Hall Booking System [PDF]

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Introduction and Objectives

INTRODUCTION PHP and MySQL project on Hall Booking System is a web based project and it has been developed in PHP and MySQL







Inventory, Booking Dates, Customers and Hall from this project. The main objective to develop Hall Booking System PHP, MySQL, JAVA SCRIPT and BOOTSRAP Project is to overcome the manual errors and make a computerized system. In this project, there are various type of modules available to manageCustomers, Booking, Payment. We can also generate reports for Booking, Payment, Booking Dates, Hall. Here the

Payment module manage all the

operations of Payment, Booking module can manage Booking, Inventory module is normally developed for managing Inventory, Booking Dates module


Booking Dates operations, Customers module has been implemented to manage Customers. In this project all the modules like Payment, Booking Dates, Booking are tightly coupled and we can track the information easily. Ifyou are looking for Free Hall

Booking System Project in PHP and MySQL then you can visit our free projects section. We can easily get the list of wedding halls & lawns in Nagpur. Also we have detailed contact information for some particular hall. But we cannot get the availability about hall. So background behind this web portal is that it gives the area wise listing of wedding halls & lawns with the detailed information of individual and also display for particular date the hall is available or not. Just dial is the system in which we can only find the name of Hall and Lawns in city. In just dial we cannot find Halls in specific area. This system cannot show all information about any Hall. This system is not able to book the Halls online. The A Web Based Hall Booking Management System is designed to overcome the disadvantage of previous system.We can easily get the list of Wedding Halls. But we cannot get the availability about Hall. So background behind this web portal is that it gives the area wise listing of Wedding Halls with the detailed information of individual and also display for particular date the Hall is available or not. This is a special type of web portal to easily get the information of all Wedding Halls in Nagpur which display separate calendar for separate Hall. For

particular date the Hall. We can availability of Hall as well as Lawns detailed information about individuals Hall in our web portal . It provides all facilities to clients with lowest cost and lowest maintenance problems.


The main objective to develop Hall Booking System PHP and MySQL Project is to overcome the manual errors and make a computerzied system. In this project, there are various type of modules available to manage Customers, Booking, Payment. We can also generate reports for Booking, Payment, Booking Dates, Hall.

 This project is to manage the detail of payment, booking dates, booking customer, hall.  The project is totally build at administrative end and thus the only administrator is guaranteed access.

 The purpose of project is to built an application program reduce the manual work for managing the Payment, Booking date, Inventory, Booking.  It deals with monitoring the information and transaction of customers.

 Admin can track all information of payment , booking, inventory etc  Admin can edit , add , delete and update the records of booking dates , customer , hall.  Manage the information about of inventory , customer, payment .  Provide people seeking hall with accurate information about available accommodations.  Allow booking of rooms without errors and without creating conflicts.  To present the hall as an excellent, or the best, choice to its target market.  To make it easy for customers to make reservations.

 To make it easy for customers to get their questions answered, lowering barriers to selecting this chain's hotels.  To fill as many hall as possible at a relatively high rate.

Preliminary System Analysis

PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION OF FRONT PAGE :- Before starting this project we give attention to laws and rules related to the business .we give specially attention to the security on given aspect in the project. We check each and every possibility related to that project.


In present system use manager has burden to maintain all entries in record .it is very tedious business work. In present system the manager has more difficult task for searching record as well

as sorting record because various number of books are maintain by manager.


In present /manual system the manger has to maintain the records like customer entry, purchase and selling entry, accessories detail and product detail. Also the manager has to maintain the information like customer report, dealer etc. This is very difficult task to maintain all of information into registers and also it is difficult to edit or update. The following are main flaws present in system :     

All All All All All

reports related to payment reports related to booking reports related to inventory reports related to booking dates report related to hall


Hall booking system is an offline application which user can easily manage payment details , inventory details , booking dates . User can search details of booking payment, customer, hall. Manage the information about of inventory, customer, payment . Customers who make a decision to book a tour or rental don’t want to wait until you are in the office. They want to lock in the activity on their own schedule. Using an online booking system means that your business is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


We study which type of work done in the business of hall booking system in hall booking there are so many halls are available in that business the buying and selling of hall booking is done. Hall are buying from the manager and in other it sells to customer hence it interact with payment detail, customer detail, inventory etc.


My project category is PHP and MySQL, JavaScript and Bootsrap. It is most popular scripting language for web development it is free, open source and server side (the code is executed on the server). HyperText Preprocessor is a general purpose programming language originally design for web development it was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 the php reference implementation is now produce by php group.PHP is the most popular scripting language for web development. It is free, open source and server-side (the code is executed on the server). MySQL is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). It is also free and open source. JavaScript is one of the 3 languages all web developers must learn HTML & JavaScript.

Hardware and Software Requirement Specification




AMD/ Intel processor Color mono monitor 4.7 GB hard disk Keyboard and Mouse




 Front End - PHP  Back End - MYSql  Operating system – Windows

PHP and MySQL, JavaScript and Bootsrap. It is most popular scripting language for web development it is free, open source and server side (the code is executed on the server).

Detailed System Analysis


NUMBER OF MODULES AND PROCESS LOGIC HOME :- It is main page of project which tell how your project looks from outside and how it would attract customers.

ABOUT :- It tells about the project that what is in your project, on what basis your project may work or run.

GALLARY :- In Gallary we are able o see all picture of project that what is we providing to customer in which quality.

BOOKING NOW :- From here a user or customer may able to register or book any hall which we want for function , it may be of any type which type of function want to do in hall.

PAY :- It is paying module in which you have to pay money for the type of hall you book and for how many days and etc.




System Design




New Hall Bookings ' class='form-control' placeholder='Enter User name'>

Change Password





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