IDX 4.1 - IOM - Training Guide - May 052020 [PDF]

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Document Name: L'LUHFWVelocity AIOM Course - Instructor & Learner Training Guide - 1RYHPEHU 2019.pdf Document Part Number: GE0000XXX


Table of Contents

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii About This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Document Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Related Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi

Introduction to Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii Course Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix Course Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi

Module 1: iDirect System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 1.1 iDirect essentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1.2 iDirect network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 1.3 Star/Mesh topology & latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 1.4 Downstream carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 1.5 Broadcasted and HDLC Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 1.6 DVB-S2 protocol structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 1.7 DVB-S2X protocol structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 1.8 Expected DVB-S2X efficiency boost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 1.9 MODCOD selection: feedback mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 1.10 DVB-S2 MODCODs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

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1.11 DVB-S2X Modcods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 1.12 Fade control and margins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 1.13 Line Card BB Frames Packing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 1.14 DVB-S2 Modulated BB Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 1.15 DVB-S2X Modulated BB Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 1.16 MODCODs and symbol consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 1.17 MODCODs and throughput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 1.18 Nominal MODCOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 1.19 Nominal MODCOD and CIR/MIR scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 1.20 Downstream carrier roll off factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 1.21 Downstream DVB-S2 Carrier Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 1.22 Upstream D-TDMA Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 1.23 Single TDMA Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 1.24 Multiple TDMA Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 1.25 D-TDMA protocol structure: the traffic slot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 1.26 Payload sizes: 100/170/438 bytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 1.27 The D-TDMA Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 1.28 Homogeneous inroute groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 1.29 Heterogeneous inroute groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 1.30 Available MODCODs, efficiency and SNR – DTDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 1.31 16QAM Modulation for ATDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 1.32 16QAM Key Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 1.33 The Burst Time Plan (BTP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 1.34 The Slot Allocation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 1.35 Scheduled Dedicated Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 1.36 1- Minimum Information Rate (MinIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 1.37 Slot consumption and Min. IR – Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 1.38 Idle and Dormant States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 1.39 2- Committed Information Rate (CIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 1.40 3- Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 1.41 4- Free Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 1.42 Acquisition (ACQ) Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77


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1.43 Frequency hopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 1.44 Carrier grooming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 1.45 Reduce Jitter: FeathEring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 1.46 Reduce Jitter: Chopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 1.47 Reduce Jitter: FeathEring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 1.48 Maximum channel efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 1.49 Minimum latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 1.50 D-TDMA exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 1.51 SCPC Return carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 1.52 SCPC Return protocol structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 1.53 Two different payload sizes: 170/438 bytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 1.54 SCPC MODCODs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 1.55 Spectral Efficiency – D-TDMA Vs. SCPC Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 1.56 Uses and benefits of SCPC Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 1.57 SCPC Return Carriers – Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Module 2: Satellite Remotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 2.1 iDirect Remotes (Routers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 2.58 iQ LTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 2.2 Accessing the Remote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 2.3 Console Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 2.4 Retrieving IP address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 2.5 Retrieving IP Address: X1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 2.6 Remote Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 2.7 iSite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 2.8 Software & Option File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 2.9 Firmware / Software Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 2.10 Option file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 2.11 Remote Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 2.12 Antenna Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 2.13 Cross Polarization Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 2.14 Cross Polarization: Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

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2.15 1dB Compression Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 2.16 Remote Power Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 2.17 Remote Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 2.18 Web iSite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 2.19 Downstream Configuration Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 2.20 Downstream Configuration Tool: Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 2.21 Web GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 2.22 Factory Default Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 2.23 Learner Knowledge Review - Module 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 2.24 Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Module 3: Hub Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 3.1 Typical HUB configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 3.2 Data, Monitor & Control Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 3.3 Chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 3.4 EIDAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 3.5 MIDAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 3.6 Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 3.7 Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 3.8 RCM-PPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 3.9 12102 Series Chassis: front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 3.10 Line Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 3.11 iDirect Linear Pre-distorter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 3.12 Line Card Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 3.13 XLC: Ports / LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 3.14 ULC-R: Ports / LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 3.15 Line Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 3.16 XLC: Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 3.17 ULC: Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 3.18 Line Card Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 3.19 Multiple Channel Demodulation (MCD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 3.20 MCD Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191


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3.21 Line Card Redundancy and Failover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 3.22 Line Card Timing and Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 3.23 The Network Management System (NMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 3.24 Ethernet Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 3.25 Accessing the NMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 3.26 Checking the network configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 3.27 Checking the iDirect services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 3.28 NMS Services (I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 3.29 NMS Services (II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 3.30 NMS Services (III) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 3.31 NMS Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 3.32 The NMS Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 3.33 NMS Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 3.34 The Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 3.35 Supported Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 3.36 Protocol Processor Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 3.37 Ethernet Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 3.38 Accessing the PP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 3.39 Checking the network configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 3.40 Checking the iDirect services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 3.41 The Intelligent Gateway (iGW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 3.42 Ethernet switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 3.43 Cisco Nexus 31108 switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 3.44 Switch configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 3.45 Switch: default ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 3.46 Upstream Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 3.47 Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics . . . . . . . . . 249 4.1 Inroute Groups and A-TDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 4.2 Inroute Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 4.3 Heterogeneous Inroute Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

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4.4 Inroute Group Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 4.5 Inroute Group: iBuilder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 4.6 Adaptive -TDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 4.7 Benefits of A-TDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 4.8 Adaptivity Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 4.9 C/No: Comparing Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 4.10 C/No: Comparing Heterogeneous Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 4.11 Adaptivity Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 4.12 Short-term Adaptivity example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 4.13 Short-term Adaptivity: Carrier switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 4.14 A-TDMA: Theory of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 4.15 Medium-term Adaptivity Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 4.16 A-TDMA: Theory of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 4.17 Long-term adaptivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 4.18 Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294

Module 5: Network Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 5.1 Installing iBuilder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 5.2 Launching iBuilder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 5.3 Network Tree and Toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 5.4 Information needed before creating a Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 5.5 Network Creation Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 5.6 Spacecraft & Transponder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 5.7 Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 5.8 Downstream DVB-S2 Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 5.9 Modcod distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 5.10 Downstream DVB-S2X Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 5.11 Modcod distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 5.12 Upstream TDMA Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 5.13 Upstream Adaptive-TDMA Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 5.14 Upstream SCPC Return Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 5.15 Network Creation Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314


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5.16 Teleport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 5.17 Hub Side RFT Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 5.18 Network Creation Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 5.19 Chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 5.20 Protocol Processor Controller in DVB-S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 5.21 Network Creation Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 5.22 Network DVB-S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 5.23 Transmit Line Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 5.24 Transmit and Receive Line Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 5.25 Receive Line Card: Single Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 5.26 Receive Line Card – Multi Channel (I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 5.27 Receive Line Card – Multi Channel (II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 5.28 Standby Line Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 5.29 Inroute Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 5.30 Network Creation Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 5.31 Remote Side RF Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 5.32 Add Remote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 5.33 Configuration States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 5.34 Configuration Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 5.35 Applying Configuration Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 5.36 Revision Server – Applying Configuration Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 5.37 Alternate Downstream Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 5.38 Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 5.39 Users and Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 5.40 Activity Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 5.41 Exercise – Building a Network from scratch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 5.42 Learner Knowledge Review - Module 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 5.43 Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374

Module 6: Network Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 6.1 Installing iMonitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 6.2 Launching iMonitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379

iDX 4.1 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


6.3 Network Tree and Conditions Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 6.4 Workspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 6.5 Real-time Conditions Snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 6.6 Viewing Events & Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 6.7 Historical Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 6.8 Conditions & Real-time States (I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 6.9 Conditions & Real-time States (II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 6.10 Protocol Processor Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 6.11 Protocol Processor CPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 6.12 Network Data Snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 6.13 Availability Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 6.14 Downstream Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 6.15 DVB-S2 MODCOD Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 6.16 Downstream: SNR Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 6.17 Inroute Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 6.18 Upstream Congestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 6.19 Inroute Group Composition Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 6.20 Inroute Group Latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 6.21 Remote Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 6.22 SATCOM Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 6.23 Remote Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 6.24 IP Traffic vs. SAT Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 6.25 IP Traffic stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 6.26 SAT Traffic Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 6.27 Long-Term Bandwidth Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 6.28 Database replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 6.29 Learner Knowledge Review - Module 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 6.30 Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416

Module 7: Remote Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 7.1 ACQ Slot Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 7.2 ACQ Aperture (I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421


iDX 4.1 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course

7.3 ACQ Aperture (II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422 7.4 ACQ Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 7.5 Traditional Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 7.6 Superburst Acquistion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 7.7 Required SNR – Traditional Vs. Superburst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 7.8 Frequency tolerance: Traditional Vs. Superburst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 7.9 Considerations & Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 7.10 Uplink Control Process (UCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 7.11 UCP: Symbol Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 7.12 UCP: Frequency Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 7.13 UCP: Frequency Sweeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 7.14 UCP: Frequency Sweeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 7.15 UCP: Power offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 7.16 UCP Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 7.17 Acquisition: Homogeneous Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439 7.18 Acquisition: Heterogeneous Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 7.19 Acquisition: Heterogeneous carriers (II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441 7.20 Lock to Inroute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 7.21 Fan In / Fan Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443 7.22 Fan In Fan Out Features – Application Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444 7.23 Learner Knowledge Review - Module 7\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 7.24 Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 8.1 Downstream Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 8.2 Demodulator combined RX power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 8.3 X-Series: LNB DC power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452 8.4 X-Series: LNB DC Power: Options file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 8.5 LNB: DC power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 8.6 Downstream SNR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 8.7 Receiving Downstream carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 8.8 Installed Options File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457

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8.9 Downstream Frequencies Calculation: Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 8.10 Remote not locking into the Downstream carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 8.11 Installed Firmware Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 8.12 Downstream SNR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 8.13 DVB-S2 MODCODs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 8.14 DVB-S2X Modcods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464 8.15 Downstream carrier: CRC errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 8.16 Downstream carrier: CRC errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 8.17 Downstream Carrier: CRC errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467 8.18 Remote not Transmitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 8.19 Active Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 8.20 Protocol Processor sending ACQ slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 8.21 Remote receiving ACQ slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471 8.22 9350 remote receiving ACQ slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 8.23 Remote processing the Burst Time Plan (BTP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 8.24 iQ-Series: Processing the BTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 8.25 Remote transmitting but not joining the network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 8.26 Remote using ACQ slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476 8.27 Power offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 8.28 Addressing power offset from iMonitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 8.29 Addressing power offset from Falcon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479 8.30 Timing Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 8.31 Verifying the geolocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 8.32 ACQ aperture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482 8.33 Frequency offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483 8.34 LNB Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484 8.35 Remote in the network! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 8.36 Burst Time Plan (BTP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486 8.37 Corrupted Options File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 8.38 Option File Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 8.39 Falcon Recovery Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 8.40 Falcon Recovery Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490


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8.41 Learner Knowledge Review - Module 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 8.42 Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492

iDX 4.1 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



iDX 4.1 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course

About This Guide

Document Conventions This section illustrates and describes the conventions used throughout the training guide. Take a look now, before you begin using this guide, so that you’ll know how to interpret the information presented. Convention



Courier font Used when showing resulting Output similar to the following sample output from a command that appears: was entered at a command [SECURITY] line or on a console. Used for file names.

password = $idi2$/bFMhf$5H8mYAaP1sTZ0m1Ny/dY yLaS40/ admin_password = $idi2$146rgm$.KtDb4OH5CEBxzH6Ds2x M.ehHCH os_password = $1$UTKh0V$cc/UfNThFmBI7sT.zYptQ0

Bold Tahoma font

Used when the user is required to type information or values into a field within a windows-type interface software.

1. If you are adding a remote to an inroute group, right-click the Inroute Group and select Add Remote.

The Remote dialog box has a number of user-selectable tabs across the top. The Used when specifying names Information Tab is visible when the Dialog of commands, menus, folders, opens. tabs, dialogs, list boxes, and options.

Related Documents The following iDirect documents are available at and may also contain information relevant to this release. Please refer to these documents as needed or indicated within this guide.

About This Guide

 As you determine which documents may be helpful to you, be sure to

refer to the document that pertains to the iDX release you are installing or have installed on your iDirect network.

• • • • • • • • • •

iDX Release Notes iDX Software Installation Guide/Network Upgrade Procedure Guide iDX iBuilder User Guide iDX iMonitor User Guide iDX Technical Reference Guide iDX Software Installation Checklist/Software Upgrade Survey iDX Satellite Router Installation & Commissioning Guide iDX Link Budget Analysis Guide iDX Satellite Router Installation & Commissioning Guide iDX Chassis and Feature License Guide

Getting Help Company Website: ~ Main Phone: 703.648.8000 TAC Contact Information: Phone: 703.648.8151 ~ Email: [email protected] Government™, created in 2007, is a wholly owned subsidiary of ST Engineering iDirect and was formed to better serve the U.S. government and defense communities. Company Website: ~ Main Phone: 703.648.8118 TAC Contact Information: Phone: 703.648.8111 ~ Email: [email protected] ~ Website:


iDX 4.1 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course

Introduction to Course

Overview The iDirect Operation and Maintenance (iOM) training is a five days introductory course to VT iDirect technologies and products, providing the learner with the basic skills necessary to configure, operate, manage, maintain and perform basic remote-side troubleshooting of a typical iDirect satellite network. It is also the established prerequisite for the more advanced training courses: Advanced iOM (A. iOM), iDirect Quality of Service Boot Camp (iQBC) and iDirect Layer-2 / Layer-3 Networking Class (iL2L3). The training is oriented towards Network Operation Center (NOC) engineers working at the hub site rather than the remote site, as well as individuals just entering this career field or working for the first time with iDirect hardware and software who are responsible for the basic configuration, operation and maintenance of iDirect satellite communications products and networks. The course, a blended format of lectures, demonstrations and practical exercises, is presented in a clear and technical format, providing each learner with a comprehensive overview of network operations from the iDirect perspective. In addition to the learner instructional manual, handouts are provided, as required, to supplement existing course material and provide additional up-to-date details on latest released software and hardware. During the training, the students will have privilege access to the latest software and hardware released by VT iDirect, and will have the chance to completely configure a network from scratch, testing the new products and features, as we strongly believe that knowledge is better acquired by applying it. The class will be conducted using iDX 3.5 software release exclusively. After completing all associated materials, lectures, practical exercises and learner knowledge assessments, a final written exam would be administered at the end of the five-day training session. Once completed, each learner will be provided a certificate of course completion.

Course Outline The preparation of this training material is focused, in its intent, to prepare each learner with the basic ability to perform essential job functions when they return to their company or organization. This course is comprised of eight learning modules listed below: • Module One – iDirect System Overview •

Module Two – Satellite Routers

Module Three – Hub Components

Module Four – Network Configuration

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course

Introduction to Course

Module Five – Network Monitoring

Module Six – Advanced Features

Module Seven – Remote Acquisition

Module Eight – Remote Troubleshooting

 Training provided is based on the particular release utilized or requested by the organization if conducted on site. All iOM training in Herndon, Eton or other iDirect regional offices will be conducted using the latest software release and hardware equipment.

Handouts will be provided in electronic format as required to supplement existing course material and provide additional up-to-date detail on current software and hardware components.

Prerequisite Learner Skills Each learner attending the iDirect Operation and Maintenance (iOM) course should have a basic understanding of satellite communications and some familiarity with Internet Protocol theory. It is strongly advised that the Satellite Communications and Data Communications offline learning modules are reviewed before attending the course, those will be provided after registering for the class. A fundamental understanding of VSAT technology and normal eye-hand coordination for basic parts assembly is also desired. Basic software installation is required since each learner will be asked to install the iVantage suite of applications on its laptop. A really basic user level knowledge of Linux is also desired for this course since the training will include accessing to Linux based remotes and servers. While the theoretical knowledge and skills are not required to attend this course, they are highly recommended for each learner to receive maximum benefit from the training.

Learner Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: • Identify the iDirect network topology and all the hardware and software associated with an iDirect satellite communications network, understanding their main functionalities and interaction.


Recognize the different configurable system carriers and their main characteristics: DVB-S2, T-DMA, Adaptive T-DMA, SCPC Return, knowing how to configure and monitor them using the iVantage software tools.

Install, upgrade and configure a brand new iDirect satellite router using iSite / Web iSite, performing the remote commissioning and assisted antenna pointing procedure.

Be confident enough to design and dimension new iDirect networks, including the chassis line card distribution according to the timing group rules and limitations, creating all the required components using iBuilder.

Perform real-time monitoring of any iDirect network using iMonitor software tool, recognizing potential problems and identifying their root causes, fixing them if necessary.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course

Introduction to Course

Understand the remote acquisition process and have basic troubleshooting skills to recover from the most common issues: power, frequency and timing offsets..

Course Goals The preparation of this training material is focused, in its intent, to prepare each learner with the basic ability to perform essential job functions when they return to their organization. At the end of each module there will be several questions that each learner must complete: the Learner Knowledge Assessment. The instructor will conduct a question and answer sessions to alleviate any concerns or questions during a review of each module. At the end of the five-day training session, a final written exam, openbook, will be administered covering the topics presented during the training session. The final examination may cover information not presented in the training session but is included in the training manual. Please be aware that information presented by the instructor as well as information in the training guide may be included on the final examination. Upon successful completion of all course requirements (practical and written), the individual will receive a certificate of course completion and will be certified to perform basic configuration, operation, and maintenance on networks using iDirect equipment. Each module goals are described now.

Module 1: System Overview This module establishes the foundations for all the subsequent modules of the iDirect Operation and Maintenance (iOM) course. During the first part of it, the iDirect network topology and all its hardware components are covered, clearly specifying their main functionality and the interaction between them. After the big picture has been presented, the downstream DVB-S2 carrier examined in detail, paying especial attention to the Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) properties and how iDirect has implemented the standard. The feedback mechanism and MODCOD selection algorithm are explained and the main characteristics of an adaptive carrier discussed. Once the downstream carrier is understood, the module moves towards the upstream D-TDMA carriers, grouped in Inroute Groups. The proprietary D-TDMA protocol structure is discussed, and the nature of the iDirect overhead is uncovered. The student will learn about the frame, traffic and acquisition slots, and how they are allocated to the remotes of the network. At the end of the module, the upstream SCPC Return carrier is presented as a high efficiency alternative to D-TDMA carriers for remotes with a continuous traffic demand.

Module 2: Satellite Routers This module focuses on the satellite routers (also known as remote modems), describing the main functionalities of each of them and highlighting their differences. The learner will become familiar with the mentioned devices, learning how to access them through serial, telnet and ssh connections and will even use the iVantage software tools iSite and Web iSite to install, upgrade and commission a satellite router from scratch.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course

Introduction to Course

The commissioning process is also explained in this module, paying special attention to the antenna pointing tool included in iSte and Web iSite, the 1dB compression test and the cross-polarization test.

Module 3: Hub Components In this module the hub side components previously introduced are covered in detail, starting with the 20-Slot and 4-Slot hubs and their accessories, paying special attention to the timing group restrictions. There is a complete section for the transmit and receive line cards, covering topics related to multiple channel demodulation line cards, redundancy and failover mechanism and specifying the internal synchronization that takes place along one specific network line card’s. The Network Monitoring System (NMS) is presented next, with all its internal services and databases being covered. The database consolidation, backup and replication processes will be discussed in depth as they are part of the daily maintenance scripts running on the Linux server. A quick look at the distributed NMS configuration will provide the learner with the necessary awareness to upgrade to a more advanced setup if necessary. After the NMS servers, the Protocol Processor servers and its internal services will be discussed. The students will understand the load balancing nature of the servers and the automatically controlled failover mechanism.

Module 6: Inroute Groups Adaptive D-TDMA is, by far, the most useful advanced feature and will be covered within the module. The learners will understand the advantages of using Adaptive-TDMA (ATDMA), the difference between C/N and C/No, the feedback mechanism, the shortterm, medium-term and long-term adaptivity mechanism, etc. This section will also include an instructor led demo. This module will also go in-depth on configuring Inoute Groups and Inroute Group Compositions (IGCs) that contain both Static and A-TDMA carriers in order to allow for the most efficient and highest throughput available on the return link (Upstream)

Module 5: Network Configuration The entire module content will focus at the creation of a complete network configuration from scratch using the iBuilder software tool. The instructor will detail all the required components to be configured, listing all the mandatory and optional fields per component, from the spacecraft to the teleport, from the chassis to the antenna, from the line card to the satellite router. A demo will be performed in which the learners will observe how the trainer creates a new network setup, only to proceed on their own in the most complete hands-on exercise of this training course.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course

Introduction to Course

Module 6: Network Monitoring Once the network is built, up and running, it is paramount to monitor all aspects of network performance. iMonitor’s sophisticated network performance and traffic reporting features make it possible to monitor and prevent problems before they occur. In this module, learners will become familiar with the specifications, features, and operation of iMonitor and how it works within the Network Management System (NMS).

Module 7: Remote Acquisition Understanding the remote acquisition process is critical to ensure the healthiness of an iDirect satellite network. Most of the events that prevent a remote from joining the network can be easily explained by reviewing the most commons causes related to the acquisition process: power, frequency and timing offsets. The Uplink Control Process (UCP) that ensures and maximizes the stability of the upstream link through the reduction of those offsets is also discussed in this module. The acquisition process will be covered from two different points of view: hub side and remote side. Details on the acquisition window aperture will be provided, and the two acquisition schemes available discussed: traditional fast acquisition vs. superburst.

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting The last module of the training is focused on remote troubleshooting. All the main causes that can prevent a satellite router from transmitting and receiving traffic will be discussed, starting from the antenna pointing remote site receive chain, the downstream carrier reception, the burst time plan decoding, the remote site transmit chain, the acquisition process, etc.. This module is a must for all the iDirect installers as will help them identify the potential problems that may arise when commissioning or troubleshooting satellite routers.

Course Administration •


Instructor Introduction

Points of Contact

Course Introduction

Learner Skills Required

Course Goals and Objectives

Course Daily Activities

Course Materials (Learner Manuals, Workbooks, etc.)

Learner Knowledge Review

Learner Knowledge Assessment

Lab Safety

Training Hours and Attendance

Break and Lunch


Attire and Professional Decorum

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course

Introduction to Course

Rules concerning electronic devices (Cell phones, pagers, and other devices)

Faxes, UPS, Fed-Ex

Site Emergency Procedures


Learner Introductions Table 1. Course Daily Activities

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

09:00 – 09:20 Course Introduction

Day 1 Review

Day 2 Review

Day 3 Review

General Review

Q&A Session

Q&A Session

Q&A Session

Q&A Session

09:30 – 10:40 Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Module 2: Satellite Module 4: Inroute Module 6: Routers Groups Network Monitoring

10:50 – 12:00 Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Module 2: Hub Components

Module 4: Network Configuration

Module 7: Remote Final Exam Acquisition

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch




13:00 – 14:30 Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Module 3: Hub Components

Module 5: Network Configuration

Module 7: Remote Final Exam Review Acquisition Q&A Session

14:45 – 16:15 Module 2: Satellite Module 3: Hub Routers Components

Module 5: Network Configuration

Module 8: Remote Survey Troubleshooting

16:30 – 17:00 Daily Review

Daily Review

Daily Review

Daily Review

Q&A Session

Q&A Session

Q&A Session

Q&A Session

Final Exam


Certificate Presentation

 The Daily Course Activities chart is only an instructor/learner guide for the iOM training session. Completion of activities each day will be evaluated and conducted at the discretion of the instructor and, in part, will be based on the learners’ ability to grasp concepts and tasks presented during the training session.

Contacts, Questions & Answers Ben Neyrinck – Training Manager • email: [email protected]


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course

Introduction to Course

Liu, Grace – Training Program Coordinator • email: [email protected]

phone: +1 703 259-6432

Essam Ali – Learning & Development Specialist email: [email protected]

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course

Introduction to Course


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

This module establishes the foundations for all the subsequent modules of the iDirect Operation and Maintenance (iOM) course. Module 1 begins with an overview of the iDirect network topology and the hardware components, clearly specifying their main functionality and the interaction between them. The downstream DVB-S2 / DVB-S2X carrier is then discussed in detail, paying special attention to the Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) functionality and how iDirect has implemented the standard. The feedback mechanism and MODCOD selection algorithm are then explained and the main characteristics of an adaptive carrier is discussed. Once the downstream carrier is understood, the module moves towards the upstream D-TDMA carriers, grouped in Inroute Groups. The proprietary D-TDMA protocol structure is discussed, and the nature of the iDirect overhead is uncovered. The student will learn about the frame, traffic and acquisition slots, and how those slots are allocated to the remotes of the network. At the end of the module, the upstream SCPC Return carrier is presented as a high efficiency alternative to D-TDMA carriers for remotes with a continuous traffic demand. Goal: Through lecture, presentation and visual display each learner will be able to understand and explain the basic iDirect network foundation, the nature of all the downstream and upstream carriers and the quality of service basics that are applied when distributing the traffic slots to the physical remotes on the network

Objectives: Recognize the iDirect typical Hub configuration, identifying all the components and understanding their main functionalities and interaction. • Be familiar with all the possible configurable carriers: DVB-S2, D-TDMA and SCPC Return types. Differentiate between the possible MODCODs that a DVB-S2 carrier can operate at, understanding the importance of Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) and its close relation with network availability and network efficiency parameters. Discern the possible configurable Roll Off factors on a DVB-S2 carrier and their minimum requirements. • Be confident when dealing with Inroute Groups, Inroutes, D-TDMA frames, traffic and acquisition slots,

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 1: iDirect System Overview

knowing the relationships among those concepts and how they are used to provide a return link to satellite routers. Understand how the system will allocate the available traffic slots to the remotes by considering the Minimum Information Rate (Scheduled Dedicated Time slots), Committed Information Rate, Maximum Information Rate and Free Slot Allocation. • Accept that advanced features as “Minimum Latency” or “Reduce Jitter” can affect the way that the slot allocation is processed on the Protocol Processor, reducing the efficiency of the overall system. • Be aware of the advantages that the SCPC Return carriers can provide to remotes transmitting a continuous stream of data towards the hub. • Identify all the supported components for the current software release, including but not limited to chassis, line cards, servers and remotes. • Realize the importance of the networking components (switches and routers) on the hub side and their required configuration for network interoperability.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


iDirect essentials Module 1: iDirect System Overview

iDirect provides a complete solution aimed to deploy IP networks using satellite links. The iDirect Network is based on a Star Topology, where all the remote sites are linked to a Central hub and all data has to pass through the hub before transmitting through another remote. The iDirect system uses two different type of carriers that can be shared by all remotes that are configured and active in the network; Digital Video Broadcasting second generation (DVB-S2/S2X) and DeterministicTime Division Multiple Access (D-TDMA). The iDirect system is Quality of Service (QoS) ready. The Network Management Software (NMS) allows for full QoS configuration by creating profiles to handle a variety of traffic flows and bandwidth restrictions / allowances. QoS can be used to manage the overall bandwidth of a network when the demand for bandwidth exceeds the bandwidth available Notes:

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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



iDirect network

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Before we venture into the intricacies associated with the iDirect network, it is important to understand exactly what occurs when data is sent from one end of your iDirect network to the other. Shown here is an outline facsimile of an iDirect network and illustrates the many components between a remote and the iDirect hub that an IP packet will travel through. During this lecture we will trace the life of an IP packet as it enters the iDirect network, (Hub), and is sent to the remote site, (ie. Downstream transmission), and then from the remote site to the Hub, (ie. Upstream transmission). In this example, the data, (whether that be a voice, HTTP, FTP, etc.), is coming in to the iDirect network, (Hub), from your and encapsulated by the remote. This iDirect encapsulation process adds information needed by the iDirect network in order to properly handle the IP packet as it travels through the system. The remote and the Protocol Processor both perform encapsulation and de-encapsulation of an IP packet traveling through an iDirect network. The remote performs the encapsulation and the Protocol Processor handles the de-encapsulation for the Upstream transmission. On the Downstream transmission, the Protocol Processor performs the encapsulation process while the remote handles the de-encapsulation of the IP Packet. What is considered iDirect encapsulation? Simply put, it is the iDirect proprietary “envelope” containing the intended recipient’s IP address, the sender’s IP address and any additional overhead information required by an iDirect network to pass an IP packet properly through the system. This iDirect header information must be embedded on to the original packet received by the remote.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

What is this additional overhead information? • Segmentation and Reassembly details. • Logical Link Layer Information (HDLC). • Packet Assembly / Disassembly Header. • Encryption Header. • VLAN ID information. • FEC Overhead. The encapsulation process must take place before the information can leave the remote or hub and be transmitted to the satellite. Adding this overhead information is vital when it comes to handling the transmission of data, (ie. IP Packet), in an iDirect network as it contains information that tells the system which remote is responsible for the data packet as well as instructs the remote how to handle the routing, encryption, and assembly of the packet. Once the encapsulation process occurs, the IP packet is then sent through the iDirect System and towards e satellite link for processing. Once the packet leaves the remote it must then be converted so it can be transmitted over the air. Remember, all iDirect equipment operates utilizing L-Band. However, Geosynchronous Satellites do not operate utilizing L-Band and because of that, the transmission must be converted to a Radio Frequency (RF) that will be utilized by the satellite. In addition, this signal must travel over 22,000 miles to reach the satellite for transmission to the teleport. The Block Up Converter, (BUC), is responsible for the up conversion from L-Band to Ka, Ku, C and X Bands. So the BUC acts as a local oscillator and frequency converter. It is also responsible for the amplification of the signal. Once converted, this signal is sent from the remote antenna to the satellite’s receive antenna. During its 22,000 mile journey, the signal will pick up additional noise along the way which requires the signal to go through the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), filters and multiplex so to be amplified before it goes through the local oscillator on the satellite. The satellite has the filters as well as a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) that will take care of eliminating the additional noise the transmission picks up as well as it will amplify the signal. When the signal reaches the satellites local oscillator it is then subject to a frequency conversion to eliminate the interference between the uplink and downlink frequencies from the remote. This is the main reason the conversion is accomplished by the satellite. This frequency conversion is typically 2300 MHz, however this is not the frequency conversion that takes place on all satellite oscillators, (check with your Satellite provider for the correct information). The Satellite oscillator takes the Ku, KA, C or X band signal and subtracts the 2300 MHz creating a new frequency. It sends this new frequency to another amplifier to prepare the signal to be sent back to the earth. The signal is then received by the Antennas’ Low Noise Block-Down (LNB), converter which then converts the signal back to L-Band. The signal is then received by the Hub Line Card (HLC) and sent to the Protocol Processor or remote for de-encapsulation.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Star/Mesh topology & latency

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The iDirect network can operate using either a Star or Mesh Topology. When an iDirect network is configured in a Star Topology, all remotes communicate directly to the Hub, which acts as a core router; redirecting the traffic accordingly. A packet leaves every 125ms from either the Hub in the downstream direction, or the remote in the upstream direction. Because of the normal propagation delay inherent to any communication with a Satellite, about 120ms, a connection between the hub and any particular remotes’ location will experience an average round-trip latency (RTT) value of about 500ms (two satellite “hops”) at the minimum. In a real scenario, the satellite will always be slightly farther away as the antenna is not exactly below it at all times, so it will take a few extra milliseconds. Also take in to account a variety of factors that can contribute to a delay over a satellite link, a nominal Latency value of 750-1000ms can be expected. When an iDirect Mesh Network is being used, there is no communication that happens with the hub. A remote will communicate directly with another remote. This could decrease the latency value by 50% as a packet will not have to be sent back to the hub in order for it routed to the next remote.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Downstream carrier Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The downstream carrier is used for the transmission of packets from the Hub towards the remotes using Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM). Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) makes it is possible to allocate traffic that should be forwarded to individual (ie. Unicast traffic) or multiple (ie. Multicast traffic), remotes using a single shared carrier. The information transmitted on the downstream carrier will be broadcasted to all the remote stations in that one network. The downstream carrier follows the Digital Video Broadcasting Second generation, (DVB-S2 / DVB-S2X), standard, with Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) implemented. This enables each remote to operate at its most efficient Modulation (MOD), and Coding (COD) scheme depending on the remotes location within the satellite contour, antenna size, and atmospheric conditions. The ACM algorithm evaluates current channel conditions based on the remotes SNR to determine the ideal MODCOD for each individual remote, making adjustments for the remotes transmission in real time. Notes:

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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Broadcasted and HDLC Addressing

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The information transmitted on the downstream carrier will be broadcasted to all the remote stations in that one network, but each remote will only process the packets in that transmission that have been assigned to that specific remote. This is achieved by marking each IP packet being sent Over-the-Air (OTA) with an unique High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) ID. In the illustration, an example of a DVB-S2 downstream carrier is transmitting information to all of the remotes in the network. Each remote will demodulate the entire downstream packet looking for its assigned HDLC ID. The remote will process the packets tagged with its’ HDLC ID and ignore all other packets in the downstream transmission.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


DVB-S2 protocol structure Module 1: iDirect System Overview

DVB-S2 uses a Baseband (BB) frame to transmit Downstream MODCODs. There are two (2) BB frame sizes defined by the DVB-S2 standard in terms of the number of coded bits: short frames contain 16200 coded bits; long frames contain 64800 coded bits. iDirect only supports short frames at this time. DVB-S2 defines three methods of applying modulation and coding to a data stream: • CCM (Constant Coding and Modulation) specifies that every BB FRAME is transmitted at the same MODCOD. CCM frames are not supported on iDirect DVB-S2 carriers. However, you can simulate a CCM carrier by setting the maximum and minimum MODCODs to the same value in iBuilder for the downstream carrier. • ACM (Adaptive Coding and Modulation) specifies that every BB Frame can be transmitted on a different MODCOD. Remotes receiving an ACM carrier cannot anticipate the MODCOD of the next BB Frame. A DVBS2 demodulator must be designed to handle dynamic MODCOD variation. Remotes with high quality downstream link (higher SNR) are more likely to receive information in a more efficient MODCOD than remotes with lower downstream carrier SNR.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 1: iDirect System Overview

• VCM (Variable Coding and Modulation) specifies that MODCODs are assigned according to service type. As in ACM, the downstream transmission contains BB Frames of different MODCODs. iDirect does not support VCM. iDirect uses the proprietary Lightweight Encapsulation for Generic Streams (LEGS), protocol to handle BB Frame creation on the Transmit Line card. LEGS maximizes the efficiency of data packing in to BB Frames. For example, the LEGS protocol allows the line card to include portions of multiple packets that are ready for transmission in the same frame. This results in maximum use of the downstream bandwidth. There are two levels of packet error checking in place for the downstream carrier; CRC-8 and CRC-32 errors. CRC-8 error detection occurs at the beginning of the transmission as it protects the BB Frame Header of each frame. If a packet incurs a CRC-8 error the whole frame will be discarded and as a result, no CRC-32 error for the same frame will occur. CRC-32 error detection protects the whole packet verifying the BB Frame in its entirety is good. CRC-32 indicates that the BB Frame header is fine yet part of the user data is not correct. In this case, the backend will see the BB Frame and records its existence, but will not pass the bad user data. These packet errors can monitored using the iVantage suite application, iMonitor.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


DVB-S2X protocol structure Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Starting in iDX 4.x, iDirect also supports DVB-S2X Normal frames. The Protocol Structure above is similar to the DVB-S2 protocol structure. The only difference is the field lengths change to accommodate larger throughput frames.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Expected DVB-S2X efficiency boost

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

As shown in the graph above, using longer BB-Frames with the DVB-S2X standard allows for higher efficiency when transmitting information due to better coding. The difference can be translated into a 0.30.5dB of spectral efficiency improvement.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


MODCOD selection: feedback mechanism Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The Protocol Processor selects the MODCOD that will be used by each remote to transmit user data on the downstream. Each remote continually measures its downstream SNR and reports the current value to the Protocol Processor. When the Protocol Processor sends data to an individual remote, it uses the last reported SNR value to determine the highest MODCOD on which that remote can receive data. The Protocol Processor then includes the MODCOD information when sending the data to the line card. The line card then adjusts the MODCOD of the BB Frame to the targeted remote accordingly. The Protocol Processor will select a MODCOD between the Network Minimum MODCOD, as configured in the downstream carrier, and the Remotes configured Maximum MODCOD. Critical network information such as the Burst Time Plan (BTP), option file, software update, etc. are always transmitted using the Network Minimum MODCOD. This ensures all network management traffic is received by the remote regardless of the current network link condition.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course




Module 1: iDirect System Overview

MODCOD refers to the combination of Modulation Type and Error Coding scheme. The DVB-S2 modulation types supported by iDirect are: • • •

QPSK (2 bits/symbol) 8PSK (3 bits/symbol) 16APSK (4 bits/symbol)

The higher the modulation and coding scheme the greater the number of bits per symbol, (or bits per Hz), will be used resulting in a more efficient data transmission as most of the symbol will be used to transmit user data. The lower the modulation and error coding scheme used, the lower the efficiency in bits per symbol as more of the symbol is used for error checking instead of transmitting user data. The table above shows the required SNR needed for the remote to be able to properly demodulate that MODCODs BB Frame. However, because of the DVB-S2 BB Frame Header, Pilot Symbols, PLHEADER Symbols, FEC Bits and CRC-32 bytes, the real throughput decreases. The information in the table shows the real bits/symbol. This should be used to calculate the real achievable Information Rate on any configured DVB-S2 carrier and should not be considered as the achievable Information Rate without


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

including all the overhead and other information that affects the overall Information Rate of the downstream carrier.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



DVB-S2X Modcods

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

In addition to the DVB-S2 MODCOD used in an iDirect system the following MODCODs are supported when using DVB-S2X: • 32APSK (4 bits/symbol) • 64APSK (4 bits/symbol) • 128APSK (4 bits/symbol) • 256APSK (4 bits/symbol) The table above shows the required SNR needed for the remote to be able to properly demodulate that MODCODs BB Frame. However, because of the DVB-S2X BB Frame Header, Pilot Symbols, PLHEADER Symbols, FEC Bits and CRC-32 bytes, the real throughput decreases. The information in the table shows the real bits/symbol. This should be used to calculate the real achievable Information Rate on any configured carrier and should not be considered as the achievable Information Rate without including all the overhead and other information that affects the overall Information Rate of the downstream carrier.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Fade control and margins Module 1: iDirect System Overview

During steady state conditions, meaning a remote is in a clear sky environment, remotes report their current SNR measurements to the Protocol Processor every five seconds. The Protocol Processor monitors the SNR measurements reported by each remote. Using the configured DVB-S2 network settings for the Fast Fade Threshold and the Fade Slope Threshold, the Protocol Processor determines whether or not a remote has entered a fade state based on 2 consecutive SNR measurements as reported by the remote. If either the configured Fast Fade Threshold or the Fade Slope Threshold is exceeded, the remote is placed in the fast fade state. When a remote is in the fast fade state, the remote reports its current SNR to the Protocol Processor every second instead of every five seconds. Once the remote has stabilized and is no longer exceeding either of the above thresholds, the Protocol Processor returns the remote to the steady state condition and the remote will then go back to reporting its SNR every five seconds. Listed below are the thresholds / margins used when the Protocol Processor analyzes a remotes current condition. • Steady State Margin (Default: 0.5 dB): The margin added to the SNR thresholds measured at hardware qualification to arrive at the operational SNR threshold during steady state operation.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 1: iDirect System Overview

• Fast Fade Margin (Default: 1 dB): The additional margin added to the SNR thresholds measured at hardware qualification to arrive at the operational threshold during a “fast fade” condition. During a fade, this margin is added to the Steady State Margin. • Fast Fade Threshold (Default: 0.5 dB): The drop in receive signal strength between two consecutive SNR measurements by a remote that causes the remote to enter a “fast fade” state. If, during steady state operation, a remote reports an SNR drop that is greater than or equal to the Fast Fade Threshold, then the hub considers the remote to be in the fast fade state. • Fade Slope Threshold (Default: 0.3 dB per second): The rate of drop in receive signal strength by a remote that causes the remote to enter a “fast fade” state. If, during steady state operation, a remote’s SNR drops at a rate that is greater than or equal to the Fade Slope Threshold, then the hub considers the remote to be in a fast fade state. Note: These parameters apply to all remotes in the network. You cannot modify these settings for individual remotes.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Line Card BB Frames Packing Module 1: iDirect System Overview

As discussed, the Protocol Processor will assign user data to the most efficient MODCOD based on the SNR that was last reported by the remote. The Protocol Processor will send information to the line card to state the most efficient MODCOD the remote can transmit on. However, the actual MODCOD to be used for a specific piece of data depends on the moment to moment condition of the BB Frame availability. In the interest of downstream efficiency, some data scheduled for a high MODCOD may be transmitted at a lower MODCOD. When the line card assembles a BB Frame for transmission, the line card first packs all available data for the chosen MODCOD into the frame. If there is space left in the BB Frame, and no data left for transmission at that MODCOD, the line card attempts to pack the remainder of the frame with data that was assigned for a higher MODCOD instead of filling it with padding. This takes advantage of the fact that a remote can demodulate any MODCOD in the range between the carrier’s minimum MODCOD and the remote’s current maximum MODCOD. As shown in the example above, if DATA1 through DATA3 are supposed to be transmitted using MODCODA (MC-A), that data may be packed into the BB Frame of MODCOD-A or lower depending on the availability of the BB Frames.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



DVB-S2 Modulated BB Frames

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Each DVB-S2 BB-Frame transmitted on the downstream carrier is fixed at 16200 bits. Depending on the coding applied, a certain percentage of those 16200 bits will be used to check the frame for errors. As previously mentioned, a higher Modulation and Coding scheme will allow for more bits per symbol for user traffic and will require less bits per symbol for error checking. While using a lower, more robust Modulation and Coding scheme, (ie. 1.4), will allow for less bits per symbol and require more bits per symbol to be used for error checking. This specifically has an effect on the amount of time it will take for the Transmission line card to effectively transmit a BB Frame. The higher the modulation and coding, the quicker it will be to transmit those 16200 bits translating in a higher achievable throughput.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


DVB-S2X Modulated BB Frames Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Each DVB-S2X BB-Frame transmitted on the downstream carrier contains 64,800 bits, fixed. Just like with DVB-S2 BB-Frames, depending on the coding applied, only a certain percentage of those bits will be corresponding to user data, with 1/4 coding the least efficient and 4/5 coding the most efficient. The amount of time it will take for the transmission line card to effectively transmit a DVB-S2X BB-Frame will depend on the modulation used and the symbol rate of the carrier. The higher the modulation, the quicker the 64,800 bits are transmitted. As such, usage of higher MODCODs will translate in higher achievable throughput (transmitted during the same period of time).


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



MODCODs and symbol consumption

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

If a remote is to maintain a fixed data rate, as in using a QoS Committed Information Rate (CIR), regardless what MODCOD the remote operates at, the required symbol rate will increase drastically in order to achieve the CIR as the remote is assigned to lower MODCODs as illustrated in the example above. This will have an effect on all remotes in the network as the pool of symbols available for the network will decrease overall. In order to maintain a configured CIR, the remote will require more and more symbols as the MODCOD decreases, forcing this remote to “steal” symbols from the shared carrier in order to guarantee the CIR.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


MODCODs and throughput Module 1: iDirect System Overview

For a fixed amount of symbols per second, the achievable throughput will depend directly on the MODCOD being used. In the example shown where a symbol rate of 20Msps is given, all BB-Frames sent using the most efficient MODCOD (32APSK-8/9) achieve a throughput of around 80Mbps. All BB-Frames sent using the lowest MODCOD available (QPSK1/4) achieve a throughput of around 7Mbps. Please note that only the X1, X7, and 9350 Satellite Routers are capable of working on 32APSK MODCODs.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Nominal MODCOD

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

In a stationary network environment, the Nominal MODCOD is typically chosen to be the Clear Sky MODCOD of the remote. The Committed Information Rate (CIR) and Maximum Information Rate (MIR) granted to the remote are limited by the Remote’s Nominal MODCOD. The remote is allowed to operate at MODCODs higher than the Nominal MODCOD (as long as it does not exceed the configured Remote Maximum MODCOD ), but is not granted additional higher CIR or MIR when operating above the Nominal MODCOD.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Nominal MODCOD and CIR/MIR scaling Module 1: iDirect System Overview

During fade status (cause by bad weather or any other condition) the configured CIR and MIR towards the remote are scaled down based on the remote’s Nominal MODCOD. This provides a graceful degradation of CIR and MIR during the fade while consuming the same satellite bandwidth as at the Nominal MODCOD.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Downstream carrier roll off factor

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Digital communication systems employ waveform pulse shaping using identical matched filters at the transmit and receive sides to limit the bandwidth required by a carrier and to maximize the received Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). The matched filters used for linear modulation signals belong to a class of Nyquist filters that have raised-cosine filter shapes with different carrier roll off factors. The roll off factor of a digital filter defines how much more bandwidth the filter occupies than that of an ideal “brick wall” filter which defines the theoretical minimum occupied bandwidth. This dictates the guard band requirement for the carrier. In earlier releases, iDirect used 20% on all waveforms for both upstream and downstream carriers. On iDX 3.2, iDirect reduced the DVB-S2 roll-off factor (and therefore the required carrier guard band) to as low as 5% of the carrier symbol rate. With a 5% roll off factor the transmitted spectrum more closely resembles the ideal brick-wall spectrum, with occupied bandwidth at 1.05 times the carrier symbol rate. The spectral efficiency gain is approximately 14% for bandwidth-limited link budgets. Note that for the same transmit power, the 5% roll-off factor has a Power Spectral Density (PSD) differential of -0.58 dB when compared to a 20% roll off factor. The numbers on the slide explained: 32APSK-8/9 efficiency is 4.15 as per LBA guide. If using 20% roll-off factor, 3.458333333333333 per symbol. If using 15% roll-off factor, 3.608695652173913 per symbol. If us i n g 1 0% ro l l - o ff fa c to r, 3 .77 27 2 72 72 72 72 7 3 p e r sy m bo l . I f u s i ng 05 % ro l l - o ff fa cto r, 3.952380952380952 per symbol. All of this, using the formula provided in LBA guide. So a 20Msps carrier would translate into: 69167Kbps if using 20% roll-off factor; 72174Kbps if using 15% roll-off factor (+04.3%); 75454Kbps if using 10% roll-off factor (+09.1%); 79048Kbps if using 05% roll-off factor (+14.3%)


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

WARNING: DVB-S2 waveform performance is affected on remote platforms when operated under channel conditions characterized by high transponder group delay. Such atypical channel conditions are encountered in single carrier per transponder applications with certain transponder model types, as well as when symbol rates occupy the transponder bandwidth depending on configured Roll-off factor. When the symbol rate exceeds 75% of transponder bandwidth (18/27/40.5 Msps for 24/36/54 MHz XPDRs), customers are encouraged to check the cascaded IMUX and OMUX filter group delay of the transponder usually available from the satellite operator. These plots or specifications capture the peak to peak ripple (in nano-seconds) of the group delay at different frequency offsets from the transponder center. For group delay ripple that exceeds a 0.5 symbol period across symbol rate bandwidth, performance is severely degraded in X3/X5 remote platforms to the point that the channel becomes unusable. For example, a 34.285 Msps, 5% ROF DVB-S2 carrier on a 36 MHz transponder requires the cascaded group delay ripple to be less than 14.6 ns peak-to-peak across the symbol rate bandwidth of 34.285 MHz – i.e. 0.5*(1/34.285*1e6) = 14.6ns. On X1/X7/e8x platforms, the demodulator handles the group delay levels better with robust equalizers usually up to 1.5 symbol periods across symbol rate bandwidth with negligible SNR degradation. Group delay exceeding 1.5 symbols periods (about 43.8 ns peak-to-peak for the example 34.285 Msps, 5% ROF carrier) will result in noticeable SNR degradation on these platforms as well affecting link performance. SNR degrades significantly in excess of 3 dB as the group delay approaches 4 symbol period eventually resulting in complete loss of channel performance. Group delay exceeding limits identified above (0.5/Fsym over Fsym bandwidth for X3/X5 platforms or 1.5/Fsym over Fsym bandwidth for X1/X7/e8x platforms) usually requires Hub side Tx Group delay equalizer (available COTS) to compensate for transponder effects or symbol rate/roll-off factor reduction to keep away from group delay edges for satisfying identified limits.


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Downstream DVB-S2 Carrier Summary

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

In summarizing the downstream carrier: The Protocol Processor / Intelligent Gateway will select the most efficient MODCOD for each remote based on the remotes last reported SNR value. The Protocol Processor / Intelligent Gateway will pack the BB Frames. The Burst Time Plan (BTP) and other critical information will be sent at the Network Minimum MODCOD.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Upstream D-TDMA Carriers Module 1: iDirect System Overview

D-TDMA is used to prevent data collisions when remotes are transmitting simultaneously. D-TDMA carriers use dynamic slot assignments in a multi-frame time plan, (ie. Burst Time Plan (BTP)), that is created by the Protocol Processor. The remotes use Frequency hopping across the multiple frames in the same transmission to send user traffic. TDMA upstream carriers can be configured in two ways; Static TDMA, (a specific MODCOD assigned), or Adaptive TDMA (A-TDMA), (MODCOD assigned by the system). D-TDMA carriers, whether static or adaptive, are placed in Inroute Groups to be used by the remotes that are assigned to that Inroute Group. Multiple Inroute Groups can be configured in the system and assigned to one downstream carrier.


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Single TDMA Carriers

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

In a single D-TDMA upstream carrier configuration, meaning there is only 1 upstream carrier, each remote transmits to the hub on a shared D-TDMA static upstream channel. Only one remote can transmit at any given time to avoid traffic collisions. The Protocol Processor evaluates the demand from each remote assigned to the Inroute Group and creates the BTP with the slot assignments for all remotes in the network. This allows the remotes to know when they are authorized to transmit to the hub to send user traffic to avoid collisions.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Multiple TDMA Carriers Module 1: iDirect System Overview

In a multi-channel D-TDMA upstream carrier configuration, multiple remotes will be able to transmit simultaneously on one upstream carrier without causing collisions. Just like with Single D-TDMA upstream carrier configuration, the Protocol Processor evaluates the demand from each remote assigned to the Inroute Group and creates the BTP with the slot assignments for all remotes in the network. This allows the remotes to know when they are authorized to transmit to the hub to send user traffic to avoid collisions.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



D-TDMA protocol structure: the traffic slot

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The iDirect traffic D-TDMA traffic slot structure includes the following: Guard Interval Pilot Symbols Demand Header (DH) Link Layer Chopper Payload CRC 16 Forward Error Correction (FEC) When transmitting (or bursting) in to a traffic slot, a remote will always remain silent during the duration of the Guard Interval to ensure that there are no collisions between consecutive bursts coming from different remotes, due to symbol offsets. For the receive line card to be able to accurately track the symbol, frequency and power offsets, distributed Pilot Symbols are inserted into the slot.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

There are 4 sections that make up the bytes used in a traffic slot for iDirect Overhead, (Demand Header, Link Layer, Chopper and CRC 16). Each transmission will always include a Demand Header, (2Bytes) which is used by the remote to report the amount of data waiting on its buffers. This information will be used by the GQoS engine running on the Protocol Processor to decide future allocations. The Link Layer information, (6 bytes), includes the unique HDLC address used by the remote when transmitting data towards the hub. The chopper portion of the protocol structure will be used by the remote when segmenting traffic that doesn’t perfectly fit the IP Payload size, so the original IP Packets can be perfectly reassembled on the hub side. If no segmentation is done, the size will be 2 bytes. When segmentation takes place its size is typically of 4 bytes, but could be even bigger. CRC-16 (2 bytes) is used to check if the payload (DH + LL + Chopper + IP Payload) is free of errors due to the impairments of satellite link. Check (CRC) value is calculated at the transmit side and appended to the payload. At the receive side, it is computed again and if these two values do not match, then CRC error is flagged


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Payload sizes: 100/170/438 bytes

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The three supported payloads are: 100 bytes size (88 bytes IP payload) 170 bytes size (158 bytes IP payload) 438 bytes size (426 bytes IP payload).


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


The D-TDMA Frame Module 1: iDirect System Overview

A D-TDMA frame structure contains multiple time slots for the transmission of user traffic and one acquisition slot for a remote to join the network. The number of time slots per D-TDMA frame depends on the size of the D-TDMA carrier as to how many slots can fit in to the length of the frame, which is 125ms in length. When a remote is configured as an active remote and is in the network, it is assigned a traffic slot in order to transmit data towards the hub. The Acquisition slot is used for when a remote is configured as an active remote but it is not in the network. Every 125ms, the Protocol Processor creates a Burst Time Plan (BTP) that contains multiple frames of inroutes as assigned in the Inroute Group and sends the BTP to all remotes configured for a network. The BTP contains the time slot assignments for each remote in the network based on traffic demand, carrier capacity, and GQoS configuration. Which means, traffic slots per frame can be assigned to multiple remotes that are part of the same network. Remotes will use the information provided in the BTP to transmit in the assigned slots. While multiple remotes will be assigned to one BTP, only one remote will be allowed to transmit in each slot to avoid traffic collisions (D-TDMA).

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The BTP is used for: assigning slots to terminals (to be used by the remotes). assigning ID numbers to terminals (HDLC addresses that will be used by the remotes when transmitting back). sending UCP corrections to terminals (to reduce the power, symbol and frequency offsets). sending the return channel link encryption initialization vector seed (if encryption is enabled).


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Homogeneous inroute groups Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Above is an example of a Homogeneous Inroute Group containing eight carriers. An Homogenous Inroute Group is an Inroute Group where all carriers have the same payload size, symbol rate, MODCOD and acquisition configuration.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Heterogeneous inroute groups

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Starting in iDX 3.2 and carrying on through iDX 4.1 a Heterogeneous Inroute Group can be defined. A Heterogeneous Inroute Group contains carriers that can have different symbol rates and different MODCODs, however, with a Heterogeneous Inroute Group, the payload will need to be the same for all inroutes.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Available MODCODs, efficiency and SNR – DTDMA Module 1: iDirect System Overview

MODCOD refers to the combination of Modulation Type and Error Coding scheme. The modulation types supported in the iDirect system for the Upstream are: • BPSK (1 bit/symbol) • QPSK (2 bits/symbol) • 8PSK (3 bits/symbol) The higher the modulation and coding scheme the greater the number of bits per symbol, (or bits per Hz), will be used resulting in a more efficient data transmission as most of the symbol will be used to transmit user data. The lower the modulation and error coding scheme used, the lower the efficiency in bits per symbol as more of the symbol is used for error checking instead of transmitting user data. The table above shows the required SNR needed for the remote to be able to properly demodulate that MODCODs D-TDMA frame. However, guard band, unique word, acquisition slots, FEC bits and TDMA burst overhead, the real throughput decreases. The information in the table shows the real bits/symbol. This should be used to calculate the real achievable Information Rate on any configured D-TDMA carrier and should not be considered as the achievable Information Rate without including all the overhead and other information that affects the overall Information Rate of the upstream carrier.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



16QAM Modulation for ATDMA

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

16QAM modulation support for ATDMA is a new feature introduced in iDX Release 4.1.3. What is 16QAM for ATDMA? Modulation is used to encode data bits into an analog signal. Prior to iDX Release 4.1.3, iDirect Evolution software supported 3 types of modulation for upstream ATDMA, in ascending order: BPSK, QPSK and 8PSK. As the order of modulation increases, each transmitted symbol can carry more data bits; therefore, the 3 supported modulations can carry 1, 2 and 3 bits per symbol respectively. The forward error correction coding will inevitably consume some of the bits per symbol efficiency depending on the code rate. Starting with iDX Release 4.1.3, 16QAM is the next higher order modulation that allows 4 bits to be encoded in each symbol. Non-iQ remotes cannot use 16QAM, they can be part of an inroute group that contains 16QAM carriers as long as there are also non-16QAM carriers in the same inroute group.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


16QAM Key Benefits Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Non-iQ Remotes in 16QAM Inroute Group While non-iQ remotes cannot use 16QAM carriers, they can be part of an inroute group that contains 16QAM carriers as long as there are also non-16QAM carriers in the same inroute group. If multiple inroute group compositions (IGCs) are used, each IGC must have at least one non-16QAM carrier in order to support non-iQ remotes. If there is no non-16QAM carriers in an inroute group, the NMS will leave the non-iQ remote in an incomplete state when one tries to add this remote to such inroute group. In terms of time slot allocation, the PP will enforce the 16QAM restriction when assigning slots to non-iQ remotes. Only iQ series remotes will be assigned 16QAM time slots.


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The Burst Time Plan (BTP)

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The Burst Time Plan (BTP) is used on the upstream to allow remotes to transmit data or join the network. Every 125ms, the PP creates a BTP based on the following criteria: Scheduled dedicated time slots. Remote demand. QoS profiling. There are two types of slots in the BTP that a remote can be assigned; Traffic / time slots and Acquisition (ACQ) slots. If a remote is configured in iBuilder as “Active” and the remote is in the network, the remote will be assigned to timeslots throughout the BTP to transmit data. If a remote is configured as “Active” in iBuilder, however it is out of the network, it will be assigned to an ACQ slot in order to join the network.


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The Slot Allocation Process Module 1: iDirect System Overview

When the PP / iGW creates the BTP, the first item addressed are Scheduled Dedicated Timeslots. Each remote that is marked as “Active” in iBuilder and is “in” the network, will be allocated at least one time slot after the PP takes in to account any QoS configured Minimum Information Rate (MinIR) per remote. Once the PP has assigned the dedicated timeslots, the PP allocates time slots based on any QoS configured CIR and Priority. Once the CIR is met for all remotes, if there is any additional reported demand for a remote, a remote will be assigned time slots to meet the demand. After all this, if there are any available slots not filled by one of the three criteria's above, the PP will assign each remote to one time slot in a round robin fashion. This is called Free Slot Allocation (FSA).

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Scheduled Dedicated Slots

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Scheduled Dedicated Slots is upstream bandwidth allocated to a remote that is guaranteed even when the remote does not need the capacity. By default, a remote is granted a single slot per TDMA frame. This static value can be changed by defining a new Minimum Information Rate for the remote on the iBuilder Remote QoS tab. Minimum Information Rate is the highest priority bandwidth. It can only be configured in the upstream direction. The downstream does not need or support the concept of a Minimum Information Rate. Increasing this value above one slot per frame could be inefficient because slots are wasted if the remote is inactive. No other remote can be granted those slots unless the remote with the Minimum Information Rate has not acquired the network.

In the example above, and considering a network with six Remotes, each remote will get a slot every frame. This is the default behavior: six slots are used as Scheduled Dedicated Slots even if they were not requested by the remotes. By configuring the Min. IR this can be changed.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Min. IR = 1 slot every frame. If we reconfigure all the remotes to have their dedicated slot guaranteed once every 2 frames, then 6 remotes will need only 3 slots per frame. The Min. IR consumption (the lowest setting is one slot every four seconds, but enabling the Idle/Dormant states the minimum information rate can be as low as one slot every eight seconds). This allows one to oversubscribe an inroute/Inroute Group at a much higher ratio.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



1- Minimum Information Rate (MinIR)

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The iDirect system can be configured one of two different ways to manipulate slot allocation; Minimum Information Rate (MinIR) and the Idle and Dormant States.

A remotes upstream Minimum Information Rate (MinIR) can be configured to less than one burst per TDMA frame. This allows timeslot assignement to be favored towards remotes that are actually transmitting data versus remotes with low bandwidth needs.

The lower the MinIR the less dedicated time slots will be assigned to a specific remote. This will free up those slots for remotes that are actually transmitting data. However, when setting an MinIR, ramp latency will be affected. Meaning, the time it will take for a remote to transmit will be restricted to the MinIR regardless of the demand reported by the remote. Some applications may be sensitive to ramp latency which will result in poor transmission if the ramp delay is noticeable. iDirect recommends that this feature be used with care.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

An example shown above, four remotes are active and in the network, however only one remote has user data to transmit, (R1). The remaining remotes (R2, R3, and R4) do not have any user traffic to transmit. So R2, R3, and R4 do not have user data to transmit but are still assigned to one timeslot per frame using that bandwidth that could be allocated to R1. By setting a MinIR to 1 slot per 4 frames for R2, R3 and R4, that will free up the slots that would have been assigned to R2, R3 and R4 so R1 can use those slots to transmit its data.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Slot consumption and Min. IR – Example

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

It is possible to configure a remote’s upstream Minimum Information Rate to be less than one burst per TDMA frame. This allows many remotes to be “packed” into a single upstream but also increases the remote’s ramp latency. Ramp latency is defined as the amount of time it takes a remote to acquire the bandwidth necessary to begin transmitting incoming packets. The lower the Minimum Information Rate, the fewer TDMA time plans contain a burst dedicated to the remote, and the greater the ramp latency. Some applications may be sensitive to ramp latency resulting in a poor user experience if the ramp delay is noticeable. iDirect recommends that this feature be used with care.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Idle and Dormant States Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The Idle and Dormant States can be configured instead of the MinIR. We have learned setting the MinIR limits a remote to transmit in only that one slot per so many frames. By using the Idle and Dormant States, a remote can be set with a Min. IR when it is not transmitting user data. Once the remote starts to transmit user data, the PP will then put the remote back in to the slot rotation with all other remotes starting at the next BTP. No ramp latency is affected. Idle and Dormant states can be configured as low as one slot every eight seconds.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



2- Committed Information Rate (CIR)

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

After allocating the Scheduled Dedicated Slots, the Protocol Processor will then allocate timeslots attending to QoS CIR configuration, if any. If there are no remotes with a configured CIR, the QoS algorithm will continue with the allocation process moving on to a remotes demand.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


3- Demand Module 1: iDirect System Overview

After the Scheduled Dedicated slots and CIR has been allocated, the system will process the demand that was reported from the remotes. In this example, RMT-1, RMT-3, RMT-4, RMT-5 and RMT-6 requested two slots, RMT-2 requested three slots. The system had enough bandwidth to satisfy the demand, during the demand allocation round all the demand was satisfied.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



4- Free Slots

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Free slot allocation is a round-robin distribution of unused TDMA slots by the centralized bandwidth manager on a frame-by-frame basis. The bandwidth manager assigns TDMA slots to particular remotes for each TDMA allocation interval based on current demand and configuration constraints (such as configured MIR and CIR). Once demand is met, it is possible that there are unused TDMA slots. In that case, Free Slot Allocation grants these extra slots to remotes in a fair manner, respecting any remote’s maximum configured data rate. Free Slot Allocation is always enabled. You can disable Free Slot Allocation with a custom key. In this example, there were two unused slots on the frame that the system assigned towards RMT-1 and RMT-2 in a round-robin fashion.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Acquisition (ACQ) Slots Module 1: iDirect System Overview

When a remote is configured in iBuilder and marked as “Active” but is out of the network, the PP will assign the remote to the Acquisition slot in the BTP. ACQ slots are allocated using a round-robin scheme if there is more then one remote out of the network. When there is only one remote out of the network, it will be assigned to the ACQ slot of all Inroutes it is capable of transmitting at. In the example above, two remotes, (RMT-7 and RMT-8), are out of the network and were assigned by the PP to the ACQ slot.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Frequency hopping

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Frequency Hopping is always enabled for an Inroute Group, remotes dynamically load-balance across all inroutes in the group based on inroute demand. The Protocol Processor analyzes upstream demand from all remotes and automatically allocates timeplan slot assignments to achieve an equal balance of remote demand across all the inroutes. Remotes “hop” from one inroute to another either on a frame boundary or within the same frame depending on the nature of the demand. A remote will need around 700 microseconds to adjust it’s transmission frequency in order to “hop”, so it won’t be possible for a remote to change from one inroute to another in consecutives traffic slots. Depending on the symbol rare of the carrier, it would mean skipping a different amount of slots. That’s the reason a remote transmitting huge amount of information would rather stay on the same carrier (more efficient as it can transmit continuously) than continuously hop between different inroutes (having to stop 700 microseconds between hops).


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Carrier grooming Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Starting in iDX 3.5 Carrier Grooming is now a configurable mode for an Inroute Group. When a Inroute Group is set for Carrier Grooming, Frequency Hopping is turned off and all remotes that are a part of the Inroute Group will be assigned to a fixed single carrier. This mode should only be used when troubleshooting upstream transmission problems of one or more remotes assigned to an Inroute Group.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Reduce Jitter: FeathEring

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The iDirect system allows for TDMA Slot Feathering to be enabled. This is a QoS configurable parameter called “Reduce Jitter”. Reduce Jitter option will activate Segmentation and Reassembly only when jitter sensitive traffic is present on the upstream direction. When Reduce Jitter is enable, the PP attempts to “feather” or evenly spread the TDMA slots allocated to a particular application across each upstream frame. For Voice over IP, (VoIP) and any other jitter sensitive applications, this is a desirable attribute because the remote’s bursts are distributed more uniformly in time improving the quality of the voice call.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Reduce Jitter: Chopper Module 1: iDirect System Overview

By enabling Reduce Jitter, the TDMA upstream packet segmentation is handled internally by the chopper application to optimize the packet segmentation. On the downstream direction, segmentation is disabled by default.


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Reduce Jitter: FeathEring

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The iDirect system allows for TDMA Slot Feathering to be enabled. This is a QoS configurable parameter called “Reduce Jitter”. Reduce Jitter option will activate Segmentation and Reassembly only when jitter sensitive traffic is present on the upstream direction. When Reduce Jitter is enable, the PP attempts to “feather” or evenly spread the TDMA slots allocated to a particular application across each upstream frame. For Voice over IP, (VoIP) and any other jitter sensitive applications, this is a desirable attribute because the remote’s bursts are distributed more uniformly in time improving the quality of the voice call.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Maximum channel efficiency Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Each TDMA burst carries a discrete number of payload bytes. The remote must divide higher level packets into TDMA-burst-sized parts to package these bursts for transmission. You may control how bursts are packaged for transmission by selecting between two options on the iBuilder Service Level dialog box: Maximum Channel Efficiency (default) and Minimum Latency. Maximum Channel Efficiency delays the release of a partially-filled TDMA burst to allow for the possibility that the next packet will fill the burst completely. In this configuration, the system waits for up to four TDMA transmission attempts before releasing a partial burst. Minimum Latency never delays partially-filled TDMA bursts. Instead, it transmits them immediately.


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Minimum latency

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

In general, Maximum Channel Efficiency is the desired choice, except in certain situations when it is vitally important to achieve minimum latency for a prioritized service level. For example, if your network is typically congested and you are configuring the system to work with a transaction-based application which is prone to frequent bursts and requires a minimum round trip time, then Minimum Latency may be the better choice. You can configure these settings in iBuilder from the QoS Service Level dialog box.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


D-TDMA exercise Module 1: iDirect System Overview

In this slide, a Burst Timeplan (BTP) with several errors is shown. The first thing we should check is the Scheduled Dedicated Slots allocation. By default, if no Minimum Information Rate has been configured, each active remote on the network will receive one traffic slot per frame. All the remotes that are in the network are receiving at least one slot. We know that frequency hopping is a feature in iDirect Inroute Groups, and we can check that R1 and R3 are using multiple inroutes of the inroute group. However, R1 is “hopping” in consecutive traffic slots, which is not really possible. A remote will need around 700 microseconds to adjust it’s transmission frequency in order to “hop”, so it won’t be possible for a remote to change from one inroute to another in consecutives traffic slots. This is the first error. Look to the acquisition slots. If R1 is active and online, there will be no need for it to try to acquire into the network using an acquisition slot. The Intelligent Gateway will only allocate acquisition slots to those remotes that are active in iBuilder but not yet in the network. This is the second error.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



SCPC Return carriers

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

A remote in an iDirect network can be configured to transmit towards the hub either on a TDMA upstream carrier or on an SCPC upstream carrier. An SCPC upstream carrier provides a dedicated, high-bandwidth, return channel from a remote to the hub without the additional overhead of TDMA. Remotes that transmit SCPC return channels (called SCPC remotes) receive the same outbound carrier as the TDMA remotes in the network. However, unlike TDMA remotes, SCPC remotes are not associated with Inroute Groups. Instead, a dedicated SCPC upstream carrier is assigned directly to the hub line card that receives the carrier.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


SCPC Return protocol structure Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The SCPC Return protocol structure is composed by frames. Each frame starts with a 32 symbols Unique Word used by the receive line card to detect and measure the frequency, symbol and power offsets on the transmissions received from the physical remote. This information will be used to adjust the remote transmit details using UCP (Uplink Control Process). After the Unique Word, a succession of FEC Blocks are sent from the remote towards the hub. The number of FEC Blocks within a frame is defined automatically by the system (iBuilder) attending to the configured carrier symbol rate, modulation and error correction. As the number of FEC Blocks can vary from one carrier to another, the same happens with the SCPC Return frame length (which will be always near to 30 milliseconds). Note: The Unique Word for Spread Spectrum configured carriers will be 64 symbols.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Two different payload sizes: 170/438 bytes

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Data packets are encapsulated and are assembled as variable size packets one after another onto the serial channel. For each IP packet included on the payload field, the following headers are added: HDLC flag (1 byte) Link Layer (6 bytes) CRC-16 (2 bytes) Link Encryption (2 bytes, optional) VLAN Info (2 bytes, optional) iDirect only supports 2D 16-State Inbound Coding on upstream SCPC Return carriers. 2D 16-State Coding is extremely efficient inbound coding that provides maximum flexibility to network designers. 2D 16-State Coding for SCPC Return carriers supports only two payload sizes: a 170 byte payload and a 438 byte payload. The small payload ensures low latency at call connection for VoIP applications while the large payload size allows better performance because of the reduced overhead.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


SCPC MODCODs Module 1: iDirect System Overview

The table shows the upstream Modulation and Coding rates available per payload size when using 2D 16State Inbound Coding over SCPC Return carriers. Also shown is the required SNR for the upstream carrier as received by the receive line cards to be able to properly demodulate it: QEF (Quasi Error Free) operation is defined as no CRC errors with BER better than 1e-8 for an IF-loopback (L-band). Example. The theoretical achievable throughput for a pure 1Msps 8PSK-6/7 carrier should be 2511Kbps (Information Rate) Because of the SCPC Return Header, FEC Bits and CRC Bytes, the real throughput decreases. On the slide the real bits/symbol or bits/Hz table is shown. This should be used to calculate the real achievable Information Rate on any configured SCPC Return carrier. The real achievable throughput for a SCPC Return 1Msps 8PSK-6/7 carrier will be 2089Kbps (Information Rate)

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Spectral Efficiency – D-TDMA Vs. SCPC Return

Module 1: iDirect System Overview


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Uses and benefits of SCPC Return Module 1: iDirect System Overview


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



SCPC Return Carriers – Summary

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Note: The eM1D1 line card can be configured for Single Channel SCPC Return when in receive mode only. Note: The X1, X7, iQ Desktop and 9350 Satellite Routers do not currently support SCPC Return carriers. Note: The ULC-R and DLC-R line cards do not currently support SCPC Return carriers. Note: The XLC-11 support 1 SCPC since iDX 4.1


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Learner Knowledge Review - Module 1 Module 1: iDirect System Overview

Learner Knowledge Review - Module 1 1. iDirect provides a complete solution aimed to deploy IP networks using satellite links. It’s based on a Star / Mesh Topology. When using a Star Topology, all the remote sites are linked with a central hub. When using a Mesh topology, direct data transfer between remotes is possible without having to link with teh central hub. 2. We trace the life of an IP packet from the remote to the hub, covering everything in between associated with this process. Of course it actually starts with the individual sitting at the computer or using the telephone, for example. 3. From the iDirect perspective, the remote and the Protocol Processor have similar functionalities. By this, we are referring to the fact that they both perform encapsulation and de-encapsulation of information traveling through an iDirect network. 4. Encapsulation is the “envelope” with the intended recipient’s address, the sender’s address, and other related information about the data being sent. 5. The data coming in from your LAN, be it voice, HTTP, FTP information, or whatever type of data packets you have, is encapsulated by the remote. This encapsulation process is inserted on to the information additional overhead required by an iDirect network to pass properly through the system. 6. Remember that all iDirect equipment operates utilizing L-Band. When using a transponder that works in a higher frequency band, the usage of up converters and down converters will be mandatory for the satellite network to operate properly. 7. The Downstream Carrier is used for the communication from the hub towards the remote stations. For each network, only one Downstream carrier will be present. Using Time-Division Multiplexing scheme, is it possible to allocate traffic that should be forwarded to individual (unicast) and multiple (multi-cast) remotes in one single shared carrier. 8. The information transmitted on the downstream carrier will be broadcasted to all the remote stations, but only the intended recipients will receive it. This is achieved by marking each IP packet being sent over the air with the unique HDLC address of the modem that should process the information. The other modems will just ignore the packet not addressed to them. 9. DVB-S2 with Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) enables each remote to operate at its most efficient coding and modulation scheme, at any moment in time, depending on location within the satellite contour, antenna size, and atmospheric conditions. 10. The Protocol Processor adjusts the MODCODs of the transmissions to the remotes by means of the feedback loop. Each remote continually measures its downstream SNR and reports the current value to the protocol processor. When the protocol processor sends data to an individual remote, it uses the last reported SNR value to determine data without exceeding a specified BER. 11. The selected MODCOD will always be between the Network Minimum MODCOD and Network Maximum MODCOD specified in the downstream carrier configuration. The operator may, however, specify a maximum MODCOD for any particular remote (due probably to LNB limitations).


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

12. MODCOD refers to the combinations of Modulation Types and Error Coding schemes supported by the DVB-S2 / DVB-S2X standard. The higher the modulation the greater the number of bits per symbol (or bits per Hz). The modulation types specified by the standard are QPSK (2bits/Hz), 8PSK (3bits/Hz) and 16APSK (4bits/Hz), 32APSK (5bits/Hz), 64APSK (6bits/Hz), 256APSK (7bits/Hz), 256APSK (8bits/Hz). 13. Critical network information such as the broadcasted Burst Time Plans (BTPs), multi-casted option files or software updates are always transmitted using the Network Minimum MODCOD, regardless of the current link condition, as they should be received by all the remotes in the network. 14. Each remote transmits to the hub either on a shared Deterministic-TDMA (D-TDMA) upstream channel with dynamic timeplan slot assignments or on a dedicated SCPC return channel. 15. On a shared Deterministic-TDMA (D-TDMA) carrier, the Protocol Processor determines the amount of time and the frequency the remote site will use for each burst and provides the synchronized Burst Time Plan (BTP) to all remotes on the network. 16. The remotes working on D-TDMA mode are assigned to an Inroute Group. An inroute group is a set of TDMA upstream carriers (inroutes) that are shared by remotes in the inroute group. An iDirect network can contain multiple inroute groups. All the carriers within the same inroute group must have the same payload size. There should be at least one carrier in the inroute group and a maximum of thirty-two. 17. There are three possible D-TDMA slot sizes, a 100 bytes size (88 bytes IP payload), a 170 bytes size (158 bytes IP payload), and a 438 bytes size (426 bytes IP payload). 18. Every 125ms, the Protocol Processor will broadcast the Burst Time Plan towards all the remotes in the network. Remotes configured on inroute groups will use the provided information to transmit at the authorized slots during the next D-TDMA frame, which is exactly 125ms long. Only one remote will be allowed to transmit in each time slot to avoid traffic collisions (D-TDMA). The more carriers in the inroute group, the more simultaneous transmissions are allowed. 19. Remotes “hop” from one inroute to another either on frame boundaries or within the same frame. This frequency hopping by remotes among the upstream carriers in an inroute group is used for both Adaptive TDMA and for load balancing. 20. Scheduled Dedicated Time slots is upstream bandwidth allocated to a remote that is guaranteed even when the remote does not need the capacity. By default, a remote is granted a single slot per TDMA frame. This static value can be changed by defining a new Minimum Information Rate for the remote on the iBuilder Remote QoS tab. 21. The Min. IR consumption can be as low as one slot every eight seconds in the Idle/Dormant states, that is one time slot each 64 frames.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 1 Module 1: iDirect System Overview

1. A network configured in Mesh mode needs to link with a Centralized hub in order to communicate directly with another remote? a. True b. False 2. The data coming in from your LAN at the hub side, is encapsulated by the line card. This encapsulation process adds additional overhead required by an iDirect network to pass traffic properly through the system. a. True b. False 3. All iDirect equipment operates utilizing L-Band. What external components which main functionality is frequency translation may be required when using transponders that work in a higher frequency band? a. High Power Amplifiers b. Up/Down Converters c. Low Noise Amplifiers d. Transmit Reject Filters 4. The information transmitted on the downstream carrier will be broadcasted to all the remote stations, but only the intended recipients will receive it. How is this achieved? a. By the usage of IP addresses. b. By the usage of HDLC addresses. c. By the usage of MAC addresses. d. By the usage of ETHERNET addresses. 5. How many Burst Time Plans are sent by the Protocol Processor for a particular Inroute Group? a. 8 BTPs per second b. 1 BTP per second c. 8 BTPs per remote per second d. The Protocol Processor is not responsible of the BTPs 6. What MODCOD will be used when transmitting data to a remote? a. The most efficient that the remote is capable of receiving without errors. b. The less efficient that the remote is capable of receiving without errors. c. Network Minimum MODCOD d. Remote Maximum MODCOD 7. What MODCOD will be used when broadcasting the Burst Time Plan to all the remotes in the network? a. The most efficient that the remotes are capable of receiving without errors. b. The less efficient that the remotes are capable of receiving without errors. c. Network Minimum MODCOD


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 1: iDirect System Overview

d. There is one BTP message sent per remote per frame. 8. Which parameter below is considered first when allocating time slots to remotes? a. Minimum Information Rate b. Maximum Information Rate c. Committed Information Rate d. Free Slot Allocation 9. A remote in an iDirect network can be configured to transmit towards the hub using either an DTDMA upstream carrier or an SCPC upstream carrier. When would it be beneficial for a remote to transmit using an SCPC carrier over a D-TDMA carrier? a. The remote is not expected to transmit continuously, and when it does the traffic is of a bursty nature. b. The remote is not expected to transmit continuously, and when it does the traffic is of a continuous nature. c. The remote is expected to transmit continuously, the traffic being of a bursty nature. d. The remote is expected to transmit continuously, the traffic being of a continuous nature.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 1: iDirect System Overview


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Module 2 focuses on the iDirect remotes, describing the main functionalities of each of type and highlighting the differences. The learner will become familiar with the remotes, learning how to access them through serial, telnet and ssh connections, the iVantage software tools iSite, Web iSite. and the Web UI. Goal: Through lecture, presentation and visual display each learner will be able to understand the available iDirect remotes and their main characteristics, installing the latest firmware images and configuration files using iSite / Web iSite. Objectives: Identify the supported iDirect remotes and their main features. • Differentiate between iSite and the different versions of the Web GUI, recognizing when each tool should be used. • Identify all steps in the remote commissioning process and how to effectively use iSite and Web iSite to successfully bring a remote into the network using the antenna pointing tool. • Be familiar with the 1dB Compression test and the Cross-polarization tests, understanding the impact of both on the remotes performance. • Realize that iSite and Web iSite require IP connectivity to the remote to operate, being aware that if the IP address is unknown it should be retrieved from the remote by establishing a serial connection through the console port. • Be confident in resetting X1, X7 and 9350 remotes to their factory default configuration using the reset pin located on the back on those remotes.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



iDirect Remotes (Routers)

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Listed above are the current remotes that can be configured in a iDX 4.1 network.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


List of supported advanced Satellite Routers Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



X3 Remote

Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


X5 Remote Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



X1 Remote

Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


X7 Remote Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



9350 Remote

Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


iQ Desktop Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



iQ Desktop +

Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


iQ 200 Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course




Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Accessing the Remote Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Typically a remote will be accessed via SSH using an IP Address. The Factory Default IP address is either or depending on the model of the remote. If the remote is not at the factory default settings and the IP address is unknown, the remote can be accessed by using a serial cable. To access the remote via console port, you will need to install an appropriate serial communication software on your computer. Some examples are Putty and Tera Term. Then, you will connect an RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter to the modem (that’s right, this is the standard Cisco serial cable). If your computer doesn’t have a serial port, connect an additional DB-9 to USB adapter to your computer.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Console Access

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Once the cable is connected, check the serial port being used by your computer (Windows Control Panel > Device Manager). Then, access the remote router an SSH client, (e.g. PuTTY, TeraTerm, etc). Using the default options for these applications should be sufficient enough to access the remote using a serial cable. Note: The communications serial port may change every time you connect your USB to DB-9 serial adapter. Check which one is your system using on: Windows Control Panel Device Manager


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Retrieving IP address Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Once logged in to the remote, the user will be in the Linux Operating System. From there, the remotes IP address can be retrieved by using the following command: #ifconfig Starting with the 9350 and iQ Series remotes, a process called Sabine replaces Falcon. While the Telnet command can be entered on a X3 / X5 or X7 remote in order to access the Falcon Process and retrieve the laninfo, in order to get the laninfo from a 9350 or iQ series remote, the command “mewsh” is used instead of Telnet. When logging in to Telnet or Mewsh, the IP address can be retrieved using the following command: > laninfo On all X3, X5, X7 or 8350 remotes, the “laninfo” command will provide the LAN interface IP address. On the 9350 and iQ series remotes, the “laninfo” command will provide the Management interface IP address.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Remotes like the X7, 9350 and iQ Series can also be accessed using a web browser. Just modify the laptop IP address and subnet mask to match the same IP network as the remote. Then open a web browser, type in the IP Address of the remote and the remotes log in screen will appear.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Retrieving IP Address: X1 Module 2: Satellite Remotes

There is no console access to an X1 remote so there is no way to retrieve an IP address using the same method previously discussed on all other remotes. If an IP address for an X1 is unknown, and any trace route attempts have failed, the only option to gaining access to the remote again would be to do a factory reset. Once a factory reset has been triggered, the remote will be reachable using the default IP address; / However, all firmware, log in information, etc. will be lost and reset back to what was configured at factory default.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Remote Commissioning

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

To locally handle the iDirect Satellite Routers, also called “remote modems” or “remotes”, and specially when performing firmware upgrades or modem re-configuration tasks, we will need to use the software tool iSite (for the older remotes) and a web interface (for the newer). Both work connecting to the remotes using their IPv4 addresses. All that is necessary is the IP address assigned to the satellite router and a physical Ethernet connection to the LAN port of the modem. When handling X3, X5 or e8350-family remotes, the iSite software tool has to be installed on the computer accessing the modem. This is part of the iVantage software suite that comes along with iBuilder, iMonitor and iSite. The newest modems, X1, X7, X7-EC and 9350-family remotes use a web based interface instead. No software installation required. Opening a web browser on the computer accessing the modem and typing the IP address of the remote is all what is necessary. Supported browsers are Internet Explorer (version 7 and later), Mozilla Firefox (version 8 and later) and Google Chrome (version 16 and later).


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Remote Commissioning Utilities Module 2: Satellite Remotes

To locally handle the iDirect remotes, especially when performing firmware upgrades or modem reconfiguration tasks, iDirect provides three remote configuration utilities that can be used for each series of remotes. iSite is a desktop application that is installed as part of the iVantage Suite with iBuilder and iMonitor. iSite can be used for the X3 and X5 remotes. The X1, X7 and X7-EC remotes have a web server that issues a web browser using a utility called Web iSite. The 9350 and iQ-Series remotes also have a web server that establishes connection to the remote using a web browser with a utility called the Web GUI. (A Pulse like interface) All of these utilities allow a user to connect to a remote using their IPv4 addresses. All that is necessary is the IP address has to be assigned to the remote and there is a physical Ethernet connection to the LAN port of the modem.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Supported browsers are Internet Explorer (version 7 and later), Mozilla Firefox (version 8 and later) and Google Chrome (version 16 and later).


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


iSite Module 2: Satellite Remotes

When handling X3, X5 or e8350-family remotes, the iSite software tool has to be installed on the computer accessing the modem. iSite is installed along with iBuilder and iMonitor as part of the iVantage Suite software installation.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



iSite: Auto-discovery

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

If the laptop running iSite is directly connected to the remote LAN port through an Ethernet cable, chances are that just by running iSite the IP address of the remote will be auto-discovered. If iSite auto-discovery works it can save the field technician a bunch of time as there will be no need to manually retrieve the IP address of the device using the console port. Please note that auto-discovery won’t typically work if the laptop has any kind of firewall enabled or the connection to the remote is achieved through a switch, as those may filter the systray messages broadcasted by the device. Once the remote has been auto-discovered and the IP address is known, the operator should change the laptop IP address to an IP on the same subnet as the remote’s LAN. When this is achieved, iSite connectivity could be established.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


iSite: Login Module 2: Satellite Remotes

When logging in to iSite enter the IP address and password of the remote. Select the “Admin” user and make sure “Secure Connection” is checked while the “FIPS” option is not selected.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Software & Option File

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

All the iDirect remotes are Linux based, the only exception being the X1 remote modem. On the slide, the software running on the remotes is shown. You can always access the Linux operative system or the iDirect Falcon process through SSH or Telnet (note that Telnet access is not possible on the 9350 remote). Both will require, however, IP connectivity to the remote. That meaning that you need to know the IP address of the remote and configure your computer with an IP address on the same network. The default IP address for a new modem loaded with the factory default configuration is: IP Address: Subnet Mask: Default Password: iDirect or P@55w0rd! If the modem has been previously configured and the IP address is unknown, its always possible (with the exception of the X1) to retrieve it by accessing the modem through the serial cable, as covered before.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Firmware / Software Installation Module 2: Satellite Remotes

The firmware / software installation is a two step process. First, the remote packages need to be installed. Once the packages are installed, then the remotes Option file needs to be uploaded and applied to the remote. When installing the remote packages, the first package to be installed is the Board Service Pack (.bsp) for the Linux Operating System. Each remote will have its own .bsp package so be sure to identify the model type in the “.bsp” package name to install the right package to the right remote. The second package to be installed is the iDirect remote firmware, (i.e. “.rmt”). In iSite, use the “Download Package” option to install the packages as listed above. Once the firmware installation starts, do not power off the device or send another package until the flash process has been completed. The package installation process can take up to five minutes. For all web based remotes, (i.e. X1, X7, 9350 and the iQ-Series), the firmware / software update will be done using the remotes Web based interface. Note: X7 remotes have two partitions. So when installing the remote packages to an X7 remote, the remote packages have to be installed twice so the correct firmware is installed to each partition. To install the packages to the 2nd partition, once the remote reboots after the Option file is loaded, log back in to the Web based browser interface and download the packages and option file a second time. For the 9350 and iQ-Series remotes, once the installation is complete, the installation needs be to activated.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Option file

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Once the remote packages are installed, before rebooting the remote, the installation of a proper configuration file, (i.e. Option file) needs to occur. The Option file can be retrieved from iBuilder once the remote is configured. The Option file contains all the required information for the remote to be able to operate in the configured network. Once the Option file is uploaded to the remote, it’s time to reset the remote. Once the remote reboots, it should join the network.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Remote Commissioning Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Antenna Alignment

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Before running the Antenna Pointing feature on any of the utilities, make sure to disconnect the RF cable from the TX port of the remote. During the antenna pointing process, DC power will be sent out the TX port of the remote. This could cause permanent damage to any equipment connected to the port, as the Block UpConverter (BUC). Note: If your computer Firewall is enabled, you may not be able to receive the pointing data from the remote if using iSite. Make sure you temporarily disable the firewall for iSite to work without issues.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Antenna Alignment Module 2: Satellite Remotes

A reading of less than 2 Volts indicates that the signal level is below the detection threshold of the remote. When a signal at the correct frequency is detected, the PWM voltage increases sharply to between 2 and 10 Volts. After downstream carrier lock is achieved, the PWM voltage switches into the 12 to 20 Volt range. PWM voltages in this range increase linearly with increasing signal strength. Pointing Procedure: Return the antenna azimuth to the position marked during course alignment. Slowly sweep the reflector a few degrees either side of the course azimuth while observing the peak indicators. The signal trace of the histogram progressively turns from red, to yellow, and then to green as downstream carrier signal strength increases. Move the antenna in azimuth so as to maximize the level of the green trace, the PWM output voltage, and the Current Signal Strength indication. Note that readings in the 12-24V range cannot be obtained from the wrong spacecraft or network. If the downstream carrier signal is not found, increase or decrease the elevation setting in 2° increments and repeat the azimuth sweep until the signal is found.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 2: Satellite Remotes

When locked on to the carrier: a. Fine-adjust elevation for maximum; b. Fine-adjust azimuth for maximum; c. Secure the azimuth and elevation axes in place; d. Fine-adjust the feed polarization angle for maximum. Record the final antenna pointing voltage reading and report the reading to the Network Operator. In the Antenna Pointing window, click Stop to exit the antenna pointing mode. Remove power from the remote. The unit must be restarted to completely exit the antenna pointing mode. Once the remote completely restarts, you may connect the Tx cable to the Block UpConverter again.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Cross Polarization Test Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Cross-pol isolation is measured over-the-air by the satellite access control center. Be prepared to contact the satellite operator by telephone. Transmit cross-pol isolation is maximized in order to limit interference to users on the opposite polarity of linearly-polarized satellite transponders. Typically, the spacecraft operator requires a minimum of 30 dB of isolation. To measure this, the terminal must transmit at a power level at least 30 dB above the noise floor of the transponder. The satellite access control center measures and compares the received co-pol and cross-pol energy to determine if the site meets polarity isolation standards. Please note that VSAT terminals using circularly-polarized feed systems need not perform cross-pol tests.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Cross Polarization: Example

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

During adjustment of the antenna feed, the satellite access controller observes the transmitted signal on a spectrum analyzer, switching from co-pol to cross-pol to compare levels. The controller will ask for power to be increased until sufficient energy is available to detect the cross-pol signal. At that time a polarity adjustment is made. The controller may ask for more changes in transmit power and additional polarity adjustments as needed until the required level of isolation is achieved. The access controller will not specify a transmit power in absolute terms, such as -35 dBm or -20 dBm. Instead, the controller will ask for power increases or decreases in relative terms, such as a 1 dB increase, or a 2 dB decrease. It may be necessary to re-peak azimuth and elevation in order to achieve sufficient cross-pol isolation. The access controller may ask for fine adjustments in azimuth or elevation before repeating the cross-pol adjustment. Follow the directions of the access controller. Securely fasten all antenna axes after peaking and isolation have been optimized.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


1dB Compression Point Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Determination of the 1 dB compression point (P1dB) is made immediately following successful cross-pol adjustment. The remote is transmitting a high-level continuous-wave (CW) signal to the satellite, and the respective Cross Polarization windows are open on the local PC user interface.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

The 1 dB compression point is defined as the output power level at which BUC amplifier gain has decreased by 1 dB from the small-signal value. If for example a particular amplifier exhibits a low-power gain of 40 dB, the P1dB point is the output power level at which gain has been reduced to 39 dB. Although the P1dB point is located beyond the start of gain compression and is therefore in the non-linear region of the transfer characteristic, most BUCs can operate safely at that power level without exceeding the limits imposed by the transmit spectral mask. The purpose of P1dB determination in the iDirect system is to set a maximum IF transmit power limit for each site.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Remote Power Configuration Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Remote Commissioning

Module 2: Satellite Remotes


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Web iSite Module 2: Satellite Remotes

The X1 and X7 Series remotes use Web iSite to aid in remote commissioning. Web iSite is a web-based browser interface that allows for basic remote configuration and the ability to run remote commissioning tasks such as Antenna Alignment and Cross-Pol tests.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Downstream Configuration Tool

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

The Downstream Configuration page provides the means to enter the minimum parameters to receive the downstream carrier. After the remote has acquired the downstream carrier, the network operator can push the options file to the remote over the air in order to load the full configuration. NOTE: Downstream Configuration is a commissioning option typically used for large fleets. For more information, see the iDX Installation and Commissioning Guide for Remote remotes.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Downstream Configuration Tool: Templates Module 2: Satellite Remotes

The Downstream Template contains the minimum information necessary to enable reception of the downstream broadcast from the hub. Remote sites with a common downstream channel, e.g., Inroute Groups using the same network and remote site LNB parameters, can use a single Downstream Template file to enable reception on all the remotes in that network. This permits the remotes to later receive the remainder of the site-specific options data via UDP push over-the-air from the network hub.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 2: Satellite Remotes

The Downstream Template file is produced by the Network Operator. It is a text file in JSON format, and may be viewed with a text editor such as Notepad. Downstream Template files must have the .json file extension in the file name. A separate Downstream Template file is required for each discrete downstream channel or network. The downstream template is only available for X1 and X7 remotes running iDX Release 3.2 or later. And also on the 9350 remotes running iDX 3.4 or later. The software version is displayed on the Web iSite dashboard.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Web GUI Module 2: Satellite Remotes

The 9350 and iQ-Series remotes use a new interface called the Web GUI. This Web GUI is a browser based configuration utility. The Web GUI allows the same features as iSite and Web iSite when it comes to Remote Commissioning or troubleshooting.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Factory Default Reset

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

An Evolution X1, X7, e150 or 9350 remote may be restarted in a factory default mode to restore the factory default settings. Uses of the factory default mode include connecting to a remote with an unknown IP address or reloading the factory software image for troubleshooting purposes. Restart the remote in the factory default mode if a connection cannot be established or software loading fails. An operator must be physically present at the remote location to press the reset button. To enter the factory default mode, press the reset button on the remote for at least 15 seconds, then release it. For the Evolution X7, 9350, iQ-Series remotes only, entering Factory Default Mode deletes all previous user configurations. Reload the package and options files after invoking Factory Default Mode. For Evolution X1 and e150 remotes, the package and options files are not deleted. The default settings of the X1 and X7 remote are: • LAN IP address: • Subnet mask: • DHCP server: Enabled (X1 single client address: and X7 single client address:


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

• Two configured user accounts: admin and user (password = iDirect for both accounts) NOTE: For 9350 and iQ-Series remotes, the factory default IP address is


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Learner Knowledge Review - Module 2

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Learner Knowledge Review - Module 2 1. The iSite software tool allows users to monitor and configure iDirect devices while in the field. It includes several features that aid in the remote commissioning process, including assistance for antenna pointing, antenna look angle calculation, and cross polarization. It can be used to access X3, X5 and e8350 remotes, along with all iDirect line cards. 2. More modern remotes, as the X1, the X7 are accessible using Web iSite. The 9350 is accessible exclusively via a new web Graphic User Interface (GUI). The Web iSite and the Web GUI have all the main features of iSite. 3. iSite and Web iSite are IP based so the IP address of the remote needs to be known in order to connect successfully. If the configured IP address is unknown, a user could always connect to the remote or line card using a serial connection through the console port to retrieve the IP Address. 4. A serial connection requires connecting a RJ-45 to DB-9 cable to the console port of the device. If the computer or laptop being used doesn’t come with a serial port, use a serial to USB adapter that is supported. 5. The X1 remote doesn’t come with a built-in console port, so it is not possible to retrieve the configured IP address easily. You can, however, reset the X1 remote to the factory default configuration by pressing the reset pin. This will restore the configured IP address to Note that you will need to re-flash the remote to the proper software release and provide a valid option file after that. This option is also available on the X7 remote. 6. The Evolution X1 remote is the first without an underlying Red Hat Linux operating system. Instead, it uses a real-time embedded operating system named ‘MicroC’. Therefore, the network operator cannot log into the X1 in the same manner as other iDirect remotes. All interaction with X1 remote is done through its web interface. 7. In order for iSite and Web iSite to successfully connect to the remote, the configured IP address of the computer or laptop has to be in the same subnet as the configured IP address of the remote or line card. 8. It is important to install the correct remote packages and options file to the remote to make sure it is on the same software version as the rest of the network. The .bsp is installed first, followed by the remote package, then the options file. 9. As an alternative to iSite or Web iSite, WinSCP can be used to download the latest options file to the remote by copying the .opt file to the proper location on the remote (“/etc/idirect/falcon/falcon.opt” for X3 and X5 remotes and “/sysopt/config/sat_router/falcon.opt” for X7 remotes). 10. Web iSites exclusive “Downstream Configuration” dialog allows the installer to manually configure the necessary parameters for a remote to receive the downstream carrier. Once the remote locks onto the downstream carrier, the operator should be able to send the Option file using iBuilder using the “UDP” apply configuration option. This feature will avoid having to carry the remote Option file during site installations.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

11. iSite, Web iSite and the Web GUI provide basic configuration and real-time status / statistical information about the remote. 12. The 1dB compression test tool allows the operator to establish the maximum transmission power for a particular remote in order to avoid the Block Up Converter on the remote site to work on its nonlinear region or above its saturation point. This is really important when using the Adaptive TDMA feature. Evaluating the 1dB compression point will involve also the satellite provider. 13. The cross-polarization tool allows the operator to measure the cross-polarization interference caused to the other users of the transponder being used on the upstream direction. This test may be required by the satellite provider and will involve them, too. 14. The antenna pointing tool allows the operator to effectively point the antenna without the need of using spectrum analyzers or other specific devices. The operator will be assisted visually until the maximum pointing quality has been met. Once the operator has locked onto the carrier, he should: a. Adjust the elevation until maximum DC voltage is obtained. b. Adjust the azimuth until maximum DC voltage is obtained. c. Ensure that the azimuth and elevation are locked down. d. Adjust the polarization until maximum DC voltage is obtained. e. Record the final antenna pointing voltage reading and report the reading to the Network Operator. f. In the Antenna Pointing dialog box, click Stop to exit the remotes antenna pointing mode. 15. Before using the antenna pointing tool it is really important that the transmission cable from the remote is not connected to the Block Up Converter. While pointing, there will be DC power going out from the TX port of the remote that could damage any equipment connected to it. Also, the antenna should NOT be pointed to the satellite before starting the pointing procedure. 16. To assist with antenna alignment, the Angle Calculator tool will automatically calculate the required elevation, azimuth and polarization to be used to properly point the antenna. By default, it will use the geolocation details provided in the options file. 17. While using the antenna pointing tool, you will recognize that the pointing is being successful when the upper area of the graph will be green (more than 12 volts). If the desired signal is not found, increase or decrease the elevation setting by 2° increments and repeat the azimuth sweep until the correct signal is found. 18. The remote LAN Interface refers to the IP address through which the remote communicates with the LAN network behind the remote. Hence, the LAN Interface IP Address represents the remotes IP Address on the VLAN on which it is configured. 19. The remote Management Interface refers to the hub side of the network. Hence, the remotes Management Interface IP Address represents the remotes virtual interface on the default VLAN. The NMS always communicates with the remotes using this IP address. This address should not conflict with the LAN Interface addresses.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 2

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 2 1. Which of the following iDirect components can be operated through the iSite tool? Select all that apply. a. X1 remote b. X3 remote c. XLC-M Line Card d. All of the above 2. Which of the following iDirect components can be operated through Web iSite? a. 9350 remote b. X7 remote c. XLC-11 Line Card d. All of the above 3. How can a user connect to an X5 remote using iSite if the IP address of the remote is unknown? a. Reset the remote to its factory default configuration, the IP address will be b. Connect to the remote using an Ethernet cable, retrieving the IP address using “laninf.o”. c. Connect to the remote using a Console cable, retrieving the IP address using “laninfo” d. Connect to the remote using a Crossover cable, retrieving the IP address using remote “ipconfig”. 4. What happens when resetting a remote to its factory default configuration by pressing and holding the reset pin located on the back on the remote? a. The IP address of the remote will be back to for X1 and X7s. a. The IP address of the remote will be back to for 9350s / iQ-Series. b. The password to access the remote will be back to P@55w0rd! or iDirect. c. It will be required to again re-flash the router to the proper software release, uploading the complete options file as well. d. All of the above. 5. What is the correct order to follow when upgrading the remotes to a newer software release? a. Options File, Remote Package, Linux (BSP) Package. b. Remote Package, Linux (BSP) Package, Options File. c. Linux (BSP) Package, Remote Package, Options File. d. The order is irrelevant as long as all the steps are completed. 6. What’s the main advantage of using the “Downstream Configuration” tool in Web iSite? a. The installer doesn’t have to point the antenna manually any longer. b. The installer doesn’t need to carry the particular options file on the remote any longer. c. The installer doesn’t have to use Web iSite any longer. d. The installer doesn’t have to check the remote lock any longer. 7. What’s the main target of performing a cross-polarization test? a. Verifying that the remote transmitted power is not overdriving the Block Up Converter. b. Verifying that the remote received power is not overdriving the remote demodulator.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 2: Satellite Remotes

c. Verifying that the remote transmitted power is not affecting other transponder customers. d. Verifying that the remote received power is enough to guarantee an error-free reception. 8. What’s the main target of performing a 1dB compression test? a. Verifying that the remote transmitted power is not overdriving the Block Up Converter. b. Verifying that the remote received power is not overdriving the remote demodulator. c. Verifying that the remote transmitted power is not affecting other transponder customers. d. Verifying that the remote received power is enough to guarantee an error-free reception. 9. When pointing your antenna, and if the desired signal is not found, you could use the angle calculator tool, increase or decrease the elevation setting by 2° increments and repeat the azimuth sweep until the correct signal is found. a. True b. False

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 2: Satellite Remotes


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 3: Hub Components

Module 3 covers the Hub side components in detail, starting with the Chassis; paying special attention to the timing group restrictions. There is a complete section for the transmit and receive line cards, covering topics related to Multiple Channel Demodulation (MCD) line cards, redundancy and fail-over mechanism and specifying the internal synchronization that takes for the network line card’s. The Network Monitoring System (NMS) is presented next, with all its internal services and databases being covered. The database consolidation, backup and replication processes will be discussed in depth as they are part of the daily maintenance scripts running on the Linux server. A quick look at the distributed NMS configuration will provide the learner with the necessary awareness to upgrade to a more advanced setup if necessary. After the NMS servers, the Processing servers and their internal services will be discussed. The students will understand the load balancing nature of the servers and the automatically controlled fail-over mechanism. Goal: Through lecture, presentation and visual display each learner will be able to understand and explain all the hub side components that are part of a standard iDirect installation, including, but not limited, to chassis, line cards, NMS and Protocol Processor servers Objectives: Identify all the components of a standard Hub installation, being aware of their roles on the iDirect network and their interaction with the others. • Differentiate the nature of the IP packets traveling through the hub, and the different paths they will travel through depending of them being customer data, remote management data, line card management data, protocol processor management data, etc. • Discern between the two available chassis, understanding their components and main differences and being confident with the timing group implications regarding the installation and placement of line cards.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 3: Hub Components

• Recognize all the available line cards and their main features, knowing when they should be used in order to maximize network efficiency and simultaneously minimizing the deployment costs. • Be familiar with the MCD feature applicable to the XLC-M and ULC-R line cards, understanding their tremendous benefits but also their limitations. Be confident when dealing with the Network Management System and the Protocol Processor servers, being able to access them for basic troubleshooting and being aware of the installed hardware as well as the processes running on it and their roles within the server. • Understand the two possible alternatives for the database backup running from the Primary NMS server towards the Backup NMS server; being able to differentiate between the two. • Realize the importance of the networking components (switches and routers).


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Typical HUB configuration Module 3: Hub Components

A standard iDirect installation is composed by two separate network segments: Upstream and Tunnel, connected by the Upstream router. Two switches are required. The Upstream switch will be used by all the elements connected to the Upstream network segment (Primary and Backup Network Management System (NMS) servers, local NMS clients, at least two Protocol Processor (PP) servers, an EDAS/MIDAS Chassis card, the Upstream router, a number of customer routers, etc.) while the Tunnel switch will be mainly used for the communication between the Protocol Processors and the Line Cards, but also for monitoring and control purposes. The user traffic will appear as clear traffic on the Upstream network, while it will appear as UDP-Tunneled traffic on the Tunnel network, hence the name of that network segment. The Network Management System (NMS) is typically composed by two servers, one on an active role (Primary NMS Server) while the other is on standby (Backup NMS Server), just in case the primary fails. The failover process for the NMS Server is not automatic and has to be performed manually by the network operator. During the time the Primary NMS Server is on a failed state, the customer traffic will continue flowing normally but it won’t be possible to monitor or change the configuration of the system. The automatic failover mechanisms for the Protocol Processors and Line Cards won’t be working either, as they are handled by the NMS Server. All the user traffic that needs to be sent towards any particular remote is processed by the Protocol Processors on a load balancing scheme. When configuring a new remote on the network (using iBuilder)

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 3: Hub Components

the system will automatically assign one and only one Protocol Processor to manage the traffic coming and going to that particular remote. This assignation is done automatically by the NMS Server each time a remote is created and won’t be changed unless a Protocol Processor rebalance event is triggered. This can happen automatically if any Protocol Processor fails, as part of the PP-Failover mechanism, or be manually triggered by logging-in on the Protocol Processor controller. Each Protocol Processor can handle several remotes. The amount of remotes a PP can handle depends on the traffic throughput of the remotes and the active features enabled on the system; Encryption, TRANSEC, GRE-Tunnels, Header & Payload Compression, Segmentation and Reassembly, Reduce Jitter, Complex GQoS Schemes and other functionalities can greatly increase the CPU and memory consumption on the servers, reducing the maximum number of remotes each Protocol Processor is able to handle effectively. When selecting the number of Protocol Processors Servers to be installed on the hub those considerations should be taken into account. If one Protocol Processor fails, the Network Management System will detect the failure, triggering a blades rebalance event. After the Protocol Processors have been reconfigured, the remotes will continue operating normally.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Data, Monitor & Control Flows Module 3: Hub Components

Shown are the common traffic flows on any iDirect network. The user data that needs to be delivered to one of the remotes of the network will be sent from the customer server towards the corresponding Protocol Processor where the user data will be processed and encapsulated into the iDirect proprietary format. After this, it will be sent from the Protocol Processor to the transmission line card of the corresponding network, where the data will be modulated and sent over-the-air. The Network Management System will use four different flows to monitor all the network elements. For monitoring the remotes it’s necessary to reach them through the satellite link, so it will be required for all the monitoring and control data to be encapsulated by the Protocol Processors into the iDirect proprietary format, sent towards the transmission line card and then sent over-the-air as any other user data. For the Network Management System to control and monitor the line cards themselves, the flow will go directly towards the line cards through the Upstream router (as the line cards are in a different network than the NMS server) without being encapsulated by the Protocol Processors. Monitoring the Protocol Processors is done by creating a controlled loop from the Network Management System, so both Ethernet interfaces (Tunnel and Upstream) are checked. The connectivity between the NMS and the Chassis is achieved directly as they are in the same network segment (the Upstream network), so there is no need for the monitoring/control flow to reach any other element.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 3: Hub Components

Finally, for the user running iBuilder/iMonitor to check the status of the system only direct connectivity towards the Network Management System is required. If the NMS Clients are not connected directly to the Upstream Switch but through any custom router, it is important to make sure that the ports required for operating iMonitor/iBuilder are opened (TCP-1493, TCP-2859, TCP-2861, TCP-2863) if any firewall is configured. The same apply for the SSH port (TCP-22), as it will be used during troubleshooting.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Chassis Module 3: Hub Components

Four Chassis options are compatible with the current iDX software release. The state of the art Chassis manufactured by iDirect is the 15152 Series, capable of managing 20 separate line cards configuring from 1 to 20 different networks simultaneously. The 12102 Series has similar features but can hold only 4 line cards. The old 15052 Series is also compatible with the current software release, being the major difference the size of the power supplies of the Chassis. Each power supply installed in a 15052 Series Chassis has a capacity of 800W while the ones installed on a 15152 Series Chassis have 1500W of capacity, enabling to install the most power demanding line cards in all the 20 slots. There is also an industrial/ruggedized version of the 4-IF Chassis, the 12202 Series Chassis, with similar characteristics to the standard 12102 Series Chassis. The obsolete 15000 Series is not supported in the current software release. Supported Chassis for current software release are: 15052, 5 IF 20 Slot TDMA Hub 15152, 5 IF 20 Slot TDMA Hub 12102, 4 IF 4 Slot TDMA Hub 12202, 4 IF 4 Slot Industrial TDMA Hub

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 3: Hub Components

Please note that the following models will go End-of-Life on July 2, 2016: All types of 4 Slot Hubs, both commercial and industrial series: 12100, 12101, 12102, 12200, 12201, 12202 Legacy 20 Slot Hubs: 15000, 15010, 15011, 15012, 15050, 15051, 15052


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


(II) Chassis- Tactical Hub Module 3: Hub Components

No slots. One DLC-T line card and one DLC-R line card pre-assembled. Chassis cannot be opened. Guarantee voided. Line cards cannot be replaced. Only customer-replaceable part is the power supply. The 11252 Series Chassis or Tactical Hub comes with a different set of servers, different than the ones used by the 15152 chassis. The Tactical Hub comes with two Dell PowerEdge R230XL. These servers were selected for their physical footprint and depth. And with a single Cisco Industrial Ethernet 5000 Layer-3 Gigabit Ethernet Switch replacing the classical upstream router / upstream switch / tunnel switch trio. The Tactical Hub does not support redundancy or daisy chaining.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Chassis - Front

Module 3: Hub Components

The front of the 15152 Series Chassis is composed by small ventilation openings on the top, followed by 20 transmit ports where each of the installed line cards should be connected to. A maximum of twenty line cards can be installed in a fully licensed Chassis. The receive ports of each line card should be connected to its corresponding receive port on the Chassis and the same thing will happen for their Ethernet ports. Each line card will have one monitoring and control and one data Ethernet port that should be connected to the Ethernet patch panel on the Chassis. Only if all the IF cables and Ethernet cables have been connected properly, the EMI door (not displayed on the picture) could be closed, isolating the line cards from external electromagnetic interference and also guaranteeing minimum EMI from the Chassis to any external device. On the bottom of the Chassis the power supplies are installed. LEDs that reflect the power supply status can be found here as well.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Chassis: Back Module 3: Hub Components

The back of the 15152 Series Chassis is composed of small ventilation openings on the bottom, followed by the Ethernet patch panel that is directly linked with the patch panel on the front the chassis. Please note that this is not an Ethernet switch nor an Ethernet Hub, thus an external tunnel switch is required to connect all the Ethernet cables coming from the Line Cards. The two power switches controlling both of the power supplies are located on the back of the chassis. LEDs for controlling the power supply status can be found on the front of the chassis. Placed between the power switches are the three redundant and hot-swappable fans. There is an LED panel showing the status of the three fans right above them. On the upper-right area of the chassis the 5-IF ports can be seen. The upper ones are the output of the internal combiners while the lower ones are the input of the internal splitters. Located on their right, the EDAS/MIDAS card can be found. This is the Ethernet interface of the chassis and the RJ45 port which is connected to the upstream switch for the NMS to monitor the chassis. Two redundant hot-swappable Reference Clock Modules (RCM) are located on the upper-right corner of the chassis, generating the 10MHz reference source and PPS signaling for the line cards to operate.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



5-IF groups

Module 3: Hub Components

There are 20 slots on the chassis divided into five groups called IF groups. Each of those groups of 4 slots are physically isolated from the others, sharing their transmission and receive IF ports. The chassis license allows the selective activation of IF groups, making it possible to configure one chassis with only one operative IF group (four slots). If the license has all the IF groups enabled the chassis would be fully licensed (twenty slots). Physically Isolated in each group: all transmission ports are combined into one the received antenna signal is split into four


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Built-in Combiners and Splitters Module 3: Hub Components

Each IF group has an internal combiner for combining all the individual line card transmissions into one single IF port (located on the back of the chassis). This introduces a power loss of 7dB due to the use of the passive combiner. Each IF group has also an internal splitter for splitting the received signal from the antenna into four different signals delivered to each of the line cards of the IF group. This again introduces a power loss of 7dB due to the use of the passive combiner.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Combining IF Groups

Module 3: Hub Components

If more than one IF group is using the same satellite/antenna, an additional external splitter and combiner will be needed. This will introduce an additional power loss on the transmission and receive chain. Typical losses for a passive splitter/combiner are: 4.8dB for a 2/1, 6.0dB for a 3/1, 7.0dB for a 4/1 and 7.8dB for a 5/1 unit. Example above: First two IF groups using the same antenna. Additional 2-to-1 combiner and splitter required. Total loss of 7.0dB + 4.8dB = 11.8dB Last three IF groups using the same antenna. Additional 3-to-1 combiner and splitter required. Total loss of 7.0dB + 6.0dB = 13.0dB


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Chassis Licensing Module 3: Hub Components

Every four slots of a Chassis broken in to one slot group by using jumpers in-between each slot group. Each Slot group makes up one timing group. If one network requires more than the four line cards the network operator would need to join two consecutive IF Groups into one Timing Group by activating the software jumpers (in iBuilder). All jumpers can be activated to create one network using all 20 slots.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course




Module 3: Hub Components

The Ethernet Data Acquisition System (EDAS) controller board is the old (but still supported) version of the Ethernet interface of the chassis, connected to the upstream switch and providing the NMS visibility to the power supplies, fans and RCM modules statuses. It is configured during the chassis deployment using the serial cable and the EDAS Syscheck Software, assigning it’s IP address, gateway and subnet mask. It acts as the chassis Network Interface Card (NIC). Details and hands-on setting-up and configuring the EDAS card are performed during the BHI training.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


MIDAS Module 3: Hub Components

The Multifunction iDirect Data Acquisition System (MIDAS) controller board is the Ethernet interface of the chassis, connected to the upstream switch and providing the NMS visibility to the power supplies, fans and RCM modules statuses. It is configured during the chassis deployment using the serial cable and any serial-connection software (Hyperterm, PuTTY, Teraterm, etc), assigning it’s IP address, gateway and subnet mask. It acts as the chassis Network Interface Card (NIC). Hands-on set-up and configuration of the MIDAS card are performed during the BHI training. Serial connection details: Baud rate: 57600 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow Control: None Username: admin Password: admin

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 3: Hub Components

Useful commands: show ip config set ip set gateway set mask reboot


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Fans Module 3: Hub Components

There are three fans located on the back of the chassis, responsible for the proper cooling of all the installed line cards, RCM modules and EDAS card. They are 2+1 redundant and hot-swappable and are always monitored by the chassis and the NMS server.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Power Supplies

Module 3: Hub Components

Power enters the chassis via two IEC 320 single phase 200-240VAC. Individual rocker switches at the power entry allow power to be switched on and off for each power supply. The chassis has two field replaceable 1500W PSUs accessible from the front of the chassis that can be hot swapped. The PSUs load share. A chassis fully loaded with line cards can continue to operate when one PSU has failed. On detection of a power failure a PWR_FAIL LED is displayed on the front of the chassis and an alarm message is sent to the NMS by the chassis controller. Power to each slot is controlled locally by the chassis controller – the NMS communicates with the chassis controller to control power to each slot. Each slot is budgeted up to 65W of power. Diagnostic information such as input voltage, power supply current draw, over voltage or under voltage detection is communicated to the chassis controller.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


RCM-PPS Module 3: Hub Components

The Reference Clock Module-Pulse Per Second (RCM-PPS) failover process is automatic and does not require operator intervention. During normal operation, the standby RCM-PPS will track down the 10MHz and PPS signaling generated by the active RCM-PPS. When a failure on the active RCM-PPS occurs, the standby will automatically start generating the mentioned reference signals. The system won’t be affected and there is no downtime associated with this event. The operator can follow up this event using iMonitor. The RCM-PPS must be installed in a powered RCM slot in order to select the operating configuration. After the initial operating configuration is chosen, the RCM-PPS remembers the selected push-button states. If power is lost, the RCM-PPS returns to the selected operating configuration when power is restored. The RCM-PPS provides accurate system timing without external references. However, iDirect recommends synchronizing the primary RCM-PPS to the master station clock. If an external 1PPS reference is used, an external 10 MHz reference must also be provided. The RCM-PPS locks to the external 10 MHz reference regardless of the state of the 1PPS input. If the external reference signals do not meet the specified minimums, operate the RCM-PPS in internal reference mode (INT). Requirements for 10MHz external reference are: BNC connector, 50 ohms impedance, signal level between 0dBm and 13dBm and frequency accuracy greater than 1x10e-11. Requirements for the 1PPS external

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 3: Hub Components

reference are: SMA (F) connector, 50 ohms, CMOS TTL 3.3v, 100ns minimum pulse width, rise/fall time lower than 4ns and jitter lower than 50ps-RMS.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


12102 Series Chassis: front Module 3: Hub Components

The 12102 Series Chassis is a reduced version of the 15152 Series Chassis, sharing most of its characteristics. The main differences are that the 12102 Series Chassis supports only four IF groups (each of them with one single slot). Each line card can be connected to a different satellite, or they can be combined using external splitters/combiners (introducing Tx/Rx losses). Another difference is that the 4slot chassis comes only with two fully redundant fans instead of three.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



12102 Series Chassis: Back

Module 3: Hub Components

All model types of the 12000 Series chassis reached their End-of-Life on July 2, 2016, including: 12100 4-IF 4-Slot TDMA Commercial Hub 12101 4-IF 4-Slot TDMA Commercial Hub 12102 4-IF 4-Slot TDMA Commercial Hub 12200 4-IF 4-Slot Industrial TDMA Commercial Hub 12201 4-IF 4-Slot Industrial TDMA Commercial Hub 12202

4-IF 4-Slot Industrial TDMA Commercial Hub


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Line Cards Module 3: Hub Components

The line cards are the modulator and demodulator units located on the hub side of any iDirect Network. They will receive data from the Protocol Processors that must be sent over the air towards the satellite routers in a defined maximum modulation and coding (MODCOD) chosen by the PPs attending to the downstream carrier C/N observed in each remote location. The line card will try to send the data towards the remotes in the most efficient available MODCOD without going beyond the previous stated maximum MODCOD to avoid any data loss while trying to maximize the network total throughput. In the receive chain, the line card will demodulate the received burst/timeslots attending the Start-ofFrame information received from the Tx line card of the network. Once the data has been demodulated, it is encapsulated into an Ethernet frame and forwarded towards the proper Protocol Processor. Physically, the line card is simply an FPGA board with a RF modulator and demodulator and Ethernet connectivity. The FPGA is running a customized version of Red Hat linux as well as proprietary iDirect processes in charge of and controlling the complete unit. The iDirect Falcon process handles the configuration, monitoring and control of the device while the iDirect Raven process handles the transmission and reception of data. All iDirect line card transmission and receive ports have an impedance of 75Ohm and always operate at LBand.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Commercial Line Cards

Module 3: Hub Components

ULC-R and ULC-T supported in non transec network since iDx 3.5 Listed above are the Line cards supported in iDX 4.1.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


List of supported advanced Line Cards Module 3: Hub Components

The eM0DM was greatly enhanced in iDX 3.0 with the introduction of Multichannel demodulation feature, which allowed the line card to received 8 simultaneous upstream carriers.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



XLC-10 Line Card

Module 3: Hub Components

The XLC-10 reached its End of Life on December 16, 2013, and its End of Support on December 16, 2016.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


XLC-11 Line Card Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course




Module 3: Hub Components

Without any licenses, the ULC-T line card can transmit a DVB-S2 downstream carrier of up to 15Msps.


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XLC-M Module 3: Hub Components

The XLC-M is a Multi-Channel Demodulation (MCD) receive only line card. Without any licenses, the XLC-M can receive a single D-TDMA or SCPC Return carrier. Listed above are the XLC-M specifications. If the line card needs to be configured with 8 or 16 carriers, each configured carrier can not exceed the max. symbol rate listed above.


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Module 3: Hub Components

The universal receive line card, ULC-R, features multi-channel Adaptive TDMA demodulation for inbound traffic with an aggregate symbol/chip rate of up to 29 Msps/Mcps*. In conjunction with a modulator line card (e.g. ULC-T), the ULC-R supports efficient inbound FEC with 2D 16-State coding, making it ideally suited for voice, video and data applications in enterprise and mobility networks on both the iDirect Evolution® and Velocity™ platforms.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


iDirect Linear Pre-distorter Module 3: Hub Components

Linear Pre-Distortion reduces modulation-error-ration for more powerful beams and higher-powered transponders, allowing operators to use larger carriers at higher MODCODs to fully utilize the capacity of the transponder.


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Line Card Summary

Module 3: Hub Components


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XLC: Ports / LEDs Module 3: Hub Components


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ULC-R: Ports / LEDs

Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Line Card Module 3: Hub Components

All the iDirect line cards, similarly to the Satellite Routers, are Linux based. Above shows the software running on the line cards. You can always access the Linux operative system or the iDirect Falcon process through SSH or Telnet. Both require IP connectivity to the line card. This means that you need to know the IP address of the satellite router and configure your computer with an IP address on the same network for the initial configuration. Once the line card is on the network, any software upgrade or reconfiguration can be handled directly from the Network Management System. The default IP address for a new line card loaded with the factory default configuration is: IP Address: Subnet Mask: Default Password: iDirect or P@55w0rd! If the line card has been previously configured and the IP address is unknown, its always possible to retrieve it by accessing the line card through the serial cable, as covered for the Satellite Routers.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



XLC: Installation

Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


ULC: Installation Module 3: Hub Components

Useful commands: ifconfig eth0 netmask up route add default gw ping touch /etc/idirect/falcon/idx_adapter.opt service cmc restart


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Line Card Installation

Module 3: Hub Components

Previously, the synchronization between the line cards from the same network was achieved through the chassis backplane communications channel. This required all the line cards from the same network to be installed in the same timing group / IF group or in consecutive IF groups by expanding the timing group using the software jumpers. Beginning in iDX 3.5, line card synchronization is now handled through Ethernet (IP), thus removing the previous placement limitation. Now, your line cards can be installed anywhere in the chassis.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Multiple Channel Demodulation (MCD)

Module 3: Hub Components

When configuring an MCD line card as Multiple Channel TDMA or Multiple Channel SCPC-Return, it is mandatory to define a center frequency for the line card to operate at. From this center frequency, all upstream carriers added to the line card must be configured with a frequency within a 36MHz range. Center frequency is ideally set to the center of the transponder (on 36MHz transponders). Changes to the center frequency affect all channels so care should be taken when network planning to avoid unnecessary disruptions. All carriers including 1.2 roll off must fit in this 36MHz bandwidth. Carriers can be added and removed within this 36MHz without affecting other channels.


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MCD Licensing Module 3: Hub Components

If planning to use more then one return carrier on a line card, a MCD feature license needs to be applied to the line card.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Line Card Redundancy and Failover

Module 3: Hub Components

Every second, all line cards send a diagnostic message to the NMS. This message contains the status of various onboard components. If the NMS fails to receive any diagnostic messages from a line card for 60 seconds, and all failover prerequisites are met, it considers the line card may be in a failed state. It takes another 15 seconds to ensure that line card has truly failed. It then starts the automatic failover process. A warm standby is a line card that has been pre-configured with the same software and configuration as an active line card. Because the configuration is pre-loaded, a line card acting as a warm standby for an active line card provides the fastest recovery time available. However, a line card can serve as a warm standby for only one active line card. A cold standby is not pre-loaded with the same configuration as the active line card. Since the configuration must be downloaded from the NMS server to the line card before the standby can become operational, a line card acting as a cold standby for an active line card takes significantly longer to take over for a failed active line card. However, a line card can serve as a cold standby for multiple active line cards. A standby line card can act as a warm standby for one active line card and as a cold standby for multiple additional line cards. Although you can configure a standby line card as a warm standby for any active line card, it typically makes the most sense to configure it as a warm standby for your Tx line card and as a cold standby for your Rx line cards. In a multi-inroute, frequency hopping network, the most critical line card is the Tx (or Tx/Rx) line card. If this card fails, all remotes drop out of the network. When an Rx-only


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 3: Hub Components

card fails in a frequency hopping Inroute Group, all remotes automatically begin sharing the other inroutes. While this may result in diminished bandwidth, remotes do not drop out of the network. For a multichannel receive line card to back up another multichannel receive line card, the backup line card must be licensed for at least as many upstream channels as the active line card.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Line Card Timing and Synchronization

Module 3: Hub Components

The 10MHz and PPS reference signals used by all the installed line cards will be propagated using the chassis backplane. Network Clock Reference (NCR) timing is based on the Tx line card of a network. That means all line cards and remotes are synced up with the Tx line card clock. The Tx line card in each network has to broadcast NcrSyncMsg which contains NCR time tick value for the next PPS (all receivers are synced with PPS from the Tx line card). The Rx/Standby line cards belonging to one network have to recognize the NcrSyncMsg coming from the Tx line card of the same network, so it is necessary for NcrSyncMsg to have an unique ID (DID of the Tx line card). The Rx line cards are updated with the unique ID they have to use by the Protocol Processor (using the TunnelControlMessage) in real time. If there is a failover, the receive line cards will know the unique ID of the new transmission line card. Every 125ms, the Raven process of the Tx line card sends SOFMsg to the Protocol Processor SADA process (its IP address being notified to the line card by the Protocol Processor itself via a TunnelControlMessge) through the tunnel interface, and broadcasts NCR packets to all the remotes in the network over the air. Every second, Raven broadcasts the NcrSyncMsg to all receive / standby line cards on its network. There is no need to send SOFMsg to Rx line cards because Rx line cards can derive the SOF NCR time from PPS (as one PPS signal consists of 8 SOFs).


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


The Network Management System (NMS) Module 3: Hub Components

The Network Management System (NMS) is a standard Dell server running the Red Hat Linux Operating System (RHOS) with some customized options and a set of iDirect services and scripts running, and a MySQL database. The NMS Holds all configuration information, monitors and controls most network components and retrieves live statistical data from network components.


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NMS Components

Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Supported Servers Module 3: Hub Components

The current version supports the following Dell servers: Dell PowerEdge R640 Dell PowerEdge R630 Dell PowerEdge R420 Dell PowerEdge R610 Dell PowerEdge R1950 III For complete details on the default NMS and PP server configurations, check the following documents found on the TAC Website: PCN_Q0000132_Dell1950_RevB_05032010.pdf PUN_Q0000140_DellR610_RevA_09282010.pdf PUN_Q0000206_DellR420_RevB_05302013.pdf PUN_Dell_R630_040716_RevA.pdf

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Ethernet Interface

Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Accessing the NMS Module 3: Hub Components

To access the NMS server, any SSH capable software can be used such as HyperTerm, TeraTerm or PuTTY, among others. The default username/password is: idirect/iDirect The user idirect is a read only user. In order to complete any tasks or check the IP address, the user must switch to the “root” user. In order to switch to the root user, enter the following command: #su -


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Checking the network configuration

Module 3: Hub Components

After doing changes on the network configuration it would be required to restart the Linux network service for the changes to be applied. [root@Primary-NMS ~]# service network restart Shutting down interface eth0:

[ OK ]

Shutting down loopback interface:

[ OK ]

Bringing up loopback interface:

[ OK ]

Bringing up interface eth0:

[ OK ]


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Checking the iDirect services Module 3: Hub Components

The iDirect services can be managed using the service command# service idirect_nms {start|stop|restart|status}


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NMS Services (I)

Module 3: Hub Components


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NMS Services (II) Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



NMS Services (III)

Module 3: Hub Components


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NMS Services Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



The NMS Databases

Module 3: Hub Components

The configuration database (or “NMS”) holds all the information required for the system to operate normally: network architecture, chassis, line cards, remotes, etc. It is only modified through iBuilder operation and is relatively small in size, not requiring any optimization. The statics database (or “nrd_archive”) holds all the real-time and historical statistics about all the system components in the satellite network. Most of the NMS servers will store both raw and processed information obtained from the network here. It is used by iMonitor through the nrdsvr and latsvr processes and it can grow very large in size, requiring daily optimization in a process call consolidation.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Database Consolidation (I) Module 3: Hub Components

During the day and depending on the number of active components of the network (line cards & remotes especially), the statistical database can increase its size tremendously. Over time, this could lead to a degradation of NMS performance, higher search times and emptying of server resources.


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Database Consolidation (II)

Module 3: Hub Components

The consolidation process discards the old data from the database and compacts the size of the recent and mid-life data and events through a customizable sampling algorithm. After the consolidation has taken place, the size of the database reverts back to a normal status, ready to receive more fresh statistical data from the network.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Database Consolidation (III) Module 3: Hub Components

This table shows the default consolidation parameters on a standard installation. It is not advised to change these values without having discussed it first with iDirect Engineering / TAC, as this act could lead to unexpected behavior in the NMS clients (iBuilder/iMonitor) due to longer search times. It is critical for the NMS Servers to have plenty of available hard drive space in order to operate efficiently.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Scheduled Database Backup

Module 3: Hub Components

The traditional approach for database backup on iDirect Network Management System servers is a scheduled daily database backup. First, a database consolidation process is performed on the Primary NMS Server. Only when it has finished successfully, the configuration and statistics databases are backed-up into a compressed file, transferred to the Backup NMS Server, and installed. This is usually done around midnight, assuming low operator activity during that time frame (as the consolidation and backup processes are CPU intensive tasks, which could lead to slowness on iMonitor/iBuilder). Because this process runs once a day (by default), in case of Primary NMS failure the Backup NMS database could be outdated for a maximum of 24 hours. This means that all the new configuration or statistical information can potentially be lost. However, the user can configure more that one daily backup, reducing this value. On a weekly basis, a database integrity check is run on both the Primary NMS Server and Backup NMS Server.


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Real-Time Database Replication Module 3: Hub Components

The new approach for database backup on iDirect Network Management System servers is the real-time database backup using the MySQL Database Replication feature. With this configured, changes to the NMS databases on the Primary NMS are automatically replicated to the backup server using MySQL’s master/slave replication tools. The Primary NMS acts as a MySQL master while each backup server acts as a MySQL slave. This feature provides the following benefits: • Near-real-time backup of the Primary NMS Server databases. Since changes to the database are replicated on a per-transaction basis, the databases on the backup server are typically updated whenever the master databases change. If changes occur to the database on the Primary NMS while the backup databases are locked, replication quickly catches up to bring the backup databases up-to-date once the databases are unlocked. • Eliminates impact of idsBackup on the Primary NMS Server. When NMS Database Replication is enabled, the idsBackup script used to archive the databases is run on the backup databases rather than on the databases on the Primary NMS Server. This permits idsBackup to lock the Backup NMS databases, with no impact on the Primary NMS Server. This eliminates lost updates to the primary NRD database and improves NMS performance while idsBackup is running.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 3: Hub Components

• Provides an alternate read-only set of NMS databases to other applications. Providing near real-time databases on a backup server allows external applications such as SatManage and custom applications to access the backup databases, thus off-loading this burden from the Primary NMS Server. On a weekly basis, a database integrity check is run on both Primary NMS Server and Backup NMS Server.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Database Backup Comparison Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



NMS Configuration

Module 3: Hub Components

The default installation of an iDirect Network involves installing two separate NMS servers, one in an active role while the other serves backup purposes. As the failover process is not automatized, in the event of Primary NMS failure the operator would proceed with the following: If the primary NMS is still accessible, reconfigure the primary NMS eth0 interface with another unused IP address and physically unplug the eth0 interface. If the interface has been reconfigured, the NMS server must be rebooted. You can also restart the network services by entering the following command at the prompt: “service network restart” If the primary NMS remains connected to the network, the iDirect NMS services MUST be shutdown by entering the following commands and the IP address must be different. Additionally, these services MUST remain down while the other new (backup) NMS server is online. To stop the services, run “service idirect_nms stop-all” and to disabled them at server initialization, “cd /etc/init.d” and “chkconfig --level 2345 idirect_nms off” On the Backup NMS, change its IP address to match the previous one held by the Primary NMS. Verify that the routing configuration on the Backup NMS server is correct. Any static routes that were configured on the Primary NMS server should also be configured on the Backup NMS server. Make sure they are configured as persistent routes so they remain in effect after a reboot.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 3: Hub Components

Reconfigure the services to start automatically at power-up, “cd /etc/init.d” and “chkconfig idirect_nms on”, and restart the server. More information can be found in the “NMS Redundancy and Failover” Technical Note.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



The Processors

Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Supported Servers Module 3: Hub Components

The current version supports the following Dell servers: Dell PowerEdge R640 Dell PowerEdge R630 Dell PowerEdge R420 Dell PowerEdge R610 Dell PowerEdge R1950 III For complete details on the default NMS and PP server configurations, check the following documents found on the TAC Website: PCN_Q0000132_Dell1950_RevB_05032010.pdf PUN_Q0000140_DellR610_RevA_09282010.pdf PUN_Q0000206_DellR420_RevB_05302013.pdf PUN_Dell_R630_040716_RevA.pdf

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Protocol Processor Servers

Module 3: Hub Components

The Protocol Processor (PP) is a standard Dell server running the Red Hat Linux Operating System (RHOS) with some customized options and a set of iDirect services. The PP is responsible for all the data interchange between the Upstream/ customer network and the remotes, handles traffic acceleration, link encryption, Group Quality of Service (GQOS), protocol compression / encryption, Layer 2 over Satellite (L2oS), the Uplink Control Process, (UCP), creation of the Burst Time Plan (BTP), and many other processes we will discuss in this section of the module. The NMS uses RAID 10 while the PP server uses Raid 1. Raid 1 is useful when read performance or reliability is more important than data storage capacity (and remember, the Protocol Processor will not store any customer data). A RAID 1 mirrored pair contains two physical disks over a single virtual disk. Disk mirroring is a good choice for applications that require high performance and high availability such as the Protocol Processor server. Because both disks are operational, data can be read from simultaneously, making read operations quite fast. Write operations, however, are slower because every write operation is done twice. When a server is configured for a RAID option, any one disk can fail without affecting the server as the other disks will be used once the active primary disk fails. Each Dell Server consumes around 670 Watt.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


PP Components Module 3: Hub Components

Each server comes with dual power supplies and multiple hard drives that are configured for RAID 1. Both the power supplies and hard drives are considered to be hot swappable. Meaning, you can remove a power supply or hard drive without having to turn off the server, as long as you have one that is still active, of course.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Ethernet Interfaces

Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Accessing the PP Module 3: Hub Components

To access the PP server, any SSH capable software can be used, as HyperTerm, TeraTerm or PuTTY, among others. We should use eth0 IP address. Default username/password:


Then “su -” should be used to become root user.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Checking the network configuration

Module 3: Hub Components

After doing changes on the network configuration it would be required to restart the Linux network service for the changes to be applied. [root@PP1 ~]# service network restart Shutting down interface eth0:

[ OK ]

Shutting down interface eth1:

[ OK ]

Shutting down loopback interface:

[ OK ]

Bringing up loopback interface:

[ OK ]

Bringing up interface eth0:

[ OK ]

Bringing up interface eth1:

[ OK ]


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Checking the iDirect services Module 3: Hub Components

The iDirect services can be managed using the service command: #service idirect_hpb {start|stop|restart|status}


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



The Intelligent Gateway (iGW)

Module 3: Hub Components

The iDirect Intelligent Gateway is a virtualized platform that will initially run on a Dell PowerEdge FX2, which is a 2RU chassis with four modular blade server bays. The FX2 enclosure allows blade servers and storage to share power, cooling, management and networking for a 50% space reduction over four rack servers. iDirect’s DVB-S2X Starter Kit will include two PowerEdge FC640 blade servers. The FC640 is designed to be a workhorse for data centres seeking new levels of efficiency and density in a small footprint, containing dual Intel Xeon microprocessors and high-speed solid state drives. You can easily locate all the Dell documentation and explanatory videos about the Dell PowerEdge FX2 Rack Chassis on the Dell Quick Resource Locator website:


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


iGateway Server Platforms Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



iGateway Server Platforms

Module 3: Hub Components

Each FC640 blade within the platform is able to support the equivalent of three traditional protocol processors, achieving exceptional processing densities and providing up to 500 Mbps of total bi-directional traffic, divided across one to four networks (or beams), for as many as 2,500 remotes. This order of magnitude improvement dramatically reduces power, cooling and IT management expenses while sustaining future growth. The recommended configuration is a two-blade deployment, with the load of 500 Mbps distributed across all the virtual PPs on the two blades. So if one physical blade fails, the second blade will be able to support the full network load. Hence, this shared virtual computing pool provides redundancy for the satellite network, similar to a stack of physical servers. There are two 200GB SSD drives installed on a RAID-1 configuration. RAID 1 consists of an exact copy (or mirror) on the two SSD disks, so only 200GB can be used by the system. The array will continue to operate so long as at least one member drive is operational. The Dell FC630 blade server runs Kernel-based Virtual Machines (KVMs) running Red Hat Linux Operating System with some customized options and a set of iDirect services. Attending the iDirect Broadband Hub Installation course (typically offered to our partners registered in the iDirect Certified Hub Installation Provider (CHIP) Program) provides learners with a better understanding of how the server is installed and configured onto the rack, how to deploy the iDirect packages and services, and how to configure the server to run those iDirect processes by default. You can easily locate all the Dell documentation and explanatory videos about the Dell PowerEdge FC640 blade servers on the Dell Quick Resource Locator website:


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Default configuration & capabilities Module 3: Hub Components

The redundant capacity available between the initial two blades should sustain significant network expansion for one to four networks / beams. If more than four networks / beams are required, or the total throughput demand exceeds 500 Mbps, they can be expanded by installing another two blades into the chassis. A chassis filled with four blades offers redundant protection for 1.0Gbps of throughput and between two to eight networks (or beams). Let’s remember that each DVB-S2X network supports a maximum throughput of 500Mbps, so 1.0Gbps must correspond to at least two different networks / beams. The 500Mbps throughput could be used by a single DVB-S2X network or by combining multiple DVB-S2X networks for total combined capacity of 500Mbps. By upgrading to four (4) Dell FC630 server blades, the Intelligent Gateway offers full redundancy for up to 1Gbps of throughput and up to eight DVB-S2X network.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Inside the Dell PowerEdge FC640

Module 3: Hub Components

Internally, all the individual virtualized Protocol Processors servers are connected as follows: Each virtualized PP eth0 network interface is bridged towards the Dell PowerEdge FC640 blade server eno1 physical network interface card (NIC), that is physically connected to the upstream segment of the network switch. A single physical Ethernet cable effectively connects all the virtualized PPs towards the switch. The MTU of the upstream interfaces is set to 1500 bytes. This is the maximum MTU for customer traffic through the iDirect network. Each virtualized PP eth1 network interface is bridged towards the Dell PowerEdge FC630 blade server eno2 physical network interface card (NIC), that is physically connected to the tunnel segment of the network switch. A single physical Ethernet cable effectively connects all the virtualized PPs towards the switch. The MTU of the tunnel interfaces is set to 9000 bytes. Please note that Ethernet jumbo frames are not supported in iDirect DVB-S2X networks. This increased MTU is only used by the internal communication among the iDirect Protocol Processors / Encapsulator / Line Cards.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


PP Virtualization: Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Dell FX2 & Dell PowerEdge FC640 Networking

Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Dell FC630 blade redundancy Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Processing Node (Rook)

Module 3: Hub Components

The Processing Node receives IP packets from the Protocol Processor, translates the packets into BB frames, and sends them to the Tx line card. A typical configuration has two processing nodes for a network: one that is active and one that serves as a backup. iDX Release 4.1.0 supports up to four processing nodes per Encapsulator. Adding more than four processing nodes will cause an error condition. Only one Node will be active at a time. Notes:

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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


PP Services (I) Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



PP Services (II)

Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Distributing Services Module 3: Hub Components

By default with no network configuration, only the samnc process will be present on the Protocol Processors. It will establish a permanent monitoring and control communication channel with the pp_controller process located on the Primary NMS and will follow its orders. For each network defined, the pp_controller will instruct one of the Protocol Processors to spawn a new sana process to handle its downstream bandwidth demand and allocation. For each inroute group defined, the pp_controller will spawn a new sada, iCon and iAC process to handle the upstream direction bandwidth demand, allocation, CRC correlation and adaptivity. Once a remote is defined in the network, it will be assigned to one of the Protocol Processors, requiring the corresponding samnc to spawn one sarmt process to handle the traffic and one sarouter to handle the routing. As the number of remotes assigned to a Protocol Processor increases, more sarmt processes are needed to handle the traffic towards those remotes. In the current example there is one network with one single inroute group with multiple remotes evenly balanced among the two Protocol Processors. When a new remote is added in iBuilder, the Protocol Processor Controller analyzes the current system load and adds the new remote to the blade with the least load.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



PP: Failover

Module 3: Hub Components

The failover process on the Protocol Processors is performed automatically without operator intervention. In the event of Protocol Processor failure, the pp_controller will trigger the failover process once it stops receiving the heartbeats from the server for five consecutive minutes (300 seconds). It will then instruct the remaining Protocol Processors to spawn processes that were running on the failed server, recovering the network. Changing the timer is possible by configuring a custom key on the PP Controller, but should be discussed with TAC first. Custom Key: [CONTROLLER] samnc_down_threshold = 300


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


PP: Recovery Module 3: Hub Components

When the failed server (Protocol Processor 2 on the slide) comes back online, there is no immediate blade rebalance, as this will potentially imply a network outage. New processes can be assigned to the recovered blade (for handling new networks or new remotes) but the existing ones will not be moved. IMPORTANT: The Protocol Processors will not work in a real-time balanced scheme. The Protocol Processor Controller will only execute this blade rebalance mechanism when one of the active servers fail.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Ethernet switches

Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 3: Hub Components


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Cisco Nexus 31108 switch

Module 3: Hub Components

The network switch is a key component on any iDirect Network, interconnecting all the components on the upstream network (NMS Servers, Protocol Processors, Chassis and Upstream Router) and tunnel network (Protocol Processors, Line Cards and Upstream Router). Before iDX 4.x, there were two independent switches on any iDirect network (upstream and tunnel), now only one switch is needed allowing all components to communicate.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Switch configuration Module 3: Hub Components

The Upstream segment is used for customer data. All traffic from the remotes will be received here. It is connected to the Network Management System servers, Protocol Processor servers, Chassis, Upstream Router and any hub-side customer equipment. The Tunnel segment is exclusively used internally by the iDirect network. The tunneled customer data, along with management and control information will travel through the switch. It is connected the Protocol Processor servers, Line Cards and Upstream Router. The information needed to effectively configure the Cisco Nexus 31108 switch is detailed in the iDirect Layer-2 / Layer-3 Configuration class and in the iDirect Broadband Hub Installation course (the last being a training course typically offered to our partners registered in the iDirect Certified Hub Installation Provider (CHIP) Program).


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Switch: default ports

Module 3: Hub Components

The above example shows which switch ports the iDirect Hub components will connect to.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Upstream Router Module 3: Hub Components

The Upstream Router is a customer-provided component that must be able to effectively route the traffic between upstream and tunnel networks (mainly monitoring and controlling traffic from the Primary NMS towards the line cards and Protocol Processors). A two-port router with RIPv2 and ARP Proxy enabled should be sufficient. The customer router is the gateway for all network components, (ie. NMS, PPs, Chassis and Line cards.) Additional routers can be installed on the upstream network to provide access to external networks, (ie. Internet, Customer VLANs, etc.)


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Learner Knowledge Review - Module 3 Module 3: Hub Components

Learner Knowledge Review - Module 3 1. A typical hub installation has two Network Management System servers, two Protocol Processor servers, at least one chassis with at least one installed line card. Two network switches and one network router are also required in order to provide proper IP connectivity. 2. There are two Network Management System servers. One will be acting as the active NMS server while the other will be configured as a backup unit, ready to assume the main server functionalities in case of failure. 3. All the configured Protocol Processor servers will be continuously working in a load balancing scheme, sharing the system load. 4. The chassis is the container for the modulator and demodulator line cards required to configure any network. It is composed by a number of usable slots, depending on the chassis model and the purchased license. The Reference Clock Modules, responsible for the 10MHz and PPS signaling required for your networks to operate, are also installed on the chassis, along with two power supplies and three fans, all redundant and hot-swappable. The EDAS / MIDAS card is the network interface card of the chassis, used by the NMS server to actively control and monitor the proper operation of the equipment. 5. All the installed line cards related to the same network have to be part of the same timing group. A timing group consists of four line cards separated by a jumper. Each group uses common frame synchronization timing. A software configurable jumper is available to combine groups in order to increase line card capacity. By default, there are five predefined timing groups on a 20-slot chassis and only one predefined timing group on a 4-slot chassis. 6. Single line card networks can be installed ignoring the limitations of the timing groups by configuring the line card as “solo” operating mode. A “solo” line card can be installed anywhere in the chassis. 7. All the line cards are FPGA boards running Red Hat Linux operative system. The software stack is really similar to the one covered for the satellite routers. iSite is used for software upgrade and options file installation on the line cards. However, once the line card is controlled by the NMS, those tasks can be performed using iBuilder. 8. If using a Multichannel Demodulation (MCD) capable line card, all the inroutes received by the same line card need to be received in a 36MHz range on the same transponder, all must be of the same nature, either TDMA or SCPC Return, and all must be part of the same inroute group. 9. A line card configured as standby must be associated to one active line card (warm relationship) and will share part of the options file with it. Both line cards must be of the same model type. The standby line card must have the same or better license properties as the line card being backed up. 10. Both the Processor servers and NMS servers are connected to the upstream switch through their eth0 interface. The Protocol Processors are also connected to the tunnel switch through their eth1 interface. The upstream router is connected to both switches and grants network connectivity. The chassis is connected to the upstream switch but all the line cards are connected to the tunnel switch.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 3: Hub Components

11. The Network Management System is responsible for the configuration, monitoring and control of all the iDirect components part of the satellite network. There are multiple services continuously running on the active NMS server interacting with the system components and two databases, one for configuration and the other for monitoring purposes. 12. Daily, a consolidation process tries to reduce the size of the statistics database to avoid it from exhausting the system resources. This process runs always on the active NMS server. 13. There is also a process running to make sure that the content of the active NMS server databases is copied into the backup NMS server databases. This processes can run daily (scheduled database backup) or on real-time (real-time database replication), depending on user preference.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 3

Module 3: Hub Components

Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 3 1. In a typical iDirect network, what’s the reason behind having two Network Management System servers? a. Load-balancing. b. Redundancy. c. Consolidation. d. Encryption. 2. In a typical iDirect network, what are the main reasons behind having at least two Protocol Processor servers? Select all that apply. a. Load-balancing. b. Redundancy. c. Consolidation. d. Encryption. 3. Which one is NOT a component of the iDirect chassis? a. Up-link Power Control Module (UPC). b. Reference Clock Modules (RCM-PPS). c. Network Interface Card (EDAS/MIDAS). d. Power Supplies (PS). 4. What is the main difference between the 15100 Series and the 12100 Series Hub Chassis? a. The network topology that can be configured. b. The number of line cards that can be installed. c. The model of line cards that can be installed. d. The supported modulations. 5. The RCM-PPS’ are fully redundant and hot swappable. One RCM-PPS is active at any given time while the other is in standby mode. a. True b. False 6. You just received a new XLC line card from iDirect and installed it into an available chassis slot. What tool would you use to make the line card operate on the proper software release and options file? a. iPerf. b. Web iSite. c. iSite. d. None, once installed into a chassis slot the line card will be automatically configured by the system (plug&play).


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 3: Hub Components

7. A customer is interested in designing a new network for 120 remote stations. Simultaneous transmission from 10% of the stations should be granted. Which of the following combinations of line cards would suit this customer the best? Full redundancy is required. a. ULC-T (x2) + ULC-R MCD-8 (x2). b. ULC-T (x2) + XLC-M MCD-8 (x3). c. XLC-11 (x14). d. All of the above.

8. What is the name of the NMS process that will discard the old data from the statistical database, compacting the size of the recent and mid-life events through a customizable sampling algorithm, so the system is ready to receive more fresh statistical data from the network? a. fdisk. b. iCon. c. idirect_nms. d. Consolidation.

9. Which of the following sentences related to the failure of the active Network Management System server is NOT true? a. The backup NMS server can be started to replace the failed active NMS server. b. If using the scheduled database backup, a maximum of 24 hours of data could be lost. c. If using the real-time database replication, a maximum of a few minutes of data could be lost. d. If using the Hyper-V replica feature, no data will be lost.

10. Which component is responsible for TCP Acceleration over the iDirect network? a. The Network Management System. b. The Protocol Processor / Intelligent Gateway. c. The Tx Line Card. d. The Chassis.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 3: Hub Components


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Adaptive D-TDMA is, by far, the most useful advanced feature and will be covered within the module. The learners will understand the advantages of using Adaptive-TDMA (A-TDMA), the difference between C/N and C/No, the feedback mechanism, the short-term, medium-term and long-term adaptivity mechanism, etc. This section will also include an instructor led demo. This module will also go in-depth on configuring Inoute Groups and Inroute Group Compositions (IGCs) that contain both Static and A-TDMA carriers in order to allow for the most efficient and highest throughput available on the return link (Upstream). Goal: Through lecture, presentation and visual display each learner will be able to understand and explain advanced features than can be configured using iBuilder, realizing the potential situations in which network design stages could benefit from using them. Objectives: •

Understand the role of the Inroute Group and its configuration.

Configure Inroute Group Compositions to allow for maximum efficiency for the upstream link.

Understand the Adaptive D-TDMA improvement compared to the traditional homogeneous Inroute Groups, differentiating between short-term, medium-term and long-term adaptivity and recognizing the benefits, configuration and monitoring of each of them.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Inroute Groups and A-TDMA

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Inroute Group Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

An Inroute Group is a set of D-TDMA Upstream carriers (also known as inroutes) that are shared by remotes assigned to the Inroute Group. While there can be multiple Inroute Groups per downstream carrier, a remote can only be assigned to one Inroute Group at a time. The Protocol Processor (PP) selects in real time the inroute each remote will use to transmit. Remotes Frequency hop from one inroute to another either on frame boundaries or within the same frame. This frequency hopping by remotes among the Upstream carriers in an Inroute Group is used for both Adaptive TDMA and for load balancing. Adaptive TDMA allows the carriers in an Inroute Group to have different symbol rates and MODCODs. The goal of frequency hopping in Adaptive TDMA is to select the most efficient upstream carrier on which the remote can transmit and still remain in the network. This optimizes the use of upstream bandwidth and prevents fading remotes from losing the network. Frequency hopping is also used to balance the load across the carriers in the Inroute Group. The Protocol Processor analyzes upstream demand from all remotes and assigns timeplan slots to achieve a balance of remote traffic across all the inroutes. For load balancing with Adaptive TDMA, the Protocol Processor first attempts to allocate slots to a remote on a carrier with the most suitable MODCOD and symbol rate for

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

that remote under current conditions. If no slots are available, slots may be assigned on a less-optimal carrier, provided the remote’s bursts can be received at the hub on that carrier. All carriers in an Inroute Group must have the same payload block size. Both Static and Adaptive carriers can be included in the same Inroute Group. An Adaptive carrier must be received by a multichannel line card or by an Evolution eM1D1 line card in receive-only mode.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Heterogeneous Inroute Group Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Inroute Group Characteristics

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Beginning with iDX Release 3.2, iDirect supports the Adaptive TDMA feature. Adaptive TDMA (ATDMA) allows remotes to dynamically adapt their transmissions to the hub to use the optimal symbol rate and Modulation and Coding (MODCOD) for current conditions. This reduces the amount of rain margin that must be designed into the upstream link, significantly improving clear sky throughput of the remotes when compared to non-adaptive TDMA networks. Eliminating the extent to which system resources must be reserved for worst-case conditions allows additional resources to be used for data transmission. This is the same principle that underlies the use of Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) for DVB-S2 outbound carriers. Multiple Inroute Group Compositions (IGCs) can be created per inroute group to optimize the carrier definitions for different network conditions. The specific rules regarding the use of Adaptive and Static carriers and the configuration of IGCs are: Both Static and Adaptive carriers can be included in the same inroute group. An Adaptive carrier must be received by a multichannel line card or by an Evolution eM1D1 line card in receive-only mode. Spread Spectrum carriers cannot be Adaptive. All inroute groups have at least one IGC.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

To configure multiple IGCs for an inroute group, at least one carrier must be Adaptive. A maximum of three IGCs can be configured for an inroute group. A different MODCOD can be selected for each Adaptive carrier in each IGC. The center frequency and symbol rate of an Adaptive carrier is the same for all IGCs. The MODCOD of a Static carrier is the same in all IGCs.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Inroute Group: iBuilder

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

An Inroute Group is configured using iBuilder.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Adaptive -TDMA Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Benefits of A-TDMA

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Adaptivity Basics Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

In telecommunications, the carrier-to-noise ratio, often written CNR or C/N, is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a modulated signal. When using iDirect technologies, CNR, C/N and SNR are analogous terms. The carrier-to-noise ratio is defined as the ratio of the received modulated carrier signal power C to the received noise power N after the receive filters: Being a ratio, CNR has no units CNR = CWatts / NWatts Due to it’s nature, C/N ratios are often specified in decibels (dB): CNR = 10 x log10 (CWatts / NWatts) = CdBm – NdBm (dB) In the example, C = –53dBm; N= –64dBm C/N = –53dBm – (–64dBm) = –53dBm + 64dBm = +11dB


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


C/No: Comparing Carriers Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Imagine the scenario shown on the slide, where two carriers with different symbol rates manage to achieve the same signal-to-noise ratio. If one remote had to transmit them, it would have to use more TX power to transmit the bigger carrier (in terms of symbol rate) to ensure the same quality. We can see how symbol rate is important in determining whether a particular remote can transmit an upstream carrier or not, as the remote needs to have sufficient power headroom available. C/N, CNR or SNR don’t take into account this bandwidth factor. This means that it is not possible to compare heterogeneous carriers using C/N. In the past this was not a problem as all the carriers within the same inroute group had the same symbol rate and MODCOD. But now, with A-TDMA, it’s really important that we are able to compare the power requirements for different carriers. In the example, C1 = –53dBm; N= –64dBm C2 = –53dBm; N= –64dBm

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

C1/N1 = –53dBm – (–64dBm) = –53dBm + 64dBm = +11dB C2/N2 = –53dBm – (–64dBm) = –53dBm + 64dBm = +11dB


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

In telecommunications, the carrier-to-noise-density ratio, C/No, is defined as the ratio of carrier or signal power (in watts) to the underlying white-noise power spectral density (in watts/Hz). Noise power spectral density No is the noise power in a 1 Hz bandwidth - that is, watts per Hz. C/No is measured in Hertz. C/No = CWatts / NoWatts/Hz (Hz) The noise-density is the amount of noise power per Hertz as measured over the same bandwidth as the carrier: No = NWatts / BandwidthHz (Watts/Hz) If we express the whole formula in dBHz quantities: C/No = 10 x log10 (CWatts / NoWatts/Hz) (dBHz) C/No = 10 x log10 (CWatts / (NWatts / BandwidthHz)) (dBHz) C/No = CdBm – NdBm + 10 x log10 (BandwidthHz) (dBHz)

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

In the example, C = –53dBm; N= –64dBm, BW=512KHz C/N = –53dBm – (–64dBm) = –53dBm + 64dBm = +11dB C/No= –53dBm – (–64dBm) + 10 x log10 (512000) = –53dBm + 64dBm + 57dBHz = +68dBHz


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


C/No: Comparing Heterogeneous Carriers Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Imagine the previous scenario again. If using carrier-to-noise-density ratio to compare the carriers, we can see how the symbol rate or bandwidth of the carrier is taken into account. This is key for Short-term Adaptivity on Adaptive Inroute Groups, as the system needs to know the amount of power, per Hertz, that the remote needs to transmit to be received properly by the receive line card without significant errors. In the past, before A-TDMA was supported, C/No was not required as all the carriers in one inroute gro+ up had the same symbol rate and MODCOD, so all the carriers required the same C/N value to be received without errors. In the example, C1 = –53dBm; N= –64dBm, BW=128KHz C2 = –53dBm; N= –64dBm, BW=512KHz C1/No1 = –53dBm – (–64dBm) + 10 x log10 (128000) = –53dBm + 64dBm + 51dBHz = +62dBHz C2/No2 = –53dBm – (–64dBm) + 10 x log10 (512000) = –53dBm + 64dBm + 57dBHz = +68dBHz

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Adaptivity Basics

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Please note that the most efficient carrier is the one with the highest C/N0 threshold the remote can currently sustain. This will account not only for the required carrier C/N to be achieve by the remote when received by the line card, but also will account for the carrier bandwidth. At the end, the carrier with the highest C/N0 threshold will be the carrier capable of delivering the highest number of slots per second. The most efficient carrier a remote can use is called the nominal carrier. To proceed with the carrier selection, the system will analyze: • • • •

The The The The

current transmission power of the remote current achieved C/No of the remote available transmission power of the remote achievable C/No of the remote using all available tx power

A remote may be assigned slots on an upstream carrier that does not match its current nominal carrier. For example, during upstream bandwidth contention, a remote may be granted slots on a less efficient carrier


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

if there are no available slots on the nominal carrier. In that case, the remote automatically adjusts its transmit power such that the power matches what is required on the assigned carrier.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



A-TDMA: Theory of operation

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Configuring an Adaptive Inroute Route is not an easy task. Using the Link Budget is a great start in knowing what carriers “should be” used based on the information provided by the Satellite provider. However, its not the be all to end all. Individual remote or site environment plays a key role in determining if the upstream carriers configured in the Inroute Group are the most efficient for those remotes assigned to it. That’s why its important to know the 3 phases or analysing the Inroute Group carriers to ensure the most efficient carriers are available for all remotes assigned to the Inroute Group. iDirect calls this the Adaptive Theory of operation. The 3 phases of the Adaptive Theory of Operation are: Short-term Adpativity Medium-term Adaptivity Long-term Adaptivity


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


A-TDMA: Theory of operation Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Short-term adaptivity is not a configuration, its the first step in a phase of configuration an A0TDMA Inroute Group. During the Short-Term Adaptivity phase remotes operate in real time and considers only the carriers in the current Inroute Group Composition (IGC). The Upstream Control Process monitors the C/N of each remotes upstream carrier as measured at the hub to determine the remotes nominal carrier. A remotes nominal carrier is the upstream carrier with the highest threshold the remote can currently sustain and is able to use based on its C/No.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Short-term Adaptivity example

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

The MODCODs of the upstream carriers do not vary frame by frame. The protocol processor assigns TDMA slots on the upstream carriers based on the upstream link conditions of the individual remotes. In the short term, remotes adapt to changing conditions by frequency hopping among carriers with different properties. Short-term adaptivity operates in real time and considers only the current Inroute Group Composition (IGC). The Upstream Control Process monitors the C/N of each remote’s upstream carrier as measured at the hub to determine the remote’s nominal carrier. A remote’s nominal carrier is the upstream carrier with the highest threshold C/No the remote can currently sustain and is allowed to use. Each remote is assigned slots on carriers with symbol rates and MODCODs that are estimated to be within the remote’s capabilities for the current link conditions. The slot assignment algorithm attempts to allocate slots on the remote’s nominal carrier. However, this is not always possible due to the overall demand for upstream traffic slots in the inroute group. Therefore, during periods of contention for upstream bandwidth, a remote may be assigned slots on carriers that are less efficient or have lower peak throughput than the remote’s current nominal carrier once all slots matching the nominal carrier parameters have been assigned. This does not affect the overall bandwidth efficiency, which is determined by the IGC currently being used. As in earlier releases, the bandwidth allocation algorithm schedules bursts in TDMA frames for each remote in accordance with the rules and priorities defined by the Group QoS settings for the inroute group. However, for Adaptive TDMA, the algorithm must also account for the dynamic nature of the total capacity


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

available for each remote since the subset of carriers on which a remote is able to transmit can change according to the current link conditions. As an example of short-term adaptivity, consider a remote experiencing a rain fade. When the remote enters the fade, the C/N of the remote’s bursts as measured at the hub drops, limiting the set of upstream carriers on which the remote can successfully transmit. This causes the Uplink Control Process to change the remote’s nominal carrier to a more protected carrier once all power headroom available on the current nominal carrier has been exhausted. When allocating new bandwidth to the remote during the fade, the bandwidth allocation algorithm only considers available slots on the more limited subset of carriers. Since the remote’s nominal carrier is set to a more protected carrier with lower throughput, the remote is able to stay in the network at the expense of bandwidth efficiency and/or peak rate. When the fade passes, the remote’s nominal carrier is changed back to the more efficient carrier. Note: A required C/No=60.99dBHz for QPSK1/2 translates into a C/N= 3.89 dB C/N = C/No – 10 x log(SymbolRate) = 60.99 – 10 x log (512000) = 60.99 - 57.09 = 3.89 dB


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Short-term Adaptivity: Carrier switching

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

In earlier releases, all TDMA carriers in any inroute group had the same MODCOD and symbol rate. Therefore, if network conditions (such as a severe fade) did not allow a remote’s power to be increased to a sufficient level for the hub to demodulate the remote’s burst, the remote would drop out of the network and be forced to reacquire when conditions were favorable. Since all upstream carriers were identical, there was no opportunity to move the remote to a more protected carrier during the fade condition. Starting in iDX Release 3.2 the power control algorithm has been redesigned to accommodate the heterogeneous nature of the upstream carriers in adaptive inroute groups. The goal of the power control algorithm is for each remote to be received at the target C/N on the remote’s nominal carrier. Therefore, the new algorithm is responsible not only for adjusting the remote’s power on the current nominal carrier, but also for selecting a new nominal carrier when required. The target C/N is calculated using the C/N thresholds for the inroutes from the Link Budget Analysis Guide and the following margins configured in iBuilder: The Fade Slope Margin (M1) allows for incremental fade that can occur during the reaction time of the power control algorithm as well as the uncertainty in the C/No estimations. The Hysteresis Margin (M2) is added to the Fade Slope Margin to prevent unnecessarily frequent switching between carriers.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

The system adds the sum of these two margins to the C/N thresholds from the LBA Guide to determine the target C/Ns for each carrier in the inroute group. If a remote’s C/N falls below the target C/N, the power control algorithm increases the remote’s transmit power if possible to bring the signal back up to the target level. If the remote’s power cannot be increased on the nominal carrier and a more protected carrier is available, then the remote’s nominal carrier is changed to the more robust carrier. This keeps the remote in the network at the expense of diminished throughput. If the remote is consistently below the threshold defined by the target C/N minus the Hysteresis Margin on the most protected carrier in the inroute group, the remote is “logged out” of the network. A remote that has been logged out must re-acquire the network before it can continue to transmit user traffic. If a remote’s C/N is above the target C/N plus the hysteresis margin, the power control algorithm looks for a more efficient carrier on which the remote can maintain the target C/N. If such a carrier is found and if UCP estimates that remote is capable of transmitting on that carrier, the remote’s nominal carrier is changed to the new carrier. If the remote cannot switch to a better carrier, the power control algorithm decreases the power as necessary to return the remote’s signal to the target C/N.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Short-term Adaptivity: Carrier switching example

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

An example of A‐TDMA and UCP decision making is above. When the remote cannot achieve the Carrier‐1 C3 level with all its available Tx Power, it is automatically switched down to the more protected Carrier‐2. The remote will then try to remain as close to Carrier‐2 C3 level as possible. When it has enough power headroom, it will switch back up to the more efficient Carrier‐1. For this to happen, the current Tx Power + Headroom should be enough to achieve Carrier‐1 C3 level.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Short-term monitoring – iMonitor Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

The Upstream C/N0 and Thresholds display shows upstream C/N0 measurements for individual remotes over time. The display includes: The C/N0 of the remote’s TDMA bursts as measured at the hub The nominal TDMA carrier of the remote The target C/N0 thresholds of all carriers in the remote’s inroute group The Upstream C/N0 and Thresholds display can be used to observe the effects of uplink power control on the transmissions of individual remotes; to investigate performance issues such as those caused by a poorly pointed antenna; or to help identify carrier interference.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Short-term adaptivity may not be enough

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


A-TDMA: Theory of operation Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Medium-term Adaptivity Example

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Medium-term Adaptivity Example (I) Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Medium-term Adaptivity Example (II)

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Medium-Term Adaptivity Explained Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Over time, the protocol processor may also adjust the configuration of the inroute group by selecting different IGCs as network conditions change. Whenever a different IGC is assigned to the inroute group, the MODCODs of the upstream carriers change to match the configuration of the newly-selected IGC. Thus the system automatically adapts in two ways: frame-by-frame through remote frequency hopping, and longer term by selecting the optimal IGC for the prevailing conditions. Medium-term adaptivity is the automated process of selecting the best Inroute Group Composition for current network conditions. The frequency with which the IGC selection algorithm executes can be configured in iBuilder. By default, the IGC selection algorithm executes once per minute. The goal of the IGC selection algorithm is to determine the IGC that best matches the current overall state of the system. At each invocation, the algorithm carries out a trial scheduling of a single frame for each defined IGC using demand levels that are computed statistically over the preceding interval. The algorithm takes into account the total number of slots assigned (capacity) as well as the level of bandwidth contention—the number of slots that could not be allocated due to lack of capacity. If the IGC selected by the algorithm is different from the current IGC, then the carrier configuration for the inroute group is changed to the new IGC. When events affecting many remotes are in progress, IGC selection is a compromise between total capacity and the accepted level of contention on the most protected carriers.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Note: A severe downlink fade is observed at the hub as simultaneous fading of all remotes. iDirect recommends including a very robust IGC among those defined for the inroute group to allow the system to operate during a severe downlink fade rather than collapsing entirely.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Medium-term IGC selection algorithm Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

When events affecting many remotes are in progress, IGC selection is a compromise between total capacity and the accepted level of contention on the most protected carriers. User-configurable parameters for the inroute group help to guide the IGC selection process. These parameters include: Update Interval: The frequency (in seconds) with which the IGC selection algorithm is executed. The default is 60 seconds. Fixed IGC: If the Network Operator selects Enable Fixed IGC, then a specific IGC must be selected as the Fixed IGC. In that case, the IGC selection algorithm is not executed. Allowed Dropout Fraction: During the trial scheduling of an IGC executed as part of the IGC selection process, the algorithm calculates the number of remotes that theoretically would drop out of the network if that IGC is selected for the inroute group. If the algorithm estimates that the percentage of remotes unable to sustain transmissions on the most protected carrier of the IGC would exceed the configured Allowed Dropout Fraction, then that IGC is not selected. If the Allowed Dropout Fraction is exceeded for all IGCs, the default IGC is selected for the inroute group. Note that remotes are never dropped explicitly as a result of this assessment. Remotes are only dropped if they fail to maintain the link during operation.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Default IGC: The IGC that is selected if the Allowed Dropout Fraction is exceeded for all IGCs defined for the inroute group. Considerations concerning the Dropout fraction: Some remotes may not be able to use even the most protected carrier in an IGC The dropout fraction is the percentage of the remote population allowed to be in jeopardy in this manner. If configured value is exceeded, IGC will not be used. Control handle for trading off fairness to really badly affected remotes vs. network throughput Can be set to 0 if all remotes need to be carried along


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Medium-term IGC definition – iBuilder Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Multiple Inroute Group Compositions (IGCs) can be created per inroute group to optimize the carrier definitions for different network conditions. The specific rules regarding the use of Adaptive and Static carriers and the configuration of IGCs are: Both Static and Adaptive carriers can be included in the same inroute group An Adaptive carrier must be received by a multichannel line card or by an Evolution eM1D1 line card in receive-only mode Spread Spectrum carriers cannot be Adaptive All inroute groups have at least one IGC To configure multiple IGCs for an inroute group, at least one carrier must be Adaptive A maximum of three IGCs can be configured for an inroute group A different MODCOD can be selected for each Adaptive carrier in each IGC The center frequency and symbol rate of an Adaptive carrier is the same for all IGCs The MODCOD of a Static carrier is the same in all IGCs

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

A required C/No=60.99dBHz for QPSK1/2 translates into a C/N= 3.89 dB C/N = C/No – 10 x log(SymbolRate) = 60.99 – 10 x log (512000) = 60.99 - 57.09 = 3.89 dB


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Medium-term configuration: iBuilder Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Medium-term monitoring: iMonitor

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

The Inroute Group Composition Usage display can be used to look for discrepancies between actual and expected usage of the IGCs configured for an inroute group. This display can be launched from the Network and Inroute Group levels of the iMonitor tree. It includes the following panes per Inroute Group: A histogram showing the percentage of time each IGC was in use over the selected statistics period A time line graph showing the IGC selections over time A multicolumn list of statistics records showing IGC usage and the Figures of Merit used to select the next IGC


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Medium-term monitoring: iMonitor Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

An IGC selection algorithm executes periodically at the hub to determine the best IGC for an inroute group under current network conditions. Each time the IGC selection algorithm executes, it computes a Figure of Merit for each IGC. These Figures of Merit are relative numbers used to compare the IGCs. An IGC with a higher Figure of Merit is better suited for the current network conditions than an IGC with a lower Figure of Merit. Each time the selection algorithm executes, the IGC with the highest Figure of Merit is selected as the next IGC. The frequency with which the algorithm executes is configured in iBuilder.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



A-TDMA: Theory of operation

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Individual remotes are assigned time slots on upstream carriers based on their current demand and capability, as determined by the channel state. The configuration of the inroute group automatically adapts over time to maximize the system efficiency. An inroute group can be regarded as a fixed portion of space segment bandwidth and power partitioned into TDMA carriers with different properties. A collection of carrier definitions that can be assigned to an inroute group is called an Inroute Group Composition (IGC). The IGC currently assigned to an inroute group determines the MODCODs of each carrier in the inroute group at the present time. Up to three IGCs can be configured for a single inroute group but only one IGC is assigned to the inroute group at any time. An inroute group can include carriers with different symbol rates and MODCODs. The IGC currently assigned to the inroute group defines the MODCODs of the various carriers in the group. An adaptive carrier can change MODCODs from one IGC to another. When a new IGC is assigned to the Inroute Group, the MODCODs of the individual adaptive carriers change according to the newly-applied IGC definition. Note however that the symbol rates and center frequencies of the individual carriers remain the same in all IGCs. The protocol processor assigns TDMA slots on the upstream carriers based on the upstream link conditions of the individual remotes. In the short term, remotes adapt to changing conditions by frequency hopping among carriers with different properties. Over time, the protocol processor may also adjust the configuration of the inroute group by selecting different IGCs as network conditions change. Thus the system automatically adapts in two ways: frame-by-frame through remote frequency hopping, and longer term by selecting the optimal IGC for the prevailing conditions.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Long-term adaptivity Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Long-term adaptivity is a manual process which uses feedback provided by the operational system to refine the IGC configurations. iMonitor screens provide graphs and statistical data that allow Network Operators to observe Adaptive TDMA performance. The statistics used to present this information on the iMonitor screens are logged by the NMS in the NRD Archive database. Using iMonitor, Network Operators can observe system operational statistics such as IGC usage, the distribution of signal quality, and the number of remotes logged off due to network conditions. These statistics can be used by the system planner to review and revise the IGC definitions and system parameters discussed in the previous section.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Learner Knowledge Review - Module 4 Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Learner Knowledge Review - Module 4 1. Each Inroute Group is composed by a maximum of 32 D-TDMA upstream carriers or inroutes. The inroutes of a particular inroute group may have different symbol rates and MODCODs, but must have the same payload size. When configuring the upstream carriers they have to be defined as adaptive or static carriers. An inroute group may have adaptive carriers only, static carriers only, or a combination of both. 2. On a static upstream carrier, all the parameters are fixed and established (central frequency, symbol rate, modulation, coding scheme, payload size). On an adaptive upstream carrier, only the central frequency, symbol rate and payload size are defined. The MODCOD of an adaptive carrier will be selected by the system from a set of predefined options on the Inroute Group level. 3. On the Inroute Group level, the user will have to define a set of predefined MODCODs for each adaptive carrier on the inroute group to use. Each set is called an Inroute Group Composition (IGC). Each inroute group may have up to three IGCs, being the Protocol Processor the one who will decide which IGC to use on real-time. 4. In telecommunications, the carrier-to-noise-density ratio, C/No, is defined as the ratio of carrier or signal power (in watts) to the underlying white-noise power spectral density (in watts/Hz). Noise power spectral density No is the noise power in a 1 Hz bandwidth - that is, watts per Hz. C/No is used by the system to compare the power requirements for each inroute on an inroute group. 5. Short-term adaptivity operates in real time and considers only the current Inroute Group Composition (IGC). The Upstream Control Process monitors the C/N of each remotes upstream carrier as measured at the hub to determine the remotes nominal carrier. A remotes nominal carrier is the upstream carrier with the highest threshold C/No the remote can currently sustain and is allowed to use. 6. Medium-term adaptivity operates each 60 seconds, potentially adjusting the configuration of the inroute group by selecting different IGCs as network conditions change. Whenever a different IGC is assigned to the inroute group, the MODCODs of the upstream carriers change to match the configuration of the newly-selected IGC. 7. During the trial scheduling of an IGC executed as part of the IGC selection process, the algorithm calculates the number of remotes that theoretically would drop out of the network if that IGC is selected for the inroute group. If the algorithm estimates that the percentage of remotes unable to sustain transmissions on the most protected carrier of the IGC would exceed the configured Allowed Dropout Fraction, then that IGC is not selected. 8. Long-term adaptivity is a manual process which uses feedback provided by the operational system to refine the IGC configurations. iMonitor screens provide graphs and statistical data that allow Network Operators to observe Adaptive TDMA performance. The statistics used to present this information on the iMonitor screens are logged by the NMS in the NRD Archive database.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

9. The TDMA Initial Power is re-calculated by the system attending to the carrier the remote has to transmit at. The operator will just have to configure in iBuilder the required TX POWER that the remote should need to transmit for just one reference carrier. This information could be obtained from the Link Budget Analysis or during remote commissioning.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 4

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 4 1. How many inroutes are allowed into one single Inroute Group? a. 8 b. 16 c. 40 d. 64 2. Which type of carriers can be part of an Inroute Group? Select all that apply. a. Static Upstream carriers. b. Adaptive Upstream carriers. c. SCPC Return Upstream carriers. d. DVB-S2 Upstream carriers. 3. Which of the following line cards are capable of receiving adaptive upstream carriers? Select all that apply. a. XLC-10. b. XLC-11. c. XLC-M. d. ULC-R. 4. Which one of the following fields of an adaptive upstream carrier can be different? a. Center Frequency. b. Symbol Rate. c. Modulation. d. Payload Size. 5. In a heterogeneous inroute group with carriers with different symbol rates and MODCODs, what can prevent a remote from transmitting on a specific carrier? a. Authorization from the Primary NMS Server to use restricted carriers. b. Not enough Tx Power to achieve the required C/No. c. Not enough Rx Power to achieve the required C/No. d. A remote could transmit on any of the inroute group carriers. 6. Which MODCOD will be selected by the Protocol Processor for an adaptive carrier to use? a. Any MODCOD from QPSK-1/4 to 8PSK-6/7. b. Any MODCOD from QPSK-1/4 to 16APSK-8/9. c. Any MODCOD specified in the Inroute Group. d. The Protocol Processor has no role in the MODCOD selection for adaptive carriers. 7. Which of the following sentences regarding the “Allowed Dropout Fraction” parameter on the IGC selection is NOT true? a. The dropout fraction is the number of remotes that would drop from the network if that IGC is selected.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics

b. An IGC that exceeds the allowed dropout fraction will never be selected. c. The most efficient IGC that doesn’t exceeds the allowed dropout fraction will be selected. d. If all the IGCs exceed the allowed dropout fraction, the default IGC is selected. 8. What are the three different adaptivity phases? a. Remote, Carrier and Inroute Group adaptivity. b. Short-term, Medium-term and Long-term adaptivity. c. Real-time, Minute-long, Hour-long adaptivity. d. Modulation, Coding and Payload-size adaptivity. 9. By default, how often will the Processor server evaluate the efficiency of the IGCs? a. Each second b. Each minute c. Each hour d. Each day 10. The TDMA Initial Power is re-calculated by the system attending to the carrier the remote has to transmit at. The operator will just have to configure in iBuilder the required TX POWER that the remote should need to transmit for just one reference carrier. A bigger and more efficient carrier will require a higher initial power. a. True b. False

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 4: Inroute Groups and Adaptivity Basics


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 5: Network Configuration

Module 5 will focus on the creation of a complete network from scratch using the iBuilder software tool. The instructor will detail all the required components to be configured, listing all the mandatory and optional fields per component, from the Spacecraft to the Teleport, from the Chassis to the Antenna, from the line card to the remote. Goal: Through lecture, presentation and visual display each learner will be able to understand and explain the network configuration process using the iBuilder software tool, being confident enough to create a completely new network configuration without assistance. Objectives: • iBuilder as the iVantage tool used for configuring and modifying the configuration of iDirect networks, knowing how to install it and how to access any Primary NMS server. List all the required information necessary to create a completely new network from scratch, from the radio-frequency segment to the iDirect components or IP addressing, among others. Use iBuilder to create a new iDirect network using the information and guidelines provided by the instructor, fully configuring the spacecraft, transponder, bandwidth, carriers, Teleport, hub rft components, chassis, line cards, protocol processors, inroute groups and remotes, among others. • Recognize some advanced iBuilder settings out of the scope of this training as L2oS, GQoS, Protocol Compression, Link Encryption, TRANSEC, etc. • Differentiate between pending hub-side and remote-side configuration changes and how to address • those iBuilder messages, understanding the implications of applying the configuration through UDP or TCP protocols. • Be aware of some iBuilder tools as the revision server, the alternate downstream carrier, the activity • log and some others that could assist improving the overall user experience.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Installing iBuilder

Module 5: Network Configuration

The NMS GUI clients are applications that run under the Windows OS versions specified on the slide. Older versions of Windows are not supported. iDirect does not support server-based versions of Windows. Installation Procedure A single client installer .exe file – nms_clients_setup.exe – installs all three GUI clients and associated library files for you. To install the clients, copy the nms_clients_setup.exe file to the target PC, double-click it, and follow the prompts. By default, the clients are installed in the directory C:\Program Files\iDIRECT. The installer automatically places a shortcut to each GUI application on your desktop and adds the appropriate entries in the Windows Start menu.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Launching iBuilder Module1 5: Network Configuration

iBuilder is initially installed with two default accounts: “admin” and “guest”. The admin user has full access privileges to all iBuilder functionality, while the guest account has read-only access. The passwords for these two accounts are identical to their associated user names. For information on setting up user accounts, see “Managing User Accounts and User Groups” in the iBuilder User Guide. iDirect strongly recommends that you modify the admin user password as soon as possible after installation. This is especially important if your NMS Server is accessible via the public Internet.

To launch iBuilder, double-click the desktop shortcut or select it from the Windows Start menu. Enter your user name and password in the Login Information dialog box. Click “Server” and select the IP address or host name of your primary NMS Server machine. The Server box stores up to three IP addresses. If your IP address is not already present, enter the IP Address in the Server box. Click OK to complete the login process.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 5: Network Configuration

The iBuilder application automatically connects to the NMS server processes that are required to perform the NMS’s functions. If this connection is lost for any reason, iBuilder automatically reconnects to the servers when they become available. Note: The iBuilder version must match the NMS server version in order for you to log in.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Network Tree and Toolbar Module1 5: Network Configuration

The Network Tree is the primary navigation tool in iBuilder. It contains all of the elements of your network, structured hierarchically. Each element in the tree contains a context-sensitive menu accessible from your mouse’s context menu button (typically the right mouse button). By right-clicking a tree element, a submenu of options appears, which you may click to use to configure or view various types of data and other information used to operate your network. For example, “Teleport” and “Transponder” appear in the submenus of Tree elements. Most elements and entries in the Tree are necessary to operate the network. However, some folders are provided simply to enable you to add informational entries for reference and record-keeping. These reference folders include the Manufacturers folder, Operators folder, Distributors folder, and Customers folder. A plus sign (+) next to an element or folder in the Tree indicates that additional elements, folders, or informational entries exist below that level (or branch) of the Tree. Click the plus sign (+) to expand the element or folder to view the next level of the Tree. A minus sign (-) next to an element or folder indicates that the element or folder has been completely expanded and has no other child entries besides the ones currently visible. Click the plus minus (-) to collapse an element or folder to hide the levels beneath that element or folder.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Information needed before creating a Network

Module 5: Network Configuration

Assuming all the equipment has been installed and configured, its not time to create a network. Before creating a network, specific information is needed to configure all the network components needed for an iDirect network to work properly and efficiently. The information needed before creating a network is listed below: Spacecraft location and carrier information. Geographic location of the Hub. IP plan for all Hub components and remotes. Line card serial and slot numbers. Chassis license and Optional licenses. Inroute Group / SCPC Design. Remote serial numbers and components.


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Network Creation Order Module1 5: Network Configuration

Above is a guideline for creating a network starting with configuring a Spacecraft all the way to commissioning remotes. This is not a step by step procedure. As an end user gets more familiar with creating components in iBuilder, there will be more efficient ways to manage the network layout and configuration.


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Spacecraft & Transponder

Module 5: Network Configuration

The first component to be configured is the satellite information. At the Spacecraft level, only the Longitude (between 0 and 180 degrees) and the Hemisphere (East or West) of the satellite will be used by the system to calculate the Frame Start Delay (FSD). All the other fields on these screens are for informational purposes; they are not required and could be left blank. At the Transponder level, only the local oscillator frequency will be used by the system. This value will be used for the remote to calculate the downstream downlink frequency and for the receive line card to calculate the upstream downlink frequencies. All the other fields are for informational purposes; they are not required could be left blank. Note: The “Spacecraft” and “Transponder” details will be always provided by your Satellite Operator.


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Bandwidth Module1 5: Network Configuration

A bandwidth region defines a specific portion of the satellite’s transponder within which you can define transmit and receive carriers. In the iDirect system this section is a logical container for network carriers. You may have multiple bandwidth groups (leases) over the same transponder or just one. You must define at least one bandwidth region for each transponder in order to create carriers. All the fields under the Bandwidth region are for informational purposes only; they are not required and are not used by the system, so you can enter real values for management purposes or they can all be left empty.


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Downstream DVB-S2 Carrier

Module 5: Network Configuration

Each Network may have only one active downstream (Outbound) Carrier. The information for creating a carrier should be obtained from your satellite provider, as it is part of the satellite link budget process. Most of the fields here are required for the system to operate properly. Once the required downstream carrier information is entered, the information rate can be found by clicking on the “MODCOD Distribution” button.


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Modcod distribution Module1 5: Network Configuration

The MODCOD Distribution panel is a calculator that will show the information rate available for the downstream carrier. The information rates shown here are based on the configuration of the downstream carrier and the percentage of remotes using each MODCOD. Simply enter the percentage of remotes using each carrier and the information rate is automatically calculated.


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Downstream DVB-S2X Carrier

Module 5: Network Configuration


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Modcod distribution Module1 5: Network Configuration


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Upstream TDMA Carrier

Module 5: Network Configuration


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Upstream Adaptive-TDMA Carrier Module1 5: Network Configuration

Configuring Adaptive-TDMA, (A-TDMA), carriers is similar to configuring a static TDMA carrier. From the Upstream Carrier creation screen, select “Adaptive” from the “Modulation” drop-down menu. Once selected, only the payload size and symbol rate needs to be configured.


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Upstream SCPC Return Carrier

Module 5: Network Configuration

An SCPC upstream carrier provides a dedicated, high-bandwidth, return channel without the additional overhead of TDMA. SCPC Return carriers are not part of any Inroute Group. Instead they reside on the line card and a remote will be assigned to a line card to use SCPC carriers. The information for creating a carrier should be obtained from your satellite provider, as it is part of the satellite link budget process. Most of the fields here are required for the system to operate properly. On the transmission parameters pane you will be able to configure only one of the following: Transmission Rate, Information Rate or Symbol Rate. The others will be recalculated automatically depending on the selected modulation and coding. As this is not a shared carrier, there are no acquisition parameters to configure. In the Uplink Control Parameters area of the dialog box you can specify the Operating Margin and the three Power Adjust parameters. The Uplink Control Parameters are defined as follows: • The C/N Threshold is a read-only field automatically determined by the Modulation and Error Correction selected for the carrier. The values in this field are determined during hardware qualification and are documented in the Link Budget Analysis Guide.


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Module1 5: Network Configuration

• To calculate the Operating Margin, subtract the C/N Threshold from the Clear Sky C/N provided by the Link Budget Analysis (LBA) for your network. The system adds the Operating Margin to the C/N Threshold to arrive at the Nominal C/N for the carrier. The Nominal C/N is the target C/N value of the SCPC upstream carrier as measured by the hub line card. (This target C/N is represented by the dashed vertical line in the green area of the graphical display.) • The value entered for Below Nominal determines how far below the Nominal C/N the receive signal can drop before the system increases the remote’s transmit power in order to bring the C/N back into the operational range. (This is represented by the green area to the left of the target C/N in the graphical display.) • The value entered for Above Nominal determines how far above the Nominal C/N the receive signal can rise before the system decreases the remote’s transmit power in order to bring the C/N back into the operational range. (This is represented by the green area to the right of the target C/N in the graphical display.) • The Max Power Adjustment is the maximum change that the system will make to the remote’s transmit power in a single adjustment. (This is represented by the two red areas at the left and right ends of the graphical display.) If the change required to reach the target C/N is less than or equal to the Max Power Adjustment, then the system will adjust by that amount in a single step. If a larger change is required, the system will make multiple adjustments to arrive at the target C/N. Note: You can click and drag the Power Adjust sliders to vary the C/N ranges and automatically update the Power Adjust settings.


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Network Creation Order

Module 5: Network Configuration

The Satellite and Carrier information are now configured. Lets move on to the Teleport.


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Teleport Module1 5: Network Configuration

The Geo Location identifies precisely where the Uplink facility (the Hub RFT) is geographically located on the Earth. The teleport transmits the uplink signal to the satellite and receives the downlink signal from the satellite. Enter the exact Latitude and Longitude of your teleport facility. This information can be obtained from your service provider or can be determined with a GPS device or a software application as Google Earth. Be sure to select the correct hemisphere for each. Latitude represents North and South; longitude represents East and West. Note: The Geo Location information must be accurately configured for your remotes to function correctly in an iDirect network. As part of the iDirect Geographic Redundancy feature, iBuilder allows you to create a fully redundant backup teleport which can assume the role of your primary teleport in the event that the primary teleport becomes unavailable. To configure Geographic Redundancy you must have a Global NMS license, and you must configure your remotes as roaming remotes. Only in this scenario you will enable the Backup NMS checkbox, entering the IP address (or addresses) of the NMS server(s) at your backup teleport. Note: A distributed NMS requires up to three IP addresses for the NMS servers. If you do not have a distributed NMS at the backup site, all three IP addresses should be identical.

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Hub Side RFT Components

Module 5: Network Configuration

The Hub Radio Frequency Terminal (RFT) components hold the frequency translation information. All iDirect equipment operates utilizing L-Band and the system will automatically convert the signal from LBand to the satellite band in use for the network. The Frequency Translation for the Up Converter and Down Convertor are needed so the system can handle that conversion.


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Hub Radio Frequency Terminal Module1 5: Network Configuration


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Network Creation Order

Module 5: Network Configuration

Our Hub RFT and all the components required are configured up to this point. Lets move on to the Chassis.


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Chassis Module1 5: Network Configuration

To configure a Chassis the serial number needs to be entered on the Chassis configuration screen. Once the “Serial Number” is entered click the “Validate SN” button. If the Serial Number in Chassis license matches the Serial Number enter the IP Address of the chassis is displayed and all licensed slots and jumpers change from “Off - Not Licensed” to “Off - Licensed.” Now, line cards can be added to the Chassis.


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Line Card and Chassis Slot assignment

Module 5: Network Configuration

A line card must be assigned to a Chassis before it can become operational. Until a line card is assigned to a Chassis, the line card will have an incomplete state in the iBuilder Tree and you will be unable to apply changes to the line card. To add a configured line card to the Chassis, right-click on the slot number in the window above that the line card is physically installed to in the Chassis. Select “Add Hub”. From the drop-down list that appears. Then select the configured line card to add it to the Chassis Slot assignment in the Chassis configuration screen. Once all line cards are added, apply the configuration to the Chassis.


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Protocol Processor Controller in DVB-S2 Module1 5: Network Configuration

The Protocol Processor Controller (PPC) resides on the NMS and is the bi-directional communication link between the NMS and all Protocol Processor (PP) servers. One PPC per network needs to be configured. To Properly configure the PPC the following information is required: Name User and Admin Password Download Monitor Upstream Gateway Enable RIPv2 Upstream and Tunnel Interface Multicast IP Address The Download Monitor value is used by the NMS to multicast firmware downloads option files to the network when performing an upgrade from the NMS using the Revision Server. If there is more than one PPC configured for the Teleport, each Download Monitor value needs to be different for each PPC. The Download Monitor can be any value greater than one and less than four billion. (This number is used for

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 5: Network Configuration

multicast firmware image download and can be duplicated across multiple Protocol Processor Controllers. It is critical for communications between the NMS and network elements.) For the Upstream gateway IP, enter the IP address of your Upstream router. This should be the address of the router eth0 interface connected to the upstream LAN segment. RIPv2 is required by the iDirect system. By enabling this parameter, the Protocol Processor will advertise remote routes to your Upstream router using the protocol RIPv2. This setting affects your default VLAN only. If configuring Layer 2 over Satellite (L2oS), VLANS, enable the feature on the PPC controller by checking the box next to “L2oS Enabled”. By enabling this feature, all L2oS feature screens will be activated for configuration. If this feature is not enabled, only Layer 3 (L3) VLAN options will be available for configuration. A persistent multicast group is a multicast group that includes all remotes communicating with this PPC. A remote will be a member of this group even if it has not acquired into the network. To add a persistent multicast group, click “Add” in the Multicast Groups section of the Information tab to open the Persistent Multicast Group dialog box. Enter the VLAN Id and the IP Address of the multicast group you want to add. For more information, see the Technical Note titled “IP Multicast in iDirect Networks.” Note: iDirect strongly recommends changing the default password of your PPC as soon as possible.


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Protocol Processor Controller in DVB-S2X Module1 5: Network Configuration

To Use DVB-S2X downstream carriers, make sure to check off the box for “DVBS2X Enabled”. This will enable the PPC to allow for DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X carriers to be used. Note: iDirect strongly recommends changing the default password of your PPC as soon as possible.


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Protocol Processor Blade

Module 5: Network Configuration

Once the PPC is configured in iBuilder, Protocol Processor (PP) servers can be added. The IP address for each PP server is configured when the physical PP is installed during Hub Installation. In the Protocol Processor Blade configuration screen, is where the Upstream and Tunnel IP address information configured for the PP Server needs to be added so the NMS knows the IP address of each PP. To add a PP to the PPC, right click on the PPC and select “Add Blade”. Then enter the Upstream (eth0) and Tunnel (eth1) IP address that was configured during installation of the PP.


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Encapsulator Module1 5: Network Configuration

VRRP IP Address (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) The IP address configured here is dynamically created with the VRRP interface. It is not the Tunnel (eth1) IP address of any Processing Node in the Encapsulator. Enter the Virtual Router ID. This is VRID for the VRRP; it must be different from any other VRRP implementation attached to the same tunnel switch.


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Processing Node (Rook)

Module 5: Network Configuration

The Processing Node receives IP packets from the Protocol Processor, translates the packets into BB frames, and sends them to the Tx line card. A typical configuration has two processing nodes for a network: one that is active and one that serves as a backup. Encapsulator supports up to four processing nodes . Adding more than four processing nodes will cause an error condition. Only one Node will be active at a time.


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Network Creation Order Module1 5: Network Configuration


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Network DVB-S2

Module 5: Network Configuration

The Network is the container for all line cards, remotes and Inroute Groups associated with the Teleport. There is no real configuration parameters needed at this screen unless configuring Group Quality of Server (GQoS) for the downstream or specific activity is needed for local test networks, Inhibit TX or certain Multicast features need to be implemented. Select the IF Network check box only if you are creating an L-Band/Bench Test network. This is critical for IF networks. It has the effect of setting all geographic locations to zero for FSO calculations. Inhibit Tx (When beam quality = 0) is only applicable if you are using the Automatic Beam Selection feature for roaming remotes. When this option is selected, remotes will not attempt to join this network when the beam quality at the current location is zero. If a remote has already joined this network and the beam quality becomes zero, the remote will stop transmitting and look for another network to join. If another network with positive beam quality is available, then the remote will join that network. If you would like to activate encryption for multicast traffic, please be sure you have the proper encryption license. Licenses are required for protocol processors and some remote model types to use this feature. See the chapter on “Multicast Fast Path” in the Technical Reference Guide for details.


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Module1 5: Network Configuration

Multicast Overlay is necessary when a second downstream to an X7 is managed by another NMS or Protocol Processor. See the chapter on “Multicast Fast Path” in the Technical Reference Guide for details. To add a Network, right click on the PPC and select “Add Network” from the menu.


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Network DVB-S2X

Module 5: Network Configuration

The Encapsulator must be assigned to a network in DVB-S2X • Right click on the network, and select Modify item to open the Network dialog box. • Click on the Encapsulator pull-down menu to select the Encapsulator. • Click OK.


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Transmit Line Card Module1 5: Network Configuration

Once the Network is added, line cards can be configured for that network. The first line card discussed is the Transmit (TX) line card. Most of the fields for the TX Line Card are mandatory. This type of line card will only support a downstream carrier. It is a TX only line card. Serial numbers are not sufficient to uniquely identify remotes and line cards. Serial numbers are guaranteed to be unique within a particular model type, but could repeat from one model type to another. Therefore a unique Derived ID (DID) is automatically generated to avoid problems that would be caused by duplicate serial numbers. The DID is a 32-bit integer formed by joining a model type code with a unit’s serial number. Each remote and line card has a unique DID value. You must correctly specify both the serial number and the model type for a line card or hub to function properly. Notes:

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Transmit and Receive Line Card

Module 5: Network Configuration

If you are using a line card that is capable of transmitting and receiving (TX / RX) at the same time, the “Transmit and Receive Line Card” type will be available for configuration. This type of line card will be able to receive one single static TDMA or SCPC Return carrier.


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Receive Line Card: Single Channel Module1 5: Network Configuration

If configuring a Multichannel Demodulation (MCD) line card the “Receive Line Card” will be the only option available for the “Line Card Type” field. This type of line card is a receive (RX) only line card and does not support downstream carriers. The MCD RX only line card can support one carrier or up to 16 TDMA, (with Narrowband licensing), or 8 SCPC carriers. The “Receive Mode” options allow the user to select “Single Channel TDMA”, “Multiple Channel TDMA, or “Multiple Channel SCPC”. This will allow the RX line card to be configured with one for Single Channel TDMA or multiple Upstream carriers by selecting one of the Multiple Channel options. All fields for the Receive Line Card are mandatory. To add a RX line card, right click on the network and select “Add Receive Line card”.

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Receive Line Card – Multi Channel (I)

Module 5: Network Configuration

In multiple channel demodulation mode, notice the Receive Properties section changes allow the RX card to be configured for more than one Upstream carrier. The line card can be configured with as many carriers as the license for the line card allows. By default, one carrier can be added to a line card without having to carry a license for that line card.


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Receive Line Card – Multi Channel (II) Module1 5: Network Configuration

When configuring a MCD line card, it is mandatory to enter a Line Card Center Frequency. This is the downlink RF center frequency of a 36 MHz operational band. All Upstream carriers received by this line card must be configured within the 36 MHz operational band, which is graphically represented at the bottom of the dialog box.. From the list of carriers, select the check box of each carrier you want to assign to the RX line card. When selecting a carrier, the Composite Information Rate, Occupied Bandwidth and Carriers Selected fields all update automatically. If a carrier listed on this screen is “grayed out” that means the carrier can not be added to this line card. Reasons why this may occur are: The carrier center frequency is outside of the 36MHz range of this line card. The carrier is assigned to another line card. The carrier is enabled for a different acquisition mode. Line card licensing is not in place.

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Module 5: Network Configuration

Each selected carrier is displayed in a vertical graph with a green or yellow bar. The graph also shows the space the carrier is using on the line card. This will aid in carrier spacing. The yellow bar represents the carrier currently selected in the list. Selecting “Show carriers associated with other line cards” will show carriers assigned to other line cards that may be within the same 36MHz range. to see TDMA and SCPC upstream carriers in this line card’s frequency band that are assigned to other line cards. Carriers assigned to other line cards appear as vertical orange bars in the graph. This will also help with carrier spacing to avoid interference from carriers that are in use on other line cards. Note: You can hover your curser over any carrier in the graph to see details of that carrier’s configuration.


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Standby Line Card Module1 5: Network Configuration

A standby line card is a line card that does not become operational until it is enabled by the NMS to take over for an active line card. All fields are required to configure the Standby line card properly. When configuring the Allow Failover” option for the Standby line card, you can select the what type of line card this Standby line card can be used with. The following selections are available: • None: The standby line card does not back up any active line cards. The line card cannot be swapped (automatically or manually) for a failed line card until another selection is made. The line card’s configuration will be labeled “incomplete” in the iBuilder tree. • All: The standby line card can be configured to act as a warm standby for one line card and as a cold standby for any remaining line cards. (Typically the standby line card is configured as a warm standby for the Tx line card and as a cold standby for Rx line cards. This favors the most critical line card. In a multiinroute, frequency-hopping network, the failure of a receive-only line card results in diminished upstream bandwidth only; remotes will automatically load-balance across the remaining receive line card(s) without dropping out of the network. However, if the transmit line card fails, the entire network will be out of service.) • Tx Only: The standby line card can be configured to act only as a standby for the Tx (or Tx/Rx) line card. • Rx Only: The standby line card can be configured to act as a warm standby for one Rx (or Tx/Rx) line card and as a cold standby for all remaining Rx line cards.

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Module 5: Network Configuration

Redundancy relationships between line cards are not established automatically when you configure Standby line card. Once you have configured a Standby line card here, you must configure the warm and cold redundancy relationships for that line card at the Chassis level in iBuilder. To add a Standby line card, right-click on the Network and select “Add Standby line card”.


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Line Card Redundancy Configuration Module1 5: Network Configuration

Line card switching can be automatic or manual, depending on the configuration of the standby line card. To configure Line Card Redundancy: Right click on the Chassis where the line card is installed select “Modify” then “Manage Line Card Redundancy”. In the iDirect system, there are two types of relationships between Standby and active line cards: • A warm standby is a line card that has been pre-configured with the same software and configuration as an active line card. Because the configuration is pre-loaded, a line card acting as a warm standby for an active line card provides the fastest recovery time available. However, a line card can serve as a warm standby for only one active line card. • A cold standby is not pre-loaded with the same configuration as the active line card. Since the configuration must be downloaded from the NMS server to the line card before the standby can become operational, a line card acting as a cold standby for an active line card takes significantly longer to take over for a failed active line card. However, a line card can serve as a cold standby for multiple active line cards.

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Module 5: Network Configuration

• One active line card can have only one warm relationship configured, but multiple cold relationships. • One standby line card can have only one warm relationship configured, but multiple cold relationships.


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Inroute Groups Module1 5: Network Configuration

Now that the Network is configured in iBuilder, an Inroute Group can be create and configured for that Network. An Inroute Group is a set of D-TDMA Upstream carriers (also known as inroutes) that are shared by remotes assigned to the Inroute Group. An iDirect network can contain multiple Inroute Groups. In iBuilder, a D-TDMA Upstream carrier must be assigned to a receive line card before that carrier can be added to an Inroute Group. The Protocol Processor (PP) selects in real time the inroute each remote will use to transmit. Remotes Frequency hop from one inroute to another either on frame boundaries or within the same frame. This frequency hopping by remotes among the Upstream carriers in an Inroute Group is used for both Adaptive TDMA and for load balancing. Adaptive TDMA allows the carriers in an Inroute Group to have different symbol rates and MODCODs. The goal of frequency hopping in Adaptive TDMA is to select the most efficient upstream carrier on which the remote can transmit and still remain in the network. This optimizes the use of upstream bandwidth and prevents fading remotes from losing the network.

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Module 5: Network Configuration

Frequency hopping is also used to balance the load across the carriers in the Inroute Group. The Protocol Processor analyzes upstream demand from all remotes and assigns timeplan slots to achieve a balance of remote traffic across all the inroutes. For load balancing with Adaptive TDMA, the Protocol Processor first attempts to allocate slots to a remote on a carrier with the most suitable MODCOD and symbol rate for that remote under current conditions. If no slots are available, slots may be assigned on a less-optimal carrier, provided the remote’s bursts can be received at the hub on that carrier. All carriers in an Inroute Group must have the same payload block size. Both Static and Adaptive carriers can be included in the same Inroute Group. An Adaptive carrier must be received by a multichannel line card or by an Evolution eM1D1 line card in receive-only mode. Note: A dedicated SCPC upstream carrier is assigned directly to the remote that transmits that carrier. Therefore, an SCPC remote is not part of an Inroute Group.


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Network Creation Order Module1 5: Network Configuration


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Remote Side RF Components

Module 5: Network Configuration

There are default Block UP Converters and LNBs listed in the iBuilder Tree . If a BUC or LNB being used is not listed, simply add the component. To add a BUC or LNB, expand the folder “Remote Antenna Components” in the iBuilder Tree. Then rightclick on the “BUC” or “LNB” sub-folder and select “Add Buc” or “Add LNB”


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Add Remote Module1 5: Network Configuration

Configuring a remote is a complex procedure. There is information needed prior to configuring a remote. The basic information needed to configure a remote is: IP Addresses Nominal Carrier / Reference Carrier Information GQoS profile to be used VSAT information Geolocation of the remote To add a remote, right-click on the Inroute Group the remote needs to be assigned to, then select “Add Remote”. Note: An Inroute Group is not required for a remote that transmits an SCPC upstream carrier to the hub. In the iBuilder tree, an SCPC remote is added directly to the line card that receives the remote’s upstream carrier.

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Remote: Information

Module 5: Network Configuration

In the remotes “Information” tab, the following fields are required: • • • • •

Name Model Type Serial Number User and Admin Password All Reference Carrier parameters

The “Active” check box on this screen will need to be selected once the remote is completely configured and ready to join the network. Notes:

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Remote: IP Config Module1 5: Network Configuration

The IP Config tab is where the LAN and Management Interface IP addresses are configured. The remote’s Management Interface (Sat) IP address represents the remote’s virtual interface on the default VLAN. The NMS always communicates with the remotes using this address. This address should not conflict with the LAN Interface addresses. This section also consists of several individual sub-tabs that allow for configuration of other routing capabilities. All VLANs passing through a remote are configured in the IP Config table in a single container under “VLAN” for quick reference. In the remote configuration “IP Config” tab, the following fields are required: • •

LAN Interface Management Interface

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Remote: IP Config for iQ

Module 5: Network Configuration


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


iQ Ports Module1 5: Network Configuration


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Remote: QoS

Module 5: Network Configuration

The QoS tab allows QoS filter and Service Group profiles as well as additional QoS parameters to be configured per remote. There are three types of QoS profiles that can be assigned to a remote on the Remote QoS tab: Filter Profile, Application Service Group Profile and Multicast Service Profile. Each remote must have either a single Filter and Application Service Group profile at the minimum assigned for both Downstream and Upstream traffic. Multicast Service Profiles are optional downstream profiles that enable remotes to use Multicast Fast Path Applications. A “Default Downstream Filter” profile and the “Default Service Profile” is configured for iBuilder upon installation. These profiles can be used as the basic profile needed to commission a remote. For details on configuring QoS on iDirect Networks, please attend the iDirect Quality of Service Boot Camp (iQBC). The Downstream Distributor is responsible for segmenting outbound packets for transmission. The Upstream Distributor can only be configured for a remote that transmits an SCPC return channel. The Upstream Distributor is responsible for segmenting inbound packets for transmission on the SCPC upstream carrier. The TDMA upstream segment size is automatically calculated by the system.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Remote: Switch Module1 5: Network Configuration

The switch tab is only available for remotes that have a physical 8-port switch, (i.e. X7, e8350, etc). The switch tab can be associated with each of the eight RJ45 Lan B Ethernet ports located on the back panel of some iDirect remote modems with a specific VLAN. For a VLAN to appear on the Switch tab, it must first be added to the remote on the Remote IP Config tab. By default, all VLAN ports are defined as trunks. When a port is defined as a trunk, all traffic on any VLAN (including both user-defined VLANs and the default VLAN) can pass through the port. All user-defined VLAN frames on trunk ports are tagged to explicitly identify the VLAN. Default VLAN traffic passing through a trunk port is not tagged. As an alternative to allowing a port to act as a trunk, you can define a port to be dedicated to a single, specific VLAN. You can dedicate a port to any user-defined VLAN or to the default VLAN. When a port is dedicated to a VLAN, only traffic for that VLAN passes through the port. There is no VLAN tagging on a port dedicated to a single VLAN, regardless of whether the port is dedicated to the default VLAN or to a user-defined VLAN.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 5: Network Configuration

The Switch tab allows you to perform the following operations: • Dedicate a port to a specific VLAN • Configure a port as a trunk (allow traffic on all VLANs to pass through the trunk) • Specify the port speed and mode (full duplex or half duplex) • Copy the table of switch settings to an external application such as a spreadsheet WARNING! The port settings must match the attached equipment. Mismatches in either port speed or port mode will result in packet loss.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Remote: Geo Location Module1 5: Network Configuration

The Geo Location tab is used to specify the Geolocation of the remotes installation site. If you are commissioning a mobile remote, use the Geolocation tab to specify the remote’s mobile settings. When the remote is configured as Mobile, it looks for GPS string on the serial console port to provide its latitude and longitude information in the form of an NMEA string. It uses this information to compute the FSD and acquire into the network. Once a remote has been acquired into the network, the remote automatically sends its latitude and longitude to the hub every 30 seconds. However, when Mobile Security is selected, the remote will not send its current geographic location to the hub. Handshake signaling requires a stabilizing antenna and requires customers to build their own electrical interface (converter) to communicate with the antenna. When Handshake Signaling is enabled at the NMS, the mobile remote provides an input and output signal to the stabilizing antenna through the serial console port. The output signal, or lock signal, indicates the frame lock status of the receiver on the remote. The input signal TxMute is used to mute the transmitter until the antenna pointing is completed.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Remote: VSAT

Module 5: Network Configuration

The remote VSAT tab contains two sets of inter-related VSAT tabs. The top contains tabs and drop-down list boxes for selecting the previously defined IFL, BUC, Reflector Mount, Reflector, and LNB. The tabs on the bottom display configuration details for the currently selected subcomponent. Switching between tabs enables users to review the configuration of selected subcomponents on one screen. A remote will be incomplete until you define at least a BUC and a LNB. If you are using the iDirect Automatic Beam Selection feature, you must also select a Reflector that is configured with a controllable antenna. When you do this, a number of additional fields will appear on the right-hand side of the Remote Antenna area of the VSAT tab.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Remote: VSAT-2 Module1 5: Network Configuration

The VSAT-2 tab is only available for Evolution X7 remotes that are licensed for a second receiver. The second receiver can receive Multicast Fast Path streams from a primary or secondary network. The primary network refers to the iBuilder network in which the X7 remote is configured. The secondary network refers to another iDirect network transmitting the downstream carrier with the Multicast Fast Path traffic. NOTE: A license is required to enable the second receiver on an X7-Series satellite router. For more information, see the iDirect Features and Chassis Licensing Guide. NOTE: For information on configuring Multicast Fast Path streams from a secondary network, see the chapter on “Multicast Fast Path” in the Technical Reference Guide.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Remote: Warning Properties

Module 5: Network Configuration

Warnings that indicate anomalous conditions on your iDirect equipment are generated by the iDirect network and displayed in iMonitor. You can configure the properties that determine how individual warnings are generated not only for remotes but also for line cards and protocol processors. There are two categories of warnings: • Limit-based warnings are generated when either the high or low limit defined for the warning is violated. A warning’s range can specify a low limit, a high limit or both. • Boolean warnings have two states: the warning is either off or on. A Boolean warning is generated when the value being monitored by the warning changes from the nominal state to the anomalous state. For example, if a line card loses the chassis backplane 10 MHz timing signal, then the BackplaneLost10MHz warning is generated for the line card. You can perform the following operation when configuring warning properties: • Enable or disable a warning. • Set the upper and lower limits that determine when certain warnings are generated. (Limit-based warnings only.) • Configure a warning to be generated only when a limit is violated, or to be generated each time a value changes when outside the normal operating range. (Limit-based warnings only.)


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module1 5: Network Configuration

All warning modifications are processed dynamically; you do not need to restart any NMS processes for the warning changes to take effect. For example, if you disable a warning all currently active warnings of this type will clear in iMonitor. Similarly if you modify a limit such that some active warnings now fall in the normal range, those warnings are automatically cleared.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



iQ pool Licensing

Module 5: Network Configuration

When configuring iQ remotes, each remote needs to be assigned to a “Pool License”. The pool categories are applied based on the NMS licenses applied. The different pools for licensing the iQ-Series remotes are: iQ-1Mbps iQ-2Mbps iQ-3Mbps iQ-4Mbps iQ-5Mbps iQ-10Mbps iQ-15Mbps iQ-20Mbps iQ-25Mbps iQ-30Mbps iQ-40Mbps


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Configuration States Module1 5: Network Configuration

After the operator has made database modifications, but before they have been applied to the network, a situation where the NMS database is temporarily out-of-sync with the actual network is created. To help operators easily manage this situation and others like it, iDirect implements the concept of configuration state. Configuration states show the current configuration status of key components of the network: Hub Chassis, individual networks, line cards, and remote modems. Using a specific modification as an example, we can see how configuration state changes over time: Remote “r_123” is configured, commissioned, and all previous changes have been applied. Its configuration state is “Nominal”. User changes the upstream QOS settings for remote r_123. The configuration state for r_123 becomes “Changes Pending”. User reviews the changes, determines they are correct, and then applies them to the remote. The configuration state for r_123 returns to “Nominal”.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 5: Network Configuration

Possible configuration states are: Nominal. The element is completely configured, is alive in the network, and there are no unapplied changes. Changes Pending. The element is completely configured and is alive in the network. There are changes in the database that have not been applied. Incomplete. The element is only partially configured; one or more key components of the configuration are unspecified (e.g. carriers, IP address, serial number) Never Applied. The element is completely configured but the configuration has never been applied to the element. Deactivated. The element was at one time active in the network, but it has been deactivated.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Configuration Cycle Module1 5: Network Configuration

You can retrieve current configurations and save them on your PC as “Options” files. You can also download (or apply) the Options files to other elements of the same type or to elements that will be affected by a modified element’s new configuration. In addition, you can compare an element’s “Saved” configuration its “Active” configuration. Network elements such as remotes and Protocol Processors have both Active and Saved configurations. The Saved configuration is the configuration that is stored in the NMS database. The Active configuration is resident on the network element itself. When you modify the configuration of an element, the Saved configuration is updated. When you Apply the changes, the Saved configuration is sent to the element and loaded as the Active configuration. Each remote has two separate Options files, each with Saved and Active versions. One remote Options file, called the “remote-side” Options file, is sent to the remote. The other remote Options file, called the “hubside” Options file, is sent to the Protocol Processor to configure the remote on the PP. When you modify a remote using iBuilder, the changes may affect the remote-side Options file, the hub-side Options file, or both.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Applying Configuration Changes

Module 5: Network Configuration

When applying remote configurations, you may choose remote-side, hub-side, or both sides. When you select both sides, iBuilder enforces the correct apply order: remote, then hub. Right-click the remote whose configuration you want to be changed. Select Apply Configuration, and then select Reliable Hub-Side (TCP), Reliable Remote-Side (TCP), Reliable (Both), or Push Remote-Side with Reset (UDP). It is recommended that you use TCP if possible.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Revision Server – Applying Configuration Changes Module1 5: Network Configuration

In the past, it was the responsibility of the network operator to ensure that all remotes were successfully upgraded to the current version of their image files. The network operator had to monitor the network to determine if any remotes failed to receive the initial image upgrade. If so, the operator had to manually resend the image package until all remotes were up-to-date. Using the Revision Server, you can configure the NMS to automatically upgrade remote sites that have not yet received the latest download. Once you select a set of remotes to upgrade, the Revision Server packages the current images and options files together. (This includes the Board Support package if necessary.) It then periodically transmits the latest package to the selected remotes, stopping only after all remotes in the list have successfully received their upgrades. You can also use the Revision Server to send only options files, without reloading the images. This allows you to change the configuration of one or more remotes and ensure that the changes will be applied without further operator intervention. The Revision Server has the following characteristics: • The Revision Server can download multiple networks simultaneously. • By default, the Revision Server uses up to 10 percent of the downstream bandwidth when it is active. (However, you can modify the download rate when you launch an upgrade.)

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 5: Network Configuration

• Once you start the Revision Server, it immediately begins to upgrade all the selected remotes. If one or more remotes fail to receive the package during an upgrade cycle, the revision server will automatically begin a new cycle to retransmit the package to those remotes. (The time remaining before the next cycle is displayed on the Revision Server dialog box.) Once all remotes in the list are upgraded, the revision server stops. • You can command the Revision Server to stop upgrading one or more networks while the upgrade is in progress. • VNO users can use the Revision Server to download remotes as long as the VNO has the necessary permissions or ownership of the appropriate network elements. Only remotes that the VNO is allowed to download are displayed on the Revision Server GUI.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Alternate Downstream Carrier Module1 5: Network Configuration

Each Network may have only one active Downstream (Outbound) Carrier, but you can also configure an Alternate Downstream Carrier. An alternate downstream carrier is configured in order to facilitate moving a network to a new downstream carrier while minimizing the chance of stranding remotes in the process. But be careful, remotes that have not been downloaded with the alternate downstream carrier definition will be stranded, and site visits may be required to recover those remotes. To change your primary downstream carrier to the alternate downstream carrier configured for your transmit line card. You will need to: • Configure your alternate downstream carrier on the Tx Line Card dialog box. • Make sure that all remotes in your network have received their new options files containing the alternate downstream carrier definition. • Move your network to the new downstream carrier. Any remotes that were not in the network at the time of the carrier change will acquire the new carrier when they re-acquire the network since that carrier is still defined as their alternate carrier.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 5: Network Configuration

When a remote joins a network configured with an alternate downstream carrier, it first tries to acquire the last carrier it was receiving. The remotes first try to acquire the old active carrier before timing out and acquiring the new active carrier. By default this timeout is set to five minutes (300 seconds).


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Licensing Module1 5: Network Configuration

You must license your chassis slots and certain features to enable their configuration in iBuilder. When you license your chassis slots or any of the features listed above, iDirect will send you a license file. Using the iBuilder License Toolbar, you must then import the license file to enable the configuration of the chassis or feature on the iBuilder GUI. To display the License Toolbar, select License Toolbar from the iBuilder View menu. The License toolbar consists of the two icons: one for importing license files; the other for exporting license data. By default, you cannot import a chassis license file without first connecting to the NMS Chassis Manager server and enabling the download permission. However, you can permanently enable download to the Chassis Manager by following the steps located in the iBuilder User Guide. If you permanently enable download to the Chassis Manager, you do not need to execute the steps below when importing a chassis license file. Follow these steps to import a license file that you received from iDirect: • Connect, using Telnet, to your Primary NMS Server on port 15262. • At the Username prompt, log on to the chassis manager admin account. (The default password is iDirect. You should change this password.) • Enter the command: download on

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 5: Network Configuration

Install the license using iBuilder

Enter the command: download off

Enter the command: update

Exit the Telnet session. You are done.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Users and Permissions Module1 5: Network Configuration

The two basic privilege levels are Super User (all privileges) and Guest (read-only). • The Super User access level gives the user complete access to all features of the NMS, in both iBuilder and iMonitor, that are available to the User Group in which the Super User is defined. • Guest access level provides read-only access to all parts of the network in iBuilder with no ability to change data or download images. Guest access provides most functions in iMonitor, with the following exceptions: Guest-level users cannot connect to remote modems; Guest-level users cannot exercise functions on the Probe tab of iMonitors remote control panel.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Activity Log

Module 5: Network Configuration

The Activity Log shows the time and details of iBuilder and iMonitor user activities (such as database modifications, user logins, etc.) as well as activities such as modem resets and configuration uploads. In the Activity Log dialog box, enter a Start Time and an End Time. The Duration will be calculated by iBuilder. (You can also use the slider to adjust Duration, which represents the offset between the Start Time and the End Time. When you adjust the Duration with the slider, the End Time is automatically updated.) In the Activity Name area of the dialog box, select all activities you want to view. (You can use the Select All and Clear All buttons to select or clear all activities.) Click the Show Log button to display the activities in the List of Activities pane. (You can also click this button to refresh the display with recent activities if your End Time is set to a future time.) When viewing Activities, if the Activity Type is applied configuration, then the Details column will contain a hyperlink to the options file that was applied. You can click the hyperlink to view the options file in Notepad. As with other multicolumn lists in iMonitor and iBuilder, you can copy and paste multiple rows from the Activity Log List of Activities into another Windows application such as Excel for further analysis.


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Exercise – Building a Network from scratch Module1 5: Network Configuration


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Learner Knowledge Review - Module 5

Module 5: Network Configuration

Learner Knowledge Review - Module 5 1. The iDirect iVantage application includes iBuilder, iMonitor and iSite for building, managing, controlling, monitoring, and troubleshooting iDirect networks. 2.

Installation of iBuilder, iMonitor and iSite on your workstation or laptop is a simple

process that just take a few minutes and require administrator privileges on your Microsoft Windows computer. The default credentials being admin/admin and guest/guest. 3.

It is important, before even you start creating any network components, to have all the

required components identified and gather the information for all the mandatory fields that you will have to fill-up. Those include the spacecraft location, the transponder translation frequency, the downstream and upstream carrier definitions, the Teleport location and the frequency translation of the installed up converter and down converter, the chassis serial number and license, the IP scheme for all the configured protocol processors, line cards and other networking components, etc. 4.

Network elements can have various configuration states in iBuilder, depending on

whether the operator has made changes to the element and if these changes have been synchronized with the network’s database. Configuration states include: Nominal, Changes Pending, Incomplete, Never Applied, Deactivated, among others. 5.

Network elements such as remotes and Protocol Processors have both Active and

Saved configurations. The Saved configuration is the configuration that is stored in the NMS database. The Active configuration is resident on the network element itself. When you modify the configuration of an element, the Saved configuration is updated. When you Apply the changes, the Saved configuration is sent to the element and loaded as the Active configuration. 6.

Each remote has two separate Options files, each with Saved and Active versions.

One remote Options file, called the “remote-side” Options file, is sent to the remote. The other remote Options file, called the “hub-side” Options file, is sent to the Protocol Processor to configure the remote on the PP. When you modify a remote using iBuilder, the changes may affect the remote-side Options file, the hub-side Options file, or both. If you have changes pending on both sides, remember always to apply them to the remote-side first (or use the “both” option). 7.

Remotes are created either under an Inroute Group or under a SCPC Return configured line

card. Each inroute group can consist of a maximum of 32 carriers with identical configured payload size. All the other parameters like the carrier modulation, coding scheme or symbol rate can be


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module1 5: Network Configuration

different from carrier to carrier. 8.

All the carriers received by a particular line card have to be part of the same inroute

group and processed by the same transponder. However, an inroute group can contain carriers received from multiple line cards. 9.

It is possible to move a remote from a TDMA environment to an SCPC Return dedicated link.

You just have to “move” the remote from its current Inroute Group to the desired SCPC Return configured line card. The opposite process is also possible. 10. Each Network may have only one active Downstream (Outbound) Carrier, but you can also configure an Alternate Downstream Carrier. An alternate downstream carrier is configured in order to facilitate moving a network to a new downstream carrier while minimizing the chance of stranding remotes in the process. Note that the alternate carrier is a logical carrier that is not going to be transmitted over the air; it exists for reference purposes only. 11. Dynamic Features and Options Exchange (DFOE) allows some remote-side configuration changes to be applied without having to reset the remotes, a great advantage if you compare with older are releases.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 5

Module 5: Network Configuration

Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 5 1. The iVantage Network Management System (NMS) includes: a. iBuilder, iMonitor and third party software. b. iBuilder, iMonitor and iSite. c. iBuilder, iMonitor, iSite and Web iSite. d. iBuilder, iMonitor, iSite and iConfig. 2. Network elements can have various ____________ in iBuilder, depending on whether the operator has made changes to the element and if these changes have been synchronized with the network’s database. a. configuration options b. configuration states c. status states d. status options 3. Which of the following is NOT a configuration state in iBuilder? a. Unable b. Never Applied c. Nominal d. Changes Pending 4. After you configure a new network element, but before you apply the changes, the configuration state is displayed in iBuilder as: a. Unable b. Never Applied c. Nominal d. Changes Pending 5. If a remote in iBuilder has a configuration state of “remote-side changes pending”, what will be the preferred and safest option to select when applying the configuration to the remote? a. Reliable Hub-Side (TCP) b. Reliable Remote-Side (TCP) c. Reliable (Both) d. Push Remote-Side with Reset (UDP) 6. Dynamic Features and Options Exchange (DFOE) allows some remote-side configuration changes to be applied without having to __________________. a. reset the Network Management System. b. reset the Remotes. c. obtain a license file. d. call the Technical Assistance Center.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module1 5: Network Configuration

7. Which iDirect software application is used to configure a network? a. iMonitor b. iBuilder c. iSite d. All of the above. 8. Which component in iBuilder holds the frequency translation information for the hub’s transmit and receive? a. Teleport b. Network c. Remote Antenna Components d. Hub RFT Components 9. The satellite’s longitude and orbital inclination are found in which component? a. Teleport b. Hub RFT c. Transponder d. Spacecraft 10. Which of the following sentences is NOT true regarding the configuration of an Alternate Downstream Carrier? a. It facilitates moving a network to a new downstream carrier. b. The alternate downstream carrier is configured on your transmission line card. c. The alternate downstream carrier will be transmitted over the air as a backup carrier. d. Once all the remotes have received the new configuration, the carrier migration can be performed

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 5: Network Configuration


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 6: Network Monitoring

Once the network is built, up and running, it is paramount to monitor all aspects of network performance. iMonitor’s sophisticated network performance and traffic reporting features make it possible to monitor and prevent problems before they occur. In this module, learners will become familiar with the specifications, features, and operation of iMonitor and how it works within the Network Management System (NMS). Goal: Through lecture, presentation and visual display each learner will be able to understand, explain and demonstrate all applicable components of the iMonitor application to observe, monitor, and track performance of elements within an iDirect network. Objectives: •

Identify iMonitor as the iVantage tool used for monitoring and troubleshooting the real-time status of iDirect networks, knowing how to install it and how to access any Primary NMS server.

Use iMonitor to effectively monitor the real-time and historical conditions of any iDirect network, being able to retrieve general and specific statistics from the moments before or during an outage or other ongoing issue.

Retrieve availability reports and long-term bandwidth usage reports from the system.

Check for network congestion using the SAT Bandwidth Usage and Inroute Distribution tools.

Be familiar exporting information from iMonitor to other Windows software as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Installing iMonitor

Module 6: Network Monitoring

The NMS GUI clients are Windows PC-based applications that run under the Windows OS versions specified on the slide. Versions of Windows older than the ones shown are not supported. iDirect does not support server-based versions of Windows. Installation Procedure A single client installer .exe file, nms_clients_setup.exe, installs all three GUI clients and associated library files for you. To install the clients, copy the nms_clients_setup.exe file to the target PC, double-click it, and follow the prompts. By default, the clients are installed in the directory C:\Program Files\iDIRECT. The installer automatically places a shortcut to each GUI application on your desktop and adds the appropriate entries in the Windows Start menu.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Launching iMonitor Module 6: Network Monitoring

iMonitor is initially installed with two default accounts: “admin” and “guest”. The admin user has full access privileges to all iMonitor functionality, while the guest account has read-only access. The passwords for these two accounts are identical to their associated user names. For information on setting up user accounts, see “Managing User Accounts and User Groups” in the iBuilder User Guide. iDirect strongly recommends that you modify the admin user password as soon as possible after installation. This is especially important if your NMS Server is accessible via the public Internet. To launch iMonitor, double-click the desktop shortcut or select it from the Windows Start menu. Enter your user name and password in the Login Information dialog box. Click Server and select the IP address or host name of your primary NMS Server machine. The Server box holds up to three IP addresses. If yours does not exist, enter the IP Address in the Server box. Click OK to complete the login process. The iMonitor application automatically connects to the NMS server processes that are required to perform the NMS’s functions. If this connection is lost for any reason, iMonitor automatically reconnects to the servers when they become available. Note: The iMonitor version must match the NMS server version in order for you to log in.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Network Tree and Conditions Pane

Module 6: Network Monitoring

The Network Tree is the primary navigation tool in iMonitor. It contains all of the elements of your network, structured hierarchically. Each element in the tree contains a context-sensitive menu accessible from your mouse’s context menu button (typically the right mouse button). By right-clicking a tree element, a submenu of options appears, which you may click to use to configure or view various types of data and other information used to monitor your network. For example, Teleport or Transponder appear in the submenus of Tree elements. A plus sign (+) next to an element or folder in the Tree indicates that additional elements, folders, or informational entries exist below that level, or branch, of the Tree. Click the plus sign (+) to expand the element or folder to view the next level of the Tree. A minus sign (-) next to an element or folder indicates that the element or folder has been completely expanded and has no other child entries below this level, or branch, in the Tree, other than the children that are currently visible. Click the minus (-) sign next to an element to collapse all levels of the tree underneath that element. In addition to representing the state of an element via an icon in the Tree view, you can click View > Conditions to open a dockable pane at the bottom of iMonitor’s main window. The Conditions pane has tabs that enable you to view conditions using different criteria. The options are as follows:


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 6: Network Monitoring

Active Conditions – This tab shows all outstanding conditions that have not been cleared. Any current alarms or warnings are displayed on this tab. Observation View – This tab shows all conditions for specific elements you have put “Under Observation”. You may put a Protocol Processor, Blade, Line Card or Remote under observation by clicking the element and selecting Under Observation. You may cancel the observation view by clicking the element in the tree and switching the Under Observation control off, or by right-clicking on a specific condition in the Under Observation tab and selecting Cancel Observation. Disabled Conditions – This tab shows any conditions that have been disabled. You can disable an active condition by right-clicking the condition and selecting Disable Condition. Condition Log – This tab shows the 500 most recent condition changes; older changes are dropped from the report view. All conditions shown on the Condition Log tab are sorted by the time that the condition change occurred. iMonitor no longer groups condition changes.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course




Module 6: Network Monitoring

The Workspace capability solves one of the biggest problems with real-time monitoring systems: window real estate. As you launch more and more report views, you may find that you’re quickly running out of space in the results pane and in need of a bigger report view. The Workspace Toolbar provides a convenient way for you to organize multiple report views into a series of “virtual workspaces”. The four workspaces on this toolbar effectively give you four times the window real estate without having to add another report view. To launch the Workspace toolbar, select View > Workspace from iMonitor’s main menu. You will see four small windows appear on the right-side of iMonitor’s main tool bar. Each of these windows represents a virtual workspace where you can launch different report views. When you click one of the workspace windows, report views you launched on another workspace are hidden and a new, blank workspace appears. For convenience, each workspace is highlighted in yellow whenever a report view is present on that workspace. In addition to using workspaces in real-time, you may also save the contents of a workspace to be reloaded at a later time. The workspace file stores the following information about report views: The window pane size and position within the workspace The request parameters originally specified in the requests


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 6: Network Monitoring

To save the contents of a workspace, select File > Save Workspace As from the main menu. This operation will save all the report views currently active in the workspace. You may also adjust the contents of any workspace and re-save it by selecting File > Open Workspace from the main menu. When you reload a workspace the saved requests will be automatically resubmitted to the appropriate servers. Note: Only real-time and Get Past requests are saved in workspace files.


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Real-time Conditions Snapshot

Module 6: Network Monitoring

All Condition Snapshots contain multicolumn lists that allow you to view the current states of the elements more compactly than is possible from the iMonitor Tree view. The Network and Teleport Condition Snapshots show all elements in the selected teleport, network, or inroute group. The Device Condition Snapshot shows only the remote. To view a Condition Snapshot, follow these steps: 1. Right-click the teleport, network, inroute group or remote for which you want to view the Condition Snapshot. 2. Select Network Condition Snapshot, Teleport Condition Snapshot, or Device Condition Snapshot to view the Condition Snapshot pane. Depending on your selection, the Condition Snapshot includes the following elements: If you select Teleport Condition Snapshot at the teleport level, all protocol processors, protocol processor blades, chassis, inroute group, and remotes configured under the teleport If you select Network Condition Snapshot at the network level, all inroute groups and remotes in that network are displayed If you select Network Condition Snapshot on a particular inroute group, only the line cards and remotes in that inroute group are displayed in the Network Condition Snapshot box If you select Device Condition Snapshot from a remote, only the remote is displayed


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Viewing Events & Conditions Module 6: Network Monitoring

To view conditions or events, you must specify certain criteria on the Select Items dialog box. It can often be useful to retrieve certain events over an extended period of time for one or more remotes. Although you can retrieve all events and sort the results to find the ones you’re looking for, iMonitor also allows you to specify a text filter when retrieving historical events. When you specify a text filter, iMonitor shows you only those events that match the filter. Click either Historical or Get Past. If you are viewing Events, you can filter the results, or simply click OK to begin retrieving events in real-time. If you enter a Text Filter in the Get Past time range dialog box, the filter values are applied only to the Event Description field of the event message. If you click Historical, then click Time Range, the Select Time Range dialog box appears. If desired, click the ellipses next to the Start Time and End Time to set the time using the graphical clock display. If you are retrieving data on conditions, the Conditions/Time Line pane appears, displaying the conditions logged for the specified period. This data is displayed in a multicolumn format. On the Conditions tab, notice that many remotes have an arrow next to them. If you click on the arrow so that it is pointing down, the conditions for that remote are revealed.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Historical Conditions

Module 6: Network Monitoring


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Conditions & Real-time States (I) Module 6: Network Monitoring

It is possible for multiple conditions to exist simultaneously on a given network element. In fact, this is quite likely when a remote drops out of the network for some reason. In these cases, the element’s overall state reflects the highest severity of any one condition, according to the following rules: No conditions: overall state is “OK” One or more Warnings: overall state is “Warning” One or more Warnings and one or more Alarms: overall state is “Alarm” Remote has been sent Offline: overall state is “Offline” The offline state is a special condition that overrides all other warnings and alarms. This state applies only to remotes. The offline state can be initiated by a remote user just before turning the remote off, to indicate to the network operator that no investigation is necessary. When a remote is sent offline by the remote user, iMonitor and the back-end event server will ignore all subsequent alarms. If a unit is turned off without sending it offline first, the remote will go into the Alarm state at the hub. The offline state clears automatically when the remote is turned back on and acquires into the network.

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Conditions & Real-time States (II)

Module 6: Network Monitoring

You can view the real time status of network elements in the Tree View by selecting View Real-Time Status from the View menu. The status of the various elements is displayed to the right of the element name in the tree. Conditions in iMonitor are made up of Alarms and Warnings, which are collectively called “conditions.” Alarms alert you to an interruption in service, whereas Warnings indicate a condition that could result in an interruption of service if not handled in a timely fashion.


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Protocol Processor Controller Module 6: Network Monitoring

The iMonitor Blade Info Pane allows you to monitor the activity and configuration of your protocol processor blades. The various tabs allow you to determine the processes running on each blade, the remotes assigned to each blade, and the CPU utilization of each blade. Click the Blade Info Pane tabs and expand the contents to display the following information about the blades: The Process tab shows the various software processes running on each blade and the remotes under each process; The Remotes tab lists the remotes per network being managed by the blades; The CPU Usage tab show the percentages of CPU usage by category. It also shows CPU idle time


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Protocol Processor CPU

Module 6: Network Monitoring

If using two Protocol Processor Blades, an average blade load higher than 50% will be dangerous in case of PP Blade failover, as the remaining blade CPU usage could be higher than 100%. If using three Protocol Processor Blades, an average blade load higher than 66% will be dangerous in case of PP Blade failover, as the remaining blades CPU usage could be higher than 100%. If using four Protocol Processor Blades, an average blade load higher than 75% will be dangerous in case of PP Blade failover, as the remaining blades CPU usage could be higher than 100%. If using five Protocol Processor Blades, an average blade load higher than 80% will be dangerous in case of PP Blade failover, as the remaining blades CPU usage could be higher than 100%. Etc..


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Network Data Snapshot Module 6: Network Monitoring

The Network Data Snapshot allows you to select multiple real-time and configuration parameters for a group of remotes and display the data in tabular form. The Line Card Data Snapshot allows you to do the same thing for a group of line cards. This is useful for monitoring a variety of real-time data points for multiple elements simultaneously. To view a network or line card data snapshot, follow the directions below: Right-click a network or inroute group. Select Network Data Snapshot or Linecard Data Snapshot to display the Select Items and Stats dialog box. In the pane on the left, select the remotes or line cards you want to view. By default all elements are displayed in the left-hand pane. To select only Activated elements, click Active. To clear all selections, click Clear. In the pane on the right, expand the tree. Then select all parameters you want to view for the selected elements. These selections will appear as columns in the Data Snapshot. Note: Limit-checked parameters (such as downstream C/N) change to yellow if the values go outside the defined limits. Remotes that are out-of-network are displayed in red.

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Availability Reports

Module 6: Network Monitoring

The Remote Availability report and Line Card Availability report show the amount of time one or more remotes or line cards were active in the network and able to transmit and receive IP traffic. Each of these reports also includes a count of the number of times a remote or line card was out of the network during the reporting period. These reports are available from the following levels of the iMonitor Tree: Network Inroute Group Remotes (Remote Availability only) Line Cards (Line Card Availability only)


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Downstream Bandwidth Module 6: Network Monitoring

The Satellite Bandwidth Usage report view shows the total downstream IP and Satellite traffic in Kbps for individual remotes. Only real-time information is displayed. The Bandwidth Usage report view can be selected from the following elements in the iMonitor tree: Networks Inroute Groups To monitor in the upstream direction, simply right-click on the first row of the “SAT Bandwidth Usage” window and enable the IP-Upstream, SAT-Upstream, or both.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



DVB-S2 MODCOD Distribution

Module 6: Network Monitoring

In an ACM network, the protocol processor adjusts the modulation and coding (MODCOD) of the outbound channel on a frame-by-frame basis depending on the current receive capabilities of the individual remotes in the network. When ACM is enabled for your DVB-S2 carrier, you can examine how the downstream data is distributed across the range of MODCODs configured for the carrier in iBuilder. You can view the MODCOD distribution for all downstream data by selecting MODCOD distribution from the Tx line card menu. You can view the MODCOD distribution to specific remotes by selecting MODCOD distribution for a network or remote.


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Downstream: SNR Graph Module 6: Network Monitoring

In an ACM network, each DVB-S2 remote periodically reports its current Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) to the protocol processor. Based on the remote’s last-reported SNR, the protocol processor determines the maximum MODCOD at which the remote can currently receive data. When the protocol processor sends data to the line card destined for that remote, it tells the line card the maximum MODCOD on which the line card can send the data. Note that the line card may not send the data to the remote at the remote’s maximum MODCOD. To achieve the most efficient frame packing and to minimize latency, an outbound frame may contain data for multiple remotes with different maximum MODCODs. Therefore, the line card may choose to send the data to the remote at a MODCOD that is lower than its maximum MODCOD to ensure that all targeted remotes can demodulate the outbound frame. Note that critical data such as time plan messages are sent to all remotes at the lowest MODCOD configured for the downstream carrier, regardless of the current maximum MODCOD of the individual remotes.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Inroute Distribution

Module 6: Network Monitoring

The Inroute Distribution report view shows time plan slot allocation averaged over a one second interval for all inroutes in an inroute group. This report view is useful for determining how slots are allocated to remotes across all inroutes in an inroute group. The report view shows data in real-time only. The NMS does not save this data to the archive database. Inroute distribution can be selected from: Networks Inroute groups Because the inroute distribution data is specific to an individual inroute group, when you select multiple line cards from the network level, iMonitor launches a separate pane for each inroute group in the network. This Inroute Distribution report view is organized into the following columns: Remote name and serial number Total slots allocated to this remote across ALL inroutes The totals at the bottom show the total slots allocated to all remotes across all inroutes, the percentage of the total bandwidth this represents, and the total number of slots in all time plans For each inroute, the total number of slots allocated to each remote in the inroute\


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 6: Network Monitoring

The totals at the bottom show the total slots allocated to all remotes in this inroute, the percentage of this inroute’s bandwidth this represents, and the total number of slots in this time plan


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Upstream Congestion

Module 6: Network Monitoring

The Time Plan report view shows the total capacity of an inroute group versus the allocated bandwidth over time. The report view can be used to verify that the upstream capacity is allocated efficiently in all conditions. If this is not the case, it may be possible to improve the upstream efficiency by optimizing the definitions of one or more of the Inroute Group Compositions (IGCs). This Time Plan report view can be launched from the Network and Inroute Group levels of the iMonitor tree. The report view shows the following statistics over time for an inroute group: The capacity of the inroute group in traffic slots per TDMA frame The average number of allocated traffic slots per TDMA frame The average number of free traffic slots per TDMA frame The Inroute Group Composition (IGC) assigned to the inroute group at the time of each statistics sample The Timeline tab has two graphs representing the TDMA Time Plan: The top graph shows the total TDMA traffic slots (Capacity) and the portion of that capacity that was allocated (Total Slots) in average traffic slots per frame over time.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 6: Network Monitoring

The bottom graph shows a time line of IGC usage. The IGC in use at any time is represented by the position of the line on the y axis. This graph does not show capacity.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Inroute Group Composition Usage

Module 6: Network Monitoring

The Inroute Group Composition Usage report view can be used to look for discrepancies between actual and expected usage of the IGCs configured for an inroute group. This report view can be launched from the Network and Inroute Group levels of the iMonitor tree. It includes the following panes per Inroute Group: A histogram showing the percentage of time each IGC was in use over the selected statistics period A time line graph showing the IGC selections over time A multicolumn list of statistics records showing IGC usage and the Figures of Merit used to select the next IGC


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Inroute Group Latency Module 6: Network Monitoring

The NMS measures the round-trip time from the hub to each remote and back every twenty seconds. All values are available from iMonitor in real-time. Latency responses exceeding 800 msec are available from the historical archive and are saved for one week by default. The Latency report view can be selected from: Networks Inroute Groups Remotes The NMS measures latency by sending an empty ICMP echo request and measuring the time elapsed until it receives a corresponding ICMP echo response from the remote. The round-trip time (RTT) is limitchecked by default; if the RTT is greater than two seconds, iMonitor raises a Warning for this remote. Additionally, the receipt of the ICMP echo response is used to generate the layer 3 LATENCY Alarm, which indicates a potential IP problem. The NMS backend generates this alarm if it misses three consecutive ICMP echo responses.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 6: Network Monitoring

Note: Latency is measured from the NMS server; the latency results do not represent latency values from the remotes to arbitrary IP addresses on the public Internet. Historical latency reports show only data for latency timeouts. They do not show measurements that are below the threshold.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Remote Control Panel Module 6: Network Monitoring

The Control Panel is only available for remotes. It provides everything you need to know about a remote in a single, multi-tabbed report view. You can view configuration information, SATCOM information, IP and satellite traffic statistics, Probe, QoS settings, latency, and events/conditions simply by clicking from tab to tab in this single pane. The Control Panel is available only from individual remotes in the iMonitor Tree. Additionally, you may have only four Control Panel panes launched at the same time. When you launch the Control Panel it automatically requests real-time data for each tab in the pane; you may also request historical data for any tab in the pane using the Historical or Get Past tools at the top of each tab. The Control Panel is organized into the following tabs: General – contains configuration information organized into functional areas, and a real-time summary in the lower-left corner that updates in real time as long as you keep the pane open Events/Conditions – shows events and conditions in real-time or for the specified time period. When you re-submit requests, you may select only events or only conditions by selecting the appropriate entry in the “List” drop-down box SATCOM – Identical to the individual SATCOM pane, except this pane shows only the graph, not the raw data behind it IP Traffic – shows IP statistics on the downstream and/or upstream for this remote

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Module 6: Network Monitoring

SAT Traffic – shows satellite traffic statistics on the down/up for this remote Probe – a Probe pane for this remote – allows to troubleshoot the remote from the hub through L2 commands, among other functions Remote Status and UCP Info – These two tabs are not tied to the Control Panel’s SATCOM report view, but provide a means for retrieving these messages over a longer period of time than can be shown in the SATCOM graph. A real-time/historical report view shows raw UCP and Remote Status information. This display allows you to request up to one week of UCP and Remote Status messages. Latency – a latency pane for this remote – allows to monitor the latency towards the remote QoS – displays the current QoS profile settings for this remote


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SATCOM Graph Module 6: Network Monitoring

The SATCOM report view shows satellite link characteristics for an individual remote on the upstream and downstream channels, either in real-time or from the historical archive. This report view is most useful for showing the relationships between hub-side uplink power control and remote transmit power. It also graphs the frequency and symbol offset calculations applied to the remote from the Protocol Processor. The SATCOM report view is available only from remotes. Because the information in the report view is specific to an individual remote, when you select multiple remotes from an intermediate level in the iMonitor tree, iMonitor launches a separate pane for each remote. Remote Status messages come from the remote itself, while UCP messages come from the Protocol Processor during uplink control processing. The remote status message contains a number of other pieces of information not shown in the graph. These real-time/historical report views show raw UCP and Remote Status information. This report view allows you to request up to one week of UCP and Remote Status messages.


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Remote Probe

Module 6: Network Monitoring

The Probe pane is available for individual Remotes in the iMonitor Tree. It allows you to perform specific tasks on a single remote, and provides a mechanism for retrieving protocol layer statistics from the Protocol Processor controlling the remote. Specifically, the probe allows you to perform any of the following operations from a single dialog box: Change a remote’s transmit power. Remote Power allows you to dynamically change the remote’s transmit power using a MAC-level message from the Protocol Processor. The remote does not have to be in the network to receive this message, but it must be locked onto the downstream carrier. Connect to a remote or protocol processor blade. Terminal Sessions allows you to launch a terminal window to this remote or to the remote’s protocol processor blade. The remote must be in the network and your PC must be able to “ping” the remote for the remote terminal function to work. Reset a remote. Reset Remote allows you to reset the remote using a MAC-level message from the Protocol Processor. The remote does not have to be in the network to receive this message, but it must be locked onto the downstream carrier.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 6: Network Monitoring

Transmit a modulated or unmodulated carrier from a remote. Cross Polarization allows you to transmit an unmodulated or modulated carrier on a specified frequency from a remote. Note: A carrier launched from this screen will automatically stop transmitting five minutes after the carrier was started or the power was last adjusted. You can configure a custom key on the remote to change this timeout. Retrieve data from and perform other functions on a remote’s protocol processor. Protocol Processor allows you to view statistics, reset statistics, view parameters, etc. Interpretation of protocol layer statistics requires knowledge of the protocol processor software. They can be useful when working with iDirect support personnel or engineers to understand network performance. They are not intended for customers working on their own. Perform LL Bounce and Acq Bounce on all protocol layers. The Protocol Processor section of the Probe pane allows you to “bounce” the link layer, which causes it to go through its initialization handshake sequence and perform the “ACQ Bounce” function on this remote. ACQ Bounce causes remotes to go through the acquisition process from scratch without resetting. This only takes a few seconds.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



IP Traffic vs. SAT Traffic

Module 6: Network Monitoring

Due to the different collection points for IP and SAT statistics, the IP Statistics report view may show more upstream traffic than is actually possible; i.e., greater than the channel rate or configured rate limit. This is normal and not a cause for concern. During congestion, chances are that Downstream IP Traffic would be much higher than Downstream SAT Traffic (especially when UDP traffic is present, as UDP doesn’t have any kind of flow control mechanism). This will translate to traffic being dropped and not transmitted over-the-air. If no congestion is present, IP Traffic may be similar to SAT Traffic. However, iDirect features such as TCP Acceleration, Protocol Compression, and GRE Tunnels may cause the SAT Traffic to be lower than the IP Traffic. This does not mean that traffic is being dropped or lost, but that the system manages to transmit it over-the-air more efficiently.


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IP Traffic stats Module 6: Network Monitoring

In the current slide, a downstream direction example is shown. A DVB-S2 carrier with a configured symbol rate of 3.8Msps is used, so a maximum throughput of about 15Mbps could be transmitted over-the-air if the most efficient MODCOD (32APSK8/9) is used. As such, the IP Traffic Stats will show the total amount of data received by the Protocol Processor, even when it is not physically possible to transmit more than 15Mbps. The IP Traffic Stats graph in the downstream direction shows all the data that needs to be sent, not what is being transmitted over-the-air. The IP Traffic Stats graph in the upstream direction shows what is being transmitted from the remotes.


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SAT Traffic Stats

Module 6: Network Monitoring

In the current slide, a downstream direction example is shown. A DVB-S2 carrier with a configured symbol rate of 3.8Msps is used, so a maximum throughput of about 15Mbps could be transmitted over-the-air if the most efficient MODCOD (32APSK8/9) is used. As such, no more than 15Mbps could be physically transmitted over the carrier, regardless of the amount of information the Protocol Processors receive. The SAT Traffic Stats graph in the downstream direction shows what is being transmitted over-the-air. The SAT Traffic Stats graph in the upstream direction shows what is being transmitted from the remotes.


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Long-Term Bandwidth Usage Module 6: Network Monitoring

Long-term bandwidth usage reports provide a fast and flexible way to show bandwidth utilization. On the Average tab of the SAT Long Term Bandwidth Usage report, a percent-of-max-capacity figure is also calculated, which quantifies unused bandwidth margin on both the upstream and downstream channels. At each level of the Tree, you can report on all remotes below the element you have selected. The report is organized into Totals and Averages tabs. The Totals tab shows total kilobytes for each message returned from the server in the interval that you selected. There is a total value at the end of each row, and a grand total at the bottom of each column. The Averages tab shows the calculated kilobits per second value for each message. In addition to the kbps value, the averages tab of the SAT Long Term Bandwidth Usage report contains the percentage of the maximum channel capacity for your upstream and downstream channels for the interval chosen. The values in these two columns will give you a general idea of the bandwidth margin you have on your upstream and downstream. The values are estimates only; the actual channel capacities may be slightly higher or lower depending on a number of factors, such as the number of remotes in the network, whether or not the Download Distributor is turned on, etc. However, the values are accurate enough to tell you when you should consider adding additional bandwidth to a particular channel.

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Module 6: Network Monitoring

For the downstream, we take 2.5% off the top for overhead. Overhead includes HDLC framing, time plans, UCP commands, etc. The theoretical maximum for a downstream with a 2 Mbps information rate would be 2 * .975 = 1.95 Mbps. For the upstream, we use the following calculation to determine the theoretical maximum in bits per second: (bytes per slot)*(8 bits per byte)*(slots per frame)*(1000/frame_len) The upstream theoretical maximum is an estimate only; the actual maximum will vary depending on a number of factors, such as the number of remotes in the network, the minimum data rate for each remote, and IP packet sizes. Keep in mind that the larger your interval, the lower the percentage will probably be. This is due to the fact that kbps values are averaged over the entire period of the interval, so spikes in activity will tend to be hidden in the average value.


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Database replication Module 6: Network Monitoring

iDirect supports replication of NMS databases from the Primary NMS Server (MySQL Master) to one or more Backup NMS Servers (MySQL Slaves). For a detailed description of this feature, see the chapter titled “NMS Database Replication” in the Technical Reference Guide. The scripts that make up the iDirect replication tool set send warnings and events to the NMS Event Server for display in iMonitor. For example, on successful completion of any task each script sends an event listing the task and the fact that it was completed successfully. On any task failure each script sends a warning listing the task and a brief description of the failure. Note: If NMS Database Replication fails, an active condition will be raised in iMonitor. It is important to take action to recover from the failure and clear the condition. If no action is taken, the replication log files on the Primary NMS Server can no longer be purged and it is possible to run out of disk space. For more information, see the Technical Reference Guide.



iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Learner Knowledge Review - Module 6

Module 6: Network Monitoring

Learner Knowledge Review - Module 6 1. The iDirect iVantage application includes iBuilder, iMonitor and iSite for building, managing, controlling, monitoring, and troubleshooting your iDirect networks. 2. Installation of iBuilder, iMonitor and iSite on your workstation or laptop is a simple process that just take a few minutes and require administrator privileges on your Microsoft Windows computer. The default credentials being admin/admin and guest/guest. 3. iMonitor provides network operators with detailed information on real-time and historical performance of the network. Among its many capabilities, iMonitor allows you to analyze bandwidth usage; view remote status; view network statistics; monitor performance of networks, sub-networks and individual network elements; and manage alarms, warnings and network events. 4. The Network Tree is the primary navigation tool in iMonitor. It contains all of the elements of your network, structured hierarchically. Each element in the tree contains a context-sensitive menu accessible from your mouse’s context menu button (typically the right mouse button). By rightclicking a tree element, a sub-menu of options appears, which you may click to use to configure or view various types of data and other information used to monitor your network. For example, Teleport or Transponder appear in the sub-menus of Tree elements. 5. The Workspace capability solves one of the biggest problems with real-time monitoring systems: window real estate. As you launch more and more displays, you may find that you’re quickly running out of space in the results pane and you wish you had a bigger display. The Workspace Toolbar provides a convenient way for you to organize multiple displays into a series of “virtual workspaces”. 6. iMonitor displays alarms and warnings for the chassis, protocol processors, remotes and hub line

cards. Alarms and warnings are self-clearing and are stored in the data archive so you can observe trends over time. 7. The iMonitor Blade Info Pane allows you to monitor the activity and configuration of your protocol processor blades. The various tabs allow you to determine the processes running on each blade, the remotes assigned to each blade, and the CPU utilization of each blade. 8. The Network Data Snapshot allows you to select multiple real-time and configuration parameters for a group of remotes and display the data in tabular form. The Line Card Data Snapshot allows you to do the same thing for a group of line cards. This is useful for monitoring a variety of real-time data points for multiple elements simultaneously. 9. The Timeplan display shows the total capacity of an inroute group versus the allocated bandwidth over time. The display can be used to verify that the upstream capacity is allocated efficiently in all conditions. If this is not the case, it may be possible to improve the upstream efficiency by optimizing the definitions of one or more of the Inroute Group Compositions (IGCs). This Timeplan display can be launched from the Network and Inroute Group levels of the iMonitor tree. 10. The Inroute Distribution pane shows timeplan slot allocation averaged over a one second interval for all inroutes in an inroute group. This display is useful for determining how slots are allocated to remotes across all inroutes in an inroute group. The display shows data in real-time only. The NMS does not save this data to the archive database. 11. The NMS measures the round-trip time from the hub to each remote and back every twenty seconds. All values are available from iMonitor in real-time. Latency responses exceeding 800 msec are available from the historical archive and are saved for one week by default. 12. The UCP and Remote Status real-time/historical displays show raw UCP and Remote Status information. This display allows you to request up to one week of UCP and Remote Status messages.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 6: Network Monitoring

13. The Control Panel is available only on remotes. It provides “everything you ever wanted to know about a remote” in a single, multi-tabbed display. You can view configuration information, SATCOM information, IP and satellite traffic statistics, Probe, QoS settings, latency, and events/conditions simply by clicking from tab to tab in this single pane. The Control Panel is available only from individual remotes in the iMonitor Tree view. 14. The SATCOM display shows satellite link characteristics for an individual remote on the upstream and downstream channels, either in real-time or from the historical archive. This display is most useful for showing the relationships between hub-side up-link power control and remote transmit power. It also graphs the frequency and symbol offset calculations applied to the remote from the Protocol Processor. 15. The Probe pane is available from the individual Remote nodes in the iMonitor Tree view. It allows you to perform specific tasks on a single remote, and provides a mechanism for retrieving protocol layer statistics from the Protocol Processor controlling the remote. 16. In an ACM network, the protocol processor adjusts the modulation and coding (MODCOD) of the outbound channel on a frame-by-frame basis depending on the current receive capabilities of the individual remotes in the network. When ACM is enabled for your DVB-S2 carrier, you can examine how the downstream data is distributed across the range of MODCODs configured for the carrier in iBuilder. You can view the MODCOD distribution for all downstream data by selecting MODCOD distribution from the Tx line card menu. You can view the MODCOD distribution to specific remotes by selecting MODCOD distribution for a network or remote. 17. Long-term bandwidth usage reports provide you with a fast and flexible way to show bandwidth utilization. On the Average Tab of the SAT Long Term Bandwidth Usage report, a percent-of-maxcapacity figure is also calculated, which quantifies unused bandwidth margin on both the upstream and downstream channels. At each level of the Tree, you can report on all remotes below the element you have selected. 18. The Remote Availability report and Line Card Availability report allow you to report on the amount of time a remote or group of remotes was active in the network and able to pass IP traffic. The availability reports also includes a count of the number of times a remote or line card was out-ofnetwork during the reporting period.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 6

Module 6: Network Monitoring

Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 6 1. Which of the following components is not monitored by the Network Management System? a. The Protocol Processor servers. b. The Line Cards. c. The High Power Amplifier. d. The Satellite Routers. 2. The iMonitor software tool provides complete visibility to the real time status of the network components. The different status for a particular element could be: a. OK, warning, alarm. b. Warning, alarm and location. c. OK, warning. d. All of the above 3. When referring to iMonitor, alarms and warnings are called: a. Issues b. Conditions c. Operative Disruptions d. Interruptions 4. If a component shows an alarm state in iMonitor, when will the state clear and go back to Ok? a. Once the operator clears the alarm, manually. b. Once the originating issue has been resolved and the operator clears the alarm, manually. c. Once the originating issue has been resolved, automatically. d. Once the originating issue has expired after 6 hours since it was originated. 5. Which information display is useful for determining how slots are allocated across all inroutes in an inroute group, allowing the operator to check for network congestion in the upstream direction? a. SATCOM Graph b. Congestion Panel c. Timeplan d. Inroute Distribution 6. Which tool can be used to determine the amount of IP data being transmitted by a remote on the upstream direction? a. Upstream QoS Stats b. Inroute Distribution c. IP Traffic Graph d. All of the above.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 6: Network Monitoring

7. Which tool provides “everything you ever wanted to know about a remote” in a single, multi-tabbed display? a. SATCOM Graph b. UCP Graph c. Control Panel d. Inroute Distribution 8. A customer is asking you for the amount of time his remote has been online and able to transmit IP traffic. Which of the following reporting tools would you use to provide this information to him? Select all that apply. a. The Remote Availability Report and the Line Card Availability Report b. The Remote Status Report and the Hub Availability Report c. The Remote Availability Report and the Line Card Dependant Report d. The Hub Status Report and the Protocol Processor Status Report 9. On the downstream direction, SAT traffic is measured by the Protocol Processor on eth1, after applying the GQoS rules. Only the data being sent over the air will appear here. a. True b. False 10. Which factors can contribute to SAT Traffic Graph showing lower values than the IP Traffic Graph on the downstream direction? Select all that apply. a. Network Congestion b. iDirect Overhead c. Protocol Compression d. Coding Scheme

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 6: Network Monitoring


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Understanding the remote acquisition process is critical to ensure the healthiness of an iDirect satellite network. Most of the events that prevent a remote from joining the network can be easily explained by reviewing the most commons causes related to the acquisition process: power, frequency and timing offsets. The Up-link Control Process (UCP) that ensures and maximizes the stability of the upstream link through the reduction of those offsets is also discussed in this module. The acquisition process will be covered from two different points of view: hub side and remote side. Details on the acquisition window aperture will be provided, and the two acquisition schemes available discussed: traditional fast acquisition vs. Superburst. Goal: Through lecture, presentation and visual display each learner will be able to understand and explain the two variations of the remote acquisition process. The student will realize the three main offsets that can prevent the acquisition for being successful and how the UCP process can address them all. Objectives: Realize the importance of the acquisition aperture and how its length can affect the capacity for the remotes to join the network when there are satellite or remote geo-location uncertainties. • Understand the iDirect acquisition process and the two different acquisition approaches available, traditional “fast” acquisition and Superburst acquisition, differentiating them and being aware of the advantages of Superburst acquisition. • Be familiar with the Up-link Control Process (UCP) and its importance in reducing the timing, frequency and power offsets that can affect the performance on upstream remote transmissions towards the hub. • Discern between the three main offsets affecting remote transmissions and their units, symbols, hertz and dB's, understanding their main causes and knowing how to minimize their impact. • Realize that the initial transmission power used for the remotes to acquire into the network is configured using iBuilder and had dramatically changed starting in iDX 3.2 with the introduction of the heterogeneous inroute groups. Starting in iDX 3.2 a reference initial TX power has to be provided and the system will recalculate the initial TX power for any carrier on the inroute group.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



ACQ Slot Structure

Module 7: Remote Acquisition

The ACQ slot size is 1.714ms of the 125ms Burst Time Plan (BTP which includes a guard interval that is required to account for Symbol offset.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


ACQ Aperture (I) Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites are 35,786 Km (22,300 Miles) away from the Earth and appear stationary in relation to a point on the earth, but they are actually moving within the assigned stationkeeping box of +/- 0.1 degrees. Once a satellite has been placed accurately into its geostationary orbit position it gradually starts to drift north-south on a daily basis due to the influence of the sun and moon. There is a gradual increase in the inclination of the orbit. If left alone, a satellite that initially has zero inclination will have its inclination increase at the rate of 0.8 degrees per year. Usually a satellite can maintain its orbital position accuracy but as the satellite ages, it has a tendency to exit the station-keeping box into what is known as an inclined orbit position. In a sense, no satellites are truly stationary. They all move within certain station-keeping boxes; it is just matter of how big this box is. This satellite drift through the station-keeping box adds approximately 1.7 ms of uncertainty to the symbol timing. The 1.7 ms of timing uncertainty consists of ±0.1 degrees of satellite station keeping uncertainty; approximately 50 miles of remote position uncertainty. This variation in symbol timing is accounted for during remote acquisition by providing a larger guard interval in the TDMA frame for ACQ slots than for traffic slots. This Guard interval can be configured in iBuilder for each Inroute Group. However, while configuring a larger guard interval for the ACQ slot will allow a remote more time to acquire the network, the larger guard interval will effect the over bandwidth of the upstream by taking away time slots for remotes that are in the network. There is only 125ms per BTP, so more time for the ACQ slot means less time available for other remotes that operating in the network already.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



ACQ Aperture (II)

Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Examples of a station-keeping box and remote geolocation uncertainty are shown above. A satellite with a station-keeping box uncertainty of 0.05 degrees and remotes with a geolocation uncertainty of 10 kilometers could have an acquisition slot length of just 0.66 milliseconds, increasing the total throughput as more traffic slots will fit into each frame.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


ACQ Diagram Module 7: Remote Acquisition

When a remote is powered up, it will first try to lock to the downstream DVB-S2 carrier. It will then receive the ACQ invite, Burst Time Plan (BTP) and the Service Information (SI) tables as defined by the DVB-S2 Standard. The Acquistion invite message contains specific iDirect information that needs to be assigned to the remote; Inrote ID, HDLC ID< DID and a Frequency Offset (FO). The BTP contains the ACQ slots assignment the remote will use to burst in to the network. The SI tables will provide information to enable automatic configuration of the receiver to demultiplex and decode the data transmitted on the carrier (inroute). Once a remote is ready to join the network and has locked onto the downstream carrier, it processes the information received from the Protocol Processor on the BTP with details on which carrier it should use to join the network, which HDLC ID and Derived ID (DID) the physical remote has been assigned and the GQoS Virtual Remotes ID (VRID) range. The Protocol Processor uses the remote DID when broadcasting the ACQ information so the destination remote can process the ACQ message. The remote should then begin transmitting towards the network, bursting in its assigned ACQ slot(s) at the frequency offset indicated by the PP. Once a burst from the remote is detected at the hub, the hub sends the frequency offset correction to the remote and the remote joins the network. There are four ACQ messages that are used to detect the ACQ process of a remote:

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 7: Remote Acquisition

ACQ#: The remote has received the BTP. ACQ*: The remote knows where to burst and is bursting towards the line card. ACQ!: The remote has burst on the line card. Remote Hello: The remote has joined the network.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Traditional Acquisition Module 7: Remote Acquisition

iDirect offer two acquisition schemess for remote acquisition; Traditional and Superburst acquisition. In iDirect’s traditional acquisition scheme, the frequency detection of the hub side TDMA demodulator is limited to a small percentage of the symbol rate (around 1.5%). Due to frequency inaccuracies throughout the satellite system (mainly caused by hub side down converter), the remote must sweep in discrete frequency steps until the hub side demodulator detects a burst. Because of the limited detection range of a line card, it is known that remotes will transmit a lot of bursts during the sweep that have no chance of being detected at the hub side. This results in a lot of ACQ slots not actually being able to acquire remotes. Additionally, the ACQ bursts use the same MODCOD as traffic bursts. Therefore there is no additional frequency tolerance or C/N performance that the demodulator can take advantage of to detect a remote more quickly.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Superburst Acquistion

Module 7: Remote Acquisition

The Superburst acquisition scheme allows the hub demodulator’s tolerance for frequency offset to improve to approximately 7.5% of the symbol rate. Superburst is a more robust waveform that is independent of the traffic MODCOD requirements. This allows the hub to detect a Superburst over a much wider frequency range and at a much lower SNR (VLSNR) when compared to a traditional acquisition burst. Superburst acquisition is capable of being detected after only a single burst in most cases. There are cases where the symbol rate is too low or too high compared to the average burst detected on the line card. In these cases a large HUB down converter instability may require very limited frequency sweeping. These sweeps are expected to be no more than a few steps. The system is designed to handle 32 steps. So when Superburst is used, the burst has a greater chance in being detected within the 32 step restriction. One limitation of Superburst Acquisition is that Superburst can only be used on upstream carriers being received by Multichannel Demodulation (MCD) line cards. Also, when using Superburst acqusiton for one carrier on a line card, all the carriers on the line card have to be configured to use Superburst acquisition.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Required SNR – Traditional Vs. Superburst Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Above are five examples of carriers with different modulations showing the required SNR value that the remotes have to achieve in order for the Hub Line Card to successfully receive and process the ACQ burst, using the Traditional and Superburst acquisition schemes. It’s easy to notice the great advantage of using Superburst.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Frequency tolerance: Traditional Vs. Superburst

Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Above are five examples of carriers with different symbol rates showing the frequency tolerance during acquisition using the Traditional and the Superburst acquisition schemes. The advantages of using Superburst are plainly displayed in the table.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Considerations & Restrictions Module 7: Remote Acquisition

All TDMA upstream carriers received by a MCD line card must be configured for the same type of acquisition bursts. Superbursts and Traditional acquisition bursts cannot be received simultaneously by the same line card. A multichannel line card cannot receive more than eight carriers with Superburst acquisition enabled. Since Superburst and traditional acquisition bursts cannot be received simultaneously by the same line card, an Evolution XLC-M line card receiving more than eight narrowband carriers must use traditional acquisition. Superburst Acquisition can only be used on upstream carriers being received by multichannel line cards.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Uplink Control Process (UCP)

Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Once the remote has acquired the network, the Uplink Control Process continuously corrects the frequency, symbol timing and power while the remote is in the network. For remotes in Adaptive Inroute Groups, the UCP process is also responsible for switching remotes to new nominal upstream carriers as required. A remote’s nominal carrier is the upstream carrier with the highest threshold C/N0 the remote can sustain and is allowed to use. All power control and other real-time corrections are related to the nominal carrier. The hub periodically sends UCP correction information to the remote. The UCP update rate for mobile remotes is determined by the COTM Type selected in iBuilder on the Remote Geo Location tab. In order for the UCP algorithm to function correctly, the remote must periodically transmit bursts on the TDMA upstream carrier even when idle. iDirect supports a minimum of 1 burst every 4 seconds for stationary remotes (that can be reduced with the idle and dormant states). High-speed mobile remotes must be configured to send a minimum of 1 burst per second. The Minimum Information Rate configured on the remote QoS tab in iBuilder determines the minimum number of bursts per second that the remote transmits when idle. An idle remote automatically increases the frequency with which it transmits bursts to the hub when a fade condition is detected. For a remote in an Adaptive Inroute Group, this allows the hub to monitor a fast fade and move the remote to a more protected carrier before the hub can no longer detect the remote’s bursts


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


UCP: Symbol Offset Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Remotes that transmit on the same TDMA carrier must time their transmissions so that all bursts arrive at the hub in sequence and without collisions that they may be successfully received by the hub modem burst demodulator. To arrive at correct burst timing synchronization, each remote uses its own geographical coordinates, the geographical coordinates of the hub, and the longitude of the satellite to calculate a Frame Start Delay (FSD). The different FSDs of the remotes compensate for the variation in transmission delay between the individual remotes and the hub. The remote adds the FSD to the frame start time received from the hub to derive the remote’s TDMA frame start time.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



UCP: Frequency Offset

Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Frequency drifts are caused by clock drifts in various components of the system. These drifts are primarily due to variation in temperature and the age and quality of the oscillators. The protocol processor averages frequency offsets over every UCP period and sends corrections to the remotes. The remotes then adjust their transmit frequencies accordingly. For mobile remotes, Doppler shifts also contribute to the frequency drift. These additional frequency drifts in mobile remotes are primarily caused by variation in the remote’s velocity. In high-speed COTM applications, the protocol processor uses a predictive algorithm to correct the frequency drifts.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


UCP: Frequency Sweeping Module 7: Remote Acquisition

If the hub fails to detect the acquisition burst from the remote in the assigned acquisition slot, it allocates another upstream acquisition slot to the remote. The hub changes the remote’s frequency offset for the new burst. This process continues until the hub detects an acquisition burst from the remote. Once the hub detects an acquisition burst, the hub sends the frequency offset correction to the remote and the Upstream Control Process takes over to keep the remote in the network at the correct power, frequency and symbol timing. The performance of the acquisition process is determined by the speed with which remotes join the network and the number of acquisition bursts the remote must transmit before a burst is successfully demodulated. If a remote can acquire the network more quickly by trying fewer frequency offsets, the number of opportunities that other remotes have to acquire is increased and the number of remotes that are out of the network at any one time is reduced. Therefore optimization of the acquisition process involves reducing the number of acquisition bursts that remotes must transmit to acquire the network. The frequency sweeps are directly linked with the configured hub down converter. Hub Down Converter Stability of ±0.10 will translate in a frequency sweep of ±100KHz. In general, frequency sweep in Hz is the Stability multiplied by one million.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 7: Remote Acquisition

ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(

+0/ NA), PO( +0.0)

ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO( -6994/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-13988/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-20982/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-27976/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-34970/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-41964/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-48958/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-55952/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-62946/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-69940/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-76934/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-83928/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-90922/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-97916/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(

+0/ NA), PO( +0.0)

ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO( +6994/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+13988/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+20982/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+27976/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+34970/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+41964/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+48958/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]*: TO( +0/+163), FO(+20982/-42944), SNR( 15.5), Sync[9 2578609089615] ACQ[X5.326] SNR = 15.5 Nominal = 9 PA = -11.1 UCP (DID: 117440838) X5.326: Recovered ACQ[X5.326]!: TO( -163/ NA), FO( +14/ NA), PO(-11.0)


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


UCP: Frequency Sweeping Module 7: Remote Acquisition

If the hub fails to detect the acquisition burst from the remote in the assigned acquisition slot, it allocates another upstream acquisition slot to the remote. The hub changes the remote’s frequency offset for the new burst. This process continues until the hub detects an acquisition burst from the remote. Once the hub detects an acquisition burst, the hub sends the frequency offset correction to the remote and the Upstream Control Process takes over to keep the remote in the network at the correct power, frequency and symbol timing. The performance of the acquisition process is determined by the speed with which remotes join the network and the number of acquisition bursts the remote must transmit before a burst is successfully demodulated. If a remote can acquire the network more quickly by trying fewer frequency offsets, the number of opportunities that other remotes have to acquire is increased and the number of remotes that are out of the network at any one time is reduced. Therefore optimization of the acquisition process involves reducing the number of acquisition bursts that remotes must transmit to acquire the network. The frequency sweeps are directly linked with the configured hub down converter. Hub Down Converter Stability of ±0.50 will translate in a frequency sweep of ±500KHz. Hub Down Converter Stability of ±0.03 will translate in a frequency sweep of ±30KHz.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Hub Down Converter Stability of ±0.10 will translate in a frequency sweep of ±100KHz. Module 7: Remote Acquisition

ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(

+0/ NA), PO( +0.0)

ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO( -6994/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-13988/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-20982/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-27976/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-34970/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-41964/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-48958/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-55952/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-62946/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-69940/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-76934/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-83928/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-90922/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(-97916/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(

+0/ NA), PO( +0.0)

ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO( +6994/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+13988/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+20982/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+27976/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+34970/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+41964/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]#: TO( +0/ NA), FO(+48958/ NA), PO( +0.0) ACQ[X5.326]*: TO( +0/+163), FO(+20982/-42944), SNR( 15.5), Sync[9 2578609089615] ACQ[X5.326] SNR = 15.5 Nominal = 9 PA = -11.1 UCP (DID: 117440838) X5.326: Recovered ACQ[X5.326]!: TO( -163/ NA), FO( +14/ NA), PO(-11.0)


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


UCP: Power offset Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Starting in iDX Release 3.2 the power control algorithm was redesigned to accommodate the heterogeneous nature of the upstream carriers in adaptive inroute groups. The target C/N is calculated using the C/N thresholds for the inroutes from the Link Budget Analysis Guide (C1); the configured Fade Slope Margin (C2=C1+M1) allows for incremental fade that can occur during the reaction time of the power control algorithm as well as the uncertainty in the C/No estimations; the Hysteresis Margin (C3=C2+M2) is added to the Fade Slope Margin to prevent unnecessarily frequent switching between carriers. The details are covered in the A-TDMA section.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



UCP Summary

Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Once the remote has acquired the network, the UCP continuously corrects the frequency, symbol timing and power while the remote is in the network. For remotes in Adaptive Inroute Groups, the UCP process is also responsible for switching remotes to new upstream carriers as required. A remote’s nominal carrier is the upstream carrier with the highest threshold C/N0 the remote can sustain and is allowed to use. All power control and other real-time corrections are related to the nominal carrier.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Acquisition: Homogeneous Carriers Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Prior to iDX 3.2 all carriers (inroutes) on a line card had to have the same characteristics; Symbol rate, Modulation and Coding (MODCOD) and payload size. Carriers were created based on the lowest SNR of the remote on the network. All remotes then needed to transmit using that carrier.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Acquisition: Heterogeneous Carriers

Module 7: Remote Acquisition

iDX 3.2 saw carrier creation change dramatically with the introduction of Adaptive TDMA (A-TDMA). The core element of iDirect's A-TDMA system is an inroute group of Heterogeneous TDMA carriers supporting different transmission rates and providing different levels of protection against adverse channel effects such as rain fade. Now a carrier on the same MCD line card can have different Symbol Rates, MODCODs and other factors, but the payload still needs to be the same. Individual remotes are assigned time slots on upstream TDMA carriers based on their current demand and capability, as determined by the channel state. A valid initial TX POWER using a “reference carrier” has to be provided. Using the initial TX power configured on the reference carrier, the system will automatically calculates the initial TX POWER required per carrier when a carrier is configured in iBuilder. Notes:

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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Acquisition: Heterogeneous carriers (II) Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Before iDX 3.2, remotes could transmit in any of the carriers of the inroute group. However, it was mandatory for all the inroutes to have the same symbol rate and MODCODs. This meant the remote required exactly the same TX power to effectively transmit using any carrier of the inroute group. Only one initial TX power was configured and was the same for each carrier in the Inroute Group. TDMA Initial Power was a fixed value valid for all the Homogeneous carriers. If the carrier was modified, TDMA Initial Power had to be edited accordingly. Starting in iDX 3.2, the remote may still transmit in any of the carriers of the Inroute Group, but now carriers are allowed to have different Symbol Rates and MODCODs. This means that the remote TX power required to effectively transmit using one carrier may differ from the required TX power to effectively transmit using another carrier. The TDMA Initial Power is re-calculated by the system depending on the carrier the remote has to transmit on but a reference has to be provided. The operator will just have to configure the TX Initial Power for the reference carrier per remote in iBuilder. Notes:

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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Lock to Inroute

Module 7: Remote Acquisition

It is possible to lock a remote to a specific Upstream carrier for troubleshooting purposes using the “Lock to Inroute” feature. By the default, the “Lock to Inroute” checkbox will be greyed out. To be able to use this feature, you must ensure that the Inroute Group where this remote is defined has the following enabled: “Enable Fixed IGC?” (checkbox marked) “Carrier Grooming” (checkbox marked) The Lock to Inroute feature prevents frequency hopping and may prevent the remote from staying in or joining the network if the C/No of the selected carrier cannot be achieved. Use this feature with caution and for troubleshooting purposes only.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Fan In / Fan Out Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Previously, downstream or upstream carriers in an iDirect systems assumed a 1:1 mappin;, where the downstream and upstream carrier can only transmit a signal on the same beam. With the Fan in / Fan Out feature, iDirect carriers can be configured to receive multiple beams now per carrier. This allows the user to a cross-strapped satellite network. The Outbound Fan Out permits associating multiple transponders (translation frequencies) with a single outbound carrier. The Inbound Fan In allow multiple translation frequencies to be associated with a single Inroute group.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Fan In Fan Out Features – Application Example

Module 7: Remote Acquisition


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Learner Knowledge Review - Module 7\ Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Learner Knowledge Review - Module 7 1. Each Inroute on the D-TDMA Frame will always have one Acquisition Slot, that will be used for active remotes that are currently out of the network. The more acquisition slots per D-TDMA Frame, the more chances the remotes will have to join the network. 2. The acquisition process is handled by the Protocol Processor. The PP will allocate available acquisition slots to any active remote currently out of the network, on a round robin fashion. In the best case scenario, a remote can be granted eight acquisition slots per second. 3. To account for symbol offset uncertainty, a guard interval is also required for the acquisition slot. The length of that acquisition guard interval will be much longer than the one used for traffic slots, as the Up-link Control Process that minimizes the symbol offset only operates after the remote has joined the network. The acquisition slot is composed then by the guard interval and the acquisition burst itself. 4. By default, remotes will be able to join the network even with some symbol offset due to slightly incorrect geo-location configuration or satellite drifting. The default guard interval accounts for ±0.1 degrees of satellite station keeping uncertainty and approximately 50 miles of remote position uncertainty. 5. There are two possible acquisition modes configurable at the line card level; traditional “fast” acquisition or Superburst acquisition. Superburst Acquisition can only be used on upstream carriers being received by multichannel line cards. 6. In traditional “fast” acquisition scheme, the frequency detection of the hub side TDMA demodulator is limited to a small percentage of the symbol rate (around 1.5%). Additionally, the acquisition bursts use the same MODCOD as traffic bursts which increases the C/N requirements for the acquisition burst. 7. When using Superburst, the hub demodulator’s tolerance for frequency offset improves to approximately 7.5% of the symbol rate. A Superburst is a much more robust waveform that is independent of the traffic MODCOD. A Superburst carrier always uses BPSK, lowering the C/N requirements compared to a traditional acquisition burst. 8. Once the remote has acquired the network, the Up-link Control Process (UCP) continuously corrects the frequency, symbol timing and power while the remote is in the network. For remotes in Adaptive Inroute Groups, the UCP process is also responsible for switching remotes to new nominal upstream carriers as required. A remotes nominal carrier is the upstream carrier with the highest threshold C/N0 the remote can sustain and is allowed to use. All power control and other real-time corrections are related to the nominal carrier. 9. During network operation, the symbol timing changes as the satellite moves within the stationkeeping box. Symbol timing can also change due to timing Doppler shift in mobile remotes. UCP at the hub adjusts the remotes symbol offset by averaging timing drifts every UCP period and sending corrections to the remote.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 7: Remote Acquisition

10. Frequency drifts are caused by clock drifts in various components of the system. These drifts are primarily due to variation in temperature and the age and quality of the oscillators. The protocol processor averages frequency offsets over every UCP period and sends corrections to the remotes. The remotes then adjust their transmit frequencies accordingly. For mobile remotes, Doppler shifts also contribute to the frequency drift. 11. The power control algorithm has been designed to accommodate the heterogeneous nature of the upstream carriers in adaptive inroute groups. The target C/N is calculated using the C/N thresholds for the inroutes from the Link Budget Analysis Guide; the configured Fade Slope Margin allows for incremental fade that can occur during the reaction time of the power control algorithm as well as the uncertainty in the C/No estimations; the Hysteresis Margin is added to the Fade Slope Margin to prevent unnecessarily frequent switching between carriers. As often as necessary, the remotes will receive power correction via UCP messages. 12. As a remote may join the network using any of the carriers of the inroute group, the required TX POWER to effectively transmit using a specific carrier will depend on its symbol rate, modulation and coding. The TDMA Initial Power is automatically calculated by the system attending to the carrier the remote has to transmit at. The operator will just have to configure in iBuilder the required TX POWER that the remote should need to transmit at for just one reference carrier. This information could be obtained from the Link Budget Analysis or during remote commissioning.


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 7 Module 7: Remote Acquisition

Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 7 1. Which of the following has to be true for a remote to be assigned to an acquisition slots? a. The remote is completely configured in iBuilder b. The remote is activated in iBuilder c. The remote is out of the network d. All of the above 2. Where does the acquisition process start? a. In the Satellite Router b. In the Protocol Processor c. In the Transmission Line Card d. In the Reception Line Card 3. Why is the guard interval required on the acquisition process? a. To account for symbol offset uncertainty b. To account for frequency offset uncertainty c. To account for power offset uncertainty d. All of the above 4. Which one is an advantage of Superburst vs the Traditional “Fast” Acquisition? a. Higher Frequency Offset Tolerance b. Faster Acquisition Process c. Lower C/N Requirements d. All of the above 5. Which one of the following line cards supports Superburst enabled carriers? a. ULC-T b. XLC-11 c. ULC-R d. ULC-SB 6. What could cause a remote to not burst in to the acquisition slot due to low C/N? a. Symbol Offset b. Frequency Offset c. Power Offset d. All of the above 7. What could cause a remote to burst in to the acquisition slot on time? a. Symbol Offset b. Frequency Offset c. Power Offset d. All of the above

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 7: Remote Acquisition

8. What’s the main purpose of the Up-link Control Process? a. Facilitate the remote acquisition process b. Reduce the remote transmission offsets c. Reduce the remote latency d. Adjust the Block Up-converter gain 9. How often will the remotes receive UCP messages? a. Every five seconds b. Every twenty seconds c. Every sixty seconds d. As often as required 10. If a remotes initial transmission power has been set to -20dBm for its reference carrier in iBuilder, which of the following sentences is true? a. The remotes initial TX power will always be -20dBm b. The remotes initial TX power will be calculated by the system using the provided reference c. The remotes initial TX power will start at -20dBm increasing till its configured max power d. The remotes initial TX power will always be -17dBm


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Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

The last module of the training is focused on remote troubleshooting. Some of the main causes that can prevent a remote from transmitting and receiving traffic will be discussed, starting from the antenna pointing remote site receive chain, the downstream carrier reception, the burst time plan decoding, the remote site transmit chain, the acquisition process, etc. This module is a must for all the iDirect installers as will help them identify the potential problems that may arise when commissioning or troubleshooting remotes. Goal: Through lecture, presentation and visual display each learner will be able to understand and explain the main causes of remote failures, knowing how to identify the problem and recover from it in a timely and professional manner. Objectives: Recognize the most common issues causing remotes not to receive the DVB-S2 downstream carrier properly, knowing how to verify the downstream composite receive power on the demodulator, the DC power provided to the LNB and the SNR carrier level, among others. • Be confident when checking the remote installed firmware version and option file, one of the reasons a remote could be processing the downstream carrier incorrectly. If this happens, the learner will know how to reinstall them using the proper files. • Understand the reasons behind a remote receiving the downstream carrier but not transmitting, knowing how to verify that the remote has been activated into the network, that the Protocol Processor is providing ACQ slots and that the remote is receiving and using them. • Be familiar with the three main causes preventing a transmitting remote from joining the network: timing, frequency and power offsets, and with the troubleshooting techniques used to verify that the offsets are causing the issue and make the remote join the network. • Be aware of the remote recovery mode used to recover from corrupted option files.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Downstream Carrier

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

While it may seem like the worst-case scenario, finding out the main cause that prevents a remote from locking into the downstream carrier is usually easy and should not take long. You will likely need a laptop and a spectrum analyzer for such troubleshooting.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Demodulator combined RX power Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

If the remote should be providing the LNB unit with DC Power, make sure this is actually being transmitted from the receive port of your satellite router. Failure to provide the DC power to an LNB that needs it will cause the unit to work improperly and fail to amplify the antenna-received signal. This can be easily identified when noticing low satellite router receive power. To verify the remote is providing the LNB power use the following commands: iQ Desktop: “mewsh rx” - the iQ Desktop will display -100dB when no cable is connected at all (not even receiving an amplified noise floor). X3 and X5 remotes: “rx power” – these remotes will display -70.41dB when no cable is connected at all (not even receiving an amplified noise floor). X7 remote: “rx power” - the X7 will display -73.59dB when no cable is connected at all (not even receiving an amplified noise floor). X1 remote: “rx_info” on the virtual console through the web interface. X1 will display -100.00dB when no cable is connected at all (not even receiving an amplified noise floor). 9350 remote: “mewsh rx_if_power”- the 9350 will display -100dB when no cable is connected at all (not even receiving an amplified noise floor).

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



X-Series: LNB DC power

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

If the remote should be providing the LNB unit with DC Power, make sure this is actually being transmitted from the receive port of your satellite router. Failure to provide the DC power to an LNB that needs it will cause the unit to work improperly and fail to amplify the antenna-received signal. This can be easily identified when noticing low satellite router receive power. To verify the remote is providing the LNB power use the following commands: iQ Desktop: “mewsh rx” - the iQ Desktop will display -100dB when no cable is connected at all (not even receiving an amplified noise floor). X3 and X5 remotes: “rx power” – these remotes will display -70.41dB when no cable is connected at all (not even receiving an amplified noise floor). X7 remote: “rx power” - the X7 will display -73.59dB when no cable is connected at all (not even receiving an amplified noise floor). X1 remote: “rx_info” on the virtual console through the web interface. X1 will display -100.00dB when no cable is connected at all (not even receiving an amplified noise floor). 9350 remote: “mewsh rx_if_power”- the 9350 will display -100dB when no cable is connected at all (not even receiving an amplified noise floor).


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


X-Series: LNB DC Power: Options file Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Also check the LNB related configuration in the options file on the remote. Modifying the options file (falcon.opt) for X3, X5 and X7 remotes and restarting the remote for the changes to take effect is Ok, but it is strongly recommended to also make sure iBuilder is updated and used to set the options so they will be permanent. The options file can be found on the following remotes: X3: /etc/idirect/falcon/falcon.opt X5: /etc/idirect/falcon/falcon.opt X7: /sysopt/config/sat_router/falcon.opt 9350: /sysopt/config/sat_router/falcon.opt iQ-Series: /sysopt/config/sat_router/falcon.opt

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



LNB: DC power

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

If after checking to verify the DC power results and finding that the LNB is not receiving power from the remote, verify the configuration is enabled on the remote by using the following commands: X3, X5 and X7 remotes: “rx iflDC”. X1: “rx_info” over the virtual console through the web interface. Type “rx/iflDC” for instructions on how to enable DC power manually. iQ Desktop: “mewsh rx_iflDC”. Type “help mewsh rx_iflDC” for instructions on how to enable DC power manually. 9350 remote: “mewsh rx_iflDC” (for RX1) and “mewsh rx2_iflDC” (for RX2). 9350 remote: “mewsh rx_iflDC on 13” will enable 13V DC power for RX1 manually. If you are not providing DC power to the LNB but you should, kindly correct the LNB configuration on iBuilder and apply the new configuration.


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Downstream SNR Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Verify that the downstream carrier is detected by the demodulator. If it is not, the downstream SNR level will be -100dB. That could tell you that the modem is looking for the incorrect carrier (check the options file!). To verify if the X3 / X5 and X7 remotes are receiving the downstream carrier use the following command: “rx snr” These remotes will display -100.00dB when the remote is not locked to the downstream carrier. On the X1, issue “rx_info” command on the virtual console through the web interface. The X1 will display 100.00dB when the remote is not locked to the downstream carrier.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Receiving Downstream carrier

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

To verify if the iQ Desktop and 9350 remotes are receiving the downstream carrier use the following command: “mewsh rx_snr” The iQ Desktop and 9350 will display -10dB when the remote is not locked to the downstream carrier.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Installed Options File Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Using an outdated options file on your remote may prevent the modem from receiving the downstream carrier. This is important to check the date of the latest installed option file especially if there has been a recent network upgrade or remote installation. The following remotes options file can be found: X1 Remote : Not reachable. X3 Remote : /etc/idirect/falcon/falcon.opt X5 Remote : /etc/idirect/falcon/falcon.opt X7 Remote : /sysopt/config/sat_router/falcon.opt X7 Remote : /sysopt/factory/falcon_factory.opt(factory default options file!) 9350 Remote : /sysopt/config/sat_router/falcon.opt 9350 Remote : /sysopt/factory/falcon_factory.opt(factory default options file!) iQ-Series Remote : /sysopt/config/sat_router/falcon.opt

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Downstream Frequencies Calculation: Example

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Remote not locking into the Downstream carrier Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

If the remote detects the downstream carrier but cannot lock into it, is likely due to the quality of the downstream link.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Installed Firmware Version

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Using the wrong firmware version on a remote will cause the modem to not be able to join the network. If a remote is locked into the downstream carrier but cannot join the network, the wrong firmware version may be installed on the remote. This could certainly be the case of a network of remotes was just upgraded, or a new remote is being introduced to the network for the first time. To check the firmware version on a remote, enter the following command: X3 / X5 / X7: > version 9350: > version (X3, X5 and X7 remotes) iQ-Series: > version (X3, X5 and X7 remotes)


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

X1 remote: Issue the “versions” command on the virtual console. If your remote is locked into the downstream carrier, you may always try upgrading the firmware over the air using a multicast download through iBuilder. If your remote is not receiving the downstream carrier you will have to manually upgrade the remote using the web user interface or the iSite tool (for older remotes as X3 and X5). Remember to apply the most recent configuration file after the upgrade and before restarting the device.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Downstream SNR

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

To avoid having CRC errors, your downstream carrier should be received at least with the required dB as specified by the link budget analysis guide for your specific remote.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


DVB-S2 MODCODs Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Double check the downstream carrier C/N level. Make sure it’s enough to receive at least the configured Network Minimum MODCOD. If it’s not, a remote will not be able to receive the Burst Time Plan (BTP) properly and will never try to join the network. NOTE: The information above assumes a 5% roll-off factor.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



DVB-S2X Modcods

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Double check the downstream carrier C/N level. Make sure it’s enough to receive at least the configured Network Minimum MODCOD. If it’s not, a remote will not be able to receive the Burst Time Plan (BTP) properly and will never try to join the network. NOTE: The information above assumes a 5% roll-off factor.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Downstream carrier: CRC errors Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Receiving CRC errors on the downstream directions can prevent it from properly processing the critical information contained in the Burst Time Plan (which includes acquisition information). Always check if the remote is experiencing CRC errors on the downstream direction by using the following command: X3, X5, X7, and 8350: (Check for BBFrame, CRC8 and CRC32 errors) > rx demod 9350: Check for bbheadr_crc_errors, packet_crc_errors, crc8Error and crc32Error.) > rx_demod_status X1 remote “rx/demod” over the virtual console through the web interface.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Downstream carrier: CRC errors

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

iQ-Series: “rx” and “rx_modcod” (Check for crc8Errors and crc32Errors.)


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Downstream Carrier: CRC errors Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Make sure to check if the remote is experiencing CRC errors on the downstream direction that can prevent it from properly processing the critical information contained in the Burst Time Plan (which includes acquisition information). BTP is transmitted at network lowest MODCOD


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Remote not Transmitting

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

If the remote locks into the downstream carrier but is not transmitting, it is possible the remote is not receiving any acquisition slots. A remote that receives acquisition slot invitations will always transmit using those. Please note that for mobile remotes, a valid geolocation (latlon) value has to be provided manually or using an external GPS source in order for the remote to transmit. This is due to the necessity of the remote to calculate the Frame Start Delay (FSD) for the burst to be received when the line card expects it.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Active Status Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

In iBuilder, make sure the remote is marked as an active remote and double check there are no changes pending on the hub side configuration.


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Protocol Processor sending ACQ slots

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

In iDirect networks the remote will only transmit on Acquisition (ACQ) slots when invited by the Protocol Processor (PP). Check that the Protocol Processor is sending the Acquisition messages to the remote by using iMonitor.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Remote receiving ACQ slots Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Verify that your remote modem is receiving the invitations being sent from the Protocol Processor There are eight acquisition slots per carrier every second. If there are no other remotes out of the network, the remote should be receiving all eight acquisition invitations per second. All remotes use the “acq on” command to display the ACQ status messages. The ACQ statuses are: ACQ# - Remote has received an ACQ Slot by the Protocol Processor ACQ*- Remote is transmitting on the offered ACQ Slot ACQ!- Remote burst has been received by the RX Line Card UCP!- Up-link Control Process messages from the Protocol Processor

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



9350 remote receiving ACQ slots

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

To check for the ACQ message on a 9350 remote, first run the “acq on” command, then checked the messages log file for the ACQ status Messages by entering the following command: #tail -f /var/log/messages The ACQ statuses on the 9350 are the same as all remotes: ACQ# - Remote has received an ACQ Slot by the Protocol Processor ACQ*- Remote is transmitting on the offered ACQ Slot ACQ!- Remote burst has been received by the RX Line Card UCP!- Uplink Control Process messages from the Protocol Processor


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Remote processing the Burst Time Plan (BTP) Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

The ACQ slot invitations are sent inside the Burst Time Plan (BTP) generated by the Protocol Processor every 125ms. If you fail to locate the acquisition slots, ensure the remote is properly receiving the Burst Time Plan. To verify that a remote is receiving the Burst Time Plan, use the following command: >oob timeplan Information contained in the Burst Time Plan: Jitter between consecutive BTP messages Inroute ID Allocated Traffic Slots BTP ID Allocated Traffic Slots (detailed) Last BTP message for this Inroute Group (yes/no) This command is not available on X1 or 9350 Satellite Router

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



iQ-Series: Processing the BTP

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

To check for the ACQ message on an iQ-Series remote, enter the following command: “btp_arrival” Check to make sure the “samples” counter is increasing.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Remote transmitting but not joining the network Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

If a remote is transmitting into the ACQ slots but is not joining the network, there could be a power, timing or frequency offset issue.


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Remote using ACQ slots

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

A remote should be transmitting in to the above ACQ slots in order to join the network. The above example shows a remote receiving the ACQ invite and that it knows where to burst, however, it is not hitting the line card.


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Power offset Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Each carrier has different SNR requirements in order for the receive line card to be able to demodulate the burst without errors. If your remote is transmitting with too much or too little power, the transmissions will not be properly processed by the receive line card.


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Addressing power offset from iMonitor

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

The transmission power may be changed from iMonitor by using the “Probe” tab under the remotes Control Panel. Note: All the changes to the TX power applied using the probe tool are temporary. If the remote restarts, the TX power will be calculated using the reference carrier.


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Addressing power offset from Falcon Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

The transmission power may also be checked / modified from the remotes Falcon process. To view the transmission power on an iQ-Series remote enter: >tx_refpower


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Timing Offset

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

The line card expects the remote to burst at the center of the ACQ slot. When the remote does not, the line card detects the when the remote burst in to the ACQ slot, calculates the difference between the center of the ACQ slot and where the remote burst (in time), sends off the difference to the PP and the PP then sends out a Timing Offset (TO), to adjust the remote. This way, the remote should burst closer to the center of the ACQ slot for the next burst. The ACQ burst should be received by the line card within the acquisition slot window. If it’s received outside this acquisition window, the line card wont detect the acquisition burst from the remote and the remote will never join the network.


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Verifying the geolocation Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

There may have a timing issue that is preventing the remote from acquiring the network, double check the geo-location in the configuration of the Teleport, Satellite and remote modem in iBuilder.


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ACQ aperture

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

The ACQ slot may not be open long enough for a remote with very low power. Increasing the size of the ACQ Aperture, (ACQ slot), may help in this case. However, know that by increasing the time the ACQ slot is available that will decrease the carrier data throughput.


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Frequency offset Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

The line card expects the remote to burst at the center frequency of the carrier. When the remote does not, the line card detects the frequency the remote burst at, calculates the difference between the center frequency and where the remote burst, sends off the difference to the PP and the PP then sends out a Frequency Offset (FO), to adjust the remote. This way, the remote should burst closer to the center frequency of the carrier for the next burst.


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LNB Stability

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

If there is a frequency preventing the remote from acquiring into the network, check that the networks hub down converter stability is properly configured. Increasing the Stability parameter will increase the line card’s sweep ranges. Some remotes may take longer to acquire the network but the process will be more secure. Example of Stability parameter entries: Stability of 0.01MHz will translate into 10KHz sweeps. Stability of 0.10MHz will translate into 100KHz sweeps. Make sure you use the same stability as provided by your down converter manufacturer.


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Remote in the network! Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Burst Time Plan (BTP)

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Once the remote has joined the network, the PP will assign the remote to use Time slots to send data. To verify the remote is being assigned time slots in the BTP, enter the following command: > oob timeplan To stop the BTP from showing on the screen, press the up arrow on the keyboard and hit “enter” Information contained in the Burst Time Plan: Jitter between consecutive BTP messages. Inroute ID. Allocated Traffic Slots. BTP ID. Allocated Traffic Slots (detailed). Last BTP message for this Inroute Group (yes/no). This command is not available on X1 or 9350 Satellite Routers.


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Corrupted Options File Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

For X3 / X5 or X7 remotes, it may be that a remotes configuration file is damaged causing the falcon process to potentially crash when reading the configuration file (.opt), causing the remote to enter a failed state. A remote in a failed state will never join the network.


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Option File Replacement

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

If there is at least physical access to the remote, a copy of the option file can always updated using iSite or the Web GUI.


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Falcon Recovery Mode Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Another option available is to start the Falcon process in recovery mode. The Falcon Process will only read the downstream carrier configuration and ignore the remaining sections of the options file. This will allow the remote to lock on to the downstream carrier getting an RX lock. Then the option file can be sent from the NMS. Note: Falcon Recovery Mode is not available on X1, 9350 or iQ-Series remotes.


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Falcon Recovery Mode

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

When running in Falcon recovery mode, Falcon will only read the downstream carrier information allow the remote to receive an RX lock. Once the RX lock is achieved, and new option file can be sent from iBuilder by applying the configuration using UDP.


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iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course


Learner Knowledge Review - Module 8 Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Learner Knowledge Review - Module 8 1. There are multiple reasons that prevent remotes to join and stay on the iDirect network. We always have to check the remote installed firmware version and options file to make sure it matches the latest network configuration. 2. The first step will be for the remote modem to receive the downstream carrier properly. In order for this to happen, the remote has to be connected to a working LNB installed over a pointed antenna. Checking if the LNB is amplifying can be performed by running “rx power” on the Falcon console. Checking if the antenna is pointed and the downstream carrier is being received can be done through the “rx snr” command. 3. If the LNB is not amplifying we have to double check it is receiving the DC power and reference signal, if required. Some modems can provide both through the receive port and this can be enabled through iBuilder or using the “rx iflDC” and “rx ifltone” commands. 4. Even if the downstream link quality is enough, we can always check for errors on the DVB-S2 carriers through the “rx demod” and “rx griffin” commands. A high amount of errors could translate into the modem not being able to properly process the information contained into the Burst Time Plan. 5. Once the remote starts processing the BTP, there will be acquisition slots being allocated (assuming the remote has been properly configured in iBuilder and activated). The remote will then start transmitting on those acquisition slots, joining the network. The acquisition process can be monitored from the remote using the “acq on” command but also from iMonitor. 6. Symbol, frequency and power offsets can cause the remote never to join the network. But all of them can be troubleshooted and fixed. Symbol offset is most of the time linked with incorrect geolocation configuration. Frequency offsets can be solved by configured the proper hub downconverter stability value. Power offsets are corrected by configuring the proper remote initial power, and can be troubleshooted using the Probe tool on iMonitor. 7. If there is corruption in the remote options file, the falcon recovery mode can assist and avoid a technician to have to travel on-site to fix it, as a NOC operator would be able to push the error-free options file through UDP protocol.

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course



Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 8

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

Learner Knowledge Assessment - Module 8 1. Which of the following can cause a remote not to receive the downstream carrier properly? a. Incorrect antenna pointing b. LNB not being powered up c. Outdated options file d. All of the above 2. Which falcon command can be ran to check if the LNB is amplifying properly? a. lnb power b. rx ifl10 c. rx power d. rx snr / rx_snr 3. Assuming the LNB is amplifying properly, the antenna is pointed and the remote configured with the latest option file, which falcon command can be ran to check the quality of the downstream carrier reception? a. rx quality b. rx cn c. rx power d. rx snr / rx_snr 4. If the downstream carrier is not being received with enough quality, which command could you use to check for CRC errors on the downstream direction? Select all that apply. a. rx crc b. rx errors c. rx demod d. rx griffin 5. What could you check and where if a remote is properly receiving the downstream carrier but it is not transmitting acquisition bursts? a. The Remote should be active. To check on iBuilder. b. The Protocol Processor should allocate acquisition slots. To check on iMonitor. c. The Remote is receiving the acquisition slots. To check on Remotes Falcon “acq on” d. All of the above. 6. If a remote is transmitting but not joining the network due to incorrect geo-location, which of the following issues may be the problem? Select all that apply. a. The geolocation has to be corrected in iBuilder b. A new options file will be generated by the NMS c. A technician will have to travel on-site to update the remotes options file d. All of the above


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting

7. If a remote is transmitting but not joining the network due to insufficient transmit power, which of the following troubleshooting techniques can be used? a. Increase the initial TX power in iBuilder, then send a technician to upload the new options file. b. Increase the initial TX power in iBuilder, then send the options file using UDP push. c. Increase the initial TX power in iBuilder temporarily using the Probe Tool. d. Reset the remote. It always works. 8. Which component parameter in iBuilder can be modified to increase the frequency sweeping configuration? a. Remote Up Converter stability. b. Remote Down Converter stability. c. Hub Up Converter stability. d. Hub Down Converter stability. 9. What does the following sequence mean? ACQ#: SO(+0), FO(+0), PO(+0.0) ACQ*: SO(+0), FO(+0), PO(+0.0) ACQ!: SO(+3), FO(+19), PO(-2.0) REMOTE HELLO (revision: UCP!: SO(+2), FO(+4), PO(-2.0) a. Burst Time Plan b. Jitter Measurement c. Remote Pointing d. Remote Acquisition 10. The Falcon recovery mode can be used when: a. There is corruption on the options file b. There is corruption on the Linux kernel c. There is corruption on the iDirect image d. All of the above

iDX 4.1.3 iDirect Operation & Maintenance (iOM) Course


Module 8: Remote Troubleshooting


iDX 4.1.3 iDirect operation & Maintenance (IOM) Course

45&OHJOFFSJOHiDirect 13861 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300 Herndon, VA 20171-6126 +1 703.648.8000 +1 866.345.0983