He Walketh by Day [PDF]

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ICCT COLLEGES FOUNDATION, INC. V.V. Soliven Avenue II, Cainta, Rizal

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Learning Plan in Poem (He Walketh by Day) Grade 8

I: Learning Objectives    

Describe the picture shown through explanation. Arrive at the meaning of the unfamiliar words through context clues. Extract the meaning and message of the poem through discussion. Perform differentiated tasks through group collaboration.

II: Subject Matter Topic: Poem “He Walketh by Day” by Robert Hillyer Reference: Afro-Asian literature Materials: pictures, Cartolina, marker, laptop and projector

III: Learning Activities A. Daily Routine  Prayer  Greetings  Classroom management  Checking of attendance  Review

B. Activity 1 Title: The Blindfold Game  The Teacher will divide the class into two (2) groups. Each group will have a pair of students as representatives. One person from each pair should put on the blindfold. The sighted person must guide their partner across the room without touching them. The group who can make it in a short period of time will be the winner. Guide questions: 1. How’s the activity? Did you enjoy it? 2. What does it feel to walk around having a blindfold?

C. Analysis Title: Picture Prompt  The Teacher will divide the class into four (4) groups. Each group will have an envelope. Inside that envelop, there is a picture and they are going to tell something about that picture.

Guide questions: 1. What have you noticed on those pictures? Are they related to each other? How? 2. Based on our activity earlier, what do you think will happen if the sighted person let his/her partner with a blindfold to walk around? 3. How important having someone to guide you in things you can’t do alone?

D. Abstraction Unlocking of difficulties  The Teacher will call five (5) students read and give the synonym of the underlined words. They will choose their answers in the box.

Happy, Wide, Light, Tree, Holy, Place

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tourists visiting the shrines of American independence. The part of the moon illuminated by the sun. It would gladden me to hear you sing again. They need to broaden their understanding of other cultures. A huge white sycamore skeleton sprawled on the gravel beach.

Background of the Author Robert Siliman Hillyer was an American poet. Born: June 03, 1895, East Orange, New Jersey, United States Died: December 24, 1961, Wilmington, Delaware, United States Education: Harvard University Awards: Pilitzer Prize for Poetry

“He Walketh by Day” Robert Hillyer I am Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, The Divine Hidden Soul who created the gods, And who feedeth the blessed. I am the Lord of the Risers from Death. Whose forms are the lamps in the house of the dead, Whose shrine is the earth. When the sky is illuminated with crystals, Then gladden my road and broaden my path And clothed me in light. Keep me safe from the sleeper of darkness, When eventide closeth by the eyes of the god And the door by the wall. In the dawn I have opened the sycamore; My form is the form of all women and men, My spirit is God.

Guide questions: 1. Who is the divine hidden soul being talked about the by the author? 2. What is the man’s prayer to the Lord? 3. Explain/expound the title of the poem.

D. Generalization “In my deepest, darkest moments, what really got me through was prayer.”

E. Application  The teacher will divide the class into four (4) groups. Each group will be given a different task.

Group 1 (Slogan) - Make a slogan related to the value shown in the poem. Group 2 (Role play) - Present a short scene about faith in God. Group 3 ( Poster making) - Create a poster based on how you understand the meaning of the poem. Group 4 (Song) - Choose a song that is connected to the message of the poem.

Rubrics 5

Meets standards of excellence. Exemplary performance; shows creativity.


Acceptable, solid performance/ understanding.


Just meets acceptable standards, Emerging understanding, errors presented, grasp is not thorough.


Not meeting acceptable standards, make attempts but has serious errors or misconceptions.


No presentation

IV: Assessment (1/4 sheet of paper) Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose your answer in the box below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What does the first line of the poem means? Who is the main character in the poem? What does the sleeper of darkness means? What does the house of the dead means? Who is the author of the poem “He Walketh by Day?”

Hopeless people



Robert Hillyer


V. Assignment (one whole sheet of paper) Make a reflection about the poem “He Walketh by Day by Robert hillier”

ICCT COLLEGES FOUNDATION, INC. V.V. Soliven Avenue II, Cainta, Rizal


Learning Plan In EDFOS06 Prepared by: Padilla, Mark Anthony