How To Shed Weight and Keep It Off Forever [PDF]

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How to Shed Weight and Keep It Off Forever by Nilofer Safdar I have worked with many people who have weight issues, body image issues with amazing results. What I find is that what you eat, how you exercise has little or no impact on weight loss. We have all bought into the lies of diet and exercise that have been fed to us by mass media and other sources. Most people wake up in the morning, stand in front of the mirror and deliver a litany of judgements at their bodies. How is that working for you? Do you accomplish what you desire with your body or does your body create all of the judgements you are delivering at it? I would like to show you a different possibility that exists with your body. What follows is an a transcript of an actual session with a client. The tools I have shared in this presentation are from the body of work called Access Consciousness, founded by Gary Douglas & Dr Dain Heer. One of the tools I have used throughout is the Clearing Statement. The Clearing Statement is like Harry Potter's Magic Wand that zaps limitations out of existence. All you do is ask a question which brings up the energy of limitation and then you use the Clearing Statement to zap it off.

Clearing Statement – Everything that doesn’t allow this will you destroy and uncreate times godzillion? Right Wrong Good Bad Pod Poc All 9 shorts Boys & Beyonds. You don't have to cognitively understand these weird words. Just use them to create change.


I would like to get some guidance on weight loss. I have been trying to do different weight loss programs. Not being very successful and not sure which is the best one. I have no energy.


Awesome. First of all would you be willing to destroy and uncreate all the judgments that you have about your body?




So all the judgments that you have about your body, will you destroy and uncreate it all, yes?




Right Wrong Good Bad Pod Poc All 9 shorts Boys & Beyonds. And all the judgments that have been projected on your body will you destroy


Right Wrong Good Bad Pod Poc All 9 shorts Boys & Beyonds. What happens is that we are really really really aware and psychic. We are aware of everybody else's thoughts, feelings and emotions around us. If somebody looks at you and judges your body, you are aware of those judgments and you think they are your own judgments. Now if you go even deeper in that, you will actually notice that people judge their bodies. I have spoken to people who are ultra thin and who look gorgeous and even they will have all these judgments about their body and they will go "Oh my god! I have put on these pounds and blah blah blah." So you are just super aware of people's own judgments about their bodies and you are picking up those judgments and you think they are yours. So all of that, everything that brought up, will you destroy and uncreate it all times Godzillion , yes?




Right Wrong Good Bad Pod Poc All 9 shorts Boys & Beyonds. Now in order to look at this you have to look at something else too. You as a Being have your own consciousness and your Body has it's own consciousness. But what we are

doing is, we as a Being are trying to impose our point of view on the Body. Who eats food? Do you eat or does your body eat? Client:

My body.


Who decides what your body is going to eat? You or your body?




So do you give your body a choice in that?




What if you were to start asking your body questions about everything it would like to do? What if you were to ask your body, "Body, are you hungry?" When you feel hungry you assume the hunger is yours. So instead of assuming that you are hungry ask your body, "Are you hungry?" Your body will go "yes, no, yes" If the body goes, 'yes,' then ask the next question which is, "Body, what would you like to eat?" Let me give you an example, it is the month of Ramadan, where people are fasting in my city. People wake up early in the morning before sunrise and have something to eat

and then fast throughout the day and only eat after sunset, they don't even drink water till then. Last night , just around the time of sunset I started feeling really hungry, but at the same time my tummy was full because I had a late lunch. I asked my body, "Body are you hungry?" And my body said no. Then I asked the next question, "Are you picking up the thoughts, feelings, emotions of other people?" And I had this awareness, 'Oh my God! People are fasting and a lot of them are hungry and I am just picking up on their hunger.' I didn't eat and it passed. I would have just stuffed my face otherwise. Client:

Wow. That's a great instinct.


Yes. Absolutely! The question you want to ask is "Are you hungry, body?" and the body will go "yes, no, yes" If the body goes “no,” then you need to ask, " Are you picking up the thoughts, feelings, emotions of others?" and the body will go, "yes" and then you go "never mind, doesn't belong to me" and just let it go. Now if the body says "Yes, I am hungry" then you say "Body what would you like to eat?" Something will pop in your awareness and then you know you could eat that.

Have you noticed little kids are very very aware about what their body requires? I remember a couple of years back I was looking after my brother's kids and his son was about 5 years old. He would come to me and say, "I am hungry." "Okay, what would you like?" He would open the refrigerator, look at the stuff which is there and say "that. " Whatever that was, I would pick it up and create what he liked out of it. He would eat exactly what his body required and in the quantity it required and he was done. Client:



So how much of that did you have as a child and your parents said you had to clean up your plate?




So everything that is will you destroy and uncreate times Godzillion?




Right Wrong Good Bad Pod Poc All 9 shorts Boys & Beyonds. All the clean plate clubs that you have belonged to across all schematics of time, space, realities and all the oaths vows, fealties, commealties, swearings, bindings, bondings, contracts you've had to keep the clean plate club in place will you now revoke, recant, reclaim, renounce, denounce destroy and uncreate it all, yes?




Right Wrong Good Bad Pod Poc All 9 shorts Boys & Beyonds.


That was big.


Yes that was big. That was big and not just for you. How many of our readers have got that? I know that I had that drilled into me as well. So everything that doesn't allow you to perceive, know, be and receive that a different choice and a different possibility is available to you and your body with regards to food and eating will you now destroy and uncreate that all, yes?




Right Wrong Good Bad Pod Poc All 9 shorts Boys & Beyonds. Now when you are hungry go "Body are you hungry? Yes, no, yes". 'Okay, what would you like to eat?' and then pick that and start eating that. Eat three bites of it and then ask your body, "Body would you like to eat more?" and then keep eating if your body says yes and then stop whenever your body says no.

Nilofer: Now let us look at exercise. Whenever you think about exercise does it make you feel heavy or does it make you feel light and joyous and expansive? Client:



The word exercise itself brings up heaviness. It's to do with the word. So everything that it brings up will you destroy and uncreate it, yes?




Right Wrong Good Bad Pod Poc All 9 shorts Boys & Beyonds. So what if instead of exercise you were to ask, "Body how would you like to move today?"


I'd love that.

Nilofer: I love to move my body. The way my body likes to move is it loves doing low impact aerobics. My body doesn't like high impact aerobics and some forms of yoga. I used to do Flow Yoga and my body just hated and it felt so heavy. I used to judge myself and beat myself up and say, " I need to lose all this weight and I am not doing this and I am not doing that and blah blah blah." But now what I do is open YouTube. I love watching videos and moving my body. I open YouTube and I just go, "Okay so body what would you like to do today? Would you like to move with a walking kind of routine, would you like to do restorative yoga, would you like to do pilates?" My body generally has a point of view about it and will go "this" and I put that key word in the search function of YouTube and I'll pull out a bunch of videos and then I'll go through that and I'll go "okay body which one?" and then it goes "that" and I open that video and I just start moving my body. 90% of the time my body just loves it. If the video is for 40- 50 minutes sometimes my body is just happy to do it for 10 to 12 minutes. At one point my body goes "that's it, we are done" and so I am done, I just switch it off and I go about my day. Sometimes I may pick a video and do it a little bit and my body goes "it doesn't work" I just close it and look for some other video. I have so much fun moving the body like that. Client:

That sounds so much easier and exciting.


It doesn't have to be difficult. What if moving your body were all about joy and fun and just playing with yourself? There are also a few things which we never ever consider in weight loss. Do you ever ask your body what it would like to wear? You might ask how do clothes influence weight loss? I ask my body "Body, what would you like to wear today?" And my body shows me this dress, I wear that dress and I just feel so great! When I go out everyone is, "Wow, you look so amazing! Have you lost weight?" Your body likes to be looked at and admired. So when people are admiring you that helps you lose the weight.


That is so cool.


What about jewellery? What about footwear? What if you were to start wearing jewellery, start wearing shoes and stuff that which your body just loves? When you start asking your body and giving it everything it desires all those pounds will just melt away and YouTubeyou will look amazing. People will meet me after 2 or 3 months and they will tell me "Wow you look great! Have you lost weight?" The funny thing is that if I look at my bathroom scale it has not moved. Your body literally reshapes itself and it just gets happy. It's just amazing.

I hope this gave you like a totally different way of looking at and being in gratitude for your body. That is the other thing, what if you were grateful for your body no matter what? What if you were to wake up and look in the mirror and go "Body I am so grateful for you today and I am so grateful that you are being so good to me and putting up with all the stuff that I have thrown at you and in spite of all the judgments, you are always there for me. Client:

I love it.


And as you start doing things that the body desires you are just going to start looking gorgeous.


Thank you.

To get more tools I would recommend the book Right Body For You by Gary Douglas the founder of Access Consciousness. Right Body For You is a book that will inspire you and show you a different way of creating the body you truly desire. What would it be like to begin enjoying your body no matter what size, shape, age or fitness?

Nilofer Safdar is an an Access Consciousness Facilitator. Access Consciousness offers pragmatic tools to change things in your life that you haven’t been able to change until now. Access Consciousness is the first empowerment modality that doesn't want to “fix” and have power over you but simply wants to give you the tools that enable you to “fix” yourself. The Access tools are easy and the results are quick. People have used the Access tools and EVERY aspect of their life and body has drastically changed. People reconnect with their bodies, stop hiding from themselves and the world and let go of many many limitations and judgments that they have placed upon themselves, enabling them to generate the changes in life that they desire. What would it take for you to access the magic of life that surrounds us? What would it take for you to generate the life that you know is possible? If you know that there should be more to life but can’t seem to be able to “do” it, listen in and we'll see what we can generate together.