I Trick Even The Lames To Stand Up For Me [PDF]

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Я обманываю даже хромых, чтобы они заступились за меня

Авторы) Хэй Мао Ни Ни 黑猫 睨 睨

Художник (ы) N/A

Год 2019 г.

Статус в COO 166 глав (завершено)

Описание Третий молодой хозяин дома Гу, Гу Е, обладал деревянным характером, заикался, не мог вспомнить ответа после того, как ему десять раз говорили, не осмеливался протестовать после издевательств, считался позором высшего общества. . Его отец в приступе гнева отправил его на новый год обратно в старый загородный дом. Но неожиданно он вернулся новым человеком, через полгода тестирования в лучший вуз столицы с самым высоким баллом во всей школе.

Весь светский круг был шокирован! Получив его письмо о согласии, семья Гу искала Гу Е в течение трех дней и, наконец, нашла его под скромной эстакадой. Гу Е, который обычно молчал после избиения, устроил стойло, наступив на нескольких хулиганов под его ногой, и продавал рисунки, в то время как он кричал: «Защиты экзорцизма! Талисманы безопасности Гуаньинь! Оберег от зла для дома! Антигоблинские и демонические талисманы! …… Суперпродажа оберегов и талисманов! Если у вас правильная карма, 88 на подопечную! Не проходите мимо! » Он посмотрел себе под ногу и с ухмылкой сказал: «У меня есть особые талисманы« Отказ от зла », думаю, вам нужно по три». Смиренно небо, земля и воздух, если ты не подчиняешься, давай сражаться и не болтаем, гроссмейстер по сверхъестественным искусствам. Полированный мерзавец, зверь в человеческой одежде, маньяк, балующий жену, чернобрюхий топ.

Chapter 1 - Based on my calculations, you’ve been cuckolded Just after New Year, AnXian Town that was located in the Northwest of H City held a temper fair as per usual. It’s a bit livelier this time around as there was a little immortal in town who can calculate your fortune and was especially accurate. It wasn’t until 9 o’clock that a teenage boy appeared. He took out a banner with the words “Fortune Telling” written on it and put it on the table then slowly sipping on a cup of milk tea he was holding. This young man was handsome, with beautiful peach blossom eyes and long eyelashes paired with fair skin, his eyes appeared deeper than normal people and it was both black and bright.  As soon as he arrived, people who had been loitering nearby immediately surrounded him and formed a long queue. “Little Immortal, try see my fortune, anything’s fine.” A robust-looking big brother with big eyes and thick eyebrows came up to curry favor with him. Before he could sit however, Gu Ye waved his hand and said : “Go away, your family is in harmony and you’re in good health. What fortune do you want me to tell?” As soon as he heard this, the big brother left happily as if he had just won a lottery. “Tch!” A young man wearing expensive brand clothing stood out from the crowd, his handsome face was full of disdain. He looked at the big brother as if seeing a fool, and as if wondering if this village was full of idiots to even believe something like this.

An old man in the front heard his disdainful tongue-clicking turned around and persuaded : “Believe it, lad. This young man is the most famous Little Immortal amongst all the villages in the vicinity.”  At this moment, Gu Ye just happened to look up and glanced at the young man’s face. He then looked at the girl beside the young man and his lips curled up in a smile. You really are something to have achieved this level of scum-ness. Only then did the young man see how Gu Ye looked like in full view. His breathing immediately stopped upon the sight of Gu Ye’s smile. He was originally a well-off player who would eat both men and women and he only came to this god-forsaken place to get girls. He didn’t expect that there would be a boy here in this shabby town who was even more beautiful than girls. Seeing as this young scammer didn’t seem that old, Luo Jun Kun immediately had an idea. If he couldn’t get to sleep with this girl, this boy would do. Gu Ye knows what the young man thought with just a glance and was really amused. With this body he was reborn in, this son of a bitch might not be able to afford playing with no matter how much money he has. This body belonged to a full-fledged young master of a rich family from Beijing, the Gu Family, that is well-known throughout the country. He’s only here because his father sent him here to reflect on himself. Several people in the front of the queue were driven away before it was finally the young man’s turn. The girl who had her arms wrapped around his was very happy, “Little Immortal, when should we get married to have a blissful life together for a hundred years?” Gu Ye picked up the milk tea from the table and slowly took a sip. He took out a WeChat QR code from his pocket and handed it over roughly. The man glanced at the QR code then his gaze fell on Gu Ye’s face again. That arrogance, tsktsk.. While smiling as he transferred the money, he leaned closer and said : “Can I add this little mister on WeChat? I’ll look for you again when we’re inspecting the Feng Shui of our new home.” Gu Ye looked at the amount of money he transferred. It was 50,000. As soon as Gu Ye looked up, the man raised an eyebrow at him meaningfully.  The girl next to him was done. Tugging on her boyfriend’s sleeves anxiously, she asked : “Jun Kun, why did you give him so much?” Luo Jun Kun dotingly replied : “It doesn’t matter. As long as it’s for my baby, I’ll spend as much as I want.” “What did you say?!” Luo Jun Kun was instantly incensed. How could he say that after taking his money?! The girl was no better. Pressing down her anger, she asked with a frown : “Master, are

you sure? You didn’t look at our palms nor did you check our characters. How can you say my boyfriend is no good?” Gu Ye remained unhurried as he explains : “You can see from his face that he’s a typical miserly person and is cursed to be without a wife and child. The tip of his eyebrows are too short and they’re also messy. He must be unable to get along well with the peers in his family and is also unfilial. You must have heard of this, right? Moreover, he’s also a standard three long and two short life, and the tip of his nose is blue which is a sign of soul separation. In the future, if he doesn’t accumulate good virtues and deeds, and properly helps the souls of the children he aborted find peace, he will definitely not be able to live beyond 36 years old.” Finished, Gu Ye waved the two away and motioned for the next people in line. The man’s face turned ugly. The weather is cold yet his forehead was drenched with sweat because the fortune teller was right!  Yet the girl’s eyes right now were full of anger, focusing on Gu Ye : “You swindler! Cheater! Return our money!” Gu Ye shook his head. Everyone in this world who went to fortune tellers wants to hear good news. But as the saying goes, out of ten people who were born in the year of the sheep, nine would not live good lives. How can there be so many people who would live such smooth lives without ups and downs in the world? “Within three steps from here, you will get the news that someone is pregnant with your boyfriend’s last child. If this child is also aborted, then your boyfriend will really die without descendants.” The girl pulled her boyfriend forward to argue but unexpectedly, her boyfriend’s phone rang after just two steps. Even if she didn’t believe Gu Ye’s words, she still felt uncomfortable after hearing Gu Ye say so much. So when she heard the ringtone, she naturally paid a lot of attention to it and looked at the screen intently. At this moment, the girl’s face suddenly changed. The message reads : Kun-ge, I’m pregnant with your child. Are you happy?  The man stared at Gu Ye as if he’s seeing a ghost. Sure enough, this fortune teller is so surprisingly accurate. “Luo Jun Kun, you son of a bitch!” The girl reacted and slapped the man, maddened to tears. Luo Jun Kun was in a daze, he didn’t even respond when he was slapped. This fortune teller got even this thing right. So when he said that he wouldn’t be able to live past 36, was that true? He’s 28 years old this year! With the girl’s slap, a number of young guys quickly rushed in. These people were the girl’s brothers and cousins. In the countryside, almost everyone was related to everyone else. When they see their sister being cheated by a bastard, they will beat up that bastard. During this chaos, Gu Ye stood up and began to pack up. Seeing that he’s about to leave, someone stopped him and said : “Don’t go, Little Immortal. It’s still early now so please do two more fortune telling.” 

Gu Ye smiled then shook his head : “No, someone is already here to pick me up. That’s my last divination here. I’m going home.” At this moment, a luxurious business car stopped on the roadside. A beautiful woman wearing a small red jacket came out and was accompanied by a boy around 16 years old. As soon as Mrs. Gu saw what Gu Ye was doing, her mind immediately buzzed with anger. This  Lao San, not only did he not repent, he even dared to engage in feudal superstition and even deceive people! Their family’s Lao San was the disgrace of their rich family. He was both cowardly and dumb. His father spent a lot of money to get him into a key high school and he also didn’t spare any penny to hire a tutor for him. He’s in his third year now and still managed to score last in the previous exam. He was also blackmailed by petty thugs for half a year and kept his silence about it for the whole time. Not only that, he didn’t study during the holiday but instead spent his time learning Feng Shui and even dared to set up a Bagua Array in his bedroom, as if he can pass the exam this way. His father’s blood pressure went up from anger and he was sent to their hometown in the countryside to have remedial classes and also to reflect on himself. His father didn’t even want to see him in the New Year.  “Gu Ye! You even dare to scam villagers, let’s see how your father takes care of you!” Mrs. Gu said this while keeping her voice down. Unhappily rolling up the cloth on Gu Ye’s stall and stuffing it into his pocket as she was afraid he would be busted just a second later and that someone would come settle accounts with him. Gu Ye said with an innocent air : “If he kills me, then you will lose a son. You can’t get another one at this age, ah.” Gu Ye didn’t say anything wrong about his stepmother. Mrs. Gu was from humble origins yet she still managed to be Mrs. Gu, showing that she’s a person with means. However, she’s not a big villain or something like that. It’s just poverty that makes her greedy so she made a lot of small schemes. Especially after having her own child. But the original Gu Ye was raised by her from his childhood, after all, so she couldn’t bear to kill or maim him. Thus, Mrs. Gu’s usual scheme was to use this third child’s stupidity and disobedience to highlight her own son’s cleverness and obedience. She often used pillow talk to influence Father Gu, making Gu Ye’s butt suffer from his old man’s beating.  Mrs. Gu was stunned by what Gu Ye said, and only then did she realise that Gu Ye had changed quite a lot. Since when did this stuttering kid get so sharp with his words? His gaze was also more lively, he’s not dumb anymore? Only after that did she react and her face turned red. Who the heck is too old to give birth?! Gu Ye then fishes out some small changes from his left pocket he had left after buying milk tea – he still had 50 cents — and stuffed it all into Mrs. Gu’s pocket. His tone was very filial : “Your son made some money. I’ll buy a chicken to make soup to nourish your body.”

Holding the money, Mrs. Gu stomped her feet angrily. Gu Ye looked at the boy standing next to Mrs. Gu. He then smiled and beckoned to the young man with his finger : “Lao Si, come here!”  From his birth, the original body lacks one mortal soul so he was timid and had a dull personality. No one was willing to play with him when he was a child but this younger brother of him didn’t disdain him. He stuck to him and will always come whenever he called. Perhaps being influenced by the memories of the original body, when Gu Ye saw the boy, he felt close and familiar. Hearing his third brother calling for him, Gu Yang immediately went over happily like a big Alaskan Malamute : “Brother, you really can do fortune telling? Why are you so different now?” Patting the fourth child’s head, Gu Ye said quite meaningfully : “Yes, your brother became the disciple of a particularly powerful teacher. So you don’t have to go to school in the future. Follow me set up a stall under the overpass and we will strike it big and get rich as we approach the peak of our lives with each passing minute!” When his mother was giving birth to the original Gu Ye, she suffered postpartum hemorrhage and couldn’t be rescued. It was really inconvenient for Mr. Gu to take care of three children while managing his company at the same time so he married the current Mrs. Gu and Gu Yang was born three years later.  Gu Yang’s identity was quite tricky in this family so Mrs. Gu began to plan for his son. However, this child was quite silly. Already at this age yet he still didn’t know how to plan for his future. He only played and didn’t do well academically either. He even ran after his big brothers everyday, so his relationship with his brothers was good. Gu Ye took a closer look at Gu Yang’s face. This child was a typical ‘fool who has the luck of fools’. He can’t learn but he will be able to live a life full of wealth and will prosper from the dividends from his brothers. He will live a good life until he’s old. Therefore, Gu Ye’s words for him were : Kiddo, no need to study, it’s not suitable for you. Unexpectedly, Gu Yang actually believed him and immediately nodded, particularly interested : “Okay, Okay! When shall we go? Let’s just go tomorrow! Shall I wear a Taoist robe and pretend to be blind?” Hearing this, Mrs. Gu was even ready to beat Gu Ye to death : “He’s not good at studying in the first place, only knows how to play and you still tell him to not work hard and profit through other people’s toil!” Gu Ye shrugged, palms up : “I’m telling the truth. You as well. Don’t wear red too much in the future, the more you wear it the poorer you get.”  Like the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, the human body also has the same principles. Mrs. Gu’s main element was metal, her forehead was full, ears just right, her features were delicate, slender hands, straight waist and fair skin. People with this type of face usually will have a rich life once they’re adults. Unfortunately, she likes red too much. Her clothes, nails and lips were all red. Red is fire and fire restricts metal.

This is why she lives a rich life but has no money in hand and can only rely on her husband. “You…” Mrs. Gu thought that he was deliberately annoying her. She then thought, Wait when we go back, see how your father cleans you up! Completely unaware of the disharmony between his mother and big brother, Gu Yang looked at them back and forth then asked with a puzzled expression : “Mother, Brother, is it not cold standing here? Let’s go home.” Mrs. Gu gritted her teeth in anger, you foolish child!  Gu Ye raised his hand and motioned to them : “I still have something to take. Let’s go back to the old house first.” After settling down in the capital, the Gu family still haven’t forgotten their hometown and built a two-storey building there. The family will return here during the QingMing Festival every year to worship their ancestors. The original Gu Ye was sent here to reflect on himself but he accidentally fell and lost his life as a result. And Gu Ye, who shared the same name as the original, fortunately got his body. As soon as Gu Ye woke up, he found that although the original Gu Ye has a short life and will die young, he should still have more than half a year left. There was a remnant of evil spirit left on his body and this was the reason for original Gu Ye’s untimely death. Gu Ye looked at his fingertips. He had scraped off the same evil spirit on both Gu Yang and Mrs. Gu, and they were even more serious than the one on the original Gu Ye. It seems that there’s something happening with Gu Family in Beijing. Back in the old house, Gu Ye led Gu Yang to the living room and said seriously : “See? These are all the foundation your brother has gathered for you from all over the place. Let’s take these spoils down and bring them back home.”  Shockingly, the wall was filled with embroidered banners! They even came in varying sizes and patterns! “Wow! Brother, you’re so awesome! As good as the second brother and eldest brother!” Gu Yang clenched his first in surprise, at this moment, Gu Ye’s image has risen to 18 meters tall in his heart. Mrs. Gu, who was a few steps behind, came in to take a look. She then gasped in anger as she thought, These two imps! If these things were taken home, their father will break Gu Ye’s legs!

Chapter 2- This child is unreasonable! Mrs. Gu was very angry, this damn third child was worse than his two elder brothers! The first son and the second brought home all kinds of certificates of honor, trophies and scholarships! And what did the third child have? Motherfxxxing “Thank you” banners!

“Little Fairy, God of Heavens, descended to Earth and saved my family with his fortune telling! This Wang Tie Zhu from Wang Village kneeled in gratitude!”  “Serving the people with utmost care and compassion, helping the people with passion as deep as the sea, thank you Master Gu for curing my 18 years ghost shaving! Li Er Qian from Li Family sincerely offered his thanks!” “Serve the common people and establish trust. Hand in hand, build a harmonious society! Thank you for finding my grandpa’s grave for me! Thank you very much from Liu Fu Gui of Liu Family Business!” “Accidents are merciless but people are compassionate. Help from the heart brings true joy, thank you Little Immortal for helping my daughter-in-law in finding her partner after years of being a widow!” ……  The two brothers moved fast, in just a short while, they’ve already removed the banners from the wall and put it in their bags before Mrs. Gu could stop them. Gu Family was engaged in real estate business, the boy’s father Gu Decheng also has a big reputation in the domestic business circle, known as a real estate tycoon. On the internet, there’s an exaggerated urban legend, saying that out of ten buildings in China, three were built by the Gu Group. Because of his wealth, many netizens jokingly called Gu Decheng ‘Daddy Gu’. When they marry their wives, their houses will be built by Mr. Gu. That’s money, very valuable! Mr. Gu Decheng, 60 years old, had a smooth sailing life. His only headache was Gu Ye, his stupid third son who always made people worry. Now, this stupid son not only did he not self-reflect, he even cheated the villagers with backwards superstitions.. After seeing half a car load of banners he took home, Father Gu angrily picked up a golf club and said : “If I don’t break your leg today, I’ll take your surname!” Gu Ye jumped more than a meter high, dodging the gold club while happily saying : “Dad, we share the same surname!” Father Gu almost choked on his breath, his next words were blocked by that and he couldn’t find the words to refute hence making him even angrier : “You still dare to talk back!” On the side, while Mrs Gu was secretly rejoicing in her mind, she anxiously said : “Lao San, quickly admit your mistake to your father. You’ve only stayed in the countryside for a few days and now you already dare to talk back to your father. Do you want him to have a heart attack?!” Mrs Gu’s words added the fuel to Father Gu’s ire : “What’s with these foul tricks you’ve learned? I don’t expect you to be as successful as your brothers. Even if you don’t do big things, just entering a second-rate university and learning some good skills after

graduation is enough. But look what you’ve done, you actually use feudal superstition to deceive villagers! And you also dare to talk back to your parents now!”  The more he talks, the angrier he gets so Father Gu keeps chasing Gu Ye around with the golf club while Gu Ye agilely steps on the table to dodge. Even if Father Gu was healthy, he was in his 60’s after all, he can’t catch up with the vigorous 19 years old Gu Ye. “You still dare to run!” Father Gu was surprised. That Gu Ye has the wit to hide now? He also knows to dodge?

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Gu Ye said : “If I don’t run, you will lose a son!” Father Gu almost laughed at the remark but suppressed it. Hating iron for not becoming steel, he asked : “You’re like this, you can’t do anything without relying on others, you can’t even pick up trash later in your life. Do you want to rely on fortune telling and cheating people to make a living?”  Father Gu’s blood pressure immediately sky-rocketed. There’s no helping this son, better to beat him to death! Gu Ye felt helpless, telling the truth will also get beaten? Are all fathers this unreasonable? While hiding, he reads his father’s fortune : “You’re a bit more irritable lately. Is business not going well recently? It’s because our home’s Feng Shui is bad. That lion at the gate has a problem, it’s losing money! It will be fine if you fix it early or you will lose a huge amount of money in three days!” Gu Ye just wanted to prove his skills with facts, I didn’t lie, I really can do divination!  The fact that Gu Ye still wanted to use feudal superstition to convince him made Father Gu’s blood boiled and he swung the gold club even fiercer. Gu Yang who had just returned from the kitchen, nibbling on egg pancake was shocked and he hurriedly flung himself and grabbed Father Gu’s arm, yelling : “Dad! Do you want to kill my brother?!” “P klii xlii tlw abvjs, P klii tjnf cb remt rbc!” “Dad! Even a vicious tiger will not eat its cub! Hit me instead, I’m strong!”

“Happy? I should be happy that he knows to talk back to me now?” Father Gu angrily slammed the golf club on the table, the sound was scary, and in fact, the impact of it hitting the table hurt Father Gu’s hand. “You spoil him too much!” Father Gu finally concluded. Mrs Gu felt bitter but couldn’t say it, but shouted in her mind, “When did I spoil Gu Ye?” She couldn’t refute nor could she say she wasn’t really good to Gu Ye, it’s inevitable to have differential treatment when raising two children. But the late first wife’s first two sons were excellent children, while she raised the third and fourth one who often

failed exams. If you think about it in this way, it seems that the problem was really on her.  Back in his room, Gu Ye watched the backyard full of chaotic air and secretly calculated how to change this house’s Feng Shui. There will be no help coming from his father who wanted to beat him just now. Sigh, having a father is really exhausting! ———— The next morning at breakfast, Father Gu who was quite lethargic asked grumpily : “Where are those two brats? Why don’t they come down for breakfast?” The driver who was waiting at the door was about to speak before Mrs Gu answered, effectively cutting him off, “They went to cram school. They left earlier in the morning, they know they need to study.” The driver was about to speak again but stopped after receiving a hint from Mrs Gu and could only close his mouth helplessly, thinking, Madame spoils the children too much. She would protect them even in this thing?  In fact, Mrs Gu really has no way around this. If Gu Decheng found out what the two boys were up to, Gu Yang would surely be beaten as well. Gu Ye brought his brother along when he did bad things, she had no choice but to cover for them. After breakfast, Father Gu went to the company. In the car, the driver wanted to say something but hesitated. After some thought, he pulled out a small paper bag from his pocket and said : “Third young master gave this to you, hoping that you…will stay safe.” Taking it, Father Gu opened the bag then said angrily : “This thing is useless!” Inside the bag was an amulet with a ghost-like writing scribbled on!  Father Gu angrily crumpled the amulet in his palm into a ball shape and was about to throw it away when a phone call came. He picked up his phone instinctively and the crumpled ball of amulet fell into his pocket as if by chance. Arriving at the company, his secretary reported : “Mr Gu, we just received a notice regarding the right for the construction of the Winter Olympics venue we are bidding for. There are some problems now and we are waiting for the verdict.” Father Gu frowned. The right to the construction was a fixed thing already so what happened in the middle? The other day as well, the land to the north of the city has already been agreed to be sold to him but now the owner wanted to renegotiate. Father Gu was inevitably tired of this. Everything went against him recently and the two kids at home also made him worry unceasingly. Unexpectedly, there’s more bad news coming. Before long, the secretary with a solemn face reported : “Mr. Gu, there’s trouble in the shopping arcade. Someone is about to jump off a building!”

Gu Decheng stood up with a cold expression, puzzled. Of all streets to commit suicide, why this one? His third son said something yesterday, that he will lose a lot of money in three days and today, something had already happened. Most merchants were concerned about Feng Shui and the likes, and now that things have turned sinister, it will be harder to sell the properties there. It cost him a lot of money to buy a large piece of land in such a valuable location but now that it can’t be sold, there will be a problem with the capital turnover.  Gu Decheng arrived at the mall an hour later but he was too late. That person had already jumped. Around, many people were there to watch, “This is the third time this month, isn’t it? This street is too wicked. Rumor has it that accidents started three months ago and it will happen three times every month.” “This is so weird. It won’t be because the building company did something bad and now the spirit is coming for revenge, right?” “I don’t know. It’s such a big street, who knows what happened when they built it.” The secretary’s expression also turned bad while persuading the director with a small voice : “Director Gu, why not ask a Feng Shui master to see? Maybe there is something evil involved here.”  “What Feng Shui master?! Those are all nonsense!” The most taboo word for Gu Decheng right now is “Metaphysics Master”. As soon as he heard it, the image of the banners his third son brought back made him have the urge to hit Gu Ye. At that moment, someone suddenly shouted, “Be careful!” Gu Decheng felt an evil kind of wind blew behind him and just as he felt cold and turned around, he saw a truck sped past, heading right over to him. The people around cried out in alarm and Gu Decheng’s pupils contracted and he stepped back in a reflex but he tripped over the divider. A thought flashed in his mind, I’m finished, I’m going to die here today. Just when everyone thought it would be another tragedy, the truck suddenly turned right and passed by Gu Decheng.  The crowd only returned to their senses after a few seconds of silence. “That was too dangerous! You must be really lucky to survive that!” “God must be watching, there’s nearly another tragedy!” Gu Decheng touched his pocket. Just when the truck was about to run him over, he felt his pocket grow hot and then the truck immediately turned right after. Pulling the stuff out, he saw that it was the amulet Gu Ye gave him this morning. But now, the amulet was burnt and only a third of it left. 

Gu Decheng suddenly thought of his third son’s words. Thinking carefully, it all had come true. And he was struck with a thought, maybe that little brat really can fortune tell? Back in the car, Gu Decheng calmed himself down for half an hour before asking the driver: “Where is Lao San?” The driver stuttered : “Madame says…” “Say it!” Looking at Mrs Gu’s face this morning, he knew that those two little brats must be up to no good.  After some cross-examination, Gu Decheng went to the ‘cram school’ where Gu Ye and Gu Yang were supposed to go. He decided that no matter what Gu Ye was doing, he would calmly talk to him. He found his two sons under an obscured overpass. His third son Gu Ye calmly sat on a small stool and in front of him was a plank covered in white linen cloth of which a lot of amulets were spread on. Behind him was a white banner with a flamboyant calligraphy which reads : Fortune Telling! Looking at the side, Father Gu almost fainted in fury. His youngest son who was usually normal was now dressed in a phony Taoist robe complete with a Bagua chart on his chest. Wearing sunglasses while holding a big sign post that has a badly hand-drawn little monk wearing a Buddhist robe with a Jiāshā draped over his shoulder. Surrounding the drawing was a writing that reads : Ancestral-skill of Exorcism and Expelling Evil, able to see Feng Shui and Yin and Yang matters, able to discern the Five Elements Bagua, picking a name from Five Elements, fortune telling from characters, seeing future prospects, curing frightened young children who lost their mortal souls that they turned into a fool. Double price for grave digging, muah~  At this moment, Gu Decheng put away the idea to “calmly talk” with his sons and pulled out a golf club from under his seat.

Chapter 3- I’m going to summon grandpa’s soul Mr. Gu didn’t know how he got his two sons home. He was so angry that he didn’t even have the strength to lecture them. Sitting on the office chair, he looked wearily at his sons, couldn’t even utter a word.

Gu Ye also didn’t know what to say. He’s afraid that if he says just one word wrong, it will instead fuel the old man’s ire.  Gu Decheng was an old-fashioned and a conservative man. He follows the rules and does everything single-mindedly. He doesn’t believe in metaphysics which was shrouded in mystery and obscurity. Especially since Gu Ye’s original soul was doing things blindly by researching materials he bought from Taobao. This being the case, it’s really hard for Gu Ye to convince Gu Decheng that he can really do fortune telling. After 15 minutes of silence, Gu Decheng took a deep breath and looked at Gu Ye who was relaxed and calm with a complicated gaze then said : “How do you know that my business is not going well recently?” Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “It must not have been like this when the house was first built. Grandpa must have hired a skilled Feng Shui master. The gate has Bai Hu Formation to guard against evil and on the inside is Azure Dragon Moon Guarding Array so that the family will be safe for generations. Unfortunately, no one cares about these things once he’s gone. That beast statue has lost its teeth so evil spirits could get in and the array is destroyed. The Feng Shui that was set up no longer has its original functions.” Gu Ye thought this was logical, but Gu Decheng felt a headache trying to understand this kind of ‘logic’. Knocking on the table, he said, “Speak clearly!”  Tch, no culture, what a dreadful thing. Helplessly, Gu Ye said : “In a word, our home’s Feng Shui is passive. It leaks money and attracts evil spirits, over time, it will lead to death.” Father Gu’s expression was cold. Can you not talk about death so casually? As soon as he saw his father’s face was not right, Gu Ye quickly remedied : “There’s really something wrong with the home’s Feng Shui. Grandpa came to me in my dream, saying that when he came here before, it was not like this.” Desperate, Gu Ye added, “I’ll summon his soul, you can ask him yourself.” Seeing Gu Ye pinching his fingers in the gesture for counting in divination, Gu Decheng instantly felt the flame of anger rushing up from his heart to his head. With a cold expression, he picks something up from the table without looking and wants to beat Gu Ye’s ass : “You even dare to use your Grandpa as a shield, you unfilial son!” Gu Ye immediately starts to run when he sees things are getting bad. Gu Yang, who had been kneeling on the ground for the lecture, also followed suit once he saw his brother run. Father Gu who had just taken two steps but already couldn’t see his sons’ figures was angry. Mrs. Gu nervously grabbed the thing in her husband’s hand and held it carefully in her arms then said boldly, “Cheng-Ge, if you are angry then just use words. Don’t beat the children.” 

Father Gu slapped the table angrily, “Being too kind of a mother is not a good thing! You dare to protect them! I still haven’t settled the account with you yet for covering for them this morning!” Mrs. Gu was so frightened that she almost cried. She saw the jade ruler that was worth millions and it would be a pity if it breaks. That’s money, ah. Gu Ye looked back and saw that Mrs. Gu being lectured. He stopped running and shouted, sounding aggrieved: “Mother, save me!” Father Gu looked at his wife in anger, “You still dare to say you didn’t spoil him? He’s nineteen and still goes to his mother when he’s in trouble. It’s too shameful!” Mrs. Gu who got innocently blamed, cried angrily. Gu Ye this little asshole!  Gu Decheng believes that Gu Ye used his grandfather who has been dead for many years as an excuse because he’s afraid of being beaten. Unexpectedly, he had a dream that night which effectively turned his cognition upside down. The next morning, Father Gu got up early and went to the gate of the villa, then carefully observed the stone lion’s teeth. The statue on the right side of the gate which was left outside in the wind and rain has a crack in its mouth. The two teeth on the inside had fallen off. It didn’t look like it was damaged naturally, more like it had been chiseled off.

Gu Decheng then went to the garden and found that his home had changed a lot. He has been busy with work and hasn’t had a good rest at home for a long time. The oldest son was busy developing in the foreign market and it was going well so he won’t come back to take over the company in the meantime. The second son started an entertainment company when he was still in university and that company was also developing rapidly. He couldn’t pass him the business either for the time being. The third and the fourth son…Father Gu rubbed his forehead, let’s just work for a few years more.

“Also three months ago. Madame thought it looks good and this space is empty anyway so she ordered the people to place it here.” Gu Ye placed his hands behind his back and walked towards his father, then whispered, “Did Grandpa talk to you last night?”  Ge Decheng was stunned for a moment. Last night, he dreamt of his father who has been deceased for more than a decade. It didn’t go well. Gu Ye smiled and continued : “The formation guarding the family house was obviously created by someone with real ability. Every piece is essential to the formation. The stone lions at the gate are a zhènsha formation. This villa is too big and our family is too small. It’s not good to buy such a big house because it lacks liveliness. In order to

prevent the house from getting chaotic, that Feng Shui master set up Bai Hu formation at the gate and those two stone lions are the key of the formation. So something wrong must have happened with that lion.” Gu Ye then pointed at the white elephant, “That one is certainly an auspicious item, but it’s also a fierce beast. The Azure Dragon Moon Guarding Array could keep peace and wealth but its centerpiece, the fountain, has been changed. With the combination of such a fierce beast at home, if it’s not for the fact that our family is lucky, something really bad would have happened.” Watching his father’s face that looks like he’s reshaping his three views and has yet to recover from this attack, Gu Ye continued with a smile : “Actually, I suspect that someone wants to harm our family. The Feng Shui formations wouldn’t be broken this fast otherwise.”  Gu Decheng calmly asked, “Is that what your grandpa told you?” Gu Ye seriously made a gesture with his fingers, “I’ll summon grandpa’s soul for you.” Gu Decheng was angry but also found this situation funny. Relatively speaking, his third son has changed so much. He didn’t like to speak previously and if you ask him anything he would just say ‘Em’. He often locked himself in his room to study Feng Shui and whatnot. He didn’t dare to say anything to his parents even when he was bullied. And now, he would sincerely advise Gu Decheng and would also hide when he was about to be beaten, which was a good thing. Gu Ye walked around the white elephant and said, “Uncle Li, bring me a hammer.”  Gu Decheng also followed, “There’s something wrong with this elephant?” “Whether there is or not, I’ll know it once I see it.” Gu Ye took the hammer from the gardener and shielded Gu Decheng behind him. He then smashed the hammer on the belly of the white elephant and that hollow part broke to pieces. From the belly of the white elephant, a charm with ghostly writing on it fell out. Gu Decheng’s expression instantly went cold. The facts were in front of him and he had to believe it. Mrs. Gu heard the news and rushed out to have a look. As soon as she arrived, she saw Gu Ye smashed a hammer onto the belly of the white elephant that a friend of hers gave her. She was about to speak up then saw something fall out of the said elephant statue. The yellow rune paper was a little old and the cinnabar with winding and curved writing looked like coagulated blood. Out of nowhere, Mrs. Gu could feel ruthlessness and evilness emitted from the charm. Even under the warm sun, Mrs. Gu felt cold and had goosebumps.  Mrs. Gu immediately backed away several steps and asked, grossed, “What is this? Why does it look so evil?”

Gu Ye held the charm and asked in reply, “Mom, who gave you this thing?” “It’s from Hu Yu, Li Sheng Kai’s wife.” Gu Decheng said angrily, “Didn’t I tell you not to mingle with his family? Li Sheng Kai’s history of making his fortune is not clean.”  Mrs. Gu lowered her head, knowing that she has been cheated, “That’s him, but his wife is good.” In the capital’s elite circle, Mrs. Gu was lacking in good interpersonal relationships. It’s not that she did anything bad, but the real elites looked down on her status as the second younger wife. She wasn’t born in a rich family and her family has no background. She was young and beautiful and also dressed flamboyantly everyday. Gu Decheng is 60 years old and she’s 17 years younger than him. For this reason, the eldest and second son rarely go home to avoid scandal with their stepmother. Other people thought she’s such a show-off and Gu Decheng’s head is green . All in all, the rich and noble women in the circle wouldn’t mingle with her. Hu Yu, Li Sheng Kai’s wife, has no such thoughts. She does what she wants and over time, Mrs. Gu treats her as a real friend. Gu Ye was speechless. Mrs. Gu treated Hu Yu as a friend but that woman might not have the same thought. This thing not only serves to rob their business, but also their family’s lives. Gu Ye drew something on the back of the charm twice and it seemed to come to life. It twisted and shook several times before turning into earthly yellow, motionless and dead. Gu Ye hands the charm to his father, “Zhaosha Funeral Gate Charm . You get what it means just by the name.”  Mrs. Gu was also scared by this, her face turned pale before she got angry. She stomped her feet severely and exclaimed, “That little bitch!” Gu Decheng originally wanted to lecture his wife but before he could open his mouth, he was amused by her actions. “Okay, okay, don’t talk about this matter to anyone else, I’ll handle it. As for others,” Father Gu glanced at Gu Ye, “I’ll leave it to you. After this, play less with these kinds of things and study hard!” “Okay, dad~ Love you dad~” Gu Ye made a salute with a smile. Gu Decheng stumbled, his lips raised slightly for only half a second before he forced it down and recovered his serious expression then calmly walked away. After going to the company, Gu Decheng called his secretary. Pointing at the map, he asked, “Li Sheng Kai wants this land?”  “Yes, Mr. Gu. He wanted to build a mall.”

Gu Decheng said coldly, “You go and smooth things out with our connections, say that I want this land. In addition, find someone to enquire about that Jin Street he’s been planning.” The secretary asked tentatively, “What does Mr. Gu mean?” “I want to make his family unable to even drink porridge.” Gu Decheng looked at the planning design and suddenly remembered that his wife and Hu Yu had a meal together when the auctioning for the land beside the government building was held that day and an accident occurred on their way home. He hurried to the hospital before going to the auction right after but that land fell into Li Sheng Kai’s hands. Now that he thought about it, this thing must have been planned by the other party.  Gu Decheng’s face turned even colder. This time, it’s all thanks to his third son that he managed to figure it out. At this moment, his third son was re-arranging the Feng Shui at their home and the beautiful Mrs. Gu went out, wearing a small red dress with her handbag. Gu Yang shuddered, “Mom, are you not cold?” With a sneer, Mrs. Gu proudly said : “No! Mom is going out for a bit. You two should pack up your things. School starts tomorrow, right?”  “Yes, ma’am!” Gu Ye nodded obediently, he felt that Madame Gu was particularly murderous right now. Gu Ye was right. Mrs. Gu went out to meet up with Hu Yu. This woman was also in her forties but was born in a rich family. Unfortunately, just a few years after she got married, her father’s family began to decline. Now, she just took care of her husband and son and has nothing else to do. Since this was the case, she will go to some beauty treatments and play mahjong to pass her time. She also takes good care of her appearance. If Hu Yu’s temperament was akin to an empty valley orchid, then Mrs. Gu’s was a fiery rose. The two met at a coffee shop they often patronized. Hu Yu looked at Mrs. Gu’s dress, covering the disdain in her eyes, then said with a smile, “Why did you ask me out today?” “Something happened at home!” After Mrs. Gu sat down, she let out a heavy sigh and said, “Lao San bought some books about Feng Shui and the larks, as if he could gain Yin and Yang eyes and pass his exams.”  Hu Yu covered her lips and chuckled, “It’s hard for you. That Lao San of your family, ah.” Hu Yu shook her head and looked at Mrs. Gu in sympathy then whispered : “If I were you, I would have strangled him. It’s really taxing.”

A trace of anger flashed in Mrs. Gu’s eyes and the corner of her lips curled up which was then quickly suppressed. Silently following the other woman’s farce, she said : “Well, he’s not my son, after all. I can neither scold him nor beat him.” Hu Yu looked around, carefully observing Mrs. Gu’s eyes and said in a whisper : “Say, your son is soon to be an adult. Don’t you think about him?” Mrs. Gu was shocked, then pretended to be puzzled : “What do you mean?”  “Are you stupid?” Hu Yu said, with a tone that sounds as if she was worried about her friend, “Gu Yang is only 16 this year and your husband is 60. In case he had an accident one day, his properties will be divided into four. The two eldest sons in your family, you know how they are, right? With those two, how much can you two get? If it were me, with how stupid Lao Son is, why not…” Hu Yu winked at Mrs. Gu, “Then, there will be one less competitor. Say…Ah!!” Before Hu Yu could finish, Mrs. Gu stood up angrily and grabbed her hair then slapped the woman’s face with her other hand. Hu Yu was stunned with that one slap, “Even if he is a loser, I raised him when he’s still shitting and peeing in his pants! I’m a stepmother. Yes, I admit that I’m partial but I’ve raised him for 18 years. Since he calls me ‘Mother’, then he’s my son! You mean little bitch, how dare you instigate me to kill my son! You wanna die?!” It was said that the first wife was dignified while the second wife was arrogant. At the beginning, when Gu Decheng took a fancy to Mrs. Gu, it was also because she was a shrew. She can act coquettishly yet able to handle matters on her own. Those women with soft or weak personalities couldn’t even take care of themselves let alone help him take care of his family and children. Hu Yu was also a lady of a great family but she has never met such a bold lady. She had no room to resist and was slapped several times in succession by Mrs. Gu who also added some scratches to the injury. The waiters in the cafe were also frightened. When they came, Hu Yu’s make up was spent and her hair was a mess. She had a long bloody mark on her neck, crying with a runny nose, full of tears. Mrs. Gu huffed proudly and her red lips spat : “Bah!” She then turned around flexibly in her high heels then left.  She asked that woman out today just to beat her up, nothing else. That Old Gu in her family was obviously making a big move and revenge should be executed gradually and thoroughly. But she couldn’t stand it. She didn’t expect that woman to be so brazen that she would say such a thing once that topic was mentioned. Having found the reason to beat her, Mrs. Gu wiped her hands, took out a recording pen from her bag then smiled slightly. That woman looked down on her too much, does she really think Mrs. Gu was just a bimbo? Mrs. Gu directly posted the recording in her circle of friends and made a threat : Hu Yu, you little bitch! If I see you again, I’ll trash you.

The fact that Mrs. Gu beat Hu Yu up was spread all over the circle in just a short while along with the reason. Many ladies looked at Mrs. Gu with admiration. Although it won’t be good for their image to beat people up and scold them, Mrs. Gu’s actions were satisfying to watch. Soon, Hu Yu’s reputation as a poisonous woman spread out and countless ladies kept away from her. Gu Decheng wanted to deal with Li Sheng Kai but couldn’t find the reason to justify it. He can’t say Li Sheng Kai used some evil charms to curse his family to death. Li Sheng Kai was at a disadvantage because his business was a small one compared to the giant of the Gu Family. If he trampled the other party to death without giving a proper reason, the other small businesses will feel threatened and afraid of his family. With those slaps, Mrs. Gu directly delivered the reason to Gu Decheng; Instigating his wife to kill his son, that’s enough for a reason!  Li Sheng Kai was also flustered. After taking Hu Yu home, he looked at her embarrassing appearance but didn’t feel bad for her at all. Instead, he gave Hu Yu a slap : “You stupid woman! Li Family will be destroyed by you!” Thinking of her bad luck today, Hu Yu cried heavily, paying no mind to her image. In turn, Li Sheng Kai was upset by her cries and shouted angrily : “Stop crying!” His gaze was icy cold and a ferocious light flashed in his eyes, “Go find that master again. I want Gu Decheng’s life!”

Chapter 4- Encounter with the School Bully When Mrs. Gu came home, Gu Ye and Gu Yang were packing their bags. Ever since they entered high school, they had been living in the dormitory and were only allowed to go home once a month for three days. Therefore, they packed a lot of things. Mrs. Gu checked their bags and went to the kitchen to fetch packs of jerky, fruits, bread, and all kinds of snacks to stuff into her sons’ bags.  Gu Ye looked at his bag and whispered, “I think brother got more than I did.” “Really?” Gu Yang was puzzled. He was about to fish the snacks out from their bags to compare when Mrs. Gu slapped his hands off angrily and awkwardly stuffed an extra pack of jerky into Gu Ye’s bag. “There’s only half a year left before the college entrance exam. Eat more and study hard.” Satisfied, Gu Ye held his bag and smiled. “Thank you, Mom!”

Upon hearing the word “Mom”, Mrs. Gu’s expression became complicated. Looking at Gu Ye’s satisfied expression, the corner of her lips curled up in a smile, and she ruffled Gu Ye’s hair roughly. “Study hard! Don’t let people say you’re stupid!”  Gu Ye nodded, still smiling. “Un!” “Oh, right. Have you completed your winter holiday’s homework?” Mrs. Gu’s expression was soft, appearing very kind and motherly. Gu Yang’s expression, however, changed after hearing the question. His mother’s face immediately became displeased. “You didn’t do it?” Gu Yang scratched the back of his head. He’d been busy playing around. Homework… what’s that? “It’s fine if you didn’t do it.” Gu Ye patted his younger brother’s head and solemnly comforted him. “You, silly child, simply have a fool’s luck. Studying is a dead end, anyways. Even if you study, you won’t do well, so you might as well give up. I’ve already calculated, and I predict that your teacher won’t scold you for forgetting to do your homework this time.” Elated, Gu Yang instantly raised his head. Mrs. Gu immediately became displeased and reprimanded : “It’s already enough if you don’t study well yourself, but don’t pull your brother along with you!” Gu Yang actually bought five lottery tickets before returning home, and the lottery draw just happened to be that night. After dinner, Gu Yang devoutly held the lottery tickets above his head and prayed, “Grandpas and Grandmas on both sides of the family, please bless me!” Once he finished, he snuck a peek at the door. Finding nobody, he whispered, “Third brother, bless me!” As a result, he really won!  Gu Yang was so excited that he pounded on Gu Ye’s door. “Brother! I won! I really won! It’s the third prize! Fifteen thousand yuan, ah!” Although their family was quite rich, the children’s allowance was strictly controlled. It was impossible for Gu Yang to buy luxury goods with the money his father gave him. If he wanted to buy an expensive toy, he needed to apply for it in advance and do chores to earn extra pocket money. 15,000 yuan wasn’t a small amount for Gu Yang, so it made him so happy that he felt like he was walking on air. He didn’t even want to sleep. Gu Ye, however, was about to take a bath before going to sleep. Opening the door, he stared at the overly excited child and yelled, “Shut up! Go to sleep!”

The excited Gu Yang was scared by the outburst and dejectedly left with the lottery tickets.  Mrs. Gu, who was on the first floor, raised an eyebrow. He really won? Then, is it true that wearing red clothes has been suppressing my fortune? ———— The next morning, Mrs. Gu wore a little yellow dress, quite different from her usual color of choice. Her feet pitter-pattered as she walked happily from the kitchen, holding two bowls of noodles. Seeing the two brothers coming downstairs, she said gently, “One bowl per person. I made sure to add two eggs so that you’ll have a good memory and score a hundred marks on each subject.” Gu Ye said, “Mom, we can’t score a hundred marks no matter how many noodles and eggs we eat. Receiving full marks on an exam relies on one’s IQ, after all.”  Mrs. Gu : “…Shut up!” After Gu Ye sat down, he looked at Gu Yang’s bowl before complaining, “Mom, I think the egg in Brother’s bowl is bigger than mine.” Mrs. Gu’s lips twitched. “Nonsense! All four eggs are the same size this time!” Gu Ye was satisfied. “Oh, I was mistaken.”  Mrs. Gu: “…..” Little bastard, hurry up and go to school so that you can bother other people instead of me! Before leaving, Gu Ye placed a charm in the mouths of the two stone lions at the gate and, under Mrs. Gu’s gaze, got into the car with a smile of expectation. Gu Ye is a senior and Gu Yang is a sophomore. Both attend the same school but don’t share the same campus. Gu Yang got off the car before they reached the north gate of the school, and happened to meet an acquaintance. He lugged his large suitcase and, like a dog released from its leash, happily ran off.  Gu Ye shook his head with a smile and turned to look at the school before narrowing his eyes slightly. Even without entering the school, he could feel a current of vigorous Yin and Yang. Since ancient times, schools have always been built in places with heavy Yin Qi, and it was necessary to use the students’ Yang Qi to suppress the Yin Qi. Therefore, having some Yin Qi at a school is normal. However, this school’s Yin Qi was evidently abnormal as it concealed swirling red Yuan Qi and black Sha Qi within. When the car arrived at the north gate, the driver stopped and helped Gu Ye take out his luggage from the trunk. “Third Young Master, I’ll leave your things in the guardroom. After you have lunch, remember to take them back to your dormitory.” Gu Ye smiled and said, “Okay. Thank you.”

The driver was slightly shocked. He didn’t expect that Gu Ye would be able to smile so brightly. Under the sun, the youth’s beautiful eyes curved like a crescent moon from his smile, while his long eyelashes cast a faint shadow on his fair face, making his lips appear redder and teeth whiter. He looked very handsome.  Influenced by his smile, the driver gestured to Gu Ye with a clenched fist and happily said, “Third Young Master, jia you!” Gu Ye nodded and carried his luggage into the school. Right now, he had no choice but to take the college entrance exam again. Why is life so difficult? Several students, who stood at the window in the corridor watching the gate, saw him as soon as he entered. “Tell Boss that the stupid young master came!”  “This stupid imbecile even dared to rat us out to his father, causing Boss to be locked up during the entire winter holiday!” “I guarantee that if Boss really wants to teach him a lesson, he will surely become docile and obedient.” As soon as Qian Zhen heard his lackey’s report, he grinned and said, “That motherfucker! He still dares to come to school!” Qian Zhen used to be a notorious bully in Wu Middle School. The school was famous for its high enrollment rate into prestigious universities in the city, but there were still students with failing grades. Qian Zhen was the leader of those students. He frequently fought, smoked, drank, and was also a playboy. As long as it wasn’t related to studying, he would do it.  He was a local and was also from a rich family, so ordinary students didn’t dare provoke him. A rich second-generation like Gu Ye can in fact fight him and even easily step on Qian Zhe, but after being bullied constantly for half a year, the already timid and frightened Gu Ye didn’t dare to say anything. However, Gu Decheng still found out and stormed to the Qian Family with a vengeance. As a result, Qian Zhen was locked up under house arrest for the entire winter vacation. Qian Zhen was originally scared of Gu Ye’s father, but upon seeing Gu Ye come to school, the anger he had bottled up over vacation suddenly erupted! When the students heard Qian Zhen’s words, they all sympathized with Gu Ye. Gu Ye was sure to suffer this time under Qian Zhen’s extreme hate. Gu Ye arrived at the sixth classroom according to his memory but was instantly surrounded by several boys as soon as he entered. Raising his eyebrows in confusion, his collar was suddenly grabbed by a tall student before he was dragged out of the classroom. “Gu Ye, you have the audacity to snitch to your father! Haven’t you thought about how we’re going to make the second half of your school year a living hell?!” Qian Zhen

dragged Gu Ye to the toilet and ferociously pressed him against the wall. He was half a head taller than Gu Ye, and looked extremely vicious and fierce. The lackey who came in with him was also tall, burly, and seemed aggressive.  Realizing that he had encountered bullying, Gu Ye unexpectedly started giggling to himself.

Chapter 5- Gu Ye Seems Slightly Evil Encountering bullying for the first time in his life, Gu Ye chuckled to himself. Rolling up his sleeves, he sneered, “Rather than worry about the second half of my school year, you better worry about yours.” Three minutes later, Gu Ye returned to the classroom under the bewildered stares of the other students. A few moments later, a disciplinary teacher went to use the restroom. As he opened the door, he saw two male students naked and unconscious, tightly embracing each other. Seeing their vulgar, pale-white bodies on the floor, he closed his eyes in disgust.  The discipline teacher almost spewed out blood, shouting, “Indecent! Highly improper! Are you guys crazy?! You guys must be crazy!” He blocked the entrance and called Class 6’s homeroom teacher, Teacher Yu, over. Teacher Yu was nearly fifty years old and had been a teacher for decades, but he had never seen such brazen students. Qian Zhen and Hu Mingming were famous delinquents in the school. They often bullied their classmates and disrespected the teachers. Even the new female teacher had already been angered to tears several times. Teacher Yu knew that these two students were not easy to manage, but he never expected them to do something so insane. After shouting at them a few times and seeing that they still didn’t wake up, Teacher Yu directly poured cold water onto their faces. “Wake up! This is outrageous! Don’t you have any shame?!”  Qian Zhen groggily woke up and instantly saw the furious expressions on his classroom teacher and the disciplinary teacher’s faces. Then, he looked at Hu Mingming, who was still sprawled on top of him. The teacher’s anger didn’t faze him, but it was Hu Mingming’s indecent position that gave him a start. “Fuck! What are you playing at?! Why are you naked, Hu Mingming!” Turning to look at himself, Qian Zhen was stupefied. What the fuck happened? He only remembered dragging Gu Ye to the toilet, trying to avoid the surveillance to beat him up, then… then he didn’t remember anything.

“You two put on your clothes first.” Face pale, Teacher Yu exasperatedly said : “Teacher won’t discriminate and look down on two boys being together, but you should not do such things at this age! This is a school! A place to study! How dare you…” Teacher Yu kneaded his painful forehead, angered to the point of speechlessness. He felt as if he was about to faint. Understanding the teacher’s meaning, Qian Zhen immediately became angry. “Old Yu, what do you mean? Me and him? I…” When Qian Zhen turned around and saw Hu Mingming’s flabby flesh, his stomach suddenly churned. The discipline teacher’s anger flared after hearing his disrespectful attitude toward his homeroom teacher and commanded, “Qian Zhen! Call your parents! We have to talk about you and what type of student you are!” Hu Mingming, who just woke up, was also disgusted and frightened. While putting on his clothes, he desperately tried to explain : “Teacher, you got it wrong! It’s Gu Ye who framed us! Gu Ye, that son of a bitch!” Teacher Yu laughed mockingly. “Everybody knows that Gu Ye is honest and wouldn’t even dare to speak loudly. How can he do such a thing? You want to fool us? You really don’t want to admit your mistakes?! Call your parents immediately!” Good things remain unknown, but bad things will spread thousands of miles over. The news that Qian Zhen and Hu Mingming were discovered naked and embracing each other in the restroom soon spread all over the school. The delinquents in the school were stupefied. It turns out that Zhen-Ge and Ming-Ge were actually in this kind of relationship!  The two’s parents bowed in thanks while cursing their sons in their minds. Qian Zhen, however, was unsatisfied. “Teacher, are you blind? It was obviously Gu Ye’s work. ” As soon as he finished speaking, his father angrily kicked him. “Shut up!”  Qian Zhen clenched his fist, glaring at his father with indignation. Teacher Yu was greatly dissatisfied with Qian Zhen’s attitude. “The school had already checked the surveillance video. There were only the two of you forcibly dragging Gu Ye into the bathroom. Since you claim that it was Gu Ye’s doing, you should know how he did it, right?” Qian Zhen opened his mouth, yet he had nothing to say. He had no recollection of what transpired. After being reprimanded, Qian Zhen and Hu Mingming went to the cafeteria for a meal and received countless probing eyes from the students. They cursed Gu Ye endlessly in their hearts.

When Qian Zhen spotted Gu Ye eating nonchalantly in a corner, his eyes turned red from rage. “It must be Gu Ye’s doing, that son of a bitch!”  “We can’t make any more mistakes or we will really be expelled.” Hu Ming Ming reminded him with a whisper. Qian Zhen glared fiercely at Gu Ye, saying, “Wait until we get out of school. I’ll teach him a lesson then!” For the first time ever, Qian Zhen didn’t sleep in class. Glaring at Gu Ye’s back hatefully, he began calculating how to teach him a lesson. At the end of class, a short boy came to Qian Zhen and said, “Zhen-Ge, I heard Gu Ye’s younger brother is also studying in our school as a first year.”  At this moment, Gu Ye, who was about eight tables away from them, suddenly turned around and gave them a smile. Gu Ye’s face was exquisite and his peach blossom eyes with black pupils were as clear as jade. Before, Gu Ye’s personality was dull and there was nothing to note about his face. But now, even if he smiled, his eyes were dark and frightening. The group of delinquents immediately felt a chill run up their spines, filling them with goosebumps. Still grinning, Gu Ye calmly predicted, “In the next month, you will have bad luck. Try to live.” “Fuck you!” Qian Zhen had never been threatened before. Usually, it was always him who bullied others, so when Gu Ye provoked him, he impulsively wanted to beat the boy up, regardless of the consequences. In the next second, however, the 180cm tall Qian Zhen fell flat onto the ground, causing his nose to bleed. Everybody else was stupefied. What the hell?! Since when did Gu Ye become a  crow’s mouth  ?! Qian Zhen’s lackeys rushed up to help him get to the infirmary to stop the bleeding, but just as they were about to walk out the door, a basketball suddenly flew towards Qian Zhen’s head out of nowhere. The ball hit Qian Zhen squarely on the head and bounced several meters away from the impact. It was obviously thrown with great strength.  “Fucking hell! Who? Who threw that?!” Hearing Qian Zhen’s shouts and curses of anger in the hallway, the whole class’s gaze on Gu Ye became awed and a little fearful. This Gu Ye is a little evil! ———— After the evening self-study session, Gu Ye went to his dormitory and found that the bed he left empty had already been tidied. Standing under the bunk bed was another classmate of his, smiling shyly. The boy had a baby face and was quite short. Coupled with that smile, he appeared even younger.

Gu Ye didn’t know the boy’s name, so he just nodded slightly as a greeting. To be honest, even if he had the original soul’s memory, the original Gu Ye didn’t even remember what his classmates looked like.  “Xia Xiang, why are you, a top student, coming to our dorm?” Wang Kai, one of the boys in the dorm, looked at the newcomer with hostility and even a hint of fear. The students in this dormitory were usually those with average or low grades but were not mischievous. The teacher purposely arranged them in this manner to accommodate Gu Ye. Gu Ye looked at the other students in the dorm and found that they shared a similar sentiment, which was a bit strange. Is this the so-called hostility from learning slags towards a learning master? Xia Xiang was embarrassed. With his head down, he explained in a whisper, “The original dorm was inconvenient so I moved.” This reason was obviously fake, but Gu Ye was too lazy to care about a group of children. Picking up his stuff to take a bath, he went out. At this time, Wang Kai also followed suit. After leaving the dormitory, Wang Kai advised, “You better stay away from Xia Xiang.” “Why?”  Wang Kai was a little surprised by Gu Ye’s response. In the past, Gu Ye would only reply with “Mn” and nothing else, but now, he would actually ask questions. Looking at Gu Ye’s eyes, Wang Kai was even more surprised. Gu Ye seemed to be a bit different from before, but boys were generally carefree, so Wang Kai didn’t care too much. Looking around to make sure there was nobody nearby, Wang Kai whispered, “His eyes are different from ours. He can see what we can’t. Many people know this.” Wang Kai then added, dissatisfied, “I don’t know why he moved to our dorm. Is our life going to be full of surprises next?” Gu Ye asked seriously, “By ‘what we can’t see,’ do you mean ghosts?” “Shh!” Wang Kai quickly shushed Gu Ye as if they were speaking about a taboo. “Don’t say that word. Our school used to be a mass grave. Be careful with what you say.” From what Gu Ye could tell, this boy was well-built and also quite tall. He was a healthy young man, so he didn’t expect this boy to be so timid. “What are you afraid of? If those things dare to come, just take off your pants and pee on them. Virgin boys’ urine can ward off evil spirits.” Wang Kai : “…”  Is this really Gu Ye? This is clearly a madman! ———— At the same time, a middle-aged man with a mustache in the shape of an inverted V wearing a weathered Taoist robe was in a square courtyard holding a talisman while chanting. Li Shengkai and his wife were standing near the wall, staring at the man with

beads of sweat on their foreheads. After offending Gu Decheng, the Hu Family had no chance of escaping unscathed. Hu Yu had made a grave mistake, and now the whole aristocratic circle knew that the Li Shengkai couple had offended the Gu Family. No one wanted to help, so the couple had no choice but to try and kill the Gu Family. First on the list was Gu Decheng! When the puppet with Gu Decheng’s name written on it was thrown into the brazier, a meter-high fire immediately erupted and a blue light emerged from the twisted fire. The scene was strangely demented, but Li Shengkai’s eyes brightened. As long as Gu Decheng died, half of his family would collapse. Gu Decheng’s two promising sons, Gu Sen and Gu Lin, couldn’t fight against him. As for Gu Ye and Gu Yang, he automatically excluded them in his calculations.  Just when he thought that his wish had been fulfilled, the top of the flame flattened in an instant as if something was pressing down on it. The flame that was originally one meter tall became shorter and shorter, as if it was getting smothered. A bad premonition suddenly arose in Li Shengkai and his wife’s minds. The Taoist master’s expression wasn’t good either. He sped up his chanting with a tight expression, and his fingers gestures also increased in speed. The flame struggled unwillingly under the pressure, but it was futile. At this time, a small golden light in the shape of a human figure emerged from the mouth of the stone lion at the gate of Gu Family’s house. Grabbing the black shadow that was approaching the gate, the figure tore the shadow in half. At the same time, the brazier cracked with a banging sound! “Blergh!” The Taoist master spat a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, his face withered.  “Ah! Fire! Fire!” Li Shengkai and his wife were frightened by the sparks flying around and ran out regardless of the well-being of the Taoist master. In a blink of an eye, the courtyard caught on fire and the Taoist master also crawled toward the door, face pale. Before he could reach the door, however, a beam collapsed and fell on his head. The famous master’s eyes rolled upwards, and he was knocked unconscious on the spot. Inside the raging fire, the puppet with Gu Decheng’s name laid quietly on the ground, surrounded by an invisible barrier, keeping it intact. Gradually, Gu Decheng’s name on it disappeared, and the puppet soon turned into ashes. Gu Ye sensed that the charm he left at home was activated, so he made some gestures with his fingers and started to calculate the events. The corner of his lips gradually curled up in a smile. People in their line of work aren’t allowed to harm people. Otherwise, they will be condemned by the heavens. In the middle of the night when all the students were already asleep, a strong Yuan Qi gathered to form a dark ghost in the back field of the school. The ghost came to Gu Ye’s dorm and stuck to the window like a gecko. Someone pulled the curtain close

before going to bed but didn’t do it properly, leaving a finger-wide gap in between the curtains. There were a pair of red eyes staring greedily at Xia Xiang, whose bed was on top of Gu Ye’s. Gu Ye quietly opened his eyes and looked at the window. No wonder there was Sha Qi and Yuan Qi hidden in the school. There was actually such a big treasure hidden in this school. 

Ch6 - I fucking told you to not be excessive! Xia Xiang had obviously noticed that he was being stared at. As he curled himself into a ball shaking like a leaf, the bed shook alongside him. Gu Ye was worried that Xia Xiang wouldn’t be able to hold back his pee and it would be Gu Ye who gets showered as his bed was the bottom bunk. Getting up and walking slowly toward the window, Gu Ye said in a joking manner, “Sister, it’s so late now. Are you not going home to sleep?” The ghost backed away a few steps and instinctively felt that Gu Ye wouldn’t be easy to deal with. “Who are you?” she asked vigilantly. Gu Ye answered seriously, “The successor of communism .” The female ghost immediately felt that she had been fooled. Her hair fluttered menacingly as if blown by wind, revealing her bloody face. Her scarlet eyes stared at Gu Ye fiercely. “Boy, I advise you to mind your own business.”  Gu Ye yawned lazily, looked at the pitiful ghost lady, and said softly, “You should also not be too excessive.” Gu Ye’s attitude heightened her apprehension, but she couldn’t let Xia Xiang, this delicious big cake with a pure Yin constitution go. Reluctant, she tried calculating the probability of killing Xia Xiang and escaping under Gu Ye’s watch. Gu Ye sneered, made a gesture with his fingers, and a faint purple flame appeared. “You don’t want to leave, so you want to be my pet, right?” Gu Ye’s hand gesture was a ghost-controlling technique forbidden in Taoism. The female ghost was instinctively afraid of the fire. After hesitating for a few moments, she turned around and ran. Gu Ye clicked his tongue and regretfully sighed. He just wanted a group of cute pet servants, it’s best if they looked beyond the norm. If nothing else, this one sure is ugly. At this moment, Xia Xiang poked his head out from under his quilt, sneakily staring at Gu Ye with a fervent gaze.

Gu Ye paid no attention to him. Wrapping himself in his quilt, he rolled over and continued to sleep. Outside, the lingering Yuan Qi and Sha Qi rustled like the wind. The ghost was still wandering around. She must have died unjustly. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have that much Yuan Qi on her, and she wouldn’t be attacking people without provocation.  The next morning, Gu Ye exited his dormitory with books in hand, planning to head to the classroom to study. After morning class, Gu Ye went to the cafeteria alone for breakfast. As soon as he went in, he was stopped by Xia Xiang and two boys. Xia Xiang offered him two meat buns and a bowl of Eight Treasure Congee (Laba Porridge).  Gu Ye raised an eyebrow. “What do you want?” “Please eat.” Xia Xiang’s voice was low, like a little rabbit. It looked like he was being forced to act as a spokesperson for the two boys. “Thank you for helping me last night.” Gu Ye smiled and walked past him to buy food for himself. “It wasn’t for you.” After buying some meat pies, Gu Ye found a seat and Xia Xiang sat beside him. Holding two big meat buns, he whispered : “I know that in your line of work there’s a rule that if you help others, your fortune will be affected. And if it’s serious, your lifespan may even decrease. You guys will usually charge a certain fee for the people who need help depending on the severity of the situation to make up for your personal losses. I beg of you, please help me, and I will pay you accordingly.”  Gu Ye was in a good mood because of the delicious pie. “Boy, you sure know a lot, even the rules.” “Well, my family often looks for masters.” Due to his physique, he was often scared stiff or haunted by ghosts when he was a kid. Throughout his life, he had seen plenty of capable masters, but Gu Ye was the first one who could scare off a ghost with just a hand gesture. Gu Ye said with a smile, “Let’s see how much money you can pay.” Xia Xiang’s eyes brightened, and he held up two fingers : “Currently, I can only give you 2,000 yuan. How much do you want? I will ask my mother to transfer the amount to you next month.”  The two other students didn’t expect Xia Xiang to directly pay 2,000 yuan to Gu Ye, so they tugged at his clothes anxiously to show their disapproval. However, despite his timid look, Xia Xiang was very stubborn and wasn’t deterred at all. Gu Ye was amused. “Okay. Tell me, how did you get entangled with that lady?” “It wasn’t me. It was these two. They played Pen Fairy and called her out. I never expected that she would come for me. She has been following me for the entire winter

vacation, all the way to when I changed dorms.” Xia Xiang was desperate. He didn’t provoke the ghost at all, but ghosts just seemed to like him anyways. Gu Ye took a sip of his porridge and said in a serious manner, “Isn’t she beautiful? She loves you deeply as well. You’re simply blessed, ah, lad!”  Xia Xiang wanted to cry. “I don’t want this kind of blessing, ah!” While Gu Ye sympathized with Xia Xiang, he was also secretly delighted. The boy had a pair of Yin and Yang eyes coupled with a pure Yin constitution that was a great tonic for ghosts. However, Xia Xiang didn’t have the ability to protect himself. It was quite the wonder to have survived until now. After finishing his meal, Gu Ye pulled Xia Xiang’s arm and drew a charm right on his skin, saying, “If you see those things again, chant this in your heart : Accompanied by the Emperor, what spirit dares appear?? Tian Gang stirs the heavens, binding evil far and near.” Xia Xiang repeated the mantra a few times in his head before asking curiously, “Is that it?”  “It’s a spell. When chanted silently, ghosts and spirits won’t be able to approach. Your 2,000 yuan is only enough to buy this charm. It will last for two months.” Xia Xiang looked at his arm excitedly. He believed that he would be safe as long as he shared the same dorm with Gu Ye, and with this charm, he would no longer be afraid to go to the restroom at night. He would no longer have to hold his pee! “Erm, could you help them settle…” Gu Ye had already stood up, wanting to go back to the classroom. He didn’t even spare a glance at the two boys and said, “Forget it. They reap what they sow. They can go accompany the other ghosts dancing cha cha this evening or I will feel bad for that lady.” Gu Ye continued, sounding cold : “It’s fine if you, yourself, have a death wish, but don’t drag others down with you.”  The two students were viciously scolded and couldn’t help swearing under their breaths. They also resented Xia Xiang a bit for bringing up the issue of the Pen Fairy. This is too much! Lin Zihao, one of the students, looked at Xia Xiang as if he were a fool and quipped sarcastically : “Are you stupid or does your family have a gold mine at home? You really want us to give all of our pocket money to him, huh!” Liu Yiwen also added : “He’s obviously cheating you. What ghost repelling charm, I can’t even see anything. Is it like the Emperor’s new clothes?” “He must be lying. He can’t catch ghosts at all. He’s just some rich kid and a learning slag at that. I don’t know how his personality changed over the break, but if I were him, I would’ve already been recruited to several famous universities already. And you still want to believe him? Liu Yiwen, let’s go. We don’t have the leisure to waste money.” 

Liu Yiwen also agreed with Lin Zihao but felt his words were a bit too much. He looked at Xia Xiang apologetically with a gaze that implied “You take care of yourself” before following Lin Zihao. Xia Xiang munched on the meat buns with a taut expression. His family was indeed rich, but he never flaunted the money he had. As a matter of fact, the copper coin that prevented the woman ghost from entering the dorm in the first place was bought by his father from a famous master at a great price before winter vacation. Otherwise, they would’ve already died. He spent his money to protect their lives. Why should people despise him for being a rich second generation? ———— Later, in the dead of night, a dark shadow slowly creeped toward the dorm that Xia Xiang previously lived in. In the other dorm, there was Gu Ye protecting Xia Xiang. Who would dare take that risk? She couldn’t act rashly and could only go back and settle for the second best. The two people who summoned her before were Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen. After she fulfilled their wishes, their contract was established. Following the rules of trade, she should be able to take their lives at any time.  She wanted a corporeal body. She wanted someone to be bound as a spirit in her stead so that she could step out of this school and find that scum to avenge herself! After several attacks from the ghost, the copper coin guarding the door lost most of its power. The ghost reached out with her black nails, instantly snuffing out the weak white light protecting the dorm, and stormed into the room under three people’s horrified scream. She then grabbed Lin Zihao’s hair and yanked him upward. “Ah!!!” Lin Zihao cried out in pain, covering his head in horror while kicking his feet and struggling desperately. He felt sharp nails digging into his scalp and blood flowing down his cheeks. The smell of blood was so thick that he didn’t know whether it was his own blood or the female ghost’s. He was scared shitless. “Help! Help! Let me go! Help me! Zhao Pengyu, help me!” The female ghost leaned close to Lin Zihao, taking a sniff and squinting her scarlet eyes in pleasure. She had no face, and her only distinguishable features were her eyes and mouth. Her wounds varied in size and depth with pale, white bone showing through the deep ones. There was also some rotten flesh along with dripping blood, and it can be clearly seen that she was badly mutilated during her death. Even without the dorm lights, the cold moonlight and street lamps outside were enough to allow a clear view. The visual impact was not something that ordinary people can bear, and Lin Zihao’s eyes rolled back with fear before fainting.  Liu Yiwen held his head in horror and his body trembled in fear. He had lost his will to struggle and even the thought of running away made him so scared he almost peed his pants. How could he have the courage to save Lin Zihao?

It was the other student who saw that Lin Zihao was about to lose his life and was filled with sudden courage. Swinging a chair and smashing it on the ghost, he jumped up and scolded fiercely, “Motherfucker! I’ll take you on!” People’s Zheng Qi can usually overcome ghosts’ Qi, which is one of the reasons why ghosts generally won’t provoke police officers and soldiers. Zhao Pengyu’s sudden burst of courage and him smacking the ghost with a chair made the female ghost pause in her actions. She then became completely enraged. Letting go of Lin Zihao, she scrambled madly at Zhao Pengyu. Zhao Pengyu was so scared that he immediately wanted to run away. When he got to the door, he found that the door wouldn’t open no matter how hard he tried to pry it open. It was like the door had been welded shut. Furthermore, the noise here was extremely loud, but the rest of the people in the dorm didn’t have any reactions, as if they were deaf. Zhao Pengyu’s heart went cold as he thought to himself : He wouldn’t be that unlucky tonight, right? He, Zhao Pengyu, 19, died from an act of bravery. He fought against evil spirits to save his moronic classmates. Come on, this epitaph sounds stupid!  In a blink of an eye, the ghost pounced on Zhao Pengyu. Grabbing his neck, she said, “Since you’re so nosy, then I’ll kill you first.” Zhao Pengyu’s height was 180 cm, but he was being held up easily by the thin female ghost. He couldn’t even struggle and could only bulge his eyes in pain. They were already bloodshot from the lack of oxygen. Zhao Pengyu’s gaze turned toward the ground where the shivering Liu Yiwen was. He looked like he had no intention of helping him, which in turn plunged him deeper into despair. The last thought that came to his mind was that he really let his parents worry about him too much since his childhood. He didn’t realize until he was dying that he had done too many fucking things that angered them, especially his mother. What a shame… When Zhao Pengyu was about to lose consciousness, he heard a loud bang. The dormitory door was kicked open by someone from the outside, and in an instant, a figure dashed towards him. With a miserable shriek, the female ghost was beaten down and kicked to the wall, hitting it sharply. The area where she was hit was scorching black and smoking, leaving her face even more deformed. The figure who rushed in raised his leg with a blank expression. He was wearing cotton pajamas that had a cute sheep print with two horns. He looked absolutely adorable, but the next second, he kicked the female ghost’s face violently and angrily scolded : “I fucking told you to not be too excessive! People are sleeping, you know! What time do you think it is now?! Do you want me to teach you how to read the time, hah?!”  It was Gu Ye, who hadn’t had a good night’s sleep for two days in a row.

Ch7 - No money, no talk.

What the fuck! What a fierce guy! Zhao Pengyu realized that he had just been saved. Taking a deep breath, he crawled away from the female ghost. When he saw the face of the person who had just come in, his chin almost dislocated from shock. “…Gu Ye?” Gu Ye’s cold gaze swept over Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen, who were lying on the ground. He hadn’t slept well for two days and was in a bad mood. “People who are rescued never call their benefactor by name to show respect. You should call me ‘Papa’ instead.” Zhao Pengyu : “….Dude, are you a chuunibyou? Or is this your second personality?”  Gu Ye’s current personality was completely different compared to what he normally saw at school. Gu Ye scanned Zhao Pengyu’s face and said, “You were born into a wealthy family. One of your ancestors was a military general, and your grandfather was also in the army. Your father started a business while your mother was from an even more wealthy and powerful family. She also has her own company, a typical strong woman. Because she didn’t have the time to take care of you during your childhood, your relationship with her isn’t very good. You want to oppose her, but to put it bluntly, you always end up getting beaten instead. You almost died when you were four, and your mother almost lost her life saving you. You probably forgot about that. You will soon have a blood disaster, but once you pass this hurdle, you will become a great figure in the future. If you can’t, then you’ll be a hopeless case.” Zhao Pengyu grabbed the stool in front of him and held it tightly, as if the stool was the only thing anchoring him to reality. Gu Ye basically got everything right. Gu Ye’s eyes narrowed. “Give me money, and I’ll tell you how to avoid the disaster.” Zhao Pengyu took out his money hurriedly. Gu Ye had just saved his life so he believed everything he said. Seeing him being so generous, the corner of Gu Ye’s lips curved into a smile, improving his mood. “Don’t cross bridges in the near future.” Zhao Pengyu nervously asked, “And then?” “If you don’t cross any bridges, nothing will happen. If you do, then something will definitely happen.” Gu Ye then stepped on the female ghost, pasting a charm onto her head. Seeing the ghost’s tragic situation, Zhao Pengyu swallowed back the words he was about to say. 

At this time, Lin Zihao finally woke up. Realizing that Gu Ye was really capable and not a liar, he crawled over with tears and held Gu Ye’s leg. “Gu Ye, please help me! She’s really going to kill me!” Lin Zihao touched his face, and feeling the blood that had dried, he was even more frightened. Firmly holding onto Gu Ye’s leg, he was like a man drowning at sea with only one wooden plank to save his life. Zhao Pengyu asked curiously, “Don’t people like you treat money like crap?”  Gu Ye sneered. “Even families fight for money. I’ve seen a lot of people who love money, but I’ve never seen anyone who loves shit.” “Pfftt!” Zhao Pengyu couldn’t hold back his laughter. Gu Ye had rushed to save him when he was about to die, so he wasn’t a bad person. However, his tongue was truly poisonous. Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen could only fork out most of their money with trembling hands. “Not enough.” Gu Ye looked at them coldly. “Give me all of your pocket money.”  Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen took a look at the female ghost, whose gaze was fixed on them. Painfully parting with their money, they said, “But if we give all our money to you, then our meal for this month…” Zhao Pengyu couldn’t stand it anymore. He grabbed their wallets and took out all the money inside, angrily saying : “You’re about to die, and you’re still reluctant to pay? Doesn’t the school have a system that allows poor students to earn some pocket money? Go do chores, and you will be paid five yuan a day. Eating some baozi and pancakes for a month is more than good enough. It’s just right that you can learn a lesson!” Gu Ye put all of their money into his pocket and said, “Did you guys do well on this year’s final exam?” The two’s pale faces suddenly turned red with embarrassment, as if they had been discovered doing something they shouldn’t.  Zhao Pengyu was shocked speechless. These two wanted to know the exam questions in advance, so they summoned the Pen Fairy, and this was how they scored highly in the end year exam! Gu Ye was too lazy to talk to them. Taking off the charm pasted on the ghost’s forehead, he said, “Sister, let’s talk.” The other three couldn’t bear looking at the bloody face of the female ghost. In the future, the word “Sister” would leave a psychological shadow on their psyche.

The female ghost lay crumpled in the corner after being beaten by Gu Ye. While resentfully staring at the boy, she didn’t dare to move as she was also scared by the charm Gu Ye held in his hand.  Gu Ye sat down on the stool Zhao Pengyu handed over to him and crossed his legs. “What’s your name? How old are you? How did you die? What made you so unhappy? Let’s talk about it.” If it wasn’t for the season, Zhao Pengyu would have volunteered to fan Gu Ye, seeing his domineering attitude. After a thorough questioning, everyone present ended up sympathizing with the female ghost. It was too depressing! The ghost’s name was Wang Qianqian, a local. She had graduated from the Performance Arts Department of a famous university seven years ago. Originally someone with a bright future, she suddenly found herself pregnant. Her boyfriend then was a year older than her, studied Vocal Music, and had already entered the entertainment circle at that time. He was a fresh artist who looked good and could sing and dance. He participated in a singing competition, was very popular, and also had a bright future.  Wang Qianqian, blinded by love, resolutely decided to give up the opportunity to appear in a drama to marry her boyfriend and give birth to the child. She also decided to take care of the child with her boyfriend’s parents. However, when she told him about her idea, she never expected her loving boyfriend to turn his face and refuse to get married with her. He even told her not to give birth to the child. The reason was quite simple. He was in a period of rising popularity. If his fans knew that he was married and even had a child, it would be a great blow to his career. Wang Qianqian naturally disagreed. As her belly was getting bigger, her boyfriend continued to avoid her, causing her to feel greatly betrayed. As an orphan, Wang Qianqian longed for familial warmth. She also loved the man dearly, so she didn’t hesitate to threaten him cruelly, saying that if they didn’t get married, she would expose him and let his fans know what kind of a person he truly was. What she didn’t expect was for this remark to ignite the killing intent in him. She underestimated the man’s pursuit of fame and wealth, also her position in his heart. It was a quiet night when her boyfriend invited her to Wu Middle School, which was still under construction at that time. She was brutally stoned to death. He then proceeded to pour sulphuric acid, destroying her body while Wang Qianqian was still futilely struggling for life.  Wang Qianqian had no family, so no one reported her disappearance. All the while, Wu Middle School continued to be built. No one knew that there was a nearly destroyed corpse buried underground, and the workers continued the construction as usual. Thus, a tragedy was hidden for seven years.

With her resentment, Wang Qianqian couldn’t reincarnate, and with her hell-bent on revenge, she turned into an earthbound ghost, unable to leave the place of her death. It was only until Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen played Pen Fairy and summoned her that she could come here. Originally, she could only remain within 10 meters from her body’s location. If Wang Qianqian wants to leave the school, she has to kill someone and let their soul be bound in her stead. In fact, she took a fancy to Xia Xiang in an instant. Her plan was to eat Xia Xiang, kill Lin Zihao to replace herself, and leave the school to get her revenge. It’s a pity that Xia Xiang always had something on him as protection and later ended up moving into Gu Ye’s dormitory. She had no choice but to change her goal to Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen. After listening to her story, Gu Ye said sympathetically, “You really are quite pitiful.”  There were celestial masters who actually sympathized with ghosts! Wang Qianqian looked into Gu Ye’s eyes suspiciously and found that he really was honest. She also realized that Gu Ye was not like the other celestial masters she had often heard of. Courage suddenly shot up, she reasoned : “I helped them realize their wish in exchange for their lives.” Gu Ye seriously praised her, “You only planned to take one of their lives. You really are a businessman with a conscience.” Wang Qianqian nodded earnestly. “Yes.” Her eye socket that didn’t have much flesh to begin with suddenly failed to function, and her eyeball fell, rolling on the ground before finally stopping at Gu Ye’s feet.  Eyeballs that fall must be picked, ah. Can’t ask anyone else to pick that up. That would be rude! Wang Qianqian instinctively crawled over to pick up her eyeball. “Argh! Argh! Argh! Argh!!!” The three boys behind Gu Ye screamed like crazy. Liu Yiwen peed on the spot while clutching the chair’s leg and sobbing loudly. Picking up her eye, Wang Qianqian went back to the wall and pressed her eye back to the socket and said apologetically, “Sorry.” The people present : “…”  Gu Ye touched his ears, upset. This group of wastes, it’s just a falling eyeball. Isn’t it common courtesy to pick up your own eyeballs? “Gu Ye, help! What should we do now?” Lin Zihao tugged at Gu Ye’s trousers tearfully and whispered, reminding him to stop talking and just kill her! Quickly destroy her soul to pieces! Gu Ye swatted the hand on his trousers off and said to Wang Qianqian with a smile : “If you let them go, I can help you with your revenge. The little one needs to come out too. His Yuan Qi is heavier than yours.”

There’s still a little ghost baby?!  The three students subconsciously shifted their gaze to the female ghost’s stomach. Oh, right, she was close to her due date when she died, but now her abdomen is flat. They once again panicked and huddled at Gu Ye’s side, hating the fact that they couldn’t crawl into Gu Ye’s arms. Gu Ye’s side must be the safest! “Hihihihi~” A string of shrill laughter turned the three’s scalp numb, giving them goosebumps. Lin Zihao turned towards the direction of the laughter in panic and saw a black fog slowly climbing out from his own quilt. Because the room was dark, they couldn’t see the appearance of the ghost hidden in the dark mist. They could only vaguely see that its limbs were deformed, its head was particularly big, and it had scarlet eyes along with a big mouth that seemed to be able to swallow anything. All Lin Zihao could think about was that he had just slept in that bed. Had the ghost been there the whole time? Thinking that he might have held the ghost in his arms, he was so scared that he fell to the ground, legs tightly clamped together with a stream of warm liquid flowing. He was scared to the point of peeing his pants. How could he sleep in the future? Whenever he sees this quilt, he will be traumatized! Even though he saw that his mother had been beaten, the ghost baby didn’t have any intentions of helping. He didn’t know much about human nature. Feeling the aura on Gu Ye, his mouth suddenly opened as big as a basketball, and he instantly pounced on Gu Ye by instinct. The black surging Sha Qi on him smelt of blood, and the ghost kid’s bloodthirsty appearance made Gu Ye frown : Is it okay to just gobble people up? 

Ch8 - Come here, there’s been a kidnapping, ah! Frightened by the ghost child, Zhao Pengyu and the others loudly screamed, “Fuck!” and scrambled to hide behind Gu Ye. Simultaneously, Gu Ye languidly raised his hand and, just like playing volleyball, smacked the ghost to the ground before cradling its head. Under the horrified eyes of everyone else present, he started patting and soothing it. “Don’t make a racket, behave.” The ghost baby was instinctively scared by the slap. He timidly looked at Gu Ye. Seeing that he was smiling and had no intention to hit him again, the ghost baby carefully reached out toward the hem of Gu Ye’s trousers, trying to act like a cute child. Gu Ye bent over, picked him up, put him on his lap, and continued stroking his head while praising him. “You’re lovely, but we have no fate. Otherwise, I’d make you my number one servant.” Zhao Pengyu almost knelt down to Gu Ye while simultaneously backing away two meters. 

Wang Qianqian anxiously explained, “This kid doesn’t understand anything. He’s just a baby who died in the womb, so he has a lot of grievances which were naturally formed. He has never hurt anybody, so please don’t take him away, Master!” Gu Ye grinned and patted the ghost baby’s head. “I can see that.” Seeing that Gu Ye really had no intention of harming him, the female ghost asked tentatively, “Will you really help me?” Gu Ye nodded. “I have never lied to ghosts.” Liu Yiwen asked in a whisper, “Is it really okay to help ghosts?” Zhao Pengyu agreed with Gu Ye. “Scum should receive retribution for their actions.” Lin Zihao frowned, clearly disagreeing with this. “It’s not good to help ghosts harm people. She’s already dead anyways. Gu Ye, hurry and eliminate her. She’s too dangerous.” Gu Ye’s eyes narrowed. One could see from his attitude that he did not have a good opinion of Lin Zihao’s personality. “In fact, it’s actually normal for her to choose you first as prey. Evil beings always instinctively seek soil that breeds evil.”  Zhao Pengyu also understood the underlying meaning in Gu Ye’s words. He hadn’t realized before, but he did feel that Lin Zihao was becoming stupider by the second. “Is that scum innocent? Can’t you see these two lives he snuffed out with his own hands, ah? Or, are your two eyes merely decorative light bulbs? Weren’t ghosts originally living people too?” Lin Zihao was rendered speechless by Zhao Pengyu. Keeping his head down, he didn’t dare say a word. Gu Ye stood up with the ghost baby still in his arms and snapped his fingers, removing the restriction placed on the female ghost. He then fished out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket and said to the female ghost, “You hide here first. I will take you to him at the end of this month.” With his big head leaning forward, the little ghost also curiously looked at the bottle. Gu Ye lifted him up and put him into the bottle first. It’s better to put this one in first, just in case. If the little one ends up biting someone, he will have no choice but to discipline him.

“You guys can sleep peacefully from now on.” Gu Ye yawned, shooing them away as he departed.

Looking at his back, Zhao Pengyu really wanted to kneel down and call him “Dad.” Gu Ye was so awesome! He also wanted to change dormitories, leaving these two fools to go to Xia Xiang and Gu Ye’s room. When Gu Ye returned to his dorm, all of his roommates were still sleeping soundly as the spell he cast was still functioning. Xia Xiang was still in deep sleep, probably because he hadn’t had a good night’s rest for a long while. Gu Ye placed the bottle under his pillow before lying down and drifting into slumber. ————  The next evening, Gu Ye calculated the location of Wang Qianqian and her son’s remains while munching on a pastry and found that it was at a hill near the wall on the west side of the field. In fact, it was just a small mound of soil, sand, and gravel left behind after the construction finished. After many years, the mound was full of weeds, rendering its original shape indeterminable. The students jokingly called it “the school’s peak.” When free, some students will climb the mound and stand at the top to view the scenery outside of the school. Nobody knew that a corpse lay underneath that mound. Perceiving the presence of their remains, the porcelain bottle in Gu Ye’s pocket shook. Gu Ye then stroked it soothingly, saying, “You’ve already waited for seven years. What’s a month more?” The bottle immediately ceased moving. Throwing the last bite of the pastry into his mouth, Gu Ye then took a napkin and wiped his hands. He was about to go back when he suddenly felt a rustling wind behind his head. Tilting his head, a basketball whizzed past his ear and hit the ground, bouncing several meters in the air after the impact. It could be seen that it had been thrown with great strength. Gu Ye frowned and turned to look. A stocky boy who looked like a ruffian grinned with his teeth bared, apologized with no guilt whatsoever, “Sorry, my hand slipped.”  Gu Ye sneered and threw a mocking look at the student before leaving. He had no interest in arguing with fools. “Didn’t you say that Gu Ye became smarter? Why is he still the same fool?” “Who knows? He was raised by his stepmother. Who knows what he was fed while growing up.” “Maybe his stepmother’s milk is poisonous? Hahahahaha…”  …… Gu Ye was already a few steps away, but when he heard this, he stopped and turned toward the boys. Directing a piercing glare in their direction, his eyes were icy cold and his emotionless black pupils were like an endless abyss. The boys taunting him immediately went silent, their next words stuck in their throat. Realizing that they had

been intimidated by him, the boy who threw the basketball at Gu Ye earlier took the lead, angrily retorting, “What the fuck are you looking at? You wanna go?” Gu Ye scoffed. “At least I have a stepmother. On the other hand, you, you don’t even have one, orphan.” Si HongXing immediately saw a sea of red after hearing the word “orphan” and rushed toward Gu Ye, fist ready to punch. “My parents are alive and well, you fucking stupid bastard. Who the fuck are you cursing at?!  Gu Ye grabbed Si HongXing’s wrist and used his shoulder as leverage to flip him over onto the ground. Under the surprised gaze of the other boys, he stepped on Si HongXing’s chest heavily and laughed fiercely, “You want to play school bully with me? You think I’m stupid?!” Gu Ye was enraged. When the original Gu Ye was still alive, he, a young master of a very wealthy family, was bullied by a group of delinquents to the point that they dared to laugh at him and call him a fool. Moreover, they even dared to throw a basketball at his head. Even if he wasn’t a fool, he surely would’ve become one after being smacked in the head with a ball like that. The boys accompanying Si HongXing were frightened by Gu Ye’s cold eyes and his sharp skills. Si HongXing was half a head taller than Gu Ye, so where did his strength come from? Gu Ye’s cold gaze swept among them before asking, “Who’s next? C’mere!”  “What are you doing? Are you guys fighting?” At this time, the security guard who had been patrolling the area saw them shouting at each other and the bullies immediately realized that they were in trouble. Like a group of sheep chased by wolves, they ran away swiftly. Gu Ye pursed his lips in mockery and also followed suit, deliberately stepping on Si HongXing’s stomach forcefully before doing so. The security guard rushed over and saw Si HongXing, the only one who hadn’t left, lying on the ground and clutching his stomach. This boy had a track record of being late to school, and he often snuck out during class. The security guard frowned and glared at him. “Are you fighting again, Si HongXing? I’ll report this to your classroom teacher!” Si HongXing got up and said flatteringly, “No, no, no, we were just playing. They’re my friends.” Si HongXing could only bear the pain with gritted teeth while pleasantly appeasing the security guard. Taking advantage of the fact that the security guard’s expression eased a bit, he quickly left. Cursing Gu Ye in his mind thousands of times, he vowed that he would teach that brat a lesson. Just you wait, Gu Ye! I will definitely kill you once I get the chance to! 

As soon as Si HongXing turned the corner, he was stopped by Qian Zhen, who then swiftly draped his arm over Si HongXing’s shoulder and asked him darkly, “I heard your cousin is a real gangster?” Si HongXing asked defensively, “What do you mean, Zhen-ge?” Qian Zhen then said, “I want to teach Gu Ye a real lesson. I can’t do anything to him at school, but if your cousin agrees to help, money is not a problem.” Si HongXing hesitated. A small sparrow flew over his head and a lump of shit fell, smacking onto Qian Zhen’s nose with a drip.  Qian Zhen’s expression was cold as he wiped the excrement off his face. He then asked through gritted teeth, “Well?” Si HongXing said, “…O-okay, I-I’ll ask for you.” ———— When Gu Ye went back to his dormitory, he found that his roommates had changed again.  Xia Xiang was sitting on the top bunk bed, swinging his legs while munching on bread. Seeing Gu Ye, he offered him some. “Want something to fill your stomach?” As a teenager, Gu Ye was constantly looking for something to eat. Taking the offered bread, he tore off the packaging and asked, “Who’s the new guy?” Xia Xiang smiled and answered, “Zhao Pengyu. He fooled Wang Kai and Ma XiaoJiang into moving to our previous dorm, saying that he feels safer living with you.” Gu Ye grimaced. When Zhao Pengyu returned to the dorm with a basketball in hand, everybody else was wearing a sweater except for Zhao Pengyu, who was drenched in sweat and wearing thin sportswear. He pushed open the door and enthusiastically greeted, “Yo, Gu Ye, you’re back? Lemme introduce myself, I’m your new roommate, Zhao Pengyu.”  Gu Ye tore off a big chunk from the bread and stuffed it into Zhao Pengyu’s mouth. “If you want to live with me, then you must keep quiet, thank you very much.” Zhao Pengyu smiled with stuffed cheeks, his eyes implying : Don’t worry, I will be quiet! After the lights were turned off, Gu Ye lay down to sleep, only to see Zhao Pengyu sitting up on the opposite bed. “I’m so hungry! Do you want to eat some pig trotter? I have some.” Gu Ye sighed. This is a young master who can’t keep his mouth shut. His days will be quite lively in the future.  The job of students in their senior year of high school was to study, study a bit more, and study again. In such enriching and busy days, three and a half weeks passed

unknowingly, and suddenly it was already the end of the month. After the second morning class ended, Teacher Yu went into the classroom and knocked on the table, drawing the attention of the students who were excited at the thought of going home. “Students, now that the two weeks course is over, you should’ve already recovered from your excitement during the winter holiday break. From next month onward, it will be our last sprint before the college entrance exam. The banners have all been completed. I’ll hang them up for you later, so you can go home and study. Don’t slack off, the most important period of your life is just around the corner! As the saying goes, hard work pays off. So if you don’t go the extra mile, the overall result of Class 6 will always be at the bottom. I believe that none of you are stupid. As long as you work hard, it will definitely pay off. Jia You!” “Ooh!!” The students of Class 6 excitedly carried the bags they had brought with them before class started and rushed to leave the classroom. There was a bus waiting for the students at the school gate. Private cars were not allowed to stop at the school gate in an effort to control traffic, so the students who were going home with their parents had to walk to a parking lot a kilometer away from the school. Gu Ye stuffed the porcelain bottle containing the ghosts into his bag. As he walked, he thought of buying some more porcelain bottles tomorrow and some other materials for daily spell use. Just as he walked out of the classroom, his eyelids twitched and he suddenly had a bad premonition. Generally, when one’s right eyelid twitches, it means bad news. However, he decided to ignore it because, as the saying goes, doctors don’t self diagnose. The same goes for fortune tellers; It just doesn’t work.  Immediately after Gu Ye left the school, a gangster stopped him in his path. “You’re Gu Ye, right?” Gu Ye shook his head, looking innocent, “No.” The petty gangster then checked the photo on his mobile phone and happily said, “Our boss invites you for hot pot. Care to join?” Gu Ye still shook his head, “No.” “Tut. Well, I’ll show you something.” The minor gangster showed his mobile phone screen to Gu Ye and played a video. Gu Ye’s lips twitched. His little brother, who was quite blind, had already been tricked into following these guys. Squatting in the middle of a group of tattooed ruffians with his hands clutching his head, he looked pitifully at the camera. Gu Ye was very familiar with the people behind Gu Yang. One was Qian Zhen, whom he had taught a lesson to, and the other was Si HongXing, whom he had beaten up. Both of them looked at Gu Yang mockingly and maliciously. In short, if Gu Ye refused to go, then Gu Yang will surely suffer.  Gu Ye sighed helplessly before saying to the small gangster, “Lead the way.”

Chapter 9 : Kneel down and sing to “Conquered” Zhao Pengyu left the school with his bag slumped over his back. Glancing towards the school gate, he saw Gu Ye being taken away by some gangster. After hesitating for a moment, he followed behind because he felt uneasy.  Gu Ye was taken to a road construction site with a signboard that read: “Construction ahead, no trespassing.” It was a known fact that it often rained here, and sometimes the water would overflow, affecting traffic. Therefore, the government would start construction on the drainage pipes before the rain season. Since it was close to school, the construction work was conducted after school hours when students were in their dormitory instead of the class building as not to affect their studies. Since there was no one around during the daytime, it was convenient for these gangsters to use this place. As soon as Gu Ye arrived, Qian Zhen’s eyes darkened and he viciously sneered, as if he couldn’t wait to skin Gu Ye alive. His hatred toward Gu Ye was immense. There were always people who were so used to bullying others that when it was their turn to be taught a lesson, they can’t accept it. They would then feel that they had been shamed and disgraced and they wouldn’t be satisfied until they enacted their revenge. Qian Zhen had bullied Gu Ye for two years, and after being completely humiliated by the boy, he felt that everyone had started looking down on him and mocking him behind his back. Most young people were hotheaded and wouldn’t think of the consequences. Their minds were full of revenge. Gu Ye just gave him a slight glance before looking at the hoodlums with hair dyed red and yellow. He then asked with a smile, “Yo, is this a feather dusters conference?”  “Pfftt!” Gu Yang couldn’t hold back his laughter, and Qian Zhen kicked him angrily. “The fuck are you laughing at?!” Gu Ye’s expression immediately turned cold. Yang Jin, the eldest of these hoodlums, took a look at the fair and slender Gu Ye before spitting disdainfully at Si HongXing. “You can’t even beat this bamboo pole? Don’t fucking call me cousin ever again, you worm!” Yang Jin was tall with thick eyebrows and a fierce face. His voice was deep and he spoke with a rough accent, making him particularly intimidating when he started to scold people. Si HongXing smiled flatteringly. “Cousin, he’s really strong.” Qian Zhen picked up the rope that Yang Jin had brought for them and said, “If you don’t mind, I’ll tie him up and take him away while you guys talk. I’ll make sure to drag him through the street today!” “Okay, Master Qian. As long as you pay, your wish is our command.” A dozen of petty

gangsters stared at Gu Ye like he was a lamb to be slaughtered. They didn’t think Gu Ye had the ability to resist. Gu Ye put his bag on the ground, flicked the tip of his feet, and a crowbar with the length of two meters and the thickness of a fist flew up. Grabbing it, Gu Ye smacked it onto the ground without a word, and with a bang, the area where it hit cracked. All the punks present were stupefied as they collectively went, “Fuck!” If that was aimed at a person, that person’s bone will break, ah! What’s more, that crowbar wasn’t exactly light either, yet this weak-looking student could swing it like it’s nothing. Was he possessed by Hercules‘s spirit or something?! Gu Ye raised the iron crowbar, like it was a sword, to his front and said coldly, “If I were you, I would call my parents and tell them to come back, or else you will be an orphan by tomorrow.” Si HongXing really wanted to curse, “Fuck you.” This Gu Ye actually dared to curse his parents to an early death!  Qian Zhen couldn’t stand still anymore and reminded the gangsters, “Catch him and I’ll add another 20,000 yuan!” Gu Yang took advantage of their distraction and jumped up before giving Qian Zhen a big kick. He had heard the rumor of Qian Zhen’s tryst with another boy. His brother had become more beautiful as he grew up, so Gu Yang thought that Qian Zhen wanted to do something dirty to his brother. Why else would he want to tear his brother’s clothes if that wasn’t the case? The fourth young master was furious. He picked up a stone from the ground and decided that if Qian Zhen dared to do anything, he would kill this old rogue Qian Zhen with that stone! Gu Ye was not happy with Gu Yang’s action, so he gave the boy a kick to the ass, “Don’t interfere!” After being kicked, Gu Yang’s rationality returned, and he sensibly picked up his brother’s bag and stood aside, not daring to make even a peep. Yang Jin smiled. “This young lamb really is protective of his calf, huh.”  The corner of Gu Ye’s mouth twitched. “If you had a family, wouldn’t you also cherish them?” Yang Jin’s face grew uglier with each word because Gu Ye had gotten everything right!  “You can do fortune telling?” Yang Jin’s face was getting paler by the second. Like Gu Ye said, he had been mixing in the streets for around six years, so he had also heard rumors about celestial masters. It was said that if somebody accidentally offended these masters, that person would be cursed and would die without even knowing the cause. The particularly petty masters would even curse your descendants.

Gu Ye ignored his question. “You already know if I can do fortune telling or not in your heart. Now, I’ll give you two paths to choose from. Be a good citizen, and you’ll be an outstanding person in five years. Otherwise, continue making a living like this, and you’ll be stabbed to death in five years.” Yang Jin took a deep breath. The weather was cold, but his back was drenched with cold sweat from fear. “And you.” Gu Ye pointed at another young gangster with yellow hair. “Your elder sister is going through premature labor and her life is hanging by a thread. Your sister is like a mother to you, so what the fuck are you still doing here? Hurry and go to the hospital!” The young gangster’s pupils shrunk with fear at this remark. “What happened to my sister?”  Gu Ye was too lazy to look at him and pointed to another one. “There’s nothing shameful about raising geese with your father in the countryside. Is being a gangster the type of glory that you want?” The young man’s face also changed. This student actually knew what his family was making a living off of. At this time, the yellow-haired young gangster hung up the phone with a pale face and said, “Boss, I-I’m taking the day off. My sister fell down the stairs. She’s in the hospital.” Every gangster present knew that this young man was raised by his sister, and saying that she was like his mother was pretty accurate. Everyone looked at Gu Ye in shock, fear growing in their eyes. Is this boy an Immortal Taoist?!  Si HongXing’s complexion wasn’t pleasant either. If Gu Ye could truly fortune tell, then his parents…Thinking of this, he immediately picked up his bag and ran to a public phone booth like crazy. He couldn’t care less about the fight. Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly changed, Qian Zhen glanced at Gu Ye and hurriedly said, “He’s lying to you! He’s a scammer! Help me beat him, will you? I’ll pay 50,000!” “Shut up!” Yang Jin wasn’t stupid. He knew who he could and couldn’t afford to offend. Under the vicious stare of Yang Jin, Qian Zhen, who was just a high schooler, was scared. Qian Zhen hadn’t expected this to happen. The situation was obviously favorable to him, so how could it suddenly turn like this?  Gu Ye chose this moment to smack the crowbar to the ground again, but using more strength this time around. With a bang, the asphalt that had already hardened formed a huge crack.

“Are we done yet? Do you want a controlled fight or just a simple brawl?” Gu Ye asked with a cold expression while leaning his weight on the crowbar. “No, no, no, we’re not fighting!” All of the petty gangsters were scared by Gu Ye’s divination abilities, not to mention his strength. Their courage had been thoroughly extinguished. Why should they fight this guy? If they were really beaten up by Gu Ye, the least they could escape with was a broken bone. In the worst case scenario, they might even die! Furthermore, after they die, they might even be refined into ghost puppets! Only crazy people would fight against Gu Ye. Yang Jin was also discouraged by the display and rubbed his hands, saying appeasingly, “No, no, you misunderstood us, Young Sir. We were just playing around. We are a group of peace loving people, so how could we fight? Fighting is against the law!”  Witnessing the whole process, Zhao Pengyu chuckled, feeling that he had been worried about nothing. How could Gu Ye be bullied by petty gangsters if he could beat up ghosts? Seeing that things were going well, Zhao Pengyu rode his bicycle away, smirking all the way. Gu Ye noticed him and turned to look at his direction, the corner of his lips curling up into a smile. “It’s good that you’re not going to fight. If there’s nothing else, then I’ll take my brother away now. I’m sure we’ll meet again later, somehow.” The group of petty gangsters said in a flattering tone, “Brother, take care and travel safely!” “Goodbye, Brother’s lil’ bro!”  “If Young Sir ever wants to mix in the streets someday, don’t forget to contact us, ah!” Yang Jin angrily beat the back of his younger lackey with his fist and said, “What motherfucking mix in the streets? You’re going with me to the construction site to move bricks tomorrow! We’re gonna make clean money!” Gu Ye, at this time, was pinching Gu Yang’s ear and asked, “Are you stupid?” Gu Yang grit his teeth in pain while covering his ears and shouted, “Brother, I’m wrong, I won’t listen to other people anymore. Let my ear go, ah! Let it go! It’s going to fall off!”  Gu Ye sneered, “It would be good if it fell off. We can pickle it along with your eggs. It’s not like they’re useful to you, anyway.” After watching Gu Ye leave the place, Yang Jin turned to Qian Zhen who had claimed that the boy was timid, stupid, easily frightened, and wouldn’t dare to make a sound even when beaten. Qian Zhen had said that if they ganged up on him, he would pay them 20,000 yuan. Now, the Young Sir wasn’t even close to Qian Zhen’s description, and he really wanted to beat this swindler up! Thinking of Gu Ye’s words, he kept his impulse in check and didn’t make a move. “You fuck off now! You even dare to offend such a master, be careful or you will be cursed to death one day!”

Qian Zhen was very depressed. People his age were usually quite arrogant. He was taught a lesson by Gu Ye last time, so he had wanted to get his revenge this time. As a result, everyone treated Gu Ye as if he was some kind of great immortal, and even money was useless against him. Qian Zhen was quite desperate. Gu Ye is poisonous! It’s better to stay away from him! ————  When they got home, Gu Yang couldn’t hold back and told their parents about everything that happened today as they ate lunch. He focused on how powerful his brother was. Like a Shaolin monk, his brother could use a stick as a weapon and knew Baguazhang, Southern Fist, Northern Kick etc., just like in a blockbuster movie. Listening to his story, Mrs. Gu angrily smacked the table. “This is kidnapping! They need to bear legal responsibility! Do you think I’ll let them go just because the college entrance exam is around the corner? No way in hell! Were you two hurt?” Gu Ye stuffed a spring roll into his mouth and shook his head, acting like an obedient child. Mrs. Gu then calmly said, “It’s good that you’re not hurt, but they dare to bully my son?! Hah!”  Gu Yang quickly flattered her. “Mom, you’re becoming more and more powerful now.” Gu Ye smiled. His stepmother’s greatest strength was her protectiveness toward her sons. Meaning, she could pettily scheme against Gu Ye, but others absolutely can’t. Gu Ye sincerely praised her. “Mom, you really are a man of steel! Love you~” Mrs. Gu : “…” Who the fuck is a man of steel? Keep your mouth shut, brat!  Gu Ye appeased her. “Don’t worry about it. They wouldn’t dare to find trouble or make a mess with me now. I’m not a child, I can’t report to you everytime something happens. What would people say?” Mrs. Gu said coldly, “That’s true but it’s not that simple.” Gu Ye shrugged with his arms spread and smiled. “It’s alright. Well, if I can’t handle it one day, I’ll just ask you for help again. You’re fierce and brave, invincible on the battlefield. You can— Hiss! Mom! Mom! You’re going to tear my ear off!” Mrs. Gu was very pleased. “Who’s fierce now? You dare talk nonsense again?”  “Dad! Dad is the fiercest person in our family! You’re not fierce at all!” Gu Ye covered his ear while suspecting that this was an intentional payback because he had pinched Gu Yang’s ear earlier today. After lunch, Gu Ye went to his room to sleep, but Gu Yang quietly crept into his room. “Brother, don’t sleep yet. When did you learn to fight? Teach me.”

Gu Ye sighed. “Kiddo, what you need the most right now is IQ.” “I don’t like studying,” said Gu Yang.  Gu Ye said solemnly, “Not studying, IQ.” “What do you mean?” Gu Yang tilted his head, puzzled. Glancing down, he saw a porcelain bottle placed beside Gu Ye’s pillow, and his hands quickly moved. A moment later, he was already holding the bottle, completely distracted. “Brother, this bottle is very unique.” “Well, the things inside are even more unique. Do you want to listen to the story of this bottle?” The corner of Gu Ye’s lips curled up into a smile while he narrowed his eyes to hide the bad intention reflected within. “Definitely!” Gu Yang was instantly hooked and pulled the big rocking horse placed against the wall next to Gu Ye before sitting on it in one go.  “This story is not free. You have to accompany me out tomorrow.” “Okay!” The fourth son then proceeded to clap like a seal. Three minutes later, Gu Yang threw the bottle and jumped in fright before shaking his hands. He could see the goosebumps on his arms. “Ah, ah, ah, fuuuuck!” Gu Ye just smiled while watching Gu Yang jumping around and didn’t forget to remind him, “Take this bottle with you tomorrow. Your big brother will take you along to do something exciting.”  Gu Yang was about to cry. “Can I not go?” “No, my lovely Young Red-Scarf Pioneer. I know you want to tag along!” In Gu Yang’s world, there seemed to be a law. Even if you don’t want something, if your big brother says that you want it, then you definitely want it! Gu Yang really wanted to kneel in repentance.

Chapter 10 - First Encounter Gu Ye took Gu Yang to a relatively empty street. There was a shop selling wreaths and funeral clothes at the other end of the street. Its back door faced a hospital, but the business was still quite good. Gu Ye walked to the door and watched the familiar shop with a complicated emotion deep in his eyes.

“Brother, this kind of shop is somewhat unlucky. What do you want to buy that you have to come here, ah?” Gu Yang didn’t want to get off the taxi. Gu Ye dragged him out. “Wait here for me. I’ll take you to eat delicious food later.” “Oh.” Gu Yang stayed put at the door.  Gu Ye entered the shop and shouted, “Shopkeeper, is there a small box of 1081 Cinnabar?” The shopkeeper was an old man, and hearing Gu Ye ask about the best item in his shop, he lifted his thick eyelids and glanced at the boy momentarily before becoming disappointed at what he saw. He stood up slowly and walked equally as slow to the nearest counter, saying with a hoarse voice, “There was a young man who liked to buy this cinnabar, but unfortunately…” “If there’s fate, then you might meet him again.” Gu Ye said with a smile. Instead of continuing with the topic, the old man shook his head and handed the cinnabar over. “Lad, you look bright and have a handsome face too. You also know to buy the good stuff. What sect are you from?” “I don’t know, Master never told me.” Gu Ye pointed to several other items and said with a smile, “I’ll have to trouble you to pack one of each of these as well.” “You have good eyes, all of these are quality items.” The old man smiled and wrapped everything up, “It’s exactly 3,000.” Gu Ye paid, put them into his backpack, and made Gu Yang carry everything when he got out of the shop. That kid was eating a lot recently and was growing at the speed of bamboo. “Brother, what did you buy?” Gu Yang felt uneasy at the thought of buying anything from this kind of shop.  “Things that ghosts like,” Gu Ye answered seriously. Gu Yang immediately felt a shiver down his spine. Running around carrying those things on your back, aren’t you afraid of attracting ghosts?! “Just kidding, I’m just scaring you!” Gu Ye took his brother to rent two sharedbicycles and said with a smile, “Let’s go. I’ll take you to eat delicious food. Let’s eat our fill this afternoon for our work later.” Gu Ye then took Gu Yang to the other side of the hospital where there were several small restaurants. “This place’s beef noodles are good.”  Gu Yang looked up and saw a big sign board that read “Beef King,” on it was a cow painted with two horns, along with a big bowl drawn on the far right of the sign board. The shop looked very affordable with an atmosphere of normal day-to-day people, and Gu Yang wondered how his brother who rarely went out knew about this place.

It was lunch hour at this time, so there were many people in the shop. It took them both a while to find a seat in the innermost place, and Gu Ye shouted with a smile, “Boss, two bowls of beef noodles with extra beef and eggs each!” “Only 25 yuan a bowl.” Gu Ye handed a pair of chopsticks over to Gu Yang. “Quickly eat.” Gu Yang marveled at such a worthwhile bargain before pulling his bowl of noodles before him. After tasting it, he raised his thumb to the owner and his wife with his cheeks full and praised, “It tastes great!” Seeing that the brothers were both polite and good looking, the owner’s wife smiled and served them an extra small helping of cold dishes. Gu Ye kept his head down and ate his noodles silently with a smile. The familiar taste of the noodles stimulated his taste buds, and Gu Ye felt his heart clench, somehow.  He was an orphan and had been in an orphanage ever since he could remember. He was adopted by his master when he was six years old, and from then on, he would get up early in the morning and go to bed late at night with his master everyday. He had to learn Taoism after school, and when he was tired and didn’t want to learn, his master would scold him. Once, he ran away from home in a fit when he couldn’t stand it anymore and got lost. When he became hungry, his master found him and spanked him before taking him to eat. That was the only time his master had ever beaten him, so Gu Ye remembered it vividly. Later, when his master passed away, he would go eat noodles whenever he missed the old man. While Gu Ye was immersed in his feelings, there was a pop at the door followed by a shocked “Ah!” and a woman’s scream right after that. Gu Ye looked up and saw a bit of Sha Qi flashing past, and his eyes darkened. Something bad must’ve happened! An elderly lady at the door shouted exaggeratedly, “Boss! Your shop’s sign board fell down on people again!”  Panicking, the boss and his wife ran out, and the entrance immediately became noisy. “What’s going on with your shop? This has happened several times already! Did you encounter evil spirits or something?” “Let’s not talk and go to the hospital now! This big sister’s head is bleeding!” “Please, someone help me take her to the hospital first!”  …… The shop owner ran back into the shop with a pale face, took some cash, and hurriedly went out again. His wife looked at the big sign board that had fallen dispiritedly and

silently wiped her tears. All of their hard work in these two months were in vain yet again. Gu Ye shook his head. The back of this shop was facing the hospital. In general, any premises that faced buildings like hospitals, slaughterhouses, funeral parlors, prisons, garbage dumps, red light services and the like will cause their owners to suffer bankruptcy through unlucky “coincidences.” Besides, the shape of the window’s awning was not right. In Feng Shui, it was often said that “evil has a form.” The awning’s shape was sharp on both sides. Were it not for both the owner and his wife being good people and always treating others with kindness, they would have been the ones to suffer. The window hadn’t been like this when he came here before. He didn’t know when it had been changed. Gu Ye ate his fill, wiped his mouth, and took out fifty yuan to settle the bill. The owner’s wife squeezed out a smile that looked more like a crying expression and said, “Is it delicious? If it is, then come here often.”  Gu Ye nodded, took out the last gourd he had on him, and handed it over to her. “The shape of the awning should be changed to a flat one. The sharp design should be scrapped. Hang this gourd on the window facing the hospital in your kitchen. Don’t seal the window, and things like this shouldn’t happen anymore in the future.” The lady asked in a surprised tone, “How do you know there’s a window facing the hospital?” That window was only for ventilation purposes. They were the ones who had made the window, and it was extremely small. It couldn’t be seen from the outside. Not wanting to explain, Gu Ye put the gourd on the other side of the table and dragged Gu Yang out with him. He had to buy some gourds in the afternoon, or he wouldn’t be able to play with ghosts anymore.  ———— The brothers took the entire afternoon to buy all the things Gu Ye wanted, and in the evening, they took a taxi to a stadium and experienced what was called “a wave of humans” as soon as they got off the taxi. Both sides of the entrance were crowded with hordes of girls holding up sign boards and shouting like crazy. Even the cold weather couldn’t dampen their enthusiasm. Both Gu Ye and Gu Yang were trapped inside the wave for a few moments. “Little brothers, I didn’t expect you guys to also be Rui-Ge’s fans! You guys arrived just at the right time!” A very beautiful girl went up and enthusiastically put a big and elaborately designed sign board into the brothers’ hands. “This is a bit heavy, so you guys hold it carefully, okay. Come and cheer with us! Rui-Ge is the best in the world! Jia You! Jia You! Jia You! Rui-Ge has to take proper care of himself!”

Gu Ye’s face went cold. He didn’t know what these fans would think once all of their Rui Ge’s previous actions were revealed.  Gu Yang who was squeezed by the crowd and was ill at ease. “Brother, did you find the wrong person?” Gu Ye’s expression remained cold. “You don’t believe in your brother?” “No, no, no. I believe in you!” Gu Yang quickly shut his trap. At this time, an MPV slowly stopped under the guidance of the security personnel, and Gu Ye could feel his ears slowly turn deaf under the screams of the crowd.  A young man dressed in a low-key gray parka got off the car and waved to the fans before saying in a gentle manner, “It’s so cold, you darlings all need to be careful so you won’t catch a cold. For those who don’t have tickets, you need to go home, don’t wait here.” Gu Ye saw the girl who had previously talked to them cover her mouth, and with tears shining in her eyes, said, “Rui-Ge is so kind and warm. I’m so moved!” Gu Yang straight-forwardly asked, “Your mother also always reminds you to wear more layers. You’re not moved by that, tho?” The girl immediately turned to Gu Yang sharply and said, “Are you really Rui-Ge’s fan? You’re not a fake fan here to make trouble, are you?” As soon as her words fell, the people around them instantly stared at the brothers with an unfriendly gaze, looking as if they would attack them the moment Gu Yang answered affirmatively.  Gu Ye held the sign board with one hand while pinching Gu Yang’s ear with the other. “My brother isn’t sensible, please don’t mind him. I’ll take care of him.” After being dragged out, Gu Yang immediately felt as if he had escaped a calamity. “Popularity really is terrible. So many people have been duped by Li Rui.” Gu Ye sneered, smiling coldly with his pair of inky black pupils looking as if he could see through the world’s mask. “You should know, just because you know what someone looks like, it doesn’t mean that you know their heart. Ghosts and spirits are unfathomable, but people’s hearts are even more baffling.” Gu Yang, who had been squatting on the ground, looked up towards his brother’s profile. For some reason, he felt that his brother, who he was so familiar with, seemed to be so distant at the moment.  At this time, the fans who had tickets were already inside the stadium. Looking over in their direction, Gu Ye said, “I don’t want to wait and only enter when the concert is over.” “Then you’re going to let that ghost sister go in by herself?”

“There are too many people here so the Yang Qi is strong. She won’t be able to hold on.” Gu Yang couldn’t think of another idea. “Then what should we do?”  Gu Ye pointed to a fence and said with a serious tone, “You squat down and let me step on you. I’ll send her in through this window. When we get back, I’ll buy you some tanghulu.” Gu Yang : “…” He suddenly got the feeling that his brother only brought him along today just for him to carry bags and be a stool. Gu Yang knelt on all fours by the wall and said, “Then hurry up. It’s dark already. Mom will definitely kill us if she has to call us home.”  “I know.” Gu Ye agreed. Just as he stepped on Gu Yang’s back and was about to climb up, he felt a strong ghostly presence approaching. It was so cold that Gu Ye could feel it freezing his lungs. He immediately turned around warily and saw a luxury-type sedan coming from afar. The car was shrouded in Zi Qi, and the top was covered in an auspicious cloud with countless Rui Qi streaming around it. This was an extremely rare aura, the Imperial Aura. But what was even more shocking was the ghost general in armor sitting on the roof. The ghost was tall and burly with a ghost mask covering his face and a broadsword bigger than an adult in his hand. His temperament practically screamed danger. The dense, ghostly spirit and the purple Imperial Fate from the car owner were perfectly integrated. Gu Ye’s eyes widened in shock. This was the first time he saw this kind of strange destiny in his life! Gu Yang followed Gu Ye’s gaze and yelped in shock, “What the fuck! That’s a discontinued Maybach, ah! It costs more than ten million yuan! Dad fancied this car, saying that its sleek design with black paint reflects luxury and stability, which shows not only the owner’s wealth but also their good taste. Unfortunately, they stopped making it! Dad can only buy Rolls-Royces and he didn’t have an appetite for several days after that.” Gu Ye was not in the mood to listen to his chatter, so he said in a rare serious tone, “Lao Si, this kind of person is like God’s son, the son of destiny. Even ghosts and deities wouldn’t dare to provoke him. If you happen to run into him in the future, do not offend him.”  Gu Yang smiled bitterly. “Brother, can you get off my back first before lecturing me?” Gu Ye laughed and apologized. “Sorry!” Gu Yang was helpless. You say so brother, but you’re still distracted. If there was anyone from the business circle passing by, they would certainly recognize the owner of the Maybach. He was the famous financial genius of the country, a rich young man who was also the youngest on the Forbes’ list of rich people and the heir of

the Yu Family, Yu Ze. This young man, who was only 26 years old, created a miracle when he returned to China three years ago. In only half a year, he elevated the crumbling YeHong Technology Corporation to the peak. Now, he’s the leader of the domestic electronics industry, his company has also entered the world market.  Yu Ze was wearing a white shirt with his hair meticulously combed back. From his cufflinks to his collar, every detail showed his perfectionist personality with a sense of indifference and solitude. Even the small mole on the outer corner of his eye failed to bring any liveliness to his temperament. In other words, his whole being was practically shouting “stay away!” Just as Gu Ye was peeking into his destiny, Yu Ze happened to glance his way and saw Gu Ye stepping on his brother to climb the wall. The secretary standing beside him also saw this and lamented, “Yet another high school student who doesn’t learn well. His parents raised him so well, yet their son is climbing a wall to chase a celebrity.” Yu Ze turned away and said in an indifferent tone, “It’s their freedom.”  The secretary smiled and said, “You’re different, Mr. Yu. You’ve always been brilliant. By the way, do you really want to take that road? I heard that there have been many accidents there recently, and some people have said that it’s haunted.” “Oh, there are ghosts in this world? Why haven’t I seen one?” sneered Yu Ze. ——————Small theater : Your long awaited Gong. Yu Ze : “There’s no such thing as ghosts in this world.” Gu Ye looked at the roof of his car : “Of course, of course, you’re absolutely right~” Yu Ze : “…” 

Chapter 11 - Justice always prevails After the “Son of Destiny” left, Gu Ye took out his little porcelain bottle and let the ghost sister with heavy ghost qi and her ferocious son out. “Haih, what a lovely child.” Gu Ye couldn’t stop himself from patting the ghost child’s head.

After staying with Gu Ye for nearly a month, Wang Qianqian and her son lost a lot of their Sha Qi and were able to maintain a rational mind. The little one seemed to have developed a bit of human conscience and now won’t bite at the sight of another human. Held by his mother, the ghost child looked pretty docile. Gu Ye sent the pair into the building through the window, and the ghost child grinned happily, displaying a row of sharp teeth. Gu Ye once again patted his head. How adorable! What a good child who doesn’t even eat humans!  In order to protect the mother and son pair from Yang Qi, Gu Ye offered to give them an amulet free of charge but was refused by Wang Qianqian. Instructing her son to bow to Gu Ye, she then disappeared with her kid in tow right after. Gu Ye sighed. “This sister is quite ruthless.” Gu Yang was curious. After hearing about the tragedy of her life, he had never dared to look at the female ghost. Covering his eyes, he asked, “What do you mean?” “It means that she wants to have her perfect family of three and doesn’t want to reincarnate.” Gu Ye chuckled and pulled his younger brother up. “Justice might come late, but it’s always there. You should bear this in mind : As long as you’re alive, heaven is always watching.” Gu Yang listened obediently. At this moment, he felt as if his brother was really an immortal! Especially when Gu Ye said things he couldn’t understand, he sounded super wise! The concert had been going on for an hour. Li Rui went to the bathroom to change his clothes, and when he was washing his hands, he looked at his face covered with bright makeup in the mirror. Even the heavy makeup couldn’t cover the dark circles under his eyes when viewed closely. Pinching in between his eyebrows, he forced himself to relax and adjust his state as soon as possible. At this time, a dark shadow suddenly flashed behind him. Li Rui frowned and turned around, wondering which paparazzi dog or sasaeng fan was so obsessed to follow him into the bathroom. Not seeing anybody, Li Rui turned back calmly while cursing in his mind. But what he saw in the mirror caused him to be so horrified that he took a few steps backwards in shock. There was a small black shadow that looked like a child on his shoulder, grinning at him. Li Rui’s breath was stuck in his throat and he tried to run out of the bathroom in fear. There’s a ghost, ah! Unfortunately, before he could get out of the bathroom, he tripped and fell to the ground with a loud thud. It was so painful that Li Rui felt as if his face had been deformed and he was falling to his death!

Frightened, Li Rui said with a trembling voice, “Little ancestor, we have no grievances in the past and no feuds to talk about currently. Why are you attacking me? Say what you want, I’ll burn it for you!” “No grievances in the past, no feuds currently?” A ghost with long hair silently appeared in the mirror. With strong irony in her cold voice, she said, “Li Rui, don’t you recognize us mother and son?”  Hearing the familiar voice, Li Rui looked at the ghost’s corroded face with features so deformed that one couldn’t even differentiate between the nose and the mouth. This face had appeared in his dreams many times, waking him up at midnight. “Qianqian, you’re…Qianqian?” Li Rui finally reacted and scrambled towards the door, screaming, “Ghosts! There are ghosts, ah!” The bathroom door slammed shut with a bang right in front of Li Rui’s agent and assistant, who were following him.“Rui-Ge has diarrhea? Why is he staying so long in the toilet? He still has songs to perform.” “Li Rui, open the door. Why did you lock the door?”  Li Rui heard the voices outside and frantically tapped on the door. However, the people outside seemed to be unable to hear it. The more he continued to bang on the door, the colder he felt. Turning back, the little ghost had already exposed its true malevolent nature. Baring its teeth at him while giggling, it approached closer and closer before clinging onto his neck. “Daddy, hug.” Li Rui saw the ghost’s mouth open widely and held his head in fear. “Don’t come over! Don’t come over! Qianqian! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to kill you! Forgive me!” Li Rui was so frightened that he almost collapsed, spouting excuses incoherently. “I also regretted it deeply over the years, forgive me! It wasn’t easy for me to get to where I am right now, it really wasn’t easy! I burned paper money and all types of things for you every year, you should have received it, right?! I love you! You love me so much too, you’ll let me go, right?” Wang Qianqian looked at the man that she once truly loved from the bottom of her heart. He still said the word “love” like it was nothing. She couldn’t help herself from sneering. “What you love is your fame. You can rest assured that us mother and son will always be with you, even if you fall into the abyss.” Li Rui’s agent noticed that it had been ten minutes, yet Li Rui still hadn’t got out. When he called and received no answer, he was afraid that something might have happened inside, so he found a security guard to open the door. Once the door opened, they saw Li Rui lying on the ground, motionless. The agent rushed to his side and put his finger under his nose before letting out a sigh of relief. “He just fainted.”  The assistant quickly carried Li Rui out to the doctor for treatment.

It was only halfway through the concert, yet Li Rui had suddenly fainted. The agent had a headache. Looking at the unconscious Li Rui, the agent thought about what to do next, but suddenly, his artist opened his eyes before sitting up straight, scaring the people near him. “Are you okay? Were you too tired?” The agent was concerned. “Can you still go on? Hold on for another two hours, I’ll give you a day off tomorrow. Go get some rest.” Li Rui turned to his agent and nodded mechanically.  The agent frowned, not at ease. They can’t let the fans out there wait. He patted Li Rui on the shoulder encouragingly and pushed him to the side to change clothes. “If you can’t do it, just say so. I’ll figure something out.” After he went up the stage, Li Rui acted as usual and everything was normal. He sang another song which aroused the fans’ enthusiasm, screaming as if they wanted the ceiling to be turned upside down. The agent was relieved and let out a huge sigh, but out of the blue, Li Rui suddenly knelt on the stage. The agent’s heart thumped loudly and he nervously stood up. The whole stadium was quiet, not knowing why Li Rui was kneeling. Even if he wanted to thank the fans, he didn’t need to kneel down like that. “I’m a sinner.” Li Rui firmly said with his deep and magnetic voice. “I killed my fiance and son. I will turn myself in.”  Everyone present : “…” The agent cursed under his breath and directed the still stupefied assistant to rush onto the stage : “Drag him down! Is he crazy?!” The audience went silent. After the shock, shouts of “Impossible!” swirled crazily around the room. The fans wished they could rush up to the stage and force Li Rui to stand up and stop making such a distasteful joke. The venue was chaotic for a while with the security personnel unable to do anything. The reporters hiding within the fans also reacted quickly, clipping the video of the scene that had just happened and excitedly spreading it online : Big news! Li Rui, the singer, admitted to murder at his concert!  Soon, similar stories made headlines, and in just a few minutes, the whole internet was dominated by the explosive news, crashing many servers. In recent years, Li Rui had done a lot of good deeds like donating to welfare institutions every year and acting very kind-hearted toward fans like a warm gentleman. How could such a person commit murder? Many fans didn’t believe it, and even when they saw the video, they still denied it. The fangirls claimed that the video had been faked or it had been some sort of prank. Even

if Li Rui did kill someone, that person must’ve been in the wrong and should’ve died. Their Rui-Ge was such a good person, he absolutely couldn’t do anything wrong! After Gu Ye and Gu Yang returned home, they were reprimanded by Mrs. Gu who pulled on their ears and locked them in the small dining area where they were told to eat while reflecting on their actions. The brothers ate the four dishes along with a soup that their mother left for them, closed the door, and scrolled through social media gleefully. For Gu Yang, the behavior of some fans was incomprehensible. “These fans are somewhat crazy. They actually believe that even if Li Rui really killed someone, that person was doomed and Li Rui was right to do so.”  Gu Ye sneered. “The more they act like this, the angrier Wang Qianqian will become and the one who will suffer is Li Rui. What’s more, Li Rui himself confessed, so the police won’t leave this matter alone either.” Sure enough, the next morning, a variety of news sites reported that Li Rui had been arrested on the grounds of murder. He had actually taken the liberty to confess himself at his concert in front of so many people, and interrogation was in order. However, things didn’t go as smoothly as Gu Ye had expected. Li Rui suddenly backed away and said that he had been talking nonsense and that he hadn’t killed anybody at all. His agent also helped him white-wash, saying that Li Rui had been too tired lately and was suffering from serious depression. When he has episodes, he would often have hallucinations and would fall in a trance and be completely unaware of his actions. There was evidence of these claims, and coupled with his agency manipulating public opinion, the police that arrested Li Rui in accordance with the law was made into a villain. The public backlash forced the police to let the male singer go. Seeing these remarks online, Gu Ye’s anger burst. He took out a pair of scissors from the drawer, took out a piece of rune paper, and cut the paper into a human shape. That night, the police received a peculiar phone call. The caller reported that there was a female corpse at Wu Middle School : the corpse of the pregnant woman Li Rui killed five years ago, to be precise. The report was concise, even down to the details on how Li Rui had murdered her.  How can a stranger know these details so clearly? The police immediately traced the call to a phone box but only found a small paperman on the ground with a red dot on its forehead. “There’s something I want you to see.” Captain Li Dui showed the paperman to a friend of his who was a metaphysician of the Xuashu Society. “Why do I feel that this item is from your line of work? Can you find out who controlled this object? He’s vital to the case.” There were always things that couldn’t be solved by normal means, which was why there was a secret institution that the government refused to admit existed —— The Xuashu Society. This institution had strict regulations : they would help people solve

mysterious events, periodically help with case investigations, and provide evidence that couldn’t be found through high-tech means. Because they didn’t do anything malicious, the relevant governmental departments chose to turn a blind eye to their existence. Captain Li’s friend was a member of this institution. The man took a careful look at the paperman and said, “The technique is very similar to a person’s. He’s the only one who can control rune papers to this extent.”  “Who is it?” The middle-aged friend of Captain Li lamented, “A genius spell master. He’s a young man but too wayward. As long as he thinks it’s right, he will do it regardless of anything else. He would often disregard regulations, and he would even dare use forbidden spells. He became an outlaw at a young age in the circle.” Li pointed at the paperman. “This is his work?” The middle-aged man shook his head. “That’s impossible. He’s already dead. He died at a very young age.”  Captain Li wondered, “An outlaw at a young age? Is this a compliment or discrediting him? What did he do?”

Chapter 12 - Karma is a cycle, and this Great Lord will spare no one “He saved a city full of people, simultaneously stepping on the face of the Xuashu Society in the process.” The middle-aged man’s expression was complex and ugly, as if he was forced to swallow a mouthful of flies. Just one look at the paperman reminded him of Gu Ye, making his balls ache. “You’re an outsider so don’t ask. It’s not him anyways. You take your time to figure out this case.” After he finished saying this, the middle-aged man stood up and left. His actions indicated that he didn’t want to talk any further about this matter. “Achoo!” Gu Ye sneezed loudly. “Brother, someone must have praised you for being handsome behind your back.” With time passing by like water, tomorrow would be the start of school and Gu Yang, who didn’t do his homework, raised his head and gave a thumbs up to his brother with a serious attitude.

Gu Ye smiled and patted the child’s head. “Little flatterer, it’s useless even if you praise me to the sky. Do your homework yourself and cover me, by the way.”  Gu Yang : “…” Brother! Wang Qianqian’s remains were dug up that night, but it didn’t cause a commotion as there were no students around at that time. The forensic team found Li Rui’s hair on her body and the DNA result also proved that the child was his. When the picture of Wang Qianqian’s corpse was thrown at Li Rui’s face, he finally couldn’t bear it and broke down before pleading guilty. The truth soon came to light. The reporters who were concerned with this case soon wrote a report and posted it. The fans were suddenly enlightened to the truth and were dumbfounded, especially the fangirls. They had been stupidly and deeply enamored with a murderer for seven years! A murderer! That child was already nine months old when the woman was killed, how could he do that?! However, there was more exciting news following that. Two days after his arrest, Li Rui started having drug withdrawals. He actually took drugs! Murdering Wang Qianqian had put a huge psychological pressure on Li Rui, so he took drugs in order to relax. This made netizens even more disgusted. What a hypocrite! Go to hell with your national idol or whatever! Murder! Drugs! What else do you not dare to do?! Li Rui needed to take legal responsibility for his actions and it was an unchangeable fact. With solid evidence against him, no one would sympathize with him. Before the whole thing went down, he had also confessed his crime in a state of delirium at a concert. Netizens wrote this down as him exposing his deep dark secrets while being under the effect of the drugs he was taking. Only the people who handled the case knew that there was actually another person who secretly helped them quickly solve this case. ———— The night before school started again, Gu Ye was packing his stuff when he felt three ghosts approaching. He stopped his actions and looked out the window. He saw three ghosts being halted by a golden light emitted at the gate. It was Wang Qianqian and her son. The last ghost seemed to be a suspended soul, not far from death : Li Rui.  Wang Qianqian saw Gu Ye standing by the window and she stopped trying to force her way in. She bowed deeply at Gu Ye, while also holding her son’s back to do the same. Then, they left with Li Rui’s soul in tow, chained by his neck. From a distance, they looked like a mother and son taking their dog for a walk. Gu Ye watched their retreating backs and nodded slightly : A family of three should be neat and tidy.

Early next morning, the song king, Li Rui, once again made headlines. His name had occupied the major news sites lately, losing to none no matter how many splashes the other stars made. Unfortunately, this was the last time Li Rui would ever make big news because he committed suicide last night! There were also some rumors that Li Rui’s death was exceptionally horrendous. It was said that he bit the artery in his arm and wrote a confession on the wall with his blood, bleeding to death.  As we all know, the arteries are not like the other veins which could be seen clearly through the skin. How much flesh did he need to bite his way through before getting to the artery? This suicide method was quite high-end! This matter has already concluded and what’s waiting for Gu Ye next is returning to school. Master Gu was going to take a mock exam soon and he placed last in the previous exam. If his score was still abysmal this time around, the great Master Gu will definitely be beaten. Gu Ye and Gu Yang’s breakfast was still the “100 Marks” hand-made noodles by Mrs. Gu. After taking a look at his beautiful young stepmother, Gu Ye raised his eyebrows and asked, “Mom, you’re going to start a business?”  Mrs. Gu was surprised, “You can see that? Your father has made some moves against Li Shengkai’s business lately. They were in a lot of trouble, so Hu Yu wants to sell her shops. I think if she sells it at a low price, I’ll buy it and kick her while she’s down. Oh dear, I don’t know why their family got really unlucky recently, nothing goes well for them. Li Shengkai isn’t old but he’s already going bald. You know, like the Mediterranean?” Gu Ye was speechless, he certainly was not interested in any sort of Mediterranean uncle. Mrs. Gu’s expression suddenly changed and she happily held Gu Ye’s face and kissed his forehead. “Lao San, please calculate for Mom. Can I make money if I open a beauty shop?” Gu Ye took a piece of tissue paper and rubbed the lipstick print off his forehead roughly while staring a bit disrespectfully at Mrs. Gu.  Mrs. Gu’s nicely trimmed eyebrows raised and she asked, discontentedly : “Why are you rubbing that off disgustedly for? I dressed you when you were still wearing crotchless pants. When you were a child and shit all over me…” “Mom!” Gu Ye covered his face embarrassedly, “You can make a fortune, you will definitely make a fortune!” Mrs. Gu was satisfied, “That’s good, then. If I don’t make money, you can make a wealth gathering array, give me a treasure bowl, or something along those lines. We can make loads of money every day.”

Gu Ye was once again rendered speechless. Does she think he’s Magic Brush’s Ma Liang?  Gu Yang looked at his brother with sympathy. Brother is done for, Mom had already regarded him as a cash cow. ———— Returning to school, Gu Ye strode to the classroom with his backpack as per usual. Unfortunately, he was stopped again just after he entered the school gate. The students around looked at Gu Ye sympathetically, what a miserable guy. Gu Ye had already offended the No. 1 school bully, Qian Zhen, before and now was stopped by the No. 2. His small body was like a Barbie doll going against a Titan that was Si HongXing. Gu Ye couldn’t even take a slap from him.  However, what happened next was a big surprise for everyone present. Si HongXing bowed deeply to Gu Ye and proclaimed, “Thank you for saving my parents! From now on, you will be my elder brother and my life will be yours to command! If Qian Zhen troubles you again, I will fight him for you!” The students around gasped, What the hell?! Wanting Gu Ye to be his boss, is Si HongXing crazy? Can Gu Ye smoke, drink, punch perm his hair, go clubbing, pick up girls or even fight in a gang? Gu Ye stared at him for a few seconds before seriously saying, “I’m sorry, I don’t need a younger brother nor do I want to form a gang. I only have learning in my heart.”  Si HongXing : “…” “Pfftt!” Someone from the crowd was amused by the word “learning” that came out of Gu Ye’s mouth. It’s just so funny, weirdly enough. At this moment, Qian Zhen walked into the gate with the few of his underlings that he had left. The students around them backed several steps away in fear. They were worried that Qian Zhen would suddenly attack Gu Ye. If that happened, Si HongXing would step in and if they fought, they might get dragged into the fight between the two. What happened next defied everyone’s expectations. Qian Zhen looked slightly startled when he saw Gu Ye before turning his head away and pretending not to see him. He even trotted faster when leaving.  Everyone else : ??? Not long after that, the news that Si HongXing had become Gu Ye’s underling spread all over the school. What’s more, Qian Zhen had changed his usual bully demeanor, hiding when he saw Gu Ye. This meant that the boss of Wu Middle School is now Gu Ye? That idiot Gu Ye?!

For a while, Gu Ye became quite the miraculous existence in the whole school. Gu Ye distinctly felt gazes on him wherever he went, as if he was walking like an Abnormal Titan. After morning self-study, Zhao Pengyu happily dragged Gu Ye and Xia Xiang to have a meal together. Ever since they moved into the same dormitory, the three hardly separated.  “Gu XiaoYe, I talked about you to my grandfather. When summer vacation comes, you must go visit him if he invites you!” “Who’s your grandfather?” Gu Ye asked with a lack of interest. Zhao Pengyu answered with, “Head of Yu Family.” Gu Ye’s eyes widened in surprise, “That Sir Yu?”  “Shh!” Zhao Pengyu stuffed a tea egg into Gu Ye’s mouth to shut him up and nervously said, “Stop there. I just want to be a normal rich second generation!” It wasn’t strange that Zhao Pengyu was so careful about it. The reason being that Yu Family was too powerful and influential, not only in the business circle but also in the painting and calligraphy circle. A lot of people from all walks of life, even the metaphysics circle, respected the head of Yu Family. Once it was known that Zhao Pengyu was his grandson, his life might not be as peaceful as it was now. What’s more, this guy was Yu Ze’s nephew who’s a legend in the business circle. Yu Ze built a business empire by himself. Mentioning Zhao Pengyu, who never got more than a passing mark in his exams, and Yu Ze’s name in one sentence was too embarrassing. Gu Ye thoughtfully and solemnly nodded, “Don’t worry. As long as your grandfather invites me, I will definitely go.” When his Master was still alive, Sir Yu had helped him a lot. It might be a small thing for the old man, but for him and his master, it was a boon. Sir Yu doesn’t lack anything, but Master reminded Gu Ye before his death that if the old man needs anything, Gu Ye must help him, it was his responsibility. As a man, one must know how to be grateful and have a clear conscience.  Xia Xiang said with his cheeks puffed, “Before you can even think of summer vacation, you must take remedial lessons first. I’ll make a study plan for you. You must do at least five sets of questions in the practice workbooks every day, I’ll keep an eye on both of you all the time.” Zhao Pengyu was puzzled, “What’s wrong with you? What’s got you all worked up?” Xia Xiang pursed his lips but didn’t explain. He then said awkwardly, “Think about it, when you go out for visits during summer vacation and some people ask you how your exams went, how do you want to answer them? In addition, we will consider which university we will go to according to this mock exam’s result. The teacher will give the corresponding recommendation at that time.” Xia Xiang looked at Zhao Pengyu and Gu Ye seriously and said in a very concerned tone, like a mother hen, “Do you want

Teacher Yu to recommend you guys a technical school and learn how to drive an excavator?” Gu Ye leaned on the back of his chair and lazily said, “I don’t mind. I can do some grave digging with an excavator.”  “You, you, you!” Xia Xiang pointed his fingers at Gu Ye angrily, his cheeks puffing up. After a long while, Xia Xiang still didn’t come up with anything to say. The little rabbit gritted his teeth, then took a big bite of a pie, and chewed on it angrily. In fact, when he went home this time around, he told his parents that a powerful classmate gave him a charm that was far more effective than what those masters gave him. When his parents knew that the classmate he talked about was Gu Ye, they scolded him and seriously told him to stop befriending the boy. According to their words : “You must have been cheated! What a big joke, if you’re friends with that Gu Family’s third son, your studies will only get worse! He won’t get into a good university so he will rely on his parents’ money until old age! Do you want to become a waste like him too?!” Xia Xiang was so angry with his parents and had a cold war with them for a while. In his mind, Gu Ye was not stupid. He must have deliberately not studied before.  Gu Ye supported his chin with his palm, looked at the pie with red bean fillings, and asked with a concerned attitude, “Is it delicious?” Xia Xiang paused his chewing before answering, “…Not bad.” Gu Ye stood up happily, “Then I’m going to buy one too.” Xia Xiang : “…”  With this kind of friend, who needs an enemy?! Even though Xia Xiang was angry at Gu Ye’s apparent lack of interest in studying, he still brought the learning materials to Gu Ye after class. “You can go through these first, I will help you with anything you don’t understand.” The whole class was curious. Even if Xia Xiang has always been in the top 10 students of the whole grade, can he really improve Gu Ye’s IQ? Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen also came over at this moment, “We can also help you with your studies.”  Gu Ye picked up the materials Xia Xiang gave him and looked at the two who had just come over before suddenly smiling, “Are you afraid of me?” The two quickly shook their heads, “No.”

Gu Ye smiled. They both knew that Li Rui’s death had something to do with Wang Qianqian. As people who were in the know, what would they think at this time? Gu Ye looked at Liu Yiwen, who didn’t dare to look at him, before his gaze fell on Lin Zihao and asked meaningfully, “You haven’t done anything that you need to apologize to me for, have you?” Lin Zihao’s expression suddenly changed, “No, of course not.” 

Chapter 13 - Saving a white-eyed wolf Saving a white-eyed wolf Gu Ye smiled. “Not now, not necessarily so later.” Lin Zihao awkwardly smiled. “How could I do such a thing? You think too much.” Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and didn’t make any further comments. Flipping through the information sheets that Xia Xiang had given him, he promised, “I’ll take a good look at them, but you don’t have to accompany me when I study. I will certainly get good results this time, I promise.”  “I believe in you!” Xia Xiang replied with a sunny smile. Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen felt as if they had lost face. From Gu Ye’s attitude, it was clear that he didn’t have a good opinion of them. When Li Zihao left, he cast a sarcastic look at Gu Ye. This guy, where did his confidence come from? He actually dared to say that he would get good results this time? Him, who has been a study slag for ten thousand years, saying that? Does he intend to get help from the ghosts he enslaved? Lin Zihao was not the only person who thought this, as the entire class also thought that Gu Ye was promising the impossible. Gu Ye always ranked last in the whole grade. Even Qian Zhen, who always slept in class, scored better than him every time, and it was always Gu Ye who dragged down their class’ average score. Two girls advised him, “Gu Ye, I think it’s better to let Xia Xiang tutor you. He’s very smart and his grades have always been good.” “Yeah, Liu Yiwen and Lin Zihao are not bad either. They ranked in the top ten in last year’s final exam. You see, you can improve more if you ask them for help.” Seeing the students kindly advising him, Gu Ye didn’t retort but just smiled. The two girls also felt helpless. Gu Ye had changed a lot since the last holiday and he was more

eye-catching now. Furthermore, he often smiled and appeared cheerful. Girls wanted to talk to him now, but for some reason, they always felt alienated and couldn’t come close to him. When Lin Zihao returned to his seat, he thought of Gu Ye’s gaze on him and opened his drawer after a moment of hesitation. Hidden inside it, under his textbooks, was the thing he had prepared in advance. He was a little afraid of Gu Ye. Seeing that the mock exam was getting closer, the students put their minds on studying and no longer cared about Gu Ye’s studying problems. Finally, exam day arrived and Teacher Yu mobilized the students’ enthusiasm accordingly before the exam started, saying things like if they do well in this exam, it will be the foundation for their development later in their life. Gu Ye looked at his naive classmates with numb eyes, wishing he could brandish a broadsword or something and cut these bitches for being too gullible. He also thought that it was fortunate that Teacher Yu had chosen this profession. Had he been an MLM promoter, people’s lives would be finished.  After the motivational speech, the students booted up their tablets according to the teacher’s instructions. There were around three thousand students in their year and the examinee numbers were not arranged according to their classes. Gu Ye’s number was 2000, Xia Xiang was 0009, and Zhao Pengyu was 1338. Their numbers were arranged according to their performance in the last exam. Zhao Pengyu was amused when he saw Gu Ye’s examinee number. “Hahahaha! You’re still behind me even after adding all thirty classes! This time, you’re in the group of study slags, but rest assured, you’re the best looking study slag among all the study slags!” Gu Ye dissed him in return, “A person who will go through a peach blossom disaster still want to mock other people?” “Fuck! Dude, don’t do this, man!” Zhao Pengyu suddenly felt scared. “Is this true? Don’t scare me, ah! I don’t even have peach blossoms, how could I have a peach blossom disaster? Wouldn’t that mean I’ll be impotent later?” 

Xia Xiang appeased him. “You don’t even have any peach blossoms at school, so what are you afraid of? You better focus on the study sheet I made for you, the exam’s tomorrow.” Zhao Pengyu was rendered speechless. The world of study tyrants is terrible. Life is not important, exams are the most important thing!  ————

The next day, Gu Ye went to Class 30, his examination room. Opening the door and stepping in, the examinees in the room who were as rowdy as chickens about to be slaughtered suddenly became quiet. Gu Ye looked at these people and said cheerfully, “Yo, all acquaintances, ah.” They were of course Qian Zhen, Si HongXing, and whoever was left of their cronies. Recently, Qian Zhen had been acting low key and in turn, Si HongXing had stepped up his game and became the No. 1 bully in Wu Middle School. Just now, these two gangs had been discussing how to cheat on the exam when Gu Ye entered, causing their expressions to instantly change.  Si HongXing immediately stood up. “Boss, here, I’ve wiped your seat clean!” Si HongXing took someone’s uniform and wiped the table with the number 2000 spotlessly clean and pulled out the chair before gesturing to Gu Ye like a servant. “Boss, please have a seat.” After hearing about Gu Ye from their boss, the rest of the cronies were all in awe of him and started calling him “Big Boss”. “Boss, I heard you like milk tea. I’ve been holding onto this for a while, but it’s still hot.” Gu Ye took the milk tea and squinted his eyes while walking toward his seat in the last row. He then sat, and like the moon surrounded by stars, the other students encircled him. Qian Zhen and his gang just watched them, afraid of making eye contact with Gu Ye, this crow’s mouth.  Soon, the bell rang and two fierce-looking male teachers came into the classroom with papers in hand. Seeing the problem students in the room, their faces turned colder, thinking that if any of these students dared to break the rules, they would surely throw that student out of the room by the neck like chickens. It had to be noted that the teachers had a deterrent force. Mr. Ma said seriously, “The first exam is Mathematics. No whispering and no unnecessary movements are allowed. After you get the paper, keep your heads down and answer the questions. Answer the ones you can and for the ones you can’t, either move on to the next question or just draw a circle.” Gu Ye suddenly remembered the original Gu Ye’s test papers were full of circles. It turns out this was what happened. This teacher is really something!  After getting the paper, Gu Ye kept his head down and started to answer the questions seriously. In his previous life, he was a science student and he had done many of these questions before. While focusing on the paper without raising his head, he had already answered half of the exam, and Teacher Ma noticed that his behavior wasn’t like before. Turning around and walking near Gu Ye, the teacher was shocked to see him answering all the questions correctly!

Mr. Ma looked at Gu Ye’s problem solving for the multiple choice questions, and it turned out to be a standard step-by-step calculation formula. The writing was very neat and good-looking. Just from a glance, one could tell that he had been practicing calligraphy. He then compared Gu Ye’s writing from before and was shocked. Could someone change so much in such a short period of time? “Can I have this calculation paper when the test is over?” When Gu Ye was about to hand in his exam, Teacher Ma came to Gu Ye and asked. Gu Ye nodded. “There’s no use in me keeping them anyway. If Teacher wants it, you can have it.”  Mr. Ma smiled and encouraged him, “Continue to work hard for the next exam!” The paper was sent to Gu Ye’s homeroom teacher, Mr. Yu. “That Gu Ye from your class is really a crouching moron hidden badass. See how neat his answer sheet is, he will surely get full marks on this paper.” “Really?” Teacher Yu excitedly put down his cup and put on his glasses before taking a look at Gu Ye’s test paper. Happily, he said, “This kid, why didn’t he show such talent before? He’s like a changed person this month, sensible and hardworking. I hope that his effort will bear fruit. The college entrance exam is around the corner, and it’ll be the first big challenge of his life.” A young female teacher who was also in the room joined in and sighed, “I heard he’s Gu Decheng’s son, is that true? Having a stepmother isn’t easy for children, either.”  Hearing this, all the teachers present felt like they “understood” something. The life of a child in a rich family wasn’t easy. Only when they’re about to take the college entrance exam would they show their true ability. Mrs. Gu was forced to carry the blame without her knowing. After the exam, the third year students had no time to nervously wait for the results as they still had countless worksheets to be done and not enough time. It was only by the end of March, the time for another holiday, that the results finally came out. Instead of only being distributed by the teachers via their students’ report card, the results would also be posted on the bulletin board. This was simply a form of public punishment for those who didn’t do well. When he knew that the results were about to be announced, Xia Xiang couldn’t stop himself from nervously rubbing his hands. “Gu Ye, let’s take a look too!” Gu Ye smiled, unperturbed. “My fortune tells me that I did well.”  Xia Xiang : “….Be a bit more serious, will you?” “I’m very serious. You don’t have to take a look. You’re in the top five this time.”

Xia Xiang’s eyes brightened, but he still wanted to go and confirm the news. At this moment, someone suddenly shouted downstairs, “Number one is Gu Ye! Gu Ye! That idiot Gu Ye!” The third year students’ campus boiled up instantly. Countless students popped their heads out the windows like mushrooms after the rain and looked at the people downstairs. “Really? What the fuck?! No way in hell!”  “No way! If Gu Ye can pass the exam, even pigs can fly!” “No way! If Gu Ye really got the number one spot, I will eat shit live!” “I will do a fucking headstand while shitting! This must be a mistake!” ……  No one believed that Gu Ye would score first in the exam, and even Xia Xiang had his eyes widened in shock. But after a moment, he cried out happily, “Gu Ye! Number one! You got number one! Excellent! You’re not stupid, they’re the stupid ones!” “Gu Ye got first place on the exam?” Zhao Pengyu heard the news when he returned from playing basketball. He happily sprinted to where Gu Ye was before sitting on Gu Ye’s desk and saying, “Treat me. You have to treat me to a meal after the holiday!” Except for his two roommates, the other students couldn’t accept the results. “I can accept it if it’s anyone else, just not Gu Ye!” “Yes, Gu Ye was so stupid before yet he got first place this time. There must be something wrong.”  “Why don’t you go and ask the teacher to display his exam papers.” …… Zhao Pengyu heard all the “Gu Ye is so stupid” comments around him and immediately became angry. “When Gu Ye doesn’t do well on the exam, you call him stupid. When he does well on the exam, you say that there must be something wrong. Well, since you guys are so smart, why don’t you get first place then?” Seeing him so irritated, Gu Ye pulled his hand and said softly, “It’s fine. They will shut up soon.”  Zhao Pengyu was still indignant. “Just do as you did that night and beat them up!” Gu Ye said in a carefree manner, “There are many ways to shut them up, but things in this world won’t always go as we want them to. Won’t we just exhaust ourselves trying to explain it to them? It’s better to spend that time on the people we truly care about rather than wasting it on them.”

“Fucking hell! Are you Buddha?” Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and brought his hands together in a prayer before saying devoutly, “I have Buddha in my heart.”  Zhao Pengyu then retorted, “Big bro, you’re a Taoist, man! Won’t your master scold you in your dreams or something?!” At this time, Lin Zihao found out that his rank had dropped more than 300 places, making him very uncomfortable. When he saw Gu Ye’s name on the top spot, he felt a stinging sensation the longer he stared at it. He didn’t believe that Gu Ye could truly do that well in the exam. If he was always this smart, then why was he always at the bottom of the rank in the previous exams? Thinking of Gu Ye’s ability, Lin Zihao was instantly convinced that Gu Ye didn’t study at all, but instead used a ghost to tell him the answer. Doing that would only take him minutes, after all. Even if Gu Ye did save him, he had also already paid him 800 yuan! 800 yuan! That was all he had! Lin Zihao looked down on Gu Ye from the bottom of his heart, and now that Xia Xiang was also close to Gu Ye, he also looked at Xia Xiang with the same regard. Rich second generations are a rich second generation, after all. If he wasn’t rich, how could Xia Xiang hire a tutor and thus score really well every time? The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Lin Zihao left the crowd with a tight expression and a clenched fist. A few minutes later, he went to Mr. Yu, who was about to go to class and announce the results. With a gloomy expression, he said, “Mr. Yu, I want to talk to you about Gu Ye. There’s something wrong with his exam results, he cheated. Gu Ye cheated using a special means.” 

Chapter 14 - Don’t walk on a bridge on rainy days Upon hearing something about cheating, Teacher Yu’s already serious expression became even more severe. “You and Gu Ye weren’t in the same examination room, so how could you know that he cheated?” Seeing the teacher’s displeased expression, Lin Zihao was slightly nervous. “He used a special method. Not only do I know about this, but Liu Yiwen, Xia Xiang, and Zhao Pengyu all know about it as well.” Teacher Yu frowned. “You need to have evidence.”

“He must have used some abnormal means. If you ask him to retake the exam, then you’ll see.”  “That means you have no evidence?”, asked Teacher Yu with raised eyebrows. “I know, I…”, Lin Zihao gritted his teeth and whispered, “Gu Ye can control ghosts. He must have some ghost-catching equipment in his bag, and I’m sure you can find them if you check. The ghosts must have told him the answers on the exam.” A serious old scholar like Teacher Yu would never believe in ghosts or gods. “Nonsense!” As soon as Lin Zihao finished speaking, Mr. Yu angrily scolded him. “What year do you think this is? Ghosts and gods are born from people’s imaginations, and various phenomena can always be explained scientifically. Even if they’re unexplainable now, they will be later as technology improves. If you don’t understand these things, then you should read more books. How can you still believe in feudal superstitions when you’re already a high school senior?” “No, Mr. Yu. You have to believe me. Gu Ye really can control ghosts! He often has a little bottle in his pocket, and there must be a female ghost in that thing. He also helped ghosts kill people. If you don’t believe it, you can check his dormitory and bag. There must be something there.” Mr. Yu’s expression became heavier and his gaze on Lin Zihao was like looking at a wretched palace concubine before he took out the paper Gu Ye used for calculations on his Mathematics exam. “Look at this. The teacher who oversaw the exam in Gu Ye’s examination room collected it. You can see from the calculations that Gu Ye truly worked on his answers by himself. How can there be any ghosts?” Lin Zihao couldn’t believe it when he saw the calculation process on the paper. There were several questions he couldn’t solve that Gu Ye did. “He must have had a ghost possessing him during the test!” The more Lin Zihao thought about it, the more certain he was that he was correct. “He’s not able to do these questions at all normally, so how can he answer none of them wrong during the exam?” Seeing that he was still unrepentant, Mr. Yu angrily slammed his mug onto the table. “Lin Zihao!” Lin Zihao was frightened and shivered as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, instantly calming him down. Cold sweat dripped from his forehead and he didn’t dare to make a sound.  Teacher Yu lectured him with a disappointed tone, hating iron for not becoming a steel. “Considering your record, I’ll let this slide, but don’t talk nonsense in the future. I know you can’t accept that Gu Ye did better than you in this exam, but you can’t slander people. If you have the time to meddle in Gu Ye’s affairs, it would be better to spend that time caring about your own business. In just three months, you’ve fallen more

than three hundred places. If you go on like this, will you even be qualified to take an exam? You can’t even pass two quizzes!” Hearing this, Lin Zihao’s complexion turned pale. “I’m sorry, teacher! I w-will study hard!” Teacher Yu said with a helpless tone, “Go.” Lin Zihao regretted his impulsivity. He should have found evidence first before going to the teacher. Teacher Yu wouldn’t believe a one-sided accusation.  Going back to the classroom in a daze, Lin Zihao sat in his seat. The students around him thought that the teacher had called on him to lecture him on his performance in the exam, so they all comforted him. “Don’t think too much about it. Next time, you will perform well. You still have a chance.” What the paper contained was information pertaining to the death of Song King, Li Rui, and Gu Ye’s involvement. He intended to sell this information to a newspaper company to earn some money, but he had been late and missed the bus this morning and didn’t have time to submit it. He put it in his school bag for the time being. Lin Zihao saw something faintly on the back of the paper and nervously turned it over. It was a chibi drawing, depicting a student who was about to take the college entrance exam. However, while using the bathroom before the exam, his exam ID fell into the toilet and he wasn’t let into the exam hall. Lin Zihao was confused, but the words written in vigorous calligraphy made his pupils shrink.  With astonishment, he read : From Gu Ye! Gu Ye knew? Lin Zihao suddenly remembered that Gu Ye had asked him earlier if he had done anything to apologize for. Then, Gu Ye had also said that it was not now but not necessarily so later when he denied it. So not only can Gu Ye catch ghosts, but he can also see the future? Lin Zihao looked at Gu Ye in horror. Coincidentally, Gu Ye also looked back at him and grinned. The slightly upturned corner of his lips was so miniscule that it wasn’t even frightening, yet Lin Zihao felt his scalp go numb as he pictured Gu Ye’s image while catching the ghost.  Gu Ye raised his index finger and placed it on his lips, making a shushing sound before turning back around and no longer facing him. This frightened Lin Zihao even more. Gu Ye was basically telling him to keep his mouth shut and not to talk nonsense with other people. It meant he knew everything. That drawing wouldn’t be a curse, right? Will he really miss the college entrance examination? Lin Zihao almost went crazy at the thought. He hurriedly tore up the papers and threw them into the trash can with cold sweat all over his body.

“Gu Ye, I’m…I’m sorry!” Lin Zihao summoned up the courage and went to Gu Ye’s desk after class to offer him a sincere apology. He was afraid that he would miss the college entrance exam as depicted in the drawing and afraid of Gu Ye’s punishment for his deeds. Gu Ye looked at him before spitting out a sentence with a smile. “Go away.” ————  Gu Ye had just finished his lunch when a classmate told him Teacher Yu was looking for him. Gu Ye found the teacher’s office after asking around and saw Teacher Yu, who was wearing a pair of glasses, reading a paper. Seeing him, Teacher Yu looked up and said, “Gu Ye, sit here.” Gu Ye obediently sat down, looking exceptionally docile. “I looked at your calculation paper. Your progress was so great that the teachers all think it’s incredible. Even your writing is so beautiful now.” Mr. Yu stared at Gu Ye’s eyes and said seriously, “I will give you a few more questions, can you do them?”  Gu Ye nodded in a well-behaved manner. “Yes.” Mr. Yu took out a sheet with new questions that he had prepared in advance from his drawer and handed it to Gu Ye who then took it and began to write. It didn’t take him long to finish the questions. Mr. Yu looked at the answers and his eyes showed joy. His serious expression morphed into a smile. “Good, very good! Gu Ye, work hard from now on!” After a while, Mr. Yu posted Gu Ye’s examination papers along with his calculation papers and the set of questions Gu Ye just did under his supervision on the school bulletin board to prove that Gu Ye got first place on the exam this time around solely by relying on his own ability.  This time around, the whole school went into a frenzy, and those who had said that it was impossible were collectively slapped in the face! Many teachers told their students, “There are no stupid students, only students who don’t work hard! Gu Ye must have taken advantage of the winter holiday to study while you guys were going out to play! Someone who has always been at the bottom of the rankings became first on the rankings in one fell swoop, so inspirational! Open your eyes and see! Learn from this example!” A lot of students secretly went to observe Gu Ye, wondering how he studied to improve his grades in such a short period of time.

Gu Ye now felt that he was not just a strange creature, but a strange creature with a panda head. Now, even when he went to the bathroom, there would be people paying attention to him. Sorry fellas, I don’t want the attention.  ———— The holidays finally arrived and when he went home, Mrs. Gu rushed to him and excitedly asked him before he could even take off his shoes, “Lao San, did you get the first place on the exam? First place in the whole school?” Gu Ye nodded tiredly. “How did you know?” At this time, Gu Decheng also came down from the second floor with joy in his eyes. “Mr. Yu called me and said that you’ve made great progress.”  “Yes, yes, yes. The teacher praised you a lot!” said Mrs. Gu happily, “Your father didn’t go to the company today just to wait for you to come home, so he could reward you!” Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, and when he saw that Gu Decheng was holding a thick red envelope, his eyes instantly brightened. “I will study hard, make persistent efforts, and will definitely achieve good grades next time too!” Gu Ye turned serious and bowed deeply to his parents. “I’m sorry to make you worry before.” Mrs. Gu was startled. Why is he being so melodramatic all of a sudden? How embarrassing.  Gu Decheng originally wanted to lecture him to not be too proud. Unexpectedly, his son was so sensible that he had to swallow the words he was about to say. Putting the thick red envelope in Gu Ye’s hands, he said seriously, “Our family rule is that if you get the highest score on science or mathematics papers, the reward is ten thousand yuan. Getting first place on the exam is another ten thousand yuan. If you can still get first place next time, I’ll double the amount.” “Thank you, Dad!” Hugging the red envelope tightly, Gu Ye happily ran upstairs. Seeing his brother getting a thick red envelope, Gu Yang scratched his head. “That, I also improved my ranking by three on this exam. Do I get no red envelope?” Before Gu Decheng could speak, Mrs. Gu already beat him to the punch. “”I’ll reward you with an extra helping of drumsticks.”  “Hehe.” Gu Yang happily carried his bag and ran upstairs with joy. Mrs. Gu sighed silently. What else can I do? This silly child is satisfied with only an extra helping of drumstick. Don’t you see how thick your big brother’s red envelope is? You can buy a truckload of drumsticks with that!

Back in his room, Gu Ye opened the red envelope and saw the fifty thousand yuan stacked inside. Gu Decheng really was worthy of the title National Father. Gu Yang, who had quietly followed him asked curiously, “Brother, how much did Dad give you?”  Gu Ye beckoned the child with his index finger and watched Gu Yang obediently come over like a large husky. Pulling out a dozen red bills and putting them in his brother’s hands, Gu Ye whispered, “Take it and buy that console you like. Don’t let Mom know.” Because if Mrs. Gu knew, these red tickets will definitely be confiscated, just like when he won the lottery before. Gu Yang immediately rushed up to hug Gu Ye’s leg. “Brother! I will make money when I grow up! I’ll make money and give it to you!” Gu Ye patted Gu Yang’s head and wanted to say: Don’t be silly, my child. You won’t make money in this life. Just wait obediently for the dividend from the company.  At noon, Mrs. Gu and the cook lady made a lot of dishes together, and Gu Decheng happily drank a small cup of wine. Gu Ye looked at his father’s glabella and said with concern, “Take a good rest at home today, Dad. Don’t go to the company, it will rain heavily soon and it will be dangerous.” Gu Decheng looked out the window. The sun is shining brightly, what rain? Because Gu Decheng nearly had a car accident the last time, the still shocked Mrs. Gu immediately advised, “No matter whether it will rain later or not, we have a happy event today and you’ve already drunk wine. If there’s nothing important at the company, then don’t go today. It’s not often that you get to rest at home.” Persuaded by his wife, Gu Decheng said after hesitating for a bit, “Okay, then I won’t go.”  Unexpectedly, it really did rain in the afternoon, quite abruptly so. After it rained the whole afternoon, an event was reported in the evening news. Because of the rain, the tunnel flooded, causing more than a dozen vehicles to be trapped inside. Firemen rushed to the scene, and fortunately, there were no casualties. Looking at the time and place stated in the news, the tunnel just happened to be the one Gu Decheng always took when going to his office. Mrs. Gu was terrified when she saw the news and said, “Oh my God! Lao San is really divine!” Gu Decheng could barely mask the surprise and fear in his eyes before saying with a calm expression, “What nonsense. It’s just a coincidence.” Mrs. Gu didn’t pay attention to her husband’s attempt at feigning calmness. “No, I have to make Lao San calculate when I will get rich.” With that, she left hurriedly to search for Gu Ye.  At this time, Zhao Pengyu finally came out of the internet cafe. The college entrance examination was around the corner, so his mother banned him from playing with his

computer and mobile phone. He couldn’t stop himself from running to the internet cafe first thing in the morning. Unexpectedly, it started raining in the afternoon for a long time before stopping. In his hurry to get home, Zhao Pengyu took a shortcut with his mountain bike and rode like crazy. It was dark at this hour, and there were not many pedestrians on the streets. Zhao Pengyu suddenly saw something golden in front of him and rode over to see. Surprisingly, it was a red embroidered bag with some gold thread. Zhao Pengyu picked it up. The cloth was quite worn out and there was a dragon and phoenix embroidered on it. It looked like something used by the people in the 1980’s for their marriage. Zhao Pengyu opened the bag to take a look and was shocked, “What the fuck! So much money?! Wouldn’t the person who lost this money be losing their minds now?” The kind-hearted young man stood there waiting for half an hour, but no one came to search for the bag. Seeing that it was getting really late, and if he didn’t return home soon, his family would be worried, so Zhao Pengyu simply put the bag in his arms and planned to take it to the police station later. What Zhao Pengyu didn’t notice was that, just as he passed by, the road that had been blurred by the rain revealed a concrete cast column. This was an old bridge that had been deliberately hidden after being abandoned. 

Chapter 15 - Life, hanging by a thread The next morning before dawn, the two brothers living on the third floor opened their doors at the same time. Gu Yang was carrying a very stuffed school bag and quietly followed Gu Ye down the stairs and into the garage. When Gu Yang was about to open the door, Gu Ye grabbed his collar and pulled him back. “Let me draw a talisman first.” “Okay.” Gu Yang obediently stood aside, watching Gu Ye draw something invisible in the air with worshipping eyes. The waiting driver : “…”  As soon as they got in the car, Gu Ye said, “Don’t move out until six o’clock, not even a minute early. I’m going to be rich today.”

The driver was speechless. No wonder the boss always wanted to beat up this son of his, He too would feel the same if this was his son. Last night, the third young master came to him and asked him to send the young master to a place. He thought that there was an urgent matter, but the third young master was actually planning on scamming people with feudal superstition. The third young master was going to take the college entrance examination soon. Doesn’t he know how important that is? Two minutes later, the driver started the car and asked, “Third Young Master, Fourth Young Master, where do you want to go?” Gu Ye gestured with his fingers and calculated. “Drive east and stop under the first overpass.” Gu Yang excitedly opened the zipper of his bag and said to Gu Ye, “Brother, look! I’ve perfectly prepared for the trip!” Gu Ye leaned over to take a look and was amused. “You got a new Taoist robe?” “I ordered a new one last night. This is it.” Gu Ye didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so he just praised his brother. “You’re so smart.”  “Hehe.” Gu Yang put on the newly purchased Taoist robe and took out a pair of sunglasses from his backpack before putting them on. “Brother, how about I pretend to be blind? Don’t we need to examine the customer’s bones later or something?” Gu Ye refused. “No, only scammers would do such things. We don’t need to do that.” The driver’s expression was stiff, worried that these two brothers would be beaten when they returned home later. After driving east for half an hour, they finally saw an overpass. The driver watched as the two brothers got out of the car before asking anxiously, “Third Young Master, Fourth Young Master, how about we just go back now?” Gu Ye calmly waved his hand and said, “No, we’re fine here.” 

It was just after dawn, and in addition to some cars, there weren’t even pedestrians on the street at this hour. Setting up their stall, Gu Yang wondered, “Brother, will someone really come for fortune telling? Isn’t this place a bit too obscure?” Gu Ye looked at the luxury car around two hundred meters away from them and smiled. “Didn’t one just arrive? Just at the right time, too.”

Gu Yang looked back suspiciously and believed that the person wouldn’t necessarily stop by.  In the blink of an eye, the car was already approaching them and sped past them. Gu Yang wanted to say to his brother that he had made a mistake, but unexpectedly, the car suddenly slowed down after more than ten meters before gradually stopping at the side of the road and slowly reversing. Gu Yang’s eyes widened and he gaped in his shock. His brother was truly an immortal! He Yunyi was the boss of a leather shoes processing company. His business has always been good with an annual income of several million yuan. Early this year, he received a large order, but just when his career was about to take off, a fire broke out at his warehouse a few days ago, burning all the goods. If he couldn’t deliver the goods according to the agreement, he wouldn’t be able to pay for the breach of contract even if he sold his whole factory. He Yunyi was desperate and had no choice but to visit the bosses of several factories to ask for their help with the supplies. He had been doing this for a week but still hasn’t found a manufacturer who would agree to help him. Filled with despair on his way back, he saw the two teenagers under the overpass. When He Yunyi got out of the car and saw what the two were holding, he instantly felt as if he had swallowed bitter medicine but couldn’t express how bitter it was. Still, he couldn’t help but smile. “You are still setting up a stall in this weather. You’re very dedicated.”  Gu Ye smiled, “What we’re waiting for is a person who has fate with us. How about it, brother? Care to have your fortune told?” He Yunyi smiled bitterly. “Even if the divination works, I still have to work hard.” He took out 300 yuan and gave it to Gu Ye, who was obviously the older one of the two. “Both of you are well-dressed, so you should have a good family. Do you have some troubles at home? This 300 yuan should be enough for you guys to eat for two days. Go to your relatives or friends for help. Don’t neglect your future while you’re still young.” Gu Ye narrowed his eyes. “You need this more than we do.” He Yunyi was stunned. Gu Ye looked at him with a smile. With his eyes that were darker than normal, it made He Yunyi feel as if he was looking right into his mind. He couldn’t help but feel a tremor running through his heart. He was clearly well-dressed and driving a luxury car, but how could this young man know he’s short of money? Did he really meet an expert? He Yunyi’s expression turned serious before asking, “Little Brother, how much is it for one divination?”  Gu Ye looked at the man and said, “Seeing that you’re now down on your luck, I’ll charge 3,000 yuan. You will get rich half a year later, so at that time, you can pay me 30,000 yuan.”

He Yunyi’s expression was still calm, but he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “How did you know that I’m down on my luck?” Gu Ye answered with, “I didn’t.” Gritting his teeth, He Yunyi emptied out his wallet and the amount was exactly 3,000 yuan.  Gu Ye took the money and put it in his pocket before saying, “Looking at your face, the color of your Yin Tang isn’t bright. Your good luck has and will only last for three years. Hold out your palm for me.” He Yunyi was shocked. His luck was really good starting quite some time ago, and if he counted the days, it was exactly three years! Gu Ye took a look at his palm and said, “Your house has had a fire before.” He Yunyi was once again shocked. This is too accurate!  Gu Ye chuckled. “Shareholders share fortune with each other, which sometimes, is a blessing in disguise. If you believe me, then go east-ward, and you will surely be able to reverse your situation. If this divination is correct, please pay me the rest of the money three months later. I will set up a stall again here during summer vacation.” Nodding with his jaw clenched, He Yunyi said, “Thank you, Master, for your advice!” At the end of his rope and with nothing else to lose, He Yunyi got into the car and drove east. All the way east! Gu Yang patted Gu Ye’s pocket, and his eyes behind the sunglasses were bright. “Brother! Can fortune-telling bring this much money?”  Gu Ye patted his head with a smile. “Silly boy. We naturally charge the rich more.” “Didn’t you say that he’s poorer than us?” “But he will have a lot of money in the future. Lots of it.” After making a small fortune, the two brothers found a place to eat breakfast. As soon as they swallowed the last bite of their meal, they were dragged into the car by Mrs. Gu and to her newly bought beauty salon.  “Check the Feng Shui for Mom. Change this place to a treasure bowl so that I will make money every day.” Gu Ye was speechless as he looked at the store. “Mom, the Feng Shui here is already very good. Why do you want to change it?”

Mrs. Gu said with disgust, “That bitch Hu Yu owned this place before and asked for someone to check the Feng Shui. It makes me sick looking at it, so I want to redecorate the place.” Gu Ye smiled with consternation. “Okay, I’ll set up a wealth gathering array for you. Move this shelf to the wall and put a fish tank here. You need running water, and layer the bottom of the tank with fine sand and some water plants. Sand can gather and store energy and water can carry the energy. This way, customers will continue to increase.”  The shop manager following Mrs. Gu was shocked. She didn’t expect that the Feng Shui master the new owner had invited was so young and apparently her own son, at that. After receiving a hint from Mrs. Gu’s gaze, she quickly noted it down and didn’t dare to neglect even a word. Gu Ye also pointed to a partition in the southeast direction. “The southeast symbolizes a wide spread of wealth, There’s a problem here. Change that flimsy screen to something much more sturdy.” Mrs. Gu solemnly said, “I’ll put a wall here directly.” Gu Ye once again at a loss for words. “As long as you’re happy.”  Mrs. Gu was pleased. “Take a look and tell me what else needs to be changed. We’ll go to the next store after this.” “Mom, how many stores did you buy?” Gu Yang was surprised. “Ten or so.” Mrs. Gu said haughtily with her chin raised, “Hu Yu sold them at a low price, so I bought them to piss her off. I have the money, anyway.” “Isn’t it Dad’s money?” Gu Yang said with doubt.  “No!” Mrs. Gu slapped Gu Yang’s back, displeased. “This old lady is rich!” Gu Ye felt exasperated. This silly child, why are you telling the truth? Are you asking for a beating? Following his young mother running around all day long, Gu Ye arranged the Feng Shui of all the stores she had just bought, and by the time he finished, it was already dark. Looking at the time, Mrs. Gu directly booked a private room at a hotel for dinner and called Gu Decheng. “I will eat dinner outside with our two sons. You can eat by yourself.” Gu Ye and Gu Yang were having a good time eating a sumptuous dinner. For Mr. Gu, after spending the day outside working hard, he returned home and found that his wife was not there and so were his two youngest sons. Sighing heavily and looking at the dishes served by the maid, he took a sip of the soup and felt that it was tasteless. 

Without intelligence, how could she become the lady of the Gu household? She has to act unreasonably once in a while to remind Gu Decheng that this family couldn’t function without her. Mrs. Gu, who didn’t want to go home early, kept adding vegetables into Gu Ye’s bowl. “Eat more or your brother will be taller than you at this rate. You won’t grow up if you don’t have enough nutrition.” Holding the bowl, Gu Ye said with an unperturbed tone, “I feel like my younger brother had eaten my share of nutrition when I was a child…” “Nonsense!” Mrs. Gu blushed and shoved a shrimp into Gu Ye’s mouth. “You were born prematurely. Your mother also faced complications when giving birth to you, so you almost died. You were born less healthy than your brother. I’ve worked very hard to raise you healthily.” “I know.” Gu Ye smiled. “I’m just teasing you.”  Mrs. Gu : “…” Eat more so that you can shut your mouth, little brat! ———— When school started, Gu Ye arrived early and inexplicably felt that his surroundings were a bit quiet. Looking at Zhao Pengyu’s seat almost unconsciously, he found that the boy who usually came early hadn’t arrived yet.  At this time, Xia Xiang came in hurriedly and said, “Gu Ye, Zhao Pengyu seems to be very ill.” Thinking of the boy’s supposed disaster, Gu Ye started a divination and his expression instantly changed. “Not good! That guy is dying!” At this time, Zhao Pengyu’s life was hanging by a thread.

Chapter 16 Gods kill Gods, ghosts kill ghosts In a private hospital with a quiet environment and tight security, Zhao Pengyu laid quietly on a bed, looking as if he was asleep. The Zhao Family was in a crazed state. This hospital was theirs and the doctors here could be said to be second to none in the country. Still, they couldn’t figure out what Zhao Pengyu’s illness was. Even Zhao Pengyu’s mother, a very powerful woman, was distraught at the moment. With a pale face, she said to her husband, “Is there something wrong with the thing he picked up last night? I want to find a Master to see if there’s anything wrong with it.”

Her husband frowned. “Even the doctors don’t know what’s going on. What’s the use of looking for a Master? Don’t delay the treatment of our child with these mysterious practices and whatnot.”  Mrs. Zhao pursed her lips and struggled to come up with an answer for a bit. Remaining focused on medical treatment was the logical thing to do, but for some reason, her intuition told her that the thing her son picked up last night was dirty and that there was definitely something wrong with it. At this moment, a young nurse came up to them, holding something in her arms. Mrs. Zhao anxiously asked, “Nurse, did the doctor figure out the illness?” The young nurse respectfully said, “The doctors are still discussing it, and I believe they will have an answer soon. In addition—,” The nurse paused before handing them something wrapped in a white pillowcase. “We know that you’re worried, but this kind of feudal superstition is really useless. We should believe in science.” Mrs. Zhao opened the wrapping with a puzzled expression before immediately turning to her husband, who was equally as surprised as her. It was that thick pouch of paper joss money! Their housekeeper had already thrown it away! When Zhao Pengyu brought the pouch home last night, Mrs. Zhao had already felt that there was something wrong with it, so she had told the housekeeper to throw it away since it looked ominous. Maybe someone had wanted to sweep a tomb or something, and they dropped it in the rain. It was just that these joss paper money looked too much like RMB bills that Zhao Pengyu mistook them for one. It was dark at that time too. But how could this paper money that had already been thrown away be here right now? Zhao Zhifeng asked the nurse with a cold expression, “Nurse, where did you find this?” The young nurse saw the couple’s face and finally realized that something was unusual. She answered with a pale face, “Under Young Master Zhao’s pillow.”  Zhao Zhifeng went to the bodyguard at the door and asked, “Who went in yesterday?” The bodyguard shook his head and answered seriously, “No one was allowed to enter other than the doctors and nurses.” “Check the surveillance cameras to see if there was anyone who snuck in!” Zhao Zhifeng commanded angrily. The result was, no one had!  The couple looked at each other and saw the strangeness and severity of the situation in each other’s eyes. After throwing it away last night, Zhao Pengyu became feverish and was sent to the hospital. The doctor couldn’t figure out what the illness was, and

now, the pouch that their housekeeper had thrown away magically appeared under their son’s pillow. Mrs. Zhao’s expression sank and her hesitating mind turned firm. “I’ll find a Master to take a look at him.” Zhao Zhifeng’s expression was ugly, but he still had a hard time believing in such a supernatural occurrence. “I think someone is deliberately playing a trick on us. Let’s check first, and then we’ll talk.” “Let’s be as efficient as possible. We’ll find a Master to take a look, but we won’t delay his treatment either.” Mrs. Zhao refuted strongly. “You stay here and tell the doctors to quickly check on him. I’ll go find a Master.” “Yes, there’s no easy way to solve this. Even if we saved his life, his soul will be incomplete. He will either have severely diminished mental capabilities or be vegetative for the rest of his life.” Mrs. Zhao trembled, and she took a deep breath before saying in a voice that still couldn’t hide her tremor, “Even if he becomes vegetative, it doesn’t matter. Just save his life.” The people looked at each other and could only try it with gritted teeth. Wang Minghai, a famous respected Master in the metaphysics circle said, “There must be a medium for this sort of bond. Did the Young Master pick up something?”  Mrs. Zhao tiredly pointed at the pouch full of joss paper money, “He picked up this pouch.” Wang Minghai’s expression instantly turned ugly. “This object has a strong Yuan Qi!” “The Sha Qi is too heavy!” Other masters also followed with their eyes wide in shock. A female psychic medium Master was present and she suddenly felt a horrifying presence. Her body shivered, her complexion turned pale, and her features twisted in pain before falling to the ground. She then proceeded to scratch the floor with her nails, breaking them and bled all over the floor. The Masters all around her were surprised, before the one nearest knocked her out with a hand chop to her nape.  All the Masters’ expressions changed, and Mrs. Zhao asked nervously, “What happened?” “Zuo Yun can sense and feel a ghost’s experience at the time of their death,” Wang Minghai said with an ugly expression, “The ghost died too painfully and their resentment is too heavy, so Zuo Yun was affected.” Wang Minghai took out a dagger made of copper coins, bit his finger, and smeared his blood on the dagger before using all of his strength and stabbing the dagger upwards. After being stabbed a few times, the joss paper money on the table shook, and a black mist rose from it before rushing fiercely towards the copper coin dagger. Master Wang

shook his hand and the dagger flew towards the black mist before being scattered by the force on the ground. Wang Minghai’s complexion turned as pale as paper. The other Masters’ expressions were grave. Their expertise was not suitable for this situation, and now that the Gui Qi was so heavy in the daylight, they dared not act rashly.  After seeing these Masters off, Mrs. Zhao also invited other Masters. But after hearing what happened to both Zuo Yun and Wang Minghai, they also didn’t dare to act. For several days, Zhao Pengyu was transferred to other hospitals three times. His family also invited some doctors from abroad, but he still didn’t wake up. His parents were desperate. Noon on the third day, the doctors told them that if Zhao Pengyu still couldn’t wake up in the near future, even if he’s lucky, he would forever remain in a vegetative state, but if he’s not lucky, then his parents need to be mentally prepared. Mrs. Zhao finally broke down and burst into tears, covering her face with her hands. Her lips were bloody as she bit them. If it was possible, she would have used her own life as a substitute for her son’s, but it was impossible! At this moment, Gu Ye was asking Xia Xiang with a smile on his face, “My lovely boy scout, have you ever lied?”  Xia Xiang shook his head with a confused expression. “Then my lovely boy scout, will you come with me and be a messenger of justice to save the lost lamb on his way in the Yellow Springs?” Xia Xiang was frightened by Gu Ye’s gentle tone and also got goosebumps from it. His intuition told him that this matter wasn’t a good one. “…Tell me what you want me to do.” Gu Ye said in a serious manner, “You go to Teacher Yu and say I have a 40-degree fever and that I need to be excused from school for medical treatment. Stay out for a while and then go back to school, and say that the doctor gave me an IV.”  Xia Xiang : “…” Ten minutes later, Xia Xiang took a taxi with Gu Ye to the hospital. Having been a good and obedient boy for the past eighteen years of his life, Mr. Yu had never doubted Xia Xiang and approved his request on the spot. Frowning guiltily, Xia Xiang asked in a whisper, “Is Zhao Pengyu really seriously ill? We should have come earlier.” Gu Ye answered with a helpless tone, “Even if we came early, we won’t necessarily be allowed to see him.” With his face, who would believe that he’s a capable Master? If he didn’t make a good impression, he would be treated as a child playing around and be directly thrown out. 

Gu Ye was right. After hearing the bodyguard reporting his arrival, Mrs. Zhao really didn’t believe that Gu Ye could save Zhao Pengyu. He was too young, after all. But right now, as long as there was a ray of hope, Mrs. Zhao would try anything. After someone brought Gu Ye in, Mrs. Zhao saw Gu Ye’s appearance. He had red lips with shiny white teeth, and when he smiled, his peach blossom eyes were dazzlingly bright. This was not the image of a Master. She sat beside her son’s bed dejectedly and clutched Zhao Pengyu’s fingers before saying weakly, “Little Master, please take a look at him. The doctors said he won’t live past tonight if he doesn’t recover.” Zhao Pengyu’s face was pale and his lips were blue. His glabella was black with a faint red line, which was constantly emitting Sha Qi. Gu Ye didn’t say a word but instead took out half-used incense stick from his pouch and lit it. He then held it in between his two fingers and left it on Zhao Pengyu’s glabella where it stood steadily without any help. Seeing this, Mrs. Zhao’s eyes widened in surprise and asked, “This is…?”  “Soul-summoning incense.” Gu Ye answered with a smile. “I knew that he would have a disaster prior to this, so I protected his soul with a talisman, and now, I’m calling his soul back using this incense.” As the incense burned, small amounts of ash fell, and the smoke was inhaled by Zhao Pengyu through his nose as he breathed. After a few seconds, his breathing grew smoother, and even his lips regained their color. Mrs. Zhao was so shocked that she didn’t know what to say. Such a huge surprise had hit her when she was at her most desperate, and she didn’t know how to react. She wanted to be happy, but she was afraid to be disappointed again. “This— Can he be saved? Can he really be saved?” Gu Ye smiled. “Of course. Gods kill Gods, ghosts kill ghosts. As long as I want to save him, no one else can do anything about it.”  Mrs. Zhao stood up in her excitement and asked, “He won’t lose his mind or become vegetative?” Gu Ye was amused by this and said, “Of course not. What rookies told you that? You should file a complaint against them.” Mrs. Zhao covered her mouth while looking excitedly at Gu Ye. Those so-called “rookies” were famous Masters. Was Gu Ye really capable or was he just bragging, though? She didn’t think she could stand another disappointment. Right at this moment, Gu Ye reached out and slapped Zhao Pengyu on the forehead. “Wake up! It’s time to eat, Teacher Yu is calling already!”  Under Mrs. Zhao’s expectant gaze, Zhao Pengyu opened his eyes. Before he could recover his thoughts, his mother had already rushed over and hugged him while

sobbing, letting out all the despair and fear she felt during this whole ordeal. Zhao Pengyu was a bit confused since he had never seen his mother crying so desperately like this before he finally reacted and comforted Mrs. Zhao. He then turned to Gu Ye and said emotionally, “You saved my life again.” Gu Ye smiled and said, “There are more things to do. Waking up doesn’t mean this is over.” Mrs. Zhao, who had just called her husband, stood up and asked confusedly when she heard this. “Why is it not over?” Gu Ye felt sorry for all the parents in the world. If he said even one word denying the rescue, Zhao Pengyu’s mother would collapse.  “Don’t worry. Let’s take this one step at a time.” Gu Ye then asked, “Did he pick up any suspicious objects? Take it out and let me have a look.” Mrs. Zhao quickly sent someone to fetch the pouch while Zhao Pengyu pulled at the hem of Gu Ye’s cloth. He was having a mental breakdown. “I’ve been having this dream where I’ve married a wife and she has been chasing me ever since. I can’t escape from her even after running to the ends of the Earth. You have to save me, Gu Ye. I’m still a child!” Gu Ye sneered. “Oh? Well, you are a giant child.” Gu Ye said this so casually that Zhao Pengyu almost cried. “Be serious, ah, will you!”  Gu Ye pulled up a chair and sat with a very neat posture. “So, did you marry her?” Zhao Pengyu quickly explained, “No, I was able to run away. If I didn’t play basketball all the time, I would have been caught by her!” Gu Ye seriously asked, “Is your wife beautiful?” Zhao Pengyu replied solemnly, “No idea. I was more focused on running away, so I didn’t pay attention.”  Gu Ye couldn’t hold back his laughter and said happily, “That’s a pity. Why didn’t you take a look? Maybe she’s beautiful.” Only then did Zhao Pengyu react. Gu Ye was teasing him with these questions. He got up from the bed and begged, “Gu Ye, no, Daddy Gu Ye, save me! I will really die this time!” Watching from the side, Mrs. Zhao finally cracked a smile while her tears were still flowing down. A ray of light had finally shone after these dark days.

Gu Ye ignored him and said, “She wanted a husband, so she posted the ads all around and you picked it up. You look good, your family’s rich, you’re at the right age, and you’re also educated. She likes you and you have also received the betrothal gift, what can I do?”  Zhao Pengyu became anxious. “I didn’t agree to it, ah! This is marriage fraud! I barely passed all of my exams! Educated, my ass!” Gu Ye suddenly approached him and looked at his neck. There was a pink mark there, causing Gu Ye’s expression to darken, “Didn’t you enter the bridal chamber with your wife? Didn’t you already make children? Sorry, I can’t help you.” “No! I’m still a virgin, I swear!” Gu Ye said with a tone full of implication, “You… You’re such a waste.”  Zhao Pengyu : “…” What exactly did you want me to answer? You’re just having fun at my expense! Having amused himself enough, Gu Ye said, “Okay, I’ll write down a list of some materials, please prepare them. The ghost you encountered is not a common one. Her Sha Qi is very strong, and it’s going to take a lot of effort to solve it.” Just as he finished saying this, the door opened and two people came in. One of them held a pouch. It was Zhao Pengyu’s father.  The other wore a suit, was tall, stood with an upright posture, and had beautiful facial features. The mole on the outer corner of his left eye and his slightly anxious gaze softened his temperament a little, but he still exuded a sense of alienation. As soon as he showed up, Gu Ye was stunned because the aura of this man that no ghosts and deities dared to provoke was very similar to the God’s son he had encountered on the evening of a certain scum’s concert. Gu Ye’s eyes brightened. With him here, saving Zhao Pengyu would be a piece of cake!

Chapter 17 - Introducing Mr. Yu, whose three views were shattered Zhao Zhifeng hugged his son emotionally before handing over the pouch to Gu Ye. “This is the thing Zhao Pengyu picked up. We didn’t dare to burn it as a Master said that his soul would also burn along with it.”

Gu Ye chuckled. Those Masters seemed to at least have some skill. If it was not for his soul-protecting talisman, Zhao Pengyu’s soul really would have flown away. Gu Ye threw the joss paper money to the ground, picked up a fork from the table, and fiercely stabbed the stack of joss paper money, which immediately let out a hissing sound. A few wisps of black smoke emerged and tried to stop his actions, but Gu Ye sneered before making some gestures with his fingers. A lightning bolt appeared out of nowhere and cleaved the stack of joss paper money, and the smell of blood emerged. Mrs. Zhao nervously advised, “Master Wang Minghai also tried to destroy this thing, but it backfired. You must be careful!”  Gu Ye’s lips curled up into a smile and said, “Why should I? It’s no use trying to fight me anyway, so what it’s doing right now is futile.” The moment Gu Ye put some strength into his hand, the fork went straight into the stack of paper and black blood immediately flowed from it. At the same time, Zhao Pengyu’s breathing also became steadier. A dark torrent of wind suddenly gushed in, and the paper flew up in the ward. The strangest thing was that as soon as it got near Yu Ze, it immediately avoided him. Seeing this, Gu Ye immediately thought : As I expected! No matter how fierce the ghosts are, they will never dare to provoke Yu Ze. Having made a decision, Gu Ye let out a purple flame from his hand and quickly burned the joss paper money. No matter how it struggled, it couldn’t escape Gu Ye’s flame, and the young man coldly spoke, “Either you piss off or I’ll make you disappear. I don’t follow the bullshit rules of the Xuashu Society.” It was dark and the torrent of wind was still swirling about, but it didn’t dare to get close to Gu Ye. After struggling for a few rounds, the dark wind turned into the silhouette of a person with a withered, dark, and thin appearance. Its pair of gray eyes viciously stared at Gu Ye. The thick Gui Qi made the temperature in the ward drop several degrees. Everybody present was so scared that they almost screamed. Zhao Pengyu was suddenly full of strength and jumped up from the bed to protect his mother. However, his legs were shaking, and he didn’t dare to look at the ghost. This was the first time he had an emotional entanglement with the opposite sex and it left a huge trauma on him! Yu Ze looked at the ghost indifferently before examining her and looking downward… Yup, there’s no shadow there. Unwilling to give up his world beliefs, he looked at the walls but didn’t see any holes from where a projector could be.

Gu Ye pointed at Zhao Pengyu and asked with a smile, “You’re not leaving immediately? Is it because you fell in love with this one?”  A glint of light flashed in the ghost’s dull grey eyes. “Let Zhao Pengyu go and I’ll send somebody exactly the same to you. As for your injustice, someone will help you solve it. If you continue to pester him, then… Hehe.” Gu Ye chuckled with a cold expression. This ghost had already taken revenge against her murderer, but as soon as she roped in innocent people and started harming them, her actions crossed his bottom line. The female ghost looked at Gu Ye and the auspicious cloud surrounding Yu Ze, and her expression turned bad before she took two steps back and disappeared in a cluster of wind, leaving the joss paper money scattered on the ground. Everyone present stared at the place she disappeared from with their jaws dropped. None of them could recover from the shock. Mrs. Zhao’s face was pale while Yu Ze was the only one with no expression. After seeing phenomena that couldn’t be explained scientifically, a trace of complex emotion finally appeared in his expression.  As if nothing had happened, Gu Ye said, “Okay, you can burn this joss paper money now. She won’t come back.” Zhao Pengyu pinched his nose, “Why is it so smelly?” “Your wife has already given you a betrothal gift and brought you back as her husband. Now that you’re backing off, wouldn’t she be vomiting blood from anger?” Zhao Pengyu really wanted to cry. Don’t say the word “wife”, he wanted to pee, ah!  Gu Ye glanced at the Gui Qi permeating in the room and said, “Open the window to ventilate the room. Quickly buy the things I’ve written down.” Yu Ze nodded affirmatively with a cold expression. “But I couldn’t figure it out.”  “Pfft!” Gu Ye has never met such an interesting person before, so he couldn’t hold back his laughter. Yu Ze frowned upon seeing Gu Ye’s unconcealed amusement before shaking his head helplessly. The happenings around him really had no scientific explanations after all. The materials Gu Ye had asked for arrived after a while and Gu Ye took them to the balcony, sat there, and began to fold some paper. No one in the ward dared to disturb him, so they just quietly watched him. Gu Ye had his head down with a calm and serene expression, doing his own thing in an orderly manner. Gradually, the atmosphere in the ward became peaceful and quiet from the earlier horror, as if that scary event happened a long time ago. Gu Ye had an aura about him that was quite peculiar. When he was quiet, the air around him would also be peaceful. Zhao Pengyu lay down again at this time, feeling drowsy.

Looking at the stack of papers and other things around Gu Ye, Yu Ze went over and asked in a deep voice, “Is there anything I can help with?”  His voice was magnetic and slightly cold, which was in line with his temperament : So gentlemanly that one could not find any fault, but still gave off a sense of alienation. Gu Ye raised his head before pushing the paper he had folded forward and said with a smile, “If Mr. Yu touches every single one of them, they will be invincible.” Yu Ze : “…” Gu Ye smiled. “I’m not joking. Mr. Yu has a very rare destiny and often does good deeds. On top of that, you are blessed by the Heavens and no ghosts or deities dare to provoke you. If you touch these things, they will have your trace and no evil being will dare to get close.”  Yu Ze raised his eyebrows slightly. “Will it save Pengyu?” “Yes.” Gu Ye nodded. Yu Ze stopped talking and started to touch the paper Gu Ye folded one by one. His movements were slow and elegant, and his expression was solemn, as if he was performing some kind of ritual. Gu Ye’s lips slightly curled upwards in a smile, thinking that this was really good. This man, who has the rare Imperial Aura and a temperament that alienated everyone, was surprisingly very concerned about his family. He’s a philanthropist too, judging from the golden light on him. No wonder Mr. Yu would choose Yu Ze from the many youngsters in the Yu Family as his heir.  At this time, Yu Ze’s secretary suddenly sent him a text message, reminding him : [Mr. Yu, I heard that the reason why Li Rui’s case was solved so quickly was because someone was secretly helping with the investigation. During the concert that day, that young Taoist was also there. Was he really chasing a star?] After Yu Ze read it, he glanced at Gu Ye and with a cold face, he asked his secretary : [Are you a paparazzi?] The secretary’s heart felt heavy. This was his boss reminding him that this Young Master was a godly character and he should stay away. Half an hour later, Gu Ye glued the folded paper together and shaped it into a half a meter tall human form. He also looked at Zhao Pengyu. “Mr. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao, I need blood from your ring finger. Two drops will be fine.”  Hearing that his parents’ blood was needed, Zhao Pengyu protested, “Why my parents’ blood? It’s my fault, so use mine.” Gu Ye sneered and said, “Because your blood comes from your parents. Only their blood can be used as your substitute. Remember not to let anyone like me take your blood in the future. If they have bad intentions, you wouldn’t even know how you died.”

Being rebutted, Zhao Pengyu fell on the bed like a defeated penguin. After taking the blood from Zhao Pengyu’s parents, Gu Ye evenly smeared it on the paper doll’s eyebrows. He then took cinnabar from his pocket, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, his temperament became extremely solemn. The moment the tip of the brush fell, it lightly fluttered on the paper doll, and a substitute was successfully created. “Close the curtains and turn off the lights.”  After the ward went dark, Gu Ye drew a circle beside the bed, threw the paper doll inside the circle, drew a symbol in the air, and pointed his finger at the middle of the doll’s eyebrows. A faint golden light lit up, and a green flame immediately engulfed the paper doll right after. This strange scene made everyone’s scalp feel numb, and they all retreated back a few steps on reflex. This strange event made them feel that this thing was dirty. The paper doll disappeared in the green flame, and Zhao Pengyu’s face regained blood at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. “I feel that my body is not as heavy anymore. Does this mean I’m good now?” As soon as Gu Ye nodded, Zhao Pengyu immediately grabbed the hem of his clothes and said, “From now on, my life is yours.” Gu Ye swatted Zhao Pengyu’s hands off his clothes and said, “Then you should study hard. You should improve your rank by at least 500 places in the next exam next month so that you can accompany me to the same university.”  “What?” Zhao Pengyu chuckled awkwardly, looking as if he misheard it. “What did you say?” Gu Ye smiled nicely. “If you can’t improve your rank, I’ll send you to marry the little sister.” Thinking about his performance in school, Zhao Pengyu asked in despair, “Can you change—” “No way.” Gu Ye cut him off before Zhao Pengyu could finish his words and then looked at his parents. “His Yang was damaged, so he should get plenty of sleep for the next two days. Leave the curtain open to let the sunshine in, and things should be fine.”  Mrs. Zhao worriedly asked, “That thing won’t look for him again?” Gu Ye shook his head. “No, and I have to go back to school now. Xia Xiang is still waiting for me.” Gu Ye looked at his watch, waved towards Zhao Pengyu, and turned around, wanting to leave. However, before he could exit, Mr. Zhao stopped him. “Young Master, please stay!”

The moment Gu Ye turned around, a cheque was stuffed into his hand. He looked at it before smiling. The Zhao Family was really generous; they actually gave him five million yuan. Gu Ye returned the cheque and said with a smile, “Zhao Pengyu is my friend.” Before Mr. Zhao could say anything more, his wife pulled him back. Looking at his wife, he understood what she meant. Mr. Zhao looked at Gu Ye with a smile and admiringly said, “Yes, the life of a friend should not be measured with money. I was too hasty.”  As a knowledgeable man, Mr. Zhao could see that Gu Ye valued his son’s friendship and was not the type of person who could be tempted by money. He specifically visited Zhao Pengyu because he was his friend, and he refused the money without even blinking. This was a kind and righteous young man. His son was lucky to have Gu Ye as a friend. “I see. Then come to our house often if you’re free. Your Auntie’s soup is delicious, you can try it.” Gu Ye thanked Mr. Zhao with a smile and walked out the door, followed by another man who said, “I’ll send you. There’s something I want to ask for your advice.” The man was Yu Ze.  Even though he was facing a high school student, Yu Ze was still able to say the words “asking for advice” so formally. One could easily see Yu Ze’s character just from this. With his lips slightly upturned, Gu Ye said, “Then I’ll trouble Mr. Yu.” After getting in the car, Gu Ye took a look at Yu Ze’s face again and thought that it was incredible. This man was the most amazing person he has ever seen. “Mr. Yu is very lucky.” Gu Ye couldn’t help but say with a sigh. Yu Ze didn’t think so. “The people in your line of work all say that I’m doomed to die alone with no offspring and that my life won’t be complete. How is this lucky?”  Gu Ye laughed in reply. “Do you believe in destiny?” “No.” “That’s good, then. If you don’t believe in destiny, you can always believe in yourself.” This was Yu Ze’s first time hearing a metaphysics master say that he didn’t believe in destiny. Yu Ze subconsciously glanced at Gu Ye and found that the latter was smiling with squinted eyes. Gu Ye’s pupils were dark like black jade, deep, and somewhat mysterious. However, the pureness and straightforward nature of his couldn’t be hidden. This was a person who didn’t like to beat around the bush. Yu Ze’s perpetually cold expression finally eased slightly, and the corner of his lips curled up into a faint smile. “Can you tell me about that woman?” 

Gu Ye looked out the window and said, “That bridge has a problem. There’s a person who was buried in the foundation and painfully died. Mr. Yu wants to check it out?” Yu Ze nodded. “Pengyu almost died. Naturally, I want to find out what happened.” “I don’t know the specifics. I just used a substitution technique to have a puppet take Zhao Pengyu’s place. I’m about to take the college entrance examination and have no time to handle these sorts of things. I promised her that I would seek justice for her, and I also hope to enjoy a summer vacation at the same time. Now that Mr. Yu wants to check the matter, you really saved me quite the effort.” Yu Ze shook his head. “It’s Pengyu’s trouble to begin with. We shouldn’t leave everything to you.”  The look in Gu Ye’s eyes turned more appreciative. “Then I suggest you start with the body.” “Are you sure there’s a body?” “Positive.” “Thank you.”  Seeing the man confirm the matter and thanking him solemnly, Gu Ye was quite happy. This man was very interesting. The car stopped at the door of a hotel, and Gu Ye tilted his head in confusion. “Huh?” Opening the door, Yu Ze said, “The school’s cafeteria shouldn’t be serving food at this time. I’ll send you back after a meal.” Gu Ye touched his stomach that may or may not have gurgled all the way here and said with an awkward smile, “That…Thank you.”  In fact, Yu Ze’s materialism and scientific beliefs had been shaken by this event. However, he never expected that after following Gu Ye’s advice to start his investigation, the result would completely overthrow his previous beliefs. When the Zhao Family saw the result of the investigation, they all fell silent. The only thing that they could say was that human nature is truly complicated. There are three evil deeds among society: Dragon binding, living foundation, and human sacrifice. The protagonist of this story is a girl who was sold by her parents to be the foundation of a bridge for money. 

Chapter 18 - Why does having a daughter mean you’re losing money? Thirty years ago, the capital had a water conservancy project that required construction of a bridge. When they set the last pile for the bridge, it wasn’t stable. The construction company tried every method to stabilize it but nothing worked. This was the last section of the bridge left, how could they hand over the bridge if the pile was faulty? At that time, people’s mindset was still relatively backward. The constructor invited a Feng Shui Master to take a look, and that Master said that breaking the soil there had disturbed the Earth Deity and River Spirit. To solve this, it was necessary to build a living foundation by sacrificing a person. A living foundation is built when a living person is offered as sacrifice and sealed into the pile. In this case, it means a person will be sealed into the concrete column while they’re still alive. Such a cruel practice, where do one search for a sacrifice? If even one step went wrong, they could get indicted in a murder case. It was at this juncture that someone gave them the idea to search for a sacrifice in the remote mountain area villages.  The person in charge of the construction was immediately moved by the idea. If they buy someone from the remote mountain area far from the capital, no one would notice the missing person. So the person in charge found a poor family with five children in the mountain. The family was so poor that even three meals a day were not a guaranteed luxury. As soon as they heard that the amount of money they will gain for selling one of their children would be enough for the entire family to live off for several years, they decided to sell their second daughter whom they disliked. They wanted to send their three sons to school. Their eldest daughter will be able to get married in two years, after raising her for so many years it was time to get some returns on the bride price.The remaining children were all sons and will be the continuation of the family line. They were treasured and cannot be sold off. The second daughter was 18 years old, with a mole on her forehead, and was not fond of talking. This kind of dull personality was really not popular with people. She didn’t even have a matchmaker interested in arranging a marriage for her. From the look of things, she wouldn’t fetch a high bride price even if she gets married, so it was better to sell her off for some extra money. The middleman said they’re buying a girl to marry her off with a fool, so the girl’s parents didn’t even hesitate to take the money and kick her out of the house.

Just like this, an 18-year-old girl was sealed into the concrete pile by a black-hearted constructor, and amazingly, the bridge was really successfully completed after that. However, strange things started happening ever since. First, the workers died one after another and the people who walked on that bridge often had accidents. The constructor realized that something must have gone wrong and went to find the Feng Shui Master but found out that man was a fraud! The Feng Shui Master had heard of such a method in passing and simply proposed it as a solution. He didn’t know that they would really take a human’s life. He quickly ran away in fear. A few days later, the constructor also died in a tragic manner at home. Everyone who was involved with the live sacrifice met a tragic end. Gradually, the rumor about the bridge’s evil nature spread and many people dare not take the bridge. Later, the abandoned bridge was filled up as no one used it anymore, and there had been no accidents since. As time passed, except for the local elderly, no one knew that there was a bridge there. Just as the family’s life was getting even better, strange things started happening. First, their little grandson hit his head when he was pushed down the stairs. After he recovered from his head injury, he was locked in the cabinet. He was so traumatised from the incident that he nearly became a fool. The child said those things were done by a ‘big sister’. The family was shocked by his description of that ‘big sister’ because she sounded like the second daughter whom the parents sold away many years ago. Soon after that, more strange things happened. Flower pots fell from out of nowhere, the sound of people laughing in the middle of the night, the gas stove lit up on its own, and the chopping board suddenly got covered in blood. All the children in the family said they saw a young girl doing it. At this time, the old couple were both afraid. They suspected that something must have happened to their second daughter after they sold her away. Maybe she had lost her life and came back for revenge. They asked a Master to take a look. That Master said to calm her anger, they needed to have a ghost marriage for her and let her live a good life in the other world. And the husband should not be a deceased man, but a living one. It would be best if he was a good looking lad close in age. These all lead to Zhao Pengyu, who found the pouch. In fact, when he found that pouch, someone had been observing him the whole time.  Yu Ze was quite petty. Someone nearly cost his nephew’s life, how could he let this slide? He immediately found someone to deal with this matter. On the same day, the road was closed, and the bridge was excavated. They found that there was indeed a set of human remains inside the foundation. After examining the remains, they concluded that this was the skeleton of an 18 years old female.

The police quickly joined the investigation and unearthed this tragic case that had been buried for thirty years. The constructor and the workers who were involved in this case had all died. It was said that the Feng Shui Master who proposed the sacrifice had also died a few years after the bridge was built so they couldn’t make a convict a dead man. That Master who proposed the dumb idea for ghost marriage on the other hand couldn’t run away from his crimes. The girl’s parents are also still alive. Human trafficking even when they are your own daughter is still a crime. So the old couple was escorted to the police station for questioning. The couple made use of their old age to stir trouble for several days. They pretended to faint so they got sent to the hospital, and after recovering, they were brought back to the police station. After being shuttled back and forth like this a few times, they ended up back in the hospital, exhausted.  The police came to their ward and handed the investigation results to them before saying, “Do you want to read the process of your daughter’s death yourself or do you want me to read it for you?” The couple were both reluctant to listen. The old woman no longer pretended to be sick but tried to reason instead, “She’s our daughter who I gave birth to and raised. Who would want her to die? But if I don’t sell her, my three sons would starve to death. Don’t you think she should contribute to the family that raised her? Now that we all have a good life, she, that unfilial daughter, came back to torment my little grandson. Our Liu Family only has that one little grandson, the seedling that will continue our family.” Hearing this perverted reason, the police officer held down his anger and said, “Then you should identify the body and bring her back for burial.” “That won’t do.” The old man was unhappy, “We have rules in our hometown. Daughters can’t enter the ancestral graves; it will bring bad luck. Find her an in-law. She has been dead for years, we don’t want much, just 20,000 yuan is enough as a bride price.”  The police officers in charge of the case got so angry that he temporarily stopped the questioning to leave the room. He breathed in some clean air outside the ward to prevent himself from going ballistic. No one saw that after the officer left, a dark shadow leaned against the wall. Its dull grey eyes quietly stared at the two old people in the ward. Before long, two lines of blood flowed from its eyes. Gu Ye, who was at school, felt his heart jump wildly. He pinched his fingers to calculate the situation and his expression instantly changed. After class, he immediately went to

a public phone in the school, “Zhao Pengyu, give me your uncle’s phone number. Something went wrong.” Zhao Pengyu had already been discharged from the hospital. After resting for several days, he had already recovered and was packing his stuff to go back to school. Hearing Gu Ye’s obviously anxious tone, he ran to the window and shouted, “Uncle, Gu Ye wants to talk to you!”  Yu Ze, who already had one foot in the car, stopped and turned around after hearing this. Zhao Pengyu was confused by this. Since when did his uncle become so tolerant? “This is Yu Ze speaking.” As soon as he heard Yu Ze’s voice, Gu Ye hurriedly said, “Mr. Yu, the ghost girl might have been stimulated by something. I can sense that she is going out of control, and the possibility of her harming innocent people is high. You have the Zi Qi, she’s afraid of you. Can you go to her house and check on the situation?” Yu Ze’s expression darkened before he calmly said in response to Gu Ye’s expectations, “Okay.”  Gu Ye let out a relieved sigh, “Thank you! Sorry to trouble you! Ah, I have to go to class! Goodbye, Mr. Yu!” Hearing the dial tone after the call being hung up in a hurry, Yu Ze shook his head helplessly. After leaving the house, he immediately made a phone call. “Find out where Liu Qiao’s parents are and what have they just done.” Right now, only her biological parents can stimulate Liu Qiao. After his staff reported the old couple’s deeds to him word-by-word, Yu Ze made another call. “Find the Liu Family’s little grandson and bring him along with his parents to me.” Yu Ze’s thinking was quick and accurate so he immediately grasped Liu Qiao’s thoughts. Liu Qiao was hurt by her parents’ words and had lost control. Right now, she wanted to kill the little grandson her parents loved so much. But he had been taken away and she had no way to approach him as she was afraid of Yu Ze’s Zi Qi. In her anger, she went back to the hospital and stared at her parents who were lying on the bed, pretending to be sick. Her pupils were already dyed red with blood.  Why do her parents treat her like this? Because she’s a girl, therefore she was naturally a money-losing proposition? From a child till adult, why did they never care about her? Why can’t she get praised no matter what she did? Why should she be sold for the betterment of the whole family? Don’t they know how cold the cement was? That feeling of being suffocated slowly, it was very excruciating. Don’t they know that she’s making such a fuss just to hear them say they regretted what they did to her? That was all she wanted but why can’t she ever get what she wants? Liu Qiao slowly approached her parents, until she was in between their beds. She then reached out and covered their mouths and noses, watching as they struggled to

breathe and tried to escape her hold. But they could do nothing. Their faces distorted in pain, much like her expression before her death. The corners of her lips gradually curled up into a strange smile. Undeniably, at this moment, she was very happy. The next day, the nurse who was on duty found the two patients dead on their beds. After forensic examination, their cause of death was ruled as asphyxia. The strange thing was, when the surveillance was checked, there were no visitors whatsoever in the ward. The good thing was, Gu Ye never sensed Liu Qiao’s ghost anymore after the old couple died. The Master who proposed the absurd ghost marriage had also received his due. It was a calm period and Gu Ye concentrated on his studies for the college entrance examination.  As soon as Yu Ze got involved in this matter, the whole incident spread quickly in the high society’s circle. Gu Ye, an 18-year-old child, actually solved a problem many famous Masters couldn’t. The Third Young Master of the Gu Family got his brain cured after visiting their hometown. Not only did he get first place on an exam, but he could also do fortune-telling now? The high-society circle felt this was too magical, no, it was simply impossible! It was only after hearing rumors that Zhao Pengyu’s parents paid a visit to Gu Decheng that they believed the news about Gu Ye and they were really shocked by this. Did the third son of the Gu Family hide his ability for 18 years? How could a child have such a deep mind? What did Mrs. Gu do to him that made him turn out like this? Without her knowing it, Mrs. Gu, the stepmother, was carrying the blame. Meanwhile, Gu Decheng was actually worried about another thing. Many people said that Feng Shui Masters and fortune tellers would more or less had something missing in their destinies. Now that Gu Ye was working in this line and getting better and better, will it have an impact on his future? No matter how he thought about it, he can’t feel assured. “We can’t let him do this kind of thing anymore later.” Gu Decheng said, worried, “Let’s choose a course for him at the university that doesn’t have anything to do with this field.”  As the stepmother, Mrs. Gu didn’t have the right to make decisions for Gu Ye so she said, “How about discussing it with Lao Da and Lao Er first? Didn’t they say they will come back when Lao San and Lao Si are on holiday?” Gu Decheng pondered for a while before saying, “No, let Lao Da take him abroad. No one in other countries would believe in this thing.” Thinking of Gu Ye’s rebelling personality, Mrs. Gu subtly hid all the fragile ornaments in the house. Gu Ye certainly won’t obey his father’s arrangement and when Lao Da and Lao Er come home, he would dare to fight against the three of them. At that time, the

house would be chaotic. After some thoughts, Mrs. Gu also hid things that can be used to hit people. Better safe than sorry.

Chapter 19 The younger brother provides home, door, service, business!    On the third day after Gu Ye returned to school, Zhao Pengyu went back to school alive and kicking, chatting to Gu Ye about everything his Little Uncle did, "My Little Uncle said thank you for your clues. He owes you a favor."    Gu Ye smiled slightly, "If you can find out, it is his merit to return your wife's justice. I didn't do anything to help. Moreover, he believed my words and saved an innocent child. I should thank you. He is right."       Zhao Pengyu's head hurts when he hears "daughter-in-law", "I don't want to marry a daughter-in-law anymore, so please forgive me!"       Gu Yeyu encouraged him with earnest heart: "Then you can find a good family and marry, you will be old if you don't marry."       Zhao Pengyu has the urge to knock Gu Ye down and give it a hammer, "I will marry you, do you want it?"       Gu Ye stood up and crossed his hands with his hands, with a look of disgust: "Ugly rejection, thank you."       Zhao Pengyu was laughed by everyone, and chased up heartily, "Gu Ye, do you know Feng Shui, can you help me see it?"        Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, "Your parents said?"     

"Yes indeed."       "I want money this time."      "give!"    "Okay, my younger brother provides services, services, ancestral fortune-telling, feng shui reading, five-element gossip...cutting hair and braids, professional treatment of infertility, cell phone film and so on." Gu Ye said nonsense seriously. Zhao Pengyu collapsed and covered his face, "You are more serious!"        Gu Ye looked at him with the eyes of a white-eyed wolf, "How can you say that your savior is not serious?"          Zhao Pengyu collapsed, "Dad, please shut your mouth, thank you!"        "Okay, damn it!"       Zhao Pengyu gritted his teeth, constantly reminding himself that if he beats his savior, he will be condemned by God!          took another business, Gu Ye returned to the classroom in a good mood. Just after sitting down, several classmates gathered around, "Gu Ye, how do you do this? Can you tell me about it? Please!"    Since Gu Ye took the first place in the exam, teachers and classmates have paid special attention to him. Gradually everyone believed that Gu Ye was really good at studying, and Gu Ye was not arrogant or arrogant. Generally, he would tell him questions. . The most important thing is that he looks good and girls are willing to talk to him. Gradually, Gu Ye's popularity became better and better, and some boys were secretly jealous of him. When he saw his smiling face, he couldn't get jealous anymore. However, Lin Zihao had always been popular and studied well before, but after Gu Ye's "curse", his grades have been declining, his personality is getting more and more weird, and his popularity is getting worse.

      In the words of the girls in the class, who is not a young man anymore? Who do you show your face to, sister is not you Ma Ma!      The good thing is that Lin Zihao saw Gu Ye and went away. He didn't have the guts to cause trouble anymore, and Gu Ye didn't bother to care about him.       Gu Ye, like other senior students in high school, is faced with reviewing materials every day. The college entrance examination was getting closer and closer. Gu Ye watched the classmates running to eat, and holding a small note in his hand to recite the question. Gu Ye also felt the pressure. Into the intense learning atmosphere.      Si Hongxing and the others saw Gu Ye doing this, they were all angrily trying to be strong. They grind their guns. The boss is like this. The younger brothers can't fall back, can't take one book, can't take two books, or take three books. It's really impossible to learn a craft, open a shop, develop into a company, and hire those who have learned well to be employees in the future!       The whole school is an atmosphere of studying well, and even the school tyrants have started to learn. Teacher Yu always feels very relieved. This is the last group of students he taught before retirement. He hopes that they will all achieve good results without regret.      Until the day of the holiday, the classmates took a sigh of relief. Teacher Yu came to send out a few lists to each person, "After I go back, I will discuss with my family and I will apply for the college entrance examination."        Gu Ye stuffed the list into his school bag, and already had an idea about his future plans.       When leaving school, Zhao Pengyu reminded: "I will pick you up tomorrow morning and come to my house to see Feng Shui."          Gu Ye waved his hand with a smile, indicating that he would

never forget. After walking for more than a thousand meters, I finally got in to pick up his car. Just as Gu Ye sat down, a figure rushed over behind him and grabbed Gu Ye's neck, "Wow, haha! Tailing Nine Palaces, Taiyi Shoufang, Baishen Mori, the evil devil, you must not come in person! Too old gentleman, anxious as a law! I accept!"       Gu Ye rolled his eyes and slapped his backhand on Gu Yang's forehead. There was only one sentence: "Are you stupid!"       Gu Yang leaned in hehe, "Brother, did what I learned just now look like?"       Gu Ye nodded perfunctorily, "Like like an image, like a second fool."       Gu Yang felt wronged and put his head on Gu Ye's shoulder, motionless. The child has suffered a severe blow to his mind and needs comfort.       Gu Ye was amused, and helplessly rubbed his brother's head, "It's all so big, why are you acting like a baby?"       Gu Yang's eyes widened and his face was cold, "Where did I act like a baby? How come my masters act like a baby?!"       Gu Ye nodded perfunctorily, "Yes, yes, my brother, I never act like a baby. I will pass by the figure shop for a while, and I will buy you a mech figure."       Gu Yang excitedly jumped in the car, "Okay! My pocket money has been spent! Brother, you still have it!"       Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry. Gu Yang's typical dog hole couldn't hold a nest. He could spend as much money as possible.       At this time, the uncle driver said, "Three young and four young, the young master came back yesterday and bought a lot of gifts for the two of you. I saw a life-size Transformer inside."

   "Wow!" Gu Yang wanted to go to heaven happily, "It was for me! I called my eldest brother and he promised to buy it for me!" Gu Yang thought for a while, his face suddenly became serious, "It's broken, I forget Now I want a present for my second brother, I want a new laptop."       Gu Ye smiled, so this kid doesn't need to learn at all. As long as he keeps this pure, his brothers can keep him full for the rest of his life.       After returning home, Gu Yang rushed out of the car like a small wild horse, shouting happily: "Big brother! Second brother! We are back!"      Compared with Gu Yang's excitement, Gu Ye, his own brother, walked slowly with his schoolbag on his back.       On the lawn of the back garden, there is a rockery made of marble. Next to the rockery, there is a set of tables and chairs made of marble. Two young men with similar eyebrows are playing chess. Hearing Gu Yang's voice, the two looked over at the same time and both laughed.       "The fourth one has grown a lot taller." The eldest brother Gu Sen is 26 years old this year. He is a little more mature and looks more like his father Gu Decheng. He is slightly stern and looks calm and calm. He already has the temperament of a mature elite.       Gu Lin, the second child, is 23 years old and just graduated. He looks more similar to Gu Ye. He looks like his mother. He has handsome eyebrows and beautiful peach eyes. He looks romantic and affectionate when he smiles. When the corners of his mouth were slightly provoked, he looked like a big, temperamental man, but he did not look like an amorous person with the grace of an aristocratic boy. Only those who knew him knew that this noble son dared to open an entertainment company when he was a college. He is

absolutely ruthless because he accounts for half of the entertainment industry at such a young age.       "It would be good if the third is half as lively as the fourth." Gu Lin looked at Gu Ye who was walking by Shi Shiran, and said softly, "This year, give him a birthday."       Gu Sen hesitated and frowned, "I'm afraid he can't accept it."       Gu Ye's birthday coincides with his mother's memorial day. His mother died of dystocia after giving birth to him. In the past few years, the family was busy sweeping the tomb, and I couldn't remember to celebrate him. Later, I wanted to give it to him, but he didn't want to. The whole family felt that Gu Ye's somber temperament was also blamed on them for caring too little, which prevented him from having a normal childhood. Now that he wants to make up, Gu Ye has grown up and is too late.       In the blink of an eye, Gu Yang ran to his eyes. Both the elder brother and the second brother treated him like a child, rubbing his head in a mess with each hand. Gu Yang was quite beautiful, and asked concerned: "Big brother and second brother, where is my gift?"       Gu Sen winked at the assistant who was standing not far away. The assistant knew it quickly and quickly found someone to push the gift over. A two-meter-high bumblebee made Gu Yang jump up happily on the spot.       Gu Lin smiled and said, "All the gifts I bought for you are in your room, and there is the laptop you want."       When Gu Yang heard this, he was happily spreading out on the entire lawn, watching Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, just wanting to tie a rope to the bear boy, let his mother move back, let him be honest and quiet! Don't wave!       The brothers looked at Gu Ye again, the smiles on their faces became more cautious, and there was a little caution in their eyes,

"The third child, I heard that you have taken the first place in the school twice and performed well."       "Is there anything you want? Tell your brother, I bought you a mobile phone, a computer, and a few game consoles. They are all in your house. Go back and see if you like it."       Gu Ye chuckles, it's not easy to be an elder brother, "Thank you, eldest brother and second brother, for costing you all."       Gu Ye smiled, Gu Sen and Gu Lin were stunned, because they had never seen Gu Ye smile like this since they were young.       Gu Sen and Gu Lin immediately felt relieved that Gu Ye was finally able to be like a normal person. Buying gifts can make him happy!       Early the next morning, the two security guards carried two large bags and delivered them upstairs, knocking on Gu Ye's door.       "The Third Young Master, this is a gift bought by the eldest young master, this is a gift from the Second Young Master."       Gu Ye's eyes lit up, and he squeezed the corners of his mouth and asked the little brother to send him into the house. After the other party had left, he closed the door, took the scissors, and opened it with a smile. The smile on his face cooled down in a second.    "Five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation", "College Entrance Exam Compulsory Questions", "College Entrance Examination Sprint 50 Sets", "College Entrance Examination Help", "College Entrance Examination Review Plan Key Points", "College Entrance Examination No. 1 Scholar Plan Key Points", "Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Students Brush Question Dogs" "...There are more than fifty copies in one set. Those two parts are multiplied by two!    Gu Ye put down the scissors with a face of indifference, and the

corners of his mouth twitched. The eldest brother and the second elder brother definitely bought it in the bookstore closest to home, and the overbearing president said the same thing: "Give me one set of review materials for the college entrance examination.unit!"      As an overbearing president, shouldn't he buy some tall things for him? Or just plug him a big red envelope. Who would want this kind of information?    When going downstairs for breakfast, Gu Ye saw Gu Yang wearing the latest jersey sitting on the sofa with the latest mobile phone next to him, the latest laptop in his arms, and the latest backpack with the zipper open. Several of the latest game consoles, just like a wealthy tyrant, are stunned, feeling that life has reached the peak. Thinking about the study materials in his room again, Gu Ye suddenly felt that he had received a fatal blow, and his heart ached.       Madam Gu looked at her stupid son with complicated eyes, and she was even more unhappy when she saw Gu Ye coming downstairs.       Gu Sen and Gu Lin are really good to Gu Yang. From childhood to big, they give everything Gu Yang wants, but they never give Gu Yang study materials. There is a word called "drowning", she sometimes wonders, did the two brothers deliberately do this, trying to raise Gu Yang and abolish it? Thinking about the attitudes of the two brothers on weekdays, it seems that they are not very similar. In short, Mrs. Gu is in a complicated mood.    After breakfast, Gu Yang was still playing in the living room. Mrs. Gu quietly came behind her son while no one was there. She hated iron and steel and pinched his two or two necks, and whispered: "Don't take advantage of your elder brother. The second brother came back and went to find them to get into the relationship. What would you do for yourself?"    Gu Yang grinned in pain, and reluctantly said: "I'm not going. It's better to find my third brother to play with them. They play with me

and train me so that I can study hard. Yes, when my eldest brother is angry Dad seems to be like Tyrannosaurus rex. When my second brother was angry, he squinted his eyes and looked good, but his aura was scared to death. My second brother is Godzilla in the coat of beauty, oh oh~~ oh!"       Madam Gu is so angry that she just wants to beat her son, this fool! Whoops! Do you wait and expect the youngest to tell his fortunetelling to give him money? Do you really want to count on the boss and second child without his father?    Gu Yang didn't understand the mood of being a mother at all. He clutched his neck and suddenly changed his face. "Actually, my third brother was scary when he was training people with cold face. It's not Tyrannosaurus or Godzilla. It's a cat who might bite people. ?Fox? Forget it, it doesn't matter, he loves me anyway."       Madam Gu rolled her eyes angrily, "Can your brother compare with the fox and the cat?"       Gu Yang thought for a while, "Why not? Both look good, foxes and cats are also the same species, they all have fur."    Madam Gu couldn't help it anymore and slapped her son on her back. "There is a fart, you are a stupid kid, one canine and one cat. If you don't learn, you can't even distinguish the species. You are stupid, angry. I'm dead!"       Gu Yang didn't bother, he still played the game happily, and made Mrs. Gu angry and left in half a minute. Such a silly son, can't get it!    At this time, a luxury car stopped at the door of Gu's house. One with sunglasses and a handsome face showed his head from the window. He asked Big Brother Gu who was called to go to his father's company to see the situation: "Excuse me, this is Master Gu Ye Gu. Home?"   

   Gu Sen looked cold, Master? What master? When did the youngest get such a title?

Chapter 20 I'll call back when I'm in a hurry

Zhao Pengyu looked at Gu Sen's face and didn't pretend to be compelled. He took off his sunglasses and got out of the car. He looked at Gu Sen and Gu Ye's eyebrows, which were somewhat similar. Student Ye, came to play with him, brother, is Gu Ye at home?"       Gu Sen looked at him, Zhao Pengyu was seen tightly all over, feeling inexplicably that he was a bad boy who induced his brother not to learn well.       Gu Sen didn't bother to care about a child, "It is Gu Ye's home, but there is no master."    "Hey, I'm playing around, Gu Ye's nickname, Master Gu." Zhao Pengyu smiled awkwardly, and said that he had to find an excuse to ask Gu Ye to come out. His family didn't seem to like him doing this. set.       Gu Sen took another look at him, and saw that he really didn't look like a bad boy. This allowed the security to send Gu Ye a letter.       After calling out Gu Ye, Zhao Pengyu complained with fear, "Your big brother is terrible, I seem to be a rich second generation who doesn't know anything about it."       Gu Ye looked at the sports car he had driven, dragging his chin and said deeply, "You are not like a rich second generation, like a little white face raised by a rich woman.   

   "You can get it! You will feel uncomfortable if you don't run on me for one day!" Zhao Pengyu opened the car door and stuffed Gu Ye in, "I will abduct you someday!"    Gu Ye leaned back in his chair lazily, his slow tone was like reading a text, with no feelings at all, but it sounded extraordinarily irritating, "Ah, help, kidnapping, abduction, this thug beat me Comminuted fracture all over..."       Zhao Pengyu twitched, "Dad, shut up!"       Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay~ Oh!"       Zhao Pengyu just wanted to beat him, what is it that maintains the friendship between them? I want to strangle him every minute!       Seeing that Zhao Pengyu was driving, Gu Ye asked uneasy: "Do you have a driver's license?"       Zhao Pengyu proudly said: "Of course, I went to the exam when I was eighteen."       Gu Ye still pinched his fingers and forgot. After calculating that there will be no accident between them today, he said: "Okay, you can go."      Zhao Pengyu, what kind of experience it is to have a friend who can count on it!       After arriving at Zhao's house, Zhao Pengyu's parents welcomed Gu Ye very warmly. They put out several plates of fruit snacks and so on. It didn't look like they were inviting him to come to see Feng Shui. They just found an excuse to invite him as a guest.       Gu Ye said embarrassedly: "Let's take a look at Feng Shui first."       "Look," Father Zhao stood up, "Uncle will take you to see and ask your aunt to prepare lunch for today's noon. Pengyu will go with

him and entertain your friends."      Zhao Pengyu felt inexplicably that Gu Ye was born. He was sent by his parents to charge up the phone bill when they were engaged in activities in the communications company.    Gu Ye simply walked around Zhao's house and said with a smile: "This villa must have been seen by a skilled Feng Shui master when it was being built. I have nothing to change, only one point for Mr. Zhao's reference. Feng Shui I think that there are trees in the northwest of the villa. Trees represent the beginning of all things, but trees cannot be higher than the villa. The trees are higher than the villa, and the boy in the family is prone to trouble. The tree should be very short when it was planted. Now it is bigger than the villa. Taller."       Zhao Zhifeng recalled that this was indeed the case. When the villa was built, his father-in-law asked someone to show it to him. Feng Shui also said that the tree should not be too high. After so many years, he didn't believe it before, so he forgot it. Now that Gu Ye mentioned it, Zhao Zhifeng remembered it, and immediately thought of Zhao Pengyu's accident. He was also suspicious, wondering if the child had the accident because of this tree.       When my father's heart was overwhelmed, he told the housekeeper: "Now find someone to plan this tree and plant a small one."    Gu Ye chuckled, "Don't worry, just change another tree when you have time, and nothing else. You and your aunt often do good deeds. Both are blessed people. Sometimes it is better to believe in yourself than to believe in yourself. The fate of those who often do good deeds. It will never be bad."    "Okay, uncle took it down." Zhao Zhifeng happily took out a bank card prepared in advance from his pocket, "This million is money for feng shui. After you read it, I feel at ease. I am. I have inquired, your business has rules, saying that if the general owner wants the family

to ruin or die out, the husband will not collect the money? I don't know, anyway, I won't give you too much, the market price."       Gu Ye squinted his eyes. This is a market price that can only be obtained by a first-class master, but this is true.      The rules of a fortune teller are three receipts: the rich pay more, the poor pay less, and you have to pay.       Special circumstance three will not be collected: Those who have died will not be collected, which is the saying that no money will be collected from the dead. Those who are unavoidable in a disaster will not be accepted, because even if they tell the other party, they can't escape death. Those who have no luck in this life will not accept it, because the other party is about to decay and will lose their own virtue.    However, Gu Yeye didn't follow the rules very much. He still felt more emotional. He would accept it if he was willing to accept it. If he didn't accept it, he would not accept it. After he made money, he donated several million to charity. Make up for it with merit.      Speaking of this, Gu Ye didn't refuse, but took it and smiled and said, "Then thank Uncle Zhao."    Gu Ye had to eat lunch at Zhao Pengyu's house. They could see that the two were unwilling to owe favors to others. They saved Zhao Pengyu without asking for money. This made them feel uneasy. If they don't eat this meal, they don't know what to do later. How can I return him? As a result, Gu Ye was forced to support this meal.       Zhao Pengyu was jealous, "I suspect that you are my mother's son."       Gu Ye squinted his eyes, "Don't worry, I will look back and give you a good supplementary lesson. After your grades are raised, my aunt will treat me better."   

   Zhao Pengyu is speechless. He thought that Gu Ye would say that his mother liked him, but he didn't expect to like Gu Ye more. This unreasonable player made him want to shout: Who will take this fairy!    After taking Gu Ye home, when Zhao Pengyu wanted to leave, Gu Ye pulled open his car door and pressed Zhao Pengyu's shoulder with a serious face, "Brother don't go, my eldest brother and second brother are back, and they gave me so many gifts. I can't use them. Give you a copy."       Zhao Pengyu still felt embarrassed, but Gu Ye discovered it with his conscience and gave him a gift.       Not long after, the two subordinates came out carrying a box and placed it on Zhao Pengyu's car. "Master Zhao, my third son said, let you go home and take it apart."       When Zhao Pengyu saw that the box was so big and heavy, he hummed a little tune and went back, thinking that there must be a lot of good things inside. After returning home, Zhao Pengyu couldn't wait to take a look at it, "Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Chemistry", and then, "Five Years of College Entrance Examination and Three Years Simulation", I don't need to read the following, it's all this, Zhao Pengyu's face is green. I'm so caught up in Gu Ye's routine, I swallow dung and kill myself!"       Mother Zhao was about to go to the company. When she heard her son yell so, she was shocked at the door and asked in disgust, "Are you disgusting! What way of death!"       Zhao Pengyu collapses and covers his face, and has no love.       Gu Ye went home and slept in the afternoon. When he got up in the evening, Gu Sen was sitting at the bar, watching the college entrance examination volunteer list he brought home.       Gu Ye went over, poured himself a glass of ice water, and was

drinking it. Gu Sen suddenly asked, "I heard that you are doing fortune-telling recently."       Gu Ye heard that the tone was not right, and drank his mouth water, and happily replied, "Well, just do it casually. It's just fun. My vocation is to study hard."       He looks like this, and he doesn't look like a prank in the second phase, Gu Sen's expression is slightly slow, "What do you think about the university you apply for?"       Gu Ye found a stool and sat down, but he couldn't do it well, "Just stay in the imperial capital."       Gu Sen frowned, "There are better educational resources abroad."       Gu Ye took a bite of the ice, chewing crunchy, "Don't go."       "Reason."       "I can't get used to the food there."       Gu Sen looked at Gu Ye's serious expression, almost exasperated. The reason for seeing a ghost is as reasonable as God.       "I can buy you a house, hire a Chinese housekeeper, and if you want, you can take a nanny at home." Gu Sen felt that Gu Ye was still young and could not make plans for his future, and tried to make sense to him.    Gu Ye shook his head and said with a serious face: "Big Brother, it's fine in the Imperial Capital. I can go home four times a month. When there are five Sundays in a month, I can come back five times!" Gu Ye Seriously stretched out five fingers, telling facts, and presenting evidence, "I can come back to see my old father, eat beef noodles made by my mother, and see our mentally retarded brother, and someone can help me wash my clothes when I leave. Take away a lot of snacks, the thief saves money."

      Gu Sen's forehead buzzed, and he looked at Gu Ye's small mouth babbling. It sounded reasonable at first, but in fact it was all crooked, and only felt a headache. Brother Gu took a deep breath and calmed himself down, "You go to school abroad with me. I will try my best to satisfy you with these. It's really not good. You can live with me."       Gu Ye didn't worry, and said slowly the biggest reason why he didn't go: "Big brother, I will miss home, I miss my parents."       Gu Sen is so speechless that he can't coax it anymore!       "How old are you, looking for your parents?"       Gu Ye put down his water glass, and under the expression of his elder brother angrily trying to punch him, quietly moved out of the bar area, "No way, I'm still young." After speaking, he lifted his long legs, swish! It's gone.       Gu Sen helped his forehead, and understood why their old man didn't want to talk about life with the third child by himself, so he sent him to talk about it. He only feels his head hurts now.    Gu Lin stood at the armrest on the second floor, dragging his chin to watch the excitement, and couldn't help but feel happy. "My dad is afraid that he will be condemned for too many fortune-telling, so I want you to take him abroad, but now the third child is obviously unwilling , Can you still kidnap him?"       Gu Sen thinks about the old man's temper, it's really possible.       Gu Lin smiled and said, "If you make him embarrassed, are you afraid that he will conjure our mother?"       Gu Sen: "......"       After Gu Ye returned to the room, he took the application form that the teacher had given to him, and quickly wrote three wishes:

Imperial Capital First University! Imperial Capital First University! Imperial Capital First University!       Gu Ye still feels unsafe after finishing writing. A powerful person like his dad might tamper with his volunteer book, or tie him up and plug it into the plane. Now that the eldest brother has united the front with the old man, the second brother still can't tell which camp it is. This family can count on... Gu Ye's eyes turned, there is a way!       Gu Ye hid the volunteer book and went downstairs secretly, with only three words in his heart: hehehe.      ---   At this time at Zhao Pengyu's home, Zhao's mother asked her friend: "That little gentleman is back, isn't there always something going on in your house recently? You also said it's very evil, should you ask him to see it?"       Mrs. Zhao did not expect that her recommendation would once again excavate the dark side of human nature and save a family of four friends.

Chapter 21 Someone Wants Their Whole Family To Die

Mrs. Zhao's friend was named Wang, and Zhao Pengyu kept calling her Aunt Wang. Aunt Wang's family background is average, and the birthplace of Mrs. Zhao is very different. But the two of them magically played together when they were in college. They have maintained a close friendship for so many years. The main reason is: this aunt Good character! With a kind heart, I told my friends that I was just a carefree female man, a female man who could stab at both sides for a friend. Later, they were married well, both of them were very capable and the family had small assets. I've been living

smoothly, but I don't know what's going on recently, all kinds of bad luck.

After Mrs. Zhao's reminder, Aunt Wang knew who she was talking about, "Will that little gentleman do it? Is it really the third young master of the Gu family? Gu Decheng's son?"

"Yes, it's very god, so many masters couldn't save my son's life. Gu Ye saved Pengyu as soon as he came. This child is not like the legend at all. His eyes are fascinating, and he looks good with a smile. Speak politely." In any case, in Mrs. Zhao's view, Gu Ye's whole body is good and perfect.

Aunt Wang is still a little bit suspicious, "But before so many people have said that his brain is not good, how can he pinch it?"

"Before, I want to get my father's attention. After all, his father is too busy to take care of him." After all, rich and powerful people, there are a lot of twists and turns inside, and there is a child who pretended to be a fool for more than 20 years Well, the richer, the more people, and the more complex the family, the more things are going on in the family. Mrs. Zhao is not a person who likes to inquire about gossip. She looks at people and only trusts her own eyes. She has never seen the wrong person for so many years. "Anyway, this kid is credible. If you believe me, I will look for him. If you don't believe me, even if you don't believe it, you have to ask if you are free if you want to invite him."

As soon as Mrs. Zhao said this, her friend had no more doubts, "Okay, I believe you, you can help me ask if he can come, money is not a problem."

At this time, Gu Ye was lying at the entrance of the study, looking pitifully at Madam Gu, who was studying. Recently, Madam Gu started to learn to do business, and the beauty shop she opened really made money. This made her more and more motivated. Gu Ye afternoon Sleeping enough, I ran to interrupt her study and annoyed her.

"Mom, I have something, I don't know if I should tell you or not." Gu Ye lay at the door and stopped talking.

When Mrs. Gu heard that he was so embarrassed, she couldn't help but stop what was in her hands, "What's the matter? Short of money?"

Gu Ye wandered into the study, and then closed the door closed, looking aggrieved.

Mrs. Gu couldn't help standing up, "You can't do anything bad, right? Did you make your father angry?"

Gu Ye pursed his lips, "I recently watched my dad's face and found that he will have a good luck in the past year."

Mrs. Gu felt a little in her heart, "Impossible, your dad is sixty!"

"But he doesn't look that old, he still has money!" Gu Ye took Madam Gu's hand with a look of anxiety, "Mom, you can't let your guard down. Are there still few rich old men who marry new daughters in their sixties? I know my dad is not that kind of person. He is so devoted to you, but he can't stand up to the vixen! I don't want a little

mom, I'm nineteen. If there is a stepmother who is a few years older than me, my brother and I will The school can't stand up."

Mrs. Gu's breath was suffocated, and when she thought that she was green, the soul of violence instantly rose by two meters, "Who dares?!"

Gu Ye sank his face, filled with righteous indignation, "Nowadays, many girls do not want to find a job after graduating from college. They specialize in being mistresses for old men. The methods are endless, and they do everything they want. Saying that you have amnesia, do you think it is terrible?"

When Mrs. Gu thought about it, her face gradually became hard to look. I did hear a lot of such rumors. Some old men are shameless, not only raising a little girl, but several. The old man in their family, even though he is sixty years old, has no gray hair, looks like a handsome uncle, has the demeanor of a mature man, and is also very rich, which happens to be the goal of girls who do not learn well.

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and continued: "If something like this really happens, who can take care of you? My elder brother doesn't go home once in half a year, can my second brother take care of it? He hasn't eaten a few bites of your food, and I You raised my brother. We will support you when you are old. Whoever dares to bully you and us will do it!"

Mrs. Gu was taken aback by Gu Ye's sudden confession. This sentence really stuck in her heart. Everyone who was moved wanted to hug her son, "If you say this, Mom won't worry about getting old." She was actually early I have considered this issue. When they are old, Gu Decheng must have gone earlier than her. Her son is a stupid child who can't be helped, so he knows to play. The eldest and second child

are definitely the best mixed, but unfortunately they don't have much affection for her, and the meeting etiquette is perfect, in fact, they are very distant. If Gu Ye treats her well, the eldest brother and the second child care about the face of their younger brother, and will not leave her wife alone.

At this point, Gu Ye really didn't lie to her. After all, she was raised by Mrs. Gu. Even if there is no blood relationship, Gu Ye would not be a bastard not to care for Mrs. Gu. As long as Mrs. Gu doesn't harm her, she will endow her for the elderly. The duty of an adopted child.

Now, Mrs. Gu was moved by what Gu Ye said, she squinted her eyes and wondered how to beware of vixens, "You really counted that your dad has a good luck for the past year?"

Gu Ye nodded, "Fortune tellers can't lie." He added: But my son will!

Mrs. Gu sank her face and said vowedly: "Okay, mom knows, he is a good son of mom."

Gu Ye was guilty of being praised, and knelt down to his mother in his heart, and silently promised that when you get old, I will give you countless of your favorite small coins.

At this time, Gu Ye saw Madam Gu's face and suddenly found something unusual. After seeing what it was, Gu Ye twitched his mouth, saying no! So bloody?

"What's on my face?" Mrs. Gu covered her face, and she was a little scared when she was seen by Gu Ye. Since knowing that Gu Ye will count, she only wants to listen to the good, not the bad.

Gu Ye said solemnly: "Mom, you will get rich this year."

Mrs. Gu picked up the corner of her mouth when she said something, alas, she was suddenly uncontrollable and happy.

Gu Ye went on to say: "Unfortunately, you have a peach blossom."

Mrs. Gu's heart jumped and she became anxious, "Can you still live this life?" Her husband has a good luck, and she has a good life, and she wants to live well.

Gu Ye asked her with a distressed look: "Don't talk to a strange man. He doesn't really like you. He was arranged to get you off."

Mrs. Gu "understands in seconds", her eyebrows stand up, and her domineering expression: "Want to pit my money, die this heart!"

Gu Ye smiled, Xiao Mom was too cooperative, he still thought about spending a little more talking, but she didn't expect that she thought about money, so she was anxious.

"Just pay attention to it." Gu Ye quietly opened the door, "I'm leaving. If you meet him, remember to tell me, I will fix him."

Mrs. Gu sneered proudly, "Don't worry, your father has no chance to find you a little mom, no one can cheat my money away, your mom will always be your mom."

Gu Ye went out the door, turned his head blankly, and took it out of his pocket. Just when Madam Gu thought he was going to take out something to give her, Gu Ye squeezed two fingers, with a serious expression on his face. Be careful, "Mom, come on, love you."

Mrs. Gu: "..."

This bear kid!

Gu Ye almost couldn't hold back when he turned his head, and he was happy to speak out. My little mom was so coaxing. After tonight, my little mom will definitely not let him, an ally, go abroad in order to keep her position as Mrs. Gu. When the wind blows in his ears, his father will hesitate, because his father's only weakness is that his ears are soft in front of his wife. As for the evil peach blossom, it is actually a bad peach blossom. Since opening a beauty shop, Mrs. Gu has been getting better and better. She looks good and has money. It is inevitable that many people want to hook her. It's amazing now. Whoever gets close to her just wants to lie to her for money, so the little mom will tear him up.

Thinking of the stability of the family and the happy life after small days, Gu Ye returned to his room in a good mood, jumped on the bed, and laughed out loud with a pillow: perfect!

At this time, the phone buzzed under the pillow. Gu Ye took out a glance. It was Zhao Pengyu's. There were four missed calls. Gu Ye quickly answered, "Sorry, I didn't bring my phone with me just now."

"Fuck! I thought you were taken away by a female ghost!"

Gu Ye was speechless, "I am not you."

"Stop, don't quarrel, let me tell you something serious, will you be free tomorrow? I have an aunt, I want to invite you to see Feng Shui, her house has caused a lot of trouble recently."

Gu Ye picked up the "Swiping Question Dog" on the bedside, and said with a deep expression: "When you have time, you have to pay for it. When you have more space, you have to see how much you give."

Zhao Pengyu told his mother directly: "You say hello to my Aunt Wang in advance. Gu Ye is doing charity recently. He needs money and a lot of money."

When Mrs. Zhao heard this, she immediately took out her mobile phone to send messages to her friends. I couldn't help but muttered his son: "Look at Gu Ye, then at you, alas."

Zhao Pengyu is heartbroken, what happened to him? Say it!

Zhao Pengyu and Gu Ye made an appointment to pick him up at his house at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, and accompany him to see Feng Shui at Aunt Wang's house. No one thought that something happened to Aunt Wang's house just this night.

In the last three months, Aunt Wang's house is really unlucky and bloody mildew. First, her husband's business suffered successive losses, and then his son was hit by a flower pot and lay on the hospital bed for half a month. The girl went to climb a mountain with her friend, but also encountered a landslide and almost left her life there.

The terrible things continue one after another, and the trivial matters are not mentioned.

They also asked a lot of gentlemen to show them. They also spent a lot of money to change their homes. It worked for the first few days, but something happened within a few days.

On the night of the appointment with Gu Ye, her husband suddenly failed the brakes on the way home, and the car flew off the bridge. If it weren't for the crowds around, the firefighters came in time and died.

The next morning, Aunt Wang couldn't help calling Madam Zhao, and urged in a crushing voice: "When will the little gentleman come? Come and see me quickly, which bodhisattva did I offend? It's so bad luck possession!"

Gu Ye received a call urged by Zhao Pengyu. He also knew that life was at stake. He had to get up in a daze, only to find that he was the latest one in the family. The whole family has the habit of getting up early to exercise, and Gu Ye suddenly felt that he was like a salted fish.

Gu Decheng looked at Gu Ye with complicated eyes for a while, remembering what his wife said last night, and sighed leisurely. The eldest son is far abroad, and the second son does not often go home. There are two children beside him. If one is driven out, he may not be able to touch anyone. In the future, he also wants to be full of children and grandchildren, and does not want to be an old man alone.

Gu Decheng couldn't help but called Gu Ye who wanted to run to his side, "Listen to your elder brother, you don't want to study abroad with him?"

Gu Ye nodded obediently.

"Why, tell the truth."

Gu Ye hesitated for a while, and smiled, "I don't have the ambitions of the big brother and the second brother, nor their business talents. The future of the Gu family can be left to them. I just want to go home often to see you. After all, you too It's over sixty, and it's about to retire."

Gu Decheng did not expect that Gu Ye would say such a thing, and almost moved his mind to say whatever you want. After calming down, he still had a cold face and said to Gu Ye like a strict father: "You stay You have to engage in those feudal superstitions in China, so it is better to go abroad to experience it with your elder brother. I am still young and I don't need you to be filial around."

Gu Ye smiled, "But, your eyes tell me, don't leave~ stay~ can't leave the old father!"

Gu Ye's language is naughty, like Erkang's keeping the crape myrtle, which is particularly exaggerated.

Gu Decheng blushed and suffocated: "...Fart!"

Gu Ye exaggeratedly jumped back and said in shock: "You can speak dirty words! It's terrible!"

At this moment, President Gu wanted to beat his son again, and Gu Ye ran away when he looked down. Gu Decheng was so angry that he lost his temper at all. The corners of his mouth curled up, he shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile, "This bear kid!"

Before breakfast was over, Zhao Pengyu came to the door. He was scrutinized by Gu's eldest brother when he wore the same clothes as Er Kuo Xiao last time. Flat glasses, pretending to be like a schoolmaster. Gu Decheng looked at him familiarly, and subconsciously glanced at him more. Zhao Pengyu immediately revealed his identity. Gu Decheng had already met his parents, they were all well-mannered people. According to the Zhao family's tutor, Zhao Pengyu should also be a good boy. When Zhao Pengyu said seriously about asking Gu Ye to study together, Gu's father didn't think much, so he let Gu Ye go.

After leaving the house, Zhao Pengyu took off his glasses and asked in a whisper, "How is it? You guys are pretty good in disguise."

Gu Ye pondered for a while, how likely is his father to not beat him when he knows he was cheated? The answer is: zero.

Gu Ye was heart-stuffed and didn't want to praise him.

Two hours later, I finally arrived at the community where Aunt Wang's home is located. This is a high-level community with a quiet environment. The entire community is a small building with six floors. The two floors are one household. Generally, there are three

households, although it is not as good as Gu's With such a big villa as the Zhao family, it can be seen from the residence that Aunt Wang's family is also considered rich.

Zhao Pengyu whispered in the elevator: "Aunt Wang's husband was in a car accident last night and his life was almost gone. Aunt Wang collapsed last night. The relationship between the two of them is better and their tempers are good."

Gu Yecong entered the elevator, his face was cold, "Does Aunt Wang live on the third floor?"

Zhao Pengyu looked at Gu Ye as if he looked at a fairy, "This can also be calculated? Buddy, you are so amazing!"

"It's not a count, it's a look." Gu Ye's tone became colder and colder, and he said solemnly: "This dark suffocation, it's not a feng shui problem, it's a curse, someone wants their whole family to die. "

Chapter 22 Don't persuade, do it!

Zhao Pengyu knocked on the door of Aunt Wang's house and saw a slightly blessed aunt. Gu Ye's face was getting colder and colder, and he was vaguely angry.

With this strong black spirit, if he comes two days later, the house will be destroyed.  This is not a natural formation at all, it is because his colleagues secretly spoiled him.  Gu Ye hates this kind of person the

most. He doesn't have the ability to deceive people and owes it to others. If he has the ability, he owes him to death.

Judging from Aunt Wang’s face, Zhao Pengyu is right. This aunt is a kind person with a straightforward temperament and is very righteous to friends.  But her eyeballs are slightly convex and the bridge of her nose is uneven. This shows that this aunt is not very good at dealing with the relationship between friends. Kindness makes her easy to trust her friends and easy to be deceived by people around her. That's why she has the situation today.  .

"This is the little gentleman your mother said, please come in soon." Aunt Wang didn't sleep all night, her face was pale, and her hair was a bit messy. She had just come back from the outside and she didn't even have time to take off her coat.  He hurriedly invited the two in and arranged for a nanny to make tea for them.

Zhao Pengyu pulled Auntie Wang onto the sofa and sat down, "Auntie Wang, don't be busy. We all just ate and are not thirsty. Please sit down and rest. How is your uncle now?"

"Fortunately, it's just a broken arm." Aunt Wang felt rejoiced in her aftermath. "I rushed down from such a high bridge and didn't want his life. God blessed him."

Taking advantage of the time they were talking, Gu Ye had already surveyed the lobby of this building, and the furnishings made him feel painful.  At first glance, I saw many masters to see this messy aura. The master asked to put a bottle, the other master asked to put a mirror, and some Taoist runes were painted on the steps upstairs. 

Just like an altar, the house is built like this, it can attract ghosts even if nothing happens.

Looking at Aunt Wang again, when the black energy in the family burrowed into her, it was blocked a lot by the light from a thing on her neck. This is the reason why all the people in her family have troubles, but she doesn't.

Gu Ye asked directly: "Aunt Wang, can I see what you are carrying on your neck?"

"Yes, it's just a small Buddha statue." Aunt Wang took the pendant from her neck and handed it to Gu Ye. "It's not a valuable thing, it's a relic left to me by my grandma. I wore it when I was young."

Gu Ye didn't take it. "It saved your life. You have a relationship with the Buddha. After this is over, you remember to go to the temple and put incense sticks."

"Oh, okay!" Aunt Wang was stunned before reacting, and she quickly put this thing on her neck, and promised: "When you look back, you must give incense to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas and donate incense money!"

Gu Ye picked up the corner of his mouth slightly, no longer talking nonsense, "Your husband's ancestor was a shipbuilding business along the coast. He started his family thirty years ago and came to the mainland to make children's toys, right?"

"Yes." Aunt Wang was stunned by Gu Ye's remarks. Her husband's ancestor was indeed a shipbuilder. After he came to the mainland, he never mentioned it. It's all decades ago, this little gentleman.  It can be counted, so amazing!

Gu Ye continued: "Your family is loyal and has never done bad things. It is said that when the number of lives is not over."

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning, someone wants the life of your family of four, your son is unlucky, your daughter is unlucky, your husband is not doing well recently, and something went wrong yesterday. If you do the math, you probably lost 10 million in these three months.  It’s a multimillion business, the family is already in debt."

Aunt Wang's face changed, her expression panicked, she was all in!

It is true that the turnover at home is no longer open. In order not to affect the business outside, no one has told this.  This little gentleman also counts, it's amazing!  God's weird and terrible!

Gu Ye smiled, "Aunt Wang, do you believe me?"

Speaking of this, Aunt Wang said nervously: "Believe! Little Mr. Speak up if you have something to say."

"The letter is good, now call your daughter and ask her to come back from Dongwai."

When Aunt Wang thought that her daughter knew that her father was in an accident, she rushed back overnight. She told her that she was in a taxi just now. According to her daughter's temperament, she must go to see her father first.  From the airport to the hospital, just walking from the West Outer Ring Road, Aunt Wang felt a little bit in her heart. She shivered with fear when she thought that something would happen to her daughter. She took out her mobile phone and called her daughter.

When her daughter Hang Siwen heard that she suddenly changed her way, she said helplessly: "I will be at the hospital in 20 minutes, and I will have to detour for another hour."

Aunt Wang was so anxious that she almost cried, "Girl, listen to my mother, take a detour! You must go to the East Outer Ring!"

Hang Siwen was tired, "Did you hire a fortune teller again? How many times have I told you! Those gentlemen are all deceptive, and we must believe in science."

"Listen to my mother, take a detour!" Aunt Wang was also angry, "This little gentleman can really count, even your father's ancestors can count things clearly, don't talk nonsense with me, make a detour! Your mother won't  Will hurt you!"

When Hang Siwen heard her mother hung up in the taxi, she was so angry that she slammed her phone into her bag, "It's all this time, what's the detour? It's really a medical emergency."

The driver's master was also happy, "How many real fortune-tellers are there in this era? Those so-called gentlemen who come to your house and take a look can figure out what your family is doing from the details, deceiving old men, old ladies and families.  housewife."

"Isn't it?" Hang Siwen said angrily: "Such liars should be caught for education!"

The road to turn to the East Outer Ring was already reached while speaking, and the driver's master asked one more question: "Then you can't turn it?"

She was almost at the hospital as she watched. Hang Siwen hesitated and became discouraged, "Forget it, listen to her, and detour, otherwise she will find out and make her angry."

The driver's master happily took a detour and made another 200 yuan.

Immediately after the taxi turned the taxi, he heard a piercing crash behind him. The driver looked in the rearview mirror and turned his face pale in horror, "Fuck!"

Hang Siwen also looked back and saw what was happening behind him, his eyes widened in horror, and his body was cold.  On the road they were going to go on, a tanker truck hit the fence on the side of the road, and the front of the car was already on fire.  The two drivers jumped out of the car, spurting fire extinguishing agent frantically.

Imagine if they were walking on that road, they would definitely be hit by the car. Don’t say what they were hit by then, if they caught

fire, they would soon be burned to the oil tank.  , I don’t even have much time to put out a fire.

Both people stopped talking and were silent for a full five minutes.

The driver's master finally broke the silence, "Well, girl, you can scan me and add a friend, the master where your mother invited, turn around and tell me."

Hang Siwen swallowed in shock, "Yes."

Aunt Wang called her son again because Gu Ye told her not to let her son go east this month.  There was a problem with the family's business. Aunt Wang's son went out a few days ago for the purpose of working capital.  After hanging up the phone, Aunt Wang felt uneasy in her heart, fearing that if any child would not listen to her, something would happen.

Gu Ye waited for her to relax, and then asked, "Who did you give to your birthday?"

"Birthday," Aunt Wang thought for a while, "I have a friend who is leaving. A friend who grew up with me, but it is impossible to have a relationship with her. Before she was leaving, my family was very unlucky."

"A person's aura will constantly change with the outside world. It is normal to have bad luck occasionally. Don't always complain. The more you complain, the weaker the aura."

"I did complain a few words with that friend. She said that she was going to worship God and asked us for a peace sign. I gave her the birth date character." Aunt Wang firmly believed: "It must have nothing to do with her, she can't  It hurt me because we both grew up. Her family is poor, and I often help her. I even found someone to open her flower shop."

Gu Ye smiled and didn't persuade him. He pointed to a lot of messy things in the house and said, "Throw it away, not that the more furnishings, the better."

"Okay, throw it all away in a while, you can change it as you say." Aunt Wang has already regarded Gu Ye as a true god.

"Can I go and see you upstairs?"

"Yes, upstairs is my husband's and me bedroom, as well as my husband's study room and tea room. Come with me."

After the three people went upstairs, Gu Ye rubbed his eyes with a strong suffocation.

Zhao Pengyu didn't open his eyes, he couldn't see anything, and asked concerned: "Did you sleep well?"

Gu Ye shook his head, his eyes were a little uncomfortable.  He looked around upstairs, his eyes fixed on the pot of fortune tree standing in the corner. This tree was already as tall as a person, with lush branches and dark green leaves squeezed into a ball, and it was well raised.

Gu Ye squatted down, only to see the flowerpot hidden by the leaves.

Seeing Gu Ye stopped here, Aunt Wang felt uneasy when she thought of Gu Ye's previous question of her Bazi, "This flower was given by a friend who is going to leave my family with Bazi. Is there a problem?"

Gu Ye smiled, rolled up his sleeves and hugged the potted flower directly. Just as Aunt Wang was surprised that he was struggling with his strength, Gu Ye directly threw the flowerpot to the ground. With a "pop", the flower  The sound of broken basins, a strong nasty smell of blood filled the entire living room.

Aunt Wang covered her mouth and watched Gu Ye pull it twice. He pulled out an oil-paper bag from the soil and opened it to reveal a blood-red talisman paper, which is not very auspicious.  There was also a piece of paper in it with the birthdates of her family of four. Seeing this, Aunt Wang was completely stunned, her eyes widened, and she shivered in disbelief. The handwriting is so familiar.  .

Gu Ye clicked on the piece of talisman, and glanced at Aunt Wang who couldn't believe her eyes, "It has the same effect as the mourning talisman, but it is more poisonous than that. This thing can't make your whole family die, and  A talisman that can absorb the good luck of your family and transfer it to the caster himself."

Aunt Wang's face was pale and her eyes were faintly red. She felt very cold, and her whole body trembled. At this time, she only suffocated one sentence: "Why? Why is this?"

"The things between your friends are beyond my control. I want to do something else." Gu Ye sneered while pinching the talisman. "Things that can't be put on the table are quite poisonous."

Zhao Pengyu supported Aunt Wang, and felt that people's hearts were unpredictable and chilling. He bowed his head and asked squatting Gu Ye, "Do you want to destroy it?"

"Of course, I have to do something about the bastard who draws this kind of harmful spell." Gu Ye squinted his eyes, his voice getting colder and colder, "He probably doesn't know that there is still my neuropathy in this world, so  Fighting evil with fierceness, coursing death, hard life, life and death depend on your own ability."

Zhao Pengyu was startled by these words in a cold sweat. Isn't this just hard work?  Fighting!

Chapter 23: Is He Still Alive?

Gu Ye took out the small box he carried with him from his pocket, took out a small cinnabar pen from it, squatted down, drew a circle on the ground, and placed the talisman paper in the center of the circle.

I got up and took a step back, and drew a slightly smaller one.

Get up again and paint again.

Zhao Pengyu watched from the sidelines, and found that Gu Ye’s arrays were gradually decreasing, getting smaller and simpler, and asked inexplicably: "Gu Ye, what are you doing?"

After Gu Ye finished drawing the last circle, he stood up and hooked his finger.

Zhao Pengyu walked over, "Need help?"

Gu Ye took his hand and pulled off the hat on the other end of the cinnabar pen, revealing a small needle point.  Before Zhao Pengyu understood what he wanted to do, his fingers hurt, "Fuck! What are you doing?"

Gu Ye's serious explanation: "Every formation needs a drop of blood. You are stronger than me, and your yang is definitely stronger than mine. Your blood is better for you."

Zhao Pengyu raised his eyebrows, "I think you are simply afraid of pain."

Gu Ye was dismantled and didn't refute. He pulled Zhao Pengyu into a circle and dropped a drop, then pushed him away, "Keep away and don't get in the way."

Zhao Pengyu grinds his teeth, so what kind of harm is this!

Standing in the smallest circle, Gu Ye squinted his eyes, and a sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth, "Yangming Dakui, Yuanji

Wenchang, Yin Jing Tai Chi, Tai Shang Xuan Ji, listen to my orders, return to your position!"

As soon as Gu Ye’s words fell, a middle-aged man who was sleeping in bed suddenly opened his eyes more than a hundred kilometers away, stared at a pair of mung bean mice, got up in disbelief, and opened a purple color on the table.  In the box, a black line appeared on the talisman paper inside, and a wicked cold light appeared in his eyes. He immediately picked up the long sword made of copper coins, picked up the talisman paper, and made gestures while chanting.

The talisman paper followed his chanting, like a spinach that had sucked up enough water, and it stood straight in an instant.

Gu Ye tilted his head and sensed something. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he took another step forward. Standing in the next circle, he drew a few simple strokes with a cinnabar pen, "Feigang sucks, ten thousand ghosts, one hundred ghosts  Follow my orders and return to your place!"

The middle-aged person feels gloomy and gloomy around him, and he feels like he is in a quagmire. The aura is getting less and less, and he has difficulty breathing when he is depressed.  The yin wind under his feet was getting stronger and stronger, he hurriedly read and jumped, freed his hand to burn a magic rune, poured the ashes into the water, and drank it without being sick, so that he felt better.

Gu Ye pursed his mouth and took another step. Seven-star battle is stronger than one step. Step by step, he makes the opponent feel pressure, pulls into the abyss of despair, and destroys the opponent's will step by step. This kind of game is fun to play.

Zhao Pengyu watched Gu Ye mutter something unintelligible every step he took. The blood-red talisman paper had gradually turned yellow. As Gu Ye approached, he trembled at every step, as if he was afraid.  This is extremely weird.

The middle-aged man just took a breath and suddenly felt something pressed down on his head. He felt the ghostly spirit above his head, gritted his teeth, crawled under the table, took out the mahogany sword he had treasured for a long time, and exhausted all his energy.  Stabbing up, the force above paused, and the middle-aged man’s eyes were filled with joy, and the hope had just risen. That power suddenly increased several times, as if something was hitting it straight down. The peach wood sword broke.  The middle-aged man let out a scream, his right hand twisted unnaturally, and it was broken.

The corner of Gu Ye's mouth was hooked, and his footsteps still didn't stop. Until the sixth step, Gu Ye stopped and tilted his head as if he was feeling something. Zhao Pengyu didn't dare to disturb him, for fear that something would happen to Gu Ye.  It's hard to explain to Gu's family.

Gu Ye paused for more than ten seconds, then suddenly smiled, "For the hard thing, Lao Tzu has never lost." He finally raised his foot, stood in the last formation, and stepped on the talisman paper. "Four  Sheng Youyi, followed by the Qisha, the Five Emperors, the Demon, and the Eight Caves, take refuge. The heavens and the earth axis, the heaven and the earth soldiers, listen to my orders, return to their position, and punish them!"

As soon as the last two words fell, a gloomy wind blew up in the whole hall. In the morning, Zhao Pengyu and Aunt Wang who were

onlookers felt a chill.  Gu Ye stood there quietly, with no wind in his hair, a pair of dark eyes, and a faint smile with a certain ambition. With his exquisite face, it was as if some evil spirit came to the world, a bit evil inexplicably.

The middle-aged man who cursed directly vomited blood and fell to the ground, his limbs were twisted unnaturally, and they had been broken into several pieces. He looked at the piece of talisman paper, vomited two more blood in horror, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Gu Ye picked up the charm, took a lighter from the table, and burned it on the spot. He told Aunt Wang, who was still in shock, "It's best not to go out these days and listen to the Diamond Sutra.  Owed, give it to me when you have money."

Gu Ye called Zhao Pengyu, "I'm leaving, go eat something delicious, and I'll give you a king's eight soup to replenish your body."

Zhao Pengyu reacted and ran over, pinching Gu Ye's neck with both hands, "I am not that delicate!"

"Then you will kill demons and demons with me in the future and be my mobile blood bank?"

"You want to be beautiful! Is this solved?"

Gu Ye glanced at Aunt Wang, "She can only solve the rest by herself. Maybe her friend just took a fancy to her life and wanted to take away her good luck, but she didn't expect to find someone vicious.  Warlock, the other party wants the life of Aunt Wang's family to achieve his own secret."

"That warlock, how is it now?"

Gu Yesong shrugged, "Not important."

Zhao Pengyu is speechless, it doesn't matter what the hell is it?

When the two came to the elevator, they happened to meet a girl in her early twenties who came back with a bag on her back. Zhao Pengyu was happy with her teeth, "Oh~ the freshman sister is back?"

The girl glared at him irritably, scolded "little bastard" secretly, shook the backpack on her shoulders, and almost shook Zhao Pengyu's face, leaving with her unique personality.

Zhao Pengyu is embarrassed, "The temper is still so big!"

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, "Aunt Wang's daughter?"

Zhao Pengyu spread his hands, "Yes, I also forgot how I offended her when I was a child, and kept calling me a little bastard."

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Maybe you were naughty when you were a kid, and you have forgotten what you did."

Zhao Pengyu scratched his head, but he was really frustrated.

Hang Siwen knocked on the door, and Aunt Wang relieved from the shock just now, opened the door to see that she was a girl, and asked in surprise: "Why did you come back so soon? Didn't go to the hospital?"

"A detour from the east, close to home. My father called me and said that he was okay, but his arm was broken. I will come back to see you first."

Aunt Wang looked at her daughter and her face was not good, and she said concerned: "Why is this little face like this? I'm sick?"

Speaking of this, Hang Siwen hugged her mother's neck in fear, "Almost, you have no daughters. Fortunately, I listened to you. By the way, what about the master? I have to worship him."

"Master is gone, counting the time, you should have foreseen it at the elevator door."

"I only saw Zhao Pengyu abducting a beautiful boy."

Aunt Wang was helpless, "That little beautiful man is the master you are looking for."

Hang Siwen's shocked bag dropped, "The face is so small! It feels good!!"

Aunt Wang is helpless, where is the focus of girls now?  Boys at this age are all tall and thin.

The two mothers went to the hospital together to see Mr. Hang and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him. Aunt Wang called the driver and went directly to a flower shop.

Entering the door of the flower shop, Aunt Wang closed the door at will. The lady proprietor of the shop is a pretty classical-looking woman. She is slender and dressed in a blue cheongsam. When she sees Aunt Wang rushing towards the door:  Why are you here at this time when you are free?"

Aunt Wang was cold, waiting for her to come to her side, raised her fleshy hand, and slapped her up, "I'm not free, I should be in the hospital at this time!"

Aunt Wang is chubby and strong. The lady boss’s thin body was slapped and slapped by Aunt Wang. She almost lay on the ground. She covered her face and looked at Aunt Wang in shock, her eyes seemed to say, are you crazy?  ?

Aunt Wang looked at her innocent face and wanted to tear her off her anger, "How have I treated you all these years? Your parents have no money to treat illnesses, I will lend you! You have no place to live, I will help you rent a house!  If you want a flower shop, I will rent my shop to you at a low price to help you get your contacts! That's when you were bullied when you were a kid, and I helped you get back. Why did you harm my whole family?"

The lady boss fell with tears, and said aggrieved: "What are you talking about? How could I harm you?"

"I don't need your sophistry. You write that character. I have seen it since I was a child. It has been more than forty years. We have been for more than forty years!" Aunt Wang reddened her eyes, "I'm here to tell you.  I opened this store for you. My storefront, I took it back. I will send someone to check it at noon tomorrow. You bring your flowers and leave it to me."

When the boss heard that she was recognized, her face suddenly disappeared, and she subconsciously caught Aunt Wang, she didn't dare to let go of the childhood she had always relied on, but she couldn't find an excuse for a while.

Aunt Wang shook her aside in disgust, opened the door, and took the pot of Fortune tree she gave from the driver. Now the flowerpot has been broken by Gu Ye, and there is a fishy smell on the soil left by the roots, "This potted flower  , Pay you back. I can’t call the police on the grounds that you cast a spell on my family, but I can keep watching you from now on. For the remaining fifty years, you must be cautious, otherwise, if there is no chance, I will give  You create opportunities to make atonement for your sins."

The boss’s wife is finally scared, and her future life will be cut off. How will she live in the future?  The proprietress rushed up and hugged Aunt Wang’s leg and cried: "Meijuan, I admit my mistake. I am fascinated by ghosts. This thing is all feudal superstition. How can it work? I'm just jealous of you doing so well, I  It's so bitter, obviously I grew up together, I look better, study better than you, why did you marry better than me? I just didn't want to drive for a while! I just want your good luck, I miss you  That kind of life!"

Aunt Wang only felt cold in her heart, "What should I do when you want me?"

"You...I will treat you as well as you were to me!" The lady boss cried and pulled Aunt Wang, "Looking at the love for so many years, you forgive me this time, I will no longer be feudal and superstitious.  , Never jealous of you anymore!"

Aunt Wang just thought it was funny, "Feudal superstition? I thought it wouldn’t work? Let’s not say it’s useful and useless. It’s your heart that makes me sick. Where is your face and ask me to forgive you? I’m so kind to you.  Okay, it makes you think you should take away all of my things." Aunt Wang raised her foot in disgust, but did not withdraw. The driver coldly pulled the lady boss away.

Aunt Wang wiped her wet eyes and said indifferently: "There are too many poor people, but you can't be poor. I have already informed your husband that you will go back with him and live your life well."

"No! No! He'll kill me! Why are you so cruel?!" The lady boss cried with rain and covered her body, she rushed to Aunt Wang madly, and was pulled by the driver in the middle.  Open, push aside.

Watching Aunt Wang arrogantly walked away, the proprietress climbed forward two steps with both hands and feet, but still did not touch the corner of Aunt Wang's clothes. She covered her face in despair, and she was shaking all over.  Compared to the lack of financial resources and the shock of her home, she is more afraid of her husband.  It was a demon. He would pester her like a tarsal maggot, suck her last drop of blood, and live in domestic violence every day. She managed to escape. She couldn't believe that Aunt Wang would treat her this way, too.  I dare not think about how to live in the future.

Trembling, took out her mobile phone and found Aunt Wang's phone number. She wanted to pray for another chance.  It's right that she wants her to live like that, is she wants to exchange life with her, is it wrong that she wants to live a good life?  Didn't her Wang Meijuan appear in front of her well?  Obviously nothing happened, why do you treat her this way?

It is a pity that the phone call cannot be made, she has been blocked, and the friendship has completely broken.

The lady proprietress went back to the flower shop and cried, her heart bounced, and she dialed a string of numbers, "Hello? Master, the spell was discovered last time, is there any remedy? You promised me, as long as I give you money  , Give you her birth date, you can let me absorb her good luck and live a good life, what should I do now? What should I do!"

"What should I do? Cold chanting, this guy can hardly protect himself, how can he save you?"

The voice of this idiot was obviously different from the master I saw last time. The lady boss asked vigilantly: "Who are you?"

The other side earnestly said: "Superman instant noodles."

Two young men in black trench coats were in the small fortune teller’s shop. After hanging up the phone number of the proprietress, they looked at the fortune-teller’s miserable lack of personality, and kicked him disgustingly, “You can’t die.  , You have a hard stubble, you are

so stupid, we are from the Academy of Arts, please come back with us for investigation."

It made a colleague seem serious, "He can't hear you anymore, and the other party didn't want his life, but the lesson is quite ruthless. You can't eat this business anymore."

"It deserves it! Look at the things he raised. He used life to raise the kid, and then sold the kid to make money. He has several lives in his hands. Hey? What is this?" The two were at the altar.  They found a cracked spell on the board. What they were surprised was not the viciousness of the spell, but the current appearance of the spell, as if it had been crushed by something, full of golden veins.  This result can only be hardened by very fierce things.

The man who claimed to be the instant noodle superman became serious, "The man who cleaned him used this method. Do you feel familiar?"

His colleague carefully put up the spell, "Take it back and give it to Lu Yun for identification. There may be other descendants in his school."

"Don't people of that group have the same personalities?"

"Then, the management will have a headache."

Chapter 24 I'll be cool as soon as I count

Early the next morning, Gu Ye got up early to wash, took his schoolbag and luggage downstairs, put them in the lobby, and then went to eat.

This breakfast is not "100 points noodles" but dumplings. According to the wife of the caregiver, "Leave the dumplings and go home to noodles. This is a dumpling. If you eat it, you will get out."

Gu Ye quietly glanced at the bowl of his younger brother, and then looked at his bowl, as if they were contrasting.

Mrs. Gu's heart was tense, and she was afraid that Gu Ye would say nonsense that "the dumplings in the bowl of the younger brother are bigger than mine", which caused Gu Decheng and the boss and second child to feel uncomfortable. Gu Ye took a look at her face, smiled and dragged his brother's bowl to his side, and gave his own to his brother, "My mom is eccentric. You have opened dumplings in your bowl."

Gu Yang blinked and really believed, "Really? Mom, why do you only love my brother and not me?"

Mrs. Gu couldn't hold back the corner of her mouth and picked it up, disgustingly said: "Because your brother studies better than you, you stupid, you don't have a brain when you eat too much."

Gu Yang looked dazed, "Mom, you are really mom."

Mrs. Gu gave her son a sneer.

Just after eating, the servant came to the entrance of the restaurant holding a long brocade box, "San Shao, a middle-aged woman just gave you a gift."

Gu Ye wiped his mouth, took the box in the family's puzzled eyes, and quietly opened a slit in the eyes of his father's scrutiny. After seeing what was inside, he immediately closed it.

"Mom, give you a gift for Mother's Day." Gu Ye changed hands and gave the box to Mrs. Gu, smiling: "Take it back to the room and look again. Don't be snatched by my dad."

Mrs. Gu happily took it, and took a look away, her face faintly, and then she was happy, and hugged it tightly in her arms, "Mother took this gift, you won't want to go back again."

Gu Ye's meat hurts, so he still has to keep smiling, "No."

Inside is the bank card sent by Aunt Wang, and I don't know where I got the money, and I paid his debts. What's more pitted is that there is actually a pennant! The old man in his family originally saw the pennant's blood pressure surge upwards, but now he is still trying to prevent him from going abroad for fortune-telling. How can he dare to take it out this time? !

Gu Ye pulled the suitcase to school in pain, and Mrs. Gu happily put him in the car and asked him to take good care of himself, not to catch a cold and not to be thin~ Who is his son, he has long been left behind.

Gu Ye sat in the car and shook his head, a woman who is a fan of money, it is terrible!


Once back to school, everyone's concern is which school to apply for, and a good relationship gathers together to discuss what is their first choice, what is their second choice, and the reasons, just like a house. Little ducks, no one is idle.

The class leader stood up and shouted: "Students, teacher Yu asked the students who arrived to submit the volunteer form first! Come to me!"

Xia Xiang took out his form and came to Gu Ye, "Have you decided where to go?"

Gu Ye took out his own to show him, the especially neat "Emperor Capital First University" really has a soft spot for it.

Zhao Pengyu leaned over and took a look, "Fuck! This is the leading university in the country, and it can be a shining ancestor, but the score is too high." He glanced around, no one was near them, and then whispered: "You two. Conditions, not to study abroad?"

Gu Ye whispered: "Don't go, there are so many rich people in Emperor Star, and fortune tellers make money."

Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang are speechless. The reason is simply, "What if I fail to pass the test?"

"That's just right. Take my brother to set up a stall under the overpass. Daddy, the sponsors, should take care of my business."

Xia Xiang took a pen on Gu Ye's desk and wrote in the empty first choice column: Imperial Capital No. 1 University, "Believe in yourself, you can do it, fight it."

Gu Ye hooked the corner of his mouth. Xia Xiang is really contradictory. He looks timid, but he has a strong opinion. He doesn't rush about anything. Look at Zhao Pengyu's, all three grids are empty, it seems that I have no idea where to go.

Zhao Pengyu hesitated, took the pen in Xia Xiang's hand, and calmly wrote his first choice as: The First University of the Imperial Capital,

I ran over and asked if the monitor who had finished writing saw Zhao Pengyu's wishes, and then glanced at him with wide eyes, as if: Are you crazy for your grades and five scums?

Zhao Pengyu grinned and said twice, "People must have dreams, what if they are realized?"

Gu Ye took a close look at Zhao Pengyu's eyes and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Make up the lesson. Last month, I have advanced 500 people. This time I will advance 800 people and get to the top 300 of the school. The last monthly exam, the top 50, was almost done by the college entrance examination."

Zhao Pengyu waved his hand and said nothing, and went back to study the materials.

At noon, Teacher Yu called Gu Ye to the office, "The first choice is okay, and the second and third choices are not changed?"

Gu Ye insisted, "No change."

"So confident?"

"It's not about being confident, it's about cutting off all your back paths."

Teacher Yu has never seen such a stubborn one, "Why?"

Gu Ye coldly said, "Because I am close to home."

Twitched at the corner of the teacher's mouth, and persuaded: "I won't delay if I change my first choice later, the teacher is for your good."

Gu Ye nodded, "I understand, but I don't want to go to other schools."

"Let's do it, you can go back." Teacher Yu told Gu Ye to leave and sent a message to his parents: "Your child has reported three of the same, do you parents know?"

After receiving this WeChat message, Gu Decheng really hesitated, whether to directly change Gu Ye's wishes. As a father, as long as it is for his own good, he doesn't mind being a bad person and making Gu Ye hate him. How many years does he have to live? Gu Ye's life has just begun.

Just when he was hesitating, Mrs. Gu shook his head at him and persuaded him: "Forget it, the child has finally lived like a normal person. Just follow his mind and want him to be Expansion for you? Our family's money will be enough to support him for a lifetime. Besides, if you send him away for three or five years, can you not let him come back for a lifetime?"

Madam Gu hesitated, but still cruel, took out the bank card that Gu Ye gave her and put it on Gu Decheng's desk. "The third child went out the next day of the holiday and saved a family of four. It was sent by them. Thank you letter and these remunerations. I checked it and found that there was 1.8 million in it. He called me at school and asked me to donate half of it to charity and give you a blessing. Leave the rest to me, It's a gift for Mother's Day." At this point, Mrs. Gu wiped her tears while she felt a pain in her flesh. "How can a child do good deeds, how can there be any retribution? It's easy for me to raise him so much? I just sent it away, not thinking about my feelings about being a mother. They all said that my stepmother was not caring, and when the child left, others didn't know what to say about me. Should I not tolerate him or what?"

The more I talked, the more aggrieved, Mrs. Gu was originally a little acting. She had to keep Gu Ye behind for her own sake. Unexpectedly, she said that she moved sincerely, and the more she cried, the more aggrieved. A stepmother is not easy to be a stepmother, and it is not easy to raise a child. She was only in her twenties when she raised Gu Ye and had no experience at all. Gu Ye's body is weak, she is afraid that even if she does not do well, the Gu family will be upset by raising the child. In the end, she had no right to speak.

When Mrs. Gu cried, Gu Decheng also felt distressed. Thinking of the smile on Gu Ye's face, he felt relieved, "Well, don't send him away,

listen to your wife. You have the right to speak, and I didn't say not to let you. Comments."

Mrs. Gu's eyes were red from crying, and her nose was red, and she began to be arrogant and petty, "Then you leave my son!"

"Stay, stay!" Gu Decheng couldn't help her, so he immediately called teacher Yu, "The first choice is not changed, the second choice is changed to Huaxia University of Science, and the third choice is changed to Huaxia Renmin University."

These two schools can be ranked in the top five in the country, and they are also very famous in the list of Ming schools in the world. Moreover, they are both in the north and relatively close to the imperial capital, satisfying Gu Ye's desire to go home at any time.

Teacher Yu gave Gu Ye's aspirations and gave it to him again, "This is what your father meant. When filling out the volunteer form online, you should write it according to this. You can't write the same for all three."

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and took a look, and happily raised the list high, "Thank you teacher, thank you mom! You won!"

Teacher Yu: "..."

I don't understand what the child thinks.

After that, everyone was studying like crazy, and Gu Ye also felt the pressure, leaving other things behind, just to go to the Imperial Capital No. 1 University closest to home and study hard.

Let alone Xia Xiang, where did Gu Ye go, he tried hard to learn in order not to be with ghosts.

Zhao Pengyu also went crazy. He was too bad and needed more to make up. He didn't play the ball anymore. He only slept for five hours every night. After turning off the lights, he had to learn with a flashlight. The information sent by brother Gu Ye, It really comes in handy, and I will write one in a few days. To everyone's shock, Zhao Pengyu talked about each question and he would draw inferences from one another. He would do two things of the same type, and basically plenary session. His grades were like those of a rocket on the Internet. His smart brain made many good students jealous. .

Teachers of all subjects are so angry that they want to beat him. Why didn't you learn before you were so smart? Where is your IQ used? !

Gu Ye returned on behalf of Zhao Pengyu, "It was used to commit a crime."

Zhao Pengyu did not even have the strength to resist.

Finally to the end of the month, Zhao Pengyu lost a few catties, and his monthly test results shocked the whole school. As Gu Ye said, he advanced 800 in one breath, making it the top 300 in the school.

In this way, the last two crazy months are over, until the eve of the college entrance examination, the senior high school will take a day

off. Go home and pack things, go back to school the next afternoon, and go to the examination room in advance.

When Gu Ye arrived home, the eldest brother went abroad again, and the second brother returned to the company. The house was quiet. Gu Ye lay down and slept for a full 12 hours before being called by Mrs. Gu to drink soup.

Looking at the time, it was already past ten o'clock. Gu Ye looked at the sky outside and asked worriedly, "Where is my dad? I haven't come back at this point yet?"

When it came to this, Mrs. Gu became angry and complained distressedly: "Busy, there is a cocktail party tonight. I drink and drink at such an old age. The blood pressure is the same as a balloon, but it only rises but does not fall."

Gu Ye frowned, "Give me an address, I'll pick him up, don't really drink too much."

In the circle of businessmen, the seniority is based on economic strength, and the richer is the boss. There are people who flatter Gu's father wherever he goes. When they came, it was hard to save face, and if you accompany someone to drink a sip, dozens of people can drink him faint.

A middle-aged entrepreneur found him holding a wine glass, and chatted with him, "Mr. Gu is not only capable of himself, but also a very good tutor. The two eldest sons are both dragons and phoenixes. Needless to say, I heard that the third child is here. The school is also

among the best, and has worshipped a very powerful master, saving many people."

What Gu Decheng likes to listen to is that others praise his son, and he is also happy to hide here and chat, drink a few drinks, and as he speaks, there is a mocking voice asking directly: "Can you please Gu Sanshao jump up? The rope counts, how to guard against villains?"

Gu Decheng didn't need to look back to know that it was Li Shengkai. Now the entire Li family has been completely transformed into an empty shell by him. He doesn't know where the courage comes from, so he dare to provoke him here. Gu Decheng's face was cold, and with a victor's posture, he said condescendingly: "If you want to guard against villains, you just need to cover your face when you go out."

At first, Li Shengkai didn't understand what Gu Decheng meant, but the person next to Gu Decheng almost uttered aloud. General Gu meant that Li Shengkai was a villain. He covered his face when he went out and everyone else had to guard him.

After Li Shengkai thought about it, he cursed with a dark face and sneered at Gu Decheng's "showing" his son's attitude, "I don't know any master who can teach fools so well?"

Gu Decheng understood, his face instantly cooled down, and he was about to attack, a cold voice said indifferently: "Mr. Li still has time to care about how to raise Gu's children, it is better to care about yourself."

When everyone heard this sound, they were shocked and turned their heads. They saw a tall, handsome but unsmiling young man who had

come behind Gu Decheng. He was wearing a white shirt with a collar and cufflinks. The cool gray used makes his handsome look unkind.

It is Yu Ze.

Even if Yu Ze was young, everyone on the scene did not dare to look down upon him. What kind of temperament he was, and the people present could understand a little bit. I did not expect that the indifferent and famous young man would directly give birth to Li Shengkai. Anyone who discovered what was happening here closed their mouths and quietly observed the developments here, for fear of accidentally causing trouble to themselves.

Yu Ze passed by Li Shengkai expressionlessly, picked up a wine glass from the plate that the waiter was holding, and signaled to Gu Decheng: "Mr. Gu, we meet again."

Gu Decheng happily clinked glasses with him, but it was also a little surprised that Yu Ze would be nosy, "I thought you would not come."

"There is something wrong with the company temporarily. I'm late." Yu Ze calmed down and jumped directly to the topic. "Mr. Gu taught his son well. Gu Ye saved my nephew's life a while ago, and took good care of him. My family has always I am grateful."

"Yes, it's incumbent to save friends." Gu Decheng's mouth turned up, feeling at ease. He looked at this young man with admiration, envious in his heart, Yu Ze could support a business empire at such a young age, but none of his sons wanted to succeed him.

The atmosphere has just eased, and a smiling voice said lightly: "Yo~ Sir, let me count, you have been suffering from bad luck in the past few months. Is it okay to wear a wig when you are so young?"

Gu Decheng laughed angrily when he heard this familiar voice. His third son, the hardest to discipline, didn't know how to get in. He was pinching his fingers, standing in front of Li Shengkai solemnly, and fortune-telling the other party, "There are too many bad things. Don't walk at night at night, it's easy to bump into ghosts. Little three, four, little five go to sleep, easy to impotence. I will pinch and count, oh, you have two children out there, my wife is so blessed, like a mother !" Gu Decheng had a calm face and wanted to stop this little bastard from engaging in feudal superstition in front of so many people. Before he went out, he was stopped by Yu Ze. "I suddenly felt that he was like this, very interesting." Yu Ze paused. He paused, staring at the smirk on Gu Ye's face, his eyebrows curled slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "I want to hear what he wants to say."

Gu Decheng had a headache, and this little villain had no good words in his mouth. He absolutely regretted it.

Today, Li Shengkai brought his wife. After all, it was a formal business reception. More than half of those who brought his wife. His business was taken over from his father-in-law, and if his wife came, he would be able to win some face. When he heard her husband messing around outside, Hu Yu's face became a little uncontrollable.

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Madam, don't change his face in a hurry. He is a traitor. Your father should be alive. He is not in good health. He is a villain. Did you bring him back? You started his family? Didn't you use the three abuse methods less, do you still think that your father is

suddenly ill and really is in bad health? Have you never used the method of being condemned by the gods?"

"You bullshit! Where did you come from, bullshit!" Hu Yu turned his face immediately. She had met Gu Ye before, but Gu Ye had changed so much that she didn't recognize it for a while.

Gu Ye curled his lips and was amused, "Wild boy? You didn't say that when you let my mother kill me."

Gu Ye's sentence, everyone present understands it, this is the third child of the Gu family. When Hu Yu induced Mrs. Gu's remarks, Mrs. Gu's words were put on the circle of friends. Many people present knew about this. They didn't make any comments. The look in Hu Yu's eyes would be different.

Hu Yu became angry from embarrassment and couldn't quibble, his face pale in anger.

Gu Ye sneered, "How your father is sick, you can find someone to check it, and you will definitely have no relationship with the man next to you."

The people present really heard that it was Li Shengkai who started his business with his father-in-law and his mother-in-law. In the end, he smashed the old father-in-law and all the shares went to him. Although there is no evidence, people who know this business can tell. It happened, so Gu Decheng told Mrs. Gu that this person's family history was not clean. Only Hu Yu loved his deep love and didn't know anything.

Li Shengkai was watched by so many people, and he panicked and said in embarrassment: "Gu Decheng, this is the son you taught. What kind of place is this, dare to come here to be wild!"

When he was in a hurry, Gu Decheng didn't want to worry about it. The old god was watching them, and had a drink with Yu Ze before drinking another one.

Li Shengkai's angry eyes were red.

Compared with Li Shengkai's anger and depravity, Gu Ye calmly said, "I'll forget it again. You have a mistress who is pregnant with someone else's seed, but now the surname is Li. That's amazing! How much money did you steal for your bastard Madam, why don't you have a snack too, he used your father's lands to raise his lover, and the lover gave him a green hat. Your family's relationship is disturbed."

Hu Yu's face was even more ugly. She knew that her husband had raised a woman outside, and had cried and made trouble. Later, her husband also broke off the relationship with that woman. Why is she getting involved with the child again? It is said that the third child of the Gu family will count, he now counts the nose and eyes, really?

Unnaturally, Hu Yu's eyes looked at her husband a little uneasy and speculative, and he took this to heart.

Li Shengkai glared at Hu Yu, "You believe this kind of nonsense!"

"Tsk tusk tusk," Gu Ye chuckled lightly, "I will know how many bastard things you have done after you count it. Is your tax evasion and tax evasion hidden? Who dares to cooperate with you? A hero, he

is not afraid of death or sacrifice, and he dares to contribute all his wealth."

Li Shengkai finally brought in a few people who reluctantly wanted to cooperate with him. At this time, they looked at each other, tax evasion? Gu Ye saved the grandson of Yu's grandson, this matter has been spread long ago, if Gu's clan's old third is okay, if it is counted, the cooperation will have to stop.

Li Shengkai squeezed the wine glass fiercely, wishing to poke Gu Ye to death with the glass.

Gu Yehao asked in his spare time: "Are you trying to beat me? It's really an old cat room to sleep. It's passed from generation to generation. Your son must be relative. This is still certain. He dared to play campus violence when he was in junior high. You beat your classmates into vegetatives. You gave half a million to settle the matter. After your son kills and sets fire, you will be able to pacify? If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, what kind of spicy-eyed seeds are born?"

All the people who watch the excitement around are fascinating characters. If you want to see the family style of a family, you can tell from the children. Li Shengkai taught the children to be like this, but you can imagine that parents are not good at them. .

Li Shengkai's face really couldn't hold back. With so many people guarding him, he really couldn't do anything to Gu Ye. He was trembling with his mouth. If his eyes could kill people, he would have delayed Gu Yeling eight hundred times.

Gu Ye gave him a cold look, and finally sent him a sentence: "You must be cold."

If he hadn't gotten the sorrowful talisman to make a ghost, his original body should have half a year's lifespan. Although it was a mistake, he came into this body and got a big deal, but Gu Ye still felt that "he" was being bullied. Going back without revenge makes me feel uncomfortable.

Gu Ye directly skipped Li Shengkai, walked up to Gu Decheng, and asked with a smile: "Let me see first, is this old gentleman drinking too much?"

Gu Decheng laughed and cursed, "I'll give you a skin!" Gu Decheng was in a good mood and introduced: "This is President Yu, a young and promising leader of the young generation in the business world. If you can have one tenth of him, I will burn it. The fragrance is high."

Gu Ye regrets, "Forget it, the Bodhisattva will not receive your incense."

Gu Decheng opened his mouth, choked back what he wanted to say, and just wanted to hit the child.

Gu Ye looked at Yu Ze and smiled: "Mr. Yu, I still owe you two meals." He sighed from the bottom of his heart. From the facial features to the figure to the temperament, every detail makes people feel perfect. But picky, his father wanted him to become Yu Ze, so he couldn't do it, he just wanted to lie down.

Yu Ze picked up the corner of his mouth slightly, "How do you say?"

Gu Ye stretched out his finger to explain to him, "You invited me to have a meal that night. The next day I asked you to run for two meals."

Gu Decheng grabbed him behind Gu Ye and scolded him: "Naughty! Mr. Yu is busy, how can I have time to eat with you?"

"Yes," Yu Ze, with a gentle face, took out a business card, "You decide the time and place. Just let me know one day in advance."

Gu Ye took it over in a daze, a little dazed, is the chief executive so easy to talk?

Gu Decheng helplessly said: "Don't pay attention to him, his child has a temper, and he is not used to it."

Yu Ze smiled slightly, "He is very sensible."

Gu Decheng glared at Gu Ye and reminded him not to mess around, and don't really ask people to have dinner.

Gu Ye had already put the business card in his pocket with ecstasy, and the business card was still stained with purple, so he went back and bought the lottery ticket.

Seeing that it was almost midnight, the business banquet should have ended. Gu Decheng took Gu Ye, and after a few words of greeting with a few old friends, he left. When he walked to the parking lot, Gu

Ye looked at his father bitterly. The old man was really unreasonable. When he went out, the big boss asked him to make a fortune. Forget it, the old man wouldn't let him collect money. How could there be such a loss-making business?

Gu Decheng glared at Gu Ye back, "Are you Uncle Lin teasing you, do you really dare to count?"

Gu Ye pouted his lips, "I dare to count when the king of heaven comes."

Gu Decheng had a cold face, and was about to take the opportunity to educate him and let him know what to say on what occasions, especially in this kind of business circle, who are two-faced people who smile at you on the surface, but can stabbing you behind, and talk a lot. Will suffer. Without saying a word, a middle-aged man in a black shirt walked over, "Hello Mr. Gu, I learned from the profound arts, and I have been waiting for the two for a long time."

Gu Decheng frowned, "Xuashu learned what to do with me, and my son won't be a Taoist priest."

"You have misunderstood," the member of the Xuashu Academy quickly explained, "I just want to ask a few questions."

Gu Ye asked with a look of disgust: "The Xuashu Academy is not my father, why should I answer the question? Ugly rejection!"

People from the Xuashu Society: "..."

This toothache has nothing to do with Gu Ye, and he didn't believe it when he killed him.

Chapter 25 Mr. Yu, are you here to play?

To say that Gu Ye is a pure master who doesn't want to pay attention to you, Gu Decheng is hostile to the Xuashu Academy, "I don't care what you do, my son will not have anything to do with you in the future, stay away from my son."

The members of the Xuashu Society stood awkwardly on the spot, not knowing where they had encountered the mold of this big man.

Arriving in the car, Gu Decheng told Gu Ye sternly: "Xuashu Society, it sounds like an underground organization engaged in feudal superstition. If you dare to be a Taoist priest, I will break your leg."

"Good dad, listen to your dad." Gu Ye took out his mobile phone and found the most popular variety show now. He promised to be very religious.

Mr. Gu wanted to hit the child again, "How do you recite the rules of the disciple, you can recite it for me."

Gu Ye sighed and turned off the video, "Don't delay your parents' response, don't be lazy about your parents' orders, parents must listen carefully, and parents must obey. Dad, I'll kneel and listen to the admonition."

Gu Decheng calmed down, "How did you know that Li Shengkai was evading taxes? It was calculated?"

"In the line of fortune-telling, after seeing through the secrets, personal speculations must be added."

"My brain is not working well, I can't do this job?"

"Yes, it is."

Gu Decheng was amused, "Why didn't you see that you were so smart before?"

Gu Ye said solemnly: "I was scared of being beaten by you before, so I don't dare to waver."

"Then how can you toss so much now?"

"Now I know that you are reluctant to kill me."

Gu's father was speechless and made sense.

At this time, Gu Ye glanced at the window, his eyes lit up, and suddenly asked, "Is the car in front Li Shengkai's?"

The driver glanced at it and said, "Yes, this can also be counted?"

"It's the same aura, stop, I'll go down."

Gu Decheng looked at Gu Ye's busy work with a cold face. He wanted to stop him. Thinking about it, it seemed that it had been a long time since he had been sitting in a car with his son, and it hadn't been a long time to see Gu Ye being able to make requests so naturally. .

Gu Ye circled around Li Shengkai's car, patted the front of the car with a smile, and returned to the car with a smile, "Let's go."

The driver looked at the corner of Gu Ye's smile in the rearview mirror, and didn't dare to ask more. He always felt that San Shao smiled badly.

On the second day, it was reported that Li Shengkai encountered a ghost hitting a wall on the way home, and wandered around the outer ring road for most of the night. He found his way only after dawn.

After Gu Ye made such a fuss, many people in the circle asked if Li Shengkai was really evading taxes, especially those who wanted to cooperate with him. They all checked with someone. Although no real evidence was found, they were investigating Still found some problems. Cooperating with Gu Decheng under the pressure to offend Gu Decheng is inherently risky. Now the other party may break the law. Who wants to take the risk? For a time, numerous orders were cancelled, and the stock fell all the way to the bottom.

Immediately afterwards, Li Shengkai was reported, and he had offended many people over the years. I heard that Gu Ye calculated it, and they would rather trust him to report him, and the relevant units began to investigate his tax issues.

Li Shengkai turned his head in sorrow, but unfortunately, one of his little lovers secretly raised his child and went to the house. Knowing that Li Shengkai had an accident, she was afraid that she would have no money for the rest of her life. She was also a lover and gave birth to him. Why did he send another vixen abroad whenever something happened, let alone not give her money!

Hu Yu was also mad and slapped Xiaosan. He didn't expect that Xiaosan was not easy to provoke. He pulled her hair and pushed her to the ground, and kicked fiercely.

It happened that Li Shengkai's son Li Peng went home, and when he saw Xiao San dare to beat his mother, he rushed up and beat Xiao San to his head. Li Shengkai wanted to protect the little lover, and angrily pushed his son away, making his son knock his head on the table, making a big bag.

When Hu Yu saw this, he also understood that this day is impossible, "Divorce, you must divorce! Everything you have is given by my dad, it is mine!"

"Do you dare?!" Li Shengkai blushed, "If I kill you, I won't divorce you!"

"If you have the courage, you will kill me!" Hu Yu straightened his neck, and with his son by his side, he became tough.

Li Shengkai looked at the mother and son who dared to rebel against him. He also hated him. He picked up an object from the table without seeing what it was. He smashed it over, "I'll kill you bitch now!"

"Ah!" With Hu Yu's scream, the atmosphere suddenly cooled down. Hu Yu fell to the ground, his eyes stained with red blood and the floor was red.

"Mom! Mom!" Li Peng trembled his hands and picked up his mother. He yelled for a few times without responding, and his face turned pale. "What are you doing in a daze, call an ambulance!"

Xiaosan didn't dare to make a fuss anymore. He slid away with the child. Li Shengkai was also scared. He subconsciously took out his mobile phone and just pressed the three-digit number 120. He suddenly thought of something, but he did not press the dial button.

Li Peng was holding the blood on his mother's head anxiously. He called his mother several times without any response, and his body became colder and colder. He looked up at his dad in fear, "What are you doing? Save my mother!"

"Son, your mother may not be able to save it." Li Shengkai squinted, grabbing his son's shoulder with one hand, and the strong veins bulged out. If Hu Yu is dead, she will not divorce him, nor will her family wealth Be divided away. In this situation, Hu Yu's death is best for him.

Li Peng looked at his dad in shock, as if he didn't know the man in front of him, and he didn't care about the pain on his shoulder, "Are you trying to watch my mother die? She can be saved! If you don't fight, I fight!"

Li Peng took out his mobile phone to call an ambulance. Li Shengkai pushed his son down, grabbed his mobile phone, and threw it to the ground.

"You are crazy! You are crazy! You murderer!" Li Peng was only fifteen years old. For the first time in his life such a big blow was when his father wanted to kill his mother. Li Peng was already in a panic and wanted to escape, but he was firmly held back by his father. Looking back, his father's eyes were red, like a lunatic.

"If you tell it, you will not only have no mother, you will also have no father, let alone a good life in the future. Dad promises you that he will send you to study abroad when you pass this difficult time, and I will give you whatever you want. ."

Li Peng cried and shouted, "I want my mother, can you give it?"

Li Shengkai looked red and touched the stone lion that had smashed Hu Yu just now, and his eyes flashed fiercely, "Are you obedient?"

Li Peng was so scared that he trembled all over, nodded tremblingly, and cried: "I listen, I listen, Dad, I listen to you, I listen to you everything."

Li Shengkai just let go of his hand. At this moment, Li Peng suddenly jumped up. After all, he is a fifteen-year-old boy who often fights, and his explosive power is still there. Li Shengkai was suddenly pushed to the ground and he did not react. Li Peng had already ran to the door.

Li Peng cried and shouted: "Help! Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance!"

Unfortunately, when the ambulance arrived, Hu Yu's body was already cold. The doctor regretfully said, "It's too late, even if it is three minutes earlier, there is still help."

Li Peng put the fucking body away expressionlessly and gave his mother a plastic surgery. He didn't even look at Li Shengkai. He ran away from home when the Li family was in trouble.

Soon, the police came to the door and said, "Your son said you killed his mother. We need to investigate."

"This wicked man!" Li Shengkai did not expect that his son dared to sell him when he went out.

The evidence is conclusive. Li Shengkai was arrested that day and he really responded to Gu Ye's words.

The Li family is completely finished.

After the incident spread, Gu Ye's name became louder in the circle, spreading falsehoods, and the more it was spread, the more evil it became. He also said that a few words about him would have broken a company. Even at a young age, after so many incidents, I would rather believable and untrustworthy, and would not offend all of them. Even the business with Gu Decheng became smooth.

There are more people who want Gu Ye to calculate feng shui, but unfortunately they can't get the number in the line now, because Master Gu is going for the college entrance examination.

The people in the profound arts department are also very troubled. If this Gu Ye and that Gu Ye are really related, they must get him into the department in advance, and take good care of his temper. Make land. It's a pity that Gu Ye is Gu Decheng's son. President Gu is inexplicably hostile to them. It is not convenient to get close to Gu Ye.

Many masters of the Xuashu Academy also chatted privately, "This kid is quite capable of grabbing business, which school is it?"

"I don't know, I never heard that such a small child has such a strong spiritual power, and he is still in school."

"How can Gu Ye's talents be so high? This year, Mr. Yu is hosting a tea party, will he invite him?"

"In the name of the old man, anyone can get it. This is an old national treasure that can be stomped in the entire China, and the business and entertainment circles can follow. Coupled with the success of the heir, the Yu family will develop better and better. He has to give face when he speaks."

"Old man Yu is also very interesting. Every July has to hold a tea party. Those in our circle are invited to identify antiques. What is his real purpose?" The young people who joined the club soon, and several old people were happy, "Why? Choose truly talented people to change his young son's fate. Yu Ze's luck, ordinary people have gained a little, and will be prosperous and wealthy for a lifetime. Unfortunately. The extremes of things must be reversed. From the moment he was born, he was calculated to have no children and grandchildren. The life of the nine-five-year-old is all in this life.

The young man thought about it for a while and said enviously: "...I think I can change my life with him, I don't want offspring, the life I think about is rich."

The elder ridiculed: "Would your parents not kill you?"

The young man stopped talking. This is the fact. Young people don't care if there are children, but old people don't think so. Therefore, Mr. Yu always invites people to go there every year. This year he really wrote an invitation to Gu Ye, which is now on the old man's desk. .


Gu Ye was carrying his schoolbag, and the old god was standing at the door waving goodbye to his parents, "Don't worry, everything is fate."

Mrs. Gu rolled her eyes. What is the relationship between test scores and fate? "You take the test well, and check it a few times after you finish the test. From today on, don't eat messy things. Make sure you don't get sick when you go to the test room tomorrow. After the test, I will pick you up at the entrance of the test room. !"

"Good, good~" Gu Ye slammed the bag on his back, "I remember it! After the exam, please give me a few days off. I'm going to go out."

Gu Decheng wants to tell me what kind of wave you are doing. Give me peace of mind, and Mrs. Gu will hold her husband, "Now what he says is what he says, let him go to the exam without any pressure."

Gu Decheng can only bear it.

Gu Ye climbed into the car and left with a smile. Dad agreed with him if he didn't object. After the exam, he went out and had fun, and then went to the mountains to sweep the grave for his master.

It must rain for the college entrance examination! This is the iron law!

A large group of parents are holding umbrellas and guarding at the school gate like mushroom soldiers. They are more anxious than the students on the battlefield. It is really pitiful for the parents of the world.

The students who did not take the exam with their parents followed Teacher Yu to have lunch, and went to a nearby hotel to rest together to prepare for the afternoon exam. Gu Ye went to the bathroom after dinner, and when he came back, he heard someone flicker on the side of the wall: "I am the senior of your last term. I have someone from the Education Bureau. I already knew the topic. As long as two hundred yuan, I can give you the answer.Do you want?"

Gu Ye was amused, and his heart said what age is this, how can any fool believe such nonsense?

At this time, I heard a girl whispering: "Really? Can I give it now?"

Gu Ye was stunned, really!

"I can't now. I can only give you the answer five minutes before you enter the examination room. It depends on your ability to memorize it. I gave it to you in advance. The risk of you leaking it out is even greater. Cause trouble?"

The girl hadn't even heard that this was a lie to her. She thought she was wise and asked: "What if I give you money and you don't give me the answer?"

"Then you find the police to arrest me, you add me a WeChat, I will never run."

Gu Ye almost couldn't listen anymore, and went around to see how bitch the liar looks like.

The liar had just made a fortune, and he came over to watch Gu Ye and wanted to fool him, "Little handsome guy, I have the answer to the next question, do you want it?"

Gu Ye said coldly: "If I buy it, what should you do if you send me a bunch of random answers? The college entrance examination papers are not sent down. Who knows if you gave the right answer? If I say that I have a bad memory, you are justified."

Seeing that he didn't take the bait, the liar continued to fool: "If I lie to you, you can go to the police station to call the police!"

Gu Ye sneered, "I was cheated to buy the answer for the college entrance examination, right? For two hundred yuan, do you think I will let the teacher know about this? Then I will not be able to hide the

secret strictly? You? I kill 800 of these liars who deceive little fools a day."

The girl who was cheated at this time also realized something was wrong, "Liar! You pay me back!"

"Who liar, how does the little girl talk? I tell you, it is legal responsibility to frame someone!"

After all, she is a little girl who has never been in contact with society. The girl didn't expect this liar to be so shameless. She was so frightened by the other party's momentum that she took a step back and dared not speak.

Gu Ye grabbed the liar's collar with one hand and dragged it to the toilet in a few steps like a dog, pushing him against the wall with one elbow, and he couldn't move, "Give her the money back, or feed you shit. "

The liar was frightened by Gu Ye's vigor, and he quibbleed while paying back the money: "Give it, I really don't lie, I really have the answer, why don't you believe it?"

Gu Ye curled his lips, dragged the liar out forcibly, and handed it over to the police on patrol.

The girl caught up with Gu Ye and said gratefully: "Classmate, thank you."

"The ears are soft, eat a bite and gain wisdom." Gu Ye threw the schoolbag on his back, waved his hand without looking back, and left.

The girl chased him two steps behind him but failed to catch up. She regrettably took a picture of him from the back. Hopefully, goodbye.


Early in the morning of the second day of the college entrance examination, Lin Zihao clutched his stomach and rushed into the toilet. The graffiti Gu Ye gave him was a nightmare, and he was afraid that it would be fulfilled during the college entrance examination. Yesterday, he didn't dare to eat more for a whole day, so he was afraid that he would eat too little. He was too hungry when he came back. He asked his mother to make him a bowl of noodles and added a little bit of his usual favorite. Peppers. Unexpectedly, because I was hungry for too long, my intestines and stomach were fragile, and I had diarrhea when I was stimulated by pepper.

Lin Zihao hated him and thought to himself that this must be Gu Ye's curse on him!

Before going to the examination room, Lin Zihao ran to the toilet three times, and he almost collapsed, his parents were anxious.

Seeing that the time was running out, Lin Zihao tightened his belt, rushed out of the toilet, put his schoolbag on his back and ran out the door. His parents also hurried to catch up, no one saw Lin Zihao's admission ticket, still lying on the table.

The result can be imagined. In the first exam, Lin Zihao failed to enter the examination room, and his parents collapsed on the spot.

Lin Zihao muttered bitterly with red eyes: "Gu Ye must have cursed me, Gu Ye cursed me long ago! It's Gu Ye!"

After this test, Gu Ye followed Teacher Yu and a few classmates as soon as Lin Zihao rushed up, "Gu Ye! I want to kill you!"

Before he rushed to his eyes, the security guards stopped Lin Zihao, "What's the matter with you, a student? You can't commit a crime if you fail the exam."

"Gu Ye, did you curse me if I lost my admission ticket? It must be you!" Lin Zihao struggled like crazy, just rushing to beat Gu Ye.

Several of the classmates in their class were speechless, "Lin Zihao, are you sick? You didn't bring the admission ticket yourself. What does it have to do with Gu Ye?"

Teacher Yu blushed with anger, and he was extremely disappointed with Lin Zihao in the past six months, "Lin Zihao, why are you having trouble with Gu Ye?"

Gu Ye shook his head. He thought that Lin Zihao was in trouble, and this time he would definitely not be able to pass the entrance examination of his favorite university. The painting he painted before was just to scare him. Lin Zihao is jealous, narrow-minded, and doesn't know how to be grateful. If it wasn't for Zhao Pengyu, an innocent person to be implicated, he would not bother to control

them. If this person has changed his temperament, he may not have this trouble. Unfortunately, his nature is hard to change.

Lin Zihao's mother was also surprised by her son's behavior. She ran to hold her son and asked in a panic, "Zihao, what's wrong with you? Your admission ticket was not lost. Your father found it for you. You put it on the table. How can you blame others for failing to get it?"

Lin Zihao was stunned, "The table, on the table?"

"Yes, it's on your desk." His mother cried and persuaded: "It's okay if you didn't take the exam this year. You can review it for another year and take the exam next year. You can't help thinking about it."

After such a disturbance, the eyes of the parents and students around Lin Zihao looked like crazy. Lin Zihao couldn't bear it, pushed his mother away and ran away. Lin Zihao was not there for the afternoon test. Anyway, it takes a year to review if you don't take the exam. Lin Zihao is so high that he can't afford to lose this person.

After the college entrance examination was over, more parents were waiting at the gate. Because it rained yesterday, the sky was washed out especially clean today, the sun was shining brightly, and the hot people were bubbling oil, and a mushroom umbrella was once again held up at the school gate. As soon as Gu Ye left the school gate, he saw the girl who looked like her who had just returned from the Sahara Desert. Gu Ye was amused, walked over with a smile, and praised: "Even if it is a mushroom, you are the most beautiful one inside. ."

"Oh, you bear boy, hahaha," Madam Gu slapped Gu Ye on the shoulder happily, "You can talk, hahaha!"

Gu Ye grinned in pain, and quickly grabbed his opponent's hand, "Mom, there are so many people here looking at you, and the news came out after a while: Shocked! Why is it so vicious that a wealthy stepmother beat her stepson in the street?"

The smile on Mrs. Gu's face is really possible. When she came, she had noticed that some reporters had taken pictures of her. I don't know what those people said about her. Maybe they said she was making a show again. She didn't bother to think about the bad things, and asked Gu Ye with concern: "How was your exam?"

Gu Ye smiled and said: "I have done everything I know, let's go home, I want to eat a good meal, and then have a good sleep."

Gu Ye slept again the next morning, and only got up at noon for dinner. Mrs. Gu was not at home. Gu Ye went downstairs and made a cup of milk tea by herself. The nanny aunt came over and asked him, "Sir, what do you want to eat for lunch?" Chinese food or Western food?"

Gu Ye shook his head uninterested.

The nanny aunty smiled and asked: "The sea cucumber that the chef bought today is not bad, do you want to eat sushi?"

Gu Ye still shook his head, still not interested.

The nanny aunt tentatively asked: "Then, Thai food?"

Gu Ye drank all the milk tea and stretched, "I want to eat spicy spicy and stinky tofu."

Aunt Nanny: "...This, we can't do it, but we can learn it!"

Gu Ye smiled, "Then I will definitely not do it at noon today. I'm out to eat. You don't care about me and don't tell my mother."

Mrs. Gu has been preventing her children from eating outside. Gu Ye was almost unable to hold it back, so she called Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang to the snack street. The three broad young masters, one of them holding a bowl of spicy soup, eating a round belly, sweaty, and while sitting and resting, Gu Ye unexpectedly received a call. Seeing the electric display, Gu Ye blinked. With eyes, he asked seriously: "Zhao Pengyu, if I invite your brother-in-law to eat Mala Tang and stinky tofu, will he come?"

Zhao Pengyu looked at the IDD as Yu Ze, and sneered twice, "My brother-in-law has a habit of cleanliness, and he is almost abnormal in some aspects. Hero, you can try."

"Hello, I am Yu Ze." Yu Ze's cold voice came, like a glass of sake in summer, and Gu Ye suddenly felt a lot refreshed.

Gu Ye smiled and narrowed his eyes, "Mr. Yu has something to do with me?"

"Have you received the invitation?"

Gu Ye wondered, "What invitation?"

Zhao Pengyu reacted first, "It must be an invitation for the July Tea Party. All the masters in your profession are invited to play together!"

Yu Ze heard Zhao Pengyu's voice and said in disgust: "Shut up."

Zhao Pengyu immediately fell silent.

Gu Ye understood, "I am eating out now, and the invitation should be at home."

Yu Ze asked: "Come to play?"

"Okay." Gu Ye agreed in one gulp, squinting his eyes and enthusiastically invited: "I'm eating mala Tang and stinky tofu outside. Will Mr. Yu come to play?"

Yu Ze: "..."

Chapter 26: Selling Girlfriends for Money

The other side fell silent without accident, as if entangled or not coming, Gu Ye endured a smirk, "I'm kidding you, I invite you to dinner. I definitely won't come to this place."

Yu Ze probably didn't expect Gu Ye to be joking with him. After a pause, he chuckled: "I will have a meeting later, I can't go, I will invite you to eat dessert."

Gu Ye looked at Zhao Pengyu, your brother-in-law is so kind!

Zhao Pengyu shook his head like a rattle, using two paws to hold Gu Yeerkang's hands, indicating that his brother-in-law was not so good, he had suffered countless dark losses when he was a child, and the farthest path he had traveled was his brother's routine. Too many are tears.

Yu Ze really did what he said. After a while, someone sent a box of desserts. There were all kinds of desserts, and the portion was not big. It was just right to taste. Gu Ye was surprised, "He actually knows where we are."

"It should be the location of my body." Zhao Pengyu used a fork to pick up the dessert boxes and check them one by one, turning his face aside, for fear that something would spurt from the dessert and hit himself with creamy froth.

Gu Ye and Xia Xiang didn't have so many thoughts. They took one and started eating. This dessert didn't know where to order it. It tasted better than the ones sold in the market. The cream melted in your mouth, and the ice was cold. It tasted great. . Zhao Pengyu saw that they were eating well, so he dared to eat.

Xia Xiang asked: "Your uncle is really good to you, just you are a nephew?"

"No, I am the eldest. My second aunt's family also has twins, and my third aunt's family also has a little cousin. When I was a child, no one took care of me. I often lived in my grandfather's house. My uncle was only seven years older than me. He treated me every day. Monkey teasing, maybe for this reason, he likes me the most." Zhao Pengyu had a deep face, and he almost believed what he said.

Xia Xiang spit out mercilessly: "He didn't want you to talk just now."

Zhao Pengyu: "Don't say it! People are hard to dismantle!"

Gu Ye smiled and took another one. He didn't like dessert very much, that is, tasted something fresh. Today, I ate more of the rare ones. After eating and drinking, the three of them went to the nearby video game city and played games for an afternoon. When they returned, it was already past five.

When he got home, Gu Ye saw the invitation on his desk and couldn't help but admire him. The word Mr. Yu can be framed and cherished. The handwriting is vigorous and powerful, with dragons and phoenixes, without decades of knowledge, momentum and knowledge. Cannot write such a word.

At dinner in the evening, Gu Decheng asked Gu Ye: "I heard you received an invitation from the Yu family?"

Gu Ye was not impatient or impatient, and calmly said: "Master invites me to appreciate antiques."

Gu Decheng was happy, "Yes, I invite you to this tea party. It should be the reason why you saved Zhao Pengyu. It's not bad to see. The Yu

family has a rich cultural heritage. Father's calligraphy and painting are national treasures. You should talk less, listen more and watch more. Learn more."

Gu Ye nodded obediently. The way to survive in this family is: Dad is right.

"Take your invitation," Gu Decheng paused, and said solemnly: "Take me to see."

Gu Ye asked unreasonably: "You won't cut those words out and store them, don't cut all the holes for me."

Gu Decheng's face was dark, "Am I that kind of person? How could I snatch my son's things?"

After appreciating Yu Lao's words, Gu Decheng comfortably placed it at his hand, pressed it with his elbow, and continued to eat. Gu Ye curled his lips, you don't want to grab it, you just take it away.

Mrs. Gu rolled her eyes and put a shrimp in Gu Ye, and asked, "Would you like to take your brother to see? It was summer vacation."

Gu Decheng sighed and asked disapprovingly: "What are you going to do with a child?"

Gu Ye didn't care, "You can take him there and play with Zhao Pengyu."

Mrs. Gu shrunk her neck as her husband saw her, "Isn't this going to join in the fun, to have a long experience? If you don't go, don't go."

At this time, Gu Ye Mingzhe didn't say anything, and when he was full, he withdrew to his room and began to pack his things.

Early the next morning, when the nanny asked Gu Ye to come down to eat, he found that he had left a note on the table and the person had disappeared. The nanny aunt looked at the words written on the paper, clutching her small heart, and rushed downstairs, "It's not good! Sir! Madam! The third master ran away from home!"

"Run away from home?" Mrs. Gu was taken aback. Wasn't it all right last night?

After reading the letter Gu Ye left him with a cold face, Gu Decheng slapped the table angrily, "As soon as he became an adult, his wings became hard. Come, let me get him back!"

"Don't don't!" Madam Gu hurriedly stopped. After reading Gu Ye's words, she knew that he just wanted to go for a walk, and she hurriedly gave her husband a favor, "The child has finished the college entrance examination and wants to go out to relax. He is not a kid anymore. You just let him go."

"You are still used to him, he dares to run away from home today, and he can dare to run away with the girl tomorrow!"

Mrs. Gu can't laugh or cry, she thinks too far, "To put it bluntly, you just don't want your child to grow up."

Gu Decheng asked angrily: "Up to now, you are still protecting him. How much have you benefited from him?"

Mrs. Gu snorted and murmured unhappily: "Is it easy for me to be a mother? I don't protect him and say that I am not good to him, and it is my fault to protect him. What do you want?"

Gu Decheng was slapped by the last sentence. If this goes on, he will have to make trouble again. Mr. Gu sighed deeply, "How a kind mother is to lose! You just get used to him, I'm going to the company!"

Mrs. Gu hurriedly sent a message to Gu Ye: "I will come back after playing for a few days, or else your dad will send someone to arrest you, I really can't stop it."

After seeing it, Gu Ye replied: Good~ Ma Ma, I love you~ I love you~

Mrs. Gu sent him a string of bits and pieces, and Gu Ye could imagine how speechless the expression on Xiaoma's face was when she saw it, and couldn't help but enjoy herself first. Gu Ye rode in the car for a day and a half before arriving at his destination, a small town with mountains and rivers-Wufu Town.

This is a small town formed by the union of several surrounding villages. There is a river outside the town. From the mountain, the town is embraced by the river, like a paradise isolated from the world. In fact, the news in this small town is not so closed. Many young people in the town go to work in the city. The living standard in the town is pretty good.

This small town is the hometown of Gu Ye's master, Shao Fuxian. Before he died, Shao Fuxian asked Gu Ye. He had no other requirements, so he hoped to take him home for burial. Gu Yeba took the old man's ashes back through the mountains and rivers, found a feng shui treasure, buried him, and lived in this small town. for a while.

An old aunt saw the direction Gu Ye was going, and asked with concern, "Young man, are you here to travel in town?"

Gu Ye smiled and shook his head, "I'm going home, auntie, did something happen to Daliucun ahead?"

Auntie looked at him in his dress and did not look like a person from the village. She kindly persuaded him: "If you are not in a hurry, come back in two days. Many people have died in Da Liu Village. The funeral is messy."

Gu Ye thanked the other party for the reminder with a smile, and continued to walk in. When approaching the entrance of Daliu Village, she found that a large shed was built at the entrance of the village. Under the shed were a few large coffins. Several rows. Gu Ye tilted his head and looked at it carefully, his expression dignified, how many people died all of a sudden, even holding a collective funeral?

In this kind of small village, every household is a little bit related. For the seven aunts, eight aunts, three aunts, and six uncles, there is something to do in the countryside, and everyone is involved. Generally, a bunch of paper money is placed at the door of a dead family who is related to this family by blood. When Gu Ye entered the

village, he found that almost every household had put up a bunch of papers, and it was really rare for the whole village to hold funerals.

He felt uneasy as he left, until he came to the place where he lived before, Gu Ye pushed open the unlocked door in a complicated mood, and found that the yard was full of weeds. Gu Ye immediately regretted it. He shouldn't have come back by himself. Instead, he should come back with the gardener to change the hair style of the green grass.

At this time, someone at the door asked: "Who are you? Where did you come from?"

Gu Ye turned his head and saw a middle-aged man who was not tall, had dark skin, and was a little thin, shouting happily, "Uncle Guan Ting?"

"Are you?" The other party was dumbfounded by him, and I didn't know who Gu Ye was for a while.

Gu Ye reacted. He changed his body now. The people in this village no longer knew him. He smiled and said, "My brother Gu Ye has something to do. Let me come back to sweep Master's grave. My brother mentioned you to me, Guan Ting. Uncle, the neighbor uncle who is good at repairing the house."

"Oh! Gu Ye's junior," Liu Guanting smiled honestly when he heard Gu Ye praise him. He didn't mean to be xenophobic to Gu Ye. "He actually let you come back by yourself. This life The ground is unfamiliar," Liu Guanting glanced at the yard and said disgustedly:

"There is no way to go, you wait, and my uncle will make the yard neat for you later."

After a short while, the uncle came back with a big shovel and smoothly leveled the grass in the yard. Gu Ye was really embarrassed, so he stuffed the other side a sesame oil chicken that he bought on the road. He said that the brother had asked him to bring it and he would give it away.

Uncle Guan Ting was embarrassed to accept it, and enthusiastically asked Gu Ye to eat at their house. Gu Ye declined, and by the way inquired: "Uncle, what happened in our village?"

The smile on Liu Guanting's face faded when he mentioned this, and he took out a cigarette, lighted it, and took a suffocated. After a long time, he said: "It's miserable!" After that, Liu Guanting calmed down and began to say, "It's the rainy season. The rain is heavy and the water is rushing. The river has washed the bridge in the town. Many people in our village are working outside on the construction site. If you promised someone's project, you had to do it. In the village, someone who could row a boat pulled out the old boat at home and used it to carry people across the river. It was fine for a few days at first, but the day before yesterday, the boat capsized." Guan Ting The uncle sighed, "A dozen of them were detained under the boat. Anyone who can swim has nothing to do. They came back alive in the end."

There were also a few buddies who grew up with him. The more they talked, the more uncomfortable they were. Liu Guanting wiped away his tears and picked up the big shovel for weeding, "Uncle is going to help dig the grave pit. If you have something to do, go to your house to find you. Auntie."

Gu Ye sent the other party out, listening to the cries of the whole village, he sighed long and sighed that things are impermanent.

Gu Ye checked the circuit, and it was all right. There are pots and pans at home, and they can be used after washing. When it was dark, Gu Ye took out the food he bought on the road from his backpack. It was hot and he was eating. He heard a cry outside, and there were many people shouting and yelling, as if something really happened. Things.

Gu Ye hurriedly spread the pie, shaved off the meat on the chicken legs, put some cucumber shreds, rolled it, rolled it, and went out to watch.

Surrounded by the crowd, a middle-aged aunt was framed by two women. She was already crying and couldn't walk. She was being dragged along and cursed: "Li Dahai! You are so desolate! You are inhuman! You won't There will be a good end! You can sell all your daughters and daughters! You are not afraid of your daughters looking for you in the middle of the night! Pity my son, nothing left, why didn't you think of raising you when you jumped down!"

The surrounding villagers followed sympathetically and scolded: "It's too conscientious. I sold my girl for money!"

"What's the matter, Liu Chao is suffering, and it's no use to catch it, alas!"

Gu Ye walked behind the two aunts and asked in a low voice, "Auntie, what's the situation?"

Sometimes looking good is to take advantage. When my aunt saw Gu Ye's red lips and white teeth, even if she was not from her own village, she still babbled to him: "This son Liu Chao and the girl from the neighboring village Li Cui grew up together with their childhood sweethearts. The two of them graduated and worked outside together. This time they said they were back for engagement. They just caught up with the boat to go home. When the big wave hits, the girl fell off first. The boy is a waterman, in order to save the girl, also Jumped down. Unexpectedly, the boat capsized and he was buckled. If he didn't save the girl, the child might survive."

Another aunt also came over, "The boy family feels that the two children are in a good relationship and are dead, so they will have a vaginal marriage for the children. The two children will be buried together, and they will be able to be together in the next life. I can imagine that when I went to discuss this matter today, the other party regretted it."

"It is said that a car came from the city in the middle of the night last night and gave Li Dahai 50,000 yuan, and he bought Li Cui's body that night. Now it's hard to find a girl for a yin marriage. want."

The aunts get together, gossiping can dig out the ancestors of the other eight generations, and there is a red-eyed aunt who wipes her tears and said: "I heard that the family who bought that girl is the richest man in the county and opened a coal mine. The big boss of, the family is rich. His son was shot a few years ago and he is a murderer."

"Oh! Li Dahai is really sad! This kind of person can also ask for money, and he is not afraid of retribution. Will he be at ease when he sells his girl's money?"

Amidst a group of sighs and anger, Gu Ye suddenly felt a ghostly air. He looked over vigilantly and saw a young man in his early twenties standing on a hillside not far away. He looked at the woman who was framed home with a pained expression, the black air above his head became more and more intense, Gu Yegang wanted to chase it, and the ghost was no longer visible.

Gu Ye calmed his face, pinched his fingers to calculate, and cursed in his heart: lie down!

Chapter 27: The Battle for the Bride

That new ghost is undoubtedly the son of this woman. The Liu Chao that several aunts said, Gu Ye chased to the mountainside behind the village, "Liu Chao, come out by yourself, don't you just want to find your wife? I can help you."

The surroundings are quiet, and there is no intention of any ghost to come up with it. Gu Ye smiled and said: "If you don't come out, your wife's hall will be over. In another half an hour, no one can help you."

"Who are you? Can you see me?" The ghost finally floated out of the hiding place and looked at Gu Ye defensively.

"I'm Gu Ye, just the Gu Ye in front of your house." Gu Ye looked at him, and Liu Chao's eyes were already red, and the black ghost on his body was not like a normal new ghost, and it was about to darken. Become a ghost. Gu Ye counted into the future. Once Liu Chao became black, many innocent people would die. However, his wife is more fierce than him, who is an invisible boss.

Liu Chao looked at Gu Ye, "Are you Gu Ye the fortune teller?"

Gu Ye said deeply: "The Gu Ye you mentioned should be my senior, and I am also Gu Ye."

Liu Chao was a little confused.

Gu Ye smiled, "My brother said, "I will find a younger apprentice named Gu Ye, and another apprentice named Gu Ye later. If anyone provokes us in the future, let him be like stabbing Gu Ye's nest. Grandpa Gu is jumping everywhere. ."

Liu Chao finally had a bit of joy on his face, "I heard from my family that Gu Ye is very powerful, and Gu Ye is a little fairy!"

Gu Ye squinted his eyes to see that the black energy on his head had not changed any more, and then he was relieved, "I know, I can help you."

Liu Chao said excitedly: "I can repay you as a cow and a horse. I will be a ghost servant. You can let me do anything. Cui Cui is very courageous, and she must be scared now. I want to save her. "

Gu Ye wondered, "Is love something that can make people so crazy?"

Liu Chao categorically said: "Yes."

Gu Ye understands that love is what makes ghosts become mentally retarded.

"Well, give me her birth date."

Liu Chao thought for a while, and was slightly embarrassed, "I don't know exactly. She is a rabbit, and her birthday is the third day of July. She should have been born at noon. She said that people who were born at noon were bold, but she was very courageous. timid."

Gu Ye turned the perpetual calendar backwards and settled, "It's probably enough to know, do you have her stuff? Hurry, time is running out."

"I have it in my family!"

Gu Ye pulled out his legs and ran home. Liu Chao was a new ghost. He hadn't learned how to float faster, and he couldn't catch up with Gu Ye's two legs. Gu Ye squeezed a decision with disgust, and a gold thread was tied to Liu Chao's body, dragging him to run like a kite, and ran to Liu Chao's house in two minutes.

At this time, the mourning hall of the Liu family is still there, and Liu Chao's body has been buried, and will be cremated tomorrow. There is also a phoenix coffin next to it, which was obviously prepared for Li Cui, but unfortunately, it is empty now. Liu Chao's mother was sitting next to the coffin, tears as if crying dry, sitting there motionless, looking straight at the portrait of her son, his eyes were dull, as if he had lost the goal of living.

Liu Chao cried out uncomfortably: "Mom!"

His mother didn't respond. Liu Chao still wanted to call. Gu Ye tightened the thread in his hand and dragged him to his side, "Stop calling, she can't hear him."

Seeing the stranger Gu Ye, the villagers who helped nearby came and asked: "Are you?"

Gu Ye didn't have time to explain to the villagers, and went straight to the topic: "I am Gu Ye's younger brother next door. I saw Liu Chao just now. I have a few words to tell Liu Chao's parents."

The villagers immediately felt a bitter cold. Gu Ye is very famous in their town. He can count on it, and he also looks at Feng Shui and chooses Yin House, which has solved many problems for the villagers. Seeing that this young man didn't look like a liar, if it was his junior, it would not be surprising to see ghosts.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Gu Ye's words fell, the woman who was sitting in front of the coffin stupefied just now suddenly rushed out of the room like she was alive, and grabbed Gu Ye's shoulders with both hands. With red eyes, he asked: "My son is back? Did you see my son? What did my son say? Is he unwilling?"

"Yes," Gu Ye's shoulder hurt when he was caught. He pinched the acupuncture points on his aunt's wrist with both hands, relieved her strength, and comforted him: "I'll help him grab his wife, aunt, you have to help me."

"Help! Definitely help!" Aunt Liu pulled Gu Ye into the room, "Say, Mr., what can I do?"

Gu Ye sighed again, should it be said that the folk customs are simple, or that it is pity for the parents of the world? When the mother felt bitter, she could fight for her son even if she had a slight expectation. She believed what a stranger said.

"Your son said that there are things Li Cui used in his room, and I want to use it now."

Aunt Liu hurried to find her, and she found it.

Liu Chao's father came back with a haggard face after finishing his work outside. He also had a shaved beard. He hadn't shaved for two days, and his temples were all white. Listening to Liu Chao's fucking explanation, the uncle just thought for a while, "Okay, let's do what the little gentleman said, just ask for peace of mind."

"Don't worry, I'll let them send your daughter-in-law back." Gu Ye closed the door, and drew a soul-stuck formation next to the coffin, placed the girl's used things on the paper, and wrote the birth date on the paper with a cinnabar pen. on. Gu Ye never took the usual path. When someone asks for a soul, he just sticks to it.

The green light quietly lit up in the circle. After the wildfire struggled a few times, a ghost bride wearing a red dowry quietly appeared in the circle!

Standing behind Gu Ye, Liu Chao rushed in surprise. At this moment, the ghost bride raised her head, her eyes were red, and she stared at everyone in front of her spitefully. Her wedding dress was red as if she was stained with blood, especially when she saw Liu After Chao's

portrait, a bloody mist filled the surroundings, and Liu Chao was shot out!

"Cui Cui!" Liu Chao looked at the vicious female ghost in shock, "Is it Cui Cui? How did you become like this Cui Cui?" Seeing the lover, Liu Chao took two steps forward despite the danger, distressed. "Cui Cui, I'm Liu Chao, Cui Cui, take a look at me!"

Hearing Liu Chao's call, the ghost bride turned her head slowly, her red eyes, and after seeing that it was Liu Chao, her body stiffened for a while, and then rushed past like a red arrow and hugged Liu Chao. Crying, "Liu Chao!"

Gu Ye watched the thick blood mist on the girl's body fade away bit by bit, and Liu Chao's black spirit faded, and finally he was relieved. Liu Chao was full of grievances, he couldn't ask for it, and he had to be stimulated a little more to become black. The girl was sold to a stranger by her biological father, and her grievance was heavier than that of Liu Chao. Her temperament had changed drastically, and she had a murderous heart. Once killed and stained with human blood, he was even more crazy than Liu Chao.

But I still have to make a complaint, it is terrifying that love has such a magical power!

A pair of young couples who finally met again hugged each other and performed a lively love story. Gu Ye interrupted them, "Don't cry, I want to cry for a while. Come on, the bridegroom, first Worship the heaven and the earth, let's snatch the relatives tonight, and go to worship your mother-in-law and father-in-law tomorrow."

Liu Chao's parents couldn't see the soul. When they heard Gu Ye's words, they all looked at the soul-stuck formation. Liu Chao his mother carefully asked, "My son is back? He is back?"

Gu Ye sighed, and said that now that he has reached this point, let the two poor old people feel comforted. He drew twice in the air with a cinnabar pen, "Tianeye, open!"

Liu Chao's parents looked at the scene in disbelief. The old couple wanted to rush their son with excitement. Gu Ye stopped them one by one, and pulled them to the chairs to sit down. "Calm down! Are we trying to get in touch with each other? Don't you understand? , Li Cui's soul will be bound over there."

The family of four dare not cry anymore, and honestly listen to Gu Ye's arrangements.

"Worship your parents, thank you for being a matchmaker. This is the end. Knocking your parents." Gu Ye wrote the two birthdates together, burned the talisman paper, and persuaded: " If the grievances are gone, go to reincarnation and reincarnate. I will love you two for three lives."

I worshipped heaven and earth here, but the one that bought Li Cui was dumbfounded. The man in charge of this matter has put together Li Cui and a person named Xiang Lei's birthday horoscopes, put the incense in them, but couldn't light it. The husband looked at the Li Cuiling card in confusion, and suddenly found that there was a red line on the card, "Eh? No, this girl has a marriage contract. This marriage cannot be done."

"What kind of engagement?" A chubby woman in her fifties, wearing a gold necklace, gold earrings, and a gold bracelet, looked at a very upstart woman and asked anxiously: "We've inquired, this girl will follow It's better for me. I'm not engaged. If we didn't buy it in the middle of the night, this person wouldn't be able to grab it."

Mr. read it again and said with certainty: "It's not that I'm dazzled, this is that there is a marriage contract. If a woman does not marry a second husband, we can't do it here if we don't get married."

The woman was anxious, "What's the matter with the family? Cheating money! No, this marriage must be done!" She rubbed her legs, pulled her husband in panic, and asked in a low voice, "Is this gentleman disgusting? If you don't have enough money, give him a red envelope. I'm afraid that this marriage will fail, and that unfilial son will hit me in my dream again."

She has been dreaming for several days, and her son said that it is too bored to be alone in the ground, and he wants a daughter-in-law. He dared to beat and kick her in his dream. Looking for someone to burn his paper wife, he made a fuss about not wanting, and came to find her in his dream. Finally met a suitable big girl, this thing must be done.

At this time, no one saw it. A black shadow lying on the roof gave the spirit card angrily, turned and flew towards Da Liu Village.

Gu Ye had other arrangements in the middle of the night. It was just after ten o'clock, and he was about to rest for a while, and he would get up again at eleven o'clock. He didn't expect that just after lying down on the roof, he skipped a ghostly ghost. He had been on the

road for more than a day, and he was also tired. After a long time, he went out and took a look, his mouth pursed.

A fierce-looking middle-aged ghost viciously kicked the new ghost Liu Chao, pinched Li Cui's neck and dragged it out like a dead dog, without any pity. After all, Liu Chao was newly dead, and he had never done anything bad before his death. He had only grievances and no evil spirits. He got up and rushed up despite the pain. However, he was not the opponent of the old ghost at all. He was caught by his hair and pressed on the ground, and his soul was thrown. Has become transparent.

Li Cuicui saw his lover be beaten like this, and the suffocation that had disappeared from his body once again condensed, the blood mist was filled, and the eyes became blood red, "Why, you all forced me? Why, don't you let us?"

Seeing Li Cui's evil spirit getting heavier and heavier, Liu Chao shouted in worry: "Cui Cui! You can't reincarnate if you lose your mind!"

"I can't be with you, what kind of womb do I have? What reincarnation? What kind of person?" Li Cuicui grabbed Xiang Lei's wrist, her body floated, and a strong suffocated aroused a storm of blood and blood red wedding dress. Hunting.

"Oh? You slut, dare to resist me!" Xiang Lei said viciously: "I ate him so that he would never be able to give birth!"

Seeing this, Gu Ye picked up a brick from the ground, rushed to "bang" and slapped the opponent's forehead, angrily, "You're not

afraid of breaking your dog's teeth! Eat! I'll do it if you don't open your mouth for a while. Damn you!"

Chapter 28 She doesn't marry, you marry!

Xiang Lei was a wicked person when he was alive. He was sentenced to death because of the extremely bad circumstances of rape and murder. After he died, he is not a thing. In the past few years, he has not rarely bullied the lonely ghosts around him, and even eaten ghosts, so his spiritual power is so strong.

The beautiful daughter-in-law who finally got it is close to the lips and flying. Xiang Lei came to snatch someone in a rage, and regardless of whether she had a marriage contract, he wanted to take it away. From childhood to adulthood, he gave everything he wanted at home, and there was nothing he couldn't get. Xiang Lei was always domineering.

However, I never expected that there is another person here who is worse than him!

Xiang Lei was taken a few steps back by this brick, and he had to let go of the bride in his hand, and looked at Gu Ye with trepidation. At this look, he was stunned.

The young man in front of him is not very old, has red lips and white teeth, and is beautiful and delicate. Now because of his anger, his face is a little red, and his white skin can be broken by blows, and he looks even more beautiful than the bride. Xiang Lei was originally a bastard, but Xun Su didn't remember the lord. When he saw Gu Ye,

he became emotional, pointed to Gu Ye's nose, and said excitedly: "She won't marry, you marry!"

Gu Ye laughed angrily, and gritted his teeth and squeezed out: "You're afraid that you don't want to lose your soul!"

Just now Gu Ye just wanted to beat him innocently. He didn't even have a spell. Xiang Lei didn't know that he had completely pissed off Gu Ye. He just looked at Gu Ye, his face and body are good-looking, the more you look, the more satisfied you are, "Don't think You can resist me if you learn a little bit of Taoism. When I was alive, no one dared to provoke me. I have eaten several Taoists like you!"

"Heh!" Gu Ye sneered, took a cinnabar pen from his pocket, and drew a few times on the brick. The golden aura instantly covered the entire brick. Gu Ye weighed this weight in his hand, feeling that he would take advantage of it, without saying anything, rushing up and patted his face directly.

When Xiang Lei saw the golden light emitted from the brick, he was a little worried. This golden light was formed by the power of merit. Ghosts were afraid of this sun and sacred thing. Xiang Lei subconsciously raised his arm to block it, but Gu Ye did not expect Gu Ye. This brick was just like the sacred artifact for lowering demons and eliminating demons, his arms were like crab legs blocking a car, smashed forcibly. Jin Guang passed through his arm all over his body, and even his soul trembled, and Xiang Lei screamed with pain, scaring away the wild ghosts who wanted to see the excitement.

Ordinary people couldn't hear his ghost call, but Gu Ye could hear him clearly. The sound was so unpleasant. It stabbed people's

eardrums. Gu Ye directly put the brick into the bastard's mouth, "Shut up!"

Xiang Lei's teeth were swayed by Gu Ye, and he wanted to kill Gu Ye in a rage. Gu Ye's face was cold, and he moved his fist directly, making punches like punching sandbags, "I've killed someone! Fuck! I've eaten a ghost! I'll let you go!"

The dark ghost spirit on Xiang Lei's body was punched by Gu Ye, with golden light on his fist. His soul trembled when he hit, and he screamed, as if his soul was about to disappear in the next second. The ghost was broken up abruptly. Every time he wanted to gather together again, Gu Ye made him feel desperate when he was about to succeed.

The young couple Liu Chao and Li Cui hugged each other and looked at Gu Ye playing ghosts. They were trembling with fright. Especially when Gu Ye raised his fist, they always wanted to step back, for fear of being swept by the golden light. Get a soul out.

Gu Ye stopped his hand until the ghost spirit on Xiang Lei's body could no longer gather, and grabbed Xiang Lei's hair with one hand, dragging Xiang Lei into his yard like a broom, watching the couple still Without following up, Gu Ye stared at the door angrily, "You two come in for me."

Liu Chao and Li Cui were frightened and hurried to follow, and closed the leaky wooden door of Gu Ye's house.

Gu Ye threw Xiang Lei's ghost to the ground like mud, stepped on him, moved a horse from the house and placed it at the door, and sat there with a murderous look.


The accused Liu Chao trembled.

"You go to your wife's house to make trouble, and her whole family can't sleep because of the trouble. Just let them be scared by any means." Gu Ye drew a talisman. "This talisman can enhance your aura and make a big fuss. Trouble, understand?"


The accused Li Cui hid behind Liu Chao in fear.

Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth. How could he scare ghosts? !

"You go to this mentally retarded house to make trouble, will you cheat the corpse?"

The young couple looked confused and didn't understand why Gu Ye arranged this way.

Gu Ye looked at them as if they were mentally handicapped, and he wondered how the Internet said that people in love are not high in IQ, "They are all ghosts, don't you deserve the word haunted if you don't

make a noise? To make a noise, make a noise, make them scared. Send Li Cui's body back as soon as it is light. Whether it can be sent back tomorrow or not depends on how you two are having trouble tonight."

"Oh! Got it!" The couple finally understood, and flew out like an arrow from the string when Gu Ye's eyes threatened with "What is the ink stain, do you want to be beaten?"

Gu Ye looked at Xiang Lei again, and squeezed a decision with disgust. This kind of bastard, it's better to let him fly away.

At this time, there was a squeak, the old wooden door was pushed open from the outside, and someone stood at the door and whispered, "Is anyone?"

Gu Ye frowned and was interrupted by the unexpected guest. It made him feel very upset. Two men in black shirts came to the yard and saw Gu Ye and Xiang Lei's ghost lying in front of him. The young man who walked in front couldn't hold his breath for the first time, "What's the matter with you, why did you catch him at home? We have been looking for him for several days! Did you steal the soul of that female ghost? of?"

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows and was dissatisfied with this statement, "What is snatching? The young couple wanted to be together. They all said that they would rather demolish a temple than a marriage. Your master didn't tell you the truth?"

The boy is said to be so speechless, it seems that this is the truth.

The middle-aged man said with a sullen face, "Then there is no help for ghosts. It is the rule of the mysterious world to help people not to help ghosts. The more you help, the more entangled you are. Didn't your master tell you this truth?"

Gu Ye looked at their faces and was amused. "You are his master, no wonder your apprentice doesn't speak his brain well. You are not very good at being a master's brain." Gu Ye pointed to lying on the ground, his soul Xiang Lei, who has already been beaten, said, "It's this mentally retarded person who has gotten into trouble. The marriage is all over. He came to grab someone. Those of you who have learned profound arts have long eyes and feet on the floor? Don't understand?"

Gu Yezhan's face was red, the little apprentice wanted to have an attack but couldn't find a suitable reason. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Gu Ye was right. He looked at his master and said dullly, "It seems that this ghost is really wrong. ."

"Shut up! The point is not right or wrong, but rules!" The middle-aged man scolded his apprentice, "Rules are rules!"

Gu Ye snorted, "Good children are taught and abolished by you like this. Children, I tell you, humans and ghosts are the same. You must learn to judge for yourself whether it is a bastard or a ghost. You are a bastard when you are a bastard. If you want to beat a bastard, whether he is a man or a ghost?"

The boy was dumbfounded by Gu Ye. After thinking about Gu Ye's words, his eyes suddenly brightened. Since he entered the Taoist circle, everyone told him to abide by the rules, or he would be

condemned by the heavens. Today Gu Ye opened the door to the new world for him. It turned out to be like this! so cool!

When the middle-aged person looked at the little apprentice's eyes, he wanted to find a piece of tape to seal Gu Ye's mouth. This is simply a mistake!

"You are looking for this thing, here, catch it!" Gu Ye was happy, lifted his foot, and kicked Xiang Lei at the feet of the master and apprentice.

The middle-aged man saw that Gu Ye wanted to shake his hand and quit. This ghost is so evil that he can only let his soul fly away. Who wants to do something like this? "There is an unwritten rule in our profound arts circle. Don't worry about it. If you want to manage it, just keep it to the end. Now that you have done it, we won't intervene."

"Don't, you are a serious department, I am a passerby." Gu Ye smiled at the corners of his mouth, spreading his hands together, and said cheerfully: "It is the business of your Metaphysical Society to deal with these things, but you are paid. Yes. For example, it's the dad who saves people. I save people easily. At most, it's a wild dad. You are the real dad."

The middle-aged man blushes and stamps his feet in anger. What kind of pro and wild father? I feel scolded!

After Gu Ye finished speaking, he moved his pony into the house and closed the door. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and went back to bed to sleep. Tomorrow, he has to go shopping for the old man and go to his grave. He is very busy.

The two masters and apprentices reluctantly took Xiang Lei's ghost and took them back for processing. The little apprentice looked at the door closed by Gu Ye, couldn't help but ran over, leaned on the crack of the door and whispered: "My name is Luo Huai, what is your name?"

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and said, "Gu Ye's junior, No. 2 Gu Ye."

"Master! He is that Gu Ye's younger brother! That Gu Ye who saved a citizen of the city with a forbidden technique! So handsome!" The little apprentice jumped around his master excitedly, "My idol! How amazing!"

"Shut up! That's a taboo in the circle. He doesn't abide by the rules and often uses forbidden techniques. You are not allowed to learn from him!"

"So handsome!"

"Shut up! Don't mention that name!"


At this time, Li Cui's house is more lively than here. After selling his daughter, Li Dahai has heard a lot of rumors, knowing that the neighbors are scolding him, he is considered famous in the town. Many old people said that he would get retribution. Even his daughter-in-law cries every day that she will hate them. In the past

two days, Li Dahai was a little suspicious. Hearing a little movement in the middle of the night, he got up to take a look.

Tonight, the sky was extraordinarily dark, and the air seemed to be different from before. Li Dahai was tossing about and couldn't sleep, always feeling that something was peeping at him.

Suddenly, there was a "pop" in the living room, and there was a sound of something being broken. Li Dahai held back his fear and turned on the light to take a look. The family portrait he had previously photographed had fallen to the ground and broke into several pieces. Li Dahai shook his heart, and said to his heart that the girl really came back?

Suddenly, the light went out!

In the room, if you can't see your five fingers in the dark, the invisible things make people feel even more terrifying. Li Dahai tremblingly asked: "Cui Cui? Is that you Cui Cui?"

With another "pop", Li Dahai almost sat on the ground in fright, and then the things in the room flew up on her own, and fell to the ground with a "pop", Li Dahai held his head in fear, frightened She shouted: "Girlfriend, don't make trouble! Don't make trouble! I have no other choice. Your mother and I have raised you so much. If you say nothing, you will be gone. I can't find a way to earn some coffin money?"

There was no movement in the room. Li Dahai thought Li Cui had listened, and wanted to persuade him. At this moment, with a scream,

the table at home flew out, and then the sofa stood up again. Compared to just now, he " "Girlfriends" are even more fierce.

Li Dahai almost urinated in fright, squatting in the corner tremblingly, when the light suddenly turned on again.

"What's the matter?" Mother Li Cui turned on the light, and the little daughter came out from another room, watching the house was in a mess, and asked her husband who was squatting in the corner angrily: "What do you want to do if you don't sleep at night? ?"

Because the husband sold the eldest daughter, Li Cui's mother had serious grievances against her husband, and she didn't want to sleep with him in a room.

The youngest daughter is also the same, full of contempt for her dad's eyes. When the sister made money while alive, her father used to smoke and drink. When the sister died, he didn't even let go of the body, which made her feel completely chilled.

"Cui Cui is back! Cui Cui is back!" Li Dahai crawled to the door tremblingly. He couldn't stay in this room anymore. He was scared, really scared.

"If you don't do anything wrong, you are afraid of what my sister will do?" The little girl is also a sharp tooth, her mouth is poisonous, "My sister didn't say to take you away."

When Mother Li Cui heard her daughter came back to make trouble, she whispered with red eyes, "Cui Cui, are you complaining about your parents? Your father is not a human being!"

At the cry of Li Cui's mother, the light went out again, and the whole family was shocked. Then, the light was turned on and off, and it flashed back dozens of times. Li Cui's mother could not hold it anymore. I burst into tears, "Mom knows that you are wronged, Cuicui, stop making trouble, let your dad pay back the money tomorrow, take you back, let you go to Liu Chao, let's stop making trouble, okay?"

After Mother Li Cui said this, the light did not flash again.

After a while, Li Dahai realized that he was really okay. He stood up tremblingly, and squinted at his wife, "Send the money back? What do I spend? When will I make 50,000 yuan? "

The little girl said with a cold face: "If you sit at home and eat and wait to die, you won't earn 50,000 yuan in your life."

"I..." Li Dahai was speechless, and the temper that the little girl said suddenly jumped up. He slapped up and wanted to hit someone, "You eat something inside and out! What you eat and wear now is given by Lao Tzu!"

"My mother gave it to me! My mother made money for cleaning up the house!"

"I beat you to death!"

I was watching and making trouble again. At this time, the TV set in the house suddenly flew up and smashed towards Li Dahai. Li Dahai

was so scared that he staggered on the ground, and the TV stood on top of his head. Next, almost didn't shoot him to death.

Li Dahai was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, holding his head like a quail.

At this time, Sister Li Cui pointed at the wall, her eyes widened in shock, "Mom! Look!"

There was a line of conspicuous words written in bright red blood on the wall: Mom, divorce, you will live better without him.

Seeing this, Li Cui's mother was sitting on the ground with her face covered, crying in disintegration. Indeed, she and her little daughter will have a better life without this delicious and lazy man. When the daughter died, she couldn't worry about her. What else could she not let go of, why bother about other people's eyes? This marriage must be divorced.

It is lively here, and the Xiangjia where Li Cui is located is directly terrifying.

Because the bride sat up from the coffin!

The people in the shed were all scared to pee. The gentleman who invited him to the house took a look and found that he didn't have any red envelopes. Frankly speaking, he couldn't control this matter. He hadn't learned how to fight zombies, so he ran away. Xiang Jia was in a mess, so scared to find someone at a high price to send Li Cui's

corpse back overnight, is it okay to cheat the corpse? Who dares to ask for such a wife?

So just at dawn the next day, a hearse stopped at the door of Liu Chao's house. After unloading a phoenix coffin, it turned the front of the car and drove away at a speed of 180 steps.

Gu Ye slept until noon and just saw the cremation car coming out of Liu Chao's house. He watched them walking away together, shrugged, and finished a merit. He yawned, changed his clothes, and went to town.

Ordered three dishes, one soup, and a half bowl of rice in a restaurant. Gu Ye stretched out when he was full, and went to the Wreath Shroud Store to buy a sack of Mingzhi, a pig, and a pig. Niu, a horse, a twostory building, after thinking about it, he pointed to the mahjong machine standing in the corner, "Well, give me one too."

The boss's eyes were so subtle when he saw him, he still wrote it in his notebook.

Gu Ye smiled and asked, "Boss, can I get home delivery if I buy too much?"

The uncle boss doesn't know what he's happy about. Generally, people who come to buy things here are crying. The first time I see such a happy customer, I am a little bit uncomfortable. "The house is in this town. If you buy more, we can give Delivery."

"Well, this, this, and this, give me a copy of Master! Huh? Those eight chicks, also give me a copy of Master!"

The boss's uncle twitched his mouth, and said to his heart that it was unlucky that the master accepted such an unlucky apprentice and gave him eight beauties. Isn't this a beating?

"The exquisite workmanship is ordinary, exquisite is precious, five hundred one, eight is four thousand."

"All the best, the best!" Gu Ye held his chin and looked around in the shop again, and suddenly snorted, "Boss, that tractor, you can also bring me one."

When I think of his master driving a tractor, there are a group of beautiful girls sitting in the car, and the black smoke pops up as soon as I put the gas on it. Thinking about that picture, it's beautiful!

When the head of the investigation team of the Xuashu Society found Gu Ye, Gu Ye squatted at his master's grave and gave him a beautiful girl and a tractor. After seeing what he burned, the group leader The expression on his face is quite wonderful.

Chapter 29 My brother ran away with a man!

Gu Ye knew who the person standing behind him was and why the other party was looking for him. He still calmly burned the big beautiful girl and the tractor to the master, and said to his master:

"Although it is not Qingming but not 15th, I I feel that your elderly don't care about these rules. Just treat it as receiving the courier and when you receive it. I haven't dreamed of you for a long time, and I don't know if you have been reborn. It would be a shame if you reborn. Beautiful women are precious."

The corners of Qi Zong's mouth standing behind Gu Ye twitched again.

Gu Ye burned everything. It was dark. He stood up, patted the dust on his hands, and looked at Team Leader Qi, "This gentleman, I have been waiting for a long time."

Qi Zong coughed, and recovered from Gu Ye's muttering, "Hello, I am the leader of the investigation team of the Xuashu Society, Qi Zong."

Gu Ye tilted his head, "Is something wrong with me?"

"Are you the second apprentice of Mr. Shao? As far as I know, Mr. Shao has only one apprentice, and that is Gu Ye."

"Yes, because I didn't collect it when the master was alive. It was collected by my senior brother. By coincidence, I am also called Gu Ye." Gu Ye smiled, "My senior said, and I will accept a disciple as Gu Ye in the future. "

Qi Zong's breath was suffocated, and Gu Ye caused them headaches. Now many young young people who join the club are Gu Ye's fans, and they all think his lawless temperament is very cool. Now there is another Gu Ye's younger brother, who is like He is just as lawless and

has the same name and surname as him. It hurts to think about it.

"I found here to ask if you want to join the Xuanju Academy." Qi Zong seriously threw out an olive branch. "We have many colleagues discussing academics together, learning from each other, and helping the people deal with unknown and dangerous events. There is a salary every month, as well as five social insurance and one housing fund. Now you are the only one left in your school. Metaphysics has declined, and everyone is together, and there is also a care."

Gu Ye waved his hand, "No, no, I think Mr. Qi misunderstood. I don't need to organize, learn from each other, and don't need others to take care of it." Gu Ye straightened his back and said proudly, "My father is Gu Decheng. My father has money, my father has money."

Qi Zong is at a loss, knowing that his father is rich, and knowing that his father does not want him to enter the metaphysical school, so he chases here. Gu Ye is still young, but very capable. It is a pity that such a talent allows him to grow freely. And this temperament, no matter if it is the next Gu Ye in the future, he dared to snap the face of the entire Profound Art Realm when he was stimulated.

"The words are over, goodbye Mr. Qi."


"Don't follow me!" Gu Ye chilled his face for a second, and pointed at the other party and said solemnly: "Otherwise my master will crawl out of the coffin and take you away in minutes."

Qi Zong: "..."

I can't talk anymore!

Gu Ye endured a smile, copying his jeans pockets with both hands and stepping on his white sneakers. He wandered away, and he was able to jump twice when passing by a small dirt pit. He was an alive and innocent boy who didn't care about the world. Qi Zong had a temper and couldn't grow up. In the end, he shook his head helplessly, and a sense of powerlessness rose all over his body.

Gu Ye returned to the village, packed his backpack, burned some papers in the yard, and said to the empty yard: "You little poor people who have nowhere to go, it's okay to live in my house. The grass is shoveled, so don't let the dust fall in the house."

A breeze rose in the yard, and he circled Gu Ye a few times. The corner of Gu Ye's mouth formed a beautiful arc, and he nodded, "Okay, see you next time."

Early the next morning, Gu Ye picked up his backpack, the door was not closed, and he quietly left the village alone. Standing at the entrance of the village, Gu Ye yawned. Gu Ye's eyes were dark. Last night he dreamed of his master, and he went back to the days when he lived in the alley in the capital city when he was a child. The old man chased him for the night with a stick. After running eight streets, Gu Ye was tired and didn't want to walk. After pinching his fingers, Gu Ye raised his hand and stopped the taxi, "Go north."

The driver master was puzzled, "North? Where do you stop?"

Gu Ye leaned back lazily on the seat, closed his eyes to sleep, "Go all the way north, don't turn your head back, no matter where you go, I have fortune in the north."

The driver master stepped on the accelerator silently, saying that this young man looks good, but his brain is not good.


It's been several days since Gu Ye ran out. Mrs. Gu saw that he was crazy and didn't mean to come back. She sent him a message: Come back soon after playing enough, your father wants to send someone to arrest you again.

Gu Ye took a photo of a small road with a rural atmosphere, surrounded by weeds and larvae, and sent it to his little mother: Mom, when you are old, your son will take you here for a tour. Is it beautiful?

Mrs. Gu answered in seconds: No, thank you!

Gu Ye secretly posted to Moments: This little old lady really doesn't know how to appreciate the beauty of the world.

Madam Gu wanted to blacken this unfilial son when she saw the name "little old lady". What she didn't expect was that she really liked Gu Ye. Mother Zhao looked at her son's phone screen curiously and smiled. "From the perspective of Gu Ye's attitude, it can be seen that Gu Ye's mother is still good to him, not as bad as it is said outside."

At this time, there was another little heart under Gu Ye's dynamic. Zhao Pengyu's eyes widened, and he stood up in shock, shocking the talking mother Zhao.

"Mom! Tell the truth, am I my brother-in-law's nephew, he even gave Gu Ye a thumbs up? He has never liked me!"

Mrs. Zhao was also very surprised, because Yu Ze has been very mindful since he was a child. He doesn't know what he thinks if he doesn't say it, and it is not lukewarm to communicate with people. Who would have thought he would take care of Gu Ye's circle of friends?

"Probably, you look ugly." Mother Zhao couldn't find a suitable reason, so she could only explain it to her child.

Zhao Pengyu angrily replied to Gu Ye: The same world, the same mother!

The reason why Gu Ye chose to wander in the countryside is that the environment is good, pollution-free, and the pace of life is slow, so he can reduce pressure. Second, there are many weird things in the countryside. Not only can they find fun, but they can also help the people solve their problems, which is also a merit. When he was young, his master told him that to practice, the mind should be cultivated first, and the mind should be cultivated among the people. Only by staying close to life and understanding the various aspects of life can you know how to be grateful and know who needs our help. Gu Ye carried the bag and played for a little half a month in Madam Gu's life-threatening serial call. It wasn't until Yu Ze called him and

asked him if he had something to do. Gu Ye finally got his grades out, and then he went home slowly.

Entering the house, Gu Ye handed the schoolbag to the nanny, raised his hand and said with difficulty: "Turn on the air conditioner to 18 degrees, and give me a cup of strawberry-flavored shaved ice, thank you."

Mrs. Gu saw that his hair was growing, and she was disgusted with it, "After running for so many days, I haven't tanned you anyhow. I look at it and you can get pigtails. How did you live outside."

Gu Ye fell on the sofa, flattened himself like a salted fish, and said with a smile: "There is no way, whoever raises it, my mother looks good, I can't get tanned, so I can kill Matt. The looks are all beautiful."

Madam Gu stared at him for a while, unable to hold back the corners of her mouth, slapped Gu Ye on the shoulder happily, "Oh, you bear kid, hahaha~ Sister Wang, tell the chef to make a few more at noon today. Food, Xiaoye likes to eat beef, and then fry a steak! I look thin, so I have to make up for it."

Gu Ye grinned in pain, took the shaved ice that the waiter handed over, and smiled too, my mom was so good!

When eating at noon, Gu Yang also came back with his schoolbag. The bear boy was invited by a group of girls to play the claw machine after school in the morning. The results were rich and he carried several strings on his back. Seeing his brother came back, Gu Yang jumped three steps in excitement, and the dolls behind him swayed

from side to side. They were colorful. Gu Ye wanted to sigh when he saw it.

"Brother! Where did you go to play? Take me next time! Take me!" Gu Yang leaped on Gu Ye's back and put his arms around Gu Ye's neck, smirking and trying to push his brother down.

Gu Ye sighed, this bear kid has grown fast recently, and his dystocia seems to be the shortest of his brothers. This kid dares to rebel now, and will he have it in the future? Gu Ye shook his body, avoiding the force of Gu Yang's pounce, kicking under his feet, which happened to be on the acupuncture point of Gu Yang's ankle. The bear kid squatted on the sofa, and Gu Ye pressed him firmly with one hand. "Small, if you have a chance to take you there, you can't be scared to pee your pants."

"Who is afraid of who is a dog!" Gu Yang struggled, pulling his neck and yelling. Gu Ye suppressed him again with violence, adding a leg, and pressing Gu Yang's legs straight, followed by someone who was crushed on the ground. The little tortoise fluttered like a turtle, but couldn't turn over.

Gu Ye didn't expect that Gu Yang's words were serious, because he really led Gu Yang to catch ghosts during the summer vacation and reminded him: "You said, whoever is afraid of a dog is not allowed to retreat. As a result, Gu Yang hugged his arm "Wang" all the way, and Gu Ye no longer wanted to lead him out of the house.

After taking a nap at noon, Gu Ye took a bath, changed his clothes, and went downstairs.

Gu Yang followed Gu Ye secretly, "Brother, where are you going?"

Gu Ye said without looking back: "I have something to go out. I don't have to wait for dinner. I shouldn't come back for dinner."

Gu Yang asked vigilantly: "Who are you eating with? Girlfriend?"

Gu Ye turned around helplessly, "What girlfriend boyfriend's, kid, don't guess."

Gu Yang curled his lips and ran to the top floor attic. He took out his binoculars and looked out. He saw a familiar luxury car parked in the shade at the gate. A young man in a white shirt was standing by the car, estimated to be one meter tall. Above eighty-five, a pair of big long legs and a straight back. He just stood there quietly, full of aura. Look at the face again, as handsome as the model on the poster. Gu Ye went out and greeted him with a smile. The other party raised his hand and shook it slightly. It was regarded as a greeting, and his gestures were elegant and handsome. Gu Yang saw his brother get on the other side's car. It's so sour. I don't know when his brother made such a friend. This kind of person can deceive children at first sight!

Gu Ye got in the car, and Yu Ze said: "Does anyone in your family be hostile to me?"

"It should be my brother, kid, I don't know what's wrong." Gu Ye smiled on his face, but admired in his heart, this man feels terrible and keen, and he can feel hostility from such a distance. Is this still a human? Getting closer, Gu Ye clearly felt the ghostly spirit on Yu Ze. It was daytime, and the cool ghost would not appear, but he could still feel that the other party was protecting Yu Ze. Gu Ye was very

surprised, why would the ghost general choose to follow and not see his Yu Ze? Come to him and be his number one elf!

Seeing that Gu Ye didn't speak, Yu Ze took out a game console from the drawer, "Do you want to play?"

Gu Ye took it and saw that it hadn't been opened yet, "You won't buy it now."

"You may be boring on the road at your age." Yu Ze's voice was so soft that people couldn't feel how caring, but Gu Ye was hooked by the warm corners of his mouth. He and Yu Ze hadn't actually said a few words. He didn't know the other party's temperament, but from the face, Yu Ze was not a person who would take the initiative to care about others. On the contrary, he should be indifferent to death, except for his family, there should be nothing to make him worry about.

"Mr. Yu actually doesn't have to keep thinking about how I saved Zhao Pengyu. He and I are buddies. I am happy to save him. You really don't need to pay the debt." Gu Ye took apart the game console and found a comfortable posture. Sit down, I have attributed Yu Ze's goodness to him to Zhao Pengyu's affairs, "What do you think Yu Lao asked me to see? Is it about the tea party?"

"No." Yu Ze looked helpless, "Someone gave him a painting, and he said there was a problem with the painting, and I want to see my husband."

Gu Ye smiled and it was not easy for Yu Ze. He didn't believe in ghosts and gods at all, but his father believed in this. Every year, he invited the master to gather together at home.

The old house of the Yu family at this time, the study is full of valuable ancient paintings, a beautiful landscape painting, a beautiful woman in a red dress, holding a pipa, holding a red paper umbrella from a stone stool under a tree Shang stood up and flew to the tree lightly.

As soon as the attendant cleaning the study came to the side of the painting, he swallowed nervously, looked at the painting boldly, and threw the feather duster away in shock: "Sure enough! That woman moved again! Young master one! She will move when she is not at home!"

Chapter 30 Gu Ye: I'm going to fall in love with him!

Gu Ye got off the car at the door of Yu's old house, took a look at the courtyard, and exclaimed: "What a treasured place of feng shui that gathers water and hides dragons."

Yu Ze opened the door, and an old man wearing a cyan Tang suit with gray hair greeted him with a smile and said, "Master is back, is this?" Seeing Gu Ye who was blocked by Yu Ze, the old man was taken aback. Yu Ze took someone home for the first time.

"Gu Ye, the master I invited. This is Uncle An."

Gu Ye said hello with a smile: "Hello, Uncle An, Mr. Yu invited me to come and see the painting."

"Is the master who saved Master Pengyu?" Uncle An was surprised: "You are really young and promising, Master Gu, please come in soon."

Gu Ye smiled awkwardly. Why is he young? The first time he heard someone compliment him with this word, others said that he was not doing his job properly.

Stepping into the gate, crossing the front yard, entering the Chuhua Gate, and then entering the inner courtyard. On the left and right are the east and west wing rooms. Several people hung lanterns at the door. Yu Ze looked back at Gu Ye, who was half a step behind him. "This is my father's study room. Even the east and west rooms are filled with books and Calligraphy and painting."

Gu Ye sincerely praised: "Yu Lao is erudite, and books are normal."

Gu Ye got more and more admired, and sighed in his heart that the Yu family deserves to be a scholarly family. All the buildings are antique, from stone tables, stone stools to wooden carvings in the corridors, which all demonstrate the master's cultural accomplishment and rich family heritage. Moreover, to have such a large courtyard in such a place close to the center of the imperial capital, the value of this courtyard must be at least several hundred million. The most rare thing is that there is a layer of golden light above the Yu family, which is the virtue of doing good deeds. The Yu family is so rich but so lowkey to do good deeds, which shows the nature of this family.

After walking a few dozen steps forward, I arrived at the main room, "Tibetan wind gathers water, Siling town house, good fengshui! Mr. Yu, standing on the roof of your house on October 1st, can you see the military parade? Gu Ye sighed with emotion and whispered gossip, very curious.

Yu Ze tickled the corner of his mouth and smiled and said, "You can go up and have a look later."

Gu Ye glanced at him puzzledly, can he be so casual?

Yu Ze nodded, indicating that it doesn't matter, just go if you want.

Gu Ye smiled and shook his head. It's not good to wander around other people's houses, it's too rude.

Gu Ye was taken to the backyard by Yu Ze, and when he stepped into the door, he found a familiar figure squatting by the pool. Gu Ye slowed down and walked over to take a look. He just wanted to kick the girl off, "You lack virtue!"

A pool of koi in the pool looked silly. Zhao Pengyu was fishing in the koi pond with a fishing rod.

"Oh~ Daxianer is here!" Zhao Pengyu smirked, "I will go fishing tomorrow, try the fishing rod in advance."

Gu Ye was speechless, so he said that he lacked morality.

Zhao Pengyu raised his head and asked, "Are you going with me?"

Gu Ye said with interest: "Go, go together tomorrow."

"I heard that you went to experience life in the folk, how about it, you didn't get a tan?"

"No one with a high IQ can get tanned."

Zhao Pengyu touched his face and rolled his eyes speechlessly. He was tanned after playing.

Yu Ze looked at the watch on his wrist and said to Gu Ye: "You take a rest here, and someone will call you later."

Gu Ye nodded, "If you have anything to do with Mr. Yu, just go ahead and don't care about me."

Yu Ze tickled the corner of his mouth, "Okay, by the way, do you want to eat the dessert from last time?"

Zhao Pengyu raised his hand, "Eat!"

Gu Ye is not a hypocritical person, "eat!"

"There is a pastry room in the back photo room. Let Pengyu ask for what you want."

Gu Ye grabbed Yu Ze by the sleeve, smiled and curled his eyes, "Thank you."

Yu Ze was slightly startled, and Gu Ye immediately let go, with a smile on his face that made people unable to guess what he meant. Yu Ze looked at his wrist and left without saying anything.

Zhao Pengyu looked unlovable, and only dared to complain when Yu Ze left: "I seem to be your nanny."

Gu Ye looked at the purple qi remaining on the tips of his five fingers with emotion, "Your brother-in-law is good at taking care of others, a warm man!"

"You..." Zhao Pengyu's eyes were full of plain words: Are you crazy? !

Gu Ye was too lazy to take care of him, happy to take out his mobile phone, log in to the game, and smashed the hero egg that he had not dared to smash for a long time: Congratulations to the player, "The thief I'm running fast" smashed the S-class hero Nuwa.

"I'm awkward!" Zhao Pengyu threw the fishing rod away enviously and hatefully, "What kind of shit luck is this! This hero can add one more life to the player to bring the player back to life after death! I want it too! "

Gu Ye looked at the purple qi that had been used up on his fingers, and made a secret suggestion: "Then you go and touch your uncle to see if you can get lucky."

"I don't dare! He has a habit of cleanliness! You just caught him and he didn't throw you out," Zhao Pengyu stretched out his paw angrily, "Can I touch you for a while? Are you lucky?"

Gu Ye grinned disgustingly, "Go away! Brother is European now, and Europeans don't want to talk to you."

Zhao Pengyu: "..."

This friendship will end sooner or later!

After resting for a while, Uncle An came to look for him, "My master, please go to the wing room."

Gu Ye put down the cherry blossom jelly that he had eaten half in his hand, followed Uncle An to the East Wing, and found out that there were several other colleagues here. After Gu Ye sat down, he saw some familiar faces on the other side, and was amused, "Oh! See you again! Where is your little apprentice?"

When the person on the other side saw him, his face was not very good, and he said with a sullen face: "Luo Huai is still young, not suitable for this kind of scene."

It was the master I met in Daliu Village.

Gu Ye Quandang couldn't hear the hint in the other party's words, "You are right, it's really small, and you don't learn well, you have to practice."

Huai Xiangguo's face blushed instantly when he was shocked by these words. Doesn't this mean that he can't teach?

Uncle An put the half of the jelly on the table, as if he hadn't heard the conversation between the two, and said kindly: "You continue to eat, the master and the young master are talking, come here in a while."

Gu Ye smiled and thanked him, and started eating on his own. The masters present all looked at him, and there was no lack of scrutiny in their eyes. Those who could come here were people with faces and faces in the circle. However, the young face of Gu Ye received such a courtesy, and it was really unclear about him. Huai Xiangguo also had to shut his mouth and endure it.

The old gentleman on the table next to Gu Ye took a sip of tea and tentatively asked, "I don't know where the little gentleman studied?"

Gu Ye took a bite of the jelly, smiled and curled his eyes. Humans and animals harmlessly said, "No school, no school, just mess around."

This is obviously a lie. The old man didn't tell him when he saw him, and he stopped asking.

Huai Xiangguo said lightly: "He is Gu Ye's junior, also called Gu Ye."

"Gu Ye?" The expressions of the people present changed, some were surprised, some regretted, and some were disdainful.

Gu Ye smiled and said: "Yes, my name is Gu Ye, and my father is Gu Decheng. I need to change Feng Shui at home someday. Please go, my father has money."

Huai Xiangguo was blocked in one breath and his face flushed.

The old man next to Gu Ye sighed, "Your brother is good. In fact, this technique does not need to be so clearly distinguished in terms of sect. There is also no need to distinguish between right and evil. As long as you don't do bad things and use the right place, It's good. Gu Ye's death, don't you understand it? The profound arts academy should also be reformed. The rules and regulations have trapped people to death. This is the real reason why this industry cannot be passed on."

Everyone present did not dare to speak, bowed their heads and listened quietly to the teachings.

The old man looked at Gu Ye's eyebrows again, and said with a smile: "The young gentleman is good at him, and he doesn't stick to the trivial. This is a good thing, but this temperament has to be tempered a bit, which offends people. You must know that it is easy to hide with a gun, but it is difficult to shoot with a secret weapon. Defense."

Gu Ye put down the jelly in his hand, stood up, owed his body to the old man, and said respectfully: "Thank you for your advice."

Elder Tang was surprised, "Do you know me?"

"Acknowledge, the respected seniors in the profound arts circle are completely different from those hypocrites who seek fame."

Elder Tang shook his head helplessly, and he was not afraid of offending others.

Behind the screen, nearly seventy years old, Yu Lao, who is already gray-haired, couldn't help but smile when he heard Gu Ye's words, "It's quite funny that you brought this kid back."

Yu Ze Leng looked disgusted: "Much better than those you were looking for."

As soon as Mr. Yu appeared, everyone in the hall stood up.

Gu Ye has been listening to others calling Yu Lao Yu Lao, thinking that this old man is an old-fashioned and old-fashioned man, who is more old-fashioned than his dad. He didn't expect that he was an elegant and handsome old man with a smile on his face and looked quite Kindly. Looking at Yu Ze, who was standing next to him, Gu Ye understood that Yu Ze's growth like this really didn't depend on his mother's genes, and the old man's appearance was extremely high.

Yu Lao simply said a few words to everyone. After everyone sat down, he said: "A friend gave me an unknown ancient painting. Today, I invite you all to let the masters help me look at it. This girl is Not alive?"

If others dared to say such a nonsense about being alive, everyone present had to laugh and give him two words: fart!

As soon as Yu Lao said this, everyone present became serious, "Is it possessed by a spirit body? It is impossible for the person in the painting to survive."

"Let's get that painting out, and everyone will take a look."

When everyone saw the ancient paintings packed in glass boxes, they all praised: "It's so deep! The lines are clearly layered and the colors are bright and colorful. The most rare thing is that they are so well preserved. Huh? There is no signature?"

"There are grievances on this, and it's unclear, I'm afraid it was not dug out from the ground?"

The painting is just here, and everyone present can feel resentment, but they can't see that the people on this painting will move by themselves. Old Yu turned his head to look at the coldly disdainful Yu Cho, who was hiding away.

Yu Ze coldly said, "Don't ask me, I can't see anything."

Yu Lao pointed to the door, "Then please go out first. Ghosts and gods dare not breathe when you are here."

"Puff!" Gu Ye couldn't help but laughed out. It's no wonder Yu Ze didn't believe in ghosts and gods. His aura really couldn't see any strange things. When he was there, ghosts and gods didn't dare to come out.

Yu Ze helplessly watched him smile, but there was a little resentment in his eyes.

Gu Ye immediately gave the other person a look that I understand you. It's not easy for old men. They become old men when you grow up, and old men are not reasonable.

Yu Ze went out with a calm face.

The curtains were closed, the whole study was darkened, and the girl in the painting remained motionless. Yu Lao said to everyone: "Next, I can only ask gentlemen to show their magical powers. I have no other meaning. I just want to know why, who can Check it out. When you leave, you can go to the second floor and choose one of my calligraphy and paintings to take away."

Gu Ye was still lacking in interest just now, and his eyes widened at this moment. These are all Yu Lao's calligraphy, these are all treasures, old are valuable!

Except for Mr. Tang, everyone else was eager to try and was obviously moved by the remuneration that Yu Lao said.

"If she doesn't show up by herself, she can only be forced to come out." Someone has prepared a magic weapon to take advantage of it, like a warrior who removes demons and defends the way.

Gu Ye walked over from the back and pushed the person away. Regardless of everyone's gaze, he put his hand on the glass box, closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

The young man wanted to speak, but Yu Lao gave him a "hush" and signaled to be quiet, not to interrupt him. The young man could only endure it, looked at the magic weapon in his hand, inexplicably felt like a joke.

Two minutes later, Gu Ye opened his eyes and asked Yu Lao: "As long as you can figure out the reason, right, there is no need to kill her."

"Yes." Yu Lao nodded appreciatively, "I just want to know the reason."

Gu Ye smiled, "There is indeed a spirit attached to this. She is imprisoned in this painting. She wants to go, but can't get away. She is also a poor person."

Yu Lao was interested and said: "Oh? I would like to hear the details."

"A thousand years ago, a local corrupt official wanted to send a birthday gift to his boss. He heard that his boss loved painting and calligraphy. He didn't know how to do so, so he asked a scholar to ghostwriter. This scholar is arrogant, so naturally he would not listen to him. So he sent someone to arrest the scholar's family and threatened him. The scholar had no choice but to paint." Gu Ye looked at the woman in red in the painting, "The scholar painted a woman from the dust, pretending to be a good daughter, secretly went out on a date and waited in the mountains. The scene of the sweetheart, insinuates that a corrupt official becomes a bitch and has to set up an archway. In the end, nothing can be waited for and nothing can be obtained.

Yu Lao suddenly realized, "No wonder this painting has no inscription and no signature, the scholar is disdainful."

"How do you know so clearly?" The young man who was pushed away by Gu Ye just now asked in a bad tone: "Who knows if you are making up stories to bluff people."

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, hesitated, "Because I am smart and I am talented, I will empathize, can you?"

The young man stared at Gu Ye with envy and jealousy. He really didn't have this kind of talent. "Then you still didn't explain why she lived."

Gu Ye's face turned cold, "This is also a tragedy that exterminates humanity. In order to make the painting never fade, the corrupt official added corpse oil to the paint and specially prepared it with secret methods."

The expressions of all the people present changed. In ancient times, there were indeed many things that extinct humanity, and there were also many people who used people as sacrifices. I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing in this painting.

"For a thousand years, this painting has not changed a little for a thousand years. The girl in the painting feels human emotions and gradually gains spirituality because of long-term contact with objects taken out of living people, plus being surrounded by grieving body oil, She can't escape, she can't go if she wants to." Gu Ye asked seriously: "Can you not feel her despair?"

Very good, Gu Ye understood from their expressions, they couldn't feel it.

"You talent..." Gu Ye didn't want to go on. Everyone knows the meaning, it's too good!

After being scorned by Gu Ye, the young man wanted to get it back, "This matter is easy to solve, just get rid of this spirit."

"It won't be enough to get rid of it." Another master is still kindhearted, "The world is not where she should stay, it is better to send her to reincarnation. It is not easy to form spiritual consciousness, and reincarnation is the greatest kindness to her."

Gu Ye smirked, "Why did you decide for others? Have you considered this young lady's opinion?"

"There is a difference between yin and yang. She can't live in this world. This is for her good."

"It's better to ask this young lady, what does she think." Gu Ye stretched out a finger and gently squeezed the glass twice. "Miss, if you don't show up again, they will kill you. ."

In the attention of everyone, the woman in the painting finally moved. The beautiful woman in red put down the things in her hands and bowed to Gu Ye Yingying. Every movement was beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Gu Ye pointed to her and asked everyone, "Look, you're so sensible, do you guys bear the heart to kill others?"

There was an old man with earnest persuasion: "She is a spirit and not a human. If she has the chance, she can cultivate into a demon. Not doing bad things now does not mean that you will not do bad things in the future. Letting her reincarnate will not kill her. Tempted by her beauty."

Gu Ye sighed, "Master, if you want to reincarnate, you have to ask the person involved, Miss Sister, do you want to reincarnate?"

The woman in the painting shook her head. The spiritual sense she had finally acquired, if she reincarnates, then she will no longer be herself.

Gu Ye squinted his eyes, "Can you play the pipa?"

Even though the person in the painting did not understand why he asked this, he nodded.

"Then can you sing and dance?"

The person in the picture nodded again.

"Can you come out and give me an umbrella when it rains?"

The person in the picture was stunned and nodded again.

"Can you help me get takeaway when I'm hungry?"

The person in the painting didn't understand what the takeaway was. Thinking about errands, she nodded again.

Gu Ye snapped his fingers, "Okay! It's you! From now on you will be my number one elf. I saved you from the painting, and you served me for eighty years, how about?"

Gu Ye's remarks immediately caused an uproar, "You are crazy, raising ghosts and raising spirits is forbidden!"

Gu Ye ignored them at all, took out a small porcelain vase, took out a cinnabar pen, and drew a charm on the glass. The beauty in red finally got out of the charm and was put into the porcelain vase in the blink of an eye. Gu Ye curled his mouth, clenched the porcelain bottle, and looked at everyone provocatively, "It depends on my mood."

"People are different in spirit, you kid, don't do evil for yourself!"

"Crazy! If you don't listen to advice now, something will happen sooner or later!" The several masters present shook their heads and sighed, as if they had predicted that Gu Ye would be killed by this woman in the near future.

Gu Ye looked at Lao Yu and Lao Tang, who had not spoken, "Is this problem solved?"

Yu Lao looked at the painting and said regretfully: "Oh, if the person is gone, the soul of this painting is gone."

Gu Ye smiled, at this time the old man was actually distressed by his paintings.

"It's a good fate to meet," Yu Lao took the key to open the glass cover, took out the scroll inside, rolled it up and put it in the box, "You take away the man, take the painting away."

Gu Ye asked anxiously: "Then, can I pick one more and take it away?"

Old Yu was amused, "I'm happy today, I am very pleased to pick two more." Yu Lao attached to Gu Ye's ear and whispered: "I secretly tell you that there is one of the most precious things hidden in it. Baby, most people can't pick it out, it's up to you."

Gu Ye's eyes lit up, "I'm really welcome when you say that. My dad likes your words so much. He will soon be his 60th birthday. I came this time and wanted to ask you to give him his birthday. Gifts, I didn't expect to make a lot of money! Hahaha~"

"Okay, go pick it!" Yu Lao patted Gu Ye on the shoulder, and Gu Ye went upstairs in the eyes of everyone who wanted to bite people with jealousy.

After the other masters were invited to the tea room, Mr. Tang said: "I didn't expect to pick for so long, and finally picked one with aura. Not sticking to the rules, knowledgeable, and courageous, it seems to be able to resist pressure."

Yu Lao nodded and smiled: "Unfortunately, it is too small to convince the public. It will be useful in a few years. In order to pick someone for you, I have three paintings for nothing."

"You can get it," Elder Tang said while touching his beard, and the old god said: "Obviously you like the child and are willing to give it away. I don't know you yet?"

At this time, Gu Ye had already strolled around Yu Lao's study. He could see the aura in the calligraphy and painting. Yu Lao's words were magnificent, and each one was worthy of being collected and wanted. After strolling around, Gu Ye didn't find the baby Yu Lao said. He walked to the window and just saw Yu Ze standing outside the door. Gu Ye stood upstairs and shouted: "Mr. Yu!"

Yu Ze raised his head, and saw Gu Ye beckoning to him with a smile on his face, beckoning to come!

Yu Ze paused, and he really went up.

Gu Ye asked in a low voice: "Old Yu said that there is a baby hidden in it. Can you tell me which one is the baby?"

"He even told you this?" The corners of Yu Ze's mouth twitched, "has anyone said that your temperament is very likable."

Gu Ye waved his hand, "No, there are many people who say that I am sad and crazy."

Yu Ze frowned, and said dissatisfied: "That's because they are stupid and ignorant."

"Yes, I think so." Gu Ye raised his hand and motioned to Yu Ze to give a high-five, which was really the same as the hero.

Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye's face in front of him, slightly lost. At this time, through the window, the setting sun has shone, and Gu Ye's white cheeks are dyed with a thin layer of powder in the sunset, and his long eyelashes flicker like two cute little fans with his brilliant smile. Obviously he looks exquisite like a doll, but his temperament is like a glass of extremely strong wine. The coward dare not approach it, and the one who dares to taste will get drunk first.

Yu Zegui reached out his hand in a mysterious way, and fulfilled Gu Ye's wish. He lightly patted him with the palm of his hand. Seeing Gu Ye's happy look, he smiled, "The baby he said is what he thinks is a baby. Others seem to have no value at all."

At this time, Gu Ye's eyes suddenly fell on the painting in the corner, and he couldn't look away at once. This painting is obviously one size smaller than the other drawing papers. Before the inscription, it was a thick and bloody broken sword inserted in the devastated desert, surrounded by wind and sand, and the sky was blank. This broken sword is left here, it should give people a sense of desolation, but the feeling of this painting is domineering and leaking, and the sharpness of the other is coming, even if it is broken, it is still not restrained. Edge. Gu Ye suddenly thought of the ghost general sitting in Yu Ze's car. How similar was the feeling this painting gave him to that ghost general?

Gu Yeqing couldn't help touching the painting, "This painting is so handsome, what kind of mind should the person painting this painting have? I'm going to fall in love with him, this! I want this!"

Gu Ye was excited to move the stool and climbed up to take the painting off. He had already admired Yu Lao and decided to look for Yu Lao again later, begging him for a word.

Yu Ze raised a finger and poked Gu Ye's waist twice, "This is my sixteen-year-old graffiti. It's not valuable. You really want it?"

Chapter 31 Hello, Brother Ghost General!

Gu Ye stood stiffly on the chair, raised his hands with a blank face, and his fingertips trembled, "Isn't this all Yu Lao's masterpiece?"

Yu Ze put one hand on the chair and held the chair steady. "The socalled baby, is this one. That year, for his birthday, I forgot to prepare a gift, so I painted this for him temporarily, and he hung it up as a baby. "

Gu Ye was shocked. Yu Ze must have been influenced by his father, and he painted so well! I really can't see that the deserted Yu Ze can have such a mind when he was sixteen. This person's appearance is too deceptive.

"That, the sentence just now... doesn't count." Thinking of the sentence he had just said, Gu Ye explained embarrassingly, "I thought it was all works by Yu Lao."

Yu Ze's eyes darkened, and he asked faintly, "Which sentence?"

Gu Ye said twice, I can't say that I fell in love with you. Looking at the expression of Yu Ze, it seems that he didn't care at all. Gu Ye was relieved immediately. Normal gentlemen should not be so sensitive. He took the painting off and jumped directly to the topic, "Nothing, can this painting be given to me?"

Yu Ze grabbed the emotions that no one could understand under his eyes, "You like it, just take it away."

Gu Ye smiled and curled his eyes, "I like this one the most. Can you write a few words for me?"

Yu Ze rejected it disgustingly, "It's so ugly, this painting has no inscription value."

Gu Ye looked at it again, and really couldn't agree with Yu Ze's aesthetics, "Where is ugly? So handsome! Please give me the inscription, thank you!"

Yu Ze reached out and pulled him down from the chair, without answering.

There is nothing that Gu Ye wants to do. There is no way to finish it. How could it be possible to let Yu Ze go like this, pull the other's

sleeve to the desk by the wall, "Please write me a sentence, it's a reward."

Yu Ze was unmoved, "You have taken three paintings, and you still have to pay?"

Gu Ye pushed Yu Ze on the chair, shamelessly, "It's the old man who looked at me and rewarded me, it doesn't count."

Yu Ze lost a smile, "You are clever, you can see it."

Gu Ye pointed to his own eyes, "Brother Monkey is really eyecatching, I can see if others wait to see me."

Yu Ze was teased and laughed directly, "It is a good skill, I want to know, so many paintings, why did you choose this one?"

"Because Broken Sword is very imposing, it feels like me. I was abandoned by thousands of people, so I am still standing here strong," Gu Ye asked proudly, "Looking at the entire world of profound arts, who else? Gu Ye put the pen into Yu Ze's hand and urged him: "Anyway, you don't understand if you ask, write it!"

In the face of this pair of longing eyes, Yu Ze reluctantly picked up the pen and dipped the ink, "What to write?"

Gu Ye seriously said: "If you write that Gu Ye is number one in the world, everyone else is shit!"

Yu Ze just wanted to put down the pen.

"Huh? Don't let it go, write it quickly! You must also write your name on the signature, and you must have the date."

In the voice of Gu Ye's urging, Yu Ze sullenly wrote the second second sentence. After finishing writing, he helped his forehead. Gu Ye patted his shoulder to comfort: "Mr. Yu is a good word, arrogant, dragon and phoenix. I will go to Tianqiao another day. If you set up a stall underneath, you will sell the words, and we will definitely get rich."

Yu Ze imagined the scene with a calm face, and put down the pen with a cold face, and never wanted to pick it up again.

Gu Ye smiled happily, put the painting on the table, and admired it again, feeling that this painting not only has the temperament of that ghost, but also miraculously lined his life. He Gu Ye is dead, but so what, he is still alive and kicking now, good deeds are done too much, God can't bear to accept him.

The painting was placed on the table like this. Gu Ye went around in the study again, and finally chose a magnificent poem, Yue Fei's "Man Jiang Hong", Yu Lao's madly cursive writing of heroism, Gu Ye felt, His father will definitely like it.

Zhao Pengyu had just picked up the character and found it while eating an ice cream. He saw the picture on the table at a glance. After looking at the inscription, Zhao Pengyu's tongue couldn't be straightened out of shock, "You... Uncle, you Are you mad?"

Yu Ze lowered his face and said sternly: "Swallow what is in your mouth before speaking."

Zhao Pengyu quickly wiped his mouth, "I mean, did you have a fever? You even wrote this to him!" Zhao Pengyu was in a complicated mood and didn't know how to describe his feelings. He hesitated for a moment, and suffocated: "You... ...You are so naive!"

Gu Ye rolled his eyes, "You know what a fart!"

Zhao Pengyu found a seat to sit down. He really didn't understand why his brother-in-law pampered Gu Ye so much. He simply refreshed his three views and had no bottom line.

"Gu Ye, I heard that you took that female ghost away, what do you want to do?"

"It's not a ghost, it's a spirit. She agreed to be my little elf. Her characteristics are good-looking, good at singing and dancing, and also playing the pipa. In the future, she can develop laundry, cooking, courier delivery, and takeout." Gu Ye carefully put "Man Jiang Hong" into the box, and put the broken sword in the box, thinking about it for a while to ask Yu Lao, since it is his treasure, why should he remind him to find it and take it away? Can't figure it out.

Yu Ze stood by the window and didn't know what he was thinking. When he heard this, he asked without looking back: "Is there a spirit?"

Gu Ye waved his hand and said regretfully: "No, if she can practice and become a real entity, it will be a hundred years later, or she will have a big chance. I take her with me, and I don't want to see her being destroyed."

Zhao Pengyu shuddered when he thought of Gu Ye carrying a spiritual body like a female ghost with him, "I am cold when I see you."

Gu Ye still said: "People like you don't understand."

When Zhao Pengyu saw Gu Ye holding the painting in his arms, he suddenly remembered, "I seem to have seen this broken sword on the painting, eh? Uncle, isn't it the one that was placed in your study before?"

Gu Ye's thoughts were instantly hooked, "Is there a real thing?"

Yu Ze turned around, "Do you want to see?"

Gu Ye has a hunch that this broken sword is definitely related to the ghost general. Now that it is getting dark, the ghost general should also show up, "I want to see the real thing. Is it convenient?"

"Let's go." Yu Ze turned around and left. Gu Ye was stunned. Yu Ze was really good at talking, "Mr. Yu wait a minute, I'll go and tell Mr. Yu separately."

Yu Ze said with a gentle face: "Waiting for you in the car."

Zhao Pengyu hurriedly raised his hand, "I want to go too!"

Yu Ze coldly said, "No, you don't want to."

Zhao Pengyu: "..."

Gu Ye hurriedly found Yu Lao. The masters were gone. Yu Laozheng and Tang Lao were drinking tea. Seeing Gu Ye holding three paintings, he smiled and asked him, "Which two did I pick? Let me see. ."

Gu Ye smiled and opened the scroll. When Yu Lao saw Yu Ze's words, he laughed "Puff", "You really have the ability to let him write for you, and I let him write for me, but he doesn't write. "

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Because I'm shameless enough, I will be shameless."

Yu Lao chuckled, "How can you be so self-defeating? This is your ability. I really want to know what Yu Ze was like when he wrote this character."

Gu Ye thought about it for a while, smirked, "It's probably because you have nothing to love."

"That must be very exciting." Yu Lao drank a sip of tea happily, "Speak, come to me not only to say goodbye."

"Yes," Gu Ye put the painting away and asked seriously, "I don't understand. You have always cherished this painting. Why do you want to give it to me now?"

Yu Lao looked at Gu Ye with a smile, "Because I think you have a destiny for this painting, I know you will love it. I hope you will not change your original intention even if you encounter setbacks in the future, and gentlemen will prefer to bend. Aura, even if it is broken, you must have the belief in killing the enemy. Yu Ze was able to draw such a momentum at the beginning, which made me very happy. Now he has learned to constrain his edge, and I seem to see him as a young man in you. "Old Yu said regretfully: "It's only a pity that now he has grown up, and I can't guess his mind, alas."

Elder Tang gently intervened on the sidelines: "Does he have this temperament if he is not a kid? You didn't guess through."

Yu Lao pressed the teacup on the table with a look of resentment, splashing out a few drops of water.

Gu Ye almost came out with joy. He understood the meaning of the two old people, and thanked them sincerely: "I understand what you two mean. Thank you for the teachings of the two seniors. No matter what happens in the future, I will not change my original intention. As for temperament , I will listen to Mr. Tang and try my best to change it."

Elder Tang said with satisfaction: "That's good, your brother is too rigid. There are many ways to save people. He chose the most extreme way. When the whole world of profound arts was helpless, he used his life to give He slapped the entire profound arts world and used the forbidden arts to save the people in the city. His death made me so

sad, and I knew that the profound arts world needed reform, otherwise, even if it passed on, it would be deformed and unhealthy. "

Gu Ye obediently said: "I will cherish my life in the future, don't worry."

Saying goodbye to the two highly respected seniors, Gu Ye went out and got into Yu Ze's car silently. After sitting down, he hugged the painting in his arms, feeling a sense of bulging in his heart, and it was unspeakable. He was wondering, did he choose to end his life in that way because he was too lonely in his previous life, no family, no friends, after the master died, he lived alone without a goal? If you choose other methods, can it be saved? Unfortunately, there is no if.

After Gu Ye got on the car, he remained silent for a while. Yu Ze saw that Gu Ye was still immersed in his own world and took away the paintings in his arms.

Only then did Gu Ye react, reflexively hugged him tightly, and Yu Ze pressed him back, telling him not to let go, "The two old men told you about life?"

"Well, after saying a few words, I feel quite touched," Gu Ye touched the painting in his arms and smiled bitterly. "There are some things that no one ever said to me after Master passed away. "

"Your master?" Yu Ze grabbed his eyes to explore, "Didn't your master have passed away for several years?"

Gu Ye knew that he had made a mistake, and turned to look out the window, "Yeah."

Seeing that he was reluctant to talk more, Yu Ze temporarily pressed this doubt to the bottom of his heart, and jumped to the topic, "What do you want to eat tonight, I will take you home after dinner."

Gu Ye turned around and said with a smile: "You choose. Last time I said I owed you two meals. I will treat you tonight."

Yu Ze thought for a while, "Then find a quiet place."

Gu Ye nodded without comment.

At this moment, Gu Ye suddenly felt a familiar ghost. He looked out the window in surprise. A black mist came in front of him in the blink of an eye. The brutal ghost swept the car outside the window and looked through the ghost face. Gu Ye clearly caught the opponent's eyes, a pair of black pupils, chilling. Gu Ye was full of spirits and beckoned in surprise, "Hi! Hello!"

The ghost will not expect anyone to see him, so he flew more than two meters away vigilantly, always keeping this distance, looking at Gu Ye in pairs, staring at him carefully, as if to see through Gu Ye's soul.

Gu Ye put down the painting, pressed his excited hands on the glass, leaned over and asked excitedly, "Big Brother Ghost, can you hear me? Is this glass too soundproof?"

The driver was taken aback. His body was tight, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He said that this master had too much heart, and it was the first time I saw someone talking to that kind of thing!

Gu Ye was still trying to chat with this mysterious elder brother. At this time, his head was clasped by a hand and turned back to the front.

Gu Ye looked at Yu Ze with a dazed expression, is it okay to get started directly? When is he a watermelon?

Yu Ze coldly said, "Don't talk to strangers, it's dangerous."

Feeling that the ghost will sit on the roof of the car again, Gu Ye just wanted to poke the roof of the car with the decorated box. Seeing Yu Ze staring at him with an ugly expression, Gu Ye thought for a while, but still had no intention of messing it up. This may be a kind of shock to the invisible, so let's find another chance to strike up a conversation.

Half an hour later, I finally arrived at Yu Ze's home, a high-end community close to his company. Yu Ze was afraid of noisy, so he bought a three-storey small building alone in the villa area, and he lived on the second floor. Everything else is empty. As soon as Gu Ye entered the door, the corners of his mouth twitched. He didn't know what to say for a while. This is home, this is the office, and there is no breath of life. And it's too clean, and it makes people afraid to step down.

Entering the door, Gu Ye sits on the corner of the sofa, and when he sees that the table is clean, his face can be seen, and he dare not move anywhere. Yu Ze is not like a person, like a fairy.

Not long after, Yu Ze took out an old big box, which was about 1.3 meters long and 30 centimeters wide, and placed it on the table.

Gu Ye rubbed his hands and opened the box. A suffocating air rushed toward his face. It was the broken sword painted by Yu Ze, exuding the same breath as the ghost general. Seeing the ghost staring at him defensively outside the window, Gu Ye smiled, "I'm just curious, I don't mean anything else."

Yu Ze looked out the window, "Are you talking to me, or to someone I can't see?"

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry. Yu Ze's thoughts were too close. From what he did just now, he guessed that there was something he couldn't see outside the window. Gu Yegang wanted to say, have you ever heard of the guardian spirit? I saw the ghost outside the window shaking him. After shaking his head, Gu Ye knew, "I tell you, how can anyone else?"

Yu Ze looked out the window suspiciously. For a moment, Gu Ye felt that he and the ghost general were looking at each other. The sharp eyes made Gu Ye secretly startled. Fortunately, Yu Ze was really invisible and didn't find any doubts. Can only give up.

Seeing the real thing, he still couldn't talk openly with the ghost brother, and Gu Ye didn't force it. After having dinner with Yu Ze, Yu

Ze was sent to the door of his house. After Gu Ye got off the car, he stood at the door and asked, "Would you like to sit at my house?"

Yu Ze smiled and said: "Next time, it's too late."

Gu Ye thinks about it, "Then be careful on your way."

Yu Ze tickled the corner of his mouth, and said cheerfully: "We will make an appointment next time."

Gu Ye nodded in response, holding the picture scroll and watching the other's car go away before entering the house. Gu Yang was watching TV in the living room, and when Gu Ye came back, he snorted unhappy.

Gu Ye glanced at him puzzledly. He didn't know what kind of nerve the bear kid committed, and he was about to go upstairs holding the painting.

Gu Yang was unhappy, "Brother, didn't you see that I was unhappy?"

Gu Ye has just stepped up two steps, so he doesn't know why, "I can see it."

Gu Yang raised his hand and wanted to slap the table. He raised it high and didn't dare to take the picture. He asked aggrievedly: "Then why don't you ask me why I am upset? You always asked before!"

Gu Ye endured a smile, "At that time you were young, and now you are so big. Isn't it normal to be unhappy? I can't interfere with your human rights."

Gu Yang turned off the TV angrily, and couldn't hold back anymore, "You don't take me when you go out to play! You took me everywhere you used to go! That man, who is that man? How can you talk to people in society Make friends? What should I do if I get cheated?"

Gu Ye shook his head dumbfounded, "You want to hang out with me for a long time. Okay, tomorrow I will go fishing with my friends and take you with me."

Gu Yang's stomping is not playing, the point is being cheated by people in society! But if he could take him out to play together, he forgave him this time.

Mrs. Gu came down from upstairs and said, "He is not allowed to go anywhere. The final exam is coming next week."

"Oh, it's about to take the exam," Gu Ye looked at Gu Yang's eyebrows, "Puff! He may not have a good exam this time. Mom, you have to be mentally prepared. It's very bad!"

"You..." Mrs. Gu angrily pinched Gu Ye's ear, gritted her teeth and said: "Don't tell this kind of thing! Don't tell!"

Gu Ye nodded obediently, "Well, I won't say it later."

Mrs. Gu let go of him angrily, her heart was so cold, it was so bad before, what's worse! She winked at Gu Ye and said weakly: "Your father is angry. He said that you would run out when your wings were hard. He wanted to wait for you to eat with you for dinner, but you didn't come back, so hurry up and coax him."

Gu Ye went upstairs helplessly, picked out the "Man Jiang Hong", coaxed the small ones, and then coaxed the old ones. It is not easy for him to do it every day.

Pushing open the door of Dad's study, Gu Ye put the painting in front of Gu Decheng, who was cold-faced and angry, "Here."

"What is it?" Gu Decheng frowned and looked disgusted.

"You'll know when you open it. I wanted to wait two days for your birthday to give it to you. Now, let me give it to you in advance. I'm going to make this trip today to get this for you." Gu Ye didn't worry, rely on it. On Dad's table, holding his hands, smiling at the other person, curious and faceless.

"This is something you can't ask for if you have money, are you sure you don't want to watch it?"

"Huh, what can be a good thing. For this, I won't go home?" Gu Decheng opened the box angrily. He couldn't hide the curiosity under his eyes. When he saw the scroll, he moved a little more carefully. When he opened it, Gu Decheng stood up. I got up, "This is...this...that written by Yu Lao?"

Gu Ye pursed his lips and said jokingly: "Yes, today I went to Yu's house and did a favor to Yu Lao, just to beg you for a birthday present. Are you still angry with me?"

"Who is angry?" Gu Decheng didn't know how to do it. He was afraid that he might have torn up the picture. "Who told you that I was angry. How can I be angry if you are so filial? Oh, this word is so beautiful! "

Gu Ye smiled, "It's okay if you don't get angry. I'm tired, so I went back to wash and sleep."

"Go go." Gu Decheng didn't look up, holding the picture scroll with joy, looking for a place all over the wall, wanting to hang it up, admiring it carefully, and being angry and forgetting it.

Gu Ye shrugged, and this one was also quite coaxing.

Going back to the room and taking a shower, Gu Ye wiped his hair and went out of the bathroom. Suddenly, he felt a ghost gas coming. He walked a few steps to the window and saw a dark ghost raising a two-meter long knife and slashing it. He shattered the guard array he had set up at the door, and rushed to him in the blink of an eye. Gu Ye's face sank. Just when he opened the window, he was about to curse. The ghost stood outside his window sill, his hoarse voice was a bit embarrassing, "Sorry, I have used my strength."

Gu Ye: "...then next time, tap on it."


There was an awkward silence for a while, and Gu Ye couldn't hold back anymore, "You don't follow Yu Ze, come to me at this time, something?"


Gu Ye was anxious, "Then you say it!"

Chapter 32 Naked/run for thousands of years

Gu Ye died speechlessly. What's wrong with this elder brother, who has come so far, is it okay to pretend to be dull gourd?

Brother Gui Jiang hesitated for a while, and handed Gu Ye a bell, "Call me when you need help."

Gu Ye looked at the bell, and the power of the soul was pinched. No matter where it was shook, the ghost would be able to hear it, giving him a talisman. Asking someone to give gifts in advance, this operation is fine, Gu Ye accepted it with a smile, "What then?"

The ghost will solemnly said: "Two things, one, I cannot tell the Lord my existence."

Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, "Lord? This is called...how many years have you died?"

"It's been too long, I forgot."

Gu Ye is speechless, okay, this reason is also possible, "Why don't you tell him?"

"He will not allow things that he can't see and cannot control to stay with him."

Gu Ye frowned, is Yu Ze this character? Looks very gentle. He wondered, "Then why are you following him?"

"The Lord has saved me three times, and I will protect him for the third time."

Gu Ye had a look on his face, and said with emotion: "Well, I understand, I will keep a secret for you. What about the second thing?"

The ghost will pause for a while, hesitatingly ask: "Can you lend me... some money?"

Gu Ye: "Puff!"

As soon as the ghost looked at Gu Ye, he smiled, gave him a fist, turned around and wanted to fly away, Gu Ye hurriedly stopped him, "Big Brother Ghost! Wait a minute!"

The ghost turned his back to Gu Ye, but stopped obediently.

Gu Ye took out the cinnabar pen and talisman paper from the drawer, drew a charm to hide the spirit of the ghost, and handed it to Brother Ghost outside the window. I really don't know how he was so ostentatious that he was not caught by someone who learned the profound arts. .

"I will burn the money for you tomorrow. Don't worry, everything I promised you will be done."

Brother Gui Jiang hugged Gu Ye again and flew away quickly with his broad knife, embarrassed to stay for a second. Gu Ye thought for a while, and the few times he saw him, it seemed that apart from the mask, he had been surrounded by a black ghost. Why has this eldest brother died for thousands of years? In other words, this eldest brother has never been worshipped, and the poor even have no clothes?

Fuck! Streaked for thousands of years!

Gu Ye must repay his gratitude even if he runs naked, and Gu Ye is immediately full of admiration for Brother Ghost.

After closing the window, Gu Ye inserted a piece of paper in the bell, made the bell dumb, took off a string of beads from his wrist, tied the bell and the beads together, and put it back on his wrist, looking at the match. It was quite harmonious, and the corners of the mouth were picked up with satisfaction, and then the young lady in the porcelain bottle was released for a chat.

"I don't know what your name is yet."

"I don't have a name." The beauty in red stood aside with a soft face, her voice was gentle and pleasant, quite like a Jiangnan woman.

Gu Ye thought for a while, "How about it's called red bean? When I saw you, I thought of the word Acacia red bean, which is very beautiful."

The beauty in red bowed, "Red beans thanks the owner for giving the name."

Gu Ye sighed, that was the master just now, and this was the master. He got a toothache when listening, "If you want to follow me, call me Master. If you have a place you want to go, I can help you too."

Hongdou shook his head and insisted on his original idea, "If I don't go, I have nowhere to go in this world, just follow the young master."

"Okay, then." Gu Ye didn't persuade him. Looking at this seductive beauty, he was so obedient, and his eyes were clean and transparent, and he was not tainted by the world. He was only grateful. Thinking about that big brother ghost who ran naked for thousands of years to repay his favor, Gu Ye felt a little uncomfortable. "The ghost still knows the knowledge of grace, and puts the two words of benevolence and righteousness in his heart, even if I don't dare to forget the reincarnation, why do I see so many ungrateful people? I have watched a lot, and a little doubted life."

Gu Ye originally sent it with feelings. He didn't think about what Red Bean could say. Unexpectedly, Red Bean intimately persuaded: "Everything in the world has yin and yang, and there is good and bad.

Maybe the young master can see the secret of heaven, just for Find bad people for God and punish bad people. There are many beautiful sides, you don't touch them often."

Gu Ye blinked in surprise, "Azuki bean, what you said makes sense, it's rare that you have such an understanding." Gu Ye took off the string of beads from his wrist again. "It is said that this is my mother's relic. The Taoist monk gave it to her, Red Bean, you can try to attach it to this Buddhist bead."

Hongdou obediently turned himself into a wisp of blue smoke and really attached to it.

Gu Ye smiled and bends his eyes in surprise, and he brought back a lonely spirit in the painting. He did not expect to have such a high level of comprehension and is also connected with the Buddha. "Red beans, I will buy you some Buddhist scriptures tomorrow. You can recite the scriptures when you are fine. Self-cultivation."

The Buddha beads emitted a red light, and then as usual, Gu Ye smiled, lying on the bed looking at the beads and bells, and fell asleep contentedly.

At six o'clock the next morning, Zhao Pengyu called to wake Gu Ye and summoned him to assemble and go fishing! Gu Ye got up with a look of sleepiness, and said that if he couldn't catch any fish today, he would kick Zhao Pengyu into the water.

When he arrived at the reservoir, Gu Ye rented a fishing rod and a deck chair and fell asleep directly by the water.

Zhao Pengyu disliked him, "You are here to fish, not to sleep. Can't you catch what to eat at noon?"

"Who said I didn't catch it?" Gu Ye lazily watched Meiren's sister sitting on the pony, holding his fishing rod intently. Gu Ye yawned and said confidently: "My fish will know how to do it." Climb up and down the fishing rod and jump into the bucket."

Zhao Pengyu rolled his eyes and believed in your ghost!

It didn't take long for the fishing rod beside Gu Ye to lift up by himself, and a big fish was pulled out of the water by himself and snapped into the bucket.

Zhao Pengyu, who was on the side, jumped up in shock, "Fuck! Gu Ye! What kind of magic did you use?!"

Gu Ye lazily supported his chin, unscrewed the juice on his hand, and handed it to his mouth. Gu Ye took a sip and said moved: "Maybe I look good. Fish love me."

"Bah!" After Zhao Pengyu finished pooh, he suddenly thought of the spirit body that Gu Ye had taken away. It was a spirit, not a ghost, and could come out during the day. Could it be... Zhao Pengyu couldn't help shaking his body when he thought of this possibility. Come on, I refuse to share a dormitory with you."

Gu Ye smiled, "I want to apply for off-campus accommodation at the university because I want to take my darlings with me. Do you want to bear the rent together with me?"

"I reject!"

"Come on, hero~"

"Dad, let me go!" Zhao Pengyu felt chilly when he thought that he was carrying a bunch of things he couldn't see.

Gu Ye sighed regretfully, "Can I only live by myself? Alas! The rent near Imperial Capital University is expensive."

Zhao Pengyu was speechless, "You show people Feng Shui, and you make a lot of money at a time, but still can't afford the rent? You still think about which major you want to study."

"My dad fulfilled my wish when applying for college. I plan to listen to him as a major, and study business management with you."

Zhao Pengyu got serious, "Yes, it is impossible for your dad to let you keep fortune-telling."

Gu Ye shook his finger, "No, no, I just comfort him, I learn everything the same, I have to go to the stall under the overpass."

Zhao Pengyu: "...I didn't say the previous sentence."

Classmate Zhao Pengyu is the kind of person who can do well as long as he wants to do it. Before he came, he read the fishing manual in advance and hooked whatever fish he wanted. He really caught a lot

of fish. The two ate two of them at noon, and brought back more than twenty. The two divided them by bags, and each took a large bag back to their mother. The smell was so heavy that the taxi master wanted to refuse to take them.

When Gu Ye got home, Gu Yang had already gone to school, and the house was extremely quiet. Mrs. Gu was pacing in the back garden with the scissors alone, and when she saw the flowers that were not pleasing to the eye, she clicked the scissors and stuffed it into the vase.

Gu Ye handed the fish to the nanny and asked in confusion, "Mom, who made you angry?"

Mrs. Gu angrily cut a whole rose flower bald, gritted her teeth and said: "I want to have a dog!"

"Raise it."

"The best-looking, most expensive one!"

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "What excites you?"

Mrs. Gu was angry when she thought of it, "That old woman Duan Ying has a small dog, and she's with me!"

Gu Ye understood it right away. I don't know which dog raised by the noblewoman shocked my mother. It was probably embarrassing. My mother was holding a grudge. Gu Ye suggested: "Then don't raise the most expensive one, you should raise the most lethal one, raise a big wolf dog, and let him give you another one."

"Good idea!" Mrs. Gu's eyes were cold, "I want to raise a huge dog!"

That night, braised fish, squirrel fish, stewed fish, fried fish, steamed fish, a table of fish was placed on the table, rows of dead fish eyes, Gu Ye looked numb and regretted it, why did he bring the trophy back? After a few simple bites, Gu Ye took out the bag of Ming coins bought during the day while everyone in the family was eating, stole an iron basin in the kitchen, and ran to the rockery and pulled the paper from the bell. Come out, rang the bell, "Brother Ghost, here comes the money."

Not long after Mingbi was lit, a ghostly figure came to Gu Ye's side, and was suppressed by Gu Ye's charm. This ghost brother is not so public now, but from a visual point of view, it is still showing. Great impact. With long black hair, a big knife more than two meters long, and a mask with a grimace, it looks like a squatting and emotionless murderous god.

"I will give you some clothes in the past, some ancient and some modern ones, you pick them yourself." Gu Ye threw those clothes into the brazier, looked up at Brother Ghost with a smile, his eyes filled with appreciation. He likes the other person's affection and righteousness, "If you need it in the future, you can come to me."

The ghost will have a low voice, "Thank you!"

Two words short, seem to weigh ten thousand catties.

Finally, Gu Ye threw the bag into the brazier. At this time, the security guard at home noticed that there was a fire, so he ran to look

nervously and found that Gu Ye was squatting here to burn paper. The security guard asked in a complicated mood: "San Shao, you Why is this?"

Gu Ye said with a serious face: "Hush! I'm sending a courier to my friend."

The security guard paused and ran away.

Gu Ye was wronged, what did he say? What are you running!


Early the next morning, someone pulled a cage with a cart and sent the puppy that Mrs. Gu wanted. The people in the family were busy building a kennel and greeted the little black dog out of the cage like a little prince. Gu Ye looked interested in the past, and the corners of his mouth twitched. His little mother bought a Great Dane.

Gu Ye looked at his little mother pinching her waist, with a look of superiority that the old mother had already won, and asked curiously: "Mom, what kind of dog is that dog with you?"

Mrs. Gu looked disdainful, "Haha, just a Teddy."

Gu Ye looked at the Great Dane that was already a Teddy in the cub stage, admiringly gave his mother a thumb, "Enough!"

After wandering around on the lawn for a while, the puppy began to run around mischievously. His big black eyes blinked and blinked, and he looked clever. Mrs. Gu named it "King of Dogs". It can be seen that she has high hopes for its future combat effectiveness.

Gu Ye held the ball and teased it for a while. The King of Dog had already known Gu Ye, so where did Gu Ye go. He was teasing the dog at home. The security guard called him: "Sir, there is a woman at the door, saying that it is your classmate Xia Xiang's mother, and I am looking for you in a hurry."

"Xia Xiang?" Gu Ye frowned. From Xia Xiang's reaction, it can be seen that Xia Xiang's family didn't like him. It should be a repulsive attitude. His mother came to find him in person. What happened?

As soon as Gu Ye arrived at the door, a well-dressed woman hurried over and asked with red eyes, "You are Xia Xiang's classmate, Gu Ye?"

Gu Ye nodded, "It's me."

In the next second, Xia Xiang's mother knelt down to Gu Ye, "Little sir, please save my son! My son is dead!"

Gu Ye was so frightened that he jumped to the side for more than a meter, avoided the kneeling, and helped Xia's mother up with the security guard. "Auntie, don't worry. Speak slowly, what's wrong with Xia Xiang?"

Xia Xiang's mother cried: "Xia Xiang's brother went to the ghost house with his classmates on an expedition. In the ghost house, he fainted. He came back and stayed unconscious. Then Xia Xiang followed him

and couldn't wake up. Now both brothers are here. Lying in the hospital. Xia Xiang's eyes can see dirty things since he was a child. He must have seen something that made it like this. I heard that Zhao Pengyu was rescued by you. Please save my two sons! "

A mother who was about to lose her two sons was emotionally broken. Gu Ye comforted him: "Calm down first. Xia Xiang is not short-lived. I showed him that he can live to 80 years old. Let's go now."

At this time in the hospital where Xia Xiang was located, the two masters collapsed and refunded the money to the Xia family. "It's not that our brothers can't be saved, they really can't be saved." The older one took off his hat and said brokenly: "Look, they got this! My junior's clothes were also cut, and his body was full of fist prints."

The master's hair is like a tender grass that has been gnawed by cows. On top of the shiny head, there are only a few sparse hairs that are still alive. There are some hairs on both sides of the ears, but they are also uneven, obviously. I can see that the technique that shaved his head is really bad. After being spoofed all night, they really can't stand it!

Chapter 33 Night Visit Ghost House

Gu Ye came to the gate of the hospital and just saw two young men with ugly faces. Xia Xiang's mother hurriedly stopped the car when she saw it, and ran down and asked, "Two masters, how is my son?"

The elder said, "I'm sorry, elder sister, please be clever!" After saying that, he flung off and walked away.

Mama Xia's body was stunned, and she looked at Gu Ye's eyes more cautiously, like seeing the last straw that could save her two children.

Gu Ye sighed, pitying the hearts of his parents, he couldn't hold back this look.

A few minutes later, Gu Ye saw Xia Xiang and Xia An in the same ward. Xia An is two years older than Xia Xiang, and she seems to know a lot more physically than Xia Xiang, lying on the hospital bed is exactly two sizes older than Xia Xiang. Gu Ye saw the grandparents sitting next to Xia Xiang, and then looked at his father who was sitting alone between the two brothers. He couldn't help but squinted.

Seeing Gu Ye, Xia Xiang's family all stood up and asked nervously, "Is it Mr. Gu Xiao?"

Gu Ye nodded and held out a finger, "I only have one request. No matter what I do for a while, don't talk, don't disturb me."

Grandma Xia Xiang nervously asked, "Mr., can my grandson be saved?"

Gu Ye's mouth twitched, "Which one are you talking about?"

The old lady said nervously: "The two grandsons must be saved."

Gu Ye smiled and said, "If your grandson hears these words, he should be very happy."

The Xia family was taken aback, and what Gu Ye said seemed to have something in it. Before they could come over, Gu Ye had already gone to see people. He looked at Xia Xiang first, and pointed his finger between Xia Xiang's eyebrows, "I have been dragged away, and I can't call my soul back. This hapless boy, yes How did you live so big?"

Mother Xia's nervous face turned pale, she just wanted to speak, and thought of what Gu Ye said just now, she closed her mouth tightly with tears in her eyes.

Gu Ye looked at Xia An again, his face lightened slightly, "My brother is okay, he only lost his soul, and I can wake him up in a while, Auntie, you can talk."

Mom Xia came up and asked, "What about Xia Xiang?"

Gu Ye smiled, "Auntie, do you really not love your eldest son?"

Mother Xia was anxious, "How come?"

"Your family gave me the feeling that the boss is not important, and the second child is the treasure. Have you ever thought about the feelings of the boss in your heart?" Gu Ye looked at the boss's face, "Xia An has not studied well since she was a child. He is inferior to my younger brother everywhere, he is rebellious, disobedient, and dislikes Xia Xiang even less, right?"

The expressions of the Xia family changed, and Gu Ye was right.

Mother Xia wiped her tears and said with red eyes: "The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all fleshy. How can it not hurt? Xia Xiang has been in poor health since he was a child, and his eyes are like that. Our whole family is afraid of what he will get If he was killed, he would be more concerned about him. It may be because of this that the boss has resentment, is becoming more and more disobedient, and unwilling to communicate with us. We are also responsible for this incident."

Xia Xiang's father also regretted, "If we care more about him, we won't let him become what he is now. If he doesn't go out with that group of friends, he won't have today."

"Wait for Xia An to wake up, you can communicate with him, I think he is a responsible person, just lack of love." Gu Ye held a piece of talisman paper in both hands and asked for Xia An's birthday. Folded into four squares, pressed against Xia An's head, "Xia An? Xia An?"

After yelling twice, Xia An didn't respond, and Gu Ye frowned. "It shouldn't be, unless he doesn't want to come back."

"I don't want to come back?" When the Xia family heard this, they were nervous to get together. Mother Xia directly cried out, "Are you angry with us and don't want to live anymore?"

As soon as he heard the cry of being a mother, Gu Ye's head hurts, "You calm down! I think there is another possibility." Gu Ye looked at Xia Xiang, who had lost his soul and soul, and it had been two days. This piece of sweet pastry has a stable breath, and it hasn't been eaten

all. There is definitely a reason, "He should be with Xia Xiang, otherwise Xia Xiang will not just lose a soul and a soul."

"Is he protecting his younger brother?" At this point, Mama Xia started crying again, and Gu Ye helped her forehead. He liked the sensible type of Mama Zhao, and the kind of his little mother who made others cry when she was wronged. A woman like Mama Xia is not good, but he can't handle it. Gu Ye squeezed his forehead, "Auntie, don't cry. It's easy to find them. Do you know which ghost house Xia An went to explore?"

Father Xia comforted his wife and asked her to go to the side to calm down. He shook his head and said, "We are not quite sure about this. I will ask his classmates."

When the other party called, Gu Ye tilted his head and looked at the ward. From the moment he walked in, he felt something peeping at him. Just now, he felt more obvious. There is not just a ghost here, there are several!

Gu Ye sighed and said faintly: "A place like a hospital is where yin and yang meet. No wonder you dare to get out during the day. Trouble, close the curtains and close the door."

The Xia family obediently followed suit. This ward was a special ward, and the curtains were shaded and sunscreened. After being closed, the entire room was dark, almost as dark as it was dark.

Gu Ye walked to the shelf in the corner. There was a small vase on the top floor with a few pink fake flowers in it. A sneer appeared at the corner of Gu Ye's mouth. He picked up a cinnabar pen and drew in

the void. A red line went into the vase. Inside, the next second will pull out the dark things of the day. Gu Ye shook his hand and threw it on the ground. The black shadow turned into a villain in the blink of an eye. The little thing was about to struggle. A cinnabar pen had already been poked on his head. Gu Ye said with a cold face, "Don't move!"

Feeling Gu Ye's killing intent, the group of black shadows was so scared that they trembled and did not dare to move.

After seeing what this dark shadow was, Gu Ye's eyes widened in surprise, "Child?"

The ghost image shrank into a ball in fright, and was scared enough by Gu Ye's ferocity just now.

Gu Ye frowned, his eyes fell under the bed again, crouched down, reached out and took out a little black man from under the bed, and drew twice in the void with a cinnabar pen. In order to prevent him from escaping, Gu Ye still tied him. Put it at the root of the wall.

Gu Ye pointed at them and frightened: "Squat for me, don't move! Who will spank who will do it!"

The two little ghosts were frightened by Gu Ye, as if they were not a human being, but a big demon who could eat people.

Looking at them, Gu Ye's expression gradually became serious. He thought that he could play the master as a ghost like that, he was very strong, and he did a lot of evil, and he was ready for a battle. He didn't expect to take out the souls of two children. What surprised

him the most was that these two children were physically incomplete. They should have been incomplete when they were alive. It can be said that it is a coincidence that one is like this. Why are both of them like this?

At this moment, Gu Ye suddenly felt a chill on the back of his head, and a biting cold air suddenly struck him. Gu Ye looked back abruptly and saw a strange red light flashing from the air outlet of the air conditioner. Gu Ye lifted the cinnabar pen, The red line flicked over, tied the kid inside, and dragged it out directly. This kid was obviously bigger than the two. His left arm was deformed, his teeth were fiercely bared, and he wanted to rush to bite Gu Ye. Gu Ye grabbed the back of his neck with one hand, drew a red line to tie him two more times, and pressed it against the wall.

Seeing him, Gu Ye suddenly had an unknown premonition in his heart, that he was also physically incomplete.

"Azuki beans, get me back the two who ran away." As soon as Gu Ye's voice fell, the buddha beads on his wrist flashed a red light, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. After a few breaths, the two little black men were also picked up by the red beans. Tied with a red thread and pressed in the corner.

Five little ghosts squatted at the root of the wall like carrots. Gu Ye looked at the souls of these five children with an ugly expression. They were all physically weak!

At this time, Xia Xiang's father finished the phone call, and his voice trembling said: "Little sir, I just asked the family of two Xia An students. They said that after returning, their children will be the same as Xia An. Unconscious."

Gu Ye calmly said, "No need to ask, it is more appropriate to ask them."

None of Xia Xiang's family could see these little ghosts. The more invisible things, the more weird they felt. They all stood pale in the corner by the window, afraid to speak. Gu Ye looked at them, and reluctantly took out a porcelain bottle, took all these little ghosts away, stood up and said, "Tonight I will go to the ghost house to find the brothers. Now I seal their souls. They His condition will not get worse, just wait for my news."

The Xia family gratefully sent Gu Ye out. Gu Ye asked for Xia Xiang's father's mobile phone number and kept it for backup. As soon as he left the hospital, Gu Ye received a message from Zhao Pengyu: I heard that Xia Xiang had an accident. Did you go to the hospital?

Gu Ye: At the First People's Hospital.

Zhao Pengyu replied in seconds: Stay still, wait for me to find you!

Half an hour later, Zhao Pengyu went to the door of the hospital in sweat, found Gu Ye who was eating popsicles, and asked anxiously: "What's the matter? Is Xia Xiang saved?"

Gu Ye shook his head and gnawed his mouth to calm down.

Zhao Pengyu was scared, "What's the situation? You can't save it?"

Gu Ye said faintly: "Brothers Xia Xiang are still saved. I will go to the ghost house tonight to solve the problem. They should wake up tomorrow morning."

"go by yourself?"

Gu Ye nodded, "It's okay, I'm used to going all alone."

Zhao Pengyu was not relieved, "I will go with you. If there are ghosts, you will deal with them, and people will come to me to block."

Gu Ye was enthusiastic in his heart, and patted Zhao Pengyu on the shoulder, "I can go by myself. You are not in this business. Some things are scary."

"Then find a friend who travels with you to go with you!"

Gu Ye smiled awkwardly, "Okay, I'll look for it in a while."

"Looking for a fart, you just don't see it." Zhao Pengyu also knows Gu Ye's temperament. He seems to laugh at everyone, and there is no distance. In fact, it is difficult for others to enter his heart. He keeps distance from everyone. He and Xia Xiang should be Gu Ye Weier's friends, not friends who can say anything.

Zhao Pengyu also bought a popsicle at the entrance of the hospital, and said while eating: "I'll accompany you. I bring equipment. Didn't you say that I have a strong yang energy? When there is something wrong, I will stand forward and be a guard. Fu is invincible!"

Gu Ye curled up his mouth, "If you want to follow along, please follow, thank you."

Zhao Pengyu smiled and thumped Gu Ye's shoulder, "Thank you, who made us buddies?"

Gu Ye asked for a leave of absence from his family first, and at about ten o'clock in the evening, he took a taxi to the address he asked for from a few brats. This is a very ordinary alley, and the people who live in it are also very ordinary. Walking from the entrance of the alley to the deepest point, there is a half-old courtyard house. When the two got out of the car, Gu Ye raised his head and glanced at the sky above the courtyard. The bad premonition became stronger and stronger. Gu Ye reminded: "Let's be careful."

"I'll go up first." Zhao Pengyu was tall and thought he was much stronger than Gu Ye's small body. He walked over without fear, and pushed the door open. "Huh? This door turned out to be false!"

Zhao Pengyu took out the flashlight he prepared in advance from his backpack and shone it directly in front of him. When he saw what was posted on the door, his scalp was numb with fright, "Look, Gu Ye, what is that?"

There is a gossip picture hanging directly above the door. It is drawn from a yellow bottom plate and blood-red cinnabar. From a distance, the cinnabar looks like solidified blood, let alone in the middle of the night, even during the day. People feel panicked.

"Ghost town, it's not that nobody lives here, it's something inhumanity who lived here!" Gu Ye's eyebrows were cold, and he was already murderous.

Zhao Pengyu looked at the record on the phone, "I checked the information on the gossip forum in the afternoon. This ghost house was built in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it has been taken care of. It has only been abandoned in recent years. The rumors of haunting have been since then. It hasn't been broken. Look at the house number, count from the front yard, from 001 to 022,023, here it is directly 24, one zero is missing."

Gu Ye was puzzled, "Why?"

Zhao Pengyu couldn't laugh or cry, "That's why it's weird! It is said that there are often children's crying in the middle of the night."

"Children?" Gu Ye pursed his mouth, his eyes cold again.

The whole yard was quiet, and under the moonlight, the gossip chart exuded a long red light, as if it was pressing something hard. Gu Ye took out a written talisman paper from his pocket and said to Zhao Pengyu: "I want to destroy the things in this town house, so that I can find Xia Xiang's soul. Some unnatural things may happen in a while. Stay closer to me."

"Don't worry, I've been mentally prepared for a long time." Zhao Pengyu sneered and took out two wooden swords from his bulging backpack. There were holes in the middle, and they could be inserted together to become a complete sword. Take out my big sword, and I will cut anyone who provokes me!"

Gu Ye looked at the body of the sword, the three words "Peach Wood Sword" were written plainly, and immediately gave him a thumbs up admiringly. Zhao Pengyu is upright, and the ghosts avoid him by three points. Although he was deceived, this wooden sword is actually a common poplar tree. As long as he has sufficient momentum, he can still fight ghosts.

After Zhao Pengyu set up his posture, the talisman paper in Gu Ye's hand flew by itself and floated towards the gossip chart. It seemed to be light and powerful, but when it came in contact with it, it made a "bang" and gave out a purple light. The red, bloody color darkened. Zhao Pengyu cursed excitedly: "Fuck! It's so awesome! This is the same as making a movie!"

Gu Ye is speechless, and when he gets excited, swear words are okay?

With his eyes closed, he felt the haunting spirits pouring up from all directions, and raised his hand to point to the house beside them, "There! The breath of strangers!"

As soon as Gu Ye ran, Zhao Pengyu carried a peach wood sword with his bag on his back, and ran in immediately, almost hitting Gu Ye's back. The room was empty, like a warehouse, with some white things in front of them, all in a section, and I couldn't see what they were. Zhao Pengyu took a flashlight and turned his face pale.

"Don't be afraid, this is fake." Gu Ye walked over, picked up a human arm, and shook it at Zhao Pengyu. "The plastic one should be removed from the model."

Zhao Pengyu's breath stuck in his throat finally eased, and he cursed fiercely: "Neurotic! Put these broken models here to scare people!"

Gu Ye took the arm over and "photographed the fracture."

Zhao Pengyu wants to scold the street even more, "What are the manmade, full-fledged destroying models doing, and making them so realistic! Hey? You see, is it mostly children?" Zhao Pengyu found the problem, "Why destroy child models? ?"

Gu Ye sank his face and said, "Frighten the child. If you don't behave, this is the end." After Gu Ye finished speaking, he suddenly sensed a soul running from outside, and he stood up and chased after him.

Zhao Pengyu caught up from behind, "Is it Xia Xiang?"

"I don't know." Gu Ye ran a few steps, and saw a dark shadow blinking into a room. He seemed to be holding something in his arms. He followed and ran over, opened the door, and came head on. Gu Ye was taken aback by the bloody human face, and he took a step back subconsciously, and then looked in front of him, it turned out to be a bloody mirror with his own face.

Gu Ye dragged the mirror off in angrily, slammed it to the ground, and went up again to make a foot, "Red Bean, you smashed all this scaring stuff here!"

The red beans floated out and looked at Gu Ye's desperate look with a smile, and said gently: "Okay."

Gu Ye immediately felt that his violent temper was suppressed, and sister Hongdou had the power to soothe people inexplicably. Seeing Hongdou found a lot of these things from the house, Gu Ye was amused. "How bad is it that you have done so much to be so afraid of ghosts knocking on the door?"

"Gu Ye! Come!" Zhao Pengyu whispered outside the door. Gu Ye went out to take a look. The other party had already pried open the window next door. Inside was a bedroom with many small beds, all of which were bunk beds. Little children have lived."

Gu Ye crawled inside first, "Go in and take a look."

The two jumped in from the window and bypassed the small beds. There was a small door in the innermost part. When they opened the door, they were shocked. Zhao Pengyu was even more frightened and jumped on the spot, "hastily!!! Ah ah ah!!!"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

Zhao Pengyu's face turned pale and pointed to the scene in front of him, "Hey, don't you call the police, do you keep it for the New Year?!"

It is not the living room at all, but a big grave pile. Who would repair a grave in the living room! Looking at the edge of the tomb, a dozen tombstones, large and small, were piled up together. Zhao Pengyu

didn't dare to look at it. He gave Gu Ye a flashlight, holding a wooden sword in both hands, and was always ready to fight with others.

Gu Ye took a flashlight and squatted down and watched, "This tomb belonged to a large family in the Qing Dynasty. It is a family. This tomb was built by the descendants of this family. Later, it was converted into a residential area and the descendants bought it. The house is built."

Zhao Pengyu's hands trembled, "Who told you?"

Gu Ye chuckled lightly, "It's written on this tombstone."

Zhao Pengyu still feels weird, "If you are sick, build the grave in the house! There are traces of people living around this grave bag. Are you crazy to sleep here?"

At this time, another black shadow flashed by, and Gu Ye pointed at the black shadow: "Hongdou, grab him!"

Zhao Pengyu's face turned pale, "Who is Red Bean?"

Gu Ye patted him and comforted: "Don't be afraid, no one here can hurt you. You have been living with your brother-in-law for so many days, and you have been stained with purple air. What are you afraid of?"

Zhao Pengyu looked at himself, "What kind of purple gas?"

"It's a kind of baby that you don't know how to use with you. As long as you know, ghosts don't dare to approach you."

As soon as Zhao Pengyu heard this, he straightened up his chest. Just as he wanted to make a big push, he heard a "da da da" sound from above his head. As soon as he raised his head, there was a villain hanging on the beam of the room, dangling back and forth.

Zhao Pengyu took a deep breath, and the courage he had just plucked up almost drew back in terror, and he would call the police when he took out his mobile phone.

Gu Ye took a photo with a flashlight, and said calmly: "There is no lifelessness, it is a doll."

Zhao Pengyu was really annoyed, "I'm sick, what are you doing with the puppet?!"

Gu Ye looked at his expression and regretted it. He shouldn't have been brought here. For him, the everyday things are all frightening to ordinary people.

Zhao Pengyu looked at Gu Ye in admiration, and felt a little bit painful, "My buddy, what kind of training have you received since childhood, why are you not afraid at all?"

Gu Ye smiled and said, "If you get used to it, it will be fine."

Zhao Pengyu feels even more sympathetic to him. He is not accustomed to this kind of thing, and he still believes when it is destroyed.

At this time, the doll on the beam suddenly fell by itself and fell to the ground. A pair of blind eyes, looked at them directly, and then blinked.

Zhao Pengyu really didn't believe it this time. "This puppet is quite realistic and will blink his eyes."

"Emmmm..." Gu Ye's complexion was not embarrassing to say that just now, this baby was silly.

Zhao Pengyu stabbed the doll with a wooden sword. He just wanted to complain that this is a complete one. Unexpectedly, the horror came. The doll stood up straight, and after turning around 360 degrees in place, Da Da Da ran away.

Zhao Pengyu is full of thoughts: ran away...ran away...ran away...

After nineteen years of living, Zhao Pengyu has never suffered such a fright. Even if the ghost wife came to the door, he has never been so scared. Classmate Zhao Pengyu became furious. He chased up with the speed of grabbing the ball. He jumped up and kicked the doll directly. "Everyone dare to scare Lao Tzu! It's not over!"

Gu Ye Fue, he actually made such a violent friend, it was terrible!

Chapter 34 Extremely Tragic Tragedy

That doll probably did not expect that someone not only was not afraid of him, but could also come up and beat him ferociously, lying on the ground staring at Zhao Pengyu dumbfoundedly for five seconds, and then rolled in Zhao Pengyu's fierce eyes The body, hands and feet are crawling away, and the thief crawls quickly.

Zhao Pengyu caught up with angrily and stepped on the ground with one foot. "You scared me and want to leave. I don't want to lose face?"

Gu Ye hurriedly pulled him away, took the doll's arm, lifted the doll from the ground, and patted the dirt on his body, "You are gentle with him, he is still a child."

Zhao Pengyu sneered, "I'm still a baby!"

Gu Ye was speechless, "I know, you are a giant baby, he is really a child."

Zhao Pengyu made a cut, expressing his deep disdain for this kid. After discovering that ghosts can be beaten, Zhao Pengyu's aura instantly jumped to 18 meters. Now he is like the God of War, just wanting to fight with the ghost.

The puppet was frightened by Zhao Pengyu, and cried out with a "wow" voice. The voice seemed to be squeezed out of the throat. It was heavy and muffled, but it was strangely harsh, making people buzzing in their heads. But it sounds like a child. Zhao Pengyu was dumbfounded, "Fuck it! Milky baby!"

Gu Ye rolled his eyes, "I told you it was a child, you don't believe me!"

At this time, I heard the voice of a little girl singing: "Ten villains are eating together, one choked to death and nine are left. Nine villains stay up late, and one overslept has eight. People go to play, one is left there and there are seven left. Seven villains are cutting wood, one is cutting himself in half and six are left..."

In such a strange environment, such a clear ballad is sung in such a quiet courtyard. She is still a young girl with an immature voice. I want to know that no girl will come here in the middle of the night. Zhao Pengyu became nervous, "What the hell? Singing ghost?"

Gu Ye frowned, "It sounds like a horrible nursery rhyme."

The nursery rhyme is still singing, getting closer and closer to them, and it becomes clearer and clearer, "Six villains play a beehive, one was stung by a wasp and five are left. Five villains entered the hospital, and one was left behind. There are four remaining. Four villains go to the beach, one is eaten by sharks and three are left."

Zhao Pengyu was scared of goose bumps by this weird nursery rhyme, "Is this ballad implying something? How can it not be easy to die?" He looked around and said vigilantly: "How do I think this place is a bit like... Where children are raised illegally."

Gu Ye looked at the crying little ghost in his hand, and said with a calm face: "Yes, the ghosts here are all children with incomplete limbs. I asked those little ghosts, they are all kidnapped children. Some were kidnapped. They dug their organs and died on the spot. Some had

their bones broken many times, causing their bones to grow deformed and sent to different places to beg. Those who couldn't support it all died here. It's better to say that this ghost house is terrible. Said it is the human heart, using this somewhat horrible house to do utter conscience."

Zhao Pengyu's face cooled down, and he cursed angrily: "These beasts!" Looking at the doll in Gu Ye's hand, Zhao Pengyu couldn't help patting the dust on the villain, "Sorry, kicking hurts." No?"

The little doll didn't expect Zhao Pengyu to apologize to him, but the crying finally stopped, twisting his body uncomfortably, still trying to escape.

Gu Ye took out the small porcelain bottle from his pocket and pulled the little ghost's soul out of the doll. "When the matter here is resolved, I will send you to reincarnation. Can you tell me which ones you caught? Where is the individual?"

The villain struggled with fear and did not cooperate at all. Gu Ye had no choice but to stuff him into the bottle.

At this time, a red shadow flashed in front of him, and Hongdou came back carrying a kid, "Master, caught it."

The child was holding a little rabbit doll in his arms. Gu Ye clearly felt the breath of life in the rabbit. In the past, he snatched the rabbit and took out the stuffed soul. It was a stranger's. Young, looks about the same as Xia An. The man burst into tears as soon as he came out, "Oh my God, I dreamt that I became a plush toy!"

Gu Ye kicked the opponent coldly, and said disgustedly: "You are not dreaming, you are dying! A ghost house for fart hunting! Where are your classmates?"

"I, I don't know!" The man looked around in horror, "Why am I here? Didn't I go home?"

Gu Ye held his head upset and said, "Seven spirits protect life, three sanctuary, go back!"

The man disappeared in the blink of an eye. When the little man saw that his toys were gone, he cried out with a "wow". Gu Ye picked him up and stared and frightened: "Where are the few people you caught? You? If you don't say anything, I'll..." The child's eyes are hollow. Even if he can't see his eyes, he can still feel his fear. Gu Ye frightened a few words and couldn't say anything. He held the child in his arms. Patted lightly, and coaxed: "Okay, don't cry, don't you just want toys? Brother buy you a car."

Zhao Pengyu couldn't see anything, and was anxious, "Why can't I see it, let me see!"

Gu Ye clicked on his eyebrows and opened his eyes to see the tragic situation of the child in front of him. Zhao Pengyu couldn't care about being scared anymore. He only felt an evil fire in his forehead, "These beasts, catch They were not shot eight hundred times!"

At this moment, a little girl in a red dress came out the window silently, staring at them with blood-red eyes, staring at them without blinking, her little red mouth moved, and the weird nursery rhyme began again. "Three little men walked into the zoo, one was captured

by a big bear and there were two left. Two little men basked in the sun, one died from heat and only one remained. One little man felt so lonely, and there was no one left after he hung up. Ha ha ha ha... ha ha ha ha... not one left, all dead."

Gu Ye looked at the window, and the little girl looked at him with a smile on her lips. A pair of shallow dimples on her face were so cute that they looked strangely strange now. At this time, the window slammed shut, and all the light in the room was the flashlight in Gu Ye's hand.

"Gluck..." A crisp laughter continued from outside the window. It sounded innocent, and full of resentment when listening carefully.

Zhao Pengyu pushed the window nervously, and found that it was as if it was welded, not moving.

Gu Ye sighed, "Children, the most powerful thing here is you, right? You stuffed the soul of the people who entered this yard into the doll?"

"Gluck..." A string of sweet laughter came out the window again, "All dead, all dead, not one left, all dead!"

Gu Ye crossed the tomb bag and walked to the locked door, "Little girl, do you think this can trap me?" Gu Ye lifted his foot, kicked the door with one foot, and screamed, the whole wooden door He kicked them all out.

The little girl was so scared that she flew out so far, Gu Ye rushed out to chase her. Unexpectedly, after seeing the scene in the yard, Gu Ye froze.

In the yard, I don't know when there will be so many more children, but there are more than 30 children. Depending on the height, they range from three or four to seven or eight. Each of them is physically weak.

I have seen too many tragedies in the world, separation of life and death, and too many moral decay and loss of humanity. Gu Ye thought that he had become a hard-hearted man and had become a perfect bystander, able to face various things rationally. But now, he suddenly couldn't restrain his heartache, nor could he restrain his impulse to kill the scum.

"Gu Ye, these children..." Zhao Pengyu couldn't continue, saying that the criminals were beasts, and they were all insulting beasts.

Several of the children were holding the worn-out rag dolls in their arms. Gu Ye already felt the souls hidden in them, and now he was reluctant to snatch them from the hands of these hard-working children. Gu Ye knelt down under the hostile gaze of the children, and released the little ghosts he had caught. Seeing that they were safe and sound, all the children were about to move, trying to surround themselves, but were afraid of Gu Ye. Dare not come.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. The police will take you home and bring you back to Mom and Dad. There will be no bad guys in the future." Gu Ye spread his hands and said with a smile: "Look, brother. There is nothing in it, and it won't hurt you."

The little girl in a red skirt stood quietly in front of Gu Ye, watching him smile at them, without stepping forward, and doing nothing. She didn't believe Gu Ye very much.

Gu Ye reached out to the little girl and asked with a smile, "Do you want to go home? I will help you."

The little girl looked at Gu Ye's eyes and took a tentative step forward, and found that Gu Ye hadn't moved, and then took a small step forward, little by little, before moving to Gu Ye's eyes, reaching out her hand, and gradually approaching Gu. Ye's palm closes. Just when she was about to catch it, the little girl showed a dark sneer at the corner of her mouth, and a cold ghost went directly to Gu Ye's eyes!

The speed of this kid is too fast, no one thought that she would suddenly turn her face, and there was such a cruel move, Gu Ye conditionally raised her hand to block it, but it was too late, and her eyes were already feeling the cold ghost. At this moment, the Buddha beads on the wrist emitted a dazzling golden light, and the little girl was instantly flew out by this golden light. Gu Ye looked at this bead in horror, and when he looked up again, he saw the little girl's spiteful face, "Liar! You are all liars! All are liars!"

"I don't want to do it with you, it doesn't mean that I won't hit the bear boy!" Gu Ye stood up, a little angry, but more angry at those who lied to this child, how many nightmares such a small child experienced before he changed. No one believes it anymore?

Gu Ye walked over, and under the little girl's bitter eyes, he reached out and hugged her up, "You will be honest with me, and I will take you home."

The little girl widened her eyes and felt the temperature in Gu Ye's arms. She tilted her head back in disbelief and looked at Gu Ye's bright black eyes. She was so close, she could clearly feel these eyes. What kind of tenderness is buried under her eyes, it seems to be really different from the people who lied to her with the gentle mask before. The little girl asked defensively: "Why are you helping me? Do you want to take off my clothes like those uncles?"

With this sentence, Gu Ye breathed, feeling that his heart was grabbed by something, "No," Gu Ye held the child tightly with a cold face, fingers trembling, "I just want to let those people Scum to die."

At this time, in the yard next door, someone quietly called: "Brother Long, two people came in next door. They opened the door. They must have found something. What should I do?"

"What can I do? What else can I do?" The popularity on the other end of the phone was ruinously said: "Stoned to death, car crashed to death, roped to death, I don't care what you do, I must make them shut up forever. Otherwise, it's us who die! How the hell do you look at the yard, how did you let people in? So did those people two days ago, how did you get in!"

The young man was sweating coldly and said nervously, "I clearly remembered that I locked the door, and it was locked inside. I don't know how they opened it!"

"You will explain to me later, if you stop them, I will bring someone there soon."

"Okay Brother Long, I will go to Brother Long immediately."

Gu Ye hugged the little girl and returned to the house with a tomb bag. "Are your bones buried here?"

"Yes." The little girl still had a defensive attitude, and didn't do anything to Gu Ye because she felt that Gu Ye was too powerful and she couldn't beat it.

Gu Ye turned over the tombstones at the base of the wall and saw a coffin that was not tightly covered. The flashlight shone through the gap. Gu Ye pursed his mouth and couldn't bear to look again.

Zhao Pengyu came over, "Gu Ye, call the police, we can't dig out their remains here, let alone, there are too many." Zhao Pengyu's voice was trembling when it came to the last three words.

Gu Ye calmly said, "Let's find Xia Xiang and them first, little girl, we can exchange terms." This little girl will not let go of wariness without exchanging terms. She always feels that he is unruly. Gu Ye said straightforwardly: " The few people you caught the other day are released, and I will help you go home. There are my friends in there, and his parents are waiting for him to come home."

The little girl said defensively: "Two of them have already run away, and I can't pay you back."

"Run?" Gu Ye had a bad feeling that the two brothers Xia Xiang ran away.

Zhao Pengyu also has a headache, "Isn't this adding chaos?"

"Red beans are looking for them, they can't get out of this yard." Just after Gu Ye finished speaking, a big grizzly bear rag doll holding a small green dinosaur, got out of the wood at the root of the wall with difficulty, and ran over quickly. As soon as they came out, all the little ghosts in the yard looked over and found the little dinosaurs in their arms. All the little ghosts rushed over with excitement like chicken blood. The bear looked at this posture and was so scared that he hugged him tightly. The dinosaur flew away.

Gu Ye's eyes lit up, and he pointed to the running cloth bear: "Xia An!"

Xionghua looked back, and with this meal, the little ghosts caught up with him and rushed up to grab the little dinosaur in his arms. This little dinosaur is like an addictive candy to them, everyone wants it.

Zhao Pengyu ran over with a wooden sword, and said fiercely, "Get out of the way! Whoever grabs it will not send him home!"

The little ghosts were frightened and quickly dispersed, forming a circle, looking at the bear lying on the ground as if looking at the sweet pastry.

"Are you Xia An? We're here to rescue you, where's your brother?" Zhao Pengyu twitched his mouth, and couldn't bear to look directly at this torn bear that exposed cotton.

Little Xiong looked down at the little green dinosaur that was held in his arms and also pulled out of cotton.

Zhao Pengyu twitched his mouth and stretched out his hand, trying to touch Xia Xiang like this, but Xia An kicked his hand on the back of his hand, and seemed to be quite temperamental.

Zhao Pengyu raised his hand helplessly, "I'm sorry, I won't touch it, your brothers' tempers are too different."

Xia An anxiously pointed at the next door and then at the door, anxiously dancing and dancing, Zhao Pengyu was puzzled, "What do you want to say, say it!"

Gu Ye ran over, clasped Xiao Xiong's head with one hand, and pulled Xia An's soul out. Xia An's first words were: "I fucking told you to run away! Someone is here! With a gun!"

As soon as these words fell, a dozen people wearing masks rushed in at the door, and they locked the door with their backhands. The little devil who was present saw them and jumped around in fright. Gu Ye's eyes were quick and quick, he picked up the little dinosaur that fell on the ground, pulled Xia Xiang's soul out without stopping for a second, grabbed his brothers, stuffed them into the small bottle rudely, and ran into the house while pulling Zhao Pengyu. in.

At this time, I can see the psychological quality of the wealthy young master. Zhao Pengyu calmly took out his mobile phone to call the police, and explained clearly where he was, who was outside, what

weapons he had, and reminded him: "Here is We found human bones in the child's body."

When the little girl heard that Zhao Pengyu called the police, the police arrived immediately. The defensiveness was not so obvious. She squatted between Gu Ye and Zhao Pengyu, looked back at the red bean standing behind Gu Ye, thought about it, and caught it. Gu Ye's clothes corner.

"Are you afraid of them?" Gu Ye felt the little girl trembling, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, do you want them to pay the price, do you want to breathe out?"

The little girl's eyes lit up, "I think."

"Very good," Gu Ye smiled, sitting cross-legged on the tomb bag, picked up the cinnabar pen, and drew a charm on the girl's eyebrows, "You bring all your children into this bottle, and then you can watch it. It's a drama."

"Gu Ye," Zhao Pengyu frowned, "the police will be here soon. If they die, it is easy to suspect that you used mystery to harm people."

"It won't die, it will only make their souls disabled. Being a livestock in the next life is also a disability. Let them feel it again, what it's like to go to hell." At this point, Gu Ye smiled and said with a smile. : "Don't worry, I have experience."

Gu Ye picked up the cinnabar pen and began to write and draw in the void, "I can't make them so cheap, even if it is a death sentence, it can't

redeem them for harming so many children." Gu Ye's eyebrows were cold, and his fingers were drawn Break, squeeze out two drops of blood, "Gather ghost formation, summon a hundred ghosts, gather hungry spirits, gather together!"

As soon as the word "Qi" fell, a gloomy wind rose in the room. Zhao Pengyu saw a group of evil spirits with green faces and fangs suddenly appearing in this gloomy cabin. His head buzzed and he was scared to nothing. Gu Ye nodded a finger between his eyebrows and closed the yin and yang eyes. Zhao Pengyu took a deep breath, and before he came over, the rapid footsteps had reached the door. Zhao Pengyu threw the wooden sword and picked up a small tombstone. He didn't even notice what was written on the face. He walked to the door in two steps, and as long as the opponent came in, he would take his turn to shoot the other person's head.

Gu Ye smiled on his lips, "I don't need you to make a move," he waved to the ghosts, "Keep them for their lives, and leave them as they please."

Several criminals who had found the door were also shocked when they saw this room, "It's not really haunted in this room. The ghost town seems to be broken and it doesn't shine anymore."

Another fiercely said: "What are you afraid of, how can there be ghosts? Even if there are, you are not afraid of being alive. What are you afraid of when you die?

That person was right to think about it. He kicked open the door with a bold kick. Standing outside, he saw a handsome young man sitting on a grave bag. Next to him was a little girl in a red dress, smiling and watching. Against them. Seeing the little girl's face clearly, he was so

scared that he took two steps back, his voice changed, "There is a ghost, there is a ghost!"

Gu Ye raised his mobile phone and pressed the camera function. He trembled and looked terrified. "Ghost? You just do a lot of wickedness. You're so bad. If you don't do bad things, how can ghosts come?"

Zhao Pengyu didn't realize what Gu Ye was doing for a while, buddy, you changed your face so fast!

The group of starving ghosts found that the sacrifices had been delivered to the door by themselves, and rushed up in the wind, grabbing the souls of these people and dragging them out. The pain of being stripped of the three souls and seven souls is no different from skinning. Several criminals can't see anything. When this happens suddenly, they all screamed with their heads.

Zhao Pengyu plucked up his courage, pointed at his eyebrows, and signaled: You can open my eyes again.

"Ghost! Ghost!" The screams came and went, and Zhao Pengyu opened his eyes again and saw a ghost screwing off a soulful arm and eating it, regretting it on the spot. The scene that happened immediately made his face turn green, and the evil spirit stretched out his long nails, took out the soul-born intestines, and swallowed it directly. Zhao Pengyu felt sick and wanted to vomit, and he did not want to look at it with his eyes.

In Gu Ye's footage, I only saw these people go crazy, writhing painfully on the ground while yelling ghosts, until one of them lay

motionless on the ground, and the other people's struggling movements became less, Zhao Pengyu asked nervously. : "Did you die?"

Gu Ye shook his head and said in fear: "I don't know, who knows why they are crazy, they said they saw ghosts," Gu Ye said, his voice tremblingly asked: "Did you see it? We won't be real here. Is it a ghost?"

Zhao Pengyu opened his mouth in shock, buddy, your acting talent is terrible!

Zhao Pengyu understood at this time, what did Gu Ye mean when he said he has experience, and he can only act with him, "What do we say when the police are here?"

Gu Ye trembled with fear, and cried when he spoke, "We are here to explore, and when we found the corpse under this stone, people came to chase us outside. We are victims. Tell the truth."

Zhao Pengyu swallowed, and quietly gave Gu Ye a thumbs up, buddy, you can play a "Self-cultivation of the Actress", which is absolutely popular.

He also understood that Gu Ye's video was leaving evidence for himself. How could he ignore the performance that he should cooperate with? Zhao Pengyu slapped his thigh with excitement, "Fortunately, you recorded this video, which proves that we really didn't touch them! Fuck! Look, that person is still holding a gun, contraband!"

Gu Ye tremblingly asked, "We won't die."

Zhao Pengyu comforted his friend intimately, "No, the police will be here soon, listen! The siren!"

Gu Ye cried with emotion, "I won't accompany you to ask for this kind of game anymore. If I play it again, I will die! Uncle police come and save me!"

Zhao Pengyu gritted his teeth and squeezed out three words: "...I'm sorry!"

Another soul was dragged out by evil spirits, and this one was even worse. One person dragged one part, and he just broke it apart. A ghost hugs a part and starts chewing. For a starving ghost, this is all delicious food that can fill the stomach. Looking around, the soul of this person is about to disperse, Gu Ye closed the video, and flicked a magic talisman over to protect the soul of the other party. The fear on his face was gone. He smiled lightly and said: "Friends, you can Eat their bodies, make them physically weak, please don't eat their spiritual sense, they have to go to court soberly and stand trial."

These starving ghosts looked at the talisman in Gu Ye's hand with dread, and obediently let go of the food in his hand. They found that Gu Ye's expression was not good, and they invariably stuffed the gnawed soul into each other's body, indicating that we are really real. Stop eating.

Zhao Pengyu dared not look at it anymore. Gu Ye smiled at the hungry ghosts, and drew the magic charms. Watching them disappear, his eyebrows overflowed with fatigue.

"Gluck...hahaha..." The little girl saw this scene, clapped her hands happily, and started singing the nursery rhyme that was not left.

Gu Ye looked at her and rubbed her head distressedly.

The police finally arrived. They had prepared for the worst. The two young men had been kidnapped by criminals or killed. After rushing in, they saw a dozen people lying on the ground and two more. Sitting on the ground, the high school student shrank himself into a ball in fright.

"Uncle Police! Help!" Gu Ye Xijing ran over and grabbed a young lady in plain clothes, "They all say there are ghosts, they are all crazy!"

The police saw that he could still run and scream, and he was relieved of his carrying heart. He quickly called the doctor to check on them, and then arrested the people who were lying on the ground. The young lady comforted him gently: "It's okay, we are here, don't be afraid."

"The insurance for this gun is open. It's too dangerous." The police officer in charge of the site survey looked scared, "You two are really dead!"

Gu Ye pointed to the door and said nervously: "Sister, there is the corpse of a child inside, the corpse!"

People from the police team hurried to investigate with a forensic doctor. Unexpectedly, the digging was done overnight.

In such a tragic case, the entire police station was dispatched. When the children were digging, they were digging with tears. When they didn't have enough tools, they started digging, and their fingers were worn out. A policewoman with a child broke down and cried on the spot. When the body was finally counted, everyone's eyes were red.

Thirty-eight corpses, all of them children under the age of eight!

Chapter 35 How about opening a room?

Gu Ye and Zhao Pengyu were taken to the police station. The police checked their videos and did not see what they were doing. As a result, the two of them were only severely criticized, "Not going to bed in the middle of the night, visiting the ghost house, looking for excitement, this time excitement, if something happens, don't your family members feel sad?"

Gu Ye and Zhao Pengyu were holding a bucket of instant noodles. They were also really hungry. They were eating and being trained. They said sorry to the police uncle when they confessed their mistakes. They were very religious.

Sister Jinghua next to her was afraid that they would not have enough to eat, so another person gave a ham sausage.

At this time, the guard called the captain, "One of the two high school students is the son of real estate tycoon Gu Decheng, and the other is the nephew of Yu Ze, the chairman of the international electronics

industry. Now Gu Ye's second brother and Yu Ze come to pick them up in person. Now, can I take them all?"

The uncle of the team leader looked at the two bear kids who were holding the instant noodles and drank all the soup. He didn't know what they were good for for a while. The instant noodles can be eaten so much. How does it look like a rich second generation? The rich second-generation car racing to pick up girls and losers, these two rich second-generation find ghosts in the middle of the night, and the uncle is helpless.

Gu Ye and Zhao Pengyu put down the instant noodle box at the same time, and nodded very well.

Too good! It is a clear stream among the rich second-generation bear kids! The uncle captain eased his expression and told them: "This matter must be kept secret, otherwise it will cause panic in the outside world. After the case is investigated, we can make it public, understand?"

The two people still nodded obediently, no matter what the other said, nodding was right.

"Okay, let's go when you are full."

Gu Ye yawned and walked out to find Zhao Pengyu was still daunting, and urged: "What's wrong with you? Want to stay?"

Zhao Pengyu looked ugly and said: "My parents are on a business trip, and I have been living with my grandfather's house recently. The person who came to pick me up... is... my uncle?"

Gu Ye nodded, "It should be."

Zhao Pengyu clutched his chest, feeling sad that he was already cool.

After the two of them went out, someone in the police station said: "I checked the information. I heard that Gu Ye can pinch and count, and can also channel spirits and catch ghosts. Those scumbags are now like this. related?"

The police officer who said this was immediately trained, "Don't talk nonsense, what age is this? You are feudal superstition! What we have to do is to follow this line and bring all criminals to justice. Send these scumbags to court, let them plead guilty, and try to follow suit! Rather than worry about whether the students who discovered this matter will be evocative! If you understand it, hurry up and investigate the case, even if you don't sleep, you don't have to eat. Pull out all the scum!"

The call to the soul was revealed. All the staff were involved in the investigation. The policewoman who was in charge of sorting out the report took a report. "Some of the dozen or so criminals woke up and they all shouted that there was a ghost, and their bodies There are problems, some arms can't move, some legs can't move, and no problems are found during the inspection. It seems to be a psychological problem."

"From a psychological analysis, this kind of thing can also be explained. After living in such a house for so long, guarding a big grave every day, and killing so many children, I have a ghost in my

heart, and I feel that these children are seeking revenge on them. It can be explained."

In this way, Gu Ye and Zhao Pengyu were washed out in vain.

However, the people at the Profound Technique Society have found the problem. After they learned of the matter here, they quietly investigated it. An old man said angrily: "This is a forbidden technique in the Profound Technique Realm, gathering ghosts. He dared to control ghosts and hurt people! If this Gu Ye didn't care, he would be like his senior brother, lawless!"

Several young people did not speak, and some even thought that Gu Ye did a good job. He did not speak, but the expression on his face was very happy.

The old man saw a young man sitting on the table, who was not very obedient to the rules, and directly caught the typical example, "Xie Cheng, do you think he is doing it right?"

Xie Cheng smiled and said: "No, I didn't say anything, I will go to the scene again to check whether the group of children are reborn."

Seeing that the momentum is not good, Xie Cheng jumped off the table and flashed people quickly. His partner also followed and said with a sullen expression: "The upper echelons of the learning now are very resistant to Gu Ye, and the management is getting more and more deformed. I really don't know what it will develop in the future."

"Then disband, and Superman is fearless. I really want to quit and do what I want."


At the door of the police station, Gu Ye saw the second brother and Yu Ze standing one to the left and one right at the door, and then looked at Zhao Pengyu, who was honestly like a quail, moving slowly and hard. After thinking about it, he still walked towards Yu Ze and smiled. Said: "Zhao Pengyu has helped me a lot. I am honored to have him as a friend."

The implication is that please let him live!

Yu Ze coldly looked at them without saying a word. There was no expression on their faces, but it was unexpectedly stressful. Gu Ye smiled awkwardly, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told him to venture out in the middle of the night, it was my fault."

Zhao Pengyu hurriedly said: "I took the initiative to follow up. I pleaded punished. I will make three high-numerical materials when I go back. But I don't think I made a mistake. Next time he goes out, I will follow."

Gu Ye is speechless, this silly boy, don't pretend to be a man at this time!

Yu Ze watched Gu Ye keep winking at Zhao Pengyu, and said coldly to Zhao Pengyu: "Go back and write me a report on the cause and effect, and hand it to Secretary Liu tomorrow morning."

"Okay!" Zhao Pengyu felt relieved, taking advantage of Yu Ze not changing his mind, he hurriedly avoided five steps away.

Gu Ye took a peek at him standing on the other side, and looked at him with a smile. He couldn't see what he was thinking, and asked with a guilty conscience: "Well, if Mr. Yu is free these past two days, I want to treat you to something. A big meal."

Yu Ze squinted his eyes, "Do you need my help?"

Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, this man is too smart!

Yu Ze's complexion softened, "Are you afraid tonight?"

Gu Ye shook his head, "It's okay."

"Go back and have a good rest. I will have time after 6:30 in the afternoon, and I will listen to your story when the time comes."

Gu Ye's eyes lit up, "Okay! Contact WeChat."

"What to contact?"

Gu Ye pursed his lips when he heard the ridiculous words behind his ears, and Gu Lin was already behind him. For Gu Sen, Gu Ye felt it was easy to deal with. His elder brother had a dad, a bit serious. Gu Ye couldn't understand the second brother who likes to smile, who is like a fox. "Just eat together, second brother, why are you here?"

"I'm not coming, do you want dad to come? Are you afraid to raise his blood pressure and be admitted to the hospital?" Gu Lin smiled at Yu Ze, and Yu Ze nodded at him, and the two of them also I didn't mean to communicate. One person took one and got into the car.

Gu Lin sat next to Gu Ye and said with a smile: "I will keep my family a secret tonight. Only this time, I will dare to take risks in the future, ha ha."

Gu Ye was full of spirits, guarding Gu Lin, "Brother, are we close?"

"It's a dear, I can't watch you die!" Gu Lin's mouth twitched, but it was obvious that he was angry, "If something happens to you, how can my eldest brother and I explain to our deceased mother?"

Gu Ye lowered his head, guilty of not daring to take up this topic, after all, he is not the original.

"Since I went home last time and saw you have changed so much, I realized that I cared too little about you before. I was at school and didn't have time to care about you. Now I have time. You thought I didn't care about anything you did recently. You know?" Gu Lin looked at him with a smile, "Too naive kid."

Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, and the kid said that he didn't want to talk to the big fox.

"When did you have such a good relationship with Yu Ze?"

Gu Ye was helpless, "Brother, I feel like I was caught by my parents in my early love. I just got mad and met."

Gu Lin sneered, "Yu Ze has a temper with your high school student? You are not stupid. Just ask the elder brother who was with him."

"Oh." Gu Ye lay aside and said tiredly: "Brother, you will train me tomorrow, I'm too tired."

Controlling a hundred ghosts is very emotional, and seeing so many tragic deaths of children makes Gu Ye really tired. After seeing such things a lot, he had only one thought in his mind: everything goes by the wind, the world is not worth it, how to live freely in the future.

Gu Lin couldn't bear to train him anymore, so he took a blanket and covered him, and took him back to his residence directly.

Sleeping in the comfortable guest room, Gu Ye still couldn't sleep well. When he closed his eyes, they were all incomplete children. There were too many negative emotions, which made him feel uncomfortable. He always felt that it was cheap. The scumbags still wanted to do something. He couldn't come out with this breath, and he felt uncomfortable. This caused Gu Ye to get up early in the morning, sitting on the sofa in the hall with a tired face, in a daze.

After Gu Lin got up, he frowned when he saw him like this, "What do you think?"

Gu Ye said deeply: "I'm thinking about how to make a toy doll with soul."

"If you can, but still want to be a tailor?" Gu Lin smiled and said, "Let's see how many scores you got in the college entrance examination."

"Ah! It seems that the results are coming early this morning! I forgot to check it!" Gu Ye wakes up all of a sudden and hurries to check the results online.

Gu Lin also paid attention to it. When he saw Gu Ye's achievements, Gu Lin was shocked, "It's so amazing!"

Gu Ye's comprehensive science score is 300 points, mathematics only lost 1 point, 149 points, Chinese 135 points, and English 145 points. In the second half of the year, he also won the first prize of the National Olympiad. Give him 20 points, and his score has reached 749 points! It is only one point short of the full score of 750, which is unprecedented!

Gu Ye was also happy. He took the exam forty points more than in his previous life! It is useful to review it again!

"This year's science champion is definitely you," Gu Lin happily rubbed his brother's head, "take this report card and go home. I will definitely not get scolded."

Gu Ye was moved, "Second brother, you are so smart!"

"Of course, this is experience."

Gu Ye clenched his fist with a serious face, and said very seriously: "Brother, if I do something that makes my father unhappy in the future, if he beats me, I will come to you. You think you are more experienced than the older brother."

Gu Lin had a smile on his face, "Don't even think about it!"

Gu Ye had already made a unilateral decision. After breakfast, he should return the spirits of Xia An, Xia Xiang, and some of his classmates. After a while, Xia Xiang called and said weakly, "Gu Ye, My brother and I, thank you and Pengyu."

Gu Ye had already taken a taxi to a plush toy store. Knowing that the other party was awake, he was relieved, "The days are still going on. In the next four years, let's have fun together."

When Xia Xiang heard this, he suddenly realized something, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Well, in the next four years, let's wave together."

After Gu Ye bought dozens of plush toys, he became worried and brought these things home. The family must ask him what a boy was buying these things for. It is not easy to hide them. He has to find a way to move out. Up.

In order not to let the family suspect that he has any special hobbies, Gu Ye gave these dolls to the security guard at the door and told them that they were to be sent to the children in the mountains. Please help him to collect them for a few days. The eldest security guard thought

of his phrase "Send a courier to a friend", and his expression was very tangled when he received it.

Gu Ye asked Mrs. Gu as soon as he entered the door: "Mom, is my dad coming back for dinner at noon?"

Mrs. Gu pouted, "All other children come in and ask dad, what about my mom? You know your dad."

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "I asked my dad for money."

Mrs. Gu blinked, and immediately changed her face, "If you want money, I will call your dad and ask him to come back to eat."

In just one morning, Gu Ye's photo has been exposed online: shock! This year's science champion looks like this!

These reporters are also good enough. Gu Ye went to the toy store to buy dolls in the morning and was photographed by them. As soon as this post was released, the Internet immediately became lively, and many people were screaming, "Little brother, looks good." Debut!

The girl's heart, the science champion, went to buy a doll!

Are you so talented and have such a high-profile appearance, so let others live?

Immediately there will be a battle against famous schools across the country. Who will find the grass in the school? Let us wait and see!

Immediately afterwards, Gu Ye's identity was also exposed: it turned out to be the third son of real estate tycoon Gu Decheng! Looks, rich, and talented, countless netizens joked that this is a life that many people can't envy!

Gu Ye's score also shocked everyone who knew him. What was the situation in his previous studies? Looking at his current test scores, even teacher Yu, the head teacher, found it incredible. Gu Ye completed a counterattack from the bottom to the highest peak in the past six months!

This is the last student taught by Teacher Yu, who actually taught the recorder with the highest score in the national science champion. Teacher Yu was pleased to call Gu Ye. Congratulations and tell Gu Ye: "Several famous schools have already contacted the school. If you want your contact information, this is to grab someone. You can discuss it with your family. Plan ahead."

Gu Decheng had heard the news at noon. He seemed to be several years younger with joy. He walked with wind and his waist was straighter than usual.

Gu Ye sat opposite his dad and asked with a cunning face: "Dad, what are you going to reward me this time?"

"I heard that you don't want to live in university?"

Gu Ye nodded vigorously, but didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon, "I like quietness. I learn better outside than in the dormitory."

"Okay, I'll let someone go there to get you a house tomorrow." Father Gu, who is in a hurry, asked excitedly: "How big is it, dad buy it for you."

Gu Ye happily stretched out a finger and said humblely: "One bedroom is enough."

"Promise!" Gu Decheng scolded with a smile: "Your father is a real estate agent. Buying you a one-bedroom apartment is not afraid of others' jokes! Buying you a two-story loft with a loft, if you live alone, 200 square meters is enough."

"Thank you Dad! Love you Dad!" Gu Ye wanted to hug the old man twice. It is so cool to have a rich dad! Gu Ye hit the iron while it was hot, "Dad, Yu Ze said to eat with me tonight, can I go?"

Gu Decheng waved his hand, "Go go, you've grown up, and we won't be too restrictive about making friends. You can make more friends like Yu Ze."

Here the father is kind and filial, the more Mrs. Gu looks at it, the less it feels, and the more it feels like Gu Ye said that Gu Yang had a bad exam this time. Of the four brothers, the stupidest became Gu Yang, how will he live after this?

Gu Yang returned from the exam that afternoon. Mrs. Gu asked him how he was doing in the first sentence. The child was full of confidence, "Anyway, fill in all the blanks, no problem! Don't worry!"

Mrs. Gu just wants to kill him, the point is not to fill in, it is right or wrong!

Gu Yang is still beautiful. I heard that his brother was the number one in science this year, so he went to Gu Ye to play happily. But before entering the door, he was sent downstairs by Gu Ye saying "Your brother wants to sleep." The ball goes to the dog king to play.

When Gu Ye woke up, the silly boy had already played well with the dog. Gu Ye drank coffee and looked at the silly boy's eyebrows. The corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, and he asked concerned: "Brother, Have you handed in the answer sheet?"

Gu Yang is very determined: "I have done it, I must have done it!"

Gu Ye asked in a complicated mood, "Then, is your answer correct?"

Gu Yang scratched his head, "It should be right!"

"What about your name, have you written it?"

Gu Yang worriedly asked: "Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you awake?"

Gu Ye twitched his mouth and patted the child on the shoulder, take care! This mixed doubles is impossible to run.

After drinking the coffee, Gu Ye went back to take a shower and was about to go out. The security guard at the door called him: "San Shao, someone from the Xuanshu Academy is looking for you, saying that there is something to ask you for verification."

"Xuanshu Society," Gu Ye snorted, "Wait, I'll go later."

After deliberately grinding for more than ten minutes, Gu Ye blew his hair before going out. The weather is very hot in the evening now. The people of the Xuanju Academy got oil on their heads, and they were not in a good mood. When they saw Gu Ye, they were refreshed and wandering out. They pressed angrily and asked, "We are here. I would like to ask about the courtyard house on the 24th, did you use the ghost array?"

Gu Ye looked innocent, "What?"

This time there are two middle-aged people who have been in this industry for a long time. They are relatively stable and have not been impatient with him. "Our people have found obvious evidence that you used something that academia forbids to use. And hurt people."

Another said: "The scumbag really deserves to learn a lesson, but you can't use ghosts to hurt people. The manipulation of ghosts has long been banned."

Gu Ye was innocent, "I didn't do it. Why did you say that I did it? The police didn't say anything."

The two of them had a halting expression, and their faces were not pretty because of Gu Ye's refusal to admit it. "Leave aside this

question for the time being. What about the children? It's impossible not to leave a soul, is it in your hands? "

Gu Ye took out his mobile phone angrily, filled with outrage, "I want to call the police uncle, you guys are crazy! What age is this, still dying! I'm tui!"

The two middle-aged people were so angry that they ran for nothing in this hot day and didn't ask anything. Sure enough, Gu Ye was not a normal mess!

At the headquarters of the Profound Technique Society, the goodtempered Elder Tang was also losing his temper, "Why are you sending someone to find Gu Ye? You represent the law? You wrote the laws of the Profound Art world? You can't live without mixing with you. Will you go down?"


"To shut up!"

Xie Cheng wanted to say that you were careful about having a heart attack. As soon as he spoke, he was scolded by Mr. Tang, and everyone present was afraid to speak. Xie Cheng is a close disciple of Old Tang. Old Tang loves him the most. He doesn't have a good face. Who can persuade him?

"If you are a little bit bloody, just rectify your name for Gu Ye! He is a hero, why can't he be mentioned in the world now?" Old Tang pressed his chest angrily, his heart beating pounding.

At that time, a Miao wizard extracted viruses from corpses and added Gu worms to create a gu worm that could transform a person's corpse after death. Unexpectedly, the worm mutated and reproduced in large numbers. It can poison people and turn corpses into walking corpses. If they can't be wiped out, the entire Huai Xincheng millions of people will turn into walking corpses. At that time, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the end of the world.

In the entire profound arts world, people with a little conscience went to Huai New City, and they were helpless after using all methods. It was Gu Ye who used a forbidden technique that was forbidden in the entire profound arts world to summon a heavy rain, and then use the blood of his whole body as a guide to sacrifice his life to the heavens and integrate his merits into the heavy rain. This heavy rain lasted three days and three nights. So that the entire Huaixin City will be wiped out, millions of people are safe and sound, Gu Ye is a hero of salvation!

But Gu Ye is not a member of the Xuanshu Society. He usually works against the Xuanshu Society. He uses forbidden techniques to save people and makes the mysterious world feel like he has been beaten. Even to prevent newcomers from learning Gu Ye and not following the rules, no one is allowed to mention him. Ye's name, what about conscience? For the so-called face, my conscience has fed the dog!

Like his brothers, Gu Ye's brothers did not seek fame and gain, did not like disputes, did not tell him, did not avenge the world, nor did they avenge the society. They did good things to save people. Starting to trouble Junior Brother Gu Ye, there is only one left of Shao Fuxian's school! Still want to die? The Profound Magic World that is said to be connected with Qi and develop together? doing and saying is different!

Elder Tang looked at this group of people and stood up extremely disappointed, "I, withdraw from the Xuanju Academy, you toss slowly, I am old and can't toss anymore. President Jing, maybe, you were originally elected as the president. It was the biggest mistake of my life."

Jing Lianzhong's face was pale, "Master!"

"Old Tang!"

"Master Tang!"

"Don't Don't Want Elder Tang!"


The people present panicked and hurried to stay, but Mr. Tang turned a deaf ear and left without looking back.

Xie Cheng, who was leaning at the door, took a look, and bowed his hand to the president of the Xuanshu Society, "Brother, Master is gone, I have to serve his old man, I will withdraw too."

"Resolve the inheritance!"

Jing Lianzhong yelled with a sullen face, and Xiecheng turned his head and smiled brightly at him, made a goodbye gesture, ran two steps to catch up with Elder Tang, and left with a smile.


Gu Ye didn't even know that Elder Tang, because he had withdrawn from the Xuanju Academy, talked about the children with Yu Ze when he was eating. Yu Ze's face was always cold, although he didn't speak, his eating movements were very slow. Behind him, he put down his chopsticks with a sullen face, and stopped eating, obviously irritated.

Gu Ye was not in the mood to eat either, and put down his chopsticks and said seriously: "These children have incomplete limbs, and they will be disabled in the next life. They are formed by the day after tomorrow, not by nature. They can change their lives. I want to borrow the purple gas from you. Let these children return to normal. Mr. Yu, are you willing?"

Yu Ze sullenly, ordered some of the meal that Gu Ye had only eaten a few bites, "I'll promise you when I'm finished."

Gu Ye suddenly felt that the breath he was holding in his heart was much smoother, and smiled and picked up the bowl, "Then where shall we go in a while? Find a hotel nearby?"

After Gu Ye finished speaking, he was happy first. What he said seemed to be inviting the other party to open the room.

Seeing him smile, Yu Ze finally tickled the corner of his mouth, and said gently, "Go to my house."

"It's not so good, I heard Zhao Pengyu say that you don't like others to enter your residence."

Yu Ze took another sip of the soup, and said in a faint tone: "Others can't do it, you're fine."

Gu Ye widened his eyes and asked curiously: "Why?"

Yu Ze put down his spoon and looked at him quietly with his chin. His slender index finger touched the mole at the corner of his eye, and his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly. He couldn't tell whether he was joking or seriously saying: "Look at you."

Gu Ye put down his chopsticks, pulled the stool and moved to Yu Ze's side, raised his hand and patted Yu Ze on the shoulder, happily said: "Hahahahaha, you have a vision! I also think I am the most pleasing to the world!"

Yu Ze didn't tensed, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the look in Gu Ye's eyes was a little frustrated.

Chapter 36 Sexuality Is a Problem

When I arrived at Yu Ze's house, Gu Ye took off his shoes and did not dare to step on, the warm white floor, and the clean reflections!

Yu Ze looked back at him puzzledly, as if asking, why didn't you come in?

Gu Ye moved a small step forward, and saw that there were still a pair of slippers on the shoe rack. Gu Ye took them to put them on, "Your house is too clean, I can't bear to step down. How many times do you wipe it a day?"

The corner of Yu Ze's mouth evoked, "Just once."

"Awesome!" Gu Ye admired him very much. After tidying up his room twice a day, he could make it messy like a doghouse.

Yu Ze took two glasses of water and said faintly: "This is a place to sleep."

Gu Ye smiled and felt a little bit empathetic, living alone, the house is just a place to sleep, there is no one waiting to go home, what kind of home? After drinking saliva, Gu Ye took out two small bottles from his pocket and started to do business. "I brought all the children. Their souls are too weak. They will be hurt when they appear in front of you. The breath is hidden."

Yu Ze sat opposite Gu Ye, "Yes."

Gu Ye rubbed his hands, "Then I will do it."

Yu Ze watched Gu Ye approach with scorching eyes, his tone was still faint, and he couldn't hear any emotions, "Come on."

With that said, Gu Ye feels inexplicably embarrassed, always feeling that he is molesting the other party. This face of Yu Ze really has the desire to make people flirtatious. Throwing away all these messy thoughts, Gu Ye first opened his eyes to Yu Ze, and then temporarily suppressed the purple qi on Yu Ze with a magic talisman, and looked at him like a normal person. Then he picked up a porcelain bottle and said softly. Said: "Children, come out."

More than a dozen strands of black smoke floated from the mouth of the bottle, turning into a villain, gathering together in horror, looking around. Gu Ye drew a spell on this bottle. They couldn't feel the passage of time in it. They only felt that they went in and out, and changed to a strange place. This made the children very scared.

Gu Ye looked at it, and the little girl without a red dress released all the little ghosts in the other bottle, and waved to the little girl headed, "Sasha, come."

The little girl didn't move, she stared at Yu Ze beside Gu Ye defensively, her red eyes staring at him coldly, with murderous intent hidden in her eyes. Gu Ye walked over in distress, squatting down and smilingly said: "Don't be afraid, I ask him to give you some good things, help you grow arms, grow hands and feet, and you will be like normal children in your next life."

Sa Sa hesitated for a moment, leaned over, and put her arms around Gu Ye's neck. The look in Yu Ze's eyes was still defensive, as if she was looking at a decent scum.

Gu Ye looked at Yu Ze apologetically, "This kid has suffered the most, so don't rest assured."

Yu Ze expressionlessly looked at the little ghosts who had stood several rows in his living room, and then looked at the little girl Gu Ye was holding in his arms. Her expression became even more stiff, and he said, "There are ghosts in the world?"

Gu Ye pointed to the group of children, "Aren't you watching?"

Yu Ze took a deep breath and couldn't help pinching his eyebrows.

Gu Ye apologized and patted Yu Ze on the shoulder. Mr. Yu's three views have completely collapsed tonight. It is hard for him to be so calm.

Putting Sasa on the sofa, Gu Ye squatted down and helped her tidy up her little skirt, "My little princess, come on, let your little friends line up, one by one."

Sasha still believed Gu Ye who rescued them, waved her little hand, and directed the little ghosts: "Stand in line, you come first."

The child named is still the one hiding in the doll to scare Gu Ye. He has healthy limbs, but he has no eyes. The child walked in front of Gu Ye, looked at Gu Ye with hollow eyes, tilted his head, and looked innocent.

Gu Ye touched his head with pity, took Yu Ze's hand, placed it on top of the child's head, extracted the purple qi from Yu Ze's body, and moved it to the child's body little by little. After this child was reborn, with the blessing of the purple energy representing the luck of heaven and earth, he must be a healthy person and no longer be blind.

Yu Ze didn't feel any discomfort when he was evacuated from Ziqi, but Gu Ye grabbed his hand and touched the poor child. He turned his head and saw Gu Ye's face close at hand, this big boy who is usually carefree and active, his eyes were tender and sad, and he could see clearly.

Two minutes later, Gu Ye rubbed the child's head happily, "Okay, next one."

"Is this all right?"

"Yeah." Gu Ye smiled at Yu Ze's eyebrows. Normal people were drawn away with so much purple qi. They were already possessed by

bad luck, and their forehead turned black. Yu Ze was still auspicious. His life, good. No one dare to be jealous.

At this time, Gu Ye felt the corner of his clothes grabbed, and Gu Ye lowered his head. Sasha was hanging on his body, staring at Yu Ze with an uncomfortable expression.

Gu Ye didn't know, so he comforted: "Don't make trouble, girl, you have to be the last one."

Sasha sullen her face and did not let go. She still stared at Yu Ze defensively. Gu Ye had no choice but to let her hold her and call the next child over.

One by one, one for two minutes, more than an hour for more than 30 children, Gu Ye kept taking out Yu Ze's purple energy and giving it to the children. At first it was fine, but by the last few, his face was pale.

Yu Ze frowned, "I won't do it tonight, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

"No, I don't think you will be free tomorrow night." Gu Ye smiled and shook his head, "I'm fine, there are three more. I can sleep at ease if I send them away."

In the end, each of the three children, Gu Ye spent several more minutes, and in the end only one salsa was left. Gu Ye leaned weakly

on the sofa and squeezed his forehead that was stinging like a needle. His spirit has been exhausted, and now he can't do anything.

Sa Sa sat beside Gu Ye, put her arms around Gu Ye, lowered her head, and did not speak.

Gu Ye reluctantly evoked a smile, and asked softly, "Little princess, it's time for you, I take a sigh of relief, and I will send you away. When you go there, I will send you toys."

Sa Sa is bulging her cheeks and is quite assertive, "I won't go, I don't want to reincarnate now."

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

Sa Sa raised her head and said seriously: "When will you have a baby? When will I be reborn."

Gu Ye was amused, "Silly boy, if I don't marry a wife, you won't be reborn forever?"

Sa Sa urged him: "Then you marry one now."

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "Now you can marry one and you can't have a baby right away, silly girl, there is nothing to miss in this

world. You should immediately forget what happened in this life, reincarnate, and grow up happily again. You wait for me I can't wait any longer, because I like men and I won't marry a wife and have children."

Sa Sa's eyes widened in astonishment. She couldn't accept this fact for a while, and she was so frightened that she didn't move.

Gu Ye nodded, that's it.

It took a long time for Sa Sa to accept this statement, and then thought, "Then I still don't want to reincarnate, when will they die?"

There is a bit of resentment in what I said.

"When sentenced, they will all die." Gu Ye said lightly, with a smile on his mouth, but his eyes were darker than before, "Such a beautiful girl, don't look at those dirty things, don't Think about it, you want to be beautiful, happy, don't let the dirt stain your eyes. Okay," Gu Ye sat up, "I'll take you away, Mr. Yu..."

Gu Ye hadn't finished speaking yet. Yu Ze grabbed his hand. Gu Ye was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party already had experience. He said gratefully: "Thank you!"

"You are welcome." Yu Ze looked serious.

Gu Ye put purple qi on Sa Sa, hoping that this girl can vote for a good person in her next life and be a carefree little princess. In Sasha's resentful eyes, Gu Ye was cruel and forced her away. After the delivery, Gu Ye fell on the sofa with a splitting headache and no blood on his lips.

Yu Ze frowned and looked at Gu Ye with concern. He had no experience in taking care of others and didn't know how to start.

Gu Ye said pitifully: "I want to drink a drink, iced."

Yu Ze hurried to get it. As soon as he left with his front foot, a ghost appeared in front of Gu Ye, and his hoarse voice said solemnly, "I can take them all away."

It is the ghost brother.

Now he is not covering his body with a dark ghost, but wearing the black Hanfu Gu Ye burned him. He is tall and thin, with a gloomy murderous look in his eyes. When holding a big knife and saying to take people away, Gu Ye came up with a word in his mind: One knife is a kid!

Gu Ye shook his head feebly, "No, to wait for them to be sentenced, they must confess their guilt in front of the public, and to let people

with this kind of thinking know the end of the evil, they must also have an explanation to the child's parents. I don't want such an explanation."

Brother Guijiang coldly said, "I understand."

"Big Brother Ghost, do you have a ghost market?" Gu Ye squinted his eyes. "For example, the servants we sent over, the paper-tied ones, you can exchange or trade in the market if you have enough."

The ghost will think about it, "I saw other ghosts bought it."

Gu Ye smiled, "After a while, I will give you some of it. You can sell it to the evil spirits and become a slave for some money."

Ghost Jiang immediately understood what Gu Ye meant, and after nodding in response, he hid in the dark again. Gu Ye finally couldn't hold it anymore, and closed his eyes tiredly.

Yu Ze searched the refrigerator and found only a bottle of soda, which was not too cold. When he awkwardly chopped the ice, put it in the drink, and returned to the living room, Gu Ye was already asleep.

Yu Ze just held the water glass and stood in front of Gu Ye and looked at him for a while, until he heard Gu Ye's gentle breathing, Yu Ze put the water glass down and called Dad Gu.

When I heard that Gu Ye fell asleep at Yu Ze's house, Gu Decheng embarrassed and said, "This kid hasn't slipped away. How can he stay outside? I will send someone to pick him up."

"No," Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye's face and said slowly: "He has fallen asleep. Today, he saved 38 children."

Gu Decheng anxiously asked, "He went to save someone? Is he injured?"

Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye in a deep sleep, and there was a little softness in his eyes, "No, I'm tired."

"That's good," Gu Decheng breathed a sigh of relief, "please take care of him, it's hard work."

Yu Ze said calmly: "Uncle Gu is polite, goodbye."

Gu Decheng raised his eyebrows, and Yu Ze used to call him Mr. Gu, or Mr. Gu, who had been unfamiliar with him before, and he changed his mind afterwards?

Mrs. Gu kept listening with her ears stunned, and when she saw Gu Decheng put the phone down, she said, "No, what's the matter of sleeping in someone else's house? Or pick it up."

Gu's father didn't care, "I believe that Yu Ze's character will not lead him to damage."

"It's not a question of character! You said, Yu Ze is already twenty-six, and normal people have to have girlfriends, right? Our second child often has scandals, although it is those actresses who deliberately rubbed him against him. However, Yu Ze doesn't even have a lace news, don't you think it is weird?"

Gu Decheng praised: "That's because he handled it well, and the second child is not reliable."

Mrs. Gu is still a little bit worried, as mothers are all sensitive, and she always feels unsure in her heart.

Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye's sleeping cheeks, raised his hand, and gently touched Gu Ye's face, his deep eyes half-squinted, still unable to hide the power in his eyes. Thinking of Gu Ye's perverted but kind little temperament, Yu Ze couldn't help but hooked up the corner of his mouth, bent over to pick Gu Ye up, and returned to his bedroom.

A few minutes later, Yu Ze hugged a quilt and went to the guest room. After calculating the success rate of making the bed, he

returned to the living room with a cold face, and fell asleep on the sofa blankly.

The next morning, Gu Ye got up and went to the living room with a confused look. Seeing Yu Ze lying on the sofa, he immediately became sober. How did he switch positions with Yu Ze last night?

Gu Yezheng was embarrassed and reluctant to think deeply, the doorbell rang, and Yu Ze slowly opened his eyes, sat up, and said to Gu Ye, "Good morning."

Gu Ye blinked, "Okay."

Yu Ze went to open the door, and Secretary Liu was shocked to see that Gu Ye almost dropped the early in his hand, and hurriedly passed the early to Yu Ze. Secretary Liu lowered his head, covered his gaffe, and took out a pair of shoes from his pocket. After wearing the set, my heart has exploded. He didn't sleep well after receiving the call to bring two early copies last night, and spent the whole night wondering which little fairy confuses the cold general Yu, he didn't expect it! It turned out to be a man! Looking at Gu Ye's familiar face again, Secretary Liu felt that it was indeed a fairy.

Yu Ze put the meal on the table, "I will take you home after breakfast."

Gu Ye pinched his fingers and settled, "No, I'll take a taxi myself and go under the overpass." Seeing Yu Ze's puzzled expression, Gu Ye smiled and said, "Someone came to give me money today."

Yu Ze: "..."

As a good decathlon secretary, Secretary Liu has put on his gloves and started to clean up. Upon hearing Gu Ye's words, he asked in surprise, "This can be counted?"

Gu Ye smiled, "Yes, you have a water problem today, um... don't touch hot and cold water."

Secretary Liu lowered his head and said that he was so talkative and asked himself a disaster.

Gu Ye was eating, and suddenly thought of what happened last night, he explained: "By the way, I lied to that little girl last night. I didn't take advantage of you. Don't worry."

Yu Zeshou had a meal, and the steamed dumplings he had picked up were put down again.

Gu Ye just wanted to ask what's wrong, so he heard "Ouch", he and Yu Ze looked at each other, walked quickly to the kitchen, and saw

Secretary Liu holding a water glass with embarrassment, and the crotch of his pants was full of water.

"Master Gu, forget it, it's too accurate." Secretary Liu squeezed out such a sentence embarrassingly, her face flushed, and she was very thankful to hear Gu Ye's words and took a cup of water at room temperature, in case it was hot or ice water... ...It hurts to think about it!

Gu Ye didn't know what to say, so he could only give the other side a sympathetic look.

When I went back to eat again, Gu Ye found that Yu Ze seemed to be angry because the other party had eaten all his favorite steamed dumplings with three fresh stuffing, wiped his mouth expressionlessly after eating, and pushed him a portion of beef and celery.

Gu Ye ate slowly, confused, why? No one offended him! He Yunyi did not hesitate to drive for more than four hours and drove more than 800 miles, and finally came to the imperial capital again. He came to that early morning under the overpass where he met Gu Ye and Gu Yang.

After listening to Gu Ye's words, he went all the way east and found a factory by chance. After some discussions, the director took out all the inventory and asked him to deliver the goods first, and come back to

make up the money, saving his processing. The factory also saved the jobs of hundreds of workers.

He Yunyi is not only grateful to the boss, but also grateful to Gu Ye who pointed out the direction. He originally planned to wait here for a few days, hoping to find Gu Ye. After all, Gu Ye said that he would be here during the summer vacation, but he didn't say which day the summer vacation was. Unexpectedly, when he got out of the car, he saw that there was a long line up at the position where Gu Ye was, and the young faces surrounded by him, wasn't it the little gentleman he was looking for?

"There are ten not to be buried in the Yin House. Every violation of one will bring harm to children and grandchildren. Your face is painless and disaster-free. The location of the ancestral tomb is no problem. Why do you want to move the tomb?" Gu Ye looked at the face of the aunt before him. Don't understand.

The aunt smiled embarrassedly, "Isn't it said that burying a feng shui place can bless future generations to make a fortune? The ancestral grave in my hometown was found casually."

Gu Ye sighed and said slowly: "You, don't worry about eating and drinking, your children and grandchildren are full of people. It's a blessing that others can't get if they want. You want to break the blessing of future generations, don't you think?"

"It's the same reason." The aunt nodded in agreement, "Then you can test me again and see if my son can be promoted this year?"

Gu Ye stood up, smiled and said, "No, today's ten hexagrams are over."

"Where is it? Am I the ninth one?"

Gu Ye pointed to He Yunyi, who was standing at the back of the crowd, "That old customer made a reservation three months ago."

Seeing that the people were all gone, He Yunyi stepped forward and said excitedly: "Mr., let's meet again!"

Gu Ye smiled and said, "I know I didn't misunderstand the wrong person, and you will come back and give me the 30,000 yuan."

He Yunyi laughed and hurriedly took out his wallet and took out a card with a password written on the back, "This is 60,000 yuan, thank you for your advice."

Gu Ye took it and squinted his eyes. "It's more than 30,000 yuan, hey, there is no reason to return the money when it comes to my hands. I'll give you another piece of advice. After three years, don't let your son get near Sham Shui Po ."

He Yunyi was full of excitement. His son is only one year old and he likes to play in the water. The little gentleman reminded him of this, could it be... He Yunyi was scared into a cold sweat, "Thank you, gentleman for pointing, thank you!" He wanted to pay again. Gu Ye smiled and picked up his horse, waved his hand, "You don't need to give it anymore, it's enough, your hardest time is over, it's up to you to do that in the business field, just stick to the present. With the

original intention and development with quality, the future can be expected."

With Gu Ye's words, He Yunyi, who was still a little lacking in confidence, immediately straightened his waist and was confident.

Gu Ye took the money, went to a mobile teller machine, took out 200,000 yuan from his account, and transferred them to Hope Primary School. He has transferred money to this account countless times, and he has learned everything he is familiar with. He has forgotten the other accounts that need funding, and he has to check it.

When I returned home at noon, it happened to be in time for dinner. Gu Decheng concerned and asked: "What did you do yesterday? Why did you save people? Isn't it dangerous?"

"It's not dangerous," Gu Ye spread his hands and said with a relaxed expression: "I just saved it easily and ran a few laps."

Gu Decheng was relieved, "It's okay, don't be a bad guy, first protect yourself. You can talk to Yu Ze, and you have to learn from others."

Gu Ye didn't take it seriously, and was still complaining about the three fresh steamed dumplings that had been eaten. "I can't do business, and he can't fortune."

"How much money can you make fortune-telling? Are you planning to do fortune-telling for the rest of your life?"

"It's okay to feed myself in this life, and it's boring to earn too much and not spend."

"You will get married in the future, let the girl follow you to set up a stall under the overpass?"

"I may not be able to make a home, and no one will follow me."

When Gu Ye said this, his parents were stunned, "Why?"

Gu Ye touched his chin, and said deeply: "To be honest, I don't know if I like men or women, or maybe I like ghosts. As long as I look good, I might like it. I don't know what species it is."

Gu's father immediately felt that his blood pressure was going to rise.

When Mrs. Gu saw that her husband's expression was wrong, she quickly winked at Gu Ye and told him to shut up, "The child is still young. It's a bit early to talk about this. When I have time to fall in love in college, I might find a girl I like. That's right. Many schools called today, but I refused. If I listened to my son, I went to the Imperial Capital First University, which was close to home."

Gu Ye smiled and bent his eyes, "Thank you mom!"

"You are the best behaved. When your brother is on vacation, I want to stay with your grandma for a week, so go too."

Gu Ye's expression paused. The youngest mother was born as a farmer, and her parents contracted a mountain to grow fruit trees. She also had a younger brother, who had always been called Uncle. How should I put it, the family members are honest and duty-bound, and their hearts are not bad, and they are not bad to him, but they are not his own after all, which is somewhat embarrassing. When someone talks as a family, what does he mix with?

"I'm so old, so just don't follow."

Mrs. Gu was worried, "Then you are at home by yourself?"

Gu Ye nodded, "I will eat with my dad in the morning and evening. I can ask the nanny and aunt to cook for me if my dad does not come back at noon. If I don't want to eat, I can also go out with my classmates. ."

Gu Ye didn't want to go, and Gu Yang naturally didn't want to go. Madam Gu angrily picked up her son's ear, "You have to go! Just leave after hearing the results."

Gu Ye gave my brother a look that you asked for happiness in every aspect.

Soon, Gu Yang's results came out, and he forgot to write his name in the Chinese test paper, and scored 0. 52 points for normal math. 68 points for doing English normally. Physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, and politics do not exceed 60 points, ranking first in the whole year. When Gu Yang returned with a single grade, Gu Ye knew that the child was cold.

Sure enough, his little mother wore high heels and chased Gu Yang with a feather duster for half an hour. At the end, she couldn't run and let him go. She was angrily sitting in the living room and wiped her tears, "I'm afraid it was not a fool! You! Are you stupid!"

Gu Yang squatted at the door and whispered: "Can you blame me? I don't want to take the exam? I think I did it right, but the teacher won't give me points."

Mrs. Gu was angrily and barefoot trying to beat him, Gu Ye rushed over, pulled his mother, earnestly persuaded: "You almost got it, he still has a beating waiting, you just show mercy."

When Mrs. Gu heard this, she wanted to cry even more. She was distressed and angry. There was nothing she could do. She turned around and cried with Gu Ye in her arms, "Mom can't live this day. When Mom gets old, Mom will count on you! Brother, this trash is unreliable!"

Gu Ye endured a smile and patted her on the back, "Well, well, when you are old, I will provide for the elderly, and I will raise it!"

Gu Yang sat at the door heartlessly, spitting out: "The mothers are all made of water, and they love to cry."

Gu Ye glared at him, this silly boy, how much do you want to be beaten?

After a while, Dad Gu came back. The first thing he did was to ask for Gu Yang's report card. Seeing the horrible gambling score, Dad Gu

looked around angrily, and touched the feather duster that Mrs. Gu had used.

Standing on the second floor, Gu Ye was lying on the fence, watching the domestic violence in the hall, exhaled expressionlessly, and went back to sleep.

On the second day, Gu Yang, who had been beaten in mixed doubles, went to his grandma's house. Gu Ye took a deep breath with the dog's head and took a deep breath. Without Gu Yang, he felt that the whole family was peaceful and well.

Gu Decheng took a document and called Gu Ye: "This is something from your second brother. You can give it to me."

"Huh?" Gu Ye grabbed a hand of the dog king's ear. He still wanted to set up a stall, and the task came again.

Gu Decheng said solemnly: "It's very important. You must hand it over to your second brother."

"Oh." Gu Ye reluctantly took it over, "What's the company name of my second brother?"

Gu Decheng said irritably: "Yuming Media & Entertainment Company! You are really a real brother, you don't know what your brother is doing."

"I'm sorry!" Gu Ye stooped to apologize, and his attitude of admitting mistakes quickly caught people off guard. He walked out of the house

quickly afterwards, and didn't give his father any chance to preach. He sent a message to his second brother, asked for an address, and called a taxi. On the way, Gu Ye felt something was wrong no matter what he thought. What documents need to be delivered by him personally, and must he hand them over to the second brother himself? Gu Ye looked at the file bag, but did not see anything abnormal. What was the old man's idea?

Gu Ye subconsciously pinched his fingers and settled, and the expression on his face was distorted after calculating what happened, and there was only one sentence in his heart: I'll go! Dad is also a fox!

Chapter 37 The Entertainment Circle Is Really Exciting

Gu Ye took a taxi and came to Yuming Media Entertainment Company. The security got the news in advance that Mr. Gu's brother was coming. After hearing Gu Ye's identity, he put him in, gave him directions, walked straight, and went to the lobby. Someone received.

Gu Ye nodded secretly, his second brother was thoughtful. Unexpectedly, as soon as Gu Ye arrived in the lobby, she was stopped by the lady at the front desk, "Hello, are you the artist who signed up recently? This building is the office building of President Gu, you can't go in."

Gu Ye shook his head, "I am not an artist, I am looking for your boss."

The receptionist at the front desk apologized and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Gu is very busy. It's not what you can meet. You want to be an artist. I have a few business cards of agents here. You can take a look and you can submit a resume."

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "Miss Sister, you are new here."

The girl had a pause, and the thoughts in her heart were all written on her face. How do you know?

At this time, a woman in her early thirties, wearing professional attire, ran over anxiously and apologized: "I'm sorry, the newcomer is not sensible. I am the supervisor in charge of reception. I will take you up." Angrily glared at the girl who was blocking the road, and seemed to want to go back and clean her up.

The girl who stopped Gu Ye looked at this scene with a helpless expression, and reacted nervously and said: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I don't know your identity."

Gu Ye smiled, "You don't know who I am now, right."

The girl shook her head nervously, her face flushed, "This is my first job, so, I don't have the price for sight, sorry!"

Gu Ye sighed, and faintly sent the other party: "Miss Sister, your colleague, you are not honest."

The girl subconsciously glanced at the intern who was standing behind the counter and was answering the phone, and she

immediately understood. The security at the gate was able to put in this long person who looked like Mr. Gu, and it was impossible for the front desk to receive notice in advance. The other party didn't notify her and told her not to let anyone go up, which was to offend this young master. I have long heard that the two of them can only stay one. Once this case is left, can she, who has just graduated and has no background, can keep this job?

Gu Ye shook his head speechlessly, saying that it was indeed the entertainment industry. From the front desk, he started to intrigue and play new scheming. How muddy and dirty is the water in the circle? Just think about it!

Following this supervisor into the special elevator, Gu Ye looked at this person's face, and remembered the face of the girl who was sitting at the front desk answering the phone. Gu Ye knew it. The girl who stopped him must be cannon fodder, because the two are related.

Gu Ye didn't kindly remind the girl about anything. Simple-minded people are not suitable for mixing in this business. It is better to leave as early as possible, or you will suffer a big loss.

When he arrived at the president's office, he opened the door, and Gu Ye saw Gu Lin looking at him with a smile. His expression looked like a big fox. Gu Ye suddenly had the urge to escape, bit the bullet and walked over, and handed the folder to Gu Lin, "I wonder, what is the important thing? Dad sent me to run like this. I I counted a div on the road, guess what did I count? The thieves are exciting!"

Gu Lin picked up the file and looked at it. Then he asked along the lines: "Then tell me, what's the result." Looking at the expression, this file does not seem to be very important.

Gu Ye pinched his fingers, and said solemnly: "Dad learned that you, the Tang monk, is going to be entangled by a fairy. I hereby send me to help you cast down demons."

Gu Lin was stunned, and then laughed, "If you can, you can also kill demons and demons. The fairies that can capture your brother have not yet been born."

The secretary brought a glass of soda and a few small snacks on the table in front of Gu Ye, reminding Gu Lin: "Mr. Gu, there are still five minutes left. The meeting is about to start."

"Okay, I'll go to the meeting first, don't go back at noon, I'll take you to dinner." Gu Lin stood up, the secretary immediately helped him get his notebook, Gu Lin walked to Gu Ye, stopped and squeezed On Gu Ye's face, he said with emotion: "My kid, I really grew up."

Gu Ye squeezed a peanut bean and wrapped it with crab roe. It looked like a snack for children. Seeing it looked like a strange bean, he threw one in his mouth and said with a smile: "No, I've grown up. You are old."

Gu Lin was amused, poked Gu Ye on the back of the head like punishment, and left the office quickly.

Gu Ye was standing by the window, eating snacks, and wondering how likely he was to catch the "fairy". It was not until half an hour

later that Gu Ye was almost finished eating snacks, and then he heard a rush of footsteps in the corridor. sound.

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows. The "fairy" should have heard that someone from Gu's family came to the door.

Sure enough, the open door of the office was suddenly pushed open, "Where is Gu Lin? Don't try to avoid me!"

The person who rushed in wore a long pink dress, with black hair hanging down from his waist, a pure face, delicate features, and white and tender skin that could be broken by bombs. She is one of the hottest popular actresses nowadays, with a lot of traffic. Because of her innocent temperament, she is honored as the head of the newgeneration jade girl, the goddess in the hearts of countless men. Gu Ye also knew about this woman. Ling Ruyue should be her stage name.

"Sister Ling, Mr. Gu is really going to a meeting, don't make trouble, don't make us embarrassed, okay?" The security guard who was catching up all the way looked embarrassed and didn't dare to really stop him. At that time, he panicked and avoided, and his attitude became more cautious.

"Who are you?" Ling Ruyue looked at Gu Ye standing by the window, her eyes widened, as if she didn't know there was an outsider, she was taken aback.

Gu Ye squinted his eyes, leaned against the window, eating peanuts, and squinted his eyes with interest, as if the "fairy" was very good at acting. He smiled and said, "Guess?"

Gu Ye's face is not inferior to idol niche, and he is young, his facial features are slightly immature, and his temperament is cleaner and purer than those in the circle. In addition, he has a kind of indifferent temperament, and he doesn't care much about everything, which gives him a kind of mysterious mystery. This temperament is the most attractive. At this time, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, like a smile but not a smile, lazily leaning against the window, each expression hanging on the niche in the circle.

Ling Ruyue looked at Gu Ye carefully, and then thought about the news about the science champion on the Internet. She narrowed her eyes and immediately knew that Gu Ye couldn't cope with it. Her expression immediately changed, "Are you Gu Lin's brother? Excuse me," I have been so emotional recently."

Gu Ye looked at her flat belly and didn't speak.

Ling Ruyue smiled, and said shyly and timidly: "I'm Ling Ruyue, your brother's...fiancee."

Gu Ye stuffed a peanut into his mouth. It tasted like chicken, and it was crunchy after chewing, but there was no expression.

Ling Ruyue looked at Gu Ye helplessly, but a bit of anger flashed through her eyes. Children at this age could easily get fans of her, and it was the best time to deceive her. Not only was the look in her eyes by this hairy boy not amazing, but instead With a bit of a joke, Ling Ruyue couldn't help it. But after all, it's an actor. She pretends to be innocent or very similar. She embarrassedly said, "Since Gu Lin is not here, I will come back later."

The security guard was obviously relieved. Who knew that Gu Ye, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly waved, "No, it's all here, let's talk together."

Ling Ruyue gave a sneer at the corner of her mouth, turned her head and touched her stomach subconsciously, and said with a gentle expression: "No, there is still a chance another day."

Gu Ye inserted the straw into the soda cup, took a sip, pulled a stool and sat down, slapped a plate, and said with a smile: "You can be at the door, anyway, I can say something soon Finish. Are you pregnant?"

Ling Ruyue suddenly showed a little pink on her face, nodded lightly, and said shyly: "Yes, Gu Lin's child."

The staff passing by outside took a breath of shock. Ling Ruyue didn't come to Gu Lin once, and was rejected every time. Many people in the company knew that she liked Gu Lin, and always thought that she liked Gu Lin. She is unrequited love. I didn't expect the news today to be so exciting. Is she pregnant? Do you want to marry into a wealthy family?

"You said, you are pregnant with my brother's child, hahaha..." Gu Ye seemed to hear the big joke, and he slapped the table while laughing, and all the melon seeds jumped up. He is obviously a virgin. You said that the child in your stomach belongs to him. Are you stupid as our Gu family? You can marry Gu's family with just a child?"

People passing by don't want to leave at this time, so they quietly stopped to listen to the gossip. It's too bloody. Today's melons are so big!

Ling Ruyue stiffened all over, and her fingers pointing at Gu Ye shook, "You...you are talking nonsense!"

Gu Ye drank another sip of soda, patted his chest and stopped laughing. Every time he counted those who didn't like to listen, he would say nonsense. Can these people change the word? "Just like you, you still dare to play this set, do you want me to calculate it for you? I'm pretty accurate."

"You talk nonsense! I don't allow you to insult me like that! Insult my child!" Ling Ruyue's eyes flushed suddenly, and a line of tears gently slid down her pretty cheeks, crying beautifully and not artificially, pure and pitying. This makes people who watch the excitement feel distressed. They are all pregnant and have to be treated like this. There is a young master in it, and the goddess is too pitiful.

Gu Ye stood up, walked slowly to the door, and said as he walked: "Ling Ruyue, her stage name, her real name should not be Ling, her eyelids were cut, her chin bones cut off, and outsiders set a pure and lovely girl, a pure female, practical I have made eight boyfriends in Shanghai, and at the most, I maintain bedclothes with four men at the same time."

Ling Ruyue was stabbed at the door by thunder and looked at Gu Ye in shock. She didn't realize how to deal with it for a while. It was only after ten seconds of silence that Ling Ruyue recovered from her shock and found that someone was watching her. The pure face was

stubborn and unyielding, and the humiliated eyes made people feel sad, "You...you! Nonsense! Even if you don't like me, you can't insult me like that. I came from a poor background, but I also have backbone. !"

Gu Ye sneered, "How many boyfriends you have, it is indeed your freedom. The number of abortions is also your freedom. You have set up a personality for yourself to deceive ignorant fans, that is also your freedom. "Gu Ye walked up to Ling Ruyue's eyes step by step, looking at her pitiful appearance, coldly, and said in disgust: "But if you throw away your newly born daughter, it is not your freedom. You are breaking the law."

"You nonsense!" Apart from this nonsense, Ling Ruyue didn't know how to refute it. She squeezed her fists tightly in a panic, forgot to squeeze her pretentious tears out. Looking at Gu Ye's dark eyes, she seemed to be staring Looking into the abyss, her ears seemed to ring again that late night, and the helpless and pale cry of the child made her tremble.

Hearing this, several staff members who wanted to listen to gossip glanced at each other and ran away. Sometimes, for gossip, small melons can be eaten, but large melons have indigestion.

Gu Ye sneered, "Am I saying nonsense that you know in your heart that your offspring has only one daughter who is abandoned by you, and the child in your stomach cannot be born."

Ling Ruyue nervously covered her belly, her face pale. Now she can't even tell you nonsense. She had miscarried too many times before. The doctor had told her that it was difficult to get pregnant. It was a miracle to be pregnant this time. Marry into the rich with this child. If

this child cannot be kept, then her dream of being a rich man will come to nothing.

Gu Ye pointed to the top of his head, "Look up to the sky, who has the sky spared? You are exhausted, and you will be punished."

"No," Ling Ruyue took a deep breath and was forced to do so, but calmed down. She looked at Gu Ye sarcastically, "Even if you don't like my sister-in-law, you can't look down on the child in my stomach. At your age, you have such a vicious mind, let's just wait and see."

Gu Ye shrugged, "Okay, I said that not only will you not be able to marry into my house, Xingtu will be like a fly lying on the glass in the future. The future is bright, but there is no way out for you."

Ling Ruyue clenched her teeth tightly and turned to leave. At this moment, Gu Lin just came back. Ling Ruyue looked at Gu Lin desperately, and the tears in her eyes fell, "Gu Lin... "This call of hesitation and cessation is better than a thousand words. It is like seeing the only reliance, calling a thousand times.

Such a woman can easily arouse a man's desire for protection, making people want to rush over and hold her in his arms and protect her.

It's a pity that Gu Lin is not an ordinary domineering president, nor an ordinary man. He doesn't play that kind of routine at all. He looked at this woman blankly, with only one word: "Go away."

Ling Ruyue collapsed and covered her face, tears streaming down her fingers, "Gu Lin, you are so cruel."

Gu Lin laughed instead, "Renuous? Whose child is in your stomach, you know it in your own heart, I haven't touched you."

"No, no, no," Gu Yeerkang said, "She doesn't even know who this child belongs to, because there are too many men."

Ling Ruyue suffocated her breath, wiped her tears and stared at the two brothers in resentment, and left with a look of despair.

Before she left, she was still acting. Gu Ye was almost overwhelmed by her acting skills. There was an urge to search the Internet for the plays she had played, and to worship.

Gu Lin glanced at the security guard, "Go and get the resignation form by yourself, even a woman can't stop it. What use do you want?"

The security guard said anxiously: "It's not that I don't stop, but this woman pretends to be the president's wife, and said that she is pregnant, I dare not stop."

The secretary standing behind Gu Lin gave him a wink, and now he can get a resignation form and get an extra month's salary as a pension. If you say one more word, you won't get a penny.

The security guard could only endure the grievances and hurried away. When he reached the corner, the security guard glanced back at Gu Lin. Gu Lin just happened to look over, and the corner of his mouth was picked up, winking. The security guard understood,

nodded invisibly, and chased Ling Ruyue downstairs. This secret action was not even noticed by the secretary who was with Gu Lin.

Gu Ye returned to the office, grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and said disgustedly: "Brother, you are so weak, you were calculated by a woman."

Gu Lin helplessly said: "This is a bit evil. It happened in the commercial bureau. I didn't drink much at all. I didn't know why I fell asleep. I woke up with her. It's not. She kept talking about her belly. The children here are mine."

Gu Ye smirked, "I think you have money and beauty, and you are the best picker." Gu Lin glared at him, and Gu Ye quickly changed his mouth, licking sunflower seeds with a serious expression, "No wonder Dad asked me to come to you.Older gingers are more spicy."

Gu Lin shook his head, "He got the news quite quickly, but I don't need to care about it. I will check the matter out and dare to put me down. Huh, maybe I think I'm too young." Gu Lin squinted and looked pretty. With her peachy eyes, the smile at the corners of her mouth is getting colder and colder, "I keep her here, but I just want to pull out the person who instigated her. If you have such a toss today, she should not be able to hold back her anger. One piece, I will treat you to delicious food at noon."

Gu Ye withdrew the stool back, "You smile like a fox, terrible."

"Tsk," Gu Lin was angrily grinned, "Four brothers, we two look the most alike. When you say me, look in the mirror, kid."

Gu Ye subconsciously touched his face. Does it look like?

The secretary who arranged the minutes of the meeting smiled and said, "Don't doubt the three young masters, your eyes and nose are the most similar."

Gu Ye held the juice in despair and drank it, looking like he was going to be overwhelmed by surprise. Gu Linqi could not laugh or cry, he could only read the information.

Gu Ye drank the soda and asked interestedly, "You want to do a variety show."

"Yes, the domestic programs are too boring, I want to do something exciting, mentally, physically, and teamwork."

Gu Ye picked up a pile of information, opened it and looked at it, "The staff is quite comprehensive."

There are acting sects, flow niches, being red stars, and last year's actor.

"Yes," Gu Lin pointed to the actor, "I'm considering choosing him as the soul of the group. Among these, I will choose five more."

Gu Ye pointed to the photo of the actor, and said seriously: "I don't recommend using him. Look at his face. Tiancang is fanatic and Xuanwu forks. He is a fanatic. Now he is beautiful and beautiful. He will not be popular for a year. Up."

"Listen to you, just change one."

Gu Ye pointed to a few more, "These few can absorb money, and these two newcomers can dig them over, and they will become popular in the future."

"Listen to you." Gu Linquan should make his younger brother happy. No one thought that Gu Ye really said it. Six months later, the actor was ruined because of his derailment in the marriage and his personal settings were destroyed. And the two new recruits who dug over have become popular all the way, marching into the front line in one fell swoop, and become the company's cash cow.

Gu Ye went to dinner with Gu Lin at noon, and Gu Lin invited him: "Dad won't go home at noon. If you are alone, just come and find me."

Gu Ye nodded, "Thank you brother."

"I heard that the fourth child returned to my grandma's house, and I knew I would buy something for them to take back."

Gu Ye smiled, "I still have a chance next time."

When my brothers talk together, I can still hear that there is a gap between the second brother and the young mother. After doing the

math, the younger mother walked in, and the eldest and second elder brothers all remembered things, and the hearts of the people were all fleshy. At that time, it didn't take long for their mother to die, they must be awkward. They have lived in school since elementary school again, and they really don't have much affection. But the two elder brothers did a good job. They weren't close or outside, and they were good to Gu Yang.

Gu Lin watched him hold the spoon and asked him, "What do you think?"

Gu Ye smiled and bent his eyes, "I am very happy to be born in such a family."

Gu Lin didn't expect Gu Ye to suddenly say such a sentence. After a daze, he said with a smile: "Stupid boy, what are you thinking about. After eating, you come back to the company with me. I still want to invest in movies and TV shows. You can give it to me." Calculate."

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, "Are you paying?"

"Brothers also want money?"

"Brothers must also settle accounts."


"Then I will go."

The two brothers had just decided on the afternoon mission. Gu Lin received a call from the public relations department, "Mr. Gu, Ling Ruyue committed suicide on the live broadcast, saying that he was abandoned by the scumbag. Now the Internet has exploded, and they are all guessing the scumbag. Who is it. Now that someone has led to you, I don't think this direction is right."

Chapter 38 In order to marry a rich family

Hearing that the fire was about to burn on his head, Gu Lin was not in a hurry, so he asked in a leisurely manner: "She didn't say who abandoned her?"

The Minister of Public Relations hurriedly said: "I didn't say it directly."

Gu Lin squinted his eyes, "Then don't worry about it, she might not be alone."

The public relations department is already gearing up and ready to fight a tough battle. After listening to Gu Lin's tone, the nervous heart instantly relaxes and has the backbone. "Good President Gu, I will closely monitor the network dynamics. Report to you at any time."

Gu Ye stretched out his thumb, second brother is smart! This woman steps on several boats, her purpose is to marry a rich family, but no matter which rich family it is.

At this time, a young man who was a little familiar found him and gave Gu Lin a USB flash drive, "Mr. Gu, after she went out, she called a person named Mr. Xu. I found out that he was the CEO of Dingnan Entertainment. Xu Shun, there is a video call."

Not surprisingly, Gu Lin curled up the corners of his mouth, but smiled coldly, "I know, she doesn't dare to toss like this."

The young man said again: "Immediately afterwards, she called a wealthy businessman engaged in real estate." The young man also had a strange expression, "Forcing marriage."

"Puff!" Gu Ye almost spit out the soup. This "fairy" was so anxious that he was forced to marry the couple one day?

Immediately afterwards, the young man said, "Finally, she called a rich second-generation generation, and said that she was pregnant and forced to marry. The video of the call is in it."

Gu Ye looked at this young man in admiration. This method was amazing. Only then did he recognize the other person. The young man turned out to be the security guard. Now that he has changed his clothes, he looks quite stable. Gu Ye was shocked. "Are you so exciting in the entertainment industry? Security guards are all so good at acting?"

The security guard said embarrassedly: "The three young masters are polite. I was a mercenary abroad and engaged in investigation."

Gu Lin squinted his beautiful peachy eyes, "Too naive kid, do you think your brother does not have a few capable people in his hands,

can do this step today? Silly boy, no matter what time in the future, you have to keep it for yourself Don't even tell the person you trust the most. Remember?"

Gu Ye nodded vigorously, remembering that, I don't know if I need it. After all, he doesn't like to play tricks.

Gu Lin filled a bowl of soup, drank a sip, and said slowly: "Let her make trouble, not only will the public relations department not stop her, but also help her make headlines, and everyone who makes trouble will know. If she doesn't pull me out, just Watch who will jump out and end the scene. If you dare to get involved with me, put the video of the call on her, and let everyone have a wave in the hot pot."

"Ok, I understand."

Gu Ye had only one sentence in his heart: The second brother is really a fox, so how many people need to be served in one pot, cunning and ruthless enough. However, he likes it!

Ling Ruyue has too many fans. I have done marketing before. If I don't have anything to do, I'll be able to get someone to fry C P, and I'm looking for someone to wash myself for nothing, and call the other party not to pull our goddess to hype. No appointment, many angry youths were brainwashed. Especially the youngsters who are in love at the beginning, are being coaxed around, treating her as the lover of their dreams, and looking for someone more than her.

Suddenly, Ling Ruyue posted a video on Weibo and talked about her experience in tears. She was unmarried and pregnant, but the other

party said she would not marry her at all. She was traumatized so much that she could not live anymore and wanted to leave the world Tell the fans who love her, Ewha is so pitiful to cry with rain.

The Internet exploded in an instant, and many people wanted to lift the knife and chop off the scum.

Fans have called the police, and some have persuaded her: don't cry the goddess, two-legged donkeys are hard to find, and some people with two legs are! We can't commit our own lives for a scumbag! You are so beautiful and young, you will have the chance to meet a man who loves you in the future!

If he doesn't marry you, I will marry you! That scumbag, who do you say he is, I will kill him!

I want to know who the irresponsible scumbag is, ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Tell me who he is and expose him! ! !


When the fans were going crazy, Ling Ruyue posted another Weibo: Stop talking, I don't want to disturb his life anymore, let me and my child leave this world quietly.

Fans are crying: Don't be so stupid, the goddess! Who is that man, come out and say something!

If you dare to do it, you must be the one who is in charge!

I heard that the goddess and the boss of her company have been very close recently. Has the goddess been under unspoken rules?

Is that Gu Decheng's son, Gu Lin, known as the national husband? Sure enough, the rich second generation has no good things! Scum to die! A dead account book!

It turned out to be Gu Lin! Is there any evidence?

I have a sister who is an employee of Yuming Media Company. She saw the goddess approaching Gu Lin many times, but Gu Lin never saw her.

Fuck! This scumbag! Goddess, don't think about this scumbag! He will definitely get retribution, and the whole family will die!


The Internet became more and more turbulent, and some people helped her to make a headline. Ling Ruyue swiped on Weibo and watched the fans cry for her and made her crazy. She sneered the flames of war on Gu Lin. He sent a message to someone: Mr. Xu, Gu Lin must be trying to suppress public opinion and wash himself away. I will give you the opportunity. Don't forget your promise to me.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ruyue sent the same message to two people, completely copy and paste: I didn't expect them to be so crazy that they misunderstood Gu Lin. I'm so angry, the child is not Gu

Lin's, it's yours! No one can insult my love for you. You can don't want me, I can't die for unknown reasons.

This message was sent out, and within a few seconds, it all replied to her: Don't say it! I have to divorce my wife first, I will give you five million living expenses first, baby you believe me, you are my true love, how do I live when you die? Wait for me, wait a few more days!

I'm discussing with my parents, isn't it just getting married? Are you making trouble like this? Just get married when you get married and register tomorrow, so stop making trouble! If you tell it, where will my parents save their face?

After reading it, Ling Ruyue replied in unison: I can't wait any longer, my belly is getting bigger and bigger every day, and I can't shoot movies anymore. I can't hold back this kind of underground love.

Baby, I have already paid you the cost of living. Give me two more days. I promise to divorce and marry you!

Get married! Knot! My parents agreed, I knelt down for you, you are cruel!

Ling Ruyue looked at these two pieces of information and pondered secretly. She had given up on Gu Lin's kind of carelessness. She didn't eat hard and soft. The other party really didn't have a skin close to her. The child was definitely not Gu Lin's. This road was unworkable and she had to give up regretfully.

Ye Hongwei really loves her, but he has a wife. Like a tigress, his wife is horribly violent, and it will take several months for him to divorce his wife.

Wan Zirui is a second-generation ancestor, and it's not that she can't do without her. But he is still young now, she can hold on completely, and inherit the family business in the future, she can also stand firm in Wanjia. Moreover, this young man is so foolish that he can get married recently.

Ling Ruyue touched her stomach and couldn't help calling the attending doctor, "Doctor Sun, can this child be born smoothly?"

The other side replied: "Your uterine wall is too thin. To be honest, you no longer have the ability to protect your child. I am afraid that when the number of months is old, the uterus will rupture if you are slightly stimulated, and then you will also be in danger. My suggestion is to induce labor as soon as possible, and if you want a child, you can do an IVF."

Ling Ruyue's eyes sank, "Those three months ago, was this child safe?"

"No guarantee." The doctor apologized: "You should be mentally prepared for the possibility of miscarriage at any time."

"I see." Ling Ruyue gritted her teeth, hung up the phone, and directly sent a message to Wan Zirui: I will wait for you to come to me and get the certificate tomorrow. For the sake of my child, I don't want to wait anymore.

Wan Zirui replied: You wait, I will find you now, you give me peace of mind!


Gu Ye was also watching the internet fuss. Seeing that this group of deceived fans was going crazy for Ling Ruyue, he gave a speechless sneer, "Ling Ruyue broadcasted live in this way, but he dared not show up in the live broadcast room. This is very telling. What do these people think, directly cursing our family to die a household account book? This can increase fans? A group of keyboard guys who don't know anything also came out to curse, who told them to dump Ling Ruyue's is you?"

Holding a cup of coffee, Gu Lin said in a hurry while reading the information: "Do these keyboard sprays have a brain?"

Gu Ye thought slightly, and raised his hand to admit his mistake: "I'm sorry, they didn't!"

At this time, the secretary hung up the phone, "President Gu, someone attacked our company's network."

Gu Ye applauded, exhilarating, "So amazing, so exciting!"

Gu Lin also laughed, "If you can give them to the police, you can directly call the police. I don't think I can blame anyone."

Looking at the artificial work on the Internet, Gu Lin watched that it was almost time, "It is fun to put out the video of her forcing someone to marry someone, and everyone can play together."

Gu Ye was cheering on the sidelines, "We are forced to marry three at the same time a day. Now, it's lively."

Ling Ruyue hasn't moved, and the fans' mentality is about to collapse. He scolds Gu Lin's family for not having a good life, scolds the goddess of injustice, scolds the police for stupid inaction, and wants to become a justice messenger to destroy the world. At this time, the official blog of Yuming Media and Entertainment Company released a message: Our company's contracted artist Ling Ruyue has misbehaviour, which seriously affects the company's public image. Here, our company terminates the labor contract with her. Attach a video at the end.

"Will you marry me or not?"

"What about the child in my stomach?"

"When did you divorce your wife?"

"When will you tell your parents about our relationship?"

"Wan Zirui, the child in my stomach belongs to you!"

"Ye Hongwei, the child in my stomach belongs to you!"


Originally, I tried to brush on the official blog. I wished that the official blog was paralyzed, the brush closed, and the fans who used the account book of Gu's death were confused. What happened?

Every sentence of the woman in the video shows that this innocent national goddess is a peerless scheming bitch. As a mistress, she has nothing to do with Gu Lin. Fans are dumbfounded, what is going on? !

Technology synthesis? The video is faked? Someone deliberately hacked my goddess?

Before this group of fans could react, the official navy army, who had already been unable to hold back, got on board: she was slapped and slapped, she played several times today, and now she still treats you as grandsons!

The joke is really a joke, it's all stupid!

The fans reacted and cried: impossible! How could my goddess be such a person? impossible! The person on the video is definitely not her, so how can the bitch person be my goddess?

Are you dumbfounded? It has nothing to do with Gu Lin. It's impossible to scold someone with a household registration. Does your face hurt?

Isn't Ye Hongwei that engaged in real estate? He was married long ago!

Fuck! Mistress! The world's first bitch! Ling Ruyue!

Stop it, my goddess must have been cheated! She is so simple!

Yes, so simple and so bitch, who else?

Come on the keyboard man, take out the momentum to scold Gu Lin's family! Why are you not moving now? How about wiping your face? Was beaten and bleeding?


When the navy was busy with the rhythm and the original fans were so confused that they had nothing to say, someone broke the news: Ling Ruyue really went to Gu Lin in the morning, but he didn't get any benefit, because the Gu family was also there. In one sentence, the third young master of the Gu family, who broke a wealthy family, is also the number one in science this year. He gave Ling Ruyue a fortune, saying that she had abandoned a daughter, and Ling Ruyue was confused at the time.

Fuck! Three are forced to marry a day, why is she so anxious?

San Shao said that she could not give birth to this child, maybe because she was afraid that she would have no bargaining chips?

I want to know that my private life is so messy and there are too many abortions, so I am afraid of habitual abortion.

What the hell? Can this also be calculated?

What's the stubbornness of one hexagram to break a wealthy family? The representative for class sums up!


The comments on the Internet can be said to be reversed in an instant, and Ling Ruyue is also dumbfounded. This is completely different from what she planned! Shouldn't it be Gu Lin who is busy washing white, Dingnan Entertainment gets what she wants, and will agree to her request, take the opportunity to poach her away, pay her liquidated damages, and give her the coveted role? What is the situation of direct cancellation of contract?

She was still a newcomer at the beginning, and she was trained by Yuming Media and Entertainment Company. So when she signed the contract, her liquidated damages amounted to tens of millions, and the company only paid her 100,000! What's her worth after being terminated?

What frightened her the most was that as soon as this video was exposed, her dream of marrying a wealthy family with this child was broken. Who would marry her?

Ling Ruyue held her head, her mind was blank, and she was horrified not knowing what she should do or how to restore her reputation. At this time, the phone rang.

Ling Ruyue nervously picked up the phone without seeing who it was. She tremblingly answered, and cursed over her head and face: "Are you a stupid? I'll let you haunt him! Let him be scandalized and careless. Company business! You fucking commit suicide for me! Make it known to the whole Internet! Why are you in a hurry?"

Ling Ruyue subconsciously touched her stomach, she was anxious because she was afraid that the child would not be able to keep it, and she was afraid of losing the bargaining chip. If the child is gone, and she will become infertile in the future, which giant will still want her? She had to use this method to force a man to come out and marry her, and let the other person see Gu Lin's fate. If she didn't marry her, she would be ruined.

Now, all the dreams are broken, Ling Ruyue cried and asked: "Mr Xu, you promised me, as long as I entangle Gu Lin, you will dig me away. Now, this matter..."

"You are so hacked, what did I sign you for?" The opposite person said angrily: "It's best not to be photographed when you call me. If it hurts me, you just die!"

"Hello? Mr. Xu? Hello?" Ling Ruyue cried in despair, listening to the busy tone on the phone, "What should I do?"

At this time, another phone call came in, "Who is the child in your stomach? How many men do you have?!"

"I am not, I don't." Ling Ruyue's eyes flashed, nails digging into the flesh, to calm herself down, "You have to believe me, the video is fake, the sound is synthesized, and someone hurt me! You have to help me!"

"Help you? Oh, do you think I am being taken advantage of? You are too poisonous, I really want to divorce my wife, you woman, it's too scary, don't contact me anymore."

"Hello? Hello!" Ling Ruyue shivered, found Wan Zirui's phone number, and after dialing, the opposite said: "I'm a grassy man! Bitch! Think of me as the third grandson!"

Ling Ruyue sat on the ground coldly, holding her mobile phone, her mind went blank. At this time, there was a knock at the door, and Ling Ruyue looked at her blankly, "Who?"

Angrily said outside the door: "Your agent!"

If it were normal, Ling Ruyue could definitely hear that the voice was strange, but she was in a trance, she was struck now, got up from the ground, walked to the door tremblingly, a glimmer of hope in her eyes again, yes. There are agents who can save her, maybe, she still can.

After opening the door, the knocking on the door was a slightly fat middle-aged woman, with a square face, hanging eyes, a jeweled look, and heavy makeup on her face. It was not a good talker at first glance. There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and she grabbed Ling Ruyue's hair, "Is it your fox who committed suicide live and forced

my husband to divorce me? If you grow up like a fairy, you give me another bitch!"

Ling Ruyue will also act. In order to maintain her pitiful character, she pays attention to weight loss on weekdays. She is thin like a paper man. Who is the opponent of this fat woman? She was holding her hair and pressing it on the wall to curse, she had no resistance.

The two tore a few times, Ling Ruyue became nervous and frightened, coupled with such a big shock, she felt a pain in her stomach, clutching her stomach and screamed, "Tummy, my stomach."

When the woman saw her pretending to be, she slapped her viciously, "I didn't touch your belly, don't want to touch me!"

There was also an older sister who was about the same age as her who came with the woman. She looked like her friend. Seeing the blood flowing from Ling Ruyue's legs, she quickly reminded her: "She didn't pretend, she really had a miscarriage. !"

The woman was also cruel, "It's a miscarriage because it's so simple. This fox doesn't know how many abortions he had before! Don't even think about giving me this pot! Call an ambulance and follow her to the hospital. I will give her flowers. Money, treat her!"

Before the ambulance arrived, Ling Ruyue's community was bustling. The reporter had been watching her a long time ago and was waiting to film this big news. Now that she has been troubled by the lady, she has found an opportunity. The ambulance rallied and followed the ambulance to the hospital. Live shooting all the way, all exposed.

The doctor rushed to rescue her, and a series of examinations had to give the lady who sent her to pay the money. The eldest sister announced the results to reporters as soon as she got the test results, "I said I didn't touch her stomach, and when the police came, you have to testify to me, habitual abortion! The uterine wall is thin like a fish bubble. If I don't touch her, she will have a miscarriage!"

As soon as this video was posted on the Internet, Ling Ruyue's fans collapsed and their faces were swollen. Thinking of what she had said before, it was as disgusting as swallowing a plate of flies.

Gu Ye watched this internet farce and said sarcastically: "This circle is so lively, I really want to give people a clue."

Gu Lin didn't stop him, and while criticizing the report, he said, "This is the case in this circle. If you don't have a snack, you can't get mixed up."

"Second brother, I will use your official Weibo."


"Swearing." Gu Ye's eyes widened. "They scolded so fiercely, wouldn't it feel uncomfortable to go back without scolding?"

Gu Lin shook his head with a smile, "Okay, you can go to the PR to play."

"Oh!" Gu Ye jumped up from his seat and wandered to find the public relations department. After a while, the staff of the public relations department sent such a Weibo with trembling fingers.

Yuming Media & Entertainment Company's official Weibo: Today, my father gave you three trigrams. First, Ling Ruyue was miserable in the second half of her life, and she had nowhere to depend, so she could only make a living by picking up the tatters. Second, Dingnan Entertainment Company will go bankrupt within half a year. Third, curse my family for the death of a household register. I remembered your notebooks. You will run into ghosts when you walk at night, and you will weigh it yourself when you go out. Do not accept apologies, do not accept rebuttals! --Gu Ye.

The official blog was silent for three full minutes, and then it exploded: Who is Gu Ye? Go crazy with him!

The creator of the record with the highest score in the college entrance examination, the three young masters of the Gu family, is the third young master who can defeat a wealthy one!

I wipe it! Is this a prophecy? What's the relationship with Dingnan Entertainment? I smell the gossip!

It's too ruthless! What the hell? It was just a misunderstanding before! Who knew Gu Lin was wronged?

That's right, just wash it for him. How can you scold someone? The rich second generation is amazing? nausea!

Don't be too ugly upstairs. Are you disgusting when you scold someone for death? Let's not say that Gu Lin was wronged, even if it is true, what is wrong with the whole family?

Fuck the little brother is so handsome, I like this temperament! Walking and hitting ghosts!

After half a year, is Dingnan Entertainment cool or not?

My little husband said: It's dawn, let Dingnan Entertainment go bankrupt!


The entire public relations department was shaking hands. Seeing Gu Ye's beautifully eating melon seeds, they wanted to go to Gu Lin's door and knelt in a row, begging your Majesty to please go! Dare to play too! No one dares to be so stubborn on the Internet!

Not surprisingly, this Weibo did not have to be read by someone, and it was made headlines within minutes. Some people scolded Gu Ye for being ignorant. The rich second generation cursed the common people by relying on their family background. Some were stunned by Gu Ye's temperament and applauded him. If you support him, you will be so stunned. The whole family will wipe their mouths and they will be done. Next time they have something to do, they will spray manure. They are used to them!

After Gu Lin received the complaint from the public relations department, he reluctantly pulled his brother back, "Kid, so naive?"

Gu Ye nodded, "I'm still young."

"You are a talent."

"Many old men who walked with me said that I was a ghost!"

Gu Lin couldn't laugh or cry, he was quite proud.

Gu Ye pulled a stool and sat down. "The reason Dingnan Entertainment does this to you, is there a conflict of interest?"

Gu Lin smiled and said, "Xu Shun is not a few years older than me. Seeing that I am developing well, I can't hold my breath. Unfortunately, I am too young." Gu Lin squinted his eyes and said, "That handle, keep it for later. use."

Gu Ye secretly said, "Give me a list of his artists, with photos."

The secretary quickly brought it to him.

Gu Ye put the photos of the two companies together, only identifying the photos but not the people. "Among these newcomers, this is the only one who has aura, and the others are all arranged according to the same model. It turns out that nothing can be seen. ."

Gu Lin immediately said: "Then let them mix at the bottom."

"This, this, and this, try to sell it to Dingnan Entertainment."

The secretary reminded: "This has great potential. It has been very popular recently."

"It doesn't matter, it must be sold, and something will happen soon. This, this, and this, if you dig it up, you will be able to become a talent. If you take it away, you will have to cause trouble within two months."

Gu Lin nodded, "Listen to you, I want to see if you are so accurate."

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "You only need to wait half a year to know. If I am accurate, do you want to ask me to be a consultant? Ten million a year is enough."

Gu Lin couldn't laugh or cry. This is still a financial fan. "If you keep counting like this, will you lose your life?"

Gu Ye assuredly said: "No, I will do good deeds and will not be detrimental to myself. Now I will draw a salary from the bottom of Dingnan Entertainment, so that they are all troublesome artists, and see how he toss."

The secretary looked at the similar faces and similar expressions of the two brothers from the side. They all squinted a pair of nice peach eyes, and they shuddered when they gathered together secretly to calculate people. He's seen the Gu family's boss, too, and he's a deephearted one. When he comes back, the three brothers get together. Who dares to provoke him?

The brothers worked secretly all afternoon. That night, Gu Ye took his second brother home. After dinner, he went back to the room and went to bed early, leaving the second brother to be dragged by his father to talk about life. Early the next morning, Gu Ye went downstairs and heard his father's arrogant reprimanding son: "Naughty! Can this kind of joke be made casually? Hurry up and ask a reporter to clarify, nonsense!"

Gu Ye wondered what happened after he fell asleep last night. Why did the second brother provoke his old-fashioned father?

"Hahaha..." Gu Lin looked at the screen of the phone and couldn't help but smile, making Gu De sincerely want to beat his son.

Gu Ye ran over curiously, "What's the matter? Have fun again?"

Looking at the screen of his second brother's phone, Gu Ye's mouth twitched, "This group of paparazzi is so idle!"

I don't know how it was spread on the Internet, saying that Gu Lin likes men, and he brought his little lover into the company. He ate dinner together at noon and took it home to see his parents in the evening. After spending the night together, he did not go out. They said they had noses and eyes, and shot them both from the back.

The most speechless thing is that Gu Lin boarded the official Weibo and officially admitted: Yes, the little lover who has been raising for 19 years is getting bigger and bigger. How do you look at how good you are, don't be ready to move.

The melon-eating audience all believed it and were shocked. Fuck, this is an admission! The official announcement! Out of the closet!

Gu Ye was also amused, "Brother, don't do this, you will really get beaten!"

The public relations department is going crazy, and ask Gu Lin's secretary what is going on? What is this all about? You can't let the boss and Xiao Wangye touch Weibo in the future! These brothers are terrible!

The secretary was also tired, "Who knows who the boss is talking to, quickly dispel the rumors!"

The public relations department was busy all morning before suppressing the matter. The two brothers were exposed to the front and they looked quite alike.

No one thought that this photo gave Gu Yequan countless fans, and many young girls left a message: Four years later, he just graduated from college and could get married, and wait for my husband to grow up!

The excitement here is not good. Ling Ruyue's affairs have also come to fruition. Without the protection of the company and brokers, the entertainment reporter cleans up Ling Ruyue's background all night. Ling Ruyue, formerly known as Zhang Chunhua, is 27 years old this year. She had a puppy love in junior high school and a love triangle in high school. She started living with her boyfriend in college and had a

child. Now she is five years old in an orphanage. Rumors have had an affair with many directors and producers in the circle.

Nowadays, the name Ling Ruyue is evasive, because they are afraid of getting caught up with her and being dragged into the water. Those in the circle who don't like to make trouble pretend not to know and avoid the limelight. Those who were not afraid of troubles stepped on her foot to show that they were not familiar with her.

Secretary Liu, as a secretary who likes to watch gossip, especially likes to share with his boss, "Mr. Yu, Master Gu actually relied on his face to make a fan. He was nineteen years old and he was waiting for him to grow up when he was formal. The little girl nowadays is really unreserved, so call her husband now."

Yu Ze remained cold, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Secretary Liu is used to it, and the boss is so lazy to talk to him.

"Gu Ershao is quite interesting, saying that he is the little lover he raised, but he also made the unruly person hide away hahaha."

At this moment, Yu Ze raised his eyebrows, and said uncomfortably: "Not serious!"

Secretary Liu was taken aback, and for the first time he heard his boss respond to his gossip news. But when I thought about it, I came to understand that the boss has noticed all those who are cautious about having a snack machine. The brothers and sisters are just joking, which means that they are not serious and can't stop the jealousy.


Gu Ye was really stimulated by the gossip, and wondered, will he really have an object in the future? After all, when his master was alive, he was always worried about his life-long events, saying that he had high eyesight, except for himself, it was difficult to look at others, and his fate was too late.

On a whim, Gu Ye took out the hexagram plate to calculate a hexagram for himself, "Tian Ling ordered Di Ling Ling to give a daughter-in-law, is it okay? I beg Grandpa Yue to tell me if I can find a daughter-in-law in four years of university. ?"

As we all know, fortune-tellers generally don't know what they are. Gu Ye shook it three times, but the pointer on the hexagram plate didn't move. Gu Ye sighed and got used to it, "Forget it, there is no such thing as old age."

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words fell, the pointer on the hexagram turned frantically, Gu Ye's eyes widened, and he got up from the bed in shock, "Mom!"

When the pointer fell, Gu Ye was stunned. Will he meet his destined person tomorrow?

Male, female, male, female, human, ghost? ? ?

It's heaven! He is not sure about the species himself!

The author has something to say: Bystander: The Gu family brothers are too scheming! terrible!

Gu Yang: Hey (?▽')

The three brothers look at the fourth: emmmm...Oh!

Chapter 39 Yu Ze: What does your father like?

After watching his father leave in the morning, Gu Ye took the pony and went out. Although I calculated that I could meet my destined person today, what kind of species the destined person is, Gu Ye didn't know, so I could only meet by chance.

Gu Ye's face can attract attention wherever he goes. He found a lively place in the pedestrian street and put down Mazha and sat there. Many young people who shopped looked at him. There were really a few people around, but they were all watching the excitement, and no one asked him for fortune-telling.

Gu Ye looked at this, and then looked at that. Among the bustling crowd, none of them seemed to be related to him. The simplest reason: not good-looking!

An aunt saw him from a distance, took out her mobile phone and looked at the photo on it. After confirming that it was Gu Ye, she ran over in surprise, "Mr., are you the little gentleman who was in Jitong Street two days ago?"

Gu Ye nodded. This aunt is definitely not a predestined person, she is older than the young mother.

The aunt seems to have been looking for Gu Ye for several days, "I heard people say that your calculation is accurate. Little sir, can you help me figure out where to find the lost things?"

Gu Ye looked at the aunt's hand, smiled and asked, "Did Auntie lose the wedding ring?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Aunt Gu Ye was able to calculate this accurately, and she said all the time. "I took the ring off and washed it a few days ago. I turned my head and couldn't find it. This ring has followed me for thirty. For many years, I can't find it for a while, I'm just like I'm missing the soul. You'll figure it out for me, is five hundred yuan enough?"

Bystanders looked at this aunt's eyes as if they were a fool, and this young one has a good-looking face. How can he look like a master? What age is this now, and anyone still believes?

"Auntie, you'd better go home and look for it again, don't believe this." A young man next to him couldn't stand it and reminded him.

The aunt waved her hand, "You don't understand, this little gentleman set up a stall in another place before, so the calculation is accurate."

The onlookers were speechless and did not leave, looking at the liar Gu Ye cheating money.

Gu Ye didn't feel annoyed, and handed the hexagram plate to the aunt, "just dial it."

The aunt did what she said and looked at Gu Ye nervously. Gu Ye saw that the pointer was pointing, "The hexagrams are different hexagrams overlapping, shake the lower hexagrams to the upper, the upper hexagrams to rede, the red to the joy, the lower hexagrams to shake, shock To move," Gu Ye smiled, "Auntie, not only did you not lose this ring, but you have been following you. Touching your own pocket, did it happen to fall into your own pocket?"

The aunt hurriedly touched her pocket. After she touched something, she had a handful of surprise on her face. She took out a gold ring. The style was a bit old and it looked like it was a few years old. "I really found it! Now! Thank you, sir! I wore this dress the day I lost the ring!"

Gu Ye smiled and put the money given by his aunt into his wallet, and the eyes of the onlookers immediately changed. The look in the eyes of the aunt was: This is a childcare!

Gu Ye looked at the people around him again, and said to his heart that there is no young and beautiful girl who is asking him for fortune-telling?

At this time, four or five young ladies in their early twenties gathered around, and a short-haired man asked heartily: "Little handsome guy,

you can calculate for your sister, can your sister and boyfriend get engaged this year?"

Gu Ye sighed, "Girl, you don't have a boyfriend, who are you engaged to?"

Several girls were taken aback for a moment. They were looking at Gu Ye's good-looking appearance and came together to play with him, but they didn't expect to be counted out.

The other girl blinked, took out her phone, and showed him the man on the screen, "You will count it for me, when will I get married with him?"

Gu Ye's mouth twitched, "This man is your uncle, what are you two getting married? Sisters, can you stop teasing me?"

Now, the faces of the people around have changed. Does this little gentleman really count? For a time, many girls gathered around, looking for him as fate. Gu Ye looked around. The girl who didn't make him feel the throbbing heartbeat was already determined that the destined person was not here.

After busying for a while, Gu Ye's wallet was already swollen, and he said that there are no women who are destined, and a man is fine. Gu Ye drank his mouth, and when he was looking around, a man really came over and said, "Little brother, you count it for me. Which number can I buy to win the lottery?"

Gu Ye shook his head, this cliff is not a predestined person, because it is not good to see.

"You guys don't get mixed up, you won't win the lottery in your life, so it's better to work hard."

The man became unhappy, "How do you say it? You little witch, do you believe it or not?"

Gu Ye sighed, why are people unwilling to listen to the truth every time he tells the truth, he said faintly: "You have bad luck, you will be bad luck if you take three steps."

The man was furious, "What nonsense are you talking about?" As he said, he walked two steps forward, trying to argue with Gu Ye, but he didn't expect the little girl next to him to stumble and fall. I couldn't hold the milk tea in his hand firmly, so I splashed the man directly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The little girl was almost crying in a hurry, and hurriedly handed the man a tissue, "Uncle, I'll give you money. Go and wash your clothes!"

A teenage girl on the other side, this man is also twenty-seven or eighty-eight, she was stuck in her throat, her temper could not come out, she blushed and rubbed and cursed: "Go!"

Once this happened, the man didn't dare to argue with Gu Ye. He glanced at him defensively. He always felt that his dark eyes were strange, and he hurried away.

Gu Ye sighed, he had already forgotten the nine trigrams. If the destined person does not show up again, he will go home.

At this time, a gentle and magnetic voice asked with a smile: "Can you tell me the math, can I meet my destined person today?"

Gu Ye took a drink of water, and the interested turned his head, his eyes dimmed immediately. The voice is nice, he looks pretty good, and he is not much older than him, but he is not so handsome, and this leg... is a bit short, less than 1.5 meters tall, and the ratio of the legs is not long enough to look at. Seductive, definitely not his destined person.

"Maybe the fate is by your side." Gu Ye said faintly. In such a hot day, he already wants to withdraw, and he doesn't even want money.

The young man came to him with a smile, and the gentleman asked politely: "What the gentleman said is by my side, how can I explain it?"

"You go back and see the people next to you by yourself?" Gu Ye had already determined that the other party was not his destined person because of his short legs. The other party wanted to get close to him. Gu Ye stood up impatiently holding Maza. He raised his hand to cover the sun and looked at the sky, "Oh, I forgot to calculate the weather before going out, and I didn't watch the weather forecast. What a bad luck, really bad luck."

What else did the young man want to say, Gu Ye strolled into the street with his horse, and didn't even bother him. The young man glanced at him regretfully, but couldn't follow him again.

Gu Ye is already disappointed. People can't do it, just a ghost will do! Okay, no ghosts during the day, just a fairy! His requirements are really low, he has arms and legs to take care of himself, and he can look seductive. Is it demanding? It's not high! How come there is no eye-catching one?

Before I went to the street, a gust of wind came and I could smell the rain. A dark cloud in the distance drifted closer and closer with the wind, and it was about to rain. In June, the child's face changed when he said it changed. This is a pedestrian street and taxis can't get in. Gu Ye stopped and looked at the sky with his mouth pursed. He couldn't laugh or cry. God was playing with him. He didn't bring an umbrella. what!

The rainy ideas will be dropped. When Gu Ye walks on the street, the rain is already heavy. In desperation, Gu Ye threw Mazza at the door and entered the ice cream shop on the side of the street. He ordered a vanilla and chocolate double ice cream. He sat by the window and watched the heavy rain outside. He sighed while eating. Isn't your destined person a water baby?

"Sir, what would you like to order?"

"I'm looking for someone."

A familiar voice suddenly came from the door, and Gu Ye raised his head to see, his eyes lit up. The person standing at the door wears a purple body, is 1.9 meters tall, has long legs, good temperament, and a handsome face that can't pick out a flaw.

Is it a man or a acquaintance, is that a destined person? Gu Ye was a little confused, but what Yu Ze really thought and seductively met the standards of a destined person. Seeing the other party put down the umbrella and walked towards him, Gu Ye beckoned happily, "Mr. Yu, what a coincidence!"

Yu Ze sat across from Gu Ye, looked at the smile on Gu Ye's face, and then raised the corners of her mouth, "Looking like you, I'll come over and take a look."

Gu Ye glanced at the place where Yu Ze's car stopped. This street and the road that Yu Ze passed by was exactly ninety degrees perpendicular to each other. Yu Ze passed by at the intersection. In such a short period of time, under the heavy rain Seeing him sitting by the window eating ice cream in his eyes, is this fate?

Gu Yegan laughed twice, and said in a complicated mood: "Mr. Yu's eyes are really good."

Yu Ze smiled slightly, "I feel like you, just come and have a look."

Gu Ye is even more confused. In his career, fate is destiny, and Yu Ze recognized him by feeling. Is this destiny? But the generations are different. He and Zhao Pengyu are buddies, and this is Zhao Pengyu's uncle. It's a bit unreliable to think about it.

Gu Ye quickly ate two bites of ice to calm himself down, and asked in a complicated mood, "Mr. Yu didn't go to the company today?"

"I attended a charity party last night, and only came back this morning." Yu Ze looked at the heavy rain outside and said helplessly: "I didn't expect it to rain so much when I got here."

"It's not safe to drive on rainy days. It's right to stop." After Gu Ye took the last bite, he looked at each other, not knowing whether it was due to psychological reasons. He was a little embarrassed to see Yu Ze's face.

Yu Ze didn't talk much himself. Gu Ye didn't speak, he just watched Gu Ye eat, and he didn't mean to communicate. I didn't think there was anything before. Knowing that I was going to meet a "destined person" today, Gu Ye would have to wonder if he was his future partner. When Yu Ze focused his eyes on him, he felt all over.

Yu Ze also found that something was wrong with him, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Gu Ye strained his face and squeezed out: "Uncomfortable."

Yu Ze looked at him eating such a big ice cream, "I'm holding on after eating too much? Diarrhea?"

Gu Ye just wanted to say: If you can't speak, please shut your mouth!

"I have an iron stomach. Give me two more and I can eat it." After talking like this, Gu Ye was much more relaxed. "Which charity party did Mr. Yu attend? If it is to help children, I also think of one. Strength."

Yu Ze picked up the corner of his mouth, "A donation activity for making prosthetics for disabled children. If you want to participate, there will be similar activities in the future, I will take you there."

Gu Ye pursed his lips, and suddenly felt that this sentence was a bit... I don't know how to say it. Anyway, I don't feel right. "It's not good to take me there. Just give me an account and I donate anonymously. I also donate. not much."

Yu Ze drew a paper towel, stretched out his hand with a smile in his eyes, and moved to Gu Ye's mouth.

Gu Ye was stunned. Just about to take it over, Yu Ze said indifferently: "Don't move, you can't see it."

Gu Ye's hand stopped at his mouth, the corner of his mouth was gently rubbed by the tissue, and he looked down at the chocolate on the tissue. Gu Ye felt inexplicably, his heart tightened. It felt very fast and disappeared in a flash. Gu Ye just felt I was a little embarrassed and didn't think deeply, turned to look at the rain outside the window, "Well, the rain is getting lighter."

Yu Ze glanced out the window and said, "Go?"

Gu Ye quickly grabbed his mobile phone and said, "I'll just call a taxi."

Yu Ze has stood up, "I will send you."

"You are so busy, so you don't need to waste your time. I'll take a taxi and get home in a while." As soon as Gu Ye opened the taxi-hailing app, his wrist was grabbed, and Yu Ze pulled him up from his seat and took him away without saying: "I will send you off. It is not safe to take a taxi."

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, where is it unsafe in broad daylight? He is not carrying hundreds of thousands of cash.

Going to the door and took the umbrella, Yu Ze opened it and looked at Gu Ye. Gu Ye looked blank.

Yu Ze sighed and said helplessly: "Come here."

Gu Ye leaned in speechlessly. If his feeling was right, the other party just thought he was stupid.

Under the same umbrella, the two people clearly saw the difference in height, and Gu Ye wanted to look up at Yu Ze. After the comparison, Gu Ye estimated whether he could grow so high at the age of Yu Ze, and the answer was no. Gu Ye felt a serious imbalance. Some people are really good sons, handsome, rich, capable, and good-looking. How do ordinary people live?

Gu Yete asked carefully: "Mr. Yu, can you ask a personal question? How tall were you when you were 19 years old?"

Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye on the figure on his shoulder, and said with a smile, "Higher than you."

Gu Ye immediately felt that he had an arrow in his heart, and he was sure that this person was crossed out from the list of destined people because he really couldn't speak!

Taking Gu Ye to the door of his house, Yu Ze handed him the umbrella: "Don't get wet."

Gu Ye looked at the other party's wet shoulders, and his heart warmed, "Would you like to come in and sit and dry the clothes?"

Yu Ze said solemnly: "No, it's not convenient for you to be at home alone. I will visit when your father is home."

Gu Ye opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. To be honest, he didn't find it inconvenient.

Gu Ye was holding an umbrella and standing at the gate watching Yu Ze's car walk away in the pattering rain before entering the house. The nanny hurriedly ran out with an umbrella, "San Shao, are you getting wet?"

"No." Gu Ye clenched the umbrella in his hand and shook his head with a smile.

Is Yu Ze his destined person? What is the point of determining now? What is the difference between looking and not looking? It is destined by God. When the fate arrives, I will see it. Everything, leave it to time, feel it with your heart, there will always be results.

After thinking about driving, Gu Ye took a bath, changed his clothes, and took a look in the kitchen. The nanny aunt was cooking. Lunch was four dishes and one soup. Gu Ye washed her hands and said, "Do you want me to help?" Auntie asked in surprise: "Can you cook?"

"Yes," Gu Ye smiled and curled his eyes, "I know a lot. It is not a problem to raise a picky old man."

"No need, no need," the aunt hurriedly said: "If you go out to watch TV or play games, I will do it in a while."

Gu Ye smiled, picked up the cooking wine and marinated the ribs, "Let's do it together, I'll be fine when I'm free, my dad shouldn't be back at noon, just making two is enough for me."

The nanny originally thought that Gu Yexian was okay, so I mixed it up, but I didn't expect that he could really cook and cook in a good manner. The nanny smiled from ear to ear. One who can't cook."

Gu Ye wondered, "How do you say?"

"There is one at home that can cook, and the other is definitely waiting to eat. I have experience."

Gu Ye smiled and smashed the egg, "Then I will see who can't cook, it may be my future daughter-in-law."

In the next few days, Gu Ye waited for his father to leave the house and ran out. He came back early before his father came back. After two days, he felt too troublesome, so he left a note for his father and went for a stroll. Up.

Gu Decheng was too busy at work and didn't have time to care about him. Until Mrs. Gu came back from her parents' house, she found that Gu Ye hadn't returned home for several days. After checking Gu Ye's position, she was almost out of the Imperial Capital. Mrs. Gu exploded and called Gu Ye, "Why don't you kid go home? Get me back quickly!"

Gu Ye wore a straw hat and was fishing by the river. He spoke earnestly and persuaded his mother: "Mom, when I grow up, you have to learn to let go and let me spread my wings."

Mrs. Gu's face is indifferent, "Why are you flying? How hot it is outside! Even the moths are not willing to go out to fly."

Gu Ye endured a smile and said, "I will be fine when I go back. I am determined to be a walking Taoist priest. Where do I need help."

Mrs. Gu was furious, "Who said it was okay? Come back and give your brother a make-up lesson!"

Gu Ye's smile suddenly split, "Mom, do you think making up lessons is useful?"

"It's useful...," Mrs. Gu glanced at her son who was walking the dog, holding her forehead with a headache, "If you don't come back, I will cry for you!"

Gu Ye: "You won! I will go back tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Gu gave the driver a position, "Pick him back tomorrow, forbid him to run, and still want to become a monk?"

Someone outside the door shouted: "Madam! The admission notice of the third young master is here!"

Mrs. Gu ran out in surprise and received the notice from Imperial Capital First University. She was moved and wanted to cry, "Sure enough, it is a prestigious university. The notices are all threedimensional, different from ordinary universities. My son...who said me? Can't raise a son?!"

As soon as Mrs. Gu finished speaking, Gu Yang ran over and said excitedly: "My brother's admission notice has arrived? This looks so cool!"

The corners of Mrs. Gu's mouth twitched, and tears were about to fall. She is not good at raising a son, but she is going to have a son!

Not only Gu Ye, but many students have already received admission notices one after another. Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang are in the small group of only three of them every day, and they go to which school. Not long after Gu Ye received the admission letter at home, Xia Xiang was happy to share the photos of the admission letter in the group: I received the admission letter, how about you?

Zhao Pengyu: I don't have one. I am 0.5 points higher than the score line. Will there be an accident?

Gu Ye: Do you want to know in advance whether you have lost your name? Send a selfie, and then send another 1,000 yuan.

Xia Xiang:...

Zhao Pengyu: Really? Have you received it?

Gu Ye: I don't need to look at it, it's proper.

Zhao Pengyu: Transfer 1,000 yuan

Xia Xiang: Are you stupid? You have passed the exam, there will be a notice!

Gu Ye has already collected the money and replied: You passed the exam.

Zhao Pengyu:...

Xia Xiang: Fool!

Zhao Pengyu expressed his love package in the group, threw the table and threw the stool, but unfortunately no one took care of him. The one-man show was useless, Zhao Pengyu stopped making trouble, and asked Gu Ye: Where are you? not at home?

Gu Ye: I am looking for my destined person by the river.

Zhao Pengyu: Do you think you are a white lady?

Gu Ye smiled and replied: I still haven't been able to meet my Xu Xian, please don't disturb me.

The two people in the group rolled their eyes together, and Gu Ye smiled back: Let's take the money and let it go, Zhao Pengyu is a rare treat.

The three of them discussed and decided to go back and find a place to spend a day and relax.

Mrs. Gu also sent Gu Ye a photo: Son, the admission letter is here, I showed it to your dad, and your dad said he will have a big birthday this year.

Gu Ye was embarrassed, it was too exaggerated, as if he got the top pick.

Early the next morning, Gu Ye received a message from Yu Ze, in two simple words: congratulations.

If you don't know Yu Ze's nature and feel cold, and think he is perfunctory, Gu Ye understands that it is very rare for the other party to remember to congratulate him. He replied: Thank you.

Yu Ze: What does your father like?

Gu Ye:? ? ?

Yu Ze: I received your father's invitation letter and will be there as scheduled.

Gu Ye covered his face, his dad would not send invitations to all the relatives and friends he knew? Especially those people in his business field, if you don't give the invitation letter to anyone, the other party will feel that they look down on themselves, but it feels embarrassing to give it to Gu Ye. He doesn't know anyone, what show!

Gu Ye replied helplessly: He likes Yu Lao's calligraphy and painting, but he doesn't have much interest in buying things with money.

Yu Ze: Okay, I see.

After returning home, Gu Ye didn't have time to make up lessons for Gu Yang, because he received a notice from the school. As soon as the admission notice was issued, Teacher Yu summoned them all back, gave them the last class meeting and issued a high school graduation certificate. The group photos taken by the whole class before have been washed out, and I will send them to everyone today as a souvenir.

This time, the teachers who returned to school no matter whether they wear school uniforms or bring their mobile phones, all of them returned to campus easily and took pictures with their mobile phones. Gu Ye stood at the gate of the school and took a picture with his

mobile phone.

Everyone knows how many points Gu Ye scored on the test. Now everyone knows that he is Gu Decheng's son. He used to know that he was a rich second-generation, and had a young and beautiful stepmother. He knew that his family was rich. The students who had bullied him before saw Gu Ye and walked around for fear that Gu Ye would trouble them.

When others ignored him, Gu Ye didn't bother to talk to others. After taking the photo, he went to the classroom. He stood at the door and heard people say, "Did you hear? Lin Zihao didn't pass the exam in any school. He was the next day. Did not enter the examination room, and did not come today."

"I heard that Lin Zihao offended Gu Ye, and that's so unfortunate."

"Didn't he forget the admission ticket at home? What's up with Gu Ye?"

"Is it Gu Ye's curse?"

"Don't be amused, Gu Ye is fine to curse him for what he is doing. Isn't the person who bullied him the most important thing Gu Ye should curse? It's fine if you don't have a close friendship, you don't know him well before."

Gu Ye's mouth curled up, standing behind the classmates, slapped his shoulder, "Oh~"

Several classmates were taken aback by him. When they saw it was him, they suddenly closed their mouths in embarrassment. They didn't dare to say any more, smiled, and disappeared.

Gu Ye touched his face speechlessly. Is he so scary?

Xia Xiang said with a smile: "You are now a celebrity, and your identity is exposed, people who have offended you before are respectful and afraid of you."

Gu Ye shrugged and had nothing to say.

However, many people greeted Gu Ye, "Gu Ye! Congratulations! Science champion!"

"Gu Ye! You are fighting for our class! It's awesome!"

"Gu Ye! Take a photo together!"

"Yes! Group photo!"

Before Gu Ye refused, a group of girls rushed over, dragged Gu Ye into the crowd and took pictures! Gu Ye, who was a little green in the red, couldn't laugh or cry in embarrassment. He didn't know where to put his hands and feet, causing a group of boys to envy and hate.

After taking a few shots, Zhao Pengyu rushed into the crowd to rescue Gu Ye with a smirk, "Big star, I heard that after the class

meeting, there will be reporters who want to interview you and ask how you learned so well. What do you want to say? ?"

Gu Ye spread his hands, undecided, "Study hard and make progress every day. When you are confused, you will sing "We are the successors of socialism" to the national flag and you will be up in minutes."

Zhao Pengyu stretched out his thumb, "It makes sense!"

After everyone chatted together for a while, Mr. Yu came. When Mr. Yu saw this group of students, the serious and old-fashioned Mr. Yu hadn't said anything, his eyes were red, and he choked up: "Teacher is very proud! You are all teachers' pride. The teacher believes that your future will be very exciting!"

The students were reluctant to give up, and they didn't feel so uncomfortable. When they saw Teacher Yu crying, they wiped their tears, especially sentimental girls, who covered their faces and cried. The last class meeting of high school was held between teachers and students. We spent in tears together.

Gu Ye raised the corners of his mouth. High school would draw an end to the purest and most innocent life. When he arrived at university, he began to contact society, and then went through the baptism of society after graduation. How many people can have the current purity? The purity now is so beautiful.

When we were parting, the class leader suggested to everyone: "Why don't we have a party before the start of the university! It's in the Imperial Capital! It's close to home!"

The classmates all followed suit, with red eyes and enthusiastically asked, "What day?"

The squad leader looked at the calendar and said, "Or choose August 16, which sounds like six or six. School starts on August 22. This day is suitable."

Gu Ye flipped through the calendar and frowned. This group of children were really fearless. It was the Mid-Autumn Festival on the 15th of the lunar calendar, the Ghost Festival!

Chapter 40 What if I waited for him for four years?

On the day of Gu Decheng's birthday, he directly booked a venue in a high-end business club to entertain guests.

On the sixtieth birthday, it's not big to say big, not too small to say small. The elders of the Gu family passed away more than ten years ago. Gu Decheng is already considered the oldest in the Gu family, and it is not an exaggeration to have a big birthday. He also had two cousins. When he was young, he had a bad relationship and didn't usually contact him much. However, after hearing the news, he sent his son to do superficial work.

Brother Gu is sympathetic to Gu Decheng's age, and the younger brothers are not willing to help anything. The older brother can only take the responsibility and prepare to move the company back to China to help the old father. Gu Decheng was happy, as if he saw that

he had retired and had a good time playing golf every day, leading Gu Sen to meet friends in the business field.

"I don't know how to take my dad's class. I'm all an old man. It's boring." Gu Lintuo held his chin, with a ridiculous smile at the corner of his mouth, and squinted his beautiful eyes.

Gu Ye also performed similar actions as Gu Lin. The two brothers got together and watched his eldest brother's busy look. They laughed aside, "Big brother, it's okay, elder brother can talk to them seriously."

Gu Sen passed by with a glass of wine and listened to the conversation between the two brothers. The big brother gave the two brothers helplessly, especially Gu Lin, warning him to come down and help, not to hide like a child.

Holding the juice, Gu Lin ran a glass with Gu Ye, pretending to be incomprehensible, and angered his eldest brother away.

This birthday party gathered celebrities from all walks of life, including not only the eldest ladies from the big wealthy families, but also celebrities. Gu Ye watched the young women present and glanced at the two older brothers intentionally or unintentionally, and asked Gu Lin in a low voice. : "Brother, those little sisters always look at you two. Today is definitely not a simple birthday party. Will my dad give you a marriage?"

Gu Lin disgusted: "Why don't you have a marriage?"

Gu Yele said, "Because I don't listen, I am the least obedient."

Gu Lin raised his eyebrows, "Then both of us can listen?"

After finishing talking, the two brothers looked at the fourth child collectively, and then glanced at each other. They were both happy and understood even if they didn't talk, they sold the fourth. Although I can't really sell him, but think about the child's IQ, you have to count the money for them if you sell it, and the brothers want to have fun.

At this time, the noisy hall suddenly became quiet for a moment. Gu Lin raised his head and glanced up, and his tone suddenly became lukewarm, "Yu Ze is here."

Gu Ye's eyes lit up, "Where is it?"

Standing at the door, Yu Ze came alone, a black suit tailored to fit his tall figure even more upright, his handsome face is as usual, even if he is surrounded by others, he is still unsmiling, just polite. Next, neither rude nor warm. When he came, he stood out among the many rich and powerful, and he attracted all eyes at once and became the focus of the audience.

Gu Ye held his chin and squinted his eyes, admiring Yu Ze's humanoid artwork, and sighed: "What a seductive!"

Gu Lin calmly looked at Gu Ye's expression, "I appreciate him so?"

Gu Ye nodded vigorously, "Yu Ze is full of strengths. He is tall, handsome, capable, well-trained, and has a good human nature. He often does charity without a name, so he feels comfortable."

The corner of Gu Lin's mouth twitched, his voice sank, and he pointed to a girl in a pink dress and asked, "Is that girl not good-looking? It's about the same age as you, right in Yemen."

Gu Ye took a closer look and shook his head, "Brother, don't you think that Yu Ze's facial features are more exquisite than her."

Gu Lin put down his drink and changed his glasses, "You just look good at Yu Ze?"

Gu Yesheng was afraid of being misunderstood that he was superficial, so he quickly explained: "I am very good in all aspects. Good-looking is only one aspect. You see, talking to our dad will not be cold and polite."

I don't know why, he explained it this way, and the second brother's face became even more ugly, "You...you stay here honestly, don't run around." After speaking, he took the wine glass and went downstairs.

Gu Ye looked dazed, what did he say wrong? How old can you bully the younger?

Gu Decheng was naturally happy when he saw Yu Ze. In addition, Gu Sen and Yu Ze were classmates, and they had a good relationship when they were studying abroad. In the future, he hoped that the two of them would communicate more and help each other, so he told Yu Ze a lot. After finally waiting for Gu Decheng to leave, Yu Ze was

surrounded by others again. Many wealthy people brought their daughters to say hello. The purpose was self-evident. Having never noticed Gu Ye, he was so entangled that he couldn't get out of his body. Yu Ze's face became colder and colder, and there was no temperature in his eyes.

With a glass of wine, Gu Lin came to Yu Ze with a smile, and said with a smile: "The expression of President Yu is going to scare many girls."

Yu Ze looked at the smiling tiger blankly, and said faintly: "Yeah."

Gu Lin's hand holding the wine glass shook. Unexpectedly, Yu Ze returned an "um", feeling like a fist hit the cotton, nowhere to force it.

Gu Lin and Yu Ze clinked their glasses and asked with a smile, "Isn't Yu always looking for someone?"

Yu Ze's eyes dimmed slightly, without covering up, "I'm looking for Gu Ye."

Gu Lin curled his mouth, his eyes were a bit cold, "You really don't hide it."

Yu Ze said nonchalantly: "Is it necessary to hide?"

"Aren't you afraid of being known by him? Stay away from you?"

Yu Ze had already seen Gu Ye who was going downstairs, and finally there was a temperature in his eyes. He did not deliberately lower his voice, and said in a hurry: "He won't care what others say. I thank you for telling him in advance. He never understood."

"Hehe." Gu Lin's face was silent, but he wanted to splash his face in his heart. Seeing more about the chaotic relationship between men and women in the entertainment industry, Gu Lin saw the clues in the eyes of Yu Ze watching Gu Ye. He didn't expect Yu Ze to be so straightforward and directly admitted his thoughts, "He's only 19 years old. Is Yu always serious?"

Yu Ze provoked, "What if I waited for him for four years? It's not true, he will judge by himself."

Gu Lin couldn't help but change his face, "He has been abducted by you when he is old enough to know how to judge. He is only a little heart-minded now? He has his life, and he wants to marry a wife and have children. It doesn't need me. Mr. Yu also understands, don't you bear to see him being criticized?"

Yu Ze chuckled lightly, and said slowly: "I can't stop the crowd, but I can guarantee that there is nothing in his ears that he doesn't like to hear. Instead of letting him protect other women for a lifetime, it's better Let him be happy to be protected by me for a lifetime."

Gu Lin smiled angrily at Yu Ze's domineering remarks, "Have he seen this gesture of you?"

Yu Ze smiled and touched Gu Lin's wine glass. His movements were elegant, with a smile on his face that was hard to see by others. He said every word: "He doesn't need it."

Gu Lin was suffocated by the breath of anger, and the look in Yu Ze's eyes seemed to look at an abductor who abducted his own cabbage! What kind of self-confidence do you have, at this time, you dare to have a direct showdown with him as your brother? This is a raw grab!

Gu Ye came over at this time, looked at Yu Ze's smiling eyes, and happily came over, "What are you two talking about? Have such a happy chat?"

"Hehe!" Gu Lin sneered. "Children are too naive. Sometimes the smile on the adult's face is not a real smile. You have to know how to distinguish."

Gu Ye subtly felt that the aura between the two was not right, so he closed his mouth wisely and observed puzzledly.

At this time, someone came to tell Gu Lin, "Second Young Master, the cake is here, please confirm some details of the arrangement."

Gu Lin angrily squeezed Gu Ye's face, "Let's have a snack!"

"Hiss!" Gu Ye covered his face innocently and was pinched. With a speechless expression, he watched his brother leave without angrily, "He took the wrong medicine!"

Yu Ze frowned, lowered his head slightly, looked at Gu Ye's reddened face, raised his hand in the air and paused for a while, then put it down again.

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, covering his face, grieving, "Humans are really moody."

Yu Ze still couldn't hold back his body, blocking the sight of others, putting his thumb on Gu Ye's face, gently rubbing twice, and opening his mouth. In the end, the words of comfort only became a word, "Yeah."

"Puff!" Gu Ye was amused. Seeing that someone wanted to surround him, he dragged Yu Ze and left. "Walk around, there are too many people here, it is not convenient to speak, I found a quiet corner, no one disturb."

After Gu Lin came back from busy schedule, he found that Gu Ye and Yu Ze were no longer there. Gu Yang, who was looking for food in the meeting place, brought him over, "Where is your third brother?"

Gu Yang looked blank, "I didn't see it."

Gu Lin twitched the corners of his mouth, and wanted to beat the child, "Go find it!"

"Oh." Gu Yang scratched his head. He didn't know why the second brother was angry, so he didn't dare to ask, so he went to look for it. I met a friend I knew halfway and was led away as soon as he turned his head.

In a corner where no one bothered, Yu Ze asked Gu Ye next to him: "Are you going to the tea party?"

"Tea party?" Gu Ye asked wonderingly: "Master does this every year, what do you want to do?"

Yu Ze said exhaustedly: "Change my life."

Gu Ye shook his head and said confidently: "If you can't change it, please don't toss it, old man."


"You have such a heavy purple qi, whoever touches you will be unlucky. If you change your life, you will be looking for death. You can't change it when you die, you die in vain."

Yu Ze said earnestly: "This year should be the last year, and next year he will not find someone to forget it."

Gu Ye tilted his head, a little puzzled, the old man is not such a casual person who gives up.

Yu Ze looked into Gu Ye's eyes, "I will let him know, it's useless to find it."

Gu Ye nodded and patted Yu Ze on the shoulder, "Thanks for your hard work, then I'll go. I have already promised Yu Lao, don't let the old man have any regrets."

"I will pick you up that day."

"I go by my own."

"I'll take you."

Gu Ye laughed, "Okay."

For the first time, Gu Ye felt that his relationship with Yu Ze was very delicate, unlike a friend. After all, from a physical point of view, Yu Ze was seven years older and he had just become a college student. Yu Ze is already a successful entrepreneur. The strange thing is that every chat is very harmonious.

The two of them talked for a long time, one sentence for you, until Gu Sen accidentally found them, and came over with a glass of wine, and said in wonder: "You two can talk together?"

Yu Ze raised his glass with a smile, and touched Gu Sen without explaining anything.

"After graduation, there is no time to drink and chat together like this," Gu Sen smiled and said, "I will go back to China in the future, and I will get together often."

Yu Ze has a gentle face, "I will be with you at any time."

"Hey, the old man is looking for me again," Gu Sen patted Gu Ye on the back, coaxing the child, "I'll go down and have a look, the old third will chat with your brother Yu Ze, don't drink."

Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth. Yu Ze and his eldest brother were classmates, and there was nothing to shout about. But he and Zhao Pengyu are classmates, and Zhao Pengyu is Yu Ze's nephew. This generation is messy and can't be arranged.

Gu Ye asked Zhao Pengyu: If I call your uncle, will you fight me hard?

Zhao Pengyu: Yes! ! ! !

Gu Ye nodded, put his finger on the "Press and Talk" button, and smiled at Yu Ze, "Brother Yu Ze, can you pass me that glass of juice?"

Yu Ze's expression was startled, and he looked stiffly at Gu Ye's smirking eyes, then reacted with a complicated expression and asked, "This?"

Gu Ye took it over, "Well, thank you brother."

Yu Ze stiffly said: "You're welcome."

Gu Ye drank the juice, raised his finger, and sent it. An angry Zhao Pengyu expressed his love package and wanted to kill him. Gu Ye put the phone in his pocket happily, feeling good.

During the meal, Gu Ye wanted to sit with Yu Ze, but was picked up by Gu Lin halfway, and caught him next to him and Gu Yang. Others can't see much, after all, the second, third, and fourth order is fine. Yu Ze picked up the corner of his mouth slightly. He was a distinguished guest, so he was naturally invited to sit at a table with Gu Decheng, so he sat beside Gu Yang. Gu Decheng looked at the seat and pointed to his younger son, "The fourth and third brother change positions. It is convenient for them to talk."

Gu Lin's face was pulled off immediately, is he the only one who understands the whole family? !

After lunch, Gu Ye sent Yu Ze to leave. After getting in the car, Yu Ze tilted his head and said to Gu Ye by the window: "Contact us on WeChat."

Gu Ye smiled and nodded, "Okay."

After returning, Gu Ye looked at Gu Lin as if he had something to say but couldn't say it. He subconsciously touched his face and slipped away.

Gu Lin: "..."


After returning home in the afternoon, Gu Yang pestered Gu Ye: "Brother! I heard that you are going to Happy World tomorrow? Take me!"

Gu Ye was lying on the bed reading a book, and said indifferently: "Yes, what do you want to play?"

"What is the excitement to play? The pirate ship, the devil's elevator, bungee jumping, rapid rushing...I can play everything, I want to go to the haunted house!

Gu Ye turned a page of the book and said lightly: "Don't go to the haunted house, you will be scared."

Gu Yang looked arrogant and the thief was confident: "Who is afraid of who is a dog!"

Gu Ye sighed, "Well, I hope your words count."

Early the next morning, Gu Ye took Gu Yang out. Playing the adventurous and exciting game, Gu Yang rushed forward unconsciously, just like a wild boy who was let out. However, after finally entering the haunted house, Gu Yang collapsed. He hung on Gu Ye's back in fear and was dragged away by Gu Ye. He closed his eyes and did not dare to look. "Brother! This is all fake!"

Gu Ye said tiredly: "Don't you say that you are very courageous and you are not afraid of ghosts? Just like this, you let me take you when I go out? Who is afraid of who is a dog? You said it yourself."




Gu Ye: "..."



"Wang Wang."

Gu Ye angrily raised his hand to pinch Gu Yang's face, "I will beat you to death if I speak!"

Seeing Gu Yang's grieving expression, Gu Ye pinched his other face again, suddenly feeling better.


On the 14th day of July in the lunar calendar, Yu Zeru came to pick up Gu Ye. Gu Yang saw his brother go out and wanted to follow.

Gu Ye's mouth provoked a sneer, "If you follow me out again, I will sell you for a bun!"

Gu Yang was aggrieved and led the older dog to squat on the lawn, licked two grasses, stuffed the dog's mouth, and muttered: "You can't

bully me because your second brother bullied you. Who rules? Are you angry?"

Gu Ye rubbed his hands, and then pinch you nonsense!

Gu Yang was honest for a second. When Gu Ye went out, he squeezed the dog's face resentfully, "If you don't follow, don't follow, anyway, the boss bullies the second child, the second child bullies the third child, the third child bullies the fourth child , The fourth child can only bully you."

After getting in the car, Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye's face and looked at him with concern.

"It's okay, I gave a couple of words to Xiongzi." Gu Ye lowered his head and was shocked when he saw Yu Ze's hand next to him. It was probably because the color was light before and was blocked by the purple air. He didn't notice a red line on Yu Ze's ring finger. Is this the fate of the hit already appeared? As for where the other end is, Gu Ye couldn't see it.

Yu Ze looked at his hand suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Gu Ye smiled, "Your destined person has appeared."

"Really?" Yu Ze looked at his hand and then at Gu Ye's. "What about yours?"

Gu Ye shook his head awkwardly, "In our business, we can't tell ourselves fortune-telling, let alone see ourselves. The other party is

standing in front of me. I can't tell who the other party is by relying on my breath."

Yu Ze looked at his hand regretfully and said meaningfully: "It's a pity."

Gu Ye nodded, "Yes."

When they arrived, there were already many masters drinking tea and chatting in the yard. Because of the large number of people, Yu Lao directly asked him to put mahogany tables and chairs in the yard. There were snacks and tea on the table, and the glass was always open above the yard. The cover is closed and the air conditioner is turned on, which is also cool. As soon as they arrived, many masters looked over, the lively atmosphere suddenly cooled down, and their expressions became weird.

Standing at the door, Gu Ye's eyes flashed a little helplessly. He was like this before. He was not seen by others. He didn't expect to change his body and still not be seen by others.

Yu Ze sullen his face and dragged Gu Ye through everyone, "Seeing my father, this matter is over, don't care about their eyes."

"I think so, why waste your feelings on someone you don't know?" Gu Ye swaggered into Old Yu's study, saw the old man writing by himself, and asked with a smile, "How good is the old man?"

"Okay, alright!" Old man Yu stopped writing and asked kindly: "Is your father in good health?"

"It's okay. Since receiving your calligraphy and painting, he has asked someone to mount it and hang it in the study room. He has to worship it many times a day. After reading it, he is strong and healthy, and he can work for another 20 years."

Gu Ye made Yu Lao amused with two words, "Then invite him to my house someday and let him take away whichever he sees."

"I thank you on behalf of my dad!" Gu Ye smiled and walked over, admiring Yu Lao's words, while asking: "I haven't seen Mr. Tang, he won't come on this occasion?"

Yu Lao finished the remaining words and said with a smile: "Old Tang has withdrawn from the study. Most of these people are from the profound arts study. He didn't want to see them, so he didn't come."

Gu Ye frowned, "Exited? Isn't Elder Tang one of the founders of the Xuanju Academy? They have already retreated behind the scenes, why is there still a withdrawal?"

"For you and your brother, I turned my face with his big apprentice." Yu Lao said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter if you quit, this society has already deviated from the original intent of its establishment. Jing Lian is loyal to power and wants to control everything. I want to drive him out of the teacher's door."

Gu Ye suddenly felt like, "For me?"

"You don't have to think too much, don't you have to turn your face sooner or later," Yu Lao put down his pen, "I told him a long time ago, the trash learns to play like this sooner or later, it will be finished."

"Puff!" Gu Ye couldn't help but smile at Yu Ze. Is your old man so fashionable? This word can be said.

Yu Ze shook his head speechlessly, with nothing to say.

Yu Lao pulled at the corner of Gu Yeyi, squinted the same eyes as Yu Ze, and said secretly: "You work hard to keep Jing Lianzhong going. You will become the president, and Lao Tang and I will support you."

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "Old Yu, don't tease me, I'm used to being free, how can I do that?"

"If you don't want to do it now, it doesn't mean you can't do it in the future. Then Tang and I will go to canvass for you, come on!"

Gu Ye smiled dryly, "All right, you are happy."

Seeing that the topic became more and more biased, Yu Ze saw that Gu Ye was embarrassed and pulled the person to his side, "You have already seen the person, I took it away."

Yu Lao is dissatisfied, "Where are you going to take? This is not over yet."

Yu Ze was unmoved and dragged Gu Ye away, "Take me to change my life. Take care of those masters outside."

"Hey? This kid!" Yu Lao stomped angrily, "I really haven't finished speaking!"

Gu Ye glanced back, waved, and comforted: "Let's talk about it next time."

Yu Lao sighed. He hasn't asked this little gentleman whether Yu Ze's fate can be changed.

Yu Lao didn't expect that Gu Ye's being taken away was just the beginning. Soon someone would come to say goodbye to him, just one sentence: "The destiny is fixed and cannot be changed."

Yu Lao was disappointed to bid farewell to the master, and then two more came, with the same sentence: "The destiny has been fixed, forgive us for nothing."

Yu Lao stopped them and said, "You will test it in previous years. You will not watch anything this year?"

The two masters shook their heads apologetically, "The destiny is fixed, and we have seen it."

Not long after, a few people came and said the same thing, saying goodbye to Yu Lao. This time Yu Lao didn't stop him, and said with a heartbroken, "Destiny is fixed, I know. Thank you for running today." trip."

There was a young man who wanted to speak, but the master glared at him and stopped. After leaving the Yu family, the little apprentice asked in a puzzled way: "Master, why didn't you tell me?"

The master was not young anymore, and he explained to his apprentice earnestly: "How do you say? Say that your son's marriage line came out and was entangled in a boy? Old man Yu is so old, he hopes his daughter-in-law and grandson, he can bear this Blow?"

"That Gu Ye is pretty good at it, but he can't see it himself?"

"The more you know it, the more you can't tell your own life, or else his brother can die so early?"


Gu Ye went for a snack and came back, and found that one third of the person had gone, and Yu Lao's expression was not good. Gu Ye looked at Yu Ze and said, "What, do you want to coax?"

Yu Ze said indifferently: "I have this expression every year, and it will be fine in two days."

Gu Ye: "...Okay."

"Don't worry, go out to eat." Yu Ze took the car key, he had already seen it, the masters who were known as capable masters in the past have all gone, and the rest are raw faces, all looking at cherishing

animals. he. Yu Ze couldn't bear it anymore, and he didn't tell the family, and hid with Gu Ye.

In the afternoon, Yu Ze went to the company, and Gu Ye went to sleep when he went home. He didn't take Yu Lao's words to heart, and he really complied with the words: No heart and no lungs, life is not tired.


Soon it was the Mid-year Festival. On this day, the whole class was in the group, and it was agreed to gather at the mother's restaurant near the school at six in the evening. After dinner, go to the opposite KTV to sing. No one is allowed to go home until 12 o'clock. You must have a good time in the last days before the university starts!

The class leader chose this store, which was considered in advance. Everyone has the AA system. This store is relatively affordable and tastes good, suitable for student consumption. The classmates have no opinion, and the chat history is 99+ in minutes.

Mrs. Gu took two sets of clothes and knocked on Gu Ye's room door, "I ordered two sets of clothes for you, which one should I wear for classmate gatherings?"

Gu Ye put down the phone, there was too much information in the group, he couldn't come over, "anything is fine, classmates just have a meal."

"Wear this, fresh and natural. You are white. Wear this set to show your skin." Mrs. Gu has already chosen a set, a light blue short-

sleeved shirt and white jeans. Although not much different from the public, they are tailor-made. Yes, dressed appropriately, "There is a sleeveless vest inside, and the buttons don't need to be fastened. If it is too late, please fasten the buttons if it's cold."

Gu Ye curled his lips, and he was so tired when he looked at it, "Why do I dress me up so beautifully?"

When my mother thinks a lot, "Handsome, you can bring back any girl you like."

Gu Ye lay tired in bed and didn't want to move, "I'm only 19."

Since I heard Gu Ye said that he didn't know what species he liked, the mother was already shocked. Madam Gu pulled Gu Ye from the bed, "Age is not important, now we have to accumulate experience."

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "What if I bring a ghost back?"

"Bah, baah! You bring a girl back."

"Female ghost?"

Mrs. Gu yelled at him angrily: "You bring someone back! People!"

"Well, well, I will bring someone back in the future, don't get excited, I will replace it."

Only then did Mrs. Gu go out.

After Gu Ye changed his clothes, before leaving the house, he didn't worry about taking out his compass and calculating it, even if he would hit a ghost tonight. Unexpectedly, the hexagram showed that he could not only hit a ghost but also an evil ghost tonight, and finally he had an indissoluble bond with a "thing". Gu Ye didn't know what that "thing" was because he didn't know what that "thing" was. Gu Ye thought that he was an evil spirit, his spirits shook, and excitedly cast a charm, took two cinnabar pens, and rushed out!

Master Gu is suddenly excited!

Chapter 41 What kind of ghost festival if you don't fight ghosts on Ghost Festival?

At the dinner party of Class 6, several girls gathered together and whispered gossip: "I heard that Gu Ye will also come."

"Oh! I see one side less, I will be the school grass of other people's house in the future, why didn't you realize that Gu Ye's appearance was so high?"

A boy on the table next to him pouted his lips in disdain, "Does this kind of gathering of common people, the young master like this?"

When he said that, another boy was also interested, "Is Gu Ye really Gu Decheng's son? Can we ask him to buy a house for a discount?"

"Isn't it just a rich second generation, what's so great? Can you grow up a little bit?" The boy sarcastically said: "Before pretending to be like a little fool, I don't know what he has endured at home."

I have not yet entered society and have never experienced human suffering. Boys at this age are always a little upright and arrogant. They feel that money is not a shit. It is not a great thing to have money. The term rich second generation is linked to rubbish.

Several girls rolled their eyes contemptuously, "I'm sick! The jealous face is really ugly."

"Jealousy makes you totally different!"

The boys are not forgiving, "You women who worship gold are shameless!"

"What did you say?!" A few girls wanted to turn their faces angrily. They were persuaded by the people next to them. The last gathering, cherish it, don't make a mess, and leave regrets.

Xia Xiang was sitting quietly and looking at his mobile phone. When someone said this, he raised his head and asked directly: "Then Gu Ye also got the first place in the country and set a record. Cao Ziming, can you do it?"

Cao Ziming was choked. Thinking about his score, his momentum was a little bit confusing, "I won't tell you, your rich second generations are all the same."

Xia Xiang sneered and picked up a glass of Coke, "Splash your face with nonsense, so that you can see what it means to deceive others."


"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise! Don't say a few words, I don't know if we can get together in the future."

The students around him all helped to persuade him, and they didn't dare to say anything about Xia Xiang. Now Xia Xiang's temperament has really changed. He used to be timid, afraid to speak, and his voice was low, as if danger was everywhere in the world. Right now, I will stun you if I don't agree with me, and even dare to splash you with a drink if I'm upset. It's just like Gu Yezhen will be infected if I play with anyone.

The monitor whispered Cao Ziming, "Don't take a mouthful of a rich second-generation, they have eaten with you in a cafeteria for the past three years, and sleep in the same dormitory room without air conditioning, and they didn't bully you. Now Xia Xiang heard it, so I will fuck you. Just a few words, if Si Hongxing's brothers heard it and gave you two punches, you would have to take it, why bother?"

Cao Ziming flushed with anger, "What about Lin Zihao!"

The squad leader is also a bit upset, and thinks that this is not a good idea to listen to persuasion. In this kind of occasion, he still wants to cause trouble, but does not give him face. "Liu Yiwen is with Lin Zihao every day, and he did not hold on to Lin Zihao. There must be something else, what do you know?"

The boy Liu Yiwen, who couldn't speak, took a cup of Coke in frustration and poured it down, his entire face collapsed.

At the entrance of the store, Gu Ye was stopped by a few girls as soon as he got off the car. He looks good, studies well, has a good personality, and has no arrogance. The rich second generation is not all bastards. No matter how many outgoing girls are, they pull Gu Ye. I grabbed my own table, and there were a few knockers, "Come to my sister's bowl!"

Gu Ye feels inexplicably that he has been molested by a group of girls, why is his age twenty-five in his heart!

"Gu Ye, do you know how to tell a fortune?"

"Calculate for me, count for me!"

"I want to know, can I really invite a disciple to play the disc?"


Gu Ye feels whispering in his ears, as if a group of birds are surrounding him, looking at Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang for help: Brothers, help!

There was no way for the two of them. They dragged Gu Ye back and got caught in the middle. There was a lot of chaos. Gu Ye didn't know who touched his waist and exclaimed: Fuck! Thinner than my waist!

After Gu Ye collapsed, he couldn't find which girl it was. He said to my heart. You don't know how terrible the little girls are now. They dare to molest men! Who dares to take it home?

Xia Xiang was also very speechless, "You are not afraid of ghosts, are you afraid of girls?"

Gu Ye sighed and honestly admitted to counseling.

The squad leader sat with Cao Ziming and saw that the other's face was still unsightly, for fear that he would say something amazing and make everyone unhappy. "Don't look for excitement. The only sign on Gu Ye's clothes is a famous company all over the world. For the luxury custom-made brand, the short-sleeved shirt he wears is at least 50,000 yuan. Are you going to mess with him?"

Cao Ziming immediately didn't dare to speak up. He could not afford it, he could not afford it.

Some students also realized that he had an opinion about Gu Ye because of Lin Zihao's affairs, so they asked Liu Yiwen in a low voice: "Lin Zihao has applied for a review, right? He is not coming today?"

"Yes," Liu Yiwen glanced at Gu Ye quietly and whispered: "I went to another school. It is said that the test score is too low. Our school does not accept such reviewers."

"It's miserable, what did he think, why didn't he enter the examination room in the afternoon?"

"You want face, you want face to suffer." Liu Yiwen glanced at Gu Ye again. He didn't expect that Gu Ye would also smile at him at this time. Then, Liu Yiwen was taken aback and dare not look at Gu Ye inexplicably.

Gu Ye smiled and found him from the group and added him as a friend.

Liu Yiwen was stunned for a moment, and added with fear.

Gu Ye: It's okay for people to be selfish. People will have a selfish mentality. As long as they don't harm others for their own selfishness, they won't suffer retribution.

Liu Yiwen immediately understood the meaning of Gu Ye's words. He was relieved to see that Gu Ye didn't even remember him with him. He quickly replied: It was Lin Zihao's fault. He was crazy. He didn't listen to persuasion. He didn't pass the exam. It has nothing to do with you. Thank you for saving us. He will avenge revenge. He shouldn't. I also want to say, sorry, I was jealous, but I really didn't do anything.

Gu Ye smiled, deleted his friends, and finished speaking, there is no need to contact in the future.

The dishes were ready soon. Gu Ye watched a group of young lush teenagers who had written everything on their faces while they were eating and playing. It was so lively that he was about to overturn the ceiling, and he couldn't get in, so he ate slowly and almost ate. After that, I went to the bathroom.

Xia Xiang followed him out, "They will sing in a while, I don't want to go anymore, are you still going?"

Gu Ye shook his head, "I won't go either."

"If we don't go, they might have a better time."

"Your thoughts are much more delicate than Zhao Pengyu."

"Nonsense!" Zhao Pengyu lay secretly at the door of the toilet, "I knew you two were talking bad about me behind your back!"

Xia Xiang smiled, and didn't want to fight with Zhao Pengyu, "In three years, they may not be such pure friends."

Gu Ye pointed to his own eyes, "I never make a mistake when I look at people, but you two will not change anyway."

Both of them were amused by Gu Ye, and Zhao Pengyu thought of other things, "Gu Ye, besides us, you have to make some more friends, find someone with you, and help you when something happens."

Gu Ye washed his face and said faintly, "Okay."

"When you look at it, you don't feel relieved. You only wait for others to dig into you before you can accept others. How can you make friends like this? Go and make friends."

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "I called your father, don't worry about me."

When he said this, Zhao Pengyu became angry, "No, I call your father, your uncle, and your uncle!"

"Hahahaha!" Gu Ye took out his pocket happily, "Where is my red envelope? Why didn't I bring it?"

Xia Xiang laughed on the sidelines, how this friendship has been maintained until now is also a mystery!

After the checkout, other classmates will go to KTV, Gu Ye said with a smile: "I'm sorry, my family sent someone to pick me up, so I won't go."

Zhao Pengyu put his arms around Gu Ye's shoulders, "get a ride!"

Xia Xiang raised his hand, "I also hitchhiked."

The others knew at a glance that the three of them had negotiated and did not stay. They went out the door formidable and they saw a RollsRoyce with a value of tens of millions parked at the door. Next to Ye, he smiled and said, "San Shao, I have sent your special car for maintenance."

Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, and he was sent for maintenance in the middle of the night like a god. Maybe it was his little mother who arranged it to let the female humans see how rich

their family was, so that he hurriedly abducted humans and went home.

Amidst the envy, jealousy and even contempt of the classmates, the three Gu Ye got on the car and waved goodbye. Seeing each other again, I don't know the year and month anymore, maybe by then, it was a different life.

It is now past nine o'clock, the ghost festival, the ghost gate is open. Normal people can't see strange things, but in the eyes of Gu Ye and Xia Xiang, the streets are filled with strangely shaped people.

Xia Xiang covered his face, heart-stuffed, "There is a man with a long back, who has been looking at me."

Gu Ye glanced out the window, "It should have been a car accident and died, and he hit the back with his head."

The uncle driver turned pale, "Three young masters, why did you die in a car accident?"

"Oh, we were playing around. Have you ever heard of a joke?" Gu Ye pretended to change the subject lightly, and said with a smile: "There was a mentally retarded man who was racing a motorcycle on a high speed in the middle of the night because it was too cold. I wore the clothes backwards. I didn't expect a car accident and fell into the ditch. The person who came to rescue him was blinded by a black light, and he said that he could not be saved. He hit his head and went to the back. He was dead and dead. Let him die. Be decent, then kindly twist it hard and make a click, his face finally faces forward, hahaha."

The people in the car felt cold all over, this joke is too scary!

"Isn't it funny?" Gu Ye saw that they didn't laugh, and said seriously: "Then I'll talk about one more, there is a hanged ghost, his tongue is too long, he always stumbles when he walks, his friend said, why don't you Wrap your tongue around the waist of your pants...oooooooo!"

Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang covered his mouth from left to right, "Stop talking! What kind of jokes you read, it's too flavorful!"

Gu Yezheng smirked, and suddenly felt a shock of spiritual energy, followed by three ghosts with a bloody aura. Gu Ye looked vigilantly in that direction, and in the dark night, he could still see the purple color that only masters of profound arts had. Reiki.

When Gu Ye thought of the hexagram elephant who could meet the evil spirits, he excitedly pulled away the paw covering his mouth, pointed in that direction and happily said, "Uncle Feng, turn the front of the car, I'm going there!"

Zhao Pengyu immediately had a bad feeling when he saw his expression, "Did you see something?"

Gu Ye was excited: "What a heavy ghost!"

Xia Xiang hugged his head and wailed: "I don't want to go! I don't want to see them!"

Zhao Pengyu is also going crazy, "I'll just say, why are you so happy, don't look for excitement!"

Gu Ye's fighting spirit was completely overwhelmed, "If you don't fight with ghosts on the Ghost Festival, what a ghost festival? Uncle Feng, listen to me, go!"

The uncle driver wanted to kneel for him, "San Shao, this...not safe."

Gu Ye lay by the window, "You can put me down here and I will walk. I think someone needs me to help."

The uncle driver has no choice but to turn the front of the car and send him there.

Zhao Pengyu already wanted to climb out of the car window, "I think singing is good, I will go back to protect my classmates!"

"No need!" Gu Ye grabbed him by the collar and pushed him into the car. "A group of children who have never done any evil have a strong sense of yang. They are more than 50 together, no ghosts dare to provoke them!"

Zhao Pengyu was desperate, lying on the car with a desperate heart.

On the outskirts of the grass, a yellow-haired young man with a long whip in his hand was fighting with three evil spirits, one with his tongue drooping, a black-faced ghost with a height of more than two

meters, and one tangled up. Furious, purple-faced ghost. These three ghosts have all eaten souls, and their evil spirits are extremely heavy. The hanged ghost rushed to the side of the road after being bruised by a whip, grabbed an innocent ghost and ate it.

The young man yelled, "Sister!" He jumped up from the ground, rushed over, jumped up and flicked the whip, making a sound, the whip was thrown on the hand of the hanged ghost, the other party screamed, let go of that Poor passer-by ghost, immediately after he felt suffocation coming from the back of his head, he hurriedly hid, and a black ghost hand hit his neck again.

The young man hurriedly avoided cursing, and threw a piece of talisman over, "Do you think your grandpa can't fight melee? Instant noodles Superman is omnipotent!"

The tall ghost, who had been hiding from the sidelines watching the battle, flew over and kicked him while he was blocking. This foot kicked firmly on his stomach, and the young man rolled several times on the spot with pain, and his painful face turned red when lying on the ground. At this moment, the hanged ghost leaned on him and greedily grabbed his head, trying to pull out his soul. The souls of people in the profound arts world are much more delicious than ordinary people, and eating them can increase their soul power. In their eyes, this young man is a delicious cake.

The young man sneered, bit his tongue and turned his head back and sprayed that grimace, "Tui! You three turtle grandchildren!"

With a squirt of blood on the tip of the tongue, a cloud of black smoke appeared on the ghost, and the damage was not light. The young man

got up, carried the whip and rushed up again, "Is Lao Tzu what you can eat if you want?!"

"Stop!" As soon as Gu Ye saw this scene, he left a few spells on the people in the car, and hurriedly said: "You guys are watching in the car, don't get out of the car! Who is going to paste?"

"Gu Ye!" Zhao Pengyu held up the charm, wanted to go down and help, pushed the cart door, but didn't push it.

"Uncle, open the door!"

The driver's uncle looked innocent, "I have no locks!"

Xia Xiang looked at the situation outside, "What can you do when you go down? You can't see it either."

Zhao Pengyu gave him the spell, "You can see it, you go!"

Xia Xiang calmly said: "Gu Ye locked the door, just don't want us to get in the way. We are not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. We can't cheat teammates."

Only then did Zhao Pengyu calm down, leaning on the window and watching with fear.

Gu Ye rushed over, flicking the talisman he had prepared in his hand, and the hanged ghost rushing towards the young man hurriedly

blocked it with his fist. A thin piece of paper made a bang after touching the ghost hand, sparks splashed everywhere. .

At this moment's pause, the young man shook his whip and entangled his head. Gu Ye pinched a finger and said, "Seven Stars Fighting Gang, Thunder God! Break!"

The purple thunder light smashed directly on top of the evil spirit's head, and the ghost's head exploded directly. The evil spirit twitched twice and turned into a plume of smoke.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Gu Ye quickly apologized, "A little harder to start! My buddy, you learned the profound arts, do you want to get it back?"

The other party probably didn't expect that Gu Ye was young and had such a strong aura. A dictator descended to the fierce thunder, and directly smashed the evil spirits away. After the reaction, the young man happily said: "I didn't learn it. Today, during the Mid-Yuan Festival, these evil spirits took advantage of the opening of the ghost door and rushed out to eat ghosts and harm people. It deserves to be scattered, don't care."

Oh, my temper!

Gu Ye's eyes lit up, "Give you the one who was poisoned to death, and give me the tall one!"

"Good!" The buddy stretched out his hand neatly, a simple and rude whip. The ghost with that ugly spicy eye dragged it out two meters away, and the distance from Gu Ye just happened to be able to take care of each other without affecting each other's performance.

Gu Ye glanced back, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, and his movements were also not muddled. He jumped up and kicked his face, kicking the evil spirit more than two meters away with one foot, pinching a finger in one hand, and holding a cinnabar pen in the other. The red line drew in the void and flicked. After being struck by thunder, the evil spirit was pulled to its feet. Gu Ye kicked his head without changing his color, and his soul flew away.

The same goes for the young people, who tied their heads with a whip and kicked them. After the three evil spirits were wiped out, the young man sat on the ground, rubbed the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeves, grabbed a handful of dyed golden hair, and said cheerfully: "Sure enough, the world is wide. It's been a long time since I saw you a colleague with such a temper.

Gu Ye was about to talk, and he felt a powerful and complicated ghost gas suddenly rushing out not far away. The young man obviously felt it too, his face changed, "Fuck! The ghost servants of the underworld are going to take care of them. Already, all evil spirits can run out, and a hundred ghosts are going to travel tonight!"

Feeling this ghostly air, the little ghosts hiding in the dark shivered with fear, and they didn't know where to escape. At this moment, a black shadow came over against the ground, grabbed one and stuffed it in his mouth.

Gu Ye threw a piece of talisman paper over to save the innocent ghost, and his face became cold. Then another piece of talisman paper was thrown over, and the light of lightning jumped at his fingertips. With a flick, the light of thunder passed through the center of the evil ghost's eyebrows, and his eyes turned into one. Wisp of smoke.

The young man took a look in admiration, took out a compass-like thing, measured it, and said with an ugly face: "There is a ghost here. Are all the members of the Xuanju Academy dead? No one is watching?"

Gu Ye said earnestly: "Probably it's going to get health care."

"Puff! It makes sense!" The young man clutched his stomach, "We two, can you keep it? These are all evil spirits that can kill."

Gu Ye smiled, "It can be held, but I have a request."

The young man smiled bitterly, "You said it."

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, "I am nineteen this year. I am outstanding in my studies. I got the first place in the national college entrance examination. The game player is not disabled, and I am led by the game master. There are four brothers in the family, except for the youngest one. No, just rich. The Rolls Royce on the road belongs to my dad."

The young man was dumbfounded, and when he looked at the car, he said in shock: "Fuck! The gold tyrant!"

Gu Ye said seriously: "My buddy thinks I am too autistic, and there are no friends in the mysterious circle. I want to ask, can you be friends with me after fighting together?"

"Huh?" The young man didn't expect that Gu Ye introduced such a long string to make friends with him. He happily said, "Okay, my name is Xie Cheng, what is your name?"

"Gu Ye."

"Are you Gu Ye?" Xie Cheng couldn't laugh or cry. "This world is so small. From now on we will be friends. I will call you when we fight!"

Gu Ye nodded, "Yes."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. Like the two crazy, we are friends when we fight together like gods.

Another strong resentment appeared, and Xie Cheng looked at the direction the pointer was pointing, "The ghost gate is there!"

Gu Ye followed the other party, squeezing the bell on his left wrist while running, and pulled out the layer of paper. As Gu Ye moved, the bells jingle, ordinary people listened the same, but the mysterious world could hear At the sound of the trembling soul, even the lonely ghost on the side of the road looked at Gu Ye.

Holding a whip, Jie Cheng asked in surprise: "Do you raise ghosts? Control ghost skills?"

In the ghost gate, a strong evil spirit floated out, and Xie Cheng was too late to ask Gu Ye, holding the whip and saying vigilantly: "Be careful, this is not a good stubborn. Probably there is not enough manpower for the Profound Technique Learning Institute. Come."

Gu Ye smiled and pulled Xie Cheng, and dragged him back a few steps. Xie Cheng was startled, "Don't make trouble, that's out!"

At this moment, a ghost slammed in the back of the head, and the two people with the brutal force of pressure breathed, and the murderous aura made them stand stiff and unable to move. Xie Cheng's pupils shrank, and his mind went blank. There was only one thought in his mind. How many people were killed when he was alive, and he was so murderous?

The ghost spirit flew past the two of them, and slashed at the door fiercely. A demon that just came up was killed by this ghost spirit!

In the blink of an eye, a tall and thin man dressed in black and carrying a big knife stood in front of the door, with his sword standing sideways, with a hoarse voice, "Stand behind me."

Gu Ye picked up the corner of his mouth, "This is not the ghost I raised, but the thigh I hold."

The action of the ghost holding the knife obviously paused, and he didn't say a word. He stood in front of the door and came out one by one and chopped one by one. There were not many people who were ruthless and very reliable. The ghost inside probably saw that the gatekeeper was too fierce, and gradually no ghost dared to come out.

When Xie Cheng saw that he had such a strong helper, he relaxed, and sat down on the ground again, shouting bitterly, "Gu Ye!"


"My internal organs seem to have been beaten and bleeding."

Gu Ye was shocked, this is a serious injury! He quickly helped him up, "Why didn't you say it earlier?! Brother Ghost, can I leave it to you here?"

The ghost will nod gently, "Don't worry."

"Okay! I'll go back and give you one billion!" After Gu Ye finished speaking, he helped Xie Cheng to run towards the car. Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang saw it, "Hurry up, pick him up!"

Gu Ye turned pale, pained and sweated, and slammed into the car, and introduced with a smile: "Look, my new friend."

Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang looked speechless, making friends is not so casual!

He hurriedly sent Xie Cheng to the hospital opened by Zhao Pengyu's house. After the examination, it was more than twelve o'clock. There was nothing broken in Xie Cheng's stomach, and there was no internal bleeding. That is to say, the usual life habits are too rubbish, and he often makes noodles and gastroenteritis. And he has two ribs a bit cracked, so he has to stay in the hospital for a few days anyway.

Gu Ye expressionlessly helped new friends pay for medical expenses.

Jie Cheng hung the bottle, and asked embarrassedly: "Typical tyrants, we are really friends, right?"

Gu Ye took a photo of the charge bill, kept a bottom line for himself, then put the bill on the Jiecheng hospital bed, and reminded him earnestly: "Wait for you, remember to pay me back and add a WeChat account."

Xie Chenggan smiled and took out the old mobile phone whose screen had been shattered, "I will definitely pay it back, ha ha ha."

Gu Ye's collapsed support, that strange "thing" that can't be calculated, may be to make a friend and gain friendship. However, he really has the urge to return the goods!

There is nothing wrong with the inheritance of character, openminded and open-minded, and appearances are arrogant, but there is justice in the heart. Moreover, he emphasizes feelings and respects loyalty, and being friends with him will never suffer. but! He is poor, very poor!

At that time, the people who were blind and blind could not see clearly. He only saw that Xie Cheng had good features and good character, but he didn't see that he had no wealth on his head. What is it like to be poor for a person with no wealth on his head? !

Gu Ye had a hunch that he would have to help the poor for a lifetime.


The next morning, Mrs. Gu asked gossiping: "How did you play last night?"

Gu Ye looked numb, "It's good."

"Is there a pretty girl?"

"There is a man who eats my soft rice."

Gu Decheng solemnly said: "Let's play with the non-disruptive people!"

"Oh." Gu Ye didn't sleep well last night and couldn't resist.

Mrs. Gu looked at him like this, "Go to sleep when you're full, and pack your things in the afternoon. School is about to start. If you see what is missing, I will take you to buy it."

Gu Ye nodded obediently, "Yeah."

As soon as Gu Ye lay down, the hospital called him. The little nurse said anxiously: "A few people came just now and want to take your friends away. Your friends don't want to go with them. They are making trouble."

Gu Ye frowned, "Who is it?"

"I heard Xie Cheng called the senior brother, and also said that it is the master of the Xuan Society, who looks like a cult organization, should we call the police?"

Gu Ye sat up, frowned and thought about it. Now the president of the Xuanju Academy is Elder Tang's great apprentice Jing Lianzhong. So, can Xie Cheng be Tang Elder's apprentice?

"Call the police. Call the police now. I want to take people away in the hospital, but they are broken." Gu Ye got up with a cold face and put on shoes. "I'll be there in a while."

Chapter 42 Are You Gu Ye Or You are Gu Ye

In the hospital ward, a man in his forties, wearing glasses, with a very elegant temperament, sat beside Xie Cheng's bed, with a soft complexion and persuaded: "Brother, go back to the metaphysical study, Master is gone, you too , There is not even a close person by my side."

Xie Cheng was playing the game with a blank face, because the phone screen was broken, and the fight was always stuck. He slapped the phone irritably, and said impatiently: "Those who came with you are not all of them. Is your confidant?"

"It's still not as good as brothers and sisters, but you grew up in front of my eyes."

Jie Cheng did not raise his head, "We all grew up in front of Master, and we are all orphans raised by Master. He is old and cannot be taken care of by himself."

Jing Lianzhong sighed, and said in dissatisfaction: "What you said, I didn't tell him not to provide for his elderly care. I went to see him yesterday, and he was angry and didn't want to see me." He said, his expression grew more and more. The more lonely.

Xie Cheng raised his eyes and sneered. For the first time he felt that his brother was so hypocritical. After so many years, seeing him become like this, he was also panicked. "Brother, if you really don't want Master to worry about you, just take this The society is disbanded. We all know what you have done in the past few years. This society originally wanted to bring friends from the profound arts world together, make friends, learn profound arts together, and take care of it when eliminating evil. Now, team formation is not free, it is drawn from above, and everything must be done according to your rules. I can understand that there are no rules without rules, just to build a chat group, there must be group rules, but you It can't be too much. It's up to you to learn everything up to now! Heh! Every family and every faction are different. If you continue to play like this, how many Dao skills will be lost? Do you want to unify the profound arts world and become the boss?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jing Lianzhong changed his face as he was said, "If I don't care, some people will use mysticism to harm people. Are there few people who use mysticism to kill people in the past? We set the rules for the newcomers and cannot learn. Forbidden techniques, to learn orthodox things, are all to protect the people."

Xie Cheng said twice, and was completely chilled by this polite explanation, "You are really well-intentioned."

Jing Lianzhong sank his face and lost his patience, "Don't be angry and come back with me. We have a doctor who specializes in treating injuries like you."

"You want to take me back, I know why," Xie Cheng stopped the movement in his hand and said straightforwardly: "Is it true that many young people have quit after playing well with me? It's really not what I did behind my back. Young people don't want to play with you anymore. Brother, just do it. Master's heart is already cold, and if something happens, he won't wipe your butt."

Jing Lianzhong's face became more and more ugly, and he became angry, "Do you really want to go back?"

Xie Cheng lay down on the bed, "My friend found me such a highlevel private hospital, paid me medical bills, lived in a single ward, had three meals a day for patients, and a beautiful nurse sister took care of me. Why should I go back with you? I'm not a brain disabled!"

"Okay! You don't go back with me, you fool around with inconsistent people, Lao Li!"

The people waiting outside the door heard this sound and hurriedly opened the door: "Done talking?"

Jing Lianzhong said with a cold face, "Bring me this disobedient bear child!"

The two people at the door looked at each other and had to come in to pull the agreement, "You can listen to what your senior brother said, stop making a temper and go back with us."

"Why should I go back with you? I have already withdrawn from learning!" Xie Cheng was also stubborn, and came up after a bit of anger. He was usually stunned and couldn't hold the nine cows when he turned his face. He grabbed the bed board and kicked his feet. People said, "Either you kill me today and take my body back, or you all fuck me, and I won't go back if I don't say it! If the old man does not go back, I will never go back!"

"Oh! Don't move him!" At this time, the nurse who had been secretly observing the development of the situation ran in, pushed a man who was doing it away, and said angrily: "What are you doing? The patient's illness is not healed, he There is a bone fracture in the ribs. What should I do if you do such a big move and really break?"

The man surnamed Li impatiently gave the little nurse a hand, "This is our family affair, you let me go."

The man has heavy hands. This little nurse is really thin. She staggered when she was pushed. His legs were knocked on the legs of the table next to him, and the painful eyes were red. Xie Cheng immediately got anxious, got up from the bed, took out the whip from under the pillow.

Jing Lian slapped the table loyally, "Do you still want to do something with me? It's really against you!"

"How about doing it with you? I think who would dare to take him away today?"

Suddenly there was such a cool sentence at the door. Everyone looked at the door, Jing Lianzhong's eyes sank, "Gu Ye?"

"Chairman Jing seems to have checked my information and knows who I am. Could it be that my brother gave you a trash dream?" Gu Ye picked up the corner of his mouth, and the other party didn't like to hear what he said. Sure enough, as soon as he heard it. "Brother," Jing Lianzhong's expression was extremely complicated.

After Gu Ye came in, he looked at the nurse and said softly: "Sister, go out first, don't move your hands for a while. I was bitten by an animal. The scum doesn't know how to pity me."

The people behind Jing Lianzhong asked angrily: "Which brute are you scolding?"

"Whoever talks will scold anyone." Gu Ye helped Xie Cheng and told him to lie back. "If you have an injury, you dare to get up and jump. Let me lie down. It will cost a lot of money to live for one day."

Xie Cheng was hit by their ribs just now, and now his painful face turned pale, but when Gu Ye came, he finally had a smile on his face and lay down with a grin.

Jing Lianzhong's complexion is even more ugly, his younger brother actually mingled with Gu Ye's younger brother!

Gu Ye raised his eyes, "What? Blue sky and white sun, are you kidnapping?

Jing Lianzhong squinted his eyes, and Wen Zou Zou said: "Xie Cheng is my junior, so how can I kidnap this?"

Gu Ye looked at him mockingly, "I heard that he grew up under your nose. If you are really good to him, can you ignore his life and death? Scum thing!"

The people behind Jing Lianzhong turned their faces, "How do you scold someone?"

"What's wrong with scolding you? I have to call the police to arrest you!" Gu Ye stood up, staring at the three people opposite, "Do you know who runs this hospital? The chairman of this hospital is Yu Lao. Eldest daughter, do you think that if you want to kidnap the patient, the Yu family can get around you? Ms. Yu's father-in-law has just passed away two years ago, and that is a serious old Red Army. You can't get along with the Zhao family, so you are not afraid of your father taking your brother in the middle of the night Did we destroy your scumbags?"


"You little kid knows what a fart!"

The three of them were all flushed by Gu Ye's witty cheeks, and they couldn't say a word that could be sophistry. They did not dare to offend the Yu family and the Zhao family. The Xuanshu Society was founded by private individuals in the final analysis, and the

profession has few people, and most of them have no family or career. The relationship between the wealthy and aristocratic families is complicated, as well as deep economic strength. If you go against these wealthy families, what will be the consequences?

At this time, the little nurse opened the door and brought two police officers in plain clothes to the door. The little nurse said excitedly: "It's them! They want to take the patient away!"

As soon as he saw the tense momentum in the room, a policewoman walked in first and asked with a cold face, "What's the matter?"

Gu Ye looked out and raised his eyebrows. He was still an acquaintance.

The female policeman also recognized Gu Ye, and said in a complicated mood: "It's you again? What happened to you?"

Gu Ye got up, ran over in twos or twos, and pointed at the three old men opposite, "Sister Jinghua, this is the person! He wants to take my friend away!"

The female police's eyes were cold, "It was either robbed or arrested. Tell me what is going on."

Gu Ye's ability to change his face in a second shocked everyone in the room, and Jing Lianzhong didn't know how to explain it for a while. Just now Gu Ye was still cynic, arrogantly cursing, and his mouth was as vicious as a red crane. You don't like to hear what he says. Now that the police come, he has become a little poor boy who was bullied? How can this be done!

Xie Cheng also stared wide-eyed, and watched in shock as his new local tyrant friends changed their roles for a second, but he was a little overwhelmed.

Gu Ye was filled with indignation and stomped angrily. "My friend gastroenteritis can't do without the toilet. He goes out and pulls his pants. They don't think about it at all! These three scumbags! Such a big kid looks good when pulling his pants?!"

Xie Cheng clutched his stomach, breathless, unable to say a word.

"And here!" Gu Ye pointed to his ribs, "My friend is broken here! The bones may be broken as soon as they move! They are going to plunge into the heart, liver, stomach, and lungs. These inhuman scumbags! This is to kill him. !"

Jing Lianzhong and the others opened their mouths, and the three elders didn't say a word. Gu Ye seemed to be all right, but he didn't seem to have a good word!

The police's face was getting colder and colder, and they asked rationally: "Do you know them?"

Xie Cheng reacted, "I know, but I don't want to go with them." As soon as Xie Cheng saw Gu Ye smile at him, he was also excited, holding the bedboard affectionately and calling out, "I'm still sick! He has to take me back!" I said I didn't want to join his organization!"

"Organization? What's going on?"

Gu Ye secretly said: "Who knows what a weird organization, there are presidents and cadres, my friends can't say that, he will send someone to arrest him, bullying my friend is an orphan, no father Isn't that awesome! I have a father, and my father is Gu Decheng!"

Jing Lianzhong and the others were not taken by Gu Yeqi. They said that if your father hadn't been Gu Decheng, he would have taken you a bear! In Gu Ye's words, it was said between the lines that they were a cult organization, or they were engaged in pyramid schemes. How the hell did he explain this?

"Comrade police, it's not what you think," Jing Lianzhong blushed, gritted his teeth and explained: "We learned the profound arts."

"You don't need to explain here, you can come with us, go back and explain what kind of organization you are, how dare you come to the hospital to snatch people?"

"We really won't be a cult organization! Why don't you, a lesbian, listen to the explanation?"

The female police smiled, "Explain? I just look at the evidence and take it away!"

The policeman at the back opened the door, "Don't talk nonsense, let's go, let's not say whether your organization has problems, just come to the hospital to make trouble, you have to take you back for education."

Gu Ye watched them all taken away, standing at the door with a head exposed, his eyes all smiled into beautiful crescent moons, "Sister Jinghua is so handsome!"

The policewoman took two steps, heard Gu Ye yelling like this, stopped in her footsteps, turned around and came back again, "We caught those scumbags, and the criminal information was sent to court, and they would all be paid in blood. Thank you for finding out. Those children, if it were not for you, these children would not know how many years they would be buried in that yard."

The smile on Gu Ye's face gradually faded, and he said seriously: "Thanks for your hard work, the children must have been reincarnated and will have a good life in the next life."

"Yes." The policewoman nodded vigorously, as if to comfort herself.

After Gu Ye sent them away, he closed the door and raised his mouth with relief. Looking at the disappointed Xiecheng, Gu Ye shook his head and asked helplessly: "Friend, are you stupid? Why can you be bullied by them?"

Xie Cheng was taken aback for a while, "Friend, you are really awesome!"

Xie Cheng no longer knows how to praise Gu Ye, so he can only give him a thumbs up, saying a thousand words.

Gu Ye sneered, "Do you think this is over? You are too naive, how could I just let them go?"

Gu Ye took out his mobile phone to look for his second brother, "Second brother, let your company's public relations department use it, and ask for contact information."

In less than half a minute, Gu Lin sent him an electronic business card, the manager of the public relations department, Bai Zuo. The management of Gu Lin's company is relatively young, and this manager is about the same age as Gu Lin.

Gu Ye immediately added a friend of the other party. Note: Gu Ye, Gu Lin's younger brother.

The other party didn't dared to hesitate, so he hurried up, and he didn't know why he sent a message: Sanshao?

Gu Ye: Manager Bai, is your navy organized?

Bai Zuo: San Shao means...

Looking at the other side cautiously testing, Gu Ye inexplicably feels that he is a bear kid who loves trouble. He replied to the other party: You don't have to worry about me doing bad things, I just want to hire them to report a cult.

Bai Zuo: There is a WeChat group that is reliable and has been with our company for several years.

Gu Ye: That's great, please pull me into the group, thank you.

Bai Zuo: San Shao, you really don't mess around?

Gu Ye: Am I the kind of ignorant bastard?

Bai Zuo only agreed: Okay, little prince, please think twice before you do anything, and don't let the little ones be sat down!

Gu Ye smiled back: Good~

Jie admitted that he really asked: "What did you do before to make him so guard against you?"

Gu Ye shook his head innocently, "I don't know, maybe I think I'm still young, I'm afraid I'm not reliable."

Xie Cheng said twice, his face full of disbelief.

While talking, Gu Ye was drawn into the group. There were more than 900 people in the group. Before this group could say anything, Gu Ye sent a big red envelope.

The red envelopes were robbed in the blink of an eye, and everyone in the group jumped out: Who is the newcomer? I grabbed a ten yuan!

Wow, the match is so generous, I grabbed twelve! Is the newcomer a local tyrant?

New photos, photos, photos!

Hey, just add the administrator directly. Does the newcomer have a backstage?


Administrator: Don't worry, Lao Bai said this is our majesty's younger brother.

There was a few seconds of silence in the group, and then a group of teasing expressed their love and knelt down to thank the little lord for the reward.

The corners of Gu Ye's mouth twitched. The style of this group... is a bit hard to describe. However, he will not pretend to be cold when he is in the village: good brothers and sisters, I have a long-term big business I want to do with everyone~

The group all replied: Dwarf oil~ Come on hero, first sign a ten billion contract~~

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and looked at Xie Cheng, "Do you know why your big brother is so waves?"

Xie Cheng shook his head, wondering what Gu Ye wanted to do.

"Because there is no one to treat him, he is used to him." Gu Ye sneered. "My senior did not want to pay attention to him at the time.

It was not that he was afraid of him, but that there were not many people in the profound arts world. The more lonely. Looking at it now, he is thinking wrong, the existence of the Xuanju Academy is the executioner that stifles the thinking of newcomers in the profound arts world."

Gu Ye secretly sent a message: brothers and sisters! Let's go to the official website of China Anti-Cult to report this unbranded sand sculpture organization of Xuanju Society! Spicy guild leader is an inhuman thing, deceive the master, destroy the ancestor and beat the younger brother! Regardless of his life and death on the hospital bed, he dragged him out! Go and check the official forum of the Xuanshu Society, scolding them one by one. Warriors go! Report them!

Red envelopes!

Red envelopes!

Red envelopes!

Gu Ye sent three red envelopes in succession, shouting: Report once a day, and I will send you red envelopes every day, brothers, get upset!

This group was originally a group of navy soldiers who feared that the world would not be chaotic. They have rhythm or something. They are the best at it. After receiving the red envelopes, everyone is beautiful: isn't it just to report? It's easy to say, just move the mouse.

There is also the Xuanju Academy this year. What do they do? It sounds very mysterious.

Brothers and sisters go, report them!

You should report it first, and I will go to the forum to collect their information. Only by knowing the enemy and confidant can the battle survive.

You go to the forum to collect it, and I will ask the paparazzi to find out if there is a paparazzi who specifically collects news about this society, I have to get some information. It's useless to simply report it. For the official to believe it, there must be evidence.

Correct! If they dare to quibble, use the evidence to give them a face!


This is a group of organized and disciplined naval forces. Before they do anything, they will find sufficient evidence and conduct investigations in advance. Since Gu Ye had said it was a cult, they went to the cult. Even if it is to be familiar with the boss's brother, he has to work hard.

After a short while, they really found some evidence. After taking a screenshot on the forum, they sorted out a profile of the elder, made a growth microblog, uploaded it to the Internet using a small account, and found someone to forward it.

All the facts have proved that this is a feudal superstition organization, with a boss, cadres, and a distinct hierarchy.

Netizens who eat melon are not calm: what age are these, and there are such organizations? What are they doing? How can it be divided into subordinate and superior, just like MLM?

Once again, it's terrible. Many of the younger generations are orphans without parents. Isn't this fooling children? It's really like a cult!

On the same day, the forum of the Xuanshu Society was watched by Gua Lu people. In addition to the rhythm of the navy, everyone followed the Huaxia Anti-cult official website to report. Why does this organization exist? It's sealed!

The upper class of the Xuanshu Society was stunned that day. I never thought that one day they would walk out of the circle and be watched by countless netizens. Jing Lianzhong finally explained it clearly at the police station. When he went back, he was dumbfounded by the report, "How can we attract so many netizens' attention? Who did the ghost?!"

The assistant is also in discomfort, "I don't know. It looks like someone is taking the rhythm. It may be an organization. After all, individuals don't have that great ability to push us out so quickly. Now I'm looking for someone to control the speech, but there are a group of people. People with poisonous mouths came back one by one, and they couldn't control it."

Jing Lianzhong sullen his face, took off his glasses, and pinched his eyebrows. "The public opinion must be suppressed, or the next thing is more troublesome."

Seeing the trend on the Internet, Xie Cheng casts his ground on Gu Ye's admiration, "This method can only be figured out by local tyrants. How much money do you have?"

Gu Ye smiled, "Poor people like you will never understand local tyrants. After I was admitted to college, my dad bought me a twostory villa directly next to the school. Are you envious?"

He used to live in a dormitory, but now he lives in Master's house. There is no rent for renting out.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, "I go out to show people Feng Shui, the rich can give me one million, how about you?"

Jie Cheng covered his face and collapsed. In the past, he was learning to take over tasks. After finishing his monthly salary, he had never seen so much money, and he did not know how much they made for the society.

Gu Ye said contemptuously: "Those who are short-sighted, you are afraid that you are not all fools! Learn the rubbish, hurry up and die!"

Jiecheng is puzzled, "Isn't this already done by you?"

"It won't be that simple. How can it be okay after it has been established for so many years? But after such a trouble, they will definitely have to be interviewed and the water meter checked. Recently, they dare not look for you or go out to surf. "Gu Ye smirked, "I want to make Jing Lianzhong bald with anger and feed him shit every day."

As expected, Jing Lianzhong was interviewed by relevant departments soon, and various departments investigated him in a fancy way, and Jing Lianzhong was really bald. In the past, Donald would help him deal with things, and as Don's long-time friend, Yu would also help. This time, no one helped him.

The relevant department asked: "What is your situation, what are you doing so utterly conscience that caused so many people to report you? You are originally an organization without a brand, and Buddhism and Taoism are recognized by the state. Do Taoist research on Taoism. The law requires a bachelor's degree certificate. You just gather together in private and don't do bad things. Then you turn a blind eye and let you set up an organization. Nowadays, people report you every day, so how can you be like a cult? , If this continues, it will be forcibly dissolved for you, believe it or not?"

Now, the senior members of the entire metaphysical society have their tails in their hands, while the young people at the bottom have noticed that the wind of the society is not good, coupled with the dissatisfaction accumulated before, another group of young people resigned.

The entire Xuanju Academy has been involved in this way, and it is too much to take care of itself.


After Gu Ye finished eating at noon, lying on the bed and reading Weibo, a message was suddenly sent from WeChat. Gu Ye clicked on it and picked up the corners of his mouth first.

Yu Ze: Do you feel good about doing bad things?

Gu Ye turned over and typed on the bed with both hands: Do you know this too?

Yu Ze: I know you do bad things.

Gu Ye smiled and replied: Are you so good? Do you have clairvoyance?

Yu Ze: I have been following you all the time.

Gu Ye: I am so touched by caring about me. jpg

Yu Ze: Then what?

Gu Ye: Then thank you~

Yu Ze, who was standing by the office window, gave his finger a pause, but he didn't know what to reply, so he had a conversation.

After a while, Gu Ye: Mr. Yu, please send a selfie!

Yu Ze hesitated for a while, and returned:?

Gu Ye: I'll be a screensaver to ward off evil spirits! Lucky!

Yu Ze twitched the corners of his mouth, and his shoulders collapsed for a while.

Gu Ye: Mr. Yu, why don't you reply? Are you looking for a lens? Just take a picture, how cool you can take it!

Yu Ze raised a faint at the corner of his mouth, watching the fat panda that Gu Ye had sent over, playing tricks and selling cute, finally was amused, "Secretary Liu?"

Secretary Liu, who was sorting out the meeting minutes, quickly raised her head and asked seriously: "Is there always something wrong with Yu?"

Yu Ze sullen his face, and after holding for more than ten seconds, he handed his mobile phone to Secretary Liu.

Secretary Liu looked blank and did not dare to answer.

Yu Ze glared at him disgustingly, "Take me a picture."

"Huh?" Secretary Liu took the cellphone and reacted, "Oh oh, ID photo?"

Yu Ze gave a "tsk", seeing Secretary Liu's eyes getting more and more disgusted, "No, be natural, I will take a look after the filming."

Secretary Liu was stunned for a while, and suddenly reacted. It is possible that President Yu was chatting with Master Gu, and he understood what Yu Ze meant, "I understand! I understand!"

It is to shoot the effect of an artistic blockbuster, how handsome and how to shoot, the shot is handsome and elegant! As an all-round secretary, Secretary Liu has decided to register for a photography class online when he goes back in the evening.

After Gu Ye received the photos, he was in a moment of wonder. In the photo, Yu Ze is standing sideways. The man standing by the window is looking at the camera. Behind him is the blue sky. The slim white shirt is clean and not stained with dust. Gu Ye feels that Yu Ze is the best-looking person in white shirts he has ever seen, and he fully interprets the clean and lingering temperament of white. Gu Ye suddenly had a moment of heartbeat, moved by Yu Ze's temperament and appearance.

"Growing up like this is really seduce people and commit crimes." Gu Ye looked at it, and the corners of his mouth picked up again, and decisively set this photo as a screensaver. Sure enough, it was more temperamental and better than those stars!

After admiring it for a while, Gu Ye got up from the bed, stood on the bed with his mobile phone in both hands, and worshiped, "Heavenly spirit and spirit, brother Yu Ze will appear soon, so that all the people who learn the profound arts will become bald! "

After speaking, Gu Ye looked at Yu Ze's face again, and laughed out loud with a "poof", thinking and knowing, Yu Ze never thought that he would really worship God with his photos, and just wanted to have fun, "hahahahaha ~~"

Mrs. Gu knocked on Gu Ye's unclosed door, "You child, crazy! If you can't sleep, follow me to the mall now."

"Oh." Gu Ye slipped out of bed lazily.

Mrs. Gu disliked, "You change your clothes and then go out with me."

"Why, what's wrong with this body?" Gu Ye looked at his comfortable vest, not knowing what's wrong.

"It's not good-looking, it's a waste of your clothes rack." Mrs. Gu picked out a set of blue and white striped clothes from Gu Ye's wardrobe, "wear this, hurry up!"

Gu Ye was tired and put it on. Just about to go out, his phone rang again. Yu Ze: Where's yours?

Gu Ye blinked and replied: What?

Yu Ze: Photos, I also use them as screensavers, to ward off evil spirits, and prevent disasters.

Gu Ye was amused, thinking that Yu Ze was joking with him, so he took a grimacing mug shot: Take it, my nickname is sorrowful, scaring them to death!

What Gu Ye didn't expect was that Yu Ze looked at it for a while after receiving it, and set the corner of his mouth as a screensaver.


After changing their clothes, Gu Ye and Gu Yang followed his mother to the mall to buy the things he needs to go to school. According to Mrs. Care, they changed to a new school and everything needed new clothes, shoes, bedding, Backpacks, suitcases...including all daily necessities, buy new ones.

Gu Ye and Gu Yang are two anti-bags. Mrs. Gu is obviously a frequent visitor here. The salesperson greeted her when they saw her. Mrs. Gu said that they were both my sons when she met, and she drew praises: "Your son You are so handsome, you are so young, you can't tell you are the mother of the two children at all."

Mrs. Gu was ecstatic, the high heels clashed, Gu Ye and Gu Yang were like two coolies, with big bags all over their bodies. Mrs. Gu continued to be beautiful without looking back.

Gu Ye and his brother looked at each other, and both sighed weakly. They just wanted to call the woman in front of you, you lost your poor child, look back!

I bought it all afternoon, and I bought everything. The brothers were tired and didn't want to talk.

After dinner, Mrs. Gu packed up the bags for Gu Ye, and she said, "You are really my son, and I want to take the bags." The implication is that you remembered it for the old lady, and the old lady was so kind to you.

Gu Ye nodded weakly holding a hexagram, and said perfunctorily: "Love your mother."

Mrs. Gu moved her hand for a while and then asked, "What's wrong? Tired?"

Gu Ye let out a dull hum, "Tired is one aspect. I just calculated five hexagrams for myself, and the results are not very good."

Mrs. Gu scaredly asked: "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Gu Ye frowned, "I can't figure it out, but when I go to school, I will have eyes peeping at me. I don't feel good."

Mrs. Gu thought for a while, and comforted: "Don't be afraid, then I will send you to school with your dad to see who dares to bully you? Maybe there is a little girl who has a crush on you. If you don't, you will abduct it."

Gu Yefufu, just want to say, can you rely on the spectrum? !

Chapter 43 Cyber Violence

The day before the opening of Tedu University, the school had already sent a notice via the Internet, asking students to report to the school in advance, check in in the dormitory, apply for a meal card or

something. In short, before the formal start of class, do all the daily chores. You can delay eating, but you can't delay class.

Gu Ye took his luggage one day in advance and was sent to the house he had bought in advance by his parents. There are many school district houses near the school. Many college students rent houses here. The transportation is convenient and the living facilities are comprehensive. There is a big supermarket at the gate of the community. The most important thing is that it only takes five minutes to walk to school.

Gu Decheng is very satisfied with the house bought by the assistant, "Yes, safety is the most important thing. I think the security work is also very good. In the morning, you don't sleep for a while. You walk to school. Your living habits are too lazy, young people, How can there be no perseverance?"

Gu Ye nodded obediently, "Dad, you are right."

Gu Decheng nodded with satisfaction, "If you live by yourself in the future, even if you adapt to society in advance, try to solve everything by yourself and don't rely on others. If you want to solve it with money, you can, you make money by yourself."

Mr. Gu's philosophy in cultivating his son is: You don't need to do things that can be solved with money, but you must use your brain to make money.

"Good dad, you are right."

Mr. Gu was very pleased with his son's obedientness. He walked around the house. On the first floor, there were three bedrooms and two halls. The side bedroom was used as a study room. The assistant enthusiastically bought the entire study room and a large desk. Can practice calligraphy. Mr. Gu nodded in satisfaction, "Reading a lot, cultivate one's morality."

Gu Ye Machinery nodded, "Dad, what you said is correct."

The third side sleeping room is empty. The assistant means what Gu Ye likes. He buys it now and can install it on the same day. It all depends on his personal preference. Gu Ye looked at his father's face and said solemnly, "Just buy me a few more bookshelves. I don't need to buy books. I will buy them myself."

Mr. Gu is very happy, his son likes to study more and more.

Mrs. Gu, who thought of the pennants and charms that her son had secretly brought over, went to the kitchen with a speechless expression. For the sake of his wife's blood pressure, it was better not to say it well.

"I have all the kitchen supplies for you. If you don't want to eat outside, you can make it yourself." After Mrs. Gu came out, she told Gu Ye: "I will send someone to fill up your refrigerator every day and clean it up for you..."

"It's not that he doesn't know how to find someone, so you don't care about him." Gu Decheng interrupted his wife, "He is an adult, and he does his own things. Don't get used to him."

Gu Ye smiled bitterly, so why did his dad take him to school personally because his dad takes care of everything? They all say that they are the same in the same world, and I don't know if other people's fathers are the same. If you meet, you can take the opportunity to train your son.

The second floor is still empty right now. Gu Ye lives by himself and is really deserted. Mrs. Gu suggested: "Why don't you bring the dog for company?"

Mr. Gu seriously vetoed it, "What kind of dog is he coming to school? Let's talk about it after graduation."

Gu Ye sighed and said that it was true.

Mrs. Gu couldn't help but looked at Gu Ye sympathetically, and said, "Well, you live by yourself, pay attention to safety, and don't bring bad children back. It's really fancy that little girls don't mess around and don't marry people. Don't stay overnight."

Gu Ye was about to collapse, "Am I that kind of person?"

"I'm telling you in advance that we have to find a normal girl to fall in love, but we can't harm other people's girls. You are also older, and we can't help it anymore. However, I will come to check posts from time to time." Looking at Gu Ye's face, he was worried, "You should also be careful not to be fooled by the little fox. Now the bad girl has a lot of eyes."

Gu Ye wanted to kneel for them, "Mom and dad, let's go to school as soon as possible. It will take time to go through the formalities."

"Well, well, don't say it." Madam Gu sighed heavily, feeling anxious about her.

Gu Ye walked to the door tiredly. At this moment, two people came in with a big box. Gu Ye recognized that it was his treasure, and quickly said: "Move all these things to the empty room. You don't have to worry about it, I'll take care of myself when I'm back." After speaking, I turned around and wrapped his father's arm with one hand, and his mother's arm with the other, and dragged out, "You are late and late! You two hurry up!"


Imperial Capital University was established in the early nineteenth century. It has experienced the most difficult years of modern China. After more than 100 years of ups and downs, it has grown to a worldclass university covering an area of more than 6,000 acres and has cultivated countless people for the country. Excellent talent for the people.

Those who can be admitted here can be said to have laid the foundation for future life. Most of the families who have the ability to cultivate such excellent children have a financial foundation.

In the parking lot near the school, you can see countless luxury cars. Gu Decheng's car is still standing here, and the family of three was caught by the reporter as soon as they got off the car.

"It is said that your son is the No. 1 in science this year. Your son is so good. Does Gu always want to tell his son?"

"I am a reporter from Huaxiaxuezi.com. Today, the two of them sent their children to school together. This is a rare opportunity. Take a group photo in front of the school."

"Does Mr. Gu have any expectations for the future of his third son? Do you want him to set up his own company like his two brothers?"

"Which son is Mr. Gu's successor? Will he be the third child?"


Looking at the several reporters who surrounded him, Gu Decheng sternly said: "Is it fresh to be a dad to send children to school? Where are so many problems?"

In one sentence, I laughed at what the reporter said, so I didn't dare to ask any more. However, they didn't leave, just like the gourd baby, following Gu Decheng behind them.

Gu Ye took out the admission notice, entered the school gate, and immediately was the reception area to welcome the freshmen. Many seniors and sisters were explaining to the freshmen how to go, what to do first, and what to do. Some students are inquiring about by their parents, but Gu Ye is the first to do it.

He walked in front, followed by his parents, and followed by reporters who came in, attracting many students to look at them.

Considering his father's age here, Gu Ye found a place to rest on the roadside of the school. "You sit here and wait for me. I will come back to you when I finish. Let's go out for dinner at noon. Don't run around."

The couple couldn't laugh or cry, and Gu Decheng waved his hands, "When are we children? Hurry up!"

Gu Ye smiled and left.

Someone nearby secretly said: "The school grass that has been waiting for a long time has finally come! So handsome!"

"A smile is so beautiful, I think the world is sweet, Emma! My heart is thumping!"

"That's Gu Decheng! Gu's father is very refined, he hasn't white hair yet after his sixties! Like an uncle!"

"His mother is so beautiful, so young!"

"Shhh! He is a stepmother, his father is nearly twenty years old, can he be young?"

"Take care of his mother and stepmother, this is Gu Decheng who is alive! Quickly take a picture! Gu Dad bless me, I will find a good job in the future!"


Father Gu looked at the reporter who was sneaking over, and then at the students who were watching him. His face immediately sank, "The children nowadays are too shameful. They call my father casually! Are you looking at the third child? He can only Marry one! Dare to mess with me and break his leg!"

Mrs. Gu drank slobber and calmly told her wife, "You think too much. They also manage Yu's family, the only child of Dong's family, and our second child named husband, third child husband, little boyfriend, now young You're so backward."

Mr. Gu's face turned dark, "It's too shameful! Can this be called casually? Nonsense!"

Mrs. Gu was amused and she put her arms around her wife and exclaimed: "Oh, you are so cute like this!"

Mr. Gu's face is darker and sick! All are sick!

Soon, Gu Ye finished everything that was supposed to be done, and was anxious to go back, when someone shouted from behind: "Gu Ye? Are you Gu Ye?"

Gu Ye turned his head and looked at the girl who was catching up with her with short hair and a refreshing dress. She didn't look like a freshman, "Senior sister is looking for something with me?"

"You don't recognize me?" The senior girl widened her eyes and pointed to her nose sadly. "We saw it in the elevator. My name is Hang Siwen and my mother's surname is Wang. You have seen Feng Shui in my house. Saved our family of four."

Gu Ye suddenly said, "Oh, I remember, you are Aunt Wang's daughter, and you scold Zhao Pengyu as a bastard."

Hang Siwen smiled embarrassedly, "That's because he was a bastard when he was a child, let alone him, I would like to thank you for saving my whole family first, I am in the sophomore design department, and I am also in the student union. Me." Hang Siwen took a note from his pocket and wrote down his phone number, "My mobile phone number is the same as WeChat, you are welcome."

Gu Ye took it over, "Thank you, senior sister."

"By the way, since that happened in my family, I have established a supernatural society, do you want to join? I can give you the seat of head."

Gu Ye smiled, "Thank you, senior sister, I won't participate."

Hang Siwen looked disappointed and she was boring to speak, "Then, well, you think about it again."

Just as he was speaking, Gu Ye found that he was being watched. Not only the freshmen, but even the seniors and seniors were watching him. Gu Ye suddenly felt that he was right to choose to live outside. Seeing Hang Siwen in a hurry, and when he found his old father, Gu Ye found that his old father was also being watched. Gu's father looked very serious, and his little mother was persuading him. When Gu Ye came back, the couple stood up and said, "Done?"

"It's over." Gu Ye said with a smile: "However, I may have to trouble you to run again. I was selected as the representative of the freshmen. I will speak at the freshmen welcome party. The school invites my parents to participate. If you are not free , My mother can come."

Gu Decheng had a straight face, without even thinking about it for a second, "Then let your mother come."

Mrs. Gu is nothing, anyway, people who met her praised her as young and beautiful, and she didn't care about running twice. It is said that the freshman welcome party and graduation ceremonies of Imperial University over the years are very grand, and the school will broadcast live. There were also reporters from TV stations and major websites to interview, and even the National TV station took it seriously. At that time, major websites will also broadcast pictures and texts. Gu Ye will definitely be photographed a lot of close-ups. As a representative of the new students, the mother must also be photographed. Mrs. Gu straightened her hair around her ears and said proudly: "Don't worry, mom will not shame you."

Gu Yeren laughed and coaxed her: "Of course, my mother is the most beautiful in the world."

"Oh! You kid, you can talk!" Madam Gu squeezed Gu Ye's face happily, her eyes narrowed when she smiled.

Gu Ye looked at the time with dubious laughter. It was past 11 o'clock at this time, "Let's go to dinner, and you can go back after dinner. I can do it myself."

Gu Ye and his parents left school and happened to pass by a girl. The girl stopped on the spot, looking back at Gu Ye's back in shock, and seeing his well-dressed and elegant parents, suddenly thought of Gu Ye's family back. Thinking about herself again, she opened her mouth, after all she was inferior and did not dare to scream.

She turned on the phone and found the long-cherished photo, which was a back view of Gu Ye. The girl watched Gu Ye disappear from her sight, held her phone tightly in her arms, and blushed quietly.

For a long time, she posted a circle of friends that she can only see: I didn't expect to meet him on the first day of school, but he didn't seem to recognize me. It doesn't matter, I'm so inconspicuous, it's normal if he doesn't remember. However, I will work hard.


At the welcome party for new students, Mrs. Gu attended as scheduled.

Sitting in the front row, the gentle and charming rich ladies, from looks to temperament, are the focus of the entire venue. Coupled with Gu Ye's face value, as soon as the mothers were exposed, they

exploded on the Internet: the most beautiful mother appeared at the opening ceremony of the Imperial Capital University!

The photos of Mrs. Gu are very clear, even the tears in her eyes are very clear. The child raised by himself is so good now that he is a mother, it is inevitable to have a little pride. In addition, Gu Ye finally said: "Thank you to the previous teachers, to my family, and especially to my mother who can sit here for me today, for raising me so much, for your hard work."

Regarding the last sentence, Mrs. Gu did not hold back and burst into tears on the spot.

The entire network is being reposted. How much does it cost to be a mother if his son is so good? Especially those with children at home know that it is not easy to be a mother. Many netizens are lamenting Mrs. Gu's hard work and her sensible children. There are also people who make complaints: In fact, it is not so beautiful. The representative of this new student is Gu Decheng's third son, and this woman is his stepmother.

Many sane netizens left messages: Stepmothers are even more difficult, and wealthy stepmothers are even more difficult. With so many eyes watching, it seems that the relationship between mother and child is not bad.

Yes, yes, the child is very sincere, and the stepmother is not all bad.


Just when there was a harmonious message on the Internet, a gossip news broke out suddenly: shock! The giant stepmother beat her stepson in the street! It was actually the number one in science this year!

The topic of stepmother hitting children is too sensitive. As soon as it was released, it attracted countless eyeballs. It was uploaded on the Internet immediately. After watching a few seconds of video, the background is a high school. It should be the college entrance examination. Knowing why, he slapped Gu Ye's shoulder vigorously. Far away, I can't see the expressions of the mother and the son, but I can tell the difference. It is really this year's science champion Gu Ye who was beaten, the youngest school grass of the Emperor, and the third son of Gu Decheng!

Netizens who have praised Mrs. Gu are all dumbfounded: Damn it! Is it okay to beat children in the street? How do you fight at home?

The rich family is terrible, and I feel sorry for my future husband!

I heard that Gu Ye did not study well before. He was dumb and stupid. He kept taking first place in the exam, until the last half of the year, he suddenly exerted his strength, and got the first place in the school in the first monthly exam. That's the fifth high school, the fifth high school with a nationwide admission rate!

Don't you find it strange? Gu Ye was admitted to the Fifth Middle School, but why did he fail to study at the Fifth Middle School? Did Gu Ye also have a younger brother and stepmother?

Gu Ye's previous photos were immediately available on the Internet, just like a little pitiful. Compared with the present, the eyes are not alone.

Immediately afterwards, someone picked up Gu Yang's photo, and compared it with Gu Ye's previous photos. It seemed to be a mistreated and carefree little rich young master.

The comments on the Internet exploded all at once: Oh my God, I smelled a conspiracy!

It's horrible, what kind of forced a child to be so that he can be pretended to be stupid since he was a child?

Oh my god, this woman! I was scared out of goose bumps!

It's disgusting, it's too good to pretend! She pretended to be very moved, and she could cry! nausea!

The stepmother in human skin, Gu Ye might be ironic when he said that, huh! Thank her for her hard work and raised him!

Why are such women still alive?

go to hell! Abusing a stepson means that there is no good stepmother in the world, and it was not born by herself. How could it be good to him?


The wind on the Internet changed instantly, from complimenting Mrs. Gu for her hard work, to scolding her for the old witch in human skin, cursing her to die quickly, and even asking on Gu Lin's company Weibo: Your brother was abused, do you know? ? Your stepmother can pretend so, do you know?

Mrs. Gu was originally a person who often used Weibo to read gossips. Before she could relax from the praise of "the most beautiful mother", she was immediately scolded as a dog, and she tore off her angry mask and was stomping at home. Scolded: "Nonsense! Fart! Taken out of context! Consciencelessly write!"

A person like Mrs. Gu will never cry when she is wronged. She must make others cry. She opened Weibo angrily, directly personally authenticated, and reposted the Weibo that released the video. der fart! The rumors that I have abused my son have no babies in my whole life, and I have a baby to test the DNA, hehe, not my own species!

This sentence is too poisonous. As soon as she saw her abusing her stepson and still being so arrogant, the keyboard man raised the keyboard and went up: You vicious woman!

Vicious! Old witch! Too cheap! Dressed in a cloak of hypocrisy, pretending...Fuck me, I couldn't find a word to describe her!

no quality! Is Gu Decheng blind? He found such a vicious woman!

Seeing that it is not a mother, it is not only poisonous, but also rude! no quality! Hurry up and die! Why didn't God accept her? !


The people on the Internet were all mad by Mrs. Gu, and those who were scolded couldn't find the right words to fight back. Apart from asking her to scold her for lack of quality, she didn't know how to spray her for a while.

Mrs. Gu didn't do anything else, but she didn't really have any qualities when she was swearing.

Gu Ye's mother: It is obvious to all whether Gu Decheng is blind or not. The bastard who has been rumored can't recognize where his ancestral grave is. The mentally retarded is definitely a dung-spraying machine without eyeballs. The old king next door said I am you. Dad, you just chase people and call Dad, say what you believe!

Netizens scolding:! ! !

The entire network has exploded, and I have never seen such a shameless, strong and unqualified wealthy lady!

When Mrs. Gu scolded someone, she checked the number of reposts and comments on that Weibo, and saved screenshots from time to time, and called the lawyer, "I heard that as long as the amount of reposting is enough, online rumors can be sentenced?"

The lawyer explained: "Yes, the Internet is not an extra-legal place now. According to the first paragraph of Article 246 of the Criminal Law, anyone who uses violence or other methods to openly insult others or fabricate facts to slander others shall be punished. Not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention, surveillance, or deprivation of political rights.

You have reposted more than 8,000 times and commented on as many as 30,000 articles. The same defamatory information specified in Article 246 of the Criminal Law was actually clicked, viewed more than 5,000 times, or reposted. If it reaches more than 500 times, it is deemed that the circumstances are serious and the rumors must be held legally responsible.

I want to ask Mrs. Gu, is this video real? I know that this is a deliberately intercepted section, which is taken out of context. I mean, has it been handled maliciously? "

Mrs. Gu watched the video again and said confidently: "The speed has been accelerated, it seems that the beating is fast and cruel, and I am not sick! Why do you guard so many people to beat the child?!"

Mrs. Gu suddenly thought that the sentence Gu Ye said should not be photographed, "This crow's mouth!" Now she really wants to hit her child, but unfortunately, she can't!

The lawyer laughed over there, "This is easy to say, this has constituted the crime of fabricating facts to slander others. If the victim is insane or even committing suicide, the crime will be even more serious."

Mrs. Gu sneered, "Is it true that the more reposts, the more the grandson will be charged? No matter how much pressure I can't bear in my heart, I will collapse and commit suicide. Isn't this even bigger?"

The lawyer stopped speaking. It was the first time I saw a woman who was so sane and so cruel after being violently online.


Gu Ye, Zhao Pengyu, and Xia Xiang walked around the campus together after eating. They were familiar with the campus environment. I don't know why, they found that people passing by were casting sympathetic eyes on Gu Ye.

Gu Ye and Xia Xiang are both sensitive to the senses, and they immediately noticed something wrong, "What's the situation? How do you look at me like a Chinese cabbage in winter?"

Xia Xiang took out his mobile phone and calmly said: "Go to the school's internal gossip website and you will know that this is the school's gossip gathering place. Whether it is gossip news or gossip news, as long as you want to find it, you can't find it."

Gu Ye leaned over and saw that his little mother committed suicide on the Internet. Gu Ye was immediately frightened, "Fuck! Is my mother crazy?!" Gu Ye's forehead buzzed with anxious heart. Tightened, especially after he promised to provide for the elderly, the other party recently treated him like a son.

Gu Ye was so frightened that he hurriedly called his mother and took out his mobile phone. He suddenly reacted, "No, it doesn't fit her

temper! My dad and my brother are both at home at this time. Who will let her commit suicide?"

Xia Xiang quickly browsed the web, "Auntie was violent online, and I don't know who intercepted a video saying that aunt beat you, which triggered a siege from countless netizens, saying that you were abused by auntie since childhood. Auntie couldn't stand this stimulus for a while. Weibo live suicide. It is a real live video broadcast, not a text live broadcast. The aunt scolded these keyboard sprays as executioners, and she would not let them go when she became ghosts. She even scolded them before."

Gu Yezheng wanted to make a call. After hearing this, he suddenly stopped worrying. "Are you saying that my mother did live suicide after scolding someone?"

Xia Xiang nodded quickly, "Yes."

Zhao Pengyu was also anxious, "Hurry up and call the police, call your home, or let's ask for leave and go back and see!"

"No," Gu Ye was suddenly happy. "Did she jump off the building or take vitamin tablets?"

Xia Xiang: "...jumped off the building."

Zhao Pengyu twitched the corners of his mouth, "His highest house is the attic on the third floor. There is only a door and no windows. The window must be on the second floor."

Gu Ye picked up the corner of his mouth, and secretly called his mother: "How can I ignore the performance that I should cooperate with? Add fire!"

Chapter 44 The Ghost Knows What Will Happen

Gu Ye called his little mother, and the caller was only connected after the ringing for more than ten seconds. Gu Ye played with the spirit for a second, and said anxiously: "Mom! What are you doing? Why do I see you on the Internet and don't want to ask. Suicide? I saw it in the news, don't listen to those eyeless nonsense! What do we do when you die, what should I do with my brother? My dad is so old, do you want him to be lonely old? Mom! Say something! Don't miss it!"

Zhao Pengyu has seen how fast Gu Ye turned his face, and now he can't bear to look at him with a speechless face. It was the first time that Xia Xiang saw Gu Ye's performance. She stared in shock and stared at Gu Ye's performance. He almost didn't hold back, and he came out with joy, telling Gu Ye, "It's ruthless!"

Mrs. Gu did not expect Gu Ye to come out like this. When Gu Ye called her excitedly, she turned on the speakerphone. She planned that she committed suicide, and Gu Yang would rush in and pull her away. Shut down the live broadcast, which created evidence that she could not bear the spirit of suicide and self-harm. Then he picked out the grandson who was spreading the rumors, and he must be severely sentenced to see if she's not quite right! Now that Gu Ye has said something, not only has she washed her out, but she has also settled her suicide. It is really a surprise.

The netizens who shouted that Mrs. Gu don't hesitate and hurry to die were forced by Gu Ye to make such a fuss. Those who gave Mrs. Gu's posthumous photo, bought a circle and wanted to go to the door of Gu Decheng's company were dumbfounded. Why is Gu Ye's performance different from what he imagined? I'll give her all the photos of my death, can it be okay for you to come out and stop me? Are you a fool?

I can see it in my head. Gu Ye really cares about his mother. If he doesn't have real feelings, would he be so scared? The group closed their mouths wisely and began to watch the developments.

There are still some people who insist on their original ideas. The video shows that Gu Ye was beaten by his mother. Now everyone is venting his anger. Why doesn't he stand on the front line with them? Did he even feed his conscience to help his vicious stepmother to speak? !

Therefore, they even cursed Gu Ye: How can I be admitted to the emperor's university? Calling the Emperor, such an idiot who doesn't know how to be grateful will be a scum in society in the future and must be expelled!

The enrollment hotline of the Emperor's University was really suddenly blown up, and it was because the white-eyed wolf Gu Ye got out of the Emperor's University.

At this time, Gu Ye anxiously persuaded: "Mom, I am watching you on the Internet, please come down quickly! If you don't come down, I will ask for leave and go back!"

"Gu Ye, my mother is bitter!" Madam Gu burst into tears, and the people who forced her to die were especially bastard.

Gu Ye patiently coaxed, "You come down first, let's have something to say, there is more online violence, whoever dies will lose, don't you want to watch the rumors being arrested?"

At this time, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and Gu Yang rushed in anxiously, "Mom! What are you doing? Come down!"

Xia Xiang: "The live broadcast is interrupted."

Gu Ye heard the laughter on the other end of the phone, and couldn't laugh or cry, "Mom, you really are..." Gu Ye didn't know what was good about her, "If you have a bad heart, you can really scare you to death!"

"Hahaha..." Madam Gu laughed at that beauty, there was no way she was looking for life, "Don't worry, son, how could your mother die? Now the comment on this video has doubled again. I won't tell you, I'll go Find a lawyer team and organize a team to sue this bastard!"

Within two minutes of hanging up the phone, someone restored the original version of this video, and the picture was clearer: In the video, Madam Gu asked Gu Ye with a smile, Gu Ye smiled and said a few words, and Madam Gu happily filmed Gu Ye said another sentence on the shoulder. From the expressions of the mothers, it was not a beating, but a joke.

Those who cursed Mrs. Gu were dumbfounded, and the audience was excited: the reverse was reversed! I like the reversal melon! Slap on your face!

Immediately after that, another video was put on the Internet. This was a video found in the surveillance in front of the school. In addition to restoring the original version, it was lengthened a lot before and after. After Gu Ye's college entrance examination was over, his mother was like an ordinary parent, waiting for him at the school gate under the scorching sun. After I came out, I looked at my mouth. It was obvious that when I asked my son how he was doing in the exam, the two of them made a joke and got into the car holding hands.

The person who started to scold the rumors for Mrs. Gu's posthumous photos, bought the wreath and stood at the gate of Gu's property, holding the wreath and being watched by passers-by like a fool. The fire turned to the rumors.

The person who called the emperor University got stuck in the middle of the call. The reversal was too fast, and it made people feel unprepared.

The naval forces raised by Gu Lin's company were also on the scene at this time, and one of them was counted as one, one by one, and the curse was terrible! Do you dare to post the photo, I dare, I can still fancy p, make a mass grave for the keyboard spray, a tooth for a tooth!

The teachers at Gu Ye School were also speechless, "How come young people are so hostile now? When the facts are in front of them, they are dumbfounded."

"It's a partial generality, one leaf is blind, and a bloody but no brain. It is always used by others, probably because it is still young. The bad guys use children of this age."

"Because the law can't control them for the time being, the rumors will definitely be arrested, but this group of scolding angry youths has no one to control. They will dare to do this next time."

After several old professors finished speaking, they looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. The current situation in society is now, and it may change in the future, but it will take time.

An online violence that lasted for a day, because the Gu family had the money to hire someone to find evidence, found a skilled person to restore the video, and found the original video at the school gate a few months ago, so it was reversed that night. Many people on the Internet are lamenting that this turned out to be a misunderstanding and it was too boring. The rest is to blame and spread rumors is not people, scumbags harm the society, it is better to die, or the same way of killing people. As for the apology to the victim, Mrs. Gu, very few.

The person who caused this farce is also scared. He filmed this video at the beginning, and deliberately changed it to look like this, because now that Mrs. Gu and Gu Ye are on the Internet, he wants to absorb some traffic and win the public's attention. And then opened a gossip studio in the entertainment circle to take photos of the private lives of celebrities. It is said that after being photographed, the celebrity will spend a high price to buy the black material, which can make a lot of money. He did not expect that he almost killed his life.

Thinking that the Gu family is so rich, what if you send someone to investigate him and retaliate against him? In order not to leave any evidence, he deleted the Weibo in fear and cancelled his Weibo account. Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, the police came to the door.

"What did I do? Why do you arrest me? I didn't do anything! How can you arrest people casually? I want to expose you knowing and breaking the law on the Internet!" This person still yelled so badly that you can't catch me at all. Look like! The police didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so they slid into the police car and took them away. I really don't know which idiot told this mentally retarded person, and the police can't find out who he is after deleting the rumors online.

This incident was originally thought to be over when the rumor makers were arrested. Unexpectedly, Gu Ye posted a small Weibo video that night, pushing the incident to another climax.

The video was shot under dim lighting, not the warm color of normal people, but a weird reddish color. On a large table was a fierce deity, with an incense burner and offerings in front, and beside it was hung incomprehensible charms.

Gu Ye stood in this weird environment with a smile on his face, facing the camera, and sneered: "Whoever forced my mother to die today, quickly apologize to my mother, otherwise, the ghost knows what will happen."

Everyone was frightened as soon as this Weibo appeared, because not only was Gu Ye's battle too scary, they also saw a clear shadow in the

corner behind Gu Ye, a woman in red! That woman has only the upper body! No legs! No legs! !

The netizen who had just been quiet suddenly exploded: Sorry! I admit it! I'm wrong! I can't afford it!

I'm sorry I'm sorry I will never scold people without asking the facts again! Take back your formation quickly! Take that female ghost back!

That woman, ah, ah, ah, it's a ghost, it's a ghost! Gu Ye will recruit ghosts!

It is indeed wrong to force people to die, but is it too much for you to frighten people like this?

At first glance, it is p, pretending to be a ghost! She's not dead, why should she apologize? If ugly people make trouble, your mother is worthy

It's like someone whose mother's life is worthless. This is a suicide being discovered. What if it is not discovered? Is it the same as the family of three who were forced to death by online violence a few days ago?

Just talk casually. Who wouldn't say the three words "hurry up and die"? She is not dead, why should she apologize? This is absolutely false!

Do you apologize if someone dies? Are there few people killed by online violence? It's a pleasure to make people go to death with a

finger. Have you ever thought that so many people's vicious words are pressed on a person, what would this person think?

Stupid, hurry up and apologize. I was told by Gu Ye before that anyone who scolded his family for death and his account book would hit a ghost when he went out. Someone really hit a ghost!

Fuck! real or fake! So evil? !

Is this still false? Post it! He is just a word that broke a wealthy Gu Ye!

Recently, Dingnan Entertainment also had an accident. The celebrity is either taking drugs or cheating. If he can really pinch it, what does it mean to recruit ghosts? Apologize if you don't want to hit the ghost!

Apologize! Apologize to the victims of online violence! Don't you apologize, aren't you afraid of a ghost knocking on the door in the middle of the night?


Frightened by Gu Yeyi, coupled with pressure from people who can't stand on the Internet, those who apologized, whether they were sincere or not, lined up to apologize. Occasionally, a few people who wanted to quibble were turned into dogs by just netizens and apologized.

Gu Ye looked at the keyboard sprayers coldly and apologized. He picked up the snow rice crackers enshrined on the table, opened the package and took a bite. It was crunchy and crunchy. He said to the

portrait of Hades: "Others worship gods and I worship ghosts. Look at the world with your eyes wide open, whoever is the bastard, you will take him away."

Gu Ye left after speaking. Sister Hongdou hurriedly took another piece of rice cakes to make up. She apologized and worshipped the statue. She was worried about the owner who had no rules.

Overnight, screenshots of Gu Yebai's altar forcing the keyboard man to apologize were uploaded all over the Internet, and Gu Ye's skills became more and more mysterious on the Internet. Someone really asked him to fortune.

Help: Master, can you help me see my marriage?

Master Gu! Can you help me see the picture?

Master Gu! I think my house is haunted, and there is breathing under my bed! Help!


Gu Ye took a look in the morning and replied casually: Do you give me money?

Netizen: Gu San, are you short of money? !

Gu Ye: There is no money to avoid talking about the rules of our industry.

Netizen: here! I give money!

Gu Ye: I'm sorry, I will have military training tomorrow, and I am not in a good mood now. Let's talk about it when I come back tonight.

Netizens: ...


As soon as Gu Ye arrived at the school, he found a lot of Zhao Pengyu who was secretly watching him, sitting in the third row, beckoning: "Gu Ye! Here!"

The corner of Gu Ye's mouth twitched, and he walked over calmly, Zhao Pengyu asked with a smirk: "Man, you did a great job last night!"

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, "It's okay, but unfortunately, I apologized."

The classmates around him looked regretful when they heard him, and couldn't help but look at him more. From this look, they felt that they were thinking too much. The person involved had nothing to do, and seemed to be in a good mood. The boy in front of Gu Ye couldn't help but turn his head and asked in a low voice, "Gu Ye, are you really going to recruit ghosts?"

Gu Ye smiled, and said with a good temper: "Where is there any ghost in this world? Ghosts are born in people's hearts. Don't do bad things, there will never be ghosts."

People around me think that what Gu Ye said is very reasonable. They are all highly educated academic tyrants, and they don't believe in ghosts and gods. "I see, you used their guilty conscience to frighten them deliberately, right? Too relieved!"

"That p picture is so horrible! Did you do it yourself?"

"Gu Ye, why did you miss the college entrance examination by one point? That's awesome!"

As soon as I saw Gu Ye, he was not as cold as he had imagined. The classmates around him quietly talked to him. Gu Ye put his chin on, chatting with anyone, and soon became familiar.

"Gu Ye is not cold at all, who says he is not easy to talk to?"

"When he smiles, his eyes are bent, so beautiful!"

"I have a really good temper, I speak straightforwardly, and I will scold people hahaha~ but I am not rude at all."

"I wanted to sign an autograph with him, but he was dumbfounded and said that he was not a celebrity, so why did he sign it? The surprised expression is so cute!"


After class, a group of girls chatted and went to the cafeteria to eat. An inconspicuously dressed girl, holding a textbook, lowered her head and quietly followed them behind. Hearing them praise Gu Ye, pursing their lips, chuckled.

The girl in front looked back suspiciously, a bit of disgust appeared in her eyes, "Li Jiatong, you are scary like this, OK?"

"Yes, I was really surprised by you at night like this!"

"I'm sorry!" The girl hurriedly apologized, and after two steps, she hid away.

"Who is she? Do you know?"

"Well, she used to be from a school. She was timid and soft-headed. She believed everything that others said. She usually studies well and has good exam results. She often gets scholarships and can pay the tuition by herself, but she has no confidence. I heard," the girl looked around and whispered in a low voice: "She was adopted by her parents without children. Later, her parents gave birth to a girl who was very good and beautiful since she was a child. She was called to be a servant by the whole family since she was a child, and it may be that she has suffered too many blows to become so confident. Several girls sympathetically looked at Li Jiatong, who was walking with his head down in the distance, "It's so pitiful."

"Yes, the position at home is too awkward."

Li Jiatong took out her mobile phone again. She took another back view of Gu Ye in the corner of the last row in the morning. Compared with the one taken last time, it looked mature and taller, making it more and more people. Can't remove eyes.

Gu Ye, who had just left the classroom, felt cold all over, shivering. Zhao Pengyu ridiculed: "What's wrong? The female ghost sister missed you?"

Xia Xiang punched Zhao Pengyu on the waist, "Shut up! Don't mention that word!"

Gu Ye frowned and couldn't touch his head. "I feel like a pair of eyes are staring at me. That feeling... is very depressing."

Xia Xiang earnestly said: "I didn't see anything. Besides, it's daytime now."

"Forget it, you can't figure it out. Soldiers will stop you, and the water will cover it." Gu Ye gave up without thinking about it. The three of them went to the cafeteria for dinner. Xia Xiang checked on the school's website. The food in cafeteria 2 was made. The most delicious. Gu Ye ordered four meat dishes and a bowl of rice, which was obviously larger than Zhao Pengyu's.

Zhao Pengyu was dissatisfied, "Why are you all meat on the plate?"

"It's not that you can't eat meat, why do you want to eat vegetables? It's not a rabbit."

"No! They are all braised pork ribs. You have eight pieces, but I only have five pieces."

Gu Ye gave a "tsk", "It's probably because you look ugly. Auntie thinks you have hot eyes."

Zhao Pengyu angrily robbed him for meat. Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, took a video, and sent it to Yu Ze. While eating, he asked in voice: "Mr. Yu, your nephew grabbed my food, do you need me to be your nephew?"

Zhao Pengyu just stuffed a piece of ribs in his mouth, and raised his head in shock when he heard this: "Fuck! Your eyes are too small, complain!"

At this time, Gu Ye's phone vibrated, and Yu Ze replied: hit him.

Gu Ye smiled and showed Zhao Pengyu: "Your brother-in-law asked me to take care of the child for him, hurry up and call him father!"

Zhao Pengyu snatched the phone over, just when Gu Ye's phone had a black screen, he clicked it. Unexpectedly, when the screen turned on, Zhao Pengyu was stunned when he saw the person on the screensaver.

"What's the matter?" Gu Ye took the phone back and saw Yu Ze's handsome face, Gu Ye's mouth hooked up subconsciously, leaning the phone against the drink, looking at Yu Ze, feeling that he could still eat more. rice.

"Gu Ye, what's the relationship between you and my brother-in-law?" Zhao Pengyu looked at Gu Ye with complicated eyes and asked tentatively.

"What's the relationship? Friends, what else." Gu Ye was eating and he didn't know why.

"But why do you use his photos as screensavers? This is his office, right? My brother-in-law has never seen me with such tender eyes. You two have such a good relationship in private?"

Gu Ye smiled and glanced at Yu Ze's eyes subconsciously, as if... really soft. When Yu Ze looked at him, he couldn't understand from the strange defense at the beginning, to the appreciation later, and now.

"Probably it's a match, and he is good-looking." Gu Ye said with a grin, "I like to watch high-value ones. What's wrong with doing screensavers?"

Zhao Pengyu frowned, "The celebrities are so much better, why don't you use them?"

Gu Ye rolled his eyes, "Are you stupid, because he looks better than a star!"

Zhao Pengyu was speechless, he could not refute this reason.

Gu Ye turned on the screen again, staring at Yu Ze for five seconds, and sighed in his heart: If one day he couldn't help taking Yu Ze home to be his wife, he must have been attracted by the beauty of the other party. Unfortunately, there is a red line on the opponent, and I don't know which little fairy is cheaper.


Gu Ye returned home in the evening with his military uniform, cut a watermelon, and ate it boredly on Weibo to see what happened to Dingnan Entertainment.

He also didn't expect that he was just a Weibo account registered at random, and he already had 20,000 fans, and many people left him a message: How much does it cost?

Gu Ye eats and has fun, does business still do this?

He replied: Three hexagrams a day, one hexagram 1,000, the settlement is now calculated.

Netizens all complain: it's too expensive! You are stealing money!

Gu Ye spit out two watermelon seeds: (ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~ Does love count!

Netizens are hesitant. They want to fortune because they are curious about this, and join in the fun. It is better to have a good meal with a thousand dollars. Just as everyone retreated, a netizen named "Spicy Crayfish" jumped out: I count! Do you just give me money? Do you dare to count public figures?

Gu Ye: If you dare to post, I dare to count.

The person immediately sent two pictures: I will give you money in a private chat, so please pick one first! (Be careful.jpg)

Gu Ye saw who these two people were, and spit out a watermelon seed from the corner of his mouth, and replied: Enough!

Of these two people, one is the younger generation leader in today's business world, heir to the Yu family, Yu Ze. One is the entrepreneur who created an era, Gu Ye's father and Gu Decheng.

These two are too familiar, who to pick?

Chapter 45 Isn't Mr. Yu Always Bad?

After Gu Ye finished eating the piece of watermelon in his hand, he hesitated for a while between the two of them, and replied: I choose Yucho and give it to my father. You have never seen how deterrent his golf clubs are!

Netizens were all teased in a row hahaha: the same world, the same dad, it turns out that Dad Gu also beats his son!

I remembered that when I was a child, I didn't want to go to school and was chased by my dad for two kilometers with a stick. Is there any psychological shadow?


Netizens began to talk about the tragic past that he was cheated by his father. Gu Ye wiped his hands with a wet tissue and began to type: Yu Ze, born in a scholarly family, received strict education since childhood, graduated from a world-class famous university, the youngest Doctor of Finance, now a leader of the younger generation in the business world. In three years, he promoted the domestic electronics industry to the world and became the youngest and most promising entrepreneur on the Forbes rich list.

You already know these things, so I won't say more about it, I will count it for the future. Yu Zeming has no queen in his life, rich in life, few bumps, and he can be described as the son of destiny. If he was born in ancient times, it would definitely be the fate of the emperor. Even in contemporary times, he will become the top existence of that industry in whatever he does, not only his fate, but also his ability. He is a born leader and will stand at the top of his life. Some people may not believe in fate, but I want to say that he is God's own son. If you want to calculate him because of his youth, you have to weigh whether God will take your life back.

Gu Ye sent it down, and netizens complained: Are you crazy if you say he is gone!

Yes, do you know how many people want to marry Yu Ze? Which can't give birth? !

Even if it is sick, now that medical skills are so advanced, it is not easy to get a baby? How can there be no future?

Master Gu, are you not afraid that Mr. Yu will come to you? No end! You dare to say it!

The old saying goes, "There are three unfilial piety, and the last is the greatest." Master Gu, your mouth is going to cause trouble!

I wonder who is Yu Ze's wife, why can't I have children? Now that the medical skills are so advanced, test-tube babies can also be used. Yu Ze is so rich and wants to give birth to a few.

I don't feel like he is worthy of him. The celebrities have good looks, but they don't seem to match his temperament. I haven't seen him gossip with any woman for so long.

Haven't had scandals...you like men?

It's impossible, he has never had a scandal with a man!

He is the only man in the Yu family. If he is with a man, his father will not be angry?

Could it be that he can't?

Fuck, buddy, you dare to say than Master Gu!

what! Put incense on this buddy and go well~


Gu Ye was speechless when he saw this place. To be honest, if you don't believe it, he really has no queen. The magic is here. There is a marriage line and no queen! He also wondered, why? Do you really like men?

Fuck! Gu Ye slapped his thigh with excitement, and he instantly reacted. Yes, if Yu Ze likes men, he can perfectly explain that he has marriage lines but no offspring!

As soon as this idea came up, Gu Ye's phone buzzed.

Yu Ze: I heard, did you calculate it for me?

Gu Ye was shocked, this news is too fast! He cautiously replied: Don't be angry, I'm telling the truth.

Yu Ze: I have no queen, some people say I can't?

Gu Ye twitched his mouth, and replied silently: There is only one who said that, and no one believes it yet. Don't be familiar with him. Netizens just say it casually.

After several minutes of posting, Yu Ze did not reply.

Gu Ye asked uncertainly: Are you really angry? I'm not to blame! I'm not talking nonsense!

Yu Select still does not reply.

Gu Ye couldn't help himself. Is this really true? He posted another: They talk nonsense! I believe you, it's not your problem! I will look at the picture, I can tell if I'm sick!

Yu Select second reply this time: Um.

Gu Ye Fue, why should he be more serious on this issue? Not childish!

Yu Ze: Do you still adapt in school?

The topic was finally normal, and Gu Ye replied: It will take half a month to start military training tomorrow.

Yu Ze: When are you free, I will visit you.

Gu Ye: It's too much trouble to drive for an hour and a half.

Yu Ze: No trouble, go to get off work early and have a meal together.

Gu Ye: Okay, let me tell you then.

Yu Ze: Give me your address.

Gu Ye sent the address without thinking about it. The two chatted for a while, and it was ten o'clock unknowingly. Gu Ye looked at his

watch and replied: I won't tell you, I'm going to sleep, and I'll have military training tomorrow.

Yu Ze: Pay attention to heatstroke prevention, good night.

Gu Ye's mouth twitched, thinking that Yu Ze's cold and quiet temperament would have been able to talk to him for so long, and he could still say good night to him, and probably no one would believe it. However, it is really heartwarming.


Freshmen in all major campuses started military training. Gu Ye was wearing camouflage, and found Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang in a group of fan eggs. The three of them were happily at each other and all smirked, "The instructor is not allowed to bring a mobile phone. Okay, take a picture and keep it, and look at it in half a month. It's definitely not a color number."

"Gu Ye! Look here!"

Gu Ye heard someone shouting, and turned his head subconsciously. Several senior sisters who were holding umbrellas and eating popsicles were looking at him. Gu Ye waved his hand helplessly, and smiled at them, "Pat me interesting?"

"Yes!" Several girls were laughing. At this moment, I heard someone shouting from a group of fascinating eggs next to him: "Gu Ye! Which one is Gu Ye?"

Gu Yefufu said, "Am I so famous? My mother must be happy to cry if she knows it."

Zhao Pengyu gloated and laughed. As he said, Gu Ye felt that very depressed feeling again. He sensitively followed that direction and looked for a maze of Easter eggs, unable to tell who was who. Gu Ye's shoulders fell, where are those eyes peeping at him?

"Lined up!" Zhao Pengyu took Gu Ye and pushed Xia Xiang to the front, causing Xia Xiang to roll his eyes, feeling discriminated against by the taller.

After the training on the first day, a series of titles such as "The Most Handsome Boy in Military Training", "Military Training Photos of the Tenderest School Grass of the Emperor", and "Military Training Videos of the Three Young Masters of the Gu Family" were posted online. There are seniors from the school's journalism department. The most frightening thing is that there are reporters from Xuezi.com. Gu Ye collapsed, "I don't want to be lazy! I'm sick, why do you shoot me?!"

Zhao Pengyu was also not happy, "Stand with you and be photographed together, I can't be lazy, huh!"

Zhao Pengyu looked around and took out his phone secretly, "Don't use them, let's take pictures by ourselves!"

The good baby Xia Xiang was taken aback, "You were a dead man, but it was found and confiscated for you!"

"Shhh! Don't talk!" Zhao Pengyu took a photo of sitting on the grass with Gu Ye and Xia Xiang resting. The screen was full of his sunny and handsome face and Xia Xiang's helpless face, with Gu in the middle. Ye was very obviously disgusted with his face, he didn't care too much, and he sent the circle of friends happily: There is only one word for handsome and he will never explain.

Not long after it was sent out, Zhao Pengyu discovered something that shocked him, "Fuck! Today's sun is setting from the north, and my brother-in-law gave me a thumbs up! It's terrible!"

The corners of Gu Ye's mouth moved, and he was embarrassed to say that Yu Ze's hand was fast, and everything he posted was like the first time. What's the fuss about this?

Looking at the instructor, Zhao Pengyu put the phone in his pocket blankly and secretly hid it, as if nothing had happened before, Action Six!

In the evening, as soon as Gu Ye arrived at the gate of the community, he saw a young man wearing a suit and holding a large box walking towards him, "Master Gu, hello, Mr. Yu asked me to give you something."

Gu Ye blinked in doubt, "Yu Ze? What are you giving me?"

The young man put the box on the ground and opened it to see that it was all snacks, "This is at noon, when President Yu came back from a meeting and passed the snack street and bought it himself."

"He bought it personally?" Gu Ye felt warm in his heart. He couldn't tell what it was like. Looking at this big box, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

The young man sent the things to Gu Ye and left without stopping for a minute. Gu Ye pursed his mouth and sent a message to Yu Ze in a complicated mood: Thank you, I received the snacks, enough for me to eat for half a month. I took a look and found that they are all my favorites. How do you know what snacks I like?

Yu Ze: I asked your brother.

Gu Ye lost a smile, the fourth child was naive, and others asked him, this silly boy! Yu Ze, too, went to inquire about this little matter. He tentatively asked: Does Zhao Pengyu have it?

Yu Ze: He has grown up and doesn't need it.

Gu Ye hesitated: I have grown up too.

Yu Ze: You are different.

Speaking of this, even if Gu Ye is slow in this respect, he is still sensitive to the feeling that Yu Ze is really different to him from others. Looking at the pile of snacks quietly, Gu Ye was stunned for a while, then suddenly smiled, "God, are you serious about this arrangement?"


The military training is that the freshman year is struggling to rain, and the sophomore seniors and sisters also look forward to the special day of rain, because the freshman feels that it rains and there is no need to train, the sophomore all look forward to seeing Tangji. After half a month of hard training, God was not merciful at all, and it didn't rain a single drop. He stared at the freshman child into a pile of briquettes wrapped in camouflage.

Gu Ye is an exception in this pile of briquettes. The comparative photos before and after his military training were released on the Internet. The editor wailed: He didn't slacken for a minute, from the beginning to the end, there was no black! It's not dark! !

Netizens shouted happily: Ah, ah, my boyfriend is so handsome!

My boyfriend is a man riding a sunny rainbow white horse and conquering the universe every minute. What is the sun? Tan is fresh! @顾叶

Oops! During their military training, we held parasols, ate popsicles and drank soda every day, and went to watch them. As a result, he was not black. I was black @顾叶, the next half of my life, you can figure it out!

Hahaha The one next to him is his good friend. They didn't have so much difference in skin color before. Now, hahahaha hard-boiled eggs and braised eggs! @顾叶


Gu Ye found a lot of people Aite him, took a look at Weibo, and silently forwarded it: When did I leave the order? When did the fans grow to 60,000? Why don't I know?

Fans: It's not important, the important thing is why don't you get tan?

Gu Ye was speechless, how did he know? He is not a medical student! At this moment, Gu Ye received a private message: Master Gu, save me, there is something to kill me! There is really something to kill me!

Gu Ye calmly replied: Don't worry, send a selfie, show your face, don't use filters.

The other party quickly sent him a picture of a middle-aged man with a yellow face and a tired face.

After reading it, Gu Ye frowned: Filling up the warehouse is black, and the green covers the corners. This is a face that is bound to die. Fortunately, there is white in the green, and you still have to save. However, you are indeed in trouble.

The other party collapsed and said: I have been very unlucky lately. There are people walking around in the middle of the night, and there are often strange noises. There are cyan fingerprints on the neck. Someone pushed me off the bed when I was sleeping, and my head was bleeding. Someone wants to kill me, really wants to kill me! I have asked many people for help. They didn't believe it, and the police didn't believe it. I can't help it!

Gu Ye: How much do you make a month?

The other party: up to 6,000 yuan.

Gu Ye: Give me one month's salary, and save you now, leave the address, and you will be reimbursed for the round trip fare.

Write down the address, and after logging out of Weibo, Gu Ye sent a message to Xie Cheng: I have a sale of 3,000 yuan that I want to do with you. It's on the fifth ring of the imperial capital. Will you go?

Jie Cheng seconds back: Go! Good friends take me to fly! !

Gu Ye was amused, and agreed with the other party on the meeting place, and set off now, and this person will get cold later.

When Gu Ye arrived at the agreed address, Xie Cheng had arrived. He was standing under the street lamp with a backpack. His yellow hair had been dyed back to black. He was wearing a black round neck Tshirt, jeans and white sneakers. Like a baby, it was several years younger at once.

As soon as Gu Ye got out of the taxi, Xie Cheng happily waved his hand, "It is said that taking a taxi is not as good as taking the subway. Rich people usually get stuck in traffic."

Gu Ye lost a smile, and didn't worry too much about this issue, and asked him curiously: "Why do you dress so...behave?"

When it comes to this, Xie Cheng collapsed and covered his face, crying without tears: "My master said that my yellow hair is not serious, and he will shave me bald if he is not serious."

"Hahaha~~" Gu Ye imagined Xie Cheng becoming bald. He couldn't smile, and Xie Cheng was tired and didn't want to talk.

This community has been watching for some years, and the distance between the buildings inside is not very large. The guards at the door are all uncles, all sitting in the guard room drinking tea and chatting. Seeing Gu Ye and Xie Cheng, two young people who didn't look like bad boys, they went in without asking.

Xie Cheng said as he walked: "This community has been around for at least 20 years. I just inquired about it. It is usually filled with out-oftown workers who rent houses. Not far from here is the economic development zone. There are more factories. So here There is a lot of traffic, and there are everywhere, with mixed air currents."

Gu Ye nodded, "The more this kind of place is, the easier it is to hide dirt and dirt. Be careful today. Don't take the dog the first time you form a team. I can't explain it to your master."

Xie Cheng said coldly, "Don't worry, my master said I can live to ninety-nine."

Gu Ye Fu'e, mother, will help this poor man for more than 70 years!

The two went up to the second floor together and knocked on the door of the room. After a while, the middle-aged man in the photo

opened the door. Seeing Gu Ye still carrying a helper, the middle-aged man was taken aback.

"You are Shao Dayong, I am Gu Ye."

Shao Dayong quickly stepped aside, "Two masters please come in!"

Gu Ye went in first, and at a glance he saw another young man sitting on the half-old sofa. He was 1.8 meters tall. He was neither fat nor thin. He was not particularly good-looking, but he was better than his facial features and no evil. From the looks of it, the temper is a bit smooth.

Gu Ye frowned, "Are you the anchor?"

The man was stunned, "How do you know?"

Shao Dayong hurriedly explained: "I asked for help online, no one believed me, only he believed what I said. It was a coincidence to come and have a look at my house."

The young man stood up, looked at Gu Ye, and said in surprise: "I am a supernatural anchor, my real name is Wang Xueliang, and the live broadcast is called Wang Daudao. I didn't expect to meet you. It was a coincidence."

Gu Ye's face eased, and he asked with a serious face: "If you live broadcast, do you want to take us in for a while?"

Wang asked boldly, "Do you mind?"

Gu Ye shook his head, "I don't mind, but you have to give us a commission."

Wang Bold bold obviously did not expect Gu Ye to ask him for money, and asked in astonishment: "Are you short of this money?"

Gu Ye spread his hands: "I'm short of it, my father's money is not mine."

Jie admitted that he really nodded, "Yes, I am also very poor."

Wang boldly estimated how much money Gu Ye could make after entering the country, and he agreed with heartbeat. Directly posted on Weibo: Netizens' homes are haunted, I came to see the situation, but I didn't expect to meet Gu Ye. Really handsome! I want to shoot him into the live broadcast room! Live now!

Gu Ye tickled the corner of his mouth, "Are you going to have trouble with the young man? Today's reward is three, three, four, four, three of us, or I will drive you away."

Wang boldly smiled awkwardly, and sure enough, the rich second generation's money is not easy to make.

Gu Ye only started to look at the furnishings in the room. They were all semi-old furniture. Judging from the aura, this eldest brother has lived here for a long time. All the furnishings show that this is an

ordinary family, and this eldest brother She is unmarried and lives by herself.

After reading it, Gu Ye asked, "How many months has your mother passed away?"

Shao Dayong was stunned, "For three months, can this also be seen?"

Gu Ye looked at his face, "Your parents divorced early. When you were young, you should have been rebellious and disobedient. After a few years in jail, after you came out, you changed your mind and opened a small noodle restaurant. The business was good. Look at your complexion, the white aura is hidden. Inside the skin, they are scattered like spots and not gathered, and there must be a parent's death in the family." Gu Ye looked at the window, and Jiecheng glanced at each other. Jiecheng knew, and closed the window. Gu Ye said lightly: "Your mother is the one who died."

Shao Dayong looked at Gu Ye excitedly, like a life-saving Bodhisattva, "Yes, it's all right! Master Gu, you have to save me! I was a bit of a bastard when I was young, but I also made atonement back then. It's changed, I didn't do evil."

Gu Ye smiled, "I know, since I'm here, I will save you. If you are a bastard, I won't come for any money."

Shao Dayong only breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't know if it was an illusion. Since closing the windows, the temperature in the entire room seemed to have dropped, and there was a slight chill. It is already past nine o'clock in the evening, and the street lights in the

community have poor contact, flickering and flickering, and the environment seems a little gloomy inexplicably.

At this time, anchor Wang Daudao quietly moved behind Gu Ye.

Gu Ye looked back at the other person disgustingly, "You are such a big man and are so courageous?"

Wang Boldly smiled embarrassedly, holding his mobile phone while broadcasting the live broadcast and said: "No, I just feel that the place where I was sitting just now was a bit cold, as if something was looking at me."

Gu Ye looked over. On the TV cabinet, there was a blue doll with big black eyes, a round body and a pointed hat. The light in this living room is yellowing, and it is quietly placed there, giving people a strange feeling inexplicably. Compared with the other things in this room, it is not harmonious.

"When did you buy the tumbler?"

Shao Dayong explained annoyedly: "After my mother passed away, I was taken by my mother since I was a child. When I was young, we had a good relationship, but the family was poor. The two of my mothers had a hard time. My mother bought me a similar doll. Later. When she remarried, I kept complaining about her, and the relationship has always been bad. After she died, I regretted it. When I came back from the funeral, I happened to pass by a second-hand toy store. I saw that this doll was very similar to my childhood toy. I bought it back."

Gu Ye squinted his eyes, "Weird things start from there."

Shao Dayong thought about it, and was suddenly startled, "Yes! Is it my mother? So, it's true that there have been weird things since my mother's death." At this point, Shao Dayong's eyes blushed, "She was sure when she left. I blamed me, blame me, I didn't do my filial piety properly."

"What I saw is different from what you thought." Gu Ye looked at the tumbler with a cold expression. As soon as he wanted to walk over, the blue tumbler turned around by himself in full view of the tumbler. Normal people's eyes were indistinguishable, and they looked at Gu Ye coldly.

"Mom!" Wang Bold, standing behind Gu Ye, was so scared that he stepped back several steps, and squatted directly in the corner. He was a live broadcast of spirits. Yes, he often looked for ghosts, but he had never been so weird. The audience used to like to see him suddenly surprised by such a big expression. They had fun from here, but this time they were all scared, and there was a scream in the live broadcast room.

The eyeballs of this doll are the same as those of human beings. No, it should be said that they are the same as those of a dead person. They are completely dead people's eyeballs, so they panic.

"Hahahahahaha..." Suddenly! The doll swayed by itself, and the strange and harsh laughter became clearer and clearer as it swayed back and forth, and its deadly eyeballs blinked in full view.

The people in the live broadcast room were frightened crazy: This is really the fuck! Ah ah ah ah ah! Gu Ye hug me tight! !

Master Gu is about to destroy it! ! Come on! !


Wang Buda has already retracted into the corner, wishing to shrink himself into a 1.8-meter-long mushroom.

Shao Dayong collapsed and hugged his head, "I heard this laughter in the middle of the night. I looked for it, but I couldn't find it. It turned out to be this thing."

Gu Ye glanced at Wang Dabao who was hiding in the corner, "You hide there."

Wang Bold bold did not react, "Huh?"

Xie Cheng also disliked, "You stepped on that aunt's foot, avoid it!"

Wang Budaou's face was immediately frightened, and he ran to the door in a panic, meaning to open the door and run away if he didn't agree with him.

Gu Ye's face was cold, his eyebrows were raised, "If you open the door and let this resentful spirit go out, I will drag your soul out and stuff it into this doll."

"I don't dare!" Wang Budaou regretted immediately, he shouldn't stay, and he wanted to earn more rewards from Gu Ye, but he didn't expect to be so horrified!

Gu Ye walked towards the doll without a trace of fear. He stretched out his hand to grab it. The doll's eyes moved and suddenly flew up. He laughed and threw himself on the ground, Shao Dayong, who was already scared to collapse. People were caught off guard.

Chapter 46 Cute Dolls

He even dared to hurt people under his eyelids. Gu Ye's eyes became cold and his shot was as fast as lightning. He raised his hand and threw a spell.

At this time, Xie Cheng, who was standing by the window, already had the whip in his hand. The two of them shot almost at the same time. The moment the charm was attached to the doll, the whip was wrapped around the doll's neck, and the red line drawn by the cinnabar pen in Gu Ye's hand was also Tie the doll's neck, the two looked at each other, and Gu Ye let go, saying that they didn't cooperate well enough.

Xie Cheng raised his left hand, and the doll steadily fell in his hand, his fingers pinched its neck, he smiled and said, "Don't move."

Turning his head again, looking at the big brother who was attacked, the smile on Xie Cheng's face faded.

In a place where normal people can't see, a gray-haired old man is standing in front of the middle-aged man who is on the ground, looking at him softly, even though the other person is middle-aged, in the eyes of this old man, he still looks like looking a child. What is distressing is that the old man's soul has become transparent, and it is obviously about to disperse.

Gu Ye said faintly: "You have to thank your old mother, she would protect you even if she died. If it weren't for her, you would have been killed by it."

Shao Dayong raised his head in surprise, looked at Gu Ye suspiciously, but didn't understand what he meant.

Xie Cheng pinched the doll, "This is a resentful spirit that absorbs a lot of resentment. It can only survive if it is attached to an object or a person. You buy it back, and naturally it is the goal of its possession. To protect you, your mother's soul It's almost gone. Finally, there is anything else to tell her, hurry up."

Shao Dayong asked in shock: "My mother?"

Gu Ye nodded, "Yes, you were pushed down on the bed, and she was protecting you. You heard the strange noise, and she was helping you to block the resentful spirit. You were pushed down on the stairs, and she was also Protect you. Otherwise, you would have died early."

When Shao Dayong sitting on the ground heard this, he looked at him in a daze. After a while, he suddenly burst into tears, "How hopeless I am to make you miss me when you die?"

The old man had a stunned expression and looked at his son at a loss. His raised hand froze only a few centimeters away from his son, and he dared not fall.

Shao Dayong cried a few times, and said in a disintegrating voice: "Mom! I'm sorry for you! I understand now, I understand, I know how tired you are. I was young and ignorant, just to live a good life. One point, I've done something sneaky and hurt you! I regret why I didn't see you more after I came out? Why didn't I give you the care of you? In the end, what you miss most is my unfilial son!"

Gu Ye listened, and shook his head helplessly. His son wanted to support but the relative was not there, and the world was sad.

"Mom! I miss you..." After roaring, Shao Dayong seemed to lose his strength and said in a low voice, "I really miss you." Following Shao Dayong's last sentence, the old man's face was relieved. He smiled, touched his son's face, and his figure began to disappear.

What else Xie Cheng wanted to say, the old man turned around, looked at him imploringly, and shook his head.

Xie Cheng nodded with a sullen face, watching the old man disappear, and looking at each other with Gu Ye, both of them saw regret in each other's eyes. It was too late to save it. It was a miracle that the soul could persist until now.

Looking at Shao Dayong, who was sitting on the ground crying like a child, the two still followed the old man's opinions and did not tell the truth that the other party was so soulless and could not even

reincarnate. A mother is protecting her child by this time, and doesn't want him to be more guilty. What else can they say?

Xie Cheng took a deep breath, looked at the doll in his hand, and threw it at Gu Ye, disgustingly said, "You handle it!"

Gu Ye caught it, and the baby suddenly laughed "hahaha" again. When she was looking at each other with Gu Ye, a wisp of black smoke came out of her eyes and pounced directly at Gu Ye!

"Tsk!" Gu Ye squinted his eyes, pinched a finger in his hand, flicked his finger, and flicked the black smoke to the top of his head. With a cinnabar pen in his hand, he drew a red thread with aura to bind the black smoke. Cheng Zongzi. Gu Ye fell to the ground with a cold face, and a shoe sole slammed it firmly, "I think you are very upset now, you better be honest."

Everyone in the live broadcast room was blown up by Gu Ye and Xiecheng's actions, especially the last words of Gu Ye. There were people who were immersed in the affairs of Shao Dayong's mother and were a little sad. Now their attention has been completely taken away by Gu Ye , The emotions of the people in the live broadcast room were all ignited, and the comments were swiped like crazy.

handsome! My boyfriend cried me handsome!

Scared me! Really haunted! Not special effects, right? That doll ah ah ah I want to throw away all the dolls in the house!

This special effect is absolutely extinct! From the time the doll flew up to their coordinated action, I was so excited! Gu Ye's hands quickly appeared afterimages in the camera! So handsome! Brother fell in love with him!

Special effects, what a shit! That's a special effect, is it a group acting for the eldest brother who regrets crying? Actress-level acting!

Gu Ye is so handsome! The gas field A burst! Whether it is a ghost or not, there is no need to be afraid of him.

I'm going to be scared to death. It still feels weird to turn on all the lights in the house. Let alone, Gu Ye hug me!

Gouzi! Come and escort!


Gu Ye didn't know that he had inadvertently become fans again, so he looked at the doll seriously, "This doll's eyes seem to be real people."

Xie Cheng also came over and took a look and touched it, "It's true, I have touched the eyes of a dead person, just this feeling."

In the live broadcast room, it quieted down for a second, and was frightened to silence. People...eyeballs...

Gu Ye's face became solemn, "Then, whose grievances did this resentful spirit absorb? I have an ominous premonition."

Xie Cheng understood what Gu Ye meant, "You mean, this is just the beginning?"

Gu Ye nodded, "Shao Dayong, where did you buy this doll?"

Shao Dayong hasn't recovered from the shock of his mother protecting him, wiped his tears and wrote an address to Gu Ye, and Gu Ye patted him on the shoulder, "Sorry! With your mother's love, I will live my life well in the future."

Xie Cheng also patted him on the shoulder, "People have to look forward alive, and your mother can rest assured after you have a good life. Also... Although it is inappropriate to say this at this time, this question is more practical. Don't forget to pay. come."

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry and pulled him, "Let's go!"

When he got here, Wang Bold had been scared into a cold sweat. His live broadcast was really hot. The number of people in the live broadcast room was five times higher than usual. There are three types of messages: Wang Bold, don't persuade, there are no monsters in the world. All you have to do is crack it!

I'm going to eat at Shao Dayong's noodle restaurant, ask for an address!

Licking the screen Gu Ye Shengshi's beauty! He stared at him and completely changed the gentle appearance of the little brother next door. He didn't say much, and was directly fanned by him!

The rewards are several times the usual, and I don't know where so many local tyrants popped out. Of course, there are very few decrypted, trying to use scientific means to explain what happened just now, even his Weibo fans have grown a lot.

Seeing that Gu Ye was going to other places, the matter was not over yet, Wang Boldly looked at the benefits of this live broadcast, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, "I, can I go with you?"

Gu Ye squinted his eyes, "It's okay."

"Bring him back?" Xie Cheng was puzzled, and asked in a low voice, "Take him to make money?"

Gu Ye turned around and said quietly, "It feels useful."

Xie Cheng looked at Wang Daudao again, and his eyes suddenly filled with sympathy.

Gu Ye looked at Wang's bold screen. The live broadcast was over. He reminded: "Today's account is calculated today. Let us settle the money first, or I won't take you tomorrow."

Wang Daudao had a dumbfounded look. For the first time, he saw this kind of innocent and unpretentious second generation who value money so much.

For today's night's reward, the platform deducted more than 40,000, and Gu Ye had to walk more than 24,000. "We don't want that two cents and two cents. We don't know if your live broadcast is daily or monthly. Anyway, it's all into your account. First, transfer money to us from your account."

Gu Ye was quite generous. When Wang boldly transferred money, he wanted to scold him. You have not even let go of a few dollars! Why are you so embarrassed to say so generous?

But seeing that he still has 16 thousand, which is much more than usual by running blindly, Wang Daudao feels comfortable. His kind of supernatural anchor is not the mainstream in the first place, and he is already able to make such a lot of money. This strengthens his determination to continue to follow Gu Ye, "Where are you going tomorrow?"

Gu Ye divided the money into half of Xie Cheng, "Let's find a hotel nearby to stay, and go to this store tomorrow morning. If you want to follow along, please follow."

Xie Cheng was shocked by the "huge amount of wealth" on the bank card, and reacted to Wang Bold's shoulders and enthusiastically dragged it away: "Walk! Let's play together tomorrow. Meeting is fate!"

Gu Ye turned his head and couldn't bear to look directly at this poor man who was captured by money.


Early the next morning, Gu Ye and Xiecheng took Wang Daudao to the small shop that specializes in second-hand toys. The store is not big. Most of the children's toys don't want to play with them. They are still very good. It's a pity to throw them away and get them here. Sell at a low price. Toys can be rented or sold here, and there are still plenty of things.

Gu Ye first took a look at the aura of this small shop, "It's quite normal."

Xie Cheng also nodded, "No evil."

Gu Ye found the boss behind the shelf, "Sister, do you have an impression if you look at this?"

The female boss is almost forty. Gu Ye called her sister. She laughed embarrassedly and said happily: "Oh, your young man's mouth is too sweet. I'll take a look." The boss glanced at the doll and said Resolutely said: "I have seen this doll. I picked it up at the door. It was very good at the time. I guessed the child who didn't want it, so I took care of it and put it on a shelf. The man was bought, and the man cried like a child in his arms. I was deeply impressed."

Gu Ye and Xiecheng glanced at each other, and both of them smiled bitterly. It was obvious that they had thrown it at the door of the store deliberately. How to investigate?

"Oh, yes, there is this one I picked up with this doll, and I haven't sold it." The boss suddenly remembered, ran to the innermost shelf, brought a doll, and gave it to Gu Ye and the others.

As soon as he took it in his hand, Gu Ye felt that this doll also had the same resentment as a tumbler, but this doll was much lighter than this resentful spirit. Gu Ye touched the baby's belly and immediately felt a hard Hard stuff. He also said nothing, "Sister, how much is this doll?"

"You want it? Take it away," the boss said with a smile: "It was picked up by itself, and this doll is not valuable."

Gu Ye still left 20 yuan for the other party, bought the doll, and violently tore open the baby's belly when there was no one.

"Fuck! You are a saboteur!" Xie Cheng leaned in curiously and found something in his stomach. He stretched out two fingers to pinch it out. After seeing what it was, he cursed and stuffed it back again, "Mom beast. Put this stuff in a child's toy! Go to hell when you die! Never live beyond life!"

A piece of human finger bones was stuffed inside, with a soulchanging curse painted on it. The child's heart is pure. If you keep in contact with this doll for a long time, the soul will be sucked away by the soul circle and transferred to another place.

Gu Ye coldly said, "The effect of the eyes should be the same as this human bone. The producer should be a half circle of people, who knows some profound arts, but is not proficient. He doesn't know that eyes are the windows of the soul. It is easy to attract evil. The eyes absorbed the grievances of the deceased, created spiritual consciousness, and became a grieving spirit."

"I know a senior, Master Zuo Yun, she can empathize, let's go to her with these two things."

"No need." Gu Ye looked at Xie Cheng's eyes seriously, "I will."

Xie Cheng asked with a complicated look: "Your master even taught you this?"

Gu Ye smiled and said, "He is afraid that I will suffer, so he teaches everything he can."

"It is also your talent to be able to learn." There is another sentence that Xie Cheng is not embarrassed to say, this master is also ruthless. When this ability is used, it is tantamount to experiencing the death process of the deceased once, the kind of despair that most people can't bear.

"Let's go back to the hotel."

"Me, are you still going?" Wang Boldly heard that it was a bone and a soul-changing curse. He felt that the money this time was not easy to make, and he regretted it.

Gu Ye smiled and squeezed him into the taxi, "It won't work without you today, I'll pinch it, you are of great use."


In the gloomy basement, the girl tied up on the operating table watched the murderer gradually approaching herself with the scalpel, "Don't be afraid, it won't hurt soon." Soft words whispered in her ear,

but the cold scalpel was already attached. Around her neck, panic, helplessness, and deep fear pulled the girl's soul into the abyss. The scalpel pierced the artery, and the bright red blood was drawn away bit by bit. The soul finally escaped from the shackles of the body, but he watched himself being skinned, cut off the muscles, whitened the skeleton, and made into handicrafts. The girl's soul collapsed. Too much torture made her no longer want to see everything in this world. The soul dissipated, but the resentment remained...

After Gu Ye's sympathy was over, his face was pale, his lips trembled, and his head was sweaty.

"Are you okay?" Xie Cheng helped him and posted a spirit gathering talisman, "Slow down first."

Gu Ye slowed down for a while before he said: "The perverted boss killed a girl, and the skeleton was made into an artwork called an angel. These eyes and finger bones belong to that girl. In addition, he also made a girl's skin. Seven human skin dolls!" Gu Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a cold face: "We also have seven rag dolls with a soul-changing curse in our hands. Three children have already died, and their souls are sealed in dolls. This kind of doll will become more spiritual and beautiful as it grows, so it is very expensive to sell. The murderer is the doll maker."

"Sorrowful!" Xie Cheng has already caught the point, "So there are other children with the soul-changing curse in the hands of other children?"

"Yes!" Gu Ye picked up the water, took a sip, and the corners of his mouth curled up, and his voice was cold and said, "You will save the child. I know you have many friends. I will meet the maker."

"No, it's too dangerous, let's go together!"

"Don't worry, I won't be in danger." Gu Ye grabbed Wang Bold, who was crouching on the side and pretending to be mushrooms. "I said you have a great use to follow us today. Look, your chance to show is here!"

Wang Boldly wanted to cry, "Now it is connected with the murder case, it is too exciting, I want to quit."

Gu Ye smiled and said: "You just have to come with me this time, and you will be famous when you come back. Are you going?"



Wang boldly hesitated for a while, and gritted his teeth viciously, "I'll go! People die for money and birds die for food!"

Gu Ye patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I didn't see death on your face, you can't die."

Wang Bold bold then felt relieved. He followed Gu Ye and got into the taxi with his fists clenched.

According to his memory, Gu Ye found the doll-making shop on a commercial street. Several girls were watching in it, hesitating about which baby to take home.

Gu Ye looked at the store door, his eyes cold, and he snorted coldly.

Wang Boldly asked: "Master Gu, are we going in?"

"Of course, your chance is here, let's start the live broadcast."

"Huh? Now?"

"Yes, live it now."

Wang boldly thought about it, and it was right. The opponent would not dare to attack both of them even if he was brutal. He immediately opened the live broadcast room. There were not many people during the day, but he didn't care about it, "Let's go, now I will take everyone to a cute doll shop, let's go in and have a look!"

A tourist complained about him: I don't know the old man, this shop is very famous in the baby circle! The boss's craftsmanship is super good, and all the products are sold out. If you want to make a reservation several months in advance! Seeing that the doll's hair is not, his shop is all dyed with real human hair, and the clothes are only one copy. The golden decorations are not copper-plated, they are really gilded! If you don't have hundreds of thousands of pocket money in your hand, don't go in and make your own humiliation.

There are not many dolls in the store, and they are indeed boutiques. From clothing to makeup, everything is exquisite, and even the accessories on her body can't pick out a flaw.

"You two can take a look first. I can introduce you to the baby." Sitting in front of the counter is a handsome young man with glasses and long hair, about to fall over his shoulders and his face With a gentle smile, the voice is also very nice.

Gu Ye walked around the store, and finally walked to a counter and stopped and looked at a beautiful female doll.

Several girls stared at the doll, "This baby is so beautiful!"

"Yes, it looks good!"

"I really want to take home!"

"Look at the price before you talk."

"Oh, forget it."

Gu Ye squinted his eyes. Normal people's eyes only saw the beautiful and exquisite doll, but they couldn't see the child's desperate soul inside. "Boss!" Gu Ye shouted, "I want your treasure of the town shop."

"Wow!" The several girls looked at the doll enviously, and the more they looked, the more they felt that the soul would be sucked in by her, and they wanted it so much.

The boss put down the book in his hand and walked to Gu Ye slowly. He was slightly startled when he saw Gu Ye's face, and then he calmly looked at his whole body. He helped his glasses to hide the greed in his eyes. Squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "You are so beautiful, especially your eyes, more aura than the doll I made."

Gu Ye curled his lips, gave the other party a face, smiled and warned the other party: "I can live broadcast, don't you sexual harassment."

The tourists in the live broadcast room were also happy: nowadays, good-looking boys are not safe!

I feel that this boss is gay, and Gu San's eyes are not right.

Hahaha, then it's lively, Gu's father will beat the boss to death without explaining!


The boss didn't care about Wang Daudao's live broadcast. He smiled and explained: "I don't mean anything else, but to be honest, your bones, your face, and your hands are all like works of art."

Gu Ye said disgustedly: "Artwork? I don't want to be with the artwork. You should introduce this doll to me."

The boss smiled gently and gracefully introduced: "This doll is my proud work. The twelve joints are connected by elastic bands. Especially her eyes are hand-painted, not the usual glass eyes. I promise. After 10 years, her skin will still maintain the current pearly white luster, and her face will still be ruddy. Even if you don't have time to take care of it, it will not become yellow and loose. Even if you don't put on makeup, she will still keep this look. The more you cultivate, the more spiritual."

Gu Ye pointed to the price, raised his eyebrows and asked, "A price?"

The boss smiled and said: "I did it for two months before making her. Others want 200,000. If you say...180,000, even if you have a good relationship, I hope you will come and patronize."

Gu Ye nodded and took out the card from his wallet, "I want it, wrap it for me, and I want to give it to my mother."

Gu Ye's action, at first glance, is the rich young master in the family, and his 180,000 eyes are not blinking. The boss squinted his eyes, and an unnatural trace of struggle appeared in his eyes. He slowly wrapped the baby and handed the box to Gu Ye. Looking at the hand that Gu Ye stretched over, his fingertips trembled suddenly, and his hesitant eyes suddenly became firm at this moment.

"This is my business card. If it is convenient, you can also leave a contact information. If you don't know how to take care of or how to change clothes in the future, you can bring it directly. I can also provide door-to-door service, but only on Sundays."

Gu Ye smiled and bent his eyes, "It's a coincidence, I only have time on Sunday."

The boss gentleman said: "That's really fate."

"Goodbye, then~" Gu Ye held the box in one hand, and directed a wave with his slender and fair hands. His fair skin was illuminated by the sun, and the whiteness was almost transparent, and the outline resembled a doll placed on a shelf.

The boss looked at Gu Ye's back with scorching eyes, and his eyes were all obsessed. He couldn't help covering his violently undulating chest, trying to contain his urge to rush out now to drag the perfect artwork back, and secretly told himself That is a rich young master with a certain family background, not a little baby who can be hidden casually, once exposed, it will be forever, he has to bear it! The boss took a few steps to recycle the silver counter, took out a bottle of medicine from the drawer, unscrewed the lid tremblingly, poured one out and ate it, closing his eyes for a while before calming himself down.

Thinking of the aura that he had left on the business card to Gu Ye, a bloodthirsty smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Gu Ye took three dolls and took a taxi to the police station. Human skin, human eyes, human bones, plus the video of buying a baby during the live broadcast, the evidence is solid! Looking at the aura on the business card, Gu Ye raised the corners of his mouth with a sneer, thanking the legal society, otherwise it's not always certain who made a doll.

Chapter 47 Went out by myself

Gu Ye put the three dolls on the table, and said solemnly: "I dreamed of a young lady last night. She said that she was killed and made a doll. The bones are still in the basement. I went to the place mentioned by the young lady, but I did not expect to find the doll she was talking about."

The new little policeman looked at Gu Ye with helpless eyes, and even wanted to laugh, so he almost told me that you were going to tease me.

Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Gu Ye pulled the doll's stomach apart again, took out a human finger bone from it, and handed it to the other party blankly: "It's human."

The face of the police officer who received him changed in an instant, and he accepted a joke, "This is a human bone."

Gu Ye pointed to each doll with an innocent face and said, "Miss Sister said, these are her eyes, these are her bones, this is her skin, and several dolls have been sold."

The little policeman had changed his face and hurried in with these things. After a while, two people followed him out. When they saw Gu Ye, their expressions were also very subtle, "It's you again."

Gu Ye smiled faintly, and said, "Yes, it's me again."

These two people are the captain and female vice team responsible for the child abduction case, and they are the same Jinghua sister Gu Ye has been calling.

The little policeman has clarified the matter here with the two principals. Gu Ye pointed to the dolls and pointed them out one by one, "This doll was bought by a small noodle shop owner. His house is haunted, so I will collect the doll. "This kind of thing can be found as long as you check it, and Gu Ye didn't hide it, but didn't say in detail, "I have a dream after I brought it back. The victim gave me a dream."

What Gu Ye said was serious, his face was so good that he could not tell a lie, but this reason was really incredible. The two captains looked at each other, and sister Jinghua took all the three dolls away, and told the little policeman with a solemn expression, "Now let's check the texture."

Not long after, the forensic doctor sent the results of the examination, and the results surprised everyone. They were really organs from the same person.

Gu Ye pushed Wang Boldly to the front, "When I was buying this doll, he recorded the video. The boss himself said that he made it by himself. You can watch it."

"Yes, young man, you still know to leave evidence." The captain patted Gu Ye on the shoulder and said encouragingly: "Very smart, worthy of the emperor's academic bully, but in the future, you should not do such dangerous things. Just leave the case and we will handle it."

Gu Ye looked at the doll and reluctantly said, "I bought this doll for 180,000 yuan. This is an invoice. If it is left as evidence, please urge the boss to refund me. If it is not possible, can you return my girl? Give it to me? I want to raise her."

The captain was shocked. I bought a doll for 180,000 yuan. Are the kids crazy now? However, I still have to tell Gu Ye, "I shouldn't be able to return it to you. This must be stored as evidence."

Gu Ye Xinsai, "Then you must pay me back."

"It's not necessarily. There is the skin of the deceased, which is part of the body of the deceased. According to the regulations, we have to return it to the family." The policewoman's sister said sternly: "This girl has been missing for so long and no one has reported it, maybe not. Relatives, I will fight for you and return this doll to you." At this point, the policewoman's sister smiled and persuaded: "Human skin, don't take it back."

"Well, you can do your best. It's important to solve the case." Gu Ye squeezed the baby's face with a smile. The child is so beautiful, he really wants to take it back and raise it. Unfortunately, the most important thing at the moment is to give the deceased justice. .

After leaving the evidence, sister Jinghua personally sent Gu Ye and Wang Boldly out of the police station, tentatively asking: "Gu Ye, how do you know that the victim is in the basement?"

Gu Ye smiled slightly, "Miss Sister gave me a dream. It was in the basement of that store. The store was originally a hospital. The

basement was converted into a warehouse. You can check it. You can definitely find evidence of crime."

The female policeman stared at Gu Ye's eyes probingly with a pair of apricot eyes, as if watching whether he was lying.

Gu Ye smiled helplessly, "Sister, do you think I have something to do with the murderer?"

The female police officer shook her head.

"Then you can just go and pay the deceased to be fair. As for what role I play in it, does it matter?" Gu Ye smiled and said, "The reason why I took a taxi around half of the imperial capital to come to you is to believe Your justice is the same as mine."

The policewoman finally showed a smile, took out a sticky note from her pocket, and wrote a string of phone numbers, "My name is Mu Jingfei, you found those children, and this poor girl, I think you will You find more darkness buried in the ground. In the future, you will look for scum. We are responsible for giving justice to the people. You can call me directly if you have anything."

Gu Ye took it and said with a smile: "Sister Mu is a smart person, and she will contact me often in the future."

Seeing through, let alone breaking through, Mu Jingfei is definitely a smart person. She is not just too small, knows how to be flexible, soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and can carry justice to the end. Gu Ye had already seen from her face that the future of this sister was boundless. Cooperating with her is much more comfortable than

cooperating with a fool who claims to be righteous by the Xuanju Society, and most of all it is justified.

"Also, if you find other dolls, rub this lucky bag on the doll's body, this thing can let the soul rest in peace." Gu Ye handed a red lucky bag to Mu Jingfei and stopped a rental car. Car, waved and left.

Mu Jingfei took a look at the blessing bag with a complicated expression, and put it directly in his pocket without opening it.

After leaving the police station, Wang Daudao let out a long sigh of relief, "It's so exciting! It scared me to death!"

Gu Ye looked at his fingers. I don't know when and where there was a trace of ghost energy. He ran his fingers and gave up when he couldn't remember. He closed his eyes and said lazily: "Soon you will be able to famous."

Wang Bold and doubtful, "Thank you for your good words!" At a crossroads, he should get off the car, smiled and added a friend to Gu Ye, "I hope I can cooperate in the future, just don't be so exciting."

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and waved goodbye.

After Gu Ye returned to his home, Xie Cheng sent him a message: I found someone to test my grievances. Five people ran along the address measured on the compass for a day, and brought back all the dolls, the soul of the child who was still alive. I paid it back.

Gu Ye: Hard work! These dolls are all evidence to this police station.

Xie Cheng replied "Don't worry, everything is in order", and then sent Gu Ye a selfie. Gu Ye was amused when he saw his face: You were caught by the child?

Xie Cheng made a laughing and crying expression: a three-year-old fat man grabbed a handful of it, and he didn't do a good job.

Gu Ye sighed and replied: Doing our business, just ask for a clear conscience.

Xie Cheng sent me a crying expression, and he had already accepted his fate.

Not long after Gu Ye returned home, a piece of news came out on the Internet: The owner of a family doll shop was arrested by the police on suspicion of murder. According to witnesses, a feathered skeleton without hands was found in his basement. It is said that this artwork named "Angel" was exposed on the Internet, and its estimated price was 3.2 million yuan.

Because Gu Ye and Wang Bold bold had visited this store before the boss was arrested, and a grieving spirit was caught during the live broadcast the previous night, many people wondered whether this matter can be linked together? Is it related to Gu Ye? Even if there is no direct evidence, netizens still found clues. The next morning, Gu Ye found out that there were many private messages on Weibo, so he went up and took a look. He was stunned. His fans had grown to 220,000. When did it happen?

A lot of strangers are asking if the deceased he found, have they seen the soul of the deceased? Some brains added hundreds of words to Gu Ye's interaction with Yuan Hun, asking if Gu Ye was real?

Gu Ye was speechless and just wanted to ask: You are so good at brainstorming, why don't you write novels? You have finished writing, what else can I do?

Wang Boldly is also there. Weibo has gotten fans crazy, and the questions he asked left him speechless, asking him whether Gu Ye had accepted him as an apprentice? Catch ghosts together in the future. Wang Daudao had to refute the rumors dumbfoundingly, but seeing this fan's rise, he really complied with Gu Ye's words: He is going to get hot.


Inside the police station.

The owner of the shop is also very famous in the circle. He spread out in the circle as soon as he was arrested. Soon, several of his works were also searched by the police online. For fear of causing panic, he didn't directly say that he was made of human skin. It was for proof, and it will be returned to everyone in the future, so that the other dolls were retrieved.

No one has seen the few dolls that were put together as evidence, and the faint grievances on them all penetrated into the doll that Gu Ye bought. The souls of the children inside have been released by Gu Ye, and the resentful spirits have been eliminated, but the resentment still remains on them. The beautiful puppet sucked the grievances of

several other animals like a bottomless pit. She sat there quietly, staring at the front with a pair of brown eyes. The needles dropped silently around her, and there was no one here. At the place of concern, her neck moved suddenly. After a while, the doll's long eyelashes trembled, and suddenly stood up.

The beautiful palace dress reaches up to the ankles, and a pair of small red leather shoes on the soles of the feet stepped on the table and made a light click. With her movement, the silver curly hair hanging down to the waist also swayed gently, like a flap of wings. Elves. After standing for a few seconds, she lifted her foot, jumped off the table, and walked out of the evidence room step by step.

Mu Jingfei hesitated for a long time, but chose to listen to Gu Ye's words and rubbed this lucky bag on several dolls. After rubbing it, she found that one was missing.

Mu Jingfei frowned and asked the police officer on duty, "Xiao Li, where is that doll? The silver-haired one, the most beautiful one."

Xiao Li looked blank, "I don't know."

Mu Jingfei said angrily: "Go and find, who is so idle and took the evidence away?"


Gu Ye didn't know anything about his "girlfriend" running away. He slept in the afternoon and got up at four to take a shower. Yu Ze had already started to send him a message: I'm off work at five, estimated to be in traffic for half an hour. It's seven o'clock.

Gu Ye wiped his hair and replied: Okay, pay attention to safety.

After a while, Yu Ze asked again: Don't do dangerous things in the future.

Gu Ye grinned: Brother, have you installed a detector on my body?

Yu Ze: No, it was calculated.

Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, and when he came into contact with someone who was too smart, there was a good side and a painful side, and there was nothing to hide from him.

Simply cleaned up the house. When it was almost seven o'clock, Gu Ye left the community in advance. After waiting for two minutes, he saw Yu Ze's car approaching from a distance. Gu Ye beckoned with a complicated mood. Slowly stopped in front of him, the window opened, and Yu Ze actually drove by himself.

Yu Ze picked up the corners of his mouth and said slightly jokingly: "I really don't get a tan."

Gu Ye pulled the corner of his mouth to pull the car door, and sat directly in the co-pilot's seat, wearing a seat belt and asking, "You watch my Weibo again?"

Yu Ze nodded, and said seriously: "I registered an account and I only follow you."

Gu Ye's fingertips trembled, and he bit his head and asked: "You, have you been particularly concerned about people recently?"

Yu Ze said indifferently: "You."

Such blunt words made Gu Ye think of the hexagram of "meeting a destined person". The person he met that day was talking about Yu Ze. Gu Ye couldn't help grasping Yu Ze's wrist, "Palm, show me a look."

Yu Ze is unclear, so, "Look at my palmistry?"

Gu Ye didn't speak in embarrassment. He carefully looked at Yu Ze's palm, and wanted to confirm it.

The corners of Yu Ze's mouth were aroused, and he was in a good mood, "I asked Elder Tang to show me that fate is by my side, and it seems to be going well together."

Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, glanced at his palm secretly, clenched his fists, and put his hands in his pockets, as if...the lines are exactly the same, and a bit smooth. Gu Ye can't hold it anymore, is he such an unreserved person? Impossible, fate is wrong, he will not be confused by the other's face, absolutely not!

Yu Ze watched Gu Ye's face change for a while, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"No," Gu Ye hurriedly shook his head and pointed to the front, "I booked a private room in Baixuan Building. It's quiet there. Let's go eat first."

Yu Ze glanced at him again, but didn't force him to ask, and followed Gu Ye's direction.

When the two of them were eating, Gu Ye said few words unexpectedly. Before they were together, it was Gu Ye talking and Yu Ze listening. He suddenly became uncharacteristically, and Yu Ze sensitively noticed something was wrong, "What's wrong with you?"

Gu Ye smiled awkwardly, "It's okay, just a little tired."

"Go back to rest after eating."

"Well, you came so far, do you want to visit my house?


Gu Ye was silent. I didn't expect Yu Ze to agree so happily, but he couldn't justify not asking anyone to go home and sit down.

After eating enough, Gu Ye brought Yu Ze to his den, and before entering the door solemnly told him: "My house is not as clean as yours. You really wouldn't dislike it, right?"

Yu Ze smiled, "No."

"Then, please come in." Gu Ye opened the door. The living room was actually not dirty. Everything was neatly arranged, but he had used everything. The breath of life was heavy, and there was no Yu Zejia. That clean to chilling breath.

Yu Ze looked at it for a moment, and said seriously: "It's cleaner than imagined."

Gu Ye turned his head dissatisfied and glared at the other person, "What is the image of me in your heart?"

Yu Ze chuckled lightly and didn't reply.

Gu Ye smiled and said, "I was thinking about living outside and going out to do things conveniently. I didn't expect my dad to buy me such a big house. This is a study room. I also put your calligraphy and painting in the study room. It's so handsome!"

Yu Ze showed a bit of disgust on his face and didn't want to look at it.

Gu Ye was amused by the other's expression, "By the way, you are here, so write me one more."

Yu Ze took a step back and obviously refused, even not wanting to enter Gu Ye's study.

"Don't be so stingy! I don't want to sell it." Gu Ye squinted his eyes, and already had a plan in his heart. He pulled Yu Ze's arm and dragged it in without any explanation, and took out a roll of white

paper from the shelf. Paved, "Pen, ink, paper and inkstone are ready for you."

Yu Ze did not take the pen, first asked: "What do you want me to write?"

Gu Ye smiled and put the pen into Yu Ze's hand, "Write that Gu Ye is the head of the family, hold back your words, listen to Gu Ye!"

Yu Ze's face became stiff, and he put down his pen, "Is it necessary to write this?"

"Then leave it alone and write me one."

Yu Ze still felt rejection all over his body.

"Write and write, please, your handwriting is beautiful!" Gu Ye slapped his mouth, and the ecstasy soup poured into Yu Ze's mouth without money, "I'm weak in writing, like a dog crawling, teach me to write!"

Looking at Gu Ye's writing, Yu Ze handed his hand to his eyes. He hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but grabbed Gu Ye's hand. The corner of Gu Ye's mouth twitched and squinted, urging: "You teach me to write, just a few words. After finishing writing, I will cook for you next time. I cook super delicious."

Yu Ze lowered his head slightly and watched Gu Ye's thin back nearly leaning against his chest. At this moment, Gu Ye's raised face, as long

as he lowered his head, he could kiss the smiling lips. Yu Ze's eyes darkened, his face was sullen and he squeezed Gu Ye's hand, holding the table with his left hand, almost half circle of Gu Ye in his arms, and following Gu Ye's temperament, he wrote a line: Gu Ye is the head of the family , Listen to Gu Ye.

After finishing writing, Yu Ze read it by himself, and couldn't help but twitched.

Gu Ye said happily, "Haha" twice, "It's well written, and there must be a signature. Write your name quickly."

Yu Ze let go and sensibly told him that he could not write his name.

Gu Ye "tsk", "You must have a beginning and an end when you do something, how can President Yu give up halfway?" Gu Ye grabbed Yu Ze's hand with one hand, quickly picked up the ink pad with the other hand, and dipped it on Yu Ze's finger. Then both hands vigorously pressed on the white paper.

Yu Ze's fingers trembled, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he looked at his red fingerprints.

Gu Ye looked at the red handprint with black letters on the white paper, picked it up and blew it, his smiling eyes were bent, he praised sincerely: "Mr. Yu, good words, I want to mount it and hang it on the wall. I can find someone who is destined, and when the other party is disobedient, I will let him recite a thousand times."

Yu Ze subconsciously tugged at the neckline, and suddenly felt that the neckline was a little tight, and he was panicked.

Gu Ye calmly observed the other person's expression, and put away the character with a smile, and locked the drawer, and said with a smirk: "This is a baby, don't lose it."

Yu Ze saw that he was like a little fox hiding chicken legs. He shook his head helplessly, and finally a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. His big hand fell on Gu Ye's head and he rubbed it in a fond of him, "It's good to be happy."

The smile on Gu Ye's face paused, and he felt the temperature above his head, and the pampering in the gentle movements that couldn't be ignored, and there was a throbbing in his heart. He looked back at the person behind him, looked at the other person's eyes, and couldn't help but twitch up again: Damn! Looks so good!

The two chatted for a while. Just after nine o'clock, Gu Ye urged Yu Ze to leave, "It's eleven o'clock to go back. It's too late to rest. How can I go to work tomorrow? Let's go."

When a friend came to the house for the first time, he was pushed away by himself. Gu Ye felt that he was no one, but there was nothing he could do. He didn't worry about it when it was too late.

Yu Ze coldly looked at the time, but couldn't help it.

After going downstairs, the two stood under the street lamp, Yu Ze hesitated to say, "You..."


Yu Ze sighed, "Graduate quickly." After speaking, he drove off the car and drove away.

Gu Ye rolled his eyes. Isn't this nonsense? Who wants to go to university again? He had a sea in his heart, and he wanted to go out for a long time!

After Yu Ze left, the ghost flew to Gu Ye in the blink of an eye, "Is something wrong with me?"

Gu Ye watched Yu Ze's car disappear into the darkness, and nodded, "You come back with me to get something."

After returning home, Gu Ye picked up a box from the shelf. After opening it, he picked up a bunch of villains. They were bunched together like a grasshopper. There were about 30 people. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. I have done the ghost servants I told you, and I will burn them for you now. You can sell them."

The ghost will see that every villain contains an incomplete soul, struggling desperately. He nodded, "I understand."

Gu Ye picked up the bunch of villains, pinched them with two fingers, placed them over the brazier, looked at the horrified expression of the soul inside, hooked the corners of his mouth, smiled and released his fingers, "Do something evil. How can you be reborn? After a while, I will send you a companion."

Gu Ye picked up a little man from the box again, and he looked like the boss who was a doll. Gu Ye regretfully said, "It's a pity, it will take a few months to get sentenced."

After the paper was burned, the ghost elder brother took a rope and carried away these unresistible ghost servants like a grasshopper. From a distance, he really looked like a slave owner.

The next morning, when Gu Ye arrived at school, he heard someone gossip: "Have you heard that there was a big kid abduction case solved. Twenty-six shots were killed yesterday! There are also a few who received a suspended death sentence. Too ruthless, killed more than 30 children!"

"This case has always been under investigation, and it was not announced to the public until the sentence was sentenced. This is a wake-up call to the world. This time it is loud enough."

"Deserve it! See who abducts women and children!"

Gu Ye stood by, listening to his classmates' discussions, turning a page calmly.

At this time, Xia Xiang came to look for, "Would you like to join the calligraphy club with me? Zhao Pengyu went to play basketball again. What are you doing here alone? The teacher asked you to be the class leader. You do nothing but study all day long?"

Gu Ye yawned and said lazily, "I am too tired to move."

"If you are not tired from practicing calligraphy, let's go together." Xia Xiang pulled him up, "You have to communicate more with humans."

Gu Ye was amused, saying that he likes to deal with ghosts.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the calligraphy club, Gu Ye's cell phone rang, and he took out his cell phone to see that it turned out to be Mu Jingfei's.

"Hello? Sister Mu, what's the matter with me?" Gu Ye answered, and the other side anxiously said: "Gu Ye! The doll you sent has gone by itself!"

"Huh?" Gu Ye was confused. "I left?" Gu Yele said, "Did you take a taxi? I didn't leave her pocket money."

"I didn't make a joke with you!" Mu Jingfei said solemnly: "I checked the surveillance, and she stood up and walked out. I intercepted a video and posted it on WeChat. Take a look."

The other party hung up the phone, and Gu Ye received his playful thoughts, clicked on WeChat, and looked cold.

The human skin doll he bought jumped off the table full of evidence and looked up at the camera. The bright red mouth raised a weird curve, lifted a small step, and walked out of the room.

"Really, I left by myself..." Gu Ye sent a message to Mu Jingfei with a solemn expression: Don't worry, I will check where she went at night.

At this time, Gu Ye's home was covered with resentful human skin dolls, sitting quietly on Gu Ye's bed, looking at the door motionlessly.

Chapter 48 I want to make them all die

After ten o'clock, Gu Ye went to study at night and walked for ten minutes before returning home. The residence and the school are not far away, but the school is big, and I use my legs everywhere, which is too time-consuming. After entering the community, Gu Ye opened the online shopping mall, bought a bicycle, bought it in the same city, bought it tonight, and delivered it to him tomorrow.

When he arrived at the door of his house, Gu Ye raised his hand and pressed the code lock. As soon as he wanted to push the door, he felt resentment and a little ghost at home. This kind of aura is very strange. If it is a grieving ghost, it must be filled with evil spirits, but Gu Ye did not feel a trace of evil spirits inside. He took out a piece of talisman from his pocket, hid it behind him with two fingers pinched, and slowly opened the door with the other hand.

After I came in, I felt that the grievances in this room were very many and very mixed. Gu Ye was very happy. Could it be that many little ghosts regard his house as a gathering place and meet up in the middle of the night? But this single strand of resentment is not enough to support a little devil's survival in the sun.

At this moment, Gu Ye sensitively noticed that he had a pair of eyes staring at him at the corner of the bedroom door. Gu Ye looked down, and the other side's big round eyes, just like cat eyes, glowed strangely in the dark.

Gu Ye gave a "tsk" without turning on the lights, and walked slowly over, asking, "Let me see, which little cutie is hiding there?"

The door of the bedroom slowly opened by itself. Amid the grievances, a small figure moved out from behind the door, tilted his head, and secretly looked at Gu Ye.

After Gu Ye saw who it was, his eyes widened in surprise, "Why are you?"

The puppet stood motionless at the door, as if there was no life, without responding.

Gu Ye walked over, squatted down, and probed the baby's breath. He became more and more confused. This human skin baby was like a bottomless pit, absorbing all kinds of grievances. It's a pity that what she didn't understand was how to converge into her body. Some of them got out of her body and surrounded her like this, making the whole room full of resentment.

"You learned that Xiaoyu spit bubbles, sucked it in and spit it out." Gu Ye found that she was not malicious, and put away the more lethal talisman in her hand, took out a talisman, and helped her with all the grievances in the house. Enter the body and turn on the light again. At this time, the child was finally able to see clearly. After absorbing the grievances, the skin of the doll was more human-like than before, and

the eyes were no longer so ethereal, and the pupils were slightly deeper, which looked a little strange.

"Can you speak?" Gu Ye asked, but the doll remained silent, staring at Gu Ye as if she was showing him a face.

"Tsk, little dumb." Gu Ye stood up and wanted to get a bottle of drink. As soon as he turned around, his calf was hugged. When Gu Ye lowered his head, he saw the doll tightly around his legs and looked up at him. Gu Ye couldn't figure out what the child thought, but it was determined that this little thing had developed spiritual consciousness, and she had her. My own thoughts are not resentful spirits, nor are they possessed by evil spirits.

Gu Ye hesitated for a moment, bent over to pick her up, went to the refrigerator to get a drink, and then sat on the sofa with one big and one small child. The doll sat motionless again like a lifeless. Gu Ye poked her with a finger, "What is your name? Why did you come to me?"

The doll slowly raised her head, squeezing two words jerky from her throat: "Dad."

The tender voice sounded like a child of two or three years old. Gu Ye was stunned, unable to cry or laugh, "So you came to me?" Gu Ye remembered now, the trace of ghost in his hand. After squeezing the child's face, she might have developed spiritual consciousness at that time and remembered what he said. "Okay, my little princess, this is probably fate." Gu Ye picked up the doll, sat on his lap, and called Mu Jingfei with his mobile phone, "Sister Mu, she didn't lose it, she came to me. "

The person on the other end of the phone took a deep breath for more than ten seconds without saying a word.

Gu Ye smiled, "Yes, she came to me by herself, thinking I am her father."

Mu Jingfei: "...Wait, wait, I wash my face, I need to slow down."

Gu Ye waited for a while and applied for a video call. The other party hesitated for a long time before passing through. Gu Ye pointed the camera at the doll on his lap and said, "Girl, look here."

The obedient puppet raised his head, revealing a greasy little face, and the red mouth hooked up, and he even laughed!

The other side exclaimed, and the phone was hung up in one second.

"Eh?" Gu Ye mumbled dissatisfiedly: "You said so well, why did you hang up suddenly?" He helplessly sent a message to Mu Jingfei: Sister Mu? She has no sense of harm, nor is she a ghost, just a spirit formed by absorbing a lot of grievances. She is very good. Someday you need her to testify, I will send her back, and I will pick her up again when the matter is over.

Mu Jingfei: No need! Those dolls are enough evidence, don't send them back!

Gu Ye is dissatisfied: You refused too quickly, isn't my girl goodlooking?

Mu Jingfei: It looks good! I really don't have to send it back, thank you!

Gu Ye: Well, if evidence is needed, we will work hard to cooperate and firmly support your work.

Mu Jingfei: Thank you for your cooperation!

I don't know why, Gu Ye feels inexplicably that the other party gritted his teeth when he said thank you. He probably thought too much. Looking at the doll on his lap again, he still kept a movement and stared at him. Gu Ye looked at the other person for a while. This looks, tut, really seductive! He drew a tissue from the table, wiped her little red leather shoes, and carried them to the study, "From now on, your name will be Lingling, and this grid belongs to you. If you come from the family, you will sit here. Can you pretend to be a real doll?"

Lingling moved from Gu Ye's arms to the bookshelf, turned his face out, and looked at Gu Ye quietly, just like a normal doll. It proved with actual operation: I can!

"You are too good!" Gu Ye touched her head with relief, and called out Red Bean, "Her IQ is only two or three years old, and she doesn't understand anything. I'll rely on you to teach me in the future, and I will go to sleep."

A good spiritual body can not only wash, cook, run errands, and clean, but also help the owner with the children. Late at night, after

Gu Ye fell asleep, the little doll jumped off the bookshelf, flew to the bed of Gu Ye, stood by Gu Ye's pillow and looked at Gu Ye's sleeping face quietly. After standing for a while, he lay down. Gu Ye was motionless next to his pillow.

The red bean floated over and hugged her back. Within a few minutes, the little doll flew over again and lay on the side of Gu Ye's pillow, kicking his legs, motionless. Hongdou moved her dozens of times in one night, until dawn was almost dawn, she stood up by herself, climbed onto the bookshelf, and sat down.

Red beans: "..."

After Gu Ye woke up, he noticed the ghostly spirit falling on the pillow, and was amused. He smiled and looked at the doll on the bookshelf. The more he looked at it, the more lovely he felt.

The red bean made breakfast and brought it to the table. It turned into a plume of red smoke and plunged into the beads on Gu Ye's wrist. Gu Ye smiled and said, "Thanks for your hard work, are you still going to class with me?"

The red light flashed on the Buddha beads, and Gu Ye knew, "Well, let's go together, girl, you watch TV at home."

After Gu Ye left, the little doll jumped down from the bookshelf and saw a small box on the bottom of the bookshelf as high as her. It was rectangular, closed, and looked like a coffin. She liked this shape inexplicably, so she opened the lid and climbed. Go in and get stunned after lying down. The little doll sat up straight, picked up the thing and looked at it for two minutes. Suddenly, the resentment on

her body broke out uncontrollably, her brown eyes were stained with blood, and she threw the boss-like doll at On the ground, the small leather shoes stepped on, violently stepping the three-dimensional paper man into pieces of paper.

When Gu Ye came back from school at night, he heard movement in the kitchen. Gu Ye hurried over and saw a little man standing on the stove. The water in the pot had already boiled, and he was holding a chopstick in his hand. Poke something in the water. Feeling the ghostly spirit coming from inside, Gu Ye took a look at it in an uneasy way. There was a villain in the pot who had been trampled on, thumping hard in the water, and when he wanted to climb out, Lingling held his chopsticks. Poke it down. The paper man's body is sealed with two souls and three souls, which proves that the man is not dead yet, but the senses are all in the body of this little man. He can really feel what he does here, Lingling is actually boiling the living person in water. ? !

Gu Ye ran over anxiously, "Lingling, where did you catch the person?!"

The puppet turned his face innocently, and still didn't understand why he was scolded. The villain in the water took the opportunity to climb to the edge of the pot, and Lingling turned his head back with a chopstick and poked the paper man down. The paper man struggled happily, his soul was boiled alive, unable to survive or to die. Gu Ye hugged Lingling, rescued the villain, took a look out of his soul, paused, and then stuffed it back blankly.

Gu Ye's face eased, and he said softly, "Lingling, do you hate him very much?"

The doll cleverly nodded his head, picked up the paper man, held his head with one hand, and his leg with the other. As soon as he pulled, Gu Ye heard the screams of torn soul. Gu Ye frowned and was sure that this doll had absorbed a lot of grievances from the dead girl and inherited the hatred of the other party. She bitterly retaliated against the boss, but she didn't know why she hated him.

Lingling rubbed the soul, squeezed it a few more times, looked at the soaked paper man, looked at Gu Ye pitifully, "broken."

Gu Ye lost a smile and went to the study with Lingling, "Well, I'll make a few more for you. Paper can't touch water. Even if you have aura, you can't play like this. Next time you change the way."

Upon hearing that soul, he struggled like crazy, looked at Gu Ye resentfully, and the resentment that rose up was immediately absorbed by Lingling, and was held weakly in the palm of his hand by Lingling, and he didn't even have the strength to struggle.

Gu Ye sneered, "Karma, who is to blame? But Lingling, you can only play with him. Other people's souls cannot be touched without my permission, remember?"

The little puppet nodded obediently, sat on the desk, and looked at Gu Ye as a paper man. When Gu Ye finished one, she picked up the paper, followed Gu Ye's look, and folded it exactly the same.

Gu Ye was surprised and praised: "You are too smart! I will teach you this kind of task in the future. Tomorrow you will help dad fold a hundred at home, OK?"

The little man clapped his hands happily and took the paper again and began to fold it. At this time, Gu Ye's phone vibrated. He gave the paper to Lingling and turned on the phone to see that it was Mu Jingfei's: that boss is crazy, Said that the doll he made is alive, the doll you raised is too evil, so let's send it away.

Gu Ye looked at the soul that was stuffed into the paper man by Lingling with grievances, and replied: It's probably retribution. It's only like doing too many bad things. I don't do bad things and I'm not afraid.


The next day, Gu Ye rode a bicycle to school, but Zhao Pengyu saw him, and he snatched it off halfway, but he did not return the key to Gu Ye. When eating at noon, Zhao Pengyu rode out the bike happily and asked Gu Ye, "Are you sitting behind me or in the basket?"

Gu Ye was shocked by his shame, and wanted to pick up a pebble in the flower bed and pat him on the back of the head!

Xia Xiang ran a few steps to catch up with Gu Ye, and whispered: "Gu Ye, I heard that there is a peculiar website that can help people realize their wishes. Only those who are destined can meet it."

Gu Ye was surprised, "So amazing? Would you like to ask if you can grow ten centimeters taller?"

Xia Xiang glared at him dissatisfiedly, "I don't need it, what is concentrated is the essence!"

Zhao Pengyu rode the bike and turned back, "I need it, I think I'm too short, especially when playing basketball, I can't even touch the basket when I raise my hand."

Xia Xiang choked his neck angrily, "Shut your mouth! Otherwise, choke you to death!"

Zhao Pengyu was stunned, "You are terrible, you weren't like this before, and you broke up with Gu Ye!"

Gu Ye said disgustingly: "Bah! I'm a pacifist, I never beat people."

"Tui!" Xia Xiang faced Zhao Pengyu's face with a mouthful. The short man's resentment for his height is an untouchable bottom line!

Zhao Pengyu wiped the saliva stars on his face, his face almost deformed, "You two are too cruel!"

"Haha!" Xia Xiang sneered, the baby's face was murderous, "Who made you laugh at me for being short!"

Zhao Pengyu couldn't laugh or cry, "just kidding."

At this time, Xia Xiang called, and he gave Zhao Pengyu a vicious look, "Hello? Are you here? Well, yes, I will go out immediately."

Xia Xiang pushed Zhao Pengyu off the car, "Go down, I requisitioned this car, I want to go out to eat, are you going?"

Zhao Pengyu would like to ask if your legs are so short, can you get into the car and pedal? Thinking about it, Xia Xiang might hit him with a bicycle, but he endured it and asked curiously: "Who are you with?"

Gu Ye curled up his lips, "Your brother?"

Xia Xiang suddenly smiled and bends his eyes, looking very happy, "Well, my brother has come to give me something, and I will take him to the store at the door to eat some food before leaving."

Gu Ye smiled and said, "We're not going, you go quickly, don't delay class in the afternoon."

Xia Xiang rode a bicycle and left happily. Gu Ye couldn't help thinking, is this car really his? Why is there an illusion that brothers save money to buy together?

"Gu Ye, where is the website Xia Xiang said? Why can't I find it?" Zhao Pengyu searched the school's intranet as he walked, but Mao didn't find it either.

Gu Ye asked disgustingly: "What are you doing in the search?"

"I'm just curious, I'm so stupid when I hear it, it doesn't sound like a good thing that a god can fulfill your wish for no reason."

Gu Ye smiled, "You know that it's not a good thing, so what are you looking for? You didn't ask for it."

Zhao Pengyu laughed happily, "Hahaha, yes, I am so good, and everyone else wants to live like me."

Gu Ye was even more disgusted, "This narcissist!"

The two had a meal, found a corner and just sat down, Yu Ze sent a message: Have you had lunch?

Gu Ye smiled and replied: I am eating, how about you?

Yu Ze: Right now.

Gu Ye: I have a little girl.

Yu Select:?

Gu Ye sent a photo to the other party.

Yu Ze sent a bunch of speechless bits and pieces.

Gu Ye was dissatisfied with the other party's attitude, and solemnly introduced: She is made of human skin, is spiritual, will absorb grievances, and will fold paper people.

Yu Ze: Don't raise strange dolls.

Gu Ye took a sip of the soup, and said to his heart that you also raised a big one, you don't know it!

Zhao Pengyu secretly observed Gu Ye's expression and asked tentatively: "Are you in love?"

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, "What?"

"You look like a fool in love."

Gu Yegan laughed twice, "No, just cultivate feelings."

Zhao Pengyu suddenly became energetic and asked excitedly: "Who, I haven't heard you say, netizen?"

Gu Ye held up the soup with a guilty conscience, "No, I knew it in reality."

Zhao Pengyu asked gossiping: "Whose eldest lady? Did you order it at home or did you find it yourself?"

Gu Ye explained embarrassingly: "It's not the eldest lady. I haven't reached that point. I just tried it and didn't find the relationship."

Zhao Pengyu stole Gu Ye's meat, "I really want to know who it is."

Gu Ye took a deep breath, "No, you don't want to know at all."

The two were just talking, but they didn't know that the girl with her back to Gu Ye turned pale after hearing the conversation between them.

The two stood up after eating full, just as the girl behind Gu Ye was also carrying a plate and was about to leave. Neither of them had expected that they accidentally ran into each other. Gu Ye quickly said, "I'm sorry."

"Yes, I'm sorry." The girl also apologized. She has long hair, a little curling, and wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, but the lenses are flat, just covering her nice eyes. She dared not look up at Gu Ye and shook her head hurriedly.

Gu Ye smiled, "You go first."

The girl turned red and squeaked, "Gu Ye, thank you."

"Huh?" Gu Ye didn't know why, why should I thank him.

The girl pushed her glasses, her blushing face dropped her head slightly, her hair covered most of her face, "Last time, thank you too."

"The last time?" Gu Ye asked in confusion, "Have we met before?"

The girl raised her head, revealing a half-hidden face. After staring at Gu Ye for a few seconds, she suddenly said "I'm sorry" and ran away with her plate.

Gu Ye: "..."

Zhao Pengyu looked at this scene and asked gossiping: "Say, where did you owe the debt?"

Gu Ye frowned, and didn't remember until he was almost at the library, "Ah! I remember! It was a favor before the college entrance examination. This girl had soft ears and was deceived. Her hair covered her face. I can't see the facial features, who can recognize it?" Gu Ye was also wondering, "Why is it so gloomy? It's completely two people. If I can see the face clearly, I can count it."

Zhao Pengyu shook his head, grinned and hid away for a meter, "You are really terrible!"

Gu Ye sneered, "Then I'll do some calculations for you now, so that you have no secrets at all."

Zhao Pengyu admitted in a second, "Dad, you let me go."


As soon as Li Jiatong arrived at the entrance of the dormitory building, he was stopped by two pretty girls who dressed up, "Courageous courage, Li Jiatong, looking at you honestly, I didn't

expect to be able to tease you like this. I heard that you hit up with Gu Ye in the restaurant. What did Gu Ye tell you? Share it."

"No." Li Jiatong pushed his glasses, said dullly, lowered his head and walked around and walked away quickly.

"Bah! I don't know where the face came from? If you don't look in the mirror to see what you look like, and look like a ghost, how could Gu Ye know her?"

The voice was not low, Li Jiatong could hear her clearly. She became stiff, lowered her head, and clenched her fists tightly. She wanted to say no. She didn't mean Gu Ye to strike up a conversation. She just wanted to say thank you Gu Ye. Thank him for helping her, thank him for being her spiritual support in her most painful time.

Gu Ye only helped her once, and she remembered Gu Ye's smiling face. Especially after the accident, she accidentally saw Gu Ye's picture and thought of his sunny smile, she suddenly felt that the dark world had become brighter, giving her the courage to crawl out of the abyss. She just regarded Gu Ye as her own sunshine, and she was only grateful to Gu Ye, she didn't think so much.

She admits that she likes him and feels painful when she hears that he might be in love, but she knows herself and will not disturb him, she just needs to watch it secretly.

Li Jiatong hurried back to the dormitory, and a girl who was reading a book asked gossiping: "I heard that you struck up a conversation with Gu Ye? All the posts on the campus have spread."

Li Jiatong gritted her teeth and shook her head, almost crying, she didn't.

She kindly persuaded her: "Forget it, Gu Ye's background is impossible for Cinderella like us. His dad will definitely find him the right person."

Li Jiatong shook her head and hid her hands in her pockets. The nails of her thumb pinched her index finger fiercely. The blood stains had already been pinched out. She tremblingly said, "I just..."

"I know that there are a lot of girls who like him in the school. They study well, have a good temper, and have money at home. Who doesn't want to be the third youngest grandmother Gu? But in reality, Gu Ye doesn't participate in any clubs or group activities. He doesn't even I live on campus. I heard that his father bought him a villa in the neighborhood nearby. Don't get in there for you, so you don't need to be seen as a joke."

Li Jiatong was unable to quibble, nor did she have the strength to quibble. Since childhood, she has become accustomed to backing up, accustomed to other people's cynicism and pouring dirty water. Anyway, she will not believe anything. Sitting on her bed, looking at the photos on the phone, Li Jiatong tearfully sent out a circle of friends that she can only see. This is the only way she can vent her inner thoughts: I just want to thank him, I don't want to be his daughter. My friend, I'm so dirty, I don't deserve it, I know.


On Saturday afternoon, after two classes, Zhao Pengyu put his arms around Gu Ye's neck and said, "Today is a monthly basketball game. Our department and the law department next door, you go and cheer for me."

Gu Ye slapped his paws in disgust, "Talk to dad well, don't hook your shoulders."

Zhao Pengyu turned half of his body helplessly, and sat on Gu Ye's table, "You go! There are more girls who go to cheer for you."

Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth. What the hell was this?

Zhao Pengyu couldn't help but said, grabbing Gu Ye's arm and dragging it away, "Brothers, can you get rid of the order today!"

"You can't rely on me to find a wife," Gu Ye said solemnly: "I am not the father of all of you."

Zhao Pengyu was so angry that he just wanted to jump up and beat him!

Gu Ye arrived at the gymnasium and was pressed by Zhao Pengyu in the auditorium, "Sit here, cheer us on, and don't sneak away."

Gu Ye feels inexplicably that he is a mascot.

Before long, the seats behind Gu Ye were all filled by girls. The freshman representative was originally the leader of this grade. He

had to participate in any activities on behalf of the freshman, but Gu Ye was too lazy, he felt nothing. Interest, except for being selected as a standard bearer during the military training report, he showed up publicly, and then he was struggling to see him.

This time he appeared in the gym, and it really attracted a lot of people to watch. Someone who was a little bit more lively asked Gu Ye for a WeChat account. Gu Ye said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I forgot to bring my mobile phone."

"Oh, what a pity! Gu Ye, can you really see ghosts?"

"Gu Ye, do you know how to look at the picture?"

Gu Ye smiled slightly, "It is born from the heart, and there is no evil in his heart. They are all beautiful."

"It's so reasonable, it's so Buddha-like!"

"Gu Ye, give you water."

"I have snacks here, can you eat them?"

The people on the basketball team saw Gu Ye being surrounded by a group of beautiful women from a distance, and eating and drinking. All the beautiful women only watch the audience. Can't you see us so handsome?

Li Jiatong looked at the girls around Gu Ye from a distance, and the eyes behind the lenses were full of envy.

At this time, the shoulder was suddenly slapped heavily. Li Jiatong turned around, and the girl who patted her shoulder ridiculed: "Who are you looking at? Don't think about dreaming of your Cinderella. You will help me do the duty tomorrow. Yes, I will give you fifty dollars."

Li Jiatong clenched his fists tightly, bit his lips hard, and his eyes were red. Everyone looked down on her, thinking that if they had money, they could bully her! Is her life really so cheap?

"Hey, are you doing it?"

Li Jiatong suddenly stretched out his hand, staggered the girl who was blocking her, and ran out of the gym quickly.

"I'm sick! Don't you just help others on duty now? What are you noble?"

Li Jiatong turned a deaf ear, ran out of the gymnasium and habitually took out his phone, took a look at the photos hidden in the album, and just opened it, a website suddenly popped up on the homepage: If you have any desires, as long as you are pious enough, the true god will fulfill it for you.

Li Jiatong's pupils shrank, as if he had been caught by an evil spirit, he clicked in without hesitation.

There is a black Buddha image on the screen, with a black boy sitting next to them. The corners of their mouths are tucked, and their eyes are half-open and half-closed: Poor child, leave your wish quickly, and the true god will help you.

The tears that Li Jiatong had been rolling in his eyes finally fell, shaking his fingers and quickly leaving a string of text: I want him to like me, I want to stand upright next to him, and let all those who look down on me shut up! I want my adoptive father to die! I want my sister to die! I want everyone who has bullied me to die! All dead! ! !

Chapter 49 I choose to commit suicide!

There is no self-study on Saturday night, and they are usually free activities. Some students will go to the library to read books, and some will simply nest in the dormitory. Gu Ye went home after dinner in the cafeteria. Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang also followed. The name is "Nanju", and I actually want to relax.

Zhao Pengyu turned on the TV, lay on the sofa, and sighed from the soul: "Comfortable! Why didn't I let my dad buy me a house? Are there vacancies around you? Let's be neighbors."

Gu Ye took out the fruit from the refrigerator. As soon as Zhao Pengyu turned his head, he found that the fruit plate floated towards the kitchen, "Fuck! Gu Ye, what do you keep in your house?!"

Xia Xiang took the remote control and said while looking for the movie: "There is a beautiful sister, you met in the ghost house."

"Oh, that sister, draw that one!" Zhao Pengyu immediately became less nervous, and Hongdou came over with the fruit plate, Zhao Pengyu quickly took it, and said politely: "Thank you sister!"

Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, this buddy is really big!

Xia Xiang saw a shadow flashing past the study room and raised his eyebrows. After putting down the remote control in his hand, he walked to the study room. It was really strange to find this kind of thing in Gu Ye's house.

As a result, he didn't see anything strange in the study, but he saw the paintings Gu Ye hung on the wall and a few large characters of dragon, flying and phoenix. After seeing what was written on it, Xia Xiang couldn't help laughing, "Gu Ye, where are you from? The begging master, is he crazy if he can write such characters for you?"

Gu Ye sat on the sofa and ate grapes. "It took a lot of effort to get it. Isn't it handsome?"

Xia Xiang couldn't laugh or cry, "Yes, yes, he is so handsome, writing such words to you is a waste of good words."

Gu Ye rolled his eyes, "You don't understand the true meaning of it."

Zhao Pengyu sat up and ran over to look curiously: "What? Let me see!"

Gu Ye ate the grapes with his hand. When the grapes reached his mouth, he quickly put them down, chasing Zhao Pengyu, "Nothing to look at! Don't look at it!"

"Why can't I watch it?" The more you stop watching Zhao Pengyu, the more curious he is, and he rushes to the door. Gu Ye feels a little bit ashamed that his underground romance will be exposed, "Girl! Your uncle is here! Get up and say hello. !"

Following Gu Ye's words, Lingling, who sat on the bookshelf perfectly playing the role of a doll, stood up all at once.

Zhao Pengyu, who had just ran to the door, was so scared that he jumped more than a meter high. He was scared before he even entered, "Mother! What the hell?!"

Gu Ye chased after him, hugged Lingling, and gave a serious introduction: "Don't be afraid! This is my daughter."

Zhao Pengyu looked horrified, "Why does she move!?"

"Because she has absorbed a lot of grievances and created spiritual consciousness, her IQ is only two or three years old. Now she is learning to speak, Lingling, please say uncle is good."

Lingling is very well-behaved, and stretches out a small hand to Zhao Pengyu, "Good uncle."

Zhao Pengyu bit his head and beckoned, "You, you too."

Gu Ye quietly breathed a sigh of relief, pulled Xia Xiang out, closed the door of the study, and asked them: "Are you uncles preparing for the children to meet?"

Both of them twitched their mouths and shook their heads, "Next time."

Gu Ye put Lingling in Zhao Pengyu's arms, "Then you hug her."

Zhao Pengyu feared in his heart this kind of doll that could move and talk, and his face was full of pain.

Gu Ye told him with a serious face: "Don't worry, she won't hurt people."

Zhao Pengyu felt that Lingling's skin was not like those dolls on the market, but it was really human-like, which was a bit surprised.

Gu Ye said solemnly: "Her skin is made of human skin."

"Mom!" Zhao Pengyu was so scared that his face turned pale, "The girl will return you! Hurry up!"

Gu Ye regrets, "It's rare to come from home, you are so cold, Lingling go to Aunt Hongdou to play."

Zhao Pengyu looked up at the surroundings with an expression of seeing a ghost, fearing that there would be people where he could not see.

Xia Xiang was accustomed to this kind of thing, but was slightly surprised. The look in Gu Ye's eyes was a bit complicated. He saw the signature of the word. Gu Ye is the head of the family. It is hard to avoid making people think about it.

Gu Ye smiled without explaining anything. Xia Xiang is not a talkative, pretending to know nothing, picking up the remote control and looking for movies.

"Let's stop watching TV and play games." Zhao Pengyu wanted to find something to do, but he dared not watch the human skin dolls wandering around at home. Especially the doll looked at him resentfully, as if looking for a chance to approach him.

"Hit," Gu Ye lay lazily on the sofa, and Xia Xiang also took out his mobile phone, "Is the chicken or the king?"

"Be the king." Gu Ye said: "Eating chicken requires concentration and tiredness."

The three people turned on the TV and all logged into the game. They played until more than ten o'clock. Gu Ye looked at his watch and said, "After the last round, you two will go back to school. I will play the mage and take out my little fox."

Zhao Pengyu laughed, "most of the foxes are playing with little girls."

Gu Ye said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, this is the best operation, I'm lazy, the skill is two to three, I will run after playing."

"Why is there another mage? There is already a mage, so change one on the fourth floor."

"It doesn't matter, I hit the tank, and Gu Ye will go on the road with me, and give him the middle road."

Gu Ye moved to Xia Xiang, "Brother protect me!"

"Okay~ Brother will always be in front of you!"

Zhao Pengyu disliked, "Enough of you two! I play assassin and take out my monkey."

Xia Xiang is also a scheming player. He plays games like a routine. Just like a small military division, he always thinks one step more than his opponent, predicts the opponent's thoughts, and kills the opponent shooter as soon as he comes up. Ye's. The opposing shooter is a grudge: Fox, you are dead!

Gu Ye flung his tail and ran: Oh.

Opposite Luban: Teamfights can be lost, Daji must die!

Zhuge Liang: Good.

Ah Ke: OK!

Zhao Pengyu: "They also formed a team."

Xia Xiang smiled: "Three rows versus three rows, no surprise."

Zhao Pengyu: My stick is already hungry and thirsty!

Opposite Luban: Then you come to beat me, you lose if you can't beat Dad.

Gu Ye: Monkey, don't touch my Luban!

Xia Xiang: It's my Luban!

Zhao Pengyu: Nonsense! Luban belongs to all of us!

The teammates were amused. This is a typical experience of eating Lubanzhang. Xia Xiang squatted in the grass with a smile and shouted to Gu Ye: "Come, squat here."

Gu Ye was already sleepy. He yawned and didn't move his mind. He ran with Xia Xiang the whole time. No matter who came, he would just throw up a set of skills and ran away after the fight. In the end, Gu Ye happily took nineteen heads. After playing this round, the opposite Luban has already served, and Gu Ye's friend: My sister takes me to fly~~

"Puff!" Gu Ye was amused. This person was more heartbroken than Zhao Pengyu.

"Stop playing, let's go!" Zhao Pengyu took the bicycle key that Gu Ye had put on the table, "Withdraw!"

Gu Ye is disgusted, this is shameless!

Probably it was playing games. After Gu Ye fell asleep, he dreamed of Luban in seconds. A set of skills kills two or three in an instant, and the process of seconds is particularly pleasant. In seconds, Gu Ye realized that Lu Ban had changed.

It is still a little short-legged, but the face has become a baby face made of inferior leather glue, a pair of blood-red eyeballs, the corners of the eyes are bleeding, there are several large freckles on the face, the nose is small, and the mouth It's huge, and a grin is very strange. It was wearing a shabby black suit with a red thread in his hand, and walked towards Gu Ye step by step.

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, and said to his heart, "Oh, I'll go, but I dare to scare him if I can't beat him!" Lao Tzu fights such a ghost, just like the third grandson. Who gave you the courage to scare Lao Tzu like this?

Gu Ye flicked his big tail, ran towards the opponent, sticking to his face is a set of skills, directly sending the opponent back to his hometown!

"Heh!" Gu Ye sneered through half a canyon, blocking the other side's house, waiting for the other side to come back to life.

The grimace "Lu Ban" may have been stunned as soon as he came out, holding a red rope and looking at his hand with a dazed expression, subconsciously came out to look for Gu Ye, unexpectedly before he left the house, he suddenly rushed in front of him. A big fox came out, and it was killed by its tail.

After finally resurrecting, the ghost baby held his face in horror, "This is... the dream of a profound magician!"

Gu Ye squatted in the grass. As soon as the "Luban" like a ghost baby came out, he would send it back to his hometown with a set of skills, flashing the past and killing him. Killing and killing, Gu Ye found the fun, and played hide-and-seek with each other in the canyon, fancy killing each other, killing each other more than a hundred times in one night, scared the other party to collapse and cry.

Gu Ye wakes up in the morning and feels refreshed. Thinking about that dream, I want to have fun. "This game is poisonous!" Gu Ye patted his face. He doesn't usually dream. He didn't expect to dream of playing games, but Lu Ban became a ghost baby. That's hilarious.


In a dimly lit room with all the curtains closed, a ghost child was sitting on the consecration table and cried, "I don't want to do this task! I can't stand it! He is a mysterious master! His spiritual power is too high. I induced him to enter the dream, but he dominated my

dream! Killing me constantly! I hid at home and didn't go out, he jumped in and killed me! I was hiding in the grass, and he could find me too! It's over a hundred times!"

"Don't, we've all collected money from others. How can anyone take money and do nothing? Haven't we already said that when you come back with me? Realize other people's wishes and be a good ghost." Next to the offering table, one The man squatted there and coaxed, "You have to be surprised, take advantage of it, just pull a red thread, you can."

"I'm not going anymore!" The little devil cried heartbreakingly, anxiously, the skin on the top of his head was bursting, his brain seemed to break through the stitched wound, which looked very scary, and persuaded his man to go quietly. After stepping back a little bit, he bit his scalp and coaxed: "You try again. If it succeeds, I will buy you five catties of lollipops."

Faced with his favorite candy, the kid compared Gu Ye's horror without hesitation, "I choose to commit suicide!"

The man frowned and was already a little impatient. He was about to get angry. The person sitting in the corner looking at the computer said: "That girl will ask when her wish will come true."

The man sneered coldly and sneered: "Tell her to be insincere, God shouldn't, and ask her for 3,000 yuan of incense money, using psychological hints to fool her, and finally let her take a loan."

After a flicker, Li Jiatong was already at a loss, feeling that life had lost hope. She has no money. All her money is earned by her summer job.

She wants to retaliate, but she doesn't even have the capital to retaliate. She was lying on the bed, looking blankly at the chat history on the phone, she couldn't cry. Li Jiatong didn't understand, how could her life be so miserable? Her eyes are getting darker, more gloomy, and more paranoid. She is not convinced. Why is God so partial?

The roommate who had already gotten up washed his face and walked by her bed. She was startled by her straight eyes, "Li Jiatong, what do you...what do you think?"

Li Jiatong did not respond, and sat up blankly. At this moment, a message came from the phone: If you need money urgently, I will introduce a friend to you. No guarantee is required. If the payment is received within 30 minutes, you can borrow three thousand. .

Li Jiatong's eyes brightened. She borrowed 3000 yuan to teach elementary school students every day, and then distributed flyers on Saturdays and Sundays, and she would definitely be able to pay them back in a month.

She didn't think much about it. She had been fooled into this pit by the messenger of the true god, and she believed that she borrowed three thousand yuan, all of which was donated to the true god as incense money.

After receiving the money over there, she said: Sincerity is enough, the true god will realize your wish.

Holding her mobile phone, Li Jiatong secretly told herself that she must make all those who look down on her pay the price, so that

everyone would be admired! She looked at herself in the mirror, the corners of her mouth gradually picked up, her eyes became more and more sullen, she wanted to smile and watch the group of people die!


Gu Ye ate Xiaolongbao in the breakfast shop at the gate of the community, drank a bowl of soy milk, and strolled to school. On the road, I saw a beautiful young woman running over in a panic, chasing a few old men behind.

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, wondering if the robbers are so bold now? The blue sky and white sun dare to chase. He didn't feel relieved to follow up, and listened to the man asking, "When can you pay back the money you owe?"

Gu Ye halted, asking for debt?

The woman said in an angry manner: "I have already paid the money!"

"What you paid back is the principal, and the interest hasn't been paid yet. Do you want your boyfriend to know if you don't pay it back?"

"As far as your dirty mind is concerned, do you think he is willing to be with you? If you don't pay back, tell him what you did."

The woman broke down and said: "I paid it back! I paid it back three times! Why are you chasing me?"

Gu Ye frowned, loan shark?

"Stop talking nonsense! Pay the money, and dig out your eyeballs if you don't pay the money again!" The leading man pushed the woman against the wall and pulled, and Gu Ye gave a "tsk" and walked forward twice. Step, "Hey! What are you doing? I'm going to call the police!"

Several debt collectors saw that someone found out, and pointed to the woman, "You can do it yourself! Brothers, let's go!"

The woman glanced at Gu Ye, covered her face in a panic, and ran away.

Gu Ye blinked, is he so scary?

In the afternoon, Gu Ye knew why this woman avoided him. When he went to the library in the afternoon, he saw that woman again, who was actually a senior from his school. At this time she was with a boy, and another girl pointed her nose to her and cursed: "You are a third person who destroys other people's feelings! Xiaosan! Gao Ping! We have been in good relationship, why did you suddenly break up with me? She's together? Didn't you hate her the most before? You said she loves vanity, pretentiousness, and hypocrisy, but now, you open your eyes and see who is standing next to you?!"

There are many students around who are watching, and everyone is talking about it, "It is said that the senior and the scolding senior were

a couple before. They have been together for three years and have always been in a good relationship. The girl has been in unrequited love. I don't know why. A few days ago, the man suddenly broke up with his girlfriend and was with this woman."

"What the hell? I broke up suddenly when I was in good relationship? Are you evil?"

"I don't know, scumbag! Maybe I've hooked up with that woman long ago."

"It's disgusting, two boats!"

The man had a pained look. Standing between the two women, he saw his ex-girlfriend so sad and wanted to come forward to comfort him. He took two steps and looked at the girlfriend behind him, completely wondering what he could do.

Gu Ye watched this farce coldly, and was a little puzzled, "It's strange."

Xia Xiang looked at this scene disgustingly, "Why is it strange?"

"Have you seen the red line on them?"

Xia Xiang laughed, "I can only see that, I can't see imaginary things."

Gu Ye frowned in confusion, "Obviously he and her are the destined pair, what tied him and her together?"

Xia Xiang looked confused and could not understand what Gu Ye was saying.


At night, Gu Ye set up a manifestation formation at home, with charms on the doors and windows, as long as something came in, he could detect it. Gu Ye was very concerned about why that kid came to his dream, and instinctively told him that there was a problem.

In the middle of the night, while Gu Ye fell asleep, the kid really came back. The master promised to let him possess after finishing the work. He could go out to play freely. The kid couldn't resist this temptation, so he came.

He tentatively lay on the window and watched Gu Ye lying motionless on the bed, making sure that he was asleep, and then crept in. Last time I wanted to pull Gu Ye into his dream and control Gu Ye, but he didn't expect to be counter-killed. This time he didn't dare to have contact with Gu Ye mentally, so he decided to secretly tie a red thread and ran away.

He quietly got in through the cracks in the window, without noticing that his foot prints had clearly landed on the windowsill, and at the same time, Gu Ye quietly opened his eyes.

The puppet doll lying on the pillow, his eyes turned to the side, staring at the ghost baby who had come to the bed without emotion, and wanted to stand up. Gu Ye grabbed it and held it in his arms.

The ghost baby was taken aback by Gu Ye's action. She squatted at the foot of Gu Ye's bed, fearing that Gu Ye would suddenly wake up, and the fear of being killed a hundred times in a fancy spike was deep in her heart. Fortunately, the person lying on the bed just turned over, his face facing out, his eyes still closed, the ghost child quietly breathed a sigh of relief, slowly stood up, approached cautiously, feeling that he was completing an SSS Level task. Since I have been with the master, it hasn't been so difficult, it's really done with life!

I'm about to touch Gu Ye's finger. Gu Ye didn't mean to wake up at all. The ghost baby was about to lose control of the joy in his heart. The more concentrated at this time, he carefully tied the red line to Gu Ye's finger. Tie a knot with excitement, and you will succeed soon! The ghost baby was so excited that he couldn't help showing a smiling face. At this moment, after hearing a "poof", the person on the bed suddenly laughed. The ghost baby looked at Gu Ye's face in horror, and the other party looked at him with a smile. I don't know when I woke up.

"Mom!" The ghost baby was so scared that her soul trembled, and she wanted to run.

The next second, the red shadow in front of him flickered, and he was picked up by the collar of his back.

Gu Ye looked at his appearance and covered his eyes with disgust, "This...it's so ugly! Spicy eyes! I don't want to look at it!"

Hongdou said helplessly: "Master, don't make trouble."

Gu Ye glanced at the face of Sister Hongdou again, and then at the ghost baby whose brains were about to pop out. He was choked by the ugly breathing, and sat up angrily, pointing to the ground, "You stand up for me, Hongdouli He is farther away, you two are not the same style of painting."

Hongdou helplessly put down the little ghost in his hand and stood by Gu Ye's bed.

The ghost baby was so scared that she sat on the ground, thought about it, changed her posture tremblingly, and knelt down.

Gu Ye asked disgustingly: "Last night really wasn't a pure dream. You have the courage to enter the dream of a profound magician. You are so courageous, kid boy, say, why?"

"No, it's nothing," the ghost baby cried in fright, holding his head, "Help..."

"Shut up!" Gu Ye said coldly, "If you ask you anything, you can say anything, or I'll kill you!"

The ghost baby was silent for a second, and she was so scared that she lay on the ground without daring to look at Gu Ye's face.

Gu Ye asked disgustingly: "What are you holding?"

The ghost baby shivered and said: "Someone likes you, let me lead the way."


"The owner didn't say that it is usually the person who tied the target first, and then tied the person who placed the order."

Gu Ye broke the red line disgustingly, and cast a little devilish face, "You messed up the marriage! What else did you do?"

"It's gone!" The little ghost said tremblingly: "I will only get the marriage line, and the students in the school will not ask for anything else."

Gu Ye snorted, "Then you can live with me. I think he has collected money from others. What kind of threading will he use? Lingling, put him in a toy, he is too hot-eyed."

The doll lying next to Gu Ye's pillow stood up straight, jumped out of the bed, grabbed one of the little ghost's legs with expressionless expression, and dragged away.

If the ghost can faint, the ghost baby will be frightened and fainted how many times, so scared that he held his head, resisted crying, tears brushed, "doll, will move..."

Lingling looked back at him, and the grievances on his body gushed out uncontrollably, making the ghost baby afraid to shed tears.

Linglingwan was tired of playing with the spirit of the boss, and finally got a new toy. He stuffed the ghost baby into the bunny doll in a pink skirt and told him: "Dance."

The ghost child was aggrieved and lying still on the ground.

Lingling stood on the desk, looking at the ghost baby condescendingly, learning Gu Ye's tone, "Don't jump, kill you."

The ghost baby is stiff.

Lingling said blankly: "Dare to cry and kill you. If you don't obey, kill you."


On the other side of the ghost baby's owner, when he noticed that the ghost baby had lost contact, they were almost crazy, and they couldn't hold it three days later.

"Someone on the campus network said that we are liars in the past two days. After paying the money for several days, they didn't help to achieve it. They realized that they were cheated and wanted to call the police. What should I do? Get another kid who will sign marriage?"

"This thing is too expensive. It's too difficult to find a kid who is not murderous and so coaxing. Where can I find it? Or, let me out?"

"No! That one is too fierce, he just wants to kill, if we lose control, we all have to die."

"How can we realize their wishes without letting go? With so many loan sharks, wouldn't it be a loss if we don't delay it for a long time? We are striving for wealth and danger, and fighting!"

Chapter 50 It's Hard to Save People and Ghosts Heart

In a small second-tier city, a middle-aged uncle driver parked the car to the side of the road, took a few wet tissues from the seat and wiped his eyes. Running at night, this time period is the most sleepy time, as long as it passes, it's good to two or three o'clock.

A little bit more energetic, he started the car just about to leave, and suddenly found a seven or eight-year-old child standing on the side of the road in front of him, beckoning to him. The uncle lifted his spirits, and said to his heart why there are still children this night? Looking behind the child, he didn't see the adult either. He hesitated for a moment, and felt a little frustrated. Seeing that he was not going, the child ran over to him, ran to the car in the blink of an eye, and knocked on the glass.

The driver looked at each other through the glass. How did he look like an ordinary child? He dispelled his doubts and opened the window, "My child, what are you doing when you come out in the middle of the night, what about your family?"

The child obediently said: "I'm going to the first hospital and looking for my mother."

The driver then relaxed and asked suspiciously: "Do you have money?"

The child took out several 100 yuan from his pocket.

The driver's eyes flashed a little greedy, "Okay, come up."

As soon as the child got in the car, with a cool breeze, the driver said with emotion: "It's really autumn, and the temperature at night is so low."

The child didn't speak, sitting at the back with his head down, and didn't play anything. The driver took a look in the rearview mirror, and didn't chat after he wasn't in the mood. He started the car and started to make a long journey. Anyway, the child has money and can earn more. Earn more if you click. Half an hour later, I arrived at the largest bridge in the city. There were not many vehicles around. The driver yawned and said to the child: "Your parents are safe enough to let you go out alone at this late hour. Someone is calling you, kid, what grade are you in?"

"Ha ha."

Two cool chuckles came from the back seat, which sounded a bit depressed. The driver glanced in the rearview mirror, and he was scared off the sleepy moment, and there was no one in the back seat!

The driver didn't believe it and wanted to look back, and suddenly he turned his head to find that the child was sitting in the passenger seat! He turned his face slightly, his mouth twitched, looking at him with a smile, his pale face, black pupils, and strangely strange.

The driver was frightened and hurriedly stepped on the brakes, "When did you come here?!"

Unfortunately, no matter how he stepped on, the speed of the car remained unchanged.

The child sneered twice and raised his head. The black pupils gradually became bloody. Two lines of blood and tears fell from the corners of the eyes, ticking, and the sticky blood hit the car, like a meal of blood in bloom, the whole car A bloody smell of choking nose rose in an instant.

The driver was panicked, his mind was blank, he couldn't tell whether it was the accelerator or the brake, and he stepped frantically.

However, the corners of the child's mouth curled up, the flesh on his face was rotten little by little, his eye sockets were a little bigger, and his red eyeballs almost bulged out. Several bloody handprints suddenly appeared on the glass behind him, and then more and more, densely covering all the glass. Immediately afterwards, the outside of the car window looked like blood, and the thick blood covered the entire car window, and the blood ticking down inside the car wetted the driver.

The driver was scared mad, holding the steering wheel with one hand, smashing the glass crazily with the other, screaming that he wanted to escape.

The child "hahaha" laughed a few times and rushed towards him.

The driver instinctively wanted to evade, and suddenly turned the steering wheel, and the car rushed out at the highest point of the bridge.

A big splash was thrown on the surface of the river, and then calm was restored. In the thick night, a small figure stood on the bridge with a satisfied smile.

Early the next morning, Li Jiatong received a call from her mother. The woman on the other end of the phone cried heartbreakingly, "Tongtong, something happened to your father. Your father was gone last night."

Li Jiatong was shocked for a while, and asked in disbelief: "He is gone? Dead?"

"He drove off the bridge when he drove a taxi last night, and only found it this morning. No, no one." The woman's desperate cry made Li Jiatong look up blankly and glanced at the morning sun. Her adoptive father died. But she was not as happy as she thought. I don't know why, there is a feeling of missing a piece in my heart. She replied feebly, "Oh, I know."

"What do you know, your father is dead, and our family will have no financial resources in the future. Pointing to my salary to support you

two? Why are you so calm?!" Li Jiatong's flat reaction completely ignited the foster mother's The anger and great grief finally found a catharsis, and he rushed over at the adopted daughter, "You unscrupulous white-eyed wolf! What school are you still going to? Come back quickly! What will happen to your sister in the future? It takes hundreds of tutors for an hour. You will go to work and raise your sister in the future!"

Li Jiatong wet his eyes, and a sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. I don't know if he is laughing at the other person's stupidity or laughing at herself, "Why should I raise my sister?"

The woman on the other end of the phone was stunned, as if she couldn't believe she could say such a thing, and then she broke out, "What do you do for raising you? What is good for studying? Do you know how much you spend in school these years? Is the money? Is the person you are looking for not good? I have a car and a house at home, and I will give you a 100,000 bonus gift. What happened to your divorce? If you know something, can your dad open a rental at midnight? Is something wrong? You lost star!"

When Li Jiatong heard this, tears fell, and she squatted down on the ground, and asked desperately: "Mom, what did my dad do, do you really not know?"

The opposite person paused, and his anger was instantly suppressed, "He...he drank too much, he didn't mean it, we have raised you for so many years, what do you want? He is your father! You still want to call the police Can't catch him? He's dead now, dead!" The woman on the other side cried again, sobbing, "What do you want?"

Li Jiatong looked at the front, her eyes blurred with tears, she felt very cold, she wanted to shiver cold, and many people passed by before her eyes. She could not see who was who for a long time, and only felt that she was alive, like a joke. Even though her cheeks were wet with tears, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she softly asked in her voice, "I haven't had anything from my sister since I was a child. I have never snatched anything from her, but you are always afraid of me taking things that belong to her. In this house, I am nothing."

"You still compare with your sister, you are the sister, you should let her, don't say anything, come back quickly!"

"If I was my own person, would you still say that?" Li Jiatong chuckled, her eyes filled with hatred for an instant, "If my sister was raped, would you still say that?"

"Are you crazy, why are you so vicious? You are a white-eyed wolf, losing money! How can you curse your sister? All these years of study, I have learned in the stomach of a dog!"

The opposite was still verbalizing, Li Jiatong hung up the phone with a smile, walked back to the dormitory mechanically, and washed his face. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled sarcastically.

When the roommate saw her coming back, he took a caring look and saw her eyes, and said in surprise: "Li Jiatong, you look pretty, why do you keep covering your face?"

Li Jiatong sneered, "Because it is dirty."

The roommate was said to be inexplicable, and she was reluctant to talk to her because of her bad attitude.

Li Jiatong boarded the loan website and borrowed 30,000 in one go, all of which were donated on the wish website: My wish is that my sister will be raped in front of my adoptive mother.

The people responsible for staring at the website were shocked, "This woman is crazy! Her father just died, and she wants to kill her sister again."

"It's good to be crazy. I'm crazy now, and I won't be crazy when I pay the money later."

"You can't let the ghost boy out again, or you can't control it, you really have to go back."

"Don't worry about this for the time being, her dad will be able to stabilize her when he is dead, and it is better to realize the wish of marriage. Many people seeking marriage are in a hurry and have to find a way to find number 2."


Gu Ye bought a sunny day doll pendant on the way from school. When I came back to see it smiled so nicely. He painted facial features, his eyes were crooked, and his mouth was an evil ghost smile, which looked unusually heavy. Become a cloudy doll.

Lingling took the ghost baby out of the rabbit and stuffed it into the doll.

The ghost baby wanted to cry aggrieved, and struggled to crawl out. Seeing Gu Ye's expressionless face and Lingling's unwavering eyes, he hummed and drew back.

Gu Ye disliked, "What are you moaning? What can you moaning about being so ugly."

Lingling: "If you hum again, you will kill you."

The ghost baby immediately fell silent.

"Yes," Gu Ye touched Lingling's head and said with satisfaction: "Girls can't wrong themselves, they must have such courage."

Lingling was praised, squinted happily, tilted her head, rubbed Gu Ye's hand, picked up the doll, glanced at the tortoise doll next to him, and kicked the tortoise off the shelf with a bit of disgust. Put on the doll.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, "Is this toy enough?"

Lingling looked at the tortoise disgustingly, her eyes were very obvious and she didn't want to play anymore.

Gu Ye picked up the tortoise, picked up the cinnabar pen, and drew a magic talisman on it, and then stuffed the tortoise into the corner of

the wall, "My daughter has enough fun, you will slowly wait for the soul to dissipate, goodbye."

The soul in the tortoise wanted to stand up in horror, but the soul was sealed in the tortoise. The tortoise was lying on his stomach, so he could only lie there, in this dark corner, slowly waiting for death. As for when the soul was exhausted, Gu Ye was too lazy to bother about it.

Putting down the cinnabar pen, Gu Yegang wanted to talk to her daughter about a hundred ways to use ghost babies. Red beans came from the window and flew in, pulling Gu Ye and ran out.

"What's the matter?" Gu Ye ran to the door wearing slippers, "You have to wait for me to change my shoes."

Hongdou said anxiously: "It's too late!"

Gu Ye heard her anxious, and ran out with her clothes dragged. When she arrived outside the community and behind the supermarket, she heard a familiar voice saying, "I borrowed three thousand from you for two months. I have already paid you three. More than ten thousand!"

"Just say it in advance. We charge interest in accordance with our rules. If you can't repay the money, you can, I can help you get 2,000 yuan a night."

"Are you shameless?!"

"Oh, little bastard, I really show your face. If you owe money, you still pretend to be pure. Tell you that boyfriend you worshiped God maliciously to separate them, and see if he will break up with you? It depends on your classmates Look at you? If you are anxious and post your nude photos on the porn trading network, you have to sell them, and you have to sell them if you don't!"

The girl cried out angrily, "How much do I have to pay before you let me go? I'll go find a friend to borrow it."

When Gu Ye heard this, he understood it in his heart. There is an inevitable relationship between the websites that can realize people's wishes, loan sharks and ghost dolls.

The loan shark frightened the girl and walked away. Gu Ye glanced at the girl, then turned away indifferently, and picked up the ghost baby when he got home, "Say, how can I get on your website?"

The ghost baby looked dazed, "I don't know."

"Crap! You look ugly and you are such a crap!" Gu Ye was disgusted. The ghost challenged his bottom line. He took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and asked earnestly: "Ghost boy, do you want to go back? "

The ghost baby in the cloudy doll rolled over excitedly. Before he rolled to Gu Ye, he was caught by Lingling and carried it in his hand.

Gu Ye took him out of the doll and said disgustingly: "You are too ugly. I feel hot eyes when I see you. I decided to let you go back. However, if you dare to talk about my affairs, I will do it. To die you."

The ghost baby shook his head into a rattle, Gu Ye covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look, and waved his hand in disgust, "Go, go, go!"

The ghost baby floated out of the window happily, and ran away without looking back, as if there were a hundred dogs chasing him behind him.

Gu Ye picked the red bean's chin, "It's hard work, beautiful sister."

Red bean knows it, flicks his red sleeves, and flies out lightly, hesitantly like a fairy, beautiful and moving.

Gu Ye let out a sigh of relief, washing his eyes and feeling more comfortable.

Hongdou followed the ghost baby to an inconspicuous community. Before he waited for the other party to enter the house, with a flick of his red sleeve, he directly tied the kid up and stuffed it into the bottle Gu Ye gave her. Immediately afterwards, she floated in, got the website address and returned home, and handed all the news to Gu Ye.

Gu Ye boarded the website, noticed the resentment attached to it, and said that as expected, he wrote an article on this website, and only people with resentment and unwillingness can get on it. Gu Ye called Lingling over. As soon as the little girl approached, the website would jump to the homepage without having to do anything by Gu Ye.

"Poor child, leave your wish quickly, and God will help you."

When Gu Ye saw this sentence, the corner of his mouth twitched and he typed: I want to make 10 million in a day. I want to own a big house of 500 square meters. I want to be Gu Decheng's son and inherit his hundreds of billions of fortune.

Hello, I am the messenger of the true God. Your wish is too big, and the true God will not feel sincerity and can't help you realize it. How about another one?

Gu Ye: Didn't you say that the true god would help me? My heart is very sincere. As long as it is a god, I can feel it. The true god will definitely give me a five-hundred-square-meter house and send me ten million, so that Gu Decheng will come to me and recognize me as a son.

The messenger of the true god got stuck, and did not reply for several minutes. Gu Ye was amused. It is estimated that the other party called him insane.

After a while, the messenger of the true god finally replied: beginner believers can't make such high wishes. You can try who you want to be with, or ask for the answers to the exam.

Gu Ye snorted and replied: Feelings are all right?

Yes, the true god will help you realize your wishes.

Gu Ye: I want the national goddess Bai Xueqin to get married. Can God let her divorce and marry me now?

The opposite side was blocked again for two minutes and replied: Yes, as long as you are sincere and donate enough incense money, the true god will fulfill your wish for you.

Gu Ye: So I want to be Gu Decheng's son. I need 10 million property and a big house of 500 square meters.

The other party was finally annoyed by Gu Ye, and immediately replied: The true god will not care for you such a savage person! You go!

Gu Ye took a pen and drew a graffiti of a ghost baby. The ugly one couldn't bear to look at it and sent it to the other party: Dear, is your family really like this?

The other side was silent again. Gu Ye guessed that the other party had already numb his paws. This ghost baby had been detained by him for a week. There must be many people looking for them to urge marriage. They are already anxious like ants on a hot pot. Seeing this ghost baby, his excited heartbeat scored 180 minutes.

Gu Ye: This little thing is mine now. It not only takes care of me, but also sings, dances, and flies for me~

"The second ghost baby is in his hands! No wonder he is missing! We have to get him back. Without it, this website can't go on!"

"I found it by ip. It's in the high-level community near Imperial Capital University! Brother Yu, this address belongs to Gu Ye! That Gu Decheng's son is also Li Jiatong's target person. Or find the Taoist priest and see if he can be summoned back. It's okay to do something secretly, go to him blatantly, if Gu Decheng finds out, we really can't afford it."

"Keep it down, that stinky Taoist is asking for money. I bought this ghost baby for three million. I don't know what I want for you after I go." The person called Brother Yu thought about it and gritted his teeth." Let the loan sharks take a look. They want something and have experience, and they are just a twenty-year-old boy. Let's do what happens."

After Gu Ye exited the website, he told Hongdou: "They will definitely send someone to find me in a while. I'll sleep first. They come and call me."


The only place in this community where strangers can come in is an adult goods store next to the side door. In order to facilitate the purchase of people in the community, the boss opened a back door and can enter directly from the community without detouring.

To avoid suspicion, five young and strong boys bought a box of condoms and swaggered into the community. According to the address, when Gu Ye came downstairs, several people were dumbfounded. Without a card, they couldn't even go upstairs.

At this time, a fat woman happened to go downstairs to throw trash. When a few people saw the opportunity, they all followed up with surprise. It was a pity that this woman didn't look seductive at all, but it was a pity.

I arrived at the door of Gu Ye's house in the blink of an eye. The woman looked back at them with a smile, "Let's go, the tea at home is ready."

All five of them were said to be dumbfounded. Seeing this woman's fat figure gradually became thinner, the ordinary gray clothes turned into a gorgeous red dress, and all five of them stood up with scared hairs, "Ghost... ..."

Before the words were finished, a roll of toilet paper came out of one person's mouth. The red bean who was already standing at the door beckoned, watching five people walking towards her uncontrollably, she smiled and said: "It is immoral to disturb the people late at night.Please keep quiet."

All five of them were scared to urinate, their eyes widened, their chests undulated violently, and they walked into Gu Ye's house uncontrollably.

As soon as he entered the door, one timid one rolled his eyes, and he fainted. The remaining four were no longer good, and his whole body was shaking like a dice, because there was a ghost in the house! !

The one who opened the door for them was a woman with her eyes hanging outside her eye sockets. Half of her face had been deformed, and she smiled friendly at them. There were three other ghosts sitting

in the corner fighting the landlord. As soon as they found out about the incoming person, two of them did not move, their heads twisted 180 degrees, looking at them curiously. There was also a hanger who took a toothbrush and brushed his tongue carefully, and ran over to look at them on their faces. There was blood on their tongues!

"Is this 3D?" Someone found that he could finally speak, but the voice he spoke had changed.

Another person shuddered and stammered: "It should be 3D stereoscopic images. These schoolmasters often engage in these hightech, stuff, scare, no, uneducated."

At this time, a doll in a small skirt ran over and grinned at them. The magic wand in his hand was aimed at one person's knee and stabbed.

The stabbed person screamed, and the pain went deep into the soul.

The "gudong" suddenly fainted two more, it was...really!

"Tsk tusk tusk," Gu Ye came out of the bedroom in his pajamas, disgustingly said: "I am so courageous, why do you urge usury?" He withdrew the spiritual power blessing in the living room, let these ghosts disappear, sitting on the sofa and playing Yawned.

"Let's talk about it, why are you here for me?"

It was found that the ghost was gone, and the only two men who were still awake rushed to answer the question: "Find, find something."

Gu Ye asked lazily: "What are you looking for?"

"The boss said, a ghost doll that will get married." Someone took out a black amulet from his pocket, "He feels it, and he will go in. We have said everything that can be said, you let us go, let us not Up."

"Puff!" Gu Ye was amused, "Don't, come here, don't you see your true god? Girl, bring your toy."

In the horrified eyes of the two people, the little puppet ran over with a very evil sunny day doll, and threw the contents of his hand on the table, pulling out a ghost from the inside. With a wave of her small hand, a resentment wrapped around the ghost, and the little ghost with ugly eyes suddenly appeared in front of ordinary people.

"No, no, let's not watch it! We are not together with them, we are just loan sharks, we are not a boss, not a unit!" Now the two of them are very envious of the three colleagues who have been scared and fainted. His face turned pale with fright, and his lips were no longer bloody. Look at Gu Ye lying lazily on the sofa. With his delicate eyebrows so dim that he can only see the outline, he looks beautiful like a crafted doll with a fair complexion and a doll sitting beside him. There is no difference, the more they look at it, the more weird it becomes, and it feels like the one lying there is not a living person!

Gu Ye yawned and pointed to the ghost baby, "You, tie them all together."

The ghost baby was stunned, "Ah?!"

"Ah what, I haven't seen it before? If you ask you to tie it, you can tie it. The more messy you tie, the better."

"No! We are collecting debts normally, working decently, good people!" Obviously, they all know how terrible the marriage line is. As long as they are tied, they can't decide who they like.

Another person was scared and ran out, "I want to call the police, I want to call the police! Help!"

Gu Ye licked his lips disgustedly, "Good people? He was just like someone who didn't have an ID card. He dragged it back to me and tied it up."

The ghost baby was scared by Gu Ye and didn't have any desire to resist. In order to please Gu Ye, they rushed up bravely and tied them into zongzi with a red string.

Gu Ye looked at his finished product and couldn't help but shook his head. The feelings were so intense and exciting. It was almost impossible to look at it. It was much more lively than a dog blood TV series.

Even Red Bean sympathized with them, and couldn't bear to see this complicated love-hate entanglement.

Gu Ye finally was not sleepy. He sat up cross-legged and called the security guard, "They enter the room and rob, and send it to the police station. What should I do?"

Several security guards apologized and arrested everyone, and kept apologizing, "This is an omission in our work. I'm sorry, you are shocked!"

Gu Ye waved his hand, "I won't take this as an example, I won't complain to you this time."

The security guard gratefully dragged the few people who had fainted out, and they all woke up. Unexpectedly, the five people cried and hugged the security guard's legs and asked for help. Several security guards were so angry that they stuffed them into the car angrily, "breaking into the house, robbing the house! Why do you still have the face to call for help? All sent to the bureau!"

Gu Ye stood at the door and waved with a smile, "Go well~"


Back at school the next day, Gu Ye came to Li Jiatong's classroom with everyone's shocked eyes and called out Li Jiatong who was sitting in the last row.

Li Jiatong followed Gu Ye, her hand holding the book tightly squeezed, the strong joints turned white. He finally talked to her, did all her wishes come true? A huge surprise fell from the sky and hit Li Jiatong's head, leaving her brain blank, and she didn't know how to get out of the nervous system. Looking at Gu Ye's back, she was so nervous that she couldn't breathe well.

Gu Ye found a place with no one, stopped, and said without turning his head: "I saw your message on that website."

This sentence is like a basin of cold water, extinguishing all the illusions in Li Jiatong's mind, "What?"

Gu Ye turned around, looked at Li Jiatong's shocked expression, and said indifferently: "The loan shark has been signed, and it is a pity that you have not realized your wish."

Li Jiatong grabbed a handful of bangs by the hair in a panic, lowered his head, and hid almost his entire face, "No, I don't know, what are you talking about."

"Since I came to you, I already know what you did. You don't have to admit it. I will leave after I say it." Gu Ye sighed and said regretfully: "I remember who you are, you are the root of the ear. Soft, the girl who bought the exam results. Didn't you tell you not to have such soft ears? Didn't remember?"

Li Jiatong pursed his lips, thinking of that time, his eyes were red uncontrollably. She thought she would not cry anymore, but she did not expect that the hard line of defense in her heart would be shattered by Gu Ye's simple words. Thinking of the sunny boy, Li Jiatong collapsed and covered her face. She was like a filthy thing living in the sun. How could she get close? How dare to approach?

Gu Ye frowned, "The more people look down on you, the more they have to live out their personality. Why don't you straighten your chest? What is worse than others? You have been admitted to a prestigious university. How many people want to live? Be like you?"

Li Jiatong snorted, as if he had heard the biggest joke, "Live like me?"

"Do you think you are dirty? People are never dirty. What is dirty is the human mind. What do you have shame about? You look down on yourself, and how do you think others can value you?" Gu Ye's face turned cold, and said disappointedly: "You Want to kill your adoptive father, I can understand that you are blinded by hatred, but your sister is only sixteen years old, what did she do on weekdays to get you so revenge? Is it because of her, or because your adoptive mother stimulated you? This thought makes me feel sick."

"I..." Li Jiatong shook her head and didn't know how to explain it to herself. When Gu Ye said that, she also felt that the wish she made was a bit too much. But she was really sad at the time, she just wanted revenge.

"In the days to come, try to repay the loan sharks you owe. Your wish will never be fulfilled. The life of your adoptive father is on your head." After Gu Ye finished speaking, he turned away and left indifferently. No mood to communicate with each other.

Li Jiatong looked at the back of Gu Ye leaving again, collapsed and squatted on the ground, crying uncontrollably. Last time I could look forward to seeing each other again, this time I could see each other obviously, but I never looked forward to it again. The only ray of sunshine in her life left her world.

After returning to the classroom, Gu Ye looked through the mailing list in a depressed mood. He was able to communicate this kind of thing with him at this time, so that he could confidently say what was

in his heart, but Yu Ze was the only one who was mature, stable and reliable. people. Gu Ye sent a message to the other party uncomfortably: I can catch ghosts, I can save lives, but I find that I can't save people's hearts.

Yu Ze: You just need to be yourself, you are already fine.

Gu Ye didn't reply, and his heart was blocked.

Yu Ze: I will finish tomorrow's work today, and I will see you in the morning.

Gu Ye: Something?

Yu Ze: fool, tomorrow is your birthday.

Gu Ye thought for a while, and said embarrassedly: I forgot.

After Master died, no one would give him a birthday anymore. He was so careless and used to living the same way every day, and he couldn't remember a birthday at all. As for his body, his birthday is the day of his mother's sacrifice. The family never thought of giving him a birthday. Every year on this day, my dad and brothers are very sad. Who would remember to give him a birthday?

Yu Ze quickly replied: I just remember, I have very important things to tell you.

Gu Ye's heart suddenly thumped and couldn't help his heartbeat speeding up, holding a somewhat hot face with both hands, Gu Ye shouted in his heart: Don't confess! It's okay for Yu Ze to cover his face. If he doesn't cover it, he is afraid that he will be seduced by beauty! Yan Gou really has no way to survive in front of Yu Ze!

Gu Ye spent the whole day struggling with what important things Yu Ze had to say, and was distracted during class. Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang realized that there was something in his heart all day long, and the two asked gossiping: "What's the matter? What did you say to that... that girl, what did that girl say? You are not right when you come back."

Gu Yezi looked at Zhao Pengyu's face carefully, couldn't help raising his hand and slapped him in disgust.

Zhao Pengyu covered his face, "Fuck! What are you doing?"

Gu Ye said disgustedly: "Everyone says that the nephew goes with the uncle, you, you leave your uncle too much."

Zhao Pengyu beat Gu Ye on the table without angrily, and said angrily: "Fuck you! I'm so handsome, and the sun is up, so young! There are many girls who like Laozi, and I cheered on several rows when I was playing. Go and see! Will you count!"

Xia Xiang frowned, watching them make a fuss with a complicated expression, gradually condensing a bit of worry in his eyebrows. Until class, Xia Xiang sent a message to Gu Ye: That road is not easy, you have to think about it before making a decision, no matter what, don't

let yourself be wronged, brothers will always support you. Peng Yu is loyal and straightforward, don't tell him first.

The corners of Gu Ye's mouth twitched, what else does he not know about Xia Xiang's delicate temperament? Gu Ye didn't know how to reply and could only pretend not to see it.

Xia Xiang sighed, Gu Ye actually acquiesced, and he was tired.


In the evening, Gu Ye was reviewing the lessons that he hadn't mastered. He felt a strong ghost from far to near. Gu Ye looked up vigilantly and looked out the window. A seven or eight-year-old child was standing. Smiling at him by the window.

Gu Ye gave a "tsk", took a bookmark, stuffed it in the book, and smiled: "Little devil, you are so fierce, does your mother know?"

Chapter 51 Don't Let Regret Accompany You In This Life

The little ghost floated in from the window, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, without moving, he drifted closer and closer to Gu Ye, the dense ghost and resentment filled the whole room, setting off his bloodless face  , It's even more strange and terrifying.

Gu Ye smiled, "Little things, do you think this can scare me?" He picked up a drink on the table and took a sip with a smile, "Speak, come to me for what you are doing."

The ghost boy said grimly: "That fool, I want to take it away."

"Fool? Do you say this?" Gu Ye picked up the cloudy doll lying on the table, holding a drink and said with a smile: "If you have the ability, come grab it."

Gui Tong's eyes widened and turned into a ghost and rushed over. A small shadow suddenly emerged from behind Gu Ye. The little red leather shoes kicked at the opponent's forehead. The strong resentment wrapped the Gui Tong, and his tender voice said dissatisfied.  : "Stay away from my father!"

"Tsk, girl, come back." Gu Ye put down the juice helplessly, and the cinnabar pen drew a red line in the void. The golden moral force filled the line with a light wave, pulling the ghost boy out more than two meters like a whip  far.  The power of this kind of merit is the same as the sun, thunder, etc., and it is a fatal threat to the things where the grievances are concentrated. The grievances on the ghost boy are dissipated by this whip a lot, standing by the wall in fear  Looking at Gu Ye.

Gu Ye said indifferently: "You have carried seven lives on your back, which is amazing for the kids."

The corner of Gui Tong's mouth grinned, and he looked at Gu Ye gloomily: "No, plus you, there will be eight soon."

Gu Ye sneered, "See if you can, girl, suck away his grievances, and see how he makes waves."

Lingling is the spiritual consciousness formed by absorbing grievances. She likes all the grievances of ghosts. The little doll stood on the table with two small hands raised. The thick resentment made the whole room dark.  As soon as the grievances on the ghost boy came into contact with Lingling, he would go out uncontrollably and could not take it back.

Guitong looked at this little baby in horror. Without resentment, he could not survive in this situation. In panic, he flew towards Lingling, with his pointed nails pointing to Lingling's neck, trying to kill her first.  Gu Ye sneered, swiped the whip in his hand, and slapped it on Guitong's feet. Guitong retreated and flew back more than two meters away in fear.

Gu Ye threw the whip in disgust, and watched Xie Cheng's handsome playing with the whip. It really wouldn't work if he didn't practice it.  He squeezed two talisman papers in his hand, "Tiangang is upright, Jiufeng is broken, broken!"

As soon as the word "broken" fell, there were two slight phoenix sounds in the room. Two golden lights passed through the ghost boy's body. Following the other party's scream, the ghost gas instantly lost more than half. At this moment, a yin wind rose.  As soon as the ghost boy's figure disappeared instantly.

Gu Ye frowned, pinched a finger, and sneered, "You have committed sins, you can't live!"

This kind of ghost boy who has killed people is extremely evil in nature and extremely bloodthirsty. Every time he comes out without killing a person, he cannot be recovered.  The two who raised the ghost boy noticed that the ghost boy was injured. They were worried that this one would be caught by Gu Ye just like the last one. They took him back in a panic, holding a black Buddha statue in a cold sweat.

What I didn't expect was that when the ghost boy came back, there was a gust of wind in the house, and the room was full of blood. The two hurriedly used the ghost card to suppress him, trying to force him back.  Guitong looked at the man holding his shelter gloomily, rushed over and grabbed his neck.

"Brother Yu!" The other person panicked, and hurriedly took out the ghost town mirror given by the master to shine on Guitong. Guitong trembled in pain. After a scream, he angrily stretched out his other hand and directly touched the master.  Tore off his head, and got into the Buddha statue.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Seeing the bloody scene with his own eyes, the man was so scared that he rolled his eyes and fainted.


Gu Ye had already calculated that the ghost-raiser would have an accident, but he didn't bother to take care of it. He ordered the ghost boy to kill seven people, and he would die.

He took out the ghost boy who was called a "stupid", "Ghost boy, do you remember what the person you made looks like?"

The ghost boy was frightened by Gu Ye's unkind complexion and trembles all over, and said aggrieved: "Remember."

Gu Ye gave him a pen and "draw it."

Guitong grabbed the entire pen in his palm and drew a fat, oval object.

Gu Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, "Is this pumpkin essence?"

The ghost boy is wronged, "just a fat man."

Gu Ye was tired, well, he couldn't help it when he encountered the soul painter.

Taking the pen in the other party's hand, Gu Ye wrote down the address of the ghost raiser on a piece of white paper, placed it on a prominent position on the table, and then called the person from the Xuanju Academy.

"Hello, I'm Gu Ye, yes, that's Gu Ye that none of you want to see." Gu Ye didn't wait for the other party to talk nonsense, but said indifferently: "Write down the address, I will just read it once."

After the other party wrote it down, he looked blank, "What do you want to do?"

"I found evil spirits in this place, are you going?"

The person in charge of answering the phone said solemnly: "According to the rules, you have to deal with what you find yourself, and others have no right to intervene."

"Don't talk to me about the rules, if I have time to deal with it, I still need to find you? Am I not going to school? Is it comparable to your group of older people?" Gu Ye mocked, "You are established.  It is for the people to eliminate harm, so you can arrest him, but you can’t catch him.” After speaking, he hung up the phone.

People from the Xuanshu Academy were stuck in their throats in one breath, and there was no chance of him coming back. What's more annoying is that you still have to listen to him.  Now the young people inside the Profound Magic Society have left a lot, and coupled with the pressure on them, there is already a loose sand inside them, and if they don't do anything to prove their existence, it will really be cold.

People from the Mysticism Society were sent to this address to investigate that night. After they found a ghost raiser whose head was ripped off by a ghost, a frightened fool was found in the corner. The ghost raising container was found.  Not only do they have to take away the little ghost, they also need to investigate who made this little ghost.  Now the only insider is stupid, and investigations are exhausting.

The old people of the Xuanshu Academy all scolded Gu Ye with bloody heads, and pushed them such troublesome things. At such a young age, with so many wicked things, it was as difficult as his brother!

After hearing the news, Jie Cheng sent a message to Gu Ye overnight: Have you found a job for them?

Gu Ye got up in the morning and saw: They only need to be a bastard, I will take people to report, if there is a bad job, I will send them a letter, and I will let them give me another mess.

Xie Cheng sent two rows of thumbs: awesome!


The recent events made Gu Ye feel bad. He thought of some things in his previous life and didn't eat a few bites for breakfast. He put down his chopsticks and stood up, "Stop eating, and go to school."

Hongdou reluctantly put away the rest of the rice, and rushed to catch up with a cup of milk tea.  She took the ghost baby to correct other people's marriage lines last night and ran all night. If it weren't for this, she suspected that Gu Ye would not be able to eat a bite of rice.  Gu Ye took it and took a sip with a smile, "It would be nice if the world is full of young ladies like you. I have been trapped for thousands of years and my heart is still so beautiful."

Hongdou saw that he smiled, but he didn't feel relieved at all, "You should learn to talk, you keep holding it on your own, it's not good."

Gu Ye chuckled lightly, and softly agreed: "Okay, I will go to study."

The red beans turned into a wisp of red smoke and penetrated into the Buddhist beads on Gu Ye's wrist, and followed Gu Ye to school uneasy.

This morning, Gu Ye's eyelids kept twitching. He could not tell whether he hadn't slept well last night or something was going to happen. This feeling made him very irritable.

Xia Xiang sensitively noticed that Gu Ye was in a bad mood. After class, Xia Xiang asked him in a low voice: "What's wrong with you these past few days? It always feels like you are dealing with something. We don't know if you don't tell me."

Gu Ye smiled and said casually: "It's okay, it may be that today is my mother's death, I am a little distracted."

Xia Xiang patted Gu Ye on the shoulder, "Thanks for your hard work. After so many years, there are some things that need to be kept in mind. We have to look forward and happy birthday."

Gu Ye tick the corner of his mouth, "Thank you."

Zhao Pengyu happily jumped over after hearing this, "Gu Ye's birthday today?"

With his voice, everyone looked over, "Gu Ye has birthday today, happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday Gu Ye!"

"Happy birthday, man! Twenty years old!"


There was a blessing all around. Gu Ye smiled and thanked the classmates for their kindness. Zhao Pengyu put his arms around his neck and said with a smile: "There is no class in the afternoon. Let's go out to eat at noon today, please!"

Gu Ye slapped his paws in disgust, "I have an appointment at noon, please ask again next time."

Zhao Pengyu stared, and immediately reacted, "Is the person who chatted with you last time?"

Everyone is stunned to listen to the big news!

Gu Ye said angrily: "My brother! Are you going?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be family members, which was boring.

When Zhao Pengyu thought of the serious face of Gu's brother, he waved his hand in fear, "Forget it, forget it, I'm not going."

Gu Ye turned his head and looked at Xia Xiang with a face that was not a smile. Gu Ye awkwardly held the other's baby face and rubbed it as a dumpling.

"You know too much! Kill you!"

Xia Xiang: "...I didn't say anything else."

"You can't do it if you think about it!"

Xia Xiang couldn't laugh or cry, how could he be so unreasonable?

Several people were arguing, and they heard a loud noise outside. Someone heard someone say: "Li Jiatong's mother from Class 3 has found the school and wants her to drop out."

"Which Li Jiatong?"

"It's the one who doesn't like to talk. He studies well, but he can't see what he looks like everyday."

"What did her mother think, she finally got admitted to such a good school, so she wouldn't let her go?"

Gu Ye pinched his finger and decided, his face changed, he pulled a piece of paper from the notebook, quickly wrote a false note and put it on the teacher's desk, and went out by himself.

"Gu Ye!" Zhao Pengyu stood up anxiously. Xia Xiang grabbed his clothes and told him to sit down. "He has his own business to deal with. Nothing will happen in school, so don't get involved.  with."

Zhao Pengyu pointed out the door and said helplessly: "I don't think he is in a good mood today."

Xia Xiang said irritably: "Nonsense, today is his mother's anniversary."

Zhao Pengyu was shocked, and said annoyed: "Then I just teased him, alas, I'm so stupid! I don't know!"

Other classmates felt embarrassed when they heard this. Their mother’s death day, they were so happy to congratulate them, and some of them were sensitive and guilty, “Oh, this is a trouble, and he responded to us with a smile.  How uncomfortable it might be."

At this time, Gu Ye came to the stone forest after counting the place where the tragedy happened. As soon as he approached, he heard a woman threatening: "You go back with me. You can't go to school anymore. If you don't go back, I can't do that.  I promise not to say anything, since your father is dead anyway, I am not afraid of anything."

"Really? Okay, let's talk about it." Li Jiatong's eyes fell on a sharp stone, her eyes brighter and brighter, she felt that she had found a way to escape, she was too tired, she couldn't live anyway.  Don't go and die together.

"Okay, you are so good!" The middle-aged woman became anxious, turned and walked towards the office building.

Li Jiatong sneered and walked to the stone. Just when he wanted to get it, a familiar voice said with disgust: "That old two-legged thing, stop."

Li Jiatong's pupils shrank, and the waist he was about to bend stood stiffly there, and his outstretched hand shrank and changed into a tight fist clenched.

The woman also turned her head and looked at Gu Ye who suddenly appeared with a cold face, "Who are you?"

Gu Ye walked over without expression, took Li Jiatong's wrist, and walked up to the woman a few steps. She slapped her face with a loud slap.

This slap made Li Jiatong stunned, and her adoptive mother was also stunned. They looked at Gu Ye in a daze, not knowing how to react.

Gu Ye said angrily: "Cowardly! This kind of bastard, she's not a human being, so you'll be done if you smoke her!"

The woman finally reacted, anxious, "I'm her mother! She dare to hit me?!"

"No, you're not her mother, you're just a bastard in human skin, but everything that is related to the word mother is a bit human, you don't." Gu Ye looked at each other's face and sneered."  Wasn’t it because you adopted her because you had no children? Didn’t you

expect her to end up in retirement? Look at you now, how does it look like a mother?"

"You are talking nonsense! What are you, she was raised by me..."

"Pop!" This time without Gu Yejiao, Li Jiatong went up and slapped her adoptive mother, and she hated her very much. Her eyes were red, like crazy, she rushed forward and wanted to hit her.  It looked like the woman was so scared that she took two steps back, "You are crazy, are you crazy!"

Gu Ye looked at Li Jiatong, sighed silently, and coldly interrupted the confrontation between their wives, "I said that you are an old man with two legs for no reason. Your little daughter is not yours, yours.  The child died when he was born, who did you steal?"

Li Jiatong's eyes widened in shock, what?

"You... fart!" The woman took a step back in a panic, "I won't tell you, I'm going to talk to your teacher! Li Jiatong must quit school!"

Gu Ye smiled, "Do you think that the one you raise up is better than the adopted one? How is your little girl like your couple?" Gu Ye pointed to the woman whose face had changed, "Look, this is dirty  She dares to come to you with a shy face, what are you afraid of? She is a personal trafficker! She stole someone else's child! She has only two legs like a human, where is she like a human?

"Nonsense!" The woman was so frightened that she didn't dare to say more. She put down this sentence and ran away in a panic.

Li Jiatong took off his glasses and looked at Gu Ye's face with red eyes, "I'm sorry, I know I was wrong! I was wrong!"

Gu Ye shook his head, "Pick up your waist, what's the use of crying? I didn't come here to help you, so you can find a kid to tie me a red thread. I don't want to see you in the future. I didn't want to look at one.  The scum is at large. You will go on your own for the future. Goodbye."

"Gu Ye!" This time, Li Jiatong plucked up the courage to catch up, "Thank you, I confess my guilt, I will surrender, do you still think I am sick?"

Gu Ye paused and turned around, "I said you were sick because you wanted to ruin a 16-year-old child, just to avenge your adoptive parents. Is your sister really bad to you? You really bear the heart.  See her suffering that kind of crime? Okay, I will show you something."

Gu Ye came back, drew a piece of talisman paper, and pasted it on Li Jiatong's forehead.  Li Jiatong's eyes widened instantly, and now a scene appeared before her eyes.  When my younger sister was three years old, she especially liked to hold her leg, let her carry it, and call her sweetly.  When my younger sister was six years old, she was in the first grade. She wanted to get under her bed every day, and said aggrieved that she was bullied by another boy today.  When I was ten years old, my sister would secretly give her some of her pocket money, saying, sister, I have made money when I grow up, and I will buy you nice little skirts.  At the age of twelve, my sister is living in junior high school, and their relationship seems to be getting further

and further away with time and distance. Later, my sister knocked on her door several times at night, but she disappeared because she didn't want to see her smiling face.  , I don't want to see her being petted, she hates, she hates!

Li Jiatong realized with tears that it seemed that the only family who treated her well since childhood was his sister.

As soon as the screen turned, Li Jiatong saw Li Jiayue being pushed under her by a forty or fifty-year-old man. She was crying, she was yelling, and she was struggling helplessly. Li Jiatong was holding her head and her heart was picked up. She suddenly  She cried bitterly and screamed: "No! No! Let go of her! The beasts let go of her!"

The picture came to an abrupt end. Gu Ye took off the spell and said with a cold face: "I don't need to say the rest. This child's life will be ruined. Your parents are guilty. Why is your sister innocent?"

Li Jiatong collapsed and sat on the ground, looking at her hand, shaking and saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for her! Am I crazy?"

"Your sister is fine. She will be taken away by her biological parents in the future. The fate of your sisters is over. Your adoptive father died. You know how you died. After all, it was in your hands. You know you are carrying a life.  What cause and effect will be achieved?" Gu Ye said faintly: "If you see similar things again, find a correct way."

Li Jiatong said with a dead heart: "There is no future."

Gu Ye turned around and waved goodbye, "Your adoptive father fell into the water and drowned when he was tired of driving."

Gu Ye walked out of Shilin and sent a message to Mu Jingfei: Sister Mu, I found a trafficker 16 years ago.

Mu Jingfei: What about the evidence?

Gu Ye: Evidence?  Just check it out.

Mu Jingfei: ...Wait for my sister to find you.

At noon, the swift police arrested Li Jiatong's adoptive mother, tested her and her youngest daughter's DNA, and determined that there was no mother-daughter relationship.  The birth records of the hospital were also called out. Only one child in the same ward died the night he was born.  The DNA was extracted with the police in that area, and it was immediately determined that Li Jiatong's sister was the child of that family.  Knowing that the child was still alive, the parents over there wished to take the car to the imperial capital that day and choke the woman who stole the child to death.

Seeing her adoptive mother being caught in the police car, Li Jiatong cried sobbing. She raised her head and looked at the dazzling sunlight. For the first time, she felt so bright and warm.  Li Jiatong did not go back to class, but went to the teacher directly, "I want to go to the law department now, is it too late?"


Gu Ye met Mu Jingfei privately, "Sister Mu, I still have a loan shark case to find you. This is the address."

Mu Jingfei laughed, "You are about to become a private detective."

Gu Ye smiled, "All he does is thankless, and no one is paid yet."

Mu Jingfei sighed, "You are for that girl, and you will be alone in the future, and you will get into loan sharks."

Gu Ye smiled, "No, there are so many children without parents or mothers. It all depends on how I live. Who is not a human being when I stand upright? She is pitiful, she still has food to eat, there is no one who is more pitiful than her? You?  Seeing less?" Gu Ye remembered the days when he had no father or mother in his previous life when he crawled out of the pit of dead children to find food. He couldn't help but sneered and didn't want to mention it again, "What about saving people? The most difficult thing to save is the human heart.  Life is full of flavours, how many people have been crushed by life, how many people have died in the dark heart, too many poor people, how many can I save?" At this point, Gu Ye smiled pretentiously.  "Maybe I didn't save it well, people are like this."

Mu Jingfei saw the loneliness in his eyes, and couldn't help but patted the shoulder of this big boy who was about the same as her brother, and encouraged: "At your age, it's great to be able to do this. People are not there.  I’m not very old, how much life experience, how much money, and the most important thing is here.” She poked Gu Ye’s heart, “understand right and wrong, know good or bad, then as long as you have a clear heart.  You will be tired. The more you understand, the greater the burden. Ten thousand people will have

ten thousand steelyards in their hearts. Someone will say what you do badly. Relax and study hard."

Gu Ye grabbed all his emotions and said with a smile: "Okay!"

Mu Jingfei also smiled, "You smiling face, how many people are you going to fascinate!"

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and said, "It doesn't need to be many, it's enough to be able to fascinate one person, one who will never get bored all his life is enough."

After sending Mu Jingfei away, the smile on Gu Ye's face faded, but there was not much relief.  Mu Jingfei also looked at people's hearts, but she brought the bad guys to justice, and the matter was over.  But what he sees is more that people cannot get Zhaoxue after they die in vain. Every time they empathize, he will feel that kind of despair. Sometimes he really feels that the human heart is really disgusting, it is better to be company with ghosts.

Just when Gu Ye was stuck in his heart, the phone rang. After Gu Ye answered the call, he looked at the gate. There was a familiar car parked there. Many students would take a look at the gate when they passed by. Gu Ye smiled.  What did Xin say about being hypocritical? For two lifetimes, I didn't understand this hypocritically. Isn't there another person who ran for two hours to celebrate his birthday?

Yu Ze asked suspiciously: "Gu Ye? Did you hear me?"

Gu Ye raised his hand with a smile and waved in the direction of the gate, "I didn't hear it just now, wait a moment."

Gu Ye ran towards the gate, and got into Yu Ze's car with a smile while many people looked at it. This time Yu Ze came by himself without an assistant. Gu Ye looked at the big car on the back seat.  Cake, smilingly fastened his seat belt, "Is there a traffic jam on the road?"

Yu Ze calmly said: "You count."

Gu Ye tilted his head, looked at Yu Ze's expression, and said jokingly: "I'm in a good mood today. Isn't it so beautiful not to go to work?"

Yu Ze picked up the corner of his mouth slightly, "Yeah."

Gu Ye was immediately suffocated by this word, eh?  How to talk later?

"You are in a bad mood," Yu Ze said confidently: "I can see that you are very confused now, do you have doubts about what you insist on doing?"

Gu Ye laughed and didn't know what to say. He couldn't hide anything from his eyes, "Yes, sometimes I want to quit. I graduated and opened a library to live a leisurely life."

Yu Ze said gently: "You have one afternoon to tell me that I can be a listener."

Gu Ye thought about it, smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

The impetuous heart was calmed down because of this sentence. Gu Ye glanced at Yu Ze's profile and thought to himself, this is probably Yu Ze's indifferent temperament, and his steady temperament, let him feel at ease.  After all, Yu Ze has always been very reliable.

I arrived at Gu Ye's house soon, and Yu Ze parked his car on the parking lot at the door. Seeing that the place was empty, he asked, "Do you have a driver's license?"

Gu Ye took out the key, "What do you want to do?"

Yu Ze said in a serious manner: "Buy you a car."

"I have! I still do it on my own!" Gu Ye curled his lips, "I was ridden away by your nephew's egg man."

Yu Ze frowned, "I said him."

"Don't, he just rode. I even snatched his newly bought game console. I haven't returned it yet. You said he should doubt it. What is my relationship with you? Why is it always facing me." Gu Ye  The tone of scholar Zhao Pengyu sounded wronged.

Yu Ze followed Gu Ye with a smile, "What did you tell him?"

Gu Ye opened the door and entered the house, with a blank expression on his face: "Won the year to pay?"

Yu Ze's smiling face pulled down a lot in an instant, "Yes, it's not too old."

Gu Ye pretended not to understand, and took the cake from the other party first, "Going out or eating at home?"

"Eat at home," Yu Ze checked the time. "In ten minutes, the chef will come home with the ingredients."

"Wow!" Gu Ye admired: "You think so comprehensively!"

Yu Ze smiled, took out a blue wrapping paper box from his suit pocket and handed it to Gu Ye, "Happy birthday."

Gu Ye was stunned. He took it in a little awkwardly, and uneasyly guessed what was inside. If it was a ring, would he take it?  What should he say?  The relationship between the two of them now is a bit subtle.

Seeing his ink marks, Yu Ze took a step forward. The two people close to each other almost leaned together and helped Gu Ye to open the box. Gu Ye breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not a ring, but a watch!

Yu Ze looked into Gu Ye's eyes and asked seriously, "I think I can accompany you on your birthday at this time of the year. Can you give me a chance?"

Gu Ye blushed immediately and stammered: "Dang, of course, why don't I accept your gift? I'm not stupid, haha."

Yu Ze frowned and grabbed Gu Ye's hand, "I mean..."

Before the words were finished, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Mrs. Gu was carrying the vegetables. At a glance, she saw two people standing close to each other in the living room, still holding their hands together.  Madam Gu took a deep breath, "You..."

Gu Ye panicked immediately and shouted anxiously: "Mom! Listen to my explanation, we are not what you think!"

Chapter 52 Master Gu is "forced" to come out

Seeing that Gu Ye was so excited, Mrs. Gu asked in confusion: "What are you explaining?"

Gu Ye was embarrassed, "It's just... nothing."

Mrs. Gu looked at him suspiciously, "There is nothing you explain? I am surprised that Mr. Yu will come to celebrate your birthday."

Yu Ze said in a serious way: "It's not nothing."

"Shut up!" Gu Ye stared at him in shock, not believing that the other party dared to say so, and quickly explained, "What he meant is that our good friends have a good relationship. It's okay to come and see me."

Mrs. Gu didn't think about it much, but now she has to think about it, and she asked inquiringly: "What did I say, what do you seem to be guilty of?"

Yu Ze takes care of Gu Ye: "Is my conscience guilty?"

Gu Ye was tired, "Don't talk! Mom, why are you here at this time?"

Mrs. Gu brought in all the things she brought, "Isn't it your birthday today? I originally wanted to make a bowl of noodles, and then I called you back. Your dad and your brothers and brothers prepared gifts for you. They went to school and went to work. At work, I am the only idler in our house."

Gu Ye helped with things and said, "No, you are now full of wealth and can make a lot of money."

Mrs. Gu was exaggerated, and the corners of her mouth quietly twitched. After a few words with Yu Ze, she began to check the house openly, "It is agreed that we will check the post from time to time. Well, there is indeed no trace of bringing the girl back."

Yu Ze sent a message to the chef to stop using it at noon. As soon as he looked up, he saw Gu Ye rounding up his mother and flattering him, "Of course, I'm obedient. Mr. Yu, my mother's noodles are delicious. I've been greedy for not eating for a while."

Mrs. Gu couldn't suppress the corners of her mouth and forgot everything she was praised for, "Oh, you bear kid!"

"Hahaha I will tell you the truth, and I will give Yu Ze a big bowl. He must have never eaten such delicious noodles. Mr. Yu, my mother made hand-made noodles, hand-made!"

Mrs. Gu smiled and covered her mouth, "Stupid boy, Mr. Yu has never seen anything."

Yu Ze faintly smiled in his eyes, and said seriously: "After my mother passed away, I really did not eat the longevity noodles made by my mother."

Mrs. Gu suddenly felt soft, "If Yu always doesn't dislike it, I will taste my craftsmanship later."

Yu Ze happily accepted, "Okay, thank you auntie."

Gu Ye twitched his mouth in shock, and looked at Yu Ze. You are such a person? !

Yu Ze walked up to Gu Ye with incomprehension, "What?"

Gu Yesheng was afraid that he would say something again, "Stop talking, shut up! Listen to me!"

Mrs. Gu was counting the things she had brought, and heard that Gu Ye was so rude, she raised her head and said angrily: "Why are you so fierce? People Yu is so busy. Seeing you from a long distance, you can't be so polite! Apologize obediently. !"

Gu Ye gritted his teeth and squeezed out three words from his teeth: "I'm sorry."

Yu Ze hurriedly said: "He is not impolite, very good."

Mrs. Gu's face suddenly changed and she stared at Gu Ye. You are so disappointed by someone like you who speaks for you.

Gu Ye covered his chest and stared at Yucho secretly: I feel so heartbroken!

Mrs. Gu frowned as she watched them frowning, her instinct was a bit wrong. Putting this doubt to the bottom of her heart, she brought a bag of clothes over first, "This is autumn clothes. It gets cold in the blink of an eye this day. I brought all the coats."

Gu Ye ran over and flattered, "It's nice to have a mother."

"Nonsense, this is a birthday gift from your father. This card is from your elder brother, and this card is from your second brother. This..." Mrs. Gu looked at the mug with Erha's head in disgust. Said: "Your brother's."

Gu Ye took all of them and was amused when he saw the mug, "My brother's taste, puff!"

Mrs. Gu has a headache, "He is the same as Erha!"

Gu Ye hurriedly put everything away. Yu Ze saw that the clothes bag was quite big and wanted to help him. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he saw Gu Ye pick it up with one hand, and carried it into the bedroom with ease.

Yu Ze looked at him with thin arms and thin legs. He walked with long legs and strode like flying. He followed and stood at the door of Gu Ye's bedroom, leaning on the door frame to look at Gu Ye, "Are you so strong?"

Gu Ye blinked, and suddenly he was shocked, "Yes, I was born with supernatural power, and he beat a cow to death with one punch."

Yu Ze saw the disappearing red mark on his wrist, and understood, what kind of talisman it was, he was quite able to apply what he learned.

At this time, I listened to Mrs. Gu shouting: "Oh! The third child, I heard that you bought a doll for your mother for 180,000 yuan. Is this this? So cute!"

Gu Ye was shocked, and hurried over, "She... human skin, can move, do you want more?"

"Hahaha, don't scare your mother, it's so cute, how could it be of human skin, the bastard dare to scare me, can I still snatch things from you?" Mrs. Gu said and laughed and looked at the study, as if it was the same as before. It's a bit different. It doesn't matter if you look at it. Madam Gu was stunned when she saw the things hanging on the wall.

Gu Ye opened his mouth, and his forehead was so tired that he couldn't explain it clearly!

Mrs. Gu's face turned cold, and she looked at the head of the family's handwriting, which was exactly the same as the handwriting that Yu Ze had mentioned, "You two..."

Standing behind Gu Ye, Yu Ze said faintly: "It was written by hand."

"Yes!" Gu Ye nodded, "I just thought his handwriting was pretty, so I begged him to write it."

Madam Gu watched them sing and agree, and they cooperated quite tacitly, a pair of beautiful and big, swept around them, curled the corners of her mouth, sneered, and barely said: You are your mother stupid. !

"I'm going to cook." Mrs. Gu is also a scene person. In front of Yu Ze, she didn't say anything, just like she didn't know anything, she put down Lingling and went to the kitchen.

Gu Ye had a look of lovelessness and regrets. At first, he thought that Yu Ze's words were good-looking, and every piece of hate could not be hung up. Now he can't explain it clearly, saying everything is like trying to cover up.

Yu Ze picked at the corner of his mouth, "What are you afraid of?"

"Nonsense, do you want to piss off my dad's old antique? He has high blood pressure, and the old man is in his sixties!"

Yu Ze was unexpectedly stunned, "You..."

Gu Ye reacted and smiled awkwardly, "I'm just afraid of their misunderstanding."

Seeing him pretending to know nothing, Yu Ze chuckled happily and said with a gentle expression: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Gu Ye blushed suddenly and looked away unnaturally. Both of them were pretending to be confused, and Gu Ye suddenly realized that he seemed to be very passive, and he felt like he had fallen into a net.

Mrs. Gu's craftsmanship is great, especially for cooking, six dishes, one soup and three bowls of hand-made noodles. The color, fragrance and taste are delicious. Gu Ye eats and flatters. Mrs. Gu is angry and wants to laugh. I can't help but want to go up, feeling happy. Yu Ze who couldn't speak anymore, the corners of Madam Gu's mouth fell suddenly, and her mood was extremely complicated.

Perceiving Mrs. Gu's face, Yu Ze said solemnly: "It's delicious, I almost forgot the taste of mother's cooking."

Mrs. Gu had a look on her face, and she knew that Mrs. Yu had passed away for several years. When she heard that Mrs. Yu had been hit too hard, the company was ignored and Yu Ze took over. This young man is not easy. Mrs. Gu said politely: "If you like it, I'm afraid that it doesn't fit your taste. If Mr. Yu likes it, he will go home to eat another day. My old Gu must be very happy."

Mrs. Gu was originally talking about a scene, but Yu Zeyi turned his face to look at Gu Ye with a serious face, as if to ask for his opinion.

Gu Ye was stunned, what do you think I am doing?

Mrs. Gu's face became solemn again, very good, sure, it is already a certainty.

After lunch, Mrs. Gu didn't stay much, holding her breath to leave.

Gu Ye sent her out, "You drove here by yourself? Mom, you're a super handsome trot!"

Mrs. Gu picked at the corner of her mouth, and said without a smile: "Well, I bought it myself."

"Wow! Mom, you made money! Great!"

Mrs. Gu got in the car and sneered twice, "Little bastard, today's flattery shots are more than usual, you wait for my mother!"

Gu Ye: "..."

After giving it to the little mother, Gu Ye fell tired on the sofa, holding the pillow and crying without tears. It was too difficult for him.

Yu Ze sat on his lap and suddenly smiled.

"What are you laughing at, my mom's temper, things are going on, you must find me."

Yu Ze immediately calmed down and stopped smiling.

Gu Ye grinned, "Forget it, you still laugh."

At this time, the two of them found that they had a line of sight staring at them, and when they looked in the direction of the study, Gu Ye was stunned. His daughter, standing by the door, showing half of her body, shyly stretched out her two index fingers, and pointed her fingers at once, staring at Yu Ze without blinking.

I have never seen this little puppet look like this, Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "Girl, you are a face dog!"

Yu Ze calmly looked at the little baby, and didn't find out why she moved. He stretched out a finger and hooked it blankly.

Lingling shyly retracted half of her body, and after a few seconds, she showed her head again, peeking at Yu Ze.

Gu Ye was helpless, "She can't come over. The purple qi on your body is too heavy, and she will get hurt." When he said to take this, Gu Ye rubbed a hand on Yu Ze. After rubbing it, he still felt that it was not enough. Unhappy, it must be because of your bad temper. Take off your coat and let me wear it."

Without saying anything, Yu Ze took off his suit jacket, and Gu Ye shrank on the sofa. His clothes were a little big. He shrank just enough to wrap himself in. Suddenly, he felt relieved. He was wrapped in purple air. He was the son of destiny. Gu Ye vowed: "Tomorrow, I will be lucky, and I will be able to sublimate when I listen to sister Hongdou's heart sutra at night."

Yu Ze was amused. Seeing that he was wrapped in a zongzi, he was in a much better mood than when he saw it at noon. He smiled and said: "Tell me about the depressing things these days, lost little lamb."

"Oh!" Gu Ye wanted to have fun, but now he felt that there was nothing to say, and said straightforwardly: "I just feel that people's hearts are so dirty, and a word of desire is properly used. I am selfish and immoral and have no bottom line. I'm tired of the world and want to be with ghosts."

Yu Ze immediately understood what was wrong with him, "Did you get a bit of a bullshit? It was a society full of material desires. If you see too many dark things, you have to look for the better side."

"It's wonderful?" Gu Ye shook his body, shaking like a tumbler, but his expression was very confused.

Yu Ze looked at him sideways, "There are so many good people and good things, have you paid attention?"

"No, I only noticed where people died. Are there any wrongdoers? My master told me since I was a child that it is my duty to eliminate evil and promote good." After speaking, Gu Ye suddenly realized that there would be a problem with his mentality. Without the things and

opportunities to relax the nerves, it is just to save people and ghosts blindly. What you see is the darkest side of human nature. If this continues, he may be psychologically distorted and perverted.

"From now on, when you are happy, you can stretch out your hand. If you can save it, you can save it. If you can't save it, it's his life. Whether you die or not is his good fortune. Who stipulates that if you know what ordinary people can't, you will bear more responsibility than ordinary people? It is to live for himself, not to save others." Yu Ze rubbed Gu Ye's head, shaking the tumbler left and right.

Gu Ye wandered while feeling that he was brainwashed, and Yu Ze was right.

"If you want to open a library, yes, we will open one after graduation, the largest in the country."

"Yes, it's not my duty to save people, it's fine to have a clear conscience." Gu Ye suddenly understood, and after speaking, he reacted. The words that followed Yu Ze were too meaningful, "No, no, I have money, I can drive it myself. You don't have to buy shares."

Yu Ze picked up the corner of his mouth, and just wanted to speak, Gu Ye quickly blocked it, "Today you have a lot of words! Reporters say that you talk less, and you have nothing to say in any situation."

Yu Ze smiled, "Look who is right."

Gu Ye's heart suddenly thumped, and he was stunned. He turned his face and didn't dare to look at Yu Ze's face. Gu Ye was heart-stuffed. After all, Yan Gou couldn't hold his face like a smile.

After turning around, he discovered that his daughter was still peeking at the door, Gu Ye's forehead, Yan Gou had no way to survive!

In the evening, I finally ate the birthday meal prepared by the chef that Yu Ze brought. Gu Ye was in a very good mood. All the unhappiness disappeared after a big meal.

But when Mrs. Gu came home, her mood was not so good. When Gu Decheng got home from get off work, she couldn't help but said, "His dad, Yu Ze ran to celebrate the third birthday."

Gu Decheng was quite happy, "The friendship between them is pretty good."

Mrs. Gu knocked on the side, "I don't think it is so simple."

Gu Decheng found his reading glasses and said, "What's not innocent. Yu Ze can be friends with him. He is from a high-level family." Gu Decheng put on the reading glasses and read the report. "What else can he do besides fortune-telling? Look at Yu Ze, he can help his father manage the company since he was a child.

Mrs. Gu felt uncomfortable, "Picture...you die old man! Are you stupid!"

Gu Decheng was confused, "Are you menopausal?"

"Who has menopause? Who do you mean menopause? I am so young, how can menopause be possible?!"

"...I'm not anxious when you scold me for a dead old man, why are you so anxious?"

"You say I am menopausal, you say I am old, where am I old?"

"I clearly didn't mean that."

"Then what do you mean?"

"What do I mean?"

"It's boring, what do you mean?"

Gu Decheng was defeated, "Okay, I won't quarrel with you."

Mrs. Gu rolled her eyes in anger, "It's like I want to quarrel with you!" After saying that, she left angrily. Gu Decheng looked confused. He is really menopausal. Why is his temper so big?

Standing on the balcony, Mrs. Gu sent a message to Gu Ye: Third, what's the matter with you and Yu Ze?

Gu Ye, who was watching a movie in the cinema, glanced at Yu Ze, who was sitting next to him, and replied: It was my birthday, he came to me for it.

He didn't know why he would pull the other person to watch the movie. He felt embarrassed by the two of them at home. He didn't expect to be even more embarrassed to come out.

Little Mom: Mom doesn't agree with you being together. You are still young and you can meet good girls in the future.

Gu Ye: What are you thinking about?

Little Mom: You broke up with him, or I will tell your dad and let your dad break your leg!

Gu Ye swallowed and bit his scalp back: No!

Little Mom: Do you think I am stupid or blind? ? ?

Gu Ye wants to cry without tears: Can I be stupid?

Yu Ze tilted his head, leaned to Gu Ye's ear, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Gu Ye Fue, the two of them really seem to be in love!

Mrs. Gu found that Gu Ye did not reply in time, and suppressed her temper to ease the atmosphere: It's fine if you're not together. How do you feel about getting along with him?

Gu Ye replied tiredly: He felt a sense of peace in his heart, and he was very reliable.

Mrs. Gu suddenly got anxious: Did you say you weren't together?

Gu Ye doesn't want to speak anymore, and he admits everything.

Mrs. Gu furiously wanted to choose the shortcomings, from appearance to family to personal abilities, and finally found that no shortcoming was singled out, the only shortcoming: he is a man!

Gu Ye: I know.

Mrs. Gu: Go find a girl

Gu Ye: I haven't met someone who can talk about it.

Mrs. Gu stomped angrily: How come so many girls can't talk?

Gu Ye: No, there is no common language. How can I fall in love with others? Why don't I find a ghost, I will bring you a bunch back, you can pick it, which age do you want?

Mrs. Gu was desperate, and there was nothing she could do. She told Gu Ye earnestly: Son, you are not worthy of others, how good they are, you see if you have nothing now, true love must be brave to let go.

Gu Ye: ...you have been blocked, see you manually. jpg

At the time of parting, Yu Zedao: "I am going to Country M tomorrow."

Gu Ye Machinery nodded, "How long?"

"One week, I will come back to bring you gifts, Pengyu didn't have one."

Gu Ye: "..."

Yu Ze looked at him seriously, "You are different."

Gu Ye said weakly: "Go!"

The corner of Yu Ze's mouth was raised, and his eyes were reluctant, "I will see you when I come back. I haven't finished what I said today, but I think you already understand."

"Go!" Gu Ye pointed to the main road, kicked the opponent's car door and was kicked to the point of collapse. Who could have imagined that Yu Ze's cold and desolate appearance, looking like a person who can't eat fireworks, has so many words here!

After Yu Ze went back, she lay on the bed and found several new books in the drawer of the bedside table in a happy mood, such as "A Complete Works of the Taste of Love", "A Hundred Days Crash Course for Love Masters", "A Hundred Ways to Get Rid of Being

Single", " "Lover's Quotes", "The Magic of Love Turns Around", "This book is in the world without single dogs, you deserve it! 》

Mr. Yu has a serious look, it doesn't matter if he has no experience, life is all about learning.


After sending these two ancestors away, Gu Ye couldn't sleep at all. He was extremely complicated on Weibo, and wanted to scan the gossip and find something to do. Surprisingly, his fans have grown to 700,000, and he has no idea how to grow.

Gu Ye looked at the private message that was exploded, and said silently, "I must be dreaming."

Because Gu Ye publicly calculated that Dingnan Entertainment would go bankrupt in half a year. Not long after this, the artists of Dingnan Entertainment really continued to have accidents, such as drug abuse, cheating, unspoken rules, tax evasion, etc., all strange scandals. Have. Gu Lin's entertainment company is really getting better and better. Recently, he has made a lot of newcomers. His appearance and acting skills are online, and he is very fast. This makes people in the entertainment industry think that Gu Ye will count, and there are so many people looking for him in private.

As soon as Gu Ye went online, a trumpet asked him: "I'm asking you for a fortune, can you keep it secret?"

Gu Ye felt that the time was so coincidental that this person probably had a relationship with him, so he just responded: I am boring to say it.

The other party: how much money is a good idea?

Gu Ye: According to the photos, there are a thousand passersby. Those who have a promising future need a lot of money, and you can give it later when you get rich. If the future is not good, please make sense. Those who have no future and are dying will not be accepted.

The other party hesitated for about ten minutes before sending Gu Ye a photo. It looked like a still picture, a very delicate face, and the sun was shining with a smile.

Gu Ye: Five million.

The other party was confused and sent a series of question marks.

Gu Ye: I will give it one year later.

The other party understood what Gu Ye meant. Gu Ye was saying he had a future. He couldn't believe it. I was in a state of being hidden in half snow and had no backstage. The company said I had no energy and no acting skills. There was no shortage of handsome men and women in the entertainment industry. There is no advantage at all. I actually want to give up too. I can't even touch the script. Two days ago, I wanted to play a campus web drama. I secretly auditioned. I was selected. The agent scolded me and rejected it. He feels that he has no future, so I don't want to fix the moth and give me a passerby with a dog-blood script. What future is there for someone like me?

Gu Ye sighed: Boy, which company do you work for?

The other party: Dingnan.

Gu Ye said disgustingly: No wonder, your boss is lame, your frontal bones are round, the sky is plump, and the sun and moon corners are raised. As long as you have the opportunity, you will surely rise up.

The other party asked in surprise: You mean, I can be popular?

Gu Ye: Now is the turning point of your destiny. If you have been in that company, you can only keep running around, and you will become popular after ten years. If you change jobs, you may be red in three months. How much is your liquidated damages?

The other party: 500,000 yuan, because the contract did not give much money.

Gu Ye: I will pay the liquidated damages for you and go to my brother's company. If you believe me, you will become famous in half a year and become a popular little fresh meat in a year. As long as you are steadfast and perform well, the future is boundless.

Du Jianuo, a small 18-line artist on the Internet, was stunned. Gu Ye unexpectedly paid the penalty for him, and an unnatural word popped out in his mind: unspoken rules. Thinking about it, he shook his head and felt it was impossible. Gu Ye would rule him out, and he felt that Gu Ye suffered.

He asked uneasy: Why did you pay for me?

Gu Ye: So if I want 5 million from you, I should invest.

Du Jianuo laughed. I don't know where Gu Ye's self-confidence came from. He has been forced to retreat. He himself doesn't believe in himself, and everyone doesn't think he has a future. Even his parents think he can't do it. Du Jianuo tentatively asked: Are you afraid that I won't admit it?

Gu Ye: You won't.

Du Jianuo: People's hearts are unpredictable, how do you know that I will not change?

Gu Ye: Then you can try, even if you stand at the top of the entertainment circle, I can pull you off the altar.

Speaking of this, Du Jianuo took a deep breath and replied: I'll take a gamble! As long as you give me a good script, I will do my best.

Gu Ye: Okay, come to me. Tomorrow at six o'clock in the afternoon, see or leave the Shiguoyu Restaurant on the east side of the North Gate of Imperial Capital University.

Du Jianuo quit Weibo and began to pack his bags blankly. He felt that the person on the Internet had either cast a curse on him or he was

crazy. He actually believed that the other party paid him liquidated damages and believed the other party's nonsense.

Chapter 53 Gu Ye: Come, bully me!

Carrying his bag, Du Jianuo came to the world-famous university of Imperial Capital University as scheduled. At the gate, he found the stone pot fish restaurant that Gu Ye said. The store is not big, but the decoration inside is very elegant. It happens to be time for dinner and there are many students.  Du Jianuo found a seat in the back and passed by several tables. However, a few students took a look at him because of his handsome appearance, but no one recognized him.

After waiting for only two minutes, Gu Ye came. Without Du Jianuo's reminder, he went straight to the corner where Du Jianuo was, and found him in no time. He smiled and said, "Oh~ I've been waiting."

Du Jianuo was taken aback when seeing Gu Ye's young and excessive face face to face, and then smiled bitterly, "Hello."

Gu Ye sat down opposite him and said, "I really don't look like a fortune teller. You regret it now. I can still reimburse you for the fare."

Du Jianuo was seen through with a glance, and smiled embarrassedly, "No, I'm here, I want to take a gamble, it's all this step anyway."

"Okay," Gu Ye looked at Du Jianuo's face again. He didn't move the knife or make-up. There was no problem with the previous look. "This is half a million," Gu Ye took out the bank card he prepared in

advance.  "At this time next year, if you have more than 40 million fans, remember to return 5 million to me."

Hearing the number of 40 million, Du Jianuo clenched his fists in shock, "I really have the financial ability to repay it? Can I really have 40 million fans?"

"Yes." Gu Ye assuredly said: "As long as you don't make troubles, do not cause trouble, and act steadily, the first work will make you popular. However, you want me to take a look at the scripts you play this year.  ."

Du Jianuo picked up the card and said seriously: "I listen to you."

Gu Ye put his chin on and looked at him, and said with a smile: "I'll give you another suggestion. Stay away from the dog in the past two months."


"Yes, a real dog is a dog running on the ground, four-legged, barking."

Du Jianuo couldn't laugh or cry, "Do I have a dog? I was bitten by a dog?"

Gu Ye nodded with a smile.

"Well, I remembered it."

The two had a meal together, and Du Jianuo didn't want to live nearby. He booked the high-speed rail station ticket for that night and planned to go to the broker to terminate the contract the next morning.

At the time of parting, Gu Ye exhorted: "It may be unpleasant to go back, so prepare yourself mentally."

Du Jianuo nodded with a serious look, "I know, I'm already mentally prepared."

Du Jianuo’s agent, Hou Shiqi, is an old agent of Dingnan Entertainment. He has also held a few celebrities in his hand. He likes to be sweet and obedient. If you want to accompany you out, you have to be happy.  If you are in a good mood to accompany the distinguished guest, he will be happy to praise you.  Du Jianuo is good-looking and young. He just doesn't cooperate with his arrangements and doesn't have a backstage, so he has been thrown into the corner all the time.

When I heard Du Jianuo wanted to leave, Hou Shiqi turned his face directly, "Eat what's inside and out of the way! Just like you and want to leave? Who would want you? If you want to be acting but not acting, you can’t speak, and you can’t even accompany wine.  Rubbish, where can you go?"

Du Jianuo has been used to such insults for a long time, and said without changing his face: "I just want to act, I like this industry, and I don't want to participate in the others. Thank you for taking care of it for the past two years. Goodbye!"

"You go? I see how you go? Just the few scenes you have played. I want to post money in it, and you can get the penalty?" Hou Shiqi sneered and looked at Du Jianuo's leaving back.  With a look of disdain, "Go away, you will be hidden by the snow if you don't roll!"

Du Jianuo paused and said coldly: "Then you just wait."

Hou Shiqi had predicted that Du Jianuo would not be able to leave. Unexpectedly, Du Jianuo really paid the liquidated damages. He left the apartment with luggage on the day he took the contract. After asking someone to find out, Du Jianuo went directly.  Yuming Media.

"Does Yuming Media have money to burn? What did such a mentally retarded do? There are not many works, all passersby, and no acting skills!" Hou Shiqi cursed, "He has absolutely no way out!"

Even though he was so scolding, he had no bottom, because the few newcomers who went to Yuming Media were all hot, and even the old actors who had been tepid before went all the rage. Du Jianuo's family was poor and fifty.  Ten thousand liquidated damages are nothing to others, but to his family, it is a huge sum of money. He himself can't come up with five hundred thousand liquidated damages, and can only be paid by Yuming Media.  Does Du Cano really have acting skills?

The assistant said: "I heard his roommate said that he had never contacted people from Yuming Media at all, but had contacted Gu Lin's brother. He went to Imperial Capital University on purpose yesterday, and it was midnight when he returned."

"The third child of the Gu family who knows fortune-telling," Hou Shiqi sneered, and squinted his eyes. "Could he figure out that Du Jianuo would be hot?"

The assistant shook his head, "Who knows how this young master thinks of people."

"He wants to go, I have to let him go. If all the artists in my hand want to learn from him, he won't be able to go to heaven?" Now many people in the outside world are saying that Dingnan has been pressing the artists and didn't show them.  Otherwise, they will be on fire early, and many actors with acting skills are now under contract. There is nothing on the surface, and they must have wondered when to leave.  Hou Shiqi sneered and said with a sneer: "Want to go, how could it be so easy? The studio sent a message that Du Jianuo was taken care of by wealthy businessmen and was persuaded to leave. For violating the company's agreement, he paid a penalty of 500,000.  At the same time remind the other artists in the studio and let them take warning. No one in the studio can testify to him. Without PR and backstage, how can I see him fly?"

On the same day, the news was spread, and Du Jianuo's name became popular.  Everyone doesn't know what he played, but the black name of "the 18th-line star who was kept by the rich businessmen" is strictly memorized.  A man who didn't want to be aggressive but was taken care of by a wealthy businessman. Netizens were happy and didn't bother to scold him. Just two words: disgusting!

Du Jianuo has not yet entered Yuming Media, and the black material has been flying all over the sky. When Yuming Media saw this, the person in charge of signing the contract hesitated.  He is not wellknown, and he is still ridden with black materials. Is it necessary for such a person to sign?

Having just escaped from that hopeless company, he finally saw hope. When Du Jianuo saw the scandal, his whole body was dumbfounded.  He knew that it would not be so simple to leave. He knew Hou Shiqi too well. He would rather destroy the disobedient artist, so he didn't give the other party a chance to react and left on the same day.  Unexpectedly, the other party has this trick.

He knew that no one would testify to him.  Let alone whether there is a chance to come back, even if he has the ability to wash himself in the future, it is useless. The longer the interval, the less he has the opportunity to wash himself.  From now on, no matter what he does, he will have to bear this stain on his back. Hou Shiqi is trying to kill him and push him on the road to absolutes.

Carrying a bag, Du Jianuo sat on a lounge chair in the park, resting his head on the back of the chair, and stared blankly at the starry sky that was not bright.  He felt that his life was also like this hazy night sky, covered with a haze that could not be torn apart.  At this moment, Du Jianuo really gave up, and the hope that was reignited by Gu Ye was abruptly crushed.

This line is too tiring and dirty. He doesn't have that much effort. He just wants to act steadily. Why is it so difficult?

The hurried bell rang for a long time before Du Jianuo gave a weak glance. It was the fucking call. Du Jianuo hesitated and chose to hang up. He didn't know how to explain to his parents, instead of letting them  Worry is better than silence.

I have been sitting for more than an hour. There are no people running at night in the park. Du Jianuo is still sitting here. He doesn't know where he can go. There is a big world, but there is no place for himself.  Helplessness.

At this time, the phone rang again. He thought it was from home again, but he didn't answer it. The phone kept ringing without giving up. He picked it up and looked at it with exhaustion, and his pupils suddenly shrank.  It turned out to be the phone number of the agent he took down during the day!  Du Jia Nuo answered nervously, and listened to the other party's angry saying: "Why haven't you answered the phone for so long? Dropped in the toilet? Come to the company headquarters at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning to sign the contract. The company has artist apartments, all of which are private rooms. If you want to live in  You can bring your luggage together."

"I, can I still go?" Du Jianuo couldn't believe it and read the caller ID again to make sure that he was right.

"Yes, you didn't pay attention to the situation on the Internet? Thank you Sanshao, this great kindness must be noted." After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"The three young masters, is Gu Ye?" Du Jianuo excitedly boarded Weibo, ignoring how many people scolded him, and went to Gu Ye's Weibo first.  Gu Ye, who hardly updates the news, posted such a news: @侯世其 Is the rich businessman who raised Du Jianuo me?  I gave him his liquidated damages. I calculated it for him. Today next year, you won’t even be worthy of giving him shoes.  I dug your corner, come and bite me~

Du Jianuo saw this sentence, and after all the humiliation he had never shed tears, his tears fell. He covered his eyes with one hand, raised his head, and the corners of his mouth collapsed tightly.  Never thought that there is such a person who can believe that he can unconditionally.  Never thought that there is such a person who can stand up and speak for him at this time.  Why on earth did Gu Ye believe in him so much because of his illusory life?

When Gu Ye's news came out, many people on the Internet were shocked. No one believed that Gu Ye could support Du Jianuo.  How old is Gu Ye, twenty years old. The Gu family’s family tradition has always been strict. Gu Decheng is also known for being "decent and serious." When reporters interviewed him, he was unhappy when he told him jokes. Gu Ye dare to do this.  kill him?

In addition to studying well, Gu Ye is also good at fortune-telling. Seeing this, does it mean that Du Cano will be popular in the future?  Anyone with a discerning eye understands that this is Hou Shiqi's dissatisfaction with Du Jianuo's hopping, and he wants to ruin him directly while he is still not popular.

Hou Shiqi didn't expect that Gu Ye could help Du Jianuo speak. What's the difference between pointing his nose and scolding him?  Hou Shiqi had a sullen face. After thinking about it for a long time, he hadn't figured out how to reply. He was tough, he didn't have the guts. Behind Gu Ye was not only the big entertainment boss Gu Lin, but also "Gu Dad".  Not just, it seems that he has acquiesced, what should I do in the future?

While he was hesitating, Gu Ye spoke again: @侯世其 I not only dug up Du Jianuo from your company, Zhou Luochun, Jing Xingchun, Fei

Zhitong, Shao Mengqin, Mei Mei, and Jian Wenwen are all my people.  Dig, don't pick the honest child to bully, come, bully me!

Hou Shiqi almost drew it away, "Why is there such a bullying!?"

Not only Hou Shiqi was angry, but several agents in Dingnan were almost pissed off by these words. All of them are now poached by Yuming Media and quickly become popular. They are all cash cows!  If this is in their hands, how much money can they make?  They were all picked up by Gu Ye!

The people on the Internet are boiling: Fuck!  Gu Ye is really a master!  It's all calculated ahead of time!

These people were inconspicuous when they were at Dingnan Entertainment, and there were no notices. When they went to Yuming Media, they all became popular in one drama. They really have acting skills!

They have acting skills, and Dingnan Entertainment’s upper class has eye problems!  Zhou Luochun was crushed so badly. When walking on the red carpet, he wore season clothes and was not allowed to cut his trademark, making him the laughing stock of the audience. Zhou Luochun was such a strong child who broke his leg and did not cry during filming and walked out of the venue.  After breaking down, he cried his head against the wall, and the scene broke my heart.  I am here to kneel for my brother Zhou and thank Master Gu Ye for giving him a chance to be reborn!

Thanks to Master Gu for picking my goddess!  When I couldn’t find anyone in that silly dog-blood TV series, I was forced to pull Wenwen

up to the top of the bag. Later, the ratings were low. I don’t know which mentally retarded person said the reason for not being popular was because of a small mole on the corner of Wenwen’s mouth.  Ruined the good luck of the film and let the company hide her for a year!  Is it just a fucking conspiracy?

Dingnan Entertainment is really not good anymore. With so many acting skills, the agent doesn't like it, but even those flamboyant vases.

So, Du Jianuo was dug away by Gu Ye because of his potential?

Little brother has a bright future, waiting for good news!

Du Jianuo, come on, Master Gu is very optimistic about you, I hope you can be as popular as the above, and believe in Master Gu!  You can be red!


Du Jianuo was sitting on a chair in the park, blowing in the cool breeze, constantly reviewing comments, watching others encourage him, one by one, tears could not stop.  He wanted to call and send messages to Gu Ye several times, but he didn't know what to say. The kindness was too great, and all the language was pale.

It was not until the second half of the night that Du Jianuo summoned the courage to send a message to Gu Ye, just one sentence: From now on, I have nothing to fear.


As the Internet spread more and more widely, the artists who were named also heard the news, and all asked their agents, "Gu Sanshao really counted it for us?"

In this regard, several brokers were dumbfounded, "He drew a circle on your head and said to dig it, and the boss of our brother-in-law sent someone to dig you."

Although the process was like a joke, several artists were still shocked, and they were full of gratitude to Gu Ye.  If it weren't for being dug into Yuming Media, they might still be passers-by.  It is much better to pull them at the hardest time than to add to the cake when they are popular.  Several people knew each other, and after discussing it, they all reposted Gu Ye’s Weibo: Thank you, my little king @顾叶赏识, no matter what Yuming Media will develop in the future, I will be in the same boat.  If Yuming does not leave, I will not give up.

This is equivalent to a disguised confession to their company to Penghong. Gu Ye didn't see them forwarding it, so Hou Shiqi went to sleep after he was done.  Early the next morning, I picked up my phone and found countless WeChat messages. Seeing Du Jianuo's one, Gu Ye replied with a smile: Come on!  God likes children who work hard.

Facts have proved that Gu Ye's vision is correct!

Du Jianuo is indeed upbeat and hard enough. In the first month of signing the contract, he received the company's internal professional training, and in the second month he got an audition opportunity.  Relying on his own strength, he grabbed the role of the male second in

a fantasy martial arts masterpiece made by a big director.  This character is glamorous and chic, and his confidante is all over the world, but in the end he sacrificed his life for the common people of the world. The original works are very popular.  At the end of the novel, many people abused and cried, and many angry readers threw rotten eggs at the author.  When Du Cano’s audition photos were posted on the Internet, his handsome appearance and romantic eyes cried a lot of original fans. That day, his Weibo fans increased by more than 100,000.

No small fresh meat has such magical powers. Before shooting officially, just post a few photos to attract fans.  Thinking of what Gu Ye said before, many artists were moved, and they wanted to find Gu Ye to calculate their future.

For a while, Gu Ye's private message was exploded again. Because of the attention of several popular traffic idols, his fans grew to more than two million.

However, Gu Ye went online every three days, begging him to line up, and there was no way to find a relationship.

Now it’s cold. Master Gu, who was not found by the outside world, is wearing a slim white sweater, dark blue jeans and a gray windbreaker. He sits elegantly on a stone stool in the school’s bamboo forest with a shelf in front of him.  , Is painting the golden bamboo forest at dusk.

Several senior sisters passed by, stopped curiously, and did not shy away from looking for an angle to shoot him.  To talk about the

changes in the young ladies during the four years of college, the pursuit of freshman must be "senior, sorry." In the second year, "senior, I won't make an appointment." In the junior year, "Daiyou  , This junior is handsome!" Senior: "Don't run, junior! Let’s chat together!"

Several senior sisters walked to Gu Ye after the filming, and asked openly: "School brother, can you add a friend?"

Gu Ye paused at the tip of his pen and said with a smile: "Sorry, senior sister, I didn't bring my mobile phone."

The elder sister was not annoyed, so she teased him, "Oh, you have been using this excuse for half a year, so you can change it."

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, he should really change one, no one believed it.

"Eh? The lady in red you painted is so beautiful! Is there a model? Or imagined?" A senior lady pointed to Gu Ye's painting of the beauty who was dancing in red costume and was amazed.

Gu Ye looked at the beauty in red dancing in the shadow of the bamboo forest, and said gently: "There are real people."

"Wow! It's so beautiful! Is it your girlfriend?"

Gu Ye smiled and shook his head, "No, she is like my sister."

"Oh, then I can rest assured, you are still single." A few senior sisters patted Gu Ye on the shoulder, "Let's go, juniors remember to change the reason for refusing to be friends!"

Gu Ye waved goodbye to several senior elder sisters, dumbfounded, and when everyone was gone, Gu Ye sent a message to Zhao Pengyu.

Not long after, Zhao Pengyu sent a message and scolded him: "You lazy! Wait! Dad will buy it for you! Pulse or black tea?"

Xia Xiang frowned when he heard this, "Peng Yu, don't call yourself Dad Gu Ye."

Zhao Pengyu didn't care too much and said: "He calls himself my father every day, and he still has the power to draw a picture. Let his father give him water!"

Xia Xiang twitched the corners of his mouth, "I'm afraid you will lose your life in the future."

Zhao Pengyu was confused, "What?"

Xia Xiang hesitated, "It's nothing, that's what I said."

"Sneez!" A cool breeze blew over, and Gu Ye sneezed and picked up the phone dissatisfied, "Zhao Pengyu, you scolded me?"

Zhao Pengyu: Are you still a human?

Gu Ye curled his lips, hehe twice, he really scolded him, this egg man!

At this time, Gu Lin’s secretary sent a message: Sanshao, a friend of mine is the agent of the actress Tang Jingyi.  It seems that something happened to Tang Jingyi recently. He wants to ask you to show it. Are you free?

Gu Ye replied: When the money comes, I will be free.

Secretary Yang: Then take a look, do you have time tomorrow night?  They go to you.

Gu Ye: Come on, I didn't study on Saturday night.


On Saturday night, Gu Ye waited at home for Secretary Yang’s friend Xie Ren, and Tang Jingyi, the queen who was wrapped like a rice dumpling. She wore a black coat, black mask, and black sunglasses. She wore something thicker than normal.  Many, in the overcoat season, she put on all the down jackets and walked in behind Xie Ren. She took off her mask, revealing a thin half of her face, and said weakly, "San Shao, hello, this is Tang Jingyi.  "

Gu Ye looked at the aura on her body, and said lightly: "Call me Master Gu. When I do this kind of thing, I don't want to get involved with my brother. You don't seem to be in good spirits."

"Well, I haven't slept well for a few days." Compared with the fanaticism that others saw her, the young man on the opposite side

was holding a delicate doll with a lukewarm attitude. Such a contrast made Tang Jingyi couldn't help but look at Gu.  Ye Jian, like the doll in his arms, a very delicate face, and too young, completely different from the masters he had seen before.

Gu Ye closed the door and let them sit down in the living room, "Miss Tang, can you also take off your sunglasses?"

Tang Jingyi nodded, took off his glasses, "Sorry, I'm used to it."

Before coming here, Gu Ye specially told me to put on makeup and try not to make up. Even so, Tang Jingyi is still very beautiful.  The haggard and pale face couldn't hide her beauty, but it gave her a little pitiful taste, and most men would feel pity when they saw it.  Unfortunately, after seeing Gu Ye, his face was cold.

The skin is pale and there is no liveliness, and the evil spirit on the eyebrows is dark, no wonder she is so afraid of the cold.  The other party bit his lip, looking pitiful, but a sharp and mean aura rushed towards him.

The broker Xie Ren asked worriedly: "Master Gu, can you see anything?"

Gu Ye chuckled lightly and asked straightforwardly, "What did you do that hurts the truth? Tell me."

As soon as these words fell, the faces of the two people changed instantly.

Chapter 54 Give you a chance to chase me

It was pointed out by Gu Ye that he had done a damaging thing, and both of them changed their faces.

"No!" Tang Jingyi blurted out, then concealed her sunglasses on, concealing the panic in her eyes, and calmly said: "Master Gu, we are here to find you to solve the problem."

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Oh, then you go, there is not even a truth, I don't want to solve it."

"Don't," Xie Ren hurriedly stood up and finished the game. "Master Gu, don't be angry. There is a reason why she doesn't want to talk. She went too badly in the entertainment industry a few years ago. In order to seek comfort, she adopted it. A ghost mantong."

Tang Jingyi panicked and wanted to stop, "Thank you brother!"

"There is nothing I can't say," Xie Ren said indifferently: "Gui Mantong is the golden boy in Southeast Asia, or the Buddha boy. It is the kind of kind kid enshrined by Buddhism, and it is not an evil ghost. He then said to Gu Ye: "The past few years have been good, but in the past few days, I suddenly started to lose control, and worship nothing."

Gu Ye raised her eyebrows, and squeezed her little girl's hand slowly and said slowly: "I know that Gui Mantong is not the same as Gui Tong. Gui Tong is a baby who has been born but has been formed but has not been born. Put corpse oil on it, wrap the banner, stuff it into a

jar and brew it for seven or seventy-nine days. These ghost boys have strong grievances and follow the instructions of their masters. It's very easy for people to adopt it. But Guimantong is different. Guimantong is made of a child's ashes mixed with a very yin material. It has been blessed by Taoist monks. If Guimantong kills, it is definitely Miss Tang who did it. What makes him angry. Mr. Xie, you don't know your artist very well, right."

Xie Ren was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously glanced at Tang Jingyi. The other party was sitting there with a dignified face, looking up at him, wearing sunglasses, unable to see the thoughts in his eyes.

"I think I understand it quite well," Xie Ren himself is not very confident. After Tang Jingyi can stand on his own feet, he has begun to train new talents. He hasn't managed much in the past year or so. she was.

Gu Ye shook his head, and didn't know what to say about this simple brother. Tang Jingyi's face was definitely not the gentleness on the surface. He was careful, mean, arrogant and indifferent, and docile was all pretending to be. There are a lot of good people in the entertainment industry. He has seen many people who are charitable and leading by example. He has also seen a lot of people who can pretend like Tang Jingyi. "Miss Tang should swear at your assistant. Right, it's the same for your ghost boy, or treat it as a son like before? You have been too popular in the past two years, right?"

"Master Gu, why did you say this? If you don't want to show it, let's go." When Gu Ye revealed the deepest hidden secret, Tang Jingyi's body stiffened, and immediately returned to normal. She stood up and said, "Xie brother, let's go. Right."

"Goodbye, I wish you a few more nights." Gu Ye asked Lingling in his arms to stand up and touch the back of the child's head, "I'm ready to go and play by myself."

Following Gu Ye's words, Tang Jingyi stopped subconsciously, looked back stiffly, and saw that the doll in Gu Ye's arms jumped out of Gu Ye's arms, and ran away with little leather shoes. Tang Jingyi and Xie Ren's faces turned pale on the spot, and they were completely scared by the scene before them.

"This is?" Xie Ren quickly grabbed Tang Jingyi and winked at her sternly, "Master Gu has real skills and will definitely save you. Sit down and speak up!"

Tang Jingyi had to sit down after being said by her agent. Her voice was dry: "I don't know where he was offended. Recently, I think he wants to kill me."

Gu Ye tilted his head and said slowly: "There are requirements for wearing ghosts, not eating wild, respecting parents, caring for children, not fighting for fame and fortune, not intrigue, and he will bless you if you have one. If you fail to do so, Gui Mantong will be contaminated with filth and will inevitably be bitten back. It has already reached the point of killing you. What have you done, you have no idea? Go back and wait for death.

Following Gu Ye's words, Tang Jingyi's face became paler and paler. At the last sentence, Tang Jingyi's body became stiff and her fingers trembled. She had obviously defeated the last psychological defense line, "I... I'm sorry her."

Xie Ren frowned, "Who are you sorry, what did you do without me?"

Tang Jingyi bit her lip and hesitated for half a minute before she said, "I didn't choose the role of Yu Ji in the first place."

"I know, isn't it because Qiu Junling had an accident, and his calf was broken. Director Li gave you the role?"

"Yes," Tang Jingyi gritted her teeth, "She had an accident. It was... I asked Guitong to push her and she was hit by a car."

Xie Ren's expression changed, and pointed to Tang Jingyi who was so angry that he couldn't speak. He clicked her several times before suffocating her words: "You are crazy! Do you have no good script or a good role? You need to use this Is it possible to grab Qiu Junling with this method?!"

Tang Jingyi took off her sunglasses, her eye circles were already red, tears in her eyes, "I just saw her not pleasing to the eyes, when I was not famous, she bullied me, I just don't want to see her red!"

Xie Ren didn't know what to say about her because of her young daughter's attitude.

Gu Ye gave a "tsk" and interrupted the other party, "This matter is not over yet, so how did your life come from?"

"Life?!" Xie Ren was frightened. "Why is life involved?"

For this reason, I couldn't hide anything. Tang Jingyi looked at Gu Ye's eyes. Gu Ye raised her eyebrows, and Tang Jingyi felt like he was seeing through them all at once. She collapsed and said: Who knows... Who knows that she is pregnant, and the child is gone on the spot. "Tang Jingyi covered her face and cried bitterly, "I really didn't mean it. If I knew she was pregnant, I wouldn't let Guitong take action." "

"You...You can be Tang Jingyi!" Xie Ren was so angry that he didn't know what to say. Tang Jingyi was so popular with him. How could he not think that the quiet and quiet girl before, could do such a thing when she was ruthless. .

Gu Ye squinted his eyes, "You now know that you were wrong, do you really regret it?"

"Of course, I am very guilty," Tang Jingyi cried, "I regret it every day."

Gu Ye rolled his eyes and didn't like talking to this masked woman, "Mr. Xie, you can take her away."

"Master Gu, you can help, eight million, what do you think?" After all, after holding it for so many years, Xie Ren couldn't bear to watch Tang Jingyi die.

Gu Ye took the water Lingling brought him, and said indifferently: "Is she really guilty of her own heart, and she did more than just this thing."

Xie Ren opened his eyes wide and looked at Tang Jingyi in shock, "More?!"

Tang Jingyi's face was pale, and she lowered her head and said in a low voice, "It's just that in the past, we didn't kill anyone."

Xie Ren suppressed her anger and eloquently persuaded: "Master Gu, she is wrong and should be punished. You can do whatever you say. I only ask you to save her. She grew up in a single-parent family with only one child. Old mother, if she dies, her mother will be a whitehaired person giving away a black-haired person. Think about it, how can the old man resist living?"

Gu Ye frowned and said nothing.

Xie Ren saw that he did not refuse, so he hurriedly persuaded: "We all have parents. We all know that it is not easy to get old. You can save her life because of the face of the old man. She has also saved up in the past few years. Let her donate more to the children in the orphanage. Do you think it's okay to accumulate more virtue?"

Gu Ye was silent for a while, and said disgustingly: "Let me save her, unless three conditions are promised: First, go and apologize to those people, ask for forgiveness from each other, remove the resentment, and worship the unborn child for a lifetime. Second. Quit the entertainment industry, because she was red because of the blessing of Gui Mantong. She instructed a kind-hearted ghost boy who had blessed her for three years to do a lot of bad things, so that Gui Mantong slowly became ill, and all the accumulated before must be returned Go back. Third, I don't need a penny, but she wants to donate all her family property to welfare institutions, and there will

be no money left."

"No! I finally got to where I am today," Tang Jingyi pleaded: "I can give you more money, Master Gu, you can save me, I changed it, I really changed it, I took all of my I'll give you all the property, so take that ghost boy away!"

"Do you think I am short of money?" Gu Ye looked at each other's face, "Miss Tang, you have too many desires. To tell the truth, I actually don't want to save you. You either live to redeem your sins or be eaten away by ghosts, yourself. Choose."

Tang Jingyi still wanted to beg, and Gu Ye said: "Red beans, see off the guests, you two will go back and consider the conditions I said."

A breeze blew, the door opened by itself, Gu Ye stood up, and left.

Tang Jingyi wiped her tears, wrapped herself up again, her pale face was sent out by an invisible person.

Since being driven out by Gu Ye, she hasn't spoken all the way, hugged herself with her head down, and her body is cold.

Xie Ren heard from Gu Ye's words that Tang Jingyi had no sense of guilt or repentance, "Tang Jingyi, I really want to know, what did you do? As your agent, I don't know anything. "Xie Ren couldn't do it, "If you let me save you, understand it too!"

"I..." Tang Jingyi took a deep breath and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"You are not sorry for me! What you are sorry for are those who have been killed by you! Others really have not been killed?"

"No, it's just to make them embarrassed, or make a little accident, and miss the audition time."

It's still unfair competition. After Xie Ren sent Tang Jingyi to the hotel tiredly, he asked two female assistants and asked, "How does Tang Jingyi treat you?"

When I asked these questions, the expressions on the faces of the two assistants became unnatural. One of the young people said: "Mr. Xie, I, my contract expires next month, and I want to leave."

Upon hearing this, Xie Ren understood that it must be Tang Jingyi who treats them badly. It's not easy for Xie Ren to be able to hold her to the present level. After sulking, she still didn't want to just watch her leave the circle. In desperation, Xie Ren went to Gu Lin's secretary, Yang Feng, to give a general overview of the matter. After doing it again, he asked: "How do you think you can get this master to take action?"

Yang Feng sighed, "If you listen to my advice, give up Tang Jingyi."

"I trained her for five years," Xie Ren felt painful when he said it. "The resources and connections are all in. If you give up, I will give up. I have to lose a lot."

"It's better to lose than to put yourself in," Yang Feng said earnestly and persuaded his old friend: "Three young people look at people, and you never miss it. Don't get confused for your immediate benefit."

"All right, I'll think about it again." Xie Ren hung up the phone, and just took a breath, he heard the bounce of the door being smashed. Xie Ren was taken aback and hurried to open the door. Tang Jingyi's assistant stood at the door in a hurry. He said: "Mr. Xie, Sister Tang is going to commit suicide! Go and have a look, we can't stop it at all!"

Xie Ren's expression changed, and he ran to the next door anxiously, and saw Tang Jingyi holding a piece of glass in his hand, making gestures with his teeth and claws, with a fierce expression, "Don't come! Don't come! Kill her! Kill her!! "

Tang Jingyi's face turned blue, she was not a normal person at all, blood was dripping on her wrists, and blood was dripping everywhere on the ground. Obviously, she had already cut herself. The other assistant was hiding with a scared look. When Xie Ren came, he finally had the backbone, and his face turned pale and said: "What should I do, Mr. Xie, she was fine just now. After drinking a glass of water, she suddenly went crazy and threw the cup. Yes, I cut my wrist when I pick up the glass."

Xie Ren wanted to approach with a cold face, Tang Jingyi bared his teeth at him with blushing eyes, with a vicious grin on his face, and rushed towards Xie Ren. Xie Ren was so scared that he pulled the assistant and ran out. "What are you waiting for? Call the police!"

The little assistant is embarrassed, "But..."

Xie Ren said angrily: "But what is it? My life is gone, so what scandals are you afraid of?!

The assistant hurried to call the police. Within five minutes, the police arrived. The strange thing was that Tang Jingyi wanted to bite anyone when she saw the police. After seeing the police, she suddenly became honest. She squatted in the corner and didn't dare to move. She felt aggrieved like a child.

Xie Ren sent Tang Jingyi to the hospital overnight for bandaging. The doctor rejoiced and said: "Fortunately, it is glass, and the wound is not deep. Otherwise, it will be shocked for so long."

After the bandage was over, Xie Ren just breathed a sigh of relief. Tang Jingyi jumped up again and rushed to the window. The doctor and nurse were shocked. They stared at her beautiful face because her expression was too exaggerated, distorted, and crazy. It's like a ghost, and even a few medical staff can't hold it.

"Tranquilizer! Nurse! Go!" The doctor sullied, "Did she have this kind of disease before?"

Xie Ren shook his head with an ugly face, and understood in his heart that probably, that Ghost Mantong's spiritual power was getting stronger and stronger, and it seemed that he wanted to kill her tonight.

The doctor gave Tang Jingyi a sedative with a cold face and watched her slowly calm down. He was relieved, "Well, help her to the bed, the head nurse, you...ah!"

Before the doctor had finished speaking, there was a sharp pain on his chin. Tang Jingyi bit his chin with red eyes and blood on the corners of his mouth, wishing to crush the bones on his chin.

This scene frightened everyone. After reacting, they all went up and pulled it up. The other doctor had no choice but to use a clever effort to remove Tang Jingyi's chin and rescued the colleague. After such a disturbance, no one dared to approach Tang Jingyi, who was smiling at the corner of his mouth. Tang Jingyi grinned. This smile was full of blood and looked like a ghost.

At this time, the policeman who sent them to the hospital returned, knocked on the open door, and kindly sent a letter, "Someone recognized her just now, there was a reporter at the door, when you left... what happened?"

When the police found that everyone was looking at him, they blinked in confusion. At this time, Xie Ren discovered that Tang Jingyi was shrinking in the corner again and dared not move.

"Mr. Police, can you help me?" Xie Ren asked for help: "Don't go, or I'm worried that she won't survive tonight."


After explaining the situation, the police left a person and put the hat wearing the police badge on the table in the ward, and Tang Jingyi was trembling with fright. Xie Ren immediately understood that the kid in Tang Jingyi was afraid of the police and the police badge. He had long heard that people like police and soldiers had righteousness, and evil spirits did not dare to approach them. Fortunately, Tang

Jingyi didn't make any more trouble that night, and stayed up till dawn. When she regained her consciousness, she saw the doctor who had bitten her chin and her own body injury, and she broke down and cried, "Xie brother, I promised Gu Ye's conditions, and I promised it! I can't stand it! "

Xie Ren sighed and completely gave up Tang Jingyi's future acting career, "Let's go."


After Gu Ye drove them away, he took a shower and played with his mobile phone for a while. When he was about to go to bed, Yu Ze's head flashed. Gu Ye clicked and took a look. Yu Ze: punched in the night of the 65th day .

Gu Ye was amused: you have enough, check in every morning and evening, and I won't pay you!

Yu Ze: You lend me 1,500 yuan.

Gu Ye: Transfer 1,500 yuan.

What's wrong with you? go out? No money?

After Yu Ze accepted the transfer, he replied: I will pay you back in 15 years, one hundred yuan a year, eight yuan a month, two cents a day, one cent in the morning and one cent in the afternoon, every day One three one four.

Gu Ye's mouth twitched and couldn't help it!

Gu Ye: President Yu, please let go, can you talk like a normal person? Don't read messy books!

Yu Ze: Are you free tomorrow?

Gu Ye coldly said: No!

Yu Ze applied for a video call, and Gu Ye answered helplessly, and saw that Yu Ze was wearing a white slim-fitting sweater and sitting by the bar. Behind him was the empty white wall of his house without any popularity, and he was full of abstinence. Air-conditioning.

Gu Ye curled his lips, and the white wall panels behind him were so handsome. Gu Ye trembled with the goose bumps that had just been thundered, and he was instantly cured.

Yu Ze poured himself a glass of wine and said seriously: "I will be free tomorrow afternoon."

Gu Ye smiled, "Why are you free every time I have no class?"

Yu Ze tickled the corner of his mouth, "You won't let me say."

Gu Ye turned over, lay down on the bed, put the phone on the pillow, and put his chin on the pillow, and said helplessly, "Don't you tell me

what is the difference? You have been punching in for more than 60 days every morning and evening!"

Yu Ze said earnestly: "If I can live to be over 80 years old, I will be able to persist for more than 60 years."

Gu Ye praised him expressionlessly: "Then you are great."

Yu Ze was choked for a while, and said seriously: "You haven't promised me yet, I can only keep working hard."

Gu Ye: "...Then keep working hard, I'm going to sleep."

Yu Ze nodded and responded, "Well, I will go to you tomorrow, keep working hard, good night."

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, and was taken in!

The next day, after Gu Ye finished two classes, he was invited to the hospital by Xie Ren. He frowned when he saw Tang Jingyi's tragic situation. "You have been tossed so badly. That ghost boy hates you so much."

Tang Jingyi pursed her lips, looking scared.

"Say it first. I will take him away. You must follow the three conditions I mentioned. Otherwise, the consequences will be even worse."

"Okay!" Tang Jingyi hurriedly said: "As long as he is gone, and my health is better, I will follow suit."

Gu Ye took a look at her, and didn't say anything, sticking talisman paper on Gui Mantong's body, then wrapped it with a red thread, and put it directly in his pocket.

Tang Jingyi said nervously: "A master also took him away like this before. He ran back by himself. He knew where I was and where I was hiding. He could find me."

Gu Ye said indifferently: "That's because the person you're looking for is too useless!"

Xie Ren asked uneasy: "Master Gu, what are you going to do with him?"

Gu Ye's expression calmed down, "Take him home and save him. He is a poor baby who died young."

"Well, this fee..."

Gu Ye got serious, "As it is, donate all to charity, don't leave a dime."

Xie Ren personally took Gu Ye to the entrance of the hospital. After returning, he said to Tang Jingyi: "You will leave the rest to you. I will help here if I can. I will go back to the lawyer to write the contract after the contract is cancelled. ."

"Thank you brother!" Tang Jingyi looked at Xie Ren in shock and couldn't believe that he could say something like this, "Are you really going to terminate the contract with me?"

Xie Ren frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I don't want to just give up like this." Tang Jingyi clutched the sheets, her strong bones turned white, "Five years, I have climbed step by step to where I am today. Only I know how much hardship I have shed and how many tears I have. Because of a few words from an outsider, I have to give up? Brother Xie, I am the most popular movie queen now. How many people dream of the status? I will quit at this time. Am I crazy?"

Xie Ren said with a calm face, "But Master Gu said that if you can't do it, your end will be even worse."

"That Ghost Mantong is gone, what's so scary? Wait a minute," Tang Jingyi clenched her fist, put her finger on her lips, squinted her eyes and bit a tooth mark on her finger, she took a deep breath , Said fiercely: "Yes, I won't quit. If the days are calm, I will take the show."

Xie Ren also hesitated. It is indeed a pity that he has given up on Tang Jingyi, who has been training for so many years, but when he thinks of what an old friend said, he feels frustrated. Let's not say that Gu Ye is Gu Lin's younger brother. If Gu Lin is unhappy, no one can be confused in this circle. The other thing is that Gu Ye can really pinch and count, and he can tell from the two things he raises at home that he is really capable, otherwise he must not be able to hold it back.

Xie Ren was cruel and said in a deep voice, "How do you do it yourself, goodbye."

"Brother Xie! Brother Xie!" Tang Jingyi watched Xie Ren leave the ward blankly, knowing that the other party had given up her, and punched the quilt bitterly, "Xie Ren! You will regret it! You will regret it! "


As soon as Gu Ye got out of the hospital door, he received a call from Yu Ze. The other party asked dissatisfiedly: "I heard you were picked up by a man."

Gu Ye said in a hurry: "Yes, I just got out of the hospital."

After a few seconds of silence on the other side, "Which hospital, I will pick you up."

Gu Ye couldn't help but want to laugh, and deliberately teased Yucho, "No, that man will just send me back."

After this sentence, Gu Ye obviously felt that the person on the other end of the phone was angry. Gu Ye's heart was tense. Just about to coax a few words, he listened to Yu Ze slowly asking: "You said that on purpose to make me Are you jealous? In other words, you accepted my pursuit and I am now your boyfriend."

Gu Ye was stunned for a moment, and laughed angrily. How did this get around? His face gradually became serious, "Yu Ze, are you sure you like me, don't you like me casually, do you want to live with me?"

Yu Ze asked back: "Otherwise?"

This time it was Gu Ye's turn to be silent. He didn't have the concept of male, female, ghost, or demon. As long as he could talk, he would look good and treat him well, and he would live with him steadily. He would be of any species. acceptable.

It's not that I don't feel like Yu Ze. After all, such an excellent and beautiful man picks him up every day, checks in every morning and evening, drives two hours on Saturday and Sunday to see him, feeds snacks from time to time, and also acts as his spiritual mentor. It is really very reliable to guide him when he is confused. Gu Ye is a stone heart, and he has been covered in heat for so long.

He also knew that Yu Ze was not the kind of person who played casually. The reason why he always didn't want the other party to pick it out was because he was afraid of his own three-minute popularity. Or Yu Ze suddenly found out that they were inappropriate and wanted to break up. They won't even have to do friends.

Gu Ye took a look at his palm prints, and the line of emotion was quite smooth and long, and it would last a lifetime if he was sure. Gu Ye hooked the corner of his mouth, wondering if God thinks he saved too much in his previous life, the credit is too great, and his life is not enough, so he arranged for his own son?

"Yu Ze, I'm at the east gate of Yunqiao Hospital. Come and pick me up." Gu Ye clenched his fists, smiled and bent his eyes, and chose to bow his head to fate. "Give you a chance to pursue love. I will seriously consider it. ."

The person on the other end of the phone suddenly chuckled, with a somewhat cold tone on weekdays. At this moment, it softened and filled with deep joy, "Okay, wait for me."

Gu Ye said with a "um", hung up, tightened the collar of his coat, and wanted to laugh inexplicably. Maybe it's not love, but if the other party is Yu Ze, he would rather try it.

Just after Gu Ye waited for a few minutes, he found that some people wearing masks were always watching him secretly. Gu Ye looked at them defensively. Unexpectedly, the person on the opposite side looked over and confronted Gu Ye. After watching for a few seconds, four or five people came around in unison!

Chapter 55 Little Ghost that can't be send out

Gu Ye watched coldly at four or five young men wearing masks, standing still, until they walked to their side, Gu Ye glanced at their foreheads, and his vigilant heart relaxed, "Brothers, Something?"

"Hello, hello, I'm a reporter for Entertainment News," the young man took out a press card and asked in a low voice, "I heard that Tang Jingyi was hit by an evil spirit. Are you here to save her?"

Gu Yele said, "Very promising boy, you are a serious entertainment reporter, how come you are like a tabloid gossip?"

The person smiled bitterly, "Master Gu doesn't know, this Tang Jingyi is a bit evil, it's not easy to interview, otherwise it's easy to happen."

Gu Ye nodded and expressed understanding, "Thanks for your hard work."

Another person whispered to verify: "Did she hit the evil?"

Gu Ye squinted his eyes, "Guess."

The reporter was stunned, why did they still have to guess?

"Did you go to see Tang Jingyi? Did she see who bit him? I heard that she bit the doctor's chin."

Gu Ye smiled, "Guess it."

"So you really saw Tang Jingyi, how is her spirit now?"

Gu Ye's mouth twitched, "Guess what?"

The reporters looked at each other, and they were all drumming up in their hearts. They had never contacted this young master. What kind of routine is this?

There was a reporter who was more clever. He planned to talk a few words to get familiar with Gu Ye's temper. He smiled, "Master Gu, you didn't get a taxi from the hospital. Who are you waiting for?"

Gu Ye continued to smile, "Guess."

The reporter's lips twitched, can he chat well?

"Will you enter the entertainment circle in the future? Now your popularity on the Internet is so high, I can't guess it, you say."

Gu Ye nodded and looked at another reporter, "Guess then."

The corners of the reporter's mouth twitched, "I can't guess it!"

Gu Ye spread his hands, "Then let's guess together~"

The reporters are all amused, so how can you guess this? This one is more annoying than his father! His father will educate you about unreliable questions, let you be patriotic and dedicated, respect your job, and have professional ethics. This one simply lets you guess everything.

A reporter took a deep breath and asked calmly: "You said before that Southern China went bankrupt in half a year. How long will it take?"

"Yes, yes, I guess when Dingnan will go bankrupt."

Gu Ye smiled and asked, "What do you guess?"

A reporter was a little annoyed by anger, "Can you guess and ask you?

Gu Ye looked disgusted, as if saying that you are so stupid?

The reporter rubbed his chest heartbroken and couldn't ask anymore!

After a while, a reporter asked: "How did you and Du Jianuo meet? He is really popular now, just like reversing his life. Have you given any suggestions?"

Gu Ye's expression suddenly became serious, and several reporters became nervous. They said that they finally had an answer. Gu Ye looked at them seriously: "Let's guess together!"

The reporter is about to collapse, "You say something else!"

Gu Ye squatted down and beckoned to them, "Come on, squat down and chat together, here to shelter from the wind."

Several reporters glanced at each other. When they saw Gu Ye's smiling face, he looked good and friendly, and was a little angry. They squatted down with him dumbfoundingly. Gu Ye asked with a good temper, "When did you come?"

A reporter took off his mask and smirked, "Guess."

Gu Ye: "Last night, I heard that Tang Jingyi had an accident in the middle of the night, so you came."

The reporter was slightly surprised.

Gu Ye asked again: "Have you eaten yet?"

"you guess."

"After eating, there is a food seller at the door, and I am not blind."

Reporter: "..."

Very good, I have encountered unprecedented difficulties in my career! This is someone who can drive reporters crazy!

A little man hesitated and asked tentatively, "Can you count me fortunes this year."

Gu Ye took out his mobile phone, opened the WeChat QR code, and "transferred 1,000 yuan."

The little man took out his mobile phone excitedly. You know, Gu Ye's hexagram, how many celebrities can't be ranked, today is a high incense!

After the transfer, Gu Ye took a look at his face, "You should have a small fortune this year. Don't go to the beach recently, or you will lose money."

The little man was surprised and said: "I really have a plan to go to the beach!"

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Sometimes it is said that wealth and wealth are in danger, but if you are too risky, you will get yourself in. When you can't decide, you choose to go to the right."

"Go to the right?" Although I don't understand, the little guy still remembers, "Okay!"

This little man did not expect that Gu Ye's words saved his life a few years later.

"I, can you count it for me? I also count fortune."

After Gu Ye received the transfer, he smiled and said, "You don't have much money this year. Do you have a brother who hasn't contacted him for many years?"

The man nodded in surprise, "I have an older brother who is a little rebellious. Now it is said that he is doing business outside and only comes back once in a few years."

"Your brother has gotten into a lawsuit. He is coming to cheat money with your family. Be optimistic about your parents and don't be cheated."


When Yu Ze came to the entrance of the hospital, he saw Gu Ye surrounded by several people, all squatting on the ground, looking like some kind of MLM scene. Yu Ze opened the car window and looked at Gu Ye with a smile, without calling him. Gu Ye raised his head and glanced, waved to him happily, stood up and said: "The person who picked me up is here, you guys continue to stare!"

Several young men followed sincerely and watched him go so far. Not long after, they posted a Weibo message on the Internet: Fortunately to meet Master Gu Ye, I asked for a divination. It is really accurate, kneel down and worship.jpg

With the picture, Gu Ye waved with a smile when he left, so handsome!

Netizens and little stars who heard the news are all: envy, jealous, hate! Others asked if Gu Ye had left and where he had gone. They were going to the scene to ask for a chance encounter. If they could ask for a hexagram, it would be a hexagram.


After getting in the car, Yu Ze glanced at Gu Ye with a gentle smile, "Resolved?"

Gu Ye shrugged, "I've said everything that should be said. If she doesn't listen to me, I can't help it. The cause and effect cycle, she doesn't want to pay it back, God has to take it back. At that time, it's not a question of whether she wants to or not. "Gu Ye took out the black Gumantong from his pocket, and the faint evil spirit oozes out

through the red line and talisman paper. It's still daytime, and if it's night, this little thing will be more fierce.

"Ghost Mantong, have you ever heard of it? A ghost boy who is fortune and wealth."

Yu Ze shook his head. He hadn't been interested in such things before.

Gu Ye touched the boy's bald head, "I will save him after the evil spirit is gone." Looking at Yu Ze's defenseless face, Gu Ye squinted his eyes and put Gui Mantong in Yu Ze. Rubbed against his suit pants.

Yu Ze glanced at him quietly.

"Hey." Gu Ye rubbed the other party's clothes again without repentance.

Yu Ze shook his head helplessly, and didn't say anything about him. His tolerance for Gu Ye was simply against the sky.

The two of them found a more famous western restaurant. After stopping the car, Gu Ye unfastened his seat belt. Just about to get out of the car, Yu Ze grabbed his wrist. Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, "What are you doing? Are you going to come back? "

Yu Ze twitched his mouth, "Why didn't you wear the watch I gave you?"

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, "Because you haven't caught up."

Yu Ze Chong smiled, "It seems that I still need to work harder, buy a house next to your house, and run after you every day."

"Don't don't don't," Gu Ye was afraid that he would really dare to do it, so he hurriedly said: "It's too hard to run so far every day. You can run once a week."

Yu Ze then let go of Gu Ye, and said gently: "Okay, listen to you, come every week."

Gu Ye: "..."

There is a feeling of being routine!

The two of them found a private room to eat. When they were almost eating, Gu Ye handed Gui Mantong to Yu Ze, "Would you like to play for a few days before sending it back to me?"

Yu Ze reluctantly took it over, "Yes."

Gu Ye asked in surprise: "You promised so happy, are you not afraid?"

"Don't you say that I'm a noble person, don't you dare not get close?"

"Yes, if you take him with you, you will consume all his evil spirits in three days."

Yu Ze casually put Guimantong into his suit pocket and said seriously: "I can come after those three days. I will run once a week, and it will become two times a week."

Gu Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "On the routine, you really won!"

When the two of them were driving in the parking lot, there happened to be a car coming. Yu Ze naturally took Gu Ye and blocked him, and waited for the car to leave before pulling him away. Gu Ye stared at the back standing in front of him, trying to laugh, but felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Life, how many can you meet who protect him like this? He is such an alternative in the circle of mystery, how many people wish he was hit and killed by a car.

Before going to school the next day, Gu Ye saw the watch on the shelf of the desk. After thinking about it, he took it off and put it on. I don't know when Yu Ze measured his wrist. The length of the bracelet turned out to be very suitable. Gu Ye's mouth curled up, feeling that the name Yu Ze was linked to omnipotence, and there was nothing he couldn't do.


A few days later, Tang Jingyi and Xie Ren studio terminated their contract, and the news of signing a high-priced contract with Dingnan Entertainment was suddenly published on the Internet, and the Internet suddenly boiled over. At the press conference, when the reporter asked about the reason for the termination of the contract, Tang Jingyi had a forbearance. Although she did not say clearly, she still vaguely stated that Xie Ren had treated her unfairly, preventing

her from cooperating with Xie Ren. Unfortunately, the five years of cooperation can only end here.

This video caused a great uproar on the Internet. The brain-dead fan wanted to order Xie Ren's studio with a bucket of gasoline. Xie Ren coldly called Tang Jingyi and found that the other party had blocked him. Xie Ren suddenly thought of Gu Ye's saying that an artist who didn't understand him, yes, he really didn't understand, how could he come up with such a white-eyed wolf!

Gu Lin's secretary, Yang Feng, saw the miserable appearance of his friend, and after a few words of persuasion, he directly contacted Gu Ye, "Three young masters, I heard Xie Ren say that you asked Tang Jingyi to do it, but she didn't do anything. What will happen to her tossing like this now?"

Gu Yezheng teaches Lingling origami puppets, directly hands-free on the phone, and smiled and said: "It's okay, let her wave, I didn't scare her, she will not listen to the consequences will be worse than I arranged for her."

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning, she no longer has good luck blessings, she can still be decent if she takes the initiative to quit, she continues to work in this business, God will take back the good luck she used before, she will take possession of bad luck, thinking I can't get everything I want, and I can't keep everything I want."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Feng patted his friend on the shoulder, "I heard it, the third master is absolutely right. Don't be

angry, come and drink one! After drinking, you come to our company, don't open a studio, our company is big Ah, there are still three young escorts who will not fail for ten thousand years!"

Xie Ren smiled bitterly, and said frustratedly: "I hope."

It didn't take long for Gu Ye to put down these words, and the online reviews really changed. According to the past, if something like this happened, fans and netizens would first think about what Xie Ren did to force Tang Jingyi away, and they would keep attacking Xie Ren. I would never think that Tang Jingyi had done anything, after all, the goddess are loved by everyone.

There is no good luck blessing from Gui Mantong, but not anymore. In the evening, many people raised questions: Xie Ren has held Tang Jingyi for so many years, how can you terminate the contract when you cancel it? From Tang Jingyi's resources, it can be seen that Xie Ren has worked hard. Now Tang Jingyi is red, why shouldn't it be Xie Ren who wants to cancel the contract?

Yes, Tang Jingyi wanted to leave. If Xie Ren didn't let go, she wouldn't be able to leave. Why did Xie Ren force her away?

Let me say that Tang Jingyi's conscience was eaten by a dog, right? As soon as she left, Xie Ren had few people who could use it. His wings were really hard, and he flew as he wanted to.


Seeing this kind of statement and thinking about it clearly, it is indeed the truth. In one night, the public opinion changed. The critics of Xie Ren and Tang Jingyi were equally divided.

Finding that the momentum of these comments was wrong, Tang Jingyi immediately asked someone to help her control public opinion. It was not the previous team, and it was not easy to use. Dingnan Entertainment does not spoil her like Xie Ren's team. In this circle, even if you offend a small game, it may be ruined. Tang Jingyi's gentleness was pretended, and her assistants were also removed by Xie Ren, and the new assistants did not take care of her. At first, her anger was unsatisfactory. As soon as the online public opinion couldn't control it, the actress' temper came up Then, she was a little bit unable to hold back her temper, and her voice was not good, which made the people at Dingnan Entertainment unhappy and even more perfunctory when doing things.

Tang Jingyiyi's failure, she also sensitively felt that something was wrong. In the past, even if she did not control public opinion, she would not develop into this way. Everyone liked her and felt that what she did was right. Now how could it become in this way?

Immediately afterwards, the historical drama "The Siege of Haixia" began to be promoted, and Tang Jingyi's name was also on the starring list. Netizens were a little bit overwhelmed: when the director chooses actors, he really doesn't look at character? Is it really good for someone who can betray his old club?

There are many people who have this kind of thought. Even the reporter asked her what she thought about this statement. After a few perfunctory sentences, Tang Jingyi couldn't hold back her temper

when she returned to the company. She asked her new agent: "This Why can't these things be suppressed?"

Her new agent is a very well-connected elder sister in the circle, and she is also more experienced. She is one of the few remaining old agents of Dingnan Entertainment. She said indifferently: "This kind of thing doesn't need to be suppressed, it's just a hype. You can't stop others from speaking badly."

"But I used to..."

"That was before you, here I am, I have the final say." The agent also wants to suppress her momentum, otherwise it will be difficult to manage in the future, and her tone will be a little heavier.

After Tang Jingyi became famous, she was wronged. She slammed the door angrily and left. After she came out, she discovered that the agent had not provided her with a car or driver. She turned around and wanted to go back to the theory angrily. Unexpectedly, her high heels could not be stepped on, her feet swayed, and her body leaned back uncontrollably. Tang Jingyi exclaimed, and then when she heard the harsh car humming behind her, her pupils shrank. Her mind went blank, Tang Jingyi screamed as the car drove past.

Xu Shun, the owner of Dingnan Entertainment, stopped the car cursingly, "Blind! You don't have eyes to walk!"

When he came down to see, his face was pale, Tang Jingyi's two calves had been distorted, and she was unconscious.

Tang Jingyi was sent to the hospital with comminuted fractures in both legs. Even if he recovers in the future, he will still have sequelae, which is likely to have a sloping foot. After hearing the news, the crew of "The Siege of Haixia" had to temporarily change the heroine. At this time, the heroine Qiu Jun, who was originally scheduled just two months ago, recovered from the illness. The director team did not even think about it, so they changed her.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Jingyi's endorsement business all sought her current agent to terminate their cooperation. For a while, Tang Jingyi fell from the altar to the bottom.

She herself is in a very bad state of mind. She slapped her legs like crazy, crying and making trouble. The doctors and nurses got headaches when they saw her. In the past, I prayed to Gumantong that good luck will be possessed. Good luck will come soon. Now she can only rely on her own, and Xie Ren will not help her. Tang Jingyi is like an abandoned baby, except to feel despair, she has nothing to do.

At this time she thought about Xie Ren again. When she had something to do, she only needed a phone call. Xie Ren as an agent would help her clear the way. Tang Jingyi cried and pulled the other party out of the blacklist and asked: "Xie brother, I should What to do? You can help me."

Xie Ren said indifferently: "I can't help it, I'm no longer your agent." After speaking, he hung up.

Tang Jingyi wailed desperately, what else could she do, she was a lame, how could she get involved in the entertainment industry?

After learning of all this, Yang Feng called Gu Ye, "San Shao, you are too accurate, and then she has an accident!"

Gu Ye said faintly: "This is just the beginning. She hasn't returned her money, and she still has a small life. The way of heaven is reincarnation, who has God spared?"

Yang Feng solemnly slapped Gu Ye's flattery, and then seriously asked Gu Ye: "San Shao, I have ten photos of the newcomer here. Can you help me see which child has a promising future?"

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Forget it now, don't you give no chance to untalented people? What if they can become popular with their own efforts? Destiny is not static, let them toss for a year for their dreams."

"Okay," Yang Feng said quickly: "Listen to you."

Gu Ye shook his head, looked at Yang Feng's profile picture on WeChat, and said with a smile: "Slip!"

Gu Ye put the phone aside and continued to practice calligraphy. After a while, the phone started to vibrate again. Gu Ye took a look reluctantly. It was his little mother. Master Mother had a call, Gu Ye had to stop his movements and asked: Are you still asleep?

Mom: Can I sleep? See for yourself!

Immediately after Mrs. Gu sent him a screenshot, there was a big picture on it. He and Yu Ze were secretly photographed in the parking lot.

The headline of the news is: shock! The president of Yehong Technology Group does not love beauty and blue beauty! The two behaved intimately, held hands and left after having lunch together, it seemed that the relationship was extraordinary!

Gu Ye was amused, who is so idle?

People who don't care about this news don't care at all. What they care about is the same as poking the lungs. Madam Gu was poked into the lungs, and the whole person is about to explode: you should break up with him! Otherwise, I really tell your father!

In order to protect his ears, Gu Ye made a serious nonsense: it was divided.

On the contrary, Mrs. Gu was confused: Why? Who brought it up first? Are you at a disadvantage?

Gu Ye endured with a smile: I mentioned it and didn't suffer a loss, so I beat him when I suffered a loss. The four of my brothers have only oneself.

Little Mom: Alas, Yu Ze is a good man who is hard to find with a lantern, but unfortunately you are a boy. If you are a girl, I will come to his house to propose marriage. Don't be sad, son. If you divide it, you divide it. Will you go home on New Year's Day? Your brother is also on vacation, your elder brother and second brother have said, and they are all coming back.

Gu Ye said guiltily: I will reply too, don't worry, go to bed earlier.

After coaxing Xiao Ma, Gu Ye finished the writing and looked at it almost twelve o'clock. He took out the ghost Mantong who had changed from black to gold, touched his little nose, and laughed. Said: "Little guy, you have already seen her current situation. In the future, her luck will get worse and worse, and your grievances will disappear. It's time to reincarnate."

Gu Ye hooked the spirit of the little ghost out of Gui Mantong, and in the blink of an eye a chubby little doll sat on the table. His facial features did not resemble a domestic child, but he was very cute. The funniest thing is his little bald head, if it is physical, it must feel slippery to the touch.

The little devil looked at Gu Ye curiously. He didn't mean to be afraid at all, and found that he didn't mean to hurt himself, so he happily raised his chubby arm to hug him.

Gu Ye hugged this weightless kid in his arms. It was the first time he came into contact with a kid like Gui Mantong, but he did not expect to be a relative.

Lingling stared at Gu Ye resentfully, and no longer wrote the words in his hand, her cheeks bulging with a jealous expression.

After Gu Ye found out, he quickly put down the little guy in his arms and hugged the girly coax, "He will leave immediately, and I will hold him for a while."

Lingling stared hostilely at the little fat bald man squatting on the table, how disgusted he looked, "He has no hair."

Gu Ye said solemnly: "Yes, he is not as good as you."

Gui Mantong began to look at Lingling again, and when he looked at it, he leaned over, raised his hand and tentatively touched Lingling's shoes.

Lingling stared at him disgustingly.

Gu Ye comforted: "He doesn't have a father. He is very poor. He is leaving now. Don't scare him."

Lingling watched Gu Ye with her cheeks bulging. The point is not this little fat man, but the attitude of his father!

Gu Ye surrendered, "Dad loves you the most."

Lingling isn't jealous anymore, and laughs happily. Gu Ye reluctantly put her aside, drew a magic circle with a cinnabar pen, and hugged Gui Mantong into the circle. "Little guy, go all the way."

A golden light flashed by, and the bald fat baby in the formation raised his head and looked at Gu Ye with an innocent look.

Gu Ye blinked in horror, and sent away countless little ghosts. The first time I saw such a person who could not be sent away, could it be that the formation was drawn wrong?

Hugging the kid aside, Gu Ye drew a magic circle again, checked twice to make sure that there was no mistake in the drawing this time, and then put the fat dun inside, "Little fat guy, go!"

Feeling the ghostly aura, the magic circle activated by itself, a golden light flashed, the fat baby still looked up, looking at Gu Ye with an innocent look, not knowing what happened.

I really can't give it away!

Gu Ye was so dumbfounded this time, he hurriedly called Xie Cheng: "If Gumantong can't be sent away, what's the situation?"

Xie Cheng laughed and said with a haha: "Because his home is too far away, he can't go back! Isn't Gumantong from Thailand?