Hypnosis The Gist [PDF]

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Hypnosis, the Gist


Magic Leo International Magician & Hypnotist

Content 1. What is Hypnosis? 2. Stage Hypnosis Script.

3. Additional Skits and Routines 4. Instant Hypnosis 5. Rapid Hypnosis 6. Pattern Interruption 7. Attitude of a Hypnotist 8. Hypnosis in Daily Life 9. Yes Set 10.Presupposition 11. Embedded Commands 12. Mirroring and Matching 13. Pacing and Leading 14. Anchoring and Triggering 15. Language Patterns 16. About the Author 17.Upcoming Books by Magic Leo 18. About Hypnosis Anytime Anywhere.com

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What is Hypnosis?

Any verbal or non verbal communication deliberately used to make someone do what you want them to do or put them into deep trance is Hypnosis. A lullaby to make a kid is a simple example for hypnosis. A movie creating different emotions in you is hypnosis. A girl seducing a guy and vice versa is hypnosis. As the art started growing, it got split into two kind of hypnosis. They are Overt and Covert hypnosis. Overt Hypnosis is which is done directly when the subject (the person getting hypnotized) knows he is getting hypnotized. Covert Hypnosis is, as it says it is when the subject doesn’t know that he is getting hypnotized. This also called as conversational hypnosis, in which you converse with someone in such a way that he doesn’t know that you are leading him to do what you want him to do. For example see the conversation below Car Sales Man: (after giving all the details about a car which a customer prefer) : So you like to have a red color car Customer: yes Sales Man: so that’s your wife favorite color and you want to give her a surprise isn’t it Customer: Yes Sales Man: by now you understood all the features of the car yes? Customer: Yes Sales Man: by now you know all the added values we are providing you Customer: yes Sales Man: so let’s go to my office and finish the paper work Customer: yes Well in the above example you can see two things; one is the sales man is asking only those questions which he knows that the customer will say YES. The second Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

thing is he is using a double meaning word by the way it sounds which is “by now” but the what he is suggesting is BUY NOW. This is covert hypnosis. This book is all about stage hypnosis and using hypnosis in daily life. Since Hypnotherapy is a little big subject I will be covering it in another book of mine. Probably you must have seen Stage Hypnosis show live or in some videos or online. Most of the buyers of this book are so and I guess you too. You must have wondered how is it possible for someone to snap his finger and make a person go into deep trance or hypnotic sleep. Isn’t it? And you must have had a thought “I wish I can put people in trance like that hypnotist”. Well your wish has come true. All you need is little bit of confidence and the techniques written in this book that’s it. Stage hypnosis is basically one of the easiest things you can ever do in your life if you have the attitude and the script of what to say to hypnotise your participant. Before I give you the script let me say something about the arrangements you need on stage. You will be in need of 20 chairs without arm rest is the best. You need codeless mic so that you can move around if you can have a lapel mic it’s the best. And relaxation music, you can buy from any music website online or music store. This arrangement is for show on big stage. If you are doing a small group show you don’t need all these. Rest all you need is to remember and understand the script below and follow the instructions given in between the script. So practice the script bit by bit make it by heart understanding what is said to be done and embrace the glory of being a Stage Hypnotist.

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Stage Hypnosis script

Welcome to my Hypnosis show and my name is …………………………. Usually in any kind of performance the performance is the star, but in a hypnosis show it’s not me who is the star it’s you who participate becomes the star of the evening. Well in a moment I will be calling out for participant to the stage to get hypnotized. So when I call out for you to participate please come on stage only if you are above the age of 16, you should not pregnant, not taking any medication or drunk. And also be sure that you want to feel the great experience hypnosis being in trance. We have only 20 seats so first come first will be served. Safety first so please does not RUSH TO THE STAGE TO GET your seat. You can very freely participate to get hypnotized because I will never be asking you to anything against your moral values. So those who are not having much moral values are very much invited to be the star of the show. Hahahahhaha So let me give you a small sample of what you will be doing on the stage for a start. I will give you simple suggestions and all you have to do is imagine what I am suggesting. Now lets’ do it. Can you raise your hands to your shoulder level with palms facing each other.(the hypnotist can show them) can you clasp your palms together with fingers and thumbs crossed? Can you bend your elbow that your clasped palm is just in front of your nose just like you are doing a desperate prayer? Can you clasp the palm tighter and tighter? With your palms tight together can you raise your forefingers pointing towards the sky? With the palms still tighter make the forefingers one inch apart. Now look in between the gap of your forefingers and imagine that there are two powerful magnets on the tip of your forefingers and as you know magnets attract each other the more you imaging that there are magnets in your forefinger your forefingers starts moving towards each other. Yes that’s right its starts moving towards each other. Do not resist or pretend because the more you resist it starts more faster moving towards each other and the more you pretend it attracts faster. Feel the power of Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

magnet as you imagine it. As the forefinger touches each other close your eyes and relax now. So now at the count of three I want those who felt their fingers magnetized and those who want to be hypnotised to join me on the stage to be the star of this evening. 1 …2….3…..Please give them a big round of applause as they rush to the stage. Great grab the chair. Make yourself comfortable. (it’s to rearrange the participants in male female male female fashion and if there are big guys make them sit at each ends so that when you put people on trance they can lean on them and the big guys will act as a stop from falling down.) To the audience you say: well people in the audience do not try what I am suggesting to the participants on stage even though many times it has happened in my show that people in the audience also get hypnotised automatically and if you see someone next to you go in trance, please let me know so that I can get them on the stage or take them out of the trance at the end of the show. Now it’s time for the real show. So if you are ready please give the participants and the star of this evening a big round of applause. For the great success of the show for the first five to ten minutes I want perfect silence and after when I say so you can loud as loud as possible you want to. And kindly refrain from taking photos especially with the flash ON because it will distract our stars from their focus. So here we go. So the stars of the evening, (pause 2 seconds) can you to put your feet flat on the ground. Can you keep your palm on your lap, Sir I said on your Lap (laughter makes people feel good when they laugh that means they are following your instruction. In general any change emotion is a sign of success) take a deep breath in and slowly breathe out through your nose. Breathe in once again and breathe out slowly. Keeping your face looking forward look up just with your eyes and focus on one of the lights up in the ceiling. Take another deep breath in and Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

slowly breathe out. As you breathe in feel that your whole body is getting relaxed as you breathe out feel that all the tensions of your body is getting drained out of your body. Another breathe in makes your body more relaxed and a slow breathe out drains all the tensions of your body drain out of it. Now the more you breathe in all your muscles are getting relaxed and the more you breathe out all your muscles are becoming loose and limb like a rug doll. As you focus on each and every breathe going in and out your brain is getting relaxed and the more you breathe in and out each and every cell of your body is getting relaxed. Now as you feel the relaxation spreading through your body your muscles and your brain your mind is getting more relaxed and now you will notice that your eye lids are becoming heavy and as you feel that your eye lids are heavier you want them to close slowly and feel that how much heavier your eye lids are now because your body your muscles your brain each and every cell and your mind is completely relaxed loose and limb like a rag doll or rather a bunch of loose rubber bands ( by now you will notice that many of the participants their body is going down like a rug doll notice each and every physical changes happening in their body this is for choosing the once who are following and focusing on your suggestions.) Now you are so focused and relaxed whatever I suggest you will be able to imagine (pause) every easily. The more you imagine whatever I suggest the more real you will feel. Good now take another deep breath in and breathe out and feel that you head is feeling heavier and your whole body is going all the way down but your very much safe on the chair and you will be sitting even though your body goes all the way down. Yes all the way down and let it go now all the way down and as you go all the way down imagine that you are entering a lift if you can imagine nod your head (you can also nod your head because subconsciously the participants also pick these signals and make them nod) so you are on the tenth floor now and you have pressed zero to go down. The lift slowly goes all the way down so smoothly, as it reaches zero your will be completely relaxed. Now it’s reaching level 9 all your body is completely relaxed loose and limb now it’s 8 all the way down smooth and only as quickly as you want now. It’s Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

7 all the way down it goes to 6 …………………………5…………………………………4…………..you are enjoying the best relaxation every in your life and your imagination is increasing so vivid and clear the lift reached 3……….2………………………1…………………and…………………….0 you are imagining very clearly and everything is for real now. As the lift door opens for your amazement you see a very beautiful…………….. fabulous……………. Fantastic beach. Crystal clear greenish blue water you can see people having fun on the beach you can see kids playing around, couples having romantic moments surfers surfing having great fun you just take a cool calm walk on the beach having fun watching all the scenes around you. Wow great sunny day. All at a sudden a man with lots of balloons appear from nowhere he holds you 100s of helium filled balloons to your fascination and as you know it’s a lot of balloon filled with helium floating in the air it starts pulling your right hand in which you are holding it up high. Your hand goes floating up in the sky as you let it happen so. The more you imagine holding 100s of balloons in your right hand starts pulling up in the air and you feel the pull now which makes your hand go high up all the way up that’s right your body is also raising up straight (If anyone is not following or you don’t see any change physically, you go to them, touch their shoulder and secretly request them to open their eyes and ask them to go back to their seats in the audience) but for some reason your body is very heavy like a rock solid mountain even though the balloons are pulling your hand high and your body it cannot lift your body because its rock solid heavy like a mountain and nobody in the world can lift your body from the chair. It is rock solid heavy and when you feel that it your body is rock solid heavy try and press the chair down to lift your body from the chair. Try …….try ….try and lift your body from the chair to find its rock solid heavy and ooops as you try to press the chair to lift your rock solid heavy body your left hand gets stick and stuck to the chair as if there was stick and stuck by a super glue ya your left hand is stick and stuck to the chair now and even your body is stick and stuck to the chair now and more over it is rock solid heavy too that not only you no one the world can lift your body from the chair. When you now feel your left hand is stick and stuck and super glued to the chair, let go the balloon from your right hand and hold your left wrist with your right hand and try to detach your left hand from the chair to find it is completely super glued stick Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

and stuck to the chair and as you try to pull your left hand from the chair you find that your right hand is stick and stuck to your left wrist and you cannot take it off the more you try the more your right hand gets stick and stuck to the left wrist. Now your left hand releases from the chair and its gets stuck to your forehead, your left hand releases from the chair and gets stuck to your forehead the more you try to pull your left hand from your forehead the more it gets stuck and stick. At the count of three your hands will be completely released your right hand will be released from your left hand your left hand will be released from your forehead but for some reason your will go into a deep hypnotic trance you will go into a deep hypnotic sleep at the count of three your upper body will fall forward as your hands are released. 1………….2…….3………………. sleepppppppppppppp all the way down into deep sleep. Now onwards whenever you hear me say the word SLEEP you will go into ten times deeper sleep yes whenever you hear me say SLEEP you will go into ten times deeper sleep. Each and everything I say will be much real for you. That’s right you will experience in real whatever I say now. Now at the count of three you can open your eyes feeling fresh and fantastic. But when you open your eyes you won’t remember the number 4. The number four will be completely erased from your mind memory and brain that’s right the number four is gone from your mind memory and brain it is locked and blocked from in your mind memory and brain and if I ask you to count you will be able to count 1, 2, 3, 5,6,7,8,9,10 and so on because the number between three and five is completely erased from your mind memory and brain. 1…………2……….3……….. Open your eyes feeling fresh and fantastic. Choose one of the participants whom you felt going deep all this time. Do you know to count? Can you count your fingers? (if their voice is very shallow trying to remember the numbers they are good they should be counting the numbers missing number 4. And he or she will be having 11 fingers because they count 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and you say: so have 11 fingers in your hands. Now you go to another person and ask them to count the fingers but this time you ask him or her to count left hand first which will be 6 and start counting from Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

one onward the fingers in the right hand so he or she will have 6 finger counts in each hand which is 12 fingers. Now you can go to another person and ask him or her to count their fingers backwards from 10 to 1 by which they will end up counting the last finger as zero so you say “Oh you have zero finger too) At the count of three when I say the word sleep you will go into ten times deeper trance now. 1…………2………….3……………sleep. Every time I say the word sleep you will go much deeper ten times deeper than you been. Now when I wake you up, you all remember the number 4 and you can count 1,2,3,4,5,6, in the proper manner but some reason your whole memory gets locked and blocked that you cannot remember who you are where you from who are you with or where are you now. Yes you cannot remember anything about yourself or your surroundings because your memory is completely locked and blocked that you can’t access any information about yourself or your surroundings. Open your eyes and find that your memory is blocked and locked now. (You can go around and ask each and every person what’s there name where they are from who are they with now where are they now etc and they should be able to answer or access their memory at all after having enough fun show the participants your hand like a gun and tell them that you have a sleep bullets loaded in it and whomever you fire it on they will go into deep sleep. Point it on one of the participant and make a sound of the gun fire as if you are firing him or her, they will go into deep trance again you can do with each and every one of your participants. Or you can tell them you have a sleep bomb which when you blast everyone around goes to sleep or you can say that you have a bouncing ball which when you throw it will hit the wall of the hall it bounce to the next wall and hits the next wall and it bounce back the to the stage and as it hits each and every participant one by one will go into deep sleep. Well your imagination is the limit whatever you want to suggest you can by now)

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Now when you open your eyes for some reason you won’t be able to see me or any of my clothes which means I will be completely invisible to all of you, you will hear my voice but I will be completely invisible. Every open your eyes (you can take a pen and move around and they will see that its floating and when you ask them they will tell you that its floating you may use a Tie and puppet it like a snake and you say to them when the pen/ Tie falls down they will see only your head repeat the suggestion once or twice and drop the object and you will see them surprised, scared, amazed etc because they see only your head. Command them to sleep just by saying sleep or you can go to few of them touch their forehead and say sleep or lift one of their hands and drop it saying “sleep” or shake their hand and say “sleep” whichever is entertaining or you can say this to the participants “now the forefinger of your right hand is having a magic power by with it starts moving towards your forehead automatically and the more you try to resist it your right forcefully moves towards your forehead with the forefinger pointing and you may try the level best to stop it but you cannot and the moment it touches your forehead you will go into deep sleep and it starts moving now” this is much funnier and entertaining to see some will resist the best to stop the right forefinger moving towards their forehead”) Take a deep breath in and breath out slowly as you breath in and out you go into much, much more deeper sleep and when I say open your eyes you will see currencies falling from the sky yes that true you will see the rain of currencies and you start picking all the money falling from the sky and start filling your pocket as much you can. You can open your eyes to find the currencies falling from the sky now. (Some may fight while gathering the money or try to snatch others, so suggest that they don’t have to do so. After they have gathered the currencies you may ask some questions like how much they gathered and what they going to do with it etc. put them into sleep again and you can finish your show with the following affirmation)

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Now you all sit back comfortably since you are all happy having so much of money you are not having a success party of becoming millionaires and billionaires and they you have hired the best DJ for the party and you all are dancing like the super star dancers of the world. (play some nice beats so that they can dance include Michael Jackson for sure so that some does moon walk or move like zombies. You may change the pace like different kind of music like salsa, belly dance, MJ, Rock, Rap, etc and make them freeze in between each bits. Give them encouraging suggestions so that they enjoy dancing and once you feel enough put them back to sleep and you may end up the show with the following affirmation. You can suggest the audience that in a while all the participants will be made out of the trance and when they open their eye they may give them a standing ovation so that they feel great being the stars of this evening and entertaining you all) Now at the count of 5 to 1 you will all wake up feeling fresh and fantastic. 5. Take a deep breath and feel fresh and fantastic 4. You all have a great control over your mind that you can achieve anything you want which makes you and people around you happy. 3. All the suggestions given to you excluding these affirmations are taken back and you will not remember anything what happened while you were on the stage 2. Take another deep breath in and slowly breathe out and feel fresh and fantastic and you may stretch your hand and legs and whole body as if your waking up from a deep sleep you had now 1. Now slowly becoming aware of your surroundings you may open your eyes now. You may shake each and every participant and appreciate them for participating. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Take a bow and enjoy your success of being a great Hypnotist. Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

Additional skits and routines

1. Suggest the participants that they are great musicians and they are in a music concert playing their favorite instrument 2. They are in the country side and they are milking the cow 3. They lost their belly button and they go searching for their belly button 4. Make them hold one of their shoe in their hand and suggest that they won’t see them but they will go on searching for their shoe 5. If your show is R rated you may suggest that they have sex with the chair 6. To ladies you can suggest that when you shake their hand they will have the best orgasm they have ever had in their life time 7. Borrow a belt from someone and suggest that it’s a snake 8. Take a rag doll and suggest that whatever you do with the doll they will be forced to do it. So if you lift the dolls hands the participant will also do the same and if you pinch the butt of the doll they feel a pinch in their butt. Make the doll dance the participants also dance 9. You may make a genie appear from a bottle when they open it. And make them ask the genie to grant their wishes come true 10. Suggest the that when you shake their left hand they will feel that the person sitting next to them stings like anything and when you shake their right hand they will feel that the person sitting next to them is wearing a fabulous fragrance that they can’t resist to smell it. 11. Suggest that when you shake their hand they will feel tickled and forced to laugh like anything 12.Suggest that when you shake or touch them they will feel so romantic towards you 13. Suggest that when touch them they will see that you are that dream person with whom they wanted to have romance with. 14. You may take a group photo of all the participants suggesting that they make the ugliest face ever in their life Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

15. Last but not the least your imagination is the limit you may suggest anything that entertains the audience which is not immoral or illegal. That’s all about stage Hypnosis. Enjoy doing the same on a big stage or even for a group of around 10 people. You may go the next chapter only and only if you want to hypnotize someone in less than 30 seconds yes just less than 30 seconds. Tempting isn’t it?

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Instant Hypnosis

As its name it is instant. How to do it follows: Ask the subject to sit down comfortably on a chair. Hold one of the hands of your subject ask him/her to relax their hands like a loose rubber band or rug doll, ask them to focus on one of your eyes (because no one can concentrate on both of your eyes and more over it distracts they focus) as they focus and relax their hands at one point, when you look deep into their eyes you will see a blankness/dilate and if they follow you they should be relaxing their hand like loose rubber band at this moment, just give a slight sudden pull/jerk to the hand you are holding and command “Close your eyes now and SLEEP”. By this you will find that your subjects’ body falls forward like a rug doll completely loose and limp. Now without any delays continue deepening the sleep by saying “You are going into a deep sleep the more deeply you go the deeper you are in hypnotic trance now. You are going deeper and deeper the more I hear my voice the more deeper you into relaxations, the more you hear the sounds around you the more you go 10 times more deeper sleep. Every sound around you including my voice takes you 20 time deeper sleep. Now you are in deep hypnotic trance that whatever I say will you will experience it very vividly. Whenever I say the word sleep you will go much more deep in trance than previous”. Now as you raise the hands of your subject and if it is loose and limp and when you drop it if it falls down like a rug doll that means he/she is deep trance and you can continue giving more suggestions which you want them to do when you wake them up. Then he/she will go into deep sleep whenever you say the word SLEEP. With experience you may put anyone in trance in 10 seconds with this technique.

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Rapid Induction

Make your subject to sit down comfortably on a chair with his/her feet flat on the ground. Ask him/her “Are you right handed or left handed?” no matter which ever hand they say choose one of their. Suppose you choose left hand then you say YOU: “Can I borrow your left hand? When he/she gives the left hand, take hold of his/her wrist gently and You raise their open left hand palm in front of their eyes and ask your subject to look at his/her palm and choose one point on his/her palm and focus on it. This is done in a split second that your subjects mind gets confused / shocked that his/her conscious mind goes off and the subconscious mind is in play for obeying all the commands you intent to give your subject. Keep holding his/her wrist gently. As they focus on one point on their palm suggest: “As you focus on that point imagine that this hand is moving towards your face”. (Slightly push his/her hand towards the face and if he/she is following your suggestion the hand should be slowly moving towards the face and you continue suggesting the following) “The more you imagine your hand is moving towards your face the more your hand moves towards your face and the more you focus on that point you choose to focus your hand will move faster towards your face and the more you focus on that point you will notice that your eyes are getting unfocused. Yes your eyes are getting more unfocused and the more unfocused your eyes becomes notice that your are eye lids are getting heavier and heavier. More heavier and heavier that you want your eyes to be closed” (you can notice that their eyes are becoming heavier if so command) “As your feel your eyes are heavier, close your eyes and SLEEP NOW” DEEPER AND DEEPER GO INTO DEEP SLEEP with your whole body Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

becoming loose and limp like a rug doll” continue deepening your subject by the words used in the previous chapter of Instant Hypnosis. Once your subject is in trance you may suggest all that what you want the Subject to do.

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Pattern Interruption Pattern interruption is a technique used in Rapid Hypnosis. Whenever a regular pattern which we are normally used to, is interrupted, the conscious mind gets confused or shocked and doesn’t understand or become unable to take decisions of what to do next for a split second. One of the famous pattern Interruptions is Hand Shake interruption in which you extend your hand to shake someone’s and the moment you they extend to shake your hand, instead of shaking their hand, you get hold their wrist. At this time since normally no one does this, your subject conscious mind gets confused and the subconscious mind comes in alert for split seconds and at this time when you command “SLEEP” and your subject will fall into deep trance. Here the timing is very important. You may get just 3/4 th of a second only before the conscious mind comes back to alert and jumble your command. One more pattern interruption is, ask your subject to place their the palm of their dominant hand on your hand and start pressing down with as much as pressure as they can while they are pressing your hand with your strength you resist them to press down. Meanwhile ask your subject also to focus on one of your eye and keep pressing on your hand. Now all at a sudden you slip away your hand beneath their hand which makes them to have an unexpected shock by which you can put them in trance as referred in the handshake interruption. To induce trance in anyone you may try even by suddenly popping a balloon they are blowing. Any kind of shock or confusion created will help you put anyone in trance. Very important: Do not do this to elderly people who may have a heart attack or someone using pace maker for elderly people prefer progressive hypnosis.

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Attitude of the Hypnotist Always before doing any hypnosis, think proudly that you are one of the best hypnotist in the world. Be proactive. Take care that all your participants are out of the trance and always at the end of the show suggest that you have taken back all the suggestions whatsoever given to them during the show. Try to avoid very healthy people whom you cannot handle if they happen to trip down for some reason. Rest you will learn a lot from each and every show you perform. Do not panic no matter what happens be authoritative and have control over the situation. Notice each and every moment of your show and learn new things and be the ONE OF THE BEST HYPNOTIST IN THE WORLD.

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Hypnosis in Daily life Every day and every moment, hypnosis is happening knowingly and unknowingly. For example: when a kid is loud what do you do to make him silent? Usually you stare straight into his eyes and with your forefinger on your lips you say shhhhhhhhhhh intensely isn’t it? And the kid becomes silent. when you watch a movie even though you know that it’s a movie your emotions changes accordingly you laugh when it is funny and you may cry or feel sad when it is sad and you sometimes get scared when there is something scary in the movie isn’t it? The movie maker and the actors in it are in a way hypnotizing you to generate those emotions and enjoyments in your mind that you get entertained and you like the movie. Advertisements are great hypnotizers. Multimillion dollar companies spend a lot of money one advertisements so that their product is completely stamped in everyone’s mind that everyone buys their product whether it is really necessary or not. How do they do it and how you can do the same? You will learn more when you read more. The simple formula is revealed in the upcoming pages. So keep reading. By now you must have understood that it is always good to learn hypnosis so that you can apply the same and also you don’t become a victim of getting hypnotised. So every moment you can use the technique of hypnosis to achieve what you want. The first and foremost of all hypnosis is to think that you are one of the best hypnotist. The simplest yet effective formula for putting anyone to do what you want is: 1. Grab their attention. 2. Engage/bypass their logic mind. 3. Create an emotional response. 4. Give suggestion to their subconscious mind to Illicit the required result. This is what every good advertisement does with you. They grab your attention by showing hot girls or colorful thing or negative thing. They engage your logical mind by the body language of the hot girls or the emotional activities positive or Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

negative. When your logical mind is engaged they start suggesting like buying their products which directly goes to subconscious mind and it illicit the required result when you go shopping because your subconscious mind will suggest your conscious mind what to buy which has been suggested by the advertisement. There are many ways to grab peoples’ attention. If it is group of people with a big loud voice ATTENTION PLEASE can grab their attention or a clap will do it or pop a balloon or a paper bag will do the same effect. How to engage or bypass their logical mind? This is one of the critical things. You must have already noticed many times that people tend to oppose for almost everything someone says. Even they will deny when you say the same thing which they must have said two days back to you because that’s the way our soft ware is developed. They always tend to say NO, this is because most of us have been said by our elders NO to whatever we wanted or wanted to do when we were kids. Another word is WHY you say something to someone they tend to ask WHY? It is the same reason almost 80% when you said something to your elder when you were a kid they always must have asked you WHY? And we subconsciously learnt this from childhood onwards to say NO and ask WHY? For almost everything we come across. These are the two mind set of others we basically bypass. One is one is rejecting and the other one is questioning. This is where covert hypnosis using language patterns comes in play. How do you tackle the questioning mindset? It is simple just answer the question in prior. Try this following Imagine you are in a big Q in a supermarket and you don’t want to wait so long till your turn comes. All you have to do is act genuine go to the person who is about to pay and tell him/her “Can I pay first please because I need to catch my train now.” Here you can see the answer (in bold letter) is already there for the WHY or Excuse me? Statistically it has been proved and also it is my own experience that it works 90% of the time if you act genuinely and regardless of the reason you give, they will allow you to pay first. You can even try this sentence “Can I pay first please because I want to pay first” Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

The following are the magic words which will help you to do such things Because, And, Which means, or, since

Because Anything you say after because others will tend to agree with it.  Can you make me a cup of coffee please? Because I like your coffee.  I want you to do this work fast because you are the best. AND Use AND is always instead of BUT because BUT negates all that is said before it. And using and is always good because human mind gets little bit confused when more than one things are said. Can you sit down and talk to me please? (Two things: 1. Sit down 2. Talk to me) so person does both because he/she usually cannot decide which one to deny)     

Can you get up and close the door now? Can you change your dress and get ready now? Please get up and come here now. Take a deep breath and relax now. Take a deep breath and relax only quickly as you breath out.

Which Means:  You did this work so fabulously which means you can achieve your target easily

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 Your body is completely relaxed which means your mind is getting more relaxed  Your body is in a comfortable position which means your mind is completely relaxed.  You got the information you want about this car which means we can go to my office and sign the papers isn’t it? Actually after WHICH MEANS you can say anything. You are enjoying deep breath which means you are in deep trance OR: Do you mind finishing this work now or…………what happens is the person who hears this completes the sentence and he/she gets forced to say NO  Do you mind passing me that salt shaker or………………..  Do you mind lending me $10 or…………….. (Be reasonable ok hahahaha)  Would you mind me taking this book or……….

Since: Since you are a nice person can you please help me out in this case too? Since you are in deep trance you will experience everything I say very vivid. So those were the ways to bypass the logical /critical mindset. Now the following example will explain the whole process which is, 1. Grab their attention. 2. Engage/bypass their logic mind. 3. Create an emotional response. 4. Give suggestion to their subconscious mind to Illicit the required result. Consider the example ahead:-

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Mr. Steve, I want you to do this work very fast, because I have heard and I personally know that you are the fastest in doing this particular job. So I bet you can finish it way before the dead line. Let’s see how it is step by step. “Mr. Steve” when you call someone with their name, you are grabbing their attention “I want you to do this work very fast because I have heard and I personally know that you are the fastest in doing this particular job”. Here you are bypassing his logical reasoning of asking you WHY ME? Because you have given the reason why choose him by saying you have heard and you personally have noticed that he is fast. And by appreciating Steve by saying that you know that he is the fastest and you have heard from others also you can see an emotional response that his chest and his head will go high up because he feel proud being told that he is fast even though he may or may not be fast. So you have created an emotional response or even sometimes called an emotional shift. May be he was feeling little dull when you met now and after hearing you that he is the fastest you can see him energized and subconsciously telling you “yes tell me what can I do for you” Now it’s time to illicit the outcome, which is making Steve finish the job way before the dead line. So you say “I bet you can finish the job way before the deadline”. If you have noticed I wrote a part of this last sentence in italics. This part is called embedded commands which you will learn how it works reading ahead. It is very simple yet very powerful.

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YES SET Human beings are very easy to fall in habit if they do the same thing for few times and this weakness can be used to make people agree with what you tell them. Basically making them say YES to that thing they will surely say YES thus they become habitual to say YES then you say something that which you want them to say YES and since they got use to saying YES, YES, YES they will tend to say YES for that thing which you want them to say YES to. This is very powerful when you deal in person and when you add a non verbal action which is nodding your head when you want them to say YES. Example: You want to make everyone agree with what you say? ......................YES You want to make others do what you want them to do? ......................YES You want to learn the powerful techniques that help you to do so? ................YES So you are ready to sign in for the very next course of Hypnosis Anytime Anywhere Basic course? ......................YES Then click the “reserve my seat” button NOW and book your seats ------------------So before you ask someone which there is a chance that they will not agree with you better put in a little effort to find what few things he will say YES to, say those things make him use to saying YES before you make him say YES to what he must say yes to.

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One more example: You: Sir, you liked my work in your firm so far? Boss: Yes You: you know that I meet all the dead lines? Boss: yes You: you know that I take responsibility for other jobs to be done? Boss: yes You: so you can rise my salary isn’t it? Boss: Yes -------------------------------You: Honey you here? ......................................YES You: you must be pretty tired today? ......................................YES You: let me help you in what you doing now ......................................YES You: let’s go out to some restaurant for dinner, get ready....................... YES --------------------------------In an interview You: so you want me to take care of sales? ………………....yes You: you want me to sell 5 cars a month? ………………....yes You: I will get a basic salary plus 5% commission ………………....yes You: so I can join tomorrow? ………………....yes So that’s YES SET. You will find it very useful the more you use it. At first you may need to put some effort very soon you will get it very spontaneously. This is also a part of the chapter called Pacing and Leading so for sure, do read it.

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Presupposition Presupposing something or someone is one of the best techniques to make people do what you want. See the following examples. The highlights are the presuppositions.  As you already know that I give the best service you can surely hire me.  My friend told me your service is good and you give good discounts  I know that you are a fast leaner so you can learn hypnosis easily.  As you can understand me it is easy to explain things to you.  One thing you will love about this product is, it easy to use. When you presuppose good things about anyone, he/she tends to do what you say after the presupposition because no one likes to deny what you said good about them even though they might not be so You will learn more presupposition in the chapter called Language Patterns so pay attention for presuppositions in Language Patterns.

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Embedded Commands

Embedded commands are hidden command in a sentence. For eg:- you say to a person who is angry “ I know you cannot(pause) CALM DOWN. Then the person will reply to you “No I can calm down who said I cannot calm down” whenever a person gets angry he/she is intended to do everything against what you say to him/her. So if you say just Calm down, he or she will do the opposite. They will say to you “how can you ask me to calm down no I will not calm down” so instead of asking them to calm down you say “ I know you cannot (pause) CALM DOWN” this is double impact by which the conscious mind will do against what you say which is to calm down and since you paused before saying CALM DOWN it is noticed by the subconscious mind and it tells the conscious mind to calm down. In a few examples below you will easily understand.        

Thanks for visiting my website enter email id now Welcome aboard enjoy your vacation. Take a deep breath and relax now I don’t want you to listen to me You may not understand me now It is not possible for you to understand me yet. Are you sure you want to learn hypnosis? By now I have given all the information about this car

Let’s take a look how to embed a command. In the sentence above you can see that “enter email id now”, “enjoy your vacation” “relax now” are in italics which if I have not let you know your conscious mind may not notice this but for sure the subconscious mind do notice everything and it acts accordingly. So in writing you may add embedded commands by making the commands in italics but how do we use the same in conversations? Well few techniques are: Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

1. Pause one or two seconds before you say your command 2. Change the tonality to low voice 3. Tap, snap, blink, or touch just before the embedded command

So now as you know how to hide a command while having conversation or while writing an email to make someone do what you want. Do you want to learn more covert techniques? If yes read ahead.

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Mirroring and matching If you have ever noticed that mostly people do what you want when they like you. Mirroring and Matching is one of the very powerful techniques by which you can make others like you. In this technique you mirror and match the body language, the speed of the talk and even the rhythm of the breath of the person whom you are talking to or you want to talk to. For sure you know that People like others who are like them. So when you mirror and match someone they subconsciously understand that you are like them so they consciously start liking you. Only thing which you need to take care is do not make your matching so obvious that they feel that you are mimicking them. This is what you are supposed to do. While being with a person match how they are standing or sitting. If they are having their legs crossed you too cross your legs which means more or less imitate their body language. Now while imitating their actions do not imitate exactly or then and there. For example if you see them they touching their face or combing their hair with their fingers, just after three or four seconds do the same but with a slight difference. If they are faster speaker you too speak fast. Find out what they like and do that thing. If you don’t like something which they do you may fake for sometime so that they start liking you. Ask them what are their likes and dislikes so that you can converse about what they like. This makes them like you and once they like you they mostly tend to do what you say. Mirroring and Matching is a technique to make someone like you subconsciously by which they start doing what you want. After a few mirroring and matching you may even test weather its working or not by asking them to do a small favor for you. As a small start if you are in a restaurant, you may ask them to pass the salt shaker to you or the napkin. The more favor someone does to you the more they like you because you do favor to someone whom you like otherwise you won’t isn’t it. Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

Pacing and Leading

In this technique what you do is pace what the other person is doing and then lead them. You say or do certain things which you know that other person will agree by which he/she will get so used to agreeing with you that when even though you say or do something which may not be agreeable to him/her, he/she will agree with you or do what you said. Try this experiment when you are walking with someone. Just mirror and match the pace and the way the other person is walking without him/her knowing, then all at a sudden turn towards a wrong direction where he/she doesn’t have to go to. You will see that you have led them your way because subconsciously they were getting used to agreeing with you. You may slow down or make them walk faster also. It’s the same thing when you are having conversation with someone you make them used to say YES to whatever you say means you say those things which you are sure that he/she will say YES to then say something which you want them to agree with you. Since they got used to saying YES, YES, YES, they will tend to say YES for what you want them to say YES to. (See how a car sales man closes a deal his customer after knowing what the customer looking for) Sales man: so you want to buy a red car Customer: Yes Sales man: This is a gift for your lovely wife Customer: yes Sales man: by now I have given you all the information you need isn’t it Customer: yes Sales man: so let’s proceed to my office to complete formalities Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

Customer: yes This technique is also called the YES SET where you make the other person say yes, yes, yes and make them say yes for something else which you want them to agree to.

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Anchoring and Triggering With this technique you can anchor someone for certain action and trigger them to do the same whenever you want them to do so. This is a technique which developed from an experiment done by Dr. Pavlov which is also famously known as Pavlov’s effect. Every day before giving food to his dog he rang a bell which made his dog get used to salivate whenever the bell was rung because it knows that soon after the bell is rung he is going to get the food. Dr. Pavlov noticed that after few days whenever the bell was rung his Dog started salivating and felt hungry. This is the same thing with human being too. Just remember if you happen to eat at a particular time whenever you see that time in your watch don’t you feel hungry. Now this weakness or habit of human being can be used to anchor and trigger to make people do what you want. Whenever you notice, someone with whom you always converse with agrees to what you say or does what you say just do some small action like touching your ear or tap your hand on a particular place or even close your eyes for a second or two. What happens in a while is the other person’s subconscious mind gets anchored to these subtle actions by you. Now the game starts, this anchored action can be used as a trigger to make that person do what you want. So before you say something which you thing the other person may not agree with you, you just do the chosen action by you then say what you want them to do. This will make their subconscious mind force their conscious mind to agree with you and make them to do what you say to them. We have very much covered which could be practiced to be a good hypnotist in your daily life for life time. What is left is called Language pattern which you can learn and use it in every moment of your life to make someone do what you want and here it follows.

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If you understand the three conditions in which anyone does what you want are: 1. They like you so much that they can do whatever you say which is the best condition 2. You have an authority over someone that they fear of losing something if they don’t obey what you are saying which is an ok situation because they do things out of fear not of complete willingness 3. They think that what they are doing is because they thought to do so not and they don’t realize that you induced that thought in their subconscious mind. Well here you may not get the credit that you suggested something by which they happen to do. This is completely covert. This is the situation in which most of the language pattern is used. And you use those language patterns according to the personality you come across. One more thing you should understand about human being is that, no one wants to obey anyone else. Everyone in this world wants to do that thing what they are thinking. People do things for certain reasons. Some does things because they like to do, some does things because it’s challenging, and others do things to impress someone. Some does things because of fear of loss of someone or something if they don’t do it and others love to be appreciated or for getting credit or some benefits. So if you are providing what they want they will tend to do what you want. There are some people who will do everything opposite to what you say and you will be able to tackle all these kind and many left outs by using the best language pattern for each situation. For e.g. to a person who likes to be challenged you can say “I really wonder whether you will be able to do this business with me or not” for sure he/she will show you that they can. To a person who is fearful of loss “you may wait and decide later unless you really want to lose this opportunity now” Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

Language Pattern Language patterns are usually used to embed the commands you want others to do. You will find in the examples of language patterns the embedded commands are in italics. And as I said before you will notice that there are many presuppositions also in the following Language Patterns. Basically it doesn’t matter what you are saying and how you are saying what matters is the embedded commands in it which you can say it by either stressing when you say it or give a pause before you say it or look deep into their eyes when you say it so that the subconscious mind absorbs your command without the conscious mind knowing. With practice you will make it happen and the more you practice the more it become easy to embed commands in your language pattern. Make use of one or two language pattern daily or as much as you can so it becomes a second nature for you. 1. I am wondering if………………………………. I am wondering if you can clean this room daily I am wondering if you can use this language pattern daily I am wondering if you can imagine how good it will once you finish this job. 2. May be you’ll…………………………………. May be you’ll understand the use of embedded commands May be you’ll stop smoking for today May be you’ll not like to come with me for the party 3. You probably already know............................... You probably already know how powerful language patterns are. You probably already know the more you practice language pattern it becomes easy You probably already know that you work faster You probably already know you cannot do this. Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

You probably already know you feel good without smoking You probably already notice that this is presupposition with embedded commands 4. Don’t ………………………………….too quickly. Don’t relax too quickly before I count till 10 Don’t think that you can finish this work too quickly before I come back Don’t imagine to feel good too quickly stop smoking Don’t stop smoking too quickly 5. Can you imagine………………………….? Can you imagine how good it feels not to smoke? Can you imagine how much profit we can get? Can you imagine any of the old good days? 6. One can …………………………………. One can Max feel good for no reason. One can Kate work fast One can Steve be happy doing this job One can Kris eat less One can Justin go to gym daily

7. You might notice the feelings…………………as you………………….. You might notice the feelings of relaxation as you breathe in and out You might notice the feelings of goodness as you quit smoking You might notice the feelings of proud as you achieve the target You might notice the feelings of wholeness as you clear your mind. 8. A person might ……………………. A person might John realize how easy to learn language patterns A person might Clara how easy it is to practice embedded commands A person might Keith understand what I am saying Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

9. One could………………….because…………………. One could learn Hypnosis easily because you can make others do what you want One could decide stop smoking because you feel good and healthy One could work fast because you will have more leisure time One could perform well because you can be proud of it. 10. You can…………………………because……………………….. You can use embedded commands daily because it makes life easy You can buy this car because it will make your wife happy You can come to the party because you will love it. I guess I have given enough examples how to embed commands in whatever you say so rest of the following language patterns follows below is for your exercise and practice to embed commands as per your life style. Please do not miss the explanations which I have given for many of the language patterns referred below. The best thing is that you will love it because it’s very interesting not only to make use of language pattern but also to understand how much you can manipulate others using this language and how easily it is when you read my explanation. I n other words you will be tempted to use embedded commands from now on whenever you speak.

11. You can…………………….can you not? You can use embedded commands now can you not? (The denial habit of human being toward what others say, forces your subject to say YES because you are using the negative NOT. And also human being is always tempted to accept the challenges)

12. I don’t know if………………………………. I don’t know if you can understand the power of language pattern, unless you make use of it. Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

(Again it’s a challenge so you have to say YES I can understand, it’s not a complicated stuff that I cannot understand.) 13. You might notice how good……………………..feels, when you…………………… 14. Will you ………..or…………….or……………………or………………….. 15. I wouldn’t tell you to………………………because……………………… 16. How would it feel if you…………………………….? 17. I could tell you that……………………..but……………………… 18. Sooner or later……………………………. Sooner or later you will come to know the power of embedded commands Sooner or later it will be easy for you to use embedded command in every sentence As you breathe in and out slowly, sooner or later you will relax (Sooner or later always implies the result is for sure) 19. Sometime……………………………….. 20. Eventually…………………………….. Eventually you will relax now 21. Try to resist…………………………….. Try to resist thinking not to use embedded commands daily (The word TRY is tricky because no one can try either you do it or not. And the word Resist also very tricky because whatever your resist it persist. Try not to think of an elephant. I bet you are thinking of an elephant) 22. You might have not noticed……………………. You might have not noticed that your whole body is relaxed now (This is another tricky sentence which you must have not noticed because whenever you say something like “might not have noticed” you will tend to notice what you have not noticed. You must have not noticed while you are reading this book your feet is completely relaxed. I bet your focus went to your feet isn’t it? 23. Some people……………………………… 24. Can you really enjoy……………………….? Can you really enjoy doing this job? (Whenever you question or challenge someone by such questions they generally tend to say YES to prove themselves that they CAN. More over Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

you have embedded commands for what you really want them to do. Can you really understand what I am saying? 25. What happens when you……………………..? What happens when you breathe in and out slowly? (To answer this question he/she has to think or do what have you said to them) 26. You might notice the sensations in…………………….while you…………………… 27. One doesn’t have to ……………………… 28. People don’t have to……………………. 29. You may not know if you……………………….. 30. It’s easy to……………………….is it not? It’s easy to learn language patterns is it not? (Mostly it is found that whenever you end a sentence with “is it not?” people tend to say YES just because you used “not” which is like NO they tend to say YES which is the life time practice of human being in general, to deny whatever anyone else say even it is true. Interesting, is it not? 31. A person may not know if…………………………… A person may not know if you use embedded command on everyone. ( I don’t know whether you have noticed whenever the language is starting with A PERSON, PEOPLE, SOMEONE, MY FRIEND, you will find that I am switching the embedded part referring to YOU which mostly people cannot recognize when it did you switch from general to the person you are talking to) 32. You are able to…………………………….. You are able to make use of the whole language pattern 33. …. …………………… and………………… You feel the chair you are sitting on, you can feel your palm on your lap, you can feel the breath going in and out and you can relax now (Here you are saying few of the facts which your subject cannot deny. Of course he/she can feel the chair he/she is sitting so they say YES in their mind or even may node. And also you are embedding the command “FEEL” so they feel the palm “YES” feel the breath “YES” now since they were Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

getting use to saying yes, yes, yes, they have to say yes, when you say “you can RELAX NOW. So the more truism you say the more yes you get then add what you want they will tend to say YES You like the ambience of this bar …………..yes I like this new drink, you?………….…yes This music is really romantic isn’t it?………………….yes I have a great collection of nice music, like to hear it…………….yes Come I will show you something very interesting………………….ok

34. A person is able to …………………. A person is able to plan everything ahead (When you refer someone/people/ person you are talking generally and you are not referring the person whom you are talking to even though you are but since it is general your subjects mind is open its not restricting what you are saying because of which your embedded command goes inside their conscious as well as subconscious mind easily) 35. ………………once told me…………………… My friend once told me “Always think creative” 36. ……………said………………………… My father said “you can achieve your goal when you are persistent” (When you advise someone directly they always tend to deny but when you say the same thing as someone else has said to you they cannot deny because the person who said is not available to deny) 37. If you …………………then…………………….. If you decide to learn hypnosis now then you can use it now itself 38. When you……………then………………. When you take deep breath in and out then you relax deeply Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

39. Will you……………… now, or will you………………..? Will you clean the room now, or will you clean after 5 minutes? 40. You may or may not…………………………… You may or may not get good results now 41. I am wondering if you’ll………………or not I am wondering if you’ll perform well again or not 42. People can you know…………………………….. People can you know learn thing faster 43. You may haven’t ……………………yet You may haven’t relaxed yet 44. One might you know ………………….. One might you know join now and learn hypnosis 45. You might want to………………………now You might want to relax now 46. You could………………………….. You could make yourself happy 47. You might………………………….. You might imagine how easy life will be learning Hypnosis 48. A person could……………………… A person could Patrick love doing what you doing now 49. You may…………………….. You may like it 50. One may One may Jane practice daily the language patterns 51. A person may……………………because………….. A person may understand what I am saying because you want to learn new things. 52. You don’t have to………………………………….. You don’t have to come with me now As I have repeated many time people tend not to do what you say so you say what they would like to do then they will go against it to do what you like them to do. Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

The beauty for language pattern is that no matter what you say you can always embed commands that you want others to do what you want them to do and they won’t even realize that they are being covertly hypnotized by you. So it’s completely up to you whether you use these language patterns daily in your conversation and sooner or later you understand how much useful embedded commands are. You might or might not notice that you already started using language patterns automatically. So enjoy the journey of hypnotizing every one every moment of your life for good cause

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Final thoughts Hi guys, First of all Thanks for buying my book. The reason why I wrote this book is to share what I have learnt from the masters of hypnosis all over the world to whom I am really thankful to and the research work I personally did about life we live on this beautiful planet Earth. Basically in my research work being with many of the cultures all over the world and human behaviors etc., anyone could realize like I realized that language is the base of everything. Every creations done by human being is the outcome of inner thoughts which is again words and language because if you take a moment, close your eyes and try to think about anything you want but try to think without using any words or language it is impossible isn’t it? So every creation starts by the use of language in your thoughts then it is said to someone else who can help you create what you want. So creations, relationship, business, teaching, learning, dreaming, achieving goals, success, sex everything you come across has to have some language and the success of everything you want is based on how you communicate with yourself and with others. And Hypnosis is that language which will help you to achieve what you want more easily. One who practices Hypnosis can ease, enrich and enhance their life easily. With the use of the techniques of hypnosis not only you can control your own mind but also others as you must have noticed reading this book because of which you can handle every situation, you can lead a very good relationship, empower your business by getting more clients and closing more lead, if you are a teacher you can teach your students effortlessly. Almost everything is possible where ever you need to use language because

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now you know the language patterns all you need to do is practice, practice and practice that’s it My research is not complete yet. I will be writing more books on Hypnosis and life ahead to ease others life. If you have any comments or suggestions or appreciations or any doubt and clarifications, do not hesitate to write to me, my email id: [email protected] You might want to learn hypnosis practically by joining my Hypnosis Anytime Anywhere courses which happens around the world. For more info you can always visit my website www.HypnosisAnytimeAnywhere.com you can register your name to get helpful newsletters every week. See you somewhere around the world in one of my Hypnosis Sessions. Thanks once again for buying this book and Thanks a lot for using this knowledge for the good cause of yourself and others around you to make this world much better. One last word With great power comes great responsibility so use it for the good ones.

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About the Author Who else can write about me much better than myself? So ………………. My name is Magic Leo; rather I can say that’s what I call myself. Basically I am a Magician and a certified Hypnotist and Hypnotherapist. I am also the founder of 21 days meditation process called “Knowing Your Self” simply known as KYS. It’s been almost 30 years I am entertaining with my talent in magic and hypnosis, every kind of people from poor to millionaires, from small kids to kids of 70 years old, around the world. In this journey I have come across all the cultures of this world. I have been wondering about the life and life styles us human being. I am always wondered and still wondering why we make this simple humble beautiful life complicated and misery. Why can’t we be happy and make others happy. Why can’t we understand the simple fact that anyone can just fall dead in the next second. But then I understood that it’s all the script which we are writing in our brain and which we allowed others to write in our brain is the reason for this habit of being unhappy and leading a miserable life. No one is taught in our schools to create happiness and to be happy. If we had HAPPY HOURS in our school and at home I bet there is no need of HAPPY HOURS in the bar. Check the script we are repeating in our thoughts. You want money but your script in your brain is “I don’t have money” instead of thinking the possibilities of making money. You want to be slim and trim but in your thoughts you say “I want to lose weight” and since from childhood you have been taught not to lose your eraser/pencil/pen etc you are habitual not to lose. So your inner script should be “I want to be slim and trim” So I happen to do a lot of thinking and researching with a very open mind accepting all the possibilities and finding the gist of life where does the creation of happiness starts from. I started sharing my thoughts to people Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com

who always suggested that I should write books so here it is. This is purely practical way to ease, enrich and enhance your life. Not only that, if you have the guts and confidence to be a hypnotist you already have a career in hand by reading this book. Believe me there is a lot of hypnotist out there in this world who makes a great living performing Stage Hypnosis for corporate, and there is a lot who just sit in their own apartment with a hypnotherapy clinic earning a lot being with their lovely family all the time. I am not telling you to put the knowledge you learnt from this book into practice. Hey, hey, hey did you notice the embedded command in my previous line hmmmmmmmmm???????Adios

Yours Hypnotically,

Magic Leo

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Books on the way 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Hypnosis for fun Life, this is it. Language patterns for daily life Code of Magicians for the success of your life Power of Meditation Script your life. Hypnosis for Magicians

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Hypnosis Anytime Anywhere Last but not the least; I thought I should say something about Hypnosis Anytime Anywhere too. Well this is a movement in which I want as many people as possible know the good side of hypnosis and how effectively the techniques of hypnosis can be used in daily life anytime and anywhere so that their life can be effort less and easy. To let know everyone that with the help of Hypnosis you can bring peace in your family, in your society, in the whole world. Today is the era of social media and we can reach the whole world sitting in front of your laptop being anywhere in the world. So the more hypnotic peaceful message reaches people their mind becomes peaceful when many people mind feel the peace and happiness the world will become so. Thanks for join this movement to spread peace happiness and take the responsibility to make every one’s life easy as well as yours too Once again hypnotically yours Magic Leo Ps. Visit www.HypnosisAnytimeAnywhere.com now. Visit now www.HypnosisAytimeAywhere.com