Hack Whatsapp [PDF]

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MESSAGES LOG IN EXPLORE HELP US EDIT Home» Categories » Computers and Electronics » Phones and Gadgets » Smartphones » Multi Pl atform Smartphone Applications » WhatsApp ArticleEditDiscuss Edit Article How to Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account 790,012 views23 Editors Edited 2 days ago Two Methods:MAC SpoofingUsing Spy Software Want to access someone else's WhatsApp account from your phone? Here's how to do it -- but make sure to get their permission first, as you might be infringing o n their privacy. Method 1 of 2: MAC Spoofing Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 1.jpg 1Uninstall WhatsApp from your phone or device. You'll install it again at the en d of the method, but you'll need to configure it differently, and the easiest wa y to make sure you'll be able to do that correctly is to completely uninstall it now. Ad Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 2.jpg 2Obtain your target's phone. You'll need it for two different steps throughout t he process, but this shouldn't take too long - you should be able to return it b efore your target starts to miss it. Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 3.jpg 3Find your target's phone's Media Access Control (MAC) address. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to your phone or other device that essentially ser ves as its online identity. Find and write down your target's MAC address. It ta kes the form of six pairs of letters or numbers, separated by colons (01:23:45:6 7:89:ab). On an Android, find this in Settings ? About phone ? Status ? Wi-Fi MAC address. On an iPhone, go to Settings ? General ? About ? Wi-Fi Address. On a Windows phone, look in Settings ? About ? More info ? MAC address. On a BlackBerry, go to Options ? Device ? Device and Status info ? WLAN MAC. Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 4.jpg 4Find your MAC address using the instructions above. Make sure to save it somewh ere secure, as you'll want to change your device back to that address once you'r e done. Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 5.jpg 5Change ("spoof") your phone's MAC address to that of your target. This will all ow your phone to pass as your target's, letting you convince WhatsApp that you a re your target when you log in. On an iPhone or other device, install a MAC spoofing app like MacDaddy X or Wifi Spoof. Use that to change your MAC address. On Android, install BusyBox and the Terminal Emulator (apps available for free o n Google Play). In the terminal, type "ip link show" to see a list of interfaces . Identify the one that has your MAC address -- for this example, we'll use the eth0 interface. In the terminal emulator, enter "ip link set eth0 address XX:XX: XX:XX:XX:XX" and "ip link set eth0 broadcast XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX", where eth0 is t he interface you identified and XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is your target's MAC address. To check that you've successfully changed your MAC address, enter "ip link show eth0." Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 6.jpg

6Install and configure WhatsApp on your phone. Enter your target's phone number to set up WhatsApp rather than your own. This will allow you to receive their me ssages and send messages from their account. Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 7.jpg 7Get the confirmation code from your target's phone. This code will be sent to t heir phone number as part of the WhatsApp configuration process. Access their ph one one last time to get that verification code. Enter it into WhatsApp on your phone when prompted, and you're all ready to go. If you don't want your target to find out about your spoofing, make sure to dele te the confirmation code from their phone before they can see it. Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 8.jpg 8When you no longer need to access your target's WhatsApp account, change your M AC address back to what it was. Repeat the instructions to change it, but this t ime change it to your original address rather than your target's. This will rest ore your phone to how it was originally, which will ensure that there are no fut ure problems with Internet usage or connectivity. Method 2 of 2: Using Spy Software Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 9.jpg 1Obtain permission from the person whose phone you'll be monitoring. The apps th at you'll be using are intended for parents, spouses, or employers to monitor th e activity of their children, spouses, or employees. They require that you use t hem only with prior consent, so make sure to ask the person whose phone you want to monitor and get their full permission before you proceed. Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 10.jpg 2Choose an app or program to use. There are a number of different apps or progra ms you can choose from. Research these apps to figure out which one works best f or you. Consider factors like what the app was intended for, what it monitors, a nd whether it will pass undetected by your victim. mSpy and Spymaster Pro are tw o good examples of the kinds of programs you'll be looking for. Look for the perfect app online, on Google Play, or in Apple's app store. Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 11.jpg 3Buy and install your chosen app. Once you've made your purchase, follow the ins tructions to install the app. This will usually involve installing it on your ph one or computer as well as on the phone that you'll be monitoring. Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account Step 12.jpg 4Set up the app and start tracking. Follow the app's instructions to make sure e verything is set up properly so that you can view all the desired information. Y ou should start receiving their WhatsApp messages, as well as any other informat ion you've included. Ad

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Make sure to get your target's permission before accessing their WhatsApp messag es. Related wikiHows How to Save Your Message History on WhatsApp How to Send a Broadcast Message on WhatsApp How to Change Your Chat Wallpaper on WhatsApp How to Send Free Text Messages with WhatsApp Article Info Categories: WhatsApp Recent edits by: Jamie Jones, Annie, Bob In other languages: Português: Como Acessar a Conta do WhatsApp de Outra Pessoa, Italiano: Come Accede re all'Account Whatsapp di Qualcun Altro, ??: ?????Whatapp??, Français: Comment ac céder au compte WhatsApp d'une autre personne, Bahasa Indonesia: Mengakses Akun Wh atsApp Orang Lain DiscussPrintEmailEditSend fan mail to authors Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 790,012 times. Did this article help you? Yes No Random Article Write An Article Related Articles How to Delete Your WhatsApp Account How to Share Your Location on WhatsApp How to Block Contacts on WhatsApp How to Change the Font Size on WhatsApp Share 0 Featured Articles

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