IELTS Speaking 1000 Expression 2. Describing Emotions [PDF]

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CHAPTER 2 Describing Emotions, Feelings, and States Happiness and Excitement 1. (to be) full of beans Meaning: to be feeling lively, energetic, and excited or enthusiastic about something Example: I was full of beans this morning because I thought it was the weekend, then I realised it was only Friday.

2. (to be) as happy as Larry Meaning: to be feeling very happy, content, or pleased Example: I woke up this morning feeling as happy as Larry, then I remembered I had an important exam to do that day.

3. (to be) as happy as a lark Meaning: to be feeling very happy, content, or pleased (similar to as happy as Larry) Example: She was as happy as a lark when I saw her in the morning, I don’t know what happened because now she’s really down in the dumps.

4. (to) jump for joy Meaning: to be feeling very happy or joyful about something (but not necessarily literally jumping) Example: I was jumping for joy when I received my scholarship acceptance letter, I was so happy

5. (to be) on cloud nine Meaning: to be feeling extremely happy Example: I was on cloud nine after receiving my examination results, I thought I was going to fail most of my classes but I managed to pass them all.

6. (to be) on top of the world Meaning: to be feeling extremely happy (similar to on cloud nine) ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 1

Example: After graduating from university and getting my dream job I felt on top of the world.

7. (to be) as pleased as punch Meaning: to be feeling very happy, content, or pleased (similar to as happy as Larry) Example: I was as pleased as punch after receiving an award for being the top student in my class

8. (to be) over the moon Meaning: to be feeling extremely happy (similar to on cloud nine) Example: I was over the moon when my parents bought me a new iPhone X after graduating high school.

9. (to be) raring to go Meaning: to be full of energy and enthusiasm to get started doing something in particular Example: Everybody slept in late on the day we were supposed to leave for our trip. I woke up at 5am and was raring to go!


(to be) tickled pink

Meaning: to be feeling very happy, content, or pleased about something (similar to as happy as Larry) Example: I was tickled pink when I got selected to play in my college football team. I didn’t think I would make the team this year because I haven’t been training much.

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Sadness and Emotional pain 11. (to be) down in the dumps Meaning: to be feeling depressed or sad Example: I don’t know why, but lately I’ve been feeling really down in the dumps

12. (to be) feeling down|blue Meaning: to be feeling depressed or sad (same as down in the dumps) Example: I’ve been feeling really blue ever since my Grandma past away last month

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Anger, Frustration, and Being annoyed 13. (to be) at your wit’s end Meaning: to be angry, worried, or upset by something and not know what to do next about the situation Example: I’ve been trying to calculate the answer to this math problem and I just can’t get the correct answer. I’m really at my wit’s end!

14. (to) reach the end of your tether Meaning: when you have no energy or patience left to deal with a certain situation Example: I’m really at the end of my tether trying to deal with all these mistakes that my work colleagues have made in this report.

15. (to be) sick and tired of something|someone Meaning: to be annoyed, angry, or upset about something or someone and you can’t tolerate it anymore Example: I’m so sick and tired of the neighbours next door singing karaoke all night long every weekend!

16. (to) go bananas Meaning: to get very angry (also used when someone gets very excited) Example: My mother went bananas when she found out I had been skipping school.

17. (to) flip your lid Meaning: to get very angry (similar to go bananas, and flip out) Example: The teacher flipped her lid when little Timmy wouldn’t stop talking in class.

18. (to) flip out Meaning: to get very angry (similar to go bananas, and flip your lid) Example: My father flipped out when he realised that I scratched his new car.

19. (to) hit the roof (similar to go bananas, and flip your lid) Meaning: to get very angry, and show your anger by yelling or screaming ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 4

Example: My parents hit the roof when they found out that I dropped out of university.

20. (to be) hot under the collar Meaning: to be angry or extremely annoyed by something Example: Be careful what you say to the boss, he’s a little hot under the collar today.

21. (to) freak out Meaning: to be angry, worried, or scared by something Example: I was absolutely freaking out (worried) about my upcoming exam because I hadn’t prepared at all.

22. (to) blow your top Meaning: to get very angry (similar to go bananas, and flip your lid) Example: The boss blew his top when he found out that sales were down by 50% this month, so we really need to work hard this month to catch up.

23. (to) get on someone’s nerves Meaning: when something really irritates or annoys somebody Example: My little brother really gets on my nerves when he won’t help me do the house chores.

24. (to) make your blood boil Meaning: when something makes you angry or extremely annoyed (similar to get on your nerves but stronger) Example: The way people drive in this city really makes my blood boil sometimes!

25. (to) drive someone crazy|mad Meaning: when someone is irritated or annoyed by someone or something Example: Getting stuck in traffic jams during rush hour really drives me crazy! It really drives my neighbours mad when I play my music loudly late at night.

26. (to be) cheesed off Meaning: to be annoyed, irritated, or angry ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 5

Example: I was so cheesed off when I received my examination results, because I studied so hard for them

27. (to have) a face like thunder Meaning: when someone has a very angry expression on their face Example: My father had a face like thunder when he saw the damage that I did to his car

28. (to be) like a bear with a sore head Meaning: to be in a very bad, irritable, or grumpy mood, especially when someone is speaking to others in an angry or rude way Example: John was like a bear with a sore head this morning. I think he had a bad day yesterday and didn’t sleep well last night.

29. (to) bite your tongue Meaning: to stop yourself from saying something that you really want to, because it might make a situation worse or might offend someone. Example: I had to bite my tongue during the meeting yesterday, otherwise I would have got myself into trouble.

30. (to) fly off the handle Meaning: to get so angry that you lose control and start yelling and reacting in an angry manner Example: The school principal flew of the handle when he saw the children graffitiing on the school building

31. (to) lose your head|cool|calm Meaning: when something causes you to get angry Example: I lost my cool yesterday when the waiter spilt the drinks all over my new dress

32. (to) see red Meaning: to become very angry Example: I was seeing red last night when my neighbours were singing karaoke until 2am!

33. (to) vent your spleen ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 6

Meaning: to express your anger Example: the boss was venting his spleen in the meeting last week because the staff have been quite lazy recently.

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Embarrassment, Surprise, and Being nervous or anxious 34. (to have) butterflies in your stomach Meaning: to be feeling so anxious or nervous about something that you have a strange or bad feeling in your stomach Example: I was so nervous before the job interview I had butterflies in my stomach.

35. (to have) egg on your face Meaning: to be feeling really embarrassed after saying or doing something foolish in front of other people Example: I’ve been calling her the wrong name all week in front of everyone, now I’ve really got egg on my face.

36. (to be) ill at ease Meaning: to be feeling tense, uncomfortable, or unwell and can’t relax properly in a situation Example: I’ve been feeling ill at ease all day. I made a big mistake at work yesterday and I’m not sure how the boss will react today.

37. (to have) itchy feet Meaning: to want to go travelling, experience something new, or make a change in your life Example: I was only at the company for three months before I started getting itchy feet, so I quit my job and went on a long holiday abroad.

38. (to) jump out of your skin Meaning: to get a big shock or surprise, which may even make you jump or tense your body Example: I nearly jumped out of my skin when I got my exam results. I never expected to get such good grades.

39. (to) knock your socks off Meaning: when something amazes, surprises, or shocks you Example: The boss nearly knocked my socks off when he announced that I was getting a promotion. I really didn’t expect that! 40. (to) lose face Meaning: to lose respect or admiration from others ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 8

Example: the celebrity really lost face when the scandal was reported in the newspapers.

41. (to be) lost for words Meaning: to be so shocked, surprised or annoyed by something that you don’t know what to say Example: I was lost for words when I didn’t get the promotion again this year. I just don’t know what to do to impress the bosses.

42. (to be) as white as a bed sheet | as white as a ghost Meaning: to be so shocked or scared by something that your face goes pale (or white) Example: She was as white as a ghost after watching the horror film at the cinema last night

43. You could have knocked me over with a feather Meaning: to be so shocked, surprised, or astonished by something Example: You could have knocked me over with a feather when my parents gave me the latest MacBook as a gift before starting university, I was so surpirised!

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Being busy 44. (to be) as busy as a bee | as busy as a beaver Meaning: to be busy Example: I haven’t had any time to catch up on my homework, I’ve been as busy as a bee preparing for my father’s surprise birthday party.

45. (to have) a lot on your plate Meaning: to be busy because you have many things to do Example: Unfortunately I just don’t have time to hang out with my friends this weekend because I’ve got a lot on my plate at the moment.

46. (to be) snowed under Meaning: to be very busy, or to have more work to do than you can deal with Example: I’m so snowed under at work right now, I just can’t take on any more responsibilities.

47. (to be) up to your neck | eyeballs | ears Meaning: to very busy with something, or to have too much of something (e.g work) to do Example: I’m too busy to go to the cinema tonight. I’m up to my eyeballs with revision at the moment because I’ve got an important test next week

48. (to have) your hands full Meaning: to be busy with something or someone Example: My mum really had her hands full when she was trying to raise my three brothers and I, while my father was working long hours.

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Health, sickness, and relaxation 49. (to be) back on your feet Meaning: to have recovered after a period of illness, or to have recovered after being in a bad situation (e.g financial) Example: I’m finally back on my feet this week after being so sick with the flu. It took the company quite some time to get back on its feet after the financial crisis

50. (to be) firing on all cylinders Meaning: to be functioning as best as possible Example: I’m firing on all cylinders now after training every day for two months He hasn’t really been firing on all cylinders lately, his work performance wasn’t very good last month.

51. (to be) as fit as a fiddle Meaning: to be very fit and healthy Example: My grandpa is almost 90 years old and he’s still as fit as a fiddle.

52. (to be) as fresh as a daisy Meaning: to feel refreshed and energised Example: I usually feel as fresh as a daisy after taking an afternoon nap.

53. (to be) as good as gold Meaning: to describe someone or something that is feeling, acting, or functioning well Example: I feel as good as gold after getting a massage yesterday. Despite the forecast, the weather was as good as gold on our trip down south. My cars about twenty years old, but it still works as good as gold.

54. (to be) homesick Meaning: when you really long for, or miss your home after being away for a period of time Example: I was feeling so homesick during the first two weeks of living here. But after two months I got used to it. Now I never want to go home!

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55. (to be) on your last legs | on its last legs Meaning: when someone or something is almost completely exhausted, broken or worn out Example: My motorbikes pretty much on its last legs. I think I’ll need to buy a new one soon. Thank god you brought me a coffee. I was really on my last legs before that, and I’ve got another 2 hours of work to do.

56. (to look | feel) like death warmed up Meaning: when someone looks really unwell, because they are sick, tired, or exhausted Example: Jenny looks like death warmed up today. She must have had a busy weekend partying.

57. (to) kick the bucket Meaning: when someone dies (could be offensive), or something is completely broken Example: When I kick the bucket I want to donate all my money to charity. I have to use public transport to get around now since my motorbike kicked the bucket last week.

58. (to be) off colour Meaning: to be feeling or looking unwell, when your face is pale or white Example: I was feeling a little off colour after lunch, so I took the rest of the day off.

59. (to be) as right as rain Meaning: to describe someone or something that is feeling or functioning well (similar to as good as gold) Example: I was quite sick yesterday, but after a good night’s sleep I’m feeling as right as rain.

60. (to be) as sick as a dog Meaning: to be very sick Example: I was as sick as a dog last week. Thank god my mother was there to look after me.

61. (to be | feel) under the weather ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 12

Meaning: to be feeling unwell Example: I’m feeling a little under the weather today after such a busy week.

62. (to be | feel) worse for wear Meaning: to feel worn out, exhausted or unwell. Also can be used to describe an object Example: I’m really feeling a little worse for wear after partying all weekend. My motorbikes looking a bit worse for wear after driving it through the forest all day

63. You are what you eat Meaning: a phrase used to show the connection between your health and the food you eat Example: I don’t eat pork. You are what you eat you know!

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Other 64. (to be) as free as a bird Meaning: to feel free of responsibilities or worry Example: After finishing my final examinations and graduating from university I felt as free as a bird.

65. (to be) green with envy Meaning: to very envious or jealous Example: She was green with envy when she saw my new bicycle.

66. (to be) as proud as a peacock Meaning: to be very proud about something, sometimes used in a negative context when someone is overly proud about themselves Example: Christine has been walking around as proud as a peacock all day since she found out that she was the top student in the class.

67. (to be) written all over your face Meaning: when someone’s true feelings are very obvious because of the expression on their face Example: She said she was okay, but I could see she was angry, it was written all over her face.

68. (to be) quaking in your boots Meaning: to be very scared, especially so scared you are shaking Example: I was quaking in my boots when I was at home alone last night. That horror film I watched the other night really scared me.

69. (to) rub it in Meaning: to continually talk about something that embarrasses or upsets someone, particularly a mistake they have made or something they have done wrong Example: I know I’ve made a mistake, but you don’t have to rub it in all day.

70. (to) run out of steam Meaning: to lose energy, motivation, or enthusiasm when doing something ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 14

Example: I’m really starting to run out of steam with this project, it’s just starting to become very boring and tedious.

71. (to) ruffle someone's feathers Meaning: to do something that annoys or upsets someone Example: I really ruffled some feathers at the meeting last week with my new changes to the team member’s responsibilities. Many people were upset with the new workload.

72. ups and downs Meaning: the good times and the bad times Example: My best friend and I have been through a lot of ups and downs together.

73. (to be) water off a duck's back Meaning: when someone’s insults or criticism doesn’t affect you Example: I’m not worried about what they are saying about me, it’s water off a duck’s back.

74. (to be) weak at the knees Meaning: to be overcome with an emotion so strongly that it makes you feel unstable while standing Example: When I heard the terrible news about his death, I become weak at the knees and had to lie down.

75. (to) wear your heart on your sleeve Meaning: to show your feelings and emotions openly and not hide them Example: I’m quite a shy person, not the type who wears their heart on their sleeve.

76. (to be) the living proof of something Meaning: to be an example or proof that something is possible or can be done Example: Many celebrities are living proof that money can’t buy you happiness.

77. (to be) no skin off my nose ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 15

Meaning: to say that something won’t affect you Example: I don’t care if they don’t come to my party, it’s no skin off my nose.

78. (to have) your head in the clouds Meaning: to have an unrealistic view of things happening in your life, or to be daydreaming or absentminded Example: Jenny really is out of touch with reality sometimes, she walks around with her head in the clouds all day.

79. (to) cut like a knife Meaning: when something causes great emotional pain or suffering Example: When my girlfriend broke up with me, it really cut like a knife.

80. (to) shake like a leaf Meaning: to be so scared you are shaking with fear (similar to quaking in your boots) Example: I was shaking like a leaf after the accident happened, it was a very frightening experience.

81. (to be) as comfortable as an old shoe | pair of slippers Meaning: to be very familiar and comfortable with someone or a certain situation Example: She’s as comfortable as an old shoe standing in front of thousands of people, she’s been presenting seminars for years now.

82. (to be) as innocent | gentle as a lamb Meaning: to be a very gentle, innocent, or naïve person Example: I’m certain she isn’t the one to blame for this terrible situation, she’s as innocent as a lamb.

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