IELTS Recent Actual Tests Apr 2023 [PDF]

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Đề thi ngày 1/4 SPEAKING ......................................................................................................1 WRITING TASK 1 ............................................................................................5 WRITING TASK 2 ............................................................................................7

Đề thi ngày 8/4 SPEAKING .....................................................................................................9 WRITING TASK 1 ...........................................................................................13 WRITING TASK 2 ..........................................................................................16

Đề thi ngày 15/4 SPEAKING .....................................................................................................18 WRITING TASK 1 ...........................................................................................21 WRITING TASK 2 ..........................................................................................23

Đề thi ngày 20/4 SPEAKING .....................................................................................................25 WRITING TASK 1 ............................................................................................28 WRITING TASK 2 ...........................................................................................31

Đề thi ngày 22/4 SPEAKING ...................................................................................................33 WRITING TASK 1 .........................................................................................36 WRITING TASK 2 ........................................................................................38

Đề thi ngày 29/4 SPEAKING ...................................................................................................40 WRITING TASK 1 .........................................................................................43 WRITING TASK 2 ........................................................................................46 4

ĐỀ THI NGÀY 1/4 SPEAKING Part 1 - Music 1. What music do you like?


Well, I enjoy a wide variety of genres. However, my favourite one is EDM. You know, EDM is all about the beats and the bass, and I find it really uplifting and energising to listen to. That being said, I also enjoy some hip-hop and pop music, especially if the lyrics are clever or the beats are really catchy.

Uplifting (adjective): cảm hứng và niềm vui

2. What music do you dislike? I can't stand heavy metal. I find the loud, harsh sounds and aggressive lyrics to be overwhelming. Of course, everyone has different tastes in music, and I respect the fact that some people really enjoy this genre. It's just not for me.


Energising (adjective): làm tăng năng lượng, sức sống Heavy metal (noun phrase): một thể loại nhạc rock Harsh (adjective): thô, khó chịu Aggressive (adjective): thể hiện hành vi hay thái độ quyết liệt

3. Do you often listen to one type of music? While I can't say that I exclusively listen to a single type of music, I do have a few go-to genres depending on my mood and what I'm doing. For example, if I'm exercising or out for a jog, I generally prefer music with a faster tempo. On the other hand, if I'm winding down at home or trying to relax, I tend to opt for more soothing acoustic music.

go-to genres (noun phrase): những thể loại yêu thích soothing acoustic (noun phrase): acoustic nhẹ nhàng

music nhạc


Part 1 - Music Vocabulary 4. Do your friends and you enjoy the same type of music? Some of my friends have similar taste in music as me, but others have completely different preferences. I think that's part of what makes music so great – it's a really personal thing, you know. It's always fun to see what other people are into and to learn about different artists and genres.

completely different preferences (noun phrase): sở thích hoàn toàn khác nhau


Part 2 - Good news Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you are familiar with. You should say: What it was When you heard it How you knew it And explain how you felt about it

Vocabulary I remember the day my best friend told me she got a scholarship to study abroad. It was about a month ago, and we were just hanging out at my place when she suddenly blurted out the news. As she explained, she had applied to one of her dream schools for the scholarship and had been eagerly waiting for a response. It was finally happening! I could see the joy and pride in her eyes, and I couldn't help but feel thrilled for her. We spent the next few hours discussing the details of her upcoming adventure, including the location, the program, and the courses she would be taking. We also talked about the challenges she might face, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and homesickness. I listened carefully to her plans and concerns and offered my support and advice wherever possible. You know, my best friend had always been ambitious, hardworking, and determined to succeed, and this scholarship was a testament to her efforts. Hearing about her success was an incredibly inspiring and joyful moment for me. Of course, I was a little sad that she would be gone for a while, but I knew that this was an incredible opportunity for her, and I couldn't be happier for her.

blurt out (phrasal verb): tự nhiên nói ra một điều mà không suy nghĩ trước. eagerly (adverb): hăng hái, nhiệt tình thrilled (adjective): rất vui mừng, hào hứng language barriers (noun phrase): rào cản ngôn ngữ homesickness (noun): cảm giác nhớ nhà ambitious (adjective): tham vọng testament (noun): minh chứng cho điều gì đó


Part 3 Social Media 1. Is it good to share something on social media?


Well, sharing something on social media can be a positive thing, but it depends on the nature of the content being shared. I believe informative and helpful content is good to share, but hurtful or misleading content should be avoided. It might be better to think twice before sharing it.

the nature of the content (noun phrase): bản chất của nội dung

2. Should the media only publish good news?

misleading (adjective): gây hiểu lầm

I don’t think the media should limit itself to only publishing good news. That wouldn't be realistic or informative. In my opinion, both positive and negative news are important to keep the public informed and help them make good decisions.

informative (adjective): nhiều thông tin

think twice before doing something (idiom): suy nghĩ kỹ trước khi làm gì realistic (adjective): thực tế

3. Do most people like to share good news with others? I suppose most people enjoy sharing good news with others. It's natural to want to spread positivity and share our happy moments with the people we care about. And let's be real, getting a bunch of likes and comments on your good news post is a pretty awesome feeling! That’s why people update their social media accounts all the time.

let's be real (phrase): hãy suy nghĩ theo hướng trung thực và thực tế


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 1/4 WRITING TASK 1 WRITING TASK 1 The plans below show how the ground of a particular building has changed over time.

Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Bản đồ. Độ khó: Khó - Thông tin trong bản đồ không quá phức tạp nhưng đề có chứa đến 3 hình nên việc miêu tả sẽ mất nhiều thời gian. Ngoài ra, thí sinh nên lưu ý kỹ hơn đến cách bố trí thông tin để kiểm soát độ dài của bài viết. Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Overview: Chức năng của tòa nhà đã thay đổi nhiều lần qua các năm. Cấu trúc bên trong của tòa nhà cũng có những sự thay đổi. Body 1: Miêu tả sự thay đổi từ 1958 đến 2000 (Hình 1 và 2) Body 2: Miêu tả sự thay đổi từ 2000 đến hiện nay (Hình 2 và 3). Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0


Bài mẫu

Từ vựng

The maps depict the changes on the ground floor of a particular building from 1958 to the present. In general, the function of the floor has changed several times since 1958, while the layout has also been significantly modified.

function năng



From 1958 to 1984, the ground floor was used as an office, and the entrance was at the bottom of the plan, with a toilet to the left and a reception area to the right. Further to the centre, there was an office for the manager to the right, facing two other offices for the assistant and the secretary. At the top left-hand and right-hand corners of the floor were the meeting room and the kitchen, respectively.

layout (noun): cách bố trí

From 1985 to 2000, the floor was transformed into an apartment, with the meeting room being converted into a living room. The manager’s office and reception area were both removed to make way for two bedrooms, while the two offices on the opposite side, along with the toilet, were also demolished and replaced by a big bathroom with a shower.

transform (verb): biến đổi hoàn toàn convert sth into sth (verb): biến đổi một thứ thành một thứ khác. demolish (verb): đập bỏ

From 2001 to the present, the floor has become a flower shop, and the facilities inside have been greatly altered. The bathroom and two bedrooms have all been taken out to make room for a play area and an office. Two flower exhibitions have been established, one immediately to the right of the entrance and the other next to the play area. The former living room is now used for gift card displays. Only the kitchen still remains the same from 1958 to now.

alter (noun): thay đổi, sửa đổi

(260 words)


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 1/4 WRITING TASK 2 More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or negative development? Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Positive - Negative Keywords cần lưu ý: no longer read newspapers or watch TV - get news - through the internet

Độ khó: Dễ - Chủ đề trong bài (news) khá quen thuộc với hầu hết thí sinh, đồng thời đề bài cũng không chứa những khái niệm quá "chung chung" hoặc khó hiểu. Tuy nhiên thí sinh vẫn cần phải chú ý đến việc đề chủ yếu tập trung vào câu thứ 2 (They get news about the world through the internet) để đưa ra ý tưởng phù hợp. Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Ý kiến tổng quan: Mặc dù việc chuyển hướng qua tin tức trên internet có một số hạn chế, đây vẫn là một xu hướng tích cực. Body 1: Trình bày những mặt trái của việc cập nhật tin tức qua internet. Body 2: Lập luận rằng những lợi ích của tin tức trực tuyến thực tế lớn hơn.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5


Bài mẫu The internet is replacing newspapers and TV as the most prevalent source of news. Though online news does carry certain drawbacks, I believe that this is a positive development. What worries many people about online news is probably the information’s reliability. Misinformation and fake news are rampant online, making it harder to discern what is credible. For example, many social media users often share shocking but unverified news about events of interest, such as the recent Covid-19 pandemic and the economic situation. In addition, online news sources may prioritize clickbait and sensationalism over important news, leading to a focus on trivial stories. Many young people are drawn into scandals or controversial statements made by internet celebrities or media companies rather than more necessary information like the government’s policy changes. However, the shift towards online news is inevitable, thanks to the benefits that it brings. First, the internet provides much greater access to diverse sources of news and information, compared to traditional sources like newspapers or TV. People can now browse multiple news websites at the same time and collect information from different people on the internet, which was impossible during the time when newspapers and TV were prevalent. Second, the internet also makes it convenient and easy for people to access news updates anytime, anywhere. In the past, the news was only updated once or twice per day, at a scheduled time, and people in one region could hardly receive the news in another. Now, people can access upto-the-minute information across the globe with any device connected to the internet.

Từ vựng

misinformation (noun): Thông tin sai lệch hoặc không chính xác Rampant (adjective): Phổ biến hoặc lan tràn Discern (verb): Nhận biết hoặc phân định rõ ràng Unverified news (noun): Thông tin không được xác minh Sensationalism (noun): Sự gây sốc để thu hút sự chú ý, Trivial (adjective): Không quan trọng hoặc không đáng kể, Prevalent (adjective): Phổ biến Up-to-the-minute information (noun phrase): Thông tin cập nhật mới nhất

In conclusion, though the reliability of online news does concern people to a certain extent, it is still a beneficial development. Compared to traditional sources, online news is much more accessible and convenient for people. (295 words)


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 8/4 SPEAKING Part 1 - Happy things


1. Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately? Yeah, I went on a vacation with my family to the beach recently and it made me really happy. It was just nice to be out in nature, get away from the daily routine and you know, just relax and have fun with the people I love. We went swimming, played games on the beach, and ate a lot of delicious food. It was a great time! 2. What made you happy when you were little? When I was little, I used to love getting new action figures, especially the ones from my favourite movies and TV shows. And I was totally into comic books as well, so reading them was another thing that I really enjoyed. It was just pure, unbridled fun and it always made me happy. 3. Do you feel happy when buying new things? There's definitely something exciting about finally getting your hands on something you've been wanting for a long time, be it a new pair of shoes or a cool gadget. However, the fun is short-lived for me because I start worrying about whether the purchase will eat into my budget. 4. When do you feel happy at work? Why At work, it makes me happy when my boss acknowledges my contributions and gives me credit. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a people pleaser. But I think it's natural to feel good when you receive recognition for a job well done.

daily routine (noun phrase): lịch trình hằng ngày pure, unbridled fun (noun phrase): niềm vui thuần khiết, không gò bó getting your hands on (idiom): tìm thấy hoặc sở hữu thứ gì short-lived (adjective): tồn tại trong một thời gian ngắn eat into something (phrasal verb): sử dụng hoặc lấy đi một phần lớn của một cái gì đó có giá trị, chẳng hạn như tiền bạc hoặc thời gian acknowledge (verb): công nhận, thừa nhận a people pleaser (noun phrase): người thích làm hài lòng người khác recognition (noun): sự công nhận, sự thừa nhận


Part 2 - Daily routine Describe a daily routine that you enjoy You should say: What it is Where and when you do it Who you do it with And explain why you enjoy it

Vocabulary One of my favourite daily routines is reading before bed. Every night, before I go to sleep, I like to curl up with a good book and read for at least an hour. I usually do this in my bedroom, either sitting in my bed or on a comfortable chair. I always make sure to turn off all electronic devices and dim the lights to create a relaxing environment. I enjoy this routine for several reasons. For one thing, it helps me wind down after a busy day. Reading allows me to escape from reality and immerse myself in a different world or learn something new. It's a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, and it helps me sleep better. One more reason why I love reading before hitting the hay is because it's like a self-care ritual for me. It's something I do just for myself, purely for the joy and personal growth it brings. Taking that time for myself each day helps me feel more balanced and fulfilled. In a nutshell, I really love reading before bed. I look forward to it every night. It's a peaceful way to end my day and puts me in a good mood to start the next day right.

curl up (phrasal verb): cuộn tròn lại, thường để thư giãn hoặc đọc sách. electronic devices (noun phrase): các thiết bị điện tử dim the lights (verb phrase): làm giảm độ sáng ánh đèn wind down (phrasal verb): giảm dần sự phấn khởi và hoạt động, chuẩn bị cho giấc ngủ hoặc thư giãn. immerse (verb): đắm mình vào hit the hay (idiom): đi ngủ self-care ritual (noun phrase): một chuỗi các hoạt động hoặc thói quen được thực hiện để chăm sóc bản thân một cách đều đặn put me in a good mood (verb phrase): làm tôi cảm thấy vui vẻ, phấn khởi


Part 3 Routine


1. What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?

a sense of structure (noun phrase): một cảm giác gắn kết với sự sắp xếp hợp lý và lộ trình rõ ràng.

I think having a routine at school can be super helpful for kids since it gives them a sense of structure and helps them stay organized. Plus, when they know what to expect each day, it can reduce anxiety and make them feel more confident in their abilities.

anxiety (noun): cảm giác lo lắng, căng thẳng prioritize (verb): ưu tiên

2. Do you think people need to have a day-to-day plan? It depends on their preferences, actually. Some people find that having a structured plan helps them stay focused and prioritize their tasks better, while others like to go with the flow and see what opportunities pop up. It's all about what works best for them and their styles.

go with the flow (idiom): chấp nhận, thích nghi với tình huống hiện tại pop up (phrasal verb): xuất hiện đột ngột hoặc bất ngờ


Part 3 Routine


3. What are some possible advantages of using time management apps for your phone to help you plan your time?

keep an eye on (idiom): để ý hoặc giám sát một vật, một người hoặc một tình huống nhất định.

Well, these apps can help you keep an eye on how you're doing and see how much time you're spending on different things. Also, they can break down big tasks into little bite-sized chunks that are easier to handle. All in all, these time management apps are a sweet way to get more stuff done and be more productive.

little bite-sized chunks (noun phrase): hoạt động hay công việc đã được chia thành những phần nhỏ hơn để dễ dàng quản lý hoặc hoàn thành.


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 8/4 WRITING TASK 1 The chart above shows information about various professions in the U.K and their salaries. The table shows the average working hours per week for each profession.


Average working hours per week







Fire fighter


Underground driver



Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Biểu đồ hỗn hợp. Độ khó: Trung bình - Số liệu trong đề bài không khó để miêu tả nhưng khá nhiều (15 số ở cả 2 biểu đồ). Ngoài ra thí sinh cần chú ý đọc kỹ thông tin trong đề để đưa ra sự lựa chọn ngôn ngữ phù hợp - biểu đồ cột có sự thay đổi theo thời gian nhưng bảng số liệu thì không. Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Overview: Tiền lương ở cả 5 nhóm nghề tăng lên sau 3 năm. Underground drivers làm ít giờ nhất nhưng nhận lương cao nhất. Body 1: Miêu tả số liệu của biểu đồ cột. Body 2: Miêu tả số liệu của bảng số liệu. Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5


Bài mẫu

Từ vựng

The bar chart illustrates the salaries of people in different professions in the UK, and the table shows their average working hours weekly. In general, the salaries of all five surveyed professions increase after three years. Underground drivers have the lowest working hours per week but receive the highest salary. At the beginning of their career, an underground driver receives the highest pay, at 50,000 pounds, followed by 40,000 pounds for a firefighter and around 30,000 pounds for a teacher. Police officers and nurses are paid much lower than the other three professions, at only around 20,000 pounds or less. After three years of working, the salaries of all five professions increase by only about 1,000 pounds.

career (noun): nghề nghiệp receive the highest pay (phrase): nhận được mức lương cao nhất

Regarding working hours, teachers and firefighters top the chart with 55 hours per week. On the other hand, a police officer works only 40 hours a week, while a nurse and an underground driver work only 38 and 36 hours, respectively. (158 words)


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 8/4 WRITING TASK 2 Some people believe teenagers should focus on all subjects equally, whereas other people think that they should concentrate only those subjects that they find interesting. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Discussion Keywords cần lưu ý: teenagers - focus on all subjects equally - concentrate - subjects that they find interesting

Độ khó: Trung bình – Chủ đề Giáo dục (Education) không còn xa lạ đối với hầu hết thí sinh IELTS. Tuy nhiên, đề bài ngày 8/4 hướng đến một khía cạnh rất nhỏ trong chủ đề này (lựa chọn môn học theo sở thích). Điều này có thể gây khó khăn cho một số thí sinh trong việc lựa chọn ý tưởng và từ vựng vì đây không phải khía cạnh nhiều bạn quan tâm trong đời sống hàng ngày. Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Ý kiến tổng quan: Nên có sự cân bằng giữa việc lựa chọn môn học theo sở thích và việc học đa dạng các môn. Body 1: Thảo luận về những lợi ích của việc tập trung đều vào tất cả các môn học. Body 2: Thảo luận về những lợi ích của việc chỉ tập trung vào những môn học mà học sinh thích. Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5


Bài mẫu

Từ vựng

Opinions differ as to whether teenagers should pay equal attention to all subjects or only focus on the ones in which they are interested. Personally, I believe it is important to strike a balance between the two views. On the one hand, there are some reasons why teenagers should focus on all subjects equally. First, all subjects have some value and can contribute to a well-rounded education. Science subjects like maths or physics strengthen students’ logical thinking abilities and teach them about the mechanisms of the world, while art subjects such as literature and music enhance their creativity and language skills and foster their emotions. All these aspects are crucial to any person's adult life. Second, teenagers are still young and may not know what they are interested in yet, so it is important to expose them to different subjects. On the other hand, teenagers can also reap several benefits when solely concentrating on subjects they find interesting. The first one is that teenagers are more likely to be motivated to learn if they are interested in the subject matter. This can help them develop a deeper understanding and expertise in whatever subjects they focus on. In addition, focusing on what is most interesting to the individual is more efficient, as everyone’s time and energy are limited. If teenagers have to split up their time between too many subjects, including those they may not like, they may not have enough resources to perform well and achieve their desired results.

a well-rounded education (noun phrase): nền giáo dục toàn diện mechanism (noun): cơ chế vận hành enhance one’s creativity: tăng cường tính sáng tạo foster one’s emotions: bồi đắp cảm xúc reap several benefits: gặt hái nhiều lợi ích expertise (noun): kiến thức chuyên môn

In conclusion, it is important to make sure that teenagers are exposed to a variety of subjects, and that they have a basic understanding of important topics that may not be immediately interesting to them. However, they should also be encouraged to pursue their interests and passions, which can lead to better academic performance and a more positive attitude towards learning. (310 words)


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 15/4 SPEAKING Part 1 - Family & Friends


1. Do you have a large family or small family? bickering (noun): cãi vã I come from a pretty big family with a total of six people, which includes my grandparents, parents, younger sister, and myself. Although we have our fair share of bickering, we still care for each other and enjoy spending time together. 2. How much time do you manage to spend with members of your family? Honestly, it's tough to find time to spend with everyone since we're all pretty busy. But we try to have family dinners a few times a week and hang out on weekends whenever we can. I make sure to remember everyone's birthdays so I can be there to celebrate with them on their special day. 3. Do you have many friends? Why? Why not? I've got a few really close friends, but I wouldn't say I have a ton of friends overall. I guess I just prefer to have a smaller circle of really tight-knit friends rather than a bunch of acquaintances. Quality over quantity, you know.

tough (adjective): khó khăn hoặc cực nhọc tight-knit friends (noun phrase): những người bạn gắn bó mật thiết với nhau acquaintances (noun): những người mà bạn biết nhưng không gắn bó mật thiết với họ hoặc không có sự tương tác thường xuyên. Quality over quantity (phrase): chất lượng quan trọng hơn số lượng introvert (noun): một người có tính cách hướng nội draining (adjective): tốn nhiều năng lượng và gây ra sự mệt mỏi hoặc căng thẳng

4. Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends? I'm definitely more of an introvert, so I prefer to spend most of my time alone. Being around people can be draining for me, but I do enjoy spending time with my close friends once in a while. It's nice to have some quality time with people I care about and who understand me.


Part 2 - Free time Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young You should say: What it was Where you did it Who you did it with And explain why you enjoyed it Vocabulary When I was younger, I loved playing hide and seek! We usually played it in our backyard since it was pretty big and had lots of trees and bushes to hide behind. We had a rule where you couldn't go beyond the fence or the game would be over, but within those boundaries, there were endless hiding spots to choose from.

bushes (noun): các bụi cây

I played it with my siblings and some of the neighbourhood kids too. It was always more fun when there were more people playing because it made the game more challenging.

endless (adjective): giới hạn

I loved it because it was always so exciting trying to find the perfect hiding spot and then trying to stay hidden until someone found me. Plus, there was always a thrill when you managed to sneak up on someone and surprise them. ‘Hide and seek’ was just a really fun game that kept us entertained for hours. It was a game that required us to think on our feet, use our imaginations, and work together. And it was just a lot of fun to be running around. Good times.

fence (noun): tường rào



boundaries (noun): ranh giới không

hiding spots (noun): điểm trốn, nơi ẩn nấp. siblings (noun): anh em ruột, chị em ruột. challenging (adjective): thách thức, khó khăn sneak up on someone (phrasal verb): tiến gần ai đó một cách lén lút để bất ngờ bắt nạt, đùa giỡn hoặc tấn công họ. think on our feet (idiom): nghĩ nhanh, đưa ra quyết định hoặc hành động một cách nhanh chóng


Part 3 Leisure activities


1. Is it important to have a break during work or study? Well, yeah. Stepping away from your work or study for a little bit can really give you the energy and focus you need to get back into it. Even if it's just a quick stretch or a snack break, it can make a huge difference in the long run. Plus, if you keep working without taking a break, it can actually end up hurting your productivity in the end. It's important to take care of yourself. 2. What sports do young people like to do now? From what I've seen, young people these days are really into a wide range of sports. Some of the most popular ones seem to be soccer, basketball, and volleyball. But there's also a growing interest in non-traditional sports like parkour. 3. Are there more activities for young people now than 20 years ago? Oh, definitely! Nowadays, young people have way more options for things to do than they did 20 years ago. People are all about being creative and expressing themselves these days, so you can find all sorts of cool workshops like candle making or pottery. Plus, there are tons of classes to help you learn new skills, like cooking, coding, or music lessons. There's something out there for everyone!

a quick stretch (noun phrase): giãn cơ hoặc thư giãn trước khi tiếp tục làm việc a snack break (noun phrase): khoảng thời gian nghỉ ngắn để ăn nhẹ hoặc uống nước in the long run (idiom): trong tương lai, sau một khoảng thời gian dài productivity (noun): năng suất non-traditional sports (noun phrase): các môn thể thao không phải là những môn thể thao truyền thống candle making (noun phrase): làm đèn nến pottery (noun): làm đồ gốm


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 15/4 WRITING TASK 1 The graph below shows the production of three forest industry products in a European country, namely timber, pulp, and paper from 1980 to 2000.

Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Biểu đồ đường có sự thay đổi theo thời gian. Độ khó: Dễ - Nội dung trong biểu đồ không quá phức tạp, ngoài ra không có quá nhiều số liệu và xu hướng cũng không khó để nhìn ra. Điểm mà thí sinh cần lưu ý nhiều nhất là việc lựa chọn từ phù hợp cho việc miêu tả. Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Overview: Sản lượng pulp và paper tăng qua các năm, trong khi sản lượng timber tăng nhanh nhưng sau đó giảm xuống. Sản lượng paper thấp nhất ở những năm đầu nhưng sau đó trở thành lớn nhất. Body 1: Miêu tả sự thay đổi của sản lượng pulp và paper. Body 2: Miêu tả sự thay đổi của sản lượng timber. Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0


Bài mẫu

Từ vựng

The line graph illustrates the amount of three products, namely pulp, timber, and paper, in a European country between 1980 and 2000. In general, while the production of pulp and paper increased throughout the years, the figure for timber saw a downward trend in the later part of the period. Paper was the least produced item in 1980, but it then became the most popular in the final year. 6 million tonnes of pulp was made in the surveyed country in 1980, compared to 4 million tonnes of paper. The pulp production then increased gradually to 8 million tonnes in 1990, remained at this point until 1995, and then rose to 10 million tonnes in 2000. The figure for paper saw a similar pattern but on a greater degree: it went up continuously throughout the years and reached 12 million tonnes in 2000.

see a downward trend (phrase): chứng kiến xu hướng giảm

see a similar pattern (phrase): chứng kiến sự thay đổi tương tự

The production of timber saw more dramatic changes than the other two products. It started at around 5 million tonnes in 1980 before leaping to its peak of 10 million tonnes just five years later. However, the number then fell quickly to only 6 million tonnes in 1995 before recovering to nearly 8 million tonnes in 2000.

(200 words)


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 15/4 WRITING TASK 2 It is the responsibility of schools to teach children good behaviour in addition to providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Agree - Disagree Keywords cần lưu ý: responsibility - schools - teach children good behaviour - in addition to providing formal education

Độ khó: Khó - Đề bài xoay quanh một khía cạnh rất nhỏ của chủ đề Education, đồng thời đây cũng là một khía cạnh không quá phổ biến với hầu hết thí sinh. Ngoài ra thí sinh cần lưu ý rằng đề bài nhấn mạnh về yếu tố "trách nhiệm" (responsibility) để tránh bị lạc sang việc liệt kê lợi ích hay những yếu tố khác. Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Ý kiến tổng quan: Hoàn toàn đồng ý với ý kiến trong đề. Body 1: Mục đích chính của nhà trường là tạo điều kiện cho học sinh phát triển đến mức tối đa, và điều này sẽ không thể làm được nếu thiếu đi cách cư xử tốt. Body 2: Học sinh dành phần lớn thời gian của mình ở trường, nên trường đóng vai trò cực kỳ quan trọng trong việc hình thành cách ứng xử của học sinh. Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0


Bài mẫu

Từ vựng

Some people think that besides providing formal education, schools should be responsible for teaching children to behave well. I completely agree with this statement for the following reasons. The primary purpose of schools is to facilitate one’s development to the fullest, and this cannot be achieved without a good behaviour. Students’ behaviour can determine their academic success, as it influences their attitudes towards studying. Good conducts and manners also earn students respect and dignity in society, which is essential for them to establish healthy relationships and enhance their social wellbeing. Therefore, schools should also focus on fostering their students’ behaviours besides teaching academic knowledge to ensure a well-rounded education for them.

facilitate (verb): Hỗ trợ hoặc tạo điều kiện thuận lợi

In addition, most children spend a significant portion of their day at school, so schools play a significant role in shaping their behaviour. As children enter school age, they often spend around six or even ten hours at school on a daily basis, which means they are frequently exposed to the environment at school. They also learn things by imitating what they see around them, so it is no doubt that schools have a strong impact on children’s behaviours. Hence, schools should be responsible for providing a safe and structured environment where children can learn and practice good behaviour, as whatever children learn at school can follow them to the rest of their lives.

a well-rounded education (noun phrase): Một giáo dục toàn diện

attitudes (noun): thái độ good conducts and manners (noun phrase): Cách cư xử và phép tắc tốt dignity (noun): Sự thượng, phẩm giá


imitate (verb): Bắt chước hoặc sao chép

In conclusion, I believe that schools should teach children to behave well besides just focusing on academic knowledge. This is because the purpose of schools lies beyond merely providing knowledge and children often spend most of their time at school. (265 words)


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 20/4 SPEAKING Part 1 - Housework and Cooking


1. Do you help your family cook at home now?

chip in (phrasal verb): Đóng góp/ giúp đỡ chút ít (tiền/ thời gian)

Yeah, I chip in every day with the cooking of lunch and dinner. My mom will take care of breakfast. I can cook simple dishes, even though they do not compare in flavor to those prepared by my mom. 2. Did you do some house cleaning when you were young? Being tidy is something that has been drilled into me from a young age. So, even when I was a child, I did a good portion of the cleaning in the house. I took care of simple tasks like sweeping and mopping the floor. However, I let my dad handle the vacuuming because the machine was too heavy for me to lift. 3. Do you have breakfast at home every day? No, not every day. Although I frequently have breakfast at home, there are occasions when I'm on the go and can't stop for a leisurely meal. On such mornings, my breakfast would just be a piece of toast and a cup of coffee on my way to work. 4. Do you want to learn how to cook well? Of course, learning to cook properly has been on my mind for a long time. It's a shame I never got around to doing it. And if I'm not mistaken, the cost of culinary lessons in the city is rather high. So, if I decide to go through with it, I'll have to start saving money right away.

flavor (noun): hương vị drill into (phrasal verb): buộc (ai đó) phải học một thứ gì bằng cách lặp đi lặp lại nó on the go (phrase): rất bận rộn leisurely (adjective): nhàn nhã toast (noun): bánh mì nướng get around to do something (phrase): tìm thời gian để làm điều gì đó mà bạn đã dự định culinary lessons (noun): bài học nấu ăn/ ẩm thực go through with something (phrasal verb): làm điều gì đó tới cùng dù khó khăn


Part 2 - A person Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with. You should say: Who this person is How you met this person How long you have known him/her And explain why you want to work/study with him/her Vocabulary So, the girl I'm talking about is someone I met at a drawing workshop a few weeks ago. She's from the United States and is visiting Vietnam for a month to explore and travel around. We struck up a conversation during a break in the workshop and really hit it off. She was super friendly and easy to talk to, and I could tell right away that she was someone I'd love to get to know better. As we talked more, I found out that she's actually a teacher back in the States, which I thought was really cool. She had some really interesting ideas about teaching that I'd never heard before, and it was clear that she was really passionate about her work. I've been an English teacher here in Vietnam for a few years now, and I've always been looking for ways to improve my skills and learn new things. When I heard about her background as a teacher, I knew right away that I wanted to work with her and learn as much as I could from her. Since we met, we've been hanging out whenever we can, exploring the city and talking about our experiences as teachers. Even though we've only known each other for a few weeks, I feel like we've already become good friends. I hope we'll be able to keep in touch even after she leaves Vietnam.

strike up a conversation (phrasal verb): bắt đầu một cuộc trò chuyện hit it off (phrasal verb): có mối quan hệ tốt với ai đó ngay từ lần gặp đầu tiên, thường là do sở thích, tính cách hay tư tưởng giống nhau. passionate (adjective): đam mê, nhiệt huyết explore (verb): khám phá và tìm hiểu điều gì đó một cách cẩn thận keep in touch (phrase): duy trì liên lạc với ai đó sau khi gặp hoặc khi xa nhau


Part 3 Classmates


1. Why should children be kind to their classmates?

an inclusive environment (noun phrase): môi trường bao gồm mọi người và tôn trọng

I think kids should be kind to their classmates because it helps to create a positive and inclusive environment in the classroom. Being nice to others also helps to build strong relationships and friendships that can last a lifetime. 2. Should children choose their deskmate? It really depends on the classroom and the teacher's approach. Some teachers allow students to choose their own desk mate, which can be a great way to encourage socialization and make sure students are comfortable with each other. But other teachers may prefer to assign seats themselves to make sure everyone is evenly distributed around the classroom. 3. What matters most about a colleague’s personality? In my opinion, when it comes to colleagues, what matters most about their personality is how they treat others. Having a positive attitude, being respectful and friendly, and being a good communicator are all important qualities in a colleague. You want to work with people who are supportive and who you can rely on when you need help, right?

sự đa dạng last a lifetime (verb phrase): kéo dài suốt cuộc đời approach (noun): cách tiếp cận socialization (noun): quá trình học hỏi và thích nghi với những giá trị, quy tắc và hành vi xã hội assign seats (verb phrase): phân chia vị trí ngồi của mỗi người trong một sự kiện, phòng học evenly (adverb): một cách đồng đều, công bằng và không thiên vị treat (verb): đối xử respectful (adjective): trọng và lịch sự


rely on (verb phrase): tin tưởng và dựa vào ai đó hoặc điều gì đó


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 20/4 WRITING TASK 1 The diagram shows the recycling process of aluminium cans.


Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Sơ đồ tái chế. Độ khó: Trung bình - Đây là bài Process thường thấy trong Writing Task 1 với thông tin được cung cấp rất rõ ràng. Thí sinh cần lưu ý phân tích kỹ chủ ngữ và hành động ở từng bước để đưa ra lựa chọn từ phù hợp cho các câu. Ngoài ra, các bước trong hình có nhiều chi tiết phụ, nên thí sinh cần trình bày đầy đủ các chi tiết này để tránh việc thiếu từ. Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Overview: Sơ đồ bao gồm bảy bước. Quy trình bắt đầu khi các lon bị bỏ đi và kết thúc khi các lon mới được tái sử dụng. Body 1: Miêu tả từ bước 1 đến 3. Body 2: Miêu tả các bước còn lại. Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5


Bài mẫu

Từ vựng

The diagram depicts how aluminium cans are recycled.

aluminium cans phrase): lon nhôm


In general, the process consists of seven stages, commencing when used aluminium cans are released and ending when the recycled cans are reused. In the first stage, people consume the drink inside aluminium cans and then get rid of them in designated recycle bins. These cans are then collected by garbage trucks and taken to a recycling factory. This is where the cans are cleaned and sorted, and the selected ones are later shredded into pieces before being compressed into blocks. In the following stage, the blocks of aluminium are heated until they melt into liquid. Subsequently, it is cooled and rolled out flat to a thickness of between 2.5 and 6 millimetres, depending on its later use. After that, the aluminium is ready to be recycled into new packaging, such as drink containers. Finally, the new cans are filled with drinks and ready for sale and consumption. In the UK, 74% of aluminium cans are recycled.

compress (verb): nén, ép lại shred (verb): cắt thành sợi melt (verb): tan chảy

(165 words)


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 20/4 WRITING TASK 2 Some people believe that crime is a result of social problems and poverty, while others think that crime is a result of bad person’s nature. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Discussion Keywords cần lưu ý: crime - result - social problems - poverty - bad person's nature

Độ khó: Khó – Chủ đề Crime (tội phạm) thường gây nhiều khó khăn cho thí sinh, đặc biệt là về mặt từ vựng và ý tưởng. Đề bài ngày 20/4 cũng không ngoại lệ do đề bài xoáy vào một khía cạnh khá hẹp (nguyên phạm tội - do bản chất con người hay do các vấn đề xã hội). Thí sinh sẽ cần phân tích rất kỹ đề bài để đưa ra được ý tưởng phù hợp, tránh lan man và lạc đề. Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Ý kiến tổng quan: Đồng ý với quan điểm rằng việc phạm tội là do tác động từ các vấn đề xã hội và sự đói nghèo. Body 1: Trình bày lý do tại sao một số người cho rằng việc phạm tội là do bản chất xấu xa của con người. Body 2: Trình bày và củng cố quan điểm của tác giả - việc phạm tội là do ảnh hưởng từ các vấn đề xã hội nhiều hơn là bản chất con người. Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5


Bài mẫu

Từ vựng

Opinions differ as to whether crime is caused by social issues and poverty or by people’s evil nature. Personally, I agree with the former view.

evil nature (noun): bản chất xấu xa

It is understandable why some people claim that our nature is the root of crime. Perhaps they have witnessed some children commit wrongdoing at some point in their lives. For example, many physically strong children tend to bully others at school, while others may perform mischievous acts like lying to adults or stealing money from their parents. These experiences lead people to believe that humans are purely good or bad by nature, and those who engage in misconduct at a young age will likely become criminals. However, the point mentioned above is deeply flawed. Everyone possesses their own good and bad nature, and it is the environment that triggers people’s evil side and causes them to commit crime. One major cause of crime in many countries is inadequate education. Poorly educated youngsters may struggle to discern between right and wrong; therefore, they are more likely to commit crimes without even knowing. Poverty is another root cause of crime because those living in impoverished conditions may turn to stealing or robbing as the final solution to make ends meet. A corrupt political system can also be a breeding ground for crime because the politicians there have to comply with the corruption, regardless of their personal intentions. In conclusion, though some might think that crime results from a person’s bad nature, I believe it is more likely caused by social problems, such as poor education, corrupt political systems, and poverty. People are both good and bad by nature, and the environment in which they live determines whether they become criminals.

root (noun): gốc rễ commit wrongdoing ~ engage in misconduct: thực hiện hành vi sai trái, không được chấp nhận deeply flawed



adjective): sai lầm nghiêm trọng possess (verb: sở hữu trigger (verb): kích thích, kích hoạt poorly educated youngsters (noun phrase): người trẻ không được giáo dục tốt discern between right and wrong (verb phrase): phân biệt phải trái đúng sai impoverished conditions (adjective + noun): điều kiện túng thiếu a breeding ground (noun phrase): môi trường lý tưởng cho việc gì đó

(283 words) comply with (verb): đồng thuận với một mệnh lệnh hoặc quy tắc


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 22/4 SPEAKING Part 1 - Public transportation 1. What kind of public transportation do you usually take?


Actually, I don’t use public transit all that often. I have my own scooter, so if I want to go anywhere, all I have to do is to get on it and off I go. However, if I find myself in need of public transit, I guess I'll be using the bus. It's the cheapest after all.

off (someone or something) goes (phrase): ai đó hoặc thứ gì đó rời đi

2. Do most people prefer public transportation in your country? Unfortunately, I think most working people are like me, in that they have little interest in public transport. You can't really blame them for choosing their scooters over the bus though. They have a strict schedule to stick to, and getting the bus means risking being late for work, since buses here are often caught in traffic, not to mention that they make several stops. 3. Did you take public transportation when you were a kid? I didn't really have a chance to use public transport when I was a kid because my parents would drive me around on their scooters. However, my grandparents did take me on a bus ride once or twice. Good times. 4. When do you usually take public transportation, in your everyday life or when you are travelling?

in need of (phrase): cần thứ gì đó a strict schedule (noun): một lịch trình nghiêm ngặt stops (noun): trạm dừng scooters (noun): xe tay ga a bus ride (noun): một chuyến xe buýt

hassle-free (adjective): không rắc rối, phiền phức sip (verb): nhâm nhi

Definitely when I'm travelling. I will take a flight if I want to visit a northern province, for example. It's the fastest and most hassle-free choice. Oftentimes, I also take the train. I love sipping my tea and seeing the passing scenery when I'm on a train.


Part 2 - Something Describe something that you did with one or more people You should say: What it was Who you did it with How long it took you to do this And explain why you did it with one or more people Last weekend was one of the most exciting experiences I've had in a long time. My friend and I attended a Kpop concert together, something we had been eagerly anticipating for months. We're both huge fans of Kpop music and had been listening to the performers' songs on repeat for weeks leading up to the concert. As soon as we arrived at the stadium, we could feel the excitement in the air. We joined a long line of fans, all waiting eagerly to get into the venue. The energy was electric and the anticipation was palpable. Once we made it inside, we found our seats and looked around at the sea of fans filling the stadium. It was amazing to see so many people gathered in one place, all of us there to celebrate and enjoy the music we love. As soon as the concert began, we were completely immersed in the experience. The performers were incredible, their choreography and stage presence were second to none. We were dancing and singing along to all the songs, along with the rest of the crowd. The visuals were stunning, with bright lights and amazing special effects. We even got to wave our light sticks and chant along with the other fans, which was so much fun. Being able to share this experience with my friend made it even more special. We were able to bond over our love for Kpop and create some amazing memories that we'll both cherish for years to come.

Vocabulary Anticipating (verb): mong đợi hoặc chờ đợi điều gì đó một cách hăng hái. Venue (noun): nơi diễn ra một sự kiện, đặc biệt là một buổi biểu diễn. Palpable (adjective): có thể cảm thấy hoặc chạm vào được. Immersed (adjective): đắm mình hoặc tập trung cao độ vào một điều gì đó. Choreography (noun): nghệ thuật sáng tạo và sắp xếp các động tác múa. Special effects (noun phrase): hiệu ứng âm thanh hoặc hình ảnh đặc biệt


Part 3 Teamwork


1. What kinds of jobs need people to work in a team? Well, lots of jobs require teamwork. Anything from sports teams to office jobs to creative projects like making movies or music. Basically, if you're working with other people towards a common goal, you're going to need to know how to work well with others and be a good team player. 2. What can parents do with their children to make them happy? Oh, there are lots of things parents can do. It really depends on what the child likes to do, but some ideas could be going to the park, playing board games together, going to the movies, or baking cookies. Sometimes just spending quality time with your child can make a big difference. 3. How can children improve their social skills

a common goal (noun): mục tiêu chung

a good team player (noun phrase): đồng đội tốt




phrase): nướng bánh quy



(noun phrase): củng cố tích cực

Well, one thing is to join clubs or groups that interest them, so they can meet other kids with similar interests. Parents and teachers can also help by providing positive reinforcement when children show good social skills and by modeling good social behavior themselves. You know how it is - kids love to copy what adults do!

model (verb): làm hình mẫu




phrase): hành vi xã hội


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 22/4 WRITING TASK 1 The graph shows the number of visitors entering a museum in summer and winter in 2003.

Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Biểu đồ đường có sự thay đổi theo thời gian. Độ khó: Trung bình - Thông tin trong hình không khó để theo dõi, tuy nhiên thí sinh rất cần lưu ý đến nội dung ở trục hoành (nằm ngang) để tránh bị nhầm lẫn. Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Overview: Bảo tàng thu hút nhiều khách vào mùa hè hơn so với mùa đông. Thời gian giữa ngày là cao điểm về lượng khách ghé bảo tàng. Body 1: Miêu tả số liệu vào mùa hè. Body 2: Miêu tả số liệu vào mùa đông. Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0


Bài mẫu

Từ vựng

The graph compares the number of visitors that a museum welcomed at different hours in the summer and winter of 2003. Overall, it is clear that the museum attracted a higher volume of visitors throughout the opening hours in summer than in winter. In addition, midday was the peak time at this museum in both seasons. In summer, the museum opened from 9 am, and the number of visitors climbed quickly to roughly 1500 at midday. However as the day progressed, this figure declined gradually to 800 visitors at 4 pm. After an hour, only 400 visitors were recorded, and the number declined to 0 when the museum closed at 6pm. The museum opened at the same hour in winter but attracted only 400 people visiting from 10 am till 11 am. This figure then peaked at 600 at 12 o’clock, only half the visitor number during the same hour in summer. From midday onwards, the visitor number plunged until it hit zero at 3 pm. After this hour, no visitors were reported.

opening hours (noun phrase): Thời gian mở cửa. midday (noun): Buổi trưa. the


phrase): điểm.



plunge (verb):







(173 words)


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 22/4 WRITING TASK 2 Some people think that supermarkets and manufacturers have a responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging. Others believe that it is the consumer’s responsibility to avoid products with packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Discussion Keywords cần lưu ý: supermarket and manufacturers - responsibility - reduce the amount of packaging - consumer's responsibility - avoid products with packaging

Độ khó: Khó - Nội dung của đề bài rất hẹp (trách nhiệm giảm thiểu bao bì nhựa), và điều này có thể gây ra nhiều khó khăn cho thí sinh trong việc lựa chọn ý tưởng. Việc chủ đề hẹp cũng giới hạn lựa chọn về từ vựng cho các câu, đặc biệt khi các keywords trong đề đã quá cụ thể (plastic, supermarkets, consumers, ...). Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Ý kiến tổng quan: Trách nhiệm giảm thiểu bao bì nhựa nên được chia sẻ bởi cả người tiêu dùng và doanh nghiệp. Body 1: Thảo luận về trách nhiệm của siêu thị và nhà sản xuất. Body 2: Thảo luận về trách nhiệm của người tiêu dùng. Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5


Bài mẫu

Từ vựng

Opinions differ as to whether the responsibility of reducing packaging waste should fall upon supermarkets and manufacturers or consumers. In my opinion, there should be a shared responsibility between manufacturers, retailers, and consumers to reduce packaging waste.

optimize (verb): Tối ưu hóa

On the one hand, supermarkets and manufacturers own the means of packaging reduction. Manufacturers can reduce the amount of packaging materials used by optimizing their packaging designs. Many manufacturers utilise oversized packaging to deceive customers about the quantity of the product or to add unnecessary branding information. These extra layers should be cut from the product packaging as they have no impacts on the content. Another way to optimize packaging designs is switching to refillable packaging for daily-use products like personal care or food and beverage products. For example, soft drink companies like Coca Cola can shift toward selling reusable bottles or cans rather than singleuse containers like nowadays. On the other hand, consumers play a role in packaging reduction since the aforementioned practices can not happen without a shift in customer attitude toward packaging. If consumers are more environmentally conscious and thereby opting for minimal packaging products, this will force manufacturers and retailers to act accordingly. In addition, consumers must be willing to pay for higher price products since they cover the added costs of sustainable packaging. Another key is that consumers should regularly participate in the programs of refillable packaging. Only when consumers bring the containers to the supermarkets for replenishment will the supermarkets be able to keep the programs going.

oversized packaging (noun phrase): Đóng gói quá lớn deceive (verb): Lừa dối refillable packaging (noun phrase): Đóng gói có thể tái sử dụng single-use containers (noun phrase): Đồ đóng gói sử dụng một lần environmentally conscious (adjective): Nhận thức về môi trường sustainable


(noun phrase): Đóng gói bền vững replenishment (noun): Sự bổ sung, sự tái lấp

In conclusion, the issue of packaging waste is a complex one, and supermarkets, manufacturers, and consumers have a role to play in addressing it. While it is clear that supermarkets and manufacturers should take steps to reduce their impact, consumers should also make conscious decisions to reduce their own waste. (300 words)


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 29/4 SPEAKING Part 1 - History 1. Do you like to learn about history?


I do. When I was at school, I really hated this subject because I thought it was just full of meaningless facts about the past. But now, as I have more time to look into it, I’ve realised that it actually tells us a lot about what’s happening right now, so I gradually grow more interested in it.


2. What historical event do you find interesting? Probably World War II. I know it was a tragedy in modern history, but it was also the event that shaped our world. Most of the things that we’re seeing now are actually the consequences of that war.



phrase): những sự thật vô nghĩa grow more interested in something (phrase): quan tâm hơn đến vấn đề gì tragedy (noun): bi kịch

3. Do you think history is important? Of course it is. As I’ve just told you, history tells us a lot about the present, so learning it helps us understand more about the things happening now. Also, if you study history in the right way, it can even train your critical thinking because you need to look at an event from different perspectives.

train your critical thinking (phrase): rèn luyện tư duy phản biện của bạn

4. Do you consider archaeology to be an important science? I don’t know much about this, but maybe yes. That’s why a lot of people are pouring money into this. Maybe finding some kind of fossils can help people understand the origin of the things around us, including ourselves.

pouring money something (phrase): nhiều tiền cho việc gì

into dành

fossils (noun): hóa thạch


Part 2 - A person Describe a person you know who enjoys dressing well You should say: Who the person is What job/studies the person does What sort of clothes the person wears And explain why you think this person enjoys dressing well

So, I know someone who's really into dressing well, and it’s my cousin. I’m quite close to my cousin and let me tell you, that guy is all about dressing to impress. He's around the same age as me and he actually went to fashion school and became a tailor. So you can imagine he's got some serious skills when it comes to clothing.

Vocabulary dressing to impress (phrase): mặc quần áo để tạo ấn tượng a tailor (noun): thợ may

The kind of clothes he wears is always on point. He's always up to date with the latest trends and knows how to put an outfit together that will turn heads. He's got a pretty unique style, and it always looks great on him. From suits to streetwear, he knows how to make it work. He also loves to experiment with different colors, patterns, and textures. I think he enjoys dressing well because it's a form of selfexpression for him. He has a real eye for detail, so putting together an outfit that looks amazing is a way for him to show off his skills and creativity. Plus, I think he just enjoys the feeling of looking and feeling his best - it gives him confidence and makes him feel good about himself. Fashion is also just a part of who he is - he's always been interested in fashion, even when we were kids.

serious skills (noun phrase): kỹ năng chuyên môn cao on point (idiom): đúng, chính xác và phù hợp up to date (phrase): theo kịp thời đại turn heads (idiom): làm ai đó chú ý hoặc ngạc nhiên textures (noun): kết cấu a real eye for detail (idiom): khả năng nhận biết và chú ý đến các chi tiết nhỏ


Part 3 Fashion


1. Do you think online shopping will replace in-store shopping in the future? Why?

the current global circumstances (noun phrase): tình trạng hiện tại của thế giới

Well, that's a tough one. I think online shopping is definitely becoming more and more popular, especially amidst the current global circumstances. But at the same time, there's something special about going to a physical store and being able to see and touch the products before you buy them. Also, there’re still lots of people who really enjoy the whole shopping experience - going out with friends, trying things on, and all that. So I don't know if online shopping will ever completely replace in-store shopping, but it's definitely becoming a bigger player in the game.



(noun): trải nghiệm mua sắm a bigger player in the game (phrase): một đối thủ lớn hơn trong một lĩnh vực cụ thể

2. Are you a person who likes to follow fashion? Yeah, I'm definitely into fashion! I love following trends and trying out new styles. It's just a fun way to express yourself and show off your personality, you know? And I think it's really cool how fashion is always evolving and changing there's always something new to discover.

express yourself (phrase): biểu đạt bản thân show off your personality (phrase): thể hiện cá tính của bản thân

3. Are older people as fashionable as young people? Why? evolve (verb): tiến hóa Hmm, well I think that really depends on the person. There are plenty of older folks who are super stylish and on top of the latest trends, and I've also seen younger people who just don't really care about fashion at all. So I don't think age has anything to do with it - it's more about personal preference and how much you enjoy following fashion. That being said, I do think that as you get older, you start to care less about what other people think and focus more on what makes you feel good. So maybe that's why some older people seem more confident in their fashion choices - they're just doing what makes them happy!

stylish (adjective): có gu thẩm mỹ on top of the latest trends (phrase): cập nhật những xu hướng mới nhất follow fashion (phrase): theo đuổi xu hướng thời trang


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 29/4 WRITING TASK 1 The plans show the change of a small theatre in 2010 and 2012.


Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Bản đồ Độ khó: Trung bình - Đề bài tuy có nhiều facilities cần được miêu tả nhưng các khu vực được phân chia rất rõ ràng, và điều này có thể giúp thí sinh dễ dàng bố trí thông tin trong bài viết hơn. Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Overview: Rạp hát được mở rộng về bên trái để chứa thêm nhiều facilities hơn. Sau 2 năm, các facilities đã tồn tại sẵn cũng có nhiều sự thay đổi. Body 1: Miêu tả bản đồ năm 2010. Body 2: Miêu tả bản đồ năm 2012. Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5


Bài mẫu

Từ vựng

The plans illustrate the changes to a small theater between 2010 and 2012. Overall, the theater was expanded to the west to accommodate additional space for new facilities. After 2 years, several adjustments were made to the theater's existing facilities. In 2010, the original theater consisted of two main areas: the foyer and the house at the back. The foyer can be accessed through an entrance in the south immediately to

foyer (noun): Sảnh, tiền sảnh

the right was a cafe while to the left were two offices, one for the tickets and the other admin work. The house at the back includes an auditorium, a stage and a media room. To the left of the house was the storage room. After 2 years, the entrance, auditorium, and stage area remained unchanged. However, the media room was transformed into a hall. The storage room, previously located in the northwest part, was relocated to the east and reduced in size. The space of the storage room was repurposed for the media, with a small portion used for the team's shower facilities. The theater's foyer was extended westward, and the café was replaced by the ticket office. Within this extended part, a new restaurant was added,

remain unchanged (verb phrase): Vẫn giữ nguyên, không thay đổi be transformed into (phrase): Được chuyển đổi thành be reduced in size (phrase): Bị giảm kích thước be repurposed (phrase): Được sử dụng lại cho mục đích khác

while the admin office was relocated further north. (208 words)


ĐỀ THI NGÀY 29/4 WRITING TASK 2 Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think this is good for the world of sports, while others think there are disadvantages. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Phân tích đề bài Dạng bài: Discussion Keywords cần lưu ý: companies - sponsor sports - advertise themselves - good for the world of sports - disadvantages

Độ khó: Trung bình - Chủ đề trong đề bài không quá khó (ảnh hưởng của quảng cáo đối với thể thao). Tuy nhiên thí sinh rất cần lưu ý đến cách dùng từ trong bài (world of sports) để xác định đúng phạm vi cho các idea của mình. Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu: Ý kiến tổng quan: việc tài trợ cho thể thao có thể ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng của một số sự kiện, nhưng điều này vẫn mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho thể thao nói chung. Body 1: Trình bày những lợi ích cho thể thao của việc tài trợ và quảng cáo. Body 2: Trình bày những mặt trái của việc quảng cáo trong thể thao. Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.0


Bài mẫu

Từ vựng

People hold different views about whether sports sponsorship brings positive or negative impact on the world of sports. In my opinion, although sports sponsorship can affect the quality of some sports events, it generally benefits those involved in sports. The main benefit of sports sponsorship is the essential financial support to athletes, sports organizations and sports events. Athletes use these sponsorship deals to fund

training kits (noun phrase): thiết bị huấn luyện

their training kits or coaching staff, relieving them of financial burdens and allowing them to focus on training.

coaching staff (noun phrase): Đội ngũ huấn luyện

Sports organizations also benefit from sponsorship by gaining the necessary funds to organize events. Moreover, the sports themselves are also marketed, as sponsoring companies often include the sponsored events and the sports in their advertising campaigns. This leads to increased visibility and exposure for both the sport and the companies. However, it is worth considering that sports sponsorship can lead to the commercialization and a decrease in the quality of sports events. Many sponsors may exert influence over sports organizations to ensure their sponsorship will be a guaranteed investment at all cost. Therefore, sports organizations are forced to modify certain features of the events to meet the sponsor’s requirements. These actions can overshadow the integrity of sports events, causing audiences to lose interest in them. In addition, many people associate certain products, such as alcoholic drinks and fast food with negative images, as they believe these products are harmful to our health. Hence, showing sponsored ads of such products at sports events may worsen the images of the events in public eyes.

funds (noun): Quỹ, nguồn tiền visibility (noun): Mức độ được nhìn thấy, nhận biết và nhớ đến của một thương hiệu trong mắt khách hàng commercialization (noun): Sự thương mại hóa, quá trình biến cái gì đó thành hoạt động thương mại modify (verb): Sửa đổi, điều chỉnh integrity (noun): Chính trực, tính toàn vẹn alcoholic drinks (noun): Đồ uống có cồn

In conclusion, sports sponsorship as a means of advertising products can have a negative impact on sports events and the public’s perception on sports. However, it brings many advantages to the world of sports as it benefits not only the athletes and sports organizations, but also the sports itself. (303 words)



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