billb o ard s a n d huge statues te m p te d tourists to sto p at m an-m ade and

Today, the town is a popular tourist attraction, with

natural attractions, such as the giant Blue W h a le in

steam train rides and Houte 66 memorabilia. But in

O k la h o m a or the M e ra m e c C a ve rn s in Missouri. Then

the past, life 1

jazz m usician B o b b y Troupe w ro te the hit s o n g Route

(be) very different in

Williams, Arizona.

66. The m other ro a d h ad a brand n e w im a g e - o n e of fre e d o m and fun.

In 1882,250 people2

1956-present day

The town had a few dirt streets with log cabins and

(live) in Williams.

tents and everyday life3

A s m o re p e o p le tra v e lle d from East to W e st, a

(be) very

dangerous. Cowboys4

new er, b ig g e r ro a d w a s n e e d e d a n d w o rk b e g a n

(often / have)

‘gunfights’ in the streets and outside the town

on a n atio n al interstate h ighw ay. Sadly, the to w n s a n d attractions a lo n g R o u te 66 b e g a n to d ie out.

outlaw s5

(often / rob) stagecoach

Then in th e 1990s, p e o p le started c a m p a ig n s to

passengers or travellers on horseback.

p re s e rv e the o ld road, n e w signs w e r e put u p a n d

Day-to-day life was hard, too. Back then, there

tourists b e g a n to tra ve l d o w n it o n c e ag ain. Today, the m other ro a d still offers an


(not be) a school, so children

am azin g jo u rn e y through the A m erican


(stay) at home. They8

W e s t. W h e th e r y o u w an t the fre e d o m

(help) their parents to milk cows, collect wood

of the o p e n road, a trip into the past,

and grow vegetables. They9

or sim ply a g re a s y b u rg e r from an


play) much because there were so many chores

all-Am erican diner, y o u can still 'g e t y o u r kicks* on R o u te 66'.

to do. When they did have free time, families 10

(entertain) themselves with picnics

in the forest, violin music, or simply reading aloud from a book.

* highways = main roads in America, usually 8 lanes w id e * shanty tow ns = areas outside a town w h e re p o o r p e o p le live in hom es m ade out of card b oard and w o o d get yo u r kicks = h a v e a g o o d time


SPEAKING Write sentences using u s e d to or w o u ld about life in your town in the past. Think about: houses and homes, transport: h o w people g ot around, free tim e and entertainm ent, everyday life.

Vocabulary bank

Travel and transport page 135

T ra v e lle rs'ta le s «.

2 E ■ W riting A story

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photos and answer the questions. 1 W h ere are these places? 2 W h at type of traveller w ould g o there? 3 W h a t adjectives w ou ld you use to describe these places?


Read about a competition from a travel magazine. Then read extracts A-D from four competition entries. Match them to photos 1-4.

Travellers'Tales Writing Competition This month is all ab out Travellers'Tales. Send in tales of your weird or wonderful journeys an d you might a p p e a r in next month's magazine. O n e lucky winner will go on the trip of a lifefime - a Greyhound Bus Tour round the USA! The Australian Outback is a very big place. It went on as far as the eye could see. I tried to start the car again, but the engine died. ‘That’s it,’ said Jez. ‘What do we do now?’ He was starting to panic. ‘Ju st wait,’ I replied calmly. ‘And if nobody comes? It’s hot out here and we only have one bottle of water.’ lo o k ,’ I replied angrily, ‘I don’t know, OK? Let’s just hope someone comes along.’ That’s when we noticed the small sign a few hundred metres down the road. We ran over to it and read: ‘William’s Creek 20 km’. ‘W e could walk there

I thought.

‘How much?’ I asked, pointing to the bottle of water. ‘ 10 rupees’ replied the street vendor, smiling. I gave him a couple of coins, then walked back towards the platform, just in tim e to see my train leave the station. ‘Hey!’ I yelled as I ran after it, pushing through the crowds o f people. But it was too late. By the time I got to the platform, the train had gone, along with my backpack. I had to think fast - the next stop was Delhi, at least an hour away. But how could I get there in time?

It was raining hard as we drove along Route 66. It was late and we were tired and looking for a place to stop. After a while we saw some neon lights ahead. They belonged to a motel, so we decided to take a break. The motel cafe was deserted. The waitress behind the counter looked up, but she didn't smile. 'We're out of pancakes and fries,' she said as she handed us the menu 'but I can do y'all a hamburger.' We were eating our hamburgers, when a motorcycle gang stopped outside. Time to move on,' I thought, hut the rain

Some time ago, we went to Guatemala on holiday. While we were there we took a trip to tbe rainforest, to take photos o f monkeys and exotic birds. Sounds like a typical traveller’s tale, doesn’t it? But it isn’t. At first, everything went smoothly. Backpacks were packed, cameras were ready and the guide arrived on time. We ju mped into his jeep and eventually we were driving along a narrow track deep into the forest that's when we saw it.

was getting worse. Suddenly, the lights went out.


Starting a story When you write a story, your opening sentence should grab the reader's attention and get them interested. Start with: 1 a quote from a character in the story, that introduces a main event. 2 a description o f the weather, the tim e of day and h ow you w ere feeling. It establishes the atmosphere. 3 a description of the location, especially if it's unusual.

Try not to start with: 4 w h e n the even t happened, like Last summer, A few weeks ago, The year before la s t ... etc. But if you do, make it interesting by adding som ething surprising.

3 Read the strategy. Then read extracts A-D again and match them to 1-4 in the strategy. Which story do you think will be the most interesting? Why?


T ra v e lle rs'ta le s

2E Ordering events in a story 4 Complete 1-4 with the highlighted words and phrases in extracts A-D. 1 Start of a sequence of events: In th e beginning, To start w it h , .... 2 Show how a story moves on: A few minutes later, Just th en ....... 3 Show that two events happen at the same time: A s,....

4 End of a sequence of events: In the end, Finally,... 5 Work in pairs. Discuss what happens next in each story A-D. 6

Read the rest of story A. Were your ideas similar or different?

..................................... we were still walking. 2

W e carried on walking, but a few kilometres

..... we’d felt confident,

later Je z had had enough. ‘W e’re never

but3.................................... we'd run out of

going to get out of here,’ he complained.

water. Our road trip round Australia was turning

7.................................... we heard a distant

into the holiday from hell. The sun was hot and

buzzing noise. ‘Look!’ I cried excitedly. There


we stopped talking

in the distance was an old red truck, speeding

and just walked. Then5....................................

down the road.8

something hopped onto the road ahead. It

reached us and stopped, and a farmer jumped

was a red kangaroo, about two meters tall.

out. ‘What are you boys doing here?’ he asked.



'Is that your car back there?’ ‘Yes, it is ...' 'Well,

we got closer it didn't

move, it just sat there looking at us. 'Don’t show

you’re lucky,' he interrupted. ‘Don’t use this road

that you're afraid,’ I said, as we carefully took a

much, but we’re looking for a kangaroo, a sick

detour around it. There was something strange

one and nasty - it attacked the dogs on the farm

about it.

this morning.’ I looked at Je z and he looked at me. 'Get in,’ the farmer added. W e did, of course. It was a long lime before we visited the Outback again.


Complete the story in exercise 6 with the words and phrases below. There might be more than one possible answer. eventually

tw o hours later


at first

after a w hile



just then

WRITING GUIDE ■ Task Write your own entry for the travel competition. ■ Ideas Brainstorm ideas for your story. Think of questions beginning with W ho / W hy / W h a t / W h ere / W h e n .Then answer them. Decide how you are going to start your story. Use the strategy to help you.

Write Write your story. Use the paragraph plan to help you. Check Check the following points: ■ Does the story start in an interesting w ay? Is there a variety o f adjectives and adverbs? ■ Is the story divided into logical paragraphs? Does the sequence of events make sense?

■ Plan Decide which ideas you are going to use and match them to these paragraphs.

■ Have you checked grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation?

Paragraph 1: Begin your story in an interesting way. Introduce the main character(s), the place and the typ e o f journey.

Paragraph 2: D evelop the story, describing th e events in the order that th ey happened. Use the w ords and phrases in exercise 7 to help you.

Paragraph 3: Bring your story to an end. Did anything happen to end your journey? Did som eone help you continue it? Did anything funny, strange, scary happen?

T ra v e lle rs'ta le s


Vocabulary insight 2 Using a dictionary: compound nouns 1 Work in pairs. Study the highlighted words in the extract from the text on page 17. What part of speech are all the words?


Word order in compound nouns The first w ord in a com p o u n d noun is like an object, and it is usually in the singular, even if it has a plural meaning.

It isn't easy to get to Guludo. It's not a typical package holiday with airport pick-ups and drop-offs. There's no public transport,

For example:

either The nearest city is Pemba and once there, you have to take a helicopter, a boat or go on a three-hour car journey along bumpy roads. But Guludo Lodge is worth the effort. Today the

holidays that schools have = school holidays (not schools holidays)

lodge has nine 'bandas' or beach huts, with beautiful sea views.


Using a dictionary to find compound words

Read the strategy above. Study the dictionary entries for r e s o r t and h o lid a y . Then complete the sentences with the correct singular or plural form of the compound nouns.

A com pound is a word m ade up o f tw o or more words.



The meaning of the com pound word is different from the

at holid a y ______

meaning of its individual parts. Com pounds can be written as one word or as separate words (sometimes hyphenated).

for our summer holidays this year. * How much holi­ day do you get a year in your new job? * Mr Phillips isn’t here this week. He’s away on holiday. ♦ I’m going to take a week's holiday in May and spend it at home. ♦the school/Christmas/Easter/summer holi­ days 2 [C] a day of rest when many people do not

are com poun d nouns.Typical com p o u n d noun com binations are: 1 n o u n + noun

go to work, school, etc. often for religious or nation­ al celebrations: Next Monday is a holiday. ♦ New

2 adjective it noun

Year’s Day is a bank/public holiday in Britain.

3 noun + verb 4 verb + preposition Read the strategy above. Then match the highlighted compound nouns in exercise 1to types 1-4 in the strategy Study the dictionary entry for tour. How many compound nouns does it list? What types of compound nouns are they? %

that organizes tours) O note at travel 2 [C] a short visit around a city, famous building, etc: a guided





holidays in the sum m er m onths

4 a holiday during Christmas


5 a resort by the seaside


6 Match the words in A to the words in B to make compound nouns. Check your answers and the spelling in a dictionary.

around sth) a journey that you make for pleasure during which you visit many places: to go on a

ten-day coach tour ol/around Scotland ♦a sightsee­ ing tour ♦ a tour operator (= a person or company

1 resorts on the beach 3 a resort w here skiers go

t o u r /tua(r); t>:(r)/ noun 1 [C] a tour (of/round/

tour round St Paul's Cathedral/


period of rest from work or school (often when you go and stay away from home): We're going to Italy

The most com m on com pounds in the English language


^ ______ ______ ___

? h o lid a y /'liDladei/ noun 1 (AmE vacation) [C,U] a

A good dictionary will tell you h ow to write them.


re s o r t1 /ri'zo:t/ noun [C] a place where a lot of I people go to on holiday: a seaside/ski resort O note










places we're travelling to. last week. Everyone

had a great tim e and w e tried all the rides. 3 T h e ........................ w e booked our holiday w ith specializes in coach tours abroad.

o f art. 2 W e didn't enjoy the

to read about the

2 M y class w en t to a

1 W e w ere taken on a ....................... around the m useum and learned a lot about the various pieces



Complete the sentences with the compound nouns in exercise 5. 1 W e always buy a

4 Complete the sentences with compound nouns from the dictionary entry in exercise 3.

them e


because w e sat

in on e place for too long and there w as no space to stretch our legs.

3 During t h e ........................ w e saw th e most im portant m onum ents in the city.


I can't w ait for t h e ........................ to start. No hom ew ork for six weeks!

5 I he

w e stayed in last tim e didn't have

an y sports facilities, so w e decided to g o som ewhere else this year.

4 W e norm ally book our holiday with a because th ey arrange everything for us.

26 Vocabulary insight 2

Dictionary entries from Oxford Wordpower Dictionary, 4th edition

Review 2 Vocabulary 1


Match the words in A to the words in B to make compound nouns. Then use the compound nouns to complete the sentences. A












5 Complete the text with the past simple, past continuous, or past perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Include a time word where given.


In April 2012, Laura Dekker1........... (become) the youngest person to sail around the world. Journalists 2


as soon as she 3

1 Thom as Cook invented the first

old 4

w ith travel

(complete) her voyage. The sixteen year

(just / spend) 518 days at sea, so at the time of the

interviews she 5............(feel) quite tired! But she 6 ........... (say) she

and accom m odation in 1841.

was very happy. Just before Laura finished her journey, she 7

2 Disneyland, Paris, is Europe's m ost p o p u lar............... 3 The first kind o f

(hurry) to interview her

(celebrate) her sixteenth birthday - by eating doughnuts for breakfast!

w as the ferry boat.

While she 8

4 Polar bears live in the world's b ig g e st.............. in

(travel), she also 9 .......... (spend) time surfing,

diving, and playing the flute. She explained that the flute was easier to


play than a guitar while strong winds10

5 Before becom ing an author, Jo h n Steinbeck worked


as a ............... 6


- everything was overpriced.



6 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple, past continuous or past perfect form of the verbs below. already leave

2 Complete the collocations with verbs.

3 I love to

clim b

d ow n load



2 This tim e yesterday I 3

to know the local people.

4 I try to


the crowds and g o som ew here

I like t o ........

on the beach.

It was a place that I

4 The coach

the sights.

5 W e explore the area and

to before. w hen I arrived.


part in a tour. Then w e w e n t shopping.

6 W h e n the plane landed t h e y .................... to music.





I broke m y leg w hile I .................... the m ountain.

8 She w as upset because she

her passport.

Complete the sentences with the words below. Use each word only once. expedition






M agellan led the first s e a 1..............round

(m et / m eet)

b I first..................................last summer. 3 a W e w e n t to the beach resort every summer, (u se/

M achu Picchu w as rediscovered. N ow

w ould)

b We

there every year.

every sum m er

4 a The idea of'responsible tourism' is new. (u se/

Roald Am undsen's5.............. reached the


South Pole, using boats, dogs and horses.


in the sea every day.

2 a M y first m eeting w ith Alice happened last summer.

The W right brothers m ade the first

thousands of walkers g o on 4..............s


Complete sentence b so that it has a similar meaning to sentence a. Use between two and five words, including o n e of the words in brackets. b We

Art and history2.............. s o f Europe

3.............. in an aeroplane.



1 a W e had a daily sw im in the sea. (w o u ld / u s e )

becam e fashionable for rich young people.


Marks 7


the world.

the 1700s



1 T h e y ....................maps from th e internet yesterday.

time out from school. up the sun on the beach.

2 We


not g o

off the beaten track.

1 W e prefer to



I he souvenir shop in the m useum was a real

5 a 2012 was the year o f m y holiday to Peru, (used /w en t)

A short d a y 6.............. from London to Edinburgh and back takes less than a day.


b The idea of'responsible tourism '...................... exist.


b In 2012.................................... Peru on holiday. 6 a Travelling by coach was a regular habit o f ours. (w ould / didn't)



Complete the text with the correct prepositions.

7 a Turn left here and head 1 2

the road connects5

b I .................................... fam ily holidays.


a valley. Keep going until

8 a W ere you keen on cam ping w h e n you w ere

the B105. Go east here, and

the road will eventually lead you 6

the castle.’


I’v e on ly just started to enjoy fam ily holidays. (w ould / to)

Ballyrigg. Drive

this road for 10 km. It winds 3

and plains and cu ts4

by coach.

yo u n g ? (u se / u se d )


like cam ping w hen you w ere young?

Marks 16

Total Pronunciation insight 2 W orkbook page 124

Review 2


Cumulative review Units 1-2 Listening 1.10 Listen and match speakers 1-4 to options A-E. There is one option that you do not need. Which speaker's holiday: A did not have good facilities? B w as quite expensive?............ C did the speaker not book a h e a d ? ............ D w as very relaxing?............ E does the speaker regret taking?

Speaking 2

Work in pairs. Look at the photos of different holiday accommodation. Speculate about where these places might be, why people might choose to stay in them and what a stay might be like.

by Annie Toase 3

Work in pairs and follow the instructions. 1 Each choose a different photo from exercise 2. Im agine you are planning a holiday with your partner. Try to persuade h im / h e r to choose your accom m odation.

2 Negotiate a com prom ise with your partner. Agree a place to stay, but make sure both of you feel happy!

Reading 4

Complete the text H o u se s w a p p in g with sentences A-H. A B C D

Firstly, there are the profiles. They cost a fortune! Luckily, she seem ed to like w h at w e ’d written, too. By the tim e m y boyfriend cam e h om e from his Saturday job, it w as spotless.


Well, yes and no. It isn't for everyone. A flat above an all-night bar didn't make the list, either. W h at if they make a mess? Thanks to them, w e discovered a wonderful jazz cafe and a roller disco!

C u m u lativ e re v ie w U n its 1-2

It w a s th e n ig h t b efore m y holiday a n d I w a s alread y e x h a u ste d . I’d ju st s p e n t th e w h o le day frantically cle a n in g th e f la t .1 I ’d ev e n d u s te d th e lights! M y e a sie r-g o in g o th e r half found m y efforts very am u sin g . ‘A re n ’t h o lidays m e a n t to b e rela x in g ? ’ he asked. W e’d jo in ed a fe w w e e k s ago, w h e n w e ’d b e e n s e a rc h in g for c h e a p holidays online. P a c k a g e h o lidays w e re o u t of th e q u e s tio n .2 I’m a s tu d e n t n u rse a n d M ax is a m usician, so m oney is tig h t. B ut allow s you to sta y in so m e o n e 's hom e in a b e a u tifu l to u ris t d e stin a tio n - for free! So w h a t’s th e ca tc h ? Well, w h ile y o u 're aw ay, s tra n g e rs w ill b e sta y in g in your h o m e .3 Or la u g h a t y our b a d ta s te in fu rn itu re? T he w o rries d o n 't e n d th e re . W hat if you d o n ’t like theii hom e? It's im p o rta n t to ch o o se your h o u se s w a p w ith care! is a b it like a d a tin g service in tw o re sp e c ts. 4 E veryone h a s to w rite o n e of th e s e in o rd er to 'sell' th e ir hom e a n d n eighbourhood. Secondly, s ite u s e rs are o ften q u ite fussy! A fter all, fe w of u s w a n t to s w a p w ith ju st ‘a n y o n e ’.

Literature insight 1 W orkbook page 84

Grammar and vocabulary 5 Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

Paris Paris is a ‘dream ’ destination for m any foreign tourists. Som e love shopping in th e boutiques and adm iring th e fashions. Parisians are fam ous for th eir 1 , m odern style and effortless elegance. O ther tou rists im m ediately 2 for th e m useum s and art, galleries, especially th e astonishing Louvre. O ther people simply enjoy spending th eir tim e relaxing and soaking 3 th e atm osphere. But, like all big cities, Paris can 4 a lonely place at times! If you’d like to m eet o th e r travellers during y our stay, w hy n o t a tte n d o u r ‘Polyglot Picnic’? We 5 th is free event, every Sunday a t 3 p.m ., for visitors who 6..........................for language exchange, food and fun. You can e noise and crow ds in a beautiful city park n e a r th e university. It’s a g rea t way to 8 to know people in th e area and to m ake friends from around th e world. Everyone is very w elcom e, so th e re ’s no n e e d to be 9 .....................No one is a stra n g e r here and you'll quickly feel welcome. We 10..........................a small group in th e past, but now h u n d red s of people join us every sum m er. We hope you'll join us, too. Please bring a frisbee, badm inton racket, gam e o r m usic to share. And of course, a smile!

For th is rea so n , I’m afraid I re je c te d th e h o m e of a c h a rm in g m id d le-ag ed couple, w h o h a d a ru le s list th a t w a s th irty p a g e s lo n g ! 5 I ev e n d ism isse d an e x q u isite h o u s e in th e h e a rt of P aris ‘w h ic h you c a n s h a re w ith m y p e t s n a k e s ’ - for obvious reaso n s.

1 a chic 2 a 4 a

W ould I reco m m en d it? 8 B eing op en -m in d ed is a m u st a n d y es, you do h a v e to b e p re p a re d to do q u ite a b it of h o u se w o rk before you travel! B ut a s a w a y to tra v e l for virtually noth in g , you c a n 't b e a t it.

to be

5 a are holding

H ow ever, R ika’s Berlin flat looked sty lish a n d clean in th e p h o to s - a n d Rika h erself s o u n d e d refreshingly ‘n o rm al’! 6 A t lea st, s h e so u n d e d v ery positive! I th in k th e h o u s e -s w a p w o rk e d o u t w e ll for all of us. W e a d m ired R ika’s am a z in g collection of a rt a n d sh e sa id s h e loved o u r sty lish ‘re tro ’ fu rn itu re (I th in k sh e w a s b e in g kind - w e b o u g h t it se co n d -h a n d b e c a u s e it w a s cheap!). A s w ell a s all th e b e n e fits of sta y in g in a hom e-from hom e, h o u se s w a p p in g is a g re a t w a y to feel like a local on holiday. M any of R ika's n e ig h b o u rs sa id ‘hello’, a n d rec o m m e n d e d p lac e s to v i s i t .7 N eith er w e re m e n tio n e d in th e g u idebook, so w e felt like real ‘ex p lo re rs’.


3 a with

6 a

like to look

7 a


8 a take 9 a shy

10 a w ere being

b b b b b b b b b b

vintage journey on be held look escape get m odest w ould be

c c c c c c c c c c

trim travel up being hold are looking join in becom e sensitive used to be

Writing 6

Imagine you are joining H o u se E x c h a n g e .c o m . Write a profile for the website. Include information about: you (your name, w here you live, your personality and interests). your hom e (this can be your real h om e or an im aginary one). your neighbourhood or tow n and w h at visitors can see and do there. your ideal holiday w ith HouseExchange (w here you w ould like to go and why).

Exam insight 1 Workbook page 94

C u m u la tiv e review U n its 1-2

Feeling good Reading and vo cab u lary Happiness 1

SPEAKING Look at the photos. Which of the things make you happy? What other things make you happy? STRATEGY

Identifying main ideas of paragraphs A paragraph usually has two types of sentences: a topic sentence which summarizes what the paragraph is about and detail sentences which provide more information, explanations or examples. Identifying the main ideas of paragraphs will help you to understand the key points in a text and this will help you to understand the overall message of the text. The topic sentence is usually the first, second or last sentence o f the paragraph. It is usually more general than the other sentences in the paragraph.

chocolate the a n sw e r / H ave you ev er w o n d ered w h a t m akes p eo p le h ap p y ? W hy are som e people Tin clo u d n in e w h ile o th ers are alw ays d o w n in the d u m p s? W hat's th e secret? Is it po ts o f m oney, g o o d h e a lth , lo v in g re la tio n sh ip s, o w n in g th e latest g ad g et or sim p ly chocolate?

Identify it, by com paring it to the other sentences. W h e n you find the topic sentence, turn it into a question and ch eck if th e other sentences in the paragraph answ er this question.


Read the strategy. Then read the text and find the topic sentence in each paragraph. Match headings 1-6 with paragraphs A-D. There are two headings that you do not need. 1 Recharge your body and m ood 2 Short-lived happiness 3 A natural rem edy 4 Can having more and more make you happy? 5 Help and be helped 6 Do well at school and be happy


Read the topic sentences again and choose the best summary of the text. a An opinion about w h at society should do to make people happy.

b An article about w h at makes people happy, c A study showing w h y people find it impossible to be happy.

4 Answer the questions. 1 According to the text, w h at are th e three basic needs w hich are essential for happiness? 2 W h at kind of happiness d o material objects provide? 3 W h at does the sentence 'Happiness means you have to give and take' refer to? Give som e examples. 4 W h at effect does exercise have on a person's m ood? 5 According to the text, w h at happens if you d o not get enough sleep? Is this true in your experience? 6 W h at d o you agree with in the text? Is there anything you don't agree w ith?


Feeling good

The latest W orld H ap p in ess R eport says th at pro sp erity is n o t the m ain reason for happiness. If you suffer real hard sh ip , you are unlikely to be happy, but once y o u r basic needs are m et, m oney and m aterial things becom e less o f a necessity. H ap p in ess d e p en d s m ore on recognizing the things you have and appreciating them , rath er than getting m ore things. Yes, m oney can b u y you the latest sm artphone, tablet o r fashion item , a n d y o u m ig h t g et a kick out of th e o w n e rsh ip o f these m aterial objects, b u t this enjoym ent is usually short-lived. R em em ber all those presents you got for C hristm as w h e n you w ere little? You w ere over the m oon w hen y o u opened them , b u t n ot for long. A m onth later, they w ere lying ab a n d o n ed a t the b ottom of a d ra w e r A nd have y o u forgotten those delicious chocolates th a t m ade y o u feel really h a p p y w h e n y o u w ere eating them , b u t ill after y o u 'd finished them all? B It seem s th a t deep , long -lastin g h a p p in e ss com es from intangible th in g s ra th e r th a n th in g s like chocolates a n d sm a rtp h o n e s. O n e essential factor is h u m a n relationships. P eople w h o h a v e th e s u p p o rt Vocabulary: idioms; suffixes: -ness, -ity; values; adverbs Grammar: past simple and present perfect; present perfect continuous

Speaking: discussing tips for a happy life; giving and reacting to news Writing: a personal letter

nsight Idioms: happiness and sadness o f fam ily m em bers a n d also h a v e stro n g frien d sh ip s are m ore likely to be happy. Feeling protected and respected a n d know in g y o u can tru s t in th e p eo p le a ro u n d y o u is vital. But h a p p in e ss m eans y o u have to give a n d take. P erfo rm in g acts of k in d n ess and gen ero sity on a re g u la r basis, for exam ple, listening to a frien d in n e e d o r carry in g a n e ig h b o u r's sh o p p in g , w ill m ake y o u feel o n to p o f th e w o rld . E ven a sim ple sm ile can w o rk w onders. In fact, they say th a t o n e sm ile m akes a p erso n feel as good as eatin g 2,000 b ars of chocolate (not all a t once, of course!).

5 An idiom is a group of words which form an expression. The meaning is different from the literal meanings of the individual words. Study the underlined idioms in the text. Which ones are about happiness and which about sadness?

raa Noun suffixes:

-n ess, -ity

6 Put the noun forms of the words below in the correct part of the table. Then check your answers in the text. lazy



necessary happy





It's n o t su rp risin g th a t h ealth is a n o th e r key c o n trib u to r to h ap p in ess. P oor h e a lth w ill certainly m ake y o u feel d o w n in th e m o u th . B ut bein g health y a n d sta y in g h e a lth y req u ires so m e effort. A health y d iet is crucial a n d so is reg u lar exercise. Laziness will n o t m ak e you happy. Exercising for tw en ty to thirty m in u tes a d a y h e lp s to red u c e stress a n d anxiety a n d m akes y o u feel m ore p o sitiv e a n d optim istic because it releases e n d o rp h in s (feel-good chem icals). So, if y o u 'v e been feeling blue a n d w o rry in g too m uch a b o u t y o u r exam s, g et exercising. You'll also find th a t y o u sleep better. D Talking o f sleep, d o you o ften w ak e u p feeling m iserable? If so, it's p robably because y o u h a v e n 't h a d e n o u g h o f it. Teenagers tend to go to b e d too late a n d h a v e to g et u p early, so m an y suffer from a lack of sleep. T iredness w ill certain ly affect your h a p p in e ss levels a n d p u t y o u in a bad m ood. It also affects y o u r ab ility to concen trate a n d m ay slow y o u r grow th. So if yo u w a n t to be h a p p y a n d do well a t school, try to g et a t least eig h t h o u rs a night.

-n ess



Read the tips and choose the correct answers.

Tips for a happy life Be ’kind / kind n ess to others. The 2a b le / a b ility to help som eone will m ake both you and them feel good. Offer your tim e to people in need - 3g e n e ro u s / g e n e ro s ity will make you feel good about yourself! Try to get up early - 4lazy / laziness will make you feel 5tire d / tire d n e s s - you will feel more positive after an early start. It's not 6n ecessary / n ecessity to have more and more things. 7P ro sp e ro u s / P ro s p e rity isn't the key to happiness. Be 8h a p p y / h ap p in ess w ith w h at you have and w h o you are.

N o w y o u k n o w th e theory, it's tim e to p u t it all into practice. Sm ile, everyone!

8 SPEAKING Work in groups of three. Prepare a list of three more tips for a happy life. Then work with another group and select the top three tips. Present them to the rest of the class. Vocabulary bank

Feelings: intensity page 136

Feeling good



G ram m ar and listening H ealthy bodies, h ealthy m inds?


SPEAKING Work in pairs. Which of these things can help you to study better? singing

listening to m usic

sleeping longer


chatting to friends

doing sport

eating chocolate

exercising before class

1.11 Listen to a radio programme about how fitness helps us to perform better and answer the questions. 1 W h at tw o experiments are m entioned in the program m e? 2 W h at d o som e students in the USA do before th ey start their lessons? 3 W h at d o som e students have to do during their lessons? 4 W h at are som e o f th e results of introducing physical exercise in school? 5 Did you find any o f the information surprising?

Past simple and present perfect 3

Read the comments about exercise programmes at school. Which comments are by teachers and which by students? Match the highlighted verbs in comments 1-7 to rules a-g.

this morning and I'm about to go and

W e've just heard that we'll be sitting on exercise balls during some of our

just d o n e 'W a k e up

do a test. I feel full of energy!


a n d shake up'.

I've completed a forty-minute workout

W e did the

W e began the programme

one term, but our

I’ve done the programme for a year and I’m still attending

students didn’t like it.

all the classes.

among the students.

programme for

a week ago and w e’ve already seen the benefits

I'm exhausted. I've

I've never done this sort of thing before, but I'm really enjoying it.

W e use th e past sim ple: a to talk about actions that happened at a known tim e in the past, b to talk about com pleted past actions and states. W e use th e present perfect: c

to talk about experiences in the past, usually with ever or never.

d for recent events or states that have a connection with the present, usually w ith already,ju st or y e t e to talk about actions and states that started in the past and have not changed, usually w ith for or

since. f

to talk about actions that happened during a tim e w hich still continues; usually w ith this morning,

this week, this year. g to give news.

4 Compare the two sentences. In which sentence is it still morning? Which tense is used? I’ve completed a forty-minute workout this morning and I’m about to go and do a test.

Reference and practice 3.1


Feeling good

W orkbook page 108

I com pleted a forty-minute workout this morning. It was tiring, but I worked better in my classes after it.

3B 5 Work in pairs. Study the pairs of sentences. Why are different tenses used in sentences a and b? 1 a

I w as a teacher for three years.

b I've been a teacher for three years. 2 a

Have you ever used an exercise ball in class?

b Did you use an exercise ball in class yesterday? 3 a

I finished m y w orkout before school.

b I haven't finished m y daily w orkout yet. 4 a

I've never played tennis.

b I didn't play tennis last night. 5 a

I didn't speak to Julia at the party last Saturday,

b I haven't spoken to Julia for ages. 6 a

Have you seen Dan this m orning?

b Did you see Dan this m orning?


SPEAKING Complete the sentences with the past simple or the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Then work in pairs and answer the questions. 1


all your hom ew ork yet? (finish)



your friends after school yesterday? (see)

3 I ................................... 4

any exercise before class. W h a t about you ? (never do)

y o u ..................... your arm ? (ever break) y ou

any sport last w eek en d ? (play)


5 6

y o u ...................... raw fish? (ever eat)


y o u .................... a com m en t on any blogs this w eek? (post)

8 W h a t ........................ you


in geography last year? (learn)

Complete the interview with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs below. be


join spend


not learn




not get ■ sign up

start ■ work


The Healthy Schools project is part of a governm ent plan to get Britain active. It 1........................ in schools a few years ago. Last term, 12........................ hard on the 'healthy eating' part, but this term 13 .......................a lot of tim e on th e ’physical activity'part.

Journalist Millie

S o ,w h a t 4

y o u ........................last term for'healthy e a tin g ?

Well, 15

in early each morning for'W ake and shake'classes, then I


a healthy breakfast with a group of friends. Both those things


my concentration in class and 18

tired towards


Journalist Millie

And w h at classes9 I 10

..........y o u ......................... this term ?

n e v e r........................ a big fan of exercise, but 111


street d ance at lunchtimes. It is a good opportunity to learn som ething new, g et fit and be w ith friends. It's difficult! 112

Journalist Millie


all th e moves yet!

And w h a t about getting to school? Well, I usually get the bus, but this week, I 13

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Interview each other about how healthy you are at school. What can you do to have a healthy body and a healthy mind?

Feeling good


3 C ■ Listening, speaking and vocabulary Be a good sport!

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Do you agree with the statements? In team sports, like football: 1 apart from the sport, you also learn life skills. 2 the individual team m em bers are more im portant than th e team. 3 you can make a lot o f friends.

In individual sports, like tennis:

4 you have to rely on your ow n skills. 5 players are m ore likely to b ehave badly. 6 your rivals often becom e your friends.

1.12 Listen to two young sportspeople talking about their sport. Which opinions in exercise 1 do they agree with? 3


Listen again and answer the questions.

1 W h e n did Georgina start playing football? 2 W h at is she aware of w hen she scores a goal? 3 W h at does she like most about being in a team ?

4 W h at is the only disadvantage she m entions? 5 W h at is Carl's am bition? 6 H o w does Carl feel w hen he w ins? 7 W h at kind o f stamina d o tennis players need? 8 W h y do som e tennis players throw their rackets and shout?

Q 4

Values Study the words below. Which ones do you think refer to team sports, which to individual sports and which to both? Match the words to sentences 1-9. com m itm en t



sportsm anship






team spirit

1 I respect myself and am confident about m y abilities. 2

W e all work together and share the sam e aims.


I have on e aim and I'm determ ined to achieve it.

4 I can keep exercising even if I'm tired. 5

I give all m y tim e and hard w ork to the team.


I always put th e needs o f the group before m y own.


I have a very strict lifestyle. I alw ays eat healthy food and train regulary.


I don't depend on others, only on myself.

9 I respect m y opponents. I don't behave badly if I lose. 5


Feeling good

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Your school has received money to start one of the sports in the photos and it has asked you to choose the sport. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen sport. Then work with two other pairs and decide on one sport that the school should choose.

Giving and reacting to news 6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 H o w often d o you tell som eone good or bad news? 2

H o w d o you react w hen som eone tells you good or bad new s?


1.13 Listen to the dialogue. What good news does Evie have? What values does she demonstrate? Listen again and complete phrases 1-5 in the table.

Giving news

Reacting to bad news

You'll n e v e r1


I've got bad news.

I'm sorry to hear that. You must be feeling upset.

I've got som e goo d news.

Exclamations Reacting to good news

Oh no!

You're2....................... !

exciting! W h at rubbish!

T h at's3

H o w awful!

H o w terrible!

H ow

! / fantastic news!



I'm really5

for you.

Congratulations! W ell done!


1.14 Oily Sean Oily Sean Oily

Put the dialogue in the correct order. Then listen and check. W h a t rubbish! You love playing rugby. Nothing really serious, but he says that I'm not disciplined and com m itted enough. You look upset. What's w rong ? Yes, I am. I'm going to miss being part o f the team. C om e on, cheer up. It’s not th e end o f the world. Let's g o and play football. It will take your mind off it.


Well, yes, but in a way, he's right. I haven't been to all th e training sessions recently. I missed on e last w eek w h e n I w e n t into tow n w ith Haley, and the w eek before I was too tired, and th e w eek before that, I had a toothache . . . .

Oily But, still, I don't think it's fair just to throw you out like that. You must be feeling upset. Sean I've got bad news. The coach has thrown me out o f the rugby team. Oily Well, try to look on the bright side. At least you'll have more tim e for your friends! Oily Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. W h a t did you d o? Sean Yes, I suppose so. 9

Read the dialogue in exercise 8 again and underline three more phrases that Oily uses to make Sean feel better. Which of the exclamations does Oily use?

10 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Give and react to news. Use the ideas below or your own ideas. You and your fam ily are m oving to another country. You have just w o n a sports com petition. You have been chosen to appear on a television programme. Your youth club has decided to stop the afternoon sport activities.

Feeling good


3D ■ Culture, vocabulary and grammar Fat America X ~ \

s< L

SPEAKING Complete the factfile with the numbers below. Then read the text and check your answers. Did any of the facts surprise you? 2,700 a 12.2 22




In num bers ... How much do you know about an American teenager’s lifestyle? 1

Number of overweight teenagers (millions)..................


Percentage of teens living in the suburbs


Number of hours spent in cars per day


Number of hours watching TV per w eek ..................


Percentage of teens who exercise each week


Daily calories consumed by an American tee n *................. * recommended daily calories for a teenager = 2,000


Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 W h y did Am ericans start living in the suburbs?

C a r cu ltu re

2 W h y d o you need a car in the suburbs?

In th e 1940s, th e population inside cities grew rapidly a n d A m erican fam ilies started to m ove into the suburbs. Today, m ore than 50% o f A m erican teenagers live there. In the suburbs, houses are bigger, gardens are bigger, a n d teenagers are bigger, too. It’s easy to see w hy - they go everyw here in cars. Suburbs are a long way from shopping centres, schools and friends' houses. They often have no pavem ents, m aking it 23 tim es m ore dangerous to walk o r cycle th an to drive. As a result, fam ilies sp en d an average o f two h o u rs a day in th eir cars. A nd, w hen they reach their destination, d rive-through superm arkets, restaurants and banks keep them com fortably in th eir seats.

3 W h y don't Am erican teens exercise m uch? 4 W h y does food from fast food restaurants taste g oo d ? 5 W h y w as supersizing introduced? 6 W h at d o you think will happen to overw eight teens in the future?


SPEAKING Think about your lifestyle. How does it compare to an American teen's lifestyle? Who has the healthiest lifestyle and why? insight Adverbs

Study the highlighted adverbs in the text and answer the questions.


W hich adverbs are: 1 sentence adverbs (adverbs that introduce a w hole sentence)? 2 adverbs of m anner (adverbs that describe the w ay w e d o som ething)? 3 adverbs o f degree (adverbs that make an adjective or verb stronger or weaker)?

Choose one word that you cannot use to complete each sentence. 1 .................. , in America, children as young as tw o suffer from obesity.



b W orryingly

c Surprisingly

2 You can make pizzas at hom e easily a n d ..................

a 3


b quickly

The n e w burger restaurant

c com fortably becam e a big

success. a


b rapidly

c quickly

4 Healthy food is ..................expensive com pared to fast food.



5 Jordan sat d o w n

b extrem ely

c similarly

on the sofa and turned

on the T V


com fortably

b incredibly

c quickly

6 More than 30% of teens in the U SA are overweight. .................. , 30% of teens in the UK are overweight, too.



A m erica is gettin g fatter. Back in the 1970s only 10% o f teen s w ere overw eigh t, but today, one in three teenagers (or m ore than 25 m illion ) are overw eigh t or obese. Let’s take a lo o k at the reason s why.


Feeling good

b Extremely

c W orryingly

A typical A m erican fam ily has th re e T V s a n d th e average teenager, o r ‘screenager’, w atches 22 h o u rs o f television every week. By the tim e th ey leave H igh School, m o st teenagers will have spent m o re tim e in fro n t o f a T V th an in th e classroom . But it's n o t just T V th a t m akes kid s extrem ely inactive. T he average US ho m e has 24 electronic gadgets, including sm artp h o n es, c o m p u te rs a n d gam es consoles. It's not su rp risin g th at only 12.2% o f A m erican teenagers actually exercise each week.

Fast food Fast food is one o f America's great success stories and ’A m ericans have been eating ham burgers for decades. The first burger bar opened in 1921, but it wasn't until the 1950s th at fast food becam e incredibly successful. W om en started to work, people had less tim e and restaurants like M cDonald's fed families quickly and cheaply. Today, 50% o f m eals are eaten outside the hom e and m ore than three quarters o f Am erican teenagers eat a fast food m eal at least once a week. 2People have know n about th e problem s o f fast food for years, b u t they still eat it. W hy? Probably because the salt, fat and sugar m akes it taste really good. DVD extra

Live well, play well

3D Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous 6 Study the rules. Then match sentences 1-5 in the text to rules a-e. W e form the present perfect continuous with

h a v e /h a s + been + -ing form o f the verb. W e use th e present p e rfect continuous:

a to talk about a situation or action that began in the past and is still in progress. The emphasis is on the duration o f the activity. W e can use for and since to

Supersizing In th e 1960s ju m b o -siz e d p o p c o rn w en t on sale in a m ovie th eatre in Chicago. The m an ag er 45 w anted people to sp en d m ore, b u t he noticed th a t cu sto m e rs only bo u g h t one bag o f p o p co rn because th e y d id n 't w an t to lo o k greedy. H ow ever, they d idn't m in d bu y in g a bigger-sized bag. T he idea o f supersize p o rtio n s was b o rn . In th e so 1970s, fast food resta u ra n ts ad o p te d th e sam e ap proach a n d in tro d u c e d larger fries a n d sodas. Surprisingly, today's ‘sm all’ fries are th e sam e size as large fries in 1970. Similarly, th e largest soda in 1955 w as m u ch sm aller th a n today's child-size 55 soda. O ver th e last th re e decades th e average teenager's calorie co n su m p tio n has risen by 25% to 2,700 a day. W orryingly, that's 700 calories m o re a day th an th ey need. So w hat d oes th e fu tu re h o ld for A m erica? eo D o cto rs fear an ep idem ic o f illnesses like diabetes, h e a rt disease a n d cancer. M any th in k th is co u ld be th e first gen eratio n th a t doesn't outlive its parents. B ut h ealth centres for obese ch ild ren are startin g to m ake a difference. A t th e centres are ch ild ren 65 like 12-year-old C o n ch ita. 3C onchita's tired today because she's b e e n exercising. 'It's h a rd w ork, but I'm feeling good,' she says. 4H ow m an y tim es has she exercised th is week? ‘Three,' she replies, and 5I've given u p fast food, too.' ‘These kids w ant long 70 lives a n d th ey w an t to d o a lot o f things,' explains a d o c to r at th e centre. ‘Clearly, that's n o t going to h ap p en unless th ey change th e ir lifestyle.'

show h o w long. b to talk about a recent activity that explains a present situation. W e use the present perfect sim ple (not the continuous):

c w hen w e focus on the result of an action or h ow often it has happened,

d w hen an action is finished and com plete, e w ith state verbs, for example: be, like, believe, have. Reference and practice 3.2 7

W orkbook page 109

C o m p le te th e te x t w ith th e p re s e n t p e rfe c t sim p le or p re s e n t p e rfe c t c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e v e rb s in brackets.

TeucMewn! 17-year-old Austin Walker looks happy. He 1 (play) American football all morning and he 2 (score) two touchdowns. It's pretty good and I tell him so during the break. 'How long3

(you / be) a

member of the Johnson Eagles football team?' 'Six months,' says Austin, 'and I'm getting good.' When Austin Walker joined the school football team he weighed over 120 kilos. Today, he's a Lot slimmer - he 4

(lose) weight

bit by bit and he's almost reached his goal. He 5 (stop) eating fast food, too. 'It's something I 6 (want) to do for a Long time/ he says. 'I just didn't have the discipline before.' So what changed his mind? 'Six months ago my mum was diagnosed with diabetes,' explains Austin. 'It was a shock, so my family decided to make some lifestyle changes - we 7

(eat) less food and

exercising more.' 'It 8

(not be) easy,' he adds, 'but I want to be

with my family for as long as I can and that means living a healthy life.'


SPEAKING Make questions. Use the present perfect and the present perfect continuous tense. Then work in pairs and answer the questions. 1 you / e v e r / b e / t o America 2

how lo n g / s tu d y / E n g lis h

3 how m any tim e s/ e x e rcise / th is w eek 4 how lo n g / k n o w / y o u r best friend 5 y o u / e v e r / e a t / a supersize meal 6 how often / walk / to school / this w eek

Vocabulary bank

Health problems page 1S6

Feelin g g o o d



W riting A personal letter

1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 W h e n did you last receive a personal letter or an em ail? W h o w as it from ? W h at was it about? 2 W h e n do you prefer sending a letter or email to texting or phoning? 2

R e a d Sim o n's le tte r to his frie n d A b b y a n d h e r reply. A n s w e r th e q u estio n s. W ho: 1 has tried som ething n e w recently?

4 has been worried about other people's feelings?

2 has m ade an im portant decision?

5 is worried about their future?

3 has had a frightening experience?

6 feels optim istic about the future?


Showing your attitude You ca n sh o w y o u r a ttitu d e o r o p in io n on so m e th in g using a d v e rb s a n d p re p o s itio n a l phrases. W ith th e s e w o rd s a n d p h rases y o u can, fo r e x a m p le , sh o w th at:

a you did not expect som ething to happen, b it is not good that som ething happened, c

som ething is clear,

d you are saying w hat you really think, e

it is good that som ething happened.


R e a d th e strate g y. S tu d y th e h ig h lig h te d w o rd s a n d p h rases in Sim o n's letter. M a tc h th e m to ca te g o rie s a-e.


R e p la c e th e h ig h lig h te d w o rd s a n d p h rases in Sim o n 's le tte r w ith th e w o rd s a n d p h rases be lo w . frankly




to m y surprise


R e a d A b b y 's le tte r a g a in a n d c h o o se t h e c o rre c t answ ers.

Expressing reason and purpose 6 Study the four sentences from the letters. Which two sentences express a reason and which two express a purpose? 1 Felix suggested that I needed to d o som ething different so th a t I can relax. 2 Since everyone's got exam fever, I haven't got m uch else to w rite about. 3 I've got to go n o w b ecause I've g ot a revision class in ten minutes, but w rite soon! 4 M y dad is relieved that he no longer has to wake up at 5 a.m. in order to drive m e to tennis practice. 7

C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith an a p p ro p ria te reason o r p u rp o se . 1 Sim on has taken up rock climbing, because ... 2 A b b y decided to give up com petitive tennis so t h a t ... 3 Sim on and his friends are studying hard at the m om ent in order to ... 4 Since Abby's dad is h a p p y ,... 5 You have to concentrate very hard w h e n you're clim bing so that you d o n 't ... 6 A b b y is looking forward to the summer, because ...


Feelin g good


Hi Abby, How are you? I'm sorry I haven't been in touch fo r a while I can t believe summer is nearly here! How’s the tennis going? I remember you had a big tournament in April How did it go? I

ve been studying hard fo r my exams and, to be

Hi Simon,

honest, I m getting pretty stressed out about the

Thanks for your letter. I’m really sorry that you’re so worried

results Felix suggested th at I needed to do something

about your results, but the rock climbing sounds great. I’d

d ifferen t so th a t I can relax and forget abocit

love to try it myself one day.

everything, SO I'v e taken Up rock Climbing! I ’m not

Guess what, I’ve decided to give up competitive tennis! I

very sporty, so obviously, the thought of hanging o ff

realized that I didn’t want to make it my whole life; there are

a rock face on the end of a rope was quite scary

too many other things 1want to do. ’Surprisingly / Obviously,

But, surprisingly, I ve been enjoying it and it's helped experience, the scer\ersj was beautiful and, luckily, I

1 was terrified of telling my parents, because I thought they’d be disappointed in me. But, 2to be honest / luckily, I knew I wasn’t committed enough, fortunately / Unfortunately,

haven’t hurt myself. I actually really like it!

they took the news very well. “Sadly / Frankly, I think my dad

me take my mind o ff things I t was also an exciting

Since everyone's got exam fever and all we do is study, I haven't got much else to w rite about

By the way,

is relieved that he no longer has to wake up at 5 a.m. in order to drive me to tennis practice or to tournaments around the

Felix says ‘hello' Sadly, he can 't go to the lakes with us


this summer You are coming back to the lakes again

Anyway, I’d better go now - I’ve got to get ready for a party!

with your parents, aren 't you? I'v e got to go now

For years, I haven’t had time to do anything except play

because I ’ve got a revision class in ten minutes, but w rite soon!

tennis, so I’m enjoying my new social life! 5To be honest /

Take care,

In answer to your question, of course we’re coming to the

Luckily, I still have some friends left. lakes this year, but it’s a shame 1won’t see Felix.


Write soon! Love, Abby


T a sk W rite a le tte r to a frien d o r re la tiv e te llin g

W r it e W r ite y o u r letter. U se th e p a ra g ra p h p la n to h e lp y o u .

Id e a s D e cid e w h o y o u are g o in g to w rite to an d

C h e c k C h e c k th e fo llo w in g points:

m ake n o tes ab o u t: ■ questions you could ask the person. ■ past experiences you could describe ■ recent events you have taken part in. ■ information you could request from the person. ■

th e m y o u r new s.

P la n D e cid e w h ic h id e as y o u a re g o in g to use an d m atch th e m to th e s e p a ra g rap h s.

■ Is the tone o f your letter friendly and informal? ■ Have you used the appropriate beginnings and endings? ■ Have you expressed the reason and purpose o f the actions you describe? ■ Have you checked grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation?

Pa ra g ra p h 1: Start the letter and ask som e questions about h o w the person has been. Pa ra g ra p h 2; Describe a recent past experience and say h o w you felt about it. Pa ra g ra p h 3: Describe a recent event you have been to and its consequences. Pa ra g ra p h 4: Ask the person you are writing to for som e information.

Feelin g g o o d


Vocabulary insight 3 Building word families through suffixes 1

W o rk in pairs. S tu d y th e d ic tio n a ry e n trie s b e lo w .


H o w m a n y d iffe re n t fo rm s o f th e w o rd s a d are

C h o o se th e c o rre c t answ ers. 1 Does great w ealth always bring hap p iness / h ap p y /

th e r e ? W h a t p a rt o f sp e e ch a re th e y ?

hap p ily?

1sad /said/ adj (sadder; saddest) 1 sad (to do sth);

2 M y little sister often plays h ap p iness / h a p p y /

sad (that ...) unhappy or causing sb to feel unhappy: We are very sad to hear that you are leav­


h ap p ily for hours w ith her toys.

ing. • I'm very sad that you don't trust me. * That's one of the saddest stories I've ever heard! * a sad poem/song/film 2 bad or unacceptable: it's a sad state of affairs when your best friend doesn't trust you. ►sadden /'sasdn/ verb [T] (formal): The news of your father's death saddened me greatly. ►jadness noun rc.tJl _ __

1 sadly

3 W e w ere amazed by the b e a u ty / beautifu l / b eautifu lly of th e countryside. 4 The musician played th e piano b e a u ty / beautiful / beautifully. 5 She's very g e n e ro sity / g enero us / g en e ro u sly and

adv 1 unfortunately: Sadly, after eight years of marriage they hod grown apart. 2 in a w ay that shows unhappiness: She shook her head sadly. 3 in a w ay that is wrong: If you think that I've forgotten what you did, you're sadly mistaken. /'szedli/

spends a lot of tim e helping the elderly. 6 Living g e n e ro sity / g enero us / g enero u sly makes people feel happier. 7

If necessity / n ecessary / necessarily, I can help you w ith the shopping on Saturday.



There's no necessity / n ecessary / necessarily to

Word-building: suffixes

give lots and lots o f m oney to charity. Even a small

W ords that have similar forms can be grouped into a

am ount will help.

'family', for example, happy, happily, happiness, unhappy. Every fam ily is built around a'root'w ord. In this case, it is


C o m p le te th e ta b le w ith th e c o rre c t v e rb form s. U se a d ic tio n a ry to h e lp y o u . W h a t a re th e ty p ic a l verb


suffixes? You can form n e w words by adding prefixes (to the beginning o f th e root word) or suffixes (to the end of

a d je c tiv e

the root word). W h e n you com e across a n e w word, it is


good to record other forms of that w ord as this will help

v e rb


you to d evelop your vocabulary.

m em orable 2


R e a d th e s tra te g y a b o v e . T h e n use a d ic tio n a ry to c o m p le te th e ta b le . 6 noun

a d je c tiv e

a d v e rb

C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith t h e c o rre c t fo rm s of th e w o rd s in brackets. U se th e suffixes on th is pag e.


1 W e w ere all

(sad) to hear that our

teacher left the school.

sad 2


It was a very

(m em ory) experience - I’ll

never forget it. generously

3 M y brother can’t ........................ (different) betw een red and orange. He always gets them mixed up.


4 S h e ....................... (kind) offered to carry m y bags.

m em orably 3


I he class w as very

(friend) and kind to

the n e w students.

S tu d y th e suffixes in th e ta b le in exercise 2. T h e n

6 The school is really old, so the classrooms will be

c o m p le te th e rules.

(m odern) next year.

1 Typical noun suffixes are:.................. , ..................., 7 2 Typical adjective suffixes are:.................. , ...............

U se th e suffixes on th is p a g e to m a k e w o rd fa m ilies b u ilt a ro u n d th e w o rd s b e lo w . U se a d ic tio n a ry to h e lp y o u . T h e n w rite y o u r o w n e x a m p le se n te n ce s

3 Typical adverb suffixes are:.................. , ..................

w ith ea ch w o rd . prosper


V o ca b u la ry in sig h t 3



Dictionary entries from Oxford Wordpower Dictionary, 4th edition

Review 3 V o c a b u la r y 1

G ram m ar

5 Complete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets.

C o m p le te th e id io m s in th e te x t w ith o n e w o rd in e a ch gap.

Are you feeling 1 in the mouth? Clothes you wear can stop you feeling down in the 2 Studies suggest that if you wear colourful clothes, you'll soon feel on 3 of the world again. Blue is effective for many, and yellow helps others to feel 4 the moon. You can be on cloud 5 when you wear red, though some people find it stressful! Green is a good choice if you're feeling 6




I tried badm inton first, and last w eek I

(try) tw o n e w sports so far this year. (wear)

skates for the first time. 3 4

I .......................... (w ant) to try skating since February. I

(w atch) a really cool skating video on

YouTube back then. 5 1

(find) a skating class last month.

6 The teacher

(win) lots of awards for

skating since she began. 7


M a rk s


However, m y first lesson

8 In m y first lesson, I

(be) a disaster!

.............................(fall) over a lot.

9 1..........................................(not becom e) an expert yet.

C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith th e c o rre c t fo rm o f th e

10 But I .................................(get) better since m y first try!

w o rd s in brackets.



1 The best gift you can give is ................... (kind) 2 Love is a 3

for small children, (necessary)

6 Write sentences and questions. Use the past simple or present perfect simple.

today means hard work tomorrow, (lazy)

4 Don't wait fo r.................. - go and find it. (happy)

1 I/ n e v e r / s w im / in the sea

5 W e should m easu re.................. in friendships, not in m oney, (prosper) 6 Success is the

2 you / drive / or / w aIk / to school / today ? to learn from failure, (able) M ark s



3 s h e / n o t w in / a n y g a m e s / y e t

C o m p le te th e te x t w ith th e w ords. com m itm en t stamina



4 th ey / beat / our team / in the last match self-reliance

team spirit


Gym trainer Mart Hardy says, ‘If you really want to get fit, you need 1

- a determination to succeed.

That means2

, for example, waking up early

I/ n o t d o / a n y sp o rt/last year

6 y o u / e v e r / r id e / a m ountain bike ?


in the morning, so you can exercise. You'll soon build up


, so you can exercise for a long time without

getting tired. Exercising alone demands 4 for you, take up a sport, like basketball. It’s fun and you’ll of playing with others. Being part

of a winning team boosts your6

C o m p le te th e te x t w ith th e p re se n t p e rfe c t sim p le or c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e v e rb s b e lo w .

you’ve only got yourself to depend on. If the gym isn’t enjoy the 5



be play








w atch

, so you feel 11

great about yourself!’

football all day, and I’ve got another

hour to go. I’m exhausted! The whole team M ark s 4



around the pitch for hours. I


(just) the Manchester United Youth

team - that’s why I 4

C h o o se th e co rre c t an sw ers.


so intensively. I

(always) of being a famous footballer

one day.

Surfing is an 1extremely / rapidly popular sport, enjoyed by millions of people. It started in ancient Hawaii, and 2quickly / worryingly spread worldwide. For ancient Hawaiians it had religious significance, so 3rapidly / clearly, it wasn’t just a sport. Surfing was 4incredibly / worryingly important, too, as the chief ruler was usually a 5comfortably / really good surfer. 6Clearly / Surprisingly, Hawaiians who surfed badly were not as well-respected as good surfers!

Dad 6

my biggest fan ever since I

first kicked a ball. He 7

me to train for

the last 15 years, and he doesn’t show any signs of stopping! He 8

me train all day today -

he’s still looking at me right now. He 9 (always) in me, even when I doubted myself. He remembers all my best goals - even the ones I 10


M ark s M a rk s



Pronunciation insight 3 W orkbook page 125

R eview 3

/10 750

A right to fight Reading and vo cab u lary D isappearing w orlds 1

SPEAKING Look at the photosand discuss the questions. Then read the text and compare your ideas. 1 Have you ever visited an island? Can you nam e som e islands? 2 W h at d o you think life is like on the island in the photos? Think about the climate, food, work and free time.


Read the text again and choose the correct answers. 1 W h y is Jo h n S a ilik e s a d ? a He regrets his childhood,


He misses friends from his com m unity,

c He doesn't w an t to leave the island,

'W h e n I w a s a little boy, I lo ved to g o fishing in

d He can't hear the sea at night.

th e s e a with m y spear,' says J o h n Sailike, sadly.

2 W h at d o people do on the island? a M en and w om en do similar work,


w a v e s a t n ig h t ... I w o n 't h e a r it a n y more.'

I hey have frequent contact with the outside world,

c They use a lot of electricity,

’J o h n is a fish erm an from th e C a rte re t islands in

d They try to provide their ow n food.

th e S o u th Pacific, a n idyllic sem i-circle of w hite

3 W h at first impressions of the island does the writer give?

s a n d , p a lm trees a n d crystal c le a r w aters. E a c h


Life on the island is very simple.

d ay, h e g o e s o u t in a c a n o e to c a t c h fish for


People on the island are unhappy,

his family, w h ile his w ife looks after th e children


Islanders need m ore help from the outside world,

a n d grow s v e g e ta b le s in their g a rd e n .T h e fam ily

d It's difficult for islanders to live there. 4 W hich of these things is not a problem for the islands?

lives in a w o o d huf w ith s a n d floors a n d th e y d o n 't u s e m u c h electricity, so w h e n th e sun g o e s


Fresh w ater shortages.

d o w n , it is u su ally tim e for b e d . 2This p e a c e fu l,


M ore risk o f illnesses,

u n d e rd e v e lo p e d p la c e h a s a finy p o p u la tio n a n d

c A poor food supply, d Too m any people. 5 W h at m ight happen w hen the islanders relocate?

o n ly o n e c o n t a c t w ith th e o u tsid e w orld - a ship w h ic h brings sup p lies from Bou g ainville, a la rg e islan d 86 km a w a y . But all this is a b o u t to c h a n g e ,

a There won't be enough food and shelter.

b e c a u s e Jo h n , a lo n g with 3,000 o th e r p e o p le , is


le a v in g his island h o m e .T h e q u estio n is, w h y ?

People will forget Carteret traditions,

c They w on't be able to com m unicate, d They w on’t be able to find work. 6 H o w have people helped the islanders? a They have built them n e w homes.


They have supported th e younger generation,

c They have tried to protect their traditions,

d They have researched clim ate change.


'W h e n I le a v e th e island, HI lose th e s e a a n d th e h a p p in e s s of fhis p la c e . I'll miss th e s o u n d of fh e

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 W h a t did you learn about Carteret culture? 2 Did any of the challenges the islanders face surprise you?

The environment Study the highlighted words in the text and match them to definitions 1-9. 1 to stay alive, despite difficult conditions 2 w h e n w ater destroys som ething

3 to m ove to another place 4 to disappear forever 5 to leave a place because o f danger 6 destroying som ething

7 to protect som ething for th e future 8 poisoning and making som ething bad

9 to affect a larger area or a bigger group o f people

42 A right to fight

Take a c lo se r look a f th e islands a n d fh e rea so n b e c o m e s clear. Th e C a rle re ts a r e th e victim of g lo b a l w arm in g . High tides often flood across th e v illa g e s a n d w a s h a w a y p e o p le 's hom es. 3S alt w a te r from th e s e a is overflow ing into v e g e t a b le g a rd e n s a n d d e v a s ta tin g fruit trees. It's c o n ta m in a tin g th e fresh w a fe r supply, too. Islanders a re struggling to survive o n c o c o n u t milk a n d fish, a n d ch ild ren a re suffering from Vocabulary: the environment; prefixes: semi-, under-, over-, re-, co-, inter--, verbs + prepositions; collocations: charities Gram m ar: expressing the future; future perfect and future continuous

Speaking: discussing cultural identity; comparing types of protest; asking for and expressing opinions W riting: an opinion essay

Complete the article about blue gold with the correct form of the highlighted verbs in Is la n d s to r y .

Blue gold Did you know that 97% of all the world's water is salt water? 3% is drinkable, but we can only use 1% of this because the rest is trapped in glaciers or deep underground. The bad news is this percentage is getting smaller because of overpopulation, pollution and climate change. It's a scary situation: rising sea levels1 homes and sometimes whole islands on one side of the world. Floods and high tides2 fresh water and 3 disease. Governments are forced m alnutrition.The d y in g trees a re h o m e to m osq uitoes th a t s p re a d d ise ase s, like m a la ria . P e o p le kn ow th a t life o n th e island is c o m in g to a n e n d . Experts p re d ict th a t th e C arfere fs will b e u n d e r w a fe r b y 2015. Before th e n , 'hhe islanders will r e lo c a te to p la c e s like B o u g a in ville a n d rebuild their lives.This m o v e will p ro vid e p e o p le with fo o d a n d shelter, but w h a t will h a p p e n to their c u ltu re ? Th e islanders h a v e so n g s for different e v e r y d a y activities, a n d traditions

to 4 communities from danger zones and 5 them to higher ground. But, in other parts of the world, droughts 6 crops and kill farm animals. And as people move to other areas in search of food, traditions and cultures 7 It's a man-made problem, so what's the solution? We have to learn to 8 this valuable resource. In 2030, almost 50% of the world's population will probably experience water shortages, and experts predict the first water wars. Who will be the winners and losers? Will we 9 the battle for blue gold?

a n d ce le b ra tio n s linked to th e s e a .T h e y a ls o h a v e their o w n la n g u a g e , c a lle d 'H a lia '. 5lt th e y co-exist with o th er cultures, this m a y d ie out.

insight Prefixes: se m i-, u n d e r-, o ve r-, re-, co-, in ter-

'W e're losing ou r h o m e , o u r identity, ou r w h o le life,' sa ys isla n d e r Ursula R a k o v a .'W e h o p e th e world is listening.' It is. 6O v e r th e last fe w years, article s in intern a tio n a l n e w s p a p e rs , YouTube vid e o s a n d a n O s ca r- n o m in a te d d o c u m e n ta r y film c a lle d S u n is Up h a v e fa lk e d a b o u f fh e C a rte re t islands. P e o p le h a v e

Study sentences 1-6 in Isla n d sto ry . Then match the underlined prefixes to definitions a-f. a again or back b together c b etw een

d not enough, below e half, partly f too much

s u p p o rte d fh e islanders a n d a s a result, th e y h a v e P e isa ' is a p ro je ct w h ic h is h elp in g to e v a c u a t e

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets and a prefix in exercise 6.

p e o p le like Ursula. It's also looking for w a y s to

1 The island w a s ......................... Too m any people w ere

fu m e d their a n g e r a n d frustration info actio n .'T u le le

p rese rve their w a y of life a n d re co rd their la n g u a g e a n d traditions for future generatio n s.

living there, (crowded) 2 O nce the Carterets are under the sea, th ey will never .........................(appear)

B a c k o n fh e island, J o h n Sailike is g e ttin g into his b o a t for th e last tim e. He's s a yin g g o o d b y e to his

3 If the islanders

h o m e a n d to his a n ce sto rs. He d o e s n ot kn ow w h a t th e future will bring; h e d o e s n o t k n o w if his culture will survive. He is th e h u m a n f a c e of c lim a fe c h a n g e .

.th e re m ight be

enough food for e v e ry o n e (-operate) 4

It's difficult t o ........................ w ith people w h o speak a different language, (act)

5 The fish smelt bad and it w a s ......................... It wasn't safe to eat. (cooked)

Factfile: Carteret Islands Location: South Pacific, off the north-east coast of Papua New Guinea

6 Their n e w hom es on Bougainville w ere .........................They could only live there for a few months, (-permanent)

Population: 3,300 total area: 0.6 square km (83 football fields) Highest point: 1.2 metres above sea level History: Discovered by Philip Carteret in 1767

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Think about the place where you live. Choose the things that make up your cultural identity, then put them in order of importance. Give reasons for your order. language beliefs

music (songs and dance)


lan d /g eo g rap h ical features


Vocabulary bank


Global issues page 1S7

A right to fight



4 B ■ G ram m ar and listening Action! 1

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 H o w often do you: send instant messages or chat with a friend on a social networking site? post com m ents on other people’s pages? post a status update on a social networking site? upload photos or videos? 2 Do you ever use social media for other reasons, for example, to organize som ething?


Crowd power - the flashmob phenomenon

Read the text and answer the questions. 1 W h a t are flashmobs? 2 W h y d o people organize them ? 3 W h y is Jo e l organizing his flashmob? 4 H o w will people find out about it?

Expressing the future 3

Read the text again. Then match sentences 1-7 in the text to uses a-g. Ways of expressing the future:

a present sim ple for scheduled events, timetables b present continuous for arrangem ents c will for promises and hopes for th e future (often w ith hope, prom ise)

d e f g

will for predictions about the future (often with think probably) going rofor intentions going to for predictions based on evidence m a y /m ig h t for uncertain predictions about the future.

Reference and practice 4.1 4

W orkbook page 110

Read the sentences and choose the correct answers. 1 I m ight go to the eco festival in the park this weekend,

a I have a definite plan to go to the festival.

b I haven't decided on m y plans yet. c I probably w on't go. 2 W h a t are you doing tonight?

a I w ant to know about your arrangements for tonight,

b I w ant to know about your activities now. c I'm asking you to make a prediction about the future. 3 The protest starts at 730 a.m.

a The protest has just started,

b The protest m ight start at that time, c Fhe protest will definitely start at that time. 4

I'm m eeting Anna at the cafe to talk about th e protest,

a I m ight m eet Anna in the cafe. b Anna and I have decided the tim e and place to meet already.

c I hope I'll see Anna in the cafe. 5 I think that flashmobs will becom e m ore popular in the future.

a I predict that this will happen, b This will definitely happen, c I w an t this to happen.


A right to fight

la sh m o b s are p u b lic p e rfo rm a n c e s g iv en b y g ro u p s of s tra n g e rs w h o find o u t a b o u t e v e n ts th ro u g h social m e d ia , n e tw o rk in g sites a n d tex t m essa g e s. F la sh m o b b e rs m e e t a t a p recise tim e a n d p e rfo rm a s h o rt a c tio n to g e th e r w h e n a s ig n a l is giv en . T h e p e rfo rm a n c e fin ish es su d d e n ly , a t a n a rra n g e d tim e a n d the p e o p le th e n m o v e a w a y im m ed iately . F o r so m e p e o p le , fla sh m o b s are a b o u t h a v in g fu n . B ut fo r o th e rs, th e y 're a w a y of g e ttin g to g e th e r a g ro u p of p e o p le to m a k e a p o litic a l p o in t. W e a s k e d Joel to tell u s a b o u t h is n e x t fla sh m o b event. Joel is a 19-year-old C a n a d ia n a n d h e 's a s tro n g a d v o c a te o f recycling. 'O n S atu rd ay , ’I'm org a n izin g a fla sh m o b e v e n t to p ro m o te recycling. 2It starts a t ten in th e m o rn in g . 3H o w w ill w e organ ize th e e v e n t? P ro b a b ly th ro u g h T w itter, F aceb o o k a n d o th e r w eb sites. A c c o rd in g to th e w e a th e r forecast, 4it's g o in g to b e re a lly h o t o n S atu rd ay , so 5I h o p e th a t lo ts o f p e o p le w ill b e there. 6W e're g o in g to lea v e so m e ru b b is h n e a r a recy clin g b in a n d th e n w a it in th e p a rk . I h o p e w e 'll look


4B 5

Complete the text with w ill, g o in g to or m ig h t and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Jason, 21, lives in San Francisco. Tom orrow afternoon, he's 1

(take part) in a 'carrotm ob'event.

In carrotm ob events, a group of people spend their m on ey to support a business and in return the business agrees to d o som ething good for the environm ent. For tom orrow's event, lots of p e o p le 2 (buy) food at the M iniM art store in Pine Street b etw een 2 and 3 p.m. In return, the store promises i t 3.................................... (spend) 50% o f the hour's revenue on n e w energy-efficient lighting.'Four hundred people have promised to visit the store tomorrow,' says Jason, iso i t 4

(be) very busy! I

really hope that m y sister, S ad ie,5.................................... (join) me. She 6

(com e), but

it depends on w hether her teacher lets her leave early, says Jason.'But, even if she's not there, I think that w e 7.................................... (have) a lot o f fun tom orrow !'N ext m onth Ja s o n 8 (organize) another carrotm ob even t at a local sports ce n tre .9

lots of people (support) the next e ven t?'! don't

know yet,'says Jaso n.'But it’s a great idea.'

lik e o rd in a ry p e o p le , e n jo y in g a d a y o u t. B ut e v e ry o n e 's g o in g to s ta rt c la p p in g a n d c h e erin g a s s o o n a s so m e o n e p ick s u p th e ru b b is h a n d p u ts it in th e recy clin g bin. S om e p e o p le 7m ay n o t und erstan d w h a t w e 're d o in g , b u t I th in k th a t it w ill b e fu n . F la sh m o b b in g is p o ssib le b e c a u se o f th e w a y th a t p e o p le c o n tin u a lly s h a re m fo rm a tio n a ro u n d th e w o r ld now . It's th e fu tu re o f p o litical p ro te s t.'


1.15 Listen to Melanie talking about a Critical Mass bike ride and answer the questions. 1 W h at is a Critical Mass bike ride? 2 W h at is the aim o f the ride?


1.15 Make sentences about the event. Then listen and check. 1 M elanie / join / a Critical Mass bike ride 2 The ride / start / eight in the m orning 3 It / be / very busy 4 T h e y / c y c le / th ro u g h the streets 5 People in cars and buses / g et / annoyed 6 They / not be able to m ove fast 7

Hopefully m ore people / decid e / to hop on a bike

8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 W h ich o f the three types o f protest (flashmobbing, carrotmobs, Critical Mass bike rides) will b ecom e m o re/ less popular in the future? 2 W h at other ways o f protesting m ight b ecom e popular? using Twitter, Facebook signing petitions

organizing marches

writing letters to th e governm ent

A right to fight


4 C ■ Listening, speaking and vocabulary Making our voices heard 1

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discuss the questions. 1 W h ere do you think this school is? 2 W h y are the students protesting?

3 W h at problem s d o you think students m ight experience at this school?


1.16 Listen to the radio programme about Attawapiskat Elementary School and check your ideas. Then answer the questions. 1 W h o w as Shannen Koostachin? 2 W h y is she inspirational?


1.16 Listen to the radio programme again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones. 1 Kate thinks that Shannen is very fam ous around th e world.

2 Shannen believed that children needed education as preparation for life. 3 Shannen w rote to children all over Canada and asked them to support her cam paign.

4 The ann ou ncem ent from the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs in 2008 was probably very disappointing for Shannen.

5 The Attawapiskat com m unity cancelled the school trip in order to pay for their representatives to travel to Ottawa. 6 Shannen tho ug h t that the First Nation children had special rights to education.

7 Shannen m oved to N ew Liskeard because the school there had better facilities. 8 The n e w school in Attawapiskat will probably not have a gym or a music studio.


Identifying facts, opinions and speculation When you listen to people discussing a subject, it is important to identify: ■ facts: The governm ent spent $5 million on the environm ent last year. opinions: / th in k /1 b e lie v e / In m y o p in io n / It's m y v ie w th a t the governm ent didn't sp end enough

m oney on the environm ent last year. speculation: The governm ent w ill p r o b a b ly / m ig h t/ m a y focus on the environm ent in the next year.

Perhaps / M a yb e the governm ent w ill sp end m ore m oney on the environm ent next year.


Read the strategy. Then study the statements in exercise 3 again. Are they facts (F), opinions (O) or speculation (S)? insight Verbs + prepositions

5 Choose the correct prepositions. 1 to believe in / at / for global w arm ing 2 to protest after / over / against clim ate change

3 to belong a b o u t/to /fo r a com m un ity


4 to insist on / at / for freedom o f speech 5 to rely in / on / at the g overnm ent for help 6 to set in /on / up a cam paign 7 to care about / with / after a situation

SPEAKING Discuss the questions. 1 W h at do you think about Shannen's cam paign? W ould you insist on the same facilities for your school?

2 W h at school facilities do you rely on? 3 W h y m ight you set up a cam paign in your school? Is there anything you m ight protest against?

DVD extra


A right to fight





200 people protest

Plans for a new basketball court in North Park have been cancelled.

Students and teachers at Park School are horrified at the decision to shorten summer holidays to three weeks.

against plans to build a waste recycling facility in the skatepark.

Asking for and expressing opinions 7

SPEAKING Read the newspaper headlines. What do you think about these issues? Which is the most important? Which is the least important?



Listen and match the dialogue to one of the three headlines in exercise 7.



Complete the phrases from the dialogue. Then listen again and check.

Asking for opinions

Reacting to opinions and suggestions

W h a t d o y o u 1.............................. ?

I'm not s o 6.............................. (it is a bad idea).

W h a t d o y o u 2............................. ?

That's just w h a t 7............................... That's a 8

Expressing opinions 3

...................., I think . . . .

As far as I'm 4 It5

....... a goo d idea to . . . .

10 Add the phrases below to the table in exercise 9. I

agree with you about that. ■ I take your point, b u t . . . .

on this?


1.18 Leo Ella

To tell you the tru th ,. . . .

In m y opinion . . . .

I see w hat you're saying, b u t . . . .

Choose the correct answers. Then listen and check.

I don’t believe this - the council decided not to build th e basketball courts in the park.


, it's probably a good idea. W e already have a football pitch and tennis courts,

so w e don’t need another outdoor facility.2

Leo Ella Leo Ella Leo

W hat's your view

If you w an t m y o p in io n ,. . . .


th ey should build a youth club.

.................. , but a basketball court is m uch ch eap er than a youth club.

You're probably right.4........................ H o w about w e organize a protest? 5

.That sounds very serious. H ow about w e just w rite a letter to th e council?

OK, that's a great idea.

1 a I'm not so sure 2 a That’s just w h at I was thinking

b To tell you the truth b That’s a great idea

c I take your point

3 a W h at do you reckon?

b As far as I'm concerned

c I see w h at you're saying

4 a I'm not so sure

b W h a t d o you think?

c If you ask me

5 a I'm not so sure

b I agree with you about that

c That's a great idea

c In m y opinion

12 SPEAKING Work in groups of four Choose an issue that you all feel strongly about. Discuss how you are going to organize a campaign to support your cause. You have a campaign budget of €150. Use the ideas below or your own ideas. more cycle paths ■ recycling more youth facilities

helping the elderly

1 Look at the price list and decide h o w to spend your budget. 2

Discuss h ow you will use social media.

3 Discuss other ways o f protesting (for example, writing letters to the governm ent, organizing a march, a sit-in, a flashmob).

Campaign price list

Leaflets: € 1 0 for 100 black and white leaflets or 50 colour leaflets Posters: € 1 5 for 50 posters T-shirts: €8 per T-shirt Advertisement on bus: € 2 5 0 Using a local celebrity: € 1 0 0 YouTube video: € 1 2 0 A right to fight


4 D ■ Culture, vocabulary and grammar Make a difference #










i v



s f l


SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 H o w d o you find out about global and local issues from the internet, a new spaper orTV ? 2 H o w can charities make a difference?


Read the text and compare your ideas.


Complete the text with sentences A-G. There is one sentence that you do not need.

Go the Extra Mile London, UK: It’s tw o o'clock in the afternoon and Sophie

A O ther people buy products from their online shops.

Hanson is running a marathon. She’s wearing a T-shirt that

B She can hear her schoolm ates cheering and she

says ‘G o the Extra Mile', but she’s feeling tire d .1

knows she has to finish.

She grabs a bottle o f water; takes a long drink and carries

C They don't make donations because th ey haven't got

5 on. By the time she finishes, she will have raised £200.

m uch money. D It's cool and clear and M o ham m ed has not been ill

Halfway around the world, in Sierra Leone, Africa, Moham m ed Korom a is thirsty. It’s 30 degrees outside,

for weeks.

E By the end of this year, people will have com pleted

so he picks up a cup o f w a te r and takes a long drink. Th e w ater is from a n ew well in his village, so it isn't

m ore than 350 events.

io contam inated.2

F They give up their free tim e and volunteer.

G O ver the next few years, this m on ey will be helping people like M oham m ed.

H e will be going to school again at

8 am . tom orrow. Sophie and Moham m ed are tw o teenagers with very different lives, but their lives are connected through

4 SPEAKING Discuss the questions. 1 W h ich charities are popular in your country? 2 Have you ever been to an even t that supports a good cause? W h a t w as it? W h a t did the event achieve?

charity. Sophie is taking part in a huge national event is that raises m oney for people in the U K and abroad - a sponsored run for Sp ort Relief. Moham m ed’s village has a n ew well that was paid fo r with m oney from the same event. Every year, Sp ort Relief and its sister charity, Com ic

insight C o l l o c a t i o n s : c h a r i t i e s

Relief, raise m oney for good causes.3


Find the verbs in the text and write the nouns that go with them.

These events

20 include marathons and football matches, talent shows and baking competitions, and w hen they are all completed,

1 take part in ........... ........................./ a m arathon

they will have raised over £50 million.That's enough

2 raise..

m oney to transform the lives o f thousands o f people. 4

.. /aw areness

3 transform ............. ......................./ a situation 4 d o n a te ................. .................. /clothes

25 According to recent research, the U K is the fifth most

5 vo lu n te e r............. ......................./ help

6 a id ......................... ........... /d e ve lo p in g countries

generous nation in the world. Charities are an important part o f British society, and some of the w orld ’s biggest

7 address................. .................../ a problem

and most famous organizations, such as Oxfam and Save

8 s u p p o rt................ ................... / a cam paign

the Children, started in the UK.Today, there are over


3o 160,000 charities, and m ore than three quarters (7 9 % )

C o m p l e t e t h e t e x t w i t h v e r b s in e x e r c i s e 5.

o f people donate m oney o r volunteer time every month.

Be humankind Sin ce the 1960s, charities have put slogans on T-shirts to 1

awareness of social problems and encourage

people to take action. In the past, these slogans w ere often about world peace, but today slo g an s2


different issues, such as environmental problems, poverty and social injustice. T-shirts with slogans show that w e 3

a charity

or a campaign. Sport Relief slogans like ‘Rise to the Challenge’ and ‘G o the Extra Mile’ encourage people to 4

events. Other slogans such as Oxfam’s

‘Change, not Charity’ encourage us to 5 time and not ju s t6


money. And although

slogans don’t 7.................. people’s lives on their own, they are an important part of the process. In the words of another Oxfam slogan, they persuade us to ‘Be humankind’.


A right to fight

4D Future perfect and future continuous 7

Study sentences 1-3 from the text and match them to rules a-c. Then complete the rules. 1

By the tim e she finishes (the marathon), she w ill have raised £200.

2 Over the next few years, this m on ey w ill be helping people like M oham m ed. 3 He w ill be g oing to school again at 8 a.m. tomorrow. W e use th e future continuous:

a to talk about an action in progress at a definite tim e in the future.

b to talk about an action in progress over an extended period o f tim e in the future. Form: will / won't + be + .................................... W e use th e future perfect:

c to talk about an action that will be finished before a definite tim e in th e future. Form: will / won't + have + ....................................

Reference and practice 4.2 Many people make regular donations to big charities that aid po o r people in different countries.5


charities, such as sports projects o r hospices, address

W orkbook page 111

8 A school magazine interviewed Sophie before the race. Complete the interview. Use the future continuous or the future perfect.

m ore local issues and rely on smaller events, like car boot


sales and fun runs.They also rely on volunteers for the

W h a t1

(you do) at 1 p.m.

on Saturday?

day-to-day running o f these projects.



...............(run) in the

m arathon and hopefully by 6 p.m.

Teenagers play a big role in this culture o f giving. A recent

13.............................. (finish).

W o rld Vision study showed that 6 9 % o f teens are aware of


the needs o f others thanks to the internet and globalization.

H o w fa r4

.......... (you run) by

the end of the race?

And although teens may not have much money to give, they

Sophie About 42 km. Interviewer That’s im pressive.5

often help in other ways.6............In the UK, more than a third o f teenagers have given time to charities in the last


of p e o p le................. (take part) in the

year In fact, supporting a charity is part o f everyday life, and

event on Saturday?

young people are the new champions o f this culture. 1 feel


good when I do something,’ explains Sophie after the race.

Yes, 16

(not do) it alone.

Hundreds of people will be there.

‘I read about so many problems in the news - at home and


abroad. Often, I feel helpless, I don't have a lot o f money, but


..........(you celebrate) with

your friends after th e event?

then I can volunteer; I can get sponsors and I can make a


difference.’ Back in Sierra Leone, Mohammed is smiling.

Yes, I will. 18


their money, too!


H ow m uch m o n e y 9 (you raise)?

Sophie 9

About £200,1hope!

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. W h a t w ill you be doing: 1 after school today? 2 at 2 p.m. on Saturday? 3 this tim e next w eek?

4 during the sum m er holidays? W h a t w ill y o u have done: 5

Charity in numbers 160,000 charities in the UK raise £37 billion every year

in tw o hours'tim e?

6 by this tim e tom orrow ?

7 by the end of this year? 8 in five years'tim e?

13.2 million people volunteer for chanties. Charity shops raise £200 million every year The biggest charities like Oxfam, Cancer Research and the RSPCA raise more than £10 million a yean

Vocabulary bank

Charities page 137

A right to fight


4 E ■ W riting An opinion essay 1 SPEAKING Read the poster and answer the questions.

Support our charity!

1 W h y does H epw orth school

This year, Hepworth school w ill be organizing fundraising events throughout the school year. We w an t YOU to help us decide w hich of th ese tw o charities w e w ill support w ith our funds this year:

w an t students to choose one of the charities? 2 Have you heard of these charities?

3 W h ich charity w ould you choose to support? W h y?

WaterAid WaterAid works in 26 of the world's poorest countries. It aims to improve access to safe, clean drinking w ater for hundreds of thousands of people.


Read Nick's essay and answer the questions. 1 According to Nick, w h at is a basic hum an right?

World W ide Fund for Nature (WWF) The World Wide Fund for Nature aims to protect endangered animals and plants by conserving their habitats and fighting against climate change and pollution. Write an essay to tell us which charity you w ant to support and why.

2 H o w m any people around the world cannot g et safe, clean w ater?

3 H o w does W aterAid help com m unities to be more independent?

4 W h ich charity is bigger, W aterAid or W W F ?


Organizing an opinion paragraph When you write an opinion essay, the main part of it will be paragraphs expressing your opinion. Each opinion paragraph should include: 1 The m ain point: M y first reason for ch oosing WaterAid is that in m a ny p arts o f the w orld the poorest

p eople don't have taps or even wells. 2 Support: Often their only source o f w ater is dirty a n d dangerous a n d very far from their homes.

3 Specific exam ple: In fact, 884 million p eople d o n o t have access to safe, clean water. 3 Read the strategy. Then study paragraphs C and D in Nick's essay and find examples for each point 1-3 in the strategy. 4

Study Nick's essay again. In which paragraph(s) A-E does he do 1-4? 1 Presents an opposing viewpoint. 2 Introduces th e topic and states his opinion.

3 Sum marizes and restates his opinion. 4 Supports his opinion by presenting argum ents and examples.


H epw orth school has asked the stu d ents to choose it s main ch a rity fo r the ye a r. In my opinion, we should choose W aterA id, because access to s a fe , clean w a te r is a b asic human rig h t.


M y f ir s t reason fo r choosing W aterAid is th a t in many p a rts

o f the w orld the poorest people don t

have tap s o r even w e lls . O fte n th e ir only source o f w a te r is

dangerous because i t ’s d irty and it s .v e r y

fa r fro m th e ir homes. In f a c t , 8 8 4 m illion people do not have acce ss to s a fe , clean w a te r and 5 , 0 0 0 children die each day fro m

w ate r-re late d diseases. 1 am convinced th a t by supporting W a te re d , w e can

help to reduce these num bers. C

Another argument fo r donating our

money to W aterA id, is th a t i t helps com m unities

and m aintain th e ir own w a te r and hygiene p ro je c ts. B y doing th is i t educates com m unities to

to s e t up

people and encourages

look a ft e r th e ir own needs. B e tte r hygiene can reduce childhood deaths by 3 5 % .

D M y fin a l p o int is th a t many people m ight say th a t W aterAid

is a much s e lle r c h a rity than the World

Wide Fund fo r N atu re, so i t

c a n t m ake as much o f a d iffe re n ce as W W F

donations to W W F are nearly

te n tim es the

donations to W aterA id. H ow ever,

can . In f a c t

annual to ta l

th is is w hy 1 fe e l th a t

W aterAid needs our money m ore. E

T o conclude, 1 believe th a t H epw orth should choose W aterAid as it s c h a rity , because it helps the poorest people around the w orld and it w ill really b e n e fit fro m N ick Jones


A right to fight

our donations.

4E Introducing arguments and giving opinions 5

Study the phrases in the table. Then put the highlighted phrases in Nick's letter under the correct heading in the table.

Introducing arguments

Giving opinions

The main argum ent for / against i s . . . .

M y point o f v ie w is that

First o f all.......

To m y m ind.......

It is also im portant to note t h a t ....


C o m p l e t e M o n ic a 's e s s a y w i t h p h r a s e s in e x e r c i s e 5. S o m e t i m e s m o r e t h a n o n e a n s w e r is p o s s ib le .

Our school wants to choose one charity to support this y ear.1 we should choose the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), because it helps to conserve the environment and protects animals and plants, and there is nothing more important than the future of our planet.

These areas are under threat because of global warming, deforestation, or overfishing. If we don’t protect these places now, it will be too late! That’s why 4 the W W F’s work is so necessary.

2 supporting the WWF is that climate change is a major issue for our planet. The WWF works in many ways to fight against climate change. It supports energy efficiency and is promoting a new international climate agreement.

5 the WWF protects a large number of endangered species, including tigers, rhinos and polar bears. These beautiful animals share our planet and6 , it’s our duty to look after them and to prevent their extinction.

3 donating money to this charity is that the WWF does a lot of important work to preserve huge areas, for example, the Amazon rainforest and the Arctic.

In conclusion,7 our charity for this year should be the WWF because it is doing the most important work - protecting life on our planet and protecting the planet itself. M o n ic a D u P o n t


T ask Your sc h o o l w a n ts t o g iv e € 5 0 0 to o n e o f th e

P l a n F o llo w t h e p l a n :

t w o c h a r i t i e s b e l o w . F in d o u t m o r e a b o u t b o t h

P a r a g r a p h 1:

ch a ritie s a n d d e c id e w h ich o n e y o u w a n t t o s u p p o rt. W r it e a n o p i n i o n e s s a y t o e x p l a i n w h y y o u r s c h o o l

W rite an introduction and give a clear statem ent of your opinion.

P a r a g r a p h s 2 - 4 : Give at least three reasons for your

sh o u ld c h o o s e th is c h a rity

opinion. W rite each reason in a separate paragraph. Add support and

UNICEF (The United Nations Children's Fund)

F rie n d s o f th e Earth

UNICEF is an international charity which defends children's rights. It works with families, communities and governments in more than 190 countries and aims to protect children from exploitation, violence and poverty.

environmental charities in the world. It fights for solutions to environmental

Friends of the Earth is one of the largest

problems, supports fair trade and campaigns against climate change, pollution and genetically modified crops.

specific examples.

P a r a g r a p h 5:

W rite a conclusion to the essay. Restate your opinion and summarize the reasons for it.

W r i t e W r it e a n o p i n i o n e s s a y . U s e t h e p a r a g r a p h p lan to h e lp you. C h e c k C h e c k t h e fo llo w in g p o in ts: ■ Have you used a clear paragraph structure? ■ Have you included all argum ents supporting your

Id e a s M ak e n o te s a b o u t:

opinion? ■ Have you used language for introducing argum ents

■ w h at the charity does. ■ w h y it is an im portant issue. ■ w h y this charity deserves your school’s m on ey more

and giving opinions? ■ Have you checked grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation?

than an y other charity.

A right to fight


Vocabulary insight 4 Word-building: the meaning of prefixes 1 Work in pairs. Study the dictionary entry for over-. Then match the words in bold in sentences a-d to meanings 1-4 in the dictionary entry. /'auva(r)/ [in com pounds] 1 more than usual; too much: to oversleep ♦ over-optimistic * overactive 2 com pletely: overjoyed 3 upper; outer; extra: overcoat * overtime 4 over; above:

4 A d d t h e p r e f i x e s b e l o w t o c a t e g o r i e s a - d in t h e stra te g y post-

maxi-: m on o-i sub-


5 Answer the questions. 1 If a word is a monosyllable, h o w m any syllables has

overcast * to overhang

it got? 2 W hat's bigger - a market, a minimarket or a

a A balloon flew overhead. b W h e n he heard the goo d news, he got overexcited, c The train w as overcro w d ed , so I couldn't g et a seat,

supermarket? 3 Is an ex-friend still your friend?

4 W hat's longer - a maxi-dress or a mini-dress?

d I left m y overco at on the bus.

5 W h e re is a subway? 6 H ow m any languages does a trilingual person speak?


Word-building: the meaning of prefixes


M an y words in English are m ade up o fa prefix (e.g. over-)

C o m p l e t e s e n t e n c e b s o t h a t it h a s a s i m il a r m e a n i n g t o s e n t e n c e a. U se o n e o f t h e p re fix es fro m ex e rcises

and a root w ord (e.g. flow). The prefix + the root word

2 a n d 4 a n d t h e c o r re c t fo rm o f t h e w o r d s belo w .

produce a n e w word (e.g. overflow).


A lot o f prefixes carry meaning. If you understand the

w eekly





m eaning of prefixes, it will help you to understand n ew 1 a The first flight across the Atlantic w as from Canada

words. A good dictionary will have entries for prefixes.

to Ireland in 1919.

Prefixes can be grouped into the following categories:

b The first........................ flight w as from Canada to

a numbers b tim e c size

Ireland in 1919. 2 a Although her baby w as born before its expected time, he is doing well.

d position

b Although her baby w a s ........................ , he is doing well.


Read the strategy above. Then match the prefixes in bold to a-d in the strategy.

3 a

1 The transatlantic flight from London to N ew York

4 a W h e n learning vocabulary, it's g oo d to use a

I'm so f u ll- I'v e had too m uch food,

b I'm so f u ll- I'v e .........................

takes six hours.............

dictionary w hich is only in English,

2 There are m any pre-war buildings in m y street.

b W h e n learning vocabulary, it's good to use a ........................ dictionary.


Fhe m inibus picks us up at 7 a.m. every morning.

5 a W e w e n t to a talk given by our former president, b W e w e n t to a talk given by our

4 A tricycle has three w heels.............


6 a W e have m eetings tw ice a week,

5 In the foreground o f th e picture, you can s e e th e

b W e have


idyllic beach............. 6 W e usually d o our shopping at the superstore on the outskirts of to w n ............. 7 He’s bilingual - he speaks tw o languages fluently.


U se a d ic tio n a r y t o fin d t h r e e w o r d s w ith e a c h o f t h e p r e f i x e s m ono-, m ulti- a n d sub-. W r it e y o u r o w n e x a m p le s e n te n c e w ith e a c h n e w w ord.

1 8 The ex-footballer is giving a talk at our school today.

2 3

Match the prefixes in exercise 2 to meanings 1-8. 1 three

2 t w o ........... 3 before


4 small 5 former 6 fro n t............ 7 extreme; large............ 8 across; through

52 Vocabulary insight 4

Dictionary entries from O xford W ordpow er D ictionary, 4th edition

Review 4 Vocabulary 1


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. contam inate


die ou t


5 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. ’s going to be will com e



m aybe

'm speaking


II speak

in the 17th century.

2 You

2 Infected insects can dangerous diseases. 3 Oil water, making it dangerous for animals. 4 In 1956, the US governm ent paid Native Americans to


m ay join

right about clim ate change - I'm not sure.

Look at that rain! The river is already full. There a big risk o f floods tonight.

from the country to th e city.

5 Hurricane Katrina

N ew Orleans in 2005.



th e cam paign. I haven't decided yet.


I promise I

to her about it soon, OK?

6 I think life in th e fu tu re ....................

6 After the 2011 tsunami, Japanese authorities..............


local people to places o f safety.

better than now.

I the Environm ent Minister at 3.00 p.m. tom orrow.



8 The lecture on environm entalism

at 11.00.

9 It's possible that co u n trie s................ a w ar over water. Marks /9

Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets. Add the correct prefixes (co-,

6 Choose the correct answers.

in ter-, o ver-, u n d e r-, re-, se m i-). Brazilian fave/as, which are poor, 1

Today, 11

(developed) places, are often also 2

kindness’) with a friend. W e made plans last night. W e

(crowded). F a v e la P a in tin g is a charity with 3


(national) support from many countries. It helps favelas to 4 5

try doing an RAK ( ‘random act of

at my house this morning. W e 3


to the bus stop and pay for a stranger’s ticket.

According to my timetable, the next bus5

(operate) to create unique designs. In just

one street you can see a fish, a kite, and a half

hour. Alternatively, we 6

moon in a perfect 6

The sky is blue - it 7


be a lovely day. You know

1 a m ight 2 a 'II m eet 3 a w on't

anim als. I believe 2

treating them with respect. That's w hy I belong 3

an anim al rights charity, the

League Against Cruel Sports. W e protest 4

b will

c 'm going to

4 a m ight go

b go

5 a is leaving 6 a will pick

b won't leave c m ay leave b m ight pick c 're picking

8 a is being

c 're going

b m ay b will be

c m ight c is

d will go d leaves d pick

d will

d m ay not be


an anti-hunting cam paign and

now w e're relying 6

d may

b m eet c 're m eeting d m ight m eet b m ay c will d 're going to

7 a 's going to

hunting anim als for sport. W e've

s e t5

more fun!


Complete the text with the correct prepositions. I care 1

in an

up litter in the park.

what? Let’s do that. I think it 8



w hat to do then. W e have a few ideas already. W e

(build) lost hope and pride by

painting their houses. Artists and local people


m ight start

1 I hope the rain ................. soon. M y garden is very dry.

1 The bird called the dodo


will be


your donations for


success. Please help!



Complete the sentences. Use the future perfect or future continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 'W h a t............................ you

at this

tim e tom orrow?' 1............................. at the charity


Complete the sentences with the verbs below. There is one verb that you do not need. address




take part

shop.' (do / volunteer)

2 The anti-war march that, w e


by 11.00. After outside the tow n hall,



3 At 6.00 tonight, I ............................. the docum entary

1 O ver 30,000 people

in the Tokyo m arathon

on global w arm in g............................. you

every year.

2 Please

............................. h om e by then? (w atch / get) for just an hour a w eek to help elderly


3 Live Aid tried to


In a year's time, the city 10,000 more people

awareness of Africa's

here then. But by

the end of this year, the authorities


just 1,000 more homes, (grow / live / build)

4 I know I should more m oney to charities. 5 W e need t o ............the problem of global warming. 6 Education can

by 50%.

Marks Total

people's lives for the better



16 Pronunciation insight 4 W orkbook page 125

Review 4 53

Cumulative review Units 1-4 Listening 1

Read the sentences. Are they facts (F), opinions (0) or speculations (S)? 1 Volunteering w as Alice's o w n idea.

2 Alice thought it w ould help her to get into university. 3 Her w ork m ight help Tanzanian teachers to feel more enthusiastic about sport.

4 In Alice's opinion, the main benefit o f sport is learning key life skills.

5 The charity m ay teach martial arts for the first tim e

A Going to the gym or the sports centre often feels like a joyless necessity. The sw eaty rooms and irritating music seem to be the part of the price you pay for getting fit. You won't have much fun in the process, perhaps, but at least you'll be doing something worthwhile. Or so you

next year. 6 Not everyone will be a good volunteer for the charity.

th in k .

1.19 Listen to a radio programme. Are the sentences in exercise 1true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.

In actual fact, your exercise routine will have some devastating side-effects and w e don't just mean aching muscles! Gym s and sports centres need huge amounts of energy for lights, air conditioning, heating - and of course, pools and machines. W hile you've been running,



Speaking 3 Work in pairs. Take it in turns to give and react to news. Use the ideas below or your own ideas. 1 You raised lots of m oney in a charity marathon, but you didn't finish it.

2 Your parents won't let you volunteer at a sports cam p in Tanzania this sum m er

3 Your local youth centre has offered you a part-time jo b teaching sport this summer.

4 Work in pairs. Imagine that your class is going to spend a weekend volunteering. Discuss each volunteering option below, giving your opinions. Then decide together what you think the class should do and why.

your treadmill has been burning as much electricity as fifteen 75-Watt light bulbs. C .................. Luckily, there's now another w ay for people who care about more than calorie-counting. G r e e n F it n e s s allows you to exercise in the open air, surrounded by birdsong, for the fraction of the price of a leisure club membership. W hat's more, rather than devastating the planet, you'll be helping to preserve it. How ? B y doing conservation work in some of the most beautiful parts of the country. Click here for locations.

1 helping disabled children to take part in activities on a sports cam p

2 going on a two-day sponsored walk to raise m oney for better school facilities

3 cleaning up your local park

Reading 5

Read the text. Then choose the best description of the text type a-d. a b c d

a report making recom m endations an article prom oting a particular service a factual description for an encyclopedia a review o f a service the writer has tried

6 Match headings 1-8 to paragraphs A-F. There are two headings that you do not need. 1 Introducing a n e w alternative 2 Maximizing your workout

3 An easier, gentler kind o f exercise 4 Skills and personal developm ent 5 An unpleasant chore 6 A jo b well done

7 Studying nature 8 Harm ing the planet


Cumulative review Units 1-4

Literature insight 2 Workbook page 86

Grammar and vocabulary D

Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

If you've never done any gardening before, don't worry. We'll give you all the training you need. Volunteers cooperate to achieve tasks together, so you won't be on your own. The team spirit is amazing - something which

People v o lu n te e r fo r d iffe re n t re a so n s, b u t p ro b ab ly m o st o f u s v o lu n te e r 1 try to im prove life for o th ers. However, g e n e ro sity b rin g s a rew a rd . I t seem s t h a t v o lu n te e rs can e x p e c t2 th em selv es as well! In th e p a s t few y e a rs, s tu d ie s 3 th a t people w ho v o lu n te e r ty p ic a lly experience g re a te r levels o f self-esteem th a n th o se w ho d o n 't. 4 , th e ir overall h e a lth a n d w ell bein g also im proves. People w ho v o lu n te e r reg u la rly to d ay 5 lo n g er in the fu tu re , a n d th ey te n d to su ffe r fro m few er d ise a se s a lth o u g h o f c o u rse th ere are no g u aran tees! Partly, th e se h e a lth benefits a re 6 to th e e x tra exercise, as v o lu n te e rs are u su a lly fa irly active people. H elping o th e rs b u rn s calories! W hat's m ore, it seem s th a t w e g en erally enjoy 7 o th e rs happy, w hich in tu r n b o o sts o u r energy a n d fitn ess levels. I t is now g en erally ag reed t h a t being 8 in th e d um ps for e x te n d e d p e rio d s of tim e is h a d fo r o u r h e a lth , as d e p re ssio n w eak en s u s p h y sic a lly as w ell as m entally. So how m uch tim e s h o u ld w e v o lu n te e r for? Some stu d ie s su g g e st th a t w e 9 v o lu n teer fo r a t lea st 100 h o u rs a y e a r to enjoy th e fu ll ad v an tag es. At th e e n d o f o u r first y e a r o f v o lu n teerin g , w e 10 our ow n lives fo r th e b e tte r, too.

you're never going to find at the gym ! W hat's more, m any volunteers have reported that taking part in sessions has boosted their self-esteem and happiness. Click here for review s. E However, be warned: this is not a 'soft' alternative and laziness is not an option! An hour's m oderate gardening is a t least as demanding as a six-kilometre jog and builds strength and stam ina in all parts of your body. The only thing you might miss is fast, aerobic exercise. That's w hy G reen F itn e ss also leads optional 'm ilitary fitness' style runs at the end of each session for weekend volunteers - for no extra cost. Click here for prices. F Still not sure? Then think about this. At the end of every session you'll have achieved something truly special. No, not just a trim waist or more muscular arms! You'll be able to see the flowers you've planted, or the walls that you've repaired and think: 'I did that/ You might leave covered in mud (sorry!), but you'll also leave feeling on top of the world. How many gym users can say the sam e? Click here to j oin!.

1 a

in order to

b because of

2 a


b to benefit

c 3 a c


so that



benefitting have been showing

b had shown

have shown

4 a Similarly

b Really

5 a are living

b will live


m ay live

6 a


b due


so as

7 a


b to make



8 a under

b below


d ow n

9 a can

b need to



10 a will be transforming c

b are transforming

will have transformed

Writing 8

Read the statement below. Then write an opinion essay. Use the plan to help you. 'Not all students enjoy school sports lessons. Should older teenagers have the option of doing volunteer work in their local communities instead?' Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic and briefly state your o w n opinion.

Paragraph 2: Give argum ents to support your opinion. Use a different paragraph for each main idea.

Paragraph 3: Present an opposing view point and com m en t on it.

Paragraph 4: Sum marize your opinion, giving reasons. Exam insight 2 Workbook page 96

Cumulative review Units 1-4 55

Rights and wrongs Reading and vo cab u lary Teenage gangs 1

SPEAKING Why do teenagers join gangs? Discuss the reasons below and add your own ideas. Then read the text and compare your ideas. ■ to m ake m on ey

because o f peer pressure

■ for the excitem ent ı to have som ew here to hang out ■ to belong to a group

to feel safe

STRATEGY U sing referencing to u n d e rsta n d a text

Reference words link different parts of a text together. They can refer back to a word, a phrase or a whole sentence or idea. pronouns, for example: he, him , it, they, them, that, this,

The choice

these, those

‘They w ere my family, you know, they w ere good to

possessive adjectives, for example: his, its, their, her

m e,' says Jo s h u a Blake, looking down a t th e floor,

relative pronouns, for example: w ho, whose, which

‘but they w e re n ’t good to other people. That w a s the problem ..., but I w as too scared to leave - once you



Read the strategy. Study the underlined words in the text. Who or what do they refer to? 5 him (line 31)

in South London. Like m any of his peers, Jo sh u a

2 She (line 10)

6 w hose (line 35)

experienced hard tim es and m isfortune in his early

3 its (line 17)


4 w h o (line 26)

8 them (line 61)

his (line 59)


. The fam ily lived in a one-bedroomed

flat and his m other struggled to pay the bills. S h e

Study the underlined reference words in A-F. Who or what do you think they refer to? Complete the article with sentences A-F. There is one sentence that you do not need.

worked long hours a s a nurse, so after school Jo s h u a hung out with other boys on th e estate. ‘There w a s nothing to do,’ he rem em bers. ‘They closed down the youth club years ago, so th ere w as now here to go except th e streets.’ Jo s h u a b ecam e part of a gang with its own rules, its own cod es and jts own h ierarch y.2

. Belonging m ad e him

feel s a fe and gave him a se n se of identity. B u t the

members. C They w ere easy to get and easy to use.

crim e worried him. T h e re w a s a lot of mugging and

D His father left hom e w hen he was a baby, and Joshua

shoplifting, but it w as th e guns th at really scared

and his sisters were brought up by their mother.

E its m em bers had co d e nam es like P-Man or Stepz,

me. 3................... ’ The older boys in Jo s h u a ’s gang got into arm ed robbery. Su d d en ly a lot of m oney w as involved and th e gang b e c a m e very territorial.

and th ey looked after each other.

Th ere w a s a lot of vandalism - graffiti ap p eared on

F That's w hen he m et Ben.

buildings and signs w ere sprayed on shop doors, so people knew the n a m e s of the gangs w ho controlled

Read the article again and answer the questions.

each area. K nives and guns w ere used to keep out

1 W h at problem s did Joshua's fam ily have w h e n he was

other gangs. Things w ere getting ou t of control.

young? 2 W h at didn't he like about the gang?

3 H o w did Joshua's gang send warnings to other gangs? 4 W h y w as Joshua attacked? 5 H o w did his m um feel w h e n she saw him ? W h y ? 6 In w h at ways was Ben similar to Joshua?

7 H o w did the Youth Inclusion Project help Joshua? C rim e

5 Study the people below. What are the crimes that they commit? m ugger


arm ed robber

■ offender


14-year-old Jo s h u a w a s born on a council e s ta te *

1 That (line 3)

A He w as shot in the arm, but luckily he survived. B There are 169 gangs there, with more than 5,000


w ere in, you w ere in. I didn't think I had a ch o ice.’

Rights and wrongs


thief Vocabulary: crime; noun prefixes: mis-, dis--, phrasal verbs with to and with; synonyms: the law Gram m ar: first and second conditionals; modals of obligation, prohibition and permission; should and ought to

Speaking: discussing teenage crime; solving moral dilemmas: apologizing and accepting apologies W riting: a letter to a newspaper

6 Choose the correct answers. 1 The m u g g e r / shoplifter looked around the store, then quickly put the w atch into her pocket. 2 A person w h o is charged with a crim e is called

Then, on e day, so m eth ing ch an ged. ‘I w a s w alking

an o ffe n d e r / a thief.

h om e from school w hen a boy rode p ast on a b ike,’


s a ys Jo s h . ‘I didn 't recognize h im , but he called

va n d a ls / m u g g e rs.

ou t m y n am e and w hen I looked round, he pulled


ou t a gun.’ Jo s h u a w as th e victim of a revenge shooting. 4

Fhe play area in the park has been destroyed by Last night a sh o p lifter / th ie f broke into our house and stole the TV.

. The boy on th e bike w as

5 The news headlines w ere all about the th e ft /

from a rival gang, w h o s e le a d e r had been attacked

m ug g in g o f a famous painting from an art gallery.

the day before. ‘M y m um w a s d e va sta te d w hen

6 There was an arm ed ro b b ery / vandalism at our

s h e found o u t,’ s a ys Jo s h u a . ‘S h e kn ew ab o u t my

local supermarket last night. £10,000 w as taken.

m isb eh aviou r a t school, but s h e had no idea about the gang. S h e ju s t looked a t m e in disbelief, sh e

insight Noun prefixes: m is- and dis-

co u ld n 't stop crying.’

on th e ch o ice s he had m ade. He d e cid ed he w anted

Read the sentences, then match the prefixes m isand d is- to definitions a and b.

a different life, he w anted to c h a n g e .5

1 Joshua experienced hard times and m isfortune in his

Th ree w e e k s in hospital gave Jo s h u a tim e to reflect


early life.

B e n M agoro is a m e n to r* a t a Youth Inclusion Project, a program m e w hich helps kids e s c a p e from gan g culture and get b ack into education. B en , like m any m entors, w a s a gan g m em b e r him self. He w a s involved in ca r th e ft and h e ’d b een s e n t to prison for the offence. B e n understood ‘gan g m en tality’. ‘It is like a fam ily,’ s a ys B en , ‘it’s a fam ily w h e re the


It's a family w here crim e and dishonesty are OK.

a th e opposite o f som ething, not b w rong or bad 8 Complete the text with the words in brackets and mis-or dis-. Then check your answers in Th e ch o ice .

m istreatm en t of “ o u tsid e rs” is OK, but sho w a gang m em b e r d isre sp ect and you’ll be seriou sly hurt. It’s

The campaigner

a fam ily w h e re crim e and d ish o n esty a re O K and an y d isa g re e m e n t is solved with a gun. It's a fam ily th at th in ks com m itting crim e is an a c c e p ta b le w ay

19-year-old Alexander Rose had the 1

(fortune) to grow up on a

to m ake a living, but belonging to th a t fam ily is a

bad council estate. Whenever there was

big m istake - all it d o e s is destroy your life.'


(agreement) between people,

someone got hurt. School w as impossible The



Pro ject offered

Jo s h u a


w ay ou t a n d gave him th e cou rage to turn hjs life around.

Projects fo cu s on te e n a g e rs' interests,

such a s m usic, sport or fashion. M en to rs help them to express th e m se lve s, reflect upon th e ir p ast and

there w as constant3

(behaviour) in

the classroom and 4

(respect) for teachers. Kids that

turned up didn't want to learn. Their lessons were on the street, and they were lessons in 5

(honesty) and crime.

m ake better life ch o ice s. ‘In th e gan g my ch oice

'A lot of these kids suffered from 6

w a s eith er die young or go to ja il,' s a ys Jo s h u a , ‘B u t

home, so they didn't care about olher people,' says Alex.

now I can ch o o se to get an education, I can choose

Alex tried to ignore the violence until he lost a 16-year-old

a future ... I c a n ch o o se life.’

friend. His first reaction w a s 7

(treatment) at

(belief) - how could

this happen to someone he knew? Then he decided to do something about it. Alex designed the STOP logo, which stands for Stop This Ongoing Problem. He printed the logo on some T-shirts, then sold them to friends to get his message onto the streets. I'm just one person putting in ten per cent,' says Alex. 'If everyone put in ten per cent, that really would bring about change.'

9 SPEAKING Discuss the newspaper headlines. What do you think are the causes and solutions? * council estate = an area of houses built and rented out to people by the local government * mentor = an experienced person in an educational institution who trains and advises new students

'A third o f children believe that gangs and knives are a threat to their safety' ‘Youngsters turning to gangs instead o f parents' 'Make school d ay longer to stop pupils joining gangs'

Vocabulary bank

Crim e and punishm ent page 138

Rights and wrongs



5 B ■ G ram m ar and listening N atural born liars B tV y rt


Lie, lie, lie! • 9 8 % of te e n s s a y th e y lie to th e ir p a re n ts . • 9 6 % of te e n s s a y t h a t lying is w ro n g . • Y o u n g e r t e e n s a r e b e tte r a t lying th a n o ld e r o n e s. • 4 0 % of p a re n ts b elieve it is n o rm a l to s o m e tim e s lie to th e ir ch ild ren . • 6 5 % of p e o p le th in k it’s O K to lie in o r d e r n o t to h u rt s o m e o n e 's fee lin g s. • M o s t peop le lie t h r e e tim e s in te n m in u te s of c o n v e rs a tio n . • M e n a n d w o m e n lie th e s a m e a m o u n t, b u t a b o u t d iffe re n t thin g s. • W e lie m o s t fre q u e n tly to th e p eo p le w e love.


1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Read the facts about lying. Which facts surprise you and why? Which one is not true? 2

1.20 Listen to three teenagers talking about lies. Match statements 1-6 to Charlie (C), Sean (S) and Elly (E). 1 If m y best friend asks m e if I like her n e w haircut tom orrow, HI say yes. 2

If they didn't ask so m any questions, I w ouldn't tell so m any lies.

3 If he ever found out, he'd be really furious.

4 If I said w h at I really thought, th ey m ight get upset. 5 If you tell th e truth all th e time, you ’ll offend people. 6 Unless she learns that lying is wrong, she m ight b ecom e a com pulsive liar.



Listen again. What are Charlie's, Sean's and Elly's opinions on telling lies?

First and second conditionals 4

Study sentences 1-6 in exercise 2 and decide which ones talk about situations likely to happen and which ones talk about situations unlikely to happen. Then answer the questions. 1 W h ich conditional talks about a real or very likely situation in the present or the future? 2 W h ich conditional talks about an im aginary or unlikely situation in th e present or the future?

3 W h at tenses d o w e use to form each conditional? 4 W h at does unless m ean in sentence 6? H o w can you rephrase this sentence using if?

Reference and practice 5.1

W orkbook page 112

5 Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then work in pairs and answer the questions. 1 If you

(realize) your friend w as shoplifting, w ould you tell anyone?

2 W h at w ould you do if y o u .................................... (see) som e people vandalizing your local park? 3 If y o u .................................... (go out) this evening, w hat tim e will you co m e hom e?

4 W h a t .................................... (your parents / do) if you co m e h om e later than you should? 5 If s o m e o n e .................................. (ask) your friends if you w ere an honest person, w hat might th ey say? 6 W h at


Rights and wrongs

(you / do) if it rains a lot this w eekend?

5B 6

Read the text H o w to s p o t a lia r about lie detection and complete the conditional sentences.

How to spot a liar If we 1

(not lie), we 2


be) human. But how can you tell if a person is lying? Only about one in a thousand people can spot a really good liar and many of these so-called 'deception wizards' work for the police. So, what signs 3 look for), if you 4

(you /

(be) a deception wizard?

Firstly, there are many common beliefs about liars that aren't true. For example, 'liars never look you in the eye'. When you're talking to someone, if they 5 (not look) you in the eye, it ju s t 6


that they're shy, not that they're lying. Liars are clever and they know that if they 7 eye contact, people 8

(not make) (suspect) them, so

they make sure they do.

If you 13 you 14

(train) to be a deception wizard, (learn) to watch for other important

clues, too: the number of times a person blinks, touches

The way we tell stories can also give a lot of clues. If

their face, scratches their head or moves their hands. The

you 9

tone of voice can also be a sign. Speaking in a higher

(invent) a story about why you

haven't done your homework today, i t 10

voice than usual can indicate a lie. Imagine your mother

(be) short, in the right order and w ithout much detail.

asked, 'Did you break this cup?’ If you 15

Surprisingly, a true story won't be in the correct order

(be) guilty, you 16

and will have lots of corrections and contradictions. A

break it!' in a very high tone. If you 17

lia r 11

innocent, you 18

(need to) learn these things if they


(want) to convince a deception wizard.



(shout), 'No, I didn't (be)

(answer) just, 'No', in your

natural voice.

Listen to two stories. What lies did Jody and Simon tell?

8 Complete the questions with the correct second conditional form of the verbs in brackets. Then work in pairs and answer the questions. Give reasons for your answers. 1 If y o u ........................ (be) Jody, h o w ......................... (you / feel) about your m other changing her m ind? 2 If y o u ........................ (be) Louise,......................... (you / tell) your m other about Jo d y ? 3 If Jody's m other 4

If Sim on

(find out) about the lie, h o w (offer) you a m em ory stick,

(she / react)? (you / take) it?

5 If S im o n ........................ (find out) that Ja ck knows the truth, w h a t ......................... (he / do)? 6 If Jack

(tell) his classmates about Simon, w hat


9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Read situations 1-4 and discuss what you would do. Think of at least three possible options for each situation. Then compare your ideas with another pair. 1 You see your older brother or sister stealing som e m oney from your mother's purse. 2 You are at a friend's house. By accident, you break a very expensive porcelain vase, but nobody sees you do it. 3 You are taking an exam. Your friend is having problems and asks you to tell h im / h e r th e answers to som e of the questions. 4 Your friend has given you a birthday present. You op en it in front of him / her and you see a horrible jumper.

Rights and wrongs


5 C ■ Listening, speaking and vocabulary S o rry is th e hardest word L

1.22 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Do you agree with the statements about apologizing? Listen to the introduction to a radio show and choose the things that they mention. 1 It's a sign o f weakness to apologize to people. 2 Saying sorry can be difficult for som e people.

3 M en apologize more than w om en. 4 So m e people are worried about apologizing in case the ap olo g y is not accepted.

5 Accepting an apology is difficult for som e people.



Listen to the whole radio show and choose the correct answers.

1 The presenter says that

4 Avoiding situations w here you have to


som e people never make mistakes,



he never makes mistakes,


is not realistic at all.


everybody makes mistakes and no on e is


is easy to achieve,


is possible in childhood.

perfect. 2

People often don't like apologizing because

5 If peop le decided not to apologize,

a they don't like dealing w ith other people's problems.


th ey don't like saying th ey are wrong,


th ey don't like rejecting other people.


nothing w ou ld happen.


th ey w ouldn't trust each o th er

c th ey w ou ld still have lots of friends. 6 According to the psychologist, it's more

3 For som e people, not apologizing is a sign of

im portant to

a weakness.


make things right than to be right,




be right than to lose friends,


p o w er


have lots o f friends than to keep apologizing.

Three-part phrasal verbs with to and w ith 3

SPEAKING Study the highlighted phrasal verbs in questions 1-8. Match them to meanings a-h. Then work in pairs and answer the questions. 1 If you make a mistake, d o you always ow n up to it im m ediately? 2 Have you fallen out with anyone recently? W h o w as it and w h y? 3 Have you ever had to co m e up w ith an excuse for not doing som ething? 4 Do you think you live up to your parents'expectations? 5 Are you goo d at putting up w ith situations that you don't like? 6 If you have a lot of hom ework, d o you g et round to doing it straight aw ay or do you leave it until the night before it's due? 7 Can som e people get aw ay w ith telling lies more than others? 8 If you don't d o well at som ething, d o you put it d o w n to lack of experience?

a b c d e f g h

tolerate som eone or som ething that is unpleasant w ithout com plaining adm it you are responsible for som ething bad or w rong to understand that som ething is caused by som ething else d o as well or be as good as other people expect d o som ething w rong and not be punished for it find th e tim e to d o som ething have an argum ent with som eone, so you are not friendly w ith them any more to think o f an idea, suggestion

4 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below. 1 Is it easy or difficult for you to apologize to people? 2 W h o d o you apologize to most often? W h at for?


Rights and wrongs


5 SPEAKING When might you make a formal apology and when might you make an informal one? When might you hear a formal apology? 6

1.24 Listen to dialogues 1-6 and match them to speakers a-f: a b c d e f


a teacher and a parent a parent and a child a shop assistant and a custom er a teacher and a student tw o friends train station announcer

1.24 Read the phrases in the table. Then listen to dialogues 1-6 again. Which of the phrases in the table do you In which dialogues do the people make formal apologies?


Accepting apologies

Informal apologies

Accepting informal apologies

I’m very / so / really sorry.

That’s OK.

I'm sorry. I didn't m ean to.

It (really) doesn't matter. Don't w orry about it.

Formal apologies I (do) apologize f o r . . . .

Never mind.

I'd like to apologize f o r . . . .

Accepting formal apologies

Please accept our apologies.

That's quite all right.

W e regret to inform you t h a t . . . .

Let's say no more about it.

It was very inconsiderate o f me.

Showing the speaker you are not happy Don't let it happen again. You’ve really let m e down.


1.25 Complete the dialogue with phrases a - f. There is one phrase that you do not need. How does Ben feel? Then listen to a different version of the dialogue. How does Ben feel now? a I regret to inform you b I didn't expect that from you. c I'm really sorry, Ben Kate Ben Kate

d Please forgive me. e you've really let m e down, f I feel really bad about it.

Hi, Kate. I'm really looking forward to Saturday. W h at tim e did w e say we'd m eet? Saturday? W e didn't arrange to m eet on Saturday, did w e? Don't you rem em ber? You said you'd help me choose a suit for m y brother's wedding. Oh, no! I'd com pletely forgotten, B e n .1

..................... but I've m ade other plans.

I'm going to visit m y cousins in Oxford. Perhaps w e could g o the following Saturday?

Ben Kate Ben Kate Ben 9

No, that will be too late. The wedding's next w eekend. I can't believe you forgot.

2 Well, you should b e ca u se 3 4

...................You kn ow I’ve g ot an awful memory.

Yes, I know, b u t 5...........................................

SPEAKING Work in pairs, A and B. Choose a situation and prepare a dialogue. Student A explains the situation and apologizes, student B listens and accepts or does not accept the apology. Then swap roles and choose a new situation. 1 You borrowed your friend's jacket for a party. You ripped it. 2 You w ere using your dad's laptop to do som e hom ew ork w hen you spilt som e tea on it.

3 You w ork in a shop. A custom er brings back som e n e w jeans he / she bought at th e weekend. There is a problem w ith them.

4 You broke on e o f the pictures in the school corridor w hile you w ere playing w ith a ball during the break.

Rights and wrongs


5D ■ Culture, vocabulary and grammar Young people’s rights

SPEAKING Discuss the questions. Then read the text and check at what age people in Britain can do these things. 1 In your country, at w h at age can you do th e things in th e photos? 2 W h ich o f these things can you do now ? W h ich of th e things w ould you like to do?

Read the text again. Which paragraph A-F mentions the things in 1-7? There is one thing that you do not need. 1 The age of criminal responsibility. 2 The kind of part-time jobs young teenagers often do in the UK.

3 The age British teenagers have to be to drive a car. 4 The rights o f a child if th ey break the law. 5 The im pact o f adults'decisions on children. 6 The m ove from being a child to an adult.

7 Voting rights. insight Synonyms: the law


Study the highlighted adjectives in the text. Then replace the adjectives in italics in sentences 1-6 with the correct words. 1 M an y laws are lim iting for teenagers and don't give them enough freedom.

2 School uniforms are com pulsory in a lot of schools in th e UK, but m any students w ou ld prefer to choose

Coming o f age A Some laws make sense. O thers d o n ’t. In Britain, for example, the law states that you can get m arried at the age o f sixteen (with your parents’ approval), but you may not have a tattoo.You can choose your life partner, but not a piece o f body art. Age limits vary hugely around the world due to different historical, political, social and cultural factors. Here, we examine some rules, regulations and prohibited activities in the U K and explore where childhood ends and adulthood begins in different areas o f life.

T he law B T h e U nited N ations C onvention on the Rights o f the C hild says that children have the right to help from a lawyer and a fair trial that takes account o f their age or situation.

w h at th ey wear. 3 According to law, every person has the right to a ju st trial, no m atter w hat th ey've done. 4 Som e people in England say that it should be illegal for teenagers to use tanning beds. 5 W earing seat belts in the back seat o f a car is

voluntary in m any countries, so people can decid e if th ey w an t to do it or not. 6 In USA, teenagers under 16 can't live on their own. Is this allow ed (b yla w ) in your country?

4 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 W h a t similarities and differences are there in the laws for the things m entioned in the text in your country? 2 W h a t d o you think an appropriate age for criminal responsibility should be? W h y ? 3 W h y d o you think a g e limits are necessary?

DVD extra


U KYouth Parliament

Rights and wrongs

C T h e age o f crim inal responsibility is ten years old in England,Wales and N orthern Ireland and in Scotland it is twelve. Some people believe that a low age o f responsibility acts as a deterrent and stops young people from com m itting crimes. However, there is concern about how children betw een the ages o f eight and twelve can fully understand the consequences o f their actions. R ecen t research has shown that the age o f ten is probably too low because the part o f the brain that has to make decisions and judgem ents is still developing. D However, there is one area where teenagers' decisions and opinions are taken into account and that is voting. In the UK, voting is optional and it is not a legal duty.Teenagers do not have the right to vote until the age o f eighteen, but even then they don’t have to vote in any election if they don't want to.

5D Modals of obligation, prohibition and permission 5

Study the underlined modal verbs in the text and answer the questions. W h ic h m od al verb s m ean: 1

it is necessary to d o th is ?............, ............

2 you are allow ed to d o th is ?............, ............. 3 it is not necessary to d o this, but you can if you w ant to? 4 you are not allow ed to do this?

, ............,

W e usually use m ust w hen the speaker has decided that som ething is important and have to w hen som eone else has decided this. However, in m any situations, w e can use m ust and have to in the same way.

Reference and practice 5.2

W orkbook page 113

6 Study the sentences. What is the difference in meaning between sentences a and b? 1 a

I have to w ear a school uniform.

b I must buy a n e w school uniform because this on e is too small. 2 a You don't have to tell anyone about this, b You mustn't tell anyone about this.

For many, this is a waste o f a vote and a lot o f U K teenagers feel voting should become obligatory so that it has more value.They feel they must take more responsibility if they want things to change and voting is an effective way to do this.

Transport E British law authorizes sixteen-year-old Britons to ride m opeds w ith a small engine and quad bikes off road, but they can’t drive a car o r a quad bike on the road until the age o f seventeen. Although Britain has some o f the safest roads in the world, car accidents are the biggest cause o f death o f young people betw een the ages o f seventeen and twenty-one. For this reason m any people feel that tw enty-one is a m ore appropriate age to hold a driving licence.

3 a You can't w alk on the grass.


b You must not w alk on th e grass. 4 a You can leave your bike here, b You m ay leave your bike here.



Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets so that they have a similar meaning. Do not change the given words. 1

It is com pulsory at m y school to stand u p w hen a teacher walks into the classroom, (have to)

2 You are allow ed to fly a plane with a pilot's licence, 45

(can) 3 During a trial, witnesses are not allow ed to tell lies, (mustn't) 4 You do not have permission to leave the exam room before you finish, (m ay not)



Education and work F Com pulsory education in Britain continues until a child is sixteen and all students have to stay in full o r part-tim e education until then, but this will 55 probably soon increase to eighteen. Some schoolleavers continue to w ork in jobs that they were doing part-tim e w hile they were at school.Young workers may start a part-tim e jo b at the age o f thirteen in Britain and the m ost com m on jobs are babysitting and doing paper rounds.Young people 60 m ustn't work for more than two hours on a school day o r a Sunday and they can’t work for more than twelve hours during a school w eek.There is a view that such laws are restrictive and that younger children need to be encouraged to work more, 65 especially if they are willing and able.

ih e bus leaves at 6.30 a.m. It is essential that you arrive by 6.25 a.m. or the bus will leave w ithout you. (must)

6 It is not necessary to w ear a helm et w hen you ride a bike in England, (don’t have to)

8 SPEAKING Which of these things is it necessary / not necessary for you to do? Which of them are you allowed / not allowed to do? have a credit card buy a pet leave h om e

open a bank account

give blood

choose your o w n doctor

buy a lottery ticket

Vocabulary bank

fly a plane

g o to school

Law and order page 138

Rights and wrongs


5 E ■ W riting A letter to a new spaper


Local police announced yesterday that they are planning to introduce a curfew scheme during the school summer holiday period. Under this scheme, anyone under the age of sixteen will have to be home by 9 p.m. According to the police, the aim of the scheme is to cut the risk of teens becoming victims

of crime or becoming offenders themselves. 'If we see teenagers on the streets after this time, w e'll take them hom e,' said PC Davis. 'M ost teenage crime takes place early in the evening and this scheme will certainly help to stop it. If it's successful, we'll introduce it into other parts of the country.'

1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 W h y do people w rite to newspapers? 2 If you w rote a letter to your local newspaper, w h at w ould you w rite about?


Read the newspaper article and answer the questions. 1 W h at is the main aim o f the curfew schem e? 2 W h at do you think about the schem e? 3 Do you think it will be effective? W h y / w h y not?


Making suggestions and expressing results When you write a letter to a newspaper, you might have to make suggestions and express results. In order to do this, you need to: understand the problem and its cause. prepare suggestions on h o w to solve the problem. support th e suggestions w ith possible results. use specific phrases to introduce the suggestions and results.


Read the strategy. Then read the letter that Jon wrote in response to the article and answer the questions. 1 W h at problem is he writing about? 2 W h at does he think about th e schem e? 3 W h at suggestions does he make? 4 W h at possible results does he m ention?



Study sentences 1-8 in the letter. Which ones make suggestions and which express results?

Rights and wrongs

5E Dear Sir/M adam , I am writing to express my views on the proposed curfew scheme reported in your newspaper last week. I am strongly against this scheme and I believe it will cause more harm than good. Police say that the scheme will help to protect teenagers and also reduce crime. But what about those teenagers who never get into trouble? A curfew would punish us and some could react in a negative way, which would make the problem worse. II recommend that they focus on the people that commit crime, rather than all teenagers. 2This would mean that a lot o f innocent teenagers would not feel like they are being punished for things they have not done. 3Another good idea would be to talk with us and our families. Many young offenders have difficult home lives or parents who do not look after them properly. Social services should give these families more support. 4In this way, they

would be able to identify the reasons some teenagers break the law and deal with the root of the problem. 5If they did this, it would help to solve the problem in the long term. 6Another suggestion would be to organize activities for us, rather than lock us up at home. 7If we had more worthwhile things to do, we would not be causing problems. Nobody can deny that there is nothing for us lo do in our town, except hang out on the streets. The local council ought to provide some places for us to meet. 8Perhaps they could offer free activities for us to do in the afternoons and al weekends. I look forward to hearing the opinions of your other readers. Yours faithfully, Jon Rogers

should and ought to W e use should and ou gh t to w hen w e w a n t to say that som ething is right or the best thing to do. They express a mild obligation. O ught to is more formal than should.

Reference and practice 5.3

W orkbook page 113

5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the possible results of the alternatives to the curfew scheme below. Use the expressions for making suggestions and expressing results. have regular discussions b etw een young people, the council and the police set up sports activities and arts program m es install m ore security cam eras and em p loy people to w atch them have more police officers on the streets

WRITING GUIDE Task Write a letter to the newspaper expressing your views on the proposed scheme below.

Plan Decide which ideas you are going to use and match them to these paragraphs: Paragraph 1: Say w h y you are writing and express your

The local council is planning to create ‘dispersal zones’ in certain areas of the city to try to reduce street fighting.

opinion on dispersal zones.

Paragraph 2: Explain the reason for your opinion and

Under this scheme, if the police see a group of more

show you understand the problem and

than two young people in the street, they can ask them to separate and move. They can also remove people who do not live in the area and arrest them if they return within 24 hours.

its cause.

Paragraph 3: Present the first suggestion and result. Paragraph 4: M ake another suggestion and a possible result.

Paragraph 5: Add a final point. ■ Ideas Make notes about: 1 H o w you feel about the proposed schem e. Do you

Write Write your letter. Use the paragraph plan to help you.

agree or disagree with it? 2 Things you w an t to include. Think about: ■ the causes o f street violence. ■ alternatives to the dispersal zones. ■ possible results. ■ w hat should happen to people that d o not live in the area.

Check Check the following points: ■ Have you included all the information from your notes? ■ Have you used a variety of phrases for making suggestions and expressing results? ■ Have you checked grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation?

Rights and wrongs


Vocabulary insight 5 Using a dictionary: phrasal verbs 1

Read part of the listening extract from unit 3C and find six phrasal verbs. What do they mean?


Choose the two sentences that are incorrect. Why are they incorrect? 1 T h ey have fallen out.

For som e people it’s all about power and being in control. They think that if they apologize they will lose that. Som etim es issues with apologizing can be put down to experiences in a person's childhood: perhaps a child w as criticized a lot by their parents while they were growing up and felt they never lived up to their parents’ expectations. As they get older they can take two approaches to this to avoid all the negative associations from childhood. O ne is to try and avoid situations where they may end up having to apologize at all. This is a very difficult strategy to get away with because it is com pletely unrealistic. The other, sim pler approach, is to avoid adm itting they have m ade m istakes or come up with excuses tim e after tim e not to apologize.

2 They fell ou t with each other. 3 Luke fell out with. 4 She fell ou t w ith her best friend. 5 He has fallen his m other out. 6 W h y have th ey fallen out?


Study the dictionary entries for phrasal verbs with p u t. Which ones are separable and which inseparable? Match sentences 1-4 to a-d to make mini dialogues. put sb up to give sb food and a place to stay: She had missed the last train home, so I offered to put her up for the night. put sth up 1 to lift or hold sth up: Put your hand up if you know the answer. 2 to build sth: to put up a fence/tent 3 to fix sth to a w all, etc. so that everyone can see it: to put up a notice 4 to increase sth: Some shops put up their prices just before Christmas. put up sth to try to stop sb attacking you: The old lady put up a struggle against her attacker put up with sb/sth to suffer sb/sth unpleasant and not com plain about it: I don't know how they put up with this noise.

STRATEGY T h e g ra m m a r o f phrasal verb s A phrasal verb is a com bination of tw o or three words: a verb and at least on e particle (a preposition or an

1 Can you put us up for a night w hen we're in N ew York?

adverb). The particle changes the m eaning o f the verb.

2 The school is putting up th e price o f school lunches.

There are three main types o f phrasal verbs:

3 I'm going to put up that painting.

1 Intransitive - these verbs d o not need an object. 2 Transitive, separable - these phrasal verbs can be separated by an object (in a dictionary, there is usually

s b / sth betw een the tw o parts o f the phrasal verb). 3 Transitive, inseparable - these phrasal verbs cannot be separated by an object (in a dictionary, there is usually


I can't put up w ith his behaviour.

a b c d

But they're already so expensive! I know. He’s very unpleasant, Let m e help you w ith that - I'll make sure it's straight, Sure. You can stay for as long as you need.

sb / sth after the phrasal verb).Three-part phrasal


verbs cannot be separated.


Read the strategy above. Study the dictionary entries for phrasal verbs with fa ll. Match them to categories 1-3 in the strategy.

1 have / fall / 1/ a problem / W h e n e ve r / can / back / a lw a y s / 1 / m y m um

fall apart to break (into pieces): My car is falling apart. fall back on sb/sth to use sb/sth w hen you are in difficulty: When the electricity was cut off we fell back on candles. fall for sb ( informal) to be strongly attracted to sb;

2 a fight / She / the attacker / put / against 3 bus tickets / They've / the price / of / put

to fall in love w ith sb

4 f e ll/ M a g g ie / w it h / h e r sister

fall for sth (informal) to be tricked into believing sth that is not true: He makes excuses and she falls for them every time. fall out (with sb) (BrE) to argue and stop being friendly (w ith sb) fall through to fail or not happen:

5 c a n 't/ I / p u t / th a t noise / w ith

Our trip to japan 6 h o lid a y / fa lle n / O u r/ h a v e / p la n s

has fallen through.

1 fall a p a rt............ 2 fall back on s b / s th 3 fall for sb 4 fall for sth 5 fallou t

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Write two sentences if more than one order is possible. Add a particle to every sentence.


Use a dictionary to find the phrasal verbs below. Check if they are transitive or intransitive, and separable or inseparable. Then write your own example sentence with each phrasal verb.

6 fall out with s b ............

g et aw ay

7 fall th ro u g h ............

g et d ow n to sth

66 Vocabulary insight 5

g et aw a y w ith sth g et round sb

get sb d ow n g et round to sth

Dictionary entries from O xford W ordpow er D ictionary, 4th edition

Review 5 Vocabulary 1


C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith t h e c o rre c t fo rm o f th e w o rd s in brackets. 1

5 Complete the first and second conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.

is a big problem in m any cities, (thief)


2 Graffiti isn't art, it's..................... (vandal)


not tell



not send

3 T h e .................... stole a T-shirt, (shoplift)


If y o u .............. a friend stealing, would you tell anyone?

4 They sent t h e .................... to prison, (offend)


If you d o som e volunteering, you

5 They used guns during t h e ..................... (rob)

3 M y parents will help m e if I



I he

took her mobile phone and watch, (mug) M ark s


If I ruled the country, I

U se a w o rd w ith a n e g a tiv e prefix fo r e a ch

7 1

d e fin itio n . belief

agreem ent


into trouble. som e n e w laws! any lies.

for help today, w h at will you say? any shoplifters to prison if 1w ere a judge.

8 If you tell m e your secret, I



5 Life w ould be easier if w e 6 If Jo


not laugh



at you, I promise.

M arks



6 1 the feeling o f not believing in something:

c o n d i t i o n a l f o r m o f t h e v e r b s in b r a c k e t s .

2 the act of showing that you don’t think som eone is

1 Girl: I .................................... on holiday if I .....................

im portan t:....................

.......................................................the lottery, (g o / w in )

3 bad luck:....................

2 Shoplifter: If I

4 the act of not telling th e truth:

som ething I like,

I .................................... it. (see / take)

5 the act of behaving b a d ly:....................

3 Sh o p ow ner: If w e

6 a refusal to agree:.................... M ark s 3

C o m p le te t h e s e n te n c e s w ith t h e first o r s e c o n d


shoplifting, w e .............................. the police, (see / call)


4 Teacher: I

.......................cheating in exams

illegal if I .................................... the world, (make / rule)

C o m p le te th e p h rasal v e rb s in th e te x t w ith o ne 5

w o rd in ea ch gap.

Politician: The streets

safe if w e

............................................crime, (not be / not reduce) 6 G oo d liar: M y m um

Dear Agon'j tone. Help! I've fallen 1

the dog broke it. (believe / say)

with my mum after an


argument. She's always criticizing me and I never live up 2 3

a policem an,

8 Friend: I .........................................for your coffee if you

to tidying my room, but I do it every year! She

............................................................ me. (pay / forgive)

reu se s for avoiding

9 S tu p id thief: I

housework, but I'm allergic to cleaning products! Of

a palace if I

............................................ the M ona Lisa, (buy / steal)

course, 1 know I'm not perfect, but t always own 5

10 Ju d g e : If people

to my mistakes. Well, eventually, anyway. I can't p u t6

Elderly m an: If I

I be an athlete, (not be / like)

her expectations. She says l never qet

says l'rn always corninq up 4

m e if I

an y crime,

I ........................................... an easy life, (not d o / have)


with the situation any more. What

should l do?

7 M ark s

7 6


Complete sentence b so that it has a similar meaning to sentence a. Use the words in brackets. 1 a It's com pulsory for students to w ear a tie.



R e p la ce th e w o rd s in ita lics w ith th e w o rd s below . fair




S tu d e n ts .......................................................... (must)

2 a Joining after-school clubs is optional.


b Students


.........................................(don't have to)

3 a W e insist that students arrive on time. There are lots of rules about driving in the UK, saying what is 1 (law ful) and what isn't. It is 2 (illegal) to hold a mobile phone while driving. Wearing a seat belt is also 3 ( compulsory). Drivers also need to obey strict speed limits. Some people complain that speed cameras are not 4 (just), and that the maximum speed limits in the UK are too 5 (limiting). However, the police argue that staying safe should not be 6 (voluntary)!

M arks

b Students ..................................................... (have to) 4 a W e allow students to bring in m obile phones.

b S tu d e n ts .............................................................. (can) 5 a Making calls in lessons is prohibited.

b S tu d e n ts ................................................(mustn't) 6 a Having school lunches isn't compulsory. b Students . (don't have to) 7 a Students aren't perm itted to eat in class.

b S tu d e n ts ..................................................... (m ay not) 8 a Students have permission to w ear rings. b Stu d en ts............................................................... (can)




Total Pronunciation insight 5 W orkbook page 126

Review 5 67

Paying the price Reading and vo cab u lary W ord on th e street 1

SPE A K IN G W h i c h o f t h e s e t h i n g s m i g h t i n f l u e n c e y o u t o b u y a p r o d u c t ? P u t t h e m in o r d e r f r o m 1-5. a TV advertisem ent

a celebrity

a friend’s recom m endation 2

a special offer

a review on a blog

R ead th e te x t a n d ch o o s e th e co rre c t an sw ers. 1 The girl in the cafe a is being sold something, b has th e same conversation w ith a different boy.

c is working w ith the boy. d will probably buy the com puter game. 2 The tourist in th e street wants a

som eone to help them.

b to help someone, c

to advertise something,

d to give som ething away. 3 Stealth marketing is

a marketing through personal recom m endation, b advertising in magazines, c

marketing by teenagers,


expensive and difficult to do.

4 W h e n com panies use stealth marketing, they a sell their product in an illegal way. b give aw ay their product for custom ers to try.

Im agine this: you a re in a c a fe w hen you h e a r a te e n a g e boy talking about a n ew c o m p u te r g am e. H e ’s explaining its am azing fe a tu re s to a girl and th e girl w a n ts to know w h e re sh e can buy it. Nothing unusual, s you m ight say, until a fte r fifteen m inutes, the boy and girl m ove to a n o th er c a fe and have an identical co n versation. On your w a y hom e, a ‘to u rist’ in the s tr e e t a sk s you to take a photo with th e ir c a m e ra . You do and, a fte rw a rd s, th ey tell you h ow th ey bought io th e c a m e ra rece n tly and h ow it’s on special offer.

c use people that custom ers'trust'to sell something,

N e w friend o r fra u d ? W e lc o m e to the w orld of stealth

d only use people on the streets to sell their products.

m arketing. You m a y say you h aven ’t m e t a stealth

5 W h a t does Tanya say about stealth marketing?

a It makes her feel uncomfortable. b She often has to pay for products,

c She enjoys making videos o f shopping trips,

d It makes her feel better than her friends. 3

The influencers

S P E A K IN G W o rk in pairs. A n s w e r th e q u estio n s. 1 W h a t exam ples o f stealth marketing are there in the text? 2 W h at d o you think about stealth m arketing? Is it dishonest? W h at if the product is genuinely g oo d ? 3 W o uld you like to be a stealth marketer? W h y / w h y not?

m a rk e te r yet, but th a t’s the point. The c h a n c e s a re th a t you have. is S te a lth * o r ‘w ord of m ou th ’ m arketing isn’t like norm al advertising. W e can recognize a d v e rts on billboards o r in glossy m agazines, but it’s difficult to sp ot stealth m arketing - it ju st trick s us. S tu d ie s have show n th a t people a re m ore likely to tru s t a person on the street,

20 w ho they think is giving fre e advice, r a th e r th an an ad vert. In fact, in a re c e n t poll of te e n a g e rs, only 5 % believed ad ve rts, co m p a red with 5 2 % w ho tru sted th e ir peers. M o re than $ 5 0 0 billion a y e a r is sp en t on advertising

25 worldwide, but com p ared with conventional advertising cam paigns, stealth m arketing is ch eap and effective. S o how does it w o rk ? W e ll, let's look a t com pany X.

A d v e rtisin g S t u d y t h e u n d e r l i n e d w o r d s in t h e t e x t . T h e n m a t c h t h e m t o d e f in itio n s 1-8.

1 to talk som eone into doing som ething 2 to study som ething in m ore detail

3 to lie to som eone 4 to have an effect on someone's ideas and choices

5 to advertise som ething for the first time 6 to show som ething, so people can look at it

7 to advertise a product and encourage people to buy it 8 to aim som ething at som eone


Paying the price

C om pany X w a n ts to launch a n ew product for teens. They need their product to look ‘cool1 and interesting, 3o so th ey decide to pay young people to talk about it. Vocabulary: advertising; describing amounts; trade; addition and contrast Grammar: the passive; have/get something done

Speaking: discussing stealth marketing; discussing fair trade; talking about photos Writing: a formal letter of complaint



C o m p le te th e te x t w ith th e c o rre c t fo rm o f th e w o rd s in exercise 4.

T h e se


m a rk e te rs

a re




com pany X re s e a rc h e s teen w eb sites and ta rg e ts the

Spend, spend, spend

m o st popular people or 'tre n d s e tte rs ’. Th ese teen s then persuade th e ir p e e rs to buy the cool n ew product.


Seventeen-year-old Tanya Fulham is one of them .

Every c o m p a n y w a n ts to 1 u s th a t w e n e e d th e ir p ro d u c t, so b efore t h e y 2 it a n d p re s e n t it to th e w o rld , t h e y 3 th e ir m a rk e t carefully, so th ey k n o w h o w th e ir c u sto m e rs think.

Tanya Fu lham is beautiful, sp o rty and clever. S h e ’s in terested in fashion, loves shopping, and listens to th e la te s t pop m usic. S h e h as m ore than 1 5 0 friends on h er social m edia page and sh e often influences th e ir ch o ices and opinions. S h e ’s th e la te s t re c ru it of


u n d erco ver

m arketing


Peop le

As a result, adv ertisin g c a m p a ig n s ap p e a l to o u r e m o tio n s ra th e r th a n give us facts - th ey c a n even so m e tim e s 4 us into buying a p ro d u c t w ith false p ro m ises. So, a sp o t cre a m will give y o u a b e tte r social life, or a p a ir o f je a n s will m ak e everyone th in k you are ‘cool! They u se o th e r tricks too - h u g e billboards m ay5 celeb rities w h o 6 p ro d u c ts w hich th ey ’ve n e v e r u s e d before. A m ag a z in e ad v e rt m ight sh o w p h o to s h o p p e d m odels, w ho look th in n e r or m o re y o u th fu l th a n th e y actually are.



Tanya prom ote b ran ds in blogs and on social m edia w e b site s. ‘P ro d u c ts w hich a re fashionable o r have a strong brand

im age a re

e a sy to sell,’ explains

Tanya. 'I can usually g e t people to buy everything 45 from make-up to luxury goods, like d esig n er je a n s .’ O th e r tee n m a rk e te rs upload videos of th em selves, w hich d e scrib e re c e n t shopping trip s and display th e ir ‘h auls’*. They sho w people h ow a p rod uct w o rks or


w h a t it looks like up close.

A nd a d v e rts love to 7 te e n a g e rs a n d en c o u ra g e th e m to s p e n d . W hy? Well, th ey have m o n e y a n d they can 8 th e ir p a re n ts ’ choices. C o m p a n ie s w a n t to e n c o u ra g e as m a n y p e o p le as p o ssib le to b u y th eir b ra n d .

‘It’s g re a t getting fre e s a m p le s of cool, n ew prod ucts th a t m y friends h aven ’t h eard about,' ad d s Tanya. 'It m akes m e feel im p o rta n t b e ca u se I have insider knowledge.' B u t do h e r friends know th a t s h e is paid to prom ote t h e m ? 'No, th ey don’t ,’ sh e adm its. ‘B u t


I don’t think it's dishonest. If I find som ething I like, I talk about it. It d o e sn ’t m ake any difference w h e th e r

insight C o l l o c a t i o n s : a d v e r t i s i n g

I’m paid o r n o t.’ P e rh a p s Tanya is right. Lots of people tell o th e rs about


th e n ew book they’re reading, a n ew place they’ve eo discovered

or a

r e p l a c e t h e p h r a s e s in ita lic s in s e n t e n c e s 1 - 8 w i t h

cool gadget they've just bought.

t h e c o r re c t co llo c a tio n s.

W e 'r e also a 2 4 / 7 generation and see m ore than

1 M any people can't afford products that are unnecessary

3 , 0 0 0 ad s a day, so w h a t difference d o es it m a k e ? However,

o th er people

a re

w orried.

S t u d y t h e h i g h l i g h t e d c o l l o c a t i o n s in t h e t e x t . T h e n

a n d very expensive, like diam ond jewellery.

‘You think a 2

person is being helpful,1 s a ys retail psychologist David 65 G reen , 'but th at's ve ry different from som eone telling


us som ething b e ca u se th ey a re getting paid for it. You

3 The billboards a n d m agazine advert for th e n ew

don’t know w ho to tru s t or w ho to listen to anym ore.'

trainers w ere a big success. Lots o f people bought

W e have a lread y m e t the stealth m a rk e te rs and they a re ju st like us.

I bought the jeans because th ey w ere cheaper than

them . 70

4 Most of the models in weekly fashion publications are

* hauls = large amounts of goods

really too thin.

* stealth = the act of doing something wrongfully or secretly

5 Stealth marketers often have more inform ation abou t

a pro du ct than other people. 6 The co m p an y that develops ideas for adverts cam e up w ith a great idea for a shop w in d o w display. 7 Som e com panies give peop le exam ples o f their

pro du ct that they don't have to p a y for. 8 Nike is a successful sports com p an y w ith a very strong idea associated w ith its nam e. 7

S P E A K IN G W o rk in g ro u p s o f th re e . D iscuss th e sta te m e n ts . D o y o u a g re e o r d is a g re e w ith th e m ? W h y / w h y n o t? 1 'Stealth marketers like Tanya create problem s for teens w h o can’t afford designer goods.' 2 'All advertising cam paigns are dishonest, not just stealth marketing ones.'

Vocabulary bank

Types o f advertising page 139

Paying the price


6 B ■ G r a m m a r a n d lis t e n in g 1

F a ir t r a d e

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Lookatthe photos. What do you think'fairtrade'is? Who does it benefit? Then read the text and check your answers.

' Cotton has been grown hi Mali for hundreds of years and the crops have been harvested by people like Makandianfing Keita for generations. In th e past, life on the cotton plantations was difficult and while 2big profits were being made by the major companies, the workers were badly paid and the living conditions were very poor. ‘In the past, children had to walk 10 km to the nearest school and we had no access to healthcare,’ explains Makandianfing. ‘But, then, in 2005, 3a co-operative fair-trade farm was established by the farmers hi the village. When a farm becomes a fair-trade farm, there is a guarantee that 4all the farmers will be paid a fair price and 5nail: of the profit, from selling t hem products is spent, on improving them living conditions.' In Makandianfing's village, this meant that a hospital and a school were built for the workers and their families. Although 6efforl.s to start fair trade had been made after Iho Second World War, the fair-trade movement really started in 1988 with the launch of the first, Fairtrade label. At first, fair-trade goods were available in specialist, shops only, bu t by the 1990s, fair-trade products, like coffee, tea and bananas were being sold in major supermarkets. Now, 7many different products and clothes with Fairtrade labels are being produced and sold by multinational companies, like Nestle. This is all great news for people like Makandianfing. ‘Fairtrade has really changed the life of my community. I feel as though I have a future, which I didn't before,' he says.

The passive 2

Study sentences a-g. What tense is used in each sentence? Read the text again and match the passive sentences 1-7 in the text to the active sentences a-g. a They spend part of the profit from selling their products on improving their living conditions, b Multinational com panies, like Nestle, are producing and selling m any different products and clothes w ith Fairtrade labels.

c They have grown cotton in Mali for hundreds of years, d The major com panies w ere making big profits, e They had m ade efforts to start fair trade after the Second W orld War.


The farmers in the village established a co-operative fair-trade farm,

g They will pay all the farmers a fair price. 3

Study the passive sentences in the text again. Then answer the questions. 1 W h e n do w e use the passive? 2 H o w d o w e form the passive for each tense in exercise 2? 3 W h at word d o w e use w hen w e w an t to say w h o or w h at does the action?

Reference and practice 6.1 4

W orkbook page 114

Rewrite the active sentences using the passive. 1 They are creating farmers'co-operatives to sell the products. 2 The big com panies weren't paying the farmers a d ecen t wage. 3 Poverty has forced m any farmers to leave the land and w ork in cities. 4 British supermarkets sold on ly three fair-trade products in 1994. 5 They sell over 3,000 fair-trade products today. 6 Seventy per cent of British households buy fair-trade products. 7 They didn't produce fair-trade cotton until 2005. 8 Shops will sell m ore fair-trade clothing next year.


Paying the price

6B 5 Complete the text with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

E thical Fashion Show With fair trade growing in popularity, this year's Ethical Fashion Show in Paris 1 (expect) to be a big success. The show 2 (hold) every year in Paris since 2000, with the aim of promoting fair-trade clothing. The show 3 (start) after increasing numbers of media reports about, poor working conditions in developing countries. Europeans discovered that their clothes 4 (make) by people who 5 (not pay) fairly for working very long hours.


Since then, ethical working methods 6 (introduce) slowly and only clothes that 7 (made) according to fair-trade rules 8 (use) at the show. At first, only a few designers were interested, but now fair-trade clothes 9 (design) by some of the big names in the fashion world. Fair-trade groups hope that more ethical fashion shows 10 (run) in other European cities in the future.

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 Are there m any supermarkets or shops that sell fair-trade products in your country? 2

Do you buy fair-trade products? W h at products d o you buy?

2.01 Read W hy b u y fa ir-tra d e clo th e s ? . Then listen to a radio interview at a fashion show. Which points from the leaflet are mentioned in the interview?

Why tay fair-trade clothes? * The d e sig n er s are b e in g paid a fair salary. * C otton is grow n on fair-trade farms. * You can b u y beau tifu l c lo th e s and h elp p eop le in poorer countries. * Fair-trade w orkers are ta u g h t to sew .


[jtjD 2.01 Listen again and match 1-6 to a - f Then use the information to make sentences in the passive. 1 The cotton in the wom an's dress 2 On fair-trade farms, the people 3 The cloth 4

Fair-trade clothes

5 W h en M ahesh w as eight years old, 6 Mahesh's life


a b c d e f

sell all over the world pay a d ecen t w ag e ch an g e by fair trade pay a low salary g row on fair-trade farms cu t and sew into a lovely dress

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Make a list of the items below. Then discuss questions 1-4. on e item o f your clothing

a food product that you often eat ■ on e o f your possessions

1 W h ere w as each thing produced? 2

H o w d o you think it was m ade?

3 W h ere w as it sold? 4

Is it a fair-trade product?

DVD extra


Paying the price


6 C ■ L is t e n in g , s p e a k i n g a n d v o c a b u l a r y 1

H o w t o s p e n d it ?

2.02 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Then listen to part one of a radio programme and compare your ideas. 1 H o w m uch m on ey does the average teen ag er in the UK spend per year?

2 W h ere d o th ey get their m on ey from ? 3 W h at do teenagers in the UK spend their m oney on? 4 Do boys and girls spend their m oney in different ways?

5 Do teenagers in the UK like buying big nam e brands? 2

SPEAKING Work in small groups. Discuss the questions. 1 Do an y of the facts from the radio program m e surprise you? 2 Do you think teenagers in the UK spend more per year than teenagers in your country?

3 Do you think boys and girls in your country are different in h o w th ey spend m oney? 4 W h ich brands are popular w ith teenagers in your country? STRATEGY

Listening for specific information Before listening: 1 Think about the typ e of information that you need. Is it a date, an am ount, a m easurement, a time, a place, a specific part of speech (noun / verb / adjective / adverb / preposition)?

2 Try to predict the information you will need to com plete the gaps. While listening: 3 Listen for words or phrases that indicate that im portant information is com ing, for example: tell us a b o u t . . . .


an interesting fact i s . . . .

Read the strategy. Then read the notes about teenage spending. What information do you think you will need for each gap in the notes?



Listen to part two of the radio interview and complete the notes.

How do te e n a g e rs Spend t h e ir m oney? 1 Onlioe. vs high stre e t Shopping online is 1 Pfeople Spend 2

popular. times wore oo the high s tre e t thao online.

2 Payment Teenagers in the U K Must be 3 use 4 I

years old to

credit cards o r 5

W hat do they buy? U k teenagers sp&rA More, on 6 Over 7


than other

o f Ifr-IB-yc&r-olds have a 8

h o n 't often 9 - usually scod texts, check email, post and browse online. Lpcod 10

per year on train ers.

5 5^1 2.03 Listen to part two of the radio programme again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones. 1 Nina spends a lot o f m oney on fashion and make-up. 2 Nina doesn't think teens are influenced by advertising. 3 Nina buys online and in shops. 4 Cindy says that most people shop online.

5 British teens spend a lot of m on ey on music. 6 Julian only uses his phone to make calls.

7 Julian doesn't spend m uch m on ey on clothes. 72

Paying the price

a credit card.


6C Describing amounts 6

Study the highlighted phrases in sentences 1-8 from the recording. Then put them into the correct part of the table. 1 Teenagers spend an overw helm ing £2,000 per year 2

I spend a great part of my allow ance on clothes.

3 I get a m odest £5 a w eek pocket money. 4 Online shopping represents a tiny minority o f total sales. 5 I spend a significant am ount of m y m on ey on music downloads. 6 A large proportion of m y m on ey goes on m y mobile.

7 A vast majority, actually, a massive 8 0 % of 16- to 18-year-olds in the UK o w n a m obile phone. 8 The average UK teenager spends a w h o p p in g £250 per year on trainers.

Very small Small Very big Big 7

SPEAKING Work in small groups. Prepare a short survey on your classmates'spending habits. Use the questions below and add your own questions. Then present the results to the rest of the class. 1 W h ere d o you g et your m oney from?

2 W h at do you spend it on? 3 Do you buy things online or in high street shops?

Talking about photos 8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discuss the questions. 1 W h ich shops do you think look interesting / unusual / old-fashioned / expensive / boring? 2 W h at kinds o f peop le probably visit th e different shops?

3 W h ich o f the shops w ould you most / least like to visit? 9

2.04 Listen to Karen talking about the photos and answer the questions. 1 W h at does she think about each shop? 2 W h ere does she normally g o shopping?


3 W h e re w ould she like to g o shopping? 4 W h e re is she unlikely to g o shopping soon?

2.04 Listen again and complete the phrases in the box.

Expressing contrast Making contrasts between two points in the same sentence: ... shoppers have more c h o ice ,1

you have to decide ....

... it m ight be quite expensive,2

the other shops look cheaper.

3....................... the shop . . . , I prefer the shops in photo tw o because . . . .

Starting sentences or making a contrast with a sentence before: I shop in places like in the third p h o to ;4............, it's good to .... 5

, if I w ere buying a p re s en t . .. .

The shops in photo tw o look quite cheap. In contrast, the shop in photo on e looks expensive.

11 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Imagine it is your friend's birthday and you want to buy them some music. Look at the photos and select one place where you would buy the present. You have €25 to spend. Explain why you chose this place and why you rejected the other ones.

Paying the price


6D ■ Culture, vocabulary and grammar Traditional festivals 1

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Which of these festivals do you celebrate in your country? Which is your favourite and why? Christmas


H alloween

Valentine's Day

Mother's / Father's Day


Read the text and choose the best title for it. Give reasons for your answer. A B C D


Unwrapped: the origins o f popular traditions For sale: our traditions! Traditions today: will th ey survive? Big business: is it good for our traditions?

Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones. 1 A prisoner's letter m ay have started a tradition that has lasted for centuries. 2 In the past, people sent love letters, but not presents. 3 Advertisem ents for Valentine's Day gifts start appearing on 14 February. 4 The first people to celebrate the beginning of winter w ere American. 5 A British supermarket w anted to cop y the success of Am erican shops. 6 The supermarket advertising cam paign increased sales of H alloween products. 7 Christmas trees w ere first used in pagan celebrations.

4 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 W h ich o f th e traditions m entioned in the text are similar to those in your country? 2 Are there any other festivals that you celebrate in your cou n try? W h a t is their origin? 3 D o any o fth e m encourage people to spend a lot of m oney?

Trade Study the highlighted words in the text. Then complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. 1

are people w h o buy things and use services.

2 W h e n you make a .................. , you sell som ething for m ore m on ey than it cost you to make or buy it 3 W e call the pattern on a product t h e ................... 4 W h e n you

something, you make it

using machines. 5 A person or com pan y w h o sells goods to people in a shop is called a .................. 6 W e use the w o rd '.................. 't o describe com panies or events that m ake a profit.

7 All the businesses that produce goods and services of the same kind f o r m .................. 8 A a general change

or developm ent.


Paying the price

Big businesses know th at popular festivals are a great opportunity for making a profit. Some popular celebrations are promoted a ll over the world. Where do these 'global' celebrations come from and w hat do they mean to us today?

Valentine's Day Sixteen-year-old James has been shopping. He's had his hair cut, he's bought a card with a heart-shaped design and he's got some chocolates for his girlfriend. Today is 14 February or St Valentine's Day - a day when romance and love is celebrated around the world. Nobody knows exactly who St Valentine was, but according to the legend, he was killed by the Romans because he refused to give up his religion. Thousands of people were killed by the Romans, so why do we remember him more than others? The answer lies in the love letter he wrote to the jailer's daughter on the day of his death, 14 February 269 AD. He signed it, 'from your Valentine'. Whether this story is true or a myth, St Valentine's message of love has become the basis for a multimillion-dollar industry. Lovers originally celebrated this day by sending romantic messages to each other, but today, sending a card isn't enough. Businesses advertise flowers, perfume, jewellery and romantic dinners for two in the weeks before 14 February, and millions of gifts are manufactured. James may have only spent 12 euros on his chocolates, but globally, consumers spend 11 million 30 euros every year!

6D 6 Choose the correct answers.


1 Commercials / Consumers spend m ore at Christmas than at

'I'm wearing my costume from last year/ says 'trick or treater' Ellen McDonald. 'It was ripped,' so I got it repaired, but I've bought a new mask/ All over the country, people are spending millions of pounds on one of Britain's newest festivals - Halloween. The origins of modern-day Halloween can be found in an ancient Celtic celebration of Samhain or Summer's End, which marked the beginning of winter. The festival was very popular in Ireland and gradually became All Hallows Eve (the evening of the dead on 1st November). In the mid-19th century, Irish immigrants made the festival popular in America, helping it become the big commercial event we know as Halloween today. In Britain, Halloween was hardly celebrated until recently. Most people preferred Bonfire Night* on 5 November. However, one of Britain's biggest supermarkets realised that they could make a lot of money from the event. They decided to go into partnership with an American retailer and together they created a huge advertising campaign. The adverts showed American kids trick or treating and having fun at horror parties. They were a big success and sales of Halloween products rose dramatically. Today, Halloween is the third most popular festival in Britain, after Christmas and Easter.

2 The factory manufactures / advertises H allow een costumes.

any other tim e o f the year. Lots o f people from the tow n work there.

3 The music industry / retailer is very com petitive at Christmas. Lots of pop groups com pete to be num ber one.

4 The greetings card com p an y m ade a £50 million profit / trend last year 5 People aren't spending m uch this year, so m any consumers / retailers are going out o f business.

6 A pink heart surrounded by flowers is a very traditional trend / design for a Valentine's card. 7 People don't w an t to m ake m on ey from the Christmas party. It isn't a profit / commercial event.

8 Recently, there's been a trend / design in advertising to use shocking or surprising images.

have / get something done 7

Study the sentences from the text. When do we use h a v e / g e t s o m e th in g d o n e ?


He's had his haircut.

2 I g ot m y costum e repaired.

Reference and practice 6.2

W orkbook page 115

8 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the words in brackets. Carl is a m anager at Bluewater, on e o f the biggest shopping


centres in the UK. W e interview ed him a few weeks before

On 1 December in Trafalgar Square in London, hundreds of lights on a huge tree are lit. In high streets and homes across the world, lights on billions of other trees are lit by people, too. Christmas Day is not until 25 December, but in recent years, customers have started to shop weeks in advance. Because of this trend, people in the UK now start thinking of Christmas presents about eleven weeks before the day! The Christmas tree is often used in advertisements because it's the place where families gather and where presents are left. These decorated trees became popular in England in the mid-19th century, but they originally came from Germany. Other Christmas customs like gift-giving and feasts have their origins in pagan celebrations. Today, big brands have turned Christmas into a global event, and Christmas products and decorations are made and sold all over the world. In fact no other holiday has the same global influence. Why? Well, Christmas celebrates good will and generosity, and everyone likes to be generous, no matter what their culture or religious beliefs are.


* Bonfire Night = a night of fireworks to celebrate a historic event


Is everything prepared? Have you 1 (have / the decorations / put up)?


Yes, w e have. W e 2........................(h a v e / th e shopping centre / decorate) last weekend. There are 15,000 lights and th ey look fantastic.


And the Christmas tree? Have y o u 3 (have / it / deliver) yet?


W e4

(have / it / put up) yesterday,

and w e 5....................... (g e t/ th e lig h ts/sw itch on ) by Father Christmas tom orrow. Children can 6

(h a v e / th e ir p h o to / ta k e ) w ith

him afterwards.


And have y o u 7........................ (get / a carol con cert / organize) for this year?

Carl Yes, there'll be a fam ily concert this weekend. Interviewer Well, it sounds like Christmas has arrived! Carl That's true. W e 8 (have /lo ts of posters / put up) recently, advertising special offers, so everyone will be here.

9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Choose a situation from below and discuss what you will do or what you will need to have done. Use the dialogue in exercise 8 to help you. St Valentine's d ay ■ a holiday ■ decorating your bedroom a Christmas party

Vocabulary bank

Consum erism page 139

Paying the price


6 E ■ W riting A formal letter of complaint 1

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 Have you ever bought something and then returned it?

2 W h at was the problem ? 3 W h at happened w hen you returned the item? 4 Did you get your m oney back? 2



Study the letter extracts. Which are examples from informal letters and which are from formal letters? What features do they have that helped you to decide?

D ear M r Bridges I am writing to com plain about the

Hi Sam * M re a lly n o t happy a b o u t

The guy w h o came round to fix the T V was a nightmare!


T h e com puter w a s n o t rep aired properly a n d w e w ere very dissatisfied w ith th e a ttitu d e of th e technician.

H e cost loads, too - £50!



Furthermore, I was horrified to discover that

A fter try in g to tra n sfe r th e files, w h ich w as im p o ssib le, th e b a tte ry ra n o u t



My mum washed my favourite jean s and th ey shrank// dan you believe It?


I w o u ld e ith e r like to sp ea k to an a d v is o r

Anyway - give me a call and let me know what you think


I look forward to hearing from you.

Speak soon,

Yours sincerely,


James Peachey

STRATEGY Deciding on register: formal and informal When we write formal letters, we: 1 address the sender as M r / Mrs / M s + surnam e or Sir / M adam .

2 3 4

When we write informal letters, we: 7 address the sender by their first name. 8 often use the active form.

often write longer, m ore com plex sentences.

9 often w rite shorter, m ore sim ple sentences. 10 use contracted forms {I'm, He's, etc.).

use formal linking words, e.g. however,

11 use colloquial language.

furtherm ore, whereas.

12 use informal punctuation (exclamation marks,

often use th e passive form.

5 use full forms, e.g. 1am w ritin g . . . ,H e h a s n o t re p lie d .... 6 end the letter with Yours sincerely (if w e know the receiver's nam e) or Yours faithfully (if w e


13 can use idioms. 14 end the letter w ith informal phrases, e.g. Speak soon and our first name.

don’t kn ow the receiver's nam e) and our full name.

3 Read the strategy and check your answers in exercise 2. Then match 1-14 to letter extracts A-J. Sometimes more than one answer may be possible. 4

Read the letter of complaint A. Is it a formal or informal letter? Underline the parts of the letter that help you to decide.


Read the letter again andmatch descriptions 1-6 to the parts of the letter a - f. 1 w h at action is expected 2 a rem inder that a reply is expected 3 the date

4 details o f th e com plaint about the product 5 an outline of th e com plaint 6 details o f th e com plaint about the service

6 Read letter B. Underline the sentences where the writer has used the wrong register Then rewrite the sentences using the correct register.


Paying the price


25 April 2014 Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to complain about the Dubny MP3 player purchased from your online store last Thursday, 18 April. Although the player was charged for eight hours, as recommended in the instructions, the battery only lasted for half an hour. Furthermore, when the MP3 player was connected to my computer, it was impossible to transfer any audio files across onto the player. I am extremely disappointed with this purchase. It was an expensive item which was advertised as a high-quality product, but in fact, has failed to work properly. In addition, when l called your helpline last Saturday to complain about this item, the helpline advisor was extremely unhelpful and, what is more, didn't even seem to understand how to operate the MP3 player himself I would either like to speak to an advisor who can advise on how to operate the product properly or receive a full refund. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully,

Sava4 (ZfaaAdtrti,

Dear Mr Smithers,

Sarah Chisholm I’m writing to complain about the jeans that I bought from your store last week.

Addition and contrast 7

They were on special offer for £85, reduced from

Study the highlighted words and phrases in both letters. Then put them into the correct part of the table. Addition

£250 (which was a total bargain!!!) and they were advertised as 'designer’. Anyway, when I put the jeans on at home, I noticed that a button was


missing. To add to this, when I washed them, they shrank. I'm a small guy and I like my jeans to fit tightly. However, these are now really small © . While


Rewrite the sentences using the correct words or phrases in brackets.

I can understand that a button can fall off, I really don't understand how they could get so sm all!?!?

1 The helpline advisor didn't know h ow the product worked. He was very rude, (although / besides this)

Besides this, I actually don’t like them. I'm really not happy with the poor quality of these

2 The shop gives out a lot o f free samples. I never buy anything

jeans, which cost me soooo much money. Could I have my money back?

because everything is very expensive, (w hile / w h at is more)

3 W h e n you shop online, you can't touch the products. You can't I look forward to hearing from you.

try anything on. (in addition / however)

4 W h e n I received the dress it looked nothing like the photo on your

Speak soon,

website. It was com pletely the w rong size, (but / to add to this)

5 I enjoy shopping in your store. I will not be returning because the

Henry Fleder

sales assistants are very rude, (although / furthermore) 6 The technician explained h o w to co n n ect the laptop. He offered to send m e a manual, (h ow ever / w h at is more)

WRITING GUIDE ■ Task Write a letter of complaint about one of these problems: 1 You bought a laptop from a com puter shop. W h en you tried to use it, there w ere the following problems: ■ the battery did not last. ■ you could not transfer your old files on to your n ew laptop. ■ you did not like the attitude o f the telephone helpline advisor.

2 You ordered an expensive coat from an online clothes store last week. W h e n the coat w as delivered, you discovered that: ■ tw o buttons w ere missing. ■ it w as dirty inside. ■ the coat w as not the size that you had ordered.

■ Ideas Make notes about: ■ W h e th e r you have already contacted the store by phone or in person to com plain. If so, h o w did they respond? ■ W h a t you w an t the recipient o f your letter to do.

■ Plan Follow the plan: Paragraph 1: Explain briefly w h y you are complaining. Paragraph 2: G ive more details about the complaint. Paragraph 3: State clearly w h at you expect the store to do about it.

■ Write Write a formal letter of complaint. Use the paragraph plan to help you. ■ Check Check the following points: ■ Have you included all the information from your notes? ■ Have you used the correct register? ■ Have you checked grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation?

Paying the price


Vocabulary insight 6 Using a dictionary: collocations STRATEGY


make when you sell sth for more than it cost you:


Did you m a k e a p r o f i t o n your house when you sold it? * I'm hoping to sell my shares a t a p r o f i t . r«TiT3 loss

W h en you learn n ew vocabulary, it is useful to also learn the most com m on collocations of that word. Collocations are groups o f words w hich are usually used together.


com m on collocations o fa word. So m e entries also have lists o f collocations. Learning collocations will help you to

I c a m p a ig n 1/kaem'pein/ noun [C] 1 a plan to do a number of things in order to achieve a special aim:

develop your vocabulary and will make you sound more

to launch an advertising/election campaign* a cam-_ paign to reduce road accidents.


Read the strategy above. Study the dictionary entry for b u s in e s s . Then complete the collocations below.

ˈ£ s a m p le /'sa:mpl/ noun [C] 1 a small number or amount of sb/sth that is looked at, tested, examined, etc. to find out what the rest is like: The interviews were given to a r a n d o m s a m p l e of shoppers. * !o take a blood sample • a free sample of shampoo O look at

1 b u sin e ss /'biznas/ noun

►trade 1 [U] buying and selling as a w ay of earning money: She's planning to s e t u p i n b u s in e s s as a hair­

la u n c h 2 /b:ntj/ noun [C] 1 [usually sing] the act of launching a ship, spacecraft (= a vehicle that travels in space), new product, etc: The official launch date for our newest product is 10 May. 2 a large motorboat

Example sentences in a dictionary entry show the most


p r o fit 1 /'profit/ noun [C,U] the money that you

1 a ship

dresser • I'm going to g o i n t o b u s in e s s with my brother » They are very easy to d o b u s in e s s w it h . ►w o r k 2 [U] the work that you do as your job: The manager will be away o n b u s in e s s next week. * a business trip ►custom ers 5 [U] the number of customers that a person or company has had: Business has been good for the time of year ►co m pany 4 [C] a firm, a shop, a factory, etc. which produces or sells goods or provides a service: She aims to s t a r t a b u s in e s s other own. * Small businesses are finding it hard to survive at the moment.


/ a product of life / m a k e a ............................/

a b ig .............................. to 3 launch a .............................. / a n advertising .............................. / a n e le c tio n ...............................


a fre e ............................ / a ran d o m ............................ of

5 make a.

/at a

6 e a rn .............................. / c o s t ............................... / s a v e .............................. / m a k e ............................... / p o ck e t..............................

1 set u p ........... business 2 g o

4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the collocations in exercise 3.

3 d o b u sin e ss ........... 4 be a w a y

1 The com p an y decided t o ........................ the n ew


product before Christmas t o ........................ a bigger


Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the collocations in exercise 1.

profit. 2 A

sample of students took part in the


1 M y dad isn't at hom e at the m om ent - he's

3 The advertising

the co m p an y m ade a ........................ o f £100,000.

2 Ron has ju s t ....................... as an architect. 3 Our co m p an y

wasn't successful and

other com panies from

4 W h e n he left, it was a big

to the


all over the world.

5 The shop w as giving aw ay free

4 M y sister had quit her jo b in a big firm and

perfume, but nobody w as buying it because it

of her own. 5 Kath's decided to


with her sister and

........................ a lot of money. 6 She d o e sn 't........................ any m oney because she

invest som e m oney in it.

spends it all on bills, shopping and going out.


Study the dictionary entries for the words below. Then complete each line with one of the words. m oney




cam paign


7 Students from our school are helping ou t with the local e le c tio n ......................... 8 She buys second-hand products and then sells them at a .........................


m oney

/ W m / n o u n [U] the means of paying for sth or buying sth (= coins or notes): W ill y o u e a r n m o r e m o n e y in y o u r n e w j o b ? * T h e n e w r o a d w i l l c o s t a lo t o f m o n e y . » I f w e d o t h e w o r k o u r s e lv e s w e w ill sa v e m o n ey. • The g o ve rn m e n t m a k e a h u g e a m o u n t o f m o n e y o u t o f to b a c c o ta x . O

pocket money


note at pay O look at _____

loss /Ids/ noun 1 [C,U] (a) loss (of sth) the state of no longer having sth or not having as much as before; the act of losing sth: loss of biood/sleep

5 Which of the nouns in exercise 3 [m o n e y , lo ss, p ro fit, la u n c h , c a m p a ig n , s a m p le ) have the same verb forms? Use a dictionary to complete the collocations below with these verbs. Then write your own example sentences. 1 t o ........................ from som ething 2 to

som ething on to th e market

3 t o ........................ against or for som ething 4 t o ........................ som ething


Vocabulary insight 6

Dictionary entries from Oxford Wordpower Dictionary, 4th edition

Review 6 Vocabulary 1


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. display



prom ote




Right now, millions of jeans 1 (manufacture), and by the end of tomorrow, thousands 2 (sell). Every year, over 450 million pairs 3 (purchase) in the USA alone. Fashions come and go, but it seems jeans 4 (not forgot) anytime soon.

1 Toy co m p a n ie s ............adverts at small children. 2 Com panies ..........their brands on Facebook. 3 Shops

key products near the entrance.

4 Adverts

people to buy things th e y don't need.

5 He signed copies of his book at the

The first jeans 5 (produce) in the USA in the late 19in century. Denim cloth 6 (use) since at least the 17tn century. In the early 20th century, jeans 7 (see) mainly as cheap work clothes. In the 1950s, they 8 (buy) by rebellious teenagers and became cool. Now, jeans 9 (wear) by everyone, including the rich. It's hard to think of a celebrity who 10 (not photograph) in a pair of jeans.

6 Advertisers try t o with dishonest claims.

Marks 2


Match the words in A to the words in B to make compound nouns. Then complete the sentences. A



a g e n cy





marketing cam paign


im age

Complete the text with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

know ledge


samples Medicines aren’t 1


, like designer watches or

perfume, but they are a multi-million pound business. Each drug com pany has a 2

their products and developing th e ir3 Rather than having a large 4

Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning.


in charge of promoting

with 6

They'll sell more fair-trade clothes in the future. M ore fair-trade..................................................................

or reputation.

2 Factory workers aren't being paid enough.

in the media, agencies

M anufacturers..................................................................

often sell directly to doctors and they em ploy medical experts for th e ir5



.They try to persuade doctors

Fair-trade products are prom oted by celebrities. C elebrities.........................................................................

and presents. But is it ethical? 4


People have grow n coffee in Africa for centuries. C offee................................................................................


5 Today, most o f the world's coffee is produced in Brazil.


Today, Brazil.......................................................................

Complete the sentences with the words below. majority

m odest



6 People in Oxford in the UK started the charity'Oxfam'.


The charity'O xfam '...........................................................

w hopping

7 A century ago, m any factories w ere still em ploying

O ur c la ss Survey showed t h a t a large 1



A century ago, ch ild re n ...................................................

stu d e n ts have p a rt-tim e jo b s . M ost earn a 2...............

8 'Unfair trade' hasn't been stopped yet.

£10-20 a week, which is considered t o be ju s t enough. S tu d e n ts spend th e 3

W e ......................................................................................

o f th e ir income on



m usic, books and gam es (.around b0%)J and a 4


amounv on Socializing (up t o 35%). Only a 5 m /nonty o f stu d e n ts Spend money on cinema tic k e ts ,

Complete the sentences with the correct form of h a v e / g e t so m e th in g d o n e and the verbs.

however (Z%). One stu d e n t Said, ‘ cinem a tic k e ts c o s t a 6

08.50 each/ It 's to o expensive.'

cu t 1





Match definitions 1-6 to trade words a -f





I can't talk. I ........................ (have / m y photo)!

2 We



(get / the car) yesterday. It was very

dirty. 3 M y m um 4

1 to make som ething using machines


(h a v e / e y e s) tw ic e a year (not g et / m y com puter) yet. It still

doesn’t work.

2 a person or com pan y that sells som ething

5 T h e y ........................ (get / their house) pink last week.

3 co n n ected with buying or selling

6 I ........................ (not have / m y hair) w hen I'm older.

4 a person that buys som ething

G rey hair looks good!

5 a popular developm ent


6 m on ey from selling som ething for more than it cost

8 1

a profit b retailer

c consum er d com m ercial

e m anufacture f trend Marks 16

Right now, I

(h a v e / m y hair) short. (get / m y exam results) to m y home,

because I couldn't collect them from school.


Pronunciation insight 6 W orkbook page 126


Review 6 79

Cumulative review Units 1-6 Listening 1

You are going to listen to people talking in five different situations. Read the questions and answers a-c. For each question, decide if you need to listen for specific information (S) or general opinions and attitudes (G). 1 Listen to a store manager. In w h at w a y is he critical of teen age shoppers? a He doesn't think th ey spend enough, b He’s worried that th ey m ight steal, c

He thinks that th ey’re too noisy.

2 Listen to a radio caller. W h y has Paul phoned the radio station? a To com plain about the shopping centre, b To express support for the shopping centre, c

To offer suggestions for the shopping centre.

3 Listen to tw o friends. Katie borrowed an item of clothing from Josie. W h y is Katie apologizing? a

She dropped food on it.

b She tore it. c

She lost it.

4 Listen to an announcem ent. W h a t are shoppers unable to buy in-store today? a com p u ter gam es

b T-shirts



5 Listen to part o f a radio discussion. W h o does the w om an criticize for being lazy? a teenagers


b shoppers



2.05 Now listen to the five recordings. Choose the correct answers in exercise 1.

Speaking 3 Work in pairs. Describe each photo A, B and C and make comparisons. 4 Work in pairs. Imagine it is the last day of your holiday Decide where you are going to buy your souvenirs: place A, B or C. Give opinions and explain your reasons.

Reading 5 Complete the text A n ti-te e n d isc rim in a tio n ? with sentences A-H. A B C D

But their argum ent is factually incorrect. Its other, m ore im portant du ty is to report the truth. But this low figure is one which little interests the media. They frequently describe yo u n g people as being lazy, arrogant and stupid.

E Som e go further, and actively seek to restrict their behaviour.

F That question is even more ridiculous than the previous one.

G But sadly these aren't the only forms o f unfair treatm ent in society.

H It's so unpleasant, that most quickly m ove on!

Cumulative review Units 1-6

Literature insight 3 Workbook page 88

Grammar and vocabulary

A M I-T 1 IX


d is c r im in a t io n

Complete the text. Write one word in each gap.



While you've been looking at a book, newspaper or glossy Today, nearly everyone agrees that it is wrong to treat someone a shop, have you ever taken a photo

differently because of their race or background. 1

with your phone 2


that you could look

against teenagers is both widespread and largely ignored.

at it later? Perhaps you spotted someone with a stylish haircut, and

Journalists and news editors have given teenagers a very bad image.

thought 'I'd like to 3


Many also present teenagers as dangerous! One survey

think I'll show this to my hairdresser next week.' It seems an innocent

found that over 70% of news articles about young people were

enough action, but if you are caught, you might be asked to leave the

critical, and a third of these stories related to crimes

store. What is4

As a result, it's not surprising that many older people mistrust



my hair cut like that. I

, you might even be arrested the police!

'Digital shoplifting' is a crime, although it's one that few people

For instance, retailers may put up notices saying

'maximum of two students permitted at any one time.' If they wrote

realize they're committing. Officially, you 6

'pensioners' or 'women' instead, they'd be asked to remove the signs

always get permission before sharing other people's photos That's the


law. But how many of us ever get round 7

To justify their actions, shop owners claim that teenagers are more likely to shoplift. 4

In reality, around three quarters of

shoplifters are adults. Should we ban over-eighteen-year-olds from stores instead?

doing that? Many







8.................................... 'digital shoplifting', because they believe it's cheating them out of valuable sales. 9 you go on to buy the publication you've photographed, they won't

In some countries, shops and businesses are allowed to use 'mosquitos'

make any profit. Unfortunately, most of us tend to leave it on the shelf

in front of their buildings These are small, electronic gadgets which

So, be careful the next time you think about using your cameraphone

make a high sound that only young people can hear.5


of the mosquito claim that it reduces anti-social behavior. But why

in a bookshop or newsagent's. You can never tell - someone 10

be watching you ...

shouldn't teenagers be allowed to talk to their friends? We shouldn't punish people for crimes they haven't committed! In reality, only around 10-20% of crimes are committed by young offenders. 6

Why? Perhaps it's because editors have other

numbers to think of, such as profit margins Bad news sells. Headlines like 'over 40% of teenagers support charities' simply aren't as exciting I On the other hand, the media is not just a commercial interest. 7

Journalists need to raise awareness of different aspects of

teenagers' lives - and politicians, businesses, teachers and parents need to listen. Are all blue-eyed people the same? Of course not. If 10% of blue-eyed people break the law, then should we stop trusting everyone with blue eyes?8

So why do we assume that all young people are 'bad',

just because a few misbehave? It's time to start treating teenagers the way they deserve. Not as a 'problem' group, but as individuals.

Writing Your town council is planning to install 'mosquito' devices in the main shopping district. They hope that this will stop groups of teenagers hanging out around shops and other buildings. Write a letter to a local newspaper expressing your views. Think about: current concerns about crim e and safety, possible effects of installing the devices (for retailers and teenagers). possible alternatives to installing the device, w hat you think should happen next.

Exam insight 3 Workbook page 98

Cumulative review Units 1-6 81

The senses Reading and vo cab u lary Taste SPEAKING Look at the photos. What are the people doing? Which senses are they using? Which sense do you think is the most important?


2 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Read the statements and decide which ones are true. Then read the text and check your answers.

A question of taste

1 O u r taste buds are fully developed w h e n w e are born. 2 W e can only identify four tastes. 3 Boys like different flavours from girls. 4 Our noses can smell 10,000 different scents. 5 W h e n hot food gets colder, it tastes better. 6 The look and feel o f food can m ake us like it more or less.

STRATEGY Understanding the purpose o fa paragraph Each paragraph in a text usually deals with a different aspect of the topic. The first paragraph norm ally introduces the general topic or explains the purpose o f the text. The other paragraphs d evelop the topic and give more information. The final paragraph gives a sum m ary or a conclusion.


Read the strategy. Then match paragraphs A-F in the text to purposes 1-6. 1 It provides further information about the four tastes. 2 It explains th e connection betw een smell and taste. 3 It briefly summarizes th e argum ent o f the text. 4 It explains th e connection betw een texture and taste. 5 It states the topic o f the text and gives some background information. 6 It explains h o w our m ouths work.

4 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 W h y d o som e young people not like vegetables? 2 W h e re does our love of sw eet things originate from ? 3 W h y does cooked food not taste so good w hen it is cold? 4 H o w are smell and taste con n ected ? 5 H o w does saliva help w h e n w e eat?


T h e se n se s

They're often green, they can be crunchy, soft, cooked or raw and food experts insist they're highly beneficial to your health. What are they? Vegetables. If you're not entirely convinced by what they say, don't worry. There's a good reason for this: according to scientists, young people's taste buds, the small points on your tongue that detect the taste of food, are not ready for the bitter taste of some vegetables. Our taste buds develop as we get older meaning that we might view cabbage and spinach more favourably, but young people's mouths prefer sweet food. In fact, it's not just young people that like sweet-tasting food. Most of us do, just like our prehistoric ancestors.They ate a lot of sweet fruit because it was widely available and easy to notice on trees and bushes, and it was a good source of energy. They also realized that they had to be exceptionally careful with plants that had a bitter taste, since they were often poisonous. So, apart from bitter and sweet, what other tastes can we detect? You might be surprised to learn that our taste buds can only distinguish two more: salty and sour. When we reach our early teens, we start to prefer sour things to sweet things. However recent studies have shown that girls and boys experience taste in different ways. Girls have more sensitive taste buds and can differentiate flavours more easily, especially sweet and sour while boys prefer stronger more extreme flavours. For everyone, though, food has to be wet for it to be tasty. When we smell food, our mouths produce saliva and when we eat it, the saliva transports its taste to our taste buds. Without saliva, some food would have Vocabulary: perception and observation: adverb-adjective collocations; noun suffixes: ition, -sion; approximations and fractions Gram m ar: reported statements, questions and commands

Speaking: discussing the role of the senses; interviewing; complaining and asking people to do things W riting: a report on survey findings


insight Perception and observation 5 Study the highlighted verbs in the text. Match them to definitions 1-7. 1

notice or discover som ething that can be difficult to see or feel

2 think about som ething carefully before making a decision

3 see, hear or recognize w ith effort 4

becom e aw are o f som ething

5 think about som ething in a particular w ay 6 see how things are different

7 know or understand som ething that is true

6 Choose the correct answers. 1 I couldn't detect / distinguish the writing on the board because it was too far away.

no taste at all. If you dry your tongue with a cloth and then put some food on it, you'll find it fairly tasteless. Fortunately, our mouths produce enough saliva every year to fill a bath, so it's unlikely this will ever happen! We don't just taste with our mouths, we also use our noses! Our nose can detect 10.000 different smells and when food is cooked, it produces aromas that make us hungry. When we put food in our mouths, our taste buds and noses work together to decide what flavour the food has. Have you ever noticed that food which has been cooked doesn't taste as good when it goes cold? When the cooking smells disappears, so does some of the taste. You can do a simple experiment to test this. Close your eyes and pinch your nose between your fingers.Then ask someone to put a small piece of food in your mouth and try to identify it. Without any smell to help you, it's somewhat difficult! Finally, the texture of food on our tongue is also important in our perception of its taste. Some people consider slimy, lumpy, thick or creamy foods utterly repulsive, however it tastes.This is because our brain perceives the look or feel of something and sends a message to our tongue telling it not to like that food. So. if you really don't like the look, feel or taste of those vegetables on your plate, you can now claim that there is a universally accepted scientific explanation for this. However, don't tell your parents everything that you have read in this article because they might tell you to hold your nose and dry your tongue before serving you a big plate of vegetables!

2 A lot o f peop le consider / differentiate fresh vegetables healthier than frozen ones, but scientists say that there is no difference in nutrition b etw een th e two.

3 A two-week old baby can differentiate / realize b etw een sweet, sour and bitter tastes, but they can't

view / detect th e taste of salt until th ey reach four months. 4

He on ly considered / noticed that the soup w as very hot, once he had a spoonful in his mouth. It's also then that he distinguished / realized that it w as too thick and lumpy.

5 M any parents view / detect marketing junk food to children as unethical and feel it shouldn't be allowed.

nsight Adverb-adjective collocations 7

Study the underlined collocations in the text. Then replace the words in italics with the collocations. 1

Processed foods are m ore possible to get in supermarkets n o w than th ey w ere tw en ty years ago.

2 It's n o t very easy to taste food if you can’t smell it. 3 You must be full o f extrem e care w h e n you eat wild m ushrooms because th ey m ight be poisonous.

4 A lot of food can be w ithout m uch taste w ithout salt. 5 Five portions of fruit and vegetables a d ay are very g o od for y o u for your health. 6 The connection b etw een sw eet things and obesity is

generally believed. 7 Som e people find the taste o f raw fish very unpleasant.

8 A lot o f teenagers are not com pletely certain that eating vegetables is goo d for you.


SPEAKING Work in groups. Discuss the statements. 1 Teenagers dislike most vegetables. 2 Cooked food always tastes better than raw food.

3 Parents should force children to eat healthy food they do not like.

Vocabulary bank

Food texture page 140

The senses


7 B ■ G ram m ar and listening Beyond hum an senses

SPEAKING Look at the photos. What do these dogs have in common? What senses are they using? 2.06

Listen to a radio news report. What happened? How many people are missing?

Read the newspaper article about the avalanche. What happened to Charles Grimaldi?

Dogs to the rescue ■ B y Paul Wittens

Charles G rim aldi, the experienced ski instructor w ho spent an hour buried under tons o f snow after this m orning's avalanche, is recovering from his injuries at the Sainte Pauline hospital. H e spoke to m e from his hospital bed earlier and said that he w as still feeling very w eak and couldn't stand up on his ow n. H e told m e that he had w orked as an instructor on those slopes for 15 years. H e pointed out th at he'd set o u t because the w eather reports h a d n 't show n any indication of avalanches and explained that the w eather had been good on the m ountain. However, w hile he w as w aiting for his group to arrive, he heard a loud rum bling noise

and saw a wall of snow heading tow ards him. W ithin seconds he w as blinded and everything turned white. Then, there w as a deafening silence. He adm itted that w ith tem peratures well below freezing, he had soon started to panic and added that he had begun to lose the feeling in his arm s and legs. After w hat seem ed like hours, he heard barking and realized that the specially-trained m ountain rescue dogs had found him using their incredible sense of smell. Charles prom ised that he w ould thank the dogs and their handler in person as soon as he w as well enough to leave hospital and he agreed that he w as a very lucky man.

Reported speech 4

Read the sentences. Underline the parts of the text that match them. 1 'I'm a very lucky man.’ 2 I'm still feeling very weak.'

3 T h e w eather w as good on the mountain.' 4 'I've w orked as an instructor on these slopes for 15 years.' 5 'The w eather reports hadn't shown any indication o f avalanches.' 6 'I can't stand up on m y own.'

7 Til thank the dogs and their handler in person.' 5

Compare the sentences in exercise 4 with the parts of the text that you underlined. Then complete the table. Direct speech 1 present simple 2 present continuous 3 past simple 4 present perfect 5 past perfect 6 can 7 will

84 The senses

Reported speech

7B W h e n you ch an g e direct speech to reported speech, rem em ber to also change:

1 pronouns: /- h e / she-, w e - th e y , etc. 2 possessive adjectives: m y - h is / h e r, o u r - th eir, etc. 3 tim e expressions: t o d a y - th a t d a y ; la s t w e e k - th e w e e k b e fo re ; y e s te r d a y

- th e d a y b e fo re ;

t o m o r r o w - th e n e x t d a y , etc.


h e re - th e re ; th is


th a t; th e s e - th o se

Reference and practice 7.1

W orkbook page 116


Find more sentences in reported speech in the newspaper article. What reporting verbs are used in the article?


Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. 1 'Today has been the worst d ay of m y life,'admitted Ella.

2 3 4 5

T h e rescue dogs live here in the winter,'said the rescue team leader. 1 spent an hour buried under the snow yesterday,'Gunter told us. 'I can't feel m y fingers or m y toes,’G unter added. 'We'll find your brother,'the rescue team promised.

6 'We're waiting for the rescue dogs to arrive,'explained th e search leader.

7 'W e had a lucky escape today,’the cou p le agreed. 8 'Before th e avalanche began, w e heard a rum bling noise.'the skiers pointed out.

8 Complete the newspaper article with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Dolphins save surfer from shark attack B y Emma W ilson

N e w Z e a la n d teenager, D an Sibley, ow es his life to a g ro u p o f d o lp h in s a fte r being attack ed by a sh ark . H e explained th a t he 1 (be) still v ery shocked a n d th a t he 2 (can't) believe th at he3 (survive). H e sa id th a t h e 4 (be) in th e w a te r for o n ly a few m in u tes w hen so m e th in g 5 (hit) his board. T hen, he 6 (notice) a h u g e shark. H ow ever, a g ro u p o f d o lp h in s h a d sen sed th e d a n g e r a n d com e to his rescue. D an ex p lain ed th a t th ey 7....................................... (stay) w ith him u n til th ey w ere su re h e w as safe. D an a d d e d th a t h e 8 (have) a n asty w o u n d on his a rm a n d th at his back 9 (is) still v e ry painful, b u t th a t he 10 (get) b e tte r


W h en I interv iew ed him , he said th a t the in cid e n t 11 (not stop) him from su rfin g a n d th a t he 12 (plan) his next s u rf trip - a lth o u g h he a d m itte d th a t his p a re n ts 13 (not like) th a t idea.

SPEAKING Work in pairs, A and B. Student A is Dan Sibley and Student B a news reporter. Interview Dan about the incident. Use the article in exercise 8 to help you.

DVD extra

The Blue Cross

The senses


7 C ■ Listening, speaking and vocabulary D on't shout, I can see! 2.07 SPEAKING Discuss the questions. Then listen to the first part of a radio interview with two teenagers with hearing and sight impairments and compare your ideas. 1 W h at do you think blind people can see? 2 W h a t d o you think deaf people can hear? 2

2.08 Listen to the rest of the interview. Are the sentences true (T), false (F) or not given (NG)? 1 People don't treat Emily an y differently w hen th ey discover she's deaf. 2 Nick com plains that people in the street never help him.

3 Em ily often has to remind teachers to face her w hen th ey speak. 4 Em ily doesn’t like being in a large group of people. 5 Blind people are often goo d linguists. 6 Music is not an im portant part o f Emily's life.

7 Nick enjoys spending tim e outside. 8 Em ily finds being in a laboratory relaxing.

insight Noun suffixes: -tio n , -sion 3

Read the sentences. Who said them, Emily (E) or Nick (N)? What are the verb forms of the highlighted words? Complete rules a-d about forming nouns. 1 2 3 4

I've had similar reactions. Most deaf people can hear som ething, depending on the situation. I can interpret their feelings from their facial expressions. I haven't m ade a decision about m y future yet.

With some verbs that end in: a b c d

-t, a d d ................... -e, rem ove t h e .................. and a d d .................... -ss, a d d ...................

-d or -de, rem ove th e

o r .................. and add.

Complete the text with the correct forms of the words below. Decide if you need a verb or a noun. There are two words that you do not need. conclude






decid e


The Deaf Youth Orchestra N ex t w eek sees the start o f the D e a f Youth Orchestra's to u r The orchestra helps to em pow er deaf teenagers and allows them to 1

themselves through music. I met Sophie W ilson,

one o f the musicians in the orchestra. She is a talented sixteen-year-old and is almost completely deaf. She explained that people's 2

are ve ry different when she tells them she plays in a

deaf orchestra, but most are ve ry surprised. She started to learn the piano at the age o f five and realized that she could feel the 3.................. o f the notes in her arms and could sense the difference between them. She told me that joining the orchestra had been the b e s t4................. o f her life. I

saw the orchestra rehearsing and it w as an amazing sight to see the conductor using sign language

to communicate with the musicians. I saw the orchestra rehearsing the piece that Sophie will play as the 5................. o f their concert. It was amazing, so don’t miss the opportunity to see them in action.They’re sure to leave a lasting 6



SPEAKING Discuss the questions. 1 Do you kn ow anyone with a hearing or sight im pairm ent? If so, are their experiences similar to Nick's and Emily's? 2 W h at have you learned from listening to Nick and Em ily? Did anything surprise you?

3 W h ich do you think is your strongest sense and w hich is your weakest? G ive reasons for your answers.

86 The senses

7C Complaining and asking people to do things 6

Read complaints 1-5. Where do you think each situation is taking place? In which situation would you complain? Match responses a-e to the complaints. 1 T h e people behind m e are talking all the time and making a lot o f noise.' 2 'It's so loud. I can hear every single thing they're saying and I'm trying to g et som e sleep.'

3 Tve been waiting here for nearly an hour.' 4 T h e chips are cold and som e of them are burned.' 5 'I can't read your handwriting on the board.' a 1 don't think he will be m uch longer.'


'OK, let m e ch an g e this for you.'

c 'Sorry, I'll turn it down.' d I'll speak to them and see w h at I can do.’ e I'm so sorry. I’ll make it bigger' 2.09 Listen to dialogues A-C and match them to one of the situations 1-5 in exercise 6. Then answer the questions. In which dialogue A, B or C: 1 can the person not w ait long? 2 does th e person g et a replacem ent?

3 is the person not able to hear the com plaint? 4 does th e person not know if the situation will be fixed? 5 does th e person repeat th e com plaint? 6 does th e person not receive an apology?



2.09 Complete the phrases in the table. Then listen to the dialogues again and check.


Asking people to do things


4 .......................possibly ... ?

........... to bother you, b u t . . . .

2........................ there's a slight problem.

Do y o u 5........................ (it -ing ) ... ?

3........................ me, I've been waiting

W ould y o u 6........................ (+ -ing ) ... ?

I'm really not happy a b o u t ....

7....................... you ... ?

I'm not satisfied w ith ....

I w o n d e r if you could ... ?

2.10 Put the dialogue in the correct order. Listen and check. Then underline two more ways of making complaints and asking people to do things. Hannah

Well, I'd be grateful if you could tell them to leave if they don't stop. I can't w atch the film and I paid £6.40 for m y ticket.

Hannah Manager Manager Manager Manager

OK. That sounds good. W h e re are they sitting and what's th e problem ? Oh, dear. HI go and speak to them. Yes, can I help you? I'm sorry. C om e and show me w h o th ey are and I'll speak to them and see w h at I can do.


I'm sitting in row E and the peop le behind me are talking all the tim e and making a lot o f noise.


I’d like to make a com plaint about the people sitting near me.

10 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Choose one of the situations below and prepare a dialogue. 1 The classroom next door is really noisy. You are taking a test.

2 You and your friends have been overcharged in a pizzeria. 3 You bought a n e w phone and it's not w orking properly. Take it back to the shop. 4 You are at a concert and som e people are jum ping up and d o w n in front o f you. You can't see anything.

The senses


7D ■ Culture, vocabulary and grammar A W alk in th e W oods 1

SPEAKING Discuss the questions. 1 Have you ever been cam ping or slept

Bill Bryson is a famous American author. H e has w ritten books about life in the UK, the USA and Australia. This extract is from A W a lk in th e W o o d s and describes Bill’s adventures w ith hts m en Stephen Katz w hen they hiked along the Appalachian Trail. The trail is 3,540 km long aild Stret^ along the east coast o f the USA, passing through some o f the most beautiful landscapes m the country.

outdoors? If so, w here did you g o ? W h o did you go w ith? 2 W h at noises can you hear w h e n you are outdoors? 3 W h a t kinds of smells d o you notice?


Look at the cover of A W alk in th e W ood s. What do you think the book is about? Read the information about it and compare your ideas.


Read the extract from A W alk in th e W ood s. Then answer the questions. 1 W h at happened to Bill and Stephen? 2 H o w w ou ld you react if there was a wild

extract, Bill describes w hat happene strange noises outside his tent one night.

animal outside your tent? W o uld you be m ore like Bill or more like Stephen? 3 W o uld you like to read the rest of A Walk in the

W oods ? W h y / w h y not? 4 W h at d o you think happened next? S ig h t a n d so u n d

Study the highlighted words in the book extract. Which words are connected to sight and which to sound? Match them to definitions 1-6. 1 to look at som ebody or som ething for a long time 2 to look closely or carefully at som ething w hen you can't see it clearly 3 to speak very quietly 4 to op en and shut your eyes ve ry quickly 5 to breathe noisily w hile you are asleep 6 to breathe noisily w h e n smelling som ething (usually in relation to animals)


Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in exercise 4. Last summer, I went camping with my friend Elka. O ne evening, after a long day's walk, Elka was so exhausted that she fell asleep straight away and started 1 very loudly as I was trying to cook dinner! She could sleep through anything. Later, after I'd eaten and gone to sleep, a strange noise outside woke me up. Som ething that sounded like an animal


noisily around our tent. 13


to Elka, but she carried on sleeping, so I pushed her hard. She sat up and ju s t 4 never seen me before. Then she 5

at me as if she'd her eyes

a few tim es and went back to sleep. I opened the front of our tent and 6 out. Imagine my horror when I saw a huge black bull calmly eating the grass in front of our tent. He looked at me, as if to say, 'H ow dare you disturb my m eal!' Then, he turned around slowly and wandered off to the grass in front of the next tent.

88 The senses

It was perfect sleeping w eather, cool eno u g h to n eed a bag, b u t w arm en o u g h to sleep in yo u r underw ear, and I was looking forw ard to having a long n ig h t’s rest, w hich is w hat I was d o in g w h en , at som e point during the night, I heard a sound nearby that m ade m y eyes fly open. N orm ally, I slept through everything — th ro u g h th u n d ersto rm s, and th ro u g h K atz’s snoring, so som ething big eno u g h to w ake m e was u n u su al.T h e re was a sound o f u n d erg ro w th being disturbed - a click o f breaking branches, a w eighty pushing th ro u g h low foliage - and th en a kind o f large, vaguely irritable snuffling noise. Bear! I sat b o lt u p rig h t. Instantly, every neuron in m y brain was aw ake and dashing around frantically, like ants w h en you disturb their nest. I reach instinctively for m y knife, then realized I had left it in m y pack, ju s t outside the tent. (...) T h e re was an o th er noise, quite near. ‘S tephen, you awake?’ I w hispered. ‘Yup,’ he replied in a w eary but norm al voice. ‘W h a t was that?’ ‘H ow should I know ?’ ‘It sounded big.’ ‘E verything sounds big in the w oods.’ T his was true. (...) I shuffled o n my knees to the fo o t o f the ten t, cautiously unzipped the m esh and peered out, b u t it was p itch black. (...) Carefully, very carefully, 1 clim bed from the te n t and p u t o n th e torch. S om ething about 15 or 20 feet away looked up at me. I co u ld n ’t sec anything at all o f its shape or size - only tw o shining eyes. It w ent silent, w h atev er it was, and stared back at me.

7D ‘S te p h e n / I w hispered at his ten t, ‘did you pack a knife?’ ‘N o.’ ‘H ave you g o t anything sharp at all?’ H e th o u g h t for a m o m en t. ‘N ail clippers.’ (...)

I nervously th rew a stick at th e anim al, and it d id n ’t m ove, w h atev er it was. A d eer w ould have bo lted . T his thin g ju s t blinked once and kept staring. I rep o rted this to K atz. ‘Probably a buck. T h e y ’re n o t that timid. Try sh o u tin g at it.’ I cautiously sho u ted at it: ‘Hey! You there!’ T h e creature blinked again, singularly unm oved. ‘You shout,’ I said. ‘O h , you b ru te, go away!’ K atz shouted in m erciless im itation. (...) I p eered and peered , b u t I co u ld n ’t sec anything b u t those tw o w id e-set eyes staring from th e n ear distance like eyes in a cartoon. (...) ‘W h a t are you doing, Bryson? Ju st leave it alone and it will go away.’ ‘H o w can you b e so calm ?’ ‘W h a t do you w an t m e to do? You’re hysterical en o u g h for b o th o f us. (...) ‘W ell, I’m going back to sleep/ Katz announced. ‘W h a t are you talking about? You c a n ’t go to sleep.’ ‘Sure I can. I’ve d o n e it lots o f times.’T h ere was th e sound o f him rolling over and a series o f snuffling noises, n o t unlike those o f th e creature outside. ‘S tephen, you can ’t go to sleep/ I ordered. B ut he could and he did, w ith am azing rapidity. T h e creature - creatures, now - resum ed d rinking w ith heavy lapping noises. I co u ld n ’t find any replacem ent batteries, so 1 flung the to rch aside and p u t m y m in er’s lam p on my head, m ade sure it w orked, th en sw itched it off. T h en I sat for ages o n m y knees, facing the front o f th e ten t, listening keenly, g ripping m y w alking stick like a club, ready to beat back an attack, and w ith m y knife open and at hand as a last line o f defence. T h e bears - animals, w hatever they w ere — drank for perhaps tw en ty m inutes m ore, then quietly departed th e way they had com e. It was a joyous m o m en t - b u t I kn ew from my reading th at they w ould be likely to retu rn . 1 listened and listened, b u t th e forest returned to silence and stayed there.

Reported questions and commands 6 Which sentences 1-5 are reported questions and which are reported commands? Underline the parts of the text that match them. 1

Bill asked Stephen w h eth er he had packed a knife.


Bill asked Stephen if he had anything sharp at all.

3 Stephen told the bear to g o away. 4 Stephen told Bill to just leave it alone. 5 Bill asked Stephen h o w he could be so calm. 7

Choose the correct answers in rules 1-3. Then find more questions and commands in the text and rewrite them as reported questions and commands. 1 W h e n w e report yes / no questions, w e use if or th a t/

w hether. 2

In reported questions, the subject com es before / after the verb.

3 W h e n w e report com m ands, w e use reporting verb + o b je ct / sub ject it to + infinitive.

4 W h e n w e report negative com m ands, w e use verb + object + n o t + t o + infinitive.

Reference and practice 7.2

W orkbook page 117

8 You are going on a night hike with your teacher. Report the teacher's questions and commands. 1 'Is anyone really frightened o f the dark?' 2 'W h a t sights and sounds do you think you'll see?' 3 'Put your torches away. You don't need them.' 4 'Don't speak or whisper because you'll frighten the wildlife.'

5 'Go to your tents w hen I ask you to.' 6 'Don't w ander off alone.'

7 'Does anyone recognize the smell? It’s a fox.' 8 'Did you hear the ow l hooting?'

9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Imagine you are walking in the woods with a friend. Prepare a dialogue that you have with your friend. Include statements, questions and commands. Talk about: the noises, the smells, how you feel, what you decide to do. Then report your conversation to another pair.

Vocabulary bank

W ays o f speaking page 140

The senses


7 E ■ W riting A rep ort on su rvey findings 1 SPEAKING Are there any problems with noise at your school? Do the survey in pairs. Compare your results with another pair.

Noise at school


1 Do you like the sound of the school bell?


2 Is the canteen too noisy?


3 Should there be a separate quiet room for eating?


4 Would you like to have background music in the library?


5 Can you always hear what your teacher is saying in class?


6 Does the noise from the playground and sports fields distract you during lessons?


Read the report and put paragraphs A-E in the correct order. Are the findings similar or different to your answers to the survey in exercise 1?

An analysis of noise at school A ................... Moving on to the second question about the noise in the canteen, well over a quarter of the students thought it was too noisy and would like a separate quiet room. However, just over half of the students said they didn't mind the noise. The other students had no strong feelings on the matter. With regard to music or silence in the library, well under half of the students said they would prefer background music in the library, while approximately a third of students said they preferred to work in silence. The remaining students expressed no opinion at all on this question. B ................... In conclusion, it appears that there are some noise issues in the school. Most students complain about the sound of the school bell and I therefore recommend that the school should change it. Additionally, it is not clear whether students would prefer to have background music in the library, so I suggest we try it out for a period of one month. C ................... The purpose of this report is to present the findings of a survey into students' views on noise in school due to recent complaints from some students. The survey was conducted among sixty students in Years 10 and 11. D ................... Regarding noise in the classroom, just under three quarters of students agreed that they had no problems hearing what their teacher was saying, while about a quarter of students admitted that they would prefer their teacher to use a microphone. Turning to the final question, well over three quarters of the students replied that they were not distracted by noise from the playground and sports fields, but just under 20% of the students said it did bother them. E As far as the first question about the sound of the school bell is concerned, nearly all the students said they disliked the loud ring and would prefer a different noise. Some of them said that they would like popular mobile phone ringtones instead of a bell. Only two students said they didn't notice the bell.

3 Match headings 1-6 to paragraphs A-E. There is one heading that you do not need. The aim o f the report

4 5

Noise in the playground

6 Noise during lessons

1 Noise inside the school

2 3 90 The senses

Conclusion and recom m endations The bell


Making your writing flow When you write a report, use phrases to make your report flow smoothly and to make it easier for the reader to follow your points. The most common phrases used in reports are: A s far a s . . . is concerned , .... As f o r . . . . R eg a rd in g . . . . ■ M oving o n t o . . . .


Read the strategy. Find more phrases that make your writing flow smoothly in the model report. Approximations and fractions

5 Study the highlighted words in the report. Match them to meanings and percentages 1-9. 1 a bit more than

6 31%

2 a bit less than

7 74% 8 8 l% 9 99%

3 a lot m ore than 4 a lot less than 5 24% 6

Study the information in the pie chart. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.

Year 9 taste preferences

1 Just under half of students in Year 9 like sweet things.

2 Just over a third of the students like the taste of spicy food.

3 Well over half o f students like sour tastes.

4 Around a third o f the students like the taste o f sw eet things.

5 Alm ost everyone likes the taste of bitter food. 6 Approxim ately a quarter of the students enjoy salty tastes.

salty: 24%


sweet: 3 0 %

bitter: 1%

sour: 10% ■

spicy: 35%

WRITING GUIDE Task Do a survey and write a report on the findings.

■ Write Write a report on your survey results.

Ideas Think about your survey:

■ Check Check the following points:

1 D ecide w h at your survey will be about. Use the ideas below or your o w n ideas. ■ food and tastes people like / d o not like ■ music and sounds people like / do not like 2 M ake notes about:

■ Have you explained the purpose of the survey? ■ Have you grouped similar ideas in the same paragraph? ■ Have you used a variety o f phrases to help your writing flow?

■ w h o the survey is aim ed at.

■ Have you used approximations and fractions?

■ w hat you w an t to find out by doing the survey.

■ Have you written a conclusion and m ade a

■ the num ber and typ e of questions you w an t to ask.

recom m endation? ■ Have you checked grammar, vocabulary, spelling and

Plan Follow the plan:


1 Prepare your survey. 2 Do your survey. 3 Collect and analyze the results.

4 W rite your report.

The senses


Vocabulary insight 7 Using a dictionary: homonyms and homophones 3 The notice on the door said that the restaurant had


been closed.


a to see and becom e conscious o f som ething

Hom onym s are words that have the same spelling and

b a piece of paper or a sign giving information, a

pronunciation, but different meanings. In the Oxford

warning, etc.

W ordpower Dictionary, the different m eanings are


I didn't notice you the other day.

num bered within the entry. For example, view has tw o

a to see and becom e conscious of som ething


b a piece o f paper or a sign giving information, a warning, etc.

I view2/vju:/ verb [T] 1 view sb/sth (as sth) to think about sb/sth in a particular way: She viewed holidays as a waste of time. 2 to watch or look at sth: Viewed

5 It was very foggy, so w e couldn't distinguish the writing on the sign.

from this angle, the building iooks much taller than it really is.

a to recognize th e difference b etw een tw o things or people

Som etim es, if a w ord has m ore than on e part of speech,

b to see, hear, or recognize with effort

there will be a small num ber next to th e headword:

6 She can't distinguish b etw een th e twins. t

view1/vju:/ noun 1 [C] a view

(about/on sth) an

a to recognize th e difference b etw een tw o things or people


b to see, hear, or recognize w ith effort

Read the strategy above. Study the dictionary entries for v ie w and answer the questions.


%view1/vju:/ noun 1 [C]

a view (about/on sth) an opinion or a particular way of thinking about sth: He


expressed the view that standards were falling. * In m y v ie w , she has done nothing wrong. ♦ She has s t r o n g v ie w s on the subject. 2 [U,sing] the ability to see sth or to be seen from a particular place: The garden was hidden from view behind a high wall. * to come into view * to disappear from view 3 [C] what you can see from a particular place: There are b r e a t h t a k i n g v ie w s from the top of the mountain. ♦a room with a s e a v i e w O note at scenery

H om ophones are words that have the same pronunciation, but different meanings. They can be spelled the same w ay (so are then also hom onym s), or th ey can have different spellings.


? view2/vju:/ verb [T] 1 view sb/sth (as sth) to think about sb/sth in a particular way: She viewed holidays as a waste of time. 2 to watch or look at sth: Viewed

Read the strategy above. Then study the dictionary entries for peer and p ie r. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? peer1 /pia(r)/ noun [C] 1 a

from this angle, the building looks much taller than it really is.

person w ho is of the same age or position in society as you: Children hate to look stupid in front of their peers. 2 (in Britain) a member of the nobility (= people of the highest social class, w ho have special titles)

1 H o w m any entries are there for view?

2 H o w m any different parts of speech are there?


peer2/pia(r)/ verb [I] peer (a t sb/sth) to look close­

3 H o w m any m eanings are there of the noun view?

ly or carefully at sb/sth, for example because you cannot see very w ell: He peered at the photo, but it

4 H o w m any m eanings are there of the verb view ?

was blurred.


/pra(r)/ noun [C] 1 a large wooden or metal structure that is built out into the sea in holiday towns, where people can walk 2 a large wooden or metal structure that is built out into the sea from the land. Boats can stop at piers so that people or goods can be taken on o r off.

Study the dictionary entries in exercise 1 again. Write the entry number and the meaning number of the underlined words in the sentences. 1 View ed from the to p of the hill, the boats looked tiny. 2 She view ed health foods as very expensive.

1 Peer and p ie r are homonyms. 2 Peer and p ie r are hom ophones.

3 As soon as w e turned the corner, the palace cam e to

3 The noun and verb forms of peer are homonyms.

vie w ..........................

4 The noun and verb forms of peer are hom ophones.

4 W e booked a room with a sea vie w .......................... 5 In m y view, vegetables are horrible........................... 3

Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words. Use a dictionary to help you. 1 I didn't realize that you w ere such a goo d cook. a to know and understand that som ething is true b to make som ething that you im agined b ecom e reality 2 He realized his dream and becam e a fam ous author,


Use a dictionary to find homonyms or homophones of the words below. Then write your own example sentence with each word. stare




1 ................................................................................

2 3 ........................................................................................... 4

a to know and understand that som ething is true b to make som ething that you im agined becom e reality

92 Vocabulary insight 7

Dictionary entries from Oxford Wordpower Dictionary, 4th edition

Review 7 Vocabulary 1


Replace the words in italics with the correct form of the verbs below. differentiate


vie w


5 Complete the text with the correct reported speech form of the verbs below.






not find





1 This is tasty! I d id n 't............ {know) you could cook.

After the fire, Ada said that she 1 lucky to be alive. She told reporters that her c a t 2 her up after he 3 the smoke. She explained that cats 4 a powerful sense of smell, adding that they 5 smell ten tim es better than humans. She also said that hen cat 6 sleep in her room in future! The police said that they 7 the cause of the fire. They told us that they 8 any evidence yet.

2 I've a lw a y s ............{thought of) health food as boring, but this has changed m y mind.

3 The students w ere listening carefully, but th ey couldn't ........... {hearproperly) w hat the teacher was saying.

4 H u m a n s ............(discover ) different tastes w ith taste buds on their tongues.

5 I never

( was aw are of) the different flavours in

this dish until I cooked it myself. 6 Our school d o e sn 't............ (treat differently) betw een an y groups o f students. W e treat everyone the same.

Marks 2






6 Complete sentence b so that it has a similar meaning to sentence a.

Complete the text using the correct adjective or adverb form of the words below. care



1 a 'I've never been so frightened,' Ada admitted.

w id e

b Ada a d m itte d ............................................................. 2 a 'I'm proud o f m y cat,' she told reporters.

Eating in the dark makes food tastier! If you aren’t 1 convinced, try it! ‘Dining in the dark’ experiences are now 2 available in many cities. You need to be exceptionally 3 with your knife and fork, to avoid accidents! At first, eating can be somewhat 4 , but after a while, you’ll notice that even fairly 5 , boring foods become more interesting. Unfortunately, foods you don’t like may seem 6 repulsive!

b She told reporters....................................................... 3 a She explained that her cat had smelled the fire. b '..........................................................(s h e explained. 4 a She added that she didn't feel safe there. b '................................................................. (sh e ad d e d . 5 a 'I'll sleep in a hotel tonight,' she told us. b She told u s ................................................................... 6 a The police said they w ere interviewing witnesses,


b '..........................................................,'t h e police said.


7 a A girl said she had seen a man outside.


b '................................................................... (said a girl.

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

8 a 'W e can't say if it's im portant yet,'the police warned, b The police w arned that

W hen a baby elephant is in a dangerous 1 (situate), th e m other’s firs t2 (react) is to stam p her feet. People u sed to think this w as an 3 (express) of anger, to frighten enem ies and give th e baby 4 (protect). But scientists have come to th e 5 (conclude) th a t foot-stam ping is a w arning signal. 6 (vibrate) from th e m other's feet can travel for miles, alerting other elephants to danger.

Marks 4


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. peer






Marks 7


Rewrite questions and commands 1-10 in reported speech. Ben:'’Stop!' Anna:' ^ h y have w e stopped?’ Ben:'3Look ahead.4Can you see th e bear?'Anna:'5Don't be stupid.' Ben :'6Will you just trust me, for on ce? 7Don't argue with me.' AnnafOw! 8Let go of m y arm! ®Why are you pulling m e back?'Ben:'10Do you w ant to go ahead and get eaten?'


Ben t o ld ............................................................................

2 Anna asked B e n ............................................................... 3

Ben t o ld ............................................................................


He aske d ...........................................................................

5 Anna t o ld .......................................................................... 6 Ben a s k e d ........................................................., for once.

1 Sleeping on your side can help to re d u c e .............


2 During m y presentation, most students w e r e ............. 3 W e could hear some animals outside our hut. 4 1 at m y friend's notes, but couldn't read his

8 Anna said'O w l'Then she told

He t o ld ..............................................................................

9 She aske d .........................................................................


Ben aske d .........................................................................




5 I had som ething in m y eye and couldn't stop 6 The animals

at me for a very long tim e and

didn't w an t to move.



Pronunciation insight 7 W orkbook page 127

Review 7 93

D e c is io n s Reading and vo cab u lary Think d ifferen tly 1

SPEAKING Think about your future job and put the ideas below in order of importance. Compare your list with other people in the class. Then read the text. Which ideas are mentioned? ■ have the same job for a long time ■ make a lot o f m oney work outside

do m any different things every day

do the same thing every day make your ow n decisions


help other people

work with a variety of people

Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T), false (F) or not given (NG)? 1 Children are more sure about their passions than adults. 2 Sean earned m on ey for the jobs he did. 3 His first jo b w as with a national newspaper.

4 Sean found ou t that he was a good com m unicator. 5 The yoga class taught Sean the value of making excuses. 6 The teachers in Idaho enjoyed teaching their students. 7 Sean's experiences have helped him to find a career he enjoys. 8 He believes that most jobs are for life.


SPEAKING Answer the questions. 1 The text m entions ten of th e jobs Sean tried. Do any o f them appeal to you ? W h y / w h y not?

2 W h a t are your talents? W h a t is your passion? Describing jobs Study the highlighted adjectives in the text. Then match them to job descriptions 1-9. 1 I left because there was no ch an ce o f m oving to a higher position. 2 It requires a lot o f training or practice.

3 So m any things w ere n e w and difficult. It forced me to make a lot o f effort.

4 It's extrem ely well paid and offers plenty o f chances for promotion.

5 It's a lot m ore exciting or attractive than ordinary jobs. 6 It's not that difficult - the same tasks are repeated m any times.

7 You will need to be able to co p e well under pressure. 8 It's an enjoyable and interesting career and w ell w orth th e effort.

9 Every day is different, dealing with different tasks and different people.



The big question What do you want to be when you grow up? An actor? An astronaut? A famous sportsperson? Most children know the answer to this question, and so did a schoolboy called Sean Aiken. He wanted to be a famous basketball player. But then he grew up and, all of a sudden, like many adults, he didn't know the answer any more. His dad said, ‘Sean, it doesn’t matter what you do, just make sure it is something you are passionate about.' The problem was that Sean didn’t know what he was passionate about and he was scared of making the wrong choice, so he decided to go on a journey and gain some experience. His journey took him across Canada and America, trying out fifty-two different jobs in as many weeks: from a highly-skilled tattoo artist to a high-flying stockbroker, and from a glamorous fashion buyer to a not-so-glamorous cat tail picker*! In the process, he learned some valuable lessons.

#1 Create opportunity ‘It’s okay not to know what you want to do, but it’s not okay to do nothing,’ says Sean. Doing fifty-two jobs in a year and writing a blog about them was his plan of action. An interview with a national newspaper started the ball rolling, and the one-week job offers began to arrive. Sean had a lot on his plate - doing different jobs meant developing different skills. It was hard work, but it also created opportunities for Sean to find his natural talent.

# 2 Find your natural talent There were plenty of jobs Sean liked and plenty he hated. Working in an office was boring and repetitive - a real deadend job, he thought. Selling T-shirts at the Toronto film festival was more varied with different tasks, but it was stressful, too. He had three different bosses and no time to put his feet u p and relax. But there were other things he loved. ‘The dairy farm was cool,' he said, because he enjoyed working outside. As Sean went from job to job, good or bad, a pattern started to emerge. He discovered he was great with people - he could get on with almost anyone. Perhaps this was his natural talent? Vocabulary: describing jobs; idioms: work; decisions and ideas; conflict; Speaking: discussing ambitions and decisions: expressing regrets; action verbs giving presentations Gram m ar: third conditional; /wish and If only; speculating about the past W riting: a covering letter

5 Complete the text with adjectives in exercise 4.

Follow your dream ...

#3 Be flexible and have the right

attitude You have to be flexible to be a yoga instructor. You also need the right attitude. When Sean was asked to teach a yoga class, he felt he’d been thrown in at the deep end. Td never even stepped inside a yoga studio before, so I immediately began to think of excuses (not to teach),’ he admitted. Luckily for Sean, an instructor took time out to show him the ropes. That and his positive attitude helped him to rise to the challenge and within a few days, he was ready to teach the class.

#4 Find your passion Sean didn’t find his perfect job, but he did find his 'passion'. In Idaho, he spent a week as a pre-school teacher, which taught him the value of helping others. A week as a fundraiser for cancer research confirmed this. For Sean, the bottom line was doing something meaningful and worthwhile, something that made a difference to other people’s lives. Fifty-two weeks la te r... Sean’s journey has turned into his career. He has written a book about career choice and spoken to college students about where their talents lie. He’s realized his passion to help others, but he also knows that people's passions and talents change. No job is forever and what is challenging and new today might not be so interesting in five years’ time. ‘The reality is that I’m going to have five or six different careers in my life,’ says Sean, ‘but instead of being bothered by that, now I’m excited by it.’ * cat tail picker = agricultural worker who collects cat tails (a type of plant you can eat) in swamps and wetlands.

M a tt d id n 't hate school, but he found the lessons b o rin g a nd 1...................... , often le a rn in g the sam e o ld things over and o ve r a g a in . H e loved d ra w in g , though, so he constantly d re w cartoons. It kept him out o f trouble. M a t! w a s v e ry im a g in a tive , so e very p icture w a s d iffe re n t - the subjects w e re 2......................a n d often funny. But d ra w in g w a sn easy; it w a s a 3......................a ctivity w h ic h required practice. M a tl d id practise a n d soon he b eca m e so g o o d that he could d ra w w ilh o u l lo o k in g (and pretend he w a s p a y in g attention in class!). It m a d e a ll the e ffo rt 4........................ W h e n M a tt d e c id e d to b e co m e a cartoonist, his parents a nd teachers d is c o u ra g e d him . They thought if w a s a 5...................... career, g o in g n ow he re . It w a s much better to w o rk a s a w ellp a id c o m p a n y executive. Thai w a s their id e a o f a glam orous, 6...................... jo b . But M a tt w a s n 't interested in th a t type of jo b . H e k n e w the constant pressure w o u ld b e c h a lle n g in g a nd 7......................'I k n e w it w a s n 't g o in g Io w o rk for m e. I k n e w I w a s g o in g fo b e d ra w in g ca rtoo n s forever.’ Luckily, M a lt d id n 't listen to his parents o r teachers, because if he h a d , he w o u ld n ’t h ave re a lize d his dream . Today, M a tt G ro e n in g has o ne o f the most e xcitin g jobs in TV he's the cre a to r o f The Simpsonsl

insight Idioms: work 6 Study the underlined idioms in the text. Then match them to definitions 1-7. 1 take a break and relax

2 begin a p roject or start an idea

3 teach som eone n ew h o w to do som ething correctly 4

put in a n ew and difficult situation w ith o u t any help

5 have a lot o f w ork and responsibilities 6 th e m ost im portant reason for som ething

7 try your best to d o som ething difficult and be successful


SPEAKING Work in small groups. Discuss the statements. 1 M an y people w an t a high-flying jo b that pays lots o f m oney. But if you love w hat you do, m oney isn't im portant.

2 You should listen to your parents and your teachers. They have experience and can show you th e ropes.

Vocabulary bank

Gender-neutral jo b titles page 141



8 B ■ G ram m ar and listening If th e y hadn’t 1

SPEAKING You are going to read a text about how a goat changed a girl's life. Before you read, discuss the questions. 1 H o w do you think the goat changed the girl's life? 2

In w hich country do you think this took place?

3 W h a t d o you think the girl does now ?

2 Read the text and compare your ideas in exercise 1.

If they hadn't owned a goat... W hen w e think about w ho has had the biggest im pact on our lives so far, m any o f us would probably say parents, friends o r teachers. For Beatrice Biira it is ... a goat. Beatrice, her m other and her seven brothers and sisters lived in a small village in U ganda. They were very poor and basic necessities were a luxury, ’if her family had had $20, they w ould have paid for Beatrice to go to school, but they d id n 't have this kind of money. W hen Beatrice w as nine, a lifechanging event happened to them. The family w as given a goat by a small charity called Heifer International. W ithin three m onths of receiving the goat, Beatrice and her family had raised enough m oney from the sale of the goat's milk to send Beatrice to school. A lthough she w as m uch older than the other children in her class, she did well, studied hard and soon w on a scholarship to a school in M assachusetts, USA. From there, she w ent on to Connecticut College and then finally studied for a M aster's Degree. Beatrice has m any people to thank for their su p p o rt and encouragem ent along the way. But m ost of all, sh e's grateful to that first goat- 2If they h ad n 't received the goat, they w o u ld n 't have had the m oney to allow Beatrice to get an education. 3If she had stayed in the village, her life w ould have been com pletely different. Beatrice now w orks as an am bassador for Heifer. It's a very m eaningful and w orthw hile job - she is happy to help other children like her and to return the gift of hope that Heifer gave her w hen she w as nine years old.


Read sentences 1-3 from the text and choose the correct answers in a-b. 1 If her fam ily had had $20, th ey w ould have paid for Beatrice to g o to school,

a The family had / didn't have $20. b They paid / didn't pay for Beatrice to go to school. 2 If they hadn't received the goat, th ey w ouldn't have had the m oney to allow Beatrice to get an education.

a They received / didn't receive the goat. b They had / didn't have enough m oney to allow Beatrice to g et an education.

3 If she had stayed in th e village, her life w ou ld have been com p letely different, a Her life was / wasn't com pletely different. b She stayed / didn't stay in the village.

Third conditional 4

Study the sentences and the answers in exercise 3 and choose the correct answers. The third conditional: a refers to events in the future / past, b talks about real / imaginary events, c talks about possible / impossible conditions, d talks about possible / impossible results. W e form the third conditional with:

I f + subject + past perfect, subject + w o u ld / c o u ld / m ight + have + past participle.

Reference and practice 8.1


W orkbook page 118

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the third conditional. 1 If Beatrice’s fam ily

(have) $20, t h e y .................. (can afford) to pay her school fees.

2 T h e y ..................(be) too poor to send her to school if t h e y ................... (not earn) m on ey from the goat's milk. 3 If B ea trice .................. (not look after) the goat, it ................... (m ight not produce) so m uch m ilk

4 B ea trice .................. (not get) a degree from an Am erican college if s h e ................... (stay) in her village. 5 She

(not learn) skills to help other people if Heifer

(not help) her w hen she

was young. 6 Her life



(m ight be) com p letely different if her parents

(not be) so poor.

8B 6

2.11 Listen to a story about another family who were helped by Heifer. Match sentences 1-5 to a-e.Then make sentences using the third conditional. 1 They didn't have m uch money.

2 3 4 5 a b c d e

They drank the milk. They earned som e m on ey from the milk sales. They used the milk m oney to buy materials. So m eo n e gave them a cow. Their situation wasn’t difficult, They could rebuild their house, Their lives changed, They becam e strong and healthy, They couldn't afford m uch food.

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.


1 Heifer's policy of'Passing the gift on'encourages people w h o benefit from a gift of a c o w or a goat to pass on the benefits. H o w did Beatrice and Daniel d o this?

2 Heifer donates co w s and goats to people in poor areas. Do you think this is more helpful than donating food or m oney? W h y / w h y not?

3 Can you think of other useful, life-changing things w hich charities like Heifer could donate? I

w is h




If o n ly

Listen to three people talking about their regrets. Match speakers 1-3 to regrets a-c.

a accepting a jo b offer 9

b listening to parents

c leaving a team

S tu d y t h e se n te n c e s fro m th e liste n in g . For ea ch se n te n c e c h o o se t h e c o rre c t a n s w e r a or b. T h e n c o m p le te th e rules.

1 I wish I was there w ith him. a

I'm there w ith him now.

b I'm not there w ith him now. 2

If only I hadn't left Susie, a

I left Susie.

b I didn't leave Susie.

Which sentence refers to the past and which to the present? W e use / wish and I f only +

to express w ishes about the present.

W e use / wish and I f only +

to express regrets about the past.

Reference and practice 8.2


W orkbook page 118

2.12 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Rewrite the sentences to express wishes and regrets. 1 Speaker 1 followed his teacher's advice.

2 3 4 5

He decided to d o more athletics. He's still in con tact w ith his friend. Speaker 2 missed a great opportunity. She needed to make money.

6 She'd like to be working w ith Susie now.

7 Speaker 3 experienced problems at school. 8 He had a serious disagreem ent w ith his parents. 11

S P E A K IN G W o rk in pairs. Tell y o u r p a rtn e r ab o u t: three decisions w hich you made, but now regret, three things you w an t to change about your life.



8 C ■ Listening, speaking and vocabulary Im portant decisions r v sc l

The Walkman was the first sm a ll p o rta b le

, Reuters is the n a m e o f a world famous media co m p a n y , w h a t does

m u sic p la y er. W h ich

W hat is the n a m e of W alt Disney's most famous cartoon mouse?

How many McDonald's restaurants w e re there in 1968?

it do?

m a jo r te c h n o lo g y

company p ro d u c e d it?


SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions in the quiz. STRATEGY

D ealin g w ith u n k n o w n w o rd s w h ile listening

When you listen to a text, you might not understand every word that you hear. Do not panic! You d o not have to understand every w ord in order to make sense o f the text. Use the words that you d o know to create a fram ew ork - a basic understanding o f the text. ■ Do not try to translate the text into your ow n language. If possible, listen o n ce for general understanding and again to find ou t the details.


2.13 below.

Read the strategy. Then listen to a short extract from a talk and follow the steps

1 W h ile you listen, w rite d ow n the key w ords that you understand.

2 W ork in pairs. Com pare your notes and try to retell the listening text. 3 W h a t is the main idea o f the text? 4 Did you have to understand every w ord in order to understand the text?



Listen to the whole talk and check your answers to the quiz in exercise 1.



Listen again and choose the correct answers.

1 W h at kind o f market research did Akio Morita do for the W alkm an? a



He asked lots of young people for their opinions,

c He talked to people in his com p an y about th e idea. 2 W h e n did the first W alkm an com e onto the market?

a 1978

b 1979

c 1995

3 W h ere was Julius Reuter originally from ?

a England

b Belgium

c Germ any

4 Reuter pioneered the use o f carrier pigeons to transport news a from on e country to another. b around the country ve ry quickly, c

to th e financial markets.

5 W h at jo b w as Ray Kroc doing in the 1950s?

a paper cup salesman

b restaurant m anager

c milkshake m achine agent

6 W h y did Kroc decide to visit the restaurant in California?

a Because it had ordered a lot o f milkshake machines. b Because he w anted to pick up som e milkshake m achines from them, c

PI 5

Because he w as impressed by their cheap, fast food.

Decisions and ideas Study the phrases from the listening text. Put them into the correct category create something

decide something

com e up with a schem e


go ahead with a plan dream up an idea



think again about something

change your m ind reconsider a decision

conceive an idea

make a decision

have second thoughts

make up one's mind

8C 6 Choose the correct answers. 1 I've d ream ed up / co m e up an idea for a n e w typ e o f m obile phone. 2 The judges liked your plan originally, but they've now reconsidered / ch an g e d their mind. 3 M y brother has co m e up / m a d e up w ith a schem e for making a lot money. 4

M y parents have m a d e / co n ceived a decision. W e are m oving to France.

5 I like your plan, so now I think you should dream up / go ahead with it. 6 Charlie's not sure w hich university to go to. He can’t m ake up / have second th o u g h ts his mind.


SPEAKING Which decision in the listening do you think was the most important? What are the most important decisions that you have made in your life?

Giving presentations 8

2.15 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Complete the tips with Do or Don't. Then listen to eight speakers. Match each speaker 1-8 to a tip a-j. There are two tips that you do not need.

How to give a

successful presentation f

tell th e listeners a t th e beginning


w h a t you are going to talk about.


r e a d your talk

out from a prepared script.


m ake and follow a


c ............ speak very fast. h

plan for your talk.


a l l O W t ilT i e for questions at the end of the talk.


.... use hum our or personal anecdotes to make your talk more i n t e r e s t i n g .


g .................use some ViSUdl didS, for example, pictures, graphs or slides. in a flat, m onotonous


remind people what you have told them at the end of the presentation.

................. hand out lots of i n f o r m a t i o n at the beginning of the talk.

2.16 Read the speaker's plan and then listen to the presentation. Which two things in the plan does the speaker not mention?

introduce topic / give a n outline of th e talk personal experience H ealth b e n efits • good exercise, doesn't put too much stre ss on body • good way to lose weight • works all th e muscles • develops stam in a

Social b e n efits • m e e t d iffe re n t types o f new people • com peting is a n opportunity to travel • fun activity fo r holidays

Conclusion, b e n efits Encourage audience to join local pool



Listen to the presentation again and complete the phrases in the box.

Introducing a topic

Giving an example

I'd lik e 1.................. a b o u t . . . .

T o 5................. e x a m p le . . . .

I'm g o in g 2..................briefly a t . . . .

To illustrate this p o i n t . . . .

In this presentation, m y subject will be . . . .

A g oo d exam ple o f this i s . . . .

Sequencing events



So, t o 6


telling you . . . . on to . . . .

Let's begin by ....


Finally, to sum up . . . . In conclusion . . . .

N o w let's look a t ....

11 SPEAKING Prepare and give a presentation on the following topic: 'What is your passion in life?'



8D ■ Culture, vocabulary and grammar Do the right thing 1

SPEAKING Work in pairs. What would you do if the things below became the law in your country? How would you feel? 1 Teenage boys and girls must travel on separate buses. 2

I he m inim um a g e for having a m obile phone is eighteen.

3 All clothes w orn by teenagers must be approved by parents.

On 1 December 1955, Rosa Parks had just finished

4 Under-eighteens m ay only use the internet for study purposes.



A BUS RIDE TO FREEDOM work at a departm ent store in Montgomery, Alabama. She had a job as a seamstress there, and was making

Read the article about Rosa Parks. What happened to her? What did she do? Read the article again. In which paragraph A-F is information 1-7 stated? There is one statement that you do not need. 1 W h a t w ou ld have happened if Rosa hadn't protested. 2 W h e re African Am ericans could sit on buses.

her w ay home to help with a NAACP* youth meeting. There w ere a lot of people at the bus stop that evening, so Rosa did some shopping, then caught the next bus home. Luckily, she found a seat at the back, but after a few stops, more passengers got on, so the driver told Rosa to stand up. W hy? Because the new passengers were white and Rosa was black. African Americans could only sit on the back seats of the bus

3 H o w Martin Luther King reacted to violence.

and when the bus was full, they had to give up their

4 H o w the driver on Rosa's bus felt.

seats to white people.

5 W h y Rosa adm ired Martin Luther King.

In the 1950s, African Americans were treated like

6 H o w Rosa's actions im proved everyday life for African

second-class citizens. Segregation laws separated

Americans. 7 H o w people show ed their support for Rosa.

people of different races and m eant that inequality was present everywhere - on buses, in restaurants, in cinem as and in shops. Even schools were divided


SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

up according to the colour of people’s skin. Back

1 If you had been in the same situation as Rosa Parks

on the bus, the driver shouted at Rosa to stand up

on that bus, w h at w ou ld you have said and done? 2 W h ich present-day issues w ould you like to protest abou t? W h y ? W h at w ould you do?

again. She wasn’t tired and her feet didn’t hurt, but she didn’t move. By now, the driver was furious and told Rosa he would get the police. ‘You may go and do so,’ she calm ly replied. The police arrived and

P I Conflict

Rosa was arrested. ' She must have felt humiliated


as she was driven to jail, but she didn’t back down.

Read the text. Then replace the words and phrases in italics with the correct form of the highlighted words in the article about Rosa Parks.

She didn’t know it at the time, but her simple act of opposition would change the course of history and end segregation in America.

Martin Luther King was an American clergyman, Nobel Peace Prize winner and one of the most famous leaders of the civil rights movement. Dr King first achieved national fame when he helped people organize a 1re fu s a l to u se a p r o d u c t o r s e r v ic e in Montgomery in 1955. People refused to use the buses in support of Rosa Parks. After his success in Montgomery, he went on to organize a 2p u b lic p r o t e s t a g a in st s o m e th in g in Birmingham, Alabama, where there was violent Resistance to the black civil rights movement. Civil rights protesters received 4w a rn in g s o f an in te n tio n to h u rt s o m e o n e and some were attacked. Dr King was arrested, although the protest was non-violent. Dr King carried on the 5d iffic u lt fig h t against 6th e tre a tm e n t o f o n e g ro u p o f p e o p le w o r s e than o th e r s b e c a u s e th e y a re d iffe r e n t

and joined a huge civil rights 7w a lk to p r o t e s t a g a in st s o m e th in g in Washington. It was there, in August 1963, that he delivered his famous T have a dream' speech. In his speech, he predicted a day when social 8u n fa irn e ss would end, and freedom and equality would become a reality for everyone in America. Unfortunately, he didn't live to see that day. On 4 April 1968, Martin Luther King was assassinated during a visit to Memphis, Tennessee.



8D c

Speculating about the past

The next day, news of Rosa’s arrest spread rapidly

and use other means of transport. They wanted

6 Study sentences 1-4 in the article about Rosa Parks. Then answer questions 1-3 and complete rules a-c.

the bus com pany to stop discrimination against

1 W h ich sentence talks about things w e are certain

through the city. People decided to boycott the buses

black passengers. In fact, 75% of the bus company's

happened in the past?

2 W h ich sentence talks about things w e are certain did

passengers were African Americans, so surely they

not happen in the past?

would listen? They didn't, so on Monday 5 December,

3 W h ich sentences talk about things w e are not sure

thousands of people walked, shared cars, rode bicycles

happened in the past?

and even rode mules to get to work. 2lt can’t have been easy but everyone was united in a common struggle. D

a W e use

In the end, the boycott lasted 381 days. During that

it have it past

participle to talk about things w e are certain

time, protestors received threatening phone calls and

happened in the past.

homes were vandalized. A young pastor at the local


church called Martin Luther King led the boycott and

W e u s e .................................. it have + past participle to talk about things that w e are certain

his hom e was attacked, too. People were ready to

did not happen in the past.

fight back, but Dr King made them stop and think.

c W e u s e ..................................o r ..................................

‘We cannot solve this problem with violence,' he

+ have it past participle to talk about things w e are

said. ‘W e must meet violence with non-violence.' The

not sure happened in the past.

attacks and threats failed to scare off supporters. In fact, they united people and taught everyone the

Reference and practice 8.3

W orkbook page 119

value of peaceful opposition. E

Then, finally, on 13 November 1956, the Supreme Court

Look at the photo. Then answer the questions using the modal verbs in exercise 6.


ruled that segregation on buses in Alabama was illegal. The next day, Rosa Parks, along with Martin Luther King, got on a city bus. Proudly, she took a seat right at the front. Rosa had shown how one person's decision could make a huge difference. She showed that civil disobedience was a powerful way to protest and she inspired the civil rights movement. Across America, more and more people took part in public demonstrations and went on marches. Now they were fighting against segregation and injustice in all areas of society. F

‘When I declined to give up my seat, it was not because of that day or bus in particular,’ Rosa said

1 Do you think this took place recently? W h y / w h y not? 2 In w hich country did this happen? H ow do you

later. T just wanted to be free, like everybody else.’ But what would have happened if Rosa Parks hadn’t


refused to stand up on the bus that day? 3Another

3 W h a t could have happened to cause this situation?

African American passenger might have done the


same soon afterwards. On the other hand, they might

5 W h a t m ight have happened afterwards? W h y ?

not have. Without Rosa’s brave protest, 4searegation could have lasted for longer than it d id .

H o w do you think th e students must have felt?


2.17 Listen to the recording and compare your ideas in exercise 7.


SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 Could you have d o n e w h at the Little Rock Nine did? W h y / w h y not? 2 At that time, w h at could teenagers have d on e to help to end segregation and discrimination? Discuss the ideas b elow and your ow n ideas. boycott school



civil disobedience (school sit-ins)

3 Do you think a situation like the on e in Little Rock could ever have happened in your cou n try? W h y / w h y not? * NAACP = The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, founded in 1909

Vocabulary bank DVD extra

Conflict: phrasal verbs page 141




8 E ■ W riting A covering letter




G u ildford L ibrary h a s a s u m m e r vacancy

National Su m m e r Cam p is looking for young, enthusiastic people to help with teaching, food preparation and evening entertainm ent a t our su m m er cam ps for seven- to fourteen-year-olds.

for a h a rd -w o rk in g s tu d e n t w ho has

W e a re looking for people who: ★ enjoy working with children ★ have experience in teaching sports, a rts and crafts or music.

• d e a lin g w ith c u s to m e r e n q u irie s a n d

excellen t IT skills a n d is o rg an iz ed a n d efficient. D aily tasks w ill inclu d e: • so rtin g boo k s h e lp in g to p ro m o te th e lib rary • sc a n n in g a n d filing d o c u m e n ts.

1 SPEAKING Read the job advertisements and answer the questions. 1 W h ich job: a

requires com puter skills?

b expects candidates to help in educational activities? c will probably be m ainly outdoors? d will probably be m ainly indoors?

2 W h ich job w ou ld you prefer to d o? STRATEGY A void ing g en eral statem en ts

A covering letter for a job application should include detailed information which is relevant to the employer and the job. 1 Use facts, dates and numbers. /Ve g o t a tennis co achin g qualification.

—» In July 2.01Z, I received a Level 2 tennis coaching certificate. 2 Avoid quantifiers, like som e, a lo t of, m any . . . .


d id som e work in a shop.

—►I worked for Hegarty's Pie Place for three months in ZOli.

3 Give specific exam ples o f h ow your experience and skills m atch the employer's requirements. I'm hard-working a n d reliable. —>I had the opportunity to develop my customer service skills during my work experience with Pocket

Records in August.


Read the strategy and the covering letter. Find examples of 1-3 in the strategy in the covering letter.


Rewrite the general sentences using your own ideas. Add details and specific examples. 1 I worked for a children’s after-school club. 2 I'm efficient and organized.

3 I like working w ith animals. 4 I've got a sw im m ing qualification. 5 Last year I did a com puter course. 6 I passed a few exams at school.


Read the covering letter again. Then match headings 1-5 to parts of the letter A-E. 1 Achievem ents 2 W h y you are writing 3 Experience



4 Signing off formally 5 W h a t you are doing now

8E Dear Ms Frank,

Re: Library Assistant position A

I am writing to apply for the above post, which was advertised in yesterday's D a ily R eview . Please find my CV enclosed.


I am currently studying English and Drama af Walworth Sixth Form and feel fhat my love of books and literature would make me a very good candidate for this job.


As you will see from my CV, I achieved excellent grades in my GCSE exams, and also received the ECDL computer certificate in May 2013. Furthermore, for the last two years, I have held the role of library assistant at my school and have gained some useful experience in sorting books. In this role, I have also developed an online catalogue and coordinated training for the students.


Last year, as part of my work experience at the local sports centre, I advised customers about fhe services there and assisted with filing and scanning documents. I also designed a new leaflet for the centre advertising its tennis coaching scheme, and arranged an Open Day for new customers. This experience has given me a good understanding of dealing with customers and helping to promote services.


I am available for interview immediately and look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Jonathan Bartholomew

Action verbs 5

Study the highlighted verbs in the covering letter. Match them to meanings 1-3. 1 helped: 2 created: 3 organized:

6 Choose the correct answers. 1 During th e holidays, I organized / d e v e lo p e d several activities for children in the local park. 2

Last summer, I h elp ed / coo rd in ated th e m anager w ith handing ou t leaflets around town.

3 W e created / assisted custom ers with enquiries about the course. 4 As part o f m y coursework, I d esig ned / advised a n e w schem e for attracting tourists to the shop. 5 W h ile I was at school, I assisted / d e v e lo p e d an international exchange program m e b etw een our school and a school in Spain. 6 In the past, I advised / arran g ed several training sessions for students at m y school.

WRITING GUIDE ■ Task Write a covering letter in response to the advert for a Summer Camp Counsellor.

Paragraph 4: M ention any other experience from school, part-time w ork or voluntary work w hich m ight be relevant to the job.

■ Ideas Make notes about:

Paragraph 5: Request an interview and say w h e n you

■ the qualifications you have.

are available.

■ the experience you can offer. ■ w h y you w an t this job.

Write Write your covering letter. Use the paragraph plan to help you.

■ Plan Follow the plan: Paragraph 1: Explain w here you saw the job advertisem ent and m ention that you are attaching yourCV.

Paragraph 2: Give reasons for your interest in this job / com pany.

Paragraph 3: Refer the em ployer to specific information in your CV and show how

Check Check the following points: ■ Have you used a clear paragraph structure and register? ■ Have you used a variety of action verbs and avoided general statem ents? ■ Have you checked grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation?

this relates to the job.



V o c a b u l a r y in s ig h t 8 U s in g a d i c t i o n a r y : id io m s 1

Work in pairs. Study the highlighted idioms in the extract from the text on page 95. Are they the same in your own language?

stand on your own (two) feet to take care of your­ self without help; to be independent under your feet in the way; stopping you from working, etc: Would somebody get these children

out from under my feet and take them to the park?

Luckily for Sean, an instructor took time out to show him the ropes. That and his positive attitude helped him to rise to the challenge and by Friday, he was ready to teach the class.

1 If you have som ething under your feet, there's som ething in your way. 2 W h e n you put your foot down, you relax.

3 If you get off on the right foot with somebody, you STRATEGY

start your relationship in a g oo d way.

4 W h e n you stand on your own two feet, you're

Finding idioms in a dictionary


An idiom is a phrase w ith an overall m eaning that is

5 W h e n you're rushed off your feet, you’re very busy.

different from the m eanings of the individual words in it.

6 If you land on your feet, you get yourself out of a Dictionaries do not always put idioms in the same place,

difficult situation.

so you need to read the introduction to your dictionary

7 W h e n you put your feet up, you say that som ething

to find ou t w here th ey are. In the O xford Wordpower

shouldn't happen.

Dictionary, idioms are explained after the symbol nan. W h en you w an t to find an idiom in a dictionary, search for it under the first meaningful w ord in the idiom (verb,

5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the idioms in exercise 3. 1 I w as so tired w hen I got home, I just w anted to

noun, adjective, etc.). If there is a very co m m o n verb in the idiom {be, have, go, start, etc.), you m ight have to

2 After looking for a jo b for so long, I finally

search for it under the second m eaningful word.

w h e n I g ot this one.


3 I don’t think m y boss likes m e - w e didn't

Read the strategy above. Which word in each idiom in exercise 1 would you look up in a dictionary to find the meaning of the idiom? Use a dictionary to check your answers.

w h e n I first joined th e com pany.

4 I'm really

these days. There's so m uch

to do - I have no tim e to sit d o w n and relax.

5 It's tim e you m oved out o f your parents' house and


You need to be more independent.

Read the idioms below. Underline the word that you would look up in a dictionary to find the meaning of each idiom. 1 be rushed off your feet

6 Our boss has


2 fa ll/la n d on your feet 3 g et off on the w rong foot (with som ebody)

4 put your feet up

Find the idioms below in a dictionary. Then use the idioms to rewrite the underlined parts of the sentences. Make any other changes if necessary. on end

5 put your foot dow n

at a loose end

com e to an end

6 stand on your o w n tw o feet

and says w e can’t make

personal phone calls at work.

make ends meet

in the end

at the end of your tether

1 I've been w aiting so long to hear if I got the

7 under your feet

scholarship - I can't deal w ith it an y m ore.

4 Study the dictionary entries for idioms with fo o t. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.

3 W h e n m y grandparents w ere young, they didn't have

ˈ£ fo o t1/fot/ noun (pi feet /fi:t/)

m uch m oney and found it difficult to b u v th e things


llrMI be rushed/run off your feet to be extremely busy; to have too many things to do: Over Christmas we were rushed off our feet at work. fall/land on your feet to be lucky in finding your­ self in a good situation, or in getting out of a difficult situation: / realty landed on my feet getting such a


good job with so little experience.

2 She keeps talking about her n e w jo b all the tim e.


they n eed ed .

4 I regret not going to university after school. I n ow have nothing to d o .

get/start off on the right/wrong foot (with sb) I (informal) to start a relationship well/badly: I seem to _ have got off on the wrong foot with the new boss. _ I put your feet up to sit down and relax, especially with your feet off the floor and supported: I'm so

5 After applying to m any colleges, she finally got a place in the on e she w anted to attend the most. 6 Her career as a singer is about to finish.

tired that i just want to go home and put my feet up. put your foot down ( informal) to say firmly that sth must (not) happen: I put my foot down and told Andy he couldn't use our car any more.

104 Vocabulary insight 8

Dictionary entries from Oxford Wordpower Dictionary, 4th edition

Review 8 Vocabulary 1


Complete the text with the correct adjective form of the words below. fly

glam our





Rewrite the sentences using the third conditional. 1 Mark Zuckerberg did w ell at school, so he w e n t to


university. If ............................. , h e university. 2 The university didn't have a social networking site, so

I n my d re a m future, I 'd love to b e eith er a 1 Hollywood a ctress, o r a wealthy, high2 businesswoman I w a n t to do 3 work, trying d iffe re n t things every week A jab th a t's q u ite 4 is OK, but n o t so difficult t h a t it becom es 5 . But on th e o th e r hand, I also d on't w a n t to do anything t h a t ’s so 6 it's boring Sounds easy, doesn’t it?

Mark invented one. M a rk .........................................a social netw orking site 3 Facem ash wasn't a success because the university didn't approve of it. If ...............................o f it, Fa ce m a sh ................................ a success. 4 Mark invented Thefacebook because he wasn't happy w ith the university's decision.


M a rk ............................ Thefacebook if .............................


th e university's decision.


5 Thefacebook becam e so popular that thousands of

Complete the idioms with one word in each gap.

Harvard students joined it.

1 'Is it your first d ay in the office? W ow , you've been throw n in at the


end, haven't you?'

2 'Don't worry, I'll

............ .thousands o f Harvard students

you the ropes and explain

6 Facebook op en ed to the public in 2006, becom ing the

w h at to do.'

biggest social networking site in the world.

3 'Let’s start t h e .............. rolling. You organize these

If 2006, it ................................. the

files, w hile I make coffee.'

biggest social networking site in the world

4 'More work. I know it's hard, but I'm sure you'll


to the challenge.' 5 'I've got a

on m y plate at th e m om ent. Could

you d o m y paperwork, too?' 6 Tm going to

m y feet u p for a break. Training

you has tired m e out!'



6 Imagine you are Mark Zuckerberg's former college friend. Express the ideas in brackets as wishes or regrets using / w ish or I f o n ly . 1 (I didn't invent Facebook.) I .............................................


2 (I don't have as m uch m oney as Mark.) If.........................


3 (I w ork in a boring office job.) If ......................................

Complete the text with one word in each gap.

4 (I didn't work hard at university.). I ................................. 5 (I spent most of m y tim e socializing.) If ......................... My mid-morning coffee can be very inspiring! At ıı

6 (I'm not a com puter genius.) I ........................................

a.m. today 1 1

7 (I thought programming was boring.) If

up with a brilliant scheme to

8 (I laughed at Mark.) If .......................................................

raise more money for the charity, but then 1had second and changed my

9 (Mark and I aren't friends today.) I ..................................

.1 then dreamed

10 (I'm addicted to Facebook now!) If ................................

several more great ideas, but it was so hard to choose. 1 couldn't


up my mind! My boss liked

my original plan best, so now we're going 6



that. And now l need another coffee ...

Complete the sentences with one of the modal verbs in brackets and the correct form of the verbs below. feel

Marks 4


■ struggle

1 2 3 4

dem onstration




1 S h e .................................... terrible w hen she failed her the bus.'

(can't /m ig h t)

3 'I saw him yesterday."You.................................... him. He’s still in Tokyo!' (must / can't)

W e must end prejudice and racial.............

4 Y o u .................................... th e tim e of your life in

Protesters held a n o isy............inside the tow n hall.

Africa. I'm jealous! (m ight / must)

'You’ll be arrested!"ls that a ............ ?'

5 'W h y didn’t he co m e to m y party?"H e

o f th e unethical

.................................. about it. He never misses a


5 The animal rights

kn ow

2 'W h y is she late?''She



W e took part in a


exam, that's for sure, (must / may)

Complete the sentences with the words below. boycott


party!’ (ca n 't/m u st)

was four kilometres long.

6 We're fighting for equal rights, but it's a


Marks Total

16 Pronunciation insight 8 Workbook page 127

710 750

Review 8 105

Cumulative review Units 1-8 3 W h y w as Mellie a concern for m useum staff?


a She tried to touch the exhibits.


2.18 Read the advertisement. Then listen to four extracts from job interviews. Make short notes of all the key words and ideas you hear.

b Staff didn't trust her to ob ey the rules, c Other visitors tried to cop y her behaviour, d She took part in an organized protest.

4 W h a t does M ellie tell us about the N e w York Scope, the biggest disability charity in the UK, is

m useum ?

looking for volunteers to raise funds, help to organize

a It has copied ideas from other museums,

campaigns and deal with enquiries. Could this be you?

b It doesn't offer any printed literature for the blind, c There's a special exhibition featuring touch and sound.

2.18 Listen again. Match speakers 1-4 to options A-E. There is one option that you do not need.

d Visitors m ay touch any object in the museum.

5 W h a t d o w e learn about Art Education for the Blind? a Its main focus is to organize protests.

W hich speaker:

b It teaches blind people how to paint,

A has a disability?.................. B enjoys telephone w o rk ? ..................

c Volunteers cooperate w ith m useum staff, d It doesn't give any m oney to others.

C had second thoughts about applying?

D has had previous experience of volunteering? E hopes that the w ork w on't be repetitive?

Speaking 3


Work in pairs. Tell each other what your dream job is and why. In pairs, take it in turns to interview each other for your dream job. The interviewer should ask at least three questions. Use the ideas below or your own ideas. Let's begin by ... I'd like to ask you a b o u t ... W o uld you mind telling m e ... ?

Student B: job applicant w ou ld describe myself a s ...

■ A goo d exam ple o f this i s ... As far as I'm concerned, I'd be the ideal candidate for this jo b because ...

Reading 5

Read the blog and choose the correct answers. 1 W h at does Mellie tell us about disabled m useum visitors in the first paragraph?

a M any people find th e appearance of disabled visitors in m useum s shocking,

b Access to m useum s is still very poor for people w ith all kinds o f disabilities,

c Access is generally excellent for people w ith hearing problems.

d People w h o can't see well are n o w visiting m useum s more frequently.

2 W h a t happened w h e n Mellie w e n t into a m useum in Los Angeles?

a The em ployees w ere alarmed, b She got lost. c Assistants refused to help her.

artist and blogger. She also happens to be partially-sighted. M onday 11 A p ril

Museums for the blind listen now

Student A: interviewer


About Me: Mellie Vickers is a history-lover,

The greater part of the population may view, enjoy, or even be shocked by museum exhibits whenever they choose. For disabled visitors, it can be more difficult. Nevertheless, facilities for wheelchair users have greatly improved in recent years, and tours for the deaf are now more widely available (although we still have some way to go). However, the treatment of blind and partially-sighted people lags far behind, despite growing admission figures from this minority group. Last Saturday I visited a museum in Los Angeles. I sensed an air of panic among the staff as soon as they noticed my white stick. One even asked me if I was lost! Don’t get me wrong, the curators couldn’t have been more courteous in assisting me with directions, but I got the impression that I shouldn’t really have been there. I wasn’t so much a valued guest as a potential problem. I’m not unsympathetic to their concerns. After all, the first law of most museums is ‘Don’t Touch’! I can barely see more than a few centimetres in front of me, so I have to peer closely at displays. But each time I did so, an assistant waited anxiously behind me, terrified that I might commit an act of disobedience, or perhaps set some sort of bad example to other museum-goers (neither happened!). I soon felt so uncomfortable that I left boycotting the gift shop in an ineffectual protest!

d She w as asked to leave.

106 Cumulative review Units 1-8

Literature insight 4 W orkbook page 90

Grammar 6

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between three and five words, including the given word. Do not change the given word. 1 W elco m ing disabled visitors w ould be a g oo d idea for all museums, (ought) All m useu m s..................................................... disabled visitors. 2 'W h a t skills can you offer u s?'th ey asked me. (I) They asked m e w h at s k ills.............................................. 3 I regret not volunteering last year, (wish) I .......................................................................... last year.

4 Giving up w as an option I chose not to take, (could) I ........................................................., but I chose not to. 5 Thousands o f people visit the m useum every year, (visited) ....................................................... thousands o f people every year 6 I started volunteering in 2011. (volunteer) I'v e ..............................................................................2011. 7

I leave college at the end o f July, (will) By August,

8 'You've show n lots o f com m itm ent,’ m y em ployer said to me. (I) M y em ployer t o ld ............................................................. lots of com m itm ent.

9 I'm passionate about transforming people's lives, (difference) I really w a n t .................................................................... to people's lives. 10 I hope to hear from you soon, (look)

It doesn't have to be this way. I wish more m useum s could be like the Metropolitan Museum of Ait in N ew York. Not only is there a choice of Braille guides to read, but there's an utterly unm issable ‘Touch Collection'. This allows you to explore objects using your fingers, while sim ultaneously listening to detailed descriptions.

I ............................................................... from you soon.

Writing Read the job advertisement. Then write a covering letter in response to the advertisement.

Of course, more fragile items have to be excluded from the programme, but even so, the range is astonishing. I’d like to visit m o re m useum s like this! Do any of my blog visitors have any recom m endations?


The British Museum,

London W e are looking for summer volunteers to welcom e and assist international visitors. W e will provide free

Thanks for an interesting post, Mellie. I’m sorry to hear about your experience in Los Angeles You might be interested in a charity I volunteer

accommodation. Please apply to the manager, Mr Bolton, including the following information: • W h y are you interested in applying?

for: Art Education for the Blind. Rather than protesting against discrimination, w e usually try

• Do you have any useful experience?

to work with m useum s to develop educational

• W hat languages have you studied? Do you have

programmes for people with sight disabilities. W e also support visually-impaired artists who

any other useful skills? • W hen will you be available in the summer?

want to exhibit, although w e ’re unable to offer as much financial aid as w e ’d like. If you're interested, I'll send details!

B ru n o D a viz, 12 A p ril

Exam insight 4 W orkbook page 100

Cumulative review Units 1-8 107

Digital humans Reading and vo cab u lary A day in th e life 1

SPEAKING Imagine you are sitting next to a stranger on a train. Discuss the things you might show them or talk to them about. m personal photos ■ personal text messages your age

w here you live

w h o your friends are

w hat you are interested in

w h at you w ere doing

last weekend


A s part o f o u r week on d ig ita l hum ans, we a sk ed teenager Issy T y le r to keep a ‘d ig ita l’


SPEAKING Discuss the questions. Then read the article from a science magazine and compare your answers. 1 W h at are th e advantages and disadvantages of sharing information on a social m edia w ebsite? 2 Is it easier to be mean to people in the digital w orld?


Complete the article with sentences A-G. There is one sentence that you do not need. A I didn't kn ow on e of them , but that's w h y Facebook is so exciting.

diary. P sy ch o lo g ist Mia Graham an a lysed the resu lts.

7.30 a.m. I’m usually on Facebook first thing and today was no different. I actually logged in w hile I w as still in bed, ju st to see w hat m y friends had posted the night before and to catch up w ith the gossip. O ve r breakfast, I did a status update and within thirty m inutes, I had five likes and tw o com m ents. Nothing special about that - it w as ju st another ordinary day.

B Issy enjoys being part o fa com m unity. C I talked to m y friend about the nasty com m en t and she apologized. D However, friends can com prom ise this im age by tagging you in photos, saying w here you've been or w h at you've said. E He left his m obile in class today and I found it. F Issy did th e right thing w hen she deleted the com m ent. G I looked absolutely awful so I clicked 'untag'.

insight P h ra s a l ve rb s : re la tio n s h ip s

Mia: It’s natural and hum an to share experiences and open up to people. 1

. She likes it when

people from this com m unity com m ent on her status.

8.45 a.m. On the school bus, I noticed that I’d been tagged in a picture. 2.............It’s stressed me out, so I’m currently checking the latest updates again. Hopefully, no one realized it w as me!

Mia: On Facebook, Issy is alw ays on disp lay and she feels the pressure to consistently Took good’.


Study the highlighted phrasal verbs in the text.

In a recent survey, 41% o f teens said their online

T h e n re p la c e th e p h ra ses in italics w ith th e co rrect

im age w as extrem ely im portant, consequently, they

form of the phrasal verbs.

made an effort to look ‘cooler than th ey really are’.

1 Jo h n hasn't returned to his usual se lf after our


argum ent. He refuses to be friends with me. 2 W h e n e ve r Peter w as bullied at school, he usually lost

control o f his feelings and cried. 3 I called an old friend today and w e brought each other

up-to-date on our news. W e hadn't spoken to each other for a while. 4 W e unexpectedly m et our teacher w hile w e w ere walking around the museum. 5 Isabel is very shy. She doesn't usually talk freely about her feelings. 6 You should always su pp ort a n d defend your friends w h e n som eone is m ean to them. 7 W h e n Ciaran m et m y sister, th ey liked each other immediately. They w ere both obsessed w ith W orld of Warcraft. 8 People w h o are horrible o r nasty to other people are called bullies.


Digital humans

. You might not like it, but you can’t stop

friends sharing inform ation about you. Vocabulary: phrasal verbs: relationships; words often confused; describing gadgets: words with more than one meaning Grammar: defining and non-defining relative clauses; introductory It

Speaking: discussing social media; analyzing real life and online life; asking for instructions, explanations and clarification Writing: a for and against essay

insight Words often confused

5 Study the underlined words in the text. Then match each word in 1-5 to definitions a-b. 1 actu ally/cu rrently

4 sym p athetic/friend ly a happily

a really, in fact b at the present time,

com m unicating

at the m om ent 2

w ith som eone

b show ing that


a final, com ing after

you understand people's feelings

all others

b the most recent

and feeling sorry

3 co n seq u ently/

for them

5 even tu ally/p o ssib ly


12.30 p.m.

a as a result, because

At lunchtim e, a friend posted quite a nasty

b in the end, finally

of this

com m ent about ano th er friend on m y profile. The

a perhaps, m aybe

b regularly, constantly

tw o girls recently had a row, but th ey need to get over it and make up w ith each other. I deleted the


com m ent because I don’t w an t to get involved.

Choose the correct answers. 1 It took a long time, but I eventually / possibly

Mia: It's easy to pick on people in the digital world.

uploaded a video on m y Facebook page.

Cyberhullies can post an unflattering picture or a 2

nasty com m ent and reach a wide audience. And in

Issy had a n e w friend request today. She didn't

actually / currently know w h o the person was.

an online world, you can't see people break down in

3 I know how the victims of cyberbullies feel. I was bullied myself at school, so I am totally sym pathetic /friendly.

tears. As a result, you're less sym pathetic and less likely to stick up for them. 4

4 W e w aited a long tim e for Max. H e w as the last /

5.30 p.m.

latest person to arrive. 5 Beth did consequently / consistently w ell in class, so

At hom e, I w rote a post about a boy I quite like. 5............. It w as nice to talk to him, he w as friendly

everyone w as surprised w h e n she failed her exam.

and w e had a lot in com m on - w e really hit it off!

6 Last week, w e learned about com puter program m ing and w e are actually / currently studying the

Mia: Like so m any of us, Issy shares intimate details

problems of privacy on Facebook.

of her life online. The problem is, these details stay

7 I get the last / latest stories in m y newsfeed on

on the web forever and are easy to dig up again. In a


recent survey, 40% of teens said they were concerned

8 M y sister forgot to post th e party invitation on

about who was view ing their online activities. T h ey also worried about how these activities might

Facebook. Consequently / Consistently, no one

eventually be perceived by parents, teachers, future

turned up.

9 Troy was sym pathetic / friendly and pleasant, but he

em ployers or their peers. T h ey are right to be

wasn't a good friend w hen it really mattered.

concerned about who is watching. The internet never

10 Are you playing football this w eekend? Eventually /

forgets, so Issy needs to think before she posts.

Possibly, unless it rains.

11.00 p.m. My last status update before I go to bed and I had tw o friend requests, w hich I accepted. 6



SPEAKING Discuss the questions. 1

can chat with people w ho you possibly w ouldn't run into in yo u r everyd a y life and you can contact people w ho you haven't seen for years ...

Mia: Issy's right - it's good to talk, but she needs to

Have you got a social m edia account? H o w often do you use it? W h at do you actually use it for?


Do you think everyone will eventually have a social media account? W h y / w h y not?

3 In the future, will w e possibly be interacting more

be extrem ely careful about who she talks to. The

w ith m achines than w ith people? W h at effect might

average teen has 237 ‘friends', however, th ey have

this have?

talked to only a fraction o f these people in real life. Essen tially it's a question o f trust, so before you

Vocabulary bank

Technology page 142

accept a friend request, consider this: w ho is this person and do I really w an t them to read m y posts? Don't forget, there are people behind the machines.

Digital humans



9 B ■ G r a m m a r a n d lis t e n in g ı

F r ie n d s h ip s n o w a n d th e n

SPEAKING Look at the photo of two friends, Maggie and Tessa. Answer the questions. Then read the text and check your answers. 1 W h ere are th e w o m e n from? 2 H o w did they m eet?

3 H o w long have they known each other? 4 H o w d o th ey usually com m unicate?




T e &

s d :

a, la#ti4tg jrLenJvUviyp We live in a w orld w here instant com m unication is possible. W ith access to the internet, we can make friendships w ith people thousands of miles away. But Maggie and Tessa, now b oth in their seventies, form ed their long-distance friendship nearly sixty years ago, using only pen and paper. 'M aggie was an English girl w ho

“ h er w hen they

A m erican girl w ho

first letter from Tessa,' explains Maggie. ‘I joined

r p e n 1pal d u b w hich was set up to encourage f

Maggie and Tessa w q u ,o each g , e r for came to England on a family holiday an ^










“ X ever

K T , (his tall biorK)e w om an w hose eyes were

proper letters!' laughs Tessa. ‘They keep in touch on Facebook.

Defining relative clauses 2

Study sentences 1-3 and the highlighted relative pronouns in the text. Complete rules a-e. The underlined clauses are defining relative clauses. They com e im m ediately after a noun and they give essential information about the noun. Relative pronouns introduce the clause.

We use: a or that for people. b .................................... o r .................................................. for things. c for possessions,



for places,


for time.

Study sentences 1 and 3 in the text again and answer the questions. 1 In w hich sentence is the relative pronoun the subject o f the verb in th e relative clause and in w hich is it the object of the verb?

2 In w hich sentence can w e leave out the relative pronoun? W h y? Reference and practice 9.1



W orkbook page 120

Read the text again and find more examples of defining relative clauses.

Digital humans

9B 5 Complete the text with relative pronouns.

Although m any people use email to

are interested in the program m e can register

com m unicate long distance, there are still some

their class on the database. S tu d e n ts7

traditional penfriend organizations1

apply for details of possible penfriends also


popular around the world. O ne of the biggest

receive a g u id e 8

shows them h o w to

and best known is the Student Letter Exchange,

w rite letters and also gives advice and ideas,

w hich was started in 1936. The Exchange is a

penfriend projects and postage rates.

p ro g ram m e 2............links 500,000 students in over 100 countries. It was first sta rte d 3 a teacher w anted to encourage his students to learn more about other countries and cultures. It has a database of students 4

have registered

with the organization because they w an t to find penfriends. Any English-speaking s tu d e n t5 aged b etw een eight and twenty-three years old can join. Teachers6



Combine the sentences to make one sentence. Use a defining relative clause. Use a pronoun only where necessary 1 Steph is m y friend. Her fam ily m oved to another country. Steph is m y frie n d ................... 2

It w as last year. Her dad got a n e w jo b and th ey all left. It w as last y e a r ...................

3 In prim ary school in London. W e m et there ten years ago. It w as in prim ary sc h o o l...................

4 W e were both six years old. Our teacher introduced us. They w ere both six years o ld ...................

5 These are the emails. W e w rite them to each other. These are the e m a ils .................. 6 Email is the main form of com m unication. It helps us to stay in touch. Email is the main form of c o m m u n ica tio n ...................


Listen to a radio programme and match 1-8 to a-h. Then make full sentences with

w ho, w ho se, w hich, th a t o r w here. are specifically about corn snakes,

3 Screen Friends is a novel 4 Are w e losing the friends 5 W e have another place

a b c d e

6 I can find three or four websites


w e kn ow in real life?

7 N o w I'm talking to people

g is about an online friendship, h w e m eet online?

1 Can w e trust the people 2 Julia Price is a psychologist

8 That's som ething


interests are th e same as mine, w e can m eet n e w people, w ou ld be very difficult to d o in real life, has just written Screen Friends,

SPEAKING Work in groups. Discuss the questions. 1 H o w m any online friends have you g ot? H o w did you m eet them ? 2

H o w m any real friends have you g ot? H ow did you m eet them ?

3 Do your online friends know you as w ell as your real friends? 4 Is your personality the same w hen you are online and w hen you talk to friends face-to-face? W h y / w h y not?

Digital humans


9 C ■ Listening, speaking and vocabulary Can't live w ith o u t...


SPEAKING Look at the photos and put them in order from 1-5 (1 = most important in your life, 5 = least important). Then work in small groups and compare your ideas.


2.20 Listen to four people talking about their favourite gadgets. Match the speakers to the gadgets A-E in exercise 1. Which gadget is not mentioned?



Listen again and answer the questions.

1 W h o uses a gadget w hen driving?


2 W h o talks about a friend w h o broke his gadget?



3 W h o talks about the size of a gadget?


.........., .............

4 W h o says that a gadg et is not very n ew ?



5 W h o uses a gadget to help with their coursework?



6 W h o makes calls with a gadget?

Speakers ........... , .............

7 W h o talks about accessories for a gadget?

Speakers ........... , .............., ............

8 W h o talks about the cost of a gadget?



1 1 Describing gadgets 4 Which gadgets in exercise 1 are sentences 1-7 about? What other gadgets could they describe? 1 It's extremely convenient and easy to use.

2 It w as very expensive, actually, so I'm careful w ith it. 3 I used to have a walkm an, but that's so out-of-date now. 4 It's a really old car, w ith just an inexpensive radio.

5 M y favourite gadget is so efficient - it does everything and it's really fast. 6 It’s a bit fragile, but I bought a durable cover, so I'm not w orried that som ething will happen to it.

7 It's not very reliable n ow and there are all sorts of problem s with it. 5

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Think of a gadget and describe it to your partner. Use the highlighted words in exercise 4. Your partner needs to guess the gadget that you are describing.

DVD extra


Asking for instructions, explanations and clarification 6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Do you always read the instructions for a new gadget before you use it? Read opinions 1-4. Which opinions do you agree / disagree with? 1 1 never read instructions! I prefer to experim ent and try out lots o f different things. If you're careful, you won't d o any dam age and you'll learn a lot about your n e w gadget.’ 2 1 usually read the most basic instructions - the 'Quick Set-up' page that com es with most new gadgets. After that, I w ork stuff ou t for myself.' 3 'If I have a problem, I don't read the manual; I usually go online and d o a search. It’s quicker!' 4 1 always read all the instructions before I start to use something. It takes time, but afterwards I know exactly w h at I'm doing!’


Digital humans

9C 7

2.21 1 2 3 4 5

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

W h y is the w om an phoning the helpline? W h ich button does the w om an press first? W h at does the 'hom e' button look like? W h at does the helpline advisor tell the w om an to d o w ith the icons on th e screen? W h y is there nothing on the phone screen?



Complete the phrases from the dialogue. Then listen again and check.

Asking for instructions H o w do I 1

Giving clarification ?

Let m e 6

H o w does it w ork?


W h at I m ean i s . . . .

W h a t d o I d o next?

Checking that the listener understands

Giving instructions Could y o u 2.................................... , please? N o w 3.................................... the'settings’option.

Do you s e e 7.................................... ? Is everything clear so far?

First, switch it on. Then, choose . . . .

Confirming understanding

Asking for repetition or clarification

Right, I've got that.

18 Sorry,4 I

you, but

again, please?

d o n '

I'm not quite sure . . . . I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that.


2.22 Complete the dialogue with phrases in exercise 8. Then listen and check. Customer Assistant


like this camera, but it does look quite com p licated .1....................................................

It's sim ple.2.............................................................. That's the 'on' button there. Then choose 'autom atic' or 'manual'.

Customer Assistant Customer Assistant Customer Assistant Customer Assistant

3............................................................. h o w to d o that. It's this button here. Just turn it to'au to m atic'o r to'manual'. 4

. I've selected 'manual'.

N o w press th e 'AV' button for th e picture exposure. 5

You press the 'AV' button for the picture exposure. Picture exposure? Yes.6

................... you press the 'AV' button to make th e picture

lighter or darker.7............................................................ ?

Customer Assistant Customer

Yes, th at’s quite clear, thanks.8

......................... ?

Point the cam era and press the black button on the top. Well, that's easy. Thank you.

10 Read the dialogue in exercise 9 again and find three more phrases to add to the table in exercise 8. 11

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Choose one of the situations and prepare a dialogue.

S itu a tio n 1: Gam es console Student A (customer) You have bought a new games console, but • you can’t see a picture on the TV screen. • the controller doesn't work.

Student B (helpline advisor) Check that the customer . has connected the games console to the TV. • has put batteries in the controller.

Situation 2: MP3 player Student A (customer) You are trying to use your MP3 player, but • the screen won’t come on. • there's no sound.

Student B (helpline advisor) Check that the customer • has switched the machine on. • has connected the player to the speakers.

Digital humans


9D ■ Culture, vocabulary and grammar iPeople 1

2.23 SPEAKING Use the ideas below to discusss the ways you communicate with friends. Then read and listen to a 'slam' poem. Which ideas does the author mention? text message

posting on Facebook

■ face-to-face talking


instant messaging

■ talking on the phone ■ sending an email


2.23 SPEAKING Read and listen to the poem again. Then discuss the questions. 1 W h o is the Apple iPerson? W h at does the poet think has happened to people? 2 W h y does he spend tim e on Facebook rather than reading or m eeting friends? 3 H o w m any friends has he got in the digital world and in th e real world? 4 Does the poet think w e have evolved? W h y / w hy not? 5 In line 42, the poet says 'it's scary'. W h at is he referring to? 6 W h a t is th e poet's hope for the future?

STRATEGY U n d e rsta n d in g poetry

When you read a poem, notice the techniques the poet uses. 1 Repeating a key w ord or a phrase. 2 Rhym ing words. 3 Using words with more than on e meaning. 3

Read the strategy. Then find examples of 1-3 in the poem. Some words and phrases may be used more than once. insight Words with more than one meaning


Study the highlighted words in the poem. Complete the gaps in 1-3 with the meanings below. Then think of two meanings for the other highlighted words. What effect does this word play have? a round, flat object you put into a com puter ■ to m ake an arrangem ent ■ the front part o f your head 1 face

a ...................................................... b to be opposite som ething, looking at it 2 book

a a w ritten w ork on printed pages b

3 disc a


b a thing betw een th e bones in your back


SPEAKING What type of poetry is popular with young people in your country?

114 Digital humans

Touchscreen by Marshall Soulful Jones

9D Non-defining relative clauses

6 Read the text. What is the difference between slam poetry and rap music?

Introducing the new Apple iPerson complete with multitouch doesn't it feel good to touch? doesn't it feel good to touch? compatible with your iPod and your iPad doesn't it feel good to touch? doesn't it feel good to touch? no friends, there’s an app for that no life, there’s an app for that you’re a complete loser, there's an app for that doesn't it feel good to touch? doesn't it feel good to touch? doesn't it feel good to touch? my world, my world has become so digital I have forgotten what that feels like It was difficult to connect when friends formed cliques* now it’s even more difficult to connect now that clicks form friends But who am I to judge I face Facebook more than books face me hoping to book face-to-faces I update my status 420 spaces to prove I’m still breathing failure to do this daily means my whole web wide world will forget that I exist but with 3,000 friends online and only five I can count in real life why wouldn't I spend more time in a world where there are more people that ‘like’ me Wouldn’t you? You would need Blueray to read what is really me but I’m not that focused ten tabs open hoping my problems are resolved with a 1500 by 1600 resolution provin' we might have missed a step in this evolution doubted over we used to sit in treetops till we swung down to stand upright then someone slipped a disc now we’re doubled over at desktops from the garden of Eden to the branches of Macintosh apple picking has always come at a great cost iPod iMac iPhone iChat I can do all of these things without making eye contact We used to sprint* to pick and store blackberries now we run to the Sprint store* and pick Blackberries it’s scary can’t hear the sound of mother nature speaking over all this tweeting and our ability to feel along with it is fleeting so when my phone goes off in my hip iTouch and iTouch and iTouch and iTouch and iTouch because in a world Where laughter is never heard And voices are only read we are so desperate to feel that we hope our Technologic can reverse* the universe until the screen touches us back and maybe one day it will when our technology is advanced enough ... to make us human again.

Slam poetry became popular in Chicago in 1986. The first slam poems were performed in a club called the Greenmill Lounge, ’where jazz musicians usually played. This poetry, 2which can be performed by anyone, provided a new w a y for people to get their message across. It encouraged ordinary people, 3w ho weren’t used to expressing themselves publicly, to tell their stories or talk about social issues. In fact, slam poetry is very similar to rap. Both are examples o f performance poetry, 4whose aim is to tell a story. The difference is that rap uses music, whereas slam poetry relies on the power o f the spoken word.


Study non-defining relative clauses 1-4 in the text in exercise 6. Then answer the questions. 1

Does the text make sense w ithout th e clauses?

2 Do the clauses add essential or extra information? 3 W h e re can the clauses g o in a sentence? 4 W h ich words are used at the beginning of the clauses?

5 Can the clauses begin w ith that instead o f w hich ? Non-defining relative clauses always start w ith a com m a.

Reference and practice 9.2

W orkbook page 121

8 Combine the sentences to make one sentence. Use a non-defining relative clause. 1 Marshall Soulful Jon es cam e second in the National Poetry Slam in Boston. His p oem was about technology.

2 I posted a photo o f m y dog on Facebook. It w as very funny.

3 M y com puter broke dow n. It had all m y friends' con tact details in it.

4 M y brother Seth w ants to be a famous jazz musician. He plays the saxophone.

5 W e som etim es go to Jam aica. M y grandparents live there. 6 That's Cafe Europa. I often m eet m y friends there.

7 M y friend Ja d e writes rap songs. Her sister is in my class.

Vocabulary bank

Poetry page 142

'cliques = small groups of people with the same interests •sprint = to run a short distance very quickly *Sprint store = a mobile phone shop ‘ reverse = to return to what existed before

Digital humans


9 E ■ W riting A for and against essay 1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 W h e n w as the last tim e that you did the things b elow ? checked your emails

w rote a le tte r: bought som ething online

looked for information online

looked for information in a book

bought som ething at a shop read the new s online

read a newspaper

2 Do you switch your phone off w h e n you g o to bed? 3 H o w soon after you w ake up in the m orning do you g o online or ch eck your text messages? 2

Read the statement. Think of two advantages and two disadvantages of constant connection. Then read the model essay and see if any of your ideas are mentioned.

With modern technology, we can be connected to the web 24 hours a day.The advantages of constant connection are greater than the disadvantages. Discuss.

The advotvvfct0es chad disadvcin+ci0es of constant connec-Hon A W ith sm artphones and com puters, 'it is o fte n said th a t we a re ra re ly m ore th an a fe w m inutes away fro m our em ails, updates fro m friend s or global and local news. However, 2it could be claimed th a t we have become too re lia n t on technology. Does th is make our lives b e tte r or m ore stressful? I n th is essay, I will discuss th e advantages and disadvantages o f being constantly connected. B One advantage is th a t people can -find im portant inform ation very quickly and they don’t have to go to the lib rary or read bocks fo r research. Another point is th a t people can buy m any things online. This is useful fo r people who have mobility problems. 3I t may also be argued th a t people a re sa fe r because they know th a t they can instantly get help if th ere is an emergency. Furtherm ore, photographs, videos and news can be shared online, so people can always catch up w ith friend s who live on the other side o f the world. C However, th ere a re also some disadvantages to constant connection. Firstly, although people can access a lot of inform ation Online, some Claim th a t the inform ation is o fte n misleading or inaccurate. Anyone can put inform ation onto a webpage and, as a result, it can be difficult to check the source. Secondly, 4it seems evident th a t some shops on th e high stre e t are now struggling due to the rise in online shopping. Many shops a re being closed down. Thirdly, although th ere are people who feel sa fe r because o f mobile phones, others would argue th a t th ere a re new dangers like cyberbullying. sI t is tru e th a t constant connection helps us to keep in touch w ith friend s, but it can be very stressful when people expect in stan t responses. D I n conclusion, I believe th a t although th ere are m any advantages to constant connection, we should also switch o ff our phones sometimes, walk away fro m our computers and talk to some real people.


Match the descriptions to paragraphs A-D. 1 Conclusion and statem ent o f writer's ow n opinion

2 Introduction of topic 3 Argum ents against the statem ent 4 Argum ents for the statem ent

4 Answer the questions. 1 According to the writer, w h o can benefit from shopping online?

2 H o w can w e m aintain contact with friends w h o live far aw ay? 3 W h y can there be problems with using online information? 4 W h at can make people feel stressed?

5 W h at advice does the author give at the end?

Introductory It 5

Study sentences 1-5 in the model essay. Then put them into the correct part of the table. I t + th e passive I t + the passive (with modal verbs) I t + is / se e m s + adjective


Digital humans

9E 6

Rewrite the sentences using the introductory I t and the words in brackets. 1 There is no real privacy in today's world, (said) 2 Com puters are getting smaller, faster and cheaper, (could argue) 3 People have forgotten h o w to think for themselves, (m ay claim) 4

I he internet has changed the w a y that w e d o our research, (obvious)

5 Students are able to access m ore information about their subject, (clear) 6 Constant connection is a normal part of our lives, (seems evident)


Making your writing neutral When you write a for and against essay, you should avoid using phrases, like / b e lie v e or / th in k until the conclusion. You should use impersonal language to express different opinions. The most common impersonal structures are: 1 Introductory It

2 The passive 3 So m e / O ther people:

Som e p eople claim / believe / s a y . . . . There are those w ho say th a t . . . . O ther people (would) argue t h a t . . . .


Read the strategy. Underline examples of impersonal structures in the model essay.

8 Use the strategy to make the sentences more neutral. Use as many different structures as you can. 1 I think that children should read books rather than play com p u ter games. 2 In m y vie w children's attention spans are getting shorter. 3 I think w e need to change our teaching methods. 4 In m y opinion com puter gam es d evelop im portant skills. 5 I believe that young people’s brains are developing differently. 6 The internet is a ve ry im portant tool in language developm ent.

WRITING GUIDE ■ Task Choose one of the statements and write a for and against essay about it. 1 W e are losing our social skills in real life d ue to the am ount o f tim e w e spend online. Discuss.

■ Plan Follow the plan: Paragraph 1: W rite an introduction w ith a clear outline o f the topic.

Paragraph 2: Present the argum ents in favour o f the

2 M odern tech no logy has m ade life m uch better for m ost people in th e developed world. Discuss.

■ Ideas Make notes about: Essay 1


Paragraph 3: Present the argum ents against the statement.

Paragraph 4: W rite a conclusion to the essay. Include your ow n opinion.

■ the im portance of body language and facial expressions. ■ telling the truth online.

■ Write Write your essay. Use the paragraph plan to help you.

■ ways of sharing our interests with people. ■ ways of finding ou t about different cultures and beliefs.

Essay 2 ■ h o w m odern tech no logy can help people w ith poor mobility. ■ the am ount o f free tim e w e have now. ■ the am ount o f stress in our lives.

■ Check Check the following points: ■ Have you used a clear paragraph structure? ■ Have you included all your points for and against the statem ent? ■ Have you used neutral language? ■ Have you checked grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation?

■ h o w m odern tech no logy develops our skills.

Digital humans


Vocabulary insight 9 New words STRATEGY U n d e rsta n d in g n ew w o rd s N ew words appear frequently in English, often to


Match the words in A to the words in B to make the underlined new words in exercise 2. A B

existing words) together to make a n ew word.

2 Loaning - borrowing a word from another language. 3 Conversion - form ing a w ord from an existing identical w ord (for example, using a noun as a verb).

1 Read the strategy above. Study the dictionary entries below and match them to ways of forming new words 1-3 in the strategy. text2 /tekst/ (also

text-message) v e r b [T,l] to send sb a written message using a mobile phone: / t e x t e d h i m t o s a y w e w e r e h o m e . O look at SMS O note at mobile phone

'snail m ail

n o u n [U] ( i n f o r m a l ) used by people who use email to describe the system of sending letters by ordinary post






forming n e w words include:

1 Blending - putting tw o existing words (or parts of

electronic ■ cam era ■ internet


describe n e w technology. Recognizing h o w words are form ed will help you to understand a n e w word. W ays of

w ebsite





m onologue

log phobia


2 3 4 ............................................................................................

5 ....................................................................................... ................................................................................. 7 ....................................................................................... 8 ................................................................................


4 Match the words in A to the words in B to make new words for definitions 1-5. Use a dictionary to help you. A

em ote


w are





b etw een icon

user fidelity

1 a m achine that is easy to use 2 a person b etw een 8-12 years o ld ........................ 3 a symbol o fa facial expression........................

karaoke /.kaeri'auki/ noun [U] a type of entertain­ ment in which a machine plays only the music of popular songs so that people can sing the words themselves

4 software that you d o not have to pay for

5 tech no log y that allows you to g o online wirelessly

2 Match the underlined words in sentences 1-8 to definitions a-h. 1 M y m um hates walking around shops, so she buys m ost things from the teleshopping channel.

5 Complete the sentences with words in exercises 3 and 4. 1 I didn't have an y problems w ith this m achine - it's v e r y .........................

2 During m y trip around Asia, I w rote a travelogue. 3 M an y o f m y friends co m m e n t on posts on m y b lo a.

2 M a n y ........................ c a m e to th e C a r ly Rae Jepsen concert.

4 W h e n w e g o on holiday, w e usually take our cam corder to film all the w onderful places w e visit.

3 A big publisher w ants to publish my about m y experiences in South America.

5 M y dad is a huge tech no p ho b e - he hates everything digital.

4 I don't like buying things online.

6 W e rarely talk to each other - all com m unication is d on e bv em ail.

5 You need to protect your com puter against as it can d o a lot o f damage.

7 The program that I dow n loaded online cam e w ith a lot of m alware.

6 You can g et online anyw here in th e city centre n ow because there is free

8 M any people are rude on message boards - they don't know the netiquette.

a a book, film or lecture about places visited by a

channels, but I don't mind


7 I hate w h e n people use lots of


o f words in their emails. 8 M an y com puter magazines add CDs with


b buying products advertised on a television shopping channel

c an electronic device used for recording videos and audio

d messages sent electronically e com puter programs designed to dam ag e a com puter system

6 Work in pairs. Invent a new word using each of the ways below. Write a definition and an example sentence. blending



1 ..............................................................................

f th e rules people should use w h e n th ey are posting on forums or chatting on the internet g a person w h o does not like or use technology


an online personal journal

118 Vocabulary insight 9


Dictionary entries from Oxford Wordpower Dictionary, 4th edition

Review 9 Vocabulary 1


Complete the phrasal verbs with one word.

Complete the sentences with w ho, w hich, w hen, w h ere or w ho se.


1 Xing is a friend

I met Tom at a party and we hit it 1 immediately. I then ran 2

2 W e m et

him in the


park the next day! After that, we met often. He was the first person I ever really 3

5 Xing's show ed m e photos of th e tow n

, 1was so


lives in China.

over it, of course, and we’re

still friends. W e 6

gam ing skills are even

4 G a m e rs.................. play TERA live all over the world.

- I used to tell him everything. When he moved to upset! 15

He’s the on ly friend better than mine!

up to

New York, I almost broke 4

I m et o n lin e w e w ere playing TERA.

6 It's a country

I'd love to visit.

up with news over



Skype now.

6 Marks


Read the sentences in exercise 5 again. In which sentences could you: 1


.............. , ............... a n d .................

Complete the sentences with the words below. actually




replace th e relative pronoun or adverb w ith th a t ?

2 om it the relative pronoun or adverb ?

sym pathetic




1 I used to date Zoe, but I’m 2 He’s a



7 Combine the key information in the sentences using

, sociable person, and talks a lot!

3 W h e n I w as ill, Fay w as v e r y .................... and kind.

a defining relative clause.

4 You're late! You're t h e .....................person to arrive.

1 Galileo w as the astronomer. He invented the word

5 It looks w arm outside, but it's.....................cold.

'telescope'(but not the instrument!).

6 He always buys t h e .....................gadgets.



2 Alexander Graham Bell is the Scot. His invention connected the world.


Complete the sentences about six gadgets. There is one adjective that you do not need. durable






3 The U SA w as the place. Credit cards w ere first used here.

reliable 4 Space Invaders was th e com puter game. It first made

1 This radio is strong and

gam ing really popular.

2 These batteries are good value. They're quite 3 Don't drop m y camera. It's rath er................................... 4 This w atch is always correct - it's...................................

5 1978 was the year. G P S m ade navigation easier

5 The cam ping stove cooks food quickly. It's...................


6 T h is s a tn a v is ......................................The maps are old.



4 Write one word that matches both definitions. 1

She hasn't got a mobile.

activity of posting messages on Twitter.

2 3

8 Combine sentences 1-5 and the sentences below. Use a non-defining relative clause. Her dad is a gam es programmer.

is a noise that birds make AN D the


It's bright.

I bought it a fe w years ago.

M an y software millionaires live there.

is a com puter brand AN D a fruit. ............. means (noun) the front part o f your

1 M y grandm other hates technology.

head OR (verb) be in front o f som ething or someone.


2 In sum m er I can't see m y com puter screen.

..........means {verb) m ake an arrangem ent OR {noun) pages of writing joined inside a cover.

5 A

is som ething that you have

3 Life is expensive in 'Silicon Valley'.

betw een the bones in your back OR a round, flat object that you can use to record, read or play

4 M y laptop is quite old now.

material in a com p u ter 6 A a brand o f m obile phone OR a

5 Isla's dad is famous.

small, soft black fruit.



Marks Total

Pronunciation insight 9 W orkbook page 128 I

/10 750

Review 9 119

Creativity Reading and vo cab u lary A rt is everyw h ere 1

SPEAKING Answer the questions. 1 W h ich artists do the photos show ? W h a t w ere th ey fam ous for? 2 W h ich artist's w ork m ight appear on a T-shirt?

as a ringtone?

on a postcard?


Summarizing what you read

The stories behind You m ig h t see a Picasso p a in tin g p rin te d on aT-shirt o r h e a r M o z a r t’s Piano So n a ta m u sic played as a rin g to n e on a p h o n e , b u t h o w m u c h d o you k n o w a b o u t th e s e a rtis ts ? Picasso and M o z a r t w e r e b oth

When you summarize a text, it is important to focus on the main ideas and describe them in your own words.

ch ild geniuses, b u t w ith v e r y d iffe re n t sto rie s ...

To summarize a text:

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

underline the m ain ideas or facts (dates, people, places, etc.) in the paragraph. paraphrase the information that you have chosen, using your o w n words. Try to use synonyms, use linking words to co n n ect the information.


Read the strategy. Work in pairs. Student A read about Picasso and student B read about Mozart. Underline the main ideas, then complete the chart. Tell your partner about the person you read about. W h e n / W h e re born

W h e n Picasso was born in Malaga,Spain in 18 8 1,the midwife thought he was stillborn. Luckily the doctor, w ho was smoking a cigar, blew some smoke into the baby's face and Pablo started screaming. Picasso was alive and well, to everyone’s relief! Pablo Picasso was a born artist and to prove it, his first w ord was piz, short for lapiz (pencil in Spanish). His father Ruiz, w ho was an art professor, recognized

W h e n first created art W h a t created C h ildh oo d activities

his son’s talent and taught him from the age of seven. Picasso completed his first painting when he was nine (Le Picador). Between 1892 and 1897, Picasso studied art in

G reatest ach ievem en ts

Madrid and Barcelona. His w ork showed a brilliance

M o st surprising fact

and maturity that was years ahead of his classmates, but Picasso was not a good student. He was sick and tired of school, so he didn't listen to his teachers. As punishment


Read about the other artist and answer the questions. According to the texts, which artist: 1 surprised people w hen he w as born? 2 could create n ew work w hile he was doing som ething else? 3 didn't mind being punished at school? 4 travelled a lot w hen he w as very young? 5 offended people with their work? 6 experienced financial problems? 7 w as interrogated about a crim e? 8 didn't com plete his final work?

he was put in a room on his own.‘I took along a sketch pad and drew ...,' said Picasso later.‘I could have stayed there forever, drawing without stopping.' Eventually Picasso left art school and went to Paris, where he met a painter and sculptor called Georges Braque. Picasso began to experiment and through trial and error produced many different styles. One of these styles was Cubism, which grew into an a rt movement founded by Picasso and Braque. Braque and Picasso used squares and triangles in their paintings and showed the front and side view of people at the same time. Picasso used this technique in his most famous works, such as Les Demoiselles d’Avignon ( 1907) and

4 SPEAKING Answer the questions. 1 W h a t are th e similarities and differences betw een Mozart and Picasso? 2 H o w d o you think their teachers and classmates felt about them ?

Guernica ( 1937). Many people found the style shocking and controversial, but others recognized his genius. W h ile he was in Paris, Picasso also made friends with the poet Apollinaire, w ho sometimes bought stolen paintings. In I9 I I,w hen the Mona Lisa was stolen

3 W h at d o you think are the advantages and

from the Louvre, the police arrested Apollinaire and

disadvantages o f being a child genius?

questioned Picasso. Fortunately, both w ere released, and the Mona Lisa turned up in Italy tw o years later. Picasso enjoyed much success in his life and could pick and choose what he painted, but he never stopped experimenting.That's why he is known as El Maestro (or the master) of M odem Art.


Creativity Vocabulary: abstract nouns: talent; phrases with and; describing art; compound adjectives: describing events; synonyms: evaluative adjectives

Grammar: participle clauses; determiners Speaking: discussing art; summarizing the main points ofa film; debating Writing: a review of an event


Abstract nouns: talent

the names

5 Study the highlighted words in the text. Then match them to definitions 1-8. 1 the quality o f being n e w and interesting 2 a picture in your imagination 3 doing w ell and becom ing rich and famous

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

4 very great and unusual intelligence or ability 5 the w a y som ething is d on e or made 6 being fully developed

Like Picasso, Mozart was a child genius - he w rote

7 a quality that gives pleasure to the senses

musical notes before he could write words and began

8 giving all o f your tim e and energy to som ething

composing music when he was only four years old. O ne day, his father came home from church and found Wolfgang at his desk.There were bits and pieces of


C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith th e w o rd s in exercise 5.

1 Although Mozart w as very young, he show ed a lot of

paper everywhere and at first his father was angry.

w hen he performed in front of princes and kings.

Then he realized that the child had written a sonata for the piano.When he commented that it was difficult

2 There is m uch

to play, little Wolfgang replied,‘not with some practice,' and began to play the piece himself Mozart went on to

3 I was impressed by t h e ............and charm of Leonardo

w rite his first symphony at the age of nine.

da Vinci's M ona Lisa. She was a very attractive lady.

The Mozart family were very talented and his sister,

4 M ichelango showed a lot of

Maria Anna, was also a brilliant musician.The family

5 Michelangelo's L a s: Ju dg em ent shows the artist’s ............

toured Europe several times, travelling far and wide.

o f heaven and hell.

Unfortunately, the children often fell ill. But thanks to his

6 The artist Andy W arhol founded Pop Art, a ............ of art

travels, Mozart learned fifteen different languages.

popular in the 1960s.

During Mozart's life, many people admired the

7 Albert Einstein w as a n a tu r a l........... in mathematics. It

beauty and originality of his music.Young Mozart

helped him develop the Theory o f Relativity.

could compose anything, anywhere - during meals,

8 The Harry Potter series has been a g re a t............. More

while talking to friends, or while travelling on a coach.

than 500,000 books have been sold.

He composed very quickly and w rote huge amounts of music - more than 600 pieces in all, including

insight Phrases with a n d

symphonies, piano concertos and fine Kleine Nachtmusik.


despite this hard w ork and dedication his life had many ups and downs. Mozart spent money faster than he made it. He loved the high life, including fancy clothes and servants and was often anxious about his finances. In July 17 9 1, a stranger wearing dark clothes and a hood came to Mozart's house, asking him to compose a Requiem o r a Mass for the Dead. Mozart was ill, but

w hen he painted the

Sistine Chapel. He worked 16-18 hours a day for four years!

lived in Austria, but the two children and their father

He also gave music lessons and played at concerts. But

in Picasso's paintings. His ideas

w ere often exciting and new.


Match the words in A to the words in B. Check your answers in the text. A



dow ns





w id e



far choose


Replace the words in italics with phrases in exercise 7. 1 At university you can freely select which subjects you'd like to study.

needed the money, so he agreed to do the work. As Mozart composed the piece, he had a vision that he

2 M y grandparents are both still living a n d healthy.

was writing music for his own funeral. In fact, he died

3 I'm fed up with the weather. It's always raining!

before the Requiem was finished. Mozart was 35 years

4 I m anaged to find the right key to the door through

old and had so little money that he was buried in an unmarked grave.

trying repeatedly for success. 5

Dave had his g o o d times an d b a d times, but despite this he w as happy w ith his life.

6 W e looked everywhere for our lost cat, but w e couldn't find it.

9 SPEAKING Work in small groups. Imagine you could choose to be the best in one skill or ability. Which one would you choose and why? singing



playing an instrument playing chess

DVD extra

Art is everyw here

Vocabulary bank


com posing

solving m athem atical problems

playing a sport


Th e arts page 143



1 0 B ■ G ram m ar and listening Around th e w orld in one dance s rv



SPEAKING Look at the photos and answer the questions. Then read the text and compare your answers to questions 1 and 2. 1 W h at is happening in the photos? 2 W h y are they doing this?

3 W h at are the most popular dances in your country? 4 Do you enjoy dancing? Are you g oo d at it?

Dancing badly around the world In 2003, M a tt H arding, a video g a m e d e s ig n e r w orking in A ustralia, d ec id e d to leave his jo b a n d tra v e l a ro u n d S o u th e a st Asia w ith his frien d Brad. Like m o s t p e o p le trav e llin g fro m place to,place, th e y took p h o to s a n d film ed s h o r t v id eo clips o f t h e p lace s th e y visited. One d ay in Hanoi, Brad s u g g e s te d t h a t M a tt d id a silly d a n c e in fro n t o f th e ca m e ra . M att, th in k in g th e idea w as g r e a t fun, a g re e d a n d from th e re , t h e idea grew. M a tt m a d e a v id eo sho w in g his silly d a n c e s all a ro u n d th e w orld a n d p u t it o n to his blog. Gradually, m o re a n d m ore p eo p le b e g a n to talk a b o u t him . M att's 'b a d d a n c in g ' video, w a tc h e d by m illions o f people, b e c a m e a n in te rn e t se n sa tio n . M a tt w as c o n ta c te d by a ch e w in g g u m com pany. They loved his clips a n d w a n te d him to m ak e a v id eo fo r th e m . In 2006, M a tt m a d e a ro u n d -th e -w o rld to u r sp o n so red by th e com pany. B ut th is tim e , so m e th in g c h a n g e d . M att p e rfo rm e d h is silly d a n c e in R w anda. He in sp ired so m e R w andan o rp h a n s w a tc h in g him to d an c e, too. Suddenly, M a tt h a d a n ew m ission He d id n 't w a n t to d a n c e a ro u n d th e w orld, h e w a n te d to d a n c e w ith th e w orld. M att's n ew videos, m a d e in 2008 a n d 2012, h av e a se n se o f

i s - ''


Present continuous

Reported speech

There are other reporting verbs that w e can use apart from

Past simple

sa y and tell, e.g. add, adm it, agree, explain, p o in t out, promise,

She said that lan snored very loudly.

reply, warn. O f the verbs in this list, on ly prom ise and warn

Past continuous

'May's listening to music,' 1 said.


Present perfect

l said that May was listening to music.

are followed by a personal pronoun.


1 'W e can't g o together,' said Pete. Pete said that w e .................................... together.

Past perfect

Tve made my decision/ she said.


Past simple

2 'Marina and Dan haven't eaten anything,’said Phil.

She said that she had made her decision.

Phil said that Marina and D a n .................................... anything.

Past perfect

'We waited a long time/ Liiles said.


Past perfect

3 'I finished the crossword,'said Grandma.

Liiles said that they had waited a long time.

Grandm a said that s h e ................................. the crossword.

Past perfect

'I'd already seen the film,' said Mari.



'You can try again,' he said.

He said that 1 could try again.


4 'They're always playing com puter games,'said Mum.

Mari said she'd already seen the film.


M um said that t h e y .................................... com puter games. 5 T h e sunset will be beautiful,'said Ellen. Ellen said that the sunset beautiful. 6 'Dad is a really good cook,'said David.

w ould

They said: 'Well think about it.'

David said that Dad

They said that they would think about it.

It is usually necessary to change pronouns and possessive adjectives, too:

'My dog isn't very well,' Harry said. -> Harry said that his dog wasn't very well. 'I'm buying a present for my dad/ she said. -> She said that she was buying a present for her dad.

Complete the sentences in reported speech.

a really

good cook.


Complete the sentences with the correct pronouns or possessive forms. Sometimes no change is needed. 1 'Colin can't find his dog,'said Ewan. Ew an said that Colin couldn't find


2 'M um is annoyed w ith both o f you,'said Debbie. Debbie said that M u m was annoyed with both of

W e also change references to tim e and place.


3 'W e aren't going on the school trip today,'said Wend>



then / a t that m om ent



that day

this w eek


that w eek

last w eek


the w eek before



the day before

tom orrow


the next / following day

a m inute ago


a m inute earlier / before

next w eek


the following w eek

school trip that day. 4 'You will love your present,' m y brothers told me. M y brothers told m e that


116 Grammar reference and practice 7

w ou ld love

present. 5 'I know your sister,' Ian said. Ian said t h a t ............... k n e w .................sister. 6 'I really like Carol and her brother,' said Steve. Steve said th a t ............... really liked Carol and ............... brother

Place here

W e n d y said th a t................weren't going on the


Choose the correct words.


1 He prom ised / w a rn e d that I m ight be in a dangerous situation.

Choose the correct sentence endings. Sometimes both are correct. 1 The police officer asked me a w h at w as I doing?

2 I thought w e w ou ld be late, but Sarah agreed /

b w h at I w as doing.

p o in ted o u t that the train wasn't d ue to leave for another hour.


3 Jack w a rn e d / explained that he was at hom e

Nina asked her m um a

if she could go into tow n to m eet a friend,

b w h eth er could she g o into to w n to m eet a friend.

because the school w as closed. 4 Although she denied it at first,Thea eventually


a d m itted / prom ised that she had lost the book.

I spotted Tim and asked him a if he w anted to play football in the park,

b if he wants to play football in the park.

5 Ken explain ed / a d m itted that he w ouldn't tell anyone m y secret.

4 Our neighbours asked us

6 At first, Diana said I w as wrong, but in the end, she

a if w e had seen their dog.

b w hether w e had seen their dog.

prom ised / agreed that it w ou ld be better to do things m y way.

5 The m odel plane that Grandad m ade was amazing, and I asked a

7.2 Reported questions and com m ands

6 A tourist stopped us in the street and asked us a w here w as he.

W e report questions with the verb ask. Ask can be followed

b w here he was.

by a personal pronoun, or can be used w ithout one.

7 W e asked our teacher

To report a yes/no question, w e use the structure ask

a w h e n w ou ld start th e exams,

(it object) it if. The w ord order is the same as in an

b w hen the exams w ould start.

affirmative sentence. This means that the subject com es

8 Richard cam e over and asked

before the verb.

John asked if I was feeling all right. John asked me if I was feeling all right. NOT John as ked me if was I feeling all right. W e can use w hether instead o f //.There is no difference in meaning.

Max asked if we wanted to 90 to the cinema, or Max asked whether we wanted to 90 to the cinema.

him h o w he had m ade it.

b did it take long to make it.


me if th e news w as true.

b if the news w as true.


Write the active questions and commands as reported questions and commands. Use the correct form of the reporting verbs te ll and a sk . 1 'W ait here for m e,’ said Luke. 2 'W h ere does Paul live?'asked Mum.

To report a wh- question, w e use a wh- word followed by an affirmative w ord order.

3 H o w ’s your toe?'asked Nancy.

She asked (Fiona) what the time was. NOT Sh e-as ked (F iona) what was the time.

4 'Give m e the torch,' she said.

W e report orders and com m ands w ith the verb tell. W e use

5 'Don't do anything until next week,' Mr Carr said.

th e structure tell + personal pronoun + infinitive with to.

They told us to stand in the queue.

6 'Have you been ill?’asked Kevin.

To report an order not to d o som ething, w e put n o t before th e infinitive with to.

7 'Don't play your music so loud, you two,' said Dad.

She told me not to worry. 8 'Are you Ted Fielding's n e p h e w ?1asked the man. Rem em ber that it is still necessary to follow the rules about changing tenses, pronouns and possessive forms, as w ell as references to place and time.

'Lome back here tomorrow evening,' he said. —> He told me to 90 back there the next / following evening.

Grammar reference and practice 7 117

Grammar reference and practice 8 8.1 Third conditional W e use the third conditional to talk about unreal situations in the past.The condition is impossible, because w e cannot

Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 If y o u .................................... (listen) m ore closely, you .................................... (know) w h at to do.

ch an g e w h at happened. Consequently, the result is also 2


If you had studied,

you would have passed the exam.



If t- past perfect,

w ould {'d) have + past participle

I .................................... (play) in the m atch if I (bring) m y football boots.

3 We

(not say) anything if w e

............................... (realize) the trouble it w ou ld cause. If h e .................................... (not ask) for directions, he


..................................... (not arrive) on time.

In the sam e w a y as for other conditional sentences, the

5 If Jessica

result can com e first.

You would have passed ' the exam

r . . . . if you had studied.



It is possible to use other modals in the result clause.

If you'd mentioned it earlier, l might have been able to do something about it. If we hadn't taken the wrong road, we could have got there sooner.

(be) w orried about us,

s h e .....................................(phone) us. 6 M y b ro th er.................................... (win) the race if he ..................................... (not fall). 7

If t h e y .................................... (w ant) to com e along, .................................t h e y ...................................(tell) us?

8 Y o u .................................... (not) fail your exams if you ..................................... (do) more studying!

Unless is never used in third conditional sentences.

8.2 ■/ w


Choose the correct third conditional sentences.

I wish

1 a If he had known the risks, he w ou ld change his

W e use wish + past simple to say that w e w ould like a


b If he had known the risks, he w ou ld have changed his mind. 2 a W e w ou ld have enjoyed ourselves more if our teacher hadn't been there,

b W e w ou ld enjoyed ourselves more if our teacher hadn't been there.

3 a Unless I had organized th e demonstration, I would have d on e it differently.

b If I had organized the dem onstration, I w ou ld have d on e it differently.

4 a If she w ould understand the question, she might have got th e answ er right,

b If she had understood the question, she m ight have got the answer right.

5 a I w ould have backed d o w n if I had been in his position.

b I w ould have backed d o w n if I w ould have been in his position. 6 a If som eone had shown us the ropes, w e would have known w h at to do.

b If som eone w ould have shown us the ropes, w e had known w hat to do.

7 a G ary didn't throw the papers ou t if he realized that th ey w ere important.

b G ary w ouldn't have thrown the papers out if he'd realized that th ey w ere important. 8 a W e could have bought a nice souvenir if w e had had m ore money.

b W e w ou ld have bought a nice souvenir if w e could have more money.


Grammar reference and practice 8

is h


i f o n ly

present situation to be different.

I wish we had a dog. (I w ould like to have a dog, but I haven't got one.)

Sam wishes he lived in America. (Sam w ou ld like to live in America, but he doesn't.) W e can use wish followed by a negative verb.

I wish l didn't have such a complicated life! (I w ould like my life to be easier, but it isn't.) As with the second conditional, w e can use were instead of


I wish Joe was / were here. Do you wish Joe were here? W e don't use w ould to express a wish about the present. NOT I wish Jo e would be her e. To say that w e regret som ething that happened in the past, w e use wish + past perfect.

Karina wishes she had come on the trip with us. (She didn't co m e w ith us, and she n o w regrets that.)

I wish l hadn't said all those things.

I f only It is also possible to use I f only + past perfect to express a regret about som ething that happened in the past.

If only we hadn't missed our bus. If only + past simple is also used to express a wish for things to be different in the present. However, it is stronger than


If only l was / were taller. If only I didn't have such short legs!


8.3 Speculating about th e past

Complete the second sentences using w ish it a negative or affirmative verb.

W e use the following forms to speculate about the past:

1 Jam es doesn't live in the countryside.

m ay have, co u ld have, m ight have, m u st have, can't have.

Ja m e s .......................................... in the countryside.

They are all follow ed by a past participle.

2 Tamsin leads a stressful life. Tamsin

W e use m ay have, co u ld have and m ight have to talk about

a stressful life.

things that possibly happened in the past.

3 Sarah isn't here with me.

R aul's late. He may have / could have / m ight have got lost.

I ........................................... here with me. 4 W e gave aw a y Dad's watch. I ........................................... Dad’s watch.

M ust have and can't have have opposite m eanings to each other. W e use m u st have to speculate about things that w e

5 They didn't ask m e to be in the team.

are certain w ere true or happened in the past. W e use can't

I .......................................... to be in the team.

have to speculate about things that w e are alm ost certain

6 You and Ian w ere late for the meal last night. I

late for the meal last night.

w ere not true or did not happen in the past.

J u lie isn 't h ere. S h e m u st have left early.


Choose the correct sentence endings.

J a c k h a s b een at hom e all day. You can 't have see n him in

1 I've spent all m y money. If only



Note that it is not possible to use m ustn't have to speculate

I saved it.

about the past.

b I'd saved it.

NOT You m u stn 't have see n h im in tow n.

2 M olly arrived late at school. If only a she didn't miss her train.


b she hadn't missed her train. 3 I always speak to m y French friend in English. If only a

Choose the correct words. 1

N obody has seen Jackie for about an hour. She

must / might have left.

I w ould speak French.

b I spoke French.


Paula alw ays gets top marks in maths. She mustn't /

can't have failed her maths exam.

4 Mark didn't see his favourite band because they 3

cancelled the concert. If only

Donna's been at h om e all morning. You can't / could have seen her in tow n earlier.

a th ey hadn't cancelled the concert, b th ey didn't cancel the concert.


I may / must have spoken to your Aunt Jane, but I'm


It might / must have rained during the night, as all

5 Our tw o dogs wake m e up early every day. If only

not sure.

a th ey hadn't been so excitable.

the roads are wet.

b th ey weren't so excitable.

6 I don’t know w hen Sam visited our house. It can't /

6 Caroline had a big lunch and couldn’t g o swimming. If only

could have been Tuesday, because M u m w as at

a she hadn't had so m uch to eat.

hom e fo rth e w h o le day, and she didn't see him.

b she didn't have so m uch to eat.

2 3

Complete the sentences with h a d n 't, d id n 't or w o u ld n 't. 1 If w e

told you about Nick,

y o u .................................... have found out.

Complete the sentences with m a y h a v e , m ig h t h a v e , c o u ld h a v e , m u st h a v e or ca n 't h a v e , and the past participle of the verbs in brackets. If more than one answer is possible, give all the answers. 1 Our dog ran aw a y only a m inute ago, so he

2 I wish M ik e ................................... bought m e such an expensive present. I feel a bit embarrassed. 3 Z o e som etim es wishes she

2 have

a twin sister. It can be confusing for other people. 4 I'm thinking of buying this jacket, but I'm not sure. If on ly it


have those plastic

(go) far.

I asked so m any peop le to com e to the party, I suppose I .................................................(invite) Ben and A n d y as well.

3 After Holly left David's house, she looked really upset. H e .................................................(say) som ething awful to her.

buttons. 5 M y dad

. have m et m y m um if

4 The eclipse happened earlier this morning. W e

h e .....................................started learning Germ an at evening classes.

(miss) it. 5 Any pupils w h o w ere in or near the building at the

6 If on ly y o u .................................... told Clare about m y problem. N o w everyone knows. 7 If I...................................... seen the evidence, I ...................................have believed it. 8 Do you som etim es wish com puters

t im e .................................................(see) th e burglars. If that's the case, please speak to a teacher 6 W h e n I heard that we'd w on the lottery I thought that s o m e o n e .................................................(make) a mistake.


Grammar reference and practice 8 119

Grammar reference and practice 9 9.1

D efining relative clauses


Put the words in order to make sentences. 1 places / w here / used to / several /There w ere / meet,

W e use relative clauses to connect tw o ideas. A relative clause com es im m ediately after a noun.

/w e

Defining relative clauses g ive essential information about the noun. If w e took ou t the relative clause, the sentence


has left. / you / arrived w ith / boy / that /T he

w ou ld not make sense. Relative clauses are introduced by

3 an anim al / quite fast. / is / w hich / elephant / can run

relative pronouns and adverbs. The relative pronoun that can refer back to a person or a


thing. Who refers to a person, and w hich refers to a thing,

Tweetinq is an activity which / that didn't exist ten years aqo. My sister is a person who / that is always sympathetic.

4 w hich / a tow n / cinemas. / Bordley / is / tw o / has 5 recently? / Is that / w o n / a prize / girl / w h o / the

W h e n com bining tw o sentences, w e d o not repeat the subject or object o f the relative pronoun.

There is the castle. 1 was telling you about it earlier. -> There is the castle that 1 was telling you about earlier. NOT Ther e is the castle that I was telling you about it earlier.

6 I'd / sho w you / like to / live. / w here w e / the street


Complete the sentences with w h ic h , w h o , w h e re , w h e n o r w h o se .

It is possible to leave ou t the relative pronoun w ho, which

1 The p e o p le ........................ w e com plained to w ere

or that w hen it refers to the object o f the relative clause, but

very sympathetic.

not w hen it is the subject of th e relative clause.

2 I w anted to buy a la p to p ........................ was reliable

need a laptop (which / that) l can carry around easily. BUT l need a laptop which / that is light but durable.


and inexpensive. 3 The man

The relative pronoun w hom can be used instead o f w ho in

door w e first knocked on

wasn't very helpful.

formal contexts to talk about a person w h e n the person is


the object of the relative clause.

I need to find a shop

th ey sell gadgets

and digital equipm ent.

The man who / whom they arrested is one of my neighbours.

5 He's really looking forward to the d a y ........................

W e use the relative pronoun w hose to refer back to a person

6 I'd like to introduce you to the man

he learns to drive a car.

or anim al that possesses som ething, or for a relationship


story I'm writing.

b etw een tw o people.

I'd like to meet the man whose phone l found. Is she the girl whose brother is a doctor?


Choose the correct sentence in each pair. In two cases, both are correct. 1 a W h a t did you do w ith the m on ey that w as in your

It is possible to use the relative adverbs when and where to link ideas. W e use when to refer to a tim e at w hich som ething happened.

Do you remember the time when we all went on holiday together? W e use where to refer to a place in w hich som ething took place.

bag? b W h at did you do w ith the m on ey w hich w as in your bag?

2 a I can't rem em ber the nam e of the boy w hose idea it was.

b I can’t rem em ber the nam e o f the boy that idea it was. 3 a Provincetow n is the place w here arrived th e first

This is the shop where I bouqht my mobile. Note that th e relative pronoun whose, and th e adverbs

w hen and where, can’t be followed directly by a verb.

ships from England.

b Provincetow n is the place w here the first ships from England arrived. 4 a This morning, I ran into som eone I hadn't seen for a long time.

b This morning, I ran into som eone that I hadn't seen fo ra long time.

5 a The file w hich w as attached to Jody's email contained a virus.

b The file w as attached to Jody's email contained a virus.

6 a Did you speak to the neighbour w hich took your ball?

b Did you speak to the neighbour w h o took your ball?


G ra m m a r re fe re n ce an d p ractice 9

9.2 Non-defining relative clauses


Choose the correct answers. 1

I've got a lot in com m on w ith Jed,

a w h o he is a friend from Facebook.

Non-defining relative clauses also com bine tw o ideas, but in

b w h o is a friend from Facebook.

a different way.

2 W e w e n t to a market in Langton,

David and Lh ris have known each other since they started school. They are on the same course. -> Oavid and Lh ris, who have known each other since they started school, are on the same course.

a w hich isn't very far from Sam's home, b that isn't very far from Sam's home. 3 W e ’re going to Joe's flat,............

a w here is on the fifteenth floor,

Here, the relative clause, w hich is introduced by w ho, is

b w hich is on the fifteenth floor

betw een com m as. The com m as have a similar function to 4

brackets.The non-defining relative clause gives additional

Dan's friend William,

w ants to becom e an


information about the subject, rather than essential

a w hose dad is a postman,

information. If the relative clause were taken out, the

b w h o his dad is a postman,

sentence w ould still make sense.

5 M y great-grandmother,

David and Lh ris [...] are on the same course.

was an amazing


a w h o I m et her on ly once,

W e can use w hich, w hen, where and w hose in non-defining

b w h o I m et on ly once,

relative clauses.

6 This football g ro u n d , being be sold.

Just as for defining relative clauses, w e d o not repeat the

a w here Darnholm United have played since 1901,

subject or object w h e n w e com bine tw o sentences.

b that Darnholm United have played since 1901,

I bought my mobile two years ago. It is already out of date. -> My mobile, which l bouqht two years ago, is already out of date. NOT My mobile, which I bought it two years ago ...


Everyone had a fantastic tim e at Nick's party,

a his parents paid for. b w hich his parents paid for. 8 Two hundred years ago,

W e can't use th a t in non-defining relative clauses.

this area was full of


NOT My mobile, that I bought two years aqo, is already out-

a w here this area w as in the m iddle o f the Industrial

of- date.


b w hen this country w as in the middle of the

A non-defining relative clause does not have to com e

Industrial Revolution,

betw een tw o other clauses. It can be followed simply by a full stop if it com es at the end o fa sentence.

More details about the book are available from the publisher, whose website includes lots of interesting links. Defining relative clauses are m ore com m on in spoken


Combine both sentences to make a non-defining relative clause. Use a suitable relative pronoun or relative adverb. 1

David is a person you can trust com pletely. I've known him since w e w ere at primary school.

language, whilst non-defining relative clauses are more com m on in written language. W h e n w e speak, w e usually

i hat’s Leanne. She is in m y class at school.

pause before and after a non-defining relative clause.


My best friend, (pause) who moved to Canada last year, (pause) is coming over to visit me next month.

3 Jake got som e n e w trainers.They w ere given to him for his birthday. 4

I'm m eeting Charlotte N ew ton. Her brother Henry is th e top scorer in the football team.

5 W e w e n t to M aynardale and had a picnic. There's a fam ous waterfall at Maynardale. 6 M y m um recently bought herself an e-book reader An e-book reader is more convenient than paper books.

G ra m m a r re fe re n ce an d p ractice 9


Grammar reference and practice 10 10.1

Particip le clauses

Instead o f using a full relative clause (defining or non-

Choose the correct sentence. Sometimes, both options are correct.

defining) to con n ect ideas, w e can use a clause introduced

1 a M y brother, appearing on stage for th e first tim e

by a participle. The participle can be an -ing form or an -ed

w ith his band, looked nervous.

b M y brother, appeared on stage for the first tim e

form .These participles are known as present participles

(-ing form) and past participles (-ed form).

with his band, looked nervous.

2 a The cat, w hich looking very hungry, cam e to us. b The cat, looking ve ry hungry, cam e to us.

A present participle replaces an active verb in the present.

I need to get a message to someone who is getting on the plane. I need to get a message to someone getting on the plane.

3 a The people w h o attended the even t arrived from

W e can also use the present participle to replace an active

4 a The even t taking place on stage at the m om ent is

far and wide.

b The people attending the event arrived from far and wide.

verb in th e past.

really comical.

Oliver, who was worrying about his exam results, didn't notice that his bus had just left. Oliver, worrying about his exam results, didn't notice that his bus had just left.

b The even t that is taking place on stage at the m om ent is really comical.

5 a David, not looking very interested, asked m e if it w as tim e to leave yet.

b David, not looked very interested, asked m e if it

The participle can on ly replace a relative pronoun w hen it refers to the subject o f the relative clause, not the object.

was tim e to leave yet.

Oliver, who I was worrying about, ... NOT Oliver, I worrying about, ... The participle can replace that, w hich and w ho, but not

6 a The clouds w hich w ere forming looked threatening,

b The clouds form ed looked threatening.


w hen, where or whose.

The police stopped a small car that / which was carryinq ten people. The police stopped a small car carrying ten people.

Replace the underlined words with the correct active or passive participle form. 1 The film, w hich w as described bv the director as a product o f trial and error, was a huge success.

2 The person w h o was chosen to olav the m ain role in A past participle replaces a passive verb, w hich can be in

the film w as a little-known actor.

the present or past.

3 T he catering service w hich provided th e food was a

Bags of rubbish which are left on the pavement are causing problems. Bags of rubbish left on the pavement are causing problems. The book, which was bought online, was torn when 1 received it. The book, bought online, was torn when l received it.

local one. 4


People that teach very young children have a difficult and im portant job.


5 The words that w ere spoken by the actor w ere not the ones in th e script.


6 Music festivals, w hich are n o w held all over the world, offer the ch ance to see world-famous performers on

If the relative clause includes a negative verb, w e simply put



'not'in front of the participle, w h eth er an active o r a passive participle.

Oliver, who wasn't thinking about anything in particular, ... -> Oliver, not thinking about anything in particular, ... The book, which wasn't bought in a shop, ... -> The book, not bought in a shop, ...


Rewrite the sentences using the correct participle form. 1 The man w h o is training m y sister used to be a worldfamous swimmer. 2 Som e children w h o w ere standing nearby started laughing.

3 The event, w hich w as attended by nearly tw o thousand people, will be held again next year. 4 The dram a com p an y w hich is based in Shoreditch is called the Black Box com pany.

5 I he tree that was cut d o w n by the council recently was over tw o hundred years old.


Grammar reference and practice 10


D eterm iners

W e use the following determiners to talk about quantity:

(a) little, (a) few, som e, any, m uch, m any, a lo t of, m ost, all, no, each. W e use som e and any before uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns to mean a num ber o f or an am ou n t of.

Each m eans every single. It is used before a singular noun.

She wore four earrings in each ear. Every has a similar m eaning to each, and is also used before a singular noun.

My brother's been to four festivals this year. He said that every festival was great.

W e use som e in affirmative sentences or in questions w h e n making an offer.

We've got some apples but we need some juice. Would you like some coffee? W e use a n y in negative sentences and in questions.

Did the supermarket have any chicken? No, and we haven't got any meat in the fridge either. W e use m uch and m a ny in negatives and questions to talk about large quantities. W e use m u ch with uncountable nouns.

Have you got much rice? - No, and I haven't got much milk, either. W e use m a ny with plural countable nouns.

Are there many glasses in the cupboard? - Yes, but there aren't many plates. W e generally use a lot o f to talk about large quantities in affirmatives, for both uncountable and plural countable nouns. It is also possible to use a lo t o f in negatives and

Except for a lo t o f and all, th e determiners listed above can't be used im m ediately before an article, pronoun or determ iner such as:

a, an, the; my, your, his; this, these, those;you, it, them , etc. Instead, w e add of. W e use it to talk about a particular item or items.

Some of those people look younger than sixteen, (some people in a particular group)

Some people look younger than sixteen, (people in general) No can't be followed by of. Instead, w e use none (= not one)

+ of.

None of my friends wanted to go and see the band. NOT No-of-my -friends -■

Every can't be followed by of. NOT Every of my brothers and s isters was born in May or June.


Choose the correct words. 1 It's very sad; few / a few people are interested in our

in questions.

particular charity.

Ollie eats a lot of fruit and vegetables.

2 W e 've got few / a few pounds b etw een us, so w e can buy a sandwich and a drink each.

M o st means the m ajority of. It can be used before uncountable and plural countable nouns.


The course w as goo d but unfortunately there was

Most meat is eaten on Sundays. Most children prefer to start and finish school early.

4 I think there's little / a little milk left in the fridge if

a little / little opportunity to practise our n e w skills. you'd like a cup of tea.

W e use a little and a few in negatives and questions to talk

5 For this trip, all / each student will receive a study pack.

about very small quantities.


nervous before th ey g o on stage.

W e use a little with uncountable nouns.

We only need a little pasta as we already have half a packet. W e use a fe w with plural countable nouns.

This meal would be healthier if you added a few veqetables. W h e n little and few are used w ithout a, this often gives a negative impression.

The concert didn't go ahead because few people bought tickets, (few = not enough) A few people asked me where they could buy tickets for the concert, (a few - several) The meeting went on so long that there was little time for questions at the end. (little = not enough) There was a little time at the end of the meeting for questions, (a little = some) W e use all and no before uncountable and plural countable

The director said that many / much actors get


Complete the sentences with the determiners below. There are two words that you do not need. every




m uch

1 W e haven't g ot

m any

a lot of


ice cream so Angela

has g on e out to the shop.

2 I'd like you

to m e e t........................ friends from my

school. 3 I phoned Cathy but there w a s ........................ news about her sister's condition. 4

time I try to call her, her phone is switched off.

5 Sorry, I didn't have

tim e so I couldn't

get everything on the list. 6 Nadia said that

people didn't

recognize her w hen she w ore a hat.

verbs. W e can use all before the, either w ith or w ithout of.

All dancers have to look after their feet very carefully. All (of) the dancers were very good. No is followed by the noun, not by the.

No tea or coffee was available.

Grammar reference and practice 10


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