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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} module Haskell09 where import Data.List(delete) -- розглядаємо лише цілі дані: скаляри і масиви -------------------------------------------------------------------type Id = String data Value = I Int | A [(Int, Int)] deriving (Eq, Show) data Op = Add | Minus | Mul | Less | Equal | Index deriving (Eq, Show) data Exp = Const Int | Var Id | OpApp Op Exp Exp | Cond Exp Exp Exp | FunApp Id [Exp] deriving (Eq, Show) data Stmt = Assign Id Exp | AssignA Id Exp Exp | If Exp Stmt Stmt | While Exp Stmt | Call Id [Exp] | Block [VarDef] [Stmt] deriving (Eq, Show) data VarDef
Arr Id | Int Id deriving (Eq, Show)
type FunDef = (Id, ([VarDef], Exp)) -- функції повертають лише цілі скалярні дані, не використовують глобальні дані (чисті!!) type ProcDef = (Id, ([VarDef], Stmt)) type Program = ([VarDef], [FunDef], [ProcDef]) type StateP
= [(Id, Value)]
data type type type
= = = =
Type FunEnv ProcEnv VarEnv
-- стек даних
At | It deriving (Eq, Show) [(Id,[Type])] [(Id,[Type])] [(Id,Type)]
-- Задача 1 -----------------------------------updateValue :: Eq a => a -> b -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)] updateValue x y [] = [(x,y)] updateValue x y (a:abss) | fst a == x = [(fst a, y)] ++ abss | otherwise = [a] ++ (updateValue x y abss) -- Задача 2 updateArray updateArray updateArray
-----------------------------------:: Value -> Value -> Value -> Value (A a) (I i) (I v) = A (updateValue i v a) _ _ _ = error "Bad arguments"
-- Задача 3 -----------------------------------normalniyLookUp :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> a -> Maybe b normalniyLookUp arr x = let res = [y | y Just $ snd $ head res True -> Nothing
applyOp :: Op -> Value -> Value -> Value applyOp Add (I x) (I y) = I(x + y) applyOp Minus (I x) (I y) = I(x - y) applyOp Mul (I x) (I y) = I(x * y) applyOp Less (I x) (I y) | x < y = I 1 | otherwise = I 0 applyOp Equal (I x) (I y) | x == y = I 1 | otherwise = I 0 applyOp Index (A a) (I i) = case normalniyLookUp a i of Just v -> I v Nothing -> I 0 applyOp _ _ _ = error "Bad arguments" -- Задача 4 -----------------------------------evExp :: Exp -> [FunDef] -> StateP -> Value evExp (Const i) _ _ = I i evExp (Var v) _ st = lookUp v st evExp (OpApp o x y) dfs st = applyOp o (evExp x dfs st) (evExp y dfs st) evExp (Cond p f s) dfs st | (evExp p dfs st) == I 0 = evExp s dfs st | otherwise = evExp f dfs st evExp (FunApp idd es) dfs st = let (vars, ef) = lookUp idd dfs vs = evArgs es dfs st new = evState vars vs in evExp ef dfs new evState :: [VarDef] -> [Value] -> StateP evState vd v = zip (map getName vd) v getName :: VarDef -> Id getName (Arr i) = i getName (Int i) = i evArgs :: [Exp] -> [FunDef] ->StateP -> [Value] evArgs ex dfx st = [v | x [FunDef] -> [ProcDef] -> StateP -> StateP evStmt (Assign n ex) dfx _ st = let i = evExp ex dfx st in updateValue n i st evStmt (AssignA n ex1 ex2) dfx _ st = updateValue n (updateArray arr f s) st where f = evExp ex1 dfx st s = evExp ex2 dfx st arr = lookUp n st evStmt (If ex stm1 stm2) dfx dpx st = evStmt (if i /= 0 then stm1 else stm2) dfx dpx st where I i = evExp ex dfx st evStmt (While ex stm) dfx dpx st = until cond step st where cond stt = let I i = evExp ex dfx stt in i == 0 step stt = evStmt stm dfx dpx stt evStmt (Call n es) dfx dpx st = let (par, proc) = lookUp n dpx
ans = evStmt proc dfx dpx (updState n es dfx dpx st) in deleteLocal par ans evStmt (Block vd stm) dfx dpx st = let updSt = map initv vd ++ st ans = snd $ until cond0 step0 (stm,updSt) where cond0 (stm0,_) = null stm0 step0 (stm0,st0) = (tail stm0, evStmt (head stm0) dfx dpx st0) in deleteLocal vd ans deleteLocal::[VarDef] -> StateP -> deleteLocal vd state = snd $ until where cond1 step1 a))
StateP cond1 step1 (vd,state) (v, _) = null v (v, a) = ((tail v),(deleteVarInState (head v)
updState:: Id -> [Exp] -> [FunDef] ->[ProcDef] -> StateP -> StateP updState n es dfx dpx st = let (par, _) = lookUp n dpx vars = map (\x -> evExp x dfx st) es in evState par vars ++ st deleteVarInState ::VarDef -> StateP -> StateP deleteVarInState (Arr i) st = delete (i, lookUp i st) st deleteVarInState (Int i) st = delete (i, lookUp i st) st -- Задача 6 -----------------------------------iswfOp1 :: Op -> [Maybe Type] -> Maybe Type iswfOp1 Add [(Just It),(Just It)] = Just It iswfOp1 Minus [(Just It),(Just It)] = Just It iswfOp1 Mul [(Just It),(Just It)] = Just It iswfOp1 Less [(Just It),(Just It)] = Just It iswfOp1 Equal [(Just It),(Just It)] = Just It iswfOp1 Index [(Just At),(Just It)] = Just It iswfOp1 _ _ = Nothing iswfExp :: Exp -> VarEnv -> FunEnv -> Maybe Type iswfExp (Const _) _ _ = Just It iswfExp (Var v) ve _ = case normalniyLookUp ve v of Nothing -> Nothing Just t -> Just t iswfExp (OpApp op e1 e2) ve fe = (iswfOp1 op [(iswfExp e1 ve fe),(iswfExp e2 ve fe)]) iswfExp (Cond e1 e2 e3) z zz = case ((iswfExp e1 z zz),(iswfExp e2 z zz),(iswfExp e3 z zz)) of (Just It, Just s1, Just s2) -> if s1 == s2 then Just s1 else Nothing _ -> Nothing iswfExp (FunApp n es) ve fe = let ft = map Just (lookUp n fe) est = map (\x -> iswfExp x ve fe) es in if ft == est then Just It else Nothing -- Задача 7 -----------------------------------iswfStmt :: Stmt -> VarEnv -> FunEnv -> ProcEnv -> Bool iswfStmt (Assign n ex) ve fe _ = lookup n ve == iswfExp ex ve fe && lookup n ve == Just It iswfStmt (AssignA n ex1 ex2) ve fe _ = iswfAssignA [f, s, t] where Just f = lookup n ve Just s = iswfExp ex1 ve fe Just t = iswfExp ex2 ve fe iswfStmt (If ex st1 st2) ve fe pe = Just It == iswfExp ex ve fe &&
iswfStmt st1 ve fe pe && iswfStmt st2 ve fe pe iswfStmt (While ex st) ve fe pe = Just It == iswfExp ex ve fe iswfStmt st ve fe pe iswfStmt (Call n vs) ve fe pe = map (\x -> iswfExp x ve fe) iswfStmt (Block vd sts) ve fe pe = where veNew = map initvType vd
&& vs == (map Just (lookUp n pe)) all (\x -> iswfStmt x veNew fe pe) sts ++ ve
initvType :: VarDef -> (Id, Type) initvType (Arr v) = (v, At) initvType (Int v) = (v, It) -- Задача 8 -----------------------------------iswfFunDef :: FunDef -> FunEnv -> Bool iswfFunDef fd fe = elem idTypes fe && iswfExp ex ve fe /= Nothing where (fn,(ft,ex)) = fd idTypes = (fn, map initType ft) ve = map initvType ft iswfProcDef :: ProcDef -> VarEnv -> FunEnv -> ProcEnv -> Bool iswfProcDef pd ve fe pe = let (pname,(ptypes, st)) = pd ptypesUpd = map initType ptypes veUpd = map initvType ptypes ++ ve peUpd = updateValue pname ptypesUpd pe in elem (pname, ptypesUpd) peUpd && iswfStmt st veUpd fe peUpd initType :: VarDef -> Type initType (Arr _) = At initType (Int _) = It -- Задача 9 -----------------------------------createEnv :: [(Id, ([VarDef], a))] -> [(Id, [Type])] createEnv fd = map initFenv fd where initFenv (fn, (fargs, _)) = (fn, map initType fargs) iswfProgram :: Program -> Bool iswfProgram (vd, fd, pd) = let veN = map initvType vd feN = createEnv fd peN = createEnv pd procMain ps = any (\(pname,_) -> pname=="main") ps in all (\x -> iswfFunDef x feN) fd && all (\x -> iswfProcDef x veN feN peN) pd && procMain peN && uniqN veN feN peN uniqN :: VarEnv -> FunEnv -> ProcEnv -> Bool uniqN ve fe pe = let getAllNames e = map (\(name, _) -> name) e names = (getAllNames ve) ++ (getAllNames fe) ++ (getAllNames pe) in uniq names uniq :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool uniq [] = True uniq (x:xs) = notElem x xs && uniq xs --- Допоміжні функції ----------------------------lookUp :: Eq a => a -> [(a,b)] -> b
-- Передумова: Пара з ключом a є в списку пар abx lookUp a abx = maybe (error "lookUp") id (lookup a abx) -- формує початкове значення змінної initv :: VarDef -> (Id, Value) initv (Arr v) = (v, A []) initv (Int v) = (v, I 0) -- Реалізація виконання програми evProgram :: Program -> StateP evProgram (dvx, dfx, dpx) = let sb = map initv dvx ( _, s) = lookUp "main" dpx in evStmt s dfx dpx sb -- iswfOp o ts - перевіряє коректність типів операндів ts -бінарної операції o і формує тип результату Just t або Nothing iswfOp :: Op -> [Type] -> Maybe Type iswfOp Add [It,It] = Just It iswfOp Minus [It,It] = Just It iswfOp Mul [It,It] = Just It iswfOp Less [It,It] = Just It iswfOp Equal [It,It] = Just It iswfOp Index [At,It] = Just It iswfOp _ _ = Nothing -- iswfCond ts - перевіряє коректність типів операндів ts -умовного виразу і формує тип результату Just t або Nothing iswfCond :: [Type] -> Maybe Type iswfCond [It,It,It] = Just It iswfCond [It,At,At] = Just At iswfCond _ = Nothing -- iswfAssignA ts перевіряє коректність типів операндів ts -операції присвоювання значення елементу масива iswfAssignA :: [Type] -> Bool iswfAssignA [At,It,It] = True iswfAssignA _ = False ---- Дані для тестування ------------------------ Стан для тестування sampleState :: StateP sampleState = [("x",I 5),("y",I 2),("a", A [(2,3),(0,4), (1,2)])] varEnv :: VarEnv varEnv = [("x",It), ("y",It), ("a",At)] -- Функція максимум двох чисел -- func biggest(m,n)= (m