IB Mathematics HL Internal Assessment [PDF]

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IB Mathematics Higher Level

Exploration Title

Eco-Friendly Bottle Design



Rationale As part of my daily morning routine, I drink a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice. In Paris, I find it convenient to buy orange juice from local supermarkets where it is bottled in 1 litre plastic bottles, shown below in fig. 0.1. Since I moved to Paris from Dubai, where we threw away countless bottles as tap water is not potable, I began to wonder about why manufacturers chose these designs, especially in regard to the environment. Every day, over 100 million plastic bottles are used worldwide while only one in five bottles are recycled[5]. Leading drink companies have pioneered different designs, like the AquaPod™, claiming them to be more eco-friendly than others due to the use of less material while maintaining the same volume.






After using these polluting bottles so regularly, I wanted to investigate what is the most plasticefficient bottle design for 1 litre of orange juice in order to reduce my impact on the environment. I will achieve this by minimising the amount of plastic material used in a water bottle which is proportional to its surface area. This led me to my research question: What is the minimum surface area of a 1000 cm3 bottle?

Introduction In order to minimise the plastic material used, I need to find the minimum surface area of the entire orange juice bottle. Since the shape of the bottle does not conform to a regular 3D shape of a cylinder or cone, the bottle’s outline will be modelled using a continuous piecewise function as a graphical approximation to determine the surface area. The method I will follow for finding the minimum surface area of the bottle consists of four steps: 1. I will model the contour of the bottle in GeoGebra using two sub-functions that produce a single continuous curve that fits the contour of the bottle.

- !1 -

2. The surface area function will depend on multiple dimensions so some of these variables need to be eliminated in order to solve for the surface area. Since I will set the volume V equal to 1000 cm3, I will find an formula for V by treating it as a volume of revolution by rotating the curve found in part 1 around the axis through the centre of the bottle. Later, solving simultaneously for volume and surface area will eliminate at least one variable. 3. I will derive a formula for the surface area S of the bottle. 4. I will plot S against the bottle’s dimensions in a 3D plot on the Wolfram Development Platform and identify the dimensions that correspond to the minimum surface area. The two pieces of software I will use in this exploration are:


Wolfram Development Platform


Constraints I am going to use the constraints given by my plastic bottle that I use for orange juice. The volume V that the bottle must hold is 1 litre or 1000 cm3 and the top of the bottle must taper to the width

hold in one hand, meaning that half the circumference of the


π r2

of the bottle cap. In addition, the bottle must be comfortable to

circular cross-section of the widest portion should not exceed the hand grip of the average human hand. I measured mine to be around 19 cm whilst the world average is 18 cm[3], thus the radius r2 of bottle’s widest portion should not exceed 6 cm. In short,


3 ! V = 1000 cm , r2 ≤ 6 cm .

1. Modelling the Contour of the Bottle I first placed the bottle on its side and viewed it in elevation, as seen in fig. 1.1. Letting the centre of the cap act as the origin of a set of Cartesian axes, x is defined as the horizontal displacement from the origin and y as the vertical displacement from the origin. I plotted three key points: point A at the start of the bottle, point B at the point where the curve becomes flat and point C at the end of the bottle. Since the aim of this exploration is to minimise surface area, the dimensions of the bottle must be given in variables. Let r1 be the cap radius, r2 the base radius, p the length-wise distance between A and B and h the length-wise distance between A and C, or the height of the bottle.

- !2 -



Let f(x) denote the continuous piecewise function that models the contour of the bottle, shown as



the red curve, with a domain ! x ∈[ 0,h ] and range ! f (x) ∈ r1 ,r2 . This definition means f takes an input x, the horizontal displacement from the origin, and returns the vertical displacement y from the origin or the radius of the bottle at that horizontal displacement. f(x) can be defined with two sub-functions on two intervals: ! x ∈[ 0, p[ and ! x ∈[ p,h ] . I approximated the second sub-function from B to C simply as a horizontal line equivalent to the bottle’s base radius, so on the interval ! x ∈[ p,h ] ! f (x) = r2 . However, this means that the curved section at the base of the bottle will be ignored and the final volume will be larger than expected. As for the first sub-function, if we assume the points A and B are turning points, the derivative of the curved sub-function on the interval ! x ∈[ 0, p[ must produce at least two real solutions. The first model that sprung to mind was a cubic function, however, only two known points are given which is insufficient to determine all four of the coefficients in the general form of a cubic. An interesting model I found was the sigmoid or logistic function: ! y =

1 , which is used to model resource-limited 1+ e− x



exponential growth[6]. However, this will not be a good fit for my


curve because the derivative increases and decreases exponentially, which does not fit the small changes in the












gradient of the contour of the bottle.

Finally, I chose to use a sinusoidal function because the values of each parameter in the general form: ! y = asin(bx − c) + d , can be found through transformations based on the two known points

( )



! A 0,r1 and! B p,r2 which lie on the curve f(x). I will first perform the vertical, then horizontal transformations.

- !3 -

y B

r2 r1 + r2 2


r1 A


p 2




Firstly, a, is the vertical scale factor which is equivalent to the amplitude of the sine function. Since the amplitude of an ordinary! y = sin x is 1, the amplitude of this sub-function will be the vertical scale factor. This is equal to half the vertical difference between the minimum A and maximum B, shown by the green arrow in fig. 1.3, assuming that there is a point of inflection at point

⎛ p r1 + r2 ⎞ , . ⎝ 2 2 ⎟⎠

! D⎜

! a= ∴

r1 − r2 2

Secondly, the vertical translation can be applied, equal to ! ⎛ 0 ⎞ , which is the vertical distance of ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ d ⎠

the midpoint D above the x-axis as D in the graph! y = sin x would usually have an x-value of 0: ! d= ∴

r1 + r2 2

Now, the horizontal transformations will be applied. In this case, the translation by! ⎛ c ⎞ is applied ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 0 ⎠

first before the stretch. The interval ! x ∈[ 0, p[ shows only half the period of ! y = sin x which has thus been translated horizontally to the right by a quarter of the period 2", or ! ! ∴c =

π : 2

π 2

1 . As stated before, the interval b ! x ∈[ 0, p[ corresponds to half the period T so ! T = 2 p . The original period 2" of ! y = sin x will be Finally, the function is stretched horizontally by a scale factor of !

1 to yield the new period T: b 1 T = 2π × b ! 2π 2π π ∴b = = = T 2p p scaled by !

Therefore substituting these four parameters values into the general form: ! x ∈[ 0, p[ , ! f (x) =

(r2 − r1 ) ⎛ π π⎞ r +r sin ⎜ x − ⎟ + 1 2 . ⎝p 2 2⎠ 2 - !4 -

Summary of Contour Function f(x) ⎧ 1⎛ ⎞ ⎛π π⎞ ⎪⎪ (r − r )sin x − + r + r 2 1 1 2 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎠ , x ∈[ 0, p ] ⎝p 2⎠ ! f (x) = ⎨ 2 ⎝ ⎪ r2 , x ∈ ] p,h ] ⎪⎩

2. Deriving an Formula for the Bottle’s Volume The volume of the bottle V is treated as a volume of revolution,!V = π



y 2 dx , of f(x) about the x-

axis between 0 and h, with respect to x. Since f(x) is a piecewise function, the two sub-functions are integrated separately on their sub-domains. 2

⎡1⎛ h ⎞⎤ ⎛πx π ⎞ V = π ∫ ⎢ ⎜ (r2 − r1 )sin ⎜ − ⎟ + r1 + r2 ⎟ ⎥ dx + π ∫ (r2 )2 dx 0 p ⎝ p 2⎠ ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 2 ⎝ Expanding: p


h ⎤ ⎛πx π ⎞ ⎛πx π ⎞ π p⎡ (r2 − r1 )2 sin 2 ⎜ − ⎟ + 2(r2 − r1 )(r2 + r1 )sin ⎜ − ⎟ + (r1 + r2 )2 ⎥ dx + π ∫ r2 2 dx ⎢ ∫ p 4 0⎣ ⎝ p 2⎠ ⎝ p 2⎠ ⎦

Using the property ∫ g(x) + h(x) dx = ∫ g(x) dx + ∫ h(x) dx : V=

h ⎛πx π ⎞ ⎛πx π ⎞ π p π p π p (r2 − r1 )2 sin 2 ⎜ − ⎟ dx + ∫ 2 r2 2 − r12 sin ⎜ − ⎟ dx + ∫ (r1 + r2 )2 dx + π ∫ r2 2 dx ∫ p 4 0 4 0 4 0 ⎝ p 2⎠ ⎝ p 2⎠



1 πx π (1− cos 2θ ) where θ = − , 2 p 2

Using the cos 2θ trigonometric identity, sin 2 θ will be substituted for Since integrating with respect to x, r1 and r2 are treated as constants:



p⎛ ⎛ 2π x ⎞⎞ π π (r2 − r1 )2 ∫ ⎜ 1− cos ⎜ − π ⎟ ⎟ dx + r2 2 − r12 0 8 2 ⎝ p ⎠⎠ ⎝


p p ⎛ 2π x ⎞ π π π (r2 − r1 )2 ∫ 1dx − (r2 − r1 )2 ∫ cos ⎜ − π ⎟ dx + r2 2 − r12 0 0 8 8 2 ⎝ p ⎠





p h ⎛πx π ⎞ π sin ⎜ − ⎟ dx + (r1 + r2 )2 ∫ 1 dx + π r2 2 ∫ 1dx 0 p 4 ⎝ p 2⎠


Integration by substitution: Let u =




p h ⎛πx π ⎞ π sin ⎜ − ⎟ dx + (r1 + r2 )2 ∫ 1 dx + π r2 2 ∫ 1dx 0 p 4 ⎝ p 2⎠

2π x du 2π p π x π dv π p −π, = ∴ dx = du and v = − , = ∴ dx = du p dx p 2π p 2 dx p π

Limits: x = 0 ⇒ u = −π , x = p ⇒ u = π and x = 0 ⇒ v = −

π π ,x = p ⇒ v = 2 2

Substituting into integrals: V=

p π ⎛ p⎞ π π π (r2 − r1 )2 ∫ 1dx − (r2 − r1 )2 ∫ cosu ⎜ ⎟ du + r2 2 − r12 0 − π 8 8 2 ⎝ 2π ⎠






Applying the limits to integrated expressions: V=

p h ⎛ p⎞ π sin v ⎜ ⎟ dv + (r1 + r2 )2 ∫ 1 dx + π r2 2 ∫ 1dx 0 p 4 ⎝π⎠

π p r2 2 − r12 π ( r2 − r1 ) p ( r2 − r1 ) p π p h π ⎡⎣ x ⎤⎦0 − ⎡⎣sinu ⎤⎦ − π − ⎡⎣cos v ⎤⎦ 2π + (r1 + r2 )2 ⎡⎣ x ⎤⎦0 + π r2 2 ⎡⎣ x ⎤⎦ p − 8 16 2 4 2 2


π 2 π − 2


pπ ( r2 − r1 ) 8


p ( r2 − r1 ) 16


( × ( sin(π ) − sin(−π ) ) −

p r2 2 − r12 2

2 2 pπ pπ r2 − r1 ) + × 2 ( r1 + r2 ) + π r2 2 (h − p) ( 8 8 pπ 2 V= r − 2r1r2 + r12 + 2r12 + 4r1r2 + 2r2 2 + π r2 2 (h − p) 8 2 pπ V= 3r12 + 2r1r2 + 3r2 2 + π r2 2 ( h − p ) 8 pπ Let V1 = 3r12 + 2r1r2 + 3r2 2 ,V2 = π r2 2 ( h − p ) 8 ∴V = V1 + V2








- !5 -

) × ⎛ cos ⎛ π ⎞ − cos ⎛ − π ⎞ ⎞ + pπ ( r + r ) ⎜⎝

⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠

⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎟⎠





+ π r2 2 (h − p)

Thus, I have obtained a formula expressing the bottle’s volume in terms of four quantities: r1, r2, p and h. I was quite surprised that such a complex integration produced a relatively simple formula for the volume where the first term corresponds to the volume enclosed by the sinusoidal subfunction V1 and the second term corresponds to the volume enclosed by the straight line sub-



2 function V2. The second term V2 = π r2 h − p , obtained through rotating r2 around the x-axis from

p to h with respect to x, is the same result as if I had simply used the equation for the volume of a 2 cylinder: ! V = π r h where h is the height and r is the radius, since I have treated the bottom part of

the bottle as a cylinder. I found the first term V ! 1=

pπ 3r12 + 2r1r2 + 3r2 2 more intriguing as it 8



reveals the relationship between the dimensions and the volume enclosed by the sinusoidal subfunction, V1. While p is related to V1 in a proportional relationship V1 ∝ p , both r1 and r2 are related to V1 in a quadratic relationship. This shows that increasing the radius of the cap or base has a much greater effect on the volume than increasing the amount of the bottle that is curved, or the interval on which the sinusoidal sub-function is defined.

Accuracy of the Volume Formula I will now check how accurately the formula can estimate the volume of a bottle. This will be done by measuring the four dimensions on my plastic bottle (in cm) and substituting into the formula. I will also calculate the uncertainty in the volume using methods typically found in science investigations.




14.5 p


Measurements ( ± 0.05 cm) / cm : r1 = 2.0,r2 = 4.0, p = 9.3,h = 23.8 Substituting measurements into general volume formula: 9.3π V= 3× 2.02 + 2 × 2.0 × 4.0 + 3× 4.02 + 4.02 π × (23.8 − 9.3) 8 ! V = 1006.4… cm 3



⎛ 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 ⎞ Uncertainty = ⎜ + + + × 1006.4… = ±50 cm 3 9.3 23.8 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 2.0 4.0 ∴V = 1000 ± 50 cm 3 (2sf)

- !6 -


Despite the quite large uncertainty in the measurements with the ruler, the formula is very accurate, giving a value with a 0.64% difference from the actual volume of 1 litre (1000 cm3) as stated on the bottle. However, even though the result is extremely accurate, the method of the producing this result is not completely valid. As stated before, the contour function on which the formula is based does not take into account the curved section at the bottom of the bottle nor the volume occupied by the cap. We can deduce that these two volumes must be roughly equal in order for them not to have an effect on the theoretical value produced for the volume.

3. Deriving an Expression for the Surface Area Recalling that the aim of this exploration is to minimise the surface area, now that I have obtained a formula for the volume of the bottle, a formula must also be found for the surface area in terms of the same variables. When a curve is rotated around an axis, it forms a surface of revolution. For example, if I rotated a straight line passing through the origin around the x-axis, it would form a cone. Let the cone have a base radius r and slant length l, as shown in fig 3.1.

1 1


If I ‘cut’ along the red dashed line in fig 3.1 and flatten out the surface, it will form a sector of a circle with radius l (fig. 3.2). The arc length of the sector is equal to the circumference of the circular base of the cone, 2"r. Thus, the area of the sector, A, is the lateral surface area of the cone. Its

1 2 θ r , can then be combined with the arc length formula, ! larc = θ r , to yield 2 1 1 ! A = larc r . Substituting in the arc length 2"r and radius l of the sector: ! A = × 2π r × l = π rl . 2 2 formula ! A =

Just like how the area under a curve can be approximated with a simpler area of a trapezium, the surface area of a curve can be approximated


using a trapezium rotated around the x-axis


which is called a frustum (fig 3.4). When the



number of frustums n that are used increases, their surface area approximates the actual P0

surface area better as shown in fig. 3.3 when


n=4. Thus, we can take a limit as n tends to x0

infinity to determine the exact surface area.







- !7 -


A frustum with top radius r1, base radius r2 and slant length l can be formed by cutting or truncating the cone with base radius r2 and slant length l+l1 at a circular cross-section parallel to the base with radius r1. Thus, the lateral area of the frustum is found by subtracting the smaller cone’s area from the larger cone using the cone area formula ! A = π rl :

1. A = π r2 (l + l1 ) − π r1l1 !

= π ⎡⎣( r2 − r1 ) l1 + r2l ⎤⎦

3.4 FRUSTUM [8]

The variable l1 is not a dimension of the frustum so I need to define it in l1

terms of the other variables. If I take a 2D view of the frustum in fig. 3.5, I r1

can see that the larger triangle is similar to the smaller triangle. Hence:

r2 l + l1 = r1 l1 l1r2 = r1l + r1l1

l r2

! ( r2 − r1 ) l1 = r1l



Substituting back into equation 1: A = π ⎡⎣( r2 − r1 ) l1 + r2l ⎤⎦


f ( xi )

2. A = π l ( r1 + r2 )


( )


f xi ∗

f ( xi−1 )

Now I can apply this formula to finding the surface area of my contour function f(x), given


that on the interval ! x ∈ ⎡⎣0,h ⎤⎦ f(x) is positive and

xi ∗




differentiable. I want to determine the exact


value of the surface area so the interval will be

divided into n sub-intervals of equal width ∆x with end-points x0, x1, x2, …, xn. Let xi denote the ith


( )) lies on the curve f(x). On each

endpoint, i ∈! , and f(xi) the image of xi, thus the point Pi xi , f xi

sub-interval ! x ∈ ⎡⎣ xi−1 , xi ⎤⎦ , f(x) can be approximated as a line segment between the two endpoints,



Pi-1 and Pi as shown in fig. 3.6. This line segment Pi−1Pi can be rotated around the x-axis to yield a frustum that approximates the curve’s surface area between xi-1 and xi. Firstly, the slant length of the frustum l is equal to the magnitude of the line segment ! Pi−1Pi . Since it is the hypotenuse of the triangle with ∆x as the base and ∆y as the height, using Pythagoras: ! 3. l = Pi−1 Pi =

( Δx ) + ( Δy ) 2



( ))

If we look at each sub-interval, there must be a point ! xi∗ , f xi∗ , x ∈ ⎡⎣ xi−1 , xi ⎤⎦ where the gradient of the tangent to the curve at that point xi*, the blue line in fig. 3.6, is equal to the gradient of the



line segment ! Pi−1Pi according to the Mean Value Theorem: - !8 -

f ( xi ) − f ( xi−1 )

( )

f ′ xi ∗ =

( )

xi − xi−1


Δy Δx

! Δy = f ′ xi∗ Δx

Substituting into equation 3:

( Δx )2 + ( f ′ ( xi ∗ ) Δx )

Pi−1Pi =

( Δx )2

= !


(1+ ⎡⎣ f ′ ( x )⎤⎦ ) ∗



= 1+ ⎡⎣ f ′ ( xi ∗ ) ⎤⎦ Δx which will be substituted into equation 2 2

Secondly, the radii of the frustum’s bases r1 and r2 are equal to f ( xi−1 ) and f ( xi ) , respectively. Since the exact surface area will be found by allowing the number of frustums n to tend to infinity, I can assume that ∆x is ‘small’ as it tends to zero so therefore:

( )

( )

! f xi ∗ ≈ f ( xi−1 ) and ! f xi ∗ ≈ f ( xi )

( ) ( )

( )

! r1 + r2 = lim ⎡⎣ f ( xi−1 ) + f ( xi ) ⎤⎦ = f xi ∗ + f xi ∗ = 2 f xi ∗ Δx→0

This approximation is further validated as f(xi*) is a point close to the mean of f(xi-1) and f(xi), and since adding f(xi-1) and f(xi) together is the same as doubling the mean of their values, this will be very close to 2f(xi*). I can now substitute both the expression for the slant length and sum of the two radii into equation



2 for the lateral area of the frustum Ai on the interval x ∈ xi−1 , xi :

Ai = π × 2 lim ⎡⎣ f ( xi−1 ) + f ( xi ) ⎤⎦ × Pi−1 Pi Δx→0


( )

= 2π f xi∗

( )


1+ ⎡⎣ f ′ xi∗ ⎤⎦ Δx

The surface area of the complete surface of revolution of the curve, S, is the sum of the area of these frustums and the exact value is yielded by taking the limit as the number of sub-intervals, n, approaches infinity: ! 3. S = lim n→∞

∑ 2π f ( x ) n



( )


1+ ⎡⎣ f ′ xi∗ ⎤⎦ Δx


I realised that equation 3 was simply a Riemann sum for the function! p(x) = 2π f x

1+ ⎡⎣ f ′ ( x ) ⎤⎦


as ! n → ∞ . So 3, the surface area of a curve on the interval ! x ∈ ⎡⎣ x0 , xn ⎤⎦ , can be defined as a definite integral with lower boundary x0 and upper boundary xn: ! S = 2π

xn x0

f ( x ) 1+ ⎡⎣ f ′ ( x ) ⎤⎦ dx 2

Surface Area of Curve f(x) Using Formula I will now use the formula with my function f(x) to approximate the surface area of the bottle. Since this involves two sub-functions, I will solve for the first sub-function first. - !9 -

Let S1 denote the surface area of the sine sub-function g(x): g(x) =

⎤ ⎛π 1⎡ π⎞ ⎢( r2 − r1 ) sin ⎜ x − ⎟ + r1 + r2 ⎥ ⎝p 2⎣ 2⎠ ⎦

π ( r2 − r1 ) ⎛π π⎞ cos ⎜ x − ⎟ ⎝p 2p 2⎠ Substituting into surface area formula:

! g′(x) =

S1 = 2π ∫



⎤ ⎛π 1⎡ π⎞ π 2 (r2 − r1 ) 2 ⎛ π π⎞ r − r sin x − + r + r × 1+ cos ⎜ x − ⎟ dx ( ) ⎢ 2 1 1 2⎥ 2 ⎜ ⎟ ⎝p ⎝p 2⎣ 2⎠ 4p 2⎠ ⎦

At first, I thought I would be able to evaluate this integral using integration by parts by setting u to be the second function and v to be the first function. However, there are two problems: 1. u has three inner functions, thus will most likely result in a complicated expression which will not be able to be simplified when I solve to find the minimum surface area. 2. Integrating u yields a non-elementary antiderivative called an elliptic integral of the second kind, defined by Weisstein as ! E(φ , k) =



1− k 2 sin θ dθ , meaning the final answer after

integration can not be represented as a “finite number of quotients of constant, algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions using field operations”[9]. Again, expressions including this elliptic integral will not simplify when I minimise the surface area. These two issues made me realise, in addition to the difficulty of integrating two transcendental functions, that using the sine function to model the curved part of the bottle is too complex. I decided to simplify the sub-function; there were two possibilities which I considered: 1. Use a cubic function ! y = ax 3 + bx 2 + cx + d . This would fit the curve very well as shown in fig. 3.7 when I used two-variable regression in GeoGebra to fit a cubic to the curve. 2. Use a linear function ! y = ax + b . This does not fit the curve perfectly, however, it acts as a kind of “average” of the bottle’s curve as it goes both above and below.


Since the linear function is a rough approximation and is more simple, I will use this. Of course, using this will have an impact on the accuracy of the final result but in reality, many bottles are shaped without a curve and are straight instead like the Fiji bottle I used in Dubai (see fig. 0.1).

Surface Area of Curve Using Linear Model for First Sub-Function (g(x)=ax+b)


The line g(x) intersects the y-axis at r1 so b = r1 and


r2 − r1 . Therefore, p r −r r −r ! g(x) = 2 1 x + r1 and ! g ′(x) = 2 1 . p p the gradient a is !


Substituting this into the surface area formula: 0

p⎛ r − r ⎞ (r − r ) S1 = 2π ∫ ⎜ 2 1 x + r1 ⎟ × 1+ 2 2 1 dx 0 ⎝ p p ⎠ 2



p ≠ 0 which is true since the curve is defined over a non-zero interval S1 =

2π p 2 + ( r2 − r1 ) p




⎛ r2 − r1 ⎞ x + r 1 ⎜⎝ p ⎟⎠ dx

Integrating: ! S1 =

π ( r2 − r1 ) p 2 + ( r2 − r1 )




⎡⎣ x ⎤⎦ + 0 2

2π r1 p 2 + ( r2 − r1 )

p p Applying the limits to the integrated expressions: S1 = π ( r2 − r1 ) p 2 + ( r2 − r1 ) + 2π r1 p 2 + ( r2 − r1 ) 2

2 p

⎡⎣ x ⎤⎦0


p 2 + ( r2 − r1 ) : 2

Factorising by

S1 = π ( r1 + r2 ) p 2 + ( r2 − r1 )


If I substitute these values into equation 2 on page 8 for the lateral surface area of a frustum given

p 2 + ( r2 − r2 ) as the slant length l, the same result is yielded, thus showing the validity of my 2


surface area formula. The second sub-function is a straight line which if rotated about the x-axis, forms a cylinder, thus the lateral area of a cylinder S2 with height (h-p) and radius r2:


! S2 = 2π r2 h − p


Finally, the surface area of the bottle’s base S3 must also be accounted for: ! S3 = π r2 2 Therefore the total surface area S of the bottle is the sum of S1, S2 and S3: ! S = π ( r1 + r2 ) p 2 + ( r2 − r1 ) + 2π r ( h − p ) + π r2 2 2

This calculation ignores the plastic material used by the bottle’s cap as it is thicker and made of a different material. Thus, the surface area of the bottle will be slightly underestimated. - !11 -


4. Minimising the Surface Area I will now solve simultaneously the two equations for volume and surface area in order to find the dimensions that minimise the surface area of the bottle. We are given the constraint of V=1000 cm3, however, this still leaves the four dimensions r1, r2, p, h as variable.

⎧ pπ 1000 = ( 3r12 + 2r1r2 + 3r2 2 ) + π r2 2 ( h − p ) ⎪⎪ 8 !⎨ ⎪ S = π ( r + r ) p 2 + ( r − r )2 + 2π r ( h − p ) + π r 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 ⎪⎩ I realised I needed to simplify these two equations further in order to minimise the surface area with respect to two variables. After researching the cap used in my plastic bottle, I found out that it followed an “SP24 M415” neck finish standard set by the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI)[4]. This means that the original cap’s size is unlikely to be changed so I decided to limit the cap radius r1 to 2.0 cm. I can also make my working out clearer by setting r = r2 since r1 is now a constant.

pπ 3r 2 + 4r + 12 ) + π r 2 h − π r 2 p ( 8 ⎡π ⎤ p ⎢ ( 3r 2 + 4r + 12 ) − π r 2 ⎥ = 1000 − π r 2 h ⎣8 ⎦ 2 1000 − π r h !p= π 3r 2 + 4r + 12 ) − π r 2 ( 8 Substituting into the surface area equation: 1000 =

⎡ ⎤ 2π r (1000 − π r 2 h ) 1000 − π r 2 h 2 + (r − 2) + 2 π rh − + π r2 ⎢π ⎥ 2 2 π ⎢⎣ 8 ( 3r + 4r + 12 ) − π r ⎥⎦ ( 3r 2 + 4r + 12 ) − π r 2 8 2

S = π (r + 2)

I have now obtained the surface area S in terms of two variables r and h. Since S is a twodimensional function, involving more than one variable, I can use the concept of partial derivatives to find the values of r and h that correspond to a minimum in the surface area function. I decided to use the Wolfram Development Platform to model the surface area function in 3D:

⎧ x=r ⎪ ⎨ y=h ⎪ z=S ⎩ !

⎡ ⎤ 2π x (1000 − π x 2 y ) 1000 − π x 2 y 2 + π x2 ⎢π ⎥ + (x − 2) + 2π xy − 2 2 π ⎢⎣ 8 ( 3x + 4x + 12 ) − π x ⎥⎦ 3x 2 + 4x + 12 ) − π x 2 ( 8 2

z = π ( x + 2)

As it is a multivariable function, local minima will be produced which are defined at a point (x0, y0) where the partial derivatives with respect to x and y equal 0:

∂z ∂z = 0, =0 ∂x ∂y

y0) will be a zero vector and the graph will have a flat tangent plane. - !12 -


The gradient at (x0,

The domain of x will be restricted to ! x ∈[ 2,6 ] since the base radius must be greater than the cap radius of 2.0 cm but also smaller than the average maximum grip radius of 6 cm, defined as one of my initial constraints. The domain of y will be restricted to ! y ∈[ 0, 30 ] since the height cannot be negative but still must be smaller than the maximum bottle height of 30 cm, defined by the international standard D2911 set by ASTM International[1], to allow it to fit on a shelf in a grocery store or a fridge at home.




The graph shows consistent maximum values z > 20,000 when x is between 2.0 and 2.5 like at point A. This makes sense, since a bottle with a very small radius would require a greater surface area. For example, straws have a high surface area but can hold very little volumes as they are so thin. However, we can also see another maximum at point B as both the x and y increase, meaning the base radius and height cannot both be large. This leads us to the minima which are produced in a curved “valley shape” like at point C. This seems to imply a trade-off between the radius and the height where there are infinite combinations of the base radius and height which can produce the minimum surface area. At this point, I wasn’t sure how to continue because there was no single global minimum in the surface area that I could use since it looked like infinite combinations of radius and height were possible. When I looked carefully at fig. 4.1, I realised that there was a specific pattern connecting the minima. To investigate this further, I used a graphical technique called contour plots which we use in HL physics to show equipotentials of gravitational and electromagnetic fields. A contour plot represents a 3D surface in a 2D format where constant z lines (contours) connect the coordinates (x,y) where the z value of that line occurs. In Wolfram, I only plotted contours which had a z value close to the minima pattern where each line represents a multiple of 100. - !13 -

The 2D perspective shows a clear trend for the x and y values at which the minima occur, which at first glance looks like an inverse relationship. To model this relationship, I overlaid this image onto coordinate axes and used two-variable regression in GeoGebra. y

x !


Both the logistic and power function fit the curve well, however, I will use the power relationship, even though they produce very similar predictions, as it is simpler and thus should be chosen according to the principle of Occam’s Razor. The relationship is an inverse square: !y=

320 2 or! yx = 320 (rounded to 2sf because measurements are to 2sf) 2.0 x

The consequences of this equation is that if the base radius doubles, the height must be reduced by a quarter to maintain the same minimum surface area. Finally, I can substitute this into the surface area equation on page 12 to eliminate h.



320 r2 2

S = π (r + 2)

⎡ ⎤ 2π r (1000 − 320π ) 1000 − 320π 640π − + π r2 ⎢π ⎥ + (r − 2)2 + 2 2 π r 2 2 3r + 4r + 12 − π r ) ⎢⎣ 8 ( ⎥⎦ ( 3r + 4r + 12 ) − π r 8

- !14 -

Plotting this one variable function in Wolfram yields the following graph: S

( 5.4,540 ) r !


There is a clear minimum when the base radius is 5.4 cm (2sf) which results in the minimum surface area of 540 cm2 (2sf). Using the power relationship, we can also determine the height:





= 11 cm (2sf )

Finally, solving for p using equation on page 13: !p=

1000 − 320π

π 3× 5.42 + 4 × 5.4 + 12 − π × 5.42 8



= 0.12 cm

Conclusion The research question of this exploration was: What is the minimum surface area of a 1000 cm3 bottle? The answer to this question is a 1000 cm3 bottle with dimensions: ! r1 = 2.0 cm

r2 = 5.4 cm

p = 0.12 cm h = 11 cm

This bottle would have the minimum surface area required to hold 1000 cm3: 540 cm2. Given the assumptions: 1. The surface area of the bottle is a uniform surface of revolution of a curve around its axis. 2. The contour function that corresponds to the minimum surface area is defined by a sinusoidal/linear sub-function and a linear sub-function. 3. The surface area of the cap and the curved section at the bottom of the bottle is not included.

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I noticed immediately that the p value is quite small, being only around a tenth of a centimetre so the bottle will have almost no curved section and will look like a cylinder. This means that using a linear function instead of a sine function to model this curved section would actually have little effect on the final answer. This is a problem because I often hold the bottle by its ‘neck’ and especially with the larger base radius, this hypothetical bottle will be difficult to hold one-handed. I also noticed that the height is slightly more than double the base radius, meaning the shape will look similar to a squarish cylinder with almost equal height and width. This is because a sphere has the smallest surface area enclosing a given volume due to the isoperimetric inequality principle [7] which can be seen in the shape of water droplets, where surface tensions forces the droplet to assume the smallest surface area which is a round shape. This means no matter which functions I use to model the bottle, the shape with the minimum surface area will end up being as close to a sphere as possible, in this case a cylinder with the height equal to the base diameter. One thought to take into consideration is that while this might apply to a aluminium can with an almost constant width of the aluminium layer, a bottle is different. Since the overarching aim of this exploration was to minimise the amount of plastic, since the cap uses much thicker plastic than the bottle itself, adopting a more spherical shape with a wider cap may actually use more plastic. Therefore, an extension to this exploration would be to take into account the thickness of the material. In addition, using only a curved function and a straight line limits the possibilities of the shape that the bottle can be. Taking inspiration from the AquaPod bottle on page 1, I could instead use a parabola to model the entire bottle which might allow me to obtain a shape most similar to a sphere, thus reducing the surface area. Overall, although it was quite challenging, I really enjoyed this math exploration because I was able to link not only different areas of mathematics like transformation of functions, volumes of revolution and multivariable calculus but also other academic fields like contour plots in physics. I feel like this investigation will be a fundamental impact on my life because I have become much more aware about the efficiency of plastic packaging. I now know the type of bottle I should be looking for, not only when I buy orange juice, but any good stored inside a container to minimise my ecological footprint.

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Note: All diagrams were created by me using Apple Keynote except fig. 3.1, 3.2, and 3.4 which were taken from Stewart.

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