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ابديabadīya infinite duration, endless time, eternity
ا اa particle introducing direct and indirect questions; أم ― اa - am in alternative questions; أم ―سواء اsawā’un a ― am no matter whether - or; أ وa-wa particle indicating or implying doubt: or? perhaps? (atau/apakah) ( اَوتشك في ذلكtašukku) you wouldn't doubt it, would you? do you perhaps doubt it? or do you doubt it? اَال alā and اَماa-mā intensifying interjections introducing sentences: verily, truly, indeed, oh yes, etc., ( اَال فانظرواfa-nẓurū) oh, do look! why, look! ( اَما انهinnahū) why, he is ... !
آبدābid wild, untamed آبدةābida pl. اوابدawābid2 unusual thing, prodigious event │ اوابد الدنياa. addunyā the Wonders of the World مؤبدmu'abbad eternal, endless, everlasting │( سجن مؤبدsijn) life imprisonment 1
ابرةibra pl. ابرibar needle, pln; indicator (of an instrument); shot, injection (med.);sting, prick │ حقنه ابرة ḥaqanahu ibratan to give s.o. an injection; ابرة الراعىi. ar-rā‘ī geranium (bot.); ابرة ( مغناطيسيةmagnāṯīsīya) magnetic needle; شغل االبرةšug1 al-i. needlework
آبāb2 August = Agustus (month; Syr., Leb., Jord., Ir.)
ابsee ابو
ابabba u to long, yearn, ( إلى وطنهilā waṯanihi for one's homeland)
ابيبlook up alphabetically
( اباتيIt. abate) abātī abbot (Chr.) ابالةibāla, ibbāla bundle, bale يا ابتsee ابو ابجدabjad alphabet ابجديabjadī alphabetic(al); ابجدياتelementary facts, simple truths │ الحروف االبجديةthe letters of the alphabet ابدabada ( ابودubūd) to stay, linger ( بat a place); ― i u to roam in a state of wildness, run wild, be shy, shy away, run away (animal, game) II to make lasting or permanent, perpetuate, eternize ( ھـs.th.) V to be perpetuated, become lasting or permanentl; to return to a state of wildness ابدabad pl. آبادābād endless, eternal duration, eternity; ابداabadan always, forever; ever, (with neg.) never (in the future), not at all, on no account; (alone, without negation) never! not at all! By no means! │ إلى األبد، على األبدand أبد الدھر abada d-dahri forever; ابد اآلبدينabada labadīn and إلى ابد اآلبدينilā abadi l-a. forever and ever
ابرabara i u (abr) to prick, sting II to pollinate ( ھـa palm tree)
مئبرmi'bar needlecase; pack needle 2
آبارābār see بئر
ابريشيةabrašīya and ابروشيةabrūšīya pl. -āt diocese, bishoprie (Chr.); parish (Chr.) ابرميسabramīs, ابراميسbream (zool.) ابريزpure gold 1 ابريسمibrīsam, ibrīsim silk ابريقibrīq pl. اباريقabārīq2 pitcher, jug ابريلabril April ابزنabzan pl. ابازنabāzin2 washbowl ابزيمibzīm pl. ابازمabāzim2 buckle, clasp ابضubḍ pl. آباضābāḍ and مأبضma’biḍ pl. مآبضma’ābiḍ2 hollow of the knee, popliteal space ابطV to take or carry under one's arm ( ھـs.th.); to put one's arm ( ه، ھـaround s.o., around s.th.), hold in one's arm ( ه، ھـs.th.) ابطibṯ pl. آباطābāṯ m. and f. armpit ابقabaqa i ( اباقibāq) to escape, run away (a slave from his master) ابقabaq a kind of hemp آبقābiq pl. اباقubbāq runaway, escaped; a fugitive
ابديabadi everlasting, eternal, endless
االبديal-abadī eternity
ابلibil (coll.) camel
ابالةibāla, ibbāla bundle, bale
ابليزiblīz alluvial deposits (of the Nile)
disdain ( ھـs.th.): to deny ( على ھـs.o. s.th.) │ ( ابى اال أن يفعلهillā an yaf’alahū) he insisted on doing it; ابى ﷲ إال أنGod willed that ... V to refuse, decline
ابليسiblīs pl. ابالسةabālisa devil, Satan 1
ابنII to celebrate, praise, eulogize ( هa deceased person), deliver a funeral oration ( هin praise of s.o.)
اباءibā’, اباءةibā’a rejection; dislike, distaste, aversion, disdain; pride
ابنةubna passive pederasty
ابيabīy disdainful, scornful: proud, lofty, lofty-minded
ابانibbān time: ابانibbāna during, في ابانat the time of, during تأبينta’bīn commemoration (of a deceased person) │ حفلة تأبينḥaflat at-t. commemorative celebration (in honor of a deceased person) مأبونma’būn catamite; weakling, mollycoddle, sissy; scoundrel 2
ابنsee 1بن
ابنوسabnūs ebony ابهabaha and abiha a (abh) to pay attention ( ل, also بto), heed (ل, also بs.th.), take notice (ل, also بof) │امر ال يؤبه له (yu'bahu) an insignificant, unimportant matter V to display proud, haughty manners; to turn away, keep one's distance, remain aloof ( عنfrom), look down ( عنupon), think o.s. far above (عن s.o. or s.th.) ابھةubbaha splendor, pomp, ostentation, pageantry; pride ابab pl. آباءaba' father (also eccl.): ancestor, forefather: يــا ابــتyā abati O my father! االبــوانal-abawān the parents, father and mother; ابوناabūnā reverend father, form of address and title of a priest (Chr). │ابا عن جد aban ‘an jaddin handed down from father to son, as s.th. inherited from forefathers; ا بو سعنabū su’n marabou; ا بو ال نومabū nnaum poppy; ابـــو الھـــولabū l-haul the Sphinx; ابـــو اليقظـــانabū l-yaqẓān rooster, cock ابوةubūwa fatherhood, paternity ابويabawī paternal, fatherly ابونيتebonite ( ابونيهFr. abonné) abūneh pl. -āt subscription; subscription card (e.g., for public conveyances, a concert season, etc.) ابىabā a ( اباءibā’, اباءةibā’a) to refuse, decline; to turn down, reject, scorn,
آبābin pl. اباةubāh reserved, standoffish; unwilling, reluctant, grudging ابيبabīb the eleventh month of the Coptic calendar 2 ابيقوريabīqūrī Epicurean ابيقوريabīqūriya Epicureanism اترجutrujj and اترنجutrunj citron (Citrus medica; bot.) ( آتشجيTurk. ateşçi) ātešgī fireman, stoker مأتمma’tam pl. مآتمma’ātim2 obsequies, funeral ceremony 1
اتانatān pl. آتنātun, اتنutun, utn female donkey, she-ass
اتونatūn, attūn pl. اتنutun, اتاتنatātīn2 kiln, furnace, oven
اتاوةitāwa pl. اتاوىatāwā duty, tax, tribute ( اتوبيسFr.) otobīs autobus, bus ( اتوماتيكيFr.) otomātīkī automatic اتومبيلboyl lIالىd ( اتوموبيلFr.) otomobīl automobile اتىatā i ( اتيانityān, اتىaty, مأتاةto come ( هor الىto; علىover s.o.), arrive ( ھـor الىat); ب اتىto bring, bring forward, produce, advance, accomplish or achieve s.th.; اتى ه بto bring, give or offer s.o. s.th.; to do, perform ( ھـa deed), carry out, execute (ھـ e.g., movements); to commit, perpetrate ( ھـa sin, a. crime); to mention ( علىs.th.); to finish off ( علىs.th., also s.o.); to finish, complete, carry through, dispose, settle, wind up, conclude, terminate, bring to a close ( علىs.th.); to destroy, annihilate, eradicate, wipe out ( علىs.th.); to eliminate, carry away, sweep away (على s.th.), do away ( علىwith); to use up, exhaust (also a subject), present exhaustively, in great detail ( علىs.th.), elaborate ( علىon s.th.) │ كما يأتيas
follows; ( اتى على آخرهākhirihī) to complete, finish s.th.; to spend or use up the last of s.th.; اتى على األخضر واليابسto destroy everything, wreak havoc; اتى البيوت من ابوابھاs.th. in the right way, knock on the right door; يؤتى من قبلyu’ta min qibali is undermined, weakened, ruined by III to offer furnish, give, afford ( بto s.o. s.th.), provide, supply ( بs.o. with); to be propitious, be favorable ( هfor s.o.), favor ( هs.o.); to turn out well (. for s.o.), be in favor ( هof); to suit, befit, become ( هs.o.), be appropriate ( هfor s.o.); to agree ( هwith s.o.; food) │( اتاه كل شيءkullu šai’in) everything was in his favor, turned out well for him, came his way IV to bring (ھـ s.o. s.th.); to give ( ھـs.o. s.th.); to grant (ھـ هto s.o. s.th.), bestow ( ھـupon s.o. s.th.) │ ( آتى الزكاةzakāta) to give alms V to originate, stem, derive, spring, arise, result ( عنfrom); to end ( عنwith), result (عن in); to get ( الىto), arrive ( الىat); to be easy to do, be feasible without difficulty, be attainable, go well, progress; to go about s.th. ( )فىgently, cautiously X to ask to come, induce to come ( هs.o.) مأتىma’tan pl. مآتma’ātin place where s.th. comes from; place at which one arrives; access; pl. مآتplace of origin; origin, source, provenance; place where one has been or to which one has come; place where s.th. starts, where s.th. ends آتātin coming, next; following │ ( األسبوع اآلتيusbū‘) the coming week, next week; كاآلتيas follows مواتmu’ātin, muwātin favorable, propitious, opportune, convenient, suitable اثaṯṯa u I a ( اثاثةaṯāṯa) to be luxuriant, grow profusely (hair, plants) II to fix up, prepare ( ھـs.th.); to furnish ( ھـan apartment) V to be or become rich, wealthy, to prosper; to be furnished اثاثaṯāṯ furniture, furnishings (of an apartment, of a room) تأثيثta’ṯīṯ furnishing اثaṯṯ, اثاثaṯīṯ abundant, luxuriant, profusely growing (hair, plants) اثرaṯara u i (aṯr, اثارةaṯāra) to transmit, pass along, report, relate ( ھـs.th., عنfrom, or based on the authority of, s.o.) II to affect,
influence ( فيor علىs.o., s.th.), act ( فيor علىupon), produce an effect, make an impression, have influence ( فيor علىon); to induce (phys.) IV to prefer ( ھـ علىs.th. to), like ( ھـs.th.) more ( علىthan); to have a predilection, a liking ( ھـfor), like ( ھـs.th.), be fond ( ھـof); to choose, deem wise or advisable ( انto do s.th.); to adore ( ه،ھـ s.o., s.th.) │( آثر نفسه بالخيرnafsahū bi-lkair) to wish o.s. well, hope for the best for o.s. V to be impressed, be influenced; to let o.s. be impressed, be impressible; to be moved, be touched ( بor لby, also ;)من to be excited, be stimulated; to be affected ( بby, said of materials, e.g., iron by acid); to be induced (phys.); to follow in s.o.’s ()ه tracks, follow s.o.’s example, emulate (ه s.o.); to pursue, follow up ( ھـa question, a problem); to perceive, feel ( ھـs.th.) X to claim a monopoly; to possess alone, with the exclusion of others, monopolize (ب s.th.); to appropriate ( بs.th.), take exclusive possession ( بof); to preoccupy ( ھـs.th.), engross ( ھـthe attention) │استأثر ﷲ بهthe Lord has taken him unto Himself اثرaṯar pl. آثارāṯār track, trace, vestige; sign, mark; touch; impression, effect, action, influence ( فيon); tradition (relating the deeds and utterances of Mohammed and his Companions); work (of art, esp. of literature); ancient monument; آثارantiquities; remnants, vestiges; (religious) relics │‘ علم اآلثارilm al-a. archeology; دار اآلثارmuseum of antiquities; ( ال اثر لهaṯara) ineffective, ineffectnal; ( بأثر رجعيraj‘ī) with retroactive force (jur.); اصبح اثرا بعد عين aṣbaḥa aṯaran ba‘da ‘ainin to be destroyed, be wiped out, leave nothing but memory behind; ( اعاده اثرا بعد عينa‘adahū) to destroy s.th. completely ; في اثره،على اثره (also fī iṯrihī) on his (its) track, at his heels, after him; immediately afterwards, presently, thereupon; ;'11 j. immediately afterwards, presently اثرiṯra (prep.) immediately after, right after اثريaṯarī archeologic(a1); archeologist (also آثاريāṯārī); old, ancient, antique │ عالم اثريarcheologist; ( لغة اثريةluga) dead language اثرaṯir egoistic, selfish
اثرةaṯara selfishness, egoism اثيرaṯīr favored, preferred ( عندby s.o.), in favor ( عندwith s.o.); select, exquisite, noble; see also alphabetically اثارةaṯāra remainder, remnant; faint trace, vestige مأثرةma’ṯara, ma’ṯura pl. مآثرma’āṯir exploit, feat, glorious deed
اثيلatīl and مؤثلmu’attal deep-rooted; of noble origin, highborn اثمatima a (itm, atam, مأثمma’tam) to sin, err, slip V to eschew sin, shun evil; to restrain o.s. hold back اثمitm pl. آثامātām sin, offense, misdeed, crime
مأثمma’tam pl. مآثمsin, offense, misdeed, crime
تأثيرta’ṯīr action, effect, influence, impression ( على، فيon); effectiveness, efficacy; induction (phys.)
تأثيمsin, offense, misdeed, crime آثمātim pl. اثمةatama and اثيمatīm pl. اثماءatmā’ sinful, criminal, wicked, evil; sinner
تأثيريta’ṯīrī produced by induction, inductive, inductional, induced (phys.) إيثارīṯār preference; altruism; predilection; love, affection
اثمدitmid antimony
تأثرta’aṯṯur being influenced; agitation, emotion, feeling; excitability, sensitivity; (pl. -āt) feeling, sensation, perception │ سريع التأثرeasily impressed, impressible, sensitive
اثيناatīnā Athens اثيوبياatyūbiyā Ethiopia
تأثريta’aṯṯurī: المذھب التأثري (madhab)the impressionistic movement
اجajja u i ( اجيجajīj) to burn, blaze, flame (fire) II to light, kindle, start ( ھـa fire) V = I
اثيرatīr ether
اثيوبيatyūbī Ethiopian; (pl.-ūn) an Ethiopian │ البالد االثيوبيةEthiopia
تأثريةta’atturīya impressionism
ماء اجاجmā’ ujāj bitter, salty water
استئثارisti’tār arrogation of a monopoly; monopolization; presumption, presumptuousness; exclusive power مأثورma’tūr transmitted, handed down │ (قول مأثورqaul) and ( كلمة مأثورةkalima) proverb مؤثرmu’attir affecting, acting upon; effective; impressive; moving, touching, pathetic; (pl. -āt) influencing factor, influence 2
أثيرlook up alphabetically
أثفيةutfīya pl. أثافatāfin trivet, tripod (in &ncient times: &ny one of the three stones supporting a cooking pot near the fire) │ ثالثة األثافيthat which rounds out a number, caps s.th., puts the lid on s.th., the crowning touch اثلatala i to consolidate, strengthen II to become rich V to be consolidated, be strengthened; to become rich اثلatl pl. اثولutūl (coll.; n. un. pl. atalat) tamarisk (bot.)
اجاجajjāj burning, blazing, hot متأججmuta’ajjij burning, blazing, flaming اجبيةajabīya horologium (Copt.-Chr.) 2
أجرajara u (ajr) to reward, recompense, remunerate ( ھـs.o.) II to let for rent, let out, hire out, rent, lease ( ھـs.th.); (with nafsahū) to hire s.o. out IV to let for rent, let out, hire out, rent, lease ( ھـs.th.); to rent, hire, lease, hold under a lease (ھـ s.th.), take a lease, ( ھـon); to hire, engage, take on ( هs.o.), engage the services ( هof s.o.) X to rent, hire, lease, hold under a lease (ھـ.th.), take a lease ( ھـon); to charter ( ھـa vessel); to hire, engage, take on (ه s.o.), engage the service ( هof s.o.) اجرajr pl. اجورujūr wages, pay, honorarium, recompense, emolument, remuneration; price, rate, fee │ اجور السفر u. as-safar fares اجرةujra hire, rent, rental; price, rate, fee; fixed rate, (official) charge; postage │ اجرة البريدpostage; اجرة النقلu. an-naql
آجلājil delayed, protracted; deferred; later, future (as opposed to عاجل(│ عاجال او ’آجالājilan au ājilan, في عاجله او آجلهsooner or later, now or later on; في العاجل واآلجل now and in the future اآلجلةal-ājila the life to come, the hereafter مؤجلmu’ajjal delayed, late, postponed, deferred; fixed in time, deadlined
transport charges, freight(age), carriage, cartage اجيرajīr pl. اجراءujarā’ hireling; workman, laborer, day laborer; employee اجيرةajīra working woman, factory girl, female laborer; woman employee تأجيرta’jīr letting, leasing, hiring out, letting on lease; lease│ مشروع التأجير ( واإلعارةi‘āra) Lend-Lease Act ايجارījār pl. -āt rent; letting, leasing, hiring out, letting on lease│ لإليجارfor rent, to let اجارةijāra pl. -āt rent; letting, leasing, hiring out, letting on lease استئجارisti’jār rent, lease, tenure مأجورma’jūr paid, salaried, on the payroll, gainfully employed; employee; mercenary, venal, hired, bribed مؤجرmu’ajjir pl. -ūn landlord, lessor مستأجرmusta’jir leaseholder, lessee, tenant; employer 5 2
آجرājurr (n. un. )ةbaked brick
اجزاجيsee جزء اجزاخانةsee جزء اجاصijjāṣ pear اجلajala a (ajal) to hesitate, tarry, linger II to delay, postpone, put off, defer, adjourn (ھـ الىs.th. till) V to be postponed, be deferred, be adjourned ( مؤجرtill, to) X to request postponement ( ھـof s.th.); to seek to delay ( ھـs.th.) اجلajal yes, indeed! certainly! by all means! ألجلli-ajli or من اجلmin ajli because of, on account of, for the sake of; for │ ألجل أنin order that, that, so that; مــن أجــل ھــذا therefore, for that reason, on this account اجلajal pl. آجالājāl appointed time, date, deadline; instant of death; respite, delay│ باألجلon credit (com.); قصير األجل short-term, short-time; short-lived: إلى أجل ( غير مسمىgairi musammā) for an indefinite period, sine die, until further notice تأجيلta’jīl delay, postponement, adjournment, deferment, respite; appointment of a time or date
اجمةajama, coll. اجمajam pl. -āt, اجمujum, آجام ājām thicket, jungle, forest: reeds, canebrake اجميةajamiya malaria│ بعوضة األجميةba‘ūḍat al-a. anopheles آجنājin brackish (water) اجندةajanda notebook احaḥḥa u (aḥḥ) to cough احدII to make into one, unite, unify ( ھـs.th.) VIII اتحدsee وحد احدaḥad, f. احدىone: somebody, someone, anybody, anyone (esp. in negative sentences and questions); األحدthe One (God); Sunday│ احدھمaḥaduhum every one of them; يوم األحدyaum al-a. Sunday; أحد السعفa. as-sa‘af Palm Sunday; أحد العنصرة a. al-‘anṣara Whitsunday; آحد األلوفāḥād al-ulūf a few thousand (2-9000; as distinguished from عشرات األلوفand مئات )األلوف احديaḥadī dominical, Sunday (adj.) احديةaḥadīya unity, oneness اآلحدal-āḥād the units (math.) 1
احنaḥina a (aḥan) to bate ( علىs.o.)
احنةiḥna pl. احنiḥan old feud, deep-rooted hatred 2
احينsee اوح
اخsee اخو اختsee اخو اخذaḳaḍa u (aḳḍ) to take ( من ھـs.th. from or out of): to take ( ھـs.th.) along: to get, receive, obtain ( من ھـs.th. from); to take up, seize ( ھـs.th.); to grab ( بs.o., s.th.), take hold of ()ب: to perceive, notice ( هs.o., said of the eye); to gather, understand, infer, deduce ( من ھـs.th. from), read (ھـ s.th.) between the lines ( منof); to grip,
captivate, thrill, spellbind ( بs.o.); to take up, acquire, make one's own ( بs.th., e.g., a method); to keep, adhere ( بto), observe, take over, adopt, embrace, follow, copy, imitate ( بs.th.); to accept ( بs.th.); to take, lead ( الى بs.o. to); to admonish, urge, drive ( ب هs.o. to do s.th.); to enjoin, impose ( ب هon s.o. s.th.); to take away ( ه علىfrom s.o. s.th.), strip, deprive ( ه علىs.o. of), cut off, bar ( ه علىs.o. from); to reproach, hlame ( ه علىs.o. for); to hold against s.o. ( )علىthat ... ()ان, fix the blame ( علىon s.o., انfor the fact that); to obligate ( ب علىs.o. to); to learn ( علىor عن from s.o., ھـs.th.), acquire knowledge (على or عنfrom s.o.), '( أخذ العلم عنهilm) to study under s.o.; to begin, start ( فيor بwith s.th. or s.th., with foll. imperf.: to do s.th.), prepare, set out, be about ( فيor بto do s.th.) │ ( أخذ أبھتهuhbatahū) to make preparations, prepare o.s., get ready; أخذ ( مأخذ فالنma’ḳad) to adopt the same course as s.o. else, follow s.o.’s example; أخذ منه مأخذاto seize s.o., take possession of s.o. (a sensation, or the like); أخذ مجراه (majrāhu) to take its course; أخذ مجلسه (majlisahū) to take one's seat, sit down; ( أخذ خذرهḥidrahū) to be on one's guard; ( أخذه بالحسنىḥusnā) to be friendly, be nice to s.o.; ( أخذ بخاطرهbi-ḳāṯirihī) to show o.s. complaisant toward s.o., try to please s.o.; ( أخذ بذنبهbi-danbihi) to punish s.o. for his offense; ( أخذ رأيهra'yahū) to ask s.o.’s opinion, consult s.o.; ( أخذ الرأي عليهuḳida r-ra'yu) the matter was put to a vote; أخذ ( بأسبابbi-asbābi) to embrace, adopt s.th., e.g., ( أخذ بأسباب الحضارة األروبيةḥaḍāra) to adopt European culture; ( أخذ بالشدةšidda) to deal with s.o. severely, give s.o. a rough time; أخذ عليه طريقهto obstruct s.o.’s way, hinder s.o. from moving on; أخذ على عاتقهto shoulder s.th., take s.th. upon o.s.; أخذ العدة ‘( لudda) to prepare, set out, get ready to do s.th.; ‘( أخذ عليه عھداahdan) to put s.o. under an obligation, impose a commitment on s.o.; أخذ على )حين( غرة uḳida ‘alā (ḥīni) girratin to be taken by surprise, be caught unawares; أخذ بالمقابلة (muqābala) to repay like for like; شيء يأخذ القلوبs.th. which captivates the heart, a fascinating, thrilling thing; أخذنا المطر (maṯarū) we got caught in the rain; أخذ ( بناصرهbi-nāṣirihi) to help s.o., stand by
s.o., take care of s.o., look after s.o.; أخذ ( نفسهnafasahū) to draw breath; أخذ عليه أنفاسهto take s.o.’s breath away; أخذ النوم (naum) sleep overwhelmed him; أخذ بيده (bi-yadihī) to help s.o., stand by s.o. II to lay under a spell, enchant, bewitch ( هs.o.) III to censure, blame ( على ه، بs.o. for s.th.); to punish ( على ه، بs.o. for); to hold s.th. ( )علىagainst s.o. ()ه, resent ( علىs.th. ه, in s.o.)│ ال تؤاخذنيlā tu’āḳidnī pardon me! forgive me! no offense, I hope! VIII اتخذittaḳada to take ( هs.th.); to take on, assume ( ھـs.th.); to take up, occupy (ھـ s.th.); to pass, adopt ( ھـe.g., a resolution); to take, single out, have in mind ( ه ه،ھـ ھـ s.o. or s.th. as); to make use ( ھـof s.th.), use ( ھـs.th.); to imitate, affect ( ھـe.g., s.o.’s manner of speaking); to make (من ھـ s.th. out of s.o. or s.th.)│ ( اتخذ شكالšaklan) to take on a form or shape; اتخذ موقفا (mauqifan) to take an attitude, assume a position; اتخذ التدابير االزمةto take the necessary measures; ( اتخذ قراراqarāran) to pass or adopt a resolution; اتخذ المواقع الجديدة to take up new positions (troops) أخذaḳd acceptance, reception; seizure; taking out, taking away, removal, etc.│ أخذ الرأيa. ar-ra'y voting, vote; ( أخذ وردwaradd) discussion, debate, dispute, argument; ( شيء ال يقبل أخذا وال رداyaqbalu) an indisputable matter; أخذ وعطاء (wa-‘aṯā’) give-and-take; traffic, trade; dealings, relations (esp. business, commercial); discussion, debate; fight, battle أخذةuḳda spell, charm أخيذaḳīd prisoner of war أخيذةaḳīda booty, spoils أخاذaḳḳād captivating, fascinating, thrilling مأخذma’ḳad pl. مآخذma’āḳid2 place from which one takes s.th., source; O wall socket, outlet (el.); adoption, borrowing, loan; manner of acting, mode of procedure, approach; pl. مآخذsource references, bibliography (in booke); reprehensible points, faults, flaws, defects, shortcomings│ المأخذ األقربthe simplest, easiest approach; قريب المأخذeasy to handle or to use; see wao aḳada (middle of paragraph)
مؤاخذةmu’āḳada objection, exception; censure, blame│ ( !ال مؤاخذةmu’āḳadata) pardon me! no offense, I hope! أخذma’ḳūd taken, seized; taken by surprise, caught, trapped; surprised; taken ( بwith), fascinated ( بby); مأخوذ بهin force, valid مأخوذاتma’ḳūdāt receipts, takings, returns (com.) اخرII to delay, put off, defer, postpone, adjourn ( ھـs.th.); to hinder, impede, obstruct, hold up ( هs.o., ھـs.th.), slow down, retard ( ھـs.th.); to draw out, delay ( عنs.th. beyond its appointed time); to put back ( ه, ھـs.o., s.th.), shelve ( ھـs.th.); to set back ( ھـa watch, a clock); to suspend, discharge, dismiss, remove ( هs.o. from an office) V to be late; to be delayed, fall or lag behind ()عن, tarry, linger, hesitate; to default ( عنon), be behindhand, be in arrears ( عنwith), be behind ( عنin); to hesitate ( عنwith); to be suspended (from service), be discharged, be dismissed│ لم يتأخر بعد ذلك من انafter that, he did not hesitate long before he …, presently, he ... آخرāḳir pl. -ūn, -āt, اواخرawaḳir2 last, ultimate, utmost, extreme; end, close, conclusion; foot, bottom (of a paper); اآلخرand اآلخرةthe hereafter│ الدار اآلخرة the abode in the hereafter, the everlasting abode; الى آخرهilā ākīirihī and so forth, et cetera; آخر األمرāḳir l-amri eventually, finally, in the end, after all; آخر الدھرāḳir d-dahri forever; آخر الزمانa. az-zamān time at which the Day of Judgment is to be expected, the end of the world; عن آخره to the last, down to the grass roots, entirely, completely, e.g., دمر عن آخره (dummira) to be completely destroyed, be wiped off the map; من آخرهfrom behind, from the rear; ما له آخرendless, infinite; في آخر اآلخرafter all, last of all; اواخر الشھرa. aš-šahr the end of the month, the last ten days of the month; اخيرا وليس آخراlast but not least اآلخرةal-āḳira the hereafter آخرāḳar 2, f. اخرىuḳrā, pl. comm. اخر uḳar 2 (and آخرونāḳarūn or اخريات respectively) another, one more, اآلخرthe other│ ( مرة اخرىmarratan) once more; ھي ھو اآلخر، األخرىhe also, she also, he in
turn, she in turn, انا اآلخرI also; ان كانت ( األخرىin kānat) otherwise; من آن الى آخر from time to time; ( من سنة الى اخرىsana) from year to year; ( بين فترة واخرىfatra) once in a while, from time to time; ( اخرى―آونةawinatan) sometimes -sometimes, at times -- at times األخرىal-uḳrā the hereafter اخرويuḳrawī of or relating to the life to come or the hereafter اخيرaḳīr last; latest; rearmost; the second of two; اخيراeventually, finally, in the end, after all, at last; recently, the other day; األول―االخيرthe former—the latter│ اخيرا وليس آخراlast but not least مئخارmi’ḳār palm which retains its fruit into the winter تأخيرta’ḳīr delay, deferment, postponement; obstruction, retardation; putting back, temporary shelving تأخر.f ta’aḳḳar delay, lag, retardation; hesitation, tarrying, lingering; slowness, tardiness; backwardness, underdevelopment (of a country) مؤخرmu’aḳḳar rear part, tail, end; atern (of a ship); remainder, balance (of a sum, to be paid later); مؤخراmu’aḳḳaran recently, lately, the other day; at last, finally, eventually مؤخرةmu’aḳḳara rear, rear guard (of an army); rear positions or lines (mil.); stern (of a ship) متأخرmuta’aḳḳir delayed, belated, late; occurring later ( عنthan); behind, behindhand in arrears; backward, underdeveloped; lagging, staying behind; defaulter; المتأخرونthe later, or modern, authors, writers, or the like (as opposed to المتقدمون(؛ المتأخراتarrears, balance of a سum remaining due after previous payment│ ( البلدان المتأخرةbuldān) the underdeveloped countries اخطبوطuḳṯubūṯ octopus اخوIII to fraternize, associate as brothers (ه with s.o.) V to act or show o.s. as a brother or friend VI to fraternize, associate as brothers
اخaḳ pl. اخوiḳwa, اخوانiḳwān brother; fellow man, neighbor; friend; pl. اخوان specif., brethren or members of an order; اإلخوانreligious brotherhood of the Wahabi sect, militant in character, established by Ibn Sa‘ūd in 1910│ يا أخي my dear friend! اخو ثقةaḳū tiqa trustworthy, reliable; اخ شقيقbrother through both father and mother, brothergerman
األدبand عديم األدبill-mannered, ill-bred, impolite, uncivil; ‘( األدب العاميāmmī) popular literature; رجال األدبliterati, men of letters; كلية اآلدابkullīyat al-ā. (= faculté des lettres) college of arts; آدابrules, rules of conduct, e.g., آداب السلوكrules of decorum, etiquette; اآلدابdecency, morals ادبيadabī moral, ethic(al); literary│ واجب ادبيmoral obligation; ادبيا وماديا adabiyan wa-māddīyan morally and physically; ( الفلسفة األدبيةfalsafa) ethics, moral science
اختuḳt pl. اخواتaḳawāt sister; (gram.) cognate; counterpart│ اختھاthe other (of two), its mate, its counterpart (after a fem. noun)
ادبياتadabīyāt lliterature, belles-lettres ادبخانةadabḳāna pl. -āt toilet, water closet
خويḳuwaiy little brother اخويaḳawi brotherly, fraternal
اديبadīb pl. ادباءudabā’ cultured, refined, educated; well.bred, wellmannered, civil, urbane; a. man of culture and refined tastes; man of letters, writer, author
اخويةaḳawīya brotherhood (as a religious association) اخاءiḳā’, اخوةuḳūwa brotherhood, brotherliness, fraternity
اديبةadība authoress, writer
اخاوةiḳāwa fraternization, fraternity, brotherliness
مأدبةma’duba pl. مآدبma’ādib banquet, formal dinner
تآخta’āḳin fraternization
تأديبta’dīb education; discipline; punishment, chastisement; disciplinary punishment│ مجلس التأديبmajlis at-t. disciplinary board
اخورaḳūr barn, stable ادadda u i to befall, afflict ( هa.o.) امر ادamr idd a terrible, evil, horrible thing ادبaduba u (adab) to be well-bred, wellmannered, cultured, urbane, have refined tastes; ― adaba i (adb) to invite (to a party or banquet, هs.o.), entertain ( هs.o.)│ ( ادب مأدبةma'duba) to arrange a banquet, give a formal dinner II to refine, educate (ه s.o.); to discipline, punish, ehastise ( هs.o.) IV to invite as a guest ( هs.o.) V to receive a fine education; to be well-bred, welleducated, cultured, have refined tastes; to show o.s. polite, courteous, civil, urbane; to educate o.s., refine one’s tastes ( بby, through); to let o.s. be guided ( بby)│ ( تأدب بأدبهbi-adabihi) to follow s.o.’s moral example ادبadab pl. آدابādab culture, refinement; good breeding, good manners, social graces, decorum, decency, propriety, seemliness; humanity, humaneness; the humanities; belleslettres│ بيت األدبtoilet, water closet; قليل
تأديبيta'dībī disciplinary; punitive, retaliatory│ (قضية تأديبيةqaḍīya) disciplinary action تأدبta’addub good breeding, good manners, civility, politeness, courteousness, tact آدبādib host مؤدبmu’addib pl. -ūn educator; teacher in a Koranic school (Tun.); ― mu'addab well-bred, well-mannered, civil, urbane ادرةudra scrotal hernia ادرنةadirna2 Edirne, Adrianople (city in NW Turkey) ( االدياتيكFr. adriatique) al-adriyātīk and بحر االدياتيكbaḥr al-a. the Adriatic Sea 1
ادمadama i (adm) to take some additional food ( ھـwith the bread), enrich ( ھـthe bread) with some extra food or condiment
ادامidām anything eaten with bread; shortening, fatty ingredient 2
duty), realization, effectuation, accomplishment (of a task); rendition, reading (e.g., of a musical composition); fulfillment; payment│ حسن األداءḥusn al-a. good rendition (of a work of art, of a musical composition)
ادمadam, adama skin اديمadīm skin; surface; tanned skin, leather│ اديم األرضa. al-arḍ the surface of the earth
تأديةta’diya rendering (of a service); pursuit, performance, execution, discharge (of a duty), realization effectuation; accomplishment (of a task); fulfillment; payment
ادامaddām tanner 3
آدمādam2 Adam│ ابن آدمhuman being آدميādamī human; humane; poor, inferior, meager; (pl. -ūn, ( اوادمawadim2) human being آدميةādamīya humaneness, humanity; humanism
اداةadāh pl. ادواتadawāt tool; instrument; utensil, implement, device, appliance; apparatus; (gram.) particle│ اداة الحكمa. alḥukm machinery of government; اداة التعريفdefinite article (gram.); اداة التنفيذية (tanfīdīya) executive agency; pl. materials, equipment, gear, ( ادوات حربيةḥarbīya) war material; ( ادواوت احطياطيةiḥtiyāṯīya) standby equipment (techn.); ادوات منزلية (manzilīya) household utensils, household effects
مؤدىmu’addan assignment, task, function; sense, meaning, signification, import, underlying idea اذid 1. (introducing a verbal clause) (and) then; إذ ذاكid dāka (also written )إذاكthen, at that time, at the same time, in doing so; 2. (conj.; temp. and caus.) as, when; since, as, the more so as, because; اذ انid anna since, as, in view of the fact that; for, because 1
١ اذا. (introducing a nominal clause the subject of which may he expressed by ب with foll. genit.) and then, and all of a sudden; (with noun in nominative case or with )بthere was … and all of a sudden there was …; 2. (conj.) when; if, whenever; whether, if (introducing indirect questions); اذا ماwhen, whenever; ا ( ال اذاillā) unless if not; except when
)اذا )اذنidan then, therefore, in that case, hence, consequently
األدونal-adōn (Hebr.) the Lord; Mr. ... (Isr.) ادىII to convey, take, bring, lead, steer, channel ( ه ب، ھـs.o., s.th., الىto), see that s.o. or s.th. ( ه، ھـor )بgets to ( ;)الىto bring about, cause, effect, produce (الى s.th.); to lead, contribute, be conducive ( الىto a result); to amount, come practically ( الىto); to tend ( الىto), aim (الى at); to carry out, execute, discharge (ھـ s.th.); to perform ( ھـa ritual, etc.); to do ( واجبهwājibahū one’s duty); to fulfill (وظيفة a function, رسالةa mission); to accomplish ( مأموريةa task); to take ( يميناan oath; امتحانا an examination); to render ( خدمةḳidmatan a service, لor الىto s.o.; ھـe.g., a meaning, a musical composition, etc.)│ادى (salām) to greet, salute V to lead, be conducive, contribute ( الىto results); to be carried out, be performed, be accomplished; to 10 arrive ( إلىat), be lead ( إلىto) X to demand, claim ( ھـ هfrom s.o. s.th.) اداءadā’ pl. -āt (as verbal noun of II) rendering (of a service); pursuit, performance, execution, discharge (of a
آذارādār2 March (month; Syr., Leb., Jord., Ir.) 1
اذنadina a to listen ( إلىto s.o..); to allow, permit ( في لs.o. s.th.); to hear, learn ( بof s.th.), be informed ( بabout) II to call (ب to), esp. to call to prayer ( ;)بالصالةto crow (rooster) IV to announce, make known (ب s.th., ب هto s.o. s.th.), inform, notify (ه s.o.); to call to prayer; to call upon s.o. ()ه, urge, admonish, exhort ( هs.o..) to do s.th. ( ;)بto herald ( بor ھـs.th.); to foreshadow ( بs.th.); to be on the verge ( انof doing s.th..)│ ( )آذن بالسقوط )بالزوالzawāl) to show signs of the imminent downfall (end); آذن ( الليل بانتصافlailu bi-ntiṣāf) it was close to midnight V to herald, announce ( بs.th.) X to ask permission ( فيto do s.th., rarely ;)بto ask permission to enter ( علىs.o.'s house), have o.s. announced ( علىto s.o.);
to take leave ( منof s.o.), say good-by (من to) اذنidn permission, authorization; باذن ﷲ if God choose, God willing; (pl. اذون udūn, اذوناتudūnāt) (postal) order│ اذن البريدpl. اذونات البريدpostal money order; اذن البوستهdo.
آرامىārāmī Aramaean; Aramaic اربariba a (arab) to be skillful, proficient (ب in s.th.); -- araba i to tighten ( ھـa knot) III to try to outwit ( هs.o.) اربarab pl. آرابārāb wish ( فيfor), desire, need ( فيof s.th.); purpose. aim, goal, end
اذنudun, udn pl. آذانādan ear; handle (of a cup)│ ( التھاب االذن الوسطىwusṯā) middle-ear infection, otitis media (med.)
اربirb pl. آرابārāb limb│مزقه اربا اربا (mazzaqahū) to tear s.th. to pieces or to shreds
اذانadān call to prayer
اربةirba skill, resourcefulness, cleverness, smartness
اذنيةudaina little ear; ear lobe
اربةurba pl. اربurab knot, bow
مأذنةma’dana, مئذنةmidana pl. مآذن ma’ādin2 minaret
اريبarīb skillful, resourceful, clever, intelligent
ايذانidān declaration, proclamation, announcement ( بof s.th..)│ ايذنا بانتھاء الحديثindicating that the conversation is (was) ended مأذونma’dūun authorized; slave with limited legal rights (Isl. Law); = مأذون ( شرعيšar‘ī) official authorized by the cadi to perform civil marriages (Isl. Law) مأذونيةma’dūnīya leave, furlough (mil. Syr.); license, franchise (Syr.) مؤذنmu’addin muezzin, announcer of the hour of prayer 2
اذنidan see اذا اذىadiya a to suffer damage, be harmed IV to hs.rm, hurt, wrong ( هs.o.); to molest, annoy, irritate, trouble ( هs.o.)│ ال يؤذيlā yu’dī innocuous, harmless, inoffensive V to suffer damage, be wronged; to feel offended, be hurt اذىadan, اذاةadāh, اذيةadīya damage, harm; injury; trouble, annoyance, grievance, wrong, offense, insult اذايةidāya damage, harm, harmfulness, noxiousness ايذاءīdā’ harm, damage, prejudice; offense,. hurt; grievance, nuisance مؤذmu’din hurtful, harmful, injurious, detrimental, prejudicial; annoying, irksome, troublesome; painful, hurting, offensive, insulting اراتيقيarātīqī and اراتيكيpl. اراتقةarātiqa a heretic (Chr.)
مأربma’rab pl. مآربma’ārib2 wish, desire; object of desire, purpose, aim, goal, end اربيلarbīl Erbil (the ancient Arbela, city in N Iraq) ارتوازيartuwaāzī artesian (well) 1
ارثII to sow dissension ( بينbetween, among)
ارثirt inheritance, heritage; estate (of inheritance)
ارثوذكسيurtūduksī orthodox; االرثوذكسيةthe Orthodox Church الروم االرثوذكسيar=rūm al-urtūduksī the Greek Orthodox Church ارجarija a (araj, اريجarīj) to be fragrant V do. ارجaraj fragrance, sweet smell ارجarij fragrant, sweet-smelling اريجarīj fragrance, sweet smell ارجحII ta’arjaḥa to rock, swing متأرجحmuta'arjiḥ fluctuating االرجنتينal-arjantīn Argentina ارجوانurjuwān purple ارجوانurjuwānī purple(-colored) ارجوزpopular spelling (eg.) of ’ قره جوزaragōz (q.v.); Punch (in a Punch and Judy show) ارخII to date ( ھـa letter, and the like, بwith a date); to write the history of s.th. ()ھـ
تاريخta'rīḳ dating (of a letter, etc.); ta'rīḳ pl. تواريخtawārīḳ2 date; time; history; chronicle, annals│ تاريخ الحياةt. al-ḥayāh biography; curriculum vitae; تاريخ عام (‘āmm) world history; علماء التاريخthe historians تاريخيtārīḳī historic(al) مؤرخmu'arriḳ pl. -ūn historiographer, historian, chronicler, annalist; -- mu’arraḳ dated ارخبيلarḳabīl archipelago ( ارخنάρχων) pl. اراخنةarāḳina archon, pl. notables (Chr.-Copt.) اردبirdabb (now usually pronounced ardabb)pl. ارادبarādib2 ardeb, a dry measure (Eg.; = 1981) اردبةirdabba cesspool االردنal-urdunn Jordan (river and country) اردنيurdunni Jordanian│ المملكة االردنية الھاشميةal-mamlaka al-u. al-hāšimīya the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (official designation)
the ground, ground (adj.); earthly; underground, subterranean ارضي شوكيarḍī šaukī artichoke ارضaraḍ (coll.; n. un. )ةtermite; woodworm ارضيةarḍīya pl. -āt floor; ground (also, e.g., of a printed fabric, of a painting); ground floor, first floor (tun.); storage, warehouse charges ارضرومarḍurum2 Erzurum (city in NE Turkey) ( ارطةalso )اورطةurṯa pl. ارطuraṯ ()اورط battalion (formerly, Eg.; mil.) ارطقةarṯaqa pl. -āt heresy (Chr.) تاريعsee ريع ارغنurgun pl. اراغنaragin2 organ (mus. instr.) ارولurgūl, argūl a wind instrument (related to the clarinet, consisting of two pipes of unequal length) ارقariqa a to find no sleep II to make sleepless ( هs.o.), prevent s.o. ( )هfrom sleeping ارقaraq sleeplessness, insomnia
( اردوازFr. ardoise) arduwāz slate 1
ارزarz (n. un. )ةcedar
اريكةarika pl. ارائكarā’ik2 couch, sofa; throne
ارزaruzz rice
اركيلةargīla pl. اراكيلarāgīl2 (syr.) water pipe, narghile
ارسarasa i (ars) to till the land اريسirrīs and arīs peasant, farmer
ارلنديirlandī Irish 1
ارستقراطيaristuqrāṯī aristocratic; ristocrat
ارمurram molar teeth│ حرق االرم (ḥarraqa) to gnash one's teeth (in anger)
ارستقراطيةaristuqrāṯīya aristocracy ارسطوarisṯū Aristotle ارشarš indemnity, amercement, fine, penalty; blood money (for the shedding of blood; Isl. Law) ( ارشي ابسقوبسGr. ὰρχιεπίσϰοπος) archbishop ( ارشيدوقFr. archiduc) archduke, ارشيدوقة archduchess ارضarḍ f., pl. اراضarāḍīn, اراضونarāḍūn earth; land, country, region, area; terrain, ground, soil│ ( االرض السفلىsuflā) the nether world; ( االرض المقدسةmuqaddasa) the Holy Land, Palestine ارضيarḍī terrestrial, of the earth; soil-, land- (in compounds); situated on or near
ارمarama i to bite
ارومةarūma, urūma root, origin; stump of a tree مئرمmi'ram root (of a tooth) 2
آرامārām (= )ارامpl. of رئمri'm) white antelopes
االرمنal-arman the Armenians ارمنيarmanī Armenian (adj. and n.) ارمينياarmēniyā Armenia االرناوطal-arnāwuṯ the Albanians ارناوطيarnāwuṯī Albanian ارنبarnab f., pl. ارانبarānib2 hare; rabbit│ ( ارنب ھنديhindī) guinea pig
ارنبةarnaba female hare, doe│ ارنبة االنف a. al-anf tip of the nose; nose, muzzle (of an animal)
ازقazaqa i (azq) to be narrow V do. مأزقma'ziq pl. مآزقma’āziq2 narrow passageway, narrow pass, strait, bottleneck; predicament, fix, dilemma, critical situation, also ( مأزق حرجḥarij)
( ارنيكTurk. örnek) urnīk pl. ارانيكarānīk2 pattern, model; form, blank اروباurubbā Europe اروبيurubbī European (adj. and n.) 1
ارىary honey
آرىārī Aryan
ازلazl pl. آزالāzāl eternity (without beginning), sempiternity ازليazali eternal, sempiternal ازليةazalīya sempiternity, eternity ازمV to be or become critical, come to a head (situation, relations)
آريةārīya Aryanism اريحاarīḥā Jericho
ازمةazma pl. azamāt emergency; crisis│ ( ازمة وزاريةwizāriya) cabinet crisis
ازazza u i ( ازيزaziz) to simmer; to hum, buzz; to whiz, hiss; to fizzle; to wheeze
تأزمta'azzum: تأزم الحالةt. al-hāla critical development, aggravation of the situation
ازيزazīz hum(ming), buzz(ing); whizzing, whizz, whistle (e.g., of bullets) 1
ازبazaba i (azb) to flow, run (water) 2
مئزابmi'zāb pl. مآزيبma'āzīb and ميزاب mīzāb pl. ميازيبmayāzīb2 drain; gutter, eaves trough 2
ازبizb dumpy, pudgy, stocky; small man
مأزومma'zūm victim of a crisis ازميرizmīr2 Izmir (formerly Smyrna, sea-port in W Turkey) ازميلizmīl pl. ازاميلazāmīl 2 chisel ( ازوتEngl.) azōt azote, nitrogen ازوتيazōtī nitrogenous
االزبكal-uzbak the Uzbeks ازرazara i (azr) to surround ( ھـs.th.) II to clothe ( هs.o. with an ازارizār q.v.); to cover, wrap up ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to strengthen, brace ( هs.o., ھـs.th.) III to help ( هs.o.); to support, back up, strengthen (ه s.o.) V and VIII to put on an izār (see below), wrap s.o. in an izār VI to help each other; to rally, unite, join forces ازرazr strength│ شد ازرهšadda azrahū or شد من ( ازرهmin azrihi) to help, support, encourage s.o., back s.o. up; šadda azruhū to be energetic, vigorous, lusty, courageous ازارizār m. and f., pl. ازرuzur loincloth; wrap, shawl; wrapper, covering, cover مئزرmi’zar pl. مآزرma’āzīr2 apron; wrapper, covering, cover مؤازرةmu’āzara support, aid, assistance, backing تآزرta’āzur mutual assistance ازفazila a (awaf, ازوفuzūf) to come, approach, draw near (a time)
ازىIII to be opposite s.th. ()ه, face ( هs.o., ھـ s.th.) ازاءizā’a (prep.) opposite, face to face with, facing; in front of; in the face of (e.g., of a situation); as compared with; بازاءbi-izā’i opposite, face to face with, facing; in front of; ‘ على ازاءalā izā’i in the face of (e.g., of a situation) 1
آسās myrtle
آسpl. -āt ace (playing card)
آسII to found, establish, set up ( ھـs.th.), lay the foundation ( ھـfor) V to be founded, be established, he set up اسfoundation, basis; exponent of a power (math.) اسasās pl. اسسusus foundation (also, of a building), fundament, groundwork, ground, basis; keynote. Tonic (mus.)│على ( اساسwith foll. genit.) on the basis of, on the strength of, on account of, according to; ( ال اساس له من الصحةasāsa, ṣiḥḥa) completely unfounded (news, rumor) اساسيasāsī fundamental, basic; elementary; essential; principal, chief,
main│( حجر اسودḥajar) cornerstone, foundation stone اساسياتasāsīyāt fundamentals, principles تأسيسta'sīs founding, foundation, establishment, setting up, institution; grounding, laying of the substructure (arch.); pl. -āt facilities, utilities; institutions تأسيسta'sīsī founding; foundational, fundamental│ ( مجلس تأسيسيmajlis) constituent assembly مؤسسmu'assis founder مؤسسةmu’assasa pl. -āt foundation, establishment; firm (com.); institution; organization االسبانal-asbān, al-isbān the Spaniards اسبانيisbānī Spanish; (pl. -ūn) Spaniard
استانبوليistanbūlī of Istanbul اآلستانةal-āsitāna, االستانةal-astāna, al-istāna Constantinople, Istanbul استبرقistabraq brocade استراتيجيistrātījī strategic استراليusturālī Australian استرالياusturālīyā Australia استرلينيistarlīnī sterling│ جنيه استرلينيpound sterling; منطقة االسترلينيminṯaqat al-i. sterling area استمارةsee امر ( استوبةIt. stoppa) tow, oakum; cotton waste ( استوديوIt.-Engl. studio) istūdiyō pl. استوديوھات istūdiyōhāt studio; atelier استوكھولمistokholm Stockholm ( استونياEngl.) istōniyā Estonia
اسبانخisbānaḳ spinach
استياتيتI istiyātīt steatite, soapstone (min.)
اسبانياisbāniyā Spain
اسوجlook up alphabetically
اسبداجisbidāj and اسبيداجisbīdāj white lead, ceruse
اسدX to display the courage of a lion (على against)
( اسبرتوIt. spirito) isbirto alcohol
اسدasad pl. اسدusud, usd, اسودusūd, آسادāsād lion; Leo (astron.)│ داء االسدleontiasis (med.)
اسبليطةisbalīṯa epaulet استsee 1ست استاتيكيistātīkī static (el.) ( استادFr. stade) istād stadium استاذustād pl. اساتذةasātida master; teacher; professor (academic title); form of address to intellectuals (lawyers, journalists, officials, writers and poets); ledger (com.)│ ( االستاذ األعظمa‘ẓam) Grand Master (of a lodge); االستاذ األكبرtitle of the Rector of Al Azhar University; استاذ كرسي (kursī; Eg.) and ( استاذ بكرسيSyr.) full professor; ( استاذ بال كرسيSyr.) associate professor; ( استاذ متفرغmutafarrig;Eg.) parttime professor (holding an office outside the university); ( استاذ مساعدmusā‘id) assistant professor (Eg.; Syr.); استاذ زائر (Eg.; Syr.) visiting professor; اساتذة في الجدل (jadal) they are masters of disputation استاذيةustādīya mastership; professorship, professorate استانبولistanbūl2 Istanbul, Constantinople
اسرasara i (asr) to bind, fetter, shackle, chain ( هs.o.); to capture, take prisoner (ه s.o.); to captivate, fascinate, hold spellbound ( هs.o.), absorb, arrest ( ھـthe attention) X to surrender, give s.o. up as prisoner اسرasr (leather) strap, thong; capture; captivity│ شدة االسرšiddat al-a. vigor, energy اسرةusra pl. اسرusar, -āt family; dynasty; clan, kinsfolk, relatives; -- asirra see سرير باسرهbi-asrihī entirely, completely, altogether, جاءوا باسرھمall of them came, they came one and all اسارisār (leather) strap, thong; captivity; captivation, enthrallment│ وقع في اسارهto be subjected to s.th., fall into the clutches of s.th.
اسيرasīr pl. اسراءusarā2, اسرىasrā, اسارىasārā prisoner, captive, prisoner of war اسيرةasīra pl. -āt female prisoner, slave girl آسرāsir winning, captivating, fascinating; captor مأسورma’sūr captivated, fascinated, enthralled ( بby) 2
اسرةasirra see سرير
مأسورةlook up alphabetically
اسرائيلisrā’īl2 Israel│ بنو اسرائيلbanū i. the Israelites; دولة اسرائيليةdaulat i. the State of Israel اسرائيليisrā’īlī Israelitish; Israelite; Israeli (adj, and n.); اسرائيلياتJudaica اسرافيلisrāfīl 2 Israfil, the angel who will sound the trumpet on the day of Resurrection اسربusrub lead (metal)
)لالسفunfortunately; مع االسفand بكل اسف bi-kulli asafin do. اسفasifa and اسيفasīf regretful, sorry, sad, grieved, distressed تأسفta'assuf regret آسفāsif regretful, sorry, sad│ تركته غير ( آسفgaira āsifin) I left him without regret, I was only too glad to leave him مأسوف عليهma’sūf ‘alaihi mourned (esp. of a dead person, = the late lamented) مؤسفmu’sif distressing, sad, regrettable متأسفmuta’assif sad, sorry, regretful; !متأسفsorry! اسفاناخisfānāk and اسفانخisfānaḳ spinach│ ( اسفاناخ روميrūmī) garden orach (Atriplex hortensis, bot.) اسفلتasfalt asphalt اسفنجisfanj,isfunj sponge اسفنجيisfanjī spongy; porous
اسطانبولisṯanbūl2 Istanbul, Constantinople
اسفندانisfindān maple (bot.)
اسطبلisṯabl pl. -āt stable, barn
اسفيداجisfīdāj; white lead, ceruse
( اسطبةIt. stoppa) usṯubba tow, oakum
اسفينisfīn pl. اسافينasāfīn2 wedge
اسطرالبasṯurlāb astrolabe
اسقربوطيisqarbūṯī: ( مرض اسقربوطيmaraḍ) scurvy (med.)
اسطقسisṯaqīs pl. -āt element اسطواناتusṯuwāna pl. -āt column (arch.); cylinder (math.; of an engine); phonograph record; -- pl. اساطينasāṯīn2 high-ranking, prominent personalities; stars, celebrities, authorities, masters (e.g., of art: اساطين الفنa. al-fann) اسطوانىusṯuwānī cylindric(al) اسطورةusṯūra pl. اساطيرasāṯīr legend, fable, tale, myth, saga اسطوريusṯūrī fabulous, mythical, legendary 2
اسقفusquf pl. اساقفةasāqifa, اساقفasāqif2 bishop│ رئيس االساقفةarchbishop اسقفيusqufī Episcopal اسقفيةusqufīya episcopate, bishopric اسقمريusqumrī, isqumrī mackerel (zool.) اسقيلisqīl an Oriental variety of sea onion (Scilla) ( اسكتشEngl.) isketš sketch اسكتلنداiskotlandā Scotland
اسطولusṯūl pl. اساطيلasāṯīl fleet; squadron
اسكتلنديiskotlandī Scottish, Scotch
□ اسطىusṯā (colloq. for )استاذpl. اسطوات usṯawāt master; foreman, overseer; also form of address to those in lower callings, e.g., to a cab driver, coachman, etc.
اسكلةiskila pl. اساكلasākil2 seaport, commercial center (in the East)
اسفasifa a (asaf) to regret ( علىor لs.th.), feel sorry ( علىfor), be sad ( علىabout) V do
اسكندرونةiskandarūna2 Iskenderon (formerly Alexandretta, seaport in S Turkey)
اسفasaf grief, sorrow, chagrin, regret│ وا !اسفاهwā asafāh! Oh, what a pity! it's too bad! ويا لالسفwa-yā lal-asafi (or only
االسكندريةal-iskandarīya Alexandria (city in N Egypt)
اسكملةiskamla stool, footstool
اسكندينافياiskandināfīya Scandinavia
اسلII to sharpen, point, taper ( ھـs.th.) اسلasal (coll.) rush (bot.)
أسوارiswār, uswār pl. أساورasāwir2, أساورة asāwira bracelet, bangle
اسلةasaIa pl. -āt thorn, spike, prong; point (also, e.g., of a pen = nib); tip of the tongue
أسوانaswān Aswan (city in S Egypt)
الحروف االسليةal-ḥurūf al-asalīya the letters س، زand ص
اسىsee اسو
اسيلasīl smooth│ ( خد اسيلḳadd) smooth cheek اسالةasāla eliptic, oval form مؤسلmu’assal pointed, tapered ( اسالمبوليvariant of )استانبوليislāmbūlī of Istanbul اسالندهislandā Iceland 1
اسمsee سم
اسوجasūj Sweden اسوجيasūjī Swedish آسياāsiyā Asia│ ( آسيا الصغرىṣugrā) Asia Minor آسيويāsiyawī Asiatic, Asian (adj. and n.) اسيوطasyūt2 Asyūt (city in central Egypt) اشبV to be mixed, heterogeneous, motley (a crowd) اشابةušāba pl. اشائبašā’ib2 mixed, motley crowd
اسمانجونيasmanjūnī sky-blue, azure, cerulean
اشببيليةišbīliya2 Seville (city in SW Spain)
اسمرهasmara Asmara (capital of Eritrea)
اشبينišbīn pl. اشابينsee شبن
اسمنتasmant, ismant cement
اشرašara u (ašr) to sow ( ھـs.th.); -- i to file, sharpen with a file ( ھـs.th.) II to mark, indicate, state, enter, record ( ھـs.th.); to grant a visa; to provide with a visa (على s.th.)
اسمنتيasmantī cement (adj.) اسنasana i u and asina a to become brackish (water) آسنāsin brackish ( اسوand اسى( اساasā u (asw, اساasan) to nurse, treat ( ھـa wound); to make peace (بين between, among); -- اسىasiya ( اسا،اسى asan) to be sad, grieved, distressed II to console, comfort ( هs.o.); to nurse ( هa patient) III to share (one’s worldly possessions, هwith s.o.), be charitable ( هto s.o.); to assist, support ( هs.o.); to console, comfort ( هs.o.); to treat, cure ( ھـs.th., medically) V to be consoled, find solace VI to share the worldly possessions; to assist one another, give mutual assistance اسىasan grief, sorrow, distress اسوةuswa, iswa example, model, pattern│ اسوة بuswatan bi following the model or pattern of; along the lines of; in the same manner as, just as, like مأساةma’sāh pl. مآسma’āsin trogedy, drama تأسيةta’siya consolation, comfort مواساةmuwāsāh (for mu’āsāh) consolation; charity; beneficence
اشرašar liveliness, high spirits, exuberance; wildness; insolence, impertinence اشرašir lively, sprightly, in high spirits, exuberant; wild; insolent, impertinent, arrogant مئشارminšār pl. مواشيرmawāšīr2 saw تأشيرta’šīr issuance of an official endorsement; official endorsement; visa تأشيرةta’šīra pl. -āt visa│ تأشيرة مرورt. murūr or تأشيرة اجتيازtransit visa مؤشرmu’aššir indicator, needle (of a measuring instrument) مؤشرmu’aššar jagged, serrated; marked, designated ( بby, with) اشفىišfā pl. اشافašāfin awl, punch اشنانušnān potash; saltwort (Salsola kali; bot.) اشنةušna moss اشورašūr Assyria اشوريašūrī Assyrian (adj. and n.)
اصيصaṣīṣ pl. اصصuṣūṣ flowerpot
اصوليuṣūlī in accordance with the rules, conforming to prevailing principles; traditional, usual; legist
اصدII to close, shut (a door, etc.) اصرiṣr pl. آصارāṣār covenant, compact, contract; load, encumbrance, burden; sin; pl. آصارbonds, ties
اصيلpl. اصالءuṣalā’2 of pure, noble origin; original, authentic, genuine; pure; proper, actual; firm, solid; sound, reasonable, sensible; of strong, unswerving character; steadfast; deeprooted; native, indigenous│ األصل األصيل the actual reason; اصيل الرأيof sound, unerring judgment
آصرةāṣira pl. اواصرawāṣir2 bond, tie (fig. e.g., اواصر الوالءa. al-walā’i bonds of friendship); obligation, commitment اصطبلiṣṯabl pl. -āt stable, barn اصفھانiṣfahān2 Isfahan (city in W central Iran) اصلaṣula u ( اصالةaṣala) to be or become firmly rooted; to be firmly established; to be of noble origin II to found ( ھـs.th.), give s.th. ( )ھـa firm foundation, establish the foundation or origin of ( )ھـV to be or become firmly rooted, deep-rooted, ingrained; to take root, be or become firmly established; to derive one's origin ( منfrom) X to uproot, root out, extirpate, exterminate, annihilate ( ھـs.th.); to remove ( ھـan organ by a surgical operation)│ (استأصل شأفتهša’fatahū) to eradicate s.th., eliminate s.th. radically اصلpl. اصولroot; trunk (of a tree); origin, source; cause, reason; descent, lineage, stock (esp., one of a noble character); foundation, fundament, basis; the origins! (e.g., of s book); pl. اصولprinciples, fundamentals, rudiments, elements (e.g., of a science); rules; basic rules, principles, axioms; real estate, landed property; assets (fin.); -- اصالaṣlan originally, primarily; (with neg.) by no means, not at all, not in the least│ في األصلoriginally, at first; اصول الفقهu. al-fiqh the 4 foundations of Islamic jurisprudence, i.e., Koran, Sunna, qiyās (analogy) and ijmā‘ (consensus); اصول وخصومassets and liabilities; اصول مضاعفة (muḍā‘afa) double-entry bookkeeping; ( حسب األصولḥasaba) properly, in conformity with regulations اصليoriginal, primary, primal, initial; genuine, authentic, pure; basic, fundamental, principel, chief, main│ الثمن ( األصليtaman) cost price; الجھات األصلية (jihāt) the cardinal points (of the compass); ‘( عدد اصليadad) cardinal number; ‘( عضو اصليuḍw) regular member
اصيلpl. آصالāṣāl, اصائلaṣā’il2 time before sunset, late afternoon اصالةaṣāla firmness, steadfastness, strength of character; nobility of descent, purity of origin; aṣālatan immediately, directly, personally│ اصالة الرأيa. ar-ra’y clarity and firmness of judgment; judiciousness; باالصالة عن نفسه spontaneously, of one's own accord, in one's own name, personally, privately (as opposed to بالنيابة عن غيره(؛ اصال ونيابة aṣālatan wa-niyābatan directly and indirectly تأصيلةta’ṣīla pedigree, genealeogy تأصلta’aṣṣu1 deep-rootedness استئصالisti’ṣāl extirpation, extermination, (radical) elimination; removal by surgery متأصلmuta’aṣṣil deep-rooted, deepseated; chronic (illness) اطيطaṯīṯ the mooning bray of a camel 1
اطرaṯara i u (aṯr) and II to bend, curve (ھـ s.th.) اطارiṯār pl. -āt, اطرuṯur frame (also, of eyeglasses); tire (of a wheel); hoop (of a barrel, etc.) اطارةiṯāra rim, felly (of a wheel) اطاريiṯārī framelike, hoop-shaped
اطريةsee طرى
اطرغلةuṯrugulla a variety of pigeon اطرونaṯrūn = نطرون االطالنطيك، االطالنتيكal-aṯlantīk, al-aṯlanṯīq the Atlantic اطالنطيكيaṯlanṯīqī and اطالنطيaṯlanṯī Atlantic
اطلسaṯlas2 satin; (pl. اطالسaṯālis2 atlas, volume of geographical maps اطلسيaṯlasī Atlantic اطلنطيaṯlanṯī Atlantic│ الحلف االطلنطيthe Atlantic Pact اطومaṯūm sea turtle اغاagā, آغاāgā pl. اغواتagawāt aga, lord, master, sir; eunuch, harem chamberlain االغريقal-igrīq, االغارقةal-agāriqa the Greeks اغريقيigrīqī Greek, Grecian (adj. and n.) اغسطسagustus August (month) ّ V to grumble, mutter in complaint (من اف about) ّ uff dirt (in the ears or under the اف nails), earwax, cerumen ّ uff interj. expressing anger or اف displeasure اففafaf displeasure; grumbling, grumble االفرنجal-ifranj the Franks, the Europeans│ بالد االفرنجEurope افرنجيifranjī European افرنسيifransī French; االفرنسيةthe French language; االفرنسيونthe French افريزifrīz pl. افاريزafārīz2 frieze; edge; curb; sidewalk│ افريز المحطةi. al-maḥaṯṯa platform (of a railroad station); افريز الحائط molding (arch.) افريقاafrīqā f. and افريقياifrīqiyā, now usually pronounced afrīqiyā f. Africa│ افريقيا ( الشماليةšamālīya) North Africa افريقيifrīqī, now usually pronounced afrīqī African; (pl. -ūn, افارقةafāriqa) an African
faraway countries, remote regions; provinces, interior of the country (as distinguished from the capital)│ آفاق األرض a. al-arḍ the remotest parts of the earth; آفاق البالدa. al-bilād the outlying portions of the country; شذاذ اآلفاقšuddad al-a. foreigners, travelers افقيufqī horizontal آفاقيāfāqī coming from a distant country or region افاقaffāq wandering, roving, roaming; tramp, vagabond افكafaka i (afk) and afika a (ifk, afk, afak, افوك ufūk) to lie, tell a lie افكifk and افيكةafīka pl. افائكafā’ik2 lie, untruth, falsehood افاكaffak liar, lying افلafala u i ( افولufūl) to go down, set (stars) افولufūl setting (of stars) آفلāfil transitory, passing افالطونaflāṯūn2 Plato افنafan stupidity افينafīn and مأفونma’fūn stupid, foolish, fatuous; fool افنديafandī pl. -īya gentleman (when referring to non-Europeans wearing Western clothes and the tarboosh); (after the name) a title of respect (eg.); !افندمafandim! Sir! (eg.) afandim? (I beg your) pardon? What did you say? 20 ( افوكاتوIt. avvocato) avokātō advocate, lawyer, attorney│ االفوكاتو العموميrepresentative of the attorney general (= Fr. avocat général) افيونafyūn opium│ روح االفيونal-a. laudanum
آفرينāfirīn bravo! well done!
اقةuqqa pl. -āt oka, a weight, in Eg. = 1.24s kg, in Syr. = 1.2s2 kg
افسنتينifsantīn, ifsintīn wormwood, absinthe (Artemisia absinthium; bot.)
مؤقتsee وقت
افشينifšīn pl. افاشينafāšīn2 litany (Chr.) االفغانal-afgān the Afghans; Afghanistan افغانستانafgānistān Afghanistan افغانيafgānī Afghan (adj. and n.) افقufq, ufuq pl. آفاقāfāq horizon; range of vision, field of vision; pl. distant lands,
اقحوانuqhūwān pl. اقاحىaqāḥī daisy اقرباذينaqrabādīn composite medicament│ علم ‘ االقرباذينilm al-a. pharmaceutics, pharmacology اقرباذينيaqrabādīnī pharmaceutic(al) اقيطaqīṯ cottage cheese اقليدiqlīd look up alphabetically
اقلمaqlama to acclimate, acclimatize, adapt, adjust II ta'aqlama to acclimatize (o.s.) 2
اقليمiqlīm pl. اقاليمaqiilim climate; area, region; province, district; administrative district (Eg.; = مديرية(; االقاليمcountry, provinces (as distinguished from the city) اقليميiqlīmī climatic; regional, local; territorial│( المياه االقليميةmiyāh) territorial waters اقليدiqlīd pl. اقاليدaqālīd2 key اقليدسiqlīdis Euclid اقنومuqnūm pl. اقانيمaqānīm2 hypostasis, divine person within the Trinity (Chr.); constitutive element ( اقونةGr. είκών) iqūna icon (Chr.) اقيانوسيةuqyanūsiya Oceania اكادىakkādī Akkadian اكاديميةakādīmīya academy اكتوبرokctober October اكدII to assure ( ھـ لs.o. of, انthat); to give assurance ( ھـ لs.o. of); to confirm ( ھـs.th. a view) V to be or become convinced, convince o.s. ( منs.th.); to reassure o.s., make sure ( منof s.th.); to be sure ( منof); to be urgent, imperative, requisite تأكيدta'kīd pl. -āt assurance; confirmation; emphasis; بالتأكيدmost certainly! of course! تأكدta’akkud assurance, reassurance أكيدakīd certain, sure; firm (resolve); definite (desire); urgent, imperative (need); أكيداakīdan certainly! surely! مؤكدmu’akkad certain, definite, sure; confirmed متأكدmuta'akkid convinced ( منof) 1
اكرakara i (akr) to plow, till, cultivate ( ھـthe land) اكارakkār pl. -ūn, اكرةakara plowman
اكرةukra pl. اكرukar ball (for playing)
اكزيماekzēmā eczema (med.) اشعة اكسaši‘‘at iks X-rays اكستراextra اكسجينoksižēn oxygen
اكسيرiksīr elixir اكفakuff see كف اكلakala u (akl, مأكلma’kal) to eat ( ھـs.th.); to eat up, consume, swallow, devour, destroy ( ھـs.th.); to eat, gnaw ( ھـat), 21 eat away, corrode, erode ( ھـs.th.); to spend unlawfully ( ھـs.th.). enrich o.s. feather one's nest ( ھـwith)│ اكل عليه الدھر وشرب (dahru, šariba) to be old and worn out, be timeworn; ( اكل الرباribā) to take usurious interest; يعلم من اين تؤكل الكتفya‘lamu min aina tu’kalu l-katif he knows how to tackle the matter properly; ( اكله جلدهj هlduhū) his skin itched; اكل في الصحن (ṣaḥn) to eat off a plate; ( اكل حقهḥaqqahū) to encroach upon s.o.’s right II and IV to give s.o. ( )هs.th. ( )ھـto eat, feed ( ھـ هs.o. s.th.) III to eat, dine ( هwith s.o.) V to be devoured, be consumed; to be eaten away, corrode, undergo corrosion; to become old, worn, timeworn, full of cracks; to be destroyed by corrosion VI = V اكلakl food; meal, repast; fodder, feed│ غرفة االكلgurfat al-a. dining room; (eg.) اكل البحرa. al-baḥr land washed away by the sea or the Nile (as opposed to )طرح البحر اكلukul, ukl food; fruit│ آتى اكلهto bear fruit اكلةakla pl. akalāt meal, repast; -- ukla bite, morsel
○ اكالukāl prurigo, itch eruption (med.) اكالakkāl, اكيلakīl, اكولakūl voracious, gluttonous; hearty eater, gourmand, glutton مأكلma’kal pl. مآكلma’ākil2 food, eats تأكلta’akkul wear; corrosion; erosion (geol.) تآكلta’ākul wear; corrosion; erosion (geol.) ائتكلi’tikāl erosion (geol.) آكلākil eater آكلةākila gangrenous sore مأكولma’kūl eatable, edible; pl. مأكوالتfood, foodstuffs, eatables, edibles مؤاكلmu’ākil table companion
متأكلmuta’akkil and متآكلmuta’ākil corroded; eroded; worn, timeworn; full of cracks; rusty, rust-eaten
(relative pronoun) he who, that which; who, which, that│ بعد اللتيا والتىba‘da llutayyā wa-llatī after lengthy discussions, after much ado
اكليروسiklīrūs clergy (Chr.) اكليروسيةiklīrūsīya clericalism اكليركيiklīrikī cleric(al) اكلينيكيiklīnīkī clinical
( الزاسFr. Alsace) alzās2 Alsace (region of NE France) السII to belittle, disparage ( علىs.o.) 2
اكمةakama pl. -āt, اكامikām, اكمukum, آكام ākām (coll. اكمakam) hill; reef; heap, pile│ ( وراء االكمة ما وراءھاwarā’a) something's fishy! there is more to it than meets the eye الill pact, covenant; blood relationship, consanguinity 1
االa-lā and اماa-mā see│a
االalā see 1الو
االallā (= ان الan lā) lest, that ... not, in order that ... not, so as not to
االillā (= ان لin lā) unless if not; except, save; (after negation:) only, but, not until│اال ان illā anna except that ..., yet, however, nevertheless (also introducing main clauses); اال اذاillā idā unless, if not; except when; واالwa-illā (and if not =) otherwise, orelae; اال وھوillā wa-huwa (with a preceding negation) unless he ..., except that he ... ; وما ھي اال انwa-mā hiya illā an (with following verb in perf.) it was not long until ... ; presently, forthwith; وما ھي حتى... اال انwa-ma hiya illā an ... ḥattā no sooner had he ... than .... e.g..... فما ھي اال أن ( ھم حتى فعلhamma) he had no sooner made his plan than he carried it out
االسكاalaska Alaska االىalay and آالىālay pl. -āt regiment 22 1
البalaba u i (alb) to gather, join forces, rally II to incite ( على هs.o. against) V to rally, band together, plot, conspire ( علىagainst) جبال االلبjibal al-alb the Alps
االلبانal-albān the Albanians البانياalbāniyā Albania الخabbreviation of الى آخرهilā āḳirihī and so on, etc. الذىalladī f. التىallatī, pl. m. الذينalladīna f. الالتىallātī, اللواتىallawātī, الالئىallā’ī
الفalf pl. الوفulūf, آالفālāf thousand; millennium│( الوف مؤلفmu’allafa) or آالف مؤلفةthousands and thousands; عشرات االلوفašarāt al-u. tens of thousands; مآت االلوفmi’āt al-u. hundreds of thousands الفىalfī: ‘( عيد الفىīd) millennial celebration, millenary
الفalif name of the letter│ من الفه الى يائهfrom beginning to end, from A to Z; يعرف الفه ( وياءهwa-yā’ahū) he knows it from A to Z; الف باءABC
الفalifa a (alf) to be acquainted, familiar, conversant ( ھـwith s.th.); to be on intimate terms ( هwith s.o.); to be or get accustomed, used, habituated ( ھـto); to like ( ھـs.th.), be fond of ( ;)ھـto become tame II to accustom, habituate ( ھـ هs.o. to s.th.); to tame, domesticate ( ھـan animal); to form ( ھـe,g., a committee, a government); to unite, join, combine, put together ( بينdifferent things); to compile, compose, write ( ھـa book) V to be composed, be made up, consist ( منof); to be united, be combined VI to be attuned to each other, be in tune, be in harmony; to harmonize ( معwith) VIII to be united, be linked, be connected; to be on familiar, intimate terms ( بwith); to form a. coalition (pol.); to fit, سuit ( معs.th.), go well, agree, harmonize ( معwith); to be well-ordered, neat, tidy X to seek the intimacy, court the friendship ( هof s.o.) الفilf pl. االفullāf intimate; close friend, intimate, confidant; lover الفulfa familiarity, intimacy; friendship, love, affection; union, concord, harmony, congeniality اليفalīf familiar, intimate; tame, domesticated (animal); friendly, amicable, genial; (pl. االئفalā’if2) intimate, close friend, associate, companion
الوفalūf familiar, intimate; tame, domesticated (animal); attached, devoted, faithful
تألمta’allum sensation of pain, pain, ache مؤلمmu’allim aching, painful; sad, grievous, distressing
مألفma'laf object of familiarity تأليفta’līf formation (e.g., of a government); union, junction, combination ( بينof separate things); literary work; composition, compilation, writing (of a book, of an article); (pl. تآليف ta’ālīf2, )تواليفwork, book, publication
متألمmuta’allim aching, painful; in pain, suffering, deeply afflicted; tormented 2
االمilā-mā see الى
الماسalmās (al sometimes interpreted as definite article) diamond االلمانal-almān the Germans
تآلفta’āluf harmony; familiarity, intimacy, mutual affection; comradeship, camaraderie
المانيalmānī German; (pl. -ūn, المان almān) a German
ائتالفI’tilāf concord, harmony; agreement ( معwith); union; coalition, entente (pol.)
المانيةalmānīya German character or characteristics, Germanity
ائتالفيI’tilāfī coalition- (in compounds)│ وزارة ائتالفيةcoalition cabinet
المانياalmāniyā Germany
الهII to deify ( هs.o.), make a god of s.o. ( )هV to become a deity, a godhead; to deify o.s. االه, الهilāh pl. آلھةāliha god, deity, godhead
الفma’lūf familiar, accustomed; usual, customary; custom, usage 23
االھةilaha pl. -āt goddess
مؤلفmu’allif pl. -ūn author, writer; -mu’allaf composed, consisting, made up ( منof); written, compiled; (pl. -āt) book, publication; see also 1 الفalf
االھي، الھيilāhī divine, of God; theological; االالھياتal-ilāhīyāt theological, spiritual concerns علم االالھيات ‘i1m al-i. theology
متآلفmuta’ālif harmonious القalaqa i, (alq) to shine, radiate, flash, glitter, glisten V and VIII do. القalaq brightness, brilliance
ﷲallāh Allah, God (as the One and Only)│ دركli-llāh darruka exclamation of admiration and praise, see در اللھمallāhumma O God!│ ( اللھم االillā) unless, were it not that, except that, or at best (after a negative statement); اللھم اذا (idā) at least if or when; if only; اللھم نعم (na‘am) by God, yes! Most certainly!
االقallāq bright, shining, brilliant, radiant; glittering, flashing, sparkling تألقta’alluq glow, radiance, effulgence متألقmula’alliq bright, shining, brilliant, radiant
الوھيةulūhīya divine power, divinity تأليهta’līh deification, apotheosis
الكترونيelektrōnī electronic│‘( عقل الكترونيaql) electronic computer 2
آلهālih (pagan) god
المalima a (alam) to be in pain, feel pain; to suffer (y from s.th.) II and IV to cause pain or suffering ( هto s.o.), pain, ache, hurt ( هs.o.) V = I; to complain المalam pl. آالمālām pain, ache, suffering, agony│( آالم نفسانيةnafsānīya) mental agony; اسبوع اآلالمusbū‘ al-a. Passion Week (Chr.) اليمalīm aching, sore; sad, grievous, painful, excruciating; hurting
آلھةāliha pl. -āt goddess آلھيālihī divine متألهmuta’allih divine, heavenly الالھوتetc., see الھوت 1
( آلو(االالalā u to neglect or fail to do, not to do ( فيs.th.), desist, refrain ( فيfrom s.th.)│ (ال يألو جھدا فيjahdan) ال he will go to any length, he spares no effort, goes out of his way for IV to swear│ آلى على نفسه انhe promised himself that he ...
ايالءīlā’ oath
Omdurman (city in central Sudan, opposite Khartoum); ام الراسu. ar-ra's skull, brain; cerebral membrane, meninges; ام اربع واربعينu. arba‘ waarba‘īn centipede; ام شملةu. šamla(ta) this world, the worldly pleasures; بام العينbi-u. l-‘ain or بام عينهwith one’s own eyes; ام القرآنand ام القرآنthe first sura of the Koran; ام القرىu. al-qura Mecca; ام الكتاب also: the original text of the Book from which Koranic revelation derives; the uncontested portions of the Koran; ام الوطن u. al-waṯan capital, metropolis; امھات الحوادثthe most important events; امھات الحروفmatrix (typ.); امھات المسائلthe main problems; امھات المسائلthe principal virtues
( آلوFr. hallo) hello!
الومنياalūminyā and الومنيومaluminyom aluminum 24 l
الىilā (prep.) to, toward; up to, as far as; till, until; ( الى انconj.) until│( الى آخرهāḳirihī) and so forth, et cetera; الى ذلكbesides, moreover, furthermore, in addition to that; الى غدtill tomorrow! ( اللقاء الىliqā’) goodby! االمilāma (= )الى ماup to where! how far! الى متىtill when! how long! اليك عني (‘annī) get away from me! away with you! ( الى جانب ذلكjānibi d.) besides, moreover, in addition to that; ھذا الى انmoreover, furthermore; ( الى غير ذلكgair d.) and the like; وما اليهand the like, et cetera; ومن اليه ( ))اليھمwa-man) and other people like that; ( اليكaddressing the reader) now here you have ... ; here is (are) ... ; following is (are) ..., e.g., والى القارئ ماin the following, the reader will find what ... ; اسلوب عبراني ( الى العربيةuslūb ‘ibrānī) a style of Hebrew approximating Arabic; ال الى ھذا وال الى ذاك neither this way nor that way, belonging to neither group; االمر اليكit’s up to you, the decision is yours
امةumma pl. اممumam nation, people; generation│ امة محمدMohammed's community, the Mohammedans; االمم ( المتحدةmuttaḥida) the United Nations اميummī maternal, motherly; illiterate uneducated; (pl. -ūn) an illiterate اميةummīya ignorance; illiteracy; see also under 2اموى امميumamī international امومةumūma motherhood; motherliness, maternity
(آالالءpl. of الىilan) benefits, blessings اليةalya, ilya pl. alayāt fat tail (of a sheep); buttock
امامamāma (prep.) in front of; in the presence of│( الى االمامamāmi) to the front, forward, onward, ahead; ( لم يكن اال انillā an) he had no other alternative but to ... ; ( وقف امامهwaqafa) to oppose, resist, stop, check s.th.
الياذةiliyāda Iliad 1
امam or? (introducing the second member of an alternative question)
امةama pl. اماءimā’, امواتamawāt bondmaid, slave girl
امامىamāmī front, fore-, anterior, forward, foremost│( نقطة اماميةnuqṯa) outpost 25
امamma u (amm) to go, betake o.s., repair (ھـ to a place), go to see ( هs.o.); -- (امامة imāma) to lead the way, lead by one’s example ( هs.i.); to lead ( هs.o.) in prayer; -( امومةumūma) to be or become a mother II to nationalize ( ھـs.th.) V to go, betake o.s. repair ( ھـto a place), go to see ( هs.o.) VIII to follow the example ( بof s.o.)
امumm pl. امھاتummahāt mother; source, origin; basis, foundation; original, original version (of a book); the gist, essence of s.th.; pl. امھاتmatrix (typ.)│ ام الحبرu. alḥibr cuttlefish squid; ام الحسنu. al-ḥasan (magr.) nightingale; ام الخلولu. al-ḳulūl river mussel (zool.); ام درمانu. durmān
امامimām pl. ائمةa’imma imam, prayer leader; leader; master; plumb line امامةimāma imamah, function or office of the prayer leader; imamate; leading position; precedence تأميمta’mīm pl. -āt nationalization 1
اماa-mā see│a
اماammā (with foll . فfa) as to, as for, as far as... is concerned; but; yet, however, on the other hand│( اما بعدba‘du) (a formular phrase linking introduction and actual
subject of a book or letter, approx.:) now then …, now to our topic: ... 3
اماimmā if; واما-- اماbe it -- or, either – or (also او-- )اما
امبراطورimbrāṯūr emperor امبراطوريimbrāṯūrī imperialist(ic) امبراطوريةimbrātūrīya empire, imperium; imperialism امبيرambīr pl. امابيرamābīr2 ampere (el.) امبيقimbiq = انبيق امتamt crookedness, curvedness, curvation, curvature; weakness امدamad pl. آمادāmād end, terminus, extremity; period, stretch or span of time, time; distance│ منذ امد بعيدfor a long time (past); قصير االمدshort-dated; of short duration, short-lived; short-term امرamara u (amr) to order, command, bid, instruct ( هs.i. بto do s.th.), commission, charge, entrust ( هs.o. بwith s.th. or to do s.th.); -- amara, amura u ( امارةimāra) to become an emir II to invest with authority, make an emir ( هs.o., علىover) III to ask s.o. 's ( )هadvice, consult ( هs.o.) V to come to power; to set o.s. up as lord and master; to behave like an emir; to assume an imperious attitude; to be imperious, domineering VI to take counsel, deliberate together, confer, consult with each other; to plot, conspire ( علىagainst) VIII to deliberate, take counsel) ( بabout); to conspire, plot, hatch a plot ( بagainst s.o.)│ ائتمر بامرهto carry out s.o.’s orders امرamr 1. pl. اوامرawāmir2 order, command, instruction ( بto do s.th.); ordinance, decree; power, authority; (gram.) imperative│ ‘( امر عالālin) royal decree (formerly, Eg.); ‘( امر عليalīy) decree, edict of the Bey (formerly, Tun.); امر قانونيordinance having the force of law (Tun.); ( االمر والنھيwa-nnahy) pl. االوامر ( والنواھيlit.: command and interdiction, i.e.) sovereign power; full power(s), supreme authority; ( امر توريدdelivery) order (com.); تحت امركat your disposal, at your service. -- 2. pl. امورumūr matter, affair, concern, business│امر واقع (accomplished) fact; امر معروفcommon knowledge; في اول االمرat first, in the
beginning; (الالمر ماamrin) for some reason or other; اليس االمر كذلكisn't it so? اما ( واالمر كذلكammā wa-l-amru) things being as they are, there will, no doubt, ...; مھما ( يكن من امرmin amrin) whatever may happen; however things may be; ھو بين امرينhe has two possibilities (or alternatives); االمر الذىwhich (introducing a relative clause the antecedent of which is another clause); قضى امرهqudiya amruhu it's all over with him; in the latter and similar phrases, امرهis a frequent paraphrase of "he" امرimmar simple-minded, stupid امرةimra power, influence, authority, command│ امرتهunder his command امارةamāra pl. -āt, امائرamā’ir2 sign, token, indication, symptom, mark, characteristic 26 امارةimāra position or rank of an emir; princely bearing or manners; principality, emirate; authority, power│ امارة البحرi. albaḥr office or jurisdiction of an admiral, admiralty; ( امارات ساحل عمانi. s. ‘ummān) Trucial Oman اميرamīr pl. امراءumarā’ commander; prince, emir; title of princes of a ruling house; tribal chief│ (امير االىalay) commander of a regiment (formerly, Eg.; approx.: colonel; as a naval rank, approx.: captain); امير االمراءapprox.: major general (Tun.); ( امير البحارEg. 1939) approx.: admiral, ( كبير امراء البحارEg. 1939) approx.: fleet admiral; امير البحرa. al-baḥr admiral (when referring to a non-Arab officer of this rank; Eg. 1939 approx.: vice-admiral); امير البحر االكبرor امير البحار االعظمfleet admiral (when referring to a non-Arab officer of this rank); امير اللواءa. al-liwā’ (Ir., since 1933) brigadier; امير لواء العسةa. l. al-‘assa commandant of the Bey's palace guard (formerly, Tun.); امير المؤمنينa. al-mu’minīn Commander of the Faithful, Caliph اميرةamīr pl. -āt princess اميريamīrī (and □ ميريmīrī) goverment(a1), state-owned, state, public│ ( ارض اميريarḍ) government land (Syr.); المطبعة االميريةgovernment press
امارammār constantly urging, always demanding ( بto do s.th.); inciting, instigating│ ( النفس االمارة بالسوءnafs, sū’) the baser self (of man) that incites to evil
امركII ta’amraka to become Americanized, adopt the American way of life, imitate the Americans
تأمورta’mūr soul, mind, spirit; pericardium (anat.)│التھاب التأمور pericarditis (med.)
امرلسamarillis amaryllis (bot.)
مؤامرةmu’āmara pl. -āt deliberation, counsel, conference; plot, conspiracy تأمرta’ammur imperiousness, domineeringness; imperious deportment, overbearing manners تآمرta’āmur joint consultation, counsel, deliberation, conference; plot, conspiracy ائتمارi’timār deliberation, counsel, conference; plot, conspiracy استئمارةisti’māra (frequently written )استمارةform, blank آمرāmir commander; lord, master; orderer, purchaser, customer, client│ اآلمر الناھىabsolute master, vested with unlimited authority مأمورma’mūr commissioned, charged; commissioner; civil officer, official, esp., one in executive capacity; the head of a markaz and qism (Eg.)│ مأمور البوليس commissioner of police; مأمور التفلسة (taflīsa) receiver (in bankruptcy; jur.); مأمورm. al-ḥaraka traffic manager (railroad); مأمور التصفيةm. al-taṣfīya receiver (in equity, in bankruptcy; jur.) مأموريةma’mūrīya pl. -āt order, instruction; errand; task, assignment, mission; commission; commissioner's office, administrative branch of a government agency, e.g., مأمورية قضائية (qaḍā’īya) judicial commission charged with jurisdiction in outlying communities (Eg.) متآمرونmuta’āmirūn, conspirators, plotters مؤتمونmu’tamirūn conspirators, plotters; members of a congress, convention, or conference, conferees مؤتمرmu’tamar pl. -āt conference; convention, congress│ مؤتمر الصلحm. aṣṣulḥ peace conference
تأمركta’amruk Americanization امريكاamrīkā (formerly, also )امريقاAmerica│ ( امريكا الجنوبيةjanūbīya) South America 27 امريكيamrīkī American; (pl. -ūn) an American االمريكانal-amrīkān the Americans امريكانيamrīkānī American; (pl. -ūn) an American امسamsu (but acc. امساamsan) the day past, yesterday; the immediate past, recent time; -- amsi (adv.) yesterday; recently, lately, not long ago│ باالمسbi-l-amsi yesterday; not long ago; امس االولa. lawwal two days ago, the day before yesterday امسيةumsīya pl. -āt, اماسىamāsīy evening امستردامamstirdām Amsterdam امشيرamšīr the sixth month of the Coptic calendar امعimma‘ and امعةimma‘a characterless person; opportunist, timeserver املamala u (amal) to hope ( ھـor بfor), entertain hopes ( ھـor بof) II to hope; to expect ( من ھـs.th. of s.o.); to raise hope. (ه in s.o.), hold out hope. ( هfor s.o.), give (ه s.o.) reason to hope or expect│ امله خيرا (ḳairan) to let s.o. hope for the best V to look attentively ( في، ھـat), regard, contemplate ( في، ھـs.th.); to meditate; to consider, think over, ponder ( في، ھـs.th.), reflect ( في، ھـon) املamal pl. آمالāmāl hope, expectation ( فيof s.th., also ب(│ امل كاذبfallacious hope مأملma’mal pl. مآملma’amil2 hope تأملta’ammul pl. -āt consideration; contemplation; pl. تأمالتmeditations آملāmil hopeful مؤملmu’ammil hopeful مأمولma’mūl hoped for, expected
-āt) s.th. deposited in trust, a deposit, trust, charge; secretariat│ امانة الصندوقa. aṣṣundūq treasury department; امانة عامة (‘āmma) secretariat general; محزن االمانات maḳzan al-a. baggage checkroom
متأملmuta’ammil contemplative, meditative, reflective; pensive, wistful, musing امنamuna u ( امانةamāna) to be faithful, reliable, trustworthy; -- amina a (amn, امان amān) to be safe, feel safe ( منor ھـfrom) II to reassure ( هs.o.), set s.o.’s ( )هmind at rest; to assure, ensure, safeguard, guarantee, warrant, bear out, confirm, corroborate ( ھـ، علىs.th.); to insure (ضد الحريقagainst fire); to entrust ( هto s.o., على s.th.); to say "amen" ( علىto s.th.) IV to believe ( بin) VIII to trust ( هs.o.), have confidence, have faith ( هin); to entrust ( على هs.o. with, to s.o s.th.) X = VIII; to ask for protection, for a promise of security, for indemnity ( هs.o.)
مأمنma’man place of safety, safe place تأمينta’mīn securing, protection; assurance; safeguarding; reassurance; ensuring; guaranty, warranty; security, surety; insurance│ ( تأمين اجتماعيijtimā’ī) social security; ( تأمين ضد الحريقḍidda) fire insurance; ( تأمين على الحياةḥayāh) life insurance ايمانiman faith, belief ( بin) ائتمانI’timān trust, confidence; credit استئمانisti’mān trust, confidence
امنamn safety; peace, security, protection│‘( االمن العامāmm) public safety; رجال االمنthe police امانamān security, safety; peace; shelter, protection; clemency, quarter (mil.); safeguarding, assurance of protection; indemnity, immunity from punishment│( في امان ﷲa valedictory phrase) in God's protection! امينamīn pl. امناءumanā’2 reliable, trustworthy, loyal, faithful, upright, honest; safe, secure; authorized representative or agent; trustee; guarantor ( علىof); chief, head; superintendent, curator, custodian, guardian, keeper; chamberlain; master of a guild (Tun.); (mil.) approx.: quartermaster-sergeant (Eg. 1939)│ ( االمين االولawwal) Lord Chamberlain (formerly, at the Eg. Court); كبير االمناءapprox.: Chief Master of Ceremonies (ibid.); امين المخزنa. almaḳzan warehouse superintendent; stock clerk; امين سر الدولةa. sirr ad-daula and امين السرa. as-sirr permanent secretary of state (Sy,.); امين الصندوقa. aṣ-ṣundūq and امين المالtreasurer; cashier; امين العاصمة mayor (esp. Ir.); ‘( امين عامāmm) secretary general; امين المكتبa. al-maktab (formerly) a subaltern rank in the Eg. navy (1939) 28 آمينāmīn amen! امانةamāna reliability, trustworthiness; loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, fealty; integrity, honesty; confidence, trust, good faith; deposition in trust; trusteeship; (pl.
آمنāmin peaceful مأمونma’mūn reliable, trustworthy مؤمن عليهmu’amman ‘alaihi insured مؤمنmu’min believing, faithful; believer مؤتمنmu’taman entrusted ( علىwith); confidant; sequestrator (jur.) امنيبوسomnibus omnibus, bus 1
اموىamawī of or like a bondmaid or handmaid
امويumawī Ommiad (adj.) بنو اميةbanū umayya the Ommiads
اميباamībā amoebae اميرالamīrāl admiral اميركه، اميركاamērikā, amērika America اميراليةamīrālīya admiralty 1
انan (conj.) that; -- in 1. (conj.) if; وانwa-in although, even though, even if; وان – انbe it -- or (be it); االillā (= )ان الlook up alphabetically 2. (particle) not, esp. in the phrase ان ھو االin huwa illā (f. )ان ھي االit is nothing but, it is no more than
انanna (conj.) that; بما انهbi-mā annahū since he (it), because he (it); ‘ على انهalā annahū while he (it), whereas he (it); introducing a main clause: however, yet; وذلك انهthat is to say, namely, to wit; -- innā (intensifying particle introducing a nominal clause) verily, truly (in most cases not translated in English)
انماinnamā but, but then; yet, however; rather, on the contrary 3
انanna i ( انينanīn, تأنانta’nān) to groan, moan ( منat) انةanna pl. -āt moan, groan│ انات وآھات wails and laments انينanīn plaintive sound, wail; groan, moan(ing)
اناana I
انثىuntā pl. اناثināt, اناثىanātā feminine; female; a female (of animals); االنثيانal-untayān the testicles انثوىuntawī womanly, female, women's (in compounds); effeminate, womanish انوثةunūta femininity, womanliness تأنيثta’nīt the feminine, feminine form (gram.) مؤنثmu’annat (gram.) feminine (adj.)
انانيanānī egotistic; egoistic(al), selfish
انثروبولوجياantrōbōlōjiyā anthropology
انانيةanānīya egoism, selfishness
انجاصinjās (syr.) pear
االناضلal-anāḍul Anatolia
( انجلتراIt. Inghilterra) ingilterā England
اناناسanānas pineapple
االنجليزal-ingəlīz the English
انبII to blame, censure, reprehend, upbraid (ه s.o.) تأنيبta’nīb blame, censure, rebuke ( انباpronounced ambā) Abba, a high ecclesiastic title of the Coptic Church, preceding the names of metropolitans, bishops, patriarchs, and saints (< Άββα) انبارanbār pl. انابرanābir2, انابيرanābīr2 warehouse, storehouse, storeroom 29 ( انباشيTurk. onbaşı) onbašī a mil. rank: corporal (formerly, Eg.); وكيل انباشي approx.: private first class (Eg.) انبوبة، انبوبsee نب انبيقinbīq alembic انتan-ta, f. anti thou, you (2nd pers. sing.); pl. m. انتمantum, f. انتنantunna you (2nd pers. pl. and polite form of address); dual انتماantumā both of you انتذاanta-dā it’s you! انتيكخانةantīkḳāna museum انتيكةantīka pl. -āt (eg.) old, old-fashioned, outmoded انتمونantimūn antimony انثanuta u ( انوثةunūta) to be or become feminine, womanly, womanish, effeminate II to make feminine; to effeminate, make effeminate; to put into the feminine form (gram.) V to become feminine (also gram.)
انجليزىingəlīzī English; Englishman انجيلinjil pl. اناجيلanajīl2 gospel انجيلىinjīlī evangelical; evangelist انجيليةinjīlīya evangelical creed االندلسal-andalus Spain اندونيسياindūnīsiyā Indonesia انسanisa a and anusa u (uns) to be companionable, sociable, nice, friendly, genial; انس بهto like s.o.’s company, like to be together with s.o.; to be or get on intimate terms ( بor الىwith s.o.); to be used, accustomed, habituated ( الىto); to perceive, notice, find ( ھـa quality, من،في in s.o.); to sense, feel, make out, recognize ( ھـs.th., فيin, at)│ (انس لحديثهli-ḥadītihī) to like to listen to s.o. II to put at ease; to tame III to be friendly, nice ( هto s.o.); to entertain, amuse ( هs.o.) IV to keep s.o. ()ه company; to entertain, delight, amuse (ه s.o.); to perceive, discern, make out (with the eyes; ھـs.th.); to sense ( ھـs.th.); to find, see, notice, observe, e.g., آنس فيه الكفاية he saw that be was duly qualified, that he was a capable man V to become incarnate (Son of God) X to be sociable, companionable; to get on familiar terms, become intimate; to become tame; to be friendly, nice, kind ( هto s.o.); to accommodate o.s., accustom o.s., settle down; to be familiar, familiarize o.s., acquaint o.s. ( بor الىwith); to inform o.s., gather information ( بahout); to take into consideration, take into account, bring into play ( بs.th.), draw upon s.th. (
;)بto listen ( لto s.th.), heed ( بan opinion) انسuns sociability; intimacy, familiarity, friendly atmosphere انسىunsī: ( كعب انسىka‘b) talus, inner anklebone (anat.) انسins (coll.) man, mankind, human race انسيinsī human; human being ناسnās (coll.) and اناسunās people ناسوتnāsūt mankind, humanity 30 اناسىanāsīy (pl.) people, human beings, humans انيسanīs close, intimate; close friend; friendly, kind, affable, civil, polite, courteous انسانinsan man, human being│ انسان العينi. al-‘ain pupil (of the eye) انسانةinsāna woman انسانىinsānī human; humane; humanitarian, philanthropist انسانيةinsānīya humanity, humaneness; politeness, civility; mankind, the human race مؤانسةmu’ānasa intimacy, familiarity, friendliness, geniality, cordiality; sociability; conviviality ايناسīnās exhilaration; friendliness, geniality; familiarity, intimacy, cordiality; sociability تأنسta’annus incarnation (Chr.) ائتناسI’tinās social life, sociability آنسةānisa pl. -āt, اوانسawānis2 young lady, miss مأنوسma’nūs familiar, accustomed مستأنسmusta’nis tame ( انشEngl.) inš inch ( انشوجةIt. acciuga) anšūga (eg.) anchovy انطاكيةanṯākiya2 Antioch (ancient city in Syria; now Antakya, in S Turkey) انطولوجىonṯōlōjī ontologic(al) (philos.) انفanifa a (anaf) to disdain, scorn ( منs.th., ان to do s.th.); to reject haughtily ( ھـs.th.) X
to resume, renew, recommence ( ھـs.th.); (jur.) to appeal ( ھـa sentence) انفanf pl. آنافānāf, انوفunūf nose; spur (of a mountain); pride│ رغم انفهragma anfihi in defiance of him, to spite him; كسر انفه (anfahū) to humiliate s.o., to put s.o.'s nose out of joint; شامح االنفstuck-up, haughty, proud انفىanfī nasal انفةanafa pride; rejection; disdain ( منof s.th.) انوفanūf proud, haughty, stuck-up, supercilious, disdainful استئنافisti’nāf fresh start, recommencement, renewal, resumption, reopening (also, of a legal case); appeal (jur.)│ ( قدم استئنافاqaddama) to appeal, make an appeal (jur.) استئنافىisti’nāfī of appeal, appellate; استئنافياisti’nāfīyan by appeal آنفānif preceding, above│ آنف الذكر (dikr) preceding, above, above-mentioned; آنفاānifan previously, above, in the foregoing مؤتنفmu’tanaf primordial, virginal state; beginning ( انفرسFr. Anvers) anvers Antwerp (city in N Belgium) انفلونزاinfluwanzā influenza, grippe انقaniqa a to be neat, trim, smart, spruce, comely, pretty; to be happy ( بabout), be delighted ( بby) IV to please ( هs.o.)│يؤنقه ( الشيءšai’u) he likes the thing V to apply o.s. eagerly and meticulously ( فىto); to be meticulous, fastidious, finical; to be chic, elegant اناقةanāqa elegance انيقanīq neat, trim, spruce, comely, pretty; elegant, chic انوقanūq Egyptian vulture (Neophron perenopterus)│ اعز من بيض االنوقa‘azz2 min baiḍi l-a. (lit.: rarer than the eggs of a vulture, i.e.) approx.: scarcer than hens’ teeth (proverbially for s.th. rare) تأنقta’annuq elegance 31
مؤنقmu’anniq, مونقmūniq pretty, comely, winsome, nice, pleasing متأنقmuta’anniq chic, elegant انقرهanqara Ankara
direction); how? wherever; however│ وانى له اال... (allā) and why shouldn't he ... ? انيسونanīsūn, آنيسونaniseed
انقليسanqalīs eel
انيمياanīmiyā anemia│○ انيميا خبيثةpernicious anemia (med.)
آنكānuk lead (metal)
آهāhi! آھاāhan! (interj.) oh!
انكشارىinkišārī pl. -īya Janizary
اھبII to prepare, make ready, equip ( ه،ل ھـ s.o., s.th. for) V to be ready, be prepared; to prepare o.s., get ready; to equip s.o., be equipped ( لfor)
انكلترة،( انكلتراIt. Inghilterra) ingilterā, ingiltera England انكلوسكسونal-anglosaksūn the Anglo-Saxons انكلوسكسونيةal-anglosaksūnīya AngloSaxondom االنكليزal-inglīz the Engliah انكليزىinglīzī English; Englishman انكليسankalīs eel االنامal-anām and ( اآلنامcoll.) mankind, the human race انموذجunmūdaj model, pattern; type, example; sample, specimen انمونanamūn anemone (bot.) 1
انىanā i to mature, become ripe; to draw near, approach, come (esp. time)│ انى له ان it is (high) time that he; esp. in negative statements: الم يأنa-lam ya'ni? isn't it about time ...? V to act slowly, proceed unhurriedly, bide one's time, be patient X to take one's time, hesitate ( فىin, with); to wait انىanan pl. آناءānā’ (span of) time, period│ (فى آناء الليلlaili) all night long; آناء الليل واطراف النھارānā’a l-laili wa-aṯrāfa nnahār by day and by night اناةanāh deliberateness; perseverance, patience│ طول االناةṯūl al-a. longsuffering, great patience; طويل االناةlongsuffering (adj.) اناءinā’ pl. آنيةāniya, اوانawānin2 vessel, container, receptacle│ آنية الطعامa.. aṯṯa‘ām table utensils, dishes; mess kit تأنta’annin slowness, deliberateness متأنmuta’annin slow, unhurried, deliberate
انىannā (interrog. part.) where ... from? why is it that ... ? why? Where? (place and
اھبةuhba pl. اھبuhab preparation, preparedness, readiness, alertness; equipment, outfit, gear│ اھبة الحربu. alḥarb military equipment; على اھبة الرحيل ready to set out; على اھبة االستعدادfully prepared; on the alert (mil.); أخذ اھبتهto make one's preparations, get ready اھابihāb skin, hide تأھبta’ahhub preparedness, readiness; (pl. -āt) preparation متأھبmuta’ahhib ready, prepared اھلahala u ( اھولuhūl) to take a wife, get married; -- ahila a to be on familiar terms ( بwith); -- pas. uhila to be inhabited, be populated (region, place) II to make fit or suited, to fit, qualify ( ه، ل ھـs.o., s.th. for); to make possible ( ھـ لfor s.o. s.th.), enable ( ھـ لs.o. to do s.th.), make accessible ( ھـ لto s.o. s.th.); to welcome ( بs.o.) V to be or become fit, suited, qualified ( لfor s.th.); to 32 take a wife; to marry, get married X to deserve merit (ھـ s.th.), be worthy ( ھـof) اھلahl pl. –ūn, اھالahālin relatives, folks, family; kin, kinfolk; wife; (with foll. genit.) people, members, followers, adherents, possessors, etc.; inhabitants; deserving, worthy ( لof s.th.); fit, suited, qualified ( لfor); pl. األھالى، األھلونthe natives, the native population│ اھل البيتa. al-bait members (of the house, i.e.) of the family; the Prophet's family; اھل الدارthe people living in the house; اھل الحرفةa. alḥirfa people of the trade; اھل الحلفa. alḥilf people pledged by oath, members of a sworn confederacy; اھل الخبرةa. al-ḳibra people of experience, experts; اھل السفسطة a. al-safsata Sophists; اھل السنةa. as-sunna
the adherents of the Sunna, the Sunnis; اھل المدر والوبرa. al-madar wa-l-wabar the resident population and the nomads; اھل الوجاھةa. al-wajāha people of rank and high social standing; اھال وسھالahlan wasahlan welcome! اھال بكahlan bika welcome to youl له في دارنا اھلhe is a welcome guest in our house
اوبراand ( اوبراIt. opera) ōpərā opera; opera house
اھليahlī domestic, family (adj.); native, resident; indigenous; home, national│ بنك اھليnational bank (Eg.); ( حرب اھليةḥarb) civil war; محكمة اھلية (maḥkama) indigenous court (Eg.); القضاء ( األھليqaḍā’) jurisdiction of indigenous courts; ( اإلنتاج األھليintāj) domestic production; ( وقف اھليwaqf) family wakf
اوتوقراطيoṯūqrāṯī autocratic
اھليةahlīya aptitude, fitness, suitableness, competence; qualification │ ا ألھلية القانونيةthe civil rights; كامل األھلية legally competent; عديم األھليةlegally incompetent, under tutelage آھلahil and مأھولma’hūl inhabited, populated (region, place) مؤھالتmu’ahhilāt qualifications, abilities, aptitudes متأھلmuta’ahhil married مستأھلmusta’hil worthy, deserving, meriting; entitled اھليلجihlīlaj myrobalan, emblic (fruit of Phyllanthus emblica L.; bot.); ellipse (geom.)
( اوبريتFr.) ōpərēt operetta ( اوتFr. août) August (month; mağr.) ( اوتوبيسFr. autobus) otobīs autobus, bus ( اوتجرافFr.) otogrāf pl. -āt autograph ( اوتوماتيكيFr.) otomātīkī automatic ( اوتوموبيلFr.) otombīl automobile ( اوتيلFr.) ōtēl pl. -āt hotel اوجauj highest point, acme, pinnacle; culmination, climax; apogee (astron.); peak (fig.; of power. of fame) 33 آحāḥ albumen, eggwhite O آحينāḥīn albumin ( اود( آدāda u (aud) to bend, flex, curve, crook ( ھـs.th.); to burden, oppress, weigh down ( ھـs.o.); -- اودawida a (awad) to bend; to be bent V to bend; to bow اودةauda burden, load اودawad: قام باودهto provide for s.o.’s needs, stand by s.o. in time of need; أقام اوده (awadahū) do.; to support s.o., furnish s.o. with the means of subsistence اوارuwār heat, blaze; thirst اورباurubbā Europe اوربيurubbī Europesn
اھليلجيihlīlajī elliptic(al)
اورشليمūrušalīm2 Jerusalem
اوau or; (with foll. subj.) unless except that
)اورطة )= ارطةurṯa pl. ارطuraṯ battalion (formerly, Eg.; mil.)
( اوب( آبāba u (aub, اوبةauba, ايابiyab) to return; ب آبto catch, contract, suffer, incur s.th., be in for s.th., be left with, get one’s share of من كل اوبmin kulli aubin from all sides or directions; ( من كل اوب وصوبṣaubin) do. اوبةauba return ايابiyāb return │ ذھابا واياباdahāban wa-iyaban there and back; back and forth, up and down مآبma’āb place to which one returns; (used as verbal noun:) return │ ذھوب ومآب coming and going
آبlook up alphabetically
اورغويuruguwāy Uruguay ( اوركستراIt.) arkestrā orchestra ( اورنيكTurk. örnek) urnīk pl. ارانيكarānīk2 sample, specimen; model, pattern; form, blank اوروباurubbā, اوروپاEurope اوروبيurubbī Europesn اوروجوايuruguwāy Uruguay اوزII (eg.) to ridicule ( علىs.o.), make fun of s.o. ()على اوزiwazz (col1.; n. un.) goose, geese
آسās myrtle; see also alphabetically اوسترالياusturāliyā Australia ( اوسترياIt.) austriyā Austria اوسلوOslo اوسطىūsṯā see اسطى اوشيةūšīya pl. اواشawāšin prayer, oration (Copt.-Chr.) آفةāfa pl. -āt harm, hurt, damage, ruin, bane, evil; epidemic, plague; plant epidemic مؤوفma’ūf stricken by an epidemic ( اوفرولEngl.) ovirōl overalls l
( اوق( آقāqa u to bring s.o. ( )علىbad luck, cause discomfort or hardship ( علىto) II to burden ( هs.o.) with s.th. unpleasant, troublesome or difficult
اوقةsee اقة
اويقاتuwaiqāt (dimin. of )اوقاتshort times; good times
oqiyānus, oqiyānūs ocean
اوقيةūqīya pl. -āt ounce, a weight of varying magnitude (Eg.: 37.44 g; Aleppo 320 g; Jerusalem 240 g; Beirut 213.3 g) ( اوكازيونFr. occasion) okazyōn clearing sale, special sale اوكرانياukrānīya Ukraine ( اوكسجينFr. oxygène) oksižēn oxygen ( اول( آلāla u (aul, مآلma’āl) to return, revert ( الىto); to go back, be attributed, be attributable ( الىto), spring, derive (الى from); to lead, conduce, tend ( الىto), result eventually ( الىin); to come or go eventually ( الىto s.o.), pass into the hands of ( الى( │ آل األمر الىthe long and the short of it was that ... ; ( آل به المطاف الىmaṯāfu) he eventually got to the point where ... II to interpret, explain ( ھـs.th.) آلāl family, relatives, kinsfolk, clan; companions, partisans, people; mirage, fatamorgana آلةāla pl. -āt instrument, utensil; tool; apparatus; device, implement, appliance; machine│ آالت الحسā. al-ḥiss sensory organs; ( آلة بخاريةbuḳārīya) steam engine; آلة الجرā. al-jarr tractor; آلة جھنمية (jahannamīya) infernal machine; آلة حربية
(ḥarbīya) instrument of war; ٣٤ آلة التحريك motor, engine; آلة حاسبةcalculating machine; آلة الحياكةa. al-ḥiyāka power loom; آلة الخياطةsewing machine; آلة راديو radio; آلة رافعةhoisting machine, crane, derrick; pump; آلة التسخينand آلة مسخنة (musaḳḳina) heater; آلة التصوير (photographic) camera; آلة الطباعةprinting press; آلة الغسلa. al-gasl washing machine; آلة التفريخincubator; آلة االستقبالreceiver, receiving set (radio); ( آلة مقطرةmuqaṯṯira) distilling apparatus, still; آلة الكتابةand آلة كاتبةtypewriter; آلة لعب القمارa. la‘b alqimār slot machine; ( آلة موسيقيةmūsīqīya) musical instrument; آلة التنبيهalarm; siren horn (of an automobile); آلة صماء (ṣammā’) (fig.) tool, creature, puppet آلىālī mechanic(al); mechanized; motorized; instrumental; organic│ محراث ( آليmiḥrat) motor plow; القوات اآللية (quwāt) motorized troops; حركة آلية (ḥaraka) a mechanical movement آليةālīya mechanics آالتىālātī pl. آالتيةālātīya (eg.) musician; singer اولawwal2, f. اولىūlā, pl. m. -ūn, اوائل awā’il2 first; foremost, most important, principal, chief, main; first part, beginning; (with def. article also) earlier, previous, former; see a1so under │ولى ( االنسان االولinsān) primitive man; طبيب اول physician-in-chief; االولون, االوائلthe forebears, forefathers, ancestors; اوائل الشھر a. aš-šahr the first ten days of a month, beginning of a month; الول مرةli-awwali marratin or للمرة االولىfor the first time; من من اوائله، اولهsince its beginnings, from the very beginning; ( من اوله الى آخرهāḳirihī) from beginning to end, from A to Z; اول االمرawwala l-amr at first, in the beginning; االول فاالولeach time the first available; ( اول ماawwala) the moment when, just when; at the very outset of; اكثر ( من االولaḳtara) more than before اوالawwalan first, firstly, in the first place; at first, in the beginning│ اوال باول and اوال فأوالby and by, gradually, one after the other, one by one; اوال واخيراand اوال ( وآخراāḳiran) first and I~st, altogether; simply and solely, merely
اولىawwalī prime, primary, primordial, original, initial, first; elemental, fundamental, basic, principal, chief, main; elementary; primitive, pristine, primeval│ ( مدرسة اوليةmadrasa) elementary school, grade school; ( مواد اوليةmawādd) raw materials; ‘( عدد اولىadad) prime number; ( فاتورة اوليةfātūra) pro forma invoice
آنذاكānadāka that day, at that time, then اونaun calmness, serenity, gentleness اوانawān pl. آونةāwina time│ قبل اوانه prematurely; في اوانهat the right time, timely, seasonably, في غير اوانهat the wrong time, untimely, unseasonably; بين اآلونةfrom time to time; بين اآلونة واالخرى (uḳrā) and ( آونة وأخرىāwinatan, uḳrā) at times, sometimes; آونة – وأخرىsometimes – sometimes, at times – at times; فات االوان (fāta) it is too late; ( آن االوانāna) the time has come, it is time ( لfor, to do s.th.)
اوليةawwalīya pl. -āt fundamental truth, axiom; primary constituent, essential component, element; precedence; priority ايلayyil, iyyal, uyyal pl. ايائلayā’il2 stag ايالةiyāla pl. -āt province; regency
ايلولةailūla title deed (jur.)
اونباشىonbašī corporal, see انباشى
مآلma’āl end; outcome, final issue, upshot; result, consequence│ في الحال وفي المآلat present and in the future
( اوه( آهāha u and II to moan, sigh V to moan, sigh; to sigh with admiration ( لover), exclaim “ah!”
تأويلta’wīl pl. -āt interpretation, explanation
اوهawwah (interj.) oh! آهāhi, آھـāhan, اواهawwāhi oh!
اوالءulā’i, اوالئك، اولئكulā’ika these; those, pl. of the demonstr. pron. ذاand ذلك
آھةāha pl. -āt sigh, moan; pl. آھاتsighs of admiration; rapturous exclamations
اولمبىolimbī Olympic│ االلعاب االولمبيةthe Olympic games
تأوهta’awwuh moaning. sighing; admiring exclamation; plaintive sound, wail
اولمبيادolimbiyād Olympiad اولوulū (pl. of )ذوowners, possessors, people (with foll.genit.: of)│ اولو االمرu. l-amr rulers, powerful leaders; اولو الحل والعقدu. lḥall wa-l-'aqd (lit.: masters of solving and binding) do.; اولو الشأنu. š-ša’n the responsible people 1
اوامuwām thirst
اومohm (el.) 35
اومنيبوسomnībūs omnibus, bus 1
آنān time; اآلنal-āna now│ فى آنand فى آن واحدat the same time, simultaneously; من ( آن الى آخرāḳara) from time to time; ما بين ( آن وآخرwa-āḳara) and آنا بعد آنsometimes, at times, now and then: once in a while; آنا فآناgradually, by and by, little by little; آنا وآونة-- (āwinatan) sometimes -sometimes, at times -- at times; قبل اآلن qabla l-āna before, previously, formerly; لآلنli-l-āna and حتى اآلنḥattā l-āna until now, hitherto, so far; بعد اآلنba‘da l-āna from now on, henceforth, in the future; من اآلن فصاعداmin al-āna fa-ṣā‘idan do. آنئذāna’idin that day, at that time, then
ايوانlook up alphabetically
اوىawā i to seek refuge, seek shelter ( الىat a place); to go ( الىto bed); to betake o.s., repair ( الىto a place); to shelter, house, put up, lodge, accommodate, receive as a guest ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) II to shelter, lodge, put up, accommodate, receive as a guest (ه s.o.) IV to seek shelter ( الىat a place), to retire ( الىto a place); to betake o.s., repair ( الىto a place); to shelter, house, put up, lodge, accommodate ( هs.o.) ايواءīwā’ accommodation, lodging, housing, sheltering مأوىma’wan pl. مآوma’āwin place of refuge, retreat, shelter; abode; resting place; dwelling, habitation│ مأوى ليلى (lailī) shelter for the night; doss house ابن آوىibn āwā pl. بنات آوىbanāt a. jackal 1
آيةāya, coll. آيāy, pl. -āt sign, token, mark; miracle; wonder, marvel, prodigy; model, exemplar, paragon, masterpiece ( فىof, e.g., of organization, etc.); Koranic verse, ( آي الذكر الحكيمāy ad-dikr) the verses of the
Koran; passage (in a book), utterance, saying, word; ( آياتwith foll. genit.) moat solemn assurances (of love, of gratitude) 2
اىay that is (to say), i.e.; namely, to wit
( ايريالEngl.) ēriyāl aerial, antenna ايزيسīzīs Isis ايسayisa a ( اياسiyās) to despair ( منof s.th.) اياسiyās despair
اىī yes (with foll. وﷲyes indeed! Yes, by God!)
اىayy, f. ايةayya (with foll. genit. or suffix) which? what? what kind of? Whoever, whosoever; any, every, no matter what ... ; (with neg.) no; ايماayyumā whatever, whatsoever│ ايا كان، اية كانتayyan kāna, ayyatan kānat whoever he (or she) is, no matter who he (or she) is; اي من كانayyu man kāna whoever it may be, whosoever; ( على اي حالayyi ḥālin) in any case, at any 36 rate, at all events, by all means; اى واحد ayyu wāḥidin any one; ان له شأنا اى شأنinna lahū ša’nan ayya ša’nin it is of the greatest importance (lit.: it is of importance, and of what importance!); اعجب به ايما اعجابu‘jiba bihi ayyama i‘jābin how much he admired him! he admired him greatly; اقبل عليه ايما اقبال aqbala ‘alaihi ayyama iqbālin he showed the greatest interest in it
اياiyyā with nominal suffix to express the accusative│ اياك انtake care not to ..., be careful not to ...; اياك و، اياك منbeware of ... ! ( واياكdial. wayyāk), ( واياهwayyāh) with you, with him
( ايشربFr. écharp,) sash ( ايض( آضāḍa i to return, revert ( الىto s.th.); to become ( الىs.th.) ايضاaiḍan also, too, as well, likewise, equally; again; in addition, besides, moreover ايطالياīṯālīyā Italy ايطالىīṯālī Italian; (pl. -ūn) an Italian ( ايقونةGr. είκών) īqūna and ايقونيةīqūnīya pl. -āt icon (Chr.) ايكaik (coll.; n. un. )ةthicket, jungle 1
ايلand ايالةsee اول
ايلولailūl2 September (Syr., Leb., Ir., Jord.)
ايلولةailūla title deed (jur.)
( ايم( آمāma i: ( آم من زوجتهzaujatihī) to lose one's wife, become or be a widower, آمت ( من زوجھاzaujiha) to lose one’s husband, become or be a widow ايمةaima, ايومuyūm and تأيمta’ayyum widowhood ايمayyim pl. ايائمayā’im2, ايامىayāmā widower, widow
ايارsee 2اير ايدII to back, support (ه, s.o., ھـa claim, an aspiration, etc.); to confirm, corroborate, endorse ( ھـnews, a. judgment, etc.) V = pass. of II تأييدta’yīd corroboration, confirmation, endorsement, backing, support ( ايدروجينFr. Hydrogène) idrožēn hydrogen ( قنبلة ايدروجينيةqunbula) hydrogen bomb 1
ايرair pl. ايورuyūr penis
ايارayyār2 May (Syr., Leb., Ir., Jord.)
ايرانīrān Iran, Persia
ايومaiwam2 see يوم ايماayyumā see 4 ايayy 1
( اين( آنāna i to come, approach, draw near (time)│ ( آن االوانawān) the time has come: آن له انit’s time for him to ...
آنsee اون اينaina where? (= at or to what place?)│ من اينmin aina where … from? الى اينwhere? (= to what place?) اين نحن منhow far we still are from … worlds separate us from ... (fig.); اين ھذا من ذاكwhat is this compared with that! 37
ايرانىīrānī Iranian, Persian; (pl. -ūn) a Persian, an Iranian
االينal-ainu the where; space (philos.)
ايرلنداirlandā Ireland
ايانayyāna when? (conj.) when
ايرلندىirlandī Irish; (pl. -ūn) Irishman
اينماainamā wherever 2
اينII to ionize ( ھـs.th.) V to be ionized (el.)
ايونiyōn pl. -āt ion
بابويةbābawīya papacy
تأيينta’yīn ionization
متأينmuta’ayyin ionized
ايهīhi, īha, īhin (interj.) well! now then! All right! ايھاayyuhā, with fem. also ايتھاayyatuhā (vocative particle) O ... ! ايوبayyūb2 Job االيوبيونal-ayyūbīyūn the Ayubites
بأبأba’ba’a to say “papa” (child) بؤبؤbu’bu’ root, source, origin; core, heart, inmost part; pupil of the eye, also بؤبؤ لعين b. al-‘ain
بابلbābil2 Babel, Babylon بابلىbābilī Babylonian بابهbābih the second month of the Coptic calendar بابوجbābūj pl. بوابجbawābij2 slipper
ايومaiwam2 see يوم 1
ايونsee 2اين
ايوانīwān pl. -āt recess-like sitting room with a raised floor, usually opening on the main room or courtyard through an arcade; estrade
ب 1
بabbreviation of بابchapter
بbi (prep.) in, at, on (place and time); with (indicating connection, association, attendance); with, through, by means of (designating instrumentality or agency, also with pass. = by); for (= at the price of); by (= to the amount of); by (introducing an oath)│ بالليلbi-l-lail at (by) night, بالنھارbi-n-nahār during the daytime, by day; شماال بشرقšamālan bišarqin northeast; فبھا ونعمتfa-bihā wani’mat in that case it’s all right; ليس بي انit is not my intention to ... ; ھذا بذاكhādā bidāka now we are even, we are quits; قبل ( مجيئه بساعةmajī’ihī) an hour before his arrival; “ بwith” frequently gives causative meaning to a verb, e.g., نھض ( بشيءlit.: to rise with s.tا., i.e.) to boost, further, promote s.th.; بلغ به الىto cause s.o. to arrive at, lead s.o. to; for its use as copula after negations, etc., see grammar; بالbi-lā without; بما انbi-mā anna in view of the fact that; since, as, inasmuch as, because; بما فيهbi-mā fīhi including
باءbā’ name of the letter ب باباbābā pl. بابواتbābawāt, باباواتpope; papa, father, daddy بابوىbābawī, باباوىpapal
بابورbābūr pl. -āt, بوابيرbawābīr2 (=)وابور locomotive, engine; steamship, steamer بابونجbābūnaj camomile (bot.) باتستهbati.ta batiste باثولوجىbatōlōjī pathologic(al) باثولوجياbatōlōjiyā pathology باذنجانbādijān and بيذنجانbaidinjān (coll.; n. un. ةpl. -āt eggplant, aubergine 38 1
بارbār pl. -āt bar; taproom
بأرba’ara a to dig a well بئرbi'r f., pl. آبارābār, بئارbi’ār well, spring بؤرةbu’ra pl. بؤرbu’ar center, seat (fig.); site; pit; abyss
( باراشوتFr. parachute) bārāšūt parachute باراغواىbārāguwāy Paraguay باربونيsee بربونى ( باركيهFr.) barkēh parquet, parquetry floor بارنامجsee برنامج بارةbāra pl. -āt para (coin) بارودbārūd saltpeter; gunpowder بارودةbārūda pl. بواريدbawārīd2 rifle, carbine باريسbārīs2 Paris باريسىbārīsī Parisian بازbāz pl. بيزانbīzān and بأزba’z pl. بؤوز bu’ūz, بئزانbi’zān falcon بازارbāzār pl. –āt bazaar بازلتbāzalt basalt بازوبندbāzūband bracelet
بؤسba’usa u ( بأسba’s) to be strong, brave, intrepid; -- بئسba’isa a ( بؤسbu’s) to be miserable, wretched VI to feign misery or distress VIII to be sad, worried, grieved بئس الرجلbi’sa r-rajulu what an evil man! بأسba’s strength, fortitude, courage, intrepidity (as verbal noun of بؤس ba’usa); harm, hurt, injury, impairment, detriment, wrong│ شديد البأسcourageous, brave, intrepid; ( ال بأسba’sa) there is no objection to it; unobjectionable; not bad, rather important, considerable, e.g., كميات ( ال بأس بھاkammīyāt) considerable quantities; ( ال بأسba'sa) never mind! it doesn't matter! it's all right! ال بأس انit doesn't matter that ... ; اى بأس؟ayyu ba'sin? what does it matter! what of it! ليس ( عليه بأس منba’sun) he will be none the worse for ... ; ( ال بأس عليكba’sa) it won't do you any harm! don't worry! don't be afraid بنات بئسbanātu bi's calamities, adversities, misfortunes بئسbu’s, بأساءba’sā’, بؤسbu’ūs and بؤسىbu’sā pl. ابؤسab’us misery, wretchedness, suffering, distress بئيسba’īs pl. بؤساءbu’asā’2 miserable, wretched بائسbā’is miserable, wretched ( باستيلFr.) bastē1 pastel باسلbāsīl bacilli باشbāš senior, chief (in compounds) باشجاويشbašcāwīš and باشجاويشapprox.: master sergeant (formerly, Eg.) باشحكيمbāšḥakīm physician-in-chief باشريشbāšrayyis a naval rank, approx.: petty officer 3rd class (Eg.) باشكاتبbāškātib chief clerk باشمفتىbāšmuftī chief mufti (Tun.) باشمفتشbāamšmufattiš chief inspector باشمھندسbāšmuhandis chief engineer باشاbāšā pl. باشواتbāšawāt ( )باشاواتpasha باشقbāšaq, bāšiq pl. بواشقbawāšiq2 sparrow hawk الباشقردal-bāšqird the Bashkirs باشكيرsee بشكير ( باصEngl.) bāṣ pl. -āt bus, autobus باطونbātūn concrete, béton 39 باغةbāgā celluloid; tortoise shell الباكستانal-bākistān Pakistan باكستانىbākistānī Pakistani (adj. and n.)
بالbāl whale (zool.)
بالةbala pl. -āt bundle, bale
بالطوbalṯō pl. بالطواتbalṯowāt, بالطيbalātī overcoat; paletot ( بالوIt. ballo ball, dance بالونbālūn) balloon جزر الباليارjuzur al-bāliyār the Balearic Islands ( باليهFr.) bālēh ballet بامياand باميةbāmiya gumbo, okra (Hibiscus esculentus L., bot., a popular vegetable in Egypt) بانsee بون شاشة بانوراميةšāša bānōrāmīya (= Fr. écran panoramique) cinemascope screen بؤونةba’ūna the tenth month of the Coptic calendar باىbāy, f. بايةbāya pl. -āt formerly, in Tunisia, a title after the names of the members of the Bey's family دار الباىdār al-bāy (formerly) the Tunisian government ببرbabr pl. ببورbubūr tiger ببغاءbabgā2 (and babbayā’2) pl. ببغاوات babgāwāt parrot بتbatta u i (batt) to cut off, sever ( ھـs.th.); to complete, finish, achieve, accomplish, carry out ( ھـs.th.); to fix, settle, determine ( ھـs.th.), decide ( ھـs.th., فىon s.th.) II to adjudge, adjudicate, award ( ھـs.th.) VII to be cut off; to be finished, be done; to be decided│ قد انبت االمر بينه وبينھمit's all over between him and them, they are through with each other بتbatt settlement, decision; بتاbattan definitely, once and for all بتةbatta pl. -āt adjudication, award; final decision; البتةal-battata and بتة battatan definitely, positively, decidedly, esp. with negations: absolutely not, definitely not بتىbattī definite, definitive بتيةbattiya, bittīya pl. بتاتىbatātīy barrel; tub
بتاتاbatātan decidedly, definitely, positively, categorically, unquestionably, absolutely
s.th., e.g., a spirit, an ideology, a doctrine); to sprinkle ( ھـ ھـs.th. on); to let s.o. (ه, also )لin on s.th. (ھـ, esp. on a secret); to broadcast, transmit by radio │ بث العيونto peer around; بث األلغامto plant, or lay, mines IV to let ( هs.o.) in on a secret ( )ھـVII to be spread; to be scattered
تبتيتtabtīt adjudication, award باتbātt definite, definitive│منع بات (man‘) categorical interdiction 1
بترbatara u (batr) to cut off, sever ( ھـs.th.); to amputate ( ھـs.th.); to mutilate, render fragmentarily ( ھـa text) VII to be cut off, be severed, be amputated
بثbatta spreading, dissemina.tion, propagation; grief, sorrow بثرbatara i (batira a) and V to break out with pimples or pustules (skin)
بترbatr cutting off, severance, separation; amputation
بثرbatr pl. بثورbutūr (n. un. بثرةbatra pl. batarāt) pimples, pustules
ابترabtar2 curtailed, docked, clipped, trimmed; imperfect, defective, incomplete; without offspring
بثرbatir, بثيرbatīr pustulate, pimpled بثقbataqa i u (with النھرan-nahra) to open flood gates so that the river will overflow its banks VII to break forth, burst out, well out, pour out, gush out; to emanate, proceed, spring ( منor عنfrom)
بتارbattār cutting, sharp باترbātir cutting, sharp مبتورmabtūr broken, abrupt, unconnected; fragmentary, incomplete 2
انبثاقoutpouring, effusion, outpour, outburst; emanation
بتراءbitrā’ , batrā’ Petra (ancient city of Edomites and Nabataeans; ruins now in SW Jordan)
بجحbajiḥa a (bajaḥ) to rejoice ( بat) V to vaunt, flaunt ( بs.th.), boast, brag ( بof)
بتركbatrak patriarch
تبجحtabajjuj bragging, braggery
بترولbatrūl, bitrōl petroleum 2
ابتعabta‘ an assonant intensifier of اجمعajma‘ all, altogether, whole, entire
متبجحmutabajjij braggart 2
باتعbāti‘ strong; full, whole, entire 40 بتكII to cut off ( ھـs.th.) 1
بتلbatala i u (batl) and II to cut off, sever (ھـ s.th.); to make final, close, settle, make conclusive, clinch ( ھـs.th.) V to retire from the world and devote one's life to God ( ;)الى ﷲto be pious, chaste and selfdenying; to live in chastity VII to be cut off, be curtailed, be docked بتولbatūl virgin; البتولthe Virgin Mary بتوليbatūlī virginal بتوليةbatūlīya virginity متبتلmutabattil an ascetic, a. recluse; a pious, godly man
بتوالbatūlā birch tree
بثbatta (batt) to spread, unroll, unfold (ھـ s.th., e.g., a rug); to scatter, disperse (ھـ s.th.); to disseminate, propagate, spread (ھـ
بجدةbajda, bujda root, source. heart, essence, basis│ بجدة األمرthe heart of the matter, the actual state of affairs, the true facts; ھو ابن ( بجدتھاibn bujdatihā) he knows the job from the ground up, he is the right man for it ابجرabiar2 obese, corpulent بجسbajasa u i (bajs) and II to open a passage (for the water), cause (the water) to flow V and VII to flow freely, pour forth copiously, gush out بجسbajs, بجيسbajīs flowing freely, streaming بجعbaja‘ (n. un. )ةpelican بجلII to honor, revere, venerate, treat with deference ( هs.o.), show respect ( ھـto s.o.); to give precedence ( على ھـor هto s.o. or s.th. over) V to be honored, be revered, be venerated بجلbajal syphilis (ir.)
تبجيلtabjīl veneration, reverence; deference, respect
بحاثةbaḥḥāta eminent scholar مبحثmabḥāt pl. مباحثmabāḥit subject, theme, field of investigation or discussion, object of research; research, study, examination; investigation
مبجلmubajjal revered, respected; venerable بجمbajama i (bajm, بجومbujūm) to be speechless, dumfounded
مباحثةmubāḥata pl. -āt negotiation, parley, conference, talk, discussion
بجنII to clinch ( ھـa nail) بحbaḥḥa a (baḥḥ, بححbaḥaḥ, بحوحbuḥūḥ, بحاح baḥāḥ, بحوحةbuḥūḥa, بحاحةbaḥāḥa) to be or become hoarse, be raucous, husky, harsh (voice) II and IV to make hoarse (ه s.o.)
باحثbāḥit pl. -ūn and بحاثbuḥḥāt scholar, research worker; examiner, investigator
بحةbuḥḥa hoarseness
بحثرbaḥtara to disperse, scatter ( ھـs.th.); to waste, squander, dissipate ( ھـs.th.) II tabaḥtara pass. of I
ابحabaḥḥ2 hoarse
بحثرbaḥtara waste, dissipation
مبحوحmabḥūḥ hoarse 41
مبحثرmubaḥtir squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift
بحبحII tabaḥbaḥa to be prosperous, live in easy circumstances; to enjoy o.s. have a good time بحبوحbaḥbūḥ gay, merry بحبوحةbuḥbūḥa middle; life of ease and comfort, prosperity, affluence│ في بحبوحة amidst مبحبحmubaḥbaḥ well-to-do, prosperous; enjoying an easy, comfortable life بحتbaḥt pure, unmixed, sheer; exclusive, also بحت األمر; بحتاbaḥan merely, solely, purely, exclusively, nothing but ... بحترbuḥtur stocky, pudgy, thickset بحتريbuḥturī stocky, pudgy, thickset بحثbaḥata a (baḥt) to look, search ( ھـor عن for s.th.), seek ( ھـor عنs.th.); to do research; to investigate, examine, study, explore ( ھـor عنs.th., less frequently with فيor )على, look into ( ھـor ;)عنto discuss ( ھـa subject, a question) III to discuss (ه with s.o., فيa question) VI to have a discussion, discuss together; to confer, have a talk ( معwith s.o., فيabout) بحثbaḥt pl. بحوثbuḥūt, ابحاث، بحوثاتabḥāt search ( عنfor), quest ( عنof); examination, study; research; investigation, exploration; discussion; treatise; (pl. )ابحاثstudy, scientific report ( فيon) بحاثbaḥḥāt scholar, research worker
بحرbaḥira a to be startled, be bewildered (with fright)
بحرII to travel by sea, make a voyage IV do.; to embark, go on board; to put to sea, set sail, sail, depart (ship); to go downstream, be sea-bound (ship on the Nile) V to penetrate deeply, delve ( فيinto); to study thoroughly ( فيa subject) X = V
بحرbaḥr pl. بحارbiḥār, بحور, buḥūr, ابحار abḥār, ابحرabḥur sea; large river; a noble., or great, man (whose magnanimity or knowledge is comparable to the vastness of the sea); meter (poet.) │ في بحرin the course of, during, ( في بحر سنتينsanatain) in the course of two years, within two years; ( البحر األبيض المتوسطabyaḍ, mutawassiṯ) the Mediterranean (sometimes shortened to البحر األبيض(; بحر البلطيقb. al-balṯīq the Baltic Sea; بحر الجنوبb. al-janūb the South Seas; البحر األحمرthe Red Sea (also بحر القلزم b. al-qulzum); بحر القزرb. al-ḳazar the Caspian Sea (also البحر الكسبياتي(؛ بحر الروم b. ar-rūm the Mediterranean; البحر األسود (aswad) the Black Sea; بحر الظلماتb. aẓẓulumāt the ھـtlantic; بحر لوطb. lūṯ and البحر ( الميتmayyit) the Dead Sea; ( بحر النيلeg.) the Nile البحرينal-baḥrain the Bahrein Islands بحرانيbaḥrānī of the Bahrein Islands; البحارنةal-baḥārina the inhabitants of the Bahrein Islands بحريbaḥrī sea (adj.), marine; maritime; nautical; naval; navigational; (in Eg.)
northern, baḥrīya (with foll. genit.) north 42 of; (pl. -ūn, )ةsailor, seaman, mariner│ بحري ماھرapprox.: seaman apprentice (Eg.); ( القوات البحريةqūwāt) the naval forces; ( نباتات بحريةnabātāt) marine flora, water plants
ابخرabḳar2 suffering from halitosis مبخرةmabḳara pl. مباخرmabāḳir2 (also -āt) censer; thurible; fumigator
بحريةbaḥrīya navy
تبخيرtabḳīr fumigation
بحرةbaḥra pond, pool
تبخرtabaḳḳur evaporation, vaporization
بحارbaḥḥār pl. -ūn, بحارةbaḥḥāra seaman, mariner, sailor; pl. بحارةcrew (of a ship, of an airplane) بحيرةbuḥaira pl. -āt, بحائرbaḥā’ir2 lake; (tun.)'vegetable garden, truck garden بحرانbuḥrān crisis (of an illness); climax, culmination (also, e.g., of ecstasy)
باخرةbalfira pl. بواخرbawāḳir2 steamer, steamship بويخرةbuwaiḳira small steamboat بخسbaḳasa a (baks) to decrease, diminish, reduce ( ھـs.th.); to lessen (e.g., قيمته qīmatahū the value of s.th.); to disregard, neglect, fail to heed ( ھـs.th.)
تبحرtabaḥḥur deep penetration, delving ( فيinto a subject), thorough study ( فيof)
بخسbaḳs too little, too low; very low (price)
متبحرmutabaḥḥir thoroughly familiar ( فيwith); profound, erudite, searching, penetrating
باخسbaḳis small, little, trifling, unimportant
بحلقbaḥlaqa: ‘( بحلق عينيهainaihi) to stare, gaze ( فيat) 1
بخورbaḳūr incense; frankincense│ بخور مريمb. maryam cyclamen (bot.)
بخشيشbaḳšīš pl. بخاشيشbaḳāšīš 2 tip, gratuity بخعbaḳa‘a a (baḳ‘) with نفسه: to kill o.s. (with grief, anger, rage)
بخ بخbaḳ baḳ excellent! well done! Bravo!
ابخقabḳaq2 f. بخقاءbaḳqā’2 one-eyed
بخbaḳḳa u (baḳḳ) to snore; to spout, spurt, squirt ( ھـs.th.); to sprinkle, splatter (ب ھـ s.th. with)
بخلbaḳila a (baḳal), baḳula u (buḳl) to be niggardly, be stingy ( بwith s.th., عنor علىwith regard to s.o.), scrimp ( على,عن s.o., بfor), stint ( بin, عنor علىs.o.), withhold ( على, عنfrom s.o., بs.th.) VI to give reluctantly, grudgingly ( على, عنto s.o., y s.th.)
بخاخةbaḳḳāḳa nozzle بخيخةbuḳḳēḳa squirt, syringe مبخةmibaḳḳa nozzle بختbaḳt luck; a kind of lottery│ قليل البخت unIucky; سوء البختbad luck بخيتbaḳīt lucky, fortunate مبخوتmabḳūt lucky, fortunate بخترII tabaḳtara to strut, prance بخرII to vaporize, evaporate ( ھـs.th.); to fumigate ( ھـs.th.); to disinfect ( ھـs.th.); to perfume with incense, expose to aromatic smoke ( ھـs.th.) V to evaporate (water); to volatilize, tum into smoke or haze; to perfume 0.8., or be perfumed, with incense بخارbuḳār pl. -āt, ابخرةabḳira vapor, fume; steam بخاريbuḳārī steam (adj.), steam-driven
بخلbuḳl avarice, cupidity, greed 43 بخيلbaḳīl pl. بخالءavaricious, greedy; miser, skinflint مبخلةmabḳala cause of avarice, that which arouses avarice or greed بخنقbuḳnuq pl. بخانقbaḳāniq2 kerchief, veil (to cover the head) بbadda u (budd) to distribute, spread, disperse II to divide, distribute, spread, scatter, disperse (• ھـ.th.); to remove, eliminate ( ھـs.th.); to waste, squander, fritter away, dissipate ( ھـs.th.) V pass. of II; X to be independent, proceed independently ( بin, e.g., in one's opinion, i.e., to be opinionated, obstinate, headstrong); to possess alone monopolize (ھـ
s.th.); to take possession ( ھـof s.o.), seize, grip, overwhelm, overcome ( ھـs.o.; said of a feeling, of an impulse); to dispose arbitrarily, highhandedly ( بof s.th.); to rule despotically, tyrannically, autocratically ( بover)
wa-bad’an) ‘( عوده على بدئهaudahū ‘alā bad’ihī) or ( عودا الى بدءilā bad’in) he did it all over again, he began anew
بدbudd way out, escape│ اذا لم يكن بد من ( انbuddun) if it is inevitable that ... ; ال بد (budda) definitely, certainly, inevitably, without fail; by all means; ال بد منit is necessary, inescapable, unavoidable, inevitable, ال بد له منهhe simply must do it, he can't get around it; من كل بدmin kulli buddin in any case, at any rate
بداءةbadā’a beginning, start; first step, first instance│ بداءة بدءbadā’ata bad’in right at the outset, at the very beginning
بدأةbad’a, بديئةbadī’a, بدايةbidāya beginning, start│ في بداية األمرin the beginning, at first
بدائيbudā’ī primitive مبدأmabda' pl. مبادئmabādi’2 beginning, start, starting point; basis, foundation; principle; invention; pl. principles, convictions (of a person); ideology; rudiments. fundamental concepts, elements│ كتب المبادئkutub al-m. elementary books 44
اباديدabādīd 2 (pl.) scattered تبديدtabdīd scattering, dispersal, dispersion; removal, elimination; waste, dissipation
مبدئيmabda’ī original, initial; fundamental, basic; مبدئياmabda’īyan originally; in principle
استبدادistibdād arbitrariness, highhandedness; despotism; autocracy; absolutism
ابتدائيibtidā’ī beginning, start; novitiate (Chr.)│ ابتداء منibtidā’an min from, beginning ... , as of (with foll. date)
استبداديistibdādī arbitrary, highhanded, autocratic, despotic; استبدادياتistibdādīyāt arbitrary acts
ابتدائيibtidā’ī initial; preparatory, elementary, primary; of first instance (jur.); original, primitive│محكمة ابتدائية (maḥkama) court of first instance; التعليم االبتدائىelementary education; مدرسة ابتدائية (madrasa) lower grades of a high school, approx.: junior high school (as distinguished from ثانوية(؛ شھادة ابتدائية (šahāda) approx.: junior high school graduation certificate
مبددmubaddid scatterer, disperser; squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift مستبدmustabidd arbitrary, highhanded, autocratic, tyrannical, despotic; autocrat, tyrant, despot│( مستبد برأيهbira’yihī) opinionated, obstinate, headstrong بدأbada’a a ( بدأbad’) to begin, start ( بor في with s.th., ھـs.th.; هwith s.o.; with foll. imperf.: to do s.th. or doing s.th. respectively); to set in, begin, start, arise, spring up, crop up II to put ( ھـs.th., على before s.th. else), give precedence or priority ( ھـto s.th., علىover s.th. else) III to begin, start ( بs.th., هwith regard to s.o.), make the first step, take the initiative or lead ( بin s.th., هtoward s.o.) e.g., بادأه ( بالكالمkalām) to accost s.o., speak first to s.o. IV to do or produce first ( ھـs.th.). bring out ( ھـs.th. new)│ ما يبدئ وما يعيدmā yubdi’u wa-mā yu‘īd he can't think of a blessed thing to say; يبدئ ويعيدhe says or does everything conceivable VIII to begin, start ( بwith s.th.) بدءbad’ beginning, start│ منذ البدءfrom the (very) beginning; ‘( فعله عودا وبدءاaudan
بادئbādi’ beginning, starting│ بادئ األمر badi'a l-amr and في بادئ األمرin the beginning, at first; في بادئ الرأيright away, without thinking twice, unhesitatingly; بادئ ذي بدءbadi’a dī bad’in above all, first of all, in the first place, primarily; البادئ ذكرهal-badi’u dikruhu (the person or thing) mentioned at the outset, the firstmentioned مبتدئmubtadi’ beginning; beginner; novice (Chr.) مبتدأmubtada' beginning, start; (gram.) subject of 8 nominal clause 1
بدرbadara u to come unexpectedly, by surprise; to escape ( منs.o.; e.g., words in excitement) III to come to s.o.’s ( )هmind,
occur to s.o. (t) all of a sudden, strike s.o. (idea, notion); to embark, enter ( الىupon s.th.) or set out ( الىto do s.th.) without delay; to rush, hurry ( الىto s.o., to a place); to hurry up (", with s.th.), بادر الى with foll. verbal noun: to do s.th. promptly, without delay, hasten to do s.th.; to fall upon s.o ( )هwith ()ب, accost, assail, surprise ( ب هs.o. with s.th.; e.g., بادره بكالم غليظto snap rudely at s.o.); to react, respond ( الىto s.th.)│ بادر الى انجاز ( الوعدinjāzi l-wa‘d) to set out to fulfill a promise VI ( تبادر الى الذھنdihn) to suggest itself strongly, be obvious; to appear at first glance as if (أن(؛ تبادر الى ذھني أن (dihnī) it occurred to me all of a sudden that ... ; ( تبادر الى الفھمfahm) to be immediately understood VIII to hurry, rush, hasten ( ھـto); to get ahead of s.o. ()ه, anticipate, forestall ( هs.o.)│ابتدرھا قائال before she could say a word he exclaimed ... بدرbadr, pl. بدورbudūr full moon بدرةbadra pl. badarāt, بدارbidār huge amount of money (formerly = 10,000 dirhams)│ بدرات األموالenormous sums of money بدارbadārī hurry! quick! مبادرةmubādara undertaking, enterprise بادرةbādira pl. بوادرbawadir2 herald, harbinger, precursor, forerunner, first indication, sign; unforeseen act; stirring, impulse, fit (e.g., of rage); blunder, mistake; بوادرstirrings, impulses│بادرة خير b. ḳairin a good, or generous, impulse 2
بيدرbaidar pl. بيادرbayādir 2 threshing floor
بدرومand ( بدرونTurk. bodrum) badrūm, badrūn pl. -āt basement بدعbada‘a a (bad‘) to introduce, originate, start, do for the first time ( ھـs.th.), be the first to do s.th. ( ;)ھـto devise, contrive, invent ( ھـs.th.) II to accuse of heresy (ه s.o.) IV = I; to create ( ھـs.th.); to achieve unique, excellent results ( فيin); to be amazing, outstanding ( فيin s.th.) VIII to invent, contrive, devise, think up ( ھـs.th.) X to regard as novel, as unprecedented (ھـ s.th.)
بدعbad‘ innovation, novelty; creation│ بدعا وعوداbad‘an wa-‘audan repeatedly 45 بدعbid‘ pl. ابداعabdā‘ innovator; new, original; unprecedented, novel│ ال بدعlā bid‘a no wonder! ال بدع انlā bid‘a an no wonder that ... ; بدع منs.th. else than; unlike, different from بدعةbid‘a pl. بدعbida‘ innovation. novelty; heretical doctrine, heresy; pl. creations (of fashion, of art)│ اھل البدعahl al-b. heretics بديعbadi', بدعbud‘ unprecedented, marvelous, wonderful, amazing, admirable, singular, unique; creator│ علم ‘ البديعilm al-b. the art or science of metaphors and (in general) of good style بديعةbadī‘a pl. بدائعbadā’i‘2 an astonishing, amazing thing, a marvel, a wonder; original creation بديعيbadī‘ī rhetorical ابدعabda‘2 more amazing, more exceptional; of even greater originality ابداعibdā‘ creation, fashioning, shaping; a marvelous, unique achievement; uniqueness, singularity, originality; creative ability O ابداعيibdā‘ī romantic (lit.) O ابداعيةibdā‘īya romanticism (lit.) مبدعmubdi‘ producing, creating; creative; creator; exceptional, unique, outstanding (in an achievement, esp. of an artist) مبتدعmubtadi‘ innovator; creator; heretic بيدقlook up alphabetically بدلbadala u to replace ( ب ھـs.th. by), exchange ( ب ھـs.th. for) II to change, alter ( ھـ ھـs.th. to), convert ( ھـ ھـs.th. into); to substitute ( ھـfor s.th., بor منs.th.), exchange, give in exchange ( ھـs.th., بor منfor); to change ( ھـs.th.) III to exchange ( ھـ هwith s.o. s.th.) IV to replace ( ب ھـs.th. by), exchange ( ب ھـfor s.th. s.th. else); to compensate ( ھـ ب هs.o. for s.th. with s.th. else), give s.o. ( )هs. th. ( )ھـin exchange for ( )بV to change; to be exchanged VI to exchange ( ھـs.th., also words, views, greetings) X to exchange, receive in exchange, trade, barter ( ب ھـand ھـ بs.th.
for); to replace ( ھـ بand ھـ بs.th. by), substitute ( ب ھـand ھـ بfor s.th. s.th. else)
استبدالistibdāl exchange, replacement, substitution
بدمbadal pl. ابدالabdāl substitute, alternate, replacement; equivalent. compensation, setoff; reimbursement, recompense, allowance; price. rate; (gram.) appositional substantive standing for another substantive│ بدل الجرايةb. aljirāya allowance for food; بدل السفريةb. assafarīya travel allowance; بدل االشتراك subscription rate; بدل التمثيلexpense account, expense allowance
مبدلmubdil: مبدل االسطواناتm. alusṯuwānāt automatic record changer
بدلbadala (prep.) inetead of, in place of, in lieu of بدال منbadalan min in place of, instead of, in lieu of بدلةbadla pl. badalāt, بدلbidal suit (of clothes); costume│ بدلة الحمامb. alḥammām bathing suit; ( بدلة رسميةrasmīya) uniform; ( بدلة تشريفاتيةtašrīfātīya) fulldreas uniform بدليةbadalīya compensation, smart money بدالbadāla (prep.) instead of, بدال ما (conj.) instead of (being, doing, etc.) بديلbadīl pl. بدالءbudalā’ 2 substitute, alternate ( عنor منfor); stand-in, double (theat.); (f. )ةserving as a replacement or substitute│ ( مفرزة بديلةmafraza) reserve detachment (mil.) بدالbaddāl grocer; money-changer بدالةbaddāla culvert; pipeline; telephone exchange, central □ مبادلmabādil2 see بدل تبديلtabdīl change, alteration 46
متبادلmutabādil mutual, reciprocal بدنbaduna u and badana u to be fat, corpulent بدنbadan pl. ابدانabdān, ابدنabdun body, trunk, torso بدنيbadani bodily, corporal, physical, somatic بدانةbadāna corpulence, obesity بدينbadīn pl. بدنbudun stout, corpulent, fat, obese بدونةbudūna corpulence, obesity بادنbādin pl. بدنbudn stout, corpulent, fat, obese بدهbadaha a to come, descend suddenly ( هupon s.o.), befall unexpectedly ( هs.o.); to surprise ( هs.o.) with s.th. ( )بIII to appear suddenly, unexpectedly ( ب هbefore s.o. with s.th.) VIII to extemporize, improvise, do offhand, on the spur of the moment ( ھـs.th.) بداھةbadāha spontaneity, spontaneous occurrence, impulse; simple, natural way, naturalness, matter-of-factness; بداھة badāhatan and بالبداھةall by itself, spontaneously بديھةbadīha s.th. sudden or unexpected; improvisation; impulse, inspiration, spontaneous intuition; intuitive understanding or insight, empathy, instinctive grasp, perceptive faculty│على البداھيةall by itself, spontaneously; offhand; حاضر البديھةquick-witted, quick at repartee; بديھة حاضرةpresence of mind
مبادلةmubādala pl. -āt exchange│ مبادالت ( تجاريةtijārīya) commercial exchange, trade relations
بديھيbadīhī and بدھيbadahī intuitive, self-evident, a priori (adj.)
ابدالibdāl exchange, interchange, replacement ( بby), substitution ( بof); change; phonetic change
بديھيةbadīhīya pl. -āt an axiom, a fundamental or self-evident truth; truism, commonplace, platitude
تبدلtabaddul change, shift, turn; transformation; transmutation, conversion
بدائهbadii'ih' fundamental or selfevident truths
تبادلtabādul (mutual) exchange│ تبادل السالمt. as-salam exchange of greetings, تبادل الخواطرthought transference, telepathy
( بدو( بداbadā u to appear, show, become evident, clear, plain or manifest, come to light; to be obvious; to seem good,
acceptable, proper ( لto s.o.) III to shaw, display, evince, manifest, reveal, declare openly│‘( بادى بالعداوةadāwa) to show open hostility IV to disclose, reveal, manifest, show, display, evince ( ھـs.th.), to demonstrate, bring out, bring to light, make visible ( ھـs.th.); to express, utter, voice ( ھـs.th.)│ ( ابدى رأيه فيra'yahū) to express one's opinion about; ابدى رغبة (ragbatan) to expreas a wish or desire V = I, to live in the desert VI to pose as a Bedouin بدوbadw desert; nomads, Bedouins بدويbadawī Bedouin, nomadic; rural (as distinguished from urban); a Bedouin بدويةbadawīya pl. -āt Bedouin woman, Bedouin girl بداةbadaJl pl. بدواتbadawāt whim, caprice; ill-humor
بذاءbadā’ and بذاءةbadā’a obscenity, ribaldry, foulness (of language); disgust, loathing, aversion, contempt بذخbadaḳa a to be haughty, proud بذخbadaḳ luxury, pomp, splendor; haughtiness, pride باذخbādiḳ pl. بواذخbawādiḳ2 high, lofty; proud, haughty بذرbadara u (badr) to sow, disseminate (ھـ s.th., seed, also fig. = to spread) II to waste, squander, dissipate ( ھـs.th.) بذرbadr pl. بذورbudūr, بذارbidār seeds, seed; seedling; pl. بذورpips, pits, stones (of fruit) بذرةbadra (n. un.) a seed, a grain; pip, pit, stone (of fruit); germ; (fig.) germ cell (of a development, and the like) بذارbidār seedtime
بداوةbadāwa and bidāwa desert life, Bedouin life; Bedouinism, nomadism 47
تبذيرtabdīr waste, squandering, dissipation
بيداءbaidā’2 desert, steppe, wilderness, wild
مبذرmubaddir squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift
ابداءibdā’ expression, manifestation, declaration بادbādin apparent, evident, obvious, plain, visible; inhabiting the desert; pl. بداة budāh Bedouins باديةbādiya desert, semidesert, steppe; peasantry; (pl. بوادbawādin) nomads, Bdouins بدايةbidāya = بداءة بذbadda u (badd) to get the better of ()ه, beat, surpass (s.o.) بذbadd and bādd slovenly, untidy, shabby, filthy, squalid بذاذةbadāda slovenliness, untidiness, shabbiness, dirtiness, filth بذأbada’a a to revile, abuse ( علىs.o.), rail ( علىat s.o.); -- بذئbadi’a a, بذؤbadu’a u to be obscene, bawdy بذئbadī’ disgusting, loathsome, nauseous, foul, dirty, obscene, bawdy, ribald
بيذقlook up alphabetically بذلbadala i u (badl) to give or spend freely, generously ( ھـs.th.); to sacrifice ( ھـs.th.); to expend ( ھـs.th.); to offer, grant (ھـ s.th.)│ ( بذل جھدهjahdahū) to take pains; بذل مجھوداdo.; ( بذل كل مساعدةkulla musā‘adatin) to grant every assistance; بذل المساعىto make efforts; بذل الطاعة لto obey s.o., defer to s.o.; ( بذل كل غالkulla gālin) and بذل الغالى والرخيص في سبيلto spare no effort, go to any length, give everything, pay any price for or in order to; بذل ماء ( وجھهmā’a wajhihī) to sacrifice one's honor; ( عن فالنor) بذل نفسه دون فالنto sacrifice o.s. for s.o.; ( بذل وسعهwus‘ahū) to do one’s utmost, do one’s best V to fritter away one’s fortune, be over-generous; to prostitute o.s. (woman); to display common, vulgar manners VIII to wear out in common service, make trite, vulgar, commonplace, to hackney ( ھـs.th.); to abuse ( ھـs.th.); to express o.s. in a vulgar manner, use vulgar language; ابتذل نفسهto degrade o.s. demean o.s., sacrifice one's dignity
بذلbadl giving, spending; sacrifice, surrender, abandonment; expenditure; offering, granting
مبررmubarrir pl. -āt justification; excuse│( ال مبرر لهmubarrira) unjustifiable 2
بذلةbadla suit (of clothes) مبذلmibdal pl. مباذلmabādil2 slipper; pl. مباذلcasual clothing worn around home│ فالن في مباذلهso-and-so in his private life
برىbarrī terrestrial, land (adj.); wild (of plants and animals)│ سيارة برية مائية (sayyāra, mā’īya) amphibious vehicle
ابتذالibtidāl triteners, commonness, commonplaceness; banality; debasement, degradation
ā بريةbarrīya pl. برارىbarāarīy open country, steppe, desert; see also 1 برأ
باذلbādil spender 48
برانىbarrānī outside, outer, exterior, external; foreign, alien
متبذلmutabaddil vulgar, common مبتذلmubtadal trite, hackneyed, banal, common, vulgar; everyday, commonplace (adj.) 2
برbarra (1st pers. perf. barirtu, barartu) a I (birr) to be reverent, dutiful, devoted; to be kind ( هor بto s.o.); to be charitable, beneficent, do good ( بto s.o.); to obey (ه s.o., esp. God); to treat with reverence, to honor ( بor هthe parents); to be honest, truthful; to be true, valid (sworn statement); to keep ( بa promise, an oath) II to warrant, justify, vindicate; to acquit, absolve, exonerate, exculpate, clear ( ه،ھـ s.o., s.th.)│ ( برر وجھهwajhahū) to justify o.s. by IV to carry out, fulfill ( ھـs.th., a promise, an oath) V to justify o.s.; to be justified برbirr reverence, piety; righteousness, probity; godliness, devoutness; kindness; charitable gift برbarr and بارbārr pl. ابرارabrār and بررةbarara reverent, dutiful ( بtoward), devoted ( بto); pious, godly, upright, righteous.; kind مبرةmabarra pl. -āt and مبارmabar2 good deed, act of charity, benefaction; philanthropic organization; charitable institution, home or hospital set up with private funds تبريرtabrīr justification, vindication بارbārr reverent, faithful and devoted; see also under برbarr above مبرورmabrūr (accepted into the grace of the Lord, i.e.) blessed (said of a deceased person)
برbarr land (as opposed to sea), terra firma, mainland; open country; براbarran out, outside│ برا وبحراbarran wa-baḥran by land and sea
برburr wheat 1
برأbara’a a ( برءbar’) to create ( ھـs.th., said of God) برءbar’ creation بريةbarīya pl. -āt, براياbarāyā creation (= that which is created); creature; see also 2 بر. ~ البارىJ~I aI-bari' the Creator (God)
برئbari’a a ( براءةbarā’a) to be or become free, be cleared ( منfrom, esp. from guilt blame, etc., الىtoward s.o.); to recover (من from an illness) II to free, clear, acquit, absolve, exculpate ( هs.o., منfrom suspicion, blame, guilt)│ برأ ساحة الرجل (sāḥata r-rajul) he acquitted the man IV to acquit, absolve, discharge, exculpate (ه s.o.); to cause to recover, cure, heal (ه s.o.)│ ( ابرأ ذمتهdimmatahū) to clear s.o. or o.s. from guilt, exonerate s.o. or o.s. V to clear o.s. ( منfrom suspicion, from a charge), free o.s. ( منfrom responsibility, etc.), rid o.s. ( منof); to declare o.s. innocent, wash one’s hands ( منof); to be acquitted X to restore to health, cure, heal ( هs.o.); to free o.s. ( منfrom), rid o.s. (من of) برءbur’ and burū’ convalescence, recovery برئbarī’ pl. ابرياءabriyā’2, براءburā’, birā’ free, exempt ( منfrom), devoid (من of); guiltless, innocent; guileless, harmless; healthy, sound 49 براءbarā’ free, exempt ( منfrom)│ ذمته ( براء منdimmatuM) he is innocent of ...
براءةbarā’a being free; disavowal, withdrawal; innocence, guiltlessness; naiveté, guilelessness, artlessness; (pl. -āt) license, diploma, patent│ براءة اختراع patent on an invention; براءة التنفيذ exequatur (a written authorization of a consular officer, issued by the government to which he is accredited); براءة الثقةb. attiqa (Tun.) credentials (dipl.); على براءة harmless; without guilt, innocent تبرئةtabri’a freeing, exemption; acquittal, absolution, discharge, exoneration مبارأةmubāra’a mubarat, divorce by mutual consent of husband and wife, either of them waiving all claims by way of compensation (Isl. Law) ابراءibrā’ acquittal, absolution, release; release of a debtor from his liabilities, remission of debt (Isl. Law) استبراءistibrā’: استبراء الحملist. al-ḥamal the ceremony of selecting and purifying the Host before Mass (Copt.-Chr.)
بربيسlook up alphabetically بربيشbarbīš (syr.) tube (of a narghile, of an enema, etc.) بربطbarbata to splash, paddle, dabble (in water) ( بربونىIt. barbone) barbūnī, also بربونred mullet (Mullus barbatus; zool.) بربىsee بربة بربيسbarbīs barbel (zool.) برتغالburtugāl Portugal برتغالىburtugālī Portuguese برتقالburtuqāl, برتقانburtuqān orange برتقالىburtuqālī, برتقانىburtuqānī orange, orange-colored برثنburtun, pl. براثنbarātin claw, talon 1
برجV to display, show, play up her charms (woman); to adorn herself, make herself pretty (woman)
برجburj pl. بروجburūj, ابراجabrāj tower; castle; sign of the zodiac│ برج الحمامb. alḥamām pigeon house, dovecot; برج المياهb. al-miyāh water tower
بارجةbārija pl. بوارجbawārij warship, battleship; barge
لعب البرجاسla‘b al-birjās a kind of equestrian contest, joust, tournament
البرجيسal-birjīs Jupiter (astron.)
براجواىbaraguwāy Paraguay البرازيلal-bərāzīl Brazil ( براسيرىFr. brasserie) brāseri beer parlor, taproom براغPrague ( برافانFr. paravent) baravān folding screen براھماbərahmā Brahma بربةbirba and برباbirbā pl. برابىbarābī ancient Egyptian temple, temple ruins doting back to ancient Egypt (eg.); labyrinth, maze بربخbarbaḳ pl. برابخbarābiḳ2 water pipe, drain, culvert, sewer pipe بربرbarbara to babble noisily (e.g., a large crowd), jabber, mutter, prattle البربرal-barbar the Berbers بربرىbarbarī Berber (adj.); barbaric, uncivilized; -- (pl. برابرةbarābira) a Berber; a barbarian بربريةbarbarīya barbar(ian)ism, barbarity, savagery, cruelty متبربرmutabarbir barbaric, uncivilized
برجلbarjal pl. براجلbarāhil2 compass, (pair of) dividers 50 برجمةburjuma pl. براجمbarājim2 knuckle, finger joint برحbariḥa a ( براحbarāḥ) to leave ( ھـor منa place, الىfor), depart ( ھـfrom, الىon one’s way to); with neg.: to continue to be (= زال(│ما برح فيhe is still in ... ; ما برح غنيا (ganīyan) he is still rich; ( برح الخفاءḳafā’) the matter hall come out, has become generally known; غدا وبرحto come and go II to beset, harass, trouble, molest ( بs.o.) III to leave ( ھـa place, الىfor), depart (ھـ from, الىon one's way to) براحdeparture; cessation, stop; a wide, empty tract of land, vast expanse, vastness; براحاbarāḥan openly and plainly, patently
تباريحtabārīh2 agonies, torments (e.g., of longing, of passion)
war; غنيمة باردةan easy prey; ‘( عيش باردaiš) an easy life; ( حجة باردةḥujja) a weak argument; ( تبغ باردtibg) light, mild tobacco
مبارحةmubāraḥa departure بارحbāriḥ (showing the left side. i.e.) ill-boding, inauspicious, ominous (as opposed to سانح(؛ البارحal-bāriḥa yesterday البارحةal-bāriḥata yesterday│ الليلة ( البارحةlailata) last night; اول البارحة awwala l-b. the day before yesterday. two days ago
مبردmubarrid cooling, refreshing; pl. -āt refreshments (beverages, etc.) مبردmubarrad cooled, chilled 2
برادbarrād fitter (of machinery) برادةbirāda fitter's trade or work برادةburāda iron filings
مبرحmubarriḥ, violent, intense, excruciating, agonizing (esp., of pains) مبرح بهmubarraḥ bihi stricken. afflicted, tormented
مبردmibrad pl. مباردmabcirid2 file, rasp 3
بردbard coldness, chilliness, coolness; cooling; alleviation; cold, catarrh بردbarad hail, بردةbarada (n. un.) hailstone برودbarūd collyrium برودburūd coldness, coolness, chilliness; emotional coldness, frigidity برودةburūda coldness, coolness, chilliness; emotional coldness, frigidity│ برودة الدمb. ad-dam cold-bloodedness برديةbardīya ague, feverish chill; see also below برداءburadā’ 2 ague, feverish chill برادةbarrāda cold-storage plant; refrigerator, icebox تبريدtabrīd cooling, chilling; cold storage, refrigeration; alleviation, mitigation│ جھاد التبريدjahāz at-t. coldstorage plant, refrigerator; غرفة التبريد gurfat at-t. cold-storage room باردbārid cold; cool, chilly; easy; weak; stupid, inane, silly, dull; dunce, blockhead│( الحرب الباردةḥarb) the cold
بردburd pl. ابرادabrād garment بردةburda Mohammed's outer garment
بردbarada u to be or become cold; to cool, cool off (also fig.); to feel cold; to cool, chill ( ھـs.th.); to soothe. alleviate (ھـ pain); -- baruda to be or become cold II to make cold ( ھـs.th.); to refrigerate ( ھـs.th.); to cool, chill ( ھـs.th., also fig.); to soothe, alleviate ( ھـpain) V to refresh o.s., cool o.s. off; to be soothed, be alleviated VIII to become cold, cool off
بردbarada u to file ( ھـa piece of metal, etc.)
بردايةburdāya curtain, drape 51 4
بردIV to send by mail, to mail ( ھـa letter) بريدbarīd post, mail│( البريد الجوىjawwī) air mail بريدىbarīdī postal; messenger, courier; mailman
بارودlook up alphabetically
بردىbardī, burdī papyrus (bot.) برديةbardīya pl. -āt papyrus│علم البرديات ‘ilm al-b. papyrology
برداقbardāq pl. براديقbarādīq2 jug, pitcher لعب البردجla‘b al-b. bridge (game) بردخbardaḳa to polish, burnish ( ھـs.th.) □ بردعة = برذعة بردقان = برتقان بردقوشbardaqūš (= )مردقوشmarjoram ( بردورةFr. bordure) badūra curbstone, curb برذعةbarda‘a pl. براذعbarādi‘2 saddle, packsaddle (for donkeys and camels) براذعىbarādi‘ī maker of donkey saddle, saddler برذونbirdaun pl. براذينbarādīn2 work horse jade, nag 1
برزbaraza u to come out, show, appear, come into view, emerge; to jut out, protrude, stand out, be prominent (also fig.); to surpass, excel ( علىs.o.) II to cause to come out, bring out, expose, show, set off, accentuate ( ھـs.th.); to excel, surpass (فى
علىs.o. in), stand out ( فىfor), distinguish o.s. ( فيby) III to meet in combat or duel (ه s.o.); to compete in a contest ( هwith s.o.) IV to cause to come out, bring out, expose, make manifest ( ھـs.th.); to publish, bring out ( ھـa book, etc.); to present, show ( ھـe.g., an identity card) V to evacuate the bowels VI to vie, contend
برشتbirišt: ( بيض برشتbaiḍ) soft-boiled eggs برشلونةbaršīlōna Barcelona (seaport in NE Spain) برشمbaršama to stare, gaze ( الىat s.th.); to rivet ( ھـs.th.) برشمةbaršama riveting برشامburšām and ( برشانn. un. )ةpl. -āt wafer; Host (Chr.)
بروزburūz prominence, projection, protrusion
برشامةburšāma rivet
برازbirāz excrement, feces; competition, contest, match (in sports); duel
برشامجىburšāmjī riveter برشمجيةburšamjīya riveting
بريزةburaiza (birēza; eg.) ten-piaster coin
ابرزabraz2 more marked, more distinctive; more prominent
برصburṣ wall gecko (Tarentola mauritanica, zool.)
مبارزةmubāraza competition, contest, match, esp. in sports; duel; fencing ابرازibrāz bringing out, displaying, setting off, accentuation; production; presentation بارزbāriz protruding, projecting, salient; raised, embossed, in relief; marked, distinct, conspicuous; prominent (personality) مبرزmubarriz surpassing ( علىs.o.), superior ( علىto s.o.); winner. victor (in contest) مبارزmubāriz competitor, contender; combatant, fighter; fencer 2
( بريزFr. prise) brīz pl. -āt (plug) socket, wallplug, outlet (syr.); بريزةbarīza pl. برائز barā’iz2 do. (eg.)
ابريزlook up alphabetically
برزانbarazān trumpet
برزخbarzaḳ pl. برازخbarāziḳ interval, gap, break, partition, bar, obstruction; isthmus برزوقburzūq sidewalk 1
برسامbirsām pleurisy
ابريسمlook up alphabetically
برسيمbirsīm clover, specif., berseem, Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum bot.)
برشburš pl. ابراشabrāš mat ابرشabraš2 spotted, speckled 52
برشlook up alphabetically
برصbariṣa a (baraṣ) to be a leper
برصbaraṣ leprosy ابراصabraṣ2 leprous; leper│سام ابرص sāmm a. wall gecko 2
برصةburṣa stock exchange
برضbaraḍa u ( بروضburūḍ) to germinate, sprout (plant) برطوزbarṯūz: برطوز البحريةb. a1-baḥrīya forecastle, crew quarters (on a merchant vessel) برطعbarṯa‘a ( برطعةbarṯa‘a) to gallop برطلbarṯala ( برطلةbarṯala) to bribe ( هs.o.) II tabarṯala to take bribes, be venal برطيلbirṯīl pl. براطيلbarāṯīl2 bribe 1
برطمbarṯama to rave, talk irrationally برطومburṯūm, barṯūm trunk of an elephant
برطمانbarṯamān pl. -āt (syr. eg.) tall earthen or glass vessel (for preserves, oil. etc.)
برعbara‘a a to surpass excel ( هs.o.); (also baru‘a u) to distinguish o.s., be skilful, proficient V to contribute. Give, donate (ب s.th.); to undertake (voluntarily, بs.th.). volunteer ( بor), be prepared, willing (ب to do s.th.); to be ready, be on hand (ب with) براعةbarā‘a skill, proficiency; efficiency, capability, capacity بروعةburū‘a superior skill, outstanding proficiency
تبرعtabarru‘ pl. -āt gift, donation; contribution
بارقbāriq: بارقb. al-amal glimpse of hope
بارعbāri‘ skilled, skillful, proficient, capable. efficient; brilliant, outstanding (work of art)
بارقةbāriqa pl. بوارقbawāriq2 gleam, twinkle
برعمbar‘ama to bud, burgeon, sprout 2
برعمbur‘um pl. براعمbarā‘im and برعوم bur‘ūm pl. براعيمbard'im' bud, burgeon; blossom, flower برغوثburgūt pl. براغيثbarāgīt2 f1ea; pl. ( براغيثsyr.) small silver coins│ برغوث البحرb. a1-baḥr shrimp (zool.) برغشbargaš (coll.; n. un. )ةgnat(s), midge(s)
مبرقmubriq: مبرق كاتبteletype 2
البرقةal-barqa Cyrenaica (region of E Libya)
ابريقlook up alphabetically
استبرقlook up alphabetically
برقشbarqaša ( برقشbarqš) to variegate, paint or daub with many colors ( ھـs.th.); to embellish ( ھـs.th.; قولهone’s speech) II tabargaša reflex. and pass. of I برقشbirqiš finch
برغلburgul cooked, parched and crushed wheat, served together with other food (eg., syr.)
برقشbarqaša colorful medley, variety, variegation
( برغىTurk. بورغىburğų) burgī pl. براغى barāgī screw
مبرقشmubarqaš colorful, variegated, many-colored
برفيرbirfīr pl. برافيرbarāfīr2 purple بروفةlook up alphabetically 1
برقbaraqa u to shine, glitter, sparkle, flash│ ( برقت السماءsamā’u) there was lightning IV = I; to emit bolts of lightning (cloud); to flash up, light up; to brighten (face); to cable, wire, telegraph ( الىto)
برقعbarqa‘a to veil, drape (ھـ, s.o., s.th.) II tabarqa‘a to put on a veil, veil o.s. برقعburqu‘ pl. براقعbarāqi‘2 veil (worn by women; long, leaving the eyes exposed) برقوقbarqūq (coll.; n. un. )ةplum 1
برقbarq pl. بروقburūq lightning; flash of lightning; telegraph│ ( برق خلبḳullab) lightning without a downpour, used fig. e.g.. of s.o. given to making promises without ever living up to them 53 برقىbarqī telegraphic, telegraph- (in compounds) برقيةbarqīya pl. -āt telegram, wire, cable
بركbaraka u to kneel down II and IV to make ( ھـthe camel) kneel down II to invoke a blessing ( علىor فىon s.th., لon s.th.) III to bless ( فىor هs.th., also لor )على, invoke a blessing on; to give one's blessing ( ھـto s.th.), sanction ( ھـs.th.) V to be blessed (ب by); to enjoy ( بs.th.), find pleasure, delight ( بin); to ask s.o.’s ( )بblessing VI to be blessed, be praised; ... تباركtabāraka ... God bless …! X to be blessed
بريقbarīq pl. برائقbarā’iq2 glitter, shine, gloss, luster│( ذو بريق معدنيma‘dinī) lustered, coated with metallic luster
بركةbirka pl. بركbirak pond, small lake; puddle, pool│ بركة السباحةb. as-sibāḥa swimming pool
براقburāq Alborak, name of the creature on which Mohammed made his ascension to the seven heavens ()معراج
بركةbaraka pl. -āt blessing, benediction│ قلة البركةqillat al-b. misfortune, bad luck ابركabrak2 more blessed
براقbarrāq shining, lustrous, sparkling, flashing, glittering, twinkling مبرقmabraq glitter, flash│فى مبرق الصبح fī m. iṣ-ṣbḥ with the first rays of the morning sun
تبريكtabrīk pl. -āt good wish; blessing, benediction مباركmubārak blessed, fortunate, lucky 2
براريكbarārīk2 (mor.) barracks
بركارbirkār compass, (pair of) divideers
بركانburkān pl. براكينbarākīn2 volcano
( قضاء مبرمqaḍā’) inescapable fate; بصورة مبرمةirrevocably
بركانىburkānī volcanic برلمانbarlamān parliament برلمانىbarlamānī parliamentary برلمانيةbarlamānīya parliamentarianism
برمةburma pl. برمburam, برامbirām earthenware pot
برماburmā Burma
( برلنتىIt. brillante) brillantī brilliant, diamond
برمائىbarmā’ī amphibious│دبابة برمائية (dabbāba) amphibious tank (mil.)
برلينbarlīn Berlin
○ برمائيةbarmā’īya amphibian
برمbarima a (baram) to be or become weary, tired ( بof), be fed up, be bored ( بwith), find annoying, wearisome ( بs.th.) V to feel annoyed ( بby), be displeased (ب with); to be fed up ( بwith), be sick and tired (بof, also ;)منto be impatient, discontented, dissatisfied; to grieve, be pained 54 برمbarim weary, tired ( بof), disgusted ( بat, with); dissatisfied, discontented تبرمtabarrum weariness, boredom, disgust; discontent, dissatisfaction; uneasiness, discomfort, annoyance متبرمmutabarrim cross, peevish, vexed, annoyed
برمbarama u (barm) to twist, twine ( ھـa rope); to shape ( ھـs.th.) round and long; to roll up ( ھـthe sleeves); to settle, establish, confirm ( ھـs.th.) IV to twist, twine ( ھـa rope); to settle, establish, confirm ( ھـs.th.); to conclude ( ھـa pact); to confirm ( ھـa judicial judgment); to ratify ( ھـa treaty, a bill) VII to be settled, be established, be confirmed; to be twisted, be twined
( برماننتEngl.) barmanant permanent wave│ برماننت على الباردcold wave (in hair) برمقbarmaq pl. برامقbarāmiq2 baluster; spike (of a wheel) برمھاتbaramhāt the seventh month of the Coptic calendar برمنكھامBirmingham برمودةbarmūda the eighth month of the Coptic calendar برميلbarmīl pl. براميلbarāmīl2 barrel; keg, cask; tun برنيةbarnīya pl. برانىbarānīy clay vessel برنامجbarnāmaj pl. برامجbarāmij2 program, plan, schedule; roster, list, index; curriculum برنجكburunjuk gauze, crepe 1
برانسىbarānisī pl. -īya maker of burnooses
برامةbarrāma pl. -āt drilling machine بريمbarīm rope; string, cord, twine بريمةbarrīma pl. –āt drill, borer, gimlet, auger, bit; ○ corkscrew برم
○ بريميةbarrīmīya spirochete ابرامibrām settlement, establishment; confirmation; conclusion (of a pact, etc.); ratification│ محكمة النقض واالبرامmaḥkamat an-naqḍ wa-l-i. Court of Cassation (Eg.) مبرومmabrūm:○( سلك مبرومsilk) wire rope, cable مبرمmubram firm, strong; irrevocable, definitely established; confirmed, ratified│
برنسburnus pl. برانسbarānis2 (also برنوس barnūs, burnūs pl. برانيسbaranīs2) burnoose, hooded cloak; casula, chasuble (of Coptic priests)│ برنس الحمامb. alḥammām bathrobe
جبال البرانسjibāl al-barānis the Pyrenees
برنسbrins prince برنسيسةbrinsēsa princess برنطII tabarnaṯa to wear a hat برنطيةburnaiṯa pl. -āt, برانيطbarānīt2 (European) hat (men’s and women’s); lamp shade برھةburha pl. burahāt, برهburah a while, a time; short time; instant, moment; برھة burllatan a little while│ ( برھتينafter two moments =) in a short time □ برھمbarham (syr.) = مرھمmarham
برھمنbarahman pl. براھمةbarāhima Brahman 55
مبراةmibrāh pocketknife مباراةmubārāh pl. مبارياتmubārayāt contest tournament, match (in games and sports); competition, rivalry
برھميةbarahmīya Brahmanism برھنbarhana to prove, demonstrate ( علىor عن s.th.) برھنburhān pl. براھينbarāhīn2 proof برھنةbarhana proving, demonstration بروةbawa waste, scrap بروتستانتيbrotostantī Protestant; (pl. -ūn) a Protestant بروتستانتيةbrotostantīya Protestantism ( بروتستوIt. protesto) brotostō protest (of a bill of exchange)
اعط القوس باريھا: بارa‘ṯi l-qausa bāriyahā give the bow to him who knows how to shape it, i.e. always ask an expert متبارmutabārin participant in a contest, contestant, contender; competitor, rival 2
بريطانياbarīṯāniyā, biriṯāniyā Britain, بريطانيا ( الكبرىuẓmā) Great Britain بريطانيbarīṯānī, biriṯānī British; Britannic
بورتوكولbrotokōl protocol بروتونproton
بوجرامbrogrām program بروجىburūjī pl. -īya trumpeter, bugler بروزbarwaza to frame بروازbarwāz, birwāz pl. براويزbarāwīz2 frame ( بروسياIt. Prussia) burūsiyā Prussia بروسيburūsī Prussian بروفةand ( بروڤـةIt. prova) brōva, brōfa pl. -āt test. experiment; proof sheet; rehearsal
برىbaran dust, earth برايةbarrāya, براية االفالمb. al-aqlām pencil sharpener
بزbazza u to bud, burgeon بزbuzz, bizz pl. بزازbizāz, ابزازabzāz nipple, mammilla (of the female breast); teat, female breast 56
برونزىbronzi bronze, bronzy│ العصر ‘( البرونزىaṣr) the Bronze Age برىbarā i (bary) to trim, shape ( ھـs.th.), nib ( ھـa pen), sharpen ( ھـa pencil); to scratch off, scrape off ( ھـs.th.); to exhaust, tire out, wear out, emaciate, enervate ( هs.o.), sap the strength of ( )هIII to vie, compete (ه with s.o.). try to outstrip ( هs.o.) VI to vie, compete, contend, be rivals; to meet in a contest, try each other’s strength (esp. in games and sports) VII to be trimmed, be nibbed, be sharpened; to defy, oppose (ل s.o.); to undertake, take in hand ( لs.th.), set out to do s.th. ()ل, enter, embark (ل upon); to break forth ( منfrom); to get going; to break out, lot fly, explode (with words, esp. in anger or excitement)
بزbazza u (bazz) to take away, steal, wrest, snatch ( ھـ هfrom s.o. s.th.). rob, strip (ھـ ه s.o. of s.th.); to defeat, beat, outstrip, excel ( هs.o.), triumph, be victorious ( هover) VIII to take away, steal, pilfer ( ھـs.th.); to take away, snatch ( ھـmoney, منfrom s.o.); to rob, fleece ( هs.o.)│ابتز اموال الناس to lift money out of people’s pockets, relieve people of their money ابتزازibtizāz theft, robbery; fleecing, robbing (of s.o.)
( برونزFr.) bronz bronze
بريةsee 1 برأand 2بر
بزbazz pl. بزوزbuzūz linen; cloth, dry goods بزةbizza clothing, clothes, attire; uniform│( بزة رسميةrasmīya) uniform بزازbazzāz draper, cloth merchant بزازةbizāza cloth trade
بزبوزbazbūz pl. بزابيزbazābīz2 nozzle, spout بزرbazara i (bazr) to sow بزرbizr pl. بزورbuzūr seed(s); pl. ابزار abzār and ابازيرabāzīr2 spice بزرةbizra (n. un.) seed; kernel, pip, pit, stone (of fruit); germ بزارbazzār seedsman بزيرةbuzaira pl. -āt spore (bot.) بزغbazaga u to break forth, come out; to dawn (day); to rise (sun)
بزوغbuzūg appearance, emergence; rise (of the sun) بزقbazaqa u (bazq) to spit بزاقbuzāq spit, spittle, saliva بزاقةbazzāqa snail; cobra مبزقةmibzaqa pl. مبازقmabāziq2 spittoon, cuspidor 1
بزلbazala u (bazl) to split ( ھـs.th.); to pierce ( ھـs.th.), make a hole ( ھـin); to tap,broach ( ھـs.th.; a cask); to puncture, tap ( هs.o.; med.); to clear, filter ( ھـa liquid) بزلbazl puncture, tapping, paracentesis (med.) بزالbuzāl bung (of a cask) مبزلmibzal pl. مبازلmabazil 2 spile, spigot, tap; cock, faucet
( بزلةIt. piselli) bizilla and بزالgreen peas
ابزيمibzīm pl. ابازمabāzim2 buckle, clasp بزموتbizmūt bismuth بزنطىbizanṯī Byzantine بازbāzin pl. بزاةbuzāh, بوازbawāzin, بيزان bīzān falcon بسbass and بسةbassa pl. بساسbassās cat بسأbasa’a a ( بسءbas’) to treat amicably (ب s.o.); to be intimate, be on familiar terms ( بwith) بسارابياbesārābiyā Bessarabia بسباسbasbās, بسباسةbasbāsa (eg.) mace (bot.); (magr.) fennel بسبوسةbasbāsa (eg.) pastry made of flour, melted butter, sugar and oil ( بستيليةFr.) bastīliya pastilles, lozenges 1
بستانbustān pl. بساتينbasātīn2 garden بستانىbustānī gardener; garden (adj.); horticultural بستنةbastana gardening, horticulture
( بستونFr. piston) bistōn, ( بستنEngl.) bistan pl. بساتنbasātin2 piston
( بستونIt. bastone) bastūnī spades (suit of playing cards)
بسخةbasḳa Easter; Passion Week (Chr.)
بسرbasara u ( بسورbusūr) to scowl, frown; -basara u (basr) and VIII to begin too early ( ھـwith), take premature action, be rash ( ھـin s.th.) بسرbusr (n. un. )ةpl. بسارbisār unripe dates باسورbāsūr pl. بواسيرbawāsīr2 hemorrhoids بسطbasaṯ u (basṯ) to spread, spread out (ھـ s.th.); to level, flatten ( ھـs.th.); to enlarge, expand ( ھـs.th.); to stretch out, extend (ھـ s.th.); to unfold, unroll ( ھـs.th.); to grant, offer, present ( ھـs.th.); to submit, state, set forth, expound, explain ( ھـs.th., لor على to s.o.); to flog ( هs.o.; Nejd); to please delight ( هs.o.)│ ( بسط ذراعيهdirā‘aihi) to spread one’s arms; 57 بسط يد المساعدة ل (yada l-musā‘ada) to extend helping hand to s.o.; بسط المائدةto lay the table; -- basuṯa u ( بساطةbasāta) to be simple, openhearted, frank, candid II to spread, spread out, extend, expand ( ھـs.th.); to level, flatten ( ھـs.th.); to simplify, make simple ( ھـs.th.) III to set forth, state, expound, explain; to be sincere ( ب هwith s.th. about or in s.th.), confess frankly (ب ه to s.o. s.th.) V to be spread, be unrolled, be spread out, be extended; to speak at great length ( فىabout), enlarge ( فىon), treat exhaustively, expound in detail ( فىa theme); to be friendly, communicative, sociable, behave unceremoniously, be completely at ease│ تبسط في الحديثto talk freely, without formality VII to spread, extend, expand (intr.); to be glad, be delighted, be or become happy بسطbasṯ, extension, spreading, unrolling, unfolding; presentation, statement, explanation, exposition; cheering, delighting, delectation; amusement; (Eg.) numerator (of a fraction)│ بسط اليدb. al-yad avarice, greed, cupidity بسطةbasṯa extension, extent, expanse; size, magnitude; skill, capability, abilities; excess, abundance; (pl. -āt) statement, exposition, presentation; -- (pl. بساطbisāṯ) landing (of staircase); estrade, dais, platform (eg.) بساطbisāṯ pl. -āt, ابسطةabsiṯa, بسطbusuṯ carpet, rug│ بساط الرحمةb. ar-raḥma
winding sheet, shroud; مسألة )وضعor) طرح ( على بساط البحثmas‘alata, baḥtan) to raise a question, bring a question on the carpet, also ( على بساط المناقشةb. il-munāqaša) for discussion; طوى البساط بما فيهto bring the matter to an end, settle it once and for all بسيطbasīṯ pl. بسطاءbusaṯā’2 simple; plain, uncomplicated; slight, little, modest, inconsiderable, trivial, trifling; البسيطname of a poetical meter; pl. بسطاءsimple souls), ingenuous people│ بسيط اليدينb. al-yadain (pl. بسطbusuṯ) generous, openhanded
بسالةbasāla courage, intrepidity استبسالistibsāl death defiance بسالةbāsil pl. بسالءbusalā’2, بواسل bawāsil2 brave, fearless, intrepid مسبسلmustabsil death-defying, heroic 2
بسمbasma pl. basamāt smile
بسائطbasā’iṯ2 elements; simple remedies, medicinal plants; basic facts
بسامbassām smiling مبسمmabsim, pl. مباسمmabāsim2 mouth; mouthpiece, holder (for cigars, cigarettes, etc.)
بساطةbasāṯa simplicity, plainness O ابسوطةubsūṯa pl. اباسيطabāsīṯ2 rim, felly (of a wheel)
ابتسامibtisām and (n. vic.) ابتسامةpl. -āt smile
تبسيطtabsīṯ simplification انبساطinbisāṯ (n. vic. )ةextensity, extensiveness, extension; expansion, expanse; joy. delight, happiness, gaiety, cheerfulness ‘ عضلة باسطةaḍla bāsiṯa extensor (anat.) مبسوطmabsūṯ extended, outstretched; spread out; extensive, large, sizeable; detailed, elaborate (book); cheerful, happy, gay; feeling well, in good health; (tun.) well-to-do
بسملbasmala to utter the invocation بسم ﷲ “ الرحمن الرحيمIn the name of God, the Benificent, the Merciful” بسملbasmala utterance of the above invocation; the invocation itself بسينةbusaina kitty بسيكولوجىpsikolōjī psychological(aI) بشbašša a (bašš, بشاشةbašāša) to display a friendly, cheerful, happy mien; to smile; to be friendly ( لto s.o.). give s.o. ( )لa smile بشوشbašūš, baššāš smiling, friendly, cheerful
منبسطmunbasiṯ extending, spreading; gay, happy, cheerful; level surface
بشاشةbašāša smile; happy mien
( بسطرمةTurk.) basṯurma a kind of jerked, salted meat (eg.) البوسفورal-busfūr the Bosporus بسقbasaqa a ( بسوقbusūq) to be high, tall, lofty, towering; to excel, surpass ( هor على s.o.) باسقbāiq high, tall, lofty, towering منبسقmunbasiq high, tall, lofty, towering ( بسكليتFr. bicyclette) biskilēt, baskilēt bicycle ( بسكوتIt. biscotto) baskūt biscuit بسكويتbaskawīt biscuit
بسلةbisilla peace
بسمbasam i (basm), V and VIII to smile
البسيطةal-basīṯa the earth, the world
ابسطabsaṯ simpler; wider, more extensive
بسلbasula u ( بسالةbasāla) to be brave, fearless, intrepid V to scowl, glower X to be reckless, defy death 58
باشbāšš smiling, happy; friendly, kind بشتbušt (Nejd, Baḥr., Ir.) a kind of cloak, = ‘ عباءةabā’a بشتةbišta (eg.) woolen cloak worn by Egyptian peasants 1
بشرbašar i, bašira a to rejoice, be delighted, be happy ( بat s.th.) II to announce (as good news; ب هto s.o. s.th.); to bring news ( ب هto s.o. of s.th.); to spread, propagate, preach ( بs.th.; a religion, a doctrine)│ (بشر نفسه بnafsahū) to indulge in the happy hope that … IV to rejoice (at good news) X to rejoice, be delighted, be happy
( بat s.th., esp. at good news), welcome, ( بs.th.); to take as good omen ( بs.th.)│ ( استبشر به خيراḳairan) to regard s.th. as auspicious
مباشرةmubāšara pursuit, practice; direct, physical cause (Isl. Law); mubāšaratan immediately, directly مبشورmabšūr: ( جبنة مبشورةjubna) shredded cheese
بشرbišr joy بشرbušr glad tidings
مباشرmubāšir pl. -ūn direct, immediate; practitioner, pursuer, operator; director; O manager (Eg.); court usher (Syr.); (mil.) approx.: staff sergeant (Eg. 1939)│غير ( مباشرiṣābāt) directs
بشرىbušrā glad tidings, good news بشارةbišāra pl. -āt, بشائرbašā’ir2 good news, glad tidings; annunciation, prophecy; gospel; بشائرgood omens, propitious signs│ ‘ عيد البشارةīd al-b. the Annunciation, the Day of Our Lady (Chr.) بشيرbašīr pl. بشراءbušarā’2 bring.r of glad tidings, messenger, herald, harbinger, forerunner, precursor; evangelist (Chr.) تبشيرtabšīr announcement (of glad tidings); preaching of the Gospel; evangelization, missionary activity
بشروشbašrūš flamingo بشعbaši‘a a ( بشاعةbašā‘a) to be ugly, loathsome II to make ugly, disfigure, distort ( ھـs.th.); to disparage, run down (ھـ s.th.) X to regard as ugly, find ugly or repugnant ( ھـs.th.) بشعbaši‘ ugly; offensive, disgusting, distasteful, repugnant; unpleasant بشاعةbašā‘a ugly; offensive, disgusting, distasteful, repugnant; unpleasant
تبشيريtabšīrī missionary تباشيرtabāšīr2 foretokens, prognostics, omens, first signs or indications, heralds (fig.); beginnings, dawn│ تباشير الفجرt. alfajr the first shimmer of aurora, the first glimpse of dawn مبشرmubaššir pl. -āt announcer, messenger (of glad tidings); evangelist (Chr.); preacher; missionary (Chr.)
بشاعةbašā‘a ugliness ابشعabša2 uglier; more repulsive 1
باشقlook up alphabetically
( بشقهeg.; Turk. baška; invar.) different
بشكVIII to lie, prevaricate بشاكbaššāk liar
مستبشرmustabšir happy, cheerful 2
بشرbašara u to peel ( ھـs.th.); to scrape off, shave off, scratch off ( ھـs.th.); to grate, shred ( ھـs.th.) III to touch ( ھـs.th.), be in direct contact ( ھـwith s.th.); to have sexual intercourse ( هwith s.o.); to attend, apply o.s. ( بor بto s.th.), take up, take in hand, pursue, practice, carry out (ھـ s.th., job, a task, etc.) 59 بشرbašar man, human being; men, mankind
ابتشاكibtišāk lie, deceit, trickery 1
بشكورbaškūr pl. بشاكيرbašākīr2 poker, fire iron
بشكيرbalkir pl. بشاكيرbašākīr2 towel
( بشلةIt.) bišilla pl. -āt bacillus بشمbašima a (bašam) to feel nauseated, be disgusted ( منby s.th.), be fed up ( منwith) IV to nauseate, sicken, disgust ( هs.o.) بشمbašam surfeit, satiety, loathing, disgust
بشرىbašarī human; human being; epidermal, skin (adj.)│ طبيب بشرى dermatologist
بشمارbašmār (tun.) lacework, trimmings
بشرةbašara outer skin, epidermis, cuticle; skin; complexion
بشمقbašmaq slipper (worn by fuqahā’ and women)
بشريةbašarīya, mankind, human race مبشرةmibšara pl. مباشرmabāšir2 scraper, grater
بشامرىbašāmirī (tun.) laceworker, lacemaker
بشنةbašna (magr.) sorghum, millet بشنسbašan the ninth month of the Coptic calendar
بشنوقةbašnūqa pl. بشانيقbašānīq2 kerchief tied under the chin (pal.)
having insight ( بinto); possessing knowledge or understanding ( بof), discerning, discriminating, versed, knowledgeable, proficient ( بin), acquainted ( بwith s.th.);
بشنينbašnīn lotus بصbaṣṣa i (baṣṣ, بصيصbasīṣ) to glow, sparkle, glitter, shine; -- (eg.) u to look
بصيرةbaṣīra pl. ( بصائرkeen) insight, penetration, discernment, understanding, (power of) mental perception, mental vision│ عن بصيرةdeliberately, knowingly; كان على بصيرة منto have insight into s.th., be informed about s.th.; نافذ البصيرة discerning, clear-sighted, perspicacious, sharp-witted; نفاذ البصيرةnafād al.-b. sharp discernment, perspicacity
بصةbaṣṣ embers بصيصbaṣīṣ glow, shine; glimpse, ray (e.g., of hope); lustrous, shining بصائصbaṣā’iṣ lustrous, shining; (eg.) spy, detective بصبصbaṣbaṣa ( بصبصةbaṣbaṣa) to wag (بذنبه bi-danabihi its tail); (eg.) to ogle, make sheep’s eyes, cast amorous glances
ابصرabṣar2 more discerning
بصخةbaṣḳa see بسخة 2
بصرbaṣura a (baṣar) to look, see; to realize, understand, comprehend, grasp ( بs.th.) II to make ( هs.o.) understand or realize (ھـ or بs.th.), make ( هs.o.) aware ( ھـor بof s.th.); to enlighten 60 ( ھـ هor ب هs.o. on or as to s.th.); to tell, inform ( ھـ هor ب هs.o. about) IV to see ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to make out, behold, perceive, discern, notice ( ه،ھـ s.o., s.th.), set eyes on ()ھـ ه, catch sight of ( ه. ;)ھـto recognize ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to reflect ( بon). ponder ( بs.th.) V to look ( ھـat), regard ( ھـs.th.); to reflect ( فىon s.th.), ponder ( فىs.th.) X to have the faculty of visual perception, be able to see; to be endowed with reason, be rational, reasonable, intelligent; to reflect ( فىon s.th.), ponder ( فىs.th.)
بصرbaṣar pl. ابصارabṣār vision, eye-sight; glance, look; insight; sight, discernment, perception│ قصير البصرshortsighted, myopic; لمح البصرlamḥ al-b.glance of the eye; دون لمح البصر، في لمح البصر،كلمح البصر (dūna), ( في اقل لمح البصرaqalIa) in the twinkling of an eye, in a moment, in a flash. instantly; ( على مدى البصرmadā) within sight; له بصر ب فىis knowledgeable, in, h. is familiar with
تبصرةtabṣira enlightenment; instruction, information تبصرtabaṣṣur reflection, consideration; penetration, clear-sightedness, perspicacity باصرةbāṣira pl. بواصرbawāṣir2 eye 2
البصرةal-baṣra Basra (port in S Iraq)
بصقbaṣaqa u to spit ( علىon s.o.) بصقةbaṣqa (n. vic.) expectoration; (expectorated) spit, spittle, saliva بصاقbuṣaq spit, spittle, saliva مبصقةmibṣaqa spittoon, cuspidor بصلbaṣal (coll.; n. un. )ةonion(s); bulb(s)│ بصل الفارb. al-fa’r sea onion (Scilla verna) بصلىbaṣālī bulbous بصيلةbuṣaila pl. -āt, بصيلة الشعرb. ašša‘r bulb of the hair (anat.) بصمbaṣama u (baṣm) to print, imprint (ھـ s.th.); to stamp ( ھـs.th.); to make, or leave, an imprint ( ھـon) بصمةbaṣma pl. baṣamāt imprint, impression│ بصمة الختمb. al-ḳatm stamp imprint, stamp; بصمة االصابعfingerprint
بصرىbaṣarī optic(al), visual, ocular
بصوةbaṣwa embers
بصرياتbaṣarīyāt optics
بضbaḍḍ tender-skinned
بصارةbasāra perception, discernment; perspicacity, acuteness of the mind, sharpwittedness بصيرbaṣīr pl. بصراءbuṣarā’2 endowed with eyesight; acutely aware ( بof),
بضعbaḍa‘a a (baḍ‘) to cut, slash or slit open ( ھـs.th.); to cut up, carve up, dissect, anatomize ( s.th.); to amputate (surg.) II to cut up, carve up, dissect, anatomize III to sleep ( ھاwith a woman) IV to invest
بطئbaṯI’ pl. بطاءbiṯā’ slow, unhurried; slowgoing, slow-footed, slow-paced; tardy, late; sluggish, lazy; slow, gradual, imperceptible│O بطىء الترددb. attaraddud of low frequency (el.)
capital ( )ھـprofitably in a commercial enterprise V pass. of n; to trade; to shop, make purchase X to trade 61 بضعbaḍ‘ amputation بضعbiḍ‘ (commonly, with genit. pl. of f. nouns, بضعةwith genit. pl. of m. nouns; in classical Arabic بضعwith both genders) some, a few, several
ابطأabṯa’2 slower│ ابطأ من غراب نوح (gurābi nūḥ) tardier than Noah’s raven, i.e., slower than a ten years’ itch (proverbially of s.o. who ia very tardy)
بضعةbiḍ‘a pl. بضائعbaḍā’i‘ piece (of meat); meat; see also biḍ‘ above
ابطاءibṯā’ slowing down, retardation, deceleration, reduction of speed; tarrying, delay; slowness│ دون ابطاءwithout delay
بضعbuḍ‘ vulva بضاعةbiḍā‘a pl. بضائعbaḍā’i2 goods, merchandise, wares, commodities; that which s.o. has to offer, which he has to &how, with which he is endowed (also attributes, qualities)│ قطار البضاعةfreight train; اخرج ما عنده من بضاعةhe said what he had intended to say مبضعmibḍa‘ pl. مباضعmabāḍi‘2 dissecting knife, scalpel ابضاعibḍā‘ mandate for the management of affairs (lsl. Law); partnership in a limited company, capital investment مبضعmubḍi‘ pl. -ūn limited partner (com.)
تباطؤtabātu’ slowness; slowing down, retardation بطاريةbaṯṯārīya pl. -āt battery (el. and mil.) بطاطاbaṯāṯā, بطاطاbaṯāṯā sweet potato, yam بطاطسbaṯāṯis potatoes بطاقةsee بطق بطبطbaṯbaṯa ( بطبطةbaṯbaṯa) to quack (duck) بطحbaṯaḥa a (baṯḥ) to prostrate, lay low, fell, throw to the ground, throw down ( ه،ھـ s.o., s.th.) V and VII to he prostrated, be laid low; to lie prostrate, sprawl, stretch out; to extend, stretch; to lie ابطحabṯaḥ2 flat, level; (pl. اباطحabāṯiḥ2) basin-shaped valley, wide bed of a wadi
مستبضعmustabḍi‘ manager, managing agent (Isl. Law)
بطحاءbaṯḥā’ pl. بطاحbiṯāḥ, بطحاوات baṯḥawāt basin-shaped valley; plain, level land, flatland, open country; (tun.) public square
بطbaṯṯ (n. un. )ةduck; بطةbaṯṯa leather flask│ بطة الساقcalf (of the leg) بطؤbaṯu’a u ( بطءbuṯ’, بطاءbiṯā’, بطاءةbaṯa’a) to he slow; to he slowgoing, slow-footed, slow-paced; to tarry, linger, wait, hesitate II to retard, slow down, delay, hold up (ب علىs.o. in s.th.) IV to slow down, decelerate, retard, delay, hold up ( ھـs.th.); to he slow, go or drive slowly, slow down; to be late ( عنfor s.th., in meeting s.o.), keep s.o. ( )عنwaiting V to be slow, tardy ( فىin) VI to he slow, leisurely, unhurried; to go, drive, act or proceed slowly, leisurely; to he slowgoing, slow-footed, slow-paced; to slow down X to find slow ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to have to wait a long time ( هfor s.o.), be kept waiting ( هby s.o.) بطءbuṯ’ slowness, tardiness│ ببطء slowly, leisurely, unhurriedly
بطيحةbaṯīḥa pl. بطائحbaṯā’iḥ wide bed of a stream or wadi; a stagnant, shallow and broad body of water منبطحmunbaṯiḥ prostrate; flat, level; level land, plain 62 بطيخbiṯṯīḳ, baṯṯīḳ (n. un. )ةmelon, watermelon; baṯṯīḳ hub (of a wheel; syr.) مبطخةmabṯaḳa melon patch 1
بطرbaṯira a (baṯar) to be wild, wanton, reckless; to be proud, vain; to be discontented ( ھـwith s.th.); to disregard (ھـ s.th.) IV to make reckless بطرbaṯar wantonness, cockiness, arrogance, hubris, pride, vanity
اباطرةabāṯira (pl.) bona vivants, playboys, epicures 2
بطالةbiṯāla and baṯāla idleness, inactivity; free time, time off, holidays, vacations; unemployment
البطراءal-baṯrā’ Petra (ancient city of Edomites and Nabataeans; ruins now in SW Jordan)
بطالbaṯṯāl pl. –ūn idle, inactive; unemployed, out of work
بطرخbaṯraḳ pl. بطارخbaṯāriḳ2 roe (of fish)
بطالنbuṯlān nullity; uselessness, futility, vanity; falsity, untruth; invalidity
بطرسbuṯrus Peter
ابطالibṯāl thwarting, frustration, invalidation; ruin, destruction; abolition, cancellation
بطرشيلbaṯrašīl and بطرشينbaṯrašīn stole (Chr.) بطريقbiṯrīq pl. بطارقةbaṯāriqa, بطاريقbaṯārīq2 patrician; Romaean general; penguin (zool.)
باطلbāṯil nugatory, vain, futile; false, untrue; absurd, groundless, baseless; worthless; invalid, null, void; deception, lie, falsehood; بالباطلand باطالbāṯila falsely; futilely, in vain; pl. اباطيلabāṯīl2 vanities, trivialities, trifles, flimflam, idle talk, prattle
بطركbaṯrak, بطريكbaṯrīk, بطريركbaṯriyark pl. بطاركةbaṯārika Patriarch (as. an ecclesiastic title, Chr.) بطركيةbaṯrakīya, بطريركيةbaṯriyarkīya patriarchate (Chr.) بطشbaṯaša i u (baṯš) to attack with violence; to bear down on, fall upon s.o. ( بor ;)فى to knock out ( هs.o.); to hit, strike ( بs.th.). land with a thud ( بon) بطشbaṯš strength, power, force, violence; courage, valor, bravery; oppression, tyranny بطشةbaṯša impact بطاقةbiṯāqa pl. –āt, بطائقbaṯā’iq2 slip (of paper), tag; card, calling card; ticket; label│ بطاقة الزيارةcalling card; بطاقة شخصية (šaḳṣīya) and بطاقة التعريفidentity card; بطاقة المواد الغذائيةb. al-mawādd al-gidā’īya, بطاقة التموينfood ration card; بطاقة المعايدةb. al-mu‘āyada greeting card 1
بطلbaṯala u (buṯl, بطالنbuṯlān) to be or become null, void, invalid, false, untenable, vain, futile, worthless; to be abolished, fall into disuse, become obsolete; to cease, stop, be discontinued; to be inactive. be oat of work II to thwart, foil, frustrate, make ineffective counteract, neutralize, nullify, invalidate ( ھـs.th.); to abolish, cancel, annul, suppress ( ھـs.th.) IV = II; to talk idly, prattle; to paralyze, immobilize, hold down, pin down ( هthe opponent) بطلbuṯl nullity; uselessness, futility. vanity; falsity, falseness, untruth
مبطلmubṯil prattler, windbag; liar مبطلmubṯal nugatory, futile, vain متبطلmutabaṯṯil unemployed 2
بطلbaṯula u ( بطالةbaṯāla, بطولةbuṯūla) to be brave, be heroic, be a hero
بطلbaṯal pl. ابطالabṯāl brave, heroic; hero; champion, pioneer; hero, protagonist (of a narrative, etc.), lead, star 63 (of a play); champion (athlet.)│ بطل العالمb. Al-‘alam world champion بطلةbaṯala heroine (of a narrative), female lead, star (of a play); woman champion (athlet..) بطالةbaṯāla bravery, valor, heroism بطولةbuṯūla bravery, valor, heroism; leading role, starring role (theater, film); championship (athlet.)│ البطولة العالمية (‘ālamīya) and بطولة العالمb. al-‘ālam world championship (athlet.); دور البطولةthe part or role of the hero, leading role بطالسةbaṯālisa Ptolemies بطمbuṯm, buṯūm terebinth (bot.) 1
بطنbaṯana u (baṯn, بطونbulan) to he hidden, concealed, to hide; -- baṯuna u (بطانة baṯāna) to be paunchy II to line ( ھـa garment, ب ھـs.th. with); to cover the inside ( ب ھـof s.th. with), hang, face, fill ( ب ھـs.th. with) IV to hide, conceal, harbor ( ھـs.th.) V to be lined, have a lining (garment); to penetrate, delve ( ھـinto),
become absorbed, engrossed ( ھـin) X to penetrate, delve ( ھـinto), become absorbed, engrossed ( ھـin); to try to fathom ( ھـs.th.); to fathom ( ھـs.th.), get to the bottom of ( ;)ھـto have profound knowledge ( ھـof s.th.), know thoroughly, know inside out ( ھـs.th.) بطنbaṯn pl. بطونbuṯūn, ابطنabṯun belly, stomach, abdomen; womb; interior, inside, inner portion; depth│ بطن القدمb. al-qadam sole of the foot; بطن الكفb. alkaff palm of the hand; رقص البطنand رقص البطونraqṣ al-b. belly dance; فى بطن (baṯni) in, within, in the midst of; فى بطون inside, within, in; ( ولدت بطنا واحداwaladat) she gave birth only once; ( بطنا لظھرliẓahrin) upside down بطنىbaṯnī ventral, abdominal بطنbaṯin paunchy بطنةbiṯna gluttony; overeating, indigestion بطانbiṯān pl. ابطنةabṯina girth (of a camel) بطانةbiṯāna pl. بطائنbaṯā’in2 inside, inner side; lining (of a garment); retinue, suite, entourage│ فى بطانةamong, amidst; within بطينbaṯīn pl. بطانbiṯān and مبطان mibṯān, paunchy, fat, corpulent, stout; gluttonous بطينbuṯain ventricle (of the heart; anat.) بطانيةbaṯṯānīya pl. -āt, بطاطينbaṯāṯīn2 cover; blanket; quilt باطنbāṯin pl. بواطنbawāṯin2 inner, interior, inward, inmost, intrinsic; hidden, secret; الباطنةcoastal plain of E Oman; باطنا bāṯinan inwardly, secretly│ باطن الكفb. al-kaff palm of the hand; باطن القدمb. alqadam sole of the foot; فى باطن االمرat bottom, after all, really; بواطن االمرthe factors, circumstances or reasons at the bottom of s.th.; بواطن االرضb. al-arḍ the secret depths of the earth باطنيbāṯinī internal│ مرض باطني (maraḍ) internal disease; ( الطب الباطنيṯibb) internal medicine الباطنيةal-bāṯinīya name of a school of thought in Islam, characterized by
divining a hidden, secret meaning in the revealed texts مبطونmabṯūn affected with a gastric or intestinal ailment مبطنmubaṯṯan lined; filled ( بwith) 2
بطنII (tun.) to full ( ھـs.th.) ( باطانSpan. batán) bāṯān fulling mill
باطيةbāṯiya pl. بواطbawāṯin pitcher, jug بظbaẓẓa u to spout, gush out, well out بظرbaẓr pl. بظورbuẓur clitoris (anat.) 64 بعبعbu‘bu‘ pl. بعابعba‘ābi‘2 bugaboo, bogey بعثba‘ata a (ba‘t) to send, send out, dispatah ( الى بor ه، ھـs.o. or s.th. to); to forward ( الى بor ھـs.th. to); to delegate ( بor ه الى s.o. to); to emit ( بor ھـs. th.); to evoke, arouse, call forth, awaken ( ھـs.th.); to stir up, provoke, bring on ( ھـs.th.); to revive, resuscitate ( ھـs.th.); to resurrect ( هs.o., من الموتfrom death); to incite, induce ( علىto s.th.), instigate, ( علىs.th.); to cause (على s.th.; e.g., astonishment)│بعث اليه ھزة الخوف (hazzat al-ḳauf) to scare the wits out of s.o.; ( بعث روح الحياة فيrūḥa l-ḥayāh) to breathe life into s.th. or s.o., revive s.th. VII to be Bent out, be emitted, be dispatched, be delegated; to be triggered, be caused, be provoked; to be resurrected ( من الموتfrom death); to originate ( منin), come ( منfrom), be caused ( منby); to emanate (fragrance); to arise, spring, proceed, develop ( منfrom), grow out of ( ;)منto set out to do s.th. (with foll. imperf.) VIII to send, dispatch ( هs.o.) بعثba‘t sending out, emission, dispatching, delegation, etc.; resurrection; pl. بعوثbu‘ūt delegations, deputations│ حزب البعثḥizb al-b. approx.: Renaissance Party, a political party with strong socialist tendencies; يوم البعثDay of Resurrection (from the dead) بعثةba‘ta pl. ba‘atāt delegation, deputation, mission; expedition; student exchange; group of exchange students; revival, rebirth, renaissance, rise│ بعثة ‘( عسكريةaskarīya) military mission; بعثة دبلوماسيةdiplomatic mission; بعثة اثرية (atarīya) archaeological expedition; رئيس البعثةra’īs al-b. chief of mission (dipl.)
باعوثbā‘ūt Easter (Chr.) مبعثmab‘at sending, forwarding, dispatch; emission; awakening, arousal; -(pl. مباعثmabā‘it2) cause; factor باعثbā‘it pl. بواعثbawā‘it2 incentive, inducement, motive, spur, reason, cause, occasion مبعوثmab‘ūt dispatched, delegated; envoy, delegate; representative, deputy (in the Ottoman Empire) منبعثmunba‘at source, point of origin بعثرba‘tara ( بعثرةba‘tara) to scatter, strew around, fling about ( ھـs.th.); to disarrange, throw into disorder ( ھـs.th.); to squander, waste, dissipate ( ھـs.th.) II tabatara pass. مبعثرmuba‘tar scattered, widespread بعجba‘aja a (ba‘j) to slit open ( ھـthe belly); to groove, dent, notch ( ھـs.th.) VII to have indentations or notches; to be bruised, dented, bumpy; to get battered منبعجmunba‘ij notched, indented بعدba‘uda u (bu'd) to be distant, far away, far off; to keep away, keep one’s distance (عن from); to go far beyond ()عن, exceed by far ( عنs.th.); to be remote, improbable, unlikely│ بعد به عنhe kept him away from; ال يبعد انit is not unlikely that ... II to remove ( هs.o.); to banish, exile, expatriate ( هs.o.) III to cause a separation (بين between)│ باعد بين فالن وبين الشيءto prevent s.o. from attaining s.th.; باعد بين اجفانه (ajfānihī) to stare wide-eyed IV to remove ( ھـs.th.); to take away ( ھـs.th.); to eliminate ( ھـs.th.), do away with ( ;)ھـto send away, dismiss ( هs.o.); to expatriate, banish, exile ( هs.o.); to exclude, make unlikely, improbable, impossible ( ھـs.th.); to go or move far away; to go very far (فى in or with s.th.) VI to be separated, lie apart, lie at some distance from one another; to separate, part company, become estranged; to move away, go away, withdraw, depart ( عنfrom); to keep away, keep one’s distance ( عنfrom); to quit, leave, avoid ( عنs.th.); to follow in regular 65
intervals VIII to move or go away; to keep away, withdraw ( عنfrom); to quit, leave, avoid ( عنs.th.); to leave out of consideration, disregard ( عنs.th.) X to single out, set aside ( ھـs.th.); to think remote, farfetched ( ھـs.th.); to regard as unlikely ( ھـs.th.); to disqualify ( هs.o.)
بعدbu‘d remoteness, farness; (pl. ابعاد ab‘ād) distance; dimension; interval (mus.)│ على بعدand على البعدin the distance, far off; على بعد مئة مترat a distance of 100 meters; عن بعدand من بعدfrom a distance, from afar; ذو ثالثة ابعادthree-dimensional; قياس االبعادqiyās al-a. linear measure; بعد الھمةb. al-himma high aspirations, loftiness of purpose; بعد الشقةb. aš-šiqqa wide interval, wide gap; بعد الصيتb. aṣ-ṣīt renown, fame, celebrity; بعد الصوتb. aṣṣaut do.; بعد النظرb. an-naẓar far sightedness, foresight; بعداbu‘dan li away with ... !
بعيدbu'aida (prep.) shortly after, soon after ابعدab‘ad2 pl. اباعدabā‘d2 farther, remoter, more distant; more extensive; less likely, more improbable; pl. اباعد abā‘d2 very distant relative│الشرق االبعد (šarq) the Far East; االبعدthe absent one (used as a polite periphrasis for s.o. who is being criticized or blamed for s.th.; also when referring to the 1st and 2nd persons) ابعاديةab‘adīya pl. -āt country estate تبعيدtab‘īd banishment بعادbi‘ād distance
بعدba‘du then, thereupon; afterwards, later, after that, in the following; still, yet│ فيما بعدafterwards, later; اما بعدsee 1اما؛ ھو بعد صغيرhe is only a small boy, be is still young; ( لم يأت بعدya’ti) he hasn’t come yet
مباعدةmubā‘ada sowing of dissension, estrangement, alienation ابعادib‘ād removal, separation, isolation; elimination; expatriation, banishment, deportation
بعدba‘da (prep.) after; in addition to, beside; aside from│ بعد كونه... (kaunihī) aside from the fact that he is ... ; بعد ذلك afterwards, after that, later (on); besides, moreover; بعد ذاكbesides, moreover; بعد ان ba‘da an (conj.) after; ( اذid), بعد ماand من ( بعد ماba‘di) do.; ( سفه ما بعده سفهsafahun) the height of stupidity
تباعدtabā‘ud interdistance; mutual estrangement
بعدئذba‘da’idin then, thereafter, thereupon, after that, afterwards
مستبعدmustab‘ad improbable, unlikely 66
بعيدba‘īd pl. بعداءbu‘adā’, بعدbu‘ud, بعدانba‘dān, بعادbi‘ād distant, far away, fur (or from); remote, outlying, out-of-theway; far-reaching, extensive; farfetched, improbable, unlikely; unusual, strange, odd, queer; incompatible, inconsistent (عن with)│ من بعيدfrom afar, from a distance; ‘( منذ عھد بعيدahd) along time ago; بعيد االثر b. al-atar of far-reaching consequence; بعيد التاريخremote in time, going way back in history, ancient; بعيد الشأرb. aš-ša’w highminded, bold; بعيد الشقةb. aš-šiqqa far apart; بعيد الغورb. al-gaur deep; unfathomable; بعيد المدىb. al-madā longdistance, long-range; extensive, farreaching; بعيد النظرb. an-naẓar farsighted; farseeing; بعيد المنالb. al-manāl hardly attainable, hard to get at; ذھب بعيداto go far away, go to distant land.; تطلع الى بعيدto look off into the distance
مبعدmub‘ad deported; deportee متباعدmutabā‘id separate│ في فترات ( متباعدةfatarāt) in wide intervals; في فترات ( متباعدة من الزمنzaman) at infrequent intervals, from time to time
بعرba‘r, ba‘ar, droppings, dung (of animals)
بعيرba‘īr pl. ابعرةab‘ira, بعرانbu‘ran, اباعر abā‘ir2, بعارينba‘ārīn2 camel
بعزقba‘zaqa ( بعزقةba‘zaqa) to scatter, dissipate, squander, waste ( ھـs.th.) مبعزقmuba'ziq squanderer, spendthrift, wastrel بعضII to divide into parts or portions ( ھـs.th.) V to be divided, be divisible بعضba‘ḍ part, portion; one; some, a few; a little of, some of│ بعض العلماءb. al-‘ulamā’ one (or Borne) of the scholars; ( رفعنا بعضھم فوق بعضrafa‘na) we have exalted some of them above the others; البعض—البعض اآلخرsome—some, a few others; بعضھم بعضاone another, each other, mutually, reciprocally; بعضه فى بعضone in the other, within one another; بعض الشيء ba‘ḍa š-šai’ to some extent, somewhat, a
little, rather; ( ماثلة بعض المماثلةba‘ḍa l-m.) he resembled him somewhat, to some extent; ( منذ قرن وبعض قرنqarn) for the last hundred years and more بعوضba‘ūḍ (n. un. )ةgnats, mosquitoes تبعيضtab‘īḍ division, partition. portioning بعكوكةbu‘kūka club, society بعلba‘l the god Baal; land or plants thriving on natural water supply; -- (pl. بعولbu‘ū, بعولةbu‘ūla) lord; husband بعلةba'w wife بعلىba‘l, unirrigated (land. plants) بعلبكba‘lbakk2 Baalbek (ancient Heliopolis, village in E Lebanon) بغتbagata a (bagt, بغتةbagta) to come unexpectedly, descend unawares ( هupon s.o.) III do.; to surprise (. s.o.) VII to be taken by surprise; to be taken aback, be aghast, he nonplused بغتةbagta surprising event, surprise; bagtatan, على بغتةbagtatin all of a sudden, suddenly, surprisingly مباغتةmubāgata sudden arrival, surprising incident or event, surprise; sudden attack, raid بغاثbugāt pl. بغثانbigtan small birds بغادةsee بوغادة بغددII tabagdada to swagger, throw one's weight around, be fresh (properly, to behave like one from Baghdad) 2
بغدادbagdād Baghdad بغدادىbagdādī pl. -ūn, بغاددةbagādida a native of Baghdad 1
بغشbagaša a: ( بغشت السماءsamā’u) there was a light shower بغشةbagša light rain shower
بغشةbugša = بقشة
بغاشةbagāša stuffed pastry made of flour, eggs and butter
بغضbagiḍa a, baguḍa u (bugḍ, بغاضةbagāḍa) to be hated, hateful, odious II to make (ه s.o.) hateful ( الىto s.o.) III to loathe, detest, hate ( هs.o.) IV to loathe, detest, hate ( هs.o.) VI to hate each other
بغضbugḍ, بغضةbigḍa and بغضاء bagḍā’2 hatred, hate بغيضbagīḍ, hateful, odious ( الىto s.o.), loathsome, abominable تباغضtabāguḍ mutual hatred مبغوضmabgūḍ detested, hateful, odious مبغضmubgiḍ pl. -ūn hater; -- mubgaḍ detested, hateful, odious بغلbagl pl. بغالbigāl, ابغالabgal mule; بغلة bagla pl. bagalāt female mule│ بغال القنطرة b. al-qanṯara the piers of the bridge بغالbaggāl pl. -ūn mule driver, muleteer 67 بغىbagā i ( بغاءbugā’) to seek, desire, covet, seek to attain ( ھـs.th.), wish for s.th. (;)ھـ -- (bagy) to wrong, treat unjustly ( علىs.o.) , to oppress ( علىs.o.), commit outrage ( علىupon); to whore, fornicate VII ينبغىit is desirable, necessary; it is proper, appropriate, seemly, it ought to be, should be; with له: it behooves him, with عليه: he must, he should, he ought to VIII to seek, desire ( ھـs.th.), aspire ( ھـto s.th.), strive ( ھـfor) بغىbagy infringement, outrage, injustice, wrong بغىbagīy pl. بغاياbagāyā whore, prostitute بغيةbugya object of desire, wish, desire, bugyata (prep.) with the aim of, for the purpose of بغاءbigā’ prostitution بغاءbugā’ wish(ing), desire, endeavor, effort مبغىmabgan pl. مباغmabāgin brothel مباغmabāgin coveted things, desiderata, wishes, desires ابتغاءibtigā’ desire, wish; ibtigā’a (prep.) for the purpose of باغbāgin pl. بغاةbugāh desiring, coveting, striving; committing outrages, oppressive, unjust; oppressor, tyrant مبتغىmubtagan aspired goal, aspiration, desire, endeavor, effort بفتةbafta calico, Indian cotton cloth
بفتيكbiftēk beefsteak 1
بقbaqq (n. un. )ةbedbug, chinch│شجرة البق elm (bol.) بقbaqqa u (baqq) to give off in abundance بقاقbaqqāq garrulous, loquacious, chatterbox, prattler
بقبقbaqbaqa ( بقبقةbaqbaqa) to gurgle, bubble, splutter, purl (water); to chatter, prattle بقباقbaqbāq garrulous, loquacious, chatterbox, prattler بقبوقةbaqbūqa blister (of the skin) بقجةbuqja pl. بقجbuqaj bundle, pack, package بقدونسbaqdūnis, baqdūnas parsley بقرbaqara u to split open, rip open, cut open ( ھـs.th.) IV do. بقرbaqar (coll.) bovines, cattle; n. un. بقرةbaqara pl. -āt cow بقرىbaqarī bovine, cattle-, cow- (in compounds) بقارbaqqār pl. ةcowhand, cowboy بقسbaqs box, boxwood (bot.) بقسماتbuqsumāt rusk, zwieback; biscuit بقشةbuqša Yemenite copper coin بقشيشbaqšīš pl. بقاشيشbaqāšīš2 present of money; tip, gratuity, baksheesh بقعII to spot, stain, smudge; ( ھـs.th.) V to become stained, get smudged; to be spotted, stained بقعةbuq‘a pl. بقعbuqa‘, بقاعbiqā‘ spot, blot, smudge, stain; place, spot, site, plot. patch, lot ابقعabqa‘2 spotted, speckled باقعةbāqi‘a pl. بواقعbawāqi‘ sly dog, shrewd fellow بقلbaqala u (baql) to sprout (plant) بقلbaql (coll.; n. un. )ةpl. بقولbuqūl, ابقال abqāl herbs, potherbs, greens, herbaceous plants, specif., legumes│ الفصيلة البقليةthe Leguminosae; البقلة الباردةhyacinth bean (Dolichos lablab L.), ( البقلة الحمقاءḥamqā’) purslane (bot.), ( البقلة الذھبيةdahabīya) garden orach (bot.), بقلة الخطاطيف celandine (bot.), بقلة الملكb. al-malik common fumitory (bot.) 68
بقالbaqqāl pl. -ūn بقالةbaqqāla greengrocer; grocer بقالةbiqāla the grocery business بقالوةbaqlāwa, بقالواa kind of Turkish delight, pastry made of puff paste with honey and almonds or pistachios بقامbaqqām brazilwood بقيbaqiya a ( بقاءbaqā’) to remain, stay, continue to be ( علىin a state or condition); to keep up, maintain ( علىa state or condition); to be left behind, be left over; to last, continue, go on; (with foll. imperf. or part.) to continue to do s.th., keep doing s.th.; to become│( لم يبق طفالyabqa ṯiflan) he is no longer a child II to leave, leave over, leave behind ( ھـs.th.) IV to make (ه s.o.) stay; to retain, leave unchanged, leave as it is, preserve, maintain, keep up ( ھـs.th.); to leave, leave over, leave behind ( ھـs.th. هs.o.); to leave untouched, save, spare ( علىs.o., s.th., e.g., s.o.’s life) V to remain, stay, continue to be ( علىin a state or condition); to be left, be left over X to make stay, ask to stay, hold back, detain (ه s.o.); to spare, save, protect ( هs.o., ھـ s.th.); to preserve ( ھـs.th.); to retain, keep ( ھـs.th.); to store, put away ( ھـs.th.) بقيةbaqīya pl. بقاياbaqāyā remainder, rest; remnant, residue│ بقية الدولb. adduwal the remaining countries, the rest of the countries; ( البقية الباقيةbāqiya) the last remnant بقاءbaqā’ remaining, staying, lingering, abiding; continuation, continuance, duration; survival, continuation of existence after life; immortality, eternal life; existence; permanence│ دار البقاءthe hereafter ابقىabqā more lasting. more durable. more permanent; better preserving; conducive to longer wear. better protecting ابقاءibqā’ continuation, retention; maintenance, conservation, preservation│ ابقاء الحالة على ما كانت عليهmaintenance of the status quo استبقاءistibqā’ continuation, retention; maintenance, conservation, preservation
باقbāqin staying; remaining; left; remainder (arith.); lasting, continuing, permanent, unending; surviving; living on; everlasting, eternal (God)│ الباقيات الصالحاتthe good works
بكرةbakra: ‘ على بكرة ابيھمalā bakrati abīhim, عن بكرة ابيھمand عن بكرتھمall without exception, all of them, all together; خرجت الجماھير عن بكرتھاthe crowd went forth as one man
متبقmutabaqqin residue, remnant, remainder, rest
بكرةbukra pl. بكرbukar early morning; بكرةbukratan early in the morning; tomorrow; on the following day, next day
بكbē (Eg. pronunciation) pl. بكواتbakawāt, بھواتbahawāt bey (title of courtesy; cf. )بيك بكويةbekawīya rank of a bey بكيءbakī’ pl. بكاءbikā’ having or giving little, sparing (e.g., of words) بكاسينbikāsīn bécassine, snipe (zool.) ( بكالورياFr. baccalauréat) bakālōriyā baccalaureate, bachelor’s degree بكالوريوسbakālōriyūs bachelor (academic degree) ( بكباشىTurk. binbaşı) bimbāšī, bikbāšī major (mil; formerly, Eg.) بكتto censure, blame ( هs.o.) تبكيتtabkīt blame, reproach│ تبكيت الضميرremorse بكتيرىbaktērī bacterial, caused by bacteria بكتيرياbaktēriyā bacteria بكرbakara u to set out early in the morning, get up early; to come early ( الىto), be early ( الىat) II do.; بكر فىand بكر بwith foll. verbal noun: to do s.th. early, prematurely, ahead of its time III to be ahead of s.o. ()ه, anticipate, forestall (ه s.o.) IV = I; VIII to be the first to take (ھـ s.th.), be the first to embark (٦٩ ھـon s.th.); to deflower ( ھاa girl): to invent (ھـ s.th.); to create, originate, start ( ھـs.th.) بكرbakr pl. ابكرabkur, بكرانbukrān young camel بكرbikr pl. ابكارabkār first-born, eldest; firstling: unprecedented, novel, new; virgin; virginal بكرىbikrī first-born, first بكريةbikrīya primogeniture بكرةbakra and bakara pl. بكرbakar, -āt reel; pulley (mech.); spool, coil; winch, windlass│ خيط بكرةḳaiṯ b. thread
بكيرbakīr coming early; early, premature; precocious بكورbakūr and باكورbākūr coming early; early, premature; precocious بكورbukūr earliness, prematureness, premature arrival│ ‘( بكورى فى العودaud) my early return بكارةbakāara virginity بكارةbakkāra pulley (mech.)│ بكارة مركبة (murakkaba) set of pulleys, block and tackle بكورةbukūra and بكوريةbukūrīya primogeniture باكورةbakūra pl. بواكيرbawākīr2 firstlings; first results, first fruits; beginning, rise, dawn; (with foll. genit.) initial, early, first; pl. بواكيرfirst signs or indications; initial symptoms; heralds, harbingers (fig.)│ باكورة الفواكهearly fruit; كان باكورة اعمالهthe first thing he did was... ابكرabkar2 rising earlier مبكرmibkār precocious ابتكارibtikār pl. -āt novelty, innovation; creation; invention; origination, first production; initiative; creativity, originality; pl. ابتكاراتspecif., creations of fashion, fashion designs باكرbākir early; premature; باكراbākiran in the morning; early (adv.)│فى الصباح ( الباكرṣabāḥ) early in the morning; الى الباكر till tomorrow باكرةbākira pl. بواكرbawākir2 firstlings, first produce, early fruits, early vegetables; pl. first indications or symptoms, heralds, harbingers مبكرmubakkir doing early; early;│ مبكرا mubakkiran early in the morning, early مبتكرmubtakir creator; creative; inventor; -- mubtakar newly created,
novel, new, original; (pl. -āt) creation, specif., fashion creation, invention│ثوب ( مبتكرtaub) original design, model. dress creation
بلbill recovery, convalescence, recuperation بلةbilla moisture, humidity│ ما زاد الطين بلةmā zālda ṯ-ṯīna billatan what made things even worse ...
بكرجbakraj pl. بكارجbakārij2 kettle, coffee pot بكسماط،بكسماد, see بقسمات
بلbalal moisture, humidity; moistness, dampness, wetness
بكلII to buckle, buckle up, button up ( ھـs.th.); to fold, cross ( ھـthe arms)
بليلbalīl a moist, cool wind بليلةbalīla (eg.) dish made of stewed maize and sugar
بكلةbukla pl. بكلbukal, -āt buckle ( بكالهIt. baccalá) bakalāh codfish
اباللiblāl recovery, convalescence, recuperation
بكلوريوسbakalōriyūs bachelor (academic degree)
بلtaballul moistness, dampness, humidity
بكمbakima a to be dumb: -- bakuma u to be silent, hold one’s tongue IV to silence (ه s.o.) V to become silent; to become dumb
مبلولmablūl, مبللmuballal, مبتلmubtall moist, damp, wet
بكمbakam dumbness ابكمabkam2, f. بكماءbakmā’, pl. بكمbukm dumb 70 بكواتand بكويةsee بك بكىbakā i ( بكاءbukā’, بكىbukan) to cry, weep ( علىover); to bemoan, lament, bewail (ه s.o.), mourn ( هfor) II and IV to make (ه s.o.) cry X to move ( هs.o.) to tears, make ( هs.o.) cry
بلىbillī (from Fr. bille): ( كرسي بلىkursī) ball bearing
بالsee 2ب پالتين، بالتينblātī., plātīn platinum ( بالجFr. plage) blāž beach بالجراbalagrā pellagra بالرجbalāraj stork
بكاءbakkā’ given to weeping frequently, tearful, lachrymose
( بالستيكFr. p1astique) blāstīk plastik
حائط المبكىḥā’iṯ al-mabkā the Wailing Wall (in Jerusalem)
( بالكEngl. plug) spark plug (ir.)
باكيةbākiya pl. بواكbawākin wailingwoman, hired mourner; (eg.) arch, arcade باكbākin pl. بكاةbukāh weeping, crying; weeper, wailer, mourner
بالطsee بلط بالنة, بالنsee بلن بلبطbalbaṯa to gurgle 1
مبكmubkin, mubakkin, causing tears, tearful; sad, lamentable, deplorable بكينbikīn Peking 1
بلbal (also with foll. وwa-) nay, --rather... ; (and) even; but, however, yet
بلballa u (ball) to moisten, wet, make wet (ھـ s.th., هs.o.);--balla i to recover (من مرض from an illness) II to moisten, wet, make wet ( ھـs.th., هs.o.) IV to recover (من مرض from an illness) V and VIII to be moistened, be wetted; to become wet بلball moistening, wetting; moisture
بلبلbalbala to disquiet, make uneasy or restive, stir up, rouse, disturb, trouble, confuse ( هs.o., ھـs.th.) II tabalbala to feel uneasy, be anxious; to be or become confused, get all mixed up بلبلةbalbala pl. بالبلbalābil2 anxiety, uneasiness, concern; confusion, muddle, jumble, chaos بلبالbalbāl anxiety, uneasiness, concern بالبلbalabil2 anxieties, apprehensions تبلبلtabalbul muddle, confusion│بلبل االلسنةt. al-alsina confusion of tongues (at the tower of Babel)
بلبلbulbul pl. بالبلbalabil2 nightingale
بلجbalaja u ( بلوجbulūj) to shine; to dawn (morning, aurora); -- balija a (balaj) to be happy, be glad ( بabout), be delighted (ب at) IV to shine (sun) V and VII = balaja
بلشفbalšafa to Bolshevize II tabalšafa to be Bolshevized بلشفةbalšafa Bolshevization بلشفىbulšifī pl. بالشفةbalāšifa Bolshevist(ic); Bolshevik, Bolshevist
ابلجablaj2 gay, serene, bright, clear, fair, nice, beautiful انبالج الفجرinbilāj al-fajr daybreak بلجيكاbeljīka Belgium
بلشفيةbulšifīya Bolshevism بلشونbalašūn heron (zool.) 1
بلجيكىbeljīkī Belgian (adj. and n.) بلحbalaḥ (coll.; n. un. )ةdates (bot.) بلدbaluda u ( بالدةbalada) to be stupid, idiotic, dull-witted II to acclimatize, habituate (ھـ s.th., to a country or region) V pass. of II; to become .tupid, be.otted, lapse into a state of idiocy; to show o.s. from the stupid side VI to feign stupidity
بلصbalṣ extortion, blackmail; forcible imposition of taxes 2
بالصballāṣ pl. بالليصbalālīṣ2 (eg.) earthenware jar
بلطII to pave ( ھـs.th., with flagstones or tiles) بالطbalāṯ pavement, tiled floor; floor tiles; palace; pl. ابلطةabliṯa floor tiles│ ( البالط الملكىmalakī) the royal court; حداد البالطḥidād al-b. court mourning
بلدbalad m. and f., pl. بالدbilād country; town, city; place, community, village; بالد country; بلدانbuldān countries│ بالد الحبش b. al-ḥabaš Ethiopia; بالد الصينb. aṣ-ṣīn China; بالد الھندb. al-hind India
بالطةbalāṯa floor tile; flagstone, slabstone; paving stone
بلدةbalda town, city; place, community, village; rural community; township بلدىbaladī native, indigenous, home (as opposed to foreign, alien); (fellow) citizen, compatriot, countryman; a native; communal, municipal│ ( مجلس بلدىmajlis) city council, local council بلديةbaladīya pl. -āt township, community, rural community; ward, district (of a city); municipality, municipal council, local authority
تبليطtablīṯ paving, tile-laying مبلطmuballaṯ paved, tiled 2
بلوطballūṯ oak; acorn
بلطةbalta pl. -āt, بلطbulaṯ ax بلطجىbalṯajī pl. -īya engineer, sapper, pioneer (mil.); gangster; procurer, panderer, pimp; sponger, hanger-on, parasite
بلطةbalaṯa balata gum
( بلطوFr. paletot) balṯō pl. –āt, بالطىbalāṯī paletot, overcoat
بلطىbulṯī bolti (Tilapia nilotica), a food fish of the Nile
بليدbalīd and ابلدablad stupid, doltish, dull-witted, idiotic بالدةbalāda stupidity, silliness تبلدtaballud idiocy, dullness, obtuseness, apathy متبلدmutaballid besotted, dull, stupid ابليزlook up alphabetically ابليسpl. ابالسةlook up alphabetically بلسانba1asān balsam, balm; balsam tree; black older (bot.) بلسمbalsam pl. بالسمbalāsim2 balsam, balm بلسمbalsamī balsamic, balmy
بلصbalaṣa u (balš) and II to extort wring forcibly ( من هfrom s.o. s.th.); to blackmail ( هs.o.)
بلطيقal-.balṯīq the Baltic countries│ بحر البلطيق baḥr al-b. the Baltic Sea بلوظةbālūẓa hand pres.; (eg.) a kind of cream made of cornstarch, lemon juice and honey, or the like بلعbala‘a and bali‘a a (bal‘) to swallow, swallow up ( ھـs.th.); to gulp down (ھـ s.th.); to put up ( ھـwith s.th.), swallow, stomach, brook ( ھـs.th.)│ ( بلع ريقهrīqahū) lit.: to swallow one’s saliva, i.e., to catch
one’s breath, take a little rest, have a break; to restrain o.s., hold back (said of one in a rage) II and IV to make ( هs.o.) swallow ( ھـs.th.)│ ( بلعه ريقهrīqahū) to grant s.o. a short rest VIII = I بلعةbal‘a large bite, big gulp بالعةballā‘a, بلوعةballū‘a pl. –āt, بالليع ba1ālī‘2 sink, drain بالوعةbālū‘a pl. –āt, بواليعbawālī‘2 sewer, sink, drain بلعمbul‘um pl. بالعمbalā‘im2 and بلعومbul‘ūm pl. بالعيمbalā‘īm2 pharynx (anat.); بلعوم gullet, esophagus (anat.) 1
بلغbalaga u ( بلوغbulūg) to reach ( هs.o. ھـ s.th.), get ( ه، ھـto), arrive ( ھـat); to come, amount ( ھـto), be worth ( ھـso and so much); to come to s.o.’s ( )هears; to attain puberty (boy); to ripen, mature (fruit, or the like); to come of age; to exhaust, wear out ( منs.o.); to act ( منupon s.o.), have its effect ( منon), affect ( منs.o.); to go far ( من، فىin s.th.), attain a high degree ( من،فى of s.th.)│ بلغ به الىto make s.o. or s.th. get to or arrive at, lead or take s.o. or s.th. to, get s.o. or s.th. to the point where, بلغ به ( الترنح انtarannuḥ) he began to reel so violently that ... ; ( بلغ االمر مبلغ الجدmablaga l-jidd) the matter became serious; بلغ السيل الزبىb. s-sailu z-zubā the matter reached a climax, things came to a head; بلغ مبلغ ( الرجالmablaga r-rijāl) to be sexually mature, attain manhood, come of age; بلغ ( اشدهašuddahū) to attain full maturity, come of age; to reach its climax; بلغ فى ( الشيء مبلغاmablagan) to attain a high degree of s.th.; حين بلغت بذكرياتي ھذا المبلغ (ḥīna, dikrayātī, mablaga) when I had come to this point in my reminiscences; بلغ ( منه كل مبلغkulla mablagin) to work havoc on s.o.; ( بلغ منتھاهmuntahāhū) to reach its climax, come to a head II to make ( هs.o.) reach or attain ( ھـs.th.); to take bring (الى ھـs.th. to s.o.) see that s.th. ( )ھـgets (الى to); to convey, transmit, impart, communicate, report ( ھـ هto s.o. s.th.); to inform, notify ( ھـ هs.o. of s.th.), tell, let know ( ھـ هs.o. about); to report ( عنabout), give an account of ( ;)عنto inform (عن against s.o.), report, denounce ( عنs.o.)│ بلغ رسالةto fulfill a mission, بلغه سالمى ballighu salāmī give him my best regards!
III to exaggerate ( فىin s.th.); to overdo. do too long ( فىs.th.); to go to greatest lengths, do one’s utmost ( فىin) IV to make ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) reach or attain (الى s.th.); to make ( ھـs.th.) amount ( الىto), raise ( ھـan amount, a salary, الىto); to inform, notify ( بor عنs.o. of s.th.), tell, let know ( بor عن هs.o. about); to announce, state, disclose ( ھـs.th.); to inform ( عنagainst s.o.), report, denounce ( عنs.o.)│ ابلغ البوليس بto report s.th. to the police V to content o.s., be content (ب with); to eke out an existence; to still one’s hunger ( بwith), eat ( بs.th.): to b. delivered, be transmitted سمعا ال بالغاsam‘an lā balāgan! may it be heard but not fulfilled, i.e. God forbid! (used at the mention of s.th. unpleasant) بلغةbulga and بالغbalāg sufficiency, competency, adequacy (see also 2 بلغة below) بالغbalāg pl. -āt communication, information, message, report; announcement, proclamation; communiqué; statement; notification (of the police)│ بالغ اخيرultimatum بليغbalīg pl. بلغاءbulagā’ eloquent; intense, lasting, deep, profound (e.g., an impression); serious, grave (e.g., an injury) بلوغbulūg reaching, attainment, arrival (at); maturity, legal majority بالغةbalāga eloquence; art, of good style, art of composition; literature│ علم ‘ البالغةilm al-b. rhetoric ابلغablag2 intenser, deeper, more lasting; more serious, graver مبلغmablag pl. مبالغmabālig2 amount, sum of money; extent, scope, range; (see also examples under بلغI)│ ( مبلغ اسمىismī) nominal par; ( المبالغ المودعةmūda‘a) the deposits (at a bank); ليتبين مبلغ قولى من الجد (li-yatabayyana, qaulī, jidd) in order to find, out to what extent my words were meant seriously تبليغtablīg pl. -āt conveyance, transmission, delivery ( الىto s.o.); information ( عنabout); report, notification ( عنof); communication,
announcement, notice│ كتاب التبليغ credentials مبالغةmubalaga pl. -āt exaggeration
بلهbaliha a to be stupid, simple-minded VI to feign foolishness, pretend to be stupid X to deem ( ھـs.o.) stupid or simple-minded بلهbalah and بالھةbalāha stupidity, foolishness, simple-mindedness; idiocy, imbecility│( بالھة مبكرةmubakkira) dementia praecox
ابالغiblāg conveyance, transmission بالغbālig extensive, far-reaching; considerable; serious (wound), deep, profound, violent, vehement (feelings), strong, intense; mature; of age, legally major
بلهbalha let alone, not to speak of, not to mention ابلهablah2 stupid, doltish, dull-witted; idiotic
مبلغmuballig bearer (of news), messenger; informer, denouncer; detective بلغةbulga, balga pl. -āt, bulag slipper of yellow leather
بلھارسياbilkarsiyā bilharziasis, schistosomiasis (med.)
بلغارياbulgāriyā Bulgaria
بلھنيةbulahniya abundance, wealth, variety (of earthly possessions)
بلغارىbugārī Bulgarian (adj. and n.)
بلھوانsee بھلوان
بلغمbalgam phlegm; (pl. بالغمbalagim ) expectoration, sputum بلغمىbalgamī phlegmatic; phlegmy, mucous بلفbalafa i (balf) to bluff II do. بلفbalf, بلفةbalfa bluff ابلقablaq2 piebald بلقيسbilqīs2 Muslim name of the Queen of Sheba البلقانal-balqān the Balkans بلقانىbalqānī Balkan بلقعbalqa‘ and بلقعةbalqa‘a pl. بالقعbalāqi‘2 wasteland بلكsee بلوك بلكونbalkōn balcony 1
بلمbalam anchovy
بلمbalam pl. ابالمablām sailing barge (ir.)
بلمIV to be silent, hold one's tongue
بالنballān bathhouse attendant; name of a plant growing near stagnant waters بالنةballāna female bathhouse attendant; lady's maid بلنسيةbalansiya2 Valencia (region and city in E Spain) بلينpl. باللينlook up alphabetically
□ بلھونbulhōn pl. بالھينbalāhīn2 (= ابو الھول
eg.) sphinx ( بلوand بلى( بالbalā u (balw, بالءbalā’) to test, try, put to the test ( ھـs.o., • s.tb.); to know from long experience ( ھـs.th.); to afltict ( ھـs.o.); -- بلىbaliya a ( بلىbilan, بالءbalā’) to be or become old, worn, shabby (clothes); to dwindle away, vanish; to deteriorate, decline, become decrepit; to disintegrate (a corpse), decay, rot, spoil III to care, be concerned ( بor ه, ھـabout), be mindful ( بor ه, ھـof s.o., of s.th.); to pay attention ( بor ھـto), mind, heed, take into consideration, take into account ( بor ھـ s.th.); to take notice ( بof)│ ما ابالىmā ubālī, ال ابالىI don’t care! I don’t mind! it's all right with me! ( ال يبالىas a relat. clause) unconcerned, heedless, careless, reckless IV to try, test, put to the test ( ھـs.o.); to make experienced, harden, inure ( هs.o.; said of trials, experiences); to work havoc ( ھـon s.th.); to wear out ( ھـs.th.) │ابلى بالء ( حسناbalā’an ḥasanan) to stand the test; to prove o.s. brave (in war) VIII to try, tempt, put to the test ( ھـs.o.); to afflict (ب هs.o. with), visit ( ب هon s.o. s.th.); pass. ubtuliya to become or be afflicted ( بwith, by), suffer ( بfrom) بلىbilan decline, deterioration; decay, putrefaction, decomposition; worn condition; wear; shabbiness
بليbalīy worn, old, shabby, threadbare; decrepit, dilapidated, decaying, decomposed, rotten
( بلوكTurk. bölük) bulūk pl. -āt company (mil.; Eg.)│ بلوك امينb. amīn (mil.) approx.: quartermaster sergeant (formerly, Eg.)
بليةbalīya pl. بالياbalāyā trial, tribulation, visitation, affliction, distress, misfortune, calamity
بلونballūn balloon
بالءbalā’ trial. tribulation, visitation, affliction, distress, misfortune; scourge, plague; creditable performance, bravery, gallantry, heroic action│( بالء حسنḥasan) favor, blessing, grace (of God); good performance بلوىbalwā trial; tribulation, visitation, affliction, distress, misfortune, calamity; necessity, need│‘( عمت البلوىammat) it has become a general necessity
بلىbalā yes, yes indeed, certainly, surely
بلىbaliya etc., see بلو
( بلياتشوIt. paglaccio) palyatšō clown, buffoon ( بلياردوIt. bigliardo) bilyardō billiards بليسيهbilīsēh plissé, pleating 1
بلينballīn pl. باللينbalālīn2 pallium, liturgical vestment of a bishop worn over the chasuble (Chr.); monk's robe (Copt.·Chr.)
بليونbalyūn pl. باليينbalayīn (U.S.) billion, (G.B.) milliard; (U.S.) trillion, (G.B.) billion
مباالةmubālāh consideration, regard, heed, attention│ ال مباالةlā-mubālāh indifference, unconcern, carelessness
بمbamm lowest string of a musical instrument
ابتالءibtilā’ trial, tribulation, affliction, visitation
بمباىbombāy Bombay
بالbālin old, worn, worn out; shabby, threadbare, ragged, tattered; decrepit, dilapidated; decayed, rotten; obsolete, antiquated مبالmubālin observant, heedful, mindful ( بof)│ غير مبال بheedless of مبتلىmubtalan (less correctly مبتل mubtalin) afflicted ( بwith, by), suffering ( بfrom) بلورII tabalwara to crystalize; to be crystalized; to be covered with crystals بلورballūr, billaur pl. -āt crystal; crystal glass, flint glass, glass│O بلور صخرى (ṣaḳrī) rock crystal, transparent quartz بلورةbillaura (n. un.) pl. -āt crystal; crystal glass, flint glass, glass; tube (radio); crystal, quartz plate (of a detector; radio); (syr., pronounced ballōra) negative (phot.) بلورىballūrī, billaurī crystalline; crystal (adj.) بلوريةballūrīya, billaurīya pl. -āt lense (opt.) مبلورmubalwar: فواكه مبلورةcandied fruits 75 ( بلوزFr. blouse) bəlūz, bəlūza pl. –āt blouse
بمباغbumbāg, بمباغةbumbāga bow tie باميةlook up alphabetically 1
بنV تبنىto adopt as son ( هs.o.); to adopt. embrace ( ھـs.th.) ابنibn pl. ابناءabnā’, بنونbanūn son; descendant. scion; offspring, son (of a nation or people)│ ابن آدمpl. ( بنو آدمson of Adam) man, human being; ابن آوىibn āwā jackal; ابن البلدibn a1-balad local inhabitant, native; ابناء البلدnatives, native population; ابن الحربibn al-ḥarb warrior; soldier; warlike, bellicose; ابن السبيل wayfarer, wanderer; ٥٠ ابن خمسين سنةyears old; ابن ساعتهibn sā‘atihī temporal, transient, passing; ابن صلبهibn ṣulbihī his own son; ابن عرسibn ‘irs weasel; بنو ماء السماءbanū mā’ as-samā’ the Arsbs; بنو سويفBeni Suef (city in Egypt, S of Cairo) ابنةibna and بنتbint pl. بناتbanāt daughter; بنتgirl│ ابنة العمi. al-‘amm (female) cousin; periphrastically for wife: ابنة عمكyour wife; بنت الفكb. a1-fikr pl. بنات االفكارthought, idea; بنات االرضb. a1arḍ insects and worms; بنات بئسb. bi’s calamities, afflictions; بنات الدھرb. ad-dahr do.; بنت الشفهb. aš-šafa word; بنات الصدرb. aṣ-ṣadr worries, fears, anxieties; بنات وردان b. wardāna earth worms, rainworms بنيbunaiya my little son
بندوقbundūq pl. بناديقbanādīq2 bastard
بنوةbunuwwa sonship, filiation بنوىbanawi filial تبنtabannin adoption (also fig., e.g. of ideas, principles, etc.) 2
بنbunn coffee beans, coffee بنىbunnī coffee-colored, brown
بنانbanān finger tips│ ( يشار عليه ببنانyušāru lit.: he is pointed at with fingers, i.e., he is famous man; انا طوع بنانكanā tau‘a banānika I am at your disposal, I am at your service بنادورةbanādōra (syr.; from It. pomodoro) tomato(es) 2
بنارسbanāris Banaras or Benares (the Holy City of the Hindus, in N India)
بندورةbanadōra (syr.; from It. pomodoro) tomatoes احمر بندورىaḥmar2 banadōrī tomato-red ( بندولFr. pendule) bandūl pendulum ( بنديرةSpan. bandera) bandēra pl. بنادر banadir2 pennon, flag, banner بنورbannūr (= بلورballūr) glass بنزھيرbanzahīr bezoar, bezoar stone بنزينbanzīn, benzīn gasoline, benzine ( بنسEngl.) pence بنسلينbenisilīn penicillin ( بنسيهFr. pensée) banēh pansy (bot.)
بنباشىsee بكباشى
بنسيونbansiyōn pl. -āt boardinghouse; boarding school
بنتsee 1 بن
بنصرbinṣir f., pl. بناصرbanāsir2 ring finger
بنتوbintū napoleon, louis d'or (gold coin of 20 francs)
بنطbunṯ pl. بنوطbunūṯ point (stock market)
بنجII to dope, narcoticize (with banj; هs.o.); to anesthetize (. s.o.) بنجbanj henbane (Hyoscyamus niger; bot); an anesthetic, a narcotic البنجابal-banjāb the Punjab (region, NW Indian subcontinent) بنجرbanjar red beet (eg.) بندband pl. بنودbunūd article, clause, paragraph (of a. la.w, contract, etc.); banner; large body of troops بندرbandar pl. بنادرbanādir2 seaport; commercial center; district capital (Eg.); بنادرsee also under بنديرةbelow│ بندر عباس ‘abbās Bandar Abbas (seaport in S Iran)
بنطلونbanṯalūn (from It. pantaloni) pl. –āt trousers, pants بنغازىbangāzī Bengasi (city in NE Libya, capital of Cyrenaica) البنغالal-bangāl Bengal (region, NE Indian subcontinent) بنفسجbanafsaj (coll.; n. un. )ةviolet (bot.) بنفسجىbanafsajī violetlike, violetish; violet (adj.)│ فوق البنفسجىor وراء البنفسجى ultraviolet بنفشbanfaš, banafš amethyst (min.) بنقةbinaqa and بنيقةbanīqa gore, gusset (of a shirt or garment) 1
بنكbunk root, core, heart, best part│ بنك العمر b. al-‘umr the prime of life, the best years
بنكbank pl. بنوكbunūk bank, banking house│ بنك التسليفcredit bank; بنك التوفيرdeposit bank; بنك الدمb. ad-dam blood bank; البنك ( الدولىdaulī) the World Bank
مبنكmubannak stranded
محنك مبنكmuḥannak mubannak shrewd, sly, astute
بندورةlook up alphabetically بندقbunduq (coll.; n. un. )ةpl. بنادقbanādiq2 hazelnut(s), filberts; hazel, hazel tree; بندقة hazelnut, filbert; bullet بندقىbunduqī Venetian sequin بندقيةbunduqīya pl. بنادقbanādiq2 rifle, gun│ بندقية رشb. rašš shotgun البندقيةal.bunduqīya Venice بندقانىbunduqani pl. -ūn, بنادقةbanādiqa a Venitian
( بنكنوتEngl.) banknōt banknote بنوةand بنوىsee 1بن
( بنوارFr. baignoire) banwār baignoire, theater box of the lowest tier 1
بنىbana i ( بناءbinā’, بنيانbunyān) and VIII to build, erect, construct, set up ( ھـs.th.); to build, establish, rest ( على ھـs.th. on); to consummate the marriage ( بھاand عليھا with a woman); pass. buniya, ubtuniya to be based, be built, rest ( علىon)│بنى كلمة ( علىkalimalan) to give a word an indeclinable ending in (a certain vowel or a vowelless consonant; gram.) V see 1 بن بناءbinā’ building, construction, erection, setting up; structure (also, e.g., of an organism), setup, make-up; (pl. ابنية abniya) building, structure, edifice│اعادة البناءi‘ādat al-b. reconstruction; البناء الحر (ḥurr) Freemaaonry; بناء علىbinā’an ‘alā according to, in accordance with, on the basis of, by virtue of, on the strength of; بناء على ھذاaccordingly, thus بنائىbinā’ī constructional, building (used attributively); architectural; structural بنيةbinya, bunya pl. بنىbinan, bunan structure, setup, make-up; binya build, frame, physique, physical constitution│ ضعيف البنيةof delicate constitution; صحيح البنيةand سليم البنيةof sound constitution, healthy; قوي البنيةqawīy al-b. husky, sturdy بناءbannā’ pl. -ūn builder; mason; constructive│ (بناء حرḥurr) Freemason بنايةbināya pl. -āt building, structure, edifice بنيانbunyān building, construction, erection, setting up; building, structure, edifice; physique, stature مبنىmabnan pl. مبانmabānin building, construction, erection, setting up; building, structure. edifice; form; foundation, fundament, basis │ الرأى ( والمبنىra’y) content and form تبنtabannin see 1 بن بانbānin pl. بناةbunāh builder مبنىmabnīy built, set up. erected; founded, based, resting ( علىon); fixed, established; indeclinable; ending indeclinably ( علىin; gram.)
( پنىEngl.) penny
( بنيوIt. bagno) banyō batb, bathtub بھتbahita a, bahuta u and pass. buhita (baht) to be astonished, amazed, bewildered, startled, perplexed, flabbergasted, speechless; -- bahita to be or become pale, fade (color); -- bahata a to astonish, amaze, bewilder, startle, stagger, flabbergast ( هs.o.); ( بھتانbuhtān) to slander, defame ( هs.o.) III to come or descend unexpectedly ( هupon s.o.); to startle, stagger, flabbergast ( هs.o.) IV to surprise, astonish, amaze ( ھـs.o.) VII = I بھتbuht and بھتانbuhtān slander, false accusation; lie, untruth بھتةbahta perplexity, amazement, bewilderment, stupefaction باھتbāhit pale, pallid, faded (color); perplexed, aghast مبھوتmabhūt perplexed, astonished, amazed, startled, flabbergasted, aghast بھجbahija a to be glad, he bappy ( بabout), he delighted ( بat); -- bahuja u to be beautiful, look wonderful IV to gladden, delight, make happy ( بs.o.) VIII to be glad, be happy ( بabout), be delighted (ب at) بھجةbahja splendor, magnificence, beauty, resplendence; joy, delight│بھجة االنظارdelight of the eyes, welcome sight بھجbahij, بھيجbahīj magnificent, splendid, beautiful; happy, joyous; delightful مبھجةmabhaja a moment of happiness and joy مباھجmabāhij joys, delights; pleasures, amusements, diversions; splendid things; splendor, pomp, magnificence ابتھاجibtihāj joy, rejoicing, delight ( بat) مبھجmubhij pleasant, charming, delightful مبتھجmubtahij happy, glad, delighted بھدلbahdala to insult ( هs.o.); to treat contemptuously, meanly ( هs.o.); to expose ( هs.o.) to ridicule, make a laughingstock (ه of s.o.) II tabahdala pass. of I بھدلةbahdala insult, affront, abuse, outrage; meanness; triteness, insipidity
مبھدلmubahdal maltreated, oppressed, miserable بھرbahara a (bahr) and IV to glitter, shine; to dazzle, overwhelm ( هs.o., ھـs.o.’s eyes)│ شيء يبھر االبصارa dazzling, overwhelming thing; -- pass. buhira to be out of breath, to pant VII to be dazzled, blinded; to be smitten with blindness; to. be out of breath VIII to flaunt, parade, show off, present in a dazzling light ( بs.th.)
باھظbāhiẓ heavy, oppressive, trying; excessive, exorbitant, enormous; expensive, costly بھقbahaq a kind of lichen (bot.); herpetic eruption, tetter; vitiligo alba, a mild form of leprosy (med.) بھلbahala a (bahl) to curse ( هs.o.) V and VI to curse one another VIII to supplicate, pray humbly (to God) ابھلabhal savin (Juniperus sabina; bot.)
بھرbahr deception, dazzlement ( بby)
ابتھالibtihāl supplication, prayer
بھرbuhr difficult respiration, labored breathing بھرbahra (n. vic.) being dazzled, dazzlement بھرةbuhra middle, center│ فى بھرة... amidst ابھرabhar2 more brilliant, more magnificent
باھلbāhil pl. بھلbuhl, buhhal free, independent بھلولbuhlūl, bahlūl pl. بھاليلbahālīl2 buffoon, jester, clown, fool بھلوانbahlawān pl. -āt, -īya acrobat, tumbler, equilibrist, ropedancer, tightrope walker بھلوانىbahlawānī acrobatic│حركات ( بھلوانيةḥarakāt) acrobatics; antics, capers of a tumbler; ( طيران بھلوانىṯayarān) aerial acrobatics, stunt flying
ابھرabhar2 aorta (anat.) بھارbahār pl. -āt spice ابتھارibtihār dazzling display, show (ب of s.th.) باھرbāhir dazzling, brilliant, splendid
بھمIV to make obscure, dubious, unintelligible ( ھـs.th.) V and X to be obscure, ambiguous, unintelligible ( علىto s.o.) بھمةbahma lamb, sheep
مبھورmabhūr breathless, out of breath, panting
بھيمbahīm pl. بھمbuhum jet-black بھيمةbahīma pl. بھائمbahā’im beast, animal, quadruped; pl. livestock, cattle, (large) domestic animals
بھرجbahraja ( بھرجbahraja) to adorn, deck out, dress up showily; to give a deceptive brightness ( ھـto); to glamorize ( ھـs.th.); to reject as false ( هa witness); to fake, counterfeit ( ھـs.th.) II tabahraja to adorn o.s., spruce o.s. up, dress up; to be fake
بھيمىbahīmī animal, bestial, brutish بھيميةbahīmīya brutishness, bestiality, brutality
بھرجbahraj false, spurious, fake, sham, worthless, bad; counterfeit money; tinsel, frippery, cheap finery; trash, cheap stuff
ابھامibhām obscurity; vagueness, ambiguity ابھامibhām pl. اباھيمabāhīm2 thumb; big toe
بھرجةbahraja empty show, hollow pomp
باھمbāhim big toe
بھرجانbahrajan tinsel, frippery
مبھمmubham obscure, dark, cryptic, doubtful, vague, ambiguous│ عدد مبھم (‘adad) abstract number (math.); O العصب ‘( المبھمaṣab) the vagus (anat.); االسم المبھم (ism) the demonstrative pronoun (gram.)
مبھرجmubahraj showy, tawdry, gaudy, ornate, ostentatious; trashy, rubbishy, cheap, inartistic بھريزbahrīz (eg.) a soup بھظbahaza a (bahz) to oppress weigh down (ه s.o.; a load, work), weigh heavily ( ھـon s.o.) IV do.
( بھو( بھاbahā u, bahuwa u and بھىbahiya a ( بھاءbahā’) to be beautiful III to vie, compete ( ب هwith s.o. in s.th.); to pride
o.s. ( بon) وbe proud ( بof), boast ( بof, ب هto s.o. of s.th.) VI to compete with one another; to be proud ( بof), pride o.s. (ب on) بھوbahw pl. ابھاءabhā’ hall; parlor, drawing room, reception hall بھىbahīy beautiful, magnificent, splendid; brilliant, radiant, shining بھاءbahā’ beauty, magnificence, splendor; brilliancy بھائىbahā’ī Bahai (adj.); (pl. -ūn) an adherent of the Bahai sect, a Bahai ابھىabhā more splendid, more brilliant مباھاةmubāhāh and تباهtabāhin pride, vainglory, boastfulness 2
بھواتsee بك
( بوء( باءbā’a u to come again, return; to come back ( بwith s.th.), bring back, yield, bring in ( بs.th.)│ باء بالخيبةor بالفشل (ḳaiba, fašal) to fail II to provide accommodations ( لand هfor s.o., ھـat a place), put up ( لor هs.o., ھـat)│بوأ مكانا (makānan) to take a place, settle down, live or stay at a place IV to provide accommodations ( هfor s.o., ھـat a place); to settle down, reside, live ( بat a place) V to settle down ( ھـat a place), occupy ( مركزاmarkazan a place), hold (مقاما maqāman a position)│( تبوأ مكاناmakānan) to gain ground, become generally accepted; ‘( تبوأ العرشarš) to ascend the throne; ( تبوأ الحكمḥukm) to come to power, take over power بيئةbī’a pl. -āt (usually pronounced bai’a) pl. -āt residence, domicile, seat; situation; surroundings, environment, milieu; home, habitat مباءةmabā’a place to which s.th. comes; abode, dwelling, habitation تبوءtabawwu’: تبوء العرشt. al-‘arš accession to the throne بوبII to divide into chapters or sections (ھـ s.th.); to arrange in groups, arrange systematically, class, classify ( ھـs.th.) بابbāb pl. ابوابabwāb, بيبانbībān door;; gate; opening, gateway; entrance; chapter, section, column, rubric; group, class, category; field, domain (fig.)│الباب
العالىthe Sublime Porte; باب المندبb. almandab Bab el Mandeb (strait between SW Arabia and Africa; geogr.); على االبواب near, imminent; فتح بابا جديداto open up a new way, a new possibility; فتح بابfutiḥa bāb ... was (were) begun, ... got under way; ( قفل باب الشيءqafala) to put an end to s.th., terminate, close s.th.; ( من باب الفضلb. il-faḍl) as a favor; (من باب اولىaulā) with all the more reason, the more so; فى ھذا البابabout this matter, about this; من باب ( الضرورة انb. iḍ-ḍarūra) it is necessary that ... ; ( ھذا ليس من باب الصدفةb. iṣ-ṣudfa) that’s no coincidence; كان من بابor دخل في ( بابwith foll. genit.) to belong to, fall under; فريد في بابهunique of its kind; طلع على باب ﷲto pursue one's livelihood, earn one’s bread 80 بابةbāba pl. -āt kind, sort, class, category بوابbawwāb pl. -ūn doorman, gatekeeper بوابةbiwāba office of gatekeeper بوابةbawwāba pl. -āt (large) gate, portal│ بوابة القنطرةb. al-qanṯara lock gate تبويبtabwīb division into chapters, sectioning, classification, systematic arrangement, grouping مبوبmubawwab arranged in groups, classed, classified بوبلينboblīn poplin ( بوبينةFr. bobine) bobīna spool, reel بويتsee بيت بوتاس،( بوتاساIt. potasa) būtāsā, būtās potash بوتقةbūtaqa (usually pronounced bautaqa) crucible, melting pot│في بوتقة الزمان (zamān) in the melting pot of time ( بوجيةFr. bougie) bužīh pl. -āt spark plug (eg.) ( بوح( باحbāḥa u (bauḥ) to become known, be revealed, be divulged, leak out (secret); to reveal, disclose, divulge ( ھـor بs.th., a secret; الىand لto s.o.) IV to disclose, reveal ( ھـor بs.th., لto s.o.); to release, abandon, make public property, declare ownerless ( ھـs.th.); to permit, allow, leave (s.th., لto s.o.); to justify, warrant (ھـ s.th.) X to reveal ( ھـs.th.); to regard as public property, as ownerless, as fair
game; to deem permissible, lawful (ھـ s.th.); to hurt ( حرمتهḥurmatahū s.o.’s honor); to take possession ( ھـof), appropriate, take as booty ( ھـs.th.); to seize, confiscate ( ھـs.th.)│استباح دمه (damahū) to proscribe, outlaw s.o. بوحbauḥ divulgence, disclosure (of a secret); confession بوحbūḥ wide, open space; courtyard; hall
بوذيةbūdīya Buddhism ( بور( بارbāra u (baur, بوارbawār) to perish; to lie fallow, be uncultivated (land); to be futile, unsuccessful, unprofitable, lead to nothing (work); to be unsalable, be dead stock (merchandise)│( بارت البناتbint) the girl could not get a husband II to let lie fallow ( ھـland); to make unprofitable, useless ( ھـs.th.) IV to destroy بورbūr uncultivated, fallow│ ارض بور (arḍ), pl. ( اراض بورarāḍin) fallow land, wasteland
باحةbāḥa pl. -āt wide, open space; open place, square, plaza; courtyard; hall اباحةibāḥa divulgence, disclosure (of a secret); permission, authorization; licentiousness اباحىibāḥī licentious, unrestrained, uninhibited; anarchist; freethinker اباحيةibāḥīya freethinking, libertinism; anarchism استباحةistibāḥa appropriation, capture, seizure; spoliation, confiscation مباحmubāḥ permitted, allowed, permissible; legal, lawful, licit, legitimate; open to everyone, permitted for all, free; ownerless (1.1. Law); indifferent (said of actions for which neither reward nor punishment is to be expected, but which are permissible, pl. مباحاتindifferent, permissible actions, Isl. Law) ( بوخ( باخbāḳa u to abate, subside, let up, decrease; to die, go out (fire); to fade, bleach; to spoil, rot (e.g., meat) II to spoil ( ھـs.th.) بواخbuwāḳ evaporation, exhalation, vapor, steam
بوارbawār perdition, ruin│ دار البوارhell بائرbā’ir uncultivated, fallow (land) بورانىbaurānī (eg.) a vegetable stew بور سعيدbūr sa‘īd Port Said (seaport in NE Egypt) بور سودانbūr sūdān Port Sudan (seaport in NE Sudan) بورتوريكوburturīkū Puerto Rico بورتغالburtugāl Portugal بورصةbūrṣa pl. -āt stock exhange بور فؤادPort Fuad (seaport in NE Egypt, opposite Port Said) بورقbauraq borax بورماburma Burma 1
( بورىTurk. boru) būrī trumpet, bugle
بوروجىbiūjī pl. -īya trumpeter, bugler 2
بورىbūrī (pl. بوارىbawārī) striped mullet (Mugil cephalus; zool.)
( بوريهFr.) būrēh purée
بوزII to pout, sulk, look glum, sullen
تبويخtabwīḳ: تبويخ النكتةan-nukta the spoiling of the point of a story
بوزbūz pl. ابوازabwāz muzzle, snout تبويزةtabwīza sullen mien
□ بايخbāyiḳ spoiled, bad; vapid, insipid, stale (also, e.g., of a joke)
مبوزmubawwaz sullen, glum
بوخارستbūḳārest Bucharest
بوزbūz, بوزةbum ice cream
( بودرةFr. poudre) būdra powder
بوزةbūza a beerlike beverage
بودقةbūdaqa pl. بوادقbawādiq2 crucible, melting pot
بازbāz pl. ابوازabwāz, بيزانbīzān falcon
بوذاbūdā Buddha بوذىbūdī Buddhistic; Buddhist
بوسbūs bus
بوس(( باسbāsa u (baus) to kiss ( هs.o.) بوسةbausa, būsa kiss
بائقةbā’iqa pl. بوائقbawā’iq2 misfortune, calamity
( بوستوIt. busto) bustū corset بوستة،( بوسطةIt. posta) busṯa, busta post, mail البوسفورal-busfūr the Bosporus )باش )بوشbāša u (bauš) to be boisterous, shout, roar (crowd) II do. بوشbauš pl. اوباشaubāš (for )ابواشmob. rabble 1
بوصbūṣ (coll.; n. un. )ةreed
بوقالbūqāl, بوقالةbūqala pl. بواقيلbawāqīl2 vessel without handles, mug بوكسفوردboksəford patrol wagon, paddy wagon, Black Maria ( بوكسكافEngl.) bokəkāf box calf 1
( بول( بالbāl u (baul) and V to make water, urinate IV to be diuretic X to cause to urinate
بوصةbūṣa pl. -āt inch 2
بوصbūṣ pl. ابواصabwāṣ, linen or silk fabric
بولbaul pl. ابوالabwāl urine│ مرض البول السكرىmaraḍ al-b. as-sukarī diabetes
( بوصلةIt. bussola) bōṣla compass
بولىbaulī uric, urinary, urinous│ المسالك البوليةthe urinary passages; االمراض البولية diseases of the kidney and urinary bladder; ( تسمم بولىtasammum) uremia (med.)
بوطةbūṯa crucible, melting pot بوظةbūẓa a beerlike beverage 1
بوعbū‘ metatarsal bone (anat.)│ال يعرف الكوع من البوعh ثwouldn’t know his knee from his elbow (proverbially, of a stupid person)
باعbā‘ pl. ابواعabwā‘ the span of the outspread arms, fathom; in Eg. today = 4 ḍirā‘ mi‘mārīya = 3 m│ طويل الباعmighty, powerful; capable, able; knowledgeable; generous, liberal; قصير الباعpowerless, helpless, impotent, weak, incapable; niggardly, stingy; قصير الباعimpotence, weakness; incapability ( عنof); بالباع والذراع with might and main
بيلةbīla: O ( بيلة آحانيةāḥīnīya) albuminuria; O ( بيلة دمويةdamawīya) hematuria (med.) بوالةbawwāla public lavatory مبولةmabwala pl. مباولmabāwil2 urinal; a diuretic; -- mibwala chamber pot; toilet, water closet استبوالistibwāl: O استبوالist. ad-dam uremia (med.) 2
بوغII to surprise
باغةbāga celluloid; tortoise shell
بوغادةbūgāda and بوغاضةbūgāḍa potash, lye بوغازbūgāz pl. بواغيزbawāgīiz2 strait(s); harbor│ بوغاز الدردنيلthe Dardanelles ( بوفيهFr. buffet) būfēh buffet; bar; sideboard بوقII to blow the trumpet بوقbūq pl. -āt, ابواقabwāq trumpet, bugle; fanfare; horn (of an automobile, of a gramophone); acoustic signaling device; megaphone; mouthpiece, spokesman; duplicity, treachery, betrayal│ بوق الصوت b. aṣ-ṣaut or بوق الراديوloudspeaker (radio); O ( بوق رحمىraḥimi) oviduct, Fallopian tube (anat.) بواقbawwāq trumpeter, bugler باقةbāqa bundle; bunch of flowers, nosegay, bouquet
بالbāl state, condition; heart, mind; notice, regard, attention│ ذو بالsignificant, notable, considerable, important, serious, grave; فراغ البالfarāg al-b. leisure; مشغول البالanxious, uneasy, concerned, worried.; طويل البالlong-suffering, patient; ما باله... (with verb) why is it that he (it) ... ? why ... ? ما بالكhow about you? what do you think? خال بالهḳalā bāluhū his mind is at rest, he has no worries; خطر ببالهit occurred to him, it came to his mind; اعطى جعل( باله الى )ل،( ))القىa‘ṯā, alqā, ja‘ala) to turn one’s mind to, give one’s attention to, pay attention to, take into account, be mindful of, bear in mind, heed s.th.; لم يلق لقولى باالlam yulqi li-qaulī bālan he didn't pay any attention to what I said; ال يقل عنه ( باالyaqillu) no less significant than this
بولbūl postage stamp
بالbāl whale (zool.)
بالةlook up alphabetically
□ بوالدbūlād (= )فوالذsteel
بيئةsee بوء
بولصةsee بوليسة
بيادةbiyāda infantry (Eg.)
بوالقbūlāq2 a district of Cairo بولندةbōlanda Poland بولندىbōlandī Polish; (pl. -ūn) Pole بولوbōlō polo ( بولونياIt. Polonia) būlūniya Poland بولونيbūlūnī Polish; Pole 1
( بوليسFr. police) būlīs police│ بوليس اآلدابvice squad; ( البوليس الجناjinā’ī) criminal police; ( البوليس الحربىḥarbī) military police; ( البوليس السرىsirrī) secret police; بوليس المرورtraffic police رواية بوليسيةriwāya būlīsīya detective story
بوليسةand ( بوليصةFr. police) būlīsā, būlīṣa pl. بوالصbawāliṣ2, بوالسbawālis2 certificate of insurance, policy│ بوليسة الشحنb. aššaḥn bill of lading
بوليفياbūlīfiyā Bolivia بوليفىbūlīfī Bolivian O داء البوليناdā’ al-baulīnā uremia بومbūm (coll.; n. un. )ةpl. ابوامabwām owl 1
بونbaun, būn interval, distance; difference
بانcoll.; n. un. )ةben tree (Moringa; bot.; horse-radish tree (Moringa oleifera; bot.); Egyptian willow (Salix aegyptiaca L.; bot.)
بونسايرسBuenos Aires ( بونىEngl.) bōnī pl. بوانىbawānī pony باهbāh coitus; sexual potency; sexuality ( بوھيمياEngl.) bōhīmiyā Bohemia بوھيميbōhēmī Bohemian (adj. and n.) بوھيميةbōhēmīya Bohemianism, Bohemian life بؤونةba’ūna the tenth month of the Coptic year ( بويةTurk. boya) bōya paint; shoe polish بوياجى،( بويجىeg.) boyagī house painter, painter; shoeshine, bootblack بيةbayya = بايةlook up alphabetically
بيادىbiyādī infantryman, foot soldier بيانو، بيانة، بيانbiyān, biyāna, biyānō pl. بيانات biyānāt piano 1
بيبbīb pipe, tube; feed pipe, spout (of a reservoir or tank)
بيبةbība (Western) smoking pipe
( بيت( باتbāta i ( مبيتmabīt) to pass or spend the night; to stay overnight; to become; to be ( فىin a situation); with foll. imperf.: to get into a situation. Get to the point where; to continue to do s.th., go on or keep doing s.th., stick to s.th. II to brood (by night; ھـabout s.th.); to contrive, hatch ( ھـan evil plan, لagainst s.o.), plot (ل against s.o.); to put up for the night (ه s.o.)│( بيت فى الصفṣaff; eg.) to flunk, fail promotion (pupil) IV to put up for the night ( هs.o.) بيتbait pl. بيوتbuyūt, بيوتاتbuyūtāt house, building; tent (of nomads); room; apartment, flat; (garden) bed; family; case, box, covering, sheath; pl. بيوتاتlarge, respectable houses; respectable families; (pl. ابياتabyāt) verse│ بيت االبرةb. al-ibra (navigator’s) compass; اھل البيتahl al-b. family, specif., the family of the Prophet; اھل البيوتاتpeople from good, respectable families; ( بيوتات تجاريةtijārīya) commercial houses; ( البيت الحرامḥaram) the Kaaba; بيت الخالءb. al-ḳalā’ and بيت االدبb. al-adab toilet, water closet; بيت الداءorigin or seat of the disease; ( بيت ريفىrīfī) country house; بيت القصيدةand ( بيت القصيدthe essential, principal verse of the kasidah, i.e.) the quintessence; the gist, the essential, the hit of s.th.; s.th. that stands out from the rest, the right thing; بيت لحم baitalaḥm2 Bethlehem; البيت الملكthe ruling house; بيت المالtreasure house; fisc, treasury, exchequer (Isl. Law); (Tun.) administration of vacant Muslim states بيتىbaitī domestic, private, home, of the house, house- (in compounds); domesticated (animals); home made بويتbuwait pl. -āt small house; small tent
بياتbayyāt pl. -ūn and بياتةbayyāta boarder (student); (pl. -ūn) pupil of a boarding school (tun.) بيوتbayyūt stale, old
بيروقراطيةbīrūqrāṯīya bureaucracy; red tape بيزنطياbīzanṯiyā Byzantium
بائتbā’it stale, old; (eg.) not promoted, ( فى الصفṣaff) in school
بيسونbīsōn bison
بيجاماbījāmā and بيجامةbījāma pajama 1
( بيد( بادbāda i to perish, die, pass away, become extinct IV to destroy, exterminate, extirpate ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) بيد انbaida anna although, whereas; (esp., introducing a sentence:) yet, however, but, ... though بيداءbaidā’2 pl. بيدbīd, بيداواتbaidawāt desert, steppe, wilderness ابادةibāda annihilation, extermination, eradication, extirpation بائدbā’id passing, transitory, temporal; past, bygone مبيدmubīd destructive, annihilative; (pl. -āt) means of extermination│ مبيدات حشرية (ḥašarīya) insecticides بيادةlook up alphabetically
بيدرbaidar pl. بيادرbayādir2 threshing floor بيدقbaidaq (and )بيذقpl. بيادقbayādiq2 pawn (in chess) بيذنجانsee باذنجانalphabetically 1
□ بيارةbayyāra pl. -āt (pal.) irrigation wheel; plantation
بيروقراطىbīruqrāṯī bureaucratic
مبيتmabīt overnight stop, overnight stay; shelter for the night
مبيتmubayyit plotter, schemer, intrigant
بيروتىbairūtī pl. بوارتةbawārita, بيارتة bayārita a native or inhabitant of Beirut
بيرة،( بيراIt. birra) bīrā, bīra beer│مصنع البيرا maṣna‘ al-b. brewery
بيرقbairaq pl. بايرقbayāriq2 flag, banner, standard بيرقدارbairaqdār color-bearer, standardbearer ( جبال البيرنيهFr. Pyrénées) jibāl al-bīrinēh the Pyrenees 1
بيروbērū Peru
( بيروFr. bureau) bīrō pl. -āt office, bureau
بيروتbairūt2 Beirut (capital of Lebanon)
بيزنطيbīzanṯī Byzantine ( بيض( باضbāḍa i to lay eggs (also ;)ھـto stay, settle down, be or become resident ( بat a place)│ ( باض بالمكان وفرخwa-farraḳa) to be born and grow up in a place; to establish itself and spread (plague) II to make white, paint white, whitewash, whiten (ھـ s.th.); to bleach, blanch ( ھـs.th., textiles, laundry, rice, etc.); to tin, tinplate (ھـ s.th.); to make a fair copy ( ھـof s.th.)│ (بيض الوجهwajhahū) to make s.o. appear blameless, in a favorable light, to whitewash, exculpate, vindicate, justify s.o., play s.o. up, make much of s.o.; to honor s.o., show honor to s.o.; بيض ﷲ وجھه may God make him happy! ال يبيض من صحيفتهthis doesn't show him in a favorable light V pass. of II; IX to be or become white بيضbaiḍ pl. بيوضbuyūḍ eggs بيضةbaiḍa (n. un.) pl. -āt egg; testicle; helmet; main part, substance, essence│ بيضة الديك b. ad-dīik (the egg of a rooster i.e.) an impossible or extraordinary thing; بيضة البلد b. al-balad a man held in high esteem in his community; ( فى بيضة النھارb. in-nahār) in broad daylight; بيضة الصيفb. aṣ-ṣaif the hottest part of the summer; بيضة االسالم the territory or pale of Islam; الدفاع عن بيضة عن بيضة الوطن٨٥ ،( الدينb. id-dīn, b. ilwaṯan) defense of the faith, of the country; بيضة الخدرb. al-ḳidr a woman seluded from the outside world, a chaste, respectable woman بيضىbaiḍī, بيضوىbaiḍawī and بيضاوى baiḍāwī egg-shaped, oviform, oval, ovate بييضةbuyaiḍa and بويضةbuwaiḍa pl. -āt small egg, ovule; ovum بياضbayāḍ white, whiteness: whitewash; -- (pl. -āt) barren, desolate, uncultivated land, wasteland: gap, blank space (in a manuscript); blank; leucoma (med.); linen, pl. بياضاتlinen goods,
linens; (syr.) milk, butter, and eggs│ بياض البيتb. al-bait white of egg, albumen: بياض العينb. al-‘ain the white of the eye: بياض النھارb. an-nahār daylight, (acc.) by day, during the daytime; بياض يومه وسواد ليله bayāḍa yaumihi wa-sawāda lailihi by day and by night: بياض الوجهb. al-wajh tine character, good reputation; سمك بياض samak b. a Nile fish (eg.); على بياضblank, free from writing, printing or marks, uninscribed; ( ارتدىor) ( لبس البياضlabisa, irtada) to dress in white
بيطرةbaiṯara veterinary science; farriery 1
( بيع( باعbā‘a i (bai‘, مبيعmabī‘) to sell ( ھـs.th., هor لto s.o., بfor a price) III to make a contract ( هwith s.o.); to pay homage ( هto s.o.); to acknowledge as sovereign or leader ( هs.o.), pledge allegiance ( هto) IV to offer for sale ( ھـs.th.) VI to agree on the terms of a sale, conclude a bargain VII to be sold, be for sale VIII to buy, purchase ( من ھـs.th. from s.o. and ھـ هfrom s.o. s.th.)│ ( ال ابتاع منه وال ابيعهabtā‘u, abī‘uhū) I don't trust him
بيوضbayūḍ pl. بيضbuyūḍ, bīḍ (egg-) laying
بيعbai‘ pl. بيوعbuyū‘, بيوعاتbuyū‘āt sale│ للبيعfor sale; جبرية )بيوعاتor) بيوع (jabrīya) forced sales, compulsory sale by auction: ( بيع بالجملةjumla) wholesale sale; ( بيع بالخيارḳiyār) optional sale (Isl. Law); ( بيع آلخر راغبli-āḳir rāgibīn) sale to the highest bidder; بيع العينةb. al-‘īna credit operation (Isl. Law)
ابيضabyaḍ2, f. بيضاءbaiḍā’2, pl. بيضbīḍ white; bright; clean, shiny, polished; blameless, noble, sincere (character); empty, blank (sheet of paper); pl. البيضان al-bīḍān the white race; االبيضwhite of egg, albumen│ ( ارض بيضاءarḍ) barren, uncultivated land, wasteland; ثورة بيضاء (ṯaura) peaceful, bloodless revolution; ( الخيط االبيضḳaiṯ) first light of dawn; الذھب ( االبيضdahab) platinum; بالسالح االبيضwith cold steel; ( صحيفته بيضاءṣaḥīfatuhū) his reputation is good: he has noble de.ds to his credit, he has a noble character; صحف ( بيضاءṣuḥuf) noble, glorious deeds: اكذوبة ( بيضاءukdūba) white lie, fih: ليلة بيضاء (laila) a sleepless night, a night spent awake: ( الموت االبيضmaut) natural death; يد ( بيضاءyad) beneficent hand, benefaction
بيعةbai‘a agreement, arrangement; business deal, commercial transaction, bargain; sale; purchase; homage│على البيعة into the bargain بياعbayyā‘ salesman, merchant, dealer, commission agent, middleman مبيعmabī‘ sale, pl. -āt sales (esp. on the stock market) مبايعةmubāya‘a pl. -āt conclusion of contract; homage; pledge of allegiance; transaction
مبيضmabīḍ, mibyaḍ ovary (anat.)
ابتياعibtiyā‘ purchase
تبييضةtabyīḍa fair copy
بائعbā’i‘2 pl. باعةbā‘a seller, vendor; dealer, merchant; salesman
O ابيضاضibyiḍāḍ leukemia (med.) بائضbā’iḍ pl. بوائضbawā’iḍ2 (egg-) laying
بائعةbā’i‘a saleswoman
مبيضmubayyiḍ pl. -ūn whitewasher; bleacher; tinner; copyist, transcriber (of fair copy)
مبتاعmubtā‘ buyer, purchaser
مبيضةmubayyaḍa fair copy بيطرbaiṯara to practice veterinary science; to shoe ( ھـa horse) بيطارbaiṯar pl. بياطرةbayātira veterinarian; farrier بيطرىbaiṯarī veterinary│الطب البيطرى (ṯibb) veterinary medicine; طبيب بيطرى veterinarian
مبيعmabī‘ and مباعmubā‘ sold 2
بيعةbai‘a pl. -āt, بيعbiya‘ (Chr.) church; synagogue
بيكbē (eg.), bēg, bēk pl. بيكواتbēgawāt (syr.) bey (title of courtesy); cf. بك بيكويةbīkawīya rank of bey بيكارbīkār compass, (pair of) dividers بيكباشىsee بكباشى ( بيكهFr.) bīkeh plqué (fabric)
( بيلFr. bille) bīl ball│ كرسى بيلkursī b. ball bearing
بيلةbīla see بول
بيلسانbailasān black elder (bot.) بيلھارسياbilharsiyā bilharziasis, schistosomiasis (med.) ( بيليهFr. bille) bīlya pl. -āt little ball, marble بيمارستانbīmāristān hospltal; lunatic asylum 1
( بين( بانbāna i ( بيانbayān) to be or become plain, evident, come out, come to light; to be clear ( لto s.o.); ( بينbain, بينونة bainūna) to part, be separated ( منfrom) II to make clear, plain, visible, evident (ھـ s.th.); to announce ( ھـs.th.); to state (ھـ s.th.); to show, demonstrate ( ھـs.th.); to explain, expound, elucidate ( ھـs.th.), throw light ( ھـon) III to part, go away (ه from), leave ( هs.o.); to differ, be different ( ه، ھـfrom), be unlike s.th. ( ;)ھـto contradict ( ھـs.th.), be contrary ( ھـto); to conflict, be at variance, be inconsistent (ھـ with s.th.) IV to explain, expound, elucidate ( ل ھـs.th. to s.o.); to separate, sift, distinguish ( من ھـs.th. from); to be clear, plain, evident V to be or become clear, intelligible ( لto s.o.); to turn out, prove in the end, appear, become evident; to follow ( منfrom), be explained ( منby); to be clearly distinguished ( منfrom); to seek to ascertain ( ھـs.th.), try to get at the mct8 ( ھـof); to eye or examine critically, scrutinize ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to look, peer (ھـ at); to see through s.th. ()ھـ, see clearly, perceive, notice, discover, find out (ھـ s.th.); to distinguish ( من ھـs.th. from) VI to differ, be different, be opposed, be contrary; to vary greatly, differ widely; to vary, differ, fluctuate ( بينbetween two amounts or limits) X to be or become clear, plain, evident; to Bee, know, perceive, notice ( ھـs.th.); pass. ustubīna to follow clearly, be clearly seen ( منfrom) بينbain separation, division; interval; difference│ ذات البينenmity, disunion, discord; فى البينmeantime, meanwhile بينbaina (prep.) or فيما بينfī-ma b. between; among, amidst│ – بين – وeither -or, partly -- partly, e.g., كان القوم بين صامت ( ومتكلمṣāmitin wa-mutakallimin) the crowd was divided among those who were silent
and those who talked; ( بين يديهyadaihi) in front of him, before him, in his presence; with him. on him, in his possession, e.g., ال ( سالح بين يديهsilāḥa) he hasn’t got a weapon on him, he is unarmed; فيما بين ذلك meanwhile, in the meantime; فيما بينى وبين نفسىin my heart, at heart, inwardly; بين ذراعيهin his arms; من بينھمmin bainihim from among them, from their midst; بين بين something between, a cross, a mixture, a combination; neither good nor bad, medium, tolerable; شيء بين بينsomething between, a cross, a mixture, a combination; ( بين وقت وآخرwaqt, āḳar), بين ( فترة وأخرىfatra, uḳrā) at times, from time to time ما بينmā-baina look up alphabetically بيناbainā, بينماbainamā (conj.) while; whereas بينbayyin clear, plain, evident, obvious, patent; (pl. ابنياءabyinā’2) eloquent بيانbayān pl. -āt clearness, plainness, patency, obviousness; statement, declaration, announcement; manifestation; explanation, elucidation, illustration; information, news; (official) report. (official) statement; enumeration, index, list; eloquence; البيانthe Koran; see also alphabetically│ بيان الحقيقةcorrection (journ.); ( غني عن البيانganīy) selfexplanatory, self-evident; ‘ علم البيانilm alb. rhetoric; ‘ عطف البيانaṯf al-b. explicative apposition (gram.) بيانىbayānī explanatory, illustrative; rhetorical بينةbayyina pl. -āt clear proof, indisputable evidence; evidence (Isl. Law); a document serving &8 evidence│ ( بينة ظرفيةẓarfīya) circumstantial evidence; على بينةas has been proved; كان على بينة من to be fully aware of; to he well-informed, well-posted, up-to-date about ابينabyan2 clearer, more distinct, more obvious تبيانtibyān exposition, demonstration, explanation, illustration تبيينtabyīn and ابانةibāna exposition, demonstration, explanation, illustration
تباينtabayun difference, unlikeness, dissimilarity, disparity تباينىtabāyunī different, differing, conflicting بائنbā’in clear, plain, evident, obvious, patent; final, irrevocable (divorce; Isl. Law); of great length│ بائن الطولb. aṯ-ṯūl towering, of unusual height (person) بائنةbā’ina bride’s dowry مبيونةmabyūna distance مبينmubīn clear, plain, evident, obvious, patent│ الكتاب المبينthe Koran متباينmutabāyin dissimilar, unlike, differential, differing, varying 2
بيانة، بيانlook up alphabetically
بينباشىsee بكباشى
تاكtaka fem. of the demonstrative pronoun ذاك dāka (dual nom. تانكtānika, genit., acc. تينكtainika) توءم، توأمtau’am, f. ة, pl. توائمtawā’im2 twin التاميزat-tāmīz the Thames تاىtay (tun., alg.) tea│ تاى احمرblack tea تايورtāyōr and تاييرtāyēr (Fr. tailleur) pl. -āt ladies’ tailored suit, tailleur تبtabba i (tabb, تببtabab, تبابtabāb) to perish, be destroyed X to stabilize, be stabilized, be or become stable; to be settled, established, well-ordered, regular, normal; to progress well│استتب له االمر everything went well with him تبا لهtabban lahū may evil befall him! may he perish! استتبابistitbāb normalcy, regularity, orderliness, order; stability; favorable course or development
بينتوsee بنتو بيهbēh = بك 1
( بيوريهEngl.) biyūrē purée
التبتat-tibt Tibet
( بيوريهFr. pyorrhée) biyōrēh pyorrhea (med.)
تبرtabara i (tabr) to destroy, annihilate (ھـ s.th.)
تبرtibr raw metal; gold dust, gold nuggets; ore
تabbreviation of تلفونtelephone
تبارtabār ruin, destruction
تta (particle introducing oaths) by, تاtallāhi by God!
تبريةtibrīya dandruff
تاءtā’ name of the letterت تابوتtābūt pl. توابيتtawābīt2 box, case, chest, coffer; casket, coffin, sarcophagus│تابوت العھدt. al-‘ahd ark of the covenant; تابوت رفع المياهt. raf‘ al-miyāh Archimedean screw; تابوت الساقيةt. as-āqiya scoop wheel, Persian wheel تابيوكاtābiyōkā tapioca تأتأta’ta’a to stammer (with fright) تاجsee توج تؤدةsee وأد 1
تأرIV ( اتأر البصرbaṣara) to stare ( هor الىat s.o.)
تارةsee تور
تازةtāza (= )طازةfresh, tender, new
تبريزtabrīz2 Tabriz (city in NW Iran, capital of Azerbaijan province) تبعtabi‘a a (taba‘, تباعةtabā‘a) to follow, succeed ( هs.o., ھـs.th.), come after s.o. or s.th. ( ه، ;)ھـto trail, track ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th) go after s.o. or s.th. ( ه، ;)ھـto walk behind s.o. ( ;)هto pursue ( ھـs.th.); to keep, adhere, stick ( ھـto s.th.), observe ( ھـs.th; to follow, take ( ھـa road), enter upon ( ھـa road or course); to comply ( ھـwith s.th.); to belong, pertain ( ھـto); to be subordinate, be attached ( هto s.o.), be under s.o.’s ( )هauthority or command, be under s.o. (( ه(│تبع الدروسdurūsa) to attend classes regularly III to follow ( ه، ھـs.o. s.th.; also = to keep one's mind or eyes on, e.g., on a development); to agree, concur ( هwith s.o., علىin s.th.), be in agreement or conformity ( على، ھـwith); to pursue, chase, follow up ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to continue ( ھـs.th.; سيرهsairahū on one’s
way), go on ( ھـwith or in) IV to cause to succeed or follow (in time, rank, etc.); to place ( هs.o.) under s.o.’s ( )هauthority or command, subordinate ( ه هto s.o. s.o., ھـ ھـ to s.th. s.th.) V to follow ( ھـs.th., esp. fig.: a topic, a development, the news, etc., = to watch, study); to pursue, trail, track ( ه،ھـ s.o., s.th.); to trace ( ھـs.th.); to be subordinate ( ه، ھـto), be attached ( هto s.o.) VI to follow in succession, be successive or consecutive, come or happen successively; to form an uninterrupted sequence VIII to follow, succeed ( هs.o., ھـs.th.), come after ( ه،;)ھـ to make ( ھـs.th.) be succeeded or followed ( بby s.th. else); to prosecute ( هs.o.), take legal action ( هagainst); to follow, obey, heed, observe, bear in mind ( ھـs.th.); to pursue ( ھـs.th.); to examine, investigate, study ( ھـs.th.); pass. uttubi‘a to have or find followers, adherents ( علىfor s.th., e.g., for an idea)│( اتبع سياسةsiyāsatan) to pursue a policy; ( اتبع يمينهyamīnahū) to keep (to the) right X to make ( هs.o.) follow, ask ( هs.o.) to follow; to seduce (ه s.o.); to have as its consequence, engender, entail ( ھـs.th.); to subordinate to o.s., make subservient to o.s. ( ھـs.th.) تبعtaba‘ succession; subordinateness, dependency: following. Followers; subordinate, subservient ( لto s.th.): بالتبع successively, consecutively; تبعا لtaba‘an li according to, in accordance with, pursuant to, in observance of; due to, in consequence of, as the result of; (pl. اتباع atbā‘) follower, companion, adherent, partisan; subject, national, citizen; appertaining, appurtenant, pertinent, incident تبعىtaba‘ī: ‘( عقوبة تبعيةuqūba) incidental punishment (jur.) تبعةtabi‘a pl. -āt consequence; responsibility, irresponsibleness│القى التبعة ( علىalqā) to make s.o. or s.th. responsible تبيعtabī‘ pl. تباعtibā‘ following attached, attending, adjunct; -- (pl. تبائعtabā’i‘2) follower, adherent, partisan; aide, help, assistant, attendant, servant تبعيةtaba‘īya pl. -āt subordination, subjection; subordinateness, dependency; citizenship, nationality; بالتبعية
subsequently, afterwards; consequently, hence, therefore, accordingly تباعاtibā‘an in succession, successively, consecutively, one after the other, one by one متابعةmutāba‘a following, pursuing, pursuit, prosecution; continuation اتباعitbā‘ (gram.) intensification by repeating a word with its initial consonant changed, such as katīr batīr تتبعtatabu‘ following (esp. fig., of an argument, of a development, see V above); pursuit; prosecution; succession, course│ التتبع التاريخىthe course of history; ‘( تتبعات عدليةadlīya) legal action, prosecution تتابعtatābu‘ sucession; relay (athlet.); بالتتابعconsecutively, successively, in succession; serially, in serialized form اتباعittibā‘ following; pursuit (e.g., of a policy); adherence (to), compliance (with), observance (of); اتباعا لittibā‘an li according to, in accordance or conformity with, pursuant to, in observance of O اتباعىittibā‘ī classical O اتباعيةittibā‘īya classicism تابعtābi‘ pl. تبعةtaba‘a, تباعtubbā‘ following, succeeding, subsequent; subsidiary, dependent; minor, secondary; subordinate ( لto s.o.), under s.o. (;)ل belonging ( لto); subject to s.o.’s ()ل authority or competence; adherent ( لto) following ( لs.o. or s.th.); -- (pl. اتباع atbā‘) adherent, follower, partisan; subject, citizen, national; subordinate, servant; factotum; (pl. )توابعappositive (gram.); appendix, addendum, supplement; O function (math.)│ الدول ( التابعةduwal) the satellite countries تابعةtābi‘a pl. توابعtawābi‘2 female attendant, woman servant; a female demon who accompanies women; appurtenance, dependency; consequence, effect, result; responsibility; pl. توابع dependencies, dependent territories; O satellites (pol.), = ( الدول التوابعduwal) the satellite countries تابعيةtābi‘īya nationality, citizenship
متبوعmatbū‘ followed, succeeded (ب by); one to whom service or obedience is rendered, a leader, a principal (as distinguished from تابعsubordinate) 90 متتابعmutatābi‘ successive, consecutive متبعmuttaba‘ observed, adhered to, complied with (e.g. regulation, custom); followed, traveled (road, course) تبغtibg pl. تبوغtubūg tobaooo تبلtabala i to consume, waste, make sick (ه s.o.; said of love) II, III and توبلtaubala to spice, season ( ھـs.th) تابلtābal, tābil pl. توابلtawābil2 coriander (bot.); spice, condiment, seasoning تبولةtabbūla (syr., leb.) a kind of salad made of bulgur, parsley, mint, onion, lemon juice, spices, and oil متبولmatbūl (Iove-)sick, weak, ravaged, consumed متبلmutabbal spiced, seasoned, flavored; (syr., leb.) stuffed with a mixture of rice, chopped meat and various spices, e.g., بذنجان متبلstuffed eggplant ( تبلوهFr. tableau) tablōh pl. -āt a painting تبنtibn straw تبنىtibnī straw-colored, flaxen تبانtabbān straw vendor درب التابنةdarb at-tabbāna the Milky Way متبنmatban pl. متابنmatābin2 strawstack تبيوكاtabiyōkā tapioca 1
التترat-tatar and التتارat-tatar the Tatars تترىtatarī Tatarian; Tatar
تترىtatra (from )وترone after the other, successively, in succession تتكtitik trigger تتنtutun tobacco تتنوسtetanūs tetanus (med.) تجرtajara u and VIII to trade, do business; to deal ( فىor بin s.th.) III do. ( هwith s.o.)
تجارةtijāra commerce; traffic, trade; merchandise تجارىtijārī commercial, mercantile, trade, trading, business, (used attributively); commercialized│بيت تجارى (bait) commercial house, business house; ( الحركة التجاريةḥaraka) trade, traffic; شركة ( تجاريةširka) trading company; اتفاق تجارى (ittifāq) trade agreement متجرmatjar pl. متاجرmatājir2 bussiness, transaction, dealing; merchandise; store, shop متجرىmatjar commercial, trade, trading, business (used attributively) اتجارittijār trade, business ( بin s.th) تاجرtājir pl. تجارtujjār, tijār merchant, trader, businessman, dealer, tradesman│ تاجر الجملةt. al-jumla wholesale dealer; تاجر التجزئةt. at-tajzi’a and تاجر القطاعىt. alqiṯā‘ī retailer بضاعة تاجرةbiḍā‘a tājira salable, marketable merchandise تجاهtujāha (prep.) in front of, opposite, face to face with, facing تحتtaḥta (prep.) under; below, beneath, underneath│ ( تحتtajriba) on probation; in an experimental state; تحت التحضيرin preparation; ( تحت الحفظḥifẓ) in custody, under guard; ( تحت السدادsadād), تحت التسديد due, outstanding, unsettled, unpaid (com.); تحت السالحunder arms; تحت سمعھم (sam‘ihim) in their hearing, for them to hear; ( تحت التسويةtaswiya) outstanding, unpaid, unsettled (com.); تحت اشراف (išrāfi) under the patronage or superintendence of; تحت الشعور subconscious; ( تحت تصرفهtaṣarrufihī) at his disposal; ( تحت الطبعṯab‘) in press; تحت ‘( عنوانunwāni) under the title of; تحت اعيننا (a‘yuninā) before our eyes; تحت التمرينin training; ( تحت اليدyad) in hand, at hand, available, handy; تحت يدهin his power; من تحتmin taḥt from under, from beneath; under تحتtaḥtu (adv.) below, beneath, underneath تحتانىtaḥtānī lower, under- (in compounds)│ مالبس تحتانيةunderwear تحفIV to present ( ب هor ھـ هs.o. with s.th)
تحفةtuḥfa pl. تحفtuḥaf gift, present; gem (fig.), curiosity, rarity, article of virtu, objet d'art; work of art│تحفة فنية (fannīya) unique work of art متحفmatḥaf pl. متاحفmatāḥif2 museum│ متحف الشمعm. aš-šam‘ waxworks تخtaḳḳa u to become sour, ferment (dough) 1
تختpl. tuḳūt bed, couch; bench; seat; sofa; chest, case, box, coffer, cabinet; wardrobe; platform, dais; band, orchestra│ تخت الملكt. al-mulk throne; royal residence, capital; تخت المملكةt. almamlaka capital (of a country) تختروان، تخت روانtaḳtaruwān, taḳtarawān mule-borne litter
تختةtaḳta board; desk; blackboard
تختخtaḳtaḳa to rot, decay 1
تخمtaḳima a to suffer from indigestion, feel sick from overeating IV to surfeit, satiate ( هs.o.) to give ( هs.o.) indigestion, make sick ( هs.o.); to overstuff, cloy ( هthe stomach) VIII = I تخمةtuḳama, tuḳma pl. تخم, -āt indigestion, dyspeptic متخومmatḳūm suffering from indigestion, dyspeptic
تخمtaḳama i to fix the limits of ()ھـ, delimit, limit, confine, bound ( ھـs.th.) III to border ( ھـon), be adjacent ( ھـto s.th.) تخمtaḳm pl. تخومtuḳūm boundary, border, borderline, limit متاخمmutāḳm neighboring, adjacent
تدمرtadmur2, usually pronounced tudmur2 Palmyra (ancient city of Syria, now a small village) تدمرىtadmurī, usually pronounced tudmurī anyone│ ال تدمرىnobody, not a living soul ( ترابيزةeg.; tarābēza) pl. -āt table تراخوماtrāḳōmā trachoma (med.) ( تراسFr. terrasse) terās terrace ترامواى، ترامtrām, tramwāy tramway تربtariba a to be or become dusty, covered with dust II and IV to cover with dust or earth ( هs.o., ھـs.th.) III to be s.o.’s ()ه
mate or comrade, be of the same age ( هas s.o.) V to be dusty, be covered with dust تربtirb pl. اترابatrāb person of the same age, contemporary, mate, companion, comrade تربtarib dusty, dust-covered تربةturba pl. تربturab dust; earth, dirt; ground (also fig.); soil; grave, tomb; graveyard, cemetery, burial ground تربىturabī pl. -īya (eg.) gravedigger ترابturāb pl. اتربةatriba, تربانtirbān dust, earth, dirt; ground, soil ترابىturābī dusty; dustlike, powdery; earthlike, earthy; dust-colored, gray
O ترابةturāba cement تريبةtarība pl. ترائبtarā’ib2 chest, thorax متربةmatraba poverty, misery, destitution; (pl. متاربmatārib2) dirt quarry متربmutrib dusty, dust-covered تربسtarbasa (= )دربسto bolt ( ھـa door) ترباسtirbās pl. ترابيسtarābis2, ترابس tarābis2 bolt, l&tch (of a door or window) تربنتينtarbantīn turpentine ( تربيزةeg.) tarabēza table تربينtrbīn pl. -āt turbine تراثsee وترث ترترtirtir gold and silver spangles (eg.) ترجمtarjama to translate ( ھـs.th. عنfrom one language الىto another); to interpret (ھـ s.th.); to treat ( ھـof s.th.) by way of explanation, expound ( ھـs.th.); to write a biography ( لof s.o., also )ه ترجمtarjama pl. تراجمtarājim2 translation; interpretation; biography (also ;)ترجمة الحياةintroduction, preface, foreword (of a book)│ الترجمة السبعينية (sab‘īnīya) the Septuagint ترجمانturjumān pl. تراجمةtarājima, تراجيمtarājim2 transla.tor, interpreter ,-:;" mutarjim translator, interpreter; biographer مترجمmutarjam translated│مترجم على الفلم (film) synchronized (film)
ترحtariḥa a (taraḥ) and V to grieve, be sad II and IV to grieve, distress ( هs.o.)
ترحtaraḥ pl. اتراحatrāḥ grief, distress, sadness ترزىtarzī pl. ترزيةtarzīya (eg.) tailor ترزيةtarziya tailoring 1
تراسlook up alphabetically
ترسII to provide with a shield or armor ترسturs pl. اترسatrās, تروسturūs shield; disk of the sun; -- tirs pl. turūs cogwheel, gear│ صندوق التروسṣundūq alt. gearbox, transmission; سمك الترسsamak at-turs turbot (zool.)
مترسmatras, mitras pl. متارسmatāris2 and متراسmitrās, pl. متاريسmatārīs2 bolt, door latch; rampart, bulwark, barricade; esp. pl. متاريسbarricades
تركtaraka u (tark) to let be, leave, relinquish, renounce, give up, forswear ( ھـs.th.); to desist, refrain, abstain ( ھـfrom s.th.); to leave, quit ( هs.o., ھـa place); to leave out, omit, drop, neglect, pass over, skip (ھـ s.th.); to leave ( لor الى ھـs.th. to); to leave behind, leave, bequeath, make over (ھـ s.th., لto s.o.; as a legacy)│ 93 تركه يفعلto let s.o. do s.th.; ترك مكانا الىto leave one place for (another); ( تركه في ذمتهfī dimmatihī) to leave s.th. in s.o.’s care, leave s.th. to s.o.; تركه على حالهto leave s.th. or s.o. unchanged, leave s.th. or s.o. alone; ( تركه وشأنهwa-ša’nahū) to leave s.o. alone, leave s.o. to his own devices III to leave ( هs.o.); to leave alone ( هs.o.); to leave off hostilities ( هagainst s.o.) تركtark omission, neglect; relinquishment, abandonment; leaving, leaving behind
ترسانةtarsāna, ترسحانةtarsḳāna arsenal; shipyard, dockyard
تركةtarika pl. -āt (also tirka) heritage, legacy, bequest
( ترسكلFr. tricycle) tricycle
تريكةtarīka pl. ترائكtarā’ik2 old maid, spinster
( ترسينةIt. terrazzino) tarasīna balcony
متاركmutāraka truce
ترعtari‘a a to be or become full (vessel) IV to fill ( ھـs.th., esp. a vessel) ترعةtur‘a pl. ترعtura‘, -āt canal; artificial waterway│ ترعة االيرادt. al-īrād feeder, irrigation canal; ترعة التصريف drainage canal (Eg.); الترعة الشريفةthe Residence of the Sultan of Morocco ترغلة، ترغلturgul, turgulla turtledove ترفtarija a to live in opulence, in luxury IV to effeminate ( هs.o.); to provide with opulent means, surround with luxury (ه s.o.) V = I ترفtaraf and ترفةturfa luxury, opulence, affluence; effemination ترفtarif opulent, sumptuous, luxurious مترفmutraf living in ease and luxury; sumptuous, luxurious; luxuriously adorned, ornate, overdecorated ( بwith)
متروكmatrūk pl. -āt heritage, legacy 2
تركII to Turkify, Turkicize ( هs.o.) X to become a Turk, become Turkified, adopt Turkish manners and customs التركat-turk and االتراكal-atrāk the Turks تركىturkī Turkish; Turk; التركيةatturkīya theTurkish language تركياturkiya Turkey تتريكtatrīk Turkification
تركستانturkistān2 Turkstan التركمانat-turkumān the Turkmen ترمبيطturumbēt (syr.) pl. -āt (Western) drum; ترمبيطةturumbīṯa (eg.) pl. -āt do.; specif., bass drum
ترفاسtirfās (magr.) truffle (bot.)
ترمبطجىturumbaṯgi (eg.) drummer; bandsman (mil.)
ترفلtarfala to strut
ترمسturmus, ترموسturmūs lupine (bot.)
ترقوةtarquwa pl. تراقtarāqin collarbone, clavicle (anat.)
ترمومترtermūmitr thermometer ترنجturunj see اترنج،اترج
ترهtariha a to concern o.s. with trifles ترھةturraha pl. -āt sham, mockery, farce; lie, humbug, hoax ( تروادهFr. Troade) tirwāda Troy ( تروبEngl. troop) squad, platoon; squadron│ ( تروب سوارىsawārī) cavalry squadron (Eg.) ترمبيتجى = ترمبطجىsee under ترمبيطabove ترياقtiryāq theriaca; antidote ( تريكوFr.) tricot تسعةtis‘a (f. تسعtis‘) nine تسعة عشرtis‘ata ‘ašara, f. تسع عشرةtis‘a ‘ašrata nineteen تسعtus‘ pl. اتساعatsā‘ one ninth, the ninth part تسعونtis‘ūn ninety التاسعat-tāsi‘ the ninth
تعتعta‘ta‘a to stammer; to shake ( هs.o.); اتعتع itta‘ta‘a to move, stir تعزta‘izz2 Taizz (city in S Yemen, seat of government) تعسta‘asa a, ta‘isa a to fall, perish; to become wretched, miserable; ta‘asa and IV to make unhappy or miserable, ruin (s.o.) تعسta‘s and تعاسةta‘āsa wretchedness, misery تعسta‘is and تعيسta‘īs pl. تعساءtu‘asā’ wretched, miserable, unfortunate, unhappy متعوسmat‘ūs pl. متاعيسmatā‘is wretched, miserable, unfortunate, unhappy تفtaffa to spit II to say "phew" تفtuff dirt under the fingernails; تفا لك tuffan laka phew! fie on you! O تفافةtaffāfa spittoon, cuspidor
تشرين االولtišrīn2 al-wwal October, تشرين الثانى t. at-tānī November (Syr., Ir., Leb., Jord.)
تفتاtafettā, تفتاهtaffeta
تشيكوسلوفاكياtšekoslovākiyā Czechoslovakia
تفكةtufka pl. تفكtufak (ir.) gun, rifle
تشيلىtšīlī Chile
تفلtafala u i (tafl) to spit
تفاحtuffaḥ (call.; n. un. )ةapple(s)
تطوانtiṯwān Tetuēn (city in N Morocco)
تفلtufl and تفالtufāl spit, spittle, saliva
تعabbreviation of تعالى, see علو
تافلtāfil ill-smelling, malodorous
تعبta‘iba a (ta‘ab) to work hard, toil, slave, drudge, wear o.s. out; to be or become tired, weary ( منof s.th.) IV to trouble, inconvenience ( هs.o.); to irk, bother, weary, tire, fatigue ( هs.o.)
متفلةmitfala spittoon, cuspidor
تعبta‘ab pl. اتعابat‘āb trouble, exertion, labor, toil, drudgery; burden, nuisance, inconvenience, discomfort, difficulty, hardship; tiredness, weariness, fatigue; pl. اتعابfees, honorarium تعبta‘ib and تعبانta‘bān tired, weary, exhausted 94 متاعبmatā‘ib2 troubles, pains, efforts; discomforts, inconveniences, difficulties, troubles; complaints, ailments, ills (attending disease); hardships, strains متعبmut‘ib troublesome, inconvenient, toilsome, laborious; burdensome, irksome, annoying; wearisome, tiresome, tiring; tedious, dull, boring متعبmut‘ab tired, weary
تفهtafiha a (tafah, تفاھةtafāha, تفوهtufūh) to be little, paltry, insignificant; to be flat, tasteless, vapid, insipid تفهtafah and تفهtufūh paltriness, triviality, insignificance تفاھةtafāha paltrineBB, triviality, insignificance flatness, vapidity, insipidity, tastelessness; inanity, stupidity, silliness تفهtafih and تافهtāfih little, paltry, trivial, trifling, insignificant; worthless; commonplace, common, mediocre; flat, tasteless, vapid, insipid; trite, banal تافھةtāfiha pl. توافهtawāfih2 worthless thing; triviality, trifle تقاوىsee قوى تقليةsee قلى
تقنIV to perfect, bring to perfection ( ھـs.th; to master, know well ( ھـs.th., e.g., a language), be proficient, skillful, wellversed ( ھـin s.th.) تقنtiqn skillful, adroit تقانةtaqāna firmness, solidity; perfection اتقنatqan2 more perfect, more thorough اتقانitqān perfection; thoroughness, exactitude, precision; thorough skill, proficiency; mastery, command (e.g., of a special field, of a language)│ فى غاية االتقان to greatest perfection; of excellent workmanship متقنmutqan perfect; exact, precise تقىtaqā i to fear (esp. God) VIII see وقى تقىtaqīy pl. اتقياءatqiyā’2 God-fearing, godly, devout, pious اتقىatqā more pious تقىtuqan and تقوىtaqwā godliness, devoutness, piety 1
تكtakka u to trample down, trample underfoot, crush ( ھـs.th.); to intoxicate (ه s.o.; wine) تكtikka pl. تككtikak waistband (in the upper seam of the trousers) 95 تكtakka to tick (clock) تكةtikka pl. -āt ticking, ticktock (of a clock), ticking noise
تكيةlook up alphabetically
تكوتtukūt pl. of Engl. ticket 1
تكتكtaktaka to trample down, trample underfoot ( ھـs.th)
تكتكtaktaka to bubble, simmer (boiling mass)
تكتكtaktaka to tick (clock) تكتكةtaktaka ticking, ticktock (of a clock), ticking noise
تكتيكtaktīk tactics
تكيةtakīya pl. تكاياtakāyā monastery (of a Muslim order); hospice; home, asylum (for the invalided or needy) 1
تلtall pl. تاللtilāl, اتاللatlāl, تلولtulūl hill, elevation│ تل ابيبt. abīb Tel Aviv (city in W Israel)
تلtull tulle
تالتلtalātil2 hardships, troubles, adversities تليدtalīd, تالدtālid, تالدtilād inherited, timehonored, old (possession, property) تلسكوبtiliskūb telescope تلعIV to stretch one's neck; to crane ( ھـthe neck) تلعةtal‘a pl. تالعtilā‘ hill, hillside, mountainside; (torrential) stream تليعtalī‘ long, outstretched, extended; high, tall تلغرافtiligrāf, taligrāf pl. -āt telegraph; telegram, wire, cable│ ارسل تلغرافا الىto send a wire to تلغرافىtiligrāfī, taligrāfī telegraphic تلفtalafa a (talaf) to be annihilated, be destroyed; to be or become damaged or spoiled, be ruined, break, get broken, go to pieces II to ruin ( ھـs.th.); to wear out, “finish” ( هs.o.) IV to destroy, annihilate ( ھـs.th.); to ruin, damage, spoil, break (ھـ s.th.); to waste ( ھـs.th.) تلفtalaf ruin, destruction; ruination, damage, injury, harm.; loss; waste تلفانtalfān spoiled; useless, worthless, good-for-nothing متلفmatlaf, متلفةmatlafa pl. متالف matālif2 desert متالفmitlāl wastrel; ruinous, harmful, injurious اتالفitlāf pl. -āt annihilation, destruction; damage, injury, harm تالفtālif ruined, damaged, broken; spoiled, bad متلوفmatlūf and متلفmutlaf ruined, damaged, broken; spoiled, bad متلفmutlif annihilator, destroyer; injurer; damaging, ruinous, harmful, injurious, noxious تلفزtalfaza to televise, transmit by television تلفزةtalfaza television اذاعة تلفازيةiḍāfa talfāẓīya television broadcast, telecast O تلفازtilfāz television set
( تلفزيونFr. télévision) tilivisyōn television
تلىtallī (tun.) tulle
تلفنtalfana to telephone
تليباثىtilībātī telepathy; telepathic
تلفونtilifūn and تليفونtalīfūn pl. –āt telephone
تليسtallīs, tillis pl. تالليسtalālīs2 sack
تلقاءsee لقى
( تليفزيونFr. télévision) tilīvisyōn television
تلكtilka fem. of the demonstrative pronoun ذلك
تليفونpl. –āt talīfūn telephone
تلمtalam pl. اتالمatlām (plow) furrow تلمذtalmada to take on as, or have for, a pupil or apprentice ( هs.o.); to be or become a pupil or apprentice ( لof s.o., 96 also )على, receive one’s schooling or training (على from) II tatalmada to be or become a pupil or apprentice ( لor على يدهof s.o.), work as an apprentice ( لor على يدهunder s.o.) تلمذةtalmada school days, college years; apprenticeship; (time of) probation تلماذtilmād learning, erudition تلميذtilmīd pl. تالميذtalāmīd2, تالمذة talamida pupil, student, apprentice; probationer; trainee; disciple│ تلميذ بحرى (baḥrī) approx.: chief warrant W-3 (naval rank; Eg.); ( تلميذ سفرىsafarī) approx.: chief warrant W-4 (naval rank; Eg.) تلميذةtilmīda pl. –āt girl student تلمسانtilimsān2 Tlemcen (city in NW Algeria) تلمودtalmūd Talmud تلهtaliha a (talah) to be astonished, amazed, perplexed, at a loss تالهtālih and متلهmutallah at a loss, bewildered, perplexed│ تاله العقلt. al-‘aql absent-minded, distracted ( )تال )تلوtalā u ( تلوtulūw) to follow, succeed; to ensue; -- ( تالوةtilāwa) to read, read out loud ( ھـs.th., علىto s.o..); to recite (ھـ s.th.) VI to follow one another, be successive تلوtilwa (prep.) after, upon│ارسل كتابا تلو كتابto send letter after letter تالوةtilāwa reading; public reading; recital, recitation تالtālin following, succeeding, subsequent, next; بالتالىbi-t-tālī then, later, subsequently; consequently, hence, therefore, accordingly متتالmutatālin successive, consecutive
تليفونىtalifūnī telephonic, telephone- in compounds) تمtamma i to be or beoome complete, completed, finished, done; to be performed, be accomplished ( لby s.o..); to come to an end, be or become terminated; to come about, be brought about, be effected, be achieved, come to pass, come off, happen, take place, be or become a fact; to be on hand, be there, present itself; to persist ( علىin); to continue ( علىs.th. or to do s.th.) II and IV to complete, finish, wind up, conclude, terminate ( ھـs.th.); to make complete, supplement, round out, fill up ( ھـs.th.); to carry out, execute, perform, accomplish, achieve ( ھـs.th.) X to be complete, completed, finished تمامtamām completeness, wholeness, entirety, perfection; full, whole, entire, complete, perfect; separate, independent; تماماtamāman completely, entirely, wholly, perfectly, fully, quite; precisely, exactly│ (بدر تمامbadr) and ( قمر تمامqamar) full moon; فى تمام الساعة السادسةat 6 o'clock sharp; ( بتمام معنى الكلمةma‘nā l-kalima) in the full sense of the word; بالتمامentirely, completely تميمةtamīma pl. تمائمtamā’im2 amulet اتمatamm2 more complete, more perfect تتمةtatimma completion; supplementation; supplement تتميمtatmīm completion; perfection; consummation, execution, fulfillment, realization, effectuation, accomplishment اتمامitmām completion; perfection; termination, conclusion; consummation, execution, fulfillment, realization, effectuation, accomplishment 97 استتمامistitmām termination, conclusion
تامtāmm complete, perfect, entire, consummate; of full value, sterling, genuine تمباكtumbāk Persian tobacco (esp. for the narghile) تمتمtamtama to stammer, mumble, mutter; to recite under one's breath ( بs.th) تمرtamr (coll.; n. un. ة, pl. tamarat, تمور tumūr) dates, esp. dried ones│ تمر ھندى (hindī) tamarind (bot.) ( تمرجىeg. tamargī), تومرجى، تمورجىpl. -ya male nurse, hospital attendant; تمرجيةpl. -āt female nurse
تنكةtanaka pl. -āt tin container, can, pot, jerry can 2
تانكtānika see تاكalphabetically
تنيسtennis تنينtannīn tannin, tannic acid تھتهtahtaha to stammer, stutter 1
تھمةtuhma pl. تھمtuham accusation, charge; suspicion; insinuation
تھامةtihāma2 Tihama, coastal plain along the southwestern and southern shores of the Arabian Peninsula
تمغةtamga stamp; stamp mark│ورق تمغة waraq t. stamped paper
تواtawwan right away, at once, immediately; just (now), this very minute│ للتوli-t-tawwi at once, right away, also with pers. suffix.: لتوىli-tawwī, لتوھاli-tawwihā (I have, she has) just ... ; at once, presently, immediately
تمنtumman rice
( تواليتFr. toilette) tuwālēt toilette
تموزtammūz2 July (Syr., Ir., Leb., Jord.)
توأمsee تأم
تنtunn tuna (zool.)
تيننtinnīn pl. تنانينtanānīn2 sea monster; Draco (astro.); waterspout (meteor.), see also alphabetically
( توب( تابtāba u ( توبtaub, توبةtauba, متاب matāb) to repent, be penitent, do penance, with عن: to turn from (sin), be converted from, renounce, forswear s.th.; (said of God) to restore to His grace, forgive (على s.o.)│ تاب الى ﷲto turn to God in repentance II to induce to repentance or penitence, make repent ( هs.o.) X to call on s.o. ( )هto repent
تموزlook up alphabetically تمساحtimsāḥ pl. تماسيحtamāsīḥ2 crocodile
تانئtāni’ pl. تناءtunnā’ resident تنباكtunbāk (pronounced tumbāk) and تنبك tumbak Persian tobacco (esp. for the narghile) تنبالtinbāl pl. تنابيلtanābīl2 short, of small Stature
توبةtauba repentance, penitence, contrition; penance 98
( تنبرFr. timbre) tambar pl. تنابرtanābir2 stamp (magr.)
توابtawwāb doing penance; repentant, penitent, contrite; forgiving, merciful (God)
متنبرmutambar stamped (magr.)
تائبtā’ib repentant, penitent, contrite
( تنبلTurk. tembel) tambal pl. تنابلةtanābila lazy
توبلsee تبل
( تنجستينFr. tungstène) tongəstēn tungsten
توبوغرافياtobogrāfiyā topography
( تندةIt. tenda) tanda awning, roofing, sun roof تنورtannūr pl. تنانيرtanānīr2 a kind of baking oven, a pit, usually clay-lined, for baking bread تنورةtannūra (syr., leb.) (lady's) skirt تنسtennis 1
تنكtanak tin plate تنكجىtanakjī tinsmith, whitesmith
توتtūt mulberry tree; mulberry│توت ارضى (ardī) and ( توت افرنجىifranjī) strawberry; ( توت شوكىšaukī) and توت العليقt. al-‘ullaiq raspberry
توتtūt the first month of the Coptic calendar
توتياtūtiyā, توتياءtūtiyā’, توتيةzinc توجII to crown ( هs.o.; also fig. ب ھـs.th. with) V to be crowned
تاجpl. تيجانtījān crown; miter (of a bishop)│ تاج العمودt. al-‘amūd capital of a column or pilaster); تاج الكرةt. al-kura calotte تويجtuwaij little crown, coronet تتويجtatwīj crowning, coronation توجوtōgo and توجولندtōgōland (Eg. spelling) Togo (region in W Africa) ( توح( تاحsee تيح تارةtāratan once; sometimes, at times│– تارة تارة – طورا،( تارةṯauran), ( تارة – اخرىuḳrā) sometimes – sometimes, at times – at other times توراةtaurāh Torah, Pentateuch; Old Testament توربيد، تورپيدturpīd, turbīd torpedo (sub-marine missile) توربينturbīn pl. -āt turbine تورتةtorta pl. -āt pie, tart ( توق( تاقtāqa u (tauq, توقانtawaqān) to long., yearn, wish ( الىfor), hanker ( الىafter), desire, crave, covet ( الىs.th.), strive (الى for), aspire ( الىto) توقtauq, توقانtawaqān longing, yearning, craving, desire تواقtawwāq longing, yearning, eager ( الىfor), craving ( الىs.th) تائقtā’iq longing, yearning, eager (الى for), craving ( الىs.th) ( توكة اماميةtōka amāmīya; eg.) belt buckle (mil.) تولtūl tulle
□ تيتلtaital pl. تياتلsee ثيتل تيتنوسtītānūs tetanus (med.) ( تيح( تاحtāḥa i to be destined, be foreordained (by fate, by God; لto s.o.); to be granted, be given ( لto s.o.) IV to destine, foreordain ( ھـ لto s.o. s.th.); to grant, afford, offer ( ھـ لs.o. s.th.); pass. utīḥa to be destined, be foreordained, be granted, be given ( لto s.o.)│( اتيح له التوفيقutīḥa) he met with success, he was successful; اتيح له ( الفرصةfurṣa) he was given the opportunity, he had the chance . تيارtayyār pl. -āt flow, stream, course, current, flood; fall (of a stream); movement, tendency, trend; draft (of air); (el.) current│O ( تيار مباشرmubāšir) and تيار مستمرmustamirr) direct current; O تيار ( متناوبmutanāwib) and O تيار متغير (mutagayyir) alternating current; O تيار متذبذبmutadabdib) oscillating current (el.); O ( يار نابضnābiḍ) pulaoting current; 99 O ( يار سريع الترددsarī‘ at-taraddud) high-frequency current; O تياربطيء التردد (baṯī’ at-taraddud) low-frequency current; O ‘( تيار عالى الجھدālī l-jahd) heigh-tension current; O ( تيار واطئ الجھدwāṯI’ al-jahd) low-tension current; O ( تيار ذاتىdātī) selfinduced current
O متارmatār (Byr.) dynamo, generator ( تيزةTurk. teyze) tēza maternal aunt تيسtais pl. اتياسatyās, تيوسtuyūs billy goat اتيسatyās2 foolish, crazy
تومرجىsee تمرجى
الحمى التيفوديةal-hummā t-tīfūdīya typhoid fever
تونtūn and تونةtūna (zool.)
تيفوسtīfūs typhus
( تونجTurk. tunç) tunj bronze
تيكtīka fem. of the demonstrative pronoun ذاك dāka
تونسtūnus2 Tunis تونسىtūnisīy pl. توانسةtawānisa Tunisian (adj. and n.) تونيةtūniya pl. توانىalb of priests and deacons (Chr.) ( توه( تاهtāha u and II = ( تيه( تاهtāha i and II توھةtūha daughter ( تياتروIt. teatro) tiyātrō theater
تيلII (from Turk. tel) to cable, wire, telegraph (syr.)
تيلtīl hemp; linen
تيلةtīla fiber, staple
( تيم( تامtāma I (taim) to become enslaved, enthralled by love; to enslave, make blindly subservient ( هs.o.; through love) II to enslave, enthrall (love; هs.o.); to make
blindly subservient, drive out of his mind, infatuate ( هs.o.; love)
اثأرitta’ara to get one’s revenge, be avenged
متيمmutayyam enslaved, enthralled (by love), infatuated
ثأرta’r pl. -āt أثآرat’ār, آثارātār revenge, vengeance, blood revenge; retaliation, reprisal│ أخذ ثأرهor أخذ بالثأرto take revenge, avenge o.s.; مباراة الثأرmubārāt at-t. return match (sports)
تيماءtaimā’ Taima (oasis in NW Arabia)
تيمارجىsee تمرجى تينtīn (coll.; n. un. )ةfig │( تين شوكيšaukī) fruit of the Indian fig (Opuntia ficusindica Haw.) تينكtainika see تاكalphabetically ( تيه( تاهtāha i to get lost, wander about, 1ose one's way, go astray; to stray, wander (thoughts); to escape ( منs.o.), slip (من s.o.’s memory); to perish, be destroyed, be lost; to be perplexed, startled, astonished; to be haughty; to swagger, boast, brag (على to s.o.)│ تتيه على وجھه ابتسامةasmile flits over his face II to mislead, lead astray (ه s.o.); to distract, divert ( هs.o.); to confuse, confound, bewilder ( هs.o.) IV = II تيهtīh desert, trackless wilderness; maze, labyrinth; haughtiness, pride تياهtayyāh straying, stray, wandering; haughty تيھانtaihān2 straying, stray, wandering; perplexed, at a loss, bewildered; proud, hughty تيھاءtaihā’2 and matāha a trackless, desolate region; متاھةmaze, labyrinth تائهtā’ih straying, stray, wandering, roving, errant; lost in thought, distracted, absent-minded; lost, forlorn; infinite; haughty ( تيوليبEngl.) tulip
ث ثabbreviation of ثانيةsecond (time unit) ثاءtā’ name of the letter ث ثئبta’iba a ( ثأبta’b) and VI to yawn ثؤباءtu’abā’ yawning, yawn; fatigue, weariness ثأرta’ara a (ta’r) to avenge the blood of ( هor )ب, take blood revenge ( هfor 100 s.o. killed), take vengeance, avenge o.s. (ب ه on s.o. for, also منor لfor) IV and VIII
ثائرtā’ir avenger ثؤلولtu’lūl and ثؤلولةtu’lūla pl. ثآليلta’ālīl2 wart ثأىta’ā scars ثبتtabata u ( ثباتtabāt, ثبوتtubūt) to stand firm, be fixed, stationary, immovable, unshakable, firm, strong, stable; to hold out, hold one's ground ( لagainst s.o. or s.th.), be firm, remain firm ( لtoward s.o. or s.th.), withstand, resist, defy ( لs.o. or s.th.); to be established, be proven (fact); to remain, stay ( بat a place); to maintain ( علىs.th.), keep, stick, adhere ( علىto s.th.), abide or stand by s.th. ( ;علىe.g., by an agreement); to insist ( علىon)│ ثبت فى ( وجھهfī wajhihī) to hold one’s own against s.o., assert o.s. against s.o. II to fasten, make fast, fix ( ھـs.th.); to consolidate, strengthen ( ھـs.th.); to stabilize ( ھـs.th.); to confirm, corroborate, substantiate (ھـ s.th.); to appoint permanently (. s.o.; to an office); to prove, establish ( ھـs.th.), demonstrate, show ( بانthat); to prove guilty, convict ( علىa defendant); to confirm (Chr.)│ (ثبت بصره بهbaṣarahu) to fix one’s eyes on, gaze at; ثبت قدميه (qadamaihi) to gain a foothold IV to establish, determine ( ھـs.th.); to assert as valid or authentic, affirm ( ھـs.th.); to confirm, corroborate, substantiate (ھـ s.th.); to prove ( على ھـs.th. to s.o.; لto s.o., انthat); to demonstrate, show (ھـ s.th.); to furnish competent evidence (ھـ for); to bear witness, attest ( ھـto); to acknowledge ( ھـs.th., e.g., a qualification, a quality, لin s.o.), concede ( ل ھـs.th. to s.o.); to prove guilty, convict ( علىa defendant); to enter, record, register, list ( فى ھـs.th. in a book, in a rooter, etc.)│ اثبته ( فى الورقwaraq) to put s.th. down in writing, get s.th. on paper; اثبت الشخص (šaḳṣa) to determine s.o.’s identity, identify s.o.; ( اثبت شخصيتهšaḳṣīyatahū) to identify o.s., prove one’s identity V to
ascertain, verify ( فىs.th., ھلif), make sure ( فىof s.th., ھلif); to consider carefully (فى s.th.), proceed with caution ( فىin) X to show o.s. stead-fast, persevering; to seek to verify ( ھـs.th.), try to make sure ( ھـof), seek confirmation of or reassurance with regard to ( ;)ھـto ascertain, verify ( ھـs.th.), make sure ( ھـof s.th.); to find right, proven or true, see confirmed ( ھـs.th.); to regard as authentic ( ھـs.th.) ثبتtabt firm, fixed, established; steadfast, unflinching; brave ثبتtabat reliable, trustworthy, credible ثبتtabat pl. اثباتatbāt list, index, roster ثباتtabāt firmness; steadiness, constancy, permanence, stability; certainty, sureness; perseverance, persistence, endurance; continuance, maintenance, retention ( علىof s.th.), adherence ( علىto) ثبوتtubūt constancy, immutability, steadiness; permanence, durability; certainty, sureness│ ثبوت الشھرt. aš-šahr the official determination of the beginning of a lunar month اثبتatbat more reliable, firmer, steadier, etc. تثبيتtatbīt consolidation, strengthening; stabilization; confirmation; corroboration, substantiation│ سر التثبيتsirr at-t. the Sacrament of Confirmation (Chr.) اثباتitbāt establishment; assertion; confirmation; affirmation, attestation; demonstration; proof, evidence; 101 registration, entering, listing, recording; documentation, authentication, verification│ شاھد اثباتwitness for the prosecution; ‘ عبء االثباتib’ al-i. burden of proof (jur.) اثباتىitbātī affirmative, confirmatory, corroborative, positive تثبتtatabbut ascertainment; verification, examination, check; careful, cautious procedure, circumspection; interment (of the remains of a saint; Chr.) ثابتtābit firm, fixed, established; stationary, immovable; steady, invariable, constant, stable; permanent, lasting, durable, enduring; confirmed, proven; a
constant│ ثابت الجأشt. al-ja’š undismayed, fearless, staunch, steadfast; ثابت العزمt. al-‘azm firmly resolved, determined; امالك ثابتةand أموال ثابتةimmovable property, real estate, realty; O ثابت االتجاهt. al-ittijāh unidirectional, rectified (el.) ثابتةtābita pl. ثوابتtawābit2 fixed star مثبوتmatbūt established, confirmed; certain, sure, positive, assured; proven ثبرtabara u to destroy, ruin ( هs.o.); (ثبور tubūr) to perish III to apply o.s. with zeal and perseverance ( علىto s.th.), persevere, persist ( علىin) ثبورtubūr ruin, destruction│نادى بالويل والثبور )دعاor) nādā (da‘ā) bi-l-wail wa-t-t. to wail, burst into loud laments مثابرةmutābara persistence, perseverance, endurance; diligence, assiduity ثبطtabaṯa u and II to hold back, keep, prevent ( عن هs.o. from doing s.th.); to hinder, handicap, impede, slow down, set back ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to bring about the failure ( ھـof s.th.), frustrate ( ھـs.th.) ثبنةtubna pl. ثبنtuban lap, fold of a garment (used as a receptacle) ثبانtibān = ثبنةtubna ثيتلlook up alphabetically ثجtajja u to flow coplously ثجاجtajjāj coplously flowing, streaming ثخنtaḳuna u to be or become thick, thicken; to be firm, solid, compact IV to wear out, exhaust, weaken ( هs.o.)│اثخنه ضربا (ḍarban) to wallop s.o., give s.o. a sound thrashing; ‘( اثخن فى العدوaduw) to massacre the enemy; اثخنه بالجراحto weaken s.o. by inflicting wounds ثخنtiḳan, ثخانةtaḳāna, ثخونةtuḳūna thickness, density; consistency; compactness ثخينtaḳīn pl. ثخناءtuḳanā’2 thick; dense ثدىtady and tadyan m. and f., pl. اثداءatdā’ female breast; udder ثرtarr abounding in water│ ( ثرة من الدمعdam‘) tear-wet, tear-blurred (eye)
ثربtaraba i (tarb) and II to blame, censure (ه and علىs.o.) تثريبtatrīb blame, censure, reproof ثرثرtartara ( ثرثرةtartara) to chatter, prattle ثرثارtartār prattler, chatterbox; ثرثارة tartāra do. (fem.) ثرثرةtartara chatter, prattle ثردtarada u to crumble and sop ( ھـbread) ثريدjarid a dish of sopped bread, meat and broth مثردmitrad bowl
ثعلبىta‘labī foxy, foxlike ثعلبةta‘laba vixen; O tetter (med) ثغرtagir pl. ثغورtugūr front tooth; mouth; port, harbor, inlet, bay; seaport ثغرةtagra pl. ثغرtugar breach, crevasse, crack, rift, crevice; opening, gap; cavity, hollow; narrow mountain trail ثغمtagam white, whiteness ثاغمtāgim white (adj.) )ثغا )ثغوtagā u ( ثغاءtugā’) to bleat (sheep) ثغاءtugā’ bleating, bleat
ثرمtarama i (tarm) to knock s.o.’o ( )هtooth out; -- tarima a (taram) to have a gap between two teeth ( ثروand ثرى( ثرىtariya a to become wealthy IV to become or be rich, wealthy ( بor من through s.th.); to make rich, enrich ( هs.o.) 102 ثرىtaran moist earth; ground, soil│اين الثرى من الثرياaina t-t. min t-turayyā (proverbially of things of disproportionate value) what has the ground to do with the Pleiades? ( طيب ﷲ ثراهṯayyaba) approx.: may God rest him in peace! 2
ثرىtarīy pl. اثرياءatriyā’ wealthy, rich│ ثرى الحربt. al-ilarb war profiteer, nouveau riche ثريtarīyāt plantations ثروةtarwa and ثروةtarā’ fortune, wealth, riches│ اھل الثروةahl at-t. the rich, the wealthy; ( ثروة قوميةqaumīya) national wealth; ( ثروة مائيةmā’īya) abundance of water, abundant supply of water (of a region) ثرياturayyā Pleiades; (also )ثريةpl. ثريات turayyāt chandelier مثرmutr wealthy, rich ثعبانtu‘bān pl. ثعابينta‘ābīn snake│ ثعبان الماءt. al-mā’ eel ثعبانىtu‘bānī snaky, snakelike, serpentine; eely مثعبmat‘ab pl. مثاعبmatā‘ib2 drain ثعالةtu‘āla fox 2
ثعلبta‘lab pl. ثعالبta‘ālib fox│ داء الثعلب alopecia (med.), loss of hair
ثاغtāgin bleating│ ما له ثاغية وال راغية (tagiya) he has absolutely nothing, he is deprived of all resources, prop.: he has neither a bleating (sheep) nor a braying (camel) ثفرtafar pl. اثفارatfār crupper (of the saddle) ثفلtufl dregs, lees, sediment; residues ثفنIII to associate ( هwith s.o.), frequent s.o.’s ( )ھـcompany; to pursue, practice ( هs.th.) ثفنةtaftna pl. -āt, ثفنtifan callus, callosity اثفيةlook up alphabetically ثقةsee وثق ثقبtaqaba u (taqb) to bore, or drill, a hole (ھـ in s.th.), pierce, puncture, perforate (ھـ s.th.) II do. II and IV to light, kindle (ھـ s.th.) V and VII to be pierced, be punctured, be perforated ثقبtaqb piercing, boring, puncture, perforation; (also tuqb pl. ثقوبtuqūb, اثقاب atqāb) hole, puncture, borehole, drill hole ثقبةtuqba pl. ثقبtuqab hole ثقابand ‘ عود الثقابūd al-tiqāb matchstick; matches ثقوبtuqūb keenness, acuteness (of the mind) مثقبmitqab pl. مثاقبmatāqib2 borer, drill, gimlet, auger, brace and bit, wimble, perforator; drilling machine اثقابitqāb kindling, lighting ثاقبdqib penetrating, plercing, sharp (mind, eyes)│ ثاقب النظرt. an-naẓar perspicacity; sharp-eyed; ثاقب الفكرt. al-
fikr sagacity, acumen, mental acuteness; shrewd, sagacious, sharp-witted ثاقباتtāqibāt borers (zool.) 103 ثقفtaqifa a (taqf) to find, meet ( هs.o.); -taqifa a and taqufa u to be skillful, smart, clever II to make straight, straighten (ھـ s.th.); to correct, set right, straighten out ( ھـs.th.); to train, form, teach, educate (ھـ s.o.); to arrest ( ھـs.o.); to seize, confiscate ( هs.th.) III to fence ( هwith s.o.) V to be trained, be educated ثقافةtaqāfa culture, refinement; education; (pl. -āt) culture, civilization
s.th.); not to bother ( عنabout); to be too dull, too sluggish ( عنfor s.th., to do s.th.) X to find heavy, hard. burdensome, troublesome ( ھـs.th.), find annoying ( ه،ھـ s.o.. s.th.)│( استثقل ظلهẓillahū) to find s.o. unbearable, dislike s.o. ثقلtiql pl. اثقالatqāl weight; burden load; gravity; heaviness│ رفع االثقالraf‘ ala. weight lifting (athlet.); الثقل النوعى (nau‘ī) specific gravity ثقلtiqal heaviness; sluggishness, dullness ثقلtaqal pl. اثقالatqāl load, baggage الثقالنat-taqalān the humans and the jinn
ثقافىtaqāfī educational; intellectual; cultural│ ( ملحق ثقافىmulḥaq) cultural attaché
ثقلtaqla trouble, inconvenience, discomfort
ثقيفtatqīf cultivation of the mind; training, education; instruction
ثقلtaqala heaviness; sluggishness, doltishness; dullness
مثاقفةmutāqafa fencing, art or sport of fencing, swordplay, swordsmanship
ثقيلtaqīl pl. ثقالءtuqalā’2, ثقالtiqāl heavy; weighty, momentous, grave, serious, important; burdensome, troublesome, cumbersome, oppressive; unpleasant, disagreeable, distasteful (person)│ ثقيل الدمt. ad-dam insufferable, unpleasant, disagreeable (person); ثقيل الروحt. ar-rūḥ doltish, dull (person); a bore; ثقيل الظلt. aẓ-ẓill disagreeable, insufferable (person); ثقيل الفھمt. al-fahm slow of understanding, slow-witted; ثقيل السمعt. as-sam‘ hard of hearing; صناعة ثقيلة (ṣinā‘a) heavy industry; ماء ثقيلheavy water (phys.)
تثقفtataqquf culturedness, culture, refinement, education مثقفmutaqqaf educated; trained; cultured ثقلtaqula u (tiql, ثقالةtaqāla) to be heavy; with بto load or burden s.th., make s.th. heavy; to be hard to bear ( علىfor s.o.), weigh heavily ( علىon), be burdensome, cumbersome, oppressive ( علىto s.o.); to be heavy-handed. sluggish, doltish, dullwitted; to be too dull, too sluggish ( عنfor s.th. to do s.th.), not to bother (or about) II to make heavy, weight ( ھـs.th.); to burden, encumber ( علىs.o., ھـwith s.th.), overburden ( علىs.o.), overtax s.o.’s ()على strength, ask too much ( علىof s.o.); to trouble, inconvenience, bother ( علىs.o. ب with s.th.), pester, molest ( علىs.o.)│ ثقل كاھلهand ( اثقل كاھلهkāhilahū) to burden s.o. or s.th; اثقل كاھل الميزانto burden the budget IV to burden ( ه, ھـs.o., s.th.); to oppress, distress ( هs.o.). weigh heavily ( هon); to be hard to bear ( هfor s.o.)│ اثقل كاھله (kāhilahū) see II; VI to become or be heavy; to be troublesome, burdensome ( علىto s.o.), trouble. oppress ( علىs.o.); to be sluggish. doltish. slow; to be in a bad mood, be sullen, grumpy; to find burdensome and turn away ( عنfrom
اثقلatqal2 heavier; more oppressive مثقالmitqāl pl. مثاقيلmatāqīl2 weight (also s.th. placed as an equipoise on the scales of a balance); miskal, a weight (in Egypt = 24 ٤.٦٨ = قراطg)│ مثقال ذرةm. 104 darra the weight of a dust speck, i.e., a tiny amount; a little bit; مثقال منa little of, a little bit of تثقيلtatqīl weighting, burdening; molestation تثاقلtatāqul sluggishness, dullness مثقلmutaqqal and mutqal burdened, encumbered; overloaded; weighted (ب with s.th.); oppressed ( بby); heavy متثاقلmutatāqil sluggish, dull; sullen, grumpy
ثكلtakila a (takal) to lose a child ()ه, also: to be bereaved of a loved one ( )هby death IV اثكل األم ولدھاatkala l-umma waladuhā to bereave a mother of her son ثكلtakal state of one who has lost a friend or relative; mourning over the loss of a loved one ثكالنtaklān (2) bereaved of a child ثكلىtaklā bereaved of a child (mother) ثاكلةtākila pl. ثواكلtawākil2 bereaved of a child (mother) ثكنةtuknā pl. ثكنtukan, -āt barracks (mil.) ثلtalla u ( ثللtalal) to tear down, destroy, overthrow, subvert ( ھـs.th., esp. عرشا ‘aršan to topple a throne) VII to be subverted, overthrown (throne) ثلةtulla pl. ثللtulal troop, band, party, group (of people); military detachment ثلبtalaba i (talb) to criticize, run down (ه s.o.); to slander, defame ( هs.o.) ثلبtalb slander, defamation مثلبةmatlaba pl. مثالبmatālib2 shortcoming, defect, blemish, stain, disgrace ثالبtālib slanderous, defamatory; slanderer ثلثII to triple, make threefold ( ھـs.th.); to do three times ( ھـs.th.) ثلثtult pl. اثالثatlāt one third; tulut a sprawling, decorative calligraphic style ثالثةtalāta (f. ثالثtalāt) three; ثلثا talātan three times, thrice ثالثىtalātī tertiary; Tertiary (geol.)│ما قبل الثالثىpre-Tertiary ثالثة عشرtalātata ‘ašara, f. ثالث عشرة talāta ‘ašrata thirteen الثالثat-tālit the third; ثالثاtālitan thirdly; ١/٦٠ ثالثةof a second ثالثونtalātūn thirty الثلثاءat-talatā’ and يوم الثلثاءyaum at-t. Tuesday ثالثtulāt2 and مثلثmutallat three at a time
ثالثىtulātī tripartite, consisting of three, (gram.) triliteral, consisting of three radicals; tri-; trio (mus. )│ ثالثى الزواياt. zzawāyā triangular; ثالثى الورقاتt. lwaraqāt trifoliate ثالوثtālūt Trinity (CM.); trinity, triad; triplet│ زھرة الثالوثzahrat at-t. pansy (bot.) تثليثtatlīt doctrine of the Trinity; Trinity (Chr.) تثليثىtatlītī trigonometric(al) مثلثmutallat tripled, triple, threefold; having three diacritical dots (letter); triangular; (pl. -āt) triangle (geom.)│ الراية ( المثلثة األلوانrāya), ‘( العلم المثلثalam) and المثلثthe tricolor; ( المثلث الحادḥadd) acuteangled triangle; مثلث الزواياm. az-zawāyā triangular; ( المثلث المتساوى الساقينmutasāwā s-sāqain) isosceles triangle; المثلث المتساوى األضالعequilateral triangle; المثلث القائم right-angled triangle المثلثاتal-mutallatāt and حساب المثلثات ḥisāb al-m. trigonometry ثلجtalaja u: ( ثلجت السماءsamā’u) it snowed, was snowing; -- talija a to be delighted, 105 be gladdened (soul, heart; بby) II to cool with ice ( ھـs.th.); to freeze, turn into ice ( ھـs.th.) IV اثلجت السماءit snowed, was snowing; to cool, moisten ( ھـs.th.)│اثلج ( صدرهṣadrahū) to delight, please, gratify s.o. V to become icy, turn into ice, congeal; to freeze ثلجtalj pl. ثلوجtulūj snow; ice; artificial ice│ ندفة الثلجnadfat at-t. snowflake ثلجىtaljī snowy, snow- (in compounds); icy, glacial, ice- (in compounds) ثليجtalīj icy ثالجtallāj pl. -ūn ice vendor ثالجةtallāja pl. -āt iceberg, ice floe; refrigerator, icebox مثلجةmatlaja pl. مثالجmatālij2 icebox, refrigerator; cold-storage plant مثلوجmatlūj snow-covered; iced, icy; مثلوجاتfrozen food; iced beverages مثلجmutallaj iced; icy, ice-cold ثلمtalama i (talm) to blunt, make jagged (ھـ s.th.), break the edge of ( ;)ھـto make a
breach, gap or opening ( ھـin a wall); to defile, sully ( ھـreputation, honor); --talima a to be or become jagged, dull, blunt II to blunt ( ھـs.th.) V to become blunt VII to be defiled, be discredited (reputation) ثلمtalm nick, notch; breach, opening, gap; crock, fissure, rift│ ثلم الصيتt. aṣ-ṣīt defamation
مثمرmutmir fruitful, productive, profitable, lucrative مستثمرmustatmir pl. -ūn exploiter (pol.econ.); beneficiary ثملtamila a (tamal) to become drunk IV to make drunk, intoxicate ( هs.o.) ثملtamal intoxication, drunkenness ثملةtamala drunken fit, drunkenness
ثلمةtulma pl. ثلمtulam = talm│ سد ثلمة sadda talmatan to fill a gap; ثلمة ال تسد (tusaddu) a gap that cannot be closed, an irreparable loss ثالمtalim dull, blunt
ثملtamil intoxicated, drunk(en) ثمالةtumāla residue, remnant, dregs (of a liquid), heeltap (of wine); .cum, foam, froth 106 1
مثلومmatlūm defiled, sullied (reputation, honor) مثلمmutatallim blunted, blunt; cracking (voice)
ثمنII to appraise, asses, estimate ( ھـs.th.), determine the price or value ( ھـof s.th.); to price ( ھـs.th.)│ ال ثملlā yutammanu invaluable, inestimable, priceless ثمنpl. اثمنatmān, اثمنةatmina price, cost; value│( الثمن األصلىaṣlī) cost price; ( الثمن األساسىasāsī) par, nominal value
منثلم الصيتmuntalim aṣ-ṣīt of ill repute, of dubious reputation
ثمينtamīn costly, precious, valuable
ثمtamma there ثمmin tamma hence, therefore, for that reason
اثمنatman2 costlier, more precious, more valuable
ثمtumma then, thereupon; furthermore, moreover; and again, and once more (emphatically in repetition)│كال ثم كال (kallā) no and a hundred times no! من ثم min tamma then, thereupon
تثمينtatmīn estimated, appraisal, assessment, valuation, rating مثمونmatmūn object of value
ثمةtammata ( )ثمتthere; there is│ليس ثمة there isn't
مثمنmutammin estimator, appraiser│ خبير مثمنassessor
ثمامtumām a grass│( على طرف الثمامṯarafi t-t.) within easy reach, handy; جعله على طرف الثمامhe made it readily understandable, he presented it plsusibly for all
مثمنmutamman prized, valued, valuable, precious
اثمدlook up alphabetically ثمرtamara u to bear fruit IV do. X to profit, benefit ( ھـfrom); to exploit, utilize (ھـ s.th.); to invest profitably ( ھـmoney) ثمرtamar pl. ثمارtimār, اثمارatmār fruits, fruit (coll.); result, effect, fruit, fruitage; yield, profit, benefit, gain ثمرةtamara (n. un. of tamar) pl. -āt fruit; result, effect; yield, profit, benefit, gain استثمارistitmār exploitation (also pol.econ.), utilization, profitable use
مثمنmutmin costly, precious, valuable مثمنmutman object of value 2
ثمانيةtamāniya (f. ثمانtamānin) eight ثمانية عشرtamāniyata ‘ašara, f. ثماني عشرة tamāniya ‘ašrata eighteen ثمنpl. اثمانatmān one-eighth ثمنةtumna pl. -āt a dry measure (Eg. = 1/3 ٢٥٨. = قدحl; Pal. = ca. 2.25 l) ثمانونtamānūn eighty الثامنat-tāmin the eighth مثمنmutamman eightfold; octagonal
ثنةtunna pl. ثننtunan fetlock
ثندوةtunduwa pl. ثنادtanādin breast (of the male) ثنىtanā i (tany) to double, double up, fold, fold up, fold under ( ھـs.th.); to bond, flex ( ھـs.th.); to turn away, dissuade, keep, prevent, divert ( عن هs.o. from)│ ثنى عنان ‘( فرسهināna farasihī) he galloped off II to double, make double ( ھـs.th.); to do twice, repeat ( ھـs.th.); to pleat, plait ( ھـs.th.); to form the dual ( ھـof a word); to provide with two diacritical dots ( ھـa letter) IV to commend, praise, laud, extol ( علىs.th., s.o.), speak appreciatively ( علىof)│ اثنى ‘( عليه عاطر الثناءāṯira tanā’) to speak in the most laudatory terms of s.o. V to double, become double; to be doubled; to be repeated; to bond, fold; to be bent, be folded. be folded up or under; to walk with a swinging gait VII to bend, bend up, down or over, lean, incline, bow; to fold, be foldable, be folded back; to turn away ( عنfrom), give up, renounce ( عنs.th.); to turn, face (لI toward); to apply o.s., turn ( الىto s.th.); (with foll. imperf.) to set out, prepare (to do s.th.) X to except, exclude ( من هor ھـs.th. or s.o. from), make an exception ( ھـof s.th.) ثنىtany bonding; folding; turning away, dissuasion, keeping, prevention ثنىtiny pl. اثناءatnā’ fold, pleat, plait, crease (in cloth); bond, twist│ ثنيا بعد ثنى tinyan ba‘da tinyin from time to time اثناءatnā’ (prep.) during; in the course of│ فى اثناءfī atnā’i do.; فى تلك,فى اثناء ذلك اثناء ذلك، االثناءin the meantime, during all this time, meanwhile ثنيةtanya pl. tanyāt fold, pleat, plait, crease (in cloth)
ثنوىtanawī dualist ثنويةtanawīya dualism ثنائىtanā’ī laudatory, eulogistic ثنائىtunā’ī twofold, double, dual, binary, bi-; biradical (gram.); duet, duo (mus.)│ ( محرك ثنائى المشوارmuḥarrik t. lmišwār) two-cycle engine O ثنائيةtunā’īya dualism; duet, duo (mus.) اثنانitnāni, f. اثنتانitnatāni two اثنا عشرitnā ‘ašara, f. اثنتا عشرةitnatā ‘ašrata twelve يوم االثنينyaum al-itnaini and االثنين Monday الثانىat-tānī the second; the next; ثانيا tāniyan and ثانيةtāniyatan secondly; for the second time, once more, again│ ثانى اثنينt. itnain the second of a pair, pendant, companion piece, match ثانيةtāniya pl. ثوانtawānin second (time unit) ثانوىtānawī secondary; minor│امور ثانوية matters of secondary importance, minor matters; مدرسة ثانويةsecondary school; تسويغ ثانويsubletting تثنيةtatniya repetition; plaiting, pleating; doubling, gemination; (gram.) dual; second sequel (e.g., of a collection of short stories); commendation, praise, eulogy│ تثنية االشتراعDeuteronomy انثناءintinā’ bending, flection; flexibility, foldability│ قابل لالانثناءfoldable, folding انثناءةintinā’a pl. -āt (n. vic.) bend, flexure, curve استثناءistitnā’ exception, exclusion│ باستثناءwith the exception of, except; بدون استثناءwithout exception
ثنيةtanya pl. ثناياtanāyā middle incisor; narrow pass; mountain trail│ فى ثناياin, inside, among, between, frequently only a fuller, rhetorically more elegant expression for "in". e.g., فى ثنايا نفسهin his heart, inwardly, فى ثنايا الكتابin the book; بين ثناياin, inside, among, between; طالع الثناياṯallā‘ at-t. one with high-flung aspirations 107
استثنائىistitnā’ī exoeptional; استثنائيا istitnā’īyan as an exception│ احوال استثنائية emergencies; ( جلسة استثنائيةjalsa) emergency session
ثناءtanā’ commendation, praise, eulogy; appreciation
مثنىmutannan ouble, twofold; in the dual (gram.)
ثناءtunā’2 and مثنىmatnā two at a time
مثنىmatnīy folded; plaited, pleated; doubled
مستثنىmustatnan excepted, excluded (من from) ثوةsee ثوى 1
)ثاب )ثوبtāba u to return, come back (also, e.g., a state or condition, الىor لto s.o.); with ب: to return s.th. ( الىto s.o.)│ ثاب الى نفسهto regain consciousness, come to; ثاب ( اليه رشدهrušduhū) to recover one’s senses II to reward ( هs.o.; said of God) IV to repay, requite ( ھـ ھـs.th. with); to reward ( على هs.o. for) X to seek reward ثوبtaub pl. ثيابtiyāb, اثوابatwāb garment, dress; cloth, material; (fig.) garb, outward appearance, guise, cloak, mask; pl. ثيابclothes, clothing, apparel│ ثياب السھرةt. as-suhra formal dress, evening clothes; فى ثوب بسيطin plain, homely form; طاھر الثيابof flawless character, irreproachable ثوابtawāb requital, recompense, reward (for good deeds); (Isl. Law) merit, credit (arising from a pious deed) مثوبةmatūba requital, recompense, reward (bestowed by God for good deeds) مثابmatāb and مثابةmatāba place to which one returns; meeting place; rendezvous; resort, refuge مثابةmatāba (with foll. genit.) place or time at which s.th. appears or recurs; 108 manner, mode, fashion; see also preceding entry│ ( بمثابةwith foll. genit.) like, as; tantamount to, equivalent to, having the same function as
تثاوب = تثاءب )ثئبVI) to yawn
)ثار )ثورtāra u to stir, be stirred up, be aroused, be excited; to swirl up, rise (dust); to arise (question, problem; a difficulty, فى وجھهfī wajhihī before s.o.); to be triggered, be unleashed, break out; to revolt, rebel, rise ( علىagainst); to rage, storm│ ( ثار ثائرهtā’irohū) to fly into a rage, become furious, flare up IV to agitate, excite ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to stimulate ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to irritate ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to arouse, stir up, kindle, excite ( ھـs.th., e.g., feelings), cause, provoke, awaken (ھـ s.th.); to raise, pose, bring up (مسألة mas’alatan a question, a problem)│ اثار ( ثائرتهtā’iratahū) to infuriate s.o., excite
s.o. X to excite, stir up, kindle ( ھـs.th., esp. passions); to rouse ( ھـs.th.); to arouse, awaken ( ھـs.th., esp. feelings); to elicit, evoke ( ھـwails, outcries, منfrom s.o.); to incite, set ( على هs.o. against)│ ( استثار غضبهgaḍabahū) to infuriate s.o., make s.o. angry ثورtaur pl. ثيرانtīrān bull, steer; ox; Taurus (astron.)│ شوربة ذيل الثورšōrabat dail at-t. oxtail soup ثورةtaura excitement, agitation; outbreak, outburst, fit (of fury, of despair, etc.); eruption (of a volcano); (pl. -āt) upheaval, uprising, insurrection, riot, rebellion, revolt, revolution│ثورة اھلية (ahlīya) internal strife, civil war ثورىtaurī revolutionary (adj. and n.) ثوروىtaurawī revolutionary (adj. and n.) ثورانtawarān agitation, excitation, flare-up, emption, outbreak, outburst, dust whirl مثارmatār incentive, stimulus, motive, spur, occasion, cause│ مثار الجدلm. aljadal and مثار النزاعobject of controversy, point of contention اثارةitāra excitation, stirring up, kindling; agitation, incitement; provocation, (a)rousing, awakening; irritation, stimulation ثائرtā’ir excited, agitated, raving, furious, mad; rebellious; fury, rage (in the idiomatic phrase ثار ثائرةsee above); (pl. ثوارtuwwār) insurgent, rebel, revolutionary ثائرةtā’ira pl. ثوائرtawā’ir2 tumult; excitement, agitation; fury, rage مثيرmutīr exciting; provocative; stimulative, irritative; excitant, irritant, stimulant; instigator; germ, agent; pl. مثيراتstimulants ثوريومtōriyūm thorium (chem.) ثولVII to swarm, crowd, throng ( علىaround s.o.); to come over s.o. ()على ثولlaw and ثول النحلt. an-nḥl swarm of bees ثومtūm (coll.; n. un. )ةgarlic
ثوىtawā i ( ثواءtawā’, ثوىtuwīy, مثوىmatwan) to stay, live ( بat a place); to settle down ( بat a place); pass. tuwiya to be buried IV to stay, live; to lodge, put up as a guest (ه s.o.) ثوىtawīy guestroom ثوةtūwa pl. ثوىtuwan signpost, roadsign مثوىmatwan pl. مثاوmatāwin abode, habitation, dwelling; place of rest ثيبtayyib pl. -āt a deflowered but unmarried woman, widow, divorcée ثيتلtaital pl. ثياتلtayātil2 a variety of wild goat (Capra jaela) 109
ج جاثليقjātalīq = جثليق جؤجؤju’ju’ pl. جآجئja’āji2 breast; prow, bow (of a ship) جأرja’ara a (ja’r, جؤارju’ār) to low, moo; to supplicate, pray fervently ( الىto God) جأرja’r, and جؤارju’ār, lowing, mooing (of cattle) 1
جازgiiz pl. -āt (Eg. spelling) gas
جازjāz jazz
( جازونFr. gazon, Eg. spelling) gāzōn lawn جأشja’aša a (ja’š) to be agitated, be convulsed (with pain or fright) جأشja’š emotional agitation; heart, soul│ ربط جأشهrabaṯa ja’šahū to remain calm, composed, self-possesed; رابط الجأش or ثابت الجأشcalm, composed, cool, selfpossessed, undismayed; بجأش رابطwith unswerving courage, unflinchingly جاكتة، جاكتهand جاكيتهžakēta jacket, coat جالونgalōn gallon ( جاليرىEg. spelling) galērī gallery (theat.) جامjām pl. –āt cup; drinking vessel; bowl جامكيةjāmakīya pl. -āt, جوامكjawāmik2 pay جاموسjāmūs pl. جواميسjawāmīs2 buffalo جاموسةjāmūsa buffalo cow
( جانركpronounced žānəreg, from Turk. caneriği; coll.; n. un. žānərgēye) a variety of small green plum with several stones (syr.) جاهjāh rank, standing, dignity, honor, glory, fame جاوهjāwa Java جاوىjāwī Javanese; benzoin; (pl. -ūn) a Javanese جاودارjāwadār rye جاويشčāwīš sergeant = شاويش،شاوش 1
جبjubb pl. اجبابajbāb, جبابjibāb well, cistern; pit
جبةjubba pl. جببjubab, جباب, jibāb, جبائب jabā’ib2 jubbah, a long outer garment, open in front, with wide sleeves
جبحjabḥ pl. اجبحajbuḥ, جباحjibāḥ, اجباحajbāḥ beehive جبخانةjabḳāna, jabaḳāna powder magazine; ammunition; artillery depot جبرjabara u (jabr, جبورjubūr) to set (ھـ broken bones); to restore, bring back to normal ( ھـs.th.); to help back on his feet, help up ( هs.o.; e.g., on. fallen into poverty); to force, compel ( على هs.o. to do s.th.)│ ( جبر خاطرهḳāoṯirahū) to console, comfort, gratify, oblige s.o.; to treat (s.o.) in a conciliatory or kindly manner II to set ( ھـbroken bones) III to treat with kindness with friendliness ( هs.o.), be nice ( هto s.o.) IV to force, compel ( على هs.o. to do s.th.); to hold sway ( علىover) V to show o.s. proud, haughty; to act strong, throw one’s weight around; to show o.s. strong or powerful, demonstrate one’s strength or power; to be set (broken bones)│ تجبر ﷲ ( بابنكbi-bnika) God has demonstrated His power on your son, i.e., He has taken him unto Himself VII to be mended. repaired, restored جبرjabr setting (of broken bones); force, compulsion; coercion, duress; power, 110 might; (predestined, inescapable) decree of fate; جبراjab,an forcibly, by force│ علم ‘ الجبرilm al-j. algebra; يوم جبر البحرyaum j. al-baḥr a local holiday of Cairo (the day on which, in former times, the water of the Nile was channeled into the nowabandoned ḳalīg, or City Canal, thus mar
فىng the beginning of the irrigation season) جبرىjabrī algebraic; compulsory, forced; -- jabarī an adherent of the doctrine of predestination and the inescapability of fate; fatalist
جبلةjibla, jibilla pl. -āt natural disposition, nature, temper 2
جبريةjabarīya an Islamic school of thought teaching the inescapability of fate; fatalism جبارjabbār, pl. -ūn, جبابرjabābir2, جبابرة jabābira giant; colossus; tyrant, oppressor; almighty, omnipotent (God); gigantic, giant, colossal, huge; Orion (astron.)│ جبار الخطوةj. al-ḳuṯ.wa striding powerfully, taفىng buge strides جبارةjibāra (art of) bonesetting جبيرةjabīra and جبارةjībāra pl. جبائر jabā’ir2 splint (surg.) جبروتjabarūt omnipotence; power, might; tyranny جبرياءjibriyā’2 pride, haughtiness
جبلىjabalī mountainous, hilly; mountain (adj.); montane; (pl. -ūn) highlander, mountaineer جبالوىgabalāwī (eg.) highlander, mountaineer جباليةgabalāya pl. -āt (eg.) grotto, cave جبنjabuna u (jubn, جبانةjabāna) to be a coward, be fearful; to be too much of a coward ( عنto do s.th.), shrink ( عنfrom s.th.) II to cause to curdle ( ھـmilk); to make into cheese ( ھـs.th.); to curdle; to accuse of cowardice, call a coward ( هs.o.) V to curdle (milk), turn into cheese جبنjubn and جبانةjabāna cowardice
O تجبيرtajbīr, تجبير العظامorthopedics
جبنjubn and جبنةjubna cheese
اجبارijbār compulsion, coercion
جبانjabān pl. جبناءjubanā’2 coward; cowardly
اجبارىijbārī forced, forcible, compulsory, obligatory│التجنيد االجبارى compulsory recruitment; military conscription
جبانjabbān cheese merchant جبينjabīn pl. جبنjubun, اجبنةajbina, اجبن ajbun forehead, brow; façade, front; face من جبينىmin jabīnī I alone; على جبين السماء in the sky 111
جابرjābir and مجبرmujabbir, bonesetter مجبورmajbūr and مجبرmujbar forced, compelled
جبينىjabīnī frontal
جبرئيلjabra’īl2 جبريلjibrīl2 Gabriel 2
اجبنajban2 more cowardly
جبسII to plaster, coat, patch, or fix with plaster ( ھـs.th.); to put in a cast, set in plaster ( ھـs.th.)
جبانةjabbāna pl. -āt cemetery تجبينtajbīn cheese making, processing into cheese
جبسjibs gypsum; plaster of Paris جباسةjabbāsa gypsum quarry; plaster kiln
جبسjabas (coll.; n. un. ;ةsyr.) watermelon(s)
جبلjabal pl. جبلjibāl, اجبالajbāl mountain; mountains, mountain range│ جبال االلبj. al-alb the Alpes; جبال االوراسthe Aurès Mountains (in E Algeria); جبل جليدiceberg; جبل سيناj. sīnā Mount Sinai; جبل طارق Gibraltar; جبل نارvolcano
جبلjabala u i (jabl) to mold, form, shape, fashion ( ھـs.th.); to knead ( ھـs.th.); to create ( على هs.o. with a natural disposition or propensity for); pass. ( جبل علىjubila) to be born for, be naturally diaposed to, bave a propensity for
جبهjabaha a to moot, face, confront ( هs.o.) III to face, confront, oppose, defy ( هs.o., ھـ s.th.), show a hold front ( هto); to face ( ھـa problem, a difficulty) جبھةjabha pl. جباهjibāh, جبھاتjabahāt forehead, brow; front, face, façade; frontline, battle front مجابھةmujābaha facing, confrontation, opposition
جبه خانةsee جبخانة
جبىjabā i ( جبايةjibāya) to collect, raise, levy ( ھـtaxes, duties) II to prostrate o.s. (in prayer) VIII to pick, choose, elect ( ھـs.th., هs.o.) جبايةjibāya raising, levying (of taxes); (pl. oat) tax, duty, impost جبائيjibā’ī tax- (in compounds); fiscal مجبىmajban pl. مجابmajābin tax, impost جابjābin pl. جباةjubāh tax collector, revenue officer, collector; (bus, etc.) conductor (ir.) جابيةjābiya pl. جوابjawābin pool, basin جتاjatā (abbreviation of )جيب التمامcosine (math.) جثjatta (jatt) and VIII to tear out, uproot ( ھـa tree, also fig.) جثةjutta pl. جثثjutat, اجثاثajtāt body; corpse, cadaver; carcass مجتثmuitat uprooted (also fig.) جثلjatl thick, dense (esp. hair)
جاثjātin kneeling; الجاثىHercules (astron.) جحدjaḥda a (jaiḥd, جحودjuḥūd) to negate (ھـ s.th.); to disclaim, disavow, disown, deny ( ھـs.th.); to refuse, reject, repudiate (ھـ s.th.); to renounce, forswear, adjure ( ھـa belief); to deny ( ھـ هs.o. his right)│ جحد ( جميلهjamīlahū) to he ungrateful to s.o. جحدjaḥd denial; repudiation, disavowal, rejection, disclaimer; unbelief (rel.) جحودjuḥūd denial; evasion, dodging, shirking (of a moral obligation); ingratitude; repudiation, disavowal, rejection, disclaimer; unbelief (rel.) جاحدjāḥid denier; infidel, unbeliever جحرVII to hide in ito hole or den (animal) جحرjuḥr pl. اجحارajḥār, جحورjuḥūr hole, den, lair, burrow (of animals) 112 جحشjaḥš pl. جحاشjiḥāš, جحشانjiḥšān, اجحاش ajḥāš young donkey; (pl. جحوشjuḥūš) trestle, horse جحشةjaša young female donkey
جثليقjitlīq pl. جثالقةjatāliqa catholicos, primate of the Armenian Church
جحظjaḥaẓa a ( جحوظjuḥūẓ) to bulge, protrude (eyeball)
جثمjatama u i (jatm, جثومjutūm) to alight, sit, perch (bird); to crouch, cower; to fall or lie prone, lie face down; to beset, oppress ( علىs.th.)
جحوظ العينjuḥūz al-‘ain exophthalmic goiter, abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
جثمةjatma (n. vic.) motionless sitting or lying جثامjutām and جاثومjātūm nightmare, incubus جثمانjutmān pl. -āt hody, mortal frame جثمانىjutmānī hodily, physical, corporeal جاثمjātim pl. جثمjuttam squatting, crouching; perching; prostrate, prone ( جثو( جثاjatā u (jutuw) to kneel, root on the knees; to bend the knee, genullect; to fall on one’s knees جثوjutūw kneeling pooition جثوةjutwa rock pile, mound; sepulchral mound, tumulus مجثىmajtan hassock
جحفjaḥafa a (jaḥf) to peel off, scrape off (ھـ s.th.); to sweep away ( ھـs.th.); to have a bias ( معfor), side ( معwith s.o.) IV to harm, hurt, injure, prejudice ( بs.o., s.th.); to ruin. destroy ( بs.o., s.th.); to wrong (ب s.o.) اجحافijḥāf injustice, wrong; bias, prejudice مجحفmujḥif unjust, unfair; biased, prejudiced جحفلjaḥfala pl. جحافلjaḥāfil2 multitude, legion, host, large army; army corps (Syr.); eminent man جحيمjaḥīm f. (also m.) fire, hellfire, hell جحيمىjaḥīmī hellish, infernal جخjaḳḳa (eg.) to lord it, give o.s. airs; to boast, brag; (syr.) to dress up (slightly ironical) جخاخjaḳḳāḳ boaster, braggart
جدjadd pl. جدودjudūd, اجادajdād grand-father; ancestor, forefather│ ( الجد االعلىa‘lā) ancestor جدةjadda pl. -āt grandmother
جدjadda i to be new; to be a recent development, have happened lately, have recently become a fact; to be added, crop up or enter as a new factor (circumstances, costs); to appear for the first time (also, e.g., on the stage); to be or become serious, grave; to be weighty, significant, important; to take فىs.th.) seriously; to strive earnestly فىfor), go out of one’s way ( فىto do s.th.), make every effort (فى in); to be serious, be in earnest ( فىabout), mean business; to hurry ( فىone’s step) II to renew ( ھـs.th.); to make anew, remake ( ھـs.th.); to modernize ( ھـs.th.); to restore, renovate, remodel, refit, recondition, refurbish ( ھـs.th.); to be an innovator, a reformer; to feature s.th. new or novel, produce s.th. new; to rejuvenate, regenerate, revive, freshen up ( ھـs.th.); to renew, extend ( ھـa permit); to begin anew, repeat ( ھـs.th.), make a new start ( ھـin s.th.); to try again ( حظهḥaẓẓahū one’s luck) IV to strive, endeavor, take pains; to apply o.s. earnestly and assiduously (فى to), be bent, be intent ( فىon s.th.); to hurry ( فىone's step); to renew, make new ( ھـs.th.) V to become new, be renewed; to revive X to be new, be added or enter as a new factor, come newly into existence; to make new, renew ( ھـs.th.) جدiadd pl. جدودjudūd good luck, good fortune جدjidd seriousness, earnestness; diligence, assiduity, eagerness; جداjiddan very, much│ بجدand من جدearnestly, seriously; جد باھظjiddu bāhiẓin very high (price); جد عظيمj. ‘aẓīmin very great; ( يختلفون جد االختالفjidda l-iḳtilāf) they differ widely; ( وقف على ساق الجد لsāqi l-j.) to apply o.s. with diligence to, take pains in, make every effort to جدىjiddī serious; earnest; جدياjiddīyan in earnest, earnestly, seriously جديةjiddīya earnestness; seriousness, gravity (of a situation)
جدةjidda newness, recency, novelty; modernness, modernity; O rebirth, renaissance جدةjudda2 Jidda (eeaport in W Saudi Arabia, on Red Sea) 113 جديدjadīd pl. جددjudud, judad new, recent; renewed; modem; novel, unprecedented│ الجديدانal-jadīdān day and night; من جديدanew, again; (eg.) جديد لنج gadīd lang brand-new. اجدajadd2 more serious, more intent; newer, more recent تجديدtajdīd renewal (also. e.g., of a permit); creation of s.th. new origination; new presentation, new production (theat.); innovation; reorganization, reform; modernization; renovation, restoration, remodeling. refitting. reconditioning, refurbishing; rejuvenation, regeneration; pl. -āt innovations; new achievements تجددtajaddud renewal, regeneration, revival جادjādd in earnest, earnest; serious (as opposed to comic, funny) جادةjādda pl. –āt, jawādd2 main street; street مجدودmajdūd fortunate. lucky مجددmujaddid renewer; innovator; reformer مجددmujaddad renewed, extended; remodeled, reconditioned, renovated, restored; rejuvenated, regenerated, new, recent, young مجدmujidd painstaking, diligent, assiduous مستجدmustajidd new, recent; incipient جدبjaduba u جدوبةjudūba) to be or become dry, arid (soil) IV to suffer from drought, poverty or dearth; to be barren, sterile; to come to nothing, go up in smoke, fall flat, fizzle out; (syr.) to explode in the barrel (shell; mil.) جدبjadb drought, barrenness, sterility; sterile, barren جديبjadīb and اجدبajdab2, f. جدباء jadbā’2 barren, sterile
مجدبmujdib barren, sterile; desolate, arid; unproductive, unprofitable
مجدافmijdāf pl. مجادفmajādif2 oar 1
جدثjadat pl. اجداثajdāt grave, tomb جدجدjudjud pl. جداجدjadājid2 cricket (zool.) 1
جدرjadura u ( جدارةjadāra) to be fit, suitable, proper. appropriate ( بfor s.o., for s.th.); to befit, behoove ( بs.o., s.th.); to be worthy ( بof), deserve ( بs.th.)│ يجدر ذكره (dikruhū) and يجدر بالذكرit is worth mentioning
جدلjadal quarrel, argument; debate, dispute, discussion, controversy│ فرض جدالfaraḍa jadalan to assume for the sake of argument, propose as a basis for discussion
جدرjadr wall جديرjadīr pl. -ūn جدراءjudarā’2 worthy, deserving ( بof s.th.); becoming, befitting ( بs.th.); proper, suited, suitable fit (ب for), appropriate ( بto)│ ( جدير بالذكرdikr) worth mentioning
جدلىjadalī controversial; disputatious; a disputant جدالjaddāl and مجدالmijdāl disputatious, argumentative; mijdāl see also below
اجدرajdar worthier; more appropriate; better suited, more suitable
جديلةjadīla pl. جدائلjadā’il2 braid, plait; tress
جدارةjadāra worthiness; fitness, suitability, aptitude, qualification; appropriateness
مجدالmijdāl pl. مجادلmajādil2 flagstone, ashlar; see also above under jaddāl
جدارjidār pl. جدرjudur, جدرانjudrān wall
جدالjidāl and مجادلةmujādala pl. –āt quarrel, argument; dispute, discussion, debate│ ( ال يقبل الجدالyaqbalu) incontestable, indisputable; ال جدالlā jidāla and بال جدالbi-lā j. incontestably, indisputably
جدارىjidārī mural, wall (adj.) 2
جدرjudira (pass.) and II to have smallpox جدرىjudarī, jadarī smallpox مجدورmajdūr and مجدرmujaddar infected with smallpox; pock-marked
مجدولmajdūl tightly twisted; braided, plaited; interwoven, intertwined (tress of hair); slender and trim, shapely (e.g., leg)
مجدرةmujaddara dish made of rice or (in Syr.) of bulgur with lentils, onions and oil (eg., syr.) جدعjada‘a a (jad‘) to cut off, amputate (ھـ s.th., esp. some part of the body) بجدع االنفbi-jad‘i l-anf (prop., at the cost of having the nose cut off) at any price, regardless of the sacrifice involved اجدعajda‘ mutilated (by having the nose, or the like cut off) 114 2
□ جدعgada‘ (= جذعjada‘) pl. جدعانgid‘ān (eg.) young man, young fellow; heman
جدفII to curse, blaspheme ( علىs.o., esp. God) تجديفtajdīf imprecation, blasphemy
جدفjadafa i and II to row (o a boat)
جدلjadala u i (jadl) to twist tight, tighten, stretch ( ھـa rope); to braid, plait ( ھـs.th., the hair, etc.) II to braid, plait, ( ھـs.th.) III to quarrel, wrangle, bicker ( هwith s.o.); to argue, debate ( هwith s.o.); to dispute, contest ( فىs.th.) VI to quarrel, have an argument; to carry on a dispute
مجادلmujādil disputant, opponent in dispute 2
جدولjadwal pl. جداولjadāwil2 creek, brook, little stream; column; list, roster; index; chart, table, schedule│( جدول دراسىdirāsī) curriculum; جدول البورصةstock list, خارج ( جدول البورصةḳārija) not quoted (stock exchange); جدول االعمالagenda; working plan
)جدا )جدوjadā u to give a present ( علىto s.o.) IV to give as a present ( ب علىs.o. s.th.), present ( ب علىs.o. with); to be of use, be useful, profitable│( اجدى نفعاnaf‘an) to be useful; ھذا ال يجديكthat won’t help you, that will be of no use (to you); ما يجدى عنك ھذا do.; ( ال يجدى فتيالfatīlan) = الال يغن ى فتيالsee فتيلX to beg for alms; to implore, beg (ھـ ه s.o. for s.th.), plead ( ھـfor s.th.)
جداءjadā’ advantage, gain (.r for s.o.) جدوىjadwā gift, present; advantage, benefit, gain│ ( بال جدوىbi-lā) and على غير ( جدوىgairi) of no avail, useless, futile, in vain اجدىajdā more useful, more advantageous جدىjady pl. جداءjidā’, جديانjidyān kid, young billy goat; Capricorn (astron.); الجدىthe North Star جذjadda u (jadd) to cut off, clip ( ھـs.th.) جذاذةjadāda pl. -āt slip of paper; pl. جذاذاتsmall pieces, shreds, scraps, clippings جذبjadaba i (jadb) to pull, draw ( ھـs.th.); to attract ( ھـs.th.); to pull out, draw out, whip out ( ھـs.th.), draw ( ھـa weapon, or the like); to appeal, prove attractive ( هto s.o.), attract, captivate, charm, allure (ه s.o.), win ( هs.o.) over ( اليهto one’s side) III to contend ( هwith s.o.) at pulling, tugging, etc. ( ھـs.th.)│١١٥ ( جاذبه الحبلḥabla) to vie with s.o.; (to be able) to compete with s.o., measure up to s.o., be a match for s.o.; جاذبه الكالمor جاذبه حديثاor جاذبه اطراف الحديث (aṯrāfa l-ḥ.) he engaged him in conversation, involved him in a discussion; ( جاذبه اطراف الحضارةaṯrāfa lḥaḍāra) to vie with s.o. in culture VI to pull back and forth ( هs.o.); to contend (،ه ھـfor); to attract each other│ تجاذبوا اطراف ( الحديثaṯrāfa l-ḥ.) they were deep in conversstion, they were talking together VII to be attracted; to be drawn, gravitate (JI toward, to) VIII to attract ( هs.o., ھـ s.th., اليهto o.s.; also magn.); to allure, entice ( هs.o.); to win ( هs.o.) over ( اليهto one's side); to draw, inhale ( ھـpuffs from a cigarette, etc.) جذبjadb attraction; gravitation; appeal, lure, enticement, captivation│ اخذ جذباto wrest away, take away by force; الجذب ( الجنسىjinsī) sex appeal جذابjaddāb attractive; magnetic (fig.); suction, suctorial; winning, fetching, engaging; charming, enticing, captivating, gripping اجذبajdab2 more attractive, more captivating
انجذابinjidāb attraction, inclination, pronenesa, tendency اجتذابijtidāb attraction; enticement, lure جاذبjādib attractive; magnetic (fig.); winning, fetubing, engaging; charming, enticing, captivating, gripping جاذبيةjādibīya gravitation; attraction; attractiveness; charm, fascination; magnetism (fig.); lure, enticement│O جاذبية الثقلj. ataql gravitational force; جاذبية ( مغنطيسيةmagnaṯisūya) magnetism; جاذبية الجنسj. al-jins sex appeal مجذوبmajdūb attracted; possessed, maniacal, insane; (pl. مجاذبmajādib2) maniac, lunatic, madman, idiot│مستشفى المجاذيبmustašfā l-m. mental hospital متجاذبmutajādib mutually attractive; belonging together, inseparable منجذبmunjadib attracted; inclined, tending ( الىto) جذرjadara u (jadr) to uproot, tear out by the roots ( ھـs.th.) II do.; to extract the root (ھـ of a number; math.); to take root جذرjidr, jadr pl. جذورjudūr root (also math.); stem, base, lower end; (pl. اجذار ajdār) stub (of a receipt book, or the like)│ ( جذر تربيعىtarbī‘ī) square root (math.) جذرىjidrī, radical, roct (adj.) تجذيرtajdīr evolution, root extraction (math.) جذعjada‘ pl. جذعjud‘ān young man, young fellow (cf. □ جدعgada‘); new, incipient│ ( عادت الحرب جذعةḥarbu, jada‘atan) the war broke out again, started all over again; ( اعاد االمر جذعاl-amra) he reopened the whole affair, he reverted to the earlier status جذعjid‘ pl. اجذاعajdā‘, جذوعjudū‘ stem, trunk.; stump, tree stump; torso جذعىjid‘ī truncal جذفII to row ( ھـa boat) مجذافmijdāf pl. مجاذفmajādif2 oar جذلjadala a (jadal) to be happy, gay, exuberant, rejoice IV to make happy, gladden, cheer ( هs.o.)
جذلjidl pl. اجذالajdāl, جذولjudūl stump (of a tree) جذيلjadīl wooden post on which camels rub themselves جذلjada1 gaiety, hilarity, exuberance, happiness 116 جذلjadil pl. جذالنjudlān gay, hilarious, cheerful, in high spirits, exuberant, happy جذالنjadlān2 gay, hilarious, cheerful, in high spirits, exuberaut, happy جذمijdama i (jadm) to out off, chop off (ھـ s.th., esp. a part of the body); to remove, ta.ke out, excise ( ھـe.g., the tonsils, the appendix; surg.); pass. judima to be afllicted with leprosy جذمjidm pl. جذومjudūm, اجذامajdām root جذامjudām leprosy جذامةjudāma stubble اجذامajdām2 pl. جذامىjadmā mutilated (from having an arm, a hand, etc., cut off); leprous; leper مجذومmajdūm leprous; leper جذمورjudmur stump جذوةjadwa, jidwa, judwa pl. جذىjidan, judan, جذاءjidā’ firebrand; burning log جرjarra u (jarr) to draw, pull ( ھـs.th.); to drag, tug, haul ( ھـs.th.): to tow ( ھـs.th.); to trail ( ھـs.th.); to drag along ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to draw ( على ھـs.th. on s.o.), bring ( ھـs.th.) down ( علىupon s.o.); to lead ( الىto), bring on, cause ( الىs.th.); to entail ( ھـe.g., some evil, علىfor s.o.); (gram.) to pronounce the final consonant with i, put (a word) into tho genitive│جر جريرة (jarīratan) to commit an outrage, a crime ( علىagainst s.o.); ( جر قيوداquyūdan) to be in shackles, go shackled; جر النار الى قرصه (qurṣihī) to secure advantages for o.s., feather one’s nest; ال يجر لسانه بكلمة (lisānahū bi-kalima) he won’t let a word escape his lips IV to ruminate VII passive of I; to be driven; to be swept along, drift, float│ ( انجر الى الوراءwarā’i) to withdraw, fall back, give way VIII to ruminate│ اجتر ( آالمهālāmahū) to mull over one’s grief جرjarr pull(ing), drawing, draft.; traction, drag(ging), tugging, towage,
hauling; bringing on, causing; genitive│ حرف الجرḥarf al-j. (gram.) preposition; وھلم جراwa-halumma jarran and so forth جرةjarra pl. جرارjirār (earthenware) jar جرةjarra, jurra trail, track; rut (left by a wagon)│ بجرة قلمbi-j. qalam with one stroke of the pen جرةjirra cud (of a ruminant) من جرىmin jarrā because of│ من جراك because of you, on your account, for your sake من جراءmin jarā’i because of, due to│من جراء أنbecause جرارjarrār huge, tremendous (army); potter; (pl. -āt) tractor; tugboat, steam tug, towing launch جارورjārūr pl. جواريرjawārīr2 (syr.) drawer (of a desk, etc.) جارورةjārūra (leb.) rake (tool) جريرةjarīr pl. جرائرjarā’ir2 guilt; offense, outrage, crime│ من جريرةmin jarīrati because of, on account of جرارةjarrāra pl. -āt a variety of scorpion; tractor مجرmijarr trace, tug (of a harness) مجرةmajarra galaxy انجراريةinjirārīya (eg.) towage charges for watercraft مجرورmajrūr drawn, dragged, towed, etc.; word governed by a preposition, word in the genitive form; (pl. مجارير magārir2) drain, sewer (eg.); مجارير sewers, sewage system (eg.) مجترmujtarr ruminant (adj. and n.) جرؤjaru’a u ( جرأةjur’a, جراءةjarā’a) to dare, venture, risk, hazard ( علىs.th.), take the risk ( علىof, انof doing s.th.), have the 117 courage ( علىfor s.th.) II to encourage ( على هs.o. to s.th.) V to dare, venture, risk. hazard ( علىs.th.) VIII to be venturesome, be daring; to become bold, make bold (على with s.o.); to venture ( علىs.th. or upon s.th.), have the audacity ( علىto do s.th.) جرئjarī’ pl. اجرياءajriyā’2 bold, courageous ( على، بin s.th.); forward,
immodest, insolent; daring, reckless, foolbardy جرأةjur’a and جراءةjarā’a courage, boldness, daring; forwardness, insolence مجترئmujtari’ bold, forward ( جراجFr.) garāž pl. -āt garage (eg.) جرامgrām gram (eg.) جرانيتgranīt granite (eg.) جرانيتىgranītī granitic (eg.) 2
جربjariba a (jarab) to be mangy; (eg.) to fade (color) II to test ( ھـs.th.); to try, try out, essay ( ھـs.th.); to sample ( ھـs.th.); to rehearse, practice ( ھـs.th.); to attempt (ھـ s.th.); to put to the test, try, tempt (ھـ s.o.)│ جرب نفسه فىto try one’s hand at; ( جرب االيامayyāma) to gather experience جربjarab mange; itch, scabies جربjarib mangy; scabby اجربajrab2, f. جرباءjarbā’2, pl. جرب jurb and جربانjarbān2 mangy; scabby جرابjirāb pl. اجربةajriba, جربjurub sack, bag, traveling bag; knapsack; scrotum; covering, case; sheath, scabbard (for the sword) جرابjurāb pl. -āt stocking, sock جريبjarīb a patch of arable land تجربةtajriba pl. تجاربtajārib2 trial, test; tryout; attempt; practice, rehearsal; scientific test, experiment; probation; trial, tribulation; temptation; experience, practice; proof sheet, galley proof, also ( تجربة مطبعيةmaṯba‘īya) تجريبtajrīb trial, test(ing); trial, tribulation; temptation تجريبىtajrībī trial, test (adj.); experimental; based on experience, empirical│‘( علم النفس التجريبىilm an-nafs) experimental psychology O تجريبيةtajrībīya empiricism (philos.) مجربmujarrib experimental; tester; examiner; tempter مجربmujarrab tried, tested; proven or establisbed by experience, time-tested,
time-tried; experienced, practiced, seasoned; man of experience 2
جوربlook up alphabeticaUy
جربذةjarbada = جربزة جربزjurbuz pl. جرابزةjarābiza impostor, confidence man, swindler جربزةjarbaza (also )جربذةdeception, swindle جربوعjarbū‘ (= )يربوعpl. جرابيعjarābī‘2 jerboa (zool.) جربنديةjarabandīya (and )جرابنديةknapsack, rucksack جرثومjurtūm, جرثومةjurtūma pl. جراثيمjarātīm2 root; origin; germ; microbe, bacillus, bacterium│ تحت الجرثومtaḥt al-j. inframicrobe جراجlook up alphabetically جرجرjarjara ( جرجرةjarjara) to gargle; to jerk or pull back and forth; to trail, drag (ھـ s.th.); to tow away ( ھـs.th.)│ جرجر خطاه (ḳuṯāhū) to drag one’s feet, shuffle along II tajarjara pass. and refl. of I جرجرةjarara gargling; rombling noise; rumble, clatter (of a wagon) جرجرjirjir (large, thick) beans جرجيرjirjīr watercress (eg., syr.) 118 جرحjaraḥa a (jarḥ to wound ( هs.o.); to injure, hurt ( هs.o.; also fig., the feelings) II to invalidate ( ھـteatimony), challenge, declare unreliahle ( هa witness), take formal exception ( ھـ، هto) VIII to commit ( ھـan outrage, a crime)│ اجترح السيآت (sayyi’āt) to do evil things جرحjurḥ pl. جراحjirāḥ, جروحjurūḥ, جروحاتjurūḥāt, اجراحajrāḥ wound, injury, lesion جراحjarrāḥ pl. -ūn surgeon│جراح االسنان dental surgeon جراحةjirāḥa surgery جراحىjirāḥī surgical│ عملية جراحية (‘amalīya) surgical operation جريحjarīḥ pl. جرحىjarḥā wounded, injured, hurt تجريحtajrīḥ surgery; defamation, disparagement
جارحjarīḥ injuring; wounding, stinging, painful, hurting; rapacious (beast), predatory
جريدjarīd palm branches stripped of their leaves; jeered, a blunt javelin used in equestrian games
جارحةjāriḥa pl. جوارحjawāriḥ2 predatory animal or bird│ جوارح الطيرj. aṯ-ṯair predatory birds
جريدةjarīda pl. جرائدjarā’id2 (n. un. of )جريدpalm-leaf stalk; list, register, roster, index; newspaper│( جريدة يوميةyaumīya) daily newspaper; جرائد المساءj. al-masā’ the evening papers; الجريدة الناطقةand الجريدة السينمائيةtho newsreel
جوارحjawāriḥ2 limbes, extremities (of the hody)│ بكل جوارحهwith might and main, with all his strength
اجرودىajrūdī (syr.) beardless, hairless
مجروحmajrūḥ pl. مجاريحmajārīḥ2 wounded, injured, hurt جردjarada u (jard) to peel, pare ( ھـs.th.); to remove the shell, peel, rind or husk ( ھـof s.th.); to denude, diveet, strip, bare (ھـ s.th.); (com.) to take stock; to make an inventory ( البضائعof goods on hand) II to peel, pare ( ھـs.th.); to remove the shell, peel, rind or husk ( ھـof s.th.); to denude, divest, strip, dispossess, deprive ( من ھـor ه s.o. or s.th. of); to withhold ( من هfrom s.o. s.th.); to draw, unsheathe ( السيفthe sword); to unleash ( على ھـs.th. against s.o.); to send, dispatch ( ھـa military detachment, troops, ضدor علىagainst s.o.); to free ( من ھـor هs.o. or s.th. from); to isolate ( ھـs.th.); to abstract ( ھـs.th.); to divest ( منss.o. of his citizenship, of a rank, of a vested right, etc.)│ جرده من السالح to disarm s.o.; جرد نفسه منto free o.s. from, rid o.s. of, give up s.th. V pass. of II; to strip o.s., rid o.s., get rid ( منor عنof), free o.s. ( منor عنfrom); to be free ( منor عن from, لfor a task); to devote o.s. exclusively ( لto s.th.); to give up, renounce ( منor عنs.th.); to isolate o.s. ; to be absolute جردjard bare, threadbare, shabby, worn; (com.) inventory; stocktaking جريدjarīd without vegetation, barren, bleak, stark (landscape) 2
اجرادajrād , f. جرداءjardā’ , pl. جردjurd desolate, bleak, without vegetation; hairless, bald; threadbare shabby, worn (garment); open, unprotected (border) جرادjarād (coll.; n. un. )ةlocust(s)│ جراد ( الرحالraḥḥāl) migratory locust(s); جراد البحرj. al-baḥr langouste, sea cray-fish; بجرادھاbi-jarādihā in its entirety
مجردmijrad pl. مجاردmajārid2 scraper تجريدtajrīd peeling. paring; disrobement, stripping; denudation; deprivation; divestment; disarmament; dispatching (of troops); freeing; isolation; abstraction│ تجريد من السالحdisarmament 119 تجريدةtajrīda pl. -āt تجاريدtajārīd2 military detachment, expeditionary force تجردtajarrud freedom ( منor عنfrom); isolatedness, isolation; independence, impartiality; absoluteness; abstractness, abstraction مجردmujarrad denuded, bare, naked; freed, free ( منor عنfrom); pure, mere, nothing more than; sole; very, absolute; abstract; selfless, disinterested; 1st stem of tbe verb (gram.)│with foll. noun in genitive = mere, sheer, nothing but:) مجرد لھوmujarradu lahwin mere play, just fun; بالعين المجردةwith the naked eye; بمجرد ما bi-mujarradi mā as soon as, at the very moment when جردلjardal pl. جرادلjaradil2 bucket, pail جرذjurad pl. جرذانjirdān, jurdān large rat جرذونjirdaun pl. جراذينjarādīn2 large rat 1
جرسjarasa i (jars) to ring, toll, knell, (re)sound II to make experienced, inure by severe trials, sorely try ( هs.o.; time, events); to compromise, disgrace, discredit, expose, bring into dierepute (ب s.o.) جرسjars, jirs sound, tone جرسjaras pl. اجراسajrās bell جرسةjursa defamation, public exposure; scandal, disgrac
جرسايةjirsāya, جرسيةjirsīya pl. -āt jersey, woolen sweater; جرسىjersey cloth
جرشjaraša u (jarš) to crush ( ھـs.th.); to grate, bruise, grind ( ھـs.th.) جرشjarš a grating, scraping noise جريشjarīš crushed, bruised, coarsely ground; crushed grain; grits 2
جاروشةjārūša pl. جوارشjawarīš quern, hand mill (for grinding grain) جرضjaraḍa a (jaraḍ): ( جرض بريقهbi-rīqihī) he choked on his saliva, could not swallow his saliva (because of excitement, alarm, or grief), he was very upset, in a atate of great agitation, deeply moved; -jaraḍa u (jarḍ) to choke, sulfocate ( هs.o.) IV ( اجرضه بريقهcf. I) to alarm s.o., fill s.o. with apprehension جريضjarīḍ: حال الجريض دون القريضḥāla l.j. dūna l-qarīḍ (proverb; lit.: choking prevented poetry, i.e.) in the face of death one does not think of rhyming (among other interpretations) جرعjara‘a a (jar‘) and jari‘a a (jara‘) to swallow, gulp, devour ( ھـs.th.); to pour down, toss down ( ھـa drink) II to make (ه s.o.) swallow ( ھـs.th.); to gulp down V to drink ( ھـs.th.) VIII to swallow, gulp down ( ھـs.th.) جرعةjur‘a, jar‘a pl. جرعjura‘, -āt gulp, mouthful, draught; potion, dose (med.) جرفjarafa u (jarf) and VIII to sweep away (ھـ s.th.); to wash away ( ھـs.th.); to shovel away ( ھـs.th.); to remove ( ھـs.th.); to tear away, carry off ( ھـs.th.); to carry along (ھـ or هs.o. or s.th.) VII to be swept away, be carried away جرفjurf, juruf pl. جروفjurūf, اجراف ajrāf undercut bank or shore; clilf, steep slope, precipice; bluff (along a river or coast)│ ( جرف جليديjalīdī) avalanche جرافةjarrāfa pl. -āt, جراريفjarārīf rake; harrow مجرفmajraf pl. مجارفmajārif2 torrent, .trong current مجرفةmijrafa shovel, scoop; (syr.) mattock; trowel
مجرافmijrāf pl. مجارفmajārīf2 shovel, scoop جارفjārif torrential (stream, mountain creek); stormy, violent (emotions, passions) 120 الجركسal-jarkas the Circassians جركسىjarkasī pl. جراكسةjarākisa circassian (adj. and n.) جرمjarama i (jarm) to sone ( الحمal-laḥma the meat); -- to commit an offense, a crime, an outrage ( علىor الىagainst s.o.), sin ( علىor الىagainst s.o.), injure, harm, wrong (على or الىs.o.) II to incriminate, charge with a crime ( هs.o.; syr.) IV to commit a crime, to sin ( علىor الىagainst s.o.), do wrong ( علىor الىto s.o.), harm, wrong ( علىor الى s.o.) VIII = IV جرمgarm pl. جرومgurūm (eg.) long, flatbottomed sarge, lighter (naut.) جرمjirm pl. اجرامajrām, جرمjurum body; mass, sulk, volume (of a body)│ االجرام ( الفلكيةfalakīya) the celestial bodies جرمiunn pl. اجرامajrām, جرومjurūm offense, crime, sin ال جرمlā jarama surely, certainly, of course جريمjarīm hulking, bulky, huge, voluminous, of great size جريمةjarīma pl. جرائمjarā’im2 crime; offense; sin│( عظمىor) جريمة كبرى (kubrā, uẓma) capital offense; قانون الجرائم penal code اجرامijrām crime; culpability, delinquency اجرامىijrāmī criminal لحم مجرومlaḥm majrūm fillet (meat) سنة مجرمةsana mujarrama an entire year مجرمmujrim criminal; (pl. -ūn) a criminal; evildoer, culprit, delinquent│ مجرم عائدrecidivous criminal جرامزjarāmiz2 and جراميزjarāmīz2 limbs, legs│ ( ضم جراميزهḍamma) he beat it, he made off الجرمانal-jarmān the Germanic tribes, the Teutons
جرمانىjarmānī Germanic, Teutonic 1
جرنjurn pl. اجرانajrān (stone) basin; mortar; (eg.) threshing floor, barn│ جرن المعموديةj. al-ma‘mūdīya baptismal font جرانjirān the front part of a camel’s neck│ ضرب بجرانهto become established, take root; ( القى عليه جرانهalqā, jirānahū) to apply o.s. to s.th. and adjust to it, accustom o.s. to s.th.
جرنالjurnāl (eg. also gurnāl) pl. جرانيلžarānīl2 (eg., garānīl2) journal, newspaper, periodical جرانيتgranīt granite جرانيتىgrānītī granitic جروjarw (jirw, jurw) pl. اجرajrin, جراءjirā’, اجراءajrā’, اجريةajriya puppy, whelp, cub (of a dog or beast of prey) جروسةgrōsa gross (= 12 dozen) جرىjarā i (jary) to flow, stream (water); to run; to hurry, rush; to slow (wind); to take place, come to pass, happen, occur; to be under way, be in progress, be going on (work); to befall ( لs.o.), happen ( لto); to be in circulation, circulate, be current; to wend one’s way ( الىto), head ( علىfor); to proceed ( علىin accordance with); to follow ( معs.th.), yield, give way ( معto, e.g., to a desire); to entail ( بs.th.); (with )وراءto run or be after s.th., seek to get s.th.│ جرى له حديث معhe had a talk with; ( جرى مجراهmajrāhū) to take the same course as, be analogous to, follow the same way as, proceed or act in the same manner as; ( جرى منه الشيء مجرى الدمminhu š-šai’u majrā d-dam) it had become second nature to him; جرى على االلسن (alsun) to circulate, make the rounds (rumor); 121 جرى على كل لسانto be on everyone’s lip; ( جرى على قلمهqalamihī) to come to s.o.’s pen (e.g, a poem); جرى على ( خطةḳiṯṯa) to follow a plan; ما يجرى عليه ‘( العملamalu) the way things are handled, what is customary practice; جرى به العملto be in force, be valid, be commonly observed (law, custom); جرت العادة بto be customary, be common practice, be a common phenomenon, have gained vogue; جرى بالعادة علىto do s.th. customarily, se in the habit of doing s.th.; جرت بذلك عادتھمthat was their habit II to
cause to run│( جرى ريقهrīqahū) to make s.o.’s mouth water III to concur, agree, be in agreement ( هwith s.o., فىin s.th.); to keep pace, keep up ( هwith s.o.; also intellectually); to be able to follow ( هs.o.); to go (along) ( ھـwith); to adapt o.s. adjust, conform ( ھـto), be guided ( ھـby) IV to cause to flow, make flow ( ھـs.th.); to cause to run, set running ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to make ( ھـs.th.) take place or happen, bring about ( ھـs.th.); to carry out, execute, enforce, put into effect, apply ( ھـs.th., e.g., rules, regulations); to carry out, perform ( ھـan action); to Set going, set in motion ( ھـa project), launch ( ھـan undertaking); to channel ( علىor ل ھـs.th. to), bestow, settle ( علىor ل ھـs.th. upon s.o.); to impose, inflict ( على ھـs.th., a penalty, on s.o.)│ ( اجرى تجربةtajribatan) to carry out an experiment; اجرى تحقيقاto conduct an investigation; اجرى له اعانة (i‘ānatan) to grant s.o. a subsidy; اجراه ( مجرىmajrā, with foll. genitive) to treat s.th. in the same manner as, put s.th. on equal footing with جرىjary course│ جريا علىjaryan ‘alā in accordance with, according to جراكmin jarāka and min jarā’ika because of you, on your account, for your sake جراءjarrā’ runner, racer جرايةjirāya pl. -āt daily (food) rations; pay, salary│‘ عيش جرايةēš girāya (eg.) coarse bread جريانjarayāan flow, flux; course; stream مجرىmajra.. pl. مجارmajārin watercourse, stream, rivulet, gully; torrent or flood of water; pipeline; canal, channel; drain, sewer, pl. sewers, sewage system; power line (el.); current (el.); current (of a stream); guide rail (tech.); course (of events), progress, passage│ مجرى البولm. l-baul urethra (anat.); مجارى التنفسm. ttanaffus respiratory tract (anat.); مجرى الھواءm. l-hawā’ air stream, current of air, draft; اخذ مجراهto take its course; See also جرىI and IV ماجرياتmājarayāt, mājariyāt (pl. of ما ( )جرىcourse of) events, happenings
مجاراةmujārāh keeping up (with foll. genitive: with); conformity (with foll. genitive: with)│ مجاراة لmujārātan li in conformity with, in accordance with, according to
جزيءjuzai’ pl. -āt molecule اجزائىajzā’ī pl. -ūn pharmacist, druggist اجزاجىajzājī pl. -īya pharmacist, druggist اجزائيةajzā’īya and اجزاخانةajzāḳāna pl. -āt pharmacy, drugstore
اجراءijrā’ pl. -āt performance (of an action); execution; enforcement; pl. measures, steps, proceedings│ اتخذ اجراءات (ittaḳada) to take measures; اجراءات قانونية (qānūnīya) legal step, proceedings at law جارjārin flowing, streaming, running; circulating; current, present│ الشھر الجارى (šahr) the current month جاريةjāriya pl. –āt, جوارjawārin girl; slave girl; maid, servant; ship, vessel جزjazza u (jazz) to cut off, clip ( ھـs.th.); to shear, shear off ( ھـs.th.; esp. the wool of sheep)
تجزئةtajzi’a division; partition; separation; dissociation; breakdown (into classes, categories, etc.); fragmentation│ قابل للتجزئةdivisisle; قابلية التجزئةdivisibility; تاجر التجزئةretailer, retail merchant جزدانjuzdān, jidān pl. -āt wallet; change purse جزرjazara u (jazr) to slaughter; to kill, butcher ( ھـan animal); -- i u (jazr) to sink, fall, drop, ebb (water) جزرjazr slaughter; butchering; ebb (of the sea)
جزةjizza pl. جززjizaz, جزائزjazā’iz2 shorn wool, fleece, slip
جزرةjazra blood sacrifice
جزازةjuzāza pl. -āt slip of paper; label, tag
جزارjazzār pl. ة, -ūn butcher
جزورjazūr pl. جزرjuzur slaughter camel جزيرةjazīra pl. جزائرjazā’ir2, جزرjuzur island│ شبه جزيرةšibhu j. peninsula; الجزيرة Al Jazira, (Northwest) Mesopotemia; الجزائرAlgeria; Algiers; جزيرة العربj. al-‘arab Arabia, the Arabian Peninsula; ( الجزائر الخالداتḳālidāt) the Canary Islands; ( الجزيرة الخضراءḳaḍrā’) Algeciras (seaport in SW Spain)
جزازjazzāz pl. –ūn shearer, woolshearer مجزmijazz woolshears 122 جزأjaza’a a and VIII to be content, content o.s. ( بwith) II to divide, part, separate, break up, cut up, partition ( ھـs.th.) V to divide, break up, be or become divided; to be separated, be detached, be partitioned off; to be divisible, separable ( عنfrom)
جزرىjazarī insular; (pl. -ūn) islander
جزءjuz’ pl. اجزاءajzā’ part, portion; constituent, component; fraction; division; section; the 30th part of the Koran (= 2 ḥizb) جزئىjuz’ī partial; minor, trivial, insignificant, unimportant; (jur.) minor, petty; جزئياjuz’īyan partly; جزئياتjuz’īyāt details, particulars; trivialities; subordinate partly; divisions, sections (e.g., of a court of justice)│ ( مواد جزئيةmawādd) petty cases (jur.); ( جنح جزئيةjunaḥ) summary delicts (jur.); محاكم جزئيةcourts of summary justice; ( نيابة جزئيةniyāba) parquet of a summary court; حادثة جزئية minor incident; ( تسوية جزئيةtaswiya) part payment; ( الجزئيات والكلياتkullīyāt) the particular and general aspects, the minor and the major issues
جزائرىjazā’rī pl. -ūn Algerian (adj. and n.); islander مجزرmajzar pl. مجازرmajāzir2 slaughterhouse, abattoir; butchery مجزرةmajzara pl. مجازرmajāzir2 butchery; massacre, carnage 2
جزرjazar (coll.; n. un. )ةcarrot(s)
جزعjazi‘a a (jaza‘, جزعjuzū‘) to be or become anxious, worried, concerned; to be sad, unhappy ( منabout); to feel regret ( علىfor s.o.), pity ( علىs.o.); to mourn (j. for s.o.) V to break apart, break, snap جزعjaz‘ onyx جزعjuz’ axle; shaft (techn.)
s.o.); (gram.) to pronounce the final consonant (of a word) without a vowel; to put ( ھـa verb) into the apocopate form or the imperative
جزعjaza‘ anxiety, uneasiness, apprehension, concern; anguish, fear; sadness جزعjazi‘ restless, impatient; anxious, worried, uneasy, apprehensive
جزمjazm cutting off, clipping; decision; resolution, resolve; apodictic judgment; (gram.) apocopate form│ عالمة الجزم ‘alāmat al-j. = jazma
جزعjazū‘ and جازعjāzi‘ restless; impatient; anxious, worried, uneasy, apprehensive
جزمةjazma diacritical mark (o) indicating vowellessness of a final consonant
مجزعmujazza‘ marbled, veined; variegated, dappled 123 جزفIII to act at random, blindly, Indiscriminately, take a chance; to speculate (fin.); to speak vaguely, in general terms; to risk, stake ( بs.th.)│ جازف بنفسهto risk one’s life; جازف به فىto plunge s.o. into (some adventure) جزافjuzāf purchase of a certain amount of things (Isl. Law); جزافاjuzāfan at random, haphazardly
مجزومmajzūm cut off. cut short, clipped; decided. settled; (gram.) vowelless (final consonant); in the apocopate form
مجازفةmujāzafa rashness, recklessness, foolhardiness; risk, hazard; adventure, venture
منجزمmunjazim (gram.) in the apocopate form
مجازفmujāzif rash, reckless, foolhardy; adventurous; venturesome 2
جازمjāzim decisive; peremptory, definite, definitive, final; firmly convinced, absolutely certain ( بof s.th.); (pl. جوازمjawāzim2) governing the apocopate form (gram.)
جزلjazūla u to be considerable, abundant, plentiful IV ‘( اجزل له العطاءaṯā’) to give generously, openhandedly, liberally to s.o. VIII to write shorthand جزلjazl and جزيلjazīl pl. جزالjizāl abundant, plentiful, ample, much; pure, lucid, eloquent (style)│ جزل الرأيof sound, unerring judgment; شكره شكرا جزيال šakarahū šukran jazīlan he thanked him profusely; شكرا جزيالmany thanks! جزلjizla piece, slice جزالةjazāla profusion, abundance; (rhet.) purity (of style) مجتزلmujtazil stenographer
جوزلlook up alphabetically
جزالنjuzlān = جزدان
جزمjawma i (jazm) to cut off, cut short, clip ( ھـs.th.); to judge; to decide. Settle (ھـ s.th.); to be positive ( بabout), be absolutely certain ( بof s.th.); to assert authoritatively ( بs.th.); to make up one's mind, decide, resolve ( علىto do s.th.); to impose, make incumbent ( على ھـs.th. on
جزمةjazma pl. –āt, جزمjizam (pair of) shoes (pair of) boots│ ( جزمة برباطbi-ribāṯ) laced soots; ( جزمة لماعةlammā‘a) patent-leather shoes جزمجىgazmagī (eg.) and جزماتى gizamātī (eg.), jazmātī (syr.) pl. -īya shoemaker
جزىjazā i ( جزاءiazii') to requite, recompense ( هs.o., بor علىfor), repay ( هto s.o., بor علىs.th.); to reward ( هs.o., بor علىfor); to punish ( هs.o., بor علىfor); to satisfy (ه s.o.), give satisfaction ( هto s.o.); to compensate, make up ( ب ھـfor s.th. with or by); to compensate, offset ( عنs.th.)│ ( جزاك ﷲ خيراḳairan) may God bless you for it!; ( جزاه جزاء سنمارjazā’a sinimmāra) he returned to him good for evil III to repay, requite ( ب ھـs.th. with, ب هs.o. for), recompense ( ب هs.o. for); to reward (على or ب هs.o. for); to punish ( علىor ب هs.o. for)│ ( جزاھم خيراḳairan) he invoked God’s reward upon them IV to suffice ( هs.o.), do for s.o. ( ;)هto take the place, serve instead ( عنof), replace ( عنs.th.) جزاءjazā’ requital, repayment; recompense, return; compensation, setoff; 124 amends, reparation; punishment, penalty│ ( جزاء نقديnaqdī) fine
جزائىjazā’ī penal جزيةjizya pl. جزىjizan, جزاءjizā’ tax; tribute; head tax on free non-Muslims under Muslim rule تجزيةtajziya reward
جسدjasad pl. اجسادajsād body│ عيد الجسد ‘īd al-j. and خميس الجسدCorpus Christi Day (Chr.) جسدىjasadī bodily, fleshly, carnal جسدانىjusdānī bodily
مجازاةmujāzāh requital, repayment; punishment
تجسدtaia.snul materialization; incar·
جسjassa u (jass, مجسةmajassa) to touch, feel, handle ( ھـs.th.); to palpate, examine by touch ( ھـs.th.); to test, sound, probe (ھـ s.th.); to try to gain information ( ھـabout), try to find out ( ھـs.th.); to spy out (ھـ s.th.)│ ( جس نبضهnabḍahū) to feel s.o.’s pulse, (fig.) جس نبض الشيءto probe, sound out, try to find out s.th. V to try to gain information ( ھـabout), try to find out (ھـ s.th.); to reconnoiter, scout, explore (ھـ s.th.); to be a spy, engage in espionage; to spy, pry, snoop ( علىon s.o.)│ تجسس له ( اخباراaḳbāran) to gather information for s.o., spy for s.o. VIII to touch, feel, handle ( ھـs.th.); to spy out ( ھـs.th.)
مجسدmujassad embodied, corporified
جسjass: طرى الجسṯarīy al-j. delicate to the touch, having a tender surface, fresh جاسوسjāsūs pl. جواسيسjawāsīs2 spy جاسوسةjāsūsa woman spy جاسوسىjāsūsī of espionage, spy- (in compounds) جاسوسيةjāsūsīya spying, espionage جوسسةjausasa spying, espionage مجسmajass spot which one touches or feels; sense of touch│ خشن المجسḳašin alm. coarse to the touch, having a rough surface مجسmijass probe (med.) تجسسtajassus spying, espionage جاسئjāsi’ hard, rough, rugged جسدII to make corporeal, invest with a body, embody, incarnate ( ھـs.th.), give concrete form ( ھـto s.th.); to render or represent in corporeal form ( ھـs.th.) V to become corporeal, assume concrete form, materialize; to become incarnate (Chr.); to become three-dimensional
nation (OM.) متجسدmutajassid corporeal; incarnate (Chr) جسرjasara u to span, cross, traverse ( ھـs.th.); ( جسارةjasāra, جسورjusūr) to venture, risk ( علىs.th.), have the courage ( علىto do s.th.) II to build a dam or dike; to embolden, encourage ( ھـs.o., علىto do s.th.) VI to dare, venture, risk ( علىs.th.), have the audacity ( علىto do s.th.); to be sold, forward, insolent, impudent (على with s.o.) VIII to span, cross, traverse (ھـ s.th.) جسرjisr pl. اجسرajsur, جسورjusūr bridge; dam, dike, embankment, levee; -(pl. جسورةjusūra) beam, girder; axle, axletree│ ( جسر متحركmuḥarrik) movable bridge; ( جسر معلقmu‘allaq) suspension bridge; جسر عائمpontoon bridge, floating bridge جسورjasār sold, daring; forward, insolent, impudent جسارةjasāra boldness, recklessness, intrepidity; forwardness, insolence تجاسرtajāsur boldness, recklessness, intrepidity; forwardness, insolence متجاسرmutajāsir bold, daring; forward, insolent, impudent 125 جسطنsee جصطن جسمjasuma u ( جسامةjasāma) to be great. Big, large. bulky. huge. immense II to make corporeal. invest with a body ( ھـs.th.), give ( ھـs.th.) shape or form; to materialize ( ھـs.th.); to cause to stand out. bring out ( ھـs.th.); to enlarge, magnify ( ھـs.th.; e.g., microscope); to make big, bulky, huge (ھـ s.th.); to play up, exaggerate ( ھـs.th.) V to become corporeal, become embodied; to materialize; to assume a form, take shape, become tangible or concrete; to be
materialized; to become big, large, huge, increase in volume, grow in size جسمpl. اجسامajsām, جسومjusūm body (also O of an automobile); substance, matter; mass; form, shape جسمىiiaa1 bodily, physical; substantial, material
جشعjaši‘a a (jaša‘) and V to be covetous, greedy جشعjaša‘ greed, avidity, inordinate desire جشعjaši‘ greedy, covetous
جسيمjasīm pl. جسامgreat, big, large; voluminous, bulky, huge; vast, immense; stout, corpulent; weighty, most significant, momentous, prodigious
جشمjašāma a (jašm, جشامةjašāma) to take upon o.s. ( ھـsome hardship) II to make (ه s.o.) suffer or undergo ( ھـs.th.); to impose ( ھـ هon s.o. s.th. difficult), burden ( ھـ هs.o. with s.th.) V to take upon o.s., suffer, undergo ( ھـs.th., e.g., hardships)
جسيمjusaim pl. -āt particle (phys.); corpuscle (biol.)
( جشنىeg., cf. ششنىšišnī) sample, specimen; sampling
اجسمajsam2 more voluminous, larger; stouter, more corpulent
جصII to plaster, whitewash ( ھـs.th.)
جسمjasāma size, volume; stoutness, corpulence
جصطنII tajaṣṯana to lounge, stretch lazily, loll
جسمانjusmān body, mass جسمانىjusmānī bodily, physical. Corporal│ التأديب الجسمانىcorporal punishment تجسيمtajsīm embodiment; relief; enlargement, magnification, magnifying power جسمmujassam bodily, corporeal; (math.) body; three-dimensional; tangible, material, concrete; raised, relieflike, standing out in relief (e.g., خريطة مجسمة relief map); relief; enlarged. Magnified│ ( فلم مجسمfilm) three-dimensional (stereoscopic) film, 3-D motion picture جسمانيةjasmānīya2 Gethseman )جسا )جسوjasā u to become hard, solid جشjašša u (jašš) to grind, crush, bruise, grate ( ھـs.th.) جشjušša hoarseness, huskiness, raucity (of the voice) جشيشjašīš ground, grated, crushed اجشajašš2, f. جشاءjaššā’2 hoarse, husky, raucous (voice) جشأII and V to belch, burp جشاءjušā’ and جشأةjaš’a belch(ing), burp(ing) جشارjušār livestock
جصjiṣṣ gypsum; plaster of Paris
جعةji‘a beer جعبII to corrugate ( ھـs.th.) جعبةja‘ba pl. جعابji‘āb quiver; tube, pipe; gun barrel; o cartridge pouch (Syr.)│ جعبة اخبار j. aḳbār town gossip (person) 126 جعجعja‘ja‘a ( جعجعja‘ja‘a) to clamor, roar, shout; to clatter, clap; to bluster, explode in anger جعجعةja‘ja‘a hubbub, rumpus, clamor, roar; creak, clapping noise (of a mill wheel); bluster جعجاعja‘jā‘ clamorous, boisterous, noisy; bawler, loud-mouthed person جعدja‘uda a ( جعودةju‘ūda, جعادةja‘āda) and V to become curly, frizzed, kinky, curl (hair); to be wavy; to be creased; to be wrinkled II to curl, frizz ( ھـs.th.; the hair); to wave ( ھـs.th.; the hair); to crease, pleat, plait ( ھـcloth); to wrinkle ( ھـthe skin) جعدja‘d (or جعد اليدj. al-yad, جعد الكفj. al-kaff) stingy, niggardly, tightfisted جعدةja‘da curl, lock, ringlet جعدىja‘dī and اجعدaj‘ad2 curly جعيدىgə‘īdī (eg.) bum, loafer, good-fornothing تجاعيدtajā‘īd2 wrinkles, lines (of the face) تجعداتtaja‘‘udāt wrinkles
مجعدmuja‘‘ad curled, frizzed; wavy; furrowed, creased; wrinkled متجعدmutaja‘‘id curled, frizzed; wavy; furrowed, creased; wrinkled جعدنةja‘dana idle talk, gossip (leb.) جعرja‘ara a (ja‘r) to drop its manure (animal) ابو جعرانabū ji‘rān2 scarabaeus; dung beetle جعفرja‘far little river, creek جعلja‘ala a (ja‘l) to make ( ھـs.th.); to put, place, lay ( ھـs.th.); to create ( ھـs.th.); to effect, bring about ( ھـs.th.); to make (ھـ ھـ s.th. a rule, a principle, or the like, ه هs.o., e.g., leader, king, etc.), appoint ( ه هs.o. to an office, rank, or the like); to fix, set (ھـ ھـ a sum, a price, at); to think, deem, believe ( ب هor ه هs.o. to be …, ھـ ھـs.th. to be ...), take ( ب هor ه هs.o. for, ھـ ھـs.th. for); to represent ( ھـs.th., فى صورةas, or in the form of, s.th. else); to appoint, settle (ل ھـ s.th. for s.o., in s.o.’s favor); to give, grant, concede ( ل ھـs.th., an advantage, to s.o.), put s.o. ( )لin the way of s.th. ( ;)ھـto attribute ( ھـ لto s.o. s.th.), maintain that s.th. ( )ھـbelong. to s.o. ( ;)لto entrust (الى ھـs.th. to s.o.); to put, get ( هs.o., ھـs.th., into a specific state or condition); (with foll. imperf.) to begin to, set out to│جعله يفعلto induce s.o. to do; to make s.o. do s.th. (in a narrative); ( جعله بمننزلةbimanzilati) to place s.o. on equal footing with; ( جعله فى متناول يدهfī mutanāwali yadihī) to bring or put s.th. within s.o.’s reach III to seek to bribe, try to win (ب ه s.o. with s.th.) جعلju‘l pl. اجعالaj‘āl pay, wages; piece wages; reward, prize جعلىju‘līi: ( اتفاق جعلىittifāq) piece-work contract جعلju‘al pl. جعالنji‘lān dung beetle; scarabaeus جعالةji‘āla, ja‘āla, ju‘āla pl. جعائلja‘āil2 pay, wages; allowance; reward, prize: bribe جغرافياjugrāfiyā and جغرافيةjugrāfīya geography│( جغرافية طبيعيةṯabī‘īya) physical geography جغرافيjugrāfī geographical; geographer
جفjaffa (1st pers. perf. jafaftu) i ( جفافjafāf, جفوفjufūf) to dry, become dry; to dry out II to dry, make dry ( ھـs.th.) جفافjafāf dryness; desiccation; drying up; dullness تجفافtajfāf pl. تجافيفtajāfīf2 protective armor تجفيفtajfīf drying; desiccation; dehydration; drainage 127 جافjāff dry│ ( قلم حبر جافqalam ḥibr) ball-point pen مجففmujaffaf dried, desiccated, dehydrated; مجففاتdehydrated foods جفاءjufā’ useless, vain, futile│ ذھب جفاء dahaba jufā’an to be in vain, be of no avail, pass uselessly جفتjift, چفتčift (pronounced šift; eg.) pincers, tweezers; metal clamp│ جفت شريانj. šaryān arterial clamps ( چفتشىpronounced šiftišī; eg.) filigree جفتلكjiftlik farm, country estate; government land (Pal.) جفرjafr, ‘ علم الجفرilm al-j. divination, fortunetelling جفرةjufra pl. جفرjufar pit, hole جفلjafala i u (jafl, جفولjufūl) and IV to start, jump with fright; to shy (horse) II to start, rouse ( ھـs.th., .s.o.); to scare away ( هs.o.) جفلjafl and جفولjufūl fright, alarm; shying ( چفلكpronounced šiflik; eg.) = جفتلك جفنpl. جفونjufūn, اجفانajfān eyelid جفنةjafna pl. جفانjifān, جفناتjafanāt bowl; grapsvine ( جفو( جفاjafā u (jafw, جفاءjafā’) to be rough, coarse; to treat ( هs.o.) roughly, harshly; to turn away (. from), shun, avoid, flee (ه s.o.) III to treat ( هs.o.) roughly, rudely, harshly; to be cruel ( هto s.o.); to be cross ( هwith s.o.); to elude, flee ( هs.o.; slumber); to offend ( ھـagainst good taste, one’s sense of honor, or the like) VI to withdraw ( عنfrom), shun, avoid ( هs.o.); to loathe ( عنs.o., s.th.), have an aversion ( عنto); to display rude manners, act the ruffian
sublime; revered, honorable, venerable; glorious, splendid
جفوjafw roughness, harshness جفوةjafwa roughness; estrangement, alienation; disagreement, dissension, quarrel
جاللjalāl loftiness, sublimity, augustness; splendor, glory جاللةjalāla loftiness, sublimity, augustness; majeoty│ صاحب )صاحبة( الجاللة His (Her) Majesty, جاللة الملكj. al-malik His Majesty, the King
جفاءjafā’ roughness; harshness; sternness; antipathy, aversion, distaste, loathing; estrangement, alienation اجفىajfā refraining even more ( لfrom), more averse ( لto s.th.)
اجلajall2 greater; more sublime; more splendid
جافjāfin pl. جفاةjufāh harsh, rough, coarse; brutish, uncouth, rude
مجلةmajalla pl. -āt periodical; review, magazine│ ( مجلة اسبوعيةusbū‘īya) weekly magazine; ( مجلة شھريةšahrīya) monthly publication; ( مجلة خاصة بḳāṣṣa) professional journal for a. ; مجلة االحكام lawbook, code; مجلة القوانينdo.
جاكتةlook up alphabetically جكرIII (syr.) to tease ( هs.o.) 1
جلjalla i ( جاللjalāl) to be great, lofty, exalted, illustrious, sublime; to be too great ( عنfor), be beyond s.th. ()عن, be far above s.th. (‘(عن(│ جل عن الحصرan il-ḥaṣr) to be innumerable II to honor, dignify, exalt ( هs.o.); to cover ( ھـs.th., esp. the ground, as snow, plants, etc.); to envelop, wrap, drape, clothe; to border, edge (ھـ s.th., بwith) IV to honor, dignify, revere, venerate, esteem highly, exalt ( هs.o.); to deem too high, too exalted ( عنfor s.th.), consider far beyond s.th. ( )عنVI to deem o.s. far above s.th. ( )عنX to be great, exalted, sublime جلgreat, outstanding; bulky جلjull major portion, bulk, majority, main part│ جلهjulluhū most of it; جل االمةj. al-umma the majority of the people; جل ما فيهits main contents; ( وجل ما يقال انهjullu) that much, at least, can be said that ... جللjalal important, significant, momentous, weighty جلىjullā pl. جللjulal matter of great importance, momentous undertaking, great feat, exploit جلةjulla, jilla droppings, dung (of animals); julla pl. جللjulal (cannon) ban; bomb 128 جلةjulla attire, clothing│ الجلة الجبروتية ( ))الكھنوتيةḥabrawīya, kahnūtīya) Episcopal (sacerdotal) vestments (Chr.) جليلjalīl pl. اجالءajillā’2, اجلةajilla, جالئل jalā’il2 great, important, significant, weighty, momentous; lofty, exalted,
تجلةtajilla and اجاللijlāl honor, distinction; esteem, deference, respect; reverence 2
جلjull rose
جالبjulāb, jullāb rose water; julep ( جالتينFr. gélatine) želātīn jelly ( جالسيةFr. glacé) glasēh (eg.) kid leather 1
جلبjalaba i u (jalb) to attract ( ھـs.th.); to fetch, get, bring ( ھـs.th., لto s.o.); to import ( ھـgoods); to bring about ( ھـa state, condition); to bring ( ھـharm, shame, etc., علىupon s.o.); to gain, win, obtain (ھـ s.th.); to earn ( ھـs.th.); ( جلوبjulūb) to scar over, heal (wound) II to shout, clamor; to be noisy, boisterous IV to earn, gain, acquire ( ھـs.th.); = II; VII pass. of I VIII to procure, bring, fetch, get ( ھـs.th.); to draw ( ھـon s.th.); to import ( ھـgoods) X to import ( ھـgoods); to fetch, summon, call in ( هs.o.); to attract, draw ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to seek to attract or win ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to get, procure ( ھـs.th.) جلبjalb bringing, fetching; procurement; acquisition; importation, import; causation, bringing on, bringing about جلبjalab imported; foreign جلبjalab and جلبةjalaba clamor; uproar, tumult, turmoil جلبةjulba scar
جليبjalīb imported, foreign; (pl. جلبى jalbā, جلباءjulabā’2) foreign slave جالبjallāb attractive, captivating; importer, trader; see also alphabetically│ جالب العبيدslave trader جالبيةgallābīya (eg.) pl. -at, جالليب galālīb2 galabia, a loose, shirtlike garment, the common dreao of the male population in Egypt جلبابbelow under جلبب جلبajlab2 more attractive, more captivating مجلبةmajlaba pl. مجالبmajālib2 causative factor, motive, reason, cause, occasion استجالبistijlāb procurement, acquisition; importation, import; supply; attraction│ استجالب السائحينpromotion of tourist traffic جالبjālib causative factor, motive, reason, cause, occasion 2
جالبjulāb, jullāb rose water; julep
جلباjalabā jalap (bot.)
جلببII tajalbaba to clothe o.s. ( بwith), be clothed, be clad ( بin a garment, also fig.) جلبابjilbāb pl. جالبيبjalābīb2 garment, dress, gown; woman's dress جلبانjulubbān chickling vetch, grass pea (Lathyrus sativua) 1
جلجلjaljala to reverberate; to resound, ring out; to rattle; to shake ( ھـs.th.) 2
جلجلjuljul pl. جالجلjalājil (little) bell, sleigh bell; cowbell; jingle جلجلةjaljala sound of a bell; loud, shrill sound مجلجلmujaljil shrill, piercing; ringing, resounding, reverberant 2
جلجلةjuljula, جبل الجلجلةjabal al-j. Golgotha
جلجالنjuljulān, jiljilān sesame
جلحjaliḥa a (jalaḥ) to be or become bald اجلحajlaḥ2, f. جلحاءjalḥā’2, pl. جلحjulḥ bald-headed, bald
جلخjalaḳa a and II to sharpen ( ھـs.th.); to whet, hone ( ھـa knife), strop ( ھـa razor); to stretch, extend, roll out ( ھـmetal) جلخjalḳ grindstone, whetetone, hone جلدjalada i (jald) to whip, flog, lash ( هs.o.); -jalida a to be frozen, freeze; -- jaluda u to be tough, hardy, undismayed, steadfast, patient II to bind ( ھـa book); (to cause) to freeze ( ھـs.th.) III to fight ( هs.o.) IV to freeze; to be frozen, be covered with ice V to take heart; to show o.s. tough, hardy, robust; to resign o.s. to patience; to bear, suffer VI to engage in a sword fight جلدjald flogging; -- (pl. اجالدajlād) staunch, steadfast; strong, sturdy جلدjild pl. جلودjulūd, اجالدajlād skin, hide; leather│ ( جلد سختيانsuḳtiyān) morocco; ( جلد لماعlammā‘) patent leather جلدةjilda skin, hide; piece of leather; race│ ابن جلدتناibn jildatinā our countryman, our fellow tribesman, pl. بنو جلدتناbanū j. جلدىjildī dermal, cutaneous, skin (adj.)│ امراض جلديةskin diseases جليدةjulaida pl. -āt membrane, pellicle; O film (phot.) جلدjalad enduranos; suffering; patience; firmament جلدةjalda lash, stroke with a whip جليدjalīd pl. جلداءjuladā’2 staunch, steadfast; strong, sturdy جليدjalīd ice│ جبل جليدjabal j. iceberg; ( قطعة من الجليدqiṯ‘a) ice floe جليدىjalīdī icy, ice-covered, glacial, ice (adj.); snow-covered│ ‘( العصر الجليدىaṣr) the Ice Age جلودjalūd long-suffering, patient جالدjallād pl. -ūn leather merchant; executioner, hangman جالدةjalāda and جلودةjulūda endurance, patience مجلدةmijlada whip, lash, scourge تجليدtajlīd freezing; bookbinding جالدjilād fight, battle (against) تجلدtajallud endurance, patience
مجلدmujallid: مجلد الكتبm. al-kutub bookbinder مجلدmujallad frozen, icy, ice-covered; bound (book); (pl. -āt) volume (book) مجالدmujālid pl. -ūn gladiator متجلدmutajallid patient جلمزjillauz (coll.; n. un. )ةhazelnut; hazel جلسjalasa i ( جلوسjulūs) to sit down ( الىwith s.o., at a tabl., etc., علىon a chair); to sit ( الىwith s.o., at a table, علىon a chair)│ ( جلس الى الرسامrassām) to sit for a painter III to sit ( هwith s.o., next to s.o., in s.o.’s company); to keep s.o. ( )هcompany IV to ask to sit down, make sit down, eeat (ه s.o.) جلسةjalsa pl. -āt seat (in an auditorium); session (of parliament, of a committee, 130 of a court, etc.); party, gathering, meeting│‘ عقد جلسةaqada jasatan to convene a session; ‘( جلسة عامةāmma) plenary session جلسةjilsa manner of sitting جليسpl. جلساءjulasā’2 participant in a social gathering; table companion: one with whom one sits together; جليسهthe man who was at the party with him جليسةjalīsa lady companion; fem. of جليس جلوسjulūs sitting: sitting down; accession to the throne; pl. of جالسsitting مجلسmajlis pl. مجالسmajālis2 seat; session room, conference room; party, gathering, meeting; social gathering: session, sitting; council meeting; council; concilium; collegium, college: board, committee, commission; administrative board; court, tribunal│ فى مجلسهin s.o.’s presence, in s.o.’s company; مجلس التأديب and مجلس تأديبىdisciplinary board; مجلس تأسيسىconstituent assembly; مجلس آفاقى regional court (tribunal régional; Tun.); مجلس األمةm. al-umma parliament (Ir.); مجلس األمنm. al-amn the Security Council; مجلس البلديةm. al-baladīya and مجلس بلدى (baladī) local council, municipal council; مجلس الحربm. al-ḥarb war council; مجلس ( حسبىḥasbī) probate court (for Muslim; Eg.); ( مجلس مختلطmuḳtaliṯ) mixed court (eg.); مجلس الدفاعdefense council; مجلس
االدارةm. al-idāra administrative board, committee of management, directorate; board of directors (of a corporation or bank); مجلس المديريةm. al-mudīrīya provincial council, provincial parliament (Eg.); مجلس الدولةm. ad-daula Supreme Administrative Court (Eg.); مجلس روحى (rūḥī) religious court, clerical court (of the Coptic Church); مجلس شورى الدولةm. šūrā d-daula council of state; مجلس الشيوخ council of elders: Senate (Eg.); مجلس عدلى (‘adlī) court, tribunal (Syr.); ( عسكرىor) ‘( مجلس عرفىurfī, ‘askarī) court-martial; مجلس عصبة األممm. ‘uṣbat al-umam Council of the League of Nations; مجلس العمومthe House of Commons; مجلس األعيانm. ala‘yān senate (Ir., Jord.); مجلس االقتراعdraft board, recruiting commission (mil.); مجلس ( قروىqarawī) local council; مجلس اقتصادى (iqtiṣādī) economic council: مجلس قومى (qaumī) national assembly; مجلس قيادة الثورة m. qiyādat at-taura Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal (Eg.): المجلس الكبير and ( المجلس االكبرakbar) the Grand Council (= le Grand Conseil; Tun.); مجلس اللوردين the House of Lords: مجلس النوابm. annuwwāb lower house, chamber of deputies; ( مجلس نيابىniyābī) parliament; مجلس الجھةm. al-jiha approx.: provincial council (= conseil de région; Tun.); مجلس الوزراءm. al-wuzarā’ cabinet, council of ministers مجالسةmujālasa social intercourse جالسjālis pl. جلوسjulūs, جالسjullās sitting; pl. جالسparticipants in a social gathering جلطjalaṯa i (jalṯ) to chafe, gall, abrade ( ھـthe skin); to shave ( الرأسar-ra’sa the head جلطةjulṯa lump, clot│ جلطة دموية (damawīya) blood clot, thrombus جلفjilf pl. اجالفajlāf boorish, rude, uncivil جلفطjalfaṯa ( جلفطةjalfaṯa) to calk ( ھـa ship) جلفنgalfana (eg.) to galvanize جلفنةgalfana galvanization مجلفنmugalfan galvanized جالقةjalāqa: ( جالقة قرويةqarawīya) yokel, bumpkin جلمjalama i (jalm) to clip, shear off ( ھـs.th.)
جلمjalam pl. اجالمajlām shears
جلىjalīy clear, plain, evident, patent, manifest, obvious, conspicuous; جليا jalīyan obviously, evidently
ابو جلمبوabū galambū (eg.) a variety of crab جلمدII tajalmada to be petrified
جليةjalīya pl. جالياjalāyā sure thing, plain fact│ جلية األمرjalīyat al-amr the true state of the affair
جلمدjalmad pl. جالمدjalāmid2 and جلمود julmūd pl. جالميدjalāmīd2 rook, bolder جلنارjullanār pomegranate blossom ( جلوand جلى( جالjalā u to clean, polish ( ھـs.th.); to clear ( ھـthe view); to make clear, make plain, clarity, clear up (ھـ s.th.), throw light on ()ھـ, to reveal, unveil, disclose ( ھـs.th.), to dislodge, oust, remove ( عن ھـor هs.o. or s.th. from), to shine, be brilliant, distinguish o.s. ( فىin s.th.); to be or become clear, evident, manifest; to pull out, move out ( عنof a place), go away, depart ( عنfrom a place), leave, quit, evacuate ( عنa place); -- جلى jalā i to polish, burnish ( ھـs.th.) II to reveal, disclose, bring to light ( عنor ھـ s.th.); to show, represent ( هs.o., ھـs.th.), IV to remove, dislodge, oust, drive away ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to evacuate ( هs.o. from); to move away, go away ( عنfrom a place), leave ( عنa place) V to become clear, evident, manifest; to reveal itself, be revealed, to appear, show, come to light, come out, manifest itself, to be manifested, be expressed, find expression VII to be clean or cleaned, be polished, be burnished, to be removed, be dislodged, be ousted; to move away ( عنfrom a place), vacate, evacuate ( عنa place), to be dispelled, vanish, go away, pass (crisis, difficulty, etc.), to disappear, to reveal itself, be revealed, be disclosed; to be unveiled (bride), to become manifest, manifest itself; to become clear or plain; to clear up and reveal ( عنs.th.), to lead, come ( عنto), end ( عنin), to result (عن in)│ ما ينجلى عنه األمرthe outcome of the matter, what will come of it VIII to reveal, disclose ( ھـs.th.), to regard ( ھـs.th.), look at ( )ھـX to seek to clarify ( ھـs.th.), to clarify, clear up ( ھـs.th.), throw light (ھـ on); to uncover, unearth, bring to light, find out, discover, detect ( ھـs.th.) ابن جالibn jalā a famous, well-known man, a celebrity
اجلىajlā clearer, more obvious, more distinct جلوىjalwā unveiling (of the bride)│ليلة الجلوةlailat al-j. wedding night جالءjalā’ clarification, elucidation; clarity, clearness, plainness, distinctness; departure, (e)migration ( عنfrom), evacuation ( عنof an area; mil.); بجالء clearly, plainly جليانjalayān vision, revelation, apocalypse (Chr.) مجالmajālin (pl. of مجلىmajlan) manifestations تجليةtajliya: ( تجلية االھيةilāhīya) divine revelation; theophany (Chr.) تجلtajallin revelation, manifestation; Transfiguration (of Christ)│‘ عيد التجلىīd at-t. Transfiguration Day (Chr.) اجتالءijtilā’ contemplation استجالءistijlā’ clarification, elucidation جاليةjāliya pl. -āt, جوالjawālin colony (of foreigners); colony of emigrants المجلىal-mujallī the winner (in a race) متجلmutajallin obvious, evident, manifest, patent جلونgalōn pl. -āt gallon (eg.) مجلونmugalwan galvanized (eg.) جلىjullā see 1 جل جليوتينgilyotīn guillotine (eg.) 1
ج مabbreviation of جنيه مصرىEgyptian pound
جمjamma i u (jamm) to gather; to collect one’s thoughts, concentrate; to rest II and V to grow luxuriantly (plants) X to gather; to collect one’s thoughts, concentrate; to rest, relax, seek recreation ( منfrom); to be covered with luxuriant vegetation (ground) جمjamm abundant, plentiful; much, a great deal of; many, numerous; manifold,
multiple; crowd, group of people│جم األثر j. al-atar effective, efficacious; احبه حبا جما (aḥabbahū ḥubban) to be more than fond of; فوائد جمةnumerous advantages, ample benefits; جم غفيرlarge crowd, throng
be niggardly, tightfisted II to freeze, frost, congeal ( ھـs.th.); to solidify, coagulate, harden, stiffen ( ھـs.th.); to curdle ( ھـs.th.); to freeze ( ھـassets V to freeze, become frozen, turn into ice, freeze up. become icebound; to freeze to death; to congeal; to solidify; to harden, set (e.g., cement); to coagulate, clot (blood) VII to freeze up, become icebound; to freeze, become frozen, turn to ice
جمامjamām rest, relaxation, recreation, gathering of new strength مجمmajamm place where s.th. gathers or flows together│مجم ھذا الرأي ومستجمعه (mustajma‘uhū) what this opinion amounts to
جمدjamd freezing; congelation, solidification, coagulation│درجة الجمد darajat al-j. freezing point
تجميمtagmīm (eg.) bobbed hairdo (of women)
جمدjamad ice
استجماتمistijmām collectedness; concentration; attentiveness, attentive reverence; rest, relaxation, recreation
جمادjamād pl. -āt a solid; inorganic body; mineral; inanimate body, inanimate being; O neuter (gram.)
جنبازى، جمبازsee جنبازى،جنباز
جمودjumūd frozen state; solid, compact state, compactness, solidity; rigor, rigidity, stiffness; inorganic state; hardening, induration; hardness, inflexibility; deadlock, standstill; inertia, inaction, inactivity; lethargy, apathy, passivity, indifference
( جمبرىfrom It. gambero) gambarī, جمرى gammarī (eg.) shrimp (zool.) 2
جمجمjamjama ( جمجمةjamjama), جمجم الكالم (kalāma) and II tajamjama to articulate indistinctly, stammer; to express o.s. poorly, speak incoherently; to mumble
جمجمةjumjuma pl. جماجمjamājim2 skull, cranium
جمودةjumūda solidity, hardness تجميدtajmīd solidification, hardening; consolidation; reinforcement (of a foundation)│ تجميد االموالt. al-amwāl freezing of assets
جمجمىjumjumī cranial جمحjamaḥa a (jamḥ, جماحjimāḥ, جموحjumūḥ to holt (horse); to he refractory, unruly, recalcitrant; to be defiant; to be capricious, whimsical; to run out on her husband, run away from home (wife)
تجمدtajammud freezing; frost; congelation; solidification; coagulation انجمادinjimād freezing up or over, icing up; ice formation
جماحjimāḥ recalcitrance, defiance; willfulness
جامدjāmid hard, solid; stiff; rigid; motionless; inanimate, inorganic; (gram.) defective; dry. dull (book, and the like); impervious to progress to innovation, ossified, ultraconservative; pl. جوامد jawāmid2 inanimate things, inorganic matter, minerals
جموحjumūḥ recalcitrance, defiance; willfulness جموحjamūḥ headstrong, defiant, unruly, ungovernable جامحjāmiḥ headstrong, defiant, unruly; indomitable, untamable 2
جمدjamada u, jamuda u (jamd, جمودjumūd) to freeze; to congeal, harden, stiffen, be or become hard or solid, solidify; to coagulate, clot (blood); to be rigid, inflexible (in one’s thinking); to stagnate; to be apathetic, indolent, dull, indifferent│ جمدت نفسه علىto be indifferent toward, put up with, acquiesce in; ( جمدت يدهyaduhū) to
متجمدmutajammid frozen, icy; stiff, congealed; coagulated منجمدmunjamid frozen, icy, ice (adj.); arctic│( المحيط المنجمدmuḥīṯ) the Arctic Ocean 2
جمادىjumādā name of the fifth and sixth months of the Muslim year ( جمادى االولىj.
al-ūlā Jumada I and جمادى اآلخرةj. al-āḳira Jumada II) جمرII to roast ( ھـmeat) VIII to bum incense جمرjamr embers, live coal│ كان على احر ( من جمرaḥarra) to be on tenter-hooks; to be in greatest suspense, be dying with curiosity جمرةjamra (n. un. of )جمرlive coal; firebrand, smoldering embers; rankling resentment; (pl. -āt) carbuncle (med.)│O الجمرة الخبيثةanthrax جمارjummār palm pith, palm core (edible tuber growing at the upper end of the palm trunk) مجمرةmijmara pl. مجامرmajāmir2 brazier; censer 2
جمرىsee جمبرى
( جمركeg.) gumruk pl. جمركgamārik2 customs; customhouse│ رسم الجمركrasm al-g. customs duty, tariff جمركىgumrukī customs, tariff (used attributively)│ ( اتحاد جمركىittihād) customs union مجمركmugamrak duty paid جميزjummaiz (coll.; n. un. )ةsycamore (Ficus sycomorus; bot.) جاموسlook up alphabetically جمشjamaša i u (jamš) to unhair ( ھـs.th.) II to make love, caress, pet جمعjama‘a a (jam‘) to gather ( ھـs.th.); to collect ( ھـe.g., money); to unite, combine, bring together (parts into a whole); to put together. join ( ھـthings); to set, compose ( ھـtype; typ.); to compile ( ھـa book); to summarize. sum up ( ھـs.th.) to rally, round up ( ھمpeople); to pile up, amass accumulate ( ھـs.th.); to assemble (ھم several persons); to convoke, convene, call ( ھـa meeting); to add ( ھـnumbers), add up ( ھـa column); (gram.) to make plural, pluralize ( ھـa word); to unite, link, bring together ( بينseveral things or persons); to combine ( بين – وe.g., both strength and courage); to contain, hold, comprise ( ھـs.th.)│جمع اطراف الشيء (aṯrāfa) to summarize, sum up s.th.; to give a survey of s.th.; جمع البراعة من اطرافھا (barā‘ata) to be very efficient, do an
excellent job, do superlatively good work; ( جمع شمل القطيعšamla l-q.) to round up the herd; ( يجمع الكتاب بين صفحاتھاṣafaḥātihā) the book contains, lists …; يجمع بيت على بيوت (yujma‘u) the plural of bait is buyūt II to pile up, amass, accumulate ( ھـs.th.); to rally, round up ( ھـs.th., ھمs.o.); to assemble ( ھـthe parts of a 134 machine) III to have sexual intercourse ( ھاwith a woman) IV to agree ( علىon s.th., to do s.th.); to be agreed ( علىon); to decide unanimously ( علىon), resolve ( علىto do s.th.)│( اجمعوا امرھمamrahum) they came to terms, they made a joint decision V to gather; to assemble, congregate; to rally, band together, flock together (people); to pile up; to accumulate; to gather into a mass, agglomerate; to cluster; to coagulate VIII to be close together; to come together, meet, join; to unite, combine (ب with); to assemble, meet, convene (an organization, a committee, etc.); to be or get together, have a meeting, interview or conference, hold talks ( مع، بwith s.o.), meet ( مع، بs.o.; to concur ( علىin), agree, be agreed ( علىon s.th.) X to gather, collect ( ھـs.th.; also قواهquwāhu one’s strength, افكارهafkārahū one’s thoughts); to summarize, sum up ( ھـs.th.); to possess, combine ( ھـs.th.) جمعjam’ gathering; collection; combination; connection, coupling, joining; accumulation; (arith.) addition; union, merger, aggregation, integration ( بينof) holding together ( بينof divergent, separate things); (pl. جموعjumū‘) gathering, crowd, throng; gang, troop; (gram.) plural│ جمع الشملj. aš-šaml union, integration; جمع التكسيرthe broken (= internal) plural, الجمع السالمthe regular (= external) plural; اسم الجمعism al-j. collective noun (gram.); جمع اليدj. al-yad fist جمعjum‘, جمع الكفj. al-kaff, جمع اليدj. alyad fist, clenched hand│ بجمع يديهwith clenched fists جمعةjum‘a pl. جمعjuma‘, -āt week; Friday│ يوم الجمعةyaum al-j. Friday; جمعة اآلالمPassion Week; الجمعة العظيمةand يوم الجمعة الحزينةGood Friday (Chr.) جمعيةjam‘iya pl. -āt club, association, society; corporation, organization; 135
assembly│ جمعية األممj. al-umam League of Nations; ( جمعية خيريةḳairīya) charitable organization; جمعية االسعافj. al-is‘āf approx.: civil ambulance service; جمعية (tašrī‘īya) legislative assembly; جمعية ‘ عموميةumūmīya) and ‘( جمعية عامةāmma) general assembly; general meeting; plenum, plenary session; جمعية تعاونية (ta‘āwunīya) cooperative جميعjamī‘ (with foll. genitive) total; whole, entire; all; entirety; e.g., جميع الناس all men, all mankind; الجميعall people, everybody; the public at large; جميعا jamī‘an in a body, altogether, one and all, all of them; entirely, wholly, totally جمعajma‘2 pl. -ūn, f. جمعاءjam‘ā’2, pl. جمعjuma‘2 entire, whole, all`│العالم االسالمى ( اجمعajma‘a) the entire Islamic world; الدار ( جمعاءjam‘ā’a) the whole house; باجمعهbiajma‘ihī in its entirety, to its full extent, completely, altogether; جاؤوا باجمعھمall of them came جماعjummā‘ aggregate; total, total amount O جماع كھربائىjammā‘ kahrabā‘ī; storage battery جماعةjamā‘a pl. -āt group (of people); band, gang, party, troop; community; squad (military unit; Eg. 1939)│ جماعات وافراداjamā‘ātin wa-afrādan in groups and individually جماعىjamā‘ī collective (as opposed to فردىfardī individual) مجمعmajma‘ pl. مجامعmajāmi‘2 place where two or more things meet, place or point of union, junction; meeting, congregation, convention, assembly; (also مجمع علمىm. ‘ilmī) academy (scientific); college (e.g., of ecclesiastical dignitaries); synod│( مجمع بلدىbaladī) provincial synod (Chr.); ( مجمع اكليركىiklīrīkī) clerical synod (of the Coptic Church); اخذ بمجامع القلوبto win or captivate the hearts; 135 بمجامع عينيه bi-m. ‘ainaihi (to look at s.o.) with complete concentration, intently مجمعىmajma‘ī academy member, academician تجميtajmī‘ assembly, assemblage (of the parts of machinery)
جماعjimā‘ sexual intercourse; s.th. comprising or involving another thing or a number of things│ الخمر جماع االثمal-ḳamr j. al-itm wine involves sin, wine اجماعijmā‘ agreement, unanimity (also ;)اجماع الرأيunanimous resolution ( علىto do s.th.); (Isl. Law) consensus (of the authorities in a legal question; one of the four uṣūl of Islamic Law)│ باالجماع unanimously اجماعىijmā‘ī based on general agreement, unanimous; collective, universal تجمعtajammu‘ pl. -āt coming together, meeting; gathering; troop concentration; crowd, throng, mob; agglomeration; O agglutination (chem.-med.) اجتماعijtimā‘ pl. -āt meeting ( بwith s.o.; of a corporate body; of parliament); get-together, gathering, assembly; reunion; rally; convention; conjunction, constellation (astron.); confluence (of rivers); life in a social group, community life, social life; االجتماعhuman society│ اجتماع الطرقijtimā‘ aṯ-ṯuruq crossroads, intersection, junction; ‘ علم االجتماعilm alijt. sociology; علماء االجتماعsociologists اجتماعىijtimā‘ī community, group (used attributively); social; socialist(ic); sociological│وزارة الشؤون االجتماعية ministry for social affairs; الحالة االجتماعية personal status; ( الخدمة االجتماعيةḳidma) social service, social work; المساواة االجتماعية (musāwāh) social equality; الھيئة االجتماعية (hai’a) human society اجتماعيةijtimā‘īya socialism جامعjāmi‘ comprehensive, extensive, broad, general, universal; collector; compiler (of a book); compositor, typesetter; (pl. جوامعjawāmi‘2) mosque│ ( مسجد جامعmasjid) great, central mosque where the public prayer is performed on Fridays جامعةjāmi‘a pl. -āt league, union, association; community; federation; religious community, communion; commonness, community of interests or purpose; university│O جامعة الكھرباءj. alkahrabā’ storage battery, accumulator; جامعة االممj. al-umam League of Nations;
( الجامعة االسالميةislāmīya) Pan-Islamism; ‘( الجامعة العربيةarabīya) and جامعة الدول ( العربيةduwal) the Arab League; جامعة شعبية (ša‘bīya) university extension, adult education courses, evening courses جامعىjāmi‘ī academic, collegiate, university (adj.); university graduate مجموعmajmū‘ collected, gathered; totality, whole; total, sum (arith.)│ الحروف المجموعةmatter (typ.); مجموع اراضى القطرm. arāḍī l-quṯr the total area of the country; مجموع طولهm. ṯūlihī its total length; المجموع ‘( العصبيaṣabī) the nervous system مجموعةmajmū‘a pl. -āt, مجاميعmajāmī‘2 collection (e.g., of works of art, of stamps, etc., also of stories); compilation, list; group {also, e.g., of trees, of islands, etc.); series (e.g., of articles in a newspaper; O battery (el.); alliance, league, bloc (e.g., of states); collective, collectivistic organization; aggregate; complex, block (of buildings); system; bulletin, periodical│ ( المجموعة الشمسيةšamāīya) the solar system; ( مجموعة صناعيةṣinā‘īya) syndicate مجمعmujammi‘ collector (techn.); O storage battery, accumulator مجمع عليهmujma‘ ‘alaihi (that which is) agreed upon, unanimous مجتمعmujtama‘ pl. -āt gathering place, place of assembly; meeting place, rendezvous; assembly, gathering, meeting; society; human society; community, commune, collective جمكية = جامكيةlook up alphabetically 1
جملjamala u (jaml) to sum up, summarize (ھـ s.th.); -- jamula u ( جمالjamāl) to be beautiful; to be handsome, pretty, comely, graceful; to be proper, suitable, appropriate ( بfor s.o.), befit ( بs.o.) II to make beautiful, beautify, embellish, adorn ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) III to be polite, courteous, amiable (. to 8.0.) IV to sum, total, add (ھـ s.th.); to treat as a whole, mention collectively ( ھـs.th.); to sum up, summarize ( ھـs.th.); to act well, decently, be nice V to make o.s. pretty, adorn o.s. VI to be courteous, be friendly to one another
جملةjumla pl. جملjumal totality, sum, whole; group, troop, body; crowd; wholesale; (gram.) sentence, clause; جملة jumlatan completely, wholly, on the whole, altogether, in general, at all│ جملة واحدةjumlatan wāḥidatan all at once, at one swoop; جملة الكائناتeverything in existence; كان من جملة اصحابهhe was one of his companions, he belonged to his companions; ( قال فى جملة ما قالهjumlati) among other things, he said ... ; وجملة القول انwa-jumlatu l-qauli anna or وجملة االمر ان in short ... , to sum up …, briefly stated ... ; على الجملةin short, in a word; بالجملةwholly, on the whole, altogether, in general, at all; by wholesale (com.); جملة االجرة المستحقةj. al-ujra al-mustaḥiqqa gross wage; تاجر الجملةwholesaler, wholesale dealer; 41.J:1 ~ sr,. al·j. wholesale price; ( جملة اسميةismīya) nominal clause; ( جملة فعليةfi‘līya) verbal clause; جملة ( اخباريةiḳbārīya) or ( جملة خبريةḳabarīya) declarative sentence (or clause); جملة انشائية (inšā’īya) exclamatory sentence; جملة حالية (ḥālīya) circumstantial clause; جملة (شرطيšarṯīya) conditional clause; جملة ( معترضةmu‘tariḍa) parenthetical clause حساب الجملḥisāb al-jummal (or jumal) use of the letters of the alphabet according to their numerical value جمالjamāl beauty│O ‘ علم الجمالilm al-j. aesthetics جميلjamīl beautiful, graceful, lovely, comely, pretty, handsome; friendly act, favor, service, good turn; courtesy│اعتراف معرفة الجميل، بالجميلma‘rifat al-j. and عرفان ‘( بالجميلirfān) gratitude; نكران الجميلnukrān al-j. ingratitude; ناكر الجميل ungrateful; ( حفظ له جميالḥafiẓa) to keep s.o. in fond remembrance, remember s.o. with gratitude اجملajmal2 more beautiful تجميلtajmīl beautification, embellishment; cosmetics مجاملةmujāmala pl. -āt (act of) courtesy; civility, amiability; flattery; مجاملة mujāmalatan amicably, in a friendly way│ زيارة مجاملةziyārat m. courtesy call; قواعد المجامالتetiquette
اجمالijmāl summation, summing up; summarization; اجماالijmālan on the whole, in general, generally speaking, as a general principle│ اجماال لذلك اقولto sum up, I (would) say ... ; فى اجمالهin its entirety, as a whole; باالجمالand على االجمال in general, on the whole, altogether; بوجه االجمالbi-wajhi l-i. = اجماال اجمالىijmālī comprehensive, summary, general, over-all, total, collective│تقرير اجمالىover-all report; غرامة اجمالية (garāma) collective penalty; نظرة اجمالية (naẓra) general view مجملmujmil pl. -ūn wholesaler, wholesale dealer مجملmujmal summary, resume, synopsis, compendium; general concept; sum, total│ بالمجملby wholesale 2
جملjamal pl. جمالjimāl, اجمالajmāl camel│ جمل اليھودj. a1-yahūd chameleon جمالjammāl pl. -ūn camel driver
conceal ( ھـs.th.); = II; V to go mad, become crazy X to be covered, veiled, concealed; to regard ( هs.o.) as crazy, think ( هs.o.) mad ( جنcoll.) jinn, demons (invisible beings, either harmful or helpful, that interfere with the lives of mortals) جنىjinnī demonic; jinni, demon جنيةjinnīya female demon جنةjanna pl. -at, جنانjinān garden; paradise│ جنات النعيمparadise; ساكن الجنان inhabitant of paradise, deceased person, one of blessed memory جنينةjunaina pl. -āt, جنائنjanā’in2 little garden; garden جنائنىjanā’inī gardener جنةjinna possession, obsession; mania, madness, insanity جنةjunna pl. جننjunan protection, shelter, shield
جمانjumān (coll.; n. un. )ةpearls
جنانjanān pl. اجنانajnān heart, soul
جمھرjamhara to gather, collect ( ھـ، هs.th., s.o.); to assemble ( هs.o.) II tajamhara to gather, flock together (crowd)
جنانjannān gardener
جمھرةjamhara multitude, crowd, throng; the great mass, the populace جمھورjumhūr pl. جماھيرjamāhīr2 multitude; crowd, throng; general public, public; الجماھيرthe masses, the people جمھرىiumhllri republican (adj. and n.) جمھوريةjumhūriya pl. -āt republic│ ‘( الجمھورية العربية المتحدةarabīya, muttaḥida) the United Arab Republic; الجمھورية االتحادية ( االلمانيةittiḥādīya) the Federal Republic of Germany; الجمھورية الديموقراطية االلمانية (dīmūqrāṯīya) the German Democratic Republic تجمھرtajamhur gathering (of people; crowd جنjanna u (jann, جنونjunūn) to cover, hide, conceal, veil ( على، ھـs.th.); to descend, fall, be or become dark (night); pass. junna: to be or become possessed, insane, mad, crazy│ ( جن جنونهjunūnuhū) to get madly excited, become frantic II to craze, make crazy, drive insane, madden, enrage, infuriate ( هs.o.) IV to cover, veil, hide,
جنينjanīn pl. اجنةajinna, اجنونajnūn embryo, fetus; germ (in a seed, etc.) جنونjunūn possession, obsession; mania, madness, insanity, dementia; foolishness, folly; frenzy, rage, fury; ecstasy, rapture│ الجنون فنونal-j. funūn madness has many varieties, manifests itself in many ways جنونيjunūnī crazy, insane, mad; frantic, frenzied مجنmijann pl. مجانmajānn2 shield مجنةmajanna madness, insanity جانjānn jinn, demons مجنونmajnūn pl. مجانينmajānīn2 possessed, obsessed; insane, mad; madman, maniac, lunatic; crazy, cracked; crackpot; foolish; fool جنبjanaba u to avert, ward off ( ھـ هfrom s.o. s.th.) II to keep away, avert, ward off (ھـ ه from s.o. s.th.), keep s.o. ( )هout of the way of ()ھـ, spare ( ھـ هs.o. s.th.) III to be or walk by s.o.’s ( )هside; to run alongside of ()ھـ, run parallel to ()ھـ, skirt, flank (ھـ
s.th.); to avoid ( ھـs.th.) V to avoid (ھـ s.th., هs.o.); to keep away ( ه، ھـfrom), steer clear, get out of the way ( ه، ھـof) VI and VIII = V; VIII to be at the side of ()ھـ, run side by side with ()ھـ, run alongside of ()ھـ, skirt, flank ( ھـs.th.) جنبjanb pl. جنوبjunūb, اجنابajnāb side; janba (prep.) beside, next to, near, at│( جنبا الى جنبalso )جنبا لجنبside by side; ( بين جنبيهjanbaihi) inside (it), within; ما بين ( جنبيهbaina janbaihi) what it contains, comprises, its contents; على جنبaside, apart; ذات الجنبpleurisy جنبةjanba pl. janabāt side; region, area│ فى جنباتهin it, within, wide; ضمه بين ( جنباتهḍammahū) to comprise, hold, contain s.th.; جنبات الغرفةj. al-gurfa the whole room; بين جنبات الغرفةin (the middle of) the room; زاخر الجنباتcrammed, chockfull, brimful, filled to overflowing or bursting جنبىjanbī lateral, side (adj.) جنبjunub in a state of major ritual impurity; not belonging to the tribe, not a kinsman│ الجار الجنبthe neighbor not belonging to the family جنابjināb (title of respect) approx.: Right Honorable; جنابكمYour Honor; you (polite form) جنابةjanāba major ritual impurity (Isl. Law) جنابjunāb (= )ذات الجنبpleurisy جنوبjanūb south; جنوباjanūban southward, to the south جنوبjanūbī southern│ جنوبى افريقياSouth Africa جنبjānib pl. جوانبjawānib2 side; lateral portion; sidepiece; flank; wing; face (geom.); part, portion, partial amount; partial view, section ( منof a scene, picture or panorama); quantity, amount; a certain number ( منof), a few, some│ من جانبهon his part; من جانب – من جانب آخرon the one hand -- on the other hand; الى جانبهto him, to his address; at his (its) side, next to him (it); بجانبهbeside him (it), next to him (it); الى جانبand بجانبside by side with; in addition to; apart from, aside from; وضعه جانباto put s.th. aside; ودعه جانباto leave
s.th. aside, omit s.th.; فى جانبin comparison with, as compared with, as against; regarding, with regard to; ما بين جوانبھمtheir hearts; جانبا الفمjānibā l-fam the comers of the mouth; جانب منa considerable, or certain, degree of; a considerable amount of, a good deal of; جانب كبير منa great deal of, a large portion of; على جانب كبير منhe is very …; كان على ( جانب عظيم من الكرمkaram) to be very generous; على جانب عظيم من االھمية (ahammīya) of great importance; على اعظم ‘ جانب من الخطورةalā a‘ẓami jānibin min alkuṯūra of utmost importance, of greatest significance; فى كل جانبeverywhere, on all sides; ( خفض له جانبهḳafaḍa, jānibahū) to show o.s. condescending, affable or gracious to s.o.; to meet s.o. on fair terms; امن جانبهamina jānibahū to be safe from s.o.; ( لم اعره جانب اھتمامu‘irhu) I paid not the least attention to him; ( ھاب،خاف )رھب ( جانبهjānibahū) to fear s.o., be afraid of s.o.; ملك الجانبmilk al-j. crown lands; جانب الميريj. al-mīrī (eg.) fisc, treasury; لين الجانبlayyin al-j. gentle; docile, tractable, compliant; لين الجانبlīn al-j. gentleness; رحب الجوانبraḥb al-j. roomy; spacious, unconfined; رقيق الجانبfriendly, amiable, gentle; مرھوب الجانبfeared, dreaded; عزيز الجانبpowerful, mighty, strong; عزة الجانب ‘izzat al-j. power; مھيب الجانبmahīb al-j. dreaded, respected; فى جوانب الدارabout the house, all over the house; often = فى جوانبه فيه جانبىjānibī lateral, side, by- (in compounds) اجنبيajnabī foreign, alien; (pl. -ūn, اجانب ajānib2 foreigner, alien│ البالد األجنبيةthe foreign countries, the outside world; فرقة االجانبfirqat al-ajānib the Foreign Legion جنابيةgannābīya pl. –āt (eg.) curb; embankment, levee; side channel, lateral (following a road or railroad tracks); bypass (of a lock or sluice) تجنبtajannub avoidance اجتنابijtināb avoidance مجنبةmujanniba flank, wing (of an army جنبريsee جمبري
جنبازjunbāz, جمبازcalisthenics; gymnastics; athletics جنبازيjunbāzī ( )جمبازيcalisthenic(al), gymnastic│ االلعاب الجمبازيةgymnastic exercises, physical exercises
جندII to draft, conscript, enlist, recruit ( هs.o.; mil.); to mobilize ( ھـan army, علىagainst) V to be drafted, be conscripted, be enlisted (for military service) جندjund m. and f., pl. جنودjunūd, اجناد ajnād soldiers; army│ جند الخالصj. alḳalāṣ Salvation Army
جنحjanaḥa a ( جنوحjunūḥ) to incline, be inclined, tend ( لor الىto); to lean ( لor الى to or toward); to turn, go over ( الىto), join ( الىs.th.), associate o.s. ( الىwith); to strand ( علىor الىon a coast; ship); to diverge, deviate, depart ( عنfrom); to turn away ( عنfrom), break ( عنwith) II to provide ( ھـs.th.) with wings, lend wings ( ھـto s.th.) IV to incline, be inclined, tend ( لor الىto); to lean ( لor الىto or toward); to turn ( لor الىto s.th.); to strand (ship)
جندىjundī pl. جنودjunūd soldier, private│ ( جندى اولawwal) private first class (Ir., Syr.); ( جندى مستجدmustajidd) recruits (Ir., Syr.); الجندي المجھولthe Unknown Soldier جنديةjundīya military affairs, the army, the military; military service تجنيدtajnīd draft, enlistment (mil.) recruitment; mobilization│التجنيد االجباري (ijbārī) military conscription
جنحjinḥ side جنحjunḥ, jinḥ darkness gloom│فى جنح ( الليلj. il-lail) in the dark of night, under cover of night; ( بين جنحي الكرىjunḥay ilkarā) lit.: between the two halves of slumber, i.e., at night when everyone’s asleep جنحةjunḥa pl. جنحjunaḥ misdemeanor (jur., less than a felony, جناية, and more than an infraction, )مخالفة جناحjanāḥ pl. اجنحةajniḥa, اجنحajnuḥ wing (of a bird. of an airplane, of a building, of an army); side; flank│ انا فى جناحهI am under his protection; على جناح االثيرover the ether, by radio; على جناح ( السرعةj. is-sur‘a) with winged haste جناحjunāḥ misdemeanor (jur.); sin│ ال ( جناح عليهjunāḥa) it won’t be held against him if he ... ; it won't do any harm if he … اجنحajnaḥ2 more inclined ( الىto جنوحjanūḥ inclined ( الىs.th.) جنوحjunūḥ inclination, leaning, bent, tendency ( الىto) جانحjāniḥ side, flank, wing جانحةjāniḥa pl. جوانحjawāniḥ2 rib; pl. also bosom, heart, soul│ بين جوانحيin my bosom, at heart; ( طفرت جوانحھاṭafarat) she became happily excited, she trembled with joy مجنحmujannaḥ winged
تجندtajannud military service مجندmujannad recruit جندارىgindārī standard-bearer, comet (Eg.) جندبjundub pl. جنادبjanādib2 grasshopper 1
جندرgandara (eg.) to mangle ( ھـlaundry) جندرةgandara mangling (of laundry); press; O rotary press (typ.)
جندارىlook up alphabetically
جندرمةžandarma gendarmery جندرمىžandarmī gendarme جندفلىganduflī (eg.) oysters 140 1
جندلjandala to throw to the ground, bring down, fell ( هs.o.) جندلjandal pl. جنادلjanādil2 stone; pl. جنادلcataract, waterfall (eg.)
جندولgundūl (eg.) pl. جناديلganādīl2 gondola
جنرالjenərāl, ginrāl (eg.) general (military rank) جنزII to say the burial prayers, conduct the funeral service ( هfor the deceased; Chr.) جنازةjināza, janāza pl. -āt جنائزjanā’iz2 bier; funeral procession جنازjunnāz pl. جنانيزjanānīz2 requiem, funeral rites, obsequies; funeral procession جنزبيلjanzabīl (= )زنجبيلginger
جنزيرjanzara (= )زنجرto be or become covered with verdigris
متجنسmutajannis naturalized متجانسmutajānis akin, related, of the same kind or nature, homogeneous
جنزارjinzār (= )زنجارverdigris 2
جنزيرjinzīr (= )زنجيرpl. جنازيرjanāzīr2 chain; track (of a caterpillar, of a tank, etc.); a linear measure (= 5 qaṣaba = 17.75 m; also = 20 m; Eg.)│ طارة جنزيرṭārat j. track sprocket, sprocket wheel مجنزرmujanzar track-laying (vehicle)
جنسII to make alike, make similar ( ھـs.th.); to assimilate, naturalize ( هs.o.); to class, classify, sort, categorize ( ھـs.th.) III to be akin, be related, similar ( ه، ھـto), be of the same kind or nature ( هas s.o., ھـas s.th.), be like s.o. or s.th. ( ه، )ھـresemble ( هs.o., ھـs.th.) V to have o.s. naturalized, acquire the citizenship ( ;)بto be naturalized VI to be akin, related, of the same kind or nature, homogeneous جنسjins pl. اجناسajnās kind, sort, variety, species, class, genus; category; sex (male, female); gender (gram.); race; nation│ اسم الجنسism al-j. (gram.) generic noun, collective noun of nonpersonal things (which form a n. un. in ة(؛ الجنس ( البشريbašarī) the human race; ابناء جنسنا abnā’ jinsinā our fellow tribesmen; ھو مصري الجنسhe is Egyptian by nationality; ا لجنس اللطيفthe fair sex; الجنس الخشنthe strong sex جنسيjinsī generic; sexual; racial الجنسيlā-jinsī asexual, sexless جنسيةjinsīya pl. -āt nationality, citizenship تجنيسtajnīs naturalization; paronomasia (rhet.) جناسjinās (rhet.) assonance, pun, paronomasia مجانسةmujānasa relatedness, kinship, affinity; similarity, likeness, resemblance تجنسtajannus acquisition of citizenship, naturalization تجانسtajānūs homogeneity, homogeneousness; likeness, similarity, resemblance مجانسmujānis similar, like, related; homogeneous
( جنطياناLat. Gentiana) gentian (eg.) 1
جنفVI to deviate ( عنfrom); to incline, be inclined ( الىor لto s.th.)
جنيفlook up alphabetically
جنفاصjunfāṣ, جنفيصjunfaiṣ sackcloth, sacking جنكjunk pl. جنوكjunūk harp جنواjanowā Genoa (seaport in NW Italy) جنىjanā i (jany) to pick, gather, harvest, reap ( ھـs.th., also the fruits of one’s work); to pocket, rake in, collect ( ھـs.th.); to derive ( ھـprofit, منfrom); to secure, realize (ھـ profits, an advantage); to incur ( ھـevil, harm, punishment); to cause, 141 provoke, bring about ( ھـs.th.); -- ( جنايةjināya) to commit a crime, an outrage ( علىon); to offend, sin ( علىagainst); to commit, perpetrate ( ذنبا، جنايةdanban a crime, an offense; على, less frequently الى, on or against); to inflict ( ھـsome evil, علىon s.o.); to harm ( علىs.o., s.th.) V to incriminate, accuse, charge with a crime ( علىs.o.), lay the blame ( علىon s.o.), blame ( علىs.o.); to act meanly VIII to gather, harvest ( ھـs.th.) جنىjany harvest; reaping (fig.); -- janan (coll.) fruits جنايةjināya pl. -āt perpetration of a crime; felony (jur.; in the strictly legal sense, more than a misdemeanor, جنحة, and an infraction, )مخالفة, capital offense │ محكمة الجناياتmaḥkamat al-j. criminal court جنائيjinā’ī criminal│ law محكمة جنائية (maḥkama) criminal court; القانون الجنائي criminal law, penal law مجنىmajnan pl. مجانmajānin that which is picked or harvested, a crop; source of profit or advantage تجنtajannin incrimination, accusation ( علىof s.o.); mean way of acting, low, underhand dealings جانjānin pl. جناةjunāh perpetrator (of a delict); delinquent, criminal
مجنى عليهmajnīy ‘alaih, harmed, injured; aggrieved party; victim of a crime ( جنيفFr. Geneve) žənēf Geneva ( جنيهEngl. guinea) ginēh, also gunaih pl. –āt pound (eg.)│ )جنيه انجليزي )استرلينيpound sterling, English pound; جنيه مصري Egyptian pound (abbreviation: )ج م جھةsee وجه جھبذjahbad pl. جھابذةjahābida man endowed with a critical mind; great scholar; bright, brilliant, intelligent جھدjahada a (jahd) to endeavor, strive, labor, take pains, put o.s. out; to over-work, overtax, fatigue, exhaust ( هs.o.) III to endeavor, strive; to fight ( فى سبيل الشيءfor s.th.); t.o wage holy war against the infidels IV to strain, exert ( ھـs.th.); to tire, wear out, fatigue ( هs.o.), give trouble (ه to)│( اجھد نفسه فىnafsahū) to go to great lengths, go out of one’s way ( فيfor or in s.th.); ( اجھد فكره فىfikrahū) to concentrate on, put one's mind to, apply o.s. t.o VIII to put o.s. out ( فىfor s.th.), work hard; (Isl. Law) to formulate an independent judgment in a legal or theological question (based on the application of the 4 uṣūl; as opposed to taqlid, q.v.) جھدjahd pl. جھودjuḥūd strain; exertion; endeavor, attempt, effort; trouble, pains ( فىon behalf or for the sake of s.th.); O voltage, tension (el.)│ جھد جھدهjahada jahdahū, also عمل )حاول( جھدهto do (try) one’s utmost, do (try) all in one’s power, make every conceivable effort; بجھد جھيد bi-jahdin jahīdin with great difficulty, by dint of atrenuous efforts; بعد جھد جھيدafter a lot of trouble O ‘( جھد عالālin) high tension (el.) جھدjuhd strain, exertion; juhda (used prepositionally) to the limit of ... │جھد الطاقةjuhda ṭ-ṭāqa as far as possible, as much as possible; جھد طاقتهj. ṭāqatihī as much as he can, to the limit of his abilities; جھد امكانهjuhda imkānihī do.; جھد ماjuhda mā as much as. to the limits of what ... ; جھديjuhdī as far as I can جھيدjahīd see جھدjahd جھادjihād fight, battle; jihad, holy war (against the infidels, as a religious duty)
جھاديjihādī fighting, military مجاھدةmujāhada fight, battle اجھادijhād exertion; overexertion, overstrain(ing) 142 اجتھادijtihād effort, exertion, endeavor, pains, trouble; application, industry, diligence; (Isl. Law) independent judgment in a legal or theological queetion, based on the interpretation and application of the 4 uṣūl, as opposed to taqlīd, q.v.; individual judgment مجھودmajhūd pl. -āt endeavor, effort, exertion, pains, trouble, work; O voltage, tension (el.)│ بذل مجھوداتهto make every effort, go to greatest lengths مجاھدmujāhid pl. -ūn fighter, freedom fighter; warrior; sergeant (Eg. 1939) مجھدmujhid strenuous, exacting, trying, grueling; -- mujhad overworked, exhausted مجتھدmujtahid diligent, industrious; (pl. -ūn) mujtahid, a legist formulating independcnt decisions in legal or theological matters, based on the interpretation and application of the four uṣūl, as oppoeed to muqallid, q.v. جھرjahara a (jahr, جھارjihār) to be brought to light, come out, show, appear; -- to declare publicly, announce ( ھـor بs.th.); to avow in public, proclaim ( بs.th.); to raise ( ھـthe voice); -- jahura u (جھارة jahāra) to be loud, be clearly audible (voice) III to declare or say openly, voice, utter, express frankly ( بs.th.) جھرjahr and جھارjihār publicness, publicity, notoriety; جھراjahran and جھارا jihāran publicly, in public جھرةjahratan openly, overtly, frankly, publicly جھريjahrī notorious, well-known, public جھيرjahīr loud (voice, shout) اجھرajhar2 day-blind اجھرajhar2 (elative) louder, more audible جمھريjahwarī loud (voice)
مجھرmijhar loud-voiced مجھرmijhar pl. مجاھرmajāhir2 microsoope مجھرىmijharī microscopic(al) مجھارmijhār loud-voiced; O loudspeaker مجاھرةmujāhara franknees, candor (of one’s words) جھزjahaza a to finish off ( علىa wounded man), deliver the coup de grace to ( )علىII to make ready, prepare ( ھـs.th.); to arrange ( ھـs.th.); to provide, supply (ھـ s.th.); to equip, fit out, furnish, supply, provide ( ب هor ھـs.th. or s.o. with) IV to finish off ( علىa wounded man), deliver the coup de grace to ( ;)علىto finish, ruin ( علىs.o.) V to he equipped, furnished, supplied, provided; to equip o.s.; to prepare o.s., get ready; to be ready, be prepared جھازjahāz (alas pronounced jihāz) pl. -āt, اجھزةajhiza equipment, appliances, outfit, gear, rig; trousseau; contrivance, gadget; implement, appliance, utensil; installation, apparatus (techn.); system, apparatus (anat.) │ ( جھاز السلكيlā-silkī) wirelees set, radio; جھاز راديوradio (receiving set); O ( جھاز مستقبلmustaqbil), O جھاز االستقبال, O جھاز االلتقاطreceiver, receiving set (radio); ( جھاز مذيعmuḍī‘), O جھاز االرسالj. al-irsāl transmitter (radio); جھاز تليفزيونيtelevision set; جھاز الحفرj. al-ḥafr drilling rig; oil derrick; جھاز دوري (daurī) circulatory system (anat.); جھاز لتسجيل االھتزازات االرضيةor جھاز قياس الھزات ( االرضيةhazzāt, arḍīya)seismograph; جھاز ( سريsirrī) secret organization, underground organization; جھاز االستماع sound locator; ‘( الجھاز العصبيaṣabī) the nervous system; جھاز الھضمj. al-haḍm digestive apparatus تجھيزtajhīz equipment, furnishment; preparation; pl. تجھيزاتequipment, gear 144 تجھيزيtajhīzī preparatory; (of a school) preparing for college جاھزjāhiz ready, prepared; readymade; equipped │ جاھزة )ملبوساتor) ( البسةalbisa) ready-made clothes
مجھزmujahhaz equipped, provided, furnished, supplied ( بwith); armed (ب with guns; of a ship, tank, etc.) جھشIV to sob, break into sobs│ اجھش بالبكاء (bukā’) to be on the verge of tears, struggle with tears; to break into tears جھشةjahša (n. vic.) pl. -āt sob; outburst of tears اجھاشijhāš outburst of tears جھضIV to bear young ones, litter; to have a miscarriage (woman)│ اجھضت نفسھا (nafsahā) she induced an abortion جھضjihḍ miscarried fetus جھيضjahīḍ miscarried fetus اجھاضijhāḍ miscarriage, abortion; induced abortion جھلjahila a (jahl, جھالةjahāla) to be ignorant; not to know ( بor ھـs.th., how to do s.th.); to be irrational, foolish; to behave foolishly ( علىtoward) VI to ignore (ھـ s.th.); to refuse to have anything to do (ھـ with), shut one’s eyes ( ھـto), disregard (ھـ a fact); to affect ignorance, pretend to know nothing X to consider ignorant or stupid ( هs.o.) جھلjahl and جھالةjahāla ignorance; folly, foolishness, stupidity│ عن جھلout of ignorance جھولjahūl ignorant; foolish, stupid مجھلmajhal pl. مجاھلmajāhil2 unknown region, unexplored territory │ مجاھل افريقياunknown Africa تجھيلtajhīl stultification تجاھلtajāhul ignoring, disregard(ing) جاھلjāhil pl. جھلةjahala, جھلjuhhal, جھالjuhhāl, جھالءjuhalā’ not knowing (ب s.th., how to do s.th.); ignorant, uneducated, illiterate; foolish; fool جاھلىjāhilī pagan, of or pertaining to pre-Islamic times جاھليةjāhilīya state of ignorance; preIslamic paganism, pre-Islamic times مجھولmajhūl unknown; anonymous (also مجھول االسمm. al-ism); pl. مجاھيل majāhīl2 unknown things│ صيغة المجھول ṣīgat al-m. passive (gram.)
مجھوليةmajhūlīya being unknown, unknown nature جھمjahuma u ( جھامةjahāma, جھومةjuhūma) to frown, glower V to frown, scowl, glower; to regard with displeasure (, ھـ هor لs.o. or s.th.), frown ( ھـor لon); to eye gloomily, coolly, grimiy ( ه، ھـor لs.o., s.th.); to become sullen, gloomy (face) جھمjahm sullen, glum, morose, gloomy (face) جھامjahām clouds جھامةjahāma and جھومةjuhūma grim look, sullen expression; gloominoss; brooding silence جھنمjahannam2 (f.) hell جھنميjahannamī hellish, infernal جوjaww pl. اجواءajwā’, جواءjiwā’ (pl. frequently with singnlar meaning) air; atmosphere (also fig.); sky; weather; sphere, milieu, environment; جواjawwan by air; by telegraph, telegraphically│بريد الجوair mail; طبقات الجوṭabaqāt al-j. air layers; ( فى جو ممطرmumṭir) in rainy weather جوىjawwī air, aerial, aero- (in compounds); airy, atmospheric(al); weather (used attributively), meteorologic(al)│( الضغط الجويḍagṯ) atmospheric pressure; ( طبقات جويةṭabaqāt) air layers; ( اسطول جويusṭūl) air fleet; غارة جويةair raid; ( القوات الجويةquwāt) air force; المالحة الجويةaviation; ( ميناء جويةmīnā’) airport; ارصاد جويةmeteorological observations; ( حجر جويḥajar) meteorite ( جواcolloq.) jawwā (pronounced gūwa in Eg.) in it, within; inside جوانىjawwānī, juwwānī inner, inside, interior جوافةguwāfa (eg.) guava (fruit); guavshrub ( جوالeg.) guwāl pl. -āt sack ( جوانتيIt. guanti; eg.) gloves 1 2
( جوبFr. jupe) skirt ( جوب( جابjāba u (jaub) to travel, wander (ھـ through), traverse, roam, tour, explore (ھـ s.th., e.g., foreign lands); to pierce, penetrate ( ھـs.th.), cut through ( ;)ھـto wander, cruise ( ھـabout a place) III to
answer ( هs. على،. خs.th.), reply, respond (ه to s.o., علىto s.th.); to comply ( ھـwith), accede ( ھـto) IV to answer ( هor الىs.o., عنor علىa question), reply, respond ( هor الىto s.o., علىto s.th.); to comply ( ھـwith a request), accede, defer ( ھـto); to hear (ه s.o.), accede to the request or wishes of ( ;)هto fulfill, grant ( ھـa wish); to consent, assent, agree ( الىto); to concur ( الىin)│ اجاب الى طلبهṯalabihi) to comply with s.o.’s request VI to reply to one another; to echo ( ب، ھـfrom); to ring out (voices); to be (mutually) corresponding, harmonize; to be favorahle, propitious ( معto s.o.; situation) VIl to scatter, break up, pass over (clauds); to be dispelled, disappear, vanish (worries); to fade (darkness) X استجابto hear, answer ( ھـa prayer), grant ( ھـa request); to comply with the request of ()ل, accede or defer to the wiohes of (;)ل to react ( لto); to respond ( لto, بwith), listen, pay attention ( لto), show interest ( لin); to meet, answer ( ب لs.o. with), reply ( ب لto s.o. with or hy doing s.th.); to resound, reverberate, re-echo; to resonate ( لor الىto s.th.), be in resonance with (phys.); -- استجوبistajwaba to interrogate, examine, question ( هs.o.); to hear ( هthe defendant or witn...); to interpellate ( هs.o.; in parliament) جوبjaub travening, touring, exploration (of foreign countries); piercing, penetration جوبةjauba pl. -āt, جوبjuwab opening, gap; hole, pit جوابjawāb pl. اجوبةajwiba answer, reply; octave (to a given tone; mus.); (eg.; pronounced gawāb pl. -āt) letter, message│ جواب الشرطj. aš-šarṭ, main clause (conclusion) of a conditional sentence, apodosis جوابىjawābī answering (used attributively) جوابjawwāb traverser (of foreign countries), traveler, explorer اجابةijāba answer(ing), reply(ing), response, respondence; compliance; fulfillment, granting (of a request); accession, consent, assent│اجابة لطلبكم ijābatan li-ṭalabikum, in compliance with your request; in answer to your request
تجاوبtajāwub agreement, conformity; harmony استجابةistijāba hearing, answering (of a prayer); granting, fulfillment (of a request); resonance; consonance (phys.)│ ا ستجابة لistijābatan li in compliance with, in answer to, in deference to استجوابistijwāb pl. -āt interrogation, questioning; hearing; interview; interpellation (in parliament) متجاوبmutajāwib harmonious مستجيبmustajīb hearing, answering, granting; reverberant, resonant, resonating; responsive, susceptible, impressible 145 ( جوتEngl.) jūt jute )جاح )جوحjāḥa u and IV to annihilate, destroy, ruin; to flood, inundate ( ھـthe land) VIII do.; to carry away, sweep away ( هs.o., s.th.; storm); to put down, subdue, quell ( ھـs.th., e.g., a riot) اجاحةdestruction, annihilation; crop damage; crop failure, bad harvest اجتياحijtiyāḥ destruction, annihilation; subdual, suppression جائحjā’iḥ crushing, devastating; disastrous جائحةjā’iḥa pl. جوائحjawā’iḥ2 calamity, disaster, ruin; epldemic; crop damage جوخjūḳ pl. اجواخajwāḳ broadcloth )جاد )جودjāda u ( جودةjūda) to be or become good, become better, improve; -- (jūd) to grant generously ( بs.th.), be so generous as to do s.th. ( بwith verbal noun); to be liberal, openhanded ( بwith s.th., على toward s.o.), bestow liberally ( بs.th., على upon s.o.), grant, give lavishly ( بof s.th., علىto s.o.), shower ( ب علىs.o. with); to donate ( بa sum of money, etc.) │جاد بنفسه to sacrifice o.s.; to give up the ghost; جادت ‘( عيناه بالدمعaināhu bi-d-dam‘) tears welled from his eyes; ( جادت السماءheavens granted rain) it rained II to do well (ھـ s.th.); to make better, improve, better, ameliorate ( ھـs.th.); to recite (the Koran; cf. )تجويدIV to do well, do excellently (ھـ s.th.); to master ( ھـs.th.), be skilled, proficient ( ھـin), be an expert ( ھـat), be
conversant ( ھـwith an art or field of knowledge); to accomplish or say good, excellent thing; to achieve excellent results; to be excellent, outstanding, distinguish o.s. (e.g., as a poet) │اجاد لغة (lugatan) to master language; اجاد العزف ‘( على البيانوazfa) to play the piano well X to think ( ھـs.th.) good or excellent, approve of ( ;)ھـto consider ( ھـs.th.) suitable for or appropriate to ()ل جودjūd openhandedness, liberality, generosity جودjaud heavy rains جادةsee under 2 جد جودةjūda goodness, excellence جيدjayyid pl. جيادjiyād good, perfect, faultless; outstanding, excellent, first-rate; good (as an examination grade); جيدا jayyidan well, excellently; thoroughly │ ( جيد جداjidda) very good (also as an examination grade) اجودajwad2 better , جوادjawād pl. اجوادajwād, اجاودajāwid2, اجاويدajawīd2, جودjūd openhanded, liberal, generous, magnanimous; jawād pl. جياد jiyād, اجيادajyād, اجاويدajāwīd2 race horse, racer; charger │ ابن االجوادnoble man تجويدtajwīd art of reciting the Koran, Koran reading (in accordance with established rule, of pronunciation and intonation) مجيدmujīd adept, efficient, proficient جودارjaudār see ( جاودارalphabetically) )جار )جورjāra u (jaur) to deviate, stray (عن from); to commit an outrage ( علىon), bear down ( علىupon), wrong, persecute, oppress, tyrannize ( علىs.o.); to encroach, make inroads ( علىon another’s territory) III to be the neighbor of s.o. ()ه, live next door to ( ;)هto be adjacent, be next ( ھـto s.th.), adjoin ( ھـs.th.); to be in the immediate vicinity of ()ه ھـ, be close to (،ه ;)ھـto border ( ھـon) IV to grant asylum or a sanctuary ( هto s.o.); to protect ( هs.o., من from), take ( هs.o.) under one’s wing; to stand by s.o. ()ه, aid ( هs.o.) VI to be neighbors; to be adjacent; to have a common border X to seek protection, seek
refuge ( بwith s.o., منfrom s.th.), appeal for aid ( هto s.o., منagainst s.th.) 146 جورjaur injustice; oppression, tyranny; outrage جارjār pl. جيرانjīrān neighbor; refugee; protégé, charge جارةjāra pl. -āt neighboress جيرةjīra neighborhood جورةjūra pl. جورjuwar pit, hole جورىsee alphabetically جوارjiwār neighborhood, proximity; بجوارin the neighborhood of, in the vicinity of, near, close to مجاورةmujāwara neighborhood, proximity جائرjā’ir pl. جورةjawara, جارةjāra unjust. unfair; tyrannical, despotic; tyrant, oppressor, despot مجاورmujāwir neighboring, adjacent; near, close by; (pl. -ūn) student (esp. of Al Azhar University; living in the vicinity of the Mosque) ئمجيرmujīr protector متجاورmutajāwir having a common border; adjoining, adjacent, contiguous جوربjaurab pl. جواربjawārib2 stocking; sock جورجياjorjiyā Georgia (republic of the U.S.S.R.) 1
جوريjūrī damask rose (Rosa damascena, bot.); crimson
( جوريEngl.) jūrī jury
( جوز( جازjāza u ( جوازjawāz, مجازmajāz) to pass, come, travel ( ھـthrough); to pass (ھـ an examination, a test); to be allowed, permitted, permissible; to be possible, conceivable; to work, succeed ( عليهwith s.o.; deceit, artifice) │( جازت عليه الحيلةḥīla) the trick worked with him, he fell for the trick II to permit, allow ( ھـs.th.); to approve ( ھـof), sanction, warrant, authorize ( ھـs.th.) III to pass ( ھـs.th. or by s.th.), go or walk past s.th. ( ;)ھـto go beyond s.th. ()ھـ, overstep, cross, leave behind ( ھـs.th.), also, e.g., جاوز الثالثين من ‘( العمرumr) he is past thirty; to exceed, surpass ( ھـs.th.); to pass over s.th. ()عن,
disregard ( عنs.th.), pay no attention (عن to); to let ( عنs.th.) go unpunished; to give up, forgo, relinquish ( عنs.th.) IV to traverse, cross ( ھـs.th., الىon the way to); to permit, allow ( ھـ لto s.o. s.th.); to authorize ( ھـ لs.o. to do s.th., also ;)ھـ هto license ( ھـs.th.); to approve, confirm, endorse ( ھـa decision, a judgment); to approve ( ھـof s.th.), sanction ( ھـs.th.) V to tolerate, suffer, bear VI to pass ( ھـs.th. or by s.th.), go or walk past s.th. ( ;)ھـto go beyond s.th. ()ھـ, overstep, cross, leave behind ( ھـs.th.); to exceed, surpass (ھـ s.th., also ;)علىto go too far, overstep all bounds, encroach, make inroads; to pass over s.th. ()عن, disregard ( عنs.th.) pay no attention ( عنto); to give up, forgo, re1inquish (A s.th.); to refrain from) VIII to pass, run, go ( ھـthrough), cut across ( ;)ھـto cross ( ھـa border, a street, a mountain range); to traverse ( ھـa country or sea); to cover ( ھـa distance); to pass (ھـ through the mind; said of ideas, thoughts); to go ( ھـthrough hard times or a crisis); to surmount, overcome ( ھـa crisis) X to deem permissible ( ھـs.th.); to ask permission جوزjauz pl. اجوازajwāz heart, center (of a desert, of a large area, etc.) │ فى اجوازamid, in the middle of, in; فى اجواز ( الفضاءfaḍā’) in space جوازjawāz permissibility, admissibility; lawfulness, legality; permission, (official) permit, license, authorization; possibility, conceivability; passing (of an examination) │ جواز السفرj. as-safar (pl. -āt) (traveling) passport 147 مجازmajāz crossing; passage; corridor (pol.-georgr.); metaphor, figurative expression (rhet.) │ مجازاmajāzanl, على سبيل المجازfiguratively, metaphorically مجازىmajāzī figurative, metaphorical اجازةijāza pl. -āt permission, authorization; approval; license; = Fr. licence as an academic degree; permit; vacation, leave (of absence) │ اجازة الحصر i. al-ḥaṣr grant of patent, issue of letters patent; patent; ( اجازة قنصليةqunṣulīya) exequatur of a consul (dipl.); اجازة مرضية (maraḍīya) sick leave; االجازات المدرسية
(madrasīya) school vacation; غائب باالجازة on leave, on vacation مجاوزةmujāwaza and تجاوزtajāwuz crossing; exceeding; overdraft, overdrawing (of an account); disregard ( عنfor); relinquishment ( عنof s.th.)
)جاع )جوعjā‘a u to be hungry; to starve II to cause ( هs.o.) to starve, starve out, famish ( هs.o.) IV do. جوعjū‘ hunger, starvation │ مات جوعاto starve to death جوعانjau‘ān2, f. جوعىjau‘ā’, pl. جياع jiyā‘ hungry, starved, famished
اجتيازijtiyāz traversing, crossing; passage; transit; covering (of a distance); passing (of an examination); surmounting (of difficulties)
مجاعةmajā‘a pl. -āt famine جائعjā’i‘ pl. جياعjiyā‘, جوعjuwwa‘ hungry, starved, famished
جائزjā’iz permitted, lawful, legal; conceivable, thinkable جائزةjā’iza pl. جوائزjawā’iz2 prize, reward, premium │( جائزة دراسيةdirāsīya) stipend, scholarship
تجويعtajwī‘ starving out اجاعةijā‘a starving out جوفII to make hollow, hollow out ( ھـs.th.) جوفjauf pl. اجوافajwāf hollow, cavity; depression; interior, inside, center, heart; belly, abdomen; north (magr.) │في جوف inside, in the interior of, in the middle of; ( في جوف الليلj. il-lail) or ( جوف الليلjaufa) in the middle of the night
مجازmujāz licensed; licentiate (as an academic title, = Fr. licencié; e.g., مجاز فى العلومlicencié ès sciences) 2
جوز □ = زوجII to give in marriage □ جوزjauz pl. اجوازajwāz = زوجcouple
جوفيjaufī inner, interior, inside; subterranean, underground, subsurface (of geological strata); northern (magr.) │ مياه جوفيةground water 148
□ ( مجوزsyr.; pronounced məžwez, مزوجmuzwaj) wind instrument with a double pipe, corresponding to the Egyptian zummāra) 3
الجوزاءal-jauzā’ Gemini (astron.)
جوزjauz (coll.; n. un. ةpl. -āt) walnut │جوز الطيبj. aṭ-ṭīb nutmeg; جوز القيءj. al-qai’ nux vomioa; جوز الھندj. al-hind, جوز ھندي (hindī) coconut; جوز القزj. alqazz cocoon, chrysalis of the silkworm
اجوفajwaf2, f. جوفاءjaufā’, pl. جوفjūf hollow; empty; vain, futile, inane, pointless, senseless 1
تجويفtajwīf pl. تجاوافtajāwīf2, hollow, cavity مجوفmujawwaf hollowed out, hollow جوقjauq pl. اجواقajwāq and جوقةjauqa pl. -āt troop, group; theatrical troupe, operatic company; choir (mus.); orchestra, band (also جوقة موسيقية( │ مدير الجوقmudīr al-j. conductor, bandleader, choir leader; جوقة الشرفj. aš-šaraf Legion of Honor
جوزةgōza (eg.) narghile جوزيjauzī nut (used attributively and in compounds); nut-brown, hazel 5
جازlook up alphabetically
جوزلjauzal pl. جوازلjawāzil2 young pigeon ( جوس( جاسjāsa u to peer around, pry around, look around ( خاللkilāla in); to search, investigate, explore ( ھـs.th.) VIII to search, investigate, explore ( ھـs.th.) جوسقjausaq pl. جواسقjawāsiq2 palace; manor, villa جويطةgawīṭa pl. جوائطgawā’iṭ2 (eg.) dowel, peg
)جال )جولjāla u (jaul, جولةjaula, تجوالtajwāl, جوالنjawalān) to roam, rove, wander about; to move freely, be at home ( فيin a field of learning), occupy o.s. ( فيwith); to be circulated, go the rounds; to pass ( ب،في through the mind)│ جال برأسهto preoccupy s.o., engross s.o.’s attention; ما يجول في )خاطره )بخاطرهwhat he is preoccupied with, what is on his mind; جال الدمع في عينيه (dam‘, ‘ainaihi) his eyes swam in tears; ( جالت يده فيyaduhū) he laid his hands on, he committed defalcations of IV to
circulate, pass around ( ھـs.th.) │اجال الرأي (ra’ya) to weigh s.th. thoroughly, ponder s.th.; ( اجال النظرnaẓara) to let one’s eyes wander about; to look around V to roam, rove, wander about, move around; to patrol, go the rounds; to cruise; to tour, travel from place to place, travel about جولةjaula pl. -āt circuit, round; patrol; excursion, outing; tour; (round) trip; voyage, run (of a steamer); (round-trip) flight (of an airplane); round (in sports) جوالjawwāl wandering, migrant, itinerant, roving; cruising; traveling; ambulant; traveler, tourist; see also alphabetically │ رام جوالrāmin jawwāl pl. رماة جوالةrumāh jawwāla rifleman (mil.; Syr.)
hawker; ( قسيس متجولqissīs) itinerant preacher 2
جولفgolf golf (eg.) جامlook up alphabetically جونjūn pl اجوانajwān gulf, inlet, bay جونيلة، جونال،( جونلةIt. gonnella)gonella pl. -āt (woman’s) skirt (eg.) 149 جاهlook up alphabetically جوھرII tajauhara to become substance جوھرjauhar pl. جواھرjawāhir2 intrinsic, essential nature, essence; content, substance (as opposed to form; philos.); matter, substance; atom; jewel, gem; pl. jewelry │( الزيف والجوھرzaif) the spurious and the genuine
جوالةjawwāla one given to roaming or traveling; wanderer, wayfarer; O motorcycle; cruiser
جوھرةjauhara jewel, gem جوھريjauharī substantial; intrinsic, essential, inherent; fundamental, main, chief, principal; material; jeweler
تجوالtajwāl migration, wandering, roving, traveling; nomadic life, nomadism جوالنjawalān migration, wandering, roving, traveling; nomadic life, nomadism │ جوالن اليدj. al-yad embezzlement, defalcation مجالmajāl pl. -āt room, space ( لfor s.th.); field, domain, sphere; scope, extent; reach; range; elbowroom, free scope; play, clearance; field (magn.)│ما ترك مجاال للشك (šakk) to admit of no doubt; ال مجال للطعن ( فيهmajālan, ṭa‘n) (it is) incontestable; في ھذا المجالin this connection; ودع المجال امامه ( فسيحاamāmahū) to give s.o. a free hand, wide scope of action; ( مجال حيويḥayawī) lebensraum; مجال العملm. al-‘amal field of activity; ( مجال مغنطيسيmagnaṭīsī) magnetic field; شدة المجالšiddat al-m. field intensity (magn.) تجولtajawwul roaming, roving, wandering, migration; going out, moving about; patrol, round; (round) trip, tour; traveling │ منع التجولman‘ at-t. curfew بائع جاولbā’i‘ jāwil pl. باعة جائلون peddler, hawker متجولmutajawwil wandering, migrant, roaming, roving, itinerant; ambulant; traveling; traveler │ وكيل متجولtraveling salesman; ( بياع متجولbayyā‘) peddler,
جوالlook up alphabetically
جوھرجيjauharjī jeweler مجوھراتmugauharāt (eg.) jewelry, trinkets; jewels, gems 1
جوىjawiya a (jawan) to be passionately stirred by love or grief جوىjawan ardent love, passion
جاوىlook up alphabetically
جويدار = جاودارlook up alphabetically )جاء )جيءjā’a يجيءyajī’u ( مجيءmajī’) to come ( ھـ، هto); to get ( ھـto), reach ( ھـa place); to arrive; to bring ( بs.th.; ب هto s.o. s.th.); to bring forth, produce ( بs.th.); to set forth ( بs.th.); to do, perform; to commit, perpetrate ( ھـs.th.); to occur, be mentioned, be said ( فىin an article, document or book); (with foll. Imperf.) to be about or set out to do s.th. │جاء فى جريدة األھرام انthe newspaper “Al Ahram” reports that ... ; جاء من باريس انa report from Paris says that ... ; جاءت نتائجه مطابقة ل (muṭābiqatan) its results coincided with ... جيئةjī’a, jai’a coming, arrival │جيئة ( وذھابdahāb) coming and going, ذھب جيئة وذھاباto pace the floor, walk up and down مجيءmajī’ coming, arrival, advent
الجائياتal-jā’iyāt the things to come 1
جيبjaib pl. جيوبjuyūb breast, bosom, heart; sine (math.); hole, hollow, cavity, excavation; pocket; purse │ الجيب (الخاصḳaṣṣ) the privy purse; تمام الجيب tamām al-j., جيب التمامcosine (math.); ساعة الجيبpocket watch; مصروف الجيبpocket money; ( الجيوب االنفيةanfīya) the nasal sinuses (anat.); جيوب المقاومةj. almuqāwama pockets of resistance (mil.) جيبيjaibī pocket (adj.)
جيبjīp, جيبjīb and سيارة جيبsayyārat j. jeep
( چيتir.) čīt a colorful cotton fabric, chintz
جيفةjīfa pl. جيفjiyaf, اجيافajyāf corpse, cadaver چيكىčīkī Czech جيلjīl pl. اجيالajyāl people, nation, tribe; generation; century; epoch, era ( جيالتيIt. gelati) jēlātī ice cream جيمjīm name of the letter ج ( جينFr. gaine) corselet, sheath corset (eg.) جيوغرافياjiyogrāfiyā geography │ الجيوغرافيا ( البشريةbašarīya) anthropogeography جيوفيزياjiyofīziyā geophysics جيوفيزيائيjiyofīziyā’ī geophysical │ السنة ( الجيوفيزيائيةsana) the geophysical year
جيدjīd pl. اجيادajyād, جيودjuyūd neck
جيدjayyid see جود
جيوفيزيقيjiyofīzīqī geophysical
اجياد، جيادsee جوادjawād
جيولوجياjiyolōjiyā geology
جيرjairi surely, truly, verily
جيرjīr lime
جيولوجيjiyolōjī geologic(al)
جيرjīrī calcareous, lime (adj.) جيارjayyār unslaked lime جيارةjayyāra limekiln 3
جيرII to endorse (fin.) ( جيروIt. giro) endorsement (fin.)
جيران، جيرةsee جور
جيزةgīza Giza (city in N Egypt); a brand of Egyptian cotton )جاش )جيشjāša i ( جيشانjayašān) to be excited, be agitated; to rage, storm; to boil, simmer II to levy troops, mobilize an army X to raise, mobilize ( ھـan army, also, e.g., انصاراanṣāran followers) جيشjaiš pl. جيوشarmy, troops, armed forces │ جيش االحتاللoccupation forces; جيش احتياطيarmy reserve; جيش مرابط (murābiṭ) territorial army; االنقاذ جيشj. alinqād Salvation Army; جيش المساءalmasā’ dusk, evening twilight 150 جياشjayyāš agitated, impassioned; excited, boiling up; ebullient; pleasurably excited, happily stimulated جيشانjayašān excitement, agitation; raging )جاف )جيفjāfa i, II and V to be putrid, stink (decaying cadaver)
حاءḥā’ name of the letter ح حاخامḥāḳām rabbi│ الحاخام االكبرthe chief rabbi حؤولsee حول حامىḥāmī Hamitic حانand حانةsee حين ( حانبةpronounced ḥamba) pl. حوانبḥawānib2 (formerly Tun.) hamba, palace gendarme of the Bey of Tunis حانوتsee حنو 1
حبḥabba i (ḥubb) to love, like II to evoke ( الىin s.o.) love or a liking ( ھـ، هfor s.th. or s.o.), make ( الىs.o.) love or like ( ھـ، هs.th. or s.o.); to endear ( الى ھـs.th. to s.o.), make ( ھـs.th.) dear, lovable, attractive ( الىfor s.o.), make ( ھـs.th.) palatable, acceptable ( الىto s.o.); to urge ( الى ھـs.th. on s.o.), suggest ( الىs.th. to s.o.) IV ( حبḥubb, محبة maḥabba) to love, like ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to wish, want, or like, to do s.th. (ان(│احب ان uḥibbu an I should like to ... ; احب له انto like about s.o. that he ... ; ال يحب الخير له (ḳaira) he doesn’t want him to be happy, he grudges him everything V to show love, reveal one’s affections ( الىto s.o.); to endear o. s. ( الىto s.o.), make o.s.
popular, ingratiate o.s. ( الىwith s.o.); to court, woo ( الىa woman) VI to love one another X to like ( ھـs.th.); to deem (ھـ s.th.) desirable, recommendable; to prefer ( على ھـs.th. to s.th. else)
محبmuḥibb pl. -ūn loving; lover; fancier, amateur, fan; friend │محب الناس philanthropic(al), affable; محبنا العزيزour dear friend; محبو اآلثارfriends of archeology; ( محب لذاتهli-datihī) egoist
حبḥubb love; affection, attachment │ حب الذاتḥ. ad-dāt self-love, amour-propre; حب االستطالعcuriosity, inquisitiveness; حب الوطنḥ. al-waṭan patriotism; حبا ل (ḥubban) out of love or affection for, out of friendship for; حبا فيin the desire to … حبيḥubbī friendly, amicable, loving; حبيا ḥubbīyan in an amicable manner, amicably; by fair means (jur.) حبḥibb pl. احبابaḥbāb darling, dear, dearest (one) حبابḥabāb aim, goal, end 151 حبيبḥabīb pl. احباءaḥibbā’2, احبةaḥibba, احبابbeloved, sweetheart, lover; darling; dear one, friend; dear ( الىto s.o.); popular; االحبابthe beloved ones, the dear ones حبيبةlabība pl. حبائبḥabā’ib2 sweet·heart, darling, beloved woman احبaḥabb2 dearer, more desirable, preferable ( الىto s.o.) حبذاḥabbadā (with foll. Nominative) how nice, how lovely is ... ! how good, excellent, perfect is …! │ حبذا لوhow nice it would be if …; حبذا الحال لو فعلh. l-ḥālu lau fa‘ala it would be nice, or he would do well, if he did it; ( يا حبذا الحالḥālu) that’s just wonderful! محبةmaḥabba love; affection, attachment │ محبة الوطنm. al-waṭan patriotism تحببtaḥabbub courtship, wooing تحاببtaḥābub mutual love, concord, harmony محبوبmaḥbūb beloved; dear; lovable, desirable; popular; favorite; beloved one, lover; (pl. محابيبmaḥābīb2) gold piece, sequin (in Ottoman times; eg.) محبوبةmaḥbūba sweetheart, darling, beloved woman محببmuḥabbab agreeable, pleasant, desirable, lovable, dear ( الىto s.o.); nice, likable
متحابmutaḥābb loving one another, concordant مستحبmustaḥabb (re)commendable, desirable (said of acts whose neglect is not punished by God, but whose performance is rewarded; Isl. Law); well-liked, popular 2
حبII to produce seed, go to seed (plant); to bear seed (grain); to granulate, become granulated; to granulate ( ھـs.th.) IV to produce seed حبḥabb (coll.; n. un. )ةgrains; seed; -pl. حبوبḥubūb grain, cereals, corn; seed(s); grains, kernels; granules; pellets; pills, pastilles; berries; acne, pustules, pimples│ حب العزيزchufa (Cyperus esculentus L.; bot.); حب الفقدḥ. al-faqad chaste tree (Vitex agous castus L.; bot.); croton seeds (seeds of Croton tiglium; bot.); (magr.) cherries; حب الھالḥ. al-hāl and ( حبھان( حب الھانḥ. al-hān cardamom (Amomum cardamomum L.; bot.); حب الغمامḥ. al-gamām hail, hail-stones حبةḥabba (n. un.; see also حبḥabb) pl. -āt grain, granule; seed; kernel; pill, pastille; berry; pustule, pimple; triviality, trille; a square measure (Eg.; = 58.345 m2); pl. حباتbeads (of the rosary)│حبة شعيرḥ. ša‘īr a linear measure (Eg.; = 0.205 cm); ( حبة حلوةḥulwa) aniseed; حبة ( سوداءsaudā’) black caraway (Nigella sativa L.; bot.); حبات الرمالgrains of sand; حبة العينḥ. al-‘ain eyeball; pupil (of the eye); حبة القلبḥ. al-qalb dearest one, beloved, darling حببḥabab blister حبيبةḥubaiba pl. -āt little grain, small kernel; small pimple or pustule حبيبيḥubaibī granular, granulated│ الرمد ( الحبيبيramad) trachoma (med.)
حبحبḥabḥab (coll.) watermelon (hij.) حباحبḥubāḥib firefly, glowworm
حبذII to approve, think wall ( ھـof s.th.), commend ( ھـs.th.); to applaud, acclaim, cheer ( هs.o., ھـs.th.) حبذاsee 1 حب تحييذtaḥyīd approval; acclamation, acclaim, applause, cheering 152 حبرḥabara u (ḥabr) to gladden, make happy, delight ( هs.o.); -- ḥabira a ( حبورḥubūr) to be glad, happy II to embellish, refine, make workmanlike ( ھـs.th.); to compose ( ھـs.th.) in elegant style; to write, compose ( ھـs.th.) حبرḥibr ink│ ام الحبرumm al-ḥibr squid, cuttlefish; ( حبر على ورقwaraq) mere ink on paper, of no effect (e.g., an agreement, a treaty) حبرḥabr, ḥibr pl. احبارaḥbār a nonMuslim religious authority, 1earned man, scribe; hishop; rabbi│ الحبر االعظمthe Pope; سفر االحبارsifr al-a. Leviticus (Old Test.) حبريḥabrī pontifical │قداس حبري (quddās) pontifical mass (Chr.) حبريةḥabrīya office or dignity of a bishop, bishopric, pontificate حبرةḥabara, ḥibara pl. -āt silken shawl or wrap (worn in public by ladies) حبارḥabār, ḥibār pl. -āt mark, trace (esp. of blows), welt, wale حبورḥubūr joy حباريḥubārā pl. حبارياتḥubārayāt bustard (zool.) يحبورyaḥbūr bustard chick (zool.) محبرmiḥbara, maḥbara pl. محابر maḥābir2 inkwell حبسḥabasa i (ḥabs) to obstruct, shut off, confine ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.), block, bar, hold back, check ( ھـs.th. عنfrom; also tears, laughter, etc.); to withhold ( ھـ عنfrom s.o. s.th.); to hold in custody, detain ( هs.o.) to apprehend, arrest, jail, imprison ( هs.o.); to keep, keep back, put aside, put away (على ھـs.th. for); to tie up, invent inalienably (ھـ capital) │ حبس نفسه علىto devote o.s. entirely to ... ; ( حبس يده عنyadahū) to take (s.th.) out from under s.o.’s power; حبس ( عليه انفاسهanfāsahū) to make s.o. catch his breath, take s.o.’s breath away; حبس مع
الشغلḥubisa ma‘a š-šugl he was committed to prison under hard labor II to tie up inalienably ( ھـfunds, علىfor, esp. for a pious purpose), make a religious bequest (ھـ, for the benefit of )علىVII to be held back, be held up, stop, be interrupted, intermit; to restrain o.s., hold back VIII to block, obstruct, bar, confine ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to detain, hold in custody ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to hold back, retain, suppress ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to be detained, held up; to be impeded, held back; to falter, break, fail (voice), stop (breath) حبسḥabs (act of) holding or keeping back, obstruction, check, repression; blocking off, barring, confinement; damming up, staving off; safekeeping, custody, retention; imprisonment, arrest, detention, jailing; (pl. حبوسḥubūs) prison, jail │( حبس احتياطيiḥtiyāṭī) detention (pending investigation); حبس انفرادي (infirādī) solitary confinement; حبس شديد penal servitude حبسḥibs pl. احباسdam, weir, barrage حبسḥubs, ḥubūs pl. احباسaḥbās (Tun., Alg. Mor. = waqf) inalienable property the yield of which is devoted to pious purposes, religious bequest, (Fr. jur.) “habous”│‘( حبس عامāmm) public habous, ( حبس خاصḳaṣṣ) private habous; كان حبسا )على ) = كان وقفا علىto be entirely dependent on … حبسةḥubsa speech defect, impediment of speech حبيسḥabīs blocked-off, shut-off, barred, confined, locked-up; secluded; bated (breath); choking (voice); (pl. حبساء ḥubasā’2) hermit محبسmaḥbas, maḥbis pl. محابس maḥābis2 place where s.th. is confined or locked up; jail, prison; (prison) cell 153 محبسmiḥbas device for shutting off or blocking off محبسةmaḥbasa hermitage انحباسinḥibās seclusion, confinement; stoppage, interruption; cessation احتباسiḥtibās retention, restraint; inhibition, impediment, obstruction,
stoppage │ احتباس البولiḥtibās al-baul suppression of urine, ischuria
حبلḥabl pl. حبالḥibāl, احبلaḥbul, حبول ḥubūl, احبالaḥbāl rope, cable, hawser; cord, string, thread; (pl. حبالḥibāl) beam, ray (e.g., of the sun, of light), jet (e.g., of water); vein; sinew, tendon │حبل الوريد jugular vein; ( الحبل السريsurrī) umbilical cord; ( الحبل الشوكيšaukī) spine; حبال صوتية (ṣautīya) vocal cords; حبل المساكينivy (bot.); حبال الماءjets of water; (القى )اطلق الحبل على الغاربalqā (aṭlaqa) l-ḥabla ‘alā l-gārib to let things go, slacken the reins, give a free hand, impose no restraint; ارتخاء الحبلslackening of the reins, yielding; relenting; اضطرب حبلهiḍṭraba ḥabluhū to get into a state of disorder, of disorganization, of disintegration, get out of control; ( تعب على الحبلينla‘iba, ḥablain) to play a double game, work both side, of the street
محبوسmaḥbūs shut-off (from the outside world), isolated, secluded, confined, locked-up; imprisoned, captive; tied-up (funds); (pl. محابسmaḥābis2) prisoner, prison inmate, convict محبسmuḥabbis donor of a habous (see حبسḥubs) المحبس عليهal-muḥabbas ‘alaihi beneficiary of a habous (see حبسḥubs) منحبسmunhabis secluded, shut-off الحبشal-ḥabaš Abyssinia, Ethiopia; (pl. االحباش al-aḥbāš) the Abyssinians, Ethiopians الحبشةal-ḥabaša (and )بالد الحبش Abyssinia, Ethiopia الحبشيḥabašī pl. احباشaḥbāš Abyssinian, Ethiopian
احبولةuḥbūla pl. احابيلaḥābīl2 snare, net; rope with a noose; pl. احابيلtricks, wiles, artifices, stratagems (in order to get s.th.)
حبطḥabaṭa i (( حبوطḥubūṭ) and ḥabiṭa a to come to nothing, fail, miscarry, go wrong; to be futile, be of no avail, be lost IV to frustrate, thwart, foil, defeat ( ھـs.th., على ھـ in s.th. s.o.; negotiations, efforts, an attempt, etc.) حبطḥabaṭ scar of a wound, wale, welt حبوطḥubūṭ futility, failure احباطaḥbāṭ frustration, thwarting, foiling حبقḥabaq basil (bot.); (eg.) a variety of speedwell (Veronica anagallis aquatica L.) حبكḥabaka i u (ḥabk) to weave well and tight ( ھـs.th.); to braid, plait ( ھـs.th.); to twist, twine, tighten ( ھـs.th.); to knit ( ھـs.th.); to devise, contrive ( ھـa plan, a plot) II to twist, twine, tighten ( ھـs.th.) to fasten (ھـ s.th.) حبكةḥabka fabric, tissue; texture, structure حبكḥubuk: p. حبك النجومḥ. an-nujūm the orbits of the celestial bodies حباكةḥibāka weavers trade, weaving محبوكmaḥbūk tightly woven; tight, taut; sturdy, strong, robust, husky محتبكmuḥtabik interwoven, intersecting 1
حبلVIII to ensnare, catch in a snare ( ه، ھـ s.o., s.th.)
حبالةḥibāla pl. حبائلḥabā’il2 snare, net حابلḥābil: ( اختلط الحابل بالنابلiḳtalaṭa) everything became confused, got into a state of utter confusion; حابل ونابلھمall together, all in a medley 154 2
حبلḥlabila a (ḥabal) to be or become pregnant, conceive and IV to make pregnant ( ھاa woman) حبلḥabal conception; pregnancy حبلىḥublā pl. حبالىḥabālā and حبالنة ḥablāna pregnant
حبنḥabana dropsy حبھان )حبب الھانḥabb al-hān) cardamom (Amomum cardamomum L.; bot.) )حبا )حبوḥabā u (ḥabw) to crawl, creep: to present ( ھـ هs.o. with s.th.), give, award (ھـ هto s.o. s.th.) III to be obliging ( هto s.o.), show one’s good will ( هtoward s.o.); to favor ( هs.o.); to side ( هwith s.o.), be partial ( هto s.o.); to show respect, deference ( هto s.o.) VIII to sit with one’s legs drawn up and wrapped in one's garment حبوةḥibwa, ḥubwa, ḥabwa gift, present حباءḥibā’ gift, present
محاباةmuḥābāh obligingness complaisance, courtesy; favor(ing), favoritism, partiality
محتومmaḥtūm imposed, enjoined, obligatory; determined, definitive, determinate, unalterable, ineviroble; destined, predestined, ordained (fate)
حتḥatta u (ḥatt) to rub off, scrape off, scratch off ( ھـs.th.)
محتمmuḥattam imposed, enjoined, obligatory; determined, definitive, determinate, unalterable, inevitable; destined, predeotined, ordained (fate)
حتةḥitta pl. ḥitat (eg.) piece, bit, morsel حتىḥattā (prep.) until, till, up to, as far as; (conj.; with perf.) until, so that; (with subj.) until, that, so that, in order that; -(particle) even, eventually even; and even; حتى لوeven if; (with preceding negation) not even, and be it only…
متحتمmutaḥattim absolutely necessary; imperative (duty) حتىsee حت 1
حتاتḥutāt scraps; morsels, crumbs تحاتtaḥāt corrosion حتدḥatida a (ḥatad) to be of pure origin محتدmaḥtid descent, origin, lineage حترةḥutra small piece, bit, trifle
حثيثḥatīt quick, rapid, quick
حتارḥitār pl. حترḥutur border, edge, fringe, surroundings, vicinity حتفḥatf pl. حتوفḥutūf death │يبحث عن )يسعى الى( حتفه بظلفهyabḥatu ‘an (yas‘ā ilā) ḥatfihī bi-ẓilfihī he brings about his own destruction, digs his own grave; مات حتف انفهmāta ḥatfa anfihī he died a natural death حتمḥatama i (ḥatm) to decree, make necessary, prescribe ( على ھـs.th. for s.o.), make (ھـ s.th.) a duty, a necessity ( علىfor s.o.); to impose, enjoin ( على ھـs.th. upon s.o.); to decide, determine definitely ( بs.th.) II to decree, make necessary, prescribe (على ھـ s.th. for s.o.), make ( ھـs.th.) a duty, a necessity ( علىfor s.o.) V to be necessary; to be s.o.’s ( )علىduty, be incumbent (على upon s.o.) حتمḥatm pl. حتومḥutūm imposition, injunction; final decision, resolution, determination; حتماḥatman decidedly, definitely, neceaoarily, inevitably حتميḥatmī decided, definite, final, conclusive, definitive, unalterable, irrevocable, inevitable حتميةḥatmīya decidedness, definiteness, definitiveness, determinateness, unalterableness; necessity ال حتميةlā-ḥatmīya indeterminism (philos.)
حثḥatta u (ḥatt) to urge, incite, prompt, goad, spur on, egg on, prod, provoke, 155 impel ( هs.o., علىto do s.th.) │حث خطاه (ḳuṭāhū) to quicken one’s pace, hurry (الى to a place); ( حث الطريقṭarīqa) to hurry, hasten; ( حث قدميهqadamaihi) to quicken one’s pace, break into a run VIII and X = I حاثةḥātta hormone
حثيḥittī Hittite (n. and adj.)
حثالةḥutāla dregs, lees, sediment; scum (fig.); offal, discard, scraps │ حثالة الحريرsilk combings )حثا )حثوḥatā u (ḥatw) to strew, scatter, spread, disperse ( ھـs.th.) حجḥajja u to overcome, defeat ( هs.o., with arguments, with evidence), confute ( هs.o.); to convince ( هs.o.); -- (ḥajj) to make the pilgrimage (to Mecca), perform the hadj III to dispute, debate, argue, reason ( هwith s.o.) VI to argue against each other, carry on a dispute, to debate; to take counsel VIII to advance (ب s.th.) as an argument, plea, excuse, or pretext; to allege in support or vindication, plead (ب s.th.); to vindicate, justify ( لs.th.); to protect, remonstrate ( علىagainst), object, raise objections ( علىto) حجḥajj and حجةḥijja pl. -āt, حججḥijaj pilgrimage; hadj, the official Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca │ ذو الحجةdū l-ḥijja Zu’lhijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar حجةḥujja pl. حججḥūjaj argument; pretense, pretext, plea; proof, evidence; document, writ, deed, record; authority │ بحجة انunder the pretense that …, on the plea … on the pretext of …
حجاجḥajāj pl. احجةaḥijja circumorbital ring (anat.)
احتجابiḥtijāb concealment, hiddenness, seclusion; veiledness, veiling, purdah
محجmaḥajj destination (of a journey)
حاجبḥājib concealing, screening, protecting; (pl. حجابḥujjāb, حجبةḥajaba) doorman, gatekeeper; chamberlain; orderly (Syr., mil.); (pl. حواجبḥawājib2) eyebrow │ حاجب الھواءḥ. al-hawā’ airtight, hermetic
محجةmaḥajja pl. محاجmaḥājj2 destination of a pilgrimage, object of pilgrimage, shrine; destination (of s journey); goal; road; way; procedure, method │ محجة الصوابm. aṣ-ṣawāb the Right Way, the Straight Path; محجة الحديد railroad
محجوبmaḥjūb concealed, hidden, veiled 1
حجاجḥijāj argument, dispute, debate تحججtaḥajjuj argumentation, pleading, offering of a pretext, pretense, excuse احتجاجiḥtijāj pl. -āt argumentation; pretext, excuse, plea, pretense; protest, remonstrance ( علىagainst), objection, exception ( علىto)
حجرḥajr restriction, curb(ing), check(ing), obstruction, impeding, limitation, curtailing ( علىof s.th.); barring, closing, debarment, preclusion; detention; blocking, confinement, containment, suppression (as a protective measure); interdiction, prohibition, ban; revocation, or limitation, of s.o.’s ( )علىlegal competence │( حجرصحيṣiḥḥī) quarantine
حاجḥājj pl. حجاجḥujjāj, حجيجḥajīj pilgrim; hadji, Mecca pilgrim, honorific title of one who has performed the pilgrimage to Mecca حجبḥajaba u (ḥajb) to veil, cover, screen, shelter, seclude ( على ھـs.th. from); to hide, obscure ( عن ھـs.th. from s.th. else, e.g., from sight); to eclipse, outshine, overshadow ( هs.o.); to make imperceptible, invisible ( عن ھـs.th. to); to conceal ( عن ھـs.th. from s.o.); to make or form a separation ( وبين-- بينbetween – and) II to veil, hide, conceal; to hide from sight, keep in seclusion ( ھاa woman); to disguise, mask ( ب ھـs.th. with) V to conceal o.s. hide ( عنfrom), flee from sight, veil o.s. VII to veil o.s., conceal o.s.; to be covered up, become hidden be obscured VIII to vanish, become invisible, disappear from sight; to veil conceal (عن hide; to become hidden, be concealed (عن from); to withdraw; to elude perception; to ease or interrupt publication (newspaper, periodical)
( حجرḥijr forbidden, interdicted, prohibited; lap; (pl. احجارaḥjār, حجور ḥujūr, حجورةḥujūra) mare حجرةḥujra pl. ḥujarāt, حجرḥujar room; cell; (railroad) compartment; chamber │ حجرة االنتظارwaiting room; حجرة النومḥ. annaum bedroom; ( الحجرة الفالحيةfallāḥīya) chamber of agriculture حجرmaḥjar pl. محاجرmaḥājir2 military hospital, infirmary; prison, jail, dungeon │( محجر صحيṣiḥḥī) quarantine, quarantine station حجرmaḥjir, miḥjar, maḥjar pl. محاجر maḥājir2 (= محجر العينm. al-‘ain) eye socket; see also below تحجيرtaḥjīr interdiction, prohibition, ban; see also below
حجبḥajb seclusion; screening off; keeping away, keeping off حجابḥijāb pl. حجبḥujub, احجبةaḥjiba cover, wrap, drape; curtain; woman’s veil; screen, partition, folding screen; barrier, bar; diaphragm (also ;الحجاب الحاجزanat.); amulet حجابةḥijāba office of gatekeeper
حجرḥajara u (ḥajr, ḥijr, ḥujr, حجرانḥijrān, ḥujrān) to deny access ( علىto s.o.); to stop, detain, hinder ( علىor هs.o.); to forbid, interdict ( على ھـs.th. to s.o.), prohibit ( علىs.o.) from doing s.th. ( ;)ھـto place ( علىs.o.) under guardianship, declare ( علىs.o.) legally incompetent
محجورmaḥjūr pl. محاجرmaḥājir2 (and )محجور عليهone placed under guardianship; minor; ward, charge 2
حجرII to petrify, turn into stone ( ھـs.th.); to make hard as stone ( ھـs.th.) V to turn to stone, petrify, become petrified
حجرḥajar pl. احجارaḥjār, حجارةḥijāra, حجارḥijār stone; weight (placed as an equipoise on the scale of a balance) │ ( الحجر االساسيasāsī) the foundation stone, cornerstone, ( وضع الحجر االساسيwaḍ‘) laying of the cornerstone; حجر البالطḥ. albalāṭ flagstone, paving stone; حجر جھنمḥ. jahannam lunar caustic, silver nitrate; حجر الجيرḥ. al-jīr limestone; الحجر السماقيor ( حجر السماقيsummāqī) porphyry; الحجر ( االسودaswad) the Black Stone (of the Kaaba); حجر الشادنةhematite (min.); حجر العثرةḥ. al-‘atra stumbling block; حجر الفالسفةphilosopher’s stone; O حجر القمرḥ. al-qamar selenite; حجر كريمand حجر ثمين precious stone, gem; ( طبع على الحجرtab‘) lithograph; طباعة الحجرLithography حجريḥajarī stony, stone (adj.) │العصر ‘( الحجريaṣr) the Stone Age; العصر الحجري الحديثthe Neolithic period; العصر الحجري القديمthe Paleolithic period حجيرḥajīr stony, petrified حجارḥajjār stone mason, stone cutter محجرmaḥjir pl. محاجرmaḥājir2 (stone) quarry تحجيرtaḥjīr petrification; stone quarrying تحجرtaḥajjur petrification متحجرmutaḥajjir petrified مستحجرmustaḥjir petrified 157 حجدزḥajaza u i (ḥajz) to hold back, restrain, hinder, prevent ( عن ھـs.th. from); to keep away ( عن ھـs.th. from); to block (off), close, bar; to isolate, insulate, confine, seclude; to make inaccessible; to set apart; to separate ( بينtwo things); to arrest, detain; to seize, sequester, impound (على or ھـs.th., e.g., s.o.’s property, salary); to confiscate, safeguard ( ھـs.th.); to reserve ( ھـs.th.); to make a reservation ( ھـfor a. theater seat, a steamer cabin, a ticket, etc.) VIII to retain for o.s., reserve to o.s. (ھـ s.th.) حجزḥajz curbing, prevention, restraint; seclusion, confinement, containment, isolation, insulation, separation; arrest, detention, seizure, confiscation, sequestration ( علىof s.th.); reservation (of seats) │ حجز الحريةḥ al-ḥurrīya deprivation
of liberty, unlawful detention duress (jur.); ( القى الحجر علىalqā) to confiscate s.th. الحجازal-ḥijāz Hejaz, region in W Arabia, on the Red Sea coast حجازيḥijāzī of or pertaining to Hejaz; pl. -ūn) an inhabitant of Hejaz حاجزḥājiz and حاجزةpl. حواجزḥawājiz2 obstacle, hindrance, impediment, obstruction; partition, screen, dividing wall j block, blockade, road block; fence, gate, railing, balustrade; hurdle; bar, barrier; barricade │ الحجاب الحاجز diaphragm (anat.); O حاجز االمواج breakwater; )الحواجز القمرقية )الجمركية (qumruqīya, gumrukīya) customs barriers; O حاجزة الصواعقlightning rod موظف حاجزmuwaẓẓaf ḥājiz approx.: bailiff 1
محاجفةmuḥājafa singlestick fencing
احجافiḥjāf = اجحاف
حجلḥajala u i (ḥajl, حجالنḥajalān) to hop, leap; to skip, gambol حجلḥajl, ḥijl pl. حجولḥujūl, احجالaḥjāl anklet حجلḥajal (coll.; n. un. )ةpl. حجالن ḥajlān, حجلىḥijlā partridge; mountain partridge, mountain quail حجلḥajala pl. حجالḥijāl curtained canopy, or alcove, for the bride │ رباط الحجالrabbāṭ al-ḥ. the ladies لعبة الحجلةla‘bat al-ḥajala hopscotch محجلmuḥajjal wearing anklets (woman); white-footed (horse); bright, brilliant, radiant; unique, singular, esp. in the phrase ( أغر محجلagarr2) حجمḥajama u (ḥajm) to cup ( هs.o.; med.) IV to recoil, shrink, flinch ( عنfrom); to desist, abstain, refrain ( عنfrom), forbear (عن s.th.); to withdraw, retreat حجمḥajm pl. حجومḥujūm, احجامaḥjām bulk, size, volume; caliber (of a cannon) │ كبير الحجمbulky, sizable, massive حجامḥajjām cupper حجامةḥijāma cupping, scarification, art of cupping
محجمmiḥjam, m محجمmiḥjama pl. محاجم maḥājim2 cupping glass احجامiḥjām desistance, abstention; restraint, aloofness, reserve حجنḥajana i (ḥajn) to bend, curve, crook (ھـ s.th.) VIII to snatch up, grab ( ھـs.th.) take hold ( ھـof s.th.) احجنaḥjan2 curved, crooked, bent محجنmiḥjan pl. محاجنmaḥājin2 staff or stick with a crooked end, crosier; hook )حجا به خيرا )حجوḥajā bihī ḳairan to think well of s.o., have a good opinion of s.o. III to propose a riddle ( هto s.o.); to speak in riddles, be enigmatic حجى، حجاḥijan pl. احجاءaḥjā’ intellect, brains, understanding, discernment, acumen, sagacity, wit, intelligence 158 حجيḥajiy appropriate, suitable, proper ( بfor) احجىaḥjā more appropriate, more suitable, more proper; more correct, better احجيةuḥjīya pl. احاجىaḥājīy, احاجaḥājin riddle, puzzle, enigma حخامḥaḳām = ( حاخامlook up alphabetically) حدḥadda u (ḥadd) to sharpen, hone ( ھـa knife); to delimit, delineate, demarcate, mark off, stake off ( ھـland, منfrom); to set bounds ( ھـto s.th.), limit, restrict, confine ( ھـs.th.); to impede, hinder, curb, check ( منor ھـs.th.); -- i ( حدةḥidda) to become furious, angry ( علىat): -- i u (حداد ḥidād) to wear mourning, mourn ( علىthe deceased) II to sharpen, hone ( ھـa knife); to forge ( ھـs.th.; syr.); to delimit, demarcate ( ھـs.th.); to set bounds ( ھـto s.th.), circumscribe, mark off, delineate sharply; to limit, restrict, confine ( منor ھـ s.th.); to determine, appoint, assign, schedule, lay down, set down, establish (ھـ s.th.); to fix). e.g., prices); to define (ھـ s.th.) │( حدد بصرهbaṣarahū) to dart sharp glances; to scrutinize ( فيs.th.), look sharply ( فيat s.th.) III to oppose ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) act contrary ( ه، ھـto s.o., to s.th.), contravene, counteract, violate ( ھـs.th.) IV to sharpen, make sharp ( ھـs.th.) │ احد النظر ( الىnaẓar) to look sharply at, stare at; احد ( بصرهbaṣarahū) to dart sharp glances; to scrutinize ( فيs.th.), look sharply ( فيat
s.th.); ( احد من بصرهbaṣarihī) to glance sharply; -- to put on garments of mourning V to be delimited, be delineated, be bounded, be circumscribed; to be determined, be established, be set down, be scheduled, be fixed; to by defined, be definable VIII to be or become angry; to become infuriated, be furious ( علىat), be exasperated ( علىwith); to be agitated, be upset, be in a state of commotion حدḥadd pl. حدودḥudūd (cutting) edge (of a knife, of a sword); edge, border, brink, brim, verge; border (of a country), boundary, borderline; limit (fig.), the utmost, extremity, termination, end, terminal point, terminus; a (certain) measure, extent, or degree (attained); (math.) member (of an equation), term (of a fraction, of a proportion); divine ordinance, divine statute; legal punishment (Isl. Law) │ لحدli-ḥaddi or الى حدuntil, till, up to, to the extent of, الى حد لحد اآلن، اآلنli-ḥ. l-āna up to now, so far; ( الى حد ماḥaddin) to a certain degree, to a certain extent; الى حد بعيد، الى حد كبيرto a considerable extent or degree, considerably, extensively; ( الى أي حدayyi ḥaddin) how far, to what degree or extent; ( ال حد لهḥadda) boundless, infinite, unbounded, unlimited; بال حدbi-lā ḥaddin, الى غير حدilā gairi ḥaddin boundless, unlimited, without limits; ‘ على حد سواءalā ḥaddin sawā’, ‘ على حد سوىalā ḥaddin siwan in the same manner; equally, likewise; ( على حدḥaddi) according to, commensurate with; في حد ذاتهfī ḥaddi dātihī and بحد ذاتهin itself, as such; الحد ( االعلىa‘lā), ( الحد االقصىaqṣā) the maximum; ( الحد االدنىadnā) the minimum; (‘ حد عمريumrī) age limit; ذو حدينdū ḥaddain two-edged; ( في حدودḥudūdi) within, within the framework of; بلغ اقصى ( حدودهaqṣā ḥudūdihI) to attain its highest degree; حدود ﷲthe bounds or restrictions that God has placed on man's freedom of action حدةḥidda sharpness, keenness; pitch (of a tone); distinctiveness, markedness; vehemence, violence, impetuosity; fury, rage, wrath, ire, anger; excitability, irascibility, passionateness حدةḥida see وحد
حددḥadad forbidden 159 حدادḥidād (act of) mourning ( علىover) │ ثوب الحدادtaub al-h. garmente of mourning; حداد البالطḥ. al-balāt court mourning حديدḥadīd iron; pl. حدائدḥadā’id2 iron parts (of a structure); forgings, hardware, ironware │ حديد خامcrode iron, pig iron, iron ore; O ( حديد مطاوعmutāwi‘) wrought iron; ( حديد غفلgufl) unprocessed iron, pig iron; ظھر الحديدẓahr al-ḥ. حديد الظھرcast iron; سكة الحديدsikkat al-ḥ. railroad; ضرب في حديد بريدsee ضرب 2
حديدḥadīd pl. حدادḥidād, احداءaḥiddā’ , احدةaḥidda sharp (knife, eye, tongue, etc.), keen (mind) احدaḥadd2 sharper, keener; more vehement, more violent حديدةḥadīda pl. حدائدḥadā’id2 piece of iron; object or tool made of iron │ حديد الحرثḥ. al-ḥart plowshare; ( على الحديدةeg.) in financial straits, pinched for money حديديḥadīdī iron (adj.) │ سكة حديدية (sikka) railroad الحديدةal-ḥudaida Hodeida (seaport in W Yemen) حدادḥaddād ironsmith, blacksmith حدادةḥidāda smithcraft, art smithing تحديدtaḥdīd pl. -āt limitation, delimitation; delineation, demarcation; restriction, curb, confinement; determination, fixation, appointment; definition │ على التحديدand على وجه التحديد (wajh) to be exact …, strictly speaking … حادḥādd sharp (also, fig., of a glance), keen (mind); high-pitched (tone); vehement, fiery, impetuous; fierce; vivid; acute (illness) │ حاد المزاجḥ. al-mizāj, حاد الطبعḥ. aṭ-ṭab‘ hot-blooded, hot-headed, hot-tempered, irascible; ( زاوية حادةzāwiya) acute angle; تحت الحدsubacute محدودmaḥdūd bounded, bordered (ب by); circumscribed, confined; limited (= small, e.g., number, knowledge, etc.); delimited, determinate, fixed, definite, definitive │ محدود المعنىm. al-ma‘nā unambiguous; محدود الضمانm. aḍ-ḍamān
of limited liability; )شركة محدودة )المسئولية (širka) limited company, corporation محددmuḥaddad sharpened, sharp; determined, fixed, appointed, destined (ل for) strictly delimited, clearly defined محتدmuḥtadd angry, furious, exasperated حدأةḥid’a, pl. حدأḥida’, حداءḥidā’, حدآنḥid’ān kite (zool.) حدأةḥada’a pl. حداءḥidā’ double-bladed axe حدبḥadiba a (ḥadab) to be convex, domeshaped, cambered, bent outward; to be hunchbacked; to be nice, kind, friendly ( علىor بto s.o.). be solicitous ( علىor ب about s.o.), care ( علىor بfor s.o.) take care ( علىor بof s.o.) II to make convex, emboss, camber, vault, curve, crook, bend ( ھـs.th.) V and XII احدودبiḥaudaba to be crooked, vaulted, cambered, embossed, convex حدبḥadab affection, fondness, love; kindliness; solicitude, care; (pl. حداب ḥidāb, احدابaḥdāb) elevation of the ground │ ( من كل حدب وصوبwa-ṣaubin) or كل صوب وحدبfrom all sides, from all directions, from everywhere; في كل صوب وحدبeverywhere, in every quarter, on all sides حدبḥadib curved, cambered, vaulted, convex; hunchbacked; kindly, friendly حدبḥadaba hunchback, hump; camber, vaulting, curvature احدبaḥdab2, f. حدباءḥadbā’, pl. حدب ḥudb hunchbacked, humped; -- (elative) kindlier, friendlier محدبmuḥaddab embossed; cambered, convex 160 حدثḥadata u ( حدوثḥudūt) to happen, occur, take place, come to pass; -- (ḥaduta u ( حداثةḥadāta) to be new, recent; to be young II to tell, relate, report ( هto s.o., ب or ھـs.th., عن، فيabout); to speak, talk (ه to s.o., عنor فيabout, of) │حدثه قلبه (ḥaddatahū qalbuhū and حدثته نفسه ḥaddatathu nafsuhū his heart, his innermost feeling told him ( بs.th.); حدث ( نفسه بnafsahū) to talk o.s. into (s.th.), try to believe s.th. or see s.th. (as factual); to
resolve, make up one’s mind to do s.th.; حدث نفسه انhe said to himself, told himself that … III to speak, talk ( عنor في هto s.o. about s.th.); to discuss ( عنor في هwith s.o. s.th.), converse ( عنor في هwith s.o. about); to negotiate, confer ( هwith s.o.) to address, accost ( هs.o.); to call up ( هs.o., by telephone) IV to bring forth, produce, create, originate ( ھـs.th.); to found, establish ( ھـs.th.); to bring about, cause, occasion, provoke, effect ( ھـs.th.); to drop excrement │ ( احدث حدثاḥadatan) to bring about s.th.; to cause or do s.th., esp., s.th. evil, do mischief V to speak, talk ( الىto s.o., ب، عنor j about or of s.th.), converse, chat ( الىor معwith s.o., عنto, بor j about s.th.) VI to talk with one another, converse, have a conversation X to renew ( ھـs.th.) to buy new ( ھـs.th.); to introduce, start, invent, originate, create ( ھـs.th.); to find or deem ( هs.o.) to be young حدثḥadat pl. احداثaḥdāt a new, unprecedented thing, a novelty, innovation; event, incident, occurrence, happening; phenomenon; evil symptom; misdeed; misfortune; ritual impurity (Isl. Law); excrement, feces; (pl. حدثان،احداث ḥudtān) young man, youth; احداثjuveniles حديثḥadīt pl. حداثḥidāt, حدثاءḥudatā’2 new, novel, recent, late; modern; حديثا ḥadītan recently, lately │ حديث البناءḥ. albinā’ new-built, recently built; حديث السن ḥ. as-sinn young; حديث العھدḥ. al-‘ahd of recent date, recent, new, young; حديث العھد حديث عھد ب،( بḥ. ‘ahdin) having adopted or acquired (s.th.) recently; not long accustomed to (s.th.), inexperienced at (s.th.), new at (s.th.), newly, e.g., حديث العھد ( بالوالدةbi-l-wilāda) newborn, حديث الغھد ( بالزواجbi-z-zawāj) newly wed; كان حديث العھد بأورباhe had not known Europe until recently حديثḥadīt pl. احاديثaḥādīt2, حدثان ḥadtān speech; chat, chitchat, small talk; conversation, talk, discussion; interview; prattle, gossip; report, account, tale, narrative; Prophetic tradition, Hadith, narrative relating deeds and utterances of the Prophet and his Companions │ حديث خرافةḥ. ḳurāfa fabulous story, silly talk; ( حديث قدسيqudsī) Muslim tradition in which God Himself speaks, as opposed to
( حديث نبويnabawī) an ordinary Prophetic tradition; حديث النفسḥ. an-nafs s.th. one talks o.s. into; premonition حدوثḥudūt setting in (of a state or condition), occurrence, incidence (of a phenomenon); occurrence, incident, happening حداثةḥadāta newness, recency, novelty; youth, youthfulness احداثaḥdāt2 newer, more recent حدثان الدھرḥidtān (or ḥadatān) ad-dahr misfortune, adversities, reverses احدوثةuḥdūta pl. احاديثaḥādīt2 speech; discussion, talk, conversation; chatter; fabling, fibbing; topic, subject of a conversation; gossip, rumor (about a person) │ حسن االحدوثةḥusn al-u. praise (of s.o.) سوء االحدوثةsū’ al-u. slander, defamation محادثةmuḥādata pl. -āt discourse, conversation, discussion, talk, parley احداثiḥdāt production, creatuion, invention, origination; causation, effectuation 161 احداثياتiḥdātīyāt (pl.) co-ordinates (math.) │ ‘( احداثيات عموديةamūdīya) ordinates; ( احداثيات أفقيةufuqīya) abscissas (math.) استحداثistiḥdāt invention, creation, production, origination حادثḥādīt occurring, happening, taking place; new, recent; fresh; -- (pl. حوادث ḥawādit2, also -āt) occurrence, incident, event, happening; episode; case (jur.) accident, mishap │ حادث تزويرa case of forgery; مكان الحادثmakān al-ḥ. site of action, scene of the crime, locus delicti حادثةḥādita pl. حوادثḥawādit2 occurrence, event, happening; plot (of a play) ; incident, episode; accident, mishap │ حادثة المرورḥ. al-murūr traffic accident محدثmuḥaddit pl. -ūn speaker, talker; spokesman; conversation partner, interlocutor; relator, narrator; a transmitter of Prophetic traditions, traditionary, representative of the science or study of Hadith (see above); O phonograph, gramophone
متحدثmutaḥaddit spokesman, speaker مستحدثmustaḥdat new, novel, recent, -(pl. –āt) novelty, innovation; recent invention, modern product; neologism حدجḥadaja i and II to stare, look sharply ( ه،ھـ at s.o., at s.th., often with ببصرهbibaṣarihī or بنظرهbi-naẓarihī)
decline; run-down, seedy, down-at-theheels, down-and-out منحدرmunḥadar pl. -āt depression; slope, talus, incline, descent, declivity; fall (of a river) حدسḥadata i u (ḥadt) to surmise, guess, conjecture ( ھـs.th.)
حدجḥidj pl. حدوجḥudūj, احداجaḥdāj load, burden, encumbrance ابو حديجabū ḥadīj stork 2
حداجةḥidāja pl. حدائجḥadā’ij camel saddle حدرḥadara, ḥadura u (ḥadr, حدارةḥadāra) to be thick; -- ḥadara u i (ḥadr, حدرḥudūr) to bring down, lower ( ھـs.th.) to cause (ھـ s.th.) to descend; to drop ( ھـs.th.); to shed ( ھـtears); ( حدر حدراḥadran) to rattle off, express quickly (an utterance, a thought); -- (ḥadr) to come down, step down, descend; to glide down, swoop II to drop ( ھـs.th.) to lower, inclines, dip ( ھـs.th.) V to descend gradually; to glide down; to come down, descend; to flow down (tears); to derive, stem, originate ( منfrom) VII to come or go down, descend; to glide down, sink down; to be in decline, be on the downgrade, to decline, wane; to flow down (tears); to slope down, slant down, be inclined (terrain); to come ( الىto a place), arrive ( الىat)
حدسḥadt surmise, guess, conjecture; O intuition 162 □ حدافḥaddāf ( حداف الماكوك،(( حذافsyr.) shuttle (weaving) □ طارة حدافةṭāra ḥaddāfa (syr.) flywheel 1
حدقḥadaqa i (ḥadq) to surround, encircle, encompass ( بs.o., s.th.); (with بعينه bi-‘ainihī) to look, glance ( هat s.o.) II to look, glance, gaze, stare ( الىor فيat, also (ب( │ حدق النظر فيnaẓara) to fix one’s glance on … IV to surround, encircle, encompass, enclose ( بs.o., s.th.); to look, glance ( الى، فيor بat) │ احدق النظر النظر في (naẓara) to fix one’s glance on … حدقةḥadaqa pl. -āt, حدقḥadaq, حداق ḥidāq, احداقaḥdāq pupil (of the eye); pl. احداقglances حديقةḥadīqa pl. حدائقḥadā’iq2 garden │ حديقة الحيواناتḥ. al-ḥayawānāt zoological garden, zoo احداقiḥdāq encirclement, encompassment ( بof)
حدرḥadr rapid recitation of the Koran (a terminus technicus of tajwīd) حدورḥadūr slope, downgrade, declivity, declivitous terrain تحدرtaḥaddur descent, slant, slope, inclination, incline, declivity انحدارinḥidār slant, dip, pitch, inclination, decent, slope; declivity; fall (of a river); decline, waning; ruin, decay, decadence حادرḥādir thick متحدرmutaḥaddir descending, slanting, sloping downward منحدرmunḥadir descending; lowered, dipped; slanting, sloping, declivitous (terrain); declining, waning, being on the downgrade, in a state of decadence or
خطر محدقḳaṭar muḥdiq imminent danger 2
□ حدقII (= )حدقto make acid, sour, tart, or sharp ( ھـs.th.) □ حادقḥādiq (= )حاذقsour, tart, acid, sharp (taste)
حدلḥadala i to flatten, level, even, roll (ھـ s.th.); (ḥadl, حدولḥudūl) to treat unjustly ( علىs.o.) محدلةmiḥdala pl. محمدلmaḥādil2 roller, steamroller حدمVIII to burn, glow, blaze; to burn up, be consumed by fire; to flare up, break out (fight); to be furious, burn with wrath (على at, over), also ( احتدم غيظاgaiẓan) احتدامiḥtidām paroxysm
محمدمmuḥtadim furious, infuriated, enraged حدةḥida see وحد 1
□ حدوةḥidwa horseshoe
( حدوand حدى( حداḥadā u (ḥadw, حداءḥudā’, ḥidā’ to urge forward by singing (ھـ camels); to urge, spur on, egg on, prompt, instigate, induce, move ( بor هs.o., الىto s.th., to do s.th.); حدا بto instigate s.th.; to sway, rock, roll (rider, camel); to swing along, rock along (in riding) │حدا بھم الحديث الىtheir conversation led them to …; غرض ( تحدى اليه الركائبgaraḍun tuḥdā) a goal much sought after or worth striving for V to compete, vie ( هwith s.o.); to challenge, provoke ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to defy, oppose, resist, withstand ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.), stand up ( ه، ھـagainst s.o., against s.th.) to incite, stimulate, arouse, animate, sharpen (ھـ s.th.; ذكاءهdakā’ahū s.o.’s intellect); to intend ( ھـs.th., to do s.th.), be bent ( ھـon doing s.th.) حداءḥudā’ animating singsong, chanting of the caravan leader حداءḥaddā’ camel driver, cameleer احدوةuḥduwa, احديةuḥdīya song of the camel drivers تحدtaḥaddin pl. تحدياتtaḥaddiyāt challenge, provocation حادḥādin pl. حداةḥudāh caravan leader (who urges the camels forward by singing); camel driver, cameleer; leader متحدmutaḥaddin challenger, provoker
حديḥadiya a to remain, stay ( بat a place), stick ( بto a place)
حادى عشرsee احد
□ حدايةḥidāya, ḥiddāya = حدأةḥid’a
حذرḥadira a (ḥidr, ḥadar) to be cautious, wary, to beware ( منor ه، ھـof s.o., of s.th.), be on one’s guard ( منor ه،ھـ against) II to warn, caution ( من هs.o. of or about), put ( هs.o.) on his guard (من against) III to watch out, be 163 careful; to be on one’s guard ( هagainst), be wary (ه of s.o.) V to beware, be wary ( منof) VIII =I
حذرḥidr and ḥadar caution, watchfulness, alertness, wariness, circumspection; precaution │اخذ حذره (ḥadarahū) to be on one’s guard; على جذر ‘alā ḥadarin cautiously, warily; on one’s guard ( منagainst) حذرḥadir cautious, wary حذاريḥadārī beware ( انof doing …, من of s.th.)! watch out ( منfor)! be careful (من of)! تحذيرtaḥdīr warning, cautioning ( منof, against) محاذرةmuḥādara caution, precaution, precautionary measure محذورmaḥdūr that of which one should beware, against which one should guard; object of caution; -- (pl. -āt) danger, peril; trouble, difficulty, misfortune حذفḥadafa i (ḥadf) to shorten, clip, curtail (ھـ or منs.th.); to take s.th. away, cut s.th. off, clip s.th. off ( منfrom s.th.), reduce (من s.th.), strike or cross s.th. ( منoff s.th.); to cancel, strike out, delete, drop, leave out, omit, suppress ( ھـs.th.); (gram.) to elide, apocopate, drop by aphaeresis; to deduct, subtract ( ھـs.th.); to throw ( ب هat s.o. s.th.), pelt ( ب هs.o. with s.th.); to cast away, throw away, discard ( بs.th.) II to clip, trim ( ھـs.th.); to give ( ھـs.th.) shape, to trim, clip, or cut ( ھـs.th.) into proper shape حذفḥadf shortening, curtailing, cutting off, trimming, etc.; canceling, cancellation, striking off, crossing off, deletion; omission, dropping, suppression; (gram.) elision, ellipsis, apocopation حذافيرḥadāfīr2: اخذه بحذافيرهhe took all of it, he took it lock, stock and barrel حذقḥadiqa a, ḥadaqa i (ḥidq, حذاقةḥadāqa) to be skilled, skillful, well-versed, proficient ( ھـor فيin s.th.), master ( ھـs.th.); -ḥadaqa u ( حذوقḥudūq) to turn sour (milk) V to feign skillfulness, proficiency, cleverness or smartness حذقḥidq and حذاقةḥadāqa skill, dexterity, proficiency; smartness, cleverness, intelligence; perspicacity, sagacity, acumen
حاذقḥādiq pl. حذاقḥuddāq skillful, skilled, proficient; well-versed, clever, smart; intelligent; sour حذلقII taḥadlaqa to pretend to be clever or skilful, feign skiIl or knowledge; to be pedantic حذلقةḥadlaqa skillfulness, dexterity )حذا )حذوḥadā u: ( حذا حذوهḥadwahū) to imitate s.o., take after s.o., follow s.o.’s example III to be opposite s.th. ( )ھـface, parallel (ھـ s.th.), run parallel ( ھـto) VI to be opposite each other, be parallel VIII to imitate, copy ( بor علىs.o. s.th., also ھـs.th.), take or follow ( بor علىs.o., s.th., also ھـs.th.) as an example or model; to be shod; to wear ( ھـs.th.) as footgear حذوḥadwa (prep.) opposite, face to face with │ حذوك النعل بالنعلḥadwaka n-na‘la bin-na‘li in a completely identical manner, to a T, like two peas in a pod حذاءḥidā’ pl. احذيةaḥdiya shoe; sandal │ صانغ األحذيةshoemaker حذاءḥidā’a (prep.) and بحذاءbi-ḥidā’i opposite, face to face with حذاءḥaddā’ shoemaker, cobbler ‘ محاذاة )في( علىalā (fī) muḥādāti along, alongside of, parallel to احتذاءiḥtidā’ imitation, copying محاذmuḥādin opposite, facing حرḥarra u i (ḥarr, حرارةḥarāra) to be hot II to liberate ( هs.o.); to free, set free, 164 release ( هs.o.); to emancipate ( هs.o.); to consecrate ( هs.o.) to the service of God; to clarify, clear up, make clear ( هs.th.); to formulate precisely, phrase accurately, define exactly, pinpoint ( ھـs.th.); to revise ( ھـa book); to edit, redact ( ھـa book, a periodical); to write, pen, indite, compose, compile ( ھـs.th.) V to become free; to be freed, be liberated ( منfrom); to be emancipated VIII to be kindled, be heated, flare up حرḥarr heat, warmth حرḥurr pl. m. احرارaḥrār, pl. f. حرائر ḥarā’ir2 noble, free-bom; genuine (jewels, etc.), pure, unadulterated; free; living in freedom; freeman; independent; free unrestrained; liberal (pol.; االحرارthe
Liberals); frank, candid, open ( علىtoward s.o.); free, available, uninvested (money) │( االحتياط الحرihtiyaṭī) free reserves, unencumbered reserves; من حر مالهmin ḥurr mālihī with his own cash, with funds at his disposal حرةḥarra pl. -āt stony area; volcanic country, lava field حريةḥurrīya pl. -āt freedom, liberty; independence, unrestraint, license (e.g., poetic) │ حرية العبادةḥ. al-‘ibāda freedom of worship; حرية الفكرḥ. al-fikr freedom of thought; حرية الكالمḥ. al-kalām freedom of speech; ( حرية النشرor )الصحافةḥ. an-našr (aṣ-ṣiḥafa) liberty of the press حريرḥarīr silk; pl. حرائرḥarā’ir2 ()حراير silken wares, silks │( حرير صخريṣaḳrī) asbestos; حرير صناعيrayon حريريḥarīrī silken, silky, of silk حرائريḥarā’irī silken, silk- (in compounds), of silk; silk weaver حرارḥarrār ssailk weaver حرارةḥarāra heat; warmth; fever heat, fever; temperature; ardor, fervor (of emotion), passion; eagerness, enthusiasm, zeal; vehemence, violence, intensity; burning (of the skin) حريرةḥuraira pl. -āt calorie حراريḥarārī thermal, thermic, thermo-, heat (used attributively); caloric │وحدة ( حراريةwaḥda) calorie O حراريةḥarārīya pl. -āt calorie حرورḥarūr f., pl. حرائرḥarā’ir2 hotwind حرانḥarrān2, f. حرىḥarrā, pl. حرار ḥirār, حرارىḥarārā thirsty; passionate, fervent, hot (fig.) │( زفرة حرىzafra) a fervent sigh; دموع حرىhot tears احرaḥarr2 hotter, warmer │على احر من ( الجمرjamr) on pins and needles, on tenterhooks, in greatest suspense or excitement O محرmiḥarr heating system, heating installation تحريرtaḥrīr liberation; release; emancipation; record(ing), writing; editing, redaction; editorship (of a
newspaper, a periodical); (pl. -āt, تحارير taḥārīr2) piece of writing, record, brief, document │ رئيس التحريرeditor-in-chief; ادارة التحريرboard of editors, editorial staff تحريريtaḥrīrī liberational; emancipational; liberal; recorded in writing, written, in writing حارḥār hot; warm; ardent, glowing, fervent, passionate محرورmaḥrūr hot-tempered, hotheaded, fiery, passionate, furious محررmuḥarrir pl. -ūn liberator, emancipator; writer, clerk; editor (of a newspaper, of a periodical) محررmuḥarrar consecrated to God; let down in writing, recorded in writing, written; booked; pl. محرراتbooking, entries متحررmutaḥarrir emancipated; an advocate of emancipation 165 حربḥariba a (ḥarab) to be furious, enraged, angry III to fight, combat ( هs.o.) battle, wage war ( هagainst s.o.) VI to fight (one another), be engaged in war VIII = VI ( حربḥarb f., pl. حروبḥurūb war, warfare; fight, combat, battle; enemy, enemies (على or لof s.o.) │ ( حرب اھليةahlīya) civil war; ( حرب صحافيةṣiḥāfīya) press feud; الحروب ( الصليبيةṣalībīya) the Crusades; الحرب ‘( العظمىuẓmā), ‘( الحرب العالميةālamīya), ‘( الحرب العامةāmma) World War I; كشفت الحرب عن ساقھاkašafat il-ḥarbu ‘an sāqihā and قامت الحرب على ساقqāmat il-ḥ. ‘alā sāqin war flared up, fierce fighting broke out حربيḥarbī warlike, bellicose, belligerent, martial, war (adj.), military; (pl. -ūn) warrior, soldier, military man │ ( البوليس الحربيbūlīs) military police حربةḥarba pl. حرابḥirāb lance, spear; spearhead; bayonet, sidearm حرباءḥirbā’ pl. حرابىḥarābīy chameleon (zool.) وا حرباهwā ḥarabāh! (exclamation of lament) alas! goodness no! oh my! محرابmiḥrāb pl. محاربmaḥārib2 a recess in a mosque indicating the direction of prayer, prayer niche, mihrab
محاربةmuḥāraba struggle, combat, fight, battle; warfare احترابiḥtirāb mutual struggle محاربmuḥārib warring, belligerent; warrior, combatant, fighter; corporal (Eg. 1939) المتحاربونal-mutaḥāribūn the belligerents, the warring parties حربوشةḥarbūša pl. ( حرابشḥarābiš2 (tun.) pastille, pill حرثḥarata i u (ḥart) to plow ( ھـthe soil); to cultivate, till ( ھـthe ground) حرثḥart plowing, tilling, tillage, cultivation of the soil; arable land, tilth; plantation, culture حرثةḥarta (n. un.) arable land, tilth حراثةḥirāta cultivation of the soil, farming, agriculture حراثḥarrāt plowman محراثmiḥrāt pl. محارثmaḥārit2 plow حارثḥārit pl. حراثḥurrāt plowman │ ابو الحارثabū l-ḥārit lion حرجḥarija a (ḥaraj) to be close, tight narrow; to be straitened, be confined, get into a strait, be cornered, be hard pressed; to be oppressed, be anguished (heart); to be forbidden ( علىto s.o.) to narrow, tighten, straiten ( ھـs.th.); to complicate ( ھـs.th.), make ( ھـs.th.) difficult; to forbid (على ھـ s.th. to s.o.); to persist (J in s.th.) IV to narrow, straiten, confine, cramp. hamper, impede, restrict ( ھـs.th.); to complicate, make difficult, aggravate, jeopardize (ھـ situation, s.o.’s position); to embarrass (ه s.o.); to coerce, constrain, press ( الى هs.o. to); to forbid ( على ھـs.th. to s.o.) V to refrain from sin or evildoing; to abstain, refrain ( منfrom), avoid ( منs.th.); to be cornered, be forced to the wall; to become or be oppressed, anguished, distressed; to become critical, become complicated or difficult, be aggravated (situation), be jeopardized (s.o.’s position) │تحرج صدره ( )من )بṣadruhū) to feel depressed by, feel annoyed at; تحرج به الناسthis made things difficult for people ( حرجḥaraj closeness, tightness, narrowness; confinement, straitness.
constriction, crampedness; restriction, impediment; oppression, distress, anguish; difficulty; critical situation; prohibition, interdiction; s.th. forbidden, s.th. interdicted, sin │( ال حرجḥaraja) there is no 166 objection; ال حرج عليكnothing stands in your way, you are at liberty
be on one’s guard ( منagainst) VIII to be wary ( منof), guard, be on one’s guard (من against), be careful, take heed, take precautions
حرجḥaraj (coll.; n. un. )ةpl. -āt, حرج ḥirāj, احراجaḥrāj thicket; dense forest; woodland, timberland
حريزḥarīz strongly fortified, guarded; inaccessible, impregnable
حرجḥarij narrow, close, tight, confined, straitened; oppressed, hard pressed, harassed; critical (situation, position) احرجaḥrāj2 narrower, closer, tighter, more straitened; more critical حراجḥarāg (eg.) auction حراجةḥarāja seriousness, gravity, difficulty, complicatedness (of a situation) تحريجtaḥrīj forestation, afforestation حرجtaḥarruj restraint, reserve, aloofness; timidity, diffidence, faintheartedness; critical complication, gravity, difficulty (of a situation) حرجmuḥarrijāt: محرجات االيمانm. alaimān binding, committing, or solemn, oaths محرجmuḥrij disconcerting, embarrassing متحرجmutaḥarrij: متحرج الصدرm. aṣṣadr annoyed, vexed, anguished, oppressed حردḥarida a (ḥarad) to be annoyed, disgruntled, angry, furious ( علىat, with) حاردḥārid, حردḥarid and حردانḥardān annoyed, disgruntled, angry, furious حرذونḥardaun pl. حراذينḥarādīn2 lizard حرزḥaraza u (ḥarz) to keep, guard, protect, preserve ( ھـs.th.), take care ( ھـof); -ḥaruza u ( حرازةḥarāza) to be strong be strongly fortified, be impregnable IV to keep, preserve, guard ( ھـs.th.); to obtain, attain, achieve, win ( ھـs.th.) │ احرز نصرا ( ))انتصاراnaṣran) to win a victory; احرز ( قصب السبقqaṣaba s-sabq) to come through with flying colors, carry the day, score a great success V to be wary ( منof),
حرزpl. احرازaḥrāz fortified place; refuge, sanctuary, retreat; custody; (pl. حروز، )احرازamulet
احرازiḥrāz acquisition, acquirement, obtainment, attainment, achievement, winning, gaining احترازiḥtirāz pl. -āt caution, wariness, prudence, circumspection; reservation, reserve │ بكل االحترازwith all reservation O حارزةḥāriza fuse (el.) محرزmuḥriz obtainer, acquirer, winner, gainer; possessor, holder ( علىof s.th.) حرسḥarasa u (ḥars, حراسةḥirāsa) to guard, watch, control ( ھـ، هs.th., s.o.); to oversee, supervise, superintend ( ھـ، هs.th., s.o.); to secure, protect, safeguard, preserve, keep ( ھـ، هs.th., s.o.); to watch ( علىover) V and VIII to beware, be wary ( منof), guard, be on one’s guard ( منagainst) حرسḥaras watch; guard, escort; bodyguard │( الحرس السيارsayyār) militia, "garde mobile" (syr.) │ حرس الشرفḥ. aššaraf honor guard; ( الحرس الملكيmalakī) the royal guard (formerly Ir., Eg.); الحرس ( الملوكيmulūkī) (formerly) bodyguard of the Bey (Tun.); ( الحرس الوطنيwaṭanī) the National Guard حراسةḥirāsa guarding, watching, control; watch, guard, guard duty; supervision, superintendence; guardianship, tutelage, custody, care, protection; safe conduct, escort; administration; administration of an estate (jur.); sequester │ حراسة السواحلcoast guard 167 احتراسiḥtirās caution, wariness, prudence; (pl. -āt) precaution, precautionary measure │ احتراسا منfor protection from or against حارسḥāris pl. حرسةḥarasa, حراس ḥurrās vigilant, watchful; watchman; sentry, sentinel, guard; overseer, supervisor, superintendent; administrator;
guardian, custodian, keeper, protector, tutelary (in compounds) │ حارس التركةḥ. at-tirka administrator of aD estate; حارس الخواتمkeeper of the seal; حارس المرمىḥ. almarmā goal keeper; ( حارس قضائيqaḍā’ī) sequestrator, receiver (in bankruptcy, in equity); ( مالك حارسmal’ak) guardian angel (Chr.); حارس الليلḥ. al-lail night watchman محروسmaḥrūs guarded, safeguarded, secured; protected (by God; esp. used ss an epithet after the names of cities); المحرسونthe children, the family محترسmuḥtaris cautious, wary, careful حرشḥaraša i (ḥarš) to scratch ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) II to instigate, prod, incite, provoke, incense ( هs.o.); to set ( بينpeople against each other), sow discord, dissension (بين among) V to pick a quarrel, start a brawl ( بwith s.o.) provoke ( بs.o.) حرشḥirš, ḥurš pl. احراشaḥrāš, حروش ḥurūš forest, wood(s) حرشḥariš and احرشaḥraš, rough, coarse, scabrous حرشḥaraš, حرشةḥurša, حراشةḥarāša roughness, coarseness, scabrousness تحريشtaḥrīš instigation, prodding, incitement, provocation, agitation, incensement تحرشtaḥarruš provocation, importunity, obtrusion, meddling, uncalled-for interference حرشفḥaršaf pl. حراشفḥarāšif2 scales (of fish) حرصḥaraṣa i and ḥariṣa a (ḥirṣ) to desire, want, covet ( علىs.th.); to be intent, be bent ( علىon); to strive ( علىfor), aspire ( علىto) حرصḥirṣ greed, avidity, cupidity, covetousness; desire; aspiration, endeavor, wish ( علىfor); avarice │ حرصا علىin the desire for …, in the endeavor to …; حرصا على االرواحdanger! (on warning signs) حريصḥarīṣ pl. حراصḥirāṣ, حرصاء ḥuraṣā’2 covetous, greedy, avid, eager ( علىfor); bent ( علىon), desirous ( علىof) احرصaḥraṣ more covetous, greedier
حرضII to goad, prod, spur on, egg on, incite, rouse, provoke ( على هs.o. to s.th. or to do s.th.); to instigate, abet, stir up, agitate ( على هs.o. to or against); O to induce (el.) تحريضtaḥrīḍ incitement, provocation; instigation, abetment, agitation ( علىto); inflammatory propaganda ( علىagainst s.o.); O induction (el.) │ تحريض ذاتيselfinduction (el.) تحريضيtaḥrīḍī inciting, instigative, agitative, inflammatory; provocative حارضḥāriḍ bad, wicked, evil محرضmuḥarriḍ pl. -ūn inciter, baiter; instigator, abettor; demagogue, rabble rouser; agitator, provocator; O inductor (el.) متحرضmutaḥarriḍ O induced (el.) حرفII to slant, incline, make oblique (ھـ s.th.); to bend off, up, down or back, turn up, down or back, deflect (ھـs.th.); to distort, corrupt, twist, pervert, misconstrue, falsify ( ھـs.th.) │حرفه عن ‘( موضعهan mauḍi‘ihī) to distort the sense of 168 s.th., rob s.th. of its true meaning V to turn off, branch off, take a turning; to deviate, depart, digress ( عنfrom); to avoid ( عنs.th.); to be or become bent off, distorted, corrupted, perverted VII to tum off, branch off, ta.ke a turning; to deviate, depart, digress, turn away ( عنfrom); to slope down, slant, be inclined (terrain); to turn ( الىto, toward); to be twisted, be distorted; to be oblique, slanting; to be cocked, rakish (headgear); with بto make s.th. appear oblique, slanted, or distorted; to be corrupted, perverted │ انحرف به عنto dissuade s.o. from; ( انحرف مزاجهmizājuhū) to be indisposed, be ill VIII to do ( ھـs.th.) professionally, practice ( ھـs.th.) as a profession; to strive for success حرفḥarf pl. حرفḥiraf (cutting) edge (of a knife, of a sword); sharp edge; border, edge, rim, brink, verge; -- (pl. حروفḥurūf, احرفaḥruf) letter; consonant; particle (gram.); type (typ.) │على حرف irresolute, wavering, on the fence; الفاظه بحروفھاalfāẓuhū bi-ḥurūfihā his words literally; بالحرفor بالحرف الواحدliterally, verbatim, to the letter; حرفا بحرفḥarfan bi-ḥarfin literally, word for word; وقع
( باالحرف االولىwaqqa‘a, ūlā) to initial (e.g., معاھدةmu‘āhadatan a treaty); الحروف ( االبجديةabjadīya) the alphabetic letters, the alphabet; حروف مجموعةmatter (typ.); ( الحروف الشمسيةšamsīya) the sun letters (i.e., sibilants, dentals, r, l, n to which the l of the article assimilates), الحروف القمرية (qamarīya) the moon letters (to which the l of the article does not assimilate); حرف الجرḥ al-jarr preposition (gram.) حرف الخفضḥ al-ḳafḍ do.; حرف التعريفarticle (gram.); حرف العطفḥ al-‘aṭf coordinating conjunction (gram.); حرف االستفھام interrogative particle (gram.); حرف القسمḥ. al-qasam particle introducing oaths (gram.) حرفيḥarfī literal حرفḥurf common garden pepper cress (Lepidium sativum L.; bot.) حرفةḥirfa pl. حرفḥiraf profession, occupation, vocation, business, craft, trade حريفḥarīf pl. حرفاءḥurafā’2 customer, patron, client (tun.) حريفḥirrīf pungent, acrid (taste); حريفات spicy food, delicacies حرافةḥarāfa pungency, acridity (taste) تحريفtaḥrīf pl. -āt alteration, change; distortion; perversion, corruption, esp. phonetic corruption of a word
حرقḥaraqa i (ḥarq) to burn ( ھـs.th.); to burn, hurt, sting, smart │( حرق قلبهqalbahū), pl. ( حرق قلوبھمqulūbahum) to vex, exasperate s.o.; -- u (ḥarq) to rub together ( ھـs.th.) II to burn ( ھـs.th.); ( حرق اسنانهasnānahū) to gnash one’s teeth V to burn ( ھـs.th.); to destroy by fire ( ھـs.th.); to singe, scorch, parch ( ھـs.th.); to scald ( ھـs.th.); to kindle, ignite, set on fire ( ھـs.th.) │ احرق فحمة ليله (فيfaḥmata lailihī) to spend the night doing 169 (s.th.), burn the midnight oil over… V to burn, be aflame, burn up, take fire, he consumed hy fire, he burned; to be consumed (by an emotion), pine away (ھـ with), he pained ( ھـby), eat one’s heart out │( تحرق شوقاšauqan) to be overcome with longing or nostalgia VIII to burn, be aflame, burn up, take fire, be consumed by fire, he burned حرقḥarq burning, incineration, combustion; kindling, igniting, setting afire; arson, incendiarism; pl. حروقḥurūq burn (med.) حرقḥaraq fire, conflagration حرقةḥurqa, ḥarqa burning, incineration, combustion; stinging, smarting, burning (as a physical sensation); torture, torment, agony, pain, ordeal حراقḥurāq, ḥurraq tinder حراقḥarrāq hurning, aflame, afire; hot
انحرافinḥirāf pl. -āt deviation, digression; obliqueness, obliquity, inclination, slant; declination (astrom.); ailment, indisposition, also انحراف المزاج
حريقḥarīq and حريقةpl. حرائقḥarā’iq2 fire; conflagration
احترافiḥtirāf professional pursuit (of a trade, etc.)
حرقانḥaraqān burning, stinging, smarting (as a painful sensation; e.g., of the feet)
محرفmuḥarraf corrupted (word) منحرفmunḥarif oblique; slanted, slanting, sloping, inclined; distorted, perverted, corrupted, twisted; deviating, divergent; trapezium (geom.) محترفmuḥtarif one gainfully employed ( بin), person doing s.th. ()ب professionally; professional, a pro (sports); professional (adj.), e.g., صحافي ( محترفṣiḥāfī) professional journalist; climber, careerist محترفmuḥtaraf pl. -āt studio, atelier
O حراقةḥarrāqa torpedo
O محرقmaḥraq pl. محارقmaḥāriq2 focus (phys.) تحاريقtaḥārīq2 (Eg.) season of the Nile’s lowest water level, hottest season of the year احراقburning, incineration, combustion تحرقtaḥarruq buming, combustion; burning desire احتراقiḥtirāq burning, combustion; fire, conflagration │O غرفة االحتراقgurfat al-i. combustion chamber (techn.); قابل االحتراق qābil al-i. combustible
حارقḥāriq arsonist, incendiary محروقmaḥrūq burned, charred, scorched, parched; reddish, hronzecolored; pl. محروقاتmaḥrūqāt fuel │ فخار (محروقfaḳḳār) fired clay محرقmuḥriq: ( قنبلة محرقةqunbula) incendiary bomb O محرقmuḥraq crematory محرقةmaḥraqa burnt sacrifice حرقدḥarqada pl. حراقدḥarāqid2 Adam’s apple حرقفةḥarqafa pl. حراقفḥarāqif2 protruding part of the hipbone حركII to move, set in motion, drive, propel, operate ( ھـs.th.); to march, move (ه troops); to stir ( ھـs.th.); to start, get started, get underway ( ھـs.th.); to agitate, excite, stimulate ( ھـs.th.); to incite, instigate, goad, prod, provoke, actuate, urge ( على هs.o. to do s.th.); to awaken, arouse, foment, stir up ( ھـs.th.); to vowel, vowelize (gram., ھـa consonant) │حرك ( مشاعرهmašā‘irahū) to grip, excite, thrill s.o.; حرك العواطفto affect the feelings, be touching, moving, pathetic; ال يحرك ساكنا (sākinan) he doesn’t budge, he doesn’t hend his little finger, he remains immobile, apathetic; ( حرك ساكنهsākinahū) to rouse s.o., put s.o. in a state of excitement, commotion or agitation V to move, be in motion, stir, hudge; to start moving, get moving; to start out, get underway (traveler); to depart, leave (train); to put out, to sail (fleet); to he set in motion, be driven, be operated; to be agitated, be excited, be stimulated; to be awakened, be roused, be fomented, be provoked, be caused حركḥarik lively, active, brisk, agile, nimble حركةḥaraka pl. -āt movement, motion; commotion; physical exercise; stirring, impulse; proceeding, procedure, policy; action, undertaking, enterprise; military 170 operation; continuation, progress; traffic (rail, ohipplng, otreet); movement (as a social phenomenon); vowel (gram.) │( في حركاته وسكناتهsakanātihī) in all his doings; in every situation; حركة المرور (through) traffic; حركة المراكبshipplng
traffic; حركة البضائعexchange of goods; حركة األموالturnover (com.); الحركة النسوية (niswīya) feminist movement; خفيف الحركة nimble, lithe, light, quick, agile, adroit; ثقيل الحركةslow in motion, heavy-handed, clumsy, sluggish, lumbering, inert, indolent O حركيḥarakī kinetic (phys.) حراكḥarāk movement, motion محركmaḥrak path, trajectory (of a projectile) محراكmiḥrāk poker, fire iron تحريكيtaḥrīkī dynamic تحركtaḥarruk pl. -āt movement, motion; forward motion; start; departure; sailing (of a fleet) حاركḥārik withers محركmuḥarrik mover, stirrer; rouser, inciter, fomenter, awakener, agent; instigator; -- (pl. -M) motive, springs, incentive, spur, motivating circumstance, causative factor; motor, engine (tech.) متحركmutaḥarrik moving, movable, mobile; pronounced with following vowel, voweled, vowelized (consonant; gram.) │( صور متحركةṣuwar) movies, motion pictures حركثḥarkata (and حركشḥarkaša) to stir up, agitate, excite, thrill حرمḥaruma u, ḥarima a to be forbidden, prohibited, interdicted, unlawful, unpermitted ( علىto s.o.); -- ḥarama i (ḥirm, حرمانḥirmān) to deprive, bereave, dispossess, divest ( ھـ هor من هs.o. of s.th.) take away, withdraw, withhold ( ھـ هor ھـ منor هform s.o. s.th.), deny, refuse ( ھـ هor ھـ منor من هto s.o. s.th.); to exclude, debar, preclude, cut off ( ھـ هor من هs.o. from s.th.); to excommunicate ( هs.o.) II to declare ( ھـs.th.) sacred, sacrosanct, inviolable, or taboo, to taboo ( ھـs.th.); to declare ( ھـs.th.) unlawful, not permissible, forbid, interdict, proscribe ( ھـs.th., j. to s.o.); to render ( هs.o.) immune or proof ( منagainst), immunize ( من هs.o. against) │ حرمه على نفسهto deny o.s. s.th., abstain, refrain from s.th. IV to excommunicate (ه s.o.; Chr.); to enter into the state of ritual consecration (esp., of a Mecca pilgrim;
see احرامiḥrām) V to be forbidden, interdicted, prohibited; to be holy, sacred, sacrosanct, inviolable VIII to honor, revere, venerate, esteem, respect ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) │ احترم نفسهto be self-respecting X to deem ( ھـs.th.) sacrosanct, sacred, holy, inviolable; to deem ( ھـs.th.) unlawful or unpermissible حرمḥirm excommunication (Chr.) حرمḥaram p1. احرامaḥrām forbidden, prohibited, interdicted; taboo; holy, sacred, sacrosanct; s.th. sacred, sacred object; sacred possession; wife; sanctum, sanctuary, sacred precinct; الحرمانthe two Holy Places, Mecca and Medina │ثالث الحرمينtālit al-ḥaramain the third Holy Place, i.e., Jerusalem حرمةḥurma pl. -āt, ḥurumāt, ḥuramāt holiness, sacredness, sanctity, sacrosanctity, inviolability; reverence, veneration, esteem, deference, respect; that which is holy, sacred, sacrosanct, inviolable, or taboo; -- (pl. حرمḥuram) woman, lady; wife حرامḥarām pl. حرمḥurum forbidden, interdicted, prohibited, unlawful; s.th. forbidden, offense, sin; inviolable, taboo; sacred, sacrosanct; cursed, accursed │ابن حرامibn ḥ. illegitimate son, bastard; 171 االراضي الحرامno man’s land; neutral territory; ( البيت الحرامbait) the Kaaba; الشھر ( الحرامšahr) the Holy Month Muharram; ( المسجد الحرامmasjid) the Holy Mosque in Mecca; حرام عليكyou mustn’t do (say) that! بالحرامillicitly, illegally, unlawfully حرامḥirām pl. -āt, احرمةaḥrima a woolen blanket (worn as a garment around head and body) حريمḥarīm pl. حرمḥurum a sacred, inviolable place, sanctum, sanctuary, sacred, precinct; harem; female members of the family, women; wife حريميḥarīmī women’s (in compounds), for women حرومḥurūm pl. -āt excommunication (Chr.) حراميḥarāmī pl. -īya thief, robber, bandit
حرمانḥirmān deprivation, bereavement, dispossession (of s.o., منof s.th.) debarment, exclusion, preclusion (من from); excommunication (CHr.); privation │ حرمان االرثḥ. al-irt exclusion from inheritance, disinheritance (Isl. Law) محرمmaḥram pl. محارمmaḥārim2 s.th. forbidden. inviolable, taboo, sacrosanct, holy, or sacred; unmarriageable, being in a degree of consanguinity precluding marriage (Isl. Law) محرمةmaḥrama pl. محارمmaḥārim2 handkerchief تحريمtaḥrīm forbiddance, interdiction, prohibition, ban احرامiḥrām state of ritual consecration of the Mecca pilgrim (during which the pilgrim, wearing two seamless woolen or linen sheets, usually white, neither combs nor shaves, and observes sexual continence); garments of the Mecca pilgrim احترامiḥtirām pl. -āt deference, respect, regard, esteem, reverence; honoring (e.g., of a privilege); pl. honors, respects, tributes محرومmaḥrūm deprived, bereaved, bereft ( منof); excluded, precluded, debarred ( منfrom); suffering privation (as opposed to ;)مرزوقexcommunicated (Chr.) محرمmuḥarram forbidden, interdicted; Muharram, name of the first Islamic month; محرم الحرامm. al-ḥarām honorific name of this month محرمmuḥrim Mecca pilgrim who has entered the state of ritual consecration (see احرامiḥrām) محترمmuḥtaram honored, revered, venerated, esteemed, respected; (in the salutation of letters:) my dear …; venerable, reverend; notable, remarkable, considerable حرملḥarmal African rue (Peganum harmala L.; bot.) حرملḥarmala pl. حراملḥarāmil2 loose wrap worn over the shoulders (garment of the dervishes)
حرنḥarana, ḥaruna u ( حرنḥiran, ḥuran) to be obstinate, stubborn, headstrong حرونḥarūn pl. حرنḥurun obstinate, stubborn, refractory, reluctant, resistant حارونḥārūn brazior حروةḥarwa burning; wrath, rage; acridity, pungency (of taste); pungent, disagreeable odor حرىV to seek, pursue ( ھـs.th.), strive ( ھـfor), asplre ( ھـto); to examine, investigate (ھـ s.th.); to inquire ( عنor ھـinto), make inquiries ( عنor ھـabout); to be intent (ھـ on s.th.), take cars ( ھـof s.th.), attend ( ھـto s.th., also )في, look ( ھـafter s.th., also ;)في to see to it ( انthat) 172 بالحرىbi-l-ḥarā hardly, barely حرىḥarīy pl. احرياءaḥriyā’ adequate, appropriate, suitable ( بfor), worthy ( بof s.th.) │ ( حرى بالذكرdikr) worth mentioning, considerable; حري بالتصديق credible, believable; او بالحريor to be exact, or rather احرىaḥrā more adequate, more proper, more appropriate │ او باالحرىor to tell the truth, or more explicitly, or put more exactly, or rather تحرtaḥarrin pl. تحرياتtaḥarriyāt inquiry; investigation │ شرطة التحريšurṭat at-t. or مصلحة التحريmaṣlaḥat al-t. secret police حزḥazza u (ḥazz) to notch, nick, incise, indent ( فيs.th.), make an incision, cut ( فيinto s.th.) II and VIII = I حزḥazz pl. حزوزḥuzūz incision, notch, nick; the right time, the nick of time حزةḥazza incision, notch, nick; tim; the right time, the nick of time; predicament, plight حزازḥazāz head scurf, ringworm; tetter, eruption (med.) حزازةḥazāza rancor, hatred, hate محزmaḥazz notch, nick │ اصاب المحزto find the right solution, hit the nail on the head, hit the mark, strike home حزبḥazaba u (ḥazb) to befall ( هs.o.), happen, occur ( هto s.o.) │ حزب االمرthe matter became serious II to rally ( هs.o.); to form
or found a party 111 to side, take sides (ه with), be an adherent ( هof s.o.) V to take sides; to form a party, make common cause, join forces حزبḥizb pl. احزابaḥzāb group, troop, band, gang; party (pol.); the 60th part of the Koran │ ھو من احزابهhe belongs to his clique. he is of the ...me breed حزبيḥizbī party (adj.), factional حزبيةḥizbīya party activities; partisanship, partiality; factionalism حيزبونḥaizabūn old hag تحزبtaḥazzub factiousness; factionalism حازبḥāzib: حزبه حازبḥazabahū ḥāzib he met with a mishap متحزبmutaḥazzib partial, biased; partisan حزرḥazara i u (ḥazr, محزرةmaḥzara) to estimate, assess, appraise ( ھـs.th.); to make a rough estimate ( ھـof s.th.), guess ( ھـs.th.) حزرḥazr estimation, assessment, appraisal; conjecture, guess, surmise حزورةḥazūra riddle, puzzle محزرةmaḥzara estimation, assessment, appraisal; conjecture, guess, surmise حزيرانḥazīrān June (Syr., Leb., Ir., Jord.) حزقانيḥuzuqqānī choleric حزوقةḥazūqa, حازوقةḥāzūqa hiccups حزمḥazama i (ḥazm) to tie up, bundle, wrap up, pack, do up in a package or bundle (ھـ s.th.); to girth ( ھـan animal); to make fast, fasten, tie ( ھـs.th.) │ ( حزم امرهamrahū) to take matters firmly in hand; -- ḥazuma u (ḥazm, حزامةḥazāma, حزومةḥuzūma) to be resolute, firm, stouthearted, intrepid II to gird ( هs.o.) V and VIII to be girded; to gird o.s. put on a belt حزمḥazm packing, packaging, wrapping; determination, resoluteness, firmness, energy; judiciousness, discretion, prudence حزمةḥuzma pl. حزمḥuzam s.th. wrapped up or tied up, bundle, fagot, fascine; beam of rays, radiation beam
(phys.); bunch (of herb., etc.); sheaf; package, parcel حزامḥzām pl. -āt, احزمةaḥzima, حزم ḥuzum belt, girth; girdle; cummerbund, 173 waistband (worn over the caftan to fasten it); sword belt │ حزام االمنḥ. al-amn wety belt احزمaḥzam2 more resolute: more judicious حازمḥāzim pl. حزمةḥazama and حزيم ḥazīm pl. حزماءḥuzamā’ resolute, energetic; judicious, discreet, prudent حزنḥazana u to make sad, sadden, grieve (ه s.o.); -- ḥazina a (ḥuzn, ḥazan) to be sad, grieved ( لor علىat or because of): to grieve. mourn ( علىover) II and IV to make sad, sadden, grieve ( هs.o.) حزنḥuzn pl. احزانaḥzān sadness, grief, sorrow, affliction حزنḥazn pl. حزونḥuzūn rough, rugged, hard ground حزنḥazin sad, mournful, grieved حزينḥazīn pl. حزناءḥuzanā’2, حزانى ḥazānā sad; mourning (for a deceased person); sorrowing, mournful, grieved │ ( الجمعة الحزينةjum‘a) Good Friday (Chr.) حزنانḥaznān2 very sad, very grieved, worried; in mourning □ حزاينيḥazāyinī ( حزائنيḥazā’inī) sad, mournful, melancholic; mourning (in compounds), mortuary, funereal │قماش ( حزاينيqumāš) cloth for mourning garments تحزنtaḥazzun sadness; behavior of a mourner محزونmaḥzūn grieved, grief-stricken, pained, sad, saddened محزنmuḥzin grievous, saddening; sad; melancholic; tragic: محزناتmuḥzināt grievous things │ ( قصة تمثيلية محزنةqiṣṣa tamtīlīya) and ( رواية محزنةriwāya) tragedy (theat.) حسḥassa (1st pers. perf. ḥasastu) u (ḥass) to curry, currycomb ( ھـan animal); to feel, sense ( ھـs.th.); -- ḥassa (1st pers. perf. ḥasistu) a to feel srry, feel sympathy or compassion ( لfor), sympathize ( لwith),
II to grope, feel IV to perceive, sense, experience ( ھـor بs.th.); to feel ( ھـor ب s.th.); to notice ( ھـor بs.th.); to hear ( ھـa sound, a noise, etc.); to take notice ( هof s.o.) V to grope, probe ( ھـfor s.th.), finger, handle, touch ( ھـs.th.), run the hand (ھـ over s.th.); to grope about, feel around: to seek information, make inquiries (من about); to sense, experience, perceive (،ھـ بs.th.); to feel ( بs.th.); to be affected, be deeply touched ( بby s.th.) حسḥass sensation, perception, feeling, sentiment حسḥiss sensory perception, sensation; feeling, sentiment; sense; voice; sound; noise حسيḥissī sensory; sensuous; perceptible; palpable │O المذھب الحسي (madhab) sensationalism, sensualism حسياتḥissīyāt sensations حسيسḥasīs faint noise حساسḥassās sensitive; sensible; readily affected, susceptible; sensual (pleasure) حساسةḥassāsa sensory organ حساسيḥassāsī allergic │ امراض حساسية allergic diseases, allergies (med.) حساسيةḥassāsīya sensitivity (also techn.); sensibility; faculty of sensory perception; susceptibility; sensuality │ مرض الحساسيةmaraḍ al-ḥ. allergy (med.) محسةmiḥassa currycomb احساسiḥsās pl. -āt, احاسيسaḥāsīs2 feel, feeling: sensation, sense ( بof s.th.) perception ( بof s.th.); sensitivity; pl. احساساتfeelings, sentiments │O احساس بالنورsensitivity to light; O شديد االحساس ١٧٤ highly sensitive; احساس مشترك (muštarak) feeling of harmony, concord, unanimity; قلة االحساسqillat al-i. insensitivity, dullness, obtuseness O الطائفة االحساسيةaṭ-ṭā’ifa al-iḥsāsīya the impressionists حاسةḥāssa pl. حواسḥawāss2 senastion; sense │ الحواس الخمسthe five senses محسوسmaḥsūs felt; sensed; perceptible, noticeable, palpable, tangible; appreciable, considerable (e.g., loss);
المحسوسthat which ill perceptible through the senses; appearance, evidence; المحسوساتthings perceptible through the senses حسبḥasaba u (ḥasb, حسابḥisāb, حسبان ḥisbān, ḥusbān) to compute, reckon, calculate; to count; to charge, debit (على ھـ s.th. to s.o., to s.o.’s account); to credit (ل ھـs.th. to s.o., to s.o.’s account) │ حسب ( حسابهḥisābahū) to take s.th. or s.o. into account or into consideration, reckon with s.th. or s.o., count on s.th. or s.o.; حسابا ل ( حسبḥisāban) do.; to attach importance to s.o. or s.th.; ( حسب الف حساب لalfa) to hove a thousand apprehensions about …; -ḥasiba a i ( حسبانḥisbān, محسباmaḥsaba, maḥsiba) to regard ( ه هs.o. as), consider, deem ( ه هs.o. to be …); to think, believe, suppose, assume; to consider, regard (من ه s.o. as belonging to), count ( من هs.o. among); to see ( ھـ فيin s.o. s.th.); -ḥasuba u (ḥasab, حسابةḥasāba) to be of noble origin, be highborn; to be highly esteemed, be valued III to settle an account, get even (with s.o.); to call (ه s.o.) to account, ask ( هs.o.) for an accounting; to hold ( هs.o.) responsible, make ( هs.o.) answerable │ حاسب على نفسه to be careful, be on one’s guard V to be careful, be on one’s guard; to take precautions; to seek to know, try to find out ( ھـs.th.) VI to settle a mutual account VIII to debit or credit; to take into account, take into consideration ( بor ھـ s.th.); to reckon ( بor ھـwith); (to anticipate a reward in the hereafter by adding a pious deed to one’s account with God -- such as resigning in God’s will at the death of a relative; hence:) احتسب ولدا waladan) to give a son, be bereaved of a son; احتسب عند ﷲ الشيءto sacrifice s.th. in anticipation of God’s reward in the hereafter; to charge ( على ھـs.th. for); to think, believe, suppose; to take ( ه هs.o. for or to be …); to be content, content o.s.(ب with); to disapprove ( على ھـs.th. in s.o.), take exception ( على ھـto s.th. in s.o.), reject ( على ھـs.th. in s.o.); to call ( علىs.o.) to account, ask ( علىs.o.) for an accounting حسبḥasb reckoning, computing, calculation; thinking, opinion, view; sufficiency │ حسبك )بحسبك( درھمḥasbuka
(bi-ḥasbika) dirhamun one dirham is enough for you; حسبك انit suffices to say that …; you know enough when you hear that …; you need only ... ; بحسبك مقنعا ان (muqni‘an) it will be enough to convince you if …; ( وحسبك بھذا كله شراbi-hādā kullihī šarran) but enough of all these negative aspect! فحسبfa-ḥasb and that’s all, and no more, only (interchangeable with )فقط حسبيḥasbī ( مجلس حسبيmajlis) pl. مجالس حسبيةguardianship court, probate court (Eg.) حسبḥasab pl. احسابaḥsāb measure, extent, degree, quantity, amount; value; esteem, high regard enjoyed by s.o.; noble descent; ḥasaba (prep.), بحسبbi-ḥasabi and ‘ على حسبalā ḥasabi according to, in accordance with, commensurate with, depending on حسبماḥasbamā (conj.) according to what ... , as, depending on how … │حسبما ( اتفقttafaqa) as chance will have it حسبةarithmetical problem, sum 175 حسيبḥasīb pl. حسباءḥusabā’2 respected, esteemed; noble, of noble birth, highborn حسبانḥusbān calculation, reckoning, accounnting; computation │كان في الحسبان to be taken into account, be taken into consideration; to be expected, be anticipated; كان في الحسبان انit was expected that ... ; حسباني انI expect that … حسابḥisāb arithmetic, reckoning, calculus; computation; calculation, estimation, appraisal; accounting, settlement; consideration, consideratedness; caution; -- (pl. -āt) bill, invoice; statement of costs (bank) account; pl. حساباتbookkeeping │حساب الجملḥ. al-jummal (al-jumal) use of the alphabetic letters according to their numerical value; ‘ علم الحسابilm al-ḥ. arithmetic; حساب التفاضلḥ. al-tafāḍul differential calculus; حساب التكاملḥ. attakāmul integral calculus; كان في حسابهhe reckoned with it, he expected it, he was prepared for it; عمل حسابا لهto take s.o. or s.th. into consideration; to reckon with s.o. or s.th.; ( الحساب الختاميḳitāmī) and حساب
( نھائيnihā’ī) final statement of account, final accounting; ( دعاه الى الحسابda‘āhū) he called him to account; يوم الحسابyaum alḥ. the Day of Reckoning, Judgment Day; اقام حسابا لto render account to s.o.; بال حسابwithout limit or bounds, to excess, to an unlimited extent; من غير حسابblindly, without forethought, at random; لحساب فالن to s.o.’s credit, to s.o.’s advantage; على حساب فالنto s.o.’s debit, at s.o.’s expense, to s.o.’s disadvantage; لقي سوء الحساب laqiya sū’a 1-ḥ. he got a raw deal, he was in for it; ( حساب جارjārin) current account; حسابات صندوق التوفيرḥ. ṣundūq at-taufīr savings-bank accounts; حساب موقوف blocked account; حسابات دوبيةdouble-entry bookkeeping; ( الحساب الشرقيšarqī) the Julian calendar; ( الحساب الغربيgarbī) the Gregorian calendar حسابيḥisābī arithmetical, mathematical, computational محاسبةmuḥāsaba pl. -āt accounting; clearing (com.); bookkeeping; request for accounting; examination of conscience (theol.) │ قسم المحاسبةqism al-m. accounting department, comptroller’s office; clearing house احتسابiḥtisāb computation; calculation, consideration, reflection; debiting; crediting; valuation; contentedness, satisfaction حاسبḥāsib counter, reckoner, arithmetician, calculator, computer محسوبmaḥsūb pl. -ūn, محاسبmaḥāsib2 protégé, pet, favorite; obedient, subservient ( علىto s.o.) محسوبيةmaḥsūbīya esteem enjoyed by s.o., position of distinction; patronage, favored position, favoritism محاسبmuḥāsib, محاسبجيmuḥāsibgī (eg.) accountant, bookkeeper; comptroller, auditor محتسبmuḥtasab that for which one can expect reward in the hereafter (e.g., suffering, loss, etc.) حسدḥasada u (ḥasad) to envy, grudge ( هs.o., علىor ھـs.th.), be envious ( هof s.o., علىor ھـbecause of s.th.) VI to envy each other حسدḥasad envy
حسودpl. حسدḥusud envious تحاسدtaḥāsud mutual envy حاسدpl. حسادḥussād, حسدةḥasada envious; envier, grudger محسودmaḥsūd envied; smitten by the evil eye حسرḥasara u i (ḥasr) to pull away or off, remove ( عن ھـs.th., a cover, a veil, from); to uncover, lay bare, unveil ( عنs.th.); -(ḥusūr) to become dim (sight); -- ḥasira a ((ḥasar, حسرةḥasra) to regret ( علىs.th.), be grieved, be pained ( علىby 176 s.th.); to sigh ( علىover s.th.); -- ḥasara i, ḥasira a (ḥasar) to become tired, fatigued II to fatigue, tire, weaken, sap ( هs.o.); to grieve, sadden ( هs.o.), cause pain or grief ( هto s.o.); to remove ( ھـa cover, عنfrom), lay bare, unveil ( عنs.th.) V to be distressed, be pained, be grieved ( علىby); to sigh ( علىover) VII to be pulled away or off, be removed ( عنfrom); to be rolled up. be turned back (sleeve, عنfrom the arm); to disappear suddenly ( عنfrom) حسرḥasar fatigue, debility, weakness │ حسر البصرḥ. al-baṣar nearsightedness, myopia حسرḥasir grieved, sad; fatigued, languid, weary, tired حسرḥasra pl. ḥasarāt grief, sorrow, pain, distress, affliction; sigh │ يا للحسرةyā la-l-ḥasrati alas! Unfortunately! يا حسرتي yā ḥasratī and وا حسرتاهwā ḥasratāh what a pity! too bad! حسيرḥasīr pl. حسرىḥasrā tired, weary, fatigued, exhausted; dim, dull (eye), nearsighted │ حسير البصرḥ. al-baṣar nearsighted, myopic حسورḥasūr nearsightedness, myopia حسرانḥasrān regretful, sorry, sad, distressed, grieved تحسرtaḥassur sighing; regret حاسرḥāsir pl. حواسرḥawāsir2 bared, denuded │ حاسر البصرḥ. al-baṣar nearsighted, myopic; حاسر الرأسḥ. ar-ra’s bareheaded, hatless حسكḥasak (coll.; n. un. )ةthorns, spines; spikes, pricks; fish bones; awns, beard
(bot.); name of several prickly herbs, esp. of the genus Tribulus حسكيḥasakī thorny, prickly, spiny حسمḥasama i (ḥasm) to cut, sever, cut off (ھـ s.th.); to finish, complete, terminate (ھـ s.th.); to decide ( ھـa question); to settle (ھـ an argument); to deduct, discount ( ھـan amount from a sum of money) VII to be severed, be cut off; to be finished, be completed, be terminated; to be settled (argument) حسمḥasm finishing, completion, termination; decision; settling, settlement (of an argument); discontinuance, shutdown, closing down; deduction, discounting (of an amount) حسامḥusām sword, sword edge حسومḥasūm fatal, trying, grueling (pl.; days, nights, also years) حاسمḥāsim decisive; final, peremptory, conclusive, definite, definitive حسنḥasana u (ḥusn) to be handsome, beautiful, lovely, nice, fine, good; to be expedient, advisable, suitable, proper, fitting; to be in a proper state, be in a desirable condition │ ان حسن لديكin ḥ. ladaika if you like it, if it seems all right to you; يحسن بك انit is to your advantage that you ... ; you ought to …; حسن استعداده ل he was all willing to … II to beautify, embellish ( ھـs.th.); to adorn, decorate (ھـ s.th.); to improve, put into better form, ameliorate, better ( ھـs.th.); to make a better presentation ( ھـof s.th.); to present in a favorable light, depict as nice or desirable ( ل ھـs.th. to s.o.; to sugar-coat, make more palatable ( ھـs.th. unpleasant, s.th. disadvantageous) III to treat ( هs.o.) with kindliness IV to do right, act well; to do ( ھـs.th), well, expertly, nicely; to know ( ھـhow to do s.th.), be able ( ھـto do s.th.); to master ( ھـs.th.), have command ( ھـof s.th.), be proficient ( ھـin s.th.; a language, an art, a handicraft, etc.), be conversant (ھـ with s.th.); to do good, be charitable; to do favors, do good ( الىor بto s.o.), do ( بor بs.o.) a good turn, be nice, friendly (الى or بto s.o.); to give 177 alms, give charity ( الىto s.o.) │ ما احسنهmā aḥsanahū how good he is! how handsome he is! احسنت
aḥsanta well done! bravo! احسن االلمانية (almānīya) to master the German language, know German well; احسن التسديدto aim well or accurately; ( احسن مشورتهmašūratahū) to give good advice; ( احسن الظن بẓanna) to have a good opinion of ... , judge s.th. favorably; ( احسن معاملتهmu‘āmalatahū) to treat s.o. well V to become nicer, more handsome, more beautiful; to improve, ameliorate, get better X to deem ( ھـs.th.) nice, etc., or good; to regard ( ھـs.th.) as right, advisable or appropriate; to approve ( ھـof s.th.), sanction, condone ( ھـs.th.); to come to like, to appreciate ( ھـs.th.), find pleasure ( ھـin s.th.); also = IV: استحسن ( االنجليزيةingilīzīya) to know English well; pass. ustuḥsina to be good, commendable, advisable حسنḥusn beauty, handsomeness, prettiness, loveliness; excellence, superiority, perfection │لحسن الحظ fortunately; حسن السلوكgood manners, good behavior; good conduct; ( حسن السير والسلوكḥ. as-sair) an irreproachable life; حسن التصرف ḥ. al-taṣarruf discretion, individual judgment; حسن الظنgood opinion, favorable judgment; حسن التعبيرeuphemism; حسن القصد ))النيةḥ. al-qaṣd (an-nīya) good intention, good will, good faith; حسن يوسفḥ. yūsuf beauty spot, patch; ست الحسنa kind of bindweed (Convolvulus cairicus L.; bot.); deadly nightshade, belladonna حسنḥasan pl. حسانḥisān beautiful, handsome, lovely; pretty, nice; good, agreeable; excellent, superior, exquisite; حسناḥasanan well, splendidly, excellently, beautifully; الحسانthe ladies; -- high sandhill الحسنيونal-ḥasanīyūn the Hasanides, the descendants of ḥasan, son of ‘Alī and Fāṭima احسنaḥsan2 pl. احاسنaḥāsin2 better; nicer, lovelier, more beautiful; more excellent, more splendid, more admirable│ he is better off than they are; (bi-llatī) in a friendly manner, amicably, with kindness حسناءḥasnā’2 pl. حسانḥisān (of a woman) beautiful, a beauty, a belle الحسنىal-ḥusnā pl. -āt (f. of االحسنalaḥsan) the best outcome, the happy ending; fair means, amicable manner │بالحسنى amicably, by fair means, in a friendly
manner; ( االسماء الحسنىasmā’) the 99 attributes of God
حشاشḥuššāš, حشاشةḥušāša last breath, last spark of life
حسنةḥasana pl. -āt good deed, benefaction; charity, alms; pl. حسنات advantages, merits
حشيشيḥašīšī (eg.) sap-green, resedacolored
حسونḥassūn pl. حساسينḥasāsīn2 goldfinch محسنةmaḥsana s.th. nice, s.th. good; advantage; pl. محاسنmaḥāsin2 beauties, charms, attractions, merits, advantages, good qualities تحسينtaḥsīn beautification, embellishment; improvement, amelioration, betterment; processing, refining, finishing; (pl. تحاسينtaḥāsīn) ornament, decoration │O تحسين النسلt. an-nasl eugenics محاسنةmuḥāsana friendly treatment, kindliness amicability احسانiḥsān beneficence. charity, almsgiving, performance of good deeds تحسنtaḥassun improvement, amelioration │ في التحسنon the way to recovery استحسانistiḥsān approval, consent; acclaim; discretion; application of discretion in a legal decision (Isl. Law) محسنmuḥassin embellisher, beautifier, improver; pl. محسناتmuḥassināt cosmetics محسنmuḥsin beneficent, charitable مستحسنmustaḥsan approved, commendable; pleasant, agreeable 178 ( حسو( حساḥasā u (ḥasw), V and VIII to drink, sip ( ھـs.th.) حسوḥasw and حساءḥasā’ soup, broth حسوةḥaswa pl. ḥasawāt a sip حسوةḥuswa pl. ḥusuwāt, ḥusawāt, احسية aḥasiya a sip, small quantity of liquid; soup, broth; bouillon حشḥašša u (ḥašš) to mow, cut ( ھـs.th.) II to smoke hashish حشيشḥašīš (coll.) pl. حشائشhāšā’iš2 herbs, grasses; weeds; hay; hemp (Cannabis sativa L.; bot.), hashish, Cannabis; stillborn child │ حشيش الدينارḥ. ad-dīnār hops حشيشةḥašīša (n. un.) herb حشاشḥaššāš pl. -ūn smoker or chewer of hashish. hashish addict
محشmiḥašš, محشةmiḥašša pl. محاش maḥāšš2 sickle, scythe; fire iron, poker محشةmiḥašša pl. -āt (eg.) tool for weeding, weeder محششmaḥšaš, محشش خانةm. ḳāna hashish den محششةpl. محاششmaḳāšiš2 hashish den حشدḥašada i u (ḥašd) to gather, concentrate, mass ( هesp. troops), call up, mobilize ( هan army); to pile up, store up, accumulate (ھـ s.th., الىat a place) II to amass, accumulate ( ھـs.th.), mass, concentrate ( هesp. troops) V and VIII to rally, come together, assemble, gather, crowd together, throng together; to be concentrated, be massed (troops); to fall into line (troops) حشدḥašd pl. حشودḥušūd assembling, rallying; gathering, assembly, crowd, throng; concentration, massing (esp. of troops); mobilization. calling up (of an army) حشدtaḥaššud pl. -āt concentration (of troops) احتشادiḥtišād pl. -āt gathering, crowd; concentration (of troops) حشيدnumerous (of an assembly), crowded (of a public demonstration) O حاشدةḥāšida battery (el.) حشرḥašara i u (ḥašr) to gather, assemble, rally ( هpeople); to cram, crowd, pack, jam (together); to squeeze. press, force, stuff, tuck ( بينor في ھـs.th. into) يوم الحشرyaum al-ḥašr the day of congregation (of the dead), the Day of resurrection حشرةḥašara pl. -āt insect; pl. vermin, insect pests │ ‘ علم الحشراتilm al-ḥ. entomology حشريḥašarī insectile, insectival, insect(in compounds); entomologic(al) حشرجḥašraja and II taḥašraja to rattle in the throat حشرجةḥašraja rattling, rattle in the throat حشفV to be dressed shabbily, dress slovenly
حشفḥašaf dates of inferior quality حشفةḥašafa glans (penis; anat.) حشكḥašaka i (ḥašk) to cram, jam, squeeze, stuff ( في ھـs.th. into) حشمḥašama i (ḥašm) to shame, put to shame (ه s.o.) 11 and IV do. V and VIII to be ashamed to face s.o. ( منor ;)عنto be reticent, modest, shy, bashful, diffident حشمḥašam servants, retinue, entourage, suite حشمةḥišma shame, bashfulness, timidity, diffidence; modesty; decency, decorum 179 حشيمḥašīm pl. حشماءḥušamā’2 modest, timid, bashful, shy, diffident محاشمmaḥāšim2 pubes, genitals
حاشاḥāšā (with genit., acc. or )لexcept, save │ حاشا، حاشىGod forbid! حاشا لك ان far be it from you that you ...; حاش لك، حاش (ḥāša) = ١٨٠ حاشا لك، حاشا تحشيةtaḥšya insertion; interpolation تحاشtaḥāšin avoidance حاشيةḥāšiya pl. حواشḥawāšin border; seam, hem; edge; margin (of a book); marginal gives; marginal notes; commentary on certain words and passages of a book, supercommentary; footnote; postscript; retinue, entourage, suite, servants; dependents; pl. حواشcritical apparatus │ رقيق الحاشيةand رقيق الحواشيnice, polite, courteous, gracious, amiable, kindly, friendly; رقة الحھشيةriqqat al-ḥāš. niceness, amiability, graciousness
تحشمtaḥaššum and احتشامiḥtišām shame, shyness, modesty, reticent, decency, decorum
محشوmaḥšūw filled, dressed; stuffed; loaded (firearm); pl. محشواتmaḥšūwāt filled, or stuffed, dishes
محتشمmuḥtašim shy, bashful; modest, reticent, decent, decorous
محشيmaḥšīy filled, stuffed (esp. food); s.th. filled or stuffed
)حشا )حشوḥaša u (ḥašw) to stuff, fill, dress (ب ھـ s.th. with; esp. fowl, etc.); to fill in ( ھـs.th.); to load ( ھـa firearm; ھـ ھـs.th. with, e.g., a camera); to fill ( ھـa tooth); to insert ( ھـs.th.) 11 to interpalate ( ھـs.th.); to insert ( ھـs.th.); to provide ( ھـs.th.) with a margin; to hem ( ھـa dress); to supply ( ھـa book) with marginal notes or glosses III to except, exclude ( من هs.o. from) V to keep away, stand aloof, abstain ( من هfrom), avoid, shun ( منs.th.), beware ( منof), be on one’s guard ( منagainst) VI to keep away, abstain ( عنor منfrom), beware ( ھـor عنor منof), avoid, shun ( ھـor عنor منs.th.) حشوḥašw that with which s.th. is stuffed or filled; dressing, stuffing (of fowl, .to.); filling (of tooth); insertion; (gram.) parenthesis; interpolation حشوḥašwa pl. -āt filling, stuffing (cushion, cookery, etc.); load (of a cartridge), charge (of a min.); panel, inlay, inserted piece (in paneling, in a door) حشاḥašan pl. احشاءaḥšā’ bowels, intestines; interior, inside │ في احشاءin the interior of, within, in حشىḥašan = حشاḥašan حشيةḥašīya pl. –āt, حشاياḥašāyā cushion, pillow; mattress
حصḥaṣṣa u to fall as a share ( هto s.o.) III to share ( ه ھـs.th. with s.o.) IV to allot s.o. ()ه his share حصḥuṣṣ saffron حصةḥiṣṣa pl. حصصḥiṣaṣ share, portion, allotment; share (fin.); contingent, quota; span of time; lesson, class period │ حصة في الربحḥ. fī r-rabḥ dividend (fin.); O حصة التأسيسfounders’ share; O نظام الحصصquota system, apportionment; في حصة وجيزةin a short time تحصيصtaḥṣīṣ quota system, apportionment محاصةmuḥāṣṣa allotment; sharing (with s.o.), partaking, participation حصالبانsee حصى حصبḥaṣaba i u to cover or strew with pebbles or gravel ( ھـground); to macadamize (ھـ ground), metal ( ھـa road); -- ḥaṣiba a and pass. ḥuṣiba to have the measle II to cover or strew with pebbles or gravel ( ھـground); to macadamize ( ھـground), metal ( ھـa road) 180 حصبḥaṣab road metal, crushed rock, ballast حصبḥaṣbā’2 (coll.) pebbles; gravel حصبḥaṣba measles (med.)
حاصبةḥāṣiba storm, hurricane حصحصḥaṣḥaṣa to be or become clear, plain, manifest; to come to light (truth) حصدḥaṣada i u (ḥaṣd, حصادḥaṣad, ḥiṣad) to harvest, reap ( ھـs.th.); to mow ( ھـs.th.) IV, VIII and X to be ripe حصدḥaṣd and حصادḥiṣād harvesting, reaping, harvest; حصادharvest time حصيدḥaṣid, حصيدةḥaṣīda pl. حصائد ḥaṣā’id2 crop, harvest yield │ قائم وحصيد everything without exception حصادḥaṣṣād reaper; harvester محصدmiḥṣad pl. محاصدmaḥāṣid2 sickle O حصادةḥaṣṣāda and O محصدةmiḥṣada mowing machine, mower │ O حصادة دراسة (darrāsa) combine حاصدḥāṣid reaper O حاصدةḥāṣid mowing machine, mower
detention, determent; restraint, retention, containment, check; limitation, restriction, confinement ~ narrowing; gathering, collecting (of s.th. scattered), compilation; enumeration, listing, counting, computing; centralization, concentration; (tobacco) monopoly │ بالحصرstrictly speaking; على سبيل الحصرحصرexhaustively; حصر التموينḥ. al-tamwīn rationing; ‘ عالمة الحصرalāmat alḥ. parentheses, brackets (typ.); ال يدخل تحت ( الحصرyadḳulu) or ( ال حصر لهḥaṣra) boundless, infinite, immeasurable, innumerable; يفوق الحصرyafūqu al-ḥaṣra do.; O اجازة الحصرijāzat al-ḥ. patent on an invention; ادارة حصر التبغ والتنباكidārat ḥ. attibg wa-t-tumbāk Government Tobacco Monopoly (Syr.) حصرḥuṣr retention (of urine); constipation حصرḥaṣar dyslogia, inability to express o.s. effectively
محصودmaḥṣūd harvested, reaped, mown
حصيرḥaṣīr pl. حصرḥuṣur mat
محصدmuḥṣid and mustaḥṣid ripe
حصيرةḥaṣīra pl. حصائرḥaṣā’ir2 mat
حصرḥaṣara i u (ḥaṣr) to surround, encircle, encompass, ring ( ھـs.th.); to enclose (ھـ s.th.); to parenthesize ( ھـa word); to blockade ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to besiege, beleaguer ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to detain, deter, restrain, contain, hold back ( هs.o.); to limit, restrict ( في ھـor بs.th. to); to condense, reduce in scope ( ھـs.th.); to narrow down, confine ( في ھـs.th. to, also a suspicion to s.o.); to bring together, compile, arrange (في ھـs.th. under a rubric); to enter ( في ھـs.th. in a list); to put together, set up, list, enumerate ( ھـs.th.); to comprise, contain, include, involve ( ھـs.th.); -- ḥaṣira a (ḥaṣar) to be in a fix, be in a dilemma III to encircle, surround ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to shut off, seclude ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to block ( ھـs.th.); to beleaguer, besiege ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to blockade ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to detain, deter, restrain ( هs.o.) VII to be straitened, confined, narrowed in; to be or become restricted, limited ( بor فيto); to limit o.s. ( بor فيto); to be condensed ( فيto), be concentrated ( فيin); to be or become united (e.g., تحت حكمهunder s.o.’s rule); to be reducible ( فيto), be expressible ( فيin terms of), consist ( فيin) حصرḥaṣr encirclement, encompassment, enclosure, corralling; parenthesizing; blocking, blockading, beleaguering, siege;
حصارḥiṣār block, blockage, barrier; blockade; siege 181 محاصرةmuḥāṣara block, blockage, barrier; blockade; siege انحصارinḥiṣār restrictedness, limitation, confinement; (tobacco) monopoly محصورmaḥṣūr blocked, blockaded; beleaguered, besieged; limited, restricted, confined ( فيto); narrow حصرمḥiṣrim (coll.; n. un. )ةunripe and sour grapes (syr.) حصفḥaṣufa u ( حصفḥaṣāfa) to have sound judgment, be judicious, discriminating حصفḥaṣif endowed with sound judgment, judicious, discriminating حصيفḥaṣīf endowed with sound judgment, judicious, discriminating حصافةḥaṣāfa sound judgment, judiciousness حصلḥaṣala u ( حصولḥuṣūl) to set in; to be there, be existent, extant; to arise, come about; to result, come out; to happen, occur, transpire, come to pass, take place; to happen, occur ( لto s.o.), come ( لupon s.o.), befall, overtake ( لs.o.); to originate, emanate, derive, stem ( منfrom), be caused,
be produced ( منby); to attain, obtain, get, receive, achieve ( علىs.th.), win ( علىs.o. or s.th.); to come into possession ( علىof s.th.); to seek ( علىa permit), apply ( علىfor a permit); to collect, recover ( علىa debt), call in ( علىfunds); to receive. take in ( علىs.th.) II to cause s.th. ( )ھـto happen or set in; to attain. obtain ( ھـs.th.); to acquire ( ھـs.th., also knowledge); to infer, deduce ( ھـs.th.); to collect ( ھـa fee, fare, etc.), levy ( ھـtaxes, fees, etc.), call in ( ھـmoney); to summarize, sum up ( ھـs.th.) V to result ( منfrom), come out (sum); to be obtained, be attained; to be raised, be levied, be required. be demanded; to be taken in, come in (fees, taxes, funds); to be collected (taxes); to procure for o.s., get ( علىs.th.); to attain, receive, obtain (على s.th.); to acquire ( علىs.th.); to collect (على fees) X to procure for o.s., get ( علىs.th.); to attain. Receive, obtain ( علىs.th.); to acquire ( علىs.th.) حصولḥuṣūl setting in, occurrence, incidence. happening (of an event or process); obtainment. attainment ( علىof s.th.); achievement ( علىof s.th.); acquisition ( علىof s.th.) حصيلةḥaṣīla pl. حصائلḥaṣā’il2 rest, remainder; amount collected, proceeds, returns; revenue, receipts, yield, income, takings حوصلة، حوصلand حويصلةlook up alphabetically حصالةḥaṣāla collection box, alms box محصلmaḥṣal result, outcome, upshot, issue تحصيلtaḥṣīl pl. -āt attainment, obtainment, gain; acquisition (also of knowledge); learning, studying, scientific studies; collection, raising, levy(ing), calling in (of funds, taxes); income, revenue, receipts, returns, proceeds; résumé, summary, gist (of a speech or opinion); من تحصيل الحاصل ان يقالin summary, it may be said ... تحصيلجيtaḥṣīlgī (eg.) = محصلmuḥaṣṣil حاصلḥāṣil pl. حواصلḥawāsil2 setting in, occurring, taking place, happening; result, outcome, sum, total, product (also math.); revenues, receipts, proceeds, gain; income, returns; crop, harvest; warehouse, storehouse, granary, depot, magazine; main content, purport, gist, essence, substance (of
a speech); الحاصلbriefly, in short; pl. حاصالتproduct(s), yield. produce. production (econ.) محصولmaḥsūl pl. -āt, محاصلmaḥāṣīl2 result, outcome, issue; yield, gain; product, produce; crop, harvest; production 182
محصلmuḥaṣṣil collector; tax collector; cashier; (bus, streetcar) conductor متحصلmutaḥaṣṣil yield, revenue, proceeds, receipts, returns ( منfrom) حصنḥaṣuna u ( حصانةḥaṣāna) to be inaccessible, be well fortified; to be chaste (woman) II to make inaccessible ( ھـs.th.); to strengthen ( ھـs.th.); to fortify, entrench ( ھـs.th.); to immunize, make proof (ضد ḍidda against) IV to make inaccessible (ھـ s.th.); to fortify, entrench ( ھـs.th.); to be chaste, pure (woman); to remain chaste, be of unblemished reputation (woman) V to strengthen one’s position, protect o.s.; to be fortified; to be secure, be protected حصنḥiṣn pl. حصونḥuṣūn fortress, fort, castle, citadel, stronghold; fortification, entrenchment; protection │ حصن طائر Flying Fortress حصانḥiṣān pl. حصنḥuṣun, احصنة aḥsina horse; stallion │ حصان البحرḥ. albaḥr hippopotamus; ( حصان بخاريbuḳārī) iron horse; قوة حصنqūwat ḥ., or حصان alone, horse power حصينḥaṣīn inaccessible, strong, fortified, firm, secure(d), protected; immune, proof, invulnerable ( ضدḍidda against) │ ( الحصن الحصينḥiṣn) stronghold (fig.; e.g., of radicalism) ابو الحصينabū l-ḥuṣain fox حصانةḥaṣāna strength, ruggedness, forbiddingness, impregnability, inaccessibility; shelteredness, chastity (of a woman); invulnerability, inviolability; immunity (of deputies, diplomats; against illness) تحصينtaḥṣīn pl. -āt fortification, entrenchment; strengthening, cementing, solidification; immunization احصانiḥṣān blamelessness, unblemished reputation, integrity (Isl. Law)
تحصنtaḥaṣṣun securing, safeguarding, protection, protectedness محصنmuḥaṣṣan fortified; entrenched; immune, proof ( ضدḍidda against) محصنةmuḥṣina, muḥṣana sheltered, well-protected, chaste; of unblemished reputation (woman; Isl. Law) حصىIV to oount, enumerate ( ھـs.th.); to calculate, compute ( ھـs.th. منfrom); to debit, charge ( على ھـs.th. to s.o.’s account), hold ( ھـs.th. علىagainst s.o.) │ال ( يحصىyuḥṣā) innumerable حصىḥaṣan (coll.) pebbles, little stones حصاةḥaṣāh, حصوةḥaṣwa pl. حصيات ḥaṣayāt little stone; pebble; calculus, stone (med.) │ ( حصاة بوليةbaulīya) cystic calculus; ( حصاة صفراويةṣafrāwīya) gallstone, biliary calculus حصى لبانḥaṣā lubān, حصالبانrosemary (bot.) حصويḥaṣawī stony, pebbly, gravelly احصاءiḥṣā’ pl. -āt count, counting; enumeration; calculation, computation; statistics │ احصاء السكانi. as-sukkān census احصائيiḥṣā’ī statistic(al); (pl. -ūn) statistician احصائيةiḥṣā’īya pl. -āt statistics حضḥaḍḍa u (ḥaḍḍ) and II to spur on, incite (ه s.o., علىto), goad, prod ( هs.o.• علىto do s.th.) حضḥaḍḍ incitement, inducement, prodding, prompting, instigation حضيضḥaḍīḍ, pl. حضضḥuḍuḍ, احضة aḥiḍḍa foot of a mountain; lowland; perigee (astron.); depth; state of decay │ نزل الى الحضيضto sink low (fig.); دكه الى ( الحضيضdakkahū) to ruin s.th. completely, run s.th. into the ground حضرḥaḍara u ( حضورḥuḍūr) to be present (ھـ at), be in the presence ( هof s.o.); to 183 attend ( ھـs.th.); to be present ( ھـin s.o.’s mind), be readily recalled ( هby s.o.); to take part, participate ( مجلساmajlisan in a meeting); to come, get ( الىor ه، ھـto s.o., to a place), arrive ( الىor ھـat a place); to
visit ( ھـa place), attend ( ھـa public event), go ( ھـto a performance, etc.); to appear ( امامbefore a judge, etc., الىin, at), show up ( الىin, at); to betake o.s., go (الى من from ... to); ( حضارةḥaḍāra) to be settled, sedentary (in a civilized region, as opposed to nomadic existence) II to ready, make ready, prepare ( ھـs.th., also, e.g., as medicine = to compound), make, produce, manufacture ( ھـs.th.); to study, prepare ( ھـa lesson); to fetch, get, bring (ه s.o., ھـs.th.), procure, supply ( ھـs.th.); to settle ( هs.o), make s.o. ( )هsedentary; to civilize ( هs.o., ھـs.th.) III to give a lecture, present s.th. in a lecture ( هto s.o.); to lecture, give a course of lectures IV to fetch, get, bring ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.), procure, supply ( ھـs.th.); to take ( هs.o., ھـs.th., الى to a place) │ احضره معهto have s.th. with one, bring s.th. along V to prepare o.s., ready o.s., get ready ( لfor); to be ready, prepared; to become settled, be sedentary in a civilized region; to be civilized, be in a state of civilization; to become urbanized, become a town dweller VIII to come ( هto s.o.), be in the presence ( هof s.o.); to live in a civilized region; pass. ustuḥḍira to die X to have s.th. ()ھـ brought, to call, send ( ه، ھـfor s.o., for s.th.), have s.o. ( )هcome; to summon (ه s.o.); to fetch, procure, supply, get, bring ( ھـs.th.); to conjure, call up, evoke ( ھـa spirit); to visualize, envision, call to mind ( ھـs.th.); to carry with o.s., bring along (ھـ s.th.); to prepare ( ه، ھـe.g., a medicinal preparation) حضرḥaḍar a civilized region with towns and villages and a settled population (as opposed to desert, steppe); settled population, town dwellers (as opposed to nomads) حضريḥaḍarī settled, sedentary, resident, not nomadic, non-Bedouin, like urbanites; civilized; urban; town dweller حضرةḥaḍra presence │ في حضرةin the presence of ...; ‘( الحضرة العاليةāliya) His Highness (formerly, title of the Bey of Tunis); حضرتكمa respectful form of address, esp. in letters; حضرة الدكتورcf. Fr. Monsieur le docteur
حضورḥuḍūr presence; visit, participation, attendance; (as one pl. of )حاضرthose present │ بحضورهin his presence; حضور الحفلةḥ. al-ḥafla attendance of the celebrationحضور الذھن ḥ. ad-dihn presence of mind; ورقة حضور waraqat ḥ. summons (jur.) حضوريḥuḍūrī: ( احكام حضوريةaḥkām) judgments delivered in the presence of the litigant parties after oral proceedings (jur.); حضورياḥuḍūrīyan contradictorily (jur.) حضارةḥaḍāra civilization; culture; settledness, sedentariness حضيرةḥaḍīra pl. حضائرḥaḍā’ir2 a small group of 6 to 12 people (specif., the smallest unit of boy scouts = patrol); section, squad (mil.; Syr.) محضرmaḥḍar presence; attendance, coming, appearance (of s.o.); assembly, meeting, gathering, convention; (pl. محاضر maḥāḍir2) minutes, official report, process-verbal, record of the factual findings │ محضر الجردm. al-jard inventory list; بمحضر منهbi-maḥḍarin minhu in s.o.’s presence تحضيرtaḥḍīr preparing, readying, making ready; (pl. -āt) preparation ( لfor; also e.g., for an examination); making, preparation, cooking (of food, etc.), production, manufacture تحضيريtaḥdīrī preparatory, preparative │( المدارس التحضيرية للمعلمينmu‘allimīn) 184 preparatory institutes for teachers, teachers’ colleges (Eg.) محاضرةmuḥāḍara pl. -āt lecture احضارiḥḍār procurement, supply, fetching, bringing تحضرtaḥaḍḍur civilized way of life احتضارiḥtiḍār demise, death استحضارistiḥḍār making, production, manufacture; preparation; summoning │ استحضار االرواحistiḥḍār al-arwāḥ evocation of spirits, spiritism حاضرḥāḍir pl. حضرḥuḍḍar, حضور ḥuḍūr present; attending; الحاضرthe present (time); prepared ( لfor); ready; (pl. حضارḥuḍḍār, حضرةḥaḍara) settled,
sedentary, resident, village or town dweller, not nomadic │ في الحاضرor في الوقت الحاضرat present, now; حاضر الفكرḥ. al-fikr quick-witted, quick at repartee; نقد ( حاضرnaqd) cash, ready money حاضرةḥāḍira pl. حواضرḥawāḍir2 capital city, metropolis; city (as a center of civilization) محضورmaḥḍūr possessed, haunted or inhabited by a jinni; demoniac محضرmuḥaḍḍir maker, producer, manufacturer; dissector (med.) محاضرmuḥāḍir lecturer, speaker محضرmuḥḍir court usher متحضرmutaḥaḍḍir civilized محتضرmuḥtaḍar dying, in the throes of death, on the brink of death; a dying person; haunted or inhatbited by a jinni; demoniac مستحضرmustaḥḍar pl. -āt preparation (chem., pharm.) │ ( مستحضر دوائيdawā’ī) medicinal preparation حضرموتḥaḍramaut2 Hadhramaut حضرميḥaḍramī pl. حضارمḥaḍārim2 man from Hadhramaut; Hadhramautian (adj.) حضنḥaḍana u (ḥaḍn, حضانةḥiḍāna) to clasp in one’s arms, embrace, hug ( هs.o.); to nurse, bring up, raise ( هa child); (ḥaḍn, حضانḥidān, حضانةḥiḍāna, حضونḥuḍūn) to hatch, brood, incubate ( ھـan egg; of a bird) VI to embrace one another, cling to one another, nestle against each other VII to clasp in one’s arms, embrace, hug ( ه،ھـ s.o., s.th.); to harbor in one,s bosom (ھـ feeling); to hatch, concoct, contrive (ھـ s.th.); to bring up, raise ( ھـa child) حضنḥaḍn pl. احضانaḥḍān breast, bosom (between the outstretched arms); armful, that which can be carried in one's arms │ ( قبله بالحضنqabilahū) he received him with open arms; بين احضانand في احضانamid, among; with, in the presence of (s.o.); ( في احضان الصحراءsaḥrā’) in the heart (or folds) of the desert; اخذتني بين احضانھاshe took me in her arms
حضانةḥiḍāna, ḥaḍāna raising, bringing up, nursing (of a child); hatching (of an egg), incubation │ دار الحضانةchildren’s home, day nursery, crèche حضينin embraced, bugged, resting in s.o.’s arms محضنmaḥḍan pl. محاضنmaḥādin2 children’s home, day nursery, crèche احتضانiḥtiḍān embrace, hug(ging), accolade حاضنةḥāḍina pl. حواضنḥawāḍin2 nurse-maid, dry nurse محتضنmuḥtaḍin embracing, hugging; tender, affectionate حطḥaṭṭa u (ḥaṭṭ) to put, place, put down, set down ( ھـs.th.); to take down ( ھـa load, burden); to lower, decrease, diminish, reduce ( ھـor منs.th.); to depreciate (من قدرهmin qadrihī or من قيمتهmin qudratihī the value of s.th.) │( حط الرحالriḥāla) to halt, make a stop, dismount, encamp (while traveling on horseback, 185 camelback. etc.); -- u (ḥaṭṭ, حطوطḥuṭūṭ) to sink, descend, go down; to alight (bird); to land (airplane); to drop (price) II to put down, set down, take off, unload ( ھـa load) VII to sink, descend, go down; to decrease, diminish; to decline, decay, wane VIII to put down, set down, take down ( ھـs.th.) حطḥaṭṭ (act of) putting or setting down; depreciation, belittling, derogation, disparagement ( منof s.th.); reduction, diminution, decrease ( منof s.th.) حطةḥiṭṭa alleviation, relief, mitigation; abasement, debasement, demotion, degradation (in rank, dignity, prestige); humiliation, insult, indignity احطaḥaṭṭ lower حطيطةḥaṭīṭa price reduction محطmaḥaṭṭ place at which s.th. is put down or deposited; stopping place, stop; pause fermata, hold, concluding strain, cadence (mus.) │ محط اآلمالobject of hope, that on which one's hopes are pinned; كان محط األنظارto attract the glances, draw attention to o.s.; محط الكالمm. al-kalām sense, or meaning, of one’s words
محطةmaḥaṭṭa pl. -āt stopping place, stop (also of public conveyances); station, post; railroad station; broadcasting station, radio station │ محطة تحويل التيارm. taḥwīl at-tayyār transformer station; محطة االذاعة ))الالسلكيةm. al-idā‘a (al-lāsi1kīya) broadcasting station, radio station; transmitter (station); ( محطة رئيسيةra’īsīya) (railroad) main station; O محطة االشاراتm. al-išārāt signal post; O محطة االرسالm. alirsāl transmitter (station; radio); محطة ( لالرصاد الجويةli-l-arṣād al-jawwīya) meteorological station, weather station; محطة الصرفm. aṣ-ṣarf (Eg.) pump station (for drainage); power plant; O محطة االستقبالreceiving station (radio); O محطة ( السلكية قصيرة األمواجlā-silkīya qaṣīrat alamwāj) short-wave transmitter station; محطة توليد الكھرباءm. taulīd al-kahrabā’ and محطة كھربائيةpower plant انحطاطinḥiṭāṭ decline, fall, decay, decadence; inferiority │احساس االنحطاط iḥsās al-inḥ. sense of inferiority انحطاطيinḥiṭāṭ postclassical writer منحطmunḥaṭṭ low, base, low-level, lowgrade; fallen, degraded (woman); mean, vile, vulgar; inferior حطبḥaṭaba i to gather firewood │ حطب في (حبلهfī ḥablihī) to support s.o., stand by s.o., back s.o. up VIII to gather firewood حطبḥaṭab pl. احطابaḥṭāb firewood حطابḥaṭṭāb wood gatherer; woodcutter, lumberjack; vendor of firewood تحطيبtaḥṭīb singlestick fencing (a popular game, esp. in rural areas; eg.) حاطبtaḥṭīb wood gatherer; woodcutter, lumberjack; vendor of firewood │ كحاطب ليلka-ḥāṭibi lailin lit.: like one who gathers wood at night, i.e., blindly, at random, heedlessly (said of s.o. who does not realize, or think about, what he is doing) حطمḥaṭama i (ḥaṭm) to break, shatter, smash, wreck, demolish ( ھـs.th.) II = I; V to break. go to pieces; to be broken, b. smashed, be shattered; to crash (e.g., airplane, structure, etc.); to be wrecked (ship) VII = V
حطمةḥiṭma pl. حطمḥiṭam particle, small piece, shred, bit, morsel; s.th. broken حطامḥuṭām debris, rubble; fragments, shards, broken pieces; wreckage, wreck (of a ship) │ حطام الدنياad-dunyā the ephemeral things of this world, the vanities of the world حطيمḥaṭīm smashed, shattered, wrecked 186 تحطيمtaḥṭīm smashing, shattering, wrecking, breaking, demolition, destruction, disruption │O سفينة تحطيم الجليد icebreaker تحطمtaḥaṭṭum crumbling, disintegration; crash (of an airplane); collapse, breakdown حاطمةḥāṭima: O حاطمة الجليدicebreaker (naut.)
حظيرةḥaẓīra pl. حظائرḥaẓā’ir2 enclosure, railing, fence, palisade, hedge; compound, yard, pound, pinfold; corral, pen, paddock, coop; hangar, shed; field, domain, realm (fig.) │( في حظيرةwith foll. genit.) inside of, within; جذبه الى حظيرته (jadabahū) to bring s.o. under one’s influence; حظائر الطائراتaircraft hangars; حظيرة القدسḥ. al-quds Paradise محظورmaḥẓūr interdicted, prohibited, forbidden ( علىto s.o.); embargoed; pl. محظوراتforbidden things, restrictions ( حظوand حظي( حظيḥaẓiya a (حظوة ḥuẓwa, ḥiẓwa) to enjoy the favor or good graces of s.o. ()عند, be in s.o.’s ( )عندfavor or good graces; to acquire, obtain, attain, gain, win ( بs.th.)
محطمmuḥaṭṭim crashing, thundering, roaring (of an explosion. etc.) – muḥaṭṭam broken (language)
حظوةḥuẓwa, ḥiẓwa favored position, role of favorite; precedence; favor, grace; good will, benevolence; prestige, credit, standing, respect, esteem │ نال حظوة عند ))لدىto find favor with s.o.
محطمةmuḥaṭṭima: ( محطمة ثلجيةtaljīya) icebreaker (naut.)
حظيةḥaẓīya pl. حظاياḥaẓāyā paramour, mistress, concubine
حظḥaẓẓa a (ḥaẓẓ) to be lucky, Fortunate IV=I حظḥaẓẓ pl. حظوظḥuẓūẓ part, portion, share, allotment; lot, fate, destiny; good luck, good fortune; affluence, wealth, fortune; prosperity; pleasure │ ذو حظ من endowed with; لحسن الحظli-ḥusni l-ḥ. and من حسن الحظfortunately, luckily; سوء الحظ sū’ al-ḥ. bad luck, misfortune; سيء الحظ sayyi’ al-ḥ. unlucky, unfortunate; لسوء الحظunfortunately; من حسن حظيluckily for me, fortunately; كان من حسن حظه انhe was lucky in that he ...; ليس احسن منھا حظاhe is no better off than she is حظيظḥaẓīẓ lucky, fortunate محظوظlucky, fortunate; content(ed), happy, glad حظرḥaẓara u (ḥaẓr) to fence in, hedge in (ھـ s.th.); to forbid ( ھـ علىto s.o. s.th.), prohibit ( ھـ علىs.o. from doing s.th.) حظرḥaẓr forbiddance, interdiction, prohibition, ban; embargo حظارḥiẓār, ḥaẓār wall, partition, screen; fence, palisade, railing
محظيةmaḥẓīya pl. -āt paramour. mistress, concubine حفḥaffa u (ḥaff) to surround ( ه، ب ھـs.o., s.th. with, also بand حولs.o., s.th.), enclose, encompass, border ( ھـ، بs.th.); to depilate ( ھـa part of the body), unhair ( ھـthe skin); to trim, clip ( ھـthe beard); to chafe, rub off, abrade ( ھـs.th.) │ تحف به العينhe is the object of admiring glances, he is the center of attention, all eyes are upon him; -- i ( حفيفḥafīf) to rustle II and VIII to surround, ( ه، ھـ، ب، حولs.o., s.th.), enclose, encompass, border ( ھـ،ب، حولs.th.) حفافḥifāf side حفيفḥafīf rustle, rustling محفةmiḥaffa (also maḥaffa) pl. -āt litter, stretcher; roller stretcher; sedan حافḥaff: ( خبز حافḳubz) plain bread (without anything to go with it; eg.)187 حافةḥāffa pl. -āt enclosure, edge, margin; brim of a vessel; border, brink, verge; fringe, hem │ ’على حافة الخرابalā ḥ. al-ḳarāb on the brink of ruin
حفيدḥafīd pl. احفادaḥfād, حفدةḥafada grandson; descendant, offspring, scion حفيدةḥafīda granddaughter حفرḥafara i (ḥafr) to dig ( ھـs.th.): to drill (for oil): to excavate (archeol.): to carve (ھـ s.th.): to engrave, etch ( ھـmetal) │ حفر خنادقto dig trenches; ( حفر حفرةḥufratan) to prepare a pitfall, prepare an ambush VII pass. of I; VIII to dig حفرḥafr digging, earthwork, excavation (also archeol.); unearthing; drilling (for oil): carving, inscribing (e.g., of letters); engraving, etching; graphic arts (etching, wood engraving); scurvy (syr.) │ جھاز الحفرjahāz al-ḥ. oil rig; oil derrick حفرةḥufra pl. حفرḥufar pit; hollow, cavity, excavation; hole حفريةḥafrīya digging, excavation; O gravure; pl. حفرياتexcavations (archeol.) حفارḥaffār digger; engraver; driller; stone mason │ حفار القبورgravedigger حفيرḥafīr dug, dug out, excavated, unearthed حفيرةḥafīra pl. حفائرḥafā’ir2 s.th. excavated or unearthed; pl. excavations (archeol.) احفورuḥfūr pl. احافيرaḥāfīr2 s.th. excavated; fossil; pl. excavations (archeol.) محفرmiḥfar pl. محافرmaḥāfir2 spade حافرḥāfir pl. حوافرḥawāfir2 hoof │وقع الحافر على الحافرto coincide, happen to correspond exactly; على الحافرon the spot, right away, at once حافريḥāfirī ungular, ungulate حافرةḥāfira original condition, beginning │ عند الحافرةon the spot, right away, at once; رجع الى حافرتهto revert to its original state or origin محفورmaḥfūr dug; inscribed, engraved; carved حفزḥafaza i (ḥafz) to pierce, stab ( هs.o., ب with the spear); to incite, instigate, urge, prompt, induce ( علىor الى هs.o. to s.th.) V to prepare o.s. get ready, be ready, be about to do s.th. ( لor )الى. set out to do s.th. ( لor ;)الىto get ready to jump, make
a running start; to listen, pay attention VIII to be about to do s.th., be ready (ل for) تحفزtaḥaffuz preparedness, readiness; vim, dash, verve, sweep, élan حافزḥāfiz pl. حوافزḥawāfiz2 spur, drive ( علىto do s.th.), incentive ( علىto), initiative مستحفزmutaḥfiz ready, prepared ( لfor) حفظḥafiẓa a (ḥifẓ) to preserve ( ھـs.th.); to protect, guard, defend ( هs.o.): to observe, bear in mind ( ھـs.th.), comply ( ھـwith s.th.), be mindful, be heedful ( ھـof s.th.); to keep up, maintain, sustain, retain, uphold ( ھـs.th.); to hold, have in safekeeping ( ھـs.th.), take care ( ھـof s.th.); to keep, put away, save, store (ھـ s.th); to conserve, preserve ( ھـs.th.); to retain in one’s memory, remember, know by heart ( ھـs.th.); to memorize, learn by heart, commit to memory ( ھـs.th., esp. the Koran); to reserve ( ھـ لنفسهfor o.s. s.th.): to stay, discontinue, suspend ( التحقيقa judicial investigation; jur.) │ حفظه ﷲmay God protect him! حفظ بالبريدto hold in care of general delivery ( ھـs.th.); يحفظ في ( البوسطةyuḥfaẓu) in care of general delivery, poste restante; حفظ الوفاء ل (wafā’a) to be loyal to s.o., keep faith with s.o. II to have s.o. ( )هmemorize ( ھـs.th.) III to preserve, keep up, maintain, uphold, sustain ( علىs.th.); 188 to supervise, control ( علىs.th.), watch ( علىover s.th.); to watch out ( علىfor), take care, be heedful, be mindful ( علىof), look (على after), attend, pay attention ( علىto); to keep, follow, observe, bear in mind (على s.th.), comply ( علىwith), conform ( علىto) ; to protect, guard, defend ( ھـand على, also عنs.th.) IV to vex, annoy, gall, irritate, hurt, offend ( هs.o.) V to keep up, maintain, preserve ( بs.th.); to observe, keep in mind ( بs.th.), be mindful, be heedful, take care ( بof s.th.), be concerned ( بwith); to be cautious, be wary, be on one’s guard; to be reserved, aloof; to have reservations VIII to maintain, uphold ( بor ھـs.th., e.g., بحقوقه one’s rights); to keep up, maintain, retain ( بor ھـs.th., e.g., a posture, a characteristic); to take care, take over custody ( بof s.o.), protect, guard ( بs.o.);
to defend (against encroachment), hold, maintain ( بa possession); to preserve, sustain, continue, keep up ( بs.th.); to hold, possess ( بs.th.); to put away, hold, have in safekeeping ( بs.th.), take care (ب of s.th.); to keep, retain ( بs.th.); احتفظ لنفسه to keep for o.s., appropriate, reserve for o.s. ( بor ھـs.th.), take complete possession ( ھـof) X to ask s.o. ( )هto guard or protect ( ھـor علىs.th.); to entrust (على or ھـ هto s.o. s.th.), commit s.th. ( علىor )ھـ to the charge of s.o. ()ه حفظḥifẓ preservation; maintenance, sustentation, conservation, upholding; protection, defense, guarding; custody, safekeeping. keeping, storage; retention; observance, compliance (with); memorizing, memorization; memory; (jur.) discontinuance, stay, suspension (of legal action, of a judicial investigation) │ حفظ اآلثارpreservation of ancient monuments (Eg.); حفظ الصحةḥ. aṣ-ṣiḥḥa hygiene, sanitation; رجال الحفظpolice حفظةḥifẓa anger, indignation, resentment, rancor حفاظḥifāẓ pl. -āt dressing, ligature, bandage │ حفاظ الحيضḥ. al-ḥaiḍ sanitary napkin حفيظḥafīẓ attentive, heedful, mindful; preserving, keeping, guarding ( علىs.th.) حفيظةḥafīẓa pl. حفائظḥafā’iẓ2 grudge, resentment, rancor محفظةmaḥfaẓa, miḥfaẓa pl. -āt, محافظ maḥāfiẓ2 folder, bag, satchel, briefcase dispatch case, portfolio; wallet, pocket, book محفظةmiḥfaẓa capsule تحفيظtaḥfīẓ memorization drill, inculcation (esp. of the Koran) حفاظḥifāẓ defense, protection, guarding (esp. of cherished, sacred things); preservation, maintenance ( علىof interests); keeping, upholding (of loyalty), adherence (to a commitment) محافظةmuḥāfaẓa guarding; safeguarding; preservation; protection, defense; conservation, sustaining, upholding; retention, maintenance ( علىof s.th.) conservativism (pol.), conservative
attitude; following, observance ( علىof s.th.), compliance ( علىwith s.th.), adherence ( علىto); guarding ( منagainst misfortune), saving ( منfrom misadventure); garrison (mil.); (pl. -āt) governorate (one of five administrative divisions of Egypt, in addition to a mudīrīyāt); office of the muḥāfiẓ (head of a governorate); province, anyone of the larger administrative districts (Syr.) │ المحافظة على النفسself-preservation; مذھب المحافظةmadhab al-m. conservative movement, conserativism, Toryism تحفظtaḥaffuẓ caution, wariness, restraint, reticence, reserve, aloofness; -189 (pl. -āt) precaution, precautionary measure; reservation, limiting condition, conditional stipulation, proviso │مع التحفظ with full reservation تحفظيtaḥaffuẓī precautionary, preventive │( اجراءات تحفظيةijrā’āt) precautionary measures; ( صلح تحفظيṣulḥ) settlement before action, preventive settlement (jur.) احتفاظiḥtifāẓ guarding, safeguarding; preservation; retention, maintenance, continuation, conservation, defense, protection, vindication, sustaining, upholding; keeping, holding, safekeeping, custody ( بof s.th.) حافظḥāfiẓ keeper, guarder, guardian, custodian, caretaker; (pl. حفاظ القرآنḥuffāẓ, حفظةḥafaẓa) one who knows the Koran by heart (formerly an honorific epithet) حافظةḥāfiẓa memory; -- (pl. حوافظ ḥawāfiẓ) wallet, pocketbook, money order (Eg.) محفوظmaḥfūẓ kept, held in safekeeping, deposited, guarded, preserved; memorized, committed to memory, etc.; conserved, preserved (food); reserved; ensured, secured, safeguarded; -- pl. محفوظاتcanned goods, concerves; archives; memorized material, what s.o. knows by heart │ دار المحفوظات المصريةthe Egyptian Public Record Office; مأكوالت محفوظةconcerves, canned goods; جميع الحقوق محفوظةall rights reserved محافظmuḥāfiẓ supervisory, controlling; observing ( علىs.th.), complying (على
with), etc.; conservative (pol.), المحافظون the Conservatives, the Tories; keeper, guarder, guardian, custodian, caretaker, supervisor, superintendent; mayor; governor (Eg.: title of the chief officer of a governorate; Syr.: chief officer of a province); director general, president (= Brit. governor)
190 body, collective whole; circle, quarter │ محفل ماسونيMasonic lodge; المحافل الرسمية ( ))السياسيةrasmīya, siyāsīya) the official (political) circles or quarters احتفالiḥtifāl pl. -āt celebration, ceremony, festival, festivities حافلḥāfil pl. حفلḥuffal, حوافلḥawāfil2 full ( بof), filled, replete ( بwith); abundant, copious, lavish; much frequented, well attended (by visitors, participants, etc.), numerous (of attendance); solemn, ceremonial, festive
متحفظmutaḥaffiẓ vigilant, alert, wary, cautious; reticent, reserved, aloof; staid, sedate مستحفظmustaḥfaẓ pl. -āt reserve (mil.) حفلḥafala i (ḥafl) to gather, assemble, congregate; to flow copiously; to be replete, teem, superabound ( بwith); to pay attention, attend, give one’s mind (ب or لto s.th.), concern o.s. ( بwith), make much ( بof), set great store ( بby) │ ال (حفل بهlā ḥafla) indifferent, of no consequence II to adorn, decorate, ornament ( ب هs.th. with) VIII to gather, rally, throng together; to celebrate ( بs.th., s.o.); to concern o.s. ( بor لwith), attend, pay attention. give one’s mind ( بor لto s.th.); to honor, welcome, receive kindly ( بs.o.)
حافلةhāfila pl. -āt, حوافلḥawāfil 2 O autobus محتفلmuḥtafil: المحتفلونthe participants in a festive event, the celebrators محتفلmuḥtafal assembly place, gathering place; party; محتفل بهcelebrated حفنḥafana u to scoop up with both hands (ھـ s.th.); to give a little ( لto s.o.) حفنةḥafna pl. ḥafanāt handful 1
( حفوand حفى( حفيḥafiya a ( حفاوةḥafāwa) to receive kindly and hospitably, to welcome, receive with honors, honor (ب s.o.) V to behave with affection, be affectionate ( بtoward) VIII do.; to celebrate ( بan occasion, a festival)
حفلḥafl gathering, meeting, assembling; assembly, congregation, throng, crowd; performance, show, public event; celebrations; feast, festival حفلةḥafla pl. -āt assembly, gathering, meeting, congregation; party; (social or public) event; show, performance (theater, cinema); concert; festivity, ceremony, festival, festive event, celebration │ حفلة التأبينcommemoration. Commemorative, ceremony for a deceased person; الحفلة ( األولىūlā) premiere; حفلة حافلةnumerous assembly; ( حفلة خيريةḳairīya) charity performance, charity event; حفلة الدفنaddfn funeral ceremony, obsequies; حفلة دينية (dīnīya) religious ceremony, Divine Service; حفلة ساھرةand حفلة سمرḥ. samar evening party, soirée; حفلة سينمائيةmotionpicture show; حفلة الشايtea party; حفلة العرس ḥ. al-‘urs wedding;( حفلة االستقبالpublic) reception; حفلة موسيقيةconcert حفيلḥafīl eager, assiduous, diligent محفلmaḥfil pl. محافلmaḥāfil2 assembly, congregation, meeting, gathering; party;
حفيḥafīy welcoming, receiving kindly, greeting ( بs.o., s.th.) حفاوةḥafāwa friendly reception, welcoming, welcome, salutation ( بof s.o.) احتفاءiḥtifā’ reception, welcome, salutation ( بof s.o.); celebration, festivity 2
حفيḥafiya a ( حفاءḥafā’) to go barefoot; to have sore feet حافḥāfin pl. حفاةḥufāh barefoot(ed)
حقḥaqqa i u to be true, turn out to be true, be confirmed; to be right, correct; (also pass. ḥuqqa) to be necessary, obligatory, requisite, imperative ( علىfor s.o.), be incumbent ( علىupon s.o.); to be adequate, suitable, fitting, appropriate ( علىfor s.o.); to be due ( لs.o.); يحق لهhe is entitled to it, he has a right to it; حق عليهhe deserved it (punishment); -- u to ascertain ( ھـs.th.), make sure, be sure ( ھـof s.th.); to
recognize. identify ( هs.o.) II to make s.th. ( )ھـcome true; to realize ( ھـs.th., e.g., a hope), carry out ( ھـe.g., a wish), carry into effect, fulfill, put into action, consummate, effect, actualize ( ھـs.th.); to implement ( ھـe.g., an agreement); to produce, bring on, yield ( ھـresults); to determine, ascertain, find out, pinpoint, identify ( ھـs.th.); to prove s.th. ( )ھـto be true, verify, establish, substantiate (ھـ s.th.); to confirm, assert, aver, avouch, affirm ( ھـs.th.); to be exact, painstaking, meticulous, careful ( ھـin doing s.th.), e.g., ( حقق النظرnaẓara) to look closely; to study, examine, investigate, explore (ھـ s.th.), look, inquire ( ھـinto s.th.); to verify, check ( ھـor فيs.th.); to investigate (في s.th., police); to make an official inquiry ( ھـinto s.th.), institute an investigation (ھـ of or into; court; jur.); to interrogate (مع s.o.), conduct a hearing ( معof s.o.; jur.) III to contend for a right ( هwith s.o.), contest or litigate a right ( هagainst s.o.) IV to tell the truth; to be right ( فيin s.th.); to enforce ( ھـs.th., e.g., a legal claim) V to prove true. turn out to be true, be confirmed, prove to be correct; to materialize, become a fact; to be realized, be effected, come into effect; to be examined, be explored; to ascertain (ھـ s.th., also )من, make sure, reassure o.s., gain proof, convince o.s., be convinced, be sure, be certain ( ھـof s.th.); to check, verify ( ھـor من. s.th.); to be serious (ب about s.th.) X to be entitled, have a claim ( ھـto s.th.); to claim ( ھـs.th.), lay claim (ھـ to); to deserve, merit ( ھـs.th.), be worthy ( ھـof); to require, demand, 191 necessitate, make requisite ( ھـs.th.); to fall due. become payable (sum of money), mature. become due (note); to be due ( لs.o.) │ ( يستحق الذكرdikra) worth mentioning, noteworthy; ( ال يستحق عليه الرسمrasmu) not subject to a fee. free of charge حقḥaqq truth; correctness, rightness; rightful possession. property; one’s due; duty; proper manner; true, authentic, real; right, fair and reasonable; correct, sound, valid; الحقan attribute of God; (pl. حقوق ḥuqūq) right, title, claim, legal claim (في to); الحقوقlaw, jurisprudence, legal science; حقاḥaqqan really, in reality, in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, in
truth; justly, rightly, by rights │ احقا ذلك؟is that (really) so? really? بحقjustly, rightly, by rights; بالحقtruly, in reality, actually; properly, appropriately, in a suitable manner; بحقbi-haqqi and في حقas to ..., as for ..., with respect to, concerning, regarding; ھو على حقhe is in the right; الحق معنyou are right; الحق عليكyou are wrong; ھو حق عليكit is your duty; ھذا حقي عليكمyou owe this to me; ‘( عرفانا لحقھا عليهirfānan) in recognition of what he owed her; من حقهhe is entitled to it, it is his due; كان من حقه ان he should have ..., he ought to have …; له الحق فيhe is entitled to ...; والحق يقال (yuqāl) one may say, it must be admitted, it’s only fair to say, say what you will ..., ... though (as a parenthetical phrase); ( عرف حق المعرفةḥaqqa l-ma‘rifa) to know exactly, know for certain, know very well, also ( علم حق العلمḥaqqa l-‘ilm); فھم حق الفھمfahima ḥaqqa l-fahm to understand precisely, comprehend thoroughly, be fully aware; السعادة الحقة (sa‘āda) true happiness; كلية الحقوقkullīyat al-ḥ. law school, faculty of law حقḥuqq hollow, cavity; socket of a joint (anat.); also = حقةḥuqqa حقةḥuqqa pl. حققḥuqaq, حقاقḥiqāq, احقاقaḥqāq small box, case, pot or jar; receptacle, container; -- (pl. -āt, حقق ḥuqaq) a weight (Syr., Pal.) = اقةuqqa; حقة ١.٢٨٠ = استانبوليةkg (Ir.) احقaḥaqq2 worthier, more deserving ( بof s.th.); more entitled ( بto s.th.) حقيقḥaqīq pl. احقاءaḥiqqā’2 worthy, deserving ( بof s.th.), fit, competent, qualified; entitled ( بto) حقيقةḥaqīqa pl. حقائقḥaqā’iq2 truth, reality (also philos.); fact; the true state of affairs, the facts; true nature, essence; real meaning, true sense; ḥaqīqatan really, in reality, in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, in truth │ رأيته على حقيقتهI saw its true nature, as it really is; في حقيقة األمرin reality, really, actually; ليس له حقيقةit does not really exist, it is not real حقيقيḥaqīqī real, true; actual; proper, intrinsic, essential; genuine; authentic; positive
حقوقيḥuqūqī juristic(al); (pl. -ūn) jurist, jurisprudent, lawyer احقيةaḥaqqīya legal claim, title, right
محقوقmaḥqūq worthy, deserving ( ل،ب of), fit, competent, qualifying ( ل، بfor); wrong, at fault, on the wrong track
حقانيḥaqqānī correct, right, proper, sound, valid, legitimate, legal
محققmuḥaqqiq investigator; inquirer; examining magistrate
حقانيةḥaqqānīya justice, law │ وزارة الحقانيةMinistry of Justice (formerly Eg.)
محققmuḥaqqaq sure, certain, beyond doubt, unquestionable, indubitable; assured, established, accepted, recognized │ من المحقق انit is certain that ..., it is a fact that …
تحقيقtaḥqīq realization, actualization, effectuation, implementation; fulfillment (of a claim, of a wish, etc.); achievement, accomplishment, execution; ascertainment, determination, identification, verification; substantiation; assertion, affirmation, confirmation; pinpointing, precise determination; exactness, accurateness, precision; (= تحقيق النطقt. an-nuṭq) precise pronunciation; -(pl. -āt) verification, check, checkup, investigation; official or judicial inquiry, 192 inquest │ التحقيق انit is a matter of fact that ..., it is certain that ...; على التحقيق properly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; exactly, precisely; positively, definitely; عند التحقيقproperly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; تحقيق الشخصيةt. aš-šaḳšīya identification (of a person), proof of identity; شھادة تحقيق الشخصية šahādat t. aš-šaḳšīya identity card; قلم تحقيق الشخصيةqalam t. aš-š. bureau of identification; تحقيق الذاتيةt. ad-dātīya identification; قاضي التحقيقexamining magistrate; تحقيق األرباحrealization of profits (stock market) احقاقiḥqāq: احقاقا للحقiḥqāqan li-l-ḥaqq (so) that truth may prevail تحققtaḥaqquq ascertainment, making sure; conviction, certainty, certitude; verification, check, checkup استحقاقistiḥqāq pl. -āt worthiness, deservingness, merit; one’s due or desert; maturity, payability, falling due (of a sum of money); reclaiming or calling in of s.th. due, demand of a right; vindication (1.1. Law), replevin, detinue│عن استحقاق deservedly, justly, by rights; بدون استحقاق undeservedly; تاريخ االستحقاقdate of maturity (e.g., of a bond); االستحقاق اللبناني (lubnānī) name of a Lebanese order
محقmuḥiqq telling the truth, in the right, being right محققmutaḥaqqiq convinced, sure, certain, positive مستحقmustaḥiqq entitled; claiming; beneficiary (of a wakf); deserving, worthy │ مستحق الدفعm. ad-daf‘ due, payable (sum) حقبVITI to put into one's bag, to bag ( ھـs.th.) حقبḥuqb pl. احقابaḥqāb, حقابḥiqāb long stretch of time, long period حقبةḥiqba pl. حقبḥiqab long time, stretch of time; period, age │ حقبة من الزمان ḥiqbatan min az-zamān for quite a time, for some time حقبḥaqab pl. احقابaḥqāb a kind of ornamental belt حقابḥiqāb pl. حقبḥuqub a kind of ornamental belt حقيبةḥaqība pl. حقائبḥaqā’ib2 valise, suitcase, traveling bag; leather bag │ حقيبة دبلوماسيةdiplomatic pouch; حقيبة النقود portemonnaie, change purse; حقيبة اليدḥ. al-yad ladies’ purse, handbag حقدḥaqida a, ḥaqada i (ḥaqd, ḥiqd) to harbor feelings of hatred ( علىagainst) IV to incite to hatred or resentment, embitter, envenom ( هs.o.) V = I; VI to hate one another حقدḥiqd pl. احقادaḥqād, حقودḥuqūd hatred, malice, spite, resentment, rancor حقيدةḥaqida pl. حقائدḥaqā’id2 hatred, malice, spite, resentment, rancor حقودḥaqūd full of hatred, spiteful, resentful, malicious, malevolent, rancorous
حاقدḥāqid full of hatred, spiteful, resentful, malicious, malevolent, rancorous; pl. حقدةḥaqada malevolent people حقرḥaqara i (ḥaqr) to despise, scorn, disdain ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to look down ( ه،ھـ on), have a low opinion ( ه، ھـof); -ḥaqura u 193 to below, base, contemptible, despicable; to be despised, degraded, humiliated II to disparage, decry, depreciate ( هs.o.), detract, derogate ( هfrom s.o.); to degrade, debase, humble, humiliate; to regard with contempt, despise, scorn, disdain ( هs.o., ھـs.th.) VIII to despise, scorn, disdain ( هs.o., ھـs.th.), look down ( ه، ھـon) X to regard as contemptible or despicable, disdain, despise ( هs.o., ھـs.th.), look down ( ه،ھـ on)
حقنḥaqana u (ḥaqn) to hold back, withhold, keep back, detain, retain ( ھـs.th.); to suppress, repress, restrain ( ھـs.th.); to keep to o.s. ( السرas-sirra the secret); to spare ( دمهdamahū s.o.’s blood or life); to give ( هs.o.) an injection (med.) VIII to become congested (esp. blood); to suffer from strangury; to take an enema, a clyster; to be injected │احتقن وجھه (wajhahū) his face was flushed, his face turned red حقنḥaqn retention, withholding; sparing; injecting. injection (med.) │ حقنا لدمائھمḥaqnan li-dimā’ihim in order to spare their blood; حقن في حبل الوريد intravenous injection (med.) حقنةḥuqna pl. حقنḥuqan injection (med.); hypodermic; clyster; enema محقنةmiḥqana pl. محاقنmaḥāqin2 syringe (med.)
حقيرḥaqīr pl. حقراءḥuqarā’2 low, base, mean, vulgar, vile; little, small, paltry, inconsiderable, poor, wretched, miserable; despised; despicable, contemptible
احتقانiḥtiqān congestion │ احتقان الدمiḥt. ad-dam vascular congestion محتقنmuḥtaqan reddened by blood congestion, flushed, red (face)
احقرaḥqar2 lower, baser, more contemptible حقارةḥaqāra lowness, vulgarity, baseness, vileness, meanness; smallness, paltriness, insignificance, poorness, wretchedness, miserableness; despicability, contemptibleness; ignominy, infamy تحقترtaḥqīr contempt, disdain, scorn; degradation, humiliation, abasement احتقارiḥtiqār contempt, disdain, scorn │ (نظر اليه بعين االحتقارbi-‘aini l-iḥt.) to regard s.o. with contempt, look down one’s nose at s.o. محتقرmuḥtaqar despised; contemptible, despicable حقلḥaql pl. حقولḥuqūl field (also fig. = domain); column │ حقول البترولoil fields; حقل الزيتḥ. az-zait, حقل النفطḥ. an-nafṭ oil field; oil area; حقول التجاربexperimental fields; ( حقل كھربائيkahrabā’ī) electric field حقليḥaqlī field- (in compounds) محاقلةmuḥāqala sale of grain while still in growth, dealing in grain futures (Isl. Law)
حقوḥaqw pl. حقاءḥiqā’, احقاءaḥqā’ loin, groin │ شدد حقويهšaddada ḥaqwaihi to gird one’s loins 1
حكḥakka u (ḥakk) to rub, chafe; to scrape; to scratch; to rub off, scrape off, scratch off, abrade ( ھـs.th.) │ ( حك في صدرهṣadrihī) it impressed him, affected him, touched s.th. inside him IV to itch V to rub o.s., scrape, chafe ( بagainst); to pick a quarrel (ب with s.o.) VI to rub or scrape against each other VIII to rub o.s. scrape, chafe (ب against); to be in contact, in touch (ب with) │ ( احتك في صدرهṣadrihī) it impressed him, affected him, touched s.th. inside him حكḥakk rubbing, chafing; friction; scratching حكḥakka itching; scabies, itch (med.) حكاكḥakkāk lapidary 194 محكmiḥakk touchstone; test │ثبت على محك النظرtabata ‘alā m. in-naẓar to stand a critical test محكةmiḥakka currycomb تحاكtaḥākk (reciprocal) friction
احتكاكiḥtikāk pl. -āt (reciprocal) friction; close touch or contact; friction (fig., = dissension, controversy) │من غير احتكاكmin gair ḥt. frictionless محككmuḥakkak chafed, worn away 2
حكةḥukka (tun., = ḥuqqa) pl. حككḥukak small box, case, pot or jar
حكرVIII to buy up, hoard and withhold, corner ( ھـa commodity); to monopolize ( ھـa commercial article); to have exclusive possession ( ھـof s.th.), hold a monopoly ( ھـover s.th.) حكرḥikr, ḥukr and اجرة الحكرujrat al-ḥ. ground rent, quitrent حكرḥakar, ḥukar hoarded حكرةḥukra hoarding (of goods); monopoly حاكورةḥākūra small vegetable garden احتكارiḥtikār pl. -āt cornering, buying up; monopoly; preferential position; supremacy, hegemony │ احتكار تجارة البنalbunn coffee-trade monopoly; احتكار السكر iḥ. as-sukkar sugar monopoly احتكاريiḥtikārī rapacious, grasping, greedy حكمḥakama u (ḥukm) to pass judgment, express an opinion ( في، علىon s.th.), judge ( علىs.th., بby, from); to decide, give a decision, pass a verdict, pass sentence (على on); to sentence ( علىs.o., بto a penalty; said of the judge), impose, inflict ( بa penalty) on s.o. ( ;)علىto pronounce a verdict or judgment, deliver judgment, rule ( لin s.o.’s favor); to adjudicate, adjudge, award ( ب لto s.o. s.th.); to take ( بs.th.) as a standard or norm; to have judicial power, have jurisdiction, have authority ( علىand هover), govern, rule, dominate, control ( علىor هs.o.); to order, command ( بs.th.); to bridle, check, curb ( ھـ، هs.th., s.o.) │ ( حكم عليه باالعدامḥukima, i‘dām) he was sentenced to death; حكم ( بإدانتهbi-idānatihī) to convict s.o., find s.o. guilty (jur.); ( حكم ببراءتهbi-barā’atihi) to acquit s.o. (jur.) II to appoint ( هs.o.) as ruler; to choose ( هs.o.) as arbitrator, make ( هs.o.) the judge ( فيover or in s.th., بين between) III to prosecute ( هs.o.); to arraign, bring to trial, hale into court (ه
s.o.); to interrogate, hear ( هs.o.) IV to make ( ھـs.th.) firm, strong, sturdy, solid; to fortify ( ھـs.th.); to strengthen, consolidate ( ھـs.th.); to do well, do expertly, master ( ھـfield, work), be proficient ( ھـin) │ ( احكم امرهamrahu) to do s.th. thoroughly, carefully, properly; احكم ( قفل البابqafla l-bāb) to lock the door firmly; ( احكم لغةlugatan) to master a language V to have one's own way ( فيin), proceed ( فيwith) at random, at will, handle ( فيs.th.) arbitrarily; to pass arbitrary judgment ( فيon); to make o.s. the judge ( علىof), pass judgment ( علىon); to decide ( بon); to rule, reign, hold sway ( فيover); to dominate, control ( فيs.th.), be in control, be in command ( فيof) VI to bring one another before the judge (الى ;)الحاكمto appeal ( الىto) for a legal decision; to be interrogated, be heard (in court) VIII to have one’s own way ( فيin), proceed ( فيwith, in s.th.) at will, at random, handle ( فيs.th.) arbitrarily, judge arbitrarily; to rule, reign, hold sway (،على فيover); to be in control, be in possession ( علىof); to appeal ( الىto) for a legal decision, seek a decision ( الىfrom), have s.o. ( )الىdecide X to be strong, sturdy, solid, firm; to become stronger, be strengthened, be 195 consolidated; to take root, be or become deep-rooted, deepseated, ingrained, inveterate, marked, pronounced (feeling, trait) حكمḥukm pl. احكامaḥkām judgment, valuation, opinion; decision, (legal) judgment, verdict, sentence; condemnation, conviction; administration of justice; jurisdiction, legal consequence of the facts of a case (Isl. Law); regulation, rule, provision, order, ordinance, decree; judiciousness, wisdom, judgeship, command, authority, control, dominion, power; government, regime; pl. احكامstatutes, by-laws, regulations, rules, provisions, stipulations, principles, precepts; حكماḥukman virtually; legally │ بحكمbi-ḥukmi by virtue of, on the strength of, pursuant to, by force of; في حكمas good as, all but, e.g., ( ھو في حكمfī ḥukm l-‘adam) it is as good as nothing, it is practically nonexistent; اصبح في حكم المقررaṣbaḥa fī ḥukmi l-muqarrar it is all but decided, كان في حكم الشيءalso: to be subject to s.th.; نزل
على حكمهto give in, yield to s.o., حكم البراءة ḥ. al-barā’a acquittal, ( حكم حضوريḥuḍūrī) judgment delivered in the presence of the litigant parties, after oral proceedings (jur.), ( الحكم باالعدامi‘dām) death sentence; ( حكم غيابيgiyābī) judgment by default (jur.); ( الحكم الذاتيdātī) self-determination, autonomy (pol.); ( الحكم الجمھوريjumhūrī) the republican form of government, the republican regime; ( الحكم المطلقmuṭlaq) the absolute, i.e., authoritarian, regime, الحكم ( النھائيniyābī) the parliamentary regime, parliamentarianism; لجنة الحكمlajna al-ḥ. board of examiners, review board; االحكام ‘( العرفيةurfīya) martial law; احكام انتقالية (intiqālīya) provisional regulations (jur.); ( احكام ختاميةḳitāmīya) final regulations (jur.); ( احكام خاصةḳāṣṣa) special regulations; ( لكل سن حكمهsinn) every age has its own set of rules, must be judged by its own standards, ( للضرورة احكامli-ḍḍarūra) necessity has its (own) rules, (approx.: necessity knows no law) حكميḥukmī legal ( حكمدارeg.; pronounced ḥikimdār) commandant; chief of police ( حكمداريةeg.; pronounced ḥikimdārīya) commandant’s office حكمḥakam pl. حكامḥukkām arbitrator, arbiter; umpire, referee حكمةḥikma pl. حكمḥikam wisdom; sagacity; philosophy, maxim, rationale, underlying reason │ ( لحكمةwith foll. genit.) on account of, because of حكميḥikmī gnomic, aphoristic, expressing maxims │ ( الشعر الحكميši'r) gnomic poetry حكمةḥakama pl. -āt bit (of a horse’s bridle) حكيمḥakīm pl. حكماءḥukamā’2 wise, judicious; wise man, sage; philosopher; physician, doctor حكيمباشيḥakīmbāšī senior physician, chief surgeon حكومةḥukūma pl. -āt government حكوميḥukūmī of government, governmental; official, state-owned, statecontrolled of the state, state- (in compounds)
احكمaḥkam2 wiser محكمةmaḥkama pl. محاكمmaḥākim2 court, tribunal │ محكمة االستئنافm. alisti’nāf court of appeal, appellate court; ( محكمة اھليةahlīya) indigenous court (Eg.; jurisdiction limited to Egyptian nationals), ( محكمة ابتدائيةibtidā’īya) court of first instance, ( محكمة ابتدائية كليةkullīya) civil court with jurisdiction in cases of major importance, at the same time appellate instance of ( محاكم جزئيةEg.); 196 محكمة ( جزئيةjuz’īya) in Eg., lowest court of both ( محاكم اھليةapprox.: district courts) and of محاكم شرعيةcanonical courts (with jurisdiction in marital and family matters); summary court; محكمة الجناياتm. al-jinīyāt criminal court; محاكم األحوال الشخصية (šaḳṣīya) courts dealing with vital statistics; ( محكمة مختلطةmuḳtaliṭa) mixed court (with jurisdiction over residents of foreign nationality); ( محكمة شرعيةšar’īya) canonical court (administering justice on the basis of the Sharia), court dealing with family matters of Muslims; محكمة مركزية (markazīya) county court, dealing with minor offenses, esp. misdemeanors (Eg.); محكمة القضاء االداريm. al-qaḍā’ al-idārī administrative court; محكمة النقض واالبرامm. an-naqḍ wa-l-ibrām Court of Cassation, the highest court of appeal in Egypt; محكمة التمييزCourt of Cassation (Syr., Leb. = محكمة النقض واالبرامin Eg.); ساحة المحاكم tribunals تحكيمtaḥkīm appointment of an arbitrator; arbitration; arbitral decision, award; pl. تحكيماتfortifications │ تحكيم الحالstarting from the present state of a court’s findings (Isl. Law); ھيئة التحكيم hai’at at-t. board of arbitration; jury, committee of judges, committee of umpires (in sports), committee of referees (in mil. maneuvers); ( لجنة تحكيميةlajna) do. محاكمةmuḥākama judicial proceeding; trial, hearing (in court); legal prosecution احكامiḥkām perfection; accuracy, exactness, exactitude, precision; exact performance, precise execution │ باالحكامaccurately, exactly, precisely; بالغ في االحكامof highest perfection تحكمtaḥakkum arbitrariness, arbitrary powers or action; despotism; domination,
dominion, rule, sway, power; control (في of, over) تحكميtaḥakkumī arbitrary; despotic استحكامistiḥkām intensification, increase, strengthening; consolidation, stabilization; fortification; pl. استحكامات fortifications حاكمḥākim ruling, governing; decisive; --(pl. -ūn, حكامḥukkām) ruIer, sovereign; governor; judge │ (حاكمbi-amrihī) autocratic; autocrat, dictator; حاكم عام (‘āmm) governor general; حاكم المباراةalmubārāh umpire, referee (athlet.); حاكم الصلحḥ. aṣ-ṣulḥ (Syr.) justice of the peace; حاكم الناحيةḥ. an-nāḥiya (Tun.) district magistrate حاكميةḥākimīya domination, dominion, rule, sovereignty; judgeship, judicature, jurisdiction (ir.) محكوم عليهmaḥkūm ‘alaih sentenced (ب to) │ (محكوم عليھم باالعدامi‘dām) those sentenced to death; ( محكوم عليه بالفشلfašal) doomed to fail محكمmuḥakkam pl. -ūn arbitrator, arbiter; umpire, referee ( فيin, over) محكمmuḥkam strengthened, reinforced; firm, solid, sturdy; tight, taut; perfect, masterly, masterful; well-aimed (blow, hit); accurate, precise, exact │ محكم التدبير well-planned, well-contrived مستحكمmustaḥkam reinforced, fortified; strengthened, consolidated, strong; inveterate, deep-seated, deep-rooted, ingrained (custom, trait, etc.); pl. مستحكمات defenses, fortifications حكمدارية، حكمدارsee حكم حكىḥakā i ( حكايةḥikāya) to tell, relate ( ھـs.th.), report, give an account ( ھـof); to speak, talk (syr., leb.); to imitate, copy (ھـ s.th.); to resemble ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) III to imitate, copy ( ھـs.th.), assimilate o.s. (ھـ to); to be similar ( ھـto), be like s.th. ()ھـ, resemble ( ھـs.th.), be attuned, adjusted, adapted ( ھـto), be in harmony ( ھـwith) 197 حكايةḥikāya pl. -āt story, tale, narrative, accountj (gram.) literal quotation (of the words of others) محاكاةmuḥākāh imitation; similarity, resemblance; harmony
حاكḥākin narrator, storyteller; phonograph; O loudspeaker, radio محكيmaḥkīy imitated, imitation (adj.) حكيمباشيsee حكم 1
حلḥalla u (ḥall) to untie ( ھـa knot), unbind, unfasten, unravel, undo ( ھـs.th.); to solve ( ھـa problem, a puzzle); to decipher, decode ( ھـs.th.): to dissolve in water ( ھـs.th.; chem.); to resolve ( ھـs.th. into its components), analyze ( ھـs.th.); to melt ( ھـs.th.); to decompose, disintegrate ( ھـs.th.); to disband, break up, dissolve (ھـ an organization or party, parliament); to open, unpack ( ھـa package, and the like); to loosen, relax ( ھـs.th.); to release, set free, let go ( ھـs.th., هs.o.); to clear, exonerate, exculpate ( من هs.o. from), absolve ( هs.o., منfrom his sins; Ch,.); pass. ḥulla to be free; to be relaxed; -- i u ( حلولḥulūl) to dismount, alight, stop, halt; to settle down, stay ( بat a place, also في and ھـ؛ علىwith s.o., at s.o.’s house), come (for a visit, علىto); to take up residence (ھـ in a place or country); to descend, come down; to descend ( علىupon s.o.; wrath); to overcome, overwhelm ( علىs.o.; sleep); to befall ( بand علىs.o.; punishment, suffering), occur, happen ( بto s.o.); to become incarnate ( فيin s.o.; God); to set in, arrive, begin (time, season); -- i to pass into solution, dissolve: to fade (color); -- i (ḥill) to be allowed, permitted, permissible, lawful; to be due, payable (debt) │( حل في منصبmanṣib) to take over or hold an office; ( حل محلهmaḥallahū) to be in the right place; حل محل،حل محل فالن ( الشيءmaḥalla) to take the place of s.o. or s.th., replace, supersede s.o. or s.th., substitute for s.o. or s.th.; حلت في قلبه محال (qalbihī) she held a place in his heart; حل ( محل التقدير لديهmaḥalla t-taqdīri ladaihi) to enjoy s.o.’s. high esteem; حل من نفوس القراء ( محلmin nufūsi l-qurrā’i maḥalla listiḥsān) to appeal to the readers, meet with the readers' approval II to dissolve, resolve (into its component parts), break up, decompose, analyze ( ھـs.th.): to make a chemical analysis ( ھـof s.th.): to be dissolvent, act as a solvent ( ھـon; med.): to discharge, absolve, clear, exonerate, exculpate ( هs.o.); ( تحلةtaḥilla) to expiate an oath: to make permissible or lawful,
legitimate, sanction, justify, warrant (ھـ s.th.); to declare permissible or lawful, allow, permit ( ھـs.th.) IV to discharge, release, absolve, disengage ( من هs.o. from); to declare ( ھـs.th.) lawful, legally permissible, permit, allow ( ھـs.th.); to cause to set in or occur, bring about, produce, cause to take root, establish, stabilize ( ھـs.th.): to cause ( ھـs.th.) to take or occupy the place ( ھـof), shift, move, translocate ( ھـ ھـs.th., e.g., a tribe, to a place); to settle ( بين ھـs.th. among) │احله ( محلmaḥallahū) to cause s.o. or s.th. to take the place of s.o. or s.th. else, replace s.o. or s.th. by, substitute s.o. or s.th. for, take s.o. or s.th. as substitute for; أحل الشيء ( محل العنايةmaḥalla l-‘ināya) to pay attention to s.th., make s.th. one’s concern V to dissolve, melt, disintegrate; to disengage o.s., disassociate o.s., extricate o.s., free o.s. ( منfrom) VII to be untied (knot); to be solved, be unraveled (problem); to be dissolved, be broken up, be disbanded (also, of an organization, a party, etc.); to dissolve, melt; to become .lock, limp, weak, loose, relaxed; to disintegrate; to melt away VIII to settle down ( ھـat a place); to occupy (mil., ھـa territory); to assume, take over, occupy, hold, have ( ھـa place, 198 a rank, an office) │( احتل المكان األولal-makāna lawwala) to occupy the foremost place; ( احتل أعمالهa‘mālahū) to take over s.o.’s functions X to regard ( ھـs.th.) as permissible or lawful, think that one may do s.th. ( ;)ھـto regard as fair game, as easy prey, seize unlawfully, misappropriate, usurp ( ھـs.th.) حلḥall pl. حلولḥulūl untying, unfastening, undoing (of a knot); solution (of a problem, of a puzzle, etc.); unriddling, unraveling, explanation; solution (chem.); dissolution, disbandment, breaking up (of all organization, etc.), abolition, cancellation, annulment; release, freeing, liberation; decontrol, release, unblocking (e.g., of a blocked sum); discharge. clearing, exoneration, exculpation; absolution (Chr.) │ قابل للحلsoluble, solvable; O الحل ( الطيفيṭaifī) spectral analysis; اھل الحل والعقد ahl al-ḥ. wa-l-‘aqd or ( اھل الحل والربطrabṭ) influential people, those in power; في حله
( وترحالهtarḥālihī) in all his doings, in everything he did حلḥill: (( عن( كان في حل منḥillin) he was free to …, he was at liberty to ...; he had free disposal of ...; انت في حل منyou’re free to ..., you may readily ... حلةḥalla pl. حللḥilal low copper vessel; cooking pot (eg.) حلةḥilla way station, stopping place, stop, stopover; encampment; absolution (Chr.); dispensation (Chr.) حلةḥulla pl. حللḥulal clothing, dress, garb; vestments (ecclesiastic; Chr.); (complete) suit of clothes; (Western) suit │( حلة رسميةrasmīya) uniform; حلة السھرةḥ. as-suhra formal dress حاللḥalāl that which is allowed, permitted or permissible; allowed, permitted, permissible, allowable, admissible, lawful, legal, licit, legitimate; lawful possession │ ابن حاللibn ḥ. legitimate son; respectable man, decent fellow حلولḥulūl stopping, putting up, staying; descending, coming on, befalling, overtaking; incarnation; setting in, advent, arrival (of a time, of a deadline), beginning, dawn; substitution (for s.o.) حليلḥalīl pl. احالءaḥillā’2 husband حليلةḥalīla pl. حالئلḥalā’il2 iI' wife احليلiḥlīl outer opening of the urethra; urethra (anat.) محلmaḥall pl. -āt, محالmaḥāll2 place, location, spot, site, locale, locality, center; (place of) residence; business; business house, firm, commercial house; store, shop; object, cause (e.g., of dispute, admiration, etc.); gear (automobile) │حل محلهand احله محلهsee حلI and IV; محله (maḥallahū) in his (its) place; في محلهin his (its) place, in his (its) stead, instead of him; كان في محلهto be in the right place; to be appropriate, expedient, advisable; to be justified, warranted; في غير محلهimproper, misplaced, unsuitable, ill-suited; out of place; inappropriate, inexpedient, inopportune; صادف محلهṣādafa maḥallahū to be convenient, be most opportune; ال ( محل لهmaḥalla) there is no room for ... ; it
is out of place, quite déplacé; محل العملm. al-‘amal place of employment; محل االقامة m. al-iqāma (place of) residence, address; ( محل نجاريtijārī) business house, commercial house; المحالت العمومية (‘umūmīya, tijārīya) public utilities and commercial houses; اسم المحلism al-m. firm; محل رھوناتm. ruhūnāt pawnshop; محالالت السياحةm. as-siyāḥfa travel agencies; محل مرطباتm. muraṭṭibāt refreshment parlor; محل اللھوm. al-lahw and محل المالھيm. al-malāhī (pl. )محال amusement center; محل نزاعm. nizā‘ object 199 of controversy, controversial matter; ال ارى محال لعجبlā arā m. li-‘ajabin I don’t see any reason for amazement, there is nothing to be astonished about; محلm. naẓar s.th. deserving attention, a striking, remarkable thing محليmaḥallī local; native, indigenous; parochial; pl. محلياتlocal news, local page (of a newspaper) محلmaḥill due date; date of delivery محلةmaḥalla pl. -āt way station, stopping place, stop, stopover, encampment; camp; section, part, quarter (of a city) │( المحلة الكبرىkubrā) Mahalla el Kubra (city in N Egypt) تحليلtaḥlīl dissolution, resolution, breaking up, decomposition, specification, detailing, analyzation; (pl. تحاليلtaḥālīl2) analysis (chem.); absolution (Chr.) │ بالتحليلin detail; معمل تحليلma‘mal t. laboratory for chemical analyses; تحليل ( كھربائيkahrabā’ī) electrolysis; التحليل ( )النفسي )النفسانيnafsī) psychoanalysis تحليليtaḥlīlī analytic(al)
محلولmaḥlūl solved; dissolved, resolved, broken up; loose; untied, unfastened, unfettered, free, at large; weakened, prostrate, exhausted, languid; solution (liquid; chem.) │ محلول الشعرm. aš-ša‘ar with loose, disheveled hair محللmuḥallil analyzer منحلmunḥall solved; dissolved, resolved, broken up; disbanded; languid, prostrate, weak; permitted, allowed جيوش محتلةjuyūš muḥtalla occupation forces 2
حيلولةsee حول
حلبḥālaba i u (ḥalb) to milk ( ھـan animal) │ حلب الدھر اشطرهḥalaba d-dahra ašṭurahū he has seen good and bad days V to run, drip, trickle, ooze, seep, leak; to water. drool (mouth, with appetite) │تتحلب له ( األفواهafwāh) making the mouth water, appetizing; ( تحلب اللعاب في فميal-lu‘ābu fī famī) my mouth was watering VIII to milk ( ھـan animal) X do.; to squeeze juice (ھـ from) حلبḥalb milking حلبḥalab milk حلبةḥalba pl. ḥalabāt race track; arena; dance floor; race horses │ حلبة الرقصḥ. arraqṣ dance floor; انه ليس من تلك الحلبةhe is not made for that, he doesn’t belong there, it is not in his line; فارس حلبة بa master of, excelling or outstanding in حلبةḥulba fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum; bot.); tonic, prepared of yellowish grains, for women in childbed (eg., syr.)
تحللtaḥallul dissolution, breakup; separation, disengagement, disassociation
حليبḥalīb milk │ لبن حليبlaban ḥ. cow’s milk (eg.)
انحاللinḥilāl dissolution, breakup, decomposition; disintegration; decay, putrefaction; slackening, exhaustion, prostration, weakness, impotence
حلوبḥalūb lactiferous │بقرة حلوب (baqara) milk cow; ( الماشية الحلوبmāšiya) dairy cattle
احتاللiḥtilāl occupation (mil.) │جيوش االحتاللoccupation forces
حالبةḥallāba milkmaid, dairymaid; dairywoman; milk cow 200
احتالليiḥtilālī occupying, occupation (used attributively); advocate of foreign occupation
محلبmaḥlab mahaleb (Prunus mahaleb; bot.)
حالبḥallāb milker
حالبḥālib ureter
مستحلبmustaḥlab emulsion│مستحلب اللوز m. al-lauz almond milk 2
حلبḥalab2 Aleppo
حلتيتḥiltīt, ḥaltīt asafetida (Ferula assafoetida; bot.) حلجḥalaja i u (ḥalj, حليجḥalīj) to gin (ھـ cotton) حلجḥalj ginning (of cotton) حليجḥalīj ginning (of cotton); ginned (cotton) حالجةḥilāja cotton ginner’s work or trade حالجḥallāj cotton ginner محلجmiḥlaj, محلجةmiḥlaja pl. محالج maḥālij2 cotton gin محلجmaḥlaj pl. محالجmaḥālij2 cotton ginnery
s.o.) swear, exact an oath ( هfrom s.o.); to adjure, entreat earllestly ( هs.o.) حلفḥalf, ḥilf swearing, oath│ حلف اليمين taking the oath حلفḥilf sworn alliance, confederacy, league; federation; (pl. احالفaḥlāf) ally│ ‘( حلف عسكرىaakarī) military alliancc; ( الحلف االطلنطىaṯlanṯī) the Atlantic Pact حليفḥaīf pl. حلفاءḥulafā’2 confederate; ally; allied │ الحلفاءthe Allies (pol.) حليفةḥalīfa pl. -āt f. of حليف حلوفḥallūf pl. حالليفḥalālīf2 (magr., eg.) wild boar; pig, swine حلفاءḥulafā’ and حلفةḥalfa (bot.) alfa, esparto تحليفtaḥlīf swearing in │لجنة التحليف lajnat at-t. the jury (in court) محالفةmuḥālafa alliance
حلحلḥalḥala to remove, drive away, shove away II taḥalḥala to stir from one’s place; to move, stir, budge
تحالفtaḥāluf state of alliance; alliance, treaty of alliance
حلزونḥalazūn snail; spiral
محلفmuḥallaf sworn, bound by oath; (pl. -ūn) juror (in court)
حلزونةḥalazūna (n. un.) snail; spiral حلزونىḥalazūnī spiral, helical, volute, winding حلسḥalisa a to remain, stay permanently ( بat a place), stick ( بto a place) حلسḥi1s pl. احالسaḥlās (with foll. genit.) one addicted or given to s.th., one adhering to s.th.│ احالس اللھوa. al-lahw people given to pleasure and amusement, bons vivants, playboys حلسḥils pl. احالسaḥlās, حلوسḥulūs saddle blanket احلسaḥlas2, f. حلساءḥulasā’2 bay, chestnut (horse) حلفḥalafa i (ḥalf, ḥilf) to swear ( باby God)│ ( حلف يميناyamīnan) to take an oath II to make ( هs.o.) swear; to put to oath, swear in ( هs.o.); to adjure, entreat earnestly (ه s.o.) III to enter into a confederation, into an alliance ( هwith s.o.), become an ally (ه of s.o.) VI to commit one another by oath ( علىto do s.th.), join in alliance; to ally, makc an alliance ( معwith) X to make (ه
متحالفmutaḥālif interallied, allied حلقḥalaqa i (ḥalq) to shave ( ھـthe head, the face); to shave off ( ھـthe beard) II to circle in the air, hover; to fly, soar (bird; airplane; علىand )فوقover or above s.th.); to round, make round, circular or ringshaped ( ھـSotho); to 201 ring, surround, encircle ( علىs.o., s.th.); to clothe V to form a circle, sit in a circle; to gather in a circle ( علىaround s.o.) حلقḥalq shaving, shave; (pl. حلوقḥulūq, احالقaḥlāq) throat, gullet, pharynx حلقىḥalqī guttural, pharyngeal حلقḥalaq rings, earrings حلقةḥalqa, ḥalaqa pl. حلقḥalaq, حلقات ḥalaqāt ring (also earring, etc.); link (of a chain); circle (also of people); group of students studying under a professor, hence: lecture, course (e.g., at Al Azhar University); part of a sequence or series; ringlet; disk; decade; market│ حلقة النجاةḥ. an-najāh life buoy, life preserver; Jl- حلقة االتصالḥ. al-ittiṣāl and حلقة الوصلḥ. alwaṣl connecting link ( بينbetween; fig.);
الحلقة المفقودةthe missing link, the intermediate form; فى الحلقة السادسة من عمره (‘umrihī) in the sixth decade of his life, in his fifties; حلقة االسماكfish market; حلقة القطن ḥ. al-quṯn cotton market حلقيḥalaqī annular, ring-shaped, circular حالقḥallāq pl. -ūn barber │حالق صحي (ṣiḥḥī), حالق الصحةḥ. aṣ-ṣiḥḥa barbersurgeon حليقḥalīq shaved, shaven, shorn حالقةḥallāqa shaving, shave; barber’s trade │ صابون الحالقةṣābūn al-ḥ. shaving soap; صالون الحالقةbarbershop; قاعة الحالقة qā‘at al-ḥ. do.; O ماكينة حالقةand O آلة حالقة safety razor محلقmiḥlaq pl. محالقmaḥāliq2 straight razor تحليقtaḥlīq flying, flight (of all aircraft; علىand فوقover a country); take-off (of an airplane) من حالقmin ḥāliq from above حلقومḥulqūm pl. حالقمḥalāqim2 throat, gullet │ راحة الحلقومrāḥat al-ḥ. a kind of sweet made of cornstarch, sugar, mastic and pistachios (eg.) حلكḥalika a (ḥalak) to be pitch-black, deepblack XII احلولكiḥlaulaka do. حلكḥalak intense blackness حلكةḥulka intense blackness حلكḥalik pitch-black, deep-black; gloomy, murky حلوكةḥulūka gloominess, darkness; blackness حالكḥālik pitch-black, deep-black; gloomy, murky حلمḥalama u to dream ( بor عنof; فى انof being, becoming, doing, etc., in the future); to muse, reflect, meditate ( بon s.th.); to attain puberty; -- ḥaluma u to be gentle, mild-tempered VIII to attain puberty
حلمḥulum sexual maturity, puberty │ بلغ الحلمto attain puberty حلمḥilm, pl. حلومḥulūm, احالمaḥlām gentleness, clemency, mildness; forbearance, indulgence; patience; insight, discernment, understanding, intelligence, reason │ صغار االحالمsimpleminded people, simple souls حلمḥalam (coll.; n. un. )ةtick; mite; nipple, teat, mammilla (of the female breast) حلميḥalamī parasitic; mammillary, nipple-shaped حليمḥalīm, pl. حلماءḥulamā’ 2 mild, mildtempered, gentle; patient 202 حلومḥālūm, حالومḥālūm a kind of Egyptian cheese حالمḥālim pl. -ūn dreamer محتلمmuḥtalim sexually mature, pubescent, marriageable ( حلوand )حلىḥaluwa u, ḥaliya a, حالḥalā u ( حالوةḥalāwa, حلوانḥulwān) to be sweet; to be pleasant, agreeable ( لto s.o.) │حال له الشيءhe enjoyed the thing; حال له انit pleased him that ..., he was delighted that ...; ( حسبما يحلو لهḥasabamā) at his discretion, as he pleases; -- حلىḥalā i to adorn, grace; -- حلىḥaliya a to be adorned ( بwith) II to sweeten (II s.th., e.g., a beverage with sugar); to adorn, bedeck, embellish, attire, furnish, provide ( ه،ھـ s.o., s.th., بwith) V to adorn o.s., be adorned, decked out, embellished, graced, endowed, furnished, provided ( بwith) X to find sweet or pleasant, like ( ھـs.th.), be delighted ( ھـby) حالḥalan sweetness, pleasantness حلوḥulw sweet; pleasant, nice, charming, delightful, pretty │ حلو الحديثa gifted raconteur, amusing, entertaining; ( الغدة الحلوةgudda) pancreas (anat.) حليḥaly pl. حليḥulīy piece of jewelry, trinket
حلمḥulm, pl. احالمaḥlām, dream; pl. irreality, utopia
حليةḥilya pl. حلىḥilan, ḥulan decoration, embellishment, finery; ornament
حلميḥulmī dream- (in compounds), of or pertaining to dreams
حلوىḥalwa pl. حالوىḥalāwa candy, confection, confectionery, sweetmeats
حلواءfi.alwa'2 candy, confection, con·
( التيفيةtīfīya) typhoid fever, typhus fever; حمى الدقḥ. d-diqq hectic fever; حمى الربعḥ. r-rib‘ quartan fever; الحمى الراجعةrelapsing fever; الحمى الصفراءor الحمى الصفراوية (ṣafrā’, ṣafrāwīya) yellow fever; حمى الغب ḥ. l-gibb tertian fever; الحمى الفحمية (faḥmīya) anthrax; الحمى القرمزية (qirmizīya) scarlet fever; حمى القشḥ. lqašš hayfever; ( الحمى القالعيةqulā‘īya) footand-mouth disease; الحمى المخية الشوكية (mukkīya, šaukīya) cerebrospinal meningitis; ( الحمى المتموجةmutamawwija) undulant fever, Malta fever, brucellosis; ( الحمى النفاسيةnifāsīya) puerperal fever, childbed fever; O ( الحمى النمشيةnamašīya) spotted fever
fectionery, sweetmeats حلوياتḥalwayāt (and eg. ḥalawīyāt) sweets (in general); sweet pastry; candies, confectionery, sweetmeats حالوةḥalāwa sweetness; candies, confectionery, sweetmeats; grace, gracefulness, charm, refinement, wittiness, wit; present of money; ransom │ ( حالوة حمصيةḥummuṣīya) a sweet made of roasted chick-peas; حالوة طحينية (ṭahīnīya) a sweet made of sesame-seed meal; ( حالوة لوزيةlauzīya) a sweet made of almonds حلوانḥulwān present of money, gratuity, tip
حميḥummī feverish, febrile, fever- (in compounds)
حلوانيḥalwānī and حلوائيḥalwā’ī confectioner, candy dealer; pastry cook, fancy baker
حمامḥamām (coll.; n. un. )ةpl. -āt, حمائم ḥamā’im2 dove, pigeon │ حمام الزاجلcarrier pigeon; ساق الحمامbugloss, oxtongue (Anchusa officinalis; bot.)
ما احيلىmā uḥailā oh, how sweet is ..., ما احيالهoh, how sweet he is!
حمامḥimām (fate of) death
تحليةtaḥliya decoration, embellishment, ornamentation
حمامḥammām pl. -āt bath; swimming pool; spa, watering place │ حمام شمسḥ. šams sunbath; ( حمامات بحريةbaḥrīya) seaside resorts
محلىmuḥallan sweetened; decorated, embellished, adorned, ornamented (ب with) 1
حميمḥamīm pl. احماءaḥimmā’2 close friend; close, intimate; -- hot water
حمḥam pl. احماءaḥmā’ father-in-law; pl. relatives of the wife by marriage, in-laws of the wife
احمaḥamm2, f. حماءḥammā’2, pl. حم ḥumm black
حماةḥamāh pl. حمواتḥamawāt motherin-law; see also 1 حمىand 2حمى 2
حمḥuma see 2 حمو
حمḥamma u (ḥamm) to heat, make hot (ھـ s.th.); pass. ḥumma to be feverish, have a fever │( حم له ذلكḥumma) that was decreed to him, that is his lot, his destiny II to heat, make hot ( ھـs.th.); to bathe, wash (ھـ or هs.o. or s.th.) IV to heat, make hot (ھـ s.th.) X to bathe, take a bath حمةḥamma hot spring حمةḥumma blackness, swarthiness, dark coloration; fever حممḥumam (n. un. )ةcharcoal; anything charred or carbonized; ashes, cinder; lava حمىḥumma f., pl. حمياتḥummayāt fever, fever heat │ الحمى التيفوديةand الحمى
محمmiḥamm hot-water kettle, caldron, boiler استحمامistiḥmām bathing, bath محمومmaḥmūm feverish, having a fever; frantic, hectic 1
حمأḥama’a a to clean out, dredge ( ھـa well)
حمأḥama’, حمأةḥam’a mud, mire, sludge 2
حمئḥami’a to be or become angry, furious, mad ( علىat s.o.)
حمحمḥamḥama ( حمحمةḥamḥama) to neigh, whinny (horse) حمحمةḥamḥama neigh(ing), whinnying, whinnies حمحمḥimḥim oxtongue, bugloss (Anchusa officinalis; bot.)
حمدḥamida a (ḥamd) to praise, commend, laud, extol ( على هs.o. for, ھـs.th.) II to praise highly ( هs.o.)
حمورḥumūr red, red color(ation), redness حميرةḥumaira redstart (zool.)
حمدḥamd commendation, praise, laudation │ الحمدal-ḥamdu lillāh thank God! praise be to God! praised be the Lord! حميدḥamīd praiseworthy, laudable, commendable; benign, harmless (disease) حمودḥamūd praiseworthy, laudable, commendable, praised احمدaḥmad2 more laudable, more commendable الشريعة األحمديةaš-šarī‘a al-aḥmadīya Mohammedan Law محمدةmaḥmada pl. محامدmaḥāmid2 commendable act; pl. محامدpraises, encomiums
حمارḥammār pl. ةdonkey driver احمرaḥmar2, f. حمراءḥamrā’2, pl. حمر ḥumr red, red-colored, ruddy; rosy, pink │ دون األحمر، تحت األحمرinfrared; البحر األحمر the Red Sea; الصليب األحمرthe Red Cross; ( الموت األحمرmaut) violent death; الھوى ( األحمرhawā) sexual intercourse; األحمران (“the two red ones”, i.e.) wine and meat; “( االسود واالحمرthe black and the red”, i.e.) all mankind; احمر الشفاهlipstick حمراءḥamrā’2 smut, rust (disease affecting cereals); الحمراءAlhambra, the Citadel of Granada يحمورyaḥmūr red; deer, roe, roebuck; wild ass; hemoglobin (physiol.)
محمودmaḥmūd praised; commendable, laudable, praiseworthy
احمرارiḥmirār reddening, blush(ing), redness, red coloration; erythema (med.)
محمدmuḥammad praised; commendable, laudable
محمرmuḥammar roasted │بطاطس محمرة (baṭāṭis) fried potatoes حمزḥamaza i (ḥamz) to bite, or burn, the tongue (taste)
محمديmuḥammadī pertaining or attributable to Mohammed حمدلḥamdala to pronounce the formula "Praise be to God!” حمدلةḥamdala the formula above)
( الحمدsee
حمرII to redden, color or dye red ( ھـs.th.); to roast ( ھـs.th.); to fry ( ھـs.th.); to brown (ھـ flour in preparing a roux) IX to turn red, take on a reddish color, redden, blush 204 حمرḥumar asphalt حمريḥumarī asphaltic, asphalt, tar, tarry حمرةḥumra redness, red color(ation), red; rouge (cosm.); brick dust, brick rubble; erysipelas, St. Anthony's fire (med.) حمارḥimār pl. حميرḥamīr, حمرḥumur, احمرةaḥmira donkey, ass │ حمار الوحشḥ. al-waḥš and ( حمار وحشيwaḥšī) wild ass, onager; سم الحمارsamm al-ḥ. oleander (Nerium oleander; bot.) حمارةḥimāra pl. حمائرḥamā’ir2 she-ass, female donkey
حمسḥamisa a to work with zeal, be zealous, eager, ardent, be or become enthusiastic, get all worked up, get excited, be filled with fanatic enthusiasm V = I; to be overzealous or over-enthusiastic ( فيin s.th.); to advocate fervently ( لs.th.), throw o.s. wholeheartedly behind s.th. ()ل حمسḥamis and احمسaḥmas2 unflinching, staunch, steadfast, ardent, eager, zealous, stout, hearty; fiery, enthusiastic, full of enthusiasm حماسḥamās, and حماسةḥamāsa enthusiasm, fire, ardor, fervor, zeal, fanaticism حماسيḥamāsī enthusiastic, ardent, fiery, zealous, fanatic; stirring, rousing, thrilling, electrifying تحمسtaḥammus unflinching zeal, enthusiasm ( لfor), fanaticism متحمسmutaḥammis enthusiastic, ardent, fiery, zealous, fanatic; an ardent follower, a fanatic adherent, a fanatic
حمشḥamaša u to excite, irritate, infuriate, enrage ( هs.o.) حمشةḥamša catgut (med.) 1
حمصII to roast; to fry, broil (A s.th.) حمصḥimmiṣ, ḥimmmaṣ; (colloq.) ḥummuṣ (coll.; n. un. )ةchick-pea
حمصMm,' Homs (the ancient Emesa, city in oentral Syria)
حمضḥamuḍa u ( حموضةḥumūḍa) to be or become sour II to make sour, sour, acidify, acidulate ( ھـs.th.); to develop ( ھـa photographic plate, a film; phot.); to cause ( ھـs.th.) to oxidize حمضḥamaḍa pl. احماضaḥmāḍ acid (chem.) │( حمض بوليbaulī) uric acid شجر حمضيšajar ḥamḍī citrus trees حمضيةḥamḍīya pl. -āt citrus fruit 205 حموضةhummūḍa sourness, acidity │ مولد الحموضةmuwallid al-ḥ. oxygen (chem.) حماضḥammāḍ, حميضḥummaiḍ sorrel (bot.) تحميضtaḥmīḍ souring, acidification; development (phot.) احماضiḥmāḍ jocular language, joking remark حامضsour, acid; acidulous; (pl. حوامض ḥawāmiḍ) acid (chem.) │ حامض الفحمḥ. alfaḥm carbonic acid: ( حامض كبريتيkibrītī) sulphuric acid حمقḥamiqa a and ḥamuqa u (ḥumq, حماقة ḥamāqa) to be stupid, silly, foolish, fatuous; to become angry or furious II and IV to regard ( هs.o.) as a fool, consider (ه s.o.) dumb, stupid, idiotic n pretend to be stupid VII to become angry or furious X to consider ( هs.o.) dumb, stupid, idiotic حمقḥumq stupidity, silliness, foolishness, folly حماقةḥamāqa stupidity, silliness, foolishness, folly; anger, wrath حماق ḥumāq, ḥamāq smallpox, variola (med.) حمقaḥmaq2, f. حمقاءḥamqā’2, pl. حمق ḥum(u)q, حمقىḥamqā, حماقىḥamāqā dumb, stupid, silly, foolish, fatuous; fool, simpleton, imbecile
حمقḥamqān dumb, stupid, silly, foolish; angry, furious حملḥamala i (ḥaml) to carry, bear ( ھـs.th.); to lift, pick up ( ھـs.th. in order to carry it), load up and take along ( ھـs.th.): to hold (ھـ s.th., in one’s hand); to carry on or with one. take or bring along ( ھـs.th.); to transport, carry, convey ( ھـs.th.); to bring, take ( الىor ل ھـs.th. to s.o.); to take upon o.s. ( عنinstead of or for s.o., ھـa burden), carry, assume ( ھـthe burden, عنof s.o. else), relieve ( ھـ عنs.o. from s.th.), take ( ھـa burden, a grievance, etc.) from s.o. ( ;)عنto extend, show, evince, cherish, ha.rbor ( ھـa feeling, لtoward s.o.); to become or be pregnant ( منby s.o.): to bear fruit (tree); to induce, cause, prompt, get ( على هs.o. to do s.th.), make s.o. ( )هdo s.th. ( ;)علىto convert, bring around, win over ( على رأيه هs.o. to one’s opinion), convince ( على رأيه هs.o. of one’s opinion); to attack ( علىs.o.), also حمل حملة على (ḥamlatan) to launch or make an attack on; to know by beart ( ھـa book); to relate, refer ( على ھـs.th. to). bring ( ھـs. th.) to bear ( علىupon s.th.), link, correlate, bring into relation ( ھـs.th., علىwith); to trace, trace back ( على ھـs.th. to); to ascribe, attribute, impute ( على ھـs.th. to s.o.); to make ( ھـa word) agree grammatically (على with another) │ حمل في نفسهto feel annoyed, be in a melancholy mood, feel blue; حمل على نفسهto pull o.s. together, brace o.s.; ( حمله على محملmaḥmali) to take s.th. to mean …, interpret or construe s.th. in the sense of …, as if it were ...; حمله على غير محملto misinterpret, misconstrue s.th.; ( حمله محمل الجدmaḥmala l-jidd) to take s.th. seriously, take s.th. at face value II to have or make ( هs.o.) carry or bear ( ھـs.th.), load, burden, charge, task ( ه، ھـs.o. or s.th. ھـwith), impose ( ھـ هon s.o. s.th.) V to hear, assume, take upon o.s. ( ھـs.th., e.g., النفقاتan-nafaqāt the expenses, المسؤوليةalmas’ūlīya the responsibility); to bear up ( ھـunder), bear, stand, sustain, endure, tolerate, stomach ( ھـs.th.); to undergo, suffer ( ھـs.th.); to be able to stand ( هs.o.) or put up ( هwith s.o.); to set out, get on one’s way; to depart VI to maltreat, treat unjustly ( علىs.o.), be prejudiced, be biased, take sides ( علىagainst s.o.); to
struggle to 206 one’s feet, rise with great effort │ ( تحامل على نفسهnafsihi) to brace o.s.; to pull o.s. together, take heart, pluck up courage VIII to carry, bring ( ھـs.th.); to carry away, take away, haul off, lug off ( ھـs.th.); to suffer, undergo, bear, stand, endure, sustain ( ھـs.th.); to allow, permit, suffer, tolerate, brook, stomach ( ھـs.th.), acquiesce ( ھـin), put up, bear ( ھـwith s.th.); to hold ( ھـs.th.), have capacity (ھـ for); to imply that s.th. ( )ھـis possible, permissible, or conceivable; يحتمل yaḥtamilu and (pass.) yuḥtamalu (it is) bearable, tolerable; (it is) conceivable, possible, probable, likely حملḥaml carrying, bearing; inducement, prompting, encouragement (of s.o., علىto); delivery; transport, transportation, conveyance; portage, carrying charges; -- (pl. احمالaḥmāl, حمال ḥimāl) foetus; pregnancy │عدم الحمل ‘adam al-ḥ. sterility (of a woman) حملḥiml, ḥaml pl. احمالaḥmāl cargo, load, burden │ حمل حيḥaml ḥayy pay load, commercial load, live load; حمل ميت mayyit) dead load; dead weight (arch.); ( حمل موازنmuwāzin) counterpoise, counterweight حملḥamal pl. حمالنḥumlān, احمال aḥmāl lamb; (unconsecrated) Host (Chr.Copt.); Aries, Ram (astron.) حملةḥamla pl. ḥamalāt attack ( علىon); offensive; campaign; military expedition; expeditionary force │( حملة تأديبيةta’dībīya) punitive expedition; mحملة صحافيي (ṣiḥāfīya) press campaign; حملة استكشافية (istikšāfīya) reconnaissance raid (mil.); حملة ميكانيكيةmotorized detachment (mil.); ( حملة انتخابيةintikābīya) election campaign حمليḥamalī pl. -īya ambulant water vendor حميلḥamīl foundling; guarantor, warrantor حميلة علىḥamīla ‘alā a burden to, completely dependent upon حمولḥamūl long-suffering; gentle, mild-tempered حمالḥamnāl pl. -ūn, ةporter, carrier
حمالةḥimāla work and trade of a porter or carrier حمالةḥammāla (carrier) beam, girder, support, base, post, pier, pillar; suspenders │( حمالة الصدرṣadr) brassiere حمولةḥumūla pl. -āt load capacity, load limit, capacity; tonnage (of a vessel); portage, freightage, transport charges; (pl. حمائلḥamā’il2) family (Ir.) محملmaḥmal see حملḥamala; also أخذ ( شيئا على محمل الجدm. il-jidd) to take s.th. seriously محملmaḥmil (colloq. maḥmal) pl. محامل maḥāmil2 camel-borne litter; mahmal, a richly decorated litter sent by Islamic rulers to Mecca as an emblem of their independence, at the time of the hadj تحميلtaḥmīl burdening; encumbrance; imposition; loading, shipping, shipment تحميلةtaḥmīla pl. تحاملtaḥāmil2 suppository (med.) تحملtaḥammul taking over, assumption (of burdens); bearing, standing, sufferance, endurance; durability; strength,hardiness, sturdiness, solidity (of a material) تحاملtaḥāmul prejudice, bias, partiality; intolerance احتمالiḥtimāl bearing, standing, suffering, sufferance, toleration; probability, likelihood, potentiality │صعب ( االحتمالṣa‘b) hard to bear, oppressive حاملḥāmil pl. حملةḥamala porter, carrier; bearer (of a note, of a check, etc.; of an order or decoration); holder (of an identification paper, of a diploma, of a 207 certificate); holding device, holder, clamp, fastener, hold, support (tech.); fighter ( علىagainst), (pl. حواملḥawāmil2) pregnant │ حامل البريدcourier, حملة األسھمḥ. al-ashum shareholders; حملة األقالمthe publicists, the writers; حامل كالم ﷲḥ. kalām allāh one who knows the Koran by heart; ( تيار حاملtayyār) carrier current (el.), ( موجات حاملةmaujāt) carrier waves (el.) حاملةḥāmila pl. -āt device for carrying, carrier │ حاملة خريطةmap case; حاملة طائرات ḥ. ṭā’irāt aircraft carrier
محمولmaḥmūl carried, borne, bearable, tolerable; load weight, service weight, cargo; tonnage (of a vessel); predicate, attribute (logic), محمول عليهsubject (logic) │( مشاة محمولةmušāh) motorized infantry (mil.); جنود محمولون جواairborne troops (mil.) محملmuḥammal loaded, laden, heavily charged, burdened ( بwith), encumbered ( بby) محتملmuḥtamal bearable, tolerable; probable, likely حملقḥamlaqa ( حملقةḥamlaqa) to stare, gaze ( فيor بat) حمالياḥimalāyā Himalaya 1
حموḥamū (construct state of حمḥam) and حماة ḥamāh see 1 حم
)حموand حمى( حميḥamiya a to be or become hot; to glow (metal); to flare up; to fly into a rage, become furious ( علىat) │ حمى الوطيسfierce fighting broke out II to make hot, heat ( ھـs.th.), to heat to glowing ( ھـmetal); to fire up ( ھـa stove); to kindle, inflame, stir up, excite ( ھـs.th.); to bathe (= 3 حمII) IV to make hot, heat ( ھـs.th.) حموḥamw heat │ حمو النيلḥ. an-nīl prickly heat, heat rash, lichen tropicus (eg.) حموḥumūw heat حمةḥuma pl. -āt, حمىḥuman sting, stinger (of insects); prick, spine (of plants) حميḥamīy hot, glowing; heated, exited حمىḥummā see 3 حم حميةḥamīya zeal, ardor, fervor; enthusiasm, ardent zeal, fanaticism; violence, vehemence; passion, rage, fury; heat of excitement; temper, temperament │ (الحمية القوميةqaumīya) chauvinism حمياḥumayyā heat; excitement, agitation; enthusiasm; fire, passion, impetuosity, vehemence; fury, rage; wine حماوةḥamāwa heat محمىmaḥman fire chamber, furnace (of a stove, oven, etc.)
حامḥāmin hot; heated, violent, fierce (e.g., a battle); glowing, passionate, fiery; burning 1
حمىḥamā i (ḥamy, حمايةḥimāya) to defend, guard ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th., منagainst), protect, shelter, shield ( ه، من ھـs.o., s.th. from); to deny ( المريضthe patient) harmful food (;ھـ = to put him on diet); to forbid ( ان هs.o. to do s.th.) III to defend ( منs.o. or s.th., also, of a lawyer in court); to shield, protect, support ( عنs.o. or s.th.), take up the cause of ()عن, stand up for ( )عنVI to keep away ( ھـfrom), shun, avoid ( ھـs.th.) VIII to protect o.s. ( ھـ، هfrom s.th., from s.o.), defend o.s., cover o.s. ( بwith s.th.), seek protection, seek shelter or refuge ( بwith s.o., also عند؛ منfrom) حمىḥiman protection; defense; sanctuary حميةḥimya that which is defended; diet 208 حمايةḥimāya pl. -āt protection, patronage, sponsorship, auspices; protectorate (pol.) محاماةmuḥāmāh defense (jur.); legal profession, practicing of law │ ھيأة المحاماة ḥai’at al-m. the bar احتماءiḥtimā’ seeking cover, seeking protection; cover, shelter, protection حامḥāmin pl. حماةḥumāh protector, defender, guardian; patron │ الدولة الحامية (daula) protecting power (of a protectorate) حاميةḥāmiya pl. -āt patroness, protectress; garrison (mil.) محميmaḥmīy protected ( بby); being under a protectorate, having the status of a protectorate │( منطقة محميةminṭaqa) protectorate (country) محميةmaḥmīya pl. -āt protectorate (country; pol.) محامmuḥāmin pl. محاميونmuḥāmūn defense counsel, counselor-at-law, lawyer, barrister, attorney (at law), advocate محاميةmuḥāmiya woman lawyer محتمmuḥtamin one who seeks protection; protégé; being under a
protectorate, having the status of a protectorate 2
حماه، حماةḥamāh Hama (city in W Syria)
حنḥanna i ( حنينḥanīn) to long, yearn, hanker ( الىfor), crave ( الىs.th.); -- ( حنةḥanna, حنانḥanān) to feel tenderness, affection, sympathy ( علىfor s.o.); to sympathize, commiserate ( علىwith), feel compassion ( علىfor); to pity ( علىs.o.), have mercy (على on) II to move, touch, fill with tenderness, soften, fill with compassion ( قلبهqalbahū s.o.’s heart); to blossom, flower, be in bloom (tree) V to feel sympathy, feel pity, feel compassion ( علىfor s.o.), commiserate ( علىwith s.o.); to be tender, affectionate حنةḥanna sympathy; commiseration, compassion, pity; favorable aspect, advantage حنانḥanān sympathy, love, affection, tenderness; commiseration, compassion, pity; حنانيكḥanānaika have pity! have mercy! حنانةḥanāna compassion, pity, commiseration حنينḥanīn longing, yearning, hankering, nostalgia, craving, desire حنونḥanūn affectionate, loving, softhearted, tenderhearted, compassionate, merciful; tender, soft, gentle, kind, moving, touching (voice) حنانḥannān affectionate, loving, tender; compassionate, sympathetic تحنانtiḥnān attachment, devotion, loyalty تحننtaḥannun tenderness, affection, sympathy حنأII to dye red ( ھـs.th., with henna) حناءḥinnā’ henna (a reddish-orange cosmetic gained from leaves and stalks of the henna plant) │ ابو الحناءabū l-ḥ. robin (redbreast); ( تمر الحناءcolloq. tamr elḥinna) henna plant (Lawsonia inermis; bot.) حانبةlook up alphabetically حنبليḥanbalī Hanbalitic, of or pertaining to the madhab of Aḥmad ibn ḥanbal; puritanical,
strict in religious matters; (pl. حنابلة ḥanābila) Hanbalite حانوتي، حانوتsee حنو حنثḥanita a (ḥint) with في يمينهor بيمينه: to break one’s oath V to practice piety, perform works of devotion; to seek religious purification; to scorn sin, not yield to sin حنثḥint pl. احناثaḥnāt perjury; sin 209 حنجرةḥanjara pl. حناجرḥanājir2 larynx, throat حنجورḥunjūr pl. حناجيرḥanājīr 2 larynx, throat حنجلḥanjala to prance (horse); to caper, gambol II taḥanjala to dance, caper, gambol, frisk حندسḥindis pl. حنادسḥanādis2 dark night حندقوقḥandaqūq (bot.) melilot, (yellow) sweet clover (Melilotus) حنشḥanaš pl. احناشaḥnāš snake حنطII to embalm ( هa corpse); to stuff ( ھـa carcass) حنطةḥinṭa wheat حناطةḥināṭa embalming تحنطtaḥannuṭ mummification محنطmuḥannaṭ mummified ‘ عربة الحنطورarabat al-ḥanṭūr, victoria, light carriage. designed for two passengers حنظلḥanẓal (coll.; n. un. )ةcolocynth (Citrullue colocynthis; bot.) حنفḥanafa i to turn or bend sideways حنيفḥanīf pl. حنفاءḥunafā’2 true believer, orthodox; one who scorns the false creeds surrounding him and professes the true religion; true (religion) │( الدين الحنيفdin) the True (i.e., Islamic) Religion, also ( الحنيفة السمحاءsamḥā’) حنفيḥanafī pagan, heathen, idolater (Chr.); Hanafitic (see ( ;)حنيفةpl. -ūn) Hanafi حنفيةḥanafīya paganism, heathendom (Chr.); Hanafitic madhab (an orthodox school of theology founded by Abu Hanifah); -- (pl. -āt) faucet, tap; hydrant
الحنيفيةal-ḥanīfīya the True (i.e., Islamic) Religion احنفaḥnaf2 afflicted with a distortion of the foot حنقḥaniqa a (ḥanaq) to be furious, mad, angry; to be annoyed, exasperated, peeved, irritated ( علىor منat, by), be resentful ( علىor منof) IV to infuriate, enrage, embitter, exasperate, irritate (ه s.o.) حنقḥanaq fury, rage, ire, wrath, anger, exasperation, resentment, rancor حنقḥaniq furious, mad, angry; resentful, bitter, embittered, annoyed, exasperated, peeved حانقḥāniq furious, mad, angry; resentful, bitter, embittered, annoyed, exasperated, peeved │حانق على الحياة (ḥayāh) weary of life, dispirited, dejected; ( حانق على النساءnisā’) misogynist محنقmuḥannaq infuriated, enraged; embittered, bitter, angry, exasperated, resentful حنكḥanaka i u, II and IV to sophisticate, make experienced or worldly-wise through severe trials (said of fate, time, age) حنكḥanak pl. احناكaḥnāk palate حنكيḥanakī palatal حنكḥunk, ḥink and حنكةḥunka worldly experience, worldly wisdom gained through experience, sophistication محنكmuḥannak experienced, worldly wise, sophisticated │( محنك مبنكmubannak) shrewd, smart, sharp ( حنوand حنى( حناḥanā u and حنىḥanā i to bend, curve, twist, turn; to lean, incline ( علىor الىtoward s.o.); to feel for s.o. ( )على, sympathize ( علىwith s.o.), commiserate, pity ( علىs.o.), feel compassion, feel pity ( علىfor s.o.); to bend, bow, flex, curve, crook ( ھـs.th.) IV to bend, bow, tilt, incline ( ھـs.th.; e.g., رأسهra’sahū one’s head); to sympathize ( ٢١٠ علىwith s.o.), feel compassion, feel pity ( علىfor s.o.), commiserate, pity (على s.o.) VII to bend, curve, twist, turn; to be winding, be tortuous, wind, meander (e.g., a road); to turn, deviate, digress (عن
from); to bow ( لto s.o.); to lean, incline ( علىor ;فوقover s.th., الىtoward s.o., toward s.th.); to devote o.s. eagerly ( علىto s.th.); to contain, harbor ( علىs.th.) │ان ( ضلوعي ال تنحني على ضغنḍulū‘ī, ḍign) I harbor no grudge, I feel no resentment حنوḥanw bending, deflection, flexing, flexure, curving, curvature, twisting, turning حنوḥinw pl. احناءaḥnā’ bend, bow, turn, twist, curved line, curve, contour; pl. ribs │ بين احنائھاin her bosom حنوḥunuw sympathy, compassion, tenderness, affection حنيḥanīy bending, deflection, flexing, flexure, curving, ourvature, twisting, turning حنيةḥanya bend, turn, curve حنيةḥanīya pl. حناياḥanāyā arc; camber, curvature │ في حنايا صدرهin his bosom; في حنايا نفسهin his heart, deep inside him حنايةḥināya curving, curvature, twisting, turning, bending حانوتsee below محنىmaḥnan pl. محانmaḥānin curvature, bend, flexure, bow, turn, curve انحناءinḥinā’ bend, deflection, curvature; curve; arc; inclination, tilt; how, curtsy انحناءةinḥinā’a (n. vic.) bow, curtsy الحوانيal-ḥawānī the longest ribs; (fig.) breast, bosom │ بملء حوانيھمbi-mil’i ḥ. (they shouted) at the top of their lungs, with all their might محنىmaḥnīy bowed, inclined (head); bent, curved, crooked منحنmunḥanin bent, curved, crooked, twisted; inclined, bowed منحنىmunḥanan pl. منحنياتmunḥanayāt bend, flexure, deflection, curvature; turn, twist, break, angle; curve (of a road, end math.); slope حانوتḥānūt pl. حوانيتḥawānīt2 store, shop; wineshop, tavern
حانوتيḥānūtī pl. -īya (eg.) corpse washer; undertaker, mortician, gravedigger حواءḥawwā’2 Eve حوبV to abstain from sin; to lead شpious life; to refrain, abstain ( منfrom s.th.) حوبةḥauba sin, offense, misdeed, outrage
حاجياتḥājīyyāt everyday commodities, utensils, utilities, necessaries, necessities احوجin greater need ( الىof s.th.); more necessary احتياجiḥtiyāj want, need, requirement, (pre)requisite, necessity; pl. -āt needs, necessities, necessaries
حوباءḥaubā’2 soul
محاويجmaḥāwīj2 (pl. of محوجmuḥwij) needy, poor, destitute people
حوتpl. حيتانḥītān, احواتaḥwāt fish; whale; Pisces, Fishes (astron.) │ حوت سليمانḥ. sulaimān salmon
محتاجmuḥtāj in need, in want ( الىof s.th.), requiring ( الىs.th.); poor, destitute, indigent
حوجIV aḥwaja to have need, stand in need, be in went ( الىof s.th.), need, require, went ( الىs.th.); to put ( هs.o.) in need of ()الى, make necessary ( الى هfor s.o. s.th.), require ( الى هof s.o. s.th.), compel, oblige ( الى هs.o. to); to impoverish, reduce to poverty (ه s.o.) │ ( ما احوجه الىaḥwajahū) how much he .tends in need of ...! how urgently he needs ...! VIII to have need, stand in need, be in went ( الىof; also )ل, need, want, require ( الىs.th. s.o.) حوجḥauj need, want, lack, deficiency, destitution حاجةḥāja pl. -āt need ( الىor بof); necessity, requirement, prerequisite; natural, bodily need; pressing need, neediness, poverty, indigence, destitution; object of need or desire; desire, wish, request; necessary article, requisite; matter, concern, business, job, work; thing, object; -- pl. حوائجḥawā’ij2 needs 211 necessities, necessaries; everyday objects, effects, belongings, possessions, stuff; clothes, clothing │)كان في حاجة الى )ل to stand in need, be in want of (s.th.), need, require (s.th.); ( )ال حاجة الى )لḥājata) … is not necessary, not required, there is no need of ...; ال حاجة لي بهI don’t need it; عند الحاجةif (or when) necessary, if need be, in case of need; ( في غير حاجةgairi ḥājatin) unnecessarily; ما به الحاجةthe essentials; محل الحاجةmaḥall al-ḥ. the essential passage, the gist, the substance, the crux, the interesting part (of an exposition); سد حاجتهsadda ḥājatahū to meet s.o.’s needs, provide for s.o.’s needs; قضى حاجتهqaḍā ḥājatahū to fulfill s.o.’s wish; قضى الحاجةto relieve nature
حوجلةḥaujala pl. حواجلḥawājil2 phial (chem.) )حاد )حودḥāda u (ḥaud) to turn aside, turn away ( عنfrom), turn ( عنoff) II to turn off, take a turning ( حودةḥauda) turn, turning )حاذ )حوذḥāda u (ḥaud) to urge on, spur on (ھـ animals) IV do. X استحوذistaḥwada to overwhelm, overcome, overpower (على s.o.; esp. emotions), get the better of ( )على, gain mastery ( علىover); to seize (على on), take possession ( علىof), usurp (على s.th.) حوذيḥūdī coachman, cabman, driver حوذيةḥūdīya coachman’s work or trade )حار )حورḥāra u to return ( الىto); to recede, decrease, diminish, be reduced ( الىto) II to change, alter, amend, transform, reorganize, remodel, modify ( ھـor من s.th.); to roll out ( ھـdough); to make white, whiten ( ھـs.th.); to bleach ( ھـa fabric) III to talk, convene, have a conversation ( هwith s.o.); to discuss, debate, argue IV (with جواباjawāban) to answer, reply (with negations only) V to be altered, changed, amended, transformed, reorganized, remodeled, modified VI to carry on & discussion حورḥawar white poplar (also pronounced ḥaur); bark-tanned sheepskin, basil; marked contrast between the white of the cornea and the black of the iris حارةhāra pl. -āt quarter, part, section (of & city); (Tun.) ghetto; lane, alley, side street (with occasional pl. حواريḥawārī │ حارة السدḥ. as-sadd blind alley, dead-end street
احوارaḥwār2, f. حوراءḥaurā’2, pl. حور ḥūr having eyes with a marked contrast of white and black, (also, said of the eye:) intensely white and deep-black
unite ( الىwith); to side ( الىor لwith), take sides ( الىor J in favor of) VIII to possess, own, have ( ھـs.th.); to take possession ( ھـof s.th.); to keep, prevent, hinder ( عن هs.o. from)
حوارةḥawāra (ḥawarāt) cretaceous rook; chalk
حوزḥauz possession, holding, tenure; obtainment, attainment, acquisition; taking possession, occupation, occupancy; (jur.) tenancy; -- (pl. احوازaḥwāz) enclosed area, enclosure; precinct(s), boundary, city limits
حواريḥawārī pl. -ūn disciple, apostle (of Jesus Christ); disciple, follower حوارىḥawārā cretaceous rock; chalk حوريةḥūrīya pl. -āt, حورḥūr houri, virgin of paradise; nymph; (pl. -āt) young locust │ حورية الماءwater nymph, nixie
حوزيḥauzī possessor, tenurial حوزةḥauza possession, holding, tenure; property; area, territory │ في حوزهor في حوزة يدهfī ḥ. yadihī in his possession; الدفاع عن حوزة مصرthe defense of Egyptian territory
حورانḥaurān2 the Hauran, a mountainous plateau in SW Syria and N Jordan 212 محورmiḥwar pl. محاورmaḥāwir2 rolling pin; pivot, core, heart, center; axis; axle, axletree
حيزḥayyiz, ḥaiz pl. احيازaḥyāz scope, range, reach, extent, compass, confines, field, domain, realm; sphere │ال يدخل في ( حيز المعقولyadkul) it is not within the bounds of reason; ( برز الى حيز المعقولto advance to the realm of fact, i.e.) to become a reality; في حيز االمكانfī ḥ. ilimkān within the realm of possibility, quite possible
محارmaḥār (coll.; n. un. )ةoysters; shellfish, mussels; mother-of-pearl, nacre محارةmaḥāra (n. un.) oyster; oyster shell, mussel; trowel تحويرtaḥwīr alteration, change, transformation, reorganization, reshuffle, remodeling, modification
حيازةḥiyāza possession, holding, tenure; taking possession, occupation, occupancy; acquisition of title, acquisition of the right of possession; obtainment, attainment, acquisition
حوارḥiwār talk, conversation, dialogue; argument, dispute; text (of a play); script, scenario (of a motion picture) محاورةmuḥāwara talk, conversation, dialogue; argument, dispute
تحيزtaḥayyuz partiality; prejudice, bias انحيازinḥiyāz isolation, seclusion, retirement; partiality; prejudice, bias
تحاورtaḥāwur discussion ( حوزand حيز( حازḥāza u (ḥauz, حيازةḥiyāza) to possess, own, have ( ھـs.th.); to gain, win, get, receive, obtain, achieve, attain (ھـ s.th., e.g., success, victory, etc.); to gain pos....ion. gain control ( ھـof s.th.), seize, monopolize ( ھـs.th.); -- ḥāza i ( حيزḥaiz) to drive on, urge on ( ھـcamels) V taḥawwaza and taḥayyaza to writhe, twist, coil; -- taḥayyaza to stay away, keep away, seclude o.s., isolate o.s. ( عنfrom); to be disposed, incline, tend, lean (الى toward); to join ( الىs.o. or s.th.); to side ( الى، لwith), take sides ( الى، لin favor of) VII to isolate o.s., seclude o.s. separate, segregate,· disengage o.s., dissociate o.s., stay away, keep away, retire, withdraw ( عنor منfrom); to join ( الىS.o. or s.th.); to
حائزḥā’iz possessor, holder, tenant متحيزmutaḥayyiz partial, prejudiced, biased منحازmunḥāz secluded, retired, withdrawn, removed ( عنfrom); an outsider, a stranger ( عنto) حوسVIII (eg.) to be in a quandary, waver, hesitate 1
)حاش )حوشḥāša u (ḥauš) to round up, drive into a trap ( ھـgame); to stop, check, prevent, hinder ( ھـs.th.), stand in the way ( ھـof); to hold back, stem, stave off (ھـ s.th.) II to gather, collect, amass, accumulate, pile up, hoard ( ھـs.th.); to
save, put by ( ھـmoney); to find ( ھـs.th.) 213 حوشḥauš p1. احواشaḥwāš, حيشانḥīšān enclosure, enclosed area; courtyard حوشḥawaš mob, rabble, riffraff حوشيḥūšī wild; unusual, odd, queer, strange اسبوع الحاشusbū‘ al-ḥāš Passion Week (Chr.) 2
حاشى، حاشاsee
حاش، حشوḥāša lillāh = حاشى
حوصḥawaṣ squinting of the eye (caused by constant exposure to glaring light) احوصaḥwaṣ2 f. حوصاءḥauṣā’2, pl. حوصḥūṣ having narrow, squinting eyes حياصةḥiyāṣa girth حوصلḥauṣa, حوصلةḥauṣala craw (of a bird); bladder; pelican │ الحوصلة المرارية (marārīya) gall bladder, bile (anat.) حويصلḥuwaisil blister, bleb, vesicle; water blister حويصلةḥuwaisila pl. -āt blister, bleb, vesicle حوضḥauḍ pl. احواضaḥwāḍ, حياضḥiyāḍ basin; water basin; trough, tank, cistern, reservoir, container; basin of a river or sea; pool; (in the Egyptian irrigation system) a patch of land surrounded by dikes, flooded by high water of the Nile; pond; pelvis (anat.); (garden) bed; dock; pl. ( حياضḥiyāḍ) ground, area, domain (to be protected), sanctum │ ( حوض جافjāff) dry dock; حوض حمامḥammām bathtub; ‘( حوض عوامawwām) floating dock; ذاد عن حياضهto assume the defense of s.o., make o.s. the champion of s.o.; to defend o.s.; ( ذب حن حياض الدينdabba) to defend the faith; احواض الفم والحديدcoal and iron deposits O حويضةḥuwaiḍa renal pelvis (anat.) )حاط )حوطḥāṭa u (ḥauṭ, حيطةḥaiṭa, حياطة ḥiyāṭa) to guard, protect ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.), watch ( ه، ھـover s.o., over s.th.), have the custody ( ه، ھـof); to attend ( ھـto), take care ( ھـof), look after s.th. ( ;)ھـto surround, encircle, enclose, encompass (ب s.o., s.th.) II to build a wall ( ھـaround
s.th.), wall in ( ھـs.th.); to encircle, surround ( ھـs.th.), close in from all sides ( ھـon s.th.) III to try to outwit, dupe, or outsmart ( هs.o.); to mislead, lead astray, seduce ( هs.o.) IV to surround ( بs.o., s.th., also ه، ھـs.o., s.th., y with); to encompass, enclose, embrace, comprise, contain (ب s.th., also ;)ھـto ring, encircle ( بs.o., s.th., also ه، ھـs.o., s.th., بwith s.th.), close in from all sides ( بon); to know thoroughly, comprehend, grasp completely, understand fully ( بs.th.), be familiar, be thoroughly acquainted (ب with) │’( احاط به علماilman) to know s.th. thoroughly, have comprehensive knowledge of s.th.; to take cognizance, take note of s.th.; اجاطه علما بhe informed him of ..., he let him know about ... ; he brought ... to his notice V to guard, protect (.., 6 s.o., s.th.); to take precautions (ھـ with regard to), attend ( ھـto); to be careful, be cautious, be on one’s guard VIII to be careful, be cautious, watch out, be on one’s guard; to take precautions, make provision ( لfor, so as to ensure ... ); to surround ( بs.o., s.th.); to guard, protect, preserve ( على بs.th. from), take care ( بof), attend ( بto), look after ()ب, see to it ( بأنthat) حيطةḥīṯa, ḥaṭa, حوطةḥauṭa cautiousness, caution, provident care, prudence, circumspection │ أخذ (حيطتهḥīṭatahu) to be on one’s guard, take precautions; بال حيطةthoughtlessly, unthinkingly, inadvertently حياطةḥiyāṭa guarding, custody, protection, care 214 تحويطtaḥwīṭ encirclement احاطةiḥāṭa encirclement, encompassment; comprehension, grasp, understanding, knowledge, cognizance (ب of s.th.), acquaintance, familiarity (ب with); information, communication تحوطtaḥawwuṭ provision, care, attention, precaution, prudence; pl. -āt precautionary measures, precautions احتياطiḥtiyāṭ caution, cautiousness, prudence, circumspection, carefulness; provision, care, attention, precaution, prevention; pl. -āt precautionary measures, precautions │ على سبيل المثالas a
precaution, out of precaution, to be on the safe side احتياطيihṭiyāṭī precautionary; prophylactic; preventive; replacement; spare- (in compounds); reserve- (in compounds); stand-by; reserve funds, capital reserves (fin.); reserve (mil.) │حبس ( احتياطيḥabs) detention pending investigation; تدابير احتياطيةprecautionary measures, precautions ( قوات احتياطيةquwāt) reserves (mil.); مال احتياطيcapital reserve, reserve fund; ( احتياطى الزيت الخامcrude-)oil reserves حائطpl. حيطانḥīṭān, حياطḥiyāṭ, حوائط ḥawā’iṭ2 wall │ حائط المبكىḥ. al-mabkā Wailing Wall (in Jerusalem); ضرب( به عرض الحائطor) القىalqā (ḍaraba) bihī ‘urḍa l-ḥā’iṭ to make little of s.th., scorn, disdain, despise s.th.; to reject s.th., discard s.th., throw s.th. overboard; to ruin, thwart, foil s.th. حويطḥāwiṭ (eg.) clever, smart, shrewd محيطmuḥīṭ surrounding ( بs.th.); comprehensive; familiar, acquainted (ب with); -- (pl. -āt) circumference, periphery; extent, range, scope, compass, reach, domain, area; milieu, environment, surroundings; ocean; pl. محيطات surroundings, environment │ المحيط (االطلنطيaṭlanṭī) the Atlantic Ocean; المحيط ( الھادئḥādi’) the Pacific Ocean محاطmuluiJ surrounded ( بby) متحوطmutaḥawwiṭ cautious, prudent, provident, circumspect, careful, watchful حوفḥauf edge, rim, brim, brink; border, hem, fringe حافةḥāfa pl. -āt, حوافḥawāfin border, rim, brim, brink, verge; edge; fringe, hem │ بين حوافيهwithin it, in it, therein )حاق )حوقḥāqa u (ḥauq) to surround, enclose, infold, embrace ( بs.o.. s.th.) II = I (على s.o., s.th.) 1
حوقلḥauqala ( حوقلةḥauqala) to pronounce the formula: ( ال حول وال قوة اال باsee حول ḥaul) 2
حوقلةḥauqala pl. حواقلḥawāqil2 phial (chem.), Florence flask
)حاك )حوكḥāka u (ḥauk, حياكḥiyāk, حياكة ḥiyāka) to weave ( ھـs.th.); to interweave ( ھـs.th.); to knit ( ھـs.th.); to braid, plait (ھـ s.th.); to contrive, devise, hatch, concoct ( ھـs.th.; e.g., ruses, intrigues, pretexts), think up, fabricate, create ( ھـs.th. in one’s imagination) حياكةḥiyāka weaving; knitting; braiding, plaiting حائكḥā’ik pl. حاكةḥāka weaver; -(mor.) an outer garment made of a long piece of white woolen material, covering body and head ( حولand حيل( حالḥāla u to change, undergo a change, be transformed; to shift, turn, pass, grow ( الىinto s.th., also )ھـ, become ( الىs.th.); to deviate, depart ( عنfrom, e.g., a commitment), dodge, evade, fail to meet ( عنs.th.); to elapse, pass go by (time); -- ( حيلولةḥailūla) to prevent ( دونs.th.); to intervene, interfere, interpose, come (بين between) │‘( حال عن عھدahd) to withdraw from a contract; ٢١٥ حال بين فالن وبين األمر to make s.th. inaccessible to s.o., impossible for s.o.; to bar or obstruct s.o.’s way to s.th.; to prevent s.o. from s.th., deny s.o. s.th.; حال بين نفسه وبين اإلشفاق (išfāq) to resist compassion, deny o.s. any sympathy II ḥawwala to change ( الى ھـor ھـ ھـs.th. to s.th. else), transform, transmute, convert, turn, make ( الى ھـor ھـ ھـs.th. into s.th. else); to transplant (s.th.); to transfer ( ھـs.th.); to convert ( ھـs.th., mathematically); to switch commutate (ھـ current; el.); to convert, transform (ھـ current; el.); to shunt ( ھـa railroad car); to switch ( ھـa railroad track); to remit, send, transmit ( ھـs.th., e.g., money by mail, الى to s.o.); to pass on, hand on ( الى ھـs.th. to s.o.); to forward ( الى ھـs.th. to s.o. or to an address); to endorse ( ھـa bill of exchange, a promissory note); to direct, turn ( ھـs.th., also نظرةnaẓratan a glance, الىto or toward); to divert, distract, keep ( عن ھـor ه s.o. or s.th. from); to turn away, avert ( بصره عنbaṣarahū one's eyes from); to turn off, switch off, disconnect ( ھـcurrent; el.) │( حول الدفةdaffa) to turn the helm, change the course III (ḥāwala to try, attempt, endeavor ( ھـs.th., انto do s.th.), make an attempt, make an effort ( انto do s.th.); to seek to gain ( ھـs.th.) by artful
means; to deceive by pretenses, make excuses, hedge, dodge IV to change ھـ ھـ or الى ھـs.th. to), transform, transmute, turn, make ( ھـ ھـor الى ھـs.th. into); to convert, translate ( ھـ ھـor الى ھـs.th. into); to transfer ( ھـs.th.); to remit, send ( ھـs.th. الىor علىto s.o.); to assign ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th., الىor علىto s.o.); to turn over, hand over, pass on ( على ھـor هs.o. or s.th. to); to forward ( على ھـs.th. to); to refer ( الى هs.o. to); to cede, transfer ( ھـa debt, علىto s.o.; jur.) │( احيل على )الى( المعاشuḥīla, ma‘āš) and ( احيل الى التقاعدtaqā‘ud) he was pensioned off; احيلت الكمبيالة الى البروتستوthe bill was protested (fin.) V taḥawwala to change, undergo a change; to be changed ( الىto), be transformed, be transmuted, be converted ( الىinto), become ( الىs.th.), turn, grow ( الىinto), transform ( الى-- منor عنfrom -- into), change, develop, evolve ( الى-- منfrom to); to withdraw, go away, leave; to move ( الىto a residence); to turn away ( منfrom), turn one’s back ( عنon); to deviate ( عنfrom); to depart, digress, stray ( عن الطريقfrom the way); to renounce, forgo, relinquish, disclaim (s.th.); to proceed slyly or cunningly │ تحول كل حيلةto employ every conceivable trick; -- taḥayyala to employ artful means; to ponder ways and means ( لto an end, in order to attain s.th.) VI taḥāwala to try, endeavor, take pains ( علىto do s.th.), strive ( علىfor); -- taḥāyala and VIII to employ artful means, resort to tricks, use stratagems ( علىagainst s.o.); to deceive, beguile, dupe, cheat, outwit, outsmart (على s.o.); to be out ( علىfor s.th.) or achieve ( علىs.th.) by artful means, by tricks VIII to work or strive (on one’s own resources), make efforts (on one’s own) IX احول aḥwala to be cross-eyed, to squint X to change ( الىto, into), turn, be transformed, be converted ( الىinto); to be transubstantiated (bread and wine, الىinto the body and blood of Christ; Chr.); to proceed, pass on, shift, switch ( الىto s.th. new or s.th. different); to be impossible ( علىfor s.o.); to be inconceivable, absurd, preposterous حالḥāl m. and f., pl. احوالaḥwāl condition, state; situation; position, status; circumstance; case; present, actuality (as opposed to future); circumstantial
expression or phrase (gram.); pl.: conditions, circumstances; matters, affairs, concerns; cases; ḥāla (prep.) during; immediately upon, right after; just at; in case of …, in the event of …; ٢١٦ حاال ḥālan presently, immediately, at once, right away, without delay; now, actually, at present │ في الحالand للحالon the spot, at once, immediately; ( على كل حالkulli ḥālin) and ( على أي حالayyi ḥ.) in any case, at any rate, anyhow; ( يبقى على حالهyabqā) it remains unchanged, just as it is; في حال من األحوالin some case or other, anyway, if occasion should arise, possibly; (with neg.) by no means, under no circumstances, not at all, in no way; على بأي حال، بحال، حالbi-ayyi ḥ. with neg.: by no means, not at all, in no way; كذلك الحال فيthe same goes for ..., it is the same with …; it is also the case with ...; كما ھو الحال في as is the case with; كيف حالكhow are you? شيء بحالهa thing in itself, a separate, independent thing; ( األحوال الجويةjawwīya) atmospheric conditions; محاكم األحوال ( الشخصيةšakṣīya) courts dealing with vital statistics; األحوال الشخصية )نظامor) قانون personal statute; صاحب الحالnoun referent of a circumstantial phrase (gram.); عرض ‘ حالarḍ ḥ. application, memorial, petition; لسان حاله, لسان الحالsee لسان حالماḥālama (conj.) as soon as حالةḥala pl. -āt condition, state; situation; (possible, actual) case; ḥālata (prep.) during │ حالة انḥālata an (conj.) whereas; والحالة ھذهunder these circumstances, such being the case, things being as they are; ( في حالةḥālati) in (the) case of ..., in the event of …, e.g., في حالة ( غيابهgiyābihī) in case of his absence, في ( حالة الوفاةwafāh) in case of death; في ھذه الحالةin this (that) case; لحالة انli-ḥālati an in case that …, in the event that …; في حالة ما اذاif; كما ھي الحالة فيif as is the case with …; ( حالة اجتماعيةijtimā‘īya) marital status; ( الحالة الجويةjawwīya) atmospheric conditions; حالة الخطرḥ. al-kaṭar stand-by, alert, state of alarm; الحالة الراھنةthe status quo; حالة الطوارئḥ. aṭ-ṭawāri’ state of emergency; ( في حالة التلبسtalabbus) flagrante delicto (jur.); الحالة المدنية (madanīya) civil status, legal status; سوء الحالةsū’ al-ḥ. predicament, plight
حاليḥālī present, current, actual, existing; momentary, instantaneous; حاليا ḥālīyan at present, actually │صورة حالية (ṣūra) snapshot (phot.) حاليةḥālīya actuality, topicality, timeliness حولḥaul pl. احوالaḥwāl year; might, power │ ال حول وال قوة اال باlā ḥaula wa-lā quwata illā bi-llāh there is no power and no strength save in God; ال حول له وال حيلة (wa-lā ḥīlata) he is completely powerless, he can do nothing, he is at the end of his resources حولḥiwal change of place, change │ال ( يبتغون عنه حوالyabtagūna) they don’t want it otherwise, they ask for it حولḥaula (prep.) around, about; circa, about, some, approximately, roughly (with following number); about (esp. in news headings, approx. = re, concerning) │ من ( حولهḥaulihī) (= )حولهaround him (or it), about him (or it); ( من حوليھماḥaulaihimā) around the two of them, about them; from their vicinity, from their surroundings (dual) حوليḥaulī periodic, temporary, interim; one year old (animal), yearling; young animal; lamb, wether O حولياتḥaulīyāt yearbook, annals (= Fr. annales, as a scientific publication) حيلḥail strength, force, power, vigor │ (على حيلهstanding) upright, erect; ال قوة له وال ( حيلqūwata) completely helpless and paralyzed حيلةḥīla pl. حيلḥiyal, احاييلaḥāyīl2 artifice, ruse, stratagem, maneuver, subterfuge, wile, trick; device, shift; a 217 means to accomplish an end; expedient, makeshift, dodge, way-out; legal stratagem (for the purpose of in fraudem legis agere) │ما الحيلةwhat’s to be done! ( ال حيلة له فيḥīlata) I have no possibility to …, I am in no position to …; ( ما بيدي حيلةbi-yadī) I can do nothing, I can get nowhere; لم يجد حيلة اال lam yajid ḥīlatan illā he couldn’t do anything except …, he had no other choice than …; ( اعيته الحيلةa‘yathu) he was at a loss, he was at the end of his wits
حيليḥiyalī cunning, crafty, wily, sly, tricky, foxy احيلaḥyal2 craftier, wilier حولḥawal squinting, strabismus احولaḥwal2, f. ḥaula’2 ḥaulā2, pl. حول ḥūl squinting, squint-eyed, wall-eyed, walleyed حؤولḥu’ūl change, transformation, transmutation; prevention ( دونof s.th.) حوالḥiwāl obstacle; partition, screen حيالḥiyāla (prep.) in view of ..., with regard to …, in the lace of, opposite, in front of, before حوالةḥawāla pl. -āt assignment, cession (jur.); bill of exchange, (promissory) note, check, draft │ حوالة بريدية, حوالة البريدmoney order; حوالة السفرḥ. safar traveler’s check حوالىḥawālā (prep.) around, about; circa, approximately, roughly, about, some (with following number) حيلولةḥailūla separation, interruption, disruption; prevention ( دونof s.th.) ال محالlā maḥalla = ( ال محالةsee below) محالةmuḥāla roller, wheel (of a draw well) ال محالة منهlā maḥālata minhu it is inevitable; there is no doubt about it; (also ال محالةalone) most certainly, positively, absolutely, by all means تحويلtaḥwīl transformation, transmutation, conversion ( الىinto s.th.); change, alteration, modification; transplantation; transposition, reversal, inversion, translocation, dislocation, displacement; transfer, assignment; conversion (e.g., of currency); conversion, transformation (of electric current); O transfer (fin.; also تحويل الدينt. ad-dain); remittance (of money), transmittal, sending, forwarding; bill of exchange, promissory note, draft (com.); check; endorsement (com.); c.o.d., cash on delivery │قابلية العملة للتحويل الى العمالت االجنبية (qābilīyal al-’mla, ajnabīiya) convertibility of currency
تحويلةtaḥwīla pl. تحاويلtaḥāwīl2 branch, offshoot; siding, sidetrack (railroad); side canal (irrigation; Eg.); switch (railroad) محاولةmuḥāwala pl. -āt attempt, try; effort, endeavor;. recourse to expedients, shifts, or dodges, dodging, hedging │ (محاولة على حياتهḥayātihī) attempt on s.o.’s life, murderous assault احالةiḥāla transfer, conveyance, assignment; remittance; forwarding, referring ( الىor علىto a competent authority); transmission, transmittal; O transfer (fin.); cession, assignment (Isl. Law); absurdity │ باالحالة علىwith reference to; قاضي االحالةmagistrate sitting at defendant’s arraignment, trial judge; ( احالة الى )على( المعاشma‘āš) and احالة الى ( التقاعدtaqā‘ud) pensioning off تحولtaḥawwul change, transformation, transmutation; abrupt change, sudden turn, reversal; shift, transition; departure, deviation, digression ( عنfrom); renunciation ( of) │ نقطة التحولnuqṭat at-t. turning point تحيلtaḥayyul use of tricks, trickery 218 تحايلtaḥāyul and احتيالiḥtiyāl use of tricks, trickery; cunning, craft, subtlety, artfulness; malice, treachery, perfidy; deception, fraud تحايليtaḥāyulī and احتياليiḥtiyālī fraudulent, e.g., ( افالس احتياليiflās) fraudulent bankruptcy استحالةistiḥāla change, transformation, transmutation, turn, shift, transition; transubstantiation (Chr.); impossibility, inconceivability, absurdity, preposterousness حائلḥā’il pl. حوائلḥawā’il obstacle, obstruction, impediment ( دونon the way to s.th., و-- بينsee حالḥāla I); barrier; partition, screen, folding screen; -- (pl. حولḥuwwal) changeable, variable, frequently changing; feeble, languid, wan, pallid محولmuḥawwil pl. -āt converter, transformer (el.); endorser محولةmuḥawwila switch (railroad) محول عليهmuḥawwal ‘alaihi c.o.d., cash on delivery; محول بهcollected on delivery
محيلmuḥīl transferor, assignor (Isl. Law) محالmuḥāl inconceivable, unthinkable, impossible, absurd, preposterous, unattainable متحولmutaḥawwil changeable, variable, changing │ (األعياد المتحولةa‘yād) the movable feasts (Chr.) محتالmuḥtāl artful, cunning, deceitful, treacherous, perfidious, fraudulent; swindler, cheat, impostor, fraud; crook, scoundrel; assignee (Isl. Law) │ محتال عليه debtor of a ceded claim, transferee (Isl. Law) مستحيلmustaḥīl impossible, absurd, preposterous; مستحيالتimpossible things, impossibilities, absurdities ( حوم( حامḥāma u (ḥaum, حومḥawamān) to circle, hover. glide (in the air; of a bird, also of an aircraft); to hover, swarm, buzz ( حولand علىaround) │ حامت الشبھة ضده (šubha, ḍiddahū) suspicion concentrated on him, he was suspected II to circle in the air; to hover in circles, to circle; to go around, revolve (thoughts and images, in one’s head or mind); to browse ( فيin a book) حومةḥauma pl. -āt turmoil of battle, thick of the fray; main part, bulk, main body; (tun.) quarter, section (of a city) حانand حانةsee حين حانوتsee حنو حوىḥawā i to gather, collect, unite ( ھـs.th.); to encompass, embrace, contain, hold, enclose, comprise, include ( ھـs.th.); to possess, own, have ( ھـs.th.); to clasp (ھـ s.th., the hand) V to curl (up), coil (up) VIII to encompass, embrace, contain, hold, enclose, comprise, include ( ھـor على s.th.); to possess, own, have ( ھـor على s.th.) حويةḥawīya convolution, coil, curl, roll; pl. حواياḥawāyā intestine, bowels, entrails حوايةḥiwāya pl. -āt (eg.) wase round pad to support a burden on the head or on the back
حاوḥāwin pl. حواةḥuwāh snake charmer; juggler, conjurer, magician محتوياتmuḥtawayāt content(s) (of a book. of a receptacle) │ محتويات النفوسthe innermost thoughts. the secrets of the heart ( حيو( حيي، حىḥayiya, حيḥayya يحياyaḥyā (حياة ḥayāh) to live; حيḥayya to live to see, experience, witness ( ھـs.th.), live (ھـ through a time) ليحي الملكli-yaḥyā 219 lmalik long live the king! حييḥayiya يحيا yaḥyā ( حياءḥayā’) to be ashamed ( منof; because of) II حياḥayyā to keep ( هs.o.) alive, grant ( هs.o.) a long life; to say to s.o. ( حياك ﷲ:( هmay God preserve your life!; to greet, salute ( هs.o.) IV احياaḥyā to lend life ( ه، ھـto s.o., to s.th.), enliven, animate, vitalize, endow with life, call into being ( ھـs.th.), give birth ( ھـto); to revive, reanimate, revivify ( ھـs.th.), give new life ( ھـto); to put on, produce, stage, arrange ( ھـe.g., a theatrical performance, a celebration, and the like); to celebrate (ھـ s.th., also a festival) │( احيا الذكرىdikrā) to commemorate (a deceased person), observe the anniversary (of s.o.’s death); ( احيا الليلlail) to burn the midnight oil, احيا ( الليل صالةṣalātan) to spend the night in prayer; ( احيا السھرةsahrata) to perform in the evening (of an artist); احيا حفلة (ḥaflatan) to give a performance; to perform at a celebration (artist); قد احيت الفرقة ثالث ليالqad aḥyat il-firqatu talāta layālin the theatrical troupe gave three evening performances X استحياistaḥyā to spare s.o.’s ( )هlife, let live, keep alive (ه s.o.); استحياistaḥyā, استحىistaḥā to be ashamed ( هto face s.o.; منof s.th., because of s.th.); to become or feel embarrassed ( منin front of s.o.), be embarrassed (من by); to be bashful, shy, diffident حيḥayy pl. احياءaḥyā’ living, live, alive; lively, lusty, animated, active, energetic, unbroken, undaunted, undismayed; living being, organism; tribe, tribal community; block of apartment houses; section, quarter (of a city) │علم ‘ األحياءilm al-aḥyā’ biology; ‘ حي العالمilm al-‘ālam houseleek tree (Sempervivum arboreum L.; bot.) حيḥayya: حي على الصالةḥayya ‘alā ṣṣalāh come to prayer!
حيةḥayya pl. -āt snake, serpent, viper O احيائيaḥyā’ī biologic(al); (pl. -ūn) biologist │( كيمياء احيائيةkīmiyā’) biochemistry حييḥayīy bashful, shy, diffident, modest حياءḥayā’ shame, diffidence, bashfulness, timidity; shyness │قليل الحياء shameless impudent; قلة الحياءqillat al-ḥ. shamelessness, impudence حياةḥayāh pl. حيواتḥayawāt life; lifeblood; liveliness animation │ حياة الريفḥ. ar-rīf country life, rural life; الحياة العامة (‘āmma) public life; الحياة العائليةfamily life; ميتوى الحياةmustawā l-ḥ. living standard; O ‘ علم الحياةilm al-ḥ. biology حيويḥayawī lively, full of life, vital, vigorous; vital, essential to life حيويةḥayawīya vitality, vigor, vim حيوياتḥayawīyāt: مواد مضادة للحيويات (mawādd muḍādda) antibiotics حيوانḥayawān pl. -āt animal, beast; (coll.) animals, living creatures │حيوانات ( ثديةtadyīya) mammals; حيوانات مجترة (mujtarra) ruminants; ( حيوان طفيليṭufailī) parasite; ‘ علم الحيوانilm al-ḥ. zoology حيوانيḥayawānī animal (adj.); zoologic(al) حيوانيةḥayawānīya bestiality; animality, animal nature حوينḥuwayyin pl. -āt minute animal, animalcule احيىaḥyā livelier; more vigorous, more vital تحيةtaḥīya pl. –āt, تحاياtaḥāyā greeting, salutation; salute; cheer (= wish that God may give s.o. long life) │تحية لذكراه taḥīyatan li-dikrāhu in order to keep his memory alive, in remembrance of him; ‘( التحية العسكريةaskarīya) military salute احياءiḥyā’ animation, enlivening; revival, revitalization, revivification; arranging, staging. conducting, putting on, 220 holding (of a celebration) │ احياء الذكرىi. ad-dikrā commemoration (of a deceased person); احياء لذكرىI (iḥyā’an) (with foll. gen.) in commemoration of …, in
memoriam ...; احياء المواتi. al-mawāt cultivation of virgin land استحياءistiḥyā’ shame; diffidence, bashfulness, timidity; shyness محياmūḥayyan face, countenance الست المستحيةas-sitt al-mustahīya sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica; bot.) 1
حيثḥaitu (conj.) where (place and direction); wherever; since, as, due to the fact that; whereas; inasmuch as │( حيث انanna) since, as, because, due to the fact that ... ; in that ... ; حيث كانwherever it be; in any case, at any rate; الى حيثilā ḥaitu where (direction); to where …, to the place where ...; من حيثmin ḥaitu from where, whence, wherefrom; where (place); whereas; (with foll. nominative) as to, as for, concerning, regarding, with respect to, in view of, because of; من حيث الثقافةmin ḥ. taqāfatu with regard to education, as far as education is concerned; من حيث يدري وال ( يدريyadrī wa-lā yadrī) whether he knows it or not, knowingly or without his knowledge; ( من حيثالالwith foll. perf.) without (being, doing, etc.); من حيث ھو such, in itself, ‘( العالم من حيث ھوālam) the world in itself, the world as such; من حيث ( انanna) inasmuch as; in view of the fact that; since, as, due to the fact that; بحيثbiḥaitu inasmuch as; in such a manner that ..., so as to ...; so that ...; such as ...; (he found himself) at a point or degree where, e.g., كان من البراءة بحيث ال ترى (barā’a, tarā) = she was so naive that she couldn't see ...; بحيث الinsofar as ... not, provided that … not; ( بحيث انanna) in such a manner that ..., so as to ..., so that ... حيثماḥatumā wherever, wheresoever (place); wherever, no matter where ... (direction) │( حيثما اتفقittafaqa) anywhere, wherever it was (or he), haphazardly, at random حيثيةḥaitīya pl. -āt standpoint; view, point, point of view, approach; aspect, respect, regard, consideration; high social standing, social distinction, dignity; pl. also: considerations, legal reasons on which the judgment is based, opinion (jur.) │( )ذوو الحيثية )البارزةdawū) or اصحاب اصحاب الحيثيات، الحيثيةpeople of (high)
social standing, prominent people, people of distinction; من الحيثية الحيوانية (ḥayawānīya) from a zoological viewpoint 2
الحيثيونal-hātīyūn the Hittites
( حيد( حادḥāda i (ḥaid, حيودḥuyūd, حيدان ḥayadān, محيدmaḥīd) to deviate, swerve, depart, desist (If from); to leave, quit, give up, abandon, relinquish ( عنs.th.); حاد به عن to dissuade or get s.o. away from ... ; to incline, tend ( نحو، الىto, toward), sbade, blend ( نحو، الىinto) II to keep aside, put aside ( ھـs.th.) III to stay away, keep apart ( ه، ھـfrom s.o., from s.th.); to avoid, shun ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) VII to depart, deviate, digress, swerve ( عنfrom) حيدḥaid, حيدانḥayadān deviation, digression, departure, swerving, turning aside, turning away حيدةḥaida deviation, digression, swerving, departure (from a course); neutrality; impartiality │ على حيدةaside, apart, to one side محيدmaḥīd avoidance ( عنof s.th.) │ال ( محيدmaḥīda) it is unavoidable حايدḥiyād neutrality (pol.) │على الحياد neutral; ( حياد عن الخطkaṭṭ) derailment (railroad) 221 حياديḥiyādī neutral (pol.) محايدةmuḥāyada neutrality (pol.) حائدḥā’id neutral (pol.) محايدmuḥāyid neutral (pol.); المحايدون the neutrals (pol.) متحايدmutaḥāyid neutral (pol.) حيدرابادḥaidarābād2 Hydarabad )حار )حيرḥāra (1st pers. perf. )حرتa (حيرة ḥaira, حيرانḥayarān) to become confused; to become or be helpless, be at a loss, know nothing ( فيof, about); to waver, hesitate, be unable to choose ( وبين-- بين between - and) │( حار في امرهamrihi) to be confused. baffled, bewildered, dismayed to be at a loss, be at one’s wit’s end II to confuse, baffle, bewilder, nonplus, embarrass ( هs.o.) V to become confused; to be or become dismayed, startled, baffled, perplexed ( فيby), be at a loss (في to); to waver (uncertainly) ( بينbetween) │ ( تحير في امرهamrihi) to be confused,
baffled, bewildered, disconcerted, be at a loss, be at one’s wit’s end VIII = V حيرḥair fenced-in garden, enclosure │ حير الحيوانḥ. al-ḥayawān zoological garden, zoo حيرةḥaira confusion, perplexity, bewilderment, embarrassment, helplessness في حيرةembarrassed, at a loss, helpless
( حيض( حاضتḥāḍat i (ḥaiḍ, محيضmaḥīḍ, محاضmaḥāḍ) and V to menstruate, have a monthly period حيضḥaiḍ (n. un. )حيضةand حياضḥiyāḍ menstruation, monthly period حائضḥā’iḍ (f.) and حائضةmenstruating حياط، حيطان، حياطة، حيطةsee حوط 1
حيرانḥairān2, f. حيرىḥairā, pl. حيارى ḥayārā, ḥuyārā confused, perplexed, startled, dismayed, disconcerted, baffled, Nonplused, bewildered, appalled, taken aback, stunned; embarrassed, at a loss, at one’s wit’s end; uncertain, helpless, sheepish (smile, etc.), confused, incoherent (words, and the like) تحيرtaḥayyur confusion, perplexity, bewilderment, dismay; embarrassment, helplessness حائرḥā’ir disconcerted, perplexed, startled. dismayed; embarrassed, helpless, at a lost, at one’s wit’s end; baffled, bewildered, confused, uncertain (في about); straying, astray │حائر في امره (amrihī) confused, baffled, bewildered, embarrassed, at a loss, helpless محيرmuḥayyar embarrassed, at a loss, helpless محيرmuḥayyir and محتارmuḥtār = حائر حيزsee حوز
حيفḥaif wrong, injustice; harm, damage, prejudice │ حيف عليهwhat a pity! too bad! ( ال حيف بهḥaifa) it is not out of place, it is quite appropriate 2
حيصḥaiṣ, حيصةḥaiṣa flight, escape وقع في حيص بيصwaqa‘a fī ḥaiṣa baiṣa to get into a bad fix, meet with difficulties حياصةsee حوص محيصmaḥīṣ flight, escape; place of refuge, retreat, sanctuary │ ما عنه محيصit is unavoidable; لم يكن لھم من محيصthey couldn’t but ..., they had no other alternative but to ...
حيفاءḥaifā’ Haifa (seaport in NW Israel)
)حاق )حيقḥāqa i to surround, beset from all sides ( بs.o.); to fall, descend, come (ب upon s.o., punishment), befall, overtake, grip, seize, overcome ( بs.o.), happen, occur ( بto); to penetrate, pierce ( فيthe body; of a sword); to affect, influence (في s.o., s.th.) IV to surround, beset from all sides ( بs.o.); to bring down ( ھـ بupon s.o. s.th.), cause s.th. ( )ھـto descend (ھـ ب upon s.o.) حيقḥaiq consequence, effect (of a misdeed redounding upon the evildoer) حيكII to weave
حيزبونsee حزب )حاص )حيصḥāṣa i (ḥaiṣ, حيصةḥaiṣa, محيص maḥīṣ) to flee, escape ( عنs.th. or from s.th.), run away ( عنfrom), turn one’s back ( عنon) VII do.
)حاف )حيفḥāfa i (ḥaif) to deal unjustly (على with s.o.), wrong, injure, harm ( علىs.o.); to restrict, limit, curtail, impair ( علىs.th.), encroach ( علىupon) V to 222 impair, injure, prejudice, violate ( ھـor منs.th.), encroach, infringe ( ھـor منupon)
حياكةsee حوك حيكḥaik = حائكsee حوك 1
حيلV, حيلولة, حيال, احيل,حيلة, etc., see ;حول احيليsee حلو
حايلḥāyil2 Hail (town and oasis in N Nejd)
)حان )حينḥāna i to draw near, approach, come, arrive (time); to happen accidentally │حان الوقتthe (right) time has come; now is the time; حان له الوقتthe time has come for him to …; ( اما حان لھم ان يفھمواamā, an yafhamū) haven’t they understood yet ...?; ( حانت مني التفاتةminnī iltifāta) I happened to turn around ( الىto), it just happened that my eyes fell on ( )الىII to set a time ( هfor s.o.) IV to destroy, wipe out ( هs.o.) V to watch, wait ( ھـfur a time or an
opportunity) │( تحين الفرصةfurṣata) to wait for an opportunity, bide one's time X استحينistaḥyana to wait for the right time حانḥān bar; cabaret حانةḥāna pl. -āt bar, wineshop, wine tavern; pub, tavern, taproom حينḥain death, destruction حينḥīn pl. احيانaḥyān, احايينaḥāyīn2 time; propitious time, good time, opportunity; ḥīna (prep.) at the time of ..., at, upon; (conj.) at the time when, when; as soon as; حيناḥīnan for some time; once, one day; احياناaḥyānan occasionally, from time to time, sometimes │ حينا-- حينا sometimes -- sometimes, at times -- at times; في االحايينat times, sometimes, once in a while; )في بعض األحيان )األحايينfī ba‘ḍi l-a. and بعض األحيانba‘ḍa l-a. sometimes, occasionally, now and then, once in a while, from time to time, at times; في اغلب األحيانfī aglabi l-a. mostly, most of the time, in most cases; الى حينfor some time; meanwhile, for the time being; في حينه then, at the time, in his (its) time; in due time, at the appointed time; ذا الحينdā lḥīna just now, right now; من ذلك الحينfrom that time on, from then on; الى ذلك الحين until that time, till then; ( في حينwith foll. verb) whereas; في حين انand على حين ان (ḥīni) at the same time when ..., while; whereas, also without ان, e.g., على حين ھم ‘ يزعمونalā ḥīni hum yaz‘umūna whereas they, on the other hand, claim; من حين الى من حين آلخر، حينا بعد حين، بين حين وحين،حين (li-ākara) and ( بين حين وآلخرwa-ākara) from time to time, now and then, once in a while حينئذḥīna’idin at that time, then, that day حينذاكḥīnadāka at that time, then, that day حينماḥīnamā (conj.) while; when, as حيوي، حيوانand حيويةsee ٢٢٣ حي
خ خاءḳā’ name of the letter خ خاتونḳātūn pl. خواتينḳawātīn2 lady, socially prominent woman│ زھرة الخاتونzahrat alḳ. little blue flower of the steppe (syr.)
خاخامḳāḳām (= )حاخامrabbi خارصينḳāriṣīn and خارصينىḳāriṣīnī (eg.) zinc خازوقḳāzūq pl. خوازيقḳawāzīq2 post, stake, pole; dirty trick│ ھذا خازوقthat’s tough luck! خاقانḳāqān pl. خواقينḳawāqīn2 overlord, ruler, sovereign, monarch, emperor خاكىḳākī earth-colored, khaki خؤولة، خؤولsee خول خامḳām raw, unworked, unprocessed; untanned; linen; calico; (pl. -āt) raw material; inexperienced, green, untrained, unskilled, artless, uncouth, boorish; pl. خاماتraw materials│ جلود خامraw leather; خيوط خامraw fibers; ( زيت خامzait) crude oil; ( سكر خامsukkar) raw sugar; المواد الخام (mawādd) the raw materials خانḳān pl. -āt hostel, caravansary; inn, pub, tavern│( الخان الخليلىḳalīlī) district of Cairo (center of art trade and market activity); خان يونسKhan Yunis (town in Gaza sector) خانةpl. -at column (e.g., of a newspaper); square (e.g., on a chessboard) خبḳabba u (ḳabb, خببḳabab, خبيبḳabīb) to amble (animal); to trot (horse); to jog, saunter (person), to sink ( فىin sand); -- u (ḳabb) to surge, heave, be rough (sea) V and VIII to amble (animal); to trot (horse) خببḳabab amble; trot خبḳabb, ḳibb heaving, surging (of the sea, rough sea خبḳabb impostor. swindler خبḳaba’a a and II to bide, conceal ( ھـs.th) V to hide, conceal o.s.; to be hidden, be concealed VIII to hide, conceal o.s.; to disappear; to be hidden, be concealed خبءḳib’ that which is hidden, a hidden thing خبيئةḳabī’a pl. خباياḳabāyā that which is hidden; a hidden, secret thing; a cache│ خبايا االرضḳ. l-arḍ that which is hidden in the earth; natural resources مخبأmaḳba’ pl. مخابئmaḳābi’2 hiding place; hide-out, refuge, haunt, retreat; cellar, shelter, air-raid shelter
خباءḳibā’ pl. اخبئةaḳbi’a, اخبيةaḳbiya tent; husk, hull (of grain) خابئةḳābi’a, خابيةḳāiya pl. خوابئḳawābī’2, خواب ḳawābin large vessel, cask, jar مخبآتmuḳabba’āt hidden, secret things; secrets مختبئmuḳtabi’ hidden, concealed خبتIV to be humble ( الىbefore God( خبثḳabuta u (ḳubt, )خباثةto be bad; to be wicked, evil, malicious, vicious, malignant VI to behave viciously, display malice; to feel awkward, feel embarrassed خبثḳubt badness, wickedness; malignancy (e.g., of a disease); malice, malevolence, viciousness خبثḳabat refuse, scum, dross, slag خبيثḳabīt pl. خبثḳubut, خبثاءḳubatā’2, اخباثaḳbāt, خبثةḳabata bad, evil, wicked; malicious, vicious, spiteful; noxious, injurious, harmful; malignant (disease); offensive, repulsive, nauseating, disgusting (odor) اخبثaḳbat worse; more wicked خباثةḳabāta badness wickedness; malice, malevolence, viciousness, malignancy خبرḳabara u (ḳubr, خبرةḳibra) to try, test (ھـ s.th.); to experience ( ھـs.th.); to have tried, have experienced, know by experience ( ھـs.th.); to get to know thoroughly, know well ( ھـs.th., هs.o.); ḳabura u to know thoroughly ( بor ھـ s.th.), be fully acquainted ( بor ھـwith s.th.) II to notify, advise, apprise, inform, tell ( هs.o., بof or about) III to write ( هto s.o.). address ( هs.o.), turn, appeal ( هto s.o.), contact ( هs.o.) in writing; to negotiate, treat, parley ( هwith s.o.) IV to notify, inform, apprise, advise ( ب هs.o. of), let know, tell ( ب هs.o. about); to communicate, report, relate ( ب هto s.o. s.th.), tell ( ب هs.o. s.th.) V to inquire ( هof s.o.), ask ( هs.o.) VI to inform one another, notify one another; keep one another informed; to correspond, write each other; to negotiate, treat, parley ( معwith s.o., في about) VIII to explore ( ھـs.th.), search (ھـ into), seek information ( ھـabout); to test, examine ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to try, put to the
test ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to have tried, have experienced, know by experience (ھـ s.th.); to know well ( ھـs.th.) X to inquire ( عن هof s.o. about), ask ( عن هs.o. about) خبرḳabar pl. اخبارaḳbār news; information, intelligence: report, communication, message; notification; rumor; story; matter, affair; (gram.) predicate of a nominal clause; pl. annals │ سأله عن أخبارهto inquire of s.o. about s.o. else; كان في خبر كانor دخل في خبر كان (ḳabari kana) to belong to the past, be passé, be no longer existent خبرةḳibra, خبرḳubr experience; knowledge خبيرkabīr experienced, expert ( بin); familiar, conversant, well-acquainted (ب with), cognizant ( بof); الخبيرthe Knowing (one of the attributes of God); (pl. خبراء kubarā’2) expert, specialist │ خبير الضرائبtax expert, tax adviser خابورkābūr pl. خوابيرkawābīr2 peg; pin; wedge مخبرmakbar sense, intrinsic significance; (pl: مخابرmakābir2) laboratory مخبارmikbār pl. مخابيرmakābīr2 test tube (chem.) مخابرةmukābara pl. -āt correspondence, (esp. written) information (in classified ads: المخابرة بplease write to ..., please contact ...), notice, notification, communication │ مخابرة تلفونيةtelephone call, telephone conversation; مخابرة خارجية (kārijīya) long-distance call; مخابرة سرية (sirriya) secret communiqué; قلو المخابرات qalam al-m. intelligence bureau; المخابرة ( حضورياḥuḍūrīyan) apply in person (in classified ads) اخبارikbār notification, information, communication, note, message; report; indirect discourse, oratio obliqua (gram.) اخباريikbārī news-, information- (in compounds) تخابرtakābur negotiation; correspondence اختبارiktibār pl. -āt exploration, study; examination; test; test item (of an examination); trial, testing; (scientific)
investigation, research, experiment; experience, empirical knowledge; practical experience │اختبارات تحريرية (taḥrīrīya) written examination items; ٢٢٥ ( اختبار ذاتيdātī) personal experience; على سبيل االختبارexperimentally; تحت االختبار on probation, on trial; حقول االختبار experimental fields اختباريiktibārī experimental; experiential; empirical اختباريةihtibārīya empiricism استختبارistikbàr pl. -āt inquiry │ دائرة االستختباراتinformation bureau مخبرmukbir pl. -ūn reporter; detective مختبرmuktabar pl. -āt laboratory خبزkabaza i (kabz) to bake ( ھـbread) VIII do. خبزkubz pl. اخبازakbāz bread خبزةkubza loaf of bread خبازkubza pl. -ūn, خبازةbaker خبازkubbaz, خبيزkubbaiz, خبازى kubbazā mallow (bot.) خبازةkibāza baker’s trade, art of baking مخبزmakbaz, مخبزةpl. مخابزmakābiz2 bakery خبصkabaṣa i (kabṣ) to mix, mingle, intermix ( ب ھـs.th. with) II to mix, mingle, intermix ( ھـs.th.); to muddle, jumble, confuse ( ھـs.th.), make a mess ( ھـof) خبيصkabīl, خبيصةmedley, mess, mishmash, hodgepodge; خبصةa jellylike sweet خباصkabbāṣ one who causes confusion, who messes things up; an irresponsible, light-minded person خبطkabaṭa i (kabṭ) to beat, strike ( ھـs.th., against s.th.); to knock, rap ( ھـon, البابon the door); to stamp ( االرضthe ground; of animals) │ ( يخبط خبط عشواءkabṭa ‘ašwā’) he acts haphazardly, he proceeds rashly or at random V to beat, strike, hit ( هs.o.); to bring down, fell, knock out, throw to the ground ( هs.o.); to bump, hit ( ھـagainst), collide ( ھـwith), stumble ( ھـover); to be lost, wander about, stray; to grope about, fumble about; to struggle, resist; to clatter over the ground, gallop (horse) VIII to
bump (against); to struggle, resist; to grope about, fumble about; to be lost, wander around, stray; to stir, bustle خبطةkabta blow, stroke; rap, knock; noise, din, uproar خباطkubāṭ insanity, madness, mental disorder خبلkabala u (kabl) to confound, confuse, mess up, complicate ( ھـs.th.); to hinder, impede, handicap, stop, hold back ( هs.o.); to befuddle ( هs.o.), confuse s.o.’s ( )هmind, rob ( هs.o.) of his senses make ( هs.o.) crazy; -- kabila a (kabal, خبالkabal) to get confused; to be or become mentally disturbed, crazy, insane II to confound, confuse ( ھـs.th., هs.o.); to complicate, entangle, mess up, muddle, throw into disorder ( ھـs.th.); to rob of his senses, drive insane ( هs.o.) VIII to become muddled, disordered (mind) خبلkabl, kabal confusion; mental disorder, insanity خبلkabil mad, crazy, insane; feebleminded, dim-witted اخبلakbal 2 mad, crazy, insane; feebleminded, dim-witted اختبالiktibāl mental disorder مخبولmakbūl mad, crazy, idiotic, imbecilic, mentally deranged, insane; muddlehead, dolt, fool مخبلmakbal confused. baffled, perplexed, dismayed; muddled, confused, mixed up ( خبو( خباkabā u (kabw, kubūw) to go out, die (fire) خباياand خباءpl. اخبيةsee خبأ خابيةpl. خوابsee ٢٢٦ خبأ خبياريkibyārī caviar خترkatara i (katr) to betray ( هs.o.), act perfidiously, disloyally ( هtoward s.o.); to deceive, cheat, dupe ( هs.o.) خترkatr disloyalty, breach of confidence, perfidy, treachery, betrayal, deception ختارkattār traitor, disloyal person, cheat, swindler
خاترkātir treacherous, perfidious, disloyal
termination; epilogue (of a book); خواتيم final stage
ختلkatala i u (katl, ختالkatalan) to dupe, gull, cheat, double-cross, deceive ( هs.o.) III to deceive, cheat, dupe ( هs.o.); to behave hypocritically VIII = I
مختمmukattam ringed, adorned with a ring or rings (hand)
ختلkatl and مخاتلmukātala deception, trickery, double-dealing, duplicity, duping, gulling
مختتمmuktatam end, close, conclusion, termination 1
ختنkatn circumcision
مخاتلmukātil deceitful, crafty, wily, foxy ختمkatama i (katm, ختامkitām) to seal, provide with a seal or signet ( ھـs.th.); to stamp, impress with a stamp ( ھـs.th.); to seal off, close, make impervious or inaccessible (ھـ s.th.; also علىthe hearts, said of God); to put one’s seal ( ھـon), conclude, terminate ( ھـs.th.); to wind up, finish, complete (ھـ s.th.); to close, heal, cicatrize (wound) V to put on or wear a ring (ب( │ تختم بالذھب (dahab) to wear a golden ring VIII to conclude, finish, terminate, wind up (ھـ s.th.) ختمkatm sealing; -- (pl. اختامaktām, ختوم kutūm) seal, signet, seal imprint; stamp, stamp imprint; also = ( ختمةsee below) │ ختم البريدpostmark, (postal) cancellation stamp; شمع الختمšam‘ al-k. sealing wax ختمةkatma pl. katamāt recital of the entire Koran, esp. on festive occasions 2
خاتمkātam, kātam pl. خواتمkawātim seal ring, signet ring; ring, finger ring; seal, signet; stamp │ خاتم الزواجk. zawāj wedding ring; خاتم النبيينk. an-nabīyīn the Seal (i.e., the last) of the Prophets = Mohammed 2
خاتامkātām pl. خواتيمkawātīm seal ring, signet ring; ring ختامkitām sealing wax; end, close, conclusion, termination │ في الختامat the end, at last, finally, eventually ختاميkitāmī final, concluding │كلمة ( ختاميةkalima) concluding speech اختتامiktitām end, close, conclusion, termination خاتمةkātima pl. خواتمkawātim2, خواتيم kawātīm2 end, close, conclusion,
ختنkatana i (katn) to circumcise ( هa boy) VIII pass ختنkatan pl. اختانaktān son-in-law bridegroom ختانkitān, ختانةkitāna circumcision
خاتونlook up alphabetically
خثرkatara u and katira a to become solid, become thick, solidify, thicken; to be or become viscous, syrupy; to clot, coagulate (liquid); to curdle (milk) II and IV to thicken, inspissate, condense, coagulate (ھـ liquid); to curdle ( ھـmilk) V = I O خثرةkatra thrombosis (med.) خثارkutar dregs (of a liquid); scum of the earth, riffraff, mob خثارةkutāra dregs (of a liquid); sediment, lees 227 تخثرtakattur coagulation │O ( تخثر المخmukk) cerebral thrombosis خاثرkātir thickened, inspissated, condensed; viscous, ropy, sirupy; curdled, coagulated, clotted; yoghurt, curd مخثرmukattar thickened, inspissated, condensed; viscous, ropy, sirupy; curdled, coagulated, clotted خجلkajila a (kajal) to become embarrassed; to be ashamed ( منof s.th. or to face s.o.), be abashed ( by s.th.), feel embarrassed (من about s.th. or in front of s.o.) II and IV to shame ( هs.o.); to embarrass, abash, put to shame ( هs.o.) خجلkajal shame ( منat); bashfulness diffidence, timidity, shyness; abashment; disgrace, shame, ignominy │( يا للخجلla-lkajal) O disgrace! the shame of it! خجلkajil abashed, embarrassed; bashful, diffident, shy, timid; overgrown with luxuriant, profuse vegetation; long and flowing (garment)
خجولkajūl abashed, ashamed, shamefaced; shy, bashful, diffident, timid خجالنkajalān abashed, ashamed, shamefaced; shy, bashful, diffident, timid; bewildered with shame, embarrassed مخجولmakjūl ashamed, shamefaced مخجلmukjil arousing shame, shameful; shocking, disgraceful, ignominious │ ( اعضاء المخجلةa‘ḍā’) the pudenda خدkadda u to furrow, plow (a the ground) V to be furrowed; to become wrinkled (akin) خدkadd pl. خدودkudūd cheek; lateral portion, side │ صعر خدهṣa‘‘ra kaddahū to put on a contemptuous mien خدkadd and خدةkudda pl. خددkudad furrow, ridge, groove, rut اخدودukdūd pl. اخاديدakādīd2 furrow, ridge, groove, rut; trench, excavation خدmikadda pl. مخادmakadd2 cushion, pillow; seat cushion خديجkadīj premature child خداجkidāj abortion, miscarriage خدرkadira a (kadar) to be numb, prickle, tingle (leg, arm); to be or become limp, benumbed, paralyzed; -- kadara u to confine to women’s quarters, keep in seclusion ( ھاa girl) II to numb, benumb, stupefy ( هs.o., ھـa s.th.); to anesthetize, narcotize, put to sleep ( هs.o., ھـs.th.; med.); to confine to women’s quarters, keep in seclusion (la a girl) IV to make torpid, stupefy, benumb, deprive of sensation, narcotize ( هs.o., ھـs.th.) V to be numbed. be stunned, be stupefied, be deprived of sensation; to come to rest, calm down خدرkidr pl. خدورkudūr, اخدارakdār, اخاديرakādīr2 curtain, drape; women’s quarters of a tent; boudoir, private room (of a lady)
خادرkādir limp, languid; benumbed, torpid, dazed; hidden in his den, lurking (lion) خادرةkādira chrysalis (of a caterpillar; zool.) مخدرmukaddir anesthetic, painkilling, tranquilizing; (pl. -āt) an anesthetic; a narcotic, drug, dope مخدرmukaddar numb, torpid, insensible; (eg.) tipsy, fuddled, drunk مخدرةmukaddira girl kept in seclusion from the outside world 228 خدشkadaša i (kadš) to scratch ( ھـs.th.); to maul, lacerate, tear to pieces ( ھـs.th.); to violate ( ھـthe rules of decency, s.o.’s honor, and the like); to disturb ( ھـthe peace); to ruin, sully, run down (سمعته sum‘atahū s.o.’s reputation) II to scratch ( ھـs.th.) j to maul, lacerate, tear to pieces ( ھـs.th.); to violate ( ھـthe rules of decency, s.o.’s honor, etc.); to ruin, sully, run down ( سمعتهsum‘atahū s.o.’s reputation) خدشkadš pl. خدوشkudūš, اخداشakdāš scratch, scratch mark; graze, abrasion خدعkada‘a a to cheat ( هs.o., عنout of s.th.); to deceive, mislead, dupe, gull ( هs.o.); pass. kudi‘a to be mistaken, be wrong (عن about); to fail to see clearly ( عنwith regard to), get the wrong impression (عن of s.th.) III to cheat, dupe, deceive, take in ( هs.o.); to try to deceive or double-cross (ه s.o.) VII to let o.s. be deceived, be deceived, deluded, misled ( بby); to be mistaken, be wrong خدعkud‘a pl. خدعkuda‘, -āt deception, cheating, swindle خدعةkuda‘a impostor, swindler, cheat, sharper سوى خدعsawwā akda‘ahū to crush s.o.’s pride, humble s.o.
خدرkadar and خدرةkudra numbness, insensibility (esp. of a limb gone to sleep); daze. torpor, stupor
خديعةkadī‘a pl. خدائعkadā’i‘2 deception, deceit, betrayal, treachery, perfidy, trickery, imposture
خدرkadir numb (limb); benumbed, torpid, dazed
خداعkaddā‘ impostor, swindler, sharper, cheat, crook; deceptive, delusive
خدرtakdīr anesthetization, narcotization
خيدعkaida‘ fata morgana, mirage
اخاديعakādi‘2 swindles, underhand dealings, crooked practices; phantoms, phantasms, delusions
خدامkaddām pl. ةmanservant, servant, attendant; woman servant, female domestic servant, maid
مخدعmika‘, mukda‘, makda‘ pl. مخادع makādi2 small room, chamber, cabinet; bedchamber
خدامkadāma attendance, service; employment, occupation, office, job
خداعkidā‘ deception, deceit, swindle, imposture, betrayal, treachery, perfidy, trickery, duplicity خداعيkidā‘ī deceitful, fraudulent; deceptive, delusive, fallacious مخادعmukādi‘ swindler, impostor, cheat, sharper, crook خدلkadala a to stiffen, become rigid; to become numb, torpid, limp خدمkadama i u ( خدمkidma) to serve, be at service, do service; to have a job; to work; to wait ( هon s.o.); to serve ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to render a service ( هto s.o., ھـto s.th.), stand up ( هfor s.o.) │ خدم األرضto till or cultivate the soil; خدمه خدمات كثيرة (kidamātin katīratan) he rendered him many services; ( خدم ركاب فالنrikāba) to be at s.o.’s beck and call; خدم مصالح فالن (maṣāliḥa) to serve s.o.’s interests; خدم ( القداسquddāsa) to celebrate Mass (Chr.) II to employ, hire ( هs.o.), engage the services ( هof s.o.); to give work ( هto s.o.), provide work ( هfor) X to employ, hire, take on ( هs.o., لfor s.th.), engage the services ( ل هof s.o. for s.th.); to put in operation, operate ( ھـe.g., a public utility); to employ, use ( ھـs.th., لfor), make use, avail o.s. ( ھـof s.th., لfor a purpose) خدمkadam servants, attendants خدمةkidma pl. خدمkidam, -āt a service (rendered); attendance, service; operation; office, employment, occupation, job; work │ في خدمة شيءin the service of s.th.; في خدمتكمat your service; خدم للحقيقة (kidmatan) in the interest of truth, for the sake of truth; '( خدمة عسكريةaskarīya) military service; ( الخدمة االجباريةijbārīya) conscription, compulsory service; الخدمة ( السريةsirrīya) secret service (pol.); خدمة القداسk. al-quddās celebration of Mass (Chr.) 229
خدامkaddāma pl. -āt woman servant, female domestic servant, maid تخديمtakdīm work, occupation or duty of an employment agent ( مخدمmukaddim see below) │ مكتب التخديمmaktab at-t. labor office, employment bureau استخدامistikdām (putting into) operation; use, utilization; employment, hiring (of an employee); service, occupation, position, job خادمkādim pl. خدامkuddām, خدمة kudama domestic servant, help; manservant; woman servant; employee; attendant; waiter; deacon (Chr.) خادمةkādima woman servant; female domestic servant, maid; woman attendant خادميةkādimīya status of a servant مخدومmakdūm pl. -ūn, مخاديمmakādīm2 master, employer مخدومةmakdūma mistress, lady (of the house), woman employer مخدوميةmakdūmīya status of the master or employer مخدمmukaddim pl. -ūn employment agent مستخدمmustakdim pl. -ūn employer; -mustakdam (colloq. mustakdim) pl. -ūn employee, official خدنIII to befriend ( هs.o.), make friends ( هwith s.o.); to associate socially ( هwith) خدنkidn pl. اخدانakdān (intimate) friend, companion, confidant خدينkadīn (intimate) friend, companion, confidant خديوkidīw, خديويkudaiwī khedive خديويkidīwī khedivial خذأX to submit, subject o.s. مستخذئmustakdi’ submissive, servile, subservient, obedient
خذروفkūdrūf pl. خذاريفkadārīf2 (spinning) top
خذروفيkudrūfī turbinate, toplike خذفkadafa i (kadf) to hurl away ( ب، ھـs.th.) مخذفةmikdafa sling, slingshot, catapult خذلkadala u (kadl, خذالنkidlān) to leave, abandon, forsake, desert, leave in the lurch ( هor عنs.o.); to stay behind; to disappoint; pass. kudila to fail, suffer a setback, meet with disappointment III to leave, abandon, forsake, desert, leave in the lurch ( هs.o.) VI to let up, flag, grow slack, languish, wane, decrease, fade, grow feeble VII to be left in the lurch; to be helpless; to be defeated; to meet with disappointment
خربkarb destruction, devastation خربkurb hole; eye of a needle; anus خربkarib destroyed, demolished, wrecked, devastated, waste; dilapidated, tumble-down, ramshackle; broken, ruined, out of order خربةkirba pl. خربkirab (site of)
خذلkidlān disappointment
ruins; ruin, disintegrating structure
تختذلta!:d4u.l fatigue, languor, weakness, feebleness; relaxation, lessening of tension; disagreement, dissent, disunion
خربةkarba, kurba irreligion, lawlessness خربةkurba pl. خربkurab hole; eye of a needle; anus
انخذالinkidāl forsakenness, desertedness, abandonment; defeat
خربةkariba (site of) ruins خرابkaràb ruin, ruination; state of destruction or dilapidation; desolation; (pl. اخربةakriba) (site of) ruins
خذلmutakādil languid, weak, exhausted, spent, effete خذوX to submit, subject o.s.
خرابةkarāba pl. -āt, خرائبkarā’ib2 disintegrating structure, ruin, ruins
استخذاءistikdā’ subservience, submissiveness, servility
خربانkarbān, kirbān destroyed, wrecked, demolished, devastated, waste; ruined, broken, out of order
مستخذmustakdin submissive, servile, subservient, obedient خرkarra i ( خريرkarīr) to murmur, bubble, gurgle, purl (of running water); to ripple, trickle; to snore; -- (karr, ٢٣٠ خرورkurūr) to fall, fall down, drop; to sink to the ground, prostrate o.s. │ خر على األرضfall to the ground; ( خر بين يديهbaina yadaihi) he prostrated himself before him; خر تحت ( قدميهtaḥta qadmnaihi) he fell at hill feet
تخريبtakrīb pl. -āt devastation, destruction, wrecking, demolition; sabotage ‘ عمل تخريبيamal takrībī act of sabotage خاربkārib annihilator, destroyer مخربmukarrib pl. -ūn annihilator, destroyer; saboteur
خريرkarīr purl, murmur, ripple (of water) خرئkari’a a ( خرءkar’) to evacuate the bowels, defecate خرءkur’ and خراءkarā’ excrement, feces خراسانkurāsān2 Khurasan (province in NE Iran)
خربkaraba i (karb) to destroy, wreck, demolish, shatter, devastate, lay waste (ھـ s.th.); -- kariba a ( خرابkarāb) to be or become destroyed, ruined, waste, go to ruin, fall apart, disintegrate II to devastate, lay waste, destroy, wreck, demolish, ruin, lay in ruins ( ھـs.th.) IV = II; V to be or become destroyed, ruined, waste, go to ruin, Call apart, disintegrate
مخربmukrib annihilator, destroyer 2
خروبkarrūb (coll.; n. un. )ةcarob, locust; carob bean, locust pod, St.-John’s-bread
خروبةkarrūba pl. -āt kharouba, a dry measure (Eg.; = 1/16 ٢٩١. = قدحl) خربشkarbaša to scratch; to scrawl, scribble خربوشkarbuš pl. خرابيشkarābīš (syr.) tent
O مخربشاتmukarbašāt graffiti خربطkarbaṭa to throw into disorder, disarrange, confuse ( ھـs.th.) خربقkarbaqa to perforate, riddle ( ھـs.th.); to spoil, mar ( ھـs.th.) خربقkarbaq hellebore (bot.) خرتkarata u (kart) to pierce, bore, perforate ( ھـs.th.), make a hole ( ھـin) خرتkurt, kart pl. اخراتakrāt, خروت kurūt hole; bore, drill hole; ring, eye, eyelet حريتkirrīt experienced, practiced, skilled; guide خرتيتkartīt rhinoceros خرجkaraja u ( خروجkurūj) to go out, walk out; to come out ( منof), emerge ( منfrom); to drive or ride out, go out (in a vehicle); to flow out, exude, effuse; to go away, depart, leave, retire; to protrude, 231 project, stick out; to leave ( منs.th.); to dismount, alight, disembark ( منfrom), get out, step out ( منof); to emanate, issue, arise, originate, result ( منfrom); to draw away, segregate, separate, secede, dissent ( عنfrom), disagree ( عنwith); to deviate, depart ( عنfrom an arrangement, from a principle); to be an exception ( عنto); to be outside a given subject ()عن, go beyond a topic ()عن, exceed ( عنa topic); to be alien ( عنto), be extraneous ( عنfrom), not to belong ( عنto), be not included ( عنin), have nothing to do with ( عن(؛ ال يخرج عنit is limited to ..., it is nothing but ... ; to go forth (into battle); to attack ( علىs.o., s.th.), rise, fight ( علىagainst); to rebel, revolt ( علىagainst); to violate, break, infringe ( علىa rule, a regulation); خرج عليه بto come up to s.o. with …, confront s.o. with ... ; to get out, bring out, take out ( بs.o.); to turn out, oust, dislodge ( بs.o.); to lead away, dissuade ( عن بs.o. from); to find out, discover ( بs.th.) │( خرج عن الخطkaṭṭ) to be derailed, run off the track (train) II to move out, take out, dislodge ( هs.o., ھـ s.th.); to turn out, oust, expel, evict, drive out ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to remove, eliminate (ه s.o., ھـs.th.); to exclude, except ( ھـs.th.); to train ( هs.o., فيin a skill, and the like); to educate, bring up ( هs.o.); to distill (ھـ s.th.); to pull out, extract ( ھـs.th.); to
gather, deduce, infer ( ھـs.th.); to explain, interpret, expound, elucidate ( ھـs.th.) IV to move out, take out, get out, bring out, dislodge ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to unload (ھـ s.th.), disembark, detrain, etc. ( هs.o., e.g., troops); to turn out, oust ( هs.o.); to emit, send out ( ھـs.th., e.g., electric waves); to stick out ( ھـe.g., the tongue); to fish out ( ھـs.th. from the pocket); to bring out into the open, make public ( ھـs.th.); to remove, extract ( ھـs.th.); to eliminate (ھـ s.th.); to expel, evict, exile, expatriate (ه s.o., منfrom a country); to dismiss, fire, remove ( هs.o., منfrom an office); اخرجه من ( ثروتهtarwatihī) to rob s.o. of his property, dispossess, expropriate s.o.; to give off, sound, emit ( ھـs.th., e.g., a tone; said of a musical instrument); to set forth, state, express, utter, voice ( ھـan opinion); to break ( ريحاrīḥan wind); to educate, bring up ( هs.o.); to train ( هs.o.); to stage, produce ( ھـa play; theat.); to bring out, make, shoot ( روايةriwāyatan a film, said of a director); to except, exclude ( ھـs.th., عنfrom); to pull out, extract ( ھـs.th.); to select ( ھـs.th.) V to be educated; to be trained ( فيin a school, college, also من؛ في in a field); to graduate ( فيfrom a school, from a college, also )منVI to part company, separate; to disengage, disassociate, withdraw from one another; to cede, assign, transfer, make over (ل عن s.th. to s.o.) X to get out, move out, remove ( ھـs.th., منfrom); to take out, draw ( ھـs.th., منfrom); to pull out, extract ( ھـs.th., منfrom); to mine, extract, recover ( ھـmineral resources); to win, gain, make ( ھـa product, منfrom); to copy, excerpt (A s.th., منfrom a book or document); to derive, draw, deduce, figure out, compute ( من ھـs.th. from); to elicit (ھـ s.th., e.g., astonishment, منfrom s.o.); to find out, discover ( ھـs.th.) خرجkarj expenditure, outlay, expense(s), costs; land tax; s.th. appropriate or suitable, that which is s.o.’s due, which s.o. deserves, which s.o. needs; (eg.) ration (food); (pl. خروجاتkurūjāat) trimming; edge, edging, piping; pl. lace; trimmings │ ھذا خراجكthat’s what you need, what you deserve; خرج المشنقةk. almašnaqa one who deserves to be hanged
خرجkurj pl. خرجةkiraja saddlebag, portmanteau 232
تخرجtakarruj graduation (from a school or college)
خرجةkarja pl. karajāt exit, departure; protrusion, protuberance, projection, salient part; (eg.) funeral
تخارجtakāruj separation, disassociation, disengagement, (mutual) withdrawal استخراجistikrāj taking out, moving out, pulling out, removal; withdrawing; extraction, derivation, gaining (of industrial products, etc.), mining, recovery (of mineral resources); preparation of an extract; excerpting, copying; deduction, inference; solution (of a problem)
خراجkarāj tax; kharaj, land tax (Isl. Law) خراجيkarājī of or pertaining to land tax; of or pertaining to the taxed and cultivable area خرجkurāj (coll.; n. un. ة, pl. -āt) skin eruption; tumor, abscess
خارجkārij outer, outside, outward, exterior; external, foreign j outside, exterior (n.); foreign country or countries; quotient (arith.); karija (prep.) outside, out of خارجاkārijan outside │خارجا عن outside of, apart from; في الخارجabroad, in foreign countries; outside; الى الخارج abroad, to foreign countries; to the outside, outward, out
خروجkurūj exit; egression, emergence; departure; exodus; emigration; raid, foray, sortie ( علىagainst), attack, assault ( علىon) │ ( خروج عن الخطkaṭṭ) derailment (of a train) خريجkirrīj pl. -ūn graduate (of a school, college, or university) │مؤتمر الخريجين العربmu’tamar al-k. al-‘arab Congress of Arab Graduates (a supra-national organization of university graduates advocating a unified Arab world)
الخارجةEl Khārga (town in central Egypt, in Khārga oasis) خارجيkārijī outer, out- (in compounds), outside, outward, exterior, external; foreign; nonresident │عيادة خارجية (‘iyāda) policlinic; وزارة خارجيةministry of foreign (external) affairs, foreign ministry; ( تلميذ خارجيtilmīd) a student not living at a boarding school, a day student
مخرجmakraj pl. مخارجmakārij2 (place of) exit; way out (of a difficult situation), outlet, escape, loophole, shift, dodge, excuse; articulation (of a sound); O cathode (el.) │ علم مخارج الحروفphonetics
خوارجkawārij2 the Khawarij, Kharijites (the oldest religious sect of Islam); dissenters, dissidents, backsliders, rebels
تخريجtakrīj education, training (in schools, colleges); raising, upbringing, rearing (of children); extraction; derivation, deduction; interpretation, exegesis اخراجikrāj taking out, moving out, removal; unloading, disembarkment, detrainment; emission; moving, carting away, hauling off; evacuation; publication, publicizing, bringing before the public; extraction, removal; elimination; dismissal, removal (from an office); ousting, expulsion, eviction, expatriation, banishment (from a country); excretion (biol.); finding out, discovery, figuring out; training, formation, education; direction, production, staging (motion pictures, theater) │تولى االخراج (tawallā) to have the, direction (motion pictures, theater); من اخراج... directed by (motion picture)
مخرجmukrij pl. -ūn (screen or stage) director مخرجmukraj excerpt, extract (from a book); مخرجاتexcretions (biol.) 233 متخرجmutakarrij pl. -ūn graduate ( فيor منof a school or college) مستخرجmustakraj pl. -āt extract; excerpt ( منfrom), partial copy ( منof) خرخرkarkara to snore 1
خردkarida a to be a virgin, be untouched, innocent, chaste خريدةkarida pl. خرائدkarā’id2, خرد kurud virgin; unbored pearl
خردةkurda scrap metal, scrap iron; pl. خردوات kardawāt notions, smallwares; small
goods, smalls, miscellaneous small articles; (eg. also) novelties, fancy goods for ladies خردجيkurdajī dealer in miscellaneous smallwares خردقkurdaq, kurduq small shot, buckshot خردلkardal (coll.; n. un. )ةmustard seeds; mustard خرزkaraza I u to pierce, bore ( ھـs.th.) خرزkaraz (coll.; n. un. )ةpearls مخرزmikraz pl. مخارزmakāriz2 awl; punch مخرازmikrāz awl; punch 1
خرسkarisa a (karas) to be dumb mute; to become silent, keep silent, hold one’s tongue IV to silence, reduce to silence, gag ( هs.o.) خرسkaras dumbness, muteness اخرسakras2, f. خرساءkarsā’2 pl. خرس kurs, خرسانkursān dumb, mute خرسانkarsān2 dumb, mute
خرسانkarasān, خرسانةkarasāna concrete (béton) │O ( خرسانة مسلحةmusallaḥa) armored (or reinforced) concrete
خرشوفkuršūf (coll.; n. un. )ةpl. خراشيف karāšīf artichoke خرصkaraṣa u (karṣ) to guess estimate (ھـ s.th.); to conjecture, surmise ( ھـs.th.), form conjectures ( ھـabout); to tell an untruth, a falsehood, to lie V to fabricate lies ( علىagainst s.o.); to raise false accusations ( علىagainst s.o.) خرصkirṣ, kurṣ, pl. خرصانkirṣān, kurṣān earring خراصkarrāṣ pl. -ūn Ii&!', slanderer, calumniator خرطkaraṭa u i (karṭ) to pull off, strip (ھـ leaves from a tree); to turn, lathe, shape with a lathe ( ھـwood, metal); to exaggerate, boast, brag, lie; -- u (eg.) to cut into small pieces; to mince, chop, dice ( ھـmeat, carrots, etc.) II (eg.) to cut into small pieces, mince, chop ( ھـs.th.) VII to be turned. be lathed. be shaped with a lathe; to join, enter ( في سلك، فيfī silk an organization, a community), affiliate (،في
في سلكwith an organization, a community); to penetrate ( فيs.th. or into); to plunge headlong ( فيinto), embark rashly ( فيupon); to labor, slave, toil │ ( انخرط في البكاءbukā’) to break into tears خرطkarṭ pulling-off (of leaves); دون ذلك خرط القتادsee دونturning, turnery خراطkarrāṭ pl. -ūn turner, lather; braggart, bluffer, storyteller خراطةkirāṭa turner’s trade, turnery, art of turning خراطةkarrāta skirt (syr.) خريطةkarīṭa pl. خرائطkarā’iṭ, خرط kuruṭ map, chart مخرطةmikraṭa, makraṭa pl. مخارط makāriṭ2 lathe خارطةkāriṭa pl. -āt map, chart مخروطmakrūṭ cone (math.); conic 234 مخروطيmakrūṭī conic خرطوشkarṭūš, خرطوشةkarṭūša pl. خراطيش karāṭīš 2 cartridge; lead (of a pencil); cartouche (arch.); daybook خرطالkarṭāl oats خرطومkarṭūm pl. خراطيمkarāṭīm2 proboscis, trunk (of the elephant); hose الخرطومal-karṭūm Khartoum (capital of the Sudanese Republic) خراطينkarāṭīn2 a kind of earthworm خراطينيkarāṭīnī wormlike, vermiform خرطيطkarṭīṭ rhinoceros خرعkaru‘a u (kur‘, خراعةkurā‘a) and kari‘a a (kara‘) to droop, be or become slack, limp, flabby; to be or become languid, soft, spineless, yielding VII do. VIII to invent, devise, contrive ( ھـs.th.); to create. originate ( ھـs.th.) خرعkari‘ and خريعkarī‘ soft, languid, yielding, spineless, devoid of energy, nerveless خروعkirwa‘ castor-oil plant, palma Christi (Ricinus communis; bot.) اختراعiktirā‘ pl. -āt invention مخترعmuktari‘ pl. -ūn inventor مخترعmuktara‘ pl. -at invention
خرفkarifa a (karaf) to dote, be senile and feeble-minded; to drivel, talk foolishly خرفkaraf feeble-mindedness, dotage, senility; childishness (of an old man) خرفkarif and خرفانkarfān feebleminded, doting; childish; dotard خريفkarīf autumn, fall خريفيkarīfī autumnal خروفkarūf pl. خرافkirāf, اخرفةakrifa, خرفانkirfān young sheep, lamb, yearling; wether خرافةkurāfa pl. -āt superstition; fable, fairy tale
crossing, transit; violation, breach; (pl. خروقkurūq) hole, aperture, opening │خرق األمن من العامk. al-amn al-‘āmm violation of public security; خرق العادةoffense against common usage, violation of mores; اتسع ( الخرق على الراقعittasa‘a) the rent is beyond repair 235 خرقkurq and خرقةkurqa awkwardness, clumsiness; stupidity │ ( خرق في الرأيra’y) stupidity; folly, madness; من الخرق في الرأي ان... it would be very unwise to ... خرقةkirqa pl. خرقkiraq tatter, shred; rag; scrap (of paper); polishing cloth; eraser (cloth)
خرافيkurāfī fabulous, fictitious, legendary
اخرقakraq2 f. خرقاءkarqā’2, pl. خرق kurq clumsy, awkward; stupid; irregular; illegal, illicit, unlawful
مخرفةmakrafa prattle, drivel, twaddle, bosh
مخرقةmakraqa trickery, sleight of hand, legerdemain, hocus-pocus, swindle
تخريفtakrīf folly, delusion; foolish talk, drivel, twaddle, bosh, buncombe مخرفmukarrif childish, foolish; (pl. -ūn) prattler, chatterbox, windbag; charlatan خرفشkartaša to shuffle, mix ( ھـs.th.) خرفوشةkarfūša pl. خرافيشkarāfīš2 card of low value, discard (in card playing) خرقkaraqa I u (karq) to tear, rend, tear apart ( ھـs.th.); to make a hole ( ھـin); to perforate, pierce, bore ( ھـs.th.); to penetrate ( ھـs.th.), break, pass ( ھـthrough s.th.); to traverse, cross, transit ( ھـs.th., a country); to violate, impair, infringe (ھـ s.th.), encroach ( ھـupon); to break ( ھـa vow, and the like), commit a breach of ( ;)ھـto exceed the ordinary, be unusual, extraordinary, unprecedented, unheard-of │ خرق العادةto go beyond what is ordinary or customary IV to lurk, lie in wait V and VII to be torn, be rent, be pierced, be broken VIII to pierce ( ھـs.th.); to cut, break, pass' ( ھـthrough s.th.), penetrate (ھـ s.th.); to traverse, cross, transit ( ھـs.th.), travel through s.th. ( ;)ھـto exceed ( ھـe.g., a limit), go beyond s.th. (ھـ( │اخترق مسامعه (masāmi‘ahū) to shrill in s.o.’s ears خرقkarq tearing, rending, laceration; piercing, boring, perforation; penetration; disruption; breakthrough; traversion,
مخارقmakāriq2 a kind of pastry (tun.) اختراقiktirāq penetration; piercing, disruption; traversion, crossing, transit خارقkāriq and ( للعادةor) خارق العادة exceeding the customary, unusual, extraordinary, unprecedented, unheard-of; pl. خوارقkawāriq2 preternatural phenomena. miracles; that which transcends the conceivable or the rational │ خارق الطبيعةsupernatural; خوارق المصادفات k. al-muṣādafāt miraculous coincidences مخترقmuktaraq passage, passageway خرمkarama i (karm) and II to pierce ( ھـs.th.), make a hole or holes ( ھـin); to perforate ( ھـs.th.) VII to be pierced, be riddled, be torn; to be deranged, unsettled, disorganized; to come to an end, run out, peter out, get lost VIII to destroy, annihilate ( هs.o.); to carry off, carry away ( هs.o., of death); to break ( الصفوفthe ranks), pass through s.th. ()ھـ خرمkarm pl. خرومkurūm gap, blank (e.g., in a manuscript, or the like) خرمkurm hole │ خرم االبرةk. al-ibra eye of the needle خرامةkarāma drill, bit, auger, gimlet; punch, perforator خرمakram2 having a perforated nasal septum
تخريمtakrīm piercing, boring, drilling; perforation; punching; lace-making, lacework تخريمةtakrīma lace, lace-work, openwork, filigree انخرامinkirām state of unsettlement, disturbance, disorganization, derangement │( انخرام في التوازنtawāzun) disturbance of equilibrium مخرومmakrūm defective, incomplete (e.g., a manuscript) مخرمmukarram perforated; done in openwork, in filigree خرماشةkurmāša pl. -āt (ir.) harrow خرنوبkurnūb carob, locust; carob bean, locust pod, St.-John’s-bread خرنقkirniq pl. خرانقkarāniq2 young hare, leveret خروعkirwa‘ castor-oil plant, palma Christi (Ricinus communis; bot.) 1
خزkazza u to pierce, transfix ( هs.o.); to stab ( هs.o., بwith) VIII to pierce, transfix (ه s.o., بwith)
خزpl. خزوزkuzūz silk fabric
خزرkazara uto look askance ( هat s.o.), give s.o. ( )هa sidelong glance
بحر الخزرbaḥr al-kazar the Caspian Sea
خيزرانkaizurān pl. خيازرkayāzir2 cane, reed; rattan; bamboo خيزرانةkaizurāna cane, stick خزعkaza‘a a (kaz‘) to cut, sever ( ھـs.th.) خزعبلkuza‘bal idle talk, bosh خزعبلkuza‘bala pl. -āt idle talk, bosh; joke, jest, hoax; fib, yarn; cock and bull story 236 خزفkazaf pottery, earthenware; porcelain, china; ceramics خزفيkazafī (made of) porcelain; porcelaneous, porcelain, china (adj.) خزافkazzāf dealer in chinaware; potter خزافةkizāfa potter’s trade, pottery خزقkazaqa i to pierce, stab, transfix ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to drive, ram ھـ في األرضs.th. into the ground); to tear, rend, rip apart (ھـ
s.th.) II to tear, rend, rip apart ( ھـs.th.) V and VII pass of I and II خزقkazq rip, rent, tear, hole (in a garment) خازوقkāzūq pl. خوازقkawāziq2 post, stake, pole; dirty trick │ ھذا خازوقthat’s tough luck! 2
خوزقlook up alphabetically
خزلkazala i (kazl) to cut off, sever ( ھـs.th.); to hinder, prevent, hold back, restrain, keep ( هs.o., عنfrom) VIII to cut off, cut short, end abruptly ( ھـs.th.); to shorten, abridge, abbreviate ( ھـs.th.); to stand alone ( بwith an opinion) اختزالiktizāl abridgment, abbreviation; shorthand, stenography مختزلmuktazil stenographer خزمkazama i (kazm) to string, thread (ھـ pearls) │ ( خزم انفهanfahū) to pierce the nasal septum (of a camel) and insert the nose ring for the bridle; to make s.o. subservient to one’s will خزامkizām, خزامةkizāma pl. خزائم kazā’im2 nose ring خزامىkuzāmā lavender (bot.) خزنkazana u (kazn) to store, stock, lay up, hoard, amass, accumulate; to keep secret, keep ( ھـa secret) II and VIII to store, stock, lay up, warehouse ( ھـs.th.); to store up, accumulate ( ھـs.th.); to dam ( ھـs.th.); to put in safekeeping, keep ( ھـs.th.) خزنkazn storing; accumulation, hoarding, amassing; storage, warehousing خزنةkazna treasure house; safe, coffer, vault; wardrobe, locker; cupboard خزانةkizāna pl. -āt, خزائنkazā’in2 treasure house; vault, coffer, safe; treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; locker, wardrobe, closet; cupboard; library │خزانة الدولةk. ad-daula and ‘( خزانة عامةāmma) public treasury, exchequer; خزانة الثلجk. attalj icebox, refrigerator; خزانة الكتبk. alkutub bookcase; library; خزانة خصوصية (kuṣūṣīya) private library; خزانة المالبس wardrobe, closet, locker
خزينةkazīna pl. خزائنkazā’in2 treasure house; public treasury, exchequer; treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; cashier’s office; vault, coffer, safe; cashbox, till (of a merchant) │ ( الخزينة الخاصةkāṣṣa) (formerly) the Royal Privy Purse (Ir.); خزينة الدولةk. ad-daula public treasury, exchequer; خزينة نقود راصدة،خزينة راصدة cash register خزانkuzzān pl. -āt, خزازينkazāzīn2 dam; reservoir; basin, sump, pool; storage tank (also for oil); - (pl. -ūn) storehouseman, warehouseman مخزنmakzan pl. مخازنmakāzin2 storeroom, storehouse; depository; stockroom, storage room; depot, magazine, warehouse; store, shop, department store; المخزنal-makzan the Makhzan, the Moroccan government (formerly: govemmental finance department; Mor.) │ مخزن ادويةm. adwiya drugstore; مخزن االصدارm. al-iṣdār shipping room (com.); مخزن العفشm. al-‘afš trunk (of an automobile) 237 مخزنيmakzanī being under government control or administration. belonging to the government (Mor.) │( امالك مخزنيةamlāk) government land (Mor.) مخازنيmakāzinī pl. -īya native gendarme (Mor.)
( هs.o.); to shame, abash, embarrass ( هs.o.) IV to humiliate, degrade, dishonor ( هs.o.); to shame, put to shame ( هs.o.) X to be ashamed خزىkizy, kazan shame, disgrace, ignominy │ !يا للخزىyā la-l-kazā what a shame! خزيانkazayān2 f. خزياkazyā, pl. خزايا kazāya ashamed, shamefaced, abashed; shameful, disgraceful, scandalous, infamous, base, mean, vile مخزاةmakzāh pl. مخازmakāzin a shameful thing, a disgrace; reason for shame; pl. shameful things, disgraceful acts, infamies مخزيmakzīy ashamed, shamefaced, abashed; embarrassed, confused; المخزي the Devil مخزmukzin disgraceful, shameful, scandalous, infamous مخزيةmukziya pl. -at disgraceful act, infamy خسkassa (1st pers. perf. kasistu) a ( خسةkissa, خساسةkasāsa) to be mean, base, vile; to become less, decrease, diminish, depreciate, fall in value; -- kassa u to lessen, reduce, diminish ( ھـs.th.) II to lessen, reduce, diminish ( ھـs.th.) خسkass lettuce (Lactuca sativa; bot.) خسkassa (n. un.) head of lettuce
مخازنmakāzin , مخازن الطريقm. aṭ-ṭarīq the nearest, shortest way, a short cut
خسkissa and خساسةkasāsa meanness, baseness, vileness
مخزنجيmakzanjī storehouseman, warehouseman
خسيسkasīs pl. اخساءakissā’2 mean, base, low, vile, despicable, contemptible, miserable
خزندارkazandār, kaznadār treasurer تخزينtakzīn storage, storing, warehousing; storing up, accumulation; damming خازنkāzin pl. خزنةkazana, خزانkuzzān treasurer مخزونmakzūn stored, stored up, deposited, warehoused; (pl. -āt) stock, supply, stock in trade خزيkaziya a (kizy, kazan) to be or become base, vile, despicable, contemptible; (خزاية kazāya) to be ashamed ( منof); -- kazā i to disgrace, dishonor, discredit, put to shame
خسيسةkasīsa pl. خسائسkasā’is mean trick, infamy خسأkasa’a a (kas’) to chase away ( هs.o.); - خسئkasi’a a to be driven away, make off │ خسئتkasi’ta beat it! scram! اخسأ اليك iksa’ ilaika do. اخسأaksa’2 baser, meaner, more despicable; weaker خاسئkāsi’ spurned, rejected, outcast; low, base, vulgar, despicable, contemptible; disgraceful, shameful,
scandalous, infamous; futile, vain (attempt); weak, feeble, languid خستكةkastaka indisposition مخستكmukastak indisposed, unwell, sickly
خشبII to lignify, become woody or woodlike; to line, face or cue with wood, to panel, wainscot (٨ ھـ.tb.) V to lignify, become woody or woodlike; to become bard, still, firm, rigid; to stiffen, freeze (e.g., with panic)
خسرkasara a (kusr, خسارkasār, خسارةkasāra, خسرانkusrān) to incur a loss, suffer damage; to lose, forfeit ( ھـs.th.); to go astray, lose one’s way, get lost; to perish II to cause loss or damage ( ھـto s.o.); to do harm ( هto s.o.); to destroy, 238 ruin (ھـ s.o.); to corrupt, deprave ( هs.o.)
خشبkašab pl. خشبakšāb wood, lumber, timber │ خشب األنبياءk. al-anbiyā’ guaiacum wood, lignum vitae خشبةkašaba pl. –āt, اخشابakšāb piece of wood; a timber; pale, post; plank, board │ خشب الميتal-mayyit coffin; خشبة المسرح al-masraḥ stage (of a theater), على خشبة المسرحon the “boards”
IV to cause a loss ( هto s.o.); to shorten, cut, reduce ( ھـs.th.) X to grudge ( علىor في s.o., s.th.), envy s.o. ( علىor )فيthe possession of ()ھـ
خشبيkašabī wooden, woody, ligneous, made of wood; timber-, lumber- (in compounds)
خسرkur loss, damage
خشابkaššāb pl. ةlumber merchant
خسرانkusrān loss, damage, forfeiture; decline, deterioration; depravity, profligacy
تخشيبtakšīb paneling, wainscoting تخشيبةtakšība pl. -āt, تخاشيبtakāšīib2 barrack, wooden shed
خسارةkasāra pl. خسائرkasā’ir2 loss, damage; pl. losses, casualties ( فيin; mil.) │ يا خسارةwhat a pity! too bad!
تخشبtakaššub stiffness, rigor, rigidity; stiffening
خسرانkusrān (eg.) loser; affected by damage or loss خاسرkāsir lost, hopeless; involving substantial losses; loser; depraved, corrupted; profligate, disreputable person, scoundrel مخسرmukassir causing damage, harmful, noxious, injurious, detrimental خسفkašafa i (kasf, خسوفkusūf) to sink, sink down, give way, cave in, disappear, go down; to be eclipsed (moon); -- i (kasf) to cause to sink, cause to give way │ خسف ﷲ به األرضk. llāh bihī l-arḍa God made him sink into the ground, God made the ground swallow him up VII to sink, sink down, go down خسفkasf baseness, ignominy, disgrace, shame; inferiority │ سام خسفاsāma kasfan to humiliate, abase, degrade (.s.o.) خسوفkusūf occultation (astron.); lunar eclipse خشkašša i u (kašš) to enter ( فيs.th.) خشاشkišāš vermin, insects
متخشبmutakaššib frozen, rigid; stiff, bard, firm خشتkušt pl. خشوتkušūt javelin 1
خشخاشkaškāš (coll.; n. un. )ةpl. خشاخيش kašākīš2 poppy
خشخشkaškša to clank, clatter, rattle; to rustle خشخشةkaškaša pl. -āt noise; clank, clatter, rattle; rustle, rustling; crash )خشخشية )= شخشيخةrattle (toy) خشارةkušāra leftover (of a meal); offal, refuse; a discard, a worthless thing خشعkaša‘a a ( خشوعkušū‘) to be submissive, be humble; to humble o.s.; to fade (voice) │ ( خشع ببصرهbaṣarihī) to lower one’s eyes II to humble, reduce to submission ( هs.o.) V to display humility; to be humble; to be moved, be touched خشوعkušū‘ submissiveness, submission, humility خاشعkaši‘ pl. خشعةkaša‘a submissive, humble 239
خشافkušāf various fruits, stewed and waked in syrup or rose water, compote خشكارkuškār coarsely ground grain, grits خشكريشةkaškarīša scab, slough, scurf خشمII to intoxicate, make drunk ( هs.o.) خشمkašm nose; mouth; vent, outlet خيشومkaišūm pl. خياشمkayāšim2 nose; gills; also pl. خياشيمnose خشنkašuna u ( )خشونةto be rough, coarse, crude; to be raw, uncut, unpolished II to roughen, coarsen, make crude ( ھـs.th.) III to be rude, uncivil, boorish ( هto s.o.) V to display rough, rude, or coarse, manners; to be rough, uneven; to lead as rough life XII اخشوشنikšaušana to be rough, coarse, crude; to lead a rough life خشنkašin pl. خشانkišān rough, crude; coarse (as opposed to ناعمnā‘im); rude, unpolished, uncouth; tough, harsh (life); hoarse, raucous (voice) │ خشن اللمسk. allams coarse to the touch, rough, uneven, wrinkled; خشن الخلقk. al-kulq uncouth, boorish; خشن القشرةk. al-qišra thickshelled; ( الجنس الخشنjins) the strong sex اخشنakšan2, f. خشناءkašnā’2, pl. خشن kušn rough, tough, harsh, rude, uncouth الخشناءal-kašnā’ the vulgar, uneducated people خشونةkušūna roughness, coarseness; crudeness; rudeness خشيkašiya a (kašy, خشيةkašya) to fear, dread ( هs.o., ھـs.th., علىfor s.o. or s.th.), be afraid ( هof) II to frighten, scare, terrify, alarm ( هs.o.) V = I; VIII to be embarrassed; to be ashamed خشيةkašya fear, anxiety, apprehension │ خشية منkašyatan min for fear of اخشىakšā more timorous, more fearful; more to be feared. more frightening خشيانkašyān2. f. خشياkaāyā, pl. خشايا timorous, timid, anxious, apprehensive خاشkāšin timorous, timid, anxious, apprehensive خصkašša u to distinguish, favor (especially, before others), single out ( هs.o.), bestow special honors ( هupon s.o., in preference
to others); to endow ( بs.o. with), confer, bestow ( بupon s.o. s.th.); to apportion, allot, assign, accord, give, dedicate, devote ( ب هto s.o. s.th., in preference to others); with لنفسهto take possession (ھـ of), demand ( ھـs.th.; also خص به نفسه nafsahū); to be specifically associated (ه with s.o.), be characteristic ( هof s.o.), be peculiar ( هto); to apply in particular (ھـ to), be especially valid ( ھـfor); to concern, regard ( هs.o., ھـs.th.), have special relevance ( ھـto), bear ( ھـon) │خصه بعنايته (bi-‘ināyatihī) to devote one’s attention to s.o., favor s.o. with one’s attention; خصه ( بالذكرbi-d-dikr) to make special mention of s.o. or s.th.; ( واخص منھمakuṣṣu) I mention, among them, especially (with foll. acc.); ھذا ال يخصنيthis does not concern me, this is none of my business II to specify, particularize, itemize ( ھـs.th.); to specialize ( ھـs.th.), narrow, restrict (ل ھـ s.th. to); to designate, destine, set aside, earmark, single out ( ل ھـor هs.o. or s.th. for a purpose); to devote in particular, dedicate, assign ( ل ھـs.th. to); to allocate, allot, apportion ( ل ھـs.th. to); to appropriate ( ل ھـfunds for); to reserve, held, withhold ( ل ھـs.th. for); to tie down ( ب هs.o. to a special field) V to specialize ( لin, also بor فيin a scientific field); to devote all one’s attention ( لto s.th.); to apply o.s. ( لto), go in for s.th. ( ;)لto be peculiar ( بto); to be chosen, destined, earmarked ( لfor) VIII to distinguish, favor ( ب هs.o. with), confer distinction (ب هupon s.o. by); to devote, give, accord, afford ( ب هto s.o. s.th., in preference to others); to dedicate ( ب هto s.o. s.th., e.g., one’s services); (with )لنفسهto take exclusive possession ( ھـof), claim, demand ( ھـs.th.), lay special claim ( ھـto; also اختص به نفسهnafsahu); to be distinguished, be marked ( بby); to possess alone, in distinction from all others, have above others ( بs.th.), have the advantage over others ( بthat); to be peculiar ( بto); to concern, regard (ب s.th.), bear ( بon); to be pertinent, have relevance ( بto), have to do ( بwith); to be duly qualified, be competent, have jurisdiction ( بin; e.g., an authority); to have as a special function or task ( بs.th.) خصlettuce (bot.)
خصkuṣṣ pl. خصاصkiṣāṣ, اخصاص akṣāṣ, خصوصkuṣūṣ, hut, shack, shanty, hovel خصةkaṣṣa jet of water خصاصkaṣāṣ interstice, interval, crevice, crack, gap خصاصةkaṣāṣa crevice, crack, interval, gap خصيصةkaṣīṣa pl. خصائصkaṣā’iṣ2 special characteristic or quality, specialty, particularity, peculiarity خصيصاkiṣṣīṣan particularly, especially, specifically خصوصkuṣūṣ specialness; خصوصا kuṣūṣan especially, in particular, specifically │ في خصوص، بخصوصand من ( خصوصwith foll. genit.) as to, concerning, regarding, with respect to, as regards; بھذا الخصوصand من ھذا الخصوصin this connection, in this matter, in this respect, about this, concerning this; على الخصوصand ( على وجه الخصوصwajhi l-k.) especially, particularly, in particular, specifically خصوصيkuṣūṣī; special; private, personal خصاصةkaṣāṣa poverty, penury, privation, destitution, want اخصakaṣṣ2 more special, more specific │ على األخصespecially; في األخص do. اخصاءakiṣṣā’2 intimate friends, confidante اخصائيikṣā’ī see 2خصى تخصيصtakṣīṣ specialization; specification, particularization, itemization; designation, destination (for a purpose); allotment, apportionment, allocation; reservation; (pl. -āt) appropriation, financial allocation; credit │ على تخصيصand على وجه التخصيص specifically تخصصtakaṣṣuṣ specialization (esp., in a scientific field) اختصاصiktiṣāṣ pl. -āt jurisdiction, competence; special province or domain, bailiwick (fig.); pl. prerogatives,
privileges, monopolies; concessions (Intern. Law); ( ذو )ذات( االختصاصduly qualified, authorized, responsible, competent; دائرة االختصاصscope of competence, sphere of authority, jurisdiction, province, domain, field اختصاصيiktiṣāṣī pl. -ūn specialist خاصkaṣṣ special, particular; specific, peculiar; relative, relevant, pertinent (ب to), concerning ( بs.th.); earmarked, Designated, destined, set aside ( بfor); especially valid or true ( بfor), especially applicable ( بto), characteristic ( بof); distinguished; private; exclusive, not public │ جريدة خاصة بprofessional journal for ...; ‘( الخاص والعامāmm) the special and the general; high and low, all people; الطبيب الخاصphysician in ordinary 241 خاصةkāṣṣa pl. خواصkawāṣ2 exclusive property; private possession; specialty, particularity, peculiarity, characteristic, property, attribute; essence, intrinsic nature; leading personalities, people of distinction, الخاصةthe upper class, the educated; kāṣṣatan and بخاصةbi-kāṣṣatin especially, in particular │ في خاصة انفسھمfī k. anfusihim at the bottom of their hearts, deep inside خاصيةkāṣṣīya pl. -āt, خصائصkaṣā’iṣ2 specialty, particularity, characteristic, peculiarity, property, special attribute, feature, trait, qualification; prerogative, privilege; jurisdiction, competence خويصةkuwaṣṣa (dimin. of )خاصةone’s own business, private affair │يدخل في خويصة امريhe meddles in my private affairs مخصوصmakṣūṣ special مخصصmukaṣṣaṣ chosen, set aside, earmarked, designated, destined ( لfor); allotted, apportioned, allocated; -- pl. ( مخصصاتfinancial) allocations; appropriations, credits; (daily) allowance; (food) rations │ ( مخصصات اضافيةiḍāfīya) extra allowances; مخصصات الملكm. almalik civil list مختصmuktaṣṣ pertaining, pertinent, relevant, relative ( بto); duly qualified, authorized, responsible, competent; special; pl. مختصاتmuktaṣṣāt
competences │ المقامات المختصةthe competent authorities; الدوائر المختصة competent (or authoritative) quarters خصبkaṣaba i and kaṣiba a (kiṣb) to be fertile (soil) II to make fertile ( ھـs.th.); to fructify, fertilize ( ھـs.th.) IV = I خصبkaṣib fertility; abundance, plenty; superabundance, profusion خصبkaṣib and خصيبkaṣīb fertile, productive, fat
خصمkaṣama i to defeat ( هan opponent) in argument; to deduct, subtract ( ھـs.th., من from): to discount ( ھـa bill, a note III to argue, quarrel, dispute ( هwith s.o. 242 to bring legal action ( هagainst s.o.), sue (ه s.o.), litigate ( هwith); VI to quarrel, argue, have a fight; to go to law, carry on a lawsuit, litigate ( معwith s.o.) VII to be deducted, be subtracted VIII to quarrel, argue, have a fight خصمkaṣm pl. خصومkuṣūm, اخصام akṣām adversary, antagonist, opponent; opposing party (in a lawsuit)
خصوبةkuṣūba fertility تخصيبtakṣīb fructification, fertilization
خصمdeduction; subtraction; rebate; discount; pl. خصومkuṣūm
اخصابikṣāb fertility مخصباتmukaṣṣibāt fertilizers
liabilities (fin.) │ سعر الخصومsi‘r al-k. discount rate, bank rate; خصم الكمبياالتk. al-kambiyālāt bill discount
مخصبmukṣib fertile, productive, fat خصرkaṣira a (kaṣar) to become cold; to suffer from the cold III to clasp ( هs.o.) around the waist, put one’s arm around s.o.’s ()ه waist VIII to shorten, condense, abridge, epitomize ( ھـs.th.); to summarize ( ھـs.th.)
خصيمkaṣīm pl. خصماءkuṣamā’2, خصمان kuṣmān adversary, antagonist, opponent خصومةkuṣūma quarrel, argument, dispute, controversy, feud; lawsuit
خصرkaṣr pl. خصورkuṣūr hip, haunch, waist
خصامkiṣām quarrel, argument, dispute, controversy, feud; lawsuit
مخصرةmikṣara pl. مخاصرmakāṣir2 stick, baton, wand; mace, scepter اختصارiktiṣār shortening, condensation, abridgment, summarization, epitomizing (of a statement); brevity │ باالختصارand باختصارbriefly, in short, in a few words
مخاصمmukāṣim adversary, opponent, opposing party (in a lawsuit); antagonist; litigant 1
خصىkasīy pl. خصيانkiṣyān, خصيةkiṣya a castrate, eunuch
مختصرmuktaṣar shortened, condensed, abridged; brief, short; concise, terse, succinct; (pl. -āt) short excerpt, brief exposition, synopsis, outline, summary, abstract, epitome, compendium خاصرةkāṣira pl. خواصرkawāṣir2 hip, haunch, waist │ ( شوكة في خاصرتهšauka) a thorn in his side خصفkaṣafa i (kaṣf) to mend, repair, sew ( ھـa shoe) خصفةkaṣfa pl. خصافkiṣāf basket (made of palm leaves) خصلةkuṣla pl. خصلkuṣal, -āt tuft; bunch, cluster; lock, wisp (of hair) خصلةkaṣla pl. خصالkiṣāl quality, property, characteristic, peculiarity, trait; (natural) disposition
خصىkaṣā ( خصاءkiṣā’) to castrate, emasculate ( هs.o.)
خصيةkuṣya pl. خصىkuṣan testicle مخصىmakṣīy castrated, emasculated ( فرس مخصىfaras) gelding 2
اخصائيikṣā’ī pl. -ūn specialist; expert (of a specialized field)
خضkaḍḍa (kaḍḍ) to jolt, jog ( ھـs.th.); to shake ( ھـs.th.); to frighten, scare ( هs.o.) لبن خضlaban kaḍḍ buttermilk خضةkaḍḍa concussion, shock, jolt; fright, terror, fear خضبkaḍaba i (kaḍb) to dye, color, tinge ( ھـs.th.); -- kaḍaba i and kaḍiba a ( خضوبkuḍūb) to be or become green (plant) II to color, tinge ( ھـs.th.); to dye (
ھـs.th) XII اخضوضبikḍauḍaba to be or become green (plant) O خضبkaḍb chlorophyll (biol.) خضابkiḍāb dye, dyestuff │O خضاب الدم k. ad-dam hemoglobin (biol.) خضوبkuḍūb green, greenness, green color خضيبkaḍīb dyed خضخضḳaḍkaḍa ( خضخضḳaḍkaḍa) to set in motion, upset, rock, shake ( ھـs.th.) خضخضkaḍkaḍa concussion, shock, jolt
مخضرةmakḍara meadow, lawn, turf, sod, greens, verdant land مخضراتmukaḍḍarāt vegetables خضرمkiḍrim pl. خضارمkaḍārim2 abundant, copious; well-watered, abounding in water; openhanded, generous, liberal, munificent مخضرمmukaḍram designation of such contemporaries of Mohammed, esp. of poets, whose life span bridges the time of paganism and that of Islam; an old man who has lived through several generations or historical epochs
خضرkaḍira a (kaḍar) to be green II to make green, dye or color green ( ھـs.th.) │ خضر ( األرضarḍ) to sow the land, till the earth IX to be or become green XII اخضوضر ikḍauḍara = IX
خضعkaḍa‘a a ( خضوعkuḍū‘) to bow, defer, submit, yield, surrender ( لto s.o., to s.th.), humble o.s. ( لbefore), obey, follow (ل s.o. or s.th.); to be subject ( لand الىto a law, to a power, etc.), be under s.o.’s ( لor )الىcontrol II and IV to humble, subjugate, subdue, make tractable ( هs.o.); to submit, subject, expose ( ل هor ھـs.th. or s.o. to s.th.)
خضرkaḍir green, verdant; verdure, greenery; young green crop (of grain)
خضوعkuḍū‘ submission, obedience, humility, subjection
الخضرal-kaḍir, al-kiḍir a well-known legendary figure
خضوعkaḍū‘ pl. خضعkuḍu‘ submissive, humble
خضرةkuḍra green, greenness, green color; - (pl. خضرkuḍar) vegetation, verdure, greenery, greens; meadow; خضر vegetables
اخضاعikḍā‘ subjugation, subdual; subjection
خضدkaḍada i (kaḍd) to cut off, break off (ھـ thorns) │ ( خضد شوكتهšaukatahū) to tame s.o., hold s.o. in check, curb s.o.’s power
خضريkuḍarī greengrocer خضارkaḍār green, greenness, green color; greens, herbs, potherbs خضيرkadīr green خضارةkaḍāra greens, herbs, potherbs خضارkaḍḍār greengrocer اخضرakḍar f. خضراءkaḍrā’ pl. خضر kuḍr green │( اتى على االخضر واليابسatā) to destroy everything, wreak havoc الخضراءal-kaḍrā’ “the Verdant” (epithet of Tunis); the sky 243 خضراواتkaḍrāwāt vegetables; greens, herbs, potherbs الخضيراءal-kuḍairā’ Paradise O يخضورyakḍūr chlorophyll (biol.)
خاضعkāḍi‘ pl. خضعkuḍa‘, خضعان kuḍ‘ān, kiḍ‘ān submissive, humble; obedient, pliant, tractable; subject, liable, prone ( لto s.th.) خضلkaḍila a to be or become moist II and IV to moisten, wet ( ھـs.th.) IX = I خضلkaḍil moist, wet; juicy, succulent; refreshing, gay, lighthearted خضمkaḍama i (kaḍm) to munch ( ھـs.th., with a full mouth), bite ( ھـinto s.th.) خضمkiḍamm vast (said of the sea); sea, ocean خطkaṭṭa u (kaṭṭ) to draw or trace a line (على on); to draw, trace, sketch, design (ھـ s.th.); to write, pen ( ھـs.th.); to carve, engrave, inscribe ( ھـs.th.); to outline, mark, trace out, prescribe ( ھـ لfor s.o. s.th.) │ ( )خط خطا )سطراkaṭṭan, satran) to draw a line; ( خطه الشيبšaibu) his hair turned gray II to draw lines; to rule (ھـ
s.th.); to furrow, ridge ( ھـs.th.); to mark with lines or stripes, stripe, streak (ھـ s.th.); to pencil ( ھـthe eyebrows); to mark, designate, earmark, indicate ( ھـs.th.); to demarcate, delimit, delineate, stake out, survey ( ھـland, real estate); to layout, map out ( ھـroads) VIII to trace out, mark, outline, prescribe ( ھـa way); to mark, demarcate, delimit, stake out, delineate (ھـ s.th.); to map out, plan, project ( ھـe.g., the construction of a city); to make, design, devise ( ھـa plan); to plan ( ھـs.th.), make plans ( ھـfor) خطkaṭṭ pl. خطوطkuṭūṭ line; stroke; stripe, streak; (railroad) line, line of communication; telephone line; frontline (mil.); furrow, ridge; handwriting; writing, script; calligraphy, penmanship │O خط ( ارضيarḍī) ground wire (radio); O الخط ( االسفينيisfīnī) cuneiform writing; الخطوط ( األمانيةamāmīya) the foremost lines, battle lines (mil.); ( خط بارزbāriz) relievo script; خط تلفونيtelephone line; خطوط جوية (jawwīya) airlines; ( خط حديديḥadīdī) and خط سكة الحديدk. sikkat al-ḥadīd railroad line, railroad track; خط الزوالk. az-zawāl meridian (astron.; = خط نصف النھارk. niṣf an-nahār); O ( الخط المسماريmismārī) cuneiform writing; خط االستواءk. al-istiwā’ equator; خط الطولk. aṭ-ṭūl or ( خط طوليṭūlī) circle of longitude, meridian (geogr.); خط العرضk. al-‘arḍ or ‘( خط عرضيarḍī) parallel (of latitude) (geogr.); خط تقسيم المياه k. taqsīm al-miyāh divide, watershed; خط القوة الكھربائيةk. al-qūwa al-kahrabā’īya power lines; خط الھاجرةmeridian (grogr.); خرج عن الخطto derail, run off the rails (train); ( على خط مستقيمmustaqīm) straightaway, in a straight line; outright, out and out; ( على طول الخطṭūl al-k.) all along the line خطkuṭṭ section, district, quarter (of a city) خطيkaṭṭī handwritten; linear; spear خطةkuṭṭa matter, affair; condition, state; office, function, position خطةkiṭṭa, kuṭṭa pl. خططkiṭaṭ, kuṭaṭ a place of land acquired for the purpose of building a house; a place of real estate, lot; district; map or plan of a place of real estate, layout; plan, project, design,
intention; line of action, course, policy, rule, precept, guiding principle │خط العمل k. al-‘amal operation plan, work plan; طبقا ( لخطة مرسومةṭibqan) according to schedule, as scheduled or planned خطاطkaṭṭāṭ pl. -ūn penman, calligrapher; -- tracing lines, leaving straight trace │( فشك خطاطfašak) or قذيفة خطاطةtracer bullet, tracer (mil.) تخطيطtakṭīṭ ruling, drawing of, or marking with, lines; lineation; designation, marking, earmarking; surveying, survey (of land); planning; projecting, mapping out, laying out (of cities, of roads); plan, design ( رسم تخطيطيrasm) rough draft, first sketch, design مخطوطmakṭūṭ handwritten; manuscript مخطوطmakṭūṭa pl. -āt manuscript مخططmukaṭṭaṭ striped, streaked, ruled; furrowed; designated, marked, earmarked; planned, guided, controlled; (pl. -āt) sketch, design, plan, layout; map (of a city) خطئkaṭI’a a ( خطأkaṭa’) to be mistaken; to commit an error, make a mistake; to sin II to charge with an offense, incriminate, declare guilty ( هs.o.); to accuse ( هs.o.) of an error or mistake; to fine ( هs.o.; tun.) IV to be mistaken, to err, commit an error, be at fault ( فيin); to be wrong ( فيabout, in); to make a mistake ( فيin, with); to miss (ه s.o., e.g., a shot; ھـthe target); to escape (ه s.o. or s.o.’s notice; a fact) │ أخطأ (فألهfa’luhū) (his omen was wrong, i.e.) his expectations do not come true, are not fultilled; that’s where he is wrong, that’s where he made a mistake! أخطأه الشيء (šai’u) (lit.: the thing escaped him, missed him, i.e.) he lacked it; أخطأه التوفيقhe failed, was unsuccessful; أخطأ في استنتاجاته he drew the wrong conclusions; أخطأ بين الشيئينhe confused the two things, he mistook one thing for the other خطءkiṭ’ slip, lapse, fault, offense, sin خطأkaṭa’ and خطاءkaṭā’ error; mistake, incorrectness; offense, fault; kaṭa’an erroneously, by mistake │ من الخطأ ان...it is (would be) wrong to …; اصالح الخطأ
iṣlāḥ al-k. corrigenda, errata, list of corrections; قتل الخطأqatl al-k. accidental homicide (jur.) خطيئةkaṭī’a pl. -āt, خطاياkaṭāyā mistake, blunder; slip, lapse; fault, offense; crime, sin; fine (tun.) خاطئkāṭi’ wrong, incorrect, erroneous; mistaken, at fault; (pl. خطاةkuṭāh, actually, pl. of colloq. kāṭī), f. خاطئةkāṭi’a pl. خواطئ kawāṭ’2 sinner مخطئmukṭi’ mistaken, at fault, wrong; incorrect, wrong, erroneous خطبkaṭaba u ( خطبةkuṭba, خطابةkaṭāba) to deliver a public address, make a speech; to preach, deliver a sermon ( في الناسand الناس an-nāsa to the people); -- (kaṭb, 245 خطبة kiṭba) to propose ( ھاto a girl; said of the man), ask for a girl’s hand ( )ھاin marriage ( لon behalf of s.o.; said of the matchmaker); to give in marriage, betroth, affiance, engage ( علىor بنته لone’s daughter to s.o.) │( خطب ودھاwuddahā) and ( خطب مودتھاmawaddatahā) he courted her love III to address ( هs.o.), speak, talk, direct one's words ( هto s.o.), turn ( هto s.o., orally or in writing) │ خاطبه بالتليفونto telephone s.o., call s.o. up; ( خاطبه بالكافbil-kāf) to address s.o. on an intimate firstname basis VI to talk to one another; to converse, confer, have a talk, carry on a conversation; to write each other, correspond, carry on a correspondence VIII to seek a girl’s ( )ھاhand in marriage, ask for a girl’s hand خطبkaṭb pl. خطبkuṭb matter, affair, concern, business; situation, conditions, circumstances; misadventure, mishap │ ما خطبكwhat do you want? what’s the trouble? what’s the matter with you? ما خطبه فيwhat concern of his is ...? what has he to do with ...? ما خطب ذلكwhat’s it all about? خطبةkiṭba courtehip; betrothal, engagement خطبةkuṭba pl. خطبkuṭab public address; speech; lecture, discourse; oration; sermon, specif., Muslim Friday sermon, khutbah │ خطبة االفتتاحopening address
خطابkiṭāb pl. -āt, اخطبةakṭiba public address, speech; oration; letter, note, message │ خطاب ترحيبwelcoming address; خطاب العرشk. al-‘arš speech from the throne; ( خطاب مستعجلmusta‘jil) express letter, special-delivery letter; خطاب تقدمةtaqdima letter of introduction; O ( خطابات ذات القيمة المقررةdāt al-qīma almuqarrara) (= lettres avec valeur declarée) registered, insured letters (eg.); فصل الخطابfaṣl al-k. (in letters:) conclusion of the formal greetings by the words اما بعدamma ba‘du; conclusion, termination, end; decision; unmistakable judgment; بيني وبينك فصل الخطابwe’re through with one another once and for all خطابيkiṭābī oratorical, rhetorical, speech-, lecturing (in compounds) خطيبkaṭīb pl. خطباءkuṭabā’ (public) speaker; orator; lecturer; preacher, khatib; suitor (for the hand of a girl); fiancé خطيبةkaṭība fiancée خطابةkaṭāba preaching, sermonizing, oratory خطابةkiṭāba rhetoric, oratory; speech, lecture, discourse خطوبةkūṭūba courtship; betrothal, engagement مخاطبةmukāṭaba pl. -āt address; public address, speech; proclamation; conversation, talk; conference, parley │ مخاطبة تليفونيةtelephone conversation, telephone call تختطبtakāṭub conversation; talk, discussion; (inter)communication (also, e.g., telephonic, by radio, etc.) │لغة التخطاب lugat it-takāṭub colloquial language خاطبkāṭib pl. خطباءkuṭabā’2, خطاkuṭṭāb suitor; matchmaker خاطبةkāṭiba pl. خطابkuṭṭāb woman matchmaker مخطوبةmakṭūba fiancée مخاطبmukāṭab addressed, spoken to; (gram.) second person اخطبوطlook up alphabetically خطرkaṭara i ( خطرانkaṭarān) to swing, wave, brandish ( بs.th.); to shake, tremble,
vibrate; to walk with a (proud) swinging gait; to strut, parade haughtily; -- i u (خطور kuṭūr) to occur ( لto s.o.), come 246 to s.o.’s ( )لmind │ ( خطر على بالهbālihī) the matter came to his mind, occurred to him, he recalled the matter (also في بالهand بباله or. على باله(؛ خطر له خاطرhe had an idea; امر ( لم يخطر ببالlam yakṭur bi-bālin) an unexpected matter, s.th. one wouldn’t dram of; -- kaṭura u ( خطورةkuṭūra) to be weighty; to be important, significant; to be grave, serious, momentous, dangerous, perilous, risky, hazardous III to risk, hazard, stake ( بs.th. بنفسهone’s life); to incur the danger, run the risk ( بof), risk ( بs.th.); to bet, wager ( هs.o., علىa stake) IV to notify, inform ( هs.o.), let ( هs.o.) know ( بabout s.th.); to warn, caution (ه s.o.) V to walk with a lofty, proud gait; to stride, strut (with a swinging gait); to pendulate, oscillate, vibrate VI to make a bet ( علىagainst stake) خطرkaṭar weightiness, momentousness; importance, consequence, significance; seriousness, gravity; -- (pl. -āt, اخطارakṭār) danger, peril, menace ( علىto); riskiness, dangerousness; risk; hazard; (pl. خطار kiṭār) stake, bet, wager │ جليل الخطرof very great importance, momentous; ذو خطر dangerous, perilous; معرض للخطر (mu‘arraḍ) endangered, jeopardized; اشارة الخطرišārat al-k. alarm signal خطرkaṭir dangerous, perilous, risky, hazardous; serious, grave, weighty, important, significant خطرkaṭara pl. kaṭarāt pompous walk, strut; swinging gait; idea, thought, notion خطارkaṭṭār pendulum (phys.) خطيرkaṭīr pl. خطرkuṭr weighty, momentous; important, significant; grave, serious │ خطير الشأنof great importance خطورةkuṭūra weight(iness), importance, moment(ousness); consequence, significance; gravity, seriousness خطرانkaṭarān swinging, oscillation, vibration
اخطرakṭar2 more dangerous, riskier; weightier, of greater consequence; more serious, graver مخطرةlook up alphabetically مخاطرmakāṭir2 dangers, perils مخاطرةmukāṭara pl. -āt venture, risk, hazard اخطارikṭār notification, information; warning خاطرkāṭir pl. خواطرkawāṭir2 ideas, thought, notion; mind; desire, inclination, liking │( ألجل خاطركli-ajl) for your sake; من كل خاطرmin'n kulli kāṭirin with all one’s heart, most gladly; ‘ عن طيبة خاطرan ṭībati kāṭirin gladly, with pleasure; of one’s own free will, voluntarily; على خاطركas you like; اخذ بخاطرهto afford satisfaction to s.o., to comfort, reassure s.o.; اخذ على خاطر منto feel offended by, to take offense at; صدع خاطرهṣadda‘a kāṭirahū to trouble, bother s.o.; طمن ( الخواطرṭammana) to calm the excitement; ( مر بخاطره انmarra) the thought crossed his mind that ...; ( اكراما لخاطركikrāman) for your sake, to please you; سرعة الخاطر sur‘at al-k. presence of mind; سريع الخاطر quick-witted مخاطرmukāṭir one who risks s.th., who takes a chance; daring, bold, venturesome مخطرmukṭir dangerous, perilous, risky, hazardous خطرفkaṭrafa (eg.) to be delirious,. to rave, to talk irrationally خطرفةkaṭrafa delirium, raving خطفkaṭifa a, kaṭafa i (kaṭf) to snatch, wrench or wrest away, seize, grab ( ھـs.th.); to make off ( ھـwith s.th.); to abduct, kidnap ( هs.o.); to dazzle (٢٤٧ البصرal-baṣara the eyes) V to carry away, sweep away (. s.o.) VI to snatch or seize ( ھـs.th.) from one another VII to be snatched away, be wrested away; to be carried away, be swept away VIII to grab, seize, take forcibly ( ھـs.th.); to snatch, wrest, wrench ( من ھـs.th. from s.o.); to abduct, kidnap (ه s.o.); to run away, elope ( ھاwith a woman); to make off ( ھـwith s.th.); to dazzle ( البصرal-baṣara the eyes)
خطفkaṭf grabbing, forcible seizure, rape; abduction, kidnapping; خطفاkaṭfan rapidly, quickly خطفةkaṭfa pl. kaṭafāt (n. vic.) a snatching away, a grab; sudden stirring, flash │( في خطفة البرقbarq) instantly, in a trice, like a streak of lightning; خطفة من خطفات الشعورan impulse, a sudden emotion خطافkaṭṭāf rapacious; robber خطافkuṭṭāf pl. خطاطيفkaṭāṭīf2 (iron) hook; fishhook; (coll.; n. un. )ةswift, a variety of swallow خطيفkaṭīf pl. خطاطيفkaṭāṭīf2 iron hook اختطافiktiṯāf grabbing, forcible seizure, rape; abduction, kidnapping خاطفkāṭif pl. خواطفkawāṭif2 ravenous; rapacious; rapid, prompt; quick, sudden; lightninglike; fleeting; short, brief │ذئاب خاطفةravenous wolves; ( صورة خاطفةṣūra) snapshot; ( حرب خاطفةḥarb) Blitzkrieg خطلkaṭila a (kaṭal) to talk nonsense IV do. V to strut, walk with a pompous gait; to walk with a proud, swinging gait خطلkaṭal idle talk, prattle خطلkaṭil garrulous, chattering, given to silly talk; stupid, foolish خطمkaṭm nose, snout, muzzle (of an animal); front part (nose and mouth); foremost or first part; important matter │اطل مخطمة (aṭalla) approx.: to manifest its force, set in (e.g., of a disaster) خطميkiṭmī, kaṭmī (coll.; n. un. )ةmarsh mallow (Althaea officinalis; bot.) خطامkiṭām pl. kuṭum noseband, halter (of a camel) )خطا )خطوkaṭā u (kaṭw) to step, pace, walk; to proceed, advance, progress │خطا خطوات ( واسعةkaṭawātin) to take large strides, also fig. = to make extraordinary progress II and V to overstep, transgress ( ھـs.th.), to cross ( ھـs.th.), go or walk through s.th. ( ;)ھـto ford ( ھـa river); to leave its banks, overflow (river); to cross, traverse (البحار the seas); to omit, disregard, ignore, pass by ( هso.); to go beyond s.th. ( ;)ھـto extend ( الىto); to exceed, transcend ( ھـs.th.); to excel, surpass, outstrip, outdo ( هs.o.); to proceed, pass ( ھـthrough s.th., الىto),
leave s.th. ( )ھـbehind and turn to s.th. else ( ;)الىto disregard ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) in order to turn one’s attention to (الى( │تخطى به الى ( االمامilā l-amāmi) to promote, advance s.th. VII to step, pace, walk; to proceed, advance, progress خطوةkaṭwa pl. kaṭawāt and kuṭwa pl. kuṭwāt, kuṭuwāt, خطىkuṭan step, pace, stride │( سار في خطاهkuṭāhū) to walk, or follow, in s.o.’s footsteps; تقدم خطوة فخطوة taqaddama kutwatan fa-kutwatan to proceed or advance step by step; اتخذ خطوة ( حاسمةittakada) to take a decisive step; خطوتان وقفزةkaṭwatan wa qafza hop, skip and jump (athlet.) خطيةkaṭīya (= )خطيئةslip, lapse, transgression, fault, offense, sin خطاةkuṭāh pl. of خاطئkāṭi’ sinner خفkaffa i to be light (of weight); to be slight, insignificant; to become lighter, decrease in weight, lose weight; to decrease in intensity, grow lighter (color); to be nimble, agile, quick; to hasten, hurry, rush ( الىto) II to make lighter ( ھـs.th.), reduce the weight of ( ;)ھـto ease, lighten, relieve, soften ( ھـ عنfor s.o. s.th. difficult or oppressive, also ھـ على؛ منs.th., e.g., s.o.’s situation); to lessen, decrease, reduce, diminish ( ھـor منs.th.); to mitigate, alleviate, moderate, temper ( هor منs.th.); to thin, dilute ( ھـe.g., a liquid); (gram.) to pronounce ( ھـa consonant) without tašdīd │ خفف عنكkaffif ‘anka! cheer up! be of good cheer! خفف من سرعتكkaffif min su‘atika! slow down! خفف اآلالم عنهto soothe s.o.’s pains V to dress lightly; to disburden, relieve o.s. (of a burden); to rid o.s., free o.s. ( منof s.th.); to hurry away ( منfrom), leave ( منs.th.) in a hurry X to deem ( ھـs.th.) light; to value lightly, disdain, scorn, despise ( بs.o. or s.th.), look down ( بupon), think nothing ( بof), make light ( بof), set little store ( بby); not to take seriously ( بs.th.), attach no importance ( بto); to carry away, transport ( هs.o., e.g., joy) خفkuff pl. خفافkifāf, اخفافakfāf shoe, slipper; -- (pl. اخفافakfāf) camel hoof; foot (of the ostrich); sole (of the foot) │ رجع بخفي حنينraja‘a bi-kaffai ḥunain to return with empty hands, without having
achieved one’s mission; to accomplish nothing, fail, be unsuccessful `خفةkiffa lightless (of weight); slightness, insignificance, triviality; sprightliness, buoyancy; agility, nimbleness; inconstancy, fickleness, flightiness, levity, frivolity │ خفة الحركةk. al-ḥaraka, خفة في الحركةnimbleness, agility, quickness; خفة الدمk. ad-dam amiability, charm; خف الروحk. ar-rūḥ do.; خفة اليدk. al-yad manual skill, dexterity, deftness اخفakaff2 lighter; lesser, slighter; weaker │ اخف الضررينa. ad-ḍararain the lesser of two evils خفافkafāf, حجر الخفافḥajar al-k. pumice, pumice stone خفانkuffān pumice, pumice stone خفيفkafīf pl. خفافkifāf, اخفافakfāf, اخفاءakiffā’2 light (of weight); slight, little, trivial, insignificant; thin, scanty, sparse; nimble, agile, sprightly, lively; -- الخفيف name of a poetic meter │ خفيف الحركةk. alḥaraka easily movable, very mobile; nimble, agile; خف الدمk. ad-dam amiable, charming; خفيف الروحk. ar-rūḥ likable, charming, winning, amiable; gay, in high spirits, cheerful; خفيف الظلk. az-zill likable, nice (person); خفيف العارضينk. al-‘āriḍīn having a thin beard; خفيف العقلk. al-‘aql feeble-minded, dimwitted; خفيف اليد k. al-yad nimble-fingered, deft; شاي خفيف weak tea تخفيفtakfīf lightening, easing; lessening, decrease, diminution; reduction; allaying, mitigation, alleviation, palliation, moderation; commutation (jur.); relief; thinning. dilution (e.g., of a liquid) │ ظروف التخفيفextenuating circumstances (jur.) استخفافistikfāf disdain, scorn, contempt; levity, frivolity ظروف مخففةẓurūf mukaffafa extenuating circumstances (jur.) مخففmukaffaf thin, diluted خفتkafata u ( خفوتkufūt) to become inaudible, die down, die away (sound, voice); to become silent, become still III ،خافت بكالمه ( بصوتهbi-kalāmihī, bi-ṣautihī) to lower
one’s voice IV to silence, reduce to silence ( هs.o.) VIII = I خفوتkufūt fading (radio) خفتkāfit dying away, dying down, becoming silent; inaudible; faint, dying, fading, trailing off (sound, voice); soft, subdued (light, color) مختفتmuktafit soft, low, subdued 249 خفرkafara u (kafr, خفارةkifāra) to watch ( ه،ھـ s.o., s.th. or over s.o., over s.th.), guard, protect ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); -- kafira a (kafar, خفارةkafāra) to be timid, shy, bashful II = I kafara V = I kafira خفرkafr watching, watch, guard(ing) خفرkafar guard detachment, guard; escort │ خفر السواحلcoast guard (Eg.) خفرkafar timidity, shyness, bashfulness, diffidence خفرkafir bashful, diffident, timid, shy, embarrassed, coy خفيرkafīr pl. خفراءkufarā’2 watchman; protector, guardian; guard, sentry, sentinel خفارةkafāra watch(ing), guard(ing), protection; guard duty مخفرmakfar pl. مخافرmaḳāfir 2 guardhouse, guardroom; guard, control post │ مخفر الشرطةm. aš-šurṭa police station خافرةkāfira: خافرة السواحلk. as-sawāḥil coastguard cruiser (Eg.) مخفورmakfūr under escort, escorted; covered, sheltered, protected خفسkafasa u (kafs) to ridicule, scorn ( هs.o.), laugh, mock ( هat); to destroy, demolish, tear down ( هa house) خفشkafaš day blindness, hemeralopia اخفشakfaš2, f. خفشاءkafšā’2, pl. خفشkufš day blind, hemeralopic; weak-sighted, afflicted with defective vision خفاشkuffāš pl. خفافشkafāfiš2 bat (zool.) خفضkafada i (kafḍ) to make lower ( ھـs.th.); to lower, decrease, reduce, lessen, diminish ( ھـs.th.); to lower, drop ( من،ھـ s.th., also, e.g., the voice); (gram.) to pronounce the final consonant of a word
with i; to put ( ھـa word) in the genitive │ ( خفض جناحهjanāḥahū)to unbend toward s.o., show o.s. open-minded, responsive, accessible to; -- kafuḍa u to be carefree, easy, comfortable (life); to sink, dip, drop, settle, subside; to become low, drop to an undertone (voice) II to lower, decrease, reduce ( ھـs.th., price) │ خفض عليكkaffiḍ ‘alaika! take it easy! خفض عليك جأشك (ja’šaka) cool off! calm down! relax! IV ( اخفض صوتهṣautahū) he lowered his voice V and VII to sink, dip, drop, settle, subside; to be lowered, be reduced (price); to decrease, grow less; to be diminished خفضkafḍ lowering, lessening, decrease, diminution, reduction; subduing, lowering, muffling (of the voice); curtailment, limitation, restriction; ease (of life); (gram.) pronunciation of the final consonant with i │ خفض القيمةk. al-qīma devaluation (of a currency); خفض العيشk. al-‘aiš carefree, easy life; ھو في خفض من العيشhe lives in ease and comfort; خفض الصوتk. aṣ-ṣaut lowering of the voice; حرف الخفضḥarf al-k. preposition (gram.) خفضkafiḍ low, soft, subdued (voice) تخفيضtakfīḍ lowering, cutback, reduction (esp. of prices); diminution, decrease, lessening, curtailment, restriction, limitation انخفاضinkifāḍ sinking, dropping, subsidence; lowering, reduction; lessen ing, decrease. diminution, decrement; dropping of the water level, low water │انخفاض جوي (jawwī) low-pressure area (meteor.) مخفضmukaffaḍ lowered, reduced, low, moderate (price, rate); lower منخفضmunkafiḍ low (altitude, frequency, price, etc.); soft, low, subdued, muffled (voice) │ األراضي المنخفضةthe Netherlands; -- munkafaḍ pl. -āt low ground; depression (geogr.) 250 خفقkafaāqa i u (kafq, خفقانkafaqān, خفوق kufūq) to vibrate; to tremble, shake; to beat, throb, palpitate (heart); to flutter, wave, stream (flag); to flap the wings, flutter (bird); to waver, flicker; -- (kafq) to flash (lightning); to beat, whip ( هs.th.; eggs, cream, etc.); to make the sound of footsteps (shoe); - ( خفوقkufūq) to drop
one’s head drowsily, nod off, doze off ( خفق خفقةk. kafqatan); -- i ( خفوقkufūq) to set, go down (celestial body) II to roughcast, plaster, stucco ( ھـa wall) IV to flap the wings, flutter (bird); to set, go down (celestial body); to be unsuccessful, go wrong, fail, miscarry, come to nothing, be abortive; to fail, be unsuccessful ( فيin s.th.) خفقkafq throb(bing) palpitation; beating, beat; footfall, footstep, tread (of a boot, of the foot) خفقةkafqa pl. kafaqāt (n. vic.) beat, throb; tap, rap, knock; ticking noise, tick خفقانkafaqān palpitation of the heart, heartbeat; throb(bing), beat(ing); f1uttering, flutter خفاقkaffāq palpitant, throbbing (heart); fluttering, waving, streaming (flag) O مخفقةmikfaga whisk, eggbeater اخفاقikfāq failure, fizzle, flop, fiasco خافقkāfiq palpitant, throbbing (heart); fluttering, waving, streaming (flag); الخفقان al-kafaqān East and West; الخوافقalkawāfiq the cardinal points, the four quarters of the world خافقيkāfiqī mortar, plaster, rough-cast; stucco خفانsee خف خفىkafiya a to be hidden, be concealed; to be unknown (a fact; علىto s.o.); to disappear, hide │ ال يخفى انit is well known that ...; as everybody knows ..., it is obvious that ... ; ال يخفى عليكyou know very well ..., you are well aware (of it); -- kafā i to hide, conceal ( ھـs.th.); to keep secret ( ھـs.th.) IV to hide, conceal ( ھـs.th.); to afford (ھـ s.o.) a place to hide, shelter, hide ( ھـs.o.); to keep secret ( ھـs.th.); to disguise, conceal ( ھـs.th., علىor عنfrom s.o.) │ اخفى الصوتto lower the voice, speak in an undertone V to hide, keep o.s. out of view; to disguise o.s. VIII to hide, keep o.s. out of view; to disappear, vanish; to be hidden, be unknown; to be lacking, be missing, be absent │ اختفى عن األنظارto be hidden or disappear from sight X to hide, keep o.s. out of view; to be hidden, be concealed; to be hidden from s.o.’s ()عن
view, become invisible ( عنto s.o.), disappear from sight خفيkafīy hidden, concealed; secret, unknown; unseen, invisible; mysterious │ خفي االسمk. al-ism anonymous; O انوار خفية (anwār) indirect lighting خفيةkufyatan, kifyatan secretly, clandestinely, covertly; خفية عنهwithout his knowledge خفيةkafīya pl. خفاياkafāyā a secret, a secret affair خفاءkafa’ secrecy, hiddenness │في الخفاء secretly, clandestinely, covertly; ال خفاء في ( انkafā’a) it is quite evident, it is quite obvious that ... اخفاءikfā’ hiding, secretion; concealment; lowering of the voice تخفtakaffin disguise اختفاءiktifā’ disappearance خافkāfin hidden, concealed; secret, unknown; unseen, invisible خافيةkāfiya pl. خوافkawāfin a secret; -pl. الخوافىal-kawāfī the coverts, the secondaries (of a bird’s wing) مخفيmakfīy hidden, concealed 251 متخفmutakaffin disguised, in disguise مختفmuktafin hidden. Concealed, clandestine, covert, secret; disappearing, vanishing مختفىmuktafan hiding place, hide-out خاقانlook up alphabetically خلkalla u (kall) to pierce, transfix ( ھـs.th.) II to turn sour; to make sour, to sour, acidify ( ھـs.th.); to pickle, marinate ( ھـs.th.); to salt. cure with salt or in brine ( ھـs.th.); to pick ( ھـthe teeth); to run the fingers (ه through s.th.), part, comb ( ھـthe hair, the beard, also with the fingers) III to treat (ه s.o.) as a friend IV to offend ( بagainst), infringe, transgress ( بs.th.); to violate, break ( بs.th., e.g., a rule, a custom); to fail to fulfill, fail to meet ( بan agreement); to forsake, desert, abandon (ب s.o., s.th.); to disturb, upset, harm, prejudice ( بs.th.) V to be, lie or come between s.th. ( ;ھـalso in time), intervene ( ھـbetween); to be located or situated, be
Interposed, be placed ( ھـbetween); to Permeate, pervade, interpenetrate (ھـ s.th.), mix, mingle, blend ( ھـwith) VIII to be or become defective; to be in disorder, be faulty, deficient, imperfect; to become disordered; to be upset, be unbalanced; to be disturbed (order, system) │اختلت الشروط the conditions are not fulfilled; اختل توازنه (tawāzunuhū) to lose one’s balance, become unbalanced; ‘( اختل عقلهaqluhū) to be mentally deranged خلkall vinegar خلkill, kull pl. اخاللaklāl friend, bosom friend خللkalal pl. خاللkilāl gap, interval, interstice; cleft, crack, rupture, fissure; a defective, unbalanced state, imbalance; defectiveness, imperfection; fault, flaw, defeat, shortcoming; disturbance, upset, disorder; damage, injury, harm (that s.th. suffers or suffered); خاللkilāla during; between; through │ في خللfī kalali and في خاللfī kilāli during; in the course of, within, in a given period of; في خالل ذلك meanwhile, in the meantime; من خاللmin kilāli across, through, right through the middle of; out of, from within; (to judge, reason, draw conclusions, etc.) by, on the basis of, on the strength of, (to recognize) from خلةkalla need, want, luck; -- (pl. خالل (kilāl) property, attribute, peculiarity; characteristic; natural disposition خلةkulla pl. خللkulal friendship خاللkilāl pl. اخلةakilla boring or drilling implement; peg, pin; spit, skewer; (also خاللةpl. -āt) toothpick; see also خلل kalal خليلkalīl pl. اخالءakillā’2, خالنkullān friend, bosom friend; lovers; الخليلHebron (town in Jordanian Palestine) │خليل ﷲ epithet of Abraham خليلةkalīla pl. -āt girl friend, woman friend; sweetheart, paramour ام الخلولumm al-kulūl river mussel (zool.) اخاللiklāl pl. -āt breach, infraction, violation (of a law, of a treaty, and the like); offence (against), transgression,
infringement (of); disturbance (of an order, of a system); impairment, injury, harm (to); average, damage, by sea │مع ‘( عدم االخالل بadami l-i.) without prejudice to, without detriment to اختالل iktilāl deficiency, defectiveness, imperfection; (a falling into) disrepair, deterioration; faultiness; disturbance (of a system, of a function, of the equilibrium, etc.); disorder, confusion
s.o.’s mind; said of worries, doubts, etc.); to pervade, fill ( هs.o.; said of a feeling) │ ( خالج قلبهqalbahū) to be uppermost in s.o.’s heart V to be shaken, be convulsed, be rocked VIII to quiver, tremble, quake, shake; to twitch (eye, limb, body); to animate, move, stir, inspire, fill, pervade, possess ( في، ھـthe heart; said of a feeling) │ ( اختلج غماgamman) to be filled with sorrow, with grief (heart)
مخللmukallal pickled; salted; (pl. -āt) pickles, pickled vegetables
خلجةkalja pl. ka1ajāt emotion, sentiment; scruple, qualm, misgiving
مخلmukill disgraceful, shameful │مخل باآلدابimmoral, indecent, improper 252
خليجkalīj pl. خلجkulj, خلجانkuljān bay, gulf; canal; الخليجname of Cairo’s ancient city canal which was abandoned and leveled at the end of the 19th century │ الخليج الفارسيthe Persian Gulf
خلبkalaba i u (kalb) to seize with the claws, clutch ( ھـs.th.), pounce ( ھـon); -- u (خالبة kilāba) to cajole, coax, wheedle ( هs.o.); to inveigle, beguile, bewitch, enchant ( هs.o., ‘ عقلهaqlahū s.o.’s mind); to charm, fascinate, captivate ( هs.o.) III to cajole, wheedle, coax. inveigle, beguile, bewitch, enchant ( هs.o.) VIII to seize with the claws, clutch ( ھـs.th.), pounce ( ھـon); to cajole, inveigle, beguile, bewitch, enchant ( هs.o.) خلبkilb pl. اخالبaklāb fingernail, claw, talon برق خلبbarqun kallābun and barqu kullabin lightning without a downpour; a disappointing, disillusioning matter; خلب and خلب من برقdelusion, illusion خلبيkullabī: ( فشك خلبfašak) blank cartridges (Syr.; mil.) خالبkallāb gripping, captivating, fascinating; attractive, engaging, winning; tempting, enticing; fraudulent, deceitful; deceptive, delusive, fallacious خالبةkilāba engaging manners, attractiveness, charm مخلبmiklab pl. مخالبmakālib claw, talon خالبkālib = خالبkallāb خلبصII kalbaṣa (eg.) to clown خلبوصkalbūṣ pl. خالبيصkalābīṣ2, خالبصةkalābiṣa (eg.) clown, buffoon, harlequin خلجkalaja i and III to be on s.o.’s ( )هmind, trouble, preoccupy, prepossess ( هs.o.,
خالجkilāj misgiving, doubt, scruple, qualm اختالجةiktilāja (n. vic.) convulsion, jerk, twitch; tremor خالجةkālija pl. خوالجkawālij2 emotion, sentiment; scruple, qualm; idea خلخلkalkala to shake, convulse, rock ( ھـs.th.); to rarefy ( ھـs.th., e.g., air; chem.- phys.) II takalkala to be shaken, be rocked; to come off, become disjointed, become detached; to become loose, work loose; to be or become rarefied (chem.- phys.) خلخلkalkal pl. خالخلkalākil2 anklet خلخالkalkāl pl. خالخيلkalākīl 2 anklet تخلخلtakalkul rarefication مخلخلmukalkal and متخلخلmutakalkil rarefied خلدkalada u ( خلودkulūd) to remain or last forever, be everlasting; to be immortal, deathless, undying; to abide forever ( الىor بin, with); to remain, stay ( الىor بor ل at a place) │ خلد الى الراحةto rest, relax; خلد الى النومto lie down to sleep II to make eternal or everlasting, perpetuate, eternalize ( ھـs.th.), make immortal, immortalize ( ھـs.o.); to make ineffaceable, unforgettable ( ھـs.th.; a memory); to remain, stay, abide, linger (ب at, in a place); to grow very old, enjoy a long life, be long-lived IV to eternize, immortalize, make immortal ( هs.o., ھـ s.th.); to perpetuate ( ھـs.th.); to remain,
stay, abide, linger ( الىor بat, in a place) 253 to be disposed, incline, lean, tend (الى to) V to become eternal or immortal, perpetuate o.s. j to be or become long, lasting, perpetual خلدkuld infinite duration, endless time, perpetuity, eteruity │ دار الخلدParadise, the hereafter خلدkuld mole (zool.) خلدkalad, pl. اخالدaklād mind, heart, spirit, temper خلودkulūd infinite duration, endless time, perpetuity, eternity; eternal life, immortality; abiding, remaining, staying تخليدtaklīd perpetuation, eternization, immortalization خالدkālid everlasting, perpetual, eternal; immortal, deathless, undying; unforgettable, glorious; pl. خوالدkawālid2 mountains │ الجزائر الخالداتthe Canary Islands مخلدmuklid disposed, inclined, tending ( الىto) خلسkalasa i (kals) to steal ( ھـs.th.); to pilfer, filch, swipe, purloin ( ھـs.th.) III خلسه النظر (naẓara) to glance furtively at s.o. VIII to steal, pilfer, filch, swipe ( ھـs.th.); to get under false pretenses or by crooked means ( ھـs.th.); to embezzle, misappropriate (ھـ s.th.); to spend secretly ( ھـhours) │اختلس ( الخطى الىkuṭā) to sneak up on s.o.; اختلس )النظر الى )فيto glance furtively at s.o. خلسةkulsatan by stealth, stealthily, surreptitiously, furtively خالسيkilāsī mulatto, bastard اختالسiktilās pl. -āt embezzlement, misappropriation, defalcation مختلسmuktalis embezzler, defalcator خلصkalaṣa u ( خلوصkulūṣ) to be pure, unmixed, unadulterated; to belong ( لto s.o.); to get, come ( الىto), arrive ( الىat); -( خالصkallāṣ) to be or become free, be freed, be liberated ( منfrom), be cleared, get rid ( منof); to be saved, be rescued, escape ( منfrom); to be redeemed, be delivered, attain salvation (Chr.); -(colloq.) to be finished, be done, be through, be over; to be all gone II to clear,
purify, refine, purge, rectify ( ھـs.th.); to clarify ( ھـa situation); to liberate, free, save, rescue ( هs.o., منfrom), rid (. s.o., من of); to redeem, deliver (Chr.); to prepay the postage ( علىon); to pay duty (على البضائعon merchandise), clear ( علىgoods); to settle ( ھـa bill); (colloq.) to finish (ھـ s.th.) │( خلص حقهḥaqqahū) to restore one’s right, secure one’s due III to act with integrity, with sincerity ( هtoward s.o.), treat ( هs.o.) fair and square; to get even, become quits ( هwith s.o.) IV to dedicate ( ھـ لto s.o. s.th.); to be loyal ( لto s.o.); to be devoted, be faithful ( لto) │اخلص له ( الحبḥubba) to love s.o. dearly; اخلص ( دينهli-llāhi dīnahū) to worship God faithfully and sincerely V to rid o.s. (من of), free o.s. ( منfrom), get rid ( منof); to be freed, be delivered, be saved, be rescued, escape ( منfrom) VI to act with reciprocal integrity and sincerity; to be quits, be even X to extract ( ھـs.th., من from); to copy, excerpt ( ھـs.th., منfrom); to abstract, take, gather, work out ( ھـs.th., as the quintessence, منof); to deduce, infer, derive ( منs.th., منfrom); to discover, make out, find out ( ھـs.th.); to select, choose ( ھـs.th.) ; to demand payment of a sum ( )ھـand get it ( منfrom s.o.) │ استخلص فائدة منto derive profit from, profit, benefit from; استخلص منه وعدا (wa‘dan) to exact a promise from s.o. خالصkalāṣ liberation, deliverance, riddance; rescue, salvation ( منfrom); redemption (Chr.); payment, settlement, liquidation (of a bill); receipt; placenta, afterbirth 254 خالصةkulāṣa pl. -āt excerpt; extract, essence; quintessence, substance, gist (of s.th.); abstract, resume, summary, epitome; synopsis │( خالصة نھائيةnihā’īya) summation (jur.); ( الخالصة الالھوتيةallāhītīya) the “summa theological” (of Thomas Aquinas); ‘( خالصة عطريةiṭrīya) perfume essence; والخالصةin short, briefly, in a word (introducing a summary of the basic ideas) خليصkalīṣ, pl. خلصاءkulaṣā’2 pure, clear, unmixed, unadulterated; sincere, faithful, loyal; loyal adherent خلوصkulūṣ clearness, purity; sincerity, candor; frankness
خالصkallāṣ (magr.) tax collector مخلصmaklaṣ safe place; refuge, escape, rescue, salvation, deliverance تخليصtaklīṣ clearing, purification, refining, rectification; clarification; liberation, extrication, deliverance, rescue, salvation; payment, settlement, liquidation; prepayment of postage (على on); customs clearance, payment of duty ( على البضائعon merchandise; also تخليص )البضائع مخالصةmukālaṣa pl. -āt receipt اخالصiklāṣ sincere devotion, loyal attachment, sincere affection; sincerity, frankness, candor; loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, allegiance ( لto) تخلصtakalluṣ freedom, liberation, release, extrication, escape ( منfrom) استخالصistiklāṣ extraction; excerption; derivation, deduction; selection; collecting (of a sum of money) خالصkāliṣ pl. خلصkullaṣ clear; pure, unmixed, unadulterated; sincere, frank, candid, true; free, exempt ( منfrom) │ خالص األجرةk. al-ujra post-free; خالص الرد k. ar-radd prepaid, reply paid for (telegram); ( خالص من الكمركgumrug) dutyfree; خالص الضريبةtax-exempt مخلصmukalliṣ liberator; Savior, Redeemer (Chr.) )مخلص )عليهmukallaṣ (‘alaihi) postage paid مخلصmukliṣ devoted; sincere, frank, candid; loyal; faithful ( لto s.o., to s.th.); purehearted, virtuous, righteous; المخلص (in letters) approx.: yours truly …, sincerely yours ... مستخلصmustaklaṣ pl. -āt extract, excerpt خلطkalaṭa i (kalṭ) to mix, mingle, commingle, blend ( ب ھـs.th. with); to confuse, confound, mix up ( بينtwo things; بين – وبين s.th. with), mistake ( و-- بينs.th. for) II to mix, mingle, commingle, blend ( ھـs.th.); to cause confusion III to mix, mingle, blend, merge, fuse ( ھـwith s.th.); to meddle ( ھـin), interfere ( ھـwith); to mix, associate ( هwith s.o.); to have to do ( هwith
s.o.) │( خالط نفسهnafsahū) to befall, attack s.o. (pain, etc.); خولط في عقلهkūliṭa fī ‘aqlihi to be or become disordered in mind VIII to be mixed, mix, mingle, form a mixture or blend; to consist of a heterogeneous mixture, be motley, promiscuous; to associate, be on intimate terms ( بwith); to be or become confused, get all mixed up خلطkalṭ mixing, blending; combination; mingling, commingling (ب with); confusing, confounding, mistaking, mix-up, confusion خلطkilṭ pl. اخالطaklāṭ component of a mixture; ingredient; pl. mixture, blend │ اخالط االنسانthe four humors of the human body (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile); اخالط من الناسcommon people, populace, rabble, riffraff, mob; خلط ملطkilṭ milṭ, kalṭ malṭ motley, pell-mell, promiscuously 255 خلطةkalṭa mixture, blend, medley خلطةkulta company; mixture خالطand خالطةkallāṭa pl. -āt mixer, mixing machine خليطkalīṭ mixed, blended; motley, heterogeneous, promiscuous; mixture, blend ( منof); medley, hodgepodge; (pl. خلطاءkulaṭā’2) associate, companion, comrade تخليطtaklīṭ pl. -āt insanity; delirium مخالطةmukālaṭa company, intercourse, association اختالطiktilāṭ (process of) mixing, blending; mingling, commingling; confusion; mental disorder; (social) intercourse, association, dealings ( بwith) مخلوطmaklūṭ pl. مخاليطmakālīṭ2 mixture, blend; alloy مخلطmukallaṭ confused, disordered مخالطmukālaṭ stricken, afflicted ( بe.g., by a disease) مختلطmuktaliṭ mixed │ المحاكم المختلطة the mixed courts, see محكمة؛ تعليم مختلط coeducation خلعkala‘a a (kal‘) to take off, put off, slip off ( ھـa garment); to doff, take off (طربوشة
one’s tarboosh); to extract, pull ( ھـa tooth); to wrench, dislocate, luxate ( ھـa joint); to depose, remove, dismiss, discharge ( هs.o., منfrom an office); to renounce, forgo, give up ( ھـs.th.), withdraw ( ھـfrom); to throw off, cost off ( ‘ عذارهidārahū one’s restraint, one’s inhibitions); to refuse ( الطاعةobedience); to disown, repudiate ( ابنهone’s son); to divorce ( ھاone’s wife) in return for a compensation to be paid by her; to get through, have done ( ھـwith s.th.), be through, have gone through s.th. (ھـ, e.g., a hard day); to impart ( على ھـs.th. to); to confer, bestow ( على ھـs.th. upon s.o.), grant, award ( على ھـs.th. to s.o.) │ خلع ثيابه (tiyābahū) to undress; ‘( خلعه من العرشarš) to dethrone s.o.; ( خلع عليه خلعةkil‘atan) to bestow a robe of honor upon s.o.; خلع على ( نفسه حقḥaqqa) to arrogate to o.s. the right of ...; -- kalu‘a u ( خالعةkalā‘a) to be dissolute, morally depraved II to take away, remove, displace, dislocate (ھـ s.th.); to knock out of joint, take or break apart ( ھـs.th.); pass. kulli‘a to fall to pieces, get out of joint III to divorce (ھا one’s wife, in return for a compensation to be paid by her) V to go to pieces, fall apart, break; to become or be luxated, dislocated (joint); to take a vacation in the country (tun.) │ (تخلع في الشرابšarāb) to be addicted to drinking, drink heavily VII to be displaced, be dislocated, be removed; to be divested, be deprived, be stripped ( منof s.th.), forfeit, lose ( منs.th.) │ انخلع ( قلبهqalbuhū) he was completely taken aback, he was alarmed, startled خلعkal‘ slipping off, taking off (of clothes); deposition (e.g., of a ruler); dislocation, luxation │ خلع األسنانextraction of teeth خلعkul‘ khula, divorce at the instance of the wife, who must pay a compensation (Isl. Law) خلعةkil‘a pl. خلعkila‘ robe of honor خليعkalī‘ pl. خلعاءkula‘a’2 deposed, dismissed, discharged (from an office); repudiated, disowned; wanton, dissolute, dissipated, profligate, morally depraved خالعkallā‘ wild, unruly, wanton, shameless, impudent
خالعةkalā‘a dissoluteness, dissipation, profligacy, wantonness, licentiousness, moral depravity; (tun.) recreation in the country, summer vacation خولعkaula’ fool, dolt, simpleton 256 خالعkāli‘: خالع العذارk. al-‘idār unrestrained, ;uninhibited, wanton; libertine, debauchee, roué, rake مخلوعmaklū‘ unrestrained, uninhibited, wanton; wild, unruly; reckless, heedless, irresponsible; crazy, mad خلفkalafa u to be the successor ( هof s.o.), succeed ( هs.o.): to follow ( هs.o.), come after s.o. ()ه: to take the place of s.o. ()ه, substitute (. for s.o.): to replace ( هs.o., ھـ s.th.): to lag behind s.o. ()عن: to stay behind ( عنafter s.o.’s departure); to be detained, be held back, be kept away, stay away ( منfrom) II to appoint as successor ( هs.o.); to leave behind, leave ( ه, ھـs.o., s.th.); to have descendants, have offspring III to be contradictory, contrary, opposed ( ھـto): to conflict, clash, be at variance (ھـ with); to contradict ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to be different, differ, diverge ( ھـfrom), be inconsistent, incompatible, not in keeping, not to harmonize ( ھـwith); to offend (ھـ against a command, a rule), break, violate, disobey ( ھـa command, a rule) IV to leave ( هoffspring, children); to compensate, requite, recompense ( علىs.o.; said of God): to break, fail to keep ( وعدهwa‘dahū one’s promise), go back on one’s word; to disappoint ( الرجاءar-rajā’a the hopes) V to stay behind; to lag or fall behind (;)عن to stay, stay on, remain; to fail to appear or show up; to play truant; to be absent; to stay away ( عنfrom), not go ( عنto), not attend ( عنs.th.) │( تخلف عن المجيءmajī’) to fail to come or arrive; تخلف عن العودة (‘auda) not to return VI to disagree, differ, be at variance; to differ in opinion, be of a different mind VIII to differ, be different, vary ( عنfrom); to be varied, varying, variable, various, diverse, dissimilar; to vary ( بينbetween); to disagree, differ in opinion, be at variance, argue, quarrel, dispute ( فيabout); to come or go frequently ( الىto), frequent, patronize (الى a place), visit frequently ( الىs.o., s.th.), come and go ( الىat); to come, descend ( علىupon s.o.; said of afflictions), befall,
overtake ( علىs.o.) X to appoint as successor or vicar ( هs.o.) خلفkalf back, rear, rear part or portion; successors; kalfu and من خلفmin kalfu (adv.) at the back, in the rear; kalfa (prep.) behind, after, in the rear of │ جرى خلفھاhe ran after her: من خلفmin kalfi behind, in the rear of; من الخلفfrom behind, from the rear; الى الخلفto the rear, backward, back; الى خلف الشيءin the wake of s.th.; في الخلف in the rear; at the back, in the background خلفيkalfī rear, hind, hinder, back خلفkilf pl. اخالفaklāf test, nipple, mammilla خلفkulf dissimilarity, disparity, difference, contrast, variance, discrepancy خلفkalaf pl. اخالفaklāf substitute; successor; descendant, offspring, scion خلفةkilfa dissimilarity, disparity, difference; that which follows s.th. and replaces it (e.g., second growth of plants, day and night, etc.) خليفةkalīfa pl. خلفاءkulafā’2, خالئف kalā’if2 vicar, deputy; successor; caliph; (formerly) senior official of the native administration in Tunis, assigned to a قائد (formerly) title of the ruler of Spanish Morocco المنطقة الخليفيةal-minṭaqa al-kalīfīya the Caliphate Zone (formerly, designation of Spanish Morocco) خالفةkilāfa vicarship, deputyship; succession; caliphate, office or rule of a caliph: (formerly) administrative department of a ( خليفةTun.), see above مخالفmiklāf pl. مخاليفmakālīf2 province (Yemen) 257 خالفkilāf pl. -āt difference, disparity, dissimilarity; divergence, deviation; contrast, contrariety, incongruity, contradiction, conflict; disagreement, difference of opinion ( علىor فيabout); dispute, controversy; kilāfa (prep.) beside, apart from, aside from │ خالفهkilāfuhū (= )غيرهother, the like, خالفھمothers (than those mentioned), وخالفهand the like (after an enumeration); بخالفbi-kilāfi beside, apart 'from, aside from; contrary to, as opposed to, unlike; خالفا لkilāfan li
contrary to, against, in contradiction to; على خالف ذلكunlike that, contrary to that, on the contrary, on the other hand خالفيkilāfī controversial, disputed مخالفةmukālafa pl. -āt contrast, contrariety; contradiction, inconsistency; contravention, infringement, violation; misdemeanor (jur.; as distinguished from جنحةand ;)جنايةfine (for a misdemeanor) تخلفtakalluf staying away, nonappearance, nonattendance, nonpresence, absence, truancy (also تخلف ;)عن الحضورstaying behind, staying on; stopover (railroad); backwardness اختالفiktilāf pl. -āt difference, dissimilarity, disparity; diversity, variety; variant, variation; difference of opinion, disagreement; controversy │الرعية على ( اختالف المذاھب الدينيةra‘īya, dīnīya) the subjects of every (= irrespective of their) religious denomination; على اختالف احزابھم whichever party they may belong to; الفواكه على اختالفھاall the different fruits, fruits of every kind مخلوفةmaklūfa pl. -āt camel saddle مخلفmukallaf left, left behind; left over; pl. مخلفاتheritage, legacy, estate; scraps, leftovers مخالفmukālif divergent, varying, different; inconsistent, incompatible, contradictory, contrasting, conflicting; transgressor (of a command) متخلفmutakallif residual; left over; retarded, backward, underdeveloped (mentally, in growth, etc.); pl. -ūn one left behind; straggler; pl. متخلفاتheritage, legacy, estate; leftovers; scraps, refuse, offal │( اتربة متخلفةatriba) waste material, overburden, superstratum (in mining); المياه ( المتخلفةmiyāh) waste water, sewage مختلفmuktalif different, varying, divergent ( منfrom); varied, various, diverse; having a different opinion, disagreeing ( فيor علىabout) )مختلف فيه )عليهmuktalaf fīhi (‘alaihi) controversial, disputed خلقkalaqa u (kalq) to create, make, originate ( ھـs.th.); to shape, form, mold ( ھـs.th.); -kaliqa a and kaluqa u to be old, worn,
shabby (garment); -- kaluqa u (خالقة kalāqa) to be fit, suitable, suited II to perfume ( ھـs.th.) IV to wear out ( ھـs.th.), let ( ھـs.th.) become old and shabby V pass. of II; to be molded, be shaped ( بby a model or pattern), change ( بwith a model); to become angry VIII to invent, contrive, devise ( ھـs.th.); to fabricate, concoct, think up ( ھـs.th.); to attribute falsely ( ھـ علىto s.o. s.th.)
natural for him that he ...; خليق بھذا ان يكون ( مؤلماmu’liman) this is apt to be paicful. it is only natural that this is painful; نظرة ( يسيرة خليقة ان تقنعنا بأنtuqni‘anā) no more than a quick glance is apt to convince us that ... خلوقkalūq of firm character, steadfast, upright اخلقaklaq more adequate, more appropriate, more natural
خلقkalq creation; making; origination; s.th. which is created, a creation; creatures; people, man, mankind; physical constitution
خالقkallāq Creator, Maker (God) خليقةkalīqa the creation, the universe created by God; nature; natural disposition, trait, characteristic; creatures, created beings; pl. خالئقkalā’iq2 creatures, created beings
خلقkulq, kuluq pl. اخالقaklāq innate peculiarity; natural disposition, character, temper, nature; -- pl. اخالقaklāq character (of a person); morals; morality │ سوء الخلق sū’ al-k. ill nature; سيئ الخلقsayyi’ al-k. illnatured; سھل الخلقsahl al-k. complaisant, obliging; ضيق الخلقḍayyiq al-k. impatient, restless; ‘ علم األخالقilm al-a. ethics; moral science, morals; 258 سمو األخالقsumūw ala. nobility of character; مكارم األخالقnoble manners, high moral standards; شرطة األخالقšurṭa al-a. vice squad
اخالقيaklāqī moral; ethic(al); ethicist, moral philosopher │( جرم اخالقيjurm) offence against public morals; الفلسفة ( األخالقيةfalsafa) moral science, moral philosophy; ethics أخالقيةaklāqīya morality, moral practice خلقانيkulqānī dealer in old clothes خالقkāliq creative; Creator, Maker (God)
خلقيkulqī ethic(al), moral │ جرائم خلقية offenses against public morals
مخلوقmaklūq created; (pl. -āt. مخاليق makālīq2) creature, created being
خلقkalaq (m. and f.) pl. خلقانkulqān, اخالقaklāq shabby, threadbare, worn (garment)
مختلقmuktaliq inventor, fabricator (of untruths)
خلقةkilqa pl. خلقkilaq creation; innate peculiarity of character, natural disposition, nature; constitution; physiognomy; kilqatan by nature
مختلقmuktalaq fabricated, trumped up, invented, fictitious; apocryphal; pl. -āt lies, falsehoods, fabrications, fictions خلقينkalqīn pl. خالقينkalāqīn2 caldron, boiler, kettle
خلقيkilqī natural, native, congenital, innate, inborn, inbred خلقةkalaqa rag, tatter خالقkalāq share (of positive qualities, of religion) │ ( ال خالق لهkalāqa) disgraceful, ignominious, despicable; a worthless fellow, a good-for-nothing خليقkalīq pl. خلقاءkulaqā’2 fit, qualified, suitable, appropriate ( ل، بfor s.th., انto do s.th.); apt ( انto do s.th.); in keeping with ()ب, adequate ( بto), worthy ( بof) │ نحن خليقون انit is (would be) only fair that we ..., we should ..., we ought to ...; ھو خليق انhe is apt to ..., it is only
خلنجkalanj heath, erica (bot.)
خلنجانkulungān (eg.) (rhizome of) galingale (Polypodium Calaguala Kz.; bot.)
)خال )خلوkalā u (kulūw, خالءkalā’) to be empty, vacant; -- (kuluw) to be free ( منor عنfrom); to be devoid ( منof s.th.), lack, want ( منs.th.), be in need ( منof); to be vacant (office); -- ( خلوةkalwa) to be alone ( مع، الى، بwith s.o., الىalso: with or in s.th.); to isolate o.s., seclude o.s.; to withdraw, retire ( للمداولةli-l-mudāwala for deliberation; court, jury); to withdraw for spiritual communion, in order to take
counsel ( الىwith); to devote o.s., apply o.s.. give one's attention ( لto s.th.); خال به to forsake, desert s.o., leave s.o. in the lurch; -- to pass ( هs.o.), go by s.o. ( ;)هto pass, elapse, go by, be bygone, past, over (time) │( خال له الجوjaww) to have free scope. have freedom 259 of action; ال يخلو ( من جمالjamāl) it is not without a certain beauty; ( ال يخلو من مبالغةmubālaga) it is slightly exaggerated; ال يخلو من فائدةit is not quits useless; خال الى نفسهto be alone with o.s.; to commune with o.s., take counsel with o.s., search one’s heart; منذ عشر سنوات خلتmundu ‘ašri sanawātin kalat for the past ten years II to vacate, evacuate (ھـ s.th.); to leave, leave alone ( هs.o.); to release, let go ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to desist, abstain, refrain ( عنfrom), give up (عن s.th.) │( خلى سبيلهsabīlahū) to let s.o. off, let s.o. go, release s.o.; خلى بين فالن وبين الشيءto give s.o. a free hand in, let s.o. have his own way with or in, let s.o. alone with; to open the way for s.o. to; خل عنك ھذه الميولkalli ‘anka h. l-muyūla desist from such desires! IV to empty, void, drain, deplete ( من ھـs.th. of); to vacate, leave uninhabited or untenanted ( ھـa place); to evacuate ( ھـa city) │اخلى سبيله (sabīlahū) to let s.o. off, let s.o. go, release s.o.; اخلى السبيل لto open the way for ...; ( اخلى طرفṭarafahū) to dismiss, discharge s.o., send s.o. away; to exonerate, exculpate, clear s.o.; ( اخلى سمعه لsam‘ahū) to be all ears for ..., listen intently to ...; اخلى بينه وبين ما يقولto let s.o. say whatever he likes, let s.o. talk freely V to give up, relinquish, forgo, abandon ( عنor منs.th.), withdraw, resign ( عنor منfrom); to cede, leave, surrender ( ل عنs.th. to s.o.); to lay down ( عنan office) VIII to retire, withdraw, step aside, be alone ( بor مع with) خلوkilw free ( منfrom), devoid ( منof) خلوkulūw emptiness, vacuity; freedom ( منfrom) خالkalā and ( ما خالwith foll. acc. or genit.) except, save, with the exception of خالءkalā’ emptiness, vacuity; empty space, void, vacancy, vacuum; open country │ تحت الخالءor في الخالءunder the open sky, outdoors, in the open air; بيت الخالءbait al-k. toilet, water closet
خلوةkalwa pl. kalawāt privacy, solitude; seclusion, isolation, retirement; place of retirement or seclusion, retreat, recess; secluded room; hermitage; religious assembly hall of the Druses; booth, cabin │ على خلوةalone; in retirement, in seclusion; خلوة الحمامk. alḥammām bathhouse خلويkalawī lonely, solitary, secluded, isolated, outlying; located in the open country, rural, rustic, country │بيت خلوي (bait) country house خلىkalīy pl. اخلياءakliyā’2 free (من from), void, devoid ( منof) │خلى البال carefree, easygoing, happy-go-lucky خليةkalīya pl. خالياkalāyā beehive; cell (biol.) │( الخلية الحيوية األولىal-ḥayawīya lūlā) protoplasm; من خالياfrom within ..., from inside ..., out of ... مخالةmiklāh nosebag تخليةtakliya vacating, evaluation اخالءiklā’ emptying, voiding, draining; clearing; vacating, evacuation │اخالء سبيله i. sabīlihī; his release تخلtakallin relinquishment, abandonment, surrender, renunciation, resignation ( عنof s.th.) اختالءiktilā’ privacy, solitude خالkālin empty, void; open, vacant (office, position); free, unrestrained, untrammeled, unencumbered; free ( منfrom), devoid (من of) │in numerous compounds corresponding to Engl. -less or un-, e.g., خال من الفائدةuseless, ( خال من السكانsukkān) uninhabited, untenanted, unoccupied; خالي الدينkālī d-dain not bound by, without obligation to, free ( منfrom); خالى البال carefree, easygoing, happy-go-lucky; -(pl. خوالkawālin) 260 past, bygone (time) │ القرون الخاليةthe past centuries; في االيام الخواليfī l-ayyāmi l-kawālī in the days past خمkamma u (kamm) to sweep ( ھـa room); -- i u (kamm, خمومkumūm) to exude a rotten, foul smell; to rot, putrefy, decay خمkumm pl. اخمامakmām coop, chicken coop, brooder; poultry pen خمةkamma putrid smell, stench
خامkāmm stinking, rotten, putrid, foulsmelling; kām look up alphabetically
خمريةkamrīya pl. -āt wine poem, bacchanalian verse
مخمmukimm stinking, rotten, putrid, foul-smelling
خمار/fimar pl. اخمرةakmira, خمرkumur veil covering head and face of a woman
خمجkamija a (kamaj) to spoil, rot, decay
خمارkumār aftereffect of intoxication, hang-over
خمدkamada u ( خمودkumūd) to go out, die (fire); to abate, subside, let up, calm down, cease, die down IV to extinguish, put out ( ھـfire); to calm, appease, placate, soothe, lull, still, quiet ( ھـs.th.); to suppress, quell ( ھـs.th.); to subdue, soften, deaden, dull ( ھـs.th.); to stifle, smother, kill ( ھـs.th.; fig.)
خميرkamīr leavened (dough); ripe, mature, mellow; leaven; leavened bread
خمودkumūd extinction; decline, degeneration, deterioration; quietness, stillness, tranquility, calm; immobility, motionlessness اخمادikmād extinction, putting out; calming, soothing, placation, appeasement, lulling, stilling; subduing, softening, dulling; settlement; suppression, quelling (of a riot) خامدkāmid dying; abating, subsiding; calm, tranquil, still, quiet خمرkamara u (kamr) and II to cover, hide, conceal (٨ ھـ.th.); to leaven, raise (ھـ dough); to ferment ( ھـs.th.), cause fermentation ( ھـin) III to permeate, pervade ( ھـs.th.), mix, blend ( ھـwith); to possess, seize, overcome ( هs.o., e.g., an idea, a feeling) IV to leaven, raise (ھـ dough); to ferment ( ھـs.th.), cause fermentation ( ھـin); to harbor, entertain (ھـ s.th.); to bear a grudge, feel resentment (ل against s.o.) V to ferment, be in a state of fermentation; to rise (dough); to veil the head and face (woman) VI to conspire, plot, collude, scheme, intrigue (على against) VIII to ferment, be in a state of fermentation; to rise (dough); to become ripe, ripen (also fig.: an idea in s.o.’s mind) خمرkamr m. and f., pl. خمورkumūr wine; pl. alcoholic beverages, liquor خمرةkamra wine خمريkamrī golden brown, reddish brown, bronze-colored (actually, winecolored)
خميرةkamīra pl. خمائرkamā’ir2 leaven; ferment; barm, yeast; enzyme (chem.); (fig.) starter, nucleus, basis (from which s.th. greater develops) خمارkammār wine merchant, keeper of a wineshop خمارةkammāra wineshop, tavern خميرkimmīr winebibber, drunkard, tippler, sot تخميرtakmīr leavening, raising (of dough); fermenting, fermentation اختمارiktimār (process of) fermentation مخمورmakmūr drunk, intoxicated, inebriated مختمرmuktamir fermenting, fermented; alcoholic 261 خمسII to quintuple, make fivefold, multiply by five ( ھـs.th.); to make pentagonal (ھـ s.th.); to divide into five parts ( ھـs.th.) خمسkums pl. خمسakmās one fifth │ ضرب اخماسه في اسداسهḍaraba akmāsahū fī asdāsihī and ( ضرب اخماسا ألسداسliasdāsin) to rack one’s brain in search of a way out; to be at one’s wit’s end; to scheme, intrigue خمسةkamsa (f. خمسkams) five خمسة عشرkamsata ‘ašara (f. خمس عشرة kamsa ‘ašrata) fifteen خمسونkamsūn fifty │ ‘ عيد الخمسينīd alk. Whitsuntide, Pentecost; احد الخمسينaḥad al-k. Whitsunday; أيام الخمسينayyām alkamsīn the period of about 50 days between Easter and Whitsuntide; □ خمسين and خماسينkhamsin, a hot southerly wind in Egypt ‘ عيد خمسينīd kamsīn 50th anniversary
خميلةkamīla pl. خمائلkamā’il2 place with luxuriant tree growth; thicket, brush, scrub
خميسkamīs and يوم الخميسyaum al-k. Thursday │ خميس الجسدk. al-jasad Corpus Christi Day (Chr.); خميس الفصحk. al-fiṣḥ, خميس األسرارk. al-asrār, and خميس العھدk. al-‘ahd Maundy Thursday (Chr.)
خاملkāmil unknown, obscure, undistinguished, unimportant, minor; weak, languid, sluggish
خماسkammās pl. خماسةkamāmisa (magr.) sharecropper receiving one fifth of the crop as wages
مخملmukmal velvet-like fabric, velvet
خماسيkumāsī fivefold, quintuple; consisting of five consonants (gram.) │ ( خماسيzawāyā) pentagonal, five-cornered خميسةkumaisa (mor. Pronounced kmīsa) ornament in the shape of a hand (worn by women and children as a talisman against the evil eye)
مخمليmukmalī velvety │( جلد مخمليjild) deerskin, buckskin خمنII to guess, conjecture, surmise; to make conjectures ( ھـas to); to assess, appraise, estimate ( ھـs.th.) 262 تخمينtakmīn appraisal, assessment, estimation; تخميناtakmīnan and على تخمين approximately, roughly
الخامسal-kāmis the fifth مخمسmukammas pentagonal, fivecornered; pentagon; fivefold, quintuple; O pentameter
خمنmukammin appraiser, assessor 1
خنةkunna nasal twang
خمشkamaša i u (kamš) and II to scratch (ھـ e.g., the face, the skin, with the nails)
خنينkanīn twanging, nasal twang
خمشkamš pl. خموشkumūš scratch, scratch mark, scar
اخنakann2, f. خناءkanna’2 twanging, speaking through the nose
خماشةkumāša pl. -āt scratch, scar
خمصkamaṣa u and kamiṣa a to be empty, hungry (stomach)
خنثkanit oft, effeminate 2
اخمص القدمakmaṣ al-qadam pl. اخامصakāmiṣ hollow of the sale (of the foot) │ من الرأس الى اخمص القدمfrom head to toe
خملkamala u ( خمولkumūl) to be unknown, obscure, undistinguished; to be weak, languid
خنkunn (= خمkumm) pl. اخنانaknān coop. chicken coop, brooder
خنثkanita a to be soft, effeminate V to display effeminate manners, become or be effeminate
خميصkamīs خميص البطنk. al-baṭn, خميص الحشاk. al-ḥašā with an empty stomach, hungry
خمعkama‘a a (kam‘, خموعkumū‘) to limp, walk with a limp
خنkanna i ( خنينkanīn) to speak nasally, nasalize; to twang, speak through the nose
خنثىkuntā pl. خناثkināt, خناثىkanatā hermaphrodite خنوثةkunūta effeminacy تخنثtakannut effeminacy مخنثmukannat bisexual; effeminate; powerless, impotent, weak خنجرkanjar pl. خناجرkanājir2 dagger
خملkami and خملةkamla nap, the rough, hairy surface of a fabric; fibers
خنخنkankana to nasalize, speak, nasally; to twang, speak through the nose
خملkamil languid, sluggish, dull, listless
خندقkandaqa to dig a ditch or trench ( ;)خندقاto take up positions, prepare for battle
خمولkumūl obscurity; weakness lassitude, languor, lethargy; indolence, sluggishness, inactivity; apathy, indifference; sleepiness, drowsiness
خندقkandaq pl. خنادقkanādiq2 ditch; trench خنزوانيةkunzuwānīya megalomania خنزبkanzab Satan, Devil
خنزيرkinzīr pl. خنازيرkanāzir2 swine, pig, hog; ( خنزير بريbarrī) wild hoar; خنازيرscrofula, scrofulosis (med.) خنزيرةkinzīra sow خنازيريkanāzīrī scrofulous الخناسal-kannās epithet of the Devil (properly speaking, he who withdraw, when the name of God is mentioned) اخنسaknas f. خنساءkansā’2, pl. خنس kuns pug-nosed خنشارkinšār fern (bot.) خنوصkinnauṣ pl. خنانيصkanānīṣ2 piglet خنصرkinṣir pl. خناصرkanāṣir2 little finger │ عقد الخنصر )الخناصر( علىto give s.th. toprating because of its excellence, put s.th. above everything else خنعkana‘a a ( خنوعkunū‘) to yield, surrender, bow, stoop ( لor الىto s.o.). humble o.s., cringe ( لor الىbefore s.o.) خنوعkanū‘ submissive, servile, meek, humble; treacherous, perfidious, disloyal خنوعkunū‘ submissiveness, meekness, servility خنفkanaf (eg.) twanging, nasal twang خنفرkanfara to snuffle, snort خنفسkunfus and خنفساءkunfusā’2 pl. خنافس kanāfis2 dung beetle, scarab خنقkanaqa u (kanq) to choke ( هs.o.); to suffocate, stifle, smother, strangle, throttle, choke to death ( هs.o.); to throttle down (techn.; ھـs.th.); to slow down, cut, check, suppress ( ھـs.th.) III to quarrel, have a fight ( هwith s.o.) VI to quarrel, dispute, have a fight ( معwith s.o.) VII pass. of I; VIII to he throttled, be suppressed; to be tight, constricted (throat); to be strangled, be choked to death
خناقkannāq choking, throttling, strangling مخنقmaknaq neck, throat │ أخذه بمخنقهto grab s.o. by the throat, bear down on s.o.; to have power over s.o. خناقkināq strangling cord; neck, throat │ضيق ( الخناق علىḍayyaqa) to tighten the grip around s.o.’s throat, tread on s.o.’s neck, oppress s.o., beset s.o. grievously; أخذ بخناقه to grab s.o. by the throat خناقkināq and خناقةkināqa quarrel, fight, row اختناقiktināq suffocation, asphyxiation; constriction; asphyxia (med.) خانقkāniq choking, strangling; suffocating, asphyxiating, stifling, smothering; throttling, throttle· (in compounds; tech.); (pl. خوانقkawāniq2) choke coil, reactor (radio); gorge, ravine, canyon │ غاز خانقasphyxiating gas; خانق الذئبk. ad-di’b wolfsbane, monkshood, aconite (bot.) مخنوقmaknūq strangled; suffocated, stifled, smothered; suppressed, choking (voice, laughter, etc.); constricted; strangulated; throttled مختنقmuktaniq crammed, jammed, crowded, chock-full ( بwith) ( خنوand خنى( خناkanā u, خنيkaniya a (خنى kanan) to use obscene language IV to hit hard, afflict grievously, wear down, ruin, destroy, crush ( علىs.o., s.th.; said of fate) خنىkanan obscene language; s.th. indecent or obscene; prostitution; fornication خواجةkawāja pl. -āt sir, Mr. (title and form of address, esp., for Christians and Westerners, used with or without the name of the person so addressed) خوانkuwān, kiwān pl. اخونةakwina, اخاوين akāwīn2 table │ خوان الزينةk. az-zīna dressing table
خنقkanq strangling, strangulation; throttling, suppression │ خنق األنوارk. al-anwāar dimout
خوجةkōga (eg.) teacher, schoolmaster
خنقة اليدkanqat (kunqat) al-yad wrist
خوخII (eg.) to rot, decay, spoil
خناقkunāq suffocation; angina (med.); kunāq and خانوقkānūq quinsy, diphtheria 263 (med.); pl. خوانقkawāniq2 and خوانيق kawānīq2 do.
خوخkauk (coll.; n. un. )ةpeach (eg.); plum (syr.) خوخةkauka pl. kuwak skylight, windowlike opening; wicket (of a canal
lock, of a gate); (eg.) alley connecting two streets
into), examination, discussion, treatment ( فيof a subject) مخاضةmakāḍa pl. -āt, مخاوضmakāwiḍ2 ford
خوذةkūda pl. -āt, خوذkuwad helmet 1 )خار )خورkāra ( خوارkuwār) to low, moo (cattle); -- خورkawira a ( خورkawar) and خارkāra u to decline in force or vigor; to grow weak, spiritless, languid, to languish, flag; to dwindle, give out (strength) خورkaur pl. اخوارakwār, خيرانkīrān inlet, bay خورkawar weakness, fatigue, enervation, languor, lassitude خوارkuwār lowing, mooing خوارkawwār weak, languid, strengthless 2
خوريkūrī pl. خورنةkawārina parson, curate, priest; see also under خير
خورسkūrus choir (of a church) خوزقkauzaqa to impale ( هs.o.); to comer, drive into a comer, get into a bad fix (ه s.o.) خازوقsee خزق ورق خوشقwaraq kaušaq wrapping paper; blotting paper 1
خوصkūṣ (coll.; n. un. )ةpalm leaves خوصةkūṣa (eg.) plaitwork of palm leaves (resembling that of Panama hats; used as a tarboosh lining) خواصةkiwwāṣa art of palm-leaf plaiting 264
خوصkawaṣ and اخوصsee خوص
خويصةsee ّخص
)خاض )خوضkāḍ u (kauḍ, خياضkiyāḍ) to wade ( ھـinto water); to plunge, dive, rush ( ھـinto s.th.), tackle courageously (ھـ s.th.), embark boldly ( ھـon); to penetrate ( ھـor فيinto), become absorbed, engrossed ( ھـor فيin); to go into a subject ()في, take up ( في ھـsubject), deal ( فيwith) │خاض ( المعركةma‘raka) to rush into battle; خاض ( غمار الحربgimāra l-ḥarb) to enter the war خوضkawḍ, plunge, rush (into); entering, entry (into, e.g., into war, into negotiations); penetration; search (في
مخاضsee مخض
)خاف )خوفkāfa (1st pers. perf. kiftu) a (kauf, مخافةmakāata, خيفةkīfata) to be frightened, scared; to be afraid ( ه، ھـor من. of), dread ( ه، ھـor منs.o. or s.th.); to fear ( ه، ھـor من s.o., s.th.; علىfor s.o., for s.th.; انthat) II and IV to frighten, scare, alarm, fill with fear ( هs.o.) V = I خوفkauf fear, dread ( منof); خوفا kaufan for fear ( منof), fearing ( علىfor) خيفةkīfa fear, dread ( منof) خوافkawwāf, خويفkawīf fainthearted, fearful, timid, timorous; coward, poltroon اخوفakwaf2 more timorous; more dreadful, more to be feared مخافةmakāfa fear, dread │مخافة ان (makāfatan) for fear that ..., afraid that ... مخاوفmakāwif2 (pl. zu )مخافةfears, apprehensions, anxieties; horrors, dangers, perils تخويفtakwīf and اخافةikāfa intimidation, bullying, cowing, frightening, scaring تخوفtakawwuf fear, dread خائفkā’if pl. خوفkuwwaf fearful, timid, timorous; scared, frightened, alarmed ( منby); afraid ( منof); anxious ( علىabout), apprehensive ( علىfor) مخوفmakūf feared, dreaded; dangerous, perilous مخيفmukīf fear-inspiring, frightful, dreadful, terrible, horrible خاكىlook up alphabetically خولII to grant, accord, give, concede ( ھـ هto s.o. s.th., also ;ھـ لesp., the right, the power to do s.th.), bestow, confer (ھـ ه upon s.o. s.th., also )ھـ ل, vest, endow (ھـ ه s.o. with s.th., also. )ل خالkāl pl. اخوالakwāl, خؤولku’ūl, خولة ku’ūla (maternal) uncle; -- (pl. خيالنkīlān) mole, birthmark (on the face);
O patch, beauty spot خالةkāla pl. -āt (maternal) aunt خولkawal chattels, property, esp., that consisting in livestock and slaves; servants; (eg.) dancer; effeminate person, sissy خولىkaulī supervisor, overseer (of a plantation); gardener خؤولةku’ūla relationship of the maternal uncle مخولmukawwal authorized ( بto) خامlook up alphabetically 1
)خان )خونkana u (kaun, خيانةkiyāna) to be disloyal, faithless, false, treacherous, perfidious, act disloyally, treacherously, perfidiously ( هtoward s.o.); to betray (ه s.o.); to cheat, dupe, gull, hoodwink (ه s.o.), impose ( هupon), deceive (زوجته one’s wife); to fool, deceive, mislead 265 ( هs.o.; said, e.g., of the memory); to forsake, let down, desert ( هs.o.); to fail (ه s.o.; e.g., the voice, and the like); to fail to keep ( ھـe.g., a promise), break (عھدا ‘ahdan a contract) II to regard as or call faithless, false, disloyal, treacherous, dishonest, unreliable ( هs.o.); to distrust, mistrust ( هs.o.) V to impair, harm, hurt, prejudice ( ھـs.th.) VIII to dupe, gull, cheat, deceive, double-cross, betray ( هs.o.) X استخونistakwana to distrust, mistrust (ه s.o.) خيانةkiyāna faithlessness, falseness, disloyalty, treachery, perfidy; breach of faith, betrayal; treason; deception, fooling │ خيانة األمانةk. al-amāna breach of faith; ‘( خيانة عظمىuẓmā) high treason; خيانة الوعود breach of promise خؤونka’ūn faithless, false, disloyal, traitorous, treacherous, perfidious; unreliable, tricky, deceptive خوانkawwān unreliable, faithless, disloyal, treacherous, perfidious; traitor خائنkā’in pl. خوانkuwwān, خونة kawana disloyal, faithless, false, unreliable, traitorous, treacherous, perfidious; traitor
2 3
خانand خانةlook up alphabetically خوانlook up alphabetically
خويkawā i ( خواءkawā’, خوىkawan) to be empty, be hungry; -- kawiya a (خواء kawā’) to be empty, bare, dreary, desolate, waste خواءkawā’ and خوىkawan emptinessv(of the stomach), hunger خاوkāwin empty, vacant; dreary, waste, desolate │‘( خاو على عروشهurūšihī) completely devastated; خاوى الوفاضk. lwifāḍ (= )خالى الوفاضwith an empty pouch, empty-handed, without a catch
خوىIII to join ( هs.o.), join the company of ()ه, accompany ( هs.o.) خويkuwaiy little brother خوةkuwa brotherliness, fraternity (= اخوةukūwa) مخاوmukāwin brotherly, fraternal خيارkiyār (coll.; n. un. )ةcucumber │ خيار شنير k. šanbar (eg.) drumstick tree, purging cassia (Cassia fistula; bot.); خيار قشةk. qašša (eg.) gherkins, pickles )خاب )خيبkāba i ( خيبةkaiba) to fail, miscarry, be without success, be unsuccessful; to be frustrated, be dashed, be disappointed (hopes); to go wrong II and IV to cause to fail; to thwart, frustrate, fail, defeat (ھـ s.th.); to disappoint, dash ( أمالهāmālahū s.o.’s hopes) V = I خيبةkaiba failure, miscarriage, defeat, frustration; fizzle, flop; disappointment │ ولد خيبةwalad k., f. بنت خيبةbint k. (eg.) a good-for-nothing, a ne’er-do-well خائبkā’ib failing; abortive, unsuccessful; disappointed )خار )خيرkāra i to choose, make one’s choice; to prefer ( على ھـs.th. to) II to make or let (ه s.o.) choose ( بينbetween, فيfrom), give (ه s.o.) the alternative, option or choice (بين between, فيin); to prefer ( على ھـs.th. to) III to vie, compete ( هwith s.o.); to make or let ( هs.o.) choose, give ( هs.o.) the choice, option or alternative V to choose, select, pick ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) VIII to choose, make one’s choice; to choose, select, elect, pick ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.), fix upon s.o. or s.th. (،ھـ ;)هto prefer ( على ھـs.th. to) │اختار ﷲ الى جواره... (jiwārihī) approx.: the Lord has taken ... unto Himself X to seek or request what is good or best ( )ھـfor o.s. ( هfrom
s.o.); to consult an oracle, cast lots │استخار ﷲ فيto ask God for proper guidance in
of one’s own accord, spontaneously, voluntarily
خيرkair pl. خيارkiyār, اخيارakyār good; excellent, outstanding, superior, admirable; better; best; - (pl. ٢٦٦ خيور kuyūr) good thing, blessing; wealth, property; -- good, benefit, interest, advantage; welfare; charity │ خير الناسthe best of all people; اخيار الناس، خيار الناسthe beat people, the pick of the human race; ھو خير منكhe ill better than you; ھو خير لكit is better for you; الخير كل الخيرthe very best; ‘( الخير العامāmm) the commonweal, general welfare; دولة الخير العامwelfare state; لخير for the benefit of; لخير انفسھمli-k. anfusihim for their own good; اعمال الخيرcharitable deeds; صباح الخيرṣabāḥ al-k. and صباحك بالخيرgood morning! ( ذكره بالخيرdakarahū) to retain a good impression. of s.o.; to speak well of s.o.
اختياريiktiyārī voluntary, facultative, elective (studies)
خيريkairī charitable, beneficent, benevolent, philanthropic │جمعية خيرية (jam‘īya) charitable organization خيريةkairīya charity, charitableness, benevolence, beneficence خيرkayyir generous, liberal, openhanded, munificent; charitable, beneficent, benevolent; benign, gracious, kind
مخيرmukayyar having the choice or option مختارmuktār free to choose, having the choice or option ( فيin), volunteering, مختاراmuktāran (adv.) voluntarily, spontaneously, of one’s own accord; choice, select, exquisite; chosen, preferred, favorite; a favorite; مختارات selection, selected writings, anthology; (pl. مخاتيرmakātīr2) village chief, mayor of a village (šyr., Leb., Ir.) خيزرانsee خزر )خاس )خيسkāsa i ( خيسkais, خيسانkayasān) to break ( بan agreement, a promise) خيشkaiš sackcloth, sacking, canvas خيشkaiš place of sackcloth; (pl. -āt, خيشkiyaš) sack; straw mattress, pallet; Bedouin tent خيشومsee خشم )خاط )خيطkāṭa i (kaiṭ) and II to sew, stitch (ھـ s.th.) خيطkaiṭ pl. خيوطkuyūṭ, اخياطakyāṭ, خيطانkīṭān thread; twine cord; packthread, string; fiber │ خيط املk. amal a spark of hope, a thread of hope
خيرةkaira pl. -āt good deed, good thing; pl. خيراتresources, treasures (e.g., of the earth, of a country), boons, blessings
خيطيkaiṭī threadlike; fibrous خياطkiyāṭ needle
خيرةkīra and kiyara the best, choice, prime, flower, pick, elite
خياطkiyāṭa swing; needlework, tailoring, dressmaking │ آلة الخياطةsewing machine
خيريkīrī gillyflower (bot.) اخيرakyar 2, f. خيرىkīrā, خورىkūrā pl. اخايرakāyir2 better, superior خيارkiyār choice; option, exercise of the power of choice (Isl. Law); refusal, right of withdrawal (Isl. Law); the best, choice, prime, flower, pick, elite; see also alphabetically خياريkiyārī optional, facultative; voluntary اختيارiktiyār choice; election (also pol.; pl. -āt); selection; preference ( علىto); option; free will (philos.); اختياراiktiyāran
خياطkayyāṭ pl. -ūn tailor خياطةkayyāṭa pl. -āt dressmaker; seamstress مخيطmikyaṭ needle خائطkā’iṭ tailor 267 1
)خال )خيلkāl to imagine, fancy, think, believe, suppose ( انthat); to consider, deem, think ( ه هs.o. to be …, ھـ ھـs.th. to be ...), regard ( ه هs.o. as, ھـ ھـs.th. as) II to make ( الىs.o.) believe ( انthat), suggest ( الىto s.o., ھـs.th.), give s.o. ( )الىthe
impression that (ھـ( │خيل اليه )له( ان (kuyyila) he imagined, fancied, thought that it seemed, it appeared to him that …; ( على مل خيلتkayyalat; النفسbeing understood) as the heart dictates, i.e., as chance will have it, at random, unhesitatingly IV to be dubious, doubtful, uncertain, intricate V to imagine, fancy (ھـ s.th.); to present itself, reveal itself ( لto s.o.’s mind), become the object of imagination. appear (= II kuyyila; لto s.o.) │( تخيل فيه الخيرkaira) to suspect good qualities in s.o., have an inkling of s.o.’s good qualities, think well of s.o., have ھـ good opinion of s.o. VI to pretend ( ب لto s.o. s.th., that ...), act ( لtoward s.o., بas if); to feel self-important, be conceited; to behave in pompous manner, swagger, strut about; to conceive eccentric ideas, get all kinds of fantastic notions, have ھـ bee in one’s bonnet; to appear dimly, in shadowy outlines; to appear, show (على on), hover ( علىabout; e.g., ھـsmile about s.o.’s lips) flit ( علىacross, e.g., ھـshadow across s.o.’s face, etc.) VIII to feel selfimportant, be conceited; to behave in ھـ pompous manner, swagger, strut about خيالkayāl pl. اخيلةakyil disembodied spirit, ghost, specter; imagination; phantom, apparition; phantasm, fantasy, chimera, vision; shadow, trace, dim reflection │ خيال الشكk. ašakk slightest doubt; خيال الصحراءk. aṣ-ṣaḥrā’ scarecrow; خيال الظلk. aẓ-ẓill shadow play
مخايلmakāyil2) indication, sign, symptom, characteristic; pl. مخايلvisions, mental images, imagery تخييلtakyīl playacting │ فن التخييلfann at-t. dramatic art تخيلtakayyul pl. -āt imagination, phantasy; delusion, hallucination, fancy, whim, fantastic notion تخيليtakayyulī fantastic, fanciful, imaginary اختيالiktiyāl pride; arrogance, haughtiness مخيلةmukayyil
مخيلmukīl dubious, doubtful, uncertain, intricate, tangled, confused; confusing, bewildering مختالmuktāl conceited, haughty, arrogant 2
خيالkayyāl pl. ة, -ūn horseman, rider خيالةkayyāl
cavalry (Ir.; Eg. 1939)
سرية خيالةsarīy kayyāl squadron (Eg. 1939) 268
خالsee خول
خيمII to pitch one’s tent, to camp; to settle down; to stay, linger, rest, lie down, lie ( علىon, فىor بat ھـplace); (fig.) to reign (e.g., calm, silence, peace, etc.; فىor بat, in), settle ( علىover) V to pitch one’s tent; to camp
خياليkayālī imaginary, unreal; ideal, ideational, conceptual; utopian
خيمةḳaim pl. -āt, خيامḳiyām, خيم ḳiyam tent; tarpaulin; arbor, bower; pavilion
اخيلakyal more conceited, haughtier, prouder
خيمḳayyām tentmaker
اخيلakyal pl. خيلkīl, اخايلakāyil2 green woodpecker
خيمmuḳayyam pl. -āt camping ground, camp, encampment
خيمḳīm natural disposition, nature, temper, character; inclination, bent, tendency│اخذ ( خيمهeg.) to fool s.o.’s pulse, sound s.o. out
خامlook up alphabetically
خيلولةkailūl conceit, conceitedness, snobbery, arrogance, haughtiness مخيلةmakīl conceit, conceitedness, snobbery, arrogance, haughtiness; (pl.
خيلII to gallop (on horseback) خيلkail (coll.) pl. خيولkuyūl horses; horsepower, H.P. │ سباق الخيلhorse racing, horse race
خيالةkayāl pl. -āt ghost, spirit, specter; phantom; phantasm, fantasy, chimera
خيالءkuyalā’ (f.) conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride; الخيالء al-kuyalā’ haughtily, proudly
imagination, phantasy
□ خيةḳayya pl. -āt noose
s.o.)│ ( دب فيه دبيب الحياةd. al-ḥayāh) to gain vitality II to sharpen, point, taper ( ھـs.th.)
دبdubb pl. ادبابadbāb, دببةdibaba bear│ (الدب االصغرaṣgar) Little Bear, Ursa Minor (astron.); ( الدب االكبرakbar) Great Bear, Ursa Major (astron.) 269
دأبda’aba a (da’b, da’b, دؤوبdu’ūb) to persist, persevere, be indefatigable, untiring, tireless ( فىor علىin s.th.); to go in for s.th. ()على, apply o.s., devote o.s. ( علىto), practice eagerly ( علىs.th.)
دبيdubbī ursine دبةdabba sand hill, mound
دأبda’b pl. ادؤبad’ub habit
دبيبdabīb creeping, crawling; infiltration; influx, inflow, flow (e.g., of sensations, of life, of vigor); reptile
دأبda’b, da’ab and دؤوبdu’ūb persistence, perseverance, tirelessness, indefatigability, assiduity, eagerness
دبابdabbāb creeping, crawling, repent, reptant
دئبda’ib and دائبdā’ib addicted, devoted, persistent, assiduous, eager, indefatigable, untiring, tireless ( علىin)
دبابةdabbāba pl. -āt tank, armored car مدبmidabb: من مدب النيل الى مصبه (maṣabbihī) from the lower Nile to its mouth
دؤوبda’ūb untiring, tireless, indefatigable, persevering, persistent ادأبad’ab2 more persistent, more assiduous
دابةdābba pl. دوابdawābb2 animal, beast; riding animal (horse, mule, donkey)
دادةdāda governess, dry nurse, nurse
دويبةduwaibba tiny animal, animalcule; insect
داغdāg pl. -āt brand (made on cattle, etc.) دالdāl name of the letter د دالياdāliyā dahlia(s) (bot.) داماdāmā checkers│ لوحة الداماlauḥat ad-d. checkerboard دامجانةsee دمجانة
مدببmudabbab pointed, tapered دبجII to embellish, decorate, adorn, ornament ( ھـs.th.); to put in good style, formulate, compose, write down, put down in writing ( ھـs.th.) ديباجdībāj pl. دبابيجdabābīj2 silk brocade
( دانتيالFr. dentelle) dantilla lace دانقdānaq, dāniq pl. دوانقdawāniq2 an ancient coin. = 1/4 dirham; small coin; a square measure (Eg.; = 4 sahm = 29.17 m2)
ديباجةdībāja (n. un. of )ديباجbrocade; introductory verses or lines, proem, preamble; face, visage; style, elegance of style; renown, repute, standing, prestige
دانماركdannmark Denmark دانماركىdanmarkī Danish
تدبيجtadbīj embellishment, adornment, ornamentation; composition, writing (of a book)
الداننوبad-dānūb the Danube دايةdāya pl. -āt wet nrse; midwife دبdabba i (dabb, دبيبdabīb) to creep, crawl (reptile); to proceed, advance, or move slowly; to go on all fours; to enter (فى s.th.), come ( فىinto); to steal, creep (فى نفسهinto s.o.’s heart; of a feeling, e.g., doubt); to spread ( فىover, in, through), fill, pervade, invade ( فىs.th.) ; to gain ground; to gain ascendancy ( فىin s.o.; of a condition, an idea, a sensation); to stream in, ruah in (of sensations, فىupon
مدبجاتmudabbajāt embellishments of speech, fine figures of speech دبدبdabdaba to tread, tap دبدبةdabdaba sound of footsteps, footfall, pitapat; pattering or clattering noise; snapping, flapping noise دبدوبةdabdūba pl. دباديبdabādīb2 point, tip, tapered end 1
دبرdabara u ( دبورdubūr) to turn one’s back; to elapse, pass, go by (time) II to make
arrangements, make plans ( ھـfor), prepare, plan, organize, design, frame, devise, concert, arrange, get up, bring about ( ھـs.th.); to hatch ( ھـa plot, etc.); to contrive, work up ( ھـa ruse); to direct, conduct, manage, run, engineer, steer, marshal, regulate ( ھـs.th.), be in charge (ھـ of); to manage well, economize ( ھـs.th.) │ ( دبر خطةkiṭṭatan) to devise a plan; دبر الشؤونto conduct the course of business, be in charge IV to turn one’s back ( عنor علىon s.o.); to flee, run away; to escape, dodge; to slip away V to be prepared, planned, organized, managed; to reflect, ponder ( فيor ھـon); to consider, weigh, contemplate ( فيor ھـs.th.); to treat or handle with care, with circumspection (في s.th.) VI to face in opposite directions, stand back to back; to be contrary, opposite, opposed; to be inconsistent, incompatible X to turn the back ( هon s.o.) دبرdubr, dubur pl. ادبارadbār rump backside, buttocks, posteriors; rear part, Rear, hindpart; back; last part, end, tail │ من دبرbehind, at the back, in the rear; from behind, from the rear; ولى دبرهwallā duburahū to turn one’s back; to flee, run away دبريdabarī trailing behind, belated, late دبرةdabra turn (of fate) دبورdabūr west wind دبورdabbūr pl. -āt dabābīr2 hornet; wasp تدبيرtadbīr pl. -āt planning, organization; direction, management, disposal, regulation; economy, economization; -- (pl. تدابيرtadābīr2) measure, move, step │ تدبير المنزلt. almanzil housekeeping, household management; ( تدبير منزليmanzilī) do.; قام بالتدابير الالزمةand اتخذ التدابير الالزمة (ittakada,qāma) to take the necessary measures ادبارidbār flight, retreat تدبرtadabbur reflection, meditation (في on), thinking ( فيabout); consideration, contemplation ( فيof)
تدابرtaddbur disparity, dissimilarity, contrast دابرdābir past, bygone (time); the ultimate, utmost, extremity. end; root │ ( قطع دابر الشيءdābira š-šai’) to eradicate, root out s.th., suppress s.th. radically; ( باألمس الدابرamsi) sometime in the past; ( ذھب كأمس الدابرka-amsi d-dābiri) to vanish into thin air, disappear without leaving a trace (actually: like yesterday gone by) مدبرmudabbir manager, director; ruler, disposer; leader; ringleader │مدبر المكائد schemer, intriguer, intrigant مدبرmudbir: مدبرا ومقبالmudbiran wamuqbilan from the rear and from in front 2
دبارةdubāra (= ) دوبارةpackthread, string, twine, cord, rope j thread
دبسdibs sirup, molasses, treacle, esp. of grapes
دبوسdabbūs pl. دبابيسdabābīs2 pin; safety pin │ دبوس انكليزيsafety pin
دبشdabaš junk, rubbish, trash; -- dabš rubblestone, rubble; crushed rock (used as substratum in macadamizing) دبغdabaga a i u (dabg) to tan ( ھـa hide) دباغةdibāga tanning, tanner’s trade دباغdabbāg tanner مدبغةmadbaga pl. مدابغmadābig 2 tannery دبقdabiqa a (dabaq) to stick, adhere ( بto); to cleave, cling ( بto) II to catch with birdlime ( ھـa bird) دبقdibq birdlime دبقdabiq sticky, gluey, limy دبكdabaka u (dabk) to stamp the feet; to dance the dabka (see below) دبكةdabka (syr.) a group dance in which the dancers, lined up with looked arms or holding hands, stamp out the rhythm and sing دبلةdibla pl. دبلdibal ring دبلومdiblōm and دبلومةdiblōma pl. -āt diploma دبلوماسيdiblōmāsī diplomatic; diplomat دبلوماسيةdiblōmāsīya diplomacy
دثرdatara u ( دثورdutūr) to fall into oblivion, be forgotten, become obsolete, antiquated, extinct; to be blotted out, wiped out, effaced, obliterated (track by the wind) II to cover, envelop ( هs.o.); to destroy, annihilate ( ھـs.th.) V to wrap o.s. ( فيin), cover o.s. ( فيwith) VII to be or become wiped out, blotted out, effaced, obliterated; to be old; to be forgotten, have fallen into oblivion, be obsolete VIII iddatara to wrap o.s. ( بin), cover o.s. (ب with) دثارditār pl. دثرdutur blanket, cover مدثورmadtūr past, bygone, ancient (time) دجdajja i (dajj, دجيجdajīj) to walk slowly II دججه بالسالحto arm s.o. to the teeth دجdujj (syr.) thrush (zool.) دجةdujja intense darkness, pitchdarkness دجاجdajāj (coll.) chickens; fowl (as a generic designation) دجاجةdajāja (n. un.) hen; chicken │ دجاجة الحبشd. al-ḥabaš guinea fowl مدجج بالسالحmudajjaj bi-s-silāḥ heavily armed, bristling with arms 271 دجرdajira a (dajar) to be embarrassed, be at a loss ديجورdajūr pl. دياجيرdayājīr2 gloom, darkness, dark ديجوريdaijūrīi dark, gloomy دجلdajala u to deceive, dupe, cheat, take in ( علىs.o.); to be a swindler, a charlatan, a quack II to coat, smear ( ھـs.th.); to gild (ھـ s.th.); to deceive, dupe, cheat, take in (على s.o.), impose ( علىon) دجلdajl deceit, trickery, humbug, swindle دجالdajjāl pl. -ūn, دجاجلةdajājila swindler, cheat, imposter; quack, charlatan (fem. ;)دجالةAntichrist تدجيلtadjīl imposture, humbug; charlatanry, quackery 2
دجلةdijla the Tigris river
دجنdajana u (dajn, دجنdujūn) to be dusky, murky, gloomy (day); -- (dujūn) to
remain, stay; to get used, become accustomed, become habituated; to become tame, be domesticated II to tame; to domesticate ( ھـan animal) │ دجنه لخدمة ( فالنli-kidmati f.) to put s.th. or s.o. to use for s.o., make s.th. or s.o. of service to s.o. III to flatter, cajole, coax, wheedle, try to win or entice by gentle courtesy ( هs.o.) IV to be murky, gloomy, overcast (day); to be dark (night) دجنةdujna, dujunna darkness, gloominess, gloom ادجنadjan2 dark داجنdājin tame, tamed, domesticated (animal); dark, gloomy │ حيوانات داجنة (ḥayawānāt) domestic animals دواجنdawājin2 poultry )دجا )دجوdajā u to be dark, gloomy, dusky; to overshadow, cover, veil, shroud, blanket ( ھـs.th.), spread ( ھـover) III to play the hypocrite, JlOIl'l as a friend ( هof s.o.); to cajole, flatter ( هs.o.) دجىdujan gloom, darkness, duskiness دياج الليلdayājī l-lail dark of night مداجاةmudājāh hypocrisy; flattery, adulation, sycophancy داجdājin dark, gloomy دحدحII tadaḥdaḥa to waddle دحدحdaḥdaḥ and دحداحdaḥdāḥ dumpy, squat, stocky دحرdaḥara a (daḥr, )دحورto drive away, chase away ( هs.o.); to dislodge, remove ( هs.o.); to defeat ( هan army) VIII to be driven away, be routed, be repelled, be thrown back; to be defeated (army); to go under, go to ruin, succumb, break down, collapse اندحارindiḥār banishment, rejection; (pl. -āt) defeat (mil.); ruin, fall, breakdown, collapse; catastrophe │اندحار الكون ind. al-k. end of the world مدحورmadḥūr routed, repelled; expelled, cast out; ostracized, banished دحرجdaḥraja to roll ( ھـs.th.) II tadaḥraja to roll, roll along; to roll down داحسdāḥis pl. dawāḥis whitlow, felon (med.)
دحسdaḥasa a (daḥs) to insert, thrust in, shove in, foist in, smuggle in VII to interfere, meddle; to mix دحضdaḥāḍa a to be invalid, void, untenable (argument); to disprove, refute, invalidate ( ھـan argument) II and IV to disprove, refute, invalidate ( ھـan argument) دحضdaḥḍ refutation, disproof دحوضduḥūḍ: invalidity, shakiness, weakness, refutability (of an argument or a claim) مدحاضmiḍḥāḍ: ( دعوى مدحاضda‘wā) an invalid, unjustified claim 273 )دحا )دحوdaḥā u (daḥw) to spread out, flatten, level, unroll O مدحىmidḥan pl. مداحmadāḥin roller, steamroller ادخرiddakara, مدخرةsee ذخر دخسdukas dolphin دخلdikala u ( دخولdukūl) to enter (ھـ, less frequently في, also الى, s.th.), go, step, walk, move, come, get ( الى، في، ھـinto); to penetrate, pierce ( الى، في، ھـs.th.); to take possession of s.o. ()ه, befall, seize ( هs.o.; e.g., doubt); to take up ( خدمةa post), start at a job; to enter s.o.’s ( )علىroom or house, drop in on s.o. ()على, come to see s.o. ( ;)علىto call on s.o. ( ;)علىto consummate the marriage, cohabit, sleep (", or علىwith a woman); to come (على over s.o.; e.g., joy); (gram.) to be added ( علىto); to supervene, enter as a new factor, aspect, element, etc. ( علىupon s.th.), be newly introduced ( علىinto s.th.); to make one’s own, acquire ( علىs.th.); to join, enter ( ھـor فيe.g., a religious community); to participate, take part (ھـ in); to set in, begin (time, event); to be included ( فيin; ضمنḍimna), fall, come ( تحت, ضمن، فيunder), belong, pertain (،في تحت، ضمنto), be within s.th. (, ضمن،في ;)تحتpass.: dukila to be sickly, diseased, abnormal │( دخل على األمر تعديلta’dīlun) the matter has undergone modification; دخل ( الخدمةkidma) to take up one’s post, start at a job, report for work; دخل المدرسة (madrasa) to enter school; دخل الميناء (mīnā’) to enter the harbor, put in; دخل الموضوعto come to the point; دخل في عقله
))في جسمهdukila fī ‘aqlihi (fī jismihī) to suffer from a mental (physical) disturbance II to make or let enter, bring in, let in ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to enter, insert, include ( هs.th., فيor ھـin) III to come over s.o. ()ه, befall, seize ( هs.o.; e.g., doubt, suspicion, despair) IV to make or let enter, bring in, let in, admit, lead in, show in ( هs.o.); to move, take, haul (على or في ھـs.th. into); to incorporate, include, embody, insert ( فيor ھـ ھـs.th. in); to cause to set in, bring about, produce, set off, trigger ( على ھـs.th. in); to introduce (ھـ s.th., e.g., an innovation, an improvement, علىin or on s.th.) │( ادخله المدرسةmadrasa) to send s.o. to school; ادخل تغييرا علىto bring about a change in ...; ادخلت عليه ( تعديالتudkilat) the matter was subjected to modifications V to meddle ( فيin), interfere ( فيin, with); to interpose, intervene ( فيin); to invade ( فيs.th.), intrude, obtrude ( فيon), disturb ( فيs.th.); to interlock, mesh, gear VI to meddle (في in, e.g., في شؤونهin s.o.’s affairs), butt in ( في الحديثon a conversation); to interfere ( فيin, with), interpose, intervene ( فيin); to interlock, mesh, gear; to be superimposed; to intergrade, shade, blend ( ببعضor بعضه في بعضone into the other); to come over s.o. ()ه, befall, strike, seize ( هs.o.; e.g., doubt. grief) دخلdakl income; revenues, receipts, returns, takings (as opposed to karj); interference, intervention; doubt, misgiving │ ضريبة الدخلincome tax; ليس له ( اي دخل فيهayyu daklin) and ال دخل بهor له ( فيهdakla) he should not meddle in ..., he has nothing to do with ..., it is none of his business دخلdakal disturbance, derangement, disorder, imbalance, or defect of the mind; defect, infirmity دخلةdikla intrinsic nature, essence; inner self, innermost, heart, soul (of a person); secret intention │ راجع دخلتهrāja‘a diḳlatahū to commune with o.s., search one’s soul دخلةdukla: ليلة الدخلةlailat ad-d. wedding night دخلةdukkala a variety of warbler 273
دخيلdakī1 inner, inward, internal; inner self, heart, core; -- (pl. دخالءdukalā’2) extraneous; foreign, alien; exotic; foreigner, alien, stranger; not genuine, false, spurious; newly added ( علىto); novice; (new) convert; guest; protégé, charge, ward │( كلمة دخيلةkalima), لفظ دخيل (lafẓ) foreign word or expression; (syr.pal.) ( دخيلكdakīlak) please, if you please دخيلةdakīla pl. دخائلdakā’il2 inner self, inmost being, intrinsic nature, essence; heart, soul │ في دخيلة نفسهinwardly, inside, in his heart; دخائل نفوسناour inmost being; دخائل األمورthe underlying nature of things, the factors at the bottom of things; دخائل شؤونهd. šu’ūnih his private affairs, (of a country, etc.) its internal affairs دخولdukūl entry, entranoe, admission; entering, ingress; beginning, setting in; penetration; intrusion, invasion; first coition in marriage (Isl. Law) │دخول الحرب d. al-ḥarb entry into war دخوليةdukūlīya octroi, city toll دخلmadkal pl. مداخلmadākil2 entrance; hallway, vestibule, anteroom; entrance hall, lobby, foyer; mouth (of a port, of a canal); O anode (el.); introduction (to a field of learning); behavior, conduct │ ( مدخل السياراتsayyārāt) driveway; مدخل لدراسة القانونintroduction to the study of law; حسن المدخلḥusn al-m. good manners, good conduct
داخلbelonging, pertaining ( فيto), falling (في under), included ( فيin); inner, inward, inside, interior, internal; inside, interior (of s.th.); dākila (prep.) within, inside, in; داخالdākilan inside (adv.) │ من الداخلfrom within; from the inside داخلةdākila pl. دواخلdawākil2 interior, inside, inmost, hidden part; الداخلةthe Dakhla oasis (in central Egypt) داخليdākilī inner, inward; internal; interior, inside; domestic, home, inland (as opposed to خارجيkārijī external, foreign; pol.); indigenous, native; private; belonging to the house; داخلياdākilīyan inside (adv.) │ تالميذ داخليةboarding students (as opposed to خارجيةday students); ( حرب داخليةḥarb) civil war; ( مدرسة داخليةmadrasa) boarding school; مالبس داخليةunderwear; مالحة داخليةinland navigation داخليةdākilīya interior │ داخلية البالدthe interior of the country, the inland; وزارة الداخلية ministry of the interior; وزير الداخلية minister of the interior مدخولmadkūl sickly, diseased, abnormal; (mentally) disordered; of weak character, spineless; (pl. مداخيلmadākīl2) revenue, receipts, takings, returns دخمسdakmasa (دخمسة, dakmasa) to fool (على s.o.) about one’s real intentions, pull the wool over s.o.’s ( )علىeyes; to cheat; to be sly, crafty, artful
مداخلةmudākala interference, intervention; participation, interest ( فيin)
دخمسةdakmasa deception, fooling, trickery; cunning, craft, slyness 274
ادخالidkāl leading in, showing in, bringing in, taking in, hauling in; involvement, implication; insertion, interpolation, incorporation, inclusion; introduction (e.g., of a constitution; of an improvement, علىon an apparatus, or the like)
دخنdakina a to be smoky; to taste or smell of smoke; -- dakina a u to smoke, emit smoke (fire) II to fumigate, fume ( ھـs.th.); to smoke, cure with smoke ( ھـfoodstuffs); to smoke ( ھـa cigarette, tobacco, a pipe) IV to smoke, emit smoke (tire) V to be smoked, be cured with smoke; to be fumigated
تدخلtadakkul entry, entrance; invasion; interference ( فيwith, in), intervention; intrusion, obtrusion │ ‘ عدم التدخلadam att. noninterference, nonintervention (pol.) تداخلtadākul interference, intervention; interlock, meshing, gearing; superimposition; intergradations; permeation, pervasion; O interference (phy.)
دخنdukn pearl millet, dukhn دخنdakan smoke, fume, vapor دخانdukān (dukkān) pl. ادخنةadkina smoke, fume, vapor; tobacco دخنةdukna smoke color; a kind of incense (Calamus aromatious)
O دخينةdakīna cigarette دخاخنيdakākinī (eg., tun.) tobacconist دخنmadkana pl. مداخنmadākin2 chimney, smokestack, funnel تدخينtadkīn fumigation; smoking (e.g., of fish); (tobacco) smoking داخنةdākina pl. دواخنdawākin2 chimney, smokestack, funnel مدخنmudakkin smoker
درأdara’a (dar’) to reject ( ھـs.th.); to avert, ward off ( ھـs.th., e.g., خطراkaṭaran a danger, عنfrom) VI iddāra’a to contend ( فيfor) درءdar’ repulsion, prevention, averting; warding off, parrying دريئةdarī’a pl. -āt target درابزينdarābazīn railing, parapet, banisters, balustrade
ديدبانlook up alphabetically
دراجDurrës (It. Durazzo, seaport in W Albania)
ديدنdaidan habit, practice
دراقdurrāq (syr.) peach
ددىIII to pamper, spoil ( هa child)
دراميdərāmī dramatic
درdarra i u (darr) to flow copiously; to stream, flow, well; to accrue ( علىto s.o.; profit, wealth); to be abundant, plentiful IV to cause to flow; to bestow lavishly, heap ( على هs.th. upon s.o.), shower, overwhelm ( على هwith s.th. s.o.); to yield ( ھـa profit, علىto s.o.) X to stream, flow; to be abundant; to cause or try to bring about the abundant flow of ( ;)ھـto cause s.th. ( )ھـto yield in abundance; to be out for s.th. ()ھـ, seek to gain ( ھـa profit), try to make ( ھـa living)
دربdariba a (darab, دربdurba) to be accustomed, be used ( بto), be practiced, trained, skilled ( بin) II to habituate, accustom ( ه، ھـs.o.) s.th., فيor بor على to); to practice, drill ( هs.o., على بor على in); to school, train, coach, tutor ( هs.o., ،في بor علىin) V to be accustomed, be used ( علىor فيto); to be or become 275 practiced, skilled, trained, drilled, schooled ( علىor فىin); to train (athlet.)
دررdarr milk; achievement, accomplishment │ درهli-llāhi darruhū (literally: his achievement is due to God) how capable, how good, how excellent he is! درdurr (coll.) pearls درةdurra (n. un.) pl. -āt, دررdurar pearl; -- a variety of parrot (Psittacus A1exandri L.) دريdurrī glittering, twinkling, brilliant (star) درةdirra, darra pl. دررdirar teat; udder مدرارmidrār showering abundant rain (sky, cloud); spouting, pouring forth, welling out
دربdarb pl. دروبdurūb narrow mountain pass; path, trail, track; road; alley, lane│ درب التبانةd. at-tabbāna the Milky Way دربةdurba habituation, habitude, habit; familiarity (with s.th.), experience; skill, practice دريبةdarība court of first instance (Tun.) تدريبtadrīb habituation, accustoming; practice; drill; schooling, training, coaching, tutoring│ التدريب العسكري (‘askarī) military training مدربmudarrib pl. -ūn instructor, drill instructor; trainer, coach (atthlet.); tamer (of wild animals) مدربmudarrab experienced; practiced, skilled; trained; schooled
دارdārr flowing copiously; productive, rich, lucrative; profitable
درازينdarābazīn and درزينdarbazīn railing, parapet, banisters, balustrade
مدرmudirr: ( مدر البولbaul) diuretic(al), pl. مدرات البولdiuretics; ‘( مدر العرقaraq) sudorific
دربسdarbasa to bolt ( ھـa door) درباسdirbās pl. درابيسdarābīs2 bolt, doorbolt
دربكةdarabukka (eg.), dirbakka (syr.) pl. –āt darabukka, a conical, one-headed hand drum, open at the small end دربكةdarbaka banging or rattling noise, din, uproar, turmoil درجdaraja u ( دروجdurūj) to go, walk, move, proceed, advance (slowly); to approach gradually, step by step ( الىs.th.); to follow a course ()على, proceed along the lines of ( )على, proceed in such and such a manner ( ;)علىto go away, leave, depart; to outgrow ( منa nest, a habitation); to be past, bygone, over (time); to have passed away, be extinct; to circulate, be in circulation, be current, have currency; to grow up (child); -- (darj) to roll up, roll together (ھـ s.th.); to wrap, wind, twist ( على ھـs.th. around); -- darija a to rise or advance step by step│ درج العرف علىdaraja l-‘urfu ‘alā it has become the general practice to ... II to make ( هs.o.) rise or advance by steps, promote ( هs.o.) by degrees; to move or bring ( ھـs.th.) gradually closer ( الىto); to approximate ( الى ھـs.th. to); to roll up, fold up ( ھـs.th.); to circulate, put into circulation ( ھـs.th.), give currency ( ھـto s.th.), make ( ھـs.th.) the general practice; to divide into degrees, steps or grades, graduate, grade, gradate ( ھـs.th.); to insert, include, enter ( فى ھـs.th. in) III to go, keep up ( ھـwith, e.g., with the time, with a fashion) IV to insert, include, incorporate, embody ( فى ھـs.th. in); to enter, register ( فى ھـs.th., e.g., in a list), book ( ھـs.th.) V to progress by steps, advance gradually; to proceed step by step ( الىto); to make progress ( فىin); to graduate, grade, be graded, graduated, gradated VII to be inserted, entered, incorporated, embodied, included ( فىin); to be classified ( فىin, تحتunder) X to make ( هs.o.) advance or rise gradually, promote ( هs.o.) by degrees; to lead ( هs.o.) gradually ( الىto), bring (ه s.o.) around to ( ل، ;)الىto bait, allure (ه s.o.); to entice, tempt, lure into destruction ( هs.o.) درجdarj entry, entering, registering, registration, recording; a rolled or folded paper; roll, scroll│ فى درج الكتابin the book; فى درج الكالمd. il-kalām in the course of the talk
درجdurj pl. ادراجadrāj drawer (of a table, desk, etc.); desk (e.g., for pupils in school) درجdaraj pl. ادراجadrāj way, route, course; flight of steps, stairs, staircase│ رجع ادراجهraja‘a adrājahū (also )عاد ادراجه to retrace one's steps, go back the way one came; to go back, turn back; 276 ذھب ادراج ( الرياحadrāja r-riyāḥ) to go the ways of the winds, i.e., to pass unnoticed, without leaving a trace; to end in smoke, come to nothing, be futile, be in vain درجةdaraja pl. -at step, stair; flight of steps, stairs, staircase; degree, step, tone (of a scale; mus.); degree (math., geogr.; of temperature); grade, fate; degree, order, rank; club (also, e.g., in trains, of a decoration); phase state, stage (of a development); mark, grade (in school)│ درجة الحرارةd. al-ḥarāra (degree of) temperature; ‘( الدرجات العلياulyā) the maximal temperatures; الدرجات السفلى (suflā) the minimal temperatures; درجة الطولd. aṯ-ṯūl degree of longitude (geogr.); ‘( )درجة علمية )جامعيةilmīya, jāmi’īya) academic degree; درجة العقلd. al-'aql level of intelligence, IQ; دفتر الدرجاتreport card (in school); (من )فى ( الدرجة االولىūlā) first-rate, first-class; ذو درجةof superior quality, high-grade, highclass; ( لدرجة انli-darajati) to the extent that ... ; to such an extent that ...; to much that ... دراجdurrāj pl. دراريجdarārīj2 francolin (zool.); see also alphabetically تدرجtadruj2, تدرجةtadruja pheasant دراجةdarrāja pl. -at bicycle│دراجة نارية motorcycle مدرجmadraj pl. مدارجmadārij2 way that one follows or pursues; course, route; road, path; starting point, outset, rise, growth, birth, dawn, beginning(s); tarmac, runway (of an airfield); (as also mudarraj) amphitheater; (amphitheatered) auditorium or lecture room; grandstand, bleachers│ منذ مدرجهsince its beginnings; مدرج نشأتهnaš’atihī the place where he grew up; ( سار فى مدارج الرقيm. ir-ruqīy) to travel the road of progress
تدريجtadrīj graduation; classification, categorization; gradation│ مع،على التدريج بالتدريج، التدريجgradually, by and by, by degrees, by steps, step by step, more and more تدريجىtadrījī gradual, gradatory, progressive; تدريجياtadrījīyan gradually, by and by, by steps, by degrees, in stages ادراجidrāj insertion, interpolation, incorporation; entry, registration, recording ( فىin a list) تدرجtadarruj gradual advance or progress; gradation, graduation│ بالتدرج gradually, by and by; تدرج ارتقائهt. irtiqā’ihi his gradual rise استدراجistidrāj capability of gradually winning s.o. over, persuasiveness, art of persuasion دراجdarrāj current, prevalent, widespread, popular, common, in vogue, circulating, in circulation│ الكالم الدراج (kalām) and ( اللغة الدارجةluga) the popular language, colloquial language مدرجmudarraj graded, graduated; -- (pl. -āt) open staircase, open-air stairs, fliers, stoop; grandstand, bleachers; amphitheater; (amphitheatered) auditorium or lecture room مدرجmudrai inserted, interpolated, incorporated; entered, registered; contained, included ( ب, فىin), comprised ( ب, فىby) دردdarida a (darad) to become toothless, lose one’s teeth ادردadrad2 toothless دردىdurdī sediment, dregs, lees دردبيسdardabīs ugly old woman. hag دردرةdardara roar, rush (of water); idle talk, prattle, chatter دردارdardār elm (bot.) دردورdurdūr eddy, whirlpool, vortex دردشdardaša idle talk, prattle, chatter 277 1
درزdaraza u to sew, stitch درزdarz pl. دروزdurūz seam, hem; suture
درزىdurzī pl. دروزdurūz Druse│جبل الدروز jabal ad-d. the Jebel ed Druz, the mountainous homeland of the Druses in S Syria
درسdarasa u (dars) to wipe out, blot out, obliterate, efface, extinguish ( ھـs.th.); to thresh ( ھـgrain); to learn, study ( ھـs.th., علىunder s.o.), ‘( درس العلم علىilm) to study under (a teacher, a professor); -- u (دروس durūs) to be effaced, obliterated, blotted out, extinguished II to teach; to instruct (ه s.o., ھـin s.th.); III to study ( هtogether with s.o.) VI to study ( ھـs.th.) carefully together VII to become or he wiped out, blotted out, effaced, obliterated, extinguished درسdars effacement, obliteration, extinction; -- (pl. دروسdurūs) study, studies; lesson, chapter (of a textbook); class, class hour, period; lecture; lesson (taught by experience, etc.)│ القى دروسا عن (alqā) to lecture on ... ; ( اعطى دروساa‘ṯā) to give lessons; ( دروس منزليةmanzilīya) homework (of a pupil or student) دراسdirās threshing (of grain) دراسةdirasa pl. -āt studies; study│ دراسة ‘( عاليةāliya) collegiate studies; دراسة ثانوية (tānawīya) attendance of a secondary school, secondary education, high-school education; ( دراسة متوسطةmutawassiṯa) secondary education, high-school education (Syr.) دراسىdirāsī of or pertaining to study or studies; scholastic, school; instructional, educational, teaching, tuitional│ رسوم دراسيةtuition fees; ( سنة دراسيةsana) academic year; scholastic year, school year دريسdarīs dried clover ‘ عمال الدريسةummāl ad-darīsa (eg.) railroad section gang, gandy dancers دراسdarrās pl. -ūn (eager) student O دراسةdarrāsa flail; threshing machine│O ( حصادة دراسةḥaṣṣāda) combine درواسdirwās mastiff مدرسةmadrasa pl. مدارسmadāris2 madrasah (a religious hoarding school associated with a mosque); school│ مدرسة
( ابتدائيةibtidā’īya) the lower grades of a secondary school, approx. = junior high school; ( مدرسة اوليةawwalīya) elementary school, grade school; مدرسة ثانوية (tānawīya) secondary school, high school; ( مدرسة تجاريةtijārīya) commercial college or school; ( مدرسة حربيةḥarbīya) military academy; ( مدرسة داخليةdāḳilīya) boarding school; ‘( )مدرسة عالية )علياāliya, ‘ulyā) college; مدرسة الفنون والصنائعschool of industrial arts, school of applied art and handicraft; ( مدرسة كبرىkubrā) college; المدرسة القديمةthe old “school” (= intellectual or artistic movement) مدرسيmadrasī scholastic, school تدريسtadrīs teaching, instruction, tuition │ ھيئة التدريسhai’at at-t. teaching staff; faculty, professoriate (of an academic institution) دارسdāris pl. دوارسdawāris2 effaced, obliterated; old, dilapidated, crumbling │ تجدد دارسهtajaddada dārisuhū to rise from one’s ashes مدرسmudarris pl. -ūn teacher, instructor; lecturer │( مدرس مساعدmusā‘id) assistant professor درعII to arm; to armor, equip with armor (ھـ s.th.) V and VIII iddara‘a to arm o.s., take up arms, put on armor درعdir‘ m. and f., pl. دروعdurū‘, ادرع adru‘, ادراعadrā‘ coat of mail, hauberk; (suit of) plate armor; armor plate; armor; armature; (pl. ادراعadrā‘) chemise 278 دراعةdarrā‘a pl. -āt armored cruiser دراعةdurrā‘a pl. درارعdarārī‘2 loose outer garment with sleeves, slit in front دارعdāri‘ armored, armor-clad, ironclad دارعةdāri‘a pl. دوارعdawārī‘2 armored cruiser مدرعmudarra‘ armored; armadillo (zool.) │ ( قوة مدرعةqūwa) tank corps; سيارة ( مدرعةsayyāra) armored car; مشاة مدرعون (mušāh) armored infantry (mil.) مدرعةmudarra‘a pl. -āt armored cruiser
درفيلdarfīl dolphin 1
درقةdaraqa (leather) shield
O درقdaraq thyroid gland درقيdaraqī shield-shaped; thyroid │ الغدة (الدرقيةgudda) thyroid gland 2 1
دراقlook up alphabetically دركII to last, continue, keep up (rains) III to reach, get, catch, overtake, outdistance, outrun ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.), catch up, come up ( ه, ھـwith); to keep up, continue without interruption ( ھـs.th.) IV to attain, reach (ھـ s.th.), arrive ( ھـat); to get, catch, overtake ( هs.o., ھـs.th.), catch up, come up ( ه,ھـ with); to come suddenly, unexpectedly (ه upon s.o.), overtake ( هs.o.; death); to obtain ( ھـs.th.); to grasp, comprehend (ھـ s.th.); to perceive, discern, notice ( ھـs.th.); to realize, understand ( ھـs.th.), become aware, become conscious ( ھـof s.th.); to mature, ripen (e.g., a fruit); to attain puberty, reach sexual maturity (boy) V ( تداركت الشمس الى المغيبšams, magīb) the sun prepared to set VI to reach and seize one another; to continue without interruption, go on incessantly; to face, meet, obviate, take steps to prevent (ھـ s.th.); to put in order, set right, correct (ھـ s.th.), make amends ( ھـfor), provide compensation or indemnity ( ھـfor a loss, or the like) X to correct, rectify, emend (ھـ s.th.); to set right, put in order, straighten out ( ھـs.th.); to make good, repair, redress ( ھـa damage, a mistake, etc.), make up (ھـ for); to supplement, supply ( ھـthat which is missing); to anticipate, forestall, obviate ( ھـan event) دركdarak attainment, achievement, accomplishment; overtaking, catching up; police; (pl. ادراكadrāk) bottom, lowest level دركيdarakī policeman دركةdaraka lowest level; pl. –āt descending steps (as opposed to ;درجاتcf. درجات الحيات ودركات الموتdarajāt al-ḥayāh wa-d. al-maut)
درفdarf side, flank, wing; protection
دراكdarrāk much-accomplishing, efficient, successful
درفةdarfa pl. درفdiraf leaf (of a double door or window)
مداركmadārik2 mental faculties, mental powers, intelligence, intellectual
capacities, perception, discernment │ المدارك الخمسthe five senses
دريھماتduraihimāt (dimin. with a derogatory sense; approx.:) pennies
دراكاdirākan (adv.) constantly, incessantly, without interruption
دروةdirwa pl. -āt (eg.) protecting screen or wall; parapet
ادراكidrāk reaching, attainment, achievement, accomplishment; realization, perception, discernment, awareness, consciousness ( فقد االدراكfaqd al-i. unconsciousness); comprehension, understanding, grasp; reason, intelligence; sexual maturity, puberty; age of maturity │ سن االدراكof sinn al-i. age of discretion (Isl. Law)
درواسdirwās mastiff درويشdarwīš pl. دراويشdarāwīš2 dervish 1
تدركtadarruk gradual decline استدراكistidrāk redress, reparation; correction, emendation, rectification 279 مدركmudrik rational, reasonable, endowed with reason, intelligent; (sexually) mature, pubescent, at the age of puberty
درايةdirāya knowledge, cognizance, acquaintance
مدركاتmudrakāt realizations; cognitions; fixed notions, established concepts 2
ادرىadrā more knowledgeable, better informed, knowing better ( بs.o., s.th.), better acquainted ( بwith)
( دركEngl.) derrick, derrick crane
درمdarima a to fall out (teeth) II to clip, trim ( ھـnails)
ال ادريlā-adrī a skeptic مداراةmudārāh sociability, affability, companionableness
درنdarina a (daran) to be dirty, filthy IV do. V to suffer from tuberculosis درنdarn pl. ادرانadrān dirt, filth; tubercles; tuberculosis │ ( درن رئويri’awī) pulmonary tuberculosis درنةdarana (n. un.) pl. -āt tubercle; small tumor, outgrowth, excrescence, tuberculc, nodule درنيdaranī tubercular, tuberculous تدرنtadarrun tuberculosis │تدرن رئوي (ri’awī) and تدرن الرئةt. ar-ri’a pulmonary tuberculosis تدرنيtadarrunī tuberculous متدرنmutadarrin affected with tubercles, tuberculated مدرهmidrāh pl. مدارهmadārih2 spokesman درھمdirham pl. دراھمdarāhim2 dirhem, drachma (Ir. = coin of 50 ;)فلسa weight (Eg. = 1/12 = اوقيةca. 3.12 g); دراھم money, cash
درىdarī ī ( درايةdirāya) to know ( بor ھـs.th. or of s.th.); to be aware, be cognizant (ب or ھـof); to understand, comprehend ( بor ھـs.th.) │ وما يدري اال و... all of a sudden there was ... III to flatter, treat with flattery or gentle courtesy, cajole, coax (ه s.o.); to deceive, fool, mislead ( هs.o.); to dissemble; to conceal, hide, mask, disguise ( هs.th.) IV to let ( هs.o.) know (ب s.th. or about s.th.), inform, notify, advise ( ب هs.o. of) │ وما ادراك ما... (adrāka), also وما ادراك بdo you realize what ... is? you don’t even know what ... means! VI to hide, conceal o.s.
دارdārin knowing, aware, cognizant (ب of s.th.) 2
مدرىmidran, مدرةmidra (= مردىmirdan), مدراةmidrāh pl. مدارmadārin pole (esp. one for punting boats)
درياقdiryāq (= )ترياقtheriaca; antidote ( دزينةIt. dozzina) dazzīna dozen دسdassa u (dass) to put, get, slip, shove, thrust, insert ( في ھـs.th. into); to bury (في ھـs.th. in the ground); to instill, infuse (في ھـ، بs.th. in); to administer surreptitiously ( السمas-samma poison, لto s.o.); to foist ( في ھـs.th. into); to smuggle ( في ھـs.th. into, بين هs.o. among); to interpolate ( ھـs.th.); to intrigue, scheme, plot ( ل, علىagainst s.o.) │ دس الدسائسto engage in secret machinations, intrigue scheme II to put in, get in, slip in, shove in, thrust in, insert (ھـ s.th.); to hide, conceal ( ھـs.th.) V to engage (secretly, الىin); to be hidden (في
in) VII to slip ( بينbetween or among, في into), creep, steal, sneak ( بينamong, في into), 280 infiltrate ( فيs.th.); to ingratiate o.s., insinuate o.s. ( فيor الىto s.o., into s.o.’s confidence); to be hidden
دسمبرdisembir, disambir December
دسيسةdasīsa pl. دسائسdasā’is intrigue, machination, scheme, plot │دس الدسائس dass ad-d. machinations, intrigues, scheming, plotting ( ضدagainst); plot, conspiracy
دشيشdašīš and دشيشةa kind of porridge made of crushed wheat and butter
دساسdassās pl. -ūn intriguant, intriguer, schemer, plotter, conspirator; sand snake (Eryx jaculus) 1
دسوII to introduce, bring in ( ھـs.th.) V to be hidden, concealed; to penetrate ( الىinto) ( دشFr. douche) duš shower, douche
دشتdašt junk, trash, rubbish, refuse دشنII to hand over, present ( ھـs.th.); to consecrate, dedicate, inaugurate ( ھـs.th.) تدشينtadšīn consecration, dedication, inauguration │ تدشين الكنيشةconsecration of the church
دستdast pl. دسوتdusūt place of honor, seat of honor, seat of office; council │دست الحكم d. al-ḥukm (a ruler’s) throne
دشوV to belch, burp, eruct
دستdist pl. دسوتdusūt kettle, boiler, caldron made of copper (eg., syr.)
دعda‘‘ to rebuff, turn down (contemptuously, II the poor, an orphan)
دستةdasta dozen; pack, packet, package
دعبda‘aba a ( دعابةdu‘āba) to joke, jest, make fun ( هwith s.o.) III to play, toy ( ھـ، هwith s.th., with s.o.); to joke, jest, make fun (ه with s.o.); to give ( هs.o.) a good-natured slap or smack ( ;)بto flirt ( ھاwith a woman) ; to dally, philander, play around ( ھاwith a woman); to play ( هabout s.o.; e.g., waves); to stroke gently, caress, fondle ( هs.th.); to beguile, tempt, delude (ه s.o.; said of hopes); to play ( ھـa musical instrument) │ داعب البيانوto play on the piano VI to make fun, have fun together, have a good time
دستورdustūr pl. دساتيرdasātīr statute; regulations; by-laws; (basic) constitutional law; constitution (pol.); -- (colloq.) dastūr permission دستوريdustūrī constitutional │النظام الدستورىconstitutional form of government دستوريةdustūrīya constitutionality │ عدم ’الدستوريةadam ad-d. unconstitutionality دسرdasara u (dasr) to push, shove, push off ( ھـs.th.) O داسرdāsir propeller, airscrew دسكرdaskara pl. دساكرdasākir2 village دسمdasam fatness (of meat); fat, grease دسمdasim fat; fatty, greasy, grimy, grubby; rich, abundant, substantial; meaty, pithy, full of thoughts (e.g., reading material) ادسمadsam2, f. دسماءdasmā’2, pl. دسم dusm very fat; fatty, greasy, grimy, grubby; -- richer, more substantial, pithier دسامةdasāma fattiness, greasiness, griminess, grubbiness دسومةdusūma fatness; richness, substantiality دسامdassām plug, stopper ديسمdaisam amaranth (bot.)
دعةda‘a see ودع
داعبdā‘ib joking, jocose, playful, jolly, gay, funny 281 دعابةdu‘āba pl. -āt joking, jesting, funmaking, fun; joke, jest دعابda‘‘āb jocose, playful, jolly, gay مداعبةmudā‘aba pl. -āt play, funmaking, fun; joke, jest; pleasantry; dalliance, flirtation, philandery داعبdā‘ib joking, jocose, playful, jolly, gay, funny مداعبmudā‘ib joking, jesting دعبلdi‘bil frog spawn, frog’s eggs مدعبلmuda‘bal indisposed, out of sorts; round, ball-shaped ادعجad‘aj2, f. دعجاءda‘jā’2, pl. دعجdu‘j blackeyed; deep-black and large (eye)
دعرda‘ira a (da‘ar) to be immoral دعرda‘ar immorality, indecency دعرda‘ir unchaste, lewd, licentious, dissolute, obscene, bawdy, immoral, indecent دعارةda‘āra, di‘āra indecency, immorality, licentiousness, debauchery │ بيت الدعارةbait ad-d. brothel داعرdā‘ir pl. دعارdu‘‘ār unchaste, lewd, licentious, dissolute, obscene, bawdy, indecent, immoral دعسda‘asa a (da‘s) to tread underfoot, trample down, crush ( ھـs.th.); to knock down, run over ( هs.o.; automobile) VII pass. of I دعكda‘aka a (da‘k) to rub ( ھـs.th.); to scrub, scour ( ھـs.th.); to scrub on a washboard ( ھـlaundry); to crush, squash, mash (ھـ s.th.); to crumple ( ھـpaper) دعمda‘ama a (da‘m) and II to support, hold up ( ھـs.th.); to prop, shore up, stay, buttress, underpin ( ھـs.th.); to cement, consolidate, strengthen ( ھـs.th.) VIII ادعمidda‘ama to be supported; to rest, be based ( علىon) دعمةda‘ma pl. دعمdi‘am support, prop دعامةdi‘āma pl. -āt, دعائمda‘ā’im2 support, prop, stay, shore; pier; buttress; pillar (esp. fig., e.g., دعائم السيادةpillars of authority) تدعيمtad‘īm support, strengthening, reinforcement, consolidation, underpinning )دعوand دعي( دعاda‘ā u ( دعاءdu‘ā’) to call (ه s.o.); to summon ( بor هs.o.), call or send for s.o. ( بor ;)هto call up ( بs.o., ل،الى for); to call upon s.o. ()ه, appeal to s.o. ()ه for s.th. or to do s.th. ( الى،)ل, invite, urge ( الى ه، لs.o. to do s.th.); to invite, ask to come ( الى هs.o. to; e.g., to a banquet); to move, induce, prompt ( الى ه، لs.o. to do s.th.), prevail ( الى ه، لon s.o. to do s.th.); to call ( ھـ ه، بs.o. by a name), name ( ھـ،ب هs.o. so and so), pass.: دعيdu‘iya to be called, be named; to invoke ( ﷲGod = to pray to); to wish ( لs.o.) well, bless (ل s.o.; properly: to invoke God in favor of s.o.), invoke a blessing ( )بupon s.o. ()ل, pray ( بfor s.th., لon behalf of s.o.), implore ( ب لfor s.o. s.th.); to curse (على
s.o.; properly: to invoke God against s.o.), call down evil, invoke evil ( علىupon s.o.); to propagate, propagandize ( لs.th.), make propaganda, make publicity ( لfor); to demand, require ( الىs.th.), call for ( ;)الىto call forth, bring about, cause, provoke, occasion ( الىs.th.), give rise ( الىto) │دعي ( لالجتماعdu‘ya) to be summoned, be called into session (parliament); دعي الى حمل السالحdu‘iya ilā ḥamli a-silāḥ to be called up for military service, be called to the colors; رجل يدعى... (yud‘ā) a man called ..., a man by the name of ...; دعا له ( بطول العمرṭūli l-‘umr) he wished him a long life III to challenge ( هs.o.); to pick a quarrel ( هwith); to proceed judicially (ه against), prosecute ( هs.o.) VI to challenge each other, call each 282 other forth or out, summon each other; to evoke one another (thoughts, reminiscences, sentiments); to be dilapidated, be tumbledown, threaten to fall (walls); to sink, subside, cave in; to fall down, sink to the ground (person); to collapse, break down, decline, degenerate (fig., of a cultural phenomenon); to dock together, rally VIII ادعىidda‘ā to allege, claim, maintain (ھـ s.th., انthat); to lay claim ( ھـto s.th.), demand, claim ( ھـs.th.); to make undue claims ( ھـto s.th.), arrogate (to o.s.), assume unduly or presumptuously (ھـ s.th.); to effect, feign, simulate, pretend, purport ( بs.th.); to testify (in court); to accuse ( بor ھـ علىs.o. of), charge ( بor ھـ علىs.o. with), blame ( بor ھـ علىs.o. for), hold s.th. ( بor )ھـagainst s.o. ( )علىX to call or send ( هfor s.o.), summon ( هs.o.); to cite, summon for examination or trial (ه s.o.; court, police); to recall ( هs.o., e.g., a diplomatic envoy); to call, appoint ( هs.o., e.g., a professor to a chair); to invoke (ه s.o.); to invite, urge ( الى هs.o. to do s.th.), suggest ( الى هto s.o. s.th. or to do s.th.), call upon s.o. ( )هto do s.th. ()الى, appeal ( الى هto s.o. for s.th. or to do s.th.); to call for ()ھـ, require, demand, necessitate, make necessary or requisite ( ھـs.th.) دعوةda‘wa call; appeal; bidding, demand, request; call, convocation, summons ( الىto), calling up, summoning; (official) summons, citation; invitation; claim, demand, plea; missionary activity, missionary work (also نشر الدعوةnašr ad-
or الى: of s.th.), herald; 283 (pl. دواع dawā‘in) motive, reason, cause, occasion; pl. دواعrequirements, exigencies │داعية حربwarmonger; لدواع صحيةli-dawā‘in ṣiḥḥīya for reasons of health; من دواعي سروريit gives me great pleasure ...
d.), propaganda; -- (pl. دعواتda‘awāt) invocation, imploration, supplication, prayer; good wish │ دعوات صالحاتgood wishes; ( دعوة بالشرšarr) imprecation, curse; صاحب الدعوةhost دعوىda‘wā pl. دعاوىda‘āwā, دعاو da‘āwin allegation, pretension; claim; lawsuit, case, action, legal proceedings (Isl. Law) │ بدعوى انon the pretext that ...
مدعوmad‘ūw one invited, guest; called, named, by the name of متداعmutadā‘in evoking one another, one leading to the other (reminiscences, thoughts); frail. shaky (constitution); dilapidated, tumble-down; ready to fall, threatened with collapse; declining, in a stage of decline, on the downgrade
دعيda‘īy pl. ادعياءad‘iyā’ adopted son; bastard; braggart, bigmouth, showoff; pretender; swindler, impostor دعاءdu‘ā’ pl. ادعيةad‘iya call; invocation of God, supplication, prayer; request, plea; good wish ( لfor s.o.); imprecation, course ( علىagainst s.o.)
مدعmuda‘in one who makes an allegation or pretension, alleger, pretender; claimer, claimant; plaintiff; prosecutor (jur.); arrogant, presumptuous, bumptious │‘( المدعي العموميumūmī) the public prosecutor; ‘( المدعى العامāmm) do. (Mor.)
ادعىad‘ā more conducive, more stimulating, of greater incentive ( ل، الىto), causing or provoking to a greater extent ( ل، الىs.th.) دعاوةda’āwa, di‘āwa pl. -āt propaganda (pol.); publicity ( الىfor)
مدعىmuda‘an claimed; المدعى عليهthe defendant (jur.); pl. مدعياتmuda‘ayāt claims, pretensions
دعاوىda‘āwī, di‘āwī propagandistic دعايةdi‘āya propaganda (pol.) دعائيdi‘ā’ī propagandistic مدعاةmad‘āh determining factor, decisive motive or incentive, cause, occasion تداعtadā‘in imminent collapse, impending breakdown; mutual summoning │ تداعى المعانىtadā‘ī l-ma‘ānī association of ideas ادعاءiddi‘ā’ pl. -āt claim; arrogation, undue assumption, presumption; allegation; pretension, pretense; accusation, charge; االدعاءthe prosecution (in a court of justice) استدعاءistid‘ā’ summons, summoning; recall, calling back; official summons, citation داعdā‘in pl. دعاةdu‘āh one who invites, inviter; propagandist; host; motive, reason, cause │( ال داعيdā‘iya) it is not necessary, there is no need, there is no cause ( لfor) داعيةdā‘iya one who calls for s.th. ()الى, invites to s.th. ( ;)الىpropagandist (with foll. genit.
مستدعmustad‘in applicant, petitioner دغدغdagdaga to tickle ( هs.o.); to crush; to chew, munch ( ھـs.th.) 1
دغرdagara a (dagr, دغرىdagrā) to attack ( علىs.o.). fall upon s.o. ()على
دغرdagr attack, assault دغرىdagrā attack, assault 2
دغرىdugrī (eg., syr.) direct, straight; straight ahead
دغشIV ادغشت الدنياadgašat id-dunyā it became dark, twilight fell دغشdagaš darkness, dusk, twilight دغيشةdagīša darkness, dusk دغصdagiṣa a (dagaṣ) to be chock-full, on tile point of bursting داغصةdāgiṣa pl. دواغصdawāgiṣ knee-pan, kneecap, patella دغلdagal pl. ادغالadgāl, دغالdigāl place with luxuriant tree growth; thicket, bush, jungle; -- defectiveness, faultiness, corruption
داغلdagil covered with dense undergrowth (place); impenetrable; corrupted مدغلmudgil covered with dense undergrowth (place); false, perfidious, insidious (in character)
دفتر الشروطpublication setting forth the terms of a purchase, the conditions of a lease, the stipulations of a contract, or the like; دفتر االشتراكsubscription booklet; دفتر الصندوقd. aṣ-ṣundūq cashbook (com.); دفتر المساحةcadastre, land register; دفتر اليوميةd. al-yaumīya diary, journal; مسك الدفاترmask ad-d. bookkeeping
دغمIV and VIII ادغمiddagama to put (في ھـ s.th. into), insert, incorporate, embody (في ھـs.th. in); (gram.) to contract ( في ھـone letter into another), assimilate ( في ھـs.th. to) VII to be incorporated, embodied, merged, amalgamated; to be assimilated, contracted
دفتيرياdiftēriyā diphtheria
دفdaffa i ( دفيفdafīf) to flap the wings (bird) II to hurry, rush
دفرdafara to push, push back ( هs.o.); dafira a (dafar) to stink
دفdaff pl. دفوفdufūf side; lateral surface دفduff, daff pl. دفوفdufūf tambourine دفةdaffa side; leaf (of a double door or window); cover (of a book), الدفتانthe two covers of a book; rudder, helm │ قائد الدفةor مدير الدفةmudīr ad-d. steersman, helmsman; قبض على دفة التنفيذto take the helm, make o.s. the leader; يد الدفةyad add. tiller; ( من الدفة للشابورةeg.) all together, one and all, all without exception دفيةdiffīya (eg.) loose woolen cloak دفئdafi’a a and دفؤdafu’a u to be warm; to feel warm II and IV to warm, heat (ھـ s.th.) V, VIII ادفأiddafa’a and X to warm o.s. دفءdif’ warmth, warmness, heat دفئdafi’ and دفيءdafī’ warm دفآنdaf’ān2, f. دفأىdaf’ā warm دفاءdifā’ heating دفاءةdafā’a warmth, warmness, heat □ دفايةdaffāya pl. -āt stove 284 مدفأmidfa’ and مدفأةmidfa’a pl. مدافئ madāfi’2 stove, heating stove تدفئةtadfi’a heating, generation of heat دفترdaftar pl. دفاترdafātir 2 booklet; notebook, copybook; daybook, journal; ledger (com.); roster, register, official register │ ( دفتر حسابيḥisābī) account book; bankbook, passbook; دفتر الحساباتd. al-ḥisābāt letter file, letter book, folder, portfolio;
دفترخانةdaftarkāna archives, public records office (Eg.) │ دفترخانة األمالك العقارية d. al-amlāk al-‘aqārīya land-registry office (Tun.)
دفرdafar stench دفرdafir stinking, fetid دفسdafasa to hide (A s.th.); to push دفعdafa‘a a (daf‘) to push; to push away, shove away, push back, drive back, repel, remove, dislodge, drive away ( ه، عن ھـs.o., s.th. from); ( دفعه جانباjāniban) to push, shove, or elbow, s.o. aside; to rid (عن نفسه o.s., ھـof s.th.), get rid of s.th.; to get the better ( ه، ھـof s.o., of s.th.), conquer, master control ( هs.o., ھـs.th.); to fight (ب ھـs.th. with); to reject, repudiate ( ھـs.th.); to rebut, refute, disprove ( ھـs.th.); to propel, drive ( ھـs.th.); to move, cause, urge, impel, egg on, goad ( هor بs.o., الى or لto do s.th.), induce, incite, force, compel, oblige ( هor بs.o., الىor لto), make s.o. ( بor )هdo s.th. ( الىor ;)لto band over, present, turn over ( لor الى ھـ s.th. to s.o.); to pay ( ثمناtamanan a price, الىor لto s.o.) │( دفع خطاه الىkuṭāhū) to wend one’s way to III to resist, withstand ( هs.o., .s.th.). offer resistance ( ه، ھـto); to contradict, oppose ( هs.o., عنso as to make him abstain from s.th.), dissuade ( هs.o., عن from); to suppress ( ھـs.th.); to defend (عن s.o., s.th.), uphold ( عنs.th.); to be entrusted with the defense ( عنof s.th., of s.o., also jur.) V to dash forward; to dart off, rush off; to pour forth, flow, stream, gush forth (water); to spring up, make itself felt (an idea, a social tendency, and the like) VI to shove or push one another; to push or shove one another away or aside; to push off, shove off ( عنfrom); to
issue in intermittent bursts, gush forth intermittently; to burst forth, rush out, sally ( منfrom); to be propelled, be driven forward; to storm forward VII to dart off, rush off; to proceed rashly, blindly, without forethought; to be too impetuous, be too hotheaded; to plunge headlong (في into s.th.); to rush, dart. make ( الىat s.th.), pounce ( الىon s.th.); to rush off, hurry off, go quickly ( الىto; with foll. imperf.: to do s.th.); to give o.s. ( لto s.o.); to burst forth, gush out, pour forth, spurt, spout, flow, run ( منfrom; water); to let o.s. be carried away or be overcome ( وراءby s.th., e.g., وراء شھواتهšahawātihī by one’s bodily appetites, وراء شعورهby one’s feelings, وراء العاجلةby worldly things); to proceed, set out, begin (with foll. imperf.: to do s.th.) X to try to ward off or stave off ( ھـs.th., ب by) دفعdaf‘ pushing back, shoving aside; repulsion. driving away, driving off; dispelling; parrying, warding off, staving off; repulse, rejection. repudiation; rebuttal; handing over, turning in; payment 285 دفعةdaf‘a (n. vic.) pl. dafa‘āt shove, push, thrust; impetus, impact, momentum, forceful impulse, drive; ejaculation; payment; deposit; disbursement; pl. issues (stock market) دفعةdaf‘a pl. dufu‘āt, dafa‘āt that which issues at anyone time, a burst, a gush, a spurt, and the like; time, instance │( دفعة واحدةduf‘atan) all at one time, all at once, in one stroke, in one fell swoop; ھذه الدفعةthis time; ست دفعاتsix times; على ( دفعات متفاوتةmutafāwita) at different times دفاعdaffā’ propelling, impelling, giving impetus; O piston (techn.) مدفعmidfa’ pl. مدافعmadāfi‘2 gun, cannon │O ( مدافع بعيدة المرمىba‘īdat almarmā) long-range guns; مدفع رشاش (raššāš) machine gun; O مدافع ضخمة (ḍakma) heavy artillery; O المدافع المضاد ( للطائراتmuḍādda) or المدافع المقاومة للطائرات (muqāwima) antiaircraft guns; O مدفع ثالثي ( مضاد للطائراتtulātī, muḍādd) threebarreled anti-aircraft gun (mil.); مدفع ھون m. hāwun mortar; ضرب مدفع الظھرḍarb m.
aẓ-ẓuhr marking of exact noon by cannon shot مدفعيmidfa‘ī gun-, cannon-, artillery(in compounds); artilleryman, gunner, cannoneer مدفعيةmidfa‘īya artillery دفاعdifā‘ protection; defense ( عنof s.th., of s.o., also jur.) │ خط الدفاعkaṭṭ ad-d. line of defense; halfbacks (soccer); مجلس الدفاعmajlis ad-d. defense council; وزارة الدفاعministry of defense, war ministry; ( الدفاع الوطنيwaṭanī) national defense; الدفاع ( المضاد للطائراتmuḍādd) anti-aircraft defense; دفاع شرعيlegitimate self-defense دفاعيdifā‘ī defensive, protective مدافعةmudāfa‘a defense ( عنof s.th.) اندفاعindifā‘ pl. -āt rush(ing), plunging, plunge ( فيinto); outburst, outbreak eruption; élan, dash, impetuosity, rashness, hotheadedness, fire, exuberance, effusiveness; self-abandon; اندفاعا indifā‘an spontaneously اندفاعةindifā‘a (n. vic.) sudden outburst, outbreak (e.g., of wailing) دافعdāfi‘ repellent, expellant; driving, pushing, giving impetus, incentive, impellent, propelling, propulsive, etc.; repeller; payer, e.g., دافعوا الضرائبthe taxpayers; (pl. دوافعdawfi‘2) incentive, impulse, impetus, spur, motive; ( بدافعwith foll. genit.) motivated by ..., by reason of ..., on the strength of … مدفوعاتmadfū‘āt payments مدافعmudāfi‘ defender ( عنof s.o., of s.th.) دفقdafaqa u i (dafq) to pour out, pour forth (ھـ s.th.); -- u (dafq, دفوقdufūq) to be shed; to flow, well out, spout, gush forth; to overflow (0 with s.th.) V to pour forth, spout forth, gush forth; to rush in; to break forth, break out, burst out; to go off (shot); to plunge blindly ( الى، فيinto s.th.); to rush ( علىagainst); to crowd ( علىinto) VII =V دفقdafq pouring out, effusion دفقةdufqa pl. dufuqāt, dufaqāt, dufqāt = دفعةduf‘a │( دفقة واحدةdufqatan) = دفعة
واحدة؛ دفقات الريحd. ar-rīḥ gusts; دفقة من الماء gush of water دفاقdafāq bursting forth, darting out, rushing out تدفقtadaffuq outpour, outflow, issue, effluence, efflux, effusion; influx, run, rush, inrush, inpour; outbreak, outburst; impulsiveness; exuberance, effusiveness دافقdāfiq pl. دوافقdawāfiq2 bursting forth, breaking out, erupting; gushing, torrential متدفقmutadaffiq impulsive; exuberant, effusive 286 دفلىdiflā oleander (Nerium oleander L.; bot.) دفنdafana i (dafn) to bury, inter, inhume (ه s.o.); to hide, conceal, keep secret ( ھـs.th.) دفنdafn burial, interment, inhumation دفينdafn pl. دفناءdufanā’2 buried, intend; hidden, secret 2
دفينةdafīna pl. دفائنdafā’in hidden treasure, treasure-trove مدفنmadfan, مدفنةmadfana pl. مدافن madāfin 2 burying place, burial ground, cemetery دفايةsee دفئ دقdaqqa i ( دقةdiqqa) to be thin, fine, fragile, frail; to be little, small, tiny, minute; to be subtle, delicate; to be insignificant, unimportant, trifling, inconsiderable; to be too fine, too subtle ( عنfor perception); -u (daqq) to crush, bruise, bray ( ھـs.th.); to grind, pulverize, powder ( ھـs.th.); to pound ( ھـs.th., e.g., meat); to strike (clock); to beat, throb (heart); to hammer, throb (engine); to knock, rap, bang (الباب al-bāba on the door); to bump (رأسه بالحائط ra’sahū bi-l-ḥā’iṭ one’s head against the wall); to drive ( ھـa nail); to ram in, drive in (constr. eng.); to beat, strum, play (على a musical instrument); to type ( علىon a typewriter); -- to sound, resound, ring out (said of musical instruments) │ دق (الجرسjarasa) to ring the bell; دق جرس ( الخطرj. al-kaṭar) to sound the alarm; دق الجرس علىto call s.o. up, give s.o. a ring; ( دق الجرسjarasu) the bell rang; دقت الساعة the clock struck II to triturate, pulverize, reduce to powder (oil s.th.); to he precise,
exact, strict, meticulous, painstaking, proceed with utmost accuracy or care (في in s.th.); to scrutinize, examine closely, determine exactly ( هs.th.); to do ( هs.th.) carefully, with precision! ( دقق البحثbaḥta) to investigate carefully; ( دقق النظرnaẓara) to watch attentively or carefully, scrutinize, examine closely ( فيs.th.); دقق ( المالحظةmulāḥaẓa) to observe closely III to deal scrupulously ( هwith s.o.) IV to make fine, make thin ( هs.th.) VII to be crushed, brayed, pounded; to be broken │ ‘( اندق عنقهunquhū) he broke his neck X to be or become thin or fine دقdaqq crushing, bruising, braying, pounding; pulverization, trituration; grinding (down); beat(ing), throb(bing); bang(ing), knock(ing), rap(ping); tattoo(ing) │ دق الجرسd. al-jaras peal, ringing, sound of a bell; دق الحنقd. alḥanak chatter, prattle دقdiqq fine, thin; little, small, tiny, minute; delicate, fragile, frail │شجر دق (šajar) shrubbery, brush, scrub; حمى الدق ḥumma d-d. hectic fever دقةdaqqa (n. vic.) pl. -āt bang, knock, rap; beat, throb; stroke, striking (of a clock); hammer, hammering sound; thumping, thump │ دقات القلبd. al-qalb heartbeats; دقة الجرسd. al-jaras peal, or ring, of a bell; telephone call, ring دقةdiqqa thinness; fineness; smallness, tininess, minuteness; triviality, pettiness, paltriness; subtlety, subtleness, finesse; critical or precarious state, delicate situation; accuracy, exactness, exactitude, precision │ بدقةexactly, accurately, precisely, minutely, painstakingly, meticulously, sharply; دقة الشعورacuteness of feeling, sensitivity, sensitiveness, sensibility دقةduqqa pl. دققduqaq fine dust; powder دقاقduqāq crushed, brayed, or pulverized, substance; powder; dour of lupine دقيقdaqīq pl. دقاقdiqaq, ادقةadiqqa fine, thin; delicate, frail, fragile; little, small, tiny, puny, minute; subtle; 287 paltry, petty, trifling, trivial; precise,
accurate, exact; painstaking, scrupulous, meticulous; inexorable, relentless, strict, rigorous; delicate (situation), critical, trying, serious, precarious; -- flour, meal │ دقيق الحسابkeeping strict account, strict, relentless, inexorable; دقيق الشعورsensitive; دقيق الصنعd. aṣ-ṣan‘ finely worked, of delicate workmanship; دقيق النظرd. annaẓar clear-sighted, penetrating, discerning, sensitive; ابو دقيقabū d. butterfly; ( األعضاء الدقيقةa‘ḍā’) the genitals
دقلdaqal mast (of a ship); mainmast; (coll.; n. un. )ةa brand of dates of good quality (magr.) 1
دكdakk pl. دكوكdukūk level ground; -devastation, demolition, destruction
دقيقةdaqīqa pl. دقائقdaqā’iq2 particle; nicety; intricacy; detail, particular; minute (time unit) │ دقائق األمورthe niceties, intricacies, or secret implications of things
دكةdakka pl. -āt rubblestone, crushed rock; hallast دكةdikka pl. دككdikak bench
دقاقdaqqāq grinder, crusher; flour merchant; frequently or constantly beating, striking, etc.; player of an instrument │ ساعة دقاقةrepeater (watch) دقاقةdaqqāqa knocker, rapper (of a door) ادقadaqq2 finer; more delicate; smaller, tinier; more accurate, preciser; stricter
دكdakka u (dakk) to make flat, level or even, to smooth, level, ram, stamp, tamp (ھـ earth, the ground, a road); to press down, weigh down; to beat down; to devastate, demolish, destroy, ruin ( ھـs.th.) II to mix, mingle ( هs.th.) VII to be crushed; to be leveled
دكانdukkān pl. دكاكينdakākīn2 bench; store, shop دكانجيdukkānjī storekeeper, shopkeeper, retailer مدكmidakk pl. -āt ramrod; O tamper rammer 2
دكII to provide ( ھـtrousers) with a waistband (dikka or tikka) دكةdikka (= تكةtikka) waistband (in the upper seam of trousers)
مدقmidaqq beetle; pounder, pestle; (eg.) trail, footpath مدقةmidaqqa pl. مداقmadāqq2 pounder, pestle; beetle; clapper. tongue (of a bell)
دكتاتوريةdiktātūrīya dictatorship
تدقيقtadqīq accuracy, precision, exactness, exactitude بتدقيقexactly, precisely, accurately, minutely
دكتورduktūr pl. كاترةdakātira doctor │ دكتور في الحقوقdoctor of laws, LL.D.; دكتور في الطب (ṭibb) doctor of medicine, M.D.
دكتاتورىdiktātūrī dictatorial
مدققmudaqqiq exact, accurate (scholar), thorough (investigator), painstaking, meticulous, strict, relentless مدققmudaqqiq precise, exact (data) 2
داقرةdāqira pl. دواقرdawāqir elay vessel (tun.); -- stipend for underprivileged students (tun.)
دكتوراةduktūrāh doctorate, doctorship, doctor’s degree, title of doctor │ الدكتور ( الفخريةfakrīya) honorary doctorate 288 ادكرsee ذكر ( دكريتوIt. decreto) dikrītō pl. دكريتاتdecree 1
دقشومdaqšūm (eg.) rubblestone, crushed rock; brickbats, gravel دقعdaqi‘a a (daqa‘) to grovel, cringe; to be miserable, wretched, humble, abject; to live in poverty IV do.; to make miserable ( هs.o.; poverty) ادقاعiddiqā‘ mass poverty مدقعmudqi‘ miserable, wretched; degrading, abasing (poverty)
ادكنadkan2, f. دكناءdaknā’2 pl. دكنdukn blackish, dark (color) داكنdākin dark, dark-colored │احضر داكنdark green; اصفر داكنyellowish, of a dingy yellow, mud-colored
دكانsee 1دك
دلdalla a ( داللةdalāa) to show, demonstrate, point out ( على هto s.o. s.th.); to lead, guide, direct, conduct ( الىor على هs.o. to), show s.o. ( )هthe way ( الىor علىto); to show, indicate, mark ( علىs.th.); to point (
علىto s.th.), evince, indicate, denote, imply, bespeak, suggest ( علىs.th.), be indicative, be suggestive ( علىof); to furnish evidence ( علىfor s.th.), prove (على s.th.); -- (1st pers. perf. dalaltu) i (دالل dalīl) to be coquettish, flirt, dally (of a woman; علىwith s.o.) II to prove (على s.th.), furnish the proof ( علىfor), confirm, corroborate ( ب علىs.th. with); to sell or put up at auction, auction off ( علىs.th.); to pamper, coddle, spoil ( هs.o.); to fondle, caress, pet ( هa child) IV to make free, take liberties ( علىwith s.o.); to pride o.s. (ب on), be conceited ( بof) V to be coquettish, flirt, dally (of a woman; على with s.o.); to be coy, behave affectedly; to take liberties ( علىwith s.o.); to pamper, coddle ( علىs.o.) X to ask to be shown (على s.th.); to seek information, inform o.s. (على about); to obtain information; to be informed ( علىabout); to be guided ( بby), act or proceed in accordance with ( ;)بto conclude, gather, infer ( علىs.th., بor من from), draw conclusions ( بor منfrom, علىwith regard to), judge ( علىs.th., بor منby) دلdall proper, dignified conduct; coquetry, flirtation دلةdalla pl. داللdilāl pot with long curved spout and handle used for making coffee (among Syrian nomads and in some parts of Saudi Arabia)
داللةdalāla pl. -āt pointing; guidance; leading, leadership; indication ( علىof); sign, token; sense, meaning داللةdilāla auction, public sale; business of a broker or middleman; brokerage commission; trade of a dealer, jobber or agent داللةdallāla middlewoman, woman broker ادلadall2 proving more cogently (على s.th.), more indicative or suggestive (على of) │( ادل دليل علىdalīlin) the surest evidence of, the best proof of تدليلtadlīl reasoning, argumentation, demonstration; proving ( علىof), furnishing of proof or evidence ( علىfor); corroboration, substantiation, confirmation; pampering, oeddling, spoiling; fondling, petting, caressing; pet form (of a name) │ اسم التدليلpet name; تدليال منa pet form of ... تدللtadallul coquetry, coquettishness; pampering, coddling, spoiling 289 استداللistidlāl reasoning, argumentation, demonstration; conclusion, inference, deduction; proof, evidence ( علىof) دالةdālla familiarity, chumminess; liberty (that one takes with s.o.); audacity. boldness مدلولmadlūl proven; (pl. -āt) meaning, sense │ مدلوالت الكلماتm. al-kalimāt lexical meanings
داللdalāl coquetry, coquettishness; pampering, coddling, spoiling دليلdalīl pl. ادلةadilla, دالئلdalā’l2, ادالء adillā’2 (the latter of persons) indication ( علىof); sign, token; symptom; proof, evidence ( علىof); guide; tourist guide, cicerone; pilot (of a ship, of an airplane); guidebook, guide manual, handbook; directory, telephone directory; railroad guide, timetable; guide rail (tech.); roller path (in steel construction) │اقام الدليل على to furnish the proof for, demonstrate, prove s.th.; ( دليل ظرفيẓarfī) circumstantial evidence; دليل قاطعcogent proof, conclusive evidence داللdallāl auctioneer; broker, jobber, middleman, agent, commission merchant; hawker
مدللmudallal pampered, spoiled (child) مدلmudill presumptuous, arrogant │مدل ( بنفسهbi-nafsihī) conceited, self-important 1
دلdulb plane tree, sycamore (bot.)
دولبpl. دواليبlook up alphabetically
دلتاNile Delta, Lower Egypt دلجIV to set out at nightfall دلوحdalūḥ pl. دلحduluḥ moisture-laden cloud دلدلdaldala to set into a swinging motion, dangle II tadaldala to hang loosely, dangle دلدلduldul and دلدولduldūl porcupine (zool.)
دلسII to swindle, cheat; to counterfeit, forge, falsify ( ھـs.th.) III to deceive, defraud (ه s.o.), impose ( هon) تدليسtadlīs deceit, fraud; swindle تدليسيtadlīsī fraudulent مدلسmudallas forged, counterfeit │نقود مدلسةcounterfeit money; مفاتيح مدلسةforged keys دلعdala‘a a (dal‘) with لسانهlisānahū: to stick out one’s tongue; to loll, let the tongue hang out II to pamper, spoil ( هa child); to caress, fondle, pet ( هs.o.) IV شيء يدلع نفسه (eg.) a nauseating, disgusting thing VII to stick out, be stuck out, hang out, loll (tongue); to dart out, lick out, leap out. dare up (dame), break out (fire); to be pampered, spoiled (child) دلعdal‘: اسم الدلعism ad-d. pet name دالعdallā‘ (coll.; n. un. )ةwatermelon (magr.) دلغانdilgan clay دلفdalafa i (dalf, دلوفdulūf, دلفانdalafān) to walk with short steps. toddle; to go or walk slowly, saunter, stroll ( الىto); to advance (Jo toward); to approach step by step ( الىs.o. or s.th.); to penetrate, reach ( الىas far as); to grope ( الىfor, of the hand); to leak, drip, trickle (water) O دالفdālif pl. دوالفdawālif2 ricochet (mil.) دلفينdulfīn pl. دالفينdalāfīn2 dolphin دلقdalaqa u to spill, pour out ( ھـa liquid) VII to be spilled (liquid) دلكdalaka u (dalk) to rub ( ھـs.th.); to stroke ( ھـs.th.), pass the hand ( ھـover s.th.); to knead ( العجينthe dough); -- u ( دلوكdulūk) to set, go down (sun) II to rub ( ھـs.th., ه s.o.), embrocate ( ھـs.th.); to knead; to massage ( هs.o.) دلكdalk rubbing; grazing, brushing, touching, touch دلوكdalūk liniment دلوكdulūk, دلوك الشمسd. aš-šams sunset تدليكtadlīk embrocation; massage مدلكةmudallika pl. -āt masseuse
دلهII to rob s.o. ( )هof his senses, drive ( هs.o.) crazy (love) V to go out of one’s mind, go crazy (with love) │( تدلھت في حبهḥubbihī) she has fallen in love with him مدلهmudallah madly in love 290 دلھمIV idlahamma to be dark, gloomy; to be deep-black دلھمdalham dark, gloomy; deep-black ادلھمامidlihmām a deep black مدلھمmudlahimm dark, gloomy; deepblack دلوII to let hang, dangle ( ھـs.th.); to hang, suspend ( ھـs.th.); to lower ( ھـs.th.); to drop, let down, let fall down ( ھـs.th.) IV = II; to cast down ( ھـglances, الىon s.o.); to let one’s glance ( بانظارهbi-anẓārihī) sweep down; to express, utter, voice ( بs.th., e.g., برأيهbi-ra’yihī one’s opinion); to deliver, make ( بتصريحa statement; pol.); to adduce, present, advance, offer ( بحجةbiḥijjatin an argument); to inform, notify, advise ( ب الىs.o. of), let ( الىs.o.) know (ب about); to offer, present ( ب الىto s.o. s.th.); to grant, give ( بحديث لan interview to s.o.); to slander, defame: asperse (في s.o.) │( ادلى دلوه بين الدالءdalwahū, dilā’) or ادلى بدلوه في الدالءto make one’s contribution (together with others), add one’s touch, put in one’s two bits’ worth V to hang down, be suspended, dangle (ب from); to be lowered, be let down; to be or become low; to sink, descend │تدلى للسقوط to threaten to fall down, be ready to fall دلوdalw usually f., pl. ادلadlin, دالء dilā’, ادالءadlā’ leather bucket; bucket, pail; Aquarius (astron.) داليةdallāya pendant ادالءidlā’ delivery (of a statement); utterance, statement; presentation; granting داليةdāliya pl. دوالdawālin waterwheel (for irrigation); trellis, espalier on which grapevines are trained; varix, varicose vein متدلmutadallin pendent, suspended, hanging, dangling; projecting, overhanging, ready to fall down دالياlook up alphabetically
دمdam pl. دماءdimā’ blood; دماءhomicide cases (jur.) │ دم األخوينd. al-akawain dragon’s blood (a dark-red, resinous substance derived from the dragon tree, Dracaena draco)
ادماجidmāj insertion, incorporation, interpolation; inclusion ( فيin); assimilation اندماجindimāj incorporation, insertion ( فيin); amalgamation, merger, merging (في with); absorption ( فيby); annexation (في to); fusion; assimilation
دميdamī blood- (in compounds), sanguine دمويdamawī blood- (in compounds), sanguine; sanguinary, bloody 2
مدمجmudmaj firm, compact مندمجmundamij firm, compact, tight
دمdamma u (damm) to coat, smear, besmear ( ب ھـs.th. with); to paint, daub, color, dye, tinge, tint ( ب ھـs.th. with) II to rub, embrocate, anoint ( ب ھـs.th. with)
دمجانةdamajāna (also )دامجانةpl. -āt demijohn, carboy
دمdamm ointment, unguent, salve, liniment, embrocation; paint; pigment, dye, dyestuff; rouge
دمدمdamdama pl. -āt growl, snarl; rumbling noise, rumble
دمدمdamdama to mutter, grumble, growl, snarl
دمامdimām ointment, unguent, salve, liniment, embrocation; paint; pigment, dye, dyestuff; rouge
دمرdamara u to perish, he ruined, he destroyed II to annihilate, destroy, ruin, demolish, wreck ( ھـs.th.) V to he destroyed, demolished, ruined, wrecked VII to he destroyed, be annihilated
دميمdamīm pl. دمامdimām ugly; deformed, misshapen │ دميم الخلقةd. alkilqa ugly to look at, of repulsive appearance
دمارdamār ruin, destruction تدميرtadmīr annihilation, destruction, demolition
دماميdamāma ugliness; ugly appearance; abominableness, monstrosity
اندمارindimār utter defeat, rout, destruction, annihilation
الدمامad-dammām Dammam (seaport in E Saudi Arabia, on the Persian Gulf)
مدمرةmudammira pl. -āt destroyer (naut.)
دمثdamuta u ( دماثةdamāta) to be gentle, mild (character) II to soften, mellow ( ھـs.th.) دمثdamit pl. دماثdimāt: دمث األخالق gentle, mild-tempered دماثةdamāta mildness, gentleness, tenderness (of character) دمجdamaja u ( دومجdumūj to enter ( فيs.th.), go or come into ()في, be inserted, incorporated ( فيin) II to write shorthand IV to twist tightly, twine firmly ( ھـs.th.); to enter, insert, include, incorporate, embody ( في ھـs.th. in); to 291 introduce, interpolate, intercalate ( في ھـs.th. in); to annex ( فيs.th. to) VII to be inserted, be incorporated ( فيin); to be annexed ( فيto); to merge ( فيwith), be swallowed up, be absorbed ( فيby); to be fused, fuse, amalgamate تدميجtadmīj shorthand, stenography
دمورdammūr (eg.) a coarse calico-like fabric دموريdammūrī (eg.) made of dammūr (see above)
دميرةdamīra (eg.) flood season of the Nile
□ ال دومرىlā dūmarī (= )ال تدمريnobody, no one, not a living soul
تدمرtadmur2, usually pronounced tudmur, Palmyra (ancient city in Syria, now a small village)
تدمريtadmurī, usually pronounced tudmurī, someone, somebody; ال تدمريnobody, no one, not a living soul دمسdamasa u to hide, conceal, disguise (ھـ s.th.); to bury ( ه في األرضs.o. in the ground) II do. دمسdims (eg.) cinders, ashes دماسةdamāsa darkness ادماسadmās (pl.) hovels, shanties, huts
دموسdammūs pl. دماميسdamāmīs2 cave, cavern ديماسdaimās, dīmās, ديموسdaimūs pl. دياميسdayāmīs2 dungeon; vault دامسdāmis pitch-dark; dark, gloomy, dusky فول مدمسfūl mudammas stewed beans دمشقdimašq2, dimišq2 Damascus (capital of Syria) مدمشقmudamšaq damascened, damasked; (syr.) having adopted a sophisticated style of living (imitating that of Damascus), urbanized
دمقراطيdimuqrāṭī democratic; democrat دمقراطيةdimuqrāṭīya democracy; democratic attitude or conviction دمقسdimaqs raw silk دمقسيdimaqsī silken, silky مدموكmadmūk and مدمكmudmak firm, tight, taut دملdamala u (daml, دمالنdamalān) to fertilize, manure, dung ( ھـthe soil); -damila a (damal) to heal, heal up, scar over, cicatrize (wound) VII to heal, heal up, scar overt cicatrize (wound); to fester, suppurate (sore)
دمعdama‘a a to water (eye) IV to cause to weep, evoke tears, make (the eyes) water
دملdummal (n. un. )ةpl. دماملdamāmil , دماميلdamāmīl2 abscess, boil, sore, tumor, ulcer; furuncle; bubo, plague boil; inveterate evil 2
دمعdam‘ pl. دموعdumū‘ tears دمعةdam‘a (n. un.) tear, teardrop; (eg.) dim‘a gravy دمعيdam‘ī: ( قنبلة دمعيةqunbula) teargas bomb دمعةdam‘a and دميعdamī’ pl. دمعى dam‘ā, دمائعdamā’i‘2 readily inclined to weep, frequently weeping, tearful, lachrymose (woman) 292
طاعون دمليṭā‘ūn dummalī bubonic plague دملجdumluj pl. دمالجdamālij2, bracelet, bangle 1
دمنdamana u (damn) to fertilize, manure, dung ( ھـthe soil) IV to give o.s. up, devote o.s., apply o.s. ( علىor ھـto), go in for (على or ;)ھـto be addicted ( علىe.g., to liquor)
دموعdamū‘ and دماعdammā‘ watering, watery, tearful (eyes)
دمنdimn (coll.; n. un. )ةpl. دمنdiman fertilizer, manure, dung
مدمعmadma‘ pl. مدامعmadāmi‘ lachrymal canal
دمنةdimna pl. دمنdiman vestiges or remnants of a dwelling, ruins دمانdamān fertilizer, manure, dung
دمغdamaga a to refute, invalidate ( ھـa falsehood, an error, a false accusation); to triumph ( ھـover falsehood; said of truth) دماغdimāg pl. ادمغةadmiga brain
ادمانidmān addiction; excess; mania; dipsomania │ ادمان المسكراتi. al-muskirāt alcoholism
دامغةdāmiga cogent argument; شھادة ( دامغةšahāda) irrefutable testimony
مدمنmudmin addicted, given up (على e.g., to wine); an addict ( علىof)
دمغdamaga u (damg) to stamp, provide or mark with a stamp ( ھـs.th.); to hallmark ( ھـgold and silver articles); to brand ( ھـan animal)
دمنھورdamanhūr2 Damanhur (city in N Egypt) دمويsee 1دم 1
دمغdamg stamping │ دمغ المصوغاتd. al-maṣūgāt hallmarking of gold and silver articles دمغةdamga stamp; hallmark (on gold and silver articles) │ ورق دمغةwaraq d. stamped paper مدموغmadmūg stamped, bearing a stamp
دمانdumān see دومان
دمىdamiya a to bleed II and IV to cause to bleed دامdāmin bleeding, bloody, gory مدمىmudamman, f. مدماةbloody; bloodred
دميةdumya pl. دمىduman statue, statuette; image, effigy; dummy; doll
دمياطdimyāṭ2 Damietta (city in N Egypt) دنdanna u (dann, دنينdanīn) to buzz, hum (insect); to drone
دنفdanaf long illness; O cachexia, marasmus (med.) مدنفmudnif, mudnaf emaciated, haggard, weak
دنdann and دنينdanīn buzz(ing), hum(ming), droning, drone
دانقlook up alphabetically
دنdann pl. دنانdinān earthen wine jug 293
دنقلةdunqula Dongola (town in N Sudan, on the Nile)
دنأdana’a a and دنؤdanu’a u ( دنوءةdunū’a, دناءةdanā’a) to be low, mean, base, vile, contemptible, despicable دنيءdanī’ pl. ادنياءadniyā’2, ادناءadnā’ low, base, mean, vile, despicable, contemptible; inferior, second-rate, of poor quality ادنأadna’2 lower, viler, meaner; more inferior, of poorer quality دناءةdanā’a lowness, baseness, meanness, vileness; inferiority دنتلة,( دنتالFr. dentelle) dantilla lace, lacework دنجلdinjil (eg.) pl. دناجلdanājil2 axle, axle-tree ( دندرمهTurk. dondurma) dandurma ice cream دنادشةdanādiša common people, people of no consequence دندنdandana to buzz, hum; to drone; to hum softly, croon (a song); to murmur دنديdindī (eg.) turkey دينارpl. دنانيرlook up alphabetically دنسdanisa a (danas) to be soiled, sullied, defiled, polluted II to stain, soil, dirty, befoul, sully, pollute, contaminate (ھـ s.th.); to dishonor, disgrace ( ھـs.th.); to desecrate ( ھـs.th.) V pass. of II دنسdanas pl. ادناسadnās uncleanness, dirt, filth, squalor; stain, blemish, fault دنسdanis pl. ادناسadnās, دنساءdunasā’2 unclean, soiled, sullied, foul, polluted, defiled, stained تدنيسtadnīs pollution, defilement, soiling, sullying, contamination; dishonoring, disgracing; desecration, profanation دنفdanifa a (danaf) to be seriously ill IV do. دنفdanif pl. ادنافadnāf seriouly ill
دنكل = دنجل دنمركdanmark2 Denmark ( دنوand دنى( دناdanū u ( دنوdunūw, دناوة danāwa) to be near, be close; to come or go near s.o. or s.th. ( منor الىor )ل, approach ( ل، الى، منs.o., s.th.); to come close, get close ( ل، الى، منto), approximate ( ل، الى، منs.th.); to draw near, be imminent (time, event); دنا به منto bring s.o. close to ...; -- دنيdaniya a ( دناdanan, دنايةdanaya) to be low, lowly; to be or become mean, base, vile, despicable, contemptible II to bring close ( ھـs.th., ه s.o., منto), bring, take or move ( ھـs.th., ه s.o.) near ()من, approximate ( ھـs.th., من to); to apply o.s. ( فيto s.th.), busy o.s. (في with s.th.), delve ( فيinto); دنى نفسه (nafsahū) to lower o.s., abase o.s., humble o.s. III to approach ( هs.o., ھـs.th.), come or get near s.o. or s.th. ( ھـ،)ه, come or get close ( ه ھـto); to approximate ( ھـs.th.); to measure up ( ه، ھـto) │( شيء ال يدانىyudānā) an unequaled thing IV to be near, be close; to approach ( منor الىor لs.o. or s.th.), come, go or draw near s.o. or s.th. ( ل، الى،)من, come close, get close ( ل، الى،من to); to bring close ( هs.o., ھـs.th., منto), bring, take or move ( هs.o., ھـs.th.) near ( )من, approximate ( ھـs.th., منto); to lower, drop ( ھـs.th., e.g., the veil) V to approach gradually ( الىs.th. or s.o.); to be debased, sink low, sink, decline; to lower o.s., abase o.s., humble o.s. VI to come near each other, get close to each other, approach one another; to 294 be close together; to approach, approximate (من s.th.) VIII ادنىiddanā to be near, be close, come or draw near, approach X to wish to be nearer or closer, try to come nearer or closer; to seek to fetch or bring closer (ھـ s.th., الىto, to o.s.), reach out ( ھـfor s.th.), wish ( اليه هfor s.th.)
دنوdunūw advent, approach; proximity, nearness, imminence (of an event) دنىdanīy pl. ادنياءadniyā’ near, close; low, lowly; mean, base, vile, despicable, contemptible, inferior, infamous, depraved دنيةdanīy pl. -āt, دناياdanāyā a base quality or habit; s.th. disgraceful, infamy, vile action ادنىadnā, f. دنياdunyā pl. m. ادان adānin, ادنونadnūn pl. f. دنىdunan nearer, closer; situated lower down, nether; lower, inferior; lowlier; smaller, of less significance; more appropriate, better suited, more suitable │( الشرق األدنىšarq) the Near East; ( المغرب األدنىmagrib) Algeria; ( ادنى من حبل الوريدḥabli al-warīd) very near or close, imminent; األقارب األدنون the closest relatives; من ادناه الى اقصاه (aqṣāhū) from one end to the other; wholly, entirely, completely, altogether; ( الحد األدنىḥadd) the minimum; ادناه hereinafter, below (in writings, documents, etc.) e.g., الموقعون ادناه (muwaqqi‘ūn) those signed below, the undersigned; ( ال ادنىwith foll. genit.) not the least, not a single, not one
دھرdahr pl. دھورduhūr, ادھرadhur time; long time, age, epoch; lifetime; eternity; fate, destiny │ بنات الدھرbanāt ad-d. blows of fate, trials, afflictions, misfortune; تصاريف الدھرand صروف الدھرvicissitudes of fate. changes of fortune; adversities, adverse circumstances; دھر الداھرينdahra ddāhirīn for all eternity, foever and ever; الى أخر الدھرilā ākir d-d. do.; الدھر كله... ال (ad-dahra kullahū) never in all one’s life دھريdahrī an adherent of the dahrīya, a materialistic, atheistic doctrine in Islam; atheist, freethinker دھريduhrī very old, far advanced in years دھسdahasa a (= )داسto trample underfoot, trample down, crush ( ھـs.th.), tread ( ھـon s.th.); to run over ( هs.o.) دھشdahiša a and pass. duhiša to be astonished, amazed, surprised ( منor لat); to wonder, marvel ( منat); to be baffled, startled, puzzled, perplexed, taken aback ( منor لby) II and IV to astonish, amaze, surprise, baffle, puzzle, perplex, startle (ه s.o.) VII = dahiša 295 دھشdahaš perplexity, surprise, consternation, alarm, dismay
دنياdunyā (f. of ادنىadnā) world; earth; this world (as opposed to ;)آخرةlife in this world. worldly existence; worldly. temporal things or possessions; earthly things or concerns │ الحياة الدنياlife in this world; ام الدنياumm ad-d. Cairo; اقام الدنيا واقعدھاaqāma d-d. wa-aq‘adahā approx.: to kick up a dust, make a stir, move heaven and earth
دھشdahiš astonished, amazed, surprised; baffled, puzzled, nonplused, perplexed, startled, disconcerted, alarmed, upset; dazed, stunned دھشةdahša astonishment, amazement, surprise, wonder; perplexity, consternation, bafflement, bewilderment, dismay, alarm
دنيويdunyawī, دنياويdunyāwī worldly, mundane, secular; earthly, temporal, transitory, transient
اندھاشindihāš astonishment, amazement; perplexity, consternation, bafflement, bewilderment
دناوةdanāwa nearness, closeness, proximity, propinquity; lowness, lowliness; meanness, baseness, vileness
مدھشmudhiš astonishing, amazing, surprising, marvelous; pl. -āt amazing things, marvels, wonders
دنايةdanāya lowness, lowliness; meanness, baseness, vileness تدنtadannin sinking, decline; low level, nadir (fig.) │( التدني األخالقيaklāqī) the low level of morality, the moral decline دانdānin low; near, close متدانmutadānin close together
مدھوشmadhūš and مندھشmundahiš astonished, amazed, surprised; perplexed, baffled, puzzled, nonplused, startled; overwhelmed 1
دھقdahaq stocks (to hold the feet of an offender by way of punishment) دھاقdiḥāq full (cup), brimful
دھقانdihqān, pl. دھاقنةdahāqina, دھاقين dahāqīn2 man of importance, one who plays an important role, leading personality; grandee (in ancient Persia) │ دھاقين السياسةd. as-siyāsa the political leaders
دھكdahaka a (dahk) to crush; to mash (ھـ s.th.) دھلزII tadahlaza to stroll about, walk about (in a hall) دھليزdihlīz pl. دھاليزdahālīz 2 anteroom, vestibule, lobby, foyer; corridor, hall-way │ ابن الدھليزibn ad-d. pl. ابناء الدھاليز foundling دھليdihlī Delhi دھمdahama a (dahm) and dahima a (daham) to come or descend ( هupon s.o.) suddenly; to surprise, take unawares, take by surprise ( هs.o.), come unexpectedly ( هto s.o.); to enter suddenly, raid, invade (ھـ s.th.) II to blacken ( هs.th.) III to befall, seize, grip, attack ( هs.o.), come over s.o. ( ;هe.g., sickness, despair); to surprise, take unawares, catch red-handed ( هs.o.); to attack suddenly ( هs.o.), fall upon s.o. ()ه, invade, raid ( هe.g., a house); to overtake (ه s.o.; fate), catch up with ( )هIX to be black دھمةduhma blackness ادھمadham2, f. دھماءdahmā’ 2, pl. دھم duhm black, deep-black │داھية دھماء (dahiya) disaster, catastrophe الدھماءad-dahmā’ 2 the masses, the common people, the populace, also دھماء الناس مداھمةmudāhama police raid; house search مدھمmudhamm very dark, pitch-dark دھنdahana u (dahn) to oil ( ھـ، هs.th., s.o., ب with); to anoint ( ھـ، هs.th., s.o., بwith); to grease, smear ( ھـ، بs.th., s.o., بwith); to rub, embrocate ( ھـ، هs.th., s.o., بwith); to paint, daub ( هs.th.); to varnish ( ھـs.th.) II do. III to treat with gentleness ( هs.o.); to cajole, flatter ( هs.o.), fawn ( هon s.o.); to cheat, dupe, gull, take in, outsmart ( هs.o.) V pass. of I دھنdahn oiling, greasing; painting, daubing
دھنduhn pl. ادھانadhān, دھونduhūn, -āt, دھانdihān oil (edible, lubricating, for the skin); fat, grease دھنduhnī oily, oil, oleic, oleo- (in compounds); fatty, greasy دھنياتduhnīyāt fats, oils; fatty substances دھناءdahnā’ desert دھانdahhān house painter, painter دھينةdahīna pomade 296 دھانdihān pl. -āt, ادھنةadhina cosmetic cream, cold cream, salve, ointment, unguent; consecrated oil, anointing oil; paint, varnish; hypocrisy, dissimulation, deceit; -- (without pl.) painting, daubing; whitewashing │ ( ورشة للدھانwarša) paintshop مداھنةmudāhana flattery, adulation, sycophancy, fawning; hypocrisy, dissimulation; deceit, trickery مداھنmudāhin flatterer, adulator, sycophant; hypocrite مدھنmudhin oily; fatty, greasy دھورdahwara to hurl down ( ھـs.th.); to tear down, topple, overthrow ( ھـs.th.) II tadahwara pass. of I; to fall, tumble; to slump, sink; to be dragged down, sink to the lowest level تدھورtadahwur fall, downfall; decline, slump دھيdahiya a ( دھاءdahā’) to be clever, smart, cunning, artful, wily; -- dahā a to befall, overtake, hit, strike ( هs.o.), come over s.o. ( ;هmisfortune) II = dahā VI to pretend to be smart or cunning دھاءdahā’ smartness, slyness, shrewdness, subtlety, cunning, craft ادھىadhā smarter, shrewder; craftier, wilier; more skillful, subtler, more resourceful; worse, more calamitous داهdāhin pl. دھاةduhāh smart, sly, shrewd, subtle, cunning, wily, artful; resourceful person داھيةdāhiya smart fellow, old fox, sly dog
داھيةdāhiya pl. دواهdawāhin calamity, disaster, catastrophe │( داھية دھياءdahyā’) and ( داھية دھماءdahmā’) disaster, catastrophe; ( فليذھب في داھيةfal-yadhab) let him go to hell! )داء )دوءdā’ pl. ادواءadwā’ disease, malady │ داء الثعلبd. at-ta‘lab alopecia, loss of the hair; O داء الرقصd. ar-raqṣ St. Vitus’s dance; O داء الفيلd. al-fīl elephantiasis; داء المنطقةd. al-minṭaqa shingles, herpes zoster (med.) دواءsee دوى دوبII to wear out, wear off ( ھـs.th.) دوبرةdūbara packthread, string, twine, cord, rope; thread دوبيتdūbait a rhymed poem consisting of four hemistichs دوحVII to spread دوحdauḥ branching trees, branches دوحةdauḥa tall tree with many branches; family tree, genealogical table داحةdāḥa top (child’s toy) )داخ )دوخdāka u (dauk) to conquer, subjugate ( الىa. country); to resign o.s., humble o.s.; to be or become dizzy, have a feeling of dizziness; to feel ill, be sick, feel nausea II to conquer, subjugate ( ھـa people); to make submissive, subdue, humble, humiliate, degrade ( هs.o.); to make ( هs.o.) dizzy; to molest, bother, trouble ( هs.o.); to daze, stun ( هs.o.) │( دوخ رأسهra’sahū) to make s.o.’s head go round, make s.o. dizzy دوخةdauka vertigo, dizziness; coma; nausea دائخdā’ik dizzy تدويخtadwīk subjugation, conquest 1
دودII to be or become worm-eaten دودdūd (coll.; n. un. )ةpl. ديدانdīdān worm; maggot; larva; caterpillar │ دودة الحريرand دود القزd. al-qazz silkworm; دود القرعd. al-qar‘, ( دود قرعيqar‘ī) ascarids; دود القرمزd. al-qirmiz cochineal; دود المش ٢٩٧ d. al-mišš cheese maggots; الدودة الوحيدة tapeworm
دوديdūdī wormlike, worm-shaped, vermiform. مدودmadūd, mudawwid wormy, wormeaten 2
□ مدودmidwad = مذود
)دار )دورdāra u (daur, دورانdawarān)to turn, revolve, rotate, move in a circle (،على حول, بaround s.th. or s.o.), circle (،على حول، بs.th. or s.o.); to begin to turn or rotate; to circulate; to go round, spread, be current, make the rounds (of rumors, etc.); to run, be in operation (of a machine or engine); to start running, start up (engine); to walk or go about, run around; to roam, rove, move about, wander about, gad about; to make the rounds ( علىamong people), turn successively ( علىto several people); to turn, turn one’s face, wheel around; to veer, shift, change its direction; to change, take a different turn, become different; to turn ( علىagainst s.o.); to have to do, deal ( حولor علىwith), treat ( حولor علىof), refer ( حولor علىto), bear ( حولor على on), concern ( حولor علىs.th.); to take place, be going on, be in progress, be under way; to be discussed, be talked about ( بينamong); to circulate, pass around ( بs.th.); to lead, guide or &how around ( بs.o.); to let roam, let wander ( بعينه، بنظرهbi-naẓarihī, bi-‘ainaihi one’s eyes, one’s glance, في over) │ درdur! about face! (command; mil.); ( دار رأسهra’suhū) to be or become dizzy, giddy; دار مع الفرص (furaṣ) to trim sail, adapt o.s. to the situation; ( دارت رحى الحربraḥā l-ḥarb) war broke out; المعارك التي دارت رحالھا امسthe battles that raged yesterday; دار ( بنفسهbi-nafsihī) it passed through his mind; ( دار على األلسنalsun) to be muchdiscussed, be on everyone’s lips; دار ( على األفواه واسالت األقالمafwāh, asalāt al-aqlāmi to be current in both the spoken and written language, be in general use, be generally accepted (e.g., words); دار بالدا واكل اعيادا (bilādan, a‘yādan) he had bean around in the world and had seen a lot; (colloq.) ( دار بالهbālahū) to pay attention ( على، الىto), be careful (،الى
علىwith); دارت عليھم الدائرةcalamity overtook them II to turn in a circle, spin, whirl, rotate, revolve ( ھـ، بs.th.); to turn, turn around ( ھـ، بs.th.); to invert, reverse ( ھـ، بs.th.); to make round, to round ( ھـs.th.); to circulate, pass around ( ھـs.th.); to set going, set in motion, start ( ھـs.th.); to wind ( ھـa watch, a clock); to look, search (على for s.th.) │( دور رأسهra’sahū) to turn s.o.’s head, persuade s.o., bring s.o. round III to go or walk around ( هwith s.o.); to try to bring ( هs.o.) round; to ensnare, inveigle ( هs.o.); to try to ensnare ( هs.o.); to try to deceive (ه s.o.); to cheat, trick ( علىor عن هs.o. out of s.th.); to get away, escape, dodge, duck out IV to turn, revolve, rotate, spin, whirl ( ب, ھـs.th.); to turn around, turn ( ب، ھـs.th., رأسه الىone’s head toward); to direct ( علىor الى ھـs.th. to, toward), aim ( علىor الى ھـs.th. at); to circulate, pass around ( ھـs.th.); to set in operation, set going, set in motion ( ھـa machine, an apparatus); to start, start up ( المحركal-muḥarrik the motor); to play, play back ( ھـe.g., شرائط ناطقةtapes); to act upon s.th. ()ھـ, drive ( ھـs.th.); to get under way ( ھـa job, a project); to take up ( ھـs.th.); to initiate ( ھـs.th.); to divert, turn away ( ه, عن ھـs.o., s.th. from); to direct, conduct, steer, manage, head, run (ھـ s.th.), be in charge ( ھـof); to revolve in one’s mind, think over, ponder ( ھـs.th., انthat) │( ادار بوجھه الىbi-wajhihī) to turn around to s.o., look back at s.o.; ( ادار رأسهra’sahū) to turn s.o.’s head, persuade s.o., bring s.o. round; ادار الحديث في الموضوعto bring 298 conversation around to a topic, broach or discuss a subject V to be or become round; to be circular X do.; to circle, rotate, revolve, spin, turn; to turn (الى to), face ( الىs.o.); to turn around; to turn one’s head, look back; to circle ( حولs.th.), walk around s.th. (~)حول دارdār f., pl. دورdūr, ديارdiyār, ديارات diyārāt, ديرةdiyara house; building, structure, edifice; habitation, dwelling, abode; residence, home; seat, side, locality; area, region; land, country (esp. pl. ديارsee below │ دار اآلثارmuseum (of
antiquities); دار البريدpost office; دار البقاءd. al-baqā’ the eternal abode, the hereafter; ( الدار الباقيةbāqiya) do.; انتقل للدار الباقيةto pass away, die; ( ال دار البيضاءbaiḍā’) Casablanca (seaport in W Morocco); the White House (in Washington); دار التجارة commercial house, business house; دار الحربd. al-ḥarb war zone, enemy territory (Isl. Law: non-Muslim countries); دار الرياسةseat of the chief executive of a country; دار السعادةd. as-sa‘āda Constantinople; دار السلطنةd. as-salṭana Constantinople (designation before World War I); دار السالمd. as-salām paradise, heaven; epithet of Baghdad; Dar es Salaam (seaport and capital of Tanganyika Territory); دور السينماcinemas, movie houses; دار السلطةd. aš-šurṭa police station; دار الصنعةor دار الصناعةarsenal; دار صيني (ṣīnī) cinnamon; دار الضربd. aḍ-ḍarb and دار السكةd. as-sikka mint (building); الديار ‘( العراقيةirāqīya) Iraq; دار العلومname of a college in Cairo; دار الفناءd. al-fanā’ (as opposed to دار البقاءsee above) the temporal world, this world; دار القضاءd. alqaḍā’ court of justice, tribunal; دار الكتبd. al-kutub public library; دور اللھوd. al-lahw amusement centers; night clubs; دار التمثيل theater, playhouse; دار الملكd. al-mulk (royal) residence; ( الديار المصريةmiṣrīya) Egypt; دار الھجرةd. al-hijra Medina; دار األيتامd. al-aitām orphanage, orphans’ home دارةdāra pl. -āt halo (of the moon); circle; O (el.) circuit; O villa دارىdārī domestic, native دورىdūrī domestic (animal); عصفور ‘( دوريuṣfūr) and دوريhouse sparrow دورdaur pl. ادوارadwār round (of a patrol; in sports); role, part (played by s.o. or s.th.); film role, stage role; periodic change, rotation, alternation; crop rotation; period; (one’s) turn; phase, stage, step, degree, station; epoch, age. era; fit, attack, paroxysm (of a disease); floor, story; musical composition; number, single performance (within a program) │ ( دور وتسلسلwa-tasalsul) vicious circle, circulus vitiosus; ( دور نھائيnihā’ī) final round, finals (athlet.); دور االنعقادd. alin‘iqād session, term (parl.); الدور األول (awwal) or دور البطولةd. al-buṭūla leading
role, starring role; قام بدورor لعب دورا (la‘iba) to play a part or role; دور ارضي (arḍī) ground floor, first floor; كان دورهit was his turn; الدور لهit is his turn; ((انا بدوريI for one; (I) for my part, (ھو( بدوره he in turn, (he) for his part; بالدور alternately, by turns دورةdaura pl. -āt turn, revolution, gyration, rotation; circulation; cycle; circuit; round, patrol; procession (Chr.); round trip; tour (in general, of an artist or performer); detour; period (O also el.); session (of parliament); course (of instruction) (ir., syr.) │الدورة الدموية (damawīya) blood circulation; الدورة الجوية (jawwīya) air circulation; (دورة اجتياز )تجاوز الرتبةd. ijtiyāz (tajāwuz) ar-rutba officers’ training course (mil., Syr.); دورة زراعية (zirā‘īya) crop rotation; دورة تشريعية (tašrī‘īya) legislative period; دورة الفلكd. al-falak revolution of celestial bodies; دورة ( التفافيةiltifāfīya) flanking maneuver (mil.); ( دورة ماليةmālīya) 299 financial period, fiscal year; دورة المياهd. al-miyāh lavatory (with running water), toilet, water closet
بائع دوارpeddler, hawker; جھاز حفر دوار (jahāz ḥafr) rotary drilling rig; دار الشمسd. aš-šams sunflower ديارdayyār monastic, friar, monk ديرانىdairānī monastic, friar, monk دوارةdawwāra whirlpool, eddy, vortex; compass, pair of dividers (syr.) │O دوارة الھواءd. al-hawā’ weather vane دياريdiyārī domestic; native دورانdawarān turn(ing), rotation, revolution, gyration; circulation, circling, circuiting; round trip, tour ادورadwar2 (elative): ادور على األلسن (alsun) more talked about, more frequently expressed or discussed
دوريdaurī patrolling, patrol- (in compounds); periodic, occurring at regular stated times, recurring, intermittent; circulatory, cyclic, etc., see دورand دورةseries (athlet.) الجھاز الدوري (jahāz) the circulatory system
مدارmadār pl. -āt orbit; circling, circuiting, circuit, revolution; axis; pivot; (fig.) that upon which s.th. turns or depends, the central, cardinal, or crucial factor, the pivot; center; subject, topic, theme (of a conversation, of negotiations); scope, range, extent, sphere; tropic (geogr.); O steering wheel │مدار السرطان m. as-saraṭān Tropic of Cancer, مدار الجدي m. al-jady Tropic of Capricorn; كان مداره علىit (i.e., the dispute, or the like) was about ..., it hinged on ...; ( على مدار السنةm. is-sana) throughout the year, all year round
دوريةdaurīya pl. -āt patrol, round; patrol, reconnaissance squad │دوريات االستكشافreconnaissance squads, patrols
تدويرtadwīr recitation of the Koran at medium speed (between tartīl and ḥadr; a technical term of tajwīd)
□ داوريةdāwirīya = دوريةdaurīya ديرdair pl. اديارadyār, اديرةadyira, ديورة duyūra monastery, convent, cloister ديريdairī monastic, ministerial, cloistral ديرةdīra region, area, land, homeland (bedouin) دوارduwār, dawār vertigo, dizziness, giddiness; seasickness دوارdawwār rapidly or constantly turning, whirling, spinning, rotating, circling, circulating; revolving, rotary, rotatory; whirlpool, eddy, vortex; itinerant, ambulant, roving; (eg.) farm building, farm │ باب دوارrevolving door;
مداورةmudāwara pl. -āt cheating, humbug, trickery; outwitting; attempted evasion or circumvention, shift, dodge; persuasion, inveigling, ensnaring ادارةidāra turning; turning around or over, reverting, reversion, inversion; starting, setting in operation; operation; drive (techn.); direction, management; administration; administrative agency, department, office, bureau │ ادارة األمنi. al-amn the police; ‘( ادارة عرفيةurfīya) military administration; سوء اإلدارةsū’ al-i. mismanagement, maladministmtion; مجلس اإلدارةMajlis al-i. board of directors, administrative board, committee of management; مرنز اإلدارةmarkaz al-i. administration center, headquarters
اداريidārī administrative, departmental; administrative officer; manager (athlet.); ادارياidāriyan through administrative channels, administratively, officially
مديريةmudīrīya direction; administration; management; -- (pl. -āt) mudiria, province (Eg.); approx.: main department of a ministry (Ir.) مستديرmstadīr round; circular │مؤتمر ( المائدة المستديرةmu’tamar al-mā’idat al-m.) roundtable conference
استدارةistidāra roundness, rotundity, circularity دائرdā’ir turning, revolving, spinning; circulating; current (e.g., expression), common; ambulant, itinerant; in progress, 300 under way j working, in operation; running (machine, engine); round دائرةdā’ira pl. دوائرdawā’ir2 circle (also math.); ring; circumference, perimeter, periphery; sphere, scope, range, compass, extent, circuit; field, domain (fig.); official agency, department (esp. Ir., Syr., Leb.); office, bureau; department of a court of justice (Eg., Tun.); farm, country estate (eg.); misfortune, calamity, affliction │في دائرة... within the framework of ...; على شكل ‘ نصف دائرةalā šakli niṣfi d. semicircular; نقطة الدائرةnuqṭat ad-d. essential factor, pivot, crucial point, crux; O دائرة كھربائية (kahrabā’īya) electric circuit; O دائرة قصيرة short circuit (el.); دائرة المعارف encyclopedia; دوائر الحكومةgovernment circles, العسكرية،)الدوائر الرسمية )السياسية (rasmīya, siyāsīya, ‘askarīya) official (political, military) circles or quarters (journ.); دائرة االختصاصjurisdiction (of an official agency, esp., of a court of justice); ( الدائرة السنيةsanīya) civil list; دائرة استئنافية (isti’nāfīya) appellate court (Eg.; jur.); ( دائرة انتخابيةintikābīya) electoral district; دارت عليه الدوائرto suffer adversities دائريdā’irī circular, ring-shaped, annular مدورmudawwar round, circular مديرmudīr head, chief, director; administrator; manager; intendant, superintendent; rector (of a university); mudir, chief officer of a mudiria, approx. = governor (Eg.); (pl. مدراءmudarā’2) administrative officer at the head of a county (Syr., Leb., Ir., Saudi Ar.) │ مدير الجوقm. al-jauq bandleader, conductor of an orchestra مديرةmudīra directress; administratress
دورقdauraq pl. دوارقdawāriq2 (eg.) bulging vessel with a long, slender neck, carafe دوزنdauzana to tune (a musical instrument); O to tune in (radio) دوزانdūzān and دوزنةdauzana tuning (of a musical instrument); دوزنةO tuning (radio) ( دوزينةIt. dozzina) dōzīna dozen )داس )دوسdāsa u (daus, دياسdiyās) to tread, step ( ھـon); to tread ( ھـs.th.); to tread down, trample down, trample underfoot, crush ( ھـs.th.); to thresh (grain); to treat with disdain, humiliate ( هs.o.); to run over ( هs.o.; automobile) VII pass. of I دوسdaus treading, trampling, tread, step ديسةdīsa dense forest, jungle, thicket دواسةdawwāsa pedal مداسmadās shoe, sandal مدوسmadūs, مداسmudās trodden, trampled down; crushed; run over دوسنطارياdusinṭāriyā, دوسنتارياdysentery ( دوسيةFr. dossier) dosyē, دوسيهdōsē pl. -āt dossier, file 1
( دوشeg.) dawaš to irritate ( هs.o.) or drive s.o. crazy by noise
دوشةdauša (eg.) din, noise, clamor, uproar, hubbub, hullabaloo 2
(دوشFr. douche) dūš pl. -āt shower, douche
( دوطةIt. dote) dōṭa dowry دوغII to imprint a mark, to brand داغdāg pl. -āt brand (on cattle) 301 )داف )دوفdāfa u (dauf) to mix, mingle (في ھـ s.th. with); to add, admix ( في ھـs.th. to) دوقdūq duke دوقةdūqa duchess
دوقيdūqī ducal
the big powers; ( دولة منتدبةmuntadaba) mandatory power
دوقيةdūqīya dukedom, duchy
( دولةdam., pronounced dōle = ركوة rakwa) metal vessel with long curved handle used for making coffee
دوكII to chatter, prattle دوكdauka din, row, hubbub, turnult, confusion 1
)دال )دولdāla u" ( دولةdaula) to change periodically, take turns, alternate, rotate; to change, turn (time, fortune) │دالت دولة االستبدادthe time of absolutism is over, belongs to the past; دالت له الدولةfortune has turned in his favor ( عليهagainst him) III to alternate, rotate ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to cause to succeed by turns or to follow one another ( األيامal-ayyāma the days; God); to alternate ( بينbetween); to confer, talk (ه with s.o., فيabout), discuss ( في هwith s.o. s.th.) IV to give ascendancy, afford superiority, give the upper hand ( من هto s.o. over); to make victorious, let triumph ( على هs.o. over), grant victory ( على هto s.o. over); to replace ( ب ھـor منs.th. with), exchange, substitute ( ب ھـor منfor s.th. s.th.) │ اديل لبني العباس من بني اميةudīla libanī 1-‘abbās min banī umayyata the rule passed from the Ommaiads to the Abbasides VI to alternate, take turns (ھـ with or in s.th., e.g., in some work); to hand each other s.th. ()ھـ, pass s.th. ()ھـ alternately between themselves; to handle alternately ( ھـdifferent things), take now this, now that; to exchange ( الرأىar-ra’y views); to make frequent use ( ھـof s.th.); to confer, have a discussion, take counsel, deliberate; to parley, negotiate; to circulate, be in circulation, be current, have currency │ تداولته األيديtadāwalathu laidī it passed from hand to hand, it made the rounds, it circulated; تداولته األلسن (alsun) it passed from mouth to mouth, it was the talk of the town, it was on everybody’s lips دولةdaula pl. دولduwal alternation, rotation, change; change of time, turn of fortune; dynasty; state, country; power, empire │ صاحب الدولةtitle of the Prime Minister; دولة رئيس الحكومةdaulat r. al-ḥ. His Excellency, the Prime Minister; فخامة الدولةfakāmat ad-d. title of the President of the Republic (Syr., Leb.); الدولة العلية (‘alīya) name of the ancient Ottoman Empire; ( )الدول الكبرى )العظمىkubrā, ‘uẓmā)
دوليdaulī state (adj.); duwalī international دوليةduwalīya internationality; internationalism; the International دويالتduwailāt petty states, small countries دواليكdawālaika alternately, by turns; successively, one by one, one after the other │( وھكذا دواليكwa-hākadā) and so forth, and so on تدويلtadwīl internationalization مداولةmudāwala pl. -āt parley, negotiation; deliberation, consultation; discussion; mudāwalatan alternately, one after the other, one at a time تداولtadāwul alternation, rotation; circulation, currency; circulation of money │ بالتداولalternately, by turns, one by one متداولmutadāwal current, circulating, in circulation; valid; common, in common use, prevailing │( الكالم المتداولkalām) the colloquial language 302 2
دوالdawālin see دول
دوالبdūlāb pl. دواليبdawālīb2 wheel; tire; gearing, gears, wheels, mechanism, machine, machinery; closet, looker, cabinet, cupboard │ دوالب المالبسwardrobe دوالرdūlār pl. -āt dollar 2
)دام )دومdāma u (daum, دوامdawām) to last, continue, go on; to persevere, persist │ ما دامmā dāma as long as; (the more so) since, inasmuch as, as, because; while he is ..., when he is ... ; ( ما دام حياḥayyan) as long as he is alive; ( ما دمت معكdumtu) so long as (or while) I am with you II to move in a circle, turn, spin, revolve, rotate, gyrate, circle; to turn, revolve, spin, twirl ( ھـs.th.) III to persevere, persist (على in), apply o.s. diligently and steadily (على to), pursue with diligence and perseverance ( علىs.th.); to continue IV to cause to last or continue, perpetuate, make
lasting, make permanent ( ھـs.th.) X to make ( ھـs.th.) last or continue; to continue, go on ( ھـwith s.th.)
governmental office, administrative office; chancellery, office, bureau, secretariat; council or state, cabinet; council, consultative assembly, board of advisers, executive committee; government; court or justice, tribunal; hall; davenport, divan; (railway) compartment │ لغة الدواوينlugat ad-d. official jargon, officialese; ديوان التفتيش inquisitional court; the Inquisition
دومdaum continuance, permanence, duration; دوماdauman constantly, at all times, ever, always; -- doom palm (bot.) ديمةdīma pl. ديمdiyam, ديومduyūm continuous rain دوامdawām duration, continuance, permanence, perpetuity; uninterrupted succession; endurance, perseverance; abiding, stay (of s.o., فيat a place); دواما dawāman and على الدوامpermanently, perpetually, at all times, ever, always │ ساعات الدوام، اوقات الدوام، وقت الدوامworking hours, office hours (Ir., Syr.)
ديوانيdīwānī administrative, administrational, official; an Ottoman style of cursive (used by the secretaries of the State Chancellery for treaties, diplomas, firmans, etc.) تدوينtadwīn recording, writing down; entry, listing. booking; registering, registration 303
ديمومةdaimūma = دوام دوامةduwwāma top (child’s toy); whirlpool, eddy, vortex مداومةmudāwama perseverance, endurance, persistence; continuance, duration; continuation دائمdā’im lasting, enduring; endless, eternal, perpetual, everlasting; perennial; continued, continuous, continual, incessant, unceasing, constant; permanent, standing, established; durable │دائم التقدم والنموd. at-taqaddum in a state of constant progress and growth دائماdā’iman always │( دائما ابداabadan) always and ever دائميdā’imī = دائم مدامmudām wine مستديمmustadīm constant, continuous, continual, incessant, uninterrupted 2
دومانdūmān rudder, helm دومانجيdūmānjī steersman, helmsman
دونII to record, write down, set down, put down in writing ( ھـs.th.); to enter, list, register, book ( ھـs.th.); to collect (ھـ poems) │( دون شرطاšarṭan) to stipulate a condition V to be recorded, be written down, be put down in writing ديوانdīwān pl. دواوينdawāwīn2 account books of the treasury (in the older Islamic administration); divan, collection of poems written by one author;
مدونةmudawwana pl. -āt record, note; entry: body of laws; pl. مدوناتwritings, literature (on a given subject) 2
دونdūn low, lowly; bad, poor, inferior; meager, inadequate │ عامله بالدون (‘āmalahū) he snubbed him دونdūna (prep.) below, beneath, under (in rank, value, etc.); this side of, short of; before; without more than; with the exclusion of, leaving ... aside, disregarding ...; and not by any means, but not │ ( دون ذلكwith foll. nominative) on the way to that, there is ... , before accomplishing that one must …, دون ذلك ( خرط القتادkarṭ al-qatad) before one can do that, one must strip the tragacanth of its leaves, i.e., accomplish the impossible; من دون،( بدونdūni) without; with the exclusion of, excluding; بدون انand من دون انwithout (+ foll. gerund in Engl.); دونك dūnaka (with foll. acc.) here you are! take ...! watch out ( ھـfor)! beware ( ھـof)! ھو دونhe is below him, he doesn’t measure up to him; كان دونه أھمية (ahammīyatan) to be of less importance than ...; اثم دونه كل اثمitmun dūnahū kullu itmin a sin to end all sins; الذين ھم دون السن ( العسكريةsinn, ‘askarīya) those below the age for military service; دون ما نظر الى (naẓarin) regardless of, irrespective of; دون ما فائدةwith no benefit at all; completely useless; تخشى ان يسعدن دونھا (takšā an yas‘adna) she is afraid they will
be happier than she is; تلك الكتب دون غيرھا (kutub, gairihā) those books and no others; ان متعجب من فضلك دون علمك (muta‘ajjib, faḍlika, ‘ilmika) I admire your virtue, but not your knowledge, or, I admire your virtue more than your knowledge; كم األفواه دون دون التذمر والشكوى (kamma, tadammur, šakwā) he stopped their mouths to keep them from muttering and complaining; اذا كان الغصن دون ما يحتمله (guṣnu, yaḥtamiluhū) if the branch is not strong enough to carry him; وصل دونھم الى الغايةit was he, not they, who reached the goal; ( اشاحت بوجھھا دونهašāḥat· bi-wajhihā) she averted her face so that he could not see her; حال دون الشيءto prevent s.th.; األشعة ( دون الحمراءaši‘‘a, ḥamrā‘) the infrared rays; ( الموجات دون القصيرةmaujāt) ultrashort waves (radio) دونمdūnum a square measure (Ir. = about 2500 m2; Pal. = roughly, 900 m2) 1
دوىdawā and II to sound, resound, ring out; to drone; to echo, reverberate III to treat (ه a patient, ھـa disease) VI to treat o.s. (with a medicine); to be cured دوىdawan pl. ادواءadwā’ sickness, illness, disease, malady دويdawīy sound, noise, ring, clang, roar, thunder, drone; echo, reverberation
الديجوليونad-dēgōlīyūn (Eg. spelling) the Gaullists 304 ديدبانdaidabān, daidubān pl. -āt, ديادبة dayādiba guard, sentry: sentinel │ديدبان المراكبship’s pilot ديدنsee ددن ديراني، ديار، ديرى، اديرة، اديار، ديرة، ديرsee دور ديسdīs diss (Ampelodesma tenax; bot.) ديسمsee دسم ديسمبرdisembir, disambir December ديكdīk pl. ديكةdīka, ديوكduyūk, ادياكadyāk cock, rooster │ ديك الحبشd. al-kabaš turkey, turkey cock; ( ديك روميrūmī) do.; وزن الديكwazn ad-d. bantam weight السعال الديكيas-su‘āl ad-dīkī whooping cough ديكتاتوري = دكتاتوري ( ديكورFr. décor) pl. -āt décor, stage decoration ديماسdaimās, dīmās, ديموسdaimūs pl. دياميس dayāmīs2 dungeon, vault ديمومة، ديم، ديمةsee دوم ديموطيقيdīmūṭīqī demotic (writing) ديمقراطي، ديموقراطيdimuqrāṭī democratic; democrat ديمقراطية, ديموقراطيةdimuqrāṭīya pl. -āt democracy; democratic attitude or conviction
دواةdawāh (□ دوايةdawāya) pl. دوي duwīy, diwīy, دوياتdawayāt inkwell دواءdawā’ pl. ادويةadwiya remedy, medicament, medication, medicine, drug دوائيdawd'i medicinal, medicative, curative داءsee دوء دواءdiwā’ treatment, therapy (med.) مداواةmudāwāh treatment, therapy (med.) تداوtadāwin cure 2
( دوىFr. douille) dūy socket (of a light bulb)
ديالوجdiyalōg (Eg. spelling) pl. -āt dialogue ديباجand ديباجةsee دبج ديوثdayyūt (□ )ديوسcuckold; procurer, pimp; a variety of warbler (zool.) ديجورsee دجر
)دان )دينdāna i to borrow, take up a loan; to be a debtor, be indebted; to owe ( ب لs.o. s.th., also, e.g., ( دان له بالشكرšukr) d. lahū bi-š-šukr to owe s.o. one’s thanks; بs.th., e.g., بالحياةbi-l-ḥayāh one’s life, لto s.th. or s.o.); to be indebted ( ب لto s.o. for); to be subject, subject o.s., bow, yield, ( لto s.o. or s.th.), be under s.o.’s ( )لpower, owe allegiance ( لto s.o.), obey ( لs.o.); to grant a loan, lend money ( هto s.o.); to subject, subjugate ( هs.o.): to requite, repay ( هs.o.): to condemn ( هs.o.), pass judgment ( هon s.o.) III to have a debt ( هwith s.o.), be indebted ( هto s.o.): to be the creditor (ه of s.o.), have a money claim ( هon s.o.) │ ( داينه بمبلغ خمسة قروشbi-mablag kamsat q.) he had a claim of five piasters on him IV to lend money ( هto s.o.): to sell on credit ( هto s.o.); to convict, find guilty,
pronounce guilty ( هs.o.) V to be indebted, have debts; to subject o.s. ( لto) VI تداينوا ( بدينdain) to contract a mutual loan, borrow money from each other X to make or incur debts, take up a loan دينdain pl. ديونduyūn debt; pecuniary obligation, liability: obligation (Isl. Law); claim (Isl. Law), financial claim │ بالدينon credit; رب الدينrabb ad-d. creditor; ديون الحربd. al-ḥarb war debts: دين مضمون bonded, or funded, debt; دين ممتاز (mumtāz) preferred, or privileged, debt; ( دين موحدmuwaḥḥlad) consolidated debt; ( دين مطلقmuṭlaq) debt not bound to the physical person of the debtor, but outliving him (Isl. Law); دين مستغرق (mustagriq) claims against an estate which exceed or equal the assets (Isl. Law) دينونةdainūna judgment; Last Judgment الديانad-dayyān the Judge (attribute of God) مدينةmadīna pl. مدائنmadā’in2, مدن mudun town, city; المدينةMedina (city in W Saudi Arabia); see مدن ادانةidāna verdict of guilty: conviction │ صدر الحكم بإدانتهṣadara l-ḥukmu biidānatihī he was convicted استدانةistidāna incurrence of debts دائنdā’in creditor مديونmadyūn indebted, in debt: obligated, under obligation 305 مديونيةmadyūnīya indebtedness obligation مدينmadīn owing; indebted, obligated, under obligation; debtor │( مدين بالشكرšukr) owing gratitude, much obliged; كان مدينا ل to be indebted to s.o., stand in s.o.’s debt مدينmudīn moneylender, creditor مدانmudān convicted, found guilty; guilty; judged, condemned 2
)دان )دينdāna i to profess ( بa religion, a conviction. etc.) │ دان باإلسالمto profess Islam; ( دان بعاداتهbi-‘ādātihī) to adhere to one’s customs V to profess ( بa religion) دينdīn pl. اديانadyān religion, creed, faith, belief │ يوم الدينyaum ad-d. the Day of Judgment
دينيdīnī religious; spiritual │ الدينيirreligious; O العلم الدينيscience of religion دينdayyin religious, pious, godly, devout ديانةdiyāna pl. -āt religion; communion, confession, denomination, sect │ صاحب الديانةfounder of a religion ديانdayyān pious, godly, devout, religious تدينtadayyun piety, godliness, devoutness, religiousness, religiosity متدينmutadayyin pious, godly, devout, religious متدينةmutadayyina religious community دينارpl. دنانيرdanānīr2 dinar, a monetary unit (Ir., Jord.); pl. دنانيرmoney ديناريdīnārī diamonds (of a deck of cards) ديناموdīnāmō dynamo, generator ديناميتdīnāmīt dynamite O دينمdainam pl. ديانمdayānim2 dynamo, generator ديةsee ودى ديوانpl. دواوينand ديوانيsee 1دون
ذ ( ذاdemonstr. pron.) pl. اوالءulā’i this one, this; بذاbi-dā by this, by this means, thereby; لذا li-dā therefore; كذاka-dā so, thus, in this manner; so and so, so and so much; ھكذا hā-ka-dā so, thus, in this manner; serves as intensifier after interrogative pronouns (roughly corresponding in English to such phrase as: ... on earth, ... then, or the like): ماذاwhat on earth? لماذاwhy then? why in heaven’s name? – ھو ذاhuwa dā, f. ھي ذي hiya dī that one; look at that one; why, that is ..., now if that isn’t ...!; ھاءنذا hā’anadā behold, it is I, here I am, pl. ھا نحن اوالءhā naḥnu ulā’i; -- used as an accusative in the construct state: master, owner, or possessor of, with ذوnominative (q.v.), ذيas genitive; -- ذاكdāka, f. تاك tāka, تيكtīka, pl. اوالئكulā’ika this, this one; ( اذ ذاكid) then, at that time; in those days; -- ذلكdālika f. تلكtilka, pl. اوالئك
ulā’ika that, that one; بذلكbi-dālika by that, by that means, in that manner; لذلكlidālika therefore; بعد ذلكba‘da dālika after that, upon that, thereafter, thereupon; مع ذلكma‘a dālika yet, still, 306 nevertheless, for all that; ( وذلك انanna) that is (to say), namely, to wit; ( وذلك ألنli-anna) and that is because ..., for the one reason that ...; ( ذلك بأنbi-anna) this is due to the fact that ...; كذلكka-dālika so, thus, in that manner; equally, likewise, in the lame manner; -- ذلكمdālikum f. تلكمtilkum, pl. اوالئكمulā’ikum that one; -- ھذاhādā f. ھذه hādihī, ھذيhādī, pl. ھؤالءhā’ulā’I, dual m. ھذانhādāni, f. ھاتانhātāni this, this one, see ( ھذاalphabetically) ذأبX to be wolflike, be fierce or cruel like a wolf ذئبdi‘b pl. ذئابdi’āb, ذؤبانdu’bān dieb (Canis anthus), jackal; wolf │ مرض الذئب األحمرmaraḍ ad-d. al-aḥmar name of a noncontiguous skin disease ذؤابةdu’āba pl. ذوائبdawā’ib2 lock, strand (of hair); tuft, wisp ذاتي، ذاتand ذاتيةsee ذو ذاsee ذا
pectoris (med.); O ( الذبحة الفؤاديةfu’ādīya) do. ذباحdabbāḥ slaughtering, killing, murdering; slaughterer, butcher ذبيحdabīḥ slaughtered ذبيحةdabīḥa pl. ذبائحdabā’iḥ2 slaughter animal; sacrificial victim, blood sacrifice; sacrifice, immolation; offering, oblation مذبحmadbaḥ pl. مذابحmadābiḥ2 slaughterhouse; altar (Chr.) مذبحةmadbaḥa massacre, slaughter, carnage, butchery ذبذبdabdaba to set into a swinging motion, swing, dangle ( ھـs.th.) II tadabdaba to swing, pendulate; to oscillate (el.); to be deflected (magnetic needle); to vibrate; to fluctuate; to waver, vacillate, hesitate ذبذبةdabdaba pl. -āt pendulous motion, pendulation; oscillation (el.); vibration تذبذبtadabdaba pendulous motion, pendulation, swinging; oscillation (el.); deflection (of a magnetic needle) O مذبذبmudabdib oscillator (el.)
ذالdāl name of the letter ذ
مذبذبmudabdab fluctuating, variable; vacillating, wavering, hesitant, unsteady
ذبdabba u to drive away, chase away ( ه،ھـ s.o., s.th.); to defend ( عنs.o., s.th.)
متذبذبmutadabdib: ( تيار متذبذبtayyār) oscillating current (el.)
ذبابdubāb (coll.; n. un. )ةpl. اذبة adibba, ذبانdibbān flies, fly │ ذباب قارض gadfly, horsefly ذبابةdubāba pl. -āt (n. un. of )ذبابfly; tip (of the sword, or the like) ذبانةdubbāna, dibbāna fly; sight, bead (on a firearm) مذبةmidabba fly whisk, fly swatter ذبحdabaḥa a (dabḥ) to kill (by slitting the throat); to slaughter, butcher; to massacre; to murder, slay; to sacrifice, offer up, immolate ( ھـan animal) II to kill, slaughter, butcher, massacre, murder ذبحdabḥ slaughtering, slaughter ذبحdibḥ sacrificial victim, blood sacrifice ذبحةdibḥa, dubḥa angina (med.); diphtheria │ ( الذبحة الصدريةṣadrīya) angina
ذبلdabala, dabula u (dabl, ذبولdubūl) to be wilted, to wilt, wither; to fade; to become dry, dry up; to waste away; to become dull, lose its luster (eye) ذبلdabl mother-of-pearl, nacre ذبالةdubāla wick ذابلdābil pl. ذبلdubul wilted, withered; dry, dried up; faded (color); languid, dull, lackluster, languishing (glance); feeble, weak, tired 307 ذحلdaḥl pl. اذحالadḥāl, ذحولduḥūl resentment, rancor, hatred; revengefulness, vindictiveness; blood revenge ذخرdakara a to keep, preserve, store away, put away ( ھـs.th.); to save, lay by ( ھـs.th.) VIII ادخرiddakara to keep, preserve, store away, put away ( ھـs.th.); to store, accumulate, gather, hoard, amass ( ھـs.th.);
to lay by ( ھـs.th.); to save ( ھـs.th., also strength, trouble, etc.) │ ادخر حبا ل (ḥubban) to harbor love for; ال يدخر جھدا (juhdan) he spares no effort ذخرdukr pl. اذخارadkār s.th. stored away, put by, hoarded, or accumulated; stores, supplies; treasure ذخيرةdakīra pl. ذخائرdakā’ir2 treasure; stores, supplies; provisions, food; ammunition (mil.); (holy) relic ادخارiddikār storage; hoarding, amassing, accumulation; storing, gathering; saving مذخرmudakkir pl. -ūn assistant gunner, ammunition passer (mil., Syr.) مذخرmudakkar pl. -āt supply مدخرةmuddakira pl. -āt (Syr.) storage battery, battery 1 2
ذرةdura see ذرو ذرdarra u (darr) to strew, scatter, spread (ھـ s.th.); to sprinkle ( ب ھـon s.th. s.th.) │ ذر (الرماد في عينيهar-ramāda fī ‘ainaihī) to throw dust in s.o.’s eyes; -- u ( ذرورdurūr) to rise, come up, rise resplendent over the horizon (sun) │ ( ذر قرنهqarnuhū) it began to show, it emerged ذرdarr strewing, scattering, sprinkling; (coll.) tiny particles, atoms, specks, motes ذرةdarra (n. un.) pl. -āt atom; tiny particle; speck, mote │ مثقال ذرةmitqāl d. the weight of a dust particle, a tiny amount; a little bit; مقدار ذرةmiqdār d. a tiny amount, a jot, an iota; ذرة من الشك (šakk) the least doubt ذريdarrī atomic │ ( قنبلة ذريةqunbula) atomic bomb; ( النشاط الذريnašāṭ) and طاقة ( ذريةṭāqa) atomic energy ذرورdarūr powder ذروريdarūrī powdery, powdered, pulverized ( ذريرةdarīra pl. ذرائرdarā’ir2 fragrant powder, cosmetic scented powder ذريdurrī of or pertaining to the offspring or progeny ذريةdurrīya pl. -āt, ذراريdarārīy progeny, descendants, children, offspring
يذرyadaru see ()وذر ذربdariba a (darab) to be sharp, cutting ذربdarab diarrhea (med.) ذربdarib pl. ذربdurb sharp, cutting │ ( جرح ذربjurḥ) a malignant, incurable wound
ذراحdurrāḥ pl. ذراريحdarārīḥ2 Spanish fly, blister beetle (zool.) ذرعdara‘a a (dar‘) to measure ( ھـs.th.); to take the measure or measurements ( ھـof s.th.); to cover ( ھـa distance); to cross, travel ( ھـa country), travel through ( ;)ھـto intercede, intervene, mediate, put in a word ( لfor s.o., on behalf of s.o., عندwith s.o. else) V to use, employ, apply (بذريعة bi-darī‘a or بوسيلةbi-wasīla a means, an expedient); to use as a pretext, as an excuse ( بs.th.); to use as a means (ب s.th., الىto an end) VII to proceed, advance; to intervene ذرعdar‘ power, ability, capability ( بto do s.th.) │ ضاق ذرعا بand ضاق عنه ذرعا (dar‘an) not to be up to s.th., be unable to do or accomplish s.th.; to be unable to stand or bear s.th., be fed up with, be tired of, feel uneasy about, be oppressed by 308 ذراعdirā‘ f. and m., pl. اذرعadru‘, ذرعان dur‘ān arm; forearm; connecting rod; cubit, in Syria = .68 m │in Egypt: ذراع ( بلديbaladī) = .58 m, ذراع استانبولي (istanbūlī) = .665 m, ( ذراع ھندازةhindāza) = .656 m, ( ذراع ﻣﻌﻤﺎريmi‘mārī) = ca. . 75 m, ( ذراع ﻣﻌﻤﺎري ﻣﺮﺑﻊmurabba‘) = . 5625 m; in Iraq: ( ذراع ﺣﻠﺒﻲḥalabī) = ca. .68 m, ( ذراع ﺑﻐﺪاديbagdādī) or ذراع ( ﺑﻠﺪيbaladī) = ca. .80 m, ذراع ﻣﻌﻤﺎري see 800 above ذرﻳﻊdarī‘ stepping lively, walking briskly; rapid, quick; torrential; rapidly spreading, sweeping (death); devastating; intercessor ذرﻳﻌﺔdarī‘a pl. ذراﺋﻊdarā’i‘2 medium, means, expedient; pretext, excuse ذرفdarafa i (darf, ذرﻳﻒdarīf, ذروفdurūf, ذرﻓﺎنdarafan) to flow, well forth (tears); to shed ( ھـtears; said of the eye) II to exceed ( علىan age) X to let flow, shed (ھـ tears)
ذرقdaraqa i u (darq) to drop excrement (bird) IV do. ذرقdarq droppings, excrement (of a bird) ( ذروand ذرى( ذراdarā u (darw) to disperse, scatter ( ھـs.th.); to carry off, blow away ( ھـdust; said of the wind); to winnow, fan ( ھـgrain); -- ذرىdarā i (dary) do. II do. IV = I; to throw down, throw off ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) │ ( اذرت العين الدمعdam‘a) the eye shed tears V to be winnowed, be fanned; to climb ( ھـon), scale ( ھـs.th.); to seek shade or shelter ( بin, at, under); to take refuge ( بwith), flee ( بto) X to take refuge ( بwith), place o.s. under s.o.’s ()ب protection, flee ( بto s.o.) ذرةdura durra, a variety of sorghum │ ( ذرة ﺷﺎﻣﻲeg.) Indian corn, maize (Zea mays L.); ( ذرة ﺻﻔﺮاءṣafrā’) do. (syr.); ( ذرة ﻋﻮﻳﺠﺔeg.) a variety of millet (Andropogon Sorghum Brot. var. Schwein furtianus Kcke.); ( ذرة ﺑﻴﻀﺎءbaiḍā’) millet (syr.) ذرىdaran protection, shelter ذروةdurwa, dirwa pl. ذرىduran summit; top; peak; culmination, climax, acme, apex ﻣﺬرىmidran and ﻣﺬارةmidrāh pl. ﻣﺬارmadārin winnow, winnowing fork ذﻋﺮda‘ara a (da‘r) to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify ( هs.o.); pass. du‘ira to be frightened ( لby), get alarmed ( لat); -da‘ira a (da‘ar) to be terrified, alarmed, dismayed IV to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify ( هs.o.) V and VII to be frightened, become alarmed ذﻋﺮdu‘r fright, terror, alarm, panic ذﻋﺮda‘ar fright, alarm, dismay, consternation ذﻋﺎفdu‘āf lethal, deadly, immediately killing (poison) │ ( ﻣﻮت ذﻋﺎفmaut) a sudden, immediate death ذﻋﻖda‘aqa a (da‘q) to frighten ( هs.o.) by screaming ذﻋﻦda‘ana a (da‘an) and IV to submit, yield, give in ( لto s.o.), obey ( لs.o., an order, etc.); to concede voluntarily, grant willingly ( ب لto s.o. s.th.)
اذﻋﺎنid‘ān submissiveness, pliability, compliance, obedience ﻣﺬﻋﻦmud‘in submissive, pliable, tractable, obedient ﻣﺬﻋﺎنmid‘an pliable, tractable, docile, obedient, obliging, compliant ذفرdafar pungent smell, stench ذقنdaqan, diqan pl. اذقانadqān, ذقونduqūn chin; -- daqn f., pl. ذقونduqūn beard, whiskers │ ذقن الشيخd. aš-šaik; wormwood, absinthe; خروا ألذقانھمkarrū liadqānihim they prostrated themselves; 309 ( غرق في العمل حتى الذقنgariqa fī l-‘amal) to be up to one’s neck in work, be swamped by work (properly: to drown in work); ( ضحك على ذقنهḍaḥika) pl. على ذقونھم (eg., syr.) to fool s.o., make fun of s.o., lead s.o. around by the nose ( بwith s.th.); to put on an act for s.o.; ضحك في ذقنهto laugh in s.o.’s face ذﻛﺮdakara u (dikr, ﺗﺬﻛﺎرtadkār) to remember, bear in mind ( ھـs.th.), think (ھـ of); to keep in mind ( ھـs.th.); to recall, recollect ( ھـs.th.); -- (dikr) to speek, talk ( ھـof, about); to name, mention, cite, quote ( ھـs.th.); to state, designate, indicate (ھـ s.th.); to give ( ھـe.g., foots, data); to point, refer ( ھـto s.th.); to report, relate, tell (ل ھـ s.th. to s.o.) │ ﺗﻘﺪم ﻳﺬﻛﺮtaqaddumun yudkaru notable progress; ﻻ ﻳﺬﻛﺮ (yudkaru) inconsiderable, not worth mentioning; ( )ذﻛﺮه ﺑﺨﻴﺮ )ﺑﺎﻟﺨﻴﺮkair) to have pleasant memories of s.o., hold s.o. in fond remembrance; to speak well of s.o.; ( ذﻛﺮه ﺑﺸﺮšarr) to have unpleasant memories of s.o.; to speak ill of s.o. II to remind ( ب هs.o. of s.th.), point out ( ب هto s.o. s.th.), call s.o.’s ( )هattention ( بto); to make ( ھـa word) masculine (gram.) III to parley, negotiate, confer, have a talk, take counsel ( هwith s.o.); to memorize, commit to memory, learn, study ( ھـone’s assignment, one’s lesson) │ ذاﻛﺮ دروﺳﻪ (durūsahū) to study one’s lessons, do one’s homework IV to remind ( ھـ هs.o. of s.th.), call ( ھـs.th.) to s.o.’s ( )هmind V to remember, bear in mind ( ھـs.th.), think (ھـ of s.th.) VI to remind each other ( ھـof), revive each other’s memory of ( ;)ھـto confer (together), have a talk, take counsel VIII ادﻛﺮiddakara = V; X to remember,
recall, keep in mind, know by heart (ھـ s.th.) ذﻛﺮdikr recollection, remembrance, reminiscence, memory, commemoration; reputation, repute, renown; naming, stating, mention(ing), quoting, citation; report, account, narration, narrative; invocation of God, mention of the Lord’s name; (in Sufism) incessant repetition of certain words or formulas in praise of God, often accompanied by music and dancing │( ﻋﻠﻰ ذﻛﺮwith foll. genit.) apropos of, speaking of ...; وﻋﻠﻰ ذﻛﺮ ذﻟﻚ speaking of that, incidentally, in that connection; اﻟﺬﻛﺮ اﻟﺤﻜﻴﻢthe Koran; ﺳﺎﻟﻒ اﻟﺬﻛﺮabovementioned, aforementioned; ﺳﻌﻴﺪ اﻟﺬﻛﺮof blessed memory, deceased, late; اﺷﺎد ﺑﺬﻛﺮه (ašāda) to celebrate, praise, commend s.o. or s.th., speak in glowing terms of s.o. or s.th.; ( ﻣﺎ زال ﻋﻠﻰ ذﻛﺮ ﻣﻦdikr min) he still remembered ..., he could still recall ... ذﻛﺮdakar pl. ذﻛﻮرdukūr, ذﻛﻮرة dukūra, ذﻛﺮانdukrān male; (pl. )ذﻛﻮر penis ذﻛﺮةdukra reputation, repute, renown ذﻛﺮىdikrā pl. ذﻛﺮﻳﺎتdikrayāt remembrance, recollection, memory; pl. reminiscences, memoirs ذﻛﻴﺮdakīr steel ﺗﺬﻛﺎرtadkār, tidkār remembrance; reminder, memento; memory, commemoration; souvenir, keepsake; memorial day │ ﺗﺬﻛﺎر ﺟﻤﻴﻊ اﻟﻘﺪﻳﺴﻴﻦt. jamī‘ al-qiddīsīn All Saints’ Day (Chr.) ﺗﺬﻛﺎريtadkārī, tidkārī serving to remind, helping the memory; memorial, commemorative ﺗﺬﻛﺮةtadkira reminder; memento ﺗﺬﻛﺮةtadkira, mostly pronounced tadkara, pl. ﺗﺬاﻛﺮtadākir2 message, note; slip, paper, permit, pus; card; ticket; admission ticket │ ﺗﺬﻛﺮة ﺑﺮﻳﺪpostcard; ﺗﺬﻛﺮة اﺛﺒﺎت اﻟﺸﺨﺼﻴﺔt. itbāt aš-šakṣīya identity card; ﺗﺬﻛﺮة ذﻫﺎب واﻳﺎبt. dahāb wa-iyāb round-trip ticket; ﺗﺬﻛﺮة اﻟﺮﺻﻴﻒ (eg.) platform ticket; ﺗﺬﻛﺮة اﺷﺘﺮاك subscription ticket; ( ﺗﺬﻛﺮة ﻃﺒﻴﺔṭibbīya) medical prescription; ﺗﺬﻛﺮة ﻣﺮورpermit,
pass, laissez-passer; passport; ﺗﺬﻛﺮة ٣١٠ ( اﻟﻨﻔﻮسSyr.) identity card (= بطاقة شخصيةEg.); ﺗﺬﻛﺮة اﻻﻧﺘﺨﺎبt. al-intikāb ballot ﺗﺬﻛﺮﺟﻲtadkarjī, ﺗﺬﻛﺮيtadkarī ticket seller, ticket clerk; (streetcar) conductor ﺗﺬﻛﻴﺮtadkīr reminding (of s.o., بof s.th:). reminder, memento; fecundation, pollination (of female blossoms; in pomiculture) ﻣﺬاﻛﺮةmudākara pl. -āt negotiation, consultation. conference; deliberation (of a court; Syr.); learning, memorizing, memorization; study ﺗﺬﻛﺮtadakkur memory, remembrance, recollection اﺳﺘﺬﻛﺎرistidkār memorizing, memorization, committing to memory ذاﻛﺮةdākira memory ﻣﺬﻛﻮرmadkūr mentioned; said, abovementioned; celebrated │ ﻟﻢ ﻳﻜﻦ ﺷﻴﺌﺎ ﻣﺬﻛﻮراlam yakun šai’an m. it was of no importance, it was nothing ﻣﺬﻛﺮmudakkar masculine (gram.) ﻣﺬﻛﺮةmudakkira pl. -āt reminder; note; remark.; notebook; memorandum, memorial, aide-mémoire, (diplomatic) note; ordinance, decree; treatise, paper, report (of a learned society, = Fr. mémoires); pl. reminiscences, memoirs │ ﻣﺬﻛﺮة اﻻﺗﻬﺎمm. al-ittihām bill of indictment (jur.); ﻣﺬﻛﺮة اﻟﺠﻠﺐm. al-jalb writ of habeas corpus; ﻣﺬﻛﺮة ﺷﻔﺎﻫﻴﺔ (šifāhīya) verbal note (dipl.) ( ذﻛﻮand ذﻛﻰ( ذﻛﺎdakā u (dukūw, ذﻛﺎdakan, ذﻛﺎءdakā’) to blaze, flare up (fire); to exude a strong odor; -- ذﻛﻲdakiya (ذﻛﺎء dakā’) to be sharp-witted, intelligent II and IV to cause to blaze, fan ( ھـthe fire); to kindle ( ھـs.th.) II to immolate an animal X = dakā ذﻛﺎءdakā’ acumen, mental, acuteness, intelligence, brightness; -- dukā’2 the sun ذﻛﻲdakīy pl. اذﻛﻴﺎءadkiyā’2 intelligent, sharp-witted, clever, bright; redolent, fragrant; tasty, savory, delicious
ذلdalla i (dall, dull, ذاللةdalāla, ذلةdilla, مذلة madalla) to be low, lowly, humble, despised, contemptible II to lower, debase, degrade, humiliate, humble ( ه, ھـs.o., s.th.); to subject, break, subdue, conquer (ه s.o.); to overcome, surmount (ھـ difficulties, obstacles) IV to lower, debase, degrade, humiliate, humble ( ه,ھـ s.o., s.th.); to subject, break, subdue, conquer ( ه, ھـs.o. s.th.) V to lower o.s, humble o.s., cringe ( الىor لbefore s.o.); to be humble, obsequious X to think (ه s.o.) low or despicable; to think little (ه of), disesteem ( هs.o.); to deride, flout, disparage, run down ( هs.o.) ذلdull lowness, lowliness, insignificance; ignominy, disgrace, shame, degradation, humiliation; humility, humbleness, meekness, submissiveness ذلةdilla lowness, baseness, vileness, depravity; submissivness, obsequiousness ذليلdalīl pl. اذالءadillā’2, اذلةadilla low, lowly; despised, despicable, contemptible; docile, tractable, pliable; humble, submissive, abject, servile; obsequious, cowering, cringing ذلولdalūl pl. ذللdulul docile, tractable, gentie (animal); female riding camel مذلةmadalla humbleness, meekness, submissiveness; humiliation تذليلtadlīl derogation, degradation, bemeaning; overcoming, conquering, surmounting (of difficulties, of an obstacle, and the like)
ذالقةdalāqa eloquence, glibness (of the tongue) ذلكetc., see ذا ذمdamma u (damm, مذمةmadamma) to blame, find blameworthy, dispraise, criticize (ه s.o.), find fault ( هwith s.o.) II to rebuke, censure sharply ( هs.o.) ذمdamm censure, dispraise, derogation, disparagement ذمةdimma pl ذممdimam protection, care, custody; covenant of protection, compact; responsibility, answerableness; financial obligation, liability, debt; inviolability, security of life and property; safeguard, guarantee, security; conscience │ بالذمة؟honestly? really? seriously? في ذمتيand على ذمتيupon my word, truly; في ذمته, بذمتهin s.o.’s debt, indebted to s.o.; ما بذمتهhis debt; على ذمتهunder s.o.’s protection; at s.o.’s disposal; for the benefit of s.o. or s.th., for s.o. or some purpose (allocation of funds); ھي على ذمته she is financially dependent on him, he has to support her; اھل الذمةahl ad-d. the free non-Muslim subjects living in Muslim, countries who, in return for paying the capital tax, enjoyed protection and safety; طاھر الذمةof pure conscience, upright, honest; ( برأ ذمتهbarra’a) to relieve one’s conscience, meet one’s obligation ذميdimmī a zimmi, a free non-Muslim subject living in a Muslim country (see ذمة dimma: )اھل الذمة
تذللtadallul self-abasement 311
ذمامdimām pl. اذمةadimma right, claim, title; protection, custody; security of life and property │ في ذمام الليلfī d. al-lail under cover of darkness
ذلذلduldul pl. ذالذلdalādil2 lowest, nethermost part of s.th.; train, hem (of a garment) │ ذالذل الناسthe mob, the riffraff
ذميمdamīm censured; blameworthy, objectionable, reprehensible; ugly, unfair, nasty
اذلفadlaf2, f. ذلفاءdalfā’, pl. ذلفdulf having a small and finely chiseled nose
ذميمةdamīima pl. ذمائمdamā’im2 blame, censure
اذاللidlāl degradation, debasement, humiliation
ذلقdalq tip, point; tip of the tongue الحروف الذلقal-ḥurūf ad-dulq, الحروف الذلقيةand ( الحروف الذوللقيةdulaqiya) the liquids r, l, n (phon.) ذلقdalq, daliq, ذليقdalīq eloquent, glib, facile (tongue)
مذمةmadamma pl. -āt blame, censure مذمومmadmūm censured; blameworthy, objectionable, reprehensible ذمرV to grumble, complain ( منor علىabout) ذمارdimār sacred possession, cherished goods; honor
تذمرtadammur pl. -āt grumbling, complaint, grievance ذميdamiya a ( ذماءdamā’) to be in the throes of death ذماءdamā’ last remnant; last breath of life │ ( ذماء من الحياةḥayāh) last breath of life ذنبIV to do wrong, commit a sin, a crime, an offense; to be guilty, be culpable X to find or declare ( هs.o.) guilty of a sin, of a crime, of an offense ذنبdanb pl. ذنوبdunūb offense, sin, crime, misdeed ذنبdanab pl. ذنبadnāb tail; end; adherent (pol.), follower, henchman ذنبيdanabī caudal, tail- (in compounds); append aged, appendant, dependent ذنيبdunaib petiole, leafstalk (bot.) مذنبmudannab comet مذنبmudnib culpable, guilty; sinner; evildoer, delinquent, criminal 312 ذھبdahaba a ( ذھابdahāb, مذھبmadhab) to go ( الىto); to betake o.s., travel ( الىto); to go away, leave, depart; to disappear, vanish, decline, dwindle; to perish, die, be destroyed; with ب: to carry s.th. off, take s.th. away, abduct, steal s.th., sweep s.th. or s.o. away, annihilate, destroy s.th. or s.o.; ذھب به الىto lead or conduct s.o. to, take s.o. along to; to think, believe (الى s.th.), hold the view, be of the opinion (الى that); to escape ( عنs.o.; fig.), slip (عن s.o.’s mind), ذھب عنه انto lose sight of the fact that ..., forget that ... ; to ignore, skip, omit ( عنs.th.); (with imperf.) to prepare to ..., be about to ... │ ذھب وجاءto go back and forth, walk up and down; ذھب الى ابعد ( منab‘ada) to go beyond ... (fig.); ما يذھب ( في نزعتهnaz‘atihī) what follows along these lines; ( !اين يذھب بكyudhabu) the idea of it! you can’t mean it! ( ذھب سدىsudan) to be futile, be in vain, be of no avail; ذھب ( ادراج الرياحadrāja r-riyāḥ) to go the ways of the winds, i.e., to pass unnoticed, without leaving a trace; to end in smoke, come to nothing, be futile, be in vain; ذھب ( كأمس الدابرka-amsi d-dābir) to vanish into thin air, disappear without leaving a trace
(lit.: like yesterday gone by); ( ذھب ببھائهbibahā’ihi) to take the glamor away from s.th.; ( ذھب بنفسهbi-nafsihī) to kill s.o. (joy, terror, etc.); ( ذھب بخيالهbi-kayālihī) to let one’s imagination wander ( الىto); ذھب ( مذھبهmadhabahū) to embrace s.o.’s madhab (see below); to follow s.o.’s teaching, make s.o.’s belief one’s own, embrace s.o.’s ideas; to adopt s.o.’s policy, proceed exactly like s.o.; ذھب كل ( مذھبkulla madhabin) to do everything conceivable, leave no stone unturned, go to greatest lengths II to gild ( ھـs.th.) IV to cause to go away, make disappear, remove, eliminate ( ھـs.th.); to take away ( ھـs.th., عنfrom s.o.) مذھبII tamadhaba (deriv. of مذھب madhab) to follow, adopt, embrace ( بa teaching, a religion, etc.) ذھبdahab (m. and f.) gold; gold piece, gold coin │O ( ذھب ابيضabyaḍ) platinum ذھبيdahabī golden, of gold; precious, excellent, apposite (e.g., advice, saying, etc.) │ آية ذھبيةgolden word, maxim, epigram ذھبيةdahabīya pl. -āt dahabeah, a long light-draft houseboat, used on the Nile ذھابdahāb going; passing, passage, falling away, decrease, dwindling, loss, disappearance; leave, departure; trip, journey; outward-bound trip or journey (as opposed to ايابiyāb return trip; railroad); opinion, view ( الى انthat) │ذھابا ( واياباiyāban) there and back; back and forth, up and down; تذكرة ذھاب واياب tadkarat d. wa-iyāb round-trip ticket ذھوبduhūb going │ ذھوب ومآبcoming and going; في جيئة وذھوبcoming and going, in a state of fluctuation, having its ups and downs مذھبmadhab pl. مذاھبmadāhib2 going, leave, departure; way out, escape (عن from); manner followed, adopted procedure or policy, road entered upon; opinion, view, belief; ideology; teaching, doctrine; movement, orientation, trend (also pol.); school; mazhab, orthodox rite of fiqh (Isl. Law); religious creed, faith, denomination │O ( مذھبه في الحياةḥayāh) his philosophy of life, his weltanschauung;
( المذھب الماديmāddī) the materialistic ideology, the materialistic approach to life; ذھب مذھبا بعيداto go very far, be very extensive مذھبيmadhabī denominational, confessional; sectarian مذھبيةmadhabīya sectarianism 313 ذاھبdāhib: ذاھب اللونd. al-laun faded, colorless, discolored مذھوب بهmadhūb bihī and مذھوب العقلm. al-‘aql out of one’s mind, demented مذھبmudahhab gilded ذھلdahala a (dahl, ذھولduhūl) to forget, overlook, omit, neglect, fail to heed (عن s.th.); -- dahlia a ( ذھولduhūl) to be perplexed, alarmed, dismayed, startled, surprised, baffled; to be astonished, be amazed; to frighten, scare, take alarm, flinch; to be absent-minded, be distracted; to be or become distracted ( عنfrom), forget, overlook, fail to heed, neglect (عن s.th.) IV to baffle, startle, nonplus ( هs.o.); to distract ( عن هs.o. from), make ( هs.o.) forget ( عنs.th.) VII = dahila ذھولduhūl perplexity, consternation, bafflement, daze, stupor; confusion, bewilderment, dismay, alarm, fright; surprise; amazement, astonishment; absentmindedness, distraction, distractedness ( عنfrom) ذاھلdiJAil negligent, forgetful, oblivious, distracted, absent-minded; dazed, in a stupor مذھولmadhūl perplexed, startled, alarmed, dismayed, dazed, confused, baffled, bewildered; distracted, absentminded ذھلmudhil startling, baffling, amazing منذھلmundahil alarmed, dismayed, perplexed, startled, baffled; distracted, absent-minded ذھنdihn pl. اذھانadhān mind; intellect ذھنيdihnī mental, intellectual ذھنيةdihnīya mentality ذوdū, genit. ذيdī, acc. ذاdā, f. ذاتdāt, pl. m. ذووdawū, اولوulū, pl. f. ذواتdawāt (with foll. genit.) possessor, owner, holder or
muter of, endowed or provided with, embodying or comprising s.th. │ ذو عقلdū ‘aql endowed with brains, bright, intelligent; ذو مالrich, wealthy; ذو صحةdū ṣiḥḥa healthy; ذو شأنdū ša’n important, significant; ذو القربىdū l-qurbā relative, kin(sman); ( غير ذي زرعzar‘) uncultivated (land); من ذي قبلmin dī qablu than before; من ذي نفسهof one’s own accord, spontaneously; ذووهdawūhu his relatives, his kin, his folk; ذوو المعرفةdawū lmawadda wa-l-ma‘rifa friends end acquaintances; ذوو الشبھاتdawū š-šubuhāt dubious persons, people of ill repute; ذوو الشأنdawū š-ša’n important, influential people; the competent people (or authorities), those concerned with the matter; اولوا االمرulū l-amr rulers, leaders; اولو الحل والعقدulū l-hall wa-l-‘aqd influential people, those in power ذاتdāt pl. ذواتdawāt being, essence, nature; self; person, personality; the same, the selfsame; -self; الذواتpeople of rank, people of distinction, notables; ذاتاdātan personally │ ذات البينd. al-bain disagreement, dissension, disunion, discord, enmity; friendship; ذات الجنبd. al-janb pleurisy (med.); ذات الرئةd. ar-ri’a pneumonia; ذات الصدرd. aṣ-ṣadr disease of the chest, pectoral ailment; ذات اليدd. alyad wealth, affluence; ذات ايديناd. aidīnā our possessions; ذات اليمينdāta l-yamīn to the right, ذات الشمالdāta š-šimāli to the left, ذات اليسارdāta l-yasāri do.; ذات مرة dāta marratin once, one time, في ذات مرةfī dāti marratin do.; ذات يومdāta yaumin one day, في ذات يومfī dāti yaumin do.; في ذات غد fī dāti gadin sometime in the future, before long; في ذات... fī dāti ... (with foll. genit.) as to …, concerning ..., with reference to …, re; بالذاتbi-d-dāt none other than ..., ... of all things, ... of all 314 people; personally, in person; انا بالذاتI, of all people, ..., none other than I ...; في لندن بالذاتin London, of all places; السعادة بالذات (sa‘āda) essential happiness, happiness proper; ذات نفسهdāt nafsihī, ذات انفسھمd. anfusihim his sejf, their selves, his (their) very nature; ھو بذاته،( ھو ذاتهhe) himself; ذات الشيءthe same thing; ذات األشياءthe same things; ( السنة ذاتھاsana) the same year; لذاتهby himself (itself); in itself; as such; for his (its) own sake; في ذاتهin
itself; في حد ذاتهfī ḥaddi d. do.; قائم بذاتهselfexistent, independent, self-contained, isolated; ( الثقة بالذاتtiqa) self-confidence; حب الذاتḥubb ad-d. and محبة الذات maḥabbat ad-d. self-love, selfishness, egoism; االعتماد على الذاتself-confidence, self-reliance; صريح بذاتهself-evident, selfexplanatory; مناقض ذاتهmunāqiḍ dātahū self-contradictory; ابن ذواتibn dawāt descended from a good family, highborn ذاتيdātī own, proper; self-produced, self-created, spontaneous; personal; selfacting, automatic; subjective (philos.); (pl. -ūn) subjectivist (philos.); ذاتياdātīyan of o.s., by o.s.; personally, in person │ الحكم ( الذاتيḥukm) autonomy ذاتيةdātīya personality; subjectivism (philos.); identity (of a person) │تحقيق الذاتيةidentification (of a person) ال ذاتيةlā-dātīya impersonality ذواتيdawātī high-class, exclusive, luxurious 1
ذوابةsee ذأب
))ذاب )ذوبdāba u (daub), (daub, )ذوبانto dissolve; to melt; to melt away; to liquefy, deliquesce; to dwindle away, vanish; to pine away, waste away (حسرة واسى ḥasratan wa-asan with grief and sorrow) │( ذاب حياءhayā’an) to die of shame; ذابت ( اظفاره فيaẓfāruhū) to strive in vain for, make futile efforts in order to II to dissolve, melt, liquefy ( ھـs.th.) IV to dissolve (also, e.g., tablets in water), liquefy ( ھـs.th.); to melt ( ھـs.th.); to smelt ( ھـmetal); to consume, spend, exhaust, use up, sap ( ھـs.th.) │( اذاب جھدهjuhdahū) to exhaust s.o.’s energy; اذاب عصارة مخه في (‘uṣārata mukkihī) to rack one’s brain with ذوبdaub dissolution; solution (also, as a liquid) ذوبانdawabān dissolution, melting, deliquescence, liquefaction │ذوبان الثلج ))الثلوجd. at-talj (at-tulūj) snowbreak, thaw; قابل للذوبانqābil li-d-d. meltable, soluble, dissoluble تذويبtadwīb dissolution, solution, melting, liquefaction اذابةidāba dissolution, solution, melting, liquefaction
ذائبdā’ib dissolved; melted, molten; salable, dissoluble ذاتand ذواتsee ذو )ذاد )ذودdāda u (daud, ذيادdiyād) to scatter, drive away, chase away; to remove (،عن ھـ هs.o., s.th. from); to defend, protect (عن s.o., s.th.) │( ذاد النوم عن عينهan-nauma ‘an ‘ainihī) to drive or keep the sleep from his eyes ذودdaud defense, protection ( عنof s.th.) ذيادdiyād defense, protection ( عنof s.th.) مذودmidwād pl. مذاودmadāwid manger, crib, feeding trough ذائدdā’id pl. ذادةdāda defender, protector )ذاق )ذوقdāqa u (dauq, ذواقdawāq, مذاق madāq) to taste, sample ( ھـfood, etc.); to try, try out, teat ( ھـs.th.); to get a taste 315 ( ھـof s.th.), experience, undergo, suffer (ھـ s.th.), go through s.th. ( )ھـIV to have (ه s.o.) taste or sample ( ھـs.th.), give ( ھـ هs.o. s.th.) to taste V to taste ( ھـs.th.) slowly, repeatedly, thoroughly; to get a taste ( ھـof s.th.); to sense, perceive ( ھـs.th.); to enjoy thoroughly, savor, relish ( ھـs.th.); to derive pleasure ( منfrom) ذوقdauq pl. اذواقadwāq gustatory sense; taste ( لfor; also, e.g., literary taste); perceptivity, responsiveness (في for); sensitivity, sensitiveness; savoirvivre, suavity, urbanity, tact; liking, inclination; taste, flavor (of food, etc.) │ الذوق السليمgood taste ذوقيdauqī of taste, gustative, gustatory ذواقdawāq taste ذواقdawwāq epicure, connoisseur, gourmet, bon vivant مذاقmadāq taste ذائقةdā’iqa sense of taste ذوىdawā i and dawiya a to wither, wilt, fad.; to be withered, be dry IV to cause to wilt, to dry ذاوdāwin withered, faded, drooping ذيsee ذو
)ذاع )ذيعdā’a i ( ذيوعduyū‘) to spread, get about, circulate, be spread, be disseminated, be or become widespread; to leak out, become public, become generally known IV to spread. spread out, disseminate, propagate ( ھـor بs.th.); to make known, announce, make public, publicize, publish ( ھـor بs.th.); to promulgate ( ھـor بs.th.); to show, manifest, display ( ھـor بs.th.), give evidence ( ھـor بof); to reveal, disclose, divulge ( ھـor بs.th.); to emit ( ھـelectric waves); to broadcast, transmit ( ھـs.th., على to the public; radio) │ ( اذاع بالتلفزةtalfaza) to telecast ( ھـs.th.) ذيوعduyū‘ widespreadness, commonness; spreading, spread, dispersion, diffusion; circulation (of news) مذياعmidyā‘ pl. مذاييعmadāyī‘2 telltale, talebearer, tattler, blabber,: indiscret person; radio station, broadcasting station; broadcasting; microphone; O radio set اذاعةidā‘a spreading, dissemination, propagation; announcement, proclamation; publication; revelation, disclosure; playback (of a tape; as opposed to recording); broadcasting, radio; (pl. -āt) (radio) broadcast, transmission │ اذاعة األخبارi. al-akbāir newscast, news (radio); اذاعة تلفزية (talfazīya) television broadcast, telecast; ( اذاعة السلكيةlā-silkīya) and اذاعة راديوفونية radio broadcast; broadcasting, radio; اذاعة البوليسpolice radio; مجلة اإلذاعةmajallat ali. radio magazine ذائعdā’i‘ widespread, common, general; circulating, in circulation; widely known │ ذائع الصيتd. aṣ-ṣīt famous, noted, renowned, widely known مذيعmudī‘ spreader, disseminator, propagator, proclaimer; broadcasting, transmitting (used attributively); (radio) transmitter; radio announcer مذيعةmudī‘a pl. -āt woman announcer (radio) ذيلII to furnish ( ھـs.th., esp. a book) with an appendix, add a supplement ( ھـto); to provide ( ھـs.th.) at the end ( بwith) IV to trample underfoot, degrade, debase (ھـ s.th.)
ذيلdail pl. ذيولduyūl, اذيالadyāl the lowest or rearmost part of s.th., lower end; tail; hem, border (of a garment); train (of a skirt); lappet, coat tail; bottom, foot, end (of a page); appendage, appendicle; add.nda, supplement, appendix (of a book); retinue, 316 attendants, suite; dependent; result, consequence │في ذيله immediately thereafter: طاھر الذيلinnocent, blameless, upright, honest; طھارة الذيل ṭahārat ad-d. innocence, moral integrity, probity, uprightness, honesty; طويل الذيل long, lengthy, extensive: تمسك باذياله tamassaka bi-adyālihī to cling to s.o.’s coat tails, hold on to s.o.; جر عليه ذيل العفاء (jarra, ‘alaihi) to wipe out s.th., bring about the doom of s.th., let s.th. sink into oblivion: الذ بأذيال الشيءto resort to s.th.
ر راءrā’ name of the letter ر رئةri’a pl. رئونri’ūn, رئاتri’āt lung رئويri’awī pulmonary, pulmonic, pneumonic, of or pertaining to the lung, lung (used attributively) رأبra’aba a (ra’b) to mend, repair, patch up ( ھـa rent, and the like); to rectify, put in order, set right ( ھـs.th.) رؤبةru’ba patch (for mending a rent) مرأبmir’ab pl. مرائبmarā’ib2 repair shop, garage ( رابورFr. rapport) report راتينجratinaj resin ( راتينة = رتينةlook up alphabetically) رؤدru’d soft, tender; ru’d and ( فتاة رؤدfatāh) delicate young girl رئدri’d pl. ارآدar’ād person of approximately the same age, contemporary رادارrādār radar راديكالradikālī radical راديوrādiyō radio راديولوجيradiyōlōjī radiology راديومradiyūm radium │ ذو راديوم فاعل radioactive
رأرأra’ra’a: ( رأرأ بعينهbi-‘ainaihī) to roll one’s eyes رأسra’asa a ( رئاسةri’āsa) to be at the head, be the chairman, be in charge ( ھـof s.th.); to preside ( ھـover s.th.); to had, lead, direct, manage, run ( ھـs.th.); -- رؤس ra’usa u to be the chief, the leader II to appoint as chief or head, make the director or leader, entrust with the direction, management or chairmanship ( هs.o.) V = ra’asa VIII to become or be the chief, head, leader, or director رأسra’s m. and f., pl. رؤوسru’ūs, ارؤسar’us head (also as a enumerative of cattle); chief, chieftain, head, leader; upper part, upper end; tip; top, summit, peak; vertex, apex; extremity, end; promontory, headland, cape (geogr.); main part; beginning: رأساra’san directly, straightway; immediately │ برأسهsui generis, in a class by itself, independent, self-contained, e.g., ‘( علم برأسهilm) a science in itself; ( رأس برأسboth) alike, one like the other, equally, without distinction: ( على رأسwith foll. genit.) at the head of; at the end of; at the beginning of, before, prior to; ( على الرأس والعينwa-l-‘ain) very gladly; juts as you wish! at your service! ‘ على رؤوس األشھادalā r. il-ašhād in public, for all the world to see; رأسا على عقب ra’san ‘alā ‘aqbin upside down, topsyturvy, e.g., ٣١٧ قلبه رأسا على عقب (qalabahū) to turn s.th. completely upside down, upset s.th. from the bottom up; ( الرأس الى القدمqadam) or من الرأس الى أخمص ( القدمakmaṣi l-qadam) from head to toe; رفع به رأساto pay attention to s.th.; رأس اآلفاتthe principal evil, the root of all evil; رأس تنورةRas Tanura (cape. E Saudi Arabia, oil center); رأس ثومr. tūm clove of garlic: رأس الجسرr. al-jisr bridgehead; رأس ( حاميةḥāmiya) hothead, hotspur, firebrand; رأس السنةr. as-sana New Year; رأس العمود r. al-‘amūd capital (of a column or pilaster); رأس الكتابletter-head; رأس المال pl. رؤوس المالcapital (fin.): مسقط الرأس masqaṭ, masqiṭ ar-r. birthplace, home town; سمط الرأسsamṭ ar-r. zenith (astron.); ( البلد الرأسbalad) the capital city; رؤوس األصابعtiptoes رأسيra’sī head (adj.), cephalic; main, chief, principal; perpendicular, vertical
رأسماليra’s-mālī capitalistic; (pl. -ūn) capitalist رأسماليةra’s-mālīya capitalism رئيسra’īs pl. رؤساءru’asā’ one at the head, or in charge, of; head; chieftain; leader; chief, boss; rais; director; headmaster, principal, chairman; governor; president; manager, superintendent; conductor (mus.); superior (as distinguished from مرؤوسsubordinate); (mil.) captain (Ir. 1922. Leb.; formerly also Syr. And Eg.); ( رئيس اولawwal) military rank between captain and major (= Fr. capitaine 1ière classe; Ir. 1922, Syr. 1952) │ رئيس األساقفةarchbishop; رئيس البلدية r. al-baladīya chief of a municipality, mayor; رئيس التحريرeditor-in-chief; رئيس اركان الحربr. arkān al-ḥarb chief of general staff; رئيس التشريفاتr. at-tašrīfāt chief of protocol, master of ceremonies (of the king; formerly Ir.); رأس الشماسمة archdeacon; رئيس عرفاءr. ‘urafā’ (mil.) master sergeant (Ir., Syr.); رئيس األقسامr. al-aqsām technical director general (of the State Railways; Eg.); رئيس النوابr. annuwwāb president of parliament, speaker of the (lower) house; رئيس ھيئة اركان الحرب r. hai’at arkān al-ḥarb chief of general staff; رئيس الوزراءr. al-wuzarā’ and رئيس الوزارةprime minister, premier رئيسةra’īsa manageress; directress; mother superior رئيسيra’īsī main, chief, principal, leading │( دور رئيسيdaur) leading role, leading part; ( سبب رئيسيsabab) principal cause, main reason; شارع رئيسيmain street; الفضائل الرئيسيةcardinal virtues (Chr.); ( مقالة رئيسيةmaqāla) editorial, leading article, leader □ ريسrayyis (= )رئيسmate (naval rank; Eg.) │( رئيس ممتازmumtāz) a naval rank (approx. = petty officer 3rd class; Eg. 1939) رئاسةri’āsa, رياسةriyāsa (also )رآسة leadership, leading position; management, direction; chairmanship; presidency, presidentship; supervision, superintendency │ رئاسة الوزارةprime ministry, premiership; دار الرياسة presidential palace, seat of the chief executive of a country
ترؤسtara‘‘us direction, management; chairmanship روائسrawā’is2 cliffs lining river bode (wadis) مرؤوسmar’ūs subordinate; (pl. -ūn) a subordinate, a subaltern رأفra’afa a and رؤفra’ufa u ( رأفةra’fa, رآفة ra’āfa) to show mercy ( بon s.o.), have pity ( بwith s.o.), be kind, gracious, merciful ( بto s.o.) V do. رأفةra’fa and رآفةra’āfa morcy, compassion, pity: kindliness graciousness رؤوفra’ūf merciful, compassionate; kind, benevolent; gracious ارأفar’af kindlier, more gracious (ب toward) 318 رافياrāfiyā raffia, raftia palm 1
رأمra’ama a (ra’m) to repair, mend ( ھـs.th.)
رئمra’ima a ( رئمانri’mān) to love tenderly (ھـ s.th.), be very fond ( ھـof); to treat tenderly, fondle, cares ( ھـs.th.) رئمri’m pl. ارآمar’ām white antelope, addax رءومra’ūm loving, tender (mother to her children)
رام ﷲrāmallāh Ramallah (town in W Jordan, N of Jerusalem) راميةrāmiya ramie, a strong, lustrous bast fiber; China jute (bot.) راوندrāwand rhubarb 1
رأىra’ā يرىyarā (ra’y, رؤيةru’ya) to see; to behold, descry, perceive, notice, observe, discern ( ھـs.th.); to look ( ھـ ھـat s.th. as), regard ( ھـ ھـs.th. as), consider, deem, think ( ھـ ھـs.th. to be ...); to judge; to be of the opinion ( انthat), believe, think (ان that); to express one’s opinion; to feel (ان that); to deem appropriate, think proper (ھـ s.th.), decide ( ھـon s.th., انto do s.th.); to consider, contemplate │ أرأيتa-ra’aita tell me! what do you think? رأى رأي العين (ra’ya l-ain) to see with one’s own eyes; ( رأى رؤياru’yā) to have a dream; رأى منه ‘( العجبajaba) to be amazed at s.th.; رأى للشيء فائدةexpect some benefit from s.th.; ( رأى من واجبهmin wājibihī) to regard as one’s duty, deem incumbent upon o.s.; رأى
له انto think that it would be in s.o.’s interest to ...; ( رأى رأيهra’yahū) to share s.o.’s. opinion; pass.: ( رؤي انru’iya) it was decided that ...; رؤي الشيءit was felt proper to do III it was thought to be the right thing to do ill to act ostentatiously, make a show before people, attitudinize; to do eyeservice; to behave hypocritically, act the hypocrite, (dis)simulate, dissemble ( هtoward s.o.) IV ارىarā to show, demonstrate ( ھـ هto s.o. s.th.) يا ترىyā turā (in interrogative sentences) what’s your opinion? would you say ...? │I wonder ..., متى يا ترىI wonder when ..., ترى ھلwonder if ..., would you say that ...? ( اتراھا جاءتa-tarāhā) I wonder if she has come, would you say she has come? اتراني اعودwould you say I should go back? V to deem, think, believe VI to present o.s. to or come into s.o.’s ( )لview, show o.s. ( لto s.o.); to appear, seem ( لto s.o.); to appear right, seem appropriate (ل to s.o.), be thought proper ( لby s.o.); to see one another; to look at o.s. (in a mirror); to act the hypocrite; to fake, feign, simulate ( بs.th.) VIII to consider, contemplate ( ھـs.th.); to be of the opinion ( انthat), decide ( انthat) │ارتأى رأيا (ra’yan) to have an opinion; ارتأى رأيه (ra’yahū) to share s.o.’s opinion رأيra’y pl. آراءārā’ opinion, view; idea, notion, concept, conception; advice, suggestion, proposal; (Isl. Law) subjective opinion, decision hued on one’s individual judgment (not on Koran and Sunna) │ في رأييand عند رأييin my opinion; انا من ھذا الرأيI am of this opinion; من رأيه انhe is of the opinion that ...; ( أخذ الرأي علىukida) it was put to the vote, (the matter) was voted upon; لم يكن عند رأيھمhe was not what they had expected; لم يكن له فيه رأيhe had no say in the matter; ‘( الرأي العامāmm) public opinion; ذو الرأيpl. ذوو اآلراءsensible, judicious; man of good sense and judgment; well-informed, knowledgeable person, one in the know; تبادل اآلراء tabādul al-ārā’, exchange of views; صلب الرأيṣulba ar-r. obstinate, stubborn, opinionated; قسم الرأيqism ar-r. committee of experts, council on legal and economio matters (attached to the ministries; Eg.) رايةrāya pl. -āt banner, flag 319
رؤيةru’ya seeing, looking, viewing; inspection, examination
pensioners; ارباب السوابقthose previously convicted; ارباب الفنونartists
رؤياru’ya pl. رؤىru’an vision; dream │ سفر الرؤياsifr ar-r. the ھـpocalypse (Chr.)
ربةrabba pl. -āt mistress; lady │ربة المنزلr. al-manzil the lady of the house; ربة البيتr. al-bait landlady; ربة شعرهr. ši‘rihī his muse; ربات الحجالr. al-ḥijāl the ladies
مرأىmar’an sight, view; vision; apparition │ على مرأى منbefore s.o.’s eyes; ( على مرأى ومسمع منwa-masma‘in) before the eyes and ears of; with full knowledge of مرآةmir’āh pl. مراءmarā’in, مرايا marāyā looking glass, mirror; reflection, reflected image
ربrubba (with fol. indet. genit.) many a, e.g., ( رب رجلrajulin) many a man, رب ( مرةmarratin) many a time
□ مرايةmirāya pl. -āt looking glass mirror
ربماrubbamā sometimes; perhaps, maybe, possibly
رئاءri’ā and رياءriyā’ eyeservice; hypocrisy, dissimulation; dissemblance; simulation ( بof s.th.)
ربةrabba, ribba a kind of skin eruption affecting the head and face
مراءاة, مراآةmurā’āh eyeservice; hypocrisy, dissimulation, dissemblance; simulation ( بof s.th.) راءrā’in viewer, onlooker, spectator, observer O رائيةrā’iya pl. -āt view finder (of a camera) مرئيmar’īy seen; visible; المرئياتthe visible things, the visible world مراءmurā’in pl. مراؤونmurā’ūun hypocrite 2
ربrubb pl. ربابribāb, ربوبrubūb rob, thickened juice (of fruit): mash, pulp
رئةand رئويsee رء
رايrāy an Egyptian variety of salmon
رايةsee 2 رأى
ربrabba u (rabb, ربابةribāba) to be master, be lord, have possession ( ه، ھـof), control ( ھـ، ھـs.o., s.th.), have command or authority ( ه، ھـover); -- u (rabb) and II to raise, bring up ( هa child) II to deify, idolize ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) ربrabb pl. اربابarbāb lord; master; owner, proprietor (Isl. Law); (with foil. genit.) one possessed of, endowed with, having to do with, etc.; الربthe Lord (= God) │( رب بحريbaḥrī) a naval rank (approx. = seaman; Eg.); رب العائلةfather of the family, paterfamilias; ارباب السلطان a. as-sulṭān the rulers; ارباب المالthe capitalists; صعود الربthe ھـscension (Chr.); ارباب المعاشاتa. al-ma’āšāt
ربابrabāib, ربابةrabāba rebab or rebec, a stringed instrument of the ھـrabs resembling the fiddle, with one to three strings (in Eg. usually two-stringed) ربيبrabīb pl. -āt ارباءaribbā’ foster son, stepson; foster father; confederate, ally ربيبةrabība pl. ربائبrabā’ib2 foster daughter, stepdaughter; foster mother; (woman) ally ربوبيةrubūbīya divinity, deity, godship ربانrubbān pl. -īya, ربابنةrabābina captain, skipper; a naval rank, approx. = captain, ( ربان ثانtānin) approx. = commander (Eg. 1939) ربانيrabbānī divine; pertaining to God │ الربانياتdivine things; الصالة الربانية (ṣalāh) the Lord’s Prayer (Chr.) ( مربةeg.) mirabba (= مربىmurabban) jam, preserved fruit 320 رابrābb stepfather رابةrābba stepmother ربأraba’a a to hold in esteem, esteem highly ( بs.o.); If '! 4J to consider s.o. above s.th., above doing s.th., have too high an oplnion of s.o. as to suspect him of (doing) s.th. or as to expect him to do s.th.; ( ربأ بنفسه عنbi.-nafsii) to deem o.s. above s.th., be too proud for, stand aloof from
ربيئةrabī’a pl. رباياrabāya guard ربتrabata i (rabt) to pat, caress, stroke ( هs.o.) II do. │( ربت على خدهkaddihi) to pat s.o.’s cheek; ( ربت على كتفهkatifihi) to pat s.o. on the shoulder; ربت نفسهto be self-satisfied, self-complacent, smug ربحrabiḥa a (ribḥ, rabaḥ) to gain ( ھـ منfrom s.th. s.th.), profit ( منfrom); to win (sports, games) │( ما ربحت تجارتھمtijāratuhum) their business was unprofitable II and IV to make ( هs.o.) gain, allow s.o. ( )هa profit ربحribḥ pl. ارباحarbāḥ gain, profit; benefit; interest (on money); pl. proceeds, returns, revenues; O dividends │ربح بسيط simple interest, ( ربح مركبmurakkab) compound interest رباحrabbāḥ pl. ربابيحrabābīḥ2 monkey اربحarbaḥ2 more profitable, more lucrative مرابحةmurābaḥ (Isl. Law) resale with specification of gain, resale with an advance رابحrābiḥ profiteer, gainer, winner; beneficiary; lucrative, gainful, profitable (business) مربحmurbiḥ lucrative, gainful, profitable ربدV to become clouded, become overcast (sky); to turn ashen, take on a glowering expression (face, with anger) IX to become ashen, assume a glowering expression (face) مربدmurbadd clouded; gloomy, morose (face) ربصrabaṣa u (rabṣ) to wait, look, watch, be on the lookout ( بfor) V to lurk, lie in wait ( لfor s.o.), waylay, ambush ( لs.o.); to lay an ambush, move into an ambush; to take up positions (mil.); to expect ( ب،ھـ s.th.), wait ( ب، ھـfor s.th.) │تربص الفرصة (furṣata) to wait (or look) for an opportunity; ( تربص األمرamra) to wait for s.th. to befall s.o. or to happen to s.o., e.g., ; تربص به الدوائرto wait; for s.o. to meet with disaster تربصtarabbuṣ probationary term (adm.) متربصmutarabbiṣ candidate, aspirant
ربضrabaḍa (rabḍ, rubūd) to lie down; to lie, rest (animals; with the chest to the ground); to lurk ( لfor s.o.) ربضrabaḍ pl. ارباضarbāḍ outskirts, suburb; place where animals lie down to rest مربضmarbaḍ pl. مرابضmarābiḍ2 place where animals lie down to rest; sheep pen, fold ربطrabaṭa u i (rabṭ) to bind, tie up, make fast, moor ( ھـs.th.); to tie, fasten, attach, hitch ( الى ھـs.th. to); to connect ( الى ھـs.th. with); to fix, appoint, determine ( ھـs.th.); to value, rate, assess ( ھـs.th.); to add, append, affix ( الى ھـs.th. to); to insert (الى ھـs.th. in); to combine, unite ( ھـs.th., – بين وبينs.th. with); to ligate ( ھـs.th.), apply a tourniquet ( ھـto); to bandage, dress ( ھـa wound); to bridle, check ( على، ھـs.th.); to brake ( ھـa train); to suspend ( هa cleric; Chr.) │( ربط لسانهlisānahū) to silence s.o.; ( ربط على قلبهqalbihī) to fortify s.o., give s.o. patience (said of God); ربط جأشه (ja’šahū) to keep one’s self-control, remain calm, be undismayed; 321 ربط الطريقةto practice highway robbery III to be lined up, posted, stationed (troops); to line up, take up positions; to be moored (ship); to move into fighting positions │ ( رابط في قضيتهqaḍīyatihī) to defend the cause of, fight for VIII to bind o.s., commit o.s. engage o.s.; to be bound (ب by, also, e.g., by an obligation), be tied (ب to); to be linked, be connected ( بwith); to depend ( بon); to unite, join forces ربطrabṯ binding, tying; fastening, joining, attaching, connecting; fixation, determination (of an amount, of a number); valuation, assessment │ ربط مالي financial allocation; اھل الحل والربطahl alḥall wa-r. infIuentiBJ people, those in power; مكان الربطmakān ar-r. (welded) seam, weld (techn.) ربطrabaṭ (tun.) section, quarter (of a city), suburb ربطrabṭa pl. -āt, رباطribāṭ ribbon, band, bandage; bundle; parcel, package │ ربطة الرقبةr. ar-raqaba necktie; ربط الساقr. as-sāq garter; ربطة النقودmoney purse
رباطribāṭ pl. -āt, ربطrubuṭ, اربطةarbiṭa ribbon, band; ligature, ligament; bandage; dressing (of a wound); bond, fetter, shackle; -- suspension (of a cleric; Chr.); (pl. -āt, ربطrubuṭ) inn for travelers, caravansary; hospice (for Sufis or the poor) │ رباط االجربةr. al-ajriba garter; رباط الجزمةr. al-jazma shoestring; رباط الرقبةr. ar-raqaba necktie رباطribāṭ, رباط الفتحribāṭ al-fatḥ Rabat (capital of Morocco) رباط الجأشribāṭ al-ja’š composure, selfcontrol, calmness, intrepidity 2
مربطmarbiṭ, marbaṭ pl. مرابطmarābiṭ place where aniimals are tied up
مربطmirbaṭ pl. مرابطmarābiṭ2 hawser, mooring cable; rope; O terminal (el.) ارتباطirtibāṭ connectedness, connection, link; contact, 1iaison; tie ( بto); obligation, engagement, commitment; bearing ( بon), connection (( بwith), relation ( بto); unity; league, confederation │ بدون ارتباطbidūn irt, not binding, without obligation (com.); ضابط ارتباطliaison officer رابط الجأشrābiṭ al-ja’š composed, calm, unruffled, undismayed, fearless رابطةrābiṭa pl. روابطrawābiṭ2 band; bond, tie; connection, link; confederation, union, league │ روابط الصداقةr. aṣ-ṣadāqa bonds of friendship; الرابطة االسالمية (Islāmīya) the Moslem League مربوطmarbūṭ bound; connected; fastened, tied, moored ( الىto); fixed, appointed; fixed salary; estimate (of the budget) مرابطmurābiṭ posted, stationed; garrisoned (troops); Marabout │ الجيش ( المربوطjaiš) the Territorial Army (Eg.) مرتبطmurtabiṭ connected, linked (ب with); bound, committed ( بby); depending, conditional ( بon) ربعraba‘a a to gallop (horse); -- to sit; to squat; to stay, live II to quadruple, multiply by four, increase fourfold (ھـ s.th.); to square ( ھـa number) V to sit or sit down cross-legged; to sit │ تربع على ‘(العرشarš) to mount the throne, sit on the throne
ربعrab‘ pl. ربوعrubū‘, رباعribā‘, ارباع arbā‘, اربعarba‘ home, residence, quarters; pl. ربوعregion, area territory, lands; ( ربعgroup of) people │ الربع الخاليRub‘ al Khali (desert region in S Arabia) ربعrib‘: حمى الربعḥummā r-rib‘ quartan (fever) ربعrub‘ pl. ارباعarbā‘ quarter, fourth part; roubouh, a dry measure 322 (Eg. = ٨.٢٥ = قدحl); (syr.) 25-piaster piece │ربع سنويr. sanawī quarterly, trimestral ربعيrub‘ī quarterly, trimestral ربعةrab‘a: ربعة القوامr. al-qiwām and ربعة القامةr. al-qāma (m. and f.) or medium height, medium sized ربعةrub‘a robhah, a dry measure (Eg.; = ٠.٥١٦ = قدحl) رباعrabbā‘ athlete (boxer, wrestler, weight lifter, etc.) ربيعrabī‘ spring, springtime, vernal season; name of the third and fourth months of the Muslim year ( ربيع األولr. al-awwali Rabia I, and ربيع الثانيr. at-tānī Rabia Il); quarter, fourth part اربعةarba‘a (f. اربعarba‘) four │ ذوات األربعdawāt al-arba‘ the quadrupeds اربعة عشرarba‘ata ‘ašara (f. اربع عشرة arba‘a ‘ašarata) fourteen اربعونarba‘ūn forty; األربعونa ceremony held on the 40th day after s.o.’s death │‘ عيد األربعينīd al-a. Ascension Day (Chr.) رباعيrubā‘ī consisting or four, quadripartite, fourfold, quadruple; quadrangular; tetragonal; (gram.) consisting of four radical letters, quadriliteral; quartet; (pl. -āt) quatrain (poet.) │( مؤتمر رباعيmu’tamar) fourpower conference; رباعي األضالع quadrilateral; رباعي األرجلr. l-arjul quadruped(al), four-footed; محرك رباعي المشوارmuḥarrik r. l-mišwār four-cycle engine األربعاءal-arba‘ā’, al-arbi‘ā’, يوم األربعاء yaum al-a. Wednesday
يربوعyarbū‘ pl. يرابيعyarābī‘ jerboa (Jaculus jaculus; zool.) مربعmarba‘ pl. مرابعmarābi‘ meadow تربيعtarbī‘ lunar quarter; -- (pl. ترابيع tarābī‘2) quadrangle; square, plaza (surrounded by houses) │تربيع الدائرة quadrature or the circle تربيعةtarbī‘a pl. ترابيعtarābī‘2 square, quadrangle; square, plaza; square panel; tile, floor tile تربيعيtarbī‘ī quadratic, square الرابعar-rābi‘ the fourth; رابعاfourthly, in the fourth place رابعrābi‘ (due to erroneous pointing) = رائعq.v. مربوعmarbū‘ of medium height, medium-sized مربعmurabba‘ fourfold, quadruple; quadragular; tetragonal; square, quadratic; quadrangle; square; (pl. -āt) quadrangular piece; quartet │( متر مربعmitr) square meter; مربع األضالعquadrilateral (math.) مربعةmurabba‘a pl. -āt section, district, area مرابعmurābi‘ partner in an agricultural enterprise (sharing one quarter of the gains or losses) جلس متربعاjalasa mutarabbi‘an to sit crosslegs رابغrābig pleasant, comfortable ربقribq lasso, lariat ربقةribqa, rabqa pl. ربقribaq, رباق ribāq, ارباقarbāq noose ربكrabaka u (rabk) to muddle, entangle, complicate ( ھـs.th.); to confuse, throw into confusion ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); -- rabika a (rabak) to be in an involved, confused situation VIII to be confused; to become involved ( فيin) ربكrabak involved, confused situation ربكrabik: confused; in trouble, beset by difficulties ارتباكirtibāk pl. -āt entanglement, involvement; snarl, tangle, muddle, mess;
confusion; embarrassment; upset (of the stomach) 323 مربكmurabbik confusing, bewildering, disconcerting مرتبكmurtabik; confused, complicated, involved; bewildered, disconcerted, embarrassed; involved ( فيin) ربلrabil plump, fleshy, fat (person) ربليrablī, rabalī fleshy ربلةrabla pl. rabalāt (mass of) flesh (of the body) ربيلrabīl fleshy, corpulent, fat ربالةrabāla corpulence ربماsee رب )ربا )ربوrabā u ( رباءrabā’, ربوrubūw) to increase; to grow; to grow up; to exceed, ( علىa number, also )عن, be more than ((على │ما يربو على المئةmore than a hundred II to make or let grow; to raise, rear, bring up (ه s.o.); to educate; to teach, instruct ( هa child); to breed, raise ( ھـe.g., poultry, cattle); to develop ( ھـe.g., a method) III to practice usury IV to make grow, augment, increase ( ھـs.th.); to exceed ( علىa number, an age, a measure) V to be brought up, be educated; to be bred, be raised ربوrabw dyspnea, asthma ربوةrubwa (rabwa, ribwa) pl. ربى ruban hill ربوةribwa pl. -āt ten thousand, myriad رباriban interest; usurious interest; usury ربوىribawī usurious رباءrabā’ surplus, excess; superiority ( علىover s.o.); favor تربيةtarbiya education, upbringing; teaching, instruction; pedagogy; breeding, raising (of animals) │ سيئ التربيةsayyi’ at-t. ill-bred; قليل التربيةill-bred, uncivil, illmannered; ‘ علم التربيةilm at-t. pedagogy, pedagogics; تربية األطفالbaby care; التربية ( البدنيةbadanīya) physical education, physical training; تربية الحيوانt. alḥayawān cattle farming, stockbreeding; تربية الدجاجt. ad-dajāj chicken farming,
poultry husbandry; تربية السمكt. as-samak pisciculture; تربية النباتاتt. an-nabātāt plant cultivation تربويtarbawī, تربيويtarbiyawī pedagogic, pedagogical رابيةrābiya pl. روابrawābin hill مربmurabbin pl. مربونmurabbūn educator; pedagogue; breeder (of livestock) مربيةmurabbiya pl. -āt tutoress, governess; dry nurse, nursemaid مربىmurabban raised, brought up; educated; well-bred, well-mannered; jam, preserved fruit; pl. مربياتmurabbayāt preserves مرابmurābin usurer متربmutarabbin well-bred, wellmannered ( ربورتاجFr. reportage) pl. -āt reportage, report ارتaratt2, f. رتاءrattā’2, pl. رتrutt afflicted with a speech defect رتبII to array, arrange, dispose ( ھـs.th. in a regular sequence or order); to decorate, dress (iii a show window); to settle, determine, regulate ( ھـs.th.); to put into proper order, put together ( ھـwords); to prepare, set aside, earmark ( ھـs.th.); to fix, appoint ( ل ھـa salary for s.o.); to make (ھـ s.th.) result or accrue ( علىfrom), derive ( على ھـs.th. from), make ( ھـs.th.) the result or consequence of ( )علىV to fall in line; to be arranged, organized or set up (along the lines of); to be set aside, be assigned; to be subordinate ( علىto s.th.), be the result or consequence ( علىof), result, follow, derive, spring ( علىfrom), be caused ( علىby) │( ترتب بذمتهbi-dimmatihī) to become the debtor of s.o. 324 رتبةrutba pl. رتبrutab degree, grade, level; rank, standing, station; class, quality; (mil.) rank; clerical rank, order (of the Christian ministry); religious ceremony (Chr.) │ كتاب الرتبritual (of the Roman Catholic Church) رتابةratāba monotony رتيبratīb monotonous
رتباءrutabā’2 noncommissioned officers (Syr.; mil.) مرتبةmartaba pl. مراتبmarātib2 step; a steplike elevation serving as a seat; mattress; grade, degree, rank, class │في ( المرتبة األولىūlā) first (mortgage) ترتيبtartīb pl. -āt order, arrangement, array; sequence, succession; make-up, setup; layout (of a complex, e.g., of houses); organization; preparation, arrangement, provision, measure, step; rite of administering a sacrament (Chr.) │ بالرترتيبone by one, in proper succession; من غيرترتdisorderly, in confusion ترتيبيtartībī ordinal │‘( عدد ترتيبيadad) ordinal number . راتبrātib monotonous; (pl. رواتب rawātib2 salary, pay, emolument; pl. رواتب certain supererogatory exercises of devotion مرتبmurattab arranged; organized, set up, regulated, etc.; (pl. -āt) salary, pay, emolument رتجrataja u (ratj) to look, bar, bolt ( ھـthe door); -- ratija a (rataj) to be tonguetied, be speechless, falter IV pass. ارتج عليه (urtija) words failed him, he was speechless, he didn't know what to say, he was at a loss رتاجritāj pl. رتجrutuj, رتائجratā’ij2 gate, gateway I eli)1 p muḥkam ar-r. firmly bolted (gate) رتعrata‘a a (rat‘, رتوعrutū‘, رتاعritā‘) to pasture, graze; to gormandize, carouse, feast; to revel, indulge freely ( فيin) IV to pasture, put out to graze ( ھـcattle) مرتعmarta‘ pl. مراتعmarāti‘2 rich grazing land, pasture; fertile ground (ل for; fig.); breeding ground, hotbed (of vice, of evil, etc.) رتقrataqa u i (ratq) to mend, repair, patch up, sew up ( ھـs.th.) رتقratq pl. رتوقrutūq patching, mending, repair; dam (of a stocking) رتكrataka u i, (ratk, ratak, رتكانratakān) to run with abort steps, trot مرتكmartak litharge (chem.)
رتلratila a (ratal) to be regular, well-ordered, neat, tidy II to phrase elegantly ( الكالمalkalāma one’s words); to psalmodize, recite in a singsong; to sing, chant (ھـ spiritual songs, hymns; Chr.) رتلratl pl. ارتالartāl railroad train │ ( رتل آليālī) motorized convoy (mil.) رتيالءrutailā’2 harvestman (Phalangium), daddy longlegs; tarantula ترتيلtartīl slow recitation of the Koran (a technical term of tajwīd); psalmodizing, psalmody, singsong recitation; singing, chanting (of hymns, etc.; Chr.); -- (pl. تراتيلtarātīl2) hymn; religious song (Chr.)
(raty, رثاءritā’, مرثيةmartiya, مرثاةmartāh) to bewail, lament, bemoan ( هa deceased person); to elegize, celebrate in an elegy, in a funeral oration ( هa deceased person); to mourn ( لfor, over), deplore ( لs.o. or s.th.); to pity ( لs.o.), feel sorry ( لfor) │ رثاه بمرثاةto elegize s.o. (a deceased person), bewail and celebrate him in an elegy; ( شيء يرثى لهyurtā) a deplorable, regrettable thing رثىraty bewailing, bemoaning, lamentation رثاءritā’ bewailing, bemoaning, lamentation; regret; elegiac poetry
ترتيلةtartīla pl. تراتيلtarātīl2 hymn
رثيةratya pl. ratayāt arthritis, gout
مرتلmurattal church singer; choirboy, chorister (Chr.); singer, chanter
مرثيةmartiya and مرثاءmartā’ pl. مراث marātin elegy, dirge, epicedium; pl. مراث funeral orations
رتمratama i (ratm) to utter, say ( بكلمةbikalima a word; only with neg.) رتمratam (coll.; n. un. )ةretem (Retama raetam Webb., Genista raetam Forsk.; bot.) رتمةratma and رتيمةratīma pl. رتائم ratā’im2, رتامritām thread wound around one’s finger as a reminder 325 )رتا )رتوratā u and II رتىrattā to mend, darn ( ھـe.g., stockings) ( رتوشFr. retouche) ritūš retouch رتينجratīnaj (= )راتينجresin ( رتينةIt. retina) ratīna pl. رتائنratā’in2 incandescent mantle رثratta i ( رثاثةratāta, رثوثةrutūta) to be ragged, tattered, shabby. worn (garment) رثratt pl. رثاثritāt old, shabby, worn, threadbare │ رث الھيئةr. al-hai’a of shabby appearance رثةritta old, outmoded things, worn clothes رثيثratīt old, .habby, worn, threadbare رثاثةratāta shabbiness, raggedness رثوثةrutūta shabbiness, raggedness )رثوand رثي( رثاratā u (ratw) to bewail, lament, celebrate in an elegy, in a funeral oration ( هa deceased person); -- رثىratā i
رجraja u (rajj) to convulse, shake, rock (ھـ s.th.); pass. rujja to be shaken, tremble, shake, quake VIII to be convulsed, shake, tremble, quake رجrajj shaking, rocking, convulsion رجةrajja convulsion; shook, concussion رجاجrajjāj trembling, quaking, shaking, rocking ارتجاجirtijāj shock, concussion; trembling, tremor │ O ارتجاج المخirt. almukk cerebral concussion (med.) رجأIV to postpone, adjourn, defer, put off (ھـ s.th.) ارجاءirjā’ postponement, deferment, adjournment رجبrajaba u and rajiba a (rajab) to be afraid ( منor عنof), be awed ( منor عنby) رجبrajab Rajab, the seventh month of the Muslim year رجحrajaḥa a i u ( رجوحrujūḥ, رجحانrujḥān) to incline (scale of a balance); to weigh more, be of greater weight; to preponderate, predominate; to surpass, excel ( هs.o.); to be very likely ( انthat), رجح عنده انit appeared to him most likely that ...; -- to weigh ( ھـ بيدهs.th. in the hand) II to make ( ھـs.th.) outweigh ( علىs.th. else), give preponderance ( ھـto s.th., على
over); to think ( ھـs.th.) weightier; to prefer ( على ھـs.th. to), give ( ھـs.th.) preference ( علىto), favor ( على ھـs.th. more than); to think likely or probable (ھـ s.th., انthat) V to carry greater weight, be weightier, preponderate; to swing back and forth, pendulate; to rock; to seesaw, tester VIII to swing back and forth, pendulate; to rook; to seesaw, tester رجاحةrajāḥa forbearance, indulgence, leniency; composure, equanimity رجحانrujḥān preponderance, predominance ( علىover), ascendancy, superiority 326 2
ارجحarjaḥ superior in weight, preponderant; having more in its favor, more acceptable; preferable; more likely, more probable │ األرجح انit is most likely that ...; probably ...; على األرجحprobably, in all probability ارجحيةarjaḥīya preponderance, predominance, prevalence ارجوحةurjūḥa pl. اراجيحarājīḥ2 seesaw; swing; cradle راجحrājiḥ) superior in weight, preponderant; having more in its favor, more acceptable; preferable; probable, likely مرجوحةmarjūḥa pl. مراجيحmarājīḥ2 seesaw; swing مرجحmurajjaḥ preponderant, predominant; probable, likely رجرجrajraja and II tarajraja to tremble, quiver; to sway رجراجrajrāj agitated; trembling, tremulous; swaying; quivering; الرجراجthe sea 1
رجزVIII to compose or declaim poems in the meter rajaz; to thunder, roar, surge (sea) رجزrujz, rijz punishment (inflicted by God); dirt, filth رجزrajaz name of a poetical meter ارجازarjāz verses in the meter rajaz; little (work) song ارجوزةurjūza pl. اراجيزarājīz2 poem in the meter rajaz
ارجوزlook up alphabetically
رجسrajisa a (rajs) and rajusa u ( رجاسةrajāsa) to be dirty, filthy; to commit a shameful act, do s.th. disgraceful or dirty رجسrijs pl. ارجاسarjās dirt, filth; dirty thing or act, atrocity رجسrajas pl. ارجاسarjās dirt, filth رجسrajis dirty, filthy رجاسةrajāsa dirt, squalor رجاسrajjās roaring, surging (sea); thundering رجعraja‘a i ( رجوعrujū‘) to come back, come again, return; to recur; to resort, turn (الى to); to recommence, begin again, resume ( الىs.th.); to fall back ( الىon), go back, revert ( الىto); to look up ( الىs.th. in a book), consult ( الىa book); to go back, be traceable ( الىto), be attributable ( الى انto the fact that ...), derive, stem, spring (الى from); رجع به الىto reduce s.th. to (its elements, or the like); to depend ( الىon); to be due, belong by right ( الىto); to fall under s.o.’s ( )لjurisdiction, be s.o.’s ()ل bailiwick; to desist, refrain ( عنfrom); to withdraw (عن, also فيe.g., what one has said), revoke, countermand, repeal, cancel ( عنor علىe.g., a decision); to turn against s.o. ( على(؛ رجع به على فالنto claim restitution of s.th. from s.o.; to demand, claim ( بs.th., علىfrom s.o.); to entail, involve ( بs.th., a consequence); to have a good effect ( فيon), be successful (في with) │‘( رجع على عقبهaqbihī) pl. رجعوا على ( اعقابھمa‘qābihim) to retrace one's steps, go back the way one came; رجع الى الصحة (ṣiḥḥa) to regain one’s health; رجع الى ( صوابهṣawābihī) to come to one's senses; رجع الى نفسهto watch o.s., examine o.s.; يرجع ذلك الى انthis is due to the fact that ...; ( يرجع السبب الىsabab) the reason is to be found in ...; رجعت به الذاكرة الىhe recalled, remembered ...; ( رجع في كالمهkalāmihī) to go back on one’s word II to cause to come back or return; to return, give back; to send back; to turn away ( عن هs.o. from); to sing or chant in a vibrant, quavering tone; to echo, reverberate ( ھـs.th.) │رجع ( صداهṣadāhū) to return the echo of s.th., echo s.th. III to return, come back ( ه،ھـ to); to revert 327
رجععrujū‘ return; reverting, coming back ( الىto); recourse ( الىto); traceability ( الىto); revocation, withdrawal, retraction ( عنof s.th.); resignation, surrender ( عنof s.th.); reclamation; recall; restitution, return │ برجوع البريدby return mail رجيعrajī‘ excrement مرجعmarji‘ pl. مراجعmarāji‘ return; authority to which one turns or appeals; place of refuge, retreat; recourse resort; authority, responsible agency; source (esp. scientific), authoritative reference work; resource; source to which s.th. goes back or to which s.th. can be attributed; starting point, origin; recourse (jur.) │ مرجع النظرm. An-naẓar jurisdiction, competence; المرجع اليهhe is the one to turn to; المرجع في ذلك الىI am thereby referring to …; كان مرجع ھذا الشيء الىthis was due to …, was attributable to …; ( اليھم مرجع الفضلm. ulfaḍl) the merit is due to them مرجعيةmarji‘īya authority مراجعةmurāja‘a reiteration, repetition; inspection, study, examination; consultation (of a reference work); request; application, petition (esp. to an authority); application for advice or instruction, etc., consultation (of s.o.); checking, verification, re-examination; auditing, audit (also ;)مراجعة الحساب revision, correction (of a manuscript)
مراجعmurāji‘ checker, verifier, examiner; reviser │ مراجعm. al-ḥisāb auditor, comptroller رجفrajafa a (rajf, رجفانrajfān) to be convulsed, be shaken; to tremble, quake; to shiver, shudder; -- to agitate, convulse, shake ( هs.o.) IV to make ( هs.o.) tremble or shudder; to convulse, shake, rock ( ھـs.th.); to spread lies, false rumors; also with ب, e.g., ( ارجف بافتراءاتbi-ftirā’āt) to spread calumnies VIII to tremble, quake; to shudder رجفةrajfa (n. vic.) trepidation, tremor; shudder, shiver رجافrajjāf trembling, quaking; shaken, convulsed ارجافirjāf pl. اراجيفarājīf untrue, disquieting talk, false rumor رجلrajila a to go on foot, walk II to comb (ھـ the hair); to let down ( ھـthe hair), let it hang long V = I; to dismount ( منor if from; rider); to assume masculine manners, behave like a man │ترجل في طريقهto walk all the way VIII to improvise, extemporize, deliver offhand ( ھـa speech) X to become a man, reach the age of manhood, grow up; to act like a man, display masculine manners or qualities رجلrijl f., pl. ارجلari"l foot; leg
ارجاعirjā‘ return, restitution; refundment; attribution ( الىto); reduction ( الىto)
رجلrijl pl. ارجالarjāl swarm (esp. of locusts); -- common purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.; bot.)
تراجعtarāju‘ withdrawal, retreat; recession, retrogadation
رجلrajil going on foot, pedestrian, walking
ارتجاعirtijā‘ return to an older form or order, reactionism, reaction
رجلrajul pl. رجالrijāl man; pl. رجاالت rijālāt great, important men, leading personalities, men of distinction │رجال الدولةr. ad-daula statesmen; رجال السندr. as-sanad informants, sources of information
ارتجاعيirtijā‘ī reactionary 328 استرجاعistirjā‘ reclamation; recovery, retrieval; retraction, withdrawal, revocation راجعrāji‘ returning, reverting, etc.; due, attributable ( الىto); rightfully belonging ( الىto s.o.); subject ( لto s.th.); depending ( لon) │ ( الحمى الراجعةḥummā) relapsing fever
رجاليrijālī men’s, for men (e.g., apparel) رجولةrajūla masculinity, virility, manhood رجوليةrajūlīya masculinity, virility, manhood
مرجلmirjal pl. مراجلmarājil2 cooking kettle, caldron; boiler ارتجالirtijāl improvisation, extemporization, extemporary speech ارتجاليirtijālī extemporary, improvised, impromptu, offhand, unprepared راجلrājil pl. رجلrajl, رجالةrajjāla, رجالrujjāl, رجالنrujlān going on foot, walking; pedestrian مرتجلmurtajal improvised, extemporaneous, extemporary, impromptu, offhand 1
رجمraiama u (raim) to stone ( هa.o.); to curse, damn, abuse, revile ( هs.o.) │رجم بالغيب (gaib) to talk about s.th. of which one knows nothing; to guess, surmise, make conjectures; to predict the future II رجم بالغيبdo. رجمrajm stoning; (pl. رجمrujam) missile │ ( رجم بالغيبgaib) conjecture, guesswork; prophecy رجمrujum shooting stars, meteorites رجمةrajma pl. رجمrujam, رجامrijām tombstone رجيمrajīm stoned; cursed, damned; see also alphabetically
ترجمة، ترجمlook up alphabetically
مرجونةmarjūna basket 329 )رجا )رجوrajā u ( رجاءrajā’, رجاةrajāh, مرجاة marjāh) to hope; to hope for s.th. (;)ھـ to .xpeat, anticipate ( ھـs.th.), look forward ( ھـto); to wish ( ھـfor s.th., ھـ لs.o. s.th., e.g., success); to ask ( ھـfor s.th., منor s.o., انto do s.th.), request ( ھـs.th., من from s.o., انthat he ...) │ رجاه في (الحاحilḥāḥ) to plead with s.o., implore s.o.; ‘( اجو عدم المؤاخذةadama l-mu’ākadata) │ I must ask your indulgence V to hope ( ھـ،ه for); to expect, anticipate ( ھـ، هs.th., s.o.), look forward ( ھـto); to request ( هs.o.); to ask ( هs.o.) VIII to hope ( ھـ، هfor); to expect, anticipate ( ھـ، هs.th., s.o.), look forward ( ھـto); to dread ( هs.o.) رجاrajan and رجاءrajā’ pl. ارجاءarjā’ side, direction; region; -- pl. ارجاءarjā’ vastness (of a land), expanses; whole vicinity or area │ في ارجائهabout its interior, e.g., ( في ارجاء الغرفةgurfa) all
about the room, في ارجاء البالدall over the country, throughout the country; تجاوبت ( ارجاء الردھة باتصفيقa. ur-radha) the entire auditorium resounded with applause; شاسع األرجاءand واسع األرجاءvast in extent, vastdimensioned رجاءrajā’ hope ( في، بand genit.; of); expectation, anticipation; urgent request │ على رجاءin the hope of, hoping for; رجاء العلمrajā’ al-‘ilm for your information (on memos, records, etc.); رأس الرجاء الصالح Cape of Good Hope رجاةrajāh hope, expectation, anticipation رجيةrajīya s.th. hoped for; hope مرجاةmarjāh hope راجrājin hoping, full of hope مرجوmarjūw hoped for, expected; requested │( المرجو من فضلك انmin faḍlika) approx.; I hope you will be kind enough to ...; ( المرجو مراعاة انmurā‘ātu) please notice that …, attention is called to the fact that … رجيrajiya a to become silent; to remain silent; pass. ( رجي عليهrujiya) to be tonguetied, be unable to utter a sound ( رجيمFr. régime) rijīm diet رحبraḥiba a (raḥab) and raḥuba u (ruḥb, رحابةraḥāba) to be wide, spacious, roomy II to welcome ( بs.o., also بs.th., e.g., news), bid welcome ( بto s.o.); to receive graciously, make welcome ( بs.o.) V to welcome ( بs.o.), bid welcome ( بto) رحبraḥb wide, spacious, roomy; unconfined │ رحب الصدرr. aṣ-ṣadr generous, magnanimous; broad-minded, open-minded, liberal; frank, candid, openhearted; carefree; ( صدر رحبraḥb) generosity, magnanimity; openmindedness, broad-mindedness, liberality; frankness, candor; رحب الباعgenerous, openhanded, liberal; رحب الذراعdo. رحبruḥb vastness, wideness, spaciousness unconfinedness │ اتى على ( الرحب والسعةatā, ṣa‘a) to be welcome; وجد ( رحبا وسعةsa‘atan) to met with a friendly reception
رحلraḥl pl. رحالriḥāl camel saddle; saddlebags; baggage, luggage; pl. stopping place, stop, stopover │شد الرحال (šadda) to set out, break camp; القى رحاله alqā riḥālahū to stop ( فيin, at)
رحبraḥab vastness, wideness, spaciousness, unconfinedness │رحب الصدر r. aṣ-ṣadr magnanimity, generosity; lightheartedness رحبةraḥba, raḥaba pl. -āt public square (surrounded by buildings); (pl. raḥabāt and رحابriḥāb) vastness, expanse │رحاب الكونand رحاب الفضاءr. al-faḍā’ vastness of outer space
رحلةriḥla travel, journey; trip, tour; travelogue رحلةruḥla destination, place for which one is bound
رحيبraḥīb = رحبraḥb
رحيلraḥīl departure, setting out; emigration; exodus; demise
رحابةraḥāba wideness, vastness, spaciousness, unconfinedness │رحابة الصدر r. aṣ-ṣadr magnanimity, generosity
رحالraḥḥāl pl. رحلriḥal roving, roaming, peregrinating, wandering, migratory nomadic; -- (pl. رحالةraḥḥāla) great traveler, explorer; nomad │الطيور الرحالةmigratory birds; (األعراب )العربان ‘( الرحلurbān) the nomadic Bedouins
مرحبا بكmarḥaban bika welcome! ترحابtarḥāb welcome, greeting │قابله ( بترحيبqābalahū) to receive s.o. with open arms
رحالةraḥḥāla great traveler, explorer; globetrotter
ترحيبtarḥīb welcoming, welcome, greeting 330
مرحلةmarḥala pl. مراحلmarāḥil2 a day’s journey; leg of a journey; way station; stage, phase │يزيد عليه بمراحل (yazīdu) it exceeds it by far; في مراحل حياتھا (ḥayātihā) throughout her life, in every stage of her life
رحرحraḥraḥa: ( رحرح بالكالمkalām) to equivocate, speak ambiguously, beat around the bush رحرحraḥraḥ and رحراحraḥrāḥ wide, broad, flat; carefree, pleasant (life) رحضraḥaḍa a (raḥḍ) to rinse, wash
ترحالtarḥāl departure, setting out │حياة الترحالḥayāt at-t. nomadic life
مرحاضmirḥāḍ pl. مراحضmarāḥīḍ2 lavatory, toilet
ترحيلtarḥīl emigration, exodus; effectuation of (s.o.’s) departure; deportation; evacuation; resettlement; transfer; moving; transport, transportation; posting (of accounts); carrying forward (fin.); dispatch │ ترحيل عمالt. ‘ummāl assignment (or detailing) of workmen
رحيقraḥīq exquisite wine; nectar 1
رحلraḥala a ( رحيلraḥīl) to set out; to depart, leave; to move away, emigrate; to start ( عنfrom a place) │ ( رجل يرحل ويقيمyuqīm) a man constantly on the go, a dynamic man II to make ( هs.o.) leave, induce or urge ( هs.o.) to depart; to evacuate (الى ه s.o. to), resettle, relocate ( الى هs.o. in); to deport ( الى هs.o. to); to allow ( هs.o.) to emigrate; to give ( هs.o.) travel clearance; to carry (passengers e. g., a ship); to transfer ( ھـs.th.); to transport, convey, forward ( ھـs.th.); to dispatch, send out (ھـ s.th.); to carry over, post ( ھـan item; bookkeeping); to carry forward ( ھـthe balance; bank) V to wander, roam, migrate, lead a nomadic life; to be evacuated VIII to set out, leave, depart; to move away, emigrate │ارتحل الى رحمة ربه (ilā raḥmati rabbihī) to pass away, die
ارتحالirtiḥāl departure, setting out; emigration, exodus; demise راحلrāḥil pl. رحلruḥḥal departing leaving, parting; traveling; (pl. -ūn) deceased, late, الفقيد الراحلthe deceased راحلةraḥila pl. رواحلrawāḥil2 female riding camel│( شد راحلتهšadda) to saddle one’s camel, start out on a journey مرحلmuraḥḥal pl. -āt carry-over │ مجموع مرحلbalance carried forward (fin.) 2
راحيلrāḥīl Rachel
رحمraḥima a ( رحمةraḥma, مرحمةmarḥama) to have mercy ( هupon s.o.), have compassion
( هfor s.o.) ; to spare, let off ( هs.o.); to be merciful II رحم عليهto say to s.o.: رحمك ﷲ raḥimaka llāh may God have mercy upon you; to ask God to have mercy ( علىupon s.o.), plead for God’s mercy ( علىfor what has happened) V = II; VI to show human understanding for one another, love and respect one another X to ask ( هs.o.) to have mercy 331 رحمraḥim, riḥm f., pl. ارحامarḥām uterus; womb; relationship, kinship │ذوو االرحامdawū l-a. relatives on the maternal side رحمةraḥma pity, compassion; human understanding, sympathy, kindness; mercy │ كان تحت رحمتهto be at s.o.’s mercy; جعله تحت رحمتهto leave s.th. or s.o. to s.o.’s mercy; بساط الرحمةpall رحيمraḥīm pl. رحماءruḥamā’ and رحوم ruḥūm merciful, compassionate الرحمنar-raḥmān the Merciful (i.e., God) مرحمةmarḥama pl. مراحمmarāḥim2 pity, compassion, sympathy; mercy ترحيمtarḥīm: ( ترحيم الموتىmautā) pl. تراحيمtarāḥīm2 intercessory prayer for the dead (Chr.) استرحامistirḥām plea for mercy مرحومmarḥūm deceased, late, e.g., المرحوم السيدthe late M. … رحىraḥan f., pl. ارحاءarḥā’, رحىruḥīy, ارحية arḥīya quern, hand mill │ حجر الرحىḥajar ar-r. millotone; )دارت رحى الحرب )القتال dārat r. l-ḥarb the war (fighting) broke out; the war (fighting) was going on رحوىraḥawī rotating, rotatory رحاوىraḥḥāy pl. -ūn grinder رخraḳḳa u to mix with water, dilute ( ھـwine) رخraḳḳ (n. un. )ةlight shower رخrukk roc, name of a fabulous giant bird; (pl. رخخةrikaka) rook, castle (chess) رخاخrakāk soft (ground); comfortable, pleasant, easy (life) رخصrakuṣa (rukṣ) to be cheap, inexpensive; ( رخاصةrakāṣa) to be supple, tender, soft II to permit, allow ( لs.o. بor فيs.th.); to
authorize, license ( لs.o., بor فيto do s.th.); to empower ( لs.o.); to reduce the price ( ھـof s.th.) IV to reduce the price (ھـ of s.th.) V to be willing to please, meet on fair term. ( مع فيs.o. in), show o.s. ready to compromise ( معwith s.o. فيin s.th.); to make concessions ( فيor بin s.th.); to permit o.s. liberties, take liberties ( فيin) X to find cheap, regard as inexpensive (ھـ s.th.); to request s.o.’s ( )هpermission رخصrakṣ supple, tender, soft رخصrukṣ cheapness, inexpensiveness رخصةrukṣa pl. رخصrukaṣ permission; concession, license, franchise; admission; authorization; leave; permit │رخصة قيادة السياراتr. qiyādat as-sayyārāt driving permit, operator’s license رخيصrakīṣ supple, tender, soft, cheap, inexpensive, low-priced; base, mean, low; trash, trumpery ترخيصtarkīṣ pl. -āt, تراخيصtarākīṣ2 granting of permission; permission; authorization; mandate; concession; license; price reduction, price cut مرتخصmurtakiṣ low-priced, inexpensive, cheap │ كل مرتخص وغالkullu murtakaṣin wa-gālin every conceivable effort, everything (in one’s power) رخمrakuma u ( رخامةrakāma) and rakama u to be soft, mellow, gentle, pleasant (voice); )رخمت بيضھا )على بيضھاrakamat baiḍahā (‘alā baiḍihā) to sit on the eggs (hen) II to soften, mellow ( ھـthe voice); to apocopate ( ھـa word); to tile with marble ( ھـthe floor) رخمrakam (coll.; n. un. )ةEgyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus; zool.) رخامrukām marble رخامrukāma pl. -āt marble slab رخيمrakīm soft, mellow, pleasant, melodious (voice); O note lowered by a semitone, flat (mus.) 332 ترخيمtarkīm shortening, apocopation, esp. of a name in the vocative by elision of the final consonant (gram.) ( رخوand رخي( رخوrakuwa u and رخيrakiya a ( رخاوةrakāwa, رخاءrakā’) to be or become loose, slack, relaxed; to slacken, slump,
sag, relax; -- رخاءrakā’ u ( رخاءrakā’): رخا ‘( عيشهaišuhū) to live in easy circumstances, live in opulence IV to loosen, slacken ( ھـs.th.); to relax ( ھـs.th.); to let go ( ھـs.th.); to lower, drop, let down ( ھـs.th.) VI to slacken, sag, droop, become limp; to show little energy or zeal, let up, become lax, be remiss ( عنin s.th.); to go down, slump (prices); to lag, become dull or listless (stock market); to diminish, flag, wane, ebb, decrease; to desist (عن from); to be lowered, drop, fall (curtain); to be delayed, be retarded VIII to slacken, slump, sag, droop, become limp, flaccid, flabby; to become loose, work loose; to soften, become soft; to relax, become relaxed, unbend; to abate, let up; to languish, nag, lose force or vigor X = VIII رخوrakw, rikw loose, slack; limp, flabby, flaccid; indolent, languid; soft; supple رخاءrakā’ ease, comfort, happiness; prosperity; abundance, opulence (of living); welfare; fairness, lowness (of prices) رخاءrukā’ gentle breeze رخاوةrakāwa softness; flaccidity, limpness; laxity │ رخاوة العودr. al-‘ūd weakness of character رخيrakīy feeble, weakened, languid; relaxed, at ease; cozy, comfortable تراخtarākin, limpness; slackness; languor, lassitude; abatement, mitigation, letup; relaxation; loosening, looseness ارتخاءirtikā’ loosening, slackening; looseness, slackness; laxity; abatement mitigation, letup; ease, relaxedness; relaxation; limpness; languor, lassitude استرخاءistirkā’ = ارتخاءirtikā’ راخrākin sagging, drooping متراخmutarākin limp, flaccid, flabby; drooping; languid; negligent, indolent, slack ردradda u (radd) to send back; to bring back, take back ( ه، الى ھـs.o., s.th. to); to return ( الى ھـs.th. to its place). put back, lay back ( الى ھـs.th. in its place); to throw back, repel, drive back, drive away ( هs.o.); to resist, oppose ( هs.o.); to turn down, refuse,
decline ( ھـs.th., e.g., the fulfillment of a wish); to ward off, parry, repel (ھجوما hujūman an attack); to reject (تھمة tuhmatan a suspicion); to hand back, give back, return, restore ( ھـs.th., الىto s.o.); to return ( السالمas-salāma the greeting); to reply ( علىto s.o.), answer ( علىs.o.); to reflect ( ھـlight); to throw back, echo (ھـ the voice); to refute, disprove ( علىs.th.); to hold back, keep, restrain ( عن هs.o. from s.th.); to dissuade ( عن هs.o. from), prevail upon s.o. ( )هnot to do s.th. ( ;)عنto trace back, attribute ( الى ھـs.th. to an origin); to bring, yield ( ھـ علىs.th. to s.o.); to reappoint, reinstate ( ه هs.o. as, e.g., حاكما ḥākiman as governor) │ رد البابto close the door; ( رد جواباjawāban) to answer; ما يرد ھذا عليك شيئاthis won’t help you at all; ال ( يردyuraddu) irrefutable; رده على عقبيه (‘aqibaih) pl. ( ردھم على اعقابھمa‘qābihim) to drive s.o. back to where he came from; ‘( رد عينه عنهainahū) he averted his eyes from it II to keep away, avert, prevent, stave off ( ھـs.th.); to repel, throw back (،ھـ هs.o., s.th.); to repeat (constantly, frequently); to break forth, burst ( ھـinto, e.g., into singing), strike up, intone, let ring out ( ھـa tune, or the like) │ردد الصدى (ṣadā) to return the echo; ردد النظر في (naẓara) to look at s.th. again and again; 333 ( ردد طرفه بينṭarafahū) to let one’s eyes wander between, look first at one, then at the other V to be thrown back, be reflected (voice, echo); to ring out (shouts); to shift repeatedly (wind); to come and go ( علىat s.o.’s house; rarely )الى, frequent, visit frequently ( علىs.o.’s house, a place; rarely ;)الىto return, recur; to hesitate, be reluctant ( فيin s.th., to do s.th.); to waver, become uncertain, become doubtful فيin s.th. or as to s.th.) │( تردد على األلسنةalsina) to be frequently diocussed (question) VIII to withdraw, retreat, fall back; to move backward, retrogress; to go back, return, revert (الى to); to fall back ( الىon); to go away, absent o.s.; to desist, refrain ( عنfrom), renounce, give up, abandon, quit, leave (or s.th.); to forsake, desert (or one’s faith, one’s principles, etc.), apostatize, fall off ( عنfrom) │‘( ارتد على عقبيهaqbaihi), pl. ( ارتدوا على اعقابھمa’qābihim) to withdraw, turn back X to reclaim, demand back, call
in ( ھـs.th.), demand the return ( ھـof s.th.); to bring back, lead back ( ه الىs.o. to); to get back ( ھـs.th.); to retrieve, recover, regain ( ھـs.th.); to withdraw (e.g., يده yadahū one’s hand; also fig., e.g., استقالته istiqālatahū one’s resignation); to withdraw, take out ( ھـmoney, from an account, from a bank) │استرد انفاسه (anfāsahu) to catch one’s breath ردradd pl. ردودrudūd return; restoration, restitution; refund, reimbursement; repayment, requital; repulsion; warding off, parrying; denial, refusal; rejection; reply, answer; reflection (e.g., of light); refutation; attribution (الى to) │ رد الفعلal-fi‘l reaction; رد االعتبار rehabilitation; ( ردا علىraddan) in reply to ...; اخذ وردsee أخذakada ردةradda ugliness; reverberation, echo; bran ردةridda apostasy ( عن االسالمor from Islam) اردaradd2 more useful, more profitable ( علىto s.o.) مردmaradd fact to which s.th. is attributable, underlying factor or reason; averting, rejection, repulsion; responsory (Chr.) │( ال مرد لهmaradda) irresistible; ( مرده الىmaradduhū) it is attributable to ..., one must ascribe it to ال مرد له اال براعته (maradda, barā‘atuhū) it can only be attributed to his efficiency; كان على مرد لسانه (maraddi lisānihi) to be constantly on s.o.’s lips, be a standing phrase with s.o. تردادtardād frequent repetition; frequentation ترديدtardīd repetition, reiteration ترددtaraddud frequent coming and going, frequentation; frequency (el.); hesitation, irresolution, indecision, wavering; reluctance ارتدادirtidād retreat, withdrawal; retrogression; renunciation, desertion; apostasy ( عن االسالمfrom Islam) │كارتداد الطرفka-rtidādi ṭ-ṭarf in the twinkling of an eye, in a jiffy استردادistirdād reclamation, claim of restitution, vindication (Isl. Law); recovery, retrieval; retraction, withdrawal;
refundment, reimbursement; withdrawal, taking out (of money, from an account) مردودmardūd yield, return(s) مرتدmurtadd turncoat, renegade, apostate 1
ردأrada’a a (rad’) to support, prop, shore up ( ھـa wall) ردءrid’ pl. ارداءardā’ support; help, helper
ردؤradu’a u ( رداءةradā’a) to be bad V to become bad, be spoiled رديءradī’ pl. اردياءardiyā’2 bad; mean, base, vile; evil, wicked; vicious, 334 malicious │ رديء السمعةr. as-sum‘a of ill repute اردأarda’2 worse; more wicked رداءةradā’a badness; wickedness; viciousness, maliciousness
اردبirdabb (now commonly pronounced ardabb) pl. ارادبarādib2 ardeb, a dry measure (Eg.; = 1981) اردبirdabba cesspool ردحradaḥ long period of time │ردحا من الھر radaḥan min ad-dahr for a long time ردسradasa i u (rads) to crush (ھـ. s.th.); to roll smooth, level by rolling ( ھـground) ردعrada‘a a (rad‘) to keep, prevent ( ه عنs.o. from) VIII to be kept, be prevented (عن from) رادعrādi‘ deterring; (pl. روادعrawādi‘) deterrent; impediment, obstacle, handicap; restriction, limitation, curb, check; inhibition (psych.) ردغةradga, radaga mud, mire, slush ردفradafa u (radf) and radifa a to come next, come immediately after s.o. or s.th. ( ه،)ھـ, follow, succeed ( هs.o., ھـs.th.) III to ride behind s.o. ( هon the same animal); to be the substitute ( هof s.o.), replace ( هs.o., ھـ s.th.); to be synonymous ( ھـwith) IV to seat ( هs.o.) behind one (on an animal); to make ( هs.th.) be followed ( بby s.th. else); to complement, complete ( ب ھـs.th. with or by) VI to follow one another, come in succession; to pile up in layers,
become stratified; to form a single line; to flock, throng ( علىto); to be synonymous
to destroy, ruin ( هs.o.); to fell 335 ( هs.o.); to kill ( هs.o.) │( اراده قتيالqatīlan) to fell s.o. with a deadly blow V to fall, tumble; to decline, fall off, come down, go from bad to worse; to deteriorate, become worse; to clothe o.s. ( بwith), put on ( بa garment) VIII to put on ( ھـa garment or headgear); to wear ( ھـa garment, a headgear), be clothed, be clad ( ھـin) │ ( ارتدى مالبسهmalābisahū) to put on one’s clothes, dress, get dressed
ردفridf pl. اردافardāf rear man (riding on the same animal); one who or that which is subsequent, follows, comes next; posteriors, backside, rump; haunches, croup (of an animal); dual: الردفانar-ridfān day and night ردافridāf croup, rump (of an animal) رديفradīf rear man, one following next in line; redif, reserve (in the army of the former Turkish Empire)
ردىradan ruin, destruction رداءridā’ pl. ارديةardiya loose outer garment, cloak, robe; (lady’s) dress, gown; attire, costume │ رداء المساءalmasā’ evening gown
رديفةradīfa fem. of رديف ترادفtarāduf succession; synonymity مرادفmurādif synonym (of a word); synonymous, consignificant ( لwith); corresponding in meaning, analogous مترادفmutarādif synonymous; مترادفات synonyms ردمradama i u (radm) to fill up with earth (ھـ pit, pond) II to repair, fix, mend IV not to leave ( علىs.o.), cling ( علىto s.o.; said of disease) V to be mended, be repaired; to repair, mend ( ھـs.th.); to be worn, show signs of wear ردمradm filling up (of swamps, ponds, etc.); rubble, debris; dam رديمradīm worn, shabby, threadbare (garment)
متردmutaraddin dressed رذradda u: ( رذت السماءsamā’) and IV there was a drizzle, it drizzled رذاذradād drizzle رذلradila a and radula u ( رذالةradāla) to be low, base. vile. despicable. Contemptible; -- radala u (radl) to reject, cast off, discard, repudiate, disown ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.); to despise, disdain, scorn ( ه، ھـs.o. s.th.); to disapprove ( ه، ھـof) IV to reject, cast off, discard, repudiate, disown ( ه، ھـs.o., s.th.) X to regard as low or despicable (,ھـ هs.o., s.th.) رذلradl rejection; repudiation; (pl. رذولrudūl, ارذالardāl) low, base, mean, vile, despicable, contemptible
ردنradana i (radn) to spin; to purr (cat); to grumble ( علىat)
رذيلradīl pl. رذالءrudalā’ low, base, mean, vile, despicable, contemptible, depraved
ردنrudn pl. اردانardān sleeve ردينىrudainī spear (originally epithet for one of superior quality)
رذالةradāla lowness, baseness, meanness, vileness, depravity
مردنmirdan pl. مرادنmarādin spindle ( ردنجوتFr. redingote) redengōt frock coat, Prince Albert
رذالةradīla pl. رذائلradā’il vice; depravity
ردھةradha hall; large room, sitting room, parlor; lobby; entrance hall, vestibule │ ردھة االستقبالreception hall, drawing room, parlor ردھة المحاضرةr. al-muḥāḍarāt lecture room
مرذولmardūl depraved, despicable, mean, base, vile, evil, wicked
رديradiya a ( ردىradan) to perish, be destroyed II to bring to the ground ( هs.o.), bring about the fan of ( )هIV to bring to the ground ( هs.o.), bring about the fall of (;)ه
رزruzz (= )ارزaruzz) rice
رزrazza u (razz) to insert, drive in ( ھـs.th.) II to burnish, polish ( ھـs.th.) IV to telephone رزةrazza pl. -āt staple, U bolt; ring screw; joint pin O ارزيزirzīz telephone
رزأraza’a a ( رزءraz’) to deprive ( فيor ه ھـ s.o. of s.th.); pass. رزئruzi’a to incur or suffer loss; to lose ( بs.th.); to be afflicted ( بby) رزءruz’ pl. ارزاءarzā’ heavy loss, serious damage; disaster, calamity رزيئةrazī’a and رزيةrazīya pl. رزايا razāyā heavy loss, serious damage; disaster, calamity رزبrazaba u (razb) to keep, stick, cling (ھـ to) مرزبةmirzabba pl. مرازبmarāzib2 iron rod مرزابmirzāb pl. مرازيبmarāzīb2 waterspout, gargoyle; (roof) gutter رزحrazaḥa a ( رزوحruzūḥ, رزاحruzāḥ, razāḥ) to succumb, collapse, sink to the ground (under a burden); to descend, hover (e.g., silence) III to suffer
مرتزقmurtazaq means of subsistence, livelihood, living رزمrazama i u (razm) to bundle, bale, pack, wrap up ( ھـs.th.) رزمةrizma pl. رزمrizam bundle; bale, pack; parcel, package; ream (of paper) رزنrazuna u ( رزانةrazāna) to be grave, serious, sedate, staid, calm, composed, self-possessed V to display grave or sedate manners, show o.s. calm, composed, self-possessed رزينrazīn grave, serious, sedate, staid; composed, calm, self-possessed رزانةrazana gravity, sedateness, staidness; composure, self-possession, poise رزنامةruznāma see روزنامة رزيةpl. رزاياsee رزيئة
مرزغmarzig muddy, boggy, miry
رسيسrasīs covered with verdigris
رزقrazaqa u to provide with the means of subsistence ( هs.o.; said of God); to bestow ( ه ھـupon s.o. s.th., material or spiritual possessions; said of God), endow ( ه ھـs.o. with); to bless ( ه ھـs.o. with, esp. مولودا with a child); -- pass. ruziqa to be endowed ( ھـwith); to live VIII to make a living, gain one’s livelihood; to live ( منon or by s.th.) X to seek one’s livelihood; to ask for the means of subsistence
رسبrasaba u ( رسوبrusūb) to sink to the bottom, settle, subside (esp., in water); to fail, dunk (in an examination) II to cause to settle ( ھـs.th., in a liquid), deposit ( ھـa sediment); to precipitate ( ھـs.th.; chem.) V to settle, subside, be deposited; to precipitate (chem.)
رزقrizq pl. ارزاقarzāq livelihood, means of living, subsistence; daily bread, nourishment, sustenance; boon, blessing 336 (of God); property, possessions, wealth, fortune; income; pay, wages │ ارزاق ناشفةdry rations, emergency rations (mil.) الرازقar-rāziq the Maintainer, the Provider (one of the 99 attributes of God) ارترزاقistirzāq independent livelihood, selfsupport مرزوقmarzūq blessed (by God), fortunate, prosperous, successful مرتزقmurtaziq hired, hireling, mercenary, kept مرتزقةmurtaziqa kept persons, hangers-on; mercenaries
رسوبrusūb sediment, deposit; lees, dregs, settlings; precipitate (chem.); failure (in an examination) ترسيبtarsīb sedimentation; precipitation (chem.) راسبrāsib pl. رواسبrawāsib2 sediment, deposit; dregs, lees, settlings; precipitate (chem.); residue رستاميةrustāmīya to tidy, arrange well, put in order ( ھـs.th.) رستقrastaqa to tidy, arrange well, put in order ( ھـs.th.) روستو،( رستوIt. arrosto) rostō roast meat ( رستورانFr. restaurant) restorān restaurant مرسحmarsaḥ (= )مسرحpl. مراسحmarāsiḥ2 theater, playhouse; stage; party, social gathering مرسحيmarsaḥī social, party (used attributively); formal (dress)
رسخrasaka u ( رسوخrusūk) to be firmly established, be deeply rooted ( فيin s.th.); to be firm, solid, stable; to be conversant, be thoroughly familiar ( فيwith s.th.), be well versed, be at home ( فيin s.th., in a field); to seep in; to permeate ( فيa fabric); to become fast (color or dyes in a fabric) II and IV to make ( ھـs.th.) take root(s), establish ( ھـs.th.); to implant ( ھـs.th.); to secure, make fast, fix firmly, ground (ھـ s.th.) │( ارسخ الشيء في ذھنهdihnihī) to impress or inculcate s.th. upon s.o. ارسخarsaka more firmly established, more deeply rooted │( ارسخ قدماqadaman) do. راسخrāsiq, firmly established, deeprooted; grounded, firmly fixed, stable; conversant ( فيwith s.th.), thoroughly versed, completely at home ( فيin a field) رسراسrisrās (eg.) glue, adhesive, specif., one for pasting leather, made of a yellow powder 337 رسغrusg pl. ارساغarsāg, ارسغarsug wrist رسفrasafa u i to go in shackles; to be bound; to be moored (ship) رسلrasila a (rasal) to be long and flowing (hair) III to correspond, carry on a correspondence, exchange letters ( هwith s.o.); to contact ( هs.o.), get in touch ( هwith s.o.) IV to send out, dispatch ( بor ه،ھـ s.o., s.th. الى, also ل, to); to send off, send away ( بor ھـ, .s.o., s.th. الى, also ل, to); to send, forward, ship ( بor ھـs.th. الى, also ل, to); to send, transmit (radio); to release, let go ( ھـs.th.); to set free ( ھـs.th.); to discharge ( ھـs.th.); to pour forth, vent (ھـ s.th.), give vent ( ھـto); to utter ( ھـwords); to shed ( ھـtears); to let ( ھـthe hair) hang down, let it fall ( علىon) │ارسل في طلبه (ṭalabihī) to send for s.o.; ارسل الكالم ارساال (al-kalāma irsālan) to speak without restraint, talk freely; ارسل نفسه مع طبيعتھا (nafsahū) to yield to one’s natural impulse, do the natural thing; ارسل على ( سجيتهsajīyatihī) to make s.o. feel at home; ( ارسل نفسه على سجيتھاnafsahū) to feel at home, let o.s. go V to proceed leisurely, take one’s time ( فيin s.th.); to hang down, be long and flowing (hair) VI to keep up a correspondence, exchange letters; to send to one another, exchange ( بs.th.) X to ask
( منs.o.) to send ( ھـs.th.), have s.o. ()من send ( ھـs.th.); to be relaxed, at ease, free from restraint; to be long and flowing (hair); to be friendly, affable, intimate, chummy ( الىwith s.o.); to act naturally, without affectation; to let o.s. go; to enlarge ( في الكالمfī l-kalām in discourse, i.e., to talk at length); to abandon o.s., give o.s. up ( فيto s.th., also معor ;)الىto persist ( فيin s.th.), keep up ( فيs.th.) رسلrasl easy, gentle, leisurely (pace, gait); loose, slack, relaxed; long and flowing (hair) رسلrisl moderation │ !على رسلكslowly! gently! take it easy! رسيلrasīl pl. رسالءrusalā’2 messenger; runner (mil.) رسولrasūl pl. رسلrusul messenger; emissary; envoy, delegate; apostle (Chr.); الرسولor رسول ﷲthe Messenger of God (i.e., Mohammed) رسوليrasūlī apostolic, papal (Chr.) │ ( البركة الرسوليةbaraka) apostolic benediction; ( السدة الرسوليةsudda) the Holy See; قاصد رسوليapostolic delegate رسالةrisāla pl. -āt, رسائلrasā’l2 consignment, shipment; mail item; (written) communication, (written) report; missive; letter, note; epistle; dispatch; message; treatise; radio message; (pl. -āt) mission, calling, vocation │رسالة برقية (barqīya) telegram; ( رسالة غراميةgarāmīya) love letter; ( رسالة مسجلةmusajjala) registered letter رسيالتrusailāt: القى الخبر على رسيالته (kabara) he didn’t take the matter seriously O مرسالmirsāl: مرسال نورm. nūr, pl. -āt searchlight مراسلةmurāsala exchange of letters, correspondence; note, message, letter, communication; orderly (mil.) ارسالirsāl sending, forwarding, shipping, dispatch ارساليةirsālīya pl. -āt consignment; mail item; shipment; transport; (mil.) expedition; mission ترسلtarassul art of letter writing
استرسالistirsāl ease, naturalness, relaxedness; abandon; elaboration, expatiation مراسلmurāsil pl. -ūn correspondent, reporter (of a newspaper) │مراسل حربي (ḥarbī) war correspondent; مراسل خاص (kāṣṣ) 338 special correspondent; مراسل ( رياضيriyāḍī) sports reporter مرسلmursil sender (of a letter); consignor; O transmitter (radio) O مرسلةmursala pl. -āt transmitter (radio) مرسلmursal sent, forwarded; dispatched; delegated; transmitted (radio); long and flowing (hair); (pl. -ūn) millionary (Chr.); incompletely transmitted (of a Prophetic tradition resting on a chain of authorities that goes no further back than the 2nd generation after the Prophet) │ المرسل اليهrecipient, addressee (of a letter); consignee; كالم ( مرسلkalām) prose مرسليةmursalīya mission مسترسلmustarsil loose, flowing (hair); friendly, affable; intimate, chummy; devoted, given up ( فيor معto s.th.) رسمrasama u (rasm) to draw, trace ( ھـs.th.); to sketch ( ھـs.th.); to describe ( ھـe.g., a circle); to paint ( ھـs.th.); to record, put down in writing ( ھـs.th.); to enter, mark, indicate ( ھـs.th.); to sketch, outline (ھـ s.th.; fig.); to describe, depict, portray, picture ( ھـs.th.); to make, work out, conceive ( خطةkiṭṭatan a plan); to prescribe ( بor ل ھـto s.o. s.th.), lay down as a rule ( بor ل ھـfor s.o. s.th.); to ordain ( هa priest; Chr.) │ رسم شارة الصليبto make the sign of the cross, cross o.s. (Chr.) II to enter, mark, indicate ( ھـs.th., فيin); to appoint to a public office ( ھـs.o.; tun.) V to follow ( ھـs.th., esp. s.o.’s footsteps, an example, etc.); to be appointed to a public office (tun.) VIII to come out, find visible expression; to be traced, engraved, inscribed, written; to impress itself, leave an impression ( علىon); to be ordained, be introduced into the office of the ministry (priest; Chr.); to make the sign of the cross (Chr.) رسمrasm drawing (e.g., as a subject in school); -- (pl. رسومrusūm, رسومات
rusūmāt) a drawing; sketch; graph; picture; photograph; illustration; pattern (e.g., on a fabric); -- (pl. )رسومtrace, impression) designation, mark; inscription, legend; record, notes; (official) document, (legal) instrument; writing; design; prescription, regulation; ceremony, form, formality; rate, fee, tax, due │ برسمbi-rasmi intended for, care of (c/o), for; اخذ الرسمakd ar-r. taking of a picture; ( رسم بيانيbayānī) illustrative figure, diagram (in a book); رسم الدخول admission fee; ( رسم دخوليdukūlī) import duty, tariff; ( رسم شمسيšamsī) photograph; رسم عموميlayout, ground plan (arch.); رسم تفصيليdetail drawing; ( رسم قلبيqalbī) cardiogram; ( رسوم قيديةqaidīya) registration fees; رسم اإلنتاجr. al-intāj excise tax; ( رسم قيميqaimī) ad valorem duty; ( رسم ھزليhazalī) caricature, cartoon رسميofficial, formal, conventional; ceremonial; official, officeholder, public servant; رسمياramīyan officially; رسميات rasmīyāt formalities; ceremonies, ceremonial, ritual; rules, regulations │ رجال رسميةofficials; مالبس رسميةofficial dress; court dress; ثياب رسميةuniforms; شبه رسميةšibh r. and شبيه بالرسميsemi-official; نصف رسميniṣfu r. do.; غير رسميgairu r. unofficial رسامrassām pl. -āt draftsman; painter, artist رسامةrisāma, rasāma ordination, consecration (of a priest; Chr.) روسمrausam pl. رواسمrawāsim2 O cliché (Syr.) مرسمmarsam studio (of an artist) مراسمmarāsim2 ceremonies, ceremonial, ritual; etiquette, protocol (dipl.); customs; principles; regulations │ مدير ادارة المراسمmudīr idārat al-m. and ٣٣٩ رئيس المراسمchief of protocol (dipl.); مراسم التتويجcoronation ceremonies; مراسم التشريفاتcourt etiquette ترسمtarassum design, planning ارتسامirtisām pl. -āt (visible) expression, manifestation (e.g., of a feeling, of an emotion on s.o.’s face)
مرسومmarsūm drawn, traced, sketched; painted; recorded in writing, written; designed, planned; decreed, ordered; -(pl. مراسيمmarāsīm2) decree; act, edict; regulation, ordinance ( بregarding); مراسيم ceremonies, ceremonial, ritual; etiquette; regulations │( مرسوم بقانونbi-qānūn) enactment, statute, ordinance (Eg.); مرسوم ( تشريعيtašrī‘ī) and ( مرسوم اشتراعيištirā‘ī; Pal., Syr.) do.; مدير المراسيمmudīr al-m. chief of protocol (dipl.) □ رسمالrasmāl pl. رساميلrasāmīl2 = رأس مال capital (fin.) رسنrasana pl. ارسنarson, ارسانarsān, ارسنة arnsina halter )رسا )رسوrasā u (rasw) to be firm, stable, steady; to anchor ( علىoff a coast), cast anchor, land, dock; to ride at anchor (على off a coast, فيin a harbor); to disembark, land ( بs.o.; ship); to come or go eventually ( علىto), land ( علىwith) │رسا ( عليه المزادmazād) it was knocked down to him (at an auction); رست عليه المناقصة (munāqaṣa) the commission or contract went to him (after an invitation to submit tenders) IV to make fast, fix firmly (ھـ s.th.); to anchor, place at anchor ( ھـa ship) مرسىmarsan pl. مراسmarāsin anchorage │ مرسى مطروحMersa Matrûh (village in NW Egypt, on Mediterranean coast) مرساةmirsāh pl. مراسmarāsin anchor راسrāsin pl. رواسrawāsin fixed, stationary, immovable, firm, steady, stable, firmly established; anchored, at anchor; pl. راسياتrāsiyāt, رواسrawāsin towering, unshakable mountains رسى )= رساsee above) to anchor رشrašša u (rašš) to spatter, splash, spurt ( ھـa liquid); to spray ( ھـa liquid); to sprinkle ( ھـs.th., بwith, علىon); to splatter, spatter, bespatter ( ھـs.th., بwith water, etc.); to water ( ھـs.th.) رشrašš sprinkling; watering; splattering, spattering; spraying; buckshot │ مصلحة الرش والكنسmaṣlaḥat ar-r. wa-lkans street-cleaning department; عربة الرش ‘arabat ar-r. watering cart, sprinkler; رمى رشاto fire in bursts (mil.)
رشةrašša light drizzle رشاشraššāš spattered liquid; drizzle, dribble (esp. fig.) رشاشraššāš pl. -āt water hose; machine gun │( مدفع رشاشmidfa‘) machine gun; ( مسدس رشاشmusaddas) pl. مسدسات رشاشةsubmachine gun, Tommy gun رشاشةraššāša pl. -āt perfume spray, atomizer; O watering can; shower, douche (Mor.) O مرشةmirašša watering can رشحrašaḥa a (rašḥ) to sweat, perspire; to leak, be leaky (vessel); to filter, strain, percolate ( ھـa liquid) II to raise, rear, bring up ( هa child); to train, prepare ( هs.o.); to nominate, put up as a candidate (. s.o., ل for, e.g., for an office), (with نفسهnafsahū) to be a candidate, apply ( لfor an offioe. etc.); to filter ( ھـs.th.) V to be reared, be brought up; to be suited, qualified, trained ( لfor s.th.); to be nominated as a candidate, be a nominee ( لfor s.th.); to catch a cold رشحrašḥ secretion (of a fluid); perspiration, sweating; leaking, leakiness; filtering, filtration, percolation; oozing, trickling; cold, catarrh 340 رشاحةrušāḥa transudate, transudation (med.) ترشيحtaršīḥ training, preparation; nomination (as a candidate, for election); (= )ترشيح نفسهcandidacy, candidature; election; concession ترشحtaraššuḥ infiltration (med.) ارتشاحirtišāḥ infiltration (med.) مرشحmuraššiḥ pl. -āt filter; percolator; filtering installation; purification plant مرشحmuraššaḥ pl. -ūn candidate, nominee; having a cold مترشحmutaraššiḥ pl. -ūn candidate, nominee رشدrašada u (rušd) to be on the right way, follow the right course, be well guided, not go astray (esp., in religious matters); to have the true faith, be a true believer; to become sensible, become mature, grow up; to come of age II to lead the right way,
guide well ( هs.o.) IV to lead the right way, guide well ( هs.o.); to load, guide, direct ( • الىs.o. to s.th.), show ( هs.o.) the way ( الىto; fig.); to lead s.o. ( )هto the discovery that ()الى ان, suggest to s.o. the idea of, make s.o. realize that; to calls.o.’s ( )هattention ( الىto s.th.), point out ( الى هto s.o. s.th.); to teach ( الى هs.o. to do s.th.), instruct, (direct, guide ( الى هs.o. in); to inform ( الى هs.o. about), acquaint s.o. ()ه with the facts of ( ;)الىto advise, counsel ( الى هs.o. to do s.th.); to inform ( الىagainst s.o.); to come of age X to ask ( هor بs.o.) to show the right way, ask s.o. for guidance or directions; to ask ( هs.o.) for instructions or information; to consult (ه s.o.), ask s.o.’s ( )هadvice, seek guidance (ه from s.o.); to be guided ( بby) رشدrušd integrity of (one’s) actions, proper, sensible conduct; reason, good sense, senses; consciousness; maturity (of the mind) │ سن الرشدsinn ar-r. majority, full legal age; ( بلغ رشدهrušdahū) to come of age; ثاب الى رشدهto come to one’s senses, calm, down, sober up; ضاع رشدهto go out of one’s mind; ذھب برشدهto drive s.o. mad (pain) رشدrašad integrity of conduct, straightforwardness, forthrightness رشادrašād integrity of conduct; reason, good sense, senses; maturity; garden peppergrass (Lepidium sativum L.; bot.) رشيدrašīd rightly guided, following the right way; having the true faith; reasonable, rational, intelligent, discriminating, discerning; mature; (pl. رشداءrušadā’) of full legal age, major; Rosetta (city in N Egypt) مراشيدmarāšid2 where the right way leads to; salvation ترشيدtaršīd a declaring (s.o.) of age (jur.) ارشادiršād guidance; a conducting, showing the way ( الىto); guiding hand; care; spiritual guidance; instruction; direction; directive; information; advising, advice; pl. )ارشاداتdirectives, directions, instructions, advice │ بإرشادهon his instructions, following his direction; وزارة
اإلرشاد القوميwizārat al-i. al-qaumī Ministry of National Guidance (Eg.) شعر ارشاديši‘r iršādī didactic poetry راشدrāšid following the right way, rightly guided, having the true faith; sensible, reasonable; of full legal age, major │( الخلفاء الراشدونkulafā’) the orthodox caliphs (i.e., Abū Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Utmān, ‘Alī) مرشدmuršid pl. -ūn leader; guide to the right way; adviser; spiritual guide; informer; instructor; (ship) pilot; tourist guide; Grand Master, Master (e.g., of the Moslem Brotherhood) مرشدةmuršida woman guide 341 رشرشrušruš pl. رشرشrašārīš2 belt رشراشrašrāš tender (e.g., meat) رشفrašafa i u (rašf) and rašifa a (raša), V and VIII to suck, sip ( ھـs.th.); to drink (ھـ s.th.); to drink up, drain ( ھـa vessel) رشفةrašfa (n. un.) pl. -āt gulp, sip (of a drink) رشقrašaqa u (rašq) to throw ( ه بat s.o. s.th.), pelt, strike, hurt ( ه بs.o. with s.th.); to insert, fasten. fix ( في ھـs.th. in); -- rašuqa u ( رشاقةrašāqa) to he shapely, of graceful stature; to he elegant, graceful, lissome VI to pelt one another, hurt one another رشيقrašīq elegant, graceful (exterior, style); svelte, slender, slim; lissome رشاقةrašāqa elegance, grace, gracefulness; shapeliness graceful, slender build; nimbleness, agility رشمrašama u (rašm) to mark, designate ( ھـs.th.); to make the sign of the cross; to seal ( ھـs.th.) │ رشم بصليب علىto make the sign of the cross over; رشم الصليبto make the sign of the cross (Chr.) رشمةrašm pl. رشومrušūm, رشومات rušūmāt sign of the cross (Chr.); anointment (Copt.-Chr.) رشمةrašma ornamental halter decorated with silver pendants, or the like; camel halter راشنrāšin tip, baksheesh )رشا )رشوrašā u (rašw) to bribe ( هs.o.) VIII to accept as bribe, he corrupt, he venal
رشوrašw bribery, corruption رشوةrišwa, rušwa, rašwa pl. رشى، رشاrišan, rušan, (eg.) رشاوىrašāwā bribe; bribery, corruption, dishonesty رشاءrišā’ rope, well rope ارتشاءirtišā’ venality, corruptibility; bribery, corruption رصraṣṣa u (rašṣ) to fit tightly together, press together, compress ( ھـs.th.); to ram, force ( ھـs.th. into the ground); to pile up, stack up ( ھـs.th.); to join together, line up, align, arrange .ide by side ( ھـs.th.) II to fit tightly together, press together, compress ( ھـs.th.); to ram home ( ھـs.th.); to coat or cover with lead ( ھـs.th.) VI to be pressed together, be packed together; to press together, crowd together; to be or become compact رصاصraṣāṣ lead; bullets │ قلم رصاصqalam r. pencil رصاصةraṣāṣa (n. un.) pellet; bullet
رصادraṣṣād: رصاد الجوr. al-jaww meteorologist رصيدraṣīd pl. ارصدةarṣida stock on hand (of merchandise, of supplies); avaible funds; balance (com.; also = remainder of a sum to be paid later); capital (fin.) │ شيك يدون رصيدuncovered check, check without sufficient covering funds مرصدmarṣad pl. مراصدmarāṣid 2 observatory │ (مرصد جويjawwī) meteorological station, weather station O مرصدmarṣad telescope مرصادmirṣād observation post, lookout; ambush │ وقف المرصادto lie in wait; كان منه بالمرصادand وقف له بالمرصادto lie in ambush for s.o., waylay s.o. راصدrāṣid registering; (pl. رصاد ruṣṣād) watcher, watchdog, spy │O خزينة راصدةcash register; O ( ميزان راصدmīzān) self-registering balance
رصاصيraṣāṣī lead, (made) of lead; leady; leaden, lead-colored, dull gray
راصدةrāṣida: ( راصدة فلكيةfalakīya) telescope
رصيصraṣīṣ compressed, closely packed, jammed together; compact
مبلغ مرصودmablag marṣūd security, cover (fin.)
O تراصtarāṣṣ agglutination رصدraṣada u (raṣd) to keep one’s eyes ( ه،ھـ on); to lie in wait ( هfor); to observe (ھـ s.th.). watch ( ھـs.th. or over s.th.), control ( ھـs.th.); to conjure ( هdemon) │ رصد األفالكto observe the stars, practice astronomy II to provide, set aside, earmark ( ھـfunds); to prepare, keep ready ( ھـs.th.); to balance ( الحسابthe account; com.) IV to keep ready ( ھـs.th.); to provide, set aside, earmark ( ھـ لs.th., esp. funds, for); to procure, get ( ھـs.th.) V ترصد األفالكto observe the stars, practice astronomy رصدraṣd, raṣad pl. ارصادarṣād observation │ رصد األفالكr. al-aflāk stargazing, astronomy; ارصاد جوية (jawwīya) meteorological observation; تقرير األرصادweather report رصدخانةraṣdakāna observatory رصدraṣad pl. ارصادarṣād spy, watcher, watchdog; lookout, observation post; ambush; talisman 342
رصعII to inlay, set, stud ( ھـs.th., بwith gems or gold); to adorn, decorate, ornament (ھـ بs.th. with) رصفraṣafa u (raṣf) to pave, lay with stone (ھـ s.th.); -- raṣufa u ( رصافةraṣāfa) to be firmly joined II to lay with flagstones, pave ( ھـs.th.) رصفraṣf paving (of roads) رصيفraṣīf firmly joined, firm, solid, compact; -- (pl. ارصفةarṣifa) pavement; sidewalk; quay; wharf, pier; mole, jetty; platform; (pl. رصفاءruṣafā’) colleague │ رصيف المحطةr. al-maḥaṭṭa (railway) platform; ( رصيف ألعمال الحفر في البحرlia‘māli l-ḥafr fī l-baḥr) offshore drilling platform (for oil drilling); عوائد الرصيف ‘awā’id ar-r. quayage, pierage, wharfage رصيفةraṣīfa pl. -āt woman colleague │ ( رصيفتنا الغراءgarrā’) a phrase of courtesy used by one newspaper when referring to another; approx.: our honorable friends رصافةraṣāfa firmness compactness
مرصوفmarṣūf paved ( بwith) رصنraṣuna u ( رصانةraṣāna) to be firm, strong; to be sedate, calm, composed رصينraṣīn firm, unshakable; sedate, calm, composed رصانةraṣāna sedateness, composure, calmness, equanimity رضraḍḍa u (raḍḍ) to crush ( ھـs.th.); to bruise ( ھـa part of the body) رضraḍḍ pl. رضوضruḍūḍ bruise, contusion رضيضraḍīḍ crushed; bruised رضابruḍāb spittle, saliva رضخraḍaka a i (raḍk) to break, smash, shatter ( ھـs.th.); to crack ( ھـa kernel); -- raḍaka a (raḍk) to give ( ھـs.o.) a small, paltry present; -- (ruḍūk) to yield, bow, give in, subordinate o.s., submit ( لto s.o., to s.th.) VIII ( ارتضخ لكنةluknatan) to speak Arabic with a foreign accent رضخraḍk, رضخةraḍka a small, paltry gift رضيحةraḍīka a small, paltry gift; tip, baksheesh رضوخruḍūk submission, surrender; yielding, compliance; sympathetic understanding ( لof) مرضاحmirḍāk nutcracker رضرضraḍraḍa to break into coarse pieces, pound, crush ( ھـs.th.) رضراضraḍrāḍ pebbles, gravel 343 رضعraḍi‘a a and raḍa‘a i a (raḍ‘, رضاع raḍā‘) to suck ( ثدي أمهtadya ummihī at its mother’s breast) II and IV to nurse at the breast, suckle, breast-feed ( هa baby) رضيعraḍī‘ pl: رضعاءruḍa‘ā‘2, رضائع raḍā’i‘2 suckling, infant, baby; foster brother O رضاعةraḍā‘a pl. -āt nursing bottle رضاعriḍā‘ foster relationship راضعrāḍi‘ pl. رضعruḍḍa‘ sucking; suckling, infant, baby; infant (adj.) مرضعmurḍi‘ and مرضعةmurḍi‘a pl. مراضعmarāḍi‘2 wet nurse; foster mother
رضهabbreviation of رضي ﷲ عنهsee رضى رضاsee رضىriḍan رضيraḍiya a ( رضىriḍan, رضوانriḍwān, مرضاةmarḍāh) to be satisfied, be content ( ب، ھـor فيwith); to consent, agree ( ب،ھـ or فيto); to approve ( ب، ھـor فيof), accept, sanction ( ب، ھـor فيs.th.); to accept the fact, resign o.s. to the fact (ان that); to be pleased ( على، ھـor عنwith); to wish, desire ( ھـs.th., لfor s.o.) │رضي لنفسه ( بli-nafsihī) to permit o.s. s.th.; ما رضي لھا ( المذلةmadalla) he had no desire to humiliate her; ( رضي او ابىau abā) whether he likes it or not; ( رضي ﷲ عتهIsl. eulogy) may God be pleased with him; رضي من ( الغنيمة باإليابiyāb) to be content to return without booty, be happy to have saved one’s skin n to satisfy, gratify, please (ه s.o.); to compensate ( هs.o.) III to seek to satisfy, try to please ( هs.o.); to propitiate, conciliate, win ( هs.o.), gain the good will of ( )هIV to satisfy, gratify, please ( هs.o.) V to seek to satisfy, try to please ( هs.o.); to seek to propitiate ( هs.o.); to conciliate. appease ( هs.o.) VI to come to terms VIII to be satisfied, content, pleased ( ھـwith); to consent, agree ( ھـto s.th.); to approve ( ھـof s.th.), sanction ( ھـs.th.) X to seek to satisfy, try to conciliate, treat in a conciliatory manner ( هs.o.); to conciliate, appease ( هs.o.); to show o.s. obliging, make o.s. popular, ingratiate o.s., try to gain good will or favor رضا، رضىriḍan contentment, contentedness, satisfaction; agreement, consent, assent, acceptance, approval; pleasure, delight; good will, favor │عن رضىreadily, gladly; سريع الرضىeasy to please, easily reconciled رضيraḍīy pl. ارضياءarḍiyā’2 satisfied, content; pleasant, agreeable │بنفس راضية (bi-nafs) gladly رضوانriḍwān consent, assent, agreement, acceptance, approval, sanction; good will, favor; pleasure, delight مرضاةmarḍāh a means affording satisfaction or gratification; satisfaction, pleasure
ترضيةtarḍiya satisfaction, gratification; compensation رضاءriḍā’ contentment, contentedness, satisfaction; agreement, consent, assent, acceptance, approval, sanction; propitiation, conciliation بالمراضاةbi-l-murāḍāh by fair means, amicably إرضاءirḍā’ satisfaction, gratification; fulfillment (of a claim, of a desire) │صعب االرضاءṣa‘b al-i. hard to please, fastidious تراضtarāḍin mutual consent استرضاءistirḍā’ conciliatory attitude, conciliatori