HRM Group 10 [PDF]

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Subject: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT TOPIC: JOB ANALYSIS AND TALENT MANAGEMENT OF VINGROUP Class : 03 Group : 10 Group members: Ngô Hiếu Thảo – 718H1029 Trần Dương Minh Loan -718H0924 Huỳnh Nguyễn Minh Như - 718H0980 Phạm Thanh Thuỷ - 718H1051 Lâm Quang Việt Đức 718H1861

Ho Chi Minh City, December, 2020

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Through this project, we feel very grateful for the enthusiastic and helpful support for the team project as well as learning more practical knowledge and sharing experiences. Firstly, we would like to show our appreciation to Ton Duc Thang University and the Faculty of Business Administration for creating many opportunities and conditions suitable for us to learn new knowledge. Secondly, we sincerely thank Ms. Nguyen Nhu Ngoc , who directly guided and taught the foundational and practical knowledge to build our project correctly. Finally, we really appreciate everyone helping us carry out our project, and we hope for the best wishes for health and success for teacher







Ngô Hiếu Thảo


Leader: -Assigning work -Word: 2.2.1,2.2.2,2.2.3 -Presenter


Trần Dương Minh Loan


-Word: Recommend, Conclusion -Combinating word


Phạm Thanh Thủy


-Make powerpoint -Word: 2.1


Huỳnh Nguyễn Minh Như


-Make powerpoint -Word: Introduction, Overview


Lâm Quang Việt Đức


-Word: 2.2.4, 2.2.5 -Presenter



Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................................2 GROUP’S EVALUATION................................................................................................3 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS...........................................................5 LIST OF FIGURE.............................................................................................................. 6 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................7 Chapter 1: OVERVIEW OF VINGROUP.........................................................................9 Chapter 2: TALENT MANAGEMENT...........................................................................13 2.1 Basic theory............................................................................................................13 2.1.1 What is Talent Management and process?.......................................................13 2.1.2 Why it is important?........................................................................................13 2.1.3 What is Goal – oriented?.................................................................................14 2.1.4 Talent Management Model..............................................................................14 2.2


2.2.1 Goal-oriented...................................................................................................17 2.2.2 Recuiting.........................................................................................................18 2.2.3 Strategy about Human Resource of Vingroup.................................................20 2.2.4 Managing.........................................................................................................21 2.2.5 Compensation..................................................................................................22 Chapter 3: RECOMMEND..............................................................................................24 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................ 25 REFLECT........................................................................................................................26 REFERENCE................................................................................................................... 27


LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS HR : Human resource OLED : Organic Light-Emitting Diode AI : Artificial Intelligence CV : Curriculum Vitae SMS: Short Message Services IoT : Internet Of Things TV : Television VinCSS: Vin Cyber Security Service FIDO : Fast IDentity Online


LIST OF FIGURE Figure 1.1: Logo of Vingroup Figure 1.2: Brands of Vingroup Figure 2.1: Talent management model Figure 2.2: Vband- smart wearable devices


INTRODUCTION The key to success for each business not only originated from market demand, technological strength or widespread brand recognition but also the contribution of talents who constantly devote their abilities to the overall success of the business and the direction of business goals. It can be seen that talent management in the organization is always very important even the key thing in today's technology society 4.0 by reason of today's people have opportunities to access more information, more cultural trends and new employment trends than the past so they have more options so talent management is more difficult and necessary than ever. Since talent management is seen as the deciding factor, it also poses challenges for both business leaders and senior human resources professionals to find the best way to attract, develop and retain current and future talents. Once referring to the art of Human Management of famous companies in the world, it is impossible not to mention Google, Apple and Samsung. The success and popularity of three companies above have shown that they have an effective HR management, a unique corporate culture to attract and retain talented people. Unlike HR management of large enterprises in the world that focuses on the interests and profits of the company, Google sets the mental value of employees as business goals for each individual to to help each individual find the meaning in their work as it is tied to ethical and spiritual values rather than merely a business goal. For Apple, Apple's goal always focuses on the work-life balance for employees. They work hard and enjoy life in their own way. One of the human resources management methods that few corporations in the world can apply like in Samsung is "developing talent at international level". All employees who have worked for a long time at the corporation or have worked for at least 3 years will travel around the world within 1 year to learn and experience the new working environment. This is not something large corporations in the world can do. In this report, the we focused on analyzing talent management at a well-known corporation in Vietnam that is Vingroup. Vietnam is growing strongly and achieving many great achievements in economy and society. These achievements are not only shown in the country, but also one of the achievements recognized by the world. Along with these achievements is the Vingroup-one of the first corporations to bring Vietnam's brand name to the international market. Bringing Vietnamese products to market competition with giants like China, Japan, and the US. The Vingroup Group has opened up a new era for our country, a great driving force for the economy and society. Creating many playground markets for investors in the 4.0 era. Vingroup's employees are up to 7

50,000 people and are present in all provinces of Vietnam. After 10 years, Vingroup's personnel has increased approx 70 times. If in 2010, this group had only 936 employees, by 2020, this number was 65.325 thousand people. This group's growth in personnel has been accompanied by a transformation, from focusing only on real estate to multiindustry business. To manage such a large number of employees effectively, Vingroup has had an excellent HR management strategy.


Chapter 1: OVERVIEW OF VINGROUP Vietnam is growing strongly and achieving many great achievements in economy and society. These achievements are not only shown in the country, but also one of the achievements recognized by the world. Along with these achievements is the Vingroup Group. One of the first corporations to bring Vietnam's brand name to the international market. Bringing Vietnamese products to market competition with giants like China, Japan, and the US. The Vingroup Group has opened up a new era for our country, a great driving force for the economy and society. Creating many playground markets for investors in the 4.0 era. Not only that, Vingroup also raises the value of many industries in our country. Bringing our country closer to the country's industrialization and modernization. Vingroup, formerly known as Technocom, was established in 1993 in Ukraine. Technocom was originally active in the food industry and achieved great success with the brand Mivina. In the early years of the twenty-first century, Technocom always appeared in the ranking of Top 100 largest enterprises in Ukraine the early 2000s, Technocom returned to Vietnam, focusing investment in tourism and real estate with two original strategic brands, Vinpearl and Vincom. Then in 2011, Vinpearl Joint Stock Company and Vincom Joint Stock Company merged into one under the name of Vingroup - Joint Stock Company. Vingroup with a total capital of up to 16 billion USD. By 2012, this group officially had a stock code and went into large trading operations in Ho Chi Minh City. Soon after, the Vingroup brand became the largest brand in Vietnam in terms of product quality, business reputation and professionalism. So far, Vingroup is a group that has the most profound influence in all economic fields - the life of Vietnamese people. Vingroup's continuous development efforts are aimed at enhancing Vietnam's values in the regional and international markets. We can recognize this group through the Vingroup logo. It is an image of a bird with the meaning of moving forward constantly. That is the inspiration for the birth of the Vingroup logo. The image of Vietnamese bird wings constantly flying high, constantly flying away is the will to spread Vietnam's best values in the eyes of international friends. The wings are designed so that we can easily think of the letter “V”. The “V” is both an abbreviation for the beloved country of Vietnam and an abbreviation of the English word Victory. Vietnam will constantly rise and make its mark on the international arena. The high-flying bird is also a symbol of Vingroup's cultural values. That is always keeping the spirit of entrepreneurship. The Group always creates conditions for employees to have the environment to bring out their 9

best. Employees must be constantly innovating, constantly innovating to bring better values. Only when both the staff and the leaders are always trying to renew themselves, Vingroup will develop in accordance with the slogan "The place of elite convergence". Next to the Vietnamese bird's wings are 5 golden stars. Stars are often used to measure the quality of the service. With 5 stars, Vingroup wants to commit to customers in providing the best quality services to ensure consumer satisfaction. The Vingroup logo is also inspired by the Vietnamese flag with the choice of red and yellow as the main colors. The red color represents blood, heart, and relentless enthusiasm to spread the essence of Vietnam to the five continents. In short, the Vingroup logo is a symbol of a strong desire to constantly move forward, constantly improve the stature of Vietnam.

Figure 1.1: Logo of Vingroup (Source from

Vingroup is a leading corporation in Vietnam with an ecosystem of companies and brands in industries, including investment and development fields such as real estate, industry, technology, resort tourism, entertainment, health, education. Each category includes many brands as a following image:


Figure 1.2: Brands of Vingroup (Source from With the desire to bring to the market products and services of international standards and completely new experiences of modern lifestyles, in any field, Vingroup also proves its pioneering role, a change in consumer trends. Currently on the market Vingroup is managing up to 45 real estate projects, 25 hotels, 60 Vincom shopping centers and many golf courses and entertainment areas and more than 1475 supermarkets VinMart and VinMart +, 14 farms VinEco and 9 hospitals, VinMec international clinic, 27 Vinschool schools and a huge number of customers on the VinID system and a large workforce. Vingroup is always the leading industry in the market with international standards and recently, Vingroup has founded the VinFast brand for the first Vietnamese brand car production to break all records in the manufacturing and manufacturing industry. automobile export in the world and this is a pride of Vietnamese people. With the financial advantages, prestige and operational capacity, Vingroup is implementing many orientations to become the most developed Technology - Industry - Service Group in the future. Vingroup always considers human resources as the core factor and valuable asset. With the slogan: "Vingroup - Entrepreneurial spirit forever", the Group has built a stream of lean human resources, with both ethics and talents. The Group's recruiting goal is to attract and welcome all candidates who wish to work in a dynamic, fast, creative and efficient environment - where each individual can maximize their abilities and expertise. The Group always creates a professional and modern working environment, maximizing the right to work, dedicate, develop and honor employees and the harmonious combination between the interests of the business and the benefits. benefits of officials and employees. Vingroup especially focuses on human resource development through the effective implementation of training policies, improving knowledge and professional qualifications for employees. Training not only for the purpose of improving the qualifications of employees, for each member to become a worthy representative of Vingroup in any circumstances, but through the training system, Vingroup will contribute to improving the quality of human resources of Vietnamese enterprises in general. 11


Chapter 2: TALENT MANAGEMENT 2.1 Basic theory 2.1.1 What is Talent Management and process? Talent management is defined as the methodically organized, strategic process of getting the right talent onboard and helping them grow to their optimal capabilities keeping organizational objectives in mind. The Talent management process: 1. Decide what positions to fill, through job analysis, personnel planning, and forecasting. 2. Build a pool of job applicants by recruiting internal or external candidates. 3. Obtain application forms and have initial screening interviews. 4. Use selection tools like tests, interviews, background checks, and physical exams to identify viable candidates  5. Decide on whom to make the offer. 6. Orient, train, and develop employees so they have the competencies to do their jobs. 7. Appraise and assess employees and then compensate them to maintain their motivation. 8. Compensate employees to maintain their motivation.

2.1.2 Why it is important? It helps businesses improve performance: with top specialists in your organization, you can reach any goal, talent management is most effective of all when it combines three key components: rapid talent allocation, positive employee experience, and a strategic HR team. It allows companies to stay competitive: by hiring and developing talented employees, your organization becomes stronger and better prepared to face changes and risks. It drives innovation: new technologies are always hitting the scene, whatever your industry. Talented employees are able to find ways to harness the capabilities of new tools and solve problems or come up with original ideas.


It helps form productive teams: the appropriate talent management strategy will allow you to form a more productive team. This is far more useful than just having a bunch of creative and talented people in your organization. It decreases turnover: when employees feel valued at a company, when they know they will have plenty of opportunities to grow in the business, they are less likely to seek work elsewhere. It leads to strong employer branding: talent management brands your company as an employer. This helps you to attract the best candidates for future hires. It motivates others to grow: having inspiring talent on your team will motivate other employees and help them grow.

2.1.3 What is Goal – oriented? Goal orientation is more focused on individual training and leadership of individuals. Managers study what goals motivate different types of employees the most -some may be more attracted to increased bonuses, while others may enjoy the acclaim, the teamwork or simply the increased success of the business. Different types of coaching may be necessary for different approaches to goals. In other ways, managers must learn to break down company goals into more ideal pieces for employees and teams to deal with one at a time.

2.1.4 Talent Management Model


Figure 2.1: Talent management model (Source: What is Talent Management and Why is It Important? | Expert360) 1. Planning Planning aligns your talent management model in line with the overall goals of your organization. Only with the correct planning can you ensure that you seek talent with the right skills and experience. In addition, it assesses current employees to see what is working well for the company. For instance, if employees with certain characteristics tend to stay at the organization for longer, you should plan to hire more workers like them. 2. Attracting It is not always as simple as when one person leaves the company, you start a search for someone else to fill the role. For instance, your needs may change or employees may take on new responsibilities. Talent management ensures that you always have sufficient staff to carry out all your operations and prevent heavy workloads that could cause demotivation. The right strategy will attract just the kind of workers you want at your business. Such hires will be driven, skilled, and seeking to advance within the company. Attracting talent is all about branding your company as an employer. You’ll need to find ways to increase visibility in ways that allow you to present company as a best place to work. The main consideration here is to make your business more approachable. Even if you choose not to hire someone for a particular position, you still need to create a positive experience. This will give you the opportunity to hire these candidates for other jobs or use them as ambassadors to acquire other talent. 3. Developing The development part of the model involves taking steps to help talent grow within the company. It should be aligned with the employee development plan and includes identifying roles where particular employees could move to in the future as well as considering how to expand workers’ skills and knowledge to fulfill new challenges facing your organization. 15

Talent management also looks at what will keep employees at your company enthusiastic and willing to go the extra mile. It is necessary to provide employees with value. Motivation also requires the correct onboarding — to give new hires a great impression of your company from the very beginning. This will increase the chance that they stay with the company and work hard. 4. Retaining Another purpose of talent management is to keep people at your company for longer. Employees need to continue feeling that the company is an enjoyable, meaningful place to work. Through training and other types of engagement, employees have the chance to create a career without leaving the company. You may achieve this by focusing on compensation (monetary and otherwise) as well as company culture. 5. Transitioning After hiring and developing their skills, you need to plan for employees’ transitions. Your aim at this stage is to keep their knowledge within the company — this is called knowledge management. You need to have a plan in place to promote employees or move them to another role, department, or office. If a worker does decide to leave, you need to know why.

2.2Analysis 2.2.1 Goal-oriented Orientation of vingroup become the international leader group: The growth orientation of Vingroup is to become an international – class organization, concentrating on industry and technology to concentrate on developing domestic and international brands. In 2020, Vingroup will continue to invest heavily to develop 3 core business areas: technology - industry, real estate - tourism and community services. Especially in the industrial segment, Vingroup continues to promote the production of more VinFast electric cars and motorcycles in different segments, meeting all the needs of all groups of customers. It is expected that by 2021, the group will export electric cars to the US market. The Group will also continue to focus on producing electrical products household appliances and many other smart electronics products to serve daily needs. With the existing commercial services segment, the group continues to promote, improve and upgrade the quality and efficiency of its operations. – Vice-President – CEO Vingroup Nguyen Viet Quang. 16








In the industrial sector, some new models of vehicles , electric motorcycles and the production of electric buses are expected to be introduced by VinFast in 2020. In doing so, VinFast continues its strategy to conquer the domestic market by diversifying consumers with high-quality goods at affordable prices. VinSmart is expected to continue releasing a range of smartphone models for the smart device market, including the first 5G phones with a Vietnamese brand and TV models using OLED technology. In addition, for the three Great Vinhomes ventures, VinSmart will implement smart home appliances, build comprehensive smart city solutions and launch AI-based security cameras. VinBrain deploys AI Assistant Doctor in the field of technology in image diagnosis, linking patients to doctors and studying disease prediction charts and treatment regimens in domestic hospitals. AI wide range of technologies are implemented and introduced by Vantix to evaluate and improve labor efficiency based on IoT wearable devices in operation at Vinpearl hotel chains and VinFast and VinSmart factories. With the goal of rapidly gaining market share, improving payment services and algorithms for data processing algorithms, VinID extends the size of loyalty programs to deliver advertising solutions, tips, and make everyday smarter. New Retails-With O2O services, two instruments to help attract and maintain new consumers entering the ecosystem, VinID's smart and easy shopping platform will be implemented. VinID currently has 9.4million customers as of February 2020. In 2020, Vinhomes will continue to diversify its goods from mid-end to high-end, targeting consumers in several segments and preparing to launch three new ventures in Hanoi and Hung Yen. Vinpearl would facilitate robust collaboration with domestic airlines to open domestic and foreign routes to localities located in Vinpearl, offering high-quality package tours to increase the number of hotel guests. Furthermore, under the VinHoliday brand, Vinpearl will launch a new three-star hotel line targeting the customer segment. In order to increase customer engagement, Vinmec will facilitate digital transformation and continue to develop key products such as stem cells and gene technology. Vinmec plans to develop Virtual Treatment, a remote healthcare center, which will be a key product strategy in the future. Furthermore, in line with the trend of moving from curative to preventive, Vinmec will develop new models and products. 17

In the school year 2020-2021, Vinschool aims to open a number of multi-level pre-school and secondary schools in Hanoi and Ha Tinh, taking the total number of students within the system to 33,300. In order to minimize reliance on teacher quality, the entire Vinschool programme is digitized and converted into an integrated online and offline learning program (blended learning). Vinschool plans to open a number of multi-level pre-school and secondary schools in Hanoi and Ha Tinh in the 2020-2021 school year, increasing the total number of students within the framework to 33,300. The entire Vinschool programme is digitized and transformed into an integrated online and offline learning program (blended learning) in order to reduce dependency on teacher quality.



2.2.2 Recuiting Round 1: Submit application -


Candidates access the Vingroup recruitment page Participate in the entrance exam into Vingroup through many different methods Send application form (including CV) via mail to Vingroup's recruitment email address, the subject of the mail in the form: Job position - Full name. Example: Site Search Specialist - Nguyen Van A. Submit hard copy documents directly with the Vingroup company office, or the member company office (where directly apply for vacancies). For some vacancies, Vingroup allows candidates to apply through the registration under the available link, or send SMS in the given syntax.

Round 2: First round of interview -



After a maximum of 7 days (from the date the candidate submits the application to Vingroup), the business will notify the results to the successful candidates. Information about the time and place of the first round of interviews will be notified by the company via email or direct telephone. When examining into Vingroup, candidates will be interviewed by a board of 3 people, including foreigners. The content of the first round interview mainly revolved around topics such as a few features of yourself (study process, some features of family, ...), professional knowledge and knowledge of the business. During the interview, applicants may be asked to answer questions in English. Preparation of English communication skills is essential for candidates to successfully complete their interview round. 18


For some vacancies, beside the first interview round, the company requires candidates to participate in the written test. The written exams are designed to test candidates' professional knowledge and skills as an additional method needed to assess the competency of the entrance exams for Vingroup.

Round 3: Second round of interview -



For candidates who pass the first interview round, Vingroup will directly announce the admission information to the candidate. No notification will be given to applicants who are not successful. Time to receive results is up to 3 days (after the time candidates participate in the first interview round). In the second round of interviews, candidates will be directly interviewed by the vacancy manager. Interview questions are more in-depth knowledge of the vacancy, specific information about the requirements of the job. Depending on the vacancy and recruitment phases, the timing of round 1 and round 2 interviews can take place in the same session. At the same time, the order of the entrance exams into Vingroup also has a certain change.

Round 4: Salary negotiation, welfare regime; procedures to receive jobs -

After the second round of interviews, successful candidates will be notified by Vingroup about the salary, bonus and welfare benefits of the business when the candidate officially accepts the job position. This is the round of negotiation to decide whether the candidate will be accepted to work at Vingroup or not.

2.2.3 Strategy about Human Resource of Vingroup Vingroup built a lean staff full of both virtue and talent. They focus on employee’s dedication and development. Therefore, when come to be a part of Vingroup, you will have many remuneration in terms of salary, bonus, opportunity,… worthy of the effort. -

Working environment: o Safety working envirnment with modern facilities and high-quality working equipment to bring comfortable feeling and great experience for employee. o Good beniefits in working and living conditions: employees may be provided convenient staff houses with free services in Phu Quoc, Da Nang, Nam Hoi An,… Besides, employees also may be provided entertainment common area in order to relax and enjoy their life after working time. 19



o Vingroup regulary organizes some activities to create closer engagement and promote good culture working environment & unique value to public and society such as team building and charity event. Employee benefits: o Competitive compensation for employees. o Bonus policy with scheme based on employee’s performance and business result of the company. o Preferential rates when using services of member companies in Vingroup: Vinhomes, Vinmec, Vinpearl,… Training and Development Opportunities: o Vingroup always give high attention in training program and internal development. o Focusing on people and internal talent development, all employee will be trained according to 50star international standards. o Vingroup creates many opportunities for professional development. Each employees will be built up suitable Individual Development Plan and have a chance to be promote in condition you have good ability and commitment.

2.2.4 Managing Vantix Technology Solutions and Services Joint Stock Company (under Vingroup) announced VinHR solution, the goal of optimizing labor productivity through personal IoT and AI devices. VinHR uses deep learning model to train and automatically confirm employee's movements through complete technology solutions, including: smart wearable devices, infrastructure using artificial intelligence, enterprise management and optimization software. The measurement system from these technologies will provide managers with a general and detailed view of labor performance. =>Vingroup's new technology solution helps increase 25% of labor productivity through individuals and IoT devices AI. Mode of operation:


 VinHR receives data on employee's professional operations through the smart wearable device Vband. When the employee works, the data will be sent continuously to the processing center.

Figure 2.2:

Vband- smart wearable devices (Source: Internet)  The cloud system can receive billions of signals per day, ensuring accurate measurement of the work results of each employee. From there, the manager 21

can detect the business shortcomings; At the same time look over to divide the work effectively and determine training requirements. Result:  According to Vantix's test, the VinHR solution helps to increase 25% of labor productivity, especially suitable for businesses using unskilled workers, operating under a predetermined process such as travel services, hotels, and home. machine production, operation ...  VinHR is the newest technology product of Vingroup after announcing its focus on technology in 2017. Previously, VinCSS was awarded FIDO2 certificate for the VinCSS FIDO2 Authenticator authentication product issued by the Authentication Alliance. world online certification. VinAI Research Institute is also a leader in facial recognition technology when wearing masks Suggestion: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

SV.HRIS – Human Resource Infomation System Perfect HRM 2012 HR-MANAGER SSOFT LUCKY HRM FAST HRM online LOTUS PRO iHCM

2.2.5 Compensation In its human resource management, Vingroup always focuses on the welfare of its employees. This is the golden key to keeping them long with the company. Accordingly, when working at Vingroup, employees will work 8 hours / day, 5.5 days / week (for Administrative Division - Office) and 6 days / week (for Service Division). All employees of Vingroup are entitled to leave in accordance with the Labor Law, fully paid ... In addition, Vingroup also ensures uniforms, labor protective equipment, labor tools, machines ... for employees according to each profession and is committed to providing a healthy, fair, professional working environment. most professional. Vingroup employees are also entitled to allowances, including: lunch money, transportation costs, phone money, car support to shuttle staff far away ... 22

In addition, Vingroup employees also enjoy other benefits brought by the group such as: Giving gifts on important occasions such as birthdays, births, marriage; organizing vacation activities and tourism for employees; set up a fund to support employees in difficulty, set up a mutual fund with mutual interest with no interest loans ... Besides, Vingroup also has its own rewarding regimes for excellent employees.


Chapter 3: RECOMMEND 1. At the beginning, we highly recommend to merge round 2 and round 3 into one round. In the Recruiting process of Vingroup, they have 2 rounds for interviewing, in round 1 they can find lots of candidates that match the job, and in the next round, Vingroup will choose candidates who have specialized knowledge as well as the most suitable for the job. After that, they can deal salary with those candidates for the jobs which do not have payroll fixed and appropriate for individual ability without going through any rounds to save both sides time. 2. Another proposal is the time in the Training process of Vingroup, Accordingly, from leaders to employees of Vingroup must have regulations on Training time in knowledge of professional skills to respond to the development of society. For leading cadres, training under 52 hours/year is required; 1 employee for 1 year must train 100 hours. According to the above regulation, 1 employee is trained for 100 hours per year, but we think this training time will not be suitable for some employee positions. Because different positions will need different skills and professions, for example, room staff will have less training time than sales staff or technicians. So Vingroup needs to have a plan to divide the training time in a more specific and appropriate way for each employee position. 3. In addition, Vingroup should reconsider using Vband bracelets that control employee information. They bring convenience to administrators because they are easy and extremely fast. But this also makes employees feel violated privacy, feel stressed when being monitored and monitored. Therefore, our team recommends that Vingroup select relevant information to control employees such as work information, productivity, health, personal information: name, age, date of birth, and other information not allowed to access. This makes employees more comfortable when working.


CONCLUSION For a business, brand image is the most important factor that determines the success of that business. There are many factors that make up the brand of the business, the first of which is to mention the staff. Employees are the face of the business, looking at it, we can imagine how to operate, manage as well as the professionalism of a business. Therefore, the management and training of employees are always invested by enterprises - especially large enterprises, focusing on development. Based on scientific theories and practical experience, Vingroup has set out and continues to develop a revolution in human resource management including 5 orientations: -


First, denuclearization, Vingroup takes employees as the root, clarifying the role of leaders and each employee. Each worker must be responsible for his/her work performance. Two is standardization. Three is simplified, to improve administrative efficiency. Four is automation. The year is shared chemistry.

=>With 5 orientations on such governance reform, the cost will be significantly reduced and efficiency will be higher.


REFLECT 1. Health policy at Vingroup: - Employees are entitled to insurance regime under the Labor Law - Many attractive remuneration: o Periodic health checks at Vinmec. o Sponsor transportation. o Lunch allowance. o Business trip fee. o Gifts for special occasions. o Enjoy preferential policies when using services at vingroup's brand systems. o 20% discount when buying insurance at Vinmec. 2. Tranning at Vingroup at Vingroup: - Employees at Vingroup will be trained at least 52 hours / year by their superiors. - An employee must train 100 hours. 3. Working Living Conditions - The working living condition at Vingroup shows elegance and class. o Vincom Center Royal City is a large working space with European engravings. o Vincom Center Times City: a largest aquarium area in Vietnam. o Vinpearl: Luxury eco-resort of Vingroup. o … Employees working at Vingroup have bus ride to the head office of the business. This is the prerogative of employees working at Vingroup. - When working at Vingroup, employees have the opportunity to take care of their health at the 5-star Vinmec hospital; or stay at 5-star Vinpearl tourist resorts; and take care of children at the school system Vinschool. 4. Can you deal your salary at Vingroup: The average salary of the employees working at Vingroup is up to 9.3 million VND / person / month. However, if you are the talent employee who ensure to have a great contribute for Vingroup, you can show your talent with company and deal your expected salary. -


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