Horse Race and Stock Market Notes [PDF]

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HORSE RECE AND SHARE MARKET The 5th house in any native’s chart, it shows his intellectual ability and his interest in gambling. Depending upon the owner of the house and his placement in the chart or the planets aspecting or occupying the house and their connected houses it will give an idea how far he will be successful in gambling. 5, 8 and 11 houses are to be very strong then only gambling will be successful. Here gambling goes with Horse race and Share Markets. Rest of the gambling are not connected with these houses. First we should know the strength then only can enter into gambling field. But, playing cards and purchasing lottery tickets will not come under gambling. It depends upon the 2, 3, 9 and 11 houses lords and their placement in the charts. All days are lucky days in the world but it depends upon the individual’s birth date. Here it will give luck on some months and some dates in the months are only the individuals are lucky to get good amount in gambling or lottery. The 2nd lord of the house and the planets Jupiter and Venus how they are placed in the chart is very much important to gain bulk amounts. Guru, Sukra or Sukra Uranus are connecting the 2, 5, 7, 8 and 11thhouses will give bulk amount to win. Next the panapara degree planets in the chart will give good results when Moon transiting on these degrees in any sign and according to that sign we will get the amount For example if it is 2ndhouse our own earnings, if it is 3rd house, then through our brothers or known relative we will get or from out station money transfer will come. Here to give an example my Ragu is in panapara degrees I my chart and he is placed in the 4thhouse and aspected by Jupiter the lord of 3/6 in the 12th house. One of my friend yester day, Swathi nakshatra (in my lagna Moon transiting)

9.4.2020 at 11.10 am has transferred from an outstation Rs.5000/- to my account, to take care of my health in these lockdown days (4/6thhouse). With this back ground in a day or two I will be writing about horse races and Share market sutras for those who are interested. **************************************************** HORSE RACE & SHARE MARKET I All human beings in the world are in search of money and wish to be the richest man in the world. But, in India the Vedic Dhama sastras says wealth does not give happiness, though we run after it. They say eternal bliss the most impornt and give away all the extra richness to the poor and needy. One side the world teaches us, we should earn more, and the other side it says that we should not accumulate it. These thoughts are always confuse all the Indians, who are not able to understand the real goal of life. Our grate fore- fathers lived with this philosophy and made us poor in the world, though we are very intelligent and able to understand what real life is. Unless we are rich we cannot adopt the Indian philosophy. India is a poor country and now it is a developing country so our ambitions and growth should touch the world populations’ wish then only we can be happy in this world. Our ancestors and grate Maharishis are well aware of this and therefore, created the Jyothish sastra (a divine light) to understand through the celestial laws to know the source and time of acquiring the wealth. Here the Sun stands for Individuality and the Moon stands for personality. These two luminaries’ combinations in

the chart placed in a harmonious way and in a good house will give good wealth. The wealth is attributed to the panapars houses that are 2, 5, 8 and 11 in the chart. Here, the luck (Bhagya) is kept in the ninth house. The combinations between these lords and they are placed in the houses in a chart only shows the way to become rich. Good health and good service and efforts is coming from the 6th house and therefore if this house is also helps the other houses in the chart then the man is sure to become very rich. In astrology there are many rules and Yogas, which says how much money one will earn in his life and the source of earning that is also explained. On this earth many mysteries are hidden and with our intelligent if we understand that and make benefit out of them, then we will be first man to become rich. Luck is not a chance in the world and cannot wait for it, we have to understand it through different methods and in that we achieve the goal. To simplify these methods only in astrology, in each individual charts various clues are given and if we understand that and move in that direction we are sure to make money. Here, please remember that most essential point, the luck is time and if we understand the time and place, then we are sure to win. Here in astrology there is division that is the electional astrology (Muhurtha) will help us to know the auspicious hours and date. But, it is required only when we start a thing. After starting an auspicious matter, we have to move with PRASHNA (horary) to find good time and lucky hours to do the matters. See tomorrow. ************************************************** ReplyForward

HORASE RACE AND SHARE MARKET II How luck is operating in the chart and in human life, was seen in our previous lesson. First we should completely study the matter in our charts and if it is promised then venturing in the field gambling is good or what the chart says we have to follow, and seek the earning of money in that way instead of losing the money. I saw a horoscope of a lady in her 5th house Uranus and Venus conjunction and in the panapara degrees the lady eared One core in Sharemarket gambling. Like this in another lady chart I saw three planets are well place in the chart in panapara degrees and during that dasa and Bukthi period she has earned several lakhs in Forex. Here please remember that gambling is like addict to alcohol. As long as the good period is in operation we will receive good bulk amount and once the lucky period has become normal we should not invest much and cautiously gamble then only the earned money will be with us, otherwise it will be washed away. Here only we should have a good knowledge of astrology and horary astrology, which will guide you the caution line. Many gamblers learn basic astrology to some level which they think is sufficient for the gambling purpose. Like this many learned KP systems and start playing in horse races and share market and lost their money. Some learned the technique of playing and approach without the back ground of luck, and lost heavily in horse race and Share market If you like to know in practical how this luck is playing in the life, please watch in the TV channels the Super singer, the Wall and the Koteshwar bano programs. Here, thousands of people with talents try their luck but less talented man may win some time in the game. Here in his chart

the luck is playing a very important role. If you look to this in his chart you may know how it is working. Here hard work is not considered. Hard work coupled with his luck only pay the dividends. Here 1, 2, 6, 9 and 11th houses, might have played a very important role. In any field of activities some persons only earn very well and but others are also there are not able to come to the top level in spite of their talents in many fields. Take the cine stars M/s. Amitabh Bachchan, (Makara lagna) Rajikanth, (Leo Lagna) (no previous talent in the field or Drama) and MGR (Kumbha lagna) and many more. Here two persons only received the title of Super Star. In their charts the 2, 5, 11, 7 and 8th houses has actively operated. Here, Horse race goes with Astro-Numerlogy and Share market goes with Commercial astrology. We should be familiar with these methods then only achieving profits from the Horse race and share market is possible. Your experience in these trades will give you some results occasionally, but if you wish to have good earning follow the GMP methods then you can plan your life well. The key number of the individual is the vibration number of the birth day date If you are born on 13ththen your key lucky number is 13(4) and Monday and Thursday. This number will go with 2 and 8.and lucky days are Friday and Saturday. Like this we should first select the lucky numbers and days. On these days the person is open to influence, and by seizing the good and using all opportunity, it may prove FLOWER of days. With this help go to astrology and put a prashna and see how far the day will benefit you. The hours and time will be known from the chart. This is first step of Horse raceing predictions.

Like this in the share market it goes with the day’s lagna rasi lord and rising degrees and the stars and its occupation in the chart. Will give you clue whether the day will be bullish or bearish. It will give indications wether the day Bullish will have have steep rise or a fall. Like that in Bearish steep fall and flowing rise or again fall. These indicatins can be judged. Furthr the person who play in the gambling can play in particular sectors only as per his janma lagna and Janma nakshatras. See to-morrow. ************************************************** HORSE RACE AND SHARE MARKET III As said earlier that horse race calculations goes with Astronumerology and share market readings are based on commercial astrology, to understand this let us study more on that points today. Here we need not study the entire numerology system. What is essential for the race only to be learnt? Here the horses running and every horse will have numbers and draw numbers. These things are very essential here in this numerology study. There is not much importance in the name of the horse to calculate in numerology, it goes with the astrology sign lord and his character. Many horse goers has calculated the name in numerology and the jockey’s name also but miserably failed to decide the number of the horse which is going to win on that day. Pages after pages calculations are wasted. Nepolean Bonaparte changed his name many times but at the end he has changed to a new system called ORACLE (found by him) from numerology and in spite of that also he was not successful. The true occult science tells one and we fallow one.

Only take the lucky and harmonious numbers group in the numerology is essential in HORSE RACES and find the results out of it. Here we should not waste our times in unnecessary calculations and get confused at the end. We will read and learn more tomorrow about the science. In share market numerology will never work and it depends upon astrology only. The movements of the heavenly bodies in the universal sky create disability on the earth activities and all the commercial ventures and human ventures are not beyond their influences. One day we are very active and good in sprit and on another day we feel lazy and dull and not able to do any activities. The Sun and Moon will be placed at some distance in the birth chart and today in the transit the two will be travelling in a different distance different house from the lagna The Moon will stay in a sign for 2 ¼ days and transit in different nakshatras every day and on the other hand the Sun moves in a sign 30 days and every three days one pada of the nakshatra and it is reflected in the Navamsa chart. It gives different results for a native. Take for example my chart. I am Libra born. The Moon is in the 9thhouse (Gemini) and the Sun is in Taurus. The distance is 2/12. Here the Sun is in Pisces sign in the last pada of Budha nakshatra from 10.4.2020 from 11.10 am onwards and it is Pisces navamsa only. The Moon on 10.4.2020 was in Libra 203.16 (Morning 5.30 am) and from 4.30 pm onwards it is transiting in Scorpio till today 7.14 pm. On 10th April 2020 the Moon and Sun position was in the transiting chart is 6/8 upto 4.30 pm. If you compare with the natal chart Moon to Moon is 5/9 and Sun is 3/11.In natal chart they are in the houses of 8/9. Thus the houses are 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 are connected. I was working on and half and watching the news in the TV and I received money transfer from my friend to my account as a

donation. If it is share market then I should go to the navamsa. Here, it is personal so I am not touching the navamsa. From the 11.4.2020 the position has changed to 5/9. From natal position the Moon is 6/8 in the transit chart. Here, the Moon in transit is aspecting the natal Sun in Taurus. Here, the same position as above but different houses and nakshatra. So my activities are changing here. Like that every person will face different results according to their natal charts. We will understand more about this tomorrow ************************************************** HORSE RACE & SHARE MARKET IV In the last three parts of this lesson we have learned that luck is not a chance it is created and it is working in order in the native’s charts and according to their birth date. If you are able to understand this you will live happily in the world. Further, we have also understood that Horse race goes with Astro numerology and Share market goes with Commercial astrology. Here, please understand that everything on the earth and its surroundings goes with some fixed order and it is designed by the Creator. Every Day, Every hour and minutes the measure is in numbers only. Like that every day is mentioned by a number and the year is also by number. So the numbers dominate the hour and minutes and it is seen on practical cass. Many Greek philosophers like Pythagoras, Chandilean Aristotile are considers the PRAVARTHAKARAKAS of Numerology science and now in modern days many authors have written many books on numerology have given various versions according to their research. The numbers are connected to the 12

planets in the sky on which the science of Astrology is also working. We are now here, only concerned with horse race only and how far the numbers can help us to decide the winning horse of the day. Every person born in this world has a lucky number and lucky days. Like that the numbers assigned to the horses goes by card numbers and track numbers and if it suits on that day of race then that horse is sure to win surprisingly. For example in one Race No.187 the Dashing Groom is given card number 4 and track number 1 the horse has not won. But, the same horse in Race No.212 was given card number 1 and track number 2 it has won, though many favored the horse Lighting Express with card No 3 and track number 1. Here, the reasons are the number’s affinity of the day number with Race number goes with the horse number and track number. In your lucky number goes with that horse on that day you will sure to win. To site an example my lucky numbers are 4, 2,7, 1, and 8. My first lucky number is 7(2) the second is 4(9) and the third 5(1, 8). The race date is 16 (7) suitable Day Wednesday (3/5) (not suitable & partly good) but, if the Race numbers and horse numbers selected are in harmonious to your lucky numbers, then you will win with high rewards are it may be nominal. Race number (183 -3) is not good. On that it was the 4th race (good) on the cards and the selected horses by me, the horses are 2/3/1 (combination of Thanala) Here 3 is not lucky, but the day is ruled by 3 and 5 and therefore, it may prevail in the races. The results was 1 3, 2 in order. I had the combination but won Rs.70/-only. Then in the Race no.187 (7) is good my first lucky number and I selected 6/7/8 combination of Thanala, and forecast and qunella 7/6 and 7 win. Here I selected 6 because it goes harmoniously with 3. The results were 7/6/8. I won through

the combination and all the other items tickets also and got a total amount in this race was Rs.2740/- If you are intelegently work tracking with the numbers you are sure to win maximum amount for less investment. We will see to-morrow how the numbers for the date to be selected and connect it to the harmonious numbers. Coming to the share market which goes with Commercial astrology we should have some good knowledge of astrology to fix the time of gains on the day of gambling’s.. If you do not know astrology pays to GMP astrologer and asks him to fix the good timings to play. Here if you know the astrology it is very good because there are two to three prashna we have to put while we play to know whether we are in the correct line. Stock Market goes with commodity items and sectors. First from our chart are we entitled to gamble if so in which line of activity to be selected? If the answer comes for Share Market, then which sectors to play, and also which line of trade whether it is intraday short term or long term to be selected and which sectors will give you good profits to be decided. Then in your charts which are the planets are in Panapara degrees is also very essential to make good profit. You should learn to prepare GMP prashna chart preparation and the selection method of the trading time from the chart and on that day the profitable sectors. Share Market works under the focus of lakhs of investors and Government policies and world economic activities. Many persons with share market technical trends and play and make huge profits. This is not a permanent solution here they may lose very heavily and get out of the trade also. The huge profit if indicated in the native’s chart then only he will get. Such persons will not make huge profits every day. It may happen one

time in a month or year. All gamblers including race goers who have no knowledge of their fate (destiny) will think they can make money by all means. While profits comes and accumulates they are happy and when loss comes and accumulate they will think of suicide Take the case of Hershad Metha what has happened. Many charted accountants think they can make money manipulations land in trouble or put the company in trouble like M/s. Sathyam computers. Business arithmetic’s are different and Commercial activities calculations are different.Let us see how the chart will indicates the matters tomorrow.

HORSE RACE AND SHARE MARKET V. Our vedic numerology has not developed to suit to the present day needs. In western country and in India also many authors have put their efforts in the research and published their results in many books. There are still many contradictions in this and we need not go into that as we are not going to read and practice numerology. Coming to the horse race, we are going to use the minimum points in the numerology and astrology. In astrology we should know minimum knowledge to understand the nature of the house and signs. The planets will give a change to the signs and house results as per their occupation and aspect in the chart. Why this is required? The answer is to fix the name of the horse after the selection of the numerology tips. We have assigned the numbers to the signs in the natural zodiac. See the charts below: Here every number has strength and every sign has strength. Both put together gives the results in the races. The charts the

signs are under the control of four elements and Vedic sanathana dharma principles. The four elements are Fire (active work), Earth (wealth), Air (aspirations and wishes) and Water (spiritual growth) and the four Vedic sanathana Dharma principles are Dharma (Right principles), Artha (wealth), Kama (aspirations and wishes), and Moksha (Solvation/rest). In the zodiac circle how they are fixed from the Aries to Pisces all the 12 houses/signs are given the assignments and we should learn to go further in this subject. Here, in the zodiac circle it starts with Aries (Mesha), Taurus (Rishaba), and Gemini (Mithuna), this three signs will end with Cancer (Karkataka) the fourth sign. This four signs are allotted the four elements and the Sanathana Dharma principles in order and respectively. Like this the next four sigs and the next four signs have been allotted in the same order. The 12 houses chart I and II are called zodiac sigs. Every sign is ruled by differentT planets and different character and element and Sanathana principles. It is all shown inside the boxes (signs). Inside the boxes you will see two numbers. The first number is the indication of the house and the second number is the best lucky number of the sign. We will learn about this later and now understand how they are arranged in the zodiac circle. In the 2nd circle the houses are given the lords of the houses. In brackets some planets are shown and they are the original owner of the houses and later the others planets have been allotted. Every number has got an affinity number or harmonious number to it. First they have taken the nine numbers only because nine planets are there. When the outer planets are taken into consideration they have been re - allotted. First they have taken the Sun and Moon only and taken the numbers as follows:

1 – 5 – 7 (1 Mesha – sign -Sun get exalted) (5 Leo own sign owner) and the last (7 Libra sign – where Sun get debilitation) Like this they have given Moon the houses 2 – 4 – 8 (2 Rishaba Moon gets exaltation) next (4 Cancer own house Moon is the lord of the sign) and (8 Scorpio the Moon gets debilitation) and they have taken the numbers of 3 – 6 – 9 and 10 – 11 – 12. The above first two sets of numbers will appear very frequently in the races and the second set of two numbers will interfere in the races very occasionally according to the track numbers and some time will dominate the day. Se e tomorrow. (image…attached with this post)

**************************************************** HORSE RACE AND SHARE MARKET VI Before going in with the details of the charts of the zodiac and other information given there, let us understand how the numbers have been allotted in numerology to the planets is essential and also how the days are given numbers. It will help us to understand the ruling planet of the day (by a prashna) and day. Some numerologist have taken single number only to the planets and given all the nneplanets including the Ragu and Kethu some others have not taken Ragu and Kethu because it is th shadow of

Sun/Moon so they have given the Ragu 4 number to Sun and kethu 7 to the Moon. The human by nature is trying his best to know more about his future and his fortune and therefore, it is much more depending upon his psychic powers, which helps him to read the numbers and it various meanings. In that connection only he has connected it with the 9 planets and 7 days of the week. The Hebrews goes with another way of numerology and they call is kabala. Here Sepheral has another system called Pyramid. We only go with unit system of Phythagores. Sun 1 (Ragu) 4 Moon 2 (Kethu) 7 Mars 9 Mercury 5 Jupiter 3 Venus 6 Saturn 8 These plants are also representing the days like Sun (Sunday) (1,4) Moon (Monday) (2,7) and Mars (Tuesday) (9) and Mercury (Wednesday) 5 and Jupiter (Thursday) (3) Venus (Friday) (6) and Saturn (Saturday) (8) The race date (number) Day (Number) Race (Number) on that day the card (Number) here it is on that date the (1st, 2nd, 3rdraces) Horse (numbers) Draw (numbers) Race how many metres (1000, 1200, 1400) the Time of the race are all important to understand the winning horse. Here your date of Birth and day is required to know your dominant lucky numbers and its connecting numbers and days of fortune and months of fortune. Many people will get confusion in Date of birth. Here we require the date that is the day you born that date only and not the month or year. Here in England some astrologers by nam George, Williams, and USA Levin George are the persons have givn some astrological clues of the winning horse and it is not much working in the field. Now, many others are also working on it. In India Masuliptinam Raja, Bootani (Shar market and Horse

race) and Mr.Joshi and Mr.Kulkarni, and many others used various methods with numerology has written hand books on horse races. These books help but here and there some win and many times not giving correctl results. Let us understand more tomorrow. Share Market also goes with numerology and it is a separate point and in the last we discuss about it. It is very difficult to teach the basic points in astrology and therefore those who do not know much about astrology please purchase from market basic astrology book and read. Then it will be easy to follow the procedures which are are explaining here. We will teach you here how to do Horary Astrology and how to take the lucky hours from it according to your chart. The basic point how a rasi chart is prepared and how a navamsa chart is prepared is very essential for you to go in understanding the Commercial Astrlogy. First we should understand which are the houses are very strong in our chart. It will guide you to play in that sectors.. In your chart the first house is strong then you venture in Health sector, Insurance sector, Hospitality sectors, Realty sector. If the 2nd house is strong Banking sectors, Financial Institutions, Mutual funds and Infrastructure sectors. The third house is strong then you can go for Telecommunication sector, Travel and Tourism sector, IT technology, Media and Entertainment sectors. If the 4th house is very strong then Educational sector, FMCG sector, Gems and Jewellery sector, If it is 5th house Publication sector, Paints sectors, Sugar sectors and Power sector. If it is 6th house s strong then Metal sectors, Automobile sectors,

If it is 7th and 8th house it will give benefits in the Agricultural and Agro sectors,Capital Goods sector, Cement sectors and Export sectors If it 9th and 10th house then you can Aviation sector, Essential oils and Perfumers sectors, Pharmaceutical sectors, Shipping sectors and textiles sectors If it is 11th and 12th house are very s trong then you go far Crude oil and Gas sectors,Eatable oils, Exports sector,Leathr and Foot wear sectors,. Like this for the Janma nakshatras which sectors we can play and where we should not to be selected first, so that it will minimise our loss in the trading division. How to understand the market fluctuations and is it a good day to play like that tips will be give to you with sufficient other technical clues in our coming lessons. Still there are many matters to learn in th Commercial astrology and lt us learn and understand them. See tomorrow.

HORSE RACE AND SHARE MARKET VII In our previous lessons we have seen how the numerology numbers are given to the planets and days and also how they are useful in the races. Before going further, we should know our lucky number and days then only we can play in the races. To know this we should understand how many methods in numerology are there, and how they have designed the numbers to the English alphabets of 26. First in the order is the unit system of Pythagoras, and the second in the order is Hebrew system of kabala which goes with

two way of numbering the English alphabets of 26 and Hebrew alphabets of 22, and the third is Chaldeans and Egyptians numerology goes without the number 9 because no English alphabet is found strong to vibrate this spiritual number. This system was followed by Cheiro and Montrose and the last fourth goes with Sepherial pyramid systems. Here also like Vedic astrologers confusion is prevailing among the numerologist which will give the best results. Here how they have given the numbers to the alphabets, then only we can pick up the lucky numbers for our games. First: A B C D E F G H I JKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ= 123456789 Second 1st Kabala 1sr line of alphabets as above 2ndline of alphabets 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 3rdline of alphabet 100 200 300 400 800 500 600 700 The 2nd set of Hebrew Alphabets 22 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T(1) U X Z - - K - - P - - J - - - - - - - - t(2) V - - - - - - - - - Y - - - - - - - - T(3) W - 1 2 11 4 5 17 3 8 10 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 9 6 15 7 The third set AIJQY 1 BKR 2 CGLA 3 DMT 4 EHNX 5 UVW 6 OZ 7 FP 8 They have given for each numbers some meanings and charter identifications to understand how the number will vibrate in the names. That is not required for us and we are only confining to our lucky number selection only. Every system will give some numbers and it may be useful in many ways but we should not get confuse in selecting our gambling lucky number separately.

This number is useful for playing horse race, share market and Cards. Before going in details of this numbers, we should also know something about the zodiac signs and how it will help us in the horse race and in share market. Every sign has been given some character and will behave on that basis. For example Leo sign represented by Lion it is king of forest animal. Its behaviour is peculiar. Royal status, administration and connected works are attached to this sign. Like this Scorpio sign goes with police and military, marshal, war such connected words are used. If you go to Capricorn sign it is representing crocodile. So in the race if a horse is representing such characters and it is in the lucky number list of yours, then favour such horse for the betting you will surely win in that race with heavy amount. To give some example here in a race at Hyderabad in the year 1978 I went to race course with my friend who took me ( a regular race goer) to tell him the Lucky numbers and the horse. It was the 4th race and Capricorn sign is going on at that time of race. It is Crocodile sign. Any horse the breed of the horse having this name I verified. At that race a horse by name Alligator is running. It is like Crocodile another form. So I selected this horse was having number 7 and draw number 2. The day was favourable for the person. In betting centre this horse Aligator is given 45 rupees against a rupee bet. My friend played Rs. 500/- on this horse as per my advice. The horse has won the race by 1½ length and we reaped the harvest. Another example: My friend, who was also a gambler approached me one day before Deepavali in the year 1979 and asked me help in the races so that he can celebrate the deepavali with his children. I went along with him to the race ground. Six races was over I was not able to find a dark fluke (because that

day was uttara phalgui a dark fluke race). His favourite horse was not there and he played without much benefit. He came to me and asked this is the last race; we will be able to do something? Seven is my favourite and my friend also. The race number race day was Sunday favourable I saw the time and the lagna was Mesha the lord Kuja is in the Scorpio the 8th house. He is in the constellation of Saturn placed in the 5th house (Leo). Here a Royal sign and Military both are combined. I looked the card there was one horse by name General 10 years old ridden by jockey Marshal. The card number 10 and track no.5. The race is for 1100 meters. I selected this horse and asked him to play he said it won’t come, it is an old horse and champion jockeys are sitting in other horses and that horses are going very favourite and this horse is offered Rs.50/- It won’t win. I assured him to play Rs.1000/- in this horse. He was hesitating and said I am having Rs.2000/ only let me go home and celebrate with this instead of losing. I said I will give you Rs.1500/- and please play, if it is not going to win, then the loss is mine only and you can go with your 2000/- If it win go with more money. He plays with that money that race on this horse. The horse was 4that 700 meters and 3rd at 500 meters and 2nd at 200 meters and won the race at 50 meters on wards with 1 length from the favourite horse of the day. Deepavali celebrated from the race ground on that day by him. Like this many more results are there in my racing experience. SHARE MARKET Here, in share market also the Zodiac sigs are very much important to understand the day’s mood of the market and the sectors, which are going to give benefit results as per lucky numbers and days. In the lessons VI we have given the sector wise sign and the house.

Here we have to learn the constellation placed in the signs and in which elements groups it belongs so that we can easily identify the sectors which are going to dominate in the trade. As already mentioned in the previous lessons every person has to play in the share Market as per their birth constellation and in which sign it is placed in the natal chart. Here, also you require a lucky number and lucky day to gamble as per your birth date and how to pick it out we should go to numerology. So in this lesson what we have given about numerology is also a part of our lesson. W will be reading more about this tomorrow. ************************************************** HORSE RACING AND SHARE MARKET VIII SHARE MARKET: In the last seven lessons we have given a part of the commercial astrology and also how numerology is attached to the gambling subject. Some of our friends who are seeing these lessons may feel, it is not good to follow here and waste their time, and may go where people are showing some candles and light to become millionaire. Here, the subject will take time to understand the good points of luck and life. We can also go straight to the subject of share market like others, with some technical points, but, we are not doing it because, books on share market on commercial astrology is very few, and in that, they are not telling you about your luck on the subject. Here we give a mixed up results of these two subject astrology and numerology and how far it can help the gambler. Here, we can go with some explanations about the market trend and some technical points which are used in the trade and also

say how many people have become millionaires in the share market. If we do that then, it is all to encourage you to enter into the trade. Those who are explaining these they will become millionaire in the society. The persons who have written books on share market subject technically have become KOTESWARA in the world, than who have actually engaged in the market. If these technical things are sufficient then my friends who are regular in share market and horse race gambling only, would have become millionaire long time back. But, they are still in the field and are in the middle income group without any loss. Here, I have not written any books on this subject and only sharing my practical knowledge and experience. Whatever the deep knowledge we may acquire by practical and by reading books on the subject or taking advice from other on this matters, will not help us to earn money in this market, unless it is destined in our chart. This also I sited with some example in my lessons. Our knowledge may help us and guide us to some extend in achieving success in all the fields occasionally, but it will not help us always. I am not inviting people for gambling here, I am only guiding them how they can earn money successfully if they are in the gambling field by fortunate or by unfortunate events. By analyzing your charts you will know whether you will earn money in bulk or in piece-meal or by a windfall or a donation or a monthly salary or by a will or by corruption or by cheating or looting and how long you can earn and which period of life will get benefits in these activities are shown, by the planets in occupation in the natal chart. Sir, that astrology is not a religion. It is a blend of science and mathematics expressed through the zodiac houses by planets. It is a guide to understanding the world and people around us and

shapes our life to the situation. We are fortunate that such a science is given to us by our Sages and forefathers. Jothish means (ish = darkness Jothi = light). Astrologers (good one) are like a second BRIMHA on the earth visible to all, who are able to read the fate (destiny) written by the CREATOR BRIMHA. Don’t be afraid of things, there is solution for all problems. Such solutions are only traced from the natal charts and by proper guidance and reset your life style, by an absolute logic and by a sensible in reading the charts, and try to anticipate the future. Next subject the most fascinating of all studies is the Science of Numbers. Unknowingly we select some days some hours and week and get success out of it. It is not repeating again we do not know why, because lack of subject knowledge of Numerology. In any gambling a blend of astrology and numerology is required otherwise we will not be successful in the field. Taking this point most vital, here both the subjects are simultaneously given. Now let us go into the subjt of astrology here: Here, in this zodiac all the 27 constellations (stars) are accommodated not on the regular zodiac position. It is done here in a different way for understanding the astrology and the navamsa results of the charts. Each star is having 4 padas and each pada occupy a sign in the zodiac from Ashwini 4 padas onwards. Here, the first pada of Ashwini will be in Mesha only and the 2ndpada is in Rishaba and 3rd pada in Mithuna and the 4thpada in Karkataka. The next Star Barani 1st pada in Simha and the 2ndpada in Kanya and the 3rd pada in Thula and the 4th pada the Vrichika. The next star Kritiga 1st pada will occupy Dhanur and the 2nd Pada will be in Makara and th 3rd Pada will occupy the Kumbha and the 4th pada will in the Meena

navamsa. Like this other 3 nakshatras (Stars) Starting from Rohini 1st pada will follow from Mesha and end in Meena. Like this the next 3 nakshatras starting from Punarvasu 1stPada onwards start from Mesha and end in Meena. This is the way the navamsa circle is arranged in the zodiac. These navamsas only will reveal the Bullish and Bearish position of the market trends. Let us rad more tomorrow. *************************************************** HORSE RACE AND SHARE MARKET IX HORSE RACE: In the previous lesson we have seen how many systems of numerology and how they have allotted the numbers to the English alphabets. Here, one more point we should learn, that is, about our birth time and how it is representing in numbers. We might have born in the morning, afternoon, evening and in the night, and this has to be converted into harmonious numbers. Thus arrived birth time numbers will act as lucky numbers in the days and in the hours of our games of gambling. Take the hours only and not AM/PM. Hours Harmonius numbers Hours Harmonious numbers 00.00 - 01.00 1, 5, 7 06.00 – 07.00 4, 9 01.00 – 02.00 3, 6 07.00 - 08.00 2, 4, 9 02.00 - 03.00 2, 7 08.00 – 09.00 3, 6 03.00 - 04.00 2, 7, 5 09.00 – 10.00 1, 5, 7 04.00 – 05.00 1, 5, 8 10.00 – 11.00 2, 7 05.00 - 06.00 3, 6 11.00 - 12.00 1, 5, 7 Here for example a person is born at 2.00 pm here, refer the column 1.00 – 2.00 am/pm and take the number appearing against it (3/6) suppose a person is born at or am then

take the numbers (2/7). These numbers are lucky numbers for us to play in horse race or Share market or Cards play or Lottery tickets. In any games betting is there you can use these numbers and hours. Your birth date 13.9.2020 here take the first date number that is 13 only. It is the lucky number of yours. This 13 has to be converted in to a unit number 1+ 3 = 4 this will be your lucky number. This number goes with Sunday. (Please refer days and the numbers). Next a number which is vibrating for your name has to be taken as your lucky number. Here the unit numbers will not give immediate answers. The 1st kabalistic numbers will give you how you are going to be in the society. The Chaldeans numbers will give a lift in the life one time only. Here the kabalistic No.2 numbers can only long standing in the field. Here from 10 onwards it is double digit and we should not make it to a single digit. In the double digit only it vibrates more in strength. Let us learn that tomorrow. SHARE MARKET Here we should know the elements and how it dominates the market field has to be studied to understand the strength of the day and the sectors behaviors. It will help us to choose in which sector we can play on that day. There are four elements FIRE, EARTH, AIR and WATER. The elements operate in the Zodiac in clock wise from Mesha sign and end in Karkataka sign. Again from Leo to Vrichika and the last is from Dhanur to Meena. All the twelve houses are thus under the control of elements. Here a house (sign) has got a character. It is movable, fixed and common. The elements and the character put together will give lot of information’s and change the structure of the signs. In the navamsa of the sign the sign gets it strength as per Maharishi

Parashara. We will understand how thse combinations are working the share market game. More tomorrow. SHARE MARKET: Here we will learn how the nakshatra in the navamsa will give the results. In the lesson V we have given two charts in that one chart we have given the elements to the signs and also in the other chart the character. Please refer and now combine it with the navamsa theory and nakshatras of the signs given in lesson. VIII. Now here we understand how the 1st navamsa sign of the nakshatra pada 1 and against that what sectors it will be favorable for you to play are given. How to understand this let us learn from this lesson. A sign in the rasi chart will act has a navamsa sign for a nakshatra pada. There are 27 constellations are there in the zodiac and each one has 4 padas and therefore, there are 108 padas ruling the zodiac sign. We have already explained to you about the padas how they occupy the navamsa sign. In the navamsa they never use the elements and character of the signs. But, here in commercial astrology we take the character and elements also for the navamsa signs to understand the strength of the sectors. On that basis all ths sectors are divided for the 4 padas of the nakshatras and given here for our ready reference. Nakshatra padas nakshatras goup is given here 1, 2, 3 and 4 Ashwini, Magha, Moola Rohini, Hastha, Sravana Punarvasu, Vishaka, Purva Badra Pada 1st Pada of these Occupy Mesha Navamsa Firey Nakshatras. Element, Movable character. Ruler is Kuja (Mars)

Power, Gas and Oil, Pharma, Agricultural, Electrical, Fertilisers Travel & tourism 2nd Pada of these Occupy the Navamsa of Rishaba Nakshatras Earth element, Fixed in nature Ruler of the sign is Venus Pesticides, Automobiles, Steel, Mutual funds Textiles, Cement, Plastics 3rd Pada of these Occupy the navamsa of Mithuna Nakshatras Airy element, Common in nature Ruled by Mrcury (Budha) Medical Equp, Education, Insuranceeeee, Hospitality, Hospital qup, Food industries, 4th Pada of these Occupy the navamsa of Karkataka Nakshatras Water element, Movable nature Ruled by Moon (Chandra) Paints, Electronic, Print and Publishing, Health care, Bank, Purfid watr, Diary Products Nakshatras Padas Bharani, Pubba, Purvashada 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Mrigashira, Chitta, Dhanishata Pushyami, Anuradha, Uttra Badra Pada 1st Pada of these Occupy the navamsa of Simha nakshatras Firey element, fixed in nature Ruled by Sun (Surya) Refineries, Trading, Jewels, Home appliances, Tranformers, Money exchange, Copper 2nd Pada of these Occupy the navamsa of Kanya Nakshatrs Earthy element, Common in nature Ruled by Mrcury (Budha) Cement, Luxery goods, Leathr, Land a& Build, Media * Entertainment, Education, Beweries

3rd Pada of these Occupy the navamsa of Libra Nakshatras Airy element, Movable in nature Ruled by Venus (Sukra) Lather, IT sector, Infrastructureeeee, Print & Publish, Tourism Nws print, Hospitality 4th Pada of thse Occupy the navamsa of Vrichika Nakshatras Watery element,Fixed nature Ruled by Mars (Kuja) Shipping. Steel, Mutual Fund, Engineering, Telecomunications, Agri Products,Plastics Nakshatra Padas Kritiga, Uttara, Uttarashada 1,2,3 & 4 Arudra, Swathi, Shatdabhisaha Ashlesha, Jyesta, Revathi ` 1st Pada of these Occupy the navamsa of Dhanush Nakshatras Firey element, Common sign Ruled by Jupitr (Guru) Autmobilies, Steels, Pharma,Aviation, Industries, Edible oils, Aluminia,Chits 2nd Pada of these Occupy the navamsa of Makara Nakshatras Earthy element, Movable nature Rule by Saturn (Sani) Fertisilers, Glass, Plastics, Gel Finance, Power, Leather, Sugar,Metal 3rd Pada of these Occupy the navamsa of Kumbha Nakshatras Airy element, fixed in nature Ruled by Saturn (Sani) Eduction, Paper, News Print, Printing & Publication,Tele communication, Foot war, Pants,Bank 4thPada of these Occupy the navamsa of Meea

Nakshatras Watery element, Common nature Ruled by Jupiter (Guru) Diary Prioducts,Agri Products, Textils, Insurance,Shipping, Exports Sector, Crude pil & Gas, Perfumers Share market Is under the control of NSE and BSE in India, The up and down trends happening in the trade centers is due to the day’s Moon transit in a sign and in a pada. The entire country many people are participating in the trade and their sentiments are reflected by the Moon. Some days the Moon will move from one constellation to another constellation either in the morning, afternoon or evening or night. If it moves during the trading hours there will some reactions in the trade centers according to the constellations and the pada it is going to transit. The gamblers entering into this field has the option to choose Astrology or technical method or both or their own methods are left to their choice. When we look to the percentage of these the astrology method stands well and guides the persons without much loss. However, if luck is there the persons can go without any of these methods or with these methods to make money more in the trade. Whichever methods you follow there are some general tips for the gamblers and if they follow they will be more successful. In this centre when we enter our mind should be stable and a firm decision is most important. Vacillating type will leads to failure/loss. Further, we should not be greedy to amass wealth in this trade. All your wishes should be under control. The next you should not be proud of your new technical methods which will helps you to earn more in this trade and this thought should not come to your mind. If it happens then you will lose in the trade. These tools are your guide.

You should abide certain principles in this trade otherwise every chance of losing your money. You should not have a feeling that it is your job and everyday a sizable amount should be earned. Here the share market is under the control of Sun and Moon so it is unpredictable position in th trade. Therefore through the science of astrology if you enter, these two planets will guide you very well in the trade and come out successfully without loss. Still more points to learn in the commercial astrology and we continue in the next lesson. HORSE RACEING After knowing the activities of the number, now we should know how it will work as a lucky number to us in the racing or in the share market. Now we should arrange the numbers in order, after working out as per the guidance given on this page of face book. Here, first lucky numbers are given in the zodiacal circle in the lesson V. There are two numbers given in each sign, both the numbers are lucky only for the persons born in that sign. Here numerology is western oriented science and therefore we should go with the sayana (without ayanamsa) of Sun’s position in the chart of yours. Where your Sayana Sun is place that sign is your lucky sign. This two numbers are the luckiest numbers of yours. Don’t make the numbers 10, 11, 12 into single unit. It should be taken as it is. The second is your name number is the luckiest number; the third is your birth date number 13th date means (4). The next lucky number is birth time numbers. And the last is the ruler of the Sun sign lord. In my case Gemini is my Sun sign therefore, Mercury ruler of the sign and his number 5 will be a good lucky number for me. How to use these numbers in the gambling, we will learn tomorrow. *************************************************

HORSE RACE 7 SHARE MARKET XI HORSE RACE The selection of the number is the most important in the races because races goes with numbers, where has share market we depend upon the time (number) to win the trade activities. In both the games we require the lucky dates and lucky hours to dominate the day in the respective fields. To guide you, I take my name here and show how the lucky calendar is prepared for the month’s activities. Like this you have to prepare for your activities either horse race or share market. I am a Gemini born (according to Sayana) and according to Nirayana it is Taurus. We require here only sayana. My first lucky number (sun sign) - 3 – 7 2nd number name number - 17 3rd number is date 13.6.34 - 13 (4) 4th number is Birth Time 2.39 pm 2 - 7 5thlucky number is Ruler of Sun sign Gemini (Budh) 5 Now you have five lucky numbers to play. Open the calendar and make an “x-mark against the dates. If you take 3 then mark 3,12,21,30, the 7, 16, 25, then the next number is only 17 then go to 4, 9, 22, 31. Don’t take the 4thnumber here, you go to 5th it is 5, 14, 23. These are the lucky dates to play in races or participate in the share market. Now you will have 16 days in your hand to play. If the date goes with the day then it is very luckiest day for you. 3 (Thursday) 4 (Sunday) it is all given in the lessons. Here the 2ndnumber we cannot reduce it therefore, take Sunday and Monday. Like this for the numbers the days are also to be selected. In the Calendar it may be different day

against the dates. Here we should be very cautiously play in the market and during the lucky hours. Here lucky hours are taken from the 4thlucky numbers. Here one is hour the others are minutes. Here it is 2.7 therefore from the Sun raise time add 2 hour and 7 minutes that will be my lucky period. 6.00 + 2.07 = 8.07 this hou is very lucky for me to do any activities connected with the play. You can reverse it also that is 7.2 that means after seven hours and two minutes the lucky hours will start for me Suppose if it is a lucky date but day is not tallying then go to astrology. Take out a chart (KP System because many of you are KP followers) for the date taking the time at 5.30 am. Keep this chart on your table and think whether the day is lucky for you an come out within 1 -249 one number. That number sign lord, star lord or sub lord are suppose appearing in the 5.30 am chart either in the Lagna or in the Moon, then we consider it is good day to play. It is also decided in this way. If anyone lord (number sign, star or Sub lord)appearing as sign lord then the day is not lucky, if is in the star then a few hours of the day is lucky and if it is appearing in the sub lord immediate luck is there for you on that day. If is not appearing at the 5.30 am chart lagan position or Moon position then it is not at all lucky day. Your vernture will fail. For example let us take today (27.4.2020) 5.30 am chart and a number 132/249 at 15.57 hrs. 5.30 am chart Lagna Mars Kethu Mars Moon Venus Mars Jupiter Now the number Lagna Venus Ragu Saturn Moon Venus Mars Kethu Here the number lord of lagna and Moon the total six lords are appearing in the 5.30 am chart then the whole day is lucky. If it is not appearing in the chart then it is not a lucky day. If it is

appearing in the sign then day is not much favourable, Here the number (lagna is important) than the Moon. The 2nd option is the Moon if it is appearing then partly lucky. Here, the Moon is appearing in the lagna as well in the sub lord and also in the Moon, therefore the day & hours are giving immediate luck. The hours and day is alrght therefore, the typing matter is coming to an end successfully. See tomorrow. SHARE MARKET Here the commercial astrology will work very fast to decide the matters. The above lucky numbers and hours are applicable here also, besides the Panapara graha of your chart. The daily fluctuations in the market go with the Moon and Mercury. Here the Mercury act as a bullish and Venus a bearish. Total 4 planets are only very essential to read the market trend. Here you should know how to prepare a GMP prashna chart. Through the chart only we will decide the day’s activities. We will go with some examples tomorrow. ***************************************************

HORSE RACE & SHARE MARKT XII SHARE MARKET You should be well aware of the Sakthi Kendra, Panapara kendras and Apoklima kendras which dominate the zodiac circle and give the results according to their occupation in the charts of the natives. These kendras acts as URDHO MUKI (upward direction) ADHO MUKI (Downward direction) or AGAR MUKI (deep direction) and TRIYO MUKI (all dirctions) respectively. Here the upward direction of the market ar under the control of Sun, (Surya) Mercury (Budha)

and Mars (Kuja) planets and how they are in the Sakthi kendras of the Prashna chart is most important. The downward direction The market will have a sudden fall again rise and fall indication will be there and these actions comes through the Saturn, Venus and Ragu in these panapara kendra in Prhsna chart and a sudden rise and fall by Mercury (Budha) and Venus (sukra). The last Triyomuki kendras (3, 6, 9 & 12 houses) having the all directions actions are under the control of Jupiter (Guru) and Moon (Chandra). In the Prashna chart we can understand how many points it will go up and what level of action will be there today can be watched by the planets placements in the chart. Here the normal nature is under the control of Sun (Surya) Moon (Chandra) and Jupiter (Guru) with this Uranus have a connection then 20 to 24 points. If Mercury (Budha) and Venus (Sukra) are dominant in the chart then, it is changeable and the market will rise only 3 points. On the other hand a sudden change will be there for the commodities market and confine to some Sectors by th planets Mars (Kuja), Saturn (Sani), Ragu and Kethu if these planets have conjunction or aspects then a sudden rise in the market and it reflect in 55 to 75 points. Here the outer plants have a say in the markets when they join with Sun and Moon. To give practical example in the past three days before there was a conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, Moon and Uranus in the Mesha sign a firey element and movable in nature, here the market has gone up suddenly. Like this there are many instances in the market in the past and we will give you more in the coming paragraphs. Let us understand some of the planets reaction in the markets. Here the Mercury (Budha) is being a significator of intelectual and communication has also signifies Business and commercial

activities. When in Dhakshinayana period that is (from July 15th the Sun entering the Cancer (Karkataka) sign and travel up to Sagittarius (Dharnur) sign and ending by 14th January) Bullish trend and if the outer plants have a say it may act an up and down trends in the market. Like that during the Uthirayana periods (from 15th January to 14th July that is the Sun entering the Capricorn sign (Makara) and leaving th Gemini sign (Mithuna) the market normally Bearish trend. Now uthirayana is running the market is Bearish but due to Uranus connection now it is giving a boost to the market. To give some example about two months back and nearly 1 year period the Saturn was in conjunction with Kethu and Pluto the Crude oil price has gone up (Saturn Kethu) and when Satrun parted from the Kethu the Crude price has gone down. This is not on account of lock down period in all the countries, it is a general trend in the market. Saturn 3, 7 and 10thaspects on Kethu you can watch the trend of the markets. Here, more supply less demand prices have fallen. Mercury in advance degrees to the Sun it will give a bulish activities in the share market in general and when it is less in degrees than Sun a Bearish trends will prevail. Mercury if transiting in the signs (houses) of Jupiter/Saturn or having conjunction with these lords or Uranus/Ragu also it will give a bullish market. Now Mercury is in 8 degrees and Sun is in 14 degrees (less in degrees a bearish trend should be there but because of the Uranus connection and the Mars aspect on the ssign it is Bullish trend in the share Market. The Mercury (Budha) is in conjunction with Venus (Sukra) the market graph will not raise at all and it will go in a Bearish mood only. If the Mercury (Budha) Venus (Sukra) and Jupiter

(Guru) move closely then the prices of Silver will fall. It is all an observation and combined with the practical experience. Like this we should know something about the other soft in nature but more of a materialistic planet Venus (Sukra) creates lot of fluctuations, unsteadiness in the market. Suppose the Venus (Sukra) conjoined with Moon (in last two days this conjunction is there in the chart) the mind of the gamblers will vacillate and not able to decide in which way to act. This plant controls the material and money in the market and also a fast movement planet like Mercury (Budha). These two planets normally rule a sign for a month. They very often come in contact with the heavy planets like Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Ragu, Kethu and Mars by conjunction or by aspects that all creates flutters and silence in the markets. When Venus is very close to Sun the market will be sluggish and away from it gives better results. Let us see more tomorrow. HORSE RACE We have learned about the lucky numbers an its order. Once you have arrived and marked it in the calendar, then daily in the morning please concentrate on that page for ten minutes and think in your mind that you are going to get benefit from these days, in your gmbling business. It will give stimulant and a psychic effect in the mind and will help you to win in the races or keep you calm and think better in the share markets to earn well. In the races we use the horse numbers as per zodiac numbers only. What we have given the first number in the signs in the lesson V. Here the Mars is given 1/8 Venus 2/7 Budha 3/6 Moon 4 and Sun 5 Jupiter 9/12 and Saturn 10/11. It may also work as a lucky number according to your Sun sign but in the races these numbers only will indicate the best horse which is going to win.

The field domination will be shown from the first race onwards by these numbers only. Every race we should be very careful to keep in mind which sign lagna is moving at the time of the races in which star and pada. This will help us to pick up the winning horse very easily. The character of the sign will give a clue besides the numbers for selection. I give two examples to make it clear to you. Once we went to Bangalore race club and as I already said my gambling friend was with me. His lucky name no. 12 and his birth date number is 23 (5). Here, on that day his income is not good because of all favourite horses. So in the last race he asked me what Guruji nothing has happened to-day and any hope in the last race? At that time Dhanur lagna is going in the star of Venus. Here, the Venus and Mars are aspecting the Dhanur from Gemini. Dhanur means bow and arrow and it is a symbol of Rama or Arjuna. Since Venus and Mars are aspecting this sign an indication of a beautiful building, then I combined this Rama and Buildings. I verified the card there was a horse by name Ram mahal is running with no.12 draw no.7. I selected this horse and asked him to play in the bookies. He played Rs.1000/- On that day this was given 35 rupees for a rupee in the betting centre. The race was over and the horse has won by half a length and all bookie centres was closed and the one centre where he played was open and was waiting for us to take the money. He gave the money by saying why so late? See to-morrow with more information ***************************************************

HORSE RACE & SHARE MARKET XIII HORSE RECE The theory session of the horse races and share market principles are explained so far has come to an end. Now we have to go to practical class after this lesson. So far we have explained how the horse wins in the races according to the zodiacal signs theory and on our lucky numbers. But there is a sequence of numbers that will prevail in the races and we have to understand them. Now the races in India are held throughout the year and daily. In India there are 7 centres are there and one centre after one centre is conducting the races. Now on line bookings centres are there and so many people’s are participating in the races. Lakhs of people is favouring a horse on a day and betting, but, a dark fluke if wins, then the whole ground will be put to silence. What is the reason? In practical class only we can explain to you. Moon rules the mind of the people and in the entire ground (those who are participating in the races) are thinking on a particular horse. Here astrology only has to answer. In astrology every 4 minutes 1 degree will move. The time given to one race to another race the minimum difference is 30 minutes to 40 minutes. In that time the lagna will move 7 degrees to 10 degrees the lagna movement goes with one Navamsa and therefore the public mind will not be acceptable as they think. Normally to cross a sign the lagna takes two hours and it depends upon the starting time of the races, when we should have the calculations as per GMP lagna then only answers will come correctly. Soft ware Lagna will differ in degrees according to the longitude of the places from where it is operated. It will

show from 3 degrees to 7 degrees difference than the GMP lagna either it will be more or less according to the latitude. As an example I take a case study: 4thrace in Hyderabad at 2.15 pm. On 16th oct 2019. At this hour it was Kumbha lagna 4 degrees as per GMP. But as per soft ware it was 27 degrees Capricorn. As per GMP the navamsa sign is Vrichika, whereas as per soft ware it is Simha.. As per Scorpio (Vrichika) the 7th house will be Venus and as per Leo (Simha) it will be Saturn. Here on that day the Moon in kiritiga nakshatra a sharp nakshatra. Here, only flukes and dark flukes should win as per the theory. The 1strace started at 12.45 pm Makara lagna 4 degrees. The navamsa lagna is Kumba. Here, the Lagna lord and the navamsa lagna lord is Saturn and placed in the 11thhouse to Navamsa lagna and the 7th lord to navamsa Sun is placed in the 10th to Saturn, therefore the f avourite has won, but the 2ndand 3rd are not as per the board favourites. The next two races the favourites have not won, only the dark flukes have taken the strides. Here, coming to point of the race at 2.15 pm. Again the favourite has won. We should go with navamsa and the days stars to find how the day is going to be. Here, like this many things will change and further how the number will dominate the field, can be learnt in one or two practical classes only. There It will be explained with theory and with actual field results Before closing the theory session, I wish to explain my experience at USA Philadelphia. I met a student (a pet name Gambler) who is very much interested in gambling and use KP System sub-lord and written a book also about the winning side of the handball teams. His percentage of win on the games stands on only 20%. He asked me can you predict the winning horse in the Derby race to be held here on 25rd Jun 2017. He gave me the race card of the derby. Total 27 horss were running.

At that Derby race time Dhanur (Sagittarius) lagna was running. Here, again the Bow and arrow. How the interpretation was taken please see. The lagna is aspected by Sun, Mercury and Mars.(it is as per nirayana). Here the Navamsa was Taurus (Rishaba). The lord is in the 12th to navamsa and 5th to the lagna. The 7th lord Kuja (Mars) placed in the 2nd aspecting the lagna. Navamsa sign was 6/8 to lagna and hence a setback in the favourites will be there in the races. The dominating number of the day was 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 12, 20. Here the Bow and arrow. Royal lords Sun and Mars aspecting the lagna and the lagna lord Jupiter. Mercury is a game of intellectual. The thread is twisted and tided to bow. The arrow is aim game tweeter. King and Queen are the indications. If these horses are there, then I verified the chart. Horse No.1 was Twister and No.2 Tweeter and the 6thhorse was Queens on board. The first two horses never won any races at all, in spite of running as much as 15 races with many champion jockeys. At least the Queens on board has won two earlier races. I boldly predicted Twister (1) , Tweeter (2) and Queens on board (3). The same order the derby races ended on that date. My friend pocketed $15,000/- on that day in that race. Practical example will show how lucky numbers have to be accounted on the day of the race and how the numbers go against the lucky numbers are taught. Wish you all the best and watch for the practical classes. SHARE MARKET Though there are many points and lot of explanations given in the Commercial astrology, financial astrology, Stock Market astrology, Trade and Money astrology, and many more books, are not at times working with the results and hence, we have minimised the points and what is essential to understand in the

trade activities are only given in these theories. Before ending the theory session one more point is there let us learn that also. In Vedic astrology they have given elements to the planets which we are not following and we go with some logical reasons and given the elements to the planets. Sun and Ragu - Firey elements Moon and Mars - Earth elements Saturn, Kethu, Mercury - Airy elements, Venus, Jupiter - Watery elements We all know the zodiacal signs are also connected to the elements. Now let us understand how thathuwas are connected to the market trends .The Agni thathuwa signs are Aries (Mesha), Leo (Simha) and Sagittarius (Dhanur) in the zodiac. Firey means production and reprocessing. If the prashna lagna are rising in these firey signs, then the market will move most of the time Bullish. Depending upon some planets in these signs there will be a fall in the market. The next is Earthy sign. Here Taurus (Rishaba), Virgo (Kanya) and Capricorn (Makara) are the signs are under the control of earthy elements. Earthy means wealth. Here, in these signs most of the time the market will be bearish only. It will show some rise in prices but a sudden fall will be there. In the Prashna chart if these signs are rising then be caution in your play. If some plants occupy these signs, then it will be bullish and take to 50 points in the market. The next sign is Airy signs in the Zodiac. They are Gemini (Mithuna), Libra (Thula) and Aqurius (Kumba) wishes and aspirations are meeting place. Here, it will guide the persons in the wrong directions (wishes) and they may not be able to decide what to do. So the market will show a bearish sign only. Here those who are having good panapara planets day (moon is

moving in these degrees) and if the day is also lucky will make good money. The last is watery elements signs. It gives a professional look, if the prashna chart is rising in these signs. Here it will go in Bullish and bearish action and the market will be unpredictable. Here, alo it depends upon the planets occupying at the time of Prahsna chart. Water means emotions and intuitions. So a careful way of moving in the market will give you money otherwise heavy loss. Most of the business done either in Share Market or in the Race grounds it depends upon the investments you make. Sometime in the races if the day is very good even Rs.10/ will fetch you a big amount of Rs.7000/ or 1,00,000/- but it is not the same in the Share Market. Here, your investment amount will fetch you the returns. So here more caution and clever ideas are required in playing. Here only, astrology comes to the help than your technical terminology. In the twenty two days play you may come out very successfully in twenty days if you know commercial astrology and your lucky days. Never barrow and invest it is a dangerous trend. Your own money even if it is takes 6 months you can become lakier. Your own investment money will fetch you lucky and not in others money. To tell you an example, I was having rs.15/- only. I have promised my friend that I will help him of his need of Rs.1500/. that day. It was Wednesday a lucky day for me and the Prahna chart indicated that I will earn the money to pay, so I looked into the paper and saw, it was a race day. That day Calcutta race was there. I went to the race ground with that Rs.15/- and played in the first race forecast 5/3 for Rs.5/- In those days through hot line messages only the races were running in the centres. After 20 minutes results were announced 5/3 forecast has won and I

got Rs.1500/- I came out from the ground immediately and given to my friend the amount which I promised. Here our own money will fetch you good results. Like this my friend many time has won good amount in the share market also. For a less investment in the trade (minimum Rs.1000/) here Rs, 1000/investment has given him Rs.7000/- Here our wins are based on Astrology and numerology. Here, I close this theory session with few words about Venus. Mercury the fast moving planet will giveyou good push but not Venus. Venus gives a berish action in the markets. If it is very close to Sun do not go to market it will not give you good results. Venus parting away from th Sun will give a bullish market and you can venture.