Happy Christmas Elf [PDF]

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HAPPY – The christmas elf I./ WHAT YOU WILL NEED 1./ Yarn a./ YarnArt ( Jeans - YarnArt) - White (01) - Brown (40) - Brown (70) - Beige (05) - Red (51) - Grey (49) b./ Yarn: 1mm - White - Red - dark yellow c./ Baby yarn jean - Green (26) d./ Ruffled wool - White 2./ Other materials - Fiberfill - 2 black safety eyes, size 10 mm - Embroidery thread: Brown 3./ Tools - Hook size : 2.3 mm, 1.75mm or the size you prefer - Wire - Sewing needle - Stitch marker - Scissor, Pink blush make up powder - Pins - optional: wooden spoon/chopstick and clamping scissor to simplify the filling - Silicon glue, wire, 03 buttons II./ ABBREVIATIONS rd(s) : rounds(s) N : Bobble stich: https://youtu.be/uzvX_Nbl8rk row(s)

: row(s)


: work 2 double crochet in one stitch


: stitch(es)


: decrease over 2 double crochet


: slip stitch



: skip



: chain



: single crochet


:front loop (only)


: half double crochet


:yarn over


: work 2 single crochet in one stitch


:needle join


: decrease over 2 single crochet




:wrong side

hdc2tog :decrease over 2 half double crochet

: work 2 half double crochet in one stitch : right side :back loop (only)


:*repeat directions following* as many times as indicated


:work directions inside of square brackets into stitch as indicated


: Reverse Single Crochet: https://youtu.be/Zi2ID6KiHPk Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf


1./ ARMS (make two) With white (01) color, Work the arm in spiral rounds Rd 1

: 6sc in the magic ring


Rd 2

: *1sc, 1inc*crochet 3 times


Rd 3

: *2sc, 1inc*crochet 3 times


Rd 4

: 12sc


Rd 5

: 5sc , 1dec, 5sc


Rd 6

: 5sc, 1N, 5sc


Rd 7

: 4sc, 1dec, 3sc, 1dec


Rd 8 – Rd 23

: 9sc


Rd 24

: 9sc, 1slst, Fasten off


2./ LEGS (make two) a./ Right leg: Work the leg in spiral rounds. Starting at soles, with yarn: brown (70) Rd 1

: Begin with 6 ch, start in 2nd chain from the hook: 1inc, 3sc, [4sc], bottom side (14) of chain: 3sc, 1inc

Rd 2

: 1sc, 1inc, 3sc, 4inc, 3sc, 1inc, 1sc


Rd 3

: 1inc, 5sc, *1sc, 1inc* Crochet 4 times, 5sc, 1inc


Rd 4

: BLO: 26sc


Rd 5- Rd7

: 26sc


Rd 8

: 7sc, 6dec, 7sc


Rd 9

: 6sc, 4dec, 6sc


Rd 10

: 4sc, 4dec, 4sc


Rd 11 – Rd 16

: 12sc


Rd 17

: FLO: 12sc, 1slst, Fasten off the brown yarn (70)


Change to the Grey Yarn (49), Begin in the FLO of Rd 16 (photo 3)

Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf Rd 18 : 12sc


Rd 19 - Rd 32

: 12sc


Rd 33

: 12sc, 1slst, Stuff the legs, Fasten off


b./ Left leg: Do same as right leg until Rd 33, DO NOT cut the yarn at the end of the leg The flower for decoration ( make 2): The beige yarn (05) : - *4 ch, 1slst* crochet 5 times in the magic ring, Fasten off and leave a long tail to sew - Use red thread to embroider a create stigma by french knot (photo 6, 7, 8) - Embroider the boot and sew the flower for decoration (photo 3, 4, 5, 9)

3./ BODY - Use 2 wires 26 cm long and bend it as shown in the photo 10, 11

- Crochet 6sc more ( left leg), ch 6 and join to the right leg (photo 12) - Put the wire into the legs (photo 13)

Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf Rd 34 :12sc (around the right leg), 6sc (along the chain), 12sc (around the left leg), 6sc (36) (along the chain) Rd 35

: 1inc, 1sc, 1inc, 27sc, 1inc, 1sc, 2inc, 1sc, 1inc


Rd 36-Rd 41

: 42sc


Rd 42

: 42slst, , Fasten off the Grey Yarsn (49)


Change to the White (01) Begin in the Rd 41 (photo 14) Rd 43

: *5sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 44 - Rd 45

: 36sc


Rd 46

: *2sc, 1dec, 2sc* crochet 6 times


Rd 47-Rd 48

: 30sc


Rd 49

: *3sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 50 -Rd 52

: 24sc



: 6sc on the body, put the left handand and crochet 9sc, 13sc on the body, put the (42) right hand and crochet 9sc, 5sc on the body (photo 15, 16, 17, 18)

- Take 2 wires. Then bend the wire as shown in the photo 19 , Insert the wire in the arm (photo 20, 21) - Stuff the body and shoulders with fiberfill (phôt 22)

Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf Rd 54 : *5sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 55

: *2sc, 1dec, 2sc* crochet 6 times


Rd 56

: *3sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 57

: *2sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 58

: *1sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 59-Rd 61

: 12sc


Rd 62

: 12inc


Rd 63

*3sc, 1inc* crochet 6 times


Rd 64

: *2sc, 1inc, 2sc* crochet 6 times


Rd 65

: *5sc, 1inc* crochet 6 times


Rd 66

: *3sc, 1inc, 3sc* crochet 6 times


Rd 67

: *7sc, 1inc* crochet 6 times


Rd 68

: *4sc, 1inc, 4sc* crochet 6 times


Rd 69-Rd 78

: 60sc


Rd 79

: *4sc, 1dec, 4sc* crochet 6 times


Rd 80

: *7sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 81

: *3sc, 1dec, 3sc* crochet 6 times


Rd 82

: *5sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 83

: *2sc, 1dec, 2sc* crochet 6 times


Rd 84

: *3sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 85

: *1sc, 1dec, 1sc* crochet 6 times


Rd 86

: *1sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 87

: 6dec, 1slst, Fasten off


- Put the eyes between round 72 and 73. The distance between two eyes is 9 stitches. (photo 23) - Embroider the noise with white thread, the distance from eye to nose is 3 stitches (photo 24) - Embroider the eyelashes, eyebrows with brown thread (photo 25, 26)

Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf

5./ EARS (make two) With white (01) color, Work the arm in spiral rounds Rd 1

: 6sc in the magic ring


Rd 2

: 3sc, 3inc


Rd 3

: 2sc, 3inc, 4sc


Rd 4

: 12sc


Rd 5

: 4sc, 3inc, 3sc, 1dec


Rd 6

: 14sc, 1slst, Fasten off and leave a long tail to sew the ears on the head (photo 27) (14)

- Sew the ears between Rnd 69 and Rnd 71. The space between eye and ear is 7 stitches (photo 28)

6./ DRESS With the green yarn (26) Rd 1

: Begin with 25ch, start in 2nd chain from the hook: 24sc, turn


Rd 2

: 1ch, 24sc, turn


Rd 3

: 1ch, *1sc, 1inc* Crochet 12 times, turn


Rd 4

: 1ch, *1sc, 1inc* Crochet 2 times, 5 ch, sk 10, *1sc, 1inc* Crochet 4 times, 5 ch, (34) sk 10, *1sc, 1inc* Crochet 2 times , turn (photo 32)

Rd 5

: 1ch, 34sc, turn


Rd 6

: 1ch, 2sc, *4sc, 1inc* Crochet 6 times, 2sc, turn


Rd 7

: 40sc, turn, Fasten off the gree Yarsn (26)


Change to the red yarn (51) (photo 34) Rd 8

: BLO: 2 ch, *1dc, 1dc -inc * crochet 20 times, 1slst


Rd 9 - Rd 17

: 2 ch, *sk 1, 1dc -inc * crochet 30 times, 1slst


Rd 18

: 60sc


Rd 19

: *1sc, 1dec* crochet 20 times


Rd 20 - Rd 21

: 40slst


Rd 22

: 40slst, Fasten off and weave in the ends


Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf

SLEEVES ON THE DRESS With gree yarn (26), Work the sleeve in spiral rounds. (photo 36, 37) Rd 1

: 1ch , 5sc (on the 5 ch of Rd 5), *1sc, 1inc* crochet 5 times, 1slst (photo 36)


Rd 2-Rd 4

: 2ch , 20hdc, 1slst


Rd 5

: *2sc, 1dec* crochet 5 times


Rd 6

: BLO: 2ch , *1hdc, 1hdc - inc* crochet 7 times, 1hdc, 1slst


Rd 7-Rd 12

: 2ch, 22hdc, 1slst


Rd 13

: *1sc, 1dec* crochet 7 times, 1sc


Rd 14

: BLO: *3ch , 1slst* crochet 15 times, Fasten off and weave in the ends.


Sleeve hem: Working in the FLO of round 13, attach White yarn (03) (photo 36) :*2 ch, 1slst* crchet 15 times, Fasten off and weave in the ends. Border round: Use white thread, leave a piece about 10cm long, then working in the FLO of round 7: 15slst, leave a long piece, Fasten off (photo 39) - Tie into a decorative bow (photo 40)

Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf

COLLAR With Beige yarn (05), starting from the right side of the dress : 7slst, crcohet 6slst into the left side of the dress, 5 ch, 1slst, (photo 41) Finally, crochet the collar: Rd 1

: 1ch, 24sc, turn


Rd 2

: *4 ch, 1slst* crochet 2 times, Fasten off and weave in the ends


- Sew a button on the back of the dress (photo 42)

Border round : Make sure the head is pointing towards you, Working in the FLO of round 5, attach the Beige yarn (05), 1 ch, 15slst. Fasten off and weave in the ends (photo 43, 44)

7./ WIG With Brown yarn (40) Rd 1 : 6sc in the magic ring


Rd 2

: 6inc


Rd 3

: BLO: *1sc, 1inc* crochet 6 times


DO NOT cut the yarn Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf a./ Layer: 1 (photo 45) Row 1=> 18 Working in the BLO of round 3: 40 ch, start in 2nd chain from the hook: 39 sc, 1slst in this Rd 3 b./ Layer: 2 (photo 46) Row 19=> 36 Working in the FLO of round 3: 45 ch, start in 2nd chain from the hook: 44 sc, 1slst in this Rd 3 c./ Layer: 3 (photo 47) Row 37=> 48 Working in the FLO of round 2: 40 ch, start in 2nd chain from the hook: 39 sc, 1slst in this Rd 2 - Secure the placement of hair layer, 1st, 2rd, and sew all strands of hair onto head equally to cover all spaces

8./ HAT Begin red yarn (51) Rd 1

: 6hdc in the magic ring, 1slst


Rd 2

: 1ch, *2hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 2 times, 1slst.


Rd 3

: 1 ch, 8hdc, 1slst


Change to the white yarn (01) with the last st of Rd 3 Rd 4

: 1ch, *3hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 2 times, 1slst.


Change to the red yarn (51) with the last st of Rd 4 Rd 5- Rd 6

: 1 ch, 10hdc, 1slst


Change to the white yarn (01) with the last st of Rd 6 Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf Rd 7 : 1ch, *4hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 2 times, 1slst.


Change to the red yarn (51) with the last st of Rd 7 Rd 8- Rd 9

: 1 ch, 12hdc, 1slst


Change to the white yarn (01) with the last st of Rd 9 Rd 10

: 1ch, *5hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 2 times, 1slst.


Change to the red yarn (51) with the last st of Rd 10 Rd 11- Rd 12

: 1 ch, 14hdc, 1slst


Change to the white yarn (01) with the last st of Rd 12 Rd 13

: 1ch, *6hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 2 times, 1slst.


Change to the red yarn (51) with the last st of Rd 13 Rd 14- Rd 15

: 1 ch, 16hdc, 1slst


Change to the white yarn (01) with the last st of Rd 15 Rd 16

: 1ch, *7hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 2 times, 1slst.


Change to the red yarn (51) with the last st of Rd 16 Rd 17- Rd 18

: 1 ch, 18hdc, 1slst


Change to the white yarn (01) with the last st of Rd 18 Rd 19

: 1ch, *2hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 6 times, 1slst.


Change to the red yarn (51) with the last st of Rd 19 Rd 20

: 1ch, *3hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 6 times, 1slst.


Rd 21

: 1ch, *4hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 6 times, 1slst.


Change to the white yarn (01) with the last st of Rd 21 Rd 22

: 1ch, *5hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 6 times, 1slst.


Change to the red yarn (51) with the last st of Rd 22 Rd 23

: 1ch, *6hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 6 times, 1slst.


Rd 24

: 1ch, *7hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 6 times, 1slst.


Change to the white yarn (01) with the last st of Rd 24 Rd 25

: 1ch, *8hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 6 times, 1slst.


Change to the red yarn (51) with the last st of Rd 25 Rd 26

: 1ch, *9hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 6 times, 1slst.


Rd 27

: 1ch, *10hdc, 1hdc-inc* crochet 6 times, 1slst.


Change to the white yarn (01) with the last st of Rd 27 Rd 28

: 1ch, 72hdc, 1slst.


Change to the red yarn (51) with the last st of Rd 28 Rd 29- Rd 30

: 1ch, 72hdc, 1slst.


Change to the white yarn (01) with the last st of Rd 30 Rd 31-Rd 32

: 1ch, 72hdc, 1slst.

Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong



HAPPY – The christmas elf Rd 33 : 72sc Rd 34

: 72Rsc (photo 50)

(72) (72)

- Fold the Brim upside down, then use the sewing needle to fix it (photo 51) - Make a pompom and sewing it on the top of the hat


: Begin with *8ch, start in 2nd chain from the hook: 7sc* crochet 3 (photo 52, 53, 54,55)

Rd 2

: -The first leaf: 1sc, 1hdc, 3dc, 1hdc, 1sc, 1ch , bottom side of chain: 1sc, 1hdc, 3dc, 1hdc, 1sc. -The second leaf: 1sc, 1hdc, 3dc, 1hdc, 1sc, 1ch , bottom side of chain: 1sc, 1hdc, 3dc, 1hdc, 1sc. (photo 56) - The third leaf: 1sc, 1hdc, 3dc, 1hdc, 1sc, 1ch , bottom side of chain: 1sc, 1hdc, 3dc, 1hdc, 1sc. (photo 57)

Rd 3

: 1slst, *2ch - start in 2nd chain from the hook: 1slst, 2sc in this Rd 2* Repeat *.* until the end

Berries (make 3) : : 6sc in the magic ring, 1slst, Fasten off

Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf

9./ PET (Use yarn: 1mm and hook: 1.75mm a. Arm (make 2) Starting with dark yellow yarn Rd 1

: 6sc in the magic ring


Rd 2

: *1sc, 1inc* crochet 3 times


Rd 3-Rd 4

: 9sc


Rd 5

: *1sc, 1dec* crochet 3 times


Rd 6

: 6sc, 1slst, Fasten off and leave a long tail to sew


b./ legs (make 2) Starting with dark yellow yarn Rd 1

: 6sc in the magic ring


Rd 2

: 6inc


Rd 3-Rd 4

: 12sc


Rd 5

: *1sc, 1dec* crochet 4 times


Rd 6

: 8sc


Rd 7

: 8sc, 1slst, Fasten off and leave a long tail to sew


c./ body Starting with dark yellow yarn Rd 1

: 6sc in the magic ring


Rd 2

: 6inc


Rd 3

: *1sc, 1inc* crochet 6 times


Rd 4

: *2sc, 1inc* crochet 6 times


Rd 5-Rd 8

: 24sc


Rd 9

: *2sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 10

: 18sc


Rd 11

: *1sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 12

: 12sc, 1slst, Fasten off and leave a long tail to sew


Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf

d. head Starting with dark yellow yarn Rd 1

: 6sc in the magic ring


Rd 2

: 6inc


Rd 3

: *1sc, 1inc* crochet 6 times


Rd 4

: *2sc, 1inc* crochet 6 times


Rd 5

: *3sc, 1inc* crochet 6 times


Rd 6 -Rd 10

: 30sc


Rd 11

: *3sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 12

: *2sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times


Rd 13

: *1sc, 1dec* crochet 6 times, 1slst, Fasten off and leave a long tail to sew


e. Ears Starting with dark yellow yarn Rd 1

: 5sc in the magic ring


Rd 2

: *1sc, 1inc* crochet 2 times, 1sc


Rd 3

: *1sc, 1inc* crochet 3 times, 1sc


Rd 4

: *4sc, 1inc* crochet 2 times, 1slst, Fasten off and leave a long tail to sew


f. hat Starting with red yarn Rd 1

: 6sc in the magic ring


Rd 2

: *1sc, 1inc* crochet 3 times


Rd 3

: *2sc, 1inc* crochet 3 times


Rd 4

: 12sc


Rd 5

: *3sc, 1inc* crochet 3 times


Change to the white yarn (01) with the last st of Rd 5 Rd 6

: 15Rx, 1slst, Fasten off and leave a long tail to sew


- Use pink blush makeup powder to make the rosy cheek on the doll’s cheeks (photo 64)

Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong


HAPPY – The christmas elf

Thank you for choosing! Please don’t hesitate to contact me either via e-mail, Etsy, Facebook, Instagram or Ravelry if you have any questions regarding the instructions or else. I would also love to see pictures of your finished doll!

Follow Anihandmade on: [email protected] https://www.etsy.com/shop/AnihandmadehouseVN https://www.ravelry.com/designers/khac-huong https://www.facebook.com/Ani-handmade-266926553994118 https://www.instagram.com/huongkhac85/

Pattern by Khac Huong. This pattern is for personal use only! Please do not sell or redistribute in any form. ©2020 Khac Huong