Inquisitor Class (9936105) [PDF]

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INQUISITOR By: Branell Jones Edited by: David Diehl III

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2016 by Branell Jones and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Inquisitor The great battle against the cultist-king again had ended in victory. In front of the victorious force now marching into the throne room stood a weathered, stoic human woman clutching a great battleaxe bathed in blood. As she approached the defeated king, he fell off his throne and onto his knees before her, begging “please have mercy.” Without a bat of her eye, she chopped his head off, leaned down, and whispered: “you gave up your right to mercy a long time ago.” The slender elven man looked about the room. Around him stood the cultists of Asmodeus, yet they did not attack him. For weeks now, he had slowly gained their trust, and finally the night of his induction had come. The cultist brought a peasant before the Inquisitor and handed him a sword. He did not want to do this, but he also knew that if he did not see his mission through to the end, much worse would follow. With gritted teeth and a quiet mutter of “Kord, forgive me,” the man swung down the blade and took his place among the unsuspecting members of the cult. The militia of townspeople stormed up into the mansion of the oppressive noble, their force led by a radiant platinum Dragonkin. An outsider from a far land, he was here to vanquish injustice wherever it could be found, and he had made himself an icon of hope to these downtrodden people. Many would die, but the Dragonkin's mind was at ease with the conviction that the destruction of this evil was worth the toll in blood. These, and others like them, are inquisitors. Steadfast in devotion to their chosen deity, they are the stalwarts of justice, and are willing to use any means to see that justice carried out. They will fight by honorable means if possible, but are not afraid to be more deceitful, ruthless, or otherwise dark if, by such means, a greater evil can be extinguished.

First Description While the devout of most faiths frown upon the use of underhanded means to achieve their goals, Inquisitors have no such moral compunctions. Their consciences are set at ease by the conviction that, where the destruction of evil is concerned, the ends justify the means... so long as the ends are successfully achieved.


Second Description Inquisitors report directly to their deity, rather than to an intermediary clergy member. This connection gives them the powers of divine judgment, among others. Beyond this mighty ability, each Inquisitor must choose his own area of specialty. Some inquisitors prefer the direct route of strength, while others prefer to utilize the shadows to their holy ends. Still others combine their divine connection with latent arcane ability for devastating effect, or to inspire and convert those around them with their divine conviction. Whatever path they choose, the forces of evil will have much to fear upon encountering one of these warriors of light and darkness.

Creating an Inquisitor As your developing your Inquisitor you want to start to look into what role they will play in their church and look towards the Inquisition will best fit your talents. Do you want to be an example of virtue at the frontlines against the enemies of your church? Do you wish to seek powerful artifacts to aid your god, or prevent such artifacts from being used against your god? Are you talented at remaining unseen, and blending in, able to sneak behind enemy lines or even castles and manors, and learning the secrets of your churches enemies? Do you wish to hunt down the enemies of your church? Or do you wish to be with the people and spread the word of your god? Another thing to think about is what kind of god do you serve, and what drove, or inspired you to serve them in such a way.

Quick Build You can make an Inquisitor quickly by following these suggestions. First Wisdom should be your highest ability score, this will power most of your spells, and your judgements. Your second highest ability score should be Charisma, if you are going to go with the Conversion Inquisition, or Constitution if you are going with the Strength Inquisition or plan on spending most of your time of the front lines. Then you should go with the acolyte background.


Class Features As an Inquisitor you gain the following class features.

Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d8 per inquisitor level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per cleric level after 1st

Proficiencies Amor: Light armor, medium armor, shields Weapons: Simple weapons Tools: None Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma Skills: Choose three from Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Religion, Stealth, Survival

Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: 

(a) Leather Armor, or (b) Chain Shirt, or (c) Scale mail

(a) Two daggers, or (b) Mace and shield, or (c) Shortbow and 20 arrows


The Inquisitor Level

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Proficiency Bonus +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +6


Judgement (1/rest) Spellcasting, Stern Gaze (1/rest) Inquisition Ability Score Improvement Inquisition Feature, Judgment (2/rest) Extra Judgement Ability Score Improvement Improved Stern Gaze Inquisition Feature Inspiring Judgment Ability Score Improvement Inquisition Feature, Stern Gaze (2/rest) Judgment (3/day), Extra Judgement Ability Score Improvement Inquisition Feature Ability Score Improvement Final Verdict

--Spell Slots per Spell Level-st 1 2nd 3rd 4th


-2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

----------------1 1 2 2

----2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

--------2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

------------1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3

Judgement Starting at 1st level the Inquisitor can pronounce Judgement as a bonus action, giving himself/herself or an ally, that is within 60 feet of you, a bonus depending on what judgement was passed. Your judgment last for a minute, or if you or the creature you cast Judgment on falls unconscious. You can use this ability once a long rest. Starting at 6 th and 15th level you gain an additional use for your judgement. If you pronounce your judgment on a hostile creature, within 60 feet of you, then the creature makes a Wisdom Saving throw against your Inquisitor Spell Save DC (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. If the target fails its saving throw then the 4

judgements effect that was pronounced upon it is opposite. For example, if you cast Destruction judgement on an enemy and if it fails, then it will have a -1 on its weapon damage rolls for every three levels of Inquisitor you possess. If the creature succeeds its saving throw, then it ignores all effects of the Judgment. The creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns. You choose one of the Judgement options from the list below, you can gain additional Judgment options at 7th and 15th level.

Judgment Options Destruction: This Judgment fills you or an ally with a divine wrath, giving yourself or an ally +1 to damage rolls with weapons. This bonus increases for every three levels of Inquisitor you possess. Justice: This judgement gives yourself or an ally a greater sense of justice, giving you or an ally +1 all weapon attack roles. This bonus increases by +1 for every five levels of Inquisitor you possess. Empowered: This Judgement empowers you or an ally’s magical ability, giving you or an ally +1 to all spell attack roles. This bonus increases by +1 for every five levels of Inquisitor you possess. Heighten: This Judgements heightens the power of a spell you or an ally casted, this adds +1 to you or an allies spell save DC. This bonus increases by +1 for every five levels of Inquisitor you possess. Protection: This Judgment surrounds you or an ally in a protective aura, this gives +1 to you or an allies Armor Class. This bonus increase by +1 for every five levels of Inquisitor you possess. Purity: This Judgment protects you or an ally from an enemy’s magical effects or spells, this gives you or an allies +1 to one of their saving throws (choose when you cast the judgment). This bonus increases by +1 for every five levels of Inquisitor you possess. Resistance: This judgment shields you or an ally in a flickering aura, this reduces the damage you or an ally take from a damage type of your choice, magical and non-magical. The ally you cast this judgement on gains resistances to a certain type of damage of your choice 1 round. The length of time your ally gains the damage resistance increases by 1 round for every 5 rounds of Inquisitor you possess.


Spellcasting Beginning at 2nd level, you have learned to draw on divine magic through meditation and prayer to cast spells. See chapter 10 in the Players Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting, and below is the Inquisitor spell list.

Preparing and Casting Spells The Inquisitor table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells to cast one of your Inquisitor of 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest You prepare the list of Inquisitor spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the Inquisitor spell list. When you do so, choose a number of Inquisitor spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + half your Inquisitor level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. You can chance your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of paladin spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Inquisitor spells, since the power of your spells comes from your devotion to your deity. You can use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an Inquisitor spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one. Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Spellcasting Focus You can use a holy symbol (see chapter 5 of the phb, “Equipment”) as a spellcasting focus for your Inquisitor spells.


Stern Gaze Staring at 2nd level you can use your action to attempt to frighten a creature once per long rest. The Creature must make a wisdom saving throw. If they succeed, then they are not frightened of you. If they fail, they are frightened of you for 1 minute. Starting at 14th level you can use this feature twice per long rest.

Inquisition Starting at 3rd level you carry out the will of your god in the best way you see fit. You choose to join either the Arcane Inquisition, Conversion Inquisition, Seeker Inquisition, Shadow Inquisition, or Strength Inquisition.

Inquisition Spells Each Inquisition has a list of associated spells. You gain access to these spells at the levels specified in the inquisition description. Once you gain access to an inquisition spell, you always have it prepared. Inquisition spells don’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain an inquisition spell that doesn’t have appear on the Inquisitor spell list, the spell is nonetheless an inquisitor spell for you.

Improved Stern Gaze Starting at 9th level you can now imbue the fear of your god in a group of creatures. Your stern gaze now effects every creature that you choose in a 30ft cone centered on you.

Inspired Judgment Starting at 11th level you can focus on one of your judgments and treat is as if it was five levels higher for the purposes of determining the bonus granted by this judgment. You can only use this ability once per long rest.

Final Verdict Starting at 20th level when you make an attack against an enemy, you can decide to bring the wrath of your god down upon it. Your next attack is an automatic hit that deals 10d8 7

additional radiant damage. The target must also make a Wisdom Saving Throw versus your Inquisitors Spell Save DC, Undead and Fiends have disadvantage, if they fail then they are banished to another plane of your choice. You can use this feature once per long rest.

Inquisitions Strength Strength Inquisitors are true warriors; they face evil head-on with both weapons and divine magic. When they pronounce judgment, they will let nothing prevent them from carrying it out.

Inquisition Spells Inquisitors Level 3rd 5th 9th 13th 17th

Spells Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite Branding Smite, Magic Weapon Crusaders Mantle, Elemental Weapon Banishment, Stoneskin Banishing Smite, Flame Strike

Fire of Belief Starting at 3rd level you can use your faith to guide your hand to strike your enemies. Once long rest you can add half your Inquisitor level, rounded down, to your attack roll potentially hitting a target. You can use this ability after you rolled but before the attack is declared a hit or a miss.

Bonus Proficiency Starting at 3rd level. when you choose this Inquisition you gain proficiency with heavy armor, and martial weapons.

Extra Attack Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack 8

action on your turn.

Judgment: Hand of the Gods Starting at 10th level you can call upon your god to aid you in battle. As a Bonus action you can pronounce judgment on yourself, ally, or enemy. If you use this on an ally or yourself then this heals you or an ally for 10 + Inquisitor Level. If you pronounce this judgment on a hostile creature, then it takes 10 + Inquisitor Level if it fails its Wisdom saving throw.

War Magic Starting at 14th level, after you use your action to cast a spell, you can make a weapon attack as a bonus action.

Last Stand Starting at 18th level, as a reaction to be hit to 0 hit points you can make a weapon attack against a target that is within reach, or a ranged weapon attack against a target within 30 feet of you. You can only use this ability once per short or long rest.

Arcane While inanimate objects are rarely evil in of themselves, powerful enchantments can wreak much havoc in the hands of the impure. Arcane inquisitors hunt down magical items, for destruction if they are dark, or for the use of their church if otherwise. Furthermore, they supplement their divine connection with arcane ability, and are not above making use of forbidden magics if the situation requires it.

Inquisition Spells Inquisitors Level 3rd 5th 9th 13th 17th

Spells Comprehend Languages, Identify Augury, Locate Object Counterspell, Magic Circle Arcane Eye, Confusion Legend Lore, Scrying 9

Judgment: Spellcasting Starting at 3rd level you can call upon the aid of your god to help you cast a spell. As an action you can pronounce a judgment on yourself. When you use this judgment you may cast any spell you know at 1st level without needing to prepare it, it will also not count against the number of spell slots you have left. The maximum level of the spell that you can cast will increase by one level for every 4 levels of Inquisitor you possess.

Blessings of Knowledge At 3rd level, you learn two languages of your choice. You also become proficient in your choice of the two following skills: Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those skills.

Bonus Cantrips Starting at 6th level you gain the ability to cast cantrips. You may choose two cantrips from any class spell list.

Forbidden Arcana Staring at 10th level you learn to cast one 6th level spell. You can choose this spell from any class spell list. You can only cast this spell once per long rest.

Bonus Judgement Starting at 14th level, you know an additional judgement.

Additional Forbidden Arcana Starting at 18th level you learn to cast one 7th level spell. You can choose this spell from any class spell list. You can only cast this spell once per long rest.


Shadow He who hides in the shadows needn't be consumed by them. Shadow Inquisitors act as spies, double-agents, and tricksters, but their intentions are pure. Those who deceive had best know how to detect deception when these Inquisitors are near.

Inquisition Spells Inquisitors Level 3rd 5th 9th 13th 17th

Spells Disguise Self, Sleep Invisibility, Pass without a Trace Nondetection, Hypnotic Pattern Greater Invisibility, Polymorph Mislead, Seeming

Infiltrator Starting at 3rd level, you can add your wisdom modifier to your stealth skill. Also while in dim light or no light your movement speed is increased by 10 feet.

Bonus Proficiency Starting at 3rd level you gain proficiency with the disguise kit and the poisoners kit.

Judgement: Marked Starting at 6th level you can call on your god to protect an ally or expose an enemy. As a bonus action you can pronounce judgement on yourself or an ally. While you or an ally is marked attacks against you or your ally have disadvantage. If you pronounce it on an enemy, and they fail their saving throw, all attacks have advantage against them. This judgement last for one round, the length of this judgement increases for every 5 levels of Inquisitor you possess.

Shadow of the Divine Starting at 10th level you gain the ability to see up to 60 feet in darkness, magical and non-magical. Also you can hide as a bonus action. 11

Shadow Strike Starting at 14th level if you make an attack against a creature who does not see you, you can expend one of your spell slots to deal additional necrotic damage, as a bonus action. For a first level spell slot you deal 2d8 necrotic damage, plus 1d8 for every spell level above first.

Final Rest Starting at 18th level, whenever you hit a creature that is surprised by you, you can, as a bonus action, choose for them to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus+ your Wisdom modifier), if it fails its save and has less than 100 health left then it instantly drops to 0 health. If it succeeds, then it takes 10d8 points of necrotic damage.

Conversion Sometimes the conviction of one man is not enough to command change. Conversion Inquisitors are experts in the art of making others see things as they do. Their smooth talk and silver tongues are sure to bring more souls to the light, and more bodies to its holy purpose.

Inquisition Spells Inquisitors Level 3rd 5th 9th 13th 17th

Spells Command, Sanctuary Aid, Warding Bond Aura of Vitality, Beacon of Hope Aura of Life, Aura of Purity Circle of Power, Hallow

Know the People At 3rd level, you learn two languages of your choice. You also become proficient in your choice of the two following skills: Deception, Insight, Intimidation, and Persuasion. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of


those skills.

Inspired Rhetoric Starting at 3rd level your judgements are more powerful with more people in your group that are friendly towards you. For every friendly creature in your group increase you level by one, up to your wisdom modifier, when using your judgment.

Judgment: Swaying words Starting at 6th level you can pronounce judgment on your enemies to sway them to your side. As a bonus action you can pronounce this judgement on a hostile creature that you see and they have to make a Wisdom saving throw versus your spell save DC. If they fail, then they are charmed for one minute or until they get hit. For every four levels of Inquisitor you possess the number of people you can charm are increased by one.

Divine Inspiration Starting at 10th level you can expand one of your spell slots to give inspiration dice to an ally. If you expend a 1st level spell slot than your ally will get a d4 for inspiration, a d6 for a 2 nd level slot, a d8 for a 3rd level slot, a d10 for a 4th level slot, and a d12 for a 5th level spell slot.

Master Manipulator Starting at 14th level creatures that are charmed by you during combat will now fight for you for the duration of the charm. They will also count as allies during this time and will affect related skills and features, such as ‘Inspired Rhetoric.’ Also when you use Stern Gaze you can choose to charm instead of frighten, using your Charisma modifier instead for you spell save DC.

Strength in Numbers Staring at 18th level whenever you pronounce a Judgment on yourself or an ally you can now pronounce that judgment additional times on yourself and additional allies up to your Charisma Modifier. You cannot use this ability when your pronouncing a judgment on an enemy. 13

You can use this feature once per long rest.

Seeker Evil flourishes when good men rest. Seekers do not wait for evil to show its face; they hunt it down and destroy it before it has the chance to spread. Thanks to them, many threats never see the light of day, though they certainly saw the light of night...

Inquisition Spells Inquisitors Level 3rd 5th 9th 13th 17th

Spells Hunter’s Mark, Longstrider Beast Sense, Branding Smite Haste, Slow Banishment, Locate Creature Legend Lore, Scyring

Tracker At 3rd level you can add your Wisdom modifier to your Investigation, Perception, and Survival skills when you are tracking down an creature.

Scourge Beginning at 3rd level, you have significant experience studying, tracking, and tracking enemies of your god and have gotten more proficient at tracking them. Choose a type of enemy that will be your Scourge: aberrations, beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, undead, or a race of humanoid. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival), or Intelligence (Investigation) checks to track this creature, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information on them. Also while fighting a creature designated as your Scourge you deal an additional d8 of radiant damage (if your god is aligned as good), or a d8 of necrotic damage (if your god is aligned as evil), if your god is neutral than you, or your DM can decide whether you will deal 14

radiant or necrotic damage.

Exploit Weakness Starting at 6th level if you get a critical hit on a creature that you have designated as your Scourge, you ignore all of its resistances and deal full damage.

Judgement: Heart Seeker Starting at 10th level you can pronounce this judgment on yourself and the next attack you deal is an instant critical, ignoring all damage resistances and immunities. Also you deal an additional 10+Inquisitor level points of radiant damage if your god is good, or necrotic damage if your god is evil, if your god is neutral either you or your DM can decide between radiant or necrotic.

Additional Scourge Starting at 14th level you can pick another enemy type to be your scourge.

Scourge of the Gods Starting at 18th level you can instill the hatred of your god in a creature. You can use your bonus action to make a single creature that you choose to make a Wisdom Saving Throw versus DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus+ your Wisdom modifier. If the creature fails, the saving throw then you have advantage on all attacks against that creature and the creature has vulnerability to all weapon attacks you make against it for 1 minute.


Inquisitor Spell List 1st level 



Charm Person


Compelled Duel

Detect Evil and Good

Detect Magic

Detect Poison and Disease

Guiding bolt

Inflict wounds

Protection from Evil and Good

Purify Food and Drink


Shield of Faith

2nd Level 



Calm emotions

Detect Thoughts

Find Traps

Hold Person

Locate Object

Protection from Poison

See Invisibility


Zone of Truth


3rd Level 

Bestow Curse



Dispel Magic


Feign Death

Glyph of Warding

Magic Circle

Protection from Energy

Remove Curse


4th Level 



Death Ward


Freedom of Movement

Guardian of Faith

Locate Creature

5th Level 


Dispel Evil and Good

Dominate Person

Flame Strike



Hold Monster

Planar Binding 17



Acknowledgments Paizo’s Pathfinder Inquisitor Class for helping inspire this conversion David Diehl III who helped edit this class.